MONTHYEARML20148C4031988-01-14014 January 1988 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 4 to License DR-10 ML20236N0741987-08-0303 August 1987 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 15 to License TR-1 ML20137R7391986-02-0505 February 1986 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 14 to License TR-1 ML19340B9481980-11-0505 November 1980 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 14 to License R-53 ML20052A8161977-11-0707 November 1977 Preliminary Safety Evaluation Re Geologic & Seismologic Environ.Request for Addl Info Encl ML20052A7811966-08-29029 August 1966 Safety Evaluation Supporting Operation of GE Test Reactor. Design Changes Will Enhance Safety of Operation ML20052A7731958-08-13013 August 1958 Safety Evaluation Supporting Licensing of GE Test Reactor ML20052A7711957-12-0202 December 1957 Safety Evaluation Supporting Building of Experimental 30 MW Test Reactor Capable of Irradiating Fuel Elements & Components of Nuclear Power Plants at High Neutron Fluxes 1988-01-14
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML20205E5951998-12-31031 December 1998 ESADA-Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor (Deactivated) Annual Rept 31 for 1998. with ML20205E6331998-12-31031 December 1998 GE Test Reactor (Deactivated) Annual Rept 40 for 1998. with ML20217A3861997-12-31031 December 1997 Annual Rept Number 39 for General Electric Test Reactor (Deactivated) ML20217A4261997-12-31031 December 1997 ESADA-Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor (Deactivated), Annual Rept 30 for 1997 ML20137F7491996-12-31031 December 1996 Annual Rept Number 29 for ESADA-Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor (Deactivated) ML20137F7191996-12-31031 December 1996 Annual Rept Number 38 for General Electric Test Reactor (Deactivated) ML20035B6511992-12-31031 December 1992 GE Test Reactor (Deactivated) Annual Rept Number 34, for Period of 920101-1231 ML20034H6411992-12-31031 December 1992 GE 1992 Annual Rept ML20035B6541992-12-31031 December 1992 ESADA-Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor (Deactivated) Annual Rept Number 25, for Period of 920101-1231 ML20029C1631990-12-31031 December 1990 GE Annual Rept 32,1990 ML20033G9101989-12-31031 December 1989 GE 1989 Annual Rept ML20012E5221989-12-31031 December 1989 GE Test Reactor (Deactivated) Annual Rept 31 ML20005G4831989-12-31031 December 1989 Esada-Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor, (Deactivated),Annual Rept 22 ML20246L6341988-12-31031 December 1988 GE 1988 Annual Rept ML20235Z4601988-12-31031 December 1988 GE Test Reactor (Deactivated) Annual Rept 30 ML20235Z3641988-12-31031 December 1988 ESADA-Vallecitos Experimental Super Heat Reactor (Deactivated) Annual Rept 21,1988 ML20148C4031988-01-14014 January 1988 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 4 to License DR-10 ML20149N1181987-12-31031 December 1987 GE Test Reactor (Deactivated) Annual Rept 29 ML20196C3231987-12-31031 December 1987 Esada-Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor (Deactivated), Annual Rept 20 for 1987 ML20196J5151987-12-31031 December 1987 GE 1987 Annual Rept ML20236N0741987-08-0303 August 1987 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 15 to License TR-1 ML20211H5601986-12-31031 December 1986 Esada-Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor (Deactivated), Annual Rept 19 ML20211Q5401986-12-31031 December 1986 GE Test Reactor (Deactivated) Annual Rept 28 ML20205G2351986-12-31031 December 1986 GE Annual Rept 1986 ML20137R7391986-02-0505 February 1986 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 14 to License TR-1 ML20210G8671985-12-31031 December 1985 ESADA Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor Annual Rept 18 (Deactivated) ML20210D7221985-12-31031 December 1985 GE 1985 Annual Rept ML20210G8771985-12-31031 December 1985 Getr Annual Rept 27 ML20049J8881982-02-26026 February 1982 Annual Financial Rept 1981 ML20041D9161982-02-25025 February 1982 Ro:On 820218,ventilation Sys Ducting Incurred Damage.Caused by Failure to Close Inboard Exhaust Ventilation Valve & Two Inlet Valves for Performance of Annual Leak Test,Resulting in Rapid Air Release.Valves Closed & Bldg Depressurized ML20049J9531982-02-18018 February 1982 Annual Rept 14 of Facility Changes,Tests & Experiments, 1981 ML20049J9491982-02-18018 February 1982 Annual Rept 23 of Facility Changes,Tests & Experiments, 1981 ML20009C9701981-07-0101 July 1981 Ro:On 810622,during Routine Leak Test of Containment Bldg Ventilation Sys Isolation Valves,Inlet Valves Were Found W/ Unsatisfactorily High Leak Rate.Cause Not Stated.Valves Will Be Repaired ML20003E0671981-02-27027 February 1981 Annual Rept 22, for 1980 ML19345G2631981-02-25025 February 1981 ESADA Vallecitos Experimental Superheat Reactor Annual Rept 13,1980 ML20126H0831981-02-20020 February 1981 Annual Financial Rept 1980 ML19340B9481980-11-0505 November 1980 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 14 to License R-53 ML19321A0451980-07-18018 July 1980 Combined Parameter Probability Analysis,Getr ML19321A0271980-07-0808 July 1980 Structural Seismic Investigations of Getr, Summary Rept ML19321A0301980-06-30030 June 1980 Addl Investigations to Determine Effects of Vibratory Motions Due to Earthquake on Calaveras Fault, Revision 1 ML19321A0421980-06-30030 June 1980 Evaluations for 0.6 Gravity Ground Acceleration Case, Suppl 2 to Addl Investigations to Determine Effects of Combined Vibratory Motions & Surface Rupture Offset Due to Earthquake on Postulated Verona Fault, Revision 1 ML19321A0441980-06-30030 June 1980 Review of Seismic Adequacy of Piping & Equipment,Getr ML19321A0371980-06-27027 June 1980 Expanded Description of Soil Pressure Analyses, Suppl 1 to Addl Investigations to Determine Effects of Combined Vibratory Motions & Surface Rupture Offset Due to Earthquake on Postulated Verona Fault, Revision 1 ML19310A2541980-05-23023 May 1980 Surface Faulting Near Livermore,Ca Associated W/Jan 1980 Earthquakes ML19310A2531980-05-23023 May 1980 Seismicity of Livermore Valley,Ca Region,1969-79 ML19309H5061980-05-0808 May 1980 Addl Investigations to Determine Effects of Combined Vibratory Motions & Surface Rupture Offset Due to Earthquake on Postulated Verona Fault, Revision 1,prepared for GE ML19309H5071980-04-30030 April 1980 Addl Investigations to Determine Effects of Vibratory Motions Due to Earthquake on Calaveras Fault, Prepared for GE ML19309H5091980-04-30030 April 1980 Conservatisms in Seismic Evaluations of Reactor Bldg, Prepared for GE ML19310A2521980-04-30030 April 1980 Faults at Getr Test Reactor Site,Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr, Pleasanton,Ca ML19309G2291980-04-29029 April 1980 Probability Analysis for Combined Surface Rupture Offset & Vibratory Ground Motion, Prepared for GE 1998-12-31
[Table view] |
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f WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 v4[
l D,0CKET NO. 50-70
1 By letter dated April 2, 1987, the licensee, General Electric Company I (GE) requested an amendment to License TR-1 for its GE Test Reactor 1 l (GETR). The requested amendment would permit the licensee to remove the cooling tower from the Reactor Facility definition in the Technical 4 Specifications (TS). The GETR license was amended on February 5,1986 to ' i renew the license and authorize possession, but not operation, of the nuclear. test reactor located at the Vallecitos Nuclear Center (VNC)
Alameda County, California, until October 1, 1992. The GETR has not l operated since October 1977. All GETR fuel, fueled experiments and i targets containing special nuclear material have been removed from the !
reactor facility and shipped from the VNC.
I 2.0 EV_A_LUATION The current TS include the cooling tower in the definition of the reactor facility. The licensee is planning to remove the cooling tower !
from the facility and, since the cooling tower is in the TS, the licensee has requested that the cooling tower be deleted from the TS.
Removal of the cooling tower from the TS or the facility has no effect on safety since this is a possession-only license. Although the cooling tower is deleted from the definition of " reactor facility" in section 1.9c of the TS, any residual contaminants in the tower would still be covered by those portions of license TR-1 authorizing possession of byproduct material resulting from the operation of the facility. Thus, disposal of portions of the tower would be governed by 10 CFR 20.301.
This amendment is an administrative change which deletes the cooling tower from the TS. The staff has determined that this amendment involves no significant increase in the amcunts, and no significant change in the types, of any effluents that may be released offsite, and that there is no significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure. The Commission has previously issued a proposed finding that this amendment involves no significant hazards consideration and there has been no public comment on such finding. Accordingly, this amendment meets the eligibility criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in 8708110364 870B03 PDR ADOCK 05000070 P PDR
. 1 L'
oo > !
i 10CFR51.22(c)(9)and(10). Pursuant t'o 10 CFR 51.22(b), no.' environmental' impact statement or environmental assessment need be prepared in connection j with the issuance of this amendment. j
The' Commission made a proposed determination that the amendment involves
.no significant hazards consideration which was published in the FEDERAL-REGISTER (52FR23098)onJune 17, 1987. No public comments were received.
The sta'f has concluded, based on'the considerations discussed above, that: (1) there is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of a the public will not be endangered by the operation in the proposed !
manner, and (2) such activities will be conducted in compliance with i the Commission's regulations and the issuance of this amendment will not i be inimical-to the common defense and security or the health and safety 1 of the public. I l
Principal Coritributor: Theodore S. Michaels i Dated: August 3, 1987 l
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