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Annual 10CFR50.59 Rept,1988
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1988
Shared Package
ML20244A996 List:
EMR-881231-07, EMR-881231-7, NUDOCS 8904180317
Download: ML20244B004 (17)


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. . ZION NUCLEAR.P0HER STATION ANNUAL 10CFR50.59 REPORT 1988 NRC-DOCKETS 50-295 AND 50-304 COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY-I' 8904180317 890326 PDR ADOCK 05000295 R PNU u 1102t(5) q

f TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Modifications II. Tests I

III. Experiments IV. Other Safety Evaluations i

l 1102t(6) s


.I.- : Modi fications -

'A". Refuelings-The unitstwo' refueling outage that-started-in 0ctober 1988'end'ed in December'1988. Fuelswas loaded in 1988.

LUnit one refueling outage started in February 1988:and ended in May

'1988, fuel was loaded in 1988.

- 8. Modi fi cations -

Four reportable modifications were completed and verified 'to' operate .

properly. The modifications are: q

1. Modification Description - M22-0-86-17

' Provide raised center' desk in. Control Room. This modification raised.the center desk area approximate 1y'1 foot and gives the

  • m Station Control Room Engineer clear view of:both control boards and provides for more effective routing of personnel-traffic in the Control Room. . Spaces for computer terminals,. files and' table space were incorporated into the design. This-Modification satisfies DCRDR HED'0010, 0011, 0216 and 0298.

. Safety Evaluation Summary This-Modification is non-safety related,: non-EQ, but cabinets and raised floor supports are mounted seismically to the existing floor. This Modification does not interact.with'any.

system that is safety related and does.not involve any Tech .i Spec or FSAR issues.-

2. Modification Description - M22-0-87-11 1

Manual-switches in gas analyzer cabinet. This Modification permanently li.fts the leads to solenoid valves on the sample lines to Unit 1 and 2 VCT's because the sample valve can be opened inadvertently by hitting adjacent buttons on the panel.

Safety Evaluation Summarv -)

.The lifted leads make the system safer by preventing-inadvertent release through sample valves of radioactive waste gas. .VCT gas space sampling is not addressed in the Tech Spec's.

3. Modification Description - M22-1-84-04
Modify Rx trip breakers per NRC Reg. and HOG recommendations. )

This Modification does not alter the existing reactor protection, but' adds the auto shunt trip capability. The reactor trip breaker' shunt coils were replaced with qualified coils.


wg. ,.e :J J

Safety Evaluation Summary

- .'This-change adds extra protection features'. If more breaker cycles lare. required for testing, then it is:possible that the' ,  !

breakers will have to be replaced more frequently. However, this should not. impact breaker performance. . This'changelis being-done compatibly with previous existing features. c

4. Modification Description - M22-1-86-23 s

Eliminate points on by-pass and permissive. :This Modification satisfied NRC concerns related .to DCRDR HED-172, 348, & 369; .


requiring simplification and reduction of Unneeded Annunciation  ;

on the bypass and permissive Annunciator' Panel-on the Unit 1.

Control Board. The remaining Annunciation on this Panellwill be changed to the Dark Board Concept.-

, .Safetv' Evaluation Summary This' Modification-.only involves Annunciator alarms, which does not affect FSAR accidents nor Tech Spec basis margin of Safety.

II. Tests The only testing conducted was done per Tech Spec requirements which involved Performance Testing and Surveillance Testing as required by Zion Station Technical Specifications.


.There were no experiments conducted that involved'a change in the

' Technical Specifications or unreviewed safety questions.

IV. Other Safety Evaluations:

.A. Temporary Alterations BIT outlet valve leakage reroute to RCDT (to




route potential charging system leakage past 2MOV-SI8801A and B to RCDT)

Date installed: 12-11-88 Date removed: Still installed


50.59 Evaluation: Tech Specs allow up to 10 gpm of identified leakage but this TA will not exceed that limit.


  1. 88-106


Provide high pressure seal for incore  !

detector location D-10  !

Date installed: 12-08-88 Date removed: Still installed i 50.59' Evaluation: Tech Spec number of thimbles still available. l L # 88-107


Disable BIT recirc low flow alarm, BIT high pressure alarm, and BIT low temperature alarm.

Date installed: _12-14-88 Date removed: Still installed ,

50.59 Evaluation: Tech Spec change no longer mandated these alarms. f 1102t(8)  !


  1. __88-112 .


CH pump screen a trips disabled to protuct pumps from false trips due to ice conditions.

Date installed: 12-22-88' Date removed: Still installed 50.59 Evaluation: -TA changes description'of system in FSAR but does not effect plant safety.


, # L-8025


Lifted lead to defeat loss of AC power l annunciator for Instrument Air while 28 1A dryer is'005.

Date installed: 06-30-88 Date removed: 08-22-88 50.59 Evaluation: Not a Tech Spec related alarm.

  1. _E:H046


Bypass solenoid for SH south pump area aircraft crash. isolation damper to fail damper shut during fan maintenance.

Date installed: 08-05-88 .

Date removed: Still installed 50.59 Evaluation: Damper is failed in safeguards or fail safe position. l l,

  1. "B-8044


Block OMOV-SH0003 open, U-1 and U-2 cross-tie, during overhaul of M0V operator.

Date-installed: 07-13-88 Date removed: 08-02-88 50.59 Evaluation: Isolation of cross-tie available from 0H0V-SH0004 and OMOV-SH0003 is blocked in safeguard position.

  1. B-8042


Bypass 1FT-522 high side sensing line because it:is plugged.

Date installed: 06-03-88 Date removed: Still installed 50.59 Evaluation: 1FT-522_is still operable by providing high side sensing from calibration connection on ILT-529.

  1. _J:H007


TPF from Bus 232 to a portable load center Date installed: 02-06-88 Date removed: 01-30-89 50.59 Evaluation: Bus 232 is not a safety related bus.

  1. J-8027


TPF from MCC235-11 to EM shop Date installed: 07-08-88 Date removed: Still installed 50.59 Evaluation: MCC235-11 is not powered from an ESF bus.

  1. L-8030


Lif ted lead to permit 1FH-FH2O to remain open on FH pump trip while 1FH-CD23C is 00S Date installed: 07-16-88 Date removed: 10-18-88 50.59 Evaluation: TA does not effect FH20's FSAR function to open during a low flow condition.


  1. _L28029


Lifted lead to permit 1FCV-FH19 to remain open on FH pump trip while 1FCV-CD23C is 00S Date installed: 07-16-88 Date removed: 10-18-88  ;

50.59 Evaluation: TA does not effect FH19's FSAR function to open during a low flow condition. .


- . l

L l

L l #._t-8026


Lifted lead to ensure IA low receiver f pressure remains in effect while 2B air receiver is 00S for maintenance Date installed: 06-30-88 Date removed: 08-22-88 50.59 Evaluation: Not a Tech spec related alarm function and alarm remains operable for other IA receivers.

  1. _J-8032


TPF from MCC2354 to the Hunter Fabrication Shop Date installed: 08-01-88 Date removed: 02-03-89 i 50.59 Evaluation: MCC2354 is not powered from an ESF bus.

] I J

  1. _d-0.029


TPF from MCC2351 to Records Vault Lamenating  !

Machine Date installed: 07-22-88 Date removed: 02-03-89 50.59 Evaluation: MCC2351 is not powered from an ESF bus. l 1

  1. _J-&012


TPF from 2AP167 to operating management i;

change room receptacles Date installed: 03-17-88 Date removed: Still installed ]

50.59 Evaluation: 2AP167 is not powered from an ESF bus. 3

  1. J-8013


TPF from 2AP167 to operating management j change room air conditioners l Date installed: 03-17-8B_ Date removed: Still installed 4 50.59 Evaluation: ZAP-167 is not powered from an ESF bus.


  1. J-8009


TPF from RLC61 to operating management change l room lighting i Date installed: .03-02-88 Date removed: Still installed l 50.59 Evaluation: SLC61 is not powered from an ESF bus.

  1. _d-aDal


TPF from MCC1351B to 0LN096 to supply offices l on 608' level I Date installed:

02-05-88 Date removed: 02-03-89 50.59 Evaluation: MCC1351B is not powered from an ESF bus.

  1. _d-0939


IPF from MCC2354 to Mechanical Maintenance i Helding Room )

N te installed: 08-03-88 Date removed: 02-03-89 )

50 59 Evaluation: MCC2354 is not powered from an ESF bus. l l

  1. _d-8038


Heat trace for DG-2B aircraft crash isolation damper air actuator Date installed: 07-29-88 Date removed:_Still installed 50.59 Evaluation: Enhances operability of damper without modifying or degrading system. l l


  1. _J-8037


Heat trace for DG-2A aircraft crash isolation >

damper air actuator l Date installed: 07-29-88 Date removed: Still installed i Enhances operability of damper without modifying or 50.59 Evaluation:

degrading system.


  1. J-8033


TPF from HCC2354 to North Trailer Date installed: _QB-01-88 Date removed: 02-03-89 l 50.59 Evaluation: MCC2354 is not powered from an ESF bus. 1

  1. J-8035


Heat trace for DB-1A aircraft crash isolation damper air actuator lines. l Date installed: 07-29-88 Date removed: Still lDitalled 50.59 Evaluation: Heat trace enhances damper operability without modifying or .

degrading system. l

  1. J .8231


TPF from MCC1356A to Hang room i Date installed: 07-22-88 Date removed: 02-04-89 50.59 Evaluation: MCC1356A is not powered from an ESF bus.

  1. J-8030


TPF from MCC1356B to ALARA office Date installed: 07-22-88 Date removed: 02-04-89 50.59 Evaluation: MCC13568 is not powered from an ESF bus.

  1. J-8028


Jumper to permit annunciator for PZR spray low temperature to function for unisolated spray supply line Date installed: _07-01-88 Date removed: 07-25-88 50.59 Evaluation: Ensures operability of annunciator for spray line not  !


  1. J-1037


TPF to temporary snubber trailer from MCC1351B Date installed: 03-26-88 Date removed: 01-13-89  !

50.59 Evaluation: MCC1351B is not powered from an ESF bus.

  1. _E8-005


Block shut valves 2A0V-RV0002 and 2A0V-RV0004, containment purge containment isolation valves, during modification of the valve operators Date installed: 08-31-88 Date removed: 09-23-88 50.59 Evaluation: Valves are blocked in their fail safe or safeguards position.


  1. J-8034


Heat trace for DG-0 aircraft crash isolation damper air actuator lines Date installed: _01..29-88 Date removed: Still installed 50.59 Evaluation: Heat trace enhances damper operability without modifying or degrading system.

  1. J _BD15


TPF from OLP107 to 617' GSEP office Date installed: 02-01-88 Date removed: Still installed 50.59' Evaluation: OLP107 is not powered from an ESF bus.

L_ --_ _ n 2 m


  1. ' J-8002 ,


TPF from' 617': GSEP office Date installed: 02-01-88 Date removed: Still installed-

' 50.59 Evaluation: 0LP107 is not powered.from an ESF bus.

  1. J-8036


' Heat trace for DG-18. aircraft crash isolation damper air: actuator lines Date installed: 07-29-88 Date' removed: Still' installed 50.59 Evaluation: Heat-trace, enhances damper-operability without modifying or-degrading system.

. # 88-036 Descriptio_n: Temporary power feed from 2A control rod

. drive 7ent fan to supply 120V miscellaneous loads in U-2 containment Date installed: 10-24-88 Date removed: 12-7-88

- 50.59 Evaluation: CRDM vent fan is not required to be operational when unit

. is shutdown.

' #_B8-033


Temporary power feed.from 2C CRD booster fan motor to supply portable HEPA filter in U-2 containment Date installed: 10-24 Date removed: 12-7-88 .

50.59 Evaluation: Fan is-not required to be operational when unit is shutdown.

  1. 88-028


Block open reheat"stop valves to MSR to. I

. permit ventilating MSR's through upper manways.

Date. installed: 10-12-88 Date removed: 12-20 50.59 Evaluation: 0perability of MSR's are not' required in.CSD.

< ' # 88-010


PZR spray line low temperature alarm jumpered to ensure alarm function is available for the spray supply line not isolated Date installed: 09-09-88 Date removed: 01-6-89 50.59 Evaluation: TA ensures alarm. available for spray supply line in operation.

  1. 88-044


Line stop installed for the replacement of 2B RHR heat exchanger relief valve.

Date installed: 11-18-88 Date removed:- 11-18-88  !

- 50.59 Evaluation: Heat exchanger is not required to be operational in mode 5 i or 6 with alternate RHR heat exchanger available.

  1. 88-043' Description Line stop installed for the replacement of 2A RHR heat exchanger relief valve Date installed: 11-10-88 Date removed: 11-10-88 50.59 Evaluation: Heat exchanger is not required to be operational in mode 5 or 6 with alternate RHR~ heat exchanger available.
  1. _B8-042


Block open 2A0V-FP08, FP to containment, during deenergization of MCC2371 Date installed: 11-11-88 Date removed: 12-06-88 50.59 Evaluation: Valve is not required for containment isolation in modes 5 or 6. 1 i

. 1102t(12)  !

l i


  1. 88-041 _


Block open 2IA018, IA to U-2 containment, during deenergization'of MCC2381B

, Date installed: 11-10-88' Date removed: 11-26-88 50.59 Evaluation: Valve is not required for containment isolation in modes 5 or 6.


  1. JL8-040


Block open 2IA01A,.IA to U-2 containment,  ;

during deenergization of MCC2371 't Date installed: 11-10-88 Date removed: 11-26-88 50.59 Evaluation: Valve is not required for containment isolation in modes 5  !

or 6.



Line stop installed for replacement of relief valve 2CC9429 on spent fuel heat exchanger 2SF007 for testing Date installed: 11-22-88 Date removed: 11-11-88 50.59 Evaluation: Only one of two available spent fuel pit heat exchangers need to be in service.

  1. 88-048'


Line stop installed for replacement of' relief -  !

valve 2CC9432 on OC CC pump suction line for testing Date installed: 11-18-88 Date removed: 11-22-88 50.59 Evaluation: Alternate means of pump overpressure protection available so 1 OC pump can remain in service. j

  1. 88-047


Line block installed for replacement of l relief valve 2CC9421B on letdown heat exchanger 2VC003 for testing 'j Date installed: 11-17-88 Date removed: 11-17-88 '

50.59 Evaluation: . Letdown heat exchanger is not required to be operation in mode 5 or 6



Line stop installed for replacement of relief valve 2CC9419 on boric acid evaporator condenser for testing i Date installed: 11-21-88 Date removed: 11-21-88  !

50.59 Evaluation: Boric acid evaporator condenser is not required to be operational in mode 5 or 6.

  1. 88-045


Line stop installed for the replacement of the seal water heat exchanger relief valve for testing Date installed: 11-12-88 Date removed: 11-12-88 50.59 Evaluation: Seal water heat exchanger is not required to be operational

! in mode 5 or 6. ]


  1. 88-056


Block open service air containment isolation valves to provide service air for breathing air in U-2 containment Date installed: 10-25-88 Date removed: 11-22-88 50.59 Evaluation: Service air containment valves are not required to be 4 operable in mode 5 or 6.

!- 1102t(13) y l


x .

.# 88-054' '


. Remove temporary. cover on fuel building ro'f o

a penetration to permit pathway for eddy current testing cables Date. installed: 10-22-88 Date removed: 11-22-88 50.59 Evaluation: Building is maintained at a pressure less than atmosphere

'to prevent release of radioactivity.

  1. 88-052


OB north SH pump' area vent damper blocked shut during deenergization of.MCC2382 Date installed: 11-13-88 Date removed: 11-18-88' 50.59 Evaluation: ' Damper is blocked in its: fail safe or safeguard position.

  1. 88-051


0A north Sw pump area vent damper blocked shut during deenergization of associated MCC-Date installed: 11-30-88 Date removed: 12-06-88 50.59 Evaluation: Damper is block in its fail safe or safeguard position.

  1. 88-050


OC north.SH pump area vent damper block shut during deenergization of MCC2392 Date-installed: 11-05-88 Date removed: 11-11-88 50.59 Evaluation: Damper is blocked :in its fail safe or safeguard position.

' #._BB-QfiB


. Line stop for removal of blank flange installed for reinstallation of 2CC9421A Date installed: 11-18-88 ._ Date removed:_11-18-88 50.59 Evaluation: Relief _ valve is on a' seal water heat exchanger uhich is not required in' mode 5 or 6.

  1. 88-067


Blank' flange _for. replacement of 2CC9421A seal water heat-exchanger relief valve Date installed: 11-12-88 Date removed: 11-18-88 50.59 Evaluation: Seal water heat exchanger is not required to be operable in mode 5 or 6.


  1. 88-065


Blank flange installed for replacement of 2CC9432 OC CC pump suction relief Date installed: 11-18-88 Date removed: 11-22-88 50.59 Evaluation: Alternate overpressure available from surge tank so pump '

remains operable.

  1. -.88-064


Line stop to permit removal of blank flange installed for removal of 2CC9432 OC CC pump suction relief i Date installed: 11-22-88 Date removed: 11-22-88 j 50.59 Evaluation: Alternate overpressure protection available from surge tank l so pump can remain operable.

  1. 88-061


Block open containment sump valves and bypass l containment sump pump interlock to permit operation of pump during ESF bus j drop testing j Date installed: 12-01-88 Date removed: 12-06-88 1 50.59 Evaluation: Valves are not required to be operable in mode 5 or 6. j 1102t(14) )


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )


- # 88-033 .'


Block shut 2MOV-FH0057, aux feedwater to 2D

- steam generator, to permit. overhaul of valve motor operator Date installed: _11-26-88 Date removed: 11-30-88'

50.59; Evaluation: FSAR required number of AFH pumps are'still available, q
  1. _88-092


Block open service. air containment isolation

. valves to supply breathing' sir during refueling outage Date-installed: 11-22-88 Date removed: 12-14-88

- 50.59 Evaluation: Service air containment isolation valves are not required to:be operable in mode 5-or 6.

  1. _B8-084


Block open containment sump valves and bypass I containment sump pump ~ interlock to permit operation of pumps during ESF bus drop testing Date installed: 11-9-88 Date removed: 11-19-88 50.59 Evaluation: Valves are not required to be operational in modes 5 or 6.

  1. 88-070


Blank flange relief line downstream of 2CC9429 to permit ~ testing of valve subsequent to its replacement ,

Date installed: 11-22-88 Date removed: 11-29-88 50.59 Evaluation: Relief valve is on a spent fuel pit heat exchanger and only one of two is required to be operable.

  1. _B8-069


Block line upstream of 2CC9429 to permit testing of. valve subsequent to its replacement Date installed: 11-29-88 Date removed: 11-29-88 50.59 Evaluation: Relief valve is on a spent fuel pit heat exchanger.and only

.~one of two is required to be operable.

  1. _Ba:110


Lifted lead on 2B FH pump latch permissive solenoid to permit' maintenance on the FH pump control system .

Date installed: 12-15-88 Date removed:_12-20-88 50.59 Evaluation: Sufficient FH pumps are available for service during 2B FH pump maintenance.

  1. 88-109


Deenergize fuel shutoff solenoid for 2C CS diesel during preventive maintenance on diesel Date installed: 12-12-88 Date removed: 12-13-88 50.59 Evaluation: Containment spray system not required to be operational in Mode 5.

  1. _BH:191


Bypass U-2 reactor vessel level indication reference leg to permit determining location of blockage on the high pressure side of the level transmitter Date installed: 11-30-88 Date removed: 12-03-88 50.59 Evaluation: Not a concern because refueling RVLI's still available to determine level.

1 1102t(15)


  1. .88-100


Block open miniflow recirc valve, 2FCV-RT610,- i to permit rebuilding of valve operator l Date installed: 12-02-88 Date removed: 12-08-88 l L 50.59 Evaluation: Not a concern because block ensures a recirc path for '2A .

RHR pump is available during valve maintenance, l

?# 88-097


Block open.2IA01A, IA containment isolation <

valve, to ensure IA is available to U-2 containment during maintenance being '

performed on Bus 247  ;

l Date: installed: 11-30-88 Date removed: 12-06-88 i 50.59 Evaluation: Not a concern because containment integrity is not required



in Mode 5 or 6.

  1. 88-078


Block shut 1M0V-SH0008, SH return MOV from 10 REFC,'to permit overhaul of valve motor operator Date installed: 11-11-88 Date removed: 11-20-88 50.59 Evaluation: Not a concern because the Tech Spec number of RCFC's are available for service during the valve maintenance.

  1. 88-060


Disable the low header pressure autostart feature for CC pumps 0C, 00, & OE to permit CC pump to sequence on via the safe shutdown times Date installed: _10-25-88 Date removed: 11-02-88 50.59 Evaluation: Autostart feature is not a FSAR related function and allowing the pumps to sequence via the safe shutdown times permits the system to function as intended during a LOCA concurrent with blackout.

  1. 88-021


Block open OM0V-SH0012 and OMOV-SH0015 on CC "0" heat exchanger to permit overhaul of valve' motor operators Date installed: 09-30-88 Date removed: 10-21-88 50.59 Evaluation: Not a concern because alternate isolation valves available and heat exchanger remains available for service.

  1. _H8-016


Block shut OM0V-SH0005, U-2 supply to SH j booster pumps, to permit overhaul of valve motor operator l Date installed: 09-16-88 Date removed: 09-23-88 50.59 Evaluation: Not a concern because valve is block in safeguard position )

and an alternate SH supply to the FP system is available. I J

  1. 88-004


Block shut OMOV-SH0006, U-1 supply to SH booster pumps, to permit overhaul of valve motor operator Date installed: 09-01-88 Date removed: 09-08-88 50.59 Evaluation: Not a concern because valve is block in safeguard position and an alternate SH supply to the FP system is available.

  1. 88-002


Block open 0MOV-SH0004, U-1 and U-2 SH l cross-tie valve, to permit overhaul of valve motor operator l Date installed: 08-24-88 Date removed: 08-31-88 50.59 Evaluation: Not a concern because valve is block in safeguard position and an alternate SH supply to the FP system is available.

1102t(16) W l


  1. J-8014


Block open 1FCV-HD17B, containment sump containment isolation valve, to prevent closure during U-1 refueling outage Date installed: 03-04-88 Date removed: 04-03-88 50.59 Evaluation: Containment integrity not required in Modes 5 or 6.

  1. _3.-8Q13


Block open 1FCV-HD17A, containment sump containment isolation valve, to prevent closure during U-1 refueling outage Date installed: 03-04-88 Date removed: 04-03-88 50.59-Evaluation: Containment integrity not required in Modes 5 or 6.

  1. _B-8012


Block open 1FCV-SA01A, service air containment isolation valve, to provide breathing during U-1 refueling outage Date installed: 03-04-88 Date removed: 04-03-88 50.59 Evaluation: Containment integrity not required in Modes 5 or 6.

  1. B-8011


Block open 1FCV-SA018, service air containment isolation valve, to provide breathing during U-1 refueling outage Date installed: 03-04-88 Date removed: 04-03-88 50.59 Evaluation: Containment integrity not required in Modes 5 or 6.

  1. B08010-


Defeat U-1 containment personnel hatch interlock to allow personnel and equipment access during U-1 outage ,

Date installed: 03-04-88 Date removed: 04-23-88 1 50.59 Evaluation: Containment integrity not required in Modes 5 or 6.

  1. 3 _8020


Block 1A RCP seal injection to protect RCP seal during IVSH test Date installed: 03-25-88 Date removed: 04-06-88 50.59 Evaluation: RCPs are required in Modes 5 or 6 with two operable RHR trains.

  1. _B-HQ18


Defeat U-1 escape hatch interlock to accommodate U-1 outage work Date installed: 03-25-88 Date removed: 04-06-88 50.59 Evaluation: Containment integrity not required in Modes 5 or 6.

  1. _B-8.Q17


Block open IIA-01B, instrument air containment isolation valve, to prevent valve from closing during U-1 outage work Date installed: 03-04-88 Date removed:_04-13-88 50.59 Evaluation: Containment integrity not required in Modes 5 or 6.

  1. _B-8016


Block open 11A-01A, instrument air containment isolation valve, to prevent valve from closing during U-1 outage work Date installed:

03-04-88 Date removed: 04-13-88 50.59 Evaluation: Containment integrity not required in Modes 5 or 6.



  1. _B.zaQ15


Block open 1FCV-FP08, fire protection containment isolation valve, to prevent valve from closing during U-1 outage l work. i Date installed: 03-04-88 Date removed: 04-22-88 50.59 Evaluation: Containment integrity not required in Modes 5 or 6.

  1. _B-8026


Block open 1FCV-HD178, containment sump containment isolation valve, to preclude inadvertent closure during refuel i outage j Date installed: 04-04-88 Date removed: 04-22-88  ;

50.59 Evaluation: Containment isolation valve is not required to be operable l in Modes 5 or 6. 1

  1. B-8025


Block open 1FCV-HD17A, containment sump containment isolation valve, to preclude inadvertent closure during refuel outage l Date installed: 04-04-88 Date removed: 04-22-88 '

50.59 Evaluation: Containment isolation valve is not required to be operable in Modes 5 or 6.

  1. _H:EQ23


Block 1D RCP seal injection to protect RCP seal during IVSH test' .

Date installed: 03-25-88 Date removed: 04-06-88 l 50.59 Evaluation: RCP's are not required in Modes 5 or 6 with two operable RHR trains.

  1. _B:HD22


Block 1C RCP seal injection to protect RCP seal during IVSH test Date installed: 03-25-88 Date removed: 04-06-88 50.59 Evaluation: RCP's are not required in Modes 5 or 6 with two operable RHR trains.

  1. _B:HD21


Block 1B RCP seal injection to protect RCP seal during IVSH test Date installed: 03-25-88 Date removed: 04-06-88 50.59 Evaluation: RCP's are not required in Modes 5 or 6 with two operable RHR trains.

  1. _B:B031


Block 1A RCP seal injection to protect RCP seal during IVSH test Date installed: 04-13-88 Date removed: 04-15-88 50.59 Evaluation: RCP's are not required in Modes 5 or 6 with two operable RHR trains.


  1. _B:H030


Block open containment ventilation purge valve 1A0V-RV0003 Date installed: 04-04-88 Date removed: 04-14-88 3 50.59 Evaluation: Containment integrity not required in refueling mode.

l 1102t(18)

- _--_ 1


  1. B-8029


. Block open containment ventilation purge valve 1A0V-RV0001 I

'Date installed: _14-04-88 Date removed: 04-14-8B 50.59 Evaluation: Containment integrity not required in refueling mode.


  1. J-BQ28


Block open 1FCV-SA01B, service air containment isolation valve, to supply breathing air during U-1 outage Date installed: 04-04-88 Date removed: 04-22-88 50.59 Evaluation: Containment isolation valve is not required to be operable in Modes 5 or 6.  !

  1. B-8027


Block open 1FCV-SA01A, service air containment isolation valve, to supply breathing air during U-1 outage Date installed: 04-04-88 Date removed: 04-22-88 50.59 Evaluation: Containment isolation valve is not required to be operable

'in Modes 5 or 6.

  1. _B-B036


Block open containment hatch during U-1 outage Date installed: 04-23-88 Date removed: 04-24-88 50.59 Evaluation: Containment integrity not required in refueling mode.

  1. _B-8034


Block la RCP seal injection to protect RCP seal during seal injection line flush Date installed: 04-13-88 Date removed: 04-15-88 50.59 Evaluation: RCP's are not required in Modes 5 or 6 with two operable RHR trains.



Block 1FCV-MS85 (1B main steam bypass valve) shut during diaphragm replacement on valve operator Date installed: 04-19-88 Date removed: 04-19-88 50.59 Evaluation: Valve operability'not required while in Modes 5 or 6.

  1. B-8033


Block 1C'RCP seal injection to protect RCP

. seal during seal injection line flush Date installed: 04-13-88 Date removed:_Q4-15-88 50.59 Evaluation: RCP's are not required in Modes 5 or 6 with two operable RHR trains.

  1. B-8032


Block 1B RCP seal injection to protect RCP seal during seal injection line flush Date installed: 04-13-88 Date removed: 04-15-88 50.59 Evaluation: RCP's are not required in Modes 5 or 6 with two operable RHR trains.

L l

  1. _B-H009


Block open 1MOV-SH0017, SW to DG's, to permit limitorque inspection Date installed: 02-28-88 Date removed: 03-02-88 50.59 Evaluation: Provides continued cooling to DG's, alternate isolation valves available.


. 1

  1. B-8008


Block open 1PCV-456, PZR steam space relief to PRT, to allow performance of ILRT Date installed: 02-29-88 Date removed: 03-05-88 50.59 Evaluation: Valve will be blocked open to ensure overpressure protection available.

  1. J-8007


Block open 1PCV-455C, PZR steam spare relief to PRT, to allow performance of ILRT Date installed: 02-29-88 Date removed: 03-05-88 50.59 Evaluation: Valve will be blocked open to ensure overpressure protection available.

  1. B-8006


Defeat interlock on U-1 containment personnel hatch to permit personnel & equipment access Date installed: 02-26-88 Date removed: 03-02-88 50.59 Evaluation: Containment integrity not required in Mode 5 or 6.

  1. .B-8003


Block open IMOV-SH0106, Aux FH service water crosstie, to permit maintenance on valve motor operator Date installed: 02-10-88 Date removed: 02-16-88 50.59 Evaluation: Valve is blocked in safeguard position, alternate isolation available.

  1. J-BDD1


Block open 1MOV-SH0107, Aux FH service water crosstie, to permit maintenance on valve motor operator Date installed: 01-19-88 Date removed: 01-22-88 50.59 Evaluation: Valve is blocked in safeguard position, alternate isolation available.

  1. J-8010


TPF from 1AP167 to a Turbine Building contractor Date installed: 03-05-88 Date removed: 05-25-88 50.59 Evaluation: 1AP167 is not powered from an ESF bus.

  1. _l-H019


Jumper limit switch relays for containment ventilation purge valves to permit purge Date installed: 02-05-88 Date removed: 04-20-88 50.59 Evaluation: Operability of purge valve not required in Modes 5 or 6.


  1. B-8018


Jumper limit switch relays for containment ventilation purge valves to permit purge Date installed: 04-04-88 Date removed: 04-05-88 50.59 Evaluation: Operability of purge valve not required in Modes 5 or 6.

  1. _H-BH14


Defeat interlocks associated with valve l

1MOV-SI8804B to permit testing of valve without securing RHR l Date installed: 03-20-88 Date removed: 03-30-88 50.59 Evaluation: SI system operability not required in Modes 5 or 6.



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i y


l # J-8011-


TPFfrom'CRDventboosterfan1Cio'aportab1'e HEPA unit Date, installed: ,_03-09-88 Date removed: 03-31 .1 50,59 Evaluation: from a non ESF source. d j


  1. J-E008 .


TPF from MCC1341B to 1LRT instrumentation Date installed: 02-26 Date removed: 04-11-88 50.59 Evaluation: MCC13418 is not powered from an ESF bus.

  1. L-8005 ~


Defeat OC aux b'uilding supply fan low temperature trip while glycol system is 00S Date installed: 01-28-88 Date removed: 05-06-88 50.59 Evaluation: Adequate temperature indication available to monitor aux-building. temperature.

,# L-8004


Defeat OB aux building supply fan low '

temperature trip while glycol system is 00S Date installed: 01-21-88 Date removed: 05-06-88 50.59 Evaluation: Adequate temperature indication available to monitor aux building; temperature.

  1. L-8003


' Defeat 0A aux building supply fan low temperature trip while glycol system is 00S Date installed: 01-21-88 Date removed: 05-06-88 50.59 Evaluation: Adequate temperature indication available to monitor aux building temperature.

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