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Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept,1986
Person / Time
Site: Big Rock Point File:Consumers Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/29/1987
Shared Package
ML20214N899 List:
NUDOCS 8706030150
Download: ML20214N947 (28)







t 8706030150 870529 5 /

PDR ADOCK 0500 ~

i R

154 Pages IC0587-0078-NLO4

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1986 Big Rock Point Annual Radiological Environmental Operatina Report A. Introduction 4


The 1986. Big Rock Point Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report provides a summary and data interpretation of the-Big Rock Point Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program as conducted during the

- 1986 reporting period. Reporting requirements are detailed in Technical ~

Specifications, 13.2 and Tabler 13.3-1 through 13.3-3. Big Rock Point was online for most of 1986, coming dowa only on February 11-17 and July 1-11 for unscheduled outages.

There are no remaining 1986 laboratory sample analyses pending (final) completion for inclusion into this report. The results of all environ-

. mental samples collected are evaluated.ns follows:

1. Air iodine and particulates, TLD's (monthly and quarterly), and milk data were statistically evaluated at the 95% confidence level (using 1 SAS program) by the methodology detailed in Palisades Procedure HP 10.2. The data was compared against two criterium: the first criteria'is'the statistical level which indicates that sample results from near sites are greater than those from control sites,

- but that the difference is not significant. The second criteria is the reportina level (twice the statistical level) which is the.

. minimum detectable difference that exceeds zero at the 95%-confi-dence level. Doses to the public are evaluated if the reporting level'is exceeded..


2. Well water, lake water intake / discharge, sediment and biota samples were evaluated using a data means comparison against the appropriate

.. control-location (s) and BRP Technical Specification limits.

3. Due to the. affect of the Chernobyl nuclear accident fallout on air, and milk environmental samples, the following samples were deleted

, from statistical evaluations i Air iodine and particulate samples 16 samples - near site locations 5-15_thru 6-5-87 12 samples - control locations 5-15 thru 6-5-87 Milk samples 6 samples - near site locations 5-8 thru 6-12-87 .

- 2 samples - control locations 5-8 thru 6-12-87 In addition to the above, special milk samples were collected and

- analyzed. Further details about the Chernobyl affected environ-mental samples will be addressed under a separate report heading.

L MIO487-0027A-HP01 1 1

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l B.* Discussion'and Interpretation of Results 1.- 2 Air Samples Comparison-of the airborne particulate. sample data between near-site and~ control locations did not exceed _the statistical' level. In many-instances, control location sample values were greater.

With the exception of 28 Chernobyl affected air samples-(all loca-tions) . collected between 5-15-86 and 6-5-86, there was no ~ I-131-activity reported above minimum detectable levels. It should be noted however that control station air samples SPT, 6BC and 7TR had elevated I-131 LLD's of 0.08 pCi/m' due to a laboratory counting delay occurring on 6-25/6-26-86.


A total of 364 weekly air samples were collected and analyzed,

'however 34 sample results were deleted from statistical evaluation as follows:' .-

16 sample results - near site locations: Chernobyl fallout 5-15-86 thru 6-5-86 12' sample results - control locations: Chernobyl fallout 5-15-86 thru 6-5-86 4 sample:results - near site locations: did not meet LLD due to sample collection error and/or. malfunction of equipment. Affected stations were: 2-NM on 7-17-86; ' 3-CH on 7-24-86; l-ST on 11-2 7-86 and 4-SL on 12-11-86.

2 sample results - control locations: did not meet LLD due to '

sample collection error and/or malfunction of equipment. Affected stations were: 6-BC on 4-17-86 and 7-TR on 9-17-86.

- LThe deleted sample results constitute 9.3% of the collected samples

-not used in the statistical evaluation, however with the exception of the Chernobyl af fected samples (addressed separately), only 1.6%

of the collected samples were unusable for data evaluation. This is l- the same amount of deleted samples as reported in the 1985 Big Rock Point Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. The

- actual missing (unusable) sample results do not. indicate any signifi-l cant reduction in the overall sample program. Technical Specifica-tion sensitivities were met on all samples other than noted.

Air iodine / particulate samples are collected via an approximate i: continuous I cfm air flow through a gelman 47mm air filter (particu-

[ late sample) and Scott air iodine filter cartridge. Both filters are in-line with each other and housed within the same sample holder.

The 1986 air ~ sample results are consistent with actual effluent

! releases and site-specific meteorology.

l MIO487-0027A-HP01 2 l:

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2. TLD's - Camma Dose There was a total _of 216 monthly, 71 quarterly and 17 annual TLD's collected and analyzed. Only 1 quarterly (BRP-05) and 2 annual (BRP-05 and BRP-16) TLD's were lost, however it should be noted that the original December ronthly TLD for location BRP-05 (Petoskey) was discovered missing and replaced with a spare on 12-12-86. The

-location BRP-05 (Petoskey) original monthly, quarterly and annual TLD losses are due to (road side) snow plowing. The TLD's were inadvertently knocked loose and buried in a roadside snow bank.

They could not be found. The BRP-16 (Susan Creek) annual TLD loss was due to an oversight. .The entire TLD packet was removed from it's posting by persons unknown and thrown into the discharge channel (occurred in July). Although the TLD packet was found and re posted by HP Plant personnel, an incomplete TLD accountability was made. Loss of the location BRP-16 annual TLD wasn't discovered until the December (end-of year) pickup.

Because there were no missing monthly TLD's, data for the lost quarterly (BRP-05) and 2 annual (BRP-05 and BRP-16) TLD's could be calculated using monthly TLD data. The calculated data values were entered into the SAS statistical program as standard data points.

The Big Rock Point gamma dose program consists of 18 locations: 11 directly on-site, 3 near-site (ringed 1 to 4.5 miles out); 3 control locations (ringed 10.5 to 50 miles out) and 1 TLD control placed in a lead storage cave. The on-site locations recorded an average of 27.8 mR/ month; the near-site locations (middle TLD ring) recorded an average of 3.9 mR/ month; the control locations (remote / outer TLD ring) recorded an average of 4.0 mR/ month and the lead cave control TLD recorded an average of 2.9 mR/ month. This is consistent with expected results based on actual effluent releases.

The SAS statistical evaluation was accomplished by comparing near-site locations (BRP-02 thru BRP-04) against control locations (BRP-05 thru BRP-07) for both the respective monthly and quarterly TLD reporting periods. The annual TLD data was evaluated by direct comparison of the near-site and control locations on a one-to-one basis (due to small quantity of data used). In all instances (monthly, quarterly and annual comparisons), location 4-SL (Susan Lake - 3.5 mi SE of reactor site) had the greatest mean. Background and intransit gamma exposure levels were accounted for and subtrac-ted f rom the TLD data prior to statistical evaluation. No statisti-cal or reporting levels were exceeded and in many instances, control location TLD data was greater than near-site TLD data. Technical Specification sensitivities were met.

Environmental gamma doses are measured monthly, quarterly and annually by placement of 3 appropriately identified TLD badges per designated location. Each Teledyne TLD badge contains a 4-zone CaSO4 phosphor waffer (the waffer also includes an additional MIO487-0027A-HP01 3 w -

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backup / reserve read-out zone). Sensitivity for the multi-zone TLD's are 0.5 millirem with a linear response of 0.1 millirem to.1000 Rem.

3.. Milk i

e A total of' 56 individual monthly milk samples were. collected .from 4-different dairy farms (locations 20-JC, 21-DK, 22-RM and 23-BB).

The milk samples are obtained as grab samples only'(from dairy milk tanks). i i

Due to the effects of the Chernobyl nuclear accident, 8 individual milk samples (6-from near-site locations; 2-from control locations) collected during the months of May and June were deleted from the SAS statistical evaluation (Sr-90 and Cs-137). Trace amounts of I-131 activity was also present in these samples. In addition to ,

the above monthly (routine) samples, 8 special milk samples (2 complete sets - 1 per dairy location) were collected between the dates of.5-9-86 to 5-29-86. For further details, refer to the Chernobyl attachment. With the deletion of the 8 Chernobyl effected milk samples, only 40 samples were statistically evaluated.

Only.the Sr-90 data was statistically evaluated, as all other isotopic results were below LLD. The Sr-90 activity level (LLD is

1.0 pCi/L) exceeded the statistical reporting level (twice the

-statistical level) by 0.90 pCi/L.

Further evaluation of the SAS statistical input data provided a correlation coefficient of -0.016 which indicates that the elevated Sr-90 activity levels are not from plant effluents. In addition, other evidence that supports the correlation coefficient value is:

a. No Sr-89 or I-131 activity (reported less than LLD) was present in either the milk or air filter samples despite effluent ratios of l'0 and 25 times higher (respectively) to Sr-90.
b. Starting with the 1-1-86 milk sample collections, the J.

Colovich dairy farm (4.5 mi SE) replaced the C. Smith dairy farm (2.3 mi SE) as a near-site milk sampling location. Reason for the change was that Smith went out of business. Comparison of milk Sr-90 data from both dairy locations reveals that the Smith farm has a lower mean Sr-90 value than does the Colovich location. The Colovich data tends to " skew" the SAS statisti-cal evaluation, indicating a false positive result. Prior to 1-1-86, the C. Smith dairy farm had been a milk sampling location since 1979.

Since the elevated Sr-90 activity level in milk is not due to plant related efluent releases, no annual dose assessment to members of the public or special reports is required. With the exception of

, the Chernobyl affected samples, no additional milk samples were t


l l . MIO487-0027A-HP01 4 i

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Milk samples are required monthly (usually collected by.the 1st Thursday of the month) from each designated. collection location (4


. total).. A two gallon quantity of raw milk (grab sample) is obtained per collection location in order to meet analytical requirements.

Samples are treated with a' sodium bisulfite (40 grams -per gallon) preservative prior .co being sent to Teledyne Isotopes for analysis.

4. Lake Water A total of 24 individual monthly lake water composite samples were collected from 2 locations during 1986. Lake water intake and discharge samples.are collected daily and composited into monthly samples.

Evaluation of the monthly lake water analytical results was based on

.a data means comparison between intake and discharge samples as well as with the BRP Technical Specification reporting limits. The lake intake serves as a control.

Two of the lake intake composite samples (collected for the months of May and June). were deleted from the data means calculations due to accidental contamination. The May lake intake sample was repor-ted with a gross beta concentration of 42 pCi/L; with the June sample reporting a gross beta concentration of 8.9 pCi/L. Since the.

BRP Technical Specifications require a complete gamma analysis of ,

lake water (whether intake or discharge) when the gross beta exceeds 10 pCi/L (action level), a complete analysis of both composite

. samples was done. Results indicated the following:

May lake intake composite: .

5.7 pCi/L Mn-54 8.2 pCi/L Co-60 52.5 pCi/L Cs-137

<1.8~pci/L Sr-89 0.8 pCi/L - Sr-90 June lake intake composite: 20.6 pCi/L Mn-54 26.7 pCi/L Co-60 8.3 pCi/L' Cs-137 Because of the isotopic types and activity levels present in the two intake composite samples and that none of the other lake intake samples had elevated gross beta and/or isotopic activity present, i

evidence suggests that the samples were collected / processed in contaminated (prior used) containers. As a result of the above, only the analytical mean results of 10 lake intake samples were i compared to the analytical mean results of 12 lake discharge 4

samples. The sample contamination appears to have been an isolated event and is not systematic.

t MIO487-0027A-HP01 5 l

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l Tritium and gross beta analyses are required for both the lake intake and discharge monthly samples. For all samples, the analyti-cal results were <500 pCi/L (LLD) for tritium and <4.0 pCi/L (LLD) for gross beta (with the exception of the February and August lake intake; they were 4.9 pCi/L and 4.3 pCi/L, respectively).

The lake discharge monthly composite samples require the additional analyses of gross alpha, Sr-89 and Sr-90. The means of these results were: <l.0 pCi/L for gross alpha, <5.0 pCi/L for Sr-89 and 1.0 pCi/L for Sr-90 per month. No special or supplemental analyses were required for lake discharge during 1986.

Both lake intake and discharge are collected daily for composite into a monthly sample. A one gallon. quantity of sample is sent to Teledyne Isotopes for analysis. No treatment of the water samples with a preservative is necessary.

5. Well Water.

A total of 24 individual monthly well water samples were collected from 2 locations during 1986. The Charlevoix Municipal well water is collected daily and composited into a monthly sample, with the on-site well water sample being collected as a monthly grab sample only.

Evaluation of the monthly well water analytical results was based on a data means comparison between the Charlevoix Municipal and on-site samples as well' as with the BRP Technical Specification reporting r

limits. The Charlevoix Municipal well serves as a control.

Tritium and gross beta analyses are required for both the Charlevoix Municipal and on-site well water samples._ For all samples, the analytical results were < 500 pCi/L (LLD) for tritium and < 4.0 pCi/L (LLD) for gross beta. No special or supplemental analyses were necessary during 1986.

A one gallon quantity of sample is sent to Teledyne Isotopes for analysis. No treatment of the water samples with a preservative is necessary.

6. Crops The collection of food crops / vegetation samples is not (currently) a scheduled routine within the BRP Radiological Environmental Monitor-ing Program. There are no regular select locations where food crop (in season) samples are collected, however in order to verify stack effluent deposition patterns, several crop samples maybe obtained annually from sectors E, SE, ESE or SSE. For 1936, 2 crop samples were collected at location 23-BB (Bochniak Farm; 11.5 mi E from BRP).

i MIO487-0027A-HP01 6

Evaluation of the cabbage and beet tops from location 23-BB was

. direct. All analytical results were combined and reported. No control location was used.

Of the isotopic analyses listed on Table HP 10.2-2, only the gross beta and Sr-90 analyses resulted in any specific activity. All other analyses were less than LLD. No BRP Technical Specification action or reporting levels were exceeded nor were any special or supplemental analyses required during 1986.

Becuase of current conditions, food crop samples are not routinely collected like other sample media required by the BRP Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program: the samples are obtained seasonally, usually from the E, SE, ESE or SSE meteorological sectors and when.specifichily requested by either the BRP or RSD Radiological Environmental. Coordinator. When collected, approxi-mately 1 Kg of sample is pl' aced in a sealable plastic bag for shipment to Teledyne Isotopes. No speical treatment of the food crop samples with a preservative is necessary.

7. Sediment l

A total of 8 individual sedime'nt samples were collected from 3 locations during 1986. Two (2) sediment samples are obtained from BRP (discharge channel and Nine Mile Pointe locations) and two (2) sets of samples from the Ludington control station (South Jetty) semi-annually.-

Evaluation of the sediment analytical results was based on a data means comparison between the BRP and Ludington control samples as

, well as with the BRP Technical Specification reporting limits. The

! individual BRP sample locations were combined into one indicator

! (site) location for comparison purposes; however if any one indi-vidual sample location had a greater specific isotopic annual mean

than the other location (s.), then that location is identified on
Table HP 10.2-2.

Of the isotopic analyses listed on Table HP 10.2-2, only Co-60 and other gn=== (non-indicative /non parameter isotopes) were less than

'LLD. All other analyses resulted in trace amounts of activity present. In one instance (gross beta), the Ludington control location even reported greater activity than the BRP (site) loca-tions. No BRP Technical Specification action or reporting levels were exceeded, nor were any special or supplemental analyses re-quired during 1986.

4 Sediment samples are collected semi-annually from each designated location. A one (1) liter quantity grab sample usually obtained a

,few yards off-shore. No treatment of the samples with a preserva-tive is necessary prior to shipment to Teledyne Isotopes.

MIO487-0027A-HP01 7 r , m---~rmn-n------ n . . , , , . , - , - . , - - - , . , -- , , - - -

8. Fish A total of 19 individual fish samples were collected from 6 loca-tions during 1986. Fourteen (14) fish samples were obtained from BRP (discharge,1/4 mile South boundary,1/4 mile North boundary, Mt McSauba and Nine Mile Pointe) and five (5) samples from the Luding-ton control station (South Jetty). Fish are collected semi-annually.

Evaluation of the fish analytical results was based on a data means comparison between the BRP and Ludington control samples as well as with the BRP Technical Specification reporting ~1imits. As with the sediment samples, the individual BRP sample locations were combined into one indicator (site) location for comparison purposes; however if any one individual sample location had a greater specific iso-topic annual mean than the other locations, then that location is identified on Table HP 10.2-2.

Of the isotopic analyses listed on Table HP 10.2-2, only Sr-89 and other gamma (non-indicative /non parameter isotopes) were less than LLD.- All other analyses resulted in trace amounts of activity present. The greatest level of Sr-90 activity was found in the Ludington control fish samples. Both the Mt McSauba and 1/4 mile South boundary (BRP) locations had slight Cs-137 activity levels present in salmon samples (both caught on 10-6-86). No BRP Tech-nical Specification action or reporting levels were exceeded, nor were any special or supplemental analyses required during 1986.

As a minimum, at least two (2) different fish species (ie, forage, sport fish, etc) per designated location per year are collected. In most cases however, that criteria is exceeded. When caught, a one (1) Liter quantity of fish sample is prepared for shipment to Teledyne Isotopes. Each sample is treated with 10 ml of a 10%

formaldehyde solution for preservation.


9. Aquatic Biota l

The aquatic biota category consists of: crayfish, algae and periphy-ton. A total of 19 individual samples were collected from 6 loca -

l tions during 1986. Sample types and locations are as follows:

! Crayfish: 7 samples BRP (1/4 mile South boundary, discharge, 1/4 mile North boundary, Nine Mile Pointe). No samples were collected at Ludington Control.

Algae: 8 samples BRP (Mt. McSauba, 1/4 mile South, discharge, 1/4 mile North, Nine Mile Pointe). Two (2) samples at Ludington Control (South Jetty).

Periphyton: 2 samples BRP (1/4 mile North, discharge). No samples


were collected at Ludington Control.

l l

MIO487-0027A-HP01 8


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s Aquatic biota samples are collected semi-annually at.all designated locations (when available); however due to_ inclement weather at the in time of.' sample collection and/or the record high water levels of Lake Michigan,' the.following locations had either greatly reduced or non-existant sample sized quantities of aquatic biota available:

, Crayfish: Unav'ailable at Mt McSauba during collection periods 15-86 and 10-04-86.

Unavailable at 1/4 mile South boundary'during collec-tion period 10-04-86.

1/2 liter'available at 1/4 mile North boundary during collection period 10-04-86.

Unavailable at Ludington Control during collection periode 4-13-86 and 10-19-86.

Algae:- Unavailable at Mt McSauba during collection period 10-04-86.

Unavailable at 1/4 mile North boundary during collec-tion period 10-04-86.

.Pberiphyton: Unadsilable at Mt McSauba during collection period 6-17-86 and 10-04-86.

Unavailable at discharge during collection period 04-86.

b Unavailable at Nine Mile Pointe during collection

>- period 10-04-86.

Unavailable at 1/4 mile North during collection t

period. 10-04-86.

Unavailable at 1/4 mile South during collection

' period 10-04-86 .

Unavailable at Ludington Control during collection i

, periods 4-13-86 and 10-19-86.


'x Evaluation of the biota analytical results was based on a data means


compariden with the BRP Technical Specification reporting limits; and in the case of the algae samples, an additional comparison was l- made with the Ludington Control Samples. All the individual BRP I

-sample locations were combined into one indicator (site) location l

i for comparison purposes; however if any one individual sample location had a greater specific isotopic annual mean than the other

!J locations, then that location is identified on Table HP 10.2-2.

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MIO487-0027A-HP01 9

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i Of the isotopic analyses listed on Table HP' 10.2-2, only gross beta and Sr-90 had trace amounts fof activity present in crayfish (Dis-charge location had greatest annual mean for both isotopes) and algae (Ludington control location had greatest annual mean for.both i sotopes). All other isotopic analyses were less than LLD.- l For the periphyton samples; only' the gross beta, Cs-137 and Mn-54, and Co-60 isotopic analyses .had . trace amounts of activity present.  : i The discharge location had the greatest annual mean for gross beta, Mn-54 and Co-60; with the 1/4 mile North boundary location having the greatest annual mean for Cs-137. All other isotopic analyses were less than-LLD.

No BRP Technical Specification action or reporting levels were -

exceeded, nor.were any special or supplemental analyses required during 1986.

Aquatic biota samples (crayfish, algae and periphyton) are collected semi-annually at each designated location, however inclement weather i and/or high water conditions can either make collecting sufficient sample quantities impossible or wash biota pcpulations out of the immediate sampling vicinity. This was the situation during 1986.

One (1) Liter quantities of biota are sent to Teledyne Isotopes for analysis. - Esch sample is treated with 10 ml of a 10% formaldehyde

solution for preservation.


10. Broad Leaf Venetation No broad leaf vegetation samples were collected from the surrounding BRP environs during 1986. The collection of broad leaf vegetation samples serves as a backup and/or alternative sampling media in case any milk sampling location (s) become(s) unavailable. -There were no problems associated with the quantity or quality of milk samples for the 1986 reporting year.

C. Assessment of Bia Rock Point's Operational Environmental-Impact i In ' reviewing the 1986 Big Rock Point radiological environmental monitor-ing data and comparing it to previous operation and pre-operational data, all. trending parameters indicate that the operation of Big Rock Point has had an insignificant environmental impact.

Since the Chine'se stopped the open atmospheric testing of nuclear devices

in late 1981-82, environmental background levels of radiation (due to

_ fallout) have shown a continuous decrease. Evidence of an environmental isotopic build-up (attributable to plant effluents) appears negligible as well.

It is unknown at this time what the affect will be (if any) of the Chernobyl fallout on aquatic biota and fish. Immediate affects of the fallout were measured in both air and milk samples for about 6 weeks, MIO487-0027A-HP01 10

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e-I however as the longer lived isotopes enter the food chain, their measured concentrating factors. remain to be determined.

1 e.

9 MIO487-0027A-HP01 11

A i

Enclosures A. Chernobyl Summary Attachment B .- Big' Rock Point 1986 Land Use census C. Big Rock Point Radiological Environmental Program Sample Collection and' 3

Shipment Procedure (with sample locations, maps, etc.)

D. Big Rock Point' 1986 (annual) Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Data as provided 'by Teledyne Isotopes Midwest Laboratory, North-brook, ILL.

E. . Teledyne Isotopes Midwest Laboratory EPA -Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results .\

F. Data Graphs -

1. Big-Rock'PointAirParticuldte(grossbeta)1986Trendingand Operational Comparison Craphs 1981-1986
2. -Big Rock Point TLD (gamma) 1986 Trending and Operational Comparison Craphs (monthly, quarterly and' annual) 1981-1986
3. Big Rock Point Milk (Sr-90) 1986 Trending and Operational Comparison Craphs 1981-1986
4. Big Rock Point Well Water (gross beta) 1986 Trending Big Rock Point Lake Water (Intake vs. Discharge gross beta and tritium)'1986 Trending and Operational Comparison Graphs; 1960-62 (pre-op) and' 1981-1986
5. Big Rock Point Sediment (gross beta) 1982-1986 Trending and Opera-tional Comparison Graph (including Ludington Control 1984-1986)
6. Big Rock Point Fish (gross beta) 1981-1986 Trending and Operational Comparison Graphs; 1960-62 (pre-op) and 1981-1986 (includirl Luding-ton Control'1984-1986)
7. Big Rock Point Aquatic Biota (crayfish, algae, periphyton gross beta) 1981-1986 Trending and Operational Comparison Graphs; 1960-62 (pre-op) and 1981-1986 (including Ludington control - algae 1984-1986) t l

1 i

MIO487-0027A-HP01 12


Number of Samples Frequency of Medium Description tocation Collected Type of Analysis Analysis Air Continuous at All: Stations 1-ST 364 Gross Beta 1-131 Weekly Approm 1 CfM thru 7-TR take 1 Gallon Intake. Discharge 24 Gross Beta. H-3 Monthly heter Composite *5r-89/90.

  • Gross Alpha Well 1 Gallon St.- Charlevota 24 Gross Bete. H-3 Monthly

' Grab / Composite Water Milk 2 Gallon JG. Ed. RM BB 56 I 131. Sr-89/90. (s-137 Monthly Grab Other Ga m itD Continuous All: Stations BRP-01 216 Gamma Monthly


thru BRP-38 72 Quarterly 18 Annual Crops Grab Sectors $51. ESE 2 Gross Beta. I-131. Sr-89/90 As Requested SE. E Cs-137. Other Gamma Aquatic Grab MS. 575. STN. ST. NM. 19 Gross Bete. Sr-89. Sr 90 Semi-Annual Biota Ludington Control Cs-137. Other Gamma fish Grab MS. STS. STN. ST. MM. 19 Gross Beta. Sr-89. Sr-90 Semi-Annual tudington Control Cs-137. Other Gamma 5ediment Grab ST. NM. Ludington Control 8 Gross Beta. Sr-89, Sr-90 5emi Annual Cs-137. Other Ga m

  • NOTE: Not required for intake M10487-0026A-HP01

i l

BIG ROCK POINT NUCLIAR POWER PLANT ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERAllNG REPORT JA C ART I 10 DECEMBER 31, 1986 TABLE HP 10.2-2 SAMPLE DATA SupeWty Analyses Evaluated Over Lower timit All All Medtus or Total Number of- of Indicator Location With Greatest - Control Nonroutine Pathway Sampled Analyses Performed Detection (a) locations Annual Mean(e) locations Measurements Unit of Measurement .LLD Mean(b) Name Mean(b) Mean(b)

Range (b) Distance and Direction Range (b) Range (b)

Air (pCi/m*) 1 131 330/364 0.07 188/208 All LLD All LLD 142/1 % All LLD* - See Chernobyl Gross Beta 330/364 0.01 188/208 0.02 .Boyne City (12 mi SE) 0.02 142/156 0.02 Attacament-(0.007-0.043)' (0.01-0.034) (0.006-0.035) See Chernobyl Attachment TLD (mR) TLD (Monthly)(g) 72/216 10.0- 36/180 3.9 Susan Lake (3.5 al SE) 4.3 36/36 4.0 None (3.0-4.8)- (3.5-4.8) (3.2 4.7)

TLD (Quarterly)(g) 24/(72)(h) 10.0 12/60 12.2 Susan Lake (3.5 at SE) 13.2 12/(12) 12.2 None (11.46-1126) (11.7-14.6) (h) (11.43-13.16)

TLD (Annual) 6/(18)(h) 10.0 3/15 42.5 Susan Lake (3.5 at SE) 46.0 3/(3)(h) 44.5 None (40.2-46.0) (42.8-45.8).

Milk (pci/1) 1 131 40/56 1.0 30/42 All LLD All LLD 10/14 All LLD 5ee Chernoby1 Sr-89 40/56 5.0 30/42 All LLD All LLD 10/14 All LLD Attachment 5r-90** 40/56 1.0 30/42 5.5 J.Golovich (4.5 at SE) 6.3 10/14 3.2 (3.6-8.6) (5.1-8.1) (2.6-3.9)

Cs-137 40/56 18.0 30/42 All LLD All tLD 10/14 All LLD Other Gamma 40/56 15.0 30/42 All LLD All LLD 10/14 All LLD

  • On 6-25 to 6-26-86; stations 5-PT 6-BC and 7-TR had elevated 1-131 LLD's of *0.8 pC1/m' due to laboratory counting delay.
    • See Sr.90 milk evaluatton in report (a) Nominal Lower Limit of Detection (LtD) as defined in the Big Rock Point Technical Specifications Table 13.3-3 and vendor analytical capablittles.

(b) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthenses.

(c) Well water is also drinking water supply. (f) Not required for Lake water intake.

(d) Supplemental sample when milk is unavailable. (g) Monthly TLD results are normaltred for 30 days net; Quarterly TLD (e) See reporting results for highest mean samp1tng location. results are normaltred for 91 days net.

(h) See TLD evaluations in report narrative.



All Analyses Evaluated Over Lower Limit All Indicator Location With Greatest Control honroutine Medium or Total Number of of Annual Nean(e) Locations Measurements Pathway Sampled Analyses Performed Detection (s) locations All LLO All LLO 12/12 AllLtD None take Water (PC1/1) Tritium 24/24 500.0 12/12 1.0 12/12 All ttD All LLD N/A hone .j (f) Gross Alpha 12/12 j 2.3 Lake in 2.7 10/12 2.7 . hone Gross 8 eta 22/24 4.0 12/12 i (1.4 3.1) (1.9-4.9) (1.9-4.9)***

All LLD All LLD N/A hone l (f)5r.89 12/12 5.0 12/12 '

Discharge 1.0 . N/A - hone 1.0 12/12 - 1.0 (f)Sr.90 12/12

(*1.0-1.3) (*1.0-1.3) 4.0 1.7 Charlevota (4.5 mi SW) 2.3 12/12 2.3 hone Well Water Gross Beta 24/24 12/12 (1.2-2.6) (1.7 3.6) (1.7 3.6) .,

(pCf/1)(c) All LtD hone Tritium 24/24 500.0 12/12 All LLD All LLD N/A None Crops Gross Beta 2/2 1.0 2/2 4.9 Sochniak Farm (11.5 mi ()4.9 (pC1/g Wet) (3.4-6.4) (3.4 6.4)

All LtD N/A mone 1 131 2/2 0.06 2/2 All LLD N/A None Sr.89 2/2 0.025 2/2 All ttD .All LLD h/A None Sr.90 2/2 0.005 2/2 0.051 Sochniak Farm (11.5 mi E)0.051

.(<0.005-0.096) (<0.005 0.096)

All LLD All LtD N/A hone Other Gamma 2/2 Various 2/2 0.08-0.10 i



  • May and June 1986 Lake In water composite samples were inadvertently collected with contaminated sample containerst I Gross beta values were deleted from mean evaluations.

i (a) Nominal Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) as defined in the Big Rock Point Technical Specifications Table 13.3 3 and vendor analytical capabilities.

(b) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthenses.

(c) Well water is also drinking water supply. (f) Not required for Lake water intake.

(d) Supplemental sample when slik is unavailable.

. (g) Monthly ILD results are normall ed for 30 days nett Guarterly ito results are normalized for 91 days pet.

(e) See reporting results for highest mean sampling location.


4 ,

w r


ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENvlR01sq[h1AL OPERAIING R(PORT JANUARY 1 TO DECite(R 31, 1986 TA8LE HP 10.2-2 SAMPt! DATA St3814RV Analyses Evaluated Over Lower Liett All All' Medlue or Total number of of Indicator Location With Greatest Control lionroutine Pathway Sampled Analyses Performed Detection (a) locations AnnualItean(e) locations Measurements 5ediment Gross Beta 8/8 1.0 4/4 6.8 Ludington Control 9.9 4/4 9.9 - none.

(pCl/g Dry) .

. (3.8-11.1) - (120 el SW) (4.9 12.6) (4.9-12.6)

Sr-89 8/8 0.025 4/4 0.032 . Nine Mi Pointe (3 el E) 0.040- . 4/4 All LLD , - None -

(<.025-0.05a) (<0.025-0.054) 0.007 Sr-90 . 8/8 0.005 4/4 0.031 Olscharge' 0.057 4/4 stone

(<0.005-0.108) (<0.005-0.108) . -(<0.005-0.009)

Cs-137 8/8 0.18 4/4 0.44 .

Otscharge - 0.70 4/4 L All ttD hone

(<0.18-1.13) (0.26-1.13)

Other Gamma 8/8 _various 4/4 All LLD All LLD 4/4 ' All LLD feone 0.05-0.15 Fish (pct /g Wet) Gross Beta 19/19 1.0 14/14 2.4 1/4 Mt South 2.8 5/5 2.2 . Isone (1.7-2.9) .

' (2.6-2.9) (1.3-2.8)

$r-89 19/19 . 0.025 14/14 All tLD All LtD - 5/5 All LLD mone Sr-90 .19/19 0.005 14/14 0.006 tudington Contro1 0.012 . 5/5 0.012 - . none

(<0.005-0.013) (0.004-0.029) (0.004 0.029).

Cs-137 19/19 0.15 .14/14 0.15 Mt. sec5auba (3 el W) 0.16 5/5 All LLD hone

(<0.15-0.16) (<0.15-0.16) 1/4 Mt South 0.16 5/5 All LLD . None


Other Gamma 19/19 vaelows 14/14 All LLD All LLD 5/5 . A11 LLD hone 0.10-0.26 Crayfish Gross Seta 7/7 1.0 7/7 1.7 -Discharge 2.1 ' hone Available None (pCi/g Wet) (1.4-2.3) (1.8-2.3) 5r-89 7/7 0.025- 7/7 All LLD All itD .

hone Available hone--

Sr-90 1/7 0.005 1/7 0.177 Discharge 0.209 feone Available hone (0.076-0.268) (0.150-0.268) _ ,

Other Gamma 7/7 various 7/7. All ttD -All LLD . hone Available hone.

0.10-0.26-(a) hostnal Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) as defined in the Big Rock Point Technical Specifications Table 13.3-3 and vendor analytical capabilities .

(b) Mean and range based upon detectable seasurements only, fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indlCated in parenthenses.

(c) Well water is also drinking water supply. .(f) llot required for Lake water intake.

(d) Supplemental sample when silk is unavailable. (g) IIonthly tLD results are normallred for 30 days net; Quarterly TLD :

(e) See reporting results for highest mean sampling location. results are normalized for 91 days net.


~ _ _ _ _ _ - -

a s

BIG ROCK PO!hi huCLEAR POWER PLANT Ahkl'AL RADIOLOGICAL Env!R0leithiAL OPERATING RfPORT JAhuARY I TO DECElefR 31, 1986 TABLE HP 10.2 2 SAMPLE DATA StpetARY Analyses Ivaluated Over Lower Limit All All Medium or Total number of of Indicator Location With Greatest Control honroutine-Pathway Sampled Analyses Performed Detection (a) locations Annual mean(e) locations - Measurements Algae (pC1/g Wet) Gross Beta 10/10 , 1.0 8/8 2.0 Ludington Control 3.9 2/2 3.9 .

hone (1.4-3.2) (120 at SW) (2.9-4.8) (2.9-4.8)

$r.89 10/10 0.025 8/8 All LtD .All LLD 2/2 All LLO hone-Sr-90 10/10 0.005 8/8 0.012 Ludington Control 0.038 2/2 0.038 hone

(<0.005-0.024) (120 ml SW) (0.013-0.063) (0.013-0.063)

Other Gamma 10/10 Various 8/8 All LLD All LLD

, '. 2/2 All LLD hone 0,10-0.26 Periphyton Gross Seta 2/2 1.0 2/2 6.3 Otscharge 7.8 mone Available hone (pct /g Wet) (4.2-7.8)

$r-89 2/2 0.025 2/2 All LLD All LLD hone Available hone Sr-90 2/2 0.005 2/2 All LLD All LLD hone Available hone Cs-137 2/2 0.15 2/2 0.50 1/4 Mt morth 0.61 hone Avellable hone 1,


Mn-54 2/2 0.13 2/2 0.24 Otscharge 0.24 hone Available hone (0.24)

Co-60 2/2 0.13 2/2 0.18 Discharge 0.25 hone Available hone 4 (0.10-0.25) 1 Other Gamma 2/2 various 2/2 All LLD All LLD hone Available hone 0.10-0.26 Broad Leaf Veg Gross Beta 1.0 No samples collected ho samples collected hope (pct /g Wet)(d) 1-131 0.06 5r-89 0.025 -

Sr.90 0.005 Other Gamma various 0.08-0.10 (a) Nominal Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) as defined in the Big Rock Point Technical Spectitcations Table 13.3-3 and vendor analytical capabilities.

(b) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parenthenses.

(c) Well water is also drinking water supply. (f) hot required for Lake water intake.

(d) Supplemental sample when milk is unavailable. (g) honthly TLD results are normalized for 30 days net; Quarterly TLD (e) See reporting results for highest mean sampling location. results are normalized for 91 days net.

M10487 00/6A-MP01

- BIG ROCE PolNT NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIR0seqENTAL OPERATING REPORT JANUARY 1 TO DECIsetR 31, 1986 1ASLE MP 10.2 3 HIGH, LOW AND HEAN R(PORTING RESULT 5 FOR GREATEST NEAN 5AMPLING LOCAilch Medium Type of Analysis Location Hj t_ow Mean Air (pC1/m') 1 131 ,All LLO -- -- <0.07 Gross Beta Boyne City (12 mi SE) 0.034 0.01 0.02 5

1 TLD (mR) TLD (Monthly)(5) Susan Lake (3.5 mi SE) 4.8 - 3.5 43 TLD (Quarterly)(5) Susan Lake (3.5 at SE) 14.6 11.7 13.2 TLD (Annual) Susan Lake (3.5 at SE) -- -- 46.0 i

Milk (pti/1) 1-131 All LLD -- -- 41.0 5r-89 All LLD -- -- . <5.0 Sr-90 J.Golowich (4.5 at SE) 8.1 5.1 6.3 Cs-137 All LLD -- -- <18.0 Cs-134 All LLD -- -- <15.0 Other Game All LLD -- -- 415.0 Lake Water Trittum All LLD -- -- <500.0 (pC1/1) Gross Alpha (4) All LLD -- -- <1.0 Gross Seta Lake in 4.9 1.9 2.7 Sr-89(4) All LLD -- -- <5.0 Sr-90(4) Discharge 1.3 <1.0 1.0 Well Water Tritium All LLD . -- -- <500.0 (pci/1) Gross Beta Charlevola (4.5 at SW) 3.6 1.7 2.3 i

(1) Samples collected in season (on request)

(2) Two samples per location (collected semi-annually)

(3) Supplemental sample when milk is unavailable (4) Not required for Lake water intake (5) Monthly ILD results are normallred for 30 days net; Quarterly TLD results are normaltred for 91 days net.

Mlu487 0026A-HP01

81G ROCK POINT NUCLEAR POWER PLANI ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL [NvlR00sifMTAL OPERATING RIPORT JANUARY 1 TO DECitetR 31, 1996 TA6Lt MP 10.2-3 HIGM. LOW AIC NEAN REPORTING RESULTS FOR GREAff5T NEAN SANPLING LOCAll0N Medium Type of Analysis Location j H g Mean Crops Gross Beta Occhniek Farm (ll.5 at () 6.4 3.4 4.9 (pCi/g Wet)(1) Sr-89 All LLD -- - <0.025 3r-90 Bochniek fare (11.5 mi E) 0.096 <0.005 0.051 Cs-131 All LLO -- -- <0.08' l-131 All LLD -- - <0.06 Other Ga m All LLD -- -- <0.08 5ediment Gross Seta Ludington (120 mi SW) 12.6 4.9 9.9 (pC1/g Dry)(2) Sr-89 Nine Ni Pointe (3 mi () 0.054 <0.025 0.040 5r-90 Discharge 0.108 <0.005 0.057 Cs-137 Discharge 1.13 0.26 0.70 Other Gamma All LLD -- -- <0.05 fish Sross Beta 1/4 Mi South 2.9 2.6 2.8 (pC1/g Wet)(2) Sr-89 All LLO -- -- <0.025 Sr-90 Ludington (120 mi SW) 0.029 0.004 0.012 Cs-137 Mt. Mc5auba (3 mi W) 0.16 <0.15 0.16 1/4 al South 0.16 <0.15 0.16 Other Gamma All LLD -- -- 4.10 (1) Samolcs collected in season (on request)

(2) Two samples per location (collected semi-annually)

(3) Supplemental sample when milk is unavailable (4) Not required for Lake water intake (5) Monthly TLD results are normalized for 30 days nett Quarterly TLD results are normalized for 91 days net.


M10487-0026A-HP01 l

BIG ROCK POINT NUCLEAR POWER PLMT AmmuAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRGIBIENTAL OPtRATING REPORT JANUARY 1 TO OtCElefR 31, 1986 TABLE MP 10.2-3 HIGH, LOW AND MEAN REPORTING R15 ULT 5 FOR GREATEST MEAN SAMPLING LOCA110N Medtum Type of Analysis location Hj Low Mean Crayfish (2) Gross Beta Discharge 2.3 1.8 2.1 (pC1/g Wet) Sr-89 All LLD -- -- . , <0.025 Sr 90 Discharge 0.268 0.150 0.209 Other Gamma All LLD -- -- <0.10 Algae (pC1/g Wet) (2) Gross Beta Ludington Control (120 mi SW) -4.8 2.9 3.9 Sr-89 All LLD -- -- <0.025 Sr-90 tudington Control (120 at SW) 0.063 0.013 0.038 .

Other Ga m All LLD -- -- <0.10 Periphyton (2) Gross Beta Discharge -- -- 2.8 (ptt/g Wet) Sr-89 All LLD -- -- <0.025 Sr-90 . All LLD -- -- <0.005 Cs-137 1/4 Mi North -- -- 0.61 Mn-54 Discharge -- -- 0.24 Co-60 Discharge .. -- 0.25 Other Gamma All LLD -- -- <0.10 '

Broad Leaf veg (3) 1-131 No Samples Collected (pct /g Wet) Sr-89 Sr-90 ~

Other Gamma (1) Samples collected in season (on request)

(2) Two samples per location (collected semi-annually)

(3) Supplemental sample when mitt is unavailable (4) Not required for Lake water intaae (5) Monthly TLD results are normalized for 30 days net; Quarterly TLD results are normalized for 91 days net.

M10487 0U26A-HP01

l A 5 l

i 1: Chernobyl' Summary Attachment

1. ' Air Iodine and Particulate Samples 'f

' Evaluation of' the 28 individual air iodine and particulate sample results- '

(16 samples - near site locations 1-ST, 2-MM, 3-CH and 4-SL; 12 samples -

control locations 5-PT, 6-BC and 7-TC) deleted from SAS statistical evaluation are summarized in the attached tables.- The following loca-tions recorded the highest mean activity:

I-131 - location . 3-CH (Charlevoix, 4.5 mi SW) . 0.34 pCi/m*

Cross - beta - location 1-ST (BRP, site) 0.19 pCi/m'

~Although not statistically evaluated with other radiological environ-mental sample data, the Chernobyl af fected data has been incorporated 1

into the BRP SAS Trending Craphe.

2. Milk Samples

'._ l Evaluation of the 8 individual milk sample results (6 ' samples'- near site locations 20-JC, 21-DK and 22-RM; 2 samples - control location 23-BB) deleted from SAS statistical evaluation and evaluation of the 8'special (additional collection) milk sample results (2 complete sets of samples -

1 per dairy location) are also summarise'd in the attached tables. The following locations recorded the' highest mean activity:

1-131 - location 20-JC (4.5 mi SE) 32.9 pCi/L Sr location 20-JC (4.5 mi SE) 7.2 pCi/L

{- Cs-137* - location 20-JC (4.5 mi SE) 22.4 pCi/L'

  • Note: one sample only, collected 5-29-86 Because I-131 and Cs-137 are always below LLD levels, the isotopes are not a standard data entry to the SAS statistical program. They are also-l not trend' plotted.
The Chernobyl af fected Sr-90 results were however, incorporated in the -

1 regular BRP SAS Trending Craphs.

2 4

i MIO487-0027A-HP01 1

. .._.m______._,...___.,_...~ _ . _ , . . _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ , . _ _ . . . .. . _ _ _ . _ . . . _ . . . . _ . _ , _ _ _ _ .

Chernobyl Summary Attachment .

Evaluation of BRP Air Sampling Data Affected by Chernobyl Fallout '

5-14-86 thru 6-5-86 Summary of I-131 Results per Sample Location

  • Number of Location Samples High (pCi/m') Low (pCi/m8 ) Mean'(pCi/m3 ).

1-ST (BRP-site) 4 0.24 0.06 0.18 2-NM (Nine Mile 4 0.59 0.05 0.21 Pointe, 3 mi E) 3-CH (Charlevoix, 4 0.76 0.14 0.34

4) mi SW) 4-SL (Susan Lake, 4 0.44 0. 08. ; O.24 31 mi SE) 5-PT (Petoskey, 10) 4 0.15 0.05 0.10 mi E) 6-BC (Boyne City, 4 0.70 0.06 0.25 12 mi SE) 7-TC (Traverse City, 4 0.25 0.06 0.15 50 mi SSW)

MIO487-0027A-HP01 2

~. . . . -

Chernobyl Summary Attachment i

Evaluation of BRP Air Sampling Data Affected by Chernobyl Fallout i

5-14-86 thru 6-5-86 Summary of Cross Bets Results per Sample Location I

Number of Location Samples High (pci/m') Low (pci/m') Mean (pci/m')

I 1-ST (BRP-Site) 4 0.28 0.11 0.19 1

2-NM (Nine Mile 4 0.23 0.12 0.16

{ Pointe, 3 mi E)


3-CH (Charlevoix, 4 0.27 0.11 0.18 41 mi SW)

I 4-SL (Susan Lake, 4 0.17 0.10 0.13 1

31 mi SE) 5-PT (Petoskey, 10) 4 0.23 0.13 0.16 i

mi E) i

, 6-BC (Boyne City, 4 0.26 0.12 0.18 l 12 mi SE) i 7-TC (Traverse City, 4 0.23 0.12 0.17 50 mi SSW) j i

I MIO487-0027A-HP01 3 I

4 64 Chernobyl Summary Attachment Evaluation of BRP Milk Sampling Data Affected by Chernobyl Fallout.

5-8-86 thru 6-12-86 Susanary of I-131 Results per Sample Location Number of Location Samples M .(pCi/L) Low (pCi/L) Mean (pCi/L)~

20-JC* 4 59.2 1.0 32.9 (4) mi SE) i

-I 21-DK 4 6.5 0.5 2.5 (2) mi E) 22-RM 4 14.2 1.3 9.1 (6) mi SSE) 23-BB 4 10.5 1.0 3.5 (111 mi E)

  • Location JC had Cs-137 activity result of 22.4 pCi/L in special sample collected 5-29-86; no gamma activity detected in other-samples.

HIO487-0027A-HP01 4

il Chernobyl Summary Attachment

! Evaluation of BRP Milk Sampling Data Affected by Chernobyl Fallout' '

5-8-86 thru 6-12-86 l

Summary of Sr-90 Results per Sample Location i

Number of

, Location Samples High (pci/L) Low (pCi/L) Mean (pci/L) 20-JC* 4 10.7 4.4 7.2 i (4) mi SE) 21-DK 4 4.3 2.8 3.8 (2) mi E) 1

22-RM 4 4.3 2.9 3.6 (6} mi SSE) 23-BB 4 2.8 2.5 2.7 i (11) mi E) '

i i

l i

t j

  • Location JC had Cs-137 activity result of 22.4 pCi/L in special sample collected 5-29-86; j no gamma activity detected in other samples.

l l

MIO487-0027A-HP01 5 5


Palisades Nuclear Plant June 12, 1986~

Consumers Power Company Page 2 of 2-g . ."

Table 1. Milk samples, collected May 14, 1986, analyses for I-131, Sr-89 and -90,= and gamma-emitting isotopes.

Concentration (pCi/1)

Location Lab Code I-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-La-140 JG (J. Golovich) BRMI-2287 51.111.1 <5. 0 5.610.8 <15 <18 <15 DK (D. Kerebler) BRMI-2288 1.910.3 <5. 0 4.210.6 <15 <18' <15 RM (R. McCraney) BRMI-2289 14.210.6 <5. 0 3.810.8 <15 <18 <15' BB (B. Bochniak) BRMI-2290 1.310.3 <5. 0 2.810.9 <15 <18 <15 The error given is the probable counting error at 95% confidence level. Less than (<) values are based on 4.66 sigma counting error for background sample.

3, Palisades Nuclear Plant . June 12, 1986 .

Consumers Power Company Page 2 of 2 i

j Table 1. Milk samples, collected May 29, 1986, analyses for I-131, Sr-89 and -90, and gamma-emitting i isotopes. ,


!' Concentration (pCi/1)' .,

! Location Lab Code I-131 5r-89 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-La-140

! RM (R. McCraney) BRMI-2357 14.0t0.6 <5. 0 3. 2t0.'4 <15 <18 <15 l 88 (B. Bochniak) BRMI-2358 1. 01 0. 3 <5. 0 2.710.4 <15 <18 <15-1 i DK (D. Kuebler) BRMI-2359 0. Si0. 3 <5. 0 4. 0t0. 7 <15 <18 <15 JG (J. Golovich) BRMI-2360 59.211.3 <5. 0 8.1*1. 0 <15 22.414.1 <15 l The error given is the probable counting error at 95%. confidence level. Tess than (<) values are based on 4.66 sigma CoJnting error for background sample.

I i

i I

I i

i 1


k i


@ym MMO M Consumers Power General Ofhoes; 1944 West Pornoel Road. Jackson, MI 402ol . ($1D 7841636


  • Lkrector McIrer Licmtmg
    • 'y I

l i

May 14, 1986 Edward.L Jordan, Director Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response Office of Inspection and Enforcement US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 CONSJMERS POWER COMPANY - RESPONSE TO IE INFORMATION NOTICE 86-32, " REQUEST ET)R COLLECTION OF LICENSEE RADI0 ACTIVITY MEASUREMENTS ATTRIBUTED TO THE CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR PLANT ACCIDENT."

This letter is to notify the NRC of Consumers Power Company's intention to report any anomalous environmental radioactivity measurements made at our Palisades and Big Rock Point Plants that can reasonably be assumed to have resulted from the Soviet nuclear power plant (Chernobyl) event. This letter also provides specific data that we obtained from performing measurements of members of a Michigan tour group which visited the region of the Chernobyl Plant shortly after the event occurred. The normal environmental monitoring program (EMP) at our Palisades and Big Rock Point Plants has been augmented, as of May 5 and 8,1986 respectively, to include the collection and analysis of air samples from the immediate plant site. No anomalous results from the normal EMP measurements made at both plants have been noted to date. The augmented air monitoring activities at the Big Rock Point Plant have not indicated any abnormal results and will most likely be terminated at the end of the week of May 12, 1986. The augmented air sampling conducted at the Palisades Plant has, however, yielded increased iodine-131 measurements (I-131 l is not normally detected). While these results are clearly due to the Chernobyl event, the levels are so low as to not cause any health hazard to Plant site employees. This information is presented below in the format j specified by Information Notice 86-32.

1. Sample date(s) and location: a) May 9, 1986 0 2145 through May 12, 1986 t

@ 2145; Palisades Plant site l b) May 12, 1986 @ 2145 through May 13, 1986

( @ 2145; Palisades Plant site

2. Medium or pathway: air charcoal l

I l 3. Type of analysis: gamma spectroscopy l



9 .

KWB 86-23 (

l l

TABLE III ITEMS CHECKED FOR CONTAMINATION ITEM COUNTS / MIN Sweater 3000 Belt 200 Wooden Items 100 Watch Band 600 Paper Flowers 8000 Purse (Bag) 3500 Shoes 3000 Tennis Shoes 9000 Hand Bag 5000 Wallet 100 Sewing 300 Shoes 5000 Wooden Items 100 Pictures less than 100 coins less than 100 Water less than 100 Misc. Knick knacks 100 Coat less than 100

! Paper Flowers 5000

, Camera 5000 Camera Strap 3800 Wallet 2000 comb 300 Coin Purse 700 Watch 2000 Classes 300 Belt 100 Blue Shoes 4000 Blue Purse 2500 Blue Shoes (Gold Buckles) 50,000 Gray Purse 1000 Black Heels 2000 Beige Shoes 38,000 l

KWB 86-23 l .


This letter is a follow-up response to a previous communication submitted by

. Consumers Power Company to the NRC on 5/14/86 concerning environmental radio-activity measurements taken at Big Rock Point and Palisades Nuclear Plants.

The supplemental environmental radioactivity data provided in this report was obtained by a combination of special request and routine samples collected at Big Rock Point and Palisades in support of the Radioactive Environmental Monitoring Programs (REMP).

Big Rock Point Technical Specification 13.2.1.b and Palisades Technical Specification 4.11.1.b dictate that when the level of radioactivity as the

! resalt of plant effluents in an environmental sampling medium at a specified location exceed the NRC reporting levels (when averaged over any calendar quarter), then a Special Report shall be prepared and submitted to the Commission within thirty (30) days. This report fulfills the Technical Specification requirement, even though the reportable levels of radioactivity are the result of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Data from this report will be incorporated in the 1986 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports for Big Rock Point and Palisades.

The following analytical results are from air charcoal, air particulate and milk samples:

Bia Rock Point Nuclear Plant, Charlevoix, Michinan Air charcoal / particulate (samma spectroscopy): iodine-131 and gross beta Sample period: 5/8/86 to 5/15/86 I-131 Gross S-Near-site stations 1 0.2 pCi/m3 0.18 pCi/m 3 2 0.6 pCi/m 3 0.17 pCi/m 3 3 0.8 pCi/m 3 0.16 pCi/m 3 4 0.3 pCi/m 3 0.10 pCi/m 3 Control stations 5 0.1 pCi/m 3 0.15 pCi/m 3 6 0.7 pCi/m 3 0.19 pCi/m3 7 0.06 pCi/m 3 0.15 pCi/m 3 IC0686-0151A-HP01

,_ - _ . _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - - - - ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2 Air charcoal / particulate (gamma spectroscopy): iodine-131 and gross beta Sample period: 5/15/86 to 5/22/86 I-131 Gross S-Near site stations 1 0.24 pCi/m3 0.17 pCi/m 3 2 0.05 pCi/m 3 0.13 pCi/m 3 3 0.18 pCi/m3 0.17 pCi/m3 4 0.44 pCi/m3 0.16 pCi/m3 Control stations 5 0.15 pCi/m 8 0.14 pCi/m3 6 0.06 pci/m3 0.15 pCi/m3 7 0.20 pCi/m 3 0.17 pCi/m 3 Milk (chemical separation): iodine-131 pCi/L Sample period: from 4/10/86 to 5/8/86 (regular monthly samples)

Near-site locations JG <1 pCi/L RM 1.3 pCi/L DK <1 pCi/L Control location BB 1.0 pCi/L Milk (chemical separation): iodine-131 pCi/L Sample period: from 5/9/86 to 5/16/86 (special samples)

Near-site locations JG 51.1 pCi/L RM 14.2 pCi/L DK 1.9 pCi/L Control location BB 1.3 pCi/1 Milk (chemical separation): iodine-131 pCi/L Sample period: from 5/17/86 to 5/29/86 (special samples) ,

Near-site locations JG 59.2 pCi/L RM 14.0 pCi/L DK <1.0 pCi/L Control location BB 1.0 pCi/L A regular monthly (June) set of milk samples was collected 6/12/86, but laboratory analysis is incomplete.

The following is a status of the Big Rock Point milk sampling locations / dairy operations:

1. Location JG - cows in pasture since 5/1/86 for about three (3) hours / day.
2. Location RM - cows in pasture continuously since early April; also fed i stored feed with trace minerals and iodine additives.

l l


_ _ _. _ . . ~ . . . _. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _.


3. Location DK - cows on stored hay and feed from previous year, but fed outside.
4. Location BB - cows not in pasture; fed on stored hay / feed indoors.

The normal background activity for the Big Rock Point affected sample media is:

1. Air charcoal I-131 -.<.007 pCi/m3 i'
2. Air particulate gross beta - 0.01 to 0.24 pCi/m3

! 3. Milk I-131 - <1.0 pCi/L i Palisades Nuclear Plant, Covert, Michinan Air charcoal / particulate (gamma spectroscopy): iodine-131 and gross beta Sample period: 5/4/86 to 5/11/86 I-131 Gross S-Near-site stations 1 0.09 pCi/m3 0.04 pCi/m3 2 0.08 pCi/m 2 0.04 pCi/m 3 3 0.08 pCi/m 3 0.06 pCi/m 3 4 0.20 pCi/m 3 0.05 pCi/m 3 5 0.06 pC1/m3 0.04 pCi/m3

6 0.08 pCi/m 3 0.04 pCi/m3 7 0.03 pCi/a s 0.04 pCi/m3 8 0.02 pCi/m2 0.03 pCi/m3 i 9 <.02 pCi/m 3 0.04 pCi/m3 Control stations 10 <.007 pCi/m3 0.02 pCi/m 3 11 <.007 pCi/m 3 0.02 pCi/m 3 12 <.007 pCi/m 3 0.02 pCi/m 3 s

1 Air charcoal / particulate (samma spectroscopy): iodine-131 and gross beta I

Sample period: 5/11/86 to 5/18/86 I-131 Gross S-

, Near-site stations 1 0.1 pCi/m 3 0.17 pCi/m 3 2 0.8 pCi/m 3 0.14 pCi/m 3 r 3 0.4 pCi/m 3 0.18 pCi/m 3

4 0.7 pCi/m 3 Not available

. 5 0.3 pCi/m3 0.12 pCi/m 3 6 0.1 pCi/m 3 0.11 pCi/m 3

7 0.2 pCi/m 3 0.14 pCi/m3 8 0.5 pCi/m 3 0.09 pCi/m3 i 9 0.1 pCi/m3 0.12 pCi/m3 i


4 I IC0686-0151A-HP01

4 Control stations 10 0.4 pCi/m3 0.25 pCi/m 3 11 0.1 pCi/m 3 0.28 pCi/m3 12 0.1 pCi/m a 0.27 pCi/m 3 Air charcoal / particulate (gamma spectroscopy): iodine-131 and gross beta Sample period: -5/18/86 to 5/25/86 4

I-131 Gross S-Near-site stations 1 0.22 pCi/m 3 0.12 2 0.12 pCi/m 3 0.12

3 0.49 pCi/m 3 0.16

<0.04 pCi/m 3 0.14 4

5 0.11 pCi/m 3 0.14 6 0.29 pCi/m 3 0.11 7 0.25 pCi/m 3 0.12 8 0.12 phi /m 3 0.14 9 0.19 pCi,/m 3 0.12 Control locations 10 0.33 pCi/m 3 0.19 11 0.06 pCi/m 3 0.04 12 0.26 pCi/m 3 0.10 Milk (chemical separation): iodine-131.pci/L Sarple period: from 4/2/86 to 5/6/86 (regular samples)

Near-site locations GH <1.0 pCi/L GM <1.0 pCi/L KK <1.0 pCi/L 1

Control location CD <1.0 pCi/L 4

Milk (chemical separation): iodine-131 pCi/L l Sample period: from 5/7/86 to 5/14/86 (special samples) l l

Near-site locations GH 3.6 pC1/L

! GM 3.3 pCi/L KK 16.3 pCi/L Control location CD Not available Milk (chemical separation): iodine-131 pCi/L Sample period: from 5/15/86 to 5/23/86 (spr-ial samples) l Near-site locations GH 3.5 pCi/L GM 3.9 pCi/L KK 24.6 pCi/L Control location CD 11.3 pCi/L A regular monthly (June) set of milk samples was collected 6/3/86, but labora-tory analysis is incomplete.



5 The following is a status of the Palisades milk sampling locations / dairy operations:

1. Location GM - cows not in pasture; fed on stored hay / feed, however cows do roam in an outside area adjacent to barn.
2. Location GM - cows not in pasture; fed on stored hay / feed, however cows do roam in an outside area adjacent to barn.
3. Location KK - cows in pasture since early May.
4. Location CD - Constantine Dairy; milk obtained from several local sources.

The normal background activity for the Palisades affected sample media is:

1. Air charcoal I-131 - <.007 pCi/m 3
2. Air particulate gross beta - 0.02 to .032 pCi/m 3
3. Milk I-131 - <1.0 pCi/L Any additional analytical data from the Big Rock Point and Palisades locations will be provided to the Commission as it becomes available from our laboratory contractor.

i l

4 IC0686-0151A-NP01

Ta BDJ:hnra, P24-606 From TPNea1, Palisades [ CONSUMERS e0WER Date September 10, 1986 COMPANY Subject PALISADES PLANT- Internal SECOND FOLLOWUP RESPONSE TO IE INFORMATION NOTICE Correspondence 86-21 " REQUEST FOR COLLECTION OF LICENSEE RADIOACTIVITY MEASUREMENTS ATTRIBUTED TO THE CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR PLANT ACCIDENT" CC WLBeckman JLBeer, Big Rock Point TPN86*042 RAEnglish, P26-400 DSS: 950/24*03*10/LP 740/24*03*10/LP This correspondance is the final followup report to a previous communication submitted by Consumers Power Company to the NRC on June 24, 1986 concerning environmental radioactivity measurements taken at Big Rock Point and Palisades Nuclear Plants. The additional environmental rauioactivity data provided in this report was obtained by analysis of routine samples collected at Big Rock Point and Palisades since May 25, 1986 in support of the Radioactive Environ-mental Monitoring Programs (REMP).

Big Rock Point Technical Specification 13.2.1.b and Palisades Technical Specification 4.11.1.b dictate that when the level of radioactivity as a result of plant effluents in an environmental sampling medium at a specified location exceed NRC reporting levels (when averaged over any calendar quarter), then a Special Report shall be prepared and submitted to the Commission within thirty (30) days. This report fulfills that Technical Specification requirement, even though the reportable levels of radioactivity are the result of the Chernobyl accident. Data from this supplemental report will be incorporated into the 1986 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports for Big Rock Point and Palisades.

4 IC0986-0210A-HP01

-- _ _ _ -_ - __,,,_ ._ -__ ~ _.___._.-_ _, _ _ _ . _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ .__._,_..._m..-_ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ .__, , - _ - . _ - , _ - , _ - - - - - . -

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Bia Rock Point Nuclear Plant, Charlevois, MI Air charcoal / particulate (gamma spectroscopy): iodine-131 and gross bets Sample period: 5/22/86 to 5/29/86 I-131 Gross 8-Near site stations 1 0.19 pci/ms 0.11 pCi/m8 2 0.09 pCi/m3 0.12 pCi/m3 3 0.14 pCi/m3 0.11 pCi/m3 4 0.13 pCi/m 3 0.11 pCi/m3 Control stations 5 *<.05 pCi/m3 0.13 pCi/m3 6 0.16 pCi/m3 0.12 pCi/m3 7 0.25 pC1/m3 0.12 pCi/m3

  • Note: LLD could not be reached due to a delay in counting time.

Air charcoal / particulate (gamma spectroscopy): iodine-131 and gross beta Sample period: 5/29/86 to 6/5/86 I-131 Gross S-Near site stations 1 0.06 pCi/m3 0.28 pCi/m 3 2 0.10 pCi/m3 0.23 pCi/m3 3 0.26 pCi/m3 0.27 pCi/m 3 4 0.08 pCi/m 3 0.14 pCi/m3 Control stations 5 0.06 pCi/m3 0.23 pCi/m3 6 0.09 pCi/m 3 0.26 pCi/m 3 7 0.09 pCi/m3 0.23 pCi/m3 All air iodine and gross beta results returned to background levels after the 5/29 - 6/5/86 sampling period.

Milk (chemical separation) iodine-131 pCi/L

  • Sample period: 5/29/86 to 6/12/86 (regular monthly samples)

Near site stations JG 20.4 pCi/L RM 6.9 pCi/L DK 6.5 pCi/L Control location BB 10.5 pCi/L All the July (regular) milk samp1_es are reported as containing below LLD

(<1.0 pCi/L) concentrations of I-131. There were no changes in types and locations of collected milk samples (or dairy operations) since the last report.


. 9, ,



4 Palisades Nuclear Plant, Covert, MI Air charcoal / particulate (gamma spectroscopy): iodine-131 and gross beta Sample period: 5/25/86 to 6/1/86 e

'Li I-131 Gross S-Near, site stations 1 <0.07 pCi/m3 0.06 pCi/m3 2 0.08 pCi/m3 0.07 pCi/m3 3 0.14 pCi/m3 0.11 pCi/m 3 4 <0.07 pCi/m3 0.07 pCi/m3 5 0.15 pCi/m3 0.07 pCi/m3 6 0.06 pCi/m3 0.06 pCi/m3 7 <0.03 pCi/m 3 0.08 pCi/m 3 8 <0.07 pCi/m 3 0.07 pCi/m 3 9 <0.07 pCi/m 3 0.07 pCi/m3 Control locations- 10 0.18 pCi/m3 0.07 pCi/m 3 11 0.13 pCi/m 3 0.06 pCi/m 3 12 0.24 pCi/m3 0.09 pCi/m 3 Air charcoal / particulate (gamma spectroscopy): iodine-131 and gross beta Sample period: 6/1/86 to 6/8/86 to{yff g

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I-131 Gross S- mm Near site stations 1 <0.07 pCi/m3 0.08 pCi/m 3 2 <A M pCi/m3 c. 05 0.10 pCi/m 3 3 < W pci/m3 a.g 0.12 pCi/m3 4 <0.07 pCi/m3 0.08 pCi/m 3 5 <0 X pci/m 3 o.fs- 0.07 pCi/m 3

'6 <n M pci/m3 <;1b.95, 0.11 pCi/m 3 7 <.Ddr7 pCi/m3 ag 0.08 pCi/m3 8 <0.07 pCi/m 3 0.09 pCi/m 3 9 <0.07 pC1/m 3 0.07 pCi/m 3 Control locations 10 <0.03 pCi/m3 0.14 pCi/m3 11 <0.04 pCi/m 3 0.10 pCi/m 3 12 0.16 pCi/m3 0.23 pCi/m3 Air charcoal / particulate (gamma spectroscopy): iodine-131 and gross beta Sample period: 6/8/86 to 6/12/86

, I-131 Gross S-Near site locations -

All locations at LLD or background level Control locations 10 <0.07 pCi/m3 0.02 pCi/m 3 11 <0.07 pCi/m 3 0.04 pCi/m 3 12 <0.07 pCi/m 3 0.03 pCi/m3 ICO386-0210A-HP01

4 Milk (chemical separation) iodine-131 pCi/L Sample period: 5/23/86 to 6/3/86 (resular sample)

Near site locations GH 1.6 pCi/L GN 1.9 pCi/L XK 7.1 pCi/L Control locations CD 7.9 pCi/L Milk (chemical separation) iodine-131 pCi/L Sample period: 6/3/86 to 7/1/86 r ,

Near site locations GH 1.2 pCi/L '

GM <1.0 pCi/L (LLD)

, KK 1.0 poi /L Control locations CD <1.0 PC 'i/L (LLD)

It is not expected that any of the August milk samples will have reportable concentrations of I-131 activity. There were no changes in types and loca-tions of collected milk samples (or dairy operations) since the last report.

If any additional reportable activity concentrations from environmental samples collected at either Eig Rock Point and/or Palisades locations becomes


I available, the results will be provided to the NRC as per Technical Specifi-cation requirements.


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[IC09ho-0210/3 HP01 v


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Ts RLBurdetto, Big Rock Paitt From h re Palisades CONSUMERS P0 w.R Date December 1, 1986 COMPANY Subject BIG ROCK POINT- Internal.


Correspondence ,

CC JLBeer, Big Rock Point MAM86*023 DCC: 740/72*10*03/LP The attached tables and map are the results of the Big Rock Point Land Use Census conducted June 18-19, 1986. Table 10.11-1 references the distance from Big Rock Point to the nearest residence, garden, beef / dairy cattle and goat per meteorological sector. Table 10.11-2 identifes the locations of the nearest residence, of all gardens (greater.than 500 square. feet) within a three mile radios of the plant, and all beef / dairy cattle within a five mile radius of the plant. No goats were located while conducting the 1986 Land Use Census. Table 10.11>3 lists the critical receptor locations used in calculation of offsite doses by the GASPAR computer program. An accompanying map illustrates Table 10.11-2.

Prior to conductint the 1986 Big Rock Point Land Use Census, both the Charlevoix County Agricultural Extension Office and Consumers Power Northern Region Office were contacted on June 11, 1986 as specified in Palisades HP Procedure 10.11. There were less gardens and dairy cows observed than in previous years.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Reviewed and Authorized: /M AG T P Neal, Staff HP, RMC/RSD Date i

l I

I IC1286-0266A-RP01


I TABLE 10.11-1 '

Distance to the nearest residence, garden, dairy / beef cattle and goat in each sector.

SECTOR RESIDENCE GARDEN DAIRY COW BEEF CATTLE GOAT WSW 2.5 mi >5 mi >5 mi >5 mi >5 mi SW 1.1 mi >5 mi >5 mi >5 mi >5 mi SSW 1.3 mi 2.1 mi >5 mi >5 mi >5 mi S 1.9 mi >5 mi >5 mi >5 mi >5 mi SSE 1.7 mi 1.8 mi 3.5 mi 3.5 mi >5 mi SE 1.7 mi >5 mi 4.0 mi 1.7 mi >5 mi ESE 1.5 mi 2.4 mi 2.6 mi 2.6 mi >5 mi E 1.4 mi 2.5 mi 2.5 mi 2.5 mi >5 mi ENE 2.3 mi >5 mi >5 mi >5 mi >5 mi I


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BIG ROCK POINT LAND USE CENSUS REPORT TABLE 10.11-2 Verification of Items Locations of nearest residence; of all gardens greater than 500 square feet within a three mile radiums of plant; and all beef / dairy cattle within a five mile radius of plant. No go.:ts were located while conducting the 1986 Land Use Census.

Sector Location Description Item Number / Comment WSW Birchwood Ranch Shores Residence l McSauba North Point SW Lackin residence Residence 1 Dirt Road (Birchwood Ranch Shores)

Dirt trail off of Martin Rd SSW Edward K. Shanahan, Residence 1 Private Drive Private drive north of US-31 SSW Robert Burns Garden 1 Boyne City Road South side of road adj.

to Mfg Nat'l Bank property S G. Skeel Residence 1

. North (dead) end North of Boyne City Road of See Road SSE Robert Dyksterhouse, Residence 1 Private drive West of Old US-31, adj Garden 1 Susan Lake SSE Lester Umlar Farms Cattle 30-beef i Intersection of Southwest corner of Boyne City and intersection Quarterline Roads SSE Jerry & Hazel Haggerty Cattle 8-dairy Intersection of Farms, southeast corner Boyne City and of intersection Quarterline Roads IC0685-0178A-HP01

_ . - . _ _ ._ . _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ . __ . . _ . _ _ . _ _ .. ..a _ __ _ .. . _

3 4 I

i Table 10.11-2 (cont'd)

Sector Location Description Ites Number / Comment SSE Betty Straw Cattle 7-beef Intersection of Northwest corner of Burgess and intersection Quarterline Roads SE Daniel & Rebecca Berg Residence 1 Intersection of Old Route 3; southwest corner cattle 4-beef US-31-and Smith Road of intersection .

SE . George Smith _ Cattle 2-beef Smith Road End of Smith Road, south of Old US-31 SE R.M. Jess, 407 Shrigley; Cattle 8-beef Intersection Old southeast corner of US-31 & Shrigley Rd intersection SE_ Lee Sneathen, Jr. Farms, Cattle 20-beef Intersection of west side of intersection 4-dairy Maple Grove and Dalton Road SE

  • John and Shirley Golovich, Cattle 38-dairy Maple Grove between east side of Maple Grove Rd. 5-beef Quarterline and Dalton Road intersections ESE J. Bowman, Burgess Road, Residence 1 Burgess Road 1 mile south of US-31 ESE CM Garden 1 Upper Bay Shore Road 1 mile east of Upper Bay Shore and Burgess Road intersection (south side of l road)

ESE L W Kuebler, \ mile East Cattle 12-beef Upper Bay Shore Road of Upper Bay Shore and (North side of road) Burgess Rd intersection ESE Merle Hand, 304 Upper Bay Cattle 6-beef Upper Bay Shore Road Shore Rd, \ mile west of 3-dairy Upper Bay Shore and Maple Grove Road (south side of t road)


4 Table 10.11-2 (cont'd)

Sector Location Description Ites Number / Comment Ed Smally, Box 3148, west Cattle 1-dairy ESE Stolt Road end (turnaround area) of 5-beef Stolt Road, 3/4 mi from intersection of Stolt and Maple Grove Road ESE Thomas Haralin, northeast Cattle 3-dairy Stolt Road corner intersection of . 9-beef Stolt and Murry Roads E Ralph J. Purvis, \ sile Residence 1 Burgess Road south of intersection of Burgess and US-31 E Leo Burnett, northwest Garden 1 Maple Grove Road corner of intersection of ,

short dead-end road and Maple Grove Road; % sile south of US-31 E

  • Dan Kuebler Farms cattle 13-beef Upper Bay Shore Road 1 mile east of Upper Bay 15-dairy Shore and Burgess Road Garden 1 intersection (north side of road)

T. McClellan, northeast corner Cattle 1-beef E

Intersection of Maple of intersection of Maple Grove 1-dairy Grove and Upper Bay and Upper Bay Shore Road Shore Road E F.P. Foltz, west side of Cattle 2-dairy

Maple Grove Road Maple Grove Road, % mile south of Maple Grove and Old US-31 intersection l

E Hiram & Margaret Steward, Cattle 7-dairy l

Upper Bay Shore Road mile east of intersection of Upper Bay Shore Road and Burnett Road E Raymond Griffin, northeast Cattle 3-dairy Intersection of Upper corner of intersection 30-beef Bay Shore and Murry Roads i

IC0685-0178A-HP01 L

5 Table 10.11-2 (cont'd)

Sector Location Description Ites Number / Comment E John Murry, southeast corner Cattle 3-beef Intersection of Upper of intersection Bay Shore and Murry Roads E John Speigel, west corner Cattle 2-beef Intersection of Murry of intersection Road and Old US-31 .

E . C.C. Hand, 332 E. Pin Cherry; Cattle 4-dairy Pin Cherry Road \ mile south of intersection at Upper Bay Shore and Pin Cherry Road ENE Werner Cunningham, south side Residence 1 US-31 of US-31, 2.3 miles east of BRP Plant

  • Note: Current milk sample locations.

4 e

e IC0685-0178A-HP01 i


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6 BIG ROCK POINT LAND USE CENSUS REPORT Table 10.11-3 Critical Receptor Identification


E - 0.6 *Lezalite Plastics Corp. Fact'ory 7.76E-08 US-31 (adj. site boundary) l E- 1.4 Ralph J. Purvis, 4 mi. south Residence / 5.92E-08 of intersection of Burgess Garden and US-31

-ESE 0.5 Site Boundary N/A 9.12E-08 SE 1.7 R.M. Jess, 407 Shrigley Rd, Beef 4.11E-08 southeast corner of US-31 Cattle and Shrigley Rd intersection SE 1.7 Daniel & Rebecca Berg, Rt. 3, Beef 4.11E-08 Old US-31 and Smith Road Cattle intersection.

i E 2.5 Dan Kuebler Farms, 1 mile Dairy 3.79E-08 east of Upper Bay Shore and Burgess Road intersection

  • NOTE: Not normally used as critical receptor location in GASPAR program, however factory is adjacent site boundary and staffed 24-hours per day.
    • NOTE: Ref. 1983 BRP net data.

l' l

l. IC0685-0178A-HP01


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