NUREG-1635, Informs That During 453rd Meeting on 980603-05,ACRS Discussed Several Matters & Completed Listed Repts & Ltr

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Informs That During 453rd Meeting on 980603-05,ACRS Discussed Several Matters & Completed Listed Repts & Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Monticello, 05200003  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/07/1998
From: Seale R
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
To: Shirley Ann Jackson, The Chairman
RTR-NUREG-1635, RTR-REGGD-01.178, RTR-REGGD-1.178 ACRS-SL-0462, ACRS-SL-462, SECY-98-076-C, SECY-98-76-C, NUDOCS 9905210163
Download: ML20206S579 (9)




'=8 f Litug#o UNITED STATES SL-0462


[ E: ADVISORY COMMITTEE oN REACTOR SAFEGUARDS PDR WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 July 7,1998 The Honorable Shirley Ann Jackson Chairman U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001-

Dear Chairman Jackson:



REPORT- FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY-THIRD MEETING OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS, JUNE 3-5, 1998, AND OTHER RELATED ACTIVITIES OF THE COMMITTEE During its 453rd meeting, June 3-5,1998, the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) discussed several matters and completed the following reports and letter, in addition, the Committee authorized Dr. Larkins, Executive Director, to transmit the memoranda noted below:


. Proposed Final Draft of the NRC's Human Performance Plan (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated June 12, 1998.)

. Proposed Final Standard Review Plan Section 3.9.8 and Reaulatorv Guide 1.178 for Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection of Pioing (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated June 12,1998.)

. The Safety Asoects of the Westinghouse Electric Comoany Aoolication for Certification of the AP600 Plant Desian - Interim Letter 3 (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated June 15, 1998.)

. NRC Reactor Fuels Research Proaram (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated June 15,1998.)

. Review of SECY-98-076. " Core Research Caoabilities" (Report to Shirley Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated June 16, 1998.) '

, RSO\ lC 07 h



Cactit$ed By  %

E The Honorable Shiriey Jackson' 2

.. Review and Evaluation of the Norlaar Reaulatorv Commi== inn Safety Research Program (Letter to Shirley. Ann Jackson, Chairman, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated June 24,1998, transmitting an advance copy of NUREG-

' 1635, Volume 1. Review and Evaluation of the NRC Safety Research Program)

LETTER NRC' Particination in the CABRI Reactor Fuels Research Proaram (Letter to L.

Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from R. L. Seale, Chairman, ACRS, dated June 9,1998)


.- Draft Advance Notice of Pronnaad Rolamakina Ranardina Amendina 10 CFR 50.72.

"lrnn+"t NuGTu.n Raoulrernent. for Onen una Nurhu Pc" r Reactors." and 10 CFR 50.73. " Licensee Event Reoort System"(Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated June 9,1998)

. Rafatv Evaluatinn Renort on Electne Power Ramaarch Innente Tonical Report. TR-107330. Final Report. " Generic Reauirements Specification for Qualifyina a Commercially Av-a-hie PLC for Safetv-Re!sted Anolications in Nuciaar Pc"; r Plants." (Memorandum to L. Joseph Callan, Executive Director for Operations, NRC, from John T. Larkins, Executive Director, ACRS, dated June 9,1998)


1. AP600 Design The Committee heard presentations by and held discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and the Westinghouse Electnc Company regarding the AP600 Test and Analysis Program, several chapters of the Standard Safety Analysis Report, the Level 2 and 3 Probabilistic Risk Assessments, the regulatory treatment of non-safety systems, and the associated NRC staffs evaluation. The Committee, the staff, and Westinghouse discussed the documentation of the Test and Analysis Program, derivation of the bounding water hammer event used to evaluate the proposed leak-before-break piping design for the feedwater system, and shortcomings of the passive autocatalytic recombiner environmental qualification criterist.

The Honorabie Shirley Jackson 3 i The Committee issued a report to Chairman Jackson, dated June 15,1998, on this q matter. The Committee plans to continue its discussion of the AP600 design and complete a final report to the Commission during the July 8-10,1998, ACRS meeting.

2. Human Performance Plan j The Committee heard presentations by and held discussions with representatives  :

of the NRC staff concerning the proposed final drafts of the Human Performance Plan. The staff explained the revisions made to the Plan and responded to a list of questions developed by the ACRS members. The Committee and the staff discussed the relationship between human error and risk, the mission statement for the human performance program, and the performance-based regulation of human l performance. The staff informed the Committee that it plans to rename the j document the "NRC Program to Assess Human Performance." i Conclusion The Committee issued a report to Chairman Jackson, dated June 12,1998, on this matter.

3. Core Research Capabilities 1 The Committee heard presentations by and held discussions with representatims of the NRC staff regarding SECY-98-076, " Core Research Capabilities." In SECY- i 98-076, the staff has identified 29 areas of expertise-driven core research capabilities. The Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) believes that if the level of resources is maintained in these 29 areas, it will have access to a full range of research expertise that can help respond to any unanticipated technical issues that may arise. The staff also believes that there is an important nexus between the availability of expertise / facilities and the pursuit of meaningful research. If the NRC and its contractors do not pursue relatively stable programs involving challenging work, talented personnel are likely to leave. Another result will be the loss of access to facilities and potential elimination of facilities due to lack of support.

Conclusion The Committee issued a report to Chairman Jackson, dated June 16,1998, on this matter.


l The Honorable Shirley Jackson - 4

4. BWR Extended Power Uprate Apphcation The Committee h' eard presentations by and held discussions with representatives of the General Electric (GE) Nuclear Energy, the Northem States Power (NSP)


- Company (Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant licensee), and the NRC staff concoming the GE Extended Power Uprate Program and the NSP lead-plant application for a power level increase of 6.3% for the Monticello Plant. in 1995,' GE initiated a program to support extended power level increases for operating boiling-

. water reactors (BWRs). The word " extended" is used by GE to distinguish this program from its initial power increase program, which, upon NRC approval, allowed BWR licensees to increase plant core power by 5%. Under the extended uprate program, licensees can seek power level increases from > 5% up to 20% of nominally licensed core power.


- The Committee deferred issuing a report on this matter, pending review of the GE Topical Report ELTR2, " Generic Guidelines for_ General Electric Boiling Water Reactor Extended Power Uprate," and the associated staffs position paper. The

Committee plans to continue its review of this matter during the 454th ACRS

. meeting, July 8-10,1998.

5. Anancv-Wwie Plan for Hioh-Burnuo Fuel The Committee was briefed by representatives of the NRC staff regarding an
agency-wide plan for high-bumup fuel. The plan concems utilization of fuel up to the current limit of 62 GWd/t bumup (average for the peak rod) and recomrncnds a strategy for assessing requests for bumups beyond that limit. The plan, which addresses the following nine issues, was prepared by the NRC Program Offices

'. l Cladding integrity and fuel design limits

.- Control rod insertion problems

. . Criteria and analysis for reactivity accidents

  • _ Criteria and analysis for LOCA

. Criteria and analysis for BWR power oscillations (ATWS)

. . Fuel rod and neutronic computer codes

  • Source term and core melt progression

. . Transportation and dry storage

. High enrichments (greater than 5%)



The Honorable Shirley Jackson . 5 The staff believes that the proposed program plan provides a licensing and research strategy for confirming the safety of currently approved bumup levels and for considering further bumup extensions that the industry is expected to request. The staff believes that there is no immediate safety concem at the current bumup level of 62 GWd/t. The licensing and research strategy for burnup extensions involves a shift in responsibility to the industry for developing guidelines and criteria.

Conclusion The Committee issued a letter to the EDO, dated June 9,1998, regarding the NRC participation in the French CABRI reactor fuels research program, and a report to the Commission, dated June 15,1998, regarding the proposed fuels research program plan.

6. Ooeratina Plan for the NRC Technical Trainina Proarams i

The Committee heard presentations by and held discussions with representatives of the Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data regarding the i operating plan for the agency's technical training programs. The staff discussed the operating plans for the Technical Training Division in the area of reactors. The staff also noted features of the nuclear materials training program and the recent formulation by the EDO of an Agency Training Review Team. This Team has been directed by the EDO to perform an agency-wide revision of training activities with the goal of improving effectiveness and efficiency of the training process. The Team's final report to the Executive Council is scheduled to be issued on October 15, 1998. Training program challenges noted included the need to expand probabilistic risk assessment training and to find more efficient ways of presenting the required technical training in light of constricting agency resources.

Conclusion This briefing was for information only. No Committee action was required.

7. Prooosed Modifications to 10 CFR 50.59. (Chanaes. Tests and Exoeriments)

The Committee heard presentations by and held discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding the status of activities associated with the proposed modifications to 10 CFR 50.59. The staff discussed the status of resolution of some of the key issues identified in the Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM) dated March 24,1998. In a memorandum to the Commission dated May 27,1998, the EDO recommended not to revise 10 CFR 50.59 concerning accidents or


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~ The Honorable Shiriey Jackson


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malfunctions of a different type. The EDO also recommended not revising the rule

language to refer to " minimal" reductions in margins of safety.

Conclusion l At the request of the ' staff, the ACRS Subcommittee on Plant Operations discussed this matter at a meeting on June 19,1998. The Committee plans to discuss this matter during the July 8-10,1998 ACRS meeting.

8. Pranamad Final Standard Review Plan (SRP) Section and Reaulatory Guide for Risk-Informed inservice inspechon of Piping i

The Committee heard presentations by and held discussions with representatives of the NRC staff, the Nuclear Energy institute, the Westinghouse Owners Group, the Electric Power Research Institute, and others regarding the proposed final Standard Review Plan Section 3.9.8 and associated Regulatory Guide 1.178 (formetty DG-1063) for risk-informed inservice inspection of piping at nuclear power plants. .The Committee discussed the staFs proposal to issue the subject documents for " trial use." The Committee also discussed the staffs plan to issue ,

the Appendices, which were part of DG-1063, as a NUREG document so that the technical approaches will be available for use and comment by the industry.

Conclusion The Committee issued a report to Chairman Jackson dated June 12,1998, on this matter.

RECONCILIATION OF ACRS COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Committee discussed the response from the NRC Executive Director for Operations (EDO) to ACRS comments and recommendations included in recent ACRS reports:

+ - EDO letter dated May 4,1998, responding to the ACRS report dated April 9,1998, conceming the proposed Commission paper entitled, " Plans to increase

, " Performance-Based Approaches in Regulatory Activities."

IThe Committee decided to discuss this issue at a future meeting after the staff has issued a White Paper on performance-based regulation.

. EDO letter dated May 20,1998, responding to the second interim ACRS letter,

' dated April 9,1998, concerning the safety aspects of the Westinghouse Electric Company application for certification of the AP600 plant design.


D p.

o L The, Honorable Shirley Jackson 7 The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO's response.

. .EDO letter dated May 28,1998, responding to the ACRS report dated March 16,

'1998,' concoming; SECY-98-001, " Mechanism for Addressing Generic Safety Issues." -


The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO's response, but that it 7

would continue to discuss this issue at a future ACRS meeting.

  • EDO letter dated May 29,1998, responding to the ACRS report dated May 8,1998, concoming the proposed final amendment to 10 CFR Part 55, " Initial Licensed Operator Examination Requirements."

The Committee decided that it was satisfied with the EDO's response.

t OTHER RFi ATED ACTIVITIES OF THE COMMITTEE During the period from April 30 through June 2,1998, the following Subcommittee meetings were held:

. Thermal-Hvdraulic and Severe Accident Phenomena - May 11-12,1998 _

The Subcommittee on Thermal-Hydraulic and Severe Accident Phenomena-continued its review of the results of the Westinghouse Test and Analysis Program supporting the AP600 design certdication. Specifically, the Subcommittee reviewed issues pertaining to the AP600 Reactor Coolant System, including the resolution of issues identified in the February 19,1998, ACRS letter.

. Advanced Reactor Desians - May 13-15,1998 The Subcommittee on Advanced Reactor Designs continued its review of the Westinghouse AP600 design. Specifically, the Subcommittee reviewed Chapters 3,6,9A,14,16, and 17 of the AP600 Standard Safety Analysis Report, PRA, the

. regulatory treatment of nonsafety systems, and the associated NRC staff's draft Final Safety Evaluation Report.

. Safetv'Research P'roaram - June 1,1998 The Subcommittee on Safety Research Program discussed SECY-98-076, " Core Research Capabilities," and related matters.


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. The Honorable Shirley Jackson 8-

  • Materials and Metallurgy - June 1,1998 The Subcommittee on Materials and Metallurgy discussed the status of resolution of the' NRC staffs concerns related to the 1994 Addenda to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section lit for Class 1,2, and 3 piping systems.
  • Plannina and Procedures - June 2,1998 The Planning and Procedures Subcommittee discussed proposed ACRS activities, practices, and procedures for conducting Committee business and organizational and personnel matters relating to ACRS and its staff. The Subcommittee reviewed preparations for the Quadripartite Meeting to be held in Japan on October 5-9,-

1998. Members have been asked to prepare papers on each topic on the agenda.


  • The Committee decided not to review the draft Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding amending 10 CFR 50.72, "Immediate Notification Require-ments for Operating Nuclear Power Reactors," and 10 CFR 50.73, " Licensee Event Report System," and has no objection to its issuance for public comment. The

~ Committee, however, would like the opportunity to review the proposed rule when it becomes available.

  • The Committee considered the Safety Evaluation Report on Electric Power Research institute Topical Report, TR-107330, Final Report, " Generic Requirements Speedication for Qualifying a Commercially Available PLC for Safety-Related Applications in' Nuclear Power Plants," and decided it had no objection to the issuance of the report. The Committee may consider discussing this matter at a future meeting.

.- :The Committee plans to continue its discussion of the use of performance-based

. approaches in regulatory activities after the staff has issued the White Paper on performance-based regulation.

. The Committee plans to discuss.the staffs reevaluation of the Generic issue process at a future meeting.


lThe Comnvttee agreed to consider the following during the 454th ACRS meeting, July 8-



c c.

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- The Honorable Shirley Jackson 9 i

BWR Extended Power Unrate Anoliem+ inn (Open/ Closed) - The Committee will hear presentabons by and hold discussions with representatives of the General Electric Nuclear Energy (GE), the Northem States Power Company (NSP), and the NRC staff regarding the GE extended power uprate program for operating BWRs, and the NSP application for a power level increase of 6.3 percent for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Piar.t. 1 Pronosed Revisions to 10 CFR 50.59 (Changes. Tests and Funeriments) (Open) The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding proposed revisions to 10 CFR 50.59, resolution of issues identified in the March 24,1998 Staff Requirements Memorandum related to SECY-97-205," Integration and Evaluation of Results from Recent Lessons-Learned Reviews," and related matters. 1 AP600 Desian (Open/ Closed);- The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the Westinghouse Electnc Company and the NRC staff regarding the Westinghouse application for certification of the AP600 design and the associated NRC staff evaluation.

Fire Barrier Penetration Seals and Related Matters (Open) - The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff regarding Supplement 1 to NUREG-1552, " Fire Barrier Penetration Seals at Nuclear Power Plants,"

an Information Notice on " inadequate Identification and Analysis of Required and Associated Electrical Circuits Resulting in the Potential Loss of Post-Fire Safe-Shutdown Capability," and related matters.

BWR Pressure Vessel Shell Weld Insoections (Open) - The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with representatives of the NRC staff and the BWR Vessel and intemals Project (BWRVIP) regarding the BWRVIP-05 report, "BWR Pressure Vessel Shell Weld Inspection Recommendations," and the associated NRC staff evaluation.

Operatina Plan for the NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Reaulation (NRR) (Open) - The Committee will hear presentations by and hold discussions with the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation and his staff regarding the NRR Operating Plan and related matters.

Sincerely, R. L. Seale Chairman