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Rev 0 to Process Control Program
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1986
Shared Package
ML20155C867 List:
PROC-860331-01, NUDOCS 8604170148
Download: ML20155C876 (23)






5 Revision 0 March'1986 S6 p

41 8 86 ~


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E 'II. System Description 2 III.- Process Control 4 IV. Sampling P -7

17. Waste Classification 8 VI. Temporary Radwaste Processing (Contracted Vendor) 8 VII. Administrative Controls 9 l

VIII. Quality Assurance 9 IX. Training- 10 X. Document Control and Records Retention 11 XI. Revisions to PCP 11 1.0 Appendices l

l Appendix A - Methodology for Dptermining Feed System Flowrates

! Appendix B - Procedures ---

Appendix C - Shipping Manifest Forms 2.0 Figures Figure - System Overview Figure 1 - Solid Radwaste Systen Block Diagram Figure 2 - Sample Data Form Figure 3 - Waste Processing, Sequence of Events l


I. PURPOSE The purpose of- Seabrook Station's (SB) Process Control Program (PCP) is to describe the envelope within which processing and packaging of low-level' radioactive waste is. accomplished and as such provide assurance oT complete solidification of various radioactive ' wet wastes'.in accord-ance with the applicable portions of NRC regulations and guidance which includes the following documents:

10CFR61, " Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste"

,10CFR20, " Standards for Protection Against Radiation" I -

10CFR50, " Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities" 10CFR71, " Packaging of Radioactive Material for Transport and Transportation of Radioactive Material Under Certain Conditions" f -

49CFR, " Transportation" NUREG-0800; Standard Review Plan Section 11.2 Liquid Waste

' Management System

- NUREG-0800; Standard Review Plan Section 11.4 Solid Waste l- Management System-Branch Technical Position (ETSB) 11-3 " Design Guidance for Solid Radioactive Waste Management Systems Installed in Light Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants"


, ' _ Branch Technical: Position Papers pertaining to waste classification and waste form as - transmitted to commission licensees in letter from Leo B. Higgonbotham, Chief Low-Level Waste Licensing Branch,

! dated May 11, 1983 I"

l -

Werner-Pfleiderer Volume Reduction System Technical Manual; [10855-M137A-463]

Werner and Pfleiderer Volume Reduction System Topical Report WPC-VRS-001, Revision.1, May 1978 L

Regulatory Guide 1.143, Revision 0, Design Guidance for Radioactive

. Waste Management System, Structure, and Components Installed in L Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants l

NUREG-0472, " Standard Radiological Effluent Technical l Specifications for Pressurized Water Reactors" South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, f

Radioactive Material License #097, as amended l

Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, l

Radioactive Material License #WN-1019-2, as amended l

( __. . -- _ _ _ _ _ _ -.

9 NRC Special Nuclear Materials License #16-19204-01, as amended for Benton County, Washington NRC Special Nuclear Material License #12-13536-02, as amended for Barnwell, South Carolina ANSI /ANS-55.1/1979, American National Standard for Solid Radioactive Waste Processing System for Light Water Cooled Reactor Plants

-State of New Hampshire Regulations on Radioactive Waste Management Applicable to Seabrook Cenerating Station II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The Solid Waste Management System (SWMS) collects, volume reduces, solidifies and packages wet and dry radioactive waste in preparation for shipment. for burial. The SWMS is designed to operate on a controlled batch process basis. The major components of the SWMS other than station tankage and pump inventory are: resin centrifuge, crystallizer, extruder / evaporator, and a dry active waste (DAW) box compactor. (See Figure 1.) Seabrook Station will also have the ability to utilize the services of a mobile contractor. The vendor contracted will utilize an approved solidification agent and system. The mobile radwaste vendor's wasteform qualification program will be placed on file for NRC review.

A. Solidification Solidification of radwaste at Seabrook Station is accomplished by using a Waste-Chem (W-C) (Werner-Pfleiderer Corporation) Volume Reduction and Solidification Syste*m (VRS). This system is described in the topical report, . "Radwaste Volume Reduction and Solidification System," Report No. WPC-VRS-001, November 1976 (Rev.1 - May 1978).

The WC-VRS system utilizes a thermal-mechanical process with a thermoplastic binder material (asphalt) to reduce the volume and encapsulate and solidify process wastes.

I Liquid, slurried or dewatered waste materials and asphalt are simultaneously fed to the heated VRS system. A specific waste stream and asphalt are throughly mixed at elevated temperatures and pushed through the system at approximately I gpm at 325'F (supply temperature). At the elevated temperatures all remaining free

, water and bound moisture are evaporated from the waste materials l leaving behind a dehydrated waste residue. This residue is finely ground and thoroughly coated and homogeneously dispersed throughout the binder matrix. Molten waste is then discharged from the extruder to approved containers where they cool down to ambient i temperatures and solidify. The waste fo rm is now a free standing monolith. A detailed description of the solidification system is presented in section 11.4 of the Seabrook Station FSAR.

n y n

'B.' Remote Material Handling The solid 'radwaste monorail hoist Lplaces empty drums on the turn-


table, which positions the drums for filling under the extruder /

  • evaporator discharge port. The same monorail hoist removes filled drums from the turntable. ' The filled drums .are then placed on a full drum. conveyor and sent to a capping-swipe station. . At the

' capping station the . drums are . capped, and -may be swipped.' The


drums are then conveyed to the radwaste- storage area within the

waste processing building for temporary storage.

Wastes to be processed by the SWMS are of four typesj, i- 1. . Bead resins:from the plant waste system demineralizers i.

2. . Boric acid concentrates from the liquid radwaste evaporator l- -bottoms
3. Decontamination solution and detergent wastes from-the floor drains system
4. Dry active wastes During normal operations, spent bead resin is transferred from the L resin sluice tanks to the resin hopper. Resin is then transferred ,

! from the resin hopper to the extruder / evaporator or to the resin L centrifuge where transport water is driven off and the resin then-L -free falls.into the extruder / evaporator. Alternately spent resins may also be solidified or dewatered by a contracted mobile vendor.

i The waste concentrates tank collects evaporator ' bottoms and l- chemical drain treatment t'ank liquids. The accumulated liquid I wastes are then transferred to the waste feed tank 'where pH is L adj us ted. The wastes at this point can either be fed to the HPD Crystal 11zer, the extruder / evaporator, or to a contracted mobile

-vendor. The concentrates collected for processing in the solid waste management system originate from the following systems:

o liquid waste L  :

o boron recovery o steam generator blowdown i

o floor and equipment drains y- .

I Other waste inputs handled by the system include spent filters from the various clean up systems throughout the plant. Typically these i- filters are loaded-in a steel drum and encapsulated with either i asphalt or cement -(contracted mobile vendor) or they can be air dried, compacted and disposed of as DAW or loaded into a HIC.


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A subsystem of the SWMS is provided to process Dry Active Waste 3

(DAW). This subsystem will utilize a 100 f t box compactor. This system will handle typical power plant compactable and non-compactable waste. The box compactor will collect trash with an average density of 7 to 10 lbs/f t3 and compact it to a final

  • density of 30 to 40 lbs/ft3, III. PROCESS CONTROL Certain process variables have a direct bearing on the properties of the final product which relate - to the' ability to form a freestanding monolith with no free water. Waste-Chem, in their topical report, describes the gesults of testing performed to demonstrate the ability of the extruder /dvaporator system to produce an adequate product. Seabrook Station, based on this test data, will stay within the bounds of those results. The system will normally be operated with the waste feed within a specified pH range in order to protect equipment from corrosion:

In accordance with the foregoing limitations, the following parameters influence the properties and consistency of the final solid product:

Asphalt type; Ratio of waste-to-asphalt; and


Process temperature.

A. Asphalt Type Seabrook Station will use an oxidized petroleum-based asphalt, conforming to ASTM-D-312, Type III requirements. This grade of asphalt has a low, residual, volatile content, and a high molecular weight.~ At room temperature, and at normal ambient conditions, this material is a freestanding monolith. Witco Chemical Company's Pioneer 221 Asphalt, conforms to the referenced ASTM specification.

Specification of Witco Pioneer 221, or an equivalent, through the suppliers certificate of compliance is the means by which process control for asphalt quality is achieved.

It is the philosophy of Seabrook Station to prohibit the discharge of oil to the floor drain tanks. Seabrook Station will maintain a process limit of 1 percent oil in the waste-feed stream to the extruder. Administrative controls will ensure this limit is me t .

i Should these administrative controls be violated and significant l oil (greater than one percent) is suspected in the floor drains tank (s), methods will be utilized to separate and drain off the oil prior to its transfer to the waste concentrates tank.

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B. Waste-To-Asphalt Ratio in the Product The relative quantity (waste-to-asphalt ratio by weight)- of waste stream being incorporated in the asphalt matrix has a direct influence on the properties of the final product. Encapsulation of inorganic salts and solids typically "stif fen" and harden the waste product; whereas organic liquids have the opposite effect. When the proper ratio of waste-to-asphalt is maintained, final product properties relative to solidification are independent of the waste type.

The ratio of waste-to-asphalt by weight contained in the end product has the most bearing on the viscosity and physical consistency of the product during processing. The recommended ratios by weight of waste-to-asphalt for each waste feed is as follows:

1. Evaporator Concentrates 45/55 to 50/50
2. Spent Resins 30/70 to 50/50-Optimum value depends on type and quantity of contaminants present.

In all cases, the product will cool to form a freestanding monolith. Viewing of the product texture during container filling is available to the operator through closed circuit television.

Desired waste-to-asphalt ratios in the product are maintained by proportioning feed systems to the extruder / evaporator. Waste and asphalt feed rates are determined by calculational methodology (Appendix A). In all feed modes, the solids content of the waste stream is measured prior to initiation of feed flow. Waste feed rate limitations will be based on, extruder / evaporator performance and waste form qualification testing.

The waste stream flows are physically established and controlled by using mass flow meters and variable speed progressive cavity pumps. The asphalt flow is physically established and controlled by using a mass flow meter and a variable speed positive displace-ment gear pump.


D. Process Temperature

' A proper temperature profile along the length of the extruder /

evaporator is required to provide adequate evaporative (process) capacity, and to assure that free water is not discharged from the machine. Typical process temperature profiles for Seabrook waste

  • types are as follows:

Waste Type Process Temperature ( F)*

Extruder Heat Zones 1 2 3 4 5 6/7 8 Evaporator Concentrates 85 190 280 320 350 320 280 Spent Resins (Centrifuge) 85 190 280 320 350 300 190 ',

Spent Resins (Slurry) 85 190 280 320 350 300 190

  • The values given in this table are based on the VRS operating experience. The preoperational test program will determine

.the optimum setpoints.

Low temperature alarms are provided to alert the operator to a low temperature c it of specification condition which could potentially '

lead to the discharge of free water. These alarms are based on a five percent deviation from set point, typically 1/2-l% or 1 -

4*F. The percent deviation permitted can be adjusted in the field up to 10% (16 - 35*F) of set point. While deviations of 10% will not result in free water in the product, this condition is the maximum deviation that should be tolerated 'since failure to hold this range indicates a problem with the equipment.

If an out of specification condition persists for two (2) minutes, the extruder / evaporator and feed pumps are automatically tripped or the waste stream is diverted from the extruder / evaporator by an automatic flush sequence. Free water cannot be discharged in the interim, since the residual heat of the extruder / evaporator itself


is sufficient to effect evaporation. The foregoing controls /

interlocks are provided to prevent the discharge of free water to the container. The temperature profiles specified above have been proven by experiment to yield residual total moisture content in the product of 1% by weight for bead resins. This margin provides assurance that free water cannot be discharged under normal circumstances. Under upset or out of specification conditions, discharge of free water is prevented by the low temperatures process interlocks.

In support of maintaining the three major process parameters:

process temperature asphalt type mixture ratio

.and to assure a stable waste form consistent with the guidance of the PCP, radwaste operators will ensure the following functions are available, as a minimum, prior to processing.

o closed circuit television system at the asphalt loading system. .

o all temperature profile monitoring instrumentation.

o- asphalt and waste stream metering equipment (pumps, valves, etc.)

o all sampling capabilities.

Radwaste operators will als'o investigate any operation of the VRS that is not within the specified bounds of the before mentioned i parameters that impact on final waste form.

Because the W-C VRS is a non-chemical process in which solidifi-cation is achieved. solely by cooling of the product, standard surveillance is.not necessary. This statement is in itself supported by the NRC in its review and approval of the Topical Report on the Waste-Chem process.

IV. SAMPLING Waste streams will be processed on a controlled batch basis. As a minimum, batches will be controlled by isolating the following vessels:

Concentrates Bottoms Tank f Spent Resin Hopper Waste Feed Tanks (two)

However, if plant conditions permit, batches may be controlled (isolated) at either one of two Spent Resin Sluice Tanks or the Waste Concentrates Tank. This option provides the ability to control a larger batch (by volume) thereby minimizing the number of required samples and the number of process parameter adjustments, thus minimizing personnel exposure.

In either mode, should the controlled batch be violated, processing will cease. Coderols will be reestablished and sampling repeated, if

! necessary prior to the resumption of processing. All sampling necessary l to support waste processing will be delineated in plant procedures.

I l Chemistry department personnel will determine the radiochemical content

!' of each batch in accordance with procedures listed in Appendix B.

l Chemistry department personnel (or a contracted vendor) will also perform characterization and conformance of the waste stream according l to the regulatory guidance in the Branch Technical Position on l

Radioactive Waste Classification on an annual basis.

!i l

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The ' radwaste operators, utilizing the sample data form, Figure 3, and the calculational methodology will select appropriate feed rates for introduction into.the extruder / evaporators.

V. WASTE CLASSIFICATION AND CONFORMANCE TG 10CFR PART 61 Seabrook Station will meet the waste characteristics requirements identified in 10CFR61.56(a). Seabrook Station's radwaste procedures ensure that wastes determined acceptable for near surface disposal are properly classified for the purpose of segregation at the disposal site.. Waste classification is performed consistent with the guidance provided in the Branch Technical position pertaining to waste classifi-cation and is based upon the concentration of certain radionuclides in 9 the . waste form as given in 10CFR Part 61.55. Seabrook Station will meet these requirements by measuring gamma-emitting radionuclidos and by using interim correlation factors based on calculational methods described in the EPRI report "Radionuclide Correlations in Low-Level

. Radioactive Waste'. The methods utilized by Seabrook Station for determining radionuclide concentration of the final waste form is conducted in accordance with Seabrook Station procedure CPS.I.

The stability requirements of 10CFR61.55(b) for Class B and C waste forms will be met by the conformance testing program as demonstrated to

! the NRC in the Waste-Chem transmittal of August 1984. This program simulates the Seabrook Station waste streams (bead resins, boric acid and decontamination wastes) and includes the following tests:

o compressive strength o radiation stability o biodegradation .

o leaching r

o immersion o thermal degradation

! Completed test data for Class B and C waste forms will be submitted when all results are finalized.


In the event Seabrook Station requires the services of a contracted vendor to temporarily process and package radwaste on site, NilY will obtain the services of a vendor with an NRC approved topical report.

An engineering review on the contracted vendor's topical report will be performed to assure vendor operational requirements are compatible with Seabrook Station system operations responsibility.



c. . .-

In all cansa, cafety gnd ALARA concerns will be tha primary goal for (ny temporary radwaste system interface. The services and plant interfaces available will consist of, but are not limited to the following:

o fire protection o health physics support -

o potable and demineralized water o' plant service air o electric power o plant specific procedure training o plant badging o connections to plant systems o waste'and chemical analysis in support of vendor's PCP verification VII. ' ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Administrative controls are utilized to ensure that all processing is performed in accordance with the guidelines set forth in Seabrook Station's PCP. New Hampshire Yankee is responsible for performing that

. function through radwaste operating and administrative procedures and through Seabrook Station's Operational Quality Assurance Program.

These controls are designed to assure that the generated waste forms are acceptable for off-site shipment and that that acceptability is verified by QA. The responsibilities of the Operational Quality Assurance Program includes:

- measures to assure control of activities affecting the function of structures, systems and components.

- planned monitoring and audit programs that assure specified requirements of the operational QA program are met.

- coordinated and centralized quality assurance, direction, control and documentation as required by the applicable portions of 10CFR50 Appendix B are complied with.

management controls are established for the safe operation of Seabrook Station.

VIII. QUALITY ASSURANCE Implementation of the New Hampshire Yankee (NHY) Operational QA Program is assured by ongoing review, surveillance and audit functions which fall under the direction of the Nuclear Quality Manager who reports to the Vice President and Director of Quality Programs.


- Th2 cuth:rity v;atzd in the Nuclear Quality Mantgcr is ca follows:

Independence to interpret quality requirements identify quality problems and trends provide recommendation or solutions to quality problems .

The Nuclear Quality Manager has the authority to stop work when signifi-cant conditions, adverse to quality, require action.

The NHY Operational QA Program assures compliance with the waste classi-fication and characterization requirements of 10CFR61.55 and 10CFR61.56.

With respect to waste classification, this is achieved by the Nuclear Quality group verifying proper adherence to waste classification proce-dures and review and verification of waste' classification data sheets.

A Nuclear Quality Group representative shall observe waste classifica-tion procedure adherence from a single batch waste processing operation.

With respect to waste characterization, the requirements of 10CFR61.56(b) are intended to provide stability of the waste. Stability is intended to ensure that waste does not structurally degrade and affect overall stability of the waste disposal site. The auditing and surveillance function of the NHY Operational QA Program assures stability requirements are achieved in accordance with 10CFR61.

In the event a vendor is contracted to perform temporary radwaste services, the NHY Operational QA Program requires management review of the vendor topical report. The purpose of this review is to assure that vendor operation and requirements are compatible with responsibilities and operation of Seabrook Station. The contracted vendor shall comply with all QA requirements described in this document.


The training program will be implemented for personnel having responsi-bilities related to waste processing operations. This training program shall ensure that waste processing will be performed within the specific requirements of the PCP. To accomplish this objective and to provide the necessary control of the SWMS, the following general training programs will be implemented.

A. Initial Plant Staff Training Program These programs are designed to provide competent, trained personnel in all disciplines and at all levels of plant organization. The programs are designed to allow personnel to be placed at various points, according to their training, experience and intended position.

B. De:tcilsd Syaten Instruction


Seabrook Station will provide' management approved detailed instructions and operating procedures to all personnel involved in the transfer, packaging and transport of low-level radioactive material. This training will include familiarity with all relevant systems and subsystems of the SWMS. ,

l~ C. Regulatory Requirement Instruction Seabrook Station will also ~ provide training and periodic retraining l- in the DOT and NRC regulatory requirements, waste burial require-ments and in-station procedures for all personnel involved in the transfer,. packaging and transport of. radioactive material.

Xj DOCUMENT CONTROL AND RECORDS RETENTION NHY Operational QA Program audits and surveillance of waste

, classification records are performed on a periodic basis. Management evaluation of such audits shall be performed and as such satisfy the requirements of-10CFR20.311(f) (5).

! Seabrook Station will utilize the radioactive shipment record forms as l presented in Appendix C in accordance with the station's shipping procedures for manifest preparation. Data contained in the form includes all required information as per 10CFR20.311. The tracking system 'for manifest preparation shall be in accordance with Seabrook-Station shipping procedures.

i j XI. REVISIONS TO THE PCP New Hampshire Yankee proposed revisions to the Seabrook Station PCP will receive SORC approval. These revisions may be initiated as a result of proposed plant operations, system design changes, maintenance requirements, ALARA concerns or temporhry vendor interface.

l' The PCP, if revised, shall be submitted to the NRC with the Semi-Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.

I l





. METHODOLOGY FOR DETERMINING FEED SYSTEM FLOWRATES Methods for Determining Feed System Fleurates Sample' Parameters For all waste 1 types, a sample must be taken of the batch to be processed. This sample will be analyzed to determine the following:

1. Waste type (i.e., resin slurry or concentrates).
2. Total solids content (by weight %).
3. Specific gravity.

4 4. pH (to verify pH meter reading).

5. . Isotopic analysis as required for shipment and burial.

With this information available, the operator can then calculate the initial settings of waste feed rate, and asphalt feed rate.

Definitions Units / Type

'EER - extruder / evaporator evaporative rate lbs/hr WFR - waste feed rate Ibs/ min CFR - centrifuge feed rate lbs/ min CMC - resin cake moisture content 0.XX CDE - centrifuge discharge efficiency 0.XX CSC - resin cake solids content 0.XX SSC - slurry solids content 0.XX 4

AFR - asphalt feed rate lbs/ min WSC - slurry / concentrates solids content '

O.XX SG - specific gravity NA Centrifuge Feed CFR = (EER)(CSC)


- AFR = (EER)(CSC)


Slurry / Concentrates Feed WFR = EER (1-WSC)(SG)(60)



Ratio Setpoint = AFR WFR L._

APPENDIX B I RADI0 ACTIVE WASTE PROCESSING PROCEDURES WN0595.001- Auxiliary Botier. Start-Up WN0595.002 Auxiliary Boiler Shutdown




Auxiliary Boiler Wet-Lay-Up WN0595.004 Auxiliary Boiler Blowdown

'WN0595.005 ~ Asphalt System Start-Up and Rectre WN0595.006 Asphalt System Shutdown C WN0595.007 Extruder / Evaporator Utility Manifold Start-Up WN0595.008 Extruder / Evaporator Utility Manifold Shutdown WN0595.009 Seal Water System Start-Up l_

WN0595.0010 Seal Water System Shutdown L .WN0595.00ll Spent Resin Recire, Dewatering, and Transfer l

~WN0595.0012 Extruder / Evaporator Processing j WN0595.0013 Alternate Solidification WN0595.0014 Concentrates Transfer to Waste Feed Systems WN0595.0015 Forced Circulation Evaporator - Crystallizer System Start-Up,

[ WN0595.0016 Forced Circulation Evaporator - Crystallizer System-Shutdown WN0595.0017 Caustic System Transfer and Flush

. WN0596.001 Fill Station and Monorail Operation WN0596.002 Conveyor - Capper / Seamer System Operation WN0596.004 30 Ton Overhead Bridge Crane

.WN0596.005 CCTV System Operation WN0596.006 CGR Compactor Operation WN0596.007 Liner Filling and Capping Operation WN0598.001 Spent Filter Transfer Cask Operation

APPENDIX B (continued)

RADIOACTIVE WASTE SHIPPING PROCEDURES WX0597.001 Receipt of Radwaste Shipment Vehicles WX0597.002 Receipt Inspection, Storage and Inventory of Radioactive Material Shipping Packages WX0597.003 Shipping Criteria WX0597.004 Shipping Special Form Radioactive Material e

WX0597.005 Shipping Low Specific Activity (LSA), Radioactive Material WX0597.006 Shippingj[A2 Quantities of Radioactive Material WX0597.007 Shipping > A2 Quantities of Radioactive Material WX0597.008 Shipping Limited Quantities of Radioactive Material WX0597.009 Shipping Radioactive Instruments & Articles WX0597.0010 Shipping Fissile Radioactive Material WX0597.00ll Shipping Highway Route Controlled Quantities of Radioactive Material WX0597.0012 Shipping Empty Radioactive Packaging WX0597.0013 Dry Active Waste (DAW) - Curie Calculation WX0597.0014 Volume Ailocation and Prior Notification CHEMISTRY SAMPLING PROCEDURES CX910.03 Radwaste Liquid Sampling CX910.04 Boron Recovery System Sampling CP 5.1 Isotopic Characterization of Radwaste

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                     *WX0597.005 PREPARE MANIFEST
                     *WX0597.014 NOTIFICATIONS FOR SHIPPING
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