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Insp Rept 70-1201/98-06 on 980824-28.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations,Mgt Organization & Control,Solid Radwaste Mgt & Housekeeping
Person / Time
Site: 07001201
Issue date: 09/18/1998
Shared Package
ML20154C228 List:
70-1201-98-06, 70-1201-98-6, NUDOCS 9810060206
Download: ML20154C234 (10)


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i U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION II Docket No - 70-1201 License No.: SNM-1168

.ReportLNo.: 70-1201/98-06 Licensee: Framatome Cogema Fuels f

. Facility: Lynchburg Manufacturing Facility '

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. Location: Lynchburg. VA 24506 l

-Dates: August 24-28, 1998 i

. Inspectors: D. Ayres, Senior Fuel Facility Inspector D. Seymour. Senior Fuel Facility Inspector l R. Swatzell, Fuel Facility Inspector l

Approved By: E. McAlpine, Chief Fuel Facilities Branch  :

Division of Nuclear Materials Safety '

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l 9810060206 990918

PDR ADOCK 07001201
C PDR Enclosure l l l

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Framatome Cogema Fuels ,

NRC Inspection Report 70-1201/98-06 l This routine, unannounced inspection focused on the observation and evaluation of the licensee's operations, management organization and controls, and radioactive waste management. The report covers a one week period and includes the results of inspection efforts of three regional fuel facility inspectors.

Based upon the results of this inspection, the licensee's operations, management organization and controls, and radic tive waste management programs were acceptable.

Plant 00erations 0]erations were performed in-accordance with established safety requirements

()aragraph 2.a.(3)).

The licensee adequately implemented its configuration management program l (Paragraph 2.b.(3)).

The licensee's storage safety controls were adequately implemented (Paragraph 2.c.(3)).

The licensee's housekeeping was adequate to maintain accessibility to rc u s


of egress and emergency equipment (Paragraph 2.d (3)).

Manaaement Oroanization and Controls Internal safety audits were conducted in a timely manner, and covered a wide range of safety concerns. The increase in re)orted audit findings was the result of an improvement in documentation tec1niques (Paragraph 3.a.(3)).

Solid Radioactive Waste Manaaement The licensee's procedures and methods for the shipping of radioactive waste to i a waste processor for ultimate disposal were acceptable and met the  !

l requirements of 10 CFR 20.2006. Appendix F of 10 CFR Part 20 (where l

. applicable), and 10 CFR Part 61.55 and 61.56 (Paragraph 4.c.).  ;


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1. Summarv of Plant Status i This report covered a one week period. Rod loading functions were not operating during the week. Fuel assembly fabrication and shipments 3roceeded at normal rates. Work in two of the Service Equipment i

Refurbishment Facilities (SERF) was being performed to decontaminate and '

recondition electrical and mechanical reactor support components. There were no unusual plant operational occurrences during the on-site i inspection. '

2. Plant Ooerations (IP 88020) (03)
a. Conduct of Goerations (03.01)

(1) Inspection Scope l Operations in the fuel rod downloading, fuel assembly fabrication and SERF areas were observnd for adherence to safety significant requirements. l (2) Observations and Findings The inspector observed fuel assemblies being constructed in the manufacturing area. Operations were performed in j accordance with safety requirements in posted instructions i and procedures. The inspector observed the downloading '

(emptying of pellets) from a number of 3reviously completed and sealed rods. The inspector found tlat appropriate personal air samplers were used by personnel in the l controlled area that was receiving and packaging the downloaded pellets. The handling and packaging of pellets was performed per posted instructions and area procedures.

The inspector observed refurbishment activities in the SERF-4 facility. Appropriate personal air samplers were used by all personnel in the controlled area of SERF-4.

(3) Conclusions Operations were performed in accordance with established safety requirements.

b. Facility Modifications and Confiauration Controls (03.02) l (1) Inspection Scope The documentation of equipment changes was reviewed to i verify that safety significant aspects were adequately reviewed by licensee management.

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1 (2) Observations and Findings l The inspector reviewed the licensee's engineering project files. The inspector observed that only one project had been completed and two new projects had been started since the last review of the configuration management system. The inspector found that these three projects were adequately reviewed by the appropriate safety personnel and were pro)erly documented considering the stage of develo) ment of eac1 project. No undocumented safety significant c1anges to the facility were noted.

(3) Conclusions The licensee adequately implemented its configuration management program.


c. Imolementation of Storace Safety Controls (03.04) l (1) Inspection Scope The storage of fuel rods and assemblies was reviewed for adherence to safety controls.  ;

(2) Observations and Findings The inspector observed the storage of Jellet-filled rods in the manufacturing area storage bins t1e storage and handling of completed fuel assemblies prior to packaging for shipment. and packaged fuel assemblies ready for shipment.

The inspector found that all rods, assemblies, and completed shipping packages were stored in accordance with nuclear criticality safety requirements posted in each area.

(3) Conclusions i The licensee's storage safety controls were adequately l implemented.

d. Housekeeoina (03.06)

(1) Inspection Scope Housekeeping practices throughout the plant were reviewed to identify safety significant problem areas.

(2) Observations and Findings During process tours, the inspectors observed routes of emergency egress, accessibility to safety equipment and overall housekeeping throughout the plant. The inspectors l

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observed that the emergency routes of egress were clear of debris and equipment. The inspectors also observed that safety equipment (fire extinguishers, electrical switchgear, etc.) were readily accessible with no significant obstructions. Outdoor areas continue to contain numerous storage containers for equipment to be processed in one of the SERF areas, but such storage did not significantly l hinder the ability to vacate the premises in case of emergency.

(3) Conclusions The licensee's housekeeping was adequate to maintain accessibility to routes of egress and emergency equipment.

I 3. Manaaement Organization and Controls (IP 88005) E).


a. Internal Reviews and Audits (05.03)

(1) Inspection Scope l The licensee's system for performing internal reviews and l audits was examined to determine its adequacy for detecting potential safety concerns.

(2) Observations and Findings The inspectors reviewed the licensee's weekly and monthly safety audits performed during the first half of 1998. The inspectors observed that the audits covered a wide range of concerns, including radiation safety, fire safety, cnd industrial safety. The inspectors noted that more findings l were documented in the current audit reports than had been in the past. The inspectors determined that the increase in i

findings was due to a change in documentation. The licensee's past practice was to immediately correct problems found during audits and not document anything about the problem that had been corrected. The inspectors observed that the 1998 safety audits documented those items that were immediately corrected. The inspectors found that this

( increased documentation was an improvement in the audit system in that it allowed licensee management to better track trends and recurring problems. The inspectors noted that a recurring 3roblem in the audits concerning the storage of flammaale materials outside of designated storage

, cabinets. However, the licensee had taken steps to reduce l such occurrences, and the inspectors noted no such improper storage of flammable materials during process area tours.

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'(3) Conclusions

! Internal safety audits were conducted in a timely manner, and covered a wide range of safety concerns. The increase in reported audit findings was the result of an improvement in documentation techniques.

l l b. Followuo on_hrytousiv Identified Issues (IP 92701)(05.06)

(1) Inspection Scope The licensee's management control system for tracking and correcting internally bientified deficiencies was reviewed for adequacy as a f21;s-up action to Inspector Followup Item (IFI) 98-01-03.

(2) Observations and Findings l

The inspectors reviewed the licensee's procedure for issuing and responding to Corrective Action Reports. The inspectors also reviewed the Corrective Action Reports issued during-January through July 1998. The inspectors interviewed the licensee's Quality Assurance staff responsible for the implementation of the Corrective Action Report system. The

-inspectors found that the Corrective Action procedure was

very detailed and provided good guidance on completing corrective actions for safety issues and 3roduct quality i

issues. The inspectors also found that t1e implementation of the requirements in the procedure was not always i enforced. For example, licensee staff responses to issued Corrective Action Reports was not always timely (within 30 i working days per procedure). Although all-of the examples l of late responses examined by the inspectors involved incidental issues, the failure of responding to safety issues in a timely manner could exacerbate a problem into a more significant one. The licensee informed the inspectors that the Corrective Action program was being revised to eliminate the problems with timely res)onses and other problems with implementation. Thus. I~I 98-01-03 will remain open pending the system changes being completed.

(3) Conclusions The licensee's Corrective Action Report system has experienced problems with its implementation. IFI 98-01-03 will remain open pending completion of system improvements.

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4. Waste Manaaement (IP 84850) (IP 88035) (R3)  !

Radioactive Solid Waste Manaaement (R3.06. R3.07 R3.08. R3.09)

a. Inspection Scope

! The inspector reviewed the licensee's program for the packaging and shipping of low level radioactive waste to a licensed waste processor for disposal pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 20.2006. Appe dix F of 10 CFR Part 20. and 10 CFR Part 61.55 and 61.56. The inspection involved the review of shipping manifests, methods for determining radionuclide activity levels and masses (uranium), and instrumentation calibration and quality control records,

b. Observations and Findings The licensee ships their low level radioactive waste to a waste -

processor (GTS-Duratek) in SeaVan containers where the wastes are either incinerated or compacted prior to shi ament to a final l

disposal site. Shipping manifests for the tiree most recent shipments to the waste processor (December 97. January 98 and l

February 98) were reviewed. No concerns were identified as the licensee had properly classified and characterized the waste per the requirements of 10 CFR 61.55 and 61.56 and had also supplied i

the required manifest information (volume, weight act%ities, etc.) per Appendix F of 10 CFR 20. In addition th nuensee had obtained confirmation that the intended receiver (waste 3rocessor

, - GTS Duratek) had received tLe waste shipments within tie allotted time period (20 days;.

l The licensee's methods for determining the activity levels of

waste shipments were also reviewed. No safety significant i l

deficiencies were identified.

c. Conclusions The licensee's procedures and .. ;ods for the transfer of l radioactive waste to a waste processor for ultimate disposal were  !

I acceptable and met the requirements of 10 CFR 20.2006. Appendix F l l of 10 CFR Part 20 (where applicable), and 10 CFR Part 61.55 and j 61.56. j l

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5. Environmental Protection (R2)

Followuo on Previously Identified Issues (IP 92701) (R2.08)

a. Inspection Scope Implementation of corrective actions associated with a previously identified environmental protection issue was reviewed for completion.
b. Finding and Observations IFI 98 01-05 had been opened'to compare licensee s) lit soil sample results (NRC versus the licensee) for the wet weatler stream for confirmatory measurement purposes. The results were received and reviewed by the region and by headquarters by letter dated April 29.1998. The inspectors determined that the results were in reasonable agreement considering the sampling methodology and sample type. Based on this review. IFI 98-01-05 is closed,
c. Conclusions The split samples taken from the wet weather stream were in reasonable agreement considering the sampling methodology and sample type. Based on this conclusion. IFI 98-01-05 is closed.
6. Exit Interview The inspection scope and results were summarized on August 28. 1998, with those persons-indicated in the Attachment. Although proprietary documents and processes were occasionally reviewed during this inspection, the proprietary information is not included in this report.

Dissenting comments were not received from the licensee.

ATTACHMENT INSPECTION PROCEDURES USED No. 84850 Radioactive Waste Management No. 88005 Management Organization and Controls No. 60020 Conduct of Operations l No. 88035 Radioactive Waste Management No. 92701 Followup 1


  • T. Allsep, Acting Manager of Safety and Licensing
  • D. Gordon, Senior Health Physicist  !
  • G. Lindsey, Health Physicist
  • A. McKim, Manager of Quality - Health / Safety and Licensing
  • M. Minor. Manager, Process Engineering
  • T. Wilkerson, Manger, Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing Other employees contacted included engineers, technicians, security and office personnel.
  • Indicates attendance at the Exit Meeting on August 28, 1998.

LIST OF OPEN, CLOSED, AND DISCUSSED ITEMS Item Number Status Descriotion 70-1201/98-01-03 Discussed / IFI - Management Control Open System for tracking and correcting deficiencies identified during drills / exercises (Paragraph 3.b.(3)).

70-1201/98-01-05 Closed Compare licensee split soil sam'ple results for confirmatory measurement purposes (Paragraph 5.c.).

The following violations are administratively closed. Issuance of License Amendment 23, dated November 2,1995, and an amended Certificate of Compliance dealt with and resolved the issues.

Item Number Status Descriotion 70-1201/01013 Closed Nonconformance with a EA 95-236 and 95-215 Certificate of Compliance i


2 Item Number Status Descriotion 70-1201/01023 Closed Exceeding authorized i EA 95-236 and 95-215 possession limit for natural :

uranium 70-1201/01013 Closed Incomplete and inaccurate EA 95-236 and 95-215 information provided to the NRC LIST OF ACRONYMS USED CFR - Code of Federal Regulations EA - Enforcement Action IFI - Inspector Followup Item i IP - Inspection Procedure i NRC - Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,

SERF - Service Equipment Refurbishment Facility 1 I

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