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Environ Radiological Monitoring Program for Byron Nuclear Power Station,Byron,Il, Annual Progress Rept for 1988
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1988
From: Huebner L
Shared Package
ML20067D967 List:
NUDOCS 9102130398
Download: ML20067E006 (53)


{{#Wiki_filter:____,. . . . . h . #~ W i WTELEDYNE-

    ;; '                                                                                                                                           ISOTOPES                          !


                                                                                                                                                      SS*Sb e L EPG-PREPARED AND SUBMITTED                                                   b BY                                                            M TELEDYNE ISOTOPES MIDWEST LABORATORY t


                        . Reporting Period: January - tecember,1988 4

J;; Appro e Mb&t - Date 3/A7/2 9 @I / I'. G. Huebner t General- Manager a

                         -Distribution:                                                          Radioecology Group, Ceco (1 copy)

Superintendent, Byron Station (1 copy) N $'$$dd g PDR - p

                  , i

i  : t BYRON TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page L i s t o f T abl e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           1 2.0      LISTING OF MISSED SAMPLES    ..................                          2 Appendices A       Interlaboratory Comparison Program Results . . . . . . . . . .        A-1 8       Callection Schedule   ......................                          B-1 A


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' '<. ,tir,, - 1 LIST OF TABLES
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, M ;p                                ilo. a                                                        Title                                               Page MM                                        1         Airborne Particulates and-lodine-131,                                                                        ..
                                                         -Locationsi.By-01,.02, 03, 04 . . . . . . . ._. . . . . , .                                         4

!?q% , '

 . . s 4 k-                                      2         Airborne Particulates and= Iodine-131, bi 73#
                  .                                       Locations"By.05,-06, 07, 08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              .

6 Airborne Particulates and lodine-131,


3 y%

 !]~~.?                                                  -Locations By-21,.22, 23, 24 . . . .                     .
                                                                                                                            ...........                     8
@h;                                   e4 -        - Af rborne Particulates, Quarterly Composites of
   %                                                      Weekly: Collections ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


                ,                                                                                                                                                  4 (O~

p il m

                                       -5'         GaamalRadiation,.as.fleasured by TL0s . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                         12

'. ' ' M~ 1 9pl 16' Precipitation .................z . . . . .. . .

                                                                                                                                                          -15       '
%k.                                                                                                                                                             a y 4
7 tiilk ... . . ...:.:. . . . . . .-_._.. . ... . . ._. ... . . . . _

17 !{% m 18 -Fish, Edible Portions . . . .--. . .=. . .-. . . . . . .-. . ., 19-. hi! ~ l .-. . .-.--...-. . . .-... . . . . . . . . . . . .-.: 20 +Q.. -.;9 ; . . hf((

                                     -10 '       - Gra s s - a nd L C at t l e f e ed . : . . - .< . = . .. - - . . . . . . . ; . . . . . - . .

21 <A _ g . 11-  ; C o o l _i n g W a t e r . - . _ . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . - . 7 . : 23' , w@' L12' 1 Surface Water .- ... . . -. . -. -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- 26 13; Wel1 Water-.:.u. ./. . -. - . . . - . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . -


m1 -l 1 14i Bot t om S ed i me nt s . . . . . : = , . . - . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . !32 n' . $g@ itilch Animal- and fjearest Residence Census .. . . . . . . . . ., 33' ' 0Q. ar Sjld{ -gp d;: f a flumbers are given only to tables presented in' this report. Other tables will R, 'be added in later reports. Rip s I.'. j.


_r , tl ,  !; 5 .. . . . - , , - , . . - _ . . . , .

V BYRON LIST OF TABLES (continued) No. [itle Page Sumary Table, First Quarter . . . . ............. 38 Sumary Table, Second Quarter ................ 41 Sumary Table, Third Quarter . ................ 43 Sumary Table, Fourth Quarter ................ 45 iv

                                                                                                                       .s.    .
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BYRON is .
                                                              -1.0 -INTRODUCTION.

The following constitutes:: the. current Monthly _. Progress Report for .the Environ-

                     . mental Radiological Monitoring Program conducted at. the ' Byron Nuclear Power
Station, Byron, . Illinois- Results of, completed. analyses are presented 110 the
                      ! attached . tables- entr.iss ' indicate' analyses that are 'not completed and?
                     ! the :results will. appear _i_n subsequent reports. -                                  '

r Data obtained Lin; the; program 'are- well within the ranges previously- encountered-

                     =in. the program and to b'erexpected in the environmental media sampled.
                    ;None? of 'the? media 1 sampled this Lmonth contained- radioactivity attributable: to ithe ea-eWan inf Byron! Nuclear Power _ Station.                                                       : .k-p M-;

1 For alligama isotopic analyses ~, spectrum is' computer scanned from 80 to 2048' O W Key. .Specifically ' included; are J Mn-54, . Co-58, -- Fe-59. ~ _Co-60, L Zn-65, Zr-95,

                    ' Nb-95, LRu-103, Ru-106, I-131, J Ba-La-140, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141, and Ce-144.

m: Naturally ; occurring- gama-emitters, such t as JX-40 L and Ra daughters, are fre-; quently detected: but.;not . listed here. 0ata listed as "<" are at the 4.66'

                    - sigma ? . level, '.others {are o 2 sigma.-           Cs-134= fand Cs-137 are. listed separately.

LA1:1L other gamma emitters are wlisted under ."Other Gammas". Unless noted notherwise,- the less than? value- ("<") L reported 3 under "Other Gamas" - i s ' fo r-

  • rCo-60)and may beLhigher or' lower for other radionuclides.

b .Allk concentrations, _ except gro:;s. -beta,C are decay corrected to the time of


i 1 :. = L - Deviat' ions from Scheduled Sampling and ' Corrective Actions Taken " J L All ' samples were collected .within the . scheduled _ period - un'less noted otherwise in'the Listing of Missed Samples. L' t [! 1

g - i e BYRoll 2.0 LISTlitG OF filSSED SAf!PLES Expect ed Collection Sample Type Location Date Reason-Air Particulates BY-24 01-04-88 Lock to station frozen BY-02 01-25-88 Lock to station frozen BY-05 01-25-88 Lock to station frozen BY-07 01-25 Lock to station frozen-BY-22 01-25-88 Lock to station frozen B Y-24 01-25-88 Lock to station frozen , Cooling Water' BY-10 01-16-88 fio water left for BY-ll 01-16-88 the collector Surf ac'e Water ' BY-09 01-04-88 Frozen stream BY-12 01-04-88 Frozen stream BY-13 01-04-88 Frozen stream BY-09 01-11-88 Frozen stream BY-12 01-11-88 Frozen stream B Y-13 01-11-88 Frozen stream BY-09 01-18-88 Frozen stream BY-12 01-18-88 Frozen stream BY-13 01-18-88 Frozen stream BY-09 01-25-88 Frozen stream 8Y-12 01-25-88 Frozen stream BY '13 01-25-80 Frozen stream BY-09 02-01-88 Frozen stream SY-09 02-08-S8 Frozen stream BY-13 02-08-88 Frozen stream BY-09 02-16-88 Frozen stream BY-13 02-16-88 Frozen stream BY-09 02-22-88 Frozen stream fillk BY-16 03-07-88 Farm deserted BY-16 04-04-88 Farm deserted Precipitation BY-16 03-28-88 Farm desertea Air Particulates BY-02 05-30-88 Filter missing BY-24 07-25-88 flotor burned out 2 ,

m - .-- . . , _ _ , _ . . - _ . _ . - . - _ , -- 7 s

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               ;si c f ,: : t,'l.  ' '

4 q ._ , 4 , 5 'I ,-',

                                                                       ,                                     - BYR0fl ~                     ,

L ., x [2.0 LISTIllG 0F HISSED SAttPLES (continued)- m Expect ed - 4

Collectfon 3 Saaple Type - 1.ocation .0 ate: Reason-Surface Water.; B'Y-09' 12-12-88 frozen-stream:

BY-12 : 12-12-88 Frozen stream  ; BY-13: '12-12-88 frozen stream LBY-09 '?-19-88 . Frozen stream 4

                                                                                         -BYal2;                     12-19-88:                      Froze a s. . eam B Y                  12-19                      Frozen stream
                                                                                        'BY-09'                      12-26-88=                      frozen stream
     -a ;                                                                             ' B Y                                                                                           -

12-26-88 Frozen stream' li B Y.- 13 . 26283 Frozen -s t ream J

                                        ,    Wellnlater                                    BY-14                 - tio v . , '_88             [ilo water collected due '

Dec.,:88 _to collector's- oversight.



                                          ' Air Particulates                               B Y-22                   01-02                    .!!otor : burned out I                         5 4
                 -f.                                                                                                                                                  1  5
                                                               -<,                                                                                                                                                        1
                                      ,                    4

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1 BWON Table 1. Airborne Particulat(n and lodine-131a Collection:2 Weekly Units: 10- pCi/mJ Byron Stillman Valley Near 'eE Paynes Point BY-01 BY-02 (C) . BY ss B Y-04 Week Volyne Gross Volyne Gross Volume Gross Volure Gross Ending (mJ) Beta (m4) Beta (mJ) Beta Beta 01-04-88 281 3.510.4 281 4.410.4 252 4.020.5 . , 4.320.5 01-11-88 280 1.820.3 286 6.220.5 279 4.820.5 279 5.010.5 01-18-88 28 5 4.820.5 287 3.910.5 287 4.620.5 287 4.020.5 01-25-88 287 4.020.5 N0b 288 4.010.4 288 4.210.5 02-01-88 288 3.110.4 582c 3.510.3 287 3.5t0.4 287 3.410.4 02-08-88 282 4.210.4 283 5.410.5 282 4.810.5 282 4.920.5 02-16-89 330 2.910.4 329 3.920.4 329 4.010.4 330 4.110.4 02-22-88 242 2.720.4 243 2.220.4 243 2.610.4 242 2.510.4 02-29-88 28 5 2.610.4 28 5 2.920.4 285 2.810.4 285 2.210.4 03-07-88 288 1.620.3 29 5 2.010.3 289 1.910.3 289 1.810.3 03-14-88 284 2.410.4 283 2.510.4 285 2.020.3 283 2.210.4 03-21-68 285 2.110.3 28 5 2.3t0.4 285 2.620.4 235 2.020 3 03-28-88 287 2.720.4 278 2.810.4 291 3.220.4 291 2.620.4

             . -t Qt r meants.d.          3.021.0                                                         3.511.3                                                                  3.421.0                3.311.2 04-04-88      284            2.810.4      296                                                2.310.4                                                         282      3.010.4    282         2.610.4 04-11-88      261            2.420.4      273                                                2.810.4                                                         280      2.910.4    280         2.420.4 04-18-88      ZC7            3.010.4      287                                                 3.920.4                                                        2E6      3.710.4    287         2.920.4 04-25-88      288            2.210.3      28/                                                 3.320.4                                                        288      3.020.4    288         2.210.4 05-02-88      284            2.610.4      289                                                2.910.4                                                         288      4.320.4    288         2.510.4 05-09-88      28 5           2.610.4      272                                                 3.120.4                                                        280       3.020.4   253         2.610.4 05-16-88      285             2.820.4     293                                                 2.810.3                                                        287       3.410.4    286        3.320.4 05-23-88      287            2.610.4      278                                                 2.420.4                                                        285       2.710.4    285        2.320.4 05-30-88      285            3.220.4      NDd                                                                                                                285       2.720.4    285        2.910.4 06-06-88      288             3.620.4      297                                                 3.620.4                                                       290       3.720.4    290        1.7t0.3 06-13-88      286             3.920.5      277                                                 3.620.4                                                       283       3.810.4    284        3.020.4 06-20-88       281            4.320.5     289                                                  3.410.4                                                        28 3     4.620.5    283        3.210.4 06-27-88       286            3.720.4     279                                                  3.6t0.4                                                       28 5      3.420.4    285        3.210.4 2nd Qtr mats.d.             3.010.6                                                          3.110.5                                                                 3.420.6               2.720.5 a lodine-131 concentaations are <0.07 pC1/m3 unless noted otherwise.

b ND = No data; sampic r.ot collected due to frozen lock at station. c Volume high due to pump running for two weeks. See footnote "b". d ND = No data; filter missing. 4 1

a ----r --, 8YRON Table 1. ;1rborne Particulates and lodine-131a (continued) Byron Stillman Valley Near Site E Paynes Point 8 Y-01 8Y-02 (C) 8Y 03 3Y-04 Week Yolgme Gross Volyme Gross $ross Volyme Gross Volgme Ending (m ) 8 eta (mJ) Beta (m) Beta- (mJ) 8 eta 07-05-88 329 2.820.3 336 2.8t0.3 336 2.820.3 336 2.620.3 07-11-88 242 4.020.5 236 4.720.6 236 4.820.6 236 4.410.5 07-18-88 285 3.020.4 289 2.820.4 290 3.220.4 290 2.720.4 07-25-88 289 2.410.3 288 2.620.3 288 2.520.3 288 2.620.3 08-01-86 283 4.320.4 281 4.420.5 281 4.020.4 281 3.820.4 08-08 68 286 3.4t0.4 275 3.320.4 175b 1.210.4 284 3.420.4 08-15-88 292 2.520.4 292 2.110.3 Sc 13.829.9 291 2.210.3 08-22-88 281 3.010.4 280 2.7t0.4 281 3.420.4 281 3.120.4 08-29-88 286 3.220.4 286 3.220.4 286 3.220.4 286 2.720.4 09-05-88 288- 2.820.4 296 0.210.4 288 2.920.4 288 2.4t0.4 09-12-88 284 2.610.4 277 3.020.4 284 2.620.4 284 2.420.4 09-19 88 282 2.420.4 288 2.820.4 281 2.320.4 281 2.520.4 09-26 88 286 2.420.4 288 2.220.4 288 1.820.3 288 1.920.4 10-03-88 286 2.620.4 300 2.720.4 292 2.620.4 291 ' 320.4 3rd Qtr meants.d. 3.0f0.6 3.010.7 2.920.9 2.820.7 10-11-88 325 2.810.3 313 3.620.3 315 2.810.3 321 2.520.3. 10-17-88 241 2.820.4 248 2.7t0.4 242 2.820.4 242 2.420.4 10-24-88 285 2.010.3 285 2.010.3 285 1.820.3 285 1.620.3 10-31-88 287 2.020.4 287 2.010.4 287 1.720.4 287 2.110.4 11-07-88 296 -3.210.4 294 3.610.5 288 3.010.4 288 2.320.4 11-14-88 284 2.420.3 277 3.120.3 282 2.620.3 282 2.720.3 11-21-88 287 1.8t0.3 287 2.620.4 287 2.220.4 282 2.420.4 11-28-88 285 2.410.5 286 3.520.4 285 3.020.4 285 3.020.4 12-05ta 286 3.320.4 292 5.220.5 286 3.8t0.4 286 4.120.4 12-12-88 283 2.620.4 276 3.720.4 284 3.320.4 284 3.420.4 12-19-88 287 2.920.4 288 2.610.4 286 2.410.4 286 2.220.4 12-26-88 290 3.310.4 289 2.820.4 289 3.420.4 289 2.920.4 l 01-02-89 283 5.910.6 - 294 5.9 0.6 ' 286 5.320.5 286 5.220.5 4th Qtr meants.d. 2.921.0 3.321.1 2.920.9 2.820.9 i a lodine-131 concentrations are <0.07 pCi/m3 unless noted otherwise. I b Low volume due to loss of power a' ttation. Required LLD for I-131 concen-trations (<0.72) not reached due to low volume, c Low volume due to blown motor. Required LLD for 1-131 concentrations (<3.03) , not reached due to low volume. Gross beta value excluded from mean. 5

  ,,                                                                       BYRON 4

Table 2. Airborne P articulates and I odine-131 a Collection: Weekly Units: 10 2 pC1/W Near Site S O regon IIt Morris Leaf River 1 Bf-05 BY-06 _ BY-07 (C) BY-08 (C)

                   . Week       V olyme            G ross   Volyme              G ross       V olume     G ross     V olyne       G ross            :

E nding (W) Beta (W) Beta (53) Beta (W) Beta u 01-04-88 253 4.2 so .5 281 4.520.5 281 4 .1 20 .4 279 4.380.4 01-11-88 279 4.580.5 279 4.920.5 281 4.320.4 283 4.5s0.4 18-88 4.320.5 286 4.820.5 285 5.0 s0.5 286 4.3 so .5 01-25-88 28{ NO 288 4.420.5 ND D 286 -3.720.4 02-01-88 575 C 3.520.3 287 3.6s0.4 574 C 3.5*).3 288 02-08-88 281 4.7 s0.5 283 4 320.4 283 4.920.5 282 4.820.5' . 16-88 330 .3.420.4 330 4 320.4 329' 3.6s0.4 -329 3.820.4- l 02-22 242 2.820.4 243 2.420.4 243- 2.720.4 243 2.620.4 02-29-88 285 -2 .4 20 .4 285 2.520.4 285 3.080.4 285 2.720.4 03~27-89 288 1.720.2 287 1.620.3 287 1 .8 20 .3 286 1 .8 20 .3 03-14-88' 284 2.820.4 .285 2 .2 20 .4 285 2.620.4 285 2.2 s0.4 ' 03-21-88' 285 2.120.3 284 2'.1 :0 .3 284 2.4s0.4 285. 2.320.4-03-28-88 291: 12.220.3, -288 2.820.4 -286 2.620.4 287 2.3s0.4 1 st Qtr meants.d. 3.2 tl .0 3.421.2 3.4 *1.0 3.321.0 04-04-88 '282 :2.420.4 281 2.5s0.4 282 2.920.4 232 2.220.4

             '04 11-88           280             2 .4 20 .4  284            2.510.4            285'   2 .8 20 .4     285        2.620.4             .

04-18-88 287 2.820.4- 286 2.8 s0.4 286 2.6 s0.4 286 2.620.4 04-25-88 288 2 .4 20 .4 288 2.720.4 288 2.5 s0.4 288 2.520.4 05-02-88 287 2 .7 20 .4 283 3.220.4 283 2.8s0.4 288 3.0$0.4 05-09-88 280 3.220.4 285 3.320.4 286 2.620.4- 286 3.020.4 . 05-16 287- 2.920.4 285 3'.020.4 285 2.820.4 289 3.120.4 05-23-88 -285 2 .4 20 .4 287 2 .7 20 .4 286 2 .4 20 .4 282 2.820.4 05-30-88 285 2.720.4 285 2.420.4 285 2 .7 20 .4 286 2.620.4  : 06-06-88 290 3,320.4 289' 3.020.4- '288 3.820.4 286 3.420.4 06-13-88 284 3.920.5 286 3 .2 20 .4 286 3.120.4 289 3.320.4 20-88 283 3.820.5 282 4.0s0.5 281 3.320.4 285 3.4s0.4 27-88 285 3.7 so .4 280 3.920.4 286 3.420.4 283 3 .1 20 .4 2 nd Q tr meants.d.' 3.020.6 3.020.5- 2.920.4 2 .9 20 .4 a lodine-131 concentrations are <0.07 p01/m3 unless noted otherwise. .i b NO = No data; sample not collected due to frozen lock at station,

c. Volume hi9h due to pump running for two weeks. . See footnote "b".


                     ..a._.          . . ~ .                      - .___ __. _. _-._._ - _                        _

BYRON Table 2. Airborne Particulates and lodine-131a (continued) Near Site S Oregon Mt. Morris Leaf River B Y-05 B Y-06 BY-07 (C) BY-08 (C) . Week Volyme Gross volyme Gross Volyme Gross Vblyme Gross Ending (mJ) Beta (m3) Beta (mJ) Beta (mJ) Beta 07-05-88 334 2.620.3 329 2.720.3 329 2.610.3 329 2.520.3 07-11-88 238 4.520.5 243 4.lt0.5 243 3. 7t 0,5 243 4.020.5 07-18-88 286 3.020.4 284 3.020.4 284 2.720.4 289 2.520.4 07-25-88 290 2.520.3 290 2.820.3 293 2.520.3 290 2.620.3 08-01-88 283 3.820.4 282 4.320.4 279 3.910.4 278 3.710.4 08-08-88 284 4.210.4 286 3.810.4 286 3.220.4 286 3.710.4 08-15-88 292  ?.520.4 291 2.920.4 291 2.310.4 292 2.320.4 08-22 88 281 3.320.4 280 3.420.4 280 2.820.4 280 2.720.4 08-29-88 285 3.510.4 286 3.720.4 286 3.410.4 286 3.4t0.4 09-05-88 P38 3.220.4 287 3.9t0.4 286 3.010.4 286 3.510.4 09-12-88 284 ~" 2. 6 2 0. 4 286 2.7*0.4 287 2.320.4 287 3.520.4 09-19-88 282 2.610.4 282 2.72 0.4 282 2.610.4 282 2.820.4 09-26-88 289 2.320.4 .287 2.320.4 287 2.220.4 287 3.320.4 10-03-88 291 2.420.4 286 3.320.4 286 3.0t0.4 286 3.0t0.4 3rd Qtr meants.d. 3.120.7 3.3t0.6 2.920.5 3.120.5 10-11-88 321 2.820.3 326 2.620.4 327 2.920.4 327 3.120.4 10-17-R8 243 2.410.4 243 2.420.4 243 2.620.4 241 2.4t0.4 10-24-88 285- 2.320.4 285 2.110.4 285 2.420.4 285 2.220.4 10-31-88 287 2.120.4 285 1.820.4 285 1 820.4 287 2.0t0.4 11-07-88 288 3.620.5 286 4.020.5 287 3.520.5 287 3.620.5 , 11-14-88 283 2.620.3 284 3.320.3 284 2.920.3 284 2.620.4 11-21-88 287 2.620.4 286 2.320.4 286 2.420.4 287 2.720.4 11-28-88 285 3.020.4 285 3.520.4 286 3.820.4 286 3.620.4 12-05-88 286 4.420.5 289 4.820.5 288 4.420.5 288 4.220.4 12-12-88 283 3.920.4 283 4.220.4 283 3.720.4 283 3.820.4 12 19-88 286 3.520.4 288 2.820.4 287 2.6t0.4 288 2.620.4 12-26-88 289 3.220.4 289 3.120.4 289 3.220.4 289 3.020.4 01-02-89 286 5.420.6 - 284 5.720.6 - 285 ,5.620.6 - 285 5.510.6 ' 4th-Qtr meants.d. 3.220.9 3.321.1 3.221.0 3.221.0 a Iodine-131 concentrations are <0.07 pCi/m3 unless noted otherwise. 7

BYRON Table 3. Airborne Particulates and Iodine-1318 Collection: Weekly Units: 10-2 pC t/W BY-21 BY-22 BY-23 BY-24 Week Volyme G ross V olume G ross Volyme G ross Volume G rois E nding (W) Beta (63) Beta (ml) Beta (63) Beta 01-04-88 243 4.120.5 242 4 .5 20 .5 247 4 .3 20 .5 ND b .. 01.11-88 280 4.920.5 280 5 .7 20 .5 280 5 .0 20 .5 526 C 4 .8 20 .3 01-18-88 285 4 .5 20 .5 285 3 .9 20 .5 285 4 .4 20 .5 785 4 .3 20 .5 01-25-88 289 4 .6 20 .5 NDd -- 288 4 .4 20 .5 ND D -- 02-01-88 288 3 .6 20 .4 288 3 .2 20 .4 288 3 .0 20 .4 574c 3 .7 20 .4 02-08-88 282 4 .9 20 .5 282 4 .7 20 .5 282 3 .8 20 .4 282 5.120.5 02-16-88 330 3.620.4 330 3 .2 20 .4 330 3 .7 20 .4 330 3.620.4 02-22-88 243 2.820.4 242 2 .6 20 .4 242 2 .8 20 .4 242 2.420.4 02-29-88 285 3 .0 20 .4 285 2 .4 20 .4 285 2 .8 20 .4 285 2 .8 20 .4 03-07-88 288 1 .6 20 .3 288 1 .7 20 .3 288 1 .7 20 .3 288 2.020,3 03-14-88 284 2 .4 20 .4 284 2 .2 20 .4 284 2 .3 20 .4 284 2.420.4 03-21-88 285 2 .3 20 .4 285 2 .4 20 .4 285 2 .1 20 .3 285 2.820.4 03-28-88 288 2.520.4 288 2_.8 20 .4_ 288 2 .4 20 .4 288 2 .4 20 .4 1st Qtr meants.d. 3.411.1 3.3 tl .2 3.321.0 3.311.1 04-04-88 284 2 .6 20 .4 285 3 .2 20 .4 282 2 .6 20 .4 280 2 .4 20 .4 04-11-88 281 2 .7 20 .4 280 2.820.4 282 3.020.4 282 2.620.4 04-18-88 287 2.920.4 287 3.0 0.4 287 2.0 :0.4 287 3.620.4 04-25-88 288 2 .6 20 .4 288 2 .7 20 .4 288 2 .8 20 .4 288 2 .8 20 .4 05-02-88 286 3.120.4 286 3.820.4 286 3 .1 20 .4 287 3.020.4 05-09-88 282 2 .8 20 .4 281 2.620.4 2 80 2 .8 20 .4 280 3 .2 20 .4 05-16-88 287 2.920.4 287 2 .9 20 .4 287 2 .9 20 .4 287 3 .2 20 .4 05-23-88 285 2.420.4 285 2 .8 20 .4 285 2 .7 20 .4 285 2 .6 20 .4 05-30-88 285 2 .4 20 .4 285 2 .7 20 .4 285 3 .0 20 .4 285 2 .5 20 .4 06-06-88 288 3 .1 20 .4 289 3 .7 20 .4 289 3 .4 20 .4 289 3 .5 20 .4 06-13-88 285 3 .5 20 .4 285 3 .4 20 .4 284 3 .2 20 .4 284 3 .5 20 .4 06-20-88 283 3 .9 20 .5 283 3.620.5 283 3 .7 20 .5 283 3 .9 20 .5 06-27-88 285 3.820.4 285 E4fn .4 285 4.020_.4_ 285 3.420.1 2 nd Qtr meanis.d. 3 .0 20 .5 3.1 :0 .4 3 .1 20 .4 3 .1 20 .5 a lodine-131 concentrations are <0.07 pC1/n@ unless noted otherwise. b ND = No data; sample not collected due to frozen lock at station c Volume high due to pump running for two weeks. See footnote "b". d NO = No data; filter paper lost by collector due to high wind. 8

BYRON Table 3. Airborne Particulates and lodine 131a (continued) B Y-21 8 Y-22 8Y-23 8 Y-24 Week Volyme Gross Volyme Gross Volyme Gross Volyme Gross Ending (m>) Beta (.nJ) Beta (mJ) Beta (m>) 8 eta 07-05-88 332 2.720.3 332 2.4?.0.3 333 2.320.3 333 2.620.3 07-11-88 238 4.520.5 240 3.820.5 239 3.910.5 239 4.220.5 07-18-88 286 2.820.4 286 3.220.4 286 2.7t0.4 286 3.220.4 07-25-88 290 2.520.3 290 2.7t0.3 289 2.820.3 f1Db 08-01-88 281 4.310.4 281 3.820.4 282 4.020.4 282 3.920.4 08-08-88 285 3.710.4 285 3.820.4 285 3.910.4 285 5.910.5 08-15-88 291 2.910.4 291 2.920.4 292 2.820.4 292 2.720.4 08-22-88 281 3.210.4 281 3.6t0.4 281 3.320.4 281 3.12 0.4 08-29-88 286 3.420.4 286 3.320.4 286 3.120.4 285 3.120.4 09-05-88 288 2.920.4 288 3.320.4 288 3.110.4 288 3.120.4 09-12-88 284 3.020.4 284 2.820.4 284 2.6t0.4 284 2.910.4 09-19-88 282 2.710.4 282 2.820.4 282 2.810.4 282 2.420.4 09-26-88 287 2.420.4 287 1.810.3 287 0.4 t 0. 2 289 2.220.4 10-03-88 287 3.3t0.4 287 3.020.4 290 -2.720.4 290 3.320.4 3rd Qtr meants.d. 3.210.6. 3.120.6 2.910.9 3.311.0 10-11-88 308 2.920.4 325 3.520.4 322 3.320.4 322 3.220.4 10-18-88 243 2.920.4 243 3.120.4 243 2.820.4 243 2.610.'4 10-24-88 285  ?.320.4 285 2.120.4 285 2.120.4 285 2.120.4 10-31-88 287 .2.220.4 287 2.220.4 287 2.010.4 287 1.820.4 11-07-88 ~287 3.610.5 288 3.620.5 288 3.520.5 288 3.620.5 14-88 283 3.120.3 283 3.320.3 283 3.06.3 283 3.020.3 11-21-88 287 2.220.4 287 2.610.4 287 2.620.4 282 2.520.4 11-28-88 285 4.020.4 285 3.920.4 285 3.6t0.4 282 3.820.4 12-05-88 286 4.820.5 286 4.910.5 286 3.720.4 286 5.120.5 12-12-88 283 3.920.4 283 4.220.4 284 5.110.5 284 4.620.5 12-19-88 287  :.920.4 287 2.920.4 287 3.110.4 287 2.720.4 12-26 88 290 2.910.4 289 3.610.4 289 2.920.4 287 3.420.4 01-02-89 28 *, 5.720.6 284 flDb 284 5.920.6 -- 284 6.120.6 ' 4th Qtr meants.d. 3.3tl.1 3.310.8 3.4tl.1 3.421.2 d jodine-131 concentrations are <0.07 pC1/m3 unless noted otherwise, b flD = tlo data due to burned out motor,

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BYRON Table 4'.; Airborne Particulates - I ~ Collection: E Quarterly composites of ' weekly collections '

l. Units: . pCi/ #

}- ..Yolume Location Lab Code t (d) . 5 r-89 S r-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 . Other Gmunasa  ! I st Q'uarte..- 1988 , 4 ET-01: LBYAP- 997 3704 <0.01: <0.01. BY-02

                                                                                                      <0.01          <0.01                   4 .01.                     ;

! 998 3717 <0.01 <0.01 4 0.01- <0.01 4.01- I l: ^ BY-03 999 3682 <0.01 <0.01 4 .01: <0.01 40.01 BY-04 -1000 3673 10.01 <0.01 4 .01- <0.01-BY-05 1001 3680 4 .01- - 1i

                                                           <0.01                 4 .01 4                                                                                                                                                                        '
                                                                                                      <0.01         <0 .01 -                 4 .01
BY-06 1002 -3706- ~ <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 i
                                                                                                                     <0 A1                   4 .01-BY-07                   1003-    -3703          <0.01                 <0.01                4 .01
          .BY                                                                                                                      <0.01 :                  4 .01-                 ~!

1004 3704 <0.01  : <0 .01 ' . <0 .01 ~ <0.01L  !

                                                                                                                                             <0 .01 BY-21                   1005      3670          <0.01                 <0.01.

40.01 4 .01 40.01 - - -

g OY-22 1006 3379~ <0.01 <0.01 4 .01 <0.01 40.01 BY-23' 1007 3672 <0.01 <0.01 1
                                                                                                     <0.01          <0.01                    4 .01                      ;

BY-24 1008 3669 <0.01 <0.01' <0.01 <0.01' ,. <0.01 * ) 2nd Quarter 1988 l BY-01 b b BYAP-1085 3707 NA NA <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 l BY-02 1086 3417 40.01 <0.01 <0.01 l BY-03 1087 .3702 4 .01 <0.01 <0.01 i B9-04 1088 3676 <0.01 <0.01 10.01 .i l BY-05 1089 3703 <0.01 <0.01- 4 .01 l f BY-06 1090 3707 10 .01 <0.01 4 .01 > l' BY-07 1091- ?707. <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 l BY-08 1092 3715 <0 .01 <0.01 4 .01 l j BY-21 1093 3706 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 j

BY-22 1094- 3706. <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 -l t

BY-23 1095- 3703 <0.01 ! BY-24 1096 '

                                                                                                                    <0.01                   4 .01                        !

3702 4 .01 <0 .01 ' 4 .01 I a See I ntroduction. ..  : b 2nd i

l. NA.= Not Analyzed; analysis not required as of Quarter..

t I i' t . 7

                  ,.-  -- .     - _ _ _ ~            ,   -
                                                                                          .   -. -,            . -.          . ~ . - .      . ..    .

BTE C Table-4. Airborne Particulates (continued) Volume Location Lab Code (o3)- Sr-89 Sr Cs-134 Cs-137 Other Gacunase 3rd Quarter 1988 BY-01 BYAP-1233 3999 flab f!Ab <6.01 <0.01 <0.01 B Y 1234 4012 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 BY-03 1235 3611 <0.01 <0.01 BY-04

                                                                                               <0.01 1236        4003                                    '<0.01  <0.01      <0.01 BY-05                1237        4007                                     <0.01  <0.01      <0.01 BY-06                1238        3999                                     <0.01  <0.01       <C.01 BY-07                1239        3999                                     <0.01  <0.01      <0.01 B Y-08               1240        4001                                     <0.01  <0.01      <0.01 BY-21                1241        3998                 -
                                                                             <0.01  <0.01      <0.01 B Y-22               1242        4000                                     <0.01  <0.01
                                                                                               <0.01 BY-23                1243        4004                                     <0.01  <0.01      <0.01 BY-24                1244        3716                                     <0.01  <0.01      <0.01 4th Quarter 1988 BY-01          BYAP-1357         3709            f!Ab       flab          <0.01  <0.01 BY-02                                                                                       <0.01 1358         3716                                     <0.01  <0.01 BY-03
                                                                                               <0.01                      i 1359         3702                                    <0.01   <0.01 BY-04                                                                                       <0.01
1360 3703 <0.01 <0.01 1

BY-05 <0.01 1361 3709 <0.01 <0.01 BY-06 <0.01

                      '1362        3712                                     <0.01   <0.01 BY-67                                                                                       <0.01                      ;

1363 3715 <0.01 <0.01 B Y-08 <0.01 l 1364 3717 <0.01 <0.01 BY-21

                                                                                               <0.01 1365        3706                                     <0.01   <0.01 BY 22                                                                                       <0.01 1366        3706                                     <0.01   <0.01 BY-23                                                                                       <0.01 1367        3703                                     <0.01   <0.01 .

BY-24 <0.01 1368 3705 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 i a a See Introduction. b flA = flot analyzed; analysis not required as of 2nd Quarter. P

6YR0tl Table 5. Gamma Radiation, as Measured by Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLDs) STAtlDARD RADIOLOGICAL M0ft!TORING PROGRAM , , 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Date Placed: 12-29-87 03-28-88 07-05-88 10-03-88 Date Removed: 03-28-88 07-05-88 10-03-88 01-02-89 Days in the Field: 90 99 90 91 Location Average mR/Qtr. Offsite Indicator Locations _ B Y-01 Byron ?l.921.0 11.420.7 12.221.0 12.720.7 BY 03 - flearsite East 13.420.9 14.020.7 14.321.2 15.920.7 BY Paynes Point 13.421.0 14.920.7 14.7t0.9 16.420.8 BY flearsite South 15.721.1 14.720.7 15.420.8 18.021.4 BY-06 . Oregon 12.921.0 12.420.9 13.221.0 13.520.7 flean A s.d. 13.511.4 13.521.5 14.021.3 15.322.2 Onsite Indicator Locations, BY Onsite llorth 11.120.9 9.420.7 11.120.8 11.820.8 BY Onsite ESE 16./21.1 14.320.7 17.111.1 18.320.7 BY Onsite South 15.921.7 15.520.8 16.820.9 17.211.1. BY-24 ilet. Tower 14.St1.6 13.420.8 14.520.6 -17.1 1.1 tiean i s.d. 14.622.5 13.222.6 14.922.8 16.122.9 Background locations BY-02 -- Stillman Valley 12.320.9 12.320.7 12.320.7 13.420.8 BY ttt. Morris 13.711.1 13.920.8 13.321.3 15.620.8 .o BY Leaf River 13.220.9 11.3t0.7 14.821.0 14.220.9 liean a s.d.- 13.120.7 12.521.3 13.521.3 14.421.1 12

i BYRON Table 5. Gamma Radiation, as Heasured' by TLDs (continued) SPiCIAL PROGRAM Inner Ring. Near Site Boundary, Indicator Locations *

                                                                    . lst Quarter                     2nd - Qu a rter                  3rd Quarter                     4th Quarter Date Placed:                            12 29-87                          03-28-88                        07-05-88                         10-03-88              -i Date Removed: .                         03-28-88                          07-05-88                         10-03-88                        01-02-89 Days in the Field:.                             90                                 '99                       '90                              91 Location                                                                                      Average mR/Qtr.

B Y-101 1 : 14.821.4 '16.0f0.7 14.520.8- 17.420.9 l BY-101-2 .14.920.9 12.420.7 16.110.9 18.320.9- d BY-102-1 14.810.9 17.020.7 15.821.1 19.820.7-

                            ' B Y-102                                14.820.8                          13.721.4                        15.710.8                         17.210.2
  , -                        . B Y- 103                           ,14.6tl.0                        -15.320.8                         14.220.7-                         17.021.0
                            ?BY-103-2                                  .15.921.2                         11.7t0.8                        13.810.8                         17.6t0.9                  !

BY-104-1 14.710.9 15.720.7 14.620.7 17.820.6 .i B Y-104-2 '16.221.0 12.320.7 15.110.8 18.721.7- I B Y- 105'-l ' '14.920.9' -16.320.7 15.810.8 18.420.7-B Y-105-2 15.621.0 12.810.9 15.820.8 18.721.0 B Y-106 1 14.421.0 15.220.7 14.8tl.0 17.020.6-

                            ~ B Y-106 2                                 14.321.0                         11.520.7                        14.420.7                        16.610.7                  L
                            .8Y-10741                                   14.411.0                        -16.7t0.8                        14.321.3                         19.7tl.0 B Y- 107                              16.120.9-                        12.511.0                        15.420.9                        17.820.8 BY-108-1                                 15.821.3                         16.210.7                        15.810.8                        18.420.6'                 ;

BY-108-2 13.520.9 9.920.7 12.921.0 14.820.9

                           .BY-109-1:                                   14.0 0.8                        14.910.9                       - 15.021.2                        16.520.7 BY-109-2                                  15.121.1                        10.220.7                        14.921.2                         15.511.1 18 Y-110- 1 :                                13.8t0.9                         14.520.8                       13.821.2                       '16.320.7 B Y- 110-2'                              24.121.1 -                        10.220.7                      - 13.820.8                     - 15.020.9
                           ' BY-l'11                                 14.821.0-                       11.920.7                        14.621.2                         17.520.8
  .       .                   BY-111-2                                  16.211.0                        10.620.8                       - 14.821.0                        16.220.9
                           ~BY-112-1                                    14.420.9-                       11.520.7                        13.920.7                         16.920.9 BY-112-2                               c14.820.9                          10.220.7                        13.820.7                         14.620.8                o B Y-113-1                                 14.120.9                       '10.320.9                        23.220.8                         16.120.7                 -

BY-113 14.021.2 10.820.8 11.920.7 13.621.0 BY-114-1 11.520.9~ 9.720.8 12.120.7' 14.020.9 - BY-114-2 14.320.9 10.6t 0. 7 13.6t0.8 16.420.8L

                          - BY-115-1                                 :13.621.1                          11.620.8                        14.511.0                        16,710.8 BY-115-2~                                14.721.1                         10.2+0.7,                       15.420.8                        17.421.4 BY-116                                12.020.8                         10.220.7.                       12.320.8=                       14.020.6 BY-116-2:                                14.421.0                         10.520.8                        14. 3t 0.8                     _15.421.0 Hean~t:s.d.                               14.812.0                         12.622.4                        14.421.1                        16.821.6" N

13 w v viw x- ,e-e:, , i. N . - .-l--,n ,,,,,--,-s .,,,..--m.,m.,-,,-,.wme-e,m,,,- .-,,+,em,e. ww-, -.: ~ w e v v

BYRON I Table 5. Gamma Radiation, as Heasured by TLDs (continued) SPECIAL PROGRAF 1 Outer Ring, Hear 5 flile Radius. Indicator Locations 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Date Placed: 12-29-87 03-28-88 07-05-88 10-03-88 Date Removed: 03-28-88 07-05-88 10-03-88 01-02-89 Days in the Field: 90 99 90 91 Location Average mR/Qtr. BY-201-1 12.821.0 11.7t0.7 14.1*0.8 16.320.6 B Y-201-2 18.211.1 11.710.8 15.720.7 17.520.9 B Y-202 1 12.721.0 11.711.1 13.820.9 15.720.7 B Y-202-2 16.020.9 11.510.7 15.420.7 17.720.6 BY-203-1 10.210.9 8.610.7 10.420.7 11.5 0.8 BY-203-2 15.62).0 10.920.8 14.120.8 16.620.7 BY-204-1 10.920.8 10.010.8 11.420.9 13.410.7 BY-204-2 16.621.1 12.420.7 16.020.7 18.211.0 B Y- 205- 1. 14.011.1 11.7t0.7 15.120.6 17.011.2

    ~ BY-205-2               15.021.0         11.420.7         14.320.8    16.910.8 BY-206-1                15.420.9         12.220.7         15,620.7    16.820.7
   'BY-206-2                 16.620.9         11.910.7         15.4:0.7    17.8 1.0 BY-207-1                15.211.5         12.710.8         15.920.8    18.321.0 B Y-207-2               15.820.9         11.7t0.7         15.0t0.7    17.220.9 B Y-208-1               17.011.0         13.010.7'        17.220.7    19.321.0 B Y-208- 2              16.321.2         11.820.8         16.111.0    17.611.1 B Y-209-1               16.010.9         12.5t0.9        -15.421.4    18.421.3 B Y-209-2               13.820.9         10.021.0         15.620.8    15.020.7 B Y-210-1               14.920.8         12.220.7         15.220.8    17.710.8 BY-210-2                ~14.820.8        12.221.1         15.520.7    17.121.0 B Y-211-1               14.220.9         11.020.7         14.920.7    15.810.6 B Y-211-2               18.311.2         12.410.8         16.220.8    18.220.9 B Y-212- 1              15.821.0         12.320.7         15.520.8    17.921.3 BY-212-2                16.821.7         ~12.720.9        15.720.8    19.221.1 BY-213-1                14.6t0.9         11.721.2         14.820.7    15.620.9 B Y-213-2               17.721.3         13.421.3         15.920.8    18.720.9 BY-214-1                14.610.9         11.221.0         14.020.8    15.420.9 BY-214-2                 16.021.0        12.110.7         15.220.8    18.021.4 BY-215-1                15.321.1         12.320.8         16.021.0    17.820.6 BY-215-2                16.221.1         12.620.7         15.420.8    18.421.0 B Y-216- 1              16.621.1         12.120.7         16.521.0    17.220.7 BY-216-2                16.921.0         12.910.7         16.5 0.8    18.521.0 flean i s.d.            15.321.8         11.811.0         15.121.4    17.121.6 14

BYRON Table 6. Precipitation Units: (pCi/1) MONTHLY COLLECTIONS Collection Period Lab Code Gross Beta Lab Code Gross Beta Reeverts Pine I;ill Kenneth Druien Dairy Farm BY-15 Farm BY-16 January, 88 BYP-432 9.627.1 BYP-433,4 <12.1 Februa ry, 88 452 NSa 453 NSa March. 88 471 (12.7 NSb Apri1, 88 NAc gge 4 Ed Seabold Whitten Holsteins BY-17 Farm BY-20 Janua ry, 88 BYP-435 9.217.1 BYP-436 13.127.4 Februa ry, 88 454 NSa 455 NSa March, 88 472 52.129.6 - 473 (12.7 April, 88 NAc NAC 8 NS = Not enou9h sample for analysis, b NS = No sample; farm deserted and ess amed out of business. c NA = Not analyzed; analysis not required as of April,1988. 15


           .[.' .

4 . 1 BYRON  ! s i

                               ; Table 6.          Precipitation (continued)'
                                                          - QUARTERLY' COMPOSITES OF MONTHLY COLLECTIONS -

Other Composite Period - Lab Code Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137- Gamasa Tritium y J. A. Reeverts Dairy Farm BY-15 '

                               .lst Quarter, 88-              BYP-486            <10-       <2        <10'              (10           <15             .200 2nd. Quarter, 88-3rd. Quarter, 88, 4th Quarter, 88;
                                                                        'K. Druien Dairy Farm BY_ _16 -   _
                             "1st Quarter, 88                BYP-487            _< 10 -     <2-      <10-              <10            (15             <200
, 2nd-Quarter, 88-.
                             '3rd Quarter,-88--

4th Quarter,'88 3 Whitten Holsteins BY 1st Quarter, 38 BYP-488 <10 <2 <10' <10 <15 <200 l

                             '2nd Quarter, 88-
                             '3rd Quarter, 88
4th.0aarter, 88 '

E. Seabold Dairy Farm BYi20 ' 1st Ouarter, 88 BYP-489 <10 -<2 -<10 <10- 45- <200

                             '2nd! Quarter,88.-
  • 3ro4uarter,88 4th Quarter, 88 l h #

S O Introductio s I t t l'l 16 .1 g

           +.       u - .      ~-,.;,.;..._ee..i.--. v
                                                            ....---4.      i...-,..-    -       .      . . , _ _ , ,  ..._.-,.,.-......-~..-..;-m._.-
                                                                                                                                                 .         .m..,, . , . . - ,

BYRON Table 7. Mil k Collection: Monthly; semimonthly during grazin9 season (May - October) Units: pC1/1 Collection Other Date Lab Code 1-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Gammasa J. A. Reeverts Dairy Farm B Y-15 01-04-88 B mi-1519 <0.5 <10 1.920.2 <5 <5 <10 02-01-88 1582 <0.5 (10 2.020.5 <5 <5 <10 03-07-88 1692 <0.5 <10 1.720.2 <5 <5 <10 04-04-88 1757 <0.5 NAd NAd <5 <5 <10 05-02-88 1836 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 05-16-88 1909 <1.4c NA NA <5 <5 <10 06-06-88 2010,1 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 06-20-88 2113 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 07-0 5-88 2167,8 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 07-18-88 2251,2 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 08-01 88 2347,8 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 08-15-88 2423 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 09-05-88 ~2520 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 09-19-88 2608 <0.5 NA NA . <5 <5 <10 10-03-88 2666 <0.5 NA NA <5 <S <10 10-17-88 2741 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 11-07-88 28 51 <0.5 llA NA <5 <5 <10 12-05-88 2912 < 0. 5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 Bill Leupkes Farm B Y-25 01-04-88 BYM1-1520 <0.5 <10 U 20.3 <5 <5 <10 02-01-88 1583 <0.5 <10 4.010.7 <5 <5 <10 03-07-88 NSb 04-04-88 NSb 05-02-88 1837 (0.5 NAd NAd <5 (5 <10 05-16-88 1910 (1.6 NA NA <5 <5 <10 06-06 88 2012 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 06-20 88 2114 <0.5 NA NA <5 (5 <10 07-05 88 2171 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 07-18-08 2255 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 08-01-88 2351 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 08-15-88 2426 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 09-05-88 2523 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 09-19-88 2611 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 10-03-88 2669 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 10-17-88 2744,5 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 11-07-88 2853 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 (10

l. 12-05-88 2914,5 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 o See Introduction.

b NS = No sample; farm deserted and assumed out of business. (Collector will ,; s - find new location to replace BY-16. ) c LLO not reached due to relocation of laboratory and subsequent delays in l,/ count in9 d NA = Not analyzed; analysis not required as of 2nd quarter. 3 i' m Jc)'

                                                                                                                       '    ~

t ! t (lt

                                                                                       >                                                   \


                                                                                                                              .) l*
                                                                                                                   ,e       >

\ v- y ,

 +   -

BMON Table 7. Milk (continued) Collection Other Date' Lab Code 1-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Gammasa Whitten Holsteins 8 Y-17 01-04-88 B YM1-1521 <0.5 <10 2.320.3 <5 <S <10 02-01-88 1584 <0.5 <10 3.310.7 <5 <5 <10 03-14-88 1711 <0.5 <10 3.320.9 <5 <5 <10 04-04-88 1758 <0.5 NAc NAC <5 <5 <10 05-02-88 1838,9 <0.5 flA NA <5 <5 <10 05-23-88 1971 <1.0b tm NA <5 <5 (10 06-06-88 2013 <0.5 flA NA <5 <5 <10 06-20-88 2115 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 07-0 5-88 2169 <0.5 PM NA <5 <5 <10 07-18-88 2253 <0.5 flA NA <5 <5 <10 08-01-88 2349 <0.5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 08-15-88 2424 < 0. 5 NA NA <5 <5 <10 09-0 5-88 2521 <0.5 NA la <5 <5 <10 09-19-88 2609 <0.5 tlA NA <5 <5 <10 03-88 2667 <0.5 NA V <5 (5 <10 10-l'-88 2742 <0.5 NA ta <S <5 <10 11-14-88 2873 <0.5 NA NA <5 (5 <10 12-12-88 2941- <0.5 NA NA <5 (5 <10 Ed Seabold Dairy Farm B Y-20 01-04-88 B Yt11-1522 <0.5 <10 2. 12 0.3 <5 <5 <10 02-01-88 1585 <0.5 <10 2.lt0.6 <5 :5 <10 03-07-88 1693 (0.5 <10 1.020.5 <5 <5 <10 C4-04-88 1759 <0.5 NAC NAC <5 <5 <10

   -     05-02-88          1840    ' 0.
                                   <    5       NA          NA       <5     <5    <10 05-16-88         1911     <1.5b        NA          NA       <5     <5    <10 06-06-88         2014     <0.5         NA          NA       <5    <5     (10 06-20-88         2116     <0.5         NA          NA       <5     <5    <10 07-0 5-88        2170     <0.5         NA          NA       <5    <5     <10 07-18-88         2254     <0.5         NA          NA       <5     <3    <10 08-01-88         2350     <0.5         NA          NA       <5-   <5     <10 08-15-88         2425     <0.5         NA          NA       <5    <5     <10 09-0 5- 88       2522     <0.5         NA          NA       <5    <5     <10 09-19 -88        2610     <0.5         flA         fM       <5    <
                                                                           '5     <10-10-03-88         2668     <0.5         NA          NA       <5    <5     <10 10-17-88.        2743     <0.5         NA          NA       <5    <5     <10 11-07-88         2852     <0.5         NA          flA      <5    (5     <10 12-05-86         2913     <0.5         Nn    -

flA <5 <5 <10 a See Introduction. b LLD not reeched due to relocation of laboratory and subseauent delays in counting, c NA = Not analyzed; analysis not required as of 2nd quarter. L

o 1


B YRON l Table 8. Fish, Ecible Portions. Collection: 3 times per year Unit: pCi/g wet weight Collection Other Date Lab Code Type Cs-134 Cs-137 Gammasa Oregon Pool of Rock River BY-12 , 05-16-88 BYF-388 Catfish <0.10 <0.10 (0.13 05-16-88 389 Carp <0.10 <0.10 <0.13 07-15-88 435 Catfish <0.10 <0.10 <0.13 15-88 449 Catfish <0.10 <0.10 <0.13 10-03-88 473 Buff alo <0.10 <0.10 <0.13 10-03-88 474 Cat fi sh <0.10 <0.10 <0.13 Upstream BY 13, 05-09-88 B YF-370 Sucker <0.10 <0.10 <0.13 05-16-88 390- Croppie <0.10 <0.10 <0.13 ( 07-18-88 4 38 Carp (0.10 <0.10 <0.13 07-18-88 439 Catfish <0.10 <0.10 <0.13 10-11-80 504 Sucker <0.'0 <0.10 <0.13 10-17-88 505 Catfish <0.10 <0.10 <0.13 l 19 .

BYRON Table 9. Collection: Annually Units: pCi/g wet weight Collection Other Date Lab Code Type I-131a Cs-134 Cs-137 Ganmasb BY-19-1 966 East Weld Bark Road 08-29-88 B YVe-494 Cabbage <0.04 <0.1 <0.1 <0.2 09-05-88 530 8eets ----

                                                                                                 <0.1    <0.1   <0.2 09-05-88             531           Peppers                                            ----
                                                                                                 <0.1    <0.1   <0.2

'I 09-05-88 532 Egg Plant ----

                                                                                                 <0. I'  <0.1   <0.2     -

Sj 09-05-88 533 Zuccini ----

                                                                                                 <0.1    <0.1   <0.2 09-05-88             534           Squash                                             ----
                                                                                                 <0.1    <0.1   <0.2 B Y- 19-2 6993 North River Road                                        ,-

08-29-88 E 's e-495 Cabbage <0.02 <0.1 <0.1 <0.2 08-29-88 496 Rhubarb. ----

                                                                                                 <0.1    <0.1   <0.2 08-29-88             497           Beets                                           /'----   <0.1    <0.1   <0.2 09-12-88 09-12-88 536 537,8 Squash Tomatoes

[ ----

                                                                                                                <0.2 i
  • Analysis for 1-131 required for cabbage and lettuce only.

[([/l # See Introduction. - l


t 1 I

t BYRON i ITable 10. -Grass and Cattlefeed  ! 2 Collection:- Quarteriya Unitsi pCi/g. wet weight-


Collection G ross . Other i Date- Type- . L ab C ode Beta . S r-89 : - S r-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Gasunasb J. A. Reeverts Dairy Farm BY-15 ' 02-08-88 H ay .BYCF-322 18.130.7 .. <1 '.0 <1.0' <0.1 : <0 .1 4 .2~ i

                                                         ' NS C -

K.' Durien Dairy Fara : BY-16 ' '

 $  02-08-88             Hay, Silage; BYCF-323'             10.120.3                 <1.0.       <1.0    <0 .1        <0 .1          4 .2 NSC i

i i i P a SGee b rass is collected during. sununer. Cattlefeed is collected during winter.4 I ntroduction; i c Collection .and analysis discontinued. as of 2nd quarter,1988. g j clues; f. ",- i

-- - . - .,. , , ,. .-- . - - - , , , , , . . ., . , ~ -

4h i BYRON Table 10. Grass and Cattlefeed (continued) Collection G ross Other Date Type Lab Code Beta S r-89 S r-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 G ammasb i

                                             ' Whitten Holsteins BY-17 02-08-88           Hay          BYCF-324         14.330.6      <1.0       <1.0     <0 .1  <0 .1  <0 .2 NS c E. Seabold Dairy Farm BY-20 02-08-88           Silage      BYCF-325          15.730.6      <1.0       <1.0     4).1   <0 .1  <0 .2 U                                      NSC
                                                                                  ,A a Grass is collected during summer. Cattlefeed is collected during winter. F,[

b See I ntroduction. c Collection and analysis discontinued as of 2nd quarter,1988. je<:, #, , 4 JCA .


p .o  ; F BYRON

                                                                 -c       1 t' )

1 A '

           - Table 11. Cooling Water                         v'y     2                        -i Units: pC1/1               gJ            T WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Collection      Lab:            Gross             Collection           Lab    Gross Date'      Code-           Beta                  Date             Code   Beta intake Pipe BY-10
              .01-01  BYCW-4807      2.811.0-101-08        4809-   -1.711.0 201-16-88          NS4                                                                '

01-25-88" 4795 2.911.0 29-88 4880 2.2 1.0 02-08-88' 4985- 3.4 1.1 02-16a88> 5047 3.211.1

              .02-22-88         5115     1.821.0-
02-29-88 5222 -9.111.6 03i07-88 L5313- 1.011.0- .

03-14-88 5415 1~911.0

                                          .                                                          l 03-21-88         5480    =1.011.0 03-28-88         5562-    1.6i0.8 1st Qtr meants'.d.-        2.712.2 0

04-88 NAb -

       ,     a NS.= No sample'sent to:1aboratory.
    cb NA = Not ar,alyzed; analysis not required as of secono quarter.




                                                                                                        \        \

BYRON \' ) .,

                                                                                                      -      5 i

g ,e ,0 3 v' D ' g'3 f y j N Table 11. Cooling Water (continued) ' s / s s .s 0. e

                                                                   ';>            \

WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Collection Lab Gross Collection Lab. Gross Date Code 8 eta Date Code Beta Discharge Pipe BY-11 01-01-88 BYCW-4808 3.621.1 01-08-88 4810 3.721.1 01-16-88 NS8 01-25-88 4756 4.621.1 01-29-88 4881 4.721.2 02-08-88 4986 3.721.7 02-16-88 5048 5.721.1 02-22-88 5116 6.321.8 02-29-88 5223 3.921.8 03-01-88 5314,15 5.211.3 03-14-88 5416 8.421.4 03-21-88 5481 6.211.3 03-28-88 5563 3.921.2 1st Qtr meants.d. 5.021.4 04-04-88 nab a NS = No sample sent to laboratory, b NA = Not analyzed; analysis not required as of second quarter. 24

BYRON Table 11. CoolingWater(continued) MONTHLY COMPOSITES OF WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Composite Other Period Lab Code Sr-89 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Gamasa Tritium IntaEe Pipe BY-10 Janua ry, 88 BYCW-5130 <10 <2 <10 <10 <15 <200 February, 88 5403 <10 <2 <10 <10 <15 <200 March, 88 5758 <10 <2 <10 <10 <15 <200 April, 88 nab f I Oischarge Pipe BY-11 January, 88 BYCW-5131 (10 <2 <10 <10 <15 9,4102280 - Februa ry, 88 5406 <10 <2 <10 <10 <15 54,6202660 March 88 5759 <10 <2 <10 <10 <15 29,4801480 April, 88 nab a See Introduction, b NA = Not analyzed;. analysis not required as of second quarter. I 25

          .                                                                                                                                     3 y       ,

q g d.- BYRON l

       ,. 's x
                    ' Table 12. -Surface Water
  • Units: pCi/l s.

WEEKLY COLLECTION , Woodland Creek BY-09 Downstr'_am -BY-12 -Upstream BY-13 (C) Collection Lab Gross Lab Gross Lab Gross Date -Code Beta Code- Beta- Code Beta 01-04-88 BYSW- NSa BYSW- NSa BYSW- .NSa 01-11-88 NSa- NSa Nsa. 01-18-88 N3a NSa. NSa 01 25-88 NSa .Nsa- NSa _ 02-01-88' NSa - 4876 3.221.1 02-08-88 4877 '4.410.7 NSa :4984' 2.721.0 NSa 1 02-16-88 NS8 , 5046 3.221.1 NSa 02-22-88 NSa 15112 3.420.7 -5113,4 3.710.9 02-29-88. 5219' <1.7 5220 '1.911.0- 5221 2.411.0 03-07-88 5310 0.7 0.7 5311- 3.020.9

                                     -5411,2 .1.620.8 -

5312 6 321.1_- 14-88 5413 2.721.1 5414- 1.220.8-21-88 5477: -<1.5 5478 2. 7t l'.1 ~ 5479' '2.3t1.0 03:28-88 5559 ' <1. 5 - ', .5560 1.920.8 5561' 2.111.0' 1st Qtr meants.d. 1.210.6 2.710.5 3.221.7 04-04-88 nab a NS-* No sample collected due to frozen stream.

                 -b NA = Not analyzed; analysis .not ' required. as o' second quarter.

NOTE: ~ Pa9e 27 is intentionally lef t out.

s 26
              . ._ w . - . - .-        - . - -                . .      . . - . - - . - .             . .    - - .. - . , , -           _,  .
       - . . . . . - _ ~ -                         - - . . - . -                     _ .   -.   ~            _ - .       . . - . _ - .. .                 _ - _ . .   - --

Q_; ~

          -,-              a t

8YRON - Q Table 12. Surf ace Water (continued) d


Other Period' Lab Code Cs-134_ Cs-137 Gammasa Woodland Creek B Y-09

                               ' January,- 88                              BYSW- NSb                      ..                          ..            ..

February, 88- 5219 <10 <10 <15

                             =ilarch, 88                                         5754                    <10                        <10           <15 April, 88_                                       6257                   (10                         <10           <15 tiay , 88 '                                       6751                   <10                         <10           <15 June, 88?                                         6863                   <10                         <10           <l5 July, 88-                                         7525                   <10                       '<10            <15 Au9ust, 88-                                       7836                   <10                        <10            <15 September, 88-                                    8384                   <10                        <10-          < 15 ~ -                       ;
                             . October, 88:                                      8800                   (10                       _<10           (15 November, 88-                                     9096,7-                <10-                       <10           <15 December, 88                                      8988                   <10                        <10           <15 Downstream B Y-12 J' anuary, 88                              8YSW-4794                     <10                        <10           <15 February' 88-
                                           ,                                   :5400,1                  <10-                       <10-          <15
                            -March, 88                                         '5755                    <10                        <10           <l5 Apri1, 88                                         6258                   (10                        <10         . <15 ilay, 88                                          6752,3_                 <10'                       <10          <15 June, 88 i                                                                                                                                        '
   ,                                                                            6864                  :<10-                        <10           <15 July,. 88 -                                        7526,7                 <10                        <10          (15 August,:88             .

7839 <10 (10 (15

                             -September -88                                     8385                    <10                        (10          <15 Octobe r,188                                      8796 7                  <10                        <10          <l5 Novembe r,' 88                                    9098                   _< 10                       <10          <15 December, 88                                      8989                   <10                         <10          <l5-Upstream BY-13 January. 88                                 BYSW-NSb                       .._                         ..            ..
                            . February, 88                                      5402                   <10-                        <10          <15 Ilarch,: 88 -                                    _5756,7                 <101                       <10 -         <15 April, 88:                                         6259,60                <10                        <10           (15
                           ' !!ay , 88' _                                       6754                   <10.                       <10           <l5
June, 88 L 6865 <10 <10 <l5- _-.
                            . July. 88-                                         7528                   <10                        <10           <15 August, 88.                                       7840                   <10                        <10           <l5 September, 80                                     8386                   <10                        <10          <15-October, 88                                        8801                   <10                        (10          <l5

, November, 88 9099 <10- <10 <15 December, 88 8990 (10 <10 '<15 a [ See Introduction. p = b ns .' flo sample collected due to frozen stream U 28 i

         ._-,-_u,,..-                        _._ _ _ , -. ~ ... _ _.- _ _                                    _     _ . -                  __

BYRON Table 12. Surface Water (continued) QUARTERLY COMPOSITES OF WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Lab Concentration (pCi/1) Composite Period Code Sr-89 Sr-90 Tritium Woodland Creek BY-09 g ist Quarter,1988 BYSW-5754 <10 <2 <200 2nd Quarter, 1988 6896 NAa NAa <200 3rd Quarter,1988 8378 NA NA <200 4th Quarter,1988 9473 NA NA <200 Downstream B Y-12 1st Quarter,1988 BYSW-5760 <10 <2 8402120 2nd Quarter,1988 6897 NAo NAa 4202100 3rd Quarter,1988 8379 NA NA 8702120 4th Quarter, 1988 9474 NA NA 430t120 ' Upstream BY-13(C) 1st Quarter,1988 BYSW-5761 <10 <2 (200 2nd Quarter,1988 6898 NAa NAa (200 3rd Quarter,1988 8380 NA NA 2301100 4th Quarter,1988 9475 NA NA <200 a NA = Not analyzed; analysis not required as of 2nd quarter. 29

i BYR0ti Table 13. Well Water Units: pCi/l Collection: 71onthly l BY-14 BY-18 Collection Gross Other Gross Other Date Lab Code Beta Cs-134 Cs-137 Gamas Lab Code Beta Cs-134 Cs-137 Gammas i January, 88 BYW-5132,3 1.8 1.5 <10 <10 <20 BYUH-5134 <l.6 <10 <10 <20 g February, 88 5404 <2.6 <10 <10 <20 5405 <2.6 <10 <10 <20 tiarch, 88 5814 <l.6 <10 <10 <20 5815 <l.1 <10 <10 <20 l April, 88 6255 1.6 1.2 <10 <10 <20 6256 1.220.6 <10 <10 <20 i flay , 88 6721 1.721.2 <10 <10 <20 6722 1.621.2 <10 <10 <20 ' June, 88 6866 2.411.2 <10 <10 <20 6867 <l.5 <10 <10 <20 July, 88 7529 1.721.1 <10 <10 <20 7530 1.520.7 (10 <10 <20 August, 88 7841 1.620.7 <10 <10 <20 7842 1.520.5 <10 <10 <20 September, 88 8387 <2.6 <10 <10 <20 8388 1.310.4 <10 <10 <20 October, 88 8102 <2.6 <10 <10 <20 8103 <1.5 <10 <10 <20 flovember, 88 ftSb December, 88 flSb a See JntrOductiOn. b fl5 = fio sample. Due to collector's oversight, no sampl7 was collected for the meths of flovember and December. I l l

u , - _ - .... s, s% xp 3


, . er , w . _. 3 2--= .

                                                                                                 .-                              :r            -
                                             ..m.-                   ,

L a -

. m; ,

t BYRON i. Table 13. Well Water Units: pCN1

                                                                ~                                                                                                               ,

t- QUARTERLY. GRAB SAMPLES j- Collection :i

                                                   . Gross

~ Date Other Lab Code Beta Sr-89 3r-90 Trfiium Cs-134 Cs-137 Gammasa ,

j. _

r aff-Site Well BY-14 ~l 1st Quarter ES BYWW-5943 3.021.4 <1.0 <0.8 <200 <10 t <10 <15 i 3 2nd Quarter, 8A 6899 -nab NA NA <200 NA t M NA NA

j. 3rd Quarter, 88 8331 M MA M 2601190 M M 4th Quarter, -88 M i
! 9476 NA M NA <200 MA NA M'  !

! McCoy Farmstead Well ' I' B Y-18 ' 1st Quarter, 88 BYWW-5944 <1.9 <0.8 <0.6 2nd Quarter, 88

                                                                                                       <200         <10      i<10         <15                                  f' 6900,1             nab                NA            NA             s'.700

M 3rd Quarter, 88 8382,3 NA NA M NA 'NA <200 NA NA 4th Q;arter, 88 9477 NA NA I NA NA <200 NA- M M  ? i

I a See Introduction. -i b
NA = Not analyzed; analysis not required as of 2nd quarter. -i

! -} 4 1 7 i t

                                              ._          w.      .,   m    ,      s        _

BYRON Table 14. Bottom Sediments Collection: 2 times per year Units: pCi/g dry weight, r Date Other. Collected Lab Code Cs-134 Cs-137 Gammasa Oregon Pool of Rock River B Y-12 05-02-88 BYBS-350 <0.1 0.2810.03 <0.2 10-03-88 409,10 <0.1 <0.1 <0.2 q Upstream B Y-13 ,

   '                                   05-02-88                                             BYBS-351                                    <0.1                           0.3920.04  <0.2.

10-03-88 411 <0.1 <0.1 <0.2

  • See Introduction, a



BYRON BYRON DAlkt CENSUS 1988 A. Site Boundary to 2 mi. None B. 2 m1. to 5 mt.

1. Reeverts Dairy Fann 5674 N. German Church" Road Route i '

Byron, Illinois 2.1 miles 0 037' Milks 35 cows

2. Ed Seabold Dairy Fann (BY-20) 6021 N. German Church Road Route 1-Byron, Illinois 2.8 miles 0 40' Milks 100 cows
3. Warren Darakas 5845 East Holcomb Road Route 1-Oregon, Illinois ,

3.3 miles 0110'- Milks 15 cows

1. Oltmann Dairy Fann; Richard 01tmann, owner 1858 N. Gennan Chuch Road Route 1 Oregon, Illinois 2.2 miles 0180'

Milks 16 cows 34

            -a 2

BYRON DAIRY- CENSUS 1988 (continued)

5. Bill Luepkes 2887 Brick Road Route l' Oregon,_I.111nois 3.7 miles 9190 '- t Milks 60 cows
6. Ashelford Dairy Farm 4210 IL Route 2 O!L  : Route 3 '

Oregon, Illinois 2.6 miles ~ 9 275' Milk's 18 cows  !

                          ?7; CAM-DEE Fanns, Gerald Def ries, owner                                          1 5213 N. Town Hall Road Route 3 Oregon, Illinois
                                - 3.3 l mil e's 9 290 '

Milks 45 cows "8. LDuane Camling

                              . - 50 East Camling Road -

R oute~ 3 Oregon,-Illinois

                                  '3.2Emiles 9 305'
                                ' Milks 26 cows -

Cc Sampling L ocations-bye 15 Warren D anakas Miiks 15 cows D iet:-

                                                  ' May - October:    Pasture 5 acres. Pasture, hay, corn,     '

cats, pretein/ mineral supplement. November - April: Feedlot 1-. acre. -Hay, corn, oats and protein / supplement. 4 s . 35 c - . - . ..a

           .  =.

L }l

                                       . BYRON DAIRY CENSUS 1988 (continued)

BY-25 Bill Luepkes - Milks 60 cows- l Diet: May - October: __ P asture feedlot 2 acres. H ayl age,: corn, oats, and protein / mineral supplement. -; November -' April: Feedlot less than 2 acres. H ayl age, ' corn, silage, oats, and protein / mineral supplement.

                      'BY- 17     BoseckerAingel Fann Milks 40 cows Diet:
                                     -May - October:       Pasture feedlot 2 acres. G reen chop,-          a hay, haylage.                                       >
                                     ; November - April:   Feec' lot 3 acres. Silage, wylage, corn,
                                                          . oats.
                                                                                                           -i; BY-20      Ed Seabold Farm Milks-100 cows
                                . D iet:
                                     ;May - October:       Feedlot less than 2 acres. Haylage, silage.

high moisture corn, proteir./ mineral 7 supplement. +

                                    - November - April:- , Feedlot less than 2 acres. . Haylage, silage,
                                                          'high' moisture corn, protein / mineral supplement.S i                                    '

I y qCensus conducted by L.1 Coleman'on August 15 and 22 and September 13, 1988~.

.-                 i

~ \ n i 36 6 - s

J $

                .,.                    ,.'                                                                                         1


                                     ,                                                                                             l
                                                                                                                              .J NEAREST RESIDENCE _ CENSUS,1988 i

N earest ' resident of the_ By_ron S tation with a five .(5).' mile ~ radius.  ;- t N 1.9 mile.1 NNE 1.5 . mil es NE: 0.9 miles ' , L

                                                                         - ENE                       l'.3 ' miles E                  '1.2 miles ESE                      1.6 miles                f(t 1                          SE                     1.1' miles                   1 g?

s SSE= - l'.2 ~ miles  :

S 0.7 ' miles.

SSW. 0.6 miles:

                                                                            'SW                     0.9 miles l

WSW 1.7 miles - h q.- W '2.0 ' mil es ' j WW 0.8 . mil es ' NW ~1;2 miles i y NN W -. L T miles - ,,,

         ,                t i

DCens'us- conduct 9d by L. Coleman 'on August 15 and 22, -1988. l; 9 o i ltl h L, Q.

  - L.                                                                                    37

\pw l~ , - , , ,

      .           4         E

_l 'ta >, . ,, , . _ , , --,

' 3.^^ ~


_ ~ 7

            = - _


                                                                    ' EMIR 0eMEkTAL RADIOLOGICAL M)MITORInG PROGRyg QUARTERLY suse; ART -

Name of Facility Byron Nuclear Power Station - Cochet so. 50-454.' 50-455 Location of Fact 11ter Ogle. Illinois ~ Reporting Period 1 st Quarter 1968 (County, State) I ndicator._ Location utth Highest Control Sample Type and Locations Quarterly Nean L eCattons ' Number Of Type . Number of Meana- Nean Meana- men-routfas (tint ts) Analyses . LLD Range Location Range Range mesults A1r PartIculates Gross 8 eta 150 0.01 0.033 (113/113) . , By-02. Stilimas Valley 0.035 (12/123 0.034 (37fil) 0 (pci/a l ) (0.016-0.057) 6.2 mt 8 56* (0.020-0.062) (0.018-0.062) s Gamma Spec. 12 0.01 (LD . tLD 0 So89 12 0.01 4 LD - - tLD 0 S &90- 12 0.01 uD - -

                                                                                                                                                                                     ' tLD        0 Af rborne iedine                      I.131                151.         0.07                   tLD                          -                         -

(LD G (pC f /ml)

          $       G mma Background                      Gamma Dose             12         3.0            19.9 (9/9)

(11.1-16.7) ' By-22. Onsite 16.7 (1/11 13.1 (3/3) 0 (TLD s) ' (set /Q tr.) . 0.3 et 9101 * - (12.3-13.7) MiIk I-131 11 0.5 tLD - - (LD - 0 (pct /1) . Gamma Spec. 11 C s-134 5.0 (LD .-- - (LD 0 C s-137 5.0 (LD - - (LD o Other Gammes 10.0 (LD- - - (LD 0 So89 11 10 (LD - - (LD 0

                                                  - So 'a)                    11 .       2             2.2 (8/B)            By-16. Draf ea 0stry '             3.2 (3/3)       3.0 (3/3)          0 (1.0-4.01            Farm. 3.3 at # 134'               (2.5-3 8)      (2.3-3.3)

P recipitati"on ' Gross Beta 7 12.7 b 52.1 ' (1/1 ) By-17. tihitten Fare 52.1 (1/) 13.1 (1/1) 0 7.0 at # 53* Gamma Spec. 4' 20 (LD - - (LD 0 T ritium 4 200 (LD . tLD 0 sob 9 : 4 10 - ' tLD '- - (LD 0

 ._                                                 1890                        4       -2                     ' 4LD                        -                        -

(LD 0 7 . - ~ .- 7 , . Alr y +. , -

                                                                                                                   ,y-     ,      -.a.--..                                   -   --
                                                                                                                                                                        ~ ,.           N., . - .
                                                                                         -                                                                            "                                 ~

1 - - .

                                                                                       -              ~
                                                                                                                       - EmituhMEDYAL.' RAD 10 LOGICAL seulTOR!uG PROF 1AM QUARTERLT SusegutY
                                                                                              . Name of Fac11Ity - - Syron Nuclear P ouer Statics -                                                            Docket eo.              '50-454. 50-455 ^

Locatf oa of FactlIty -

                                                                                                                                                                     - O gle.' Illinois                     Jaeporting ~
  • Period 1 st Quarter 1988 '

ICounty. 5tatel I ndicator_ '

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - Location with Highest '                                     ControI M Sample.                                 Type and .                                                   Locatisas -                                   Qucterly Mean
                                                                           . Type -.                              ' Number of.-

Locations . member of-

                                                                                                                                                              .,                   : Meana                                                               Mean.                     ' Meana   . Woo-routine (U nits)                               Analyses                                ? LLO "                  Range                       '. L ocatt en                        . Range                        aange       Results Coolf ag Water               Gross Bets :                               24               1.0 -         5.0 l (12/12 )
                                                                       ' ($l/1)                                                                                                                         By-11. D f scherp                    5.0 (12/12)                    2.7 (12/12)           -o 13.6-8 .4 )           9 283                  i   (3.6-8.4)                      (1 J-9.3 )

Gaume Spec. 6-C s-134 10 - (LD ~- 4 LD 0 Cs-137 :10 tLD . - - (LD 0

                                                                                                  ' Other G ampes                                           20 '                   ' tLD                                  -                                -

(LD 0 Trftfus .6. 200 31.170 (3/3) 31.170 (3/31 8f-11. D ischerp -- (LD 3

                                                                                                                                                                           -(9.410-54,620)                :2.3 of 9 283                      (9.410-54,620 )

So89 16 -10 (LD -- - * (LD 0

                  $                                                                              So90                                         6              2                     ~ (LD                                 -                                -

SLD 0 1 Sur' ace WaM . Gross eeta  ?! 1.7 2.7- (9 /14 ) By-13, if pstream of ($1/11 ' 3.2 (7/7) 3.2 (7/7) 0 (1.9-3.4)' I ntake (1.2-6.3 ) (1.2-6.3 ) 2.6 af 9 302* Gs. as Spec. 8. 4 134 10 (LD - - tLO O C s-137 10 (LD - - 4LD 0 Other Gammas 20 (LD . - - tLD U < T ritius ' 3 200 840 (1 # ) By-12. Downstream of 840(1/2 ) (LD 0 I ntake - 4.5 af 9 213* Sr-89 -3 19 (LD - * (LD 0 So90 3 2 (LD - - - (LD 0 O o --a .

           .__                                                         ~
                                                                            .-.4.  ~  ,.       -              _.             j . 4.. %.-
                                                                                                                                                              . M- 'l l         5~            _ C; i _'_- .-_ _                         ~     - . _ , _ . 'm _ ~ . , . - _ _ _ _ . . _ , . _             . . . _
                                                                 ~                                            ~
                              '4                     ;.

m.. _ - u . EuY1RONM[MTas. ItA01DLOGICAL mt!IORING PAGGRAM QUARTElt.V Suae#urf Name of Facility ' Byron Nuclear Pinser Station ' Doctet No. 50-454. 50-455

                                - Location of Factitty .    .

O gle, Illinof s Reporting Per!od 1 st Q uarter 1988 (County. 5tatel'-

Indicator Location wt th H f ghest Control i Sample ~ Type and Locations ~ Quarterly Mean Locations Number of Type Womber of Meana . Mean Meana . Non- reuttne

(*'n t ts) -- Analyses LLD Range Locatton- R ange - Range Results

          'lell Watu              ' Gross Seta             8       2.6          3.0 (1/B)       By-14. Of f-stte well.          3.0 (1/B)          None             0
           .(pC1/l)                                                                     -

0.3 at 9 101 - Gauna Spec. 6


C F134 10 4LD - - None O C&137 10 (LD - - N ome 0 Other Gammas 20 (LD - - None O A T ritttse 2. 200 (LD - - Mone O o S r-?9 2 10 (LD - - None 0 S o99 2 2 (LD - - None 0 Cattlefeed & Grass leass Beta 4 1.0 - 14.6 (3/3) By-15. Reeverts Dairy 18.1 (1/1) 14.3 (1/1) 0 (pCf/g wet) (10.1-18.1) 3.2 af 9108* - - Gamme $pec. 4 C s-134 0.1 (LD - - (LD 0 Cs-137 0.1 (LD - - (LD 0-Other Gammes 0.2 ' ttD - - (LD 0 5c 89 4 1.0 (LD - - (LD 0 l S r-90 , 4 1.0 (LD - - (LD 0 1

  • Mean a4' range based on detectable measurements only. Fraction indicated in parenthesis.

LLO value dependent on volume of sample avaflable for analysts.

e e

                                          #ftt      s rsl h et u               0          O          0       0 ers                                                         0             0      0 O                       0     0 0 0 me unR nos

49 s 33 ) loongea e 8

                                                             /0                            )9 3 .

rt an 3 (0 O D /3 D a D O D D D D

                                                                   -   L           L       31                                                        L     L    L       L tt ea                        2                         ( -        L             L      L       L naMR oc                     02 3

t ( ' 51 3 A ( A ( A ( ( ( Co L 0. 0 21 0 (0 1( 8 8 )) 9 36 1 14 5 /0 ) r ng e 5 3 4 e A

                 -     t r                    an ea             (07-1

5 0 a t HR I - ( R u s 42 - - I Q e 30 5 ( 4 n 0 5 d gn 0 (0 5 0 4 n I a 1 2 4 Y R

                -     2            He A       0                          M 5                    h M

t t y d il W e wre 3 f o S t r nt e m Y e or t a L P ia n i* e

  • R og t u o S5 e r 3 T

E b ni caQ i r8 t 1 A o t a a - - tts 'm - s 2 A G t t er L c o e# nt n6

                                                                                                                    -      -       -                 -     -     -      n w

o 8 Q tc po O L ,e Det e - M oe 38

                                                                                            .ts                                                                          .ka A       DR                                            0 3

2 t R G y- 3 1- *. 1 n5 O B y0 y I4 R S P B

                               " '                t I         l   1l'    s n

G o ) t i 7 i 1) R t T O t a s ) ot ta oa te . 70/4 16 o te

     !      S        i D

si c H s. 1 D 95 D D D D -- D D ( r n a a n-a 10 L L / L A ) (((- i L L L a e it w l S dcWA no ( 01 7 ( ( 95 (1 ( . L ( ( ( L L 4

         . o      l IL                                                           -                                                                       1 At     P        I      ,                             30                            34                                                -                           (

C 0 r ty 39 0 I G a e n 0 (0 1( 2 O e l u fi 4 L l go O c O C I u ( D 1 1 7 b D N 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 A L 0 it a c L 0 0 0 3 0 5 5 0 0 0 5 1 0 L r 1 1 1 0 A y 2 I B N 5 1 y 5 2 6 2 9 9 9 P t 1 1 5 1 1 1 3 N t 1 0 yt i R f I t c dcs a n arse V t s s N i F a a E t ey a c e . c . m cf ebl t e s c n c m ao pma e f r, yun B e p S D o S p Ga -,- ep a G f o TNA s 4 3 7 r - S 4 7 n ot a 1 a a 3 e 3 3 r u s m 3 m 1 m 1 1 a 1 1 e t t o m 3 - - n . m h ea ac r a 1 m a 1 m a s s t m 5 s t i t a o G G I G C C O a C C O r I G G T mL .


s . . e d r - e nt t a n uQ e/ - r e s l u id rR - te l et c) o ;a - ppi i) k( - a myn id t em 3 c a)

                                                                                                        )                              -

W1 aTU( r/ n/ Bs 1

                                                                                                                                       -        1 S                   af PC p rt oC       a D t                              - c1  e/

bp nL t4 a i r( r( n (T l( f$ r( i a i u A A G M l S w~



ENVIRoeseENTAL. RADIOLOGICAL PIONIToalbG PROGRAM QUARTERLY $0setARY _ Lane of FEcfif ty  : Byron soclear Power Station ' Occtet he. 50-454, 50-455 Location of facilfty - Ogle. Ilifeats - Reportf ag Perted 2nd Quarter 1988 1 County. Statel Sample - a Indicator ~. Location with Highest Castrol ' Type and Locations Type. Quarterly leean Locattens thsiber Of tam 6er 'of perana iun1ts)  : Analyses LLD. man feeana geon.temtIee Range Location Range Range Reselta - Well Water Gross Seta 6 1.5 (pCf/I) 1.8 (4/6) 'By-14. Off-site Isell 2.4 (1/1) (1.6-2.4) Isome 0 0.3 af D 101* - Gews Spec. 6 1 Cs-134 10,. - <tLD -

                                                                                                                                                   . lsone                       O Cs-137                       10                  <LLD                    -                        -

leone 0' Other Gamass 20 4LD - - None 0 3 Trftium 2 200 ' <tLD tv - - mene 0' Ffsh Gamsa Spec. 4 (pCf/g uet) Es-134 .'. 0.1 <LLD .- -

                                                                                                                                                    <tLD                        0 Cs-137                        0.1               <tLD                    -                       -
                                                                                                                                                    <tLD                        0 Other Gammes                  0.13           ' <L LD                   --
                                                                                                                                                   <tLS                        0 Botton Seefsents         Gamma Spec.           2 (pCf/g dry)

Cs-134 0.1 4LD -- - l <tLD 0 is-131 0.1 0.26 (1/1) Sy-13. Upstream of 0.39 (1/1) 0.39 (1/1) 0 Intake - - 2.6 at # 302* . Other Gamnes 0.2 <tLD -

                                                                                                                                                   <tLS                        0
      ' ba teeam' and' range based on detectable measurements only.               Fractions indicated in parentheses.

Three elevated results LL0s(<1.4. <1.0. resulted fromand <1.5) delay have been excluded from the detemination of LLD for 1-131 fa etik collected in stay. The la analysis. l


1 mw..

7_,-- _

- th11R0eMENTAL AADIOLDCICAL MotITORING PE0 CRAM QUARTERLY SteetAAT hame'of Facilft,y' Byron haclear Power Station Docket ho. ~ 50-454. 50-455
                                                                            . Lccation of Facility                       Ogle. Illinois                Reporting Period 3rd Quarter 1988
                                                                                                                      . ICounty, 5 tate) :

Indicator- ~ Location with Nighest Control Sample Type and Locations ;-L Type

                                                                                                                                                                      %efterlyMeam                                 Locattoms ..          humber of-hus6er of '                                Weena-                                                    Mean
                                                   , (Units)_                             Analyses teean*           hen-roottae LLD             ,Eange                 Location                            Range                   Asepe -            Results Ate Particulates~                     Gross Beta.         167          0.01. 0.031b(325/125)     By-06. Oregon, 4.6 (pts /m31                                                                                                                                0.033 (14/14) 0.03u (42/42)                       '0 (0.004-0.059)        at D 213*                              (0.023-0.043) .-(0.021-0.047)

By-24, Onsite 0.65 - 0.033 (13/13) - al 9 229' (0.022-0.059) - Gamma spec. ~ 12 0.01 ' <tLD - - '

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       <tLD -                0 Airborne Iodtne                       I-1 31              167         0.07C         ". <LLD                         -                                   -'

1 pct /m3)  :<LLD 0' w Gamma Sackground Gamma Dose 12 3.0 14.4 (9/9)' By-22, Onsite W- ITLDs) (mR/Qtr.) 17.1 (1/1)' 13.5 (3/3) 0 (11.1-17.11 0. 3 at 9 101* -


Milk 1-1 31 24 0.5 - <LLD - - (pC111) <LLO O i, Gamma Spec. 24 ' Cs-134 5.0 ' <tLO - - (LLB - 0 Cs-137 5.0 <LLD - -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      <LLO                  O Other Cammas               -160                 <LLD                        -                                   -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      <LLO                  O Surface Water                        t,amms spec.          9
                                                                                 . C5-134                     :10                  <tLD                        -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       <LLO                O Cs-137                     ~10                 <tLD                         -                              -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       <LLD                0 Other Gammas                20 .              ,< tLD                       -                               -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       <tLO                9 Trttfue                3     200            870 (1/2)          By-12. bounstream of                     8 70 (1/1)             '2 30 (1/1)                 0
                                                                                                                                                .Oregen Dam,                6 af              -
                                                                                                                                                  # 213*


                                                                              .S s _ _ . . _ _    _-     ___m_
                                                                            ,a -               -                               -            -     ,r--   -

4~ < -, - -- -- , - - -

- ~ ENVIR0eetEhTAL RADIOLOGICAs. M0mliORING PROGRAM QUARTERLY 5tsecutt kane of Facility Byron Esclear Pomer statten - Docket me. 50-454. 50-455 Location of Factitty ogle. Illinofs Reporting Perted 3rd Quarter 1988 (Cewaty. 5 tate) Indicator ' Locatsoa with highest Control-5 ample ' Type and Lecstfeas Quarterly steen Locettens

                        - Type thumber of huseber of '                                       straat .                                         pean   ' Innana   ten-reettme (Units)                      Analyses                    LLD '                  Reage.              Location                     Range     Range     Regeltr 1

Well weter Gross Bets 6 . 2.6 <tLD . ~- - home' O ipCf/II . Gamma spec. 6 Cs-134 10 <tLD -. - Weee 0  ? Cs-137 10 <LLD - -

                                                                                                                                                                  . hone        0 Other Gammus                   20                       <L LD                       -                       -

None O fritten 2 200 260 (1/2) 87-14. Offstte Well - none 0 0.3 si e 101* a

  -$h Fish               .           Ca==a Spec.             4                                                                                                                '

(prt/g wet). Cs-134 0.10 <tLD .- -

                                                                                                                                                                    <tLD        0 Cs-137                           0.10 ' '               <tLD                      -                        -
                                                                                                                                                                    <tLD        0 Other Gammes                     0.13                .<tLD                        -                        -

(LD 9 i Vegetables Gamma Spec. 11 Cs-134 0.1 <tLD - - mene O Cs-137 0.1 7LO - - home 0 , Other Gammas ' 0.2 . <LLS -- - sione - 0 1-131' 2 0.06 (LLO - - home -0


ba Mean and range based on detptable measurements only. Tractices . indicated in parentheses. Cee r2sult (0.138+9.9 pct /m-1 was quelmeed from the seam. assult anrei;able due to a very low volume zwaalting frem pesip melfumetten. c Two results (<0.77 and <3.03 pct /m3) me.4 esc 1h* Free the deteref netton of LLD for I-131 in charcoal. ~ Yks elevated LLDs rosetted from r low welume. t

                                  ' ~
    . &., , W l         . . .
                                                                                                          ' ^
  • ly y+. + : ?': .; -g

. ~ - ' - e

i. i .m. , , . .

y - - . ,.?~

                                                                              ~ itKY!BolstalAL UD10Lt4tCAL 90t'TORIt6 PROGRAft CtARTIELY SseutRY
                                                         ' eene of facility                      treca haclear Pomer 5tsth                            Sectet me.-               5 0 454. 50-455 -

Locatloa of Factlity egle,, 1115asts .._ ^neporting fetted ' 4th Qeerter 1986 :


(County. . State) :

                                                         .j                                                               left: star :                          Locattna '=ttk lifgoest                                    .Castrel Emmple .                       Type and                                                                                                                                            Loc 4tient -

tr ettans ' Qaneeterly h e, m af '- -- tamber. ef mes . boe mputtee Type *1 a.M - Mea::4 (catts). Amelyses- -LLD taege ~. - tacetten- -- . Reag 3 - 1Lwee Rosaits - Air Pertfestates ' Gross Seta- 155'; 0.01 0.032 (116!!16) Bf-234 searstts south G.024 (13;'13) 0.032 (M/3sl O fpC1/m3) 0.58 et 9 182* (C.016-0.061). g (0.021-6.tW) !3 R LO.069) + 3Y-24.1snersite 5estbj C.G34 (13/1.*) u wati 3.45 at e 229* s . (0.0100.063 i Gamma 5pec. 12  ? .0) (LD , Stia 'e A9reorne !edine 1-131 155 - 8.07 N ELLS - - ALS S I _.(stffm3) _< w --

  • Gamma tackgreend Gamme nose 12 3.0 ' 15.7 (9/93- By-22. Casita, 0.3 18.1 (111) 14.4 (3/3) 6

(TI.05)-(d/Qtr.) #1h8-18.3) at 9 101* - - (13.4-15.4) - I wilt . 1 131 I't 0.5 4LO - - 4LD 6 (PC1/l)

lCannespec. -16
                                                              . Cs-134                                   5.0                  4LD                                -                                   -                       ALS
  • O Cs-137 5,0- 4LC
                                                                                                                                             ]                   -                                   -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             <tLB                       6
                                                              'Other Gammas                             10.0                  ALD             l                  -                                   -                       4tB '                   'G
                                 $wfact mater                 Gassne ipec.                   9' (pCf/II                          .

4 ' Cs-134 4 10 T ALD - -- 419 0 i-Cs-137 10 : 4LD - - ' 4LD C i etner Gans. 15 <tLD - -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              <tLD                      o
                                                           ' fritte                         3         200              130 (!/2)                8?-12. Damastroom                    4A d /11                      -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ~4LD                      0                                                  ,
                                                                                                                                                .of Oregos Oaf f

4.6 at 9 21)* - g p.h 6 a n, ,-w... 3., a -y . .p-. ,e - .a 4 s -u... ~.y, g y --p, _ _ _ _ _.,_t _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _

9 y _ q r- --

3 :._'
    ~                                                                                                                                                                                                       ..
                                                                                  -EsV!ActsqENTAL RADIOLOGICAL MDu1 TOR 1mG PeorJUN QUAATEltLY SisetARY
                                                                  ' Name of Fact)Ity ~            Syrca kuclear Power Station Dechet Ho.             50-454,50-4$5 Location s
  • Facility Ogle. 1111asts - Reporting Period 4th Quarter IM
                                                                                                          ..( County 5tste)


                                                                                                                     . Indicator          Locattom with Highest             Centret Typs and -                               Locations                  Ouarterly tenan           Locattens    mustier of Sample .                                                                                                                     - per saa. glem-roottee Type                        inweber of _                                parana        .
                                                                                                                                                                 . seen Rar;e           Locatien                   Range      Range      Rosalto                        l (cnits)                      A">alyse5                    LLD
                                                                                                                                                                     -         meme         O.

tiell Water Grosi leta 2 - 2. 6 <LLD .- ' (pct /1) Gamma spec. l2 L 10 <tLD - -- steee O Cs-134 10 <t LD -

                                                                                                                                                                    -          mene         0 Cs-137 20               <ttD                  -                     -
  • stone 0 Other Gammes
                                                                                              .2    200'                4LD                                         -          three        0 Tritfum                                                                  -

k. m F1sh' Gamma Spec. 4 (pCf/g tet) <tLD 0 Cs-134 0.10 <LLD - - 0.10 4tD - - < TLC 0

                                                                     - Cs-137 Other Gaea:s                     0.13            4LD                  -                      -          (LO .        O Botton Sedteents-                Gamma Spec.              2-O.!             ALD               -                         -          <tLD         0 Cs-134 0.1             <Lt D             -                         -          <tLD         0 Cs-137 Other Gammes                     0.2'            cLLD                 -                      -          4LS          0
  • Neon and range based en detectable measurements only. Fract'ons indicated da parentheses.


                      - " * ' ' '-       '7"I'

p ,s


9 . r-r Append!x A Interlahoratory Comparison Progre Results . 0s

             ,   ,i'
                        = NOTE: c : TIM... participates in intercomparison ' studies administered ': by U.S. EPA -

Environmental Monitoring Systems-- L aboratory, L as iVegas,- Nevada. results - are reported -in : Appendix: A.- Also . reported are results of The-in-3[g house spikes; and blanks.- Appendix A is updated twice' a year and the -! g comp 1ete Appendix is included in J anuary and ~ July monthly _ reports only.- P lease. refer to J anuary and July Reports- for-information. J

%                        J une,1988 i:

p A-1 l x . .- -,

                                                                                                                 .         .      APPENDIX B
                                                 .                                                                           COLLECTION SCHEDULE G

S ) f e 8-1 .

h-j m eno r a isse

            $emneJt                { g/                              3ettestgas $ssapege

de$e 1 sA i seneg gats gagapegop, lufleetse ne joa senetes sageggep g pets teJ engegeS gea seggeatsem sgo semege)s( . ssedges sgoegp eD goteaaets qs eggegoop es sg es eselsesart m 54segaJ'es,a t e mo ie eud go enees sam .' te tegaasoisad" eest sele sageg'gep

                                                                   **u**S*e eses-tea &es seggesggoe* getae es nieessesegeg soseggoG uane:                  034                     MoA                   03D                    sates
                             *** W L*                    C 10 IL 74 t/            i    tA ti   t/ S /1 lb                TT                     0 M    'g"eppe*s'L*'"

neets 1Adar 3.ygJ seitestna aaes- sew y/'- c sna s=*tsu nA w f ff f f r / f f A ^ ' n s: n

                                            ,.          p(( 7 7 7 f f 7                                p o o /                     bu*== s= *A w           /f f / //                      I f     f       ^ ^ ^ /                     3eus,sse.s:

ii a

           '" = n v *                     w           ff/ ff7                        f r     f                                   U;;Q*
                                                                                                       / ' ' t si t li : N
           )petifspisy1(                   -~09 f ff f f [

f f f / ^ ^ ^ ts/la*etgdes tie 09 e e m )qA e m.e.: w f '[ f f f f / r f A n - - 2eC w f ff f f f ff f r ^ ' - m.s-m'II"e"ns es / f '/ f f f ff~f ' ' n ' w f ff /f / 7 f f ^ ^ ^ ' w f r /f f f tif / t ^ ^ / w f f f f f 'l r;f 'l n ' t> f(({ff ^/ ' / f ^ ^ ^ / 3 tgg* ygJ sredleJs - aim JlelP /d/S geirytematadI al j ^ //// /7[9 ggegp uetrygome4*4 petnas te ani dna segsgJetles bt6tJe%leotQ gyyr3 p - /p[g A /. renmedraagg-retK.03%eged se>>= a no m : n uw f f,l T f 'f r r f l

                                           '18 f      f ff, /S/f/ [                     f
                                           'ti -      [ ( ^t f             '/ f lf         f ^/

neig nR3sJ: SW M*19


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            ,sqsasgges soptseet.                        ld/E [


                                                       /0/E f l-            J)sg: tu/Aa*               tA-tg           N O'O ,.J.'N 0# OO,/ 9 9 iD

[@ set' regi' eop catses. 9A*1( p .l/0/U '/PJ( e a.tsg . neb $ Y(44. $ 3N D G nT'9-Q .J.H/ $ C O'b4 / S/7 '# 1 inuas)( -

  • t 6-g -

M #

             ;ona  aeageggos deJ 183eties*      lasgats
                                    )2( ewg LA mgesesles"s'lesispes 6g e t               et gersg eue )t( seedts eh desu teedi as6sirgges l

1 Y l.'

       .: . c-
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