IR 05000272/2011301

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Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1 and 2-NRC Initial Operator Licensing Examination Report 05000272/2011301; 05000311/2011301
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 12/02/2011
From: Jackson D E
Operations Branch I
To: Joyce T P
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML110030673 List:
50-272/11-301, 50-311/11-301
Download: ML113360214 (9)


December 2, 20IlThomas P. JoycePresident and Chief Nuclear OfficerPSEG Nuclear LLC-N09P. O. Box 230Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08039


Dear Mr. Joyce:

On September 26, 2011, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) compteted anexamination at Salem Nuclear Generating Station, units t and 2. The enclosed reportdocuments the examination flndings, which *er" dis"ussed on ruovemoei l-0,-zoll, withMr. M. Kafantaris of your staff.The examination included the evaluation of one applicant for reactor operator license, sixapplicants for instant senior operator licenses, and'one applicant tor upgraoe senior operatorlicense. The written and operating examinations were developed using-NUngc-tozt,"operator Licensing Examination btandards for Power Reactors," Revision 9, Supplement 1.The license examiners determined that four of the eight aiplicants satisfied the requirements of10 cFR Part 55, and the appropriate licenses were issued on November 10, 2,011.No findings were identified during this examination.Three applicants for instant senior reactor operator licenses failed the written portion of theirexams and were denied licenses. One applicant for an instant senior reactor operator licensepassed the exam, but his license is being held based on his written exam grades. Licenses forapplicants with written exam passing graies of 82 percent or below are no-rmally held for reviewuntilthose applicants who failed the eiamination have had an opportunity to appealtheir licensedenials.In accordance with 10 cFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of practice," a copy of this letter and itsenclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC public DocumentRoom or from the Publicly Available Records (PA[S)'component of NRCs document systemAgencywide Document Access and Management system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible fromW the NRC Web site at http:/ (the PublicElectronic Reading Room).

Sincerely,aa)Al )dZ^. rV!/_(,,Donald E. Jackson, ChiefOperations BranchDivision of Reactor SafetyDocket Nos. 50-272:50-31 1License Nos. DPR-70: DPR-75


NRC Initial Operator Licensing ExaminationReport 0500027 21201 1 30 1 and 05000 31 1 1201 1 30 1


Supplemental Informationcc wienclosure: Distribution via ListServ


ER 0500027212011301; 0500031112011301; September 19 -26,2011; Salem NuclearGenerating Station, Units 1 and2; Initial Operator Licensing Examination Report.NRC examiners evaluated the competency of one applicant for reactor operator license, sixapplicants for instant senior operator licenses, and one applicant for upgrade senior operatorlicense at Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1 and 2. The facility licensee developed theexaminations using NUREG-1021 , "Opetator Licensing Examination Standards for PowerReactors," Revision 9, Supplement 1. The written examination was administered by the facilityon September 26, 2011. NRC examiners administered the operating tests onSeptember 19 - 22,2011. The license examiners determined that four of the eight applicantssatisfied the requirements of 10 CFR Part 55, and the appropriate licenses have been issued.A. NRC-ldentifiedandSelf-RevealingFindinosNo findings were identified.B. Licensee-ldentified ViolationsNone.Enclosure


4. OTHER ACTTVTTES (OA)4OA5 Other Activities lnitial or Operator License Examination.1 License Apolicationsa. Scope.2The examiners reviewed all eight license applications submitted by the licensee toensure the applications reflected that each applicant satisfied relevant license eligibilityrequirements. The applications were submitted on NRC Form 398,"PersonalQualification Statementj'and NRC Form 396, "Certification of Medical Examination byFacility Licensee." The examiners also audited two of the license applications in detail toconfirm that they accurately reflected the subject applicants qualifications. This auditfocused on the applicants experience and on-the-job training, including controlmanipulations that provided significant reactivity changes.FindinosNo findings were identified.Operator Knowledqe and Performanc-eExamination ScopeOn September 26, 2011, the facility licensee proctored the administration of the writtenexaminations to all eight applicants, The licensee staff graded the written examinations,analyzed the results, and presented their analysis to the NRC on October 21 , 2011.The NRC examination team administered the various portions of the operatingexamination to all eight applicants on September 19 - 22,2011. The one applicant forreactor operator license participated in three dynamic simulator scenarios, in a controlroom and facilities walkthrough test consisting of 11 system tasks, and an administrativetest consisting of four administrative tasks. Five applicants seeking an instant senioroperator license participated in three dynamic simulator scenarios. The sixth applicantseeking an instant senior operator license participated in two dynamic simulatorscenarios. All of the applicants seeking instant senior operator licenses participated in acontrol room and facilities walkthrough test consisting of ten system tasks, and anadministrative test consisting of five administrative tasks. The one applicant for upgradesenior operator license participated in two dynamic simulator scenarios, a control roomand facilities walkthrough test consisting of five system tasks, and an administrative testconsisting of five administrative tasks.Enclosure b.2FindinqsAll eight of the applicants passed all parts of the operating test. Three instant seniorreactor operator applicants failed the written examination. For the written examinations,the reactor operator applicant's score was 91.89 percent, the senior operatorapplicants' average score was 82.22 percent, and the individual scores ranged from79.59 to 86.73 percent. The overallwritten examination average was 83.43 percent.The NRC examiners completed the final grading of the written examination onNovember 9,2011, and conducted a review of each missed question to determine theaccuracy and validity of the examination questions.Chapter ES-403 and Form ES-403-1 of NUREG 1021 require the licensee to analyzethe validity of any written examination questions that were missed by half or more of theapplicants. The licensee conducted this performance analysis and submitted it to thechief examiner. Twelve questions were missed by at least half of the applicants. Thelicensee determined that their training material content pertaining to these questionswas acceptable.The licensee submitted three post-examination questions comments onOctober 21,2011. The NRC reviewed the facility's post-exam comment submittalpackage and accepted facility recommendations on two of the three questions.Question #49 on the reactor operator exam and Question#14 on the senior reactoroperator exam were deleted from the exams, as requested by the facility. The NRC didnot accept Choice "A" as a second correct answer for the senior reactor operatorQuestion #4, which was requested by the facility. The text of the examination questionsand the licensee's post-examination comments with the NRC resolutions may beaccessed in the Agencyrvide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS)under the accession numbers noted in the Attachment 1.Initial Licensinq Examination DevelopmentExamination ScopeThe facility licensee developed the examinations in accordance with NUREG-1021,Revision 9, Supplement 1. All licensee facility training and operations staff involved inexamination preparation and validation were listed on a security agreement. The facilitylicensee submitted both the written and operating examination outlines onJune 30, 2011. The chief examiner reviewed the outlines against the requirements ofNUREG-1 021, and provided comments to the licensee. The facility licensee submittedthe draft examination package on August 3,2011. The chief examiner reviewed thedraft examination package against the requirements of NUREG-1021, and providedcomments to the licensee on the examination on August 15,2011. The NRC conductedan onsite validation of the operating examinations and provided further commentsduring the week of August 15,2011. The licensee satisfactorily completed commentresolution for the operating test on September 10,2011, and for the written exam onSeptember 21, 2011..3a.Enclosure b.3FindinosThe NRC approved the initial examination outline and advised the licensee to proceedwith the operating examination development.The examiners determined that the written and operating examinations initiallysubmitted by the licensee were within the range of acceptability expected for a proposedexamination.No findings were identified.Simulation Facilitv PerformanceExamination ScopeThe examiners observed simulator performance with regard to plant fidelity during theexamination validation and administration.FindinqsNo findings were identified.Examination SecuritvExamination ScopeThe examiners reviewed examination security for examination development and duringboth the onsite preparation week and examination administration week for compliancewith NUREG-1021requirements. Plans for simulator security and applicant controlwere reviewed and discussed with licensee personnel.FindinssNo findings were identified.Meetinqs. lncludinq ExitThe Chief Examiner presented the examination results to Mr. M. Kafantaris, TrainingManager, on November 10, 2011. The licensee acknowledged the findings presented.The licensee did not identify any information or materials used during the examinationas proprietary,.4.5a.b.a.b.40A6Enclosure A-1ATTACHMENT 1



Licensee Personnel

J. Carney, Operations Training Manager
G. Gauding, Exam Developer




Accession No. ML113340040 -

FINAL-Written ExamAccession No. ML113340065 -
FINAL-Operating ExamAccession No. ML113350091-
FINAL-Post Exam Comments and ResolutionsAttachment