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Forwards NPPD Problem Identification Rept & Related Internal Memo Re 970610-11 Grid Disturbance.Nppd Was Notified & Expressed No Objection to Placement of Info in PDR
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/18/1997
From: Hall J
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 9707230236
Download: ML20141H480 (4)


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  1. k ' N8 g UNITED STATES g P; NUCLEAR REEULATORY COMMISSION i wasmworow, o.c. l

\,...,../: 1 July 18,1997 NOTE TO: PD IV-1 Reading Files FROM: James R. Hall, Senior Project Manager *


JUNE 10-11,1997 GRID DISTURBA E - NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT MEMORANDUM OF JULY 8,1997 On July 14,1997, Region IV provided to me for information the attached Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) Problem identification Report and related internal memorandum regarding a June 10 grid disturbance. Upon review and discussion of the information, I provided copies of the internal memorandum to Tom Hiltz of i the EDO's office and Jose Calvo of the Electrical Engineering Branch (EELB) in NRR.

I also discussed the event with Mary Wegner of AEOD, who indicated that she had a copy of the information. It is my current understanding that the Department of Energy will visit the area next week and assess the grid conditions and practices in the area of the MAPP, and that EELB will review that information, when available.

This note serves to document the staff actions taken and planned, and to make the subject information publicly available. NPPD was notified and expressed no objection to the placement of this information in the PDR.

Attach'ments: as stated .

cc: J. Roe J. Clifford J. Calvo T. Hiltz E. Collins PDR bcc k t FiIc DFD(' I 9707230236 970718 PDR ADOCK 05000298 S PDR liilil!Ill!IlililllIllali111111 $ QE $$EllCOPY

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! 4. AetMay in Progress / Method of Discovery 4~~~ . Oc Related? . .O yesAk

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Date -> us s , 2e hme n=m EQUIPMENT /8TRUCTURE INFORMADON

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                                                                              ~ ~ ~ T [U E M FTS 07/14/cy?             16 43

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} P1 ll NEBRASKA PumuC POwzRDarraser ' biva)1997 _ k To] h = =./ NOTED l Pnek sr n . h e . M' yOR INTRA DISTRICF! jut. 1 0 1997 ! ashjeet ' ! _ rim. sn' .n t. seem= : = BUSINESS ONLY i Pt POPE t 4 ! During -40 ;-d sono the estruene evening of Anac 10th and early anondag bouts of J ! nah SPP regions.11se MAPP e==didaa= affecting under tie une 11th the MAPP o nucleargeneratson ofHinsin levels were now and power Sowsinto the 1* { ao ma9 t

                                                       - =+, ofparticolar laterest were                    . The SPP region also had samewas a significant                           of maw = na low cost                MAPP generation, there werehhigh                         andIslan                                         units off due

! i expo. Dualto seidenths the condition and ! During.the taas afternoon ofJune 10th t

                                                                                                                                                         ;,and SPP sesions.

i had reached a limit. The King - Ben, i achadah in preparation ihr LineClabe 345 kV tie busline voltage flow'ofteached 340 kV. 945 Due MW to thew ! act called for as the King - Eau Claire Ratief(LIJL). . eaadifiaan NSP caued ibe MAPPt 1 the tie line loading dropped to around 350 H were reported, but LLR was PM. . due to the'sobedule collection alona.  ; A \

                                                 )                                                                  seleasedslu                                                                  ;

i . t IIR sequest at around 7:30 i As the e i t Cooper St. y'esdaq Joe 345 kV) progatened, aaarh=nadsie line Sows to inesease. NPPD across moottored the Coop e the and eventually -=caad=d t he 1100 MW operating thnit. l ow as k to. verify the 1124 OPPD hwfwaaa MW were that.they Cooper South flow and inquire # 10:20PM, NPPD contac i to rednoe to what was planand flor . kV South flow conrianad to rise the Nebraska City plant. i PM had dacuaadt o 338 kV, 11:00 PM. Also, the Bau Claire 345 ! reported to MAPP that i i P LLR achedules Cooper NSP Southto Sow callibe wasachadataa at 1280 MWatand 11:15 theyPM.


called A ! around 1300 MW over. No MAPP Lt.R was involead and the Cooper S i l saidnight when OPPD finally caued for MAPP LIJLthe next half at hour. Th Stsortly

                                  ~n' after =Lealght the Arpin
  • kVline a secaose and sosse espacher Run 345 kV tina tri pathinto due to overloads. Ag protdems at Ben Cla#pped due to a relay inwiis e the Bau Claire - 345 a sesult of tids and the 6 ndmates sJter a,sidnight, the critical the Cooper neglo acadit*cas wasid not allow

{ 884 MW. This Sow to 1554 MW and she Cooper recicours.St. Joe now ! and triggered overtoed Iowa area prosapsed MBC to bring on = in stas stanns800at MVA NPPD's CT's and=ha'=rian Cooper associated naseming; at St. Joe Also, low ! 1 r^*= tartenes far voltags support. la eastern Schedule casts eaa+8==>ad to reduce Claire - Arpin 345 kV 11ao was rearrned to service y :30 aho the 1:00 Cooper cuts yAM. . So

                                                                                                                                                                  . The P4u Cooper South Dows to levels where 1.LR                                                   a.ocold be emane*stl after 2J00 AM w Systeen 1                           case was de                                   this *:     "
                                                                                        --+ to evahanno systent seoerity a 50% ana=aae

' generation outanes =ehadat conditions 41 during tids C peak case and ' -s ibr the region. A loednow The base ca,se =db MW of incremmensat osasfers wer.. In order to cd. ad att truaasaiasion and . e =ad aad frass Ms the akradtaneous transfer l Bau Claire - Arpin 345 kV liac was autaged 1 Wmined ames wtuch Doniphan. resuhed The-in 15

                                                   )                                                                                     on Cooper Saudi sad the                              '

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i,..-..--....07/14/97 16:44 R IV US tRC FTS 004

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D. E. Osennan 1 ,'

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I l. . i j  ! 4 i Cooper- St. Joe 345 kV Line now was 382 MW widch closely folkrwed the recorded values. at this point. the loadnow ladiosted annerew overloads on 345  ; Also i kV and 161 kV ties between 8 j MAPP and associated withMAINthe Cooper /SPP. - St.The Joe Iles. mudor The concen". macrounded the posential 900 MW trip s . are set such char on tEs Cooper-St. Joe 345 kVline j operation is km emness of MW will the charasseristics and depeed14 t on ska VAR Sows on the lias. 884 MW secorded Sow 4 was so close, une, j a powerfkm was run to evakaase the kapaces ofloss of abs Cooper - St. Jos 345 k i '

                       'nis soeuks of that =t==in=*ta= wene sydse s.nntnir. Every -

g SRP and MAIN was overtoeded to levels which would have 345 kV and 161 kV tie into - , in setsy on those l < h211*Ima. Of pardcolar laserest was the 1225 MW on the Cooper + Patrport line which  ! I could trip for Sows azoseding 800 MW. Just which tis lina wassid Itava tripped is abs only r = =1aint but ths reality is that we doenkely would have tea thp MAPP ] away Deat ' i SPF and MAIN reglass. Pollowing the t5e time seneradon tripping one to overeegmenny and

                                                                                                                                             >             regiserwould point.c-Iy' ^ =- ' =^i .-- -- need

. even ! as the inlandad synessa aarenamad si a new, in the islassis wouial have a. loa'd abedding ! and SPP asons also would have occurred. l point are not W imown, but the process would mirror a smaller scale of ths klaht=xisted at that ! ' which cosaured in the Western UJ. last suunner.


1 I 'nde event abound not be iBod awaq as just anadwe cices call. We need to secognias just how close {. . we were to collapsing portions or the Baseern Insesconnection and a4ust guides and - precdees to avoid ssoccorsomme. There are real 1kaks as the transfler e and those Ibnits see ' "=-" out of the i ! the 1 This eventis an a4radagreps'im of how ' regionat icensecanecaed sysemi is being operased at and sven beyond k's capabilities. ' i k i I. **: Q),b! 'I

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