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Certificate of Compliance 9151,Rev 7,for Models HN-100 Series 3,CNS 14-170 Series III & NUS14-170 Series 1. Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07109151
Issue date: 05/22/1985
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20129B772 List:
NUDOCS 8506050327
Download: ML20129B784 (5)


- wwwwwmuwuumanumaumamm=========mm---. mm.m.,



e. ini. e.riitic.i. . ..u.a io c.nity inat in.,ng .no o cne.o in n.m s m..t in.appi cani. v.iy ronn in riti. io. Coo. !N f[

l Cf F.d.r.1 R.gulation. Part 71. ~ Packaging of A.dio.ctiv. Matenai. for Tr.nsport no Transportation of Aaoicactiv. Matenal Uno.r C.rtain Ccnoition.."

e. rni. c.rtific.i. oo.. noi r.ii.v. in. conognor f rom compeianc. .iin .ny or in. r.guiations or in. u s. ce transpo,ation or ein.r !I


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Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Hittman Nuclear & Development Corporation, applicatidi L ll 9151 l Incorporated Rumsey Road dated April 5,1982, as supplemented. lF

-i b _.

Columbia, MD 21045 8 v- 7Cm <4 71-9.151 I c occxEt NuueER . iF I

l a coNoirioNs j

ini. certificat. is conoition i upon tuivining in. or to crn Pari n. .. .ppiicani.. .no in. conoition so.cir,.o j I

! 5- (a) Packaging 7,' (

(1) Model Nos'.[ - HN-100 Series 3, CNS 14-170 Series III, and NUS14-170 i l j ' Series _1 !g l

l .. . ;I (2) Description ,

jfk <

j i

l Steel encased, lead. shielded-casks for low specific activity material .

l The casks are right circular cylinders 81-1/2 inches high by 81-3/4 !g 1 (or 81-l/2) inches'in-diameter.. The cask cavities are 73-3/8 inches l u

! high by' 75-1/2 inches .in. diameter. The cask side walls consists of a N I

3/8-inch thick inner steel shell, a 1-7/8-(or- 1-3/4-) inch lead shell, I l and a 7/8-inch thick outer. steel shell. The base _is comprised of two, l 2-inch thick steel plates welded together to forn a 4-inch thick base jl,

! which is' integrally welded to the inner and outer steel shells of the *y I

side wall. - A steel flange is welded to the inner and outer steel fu shells of the side wall at the top. The lid is comprised of two, 2- E inch thick steel plates, which are stepped and welded together to mate lf f


with the steel flange. The cask closure is sealed by a Neoprene
gasket located between the lid and steel flange, positive closure of In

!, the lid is accomplished by eight,1-3/4-inch rachet binders. The lid I

l contains a centrally located shield plug comprised of two, 2-inch (r; ,

l thick steel plates and one,1-inch thick steel plate stepped and i l

l welded. The shield plug is sealed by a Neoprene gasket, and eight, I i 3/4-inch studs and nuts are used to provide positive closure. The packagings are constructed of A-516, Grade 70, carbon steel. The flg outer shell will have a minimum yield strength of 46,000 psi. 43 ll Model Number OD, inches Lead Tk, inches !E k

E l HN-100 Series 3 81-3/4 1-7/8 CNS 14-170 Series III NUS14-170 Series 1 81-1/2 1-3/4 $-

81-3/4 1-7/8 y b

i k E


h Mkh C PDR 51 g-

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'l " CONomoNs (continued)

In Page 2 - Certificate No. 9151. - Revision No. 7 - Docket No. 71-9151 I

>3 1 -

en 5.(a) (2) Description (continued) l I

Tie-down is accomplished by four tie-down lugs welded to the cask !I body. There are four cask lifting lugs, three lid lifting lugs, and jb one shield plug lifting lug. The package gross weight is approximately 53,005 pounds, j l8 lb (3) Drawings a H

The packagings are fabricated in accordance with Hittman Nuclear & j> _

Development Corp. Drawing Nos.: C001-5-9138, Rev. 7; C001-5-9139, f C001-5-9143, Rev. 5; and'C001-5-9144', ire]r. 3.Rev._ stainless Optional If 4; C001-5-9140, Rev i

steel shielding inseft in accordance with Drawing Nos.: STD-02-035, ln p.

Rev. 1; STD-02-036, Rev. 1; and STD-02-037,iRev. 2. ju N 'rn The ModeleNo. CNS 14-170 Series III has one or'more of the options l

I shown in Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. Drawing. No. C-Il0-D-0006, Rev. A. il'y l

l v') MS,. .a 4 i I The Model No NUSil4'-170 Series 1 is . fabricated in accordance with NUS ln Corporation Drawing-Nos.: 8916.M 2001, Rev. B; 8916 M 2002, Rev. B; !rI<

E i

8916 .c M 2003, Rev.+ B;"., 8916 Hi_ 2004l, Rev.

A;:and 8916 M 2005, Rev. A.

x , - . , . . t


&; q f t p , - .\

([y ' g l'

(b) Contents L. n,  ; f, g_  ;

(1) Typeddfok ma -

h I

a si4.M ' % 1)i l i !k'd.lili$1k Process,,solidsp either.deWatered,3 esolid.orsdlidiff , meeting the I

E i

requirements for;10wl specific activity 7 material, sealed in secondary (

containers.. <

q g , 's ._

v* g

\;. I , ~2 a n y (2) Maximum quantity of material :per* package C.

m ,

llL Greater than Type A quantity of radioactive material which may contain

[I t

fissile material provided'theJfissile~ material does not exceed the limits in 10 CFR 571.53.'sThe weight of the contents, optional shield l(E g insert, and secondary containers shall not exceed 19,205 pounds. When r,

! the shield insert is not installed in the cask, the internal decay l heat load shall not exceed 7 watts. When the shield insert is installed L in the cask, the internal decay heat load shall not exceed 28 watts.



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'" k l Page 3 - Certificate No. 9151 - Revision No. 7 - Docket No. 71-9151 I l t

} I I I:'

, )

6. (a) For any package containing water and/or organic substances which could radiolytically generate combustible gases, detemination must be made by


i l tests and measurements or by analysis of a representative package such that I l

the following criteria are met over a period of time that is twice the E

) expected shipment time:


} !l

) (1) The hydrogen generated must be limited to a molar quantity that would r 1 be no more than 5% by volume (or equivalent limits for other inflam- I

) mable gases) of the secondary contaiger gas void if present at STP I (i.e., no more than 0.063 g-moles /ft at 14.7 psia and 70*F); or f-


j (ii) The secondary container a~ndr Esk7 cavity.must be inerted with a diluent f

) to assure that oxygeri-mtist b'e ' limited .to!5% by volume in those portions y j of the package-which' could have hydrogen greater than 5%. ;l 1q .y i f, ,1 For any packagedelivered to a carrier for transporth the secondary container lt f must be prepared for shipment in the same manner in which detemination for j

gas generation'1s made. Shipment period begins when 'the package is prepared


j !i

) (sealed) andqust'be' completed within twice, the expected shipment time. 'l 1 Q/ %N h> m Il I<

1 (b) For any pac.kage shipped;within .10: days of preparation, or within 10 days l after venting of drums' or(other secondary = containers, the'detemination in L (a) abovelieed not beimade, land lthe timetrestriction in (a) above does not



apply. },__ g s.s .s ..

" ' Mf{ , p ,

.,As .

.m g 4l J 7. Except for clos,e,, fitting' contents 71 shoring;nust be placed between secondary l1l J containers and the caskscavity to; prevent movement during nomal conditions of 1 Qg >


J transport. d%;Wy4i!Ph 3;w_.e gr :q y


] l

) 8. The lid, shield plug, and cask t iifting lugs'must be covered;in transit to preclude i l their use as tie-down devices. ~ M.j , sP s' ~ o d. l ,

) "/l.~

G l J 9. In addition to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71: 1 J

}j (1) Prior to each shipment, the packaging. lid seals, if opened (or if security seal is broken), must be inspected., The seals must be replaced with new



) seals if inspection shows any defects or every twelve (12) months, whichever l, I occurs first. I <

1 l 1

(ii) Each package must meet the Acceptance Tests and Maintenance Program of E j Section 7.0 and Appendix E of the application. Gamma scan for the shielding (

i acceptance may be based on lead equivalence for lead and steel with all g i readings within 2.3 inches +10% on a 4-inch grid. The Model No NUS14-170 l

) Series 1 package must meet the Acceptance and Maintenance Programs of NUS jl

} Procedures WM-Oll, WM-012 WM-013, and WM-0145 I 1


] ll <

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'~I#' CONOlTlONS (continued)

. llg Page 4 - Certificate No. 9151 - Revision No. 7 - Docket No. 71-9151 l W

rlg I

10. Paragraph 8.1 and Figure 1 of Hittman Nuclear & Development Corporation Procedure i l

No. HNDC-0-001-2/3, Rev. 7 (Hittman 1tr dtd April 27,1983) are deleted. Seals 8 which show any visual defects (cracking, gouging, tearing, etc.) must be repaired  !

in accordance with the referenced procedure and Note No. 3 on Hittman Drawing No. C001-5-9138, Rev. 7; NUS Precedure WM-012, Section 7.1; or, replaced with a lg l m new seal. 'I lL lt L

11. The package authorized by this certificate must be transported on a motor vehicle, railroad car, aircraf t, inland watercraf t, or hold or deck of a seagoing vessel j y assigned for the sole use of the licensee, y e, n- t
12. The package authorized by this certifica~tehis I general license provisions 'of 00'CFR W 971.12. 3ereby approved for use il L (y N Q, . l
13. Expiration date: Ju ne '30,' 1987. ' T, il,y 4

t q T@




,1 h iln L Hittman Nuclear & Development

-Q Corp; oration application n,N /

, dated- April 5,1982.

p Supplements dated: April 22 and' June 17,1982; ,_ _ February 3, April 27.' and \j '

7l April 29,1983; and June

[' 13,1984(WHNI-E-785).i 'e x

,q( y,, )

~., .> ~_ , lg Chem-Nuclear Systems',-Inc. supplement' dated: Nov' embed 16,.1982. !I j

e ,

l e0 QC  % NiTITTY 1 NUS Process Services Supplements dated:'.! June 29:and Septembe.- , 12, 1983.


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'/ Char es . MacDonald, Chief p I -( Transportation Certification Branch la 1

Division of Fuel Cycle and ,N

' Material Safety, NMSS j ,

Date: MAY 2 21985 ]!.

!u I





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.5 WASHINGTON, D. C. 20505

\..... .

..: 2 Transoortation Certification Branch Acoroval Record Combustible Gas Mixtures

' Conditions were imposed on packages containing water and/or organic substances to limit the accumulation of radiolytically generated gases _

over the shipping period to preclude the possibility of significantly reducing the packaging effectiveness due to explosion.

Part of the conditions included " est be detemined by tests and measurements of a representative package whether or not...."

There is no reason to believe that calculational methods could not be used as means of detemining gas generation. So as not to preclude a valid-analysis, part of the condition to limit the accumulation of radiolytically generated gases is revised to read " must be detemined by tests and measurements or by analysis of a representative package <

whether or not...."

LThe analytic approach involves detemining the hydrogen generated in the waste by radiolysis based on the absorbed dose of the weste over a given period of time. To satisfy the condition to preclude a combustible mixture, the period since closure and twice the shipping time must be considered. The calculation requires that the properties of the waste are known. These properties may be detemined from test and measurement of representative waste foms or from data that is applicable to the waste fom. . The detemination should be documented and retained as part of the records for the shipment.

Cha [hIef Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and '

Material Safety, NM55 Date:

22 5 se p
