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Identification of QA Witnesses to Be Examined Re Amended QA Contention,Per ASLB 860203 Memorandum.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1986
From: Guild R
CON-#186-257 OL, NUDOCS 8603040510
Download: ML20141N221 (27)


( j nt.LAJED,

't 3



' U

- 00CKF.i E a BRANCH In the Matter of: )



) 50-457 (Braidwood Nuclear Station, )

Units 1 and 2) )

INTERVENORS' 7.DENTIFICATION OF QA UlTNESSES Intervenors Bri.dget Little Rcrem, et al. , hereby identify the witnesses which they intend to examine regarding their amended quality assurance contention, as provided for in the Licensing Board's February 3, 1986, Memorandum (Confirming Rulings Made at Prehearing Conference of January 27, 1986).

Unless specifically indicated otherwise, none of these witnesses are employed by or under the control of Intervenors.

!a s t are present employees of Commonwealth Edison Comnany or its contractors. Some are former Braidwood emulayees.

Others are present or former I;uclear Regulatory Commission Staf f employcen . In the event that any such prospective witness (not emalayed by or under the control of Intervenors) is not called to tentify in this proceeding by another party, In.crvenors would neck to compel their attendance and testimony i l

by uubpocna nought pursuant to 10 CFR $2.720 or by order of l l

I 8603040510 060220 gDR ADOCK 05000456 PDR N-___-___________--_-______--________--_______


the presiding officer pursuant to 10 CFR 52.720(h)(2)(1) in the case of NRC personnel.

Each of the following witnesses is sought to establish f the cause, significance, and implications of quality assurance i

deficiencies inrolving the Braidwood Nuclear Station.

j Particularly since most of these witnesses are not subject j to Intervenors' control the exact nature and scope of their

! personal knowledge or belief on these subjects is not known

! to Intervenors at this time. Deposition discovery and hearing j preparation continues. Therefore, the identification of a wit-1

ness with a specific subject or contention subpart is not i meant to establish conclusively that the witness has admissible i evidence to offer on that subj ect or that the witness ' knowledge i

is limited to only the subjects or subparts specified.

Below are listed the witnesses by name and subject.

j Statements of qualifications are attached, where indicated; i

l otherwise, qualifications of the witnesses are believed by 1

i Intervenors to be known to Applicant and the NRC Staff.

l 1

1 i,

i ;

I l





Witness Subj ect

1. Dr. Daniel R. Ilgen QC Inspector'llarassment and (Statement of Intimidation Contention Qualifications, Attachment 1)
2. Dr. Richard D. Arvey QC Inspector Harassment and (Statement of Intimidation Contention Qualifications, Attachment 2)
3. Dr. David McKirnan QC Inspector Harassment and (Statement of Intimidation Contention Qualifications ,

Attachment 3)

4. Worley O. Puckett QC Inspector liarassment and (Statement of Intimidation Contention: 3C, 4A, Qualifications, 4B, 9C, llD, 12D, 12E, 14B(2)

Attachment 4)

5. John Seeders QC Inspector liarassment and Intimidation Contention
6. Richard Snyder QC Inspector liarassment and Intimidation Contention
7. Larry Bossong QC Inspector liarassment and Intimidation Contention
8. Michael S. Mustered QC Inspector liarassment and Intimidation Contention
9. Richard Martin QC Inspec~or liarassment and Intimidation Contention
10. Dean Peterson QC Inspector liarassment and Intimidation Contention
11. Robert Wicks QC Inspector liarassment and Intimidation Contention
12. Lawrence Perryman QC Inspector Harassment and Intimidation Contention
13. Therman Bowman QC Inspector liarassment and Intimidation Contention

Witness Subj ect

14. Terry Gorman QC Inspector Harassment and Intbnidation Contention
15. Francisco Rolan QC Inspector Harassment and Intimidation Contention
16. Mark Klatchko QC Inspector Harassment and Intimidation Contention
17. Robert Patey QC Inspector Harassment and  :

Intimidation Contention l l

18. R.D. Hunter QC Inspector Hurassment and Intimidation Contention
19. Herschel Stout QC Inspector Harassment and Intimidation Contention
20. Danny Holley QC Inspector Harassment and Intimidation Contention
21. Timothy Stewart QC Inc.pector Harassment and Intimidation Contention
22. Myra Sproull QC Inspector Harassment and Intimidation Contention
23. Larry Phillips QC inspector Harassment and Intimidation Contention
24. James G. Keppler Extent of and significance of QA breakdown at Braidwood; 2/2/83 Civil Penalty; Inspection Report 83-09; subparts 1A; IB
25. L.G. McGregor Subparts lA; 6A; 6G: 6H; 8A; 9B; 9D; 10A; 11A; llB: 12A; 12G; 13A; 14A l 26. R.D. Schulz Extent and significance of QA i breakdown at P.raldwood; Inspection l Report 83-00; cubparen lA; 1C; LD:

l 1E; 1F; 2C; 3A; 3B: 45; SB; 6S; 6C; 6D; 6E; 6F; 6G; 6H; 61; 7A:

9C; 9D; 9E; 10B; 1GF; llc; 12B; 121; 14B ,

Construction Assessment Subparte 10, ID; lE; IF: 3B; 4A; Team (CAT) members with 5B; 6C; BB; SC; 10C; 100; 10E knoyledge of


-S- t i

1 j Witness S ubject l

! 27. I.T. Yin Inspection Report 83-09;  !

i Subparts 1B; 3A; 12S  !

r I 28. U.J. Key Inspection Renort 83-09; subpart  ;

i 1A; 13; 6A; 10A; 11A; 12A; 13A; j j 14A  ;

! 29. R.N. Gardner Braidwcod Construction Assessment  !

j Program (BCA?); subparts 3B; 3C;  ;

f 5B; 6C; 6D; 10F; 12E .

! 30. U.L. Fo rney Extent and significance of QA  :

i breakdown at Braidwood; subparts >

' 6G; 6 11  !

f I 31. W. Kropp Extent and significance of QA ,

! breakdown at Braidwood; suboarte  !

l IE; IF; 3B; 4A; SB; 6C; 6D; '10F; ,

i 11D; 1 211  ;

r 1

32. J.ll. Ucisler QC Inspector liarassment and l 4

i Intimidation Contention; Inspection i Report 85-21/22 i i 33. R. Mendez QC Inspector Harassment and

) Intimidation Contention; Inspection  !

1 Report 85-21/21 l 1

34. J.F. Schapkcr QC Inspector liarassment and t j lutimidation Contention; Inspection j Report 85-09 l


j 35. C.H. Weil QC Inspector liaransmont and  !

Intimidation Contention; Inspection i Report 85-09

) 36. Jares J. O'Connor Extent of and significance of QA 1 breakdown at Braidwood; 2/2/83  ;

I Civil Penalty; Inepection Report t

! 83-09; subnartu 1A; 1B  !


37. Thomas Itaiman Extent of nad significance of QA  :

breakdown at Draidwood; 2/2/83 '

Civil Penalty; Inapcction P.eport j 83-09; subparts LA; IB i .

i t




Subj ect

38. Walter J. Shewski Extent of and siPnificance of QA breakdown at BraIdwood; 2/2/83 Civil Penalty; Insuection Reoort~

83-09; suboarts 1A'; IB i

39. Louic DelGeorge Extent of and significance of QA breakdown at Braidwood; 2/2/83 Civil Penalty; Inspection Report '

83-09; subparts lA; IB; Material Traceability Verification Program l

40. Michael J. Uallace Extent of and significance of QA breakdown at Braldwood; 2/2/83 Civil Penalty; Inspection Report.

83-09; aubparts IA; IB; QC Inspector liarussment and Intimida-tion Contention

11. James Giesektr Noncompliances regarding L.K.

Comstock and electrical work; QC Inspector liarassment and Intimidation Contention; subparts 3C; 4A: 4B; 6B(5); 9C; llD; 12D

42. Danici Shamblin QC Inspector linrassment and Intimidation Contention; BCAP; subparts 3B; 8D; 8E; 8F
43. Irving DeWald QC Inspector liarassment and Intinidation Contention; non-compliances regarding L.K.

Comstock and electrical work

44. Robert Seltman QC Inspeccor liarassment and Intimidation Contention; non-compliances re6arding L.K.

Comstock and electrical work

45. Lawrence Sense QC inspector liarassment and Intimidation Contention; non-compliances re arding L.K.

Comstock and e ectrical work

46. Richard Saklak QC Inspector licrassment and intinidation Contention; non-compliances regarding L.K.

Comstock and electrical work 4

l Witness Subject


47. Michael Gorski Corroded pipe issues SA; 6G  ;
48. George Orlov QC Inspector Harassment and

!ntimidation Contention; i


Braidwood Cons truetien Assens-ment Progre.m; subparts 12E, 12F, 12J

49. John L. llansel Braidwood Construction Asseas- '

ment Program

50. Robert V. Laney Braidwood Construction Assess- I ment Program .

l DATED: Fobruary 28, 1986 Respectfully rubraitted,

~0 b  ? (=

-. l/cl,f.e,-<.

c Robert Guild One of the Attorneys for Int.crvenorn Rorem, et al,,l Douglass U. Cassel, Jr.

Robert Guild Timothy W. Wright, III 109 !!arth Dearborn Suite 1300 Chicago, IL 60602 (312) 641-5570

ATTACRMENT 1 DANIEL R. ILGEN John R. IIannah Professor of Psychology and Management Michigan State University East LansinP. Michi (5f7) 355 gan 48824-1117 7503 S10&fARY OF QUALIFICATIONS _ l


Education: PhD., U.iiversity of Illinois, 1969 Industrial-Organizational Paychology M.S. , University of Illinois, 1968 Psychology i

B.S., Iowa State University, 1955 Psychology Professional Association.i: Elected Member, Council of Repreaentatives American Psychological Association Term: 1985-88 i Member, Executive Board Society of Industrial and Organizational ,

Psychologists i Division 14, American Psychological Aacociation Member,Governin["

Society of Organ zational Board Behavior Publications: Co-author (with Jamco C. Unylor and R.D.

Pritchard), A Theory of Behavior In Organization _n, Academi~c~ Press,'ITew York (1980) l Associate Editor, Journal of Organizational Echavior and llunsn Decision Processca

- - - - . - - . _ - - - - ._- - _-._ . _ - .-_ - - - . . - _ = - . . _ - -


ATTACli!!ENT 2 [

August, 1985 i



- i l

t Home Address Business Address '

j T912 Ewing svenue South Industrial RcT3Etons Center

Minneapolis, MN 55410 University of Minnesota i 1 537 Management & Economics Building
271 - 19th Avenue South j Minneapolis, MN 55455 t Hoe Phone:(612) 929-7631 Business Phone: (612) 373-5392 I Date of Birth: 7 5-44 i

j '

j Social Security number: 557-64-2944 j Licensed by Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologist i Certificate number 2-1877-6  ;


] 1962-1966 Undergraduate - Occidental College, Los Angeles, California  !

Major: Psychology ,

4 Degree: 8.A. - June, 1966  ;

! 1966-1970 Graduate - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota L Major: Psychology 1 i Supporting Field: Statistics - Measurement l 1 Major Advisor: John P. Campbell t l i Degrees: M.S. - June, 1968 [

} Ph.D. - August, 1970 [

l i Thesis: The Effects of Two Kinds of S;bjective l j Probabilities on the Performance of a  !

! Laboratory Task  :

l l 1

i i  !

i i i

l Posit,fon and Dates Senior Associate Personnel Decisions, Inc.

9/69 - 9/71 2515 Foshay Tower Minneapolis, Minnesota Supervisor: Dr. Marvin Dunnette Assistant Professor Industrial / Organization Psychology Program 9/71 - 8/74 Associate Professor Department of Industrial &

9/74 - 8/77 Personnel Management College of Business Administration The University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee Visiting Professor Department of Psychology 9/77 - 6/78 University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720 Associate Profcssor, Professor Department of Psychology 9/78 - 8/83 University of Houston Houston, Texas 77004 Professor Industrial Relations Center 9/83 - University of Minnesota Minneapolls, Minnesota 55455 Adjunct Professor Departnent of Psychology 12/83 - University of Minnesota Sooks:

Arvey, R.D. (1979). Fairness in Selecting Employees. Reading, Mass.:


Papers Published in Chronological Order:

Arvey, R.O. (1971). Consistency in high school and predictability in college.

Experimental Publication System, February, ,1_0,0 MS no. 388-6.

Arvey, R. D. (1972 ). Task performance as a function of perceived effort-performance and performance-reward contingencies. Organizational Behavior and Human Pe_rformance, 8, 423-443.

Arvey, R.O. (1972). Some corrcents on culture-fair tests. Personnel Psychol-ogy, 2_5, 443-448.


4 , h

, .+

l s Arsey, R.D. , Mussio, S.*J. & Payne, G. (1972). Relationships between Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory scores and job performance measures of firemen. Psychological Re7erts, 31,199-202.

Arvey, R.D. & Hoyle, J.C. (1973). EvakuatingEDPpersonnel. Datamation, 19, 69-73.

Arvey, R.D. & Mussio, S.J. (1973). A test of expectancy theory in a field setting using female clerical employees. Journal of Vocational < Behavior, 3, 421-432.

  • Arvey, R.D. & Mussio, S.J. (1973). Determining the existence of unfair test discrimination for female clerical workers. Personnel Psychology, 26,* -


Arvey, R.D. & Mussio, S.J. (1973). Testing, job performance, and aging.

Industrial Gerontology, 16, 22-29. ,

l Campbell, J.P. , Dunnette, M.D. , Arvey, R.D. & Hellervik, L.W. (1973 ).' The.

development and evaluation of behaviorally based rating scales for first.

level retail managers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 57, 15-22. ,

( Dunnette, M.D., Arvey, R.D. & Banas, P. (1973). Why do they leave? Personnel,

! 50, 25-39.

I i

Gordon, M.E. & Arvey, R.D. (1973). Attitude measurement in highway corridor'-

studies: Past, present, and future. High Speed Ground Transportation Journal, 7, 322-340.

Hoyle, J.C. & Arvey, R.D. (1973). The develcpment of behaviorally based rating scales for systems analysts programmer / analysts, 'end cohputer operators.

ProceedingsoftheSpecialInterestGrouponComputerPersonnelResearch of the Association for Computing Machinery, Tenth Annuai Conference, 85,,


Arvey, R.D. (1974). Motivational Models and Professional Updating. Mono-graph: Main'.aining Professional and Technical Competence of the Older Engineer, n American Society for Engineering Education.

Arvey, R.O. & Hoyle, J.C. (1974). A Guttman approach to the development of behaviorally based rating scales for systems analysts and programmer /

analysts. Journal of Applied Psychology, 264-267.

Arvey, R.D. & Mussio, S.J. (1974). A validation strategy for the non-sample.

I Professional Psycholo g , 264-267.

Arvey, R.O. & Mussio, S.J.' (1974). Job expectations and valences of job rewards for culturally advantaged and disadvantaged clerical employees.

Journal of Applied Psychology, 59, 230-232.

Arvey, R.D. & ficel, C.W. (1974). Moderating effects of employee expectancies on the relationships between leadership consideration and job performance of engineers. Journal of Vocational Coh_avior, 4, 213-222.

l l

Arvey, R.D. & Neel, C.W. (1974). Testing expectancy theory predictions using behaviorally based measures of motivational effort for engineers.

Journal of Vocational Behavior, 4, 299-310.

Gordoa, M.E. , Arvey, R.D. , Daffron, W.C. & Umberger, D.C. (1974)., Racial differences in the impact of mathematics training at a man-power develop-ment program. Journal of Applied Psychology, 59, 253-258. '

Arvey, R.D. & Begalla, M.E. (1975). Analyzing the homemaker job using the i Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ). Journal of Applied Psychology, 60,-

l 513-517.

Arvey, R.D. , Gordon, M.E. , Massengill, D.P. & Mussio, S.J. (1975 ). Differ- ,

ential dropout rates of minority and majority job conditions due to I

" time lags" between selection procedures. Personnel Psychology,~28,~~


Gordon, M.E. & Arvey, R.D. (1975). The relationship between education and satisfaction with job content. Academy of Management Journal, 18, 889-891.

Arvey, R.D., Dewhirst, H.D. & Boling, (1976). Relationships between goal clarity, participation in goal setting, and personality characteristics on ,

job satisfaction in a scientific organization. Journal of Applied Psychology, 6_1, 103-105. ,

1 Arvey, R.D. & Neel, C.W. (1976). Motivation and obsolescence in engineers.

Industrial Gerontology, 3, 113-120.

Dewhirst, H.D. & Arvey, R.D. (1976). Range of interests vs. Job performance and satisfaction. Research Management, XIX,18-23.

Arvey, R.D. & Dewhirst, H.D. (1976). Goal setting attributes, personality variables, and job satisfaction. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 9, 179-189.


( Dipboye, R.L. , Arvey, R.D. & Terpstra, D.E. (1976). Equal employment and the irterview. Personnel Journal, 5_5_, 520-524 Arvey, R.O. & Dewhirst, H.D. (1979). Relationships between diversity of~

interests, age, job satisfaction and job performance. Journal of Occupa-tional Psychology, 52, 17-23.

Dipboye, R.L. , Arvey, R.D. & Terpstra, D.E. (1977). Sex and physical attrac-tiveness of the interviewer and interviewee as determinants of employment decisions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 62, 288-294.

Gruss, R.H. & Arvey, R.D. (1977). Marital satisfaction, job satisfaction, and task distribution in the homemaker job. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 11, 1-13.

Arvey, R.D., Passino, E.M. & Lounsbury, J.W. (1977). Job analysis results as influenced by sex of incumbent and sex of analyst. Journal of Applied Psychology, 6_2_, 411-416.

i A .


4 Arvey, R.D. & Mossholder, R.W. (1977). A proposed methodology for determining T similarities and differences among jobs. Personnel Psychology, 30, 363-374.

Arvey R.D. , Dewhirst, H.D. & Brown, E.M. (1978). A longitudinal study of the impact of changes in goal setting on employee satisfaction. Personnel Psychology, 31, 595-608.

y Zultowski, W.H., Arvey R.D. & Dewhirst, H.D. (1978). Moderating effects of 9.g

, organizational climate on relationships between goal-setting attribute and

- - 1 ( eiployee satisfaction. Journal of Vocational Behavior, H , 217 229.

![ ZUltowski, W.H. & Arvey, R.D. (1978). Post-secondary education requirements in emplopent decisions: A legal perspective. . Professional Psychology, August, 507-525.

Dipboye, R.L. Zultowski, W.P , Dewhirst, H.D. & Arvey, R.D. (1978). Self-esteem as a moderator of the relaticaship between vocational interests and job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology, 63, 289-294.

Webber, R. & Arvey, R.D. (1978). The women industrial psychologist: An emerging reality. American Psychologist, 33, 963-965.

Arvey, R.D. & Gross, R.L. (1977). Satisf action levels and correlates of satisfaction in the homemaker job. Journal of Vocaticaal Behavior,10, 13-34.

j Arvey, R. D. (199). Unfair dfs:rimination in the employment interview: Legal and psychological aspects. : Psychological Bulletin, 86, 736-765.

Reprinted in:

1) Dreher G.F. & Sackett P.R. (1983) Perspectives on Employee Staffing and Selection, Homewood, IL: Richard D.'Irwin, Inc.

i Arvey, R.D. , Maxwell, S.E. & Mcssholder, K.M. (1979). Even more ideas about methodologies for determining job differences and similarities. Personnel Psychology, 3_2, 529-538. t Dipboye, R.L., Zultowski, W.H., Dewhirst, H.D. & Arvey, R.D. (1979). Self-

., esteem as a moderator of performance-satisfaction relationships. Journal f

of Vocational Behavior, 15,, 193-206.

Arvey, R.D. & Ivancevich, J.M. (1980). Punishment in organizations: A review, propositions, and research suggestions. Academy of Management Review, 5_,


Reprinted in: Hampton, D., Summer, D. & Webber, R. (1982)

1) Organizational Behavier and the Practice of Management.  :

Scott, Foresman & Ccmpany. j i i Maxwell, S.E. , Camp, C.J. & Arvey, R.'O. (1981). Measures of strength of association in completely randomized designs. Journal of Applied Psycho-logL 6_6_,

6 525-534.

l l

I L 1

Mossholder, K.W., Dewhirst, H.O. & Arvey, R.D. (1981). Vocational interests and personality differences between development and research personnel: A field study. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 1_9, 232-243.

Arvey, R. D. , Davis, G. A. , McGowen, S.L. & Dipboye, R.L. (1982). Potential sources of bias in job analytic processes. Academy of Management Journal, 25, 618-629.

Arvey, R.D., Maxwell, S.E., Gutenberg, R.L. & Camp, C. (1981). Detecting job differences: A monte carlo study. Personnel Psychology, 34_, 709-730.

Arvey, R.D. & Campion, J.C. (1982). The employment interview: A summary and review'of recent research. Personnel Psychology, -35, 281-322.

Reprinted in: .

1) Schuler, R.S. & Youngblood, S.A. (1984). Readings in Personnel and Human Resource Management (2nd edition).

St. Paul: West Publishing Co.

2) Journal of Library Administration (1983), 3, 61-90.
3) Dreher, G.F. & Sackett, P.R. (1983) Perspectives on Employee Staffing and Selection. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.

Wheeler, C.L. & Arvey, R.D. (1981). Division of household labor in the family. Home Economics Research Journal, 10_, 10-20.

Maxwell, S.E. & Arvey, R.D. (1982). Small sample profile analysis with many variables. Psychological Bulletin, 92, 778-785.

Arvey, R.D., Davis, G.A., & Nelson, S. (1984). Discipline in organizations:

A field study. Journal of Applied Psychology, 6_9, 9 448-460.

Arvey, R.D. & McGowen, S. (1983). The use of experience requirements in selecting employees: A legal review. Personnel Selection & Training Bulletin, 4_, 28-42.

Gutenberg, R.L. , Arvey, R.D. , Osburn, H.G. , & Jeanneret. P.R. (1983). The moderating effects of decision-making /information processing job dimen-sions on test validities. Journal of Applied Psychology, 69, 322-333.

Mossholder, K. & Arvey, R.D. (1984). Synthetic validity: A conceptual and comparative review. Journal of Applied Psychology, 69,, 322-333.

Arvey, R.D. , Maxwell, S.E. , & Abraham, L. (1985 ). Reliability artifacts in comparable worth procedures. _ Journal of Applied Psychology, _70, 695-705.

Fisher, J. , and Hartanto, F.M. (1985). Statis-Arvey,R.D., Cole,D.A.Iningevaluationdesigns.

tical power of tra Personnel Psychology, 38, 493-507.

Fossum, J. A. , Arv% , R.D. , Paradise, C. A. , and Robbins, N.E. (in press).

Modeling the skills obsolscence process: A Psychological and Economic Integration. Academy of Management Review. l

Arvey, R.D. Sex Bias in Job Evaluation Procedures (submitted). Personnel Psychology.

Gordan, R. A. & Arvey, R.D. (in press). Percei e and actual ages of workers.

Journal of Vocational Behavior.


Arvey, R.D. & Campion, J.C. (1984). Person perception in the employment interview. In ' Cook, M. (Ed. ), Interpersonal Perception. Methuens.

Arvey, R.D. & Shingledecker, P.S. (1982). Methods in research in personnel management. In Rowland, K. & Ferris, J. (Eds. ), Personnel Management, Allyn & Bacon.

Arvey, R.D. & Jones, A.P. (1985 ). The use of discipline in organizational settings. In Cummings, L.L. and Staw, B. (Eds.), Research in Organiza-tional Behavior, Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press Inc.

Arvey, R. D. (in press ). Potential Problems in Job Evaluation and Processes.

In Gomez-Mejia, L.R. The Practice of Compensation: An Applied Perspec-tive. Reston Publishing Corp.

Book Reviews:

Arvey, R.D. (1972). Review of Klein, S.M. Workers under stress: The impact of work pressure on group cohesion. Personnel Psychology, 2_5, 5 589-590.

Arvey, R.D. (1973). Review of Fredericksen, N., Jensen, 0, & Beaton, A.E. with a contribution by Bloxom, B. Prediction of organization behavior.

Personnel Psychology, M, 299-302.

Arvey, R.D. (1973). Review of Schultz, D.P. Psychology and industry today.

Personnel Psychology, 26_, 437-439.

Arvey, R.D. (1974). Review of Wilson, J. A. (Ed. ), with the assistance of Byham, W.C. The four day work week: Fad or future? Personnel Psychol-om , 2_7, 7 203.

Arvey, R. D. (1975 ). Review of Yoder, D. & Heneman, H.G. , Jr. (Eds. ), Motiva-tion and commitment, ASPA Personnel Psychology, 28, 640.

Bullock, R.J. & Arvey, R.D. (1983). Review of Zammutop, R.F. Another approach to organizational effectiveness. Contemporary Psychology.

Arvey, R.D. (1983). Review of Munchinsky, P.M. Psychology Applied to Work.

Contemporary Psychology, 28, 12.

Technical Research Papers to Private Organizations:

Arvey, R.D. & Hough, L. (1970, September). A description and evaluation of the Minneapolis Teacher Cadre Training Program. Confidential report to the Minneapolis Public School Systems.

Dunnette, M.D. and Arvey, R.D. (1970, May). Evaluation report: South High School flexible modular schedule. Confidential report submitted to Minneapolis Public School System.

Arvey, R.D. (1971, September). A procedural manual for conducting validity studies in the Minneapolis Civil Service. Confidential report to the Minneapolis Civil Service, Personnel Department.

Arvey, R.D. , Dunnette, M.D. & Hellervik, L.W. (1971, June). Job motivation demonstration project. Confidential report to the Ford Motor Company.

Dunnette, M.D. & Arvey, R.D. (1971, July). Job expectations and job percep-tions among college graduates working for Ford Motor Company. Confiden-tial report submitted to the Ford Motor Company.

Dunnette, M.D., Arvey, R.D. & Arnold, J.A. (1971, July). Validity study results for jobs relevant to the petroleum industry. Manuscript prepared under the general direction of the American Petroleum Institute Project Advisory Committee on Selection Techniques.

Hellervik, L.W., Dunnette, M.D. & Arvey, R.D. (1971, July). Development an oretesting of behaviorally defined job performance measures for foremen in Ford Motor Company's Transmission and Chassis and Automation Assembly Divisions. Confidential report submitted to Ford Motor Company.

Arvey, R.D. & Gordon, M.E. (1975, January). Final report: Validation of test instruments for the identification of successful and unsuccessful police patrol offices. Report submitted to the Municipal Technical Advisory Service.

Arvey, R.D. (1976, June). Employment test validation project for maintenance jobs. Confidential report submitted to Mead Paper.

Arvey, R.D. (1978, December). A review of selection procedures at Houston area Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. Confidential report to Southwestern Bell Telephone Company.

Arvey, R.D. & Davis, G.A. (1983, July). Development of a performance appraisal

instrument for blue-collar jobs in the petroleum-petrochemical industry.

Report submitted to The American Petroleum Institute, July.

Arvey, R.D. , Fossum, J. A. , Robbins, N. & Paradise, C. (1984, June). Skills Obsolescence: Economic and Psychological Perspectives. Confidential report submitted to Control Data Corporation.


Arvey, R.D. & Strand, J. (Nov,1985). Motivational Aspects of Volunteer Firefighters: Recruitment Concerns. Technical Report submitted to the Fire Information, Research, and Education Center, University of Minnesota.

Papers Presented:

Arvey, R.D. (1970, May). High school variability as a moderator of college success. Paper presented at Midwestern Psychological Association Conven-tion.

Arvey, R.D. (1971, January). The development and evaluation of behaviorally based rating scales for department store managers. Paper presented at an Air Force Officer Evaluation Systems Workshop, San Antonio, Texas.

Arvey, R.D. (1971, May). Chairman of symposium, "The Psychologist in Police Settings". Midwestern Psychological Association Convention.

Gordon, M.E. & Arvey, R.D. (1974, September). The relationship between education and job content: A reconsideration. Paper presented at American Psychological Association, New Orleans.

Arvey, R.D. , Habinger, R. & Dewhirst, H.D. (1975, March). Relationships between diversity of interest, job performance and job satisf action.

Paper presented at South Eastern Psychological Association Convention.

Arvey, R. D. , Dewhirst, H. D. & Brown, E.M. (1977, August ). A longitudinal study of the impact of changes in goal setting on employee satisfaction and effort. Paper presented at the 37th meeting of the Academy of Management.

Arvey, R.D. (1977, April). Subjective factors in employment decisions: A legal review. Paper presented to the Southern Regionasl International Personnel Management Association, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Arvey, R.D. , passino, E. & Loundsbury, J. (1977, August). Sex effects in job analysis. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association ,

Convention, San Francisco.

Arvey, R.D. (1978, August). Federal regulations and their impact on Indus-trial /0rganizational Psychology. Paper presented at the American Psycho-logical Association Convention, Toronto.

Arvey, R.D. (1979, July). Unfair discrimination in the employment interview:

Legal and psychological aspects. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the International Personnel Management Association.

Arvey, R.D. & Ivancevich, J.M. (1979, August). Punishment in organizations: A review and research suggestions. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Convention, Atlanta.

Arvey, R.D. & Maxwell, S.E. (1979, August). Comparative differences among quantitative methodologies for determining job differences / similarities.

Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, New York.

Arvey, R.D. & McGowen, S. (1982, August). The use of experience requirements in selecting employees: A legal review. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association.

Arvey, R.D. & Fossum, J. A. (1985 ). Age and obsolescence: A review and discussion. Paper presented at American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.

Court Cases:

1975 Kilkowski vs. Psychology Examining Committee Served as expert witness for plaintiff presenting testimony concerning reliability and validity of employment interview.

1979 Carter vs. Gallager Expert witness for City of Minneapolis (Defendant). Testimony revolved around appropriateness of content validity strategies for selection purposes.

1980 Mireles, et. al vs. Arthur Brothers, Inc.

Expert witness for plaintiff regarding discrimination against Hispanics in promotional practices.

1983 E.E.0.C. vs. Western Electric Expert witness for plaintiff (E.E.0.C.) regarding the employment interview as possible vehicle for selection bias and di'scrimina-tion.


Coinvestigator with H.D. Dewhirst on National Science Foundation Research Imorovement Grant (NM44352) to investigate the impact of a Management-By-Objectives program from January, 1974-July, 1976 ($85,000).

Principal Investigator on National Science Foundation Grant (DAR-7822145) to investigate quantitative methods of detecting job differences, April,1979-1981, (540,000).

Principal investigator for Office of Naval Research Grant to investigate the effects of discipline on organizational behavior, June,1980-June,1982, (5105,000).

Principal investigator of McKnight Foundation grant to investigate scx based wage discrimination, $10,760, summer 1985.

Principal investigator of McKnight Foundation grant to investigate sex stereo-typing in job evaluation procedures, $10,000, summer.1984.

Workshop Presentations:

Jcb Analysis: Analyzing Performance Requirements for Guideline Compliance.

Workshop leader for a three day seminar sponsored by International Personnel Management Association, 1984.

E.E.0.C. Updating. Workshop leader, one day professional workshop for person-nel psychologists, sponsored by Division of Industrial / Organizational Psychology, American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada,1984.

Basic Compensation. Workshop leader, one day worksnop, sponsored by Industrial Relations center, 1985.

Cenparable Worth Workshop leader, several one day seminars, sponscred by International Personnel Management A:: ;iation, 1985.

Other Areas:

Served on Tennessee Commission on the Status of Women, 1975-1976.

Chairperson, College of Business Editorial Advisory Council, 1975-76. This Council reviewed and made recommendations concerning all of the College publications.

Occasional reviews for Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior &

Human Performance, Psychological Bulletin.

Invited member of Society for Organizational Behavior - an organization consisting of 50 organizational psychologists who meet informally once a year.

Editorial Soard, Academy of Management Journal, 1982-85, 1985-88.

Editorial Board, Personnel Psychology, 1985-Present.

Chairperson, University of Tennessee task force on long range planning for student services and programs, 1977.

Fellow, Division 14 - Industrial / Organizational Psychology of American Psycho-logical Association.

Member of Academy of Management.

Elected President of Houston Area Industrial / Organizational Psychology Associa-tion, 1980-1981.

Consulting Experience:

1971- Ford Motor Company. Conducted research project to determine reasons for high level of turnover among college graduates.

1972-1975 Cumberland Clarklift, Knoxville, Tennessee. Long term consult-ing arrangement involving organizational development efforts of diagnosis, feedback, and change processes.

1975- Knoxville Utility Board. Developed and administered company-wide attitude survey.

1975-1977 Mead Paper Company. Test validation project to develop tests to help select employees into maintenance craftlines.

1977- Wells Fargo Bank, San Francisco. Reviewed and interpreted opinion survey results.

1978- Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. Evaluation of present -

selection system of hiring non-e),emot employees.

1979- Exxon Corporatic 1. Development of task-inventory for manage-ment, professional and technical employees.

1981- A & S S; eel Incorporated. Assessment of job candidates.

1981- Texas Rural Legal Aid. Consultation concerning discrimination Case.

1982- Diamond-Shamrock. Validation study.

1982- Shell Oil Company. Organizational development effort to investigate the effects of discipline on employee morale and satisfaction.

1982- Vitrotec, Monterrey, Mexico. Consultation concerning the reduction in force process.

1982- American Petroleum Institute. Project developing performance appraisal instruments for blue-collar jobs in the petroleum-petrochemical industry.

1984- MSI Insurance. Project involving restructing and reorganizing 150 employee division.

1984- Hickory Farms. Validation of employment interview.

1985- National Car Rental. Test validation project for sales person-nel.

1985- University of Minnesota Hospital. Consultation concerning comparable worth pay equity increases.

1985- Police & Fire Commission, City of Milwaukee. Co-director of project to develop selection procedure for police sergents.


Dr. Marvin D. Dunnette Department of Psychology University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Dr. Mario F. ~;gnanno Industrial R ations Center University oi 'innesota Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Dr. John P. Campbell Department of Psychology University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Dr. Robert D. Pritchard Department of Psychology University of Houston Houston, Texas 77004 m

ATTACHMENT 3 DAVID JAMES MC KIRNAN Associate Professor of Psychology University of Illinois at Chicago Box 4348, Chicago, Illinois 60680 (312) 966-3088


OF QUALIFICATIONS Education: PhD., McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1978 Clinical and Social Psychology B.A., Lake Forest College, Illinois, 1973 Psychology Pro fessional Associations: Member, American Psychological Association Member, Canadian Psychological Association Society of Psychologists in Substance Abuse Publications. Co-author (with E.V. Hamayan), " Social Norms and Attitudes Toward Outgroup Members: A Test of A Model in a Bi-Cultural Context",

published in Journal of Social Psychology and Language (1984)

" Identification of Deviance: A Conceptualiz-ation and an Initial Test of a Model" of Social Norms", published in European Journal of Social Psychology (1980)

Co-principal investigator, Field Study of Alienation and Attitude Change in an Industrial Setting (unpublished)

4.L2 tumUrm PrJ3 LtMErc"'"S EE lCA 6 _ _

ATTACIRIENT 4 RESUME WORLEY 0. PUCKETT (Former L.K. Comstock Level III Weld Insocctor)



3572 Spring Grove Road Business: (513)732-5416 Esthel, Ohio 45106 Home: (513)734-6310 CBJECTIVE:

To cbtain employment in nanagement within a fluclear Power environment.

To catain employment in the management of personnel, administration, supervision, training, and development with a view towards advancement to higher levels of administratica.


Lead Historical Weld Engineer Supervisor for compiling information from historical weld documentation for input into computer data base.

Project Weld Engineer / Chief Weld Engineer - Responsibilities include the supervision of the weld engineering department, writing and qualifying peccedures for welding and post weld heat in accordance with ASME Section IX, AWS 01.1 and A!iSI B31.1, compiling and maintaining welder qualification records on 471 craft welders.

<echanical QA Inspects , Senior 0A Mechanical Inspector at the an. H.

Zimer Nuclear Power Plant. Certified Level II non-destructive testing inspector in accordance with ASNT-TC.1A in the field of liquid penetrant, visual and magnetic particle testing. Qualified in the inspection of post weld heat and hydro-pneumatic surveillance. Performed QA audits and s;rveillance of nuclear equipment installation and nuclear construction activities. Twenty years in the'U. S. Navy as a hull technician, pipefitter, nuclear component welder, and welder instructor.

E' IEbb 1984 Invel III Weld Inspector, LK Camstock, Braideood Henry J. Kaiser Company P. O. Box 201

uscw, Ohio 45153 Lead Historical Weld Engineer, Project Weld Engineer, Chief Weld Engineer, Lead Mechanical QA Inspector, and Senior QA Inspector.

Sert., 1975 to Present (early 1984)

Senior lechanical QA Inspector, Lead Mechanical QA Inspector, Chief Weld Engineer, Project Weld Engineer, and Lead Historical Weld Engineer. Present responsibilities include the initiating and writing procedures and supe ~

vising of the input of historical weld documentation into a computer datm

base at the Wm. H. Zinmer Nuclear Power Plant.

kn., 1955 to Auc., 1975 Pipefitter, ship fitter, nuclear component welder in various Navy installations b


  • WORLEY-0. PUCKETT PAGE 2 iccated in the United States and overseas. Supervised and performed inspection, welding testing and maintenance on surface craf t, nuclear component submarines and prototypes.

Worked in Planning and estimating; writing step by step procedures for repairs.

30th major and minor on nuclear submarines.

Analyzed manufacture's manual and government publications, researched, devised, initiated and supervised all phases of work on nuclear power submarines.


High School Graduate Courses Attended:

..anagement Training and Human Resources Development - 42.5 Hrs.

Y Welding Inspection and Quality Control (ASti) Graduate.

Defects and failures in Pressure Vessels and Piping - 32 Hrs. (ASME) teintenance Welding in Nuclear Power Plants - 32 Hrs. (AWS)

June, 1972 to Auo., 1975 USS L. Y. Spear (AS36) Submarine Tender - Norfolk, Virginia.

Supervisor of pipe shop - repair department. Planning and estimating - repair de pa rtc.ent. Providing technical and systems support services for thirteen nuclear submarines and surface craf ts.

flov., 1968 to June, 1972 ti.P.T.U. - Idaho Falls, Idaho.

Nuclear component welder and shop supervisor. Made repairs and installed new systems in three nuclear prototypcs. A1W, S1W, and S5G Plants. Instructed and/or famili-arized officers and traineas on welding and silver brazing techniques and repair procedures.

Acril ,1956 to Nov. ,1968 USS Hunley (AS31) Submarine Tender - Charleston, South Carolina.

Weld shop in repair department. Performing major and minor repairs on nuclear sub-ma rines. Nuclear component welder working with Freeze Seals in containments, glove bags and anti-contamination clothing.

April,1965 to Acril,1966 C-1 Welding School Service Command Annex - San Diego, California.

jWelding School. (Graduated with Honors).

April ,1963 to April ,1965 Naval Station Brig - Norfolk, Virginia.

Supervised and retrained confinees and made all repairs on Naval Station Brig Complex.


.iov. ,1959 to April ,1963 USS Boxer LPH4 - Norfolk, Virginia.

Ship fitter, pipefitter.

Acril ,1956 to Nov. ,1959 USS Lake Champlain (CVA39).

Pipefitter - on the job training.



Promotions frca Seaman Apprentice to Chief Petty Officer. Top Secret Security

learance, Atomic Energy Conaission Clearance based on background investigation.

Retired from active duty August,1975.


Atomic, Biological Chemical Warfare School - Portsmouth, Virginia.1957.

2. Fire Fighting School - Portsmouth, Virginia.1957.

.. Damage Control School - Norfolk, Virginia.1958.

. Nuclear Biological Chemical Warfare Refresher Course - Norfolk, Virginia.1958.

. Plate Welding School - Portsmouth, Virginia. 4 weeks in 1958. ,

Pipewelding School - Portsmouth, Virginia. 8 weeks in 1959

7. C-1 Welding School - San Diego, California . 32 weeks 1965.

Radiation Control - Charlesten, South Carolina. 40 hrs. in 1967.

3 Race Relation School - Norfolk, Virginia. 40 hrs. in 1974.


Ste of Birth: Feb. 23, 1938

'eal th: Excellent.

.cight: 71 Inches.

leight: 185 Pounds.

'arriage Status: Married, 4 children.

'obbies: Collecting old bottles and post cards.

.?crts: Hunting and Fishing.

a 1

nu.AIE.D COggtdPONOt.b%


) 00CKETths .s ' avd.L C02010NWEALTH EDISON COMPANY ) Docket Nos. 50-456 BRANCH

) 50-457 (Braidwood Nuclear Power )

Station, Units 1 and 2) )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have served copies of Intervenors' Identification of QA Witnesses on all' parties to this proceeding as listed on the attached Service List by having said copies placed in envelopes, oroperly addressed and postaged (first class) , and deposited in the U.S. mail at 109 North


Chicago, Illinois, on this 28th day of February, 1986.

6%e b -[


BRAIDWOOD SERVICE LIST Herbert Grossman, Esq. Michael I. Miller, Esq.

Chairman and Administrative Judge Peter Thornton, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Isham, Lincoln & Beale U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Three First National Plaza Washington D.C. 20555 Chicago, Illinois 60602 Pichard F. Cole Docketing & Service Section Administrative Judge Office of the Secretary Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission Washington D.C. 20555 Washington D.C. 20555 A. Dixon Callihan C. Allen Bock, Esq.

Administrative Judge P.O. Box 342 102 Oak Lane Urbana, Illinois 61801 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Bridget Little Forem Stuart Treby, Esq. 117 North Linden Street NRC Staff Counsel Essex, Illinois 60935 U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Commission 7335 Old Georgetown Road Thomas.J. Gordon, Esq.

Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Waller, Evans & Gordon 2503 South Neil Joseph Gallo, Esq. Champaign, Illinois 61820 Isham, Lincoln & Beale 1150 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Lorraine Creek Suite 1100 Poute 1, Box 182 Washington D.C. 20036 Manteno, Illinois 60950 Fegion III Office of Inspection &

Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Poad Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Atomic Sa fety and Licensing Board Papel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington D.C. 20555 Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington D.C. 20555 7