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Proposed Tech Specs,Clarifying Info Contained in License Amend Request (LAR) 95-21
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/22/1995
Shared Package
ML20094N740 List:
NUDOCS 9511280170
Download: ML20094N774 (6)


i Primary Containment Air Locks SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR ------------------NOTES------------------

1. An inoperable air lock door does not invalidate the previous successful performance of the overall air lock leakage test.
2. During MODES 1, 2, :nd 3, Results shall be evaluated against acceptance criteria af applicable to SR i cccrdance with NOTE 10 CFR S0, a.ppend!x J, :: mcdified by SR 3.0.2 is not
pproved exemptienc. :pplicable Perform required primary containment air In accordance lock leakage rate testing in accordance with.the with the Primary Containment Leakage Rate Primary.

Testing Program. 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, Containment

mcdified by apprcved exc ; tion:. Leakage Rate Testing ~ Program Verify the combined leakage rate is 10 CFR 50, s 13,500 cc/hr for all required annulus Appendix J, ::

bypass leakage paths when pressurized to mcdified by 2: P. a pprcved exc=ption:

SR Verify primary containment air lock seal 7 days air flask pressure is 2: 90 psig.

SR ------------------NOTE-------------------

Only required to be performed upon entry or exit through the primary containment air lock.

Verify only one door in the primary 184 days containment air lock can be opened at a time.

(continued) )

l 9511290170 951122 1 PDft ADOCK 0$000458 '

l PENT ~ ~"

~'p~"' RIVER BEND 3.6-7 Amendment No. 81, LATER l


SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR -----------------NOTE--------------------

Only required to be met in MODES 1, 2, and 3.

"0TE Verify leakage rate through the valves SR 3.0.2 i:

served by each division of MS-PLCS is not :pplicable s 150 scfh per division when tested at 2: P. a In accordance with the Primary Containment Leakage. Rate Testing: Program

i. n. e. .ro. e .n. ,-

^ppendix J, :

Odified by

ppreved ext:ption:

1 SR ------------------NOTE-------------------

Only required to be met in MODES 1, 2, and 3.

MATE Verify combined leakage ratelef 1 sp: SR3.U5bisnet ti=c: the tot:1 number of PCIV: through :pplic:ble.

hydrostatically tested lines that penetrate the primary containment is within111mits? net exceeded ahen th :: In accordance is:T:tf-E. valve: cre to ted :t t 1.1 Pg r with the Primary Containment LeakageJRate Testing: Pr,ogram

s. n. ^ r.e. n, e.n.


..;;:ndix J, ::


_ as.e.s...2 .,



RIVER BEND 3.6-19 Amendment No. Skh LATER

1 Programs and Manuals  ;

5.5 i

5.5 Programs and Manuals


5.5.11 Technical Specifications (TS) Bases Control Proaram (continued)  :

c. The Bases Control Program shall contain provisions to ensure that the Bases are maintained consistent with the USAR.
d. Proposed changes that do not meet the criteria of either '

Specification 5.5.11.b.1 or Specification 5.5.11.b.2 above shall be reviewed and approved by the NRC prior to implementation. Changes to the Bases implemented without prior NRC approval shall be provided to the NRC on a '

frequency consistent with 10 CFR 50.71(e).

5.5.12 Biofoulina Prevention and Detection -l A program, which will include the procedures to prevent biofouling -

of safety-related equipment, to assure detection of Corbicula in the intake embayment and the clarifier influent, and to monitor and survey safety-related equipment to detect biofouling. Changes to this program will be submitted to and approved by the NRC (both the Region and NRR) prior to' implementation.

5! 5 J13Qy PFinaFFCsntii nneht%5iksis3 Rutei Testind' PF6aFan f^pF6giain f skull?bs?establ iihidytaliiisplimientithW51sakigsifits testingiofstheNontainnsnt?Wrequiredibf5101CFRs50iS4(o)?and?10 CFRf50 JAppendix W 0ption?BHasimodifiedibytappFovbdiexamptisn W This[ program shall6betin;.accordance;;with4thelguidelines(contained" inVRegulatory! Guide):17163;/" Performance +8a' sed Containment # Leak ~

TesMProgram&datedjSeptemberl199.56 " ~ ~ '" "' ~ '~ ~ 's +

ThsTpeikRal cul atsd Ic6ntainmentEi ritsFnal?pfessufsif6FithEdesigh basisJlos.ifofjoo]antyccident@ylsj86)sig[~~~~~~ ~

Theimsissifillssab1( PEihrPssntiinnehfil eikigsIFati$gWit!Pgl" ihallibe10j26%Roffpr;jmarylcont.ainmentiaMweightjeF2daygf ~~' .

Ths!Prisry? Cohtiinsisntilealfagsf ratsfusEshtanuelEfitefi6nMiss 1.;0lLtdDuHnglthelfirstinnit[startupXfollowingitestinglin_ ,

accordancei wi th t th i s ? program,% thi s l eakageTrateiaccept ance !ctl tsfi_a areM0 ; 60fLM forithe gype] Bf andlTipelCitests[andfs(0j75 s tMfor Type l testsc TheTpFbVi sibnsTof! sri 310!2ido7h6tispp197t6Ttistiffi@ndlei segci fiedjinJtheginary;Contaj nsentiLeakadeJRateHestinCPFsi.irini2 l ThsipF6?iiionsisfl SRI 3!0i3?iFsiippliiabli@6]thelPFimary ~

i Contajnsentsteakage;RatelTestj.ngfrograma l


RIVER BEND 5.0-16 Amendment No. 81?[LAJER l l


Primary Containment-Operating

- B BASES BACKGROUND 2. SR leakage rate requirements are in (continued) conformancewith10CFR50,AppendixJ,YOpti6 REB (Ref.3),

' ' ' ' ' ' ~.

as modified by approved exemptions.

APPLICABLE The safety design basis for the primary containment is that SAFETY ANALYSES it must withstand the pressures and temperatures of the limiting DBA without exceeding the design leakage rate.

The DBA that postulates the maximum release of radioactive material within primary containment is a LOCA. In the analysis of this accident, it is assumed that primary containment is OPERABLE such that release of fission products to the environment is controlled by the rate of primary containment leakage.

Analytical methods and assumptions involving the primary containment are presented in References 1 and 2. The safety analyses assume a nonmechanistic fission product release following a DBA, which forms the basis for determination of offsite doses. The fission product release is, in turn, based on an assumed leakage rate from the primary containment. OPERABILITY of the primary containment ensures that the leakcge rate assumed in the safety analyses is not exceeded.

The maximum allowable leakage rate for the primary containment (La) is 0.26% by weight of the containment and drywell air per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> at the designTbasislLOCA' maximum peak containment pressure (P a ) of'7.6^psig~(Ref.~4).

Primary containment satisfies Criterion 3 of the NRC Policy Statement. l LC0 Primary containment OPERABILITY is maintained by limiting overall leakage to :s_1.0 La E0uringithe?firstistartup .

followingitestinglin;accoidance with the':tPrimary Containment ~

Leakage: Rate: Testing ProgramL:l(Reff 5),itheileakageirate' acceptancefcriteria7are M 0.601L'a!forfthe2 Type)~ Brand?: Type *C teststandM0' 754LaLfor;Typel ALtests; , 0xcept p'Ficr' to the fiFstitaFtsift'br ;scFfdrmih5TFhq~0 ired 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, leckcge test, At thi; ti c, the cc bircd Type B and C leakage must be < 0.6 aL , cnd the cycrcll Type A leakage must be < 0.75 L,gr Compliance with this LC0 will l ensure a primary containment configuration, including -


RIVER BEND B 3.6-2 Revision No. LATER


Primary Containment-operating B BASES SURVEILLANCE SR (continued)


i test requirements of ths"PrlisisFK[CbsisTnment'LiskiyERits T.estihb!PfekaR(RefM) mcdified !sy :pprcved ption:.

exc]=jl0"CFR'50',~AppEndliT(Ref73)7  ::

Failure to meet air lock

, leakage testing (SR and SR resilient seal primary containment purge valve leakage testing (SR, secondary containment bypass leakage (SR, main steam positive leakage control system (SR3., hydrostatically tested valve leakage (SR, or annulus bypass leakage (SR i does not necessarily result in a failure of this SR. The impact of the failure to meet these SRs must be evaluated against the Type A, B and C acceptance criteria of the Primsry? Csnfai nmentiLIakage? RatslTes ti ngi Prosram MThe'

? Contai nment7 overal.ld eakapeWhtel? accept aneeNri teri a Primary!0  ; La .J Duf.i ng t thetfi fs ts uni tts tsstusfal l owi ns" -

'is1s?l 4 testingL.-inTaccordance(with?thisiprogram#theheakagsrate

acceptance!criter.tarapel$$0.60LlakontaiMaximuniPathwsy ~ '
LeakageT Ratef(MXPLR)iforithelType
8 find ? Type) Cf testsland.

J is ; 0 ! 75 s tiforsTypet Aste st s MThe! MXPLRifor? combi ned iType ! B l and!Cileakag'etihthe'measureddeakage/through7thelworstJof thei two d sol ati on ? val ves , e unl e s sta} penetrati on 61 sn i sol ated by;usejofionelclosediand2 deactivated automatic @alveWelosed manualfvalveporsblind ? flange ilntthisicaseWthe3XPLR40f~

j thesi sol ated jenetrati onfi st as ssesd k toi tieb theimeas ured ^



J 1eakageithroug#3M3?sdliddid5T'Rcf.3).

g bdiff 0dh A left leakage pricr tc the fir:t st:rtup ;fter perfer=ing ;

i required 10 CFR 50, Appendix J, le k:ge te:t is required t:

be < 0.6 L 7 or f combined Tyne B and C leakage. and < 0.75 Lg

. for ever:1. Type A le k ge. At all other ti=c between required lenk ge rate tc t';, the Occept:nce criteri is b::cd en :n ever:11 Type A leck:ge limit of c: 1.0 L,gr At s 1.0 L the a offsite dose consequences are bounded by the assumptions of the safety analysis. The Frequency is required by thsTPrimary"Containmentil.sakigelTesting Proghm?10 CFR^ 507 AppendiE~J,"drissdifi'ed Fipprcved l exemptibn:. Thus, SR 3.0.2 (which allei; Frequency i extension:) dec not apply.

REFERENCES 1. USAR, Section 6.2.

2. USAR, Section 15.6.5.
3. 10 CFR 50, Appendix M 0pfi6 nib. l i
4. USAR, Section 6.2.6. l 55 ' [ Regulator)l Guideil7163DPerfoWanselBised LCont'aismeht

~ Leak-Test:Pr.ogramWdated;Septembsrjil995f RIVER BEND B 3.6-4 Revision No. LATER


SURVEILLANCE SR REQUIREMENTS (continued) Surveillance of hydrostatically tested lines at a 1.1 P a, 8.36 psig provides assurance that the calculation assumptions of References 2 and 3 are met. The acceptance criteria for the combined leakage of all hydrostatically tested lines is 1.0 gpm times the: total number of hydrostatically tested PCIVs when tested at 1.1 Pa. The combined leakage rates must be ~ demonstrated at the frequency of the leakage test requirements of the Primary Containment Leakage Rate Testing. Program (Ref. 5).Referen= 1, n

=cdi' icd by cpprcred exemptidn:; thu:, SR 3.0.2 (=Sich cllce: Frequency extensicn:) dec: not cpply.

A note is added to this SR which states that these valves are only required to meet the combined leakage rate in MODES 1, 2, and 3 since this is when the Reactor Coolant System is pressurized and primary containment is required.

In some instances, the valves are required to be capable of automatically closing during MODES other than MODES 1, 2, and 3. However, specific leakage limits are not applicable i in these other MODES or conditions. I SR This SR ensures that the combined leakage rate of annulus bypass leakage paths is less than the specified leakage rate. This provides assurance that the assumptions in the radiological evaluations of Reference 4 are met. The leakage rate of each bypass leakage path is assumed to be the maximum pathway leakage (leakage through the worse of i the two isolation valves) unless the penetration is isolated l by use of one closed and de-activated automatic valve, closed manual valve, or blind flange. In this case, the leakage rate of the isolated bypass leakage path is assumed to be the actual pathway leakage through the isolation device. If both isolation valves in the penetration are closed, the actual leakage rate is the lesser leakage rate of the two valves. This method of quantifying maximum pathway leakage is. only to be used for this SR (i.e., l Appendix JH 0ption:8 maximum pathway leakage. limits are to


bequantified'in~sccordance._withAppendixJn0ptionfB). The Frequency is required by thelPrimaryeContainment! Leakage RatesTesting Programl(RefB 5)M0' CFR"5", ^4;~=d!TT (Ref.

1),1: ~=dified by 5;r:=d ef=;ti=:; th=, SR 3.0.2 (which :ll;;; Frcq=ncy =t=:i=:) d=: net :pply.

l l

RIVER BEND B 3.6-28 Revision No. l.ATER