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Affidavit of M Reich,Ca Miller & Cj Constantino Re Safety Significance of Concrete Cracking in Foundation Base Mat. Prof Qualifications & Addendum to BNL Review of Facility Base Mat Analysis Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/06/1984
From: Constantino C, Chris Miller, Reich M
Shared Package
ML20096B568 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8409040204
Download: ML20096B569 (44)




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In the Matter of - 3 . $

3 .


j' (k'aterford Steam Electric Station, h Unit 3) J e' i l 1


4 i

Q.1. Please state your names, titles ar.d by whom you are


erployed. $

A.1(a), My nase is Morris Reich. I am employed as Head of the Structural Analysis Division, Departrent of Nuclear Energy, smokhaven l, hetional Laboratory, Upton. Nt'. A statement of or professional quali-i j

fications is attached.

f A.1(b). & name is Charles A. Miller. I am employed as Professor 1 of Civil Engineering and Director of the Materials Testing Laboratory, g Department of Civil Engineering The City College of the City University i of New York. A statement of my prafessional qualifications is attachec.  !

A.1(c). 4 name is Carl J. Costantino. I am employed as Professor ,f of Civil Engineering and Director of the Soil Nechanics Laboratory, f Department of Civil Engineering, The City Co1Tege of the City University j of New York. . A statemen,t of my professional qualifications is attached.  ;

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t 8409040204 84G828 I gDRADOCK 05000382 ~

PDR u t

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g Q.2. What is the purpora of this affidavit?

A.2. The purpose of this affidavit is to provide a susuary of our evaluation and conclusions as to the safety significance of the concrete cracking that has been observed in the foundation base sat at

[ Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit 3..

Q.3. Please describe your involvement with these issues.

A.3. The Structural Analysis Division of the Department of Nuclear Energy, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), was reques,ted by the NRC Staff to review various design issues related to the Waterford foundation base mat and to provida its conclusions as to tha adequacy and structural integrity of ti.e base mat. BNL's efforts were* directed by Dr. Morris Reich and received technical assistance from Drs. Costan-tino and Miller, whose services were provided under contract to BNL. The other sambers of the 8NL team were A.J. Philippacopoulos. 5. K. Sharma and P. C. Wang; the professional qualifications of these individuals are ettached to this affidavit as Attachment 1.

Our involvement with these issues commenced in March 1944 anc has continued to the present. . During this period, we met and consulted with men:bers of the hRC Staff on numerous occasions; reviewed s'everal re-ports prepared by the App 1tcant's consultant, !!arstead Engineering Assoc-l tates, Inc.; met with and obtained further information from the Applicant  ;

1 and its architect-engineer, E8ASC0; and visually examined the cracks and water seepage. On July 18, 1984, we issued a report which provided a detailed description of"our analyses and conclusions concerning the

' Waterford foundation base mat, entitled " Review of Waterford !!! Basemat 1

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Ar.alysis" ("8NL Report"); on infonnation and belief, this report was pro-I 25, 1984, vided to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board on July 6nJuly31,1984, following the issuancelof the BNL Report, we' traveled to the Waterford site to meet with the Applicant and its con-sultant, Muenow Associates, which has been conducting non-destructive testing of the foundation base mat, and received an explanation of the Based upon our understanding of

' preliminary results of the NDT program.

these preliminary results, as represented to us by the Applicant and- ,

Huenow Associates, we have prepared an " Addendum" to the BNL Rep, ort of I . July 18. 1984, which provides further information and ichfiffht the initial

' conclusions presented in the BNL Report. This Adder.dum, dated August 3, 1984. is attached to this Affidavit as Attachment 2.

Does the BNL Report dated July 18. 1984, as supplemented Q.4.

by the Addendum dated August 3,1984, provide a true and ac' curate repre-sentation of your views concerning .the adequacy and structural integrity of the Waterford foundation base mat?

A.4. Yes. .

Q,5, What is your conctusion relative to the adequacy and -

structural integrity of the Waterford foundation base nat?

A.S. Based upon the analysis which we have conducted and the information provided by the Applicant and EBASCO, it is our conclusion that the safety margins in the design of the mat are adequate, and that the concrete cracks in the base mat, as well as the cracks in certain vertical walls standing on the base mat. do not present a significant l

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5 issue affecting the safety of the Waterford facility. We have, however, eccanded that certain detailed confirmatory calculations be perfonned, y e

although we do not a'nticipate that these analyses will Jead to any sub-

tantially different results, and we have' recoasnended that a surveillance j
ragran; be initiated to monitor the cracks. Detsfled explanations of the h hises for these conclusions may be found in the BNI. Report of July 18 1964 and the Addendum of August 3, 1984 F I

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bscribed and sworn to before me this y day of pc ,g t 1gg4 i

Newyst k MM v h Il8 N Y dQ,g, j W tary Public ,/  !

My Corr.ission expires: 44 . J27 /9(J

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/L i (/ J iaries A.~ Miller j

,?bscri and 65 ofsworn to bef) ore me "115 f. ft.7y&S 1984 Ndb ' nains cripta

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Kctary Publicf u in nce w c,, ,

.v Comission exp res: Ta m L

  • u Sa o a.ia [ f b .

Carl J. Qstantino  :

subscrib. and sworn to hJre f me s hi: 6 / ay of /TL K7 05/ 1954

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Aor44y ptg],gcrtpra

'totary Public/

ov ^" *5!EN "" M rg Co m!55100 expires / 7~ a/ G af.-.WndC,ouay 4,a, g, ,

  • ' LHorris'Raich Hacd, Structural Anolysis Division Position: Depsttment -ef Nuc12cr Ensrgy Brookhaven National Laboratory

.4 .

[- Over twenty years of extensive management experi-Special Fields: ence in the utilization ~ and devlopment of nuclear energy systems and related technology: Some of the

> items worked on includesj structural design an4 safety ava)ustions lof fission, advanced fission, fusion i

reactors, . geothermal and conventional power plants, coal mine tunnels, underground support systems,'com-plex radar support systems, and bridge and highway structures; extensive work in the development of structural finite element techniques, fracture mechanics techniques, and dynamic response methods; recent work includes development of risk and re- i liability analysis methods for design of engineering I structures and systems.

Member - Editorial Board of Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design,. North Rolland Publishing Company.

Consultant - Advisory Committee on Reactor Saf eguards (ACRS) of the United States 'fuelear Regulatory Commission, 1977 - 79.

Board Member of the International Areociation for Structural Hechanics in Reactor Tecnnology, Division / Session Chairman and/or Invited Speaker Chairman and Invited Speaker - Session - M5, .

Structural Systems / Component Reliability, 7th International Conference on Structural Hechanics in Reactor Technology, Chicago, IL,1983.

Invited Speaker - Session - M7, Proba1111stic Risk Assessment, 7th International Conf erence on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Chicago, IL, 1983.

Division Chairman - 5th International Conf erence on Struct ural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin,

.. Ge rma ny , 19 79.

Chairman Session - (H3) Structural Analysis of Pre-Stressed Concrete Reactor Vessels II, 4th Interna-tional Conf erence on Structural Hechanics in Reactor Technology, San Trancisco, CA, August, 1977.  ;

  • e .

. ~ - - -

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M_e_rris Rajch Page 2 * .

4- ,

Co-Chairman - Structural Dynamics II, International Division / Session Chairman and/or Invited Speaker (Cont'd). . American Neeting on Fast Reactor Safety and Related Phys'ics, Nuclear Society and European Society, Chicago, IL, October 1976. &

Invit ed Speaker - Structural Problems of Fusion Power, Session NP, 4th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor. Technology, San Francisco, CA, Augu s t 1977.

Invited Speaker - Safety Considerations of PCRV's American Nuclear Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 1975 Edited; Special Issue on Fusion, Vol. 58, (1980),

, Nuclear Engineering and Design, North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Edited; Structural Analysis Needs for Magnetic Fusion Energy Superconducting Magnets,, published by ERDA, CONF-7 60984-19 76.

City _ College of New York, B.S.M.E. , June 1961 Education:

City College of New York, H.S.M.E. , June 1963 Polytechnic. Institute of Brooklyn, Mechanical Engineering, June 1972 Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Hechanical Engineering, Ph.D. , Summer 1974 Dr. Reich joined Brookhaven National Laboratory in 1962 as a member of the Mechanical Engineering Division. His early assignments included project work at the Later, he was appointed Chief Hechanical newly designed High Flux Beam Reactor (HFBR).

Engineer of the Pulsed Fast Rector Project.

Since for=ing the Structural Analysis Group (about seven years ago), he has

, of activities for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission participated and directed a host (NRC), the Department of Energy (DOE - forme tion, the U.S. Bureau of Mines, the Of fice of Saline Water and th Def e ns e.

scientists in the development of complex structural analysis and probabilistic methods and their application to evaluations of structural components and systems used in ')

water-cooled reactors (LWR's and BWR's), Liquid Metal Fas t Breeder Reactors (LMTBR s ,

High Temperature Cas-Cooled-Reactors (HTCR'S),

( CTR 's ) .

and Controll liner and ductile .

plastic small and large deformations, as well as large strains,

M:rrie Raich Page 3 .

6 ,

d f ractur e mechanics , c r e ep , f atigue, creep-f atigue interaction, linear and nonline4r seismic response, soil structure interaction, and combined s tructural-probabilistic analysis, etc. for reactor vessels, steam generators, piping systems, core and core components, prestressed concrete reactor vessels (PCRV's),; containment structureeg l f usion magnet structures and systems, blanket, and other general power plant components, are well documented in literature.

Similarly, he has participated and directed research for the Bureau of Mines, dealf ng with the design and evaluation of coal mine underground support systems, and developuent nethods and the structural response evaluation of anistropic layered media; has worked on va rious schemes for new types of desalinization plants for the Office of Saline Water; has participated in structural evaluations and designs involving new highway bridge-decks airport runways, and general bridge designs utiliziag prestressed and/or post-tensioned polymer concrete for the Federal Highway Administration; developed and designed equipment for Ecothermal power plant use for Deparment of Energy; evaluated various sophisticated equipnent for Departaent of Defense.

As Division llead, he is in charge of developing the division's research programs and in obtaining the funding for all proposed work. He maintains ,a close liaison with various research f unding organizations as well as professional organizations involved with structural, mechanical and nuclear enE ineering research.

t 9


Journal Publicaticna o ... , -

1. " Analysis of . Bridge Decks Using Poly-Impregnat ed Concrete", H. Reich and '

E. Koplik, Pub. SP. 40, American Concrete Inst. (ACI) 1973.


"Finit e-El, ament Analysis of Structural Response of Superconducting $

Magnets for a Tbslon Reactor", H. Reich, T.Y. Cha ng, lS. Prachuktam and J. Pouell, Paper H 2/9, proceedings of the 3rd International Conf erence +

on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, London, England, Sept. ,


3. "Detensination of Burst Pressures for Cracked Steam Generator Tubes",

H.. Reich and T.Y. Cha ng, ASMI Paper 77 PVP-31, proceedings of the ASME r

Energy Tech. Conf. , Houston, TX, Sept. 1977.

4. " Inelastic dnalysis of Finit e Length and Depth Cracked Tubes", H. Reich, S. Prachuktam and D. Cardner, Paper F 7/4, proceedings of the 4th Inti.

Conf. on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, San Francisco, CA, Aug. 197 7.

5 "Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Failure Analysis for PCRV's and Containment Structur es' H. Reich and J.J. Connor, Paper E 2/1, proceedings of the 4th International Conf. on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, San Francisco, CA, Aug.1977.

6. "E f f ect of Clearance and Distribution of Mass on the Dynamic Response of an BTCR Core", H. Reich and B. Koplik, Paper K 7/3, proceedings of at the 4th International Conf. on Structural Hechanics in Reactor Technology, San Francisco, CA, Aug. 1977.
7. " Structural Aspects of Superconductivity Fusion Magnets", H. Reich, J. Lehner and J. Powell, Paper 1.55, proceedings of the World Electro-technical Congress, Moscow, USSR, June 1977.
8. "Cycid e Behavior of Seiz ed St eam Generator Tubes", H. Reich and S.

Prachuktam, ASME/CSME Vessel and Piping Conf erence, Montreal, Canada, June 1978.

9. " Failure Analysis of St eam Generator Tubes in Dent ed and Wastage Conf E1 uration", H. Reich, S. Prachuktam and T.Y. Chang, Journal of
  • Pr essur e Vess el Technology Tra ns,. ASME, Vol.100, No. 4,197 8.


10. "Co=pilation of References, Data Sources and Analysis Nethods Prima ry Piping System Components, H. Reich and E.P. Eszt erSar, Nuclear Engineering a nd Design, Vol. 50, No. 2, Oct. 1978.
11. "ApplicatJon of Fracture Hechanics Hethods in Safety Analysis of Piping Cu=ponents in Subcreep and Creep Regions", H. Reich, E.P. Eszt ergar, E.C. Ellison, R. Erdogan, T.F.C. Spence and C. Wells, Nuclear Engi ne eri ng a nd D esign , Vol . 51, No . 2, Ja n. 19 7 9. I l


s, Journal Publications (Cont'd)

12. " Conc epts for Benchca rk Problem Development for Fracture Mechanics Application in Saf ety Evaluation of Nuclear Piping in Sub-Creep Service", H. Reich and E.P. Esztergar, Nuclear Engineering and Design, {

vol . 51, No . 2, Ja nua ry 19 7 9. ,

13. " Nonlinear ~Respons e to Hultipl e Decaying Sine Waves", B. Koplik, H.

Reich and J. Curreri, Paper M10/7, proceedings of the 5th International Conf erence on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technolog'y, Berlin, August 1979.

14. "Er.isting and Future Structural Analysis Techniques and Their Application to Superconducting Magnets", H. Reich, N2/1-1, procealings of the 5th Internatio' nal Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, August 1979.

" Generic Structural Mechanics Aspects of Fusion Magnet Systens", H. Reich 15.

and J.R. Powell, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol . 58, No. 2, 1980.

16. "Non-linea r Dynamic Res pons e of a Hulti-Mas s Sys t e= vith Caps", H. Reich, and B. Replik, proceedings of the 47th Shock and Vibration Symposium, Albuq ue rgue, N.H. , October 197 6.
17. "Reliabili ty Assesscent of Nuclear Structural Syst ems", H. Reich, and H.

Hwang, Paper M/5/1, proceedings of the 7th Int ernational Conf erence on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology Chicago, IL, August 1983. ,


18. "The Brookhaven High Flux Beam Reactor Fas t Chopper Facility", R.E.

Chrien and H. Reich, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Vol. 53, No.1, pp.93-107, 1967.

19. "As s es s cent of Nonlinear St ruct ural Finit e Element Program: NONSAP for Inela stic Analysis", T.Y. Chang, S. Prachuktam and M. Reich, ASME paper 77-PVP-10, ASME Energy Conferenc e, Hous ton, Texas, Sept e=ber 1977.
20. "Three-Dimensional Inelastic Evaluation of Controlled Hagnetic Tusion Energy React or Magnet", J. Lehner, H. Reich and J. Powell, Paper L5/4, proceediDEs of the 4th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, San Francisco, CA, August 1977. ,
21. " Nonlinear Analysis of a Supercoriducting Magnet of a Fusion Reactor",

T.Y. Chang, H. Suzuki and H. Reich, Paper L5/3, proceedings of the 4th Int ernational Conf erence on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, San Francisco, CA, August 1971.

22. "Saf ety and* Reliability Aspects of Superconducting Hagnets for Thermo-nuclea r Power Rea ctors", J. Powell, S.Y. Usich a nd H. R eich, Paper 1.54, proceedings of the World ' Elect r ot echnical Congr es s, Hoscow, USS R, J un e 1977.


, e s

JournalsPublications (Cont'd)

23. " Failure Analysis of Tubes with Wastages", S. Prachuktam, M. Reich and ,

J. Ragan, ASME Paper 79-PVP-113, proceedings of the Pressure vessel and g

Piping Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 1979.

-24,' "A Finite Element.Hodel for Elastic and Slip Responses of Pusion ,

Magnets", T.Y. Chang and M. -Reich, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol .102, May 1980. .

25. 'A Three Dimensional Test Program for Nonlinear Be,havior of an HTCR Core", J . Cur r eri, M. R eich , 11. Koplik, P. Bezier and M. Subudhi, Paper K12/1, proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Structural Hechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, August 1979.
26. "A Revi ew of Structural Mechanics Aspects of Tusion Blankets', J.R.

Powell and M. Reich, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 58, No. 2, 1980. ,

27. " Finite Element Based Random Vibration Analysis of Nuclear Structures Under Seismic Loading", T. Kako, M. Shinozuka, H. Huang, and M. Reich, Paper K 7/2, proceedings of the 7th International Conf erence on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Chicago, IL, August 1983.
28. "D evelopment of a Reliability Analysis Method for Cat egory I Structures",

H. Shinozuka , T. Kako, H. Hwang and M. Reich, Paper H5/3, proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Tech- '

j nology, Chicago, IL, August 1980.

29. " Estimation of Structural Reliability Under Combined Loads" M.

Shinozuka, T. Kako, H. Hwang, P. Brown and M. Reich, Paper M 2/3, pro-ceedings of the 7th International Conf erence on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Chicago, IL,1983.

30. "Comput er Technology in Fusion Rea ctor Research", T.Y . Chang, H. Suzuki and M. Reich, ASME Publication, PVP-PB-031,1978.
31. "Thennal and Structural Design Aspects of Heat Temperature Blankets for Tusion SYN Fuel Production *, J.R. Powell, J. A. Pillo and M. Reich, Paper N 2/4, proceedings of the 6th International Conf erence on Structural
  • Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Paris, France, August 1981.

. 32. " Evaluation of Concurrent Peak Res ponses", P.C. Wa ng, J. Curreri, and M.

Reich, Paper M 2/4, proceedings of the 7th International Conf erence on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Chicago, IL, August 1983.


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  1. Sc3ceted NRC and DOE Reports
1. " Int egrity- of LHFBR Prima ry Piping: A Preliminary Evaluation", Part I:

J .C.Y. Chow , Pa rt II, H. Reich, September 1974, Report No. BNL/FRS-74-2. g

" Elastic and Inelastic Methods of Piping Systems Analysis: A Primary


2. '

Review",'H. Reich and E. Esztergar, February 1975, Report No. BNL-19768.

3. " Proceedings of the Workshop on Structural Analysis Needs for Magnetic Tusion Energy Superconducting Magnets - A Technical Assessment", M.

Reich, J. Lehner, J. Powell and P. Bezier, Eds., held at BNL, September 1976,- Report No. CONF-7 60984.

4. " Piping B'enchmark Problems, Dynamic Analysis Uniform Support Motion Response Spectrum Method", P. Bezier, M. Hartzman and H. Reich, August 1980, Report No. NUREC/CR-1677.
5. " Seismic Review Table", M. Subudhi, H. Reich, B. Koplik and J. Lane, l April 1980, Report No. NUREG/CR-14 29.

" Probability Based Load Criteria for Design of Nuclear Structures: A 6.

Critical Review of the State of the Art", H. Reich, H. Hwang, Eds.,

Major Contributors, H. Shinozuka, B. Ellingwood, Contributors, P.C.

Wa ng, C. Heye r, Y.K. Wen, S. Kao, H.L. Shooman and A.J. Philippacopoulos, February 1981, Report No. NUREC/CR-1979. )

7. " Dynamic Combinations for Mark JI Containment Structures", A.J.

Philippacopoulos and H. Reich, February 1981, Report No. NUREC/CR-2039.

8. " Evaluation of Concurrent Peak Response", P.C. Wang, J. Curreri, H.

Shooman, Y.K. Wang, A.J. Philippacopoulos H. Reich and H. Subudhi, May 1982, Report No.. NUREC/CR-2685.

9. " Review of Load Combinations for NSSS and BOP Piping and Equipment of Mark III Plants", A.J. Philippacopoulos, H. Reich and P.C. Wang, May 1982, Report No. NUREC/CR-2686.
10. " Independent Seismic Evaluation of the Diablo Canyon Unit 1 Containment Annulus Structur e and Select ed Piping Sys tems", A.J. Philippacopoulos,

- H. Reich, P. Bezier, C. Miller, Y.K. Wang, M. Subudhi, S. Shteyngart and P. B r own , J un e 1982, Report No. NUREC/CR-2834.

11. " Failure Evaluation of a Reinforced Concrete Hark III Containment Struc-tur e Under Uniform Pressure", S. Sharma, H. Reich, T.Y. Chang and S.

Sht eyn ga rt , Sept ember 19 82, Report No. NUREC/CR-1967.

12. "Re liabil3 ty As s es s me nt of Reinforced Concrete Containecnt Structures",

H. Hwang, P. Brown and H. Reich, February 1983, Report No. NUREC/CR-3227.


Select ed NRC and DOE Rip 3rto (C:nt'd)

s. . . . . .

'13. **FrobabilisticH . Hwa ng ModcIs

, S . Ka ofor a ndMat M . Rerials eich , SUsed ep t embinera19Reinforced 82, R epo rt NoC t aiment",


g 14.

" Seismic and Dynamic Qualification of Saf ety Relat e4 Electrical and i t

Mechanical Equipment in Operating Nuclear Power P .

No. NUREG/CR-3266.


" Review of Current Analysis Methodology for Reinforced Concrete Struc-S. Sha rma , M. Reich a nd T.Y. Chana, April 1983, tural Evaluations",

Report No. NUREG/CR-3284.


"Probabilistic Hodels for Operational and $ccidental Loads 83, H. Huang, P.C. Wang and M._ Reich, April 19 on Seismic Cat egory I Structures" will be publ.i.shed as a NUREG Report.

17. Fuel Elecents", Pulsed Fast Research Reactor Proje B. Koplik,'Nove:nber 1968, Report No. BNL-13311. .


"Reviar of Methods and Criteria for Dynamic Co:nbination in Piping Syst ems", H. Reich, P.C. Wa ng, J. Curreri, S. Hou, and H. Coradia, Ma rch,19 80, Report No. NUREG/CR-1330. .

0 l


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-* s Profcissor of Civil Engineering and - .

Director, MaterLals Testing Laboratory ,

Department of Civil Engineering. -

g The City Coll ege of the City University of New York -


s. Teaching:

The City College of the 1968-1972 Asst. Prof.

1972-1980 Assoc. Prof.

City University of New York 1980-Present Prafessor 1966-1968 Adj. Asst.

Il l i noi s Institute Prof.

of Tec hr.ol ogy Research: '


1957-1968: IIT Research Institute, Chicago, Illinois From Assistant Research Engineer to Assistant Director of Mechanics Research Divi sion.

- Fiscal and technical responsibility for 26 engineers all conducting research for government and industry in areas of structural mechanics and' design. the f oll owi ng

. - Principal investigator on' projects in superhard mi ssi l e launch, areas: design study, for ground facilityl design studies on Titan and Minuteman facilitiesi design of civil def ense shelters; load test on cylindrical concrete shellcars; roof structurel creep effects design of in prestegssed concrete rail concrete structural components.

the following areas:

Participant on studies in of computer response of shell structures; devel opment response of programs to analy:e static and dynami c structures; stability of shell structures.

196E-Present: Department of Civil Engineering. CCNY effects

- E:: peri mental and analytical studies of creep in concrete structures. relationship

- Test program to evaluate constituitive material used in bridge for r oc l- and r oci:/mor t ar ebutment. f atigue properties in concrete


  • Evaluation of stress states.

speci mens subj ected to bi a>:i al codes to evaluate the

- Dev el opment of computer 1


! l l

  • Pegh 1 I

l 1

(_; _ . _

rccpons.e of st ructur r.s. to ceicmi c ind'uced Icedi ng3.

- Study of tha offect of vari ous rCduction methoda u2Cd i re per f or mi r.g dynan.i c anal yci s of- large structural cystems. *

c. Consulting:

.195~-1954 Engineer with M.W.l:ellogg (

and -steel structures used in

- Desi gn of concrete

petr ochemi c al plants- .

1968-1970 Consultant to Ammann and Whitney system.

- Desi gn of structures used on the Nike weapon wall Pr i nc i p al activities were in the design of -shear components.

1969-1975 Stressteel Corp.

- Developed computer programs to automate the design of prectressed concrete beams. '

- Design of prestressed concrete nuclear power plant containment vessels. ,

1975-Present Transnuclear Inc.liscensing documents for

- Design and preparation of containers- used to ship radioactive waste material .

Regul ator y 1970-Present Seismi c Consultant f or Nucl ear Commi s si on Perform studies r el ati ng to soi l / structure interaction ef f ects in nuclear power plant structures subjected to er.rthquale loadings.

- Audit saf ety reports prepared by utilities seeking to

  • lisconse a plant. ,

- Participate in liscensing hearings on behalf of the NRC staff.

EDUCATION DCE 1953 Manhattan College 11SCE 1960 Il l i noi s Institute of Technology Illinois Institute of PhD 1966 Toc htsol ogy, thecis deal t with creep

~ efSects in concrete structures.


,Regi ct or ed Pr of et s t onal Engineer, New York State .


    • PIge 2

1 Arieri can' Goci oty cf Ci vil EnginscrD J


  • _ Amer ican Concreto Inctituto Prostrected Concreto Instituto Si gma - Xi *

, Chi Epsilon ,

lau Beta Pi

  • FUDLICAT I ONS Thesis, M S

" Dynamic Analysis of Two Hinged Arches", (

111nois Institute of Technology, Janpary 1960.

To Nucl ear ,

Electronic Equipment

" Response of 29th Symposiun on Shock, Bl ast",with J. A.Granath, Proc. 1961.

Vi br ati on and Associated Environments, with Two-Hinged Arches",

" Influence Coefficients for of the Structural S.A.Guralnick, Proc. ASCE, Journal Di vi si on , August 1962.

Slab Structures Enhibiting Coulomb.

Loading", with "Dynam4c Response of Air and Shock Symposium on the Use of Friction to _ Combined E.Sevin and R.R. Robinson, Proc.

Computers in Civil Engineering, September 1962.

Behavior of Reinforced "An Investigation of the . Repeated Cycles of Subjected to Technol ogy, Concrete Beams Leading", PhD thesis, Illinois Institue of January 1966.


to Repeated "The Response of Pl ai n Concrete RILEM International Symposium and wi th S. A. Gu'rai ni ck , Proc. Loading on Materials on the Effects of Repeated Structures, September 1966.

Non-Dethogonal Grid Systems",

"The Dy,namic Analysis ofInternational Conference on Space wi'th R.E.lframm, Proc.

Structures, September 1966.

to Repeated Beams Subjected "Reinf orced Concrete Proc. ASCE, Journal of the Loads",With S.A.Guralnich, Structural Di vi ci on, October 1967.

Thich Prestrested Rangs", Nuclear

" Creep Deformations of Engineering and Design;7), 1968. Jotnt ASCE

" Creep of Reinforced Concrete Beams", Proc. and Non-Linear Op ti mi c ati on Spe:fality Conference on Problems, Apr:1 1968.

Reinforced Concrete

" Creep Effects in Continuous Design of Concrete Symposium on Beams", Proc.1ADSE 1

, Egb

CrGep, .ShrinkCg], Cn2 . .y - ,


  • .Structurta for j

, Chategc s, c.:.b er 1980; Cincrcto Pacm3",with

" Cec ep Def lection of 'Rainfcrced of, the. Structurci S.A.Gura3nich, Proc.ASCE, Journal a t

. Di vi si on , December.1970. . 1 l

a' Nuclear Power .

"Str uc tur e-Foun d ati on Interaction Sei smi c . of Disturbance", with Plant with .

a December C.J.Costantino, Nuclear Engineering and Design, - (

1970. .

Forces in Concrete Beams as "a Redistribution of. Internal Result of Creep", ACI annual meeting, March.1971. '

with "Sei smi c' Analysi s of Li qui d Godium Storage Tanks", Proc C.J.Costantino, Engineering, June 1973. .


" Rocking Ef f ects in a Nuclear Power Plant Subjected C.J.Costantino, Proc.5th A Sei smic Disturbance", with June 1973.

Worl d Conf erence- on Earthquake Engineering, on

" Influence of Soi'l-Structure Interaction Parameters Proc.2nd Fl oor Response Spectra", with C.J.Costantino, Reactor Technol ogy Mechanics in Structural Conference, September 1973.

Amplification Studies",

Soil "Nesh Si re Cri teri a f or wi th C. J.Costantino and L.Luf reno,Conference, Proc.3rd Structural September Mechan 2 cs in Reactor TechnoloDy 1975.

Seismic and

" Facility Design' Constraints f or Combined C.J.Costantino, Proc.3rd Ther mal Loading", with Conference, Structural Mechani cs in Reactor Technology September 1975.

C.J.Costantino, Shock and "Ses smi c Analysis",with Revi ews and Summaries, Vibrati on Computer Programs, W t, D Pilkey, The Shoch ar d Vibration tdited by Center,U.S. Department of Defense, 1975..

Information Parameters fron Finite

" Soil-Structure Interaction and L.Lufrano, El emc nt Ana) ysi s", with C.J.Costantano .

' tJucl ear Engir. coring end Design, August 1976.

Thermal and Pipe Supports for Combi ned 77-PVP-63,

" Locating Seism 2c Load 2ng", with H.1.F nk, ASMC paperJune 1977.

Proc. ASME Cnorguy Technology Conf erence, Concrete", with Low Cycle Fatigue Characters stics of 9

  • F e g t. 4

. .' O.Mh13 i cr os., Proc. ASCE Cpring Convention April 19/v.


" Dynamic Reduction of Structural Moda3G", Proc. ATCE, Journe) of the Structural Di vi ci cn , Octob;r 1910. -

" Error s Rc sul ti'ng f rom Dynami c Reduction", Proc. First

- In t ernati oreal Conference on Computers in Ci vi l-Engineering, May 1983.

. "An Assessment of Soil-Structure .!nteraction Effectp

- Besed on Simple -Models", with A. J . Phi l i pp ac opoul os,

. Proc. Seventh SMIRT, August 1983. ,

"High Soi l /Strucutr e Interacticin Combined with Low Structural Damping", with C.J.Costantino, and A. J . Phi l i pp acop oul os , Proc. Seventh SMIRT, August 1983.

" Errors Result'ing from Reductson Methods",with A. J . Phi l i pp ac op oul os, Proc. Seventh SMIRT, August 1983.

" Analysis Method f or the Design of Transport Packaging Shocli Absorbing Covers",with D.J.Not an, and Seventh Transportation of C.Fernande:, Proc.

Radicactive Materials (PATRAM), May' 1983.

6 e

e O

e t

    • Pege 5 i


A' Vfta , ,


Prof essor of Civil Engineering and Director, Soil Mechanics Laboratory i

Department of Civil Engineering '

The City . College of the Ci ty University of New Yori:


e. Teeching:

1956 - 1959 Lecturer The City College of the Amst. Prof.


  • University of New Yoel: 1967 - 1970 1970 - 1975 Assoc. Prof.
  • 1975 - to date Professor 1964 - 1965 Lecturer Illinois Institute of Technology
b. Reseerch:

1959 - 1967: IIT Research Institute, Chicego, Illinois Meneger, Structural From Assistent Receerch Engineer to Section, Mechanics Dynamics and rJuci car Weepens Effects studies for both Division, conducting research Research government and industry. site herdening of

- Principal Engineer on programs involving systems, theoretical and mi ssi l e and mi s si l e guidance e::per i men't al studies of soil-structure interectient computer

- Frincipal Investigator in the development of large and roci; programs meterielet to study stress wave pecpagation through soildevelo problem for the Air Forces reactor containment shell Participent in studses of large end dynamic loedingst structuret subjected to static str es s' pl ents ci ty anal yses f or these focilitiest 1967 to dete: Dep ai- t mer et of Civil Engineering, CCNY stress weve pecoegation through Conducti ng research studiec on with E ar thquel,e s oi l (nd roci; n.c t er i el c , primarily #Lcociettd effectc on structures. on the study of Inrge strain and

- Probleme erc centeredon weve prcpagetion, s oi l -s truc t ure nonl i r.e ar effects port-water on cynemic interection end*the i r.f l uenc e of r ecponse. pr og- Ama he.c been e r.d are

- Large finite titment c orp u '. c r c or.t i r.u i r.g t o b e c o vcil t.;. e d toee ciudy ti.uce pretite.. Dc:to-el end test g directed to cent:nve c

14cte t studunt s in tht to . rect the crc 4th of t tier c ec t i vs t i t 2.

Fegu 1

y ,

1 .- .. s

  • i \ '

l i ; ,a d a

c. . Consulting: .s /

( .

2 9.501 Geotechni cal' Engineer wi th 1956 -

s Vi-Tippetts, Abbott.' McCarthy, Stratton involving soil 4 Resi d,ent Engineer on large ear'th moving project, an industriel site. Figid stabi,11:etion end compaction f or sites, super. vision of soils enploration programs:f or earth dam flood control structures and river eresion projects.

for 1970 to date Soils ConsultantNew York City Transit Authority and to TA Engineers on soil Provide consulting services f oundation projects et both the design TA~

and construction Standerds stages.

for Structural Assist in the devel opment. of Design, Field Design end Soil Explprograms. orati on. related settlement

- Perform studies of dewatering testing of both disturbed and enelyses and laboratory from e::pl oreti on programsi undisturbed soil' semples obtained permeability testing of includes strength, consolidetion and samples structures, develop soil loadings on buried to monitor

- Anel y:e instrumentationinste11ation programs r ec n d ati ons for and monitoring loodings and movements, and inspect displacement measuring pr ogr ams ; includes load, vibretion and l

devicent the design of pile and footing in studies),

- Assist TA Engineers stebill:ation (sand / wick dr ain foundations, soil in the of specifications, assist including the development monitoring of such projects; 1975 to date Seismic Consultant f or i Nuclear Reguitory Commission reactor facilities Perform seismic studies for NRC on nuclear i

et both the design and review stages; computer programs to revi ew facility

- Provide NRC with behavior under dynami c designs; Ferf orm seismic studies of soil encitations: sei smi c review f or NRC Licensing Division of and e::isting f acilitiest

- Frovide critical studier required f or licensinge::i ofsnew t i ng plent facilities; site l - Asti f t fJrd wi th cudits of v2titt te conduct revatw c4 f ecility designci l

1970 to dete Frivetoscrv:ces Consultent tc var i ous private engineering l

' Provide consulting klurry well construction, firmo on soil end f oundet : en designs, Ccnduct soil tests ic- various etc. engineering fac1d instroniuntetton. dete for use in i

e g enc i es , providing 1cbo-etory de:icns.

r-e I

e (Ge L_




FCE 1956 dity CollegeUniversity, Columbia of New Yorkmajor in Soil Mechan',fes 1958 with Prof. D. M. Durmister MSCE major in 1966' Illinois Institute of Technology, PhD Soil Mechanics with Prof. E. Vey 4


' Regi ster ed Prof essional Engineer, i SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP Technicel Societies: Society of Civil Engineers American Engineers American American Society of MechanicalInstitute of Aeronautics and A

'Transportatien Research Board Positions: Applied Mechanics Division, Chicago Section, Ch ai r ma n ,

ASME, 1964 to 1965 Member, Education Committee, Soil Mechanics Group, Met Section, ASCE 1960 to 1981 ASME Reviewer, Applied Mechanics Reviews, ASCE Reviewer, Structures Division Journal, ASME Reviewer, Fressure Vessel and Piping Division, l

Honor Soci eti es:

l Sigma Xi l Chi Epsilon s Tru Beta Pi

, e 1

  • Pege O ' f 1

l 1


Eng i neer i,*n g ,

"rsepr ecent ati ve Tri a>:i al Testing", Dept. of Civil Col umbi a Uni ver si ty, 1958 Deep , Underground Shelte(s",

"St r'e s s e s in the Vi ci ni ty of Associated Pr oc~eed i ng s , 3Cnd Symp. on Shoct, Vi br ati on and Environments, Part 11, Office of DDRE,. Bulletin 32, 1962 ,

Thin' Wal l ed Cylinders with

" Appro::i niste Burst


Strength of Journal Weil and M.A. Salmon, Hemisphericel Caps" with N.A.

AIAA, vol. 1, no. 9, Sept. 1965 Strength of

" Comparison of Appro::imate Theories f or the Burst Transactions Finite Cylinders" with N.A. Weil and M.A. Sal mon ,

of the American Nuclear Society, vol. 6, no. 1, June 1963 Burst Strength of Finite "Ef f ect of End Condi ti ons on the Applied

'Cylindern" with N.A. Weil and M.A. Sal mon , Journal of Mechanics, vol. 31, no. 1, March 1964 Cyl i nder s Subjected to Dynamic

" Strength of Thin Welled Internal Pr essures", Journal of Appli ed Mec,hani cs, vol. 32, no.

1. March 1965 Investigate

" A Si mpl if i ed Soil-Structure Interaction Model to Robinson the Response of Buried Si l os and Cylinders" wion th R.R.


' Salmon, Proceedings, Symposium end M.A.

Interection, Univ. of Arizona, Sept. 1964 i "E::periments on Circul ar Cylinders with Fl e>:i bl e Roof Plates Proceedings, Symposi um on Buried in Sand" with A. Longinow, Soi l -St r,petur e Interaction, Univ. of Ari:ona, Sept. 1964 A

" Theory of Limi ting Equilibrium f or A::i symmet ri c Problems:

with A.

Compari son wi th E:: peri ment on Silo Skin Friction" Interaction, Longinow, Proceedings, Symposium on Soil-Structure Univ. of Arizona, Sept. 1964 Blast Shields", Journal "Crushabl e Meteri al s f or Structural Etructu-es D2v2ston, ASCE. vol. 91, June 1965

" Response of Buried Silos and Internal Systems to Ground Shoch" the with A. Wechowski, Proceedingc. Inter nat i onal Symposium on Engineering, U,e of Electronic Digit al Computers in Structural Un2v. of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Sept. 1966 Cylinders", PhD "T:esponse of Crushable Foem Encesed Buried Thesis, 1112 nois Insti tute of Technol ogy, June 1966 0

0 Fc;e 4

u. +


"Fi ni te El ement Appr oach ; to Stress, Wave Pr obl ems", Journal

  • " Engi neering Mechani cy Division, ASCE, April-1967

" Finite Element Solution f or Wave Propagation in L'ayered Media Ceused by a Nuclear Detonation" with A. Wachowski and U. L.

Bernwell, Int ernati onal Symposium on Wave Propagation and Dynamic Properties of Earth Materials, A{buquerque, New Mexico, Sept ~. 1967 -


" Response of Crushable Foam Encesed Buried Cylinders" with E.

no. SMS, Vey, Journc1 Soil Mechanics Division, ASCE, vol. 95, Sept. 1969 "Two Dimensional Wave Propagetion Through Nonlinear Madia",

Journal of Comput e ti onal Physics, vol. 4, no. 2, Aug. 1969 "Struc tur e-Foundat i on Interaction of . a Nuclear Power Plant' with Nuclear Engineering a Sei smi c Di sturbance" wi th C. A. Mi l l er ,

end Design, Dec. 1970

" Anal ysi s of Soil-Structure Interaction Effects under Seismic E:: ci t at i on " , First International Conference on Structural Mechani cs in Reactor Technol ogy (SMIRT), Berlin, Sept. 1971

" Dynamic Response of Nonlinear Media at Large Strain" with J.

Heifit=, Journal Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, vol. 98, no. EM6, Dec. 1972 i " Seismic Analysis of Li quid Sodium Storage Tanks" with C.A.

Mi l l er , Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Rome, I t al y, June, 1973 a Nuclear. Power Plant Subjected to a

" Rocking Effects in Sei smi c Di'sturbance" wi th C. A. Mi ll er , Fifth World Conference on Earthquele Engineering, Rome, Italy, June, 1973 on Floor

" Influence of Soil-Structu're Interacti on Par: meters Cnd Int ernati onal Response Spectra" with C.A. Mi l l er ,

in Reactor Technol og y Conference on Structural Mechanics (SM16T), Ferlin, Sept. 1973

" Fin)te Element Anal yses f or Soal Amplificetion Studies" wi th L.A. Luireno, Proceedings, ASCE Epeci al ty Conf er ence on Structural Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities, vol. 2, Chicago, Dec. 1970

" Mesh Si:e Criteria f or Soil Amplification Studies" with C.A.

Ma l l er and L.A. Lufrano, 3rd I nter ne ti onal Conference on Technology (SMIRT), London, Structural Mechanics in Reector Sept. 1975 .


'. Nhe

g and Thertr,a1 "Fec i12 i y Des.i gn Cohntr ei nts 4 or Combi ned Sei smi c Cunference. on Loadi ngs" wi t h C. A. Miller, 3rd Technology Internati onal(SMIRT), London, St r uc tur al Mechanics,in Reactor Sept. 1975 Interaction Farameters from Finite Eldment

" Soil-Structure L.A. ~ Lufrano, Proceedings, Anal yses" wi th C . A. Miller and

  • Conf erence on E::treme Load Conditions, Berlin, Sept. 1975 Shoci: and Vibration "Sei smi c Analysis" with C.A. Mi l l er ,

and B.

Computer Programs, Revi ews end Summari es, edited by W.

Pi I I:ey , Shock and Vibretion Inf ormati on Center, US DoD, 1975 IV, with

" Soil-Structure Interection Methods". Re gul atory VolCommi umes s siI thru on, Office of C.A. Miller, U.S. Nuclear BNL-NUREG-51263, Nuclear Regulatory Research, NUREG/CR-1717, Sept. 1979

" Seismic and Dynamic Oualification of Safety Related Electrice)

Plants" and Mechanical Equipment in Operating Nucl ear Power with J.Curreri and M. Reich, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/ CR-366, Regulatory Regul ati on ,

Office of Nuclear ENL/NUREG-51667, Jan. 1983 "High Soil / Structure Interaction Combined with Low Structural A.J.Philippacopoulos, 7th with C. A. Mi l l er ,

Demping", in Recctor International Conference on Structure 1 Mechanics Technol ogy (SMIRT), Chicago, Ill., Aug. 1983 with A. J . Phi l i pp sc op oul os ,

"Sei smi c Model s f or Buried Tani:s", Annual Meeting, eccepted for presentation at C.A. Miller, Vessel and Art.e r i c a n Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Piping Division, Jul y 1964 Spectra", with P.C.Weng, Bound Floor Response

" Upper C. A. Mil l er , 8th World Conference on A. J . Phi 1 i pp e copoul os ,

Earthqual e Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif., Jul y 1984.'


G e

O Fe;e L


A.J. Philippacopoulos Name I
11 Vernon St., Farmingdale, NY 11735 Home Address
July 18, 1950. Greece. U.S. Permanent  ? )

Date and Place', of Birth Resident.


Marri ed. One child Maritf al Status l l


Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of New York, May 1980. Major for doctorate: Civil Engineering. Minor for doctorate:

Applied Mechanics, Mathematics.

Haster of Science in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, June 1976.

Bachelor of Science _ in Civil Engineering, Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki, School of Engineering, June 1975.


.I Research Fellowship, Senior Crade. Received during graduate studies at Polytechnic Institute of New York. Research grants sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

MEMBERSHIPS Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society of Norta America, Associate Member, May 1977.

American Society of Civil Engineers, Associate Member, November 1976.

Technical Chamber of Greece, Mc=ber, June 1975.


[ PRESEhT EMPLOYMEh7 Brookhaven National Laboratory, Department of Nuclear Energy, Structural l

Analysis Division, Upton, h'l 11973 Posi ti on: As soc. Scientist.


[4[g[m9 ,

                                                                                                        '- e K % ? ?l S M24' 'A & W R h 'm        "& (}A t"fg*Q$

S ~ M M 1 mm -

PUBLICATIONS of Soil-Struct.ure Interaction Eff ects ' Based on Simple

1. "An Assesroent Models", Philippacopot.los, A.J . and Hiller, C.H. , 7th International Conf erence on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Chicago, IL, 4

Paper K 10/3.

2. " Site-Structure Dependent Excitations", Philippacopoulos, A.J. , Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 7 4, 19 82, pp. 153-163.

of Lif e Line Structures", Wang, P.C. and

3. " Critical Seismic Assessment Philippacopoulos, A.J. , Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Earth-quake Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey 1980, pp. 257-264.


4. " Application of Reduction Methods to Nuclear Power Plant Miller, C.M. and Philippacopoulos, A.J., Report NUREC/CR-3074, prepared f or the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, October 1982.


                 " Evaluation of Simultaneous Action of Earthquake, LOCA and SRV on Mark III Containment and Drywell Structures", Philippacopoulos, A.J. and i             '

Reir.h, M. , 6th Int ernational Conf erence on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Paris, France,1981, Paper J 2/2.

6. " Critical Seismic Response of Nuclear Reactors", Drenick, R.F. , Wang, P.C., Yun, C.B. and Philippacopoulos, A.J. , Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol . 59, 1980, pp. 427-439.
7. " Seismic Inputs f or Nonlinear Structures", Philippacopoulos, A.J. and Wang, P.C. , Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, Vol.

110, No. 5, May 1984, pp. 828-836.

8. " Evaluation of Concured Peak Responses", Wang, P.C. , Curreri, J. , Shooman, M. , Wang, Y.K. , Philippacopoulos , A.J. , Reich, H. a nd Subudhi, M. , Report NUREC/CR-2685, prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Coomission, May 1982.

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,, 9. " Dynamic Combinations for Mark II Containment Structures",

Philippacopoulos, A.J. and Reich, M. , Report NUREG/CR-2039, prepar ed for . the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, June 1982.

10. " Critical Response Spectra for Linear and Nonlinear St'ructures", Wang, P.C. and Philippacopoulos, A.J. , International Conference for Protection f rom Natural Disasters, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok,1980, pp. 427-435.
11. " ABS, SRSS and CDF Response Co=bination Evaluations for Mark III Containment and Drywell Structures", Philippacopoulos, A.J. , Report NUREC/CR-1980, prepared for the Nuc1 car Regulatory Commission, June 1982.
12. " Errors Resulting from Reduction Methods", Miller, C.M. and Philippacopoulos, A.J. , 7th International Conf erence on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Chicago, IL, Paper K 3/4.
13. "Large Scale Polymer concrete Vessels for the Direct Utilization of Geothermal Process's', e Philippacopoulos , A.J. , Roplik, B. a nd Reich, M. , R eport BNL-29027, August 1980.
14. " Probability Based Load Criteria for the Design of Nuclear Structures:

A Critical Review of the State-of-the-Art", Shinozuka , M. , Elli ngwood, B . R. , Wa ng , P . C. , M eye r , C. , Wen , Y.K. , Ka o , S. , Shooman, M.L. and Philippacopoulos, A.J. , Report NUREG/CR-1979, prepa red for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co=cdssion, April 1981.

15. "High Soil-Structure Damping Combined with Low Structural Damping",

Miller, C.M. , Cos tantinc., C.J. and Philippacopoulos , A.J. , 7th Int ernational Conferer c e on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Chicago, IL. , Paper K 10/10.

16. " Review of Load Co=binations for NSSS and BOP Piping and Equipment of Ma rk 111 Plants", Philippa copoulos, A.J. , Reich, M. and Wa ng, P.C.

Report EUREG/CR-2 686, pr epa red for the U.S. Nuclear Regula tory C u==l s s i on , May 1982.


17. " Design of Prestressed Polymer Concrete Vessels for Use in Geothermal -

Power Plants", Koplik, B. , Philippacopoulos, A.J. and Reich, M. , Report BNL-31127, Februa ry 1982. c

18. " Upper Bound Floor Response Spectra", Philippacopoulos, A.J. , Wang, P.C. , 4 Miller, C.M. and Reich, M. , Proceedings of the 8th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, California.

1 Containment _

19. " Independent Seismic Evaluation of the Diablo Canyon Unit Annulus Structure and Sel ect ed Piping Syst ems", Philippacopoulos, A.J. ,

Reich, M. , Bezler, P. , Miller, C.M. , Wang, Y.K. , Subudhi, M. , Sht eyngart, S. and Brown, P. , Report NUREG/CR-2834, prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regula tory Commission, August 1982.

20. " Prediction of Earthquake Resistance of Structures", War 4g, P.C. with contributions from Philippacopoulos, A.J. , Polyt echnic Institut e of New York, Final heport to NSF, Crant No. PFR 76-14893, January 1980.
21. "Scismic Models for Buried Tanks", Philippacopoulos, A.J. and Cos tantino, I C.J. , Pressure Vess el and Piping Division Conference, ASME,1984.

1 I

22. " Correlation of 'Fukushima Data with Lumped Parameter Code", Miller, C.A. ,

Costantino, C.J. a nd Philippacopoulos, A.J . , March 19 84.

23. "Use of Composit e Damping in Seismic Response Problems", Miller, C.A. ,

Costantino, C.J. and Philippacopoulos, A.J. , 3rd International Modal Analysis Conf erence.

24. " Mode Shape Errors Resulting f rom Guyan Reduction", 3rd International )

Modal Analysis Conference. l l l

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SUSHIL K. SHARMA . Born: 7-24-48 9 Bancrof t Street Married; two children E. Setauket, NY 11733 5'10", 150 l bs. Excellent health: t Naturalized U.S. Citizen _ , 516-751-6955 (Home) 516-282-2095 (Office) EDUCATION 1977 University of Illinois, Urbana, IL GPA: 5.0 of 5.0 Ph.D. , Theoretical & Applied Mechanics. 1971 University of Missouri, Rolla, MO GPA: 4.0 of 4.0

                              - M.S. , Engineering Mechanics.

1969 University of Roorkee, India Graduated in First Division. B.S. , Mechanical Engineering. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 11973 Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (1982-Present) Hechanical Engineer (1980-1982) Assoc. Mechanical Engineer ' 8 Responsible for the development of analytical methods and computer cod for nonlinear finite element analysis of structures with specialization in the follosing areas: (1) elastic-plastic analysis of composite struc-tures, (2) failure response of reinforced concrete structures, (3) heat transfer and themal stresses in structural systems at elevated tempera-tures, and (4) fracture mechanics applications to ductile crack growth. 8 Determined load-deformtion responses and failure loads for several rein-forced and prestressed concrete containment structures under severe ac Obtained results that predicted cracking of the concrete, dent loads. large scale yielding of the rebars and tendons, and various concrete-re-bar interaction ef fects including tension stiffening and shear transfer. O Performed finite elenent analyses for heat transfer, thermal stress and f atigue life to establish best designs for various water-cooled copper, mask assemblies subjected to intense synchrotron radiation beams. 8 Evaluated elastic-plastic crack growth in steam generator tubes based on J-integral concept, and intergrannular stress corrosion crack Studied the growth in stainfess steel pipes based on stress intensity factors. effect of various parameters (crack configuration, applied and residual stresses, base metal sensitization, and envionmental chemistry) on the crack grosth rates.

                                                                                                          ; '        , ya gygg      v
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e '*


Assessed the seismic qualification and safety of various mechanical e and structural components of. nuclear power plants under postulated earthquake, loads. , The General Tirk & Rubber Company, Akron, OH

  • Group Leader '

Senior Research Engineer (1977-1979) e Initiated a comprehensive research program to study the mechanics of tires and other automotive products made of rubbers and rubber-cord c omposites. Developed a nonlinear finite element computer code with several special features (incompressible element, contact algorithm,

                  . composite material model, out-of-plane shear e lement, de fornation-dependent pressure loads) that allowed modeling of the large-deforma-tion onalysis problems encountered in the tire industry.         The code has been used extensively by many engir.eers in this company as a de-sign and analysis tool to expedite the product design process.

8 Conducted finite elenent studies on rubber-cord composites to deter-mine interply shear strains and stresses, out-of-plane rotation under uniaxial loading, and edge ef fects. Verified the theoret'ical results by experiments with specially design fixtures. O Investigated heat transfer in a cast tire subjected to thcrmal load-ings for curing, cooling, and fric,tional heat build-up. 8 Analyzed the nonlinear mechanics problem of contact between a rubber disk and a flat surface. Numerical results for the contact area and contact forces were substantiated by experimental reasurerents. 8 Studied the ef fe' cts of defornation-dependent pressure loads on in-flated profiles and cord forces in bias-ply and radial tires. Construction Engineering Research Lab., Champaign, ILL Principal Investigator (1974-1977) e Evaluated dynamic responses of several structures and structural sub-systems under earthquake loads using various general purpose computer programs, namely, SAP IV, NASTRAN, MARC and NONSAP. 8 Incorporated an improved plasticity hardening rule in NONSAP pro-gram for determining energy dissipation due to cyclic plastic de-formation. e Used finite elenent models to study the ef fect of hysteretic dampers for isolating structures from earthquake forces. i l e Developed uniaxial cyclic stress-strain relations for reinforced concrete.

            ,"4....-;,Z C .T . w 7 V.; 4 C . .rr ' .6".*7 %    ,,Gr.c,   D -.! . Je.' '. t'. Z is.-Ja.i=+ sW W .*^A.
    ..e U


p. 3

. SUSHit K. SHARMA BLM Applied Mechanics Consultants, Champaign, Il e Completed occasional assignments for this consulting company during 4 (1) developing a set of finite 1972-1977.. These assignments included: elenent programs for reinforced axisymmetric shells subjected to asym- ' metric wind, thermal, and gravity loads, (2) predicting propagation of edge stress ccncentrations in hyberboloidal cooling towers, and (3) detennining an equivalent set of boundary conditions for column sup-ported shells. Miscellaneous e Membership in ASME and AAM (Anerican Academy of Mechanics). 8 Experienced in using CDC, IBM, VAX, PRIME and PDP-ll computer systems. 8 Attended advanced short courses in nonlinear finite eierent analysis (MIT), geotechnical engineering (VPI & SU) and rubber-cord composites (University of Akron). LIST OF PUBLICATIONS

1. " Analytical Models for Determining Energy Dissipation in Dynamically Loaded Structures", paper presented at the Joir.t Meeting of the U.S.-
   '           Japan Panel on Wind and Seismic Ef fects, Gai,thersburg, Maryland, May 1974.
2. "Is,otropic-Kinematic Hardening Model for Elastic-Plastic Structural Analysis", Technical Report M-148, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, Champaign, IL, August 1975.
3. "An Anlytical Model for Uniaxial Cyclic Inelastic Behavior of Rein-forced Concrete", Technical Report M-180, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, Champaign, IL, May 1976.
4. " Inelastic 8ehavior of Structural Metals Under Complex Cyclic Loading",

paper presented at the 18th Annual Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials (SDM) Conf erence, San Diego, CA, March 1977.

5. " finite Element Weighted Residual Methods for Static Analysis of Re-inforced Axisymnetric Shells", TAM Report No. 414, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. IL, May 1977.
6. " finite Element Weighted Residual Methods: Axisymmetric Shells",

Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, Vol.104, No. EM4, August 1978.

7. " Nonlinear Two-Dirensional Analysis of Composite Structures", Research 7eport, The General Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, OH, August 1978.

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8. " Thermal Stresses in Reinforced Hyperboloidal Cooling Towers", paper the Annual ASCE Convention, Chicago, IL, 0ctober 1978.


9. "Large Deformation Contact Analysis of Rubber Disks", Research Report, The General Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, OH, November 1979.
10. "Ef fect of Deformation-Dependent Pressure Loads on the Inflation of Bias-Ply Tires", Research Report, The General Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, OH, Ja nua ry 1980.
11. "A General Nonlinear finite Element Program for Two-Dimensional Analysis of Composite Structures, GENTEP-2D", Research Report, The .

General Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, OH, July 1980.

12. " Thermal and Gravity Stresses in Hyperboloidal Cooling Towers",

Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 61, 1980.

13. "f ailure Evaluation of a Reinforced Concrete Mark III Containnent Structure Under Uni form Pressure", NUREG/CR-1967, BNL-NUREG-51543, Research Report Prepared for The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., September 1982.
14. " Ground Support System for Deep-Based Tunnel _ Egress With The Use of Fast Setting Polyners 'and Cements", Phase I Report, Department of Energy and Environnent Brookhaven National Laboratory, January 1983.
15. " Review of Current Analysis Methodology for Reinforced Concrete Struc-tural Evaluations", NUREG/CR-3284, BNL-NUREG-51673, Research Report prepared for the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washing-t on, D.C. , April 1983.
16. " Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Mark III Containment Under Pressure and Gravity Loads", Paper No. J 2/8, Trans-actions of the 7th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Chicago, IL, August 1983.
17. " Thermal Absorbers for Beam Port X-17", Interim Report, Departnent of ,

National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, October 1983.

18. " failure Response of a Reinforced Concrete Containnent Under Severe Accidental Pressures", paper accepted for presentation at ASEC Fif th Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference - Engineering Mechanics in Civil Eningeering: 1984, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, August 1984.
19. "An Evaluation of Stress Corrosion Crack Growth in BWR Piping Sys- l tems", NUREG Report prepared for United States Nuclear Regulatory l Commission, Washington, D.C. , in print.  !

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Biographical Information Born March 10, 1920 WANG, PING-CHuy, Professor, Civil Engineering Departnent. Kiansu, China, Citizenship, USA. B.S. , National Central University of China,1943; M.S. , University College Degrees:

       ~o f Illinois,.1948; Ph. D. , University of Illinois,1951.                                        t Structural Mechanics, Earthquake Engineering, Computer, Major Fields of' Interest _:
        ~ Applications in Structural Engineering.

CE 252 Reinforced Concrete Structures, CE 331 Courses Taught 1982-83 Academic Year: Steel Structures, CE 609 Matrix Analysis of Structures I; CE 610 Matrix Structures 11; CE 616 Finite Elements Method. Professional Activities, Societies and Honors _ American Society of Civil Engineers - Prof essional Society Mg[nberships: Fellow; Anerican Contete Institute - Nember; Chinese Institute of Engineers - - Member; Earthquake Engineering Research Institute - Member. Honorary Soc iety Memberships: Sigm Xi, Chi Epsilon, Tau Betta Pi 1950-51, 1943-1947, Junior Engineer, Chin'a Bridge Company; Supervising E Positions Held: 1951-1960, Designer, Ammann and Whitney, New York; 1960-1963, Associate Prof essor, Stevens Stevenson, I nst i tut e, Value & Knecht, New York ;Hoboken, New Jersey; 1963-Present, Pro New York. Consulting: Brookhaven National Laboratory, Nuclear Department - Safety of Nuclear St ructures Safety of Nuclear Structures, URS, Inc. on Dynamic Response for DAC Sup 80, LaGuardia Ai rport Publications _: P.

                    " Composite Action of Concrete Slab and Open Web Joists," by D. J. K                       ,

C. Wang. Engineering Journal, A.I.S.C._, January 1967.

                     " Elastic-Plastic Analysis and Design of Flexible Arches," by G. Granik, P Wang and S.F. Borg, Trans. , New York Academy of Science, March 1967.
                     " Design and Analysis of Frames for Stability," by H. Switzky and P.C. Wa Journal of Structural Division, A.S.C.E. , Vol . 94, No. 514, April 1969.
                     " Volume Minimization of Thin Plates Subject to Constraint," by Z. Sherm P.C. Wa ng.

Journal of Structural Division, A.S.C.E_. , Vol . 97, EM3, June 1971.

                      "Minimun Weight Design of finite Element Structures," by H. Switzky an Wang Journal of AIAA, Vol .12, No. 2, Februa ry 1974.                                                       ,
                      "The Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Colucas in Flat Plate Structure                               l Reinforced Concrete Columns, A.C.I. Publication SP-50, pp.                      l Wa ng and Y.W. Liu.

119-135, 1975.

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P.ublications (continued): s

            " Critical Excitation and Response of Free Standing Chiimeys, " by P.C. Wa ng , W.
,  Wang, R. Drenick and J. Vellozzi . Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earthquake Structural Engineering. August 19-21, 1976.
            " Critical Seismic Excitation and Response of Structures," by P.C. Wang and R.

Sixth World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, New Drenick. Proceedings of the 4 Delhi. Ja nua ry 10-14, 1977.

            " Asymptotic Solution.for Thermal Stress and Defornation in Ccthotropic       Non-Third Inter .

homogeneous Shells of Revolution," 0. A. Fettalioglu and P.C. Wang. national Congress on Pressure Vessel, Tokyo. April 18-22,1977.

             " Transient Response of Orthotropic Plates," by P.C. Wang and A.V. duBouchet, No. 1, pp.    .

Revue Romaine Des Sciences Techniques, Mechanique Applique, Tome 22, 149- 155, Buca res t , 1977. .

             " Seismic Assessnent of Figh-Rise Buildings," by P.C. Wang, Rudolf  EM2,F.April Drenick 1978.

and W. Wang. Journal of Engineering Mechanics Division, A.S.C.E.

             "Systen Reliability Assessments Using Critical      Excitations,"

6, by R.F. Janua ry Drenick 1978. and P.C. Wang. The Shock and Vibration Digest. Vol . 10, No.

             "Subcritical Excitation and Dynamic Response. of Structures in Frequency Domain," by A.M. Abdelrahman, C.B. Yun and P.C. Wang.            Computers and Structures, Vol . 10, pp. 761-7 71, October 1978.
              " Site-Dependent Critical Design Spectra," by P.C. Wang and C.B. Yun.

Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 7, pp. 569-578,1979.

              " Effective Duration of Seismic Acceleration and Occurrence of Maximum Responses," by W.Y. Wang and P.C. Wang, Nuclear Engineering & Design, Vol. 52, March 1979.
              "Along-Wind Gust Ef fect on Elevated Structures," by C.B. Yun, A.M. Abdelraham and       P.C. Wang, Engineering Structures, Vol.1 April 1979.
              " Critical Seismic Respar,se of Nuclear Reactors," R.F. Drenick, P.C. Wang, C.B.

Yun and A.J. Philippacopoulos. Transaction of the 5th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Vol . K8/4, August 1979.

              " Critical Response Spectra for Linear and Non-linear Structures," by P.C. Wang
  • and A.J. Philippa copoul os. Proceedings of the International Conference of Engineering for Protection f rom Natural Disasters," Bangkok, lna11anc, January 1960.
              " Critical Seismic Assessment of Lifeline Structures," by P.C. Wang and A.J.

Philippacopoulos. Proceedings of the 7th World Conference in Earthquake Engi neering,1stanbul , September 1980.

               " Critical Seismic Response of Nuclear Reactors," by R.F. Drenick, P.C. Wang, C.B. Yun and A.J. Philipacopoulos. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 59 (1980) pp..

425-435. n mer a-mm. . m._- , , m .u7w..s m ~... s.w.wx.-uw s s.w w e h

.. [Publkations (continued): i,

             ."Axisymetric Vibrations of Pressurized Orthotropic Shells of Revolutien", by U. A. Fattahlioglu and P.C. Wang, AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS Structural Dynamic and Materials Conference, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, May 2-4, 1983.                                               ,
               " Evaluation of ' Concurrent Peak Responses", by P.C. Wang, J. Curreri and M.

Reich, Transaction of the 7th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology _, Vol. M 2/4, Aug.1983. t

               " Active Control of Structural Vibration", by P.C. Wang,-F. Kozin, F. Auini, Engineering Structures, IPC Science and Technology Press, Vol. 5, Oct.1983.           .


               "Nurerical and Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanics", with Application to Digital Computer", John Wiley and Sons,1966.

Reports: ,

    -                 " Discrete Systems Concepts in Civil Engineering Applications," Part I and Part II, by P.C. Wang and J.F. Werner, Report to National Science Foundation, Under Grant GE-2546,1964.
                " Review of the Building Requirenents of Reinforced Concrete," by P.C. Wang.

Sponsored by the Institute of Applied Technology National Bureau of Standards, October 1965.

                "A Study of Concrete Spalling Conditions of Sidewalks, Center Malls and Bus Stop Areas," sponsored by. Asphalt Products Association of Metropolitan New York, by
      , P.C. Wa ng , 1969.
                " Case Study of Critical Excitati~on and Response of Structures," Report to NSF, by P.C. Wang, W. Wang and R.F. Drenick, under grant AE72-00219 A01, November 1975.
                " Review of Methbds and Criteria for Dynamic. Combination in Piping Systems," by M. Reich, P.C. Wang, J. Curreri, S. Hou and H. Goradia. Report prepared for U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Report No. NUREG/CR-1330, March 1980.

                " Prediction of Earthquake Resistance of Structures," by P.C. Wang. Final Report to NSF under Grant No. PER 76-14893, January 1980.                                  ,
                " Evaluation of Concurrent Peak Responses", by P.C. Wang, J. Curreri, M.

Shoomn, Y.K. Vang, A.J. Philippacopoulos, M. Reich and M. Subudni, Report prepared f or U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Report No. HUREG/CR-2685, May 1982.

                " Probability Based Load Criteria for the Design of Nuclear Structures, by M.

Shinozuka , B.R. Elli ngwood, P.C. Wang, C. Meyer, Y.K. Wen, S. Kao, M. Shcomn, A.J. Philippacopoulos , Report No. BNL-NUREG-51356, NUREG/CR 1979, April 1981.

                                      -m w
  • 9[ , . ode .
        . Reports (continued):
 ~              "Rcview of Load Conbination for NSSS and BOP Piping and Equipnent of Mark 111 Plants", by A.J. Philippacopoulos, M. Reich and P.C. Wang, Report No. NUREG/CR-2686, June 1982.
 .t "Probabilistic Models for Op'erational and Accidental Loads on Seismic Category   .

1 St ructures", H. Hwang, P.C. Wang and M. Reich, Report No. BNL-NUREG-51682, NUREG/CR-3342, June 1983.

                "A Consensus Estimation Study of Nuclear Power Plant Structural Loads", H. 4 Hwang, P.C. Wahg, M. Shoonan and M. Reich, Report No. BNL:NUREG 51678,                 ,

NUREG/CR-3315, May 1983.

                 "Probabilistic Models for Operation and Accidental Loads on Seismic Category I St ructures", by H. Hwang, P.C, Wa ng and M. Reich, BNL-NUREG-51682, NUREG/CR-3342, June 1983.
                 " Report on Evaluation of the Dynamic Response Factor of the Overhand Slab, LaGuardia Airport Pier Extenyion Structure", by P.C. Wang for URS Report to Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Oct. 1983.
                 " Reliability' An?. lysis of Shear Wall Structures", by P.C. Wang, Presented at ACI Convention, September 25-30, 1983, Ka ns a s Ci ty, M0.

Registration: , P.E. , New York and New Jersey. Honors: , Who's Who in Anerica. e e e O W ' g M

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ADDENDUM TO - REVIEW OF WATERFORD III BASEMAT ANALYSIS Structural Analysis Division Department of Nuclear Energy Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY 11973 - August 3, 1984 l . i l


                                              ' Addendum to                             ,
                               ' REVIEW OF WATERFORD III BASEMAT ANALYSIS            4 i

t i Introduction Recently, ultrasonic methods were used to perform nondestructive tests on the Waterford III basemat with the objective of defining the extent of cracking in the basemat. These tests were perfonned by Muenow & Associates, Inc. On July-31, 1984, BNL personnel visited the Waterford site with the intent of visually observing the cracks, discussing the methodology used for the nondestructive tests, and to review the results obtained by Muenow & Associates to date. Visual Inspection of Cracks The major basemat cracks shown in Fig. 2 of the BNL report dated July 18, 1984 entitled, " Review of the Waterford III Basemat Analysis", were inspected. The basemat crack patterns appear to agree with the crack map of Fig. 2 of the BNL report and no significant extensions or ad-

     .      ditions of these cracks were observed. The observed cracks are closed at this time and no observable water seepage through the cracks was noted.

The cracks along the sidewall and shield wall were also inspected. These cracks were all small and mostly of a type nonna11y associated

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i with thermal and shrinkage effects. Leachate was noted from many of these cra'tks. The leachate from the shield wall is most probably k associated with rain water accumulated in the annulus between the steel & containment and shield wall during the construction phase, before placement of the dome section. Leachate from the sidewalls is most probably associated with water accumulated during construction. All sidewall and shield wall cracks were restricted to about the lower twenty feet of the walls above the basemat and are usually within the first pour of concrete. They are associated with relative shrinkage and thernal effects occuring between the basemat and the sidewalls. The visual inspection of these cracks supports the conclusion previously given in the BNL report that they do not present a structural safety issue. Results of Ultrasonic Testing Program At the time of the inspection, the ultrasonic program conducted by Muenow & Associates had essentially been completed for those basemat

   ,   cracks outside of the shield wall. Investigation of basemat cracks under the RCB was still being conducted, while the investigation of the side wall cracks had not as yet been undertaken. Mr. R. Muenow present-ed his interpretation of the results obtained to date as well as a detailed description of his procedures.

.L . For the visible,basemat cracks, the procedures employed by Muenow & Associates essentially measure time of arrival of a wave reflected off a (t discontinuity in the concrete. This wave is generated by a small spring  ; loaded hammer applying an impact to the surface of the basemat. For a single impact, a transducer located near the hammer is focused in a restricted (but known) direction, and measures the arrival time. 4 Knowledge of the arrival time and focusing direction leads to the determination of the location of the discontinuity. In addition, by restricting the viewing time of the sensor, only the reflection from the discontinuity being mapped is recorded. From a series of impacts at different locations, the extent (both length, depth and orientation) of the crack can be obtained. It is our opinion that this approach applied to the visible basemat cracks will give reasonable infonnation as to the length, depth and orientation of the cracks. It should be noted that the procedures used are based upon recording and viewing only the relatively low frequency content of the reflected waves. Therefore, any discontinuity smaller than 10 to 20 inches cannot be observed in this study; cracks of this small size are not structural-ly significant for a 12' thick base mat and need not be evaluated as a part of the NDT program. (This cutoff frequency can be controlled by the operator to pick up smaller discontinuities, if desired). Therefore, reflections from single reinforcing bars do not interfere with the crack measurements. However, the layers of closely spaced rebars in the bottom of the slab result in a measurable reflection.

  +                                         ,

Data at these depths are judged to be less reliable, since it would be difficul ,to differentiate between the reflections from the steel layers and reflections from the crack. Based upon Mr. Muenow's presentation, the following characteristics of the basemat cracks were noted: (a) All of the cracks were vertical. (b) The E-W cracks exterior to the shield wall ran from the shield wall to the side walls. The depths of these cracks varied in an un-dulating manner from several feet (2' to 4') to as much as 9 to 10 feet in certain locations. (c) Based upon preliminary data, Mr. Muenow located three primary E-W cracks under the RCB. Two of these appear to connect to the E-W cracks exterior to the shield wall. The specific depth contours of these cracks were not available at the time of our site visit, but indications ar1 that they may be similar to those in (b) above. l l l (d) Cracks emanating in a radial direction from the shield wall are not as deep nor as continuous as the E-W cracks. (e) All of the basemat cracks are tightly closed. This observation is based upon the measured characteristics of the reflected signal. I l 1 l

l Interpretation of NDT Results i. I.

                           .                                                               1 As statediin the July 18, 1984 BNL report, the basemat cracks were most
  • likely causad by bending moments due to dead loads developed during the construction phase, which resulted in tensile stresses at the top of the slab. These moments would enhance previously existing small and unob-servable cracks due to normal themal and shrinkage effects, causing
     -           them to grow in width, length and depth. This conclusion was based upon the observation that some of the computed bending moments (shown in Table 1) are large enough to cause flexural cracking at the top of the slab.

While the depths of some of the cracks measured by Muenow & Associates seem to be rather large (in fact they are deeper than BNL originally anticipated, before we completed our analyses), they can nevertheless be explained with the aid of Table 2 given in the BNL report. This table gives the strength characteristics of the slab in tems of the top reinforcement. The ratio of steel to concrete area for the top of the mat is very small (approximately 0.2%). Because of this reinforcement ratio the cracking moment for the slab is about 1640 Kips-ft/ft while . the steel yield moment is about 1360 Kips-ft/ft. The consequences of the above moments in terms of crack behavior when the top of the mat is in tension can be explained in terms of the load sharing occurring between the concrete and the top reinforcement steel.

        , .'.-.                                                                                           j j                                                                                                ,

j d e It should be realized that the steel carries little load until the I k concrete tracks. Thus, for example, when the concrete ,at the upper -  ; surfaceofthematreachesthemodulusofrupture'(i.e.,475 psi)andis ' at the verge of cracking, the top reinforcing steel is stressed to only

             -3600 psi. Once the concrete cracks, however, all. of the tensile load carried by the concrete is transferred to.the steel, which because of s

the light reinforcement ratio immediately reaches its yield stress of


60,000 psi. Because of equilibrium requirements, some of the applied moment will be transferred to adjacent sections adding to the lateral (as well as the depthwise) extension of the Oracks. Since such a failure is rather abrupt, one would expect the cracks to propagate to deeper depths than would normally be the case if the crack developed more gradually. Flexural cracks in concrete members normally extend through the tension zone to a level close to the location of the neutral axis (the neutral axis defines the region where the bending stress changes from tension to compression). It should be noted that the neutral axis for the basemat is located approximately 18 inches above the bottom of the mat for

  /           bending moments which produce tension in the top of the slab.       (The

depthofthecompressionzoneisgivenbyd(-pn+f(pn) + 2 pn) where p ! is the reinforcement ratio, n is the ratio of Young's Modulus of the steel to the concrete and d is the distance from the steel reinforcing ! bars to the bottom of the slab). Therefore, one would expect bending cracks to run rather deeply into the slab.

a- ,

                                                      -7.              .

The cracking'that has been observed does not affect the safety of the , I L Waterf6rd facility, for the following reasons. Reinfor,ced concrete i. flexural members loaded in bending, such as the Waterford base mat, typically have cracks in the bending tensile stress region; generally, such cracked sections can safely carry bending moments and the presence of the cracks does not degrade the strength of the section. This is true becuase a flexural member resists a bending moment by developing internal tensile and compressive forces which develop a resisting couple (moment) equal to the applied moment. The reinforcement provides the tensile force and is clearly not affected by the cracked concrete. The compressive force in the concrete is not affected by the crack since a compressive stress can be transmitted across a crack. Furthennore, the presence of bending cracks does not affect the shear carrying capacity of the section (this is in fact the basis of the ACI Code provisions for shear), since interlocking between sections still occurs, and the cracks are not associated with diagonal tension failure. As pointed out in Appendix C of the BNL report, the sidewall soil / water pressures produce compressive stresses in the slab. In fact, it is the


action of these pressures which has caused the E-W cracks to close. It is shown in Appendix C that as a result of the side wall pressures, the l stress across the basemat is primarily compressive under static soil pressure, as well as under north to south and south to north SSE plus soil pressure loading with rather small tensile stresses occurring at the bottom of the mat. Even if the E-W cracks propagated through the l

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d mat, the. crack would have no effect on the ability of the concrete to I In effect, the side wall soil I carry the applied compressive stresses. . i. loads act as prestressing which closes the cracks that developed during construction. The BNL report concluded that the basemat was adequate and suggested that certain confirmatory analyses be perfonned. For the reasons, stated above, this conclusion is still considered to be valid. e i l
