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Training Manual
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 12/15/1981
From: Machon R, Sanford D
Shared Package
ML20098E203 List:
NUDOCS 8409280247
Download: ML20098E224 (400)


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qg g. . _ _ . . _ _ 4 PILGRIM NUCLEAR P O h' 4 R S T / 'l t 0N 5 TRAINING H A N if A L i. I ' APPROVED FOR '

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PILGRIM NUCLEAR POWE1 STATTON TRAINING MANUAL DI:iTRIBUTION f( k,l COPY ISSUED TQ 1 Sr. Nuclear Training Specialist - Simulator Project 2 Director of Outage Management 3 Station Manager


4 Special Projects Manager 5 Manager Nuclear Operations Support 6 Chief Operating Engineer 7 Chief Maintenance Engineer 8 Chief Technical Engineer 9 Chief Radiological Engineer 10 Operations Training Supervisor 11 Senior Nuclear Training Specialist p) i, , 12 Technical Training Group Leader 13 Nuclear Training Specialist 14 Comprehensive Training Coordinator 15 Security Supervisor 16 Fire Prevention and Protection Officer 17 Main Control Room 18 Document Control Center 19 Quality Assurance Manager 20 U.S. NRC Licensing Branch 21 Nuclear Training Manager 22 U.S. NRC Resident Inspectors 23 Administrator, Staff Development 24 Nuclear Engineering Manager l l V 25 Nuclear Management Services Manager Rev. 6



.......................................... 1 1.1 0bjective............................................. 1

          ~1.2     . Overall Training Program Organization................. 6 1.2.1     Overall Training Program Requirements................. 6 1.2.2     Overall Training Program Description.................. 7 1.2.3     Control of Training Manual Revisions.................. 9A 2.0            GENERAL EMPLOYEE TRAINING............................ 10 2.1            INITIAL GENERAL EMPLOYEE TRAINING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.1.1     Program Requirements................................. 11 7s 2.1.2     Program Description.................................. 12 2.1.3     Program Schedule..................................... 16 2.1.4     Program Responsibilities............................. 16   Comprehensive Training Coordinator.......,........... 16 2.1.5     Program Documentation....................... ........ 17 2.2            GENERAL EMPLOYEE RETRAINING..........................                    18
          .2.2.1     Program Requirements................................. 18 2.2.2     Program Description.................................. 18 2.2.3     Program Schedule..................................... 19 2.2.4     Program Responsibilities............................. 19   Comprehensive Training Coordinator...................                    19   Assigned Lecturers...................................                    19   Plant  Departments.................................... 20 7

O 2.2.5 Prograr. Documentation................................ 20 ( ,/ 2.2.6 GET Training for High Priority Personnel............. 21

                                         -A-                                           Rev 4

Tabla of Contents (ccntinund) r- Subj ect Section Pm v~ 3.0 GROUP T RAIN ING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9 3.1 OPERATIONS GROUP TRAINING............................ 36 3.1.1 INITIAL OPERATIONS GROUP TRAINING.................... 38 P rogram De s c rip t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8' Nuclear Plant Operator............................... 39 Nuclear Operating Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Nuclear Watch Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Senior Reactor Operator.............................. 43 Nuclear Auxiliary Operators.......................... 43 Fu e l Han d l er s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Program Schedule..................................... 46 Program Responsibilities............................. 46 (). Nuclear Operations Manager ........................ 46 Senior Nuclear Training Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Nuclear Training Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Day Watch Engineer................................... 48 Nuclear Watch Engineer..........................*..... 49

;                     Program Documentation................................ 50 4

3.1.2 OPERATIONS GROUP RETRAINING (REQUALIFICATION L TRAINING)......................................... 112 3.1.2A NRC LICENSED OPERATOR REQUALIFICATION TRAINING.......................................... 113 3.1. 2 A.1 Program Description................................. 113 3.1.2A.l.1 Writ ten Examina t ion s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 3.1.2A.1.2 Lecture Series...................................... 116 3.1.2A.1.3 On-The-Job-Tra in ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 19

         )           3.1.2A.1.4      Annual Performance Evaluation....................... 123 3.1.2A.1.5      Plant Walkthrough Examination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 9
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Table cf Cententa:(Continuid)

 .\ \_)   Section             Subject                                                                                                Pg 3.1.2A.2      Program Schedule..................................... 124 3.1.2A.3      Program Responsibilities............................. 125 3.1.2A.3.1    Nuclear Operations Manager...........................                                                   125 3.1.2A.3.2    Senior Nuclear Training Specialist................... 126 3.1.2A.3.3    Nuclear Training Specialis t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 3.1.2A.3.4    Day Watch Engineer................................... 128 3.1.2A.4      Program Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 3.1.2A.4.1    Training    Records..'...................................                                               128 3.1.2A.4.2    General Requalification Program                            Files................ 129 3.1.2B             SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR LIMITED TO FUEL HANDLING (LSRO)
   .f  s       3.1.2B.1      Purp o s e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 0 t   t
    '% J 3.1.2B.1.1    Program Description.................................. 130 3.1.2B.1.2    Documentation........................................ 131 3.1.2B.2      Applicability........................................ 131 3.1.2B.3       Responsib111 ties.....................................                                                  131 3.1.2B.3.1     Technical Training Group                     Leader...................... 131

> 3.1.2B.3.2 Operations Training Group Leader..................... 132 3.1.2B.3.3 Staff Development Administrator...................... 132 3.1.2B.3.4 Nuclear Training Specialist.......................... 132 3.1.2B.4 Program Requirements................................. 133 3.1.2B.4.1 Dumm:* Fuel Manipulations............................. 134 3.1.2B.4.2 Writ ten Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 3.1.2B.5 Program Documen tation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6 (P 3 3.1.2B.5.1 Training Records..................................... 136 V 3.1.2B.5.2 General Requalification Program Files................ 136

                                                         -C-                                                                   Rev 6

Table of Contents (Continued) Section Subject Page 3.1.3 Certification Requirements for PNPS Operations Personne1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Purpose................................................... 137 Certification Requirements Matrix for

            .                           PNPS Operations Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 3.1.3. 3 '        P ro c edu re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 7          Operations Training Group Leader (0TGL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 4, Chief Ope ra ti ng Engi nee r (C0E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 O 1 l , (

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Tchlo of Contents (Continusd) Section Subject Page 3.2 MAINTENANCE GROUP TRAINING........................... 184 l f") kJ 3.2.1 INITIAL MAINTENANCE GROUP TRAINING................... 185 I l Program Description.................................. 185 Nuclear Mechanic..................................... 187 Nuclear Mechanics (Electrical)....................... 187 Welders.............................................. 188 Program Schedule..................................... 189 Program Responsibilities............................. 189 Technical Training Group Leader...................... 189 Chief Maintenance Engineer / Supervisor................ 190 Program Documentation................................ 190 3.2.2 ADDITIONAL MAINTENANCE GROUP TRAINING................ 191 Program Description.................................. 191 ( n) q_ Program Responsibilities............................. 192 Technical Training Group Leader...................... 192 Chief Maintenance Engineer / Supervisor................ 193 Program Documentation................................ 193 3.3 TECHNICAL GROUP TRAINING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 3.3.1 INITIAL TECHNICAL GROUP TRAINING..................... 201 Program Description.................................. 201 Nuclear Technician................................... 202 Program Schedule..................................... 202 Program Responsibilities............................. 203 Senior Nuclear Training Specialist................... 203 Chief Technical Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 (~ s Reactor Engineer..................................... 203 Program Documen ta tion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204

                                                                                    -D-                              Rev 4

9 . 7.ab12 of Contenem .(crntinusd) a f i V Section- Subject Page, 3.3.2 TECHNICAL GROUP RETRAINING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 Program Description.................................. 204

                                 ~ . Program Schedule..................................... 205 Program Responsibilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Senior Nuclear Training Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Chief Technical Engineer..,.......................... 205 Program Documentation................................ 205 3.4 TRAINING DEPARTMENT TRAINING......................... 219 3.4.1 TRAINING DEPARTMENT INITIAL TRAINING................. 220' Program Description.................................. 220 Program Schedule..................................... 220 Pro gram Res pon s ibilit ies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220

          .         Senior Nuclear Training Specialist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220a
                     -        Nuclear Training Manager............................. 221          Program Documentation................................ 221 3.4.2                    TRAINING DEPARTMENT RETRAINING....................... 222          Program Description.................................. 222          Program Schedule..................................... 222          Program Responsibilities............................. 222       Senior Nuclear Training Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222        Nuclear Training Manager............................. 223

V Program Doc umentat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 3 3.4.3 Qualificat ions of In structors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223

                                                              -E-                                                               Rev 4

Trblo cf Cantent7 (continued) Section Subject Page

,   . ,,A

z 3.5 RADIOLOGICAL GROUP TRAINING.......................... 226 3.5.1 INITIAL RADIOLOGICAL GROUP TRAINING.................. 226 Program Description.................................. 226 Health Physics Technicians........................... 227 - Contract Health Physics Personnel.................... 228 Chemical Technicians................................. 231 Health Physics Records Clerks........................ 231 Qualification Methods for Health Physics............. 231 Records Clerks 1 Radiological Group Program........................... 231B Technical Training Supervisor........................ 231B Chief Radiological Engineer.......................... 232 Program Documentation................................ 232

      '     3.5.2              RADIOLOGICAL GRGUP RETRAINING........................ 233       Program Description.................................. 233       Program Schedule..................................... 233       Program Responsibilities............................. 233 Training          Supervisor........................ 233     Chief Radiological Engineer.......................... 233       Program Documenta tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2" '

3.6 SHIFT TECHNICAL ADVISORS 3.6.1 SHIFT TECHNICAL ADVISORS INITIAL GROUP TRAINING...... 256 Program Description.................................. 256 Shift Technical Advisor.............................. 256 Program Schedule..................................... 256 ([-s3, Program Responsibilities............................. 256 j

    ,                                                                                                                                         i
     %-)                                                                                                                                      , Nuclear Training Manager............................. 257 Nuclear Training Specialist.......................... 257

                                                    -F-                                                                                Rev 5

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                          - :Tchio cflContenta (ccatinudd)

J Section= Subject g _ (j . On-Site Safety and Performance Group Leader. . . . . . . . . . . 257 3.6;1.4 . Program Documentation................................. 258 i 3.6.2 SHIFT-TECHNICAL ADVISORS REQUALIFICATION TRAINING..... 267' . . Annual Requalification................................ 267 I' Outage Modifications.................................. 267 F Absences From Duty.................................... 267 Specialized Training.................................. 268 [ i Program desponsibilities.............................. 268  ; Documentation......................................... 268 Re c ord s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6 8 3.7- STATION' SERVICES GR0UP' TRAINING....................... 276 ' (' ' 3.7.1 INITIAL STATION SERVICES GROUP TRAINING............... 277 4 Program Description................................... 277 E Nuclear Plant Attendant............................... 278 i Program Schedule...................................... 279 Program Responsibi11 ties.............................. 279 Technical Training Group Leader....................... 279 l- Station Services Group Leader......................... 279

1. . ' Station Services Group Supervisors.................... 280 J- Program Documentation................................. 280
4. '

3.7.2 STATION SERVICES GROUP RETRAINING..................... 281

  • i
!                                    Program Description................................... 281 4
)                                    Program Responsibilities.............................. 281                                                               j 4

( ' Technical Training Group Leader....................... 281 1

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T' bin cf Cont:nto (c ntinusd) ' 1 I (.g '

  ,     )     Section Subject                                                                                      g

(,) S ta tion Se rvices Group Leader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 Station Services Group Supervisors.................... 282 Program Documentation................................. 282 4.0 SPECIAL TRAINING...................................... 324


4.1 ON-SITE EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION TRAINING............... 325 4.1.1 Radiation Emergency Organization Training............. 326 Program Description................................... 326 Emergency Director..............................s..... 326 i Radiation Emergency Team.............................. 327 Emergency Center Training............................. 327 Security Team......................................... 327 Program Responsibilities.............................. 328 - (A_,-Q Senior Nuclear Training Specialist.................... 328 Chief Radiological Engineer........................... 328 Security Sup e rviso r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 8 4.2 FIRE BRIGADE TEAM..................................... 329 4.2.1 FIRE BRIG ADE TRAINING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 4 o- Program Description................................... 329 4e2.A. FIRE WATCH TRAINING.................................... 330B 4.2.A.1 P rogram Descrip tion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 0B 4.3 0FFSITE AGENCIES....................................... 331 ' 4.3.1 Program Description.................................... 331 4.4 FIRST AID TRAINING..................................... 331

    .)               4.4.1                Program Description.................................... 331 bfV 1               First Aid Training..................................... 332
                                                               -H-                                                         Rev 5

T-b11 ef Cont nt7 (ccntinued) Section Subject P3 4.5 RESPIRATORY TRAINING.................................. 333 9' o 4.b SPECIAL TRAINING RETRAINING........................... 334

             . 4.6.1        Program Description................................... 334 4.6.2        Program Responsibilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335      Senior Nuclear Training     Specialist.................... 335      Training Exercise Coordinator......................... 335 4.7                MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISORY _ DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM........ 335A 4.7.1        Program Description................................... 335A 4.7.2        Responsibiliites...................................... 335AA      Immediate Supervisor of     Supervisors................... 335AA (s          Department Liason..................................... 335AA      Department Manager.................................... 335AA      S taf f Development Group Leader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 35 AB      Group Leader / Chief Engineer.?w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335AB      Nuclear Training    Manager.............................. 335AB l ORC Chairman.......................................... 335AB NSRAC Chairman........................................ 335AC Training Advisory Counci1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 AC Human Resource Specialist Nuclear..................... 335AC Technical Training Group Leader....................... 335AC Comprehensive Training Group Leader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335AC 4.7.3 Program Frequency..................................... 335AD (v" x_/ 3l

                                                  -H1-                                                        Rev 3

Table of Contents (continued) h(% Section Subject g 4.8 BECO RECOVERY ORGANIZATION EMERGENCY PLAN TRAINING.... 335B 4.8.1 Program Description................................... 335B 4.9 CONTRACTOR TRAINING................................... 335C 4.9.1 0bj e c t iv e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 5 C 4.9.2 Training Requirement Satisfied........................ 335C 4.9.3 Program Description................................... 335C 4.9.4 Responsibilities...................................... 335D Group Leader.......................................... 335D Depar tment Lia s on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 5D Co n t ra c t o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 5 D 7s S ta f f Development Group - NTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335D (r)' 5.0 VENDOR SERVICES 5.1 Withdrawal Requisitions / Purchase Orders for Training Materials.................................. 353 5.2 Training Budget....................................... 353 5.3 Travel for offsite Training........................... 353 1 i 4 s , -H2- Rev 1 a

                        ,y- _ . , . , - . ,  .,,-_.._,___y...           ...y%     ,y. . , . . , - - , , , ,___,,,_.,y___          ,,,__.-.._-,p.,              .c ,,.,_m,_.-.,g.--     .,

FORMS Page 1 of 4 l'% V ' SUBJECT g GENERAL EMPLOYEE TRAINING GET-1 General Employee Training Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 GET-2 General Employee Reco rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 GET-3 General Employee Training Attendance Form............ 26 GET-4 General Employee Training Questionnaire for High Priority Personne1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 GROUP TRAINING (Forms common to all groups)

 ,1~hJ G-1                Le s son Plan Fo rma t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 G-2                Training At t endanc e Fo rm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 G-3                Employee Experience Record...........................                                              32 G-4                Document Acknowledgement Sheet....................... 34 G-5               T ra in in g Fo rm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 G-6               Trainee Feedback Card................................ 35A OPERATIONS GROUP TRAINING 0-1               Operations Group Training General Indoctrination. .. .. 52 0-2               Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Plant 0perators....................................                                              53 0-3A              Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Op e ra t in g S u p e rvi s o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4
 , -       0-3B              Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Watch Engineer..................................... 65 0-4               Qualification Requirements for Senior Reactor Operator................................... 66
                                                          -I-                                                                    Rev 4

FORMS I ip) U SUBJECT + PAGE 0-5 - Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Auxi1iary Operator.......................................... 70 0-6 Qualification Requirements for Fuel Handlers Limited SR0 License Holders................................. 73 0-7 Oral Exami nati on Summary Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 0-8 SRO, Limited to Fuel Handling Oral Examination Summary Report.............................................. 93 0-9 L i ce ns ed Ope ra to r Requal i fi ca ti o n Summa ry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 0-10 Accelerated Training Record.................................. 164 0-11 Reactivity Control Manipulations Record...................... 166 0-13 Empl oyee Devel opment Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 0-14 PNPS Senior Reactor Operator Limited to

                    !                                                Fuel Handling (LSR0).......................................                                                                                         171 0-15       Control Manipulations........................................                                                                                          179 (m

() 0-16 Sel f-Study Veri fi cation Fonn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183A 0-17 Requalification for Nuclear Auxiliary Operator...............1838 0-18 PNPS Operations Personnel Qualifications Report (*NAO,NP0(U),NP0(L),SRO,NOS,NWE,LSR0)................183C MAINTENANCE GROUP TRAINING M-1 Maintenance Group Training General Indoctrination............194 M-2 PNPS Qualification Requirements for NuclearMechanics(Mechanical).............................195 M-3 PNPS Qualification Requirements for Welders..................199A M-4 PNPS Qualification Requirements for Nucl ear Control Techni cians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199D M-5 PNPS Qualification Requirements for Nucl ear Mechanics (El ectri cal ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199J TECHNICAL GROUP TRAINING ($ T-1 Technical Group General Indoctrination... .. ..... .. . . ......... 206


T-2 Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Technicians........... 207

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  }v]m TRAINING GROUP TRAINING A-1         Training Group General Indoctrination....................................... 224
          .A-2         Training Group
                      . Checklist for Clerical Personne1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 HEALTH PHYSICS GROUP TRAINING                                   ,

R-1 Radiological Group [ General Indoctrination....................................... 234 R-2 ' Qualification Requirements for . Health Physics Technicians................................... 235 R-3 Chemistry Techniciaa Qualification Card for Routine Duties...................................... 240 1

          'R-4         Contract Health Physics gs                 Personnel Qualification     Form................................. 242

(- R-5 Health Physics Records Qualification Card........................................... 255D SHIFT TECHNICAL ADVISORS GROUP TRAINING STA-1 Shift Technical Advisors Group General Indoctrination....................................... 259 STA-2 . Qualification Requirements for Shift Technical Advisor...................................... 260 STA-3 Shift Technical Advisor Requalification Su==ary...................................... 270 STA-4 Accelerated Training Record................................. 274 STA-5 shift Technical Advisor Document Acknowledgement Record....................................... 275 STATION SERVICES GROUP TRAINING SS-1 PNPS Station Services Group General Indoctrination. . . . . . . . . . . 283 I( SS-2 Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Plant Attendants'...... 284 l

                                                    -X-                                                Rev 8 i


                                                                              ' Pcga 4 of 4 FORMS 4
  'i n

(,,/ SUBJECT PAGE SPECIAL TRAINING S-1 PNPS Emergency Director Training.................... 336 S-2 PNPS Emergency Team Member Certification............ 338 S-3 PNPS Emergency Center Training...................... 339 S-4 PNPS Security Team Training......................... 340 S-5 PNPS Fire Brigade Training.......................... 341 S-6 PNPS Fire Brigade Requalification Trcining.......... 342 S-7 PNPS O'ff-site Agency Training....................... 347 S-8 PNPS First Aid Training............................. 348 S-9 PNPS Special Training Exercise / Drill................ 349 n S-10 PNPS Certification of Examiners for

  'i                       Special Training.................................. 352 S-11             BECo Recovery Organization.......................... 352A 1

S-1~2 Nuclear Exempt Employees Orientation Program..... . . . 352B S-13 Supervisor and Management Skills Assessment Checklist......................................... 352G VENDOR SERVICES OST-1 PNPS Offsite Training Planning...................... 354

                                             -L-                                    Rev 6

TABLES s. SUBJECT PAGE Table I Tra ining Requirement s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Table II Training Requirements Matrix........................ 4 i i j i

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A K;n._- FIGURES SUBJECT PAGE PAGE Figure 1. Typical Overall'NRC Licensed Operator Requalification Program Schedule.................. 114 Figure.2, Typical Overall Fuel Handler _ . Requalification Program Schedule.................. 131 Figure 3. Typical Overall Shift Technical Advisor Requalification Training Schedule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 69 D 1 ( 4 k 1 .i Z

                                                   -N-                                              Rev 2     .,

.. l.0 INTRODUCTION O -v 1.1 Obj ective

           .The Pilgrim Training Manual has been developed to consolidate, into one
          ' manual, the training procedures utilized to develop and maintain the job
      ,     proficiency of the entire Pilgrim Staff. Properly conducted and properly docismented training will ensure continued safe and efficient operation of the Pilgrim Station. The training programs established in this manual satisfy.the commitment made in Section 6.4 of the Pilgrim technical specifications.

The Pilgrim Training Manual complies with all regulations listed in Table I, " Training Requirements". Table II is a matrix showing the applicability of these requirements to various groups within the -( Pilgrim Station. The content of each of these particular references A is briefly summarized in the " Program Requirements" section of each particular training program addressed. FO Rev 3

Table I Training Requirements D}


Title 10 10CFR19 Notices, Instructions and Reports to Workers;

                                     ,                                        Inspections 10CFR20 '                    Standards for Protection Against Radiation 10CFR50                      Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities 10CFR50,                     Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Planta Appendix B                 and Fuel Reprocessing Plants 10CFR55-                     Operator Licenses 10CFR55                      Requalification Programs for Licensed Operators
                                                 -Appendix A                   of Production and Utilization Facilities 10CFR73                       Physical Protection of Special Nuclear Material
  • NRC USNRC Letter from H. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor regulation - dated March 29, 1980 -

To all power reactor applicants and licensees on the subject of qualifications of reactor operators Regulatory Guides Regulatory Guide 1.8 Personnel Selection and Training Regulatory Guide 1.70 Standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants Regulatory Guide 1.71 Welder qualifications for Areas of Limited Accessibility

                                            -Regulatory Guide 8.13                   Instructions Concerning Prenatal Radiation Exposure I.
     ,( j                                      American Nuclear Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards ANSI N18.1                      Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel

! Rev 3


       ,          Table I (continued) i,r) 1 V:

ANSI N18.17-1973 Industrial Security for Nuclear Power Plants ANSI N45.2.3 Housekeeping During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants ' American' Society o' Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section 9 Welding Qualifications Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Public Safety. Division of Inspection. General Laws Chapter 146 Licenses of Engineers Pilgrim Procedures. i


(_) Administrative Procedure 1.4 ' Personnel and Equipment Safety

                . Emergency Procedure 5.8.1                           Procedure for Radiation Emergency Drill Administrative Procedure 1.3.14                       Indoctrination and Training
  • Listing a Federal document, other than Title 10, as reference in _

the table does not necessarily indicate a total commitment to the ..  ; content of the document. means only that the Pilgrim Training Manual satisfies the suggested training-related content of the referenced document. D- . Rev 3 a_---___-_______-_______=_----__-_-____-__-__--__-__-___--_____________

TABLE II TRAINING REQUIREMENTS m MATRIX CR00P ,S w S REGULATIONS I = Initial Training g We w b h S P = Periodic Training g y I . $;$$ $ gh g

 -(/~3                                                       g     h      $           f       EM        3   $

J - m m o I


w s h5 EP k ow $2 $m mo FEDERAL I P I P I P I P I P I P "Denton Letter of March 29, 1980" x x x x 10CFR19 10CFR19.12 x 10CFR20 10CFR20.101 x 10CFR20.102 x 10CFR50 10CFR50.54 (1-1) x 10CFR50, App. B (ANSI N18.7-1972 Rev. 1 I,II ANSI N18.7 Sect. 3.2 x II ANSI N18.7. Sect. 3.3 x x x x x x x II,V x x x x II ANSI N18.7. Sect. 3.1 x II ANSI N18. 7. Sect. 5.1 x II a) ANSI N18.7. Sect. 5.2.10 x x x x b) ANSI N45.2.3. Sect. 2.4 x x x x III x x x x x VI ANSI N18.7. Sect. 5.2.15 x x x x x x x x x x x IX ANSI N18.7. Sect. 5.2.12 x IX ANSI N18.7. Sect. 5.2.18 x x

  , ' 'T XVI           ANSI N18.7. Sect. 5.2.11                                                   x
   ' (,)          XVII          ANSI N18.7. Sect. 5.2.12                                                   x XVII         ANSI N18.7. Sect.                                                  x XVIII        ANSI N18.7. Sect. 4.5                                                       x 10CFR55                                      x     x 10CFa55. App. a/ Pilgrim Requal. Prog.             x 10CFR73 (ANSI N18.17. Sect. 4.7)                                                   x Pilgrim FSAR. Sect. 13.3                                                                 x Regulatory Guide 1.8 (ANSI N18.1-1971 )

Section 4 x x x x x Section 5.1 x Section 5.2 x _ Section 5.3 x x x v Section 5.4 x i Section 5.5 x x

     \               Section 5.5.1                                   x
   -\                Section 5.6                                                          ~

x Regulatory Guide 1.70.38 __ Section 13.2.2 _ i ,, ,, x Section x x y x x x Section x x x x tw x Section x Regulatory Guide 1.71 x x Regulatory Guide 8.13 x x l Boiler & Press. Vesnel Code. IX x x

 +     '" \        STATE Commonwealth of Mass. Dept. of Public Safety. Div. of Inspection. Chap. 146        x l

Rev 4

e TABLE II TRAINING REQUIREMENTS MATRIX U GROUP E w 5.. V REGULATIONS I = Initial Training k $ d h P = Periodic Training g COMPANY

1. ,,

I P I P I P I o P ld a l I P I P Administrative Procedure 1.4 x Administrative Procedure 5.1 (App. VIII) x Pilaria Job Specifications lx x x tx x i l l l i 1 [ l k l \ l I i  : l 1 l 1 I l l I iJ

 + .

O i Rev 4

j ;.

                        ,n, h .,'-


                           ',                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   i I?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    l 1.2    Overall Trainina Promram Oraanisation                                                                                                                                                          >

1.2.1 Overall Trsinina Proaram Reeutrements Reauiremente Satisfied Requirement Summary

.1. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Requirements for Training, 1

Criteria II (ANSI Training Program Description N18.7, Section 5.1) b) Regulatory Guide 1.8 (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.1) c) Regulatory Guide 1.70.38, section 13.2.2

2. a) Regulatory Guide 1.8 Ceneral Requirements i

(ANSI N18.1, Section 5.5) Retraining i r j 3. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Requirements for Admini-Criteria II (ANSI strative Controls  ; N18.7 Section 3.1)

4. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Assignment of Authority r

Criteria I & 11 (ANSI and Responsibility N18.7,.Section 3.2) 7 b) Regulatory Guide 1.70, Section i

5. a) 10CFR50, Appendix 5 Training Program Audit criteria XV111 (ANSI Requirements ,

i N18.7, Section 4.5) .

6. a) 10CFR50, Appendix 3, Requirements for corrective t

t Criteria XVI (ANSI Action - N18.7 Section 5.2.11) [ Rev .1 t _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .i_________.________._..__________=_.________.._.____._____._____._______ _ _ _ = _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . - . . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _

e y] Requirements Satisfied Requirement Summary v,

7. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Procurement Document Criteria XVII (ANSI Control N18.7, Section
8. a). '10CFR50, Appendix B, Training Program Records Criteria IX and XVII (ANSI N18.7, Section 5.2.12) b) Regulatory Guide 1.8 (ANSI N18.1, Section N.6) 1.2.2 Overall Training Program Description' All employees at the Pilgrim Station are required to participate in the training specified in this manual. This' training consists of three types, General Employee Training, Group Training and Speciai" Training. 'All personnel participate -in General Employee Trainitig prior td ' starting work e i at Pilgrim Station and then periodically.thereafter. Following the completion of initial General Employee Training, all personnel will-partici-pate'in Group Training in' order to assure that suitable job proficiency is' achieved and maintained.
                                                       . s.                           .
                                            ,        ..4.                      ,

The Nuclear Training Manager has oVerai'l r'Esponsibility for 'the

            'implemeatation of all' training required in accord IIse'with this manual.

The Nuclear Training sanager had direct responsi$111ty for . General Employee Trafnfnn. Each group directly responsible s for conducting group training within his group under the cognizance of'the m [ D) Nuclear Training Manager. Specific individual training responsibilities w ' are outlined inthe appropriate section of this' manual.

                                                          ,-      N-
                              **                   1a 7         ,

Rev 3 ,

      ,              .... _ _,_ .:... _. _ ..m --           X-           -         - - -      - - - -     '  ~ ~ ~ ~

JThe Senior Nuclear Training Specialist will maintain an individual training

           -,    . record of each and every person employed at Pilgrim Station.                                       These records 1    .
                .will be filed in a designated training center file. All individuals holding NRC Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator Licenses, regardless of group, will have their training records maintained in the Operation Group file. The detailed content of each training record and required retention
                . periods are summarized at the end of each section of Group Training.

In accordance with the Boston Edison Company Quality Assurance Manual, a


system of procurement document control.will assure that all service personnel meet qualification requirements specified in applicable codes , and standards. The Pilgrim Training Manual and individual training files serve as a basis 4 for audit and review by the Boston Edison Quality Assurance Organization. jff Any deficiencies observed will be reported to the Nuclear Operations Manager, j Followup corrective action will be taken by the Nuclear Training Manager. 4 /*


s Rev 4

  .- ._.          __ --     ._         _ ___. m . . _ _ . _ _ _     . - - , - - _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . . _ _ _ . _ . , . . - _ . , . _ . . , , , _ . . _ , _ _ . . _

All forms utiliz<ed to- document training are coded such that each form can more

     'I    i       easily be identified.
     - _Q/ -

GET . . . .. ..... Forms utilized to document General Employee Training C . .. . .. . . . . Multi-purpose forms utilized to document training conducted in more than one group. O . . ... . .... Forms utilized to document training only for the Operations Group. M .. . . . - . ... . Forms used to document training only for the Maintenance Group T .. .. . . .... Forms used to document training only for the Technical Group H .. . .... ... Forms used to document training only for the Health Physics Group. ( A .. . . . ... . . Forms used to document training only for the Training Group S .. . .. . ... . Forms utilized to document Special Training. STA . . . . . ..... Forms used to document training only for the Shift Technical Advisors Group.

 >-                                   OST .    . . . . .....                    Forms used for off-site training.

A comprehensive list of all forms utilized in conjunction with this manual is included in the table of contents, i Rev 3

                          . - . - .::,           =.:=.          _ - - - , . _ . - . -

3 1.2.3 Control of Training Manual Revisions 6 Changes in training requirements will be incorporated into the Training Manual by the Nuclear Training Department. All changes will be reviewed by:

                            -Cognizant Chief Engineer / Group Leader
                            -Appropriate Department Manager
                            -Training Manager Changes may be made to individual pages of this manual.             Each page that is changed will be indicated by the appropriate revision number in the lower right c.orner.

A summary list of training manual changes will be maintained by the Nuclear Training Department. This list will indicate applicable revised page numbers, date of rev-ision, revision number and the signatures of approving managers for changes made after 12/15/81. Revisions will become effective upon date of signature of Nuclear Training Manager. Copies of this manual will be issued to applicable management personnel. Manual holders will be required to acknowledge receipt of the manual and revisions via the signature and return of a Document Control Acknowledgement form which will be issued by Document Control, with each revision to the manual. i

                                                     -9A-                             Rev 2
           - ~ -...-. -....                 .--             - _ _ .  -  .    --.-         . . - _ _ - - . . . . . . .


         .                                    E                          ison COMPANY NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION TRAINING POLICY O

l Approved for Usa: I d Sr.VicePresid$ Nuclear Activities l Effective Date 3lhev. O ~~ 4 i - 9B-

    ,      ---._-..,._,_m. -,-_.y ---. - - .     ....,..,_,,,,.~.,..__..-,m-..                   -,,..-.m._ . - _ . . _ . , , . . _ . , . .          . . _ _ _ . , . -



V: 1.0 PURPOSE-The purpose of the Policy is to establish the Organization's position, commitment, and approach to the training of Nuclear

    .         Organization personnel.

2.0 POLICY 2.1 Training Goals It is the policy of the BECo Nuclear Organization to meet its organizational objectives through a productive - - work force with the qualifications necessary to perform assigned tasks effectively and safely under normal, abnormal and emergency conditions. Further it is the policy to provide all nuclear personnel with the

                     . opportunity to acquire additional knowledge and skills required for advancing their careers within BECo.

The Nuclear Organization's commitment to training shall be evidenced by the allocation of sufficient resources to ensure the development of a comprehensive, ongoing training program, which will be responsive t'o corporate policy and industrial / regulatory requirements. [dp

                                              -9C ,                                          Rev 0
          - .. : z; ::         : 2:--- -- z =    - - . , . _ _ _ . . . . - . - -     . - . . . - - _ _ - . , . - - . - - . .

2.2 Training Philosophy ~

   ~( 3                  The approach to Nuclear Training consists of an N_]

ongoing integrative process involving four basic

                        . steps, i.e., identification and analysis of training needs, design of training programs, presentation of programs, and evaluation and reinforcement of training.

The training function is a critical element in the organization's commitment to human resource development. Therefore, all nuclear managers and supervisors have a responsibility to contribute to the effectiveness of the training process. The Nuclear Training Manager is responsible for the b) overall coordination and management of the process. 3.0 APPLICABILITY This policy is applicable to all Nuclear Organization units and personnel. i 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 Senior Vice President - Nuclear Activities

                        - To insure this policy statement is communicated to and implemented within the Nuclear Organization.
                        - To provide _ resources necessary to achieve training objectives outlined in the approved plan.
                                                     -9D-             Rev 0 si:
                    ---      --a    .. . , . . - . .

4.2 Department Managers l

-                                                                                                                                                             I (r~                 - To evaluate training needs expressed within the
  ' N_)%                                                                                                                                                      l department and participate with the training                                                                                       '

manager and other department managers in forr.:ulating training plans which are supportive of organizational objectives, programs and commitments. a 4.3 Training Advisory Council (TAC) The council will consist of the Department Managers, or designees, and the Training Manager, vho shall act as chair. TheCouncilwillmeetquarterl[forthe following purposes:

1. Advise and assist in the analysis of training needs.

10 2.. Provide feedback on the effectiveness of Training Programs.

3. Assist the Training Manager in developing the Annual Training Plan and Budget.

4.4 Supervisors / Group Leaders u - Assess training needs, in coordination with training staff, of his/her unit.

                     .- Communicate with the training staff and the appropriate department manager concerning these training needs, r

I( )

                      - Make time available for staff to participate in training.
                                                                    -9E-                                                    Rev 0
      -        ~   -
                         --,4,n.4..ww-,4     ,e,---o-4,, , ww-..,,,.,-p,w w ,, s -. w , y ,,.,_,,-,-.,,,.aw n,n mm n .-, w,       _.-~,wege..,, ,- .,,,m, . ,
                            =- Evaluate.the results of training and reinforce its
      >-(                        application on the job..
     \-]                                                                                                             ;
                             - Conduct on the job training within the unit, as appropriate.

e 14.5' Individual Employee

                             - Actively participate in'the training process by:

contributing information concerning his/her training needs; participating in scheduled training sessions; and applying learned information/ skills in the I performance of assigned job. 4.6 ' Nuclear Training Manager ' ((:)

                             - To provide the overall leadership and to facilitate communications for the planning and' control of the needs-assessment, development, implementation-and evaluation of Nuclear-Training Programs.


                             - Provide the; nuclear organization with a qualified

{ training staff and training programs which are responsive to the needs of the organization, compat-able with corporate policies, and responsive to regulatory and industry requirements. Prepare and submit, as part of the budget planning and control process, the Annual Training Plan and Budget. J T Re.v 0

                                                     -9F-                                         12/01/81
          . : . ..-....    ; =.; = = = = = =.      =      :.._   .- . . . - - _ .

4 e 2.0 GENERAL DiPLOYEE TRAINING Objective The objective of the Pilgrim General Employee Training Program is to

         . indoctrinate all employees in the general procedures utilized to assure, nuclear plant safety and personnel safety. General Employee Training covers these areas:
1. Station Quality Assurance Indoctrination
2. Radiological Health and Safety
3. Industrial Health and Safety
4. Security
5. Plant Organization and Administration i 6. Plant Familiarization /BWR Operation Participation All new employees requiring unescorted access'at the Pilgrim Station participate in initial General Employee Training. In order to assure that the knowledge acquired during initial general employea training is retained, general employee retraining is conducted periodically.

( Rev 3

2.1 Initial General Employee Training () 2.1.1 Program Requirements Training Requirements Satisfied Requirement Summary

1. a) Regulatory Guide 1.8 Requirements for General (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.4) Employee Training b) Regulatory Guide 1.70.38, Section
2. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria II (ANSI Indoctrination N18.7, Section 3.3)
       .      3.       a)      Regulatory Guide 1.8       Radiological Health &
   . i^^ (-

(ANSI N18.1, Section 5.4) Safety Indoctrination b)' 10CFR19.12 c) 10CFR20.101 & 102

4. a) Regulatory Guide 1.8 Facility Contingency (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.4) Procedure Indoctrination Pe b) 10CFR19.12
5. a) Regulatory Guide 1.8 Industrial Health &

(ANSI N18.1, Section 5.4) Safety Indoctrination

6. a) Regulatory Guide 1.8 Facility Access Control (ANSI-N18.1, Section 5.4) and Sacurity Indoctrination b) 10CFR73

( , oJ l ! -11. Rev 2


7. a)' Regulatory Guide 8.13 Instructions fer Women
 .(      -~3 .
     'x)                                                                                              in Restricted Areaa Concerning Prenatal Radiation Exposure
u. 2.1.2 Program Description The initial General Employee Training Program covers those topices specified in Form GET-1, " General Employee Training Checklist".

The indoctrination in each of the five major areas of the checklist is conducted utilizing a lesson plan retained by the Senior Nuclear Training Specialist. Each lesson plan will be prepared in accor-dance with Form G-1, Lesson Plan Format. The topics to be covered are outlined below: .,1- ~

 \     as         1.        Quality Assurance Program Indoctrination Complete a' quality assurance program indoctrination including:

a) The purpose of the Boston Edison QA program b) The overall company policies, procedures and instructions which establish the program c) Explanation of the 18 criteria of 10CFR50, Appendix B Requirements Satisfied a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria II_(ANSI N18.7, + Section 3.3) b) BEQAM, Volume II

2. Radiological Health and Safety Indoctrination

{ Complete a radiological health and safety indoctrination which include the following items: Rev 2

                          ~         .    . . , . , _ _    _

l { 7_q

                                  .a)         Health Protection problems associated with exposure to radiation.

b) The precautions, procedures and techniques to minimize radiation exposure. c) The purpose and function of protective devices.

                       .                                                                                                       i d) -       The dose / exposure limits. delineated in 10CFR20 and

the importance of observing these limits. e) The individual's responsibility to promptly report to the plant management any condition which might lead to overexposure or unnecessary radiation exposure. f) Reports available to each individual on the individual's radiation exposure (pursuant to 10CFR19.13). g) The appropriate response to warnings made in the event

  -(          )_                             of any unusual occurrence or malfunction that may involve U

exposure to radiation or. radioactive material. h) The importance of and the techniques utilized in contamination control.

1) The methods utilized in personnel and equipment decontamination.

! j) The requirements for and the proper use of personnel monitoring equipment. k) The use of protective clothing and equipment (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.4)

1) The content of Regulatory Guide 8.13," Instructions Concerning Prenatal Radiation Exposure" (women assigned work in restricted areas only). '

m) The concept of "ALARA".

              )                             Requirements Satisfied              a)   Regulatory Guide 1.8

, (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.4) 1-l Rev 2 l

r. .,a . _, .
z. . - , , ~ < - - --- - - - - - - - - -~~- - -- ' - - - ---~~ - ~ ~1

b) 10CFR19.12 oy)

  \_ .                                                                   c)   10CFR20.101 and 102
3. Facility Contingency Procedure Indoctrination Complete an indoctrination on the below listed facility .,


                            .cchtingency procedures including events causing the procedure to be' utilized, the alarm sounded and the required action.

a) Radiation Emergency Procedure (Administrative Procedure 5.1) b) Natural Disaster Procedure (Administrative Procedure 5.2) c) Fire Procedure (Administrative Procedure 5.5.1) d) Personnel Injury Procedure (Administrative Procedure 5.6) Requirements Satisfied a) Regulatory Guide 1.8 (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.4) b)' 10CFR19.12

4. Industrial Health and Safety Indoctrination Complete and industrial health and safety indoctrination on the following:

a)' The purpose of OSHA 5 b) Injury reporting requirements c) Responsibilities to report unsafe conditions d) AdmihistrativeProcedure1.4,"PersonnelandEquipment Safety" D'O

  • Rev 2
  .    , . . - , .       . .,-.:     n: T ' ~ .- _  ,- -, _ - . - , - -,           -

l Rtquiremtnta Satiefitd a) Rtguletory Guida 1.8 (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.4)

 ! ,t.          5.      Facility Access Control and-Security Indoctrination Complete an indoctrination on facility access control and security procedures (Administrative Procedure 1.6)

Requirements Satisfied a) Regulatory Guide 1.8 (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.4) b) 10CFR73 After the new employee completes the indoctrination in a particular area, the Comprehensive Training Coordinator or designated representative will answer any questions the new employee might have and then date the appropriate item on the individual's General Employee Training Checklist. After the new employee has completed all portions of the General Employee I Training Checklist, he/she will be evaluated either by written quiz or oral examination covering the content of the general employee training program lesson plans. Passing grade on the written quiz is 80% while l the oral exam is either pass or fail. The results of the evaluation will be documented by the Comprehensive Training Coordinator on the individual's General Employee Training Checklist. J4 hen the entire checklist has been completed, the Comprehensive Training , Coorfinator will certify with his/her signature the completion of the I i individual's initial general employee training and file the General Employee Training Checklist along with the written exam in the individual's i training record folder. Temporary maintenance and service personnel shall be trained in areas only to the extent necessary to assure safe execution of their duties. Normally Rev. 5 t

       .,     ' E 1.. .

_. .i J *, ~ _ -,

this.will' include those topics included in the normal genetal employee J--( training program.with the exception of the quality assuralice indoctrination. b a v Completion of general employee training for contractors is documented on Form GET-1. t 2.1.3 Program Schedule All new Pilgrim Station and temporary maintenace and service personnel requiring un-escorted access will complete initial General Employee. Training prior to starting work at the Pilgrim Station. 2.1.4 Program Responsibilities Comprehensive Training coordinator The Comprehensive Training Coordinator, or his designee, is responsible

        )         for General Employee Training. Specifically, he/she will:

a) Conduct the General Employee Indoctrination for all new employees or delegate this responsibility to a qualified individual.

                       -b) . Prepare and grade all written quizzes on the content of the General Employee Training Program.h..

c) Administer General Employee Training Program oral examination or delegate this responsibility to a geslified individual. l , d) Maintain program documentation as specified in Section 2.1.5 of t.his manual. \ ( e. Determine the depth of coverage for General ployee Training

of Contractor personnel. .

il Rev 4 1.- -

                                                     -     .  ..-.....   = - - - .                                   - .-...-.

f) Infera all plant employssa of any significant. change in a procedure covered during General Employee Training. For example, a significant change in the station security procedure would require either a. specially scheduled training session or an explanation of the procedure change routed to station personnel in'accordance with admin'istrative procedure 1.3.4,

                      ." Procedures".

2.1.5' Program Documentation The Comprehensive Training Coordinator is responsible for maintaining all records associated with initial General Employee Training. This includes:

a. Individual Training Records The Comprehensive Traintng Coordinator will ensure that each permanent employee at the Pilgri.a Station has a completed " General Employee Training

( Checklist"'in his or her training record. The written quiz, if administered, will be attached tio the Checklist. This documentation will be retained for


the life of the plant-(P.N.P.S.) plus 10 years. Permanent storage of all records will be in accordance with the criteria set forth in the Nuclear Organization Document Control Department. ,

b. General Employee Training Checklists for Contractors V

The Comprehensive Training Coordinator will maintain a " General Employee

    ,       Training Checklist for Contractors", Form GET-1, for each contractor in one file.

r- c. General Employee Training Lesson Plans The Comprehensive Training Coordinator will maintain copies of all l General Employee Training Lesson Plans. These lesson plans will be I updated as necessary. TO: u Rev. 4 g g. ,me-m.,-,n-.,,mg-- -wg -' +--e F+-* 9F=MNd'Nw'*WW'-""'M**'"N""""PP"""'***"UT*N'""'W'PM* W $'

i-l i 2. 2. General Employee Retraining 3_ . 2.2.1 Program Requirements Training Requirements Satisfied Requirement Summary

l. a) Regulatory Guide 1.8 Requirements for (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.5) General Employee b) Regulatory Guide 1.70, Retraining Section 13.3.3
2. Administrative Procedure 1.4 Requirements.for Periodic Safety Training


      /~N 2.2.2       Program Description The General Employee Retraining program consists of:
a. Lecture Series A general employee retraining lecture series will be conducted annually covering the same five areas covered during initial general employee training. A written quiz will be administered to each individual at the conclusion of the General Employee Retraining lecture series.
b. . On-The-Job Safety Training
                  - All station supervisors are responsible for on-the-job safety training and instruction of employees who work under their direction and control.

Each department holds monthly safety meetingswith personnel assigned to that department in accordance with administrative procedure 1.4.17. ( Rev 3

    ,a.;. _;_._;_.__.__.__.__.___            . . _ .    .

p 2.2.3 Program Schedule 3] The General Employee lecture series will be conducted periodically as spebified by the Comprehensive Training Coordinator. The entire lecture I series, consisting of five subjects, can be completed in one day. A B person missing the lecture series or any particular lecture is required-to review the material listed in the lesson plan and complete a check-out by the General Employee Training Coordinator or his/her designated representative. The written quiz will normally be administered at the end of the lecture series. 2.2.4 Program Responsibilities Comprehensive Training Coordinator The Comprehensive Training Coordinator has overall responsibility for . l the. general employee retraining program. Specifically, he/she will:

1. Schedule lectures and assign qualified lecturers for the

, General Employee retraining lecture series. Form GET-3 is utilized to document lecture attendance.

2. Prepare, grade and administer written quizzes covering the content of the General Employee Retraining progra.
3. Maintain program documentation as specified in Section 2.2.5-of this manual. 44
4. In cases where an individual misses general employee retraining lectures, the Senior Nuclear Training Specialist X will checkout the individual utilizing the applicable lesson plan and certify checkout completion as specified in Section 2.2.5.

i V- Assigned Lecturers j-. Assigned lecturers are responsible for the following: Rev 3

          ,,--r..               . . -

r c , , , , , , - . < - . . , , , ,- , , , ,,-.----,~,,..,.-.,-,,-,,,,,-,,,,,..y-- -

                                                                                                                                                 - . - - . . , , ..r--- - - , - - . ~ -
                        ~.-            _.                                 ,, .,                            ,                                              _

(, l. After being assigned a lecture, prepare a lesson plan, Form G-1..

2. Presenting a well-prepared lecture on the topic assigned.
3. Documenting lecture attendance on Form GET-3, and return it to the Comprehensive Training Coordinator. Plant Departments All plant departments'are responsible for the following:

1. On-the-job safety training and instruction of employees working under their direction.
2. Holding monthly safety meetings with personnel-assigned to the department.

p (0

    -.                    _2.2.5                          Program Documentation The Comprehensive Training Coordinctor is responsible for maintaining the following_ records associated with General

, Employee Retraining.

a. Training Attendance Form The Comprehensive Training 1 Coordinator will retain all General Employee lecture attendance forms.
b. General Employee Retraining Records The Comprehensive Training Coordinator is responsible for documenting the applicable section of Form GET-2. " General l Employee Retraining Record." The most recent General Employee Retraining Record with the written quiz attached will be maintained in each individual's training record. In cases where an individual misses a General Employee Retraining topic, Rev. 6'



x the Comprehensive Training Coordinator or his/her designated


(_ representative will checkout the individual utilizing the applicable lesson plan and then certify checkout completion by dating and signing Form GET-2.


2.2.6 GET for High Priority Personnel-Occasionally personnel arrive at Pilgrim Station after - having just left another nuclear power plant site. Critical path jobs, during an outage my require a consultant be brought on site. Also, NRC inspectors may require access 3 to the site. To facilitate these personnel the Form GET-4 " General Employee Training.for High Priority Personnel" will be used. The Comprehensive Training Instructor shall have the form completed and then evaluate the background of the personnel. The Comprehensive Training Instructor will then 0 check off the applicable block for recommended training. The ' training given will then be documented on the applicable GET s Forms used for.all site personnel. These forms will be attached to Form GET-4 and filed as per GET procedures. Rev 4 _. . . _ . . _ . . _ , , . . . _ . - - . _ . . . _ - . _ _ _ , _ . - - _ _ _ _ . - - _ , . - - . , . ~ . . , , - . _ _ - _ - _ . - _ -


 - [ tN (

I.. ' COVER PAGE A.- Titles Program:

                      -- Course:

Module Name and Number: B.-ApproximateNumbIofClassroomContactHours: C. Audience: (Categories of personnel this package prepared for) D.


(With applicable revision numbers) E. Approvals Prepared by: 4% Date Approved for Technical Adequacy: _ Date i Approved for

  • Instructional Adequacy:

Staff Development Date Administrator Approved for Progrr.m Adequacy and Use: __ Nuclear Iraining Manager Date II. TRAINEE PREPARATION REQUIRED AND INSTRUCTIONS


III. LEARNING OBJECTIVES A. . Performance Objective B. Specific Enabling Objectives IV. NARRATIVE DISCUSSION V. QUIZ QUESTIONS Rev. 6 e

        .~            . - _ .      --...-.--.-.,,,......,__,s._,_           .---, - ,-.,._ -,.. _- - _. _ _ ,~ ._-.    -

Otm G-2 INSTRUCTOR KEY 3 CLASS ATTENDANCE FORM INITIALS i Program /Ccurs? Unit Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Date Started Hours: Hours: Date Completed Hours: Hours: lHours: Module (s): Module (s): Module (s): Module (s): Module (s): NTD Group Leader ) i STUDENT: Please print your name Soc. Sec. No. and sign your name. BECo / Dept.

  • Contractor Co.

Name: S.S.#: ,, , Sign: i Name:


Sign: I u Name: I $* S.S.#:

,               Sign:
.            E!

S.S.#: i Sign: Name: S.S.#: i Sign: Name: S.S.#: Sign: l Name: , i S.S.#: Sign: ' Name: .

!               S.S.#:

Sign: [ g Name:

             ,  S.S.#:

l! Sign: Name: I S.S.#: Sign:

                                                                                                             -                                            ~


1. The first day of each class, fill in the folicwing infomation:

PROGRAM / COURSE, UNIT, DATE STARTED, and INSTRUCTOR KEY (print' name and initial block to right).

2. Have the students fill in the following:

STUDENT NAME, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, and the BEco/ DEPT./ CONTRACTOR CO block. Each student also signs his/her name.

3. At the end of each day, fill in the number of contact hours and the modules covered initial that day's as applicable. For each student attending full-time, block.

If a student is absent, the block for that day is lined out. If a student attends part-time, write in the hours attended and initial the 1 block. 4. Theinstructorretainsthesheet(s). repeats Step 3 above. At the end of each day, he/she l

5. At the end of the week or class, whichever is first, fill in the DATE COMPLETED.

Forward all completed foms to the appropriate NTD Group W Leader. A new form must be utilized at the beginning of each week as per Steps 1 through 4 above. l l l l . i 9 I

  -F;rm:GET-1                                                                          Pcge 1 of 1 PNPS GENERAL EMPLOYEE TRAINING CHECKLIST PRINT EXCEPT WHERE SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED.

< - NAME COMPANY DATE k (~ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER INSTRUCTION TO WORKERS (10CFR19.12) All individuals working in or frequenting any portion of a restricted area shall be kept informed of the storage, transfer, or use of radioactive materials or of radiation in such portions _of the restricted area; shall be instructed in the health protection prob-lems associated with exposure to such radioactive materials or radiation, in precautions or procedures to minimize exposure, and in the purposes and f, unctions of protective devices employed; shall be instructed in, and instructed to observa, to the extent within the worker's control, the applicable provisions of Commission regulations and licenses for the protection of personnel from exposures to radiation or radioactive materials occurring in such areas; shall be instructed of their responsibility to report promptly to the licensee any condition which may lead to or cause a violation of Commission reg-ulations and licenses or unnecessary exposure to radiation or to radioactive material; shall be instructed in the appropriate response to warnings made in the event of any I unusual occurrence or malfunction that may involve exposure to radiation or radioactive material; and shall be advised as to the radiation exposure reports which workers way request pursuant to 19.13. The extent of these instructions shall be commensurate with potential radiological health protection problems in the restricted area. I have read and understand the above and agtte to obide by the regulations of the Boston Edison Company prior to gaining access to areas where radiation exposure nay be received. f't n EMPLOYfF;'S SIGNATURE GENERAL EMPLOYEE TRAINING LECTURE TOPICS DATE COMPLETED

     )                                                COMPREHENSIVE TRNG. C00RDINATOR'S SIGNATURE Rev. 4
               .Fcrm GET-2~                                               Paga 1 of 1 PNPS General Employee Retraining Record j
     'N /       Name                                      Company                  Date Social Security Number Lecture Topic                                       Date Completed
1. Station Quality Assurance Review
2. Radiological Health and Safety Review
3. Station Contingency Procedure Review
4. Industrial Health and Safety Review
5. ' Facility Access Control and Security Procedurc Review __
          -     TrakningEvaluation (Check One)

[ Quiz OraI' Exam Duiz Grade Date Passed



                                         'N Examiner's Signature GET Completed s.

Date Signature, Comprehensive Training coordinator l

   /~O i

(_/ 8 Rev 3 m . _ . . . ___. . _ _ __


15. _

16. 17. 18. CO 20.

                                         - 2 6 --                    Rev 3

F1rm GET-3 Pcga 2 of 2 ATTENDEES i ' DATE OF LAST GENERAL SOCIAL PRINT NAME COMPANY EMPLOYEE TRAINING SECURITY NO.: 21. 22. 23, 2 4 .- 25. 26, 27. 28 __ 29 30. 31. ( . 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

                        , Lecture attendance documented in individual's records, initial when completed.


 .#        j x_/

Rev 2



Please supply the-{ollowing information and approximate dates when requested. NAME SSN DATE COMPANY JOB TITLE i.' Have you had General EmployeeT T raining at Pilgrim Station? NO U ^ YES l l WHEN? (

2. Have you had any General Employee Treining at some other operating Nuclear' Power Sthtion?


3. What experience have you had wearing protective clothing?


4. What experience have'you had wearing a respiratory mask?

NONE l l AVERAGE l l ABOVE AVERAGE l l LATEST DATE p- c (O ' R VISITOR'S SIGNATURE ? INSTRUCTOR Check block for recommended training. Review orally General Employee Training Pamphlet. I l-- .Give written quiz. , Review contents of General Employee Training' Lesson P'lan. t l l---Give mask training and written quiz. l l---Give complete General Employee Training. DATE INSTRUCTOR'S SIGNATURE r DATE COMPREHENSIVE TRNG. COORDINATOR r~~m


Rev 3 f *

                  ,                       _  .                 ~ =                     _       _ .               .                -        - .                  ..              __. _.
                            -3. Of GROUP TRAINING E

Objective The Pilgrim Group training programs are established to


initially deve-top and maintain an organization fully qualified to be responsib'le for the operation, maintenace and other

                        , technical as'pects 'of the Pilgrim Station.

General Program Requirements Requirements Satisfied Requirement Summary

1. .a) Regulatory Guide 1.8 Requirements for Training (ANSI N18.1,-Sections 5.1 and Retraining and 5.5)
                            .2. a)  Regulatory Guide 1.8                                                  Personnel Qaalifications (ANSI N18.1, Section 4) b)  Pilgrim Job Specifications Program Description Pilgrim group training takes two forms, first, initial on-the-                                         .

job group training to develop job proficiency and, secondly, periodic group training to maintain this proficiency. After completing initial General Employee Traing, employee reports to his or her assigned group for initial group training. Group training is completed utilizing a training form. Each group has.its own form consisting of several sections. The first.section in each group's checklist is entitled, " General Indoctrination." By completing this portion of the training checklist, the new employee is given a job-related indoctrination

          .s 4

Rev 2 4

                                            ,Y-~. I l'"~,
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  • into some of the major procedures and policies utilized by the
      --          . group.          After completing the general indoctrination, the new employee completes those additional portions of the form corresponding to his or her' specific job title.                                         Initial group                                                         l l
                - training'shall be completed within a given time period or prior to performing certain duties as specified'by the Group Leader after appointment to a given position.

After an individual has completed initial group training, he/ she must participate in the retraining to maintain job profi-ciency.. The group. retraining programs vary from group to group. Management end Supervisory personnel meet the requirements }- specified in ANSI N18.1 and, as such, are qualified to perform their specific job on the basis of experience. Unless otherwise

                - specified, training and retraining for the facility staff will be conducted in accordance with PNPS Technical Specification 6.4 r                - in' order to maintain job proficiency.

Facility Desigt.. License and Procedure Changes In addition to the specific group training requirements specified i for each group, there is a responsibility to keep personnel fully informed of applicable procedure changes, facility design changes and facility license changes. Off-Site Information Review The station receives correspondence from the NRC, General Electric, License Event Reports (LER) from other nuclear stations, etc. This rn correspondence often contains pertinent information applicable to

    'O Rev 5
              , w e v -e- re',-e  ,  e,-*       , r,.,-msn-wce -,--,w=wwwe       __.-ww.,--n---ny=w n          .--,v.m. . . . - - , - , - , - - . - - - . . , - -  -n-,-eew--rw e-

the operation and maintenace of Pilgrim. The Training Group 1 will review'this information to determine what type of training,- if:any, is required. The intent is to increase awareness of station, personnel of problems and conditions within the nuclear'. industry, additionally, improve supervisory skill and procedure

  • revisions as required to control activities of individual works at the Station.

Document Acknowledgement The type of training required information, facility ~ i. design, license and procedure changes is accomplished in conjunc-tion with the-procedure outlined in the Document Control Procedure 1.3.8. If routing is indicated, an assigned clerk will then complete, log and transmit a Document Acknowledgement Form G-4. d) Program Participation All employees will participate in their particular group training program. Program Responsibilities The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist has overall responsibility for the implementation of the Group Training Programs. The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist has the authority to delete i any group qualification requirements when the individual's experience or other special factors indicate that the requirement is met or exceeded. When an item is deleted, it will be so documented on the group training checklist, annotated with the basis for deletion, and signed by the Senior Nuclear Training p ' Specialist. Rev 3

Program Documentation (,. r"g Unless otherwise specified, all group training will be documented

 -( V by the respective group head or his designated alternate on a Training Attendance Form G-2 and forwarded to the Training Department for documenation in the individual's record.                                 The types
        ,of training may be Formal, Discussion, Video Tapes, etc.
                -Course Critique At the completion of training sessions an instructor may desire a course critique or the Nuclear Training Manager may desire information regarding a particular course, in these cases the Trainee Feedback Card (Form G-6) will be used.
   ,e     Form G-6 will be completed by the students and returned to the t'

Training Department for evaluation. The information from Form G-6 will be used to evaluate instructors, courses and progress of the students. Form G-6 will be filed in with completed course material in the general files. l l I

                                       -31A-                                                     Rev 2 l

[ ,

                        ' Form ,G-3:                                                                        Page l of 2 i:

PNPS i-Employee Experience Record

                        ' Name-                                                               Group p                                                 .,
                        ' Social Security. Number I.     " Education
                                ' School                                             Location               ' Dates Attended-  Degree 1..
2. "

4. II. Experience-Position Location Dates of Position Job Summary 1. 2. Aj. 3. 4. 5.


Rev 2 d "  % A4'++ 'M me en a-ew hew m,w. wee

                    - Form G-3                                                              Page 2 of 2

III.- Formal Training.(attach summary outline of each course) Dates Licenses of Certificates Course Location Attendance Diplomas a. O'

                                            ,              )

0" r T l*. I 4 l 1 i i Rev 2 f i

  ,    --n,. . - - ,-            r.,-Y, Yc -$       ,,A $ ,$A?NNEY-   ,w.a       ,-,.,w n,-    - , _ w,,-,-- ,,- ,-       ---,n


    -.-.--,,,-.,,y-      r-,-,--.  , . . ,-r.-.
           ..lg %



3.- - 4'.


6. 7.


i-i 9. 10.

           - 11.




14. .


           - 16 ~.

18. I- l19. -- 20. ia .D c' Q . .

                                                        -35         .

hev 2 i' 1 11 .

                .~ .


 ~   U FORM G-s'                                                                    Pagt 1 of 2 TRAINEE FEEDBACK CARD h)CourseTitle:                                                 Course Dates          to Your Name:                                                 Your Position
       'Your Group ~Name:

INSTRUCTIONS Your instructor will explain the purpose and scope of this course at the first course session. After this explanation, you will be given time to complete Section I and hand it to your instructor. The card will be returned to you at the end of the course for your completion of Section II. I. OBJECTIVES (complete at the beginning of course) , Within the scope of this course, what do you expect (need) to gain? (i.e. your objectives) (DO II. EVALUATION (complete at the end of course) a) To what extent were your objectives met in this course? O . . . . 50% . . . . 100% b) Specifically, what did you gain that you can apply to your position, or position for which you are training?

                                               -35A-                                  Rev. 1 i

egn 2 FORM G-6 Please circle the applicable rating (5= excellent, 4= good, 3= average, 2= fair,1=poIr) 1 1

        \                 .

y.lI . EVALUATION (con't)

1. Instructors: (Please rate each individually)

Instructor's Name Content Presentation Knowledge a.. 54321 54321 54321 b. 54321 54321 54321

c. 54321 54321 54321
2. Program:
a. Level of Presentation: 54321 f. Appropriate to
b. Level of Participation: 54321 my j b: 54321
c. Workshops / Labs (if used): 54321 g. Examinxations/Quizes 5 4 3 2 1
h. Pace of Instruction: 5 4 3 2.1
d. Written materials (Q and references: 54321 1. Were your objectives me t?- 54321
e. Audio Visual Aids: 54321
j. Overall Rating of course: 54321
3. Facilities and Administration:
a. Program Administration: 54321 d. Equipment and Classroom Atmosphere:

Furnishings: 54321

b. 54321
c. Convenience: 54321 fo {[: 54321 NEEDED IMPROVEMENTS
a. How can we improve this course for future Groups / Comments on above items:


                                                         -35B-                                Rev. 1
                            +-*e*    + . ,  .  -w.
                                                                   '-       ~ -~
          - . _       _ . _ _ _ , . _;_ _. _: 1.1 _

3.1 Operations Group Training Objective. i; .The objective of Operations Group training is to develop and maintain the proficiency of all personnel in the Operations

                ' Department.

i Program Requirements Training Requirements Satisfied Requirement Summary

                ~1.        a)      10CFR55                      Requirements for b)'     Regulatory Guide 1.8         Operations Group Training (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.2)
        )                  c)      Regulatory Guide 1.70,
   -h ~                            Section 13.2 d)     Mass. Division of Inspection, Chapter 146 e)      Regulatory Guide 1.8 3

(ANSI N18.1, Section 5.3.4) x

2. a) 10CFR50, Section 50.54 (1-1) Requirements for Retraining b) 10CFR55, Appendix A c) Regulatory Guide 1.70.38, Section O

Rev 2

4s ' Training' Requirements Satisfied Requirement Summary i


_ d) .  : Regulatory-Guide 1.8

                             .(ANSI N18.1, Section 5.5.1) e)     Pilgrim NRC Licensed Operator Requalification Program dated
3. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Job Related Quality Criteria II (ANSI N18.7, Assurgnce Training Section 3.3)
4. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Indoctrination in proper Oriteria II use of applicable procedures
                      .b)     10CFR50, Appendix.B, I-      -

Criteria V 5.. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Indoctrination in procedures Criteria III utilized to keep current on b)- 10CFR50, Appendix B, applicable design changes / Criteria VI (ANSI N18.7, modifications Section 5.2.15

6. NRC letter tb all power reactor Qualifications of Reactor applicants and licensees -- dated Operators March 28, 1980 -- from Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulaticn i

1m k' {g , 437- Rev 2


   ~.      3.1.1. Initial Operations Group Training
  'V  Program Description Operations Group training is conducted by or under the cognizance of the Nuclear Training Specialist. The Operations Group Training
        ' is completed on the following forms:

Form 0-1 General Indoctrination Form 0-2 Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Plant Operator Form 0-3A Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Operating Supervisor Form 0-3B Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Watch Engineer Form 0-4 Qualification Requirements for Senior Reactor Operator [) Form 0-5 Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Auxiliary Operator Form 0-6 Qualification Requiremen ts for " Fuel Handler" (Limited SRO License) The use of a training form provides the Nuclear Training Specialist with maximum flexibility in completing required training. The Nuclear Training Specialist works with the Day Watch Engineer under the guidance of the Senior Nuclear Training Specialist in scheduling the proper combination of on-the-job training and formal classroom training to accomplish the training specified on each training form. On-Watch training conducted is documented on O

  ,v Rev 3

1 PNPS Training Form, Form G-5.. Examples of the type of training gg s .to be documented on Form G-5 are: formal lectures, individual i) tutoring and plant walk-through. , All individuals reporting into the Operations Group first complete Form 0-1, General Indoctrination. Following completion of Form'0-1, individuals will complete those additional qualifi-cation requirements related to their job position. Nuclear Plant Operator All Nuclear Plant Operators are required to complete Form 0-1 and Form 0-2. I Form 0-2 -- Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Plant Operators -- is divided into three parts. Part A contains those requirements to be completed prior to NRC Licensing. Part B contains those elements required to be completed as part of NRC Licensed Operator Training. Part A and B of the Nuclear Plant Operator Qualification requirements are accomplished by completing on-shift, on-the-job training, and formal training under the cognizance of the Nuclear Watch Engineer and the Pilgrim Station Training Department. As the individual demonstrates competence in specific job-related areas, satisfactory performance is docu'mented by the Nuclear Watch Engineer and/or Nuclear Training Specialist. These parts IO V

                                  -39'                       Rev 3

_ . _ __ ~._ of the Nuclear Plant Operator qualification requirements should p (_) be completed on a sghedule as defined by the Day Watch Engineer prior to the' individual's assignment to a shift. Part'C of the Nuclear Plant Operator qualification requirements consists of NRC Licensed' Operator Training scheduled by the

     ,   Nuclear Training Specialist.

Part D specifies that the individual successfully complete the ,

         !!RC Operatgr licensing preparatory course within the first enrollment. An overall course grade will be calculated for the course, by suitably averaging all written quizzes and exams, and entered in the space, " Course Grade."     The candidate must
 /'T     cbtain an 80% overall grade and 70% per section of his/her (t) qualification examination to sit for the actual NRC examination.

Copies of all quizzes taken will be retained in the individual's training record until the operator's first license renewal. All training conducted during the license preparatory course will be appropriately documented. At the end of the course, the number of hours spent'in preparatory training will be the designated space. Part B includes checkouts on certain critical plant systems. Checkouts will normally be conducted by either a Nuclear Watch Engineer or the Nuclear Training Specialist. Part of that training covers refueling equipment and refueling pro-cedures. That training will cover the March 8, 1980 refueling Rev 5

                                 -..         -               .-. .             _ _-              - .___ -..~.                _       - . - . . . - .   . _ - . . .. .-

4 i i I .

     .                          incident where fuel was removed without secondary containment c

integrity. BECo. committed to NRC in letters dated August 1, 1980 and November 19, 1980 to train operations personnel to assure continual reinforcement of the concerns raised during l 1

.                               that incident.

4 l t 4 i 1 1 k'

,     (                                                                                                                                                                     -

t' i i 4 h t 1 t t i I ( i i l t ? J f l 1 ) [ 1 t ! -40A- Rev. O i l t

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Part C states that potential NRC licensee participate in the day-to-day manipulation of reactor plant controls for at least six (6) months, applicants shall have three (3) months training on sh'ift as an extra person in the control room. This certification is made by the Day Watch Engineer. During this period of on-the-job training, the performance of all reactor startups and reactivity manipulations should be documented in the appropriate spaces. Certification on a BWR Nuclear Power Plant Simulator may be used as a substitiute for the two required training startups. Acceptable reactivity , manipulations are the same as those utilized in the NRC Licensed i Operator Requalification Program (Section Part E requires that, after completing the formal and on-the-job training assigned, the prospective licensee demonstrates to the Nuclear Training Specialist a satisfactory knowledge of each area covered-by the NRC written examination, y An evaluation of-the Licensed Operator Training completed is documented in Part E. Successful completion of an NRC Simulated Oral Examination is documented utilizing Form 0-7, PNPS Oral Examination Summary Report. The candidate must receive an average point value of 3.0 on Form 0-7. After completing an NRC simulated written examination, which is prepared and graded by the Nuclear Training Specialist, examin-ation results are documented in Part E. Passing grade is 80%


overall, 70% per section. After the prospective licensee , successfully completes the simulated NRC written and oral Rev 3

      /'1     examinations and is recommended for the NRC Examination QJ by the Nuclear Training Specialist, Senior Nuclear Training Specialist and the Nuclear Operations Manager, the Nuclear Training Specialist will prepare the license application and
          . schedule the license examination.

F 9uccessful completion of the NRC Licensing Examination will be documented in Part F by the Nuclear Training Specialist. Nuclear Operating Supervisor All Nuclear Plant Operating Supervisors are required to complete Forms 0-1, 0-2 and 0-3A. The completion of Forms 0-1 and 0-2 are as previously

            . described. When Form 0-3A is completed, certification as a
            -Nuclear Operating Supervisor is documented by the Day Watch Engineer, Senior Nuclear Training Specialist and Nuclear Operations Manager, i          Nuclear Watch Engineer
             'All Nuclear Watch Engineers are required to complete Forms 0-1, 0-2, 0-4 and 0-3B.      Form 0-3A may or may not be completed. This would depend upon the background of
, -           the individual and the circumstances of his /her elevation

, to the position of Nuclear Watch Engineer. 4 Rev 3

              .                   The-completion of Forms 0-1, 0-2 and 0-3A are as previously
                               - described.                  When Form 0-3B is completed, certification as a Nuclear Watch Engineer is documented'by the Day Watch Engineer, Senior Nuclear Training Specialist and Nuclear Operations Manager.                                                                                                                                   i                       Senior Reactor Operator All Senior Reactor Operators are required to complete Forms 0-1, 0-2 and 0-4.

e The completion of Forms 0-1 and 0-2 are as previously described. When Form 0-4 is completed, certification as a Senior Reactor Operator is documented by the Nuclear Training Specialist and

          )                     Senior Nuclear Training Specialist.                      Applicants for a Senior Reactor Operator's license shall have held a Reactor Operator's license for one year,                      Nuclear Auxiliary Operators All Nuclear Auxiliary Operators are required to complete Forms 0-1 and 0-5.                                                                 ,a y,

Form 0-5 is completed in the class.oom under the supervision of the Nuclear Training Specialis t. When the requirements of Form 0-5 are completed, certification an a Nu clear Auxiliary Operator is documented -(see next page) Rev, 4 f i

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              .     .      . _          ,~~ _.      _   _ - - _ _ _ .          . . _ . _ . . . _ - _ _                       . - _ _     . . _ _ . _

.- >. , c, on Form 0-5 by the Day' Watch Engineer and the Senior Nuclear t.1- ( - Training-Specialist. m . y -Fuel Handlers (Limited SRO License Holders) J i e All Fuel Handlers, regardless of Pilgrim group assigned'to,


are required to complete Forms 0-1 and 0-6. i l Form 0-6 contains qualification requirements for fuel handlers. '

                                  ' Item 2 of' Form 0-6 specifieds that the potential fuel handler

successfully complete a fuel handler training program empha . /

f-i .

sizing the theoretical and practical aspects of J (I' handling. t

                                                                                                , . s* #

An overall course grade will be c315:sidted for the program by p-suitably averaging ajJ; ri~t. ten quizzes and examinations, and

                                 'entere p .r The space." Course Grade".              The candidate must n                        ,.- Teceive a grade of 80% overall, 70% per section to be 1            -

F~ approved for the NRC Examination. Copies of quizzes and [ j E examinations should be retained in the individual's training l record until the fuel handler's first license renewal. At the end of the course, the number of hours spent in the

fuel handler training program should be entered in the
designated space. .

r i Item 3 specifies that the fuel handler participate in on-j

   -                              the-job training. This includes performing at least three                                                              ,

7( ' j satisfactory. dummy fuel assembly manipulations and demonstrating i j Rev 3  :

  '3          ::,7 : .             :::: : . :.:::: ::.~            ~~ 2 ,. - _ .

F l- -the ability to perform surveillance tests and inspections I ( related to fuel handling.

    ' ss
       '()                                Their training program will also' cover the March 8, 1980 fuel handling incident as referenced on page #40 of this manual.
                                              *x Requirement 4 specifies that, after completing formal and on-t'he-job training assigned, the prospective licensee
               ' demonstrates satisfactory knowledge of each area covered in the NRC Senior Reactor.Dperator, bimited to Fuel Handling, written exardnat1on. An evaluation of completed Fuel

i jlemiler training is documented in Item 5. This includes c. P' , documenting successful completion of an NRC Simulated SRO, Limited to Fuel Handling, oral examination (utilizing Form 0-8, "PNPS Senior Reactor Operator, Limited to Fuel b(,)- Handling Examination Report.") and the results of the l simulated NRC written examination. Note: Passing grade I for the oral examination is a point average of 3.0 or better ! on Form 0-8. Passing grade for the simulated NRC written examination is 80% overall and 70% per section of the examination. After the prospective licensee successfully completes both examinations and is recommended for the NRC examination by the Nuclear Training Specialist, Senior Nuclear Training Specialist and Nuclear Operations Manager, the Nuclear V Training Specialist will prepare the license application l and schedule the license examination. l (b") v Rev. 4 c.._______.________._________

                                                                      ,#, pe - -

SuccacOful'complotion of ths NRC Ssnioy. R6dctor Op;rctor, Limited to Fuel Handling, a::a.mination is documented in ,f x. Item 7 by the Muclear Training Specialist. 7x_-) Program Schedule

               . Initial operations group training is conducted on a schedule agreed to by the Day Watch Engineer and the Nuclear Training Specialist.- The use of forms permit a great deal of flexibility in scheduling both formal day-shift training and on-shift,       i on-the-job training.

The Nuclear Training Specialist will work closely with the Day Watch Engineer under the guidance of the1 Senior Nuclear Training Specialist to develop training schedules such that b,ve-) the impact on plant operation will be minimized. For example individuals participating in on-the-job training will normally be placed on different shifts to minimize the training workload per shift. Program Responsibilities f Responsibilities for Initial Operations Group Training are summarized below: Nuclear Operations Manager (f'] The Nuclear Operations Manager is responsible for recommending v all license candidates for NPC examination. Rev 3

7' (jg Senior Nuclear Training Specialist i T


The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist is responsible for:

1. Overseeing the implementation of the Initial Operations Group Training Program.
2. Maintaining custody of all operations group personnel training records.

3.- Deleting specific group ~ qualification require-ments when an individual's experience or other special fa'ctors indicate that the requirements are met or exceeded.

4. Certifying the qualification of individuals in the operations group.

O Nuclear Training Specialist The Nuclear Training Specialist is responsible for:

1. Verifying completion of Form 0-1 for general indoctrination for all new operations group personnel.
2. After consulting with the Day Watch Engineer, developing training schedules necessary to accomplish initial operations group training.
3. Conducting the NRC operating licensing pre-paratory course and fuel handler training programs as necessary to maintain a sufficient
      )                         inventory of NRC licensed operators.

Rev 3

/~~T 4. Conducting NRC licensed operators training 4,.j as required.
5. Scheduling and conducting the PNPS Oral Examination for all NRC license candidates.
6. Preparing and grading a simulated NRC written examination for all NRC license candidates.
7. Recommending candidates for NRC licensing to the Senior Nuclear Training Specialist and
                                                                  'the Nuclear Operations Manager.
8. Conducting training required specifically for Fuel Handlers.
9. Preparing application forms required for NRC licensing.

O. bwl 10. Maintaining all initial operator training program documentation as specified in Section Day Watch Engineer The Day Watch Engineer is responsible fort

1. Assuring that personnel assigned to the operations Group are adequately trained to perform their job functions in a safe and efficient manner.

[O G Rev 3


y- -

2. Working with the Nuclear Training Specialist to develop operator training schedules. .
3. Documenting the cou.pletion of certain specific training form requirements.
4. Certifying the qualification of individuals in the operations group. Nuclear Watch Engineer Each Nuclear Watch Engineer is responsible for oversceing the on-the-job. training for the on-shift portions of the Nuclear Plant Operator, Nuclear Operating Supervisor and Nuclear Auxiliary Operator training forms. This includes conducting critical system checkouts for NRC Operator License candidates and documenting satisfactorily performed reactor startups and reactivity manipulations. Rev 3

_ . . ~ . _._ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ Program Documentation 1 i The Nuclear Training Specialist is responsible for maintain-l ing the training record of each individual assigned to the , j - operations group. Each training record should contain the r following documentation as appropriate: " i i l Documentation i General Employee Traininq  ! I GET-1, PNPS General Employee Training Form

  • t
(with written quiz, if administered)

GET-2, PNPS General Employee Retraining Form (with written quiz, if administered) , 4

l. < l
t l Initjal Group Training (As Applicable) l G-3, PflPS Employee Experience Record  !

r 0-1, Operations Group Training General Inductrination

                                        /                      >

0-2, Nuclear Plant Operators, ' 0-3A, Nuclear Operations Supervisors 0-3B, Nuclear. Watch Engineers . 0-4, Senior Reactor' Operator > < 0-5, Nuclear Auxiliary Operator I 0-6, ruel Handlers , f NRC Licensed Operator Training-Program Documentation , t 20  : l I s I e Rev 3

G-5, PNPS training forms copies of all quizzes administered 0-7, PNPS Oral Examination Summary Report 0-8, PNPS SRO, Limited to Fuel Handling, Oral Examination _, Report copy of' final simulated NRC written exam Copy of NRC Operator License Application Requalification Training To be covered in Section .( c ('

^O Rev 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                              -. ._          ~             .

v q 1e FORM'0-1 ,~ Page 1 of 1 IPNPS

                ,                                                                             OPERATIONS TRAINING GROUP
    ,%                                                                                                 GENERAL INDOCTRINATION

Name + Social Security # complete an' indoctrination on tho' procedures and instructions which are-applicable to the Operations Group that implement the Quality

                                          ' Assurance Program.                                         Tnis. indoctrination will include the following:
1. - -1.1.1 Station. Organization Responsibilities
2. 1.2.1 Operations Review Committee 3.- 1.3.2 Special Orders
4. 1.3.4 Procedures
5. 1.3.6 Adherence to Technical Specifications
6. 1.3.7 '


7. 1.3.8 Document Control
                                                  ' 8.                       1.3.9*                                 Reports
- 9. 1.3.13 Plant Design Changes .
10. 1.3.23* Preparation of Safety Evaluation
11. 1.3.24. Failure and Malfunction Reports
12. l1.3.26* . Response to Deficiency Reports
13. -1.3.34 Conduct of Operations i 14. 1.4.5 PNPS Tagging Procedure
15. 1.4.6 Housekeeping
         /            -
16. 1.5.3 Maintenance Request
17. 1.5.7 Unplanned Emergency Maintenance
      ~ -[ ) .
18. 1.5.9 Jumper System (Temporary _Madifications)
19. 3.M.1-1* Preventive Maintenance 20.- 3.M.1-5 Procurement of Items and Services
21. 3.M.1-8* Disposition of.Non-Conforming Material
22. 8.1 Periodic Surveillance Tests 1 Requirements'Satisfihd: a)- 10CFR50, Appendix B b) ANSI N18.7 c) BEQAM,. Volume II Date Completed Signature, Day Watch Engineer Date- Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist 4

Date , Senior Nuclear Training Specialist

                                            ' Return:the completed form <to the Training Department.

1 . . j? .

  • Management.Only *
'                                                                                                                                                                                                           Rev 5 e,*m_.m   *ww.e--w---.w,,__w.g.r-           ..s     i,%,,,.m.,,._,,         _.3r.   ,  ,.,%w.,m%-ep,,.,w.ggm.,,,,.m.,.,m,p,y.                      -p.9,-gy.,py ,y,,,w,.,,,    ,yy,9.,qm,,,         y, m y p g y _,.veng     t"' r w f

Form 0-2 PagD 1 of 8 PNPS Qualification Rsquirem:nts for Nuclear Plent Opsrntor Name . A. Prior to NRC Licensed Operator Training

1. Meet all " qualifications" specified in the Nuclear
                   ,                 Plant Operator " job qualification," Regulatory Gaide 1.8 and PNPS Procedure #1.3.14.
                   ~   ~

Date Certified Signature, Day Watch Engineer Requirements Satisfied: a) Regulatory Guide 1.8 (ANSI N18.1, Section 4.5.1) b) "Nucleer Plant Operator" Job Specification 4

2. Complete Form 0-1 Operations Group Training General Indoctrination Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist or Day Watch Engineer
3. Demonstrate the ability to safely and correctly tag equipment out, as per procedure #1.4.5.

Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist or Day Watch Engineer

4. Demonstrate the ability to read and record y supplementary operating log data, Date Signature, Nuclear Watch Engineer, Day Watch Engineer or Nuclear Training Specialist
5. Demonstrate the ability to operate, read (and record) radiation detection instruments including:
a. PIC-6A Date Initials, Instructor -


b. PRM-4A t( } Date Initials, Instructor Rev 3 f
        -v--   . ,   - ..-ea-,-  .  , - - , , ,     --

c,,.,. ,n... , ,,,...----,---.,n.--- , . . . . , - ., , . - , , , , . - . . , . - - - -

Form 0-2 Pcgn 2 of 8

  ,.                         c. Telectector                            .

Date Initials, Instructor

d. RO-2A Date Initials, Instructor Date Signature, Nuclear Watch Engineer
              ,                                 or Nuclear Training Specialist
            . 6-
6. Demonstrate-the ability to perform necessary decontamination activities as required.

Date Signature, Nuclear Watch Engineer or Nuclear Training Specialist

7. Demonstrate the ability to perform routine operating maintenance on equipment and instruments.

Date Signature, Nuclear Watch Engineer or Nuclear Training Specialist

8. Demonstrate the ability to_ satisfactorily perform a Nuclear Plant operation tour as outlined in
          )                  PNPS' General Plant Operating Procedure #2.1.16 (Oper #8).

([( Date Signature, Nuclear Watch Engineer or Nuclear Training Specialist

  • B. NAC Licensed Operator Training
1. Successfully complete the NRC licensing preparatory course within first enrollment.

Course Average

                            . Hours Date            Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist 2.. Candidate must be knowledgeable of the systems safety function, design basis, major components, surveillance requirements, significant instrumen-L                             tation setpoints, interlocks and modes of operation.
                            - Candidate must also be knowledgeable of normal operating procedures, safety-related procedures and

( the Technical Specifications governing the system. Rev 4


n. Reactor Vessel & Internals
b. Fuel
c. Reactor Vessel Instrumenta-tion.
d. C.R.D. including C.R.D.

hydraulics RPIS & Reactor Manual Control System

o. Recirculation & Flow Control
f. Reactor Water Cleanup rm
 . (( ). Nuclear Instrumentation --

i - Including SRM, LRM, LPRM, APRM, RBM-& TIP System

h. Rod Worth Minimizer f
1. Main Steam
j. Turbine L.O. System k.. Generator & Auxiliaries
1. Turbine Control System
m. Feod & Condensate System >
n. Reactor Vessel Water Level Control Rev 3


p. Diesel Gen. & Emerg. Power Distribution
q. .D.C. Distribution
r. Reactor Protection System
s. Pri. & Secondary Containment
t. Standby Liquid Control ___
u. RHR System
v. Core Spray
-'      w. HPCI x.-  Reactor Core Isolation.

Cooling .

y. A.D.S.
z. Salt Water Sys.-

ca. Salt service Water bb. TBCCW cc. RBCCW dd. Fire Protection System

/%    Tee.

el Compress Air System \ (O

                                             -                    Rev                       3
                    , ~ ~ zr.: : -  :.. .:- . .. . .. - .- . . ... . - - ,_-_ . - .-_ _ .-, - . . .               . .


g. Augmented Off Gas System
     'hh. -Process Radiation Monitoring ii. Area Radiation Monitoring                  _

e jj. Refueling Equipment & Procedures Also covered will be the March 8,.1980 Refuel incident (cte Pg.

             #40 'of this manual)
3. Participate in the manipulation of reactor plant controls during day-to-day operation at least six (6) months. Applicant has three (3) months training on shift as an extra person in the control room.

Date Signature, Day Watch Engineer Requirements Satisfied: (a) 10CFR55.10a (6) (b) Regulatory Guide 1.8 (ANSI N18.1,.Section 5.2.2) (c) OLB Guide 43 (d) NRC letter from H. Denton


(,/ of March 28, 1980

4. Complete one of the following:

A. Manipulate the controls of the reactor during two training startups Date Signature, Nuclear Watch Engineer Date Signature, Nuclear Watch Engineer B. Satisfactorily complete an NRC approved training program of at least one week duration at a nuclear power plant simulator (attach certification). Simulator Used Dates at Simulator Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist Rev. 4

F.crm 0-2' Pago 6 of 8 Requirements Satisfied: (a) 10CFR55.10a (6) (b) Regulatory Guide 1.8 (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.2.2) k(.,,/') s (c) OLB Guide #3

5. Participate in at least five significant reactivity changes. (Refer to Section 3.1.2A.l.3 for approved reactivity manipulations) 4 Reactivity

Date Signature, Nuclear Watch Engineer Manipulation # Reactivity Date Signature, Nuclear Watch Engineer

                                    -Manipulation #

Reactivity Date Signature, Nuclear Watch Engineer tanipulation # Reactivity Date Signature, Nuclear Watch Engineer

     /"%                              Manipulation #

Reactivity Date Signature, Nuclear Watch Engineer Manipulation # Requirements Satisfied: (a) 10CFR55.10a (6) (b) Regulatory Guide 1.8 (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.2.2) (c) OLB Guide #3 C. After completing assigned training, demonstrate satisfactory knowledge in the following areas:

1. Principles of Nuclear Power Plant Operation Quiz Grade
2. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and fluid flow Quiz Grade
3. Plant systems design, including safety and
   -    'N                         -emergency systems k[kM                                                                                                                             Quiz Grade Rev. 4

Form 0-2 Page 7 of 8

4. Instrumentation and controls
     ;[                                                                                Quiz Grade
5. Procedures - Normal, abnormal, emergency and radiological control Quiz Grade Overall Average NOTE: The applicants must obtain an overall average of 80% and 70% per section.

Requirements Satisfied: (a) Regulatory Guide 1.8 (ANSI N1. 8.1, Section 5. 2.1) (b) 10CFR55.21 (c) OLB Guide #1, Section E (d) NRC letter from H. Denton of March 28, 1980 D. Evaluation

1. Successfully complete an NRC Simulated Oral Examination administered by the Nuclear Training Specialist (attach
(((>~] Form 0-7) ' Note: This evaluation may be conducted by an independent consultant. In'this case their evaluation form may replace Form 0-7.

Point Average from Form 0-7 (if used)


Date passed Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist

2. Successfully complete a NRC Simulated written examination Note: This examination may be administered by'an independ-ent consultant.
     ,n Rev. 4

e .- .. - -- -

^!                 Form 0-2                                                                                         Page 8 of 8
22 n;

4 tc Category Grade kiC()" ,. 3(\.

1. Principles of Nuclear Power Plant Operation
2. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid flow
3. . Plant systems design, including safety and emergency systems
4. Instrumentation and controls
5. Procedures-Normal, abnormal and radiological control (Note: Passing Grade is 80% overall and 70%/section)-

Overall Grade Date Passed Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist I'

      \ -)

3.- Recommended'for NRC Examination Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist Date Signature, Senior Nuclear Training Specialist Date Signature, Nuclear Operations Manager Requirements Satisfied: (a) Regulatory Guide 1.8 (.b) (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.5) (c) NRC letter from H. Denton of March 28, 1980 E. - - License Issued License Number ( , Date Issued Rev. 4

30 .


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I 63

F o rr.i 3 A Page 1 of 1 PNPS Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Operating Supervisor f]Name

1. Meet all qualifications specified in job specification.

Date Signature, Day Watch Engineer or

                 .,                                             Chief Operating Engineer
2. Demonstrate the ability to perform job-related surveillance tests and inspections.

Date Signature, Day Watch Engineer or Chief Operating Engineer

3. Form 0-2 or Form 0-4 completed.

Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist

     )           4. Qualification as Emergency Director certified complete.

(/ - Form S-1 complete. Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist

5. Qualification as Nuclear Operating Supervisor certified complete.

Date Signature, Day Watch Engineer or Chief Operating Engineer Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist Date Signature, Sr. Nuclear Training Specialist (~T (G Rev. 5

c . . Form 0-3B Page 1 of 1

                                                .                                            PNPS Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Watch Engineer f_)y '


1. ' Meet all qualifications specified in job specification.

Date Signature, Day Watch Engineer or Chief Operating Engineer

2. Form 0-4 completed.
- Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist
3. Demonstrate the ability to perform job-related surveillance tests and inspections.
                                              .Date                                         Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist
   -( ' .            4.        Qualification as Emergency Director certified complete.

Form S-1 complete. Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist

5. Qualification as Nuclear Watch Engineer certified complete.

L ' Date- Signature, Day Watch Engineer or Chief Operating Engineer Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist Date Signature, Sr. Nuclear Training Specialist i ! d() Rev 4

Form 0-4 Page 1 of 3 s l(

          )                 _ Qualification Requirements for Senior Reactor Operator Name                                                                                                                       -

_ NRC Op'rators e License Number Date Issued . (Note: The SRO applicant shall have held an NRC Operators License

                    ~a     ; year)                                                                                                                                               %

NRC Licensed-Senior Operator Training

1. Successfully complete all NRC Licensed Operator '

licensing requirements specified in the " Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Plant Operator," (Form 0-2) .

Date Certified Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist i
2. ' After completing assigned training, demonstrate satisfactory.

1 -knowledge in the following areas: .

1. Theory of Nuclear power plant operation Quiz Grade r


2. Theory of fluids and thermodynamics Quiz Grade l

. 3. . Plant systems design, control and instru-mentation Quiz Grade

4. Procedures-normal, abnormal, emergency and 1 i radiological control i
j. Quiz Grade J

5. Administrative Procedures, Conditions and

                                                    - Limitations Quiz Grade 4

66- Rev. 4- ~ w-v - e-~w+r+ .-.-w+,g,--,y,mw *-g-,yeev---,,ec*,ym-->=rw--wwrenv,---, -,we--,cw.-.,w,-y,mw--v,-r- .aww-ey-e.e--*-ww-e

Form 0-4 Paga 2.of 3

g. .Overall Average

( ,. Note: Passing score is 80% overall and 70%

    \   .

per section. Requirements Satisfied: (a) Regulatory Guide 1.8 (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.2.1). (b) 10CFR55.22 (c) OLB Guide #1, Section E (d) NRC letter from H. Denton of March 28, 1980 Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist

            -3. Evaluation
a. Successfully complete an NRC Simulated Oral Examination (attach Form 0-7) .

Note: This examination may be administered by an independent consultant. Their form maybe used in place of Form 0-7. O Point Average Grade from Form 0-7 Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist (Note: . Passing grade is a point average grade of 3.0) b

b. Successfully complete the senior portion of an NRC simulated written examination.

Category Grade

1. Theory of Nuclear Power plant operation.
2. Theory of fluids and thermodynamics
3. Plant systems design, control and instrumen-tation.


4. Procedures - normal, abnormal, emergency and radiological control Rev. 4
                              =    -
                                                             . . . - . ~ , _ .  . . . - . . _ - - . -.

IForm 0-4 Paga 3 of 3 c 5.- Administrative Procedures, Conditions and Limitations . (Note: ' Passing grade, 80% overall, 70%/section) Overall Average


Note: This examination may be administered by an independent consultant. Date Passed Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist Requirements Satisfied: (a) Regulatory Guide 1.8 (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.5) (b) NRC letter.from H. Denton of March 28, 1980

                                     - c.            Recommended for NRC-SRO Examination qa Date                                                                      Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist Date                                                                      Signature, Sr. Nuclear-Training Specialist Date                                                                      Signature, Nuclear Operations Manager i
4. Successfully complete the NRC Senior Reactor Operator Examination. j s^- l License Number. Issued LDate i M

Rev 4

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                        ,,___ -- --,.- - ..--- -..,,.n- ,n .,--,---,,-n-,
                                                                                     ,                                                            Pags 1 of 3
                       ' FORM.0-5 QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS
   ;.-                                                                                                      FOR
 -1..      _


                                   'a.- G.E.T.
                                  .b. Form 0-1
c. Plant Familiarization ,
d. Mathematics
e. Health Physics
f. Effective Communications
                                 ' a'. Reactor Plant Technology
b. Introduction to Plant Electrical
c. . Measurement of Process Variables
d. Piping Systems and Components
e. Water Chemistry
f. . Principles of Water Treatment 1

3.- BASIC NUCLEAR PHYSICS l- a.- Nuclear Heat Source

b. Flow of Fluids
c. Physical Processes I

Rev. 6

                                                 +-+- .,sJbe,d"--*-

w . A % %w w - e e+w-e-e--%*-m e.--+e -,w -g. v,- em w w w v

Page 2 of 3 FORM O-5 (Con't) l DATE COMPLETED  ! s' - 4. POSITION TRAINING

a. Demonstrate an ability to operate the following systems by satisfactorily completing an oral examination with the Radwaste Supervisor:
1. Procedure 2.1.17
2. Procedure 2.2.33
3. Procedure 2.2.71
4. Procedure 2.2.83
5. Procedure 2.2.115
6. Procedure 6.9-160
7. Procedure 2.2.117
8. Chem Nuclear Procedures for Dewatering and use of High Integrity Containers
9. Procedure 2.2.127
10. Procedure 7.9.2
11. Procedure 7.3.13
12. Survey Procedures 8.C.25
13. . Procedure TP-82-48
b. Demonstrate the ability to complete the following listed forms,to the satisfaction of the Radwaste Supervisor:
1. Form CH-11
2. Oper-24
3. Oper-22
4. Oper-28A
5. Oper-28B _
6. Oper-23A O

v Rev. 5

                                    ..                 -             .                        .                                                      -           ~_
            ' FORM 0-5 (Csn't)


8. . Attachment "A" to Procedure 2.2.117
9. Attachment "B" to Procedure 2.2.117
10. Oper-40
11. Survey Form 8.C.25A
12. - Attachment "1A" to TP-82-48 13.' Attachment "2A" to TP 82-48
c. Shipping of radioactive material (79-19) d .~ Satisfy all requirements as specified in the M.A.O.

Job Specification

a. Satisfactorily complete a comprehensive written exam approve by a Senior Nuclear Training Specialist.

Grade Date (r~s

b. Satisfactorily complete a comprehensive oral examination with the p- Radwaste Supervisor.

Grads Date

a. Radwaste Supervisor: Signature Date
b. Senior Nuclear Training Specialist i._

Signature Date

a. Operations Training Supervisor Signature Date Rev. 7
                                 . - _ . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . _ _ . _ . - . . _ . . _ . _ . _ _ , - . _ , _ _ _ - _ . , ~ . _ _ . , - . . _ . - . . . . _
                        ? Form 0                                                   Pcga 1 of 3
  ?                                                                                                        1

sy3 t (Desp -- Ik /. Qualification Requirements forLFuel^Randlers, Limited SRO License Holders -

                        'Name iJ                     .          :1.       Complete Form 0-1, the Operations Group Training

f Date. Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist or Day Watch Engineer , i) 2. Successfully complete a fuel handler. training program F emphasizing the theoretical and practical-aspects of. fuel handling. This program will also cover the 4 March 8, 1980 refuel incident as referenced on Pg. #40 l on this manual. 1 L Course Grade Mours WD k.. - Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist

e. ..<


3. Participate in the following on-the-job training:
a. Perform three dummy fuel, assembly manipulations
  >                                        Date.             Signature,-Nuclear Training Specialist.or N

Nuclear Watch Engineer Ks N'N 'sDate Signature, Nuclear. Training Specialist or Nuclear Watch Engineer


Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist or Nuclear Watch Engineer

                             . , - b.              Demonstrate the ability to perform job related surveillance tests and inspections.
    .p -

[-( ' Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist or~ Nuclear Watch Engineer Rev 4 s -e. e.

Form 0-6 Paga 2 of 3 i

4. After completing assigned training, demonstrate
     ,/~'s                         satisfactory knowledge in the following areas:

A. Reactor and Fuel Characteristics ,-


B. Equipment and Instrumentati.on- Dascription _and' Design X

                                    .                                         - X'-                                              .-

C.- Procedures and Limitations, including refuel procedures. D. Emergency Systems and Safety Devices E.- Health Physics and Radiation Protection Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist

5. Evaluation
a. Successfully complete an NRC Simulated SRO, Limited to Fuel Handling, oral examination

, (attach Form 0-8). Grade (Average Point Value from Form 0-8) Date Signature, Nuclear Trrining Specialist (Note: Passing Grade - Average Point Va.'t e of 3.0) Note: An independent consultant may be ssed for this evaluation. Their form may rep _ ace Form 0-8. Rev 4 i

                             , Form:0-6             -

Pega 3 of 3 F J b. -Successfully complete an NRC Simulated SRO, Th[~lhF . Limited to Fuel Handling, written examination.

         '        ~

Category Grade Reactor-and Fuel Characteristics Equipment and Instrumentation Descriptions and Designs

                                                        . Procedures and Limitations Emergency Systems and Safety Devices
                                                                                                                                                        -i Health Physics and Radiation Protection Thermodynamics Overall (Note: Passing Grade 80% overall, 70%/Section)

An independent consultant may administer this lf t i - examination. Date ' Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist  ; i

c. Recommended for NRC Examination Date- Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist .

4 Date Signature, Senior Nuclear Training 1 Specialist ' Date Signature, Nuclear Operations Manager

6. Successfully complete the NRC Senior Reactor Operator, Limited to Fuel Handling, examination.
                   )                   License Number Issued                                         Date r

I s

                                                                                                              ,    en
                                              ..~.~. _ _ ..__               _ 75               Rev.3
       -. _ . . ._          _ -~.-...,._.._ .._.,,._.___._.-___

Form 0-7 Pagh1of17 PNPS Oral Examination

                                             -Summary Report
 'i c' /~N           I. Candidate's Name                                             Date
     'O Job Title License Level (check one)      SRO             RO                    None II. Reason for Examination (check one)

A Annual Requalification Examination

                               'B         Initial License Candidate C         Candidate for Upgrade from RO to SRO D         Accelerated Training E         Other, Explain III..     ' Instructions to Examiner A. Rate the candidates performance for each section of the examination. The levels of performance and q                 point values are:


~ '

(,- 5 -- Excellent 4 4 - Above Average 3 - Average 2 - Below Average 1 - Poor B. The comments section shall be completed for all sections graded Below Average (3). C. Upon completion of the examination the candidates points will be totaled and an average computed, based upon the number of questions asked. A grade of less than 3.0 will require that the candidate either be removed from license duties l 1 or not be approved for the NRC examination. All sections of this oral examination need not be used. D. Rev 3 _ _- = _s _ ._ _ _ . _ _ . _ . . ..__ _ _-_ _ . _

O Form 0-7 Pago 2 of 17 IV. Oral Examination Report 5 4 3 2 1 ( ^ b(~s ***** ** ** ** ** *** 1.0 OperaIting Demon-stration ***** ** ** ** ** *** 1.1 Pre-Startup and Instrumentation ***** ** ** ** ** *** Checks (List Proce-dure Used) ***** ** ** ** ** *** 1.1. l' Purpose 1.1.1 1.1.2 Automatic Actions 1.1.2 1.1.3 Instrumentation Setpoints 1.1.3 1.1.4 Understanding -1.1.4 1.2 Console Operation ,,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,, (905) _ l.2.1 Manipulations 1.2.1 1.2.2 Understanding 1.9.9 1.2.3 Instrumentation ***** ** ** ** ** *** '1,(n)

  - '/                         Setpoints                  Automatic Actions        _                            __

Comments: . 2.0 Facility Systems Control Room (List ****, ** ** ** ** *,, Systems Discussed) 2.1 Major Systems

                                                           *****~    **    **    **  **    ***

2.1.1 List System Discussed Purpose Flow Path Major Components Location

    -(3_)       2'.l.1.4       Instrumentation Location             Sub-Totals Thin pngn
                 ,,                                             Rev 2
                                   -z.-..     .
            . Form 0-7 Pcga 3 of 17                                      /i'
c. ,


2. (continued) -- 5 4 3 2 1

( _, ['~G]i

                                      ,-                                  1      Instrument Setpoints          Automatic Actions             Manual Operation        Comments                                     ** * * *                 **               **        **         **    ***
                                                          *  *f* * *              **               **        *. *       **    ***

2.2 Major Systems (Contd.) List Systc.a Discussed , Purpose 2. 2.1. l' Flow Path Major Components Location

, i f3i
             '      Instrumentation Location                     Instrument Setpoints         Automatic Actions      Manual Operation        Comments 2.3      Major Systems (Contd.)         *****                   **               **        **         **    ***

2.3.1 ***** ** ** ** ** *** List System Discussed Purpose 2 . 3 .1,.1_- Flow Path Major Components Location 2. 3.1. 3__ g(~)3 y Instrumentation Location 2.3.-l.4 = _ _ Sub-Totals ' This Pagn a Rev 2

                                                              - _ .           .- - - - . - - . . .                - . ~       ---

Form 0-7 Page 4 of 17 5 4 3 2 1 (A_./(^') Instrument Setpoints -2 3 1. 5 Automatic Actions Manual Operation Comments ***** ** ** ** ** *** 2.4 Auxiliary Systems -- ***** ** ** ** ** *** Control Room ***** ** ** ** ** *** 2.4.1 List System Discussed Purpose Flow Path Major Components Location

      \        Instrumentation

({^- / Location Instrument Setpoints Automatic Actions Manual Operation Comments ***** ** ** ** ** * ** 2.5 Auxiliary Systems (cont) ***** ** ** ** ** *** 2.5.1 ***** ** ** ** ** *** List System Discussed Purpose Flow Path Major Components Location , (( Instrumentation Location

                                                                    ,Sub-Totals This pngn Rev 2
                                                                           & age 5 of RT Form 0-7                                                                                                              q
                                                                                  ,                    f                   g-              1 s>               S    4                   3             2   1       l
 , 'g=~)

v' Instrument Setpoints l Automatic Actions Manual Operation Comments _ , 2.6 Auxiliary Systems (cont) ***** ** ** * * * * *** 2.6.1 List System Discussed Purpose Flow Path Major Components Location

                 '         Instrumentation

( ifs) Location Instrument Setpoints Automatic Actions 2.6.l'.6 Manual Operation Comments ***** ** ** * * * * *** 3.0 Instrumentation (List ***** ** ** * * * * *** Systems Discussed) ' 3.1 Nuclear ~ Instrumentation ***** ** ** * * * * *** 3.1.1 ***** ** ** * * * * *** List System Discussed Purpose Location f .,"( '-

        '-       Setpoints Sub-Totals This page Rev 2

Page 6 of 17'


Form 0-7 5 4 3 2 1 (_(-] v Automatic Actions

        -Comments 3.2    Nuclear Instrumentation 3.2.1 List System Discussed     Purpose           
              -     Location               Setpoints              Automatic Actions  Comments (l   )                                              * ****    * *    **   ** ** ***

3.3 Process Instrumentation ***** * * ** ** ** *** 3.3.1 * **** * * ** ** ** *** List System Discussed Purpose Location Setpoints Automatic Actions Comments i i ( '~'l 3.4 Process Instrumentation ***** * * ** ** ** *** (Contd) Sub-Totals Thin Pagn Rev 2

Form 0-7 Pcga 7 of 17 i . I -( O2 3.4.1 List-System Discussed 5 4 3 2 1 Purpose 7 -

              .3. 4 .1.2                  Location                                                                                   Setpoints                                                                                  Automatic Actions                                                       Comments 4.0              Procedures (List Procedures ~ Discussed)                                                      *****                           **   **  **         **       ***

4.1 Normal Procedures - 4yy List Procedure Discussedl Purpose


.(-(~) w_/ Manual Operation Automatic Operation Equipment Location Instrumentation Location Comments ***** ** ** ** ** *** c e - 4.2 Normal Procedures ( ***** ** ** ** ** *** 4.2.1 List Procedure Discussect Purpose Manual Operation Automatic Operation [ - Equipment Location Sub-Totals Thim Pagn Rev 2

Form 0-7 Page 8 of 17 (f~}' k/ Instrumentation 5 4 3 2 1 Location


4.3 Normal Procedures (cont) * **** ** ** ** ** ***

4. 3.1 ***** ** ** ** ** ***

List Procedure Discussect. Purpose Manual Operation Automatic Operation Equipment Location

, . ,                  Instrument Location         

(( Comments

                                                                          *****           * *     **                    **      **   =**
                                                                          ***w        *   * *     **                    **      **    ***



Sub-Totals This pagn


Rev 2

Form 0-7 Page 9 of 17 13 5 4 3 2 1 ( V Comments 4.4 Abnormal Procedures List Procedure Discussed Symptoms Alarms Received, Alarm Location Alarm Setpoints Automatic Actions Immediate Operator Actions Subsequent Operator (~ Actions { V) Discussion of Problem I 4.5 Abnormal Procedures 4.5.1 List Procedures Discusse(l Symptoms

4. 5.1. 2 Alarms Received L Alarm Location l Al'rm a Setpoints Automatic Actions Immediate Operator Actions

(_/ Subsequent Operator Actions Sub-Totals Thin Paan - l Rev 2 l _

Form 0-7 Paga 10 of 17 (p 5 4 3 2 1

            '     Discussion of Problem    Comments 4.6    Abnormal Procedures 4.6.1 List Procedure Discussed     Symptoms                     Alarms Received              Alarm Location              Alarm Setpoints             Automatic Actions       
      ~' Immediate Operator k' (U) Action Subsequent Operator Action Discussion of Problem Comments , 4.7 Emergency Procedures ***** * * ** ** ** *** 4.7.l' ***** * * ** ** ** *** List Procedure Discussed Symptoms Alarms Received Alarm Location

   -     Alarm Setpoints        

( l ' Automatic Action Sub-Totals Thin pago l Rev 2

Form 0-7 Pago 11 of 17 5 4 3 2 1

      'w)      Immediate. Operator Actions                Subsequent Operator Actions                Discussion of Problem
          . Comment

4.8 Emergency Procedures ***** * * ** ** ** *** 4.8.1 ** *** * * ** ** ** *** List Procedure Discussed Symptoms Alarms Received Alarm Location Alarm Setpoints Automatic Actions ' Immediate Operator Actions Subsequent- Operator Actions Discussion of Problem Comments ***** * * ** ** ** *** 4.9 Emergency Procedures ***** * * ** ** ** *** 4.9.1 ***** * * ** ** ** *** List Procedure Discussed

4. 9.1.1 Symptoms Alarms Received

{ f-' Alarm Location Sub-Totals . This Paco l Rev 2

Form 0-7 Page 12 of 17 5 4 3 2 1 { } Alarm Setpoints .4.9.1 7 ? Automatic Actions Immediate Operator - Actions Subsequent Operator Actions ' Discussion of Problem Comments 5.0 Reactivity Effects ***** ** ** ** ** **

  • 5.1 Subcritical Effects 5.1

(sl 5.2 Reactivity Coefficients 5.2 5.3' Xenon / Samarium Effects 5.3 5.4 Control Rod Effects , 5.4 5.5 Delayed Neutrons 5.5 Comments ***** ** ** ** ** *** l ***** ** ** ** ** *** E f f 6.0 Technical Specificatbns ***** ** ** ** ** **

  • l (List sections Discussed) i 6.1 6.1

l 6.1.1 Bases for 6.l(SRO's 6.1.1

only) l- 6.2 6.2

(~ 6. 2 '.1 Bases for 6.2(SRO's 6.2.1 ( b} 6.3 only) 6.3 Sub-Totals ! Thin Pago Rev 3

Form 0-7 Page 13 of 17  ; 1 T~N 5 4 3 2 1 (%) 6.3.1 Bases for 6.3 (SRO's 6.3.1 Comments

                '7.0    Radiation Protection                  7.0 7.1    Radiation Control Procedures (List                ,,,,,          ,,               ,,                    ,,                  ,,   ,,,

Procedures Discussed) 7.1.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.3 Comments ***** ** ** ** ** ***


(( ***** ** ** ** ** *** 7.2 Portable Instruments ***** ** ** ** ** *** (List Instruments Discussed) ***** ** ** ** ** *** 7.2.1 Detector Type Use of Instrument Range of Instrument Comments l ***** ** ** ** ** *** l

   \~                                                  *****          **                **                   **                   **   ***

( 7.3 Exposure Limits Sub-Totals ' Thin Pagn Rev 2

v Farm 0-7 Page 14 of 17 I 7.3.1 . Whole Body 5 4 3 2 1

 /([ State Federal 7.3.2 Skin 7.3.2 i

                        . 7 . 3 '.' 3             - Extremities.                        7.3.3

7.3.4 Admin. Limits' 7.3.4 Comments ***** ** ** ** ** *** s

                                                                                                 '                                           ~

8.0 Emergency Plan ***** ** ** ** ** *** 8.1 Activation of ***** ** ** ** ** *** 8.1.1 Plant 8.1.1

                           ' 8.1.2                   ~ Site                                 8.1.2 8.1.31                     General                             8.1.3 8.2                     Rapid Survey 8.2.1                    ' Equipment Location                  8.2.1 8.2.2                       Equipment Usage                    8.2.2 8.3                    Emergency Organization           *****          **           **     **     **   * **

8.3.1 Responsiblities 8.3.1 8.3.2 Notification 8.3.2 8.4 Environment Monitoring ,,',,, ,, ,, ,, ,, , ,, M 8.' 4 .1 Equipment Location 8.4.1


8.4.2 Team Responsibilities 8.4.2 . Blue Team-Environmental Yellow Team-Onsite Personnel , h-' Brown Team-Offsite


, Personnel Sub-Totals ' !- This pagn f Rev 2

Fcrm 0-7 Pego 15 of 17 i l (O

 .' ss 5                 4    3      2            1    Decon Team           Re-Entry Team     8.5   Personnel Accountabiltv       8.5
                                                  * * * '* *      **                 **    **     * ^ '
                                                                                                             * *i , *_

8.6 MDPH Responsibilities _. 8 6.1 'Onsite' Incidents 8.6.1 Comments ***** ** ** ** ** *** 9.0 Station Systems ,,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,, Walk through (List Systems Discussed) ,,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,, 9.1 ***** ** ** ** ** *** List System Discussed 9.1.1 Purpose 9.1.1 9.1.2 Location of Components 9.1.2 9.1.3 Location of Instrumentation 9.1.3 9.1.4 Flow Paths 9.1.4 9.1.5 Automatic Response 9.1.5 9.1.6 Manual Operation 9.1.6 Comments 1 l 9.2 List System Discussed 9.2.1 Purpose 9.2.1 9.2.2 Location of Components 9.2.2 (f Sd ' ~~ 9.2.3 Location.of Instrumentation 9.2.3 Sub-Totals

  • This pagn Rev 2

Form 0-7 Pcgn 16 of 17 i

    -                                                                                 5      4       3        2     1

( V, y 9.2.4 Flow Paths 9.2.4 9.2.5 Automatic Response 9.2.5 9.2.6 Manual Operation 9.2.6 Comments ***** * * ** ** ** ***

                   ,    9.3 List System Discussed 9.3.1               Purpose                           9.3.1 9.3.2               Location of Components            9.3.2 9.3.3               Location of Instrumentation                   9.3.3 9.3.4               Flow Paths                        9.3.4

(iO ws / 9.3.5 Automatic Response 9.3.5 9.3.6 Manual Operation 9.3.6 Comments ***** * * ** ** ** *** 10.0 Transient Analysis -- ***** * * ** ** ** *** (List the transients Discussed - also attach ***** * * ** ** ** *** to this form any transients drawn) ***** * * ** ** ** *** 10.1 10.1 10.2 10.2 10.3 10.3 Comments ** *** * * ** ** ** *** I ***** * * ** ** ** *** Sub-Totals This pngn Rev 2

       .          . . . .       . ~ . . . . . . - . . _ . . . . . . . _
                   -Form 0-7                                                                                                                  Pcgo 17 of 17
     ,A (V 11. General overall comments and/or observations
12. Score:

Total Points i number of questions. Completed = average point value Passed Failed (check one) i Date Signature, Examiner ['.}

13. Examination review:

. Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist Date Signature, Sr. Nuclear Training Specialist 1 1 I l l l

 ,r n4 v,

l 3 Rev 3

r Frrm 0-8 p3g3 y of 19 PNPS SRO Fuel Handling Oral Examination Summary Report ([VT I. Candidate's Name Date Job Title II. Reason for Examination (check one) A. . Annual Requalification Examination B. Initial License Candidate C. Accelerated Training D. Other, Explain III. Instructions to Examiner A. Rate the candidates performance for each section of the examination. The levels of performance and point values are: 5 - Excellent ([%-)/ 4 - Above Average 3 - Average 2 - Below Average 1 - Poor B. The comments section shall be completed for all sections graded below average (3). C. Upon completion of the examination the candidates points will be totaled and an average computed based upon the number of questions asked. A grade of less that 3.0 will require that the candidate either be removed from license duties or not be approved for the NRC examination.

      ~n g (,)             D.           All sections of this Oral Examination need not be used.

Rev 3

Farm 0-8' Pcgn 2 of 19 5 3 2 1 (' f~)


IV. Oral Examination Report 1.0 Prerequisite for 4 Fuel Handling 1.1 Refueling manpower requirements as per 1.1 proc #4.3 - see VI 1.2 SRM Requirements as per


TECH specs 3.10 1.2 1.3 Process radiation monitors for refuel 1.3 floor - as per Proc #3.2 1.4 MBA Transfe" forms as 1.4 per proc #4.0 1.5 Health Physics access control as per Proc #4.3 1.5

                             - Appendix A 1.6     Fuel Tag Boards               1.6 Comments                                  *****     * *    **   **    **    **
  • i j ***** * * ** ** ** ** *

.( .

 .                   1.7     Equipment Requirements as per oper.#10               17 Comments 2.0     Manipulations 2.1     Refueling Equipment 2.1.1     Refuel Bridge Operation      Main Grappel             _      Frame Mounted Hoist      Monorail Mounted Hoist

((7 3_) 2.1.2 Jib Crane Operation 2.1.2 Sub-Totals ' Thin Pago Rev 2

Pego 3 of 19 i Form'0-8

( f3 -5 4 3 2 1
  \ x_)

2.1.3 Service Platform 2.1.3


3.0 Fuel ***** ** ** ** ** * ** 3.1 New Fuel Assembly ***** - ** ** ** ** **

  • 3.1.1 Shipment of 3.1.1 3.1.2 Unloading of 3.1.2
      .              3.1.3        Inspection of                               3.1.3 3.1.4        Channeling of                               3.1.4 3.1.5        Storage of                                  3.1.5

( (' ' Commdnts ***** * * ** ** ** *** 3.2 Fuel Bundle Construction ***** * * ** ** ** *** 3.2.1 ' Tie Plates 3.2.1 i 3.2.2 Fuel Rods 3.2.2 3.2.3 Fuel Pellets 3.2.3

3. 2. 4' Channels 3.2.4 3.2.5 Channel Fasteners 3.2.5 3.2.6 Proper Orientation 3.2.6 Comments ***** * * ** ** ** * **

t'" ***** * * ** ** ** * ** Sub-Totals Thin Dagn Rev 2

Form' 0-8 Page 4 of 19 -h 3.3 Irradiated Fuel 5 4 3 2 1 3.3.1 Handling of 3.3.1 3.3.2 Precautions 3.3.2 3.3.3 Storage of 3.3.3 Comments ***** * * ** ** ** **

  • 3.4 Fuel Movement ***** * * ** ** ** ***

3.4.1 MBA Forms 3.4.1 Responsibilities 3.4.2 Tag' Boards 3.4.2

           - Comments                               **** *       * *  **     **   **   ***

4.0 Refuel Interlocks ***** * * ** ** ** *** 4.1 Tech Specs Basis of 4.1 4.2 List Interlocks > Discussed ***** , 4.2.1 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.2.7

     -{                   __

s_ 4.2.8 4.2.8

    'N                                            Sub-Totals                          -
 ,    g                                           Thfe pagn
        \'                                   L Rev 2

_.:.-. -..... . . ~ .. . Fcrm 0-8 Page 5 of 19

                            ,                                                                     5     4     3        2    1 4.2.9                                    _

4.2.9 4.2.10 4.2.10 Comments

                                                                     *****                       * *   **  a ..     '

5.0 Facility Systems - ***** * * ** *'* ** *** Control Room (List ***** * * ** * * ** '* *

  • Systems Discussed) 5.1 Major Systems ***** * * ** * * ** ***

5.1.1 ***** * * ** * * ** *** List Systems Discussed Purpose () Flow Path 5.1.1. 3 Major Components Location

                      ~ Instrumentation Location Instrument Setpoints Automatic Actions Manual Operation Comments ***** * * ** * * ** *** 5.2 Major Systems (contd.) ***** * * ** * * ** * *'*

                      .5.2.1                                          *****                      * *
  • 1 * * ** *** ,

List System Discussed, Purpose (O Flow Path j Major Components Locatior , Sub-Totals - Thin pagn l

r. FJ;rm 0-8 Page 6 of 19 i w;O 5 4 3 2 1 Instrumentation Location Instrument Setpoints Automatic Actions Manual Operation Comments ***** ** ** ** ** *** 5.3 Major Systems (contd.) * **** ** ** ** ** *** 5.3.1 * **** ** ** ** ** *** List System Discussed - Purpose Flow Path ( Major components Location 5.'3.1.4 Instrumentation Location

5. 3.1. 5 Instrument Setpoints Automatic Actions Manual Operation Comments ***** * * ** ** ** ***

5.4 Auxiliary Systems - ***** * * ** ** ** *** Control Room (List Systems Discussed) ***** * * ** ** ** *** 5.4.1 ***** * * ** ** ** *** List System Discussed Pt.rpo se Nd' ' Flow Path Sub-Totals Thin pngn Rev 2

                                                                                                 .o Farm 0-8        .                                     Pcga 7 of 19 r~s

'i- () Major Components 5 4 3 2 1 Location Instrumentation Location Instrument Setpoints 5'. 4 .1. 6 Automatic Actions Manual Operation


Comments ***** ** ** ** ** ***

                                                       ~* * * * *    * *   **   **  **   ***

5.5 Auxiliary Systems (Cont) ***** * * ** ** ** *** 5.5.1 ***** * * ** ** ** * *-* List System Discussed {} Purpose 5.h.l.2 Flow Path Major Components Location Instrumentation Location Instrument Setpoints Automatic Actions Manual Operation Comments ***** * * ** ** ** *** 5.6 Auxiliary Systems (Cont) ***** * * ** ** ** *** 5.6.1 ***** * * ** ** ** *** List System Discussed () Purpose Flow Path Sub-Totals

                                                ,     Thin pngn Rev 2                     -

Fcrm 0-8 Paga 8 of 19 I (( )


5 '4 3 2 1 Major Components Location Instrumentation Location Instrument Setpoints Automatic Actions

5. 6.1. 7 Manual Operation Comments ***** ** ** ** ** ***

6.0 Instrumentati6n (List ***** ** ** ** ** *** Systems Discussed) 6.1 Nuclear Instrumentation ***** ** ** ** ** *** 6.1.1

    )                                  List System Discussed

{( Purpose Location 6.1.l.3 Setpoints Automatic Actions

       , nments                                                              *****                                         **    **  **    **    ***

6.2 Nuclear Instrumentation

                       .                (contd.)                             *****                                         **    **  **    **   ***

6.2.1 . List System Discussed Purpose Location {( )- Setpoints Automatic Actions Sub-Totals - Thin pago

                                                                      -100-                                                 Rev 2

Page 9 of 19 Itaan 0-8 (. (/~'N,/ Comments 5 4 3 2 1

                   , 6. 3   Process Instrumentation 3.1 List System Discussed       Purpose                 Location     - Setpoints Automatic Actions g ((g3 1 6.4 Process Instrumentation ***** * * ** ** ** *** (contd.) ***** * * ** 6.4.1 ** ** *** List System Discussed Purpose Location Setpoints 1 Automatic Actions i Comments ***** * * ** ** ** *** l 7.0 Procedures (List ***** * * ** ** ** *** l Procedures Discussed)

     /~h            7.1    Normal Procedures        *****        * *    **  **

, ( \..] l

7.1.1 ***** * * ** ** ** ***

List Procedure Discussed Sub-Totals

  • Thin Dnan
                                             -101-                Rev 2 u..                                         -

Fcra 0-8 peg 3 10 of 19 l l i 5 4 3 2 'l ( ~% I~)D  : Purpose Manual Operation Automatic Opera' tion Equipment Location Instrumentation Location

 .          Comments                                 *****      **    **   **  **      ***

7.2 Normal Procedures ***** ** ** ** ** *** (Contd.) ***** * * ** ** ** _y,g_3 *** List Procedure Discussecl

    -,    Purpose               Manual Operation      Automatic Operation    Equipment Location 7.2,.l.5   Instrumentation Iccation Comments                                  *****     * *    **   **  **     ***


                                                     *****     *~*    **   **  **     ***

7.3 Normal Procedures ***** * * ** ** ** *** (Contd.) 7.3.1 . List Procedure Discussed Purpose - Manual Operation ({ } Automatic Operation Equipment Location Sub-Totals -

This pngo
                                             -102-              Rev 2
                   . . . .       - - . . . _ . .          . ..  ..    - .         .~                                       .- . ._- - . . _ - - .

Fcrm .0-8L Paga 11 of 19 M 1 AV 5 4 3 2 1 Instrument Location i Comments 2 ***** * * ** ** ** *** [ ,, ***** * * ** ** ** *** L ***** * * ** 7.4 Abnormal Procedures 7.4.1 , List Procedure Discusssi

               '                        Symptoms                                  . Alarms Received      j                            Alarm Location                                 Alarm Setpoints     4 Automatic Actions Immediate Operator ) (- .. Actions Subsequent Operator Actions 4 Discussion of Problem Comments i 7.5 Abnormal Procedures ***** * * ** ** ** *** 7.5.1 ***** * * ** ** ** *** List Procedure Discussed Symptoms . Alarms Received Alarm Location ,{ ( ) -Alarm Setpoints l , Automatic Actions Sub-Totals - Thin Dngn

                                                                   -103-                         Rev 2

F;rm 0-8 Prgo 12 of 19 Immediate Operator Actions Subsequent Operator , Actions __

         -        Discussion of Problem           Comments 7.6      Abnormal Procedures 7.6.1                                            *****               **    **   * *    * *          * *
  • List Procedure Discussed Symptoms Alarms Received- Alarm Location

((_/(] Alarm Setpoints Automatic Actions Immediate Operator Action Subsequent Operator Actions Discussion of Problem Comments ***** * * ** * * * * * * *

                                                            *****                * *   **   *w     * *          * *
  • 7.7 Emergency Procedures ***** * * ** ** * * * *
  • 7.7.1 ***** * * ** ** * * * *
  • List Procedure Discussed Symptoms

[ f') v Alarms Received Alarm Location Sub-Totals Th{c pngn

                                          -104-Rev 2

_ _ _ _ .. -- . ~ _ _ Fcra 0-8 Pcg2 13 of 19 5 3 2 1 (f)

      - x.

4 1 Alarm Setpoints

            '        Automatic Actions         Immediate Operator Actions         Subsequent Operator Actions        Discussion of Problem


                                                       *****         **        **   *e         **   ***

t ' 7.8 Emergency Procedures ***** ** ** ** ** *** 7.8.1 ***** ** ** ** ** *** List Procedure Discussed Symptoms Alarms Received Alarm Location Alarm Setpoints Automatic Actions Immediate Operator .

                     .                Actions        Subsequent Operator                                                          '
Actions Discussion of Problem Comments ***** * * ** ** ** ***

7.9 Emergency Procedures ***** * * ** ** ** *** 7.9.1 ***** * * ** ** ** *** (k m List Procedure Discussed Symptoms Sub-Totals - Thlm pngn

                                                -105-                Rev 2

Fcr0 0-8 .. Pcg3 14 of 19

  ' (rs-8)                                                        '

5 4 3 2 1 Alarms Received Alarm Location' Alarm Setpoints Automatic Actions Immediate Operator Actions Subsequent Operator Actions Discussion of Problem Comments ***** ** ** ** ** *** 8.0 Reactivity Effects ***** * * ** ** ** *** (. ***** * * ** ** ** *** 8.1 Subcritical Effects 8.1 8.2 Reactivity Coefficients 8.2 8.3 Xenon / Samarium Effects 8.3 8.4 Control Rod Effects 8.4 8.5 Delayed Neutrons 8.5 Comments ***** * * ** ** ** *** 9.0 Technical Specifications ***** * * ** ** ** *** (List Sections Discussed 9.1 9.1 (( } 9.1.1 Bases for 9.1 9.1.1 Sub-Totals - Th{n Unga

                                             -106-                    pay 3

F rm 0-8 . Pcga 15 of 19 5 4 3 2 1 k(s-) 9.2 9.2 9.2.1 Bases for 9.2 9.2.1 9.3 9.3 9,0.1 Bases for 9.3 9.3.1 Comments

                                               *****a       **    **  **     * * ***

10.0 Radiation Protection ****** ** ** ** * * *** 10.1 Radiation Control ****** ** ** ** * * *** Procedures (List * ***** ** ** ** * * *** Procedures Discussed) 10.1.1 10.1.1 '( ( 15.1.2 10.1.2 10.1.3 10.1.3 Comments ****** ** ** ** * * ***

                                               ******      **    **  **     *
  • n * *
                                               ******      **    **  **     **     n'*
  • 10.2 Portable Instruments ****** ** ** ** ** n * *

(List Instruments Discussed) ****** ** ** ** ** ***

                                               ******      **    **  * *-   **     e *
  • 10.2.1 Detector Type . Use of Instrument Range of Instrument

(() 10.2.2 ****** Sub-Totals - Thin pagn

                                         -107-             Rev 2

i Page 16 of 19 Fcrm O'-8 rs (g 5 4 3 2 1 Detector Type Use of Instrument Range of Instrument Comments * ***** ** ** ** ** *** 10.3 Exposure Lin.its * * *** * ** ** ** ** *** 10.3.1 Whole Body * * **** ** ** ** ** *** s State Federal

 ,      ~g                         10.3.2             Skin                                                           10.3.2       ,

10.3.3 Extremities 10.3.3 10.3.4 Admin. Limits 10.3.4 Comments 3 11.0 Emergency Plan * ***** ** ** ** ** *** 11.1 Activation of * * * * *i . * * * ** ** ** *** 11.1.1 Plant 11.1.l' 11.1.2 Site 11.1.2 11.1.3- General 11.1.3 J ~ 11.2 Rapid Survey -

1. 2.1 Equipment Location 11.2.1 11.2.2 Equipment Usage 11.2.2 s

Sub-Totals This pago

                                                                                          -108-                                  Rev 2 t         . - . . - - . _ . . - _ . . . . , . _              _          . . _ _ _ . . . . _ , . . _ _ _ . . _ .                                     -

Form 0-8 Page 17 of 19 (() 11.3 Emergency Organization 5 4 3 2 1 11.3.1 Responsibilities 11.3.1 11.3.2 Notification 11.3.2

                                                                 * * * * ~ *     * *              ** **   **    ***

11.4 Environment Monitoring

                 ~ 11. 4 . l'         Equipment Location            11.4.1 11.4.2              Team Responsibilities         11.4.2              Blue Team-Environmental              Yellow Team-Onsite  Personnel              Brown Team-Offsite          ' Personnel              Decon Team          11 4.2.5              Re-Entry Team       11.5         Personnel Accountability         11.5 11.6         MDPH Responsibilities      *****           * *              ** **   **    ***

11.6.1 Onsite Incidents 11.6.1 Comments * **** * * ** ** ** *** 12.0 Station Systems ***** * * ** ** ** *** Walkthrough (List I Systems Discussed) ***** * * ** ** ** *** 12.1 ***** * * ** ** ** *** List-System Discussed 12.1.1 Purpose 12.1.1 l 12.1.2 Location of Components 12.1.2 12.1.3 Location of 12.1.3 Instrumentation l 12.1.4 Flow Paths 12.1.4 l( (_ p) 12.1.5 Automatic Response 12.1.5 12.1.6 Manual Operation 12.1.6 l Sub-Totals 1 - - - - - This pago

                                                           -109-Rev 2

Form 0-8 Pago 18 of 19 k.(_j (3 Comments 5 4 3 2 1

  • 12.2 ***** ** ** ** ** ***

List System Discussed 19 9 1 12.2.1 Purpose -- --- 12.2.2 Location of Components 12.2.2 12.2.3 Locatien of 12.2.3 I Instrumentation - 12.2.4 Flow Paths l 12.1:.4 .

                                                                                 ....p. _                -

12.2.5 Automat'ic Response l. 12,2 r j 12.2.6 Manual Operation 12.2.6 Comments ***** ** ** ** ** ***

                                                                *****                     **            =*     **       **     ***
     ,; 7,;
  \ \_)
 .I 12.3                      .

List System Discussed 12.3.1 Purpose 12.3.1 12.3.2 Location of Components 12.3.2 12.3.3 Location of 12.3.3 l Instrumentation 12.3.4 Flow Paths 12.3.4 l 12.3.5 Automatic Response 12.3.5 l 12.3.6 Manual Operation 12.3.6 Comments ***** ** ** ** ** *** l' , ***** ** ** ** ** ***

          'N                                                    *****                     **           **     **     **        ***
   .   (Y


Sub-Totals l This pago l
                                                        -110-                             Rev 2

Form 0-8 Page 19 of 19

       , ~l3. General overall comments and/or observations
14. Score:

Total Points

  • Number of questions Completed = Average Point Value -

Passed Failed (check one) Date Signature, Examiner (L' 15. Examination Review:

                                                         ..          .~

Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist Date Signature, Sr. Nuclear Training Specialist l l l t' l t.

                                           -lll ~             Rev 3 L

I l 3.1.2 Operations Group Retraining (Requalification Training)

     -                                                                                            1 1

Requalification training at the Pilgrim Station is divided into two distinct programs. The program specified in section 3.1.2A of this manual, which is referred to as the NRC Licensed Operator Requalification training, applies to Pilgrim Nuclear Plant Operators and Senior Reactor Operators. It satisfies the requirements of 10CFR55, Appendix A, meets the commitments made in the Licensed Operator Requalification program submitted to and approved by the NRC, and the requirements of the letter from Mr. H. Denton, USNRC of March 28, 1980. All licensed staff members will participate in the requalification program to the extent that their normal duties preclude the need for a retraining in specific areas. The program specified in Section 3.1.2B of this manual, which is p) (_ referred to as the Fuel Handler requalification training, applies only to Fuel Handlers. Fuel handlers participate in a separate requalification since they possess a SRO license limited to fuel handling only. Non-licensed operators in the Operations Group fall into two categories--either non-licensed nuclear plant operators or Nuclear Auxiliary Operators. Non-licensed. Nuclear Plant Operators are required to participate in training required to obtain an NRC license and, as such, do not require nuclear plant operator retraining. Nuclear Auxiliary Operators will participate in retraining as described on Form 0-17 on an annual basis. l (~h . ~ v-

                                                  -112-                           REV. 4

3.1.2 Operations ~ Group Retraining (Requalification Training)


Requalification training at the Pilgrim Station is divided into two distinct programs. The program specified in section 3.1.2A of this manual, which is referred to as the NRC Licensed 1 Operator Requalification training, applies to Pilgrim Nuclear Plant Operators and Senior Reactor Operators. It satisfies the requiremenfs of 10CFR55, Appendix A, meets the commitments made in the Licensed Operator Requalification program submitted to and approved by the NRC, and the requirements of the letter from Mr. H. Denton, USNRC of March 28, 1980. All licensed

                               - staff members will participate in the requalification program to the extent that their normal duties preclude the need for
                               - retraining in specific areas.

The_ program specified in Section 3.1.2B of this manual, which is

                )   .

referred to as the Fuel Handler requalification training, applies only to Fuel Handlers. Fuel handlers participate in a separate requalification since they possess a SRO license limited to fuel handling only. .i . Non-licensed operators in the Operations Group fall into two categories--either non-licensed nuclear plant operators or N~ u clear Auxiliary Operators. Non-licensed Nuclear Plant Operators are required to participate in training required to obtain an

                               - NRC license and, as such, do not require nuclear plant cperator retraining.                  Nuclear Auxiliary Operators will participate in
                               -retraining as described on Form 0-17 on an annual basis.                                                                                       l

(:) -

                                                                                         -112-                                                            REV. 4 w-,w-,---       -me-,-     t        ---,vg.m,,.,,w_,v-      ,ww-w..-me,,-..-w   wm  -,.--.,,+,y,,4m-pw
                                                                                                                   ,.e,,   p r e, - , w e+ys,e w y uen-.y vm,%wy,.m-c,,--,.,,+   y      ,, - - -
             '3.1.2A       NRC Licnnend Oparator Raqualification Training 3.1.2A.1     Program Description N/       The NRC Licensed Operator requalification program is conducted by the Nuclear Training Specialist under the cognizance of the Senior Nuclear Training Specialist. The program complies with the requirements of 10CFR55, Appendix A,   the commitments made in
            'the Pilgrim requalification program submitted to the NRC, and the requirements setforth by Mr. H. Denton's letter to all power reactor applicants and licensees on March 29, 1980.            The overall program schedule is illustrated in Figure 1.         The requalification program is conducted for a continuous two-year period, September 7.c 2eptember, and upon its conculsion a successive requalification program is initiated.
  ,{ )       The formal lecture series consists of topics covered during each of

the two lecture periods running from Labor Day of one year until Memorial Day of the following year. -Required lecture attendance is determined by administering an annual simulated written NRC examination prior to the start of each lecture period. This exam may be administered by the U.S. NRC as deemed necessary by them, iby the PNPS Training Department or by a consultant to the Training Department. The "PNPS Licensed Operator Requalification Summary" (Form 0-9) summarizes the completion of required training. Note that the form is divided into three sections: I. Requalification Program - Yec.r 1 cl[ II. Requalification Program - Year 2 III. Overall Requalification Program Summary

                                        -113-                            Rev 3
                                                                                                                                                     .;^;                                                                                         -

i .- 7 1 I I I 1 I l I

                        ;                                                                                   YEARI                                                                                        YEAR 2 i

I I I s i of ni of J l rI Mi A l ul J l J l A l sI oI N 1 O f J l F I M1 A l M l J I J l A l

                                                                     .'w w'w w &^                                                               -
                                                                                                                                                               }f'~ww & W,W-                                                              -
                                                                      .                                                                    VACAT8 OMS                  '
                                                                                                                                                                         '                         ~

V AC A TION S i 4 I l' EXAH i' . l ..

                                                                                                                                                                                                           .,....'.          EXAM i



, ,4 rcRion i Exam PERIOD 2 EXAM w b . l ** I l J PROGRAM PROGRAM l 5 TART flNI5tl f I t 4


, x i o .i <: .

w .

t . l Figure 1. Typical Overall Nfl0 Licensed Operator flequalification Program Schedule 3 i J .

                                                                                                                    - -       ,, j e t .:' = % d      "

I h. Jji.ti. y/ .;.;;;['[h ~...t 2+ ,..

                                  .? ; /l ',2! ,.p .g
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                                                                                , ..',1,y.ny,,n,dt[s; gpg%]j,4fdl.;8}a(:,.1l7Qr$).{, y a,. . ;[g Q ;'y t..:.. hr.;yr.yp (gy;C
                                                                                                                                                             ~yspm%gn.4pt+her     w        -

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iy < ,.p

                                                                                                                                                                                      ' . * .m. .-g y ; .u.-e    :... c';;,bn.u: - -'.

3.1.2A.l.1 Written Examination

  \ C\ ~    LA-comprehensive, simulated NRC written examination is required to be administered'to all NRC Licensed Operators prior to December 17th of each year.                              This examination, which will be prepared and-graded by the' Training Group or a consultant, will normally be scheduled each year prior to September 1. This examination-will not only provide an evaluation of the previously conducted lecture period but will also serve as the basis for determining required lecture attendance for the upcoming lecture period. This examination is documented on Form 0-9, PNPS Licensed Operator Requalification Summary.                                          This examination may be administered by the USNRC.                            This examination may consist of several examinations if administered by the Pilgrim Station Training Department.

The results of each individual's annual examination will be recorded in Section I/ IIA of Form 0-9. Jul individual failing to achieve an overall examination grade of 80% overall/70% per section will be removed from licensed duties and will be required to satisfactorily complete an accelerated training program and will

           -be documented on Form 0-10, PNPS Accelerated Training Record.                                               The sequence of events to be followed after an examination failure is outlined in Section I/ IIA - 1 of the "PNPS Licensed Operator Requalification Summary."

Individuals receiving a grade of less than 80% in any particular area of the annual examination shall be required to attend , '( lectures on'that subject during the upcoming lecture period. The procedure will be outlined in the next section.

                                                                  -115-                                   Rev 3

4 If a cosa developn where a licencee has not actively been

performing the functions of the Licensed Reactor Operator or
       . kws/      Senior Reactor-Operator for a period of four months or longer, he/she shall be required to pass a requalification examination as specified by the-Nuclear Training Specialist and receive NRC Operator Licensing Branch approval prior to resuning
                  ' licensed duties. The examination will be broad enough to determine the licensee's knowledge of any license changes, facility design modifications and procedure changes that may have occurred during his/her absence.

To. ensure the validity of the certifications required by 10 CFR Part 55 and the intergrity and honesty of the requalification examination, a separate examination shall be prepared and admin-t istered for'each.requalification class. Each requal exam shall be 1

       . . -      proctored by the Training Department.                          Take-home quizzes and/or 4

exams and on-shift written exams shall not be allowed. Open book written examinations shall not be allowed. Trainees found in violation of these requirements shall be subject to disciplinary 1 action by BECo. j .3.1.2A.1.2 Lecture Series l l- All NRC Licensed personnel shall attend formal lectures except

                 .aus exempted by the results of the annual written examination.

Videotape, film presentations, and/or self-study shall not be- [ used for more than 50 percent of the lecture series. l I. I f l -116- Rev. 5 l

The requalification program lecture series consists of the

   '?~l   following categories:


1. Principles of Nuclear Power Plant Operation
2. Fundamentals of theory of thermodynamics, and heat transfer and fluid flow
3. Pla_nt systems design, control and instrumentation, including safety and emergency systems
4. Procedures - normal, abnormal, emergency and radiological control
.            15 . Administrative procedures, conditions and limitations.
6. Plant Status Update
7. Refueling procedures (see page #118 for program requirements)
    -    Following the completion of the annual written examination, the Nuclear Training Specialist will utilize Section A-2 of the "PNPS Licensed Operator Requalification Summary" (Form 0-9) to determine lecture attendance requirements during the upcoming lecture period.              A grade less than 80% on the specified section of the written examination will require lecture attendance on a i

(. related subject. I Following administration of the annual written examination, there l-will be time to prepare the necessary lesson, based on the results l of this annual exam, prior to the start of the next years requali-fication training. i l'h L E_/ ' l ! -117- Rev. 7 r I- . . . . . - . - - - - - . - - . - - - , . . , _ . . . . . - . - - - . - - . .

All NRC licensed operators shall attend the plant status (S update lecture scheduled during the lecture series. This V lecture covers items such as plant modifications and changes, operating problems, relevant nuclear incidents and abnormal occurrences, procedure changes and other~ items of continuing interest to the operating staff. All NRC Licensed Operators shall also attend lectures during each lecture segment covering a review of normal, abnormal and emergency procedures and mitigation of accidents involving a degraded core. This will ensure a continuous capability to respond-to unexpected operating conditions. Training on refueling procedures will cover the March 8, 1980 refuel incident where fuel was moved without secondary containment 9/ integrity. BECo. committed to NRC in letters dated August 1, 1980 and November 19, 1980 to train licensed operations personnel to assure continual reinforcement of the concerns raised during that incident. This training will be conducted prior to a scheduled refueling outage for all licensed personnel involved in fuel handling. Although not required, a quiz may be administered at the end of the presentation of requalification topics. When quizzes are given, the grade should be recorded and a copy of the quiz retained in the individual's training record. Personnel failing to attend a required lecture are required to review the content of the lecture on an individual self study basis, Form 0-16 will be used to document the self study. The

                                     -118-                            Rev. 4

f 2, , Nuclear Training Specialist will then document completion of the Lecturer on Form 0-9 and he/she will affix individual self study. Form 0-16 will be placed in the individuals file. t i i I i O f i l 4 i l 1 (9



                                                                              -ll8A-                                   Rev. 0                   '

3.1.2A 1.3 On-The-Job-Training On-the-job training consists of (1) on-shift performance of reactivity manipulations, (g U

  )                                                                                               -

(2) abnormal and emergency procedure review, (3) keeping abreast of significant facility and procedure changes, and (4) review of significant industry developnents and/or NRC notices or bulletins. _ . Reactivity Manipulations Each licensed operator shall, during each two-year requalification training program perform a minimum of 10 reactivity control manipulations which denonstrate his/her skill and/or familiarity with reactivity control systens. Each licensed Senior Operator shall either manipulate the controls or direct the activities of others during 10 reactivity control manipulations. These may consist of any canbination of the following, however, reasonable effort will be made to provide a variety of reactivity changes for each operator. ja

1. Shutdown of cold critical
2. Cold critical to moderator tenperature 1350 F '
3. A tenperature change fran< 400 F to >10% power
4. A heatup temperature change 1 150 F
5. Shutdown to hot critical
6. >10% power to a tenperature 400 F
7. A tenperature change fran _> 350 F to cold critical or shutdown
8. A power change > 10% with manual operation of the reactivity control systems.
9. A gradual manual recirculation flow change > 10% _

balanced by control rod movenent to hold reactor power steady. U)

                                                    -119 ~                                 Rev. 4
                     -10 . Refueling equipment manipulation with results in one or more fuel elements, control rods or
.. I(

control curtains being installed or removed from the reactor core.

11. A startup of the main turbine generator up to and including placing the control valves on pressure control.

Reactivity control manipulations are documented in the following manner. When an Operator performs or a Senior Operator supervises the performance of a reactivity manipulation, he/she documents it on Form 0-11, "PNPS Reactivity Control Manipulation Record", which is maintained in the Control Room. Periodically, the Nuclear Training Specialist collects these forms, reviews and j'( ) signs them and finally files these forms in each individual's training record. At the end of each requalification year (each August), the Nuclear Training Specialist computes the total number of reactivity manipulations performed that year and documents this number on Form 0-9, "PNPS Licensed Operator Requalification Summary". If an operator performs only a small number of reactivity manipulations during the first year, the Nuclear Training 4 Specialist will be alerted to the fact that the individual may

          . require special attention during year 2 in order to attain the 10
required reactivity manipulations.

Control Manipulations c- s The following control manipulations and plant evolutions are s (d . J , -120- Rev 2

acceptable for meeting the reactivity control manipulations

  -((              required by Appendix A, paragraph 3.2 of 10CFR part 55.                                                                             l The. items listed in Section A shall be performed on a annual basis.                         The items listed in Section B shall be performed on a two year cycle:

Section A:

(1) Plant or reactor startups to include a range that reactivity feedback from nuclear heat addition is noticeable and heatup rate is established (2) Manual control of feedwater during startup and shutdown 1

(3) Any significant (>10%) power changes in manual


rod control or recirculation flow (4) Loss of coolant including: (1) Inside and outside primary containment (2) Large and small, including leak rate determination (5) Loss of core coolant flow / natural circulation (6) Loss of all feedwater (normal and emergency) Section B: (1) Plant shutdown (2) Loss of instrument air (3) Loss of electrical power (and/or degraded power source) (4) Loss of condenser vacuum ((~T(_)-

                                                                                                                            -121-                Rev 2

m 1 1 (5) Loss of service water ((-- (6) Loss of shutdown cooling (7) Loss of component cooling system or cooling to an individual component (8) Loss of Normal Feedwater or Normal Feedwater system failure (9) Loss of Protective System Channel (10) Mispositioned control ro'd or rods (or rod drops) (11) Inability to drive control rods (12) Conditions requiring the use of the SBLC system (13) Fuel cladding failure or high activity in reactor coolant or offgas (14) Turbine or Generator trip fT (15) Malfunction of automatic control sys em(s) (d which affect reactivity (16) Malfunction of reactor coolant pressure control system (17) Reactor trip (18) Main steam line break (inside or outside containment 5 (19) Nuclear instrumentation 'fialure(s) Each licensed operator shall perform or participate in a combination of reactivity control manipulations based on the availability of plant equipment and systems. Those control manipulations which are not performed at the plant may be performed on a simulator reproducing the general operating

. [

characteristics and arrangement of the Pilgrim Station. The use of Technical Specifications should be maximized during the

                                  -122-               Rev 2
                                                                                   .__ ,                      _ __. -           . _ _ =

Simulator Control Manipulations. Personnel with Senior Reactor Operators ( )_ Licenses are credited with these activities if they direct or evaluate control manipulations as they .tre performed.

.The Nuclear Training Specialist will document the Control Manipulations on Form 0-15 as they are performed at the station or on a simulator.
                  .If a simulator is used, the name of the simulator facility shall be listed.

Ahnormal and Emergency Procedure Review Abnormal and Emergency Procedures will be reviewed by all licensed

                   -operators on a regularly scheduled basis.                  The Nuclear Training Specialist or Day Watch Engineer may specify procedures he/she desires to be re-viewed'on shift. Af ter a licensee has reviewed the specified procedures, p

f completion will be documented on a form provided. Each training cycle, D- w the Training Department will assure that all abnormal and emergency procedures have been reviewed. When all licensed individuals have completed the review, -the Nuclear Training Specialist retrieves the form and documents the procedure review on Form 0-9, PNPS Licensed _ Operator Requalification Summary. i 3.1.2A.I.4 Annual Performance Evaluation A systematic observation and evaluation of the performance and competency of licensed operators and senior operators by training staff members or simulator training instructors including evaluation of actions taken or to be taken during actual or simulated abnormal . e~ and emergency conditions will be done annually during the simulator training. This evaluation will be in a form provided by the simulator contractor. '

                                                                  -123-                                  Rev. 4

3.1.2A.1.5 Plant Walkthrough Examination At the conclusion of the requalification program, the Nuclear Train-ing Specialist or technically qualified person from an operating BWR facility, simulator, or consultant, will administer a plant walk-through, special emphasis is given to operator response to abnormal a'nd emergency conditions. The plant walkthrough examination will be conducted utilizing Form 0-7, PNPS' Oral Examination Summary Report. Completion of the walkthrough will be' documented on the PNPS Licensed Operator Requalification Summary. Passing grade for this examination is a point average value of 3.0. If the candidate receives a point average less than 3.0 he/she will be removed from licensed duties and placed in accelerated


training. If as a result of this oral examination-it is determined

  - s_j       that a need exist for further training in selected areas, the training will be scheduled as soon as practicably possible.       If a consultant is used he/she' may use their form in place of Form 0-7.

3.1.2A.2 Program Schedule The requalification program schedule is as described in Section and as illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist has the authority to modify the normal requalification training schedule as special circumstances

  . j~m
                                                   -124-                            Rev. 4 t


                                    ' 3.1.2A.3' Program Responsibilities s

Responsibilities ' for Operator Requalif f cation Training are summarized - below: 3.1.2A.3.1 Nuclear Operations-Manager

.- The Nuclear Operations Manager is responsible for
1. Annually reviewing the Training Record of each
,                                                            Licensed Operator.

i ?. 4 T i - O !c-m A j J i r i i e n ,- -125- Rev. 5 1 I l . i

             .,v., - . - _ . . . .         .m.. .mm_,-....,~   _ , . . . . . . . ,    _ _. _ _.._ _ . m_ _ . . . . _ , , _ _ . _ _         __ . , _ ,   ,,-,_yy__                       _y_,,_

3.1.2A.3.2 Senior Nuclear Training Specialist


J The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist is responsible for:

1. Overseeing implementation of the Licensed Operator Requalification Program.
2. Maintaining custody of all operations group requalification training records.
3. Approving changes in the raqualification training program schedule.
4. Reviewing the results of the plant walkthrough examination conducted every two years.
5. Periodically reviewing requalification program  !
   ,   s                                progress.


6. Reviewing the results of the annual written Simulated NRC Examination.
3'. l . 2 A . 3 . 3 Nuclear Training Specialist The Nuclear Training Specialist is responsible for
1. Implementing the Licensed Operator Requalification Program Training.
2. Preparing and grading the annual simulated NRC written examination.
3. Utilizing the results of the annual written exam,

(- determining required lecture attendance for the

' \; s upcoming lecture period.
4. Preparing any required accelerated training programs.
                                                            -126-                      Rev 2
5. Preparing and evaluating the results of am
 ;k f~)\_/                                 requalification exams administered to persons failing to perform the functions of a licensed operator for a period of four months or longer.
6. Scheduling all requalification training lectures.
7. Developing a lesson plan for each lecture.
8. Assigning qualified lecturers for requalification lectures.
9. Preparing and grading any quizzes that may be given in conjunction with the requalification training lecture series.
10. Periodically collecting reactivity control manipulation records from the Control Room.
    ,(}                11.                Overseeing abnormal and emergency procedure reviews.
12. Coordinating the completion of each operator's Annual Performance Evaluation.
13. Scheduling the plant walkthrough examination at the end ci aach requalification program.
14. Modifying the normal requalification training schedules as necessary due to special circum-stances.
15. Maintaining all licensed operator requalification i

program documentation.

16. Making applications for operator license renewals based upon successful participation in the

() requalification training program.

                                                                                   -127-               Rev 2
17. Ensuring that all significant facility design j changes, license changes and precedure changes v

are reviewed by licensed personnel. 3.1.2A.3.4 Day Watch Engineer The Day Watch Engineer is responsible for:

1. Observing equipment and plant operation by licensed personnel and making recommendations to the Nuclear Training Specialist on any additional or specialized training that might be required.

3.1.2A.4 Program Documentation The Nuclear Training Specialist is responsible for maintaining licensed operator requalification training records. This includes documentation maintained in each licensed individual's training record and general requalification program files. 3.1.2A.4.1 Training Records The following requalification training program documentation will be maintained in each individual's training record: G

                                   -128-                   Rev. 4

7 Documentation 0-9,bicensedOperatorRequalificationSummary 0-7,--Oral Examination Summary Report 0-11, Reactivity Control Manipulation Record 0-5., Control Manipulations _ Record Annual Written Examinations

               '0-10, Accelerated Training Record (if required)

Quizzes administered in conjunction with requalification program. 3.1.2A.4.2 General Requalification Program Files nm k_) 1 ' (. . The following requalification. training program documentation will be maintained in general files: Documentation Annual written. examination answer keys Lecture Attendance Records All lecture lesson plans 0-12 License Operator Document Acknowledgement Sheet C

                                                                                              -129-              Rev. 4 m                                                                                                                                              i
       ,, ,,          ..m,..-.,,,,      . -.~ , ,~,. . .,...,,,~...__,.~.. .. _- -,__ - , - _         . , . , - - - - . - - - - - . . - , ~ = - - - - - .

23.1.'2.B ~ Senior Reactor Operator-Limited to Fuel Handling (LSRO)

(O L3.1.2.B.1 Purpose The purpose of this section is to deceribe the process by which requalification of-the Senior Reactor Operator Limited to Fuel Handling (LSRO) is accomplished.

4 i3.~1.2.B.l.1 Program Description

                  'The requalification process'for the LSRO is keyed to station outages 1rather'than any calender period.                                                                   This metho'd is used to insure that
                    ~all:LSRO's will~lme-requalified prior to each outage'in which they will
                  ' handle or supervise handling of fuel.

( . The'Requalification Program for LSRO's complies with.the intent of t- 10CFR55 Appendix A. L The. training program shall'also discuss the March 8, 1980 refuel incident where fuel was moved without secondary containment integrity.

  .                   This training will be conducted prior to a schedule refueling outage L                    ,for all'LSRO's.                                                                                           -

Based'on' successful participation in this program Limited Senior Reactor Operators.will thus be qualified. 4

                                                                                                                   -130-                              Rev. 5
  .W" 3.1.2.B.l.2                         Documentation

(,~. A. Form 0-8, "PNPS'LSRO Ora'l' Examination Summary Report

1. This report summarizes the completion of the oral examination.

B. Form.0-14, "PNPS LSRO Requalification Summary i

1. This form documents requalification training i

3.1.2.B.2 Applicability This program applies to all previously Licensed LSRO's who will supervise the handling or handle fuel during a scheduled refueling outage. f3 (\._) 3.1.2.B.3 Responsibilities 3.1.2.B.3.1 Technical Training Group Leader The Technical Training Group Leader is responsible for:

a. Overseeing the implementation of the LSRO Requalification Program.
b. Approving significant changes in the LSRO Requalification Training Program schedule.


c. Periodically reviewing requalification program progress.

i !b I

                                                                 -131.                                  Rev. 4
                  - . . ~ . _ . _ . _ . . - . .            .-    - _ - - . . _ . - . - , . -    - . . _ - . - . . - - - - - . - . . . . . , .

M 3.1.2.B.3.2 Operations Training Group Leader (b The Operations Training Group Leader is responsible for:

a. Authorizing LSRO's to perform fuel handling functions during an outage based on successful completion of the LSRO Requali-fication Program. ,

b.- Appr'oving training module changes for technical adequacy. 3.1.2.B.3.3 Staff Development Administrator The Staff Development Administrator is responsible fort

a. Maintaining custody of all LSRO requalification records.
b. Providu instructional design review on training modules O used by the LSRO Requalification Program..

3.1.2.B.3.4 Nuclear Training Specialist The Nuclear Training Specialist is responsible fdr: # j

                                                                                                    ,    a
a. Implementing and schedill'ing the LSRO Requalification Training Program.
b. Developing approved training modules, preparing and grading ,

tests. , 4 4 , i j I l

                                                                                  . J           <
c. Overseeing the performance of dummy f$el acrembly manipulations.


d. Making applications for LSRO, license reno als as needed.

l . i s ,

                                                                                            ;                                    /


                                                      -132-              ' , 3                                            Rev 3'

4 I

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3.1.2.B.4 Program Recuirements (ii >j The LSRO Requalification Program consists of three major sections, the first being fuel handling specific training in the following topics. I. Reactor and Fuel Characteristics II. Equipment and Instrumentation Description and Design III. Procedures and Limitations IV. Emergency Systems and Safety Devices V. Health Physics and Radiation Protection VI. Thermodynamics b' This knowledge based training can be delivered in the traditional instructor (lecture) student fashion or as a monitored self paced program in which the instructor functions as:

a. a subject matter expert (being a technical resource for the student) .
b. an instructional facilitator (employing proven instruc-tional techniques to increase motivation and competency.
c. an exam proctor (to ensure competency has been achieved).


                                       -133-                      Rev 4

J - LT 1: I

                                                                              ,                                                             l '

In both' cases, each training module will consist of at a minimum; ( ) approved a) performance objectives, b) lesson body, and c) criterion tests. These training modules shall undergo the standard Nuclear Training Department review process. 3.1.2.B.4.1 Dummy Fuel Manipulations The second section of the LSRO Requalification Program is the actual manipulation of a dummy feel ass'embly. A blade guide may be substituted for a fuel assembly. Each LSRO shall participate'in at least two dummy fuel manipulations


prior to.each Pilgrim outage. Manipulations shall normally be performed in the fuel pool. Consider-ation should be given to conducting training on other available fuel i handling equipment.- t l' Satisfactory fuel assembly manipulations are documented in Section B I of Form O-14. ' l 3.1.2.B.4.2 Written ^ Examination i [- The third section of the LSRO Requalification Program is the written i examination. 1 pJ-l l l -134- Rev 4

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I All LSRO's are required to successfully complete a simulated NRC Senior Reactor Operator, Limited to Fuel Handling, written examination prior to each outage. This exam, which will be prepared and graded by J- the Nuclear Training Specialist, will serve as the basis for determining successful completion of the LSRO Requalification Program. The exam will. include questions on any applicable procedure, design or technical specification changes occurring during the previous year that apply to fuel handling. The results of each individual's arteten exam will be recorded in Section C of Form O-14. An individual failing to achieve an overall examination grade of 80% overall or 70t/section, will be required to satisfactorily complete an accelerated training program and pass a y makeup examination prior to requalification. The content of the accelerated training program will be documented on Form 0-10,

      -Accelerated Training Record.                   The sequence of events to be followed 4

after an exam failure are outlined in Section C of the Fuel Handler Requalification Summary, Form 0-14. Satisfactory completion of the LSRO Requalification Program will be documented by the Nuclear Training Specialist in Section D of the LSRO Requalification Summary. Following program completion authoriza-tion to participate as a LSRO in the upcoming outage will be documented by the Operations Training Group Leader.

                                                       -135-                                                               Rev 4

3.1.2.B.5 Program Documentation j

  't   'I
    \~/ -

The Staff Development Administrator is responsible for maintaining LSRO Requalificlation Training Records. This includes documentation maintained in each licensed individual's training record and general Fuel Handler Requalification Program Files. 3.1.2.B.5.1 Training Records The following Requalification Training Program Documentation will be maintained in each individual's training record: Documentation 0-14, PNPS LSRO Requalification Summary w Written Examinations 0-8, PNPS SRO Limited to Fuel Handling Oral Examination

                . Summary Report 0-10, PNPS Accelerated Training Record (if required)

Quizzes administered in conjunction with Requalification Program t 3.1.2.B.5.2 General Requalification Program Files The following Requalification Training Program Documentation will 1: be maintained in general files: Written Examination Answer Key () Class Attendance Records Lesson Plans (Training Modules) l l -136- Rev 3 I


   ~ PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to provide a method to furnish management, on a routine basis, information concerning current qualifications of PNPS Operations Personnel. In order to be considered qualified for an operations position, the requirements outlined on the Certification Form (s) applicable to the position

              ,       in question must be completed. A matrix of the forms applicable to the various PNPS Operations Positions is provided in section

. CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS MATRIX FOR FNPS OPERATIONS PERSONNEL Certification OPERATIONS POSITIONS: Form No. NP0 (L) NP0(U) SRO NWE NOS LSR0 NA0 0-1 X X X X X X X 0-2 X X X X X X 0-3A X 0-3B X 0-4 X X 0-S X 0-6 X 0-7 X X X X 0-8 X S-1 X X X = Form mtst be completed for indicated position PROCEDURE OPERATIONS TRA1NIH GROUP LEADER (0TGL) The Operations Training Group Leader (0TGL) will issue a PNPS 03erations Personnel 0;alification Report (Form 0-18) to the C11ef Operating Engineer and the PNPS Station Manager. This report will be issued once per quarter. When special requests are received for verification of the qualification status of specific operations personnel, the OTGL will ensure qualifications files are checked to determine up-to-date status and will issue a special Qualifications Report, Form 0-18, listing only the

   '                   statusoftheindividual(s)inquestion. The OTGL will maintain record copies of all issued Qualifications Reports.
                                                  -137'                             Rev 0 CHIEF OPERATING ENGINEER (C0E) () The Chief Operating Engineer (COE) shall ensure, prior to assigning Operations Personnel to various positions, that these personnel are qualified in accordance with the matrix shown in section The routinely issued Form 0-18 may be used to determine current qualifications status of personnel. In addition, the COE should request the OTGL to perform a special file check on any personnel being considered for' promotion, higher level certification,. or other persormel actions. The COE is required to notify the OTGL, via memo, of any change in job classification of any Operations Group personnel prior to the effective date of the change. This 'will be done in order to facilitate maintenance of the qualifications records and the Qualifications Report. O t e l' 138- Rev 0

                                  -ei-,    -, w-g----rvw,y-e               ,- y            -ge q=p+--we--  Emur----7w 4    r' =---V -+ve p-**-g





                  ' Training' Cycle                                        September 19~     to September 19
                  ~ License Type                                           RO     SRO    License Number
                  ',                                                       Date Issued:

I. YEAR #1 PROGRAM A. Last_requalification examination results. Date of Examination CHECK IF GRADE TRAINING REQ.

1. Theory and Principles of Nuclear Power Plant Operation
2. Fundamentals and theory of Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer A

and Fluid Flow

3. Plant Systems Design, Control and Instrumentation, including
safety and emergency systems ._
4. Procedures - Normal, abnormal, emergency and radiological control __
5. Administrative procedures ,

conditions and limitations - 1

6. Plant Status Update ,

Refuel Training (*) l 7. Overall Average () ]*(Requiredpriortoascheduledrefuelingoutageonly)

                                                                              -139-                                                   Rev. 5

Form,0-9 Paga 2 of 5 s NOTE: Passing grade is 80% overall and 70% per section. ( Any section less than 80% requires 2 hours training in that subject during requalification year #1. If the student failed the written examination or failed

          . the oral examination, initiate form 0-10 " Accelerated Training Record".

B. Required Training Received During Year #1. Check if Date Tng. Section Tng. Reg. Received Hours


1 2 3 4


lm).: 5 6 7 C. Program Review for Year #1. All Required Training completed: (check when completed) > . 1. Lecture Series completed

2. Oral examination completed
3. Abnormal and emergency procedure review completed Signature, Sr. Nuclear Training Specialist Date (O Signature, Operations Training Supervisor Date
                                         -140-                        Rev. 7

a Form.0-9 Page 3 of 5 7'T' Signature, Nuclear Training Manager Date


Signature, Station Manager Date . II. YEAR #2 PROGRAM A. Last Requalification Examination Results Date of E:: amination CHECK'IF 1.- Theory and principles of GRADE TNG.-REQ. Nuclear power plant operation

2. Fundamentals and theory of thermodynamics, heat transfer and' fluid flow
3. Plant systems design, control

('7-and instrumentation, inlcuding safety and emergency systems

4. Procedures - normal, abnormal, emergency and radiological control
5. Administrative procedures con-ditions and limitations
6. Plant status update
7. Refuel training (*)

cveral.1 average  ; ll

              * (Required prior to scheduled refueling outage only)
                                             -141-                            Rev. 6 i

l l


Form 0-9 Paga 4 of 5 l NOTE: Passing grade is 80% overall'and 70% per section. ( Any section less than 80% requires 2 hours training in that subject during requalification year #2. If the student.. failed the written examination or failed the. oral examination, initiate form 0-10 " Accelerated Training Record." B.- Required Training Received during Year #2. Check if Date Tng.

                                             .Section                           Tng. Req.                  Received  Hours 1

2 3-f}~ J A 5 6 7 -- C .' Program Review for Year #2. All required training completed. (check when completed)

1. Lecture Series completed
2. Oral examination completed
3. Abnormal and' emergency procedure review completed Signature, Operations Training Supervisor Date C
                                                                                                    -142-                Rev. 5
 - --         .--.....---,..,.,_,-.--...___ --~. _ _ _._--.__._ __-. _-. _ _._ _ _._. _._... - --

I i

                -Pbrm F9                                                                         ~Page 5 of 5
   .. , ('. . .

l i

               -Signature, Operations Training Supervisor.                                     Date                                    !

Signature, Nuclear Training Manager Date t

               . Signature, Station Manager                                                    Date 10 I,

3-i i

{o a
                                                                         -143-                  Rev. 4                                 i h

h 1-i e


_ . ;. . . ;-.a..:4--c_:..;_ .:- - m._._. _ ,_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _

10 PAGES #144 to 163 .l INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Q b 'f f i d. erm<*.smewa-e-a.u,wv= * = w y-gener w .

         -Form 0-10                                                                                                                     Page 1 of 2 PNPS Accelerated Training Record

8.J Name Date

Title 9

Typ'e of NRC License A. Date of Requalification E'xamination Exam Grades Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Overall Grade Section 4 Note: Passing Grade is Section 5 80% overall and

 ~(~}                                                                                                                70% per section

((_/ Section 6 or > 3. 0 on the oraT examination point average l(*) Section 7 or Failed Oral Examination Date Point Average B. Date Removed from Licenced Duties C. Makeup Assignment:

1. Home study Yes No Nature of Assignment
2. Classroom Study Yes No Nature of Assi nment:

( 'l*(Requiredpriortoascheduledrefuelingoutage)

                                                 -164-                                                              Rev. 5
           ' Form 0-10                                               Pcgo 2 of 2 D. Makeup Examination:

Date of Makeup Examination Exam Grades Section 1 _

                        .Section 2 Section 3                          Overall Grade Section 4 Note:    Passing Grade is Section 5                             80% overall and 70% per section Section 6                             or 2 3.0 point average on the oral examination l(*)Section7 or Makeup Oral Examination              ,

n Date Point Average E. Date Requalified for Licensed Duties Date Signature,. Nuclear Training Specialist Date Signature, Sr. Nuclear Training Specialist Date Signature, Nuclear Operations Manager l*(Requiredpriortoascheduledrefuelingoutage)

 . vO-
                                           -165-                         Rev. 5

T PNPS j,c Reactivity Control Manipulations Record l Name Sept. 19__ to Sept. 19__ i h Approved Reactivity Control

1. Shutdown to Cold Critical
2. Cold. Critical to'a moderator temperature 3350 F ~
3. A temperature change from 400 F to 10% power .
4. A heatup temperature change 2150 F
5. Shutdown to Hot Critical
6. >10% power to a temperature $400 F  !
7. A temperature change fromt 350 F to Cold Critical or Shutdown
8. A power change }l0% with manual operation of the Reactivity 4

Control. Systems - +

9. A gradual manual recirculation flow change 2 10% balanced by control rod movement to hold reactor power steady
10. Refueling equipment manipulation which results in one or more
                       -fuel elements, control rods or control curtains being installed or removed from the reactor core.
11. A startup of the Main Turbine Generator up to and including placing the control valves on pressure control.



,. . 2. I

4. ,

5. i 6. l 7.

                 ~8.                                                        .

e 9.


Return completed Form to the Training Department. j j Date Sighature, Nuclear Training Specialist > 4 i Date Signature, Sr. Nuclear Training

                                                      -166-      Rev 2 4 . __       .
                     .s.                                          'ma.



F rm 0-13 Page 1 of 3' PNPS EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT REPORT Employee's Name Date Employee's Job Title Type of NRC License (check one) RO l l SRO I l Supervisor Instructions: For each factor to be rated, indicate the Individual's Performance Level on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being the lowest level of Performance and 10 being the highest level of Performance. For each factor, provide a comment as to why you have rated this individual at at that level. NOTE: For each factor rated equal to or less.than 5, the comments section must be completed. Factors to be Rated: (1) Knowledge of Work -- Considers all phases of this and related jobs. l(( ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Comments (2) Quality of Work -- Consider accuracy and thoroughness of work including documentation. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Comments

                                        -168-                Rev 3

A ' Fcrm 0-13 Pago 2 of-3 (3). ' Quantity of Work - ' Volume of work based upon recognized standards. If 1 -- 2' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

.-m.                     ' Comment's

(4) Dependability -- Consider compliance with procedcres and reliability and performance under abnormal circumstances. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Comments L(5)- What added training or experience would make this employee more valuable? s (6) Has'there been any indication of aberrant behavior or. change in-behavior pattern?- (consider frequent absenteeism, tardiness,

cooperation with others, acceptance be fellow workers, and general overall. attitude.)

Yes No If yes, explain

                                                       -169-                Rev 2

0-13 Pcga 3 of 3 ., (7) Evaluation performed by: m Signature


Job Title Date (8) Evaluation reviewed by individual being rated: Signature Dato I agree disagree with this development report. If disagree, explain. (9) Employee Development Report reviewed by : Date Signature, Day Watch Engineer Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist Date Signature, Sr. Nuclear Training Specialist Return completed form to the Training Department. I 1

                                                                          -170-                               Rev 3


 $sJ                                                                         (LSRO)

Name ,

              ' License Number                                                                                        Date Issued Date of next planned outage month - year
                                                                                                 ,         -s I. Subjects to be covered:

A. Reactor and fuel characteristics B. Equipment and instrumentation description and design C. Procedures and limitations, including refuel procedures D. Emergency systems and safety devices

                   . E.        Health physics and radiation protection II.       Training Received Subject                                     Date (s) training received                                        hours A

B ' C D E Hrs. Received III. Evaluation l A. Exam results Subject Grade


1 i 1

                                                                               -171-                                                      Rev 4
         --          _    _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . - _ _ _ _ ~ . _ . _                . _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ . _ . . _ . . ..,._ _ _ - _ _       -
       . Form 0-14                                                       Page 2 of 3
    ,s             Subject           Grade 3                 C
                     . 'D                 ,

E Overall Average Note: Passing grade is 70% per subject and 80% overall average. B. Dummy fuel assembly manipulation record Date manipulation performed Supervisor signature 1 2 3


C. Oral exam completed (Form 0-8 completed and attached) Note: Passing grade is a point average value 3.0


Date Signature of Examiner Overall Grade less than 80% or 70%/section or failure of oral examination (a) Accelerated Training Program assigned (Form 0-10) Date Signature, Sr. Nuclear Tng. Specialist (b) . Accelerated Training Program approved Date Signature, Operations Training Supervisor C Date Signature, Station Manager

                                            -172-                        Rev. 3

Form 0-14 3 of 3



   '{./                  Accelerated Training Program completed Date                   Signature, Sr. Nuclear Tng. Specialist (d)  Makeup exam passed Date        Makeup     Signature, Sr. Nuclear Tng. Specialist Grade IV. Program Summary                                            ' ' ~


                                                                                      ' ~.,

Fuel Handler requalification certific complete Signature, Sr. 5I. clear Tng. Specialist


Date m

  ; x __. -

Date Signature, Operations Tng. Supervisor Date Signature, Station Manager (

                                            -173-                        Rev. 3

( i 5 l 4 I 4 i a a f' PAGES #174 to 178 LEFT BLANK a I r e t h i l 1 h i i .{ s  ! l i f

  . . - ,     . , - , _ - . , , _ .        .~

Farm 0-15. Pagn 1 of'5 PNPS-CONTROL MANIPULATIONS Name' Training Cycle Sept. 19 to Sept. 19 License Type License Number The following Contro1' Manipulations and Plant Evol'utions are acceptable for meeting the Reactivity Control Manipulations required by Appendix A,. paragraph 3.a. of 10CFR part 55. The items-in Section A - shall be performed,on an annual basis. The items in Section B shall be performed on a tw D ecr,c.pcle. Those Control Manipulations which are not' performed at-the plant may be performed on a simulator, if1so the simulator used shall be listed. F

         ;Section A - The following items shall be performed on an annual basis: -
               '1. Plant or Reactor startups to include a range that Reactivity feedback from Nuclear Heat Addition is noticeabl,,e and heatup rate is established:

Year 1--Date Plant Simulator ar ' ' .{()) Year 2--Date Plant Simulator

2. Manual control of Feedwater during startup and shutdown:
                    'STARTUP Year 1--Date                          Plant                Simulator    '-

s,_ Year 2--Date Plant Simulator SHUTDOWN [ Year 1--Date Plant Similator Year 2--Date Plant Simulator

3. Any significant ( 10%) power changes in Manual Rod Control or Recirculation ) Flow:

Year 1--Date Plant Simulator Year 2--Date Plant Simulator co

                                             -179-                    Rev 2

Form 0-15; Page 2 of 5 l'

4. ; Loss of Coolant ~ including:

'( '

1. Inside and outside primary containment Inside primary containment:

Year 1--Date Plant- Simulator Year 2--Date Plant. Simulator

                                                                                  .Outside primary containment:

i' Year 1--Date Plant Simulator 3 Year 2--Date , Plant Simulator b 2. Large and small, including Leak Rate Determination: Large leak: Year 1--Date Plant' Simulator [. -E Year 2--Date Plant Simulator t(.

      \       -

Small leak: 1 Year 1--Date Plant Simulator Year 2--Date Plant Simulator

5. Loss of Core Coolant Flow / Natural Circulation:

+ Year 1--Date Plant Simulator i. 1 Year 2--Date Plant Simulator j 6. Loss of all feedwater (normal and emergency) : Normal: t'

!!                                                                                  Year 1--Date                                      Plant       Simulator Year 2--Date                                      Plant       Simulator i
                                                                                                         -180-                           Rev 2
      -      _ . _ - _ . . _ _ _ _ _ ~ . . . _ . . _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ . . _ . _ . _ . _ .                    . _ . , - . . . _ .              . . . , . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _
        . Form 0-15                                                                                                            Pcgo 3 of 5 y'

Emergency: .s Year 1--Date Plant Simulator

  -s Year 2--Date                                                                          Plant                  Simulator Section B - The following items shall be performed cn a two year cycle:
l. Plant Shutdown:

Date Plant Simulator

2. Loss of Instrument Air:

Date Plant Simulator

3. Loss of Electrical Power (and/or degraded power sources):

g- Date Plant __ Simulator

4. Loss of Condenser Vacuum:

Date Plant Simulator

5. Loss of Service' Water:

Date Plant Simulator

6. Loss of Shutdown Cooling:

Date Plant Simulator

7. Loss of Component. cooling System or Cooling to an Individual Component:

Date Plant Simulator (O , -181- Rev 2

               . _ . _ _ , _ . - _ _ - . - . . _ . - - . , _ , _ _ _ . - _ . _ . ~ . _ . - . . . - _ , . . , - - , _ . _ . -               -- _ _ .- ._ __ _ ._
                                 -Fcrm 0-15'                                                                                            Page 4 of 5
8. .Ioss of Normal Feedwater or Normal Feedwater System m

Failure: Date- Plant Simulator

9. Loss of Protective System Channel:

E. Date Plant Simulator l ~10. Mispositioned Control Rod or Rods (or Rod Drops): Date Plant Simulator

11. Inability to Drive Control Rods:

Date Plant Simulator

12. Conditions Requiring use of SBLC System:

Date Plant Simulator

13. . Fuel Cladding Failure or High-Activity in Reactor Coolant or.Off Gas:

Date Plant Simulator

14. Turbine or Generator Trip:

I Date Plant Simulator

15. Malfunction of Automatic Control System (s) which affect Reactivity:

Date Plant Simulator i-

16. Malfunction of Reactor Coolant Pressure Control Systems

( ' i Date Plant Simulator t e i

;                                                                                                                       '182-Rev 2
           - , - - . _ . . _ . . - . . . - .                    . ~ . _ . _ . _ - . , . _ . _ . , _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . - .                               . _ ,-        . _ _ . - - - .

r -

1 _.,

s Fcrm 0 " O, ' < .

                                                                                                          , / j :#Pcga 5 cf 5')./
                                                                    < s, <                              ,          ,               < \                                       ?
                                                                                       ,. , i s                                      t
17. Reactor Trip: ', ' >
                                                                                                               /                   i.                                                          '

r .- > 7 _, .f ' s Q/ Date Plant e s Simulator


t j' .

18. Main Steam Line Break (inside or outride containmeht) : 1
                                                                                                                                                            , ,           +
                          -Date                                               Plant                                    _ _ Simulator yl               '
19. Nuclear Instrumentation Failure (e): (,' j 7 2

i , i Date ( Plant \ Simulator /

                                                   ,      9      ,

Completion of Section A verified for Year 1. ' i Nuclear Training Specialist Datez 1

                                                                                         ./                                                                                 /

Completion of Section A ! verified for Y?ar 2' / t i t h Nuclear Traiaing Date

                                      /            ,'

Completion of Section B veriflid-i


t ', Nuclear Training Specialist Date

                                                       '                                                                                                   /
                                                                                                                                                      ' l'                   )

> v Form 0-15 completed

                                              ,i /

ij,/ o j \ t


Senior Nuclear Training Specialist Date/

                                               ,+                                                i.                                                                    ,
                                          ,                               l                                  -j l

r . , , > r

                                                                                                              \                                                                            \
                                                                                     , -i                                           .                       ,                   f f         7 y' ,


                                                          -183-               ,

Rev 2 _,L__.,.._.._.__a-_._._

( FORM 0-16 Pega 1 cf 1 To:- From: Training Department Date:


Requalification Program To facilitate a means for you to make up the material missed on the Requalification Program of your scheduled training, a copy / copies of the Learning Package is/are attached for training on the following: We request you review the material referenced in the Learning Package (s) within the next 14 days. Upon completion of your review, please complete below and return. ('. . If you have any questions regarding this material and/or desire more information, please contact . To Nuclear Training Specialist From: Date: Review of subject material has been completed. Signature: Reviewed and filed Nuclear Training Specialist

                                                                         -183A-                     Rev 1


  <3 J                            NUCLEAR AUXILIARY OPERATOR

Name BEco. Employee # Year A. The above-named received training in the following subject areas:

1. D.O.T. Regulations for shipping of DATE COMFLETED radioactive materials
2. N.R.C. Regulations for shipping of radioactive '


     )       3. Radwaste Systems for Handling and Disposal                    DATE COMPLETED

(' of Radioactive , 4 materials , ,


B. Training Completed - - 1. l Radwaste Supervisor ,Date l 2. Sr. Nuclear Training Specialist Date  ; C bi

                                             -183B-                          REV. O l


  • l O


                                                      , Quarterly                                                  Special                    Page _ of _

Date of Issue: Validated by OTGL: NAME Present Completed Certification Forms--- Job

  • x = completed form in file 01 02 03A 03B 04 05 06 07 08 S1 fi k l

l-i l It i Page 183-C Rev 0

 /'        3.2    Maintenance Group Training
\-                                                                                                                     )

Objective l The objet ive of Maintenance Group Training is to provide for l the indoctrination and training of Maintenance Personnel as necessary-to assure that suitable maintenance proficiency is achieved and maintained. Applicability Personnel qualification will be determined by the training manual requirements in effect as of the date of hire. Program Requirements Training Requirements Satisfied Requirement Summary ("% (_) 1. a) Regulatory Guide 1.8 Requirements for Maintenance I

                                 -(ANSI N18.1, Section 5.3.4                   Training b)              Regulatory Guide 1.70.38, Section
2. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Job Related Quality Criteria II (. ANSI N18.7, Assurance Training Section 3.3)
3. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Housekeeping and Cleanliness Criteria II Control Training (ANSI N18.7, Section 5.2.10)

(ANSI N45.2.3, Section 2.4)

4. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B. Indoctrination in proper Criteria II use applicable procedures b

N '- b) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria V

                                                         -184-                Rev 6
5. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Indoctrination in
                       . Criteria III                   procedures utilized to f;              b)    10CFR50, Appendix B,            keep current on applicable v                                            .

Criteria VI design changes /modifica-(ANSI N18. 7, Section 5.2.15) tions Welders Only . Training Requirements Requirement Summary

1. a) ASME Boiler and Pressure Welding Performance Vessel Code, Section IX Qualifications b) ANSI B-31-1-1973 Section 127.5.1
2. a) Regulatory Guide 1.71 Welder Qualification for Areas of Limited Accessi-bility

[. ((]_j 3. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Control of Special (ANSI N18.7, Section 5.2.18) Processes

4. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Welding Records Criteria IX (ANSI N18.7, Section 5.1.12)

((G 1

                                               -185-  Rev 5                           i l

3.2.l! Initial Maintenance Group Training

       -{ ~ Program Description Maintenance Group Training is conducted under the cognizance of'the Techical Training Group Leader utilizing the Maintenance Group.Ti'3.ning Forms.


Form'M-1 Maintenance Group General Indoctrination Form M Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Mechanics (Mechanical) Form M-3 Qualification Requirements for Welders Form M-4 Qualification Requirements for Nuclear

                                                               - Control Technicians
       .                           Form'M-5                      Qualification Requirements for Nuclear
                                                              - Mechanics (Electrical)
                     ' The Technical Training Group Leader will normally delegate Maintenance Training responsibilities to a Nuclear Training.

Specialist for knowledge training requirements and the Chief Maintenance Engineer / designee for the required performance based on-the-job training (OJT). +

                     .All individuals reporting in to the Maintenance Group first I

complete Form M-1, Maintenance Group General Indoctrination. This indoctrination will be conducted by the Technical Training Group Leader / designee. Following completion of Form M-1 individuals will,them complete'those additional training form e- qualification requirements related to their job. These individual

      - A .                                                                                                                                                .


                                                                                            -186-                                                   Rev. 5 1

ek .* e_. ~' b^ & ~* i A., 4 4 sene.-,syy...-+ es + =d %g ~w w w - v = =d.,e-c.3 ...w-=----y .w w-=-r--* vert *ww-ww->+e>,w e- r ---r- w-w y -pewe

qualification card tasks are satisfied by demonstrating competency in that task. Formal classroom training, pretesting, self study,

   -( )

equipment simulation and demonstrating proficiency on the job are mechanisms for qualification card Any qualification card related training, classroom or OJT, will

          ~ be docume.nted by the-use of classroom attendance forms (classroom training) or performanced based OJT forms.

Vendor training will be conducted as necessary to develop the proficiency of Maintenance personnel in selected areas. Vendor training will meet established Nuclear Training Department criteria and will be documented on the individuals PNPS Employee Experience Record. () Nuclear Mechanics All Nuclear Mechanics are required to complete qualification Forms M-1 and M-2. Nuclear Mechanics (Electrical) p ~All Nuclear Mechanics (Electrical) are required to complete qualification Forms M-1, M-2, and M-5. Qualification requirements for Nuclear Mechanics are accomplished by. demonstrating proficiency on all the tasks identified on the qualification card. The individual demonstrates proficiency by , pre-testing, attending formal classroom training, individual self study and completing performance based OJT to the criteria of , -/s.

                                       -187-                              Rdv 5

l of each qualification. card task. Satisfactory performance is , the Technical Training Group Leader / Chief



    - (,

Maintenance Engineer.

                              '                          Welders
                             ' Those Nuclear Mechanics designated Welders'are required to demonstrateLproficiency on all the tasks identified in training qualification Forms M-1,.M-2, and M-3.                                                               The inviduals demonstrates proficiency by successfully meeting the criteria stated in each qualification, card task.                                     This is done by pre-testing, attending n                               formal classroom training, and completing performance based OJT.

Detailed welder _ qualification requirements are specified in Pilgrim

                             . Procedure l3.M.4-15, General Welding Procedure.                                                                        A welder must qualify and periodically requalify in each welding procedure he/

she performs. 'The date of initial qualification on each welding procedure should be documented on Form M-3.

                            . Contract welders doing work at PNPS mayLbe qualified by the Contractor _using.the same or equivalent procedures wherein the

essential variables are within the limits established in Section IX, ASME Boiler and pressure vessel code. Qualification requirements

                           - of Contract Welders are specified in Section 127.5 of ANSI B31.1-t                              1973. . Contract welder qualifications will be documented on PNPS
                           . Qualification Form M-2.

1 O

                                                                                              -188-                                                        REv. 5 i

s ,,;c.- , : , , + s. e ve w omem , e-mm , .er w.+ eE, w e,m .,,, swe-ws,,-,,,-,,,nn,--,,m,w,,-.e, .v,,e~,,.-- -,,-.anvr ,,,wn,,.---a-,--=.-,,-m--,-r,-- Program Schedule yn ((_) m Initial Maintenance Group Training is conducted on a schedule specified by the Technical Training Group Leader and approved by the Chief Maintenance Engineer. Group Training will be conducted utilizing formal classroom training, individual self

          =    - study, and performance based OJT.                Initial Maintenance Group Training shall be completed within a time period specified by the Technical Training Group Leader and approved by the Chief Maintenance Engineer after the individual's assignment to a maintenance group position. Program Responsibilities , Responsibilities for Initial Maintenance Group Training are summarized below: Technical Training Group Leader The Technical Training Group Leader is responsible for:

1. Scheduling and overseeing the implementation of the initial Maintenance Group Training Program.
                       ?.  . Maintaining custody of all Maintenance Group Training 4


3. Deleting specific Group Qualification Requirements when an individual's experience or other special factors indicates that the requirements are met or exceeded.

!{()- 4. Certifying the qualifications of all individuals in the Maintenance Group.

                                                -189-                                    Rev. 5
            -+                             _                      .              -


                              .                        Chief Maintenance Engineer / Supervisor I

9l The Chief Maintenance Engineer / Supervisor is responsible for: L: 1. Assess training needs in coordination with the Nuclear Training Department.

                    .           2.                 Make time available for staff to participate in training.
3. Approve the technical adequacy of all training material de if. ored to their group.
4. Conduct performance based on-the-job training within the unit as appropriate.
5. Evaluate the results of training and reinforce its application on the job.
6. Ensuring that all contract welders are qualified in accordance with ANSI B21.1-1973, Section 127.5.
                      '                         Program Documentation The Technical Training Group Leader is responsible for maintaining
                      . the training records of each individual assigned to the Maintenance
                      - Group.- Each training record should contain the following'documenta-tion as appropriate.

i: Documentation General Employee Training G.E.T.-l PNPS General 1 Employee Training Checklist (with written quiz - if administered) h-

                                                                                   -190-                                                                        Rev. 5 I;
               .-v-       ,,n.-  , - - _ . . . . .          __,y-   -__ _ . -.,,   ,,,,_..-...,_-......._..~..e   r,,,,-..-- . _ . . . . .. . - , , _ . . , _ .        ._..y,... _ , ,

G.E.T.-2 PNPS General Employee Retraining Record re- (with written quiz) k  : Initial Group ~ Training G-3 PNPS Employee Experience Record

                      ~M-1    Maintenance Group Training General Indoctrination
                     -M-2    ' Nuclear Mechanics M-3    Nuclear Welders M-4    Nuclear Control Technicians M-5    Nuclear Mechanics (Electrical)

In-addition to the information contained in each individuals

               -       ' raining record, records to support welder qualifications shall t

be maintained in a file by the Technical. Training Group Leader.

                     .Those records are specified in Procedure 3.M.4-15, General Welding Procedure.

3.2.2. Additional Maintenance Group Training Program Description Additional Maintenance Group Training is conducted as considered necessary by the Technical. Training Group Leader and the Chief Maintenance Engineer. Some conditions where training could be h ~ called for are:

  • improve individual job performance i.
  • changing industry standards (i.e. INPO, NRC) p
  • introduction of new equipment or procedures
                           ' individual career advancement
  -fi        .


                                                   -191-                                               Rev. 5

A I m h Training sessions can be scheduled for the entire department, l n(4,) - a specific group within the department, or ;nly selected

             - individuals. All training shall be documented on PNPS Training Form G-2 and sent to the Nuclear Training Department.

Those Nuclear Mechanics qualified as welders are required to requalify.if:they have not welded under a' specific process for a period of three months. Welding records will be maintained in accordance with procedure 3.M.4-15 by the Chief Maintenance Engineer and copies sent to the Nuclear Training Department. 3.'2.2.2 Program Responsibilities Technical Training Group Leader The Technical Training Group Leader / designee is responsible for:

1. Assess the training needs in coordination with the Chief Maintenance Engineer / designee of the Maintenance Group.
2. Develop training programs which meet the needs of the Maintenance Group.
3. Implement the required training programs.
4. Evaluate the training given in order to see if program objectives were met.
5. . Document and maintain training records.
                                                                   -192-                                                 Rev. 5
                     ,         .p h t.-e, w o- p w ,--.v- g,-v.
  • c.<-- p.-.v,, ,-e-w,--%w<--,,w- ,g--- ---yv,,- w- 3w,,,n, y-, ,,- -w - , . - - Chief Maintenance Engineer

 ' '(g sf The Chief Maintenance Engineer / designee is responsible for:
1. Assess training needs in coordination with the Technical Training Group Leader / designee.
2. Ap: 'ove the Technical adequacy of all training programs de eloped for the Maintenance Group.

3.. Evaluate the results of training and reinforce its application on the. job.

                             ~4.         Make time available for maintenance staff to participate in training.

Conduct performance based OJT as appropriate. ( )- 6. Maintaining welder re-qualification records as specified in Procedure 3.M.4-15 and requalify welders as necessary. Program Documentation ! The Technical Training Group Leader / designee and or the Chief l Maintenance Engineer / designee is responsible for documenting i 5 Maintenance Retraining on Form G-2 and sending the form to the 1 ( Nuclear Training Department. f I a i l j -193- Re'v. 5 l~ _ . _ _ - , _ . _ , _ _ _ - - . . _ , . . . _ , _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . , _ - . - , . , . . _ _ _ , _ . _ - - _ . . . . , . . _ , _ . _ _ - . . . . , . - . _ . . - _ _ ~

                                                                     ,                                                                    Page 1 of 1 F:rm M-1                                                       PNPS Mainten::nce Group Training General Indoctrination kD -'dGeneral - .NameIndoctrination Con.plete an indoctrination-on the procedures and instructions which are applicable to the Maintenance Group that implement the Quality Assurance Program. This indoc-trination will-include the following:
1. 1.1.1 Station Organization and Responsibility
                   ^ ,        ~2.            1.2.1                                                         Operations Review Committee
3. -1.3.2 Special Orders
                               '4.           1.3.4                                                         Procedures
5. 1.3.6 Adherence to Technical Specifications
                              -6.            1.3.7                                                          Records
                              .. 7.          1.3.8                                                          Document Control-8._          1.3.9*                                                         Reports 9.~          1.3.13                                                        Plant Design Changes

, 10.. 1.3.14 Indoctrination and Training 11~. 1.3.16 Conduct of Personnel in Control Room

12. 1.3.23* Preparation of Safety Evaluations
13. 1.3.24 Failure and Malfunction Reports
14. 1.3.26* Response to Deficiency Reports
15. 1.4.5 PNPS Tagging Procedure
16. 1.4.6 Housekeeping
17. 1.5.3 Maintenance Requests
      -/                     18.             1.5.7                                                         Unplanned Maintenance
, -[\ .                     19.              3.M.1-l*                                                      Preven' Maintenance
20. 3.M.1-1.1 Instrument and Control
21. 1.5.9 Temporary Modifications
22. 3.M.1-5 Procurement of Items and Services
23. 3.M.1-7.1 Handling and Storage of Material 3

24.' 3.M.1-8* Disposition of Non-Conforming Material

25. 3.M.1-9 Identification and Control of Material
26. 3.M.1-10 Calibration and Control of Maintenance Tools and Equipment
27. 3.M.2-1 Instrument Record System
28. 3.M.2-8.2 Pressure Working Standards Calibration
29. 3.M.4-15 Welding
30. 3.M.4-15-1 Welding Filter Material Control ,
31. 8.1 Periodic Surveillance Test Date Completed Signature,' Chief Maintenance Engineer Requirements Satisfied: a) 10CFR, Appendix B b) ANSI N18.7 c) BEQAM, Volume II  !

Return completed form to Training Dept. [- Date Completed Signature, Technical Training Group Ldr.

  • Management Only- -194- Rev. 5 .


  .ej                              NUCLEAR MECHANICS (MECHANICAL)


l. ' Meet all~ qualifications specified in the Nuclear Mechanic Job Specificatio~n.

Date Signature, Maintenance Engineer

2. Complete Form M-1, Maintenance Group Training General Indoctrination.

Date Signature, Maintenance Engineer ((A)

3. Prepare sketches, document changes or other details to keep company records up to date.

Date Signature, Maintenance Engineer

4. Perform duties associated with warehouse and tool room operation; that is, receiving, shipping, locating, storing and indexing equipment and records.

Date Signature, Maintenance Engineer O

                                                              -195-                                          Rev. 5

Page 2 of 5 FORM M-2 , O b-- 5 . Demonstrate the ability to operate cranes, fork lifts, trucks, and any other plant equipment used for transportation. Date Signature, Maintenance Engineer

6. Demonstrate the ability to properly and safely tag out equipment.

Date Signature, Mainthnance Engineer

7. Demonstrate the ability to apply those principles learned in the General Employee Radiological Health & Safety Training on-the-job.

Specifically, demonstrate the ability to: l'

a. Control the spread of contamination
b. Minimize one's own radiation exposure
c. Properly use personnel monitoring equipment
d. Decontaminate both personnel and equipment Date Signature, Maintenance Engineer
8. Shipping of Radioactive Materials  ;

Demonstrate the ability to perform duties related to minimizing, shipping handling and disposal of radioactive material in accordance A with the PNPS procedure for handling of radioactive material and within the DOT and NRC requirements. Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist

                                        -196-                            Rev. 5

Page 3 of 5 FORM M-2

      . Successfully complete the following training modules.

Signature, Nuclear Training Module # Module Name. Rev. Date Specialist MM-1 -Mathematics for Repairman MM-2' -Ceneral Physics MM-3 -Heat Transfer MM-4 -Corrosion Chemistry MM-5 -Properties of Materials MM-6 -Mechanical and Electrical Print Reading MM-7 -Tools HM-8 -Rigging, Scaffolding and Cranes

                  -Mechanical Equipment and (0 'f^) MM-9         Components 9.1 pumps and fans 9.2 valves and piping 9.3 heat exchangers 9.4 filters, traps, strainers 9.5 turbines 9.6 compressors 9.7 heating, ventilation, air conditioning equipment 9.8 snubbers, hangers, restraints 9.9 cranes MM-10    -Communication Skills Development                                     _

{ ) MM-Il -Reactor Familiarization

                                               -197'                             Rev. 5

P:ge 4 of 5 FORM M-2 ( .,3. Successfully complete the following PNPS Systems Training Modules. Signature, Nuclear Training Module # Module Name Rev. Date Specialist MM-14 Reactor Recirculation MM-15, Reactor Cleanup MM-16 Main Steam MM-17 Condensate MM-18 Condensate Demineralizers MM-19 Feedwater MM-20 Condenser Cooling Water MM-21 Service Water MM-22 Demineralized Water MM-23 Reactor Building Closed 1., Loop Cooling MM-24 Turbine Building Closed Loop Cooling MM-25 Radwaste Systems MM-26 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling . MM-27 High Pressure Core injection MM-28 Reactor Core Injection Cooling MM-29 Reactor Heat Removal MM-30 Containment Spray MM-31 Air Ejector And Offgas MH-32 Reactor Building Ventilation MM-33 Turbine Building Ventilation m MM-34 Service Air Systems

    \~ -
                                                   -198-                               Rev. 5 l

Pegn 5 of 5 FORM M-2.

10. Continued.

Signature, Nuclear Training Module # Module Name Rev.- Date Specialist MM-35 TIP. System MM-36 Process Monitoring System MM-37. Area Radiation Monitoring

                            ~ System MM-38        Reactor Vessel Internals 4

MM-391 Turbine Generator MM PNPS Switchyard

                           'AC Distribution
              - MM-42        DC Distribution MM-43        CRD System MM-44        Primary and Secondary Containment MM-45      :SBGT System
              .MM-4'6      . Diesel Generators g         11.--Qualification as a Nuclear Mechanic Certified Complete Date                              Signature, Maintenance Engineer Date                              Signature, Chief Maintenance Engineer Date                              Signature, Technical Training Group Leader
 - (g -J
     " Return Completed Form to'the Nuclear Training Department
                                                       -199-                                Rev. 5 l


          -1. Complete' Form M-1, Maintenance Group Training General Indoctrination and.

Form M-2, Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Mechanics.

                                         .Date:                                         Signature. Technical Training Group Leader 2..'Successfully complete the following Training Modules.

Signature, Nuclear Training Module # Module Name Rev. Date Specialist ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes-HM-101 Section I - MM-102 Section III MM-103 Section VIII MM-104 Section IX

3. Successfully complete the'following Training Moditles.

Signature,' Nuclear Training ~ Module # Module Name Rev.. Date Specialist

                 .MM-105              Cutting and Welding Permits
MM-106 Welding Procedures
4. -Qualify. utilizing procedures on at least one of the welding procedures listed in
               . Procedure 3.M.4-15.

1 _ Date Signature, Maintenance Engineer l

                                                                             -199A-                                                  Rev. 5
                      . . _ - .. ,. .      =4 ,., , , _ .    .,___._m,_         _ . . _ . . _ . . , . . . . . _ -

Pagm 2 of 3 FORM M-3 [ya') Requirements Satisfied: a) ASME BPVC, Section IX b) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria IX (ANSI N18.7, Section 5.2.18)

5. Qualification as a Nuclear Welder Certified Complete.

Date Signature, Maintenance Engineer Date Signature, Chief Maintenance Engineer Date Signature Technical Training Group Leader (G O. Successfully complete the initial qualification for the following Training Modules on Welding Procedures. Signature, Nuclear Training Module f Module Name Rev. Date Specialist MM-107 P1-T MM-108 P1-A-LL MM-109 P 1-/, -C-Lh HM-110- P1-AT-Lh MM-111 P8-T-ag MM-112 P8-P1-T-Ag MM-113 P8-P1-AT-Ag MM-114 P-107, H-101

                                                -199B-                                Rev. 5

_- m . _ _ _ ._. . Page 3 of 3

             . Form M-3                                                                                                                                    ,

1 l Date Signature, Maintenance Engineer l 1 1 Date Signature, Chief Maintenance Engineer Date Signature, Technical Training Group Leader

- ~ Return Completed Form to the Nuclear Training Department i

4 L(O

                                                            -199C-                                                                         Rev. 5
        .,            ,m               G' O  T "

3.,7 ,.4.',,,..,.y,,,,- . , .,v..,.4..%,%, g,,,,,, ,-,.p,-%, com % we%.e._wmew,-,...-n,

    ,           y-Pags 1 of 6

NUCLEAR CONTROL TECHNICIANS NAME SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 1..-Complete Form M-1, Maintenance Group General Indoctrination. J T Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist

2. Meet-all' qualifications specified in .the Nuclear Control Technician job

Date. Signature, Maintenance Engineer

          -r       . =



Successfully. complete the following PNPS System Training Modules. , , Signature,' Nuclear Training Module # - Module Name Rev. Date Specialist n . 'MM-14 Reactor Recirculation HM-15. Reactor Cleanup

                           'MM-16                        Main Steam MM-17                    . Condensate' Condensate Demineralizers

MM-18 4

                          .MM-19                         Feedwater-MM-20                    - Cond:mser Cooling Water 19(- 21'                 :  Service Water MM-22                       Domineralized Water 10                                                                     -

t _ -199D- Rev. 5

   - _ __                   . _ .      _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ .      ._._-_.__x_.._.-.,.___..                     . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ , - , . . _ , - . . . , _ ,

Pags 2 of 6

PORM M-4--
       ;ks jk3
              . ; continued Signature, Nuclear Training-d;'                       Module #      Module Name                                    -Rev.              Date                               Specialist gy
                          .MM         Reactor Building Closed                                                                                                                              .

Loop Cooling- l l M-24 . Turbine Building Closed Loop Cooling

                           -MM-25       -Radwatte; MM      . Spent Fuel Pool Cooling
MM-27 High Pressure Core Injection MM-28 Reactor Core Injection
Cooling m-29 Reactor Heat Removal- __

fs .MM-30 Containment-Spray 10 MM-31 Air Ejector and Offgas. , LMM-32' Reactor Building. Ventilation _ M-33 Turbine Building Ventilation-MM-34 -Service Air Systems . 4 MM-35 -TIP System , MM-36 Process Monitoring System- , MM-37 Area Radiation Monitoring System - M-66 Neutron Monitoring System , ! -. A.~ SRM System , B. IRM System. C. APRM System '- D.. RBM System

                           .MM-67        R.P.I.S. System
                                                                               -199E-                                                            Rev. 5 4
            ,-,-..-+,,-n,         , - -    - ,~::      r'   Tru    ' ; , ,,2,-   ; '-,,,a.,   ,,a,,-;-n-.,..,,,--,~,-,n--,..,,-n,-                   ,.r,,,n..n,-,.,mm,.

I l Pagn 3 of 6

               ' FORM M-4                                                                                                                   -
       /~N                                                                                                                      ~
4. Surveillance Procedures
  • Complete all Monthly Surveillance Procedures fc- 2 months and discuss possible I effects of performing these procedures as they are done with a qualified Technician.

Date Signature, 16C Supervisor n

5. Successfully complete the following Training Modules.

S Signature Nuclear Training Module #- Module Nat.e Rev. Date Specialist MM Basic Mathematics MM Algebra C\ MM-72 Applied Geometry MM-73 Applied Trigonometry MM-74 Mechanics MM-3 Heat Transfer MM-4 . Chemistry [ MM-75 Reactor Technology P:-

                   .MM-48         Basic Electricity MM-51        Basic Electronics HM-76        Digital Electronics
                    'MM-77.        Electrical and Electronic Troubleshooting
                   'MM        Electrical and Electronic
                                 . Maintenance und Repair NM-79         Electrical Maintenance and hq f                     ' Test Equipment i
                                                             -199F-                                                       Re'v. 5

Page 4 of 6 i

        . FORM M-4                                                                                                                                                 '-


        .5      Continued.

Signature, Nuclear Training Module # Module Name Rev. Date Specialist

             . MM-6         Electrical and Mechanical Print Reading.
             - MM-80.      .. Basic Analog Process
                           -Control HM-81       Hand Tools and Equipment MM-82       Principles of Radiation Detection MM-83       Group Interaction MM-84       Oral Communications

! .._ ' MM-85 Written Communications .O MM-86 Process Instrument and '- Control Devices and "'( Equipment-MM-87 Administrative, Maintenance and Calibration Procedures

               - HM-88     -Fundamental Calculus HM-89       Nuclear Physics i-MM-90       Electrical Control and Protection Logic                                                                                                                          _

MM-91 Fundamental Computer Theory-

6. Perform all I&C monthly surveillances as indicated on the I&C Monthly Surveillance Testing Schedule at least once with particular emphasis on:
                                 - Technical Specification requirements of the surveillance
                                  - Purpose of the surveillance Signature I&C Supervisor

] -199G- Rev. 5

                       .-.      - . . - . ~ . . . . - - . , . . .   . _ .       . . . _ - . - . - . _ _ - _ . _ . _ _ , - . . . - . _ . .

Page 5 of 6 FORM M-4 7g

 ' QJ
7. Demonstrate the ability to properly and safely isolate, drain, and tag out equipment at PNPS.

Date Signature, I&C Supervisor

8. Demonstrate the ability to apply those principlee! learned in Central Employee Training " Radiological Health and Safety Indoctrinatiot" on the job.

Specifically demonstrate the ability to: Date Signature, 16C Supervisor

a. Control and spread of contamination  ;

b.. Minimize one's own radiation exposure (dose) (f3,) c. Properly use personnel monitoring equipment

d. Decontaminate both personnel and equipment
9. Demonstrate the ability to calibrate the following to accepted specification.

Date Signature, I&C Supervisor

a. Test Gauges
b. Temperature Guages
c. Flow Detectors
d. Level Instruments l

l i 1 1 I

                                                   -199H-                                                 Rev. 5
                                                                     . cf
           ' FORM M-4                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 6 of 6 3

10.' Qualification as a. Nuclear Control Tech'nician Complete 1 , Date Signature. I&C Supervisor t l l o Date Signature, Chief Maintenance Engineer

                                                                                                                                                                          ,    /
                                       .Date                                                                    Signature Technical Training Group Leader 4

f ,r (s 1-4'

                                                                                                                         ,                   (                                                                   's s
                                                                                               /                     \         't ;
   ' -     Return Completed Form to the Nuclear Training DepartmentN                                                                                                  ,


                                                                                                                                                  \                                  .

8 L, ,

                                                                                                                     ;                                                             i      .                 *!                       l
                                                                                       -I                                                          '
                                                                                                                                       ,, ,                    - e fi                       ,        i. ,               ,
                                                                                                                                                                        \   .
                                                                            ,/       i                  i                                 g               *
                                                                                                                                 %l             ,

i i

                                                                                                                                                             \g i,      .

i ,-


i i

                                                                                                       /          k
                                                                    ,1 . ,             ,


  • f e 4 g n , ,
i. gi s ,


                                                                                                                     *                            \

7-( , s ,s g \, . N r s , t ,

                                                                                     -1991-                                                             s x                                 Rev. S
                                                                                                                                               ,. s                             i a                        i-
                                                                                          .                       't w  q +        --w,   ve--.m--~rmem+ar,,rev=,*,wv--~-~ ~ - <                                   ***'Y-'*='*$*="~'"""*"~**"'""******"*'*""'""'~"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ~ ~ ~ ~




1. Meet all qualifications specified in the Nuclear Mechanic Job Specification.

Date Signature, Maintenance Engineer

2. Complete Form M-1, the Maintenance Group Training General Indoctrination and M-2, PNPS Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Mechanics (Mechanical).

Date Signature, Maintenance Engineer V 3. l (f'} Prepare sketches, document changes or other details to keep company records up to date. f hr

y Date Signature, Maintenance Engineer ir
4. Perform duties associated with warehouse and tool room operation; that is, receiving, shipping, locating, storing and indexing equipment and records.

Date Signature, Maintenance Engineer

5. Demonstrate the ability to operate cranes, fork lifts, trucks, and any other plant equipment used for transporting vehicle.
   .A Date                                                           Signature, Maintenance Engineer
                                                                     -199J-                                                                   Rev. 5
                                                                                                                                                                   .N 1
Pagn.2 of 6 FORM M-5 b M 6. Demonstrate the ability to proprly and safely tag out equipment.

r Date- Signature Maintenance Engineer , s

               - 7.; De'onstratetheability-toapplythoseprinciplesbearnedintheGeneral m

Employee Radiological Health & Safety Training onithe-job. . Specifically, j , demonstrate the ability to:

a. Control'the spread of contamination ,
b. Minimize one's own radiation exposure. .
c. Properly use personnel monitoring equipment +
d. Decontaminate bcch personnel and equipment .

a 5

     -(.                            Date                                          Signature, Maintenance Engineer

_8. Shipping of-Radioactive Materials ,. Demonstrate the ability to perform duties related to minimizing, shipping handling and disposal of radioactive material in accordance with the PNPS procedure for handling of radioactiOJ material and within the DOT ated NRC

                                                                        .                                                                               ,r requirements.                                                                                                              - ,



Date " Signature, Maintenance Engineer ^ 5



                                                                 --199K-                                                                                          Rev. 5 1              .

v.. -w' v - = a-ne - -- - c.-e e n ,w-. ,mr. --,v.,--, ..---r-,,<-- e w ,-n. - - - - . ,,e,,,w,-,oe -,

Paga 3 of 6 PORM M-5 I

9. Successfully complete the following Training Modules:
                                                                                         -Signature Nuclear Training Module #  Module Name                                   Rev. Date            Specialist
                    'MM-1.       Mathematics for Repairman.
                    - MM-2. ~   . General Physics HM-3      Heat Transfer MM-4       Corrosion Chemistry
                    'MM-5        Properties of Materials

HM-6 Mechanical and Electrical, Print Reading

                    .MM-7        Tools
                    'MM-8        Rigging, Scaffolding and Cranes--

f d ' MM Mechanical Equipment and

t. -

Components 9.1 ' pumps and fans 9.2 valves and piping 9.3 heat exchangers 9.4 filters, traps, strainers x 9.5 turbines 9.6 compressors 9.7 heating, ventilation, air conditioning equipment

                                  -9.8    anubbers, hangers,
                                         . restraints 9.9 cranes
               ..      MM-10      Communication Skills

( Development

                                                                        -199L-                      Rev. 5

Pzgn 4 of 6 FORM M-5 f~~S , .(7- / 9. Continued l Signature, Nuclear Training Module # Module Name Rev. Date Specialist MM-11 Reactor Familiarization MM-48 Electrical Theory MM-49 Transformers MM-50 Motors and Generators MM-51 Electronics MM-52 Print and Schematic Reading MM-53 Electrical Control and Protection Devices MM-54 Electrical Measurement and Test Equipment


([(,/ MM-55 Safe and Proper use of Electrician Tools __ MM-56 Electrical Conduit, Cable and Wire HM-58 Battery Testing and Servicing MM-59 Circuit Breaker and Contactor Maintenance MM-60 Motor Maintenance MM-61 Generator and Transformer Maintenance MM-62 Switchgear and Bus Maintenance

          .MM-63      Motor Operated Valve Maintenance


                                              -199M-                     Rev.5

Pass 5.of 6 FORM M-5

10. -Successfully complete the following PNPS System Training Modules:

+ Signature, Nuclear Training Module # Module Name Rev. Date Specialist r MM Reactor Recirculation MM- 15 . Reactor Cleanup MM-l'6 Main Steam MM-17 Condensate MM-18 ' Condensate Demineralizers MM-19 Feedwater

                 -MM-20          Condenser Cooling Water                       _ _ _ _

MM-21 Service Water HM-22 Demineralized Water 1 MM-23 Reactor Building Closed Loop Cooling HM-24 Turbine Building Cooling

                               -Loop Cooling 1

MM-25 Radwaste Systems MM-26 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling MM-27 High Pressure Core L . Injection E MM-28 Reactor Core Injection

Cooling i

MM-29 Reactor Heat Removal MM-30 ' Containment Spray HM-31 Air Ejector and Offgas MM-32 Reactor Building , Ventilation

. MM-33 Turbine Building

!' -: Ventilation l .. ' . ^

                                                                          -199N-                                                          Rev. 5 1
            .          ,                    - - - .            .. -~                       . ..                   .

Pzga 6 of 6 PORM M-5 4

       '[       10. :. Continued-Q' ]'
                                                                            .                                                Signature, Nuclear Training Module #     Module Name                      _ Rev.                        Date                                ' Specialist MM-34        Service Air' Systems MM-35        TIP System MM-36         Process Monitoring System
                     ~NM-37        Area Radiation Monitoring
System-p MM-38 Reactor Vessel Internals MM-39 Turbine Generator r- MM-40' PNPS Switchyard MM-41 AC Distribution

MM-42 DC Distribution-HM-43 CRD System HM-44 -Primary and Secondary Containment MM-45 S3GT System MM-46 - Fuel Pool ' Cooling System , .MM-47 Diesels ,

11. -Qualification as a Nuclear Mechanic (Electrical) Certified Complete.

Date Signature, Maintenance Engineer Date Signature, Chief Maintenance Engineer t 4 Date Signature. Technical Training Group Leader Return Completed Form to the Nuclear Training Department

                                                             -199-0     ,

Rev. 5

                     .3.3                  Technical Group Training p                                       -


                     'The objective of Technical Group Training is to provide for the                                                                                                   R indoctrination and training of Technical Group Personnel as

_necessary to assure that suitable job proficiency is achieved and maintained. Program Requirements Training Requirements Satisfied Requirement Summary 1.. a) Regulatory Guide 1.8, Requirements for (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.3.4) Technical Training b) Regulatory Guide 1.70,38, 7 Section

2. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria II Job Related Quality
                                              .(ANSI N18.7, Section 3.3)                                         Assurance Training
3. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria II Housekeeping and (ANSI N18. 7, Section 5.2.10) Cleanliness Control (ANSI N4 5. 2.3, Section 2. 4) Training
4. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria II Indoctrination in proper b) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria V use of applicable procedures.


                      ..               a)     10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria III Indoctrination in b)     10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria VI                                   procedures utilized
      /'                                       (ANSI N18.7, Section 5.2.15)                                      to keep current on applicable design changes / modifications
                                                                            -200-                                                          Rev. 6

3.3.1 Initial Technical Group Training r~)

  ~V                  Program Descriptioni Technical Group Training is conducted under the cognizance of the Chief Technical Engineer utilizing the Technical Group Training Forms. The Technical Group Training is completed using the following^ forms:

T-1 Technical Group Genera,1 Indoctrination i i T-2 Qualification Require (ents for Nuclear Technicians

                                                       .,         .4  . , .1 ' r,J s'            "t  . A?c t
                       .The Chief Technical Enginedh wil'1 por$naIi}} ' delegate the maintenance of training responsibilities to the;1(eactob Engineer.                  This individual will then insure.that thes required training for the                a f-              individual under their control is completed.
    .h All individuals reporting into the Technical Group first complete the General Indoctrination, Form T-1.                 This indoctrination will be conducted by the Chief Technical Engineer or his/her designated representative. Following completion of Form T-1, individuals will complete the additional training forms, by participsting in on-the-job activities under the direction of appropriately personnel and, finally, by demonstrating to their supervisors their ability to meet the specific qualification requirements.

Any training conducted, such as: on-the-job formal presentations on a particular piece of equipment, or procedures, etc., would be documented on Form G-2, "PNPS Training Attendance Form". s O

                                                      -201-                                Rev. 6

Initial Technical Group Training, as conducted utilizing the V'") ks' _ Technical Group Training Forms, are designed to ensure that Technical Group personnel receive the necessary indoctrination

        .and then demonstrate their ability to perform as a technician in their particular specialty.
       ~ 3 . 3.1. 1. 1,.           Nuclear Technician All Nuclear Technicians are required to complete Forms T-1 and T-2.

Qualification requirements for Nuclear Technicians are accomplished utilizing on-the-job training under the cognizance of the Reactor Engineer. As the individual demonstrates competence in specific job-related areas, satisfactory performance is documented by the (I'/


D Reactor Engineer. Nuclear Technician qualification requirements shall be completed within a time period specified by the Group Leader after the individual's assignment to the Nuclear

        -Technician position. ' Program Schedule Initial Technical Group' Training is conducted on a schedule specified by the Chief Technical Engineer. Training will be conducted on-the-job utilizing the Technical Group Training Checklist. Initial Technical Group Training shall be completed within a time period specified by the Group Leader after the individual's r assignment to a Technical Group position.

                                                                        -202-           Rev. 6
     =-~                                                               ,
           '       Program Responsibilities q'p -

W ResponsibilitiesLfor Initial Technical Group Training are

           ~ summarized below:

l Senior Nuclear Training Specialist ' The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist is responsible for:

1. Overseeing Unplementation of the initial Technical Group Training Program
2. Maintaining custody of all Technical Group Training Records Chief Technical Engineer The Chief Technical Engineer is responsible for:

f 1. Implementing initial Technical Group Training

2. Conducting or designating a representative to complete Technical Group General Indoctrination using Form T-1 for all new Technical Group employees.
3. Deleting specific group qualification requirements when an individual's experience or other special factors indicate that the requirements are met or exceeded.
4. Certifying the qualification of all non-management individuals in the Technical Group. Reactor lngineer

C[. The Reactor Engineer is responsible for:
1. Conducting training as specified by the Chief Technical Engineer.
                                           -203-                                           Rev. 6

Qualifying " Nuclear. Technicians" utilizing Form T-2.



   . _ ;x hI)                                                 Program Documentation The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist is responsible for maintaining the training record of each individual assigned to I

. the Technical Group.. Each training record should contain the following- documentation as appropriate: Documentation General Employee Training

                      'GET-1,.PNPS General Employee Training Checklist (with written quiz, if administered)

GET-2, PNPS General Employee Retraining Record (with written quiz)

   'O'                  Initial Departmental Training G-3', PNPS Employee Experience Record T-1, Technical ~, Group General Indoctrination - All T-2, Nuclear Technicians                                          ~

3.3.2 Technical Group Retraining Program Description Technic 31 Group retraining is conducted as considered necessary-by the Chief Technical Engineer and Senior Nuclear Training Specialist. For example, training might be considered necessary following the procurement of new equipment and tools. Training messions can be scheduled for the entire group or only selected

( )l individuals. All training shall be documented on PNPS Form G-2 and sent to the Training Group.
                                                                                       -204-                    Rev. 6

3.~3.2.2 Program Schedule

      )-      . Technical' Group Retraining is conducted on a schedule specified j
             -by the Chief Technical Engineer.


             ' 3. 2 : 2. 3.             Program Responsibilities
             .                ' Senior Nuclear Training Specialist
              .The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist is responsible for:
1. Overseeing implementation of the Technical Group l Retraining Program.
2. Together with the Chief Technical Engineer, identifying areas where retraining would be

. advantageous. (}. Maintaining custody of Technical Group Retraining

    ,                   3.

records. Chief Technical Engineer The-Chief Technical Engineer is responsible for: 1- 1. Together with the Senior Nuclear Training Specialist, identifying areas where retraining would be advan-f tageous. . 2. Conducting the Technical Group Retraining Program as , necessary. Program Documentation

             .The Chief Technical Engineer is responsible for documenting
Technical Group Retraining on Form G-2, "PNPS Training Attendance Fore," and sending this form to the Training Department.
  • Rev. 6

_ _.. ..t _... _ _., _ -._.__.__.__..,_.._._._._. . _ _ _ - . _ _ . . _ . . , _ _ . _

Forn-T-1 PNPS Technical Group i Ganeral Indoctrination Name k V .- G'eneral Indoctrination Complete an indoctrination on the procedures and instructions which are applicable to the Technical Group that implement the Quality Assurance Program. This indoc-trination will include the following:

1. 1.1.1 Station Organization and Responsibility
2. 1.2.1 Operations Review Committee
                .       3. 1.3.2                            Special Orders 4.' 1.3.4                            Procedures
5. 1.3.6 Adherence to Technical Specifications
6. 1.3.7 Records
7. 1.3.8 Document Control
8. 1.3.9* Reports
9. 1.3.13 Plant Design Changes
10. 1.3.14 Indoctrination and Training
11. 1.3.16 Conduct of Personnel in Control Room
12. 1.3.23* Preparation of Safety Evaluations
13. 1.3.24 Failure and Malfunction Reports
14. 1.3.26* Response to Deficiency Reports
15. 1.4.5 PNPS Tagging Procedure
16. 1.4.6 Housekeeping
17. 1.5.3 Maintenance Requests
18. 1.5.7 Unplanned Maintenance

(~'T 19. 3.M.1-1* Preventive Maintenance .f \ / 20. 21. 3.M.1-1.1 1.5.9 Instrument and Control Temporary Modifications

22. 3.M.1-5 Procurement of Items and Services
23. 3.M.1-7.1 Handling and Storage of Material
24. 3.M.1-8* Disposition of Non-Conforming Material
25. 3.M.1-9 Identification and Control of Material
26. 3.M.1-10 Calibration and Control of Maintenance Tools and Equipment 2 7.- 3.M.2-1 Instrument Record System
28. 3.M.2-8.2 Pressure Working Standards Calibration
29. 8.1 Periodic Surveillance Test Date Completed Signature, Chief Technical Engineer Requirements Satisfied: a) 10CFR, Appendix B b) ANSI N18.7
            .                         c)   BEQAM, Volume II Return Completed Form to Training Dept.

O Date Completed Signature, Sr. Nuclear Trng. Specialist

  • Management Only
                                                 -266-                          Rev. 6


  , k.p/. \y Name                                                               SSt Reactor Engineering Theory A.          Plant Systems
                              ,          Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of each of the following topics for each of the plan systems listed.
a. ' Basic Function
b. Basic _ Operation c.- Relation to Station or Core Performance
d. Emergency Functions, if applicable  !

Date Signature, Reactor Engineer

2. APRM 10 3. TIPS
4. RBM
5. RWM
6. Process Computer B. Basic Reactor Performance-Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of each of the following topics:

Date Signature, Reactor Engineer

1. Basic Reactor
          +                                    Physics
a. Keffectives
b. Fission-Process
            ,                                  c. Rehctivity A                                             Control i,
d. Fission Product Poison
  --g.                                                                  -207-                                            Rev. 6 d
          - p ,6 s, . -, -.+u,j.g%-,,,,,,%,wm.-.-,-.,,-,._.--,r.,,._----,v._,,....-_...-..._,-...~,--.,.-m,--e..-,-.-                         , , ~ . - . - ~ -

Form'T-2 Paga 2 of 4

     -i.                                                        Date        Signature, Rnactor Engineer
2. Radioactive Buildup and_ Decay
  '( *        :


3. Regulatory Requirements
a. 10CFR20
b. PNPS RE Related Tech.

4 Specs.

4. Reactor Operation 1


b. Heat-up
c. Steady State Operation
d. Xenon Transients fb 5. Core Performance

r: c. CMPF

                      -C.-     Fuel Accounting
1. Fuel Inventory Procedure
2. Fuel Handling Activities D. Data Collection and Reduction Techniques k
1. Plant Instrumentation
2. Process Computer
a. Functional Programs
b. BOP Programs
c. NSS Programs iA E. Responsbilities and Authority of Nuclear Technician ir Interdepartmental Relations 0D.
                                                     -208-                                   Rev. 6

= iF;ra T-2' Pega 3 cf 4 Date Sign 7ture. Ructor Engintsr


F. . Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Operations Manual

   .(                 1.-   . Volume 9.0'
2. Volume 4.0
                     '3. Selected OPER Procedures Training Evaluation (Check One)
               ,      Quiz:       Written                                 Oral Date Passed Examiners Signature
           . Reactor Engineering Technical Skills Perform each of the following operations / calculations under the supervision of a qualified Nuclear Technician (Reactor Engineer) in compliance with applicable Station Procedures.
           .A.        Plant Performance Calculations
1. Demand and Interpret the following computer programs:
a. P-1
b. P c. OD-1, OD-2, OD-3, OD-4, OD-5, OD-6 d.. OD-7, OD-8, Special Log Functions
e. Valve Print and Display Functions Date Signature, Reactor Engineer
2. . Collect Data for and conduct:
a. Manual Hest Balance
b. Jet Pump Calibration
c. MCPR, MAPLHGR, PHF, TPF Date Signature, Reactor Engineer B. . Special Process Computer Functions
1. Execute Security Drum Strip b -

2. 3. Reinitialize Computer and Run Program OD-15 Load a RWM Sequence

4. Edit OD-10 Options, OD-12
                                                       -209-                          Rev. 6

RForm T-2 Pago 4 of 4 l Date Signature, Reactor Engineer


g f


NE C. Fuel Accounting

1. Prepare MBA Transfer Form
2. Prepare proper Fuel Accounts
3. Distribute Fuel Burnup Information Date Signature, Reactor Engineer D. Prepare Monthly and Semi Monthly Data Transmittals to General Electric Fuel Warranty Department.

Date Signature, Reactor Engineer E. Bucle .

1. Monthly Data-Update
2. Obtain Core Performance Surveillance r~x Date Signature, Reactor Engineer

{N. ' The Candidate has successfully completed the qualification program and is therefore considered qualified as a Nuclear Technician. Date Signature, Reactor Engineer Date Signature, Cheif Technical Engineer Date Signature, Sr. Nuclear Training Specialist Return completed form to the Training Department G . (O

                                            -210-                      Rev. 6


      \O t


;                                                                         PAGES 211 THROUGH 218 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK f

( I r 4 I (O

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              . . 3.4            Training Group-y{ ;tO Objective The objective:of Methods Compliance and Training Group Training s

Lis to provide indoctrination and training of personnel as necessary

                  ' to assure that suitable job proficiency is achieved and maintained.
           'l Program Requirements 4                  - Training Requirements Satisfied                      Requirement Summary 4
1. a) Regulatory Guide 1.70.38, Requirements for Training l Section
                  . 2.       a)        10CFR50, Appendix B,-Criteria    Job Related Quality II (ANSI N18.7, Section 3.3)     Assurance

[~ ) 3. . a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria Housekeeping and Cleanli-

   - ( s.

II-(ANSI N18.7, Section 5.2.10) ness control Training (ANSI N4 5. 2. 3, Section 2.4)

4. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria Indoctrination in Proper II Use of Applicable.

b) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria Procedures V

5. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria Indoctrination in 4

, III Procedures Utilized to

b) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria Keep Current on Applicable d

VI (ANSI N18.7, Section 5.2.15) Design Changes / Modification

6. USNRC letter from Mr. H. Denton, Qualifications of Reactor i -

Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Operators l ( Regulation - Dated March 28, 1980

                            ---to all Power Reactor Applicants and Licensees
                                                           -219-                       Rev 3

5-1 3.4.1 Training Group Initial Training r\ . (" ' Program Description Training Group Training is conducted under the congizance of the Group Leader on Form A-1, Training Group Training. All personnel assigned to the Training Group are required to complete this Form. Any formal on-the-job training that Training Group participate in should be documented on Form G-2, PNPS Training Attendance Form, and sent to the Training Group. Vendor training will normally be conducted for Training Group personnel in selected areas. Vendor training should be documented in Section IV of Form G-3, PNPS Employee Experience Record. I{'} L Program Schedule Training Group training is conducted on a schedule specified by the Group Leader. The Training Group training. indoctrination shall be completed within a time period specified by the Group Leader after the individual's assignment to the Training Group. 3 . 4 .' l . 3 Program Responsibilities G Responsibilities for initial Training Group training are 4 summarized below:


g' f e

                                           -220-                       Rev 4
                                                                     ~                    s ggnior Nuclocr Trnining Specialist ,

   'J        The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist is responsible for:
1. Overseeing implementation of the initial Training Group training program.
2. Maintaining custody of all Training Group training records.
3. Deleting specific departmental qualification require-ments when an individual's experience or other special factors indicate that the requirements are met or exceeded. Training Group Leader The Group Leader is responsible for: () 1. Implementing initial Training Group training.

2. Conducting the " General Indoctrination" portion of the Training Group training Form for all new personnel. Program Documentation The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist is responsible for maintaining the training record of each person assigned to the Training Group. Each training record should contain the following documentation as appropriate: Documentation 4 General Employee Training - k GET-1, PNPS General Employee Training Checklist (with written quiz if administered)

                                                                                                             -221- Rev 3

r - {(} 'GET-2, PNPS General Employee Retraining Record (with written quiz) Initial Departmental Training G-3, PNPS Employee Experience Record

              .A-1, Training Group Training Checklist - All A-2, Training Group Training Checklist for Clerical Personnel 3.4.2               Training Group Retraining             Program Description Training Group retraining is conducted for group personnel as (I) s_/

considered necessary by the Group Leader and/or Senior Nuclear Training Specialist. Progrcm Schedule Group retraining is conducted on a schedule specified by the Group Leader. Program Responsibilities Senior Nuclear Training Specialist The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist is responsible for: ,

1. Overseeing implementation of group retraining program.

( [s._.-) 2. Together with the Group Head, identify areas where retraining would be advantageous.

3. Maintain custody of group retraining records.
                                                               -222-                                                                       Rev 3

__ . -. .. . _ -. - m._ > _ . _ _ . . . _ . h.

                       -                               Training Group Leader k          ,

The Group Leader is responsible for:

1. Together with the Senior Nuclear Training Specialist, identify areas where retraining would be advantageous.
2. Conducting the group retraining program as necessary. Program Documentation 4

The Group Leader is responsible for documenting group retraining on Form G-2, "PNPS Training Attendance Form", and returning this form to the Training Group.

3.4.3 -Qualifications of Instructors {' . Training Center and Facility Instructors who teach systems, integrated responses, transient and simulator courses shall demonstrate their competence to NRC by successful completion of a Senior Operator Examination. Instructors shall be enrolled in the requalification program 4 for operations personnel as described in this Training Manual e to assure they are cognizant of current operating history, problems, and changes to procedures and administrative limitations. ( t.

                                                                                                     -223,                           Rev   3 i
   , , .        .. _          ,-_.,_____..,,,,,,,,_.__,,,......__.._-,._.r.._,._._...,,..,__,--,_.-_-.,____,,___,___._-._...~

Fcunn A-1 PNPS Paga 1 of 1  ! TRAINING GROUP GENERAL INDOCTRINATION  ! N .(/~N Name General Indoctrination Complete an indoctrination on the procedures and instructions which are applicable to the Methods, Compliance and Training Group that implement the' Quality Assurance Program. This indoctrination will. include the,following: '

l. 1.1.1 Station Organization and Responsibilities
2. 1.2.1 Operations Review Committee
3. 1.3.2 Special Orders
4. 1.3.4 Procedures
5. 1.3.6 Adherence to Technical Specifications
6. 1.3.7 Records
7. 1.3.8 Document Control
8. 1.3.9 Reports
9. 1.3.13 Plant Design Changes
10. 1.3.14 Indoctrination and Training
11. 1.3.16 Conduct of Personnel in Control Room
12. 1.3.23 Preparation of Safety Evaluation
13. 1.3.24 Failure and Malfunction Reports
14. 1.3.26 Response to Deficiency Reports f3 15. 1.4.5 Tagging Procedure

'[ 16. 1.5.3 Maintenance Requests

 .                  17. 1.5.5                 Cutting and Welding Permit
18. 1.5.9 Temporary Modifications
19. 3.M.1-5 Procurement of Items and Services -
20. 3.M.1-8 Disposition of Non-Conforming Material
21. 8.1 Periodic Surveillance Tests
         . Requirements Satisfied:      a)   10CFR50, Appendix B b)   ANSI N18.7 c)   BEQAM, Volame II Date Completed                       Signature, SR Nuclear Training Specialist Return completed fore (O          to the Training Department
                                           -224-           Rev 4
.7?=V }


          <s                                                                                                                l
   ! (k-Name I

General Indoctrination Complete an indoctrination on the procedures and instructions which are applicable:to the Methods, Compliance and Training Group that implement the Quality Assurance Program. This indoctrination will include the following: 1.1.1 Station Organization and Responsibility 1.2.1 Operations Review Committee 1.3.4 Procedures 1.3.6 Adherence to Technical Specifications 1.3.7 Records 1.3.8 Document Control 1.3.9 Reports 1.3.14 Indoctrination and Training 1.3.16 Conduct of Personnel in Control Room Approved Office Procedures Document Control Center Practices BECo Correspondence {\


Basic Typing Format Administrative Filing Telephone Answering Use of Reproduction Equipment Requirements Satisfied: a) 10CFR50, Appendix B b) ANSI N18.7 c) BEQAM, Volume II Date . Completed Signature SR Nuclear Training Specialist

                 . Return completed form to the Training Department

. ('

                                                                        -225-                     Rev 3

., 3.5 Rcdiologicel Group Training

                 ' Objective
      ,.,)        The' objective of the Radiological Group training is to provide for the indoc-trination and training of the Aadiological Group Personnel as necessary to assure the*. suitable job proficiency is achieved and maintained.

P y ram Requirements I Training Requirements Satisfied Requirements Summary t

1. a) Regulatory Guide 1.8, Requirements for Technical Training i (ANSI N18.1, Section 5.3.4) b) Regulatory Guide 1.70.38 (Section
2. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria II Job Related Quality Assurance (ANSI N18.7, Section 3.3) ' Training
3. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria II Housekeeping and Cleanliness 2

(ANSI N18.7, Section 5.2.10) Control Training (ANSI N45.2.3, Section 2.4)

4. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria II Indoctrination in Proper Use of b) 10CFR 50, Appendix B, Criteria VI

(~') - Applicable Procedures

5. a) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria III Indoctrination in procedures b) 10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria VI utilized to keep current on 4

(ANSI N18.7, Section 5.2.15) applicable design changes / modi-fications 4 3.5.1 Initial Radiological Group Training Program Description Radiological Group training is conducted under the cognizance of the Chief Radiological Engineer utilizing the appropriate training forms. Training is 4 completed using the following forms: R-1 General Indoctrination R-2 Qualification Requirements for " Health Physics Technicians" , R-3 Qualification Requirements for ' Chemical Technicians " ( R-4_ Qualification Requirements for " Contractor Health Physics Personnel'i R-5 Qualification Requirements for " Health Physics Records Clerks"

                                                                                                     -226-                                                 Rev 8 9    q -+-p rt    .-a g.,= w g pr e w ee-g -qv w g y ,.e y , g- v e- y ww , -w e - w w-w p m- wmt-w-%4*--~n                 wu-.r-w,-w-s-em,-e-mewee.=-,mm-ag-g,- g-e,mern-*-

The Chief Radiologicc1 Engineer will normally delegate the maintenance of r% . . (L. ) training responsibilities to a Senior Health Physics or Senior Chemical Engineer. These individuals w!11 then ensure that the required training for individual (s) under their control is completed. All individuals (except contractor personnel), reporting into the Radiological Group must first. complete the " General Indoctrination", Form R-1. This indoctrina-tion will be conducted by the Chief Radiological Engineer or his designated repre-sentative. Following completion of Form R-1, individuals will complete the training qualificatiEn requirements by participating in on-the-job activitiet under the direction of appropriately experienced personnel, and by demonstrating to their supervisors or a Nuclear Training Specialist their ability to meet the specific qualification requirements. Any training conducted, such as: on-the-job, formal presentations on a


' ' ( particular piece of equipment, or procedures, etc., should be documented on Form G-2 "PNPS Class Attendance Record". s Initial Radiological Group training is designed to ensure that Radiological Group personnel receive the necessary indoctrination and then to demonstrate their ability to perform in their particular speciality. Health Physics Technicians The Health Physics training for personnel employed at Pilgrim Station is divided into three categories: A. Boston Edison Health Physics Technician B. Contractor Health Physics Technician C. Individual (s) who may be considered qualified in Radiation Procedures of PNPS Technical Specification 5.2.B.4, Section 4 of the Training 1 Manual. 4

                                                                -227-                  Rev. 7
                      .              .        . - -    _ _ _ - __ -   .__-_-_-_--_--.-a-.-.-                 .---
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t 4

  • f

1 ( '\ 'N 3 3 , Health Physics Technician Program

  • j  ; .. ty- s N' . The goal of the Health Physics Technician qt.alli1 cation program is to
                                                        -.                               i ~

provide' newly assigned candidates with the requiredNepth of background necessary to accomplish Health' Physics functions during routine operatidns, maintenance, or emergency conditions. E' Each newly assigned Health Physics Technician will complete Form R-2

         " Qualification Requirements for Health Physics Technicians". The candidate will prepare himself by self-study and/or attend a formal training session (as pro-vided) to meet each requirement to the satisfaction ef the examiner.                                                                              ~

The qualification is coinprised of five major sections. The content of,each section is as follows: s 9 hmj Section A.- Plant Systems This section is designed to determine if the candidate has the required , knowledge of the various station systems of ra(tological concern. s ,


Section B. Basic Radiation Protection ' This designed'to. determine if the candidate has the required , knowledge of basic radiation physics and radiological controls. , i Section C. Pilgrim Station Procedures ,, Thissectionisdesignedtodetermineifthecandidatehastherequi$cd 4 knowledge of the operating procedures applicable to health physics. s Section D. Health Physics Technician Qualification Practical Requiraments s This section provides for the determination of ' practical,' hands-on ability. At the discretion of the examiner, (Health Physica Supervisor or Nuclear Training Specialist) satisfactory completion may be by one of the following: i.

                                                               -227A-                                                            Rev. 7 I

m,,- , ~ , - - , - y$ , w , -. r e,,,,--,w- -,w,_%...--,,w [----+wr-e,-w..,,,,,,.-,-~,,-w3 - , -

c.. (D) Diccurs - tha ccndidnta must diccuro, to th2 satisfaction of tha examiner, the operation described by the requirement. -This discussion should f- include, as a minimum, the applicable procedure (s), required authorization, bw.)T emergency actions, notifications, and documentation (written test may be utilized).

b. .(0) Observe - the candidate must actually be observed by the examiner
                         'while performing the operation described by the requirement, and should successfully answer any applicable questions posed by the examiner.

Section E. Training Evaluation The candidate must successfully complete a written and/or oral examination on topics drawn from Sections A. P, and C. This examination will be prepared by the Nuclear Training Department in coordination with Health Physics Supervisory Personnel and given to the candidates after completion of these sections of their

            /~'T  qualification.
        .(G s Contractor Health Physics Personnel Contractor Health Physics Personnel are assigned to the station to supplement

                 'the regular full-time Health Physics staff during periods of peak work loads.

Contractor Health Physics Technicians are often well trained and have extensive experience in Health Physics at several different facilities. Before Contractor Health Physics Technicians can be assigned to positions in the Health Physics organization, they should be schooled in the PNPS Health Physics procedures and their level of knowledge and depth of experience in Health Physics must be determined. i If Contractor Health Physics Personnel are required for an anticipated long-term (any period greater than approximately 6 months during a non-outage condition) , ([s /') assignments at PNPS, they will be required to complete the qualification outlined for Boston Edison Health Physics Technicians, Form R-2. "When the R-2 Form is

                                                                                       -228-                                         Rev. 8
                                     ._ . . . -                                                           ~_                                                                                            .        ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                     %                               I e                                                                                                                         't                    )

3r  !

               ' completed for contractor' Health Physics' Personnel the requirements of the R-4                                                                                                                                     l
                                                                  ,                                                                                                                                                          ';).'
    .( pd        Form are null and vi,id.                                          Any previously completed R-4 Forms for contractor p

personnel may be destroyed if a R-2 Form has been completed for the individuals 4 involved." 6 f Newly reporting Contractor Health Physics Personnel will completc Section A of the. Contractor Health ihysics Per nnel Qualificatica-Form R-4 and successfully

                                                            .                           s complete the General Employee Training.


                                                                                                                                                                  } ;r'       ,

y- . Health Physics Supervisory Personnel shoulc' contact a minimum of one. of the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .c references listed by the prospeNtive contractor Health Physics candidate with -


                                                                                ,                                                                       3-                           .

s regard to: . I

1. Professional Competence  :.:
2. Supervice-~/ Ability, Experier<.e i

( l 3. Work Experience -

4. Disciplinary Problems or other pertinent occiarrences.

s j .

  • The Health Physics Supervisor will summarize the results of the reference -
             ..searchinSectionBoftheConthacto'riHealthPhysicsPersonnelQualification Form (R-4).-                                  '

b After or before completing Section B, the Health Physits Supervisor will 4

              ' interview the prospective contractor. Health Physics candidate with regards to:

l~ 1. Accuracy of Resume I , t  ; l 2 .' Attitude' .,

3. Deterinine Level  ?'
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,       .i (i.e., Senior, Junior, etc., section F)                                                                                                                                                     5.

l g The Health Physics Supervisor lwill then summarize the interview in Section B 8 of the' Contractor Health Physics Personnel Qualification Form R-4. (

                                                                                                           -229-                                  ,-

A Rev. 8 i _ - . _ ..m... _ . , . , _ . , . - . . . m., , _ _ , , . . . . . - _ . . . _ , _ _ . - , - _ - _ _ - , _ - -

The Contractor Health Physics Technician will be taught by hoston Edison's pa t g ,) Health Physics procedures in accordance with the guidance of the recommended Lesson Plan, or appropriate variations thereto, for Health Physics Contractors (attachment B). After completion of this course the Health Physics Contractor Technician should be given a test and the score recorded in Section D along 7 with-the examiner and date on the Contractor Health Physics Personnel Qualification Form R-4. The Health Physics Supervisor will also fill out Section F of the Contractor Health Physics Qualification Form R-4 stating if he or she is ANSI qualified and at what level. This can be accomplished by the following ways: , a) Resume b) NRC, FORM 4 c) Interview ((%/ Section G of the Contractor Health Physics Qualification Form R-4 should be completed by a Health Physics Supervisor and signed by the Chief Radiological

         . Engineer or his designee.

Because of the possible immediate need for Contractor Health Physics Technicians, the Health Physics Supervisor may give an oral exam followed bv a written exam as soon as possible. Section E of form R-4 will then be filled out. This requires the signature (approval) of the Chief Radiological Engineer or his designee, and the appropriate procedure numbers (which the Contractor Health Physics Technician t was briefed on) checked off on Attachment A, Form R-4. The Contractor Health Physics Technician is then ready for job assignment af ter he or she has satisfactorily completed all sections of the Contractor Health

   /^% Physics Qualification Form R-4.       Failure of a candidate to complete the qualification b      (R-4) is cause for rejection.
                                                   ~230-                                                         Rev. 7 Chemistry Techni-ian Program The' goal of the Chemistry Technician Program is to provide newly assigned candidates with the practical skills necessary to perform chemistry functions during routine and emergency conditions.


Qualification proficiency is obtained utilizing on-the-job training under the cognizance of the Chief Radiological Engineer. As the newly assigned Chemistry Technician demonstrates competency on a particular task the chemistry supervisor / engineer will sign the appropriate block on the Qualification Card R-3. This signature qualifies the Chemistry

       ' Technician to perform that specific task without direct supervision..

Program Description

       .Ati'a frequency specified by the Technical Training Group Leader and the Chief Radiological Engineer or with changes to Form R-3 (Chemistry Technician Quali-
       ;fication Record) the performance of each Chemistry Technician will be reviewed against the performance requirements of Form R-3. This review will be performed by the Sr. Chemical Engineer and a Nuclear Training Specialist.

The purpose'of this review is to identify any performance or knowledge deficien-cies that may hrve developed since initial qualification. Any such deficiencies noted will'be incorporated into an individualized retraining program. The review and retraining program will be documented on a standard office memorandum (BECo Morm 6346).

                                           -231-                                Fev 10 m

l /'% Health Physics Records Clerks (V All Health Physics Records Clerks are required to complete Forms R-1 and R-5. Qualification is obtained utilizing classroom and on-the-job training under the cognizance of the Chief Radiological Engineer. As the individual demonstrates competence in specific job related areas, satisfactory performance

     'is documented by the examiner. Qualification requirements shall be completed in a time period specified by the Group Leader after the individual's assignment as a' Health Physics Records Clerk. Qualification Methods for Health Physics Records Clerks A. Qualification Card The qualification card is used to document proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary to perform competency as a Health Physics Records Clerk. O B. Modules All modules referenced on the qualification card shall undergo the standard module review process.

                                      -231- (Continued)                         Rev 1

l C. Tn-k Checklict  ; 1 ' A task checklist is a training module used to direct on-the-job training.


( A task checklist generally has three sections. The task description briefly discusses the purpose and general sequence of the task. The training checklist describes the method and sequence the trainee should follow while to perform the task. In this section, the trainee and examiner both initial the task checklist to indicate that the step described in the task checklist was practiced. The examiner checklist describes the method by which the trainee's pro-ficiency in the task is tested. After tho final sign off by the examiner, the Health Physics Supervisor assigned to Health Physics Records will examine the task checklist, verify to his satisfaction that the trainee is competent () -and sign off the task checklist and qualification card. D. Initial Qualification The Health Physics Supervisor assigned to Health Physics Records may sign off experienced Health Physics Clerks as qualified without the Health Physics Clerk completing the task. checklist. The Health Physics Supervisor shall at a minimum ensure that by personal observation of the H.P. Clerk performing the task that the H.P. Clerk performs this task as defined in the task checklist. E. Examiner Any Health Physics Supervisor or Health Physics Records Clerk who is signed off on his/her qualification card for a task is considered a

    N             qualified examiner in that task.

, -(V

                                                    -231A-                                       Rev 0
                             -.             _. w,      .         . . . . , . . . _ ..--_ -.- -.-       - . , - - . - , . .

l F. Partial Qualification (] When full qualification of a Health Physics Clerk is not required (e.g. a (v) n contractor clerk assigned to work at the dosimetry issue desk only) the Health Physics Supervisor may choose to qualify such a clerk only to the level needed to perform the assignment.

         ,   In such a situation the Health Physics Supervisor shall note on the H.P.

Records Task Checklist and Qualification Card;

1. The assigned job (s) of the clerk and
2. Those sections of the qualification card / task checklist used to establish competency in the job (s). Radiological Group Program Initial Radiological Group training, for permanent BECo employees, is conducted r'~i [d- on a schedule specified by the Chief Radiological Engineer. Training will be conducted on-the-job and/or in classroom instruction utilizing the " Radiological Group General Indoctrination Form R-1. Initial Radiological Group training shall be completed within a time period specified by the Group Leader after the individual's assignment to a Radiological Group position. General Indoctrination shall be completed within ten (10) working days of the initial assignment date and the job specific qualification requirements shall be completed within six (6) months of the initial assignment date. Technical Training Supervisor The Technical Training Supervisor is responsible for maintaining custody of _ all Radiological Group Training Records. )

                                           -231B-                           Rev 0 Chief Radiological Engineer wi The Chief Radiological Engineer is responsible for:

1. Implementing initial radiological group training.
2. Conducting or designating a representctive to conduct the
                               " General Indoctrination" portion of the " Radiological Group General Indoctrination Form R-1" for all new radiological group employees.
3. Delegating specific group qualification requirements when an individual's experience or other special factors indicate that the requirements are met or exceeded.
4. Certifying the qualification of all non-management individual's in the radiological group.
    ,O) ~          Program Documentation

( _/ General Employee Training GET-1, PNPS General Employee Training Checklist (with written quiz, if administered). GET-2, PNPS General Employee Retraining Record (with written' quiz). f Initial Department Training-f G-3 PNPS Employee Experience Record f R-1 General Indoctrination R-2 Qualification Requirements for " Health Physics Technicians" R-3 Qualification Requirements for Chemical Technicians R-4 Qualification Requirements for " Contractor Health Physics Personnel Qualification Form". (( ) R-5 H.P. Records Qualification Card 232- Rev 8

  • B- *= @ "**WW 4 4e&' m M' *-Mwa*

y 3.5.2' R'diologicel Group Rstraining Program Description p- "%

  \',d             Radiological Group retraining is conducted as considered necessary by the Chief Radiological Engineer. For example, a noted trend in improper con-
                -tamination surveys might require a training period on this subject. Training might also be considered necessary following the procurement of new equipment.
                  . Training sessions can be scheduled for the entire group or only selected individuals. All training shall be documented on PNPS Form G-2 and sent to the Training Department. Program Schedule Radiological Group Retraining is conducted on a schedule specified by the Chief RadCological Engineer. i Program Responsibilities Technical Training Supervisor [ The Technical Training Supervisor is responsible'for:

1. Identifying areas where retraining could be advantageous
2. Maintaining custody of the Radiological Group retraining records Chief Radiological Engineer The Chief Radiological Engineer is responsible for ensuring that the L

l radiological group retraining is conducted as necessary. I t !, Program Documentation I

                'The Instructor is responsible for documenting the radiological-group retraining on Form G-2, "PNPS Class Attendance Record", and sending this form to.the Training Department with an attached course outline if one does l

l A- not already exsit.

                                                     -233-                         Rev  7' L      --- . _ .                                                                                    ]


   /  T                                 GENERAL INDOCTRINATION Name General Indoctrination Complete an indoctrination on the procedures and instructions which are applicable to the Radiological Group that implement the Quality Assurance Program. This indoctrination will include the following:
1. 1.1.1 Station Organization and Responsibility
2. 1.2.1 Operations Review Committee
3. 1.3.2* Special Orders
4. 1.3.4 Procedures
5. 1.3.6 Adherence to Technical Specifications
6. 1.3.7 Records
7. 1.3.8 Document Control
8. 1.3.9* Reports
9. 1.3.13 Plant Design Changes
10. 1.3.14 Indoctrination and Training
    ,        11. 1.3.16                          Conduct of Personnel in Control Room

( 12. 1.3.23* Preparation of Safety Evaluations

  " )~     13. 1.3.24                          Failure and Malfunction Reports
 \           14. 1.3.26*                         Response to Deficiency Reports
15. 1.4.5 PNPS Tagging Procedure
16. 1.4.6 Housekeeping
17. 1.5.3 Maintenance Request
18. 1.5.7 Unplanned Maintenance
19. 3.M.1-1* Preventative Maintenance
20. 1.5.9 Temporary Modifications
21. 3.M.1-5 Procurement of Items and Services
22. 8.1 Periodic Surveillance Test R:quirements Satisfied: a) 10CFR50, Appendix B b) ANSI N18.7 c) BEQAM, Volume II Date Completed Signature, Chief Radiological Engineer R3 turn complete form to the Training Department y Date Completed Signature, Technical Training Supervisor
  • Management Only
                                                  -234-                          Rev 7

FORM R-2 Page 1 of 5 PNPS QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR HEALTH PHYSICS TECHNICIANS '\ p Nnme A. Plant Systems Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of basic function e operation, potential for contamination and potential changes in contamination of radiation levels due to operational changes for each of the following systems. Any qualified Health Physics Technician may perform the training. This will be verified by the Radiological Group Supervisor, who will sign in the examiner section. SYSTEM DATE SIGNATURE EXAMINER

1. Reactor Recirculation
2. Reactor Cleanup
3. Main Steam
4. Condensate
5. Condensate Demineralizers k'- -
6. Feedwater
7. Condenser Cooling hater
8. Service Water
9. Demineralized Water
10. Reactor Building Closed Loop Cooling
11. Turbine Building Closed Loop Cooling
12. Radwaste
13. Spent Fuel Pool Cooling
14. High Pressure Core Injection
15. Reactor Core Injection Cooling
16. Reactor Heat Removal
17. Containment Spray (O 18. Air Ejector and Offgas
19. Reactor Building Ventilation
                                            -235-                           Rev. 7

s Form-R-2 Page 2 of 5 Date Signature, Examiner

20. Turbine Building Ventilation 21.- Service Air System i
22. .TIP System 23.. Process Monitoring System
       '24. Area Radiation Monitoring System                                                                                                               _
25. Containment High Radiation Monitoring System
26. Post Accident Sampling

. System P (Q),. y

                                                                  -236-                                                                                                       Rev. 7
                   -Fora R-2                                                                       Page 3 of 5
          ' '\ ' H.      Basic Radiation Protection (s'y# '    .

Demonstrate a knowledge'and understanding of each of the following topics: DATE SIGNATURE-EXAMINER

1. -Rasic Nuclear Physics 2.-_ Radioactive Buildup and Decay
3. Radiation Interactions with Matter
4. . Biological Effects of Radiation 5 .~ Shielding
6. ' Detection and Measurement of Rad
                   .7. . Regulatory Requirements
a. 10CFR19
b. 10CFR20 g c. 10CFR100
t. I d. Division 8 Regulatory Guides e .' PNPS.HP Related Tech. Specs.
     - ('
                        !f. DOT Radioactive Material Regs.
g. NUREG 0041
8. Contamination and Decontamination
a. Sources
b. Preventing Spread ,
c. Protective Clothing
d. Personnel Decon.

e.- Area Decon. f.- ALARA l

9. External Exposure
a. Whole Body
j. b. Extremity -
c. Skin-
d. Limits-
e. Exposure Guides
                       . Internal Exposure
      . )- g             a. Operation of the whole body counter g_,)              b. Calibration of the whole body. counter
                        .c.' MPC body burden
d. . Body burden __

2 ( j.

                                                            -237-                             P.ev 7 t
     .           -. .              - m                     _
                                                                                                                                              --      --             - ~                       -- -                        - -


e. Respiratory. Protection Devices
               'r %L                 if.           Operation of the face mask fitting machine

..f u

                                      . g.         Operation of the face mask testing machine
10. Contamination, Radiation, Airborne Activity Survey-Technique

, 11. : Responsibility and Authority of the H.P./ ALARA Technician in Interdepartmental Relations 4 12.: ~ Contamination Control a .' Establish-contamination controls on a 4

                                              .' job . site.

l- c13. Counting Room Operations l a. Ge(li) operations. "

b. Ge(.t'_) calibration 4
c. Canberra Low Bkg counter
                                    'd .- .Tennelec low Bkg countet                                                           ,
                                    -- e . SAC 4 1                                        f.; MS-3 (1)
g. Radon-Thoron-Evaluation
                                   - h. - Record Keeping                                                                                                      .


14. 1 Establish RWP requirements for a maintenance
' job.

15.. Instrumentation' Operation and Calibration

        - (i' ~

OPERATION- CALIBRATION ^ Signature Signature Date Examiner Date Examiner i

a. Lab Counters
1. . Daily Source checks
                                             '2.        Control Charts
                                             '3.        Source decay calibration y                                      ' 4. ~ X test
b. EPortable Instruments x1, E-400
2. PIC-6A
3. PAC-4G s
4. :PRM-4A -
5. R02 - (2A)

. ~6. CP-5 -

7. CP-SMU s
                                            '8.         RM-14 4
                                                                                                                         -238-                                                       Rev 7
        -,.o          - ,,      w.   ,%,     ,.....<.-#      . - , . . . - - . . . - . , . . . . , - - , .   ..-,.,----,-w,~.--,,....,            ,,, -,-rm,.e-...wm.v,,~,,,m.v.,-nm.w                  . ,-%,e n w y v.--     .

a --.. a. $ - " - Pegn 5 of 5 - SIGNATURE' SIGNATURE

     , , .                                                                                         - DATE                           EXAMINER                                            DATE     EXAMINER
9. RM-16
10. .E-520 .
11. PNR-4
                            , 12. PNC-4                                                                                                                                     ,
13. .Teletector (All).
14. -Teledose
                    . Training Evaluation (check one)
                             . Quiz (Written)                                                                                         (Oral)

Quiz Crade Date Passed ( Date' Signature,-Examiner (Contractor Health Physics Technician ONLY) The candidate met the requirements of' Form R-4 on These records (Form R-4) are null and void. Date Signature, Chief Radiological Engineer The candidate has successfully completed the aalification program and is therefore


s considered qualified as a Health Physics Tc Nnician. Date Signature, Sr. Health Physics Engineer Date Signature, Chief Radiological Engineer Return the completed form to the Nuclear Training Department (G.v Date Signature, Technical Training Group Leader

                                                                                           -239-                                                                                               Rev 8
             +.-,-,.,er-y-- .y  , , ,    w - , - --=.wr- -
                                                           +,eyyw, ,-9-e ,- y7-r,-- w ww g  ,9 7 g   y,. y--yy.-,,,-,g,,,e-yww-yv,,       -e wew-,-grpe,,--g,wm-w-w-mwigyr pye.m,w gw - m y           e-* e N ew e m m w v. & y*


   )                                  FOR ROUTINE DUTIES Name Date Started A. QUALIFICATION REQUISITES Chemistry Supervisor Signature              Date
1. Complete Form R1 (General Indoctrination)
2. Complete Fonn R2 (Qualification Requirements for Health Physics Technicians) n

('- B. QUALIFICATION FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL ROUTINE DUTIES AS SET FORTH IN SECTIONS C-H CERTIFIED COMPLETE Date Chemistry Supervisor / Engineer Date Sr. Chemical Engineer Date Chief Radiological Engineer Date Technical Training Group Leader r'.

                                             -240-                                 Rev 8

FORM R-3 Page 2 cf 10 (' )C. DATA LOGGING Demonstrate the ability to correctly obtain and log the following data, and update associated data trend plots as called for. Chemistry Supervisor Date Signature Qualified

1. M.S. 24-hr. release: from B0P or PRM recorder
2. R.B.V. 24-hr. release: from B0P or PRM recorder
3. SJAE offgas activity
4. M.S. activity
5. R.B.V. activity
6. A.0.G. Post-treat activity
7. Reactor water conductivity

{J 8. A cleanup demin. conductivity

9. B cleanup demin. conductivity
10. Stator-cooler demin outlet conductivity
11. Generator outlet conductivity
12. Main steam lines activities
13. RBCCW activity
14. C-19 ratemeter readings
15. Hotwell conductivity
16. C.D.E. Bank conductivity
17. H.P. Feedwater conductivity
18. Rx. power level, Mwt
19. Feedwater filter flows
20. _.

( 21. 22.

                                             -241-                                Rev 8

FORM R-3 Page 3 of 10 D. : OPERATION OF INSTRUMENTATION Demonstrate the ability to correctly operate the following equipment in accordance with the applicable procedure / work instruction. Chemistry Supervisor Date

                                                                          -Signature                             Qualified 1.,    Balsbaugh conductivity monitors
2. Leeds & No'rthrup conductivity bridge 3.- Altex ph meter

, :4. Zeromatic ph meter

5. . Analytical balance
           .6.       Top loading balance:

, 7. HACH lab turbidimeter

8. HACH spectrophotometer
9. Perkin-Elmer spectrophotometer h- 10. . Total organic carbon analyzer
11. Gamma well counter
12. NMC proportional counter
13. Canberra Geli multi-channel analyzer 1

14.. Feedwater metals samplers 15. 16. 17. O

                                                          -241A-                                                Rev 8
                  .-     _  .-   =-      ..<=.=_m....________.    . . _ _ _ _ _ , . , . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . - . _        . - - . , . . . . - , _ . _

FORM R-3 Page 4 of 10 fx l d E. QUALITY' CONTROL Demonstrate the ability to perform the following functions according to the applicable procedures / work instructions. Chemistry Supervisor Date Signature Qualified 1.. Calibration Checks

a. Geli multi-channel analyzer
b. Gamma well counters
c. NMC proportional ' counters
d. Conductivity monitors
e. Balances
                 . f.         Primary containment leak detection monitor
g. A.0.G. hydrogen analyzers b h. Chloride
i. Silica j.

k. 1. m. D. o.

2. Calibrations -
a. pH meters
b. Lab turbidimeter
c. Total organic carbon analyzer
d. Primary containment hydrogen

[(s ')

      /                      analyzers
                                                                        -2418-                                                     Rev 8

FORM R-3 Page 5 of 10

       ;                                                Chemistry Superviser    Date y/                                                         Signature         Qualified E. QUALITYCONTROL(Continued)
e. Primary containment oxygen analyzers
f. A.0.G. hydrogen analyzers
g. Chloride
h. Silica 1.

j. k. 1. m.

 ,- s

() ( 3. Chemical Shelf-Life Program

a. Check all dated chemicals for expired shelf life
b. Prepare and/or standardize boron standard
c. Prepare and/or standardize
                     !'3n04 standard

> d. Prepare and/or standardize Hg(NO)2 standard 3

e. Prepare and/or standardize AgN0 3 standard
f. Prepare buffers for pH meters 9

h. i. k.

                                                 -241C-                       Rev 8

FORM R-3 Page 5 of 10 F

  ; O . PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Demonstrate the ability to perform preventive maintenance on the following equipment in accordance s'ith the appropriate procedure / work instruction.

Chemistry Supervisor Date Signature Qualified

1. Geli multi-channel analyzer
2. Liquid nitrogen addition _
3. NWT-metals sampler
4. Conductivity cells 5.

6. 7. 8. f 9. 10. l-i i i L l F I

                                                              -241D-                                                                                Rev 8

Page 7 of 10 FORM R-3

  ,-G. SAMPLING l    )

l Demonstrate the ability to obtain the following samples according to the appropriate procedures / work instructions. Chemistry Supervisor Date Signature Qualified

1. Reactor water
2. ' React.or water cleanup effluents
3. Fuel pool demineralizer influent and effluent
4. Hotwell
5. Condensate demineralizers' effluents
6. Treated water holdup tanks
7. Chemical waste tanks
8. Clean waste tanks
9. Monitor tanks
10. Miscellaneous tanks
11. Radwaste demineralizer influent and effluent
12. Standby liquid control tank
13. Reactor building closed cooling water
14. Turbine building closed cooling water
15. Station heating system
16. Makeup demineralizers effluents
17. Salt service water
18. Condensate storage tanks
19. Demineralized water storage tank
20. Main stack effluents n


                                               -241E-                           Rev 8

FORM R-3 Page 8 of 10 G. SAMPLING (Continued) (~'). Chemistry Supervisor Date Signature Qualified

21. Reactor building vent effluents
22. Primary containment leak detection monitor 23'. Offgas at._the SJAEs
24. Offgas at the recombiner outlet
25. Offgas at the A0G vault outlet
26. Torus
27. Fire water storage tanks
28. City water
29. Neutralizing sump
30. Diesel generators fuel oil
31. Collection of effluent gas moisture
32. Condenser vacuum scavenger tank
33. MUD carbon filters' influents and effluents 34.

35. 36. 37. 38.

                                          -241F .                      Rev 8           l
            -FORM R-3                                                                                                                                             Pagn 9 of 10
       ) H. CHEMICAL AND RADI0 CHEMICAL ANALYSES Demonstrate the ability to safely and correctly perform the indicated analysis in accordance with the applicable procedure / work instruction.

Chemistry Supervisor Date Signature Qualified 1.. Chemical

a. Conductivity
b. pH i
c. Chloride
d. Silica
e. Turbidity
f. Dissolved oxygen
g. ' Residual chlorine
h. Sodium pentaborate
1. Sodium nitrite
j. Zinc
k. Feedwater corrosion products
1. Total organic carbon
m. Boron
n. . Neutralizing sump for discharge
o. Water determination in fuel oil tanks p.

4 P. s, t. (

                                                                              -241G-                                                                Rev 8
    . , -_..,-              . -   . _ . _ _ . _ . , . . . . _ , . . _ _ . _ _        ._       . ~ . _ . . _ . . . . . _ . , - . _ . . . . _ . . _ _ . _ . . . . _ _

FORM R-3 Page 10 of 10 1 m H. CHEMICAL AND RADI0 CHEMICAL ANALYSES (Continued) ~' Chemistry Supervisor Date j Signature Qualified

2. Radiochemical
a. Iodines, short and long
             . b. Gross gamma
c. Gross beta-gamma
d. Liquid isotopics
e. Liquid radwaste for discharge
f. Solid radwaste for shipment
g. Effluent gas isotopic _
h. Particulate filters
i. Qharcoal cartridges J. Offgas, short and long k.

1. m. n. o.

                                              -241H-                              Rev 8

Page 1 of 2

                .~.Fdrm'R-4 CONTRACTOR HEALTH PHYSICS m- ,                                          PI:R30:!NEL QUALIFICATION l'ORf1
  '; \ )g.;                ,

iNAME~ S.S. #

               ' COMPANY ~               _. ..                           DATE p


                         ,      'Pldase list'a ninimum of two work related references from the nuclear

power plants at which you have worked. Person (s) referenced must be fro;a Plant Health Physics Supervision. PLANT P2EERE::CE (NA'C C TITLE) PERIOD OP EMPLOYMENT 3. 2:


4. 5. 6. 7-Q 8. b . . B. RESULTS OF. P2FERENCE SEARCif

               ~ .1.
             . 2 .'


 -.             4.


             .- 5.
7. .
              ' 8.


                                                            -242-Rev. 7

FJrm R-4 Page 2 of 2 D. Test Score IT s ( ,) Examiner: Date E. Oral Exam: Passed Failed Oral Examiner Date Qualified

                 .                   (Health Physics Supervisor)

Approval: (Chief Radiological Engineer or Designee)

f. ANSI # Qualified as; Sup.V. Sr. Jr.

(HP Supervisor) G. Approved to Work Independently i: i Date Health Physics Supervisor {~ / Approved to Issue RWP's Date Health Physics Supervisor Approved to Function as Supervisor Date Chief Radiological Engineer or Designee H. General Employee Training Completed: Date Technical Training Supervisor l l

                                              -243-                          Rev. 7
                                                       \                                       ,

Farm R-4 Paga 1 of 2 i ATTACHMENT A \


DATE EXAMINEE'S NAME s S.S.# Circle the appropriate procedure numbers that were covered with the Health Physics Contractor. 6.1 012 013 201 202 203 024 200 207 208 204 205 206 021 022


6.2 . 001 002 003 010 011 062 110 111 161 - 162 060 t . 6.3 , 011 G60 110 160 163

 .94          105                060               120             090     -

065 238 ( ' 069 085 226 130 076 C67 079 278 280 270 092 215 115 061 286 281 210 283 284 074 293 287 -272 290 086 062

  • 294 282 6.5 006 069 085 281 282 067 079 286 287 065 115 215 061 062 076 210 276 074 090 170 284 285 086 160 271 010 060 130 270 283 272

6.6 010 062 064 110 132 6.7 010 115 117 109 111 105 116 108 110 114 7-(



                                               -244-                                     Rev. 7

a; - ,  ; Yj' ~' Form R . Page 2 of 2 , {, ~

                                                                                  -ATTACHMENT A-
           -6.9                           060:                               160          167                                 168                174 165                               161          162                                 163                175                1 1

164 176  ; 6.10. .

                                      . 001                                  002         '003

_ 004 005 e k i 'I 1 Briefed by: d f f.

O l l

1 t-2 t 1 l a

                                                                                      -245-                                           Rev. 7 t
                                                     - -            =            ,            -                    __ .

y y-4.rr-- w-3.we. ,e,,-----o-ve,e.,--we+.,<a--w~.w-.w_ .-,,,._w...www.we-e---,__ _~

F;rm R-4 pgg7 1 og 13 ATTACHMENT B

                                                                                                                                              ,a                .


                                                                                       -s                        ,t                        s
     \                                                                                   'n   .

Day No. 1 , p

                                                                                                                      ' t
                                        ;j                                                                          '


                    -OBJECTIVE:               To explain the rganizationallstructure, and how'and where t


                                                                                                                                                                                    .a OBJECTIV0:          s  ..To explain how long and when breaks and lunches are, who to report to for 1) lateness and 2) sickness and H.P. policy
  • towards.

g ,

  ~0845-0955         6.1-020          HEALTH PHYSICS GUIDELINES OBJECTIVE:              To familiarize H.P. contractors with PNPS's limits.
0955-1010 N/A BREAK ,


                                                                                                -                                                                                      l
  -1010-1045        6.1-012           AC.CES,S. p- CONTROL-FOR HIGH RADIATION AREAS OBJECTIVE:             !To define how' access to high radiation areas greater than
                           ,!                1000 mrem per hour will be controlled.                                                                                   '
                              ,       ,n                                                                                                                                         -


 '1045-1130.        6.1-021           MPC - HOURS DETERMINATION S
       .            OBJECTIVE:               Todefinetheprocessbywhibhexposuretoairborneradio-fb /-                                st active-materials, other than noble gas activity, is' determined 1

and the records system is used. i.e., show how to fill out sheets. -'

                                        ', .. , . <              ..~246                                               Rev 7 y ; t ', ' .
             .__..7.~.___          ,  L...;.. _-,,f            y  . . . . .      , _ _            _      ,    ,.       _ , _ _ . , , . , , _ _ _ _ . , , . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . , _
Firm R-4 ATTACHMENT B 1130-1200L 6.1-022 RADIATION WORK ~ PERMIT m
 ' (' '~_)'    OBJECTIVE:     To provide. instruction and guidance for the issuance and use of a radiation work permit-(RWP).

i.e., how to fill out and to read. 1200-1300 .N/A- LUNCH OBJECTIVE: N/A -1300-1330 6.1-023 EXTENDED RADIATION WORK PERMIT ISSUANCE AND USE OBJECTIVE: To provide detailed instructions for the issuance and use of. 1330-1400 6.1-024 RADIOLOGICAL POSTING OF AREAS OF THE STATION


OBJECTIVE: To establish guidelines that require certain areas that kNs contain certain radiological conditions can be posted so that personnel entering the area are aware of the conditions and can take appropriate actions. 1400-1415 N/A BREAK OBJECTIVE: N/A >1415-1445 6.1-205 RADIATION EXPOSURE PERMIT CARDS OBJECTIVE: To define the use and how to fill out the radiation exposure permit cards (Rep. cards) . 1445-1500- 6.1-206 COLLECTION OF POCKET DOSIMETER DATA DURING OUTAGE CONDITIONS fG OBJECTIVE: .To outline the steps to be followed to collect pocket _ [%,) dosimeter data; l) especially during an outage

2) how it relates to rep cards.
                                                -247-                           Rev 7
                  - Form R-4.                                                    ,                   Page 3 of 13 ATTACHMENT B Ic %1530'                       6.2-060'      SEIE-READING DOSIMETERS ASSIGNMENTS AND USAGE
                                   - OBJECTIVE:      To define the manner in which self-reading dosimeters will be issued and used at PNPS.


  • OBJECTIvT : N/A i

4 F. L O i' t..

                                                                      -248-                         Rev 7
      ,,,,.+,ww   .,r-w-,   ~cn+,ow~       -

F_rm R-4 Pzg2 4 of 13 ATTACHMENT D LESSION PLAN HEALTH PHYSICS CONTRACTORS Day No. 2 0800-0815 N/A QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD OR QUIZ OBJECTIVE: N/A 0815-0830 6.2-110 TLD WHOLE BODY BADGE ISSUANCE AND USAGE OBJECTIVE: To define the manner in which thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD) badges will be issued and used at PNPS. 0830-0945 6.2-011 LOST, DAMAGED OR OFF-SCALE DOSIMETER OR TLD INVESTIGATION OBJECTIVE: To Provide a detail guide for actions to be performed when a direct reading dosimeter reads off-scale, damaged, [, or is lost, or when a TLD badge is damaged or lost.


1.e., 1) how to fill out forms, 2) examples. 0945-1000 N/A BREAK O_BJECTIVE: N/A 1000-1200 6.2-001 PNPS RADIATION EXPOSURE CONTROL PROGPA4 OBJECTIVE: To define the personnel radiation control program that will to follcwed at PNPS to maintain personnel radiation exposures to levels as low as reasonable achievable and within the limits of state and federal regulations. 1200-1300 N/A LUNCH OBJECTIVE: N/A

                                                 -249-                      Rev 7 m

Fi;rm RJ 4' Pagn 5 of 13 ATTACHMENT B

 '1300-1315         6.2-002      PNPS' EXPOSURE CONTROL ~ PROGRAM FOR VISITORS

- j, OBJECTIVE: To define the exposure control program for ss visitors at PNPS. 1315-1330 6.10-004 .ALARA - DECONIAMINATION

                 . OBJECTIVE:        To delineate when decontamination efforts should be
                                    . considered prior to preventive or corrective maintenance.

1330-1345- 6.10-003- ALARA - RADIOLOGICAL DISCREPANCY REPORTS OBJECTIVE: To enable all station' personnel to identify problems that contribute to high contamination levels and/or dose rates, that can be corrected by various methods at PNPS. 1345-1410 6.10-002 ALARA - PRE-JOB PLANNING

 . {()              OBJECTIVE:       To delineate the responsibilities and actions to be taken by station personnel when work is planned at PNPS.

1410-1425' N/A BREAK OBJECTIVE: N/A 1425-1450 6.1-207 RELEASE OF MATERIAL FROM POTENTIALLY CONTAMINATED AREAS OF THE PLANT OBJECTIVE: To provide direction for releasing material from potentially contaminated areas of the plant. 1450-1510 6.2-161 ADMINISTRATION OF THE INTERNAL EXPOSURE MONITORING PROGRAM

                .. OBJECTIVE:        To familiarize contractor H.P. personnel with the PNPS internal exposure monitoring program.

(n' 9 i.e., nasal smears, whole body counting, urin and/or fecal samp'.es

                                                         -250-                     Rev 7
                         'Fitra R--4                                                                                                                                              Page 6 of 13 J


1510-1545" ' 6.3-160 AIRBORNE ACTIVITY SURVEY s . OB CTIVE: To provide a detailed guide for performing various types (i

, of sampling for airborne radioactive material. i.e., and how it fits in with procedure No. 6.1-021 MPC-Hours Determination.

        ~1545-1600                         N/A                     - QUESTION AND ANSWER. PERIOD 4
                                         , OBJECTIVE:                           N/A i

r, d l I e [.

(O -251- Rev 7 t

I e v - w - - - - ,=e..,--,-,,es,,-,~.--. 3.,*----- ,,,-,mym,,-.,-ev, -,re -w w-w - , w- > m , e m% r w , w e .w , ww me- w---me,m.m--,.w-+----.w-vem,v,.,-

FJrm R-4 Pigs 7 of 13 l ATTACHMENT B 1 LESSION PLAN HEALTH PHYSICS CONTRACTORS Day No. 3 0800-0815 N/A QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD OR QUIZ OBJECTIVE: N/A 0815-0845 6.3-110 CONTAMINATION SURVEY TECHNIQUES OBJECTIVE: To provide a detailed guide for performing contamination surveys. 0845-1000 6.3-060 RADIATION SURVEY TECHNIQUES OBJECTIVE: To provide a detailed guide for performing various types of radiation surveys and selecting the appropriate equipment


with which to perform the surveys. i.e., surface and contact dose rates

1) surface dose rate determinations
2) examplec 1000- 1015 N/A BREAK OBJECTIVE: N/A

-1015-1100 6.3-011 SURVEY DOCUMENTATION OBJECTIVE: To provide a detailed guide for the documentation of radiation contamination, airborne, and other health physics surveys. 1100-1115 6.5-010 HEALTH PHYSICS INSTRUMENTATION CALIBRATION FREQUENCY ([ OBJECTIVE: To familiarize personnel with PNPS's calibration frequency.

                                                        -252                         Rev 7
                          - ^ - -
                   .F"rm R-4.                                    _

Pagn 8 of 13 I

      .1435-1450              .6.4-271'          OPERATION OF THE EBERLINE MINI-SCALER MODEL MS-2

OBJECTIVE: To provide a guide.for the operation of the Eberline i O '

                                                   . Mini-Scaler Model MS-2
1450-1600 N/A SURVEY INSTRUMENTATION OBJECTIVE: To familiarize H.P. personnel with the different types and uses of the instrumentation used at PNPS.  ;
i .

i.e., show and tell 4 e- ,


, Rev 7

           - - - ,    , - - -   - . . ...n,,,,l:,,-,.-.,,.,,-.     ,, , , . . , , - . . . . , , , , . . . - . , , , , , , , , . , _ . , , , . - . , , _ , ~ , , , , - - , , . . , , - - , _ . _ , , _ - , , .

F;ru R--4 Paga 9 of.13 ATTACHMENT B 21115'-1130 ~ L6.4-210 OPERATION OF THE RAS-1 AIR SAMPLER f'"'Y OBJECTIVE: To provide a guide for the operation of the Eberline

    ~LI RAS-1 air sampler.

i~.e., show and tell 1130-1145 , 6.4-215 OPERATION OF THE RADcCO MODEL H809V AIR SAMPLER


OBJECTIVE:~ To provide a guide for the operation of the RADcCO Model H809V air sampler. i.e., show and tell

  ' 1145-1300       - N/A     LUNCH OBJECTIVE:           N/A 1 " 0-1330      - 6.4-226         OPERATION OF THE EBERLINE AMS-2 CONTINUOUS AIR SAMPLER b/               OBJECTIVE:        .To define guidelines as to the operation of the. Eberline I

continuous air monitor Model AMS-2 1.e., show and tell

  ~ 1330-1350         6.4-281        OPERATION OF LAPEL SAMPLERS OBJECTIVE:           To define the operation of Lapel Samplers.
   -1350-1420-        6.4-270       OPERATION OF THE EBERLINE MINI-SCALER MODEL MS-1 OBJECTIVE:           To y rovide a guide for the operation of 'th3 Eberline Mini-Scaler Model MS-1
  ..1420-1435        N/A      BREAK OBJECTIVE:           N/A
   ' {V                                                                                            ~

254- '

                                                                                                                     ~ Rev 7 y--y       e * ,e    , ,-       ---.--~.,.cw     r%-...v-    e--   -gv-4 --- e   ,w., ,-   m.eww   yw mye.-,,e,.,..,yo,- ---.---g, - - . + - - . , - - . .w-


                 ')--                                                  Day No. 4 i:


  ; 0815-0915                      6.4-287l   bPERATION OP'THE TENNELEC ALPHA-BETA COUNTER
                                 ' OBJECTIVE:    -To familiarize and provide a preliminary procedure for the' initialization and operation of the Tennelec L135100 Low Background Alpha-Bata Automatic Counting System.
  - C915-1000                  -6.4-282       OPERATION OF CANBERRA 7700 COUNTING SYSTEM
                                ' OBJECTIVE:     To familiarize and define the operations of the Canberra m                                  Iow Background Alpha and Beta Counting System.


= 1000-1015                       N/A     BREAK d


1015-1200 6.7-101 PNPS REFPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM OBJECTIVE: To familiarize personnel with PNPS Respiratory Protection Program.

(1200-1300 N/A LUNCH l OBJECTIVE: N/A 1300-1400 6.7-101 PNPS RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM (cditinued) l OBJECTIVE: See above. !'(,

                                                                           -255-                    Rev 7
     - .. ..~ .. . . - . . -                        -.    .. . - . .       . . .


FJrm R-4 Page 11 of 13 ATTACHMENT B 14n0-1415 N/A BREAK OBJECTIVE: N/A 1415-1430 6.7-010 RECEIPT AND STORAGE OF CLEAN PPDTECTIVE CLOTHING OBJECTIVE: To establish the manner in which clean protective clothing is handled at PNPS. 1430-1445 6.7-011 HANDLING CF STEP-OFF PAD CONTAINERS OBJECTIVE: 1445-1545 6.9-060 RECEIPT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL OBJCETIVE: 1600 N/A REVIEW (QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS) {r7



     ,)                                       -255A-                         Rev 7

F:rm R-4 \

                                                                                  .Pags 12~of 13 ANACILVNT B LESSION PLAN
                                      / HEAL'III PHYSICS CONTRACTORS Day No. 5 0800-0815      N/A       QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS PERIOD OR QUIZ OBJECTIVE:        N/A 0815-0900      6.9-160       SHIPMENT OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL

_CBJECTIVE: To familiarize personnel with PNPS's procedure for i shipment of radioactive material. A 0900-1000 N/A DRESSING AND UNDRESSING PROCEDURES

  • OBJECTIVE: To familiarize H.P. personnel wi?h the way control points are set up.

7 , 1000-1015 N/A BREAK OBJECTIVE: N/A 1015-1045 N/A DRESSING AND UNDRESSING PROCEDURES (continued) OBJECTIVE: See above. 1045-1130 N/A QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD OBJECTIVE: To answer questions and tell them about the test. 1130-1300 N/A LUNCl! OBJECTIVE: N/A (! ' 1600 N/A PLANT WALK-TilRU OBJECTIVE: To familiarize personnel with the plant, i.e., maps with the different elevatione and the associated major Rx components.

                                                     -255B-                     Rev 7
Form R- 4 Page-13 of 13

, i

            ..                                                                    ATTACHMENT B


   .. 0800-0830                                     N/A    QUESTICli AND ANSWERS e


- ~
      -0830-1130                                       N/A    TEST 4

OBJECTIVE: N/A I 1 1 4 l i r ' t i i


1 3 g f 1 4 i 4 I 4 i

                                                                                               -255C-                                     Rev 7 4
 -    ..-~.-,-m.....-~.~,~,-w,.----,--,--..~.,--.-,.-,                                          . . . _ _ , - _ - . - , , , . - , .         ..                  . . - , . . .

F;rm R-5 pig 2 1 of 2 H. P. RECORDS QUALIFICATION CARD Date Started:


.ks_s(Name Date Completed: The student has satisfactorily completed the following training modules. H.P. Supervisor Trainee's Module , -Module Title Rev. # Signature /Date. Signature /Date r

        .T1          Intro to HP Records T2          Bio effects of                                           ,

radiation T3 Radiation Limits A2 Issuing Dosimetry A3 Issue Visitors

    }               Dosimetry

- ss m

      .A4           Maintain exposure files A5'        Exposure evaluation Reports A6         Logging daily exposure A7         Computer Data entry A8         NRC form 4                                                  _

A9 Assign exposure limits

      .A10          Process TLD readings All:        Process upgrades A12         Inprocess individuals A13         Terminate an q_,)                individual
                                                  -255D-                          Rev 0
Farm R-5' Paga 2 of 2 n Qualified to Staff Dosimetry Issue Desk
  ; (!                                                                                 H.P. Supervisor                                          Date Qu'alified H.P. Records Clerk H.P. Supervisor                                          Date Reviewed by Signature, Chief Radiological Engineer                                                            Date Reviewed by Signature, Technical Training                                                                    Date Group Leader i

gs Return completed form tc tihe Training Department i i l O

                                                                    -255E-                                                      Rev 0
           -e -         :,m-r n't ee4  ~ri es n~ 46 . p,nmq-s esppy y e g       7,,     ,p-w p,w,.,m-e g ,, m+ wm,,ww -g w e~ p      ,-n-- p-m m,,



l s' I ) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION l Shift Technical Advisors Group Training is conducted under the cognizance of the OSS&P Group Leader on Forms STA-1 and STA-2, Shift Technical Advisors Group Training. All personnel assigned to the Shift Technical Advisors Group are required to complete this ferm. l

             -     Any formal on-the-job training that the Shif t Technical Advisors Group participate in should be documented on Form G-2, P"_S Training Attendance Form, and sent to the Training Group.

Vendor training may be conducted for the Shift Technical Advisors Group personnel in selected areas. Vendor training should be documented in Section IV of Form G-3, PNPS Employee Experience Record. Candidates who have successfully completed STA training at another nuclear power station can transfer credit for non-plant specific subjects by approval of OSS&P Group Leader and the Nuclear Training Manager. (Verification of successfully completed course work should be documented, or the training filer should include an explanation as to why such documentation could not be obtained and the basis for giving credit for the subjects). q

      ) SHIFT TECHNICAL ADVISOR The goal of the Shift Technical Advisors qualification program is to prepare newly assigned candidates with the required depth of knowledge necessary to accomplish the Shift Technical Advisor's function during routine operations and abnormal or emergency conditions. Form STA-2 is used to document this training. PROGRAM SCHEDULE Initial Shift Technical Advisors group training is conducted on a schedule specified by the OSS&P Group Leader. The Sh*ft Technical Advisors initial group training shall be complecaJ within a time period specified by the Group Leader after the individual's assignment to the Shift Technical Advisors Group. PROGRAM RESPONSIBILITIES Responsibilities for initial Shift Technical Advisor group training are summarized below.

                                              -256-                          Rev 4


          .s                                 .The Nuclear Training Manager is responsible for:
        *- '                                    1.              Overseeing implementation of the initial Shift Technical
Advisors group training program and ensuring the quality

, of training provided by vendors.

2. Maintaining custody of all Shift Technical Advisors group personnel training records.
                       ,                     _3.. Certifying the qualification of individuals in-the Shift Technical Advisors group. NUCLEAR TRAINING SPECIALIST The Nuclear Training Specialist is responsible for:

1. Completion of Form STA-2 for general indoctrination for all new Shift Technical Advisors group personnel.
2. After consulting with the OSS&P Group Leader, develop training schedules necessary to accomplish initial Shift Technical Advisors group training.
3. Coc. duct the Shift Technical Advisors training program as necessary to maintain a sufficient compliment of Shift
   ,( ).                                                       Technical Advisors.
14. Preparing and grading examinations for all Shift Technical Advisors.
5. Maintaining all initial Shift Technical Advisor training program documentation as specified in Section ON SITE SAFETY AND PERFORMANCE GROUP LEADER (OSS&P-GL) The OSS&P Group Leader is responsible for:

1. Assuring that personnel assigned to the Shift Technical Advisors group are adequately trained to perform their job functions in a safe and efficient manner.
2. Working with the Nuclear Training Specialist to develop Shift Technical Advisor training schedules and approving STA training course content.
3. Documenting the completion of certain specific training form requirements.


4. Certifying the qualification of individuals in the Shift
         g                                                  Technical Advisors group.

fG -

                                                                                                  -257-                                             Rev 3
             +-      -w-   - 4 ew- - 9 , +r v- v-w =- o w-o w w e %e, -,-vew-%,-v+--.+.,erm,v,-,.       yv-   --c,-w-.--.---.,~,-,%-...-w,-,w-,.,wo -----,,.....-----,,--=-,-~w----w,
            -  PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION 73                 The Nuclear Training Specialist is responsible for maintaining

[t] the training record of each individual assigned to the Shift

5. Technical Advisors group. Each training record should contain the following documentation as appropriate:

Documentation General Employee Training GET-1-PNPS General Employee Training form (with written quiz,

                       .f administered STA-1 STA Group General Indoctrination STA-2 Qualification Requirements for STA's Copies of quizzes and examinations administered s
                                                                                   -258-                                                           Rev 4

Firm STA-1 Pzg 5 1 of 1 PNPS SHIFT TECHNICAL ADVISORS CROUP GENERAL INDOCTRINATION Name Complete an indoctrination on the procedures and instructions which are applicable to the Shift Technical Advisors group which will implement the Quality Assurance group. This indoctrination will include the following:

1. 1.1.1 Station Organization and Responsibility
2. 1.2.1 Operations Review Committee
3. 1.3.2 Special Orders
4. 1.3.4 Procedures
5. 1.3.6 Adherence to Techncial Specifications
6. 1.3.7 Records
7. 1.3.8 Document Control
8. 1.3.9* Reports
9. 1.3.13 Plant Design Changes
10. 1.3.14 Indoctrination and Training
11. 1.3.16 Conduct of Personnel in Control Room
12. 1.3.23* Preparation of Safety Evaluation
13. 1.3.24 Failure and Malfunction Reports
14. 1.3.26* Response to Deficiency Reports
15. 1.4.5 PNPS Tagging Procedure
16. 1.4.6 Housekeeping
17. 1.5.3 Maintenance Request
18. 1.5.7 Unplanned Maintenance 19, 3.M.1-1* Preventative Maintenance
20. 1.5.9 Temporary Modifications
21. 3.M.1-5 Procurement of Items and Services 22, 3.M.1-8* Disposition of Non-Conforming Material
23. 8.1 Periodic Surveillance Test Requirements Satisfied: a) 10CFR50, Appendix B b) ANSI N18.7 c) BEQAM, Volume II Date Completed Signature, OSS&P -GL Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist Date Signature, Nuclear Training Manager
  • Management Only Return completed form to Training Department VJ
                                        -259-                           Rev. 4


          <j      iFcra STA-2' Paga 1-of 7 PNPS-                          d



A.; Prior to Shift Technical Advisor Training

1. . Meet all qualifications specified'in the Shift Technical Advisors job specification.
                      .Date                              . Signature OSS&P Group Leader-
                       '2. . Complete Form STA Shift Technical Advisora group training general indoctrication.                 -'

Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist

                 -B. -Shift Technics 1' Advisors Training
                      '(Note: The candidate must receive a passing grade of 70% per section)

Contact hours for training in Sections B.1 through B.7 shall I

   "'~                            be determined-based on the previous training records, and
                                 .. assessed need of the STA candidate. Such assessment to be performed by the training department.
1. . Applied Fundamentals - BWR Specific Suggested Subject / Topics Plant Specific Reactor Technology
                              -(including core physics data)

Plant Chemistry and Corrosion Control Reactor Instrumentation and Control Reactor Plant Materials Reactor Plant Thermal Cycle Quiz Grade

   --                 Date                                Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist (X.V
                                                           -260-                          Rev 4

e F;rm STA-2 P gn 2 of 7

2. Plant Systems

( System Core Standby Cooling Systems Emergency Electrical Power, AC and DC n Reactor Protection Reactor Coolant Reactor Coolant Inventory and Chemistry Control Containment System (including Containment Cooling) Closed Cooling Water Systems Nuclear Instrumentation Non-Nuclear Instrumentation Reactor Control Containment Hydrogen Monitoring and Control

/)       Radioactive Waste Disposal (liquid, gas, solid)

Control Air Condensate and Main Feedwater Reactor Vesse'l Water Level Control Main Steam Status Monitoring (including Process Computer) Seismic Monitoring Residual Heat Removal Radiation Monitoring Plant Ventilation Main Turbine and Generator Quiz Grade Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist

                                            -261-                     Rev. 5

p_ Farm STAl2 Pagn 3 of 7-3.- Simulator Training.

      .j}                                , List date, length of time and simulator used for training,
      .p (attach certification,'if any).

Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist

                           - 4.        .' Administrative Controls Typical' Subjects Responsibilities for Safe Operation and Shutdown Failure and Malfunction Reports
                                      'Use of Procedures Plant Modifications Shift Relief Turnover and Manning
     ' - %.                           JContainment. Access Maintaining Cogni::ance of Plant Status Physical Security Control Room Access Duties and Responsibilities of the-STA
                                     - Radiological Emergency Plan Code of Federal Regulations (appropriate sections)

Plant Technical Specifications (including bases) Radiological Control Instructions Quiz Grade ', Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist (O (J i 4

                                                                                                                        -262-          Rev. 3
         . , . _ . - - . ,       _ ~ . _ . _ _ . . ,      . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ . . . - , - _ _ _ . . .                  . , . _ ,_._ _ ___

_Fcra STA-2 Pagn 4 of 7 5.~ Management Skills j

          /'                    ' Typical Areas Leadership Interpersonal Communication Motivation of Personnel'
                              , Problem and Decisional Analysis Command Responsibilities and Limits d.

Stress Human Behavior Quiz Grade Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist

               ' 6.          . Operating Procedures

( Subject-Startup i- At Power Operations Shutdown Xenon.Following While on Standby S.D. Margin Calculation Quiz Grade , i Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist 1

                                                                                                                       -263 ,                         Rev. 3
                . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ ~ -.- _ _. .. ...__. _ .-.-_.._ _.-,-.__ _ _.__ _ , .-. _ . .~ .._ _ .~. _.._ . _                                                       _ -_

Q ~ r A Farm STA-2 -Page 5 of 7 17.: sTransient/ Accident Analysis and Emergency Procedures

    . ,q -

Subject . ik7 I -l

   ~ '

Transient'and Accident. Analyses-Plant Abnormal'and Emergency Procedures


Quiz Grade Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist

8. ~ Formal Education l Prerequisite education considered desirable for' successful completion of the advanced coursework is identified below. This coursework ney be waived
                          -without formal-documentation of specific courses completion provided the candidate demonstrates an acceptable level of knowledge by attaining pass-
                            .ing grades on the advanced coursework outlined in Section B.1 to B.7 of this: document.

Initials, OSS&P

    -'(J'                   A.      Mathematics.                                                  Group Leader LJ                               Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, College Algebra-       A.

B Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry B. C. Physics

                                   -Engineering Physics (heat, mechanics, light sound, electricity.and magnetism)                                C.

College Level Fundamental Education D. Mathematics Engineering mathematics through the introduction to ordinary differential squations and the utilization of Laplace transforms to interpret control response. D. E.. Reactor Theory r'

                                  ' Atomic and Nuclear Physics Statics, through 2-group Diffusion Theory
             )                      Dynamics, Point. Kinetics, Reactivity Feedback            E.
                                                                 -264-                     Rev. 3

Farm STA-2 Page 6 of 7 F. -Renctor Chemictry Initials, OSS&P Group Leader -p-qg Inorganic Chemistry -(as related to reactor systems) ( l- Corrosion - Reaction-Rates F. G. Nuclear Materials Strength of Materials

  • Reactor-Material Properties (phase diagrams, -fuel densification) G.

H. , Thermal Sciences (for nuclear systems) ~

             -Thermodynamics Laws of Thermodynamics Properties of Water and Steam
                  -Steam Cycles and Efficiency                              H.

I. Fluid Dynamics-Bernoulli's Equation Fluid Friction and Head Loss Elevation Head Pump and-System Characteristics I.

       -J. Heat Transfer f%,

Methods of Heat Transfer ((- J- Boiling Heat Transfer Heat Exchangers J. K. Electrical' Sciences Electronics (Circuit theory, digital electronics) Motors, Generators, Transformers, Switchgear Instrumentation and Control Theory K. L. Nuclear Instrumentation and Control Radiation Detectors Reactor Instrumentation Reactivity Control and Feedback L. M. Nuclear Radiation Protection and Health Physics Biological Effects Radiation Survey Instrumentation Shielding M. Section 8 completed k'O

\~ /

_Date Signature, OSS&P Group Leader

                                                -265-                   Rev. 4
                        ,     -n ,. -   .

F;rm STA-2 Pags 7 of 7 19.- Recognizing'the consequences of sever core damage.


(?,J' Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist u

            'b:3 1The candidate has successfully cumpleted the qualification _ program and
                 , is therefore qualified as a Shift Technical Advisor.

Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist Date Signature, Nuclear Training Manager Date Signature, OSS&P Group Leader


x C

                                                            -266-                   Rev. 4
                                                                                                                 .i - - 3 3.6.2         SHIFT TECHNICAL ADVISOR REQUALIFICATION                          .         ,     ,
    .A .                     Requalification training for Shift Technical Advisors is an annual
       )                     program, outline to meet the requirements of NUREG 0737. ANNUAL REQUALIFICATION The annual.STA requal,1fication program is intended to meet the required ments of NUREG 0737 as outlined in Appendix C of that document. In . . ' 4 , actualityAppendix'C,isRevision'tof.INPO'sRecommendationsforShif(

                                  . Technical. Advisors. The section on requalification is 6.9.
                                                                                                           .s LA Shift Technical Advisor must successfully complete the requalifi .                  -

cation program to remain actively fulfilling the STA function. The

                                   . passing grade for the requalification' exam shall be 70%. . If an STA does not pass the requalification exam, the individual shall be                 ;
                                  . removed from watch and shall be required, to complete an accelerated training program before resuming STA responsibility.                        t-9                            '_

The accelerated training will be provided-in areas-disecvered to be deficient in the judgement of tha Training Deaprtment with the concurrence of the OSS&P Group Leader. Annual requalification will consist of a review of tram.ient and accident analysis emphasizing the'STA's role in.the accident recogni-tion and assessment, and 20-hours of simulator exercises. Specific requirements tre included on Form STA-3 "STA Annual Requalification s Documentation Sheet." ' OUTAGE MODIFICATIONS On a once pec refuel cycle basis all STA's shall receive training in; e changes to plant design, procedures, Technical Speelfications and

                                 . reload characteristics. The duraticn of .this course will be dependent-upon material to be covered;.and may. be given in conjunction with such training administered to the Operations Group. -Examinations related to refuel cycle training are not required.                                    .s Refuel cycle training should be ' administered prior to cycle startup or as close as practical to the beginning ofceycle operation.
                                                              / ABSENCES FROM DETY An STA who has teen absent from active duty for a period of 30 days but less than 4 months, shall, prior to resumirg the function, receive 4 training to ense re that the individual is cognizant of significant procedure and facility changes. j The content of this training shall be approved by the OSS&P Group Leader and may be presented by the Training, Group or a designated

                                 . individual within the Nuclear Organfzation.


                                                                -267-                       Rev. 7
                                    .~              .            .                  .--    -.

Documentation of such training shall'be provided by the individual

d. - ,. . or organization conducting-such training. The' documentation is to
         %.)                    be retained in the individual STA's record.

An STA who has been absent from active duty for 'c period longer

                              -than 4 months'shall, prior to resuming the function, receive
                              ' appropriate training to ensure competence in the function. This training may constitute all or portions of Annual Requalification
    ,                          Training not including simulator exercises. If the 6 month absence is coincident with a refuel outage, then Outage Modifications Training will also be required.

Narmal absence from STA duty such as annual requalification, vacation, shif t . rotation and specialized training shall not constitute an absence as defined in the preceding paragraphs.

                 -      SPECIALIZED TRAINING
         '                     STA's may receive specialized training in such areas as Emergency
                             - plans, Performance Monitoring or other areas intended for professional
      .-                       development. Such specialized training is not considered to be-applicable to STA requalification and need not be common to all STA's.

Such training will, however be documented in the individual's train-ing records by inclusion of appropriate material. The individual who approves such training will be responsible for forwarding f-sg documentation to the department for inclusion in the records. d' PROGRAM RESPONSIBILITIES Program responsibilities for STA requalification are the same as specified in section DOCUMENTATION The Training Department is responsible for the maintenance of STA 2 training records. This includes documentation maintained in each individual's training record and general requalification files. l RECORDS The following requalification training program documentation will be' maintained in each individual's training record: Documentation Forms . STA-3 STA Annual Requalification Documentation Sheet STA-4 Outage M o difications Documentation Sheet STA-5 Absence Retraining Documentation Sheet

                                                                 -268-                    Rev. 4

Other Documentation

 ,r y Lj     Correspondence related to requalification and specialized training, including vendor evaluations or reports.

Examinations Quizzes administered CET-2 General Employee Training Record J o A. l l l l l l i

                              -269-                      Rev. 3

PNPS STA F;rm STA-3 ANNUAL REQUALIFICATION Pzg7 1 of 4 DOCUMENTATION SHEET ( ) Name Training Cycle 19 to 19 Month Month e

1. Review of Abnormal Events Subj ect: Review of transient and accident analysis of FSAR events emphasizing the individual STA's role in an accident recognition and assessment.

Obj ective: To have SIA's aware of accident recognition and impact, and to emphasize the STA's duties / responsibilities during such events. I2plementation: This program will incorporate a review of transient and accident analysis. An appropriate review of professional industry events and LER's which had the potential for serious impact will be part of the program. This course may be conducted by the Training Department or contracted to a vendor. In either case detailed records of the course shall be retained in the training files. Such records shall include lecture outlines and examinations. The OSS&P Group Leader shall additionally concur with the course outline. Exam Grade (70% required for passing) PASS FAIL (place in accelerated requalification program

                                       & remove from STA duties)

Date Signature, Training Specialist ex

                                                -270-                      Rev. 4


       ? /' T
      '(xs/ -

Review of Abnormal Events - continued If makeup. required: Individual shall successfully pass a makeup exam. Makeup exam due Date

                                          ' STA Management informed on 1

Date Signature, Training Specialist Acknowledged: Date Signature, STA y, . Date Signature, OSS&P Group Leader

                                          . Additional Course work required Specifyt 4


(U The above course work is acknowledged to be required for successful
           ,                               completion of makeup examination.

Signature, OSS&P Group Leader Signature, Nuclear Training Manager

                                         - Makeup Course Itaplemented
                                                                              -Date 4
                                         -Makeup Exam Complete
                                                                      -Date                    Grade
                                         .[_   PASS'          Individual to be removed
                       '                                      from duty for additional training Date         Signature, Training Specialist Date          Signature, OSS&P Group Leader
                                                                    -271-                              Rev. 4


           -Pzg2 3 of 4                                       ANEUAL REQUALIFICATION DOCUMENTATION SHEET s  $
2. Simulator Exercises


Simuldtor exercises related to normal and off normal conditions conducted to emphasize the role of the STA. Obj ective: To have STA's put into actual practice, principles learned end discussed in the Review of Abnormal Events course.


Implementation: 'The course shall consist of 20 hours and exercises as specified below should be included. This course may be conducted con-currently by a vendor or in-house with the Abnormal Events Review course. Detailed records including lecture and exercise outlines and a qualita-tive evaluation of STA performance shall be provided and retained in the individual-STA's records. The OSS&P Group Leader shall additionally concur with the course outline. Simulator Exercises: Utilizing PNPS procedures when possible. This stipulation is dependent on the particular simulator used. Reactor and Plant Startup Load Changes and Shutdown (dN Load Rejection at power - Turbine Trips from Full Power with and without Bypass capability Inadvertent MSIV Isolation at Power Reactor Scram from Full Power Reactor Pressure Controller Failure 7 Control Rod' Drop Accident at Power and Approaching Critical b Cold Water Injection at Power l Inadvertent Opening of a ' Relief Valve and Stuck Open Rv !L t Loss of Main Feedwater at Power l Inadvertent Start of Idle Recire Pump Inadvertent Trip of Recirc Pump (s) LOCA's (large & small breaks) Loss ot Off-site Power [ T Station Blackout _s' Loss of Shutdown Cooling L

                                                                          -272-                                             Rev. 4 i

__ _ ._ , . . _ . , _ _ _ . _ _, __. , _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ _ . , , _ , .,,..,_..,....,y. _ . _ _ , . , . . . , _ _ . , . . .

PNPS STA P;rm STA-3 ANNUAL REQUALIFICATION Pr.g2 4 cf 4 ' DOCUMENTATION SHEET lm\ Natural Circulation Malfunction of Reactor Water Level Indications / Controls Simulator Evaluation ] Acceptable Unacceptable Date Signature, Nuclear Training Specialist

                      ~If simulator evaluation is unacceptable follow-up action will be determined by both the Nuclear Training Manager and OSS&P Group O     ^

Leader. concurrently. Such action shall be documented in writing and retained in the individual's files. If the simulater evaluation is unacceptable a report from the training-vendor shall be included to explain the reasons for such findings. . ym- .l(wY

                                                         -273-                                               Rev. 3
                                   . , . , . ,    .   ..-      ,_-         _ . _ - - _ , _ . . _ . - - , . . . ~ . - - - - _ ..._ . .__ - -


        -Psg3 1 of I                         DOCUMENTATION SHEET
- E'3       ,

u,j Name U *e of previous cycle startup Date of present cycle shutdown lDate(A) Outage Modification Training given

1. Detail below the subject areas covered in the areas of: Procedure Changes, Plant Design Changes,- Technical Specification Changes and Reload Analysis Changes. Alternatively document course outline reference and lecture attendance hours.

Subject. Lecture Hours p -( Examination Grade if administered If grade is less than 70%, a makeup exam will be given as soon as possible. If no exam is administered the signature below will document that the individual has successfully completed the course. Pite Nuclear Training Specialist

 < ,m fx     -
                                                   -274-                         Rev. 4


                      ~ F;ra STA                                                     ABSENCE RETRAINING t
                       ' Pcg2.1 cf~1                                                    DOCUMENTATION SHEET                                                                                            '

f  % . Av- '

                      . Name
1. Duration / dates of absence from STA duty and reason:

From To

                                . Reason.for Absence Signed STA OSS&P Group Leader                                                                      Date 2 .' Subjects covered prior to -resumption of STA Duty or append course outline t

i d p - i t f Date Signed, OSS&P Group Leader

                            ' Training conducted / completed Date                      Individual providing training
      = <-
                             ' Reviewed by Nuclear Training Manager                                                                   Date
                                                                                              -275-                                                        Rev. 3

Jr Y 3.73 Station Services Group Training

     ;-s, _         <           -

Objectide-The objective of Station Services' Group Training is to provide for the indoctrination.and training of Station Services Personnel as necessary to ascure that suitable proficiency is achieved and maintained. Program Requirements All-

                    ' Training Requirements Satisfied                Requirement Summary a)     10CFR50, Appendix B, Criteria           Job Related Quality

, f-% II (ANSI N18.7, Section 3.3) Assurance Training t ]. -

      *s a)     10CFR50,' Appendix B.                   Housekeeping and Cleanliness l-Criteria II                             Control Training
                            -(ANSI N18.7. Section 5.2.10)

(ANSI N45.2.3, Section 2.4) a) -10CFR50, Appendix B, Indoctrination in proper Criteria II use applicable procedures Lb)- 10CFR50, Appendix B,

                         ,c. Criteria V
a). 10CFR50, Appendix B, Indoctrination in procedures Criteria III utilized to keep current on
    ./}                                                           applicable design changes / modi-
   'f\ /            b)       10CFR50, Appendix B, fications Criteria VI (ANSI N18.7, Section 5.2.15)
                                                             -276-                       Rev 0
                 ,       :N.P.A.'s Only i1                                                                                                                                                                                              ,
;                          . Training Requirements -



$ 1) USNRC I.E.~ Bulletin Radioactiva Shipment Training



3.7.1 Initial Station Services Group Training < Program Description Station-Services Group Training is conducted under the cognizance of the Station Services Group Leader utilizing the Station Services Group' Training Forms: Form SS-1 Station Services Group-General Indoctrination Form SS-2 Qualification Requirements for Nuclear Plant O Attendants The station Services Group Leader will normally delegate Station Services Training responsibilities to a Station Services Supervisor. He/she 1will then insure that the required on-the-job Training for individuals 'under


their control is complete. All individuals reporting into the Station Services Group first complete Form'S-1 Maintenance Group General Indoctrination. Dais indoctrination will be conducted by the Station Services Group Leader or his/her designated representative. Following completion of-Form S-1, individuals will complete-those_ additional Training From Qualification Requirements related to_their job-position. They complete the requirements first, by participating in J

                                                                                                                                   -277-                                       Rev 0

w g p $ '" 4 *[ 1M $ s ? W = g AG,q p ,im .pB e g Wy6W $-W @.% g Wppgg.q-Mypige w Wear-yv -73 P g M+-g-W 9 g y W& T y (-p e- ----g-

             , their new job function under the direction of appropriately experienced I,,

V)- personnel'and,' finally, by demonstrating to their supervisors their ability to meet the specific qualification requirements. Any formal training conducted on-the-job such as a formal presentation

              .on a particular piece of eintpment should be documented on Form G-5, PNPS

Training Form.

            ; Vendor Training will be conducted as necessary to develop the proficiency of personnel in selected areas. Vendor Training will be documented on Section IV of Form G-3, PNPS Employee Experience Record.
            -Initial-Station Services Group Training, as conducted utilizing the Station Services Group Training Forms, is designed to ensure that Station Services Personnel receive the necessary indoctrination and training to competently perform their job function. -Nuclear Plant Attendant All Nuclear Plant Attendants are required to complete Form SS-2 (Qualification

             .Requirem'ents for " Nuclear Plant Attendants).

Qualification requirements for Nuclear Plant Attendants are accomplished utilizing on-the-job training under the cognizance of the Station Services Group Leader or his designee. As the individual demonstrates competence in specific job-related areas, satisfacrory performance is documented by the applicable Boston Edison Supervisor. Nuclear Plent Attendants qualification

            ' requirements shall be completed within a time specified by the Group Leader after the individual's assignment to the Nuclear Plant Attendants position.


                                                       -278-                                Rev D

3.7.1'.2 Program Schedule gM-Initial Station Services Group Training is' conducted on a schedule specified by the' Station Services Group Leader. - Training will be conducted utilizing the Station Services Group Training Forms. 5nitial'StationServicesGroupTrainingshallbecompletedwithinatime

                -period specified by the group leader after the individual's assignment to a Station Services Group position.
                -              Program Responsibilities Responsibilities for Initial Maintenance Group Training are summarized below:' Technical Training Group Leader o d -The, Technical Training Group Leader is responsible for:

1. Overseeing implementation of the Initial Station Services Group Training Program.
2. Maintaining custody of all Station Services Group Training Records.
3. Deleting specific Group Qualification Requirements when an individual's experience or other special factors indicate that the requirements l are met or exceeded.
4. Certifying the qualificatien of all non-management individuals in the I

Station Services Group.

               '                  Station Services Group Leader
     /'N        The Station Services Group Leader is responsible for:
 -_(V                                                                                                                                                l
                                                                 -279-                                                                       Rev 0
1. Implementing Initial Station Services Group Training.
2. Conducting or designating a representative to comple*e Station Services Group General Indoctrination, for all new Station Services Group' Employees.
3. Certifying the qualification of all non-management individuals in the Station Services Group. Station Services Group Supervisors The Station Services Group Supervisors are responsible for:

1. Conducting training as specified by the Station Services Group Leader.
2. Qualifying "Nucleat riant Attendants" utilizing Form SS-2.

f' ) Program Documentation The Technical Training Group Leader is responsible for maintaining the training record of each individual assigned to the Station Group. Each training record should contain the following documentation as appropriate: Documentation General Employee Training GET-1, PNPS General Employee Training Checklist (with written quiz, if administered) GET-2, PNPS General Employee Retraining Record (with written quiz)

                                            -280-                            Rev 0 L

m/ Initial Group Training G-3, PNPS Employee-Experience Record p SS-1, Station Services Group Training General Indoctrination Form SS-2

3. 7. 2 - Statio'n Services Group Retraining
                      ~ ' Program Description Station Services Group' retraining is conducted as considered necessary by Station Services Group Leader and Technical Training Group Leader. For example, a noted trend in improper packaging of laundry drums might require a training period on this subject. Training might also be considered necessary following the procurement of a piece of equipment with which Station Services Personnel 1?-* have no familiarity. Training sessions can be scheduled for +he entire department, a specific group-within the department, or only selected individuals. All training shall be documented on PNPS Training Form G-2 and sent to the Training Group. Program Responsibilities Technical Training Group Leader t Techr.ical Training Group Leader is responsible for:

1. Overseeing implementation of the Station Services Group Rerraining Program.
2. Together with the Station Services Group Leader, identifying areas

{ ) where retraining would be advantageous.

3. Maintaining custody of Station Services Group Retraining records.
                                                              -281-                                     Rev 0 Station Services Group Leader O The Station Services Group Leader is responsible for:

1. Together with the Technical Training' Supervisor, identifying areas where retraining would be advantageous.
2. Conducting the Station Services Group Retraining Program as necessary. Station Services Group Supervisors The Station Services Group Supervisors are responsible for:

1. Conducting Station Services Group Retraining as specified by the Station Services Group Leader. Program Documentation The Station Services Group Leader is responsible for documenting Maintenance Group Retraining on Form G-2, "PNPS Training Attendance Form", and sending the form to the Training Group. 5 I L

                                                                          -282-                     Rev 0

4 [

             -FORM SS-1                                                                   Pags 1 of 1 kV                                                PNPS STATION SERVICES GROUP GENERAL INDOCTRINATION Name General Indoctrination Complete an indoctrination on the procedures and instructions which are
    .         applicable to the Waste Management Group.

This indoctrination will include the following:

1. 1.1.1 Station Organization and Responsibility
2. 1.2.1 Operations Review Committee
3. 1.3.4 Procedures

('~'% - 4. 1.3.6 Adherence to Technical Specifications [s-/ 5. 6. 1.3.7 1.3.8 Records Document Control

7. 1.3.9* Reports
8. 1.3.14 Indoctrination and Training
9. 1.3.16 Conduct of Personnel in Control Room
10. 1.3.24 Failure and Malfunction Reports Date Signature, Station Services Group Leader Date completed -Signature, Technical Training Group Leader
  • Management Only Return completed form to the Training Department 1
                                                     -283-                            Rev 0 i
         - FORM SS-2 Page 1 of 5


1. ' Complete Section I, " General Indoctrination", of the Waste Management
                . Group Training Checklist.

Date Signature, Station Services Supervisor S 2.- Meet all qualifications specified in the Nuclear Plant Attendant job specification.

    /~}-         Date                                    Signature, Station Services Group Leader
  ; fv/
3. Demonstrate the apply those principles learned in the General Employee " Radiological Health and Safety Indoctrination" on-the-job.

Specifically, demonstrate the ability to:

a. Control the spread of contamination
b. Minimize one's own radiation exposure
c. Properly use personnel monitoring equipment
d. Decontaminate equipment
e. Follow the volume reduction plan-Date Signature, Examiner i

i i O

                                                    -284-                                    Rev 0

l l FORM SS-2 Page 2 of 5

 /     l
 'p_/                                                                                              )
4. Demonstrate the ability to perform plant cleaning functions.

Date Signature, Examiner

5. Demonstrate the ability to maintain the plant grounds including roadways.

Date Signature, Examiner

6. Demonstrate the ability to use mechanized equipment where necessary to perform heavy lifting of materials, tools and equipment.
  /' Date                                           Sib nature, Examiner (v)
7. Demonstrate the ability to use automobiles or trucks to make pick-ups and deliveries of equipment, tools and materials.

Date Signature, Examiner

                                                -285-                             Rev. 0

_ FORM SS-2 Page 3 of 5

               '7A. Complete Comptny Mechenized Equip. (forklift) Training.
   /15  ') -          Date-                                                                                 Examiner
8. Demonstrate correct operation of the tool decon unit in accordance with station procedures.
                    ' Date                                                                                  Examiner
9. Demonstrate correct operation of the dry cleaning unit in accordance with station procedures.

Date Examiner

10. Demonstrate correct cperation of the face mask washing machine in accordance with station procedure 6.7.113.
   - p)

Date Examiner

11. Demonstrate installation of various shielding methods in accordance with-station procedure 6.10-005.

Date Examiner

12. Demonstrate the ability to perform various methods of Decontamination in accordance with station procedure.

Date Examiner

13. Shipment of Radioactive Material
a. Successfully complete the module on Radioactive shipment regulations.
    <~s               Date                                                                                  Examiner (3_J -
                                                                                                     -286-              Rev. 0
                       . - - . . = . _ . . , . . . _ . . . - _ _ _ , . . . _ . _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ ,                 . , _ . _ _ _ _ . - . . . , _ . _ .

FORM SS-2 Page 4 of 5

b. Demonstrate correct techniques for inspecting radioactive waste materials
  .' '. for oil and water and non-compactable trash.

v. Date Examiner

c. Complete Dry Radioactive Waste packaging Training (ref. Dry Radioactive Waste packaging Training Guide).

Date Examiner

d. Complete solid waste compacting training (ref. solid waste compacting training guide).

Date Examiner Qualified to work on Radioactive Shippents (

  '     Date                                     Examiner Date                                     Sr. Waste Management Supervisor Dcte                                     Station Services Group Leader en


                                              -287 ,                           Rev. O
                      . FORM SS-2                                                                    Page 5 of 5
8. -Qualification as Nuclear Plant Attendant certified complete.



t Date Signature, Waste Management Supervisor

Date Signature, Station Service Supervisor s .

Date Signature, Sr. Waste Management Engineer

    .i Date                                    Signature, Station Services Group Leader Date                                    Signature, Technical Training Group Leader Return completed form to the Training Department f


                                                              -288-                            Rev. 0

t.j-Dry Radioactive Waste Packaging Training Guide Studen;9 Name Date Started Discussion Discuss with the student the purpose of the Trbining cnd a' brief overview of what will be covered. 4 Radiation Safety c. Discuss with the student the Health Physics requirements for packaging dry radioactive waste.

     .Q/         Date                                          Examiner LSA Box Preparation A.       Using prccedure 6.9.174 walk through with the student-the preparation of one LSA Box demonstrating procedural requirements, good Health Physics practice and recordkeeping.

is Date Examiner [ B. Observe the student preparing LSA Boxes using procedure 6.9.174. Repeat l .this step until the student has packaged one complete LSA Box without prompts

                -or corrections by the examiner.

Date Examiner

                -LSA Drum Pallets

! A. Using procedure 6.9.174 walk through with the student the preparation f'~') of one LSA drum pallet demonstrating procedural requirements, good Health t

      %d> - Physics practices and recordkeeping.

i 1 ( Date Examiner

                                                             -289-                     Rev. 0

. - ~

                    ~       ,.      -                                                             ,
                   . B.      . Observe the student preparing LSA drum pallets using procedure 6.9.174.

_ Repeat this step until the student has prepared one LSA drum pallet without p\/ - prompts or corrections by the examiner. Date Examiner LSA Van Loading , Discuss, then demonstrate to the student.the proper method of loading

                  . the LSA Van.

The student should load one LSA Van with empty drums and boxes while be-

                  - ing observed.

Date. , Examiner Complete section 13.C NPA Qual. guide Forward. completed Training guide to Examinar Tech.' Trng. Supervisor NTD.

      - ^     . Reviewed by
     .s                             Technical Training Supervisor 1,

cc individual folder - Station Sr Sitts_. Group original - Individuals Tra4yag folder '-

                                                                                   - 'N~
>                                                                                           x                       -,-      - _ . _ _ .

x N


r: (?%

                                                              -290-                         Rev. 0

v -

            ;- e,           ,
          ;g. .    .

L( 3 b)- s Solid Waste Compacting Training Guide

Students Name Date Started Th'eory of Operation 4

Discuss with the' NPA the theory of operation of the drum comoacter. Point out all nssociated controls, gauges, and safety features. 4-

Date~ Examiner Radiation Safety Ensure the NPA is familiar with the Health Physics requirements of
          . . . drum compacting.
      .; p .



!E$ ' Compacter Operation

A.- Using procedure 6'.9.176 walk through one complete cycle of drum
                     . compacting (from empty' drum to full capped 1mbeled and sealed) while using
                     .the associated forms and discussing each step w?*h the student. Include i-                      pre and post compacting drum _ inspections.

E ur; . _ . _ Date Examiner F. ' I, . t-

s. - /!,. - While being observed have the student compact drums using procedure-fY 5.9.174. Repeat this step until the student completes one complete cycle g l with'no. prompts or. corrections by the examiner.

Aggg. y~

'jDate Examiner
i. .


                                                                   -291-                          Rev. 0


       . O,.-e
                - Complete section 13.d of th'e NPA Qual. card.-

Forward this sheet to the Technical Training Group Leader,-Nuclear Training-Department

;.                                                                                                                   r Reviewed by

Technical Training Group Leader c.c. Station services Group (Individual file) original individuals training file. l 4 i-4 1' L ! -292- Rev 0

            ,      - - : . . ;,: .   . . . w : :. = . . :; .~ . .   .w_=..-..:.,_____._-.-,-~....---._--_...

s -- - - - - 4 --._a - . . --. .- I

  . \.


  <O r


                                                                                                                                                                                 ,               ?

4 7 0

     -vg***vv --n--e---s   -e-,we,ca-r**wo-w+,=v-ea--   ----n*=wev.w---.-r---er---+-ewrw,-*-ee.--...-w.-=.-+e---                  -----------w-,-,       + * - - -+---* - - - - + ~ r

4.0 SPECIAL TRAINING j W Objective Special Training addresses that training that does not fall under either General Employee Training or Group Training.

      - Program Description Special Training addresses nine areas:
1. On-Site Radiation Emergency Organization Training
2. Fire Brigade Training
3. Off-site Agencies
4. First Aid Training
5. Respirator Training
6. Special Training Retraining
7. Management ant! Gupervisory Development Program
8. BECo RecoveryO / rganization Emergency Plan Training
9. Contractor .findoctrinacion and Training i

e Program Participat L'.on L Personnel designated by their Group Leader and contractor personnel will participate in Special Training Programs. Program Responsibility . The individual's Group Leader has the overall responsibility for assuring

       .that alf special training is completed.

Program Documentation Special Training documentation is maintained as specified in the respective section of this manual.

                                                         -324- -                                 Rev 5
                                                                                                      .          ~ ._.                                        ..

y Examiners 4 ,j For all special training. an examiner for that training may be certified by the Training Department. Prior to certification, said examiner, will

                       'be provided training in how to establish and administer criterion tests (exams). .The examiners will be documented by use on For- S-10.


                      .The objective of On-Site Radiation Emergency Organization Training is to develop and maintain the proficiency of members of the on-site Radiation Emergency Organization. Specifically, on-site Radiation Emergency Team
.                       Training will:
a. Familiarize personnel with the contents and manner of implementation

of the emergency plans and procedures; ,

b. Teach personnel with respect to the performance of the specific duties assigned to them in the emergency plans;
c. . Keep personnel informed of any changes in the emergency plans and '

procedures; ' d.. Maintain a high degree of preparedness at all levels involved. Program Requirements

                     ' Training Requirements Satisfied                                                                                                    Requirement Summary
1. a. FSAR, Appendix N.1.0 Requirement for on-site emergency i
b. 10CFR50, Appendix E, IV-H organization training
   '( ).               2.      a.             10CFR50, Appendix E, IV-I                                                                                   Requirements for periodic radiation emergency drills
3. a. Volume V, Description of specific drills l^


                                                                                                                                -325-                                               Rev 3

4.1.1 RADIATION EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION TRAINING Program Description Organization of the Radiation Emergency Plan includes the Emergency !. Director, five Radiation Emergency Teams, Security and several key personnel used in conjunction with activation of the Emergency Control Center. Training for each individual is conducted utilizing Training Forms (Form S-1 thru S-4) Individuals acting in positions assigned to Radiation Emergency Teams are required to complete their respective forms prior to being assigned and annually thereafter. This generally involves a review of applicable emergency procedures plus demonstration of the rity to perform specific duties assigned to the particular team. The qualifying individual is responsible for documenting with his/her signature that

   /N he/she has read and is familiar with the emergency procedures applicable to the emergency team. Completion of the form requirements will be documented by the individual designated on the form. The Chief Radiological Engineer will certify the qualifications of individual Emergency Team Members. The Training Grmp will maintain all documentation Emergency Director The Station Manager and all persons designated in the emergency plan as alternates are required to complete qualification as Emergency Director.

Qualification is accomplished by complating Form S-1, Emergency Director Training. After the qualifying individual has completed the form, qualification will be certified by the Senior Nuclear Training Specialist. Form S-1 will be retained by the Training Group.

                                              -326-                          Rev 2 4
                                                 ' ' ~ ~ ~

( f

          -    Radiation Emergency Team GQ 3 yl                  Station personnel assigned to the Radiation Emergency Teams are required to. complete qualifications as outlined on Form S-2, Radiation Laergency. Team Training. After the completion of all form requirements is certified by the Chief Radiological
           .           - ngineer, Form S-2 will be retained by the Training Group. Emergency Center Training

                      ' Personnel assigned responsibilities in conjunction with the activation of the Emergency Centers are required to complete the goalifications for'their respective duties outlined on Emergency Center Training Form S-3. After the qualifying individual has completed the Emergency Center Training Form,-

qualification will be certified by the Chief Radiological

   - /~y                Engineer. Form S-3 will be retained by the Training Group.


          -  ' Security Team The Emergency Security Coordinator and Security Guards are j                        required to complete qualification as the members of the Security. Team, h

Qualification is accomplished by completing Form S-4, Security

                       . Team Training. After the form has been completed, qualification will be certified by the Security Supervisor. Form S-4 will be retained by the Training Group. _

I 1. it i

                                                 -327-                          Rev 2 b

9 i

            '              Program Responsibilities
 ,  .I                            Responsibilities for initial on-site Radiation Emergerav Organization training are as follows: Senior Nuclear Training Specialist

             ~.                  The Senior Nuclear Training SpLialist is responsible for:
1. Distributing Speciel Training Forms to the respective instructor after the individual's assigninent to special training is made.
2. Maintain Special Training Records.

4'.1'.l . 2. 2 ' Chief Radiological Engineer The Chief Radiological Engineer is responsible for:

1. Ensuring the respective training is conducted.

[V 2. Certifying the completion.of qualifications. j_ Security Supervisor The Security Supervisor is responsible for:

1. Ensuring the respective training is conducted.
2. Certifying the comp 1.etion of qualifications.

i i

                                                                 -328-                                                         Rev 2



4.2 FIRE BRIGADE TEAM All members of the PNPS Fire Brigade Team ere required to complete (~'g initial qualification as members of the Fire Brigade Team prior to


being assigned to the brigade, and quarterly training thereafter. Initial qualification is documented by completing Form S-5, Initial Fire Brigade Team Training. Requalification will be documented by completing Form S-6, Fire Brigade Requalification Trai.ning. Brigade Tr'aining will be approved for technical adequacy by the Fire Pro-tection and Prevention Officer and for instructional adequacy by the Nuclear Training Manager. The administration of drilla will be done as per procedure 1.4.23. Form S-5 and S-6 will be retained by the Training Group. 4.2.1 FIRE BRIGADE TRAINING 4 1.1 Prograg haccription xi Fire Brigade Training is a c omp r ehen rA tle fire fighting program consisting of classroom as well as field fire fighting instruction. The fire fighting program recognizes the need for nuclear generating plants to be self-sufficient with respect to fire fighting activities and therefore incorporates periodic refresher and retraining courses as well as advanced .. raining for all brigade leaders. (Except for the FPP0(s) because mandated j ob qualifications are in excess of the required training (see section C). Instruction is provided under the. supervision of the Nuclear Training Manager. The Fire Protection and Prevention Officer evaluates that Brigade personnel are qaalified by administering periodic drills as per procedure 1.4.23. The training is administered by a qualified instructor (s) who is knowledgeable


and suitably trained in fire fighting techniques. {,['nj)

                                               -329-                           Rev. 3

I Learning packages and instructor-qualifications shall be approved n} k_- for technical adequacy by the F.P.P.O. and for instructional adequacy by the Nuclear Training Manager. The Fire Training Program is divided into three segments: A. Initial Training B. Requalification Training , C. Advanced Training for Brigade Leaders A. INITIAL FIRE BRIGADE TRAINING

                  .The Initial Fire Brigade Training (Form S-5) must be completed prior to being assigned to the PNPS Fire Brigade. Plant orientation and evacuation routes will be covered in G.E.T.                            This involves training in the following I


1. Automatic sprinklers and detection systems and related procedures.
   ' O/             2. Portable fire extinguishers, fixed suppression systems (CO ,2Dry Chen.ical, Halon) and related procedures.
                  '3. Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBAs and control room reservoir) and recharging compressor system.

4.- Fire water supply system, associated pumps (fixed and mobile) and fire ground hydraulics.

5. Hose handling, hose lays and advancing (Hose reels, hydrant house, mobile apparatus). -
              - *6. Interior fire attack, multiple levels, lower levels, quadrant fires, basic ventilation, search and rescue, ladders and ropes.
                 *7 . Flammable and combustible liquids (water fog and foam) and electrical fires, i

i -330- Rev. 4 ( }


qv- ,wn-, ~,e - - e---e- , ,-,w., e - , - - . , - , - ww - - . - . , , - , ,- ,,,-nw.~, e---- - . - -- ----,-w a - - , , --,-

                    -*8. Flammable gasses - hydrogen. LP/ LNG, Acetylene, broken flange and _ BLEVE control. -


9. -Fire plan, fire prevention, emergency procedures and plant hazardous materials.

10._ Plant ventilation systems, smoke control, fire spread and plant

                           . communication.
11. Basic tactics and strategy review.

b -( * - To b'e completed annually)

                     -Requalification training is required quarterly for all previously
                                                                                                        .4 qualified Fire Brigade Members except the FPP0(s). This training includes classroom and/or field training covering the 11 subjects d
        . .            outlined'in section A above. These subjects must all be covered I
                     -within a two year period.      Form S-6, (Fire Brigade Requalification Training) must be completed prior to being requalified as a brigade member.-

n C. ADVANCED TRAINING FOR BRIGADE CHIEFS N: . Advanced Fire Brigade Training consists of an Advanced Tactics and Strategy Frogrc.n that is essential for all brigade chiefs. Brigade Chiefs first must p qualify as a Brigade Member and then complete the tactics and strategy course, prior to assuming a leadership role in the PNPS Fire Brigade. Completion of this training is documented on Forms S-5 and S-6. The Fire Protection and Prevention Officer and his assistant must attend advanced training seminars and teach or attend live fire training sessions, at least once a year in o ii 'accordance with the requirements of the PEPS Fire Protection Plan, te remain

                  . qualified to perform his/her duties.
                                                        -330A-                                   R2v. 1 L                            _ _ . _ _                                           .


    ;; 7 ;4.2.A                                 FIRE WATCH TRAINING ifl'[Q if A

f, Fire Watch Training is conducted to provide the station with an adequate number of individuals qualified to monitor "Hotwork"

                                              '(work involving ignition sources).

1 4.2. A. I' Program. Description Training will consist of classroom and actual " live-burn" training. Course content is to include firefighting techniques and plant emergency procedures. Qualification is maintained through annual retraining. 4 [G l l t i I. l l l- (OV l -330B- Rev 0 l0 l i



4.3.1 Program Description Off-site agencies may be requested by the station to provide assistance during emergency situations. The agencies which presently have pre-established agreements in the event assistancs in required are: l .' Plymouth Fire Department

2. . Jordan Hospital
3. Plymouth Police Department
4. Massachusetts Dcpartment of Public Iealth 1
5. Massachusetts State Police
6. United States Coast Guard 3

t-Annually, these agencies shall be invited by ti- individual scheduling c -the training exercise. The invftaticn may be to participate in or l'~ .. observe training for the purpose of reviewing their responsibilities I and procedures to be followed in the event their assistance is requested. Completion of, this training will be documented on Form S-7,

Off-Site Agency " raining, and sent to the Training Departrant for

~ . retention.' N: i 4.4 FIRST AID TRAINING 4.4.1 Program Description First' Aid Training is required ~ for Health ~ Physics /ALARA Technicians,

                                               ' Nuclear Plant Operators, Nuclear Auxiliary Operators, Nuclear Operating Supervisors, and Nuclear Watch Engineers, in order to ensure that. qualified first aid personnel are available on-site at all times. Other categories of station personnel vill also be encouraged to participate.
                                                                                         -331-                              Rev 3
                     . - . . - . ~ . _ . . . .       _ _ . . . _ , . _ _ . . _ . . - _ _       - _ _ _ ... _ .-.. - _. - . _ . _ . _ ._, _ ,. _ a

M First Aid Training is conducted by participation in a Multi-Media

         .. /O;                    First Aid or similar. course conducted on the Pilgrim site. The b     d Multi-Media First Aid Course includes instruction in the following:

Unit 1: Indoctrination to c.ourse; wounds, shock, artificial respiration Unit 2: Poisoning, burns', ill effects of heat and cold, bandaging, head injury, internal injury, gunshot wounds. Unit 3: Infection,. tetanus, animal bites, immobilization, heart attack, apoplexy, simple fainting, epilepsy Unit 4: Foreign objects in the eye, air passages, food passages, rescue and tremsfer, review, final test Note: A similar course, covering the general guidelines listed may be used. Participation in the course, which is conducted by qualified

       <-                         instructors in first aid will qualify the student for a period of three years. Course completion is documented on Form S-8, PNPS First ' Aid Training. A list of those individuals qualified in first aid will be submitted to the Methods, Compliance and Training Group Leader, for updating of station procedure 5.6. First Aid Training Plant personnel required to complete qualification in first aid training will be certified on Form S-8, First Aid Training Form. This-form may be fulfilled by attendance in a Multi-Hedia First

Aid or similar course.

Af ter the qualifying individual has completed the First Aid Training, qualification will be certified by the First Aid In- ' ~ k structor on Form S-8 and it will then be returned to the Training Group for retention.

                                                                -332-                                                                                              Rev 3

_ ...___:.__-,.___.,_._,a._.-._ . _ _ , _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ , . _ _ _ _ . . . _ , _ _ . _ . . , _ . . . - . _ . _ _ , . . _ . _ . _ _


                                  - Obj ective The objective of respiratory training is to provide a formalized training program covering the requirements that personnel shall

fulfill prior to using respirators for protection against air-J borne radioactive material. Program Requirements and Documentation


The required training will be done in accordance with NUREG-0041 and Reg. Guide 8.15.


1 4 1 l . i I

                                                                                                  -333-                       Rev 3 l
               -    . _ - _ . . .     . _ , , _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ , . . _ . . - . . . . . . . _ _ _       _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _       . ~ . - _ _ . - - -

g- s 1

                                                        ..                                       l 4.6
                           'SPECIAL TRAINING - RETRAINING-4.6.1    ' Program Description
                          . Special training re-qualification is condu.ced at the frequencies
                           - specified in the sections. This periodic performance has the
                          . following obj ectives:
1. To verify equipment functions as planned.
2. To demonstrate the adequacy of emergency procedures.
3. To check the skills and proficiency of personnel involved.

The retraining will be' accomplished by completion of the res-pective training forms' and participation in periodic training exercises / drills. ) The following training exercises / drills are conducted at least

     ]                     cnnually:
    ' ("                   1. Plant-Radiation Emergency Training Exercise / Drill e

[ 2. Emergency Health Physics and Medical Training Exercise / Drill i

3. Fire Brigade Training Exercise / Drill
4. First Aid Training Exercise / Drill
                          -5. Abnormal and Emergency Procedure Training Exercise / Drill t-         .

All training exercises / drills are critiqued at their conclusion i by the Training Exercise Coordinator. The refresher training conducted during these exercises and critiques will reinforce the information supplied in initial training. Participation in craining exercises will be documented on Form S-9, Special Training Exercise / Drill.

    .( -
                                                  -33 d-                          Rev 2

T.6.2 Pregram Risponsibilitisc The responsibilities for special retraining are as follows: f(N

      -   Senior Nuclear Training Specialist The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist is responsible for maintaining i

documentation associated with these training exercises and keeping per-sonnel aware of changes in site emergency plans and procedures by use of the Document Acknowledgement Program, on-shift training, or formal training. Emergency Preparedness Coordinator The Emergency Preparedness Coordinator is responsible for scheduling on-site training exercisea and assigning the coordinator for the following:

1. Plant Radiation Emergency Drill
2. Emergency Health Physics and Medical Training Drills
3. First Aid Training Exe aise/ Drill

Fire Protection and Prevention Officer The Fire Protection and Prevention Officer is responsible for scheduling Fire Brigade Training Exercises / Drills and assigning the coordinator. paining Exercise Coordinator The Training Exercise Coordinator is responsible for:

1. Overseeing the performance of training exercises / drills and taking F

appropriate action if unsatisfactory perforqnce is noted.

2. Critiquing personnel performance at the conclusion of each training exercise / drill, including accelerated training for individuals who have demonstrated unsatisfactory performance during the exercise.
 , q             3. Document on Form S-9.


               \                          -335-                          Rev 3

4.7 MANAGEMENT AND SUPEPVISORY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM j 4.7.1 Program Description It is the purpose of BECo Nuclear Organization to provide personnel in supervisory and management positions with training in the principles of management, BEco administrative procedures, and problem analysis and decision making techniques. Personnel temporarily promoted to exempt or supervisory positions are exempt from this program. This program is divided into two phases, i.e. Phase I is the exempt employees' orientation program which is intended as an initial orientation for newly appointed exempt employees and supervisors to various " administrative' practices for which they will have some ( ) responsibility. Initial training on supervisory principles and other ( supervisory responsibilities are included for supervisors. The content of this phase. is outlined on Form S-12. The program it delivered using a combination of monitored self study, formal courses and examin.'r review of the various program elements. Phase II is intended to address the ongoing training needs of supervisors and managers who have already satisfied the requirements of Phase I (through either completion of the orientation program or on the job experience). Fonn S-13 contains a listing of various supervisory and management skill areas which are necessary for performance of variour supervisory and management responsibilities. This form is to be used as a tool to assess the supervisory and management skills training needs of nuclear supervisors and managers. This assessment

                                     -335A-                            Rev 2

is to be completed in conjunction with the annual corporate P. -' developmental review process. Instructions for completing the . fann are found on the first page of the fom. i In addition, specialized training will be provided to members

                                   ,                          of the following management committees, i.e. Operations Review Conimittee (ORC) and Nuclear Safety Review Audit Committee (NSRAC).

The training programs include member responsibilities, requirements, and procedures which are to be followed in perfonning member duties. 4.7.2 Responsibilities

  • Imediate Supervisor of Supervisors Ensure the Supervisory Training Assessment Form is completed for each supervisor as a result of, or, during annual development review and forward to the applicable Group Leader / Chief Engineer for review and Concurrence. - Department Liason (For Departments Other Than N0D) , s Collect forms from Group Leaders and summarize for Department Manager. Forward completed forms to NTD along with a memo from Department Manager stating his judgement of overall department supervisory training priorities. Coordinate departmental participatfon in training programs. 2 Department Manager Review results of assessment and priortize department training needs. < . J 4 , -335AA- Rev 0

       , . - . - . . _ - . . . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ ~ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ - _ _ . _ . . _ . _ . . _ _ _ - . _

f Staff Development Group Leader A Collect and organize department forms. Forward to NTM analysis of assessment fanns and recommendations for a supervisory training program and schedule. Develop and/or acquire training programs. Coordinate program delivery and documentation. Receives notices of appointment of new supervisory personnel and ensures same are scheduled to participate in both Phase I and II, Group Leader / Chief Engineer Review all Supervisory Assessment Forms completed within the group and determine overall supervisory training priorities for the Group in conjunction with applicable Department Manager. These priorities

     ,3              and individual assessment forms are transmitted via memo to the
     \    )

j' ' Nuclear Training Manager prior to March 31 of each year. Ensures supervisory personnel are in attendance at training programs scheduled for them. Nuclear Training Manager (NTM) Reviews recommended training programs and plan with Training Advisory Council. Uses input from Training Advisory Council in preparing Training Departr.ient plan and budget for the year. ORC Chainnan The ORC Chairman is responsible to review and approve training materials for ORC Membership Training, o t ! (' _/ l

                                               -335AB-                            Rev 0



The NSRAC Chairman is responsible to review and approve training materials for NSRAC Membership Training. Training Adivsory Council Reviews results of Departmental Assessments. Assists NTM in c setting program priorities and establishing adequate budget. Human Resource Specialist Nuclear Notifies the Nuclear Training Manager, in writing, of the names, titles, group, and effective dates of personnel newly appointed to. exempt and supervisory positions within the Nuclear Organization. p Such notifications are made within five working days of final approval date of each appointment. Technical Training Group Leader Coordinates and or conducts applicable training for ORC and NSRAC members. Comprehensive Training Group Leader Receives notification of appointment of new exempt and supervisory personnel . Ensures they are scheduled to participate in the Phase I Orientation Program. Coordinates the development and conduct of the various sessioic contained in the Phase I Orientation Program. Ensures participation in the program is properly documented.

                                                          -335A C-                                 Rev 0

(-K. 4.7.3 Program Frequency . r _) - Elements of the program will be routinely conducted on an "as-needed" basis. Personnel newly appointed to exempt and supervisory positions will enter the Orientation Program within four weeks of appointment.


Typ.ically the first elements completed will be those utilizing the monitored self study method. Elements which are conducted as formal classes or workshops will be scheduled periodically to best take advantage of grouping several new supervisors together in one class, while not causing these personnel to wait an unreasonable amount of time to complete the orientation program. In no case will a supervisor be permitted longer than six months after appointment to complete the Supervisors Orientation Program. O (O D (V

                                        -335AO-                              Rev 0


         -4.8.1   Program Description Initially, the Emergency Organization includes the Emergency Director, five Radiation Emergency Teams, Security, TSC Super-visor and staff, OSC supervisor and staff and several key personnel used in conjunction with activation of the Emergency Response Facilities. The BECO Recovery Organization plays a key role in the overall Emergency Plan. Training for each individual in the Recovery Organization is conducted utilizing Training Form S-11.

Individuals acting in positions assigned to the BECo Recovery Organizatien are required to complete their respective forms prior to being assigned and annually thereafter. This generally (~) s,) involves a review of applicable emergency procedures plus demon-stration of the ability to perform specific assigned. The qualifying individual is resprusible for documenting with his/her signature that he/she has read and is familiar with the emergency rrocedures applicable to the Recovery Team. Completion of requirements

" listed on the form will be dccumented by the individual designated on the form. The Emergency Preparedness Co-ordinator will certify the qualifications of individuals. The Training Group will main-tain all documentation.


                                              -335B-                               Rev 0


         -4.9.1. Objective
                    .The objective of contractor training and indoctrination is to provide' assurance that:
1. Contractor-personnel who perform activities which come under the BECo Quality Assurance Program are indoctrinated to applicable BECo policies and procedures.
                    -2. These personnel receive notification of changes to the policies and procedures that affect their work.

4.9.2 Training Requirement Satisfied _BEQAM - Section 16 . \ 4.9.3 Program Description i After completing G.E.T. or upon arrival at the work location, contract personnel will undergo an orientation and indoctrination which is tailored to the specifics of the assignment for which they were hired. The content of this process will be based upon the format used in the Department for BECo personnel orientation, and may include additional policies and procedures which may be appropriate. i

                                       -335C-                                 Rev 0 ww er e+ e www r ~ -

l l 4.9.4 Responsibilities. Group Leader

1. Review contractors scope of responsibilities.
2. Using Departmental Indoctrination Sheet determine the

_ ' policies and procedures which are appropricte for the contractor.

3. Verify completion of the indoctrination.
4. Give to Department Liason. Department Liason

1. Maintain list af contract personnel working in the Department.
2. Assure completion of contracter indoctrination.
3. Forward complet.ed copy of the indoctrination sheet to the Nuclear Training Department contractor w
1. Review identified policies and procedures providing requested verification of completion. Staff Development Group - NTD

1. Set up contractor indoctrination files.
2. Enter indoctrination information into training records ,

m '

;(                          management system.
3. Forward document to RMG for entry in corporate records management system.
                                               -335D-                              Rev 0

g.y 1 A -Farm S-1. Paga 1 of 2 U PNPS EMERGENCY DIRECTOR TRAINING p NAME ,- TITLE: (check One)

                                                                                ' Station Manager
                                                                                  . Chief Operating Engineer or
                  ~' ,                                                             Day Watch Engineer Watch Enguieer Operating Supervisor
1. Read and be familiar with the content of the Emergency Plan Implementing
                  ~ Procedures.

Date Mgnature, Examiner 2.. Be responsible for final assessments of emergency Gituations. zG- Date Signature, Examiner

3. Demonstrate the ability to implement Procedure

,, .4. ' Demonstrate knowledge in the parformance of: i

s. Classify an emergency situation in accordance with the established i- emergency action levels (EAL's).
_ b.- Provide liaison and communications with the local, state and federal i- _ agencies, and to insure that notifications and reports to those agencies are made in a timely manner.
                      -c. Request assistance from onsite and offsite personnel, organizations

,' and-agencies.

d. Review and evaluate updated information end data.
e. Determine the necessity for onsite evacuation.


f. . Determine the advisability for re-entry if warranted.
                     -g. Determine the necessity for on-site evacuation.
                                                         -336-                                    Rev 4


Form S-1 Page 2 of 2 A l k_). h. Determine whether an. emergency should be reclassified to an escalated EAL or to a lower level EAL due to improved plant conditions. 1

1. Recommend protective action i'or the public to-the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH).

Date Signature, Examiner

5. Training Evaluation (Check One) Written Quiz Oral Examination Grade (If Written Quiz)

Date Signature, Examiner

6. Qualification as Emergency Team Director Certified Complete Date Signature, Examiner Date Signature, Emergency Prepardeness Coordinator Date Signature, Senior Nuclear Training Specialist t


                                                                                                                                 -337-                          Rev 3

_ , , - . . _ _ _ . - - , _ . . _ , . . _ _ _ . _ . _ . , _ _ _ . _ . . . , - - - . , . ~ . , _ _ _ _ , - - - _ _ _ _ , , . . . . _ _ _ , _ _ . -


1. Read and be familiar with the contents of the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.

Date Signature, Examiner

          -2. Demonstrate the ability to perform satisfactorily the requirements of (Check one)
a. Monitoring Team Leader
b. Monitoring Team Member Date Signature, Examiner g-*g 3. De.monstrate the ability to obtain radiation monitor readings, environmental
   !            air samples and forward results to E.O.F.

s ,/ Date Signature, Examiner

4. -Training Evaluation (Check One) Written Quiz Oral Examination Date Passed Grade (If Written Quiz)

Date Signature, Chief Radiological Engineer Date Signature, Senior Nuclear Training Specialist Return completed form to the Training Department

  . /}


                                                   -338-                            Rev 3
                                           '           ~-


  • Name:
                                                           " Group:

Check the Applicable Center Assignment:

          .                       Emergency Control Center Technical Support Center Operational Support Center Alternate Emergency Control Center
1. Read and be familiar.with the contents of Emergency ?lan Implementing-Procedures.

Date Signature, Exat 5 2 ~ ' 2.- Demonstrate the ability to satie'actorily perform P.iu requirements of the responsibilities assigned. , Date Signature, Ertminer {\A

3. Training Evaluation (Check One) Wr'.tten Quiz Ora) Examination Date Passed Grade (If Written Quiz)

Date Signature, Examiner

4. Qualification as Certified Complete.

Date Signature, Chief Radiological Engineer Date Signature, Sr. Nuclear Training Specialist Return completed form to the Training Department.

                                               -339-                            Rev 3 m
              ,     Form S-4 y'~      ,                        PNPS SECURITY TEAM TRAINING
    . L._i  )
                  .INamei                                                    TITLE:     (Check One)

Emergency Security Coordinator-Security Guard

1. Read and. be familiar with the contents of the following procedures:

Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures. Date Signature, Examiner 2.: Demonstrate familiarity with the Personnel Accountability Procedure. Date Signature, Examiner

3. Demonstrate familiarity with Access / Egress Control during Radiation "N Emergency.
   -((d :
                          .Date                                          Signature, Examiner
4. Training Evaluation (Check One) Written Quiz Oral Examination Date Passed Grade (If Written Quiz)



Signature, Examiner

5. Qualification as a member of the Security ::em certified Complete.

l Date Signature, Chief Radiological Engineer b v

  • Date Signature, Sr. Nuclesr Training Specialist i.

Return Completed Form to the Training Department. -340- Rev 3 L -- _- . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )

i j.

                 .F02M'S       -
       -r;/      'I.. INITIAL-PNPS' FIRE' BRIGADE TRAINING Name                                                                 Job


/'}s q7 .

                       -Date                                                                  S.S. #
                        'The above-named person'has completed the initial PNPS~ Fire Brigade Training Program, as per the PNFS Training Manual, Section 4.2, and                                                                                                                                     ,

l_ p is now certifiedLasLa qualified Brigade, member. 1, Datc~ Completed: Instructor:

                       .TJaining Completed      -

Senior Nuclear Tra'ining Specialist Date ICertification . Nuclear Training Manager "Date



         ' (( )I. -

Received training in typical application of advanced tactics and strategy cf fire fighting; a's per PNPS Training Manual, Section 4.2.C.

                        . Training Evaluation (Check one)                     Written Quiz Oral Examination Grade (if' written quiz)
                                               ,a Y

J# Date Training Completed Signature, Instructor I' a Fire Brigade Chief. p .. _ . Date Signature, Senior Nuclear Training Specialist

           ,                     Date                  Signature, Nuclear Training Manager (Return completed Form to the Training Department)'
                                                                           -341-                                                                                            Rev. 3                                               l
                                                                  .wg-'t   * -e -e
  • v v e v e'rv** * t~mse+r-**e-*-F~e- *v e r - ~ ~ ' + ' - - - - - - - ' - * " * - ~ " - - ' - - - * " - ' * + + - - * - * - ' * " *


I. YEAR ONE A. Fire Brigade Requalification Training completed for the' follovidg quarters:

1. Quarter ending Date Subjects * (number s 1-14)

Instructor: Date:

2. Quarter ending
,s                                  Date Subjects *(numbers 1-14)

Instructor: Date:

3. Quarter ending Date Subj ect s *(numbers 1-14)

Instructor: Date:

4. Quarter ending Date Subjects * (number s 1-14)

,~ Instructor: Date:

                                         -342-                       Rev. 3


           ; Fora ~S-6                                                           -Page 2 of-3.
  • ~

REQUALIFICATION.PNPS FIRE BRIGADE. TRAINING ~ lnh Q II. -YEAR TWO l 1 A. Fire Brigade Requalification Training completed for the . following quarters:

                      , 1. . Quarter'ending

Date Subjects *(numbers 1-14) Instructor:- Date:

2. Quarter ending Date Subjects * (number s 1-14) w) '

Instructor: Date:

3. Quarter ending '

Date Subjects * (numb er s 1-14) Instructor: Date:

4. Quarter ending Date Subjects *(numbers 1-14)

Instructor; Date:s

  • Enter subject number from list of~ Fire Requalification Subjects, Section A.
                                                       -343-                      Rev. 3
a. _

Form S-6 Page 3 of 3

        'III. Review and Recertification Senior Nuclear Training Specialist                                                                                                     Date Nuclear Training Manager                                                                                           Date IV . . ' Brigade Chief Recertification Received re-training in typical application of advanced tactics

_and strategy of fire fighting, as per PNPS Training Manual, Section

4. 2, C . -

Re-training-Evaluation (check one) Written Quiz Oral Examination' (~ Grade (if written quiz)


Date Re-training Completed Signature, Instructor i. Re-Certified as Fire Brigade Chief Date Signature, Senior Nuclear Training Specialist l r Date Signature , Nuclear Training Manager l l i j (Return completed form to the Training Department) l' l

                                                                                          -344-                                                                          Rev. 3 b       .-     . _ - . - . . . . . _ _ _ . . . . _ . _ _ . _ _ , _ . . - . . . _ _ _ . _ . - , . . . . _ , _ _ . . - ~ _ - . ~ _ - . - - - . - - - - - - - . . . .



a - -- - m . - -s. . m-J - a t O O' THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK ON PURPOSE I

     ,o l

l I I I I (O . l i



lunna .S-7 Paga 1 of 1 s (): PNPS OFF-SITE AGENCY TRAINING Agency: Date Invited Date Participated / Observed: 1 Training Attendance Form G-2 Attached. Review Responsib111 ties and Associated Procedures (List Procedures) s


Date Signature, Training Exercise Coordinator Date Signature, Sr. Nuclear Training Specialist Return Completed Form to the Training Deptartment.

                                                 -347-                          Rev 3 L                                                                                   -- ._ _ - - . _ _ -


         . 1.      Read and be familiar with the contents of the Personal Injury             ,

Procedure (1.4.18 and 5.6). l 1 4 Date Signature, Examiner

2. ' Training Evaluation (Check One) -Written Quiz Oral Examination Date Passed Grade (If Written Quiz)

( . Date Signature, Examiner

3. Qualification in First Aid Certified Complete.

Date Signature, Sr. Nuclear Training Specialist 4 Return Completed Form to the Training Department. I I (O

                                                   -348-                           Rev 2 L


f~ ;

Exercise / Drill Conducted: I. Date: Coordinator:



    's A Personnel Participated NAME                                 FUNCTION ASSIGNED

+ II. Description of Simulated Incident: (\

                                                 -349-                           Rev 2

Farm S-9 Ps.g3 2 of 3 III. Action Taken: (Use Additional Sheet (s) as Needed) O

'($d IV.  . Problems: Use Additional Sheet (s) as Needed)

(Y> (;O

                                       -350-                   Rev 2
                                                                       =                       .                            . . . . . _. -           .

Form S-9 Page 3 of 3


V . -- Reconumendations and/or corrective action to be taken as a result of

                                     - this drill (Use additional sheet (s) as needed)

.4 C

    ~(' -    .           VI..         Completion of Drill Date                                                            Signature, Drill Coordinator d

Date Signature, Sr. Nuclear Training Specialist 1- {

                                                                                                            -351-                           Rev 2


     .fm g..)

I. The following individuals have technical expertise in the below listed training area, are skilled in examination mathods, and are therefore certified as examiners for: training. NAME DATE


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 ch f 9. 10. The above listed examiners are authorized to certify proficiency on Form' . Date Signature, Sr. Nuclear Training Specialist i Date Signature, Nuclear Training Manager NOTE: Attach Documentation of Proficiency to this Form. n l' (G

                                                                                                -352-                                                                       Rev 3 i
        - . . _ . _ . .         .m___       . _ , _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ . _ _ _ , . . _ . . , , . _ . , , .              , _ _ . , , , . _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ , . _ _ . . - _ _ . , , _ . . - . . . _ _



[ .c

   \ -}!




               . 1. - Read and be familiar with the contents of the 7)ECo Recovery Organization implementing Procedures.

Date Signature. Examiner

2. Demonstrate the ability to satisfactorily perform the requirements of the responsibilities assigned.

3 Date Signature. Examiner

3. Training Evaluation (Check one)
       )                                                                                                           Written Quiz Oral Examination Drill
4. Qualification as Certified Complete x

Date Signature. Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Date Signature. Technical Training Coordinator Return completed form to the Training Department O-l.

                                                                                                      -352A-                                       Rev 0
         . . _.,         - _       . _ . _ .-_~-..._.. _ _ _ . . _ _ - . . . _ . _ _ . _ . . _ , _ _ - - . , - _ _                             _ _ _ _ _ _ - -

FORM S-12 Page 1 of 5 NUCLEAR EXEMPT EMPLOYEES ORIENTATION PROGRAM (INCLUDES SUPERVISORS) NAME JOB TITLE Supervises other.. employees Yes No; If yes, number of subordinates  ; Number of years as manager and/or supervisor . Check here if this person supervises union personnel. I. NEW EXEMPT EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION

  • Benefits and Exempt Program
               *BECo Affirmative Action Policy Corporate Orientation Tnstructor i

Signature Date II. GENERAL EMPLOYEE TRAINING (GET) Plant Organization and Administration

  • Plant Description / Basic BWR Operation
  • Industrial Safety (including tagging procedures)

Nuclear Plant Security

  • Quality Assurance / Quality Control Radiation Protection (including introduction to PNPS Emergency Plan)

Instructor Signature Date

                                                 -3528-                                 Rev 0


FORM S-12 Page 2 of 5 7~ (

\7' III. NUCLEAR ORGANIZATION Structure, charters, interfacing of other groups and organizations
                *Who is who in management
  • Current department objectives and priorities Examiner Review Date IV. , ADMINISTRATION
  • Introduction to and organization of organizational policies and procedures,
                .i.e. Bulletin Book, Nuclear Policy, N0P's, Training Manual. Personnel Administration Guidelines, BEQAM, FSAR, Technical Specifications, and Department procedures.

7ss *The procedure change process and how to " staff" procedures and procedure

   -)            changes
  • Introduction to Long Term Program
               *How to utilize the Document Control and Retrieval System Examiner Review                             Date V. NUCLEAR UTILITY REGULATORS
  • Role and general organization of NRC
  • Role and general organization of ANI BECo relationship with and commitment to INP0
               *BECo role and relationship with DPU I                                         Examiner Review                            Date

(' ')

                                               -352C-                              Rev 0 L


                *How deficiencies are identified and reported by QAD, NRC, ANI and INP0
                *How corrective action plans are developed and tracked in response to findings by QAD, NRC, ANI and INP0 The supervisor's responsibility for corrective action Examiner Review                              Date VII. COST AND WORK CONTROL
  • Introduction to services provided by the Planning, Scheduling and Cost Control Department (PS&CC)

Introduction to and use of WISPCS and E!R's

 <               Use and monitoring of time sheets, overtime, work order and account numbers I]            Petty cash policies and procedures, including use of Green Hornets etc.

Brief overview of the Annual Planning and Control Budget Process Examiner Review Date VIII. PROCUREMENT

               *How to initiate and track: Purchase Orders, Withdrawal Requisitions, Production Orders and Stock Material Authorizations
               *How to prepare bid specifications
               " Procedure for sole source procurements
               *How to acquire material from the Warehouse

p-Introduction to and use of Q Li:t Examiner Review Date

                                                 -352D-                              Rev 0 i

FORM S-12 Page 4 of 5 IX. SAFETY



               *0rientation to and use of BECo Safety Manual
               *0verview of PNPS Fire Protection Plan PNPS Housekeeping Policy Conduct of Operations NOP Examiner Review                            Date X. SUPERVISORS ONLY (If individual is not a supervisor write N/A in each blank below)

The following elements are required ONLY for those individuals who supervise the work of others.

1. Labor Relations (Required only for supervisors who supervise union personnel) em Orientation to contract terms and administration there of

() "Taking effective disciplinary action, including handling excessive absenteeism Examiner Review Date

2. Introduction to BECo Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program Examiner Review Date
3. OSHA Industrial Safety Program, including degraded fire barriers (required only for on-site PNPS supervisors) i Examiner Review Date (D

(t )

                                              -352E-                               Rev 0

FORM S-12 Page 5 of 5

,o 6   )

b 4. ALARA for First Level Supervisors (required only for on-site PNPS supervisors who are responsible for ALARA reviews) Examiner Review Date

5. Introduction to Supervision (required of all personnel who supervise the work of others). This supervisory training program is made of the following modules:

Role of the Supervisor Problem Solving Defining performance expectations Communicating work assignments Giving performance feedback () Discussing perfonnance problems Instructor Signature Date XI. ORIENTATION PROGRAM COMPLETE This is to certify that has demonstrated an overall working knowledge of the various items contained in this program and is, therefore, adequately informed to perfonn the various administrative duties addressed by this document. Comprehensive Training Group Leader Date n

                                                -352F-                              Rev 0 L

FORM S-13 Page 1 of 4 O SUPERVISOR AND f%NAGEMENT SKILLS ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST P Boston Edison Company Chiltonville Training Center 9

                                                                             -352G-                                Rev 0 L_ .                    _ _ . _ . . . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _        - _ . . - . _ _ _ - .          - - - - - . . - - - - -

FORM S-13 Page 2 of 4 TO THE SUPERVISOR / MANAGER q (- Managing a complex, growing organization like the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, and making it as successful as we have, mandates professionals who are capable and dedicated to the constant improvement of their skills. Your association with Boston Edison personifies these qualities and

              ' exemplifies .the spirit of willingness of both personal development and career growth. In this spirit, the Chiltonville Training Center is                -

preparing to offer you added training courses which will respond to your needs and recognize your professionalism. The list which follows on the next pages represents a broad range of management skills identified by most practitioners as necessary for the effective and efficient management of any organization. Some skill areas were selected based on INP0 and QA audits, and othere were the result of an informal survey of several managers and trainers. Your input into this

  ,           checklist will give you an opportunity to make your specific needs known.

Please take time to review these areas and indicate those in which you feel you need to receive training. Review these selections with your immediate supervisor and in conjunction with him or her assign a priority to each. In conjunction with your supervisor identify, using a 1, 2, or 3, the relative priority of each selection. (1=mostimportant; 2 = moderately important; 3 = least important). Notice that we have made provisions on the list, under the category labeled "other", for you to add any additional skills you feel should be included. Your immediate supervisor is responsible to forward the completed form to your Group Leader / Chief Engineer. On the basis of the frequency of responses and relative priority of each area, as identified by your rating process, the Chiltonville Training Center will develop courses. Routinely, on a periodic basis, these courses will be offered to all supervisors and managers. Simultaneously with developmental l review each year, we will re-issue the needs checklist to ensure that you have the opportunity to update your priorities. (~.) Thank you for your input.

                                                   -352H-                              Rev 0

FORM S-13 Page 3 of 4 i SUPERVISOR / MANAGER CHECK-LIST Name Position Date Department INSTRUCTIONS: o Complete the checklist by checking (/), as indicated, on the line

                ~           next to the area (s) you feel a personal need to learn. Add addi-tional areas of interest in the column labeled "other" at the end of the list.

e Review your selections with your immediate supervisor and prioritize each selection using a 1, 2, or 3 (1 = most important, 2 = moderately important, 3 = least important). e Both you and your immediate supervisor sign on the appropriate areas indicated at the bottom of the checklist and fill in the review date,

                      ,  e Return the checklist to Group Leader / Chief Engineer on or before March 15.

CHECK (/)/ PRIORITY (1,2,3) Role of Supervision g Problem Solving (Analyzing, Investigating, Deciding) J Defining Performance Expectations Communicating Work Assignments Giving Performance Feedback Discussing a Performance Problem Time Management Delegation Budgeting and Cost Controls Conducting Meetings - EffectiveListening(ImprovingTwo-WayCommunication) Planning, Organizing and Directing Performance Developmental Reviews Performance Appraisal System Interpersonal Management Skills

       )                Focused Selection Interviewing I                        How to Identify Behavior Related to Stress and Burn-out
,.                                               -3521-                                Rev 0
             , FORM S-13                                                                 Page 4 of 4 i CHECK (/)/ PRIORITY (1,2,3)

Stress Management Team Building MemoandReportWriting(ManagementWriting) Organizational Behavior and Development __ Manpower Planning - Determing Staffing Needs and Forecasting Planning, Administrating and Controlling Resources Financial Management Cost Monitoring Cost-Benefit Analysis Developing, Implementing and Monitoring Administrative Systems Intennediate-Range Program Planning and Development Other (specify): REVIEWED AND DEVELOPED JOINTLY BY: Immediate Supervisor's Signature Date ..

                                                     -352J-                               Rev 0 L                                                               -

5.0 Vendor Services 5.1 Withdrawal Requisitions /PO's for Training Materials. All Training Materials will be purchased in accordance with PNPS Procedure 3.M1-5, Procurement of Items and Services. The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist or his/her delegate will sign the required documentation as per PNPS Procedure 3.M1-5, Procurement of Items and Services. L- 5.2 Training Budget The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist will establish control of the Training Department Budget under the direction of the Methods, Compliance and Training Group Leader. The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist will annually review the budget with the Methods, Compl'iance and Training Group Leader for planning of the Station Training needed. 5.3 Travel for Offsite Training

 N                 All Station personnel traveling offsite for training will J                contact the Senior Nuclear Training Specialist.      -

k The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist will complete Form OST-1. Form OST-1 will be used by the Senior Nuclear Training Specialist to plan and document the offsite training. Upon the completion of offsite training the information from Form OST-1 will be documented on Form G-3 - Employee Experience Record. Form OST-1 will be filed in the Training Department files section 5.3 after the information is transferred to the individual's recordo. The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist will approve BECo time sheets for members of Local #369 UWUA when the members of Local #369 UWUA travel for offsite training. I tsms

                                          -353-                          Rev 2

5.0 Vendor Services 5.1 Withdrawal Requisitions /PO's for Training Materials. All Training Materials will be purchased in accordance with PNPS Procedure 3.M1-5, Procurement of Items and Services. The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist or his/her delegate will sign the required documentation as per PNPS Procedure 3.M1-5, Procurement of Items and Services. 5.2 Training Budget The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist will establish control of the Training Department Budget under the direction of the Methods, Compliance and Training Group Leader. The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist will annually review the budget with the Methods, Comp 1'iance and Training Group Leader for planning of the Station Training needed. 5.3 Travel for Offsite Training

    ]'             All Station personnel traveling offsite for training will contact the Senior Nuclear Training Specialist.     -

k The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist will complete Form OST-1. Form OST-1 will be used by the Senior Nuclear Training Specialist to plan and document the offsite training. Upon the completion of offsite training the information from Form OST-1 will be documented on Form G-3 - Employee Experience Record. Form OST-1 will be flied in the Training Department files section 5.3 after the information is transferred to the individual's records. The Senior Nuclear Training Specialist will approve BECo time sheets for members of Local #369 UWUA when the members of Local #369 UWUA travel for offsite training. (^')



                                          -353-                           Rev 2
                 .                                                                 ______.s


g. ~~





Date Group ._ l A. Type of Training and Location B.- Dates of- Training -- C. Air transportation needed? NO: YES: Arrangements D. Rental car needed? NO: YES: Arrangements

 ,D r

sd E. Iedging needed? NO:.. YES: - Arrangements __ . F. __ Petty cash needed? -NO:_ YES: If yes contact office manager. Amount needed G. Other relevant information_ H.- Training completed? YES _ NO m I. Training documented on Form G-37 YES File this Form - File #5.3. NO_ Complete G-3 Form.

  -.                                                                                                            2 Data Signature, Sr. Nuclear Training Specialist
                                                     -354-Rev 2
             - . . .}}