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Nebraska Public Power District Owners Data Rept for Inservice Insps,Form NIS-1
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/09/1992
Shared Package
ML20100Q823 List:
NUDOCS 9203230268
Download: ML20100Q825 (283)


{{#Wiki_filter:, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . F ENCLOSURE 1 I to Nebraska Public Power District Letter NSD920305 Owner's Data Report for Inservico Inspections Form NIS-1 Cooper Nuclear Station NRC Docket No, 50-298, DPR-46 , 9203230268 920316 PDR ADOCK 05000290 G PDR c_________-_-_-__-__-__-____-____-_______--_-______-_--_____-__- -__-____- ___ ______ ____--_-_- ____-__- _ _ _ ,

y PAGE 1 of 80 kPPO Cooper Nuclear Station Unit 1 Comercial service Date July 1974 Natirnal Board Nudwr 20762 NIS-1 FORM OWNER'S DATA REPORT FOR INSERVICE INSPECTlQH As required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules

1. OWNER Nebraska Public Power District, PO Box 499, Columbus, No 68601
2. PMQfLt. Cooper Nuclear Station #1, PO Box 98, Brownville, NE 68601
7. COMPONENTS INSPECTED: See Attached Exam Component ID Index
8. EXAMINATION DATES: 10-02-91 TO 2-15-92 9. INSPECTION INTERVAL: FROM 121.1 TO 1211
10. ABSTRACT OF EXAMINATIONS: For a list of examinations see attached Exam Component ID Index. Current status of work required for current interval is 63% complete this date.
11. ABSTRACT OF CONDITIONS NOTED: See Attached Report Summary
12. ABSTRACT OF CORRECTIVE MEASURES RECOMMENDED AND TAKEN: See Attached Report Summary We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and the examinations and corrective measures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.

Date II -1992 Signed / ^


4.+ ' j Division anager certificate of Authorization No. (if appli able) NM Expiration Date N//, MXRTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of # a . a., and einployed by N u r . r. of Na rn r a . /' W have inspected the components described in this Owner's Data Report during the period to

                   , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner har performed examinations and taken corrective me.asures described in this owner's Data Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By the signing of this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Date .7 - e- 1992

' L s-.-r commiesions Alt" x u t. Yh 4 -

Inspector's Signature National Board, State,' Province and No. l l


F PAGE 3 of 80 NPPO Cooper Nuclear Station Unit 1 Commercial service Date: July 1974 National Board Number 20762 NDE INSPECTION SERVICES REPORT



Nondestructive Examinations were performed by GE Inspection Services of GE Nuclear Energy at Cooper Nuclear Station Unit 1 under contract No. 86A-MS2 Taske 161, 165, and 246 of Nebraska Public Power District. The examinations were performed during Refueling Outage No. 14 from October 2, 1991 through December 13, 1991.- A total of 870 components were examined during-this period. The total includes ASME Section XI Inservice Inspection Components, Erosion / Corrosion Thickness Measurements, and Augmented Inservice Inspections. 2.0


OF COMPONENTS INSPECTED The following table lists the componente examined and des 3ribes indications and/or deficiencies which were recorded. A$af husber of Category Ccnaponents Description Conditions Noted BD 6 Notate to vessel Weld NVE-BD N4C recorded (1) subsurface planar and (1) subsurface co planer flows 20% DAC in the Inner 1/4t, in accordance with Reg. Guide 1.150, ref. tab #9. This weld was accepted by f racture - mechanics report # GENE-523-134 1191 Rev. 1, ref, tab # 2 of spec, ename. Both Indications are acceptable to Sect XI. Nottle to Vessel Weld No Recordeble Indlcations and Blerd Radius (NRI) BE 8 Pressure Retalning (NRI)

  • Performed by CNS Partial Penetration persome t
  • Welds in Vesset

PAGE 3 of 80 kPPO tooper Nuclear a $t ti torenerclat tervice Date on thit 1 hatimal Board hers s July 1974 20762 ASME M(2]2BE1 (cont 'd) Category kudaer o' teepments Description 5F 2 tonditions Noted Class 1 Pressure Retalning Olssimilar Metal Welde (NRI) 8-C 1 j 164 j Pressure Retaining ( Bolting 28 in Dihmeterand Creeter PRA 5G1-26 Yhie initially rejected withatud 0 waa ultrasonic inspection but proven to be destructive acceptable was later through were removedevaluation. end replaced Att $2 studs different studs with that Pee-service inspection received (P a SI). Bushings PRO tG1 1 recorded corroaton, pittingthrough PRO-tG152 ref. Data Sheet 0 315 and rust BG2 Sushing PRD BG1-26 was 146 replaced with a new bushing ref. Data

                                                                                                               - 21 Sheet 0 5 Pressure Retainins Bolting Less than 2* In Diameter                        (510) can Botts were rejected on Data Sheets D 184, 0 329, 0 331 and 0 33  -

cwponents were rejected of whi4. (100) were only partiet. ch (6) Ref. and the *CR0 botting W1-91 3278 inspecu an preservice detalia, summary

  • for 8N component referenced 1 component irdex. in the enes Integrat Attachments for Vessels (kRI)

PAGE 3 ef 80 kPPD Cooper Nuclear Station Unit 1 Connercist Service Date: July 1974 National Board N.mbera 20762 REPORT


(cont'd) ASM NMar of Category Cca p nents Description Conditions Noted B8 2 Class 1 Presapre (NRL) Retalning Dissimilar Metal Welds B C-1 184 Presnure Retalning PRA BG1 26 ihie atud mas Botting 2* and Greater initially rejected with 0 in Diameter ultrasonic inspection but was later proven to be acceptable throubh destructive evaluation. Alt 52 stude were removed and .eplaced with different stude that received a Pre-service Inspection (PSI). Bushires PRD-BG1-1 through PRO BG152 recorded corrosion, pitting and rust ref. Data Sheet D-335 Bushing PRa-BG1-26 was replaced with a new bushing rei. Data Sheet D 521. B-L 2 144 Preasure Retaining (510) CR0 Bolts were Botting Less than rejected on Data Sheets 2* in Diameter D 160, D-329, D 331 and D 334. (100) . components were rejected of which (6) were only partial. Ref. W1-91-3278 and the *CRD botting preservice inspection summary

  • for come ent detall-' referenced in e '.s e exam componens index.

B-N 1 Integral Attachments (NRI) for Vessels I

i PAGE 4 of 80 tk NPPD Cooper Nuclear station Unit 1

                                                                                    - Commercist Service Dates. July 1974-NatIonel Board Number 20762 REPORT 


          .p ASME-        Ikaber of Category    . Components.                Description           Conditions Noted BJ              22           Pressure Retalning           RNC BJ 15, comter bore and Welde in Piping              root geometry recorded Data Sheet D 202 RNC BJ 104, root teametry recorded Data Sheet D 287 RNC-EJ 108, roet peometry recorded -

Date sheet D 288 ' _' Remaintne ec w ts turi),

                        .B-K 1-          12           Ctess 1 Integral             (WRI)

Attachments E L-2 2 Class 1 Puup Caeln0 (WRI) l 3-N-2 3 Class 1 valve Body (mRI) _ 3. 5 N 1'  : 12 . Interior of vesset- SRM 36-25 ' to cracked 180* around, . 8a down from the top guide, san 20-33 h

        ,                                                                         .was not tatched, ref. : Data Sheet D 211 page 70. Ref. NCR 91-082 = for acceptance, 5P'              2           Att Pressure Retalning      --(hRI)
  • Performed by CNS Compontnts remonnet*

CC: 15 Class 11 Integral (NRI) Attachments l. d

PAGE 5 of 80 NPPD Cooper Nuclear Station Unit 1 Comunercial Service Date: July 1974 National Board Wuder: 20762 REPORT


(cont'd) ASME Number of Category Componente Description Conditions Noted C-F 3 Class 11 Pressure HPID CF-54, root peometry Retaining Welds in recorded ref. Data Sheet Piping 0-047 CWA-CF-59, DD weld crown geometry recorded ref. Data sheet D 257 temnining crmponents (WRI). CH 135 All Pressure Retaining (WRI)

  • Performed by CNS Cosponents Personnel
  • D-B 6 Systens in sert of (Wa!)

Emergency Core Cooling FA 6 Pla*e to Shell $ w rts (N21) F-8 34 Lineer type s w rts (WRI) F-C 71 Component Standard RMM 37 had a loose tvJt S w rts recorded, ref. Data sheet 0 150, accepted by memo attached to D 150 asemining conponents (MI) l l

PAGE .6 "of 30 NPPD Cooper wuclear station Unit 1 Ceaunercial Service Date: July 1974 National Board Number 20762 ItEPORT



           - Description                 Co gonents                                  Contiitions Noted hozzle to Vessel Weld                  10                                   NVE SD N4A . recorded (7) subsurface planer and (2) subsurf ace co-planer flaws 50% DAC in the outer 3/4t, in accordance with Reg. Guide 1.150, ref.

tab #7. This weld was accepted by fracture mechanics report # GENE-5231341191 Rev. 1 ref. tab #2 of spec. exams. The indications. are acceptable to Sect. XI. WVE-BD-N48 (NRI) NVE BD N4D recorded (5) subsur' ace ptanar and ,(1) s h urface co ptaner flawe 50% DAC in the outer 3/41 and (3) indications 100% DAC in accordance wlth Reg. Guide - 1.150, ref, tab #10. rhis weld was ' accepted by fracture mechen!cs report # GENE 523 134 1191 Rev.1 ref. tab #2 of spec. exams. The indications are acceptable to tect. XI.

       -Nozzle to vessel Weld                                                        Remaining cogonents for-
and Stand Radius NU REG. 0619 (N41)

Pressure metaining 104 PAA-8G1 1 through PRA-BG1 52 LBottine 2" and Greater - recorded thread donate on in Disneter - Data sheets D-337, D-339, 0 341, D-343 and D 345 through 0 393, att studs were replaced. l t'

                 -e..,    e=         ~           -       r    - - .  ,. -yme d , , w w     ,                  ,

PAGE 7 of 80 W PD Cooper kuclear Station Unit 1 rommercial Service Date: J6ty 1974 Wettonal Board htsber: 70762 REPOPT


fcont'd) AUCMENTED INSERVICE INSPECTIONS Nr ter of Deseription Components Conditiorm Noted Pressure Retalning 12 (NRI) Welds in Piping Interior of Vessel 11 shroud Meed Botts rejected (3) bolts

                                                                                                      #'s 2, 27, ard 35. They were replaced by mm # 91-3167 SIL Exams (NRI)

Non 151 Class I, II, 78 (NRI) and 111 stoports Erosion / Corrosion 84 Core Spray Valve # N0266, recorded areas below minimum well ref. Data Sheet ER-149 RHR Valve # M0348, recorded areas below minimum wall ref. Data sheet " ER 153 and Es-154 RNR Valve # M027B, recorded areas below minimum watt ref. Date - Sheet ER-165 RNR Valve # M027A, recorded areas below minimue watt ref. Data Sheet ER 169 Mainfeed Pipe Component # P13492, recorded ar:aa below minisun watt ref. Data Sheet ER-173 and ER-174


PAGE 8 of 80 6 WPeo cooper Eactear station untt 1 i commercial k vice Date: July 1974 hetIaret soord W.vkaer: 20762

                                            . REPORT 



                                                                                                                        -r humber of Dncription                      Componente                    Conditione Noted Melnfeed vetve f V68492, recorded                !

Erostm/Corrost on (conted) areas below minimum well ref. Date Sheet ER*161 ', Me19 feed V6 'a e f V344fi, recorded areas below minimum' weL L ref. Dete

                                                                         $heet ER 176 and ER*177 Mainfeed Elbow Component # E48491, recorded areas below minleam watt ref.

Date Sheet ER 182 _ Mainfeed Pipe Component # P18491, recorded areas below minlaus welt ref. Date Sheet ER 185 - Reme!ning Components (nRI)

      . Extra Exame                           1                          Drywell Head Washers (144 ee.)

(hal) b

                                                                                                                        -E a


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t t CtcTER PUCLEAR STAT!DN 7 EXAM CCHPONENT INDEX FALL 1991 Fase 9 of 80 ., Kevision No. 0 t ASME EXAM CCitPONENT DRAWING / EXAM REPORT CAL. LIN. TROCEDURE REV. TT.R CNS CAL CAT. 1.Di NW2ER ISOMETRIC SIZE CCNF. TTPE NO. No. NO. NUMBER NO, NO. STD No, CulttENTS .! 8D NVE-BD-N68 E231-244-1 6- N-VE VT-0 D-247 C-037 L-002 GE-UT*300 2 91 12 15 UT*45 D-249 C-038 L 008 GE-itf-300 2 01 12 15 UT-50 D*249 C-039 L-006 GE DT-300 2 91-12 15 NVE-BD-NBA E232-241-$ $* B-VE UT D-244 C-434 L 004 CE-UT 300 2 91 12 16- ' UT-45 D-24$ C-035 L-001 OE*UT 300 -2 91-12 18 Ut-60 D-246 C 'J36 L-003 GE UT-300 2 91-12 16 i NVIR BD-N6C E232-244-1 6" NIR PT 0-227 N/A N/A C**PT-101 0 01-28 N/A ,. .NVIR-8D-NBA E232-241-S $" N!R UT-31 D-224 C-028 L-006 CE-UT*305 0 91-13 22,29 UT-E2 D-223 C-029 L-006 CE UT-30$ 0 91-15 22,29 C-030 L-008 22,29 ~ UT E3 D-226 GE-UT-305 0 91 15

                         ,NVE*BD-N4C                       27   12-          N-VE   UT-0      D-304  C-0$3 L-003  GE-UT-400             0   91e20    .16              TAS 9                 '

UT-45 D-308 C-056 L-001 GE UT-400 0 91 20 .16 TAB 9 UT-60 D-309 C-057 L-004 GE-UT-400 0 91-29 16 TAB 9

                         -NVIR-BD-NAC            271232-243     16-         N.!R    UT 45     TA8 $  TAB S        GE-UT-402             91-21 GENIR 1             TAB 3
                                                                                   -UT 31     D-300  C-050 L-003  GE-UT-303             0   91-24       22 UT-22     0 297  C-049 L-001  CE-UT 303-            0   91 22
                                                                                   .UT Z3     D-295  C-048 L-003  C.E-UT 303            0   91=24       22 A

d 9 k l

                                             ~. , - - . .,                                                                    - . -,         ,    - . . . -                         .. ,
            . . . . . . ~ _ - _ . - . - . . . . . .. -                    .._.-     . -         .-

Page 10 of 8() 2: ASME EXAM CONFI';- MWR ISLT PROCEDURE. CAT. ~ COMPONENT ID URATION NO. NO. NO. CRD Stub gjA 91 721 Performed by CNS B-E CRD 26 51 Tube personnel. B-E CRD 30-11 CRD Stub 91~72l Perf rm d by CNS Tube N/A personnel. CRD Stub 91'72l Perf rmed by CNS B-E CRD 30-43 Tube N/A -personnel. BE Incore 04-37 I"C #' 1 721 Performed by CNS llousing N/A personnel. Incore 12 09 Incore ' Perf med by CNS B-E llousing N/A personnel. B-E -Incore 12 33 I" #" 9I'721 Perf rmed by CNS llousing N/A personnel. , I" #* 91-721 Performed by CNS B-E Incore 20-05 . Ilousing N/A personnel. B-E NVE-BE-N11A

                                                       "" #""*"                         91-721                Performed by CNS N/A       Noz :le                                                 personnel.

1 i 4

                                                                 . - , . ~ . .                            ,_                  _       - . . . _
    .-    V 2

COOPER NUCLEAR STATION EXAM COMPONENT INDEX - FALL 1991 ~ Fase 11 of 80 ' Revision No. O A.91E EXAM CCHIONENT DRAWING / EXAM REFORT CAL. LIN, FROCEDURE RIV. FRR CNS CAL CAT. I,D.'NUMP.ER ISOMETRIC $!IE CONF. TTPE NO. NO. NO. NINEER NO. NO. STD NO. Cott1ENTS '4 B-F CSA-BF-4A 2502-1/ 10- P-E FT D-144 N/A N/A CE-PT-100 0 91-27 N/A CNS-CS-4 UT-O $5 D-208 C-018 L-002 CE-UT-106 1 91-08 4,49 UT-O C5 D-207 C-017 L-003 GE-UT-106- 1 91-08 4,49 UT-45SS D-210 C 020 L-001 CE-UT-106 1 91-08 4,49 UT-45CS D-209 C-019 L-004 CE-UT 106 1- 91-06 4,49 CWB-tF-8 2509 1/ 4" F-VA PT D-C96 N/A N/A CE-PT-100 0 91-27 N/A ' 2513-1 UT 0 D 116 C-006 L-003 CE-UT-106 1' 01-08 -10 UT-45 D-121 C-007 L-001 CE-UT-106 1 91-08 to r 6-h, d T' 3-M a l [c Y += jW sq y 9 - ryi ew*w




EXAH COMPOWENT INDEX  ; FALL 1991 i Fats 12 et 80 Revision No. O ASME EXAM CCHPONENT DRAWING / EXAM REFORT CAL. LIN. FROCEDURE REV. FKR CNS CAL CAT. I.D. NUMBER ISCHFTRIC SIZE CONT. TYPE NO. NO. NO. N'JMBER NO. NO. 81D No. CCtNENTS 8-G-1 FRA-BG1-18 GE F '39 6X48 ST UT-0 D-020 C 001 L-010 HIUB W812 1 N/A 21 FRA BG1-19 CE E232-239 6X48 ST UT-O D-020 C 001 L-010 MIUB-W812 1 N/A 21 FRA-201-20 GE E232 239 6X48 ST UT-0 0-020 C-001 L-010 MIUB-W812 1 N/A 21 FRA*BG1 CE E232-239 6X48 $7 UT-0 D-020 C-001 L-010 MIUB-W812 1 N/A 21 FRA-bG1-22 GE E232-239 6X68 ST UT-0 D-020 C-001 L-010 MIUB-W812 1 N/A 21 FRA BG1 23 GE E232-239 EX48 ST UT D-020 C-001 L-010 MIUB-W812 1 N/A 21'

                              -PRA-BG1-24            GE E232-239 6X68         57       UT 0     D-020  C-001 L-010  HICB-W812    1    N/A         21
                              .FRA-BG1-2$            GE E232-239 6X48        .ST       UT-0     D-020  C*001 L-010  MIU3-W812    1    N/A         21 e                                                                                                                                                                   +

FRA-BG1-26 GE E232-239 6X68 ST UT-0 D-020 C-001 L-010 .MIUB-W812 1 N/A ~- 21 *** -  ;

                               .FRA-BGl*27           GE E232 239 6X48         57     'VT 0      D-020  C-001 L-010  MIUB-W812    1    N/A         21
                               .FRA-BG1 28           GE E232-239 6X48         ST -     UT-0     D-020  C-001 L-010  MIUB W812    1    N/A'        21 FRA-BG1-29           CE E232-239 6X48         ST       UT    D-020  C-001 L-010  MIUS-W812    1    N/A        17                ,

1 FRA-BG1-30 GE E232-239 EX48 ST UT-0 0-020 C-001 L-010 HIUB-W812 1 N/A 21 , FRA-BGi-31 GE E232-239 6X48 ST UT D-020 C-001 L-010 MIUB-W812 1 N/A 21 +

                              - FRA*BGI          CE E232-239 6X48         ST       VT-0     D-040. C-001 L-010  MIUS-WS12    1    N/A       -21
 ?                            ;FRA-BG1-33 GE E232 239 6X48         ST       UT-0     D-020  C-001 L-010  HIUB-W812'   1    N/A   ~-- 21                 ,

FRA-BGI-34: GE E232 239 6X48 ST .UT-0 D-020 C-001 L-010 HIVB W812 1 N/A '21 FRA-BG1-35 GE E232+239 GX48 ST; UT-0 D-020 C-001 L-810 _HIUB-Ws12 3 N/A 21

                                - 13166 #1 =              N/A           dX46 .ST        HT -    D-417. N/A. hA     GE-HT-101    0   91-26        N/A  NEW/

0-5MH1 D-311 C-038 L-00B GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 BASELINE 0-1DMHZ D-318 C-059 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 INSTALLED 13186 #2 N/A 6X48 FT HT D-418 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0' 91-26 .N/A'

                                                                                                                                            .          NEW/ .

0-5MHE D-312 C-0$8 L-008 C3-UT-307- O. 16&35 116 8ASELINE 0-10MEZ D-319 C-059 L-D08 GE-UT-307 0' 16&33 116 INSTALLED'

                                -13186 #3                 N/A           6X48  ST        NT      D-419   N/A   N/A   CE-02-101    0   91-26       N/A_  NEW/ .

0-5MR2 D-313 C-058 L-008 GE-UT 307 - 0 16&35 116- BASELINE 0-10PEZ D-320 C*0$9 L-000 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 118 INSTALLED-13186 #4 N/A EX48 ST MT . D-420 N/A N/A CE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A NEW/ 0-5MHZ- D-314 C-058 L-008 CE-UT*307- 0 16&35 116 BASELINE 0-10MHZ D-321 C 059 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 INSTALLED , *** THIS STUD ACCEPTABLE AFTER CROSS-SECTIONING. DESTROYED DURING MACHINING. l:

     ,     n   , -~.,  s             \+          -m..w.,
                                                              -++ , , -             --         - - ,
   -- ~ - _ . _ _ _ _     --___.-_-_-_-_-__-__--_ __- _-_ --_-_-_-___-_______.___ - __ - -_ __.-___--- _ ____--. _ _______ - -

t t COOFER NUCLEAR STATIDN i EXAM COMPONENT INDEX i FALL 1991 ' Fase 13 of 80 Revision No. D. ASME EXAH CQiPONENT DRAWING / EXAM REICRT CAL. LIN, PROCEDURE REV. FRR CNS CAL CAT, ,I.D. NUMBER ISOMETRIC SIEE CONF. Tyre NO. NO. NO. NUMBER NO. NO. _ STD NO. CCtt!ENTS _ 8-0-1 3067 #5 . N/A 6X48 ST HT D-428 N/A N/A GE-MI-101 0 91-26 N/A '* ' VT-1 D-477 N/A N/A IV1*W812 3 1 N/A *  ! G-SME2 D-407 C-075 L-003 CE-UT 307 0 16&35 116

  • 0-1DHHZ D-411 C-076 L*002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • F 3067 #6 N/A 6X48 ST HT D-429 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-16 N/A
  • VT-1 D-477 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-SMME D-407 C-075 L-003 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • t 0-10NH2 D-411 C-076 L-002 GE-VT 301 0 16&35 116 *

. - 3067 #7 N/A- 6X48 ST HT D-430 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A

  • VT-1 D-477 N/A N/A IV1-W812 .3 1 N/A -.*

0-2183 D-407 C+075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&3S 11e

  • 0-10MHZ D-411 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 * ,
                                                                                     .3067 #8-                                     N/A   EX48 ST         HT   D-431    N/A    N/A  CE-MT-101      0     91-26      N/A
  • VT-1 D-478 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-SMHZ D 407 C-075 L-003 GE-UT*307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10MH2 D-411 C-076 L-002 GE-VT-307 a 16&35 116 * *
                                                                                     .3067 #9                                      N/A-  6X48 37    _ MT -    D-432    N/A    N/A  GE-MT-101'     0     91-26      N/A
  • VT-1 D-478 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0 $MHZ D-407 C-073 L-00J GE-UT-307 0- 10&35 116
  • 0-10Mnt D-411 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&3$ 116-
  • 3067 #10 N/A 6X48 ST . MT ~ D-433 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT-1: 0-478 N/A N/A IV1 W812 31 1: 'N/A
  • O-5tE!3 D-407 C-075 L-003 GE-UT+307 0 16&35 116-
  • 0-10MHZ D-411 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0- 16&35 116 *-

3067 #11 N/A CX48 ST - MT . D-434 _N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 31-26 N/A

  • VT 1 D 479 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 '1 N/A
  • 0 5MHZ- D-407 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16a33 116
  • jy 0-10M50 D-411 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116-
  • 3067 #12 N/A 6X48 ST- MT D-435 N/A' N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/h.
  • VT 1 D-479 N/A N/A IV1-W412 -3 'l N/A -*

0-$NalZ - D-407 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116' * . 0-10MHZ D-411 C 076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 - 116 *

  • 3067 #13 N/A - 6X48 ST - HT -. D-436 N/A N/A GE-HT-101' O 91-26 N/A '*

, _ VT*1 D-479 N/A N/A IV1-W812 1. 3 -- 1 N/A -* 0-5HH2 D-407 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&3S 116 0 10MH2 D-411 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 16&3S 116- *

                                                                                    - 3067 #14 -                                   N/A-  6X46 ET         HT   D-437    N/A    N/A  GE-HT-101      0     91-26   .. N/A    1*

VT-1 D-460 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3- 1 ~N/A *s . 0 5MHZ- D-407 C-075 L-003 GE-UT4 307 0 16&35 116

  • I 0-1DMHE D-411 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 #1$ N/A - 6X48 ST HT D+438 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A .*

VT-1 D-484 N/A N/A. IV1-W812 3' -1 N/A

  • 0 5MHZ D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 118 *

,. 0-10MHZ 0-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-J07 .0 16&35 116

  • l l-m I
                                                                                                                                                                            .                   --, - ~


  • a-G-1 3067 #16 N/A EX68 ST MT D-439 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 3 91 26 N/A
  • VT-1 D 488 N/A N/A IVI-W819 3 1 N/A
  • 0-SMHZ D-401 C-073 L-003 GI UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10MHZ D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16135 116
  • 3067 f17 N/A 6X48 ST HT D-440- N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-488 N/A N/A IVI-W811 3 1 N/A *
  • 0-SMHZ D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&33 116
  • 0-10tmZ D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-VT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 #18 N/A EX48 ST NT D-441 N/A NsA'- GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-487 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5MUZ D-40k C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10PMZ D-404 C-074 L 002 -GE UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 #19 N/A 6X48 ST NT D-442 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • YT-1 0-487 N/A N/A TV1-W812 3 1 N/A ~*

0-SMHZ D-401 C-073 L-003 GI-UT-307 0 16&35 116

  • 0-10MHZ D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-U2-307- 0 36435 116
  • 3067 f20 - N/A 6X48 ST HT D-443 N/A N/A GE-HT 101 0 91-26 J/A
  • VT-1 D-487 N/A 'b/A AVI-W912 3 4 N/A
  • 0-SMHZ D-401 C-073 L-003 GE UT 307 0 16&35 116 *-

0-1DMHZ D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 * [ 3f67 f21 N/A 6X48 St HT D-414 M/A N/A GE-HT*101 0 01-26 N/A

  • VT-1 D-456 N/A N/A IY1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5MHZ D-411 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16A35 116
  • 0-10MHZ 0-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 *
                    .1067 f22      N!A    6X48 ST    _ HT      D-445    N/A   h/A   GE-HT-101   -0     91-28    N/A-    - *L VT  D-486    F/A-  N/A   IV1-W812      3       1     N/A
  • 0-91RZ D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 - 16435 116
  • 0+10MEZ D-404 C-074 L-002 -GE-UT-307 0 16A35 110
  • 73067 #23 N/A EX48 ST MT D+446 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A. *
  • V1-1 D-486 N/A- N/A TV1-W512 3 1 N/A- _*

0+5MHZ D 401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116

  • 0 10M5Z D-404 C-074 L*002 GE-UT*307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 f24 N/A EX48 ST HT D-447 N/A N/A UE-HT-101 0 G1-26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-490 N/A N/A IV1-W512 3 1 N/A-
  • 0*5MHZ D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116  :*

0-10MHZ D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 -116-

  • 3067 #~3 N/A 6X48 ET MT D 448 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT D-490 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 .N/A
  • 0-SMHZ D-401 C 073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0. 16&35 116
  • 0-10MHZ D-404- C-074 L-002 GE-UT*307 0 16A35 116. *-

. 3067 #25 N/A 6X48 ST HT D-449 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A

  • VT-1 D-491 N/A N/A IV1-WS12 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5MHZ 0-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10M!iZ D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 .*
   ,-n-4     a                             ,,           -n
    ,       ,.        ~.     . ~ . - -       ~     . . -               -         ,       , . - . . ~ . .                   ..      ~,              + ~~ -           ,


  • i VT-1' D-490 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 .N/A .*

0+5MRZ D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-VT-307 0 16&35 116

  • 0-10MHZ D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 118
  • 3067 #28_ N/A EX48 -5T HT D-451 N/A N/A GE-HT*101 0 91-28 N/A *' ,

VT-1 0*491 N/A

  • N/A IV1aW812 . 3 1 N/A 0 *Jf!Z D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10tt!Z D-404 C-074 L-002 GE UT-307- ~0 15&35 116
  • 3067 #29 M/A 6X48 ST HT D-452 N/A N/A GE-Mf-101 0- 91-26 N/A -*-

VT-1 D-485 ~ N/A N/A - IV1-WS12 3 .1 N/A

  • 0-SPEZ D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116'
  • 0-10t912 D-404 C+074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 *
                 ~3067 #30            N/A      6X48      STL        MT. D-453    N/A       N/A        GE-MT-101              0     91-26       N/A      ..
  • VT-1 D-485 N/A N/A -IV1-W812- 3 1L -. N/ A .
  • 0-St913 D-301 C-073 L-003 GE*UT-307 0 16?: 116 - *-

0-10MIZ D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 1863 116 *- I 3067 #31 N/A 6X48- ST - MT D-454 N/A N/A GE-MT-101. 0 91-26 N/A '* VT D*480 N/A N/A IV1-W812 . .3' 1 .N/A '* 0-5tD12 D-408 C-075 L-003 GI-UT-307. -0: 16&35 116

  • 0-10H!!Z D-412 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0- 16&35 115
  • 3067 f32 N/A 6X48 ST HT D-455 N/A N/A' GE-MT-101 0 91-26 -N/A
  • VT-1 D-480 N/A N/A IV1-W812 .-3 1. .N/A
  • 0-SPfl1 D-408 C-ft?3 L-003 GE-UT-307- 0 16&35 116<
  • 0*10ttit D-412 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0- 16&35 -116-
  • I 3067 #33 7

N/A EX4&~ ST MT . D-456 N/A N/A GE MT-101- ~0 91-26 ~ N/A -* VT-1 D-493 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3

  • 1 N/A 0-5ftlZ D-415- C-077 L-003 GE*UT-307' :D 16&35 116 - '*. t 0-10HHZ D-416 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307. 0: 16&35 116 *
                 >3067 f34            N/A      6X48      ST       . Mt . D-457    N/A       N/A-       GE-HT-101:             0     91-26    -N/A-          *       ,

c . VT-1; D-481 N/A N/A I'*1-W812 3 1 N/A

  • 1 0-SM1Z D-408 C-075 L-003 GE-UT 307 0- 16&35 116'
  • 0-10tEIZ D 412 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307= 0- 16&35 116
  • 3067 f35 - .N/A' EX48 ST Mr D-458 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91+26 . N/ *:

VT D-492 N/A N/A :IV1-W612 3- 1 -N/A'

  • 0-SMHZ D-402 C 073 L-003 GE-UT-307. 0 16&35 116 - *..

0-10tntZ D-405 C-074 L-002 GE-UT 307' 0 16&35 116 *

                  .47 W36.          - N/ A :   EX48      57         MT .-  D-459    N/A       N/A. .GE-MT-101                   0     91-26       N/A        '*

VT-1 D-491 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 -1 N/A-

  • 0-5MHZ D-402 C-073 L*003 GE-UT-307- 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10MRZ D-405- C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307' O 16&35 116 1
  • l 13067 #37 N/A EX48- -57 MT D 460 N/A N/A GE-MT-101- 0 91-26 N/A -*

VT-1 D-494 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A

  • 0-5ffit - D-402 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 -
  • 0 +10t513 D-405 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307- 0 16&35 .116 *
                                                                                                               - . - + , ,            .-.         ,-
  -                       -     -      ~,           .      ,     ,    - - . . - - ~ - - ~ . . . ..


  • VT D-485 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-SMHZ D-402 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10HHZ D-405 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 939 N/A 6X48 ST HT D-462 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91 26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-481 N'A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5HHZ D-409 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10MH D-413 C-076 L*002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3C67 #40 N/A 6X48 ST HT D-463 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A l
  • VT-1 D-481 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/.
  • O-5MHZ D-409 C-075 L*003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10NH3 D-413 C-076 L-0C2 GE-UT-307 U 16&35 116
  • 3067 #41 N/A- EX48 ST HT D-464 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-482 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-SHHZ D-409 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-30'i 0 1C&35 116'
  • 0-IDMHZ D 413 0-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 *
              '3087 #42-          N/A     6X48 ST        HT    D 465       F/A     N/A       GE-HT-101   0       91-26     N/A -
  • VT-1 0-482 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1~ -N/A- *-

0-5H43 0-409 C-075 L-003 GE+UT*307 'O 16&35 116

  • 0-10$5it D-413 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 *
             -3067 #43            N/A     6X48 ST        HT    D-466       N/A     N/A       GE-HT-101   0-      91-26     N/A
  • VT-1 D-489 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5HHZ D-502 C-083 L-003 GE-UT 307 0- 16&35 116
  • 0-10MHZ D-501 C-082 L-014 GE-UT-307 u 16&35 116
  • 3067 #44 N/A EX48 ST HT D-468 N/A N/A 'GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A -
  • VT-1 D-493 N/A N/A IV1 W812 3 1 - N/ A.-
  • 0-SHHZ D-503 C-084 L-003 GI-UT-307_ 0 16&35 -116
  • 0-10MHZ D-504 C-085 L-014 CE-UT-307 0. 16&35 116 .*

3067 #45 . N/A 6X48 ST- HT D-460 N/A N/A GE HT-101 0 '91-26 N/A

  • VT-1 D-492 N/A' N/A IV1-W812 3 1- N/A
  • 0-5HRZ D-403 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 '116
  • 0-10MHZ D-406 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 3067 #46 N/A 6X48 ST MT D-470 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A .
  • VT-1 D-492 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-SMHZ D-403 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0- 16&35 116 ~*

! 0-10 FEZ D-406 C-074 L-002 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 *

            - 3067 #47            N/A. 6X4S ST--      HI    D-471       N/A     N/A       GE-HT-101   0       91-26     N/A
  • VT-1 D-422 N/A N/A IV1+WS12 3 1 N/A *-

0-5MHZ D-410 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116-

  • 0-10MHZ D-414 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 .*

3067 #48 N/A 6X46 ST HT D-472 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A

  • VT-1 D-483 N/A IV1*W812 - N/A
  • N/A 3 1 0-5MHZ D-410 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 *-

0-10HHZ D-414 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 -0 16&35 116 * !~ I

                 ~  s.        .     .    .         .         .              ~,                    . -       - -  . . . - -. .- .-- ~ . ~ . . - ~ .
      .. l [I k


  • 0*$MHZ D-410 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 -*

3 10MH1 D-414 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 1CE35 118

  • 3067 #50 'N/A EX48 .ST MT D-474- N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-483' N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5K:3 D-410 C-083 L-003 GE-dT-307 0 16&33 116
  • 0-10MHZ D-414 C-082 L-014 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 #51 N/A 6X48 ST MT D 475 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91'26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-484 N/A N/A IV1-W812- 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5MRZ D-4"O C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 1U 35 116
  • 0-10MUI -414 C 076 L-014 GE-CT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3Di,7 #32 N/A SX48 ST - MT - . D-476 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 Ga-26 N/A
  • VT-1 0-484 N/A FT/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5t"IZ D-410 C-075 L-003 GE UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-1C111Z D-414 C-076 L 002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • FRB-BG1-18 GE E232-239 8X7- NT HT D 235 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A i
                      =FRB-BC1-19       GE E232-239    AX7   NT        ~ HT      D-235     N/A  N/A   GE-HT-101    0       91-26           N/A' FRB-BG1-20'      GE E232*239    8X7   NT          MT      D-235     N/A  N/A   GE-MT-101    0-      91 26           N/A FRB BG1 21-      GE E232-239    8X7   NT          MT      D-235     N/A  N/A   GE-MT-101    0       91-26           N/A lFEB-BG1-22        GE E232-239    8X7   NT          HT      D-235     N/A  N/A   GE-MT-101    0       91-26           N/A FEB-BG1-23       GE E232-239    8X7   NT          MI'-    D-235     N/A  N/A   GE-MT-101'   0-      91-26           N/A FRB-3G1-24       CE E232-239 '8X7. NT          MT. D-235     N/A  N/A   GE-MT-101    0'      91-26           N/A'
                      ;FRI-BG1-25       GE E232-239    6X7   NT          MT -    D-235     N/A  N/A   GE-HT 101    3       91 26           N/A.
                     - FRB BG1-26.      GE E232-239    6X7   NT          HT . D-235     N/A  N/A   GE-HT-101    0       91-26           N/A
                     -PRB-PG1-27        CE E232-239    8X7   NT          MT      D 235     N/A' N/A   GE-MT-101    0       91-26         'N/A FRB BGi-28.      GE E232 239    8X7  .NT          HT      D-235     N/A  N/A   GE-HT-101    0       91-26           N/A PRB-BG1-29       GE E232-239    8X7   NT          MT      D-235     N/A  N/A   GE-MT-101    0       91 26        _N/A-FRB-BG1-30       CE E232-239  - BX7   NT          HT      D-235     N/A  N/A   GE-HT-101    0       91-26           N/A

FRB-BG1-31' GE E232-239 8X7 NT MT D-235 N/A N/A GE-tff-101 0 91-26 N /4. UtB-BG1-32. GE E232-239 6X7 NT MT- D-235 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A FRB-BG1-33' GE E232-239 91-26 BX7~ NT HT D-235 N/A N/A CE-MT-101 0 N/A FRB-BGI-34 . GE E232-239 8X7 NT HT D-235 N/A N/A GL-MT-101 0 91 26 N/A [ FRB-BGI-35 GE E232-239 8X7 NT HT D-235 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91 26 N/A l

COOFER NUCLEAR STATION EXAH CCNPONENT INDEX FALL 1991 Fase 18 of 80 Revision No. O ADiE EXAH CCPilCNINT DRAWING / EXAM REPORT CAL. LIN, FROCEDUKE REV. FRR CNS CAL CAT. I,D. NUMBER ISCHETRIC SIZE- CONF. TYFE NO. NO. NO. NL7tBER NO, NO, STD NO, CCPttENTS G-1 FRC-BG1-18 GE E232-239 N/A WA YT-1 D-228 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRC-BGI 19 GE E232-239 N/A WA VT-1 D-228 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRC-BC1 2D CE E232-239 M/A WA VT-1 D-223 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRC-BGI-21 GE E232-239 N/A WA - YT-1 D-228 N/A N/A IV1-WB12 3 1 N/A , l , FKC-LG1-22 GEE 232-239lN/A WA VT-1 J-228 h/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRC-BGI-23 GE E232-239 N/A WA VT 1 D-228 N/A N/A IV1*W812 3 1 N/A FRC-BG1-24 GE E232-239 N/A WA VT-1 D-228 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRC BG1-23 GE E232 239 N/A WA VT-1 D-228 N/A N/A IV1*W812 3 1 N/A FRC-BG1-26 GE E232-239 N/A WA VT*1 D-228 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRC-bG1-27 GE E232-239 N/A WA VT-1 0-222 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRC-BG1-28 CE E232-239 N/A WA VT-1 (D-228 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A FRC-BG1-29 GE E232-239 N/A WA YT 1 D-228 W/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRC-391-30 GE E232-239 N/A WA VT-1 D-228 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRC-BGl*31 GE E232-239 W/A WA VT-1 D-228 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRC-BG1 32 GE E232-239 N/A WA VT-1 D-228 N/A N,A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRO-BGi-33 GE E232-239 N/A WA VT-1 D-228 N/A N/A IV1*W812 3 1 N/A FRC-BG1-34 GE E232*239 N/A WA VT-1 D 228 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A FRC-BGI-3 5 GE E232-239 N/A WA VT D-228 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A FRD-BG1-1 GE E232-239 6- BU VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRD-BG1-2 GE E232-239 E" BU VT-1 D-333 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRD-BG1-3 GE E232-239 6" BU VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRD-BG1-4 CE E232-239 6- BU VT-1 0-335 N/A N/A IV1-WB12 3 1 N/A FRD-BG1-3 GE E232-239 6" BU VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRD-BG1-6 GE E232-239 6" SU VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRD-BG1-7 CE E232-239 6* BU VT-1 D-33$ N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1- N/A FED-BG1-8 GE E232-239 6" BU VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-WS12 ~3~ 1 N/A FRD-BG1-9 GE E232-239 6" BU VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A FRD-BG1-10 GE E232-239 6" BC VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A

C'OFER NUCLEAR STATION EKAM COMTONENT INDEX FALL 1991 Fa6e 19 ot 40 Revision No. O A41E EXAM COtPONENT DRAWING / F.XAM REPORT CAL. LIN. I CAT. I.D. NUMBER FROCEDURE REV. FRR CNS CAL ISOfETRIC SIZE CONT. TYPE NO. HO. NO. NtHBER NO. NO. STD NO. CCritENTS B-G-1 FRD-BGI 11 GE E232-239 6" BU VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IVI-W612 3 1 N/A FRD-BG1-12 CE E232-239 6* BU VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRD-BG1-13 G2 E232-239 6" Bt! VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A IT.D-BC1-14 GE E231-239 6* BU Vf-1 D-333 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 VT-1 1 N/A D-521 N/A 5/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A FIN'10LE TRD BGI-15 GE E232-239 6" BU VT-1 , D-335 N/A N/A IV1*W812 3 1 N/A FRD-BG1-16 GE E232+239 6* BU YT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1 -W812 3 1 N ." 11tD-BG1-17 GE E232-239 6* BU VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A


FRD-BG1-16 CE E232-239 6" BU VT 1 D-021 N/A N/A U1 W812 3 1 N/A VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A "5tD-BG1 19 GE E232-233 6* BU VT-1 D-021 N/A N/A IV)-W812 3 1 N/A VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1*W812 3 1 N/A IC -6Gi-2D GE E232-235 6" BU '." - 1 D-021 N/A M/A IV1-W812 3 VT-1 1 N/A U-335 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A PRD-BG1-21 GE E232-239 6* BU !. VT-1 D-021 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 YT-1 1 N/A D-335 N' N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A FRD-BG1-22 GE E232-239 6" BU VT-1 D-021 N/A N/A IV1-W612 3 1 N/A VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-W212 3 1 N/A FRD-BG1-23 GE E232-239 6" BU VT-1 D-021 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IVI-WB12 3 1 N/A PRD-BGI-24 GE E232-239 6" BU VT*1 D-021 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A VT 1 D-335 N/A  !!/A IV1+W812 3 1 N/A PRD-BG1-25 C?. E232-239 6" BU VT-1 D-021 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 VT-1 D-335 1 N/A N/A N/A IVI-W912 3 1 N/A TED-BG1-25 GE E232-239 6" BU VT-1 D-021 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 VT-1 D-335 1 N/A N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 VT-1 1 N/A RDOVED. D-521 N/A N/A IV1-W312 3 1 N/A NEW BUSHING

t. PINitGLE FRD-BG1-27 GE E232-239 6" BU VT-1 D-021 R/A N/A IV1-W812 VT-1 D-335 3 1 N/A N/A N/A IV1*W812 3 1 N/A PRD*BG1-28 GE E232-239 c" BU VT-1 0-C21 N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A P* 'G1-29 GE E232-239 6" BU VT 1 0-021 N/A N/A IV1-WS12 3 VT-1 1 N/A 0-335 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A FRD-BGI-30 GE E232-239 E" BU VT-1 D-021 N/A N/A IVI*W812 3 1 N/A VT*1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A

C00FER NUCLEAR STATION EXAM COMPONENT INDEX , FALL 1991 Pete 20 of.80 Revision No, O ASME EXAM CLHPONENT DRAWING / EXAM REPORT CAL. LIN, PROCTSURE REV. TRR CNS CAL CAT. -1,D NUMBER ISCHETRIC 51EE CONF. TYFE NO. NO. NO. NUMBER No. NO. ST9 NO. C0tNENTS B-0-1 FRD-bG1-31 GE E232-239 $* BU VT-1 D-021 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A A YT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A PRD-BC1-32 CE E232-239 6" BU VT-1 0 021 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A FRD-BG1-33 GE E232-239 6* BU VT-1 0-021 N/A N/A IY1-W812 3 1 N/A VT-1 0-335 N/A N/A IV1*WO12 3 1 N/A PkD-BC1-36 CE E232-2 9 6- .BU VT-1 D-021 N/A N/A IV1-W612 3 1 N/A YT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A PRD-BG1-35 GE E232*239 6- BU VT 1 D*021 N/A N/A IV1-WB12 3 1 N/A VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A-PRD-BG1-56 GE E232-239 6* BU VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A


TRD-BG1-37 GE E232-2 ' 6" BV VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IY1-W812 3 1 N/A PRD-BG1-38 GI E232-239 6" BU VT-1 0-335 N/A N/A IV1-W612 3 1 N/A LFRD-BG1-39 GE E232-239 6* BU *T-1 v D-335 N/A N/A IV1-WB12. 3 1 - N/ 4 _.

               ..FRD-BG1-4D             GE E232-239    6"      BU       VT-1    D*335    N/A    N/A     IV1-W812                   3      1        N/A
               -FRD-BGi-41              GE E232-239    6"      BU       VT-1     D-330   N/A. N/A     IV1-W812                   3       i        N/A
                -PRD-BG1-42             GE E232-239    6*      BU       VT-1     D-335   N/A   -N/A     IV1-W812                   3       1     -N/A
               - PRD-BG1-43             GE E232-239   .6"      BU        VT-1    D-335  .N/A    N/A      IV1*W812                   3    11         N/A
               - FRD BGI-44             GE E232-239     6"     BU        VT-1    D-335   N/A    N/A      IV1-W812                   3      1        N / A --
                 . PRD-BG1- 4 5_        GE E232-239     6*     BU        VT-1    D-335  .N/A    N/A      IV1-W812                   3      1        N/A-PRD-BG1-46            GE E232-239     6"-    BU      -VT-1     D-335    N/A    N/A     IV1-W812-                  3      'l       N/A FRD-BG1-47           GE E232-239     6*     BU        VT  D-335    N/A   N/A      IVI-W612.                  3=      1       N/A lPRD-BGi-48             GE E232-239     6"      BU -     VT-1    D-335    N/A    N/A     IV1-W812                 -3        1       N/A.

PRD-BGi-4 2 - GE E232-239 6" BU _VT-1 D-335 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A

                 -FRD-BG1-50            GE E232*239     6"    . BU -     VT-1    D-335    N/A    N/A      IV1-W812                  3       1.      N/A PRD-BGI-51           GE E232-239     6*      BU       VT-1    D-335   .N/A    N/A      IV1*W812                   3      1        N/A FRD-BGi-52           GE E232-239     6*      BU       VT-1    D-335    N/A    N/A      IV1 W812                   3      1      - N/A                    ,

FRE-BGi-18 GE'Z232-139 6* LIG 07-0 D-023 C-002 L-003 GE-UT-308 0 91-17 16=

                 .FRE-BGi-19             GE123k-239     6-      LIG       UT-0    D-023  C-002 L-003    ~CE-UT-308                   0  91-17        16' PRE-BG1-20            GE E232-239     6"     LIG -     UT-0    D-023  C-002 L-003      GE-UT-306                  0  91-17        16.

ba l

              ~ ,                                            _._ _                _.        .m.                    .                    . . .

4  %


COOPER NUCLEA't STATION I EXAN COiPONENT INDEX FALL 1991 Fase 21 o. 80 Revle ttm No. 0 [

               'A3ME EXAH COMPONENT   DRAWING /                     EXAM      REICRT       CAL. LI


REV. FRR CNS CAL CAT. I.D. NUMBER ISO 1ETRIC SI2E CONT. TYPE No. NO. NG. NUMBER No. NG. STD NO. COPENTS , B-G 1 FRE-BGl*21 GE '.232-239 6" LIG UT-0 D-023 C-00? L-003 GE-UT-300 0 91-17 16 >


PRE-BG1 22 GE E232-239 6* LIG UT-0 D-023 C-002 L-003 GE-UT*308~ 0 91-17 16 FRE-BGl*23 GE E222-239 6* LIG UT-0 D-023 0-002 L-003 GE-UT408 0 91-17 16 FRI-BG1 GE E232-239 6* LIG UT-0 D-023 C-002 L-003 GE-UT-304 0 91-17 16

                     -FRK-BGI-25     GE E232+239      6"    LIG     UT-0      D- W C-002 L-003          GE-UT-30t         0   91-17     16 PRE-BG1-26   GE E232-239 - 6"       LIG     UT-0      0-023       C-302 L*003   GE-UT-306         0   91+17     16 UT-0      D-320       C-0?! L-003   GE-UT-304         0   91-17     10    REINSPECTED AFTER RDOVAL GF
 ,                                                                                                                                            STUD P-                 PRE-BG1-27   GE E232-239    16"     L143    UT 0      0-023       C-002 L-003   GE-UT 300         0   91-17     16
FRE-BG1-24 LE F232-239 - 4 ". LIG UT-0 D-023 C-002 L-003 GE-UT-308 0 91-17 16 PRE-BG1-29 GE E232-239 6* LIG UT-0 D-023 C-002 L-003 GE-UT*308 0 91-17 16 FRE-BGi-30 GE E232-239 6" LIG UT-0 D-023 C 002 L-003 GE-UT-30ft 0 91-17 16 I

PRE-BG1-31 GE E232-239 6" LIG UT-0 D-023 C-002 L-003 GE-UT-308 0 91-17 16 4 FRE-BG1-32 GE E232-239 6* LIG ~ UT-0 D-023 G-002 L-003 GE-UT-308 0 91-17 16 FRE-BG1-33 GE E232-239 6" LIG UT-0 D-023 C-002 L-003 GE-UT-30S 0 91-17 16-

  • PRE-BG1-34 GE E232*239 6* LIG 07 0 D-023 C-002 L-003 GE-UT-308 0 91 17 16 FRE-B 1 GE E232-239 6" LIG UT 0 D-023 0-302 L-003 GE-UT-300 -0 91-17 1 16 f

RRP-1A-BG1 23 - 2MX BLT VT 1 D-010 ti/A N/A IY1-W812 3 1 N/A 10 . 1 i . RRP-18-BG1 23 2.SX BLT - VT-1 D-610 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A 10

                      'RIPW-1A-BG1   23CNS-RR-37            WA-     VT-1      D-015        N/A  ~ N/A   IV1-W812          3     1       N/A
                     'RRPN-1A-BG1    23CNS-RR-37            NU      VT-1      D-016        N/A   N/A  'IV1-W812           3     1     ~ N/A -

RRIW 15-EG1. 23CNS-RR-38 WA VT-1 D-015 N/A N/A .IV1-W812- 3 N/A - RRPN-1B-BG1: 23CNS-RR-38 NU VT-1 D-016 N/A N/A' IVI-W812 3 1 N/A RRfC-1A-BG1 CNS-RR _3719 PF-COV VT D-010 N/A 8/A IV1-WS12 3 1 N/A-RRPC-1ByBG1 23Cr$-RR*38 PP-COY VT-1 0-010 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A i

CColER WlCLT.AR STAT 1ON la a CutK*ENT INDEX TALI twel tage 22 of to Nevision No. O Aritt. EXNi C(tutWEN) DRAWIN0/ EXm LEFORT CAL. LIN. l'htrtDUkt CAT, 1.D. NUttPER 150 METRIC SITE l CONT. TYTE NO. HO. NO. N3tBI'R 11V . NO. IT CH3 CAL

10. GTD Ho, Cutti.NTs B-0 2 tilt!-FD 18 13 2$06*1 N/A $1.7 YT-1 D-078 N/A N/A 1V1-W812 3 1 N/A kCIC 40-16 24 2$06 2 N/A BLT VT-1 D-040 N/A N/A IV1 W812 3 1 N/A LEAKY VALYg RF 1$*CV $ 2$00-1 N/A BLT VT 1 0-040 N/A N/A IV1 W812 3 1 N/A kF-294f/ 7 2848 4 N/A ELT YT-1 3 103 N/A N/A IV1 WD12 3 1 N/A AT- 304r/ 1 2649 4 N/A tLT VT-1 D 183 N/A N/A 1V1-W812 3 1 N/A kHR-tD-2tB 18 2310-3 N/A F1.7 VT-1 D ,/8 N/A N/A IV1-W612 3 1 N/A IMD-4 3 B 22CNS-Re Je N/A ALT VT-1 D-037 N/A N/A IV1+W812 3 1 N/A RM-tD 538 M/A PLT VT 1 D-230 A N/A IV1-W612 3 4 N/A 20 NTUD5 40 NUT 8 RWCV 40-15 3 2$03 . W/A TLT YT-1 D-239 N/A N/A IV1 We12 3 1 N/A FR U+HU-18 3 2503 1 P ' *, PLTS VT-1 D=$22 N/A N/A !Y1-hd12 3 1 N/A

A _ __ -~ '

C00T11 grxtEAR STATION EXAM CatPONENT INDEX FALL 1981 Fase 23 of to Revision No. O ASME 2XAN CQiPONENT DRAWING / EXAM REPORT FRUCE.DtRE REY. TkR CAT. 1.D. NuttBER IBCtETRIC CONF, TTFE No , - NUMetR No, No. Co ttENT8 9-0-2 02+19 W1 91*3270 BOLT VT*1 D-208 IV1*W812 3 1 NEW BOLT 8 INSTALLED 02*23 WI 91'3278 BOLT VT 1 0 208 IV1 W812 3 1 NN DOLT 8 INETALLED 02*27 WI 91*3278 BOLT YT 1 D-206 IV1*W812 3 1 NEW BOLT 8 INSTALLED _ 02-31 WI 91 3378 BOLT VT-1 0 206 1V1 W812 3 1 NN BOLT 51N87ALLtD

                            .01*38          WI 91*3278    BOLT      VT*1   D 206    IV1-W812       3      1      NEW BOLTS INSTALLCD
     ,                         06 11        WI 91-3278      %1      VT 1   D*206    IV1-W812        3     1      NEW BOLT 8 INSTALLED 06*1$        WI 91'3278    DOLT      VT-1   D*206     !Y1*W812       3     1       W N BOLTS TNsTALLED P

06*19 WI 91 3278 BOLT VT-1 D-208 TV1-W812 3 1 N N BOLTS !!'8?ALLED 06*23 WI 91-3276 BOLT YT-1 D 106 3Y1 W812 3 1 NEW BOLT 5 INSTALLED 06 !? WI 91 3270 BULT VT*h D 206 IV1*W812 3 'l NN BOLk1N5fALLED 06-31 WI 91 3278 BOLT VT*1 D*206 IV1-Welt 3 1 NEW h0LT8 INSTALLED 06 3$ - WI 913278 BOLT VT 1 D*206 IV1-W812 3 1 NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 06-30 WI 91 3278 BOLT YT-1 0 200 IV1 W812 3 1 NEW BOLT 8 INSTALLED 06 U! 01*3272 BOLT YT 1 D-20E 1Y1*W812 3 N N BOLTS INSTALLED 10 07 WI 91*3270 BOLT VT-1 D-206 1V1 W812 3 1 NEW BOLT 8 INSTAU ED 10 11 WI 91 3278 BOLT VT-1 D 206 IV1-W812 3 1 NEW BOLT 8 INSTALLED 10-15 WI 91-3278 BOLT VT 1 0 206 IV1-W812 3 '1 NEW BOLT 2 INSTALLED , 10+19 WI 91+1278 BOLT VT=1 D 200 IV1-W812 ~3 1 NEW BOLT 8 INSTALLEP 10*23 WI 91-3278 BOLT VT-1 D-206 IVI W812 3 1 NN BOLTS INSTALLED

10+27- W1 91*)278 BOLT V'*1 D-206 IV1-W812- '3 1- NEW BOLT 8 INSTALLED 7 J- 10*31- WI 91 3278 BOLT VT-1 D-206 IV;-W812 13 1 NN BOLTS INSTALLED 10a35 WI 91-3278 BOLT VT 1 D*206 '!V1-W812 3 1 NN BOLTS INSTALLED
39. WI 91 1378 BOLT VT-1 D-206 IV1-W812 3 1. NN BOLT 8 INSTALLED -

10*43- W1 91 3278 BOLT VT-1 0 206 IV3-W812 3 1- -NEW BOLTS INSTALLED

                              - .10 4 7 _-   WI 91 3278     BOLT .. VT 1- D 206      IV1*W812 -     3      1     NEW NN.TS .1NSTALLED
                               = 14
  • 0 7 - W1 91 3278 BOLT VT-1 D*206 IV1-W612 3 1 NEW BOLTS ;NSTALLED
                               -14 11-       W1 91-3276     BOLT      VT-1   D-206     IV"W812        3      1.-    NEW BOLT 5 !NSTALLED 14*1$        WI 81*3278 - BOLT       VT-1   0-206     TV1+W812       3      1   ' NEW BOLT TNSTALLED i

6.o.... .- . . .

g ...

- e-a COQ 1tt MilCLEAh 8 TAT 10N EXAM CailCN 'NT INDEX FALL 1991 rete in of to Revisten No. O ADtt   EXAH CCMICHENT    DRAWING /           tXAH    Rif0RT   110CENRY             REY. 11R
              -CAT. 1.D. FWSER        180HETRIC  CONT-lTTI'E       Wo.          NUMBLR         NO,    MO,               (Ut1EN18 B4*2          14 19      M1-91 3278 BOLT      VT+1    D*206    IV1*W812              3      1        NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 14-23      W1 81 3278   BCLT    VT*)    D-205    IV1*W812              3               NN BOLT 8 INSTAL 1.ED 14 27      W1 91-3378   BOLT    V161    D-208    IV1-W812              3      1        NEW BOLT $ INSTALLtp 14*31    WI 91 3278   BOLT    YT*1     D 206   1Vl*W812              3       1       NEW BOLT 5 INSTALLtD g                 14-31    W1 91 3278   BOLT     VT 1    D*206   TV1*W412              3       1       NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 14-39    W! 91*3278   BOLT     VT 1    D*208    IV1+W812             3       1       NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 14-47    W1 91-3274   DOLT     VT 1    0-206    IV1-W812              3      1       N N BOLT 5 IN3fALLED 18 03    WI 91*3278_  BOLT     VT*1    D-20P    IV1 W812              3      1       NEW BOLT 5 INSTALL.tD 18-07    W1 91*3270   BLLT     YT-1    D-206    1V1-W812              3      1       N N BOL18 INSTALLLD 18 11    WI 91'3278   bOL1     VT 1    D*206    IV1*W812              3       1      NEW BOLTS INSTALLED
\                                                   n 18 23    -.I 91 3278  BOLT     VT 1    D*206     IV1-W812             3      1       NEW BOLTS 1NSTALLED 18-27    WI 91-3270    BOLT    VT 1    0-206     IV1-W812             3               NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 18 31    WI 91 3278    BOLT    VT 1    D*206     IV1*W812             3       1       NEW BOLT 5 lii$f ALLLD 18 35   WI 91-3278    BOLT    VT 1    D-206     IV1*h912              3    _1      ;NEW BOLT 5 1r11ALLED 18 39   WI 91*3278    BOLT    VT 1    D 206     IV1-W812 .            3      1       NEW BOLT 8 InITALLED

( - 18*47 WI 91 3278 BOLT V't 1 D+206 IV1*W812 3 'l NEW BOLT 8 INSTALLED - z 18-51 . WT 01-3278 BOLT. VTal D-206 .IV1-Welt 3 1 NEW BOLTS INSTALLED

                                                                   .1 22-07    WI 91 3278   BOLT     VT-1    D*246     IV1*W812             3       1      N N BOLT 5 INSTALLED 22-23    WI 91 3278   BOLT     VT 1    D-20      IV1 W812           .3        1      NEW BOLTS It1 STALLED 22-31    WI 91 3278   BOLT     VT 1    0 206     IVI W812             3       1      NEW BOLYS INSTALLED
                            . 22*3$    VI 91-3278    BOLT    VT-1    D 206     IV1 W812              3-     1      NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 2248,     WI 91 3276   BOLT    VT 1    D-206      IV1-W812             3       l'-   NEW BOLTS IN?TALLED -

22 43 WI 91-3278 BOLT VT-1 U 206 IV1-W812 3 1 NEW BOLTb INSTALLED

     ,                         2b47     'W1 91-3278   BOLT    VT-1    D-206      IVl* Welt '          3       1      ffEW BOLTS INSTALLED 22 31 -   WI 91*3278   BOLT. VT 1    0-206      IV1-W812             3       1      NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 26-03    W1 A13250    BOLT    VT*1     D-206     IV1*W812           -3        1      NEW BOLTS INSTAL 1.LD 26-07    W1 M 3278    BOLT    VT*1     D-206      IV1*W812            3       1      NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 26 11    W1 01 3215   BOLT    VT-1     D-244      IV1*W812             3       1      NEW BOLTS INSTALLED
 . ..              . - _.--._ . . _ ._ . . _ . _ _ . .       -                  - _ _ - ~ _ . . _ _                                              , _ ~ .            ~ - _ _ - . . _ -

d CCCTER WUCLEAR STAT 10N EX#1 A m *ENT INDEX FALL 1981 Pase 2) of 80 Revision No. O AmtE EXAM CLEIVNLHT DRAWING / IXAH kEIORT TROCEDURE LE'! . F1JL CAT. 1.D4 NUMEER ISUMETRIC CONF. TTIT No. NUMBER NO. NO. CXttiENTS t-0 2 8 15 WI 91 3278 BOLT VT 1 0 208 IV1-W812 3 1 NEW $0LTS INSTALLED 26-39 WI 91*3278 BOLT VT*1 0-208 IU*W812 3 1 NEW BOLTS INST /.LLED 26 43 WI 91 3278 BOLT VT+1 D 206 TV1-W812 3 1 NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 28 47 WI 91-3278 BOLT YT 1 D 206 IV1 W813 3 1 NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 28-$1 WI 91*3278 BOLT VT 1 D+206 IV1-W612 3 1 NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 30-03 WI 91*3278 BOLT VT 1 D-206 IVI W812 3 1 NEW BOLT 5 InsTALLtD 30-11 WI 91 3270 BOLT YT-1 D 206 IV1*W812 3 1 NEW $0LT5 INSTALLED 30 19 W1 91 3279 BOLT VT 1 D 2C6 IV1-W812 3 1 EEW BOLTS INSTALLED-30-23 WI 91 3218 BOLT VT 1 D-206 IV1-W812 3 1 NW BOLTS INSTALLED

                                              '30 35           WI 91 3278              BOLT        VT 1          0-208            IV1 W812             3         1           PEW BOLT 8 INSTALLEC 30 39           WI 91-3274              BOLT        VT 1          D-206            1V1-W812             0         1           NEW BOLT 8 INSTALLED 30 47           WI 91-3270              DOLT        VT 1          D-206            1V1 W812             3         1           NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 30-51           WI 91'32                BOLT.       vf 1          D*208            IV1-W812             3         1           NEW BOLT 5 INSTALLED 34-03           WI 91-3278              AOLT        VT4           D 208            IV1-W812             3         1           NEW BOLT 5 INSTALLED 34 07           WI 91 3278              BOLT        VT-1          D 206            IV1-W812             3         1           NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 34 15           Wi 61 3278              BOLT        VT D 206                    IVI-W812             3         1           NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 34 19           WI,91 3276              BOLT        1rt*1         D 206            IV1-W612'            3         1         --NEW BOLTS INSTALLED-34-23           WI 91 3278              BOLT        VT-1         D-208             IV1-US12'            3         1           NW BOLTS 12. LLED 34-27           WI 91 3274              BOLT        VT-1          D-206            IV1+W812             3         1           NEW BOLTS 1 34-31--         WI 91 3373              BOLT        VT 1          D-206          -TV1-W812                    1           NEW BCLT5 INSTALLED b'                                          34 3$           WI 91 327a i $0:.T                  YT-1          D 206            IV1-W812~            3         1           NEW BOLTS INSTALLED w                                          34          W1 91 3278              BOLT-       VT-1          D-206            IV1*WG12             3-        1           NEW BOLTS INSTALLED WI 91-3274                          YT-1          0-206            TV1-W812           .0        -- !          NEW BOLTb INSTALLED U                                          34-$1                                   BOLT VT-1          D-206          .IV1-W812              3         1           NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 38          WI 91 3276              BOLT WI 91 33,74                         VT 1- D'-206                   IV1-W812             3         1           NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 38                                  BOLT VT*1          D-206            IV1 W812             3.        1           NEW BOLTS INSTALLED
                                             - 38 15           WI 91 3278              BOL7 BOLT-       77-1          D-206            IV1-W812             3         1           NN BOLTS INSTALLED 38*19           WT 91-3278 VT-1          D-206            IV1-W812             3         1           NEW BOLTS INSTALLED
                                             ~ 31-31'          W1 93-3278              BOLT VT-1          D-206            IV1-W812             3         1           NEW BOLTS 1W3fALLED -

3h47 WI 91 3278 BOLT 6 w y vr_ , h r..c.e ig , ,, 5 wm.n.y+ -e.-yw,. w- c,9+ v.y31 ev g ' wit-,y v ",-v q v-e p y + ym.3r wy .y ywp -g,+ v y y wo e

__ . _- . .-__.m_____. --m.._m.._ ___ _ _._ .___ ___, ____..m.-_. I f COOFER NLICLEAR STATION EXAH CCril'ONENT INDEX  ! Fall 1991  ! Pese 28 of 80 Revistem No. 9 , A$ME -EXAH CCP1F'ONENT DRAWING / EXAH REICRT I'ROCEDUkE REY. TRR CAT. 1.D. NUMTER 1831ETRIC CONF. TYl'E NO. Ntt2ER NO, NO. CCt71ENT8 8-0-2 42 23 WI 91+3270 BOLT YT+1 D 208 IV1-W812 3 1 NEW BOLT 8 INSTAL 11D I f 42 31 W1 91 3278 BOLT VT 1 D'208 IV1 W812 3 1 NEW BOLT 8 INSTALLED f 42 38 W1 91*3278 BOLT YT+1 D-208 IVl*W812 3 1 NEW BOLT 8 INSTALLED I 42-43 W1 01 3278 BOLT VT 1 0 208 IV1*W812 3 1 NEW BOLTS INSTALL 1'D

                                                                                       .w 42 47          WI 91 3278  BOLT     Yt 1    M OS      IV1-W812                   3    1           NEW BOLT 8 INSTALLED 46 11          W1 91*3278  BOLT     YT-1    0-206     IV1*W812                   3    i           NEW BOLTS INSTALLED 48 1$          WI 91*3278  B01T     VT 1    0 208     IV1 W812                   3    1           NEW BOLT 5 1NSTALLED           +

48 19 WI 91 3278 BOLT VT-1 0-208 IV1*W812 3 1 NEW BOLT 8 INSTALLED 49 39 WI 91 3278 BOLT VT-1 0 208 IV1-W812 3 1 NEW BOLTS INSTALLED , 48 43 WI 91 3278 BOLT YT 1 D-208 TV1+W812 3 1 NEW BOLTS INSTALLED

                                           $0 19          WI 91-3278  BOLT     VT 1    D-206     IV1-W812                   3    1            NEW BOLT 8 INSTALLED          [
                                           $0 23          WI 91 3278  BOLT     YT 1    0 208     IV1-W812                   3    1           NEW BOLTS INETALLED
                                           $0 27          WI 91 3278  BOLT     VT 1    0 208     !Y1-W812                   3    1           NEW BOLTS INSTALLED
                                           $0-31          WI 91-3278  BOLT     VT 1    D-208     IV1-W412                   3    1           NEW BOLT 5 INSTALLED           j.

, - t 18-15 WI 91 3278 BOLT VT-1 ** IVI W312 3 1 OR10!NAL BOLTS, REINSTALLED EEE ATTACffED HDO. , 18 19 - WI 91 3278 **- IV1-W812 ORIGINAL BOLTS, REINSTALLED


BOLT- YT-1 1 . [ SEE ATTACHED MDO. 22 03 WI 91 3270 BOLT VT-1 ** IV1 W812 3 1 OR10!NAL BOLTS, REIN 57A11ED SEE ATTACHED ttDO. 22 11 WI 91 3278 BOLT VT+1 *** IV1 W812 3 1. . OR101NAL BOLTS, REINSTALLED LEE ATTACitED HDO.  ; y-- ,



                                         -26'23           WI 91 3278  BOLT     YT-1       **     IV1*W812                   3    1      ORIGINAL BOLTS, REINSTALLED         +

TAE ATTACliED MDO. .p ( 't3-27 W1 91-3278 BOLT VT-1 ** IV1-W812 3 1 ORIGINAL BOLTS, REINSTALLED l~ SEE ATTACHED MDO. I- .26-31 WI 91 3278 BOLT VT-1 -** IV1-W812 3 1 ORIGINAL BOLT 8. REINSTALLED [= SEE ATTACI!ED HDO. -; I, m-M avq"q. W= -g --p&y.

          .      , ,         .   . _.        ...--.-        .. . . .~_- ,_.                                    . . . .-.-. ~.~                       . - _ _ -- - - - - . _ _


                                                                                        - i(ih                        '

30 11 W1 81 3278 BOLT VF-1 > o 1 3RIO1 MAL B0075. REINSTALLED - SEE ATTACHED t020

                                                                               %         1          r. %              ~ & . . , -                                                                                      i 30 43      WI 91 3276         BOLT      VT 1               **

b) W i 1 9 OR10!NAL 20LT8, RilNSTALLIS Ett ATTACHED MDO, 34 11 W1 81 3278 N.T VT*1 ** !Y1 Wi!2 3 1 ORIGINAL BOLT 8, REINSTAL11D

                                                                                                                                               $EE ATTACHED HDO.

34-38 WI 91-3278 BOLT YT-1 " !Y1 W812 3 1 ORIGINAL EOLT8,-RE!NSTALLTD EEE ATTACHED tD20. 34 43 WI 91 3278- BO' T YT-1 " IV1-W812 3 1 ORIGINAL BOLTB,'RE]N5TALLED EEE ATTACHED HDD. P 38 23 W! 91 3278 60LT VT-1 " IV1-W412 3 .1 ORIGINAL BOLTS, REINSTALLED SEE TTACHED HDD. 38-35' WI 81-3278 BOLT YT*1 ** IV1 W812 3 1 oklo!NAL BOLT 8, REINSTALLED SEE ATTACHED HDD. 38 38 W1 91*3278 BOLT VT-1 ** IV1-W612 3- 1 ORIGINAL BOLTS, REINSTALLED l[ SEE ATTACHED HDO. 38-43 WI p1-3278 BOLT VT-1 " IV1 W812 3 1 ORIGINAL BOLTS, REINSTALLED SEC ATTACHED HDO. 07 WI 91-3278 BOLT VT*1 " IV1*W812 3= 1 ORIGINAL BOLT 3. REINSTALLED , 8EE ATTACHED HDD. 42 11 WI 91-3278 BOLT YT 1 " IV1*vi81 A 3 1 ON!O1HAL BOLTS, REINSTALLED BEE ATTACHED HDO. 42 WI 91-3278 BOLT VT 1 ** IV!-W812 3 1 OR101NAL BOLTS, REINSTALLED BEE ATTACl!ED HDD. 42 35 WI 91-3274 BOLT. VT-1 ** IV1+W812 3 1 ORIGINAL BOLT 8, REINSTALLED EEE ATTACHED HDO. 6 23 WI 91+3274 BOLT VT-1 " IV1-W412 3 1 OR10!NAL BOLTS, REIN $1AL1 7 EEE ATTACHED HDO.- I 46 27 WI 91 3278  !!OLT VT-1 ** IV1-W812 3 1 ORIGINAL BOLTS, REINSTALL SEE ATTACHED HDO.  ! _l i 7 6 , w N- * ~ w m , - -gLwe, -,y e .,n.m- , gww,,g,e.,g eny , v.,,-a,.,meye,, ., c-.,-,e ,- m,y .y.--y .~- ,mme.w>p,.

C00rt.R NUC1. EAR 8tATIDM EXAH CatlONENT INDEX FALL 1991 Page 20 of to Revision No. O ASME EXAH COMIONENT DRAWINO/ EXAH kE! ORT I1LOCE1NRE REY. I'kR CAT. I.D. MUHl:ER 1801ETRIC CONT. TTIE NO. NatBER No. NO. CutiENTS t02 48 31 W1 91 3278 BOLT VT-1 ** IV1 W912 3 1 OR10!NAL BOLT 8, REINSTALLED BEE ATTACl!ED HtNO. 46 3$ WI 91 3278 BOLT VT 1- " IV1 W812 3 1 ORIGINAL BOLTS. RtlNSTALLED 8EE ATTAtilED tD20. 50 35 WI 91 3270 h0LT YT*1 " IV1 W812 3 1 ORIO!RAL BOLTB, REINSTALLED SEE ATTAct!ED Mf20, 14-43 WI 91 3276 BOLT YT 1 D 206 IV1 W612 3 1 6 NEW BOLTS IN3fALLED

                                                                  **                            2 OkUINAL BOLT 8 REINSTALLED SEE DATA 8HEET.

18 43 W1 91*3278 BOLT VT*1 0-206 IVl*W812 3 1 $ NEW BOLTB INSTALLt3

                                                                  "                             3 ORGINAL BOLTS REIN 3fALLED SEE DATA ElIEET.

26 19 WI 91 3276 BOLT Vtal D*208 IV1-W612 3 1 4 WEW BOLTS INSTALLED

                                                                  **                            4 ORGINAL BOLTS RE!LSTALLED BEE DATA EllEET.

38-27 WI 91-3278 BOLT YT-1 D-206 !Y1*WB12 3 1 3 NEW BOLTS INSTALLED

                                                                  "                              3 ORGINAL PJLTS REINSTALLED SEE DATA 5HEET.

42 15 WI 91*3278 BOLT YTal D 206 !Y1-W812 3 1 2 NEW BOLTS INSTALLED

                                                                  **                             6 OR0!NAL BOLTS REINSTALLED EEE DATA $!!EET, 42 19    WI 91 3274   BOLT  VT*1    D-206      IV1 W612   3        1       1 NEW BOLTB INSTALLED
                                                                   *e                            7 ORGINA!, BOLTS REINSTALLED SEE DATA E!!EE*.



Datot Tot December R. E. Skalsk 16,i 1991 (Revision 1) Fromt G. E. Ilicks Subjects gi(D_IlDLTJJiG PREDE1Wigl' INDPECTION DUMMAlW The following is a summary of the pro-norvico examinations of Control Rod Drive (CRD) bolting accomplished during the 1991 Refueling Outago.

  • 816 now stylo CRD bolts General Electric (GE) Co. part number 137C9293P001, received pro-servico examination VT-1 and were datormined to be acceptablo as documented on examination data shoot (EDS) D-206. The heads of those bolts woro painted yellow after pro-sorvico examination. 811 of those bolts were subsequently installed in the CRD' as indicated on the attached page from MWR 91-3278.
  • 296 old style CRD bolts, GE Co. part number 117C4515P002, roccived pro-norvice examination VT-1 and were dotormined to bo acceptable as documented on EDS's D-180, D-238, D-328, D-332, and D-333. The heads of those bolts woro painted white after pro-servico examination. 205 of thoso bolts woro subsequently installed in the CRD's as indicated on '

the attached page from MWR 91-3278.

  • 510 old stylo CRD bolts, GE Co. part number 117C4515P002, received pro-service examination VT-1 and woro rejected as documented on EDS's D-180, D-329, D-331, and D-334. All rejected bolts woro discarded.
  • 32 old style CRD bolts'rocoived pro-service examination VT-1 and woro datormined to be acceptable as documented on EDS D-204. These bolts, which were inntalled in CRD's 14-39, 22-23, 10-19, and 38-43, voro examined prior to installation por MWR 91-2798.

The bolts in tnese drives were subsequently replaced with pro-service examined bolts via MWR 91-3278. 12 you have any questions concerning this subject please contact mo at (402) 825-5720. G. E. Hicks ISI Engineer cc: J. R. Flaherty M. J. Spencer B. L. Crow S. C. Whooler T. H, Black (GE) 1

i* VJ I 9 I - 3' ~4 '? R l

                                       . FruAL                                 C.*6                CMSCREG.I                                       rmth             u. Arroa                hl         f7. M  /

l n ca t.r ce&J. NOT% : All Ale.s dubesty'sa.)2.)is wa rep teset ulce $wrec-' Yello.s t 4 ll oid defic) n dolt.r wei e C6 la cCaled j W M ke b r'ssy p reservice refec4 ton ,  ! C W . m i i W V/ \A/ W g/ - . 9 i

                                                                    \A/^                                  N                                     .V l Yk        \A/      W/                       q                 ,
                   .            %/                  )A/              \A/                                 -W ,7                 %/                                                 4
                                %/ -

s w/ l 9 .

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                                                                                                                                                                             \A[                      g/       N                !


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g/ 'w/ @ .f u g . t q g t, r g m , Q. _ r~

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,L M e -M M :M N' N r- r- c-- O  !

1 8 la o k B ox : ' All MEW Oerlyn do /EJ A rlei / /eehin dF* 'e-W : A;1) old Desbjnt do, I-Is Lt IN//ecl i a d # ^5 V G 3 N e. a , s~ o I A ' bes i  :

L New ,2 clck*yn des.7, v-K I :- 4 New , 7. olWeesin n f., I}s y cf : lib 3 ,

                        - 4[2 = -'I Ne w , '7 ol<k desiyn t%Ils
                                                                                                                                                          .y f -                                                                '
                                                                                                                                                         -X. (, = \_ New , *7 o Q jesy 6 l-ly l# T;" 2.lNew-g G Olc5 detiyon d* l$1

. , 1 i t i coorER NUCLEAR STA110W ' EXAH CatIONENT INDEF TALL 1991 6 Page 29 of to  ! Revision No, 0 ASME IXAM COUCNENT DRAWING / EXM4 REICRT CAL. LIN. tROCEDUKE AEV. FRR CNS CAL 7 CAT. I.D. NUMEER IStrittRIC 81EE CONF. ffit WQ. P0. NO. NUHEER WO. NO. BfD No. CQ ttEdf 5 I s-a . arv en a sta n 24s 21e vE-ss rr D *14 5 N/A N/A GE PT*100 0 91 27 N/A I E t

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -i I

1 e 3 e t b f b e f


I y


L b



                            .+ .-                     *** < er w         => v e ese=e=,                       = M w x- w e t-w,s ' r + H r4? e-a-- >- *= ev ev re-a-+r w"w'v='ww+rw=           -1 *w vw w 'wr 'twv-F'**'-       '-"M*-"*



I COOPER NUCitAR stall 0N EXAM ComPoutNT IND(N i FALL 1991 l 30 of 80 i Revloture iho. 0 l, I ABME LKAM LJePom(Ni DAAWING/ tKAM REPORT cat . LIN. Phott00RE Rty. FAR. fW8 CAL CAT. 1.0. In8ISER licetTRIC Sl!E CONF. ITPE no. NO. No. NL848tR NO. et0. Si0 NO C(seet Wil 8.J fWA*BJ 10 25D9 1 12" f*P Mi 0+141 N/A N/A r.E.MT 100 0 91 25 N/A . UT*0 0*1 62 C 010 L*003 GE UT+106 1 91 00 85 e

                                                 .Ul*45    0 163   C Oft L 004    GE UT 106      1   91 04    85                  ,

FWA 8J 20 2509 1 18" i VA Mf 0*1 79 N/A N/A GE*MT 100 0 91 25 N/A U1 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A LIMlit0 UT*45 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A fWA*8J 23 2509 1 18" PE Mi 0 140 N/A N/A GE MT+100 0 91 25 N/A > UT*0 0 156 C 006 L*003 GE UT 106 1 91 08 97 UT*45 0+159 C+009 L*001 GE UT*106 1 91*08 97 FWD 8J 18 2509 2 18" RE0*f NT 0 099 N/A N/A DE*Mf+601 0 91 25 N/A UT*0 0 158 - C 008 L 003 GE UT*106 1 91 08 91 UT*45 0 161 C 009 L*001 GE U1 106 1 91 08 97

           -FWD 8J 23      2509 2    18"  PE       MT      0 101    N/A   N/A     GE-Mi+100      0   91 25    N/A UT*0     0 1ST   C 000 L 003    GE .UT
  • 106 1 91 08 97 UT 45 0 160 C 009 L*001 QE UT
  • 106 - 1 91 00 - 97 MSA 8J 111 GET311611 24" N
  • BE NT 0 143 N/A N/A GE MT 100 0 91 25 N/A UT*0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1960 l UT*45 0 21T C 024 L 002 GE *UT
  • 106 1 91 00 115 1 MSC 8J 25 GET31t611 24" P bE MT - 0 241 N/A N/A GE MT*100 0 91'25 N/A UT*0 0 242 C 032 L*D06 GE*UT 106 1 91 04 106 UT 45 0 243 C 033 L*002 GE UT*106 1 91 04 106 RNA-8J TA. 2510 1 20" L8 MT 0 176 N/A N/A GE*Mi 100 0 91 25 N/A 12" FROM~

UT 0 - 0 184 C+014 L 001 GE UT 1D6- 1 91*08 114 RhA 8J T _UT 45 0*185' C 015 L 003 . GE -Uf

  • 106 1 91 08 114 RNC 8J'10 2510 3 24" tP MT- 0 282 N/A N/A GE Mi+100 0 91*25 N/A UT*0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1960 UT*45 0-286 C*D66 L 003 GE +UT +106 1 91*D0 114 ,

RNC 8J 10A 2510 3 24" lA _ MT - 0 283 N/A N/A ~GE*Mi 1D0 0' 91 25 N/A 128 f ROM , UT *O ' N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A- RNC BJ+10 UT*45 0 287 C 046 L 003 GE-UT 106 1 91*D0 114 0

  • 1973 RNC 8J 108 2510 3 - 24" 04 Mi ' 0 284 N/A N/A GE MT*100 0 91 25 N/A- 12" FROM UT*O N/A- N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A RNC BJ 10 s 01 45 0 284 C*046 L*003 GC UT 106 1 91 04 114 0
  • 1973 RNC 8Ja12A 2510 3 24" LS . MT 0 148 N/A N/A GE*MT 100 0 91 25 N/A. 125 FROM UT 45 0 201 C 016 L 004 GE *UT
  • 106 1- 91 D8 114. RNC BJ 15 RR*fW 2-Mov538 PT 0*330 N/A N/A GE*Pi+100 0 91'27 N/A PT 0 281 N/A N/A GE*Pi 100 0- 91*27 N/A RR fW 3 M0Y558 PT 0 280 N/A N/A GE PT 100- 0 91*27 N/A CWA 8J+15 fM P Pi 0 252 N/A N/A GE*Pi+100 0 91+27 -N/A UT 0 0 254 C 040 L*001 GE UT+106 1 91 08 .

UT 45 0 256 C 041 L 003 GE UT*1D6 1 91 08 1

C00i*.R NUC11AN f. TAT!DN LXAM CutlONENT INDEX TALL 1991 Page 31 of 80 Fevision No, O EXNi EEKIRT CAL. LIN. 110CEDUP.E REY. l~kA CNS CAL Attit F.XAH CGt10FLN1 DRAWING / NO. No. N1220R NO. NO. STD NO. COftENIS dt . 1.D. N'JHBER IS3ttTRIC $1!I CONT. TTTE NO. D*467 N/A N/A CK-l'T-100 0 01-27 N/A J CWA-Bj 1T CNS RWL'U 3 6" P-V TT UT 0 D 269 C-044 L-001 01-07-106 1 91-08 48 UT-4* D-271 C-045 L-003 CL UT-106 1 91-00 46 Y-P D-266 N/A N/A GE l't-100 0 91-27 N/A CHA BJ-18 CNS-RWCU-3 6" PT UT D D-270 C 044 L-001 GE UT 106 1 91-06 40 91 08 48 UT-45 D 272 C-04$ L-003 GE*UT 106 1 VP HT D-147 N/A N/A CL-HT 100 0 91-23 N/A kHC EJ-15 2$10 3 24" UT-0 UT 45 D-202 C-016 L-004 04 UT-106 1 91 06 114 24" LS HT D-149 N/A N/A CE-HT-100 0 91-25 N/A FJ10 8J 1tA 2510-3 12" Prat UT-0 MC-BJ-15 UT 4$ D-203 C 016 L 004 GE-UT 106 1 91-08 114 D 26% N/A N/A CE HT-100 0 91-2$ N/A 0-1990 Efic-8J-2A 2$10-3 24" L3 HT UT 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12" Ikui UT-45 D-266 C-043 L 002 GE-UT-106 1 91-06 114 kHC-tJ 2 24" 12 HT D-28b N/A N/A GE-HT-100 0 91-25 N/A E!1C-BJ-9A 2510 3 N/A 1977 VT*u WiA N/A !A N/A N/A N/A UT-45 D-289 C 046 L-003 GE-VT 106 1 91-08 114 3" t-P HT D-100 N/A N/A GE-H1-100 0 91 25 N/A A-!J*8 2$06-2 6" P-V PT D-214 NIA N/A GE-PT 100 0 91-27 N/A CWA-BJ-16 CH3-RWCU-3 UT 0 D-215 C-022 L*011 CE UT-106 1 91-05 48 UT-45 D 218 C-023 L 002 CE-UT 106 1 91-08 48

 ~             ~          -- - ------                    _                       _

u C0011R NUC1. EAR STAT 10N F.KAN C&tiVFENT INDEX FALL 1991 Pese 32 of 80 Revision No. O ASHE EKAH Cue 0NENT DRAWIN0/ EXAN REFORT CAL. LIN. FR0CEDURE k,EY . FRA CNS CAL  ; CAT. .!.D. NUMBER 1801ETRIC BIZE CONT. TYTE NO. NO. NO. NUMBER NO, NO. STD NO. Cut!ENTS  ; 8K1 CWA BK1*19 2$03*1 6 *' SVFFEN l'T D 251 N/A N/A GE PT 100 0 91 27 N/A FWA*tK1*12 2509-1 N/A LUGS HT D 274 N/A N/A CE-HT-100 0 91 25 N/A SCI COV. FWA*BK1-36 2$09 1 19" $UFFEN HT D-093 N/A N/A CE-HT 100 0 91-25 N/A IVD-EE1*12 2$09 2 N/A LUGS HT D-273 N/A N/A CE-HT-100 0 91 2$ N/A 338 COV. FWD-BK1 28 1509 4 ' N/A LUGS FT D-27$ N/A N/A GC*FT 100 0 91 27 N/A IVD BK1-46 2849-4 N/A LUG HT D*142 N/A N/A CE HT-100 0 91 25 N/A l HSB-BK1*40 _GE731E611 N/A 8UPT . HT D-093 N/A N/A GE-HT-100 0 91 2$ N/A HDC*BK1-14 CE731E611 N/A FLATE HT D-099 N/A N/A CE-HT-100 -0 91-2$ N/A H3C+2K1 23- G3731E011 N/A SUPT HT D*033 N/A N/A CE-HT*100 0 91 2$ N/A tED tK1 13 CE731E411 N/A ItATE HT D-097 N/A N/A DE-HT-100 0 91 25 N/t HSD-BK1 48 CE731E611 .N/A $UTT HT D 094 N/A N/A GE-HT*100 0 91-25 N/A F5A tKi-19 2506-1' N/A LUGS NT D-146 N/A N/A GC-HT-100 0 91*23 N/A . FJtA*BK1+24 -.0-1 ~ N/A LUGS NT D 179 N/A N/A CE-HT-100 0 91 23 N/A [ RfiB-$K1 16 2510*4- N/A LUCS HT D 177 N/A N/A CE-HT*100 0 91 2S N/A i lt a f e r r l 7 m-, ,-g, gm5 r p g. . ,,.,-,-e +=,wm - rr , ,w--,--- , . , . . ,

                                                                                                            , , . - , - , , ,                  vy- ,,---_m.=*,,,-,-y-                                       %,     ,     r-_,_-a,-,,,-,-,-   , - w w a w w      ,-w    v,+--


                                                                                                           !<a 33 of 60 Revision No. O A!iME EXN4 CG@ONENT DRAWING /             EKAH   REICRT   CAL. LIN. ISOCEDURE REY. TER CN$ CAL CAT.  - 1.D. Ett2ER ISOMETRIC $1t! CONF. YYrt     50. NO. NO. NUMBER  NO. NO. BTD NO. CGtENTS 3 L-2   RRF-14 8L2-   150 RL A N/A  INP    VT 1   0-017    N/A    N/A  IV1-WB12   3    1     N/A RAP-1B+PL2    180 RL 8 N/A  IMP    YT 1    D-017    N/A   N/A  IV1-W812   3    1     N/A Su I


 .,,r    ,


i l COOPER NUCLEAR ST A110N ERAM C(MPOWINI INDEN FALL 1991 Pope 14 of 80 Revision No. O a ASME EXAM COMPOWENT DRAWING / EKAM REPORT CAL. LIN. f>ROCEDURE REV. TRA CNS CAL CAT. 1.0. WUMBER l$0 METRIC $1!E CONF. TVPI Wo. ko. WO. NUMBER ho. ko. 510 Wo. COMMENTS 8M2 RF 16 CV M2 2509 1 18" VALVE V1+3 D 240 N/A N/A GE VT 100 0 91*29 N/A Rwcu-Mo 18 M2 3 2503 1 N/A VALVE VT 3 0 523 N/A N/A GE VT 100 0 91 29 N/A RWCU Mo 15 BM2 2$06 1 N/A VALVE VT 3 D*$24 N/A N/A GE VT 100 0 91*29. N/A f

i i f i i a C00Pl% NUCLEAR STATION  ! IM1 CQilONENT INDEX - FALL 1991 Fase 35 of 80 i Revision Ho 0 1 - ASME EXAM COi!ONENT DRAWING / EXAM REltRT CAL. LIN. ItaCEDURI REY. rRR CNS CAL CAT. 1.D. NUMBER  !$CHETRIC 81EE CCAF. TYPE NO. No. H0. StuMDER 20. NO. STD NO. EQtENTS B N*1 . BELT WELD AREAS N/A N/A N/A VT D 211 N/A N/A VT-06 0 N/A N/A CS SPAR 0ERS N/A N/A N/A- VT D 211 N/A N/A VT*06 0 N/A N/A C3 LINER $ 42 N/A N/A VT D*211 N/A N/A VT*06 0 N/A N/A k DRYER N/A N/A N/A VT D-211 N/A N/A YT 06 0 N/A N/A [ IV 5tARG N/A N/A N/A VT D 211 N/A N/A VT 06 0 N/A N/A JET FUMPS N/A N/A N/A YT D-211 N/A N/A VT'06 0 N/A -N/A PLATE BOLTS.. M/A N/A N/A VT D-211 N/A N/A VT*06 0 N/A N/A - NOT + ACCESSIBLE j SEPRATOR .: N/A - N/A N/A VT D-211 N/A N/A YT-06 0 N/A N/A < 1 f>HROUD !!E A55. N/A N/A N/A VT D-211 N/A N/A YT 06 0 N/A N/A , SURY. SAMPLE N: C N/A N/A VT D-211 N/A N/A VT 06 0 N/A N/A  ; SURY. EAHPLES N//. N/A N/A VT - D*211 N/A N/A YT*06 0 N/A ' N/A i

                                           ' TOP GUIDE.                                                                     N/A                   .N/A  N/A     -VT           D*211           N/A   N/A        VT*06         0      N/A     N/A 4

& S E-9 o

                                     .,,,,,,e                            .E..~-                                    -~,,4. - ~ . . . - - , ~ , , .           ~m  de ,, =c.-                  ,      ..[.,.[,,-rww----*vrwa=e---*v'---vew-  ve*v   '------r     r -*u-

i h C001'ER NtK' LEAR STATION I IIAM CatIONENT INDEX TALL 1991 Fase 36 of 60 Revision No, O ASME EXAM CanVNENT DRAW!N3/ EXAM RE!URT CAL LIN. ItOCEDUll REY, FLR CNS CAL f CAT. I.D. kLt21R 154tETRIC SIEE CONT. TYtg NO. NO. N0, Nit 9 ER HO, NO. STD NO. CattENTS B*W-2 4 !!OLD DtWN N/A N/A N/A VT-3 D-229 N/A N/A CE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A BRACKETS k DOLLAR PLATE N/A N/A N/A VT-3 D+229 N/A N/A CE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A r ID of TOP EEAD N/A N/A N/A YT-3 D 229 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A



Page 37 of 80 I I ASME ASME CONFIG. Mk'R ILST PROCEDURE RIMS COMPOJENT NO. !J0. NO. CAT, CLASS URATION 91 721 Systein Leakage BP 1 ool N/A N/A 91 722 Pressure Test Boundary Reactor 91-721 Systcru Leakage 0*I 1 N/A N/A 91 722 Pressure Test Feedwater 4

        -- ~   -      --


                                                                                                                                                                                                          -i C00!'IR NUCLEAR BTATION                                                                                                                          l EXAH COHIONENT INDEX FALL 1991 Fage as of 40 Revision No. 0
 ..                                         ..                                                                                                                                                .              j ASHE EXAN CGifCNENT  PRAWIN0/                               EXNi              EtioRT           CAL.                             LIN.               ItOCEDURE    REY. Fkt  CNS CAL CAT. 1.D. HUH 1'tR 1scetETRIC        $!!I          COFF. TYPE               NO.             NO.                              NO.                   NW2ER     No,   NO,  BTD No. Calir.NTS              t 1

C-C N/1:::-CC 47 2601 1 2 0 Lt?GS HT D*276 N/A N/A GE Mf*100 0 91-25 N/A - I HPIS-CC-11 2611 0 ^ 16" P871CW FT D-022 N/A N/A GE-tT+100 0 91 27 N/A i

                                      =                                                                                                                                                                      1 Et18 CC 22       2011-f          16"          SLEY    HT               D 028            N/A                              N/A                CE4ff *100    0   91 25    N/A i:

RAW-CEl*11 :2216-2 N/A LUG Hr D 182 N/A N/A DE-HT 100 0 91 2$ N/A  ;

        &RS-CC 49        2624 2          24"        PSTNCH    HT               D 049            N/A                              N/A                GF MT 100     0   91 25    N/A                           I RMS-CC $J        2624*2          24'          LUG     HT               D-024            N/A                              N/A                GE-HT 100     0   91 26    N/A RftB CEl 1    -2624 1            N/A          LUG     HT               D-213            N/A                               N/A               CE-itT 100    0   91 2$    N/A                           y AllC-CC-24       2624 3C         20*          $ LEV   HT               D 027            N/A'                             N/A                GE9ff = 100   0   91 2$    N/A
      -EllC-CC 58        2624 3          24"          LUG 8   HT               D-039            N/A                               N/A               CE H4 100     0   91 25    N/A RI:R-CC-2A      H 624A           46"        VE-SP     HT               D 212            N/A                              N/A                DE HT 100     0   91-25    N/l.                          !
                                                                  -v c                                                                                                                                    . 1 RFA-CC 10        2626*1          20"' P&THClf         HT               D-029            N/A                              N/A                CE-HT-100     0   91 2$    N/A                           l j.

RP8-CC*$2 2624 30 1!5 LUG HT - b-0$0 N/A N/A CE-HT 100 0 91 23 N/A f RPC CC+20A . ~2624*1 Nf A . ItATE HT D-030 N/A N/A CE*HT*100 0 91 25 N/A I RSA CC 25.

                       . 2614-1          4"                                                                                                                                                                 'I LUG 8   HT               D 181            N/A                              N/A                CE-t17 100 . 0   91-25    N/A l
      ' RWA-CC 32A       2521 3          6"           LUG     HT .             D-051            N/A                              N/A                CE-HTa100     0   91 25  . N/K                           i

, t m k I i

                                                                                                                                                                                                          .i 6

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C00FER NUCLEAR 81Af!ON EXAM Ct1UCNENT INDEX FALL 1991 Fa6e 30 of 60 Revision No. O A31E EXAH CUHIONENT DRAWING / 11AH LtlVRT CAL, L1N. FROCEDW.E REV. TRR ONS CAL CAT 4 1.D. NUMBER I5r.htETRIC $1EE CONF. TTFE NO. NO. NO. Ntt9ER N0 No. 87D NO. CG11ENT8 CF 11FID-CF 32 2623 3 14" FP HT D-02$ N/A N/A GE HT-100 0 $1 25 N/A VT 4$ D-046 C 003 L-004 GE VT 106 1 91 06 49 HPID-CF $4 2623 3 14" P-E MT D 026 N/A N/A GE4tt 100 0 91 25 N/A Uf-45 0 046 C+003 L 004 OE-UT 106 1 91 06 et CWA *CF 59- VP Ff D 153 N/A N/A GE FT 100 0 91 27 N/A UT 0 D-2$$ C 040 L*001 GE-UT-106 1 91 08 -! Uf 45 D 2$7 C 041 L 003 CE Uf 106 1 91 09 { i

                                                                                                                 .- i I

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t C00FF.R NUCLEAR STAT 10N EXAH COMIVMENT INDEX FALL 1991 , Fase 40 of to j Nevision No, O t t ASME 1:XAM ComVNENT l DRAWING / EXAH t!ICRT CAL. LIN. PROCEDUKE RIV, FRR CNS CAL j CAT. 1.D. Ir&1tER ISO 1ETRIC 8IZE CCXF. TTI'E No. NO. NO. NIATER NO. NO. 81D NO. CQttENTS t D-b WP!$ DB-1 2614-2 10" SADL 2 VT 3 D*123 N/A N/A GE*VT-100 0 91 29 t'/A HFIS-DB 2 2710-1 10" 8 ADDLE YT 3 D 134 N/A N/A CE Vf*100 0 91 29 N/A RF18+DB 3 2710 2 16" LUO5 YT 3 D 122 N/A N/A CE*Vf*100 0 91*29 N/A 3 " RF18 DB 4 2710 2 16" LUG 8 YT*3 0 122 N/A N/A CE VT+100. 0 91 29 N/A BPIS*DB $ 2710 2 16* SADDLE Vf*3 D*122 N/A N/A CE-VT-100 0 91 29 N/A RF18 DB 8 2710 2 16" F3TNCH VT 3 0 105 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91 29 N/A h a [ t I t'

        -                                                                                                                                                                                t 6

h r I


C00ffR NUCLE.AR STATION EXAM CatlCNENT INDEX TALL 1991 Fase 41 of 60 Revision No. L ATIE EXAM C3tIONENT DRAWING / EXAH RETORT CAL. LIN. TROCEDURE KEV. TRR CN5 CAL CAT. 1. D . N'AG ER IS3 ETRIC 51EE CONT. TYRE NO. NO. NO. FJtSER NO. NO. STD NO. CO t ENTS F*A Brn 17A 2710-2 N/A N/A VT 3 D-128 N/A N/A CE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A HFS-1$ B&A 2710-2 N/A N/A VT-3 D 114 N/A N/A CE-VT 100 0 91 29 N/A Kin!X-1A1 H-82454 N/A N/A VT 3 D-133 N/A N/A CE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A RfutX-1A2 H-824S4 N/A N/A VT 3 D 133 N/A N/A CE-VT-100 0 91-23 N/A RIDIX-1A3 H-82454 N/A N/A VT-3 D-133 N/A N/A CE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A R!IIIX-1A4 H-824$4 W/A N/A VT-3 D 133 N/A N/A CE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A s 6 I I

a h C00 PEA NUCLEAR STATION , 1XAH CR1**ENT INDEX i FALL 1991 , Page 42 et 90

  • Revision No. O
                                                                                                                              -                                                                                                                                                        t ASHE 12AH COi!VNENT    DRAWIN3/                           f1AH    REICRT     CAL. LIN. FROCEDURE           REV.      TRA    CNN CAL                                ,

CAT. 1.D. Ntf2ER ISCt-1ETRIC SIZE CONF. TYRE FO. No. No. NUMBER NO. No. 87D NO. CQtiENTS F8 858 01 2601-1 N/A N/A V1-3 D-066 N/A N/A GE-VT 100 0 91 29 N/A BPH-1 2710 1 N/A N/A VT*3 D 100 N/A N/A GE-VT*100 0 01-29 N/A j 11TH 10 2011 6 N/A N/A VT-3 D-049 N/A N/A st+VT 100 0 91-29 N/A [ BPH-11 2011-6 N/A N/A VT*3 D-049 N/A N/A GE-VT*100 0 91-29 W/A HPH 13 2710-2 N/A N/A VT*3 D 129 N/A N/A GE-VT 100 0 91-29 N/A

                                                                                                                     ' HPH 14A           2710 2        N/A        N/A    VT 3    D-129      W/A      N/A   GE-VT 100               0    91-29         N/A
                                                                                                                       -ItTH 1SA :       2710 2-       N/A        N/A    VT 3    D-129      N/A      N/A   GE-VT-100               0    91 29         N/A L
                                                                                                                     -HFH-16             2710 2'       N/A        N/A--  VT 3    D-129      N/A      N/A   GE-VT*100               0    91 29         N/A BFH 16A          2710-2.       N/A        N/A    VT 3    D-129      N/A      N/A   GE-VT 100               0    91*29         W/ A '

BPH 17. 2710*2 N/A N/A VT*3 D 129 N/A N/A CE-VT-100 0 91 29 N/A _ o BPH 2 .2710-1 N/A N/A VT-3 D-109 M/A N/A GE VT 100 0 91-29 N/A HFM 2710-1 N/A N/A VT-3 D-132 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A HFH-3 2710 1 N/A N/A VT-3 D-199 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91 29 N/A 1 ETH-4' 2710*1 - N/A N/A VT*3 D-100 N/A N/A GE VT-100. 0 $129 N/A BtH 5 2710-1 N/A N/A- VT 3 D-198 N/A N/A GE-VT.*00 0 91-29 N/A Br8 34 2612 2 N/A N/A VT 3 D-100 N/A N/A GE VT-100 0 91 29 1 N/A

                                                                                                                       .HTH-SS-          2812-2        N/A        N/A    VT-3 <  D-100       N/A     N/A   GE-VT-100-              0    91-29         N/A EPH SSA         2612       N/A        N/A    VT*3    D-109     'N/A      N/A   GE-VT 100               0    91-29         N/A HPH 56          2612-2        N/A        N/A    VT-3    D-100       N/A     N/A   GE-VT-100               0    91-29         N/A                              t HPH         2612-2        N/A        N/A   -VT 3    D-109       N/A     N/A   GE-VT-100               0    91-29         N/A BPN-1           2710 2        N/A        N/A    VT 3    D-124       N/A     N/A   GE-VT-100=              0    91 29         N/A                1            6 BFS 13          2710 1-       N/A        N/A   ^VT-3    D-107       N/A     N/A  -CE*VT 100            'O,     91 29         N/A HPSalt          27.0*1        N/A        N/A. VT-3    D-107     _N/A      N/A   GE-VT*100               0    91-29         N/A-HPS 14A         2710-1        N/A        N/A    VT-3    0 198'      N/A     N/A   GE VT-100-              0    91-29       ,N/A I
                                                                                                                     -.RFS 2           I2710-2         N/A       'N/A    VT-3    D-124       N/A     N/A   GE-VT-100-          l 0 .. 91-29       . N/A '

RFH 2623 3- N/A N/A' VT D 006 _N/A N/A GE-VT-100 .0 91 29 _N/A

                                                                                                                       -RTH+68          _2509 1--      N/A        N/A    VT-3    D-056       N/A     N/A-  GE-VT-100               0    91-29         N/A s                 k                             .m+.-       ,, +,        w . , -_,e--,---%           ,      .-+,...-.w,E%-w.....4%,          . - , - . .      ,m   m-=,~~  r ,* r e w -- -*9+-i- ar y -w-
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i I l f I COOPER NUCLEAR STATION EXAH CGt! OMEN! INDt3 i FALL 1991  ! Fate '3 of 90 - Revision No. O  ! r I ASttE EXAH COMIONENT DRAWING / EXAH REKalf CAL. LIN. FROCEDURE REV. FRR CNN CAL  ! CAT. 1.D. Ntt4BER ISG1E1RIC $1EE CONF. TYFE N04 NO. NO. NltitER NO. NO. STD NO. CCit1ENTS 3 F+3 RFB 61 2309-2 N/A N/A VT-3 D 0$6 N/A N/A DE VT*100 0 91 29 N/A I f VT-3 D*277 N/A N/A CE-VT*100 0 91 29 N/A AFTER RDOVAL , RFN 69 2$09 1 N/A N/A~ VT-3 D-056 N/A N/A GE VT*100 0 91 29 N/A ( t RHH 41 2624*3C N/A N/A VT*3 0 039 N/A N/A CE-VT 100 0 91 29 N/A . RHH-S 2626 1 N/A N/A YT-3 D-013 N/A N/A GE*VT*100 0 91 29 N/A , l RI'V*STS 1A 232-249 W/A N/A VT 3 D 173 N/A N/A CE VT-100 0 91 20 N/A  ; RFV-STB 28 232-249 M/A N/A VT*3 D-173 N/A N/A CE*VT 100 0 91 20 N/A .

                   .CU 592                          2603      -N/A     N/A'       VT+3             D 50$          N/A         N/A      -7.2.57               3      .N/A       N/A r

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -f w i     er     -     --_       wr  y-w-,ry,        v.- ,-v7              g-n+   ,,w-        g_.w.-ir         --%    9              =           , .rvy v y-   e-y-    +,we-   =   w*,-y    - ,- e v + r ee vr * --

I l l I C00lTR NUCLEAR RfATIDN j EXAH COMPONENT INDEX . TALL 1991 i tage 44 of 80  ; Revision pa. O  ; I

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           '4 ATHE   EXAH CCHIONENT              DRAWING /                         EXAH     REIUPT         CAL. LIN.               17 0CETNR2          LEY. l'RA     CNS CAL                   !

CAT. 1.D. NUHbER ISCHETRIC $1EE CONF. TYFE No. NO. NO. NUMBER NO. NO. BTD NO. CQ91ENTS { F-C C8 839 2$02+1 N/A 4/A YT-3 D 170 N/A N/A GE VT+100 0 91 29 W/A Y!-4 D-171 N/A N/A IV4 W812 2 91*31 N/A l 91 34  ; C5-841 2502 1 N/A N/A YT 3 D*170 N/A N/A GE*VT*100 0 91 29 N/A ' VT 4 D*171 N/A N/A IV4-W812 2 91 31 N/A 01 34  ! I C5-H42 250. N/A N/A VT 3 D 170 N/A N/A OC-YT-100 0 91-29 N/A ' t VT-4 D*171 E/A N/A IV4*W812 2 91-31 N/A 91*34  ; C5+H44 2301+1 N/A N/A YT-3 D-170 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0- 91 29 l 'A VT 4 D-171 N/A N/A IV4 W412 2 91-31 N/A > 91 34 HPH+12 - 2710+2 N/A N/A VT*3 D 129 W/A N/A CE-YT-100 0 91-29 N/A l StH 14- 2710-2 N/A N/A VT*3 D-129 N/\ N/A CE-VT 100 0 91-29 I N/A HPH -2710 2 N/A t/A VT-3 D-128 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91 29 N/A HPil 19 2710 2 N/A N/A VT*3 D+124 N/A N/A GE VT 100 0 91+23 N/A

                                                               - HPH 20-                  '2710-2     -N/A   N/A            YT-3     D 128           N/A   N/A                GE-VT los             0   91 29        N/A                   'f RPS-15                   -2710-2      N/A   N/A            YT*3     0-191           N/A   N/A                CE-YT-100             0   91-29        N/A                     I VT 4     D 192           N/A   N/A                IV4 W812              1   91-31        N/A 01-34 H5-KA1                   GE*/31E611   N/A   N/A            VT-3     D*168           N/A   N/A                GE-VT*100             0_  91-26        N/A                     ;

VT 4 - D-169 N/A N/A 1Y4*W812 2 91-31 N/A-91 34 H3 HC2 GE731E611*4 N/A N/A VT*3 D-044 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A VT-4 D-08S - N/A N/A IV4-W812 2 91-31 N/A 91 34 VT 3 D-084 VE*VT-100 91-29 -N/A~ ' MS-HC-3 _ GE731E611-4 N/A 's / A ' N/A N/A ;0 VT-4 D-085 N/A N/A Ive-Wal2: '2 91 01 -N/A-91 34

                                                               " H3-35C2-                GE731twf1-4   N/A   N/A'           YT-3     D-084           N/A   N/A                CE-VT 100             0   91 29        N/A -

VT-4 D-00$ N/A N/A IV4 W912 2 91 31 N/A 91-34 HS-ESD2 GE731E671 4 N/A N/A VT-3 D-084 N/A N/A CE-VT-100 0 91 29 N/A VT*4 D-065 N/A N/A IV4*W912 - 2 91-31 -N/A 91*34 H3H-121' 26;4 1 N/A N/A VT-3 D 110 N/A N/A GI-YT 100 0 91 29 N/A VT-4 D-111 N/A L h/A 1%i W812 2 91-31 N/A , ( 191-34

                                                                                                                                                                                     -As l t

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -l C00FER KUCLEAR STATION                                                                  j EXAH COMIONENT INDEX FALL 1991                                                                       F Fa6e 45 of 80 Revielen No. O ASHE                                   EXAH CQt!VNENT                                    DRAWING /                EXAH    REPORT   CAL. LIN,   FROCEDURE     REY. FRR  CNS CAL                          i CAT.                                          1.D. NUHtER                                1801ETRIC  $1EE   CONT. TYFE     NO. NO. NO.       NUMEER     NO. NO. NTD NO.          CCittENTS f

F*C HSH 134 2$06 1 N/A N/A YT-3 D-168 N/A N/A CE VT 100 0 91*29 N/A VT-4 D-169 N/A N/A IV4*W612 2 91*31 N/A l 91*34  : t H38 14$ 2$06 2 N/A N/I VT-3 D-060 N/A N/A CE

  • VT
  • 100 0 91 29 N/A VT 4 D-081 N/A N/A IV4-W812 2 91-31 N/A 01 34 HSH-146 2$08-2 . N/A N/A YT*3 D-080 N/A N/A GE-VT+100 0 91-29 N/A Vf*4 D-041 N/A N/A IV4*W612 2 01-31 N/A ,

91 34 VT 3 91 29 HSH-168 GE731E611-4 N/A N/A D-042 N/A N/A CE*VT 100 0 N/A l VT-4 D-043 N/A N/A IV4 W812 2 01-31 N/A 4 91 34 _; H3H 169 GE7311611*e N/A N/A VT-3 D-090 N/A N/A GE VT 100 0 91 29 N/A YT-4 D-091 N/A N/A IV4*W812 2 91+31 N/A 91 34 tmh 170 CE731E611-4 N/A N/A VT-3 D-090 h/A N/A Ct VT 100 0 91 29 N/A VT*4 D 091 N/A N/A Iv4-W812 2 91-31 N/A

  • 91-34 PD5 63 - 2$06-2 N/A N/A VT-3 D*110 N/A N/A CE-VT 100 0 91 29 N/A VT-4 D*111 N/A- N/A IV4 W812 2 91-31 N/A-
      ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   91 34 RCH                                  2621 1    N/A-  N/A    VT-3    D-070    N/A  N/A    GE+VT-100      0   91 29   N/A
                                                                                                                                                                                                         .VT+4    D-071    N/A  N/A    IV4 W812       2   01-31   N/A 91-34
                                                                                                                                      -RFQ-2                                     -2849 4 N/A   N/A    VT 3 -  D-150    N/A  N/A    G3 VT-100      0   91-29   N/A'                         .

VT*4 D-100 N/A E/A .JV4-W612 2 91-31 ~ N/A 91-34 RTH-$8 2623 3 N/A N/A VT 3 D-033 N/A N/A 4E*VT-100 0 91-29 N/A i VT-4 D-034 N/A N/A IV4-W812 2 91 31 N/A 91-34 RTH 59AL' 2623 3 N/A 'N/A VT 3 D 006 N/A N/A CE-VT-100 0' 91-29 N/A'

                                                                                                                                    . RFH-599                                      2623-3 =  N/A   N/A'   VT 3    D-006    N/A  N/A    GE-VT 100      0. 91-29   N/A :
                                                                                                                                    - RTH 62                                       2$09 2    N/A   N/A    VT-3    D-056    N/A  N/A s GE-VT 100       0   91-29   N/A ~

1 RTH-63 2309-2' N/A N/A VT-3 D 057 N/A- N/A CE-VT-100 0 91*29 N/A.

  • VT-4 D-048 N/A FfA lV4-W812 2 91*31 N/A  ;

91-34 1t 1 RTH-53A - 2509-2 N/A N/A YT 3 C+037 N/A N/A GE-VT*100 0 91-29 N/A. VT-4 D-058 N/A N/A IV4-W812 2 91-31 N/A- [ 91-34

    .,         ..~

l l 1 C00FER NUCLEAR STATION l EXAH Cn'.IVN1NT INDEX FALL 1991 Fase 49 of 90 ) Revision No. O r ASME EXAH CGtICNENT DRAWING / EXAH REICRT CAL. LIN. FROCEDURE REY. ITdt CMS CAL CAT. 1.D. I(LHSER  !$0HETRIC 8225 CCHF. TYl't 80. NO. NO. Wl8EER NO. NO. STD HO. CQtf.NT5 FC RTH-68A 2509 1_ A N/A VT 3 D-089 N/A N/A GE VT 100 0 91 29 N/A VT 4 D-099 N/A N/A IV4 W912 2 01-31 N/A  ? 91 34 ( RTR-70 2$09 1 N/A N/A VT 3 0 0$7 N/A N/A CE YT 100- 0 91-29 N/A VT*4 D 0$9 N/A N/A IV4 W812 2 01 31 N/A 01 34 RTH-70A 2509-1 N/A N/A VT 3 D-037 N/A N/A OE-VT-100 0 91 29 N/A VT-4 D-0$9 W/A N/A IV4 WG12 2 91-31 N/A 91-34 , RF'l-71A '2SO9 1 N/A N/A VT 3 D-037 N/A N/A GE VT-100 0 91-29 N/A , VT*4 D-039 N/A N/A IV4-W812 2 91 31 - N/A ' 91 34 RFH 7e 2509-1 N/A N/A _VT-3 D 044 N/A N/A -CE-VT 100 0 91-29 N/A } YT 4 D-045 N/A N/A IY4-W612 2 91 31 N/A  : I 91-34


RT3-11 2$09*2 N/A N/A VT-3 D-031 N/A N/A CE VT*100 0 91 29 N/A YT 4 - D-032 N/A N/A IV4-W813 2 91+3% N/A 91-34 RTS 12. 250P2 N/A N/A VT-3 0-031 N/A N/A GE VT-100 0 91 29 N/A- r VT-4 D 032 N/A N/A 1Y4+W812 2 91 31 N/A'  ; 91 34  ; RTS 13 2509-2 N/A N/A YT*3 D-059 N/A N/A CE*VT-100 0 91 29 N/A VT 4 D 060 N/A N/A IV4 W812 2 91 31 N/A , 91-34

                                 ' RTS 14 :

2509-1" N/A N/A VT-3 D-059 N/A N/A CE-VT-100 0 91-29 W/A YT 4 D-060 N/A N/A IV4 *W812 _ 2 91*31 N/A . .[ 93*34 , 91-29

  • RTS-IS 2$09 1 N/A N/A VT 3 D-059 N/A N/A DE VT-100 0 W/A VT
  • 4 ' D-060 N/A N/A. .IV4-W812 2 91*31 N/A 91 34  ;

RTS 15' .'2509-1 N/A N/A VT 3 0-0$9 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 ' 'o 91-29 JN/A YT 4 D-060 N/A N/A IV4*H812 '2 91-31 N/A , 91-34 l

       ,.                          RFS-17              2$09-1   W/A       N/A.       YT-3        D-059      N/A  N/A    GE-VT-100                 0  91 29 . N/A
        >                                                                            VT-4        0-060      N/A  N/A     IV4 W912                 2  91 31    -

N/A 91 34 j ,- W RFS-19 2109-1 N/A N/A VT 3 0-0$9 N/A N/A GE VT 100 0 91-29 .N/A - VT-4 D 0M N/A N/A 1V4+W812 2- 91 31 N/A 91 34 4 L  ; i N

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1 I C00FER NL'011AR STAT 10N .I IXAM CCif0NENT INDEX ' FALL 1991 Fase 47 of 80 I Revision No. O r- -

                                                                                                                                             -=                                         !

ASME EXAM CCHIONENT DRAWING / EXAM REPORT CAL. LIW, FROCEDURE k1V. FRR CN5 CAL i CAT .- 1.D. NWtBER If0tETRIC 8115l CONT. TYPE NO. NO. NO. NW1bER NO. NO. BTD WO. CCatDTS I F-C RT3-19 2509-1 N/A N/A VT 3 D*0$9 N/A N/A OE Yf-100 0 91 20 N/A .l YT-4 D-060 N/A N/A IV4*W912 2 91 31 N/A i 91 34 l RFS-7 2623 3- N/A d/A Vf*3 D-005 N/A N/A GE-VT 100 0 p' *A9 N/A  ! RT3-0 2309 2 N/A N/A YT 3 D-039 N/A N/A DE*VT*100 0 94-39 N/A VT 4 D 060 N/A- N/A !V4 Wp12 2 91*31 N/A 91 14 -i l- .- RFS-9 2$09*2 N/A N/A VT 3 D-059 N/A N/A CE VT-100 0 91*29 N/A { VT*4 D-060 N/A N/A IV'+W912 2 91-31 N/A 01-34 .

                                                                                                                                                                                    .I RHH 23         2624-1           N/A       N/A     _VT 3     D 137       N/A     N/A   GE-VT-100    0    91 29             N/A VT 4     D*J30       N/A     N/A   IV4-W812     2   91*31              N/A 91*34                                     .

1118 2 7 .2624 1- N/A N/A VT-3 D-199 N/A N/A GE-VT 100 0 91-29 N/A-VT*4 D 200 N/A N/A IV4-W612 2 61-31 N/A 3 91*34 i ., kHH 37 2311*1 N/A N/A VT-3 D 150 N/A N/A GE VT*100 0 91 29 N/A REJECT _ YT-4' D IS1 N/A N/A IV4-WB12 2 91-31 N/A **** 93-34 RRH 40 2624 3C N/A h/A VT D-074 N/A N/A CE VT-100 0 91-29 N/A 5 VT 4 D-073 N/A N/A IV4-Wa12 2 91-31 N/A 91*34 5

                                    ' R35 69_        2A24*S           N/A       N/A      VT-3     D-006       N/A     N/A   GE YT-100    0   91 29              N/A' VT-4     D-097       N/A     N/A   IV4-W612     2   91-31            -N/A 91-34                                    r K;tH-71      '2510           N/A       N/A      YT-3     D 233       N/A     N/A   GE-VT-100    0. 91 29            -N/A VT 4     D-234       N/A     N/A   IV4-W912     2   91-31              N/A-91 34
  <                                   REH     :2510           N/A       N/A      VT-3     D-231     . N/A     N/A   CE-VT-100    0-  91 29            1N/A-v*?                                                                              YT-4     D*232       N/A    'N/A                    91 31 3Y4-WS12    it '                 ' N/A -                  -

91-34 y, , VT-3 D-200 N/A N/A CE-VT-100 0 91 29 N/A RELOOK c, VT 4 ' D-291 N/A N/A IV4-W811- 2 01-31 N/A AFTER 91'34 INSTALLED RRH 2510-3 N/A N/A VT-3 D 187 N/A N/A CE-VT 100: 0 91-29 N/A VT 4 D-166 N/A N/A IV4 W812 -2 91-31 d/A : i

           =C ss _e                                                                                                                          gg.34 VT-J     D-278       N/A     N/A   GE VT-100  -0    91-29             N/A      RELOOK      j VT-4     D*279       N/A     N/A   IV4 W812     2   91-31              N/A     AFTER 91-34                      INSTALLED RES        2514-3           N/A    _N/A        VT D*174         N/A      N/A   OE-VT 100    0   91-29              N/A
                    **** ACCEPTED PER JERRY !!ICKS 11-14-91.- SEE ATTACHED MEIO.

_i i a

                ,.                      , _ _ , .a       ._;... _ _ , - , . _. ._ _ . . -_ _ _ _ . _ -

COCJER NUCLEAR STATION EXA1 CG!PONENT INDEX FM.L 1991 Page 48 of 60 Revision No. O ASME EKAH CCHPONINT DRAHING/ EXAM RIPORT CAL. LIN. FROCEDUKE REV. TRR CH3 CAL CAT. I.D. NUMBER ISO!ETRIC SIZE CONF. TYPE NO. NO. NO. NJ2ER NO. NO. STD NO. CQtDTS F-C REH-90 2624-2 N/A N/A VT-3 D- S N/A N/A GE-VT-1C3 0 91-29 N/A (~ VT-4 L-wn N/A N/A IV4-W812 2 91-31 N/A 91-34 / TJf S-14 2510-3 N/A N/A VT*3 D-174 N/A N/A GE-VT-103 0 91-29 N/A VT-4 D-175 N/A N/A IV4-W812 2 91-31 N/A - 01-34 d-14A 2510-3 N/A N/A VT-3 0-174 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A VT-4 D-175 N/A N/A IV4-W812 2 91-31 N/A _ 91-34 RHS-15 2516-3 N/A N/A *~I- 3 D-174 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A VT-4 ,D-175 N/A N/A IV4-WB12 2 91-31 N/A 91-34 ' RES-16 2510-3 N/A N/A VT-3 D-174 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A VT-4 D-175 N/A N/A IV4-W812 2 91-31 N/A 91-34 R!!S-17 2510-3 N/A N/A VT-3 D-174 N/A N/A GE-VT-10e 0 91-29 N/A REJECT, VT-4 D-175 N/A N/A IV4-W812 3 91-31 N/A LOOSE 91-34 NITT RES-26 2624-2 N/A N/A VT-3 D-199 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A VT-4 D-200 N/A N/A IV4-W812 2 91-31 N/A 91-34 RES-49 2625-3 N/A N/A VT-3 D-135 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 9F A VT-4 D-136 N/A N/A IV4-W812 2 9. A. < /A 01-34 - RHS 6 2510-4 N/A N/A VT-3 D-152 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-20 N/A VT-4 D-153 N/A N/A IV4-W812 2 91-31 N/A 01 34 RMS-69 2510-1 N/A li/A VT-3 D-IST N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A VT-4 D-185 N/A N/A IV4-WB12 2 91*31 N/A 91-34 RMS-72A 2510-1 N/A N/A VT-3 D-154 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A VT-4 D-155 N/A N/A IV4-W812 2 91 31 N/A 91-34 CU-H50 2503-1 N/A N/A VT-3 D-507 N'A N/A 7.2.57 3 N/A N/A VT-4 D-507 N/A N/A 7.2.57 3 N/A N/A CU-891 2605-4 N/A N/A T-3 D-506 N/A N/A 7.2.57 3 N/A ,, A VT , D-566 N/A N/A 7.2.57 3 N/A N/A CU-H93 2&Q3-4 N/A N/A VT-3 D-508 N/A N/A 7.2,57 3 N/ . N/A VT-4 D-506 N/A N/A 7.2.57 3 NA N/A

COOPER NUCLIAR STATION Atn ENTED COiPONENT INDEX FALL 1991 rage 49 of 60 Revision No. O ASME EXAM CaiFONENT CRAWIN3/ EXAM REI' ORT CAL. LIN. FROCEDURE REV. FB' i CAL-CAT. 1.D. IG2@ER ISOMETRIC SIZI Cohr. TTPE NO. MO. NO. r W ER NO. N N. COttENTS B-D KVE BD-N4A 27 12" H-VE UT-0 D-302 C-052 L-003 GE-UT-400 0 91 D' ' UT-45 D-305 C-054 L-001 CE-UT-400 0 91 . 4 UT-60 D-307 C-055 L-004 CE-UT-400 0 91 2b{ 16 NVE-BD-N45 27 12" N-VE UT-0 D-303 0-052 L-003 CE-UT-400 0 91-20 16 UT-45 D-306 C-054 L-001 CE-UT-400 0 91-20 13 UT-60 D-307 C-055 L-004 GE-UT-400- 0 91-20 16 KVE-BD-N4D 27 .2" N-VE UT-0 TAB 10 TABIf N/A CE-UT-400 0 91-20 16 TAB 10 AUTO UT-45 TAB 10 TAB 10 N/A CE-UT-400 0 91-20 16 UT-to TAB 10 TAB 10 N/A GE-UT-400 0 91 10 16 KVIR-BD-N4A 27 14" NIR UT-45 TAB 3 TAB 3 N/A GE-UT-402 0 91-21 GENIR1 TAB 3 AUTO t UT-21 D-298 C-050 L-003 CE-UT-303 0 91 24 22 UT-72 D-294 C-046 L-003 GE-UT-303 0 91 2. 22 NVIR-ED-N4B 27 14" NIR UT-45 lab 4 TAB 4 N/A GE-UT-402 0 91-21 GENIR1 TA? 4 AUTO UT-21 D-299 C-050 L-003 CE-UT-303 0 91-24 22 UT-E2 D-295 C-048 L-003 CE-UT-303 0 91-24 22 UT-Z3 D-292 C-047 L-001 GE-UT-303 0 91-24 27 NVIR-BD-N4D 27 14" NIR UT-45 TAB 6 TAB 6 N/A CE-UT-402 0 91-21 GENIR1 TAB 6 AUTO VT-Z3 D-293 C-047 L-001 GE-UT-303 0 91-24 27 a 1 l

COOFER NUCLEAR STATION AUOMENTED CafPONENT INDF.X FALL 1991 Page 50 at 80 Revision No. O ASME EXAM COMPONENT DRAWING / EXAM REPORT CAL. LIN, PROCEDUKE RtN. FitR CNS CAL I CAT. 2.D. NUMBER ISCHETRIC SIZE CONF. TYFE NO. NO. NO. NikBER NO. NO. STD NO. CuttiENT$ 3-0-1 FRA-BG1 1 GE E232-239 6X48 ST UT-0 D-019 C-001 L-010 MIUB-W812 1 N/A 21 88-5 0-344 C-066 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 60-BW D-346 C-067 L-015 GE UT-307 0 16&35 116 ttr.T INDIC. 60-FW D-346 C-068 L-008 Ct-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 0 SMHZ D-394 C-071 L-007 GE UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10tEZ D-400 C-072 L-005 16&35 116 GE-UT-301 l 0

                                                                                                                  '0MH7 D-519 C-09J L-006             GE-UT-307 1 0      16&35     116 FRA-BG1-2                                CE E232-239 6X48   ST                UT*O                        D-G19   C-001   L-010   H10B-W812    1       N/A     21 60-BW                     D-373   C-060   L-015   GE-UT-307    0     16&35      116 MULT INDIC.

60-FW D-373 C-070 L-006 GE'UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 0-CMRZ D-394 C-071 L-007 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10tMZ D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10MHZ D+519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 PRA-BGi-3 GE E232-239 EX4J ST UT-0 D-019 C-001 L-010 H!UB-W612 1 N/A 21 60-BW D-374 C-069 L-01b GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 60-FW D-374 C-r'0 .-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC.

                                                                                           ' 5MHZ                              D-3&e 3;-var'L-007      GE-UT-307    0     16&35     116 0- 10Wi A's-40 4                           C-072 L-008      GE-UT-307    0     1E&35     116
                                                                                           '-10MHZ L-519                              C-090 L-005      GE-UT-307    0     16&35     116 FRA-DGI-4                                GE E232 232 6X48   ST                     UT-0                   D-019  C-001   L-010 H1UD-W812       1       N/A     21 60 BW D-375                 C-069   L-015 OE-UT-307       0     16&35     116    MULT INDIC, 60-FW D-375                 C-076   L-008 GE-UT-307       0     16&35     116    HULT INDIC.

0-5MHZ D-394 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 I 9-10HHZ D 400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10r1HZ D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-IF-307 0 1E&35 116 PRA-BG1-5 GC E232-234 6X48 51 UT-O D+U19 C-001 L-010 MIUB-W612 1 N/A Il 60-BW D-380 C-069 L-015 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. - 60-FW D-380 C-070 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. j 0 5NEZ D-394 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 l0-10PR2 D-400 C-072 L-008 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116

                                                                                         ,J 0- 10tE; D-519                             C-090   L-006   GE-UT 307     0     16&35     116 FRA-BGi-6                               GE E232-239 EX48    ST                          UT-0              D-019  C-001   L-010 MIUB-W81;       1      N/A      21 (0-BW          D-381  C-Of3   L-015 GE-VT-307       0     16&35     116    MULT INDIC.

60-FW D-381 C-070 L-005 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 0-5Mn1 D-394 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10MHZ D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10MHZ D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BG1-7 GE E232-239 6X45 ST UT-0 D-019 C-001 L-010 M1UB-W812 1 N/A 21 60-BW D-382 C .L9 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 60 FW D-382 C-070 L-000 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 0-5MHZ 0-394 C-071 L-007 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-leMHZ D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 115 0 'OM51: D-519 C-090 L-006 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BGi-8 GE E232-239 6X48 ST UT-0 D-019 C-001 L-010 MIU3-W812 N/A 21 60-BW D-349 C-067 L-015 GE-UT-307 0, 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 60-FW D-349 C-068 L-005 GE-UT-307 0 1E&35 116 MULT INDIC. 0-5MHZ D-393 C-071 L-107 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 202 DAC 0-1003Z D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10K1 D-519 C-090 L-006 GE UT-307 0 16&35 116

C00FER WUCLEAR STATION AUGENTED C0ti10NENT INDEX FALL 1991 Fass 51 of 80 Revision No. O AD1E EXAM CT170NEN! DRAWING / EkAM REFORT CAL. LIN. PROCEDURI REV. RR CNS CAL CAT. 1.D. NUMBER ISalETRIC SIEE CONT. TYFE NO. NO. NO. HUMBER NO. NO. STD NO. C0ft1ENTS B-G-1 FRA-BG1-9 GE E232-239 GX48 ST UT-0 D-019 C-001 L-010 MIUB-W812 1 N/A 21 68-5 D-344 C-066 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 60-BW D-347 C-067 L-015 GE-VT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 60-FW D-347 C-068 L-005 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MUI.T INDIC. 0-StilZ D-395 C 071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10ttlZ D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10ttf 2 D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-ct-307 0 16&35 116 FAA-BG1-10 CE E232-239 6X45 ST UT-0 D-019 C-001'L-010 MIUB-W512 1 N/A 21 60-BW D+383 C-069 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT IfiDIC. 60-FW D-383 C-070 L-005 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 0- 5t91Z D-395 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 115 0- 10t9IZ D-400 C-072 L-006 GE-UT-307 3 16&35 116 0-10tSIZ D-519 C-090 L-005 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BG1-1. CE E232-239 6148 ST UT-0 D-019 C-001 L-010 MIUB-W812 1 N/A 21 bo-BW D-350 C-067 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 60-FW D-350 C-068 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 0-5t91Z D-393 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 101 DAC 0- 10F9tZ D-400 C-072 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10MH2 D-519 C-000 L-006 GE-UT-307 b 16435 116 1.- - FRA-BG1-12 GE E232-230 6X48 ST UT-0 D-019 C-Owl L-010 MIU3-W812 1 N/A 21 60-BW D-384 C-069 L-013 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT IN."!C. 60-FW D-384 C-070 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 0-SQiZ D-396 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16435 116 0-10W17 D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-U!-307 0 16&35 115 0-10ttit D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-U1-107 0 1%35 116 FRA-BG1-13 GE E232 239 6X46 ST UT-0 D-019 C-001 L-010 MIUB-W812 1 N/A 21 ( 60-BW D-385 C-069 L-015 GE-UT-307 fl 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. - 60-IV D-365 C-070 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 0-5Ft!Z D-396 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10ttlZ D-400 C-072 LN08 GE-UT-307 0 '16&35 116 0-10t21Z D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BGi-14 OE E232-239 6X46 ST UT-0 D-010 C-001 L-010 MIUB-W812 1 N/A 21 60-BW D-386 C-069 *-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 60-FW D-336 C-070 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INCIC. 0- 5F?!Z D-396 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 18&35 116 0-10M!!Z D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10t21Z D-519 C-090 L*006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BGI-15 00 E232-239 BX44 ST UT-0 D-019 C-001 L-010 MIUB-W812 1 N/A 21 60-BW D-387 C-069 L-01L 5 GE-UT-307 0 1 % 35 116 MULT INDIC. 60-W D-367 C-0?0 L-008 GT-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 0-5tfl1 D-396 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10ttiZ b-400 C-072 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10b21: D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116


1. CGOFER NUCLEAR STATION AUGMENTED CGMPONENT INDEX TALL 1911 Fase 52 of 80 Revision No, O ASME EXAM COMPONEtt DRAWING / EXAH REPORT CAL, LIN, 11tOCEDURE REV, FRR CN5 CAL CAT. 1.D. NUM3ER ISGitETRIC SIZE CONT. TYFE NO. NO, NO. NUMBER NO. NO. STD NO. CGif f.NTS B G-1 FRA-BGi-16 GE E232-239 6X48 ST UT-0 D-019 C-001 L-010 MIVB-W812 1 N/A 21 68-3 D-344 C-066 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 60-BW D-348 C-067 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC, 60-FW D-348 C-068 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 lb&35 116 MULT INDIC, . 0- SHEZ 0-396 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10 PHI D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 -~ 0-10MHZ D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BG1-17 GE E232-239 EX4F ST UT-0 D-019 C-001 L-010 MIUB-WB12 1 N/A 21 60-BW D-388 C-069 L-015 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 60-FW D-388 C-070 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC, 0-yMHZ D-396 C-071 L-007 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 115 0-1CPE! D-400 C-072 L-006 GE-UT-307 3 16&35 116 0-10MHZ D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 118 FRA BG1-15 CE E232-239 EX48 ST 60-BW D-389 C-069 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 .6&35 116 MULT INDIC, 60-FW D-389 C-070 L-006 GE- UT-30 7 0 1E&35 116 MULT INDIC, 0- 20Z D-396 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 , 0-10MHZ D-400 C-072 L-008 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0- 10MHZ 0-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BGi-19 CE E232-23G EX48 ST 60-BW D-390 C-069 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MtJLT TNDIC, 60-FM D-390 C-070 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 0- MSit D-396 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10MHZ D-400 C-072 L-005 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 6-10MHZ D-519 C-000 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BG1-20 CE E232-239 6X48 ST 60-BW D-391 C-069 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDTC, 60-FW D-391 C-070 L-008 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC, 0-5MMZ- D+396 C-071 L-007 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 0-10MHZ D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 - 0-10MHZ D-519 C-090 L-006 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BGi-21 GE E232-239 EX48 ST 50-BW D-359 C-069 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 - MULT INDIC. o0-lw D-359 C-070 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 0-5tEZ D-396 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 1EA35 116 0-1DHHZ D-403 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10MHZ D-519 C 000 L-006 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-EG1-22 GE E202-239 6X48 ST 60-BW D-360 C-060 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC, 60-FW D-360 C-070 L-008 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MUlf IND'C, 0-5MHZ D-396 C-071 L-007 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10t'mZ D-400 C-072 L-008 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 115 0-7 DMHZ D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 18&35 116 TRA-BGI-23 GE E232-239 6X48 ST 60-EW D-351 C-067 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 60-FW D-351 C-068 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT IKDIC, 0-20Z D-393 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 115 101 DAC 0-10MHZ D-400 C-071 L-008 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-1CitiZ D-519 C-090 L-006 CE-UT-307 0 1C&35 116 FRA-BGI-24 GE E232-239 6X48 ST 60-BW D-361 C-069 L-015 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 60-FW D-361 C-070 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC, 0-5MHZ D-397 C-071 L-007 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10MHZ D-400 C-072 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-1CMHZ D+519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 l

            ~ ..     .     -

f C00FER NUCLLAR STAT 1GN AU N.:NTED CCHPONENT INDEX FALL 1991 Fase 53 of 80 Revision No. O ASME EXAH CCRPONENT DRAWING / EXAH REPORT CAL. LIN. FRGCEDURE REV. FRR- CNS CAL CAT. 1.D. NUH5ER ISCHETRIC SIZE CONT. TTFE NO. h1 NO. HUMBER NO. NO. STD No. CCitENT5 B-G-1 FRA-BG1-25 GE E232 239 6X48 ST 60 BW D-362 C-069 L-015 CE UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIO. 60-FW D-362 C-070 L-004 GE-UT-307 .0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 0-SMHZ D-397 C-071 L*007 GE-VT-307 0 16&35 116 0-luMHZ D-400 C-072 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 3-1DHHZ D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 FRA'P01*26 GE E232-239 6X48 ST 68 3 D-344 C-066 L-003 GE-UT-30/ 0 16&3$ 114 60-BW D-? 4 5 C-067 L 015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC.

         **                                          60-rW  D-345   C-068 L-004      GE-UT-307       16435    116 0                 HULT INDIC.

0-5MHZ D-397 C-071 L-007 GE-VT-307 0 16&35 116 0-1DHHZ D-400 C-072 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16435 116 0 10MHZ D-519 C 090 L*006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA- BJ1-27 GE E232-239 GX48 ST 60-BW D-363 C-069 L 015 GE*UT 307 0 16&35 11' HULT INDIC. 60-FW D-363 C-070 L*006 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 11'o MULT INDIC. 0- 5FHZ D-397 C-071 L-007 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0 10MHZ D-400 C-07J L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10HHZ D 519 C-090 L 006 GE UT-307 0 16&35 110 PRA-BGI 28 GE E232-Z39 6X48 ST 60 BW D-364 C-069 L*015 .GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 60-FW D-364 C-070 L-006 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 0-5MHZ D-397 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10NHZ D 400 C+072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10MHZ D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BGi 29 GE E732-239 6X48 ST 60 BW D-365 C-069 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 60-FW D-365 C-070 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 6-5HH2 D-397 C 071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 ' 0-13NHZ D 400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 '116 0 '0PEZ D-519 C-090 L 006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 P FEA-BGi-30 GE E212-239 EX48 ST 60 BW D-366 C-069 L*015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC. 60-FW D-366 C-070 L-008 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 '116 HULT INDIC. 0-5MHZ- D-397 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-IDFHZ D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0 10MHZ D-519 C-000 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 .116 FRA-BG1-31 GE E232-239 6X48 ST 60-BW D 367 C 069 L-015 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 60-FW 0-367 C-070 L 005 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 MULT INDIC.  : 0-5MHZ D-397 C-071 L-001 GE-UT-307 0 16435 116 0-10MHZ D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10F000 D-519 C-000 L 006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BG1-32 GE;E232-239 6X48 ET 60*BW D-368 C-069 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116' HULT INDIC. - to-FW D-368 C-070 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 0-5MHZ D-397 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307n 0 16&35 116 0 10 2:Z D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 '116 0-10MHZ D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BGI-33 GE E232-239 EX68 ST 60-BW D-369 C-069 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 60-FW D-369 C-070 L-008 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 0- M!HZ D-397 C*071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0- 16435 116 0-10MHZ D-400 C-072 L-008 CE-UT-307 0 16&33 116 0-1302 D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16435 116

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,t C00FER NUCLEAR STATION

Fase 54 of 80 Revision No. O

  ~s ASHE EXAM C0ttPONENT    DRAWING /                     EXAH             RE10RT       CAL.       LIN.                      FROCEDURE                                          REV,    FRR CNS CAL CAT. - I.D, NUMBER      1SGtETRIC  8!ZE   CONT.       TTFE.              NO.        NO.        NO.                                  NUMBER                                  NO. NO. STD NO,      C0tttENTS 3-G-1    FRA-801-34'     GE E232-239 EX48   ST          60 BW            D-370       C-069      LLC 15                    GE-UT-307                                            0   16&35      116   HULT INDIC,      !

80-FW D-370 C 070 L-000 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. [ 0 5ttl5 D-397 C 071 L*007 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 , 0+10ttIZ D-400 C-072 L*008 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 , 0-10t912 D-519 C-090 L-006 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BC1 GE E232-239 EX48 ST 60-BW D-371 C-069 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 '116 HULT INDIC. 60-W D-371 C-070 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. ' 0-5tt!E D-397 C-071 L-007 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10HE!Z D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 '; 0-106912 D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116

FRA BG1-36 GE E232-239 EX48 ST 60-BW D-372 C-069 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC, 60-W D 372 C*070 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC, 0-5HE!Z D-397 C-071 L-0.7 GE-UT-307- 0 16&35 116 0 10tt!3 D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10ttl2 D-519 C-090 L 006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BG1-37 GE E232-239 6X48 -ST- 0-5tRIZ D-397 C-071 L-007 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 0-10tti! D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10rtlZ D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307. 0 16&35 116 -

FRA-BG1-38 GE E232-239 6X46 ET tfr D-236 N/A N/A GE-HT-101- 0 91-26 N/A UT-0 D-237 C-031 L-014 HIUS-W812' 1 N/A 21 88-5' D-336 C-063 L-003 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 50-BW D- 337 C-064 L-015 GE-VT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 60-FW D 437 C-065 L*006 GE-UT-307 0 16135 116' HULT INDIC. 0- 106912 0-519 C 090 L-006 GE-UT-307- 0 16&J5 116 LFRA-BGI-39 GE E232-239 6X48 .ST tif D-236 N/A N/A GE-MI-101 0 91-26' ' N/A-UT-0 0-237 C-031 L-014 HIUB-W812 1 N/A 21 88-8 D-338 C-063 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 60-BW D-339 C-064 L-015 GPUT*307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC, 60-FW D-339 C-065 L-008 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC, 0-10ttlZ D-519 C-090 L 006 GE-UT-307. 0 16&35 . 116 FRA-BGI-40 GE E232*239 CX48 ST HT ~ D-236 N/A N/A GE-MT-101- 0- 91-26 -N/A

                                                                        ' UT-0              D-237       C-031      L-014                     MIUB-W812                                            1      N/A     21 88-3            D-340       C-063      L-003                     GE-UT-307                                            0-  16&35      116-60-BW           D-341       C-064      L-015                     CE*UT-307                                            0   16&35      116. FRILT INDIC.

60-FW D-341 C-005 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC, A-10HI12 0-519 C-000 L+006 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 .116 FRA-BG1-41' GE E232-239 SX48 ST HT D-236 N/A N/A GE-tff-101 '0 91-26 N/A , = UT-0 D-237 C-031 L-014 HIUS-WB12 1 N/A 21 86-5 D-342 C-063 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 60-BW D-343- C-064 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 60-FW D-343 C-065 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 ffJLT INDIC. 0-10tgl2 D-519 C-090 L-006- GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 , 1 FRA-BG1-42 GE E232-239 6X48 ST- 60-BW D-352 C-067 L-015 GE-UT 307- 0 16&35 116 ffJLT INDIC. 60-W D-352 C-068 L-006 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 0-5t513 D-3R3 C-071 L-007 CE-UT-307 0 . 16&35 116 102 DAC 0-10HI12 D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0' 16&35 116 1 0-10ttl2 D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 - d - a + - - - 4 - , . . -- ._,,w , . ., , ,

COOPER NUCLEAR STATION AUO1ENTED Cat 10NENT INDEX FALL 1901 FaSe 55 of 80 Revision No. O ADE EXAH CGiPOWENT DRAWING / EXNi kEIORT CAL. LIN. PROCEDURE REV, FRR CNS CAL CAT, I.D NUMPER ISOETRIC SIZE CONF. TYFE NO. NO. NO. NUMBER NO. NO. STD NO, CCit TENT 5 8-C-1 FRA DG1-43 GE E232-239 6X48 ST 60-BW D-353 C-067 L-015 GT-UT-307 0 16&35 116 tULT INDIC, to-W D-353 C-068 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 0-5fftZ D-393 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&3$ 116 103 DAC 0-10t912 D-400 C-072 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10tm3 D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA BGi-44 GE E232-239 6X48 ST 60-BW D-354 C-067 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&3$ 116 60-W D-354 C-066 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0 -SitiZ D-393 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 101 DAC 0-10ft1Z D 400 C-072 L-000 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 0-10HilZ D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BG1-45 GE E232-239 6X46 ST 60-BW D-355 C-067 L+015 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 t0LT INDIC, 60 N D-355 C-068 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 0- 2 013 D-396 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0 10tEZ D-400 C-072 L-006 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 0-10tttZ D-519 C-000 L-006 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BG1-46 GE E232-239 CX46 ST 60-BW D-376 C-069 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 tULT INDIC, 60-FW D-376 C-070 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC, 0-22Z D-398 C-071 L-007 CE-UT-307 0 1b&35 116 0-10tDIZ D-400 C-072 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10t11Z D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 1 10. FRA-BG1-47 GE E232-239 6X48 ST 60-BW D-377 C-069 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 60-FW D-377 C-070 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 tULT INDIC. 0- 5FS!Z D-358 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10ttit D-400 C-072 L-008 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10tEZ D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BGI-48 GE E232-239 6X48 ST 60-BW D-356 C-067 L-01$ ' GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. - 60-FW D-356 C-066 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 ftET INDIC. 0-MHiZ D-392 C-071 L-007 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 101 DAC 0-1cHff 3 D-400 C-072 L-008 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10ttiZ D-519 c-090 L-006 GE-UT+307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BG1-49 GE E232-239 6X48 ST 60-BW D-357 C-067 L-015 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC, 60 FW D-357 C-068 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 i: ULT INDIC, 0-5tcII D-302 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 102 DAC 0-10ttII D 400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10tt!I D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FPk BGI-50 GE E232-239 6X48 ST 60-BW D-358 C-067 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INCIC. 60-FW D-358 C-068 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 10LT INDIC. 0- 5ttIZ D-392 C-071 L-007 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 102 DAC 0-10tE!Z D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10ttit D-519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 FRA-BG1-51 GE E232-239 6X46 ST 60-BW D-378 C-069 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 lt,&35 116 HULT INDIC. 60-FW D-378 C-070 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULT INDIC. 0-5tC1% D-399 C-071 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10 Mil! D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10tt!Z D-519 C-000 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116

                   - _ _ _ _ . _ _.                     _,       .-                  - - . - _ - . ~ . __ .                          . _ . - .         ...       .  ..

i i . COOFER NUCLEAR STATIDN AUGHENTED CCHIONENT INDEX FALL 1991 Pase $6 of 80 Revision No. O ASME EXAH CCHPONENT BEAWING/ . LXAH REPORT CALI LIN, PNGCEDURE REY. FRA CNS CA', CAT. 1,D. NUMBER -. ISOETRIC SIEE CC"Y. TYPE No. NO. NO. NLMBER NO. NO. 5TD NO. CatENTS I 8-G-1 FRA-BG1-52 GE E232-239 6X48 ST 60-BW D 379 C-069 L*01$ GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 HULTIPLE INDIC. , 50-rw D-379 C-070 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16435 116 PULTIPLE INDIC. , 0*SMHE D-e99 C 071 L*007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 115 0-10HXZ D-400 C-072 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10MHZ D 519 C-090 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 13186 ft- N/A 6X48 ST HT D-417 N/A N/A GR-HT 101 0 91-26 N/A NEW/ BASELINE an-g D-323 C-060 L-003 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 INSTALLED

                                                                    ,- BW  D-326      C-061     L 015     GE-UT-307        0    16&35        116                        !

60-rW D-32/ C-062 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-$HHZ D-311 C-058 L-008 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-1DHHZ D-318 C-059 L-008 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 13186 #2 N/A- 6X68 $T HT D-418 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A NEW/ BASELINE 88-5 D-325 C-060 L-003 GE-UT-307 .0 16&35 116 INSTALLED 60-BW D-326 C-061 L-01S GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 60-rW D 327- C 062 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0 SMH3 D-312 C-055 L-008 GE UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10HHZ D-319 C-0$9 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 13186 f3 N/A EX48 ST HT D-419 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91 26 N/A NEW/ BASELINE 64-5 D 325 C-060 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 - INSTALLED 60-BW D-326 C-061 L-01$ GE-UT-307 0 ifL35 116' 60-rW D-327 C 062 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-21H3 D-313 C-058 L*003 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 0-10HHZ D-320 C-059 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 *

                 .13186 (4                  N/A    6X48  ST       HT       D-420        N/A       N/A     GE-HT-101        0    91 26        N/A    NEW/ BASELINE      ,

86 3 D 325 C-060 L-003 GE-UT+307 0 16&35 116 INSTALLCD 60-BW D-326 C-061 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 60 rW D-327 C-062 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-SMHZ D 314 C-058 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10MD1Z D-321 C-059 L-008 CE UT-307 0 16&35 116 3067'f5' N/A 6X48 ST NT ' D-428 N/A N/A GE-HT 101 0 91-26 N/A

  • VT 1 D-477 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A .*

0 2 912- D-407 C-075 L*003 GE-UT-307 0- 16&35 116

  • 0-10MHZ D-411 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 ' *
                 ~3067 f6-                  N/A    6X48  ST       HT       D-429       N/A        N/A GE HT-101            0    91-26        N/A
  • YT-1 D-477 N/A N/A IV1-W612 3 1 -N/A
  • 0-5HHZ- D 407 C-075 L-003 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 -
  • 0-10MHZ D-411 C-076 L-002 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 f7- N/A EX48 ST HT D-430 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 01-26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-477- .N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-21HZ D-407 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 .*

0-10MHZ D-411 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 -

  • 3067 f5. -N/A EX48 ST . HT . D-431 N/A N/A GE-PR-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-478 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A -*

0 $HHZ D-407 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 als

  • 0-1DMHZ D-411 C-076 L-002 GE*UT-307 0 16&35 116 *

s n [ b , ., , - .- , ,-, , - - - -= r--




  • YT-1 D-478 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5MH3 D-407 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10MHZ D-411 C-078 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 *
              -3067 fl0            N/A      EX44   ST       ~ MT   D-433     N/A   N/A GE-HT-101   0   91-26    N/A          *'

VT 1 D-478

  • N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A 0-5MH2 D 407 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10MHZ D-411 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 '116
  • 3067 fil N/A 6X48 sf MT D-434 N/A N/A GE+MT 101 0 91-76 N/A
  • VT-1 D-479 N/A N/A IV1-W812 .3 1 N/A
  • 0-5MHZ D-407 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10MH2 D-411 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 f12 N/A 6X48 ST MT D-435 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • YT-1 D-479 N/A N/A IV1-W812
  • 3 1 N/A 0-5HHZ D-407 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0- 16&35 116
  • 0-10MHZ D-411 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0- 16&35 las
  • 3067 f13 N/A 6X48 ST MT D-436 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-479
  • N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A O-5MHZ- D-407 C-075 L-003 GE UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10MH3 D-411 C-076 L-Oo2 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 W14 N/A 6X48 ST M! D-437 N/A N/A GE*Hf-101 0 91*26 N/A
  • VT*1 D-480
  • N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A 0-SMH2 D-407 C-075 L-003 GE-VT-307 0 16&35 116-
  • 0-10Mt1 D-411 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 #15' N/A 6X48 57 MT D-438 N/A N/A CE-MT-101 0' 91-26 N/A
  • VT D-488 N/A  :./A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A *-

0-5MI: D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116

  • 0 10MHZ D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT 307 0- 16&35 116 '
  • 3067 #16 N/A 6X48 ST MT D-439 N/A N/A GE-Mt-201 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT-1 0-488 .N/A N/A IV1-WS12 3 1 N/A -*

0-5Mf!Z D-401 C-073 L*003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 118

  • 0-10MHZ D-404 C-074 L-002 GI-UT-307 0. 16&35 116
  • D-440 GE-MT-101 0 91-26
  • 3067 #17 F/A EX48 ST MT N/A N/A N/A IV1-W812 3- N/A
  • VT-1 D-488 N/A N/A 1 88-S D-495 C-079 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 *-

60-BW D-406 C-080 L-014 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116

  • L-006 GT-UT-3J7 16&35 116
  • 60-FW D-496 C-081 0 0-SMHZ D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116'
  • 0-10MHZ 0-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 -116-
  • 91-26 *
               .3067 #16'          N/A      EX48   ST         MT   D-441     N/A   N/A GE-MI-101   0            N/A VT-1   0-487           N/A IV1-W812                 N/A
  • N/A 3 1 0-5MHZ D-401 C-013 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16435 116
  • 0 10MHZ D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 *


  • VT-1 D-487 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 66-5 D-493 C-079 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 60-BW D-497 C+060 L-014 CE UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 60-FW D-497 C-081 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0 SMBE D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-1DMHZ D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 f30 N/A CX45 ST NT D-443 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91 26 N/A -
  • VT-1 D-487 N/A N/A IV1-W612 3 1 N/A
  • 88-3 D-493 C 079 L-007 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116
  • 60-BW D-498 C-080 L-014 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 60-FW D-498 C-081 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&33 116
  • 0- 21H3 D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307  ; 16&35 116 e 0-1DME!Z D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 *
                  ~3067 f21          N/A      EX48  ST        HT     D-444   N/A   N/A- GE-MT 101   0  91 26       N/A
  • YT-1 D-486 N/A N/A IV1*W812 3 1 N/A
  • 88-5 D-495 C-079 L-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 60-BW D-499 C-060 L 014 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 +

60-FW D-499 C-081 L-006 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116

  • 0 SMH2 D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 .116
  • 0 10NEZ D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 #22 N/A 6X48 ST HT D-44$ N/A N/A GE-MT*101 0- 91-26 N/A
  • VT 1 D-486 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-21HZ D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116
  • 0 -101613 0-404 C-074 L-002 CE-UT-307 0 16&3$ 116
  • 3067 #23 N/A 6X48 BT NG D-446 'N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91 26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-488 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5HHZ D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10tt!3 D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0- 16&35 116
  • 3067 #24 N/A 6X46 ET HT D-447 N/A N/A- GE-HT 101. 0_ 91-26 N/A
  • VT 1 D-490 .N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A . *-

0+$MH3 0-401 C 073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116

  • 0-10MH2 D*404 C 074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 *

i-I: o l r' ; - - e e m e ~~ +w - vr - -ws


  • VT-1 D-490 N/A N/# IV1-W812 J 1 N/A 0-5MUI D 401 C-073 L 003 GE-UT-507 0 16&35 116 0-10tE!! D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 3067 #26 N/A 6X48 57 HT D 449 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A * -

VT-1 3-491 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A + 0-SMHZ D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 1E&35 115 0-1DMHZ D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-L*T-307 0 16&35 136

  • 3067 #27 N/A 6X48 ST HT D 450 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 6 -26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-400 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A 0-5MHZ D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • C-074 L*002 GE-UT-307 16&35 116
  • 0-10MDit D-404 0 3067 #15 N/A 6X48 ST MT D-451 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A * ).

VT-1 D-491 N/A N/A IV1-WS12 3 1 N/A - 0-5MHZ D-401 C-073 L*003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 16&35 116

  • 0-10MHZ D-404 0 GE-MT-101 91-26
  • 3067 #29 N/A EX46 ST MT D-452 N/4 N/A 0 N/A VT-1 0-485 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A e '*13 D-401 C-073 L-003 GO-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • b .*EZ D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 91-26 N/A
  • 3067 #30 N/A EX48 St MT D-453 N/A N/A GE-NT-101 0 VT-1 D-485 N/A N/A IVI-W612 3 1 N/A 0-5MHZ D-401 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10MHZ D-404 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • N/A GE-MT-101 91-26 N/A
  • 306r #31 N/A 6X48 ST HT D-454 N/A 0 .

VT-1 D-480 N/A N/A TVI-W812 3 1 N/A 0- SPE!! D-405 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 116

  • 0-10MHI D-412 0 16&35 3067 #32 N/A 6X48 ST MT D-455 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-480 N/A N/A IV1-WB12 3 1 N/A 0-SMHZ D-408 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0- 10ttlZ D-412 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 #33 N/A 6X48 ST MT D-456 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 h/A ORIGINALLY STUD VT-1 D-493 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A 3067 f3 0-2tHZ D-415 C-077 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-1GMHZ D-416 C-078 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 3067 #33 N/A EX48 ST HT D-512 N/A hsA GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A SliCREHAM STUD VT-1 D-513 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A BASELINE /

0-5MHZ D-514 C-086 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 1E&35 116 LOCATION: 0-10MHZ D-515 C-067 L-016 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 WARE!!OUSE 3067 #34 N/A EX68 ET MT D-457 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A

  • VT-1 D-461 N/A N/A IV1-W612 3 1 N/A 0- SNHZ D-408 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 1E&35 116
  • 0-1MEZ D-412 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 1E&35 116 *
  .             -                            =    m-            . -          _.                         . _           .       .,




  • VT-1 D-492 N/A N/A IV1*W812 3 ~1 N/A
  • 0-5HHZ D-402 C-073 L-003 GE-DT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-1DNEZ D-405 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 #36 N/A 6X4J ST MY D-459 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91 26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-491 N/A N/A IVI-WS12 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5MHZ D-402 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10NEZ D 405 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3047 #37 N/A 6X48 ST MT D 460 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A.
  • VT-1 D-494 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0 SMHZ D-402 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0 10NEZ D-405 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 .*

3067 #36 N/A CX48 ST . MT D-461 P/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A

  • VT*1- D-4SS N/A N/A IV1-Y312 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5MHZ 0-402 C-073 L-003 GE-UT-30/ 0 16&35 116
  • 0+10MUZ D-405 C-074 L-OO2 CT-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 #39 N/A EX48 ST MT D-462 N/A N/A GE-MT*101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-481 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5MHZ D-409 C-075 L+003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-1DNHZ D-413 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 *-

3067 #40 .N/A 6X48 ST MT D-453 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A

  • VT-1 D-481 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5MHZ D-409 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116'
  • 0-10MHZ D-413 C 076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0. 16&35 116
  • 3067 #41' N/A 6X48 ST MT D-464 N/A N/A GE-MI-101 0 91 26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-482 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 'l N/A
  • 0-5MHZ D-409 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116..
  • 0-luMBZ D-413 C-076 L-002 GE-UT 307 0 16&35 116 *
              "3067 #42           N/A    6X44   ST      ' MT        D-465   N/A   N/A   GE-MT-101   0   91-26      N/A           *        ,

VT-1 D-482 -N/A- N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A-

  • 0-SMHZ D-409 C-075 L-003 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116'
  • 0 10MHZ D-413 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 *
              .3067 #43           N/A    6X46   ST      ' PG        D-466   N/A. N/A   GE-MT-101   0   91-26      N/A
  • VT D-489 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0 5NHZ D-502 C-083 L 003 GE-UT*307 0 16&35 116 *l 0-10MHZ D-501 C-082 L-014
  • GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 3067 f44 .N/A CX48 ST MT D-467 N/A N/A GE-NC-101 0 91-26 N/A NOT USED MT D-516 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A NKCHINED AREA 68-5 D-495 C-079 1.-007 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 60-BW D-500 C-060 L-014 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116

'- 60-FW D-$00 C-081 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0- $MHZ D-415 C-077 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10MHZ D-416 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 60-BW D-517 C-088 L-016 GE-UT -30 7 0 16&35 116 MACHINED AREA 60-FW D-518 C-089 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 PKCHINED ARIA






REV. FRR CNS CAL CAT. I.D. NUMBER ISOMETRIC SIZE CONF. TT1'E NO. NO. NO. NUMBER NO. NO. STD NO. C0ttiENTS 8-0-1 3067 f44 N/A 6X48 ST MT D-466 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A ORIGINALLY STUD YT-1 D-493 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A 3067 f4 0-5MHZ D-503 C-084 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116

  • 0-10MEZ D-504 C-DOS L-014 GE-UT-307 0 16&33 116
  • 3067 #45 N/A EX48 ST MT D-469 N/A N/A GE*MT-101 0 91-26 N/A * --

VT-1 D-492 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A 0- LPEZ D-403 C-073 L-003 GE-Uf-307 0 16&35 116

  • 0 1DNHZ D-406 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 f46 N/A 6X48 ST MT D-470 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-492 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0- 5HHZ D-403 C-073 L-005 GE-UT*307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10MHZ D-406 C-074 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 f47 N/A EX48 UT MT D-471 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-452 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5MHZ D-410 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10MHZ D-414 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 f48 N/A 6X48 ST MT D-472kN/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-483lN/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5MHZ D-410 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 0-10MHZ D-414 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 1&&35 116
  • 3067 #49 N/A 6X48 ST MT D-473 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-463 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5MHZ D-410 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • S-10MHZ D-414 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 f50 N/A EX48 ST MT D-474 N/A N/A GE-MT+101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-483 N/A N/A ~V1-W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0-LMHZ D-410 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16435 116
  • 0-10MHZ D-414 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 #51 N/A 6X48 ST MT D-475 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT' 1 D-484 N/A N/A IV1-W612 3 1 N/A
  • 0-5MHZ D-410 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 lid
  • 0-10MHZ D-414 C-0,6 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116
  • 3067 f52 N/A 6X48 ST MT D-476 N/A N/A GE-FU-101 0 91-26 N/A
  • VT-1 D-484 N/A N/A IV1*W812 3 1 N/A
  • 0- 5MllZ D-410 C-075 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16435 116
  • 0-10MHZ C-414 C-076 L-002 GE-UT-307 0 16E35 116
  • 3067 #1 N/A 6X48 SI MT D-510 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A SHOFEEAM STUD VT-1 D-513 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A BASELINE /

0-5MHZ D-514 C-086 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 LOCATION: 0-10MHZ D-515 C-087 L-016 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 WARIUOUSE 3067 f2 N/A 6X46 ST MT D-511 N/A N/A GE-MT-101 0 91-26 N/A SHORERAM STUD VT-1 D-513 N/A HlA IV1-W812 3 1 N/A BASELINE / 0-5MHZ D-514 C-086 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 LOCATION: 0-IDNEZ D-515 C-CB7 L-016 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 WAREHOUSE 13166 #5 N/A 6X48 ST MT D-421 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A NEW STUD / BASELINE LOCATION: WAREHOUSE

                            ,              .                 , .             -     - ,-         _ _ -                    , . . . -        ~.
                                                                                                                                             'l l



REV. FRR CNS CAL CAT. I.D. NatBER ISCHETRIC SIZE CONT. TYPE NO. 80. 50. NUMBER NO. NO. STD NO. CCit1ENTS B-G 1 250-01-1 N/A 6X48 ST HT. D-422 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A NEW STUD / 86-S D-325 C-060 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 BASELINE 80-BW D-326 C-061 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 LOCATION: 60-FW D-327 C-062 L-000 GE-UT-307 0- 16&35 116 WAREHOUSE 0-5HHZ D-315 C-058 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-10MHZ D-322 C-059 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 250-01-2 N/A 6X48 ST HT D-423 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A NEW STUD / 88-5 D-325 C-060 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 BASELINE 60-BW D-326 C-061 L-015 GE-UT-30' O 16&35 116 LOCATION: 60-Di D-327 C-062 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 WAREHOUSE 0-5HBZ D-316 C-058 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116

  • 0 10MHZ D-323 C-059 L-006 CE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 A

250-01-5 N/A 6X48 ST HT D-424 N/A N/A- GE-HT-101 0 91 26 N/A NEW STUD / 68-5 D 325 C-060 L-003 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 RASELINE 60-BW D-326 C-061 L-015 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 LOCATION: 60-FW D-327 C-062 L-008 GE-UT-307 0 16435 116 WAREHOUSE 0-5HH2 D-317 C-058 L-006 CE-UT-307 0 16435 116 0-10MHZ D-324 C-059 L-006 GE-UT-307 0 16&35 116 0-3134-1-1*S N/A 6K48 ST HT D-425 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A HATCH STUD RASELINE 0-3134-1-2-3 .N/A 6X48 ST - HT D-426 N/A N/A GE-HT-101 0 91-26 N/A HATCH STUD J -. BASELINE . B-VO3-3-3l N/A EX48 ST HT D-427 N/A .N/A -HT-101 0 91-26 N/A HATCH STUD

!                                                                                                                        BASELINE 325*02 3067-1      N/A     N/A   NUT        YT- 1     0-509    N/A   N/A    IV1*W812      3     1    -N/A-         WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-2'     N/A -   N/A   NUT        VT     D-500    N/A   N/A    IV1-W812      3     1      N/A       -WAREHOUSE
           .325-02 3067-3:     N/A     N/A   NUT.      .VT-1      0-509    N/A   N/A    TV1-W812      3     1. N/A         WAREHOUSE 1

325-02 3067-4 N/A N/A NUT ~- YF-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A- WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-5 N/A1 N/A NUT VT D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE = 325-02 3067 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-500 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-7 ~ N/A h/A NUT - VT-1 D-509- N/A N/A IV1-W612 3 .1 . N/A WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-6 : N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE-

           .325-02 3067-9      N/A     N/A   NUT-       VT-1      D-509    N/A   N/A    IV1-WS12      3     1:     N/A.        WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-10     N/A-    N/A   NUT l      VT-1      D-509    N/A   N/A    IVI-W812      3'    1      N/A         WAREHOUSE.

325-02 3067-11 N/A N/A NUT - VT-1 D409 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WA2EHOUSE

325-02 3057 12 N/A .N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 li N/A WAREHOUSE l 325-02 3067-13 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 0-503 N/A 5/A IV1-W812 3 1 . N/A WAREHOUSE

', 325-02 3057-14 N/A. M/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A h/A IV1-W312 5 1 .N/A WAREHOUSE 5 { . I-

 , , ,    ,                     ,,  .        . . ~


                 -325-02 3067-17        N/A        N/A  NUT      VT-1     D-509    N/A   N/A   IV1-W812    3    1    N/A     - WG.EHOUSE 325-C2 3067-18        5/A        N/A  NUT      VT-1     D-509    N/A   N/A   IV1-W512    3    1    N/A-      WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067 ;9        N/A        N/A  NUT      VT-1     D-509    N/A   N/A   IV1-W812    3    1    N/A       WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-20        N/A        N/A  FJT -    VT-1     D-509    N/A   N/A   IV1-W812    3    1    N/A=      WARELOUSE 325-02 3067-21        N/A        N/A  NUT      VT-1     D-509    N/A   N/A   IV1-W612    3    1    N/A.      WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-22        N/A'       N/A  NUT. VT-1     D-509    N/A   N/A   IV1-W812    3    1    N/A       WAREBOUSE 325-02 3067-23        N/A.       N/A  NUT      VT-1     D-509    N/A   N/A   IV1-W812    3    1    N/A       WAREHOUSE 325-04 3067-24        N/A        N/A  NUT      VT-1     D-509    N/A   N/A   IV1-W812    3    1    N/A       WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-25      -N/A         N/A  NUT      VT-1     D-509    N/A   N/A   IV1-W812    3    1    N/A       WAREHOUSE-325-02 3067-21        N/A        N/A  NUT      VT-1     0-500    N/A   N/A   IV1-W812    3    1    N/A       WAREHOUSE
       '                                                               ~

325-02 3067-27 N/A N/A' NUT VT-1 D 509 N/A N/A IV1-W812' 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-28 .N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A - IV1-W612 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-02 1067-29 N/A; N/A NUT VT D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WARIHOUSE 325-O'. 3067-30 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 ~ 0-509 N/A N/A. IV1-W812 3 1 N/A- WAREROUSE 325-02 3067-31 N/A- N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-32 N/A N/A NUT. VT D-509 N/A .N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-02'3067+33 - N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A' -WAREHOUSE 325+02 3067-34 N/A- N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IVl*W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE  ! 325-02 30E7-35 N/A N/A NUT VT-1. D-509 N/A N// IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-36 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE g 325-02 3067-37 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W612 3 1 N/A WAREHOPSE 325-02 3067-38 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE-325 02 3067-39 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3' 1 ~ N/A WAREHOUSE 323-02 3067-40 N/A N/A NUT VT*1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-WB12 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-41 - N/A N/A NUT' VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE-325-02 3067-42 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A WARIllOUSE 325-02 3067-43 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE Y

COOFER NUCLEAR STATION AUQENTED COfotfENT INDEX FALL 1991 Fage 64 of 83 Revision No O ASME EXAM COMPONENT DRAWING / EXAM REFORT CAL. LIN. FROCEDURE KEV. FER CNS CA1. CAT. I .D. N'jMI:tR ISOMETRIC SIEE CONF. TYPE NO. No. NO. NUMBER NO. No. STD No. CCH ENTS B-G-1 325-02 3067-44 N/A N/A NUT YT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 3*5-02 3067-45 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W612 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-46 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IY1-WB12 3 1 N/A WARIHOUSE 325-02 3067-47 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-48 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-49 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-50 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-02 3067-51 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WARIHOUSE 325-02 3067-52 N/A N/A NUT VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-1 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-2 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-WB12 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE c 325-03 3067-3 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W312 3 1 N/A WAREROUSE 323 03 3067-4 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-5 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-WS12 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-6 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-7 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1 W812 3 1 N/A WARIHOUSE - 325-03 3067-8 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE

  • 325-03 3067-9 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-10 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 M/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-11 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W512 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325 03 3057-12 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W312 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-13 N/A N/A WA VT-1 0-509 N/A N/A IVI-WB12 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-14 N/A N/A WA VT-1 0-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WARTUQUSE 325-03 3067-13 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WARIllOUSE 325-03 3067-16 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-WS12 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-17 N/A N/A WA VT-1 0-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-18 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-500 N/A N/A IV1-WS12 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-19 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A TV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3C67-20 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE
           .                                                                                                        . .               . .    . - - . _ -_a

C00FER NUC1. EAR STATION AUGMENTED CCitPONENT INDEX FALL 1991 Fase 65 of 80 Revision No. O ASME EXAM COMPONINT DRAWING / EXAH REIORT CAL. LIN. FROCEDURE REV. FRR CNS CAL CAT. I.D. nut 1BER ISCt!ETRIC SIEE CONF. TYPE NO. NO. No. N'k!EER NO. NO. STD No. CCit!ENTS B-G-1 325-03 3067-21 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-22 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE L_ 325-03 3067-23 N/A N/A WA YT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3087 24 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-25 N/A N/A WA VT-1 0-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WARE!!OUSE 325-03 3067-26 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-WS12 3 1 N/A WAREllOUSE ] L 325-03 3067-27 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-28 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-29 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W512 3 1 N/A WARE 110USE 325-03 3067-30 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WARKIDUEE 325-03 3067-31 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREIOUSE 325-03 3067-32 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-33 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREIIOUSE 325-03 3067-34 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A 1V1-W812 3 i N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-35 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IVI-WS12 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3057-36 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-WS12 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 7 325-03 3067-37 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-36 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-39 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WARIl!OUSE 325-03 3067-40 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV3-WB12 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-41 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-42 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IVI-W812 3 1 N/A WARIBOUSE 325-03 3067-43 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IY1-W312 3 1 "*A WARE 110USE 325-03 3067-44 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IVI-W612 3 1 nia WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-45 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WARE!10U3E 325-03 3057-46 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-47 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 125-03 3067-48 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-500 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-49 N/A N/A WA VT-1 0-509 N/A N/A IV1-WB12 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE I

      ,. .                                           _            .-~,. .~ ._                .m.      -m....m-       ....m                     _,__    _

S. s COOPER FJCLt.AR STATION , AUG-TENTED CatPONENT INDEX ,- FALL 1991. Page 66 of 80 Revision No. O ASHE EXAH CaiFONENT DRAWING / EXAH REPORT CAL. LIN. FROCEDURI REV, FRA CNS CAL CAT, I.D. FJHBER ISOMETRIC SIZE CONF, TYFE NO. NO, NO. NUMBER NO, No, STD NO. CGttENTS B-0-1 325-03 3067-30 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-509 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUSE 325-03 3067-51 N/A N/A WA YT-1 D-500 N/A N/A IV1-W812 3 1 N/A WAREHOUEE 323-03 3067 52 N/A N/A WA VT-1 D-500 N/A N/A IV1-W612 3 1- N/A WAREROUSE , b d' M a - r 4 n-wn



B .7 PWA-BJ 111 2$09-1 12' SE-N HT D-103 N/A N/A GE-HT-100 0 01-25 N/A UT 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1986 UT-43 D-112 C-005 L-003 CE-UT-106 1 91-08 6 IVB-BJ-111 f309-1 12- SE-N HT D-104 N/A N/A GE-HT-100 0 91-25 N/A UT N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1988

                                                   .UT*45  D-116   C-005 L-003    GE-UT-106  1     91-05    6 DC-BJ-111      2309-2    12"   5E-N     HT    D 10$      N/A    N/A  GE-HT-100  0     91-25   N/A UT 45  D-114   C-003 L-003    GE-UT-106  1     91-08    6 IVD-BJ-111    -2$09-2    12"   EE N     HT    D-106      N/A    N/A  GE-HT-100  0     91-25   N/A UT 45  D-115   C-005 L-003    GE-UT-106  1     91-08    6 e

a h a i~ k j-I i s 5 4 , - -- - -

                                                                                                          . . . . - _ , ~ , . . . . .          . . _

J COOPER NUCLEAR STATION AUG1ENTED COMPONENT INDEX FALL 1991 Page 68 of so Revision No. O ASME EXAH C31PONENT DRAWING / EXAM REPORT CAL. LIN. FROCEDURE REV. FRR CNS CAL CAT,. ..I.D. NUMBER 1531T.31C SIEE CONF. TYRE NO. NO. NO. NUMBER NO. NO. STD NO. CottiENTS C-F CWA-CF-48 2605-4 6" P-E ~ PT D-263 W/A N/A GE-PT-100 0 91-27 N/A UT-0 N/A N/A N/A -N/A N/A N/A N/A 1990' , UT-45 D-264 C-042 L-003 GE-UT-106 1 91-08 48 6 v' 1 F 1 5 I l l .' 2

              ,-,      ,      ...e              ~       w                     w   v.            ,.      ~                                 -,            -e



! At.V. TRR CNS CAL CAT.                             I.D. NLtBER                                                                     IM METRIC SIC CONF. TYPE    NO. NO. NO. N W.Lk lNO.                          NO.              STD NO,    CattENTS E-0                             DRYWELL EEAD                                                                        N/A    N/A WASH   VT-1   D-310      ,   N/A  IVI W912    3                                  #1         N/A     144 TOTAL STUD WASHERS e

M b

                           -.              .      .                                 -      ..                   -          - - .~,

e i s COOPER NUC1. EAR STATION , AtX11ENTED CQ1FONENT INDEX FALL 1991 _ Pese 70 of 80 ' Revision No. O ASME EXAH COMPOKINT DRAWING / EXAH REPORT CAL, LIN. I'ROCEDURE REY. FRR CNS CAL CAT. I.D. NUMBER ISOiETRIC SIEE CONF. TYPE NO. NO. 90 N'.HSER NO. No. STD No. catEJrts X-A RCC-B-201 2848-21 N/A N/A VT-3 0-108 N/A N/A GE-VT-len 0 91-29 N/A ROC-8-47 2848-9 N/A N/A VT-3 D-002 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A RCO-R-51 2848-9 N/A N/A YT-3 D-002 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A D-067 91-29 E RCC-S 2848-14 N/A N/A VT-3 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 N/A SW-H-117 2s52-14 N/A N/A VT-3 D-172 N/A N/A GE-V.-100 0 91-29 W/A

             . SW-B-150.         - 2852 10    N/A   -N/A     VT-3   D-052    N/A       N/A    GE-VT-100     0   91-29      N/A SW-0-152            2852-10   'N/A    N/A      VT*3  D-003    N/A       N/A    GE-VT-100    -0   91-29      N/A 4

SW-B 178 2851-1 N/A N/A VT-3 D-125 N/A N/A GE-Vf*100 0 91-29 .H/A SW-B-234' 2852-50 N/A N/A VT-3 D-126 N/A N/A GE VT-100 0 91 29 N/A SW-H-23E_ 2852-3 N/A N/A VT-3 D-018 -N/A N/A GE-VT-100- .0 91-21 N/A-SW-H-45 2851-8 N/A N/A VT 3 D-172 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91 29 N/A SW-U-57' 2851 N/A -N/A VI-3 D-052 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0- 91-29 N/A SW-B-62 2851 2 N/A N/A VT-3 D-003 N/A N/A GP-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A SW-B ~2852-15 N/A N/A VT-3 D-172 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 . N/A SW-3-116 B&R- 2852 N/A N/A VT-3 D-062 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A SW-S-50 2852-9 N/A N/A VT-3 D-195 N/A' -N/A' UE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A SW-28'- 2852-4 N/A N/A VT-3 D-034 N/A N/A GE-VB-100 0 91-29 N/A

             -- SW             2852-4     N/A    N/A      VT-3  D-054-   N/A       N/A    GE-VT-100-    91-29      N/A SW-30               2852-3     N/A    N/A:     V! 3  D-t54    N/A       N/A    GE-VT .100.. 0-  91-29      N/AE-SW              2852-4     N/A    N/A      VT-3  D-054    N/A       N/A    GE-VT-100     0   91-29    'N/A 91 29 SW-H-225       .j   2852-52    N/A    N/A      VT-3  D-065    N/A       N/A    GE-VT*100     0              N/A SW-H-4              2852 1     N/A    N/A      VT*3  D-032    N/A       N/A    GE-VT-100     0   91-29      N/A EW- B - t -         1852-1     N/A    N/A      VT-3  D-065    N/A       N/A    GE-VT*100     0   91 29      N/A
             - SW-S-57           ;2852-4      N/A    N/A     VT-3   0-055    N/A       N/A    GE-VT-100     0   91-29      N/A -
               , .~ .-                                      ~_               .,                         -~ _       m...       .            - -   - , ,_

1 4

        ). E                                                                                                                                                l COOPER WCLEAR STATION AUCHENTED CCHPONENT INDEX FALL 1991 '

Pa8e 71 of 80 Revision No, O ASME EXAM COMPONENT DRAW 1HG/ EXAM REPORT CAL, L15. FROCEDURE REY. TRR CNS CAL CAT. 1,D, NUMBER - ISOMETRIC 51ZE CONF, TYPE NO. NO. NO, NUMBER No. NO, STD NO. CCPt1ENTS X-B RCC-B-140 2848 8 N/A N/A VT-3 D-230 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A i LCC-8-69 2848-9__ N/A N/A VT-3 D-007 h/A N/A GE-VT 100 0 91-29 N/A-


RCC-5-71 2848-9' N/A N/A VT-3 D-007 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91*29 N/A. RCC-8 2848 N/A N/A VT-3 D-127 N/A N/A GE+VT-100 0 91-29 N/A , RCC-8-8 - 2848 16 N/A .N/A VT-3 0-007 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A , RCC-5-86A 2848 N/A N/A VT-3 D-014 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A RCC-8-97' 2846 51 N/A N/A. VT-3 D-067 N/A' N/A GE-VT-100 -0 91-29 N/A SW-H-234A 2852 N/A F/A VT-3 D-128 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A SW-5-14 2851-6 N/A F/A- VT-3 D-011 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A SW-5-23 B&R . 2852-10 N/A N/A VT-3 D-011 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A SW-5-26 B&R' '2852 10 - N/A N/A VT-3' D-001' N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A

                         - SW-8-4 8 :~     2852-9     N/A      N/A    VT-3      D-139        N/A   N/A       GE-VT-100     D    91-29    N/A                ,

SW-S-78 2852 14 N/A N/A VT-3 D-172 N/A N/A GE-VT-100' O 91*29 'N/A RCC-N-144 2846-8 N/A N/A VT-3 D-063 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A-RCC d*165 2848 N/A N/A VT-3 D+063 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0- 91 29 W/A - RCC-H-175' 2848-11 N/A N/A VT-3 D-082 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A - RCC-B-176 2848-12. N/A N/A- VT-3 0-082 N/A N/A GE-VT-lei 0 91-29 . N/A ~ RCC-R-177 2848-12-- N/A N/a VT*3 D*182 N/A 'N/A GE-VT-100 91-29 N/A i RCC-H-176 2848-12 N/A N/A- VI-3 D-082 N/A N/A CE* Vi= 1m? O 91 29 N/A

                         - RCC-H-179-     _2848 12    N/A      N/A     VT-3     D-082         N/A  N/A       GE*VT-100     0    91-29    %/A
                         - RCC-H-180.      2L.. 12   N/A      N/A    VT-3      0-082        N/A   N/A       GE-VT-100     0    91-29    N/A' RCC-5-26        2848-6'    N/A      N/A'    VT-3     D-053         N/A  N/A       GE-VT-100     0    91-29    N/A RCC-5-27        2846-6     N/A      N/A     VT-3     D-05          N/A  N/A       GE-VT-100     0    ^1 9 29     N/A RCC-3-28        2848-6     N/A      N/A     VT-3. D-053         N/A  N/A       GE-VT-100     0    91-29    N/A RCC-S-29      '2848-6 . N/A      N/A     VT-3     D-053         N/A  N/A       GE-VT-100   _0 ~   91-29    N/A
                         . RCC-3-30      ' 2848-12. N/A      N/A-    VT-3     D-053        N/A   N/A       GE-VT-100     0    91-29    N/A RCC-5-31        2848-12    N/A      N/A     VT-3     D-053         N/A  N/A       GE-VT-100     0    91-29    N/A
                  <,4           - - -
                    ~                   .                                                .    -.            ..    . . . -    - -              .~ ,


                          -                                  AUCt2NTED COMIONENT INDEX TALL 1991                                                                     ;

Pese 72 of 80' Revision No. 0 ASME EXAM CGQVNENT DRAWING / EXAM REPORT CAL. LIN. FROCEDURZ KEV. TRA CNS CAL CAT. I.P. N'JMBLR 150tETRIC SIEE CONT. TYPE NO. NO. NO. NUMBEP NO. NO. STD NO. CattENTS X-B RCC-5-32 2848-12 N/A N/A VT-3 D-082 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91 . i N/A RCC-5-33.. 2848-12 N/A N/A VT-3 D-033 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A

                      - RCC-5-34       2848-12    N/A    N/A    YT-3       D-053    N/A  N/A     GE-VT-100      0      91-29       N/A RCC-8-35A      2848-12   N/A     N/A    VT-3       D-053    N/A  N/A     GE-VT-100      0      91-29       N/A-

_- RCC-5-89 B&A- 2848-8 N/A N/A VT-3 D-082 1/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A - - r SW-B-224 -2832-52 N/A N/A VT-3 D-065 'A N/A GE-YT 100 0 91-29 N/A~

                        "'4-5-3 5      2852-4     N/A    N/A    VT-3       D-055    N/A  N/A     CE-VT-100      0      91-29       N/A e

$<1 4 ' w

                                          -+ -- +or-  --            ,w  --            e            ,

t i COOPER NUCLEAR STATION AUQiENTED COiPCNENT INDEX TALL 1991' Page- 73 of 80 Revision No, 0 ASME EXAM C0tiPONENT DRAWING / EXAM REIM T CAL. LIN. PROCEDURE REY. FRE CNS CAL CAT. I.D. !PJMBER ISCHETRIC 51EE CONF. TYFE NO. NO. NO. NUMBER MO. NO. STD No. CQttENTS X-C ,5W-E-96 2452-19 N/A N/A VT-3 D-052 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A SW-B-97 2852-19 N/A N/A VT-3 D-052 N/A N/A GE-VT 100 0 91*29 N/A RCC-H-111 2848-6 N/A N/A VT-3 D-063 N/A N/A -GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A RCC-B-112 ~ '2848-6 N/A N/A VT*3 D-063 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A RCC-B 113 2848-6 N/A N/A VT-3 D-063 N/A N/A GE-iff-100 0 91-29 N/A CC-H-114 2848-6 N/A N/A VT-3 0-063 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 .N/A P

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7 .,






REY. FRA CNS CAL CAT. i.D. NUMBER- ISO 1ETRIC '!!EE CONT. TYPE NO. NO. NO. NUHSER NO. NO. STD NO. Cate1NTS XD RCC-B-181 2848-7 A N/A VT-3 D-012 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A RCC-8-24A _ 2848-7 N/A N/A VT-3 0-061' N/A N/A GE-VT-100- 0 91-29 N/A 2SW-R-145 . 2852-9 N/A N/A - VT-3 D-064 N/A N/A GE-YF-100 0 91-29 5/A -

                                  - SWB-230         .28?2-3      N/A    N/A         V*-3       D-018   N/A  N/A  GE-VT-100        0      91-29   N/A q )_          _
                                 'SW R-24            '2852-1     N/A    N/A         VT-3       0-052   N/A  N/A  GE-VT-100        0      91-29   N/A
SW-8 36 ' -_-2852-4 N/A. N/A VT-3 D-053 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0- 91-29 N/A

? 4 s 3 9 P a .- -6w,- -- - 9

                 ,          .                          - ~ _              - ~ .-         ,                    .-. .- , . - -                .~




                     . RCC-8 24.       2848-2    N/A  N/A       VT-3    D-193      'N/A        N/A  GE-VT-100      0       91-29     N/A.

VT D-194 N/A N/A IV4-W812 2 91-31 t!/A 91-34 D - SW-8-38 28$1-3 N/A N/A VT- D-076 N/A N/A GE-VT-100 0 91-29 N/A VT D-077 N/A N/A IV4-W812 2 91-31 N/A 91-34

                      .SW-H-60         2831-2    N/A  N/A       YT-3    D-196       N/A        N/A  GE-VT-100      0       91-29     N/A VT-4    E 197       N/A        N/A  IV4-W812       2       91-31     N/A 91-34 RCC-H-110     2848-6    N/A  Nsa       VT-3    D-072       N/A        N/A  GE-VT-100      0       91 29     N/A VT-4    D-073       N/A        N/A  IV4-W812       2       91-31   .N/A 91-34 RCC-H-143A    2848-8. N/A  N/A       VT-3    D-063       N/A        N/A  GE-VT-100      0       91-29     N/A VT 4    D-168       N/A        N/A  IV4-W812      2        91-31   ' N/A 91-34 RCC-D-145    '2848-8    N/A  N/A       VT-3    D-082'      N/A        N/A  GE-VT 100      0.      91-29     N/A VT-4    D-083       N/A        N/A  IV4-W812       2       91*31     N/A St-34 RCC-H-164     2848-1'. N/A  N/A       VT-3    D-130       N/A        N/A  GE-VT-100      0       91-29     N/A VT-4    D-181       N/A        N/A  IV4-WS12      2        91-31     N/A 91-34 b

i I l I ~

               +                                                                 7y      , , -                             p-                         p"

t 9 C00rER NUCLEAR STATION p AUMNTED CGiPOWENT IRDEX ,g FALL 1991 Pese 76 of 80 Revielen No. O A4tB EXAH JVNENT 14AWIN0/ kLPORT CAL. L15. FROCEDURE RIV, r*H CN8 CAL CAT. 1.6 M2ER IB M TRIC S!!E CONr. TYtt MO. NO, No. NUHtt.R NO. 8, STD N?. Cf3t1ENTS kWCU-18 260$ 3 4' tE UT 0 D 220 C 021 L 007 CE-UT 102 2 01 0$ 10 UT 4$ D 122 C 027 L 004 GE UT 102 2 91 0$ 10 j RWCU 14 2605 3 4" tr UT 0 0 221 C 021 L-007 OE UT-102 P M 05 10  ! UT-4) D*223 C 027 L*002 GE VT*102 2 91 05 to l l RuCU-26 2605 4 _ 4* PE UT 0 D 16e C 012 L*003 GE UT-102 2 01 0$ 10 l UT 43 D 168 C 013 L-001 GE UT*102 2 91 0$ 10

                                                                                                                                                                                                         -                                                    i l'WCU 27           260$ 1          C      EP        UT*0                         D 16S       C-012 L-003 GP UT 102                   2        91-0$      10
                                                                                                                           'UT-4$                        D 167       C 013 L 001 CE UT 102                   2        91 05      10 RWCU 46            260$ 1         '4-      P-E      UT 0                         D 116       C 006 L 003 CE-VT 102                   2        91-0$      k0                            .

UT*45 D*119 C 007 L*001 CE*UT 107 8 91-0$ 10 , McU 47 2605*1 4* E-V UT 0 -- D 117 C-000 L 003 CE-UT-102 2 1 03 10 UT 41 D 120 C-007 L-001 CE-UT-102 2 01-0$ 10 , RWCV-49 2$191 - 4" PP VP0 D-218 C-02$ L-003 CE-UT+102 2 91 0$ 10 UT-4$ D 219 C 026 L-001 GE UT 102 2 91-03 10 - EES 1 36 ONLY N/A N/A BOLT UT-0 D-102 C 004 L*012 CE UT $01 0 91 22 TArtES- 2 27 3$- 24 INSTECTED 001 REJECT 51L289 i N/A N/A TJ BOX VT D-211 N/A N/A VT-06 0 N/A N/A  !

                                                                      'SIL409.11           = W/A -         N/A   IHtt:M      V'.                         D 211        N/A   N/A     VT 06                    0         N/A       ft/A SIL420              N/A            N/A   GN$-L1      VT                          D 21*        N/A   N/A     VT 06                    0          N/A      N/A                          !

81L462 NdA N/A SILtACC YT D*211 N/A N/A VT 06 0 N/A N/A I 81L465 N/A N/A NotHJ" VT D111 N/A N/A ' YT-06 0 N/A N/A , t Y $1L47e N//. M/A - DRNO.m VT D*211 N/A N/A 'fT 08 0 N/A -N/A i.

           ;                                                            NB-N4A           27 232-243        12'    N/A       UT-0                         D 301       C-051 L-004 GE-UT-310                   0        91 19    22.27
                                                                                                                       -                                                                                                                                      i
                                                                      ~NS-N68-27 232 243        12'    N/A       UT                           D 301       C-051 La004 CE VT 310                   0        91 19    22,27                          '


       ~"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     '
                                                                       'NB N4C _         27 232 243        12"    N/ A . 0T 0                         D*301       C-051 L-004 GE*UT 310_                  0        91 19    22.27 p                                                                  _
   .:                                                                   NS-NAD           27 232 *43        12"    N/A '     UT4 -                        D401        C 051 L 004 CE-VT-Bit                   0        $1 19    22,27                          I

/~ 'CSA-PirE N/A 10" N/A VT D-211 N/A N/A VT-06 0 N/A N/A

                                                                     - C8A STARGER          N/A             2-    N/A.       VT                          D-211        N/A   N/A   - VT*06                    0-        N/A     'N/A
                                                                  - .u -                                                                                                                                                                                      ;

C38-PIIT N/A . 10" N/A VT D*211 N/A -N/A VT*06 0 N/A N/A'  ;; 7- _ CSS *STARCER N/A 2". M/A %T D-211 N/A N/A :VT 06 0 N/A N/A_  ; I l

                       ;J           .s                                       . _ _ _             --~.u,,---.;,-.,e---.~.-....,_,_4,;                                               , . _ . . ~ , _ - - ,-,, - . .,._,.,                      a -,. -


 -C-H          2    1-SIL- 101A-1. 5   1.5  91-645     System functional tese in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498.

C-H 2 1-SLC-1018-1.5- 1.5 91-645 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-SLC-106-1.0' 1.0 91-645 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-Ri!R-112A-2 2 91-646 ' System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RHR-100C-20 20 91-646 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498-C-H 2 1-RHR-105C-20 20 91-646 - System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RHR-105A-20 20 91-646 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RRR-100A-20 20 91-464 System functional test in lieu of hyd o per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-CM-109-16 16 91-646' System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-SLC-107-1.5 1.5 91-645 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RHR-112C-2 2 91-646 fystem functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RHR-119-4 4 v1-646 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N493. C-H 2 1-RHR-105-20 20 91-646i l System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-CM-112-4 4 91-646 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RHR-1128-2 2 91-646 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RHR-105B-20 20 91-646 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. , C-H 2 1-RHR-105D-20 20 91-646 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RHR-100B-20 20 91-646 '.0.S.1 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case 5498. C-H 2 1-CM-107-16 16 91-646 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RHR-100D-20 20 91-646, System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-REC-102 8 91-403 7. 0. 8.1. System functional test in lieu of hydro per '* ode Case N498 C-H 2. 1-REC-101-8 8 91-402 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Oode Case N498. i l C-H 2 1-CS-103A-1 1 91-237 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. i l C-H 2 1-CS-100A-16 16 91-237 System functional test in lieu of hy(ro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-CS-102A-3 3 91-237 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-CS-108A-14 14 91-237 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. j


' t i C-H 2 '1-CS-100A-14 14 91-237 7.0.S.1 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. , I r
                  .C-H              2    1-CS-103B-1            1         91-238            System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498.                                               ,

i - C-H 2 1-CS-100B-14 . 14 9" 238 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Ccde Case N498. l { fC-H 2 1-CS-102B-3' '3 91-238 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-CS-105B-3/4 3/4 91-238 System functional test in lieu of hydro par Code Case N498. - -C-H 2 1-CM-108B-14 14 91-238 System functional test ' in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. ! t

C-H- 2 1-CS-100B-16 16 91-238 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code case !M98.  ;

C-H 2 1-RHR-113-4 4 91-647 System functional test in lier of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-CS-106A-3/4 3/4 91-245 7 . 0 . '8 .1 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. L ! C-H 2 1-CS-105A-3/4 3/4 91-245 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code case N498. + l' i j' C-H 1 2 1-CS-101A 2 91-245 System functional test 1-- lieu of hydro Mr Code Case N498.  ! C-H 2 1-CS-107A-3 ' }_ 91-245 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code- Case N498. f f i C-H 2 1-CS-101A-12 12 91-245 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. 1 . l C-H 2 1-CS-116A-10 10 91-245 System sanctional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. I i C-H 2 1-CS-109A-2 2 91-245 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. I C-H 2 1-CS-1105-10 10 91-243 System functional test in *.ieu of hydrc per Code Case N498.  ;

. C-H 2 1-CS-107B-3 3 91-243 ' System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. f C-H 2 1-CS-101B-2 2 91-243 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. f C-H 2 1-CS-101B-12 12 91-243 7.0 8.1 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. f

4 C-H 2 1-CS-106B-3/4 3/4 91-243 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. j l C-H 2 1-CS-109B-2 2 91-24's System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. f 91-243 C-H 2 1-CS-105B-3/4. 3/4 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 91-656 I l' 2 1-RWCU-103-A3 3 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. l 91-648 - l t

                  -C-H              2  1-RWCU-109-A3            3        91-656            System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498.                                              !

[ ! 01-656 C-H 2 1-RUCU-103-A4 4 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. l 91-668


   , CAT.

4 91-656 System functional tes- in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RWCU-104-A4 01-656 .1 hstem Nndonal test in Heu of b.Wo per Me Case M. C-H 2 1-RWCU-108-A4 4 91-643 C-H 2 I 1 - RWCU - 109 - A'. 4 91-648 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. CH 2 1-RWCU-112-A3 3 91-648 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RWCU-114-Al 1 91-656 System functionc1 test in lieu of hydro per Code Case U498. 1-RWCU-111-A\ 1/2 91-648 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case 5498. C-H 2 91-648 System functional test in lieu o' +o per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RUCU-110-A1.5 1.5 C-H 2 1-RWCU-110-Al 1 91-656 System functional test in lieu c , g-{ per Code Case N498. System functional test in lieu of ..o per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RWCU-163-A1.5 1.5 91-648 1 91-656 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498.  ! C-H 2 1-5A-lllAl , C-H 2 1-CM-124-1 1 91-656 System functional teat in lieu cf hydro per Code Case N498. 3 91-648 System functional test in lieu of nidro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RWCU-113-A3 3 91-656 System fe.ctional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H  ? 1-RWCU-103-B3 3 91-656 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Tode Case N498. C-H 2 1-RWCU-104-B3 C-H 2 1-RWCU-106 4 4 91-656 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N4?S. 1.WCU-107-4 4 91-656 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 R C-H 2 1-RWCU-104-B4 4 91-656 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. 4 91-656 System functional test in lieu of hydro pec Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RWCU-103-B4 C-H 2 1-RWCU-114-B1 1 91-656 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RWCU-108-B4 4 91-656 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RWCU-112-B3 3 91 M 6 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Ca se N498. f C-H 2 1-RWCU-113-B3 3 91 a6 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RWCU-111-B\ 1/2 91-656 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Cas- N498. C-H 2 1-RUCU-110-B2 2 91-656 System functi,nal test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RWCU-163-Bl.5 1.5 91-656 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case 5498.

                                                                                       -                                                      l o

' M

Page 79 of 80 ASME ASME EXAM COMPONENT- SIZE ISLT PROCEDURE g CAT. CIASS 'ID INCHES NO. NO. C-H 2 1-RWCU-163-1.5 1.5 7 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-SA-111-B1 1 91-656 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-CM-123-1 1 91-656 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 1-RWCU-113-A1.5 1.5 91-656 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 3-MS-1-005 3" 91-379 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 MS-119-1 1" 91-379 System functional test 'in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C -I'_ 2 MS 118B-8 8" 91-379 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 MS-118A-8 8" 91-379 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 MS-120-1 1" 91-379 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498. C-H 2 MS-117-10 10" 91-379 System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498.

   , C-H             2       MS-121-1*      l'  91-379  System functional test in lieu of hydro per Code Case N498.

fC-H 2 1-MS-118-A18 18 91-501 System Functional Test fC-H 2 1-MS-118-A4 4 91-501 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-MS-118-B18 18 91-501 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-MS-118-B4 4 91-501 Sf a m Functional Test C-H 2 1-MS-123-Al 1 91-501 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-MS-123-B1 1 91-501 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-MS-123-4 4 91-501 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-MS-118-A4 4 91-501 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-MS-118-B4 4 91-501 $ Systen Functional Test C-H 2 1-MS-117-10 10 91-501 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-MS-122-3 3 91-501 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-MS-145-1 1 91-501 System Functional Test C-H 2' l-CAD-U3A-1\ 1 91-724 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-CAD-U2A-1\ 1 91-724 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-HPCI-100-16 16 91-502 System Functional Test _ ~ _ -

Page 79A of 80 f l 1 ASME' ASME EXAM COMPONENT SIZE ISLT PROCEDURE gg.3 CAT. CLASS ID INCHES NO. NO. i T~ 1-HFCI-104-2 2 91-502 System Functional Test C-H 2 2 1-HPCI-105-4 4 91-502 System Functional Test C-H 1-HPCI-106-2 2 91-502 7.0.S.1 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-HPCI-107-1 1 91-502 ' System Functional Test C-H 2 1-HPCI-108-3/4 3/4 01-502 System Functional Test C-H 2 System Functional Test I C-H 2 1-HPCI-109-3/4 3/4 91-502 7. (' . S .1 1-HPCI-101-14 14 91-502 System Functional Test C-H 2 C-H 2 1-HPCI-102-16 16 91-502 System Fu.ctional Test C-H 2 1-HPCI-104-3 3 91-502 System Functional Test i l 1-HPCI-105-3 3 91-502 System Functional Test r C-H 2 1-HPCI-110-4 4 91-502 System Functional Test C-H 2 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-HPCI-111-10 10 91-502 1-HFCI-114-3/4 3/4 91-502 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-HPCI-115-3/4 3/4 91-502 System Functional Test j C-H 2 l 1-HPCI-116-1.5 1.5 91-502 System Functional Test l C-H 2 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-HPCI-117-1 1 91-502 1-HPCI-119-1 1 91-502 System Functional Test C-H 2 91-502 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-HPCI-120-2 2 l-HFCI-122-1 1 91-502 System Functional Test C-H  ? 1-HPCI-123-2 2 91-502 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-HPCI-124-1 1 91-502 System Functional Test  ; C-H 2 1-HFCI-129-3/4 3/4 91-502 System Functional Test l C-H 2 1-HPCI-130-1 1 91-502 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-FS-123-4 4 91-502 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-HPCI-118-1.5 1.5 91-502 7.0.S.1 System Functional Test C-H 2 1-HPCI-103-1.5 1.5 91-502 System Functional Test C-H 2

Fage 80 of 80 ASME ASME EXAM COMPO'iENT SIZE '1SLT PROCEDURE RE" ARKS CAT. CIASS ID INCHES NO. NO. 2 1-HPCI-121-16 16 91-502 System Functional Test C-H i System Functional Test C-H 2 CM-113-4 4 92-031 l System Functional Test C-H 2 CM-111-4 4 92-028 CM-112-4 4 92-028 System Functional Test C-H 2 2 CM-118-3/4 3/4 92-029 System Functional Test C-H 2 CM-117-4 4 92-033 System Functicnal Test C-H 2 CM-111-3/4 S/4 92-030 System Functional Test C-H I ( , i l l l l l 1 l l

ENCIASURE 2 to Nebraska Public Power District Letter NSD920305 Owner's Report for Repairs and Replacements Form NIS 2 Cooper Nuclear Station NRC Docket No. 50 298, DPR 46 1 1

9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Report provides the reouired information on repairs and

_rcolacements performed at Cooper Nuciene Station f rom June 1990 t hrourh December 1991. Alne Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Rgrairs and Repincements of. Components in Nucingr_Enver Plants" is invoked throorh the use of Form NIS 2 (pr reportinr_, __ (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPb!ANCE We certify that the statements rando in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Aut eri att n No. . N/A __ Expiration Date. _. N/A S15ned: W

                              . MEA             Engincedng Managar_ Date: _ March 5. 1992 (Owneror{wner'sDesigneo,-Titie)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding.a valid commission issued by the Nationni board of Boiler and ?ressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or l'rovince of Et.hInska and employed by a 11ertford Stggm Boiler I 6 I Company of _ Ilartford._CT have inspected the componenth described in this Owner's Report during the-period June _1, 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knewledge_and belief, the Owner has perfortned examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requircreents of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificato, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning, the exarninations and corrective measured described- in this owner's Report. - Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property darnage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: _W __.3 JbMM l Commissionu: cf. /e r ( ^ 4)J Vtd* (N:stional Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: _ 3'4 9t- - l l e L

F RM NIS.2 OVNER'S P2 PORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R;quir0d by tho Provisions cf ths ASME Cods Ssetion XI ti t 2

           ,    Owner:       Nebraska Public PowtI District                                                            Date:          March 9.1991- / emf E-(11ame)

P.O. Box 499. Co1\nhys. NE 68601 Sheet 49 of _ 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooner Nuclent Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Broviwille. NE 683?1 fi/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , J ob No . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Some Authorization Date: li/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of Systet: Residual llent Remnval (RitR)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASliLSection VIII _ 19 68 Edition,
                       ,       No                                             Addenda,                        N/A               Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980. Vinter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired ot Replaced and Replacement Components
                                                                                                                         #              *P"   #*           ^3"     "

Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stampd Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) PJ1R HX A Southwestern Eng. 2 91 3207 Repaired No RilR-ilX B Southwer. tern Eng. 2 91 1510 Repaired No

7. Deacription of Vork: ._Iube . p.19 e rin e .
8. Tests Conducted: llydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp, 'F NOTE: Supplemental shaets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: _This NIS-2 Report provides the renuired information on repairs t,nd replacements nerformed at fooner Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991,  !

Also Code Case N 308. " Documental-lon of Repairs and ReplacementLof Components in _ Nuclear Power P1nnts". is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Sect!on XI. (repair er re-f acement) Type Code Symbol $ tamp; N/A Certification of Aut or atgonNo. N/A Expiration Date: , N/A Signed: / v _Jugineerine Manacer Date: March 5, 1992.

                                                     //     ~ (owner o owner's Designee. Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned,-holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boilar and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by- Harcford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford, CT have Linspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1.-1900 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his. employer makes any warranty . expressed,or. implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured-g described in this owner's Report, Furthermore 'neither the Inapector nor his j employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal ~ injury or property damage  ; or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. l

                                . Inspector's Signature: Wh/                        ) m ,./ ~ .3 Commissions: Na# eo n e /A I                       -pu A , -                                                _
                                                                    .(National Board, State Province, and Endorsements)

Date: "? M 2-

f . PORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R:quirod by ths Provisions of tho ASME Cods Ssction XI

1. ,Ot.ner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. h1 NJ1ft (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 50 of __ 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper. Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Same Authorization Date: _..N/4__

(Address) Er.piration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD) ,

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19_22_ Edition.

Summer 1977 Addenda. N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda L6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code  ; Name of Name of Nuclear- Document Replaced, or Stamped t

               ' Component             Manufacturer                  Class       Number         Replacement        (Yes or No) 22 43                A&G Eng. II                    1        91-2798         Replacement             No 26 47                A&C Eng. II                    1        91 2798         Replacement             No

14-43 A&C Eng. II 1 91-2798 Replacement No

      ,             38+07               A&G Eng. II'                   1        91 2798         Replacement             No 22 35'              A&G Eng. II                    1        91-2798         Replacement             No
         'i   ; Description of Work: -        Replace'd bolts'( bolts to each component)'.

Si Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic -Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X -

                                          -Other              Pressure             psi    Test Temp.           'F
        ; NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists,-sketches, or drawings may be used,
                  - pro *ided (1) size ic 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this
                  . report is included on'each sheet, Land (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of l                   sheets is recorded at the top of this form.                                                                 .

1 I  !) l


9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Report provides the reautred information on repairs and 1

replacements nerformed at Cooper Nucient Station from June 1990 throueh Decerober 1991. Also Co6e Case N 308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in ((ocient Power Plants". is invoked throurh the use of Form NI];2 for reporting. (Applicable Msnufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A I Certification of Aut or zat on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A l Signed: W Lm. Enmineerina Manacer Dato: __ March 5. 1992 [ "(owner Owner's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION  ; I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of f Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province'of Nebraska and , employed-by .__llattford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991,-and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective . described in this-Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. , J By signing this certificato neitherlthe-Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty,: expressed or implied concerning the examinations and corrective measured; , described in this 0wner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer- shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a. loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: 91- o .<<.%> Commissions: A)8 A*n s2' AJ 2 '92/4-(National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Datei 3-7-97 t i l 1 s

                                                                                                                                                                                       +                '~w*r
. . . _ . _ _ . ~ , . _ _ _

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REP 1ACEMENTS As Required by ths Provisions of the ASME Cods Section XI l '. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. -k}fft-(Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 51 of 98,__ (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc.) 3 ~Mork Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZ6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A 4.. Identification of' System: Control Rod Drive (CRD)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 77 Edition, Sumner 1977 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicablo Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980. Vinter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped
                       ' Component                            Manufacturer.           Class                                                                                         Peplacement Number                                                                              (Yes or No) 42 15                       A&G Eng. II                1                                 ~ 91-2798                                               Replacement                            No 50 35                       A&G Eng. II               ll                                  91 2798                                                Replacement                            No 14 11                       A&G Eng. II.               1                                 -91 2798                                                 Replacement                           No 14-35                       A&G Eng. II                1                                  91 2798                                                Replacement                            No 19                       A&G.Eng. II                1                                  91 2798                                                Replacement                            No
                 -7 ; Description-of Work:
                                                                    ~ Replaced bolts (eicht (sits to each componenti.
8. Tests-Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic
                                                                 . Nominal Operating Pressure                                   X-Other          Pressure                                      psi    Test Temp.                                                             'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of_ lists, sketches, or drawings may be used,
           <                       provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of i                                  . sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

L l:

9. Ren.a rk s : This NIS-2 Report provides the renuired ittformation on repairs and renincernents nirformed at Cooper Nucienr Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replamtents of Compor.ents in Nuclent Power Plants" is invoked throurh the use of Form NIS 2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the teport are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) ( Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A N/A Expiration Date: N/A Certification of Autho Jza} ion No.

                                                                               / I' Signed:         n Yknzy,_,l/ D 7,,                Eneineerine Manacer
                                                                                                     ~        ~       ~

Date: March 5. 1992_ 7 ' (Owner {fowner'sDesignce, Tit 1c) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or l'rovince of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June _1. 1990 to Decenb.er_ c 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner haa performed exaninations and taken corrective measures da. scribed in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI, By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any ~ warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. 4 Inspector's Signature: V 2 u / J 'N ~ .l-Commissions: WM A5'e r L W7 %2-(National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: UF 9 T -

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Requirod by ths Provisions of ths ASME Cods Ssetion XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. /lfr.t L
    .,                               (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Colymbus. NE 68601 Sheet 52 of 98  : (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nucicar Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

    ~3.-    Work Performed By:                      Ovner                     Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/6 Some                                   Authorization Date:      N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. . Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD)
5. -(a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 77 Edition.
  • i Summer 1977 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. -Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name.of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or uo) 14 39 A&G Eng. II 1 91-2798 Replacement No 22-23 A&G Eng. II 1 91-2798 Replacement No ,
                -10 19'                 ASG Eng. II             1        91 2798         Replacement           No 38 43                 A&G Eng. II             1        91 2798         Replacement           No
     .7. D5scription of Work:             Replaced bolt s (eight bolts to each component) .
8. . Tests Conducted: llydrostatic Pneumatic X -*

Nominal Operating Pressure . i Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F

l. .NOTEi Supplemental sheets in'the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used,
               -provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) items 1 through 6 on this L

report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form, L l

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Renort provides the,,Ir_ quired informntion on repairs _nnd replacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

Also Code Case N 30R. "Dotnentation of Repairs and Repincement s of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked through the use of Form NIS 2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the toport are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Aut or ation No. N/A Expiration Date: N16 Signed: f[ ra , Encineerine Manazer Date: March 5. 1992 > E (Owner o owner's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE LF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska _,and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I 1 I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to Dgg nber 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Ovner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of t he ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liabic in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: *~77.el >aw Commissions: Y!/ & rc c Al / -y"3 J , (National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) Dato: 3-$ -S L

_ . . _ _ . _ . . .._.._ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ __ ~ _ . _ __ .. .. ._ FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of ths ASME Cods Section XI t192-

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power DLgtrict___ Date: 9.1991.Ma )ff!- >

(Name) _ P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 53 of 98 (Address) ,

2. Plant: Cooper Nucicar Station Unit: 0 te (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgaintation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc. )

3. Vork Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: Hi6 Same Authorization Date: N/A  ;

(Address) Expiration Date: N/A 4 '. - Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 77 Edition.

Summer 1977 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements ' 1980, Winter.1981 Addenda

 '6. - Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk             Repaired         ASHE Code Nue of                   Name of                          Nuclear       Document          Replaced, or          Stamped Component             Manufacturer                            Class        Number           Replacement      (Yes or No) 35a50                 A&C Eng. II                              1        91-3278           Replacement                No 35 46                 A6G Eng.-II                              1        91 3278           Replacetent                No-31-46                 A6G Eng. 11                              1        91 3278           Replacement                No 27 46                 A&G Eng. II                              1        91 3278           Replacement                No 23 46                 A&G Eng. II                              1        91 3278           Replacement                No
7. Description of Work: Replaced bolts (eight bolts to each' comnonent) .  ;
8.. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic l Nominal Operating Pressure ._X_.

l Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches e or drawings may be used. provided (1) size'is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 throur 6-on this report is-included on each sheet,'and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of


sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

9 Remarks: Thin NIS 2 Report provides the reouired information on repairs and renlacements performed at Cooper Numicar Station from June 1990 through. December 1991. Also Code.Casg_N 308. "Docurrentation of Repairs ant,Rgplacetrents of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve cortify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.

        .(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Startpt - N/A CertificationofAuthor~atlynNo. N/A F:piration Date: N/A Signed: N2 t s Ennineerina Mananer Date: March 5. 1992

                           //                  (Owner o   Dwner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, b'olding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ...Nettas.ha_._ and employed by Hartford Steam Boller I & 1 Company of 11artford. CT have , inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period - June'1. 19_90 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in.this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code. Section XI. By signing.this certificate, neither the-Inspector.nor his employer makes any-warranty . expressed or implied 'concerning the examinations and corrective meesured-- , described in this Owner's Report.- Furthermore, neithat the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature NI -s./a Commisi,lons: T/# 3 C4- /)+ f Thi~ (National Board, State Province, and Endorsements) Date: T +9 2

 .   .  -,,a....      . - .__ - - - _ - - - - . -                           . - - . - - . . . . -                 .-  a- - ..-_- -

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR RF. PAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS i As Required by tha Provisions of ths ASME Coda Ssction XI

       ' 1; 6vner:              Nebraska Public Power District                         Date:                     March 9. 49HMJ+f 2 (Name)                                                                                                                  l P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601                            Sheet                  54     of      98 (Address)
2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One  !


                        ' P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321                                                         N/A (Address)                                         (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.

No. , Job No. , Etc. )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol stamp: H/6

__ Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD) .

5. -(a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19_21_ Edition, Summer 1977 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda  !
       ' 6.; Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components                                                                        ,

W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of - Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class. Number Replacement (Yes or No) 42 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 27-42 ~ A&G Eng. II 1 91 3278 Replacement No 11 42 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 07 42 A&G Eng.11 1 91 3278 Replacement No 43-38 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 .Replacewent No

7. Description of Work: Replaced bolts (eight bolts to each comoonent).

P l8.. Tests conducted:: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal' operating Pressure X Other Pressure , psi Test Temp. 'F

NOTE: Supplemental'iheets in'the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in'itemt 1 through 6 on this report is. included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is nw.oered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

1 l

                                 ..         .        _-             .       - - ~_           . . -   - - _ . -_-          _--.


9. Remarks: This HIS 2 Report nrovides the reautred informntion on repairs and roulacements ocrformed at Casper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throur_h December 1991.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is inyghed throurh the use of Form NIS Z_for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certificaticn of Autt ri ation No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A ,__ 00 - {} Signed: _ _V/L < .n, r_. r Pnginegring Manager . ._ Dato: March 5. 1992


(Ownero{q 0wner's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of , Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Stato or Province of Nghraska and employed by Hartford Steam Bollar I & T Company of __"artford. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to Egagmber 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective neasures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or. implied,.concerning the examinations and corrective mens red ., described in this owner's Report. 'Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his-employer shall be liabic in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a lohs of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: 97Zw/s/k_zt.a Commisalons Y.r# /Chv ML W/u (Nation'al' Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 7 4-f t __ i t

F2RH NIS 2 OVNPN S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR RFPLACEMENTS As Rtqaircd by th3 Previolons 3f the ASME Cods S ction XI

1. Ownert Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. NJ1*/*

(Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 55 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Stati,gn Unit: One ,

(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc . )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: L1/_A l; Same__ _

Authorization Date: N/A l' (Addresst) Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of Systeta: Control Rod Drive (CRD) ,

5, (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASjiE Section 111 19 77 Edition, Summer 1977 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b)' Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980. Vinter 1981 Addenda 6., Identification of Components Fepaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code

N.ame of Naana of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped i Component Manufacturer- Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) 39-38 A&G Eng. II 1- 91 3278 Replacement No 35-38 A&G Eng--II-
                                        .                1              91-3278         Replacernent                      No 23 30            ' A&G Eng. 11                1              91 3278         Replacement                       No 43-34             A6G Eng. 11-                1              91-3278         Replacement                       No 39 34                                                                        Replacement                       No A&G ing 11                  1
                                                                   ._. 91

_ 3278

   -7. Description of Vork:          Replaced bolts ( bolts to each conmonenci'.

8.,-Tests: Conducted: ' Hydrostatic- Pneumatic sNominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressurs psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental, sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the-number of sheets is recorded'at the top of this forrn. l

                               . . -      _.        _-      . _.        _                      _ .. . __             _ . _ _    . c-


9. Remarks:- This NIS-2 Report ornviden the reauired information on renalrs and  ;

replacements nerformed at Cooner Nuclear Station from June 1990 throurh December 1991. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS 2 for reporting. _(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the eatements made in the report are correct and this trolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authori ti,n No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: y/ t , , s -#._ lt Enoineerinn Mananer Date: March S. 1992

                                      /        '(Owneror[fwner'sDesignee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holdin5 a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31._1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described inothis owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Codo,,Section XI.

                       .By signing:this certificate, neither the Inspector-nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and correctivo measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore~ neither the_ Inspector nor his
employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property dauage or_a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection, i ~ Inspector's Signature
Mu[ add -

Commissions: -rif # AhcFL- A) T 1/M-(National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) Date: .7-1-f 2-

F RM NIS-2 OVNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R: quired by th3 Pr; visions cf tha ASME Coda S2ction XI

1. Owner: Nebrasba Public Power District Date: March 9. Jf f&

(Name) P.O. Box 499 Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 56 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Coooer Nuclear station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc.)

3. Work l'erformed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 77 Edition, 1977 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear cument Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) 44 11 34 A&G Eng. 11 1 91-3278 Replecement No 43-30 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 31 30 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 27-30 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 15 30 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No
7. Description of Work: .Jigniaced bol te (cirht bolts to each component).
8. Tests Conducted: liydros tatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the required inforantion on repairs and Igplacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through Decenter 1991.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Rena!rs and RenIncements of Components in Ruelear Power Plants" is invoked through the_uie of Form NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manuiacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Author cation No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: Encincerine Manneer ~ Date: March 5. 1992

                           '(Owner or    nor's Designec, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by _ Hartford Stern Bo Rer I & I company of Hartford. CT have _ inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to Recember 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his egloyer makes any untranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. e k Inspector's Signature: L /L d c..L a at - Commissions: A / # es A d, I  %+ (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 344L

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAYRS OR REPLACEMENTS i As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI l'. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. 1 .O.J t f s. (98me)  ; P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 57 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Narto)
               ,,, ,I' O. Box 98. Brovnv1110. NE 68321                                               N/A (Address)                                         _(Repair Orgainzation, P.O.

No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Vork Performed By: Ownet Type Code Symbol Stamp: !!/2 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 77 Edition, Summer 1977 Addenda, N/A Code Case ,

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components V rk Repaired 'ASME Code Name of -Name of Nuclear. Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) 07 30 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 35-26 A&C Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 31-26 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 27 26 A&G Eng. II 1 91 3278 Replacement No 23 A&G'Eng. II 1 91-3278 ' Replacement No
7. Description of Work: Replaced bolts (eight bolts to each comnonent).
8. Tests conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic _ ,

Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size'is 8-1/2" x'11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the-number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. - l

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reautred information on reonirs and reolacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throurh December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renalrs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked through the use of Form NIS 2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Lata Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Auth i~ t No. N/A  ::xpiration Date: N/A Signed: # E) Engineering Manager Date: __ March 5, 1992

                               /.          .( Owner o                ner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid cormaission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel-Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & Y Company of Hartford. CT_ have

         -inspected the components described .in this owner's Report during the period                                                                                                    -

June 1.-1990 to:Decemb t r 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed' examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's. Report in accordance.vith the requirements of the ASME Code',-Section XI.

         'By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any-varranty, expressed orfinplied .concerning the examinations.and corrective measured described in-this Owner's Report.- Furthermore,'neither the Inspector nor;his:

L employer shall be . liable in any manner for- any personal' injury or property damage or agloss of-any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. .; Inspector's Signature: C11J 2ba ' Commissionsi-v # e_in e-I A (Nationni Board, Stato, Province, and Endorsements) l( Date: 3 - F-9 t p r

            , ,,      ,=-..v.,         ~,.-- ..-. .. - , , _ ,                ._     ~ . . - , _ _ , _ _ _ , . . . _ , , _ , . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . .             . . , _ - , . - - - , ~
 - - . . ~ - .-.           - - -                                                         .                                            I FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R7 quired by the Provisions of ths ASME Cod 3 S3ction XI                                    j
1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Dato: March 9. 1-#p+ f t.

(Name) P.O. Box-499.-Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 58 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111c. NE 68321 N/A ' (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. Ho., Job Ho., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A i Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: _ N/A 4 Identification of System! Control Rod Drive (CRD) . - _

3. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASHE Section III 19 77 Edition.

Summer 1977 Addenda, N/A Code Case

                 -(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Mepairs < - Replacemt nts 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Rep _sment Components Work Repaired- ASME Code Name of Namo of Nuclear D cument Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) 27 A&O Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 19-22 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 15 22 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 11 22 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 03 22- . A&C Eng. II 1 91 3278 Replacement No
            =       --
                   6 -                                                                                                            1
17. Description of. Work: Replaced bolts (eicht bolts to each component). _
                                                                                                                             , ymm,
8. . Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test' Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental. sheets in:the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used,
                       'provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


1 1' _9; .Romarks: ._This NIS Renort provides the reouired information on repairs and , reniccements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throunh December 1991. Also Ccde Case N 308. " Documentation of Renairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is ' invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reportinc. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 1 We certify that the statemer*a mado in the report are correct and this y renlaefment con & so the rules of the ASME t.ede, Section XI, t: (repair or replacement) l l' Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A l Certification.of Aut or zation No. 'N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: Eu m - m, Encineerine Manacer Date: March 5. 1992


(Cwnero(Owner'sDesignee, Title) l: m CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valk commission issued by the National Board of K Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & T Comp 3Dy of Hartford. CT have inspected the -;omponents described in this Owner's Report during the period Ame 1.199Q to December 31. 1991,. and stato that to the best of my knowledge and balief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures i described in this Owner's Report in accords se with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. i By signing tnis certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes apv 1 warranty,_ expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured l described in this Ovner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer 'shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising froa or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: M %2&3 Commissions: -fW errr- A)_ z vuis , (Natio'nal Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) 1 i Date: 3-9 + L

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS A3 R:quir3d by th3 Pr visions of th2 ASME Codo Stcti:n XI 1.- Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Dato: March 9. MM.f t, (Name)- P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 59 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nucicar Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performou By: Owner Type Code Sysbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19_11_ Edition, Summer 1977 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) 19-18 (1) A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No
                  '15-18 (1)                         A&G Eng. 11                               1                         91-3278           Replacement            No 19-42 (2)                         A&G Mng. II                               1                         91-3278            Replacement           No 15-42 (3)                          A&G Eng. II                              1                         91-3278            P.eplacement          No 27-38 (4)                          A&G Eng. II                              1                         91-3278 ,

Replacement No (1) Replaced einht bolts. (2) Reolaced two bolts. (3) Replaced

7. Description of Work:

seven holts. (4) Replaced six bolts.

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic _

Nominal Operating Pressure. X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Lupplemental shee:s in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the tumber of sheets is recorded at the top of this fore. 1

                             -   ,                        -     -     . . ~ .     -

9.= Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reoufred information on repairs and renlacements performed at Cnoner Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1091. Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Renalrs and Renlacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reportinn. I (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE i We. certify-that the statements made in the report are correct and this ___ replectmpnt conforms to the rules "f the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair'er replacement) Typt . . w stamp: N/A

              'l f f #         Aut or zat on No.             N/A            Expiration Date:       N/A Li                     h (hv2R

I I Encineerine Manacer Date: March 5. 1992

(Owner o Owner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION l L I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel-Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boilgr I & I Comnany of _ Hartford.'CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1-. 1990 to December 31.1C91, and state ; that .to the best of my _ knowledge and

        . belief,. the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's. Report in accordance with the requirements.of the ASME Code,.Section XI.

By signing this certificate,-neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured D Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his described in this Owner's Report. employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or afloss of 'any- kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: - 72M . rk/w Commissions: W" h c .e. AA 7 'r2< k (National Board, State, Frovince, and Endorsements) i Date: }14 r_ i_

FORM NIS-2 OVNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required _by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 191L

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9.149L MJ-f-f L (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 60 of ___ 98 (Address) Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One 2. (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. (Address) No., Job No., Etc.) ] Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A 3. Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System; Control Rod Drive (CRD) 5 (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 77 Edition, Summer 1977 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. -Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Componet.ts V rk Repaired ASME Code
          -Name of                Name of           Nuclear             Document                                             Replaced, or             Stamped Component            Manufacturer          Class               Number                                               Replacement           (Yes or No)

( 19-26 (1) A&G Eng. Il 1 91-3278 Replacement No 43-18 (2) A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 43-14 (3) A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: (1) Replaced five bolts. (2) Replaced two bolts.

(3) Renlaced seven bolts.

8. Tests. Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this repcrt is include 6 on cach sheet, and (3) each sheet is nurbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reno-t provides the reauired information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

Also Code Case N 308. "Socumentation of Repairs an6 Renlacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Autl oritati n No. N/A Expiration Date: !UA Signed: I _7 Eneineerine Manacer Date: March 5. 1992

                       /        (Owner or    wner's Basigneo, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the Nationul Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of t'ebra ska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Cotanany of Hartford. CT _ have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured desc:ibed in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: M v .rd. . > Commissions: -ffs ' r _r s^ c L!- ? 19s de (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: T 9 t-l

H_ t= FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R:quirsd by th2 Provisions of th2 ASKE Cod 3 S ction XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9.4ff,d--M1 (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 61 of 98 (Address)

2. ?lant: Coquer Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , J ob No . , 2. '

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Dato: N/A 4 Identification of System: Control Rod Drive 5 '. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 86 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda ,

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Keplacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) 31-50 A&C Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 27-50 A&C Eng, II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 23-50 a&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 keplacement No 19-50 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 43-46 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No
7. Description of Work: Replaced bolts (eight bolts to each compongnt).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on'each sheet, and (3) each sheet ir numbered and the number of shee:s is recorded at the top of this form, l


9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reppre prov_Ld_fs the reautred informatioy on repairs and renlacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throuch December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renalrs ar.d Replacenients of Components in Nuclenr Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportinn. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this


replacenient conforms to the rules of the ASNE Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Auth pin tion No. __, N/A Expiration Date: N/A

                                                                                                 -)                                                H Signed:                    i Ob                                                          Ena'neerint Mananer Date:  March 5, 1992
                                                                                      /' 'T0wneror{nor'sDesignee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holdin5 a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel. Inspectors and the State or Province of ,, Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any ;aanner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: '/d4/vb, w s Commissions: NA /c r r e - Al- l %F (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 3 9 2L l

t FORM HIS-2 OVNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R0guir d by th3 Provisions of ths ASME Coda Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. 2+ f k (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 62 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: Onp

_(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownvil,le. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owne r. .. Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorizctiot. Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD) ___
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: AShE Section III 19 86. Edition.

No Addenda, N/A _ Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear ""*""' *P "#" # **P" Component Manufacturcr Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) 39-46 A&G Eng. 11 1 91-3278 Replacement No 19-46 A&C Eng._ II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 15-46 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 11-46 1 91-3278 EcPl acement No A&G Enh 11 47-42 A&C Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No
7. Description of Work: Replaced bolts (cirht bolts to each component).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic ,

Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number-of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

- 9i =Reuarks': This NIS-2 Renort provides the reautred infarmation on reonirs and I

___ ircolacements verformed at-Coooer Nuclear' Station from June 1990 through December 1991. r __ 'Also Code Case N-308. "D2Rugentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in s Nuclear Power Plants"- is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS 2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) l CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the ststements made in tha report are correct and this typlacement conforan to the rules of the ASME Code, Section T.I. (repair or replacement)

                      . Type Code Symbol Stamp: _                                       N/A Certification of.Au or zat on NO.                   N/A          Expiration Date:         N/A Signed:          h       ~
                                                       ,  11)               Engineerine Manaker      Date:    M1rch 5. 1992
                                        /           (Ovner o{ Owner's Designee Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I,ethe~ undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the Naticnal Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel-Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by -Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have i , -inspected the-components described in this Ovner's_ Report during the period iJune_lf 1990-to December 31. 1991, and state-that to the best- of my knowledge and belief,- the Owner;has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in:this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the-ASME Code, Section XI. By' signing this certificate, neir.her the Inspector nor his employer makes'any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Esport. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage

        ,                or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Inspector's Signature: NL[ N.Aa Comnissions: 'AY dors & st2- 7 ~/2/ As (National Board, State Province, and Endorsements) Date: 3 - $ ~ 9 E-

___q s ._ . . - . . . . FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

     ~ l? Owner:             Nebra da Public Power District                    Date:         March 4.      M >. f-t 2-

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 63 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. B Ipyny111e. NE 68321 N/A

                                    .(Address).                                 (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.

No., Job No., Etc.) 4

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A 1 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

        - 4. Identification of System:                Control Rod Drive (CRD) 54   (a) Applicable Construction Code:                 ASME Section III           19 86 Edition, No               Addendai           N/A              Code Case (b) Applicable Edition-of Section XI Utili=ed for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement-Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Rcplaced, or . Stamped Component Manufacturer- Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)
             -m                                           .

43-42 A&G'Eng. II -1 91-3278 Replacement No 39-42 A&G Eng'. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No-

                  ~31-42                   A&O Eng. II           1         91-3278        Replacement           No 23                  A&G Eng. II           1         91-3278        Replacement           No 38'                  A&G Eng._II           1        .91-3278        Replacement           No-
7. Description of' Work: Replaced bolts (eiPht bolts to each component).

1 c8. Tests Conducted: -liydrostatic __ Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental ~ cheets :in the' form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

9; Remarks: _Ihis NIS-2 Report provides the reautred information on repairs and replaerments verformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throuch December 1991. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in " is invoked throuch the ust of Form NIS 2 for reportinn Nuclear Power Plants" (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type' Code Symbol. Stamp: N/A Certification of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Datn: N/A Signed: / Enzineerine-Mananer Date: March 5. 1992

                       /     ~ (Ownerorgwner'sDesignee, Title) f.-       ,

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National. Board of Boiler and Pressure-Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of _ Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state-that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this 0wner's Report in accordance with the requ!.rements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this owner's Report. Furthermore,.ncither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: M  % <f J Commissions: A)d # ' 4, e< & 41. I ':rfdir (National B'oard, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: X C-9 r-

- :x .- - . FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS p As R: quired by th3 Previsions cf ths ASME Coda S3ction II 4fL 1; Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. d9%N5.f.4t (Name) P.O. Box 499. Col';rbus. NE 60601 Sheet 64 of 98 (Address) 2, Plant: Cooner Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , Job No . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed Ey: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: EZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD)

5. (a): Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 86 Edition, No ' Addenda, N/A' Code Case (b) App 1icable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter =1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components rk Repaired ASME Code
        -Name'of                   Name'of         -Nuclear       . Document      Replaced, or        Stamped Component              Manufacturer         . Class         Number         Replacement     -(Yes or No) 31                A&G Eng.:II-           1           91-3278        Replacement           No 19-38                 A&G Erg. II -          1~          91-3278        Replacement           No
          '15-38                 A&O Eng, II            1           91-3278'       Replacement           No 38                'A&G Eng._II            1           91-3278        Replacement           No'
         '07-38                  A&G Eng. II.           1           91-3278        Replacement           No
17. Description of_Vork: Replaced bolts (eicht bolts to each comnonent) .
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating _ Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE:' Supplemental. the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used,.
         - provided (1) size is 8-1/2"'x 11", . (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of
sheets is recorded at the tops of this form.
      - 9. Remarks:          This NIS-2 Report pI2Vides the requited _information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooner Nuclear Station from June 1990 throurh December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Pl. ants" is invoked throuch the use of Forg NIS-2 for re.portine.

                          -(Applicable Manufacturer's Date Reports to be Attached)

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certification of Aut or est on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A


Signad: I2f ) / t/t Encineerino Manacer Date: March 5. 1992 [/

                               " (Owner ( Owner's Designee, Tit 1e)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler-and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska ano employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief,-the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements _of the ASME Code, Section XI. l By signing thia certificate, neither the_ Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. P Inspector's Signature: C-Ma[ du/w Commissions: '7M' e'63 rA AJ s Z C8,, /- (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 3 9-f L

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Rsquired by ths Provisions of the ASME Coda Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9." 2 $$3f.f L (Name)

P .' O . Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 65 of 98 (Address)-

2. Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No . , Etc . )

3. . Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A L4. Idantification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Codo; ASME Section III 19 86 Edition, No Addenda, N/A = Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of.Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements
               -1980,' Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement _ Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document. Replaced, or Stamped
          . Component            Manufacturer          Class       Number           Replacement     (Yes or No) 51            ' A&G Eng. II            l        91-3278.          Replacement           No 47-34               A&G Eng. II            1        91-3278           Replacement           No 35-34               A&G Eng. II            1        91-3278-          Replacement           No
             .31-34c              A&G Eng. II            1        91-3278           Replacement           No-27-34               A&C Eng. II            1       3278           Replacement           No
7. Description ~ of Work: Replaced bolts (eicht bolts to each component) .

8.- Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic

                                    . Nominal Operating Pressure      X Other          Pressure         psi   . Test' Temp.        *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the . form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) cize is 6-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this
             -reportgis included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Feport provides the reautred information on repairs and renlacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in ] Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements madu in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A ] N/A CertificationofAuthorgafonNo. N/A Expiration Date: Signed: e Encineerine Manacer Date: March 5. 1992

                                                     /    (OIener or 0 er's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have T inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to ppcember 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage

  • or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection, Inspector's Signature: j-f2a/ us-a Commissions: JW /cn t i'l Z "M L-(National Board, State, Province, sr.d Endorsements)

Date: 3- 9 -9 L 1

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of tha ASME Cod: S;ction XI (7fL

1. Owner _ Nebracka Public Power District Date: March 9. 4941 NAf4L (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 66 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: __ Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P,0. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp; H/6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: . Control Rod Drive _fCPD) ,

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 86 Edition, a

No Addenda, N/A Code Casi 45 (b) Applicable Edition *of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear cument Replaced, or Stamped Component Min facturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) 23-34 A&G Eng. II -l  ! 91-3278 Replacement No l

19-34 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 15-34 "*q Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 07-34 , Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 03-34 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Replaced bolts (cight bolts to each component) .
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp, 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheet.s in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 3-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks: Thir, NIS-2 Report provides the reoutred information on repairs and replacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Rennirs nnd Replacements of Con ponent s in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS 2 for reportine.. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A N/A Expiration Date: N/A CertificationofAuthoJzatiogNo. Sign-d: I w_ Ene f reerine Manacex_ Date : March 5. 1992


(dwner or er's Design'ee, Tit 1c) GERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Febraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have , inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured oescribed in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any m.,nner fer any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: M z! , ,/. - _ 2 Commissions: 7.8 er ,_. x> 6 ~7,"?/ 4, - (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: L 9 -9 L. i

                                                      .. - . - _ . . - . .             ,                 .           - - .         -         --- . . -. - .                      _-.a.             ..


                                                 --As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Cods Section XI                                                                                             ,
                                                                ,                 .                                                                              41L jli 7 0wnert-               Nebraska Public Power District                                                   Date:            March 9. M 01. N H -f L (Name).                                                                                                                                    -!

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 67 of -98 -



2'g3 Plant:

Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e.'NE 68321 N/A i (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.) L3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A , Same Authorization Date: N/A' H (Address)- Expiration Date: N/A

             /4             Identification of System:                           Cont ~rol Rod Drive (CRD)                                                                                               *
5. '(a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 86 Edition,
                                              -No                     _ Addenda,                     N/A                           Code Case (b)1Applicable= Edition lof;Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements
1980,.Vinter 1981-Addenda
6. ' Identification of-Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components t



rk Repairedt . Abr!E Code

Name of- Name of' Nuclear: Document Replaced, or. Stamped Component' . Manufacturer Class Number -Replacement  :(Yes or No)-

51 'A&G Eng. II 'l= 91-3278 ' Replacement 'No '

47 30- -A&G Eng. II' 1- 91 3278, _ gplacement t -No-  ;

R 39-30 A&G Eng.:11~ 1 3278' Replacement <No Replacement 352 30' A&G Eng..-II. 1 91'-3278- No-

                                - 23 30'                     -A&G Eng,iII'                   11                 91-3278                 Replacement                            No                      :

H L-

7. ' Description.lof Work: Replaced bolts leicht' bolts to each component).

I l-r# .[8(JTe'sts-Conducted:  ; Hydrostatic Pneumatic p

                                                                -Nomina't Operating-Prescurc.                         -X-                                 ..
                                                                  ;0ther            : Pressure                       psi: Test Temp.                             F' LNOTE: LSupplemental . sheets in' the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be .used,
                               ;provided-(1)! size ist 8-1/2" x 11",-(2) information in items 1 through 6'on this
                 -               report is--includedfon each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and Lthe number of.

sheets is-recorded at the espfof this form.

   ,-> ll _


                           *.      .     .,       .,        s               -.m .
                                                                                     .    .-     # .+ - . -    -.,,%          e#,.       ~       y  y, ,,    y      .r,       .s       r y,   , bg

n J

9. Rennrks: This NIS-2 Renort provides the required information on reonirs and renlacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclent Station from June 1990 throurh December 1991.
    - Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants"       is invoked through the use of Form NIS 2 for reporting.

(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE l We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) u Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A l Certification of Authyri cti n No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: hb )) i44Ae Engineerine ME Dacer Date: March 5. 1992 h, (Ovnerprgner'sDesignee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSFECTION I I, the ' undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler-I & I~Comnany of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June'1. 1990 to Rgecmber 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief,-the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the.ASME Code,'Section XI, By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore,- neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: DL. N #M l Commissions: g /d%'s z- /4 4 WM-(National Board, State. Provinco, and Endorsem nts) Date: _T *1 - S t -

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R: quired by the Provisions of ths ASME Cods Ssetion XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9.lh[bNs112-(NaAs)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 6J601 Sheet 68 of 98 (Adaress) 2, Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321

  • N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.

No . , J ob No . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD)

'5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 86 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda '6. -Identification-of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacemsnt Components rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document _ Replaced, or Stcmped Component Manufacturer Class- Replacement Number (Yes or No) 19-30 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 11-30 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 03-30 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 51-26 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 47-26 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No ~ 7.- Description of _ Work: Replaced bolts-(einht bolts to each component).

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other. Pressure- psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheer is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: _ Ibis NIS-2 Report provides the renuired irformation on repairs and replacec:ents performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Poyer Plants" is invoked throur_h the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) l l I l CERTIFICATE OF CnMPLIANCF. We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repIncement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI, i (repair or replacement) l l Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A , Certification of Authorizption No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A


Signed: . Engineerine Mananay__ Date: March 5, 1992  ;

                           #     (Owner or     ner's Designeo, Title)                                        1 l

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Stato or Provinco of Nebraska and employea by Eartford Steam Boiler I & T Comyany of Ha tford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report dding the perind June 1. 1990 to pecember 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations anc' taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI, By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nc r his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: Nbe d .43 ' Commissions: #WA ML 4Z --774 - (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: j ' F-f 1- _

l FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As R: quired by ths Provialons of_ths ASME Cods S2ction II Iff L 1.' Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date; March 9. -1991-NJ t-f t (Name): P.O. Box 499. Columbur. NE 68601 Sheet _ 69 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooner Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NB 68327 N/A (.1ddres s) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , J ob No . , Etc.)

3. -Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 86 Edition, No Addenda, __ N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 /.ddenda
6. Identification of Co:rponents Repaired t Replaced and Replacement Components V rk Repaired ASME Code Name of N4 me of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manu !ac turer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) 43-26~ A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 39-26 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 15-26 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 11 A&C Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 07-26 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement 50
7. ' Description of Work: Reclaced bolts (eight bolts to each comoonent).

8; Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X

                             'Other           Pressure         psi    Test Temp.          *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on thir report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the nuc5er of
      ~s heets i   recorded at the top of this form.

J9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the recuired information on repairs and replacements nerformed at Cooner Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

    . Also Code Case N 308. "Docume.ntation.of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants"       is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

(Applicable Mannfacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code-Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authvc za on io . N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: Y4A Encineerine Mananer Date: March 5, 1992

                       #~      (Owner or      r's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICP-INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boilcr I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period June 1.'1990 to December-31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief,_the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of-the-ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither'the-Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty,. expressed or_ implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner s Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any ' manner ' for any personal injury or property damage ot_-a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Inspector's Signature
VL] M .- :c' Commid ions: 7M erre- A> I '7& &
                                  '(National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements)

Date: =3% 5-9 t f (.-

i FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REFAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Requirsd by the Provisions of tha ASME Coda Saction-XI I492

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. 4991#n3-r.r t (Name)

P.O.-Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 70 of 98

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One __

(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Addrers)' (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Co(*.e Symbol Stamp: H26 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identificat* n of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD)
  -5.      (a) Applicable Constr.tction Code:                 ASME Section III            19 86 Edition,
                             'Nc              Addenda,            -N/A              Code Ca.*e
(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repaire ,r n- lacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ,

V rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component ~ Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) _ 03-26' A&G Eng. II 1 '91-3278 Replacement No

                    $1-22             A&G Eng. II             1-        91-3278       . Replacement           No-
                   ~47 _2'           .AGC-Eng.'II             1         91-3278         Replacement           No 43 22             A&G Eng. II             1         91-3278         Replacement           No 39-22             A&G Eng. II             l-        91-3278         Replacement           No
7. Description of Work: Renlactd bolts (eight bolts to each comoonent) .
8. Tests Conducted: llydrostatic .

Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure 'X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. , 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets-in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. l~

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the recuired information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throuth December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE w'e certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI, (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Autho izqtio No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: $1 ,[ rngineering Manager Date: March 5. 199t.

                    /       (Owneror{mer'sDesignee,Titic)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to p.ecember 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the inspector nor his employer shall. be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. A Inspector's Signature: W7a e/ d _ ; m/w . Commissions: AW A*35 e. A) Z "fh A, (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) _Date: JF- G - 9 7.

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Rsquired by 'the Provisicus of. ths ASME Coda S1ction XI [ Owner: Hebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. Jff2 (Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 71 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Looner Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , J ob No . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owrer Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 86 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case
     '(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980s Winter 1981 Addenda
6. -Identification of Components Repaired or Replac3d and Replacement Components v V rk Repaired ASME Code Name of' Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or. Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or Nc) 35 22 A&C Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 31 A&C Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 23-22 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 07-22 A&C Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No-51-18 -

A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No  ; 7'. Description'of Work: _LeDJaced' bolts (cicht bolts to each component).

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X-Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE:. Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1)-size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 throuSh;6 on this
        -report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reauired information on repairs and replacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throur.h December 1991.

Also Code' Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs and Replacements of Contoonents in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. _ (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CER'lIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Auth .1 ation No. N/A E: 1 ration Date: N/A Signed:

  • Ennineerina Mananer Date: March 5. 1992
                                                              '(Owneror{wner'sDesignee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1 the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of . Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the-State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Comoany of' Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1; 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief,- the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures - described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes_any warranty, expressed or implied,lconcerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his l employer shall be liable in any manner 'for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of.any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: NI I> m. 3  ! Commissions: v# #We A) -I Y2, A-(National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Datet } 9 - 7 t-2

                                                                                                                 .l FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT < FOR REPAIRS OR stEPIACEMENTS
                            -As R:quir d by th2 Provisions of th2 ASME Coda Ssetion XI
    . 1,  Owner:        Nebraska Public Power District                  Date:        tiarch 9.      Mu-n
  ,                             (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 72 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) -(Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. IWork Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: EZ6 Same ___

Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Contrcl Rod Drive (CRD)

5. (a) Applicablo Construction Code: ASME Sect.on III 19 86 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. ~ Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code
            .Nameaof.                Name of-        Nuclear      Documant        Replaced, or      -Stamped.

Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No) 47-18 A&G Eng.11 1 91-3278 Replacement No 39-16 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278- Replacement No

               .35-18              A&G Eng. II           1         91-3278        Replacement-          No 31-18              A&G Eng. II-          1         91-3278        Replacement           No 27-18              A&G Eng. II           1         91-3278        Replacement           No
7. Description o' Work: Reolaced bolts (ei ht bolts to eash component).

i8. Tests. Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic

                                     -Nominal Operating' Pressure      X Other         Pressure          psi    fest Temp.        'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x.11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report:is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Rornarks : Ibis NIS 2 Reoort provisjen the reautred information on repJ11Ip__ find repincements performed at Cooper Nuclent S t a t i oD__( 1un<,1990 through December 1991.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Ryneirs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear _ Power Plants" is invoked throurt the use sf.,J. gin NIS 2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Poports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Vo certify that the sta';ements tr.ade in the report are correct and this

       .      ren1ncee'ent                            conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.

(repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol stamp: N/A Cer fication of Auth ritatio No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: e . LJ Engineerinn Mananer Date: March 5 1992

                       /            (owner or                 nor's Designee. Titic)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INS?ECTION . V I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by th: National Board of Boiler and Pressurn Vessel Ins 9ectors and the State or province of Nebraska ,and employed by Hartfrol.jiteam P2iler I & I company of ___llartford. CT have _ inspected the compesinta desc ibed in this Owner's Report during the period June 1.1990 to Df_traher 31dP_ti, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken entrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this .:ertit cate, 1 neither the Inspecto_ nor hir. employer makes any warranty, expr ,issed or ;mplied, concerning the examinations and corrective measurad described ir ehis Owner's Report. Purthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or cot.nected with this inspection. Inspactor's Signature: N Jo . ds Comriidsions : M e 5 r e- All 71 (Natindai Boarc.. ae , Province, and adorsements) Date: 3' - 9 'i r ,

i FORM NIS-2 OVNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMLtiTS As R: quired by tho Provisions cf ths ASME Cods S:ction XI

1. Owner: Nebraska h blic Power District Date: llarch 9. 831.g.

(Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68001 __ Sheet 73 of 98 (Address) Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One 2. (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brovnvil19. NE 68321 , N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , J ob No . , Etc.) 3 Work $?erformec By: Owner Type Codo Symbol SteSp: H/A Authoritation Date: _ U/6._, _., S nte (Addrest) N/A Expiration Date: 4 Identification of System: Contrel. Pod Drive (CRD)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section 11I 19_ff_ Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Cece (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of components Repaired or Replaced and Replacemant Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear DocL>aent Replaced, or Stamped Component Mr.nuf ac turer Class ,Jeabe r Replacement (Yes or No) 23-18 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 11-18 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 07-18 A&G Eng. 11 1 91 3278 Replacement No 03 18 A6G Fng. II 1 91 3278 Replacement No 47-14 A&G Eng. !. 1 91-?278 Replaceme nt No
7. Description of Work: _ Replaced bolts _(31;h5 bolts to each compcnent).
     '8.      Tests Conducted                liydrostatic _         Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure                   X Other          Pressure                   psi     Test Temp.         'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) cach sheet is numbered and the number of sheets la recorded ac the top of this form, l

l b 1. 9 Remarks: This NIS 2_ Repart provides the reouired infomt;1pn on repairs and l l repigteements ver10Imed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 430 throurh Decerther 1991, Also C.cde Case N 308 "EQEumentation of Repairs and Repinecments of Components in _ _,,, I Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked throuth the use of Form NIS 2 for rep.pIllne. ' (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) i l CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE i-(= - We certify that the statements, made in the report are correct and this i replacement conforms to the rules of Llie ASME Code, Sectior XI. (repair or replacement)  ;

                                                                                                                                                                               ,             1 Type Code-Symbol Stamp
  • N/A _ ,

Certification of Auti ri ation No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A . I-Signed: s o Engineering Manager Date: March 5, 1992

  • I
                                   /'      '(Owner or     wner's Designet., Title)                                                                                                           ,


1. the undersigned, holding a valid commias' ion issued by the National Board of ,

Boiler and Prer.suro_ Vessel Inspectors and the Stato or Province of ..Nebinska and employed by ,,114I.tford Steam doiler I & I Comnanv_ of Hartford. CT have c inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief.-the Owner has performed examinations-and taken cor netive measures this'0wner's Report in accordance_vich the i. irements of the ASME Code, Section XI. B) signing this certifi, te, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any ' warranty, ext.ressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in-this-Owner's Report. Furthermoro, neither the Inspector nor his employer shal be liable in_ any manner for any personal injury 3r_ property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection,

          ~ Inspector's-Signature: %Idb.<C_

Commissions: L'A/M4% ou T '~ f ?v & l (Nationai Board. State, Province, and Endorsnments) Date: 'F- C -F L _ , d _ ~ _.- ,, . - - . _ _ _ .-...-;..__-, - ~ . -

                                                                                                                      . _ , _ _    ,_.m                 --.-m,       - , -        .: . , .
"...._,.1....,__,                                                " . ~ ' ~~ '"                     -~~ ~~        ~^        ~ ~ ~

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS CR REPIACEMENTS As R:quirod by ths Pr: visions of ths ACME Code Soetion XI l

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9.k N>(s r.

(Name) Sheet 74 of 98 P.O. B23.499. Columbusm UE 68601 4 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station 1 Lit: _ one (Name) y/A l P.O. nox 98. Brownville. NE 68321 (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.

No. , Job No. , Etc. )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Date: N/A j

_(Address) Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: ._,_ Control End Drive (CRD)  ;
5. (a) Aoplicable Construction Code: ASME Section 111 19 86 Edition,
                            , No               Addenda,              N/A                    Code Case
             '(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980.-Winter 1981 Addenda
6. . . Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components i

Work Repaired ASME Code Name-of Name of Nuclear. Document RepInced, or Stamped , Component Manufacturer Class Number Repiscement (Yes or No) 39-14 A&G Enr II 1 91-3278 Replacement No t 35 14 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 31-14 A&C Eng. I? 1 91 3278 Replacement No

                  -27 14                A&G Eng. II              1           91 3278            Replacement             No 23-14                A&G Eng. II              1 91-3278            Replacement             No
7. . Deadption of Work: __Renlaced bolts (eicht bolts to each comoonent).
     '8. -Tests Conducted:                 Hydrostatic             Pneumatic Nominal-Operating Pressure-          X Other            Pressure           psi        Test Temp..        'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the. form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items l through 6 on this                    -

report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets-is recorded at the top of this form.

       ..s      .


9. Pemarks: . This NIS 2 Report tirovides the required in[qrmation on repairs and I

replatements perfortted at Coorier Nuclear Station from June 191(Librough Decenher 1991.. j Also Codo Case N 308. " Document atioti of Repairs and Replacements of_ Cernenent s in I Nuclear Power Plants" ic invokd through the of Forin NIS-2 for reporting. ,_,, (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) i CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the stateruents made in the report are co. rect and this renlatement cor. forms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacettent) Type Code Symbol Startp: N/A 11/A Expiration Date: N/A Certification of Autt riutio)1 !!o . Sigaed: h- Enninerrina MannRer Date: March $. 1992_

                 /    ~ (Owner or dvner's Designee, Title)


                               - w ,.

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of NebR ska and employed by Hartford Ste_utB oiler I & I Company of _}LartfordmgI_. have inspected the components described in this's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinat>ons and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Insper. tor nor his employer u.akes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and correctivo measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with thic inspection. Inspector's Signature: % . u+ .J Commissions: A4f # ,tS S c r /t/ 4 Th (National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) Date: 34_f t 4

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R quirod by ths Previsiens of ths ASME Cods Stction XI Wit

1. Owner: Nebraska Puh11c Power District .

Dato: March 9. 499t h. 244c (Hame) P0 Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheut 75 of __ 98 (Address)

2. Plant: CooDer Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

___P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 6?321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner . Type Code Symbol Stamp: 11 / 6 Same Authoritation Date: __HZA__

(Address) Expiration Date: _ N/A

4. Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRDS ,
5. (a) Applicable Cont ruction Code: ASME Section III 19 86 Edition, No _. Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs er Replacements 1980, Vinter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Ccaponents Repaired or Replaced end Replacement Components Work Repaired- ASME Code Name of Name of. Nuclear D cument Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) 19 14 A&G Eng. II 1 91 3278 Replacement No 15-14 , A&G Eng. II 1 91 3278 Replacement No 11 14 A&G Eng. 11 1 91-3278 Replacement No 07 14- A&G Eng. 11 1 91 3278 Replacement No 47 10 A&G Eng; II 1 91-3278 Replacement No
7. Description of Work: _ Replaced bolts (eicht bolts to each component).
8. . Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic __ Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressuro -X e ,

Other Pressure psi. " st Temp. __ F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided.(1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this

                             . report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-7JlrritLPloYJJies 2 the required informelon op reonirs and unloccatnLa_ performed at Cooper Nuclent Station f rom June 1990 t hrouch December 199L.

_ Also Code case N 308. "0_cutmentation of Rennirs and Ecplacement s of Component s in Nuclent Pown_Pi n nt s " is invoked through the use of Forrn N15-7 for_LCr.D.Lt1Dr. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attiched) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report ate correct and this renlacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authort otlo i No. _ .._ N / A Expiration Date: N/A.


Signed: Op[-y-[vtsJ

                     /jY1 /_.                       EDgl.neering Manager                        Dato:            March 5, 1992 Towner o    wner 's De s ignec , *"i tle)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid connissio. issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of _ Nebraska and employed by _jiartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. MI _ have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period June 1.1990 to Decembed_}191, 9 and state that to the best knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures doccribed in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing thir, certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Incpector nor his employer shall be liable in any n.anner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind from or connected with this inspection. Inspector'sSignature:'7 Lab.))st.o _ Commissions: /h* A rie- Ai - E '12M - (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 3 ~ Y41


l FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPI.ACEMENTS As R: quired by the Provisiona of the ASME Cods Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. b lII3.r.ys.

(Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 76 of 98 l (Address) l

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: ,,

One (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P 0. No., Job No., Etc.) 3.- Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: lif,A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of Systern: Control Rod Drive (CRD) =_ , , , , , , , , ,
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19.31., Edition, No Addenda, _ N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements -

1980, Winter 1981 Addenda 6, - Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME ode Narne of - Name df ' Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Cornpenent Manufactutor Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) 43 10 A6G Eng. II 1 91 3278 Replacement No-39 10 A&G Eng.-11 l' 91 3270 'Replacernent No 35 10 A&G Eng. II 1 91 3278 Replacement No  ; 31 10 AEG Eng. II 1 91 3278 -Replacement No

            -27 10             A&G Eng. II            1        91 3278                 Replacement                          No
7. . Description of Work: ,,1cplagf4 bolts f eicht bolts to each cornoonent) .

L8. Testa Conducted: Hydrostatic -Pneumatic . Nominal Operating- Pressure ,_l,,,,,,, other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the forrn of lists, sketches, or drawings snay be used, prosided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 cn this i report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is retorded at the top of this form.

' 9. Remarks: _This DIS 2 leport provides the renuired information on. repairs and replacementis performed at Conner Nucicar Station from June 1990 throur_h Decerther 199L Alsp_ Code Case N 308 2 Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of CO21TDents in Npelear Power Plante". is invoked throurh the use of Form NTS 2 for reportine.. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements niade in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacernent) Type Coda Symbol Stattp: N/A Certification of Auth 9ri ti n No, N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 1 -, 2 Engineerine Manpger__. Date: Mar h $< 1992 g/ (owner or wner's Designee, Titic) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid conunission issued by the National Board of Beller and pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or provinco of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steatr Boiler I f I Company _ of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner'n Report during the period June 1.1990 to Recember 31. 1991, and state that to the best of ray knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed emuninations and taken corrective mean,ures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificato, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, exprested or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a lou of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: Cf/M 'w A.> Co::uniss ions : e !,J / N r t- N -I N L- , (National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) Date: 7 4 4 t- ___

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REP 1ACEMENTS e , As R quir d by ths Previsiens of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power D[EtrJet ._ Date: March 9.d fly.r.g (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 77 of 98 (Address) F

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Natae)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Ftc . )

3. Vork Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: l!/A Same Authotization Date: N/A (Address) '

Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Control Pad Drive (CRD)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19,_Hi.. Edition, No Addenda, N/A . Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of.Section-XI Utilize 1 for Repairs or Replacements 1980 Vinter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Nuc1 car.

rk Repaired ASME Code Name of- Name of Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Hanufacturer - Class Replacement Number ..Yes or No) 23-10 A&G Eng. 11 1 91 3278 Replacement No 19 10- A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 1 15 10 -A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No 11-10 A&G Eng. II 1 91 3278 Replacement No 07 10- A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278- Replacement No

7. 'Descript' ion of Work: Replaced bolts ( bolts to each component).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatio ,, Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. F
   . NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists,. sketches, or drawings raay be used, provided (1) size ia 8-1/2" x-11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is nuibered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.-                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,

t e e 4 m er -e - _ _ _ ._____m___.__.__m. . _ _ _m___ . .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ._.__m__      _.__ _    m_-_     ___. ~.-
9. Remarks: Thin NIS 2 Report provides the reautred information on renalrs and renlacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throurh December.1991 Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Rqpairs and Renlacements of Puelear Power Plants" is invoked thrpph the use of Form NIS 2 for reportinn.

(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPb1ANCE 1 Ue certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this renlacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Autho zatiot No . _. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 2  ; Ennineerinn Manager Date: March 5. 1992

                        /    ~~(0wner or      nor's Desigace, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by _ Martf 2Id Steam Boiler I & I company __ of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Oaner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to Egcember 11. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken' corrective measures described in thin Owner's Report in accordance with the reauirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured

  . described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer sha.',1 be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Inspector's Signature: 'hb 3 a4J Commissions: M# e r e. A> - I ->L h (National Board, State, Province, and Ehdorsements) Date: _F- 9 9,c_ MN {r

l FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS l As Required by th2 Provisions of the ASME Cods Soction XI

1. Owner: Nebrasia Public. Power Di.atrict Date; Margh 9. Nrf.p t (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 78 of 98 (Address) 2, Plant: Cooner Nucicar Station Unit: One (Name) - P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 60321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. Nn., Job No,, Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Addr1ss)

Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD) , 5 ( a ', Applicable Construction-Code: ASME Section III 19_&h., Edition. No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b)-Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repoired or Replaced and Replacement Components ]

W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Docueent Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer. Class Number' Replacement (Yes cr No) 43-06 A&G Eng. II 1 91 3278 Replacement No 39 06 A&C Eng. II 1 91-327o Replacement No 35-06 A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No L 31 A&G Eng._J1 1 9153E78 Replacement No

 '                                   27-06                     A&G Erg. II                   1             91-3278                   Replacement                                                                       No        l
                                . Description of Work:                   Replaced bolts (eicht bolts to each comnonent).

_7. 8.- Tests Conducted: -Hydrostatic _ Pneumatic Nominal: Operating Pressure X-L other Pressure _ psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental shoots in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) ee h sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form, l

9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Report provides the requirg3_.inf1 omation on repairs an!!

replccements nerformed ni,_ Cooper Nuclear Station from Lyne 1990 through Decerber 1991 _ Also code Case 11-308. "Documentallen of 14enalrs and Ret 0 actatnia of ComDentuts l'1 _ ,_11oclear_l'sLwe r Pl ant s" . is , invoked throug)j_1he use of Form NIS 2 for report.lDB. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Vo cortify that the statements made in the report are correct and this 5 re plftc.f ment confortns to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Starop: N/A Certification of Auth 51.ation No. N/A , _ , Expiration Date: N/A Signed: k Entineering Manager Date: March 5, 1992 J (Owaer or ner's Designce, Titic) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSfECTION 1, the undersigned, holdin6 a valid commission issued by the National Loard of Boiler and pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or province of Nebraska r.nd employed by Hartfar3Litsan Boiler I t. I Cp2p_any_ of Eartf.o_rd. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to pts;.cmher 3)...19_91, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner han p rformed cominations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's ;bport in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificcte, neither the Inspector nor his employer makts any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his ornployer shall be liable in any manner for a .y persoral injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising frota or connected with this inspection. Innpcetor's Signature: 96/ 4),u/e 3 Commissions.: yJM A^5 ('2 & Y/ed-(National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) Date:  % 9 'i

                                                                                     - _ _ . _    -_______ _      m_ _ _ _ . _ _ , , , _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ , _ , _ _ _

4-I FORM NTS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS ' As R: quired by ths Provisions of ths ASME Cods S ction XI 411 2.

1. Owner: __ Nebraska Public Power District Date: , _ _ _ March 9. 4991-@3+rr.

(Name) . P.O. Box 49.2. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 79 of 98 (Address)

2. Plent: Coongn_Fuelear Station Unit: One (Name)

_ P.O Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgcinzation, P.O. No . , J ob No . , Etc.)

3. Vork Perforaed By: Owner __ Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CR9)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 86 Edition, No Adoenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980,~Vinter 1981 Addenda
  -6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components rk               Repaired _         ASME Code Name of               Name of         Nuclear        Document            Replaced, or          Stamped Component-          Manufacturer         Class         Number             Replacement         (Yes or No) 23-06             A&G Eng. II           1          91-3278             Replacement              No
         -19 06             A&G Eng. II           1          91-3278             Replacement              No 15-06             A&G Eng. II           1          91-3278             Replacement              No 11 06             A&G Eng. II           1-         91-3278             Replacement              No 35 02             A&G Eng. II           1          91 3278             Replacement              No f
7. Description cf Work: Replaced bolts (eight bolts to each comoonent).

8, Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic _ Pneumatic Noninal Operating Pressure X Other __ Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE:: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the numbar of sheets is . recorded at the top of this form.

9. Remarks: _This NIS 2 Report provides the trquimL11)formnt!.on on ieenirs and replacements perforped at Cooirr Nuclenr St ation from June 1990 throurg December 199.L Also Code Case N 308. "Docu'nentation of Pepairs and Replacements of CorrPIDrnts in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoVed throurh the q2e of Form NIS-2 for_ eporting.

(Applicable Mant f acturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE k'o certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this _ replar13 1 conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A  : Certification of Autherl ation No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: C EngineerinR Manager Date: March 5, 1992,

                   #       (Owner     Owner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure *essel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska at,d employed by _,jlartford Steam Boiler _I & I Cotnpany of Hartford. CT have inspected tl.e components described in this owner's Report during the period

      )_ung_L_191Q to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best ot' my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI, By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any                                                     __

varranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property dardage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.


Inspector's Signatute: % d A od/. :' Commissions o f a u t. A'- r- 'f4 &- (h tional Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: F FF L

i FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R: quired by ths Previsions of th2 ASME Cods S:ction AI i'lf 2 1; Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. -1901 h44t. (Name) P.O. Box 499. Calpabus. NE 68601 Sheet 80 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Vork Performed By: Owner Type Code Syubol Stamp: Hg Same Authorizttion Date: N/A . . .

l (Address) Expiration Date: N/A f i

4. Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD) l S. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 86 Edition.
                                                -No                           ' Addenda,             Na              Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) 31 02 (1) A&G Eng.-II 1 91-3276 Replacement No 27-02 (1) A&G Eng. II- 1 91-3278 Replacement No 23 02 (1) A&G Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement .No 19-02 (1) A&C Eng. II 1 91 3278 Rsplacement No 19-42 (2) A&G Eng. II. 1 91-3278 Replacement No
7. ' Description of Work: (1) Replaced eicht bolts. -(2) Re3 1 aced six bolts.
8. Tests Conducted: -Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets _in_the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11*, (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this
                                    - report is included on each sheet, and O) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of thic form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2.JLengrt nrovides the reqttired inforrtalinn_on repairs n.nd replacements ner[Emed at Cooper Nochar Station from June _.1990 tl Leitgh 1 December 1991, i

Also Code Cnse N-308. " Documentation of P 2 pairs and llenlacement s of Components in thic1cnr Power Plant n* is invoked throurb the use of Form filS-2 for reportine-(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and th:


rep 1ncement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacernent) Type Code Syrnbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Autjho Jr.ation No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: Engineering Managet Date: March 5. 1992

                       #           (ownero[ Owner'sDesignee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSFECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Ndrat;ka and employed by ,_11artford Stt_am Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report durina, the period June 1. 1990 to pecember 31. 199.1, and tate that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has perfacmed examinatione and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective rneasured described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage , or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

                                                  . j
            !nspector's Sigrature:        Mm/,Ah4s Commissions; hJ     # aer t

_,U r V7/ir (National Board, Stato, Province, and Endorsements) Date: I s *) t. - i

                   ~                 _      -           ..              -   . _ . .         -.                   -       - -      _ . -    -

a- -.a .. , FGRM HIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REFAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS , As R:quirod by the Provisions of ths ASME Cods Section XI r

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District. Date: March LMh l_Mj+(s-(Name)

Sheet 81 of 98 f.0. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 (Address) r

2. Plant: Cooper..Nucient Station Unit: Om (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brevnv111c. NE 68321 N/A ' (Address) (Repair Orgainzation P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type ;de Symbol Stamp: U/A Same ,

Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of Systern: kntrol Bod Drive (CRD)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section 111 19 86 Edition, t No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Sectinn XI Utilized for Repairs or Repincements
             -1980, Winter 1981 Addenda v
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Cornponents W rk- Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stampeu Manufacturer Class Component Number Replace nent (Yes or No)  ;

15 42'(1) A60 Eng. II 1 91-3278 Replacement No

27-38 (2) A&G Eng. II 1 91 3278 Replacement No 91 3278 Replacement No 19 26'(3) A&G Eng.'II 1-43 1d (4)- A&G Eng. 11 1 91-3278 Replacement. No 43-14 (1) A&G Eng. 11 1 91-3278' Replacernenc No
 ; ~-7. Description of Work:               (1) Renlaced one bolt.                (2) Reulaced two bolts.               (3) Renlaced 1,bree bolts.       (4) Replaced six bolts.
8. Tests Conducted; ilydrostatic Pneumatic _


                                       -Nominal Operating Pressurn .,_2-Other      ,,      Pressure                 ps. Test Temp.              --'F l

NOTE: _ Supplemental sheets-in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, L provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this. _ , l report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorde i at the top of this forin.

9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Report provides the reoutred information on xcoairs_and ,


              -replacenents oc" formed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June _1990 through December 1991<

Also code case N-308.

  • Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of. Components in Nuclear Ppwer Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS 2 for reporting.

(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Repcrts to be Attached) l CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repl a c,.cment conforms to the rules of the ASM2 CoC., Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Auttgor ratipn No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: f/a 8LI

                                                  /,fa                                  rmqinnertne Manager _,,, Date:                           March $. 1992.
                                         /         (Osner o     wner's Designee. Titic)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPEUTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by th< Kational Board of Boiler and Precsure Ver.cel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebra_gka and employed by llartford Steam Boiler I & I ComPADv of 11artford. CT have inspected tl e = cornponents de cribed in this owner's Report during the period Jun_e 1. 1990 to pecember 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed exarninations and tr. ken corrective incasures - described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his .mployer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his maployer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or:a loss of anf kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature h 2u/' u/-, J Commiasions: .At.t 4'K A AJ - I. '9b b ,, (National Board, State, Province, and Enf.orsements) Date: 3 f L

                       .              - - .              .         ..   - - - . - - --_ _ - - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - _ - - . _ _ .                                   . . _ . _ ~
 . ,_. ~ _ ..                                                    .                                                                                                                                  j i

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPCRT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIA6EMENTS I As R: quired by ths Provisions of ths ASME Cods S3ction XI

1. -Owner: Nebraska Public Power Districi. Date: March 9. MJ+ps (Name)

P O. Bog.__499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 82 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station Unit: Og .

(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 6f 3_21 , N/A (Address) ' Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc.)

3. Work Perfortned By: _ Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/.A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A ,

4. Identification of Systern: Reactor Recirculation (RR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 10 s3._. Edition.

No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilize 1 for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)


  • N/A~ 1 91-3464 Replacement No t
             *.         Pipe welded over valve RR-MOV M053B vent line stub.

7;-' Description of Work: Welded a section of 2" nine with blind flange to valve bonnet.

8. Tests Conducted: llydrostatic ** Pneumatic
         ~3-Nominal Operating Pressure: X                                                           "

Other Pressure psi Test Temp. F

                        ** liylrostatic test deferred.

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided_(1) size is 8-1/2" x 11",_(2) information in~ items 1 througl 6.on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

                                             . , - . . -                   _,   .   -     ,                             ,               w -o *  - = ,   ,,ee-        -e- _ - , , , - - e r.- <t--
6. Remarks: This NIS.2 Report nrovides the required information on repairs and reolneements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

Also Code Case N.308. ' Documentation of ReontrS and Replacements of Componegys in I Huelcar Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form .9fS.2 for rooortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this __rconir conforms to the rules of the Ai;tE Code, Section XI. - (repair or replacement) j Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Autho,12 ti No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: .m 4) Er.nineering ManaRet Date: __ March 5, 1992 4' '(ownet or ({nter's Designes, Title) i.


1 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE-INSPECTION 1 the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board.of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by. Hartford Steam Boller I & I Company of Hartford. CT have. 'l inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31.-1991, and state that to the best_of my knowledge and belief,_the Ovner.has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in.this owner's Report-in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing.this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described-in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his e employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a' loss of any-kind. arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: 72,23 sw __ Cor;. missions : />/ /mi s e- A). r v/e / -- (Nationa'l Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 25'S-f2w r b l ,  ? s i: l

                                                                     - _ _ _        ,_.._.--.m.._           - . - -   ,, , , . - ,     .

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R: quired by ths Provisions of ths ASME Cods Section XI titt a

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. 4991 Ps-t f t (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 83 of __ 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cepper Nuclear Station Unit: (Name)
      .. P.0 Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321                                         .

N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc. )

3. Work Performed By: Owner _ . _ _ Type Cod. Symbol Stamp: UZ6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)
                                                                           *:wpiration Date:          N/A 4     Identification of System:              Core Snrav (CS)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B16.5 19_iE_ Edition, leo Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. -1dentification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replac'. ment Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Huclear Document P.eplaced,-or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

_~ CS.MOV.M026B -Anchor / Darling ,2 91-3691 Repaired No

7. Description of' Work:- Cracks in valve voke were excavated and weld repaired.
8. _ Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic _

Nominal Operating Pressure Other .N/A Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F l'OTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, aketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through16 on this report is-included on each sheet,-and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. 4

                     ~                    .h

i l

9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Report provides the reautred information on repairs and rgniacements performed at Cooper Nucicar Station from June 1990 through Decen;ber 1991m l
       &lgn, Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Renairs and Reolacementg, of Components in                       .

Nucient Power Plants". is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for_renorting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of tha ASME Code, Section XI, (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A l Certification of A h ization No. F/A , Expiration Date: N/A I Signed: __ p V/p( ,# m Engineerine Manager Date: March 5. 1992

                       /       (Ovner ott Owner's Designee, Title)

O CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of , Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Comorny of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Repori during the period

        ' June 1. 1990 to pecember 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures                                 '

described in this Owner's Report its accordance with the requirements of the ASnE Code, Sect'on XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concernfra he examinations and corrective measured described in this Osuer's Report. Furche.- e, neither the' Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection, inspector's Signature: %/ 't e2- > Commissions: 9l/ A'3n. A); T __% L-(National Beard, State, Province, and Endorsements)

        -Date:        Y~ r-v t                                                                                      >

I .- , , . .- _ _ , - , . - - -

u FORM 3I8-2 OWNER'S REPORT YOR RP. PAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of tho ASME Codo S:cticn XI

                                                                                                      # 7 '/ t
1. Owner: Nebraska Public Pnw a r District Date: March 9. 4 991ll3fft (Name)

P.O. !%x A99, Columbus. NE 6Cfp,\ Sheet 84 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: CS2per Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville.JE 68321 N/A _ (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , J ob Ho . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: li/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: th19.1 car boiler (NB)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 1 . Edition, Rin_ter 1966 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Maaut'acturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RPV Stud #1 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No RPV Stud #2 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No RPV Stud #3 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No RPV Stud #4 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No RPV Stud #5 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Renlaced Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) heaj__ggf.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2_ Report provides the reautred information on repairs and replacements performed at Coopgr Nuclear _Jeation from June 1990 throurh Decembet 19.91.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Comp . Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throur.h the use of Form NIS 2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the raport are correct and this replacement conforms to the rulea of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A N/A Expiration Date: N/A CertificationofAuthorcatgonNo. Signed: [ /.. Encineerine Mananer Date: _ March 5, 1992

                     /      (6wner or Dwr'er's Designee, Title)

( CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of __Eedraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hg,rtford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period Ame 1.1990 to Dep. ember 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer sha'.1 be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of rny kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signaturo: M , a ls Commissions: _TM M Ve r. 4/ T *-fh 4 - (Nationa'l Board, State , Province, and Endorsements) . I Date: 3 > t-  ; 1 i i

FOKH NIS-? OVNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRG OR REP 1ACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the AStfE Code section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Publie Power District Date: March 9. d M Ff'#7 (98me)

P.O. Box 499. Cstl umbus. NE 68601 Sheet 85 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownv111n. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , J ob No . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: I!/_A Sane Authorization Date: y ,L _

(Address) Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Nuclear Boiler (NB)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19,f L. Edition, Winter 1966 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Appilcable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Rap: ira or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components V rk Repaired ASME Code Namo of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No) l RPV Stud #6 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No RPV Stud #7 Combustion Fng, 1 91-2954 Replacement No RPV Stud #8 Combustion Eng. 1 91 2954 Replacement No RPV Stud #9 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No RPV Stud #10 Combustion 1 91-2954 Replacement No
7. Description of Work: Renlaced Reactor.,fy,gfsure Vessel (RPV) head stud.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, ketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is it.cluded on each sheet, and (3) each is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reautred information on repairs and renlacements nerformed at Coopsr Nuc}rar Station from June 1990 throuth December 1991. j Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Renalrs and Renlacements of Components in '

Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Fqrm h1S 2 for reporting. (Applicable Marr;facturer's Data Reports to be Attached) l CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I We t. .ify that the statementa made in the report are correct and this renlacement conCorms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Auth rization No. N/A Expirstion Date: N/A Signed:


k "(Owner or wner's Designce, Encineerine Manneer

                                                      ~       ~

Tit 1e)


Date: March 5. 1992 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INF'?CTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & T Comnany of Hartford. CT bave inspected the componente described in this owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the exarninations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore .neither the Inspector nor his employer chall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: d hdi- C _,_ Commissions: Y M e r n- A), J '//M r (Nacional Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: . Y f 6 ,

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR P.EPATRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R: quired by th3 Provisions of th3 ASME Cod 3 Ssetion XI

1. Owner: Nt braska Public Power District Date: March 9. 9-{fpq,f (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 86 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclgar Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 90. BEgynville. NE 6u321 N/A _ (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc . )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/A Same _. Authorization Date: N/A

Expiration Date: N/A 1 4' . - luentification of System: tiMaltar Boiler (NB)

      .'5 .    (a): Applicable Construction Code:              ASME Section III            19_11_ Edition,                                         j Winter 1966          Addenda,        __ N/A_

Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

      - 6. Identification-of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk           Repaired                   ASME Code Name'of                  Name of          Nuclear      D cument       Repla ed, or                   Stamped Component              Manufacturer         Class        Number         Replacement                 (Yes or No)

RPV Stud #11 Combustion Eng. l' 91-2954 Replacement No

            -RPV Stud #12             Combustion Eng.          1-       91-2V54 ,_      Replacement                                     No
            'RPV Stud #13-            Combustion Eng.          1        91 2954         Replacament                                     No RPV Stud #14             Combustion ~Eng.         1        91 2954         Replacement                                     No RPV Stud #15             Combustion Eng.          1        91-2954         Replacement                                     No
7. ' Description of Work: ' Replaced Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) head' stud.
8. Tests Conducted:  !!ydrostatic -Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. __ F
      . NOTE: Supplemental. sheets'in-the form of-lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided.(1) size is 8 1/2' x 11",_(2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included or each sheet, and (3) each sheet is r;ambered and the number of recorded at the top of this form.

4t / v

9. -Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provhics the reautred infgrmation on repairs and replacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

Also Code case N 308. "DEFJim.entation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Flants" is invoked throurh the use of Forn NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANC!I We certify that the statements made in the report arn ccrrect and this replacement the rules of thn ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or ieplacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A N/A N/A Certification of Authyizgtiog No. Expiration Date: ,_,, Signed; bd Eneineerine Matacer ~ Date: March 5. 1992

                      /      10wner or     er's Design'ee. Titl'e)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Stc&m Boiler.I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described it, this Owner's Report during the period J.u_ne 1. 1990 to December 31. 19C , and state that to the best of ny knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations sr.d taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Rap'.t in accordance with the requirements-of the ASME Code, Section XI. By rigning this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty,-expresset. or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured

      ,  described in this Owm r's Report.      Furthermore, noither the Inspector nor his
      , employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Inspectoi's Signature: %A 4> Commissions: A/M /arrr; .O 2 Wb (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: TG4r i a.

FCRM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R quired by the Provisions of thi ASME Coda S ction XI March 9.

1. Owner: Nebras};a Public Power District Date: 3-f-f 2 (Name)

Sheet 87 of 98


TJ Q )c 499. Columbus. NE 68601 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooner Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc,?

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol 8 tamp: N/A Same Authorizaticn Date: N/A (Address) 1 niration Date: N/A
4. Identification of System: Nuclear Boiler (Nf)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ,. ME section III 19 65 Edition, Vinter ljf6 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or placements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaire<'. or Replaced and Replacement Components V rk Repaired ASME Code l

Name of Name of Nuilear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manuftzturer Cless Replacement c. Number (Yes or No)- RPV Stud #16' Combustion Eng. ' 91-2954 Replacement No RPV Stud #17 -Combustion Eng. 1 51-2954 Replacement No RPV Stud #18 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No

'                                                                                                                                                                                  Replacement             No RPV Stud #19                                                                           Combustion Eng.                                     1         91-2954 RPV Stud #20                                                                           Combustion Eng.                                     1         91-2954              Replacament l          No        i
7. Description of Work: _Reclaced Reactor Pressure Vessel EPV) head st
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the 9 m of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provf ded (1) size is 8-1/2 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this
                   . report is included on each sneet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.



9. Reraarks : _This NIS-2 Report provides the required Iq{grmation on repairs and replacements ettformed at Cooper Nucient Station from June 1990 throurh December 1991.

Also Cods, Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Renlacements of Components in l Nucioar Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reportinv. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE l Ve certify that-the statements made in the report are correct and this i replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replach nt) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A , _ _ . Certification of Authori*at n o. N/A Expiration Date: N/A , Signed: A m ? v' 'Encinggying Manager Date: March 5. 1992

                      /' -(D17ner or Ow er's Designee, T'1 tie)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersi ,ned, E holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boller-and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Stea'a Boiler I & I Compyny of Hartford. CT hrAe inspected the components this Owner's Report during the period huge 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991', and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, tho_0wner has performed examinations ar.d taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code ~, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and correct 4ve measured

     -described in this owner's Report.        Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Inspector's Signature: N 3Ma Commissions: : A.M 4tefA Al T  % 4-- (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date:  % 9 -9 L l 1 l

                                           -    ~' ~'                   "      - - - * ' -         - ' ' ' ^ -                      ~" ' ' -              - ^^

an: T 3,-( p + h

   $-                                            FORM NIS-2: OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS -
             -                            " _As Rtquired by'ths Provisions of tha-ASME Cods Saction-XI                                                            ;

t if t-ilijOwner: March 9. -it9tM4ft. Nebraska Public Power District Date: (Name) .

                               'P.0:iBox 499. Columbus. NE- 68601                                          Sheet       88       of         98 (Address)=
          '2c Plant:-                          Cooner Nuclear' Station                                     Unit:                One (Name)
                         ;   "P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321                                                               N/A 1(Address)                                                 -(Repair Orgain;ation,'          P.O.,

No. , Job No. , Itc. )

          -- 3 . . Work Performed By:                                   Owner'                             Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/_&                          ,

Same~- Authorization Date: N/A~  ; (Address), Expiration Date': N/A

     ;. A _ = Identification of System:         1
                                                                          -Nuclear Boiler (NB)

E i5. ;(a) Applicable Construction' Code: ASME Section III 19 65 Edition, Winter 1966 Addenda, -N/A -Code Case n .

(b) Applicable' Edition of Section_X1 Utilized for Repairs or Replacements y" '
                            ' L1980,7Vinter 1981 Addenda X 6.1(Ider.tifica ion.of-Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Compnents
                                                                                                       , Work'           Repaired;             ASME Code
                           .Name:of                      : Name of '                Nucleak.       Document           Replaced, or               Stamped       -1 Component;                   Manufacturer.                  Class-          Number,         -Replacement           . (Yes or No).
                   'RPV Stud 1#21---              : Combustion Eng.                      i1          91-2954-          Repiscenent-                  No
-RPV , Stud #22" -Combustion Eng. -l= 91-2954-  ; Replacement' No-j RPV Stud.O 3' ~ Combustion Eng. l' 91-2954 Replacement No'
                    -RPV! Stud #24-                  Combustion Eng.                        1        91-2954         : Replacement                 - No &
                                                                                                               -                     .             - T
                                                                                                                      -Replacementb                :No Co.nbustion'Eng.                     1          91-2954-

_. RPV> Stud #25

Xl7. :: Description'of Work: 'Reclaced Reactor Pressure' Vessel (RPV) head stud.
       'T8.'h5estsConduSted:                               -Hydrosdatic-

_ Nominal Operating l Pressure X-

                                                           -Other:              Pressure                psi      Test Temp.             *F g                                                                                                                      _

l NOTE:_SupplementalTsheets in the form offlists, sketches,,or drawings-may be used,  :;

 ^ '                          provided (1);s!ze ist8-1/2" x 11", (2) information_in items I through 6 on this                                                     >

L  ; report is included on each sheet,cand-(3) -each sheet is numbered and the number of h sheets -is recordbd at the- top of this form. l f-I ls,


9. ~ Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the recuired information on renairs and reolarements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throuch December 1991.
           - Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Kenlacernents of Components in Nuclear Pover Plants"       is invoked tigough the use of Form NIS 2 for renar. tine.

(Applicable Manufact.rer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Autho 1:. Ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: W ./ Encineerine Mananer Date: March 5. 1992 g/ ~(Owner or q ner's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION l~ I, the undersigned, holding a. valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in *his Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to p_ecember e 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowle-de and belief, the' Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described:in this-Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. l_ By signing this certificare, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither r..' Inspector nor his l employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injstry or property damage l or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inepection. Incpector's Signature: '7 b / _ m &.m

  $-         Come.issions: d24 #yrc             A),7       % 4-(National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements)

Date: 3 -7 Tt

l FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R quired by the Provisiens of ths ASME Coda Section XI LT91

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: P}.rch d 9. 1991. b tft.

(Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 89 of 98 (Address) 2 , Plant: -Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brown-ille. NE 68321 N/A (Aduress) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc . )

3. . Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZ6
                                       'Same                                  Authorization Date:        N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Nuclear Boiler (NB)
        ^5.     (a)' Applicable Construction Code:              ASME Section III            19 65 Edition, Winter 1966          Addenda,            N/A              Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Uinter 1981 Addenda-
6. - Identification of Components -Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components V ik Repaired ASME Code
                 'Name of                   Name of         Nuclent. Document        Replaced, or Class                                         , Stamped Component               Manufacturer                      Number         Replacement       (Yes or No)

RPV-Stud #26 Combustion-Eng. 'l 91-2954: Replacement No , RPV Stud #27' Combustion Eng; 1 91-2554 Replacement No RPV Stud #28 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No RPV Stud # 4 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 P.egiacement No RPV Stud #30 Combustion Eng. 1 91 2954 Replacement No Description of Vork: _Renisced Reactor Pressure vessel (RPV) head stud.


7. 84 Tests Conducted: liydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other- Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: -Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used. _provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this

                   -report is included on each sheet, and,(3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this fcrm.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report nrovides the reautred information on refairs and reolacements performed at Cooper $7uelear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs and Replacements of Comp _gnents in Nuclear Power Plants" ls invoked through the use of @rm NIS-2 for reportir g. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this renlacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Codo Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Author}::a ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: ~

                                                                                                                                                              .1           EnRineering Manager    Date:   March 5, 1992
                                                                                                                                              /     (6wner or     er's Designee, Title)


                                                                  .I,                         the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Bot.rd of Botier and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of                                                                  Nebraska        and employed by                                                             Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company      of   Hartford. CT    have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report duri,ig the period June 1. 1990 to December 31.*1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requiremente of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any i warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: il LeM Commissions: #OR #h A) f dl-(National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date; 6 9 - 9 L-

[. __ .J.. - , . . . . FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR RFPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R quired by the Provisions of ths ASME Coda Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9.k 8F f-f t. .

(Name)J P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 90 of 98 (Address) 2,. Plant: Cooner Neclear Station Unit: One (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE- 68321 N/A _ (Address) (Repair Orgain".ation, P.O. No . , J ob No . , Etc . )

3. Work Perfarmed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: UfA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A T4. Identification of System: Nuclear Boiler s*NB)

  ;5.    (a) Applicable Construction Code:             ASME Section III              19 65 Edition, Winter 1966         Addenda,          N/A                Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacemen'ts 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda L  ~6. Identification of' Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components pahed          ASME Code Name of                   Name of         Nuclear      Document        Replaced, or           Stamped Component.              Manufacturer        Class.       Number          Replacement        (Yes or No)

RPV Stud #31 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954- Replacement No RPV Stud #32- Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No RPV Stud #33 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No-RPV Stud #34 Combustion Fng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No RPV Stud #35 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No

7. Desc'ription of Work: Reolaced' Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) head stud.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic -Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other'_ _ _- Pressure psi Test Temp. *F
  ' NOTE:   Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is ircluded on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

9 Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reautred fnformation on repairs and renlagements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throurh December 1991. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Ren,lacenients of Components in Egelear Power Plants" is invoked throuph the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of te ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Syn.bol Stamp: N/A Certification of Auth iz tio No. N/A Expiration Dete: N/A Signed: I - ,)I5f ' Engineering Manager Date: March 5, 1992

                  *     (Owner or /vner's Designee, Title)

Y CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSFECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Ovner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 199_l, and state that to the best of my knowledge ar.d belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty,-expressed or implied, concerning she examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damaga or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: % ?t_ m u Commissions: AW Mscz, .O 2 4fe (National Board, State, F:ovince, and Endorsements) Date: 3-9-St i

m .. . .- _ _

    -g.       ...  , _ , ,      _                                                     .

1 FORM-NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS A3 Riquircd by thi Provisions of th9 ASME Coos Section XI If ? 2.

1. Osner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. +991-/d y .p t

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 91 of 98 (Address)

      =2.    :Planti              -Cooper Nuclear Station          _.            Unit:               One              ,

(Name)- P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 ,_ . N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: -Owner _ Type Code Symbol Stamp: Uf.A Same Authoritation Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Nuclear Boiler (NB)

5. (.i) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19.,61. Edition, Vinter 1966- -Addenda, N/A Code Case (b)' Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Wintar-1981 Addenda 6 '. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components od Repahed ASME Code
                  .Name of:                 Name of          Nuclear.      Document          Replaced, or-           Stamped Component'             . Manufacturer      Class         Number.           Replacement         (Yes or No)-

RPV Stud'#36 Combustion Eng. 1 , 91-2954- Replacement No RPV Stud #37 -Combu'stion Eng. 1 '91-2954. Replacement No RPV Stud #38: Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No RPV Stud #39 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement- No RPV Stud-#40 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954- Replacement No

       -72 Description of Work:                Reolaced Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) head stud.

18' . Tests Conducted: Hydros ta. tic Pneumatic Nomina 1' Operating Pressure X' other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets-in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, prc,vided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11"', (2)' information in items 3 through 6 on this report is included on~each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of

   -               sheets is recorded at_ t.he top of this form.                                                                   i 1

l l 2 .

4 i hb S. 9 .~ Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reauired information on renalrs and reolacements performed at Cooper 'tuelear Station from June 1990 through December 1991. l Also Code Case N-308. "Documntatipn of Repairs and Renhecmentc of Cop in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. ' l (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repl acement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification ofA Auth istiogNo. N/A Expiration Date: MLA

                                     ,          ~e Signed:        >       mar- te,-                 Eneineerine Manacer
                                                                 ~       ~

Date: March _). 1992

                                  '{Owneror{nor'sDesignee, Tit 1e)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid comraission issued by the Nationa. Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by.__ Hartford Steam Boiler _I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June l' Decembiar 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, thu Owner has t erformed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this.0wner's accordance with the requirements of the ASME

             . Code, Section X1, By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, cxpressed.or implied, concerning the_oxaminations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither-the Inspector nor his employer shall be ' liable in any canner for any personal injury or property daciage or a loss _ of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Inspector's Signature: L / 2Le- > Commissions: DA'M3G /J. I  % Ai-(National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 7-7-ft ,

Li .-. . _ _ -. -


FORM NIS. 2 OWNER'S REP')RT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As R0guirad by ths Provicions of ths ASME Cods S5ction II if12

       -1. ' Owner:            Nebraska Public Power District                   Date:          March 9. 1991-@ u,g (Name)

P.0; Box 499. Columbus. NE 68f01 Sheet 92 of 98 (Addreds)

2. Plant: Cootier Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A

                                    -(Address)                                  (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.

No . , Job No . , Et.c . )

3. Ucrk Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: 31.6 Same Authorization Date: N/A I-- -(Address)

Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Nu.g_ lear Boiler (N1)_.

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 65 Edition, Winter 1966' -Addenda, N/A Code Case (b7 Applicable. Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements
                        ~1980, Winter-1981 Addenda
       -6.       Ider tification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacent nt Components l-       ,

Repaired ASME Code I Work Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Numt,er Replacement (Yes or No) RPV Stud-#41' Combustion Eng. 1 91 2954 -Replacement No RPV Stud #42'- Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replac.ement No-RPV Stud #43 C'>mbustion Eng. 1 91 2954 Replacement No> RPV Stud'#44 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No s RPV Stud #45 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Reoiaced Reactor Pressyre Vessel (RFV) head stud.

. '8. Tests Conducted: -Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure p21 Test Temp. *F NOTE:' Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or dravings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is. recorded at the top of this form.

9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Report _gnovides the recuired in[ormation on repairs and replacements nerfo m d at Cooper Nucl.gpr Station from June 1990 throurh December I?91.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reunirs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use o[_ form NIS 2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Artached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPhIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms tc the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repal or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A g Certification of Authortzat on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A J Gs,) w'f.// ' Signed: VA_ d I s . , , .. Encinnerine Manacer ~ Date: _iMirch 5. 1992

                                /     (Owner' or O er's Designee, Title)                                                                                           ,

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have , inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period Jpne 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or-implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measuted described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: 91/IDLew Commissions: 77/ /oNe- - A>. ;r 17eL - (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: _T 9 t-


vx : , >


i FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Rtquired by th: Prcvisions of ths ASME Cods S3ction XI l t4 f t

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power D,istrict Date: March 9. (Name)- l P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 93 of 98 (Address)-
      ,  2. Plant:    _

Cooner~ Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Addross) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc . )

3. Work Performed By:. Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/A Some- Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

        '4     Identification of Systen:             Nuclear Boiler (NB)
5. _(a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19_11_ Edition, Winter 1966 .-Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980,fWinter-1981 Addenda T6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components I

r . Repaired ASME-Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer- Class - Nurabe r Replacement (Yes or No) t RPV Stud #46 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954- Replacement No RPV Stud #47 Combustion Eng. -1 91-2954 Replacement No ERPV' Stud #48 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No RPV Stud'#49 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement: No RPV Stud' #50 Combustion Eng, 1 91-2954 -Replacement- No. g7. Desc'ription1of Work: Renlaced Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) head stud.

        '8. Tests Conducted:        Hydrostatic              Pneunatic Nominal Operating. Pressure          X Othei-          -Pressuce           psi     -Test Temp.        'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the- form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided.(1) 8-1/2";x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report'is *.ncluded on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

I ;~

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides tjlg reautred information on repairs and

_renlacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation o'_' Renairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuth the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to ha Attached) l CERTIFICATE OF COMPLTANCE k'e certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacemer. conforms to the rules of the ASME Coda , Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Expiration Date: N/A CertificationofAuthofzationNo. __ _ N/A Signed: ./M Enoineerine Manacer


Date: March 5. 1992

                          /'    (Ownerorqfner'sDesignee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessei Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska __ and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have P inspected -the components described in this owner's Repo-t during the period Juna ' 1990 to December 31, 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME - Codec Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressoa or implied, cencerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspectar nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or propcrty damage or a loss of any Lind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: Y MJ Commissions: AJA" m_rsz. MI 5'* (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 3 f t-

l FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Previsions of ths ASME Cods Section XI

 -li Owner:          Nebraska Public Power District                       Date:         March 9.11919td.f.g L

(Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 94 o f __ 98 (Address)

1. Plant: Cooner Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. 3rownv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No,, Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: . _ _Qvt a r Type Code Symbol Stamp: EZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expirat).on Date: ., N/A

4. ' Identification of System: _

Nuclear Boiler (NB)

5. .(a). Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 65 Edition, Winter 1966 Addenda,- N/A Code Case
         -(b) Applicable Edition of Sectioa XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981-Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of . Name of Nuclear Replaced, or Stamped Class Document.

Component ' Mar.ufac turer - Number Replacement (Yes or No) RPV Stud #51 Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No RPV Stud #52- Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Replacement No

 '7.      Description of Work:          Renlaced Reactoi- Pressure Vessel (RPV) head stud.
8. Tests Conducto. Hydro.atatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F
 ' NOTE: Supplementti sheets in ' the form of lisus , sketches, or. drawings may be used,
            -provided (1): size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this
             -report is included on each sheet, and (3) each Fheet is numbered and the number of sheets is-recorded at the top of this form.



9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reautred information on repairs and

____Igpincements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throuph December 1991. [' Also Code _ Case N-308. anocumentation of Resairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is iquokcd throuch the use of Fort.. NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the ruits of the ASME Codc, Section XI. (repair or replacemeat) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A l: No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Certification of Autho Azayio Signed: - 4 _. Engineering Manager Date: March 5. 1992

                                       /      (Owner or      mer's, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission irsued by the National Board of Boiler and Precsure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartfor1. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowled 6e and i beliet, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures

           ' described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspecto nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: Ym/duza Commissions: A>B akst #7 y , L-(National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) Date: . 7 *1 - (/ t-l l l


                                     -As Riquir26 by th) Provisions of ths ASME Coda Section XI lift
1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power Distrig,1_, Date: March 9.it91-[

i (Name) P.Q2 Box 499. Colu_mbus. NE 68601 Sheet 95 of 98 (Address) ,

2. riant: .Cooner Nuclear StaQ on Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner _ Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A ,

Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A

             ~4.       Identification of System:       ..  ""-lear.J2iler (NB)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 65 Edition, Winter 1966 _,, Addenda,- N/A Code Case (b) Applicable: Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacettents 1980,-Winter 1981 Addenda-6 '. . Identification of' Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components rk Repaired- ASME Code Name of' Name of Nuclear. cument Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)
                  'RPV Stud #26.          ' Combustion Eng.         1        91-2954        Replacement            No Bushing iRPVStud #26               Ccebustion Eng.        .1        91-2954        Replacement-           No Bushing R2taining. Pin.                                                                                     __

RPV Scud #14 Combustion Eng, 1 91-2954 Replacement Fo Bushing.

Rataining Pin
17. ~


of'Worki Reolace(' stud #26 bushing. Replaced stud #26 and #14 bushing

                   ' retainine ein.
             -82       Tests Conducted:         Hydrostatic           Pneumatic Nominal ~ Operating Pressure 7                                                Other N/A_ Pressure             psi    Test Temp.        *F
             ' NOTE: Supplementai uheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, 4                          provioed;(1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report .is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbe;;ed and the number of nheets~is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort provliej the reouired information on repairs and reolacements nerformed gl Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 t! C2Hgh December 1991. Code Case N-308. "Documentntion of Renniro and Reo'acements of Components in Neelear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Forn NIS-2 for reportine.  ; (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) 1

                             .             CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair           conforms to the rules of the ASME Coda, Section XI.                  l (repair or-replacement)                                                                           j Type Code Symbol Stamp:                                    N/A Certification of Autho 4za31on No.              N/A          Expiration Date:           N/A Signed:             /[ / ~                     Encineertne Manneer

Da t e .- March 5. 1992. [/ (Owner or er's Designe'e, Title') CERTIFICATE OF INSCEVICE INSPECTION


I, the undersi5 ned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed:by~ Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CI__ have inspected the components described in this Ovner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective ceasures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the' requirements of the ASME

       -Code, Section XI.

by signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes aiv warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. .Furthermore, r.either the Inspector nor hia employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or preperty damage or a' loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: S L d Y L z..) Commissions: 4W M1C t A) 1" -n eb r (Nationa'i Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 3 12-

I- FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS H As R quirsd by tha Provisions of ths ASME Coda Saction XI 1,- Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: _. March 9. h3.f-f t. _(Name) P.0,' Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 96 of 98 (Address). 2, Plant: . Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A . (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. N o . , J ob No . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZ6 Seme Authorization Date: N/A_

(Address) Expiration Date: N/A

4. LIdentification of. System: Nuclear Boiler (NB)
        -5.    (a).' Applicable Construction Code:           ASME Section III                19 65 Edition.

Winter 1966 Addenda; N/A Code Case (b) . Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1900, Winter 1981 Addenda s

6. : Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of. Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component- ' Manufacturer Class Number Replacement .(Yes or No)
            .RPV: Stud #14        . Combustion Eng.          1        91-2954                Repaired                No

.g Flange n: - RPV Stud #26 . Combustion Eng. 1 91-2954 Repaired No Flenge 3 '7 ; Des'cription of Work: The bushine retaininc uin hole in the._flance was enlarged.

8. ;TesisLConducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other N/A Pressure psi Tett Temp. __ 'F NOTE: ' Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1)Esize is 8-1/2" x 11", (2).information in items 1 through 6 on this "

L report . is. included on each sheet,- and (3)- each sheet is numbered and the number of L ' sheets'is recorded at the top of this form. P l

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Renort provides the reouired information on repairs and __

renlacements nerformed at Cooner Nue!'ar Station from June 1990 throur_h December 1991. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs ' and Renlacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for renorting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this renlacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Autho iz tio No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A

                       ' sq       /     ,

4- m a, Ennineerine Mananer Date: March 5. 1992 Signed: ____/ /( (Owner or er's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INS'ECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler ~I & I Comnany of Hartford. CT have

   .incpected-the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described'in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of:the ASME1
   . Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any' kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

   -Inspector's Signature: Yb                   .W Commissions: /JR # /o M L             A/ _T          -m k (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements)

Date: J? - F- 92 _____--_._._)


FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIES CR REPLACEMENTS A R: quired _by ths Provicions of ths ASME Ccda Ssetion XI t ii l

1. 'wner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. 1993 48 b pft (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. E 68601 Sheet 97 of 98 (Address).

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station __ Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzatica, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner _

Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Reactor Water Cleanun (RUCU)
5. .(a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of_ Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASPE Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped
       -Component                Manufacturer         Class          Number        Replacement      (Yes or No)

CU-H91- N/A 2 91-3796 Replacement No

 '7. Description of Work:            Replaced the sunoort elevis nin.
8. Tosts-Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other N/A Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or draaings may be.used,
provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this
            . report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of recorded at the top of this form.

9 ,' Remarks: _This NIS-2 Report provides the reauired information on repairs and renlacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from' June 1990 through December 1991. - l Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reolacements of Components in Nucient Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the_ statements made in the report are correct and th*s replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) , Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A certificationofAuporzationNo. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: i 't1 EnnineerinR Manager Date: March 5. 1992

                     /_      ~' (Owner      Owner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska -and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Comnan; of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991', and state that to the best' knowledge and , belief, the Owner has performed examinations and_taken corrective measures described. in this Owner's Reporr in accordance with the requirements of the - ASME Code, Section XI. By' signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor-his employer makes.any warranty, expressed or implied,.concerning the examinations and corrective measured described'in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: ._ur J M Commissions: AlA # MMr A) I. Ah L-(National Bo'ard, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 2 7 L - l lJ p I s -

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT F0k REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI i4f t g 1, Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. 4494-PF1-f L (Name)- P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 98 of 98 (Address) Coot er Nuclear Station Unit: One

2. Plant:

(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: NZ6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Hith Pressure Coolant Iniection (HPCI)

MkE Sas % .TEL 80

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ^^ntrent E69 '- # s-r4A19 Edition.

Ssn ~ ee (1tL

                                 -HfA- M s-r-f L Addenda ,                                 N/A             Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components U rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Nu.-ber Replacement (Yes or No)

HPCI-CV-14CV. -Rockwell 2 91-0609 Replaced No

7. Description of Work: Renlaced valve.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the recuired information on repairs and replacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

Also C251 e Case N-308. "Jocumentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked-throuth thp use of Form NIS-? for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement)- Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Au h ization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A . A Signed: hk o <1 Fnoineerine Mnnneer Date: March 5. 1992

                       ' (Owner r Owner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or 1 ovince of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in' this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature; a *' a4J Commissions: A)/3 M E S~ 2'- I 5 Ahk L (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 35 9 t-


                     'Ao Rsquired by ths Provisions of the ASME Cods Saction XI
                                                                                            # 91.'

March 9. -199d. et 1, Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: (Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 1 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: UfA Same Authorization Date: N/A. _

(Address) Expiration Date: N/A a Identification of System: Reactor Core Isolation Coo _ine (RCIC) Ases s 1rr ew IIr

5. (a)' Applicable Construction Code- -Conyggt E6 9 ^ a 3.r-et 19 Edition,

S wnee 11 MA.9 La s.rd3, Addenda, N/A Code Case [ (b) Applicable Edit 3.m f Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 ..aenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

RCIC-CV-12CV Rockwell 2 90-4455 Replaced No i l-i

7. Desc ription of Work: Replaced valve with new valve.
8. Tests Conducted: ' Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this reoort is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report _provides the reautred information on repairs and replacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throur_h December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in

     ' Nuclear Power Plants"       is invoked through the use of Form NIS.2 for reportine.

(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Aut or 'at on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A


Signed; hI -s_[ a Enuineerina Manager Date: March 5, 1992 g '(Owner o Owner's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTTnN *

       'I,  the undersigned, holding a valid cocunission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska              and employed by       Hartford Steam Boiler I & I tmnany         of   Hartford. CT   have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June l'. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME-Gode, Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or-implied, concerning the examinations and correctivo measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall. be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a-loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: N i[ uh Commissions: Al8# /03*Y,2- Al Z Alt dr (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: R ~$'9t-I

    .I l

l I

                          . FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Rsquired by tha_Precisions of ths ASME Coda Saction II i191
   .1 '. Owner:      Nebraska Public Power District                  Date:         March 9. 49H- (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 2 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cqgoer Nuclear Station Unit: One

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

  -3. Work Performed By:                Owner                    Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Same                                  Authorization Date:       N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

  -4      Identification of System:        Residual Heat Removal (RHR)
5. (a) Applicable' Construction Code; ASME Section III 19_24_ Edition, Winter 1976 ' Addenda, jiAA Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
  .6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components                       ,

I. W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement (Yes or No) Number RHR-V-368A- Rockwell 2 90-3809 Replacement No RRR-V-368B Rockwell 2 90-3892 Replacement No

7 .- Description of Work: Replaced valve disc. viston. and stem.


   '8. Tests Conducted:        Hydrostatic            Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure        X Other           Pressure         psi    Test Temp.         *F i

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, p provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in itums 1 through 6 on this repott is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at th>. top of this form. l-

9. Remarks: . This NIS ? Report provides ti t_e ,rrquired infonnation on repairs and
 ._ replacementn_perinmed at Cnnner.thiclear Station from Jntle 1990 throug.h Decert,her 1991.

Also Code Cage N 3(t *Ducturertnthn_of Repairs and Replacements of Corpspents in N'tgitar Powe r Pl ant s "J n inv ed through the use of Form NIS 2 for reporting. } (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICA'iE OF COMPLIANCE l k'e certify that the statements unde in the report are correct and this

        ._      reolacement           conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.

(repair or replacement) Type Code Systbol Stamp: N/A . Certification of Autpor za ion No. _ N/A Expiration bato: N/A _., Signed: - < 4 Enginae.r_p:ghgr_, Date : __ liarch 5. 1992

                       //       (owner ( Owner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the Nat!onal Board of B o i .1Sr and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebr.allsa and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I f. I Company of J] Art ford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the ' mer has performed examinations and taken correc*;ive measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requiremonta of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any l warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective scearured I described in thi Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: # . 4/R Commissiota.. } {* /6 W C- 4), T, _ WN (National Board, State, Province, 1nd Endorsements) Date: L1 -f t- _ l l

FORM NIS-2 OUNER'S REPORT FOR REPATRS OR REPIACEMENTS 1 As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1, ?wner: Nebraska Public Power District Dato: March 9. N k ML (Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 3 o f __, 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Co wer Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Iox 98. Brovnv1110. NE 68321 N/A (Mdress) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No. Etc.)

1. ' Vork Performed ay: Oaner Type Codo Symbol Stamp: ll/A Same _ Author!zation Date: N/A

( Addre s,*) Expiration Date: ,,,,, N/A__

      .4.               Identification of Syr, tom:                                                        Residun1 llent Removal 1RHR)
5. -(a).-Applicable Construction Code:

USA 3 B16.5 19.68 Edition, j No Addenda, N /A_ _ Coo, Caso i t

                     ,(b) Applicable. Edition of Section '                                                              Utilized for Repairs or Replacements                                                                          f 1980,. Winter 1981 Addenda                                                                                                                                                                        -!
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ,

V rk _ Repaired ASME Code-Name of- -Ncme of 3 Nuclear. Componen Manufacturer Class Document' Replaced,.or Stamped Number Replacement (Yes-or No) RllR.MOV M0278 Anchor /Da rling -- 1- -90 3941 Replacement No 1 j


[ w E L_ .# -

        '7; -Description of Work;                                                               'Realaced valve disc.                                                              ,

L8, Tests Conducted: llydrostatic . Pneumatic i Nominal Operating Prorsure X

                                                                                        ;0ther                    Pressure                     psi      Test Temp.--                                   'F                            ,

INOTE: Supplemental sheets'in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used,

                         -provided (1): size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items.1 through 6 on'this                                                                                                                           ,

report is-included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of  ! g sheees is recorded at the. top of this form. } u L a _ _ . . _ _ - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ ,_ _ _ .__ . ,_.,.. ._ _ , . . . . . . . . , . _ . . _ . _ - , , _ . . . . , , .- , ,..,.--.s

9 Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the recuired infonnation on repftira.,Juto EtElftetEthpfl[ greed at Cooper Nucient Station frotn June 1993 through December 1991. l Also 9.2d e Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Herlacettent s o(_ Daraufnta in Nuclear Power Plants' ig_ invoked throurh the ust_of Form NIS-2 for reportig . j (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Vo certify that the statements inade in thn report are correct and this repincement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or repla% ment) Type Code Symbo) Stamp: N/A Certification of Authqrt::atign No. N/A Expf"ation Date: , N/A _ , , , , , Signed: ,kn s f/ lld bfaQA EnriDtgrinz Manau,r_,_ Date: _]ipreh 5. 1992

                         /      lowner or wner's Designee Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid comrnission issued by the National Henrd of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebragka and employed by 11artford Steam Boiler I & I CQmpany _ of 11artigri CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report daring the period June 1.111Q to Dittabgr 31.19vi, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Repor' in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By ::igning this certificato, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concarning the examinations and corrective measured

  .      described in this Owner's Report.              Furthurmore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Inspector's Signature: s u<M Cottuni s sions : / A^ w e k. C 1h 4-(Nat!onal Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) Lare: Wi-V t

,* 4 FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by ths Provisions of the ASME Cods Section XI 4 44L 14 Owner: Nebraska Public Power District . Date: darch 9. -149hT abf t (Name) . P O. Box 499. ColumbusmRE 68601 Sheet 4 of 9.8 (Address) i

2. Plant; Cgoper Nuclear Stat _ing Unit: . . _ ,

One (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NR_,, M ,,,,, N/A (Addiess) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc. ) *

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: li/.A Same Authorization Date: _ _ N/A Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) 5.: '(a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Sect!on III 19 83 Edition, No~ Addenda, N/A Codo Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section X'I Utilized for Repairs c,r Replacements i 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. -Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work. Repaired ASME Code

[ Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped l T.mufacturer. Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) , RQ' B Ingersoll-Rand 2 90 4506 Replaced No RVCU P A' Ingersoll-Rand- 2 91-0370 Replaced- 'No i 7' . . Description of Work: Replaced cumns.

      - 8. ' Tests. Conducted:            Hydrostatic          Pneumatic Nominal Operating-Pressure      X
                                         .0ther         Pressure         psi    Test Temp.             'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of-lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1).aize is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included Jn each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Renarks: _This NIS-2 Report provides the reautred repairs and renlacements performed at f._oper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

Also Code Case N 308. "Docutentation of Repairs and Replacements of Compo.pents in Nucicar Power Plants". Is invoked through the use of Form NIS 2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports <to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this renlacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A_ Certification of Au or pati n No, N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 04) WC e . Om

                                                         )                               Ennineerinn Managgr_

D,4te: . March 5.J_t L

                                    /           (Ownero{ Owner'sDesignee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I,Lthe undersigned, holding a' valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and.Pressuro Vessel Inupectors and the S; ate'or Province of Nebraska and' employed by' Hartford' Stets Boiler I & I company of Hartford GI__ have inspected the components described in this Owner's Raport during the period J_une 1. 1990 tu December'31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has_ performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME ' Code, Section XI.  ! By signing =this certificate neither tha Inspector nor his employer makes any-warranty expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured u .doscribed in this ownar's. Report. Furthermore, neither tho Inspector nor his I employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage L or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. l Inspector's Signature: Yh!Ma-Commissions: := AM #Niri A/I- WM (National Board; Stara, Province, and Endorsements) Dato: Af 'E 4 i

                                                                                                                          <w 1

I,. -+ m e , -. - ..w....-n- .,~.i.,,mm .......,---.m.m..,.-.m . . . . _ _ , . . . , , . - . , _ . . .. ~ , . - , , . . . _ , . . . , - - . . - . . -

                             . . ~ _           .
  -= -              --                                                                .                                                           1 l

l FORH NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As. Required by the Provisions of the ASME Cods Ssetion XI 1992

1. Owner: Netraska Public Power District Date: March 9. M91# Af-(t (Name) ,

P.O. Box 439. Columbus. NE 68601___ Sheet 5 of 98.,__ l (Address) l

2. Plant: Looner Noelear Station Unit: 0P2 '

(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 _ N/A _ (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Ltc.) >

3. Uork Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Exp: ration Date: N/A_,

4. Identification of Systera: Residual Hent Renaval (RHR)
5. (a) Applicabic Construction Code: USAS 41141 19_hE_ Edition, No ___ Addenda, N/A Code Case
           -(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of C,'mponents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components '

W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Componer.t Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

             =RH S30                        N/A                    2                    91 0499        Replacement                     No Description of Work:                   Replaced' snubbers and clamos.                                                              '


3. _ Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other _HZA. Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F
      - NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided_(1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this l~
              ' report'is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

t t

                       ,~s                       a     w    - ,         , . - - .                         ,,        -,- . - -             - ,o


9. Remarks: ,_This NIS*2 Report provides the reautred infnication on repairs and I.golacements verformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. "Docuruentation of Repairs and Replacement s of Corconents in

      - Nuclear Power Plants"       is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.                                                                         {'

(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 1 Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or toplaccinent) , Type Code Symbol Starnp: N/A r Certification of Auttorization No. N/A Expiration D:te: N/A Signed: - t Ennineerine Mananer Datso : March 5. 1992

                       /      '"(Ownerop{ Owner'sDesignee, Title)                                                                                                  j l



I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vcssel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and  ; of __. Hartford. CT have einployed by- Hartford Steam Sp1}er I & I Company inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period  ; June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991,.and state that to the ben.t of my knowledge and belief, the owner has perfortned exaininations and- taken corrective incasures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any- . warranty, expressed.or isnplied, concerning the examinations and. corrective. measured described in this Dwner's Report. Furthermore, ne:ither the Inspector 'nor his - employer shall be liable in any rnanner for any personal injury or property damage-or a loss of.any kinu arising frota or connected with this inspection.' . Inspector's Signature: V c dD 3 Commissions:- M M h+> G 07 W 4W e (National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) Date:' 14 N E T

                                            -,,-,en--w,n,--,<,,,-,       -

w-<,-,,-w.. , nmy. ,,,, -~rn>,---,a -,- ,. e -

4 - n , , yh FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by ths Provisions of the ASHE Coda Section XI e 4 9 t- i Mareh 9. 4991 # sg <*-

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power Dir,trict Date: ,_

(Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 6 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooner Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)
 ,                P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321                                                  N/A (Address)                                           (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.                                           ,

No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: lyA l

Same Authorization Date: N/A l (Address) Expiration Date: IUA

      '4. . Identification of Systern: Core Soray (CS)                                                                                                   1
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: . USASJ31. 7 _19 fl. Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case 4

(b) Applicable Edition of Sect.on i XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda 3

6. Identification'of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Componenta Work
  • Repairei ASME Code Name'of -Name,of Nuclear Decument Replaced, or Stamped >

Component Manufacturer Class - Number Replacemeat (Yes or No) CS;S7 Crinnell 2 91-0529 Replaced No t 1 l7. Description of Work: Renlaced CS-S7 snubber S/N 7568 sith snubber S/N 10061.

8. Tests Conductod: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other N/A Pressure _ psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the forin of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided'(1) size in f-1/2" x 11"..(2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at-the top of this form.


9. Remarks: Thio NIS.? Report >rovides the required information oJLrepalin and reglgement s performed (Lt;_Qagger Nuclear Station f rpm June 1990 throuth Dece:nkgL 11%

Also Code Case N 308. "DEEman.tation of Rernirs and Brplacement;s of Coygppent s in Euclear Poyfr Plants" is invoked thrqunh the use of Form NIS-2 for rfportinr'. __ (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correer and this replacement conforms to che rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair nr replacement) Type Code Symbn1 htamp: N/A Certificatian of Annori atipn No. . IUA. Expiration Date: N/A

                          .a      ~/             /

Signed: /j / - r I_ Enginee. nn Mananer Date: March _5. 1191_

                      //        (Owner or/De 4er's Designee. Title)

( CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Insper rors and the state or Provime of _ Nebraska and employet; by _llartford Sten Boiler I & I Cornpany of llanfarsL CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period June 1.1990 to Decernber 31. 1991, and state that co the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Se:ction XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Incpector nor his eaaployer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the exarninations and corrective measured described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: VZI . z J <. J , Commissions: /d d" /Ni x),J (nM (National Board, State. Provinen, and Endorsement.s) Date: T - 7 'l L-


3  % t


As Required by ths Provicions of the ASHE Cods Saction XI i , Owner: ' Nebraska Public Power District _. Date: March 9.d $1s us (Name) . E P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 7 of 98 i (Address) ,

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station .. Unit: One (Name) .
> P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.

No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Ovner Type Code Symbol Stamp: E/6 Same Authorization Date: . . N /A__  !

(Address) Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Reactor Feedwater (RF) - 5.- (a) Applicable' Construction Code: USAS B16.5 19_61_ Edition, No Addenda, Nf6 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section X1 Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980 Winter 1981 Addenda 6; - Identification v{ Components Repaired or Replaced and '.eplacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of- .Name of- Nuclear . Document Replaced, or Stanped Component . Manufacturer Class Replacement

 -                                                                                 Number                                     (Yes or No)           -

RF-CV 15CV Anchor / Darling 1 91 0625 Replacement No L


7 . Description of Work: _Beplaced vi ive hinge nin cover.

       -8          TestsfConducted:                Hydrostatic            Pneumatic Fominal Operating Pressure            X Other           Preesure          psi        Test Temp.               '

F NOTE:"Gupplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, ,

prouided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of
                        ' sheets-is renorded at'the top of this form.

y r-9 se v * +r e m,- v-r- ...--,s ,#, < - - - . -


9. Remarks: _This_NIS-2 Ecport providen the regidred information on repairs and replaceggnts perforged at Cooper Nuclear Statics from Junr_J990 through December 1991.

Also Code Case N 393. " Documentation of Repairs and Rrpinectaents of Cotroonent a in

                                        'uclear Power Plapts"                                                          is invohrd throur.h the of Foru NIS 2 fer_Icoortinr_.                                                                                  .

(Applicable Manufacturer's Date deports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this re td a c en,ent conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or repincement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: . N/A Certification of Autljorizatipn No, N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed:


h {0wner ot({0wner's Designee, Title) [ EnEIDARIjng. Manager . Date: Jarch 5.1992 I CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undet A gned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Prevince of Nebraska and employed by Jiartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of J af3ferd. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Peport during the period itpie L_j 990 to Rgeember 31. 1991, and state that to the bent of my knowledge and r belief, the Owner has performed examinations and + aken corrective measures 6 ascribed in this owner's heport in accordance with the requirementa of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this c.ertificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expre.6 sed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured desctibed in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any mannor for any personal injury or propcrty damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection, Inspector's Signature: W-. ! r.4-Commissions: _AM # a s sv AE I L/?M.- (National Board, State. Province, and Endor mments) Dat6: 2-94 6 I

  ,            - ~

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR .(EPLACEME!ITS h As Raquirsd by the Provisions of ths ASME Cods Section XI

                                                                                                              ,gt t
       -1.       Owner:      Nebraska Public Power District                      Date:          March 9. 199+ Al>+;t.

(Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601__ Sheet 8 of 98 (Addrecs)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One.

(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brovnville NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgaintation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc . ) 3..' Work Performed By: ._ Owner _ Type Code Symbol Starnp: 1(/.A Same __ Authorization Data: N/A  : (Address) Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Sore Snrav (CS)  ;
       '5.-       (a) Applicablo Construction' Code: USAS B31.7                              _ 19 1 Edition,                                      i

_ , _ No Addenda, N/A Code Care (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980 Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Cornponents Repaired or Replaced and Repiccemont Camponents I
                                                                               #                 E' ##                  ^'            *
                   -Namo of              Name of          Nuclear         D cent           Replaced, or                   Starnped
                - Component            Manufacturer-        Class                           Replacement                (Yes or No)


                                                                        -   _                  _v                                            -

CS H28 N/A 2 91-0967 Replacement No F d

7. Descriptio'n of.Vork? Replate_d gunport everod.
8. Tests Conducted: Ilydrostatic Pneumatic -;

L - Nominal Operating Pressuta Othir ' N/A Pressure- psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketenes, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items i through 5 on this .

    .-               report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is' numbered and the-number of                                          '

p sheets is recorded atithe top of this forrn. 4 .q p- T1+r-y -ey y  ::qry y

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report orovides ,the required information on rengirs and replacementa,_p_trformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through_Qncember 1991.

t(1so Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renoirs and P,tpintegin13_pf Components in lhtclear_f,qvr Plants" . is inyoked through the use of Form NIS J for reporting. (Applicable Hat. Jacturor's Pata Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF CO:PLIANCE Vo certify that the statementr, made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to tha rules of the ASME Code, Sectice. XI. F (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certificaticn of .^.u"crd  :* den No. N/A Exntratinn nare: N/A Signed: 4 I Encineering Ma ggr_ Date: , March $. 1992

                   /     "(Owner    r Owner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE t lRSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Borrd of Boiler and Fressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of __U S aska and employed by ,,,_liartford Steam Boiler L& I Company oi Hertford. CT have - inspected the components dercribed in this Owner's Report during the period June 1.1990 to December 31u1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Ovtier's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured d.escribed in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer'shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection, O Inspector's Signature: 2 s'OJ C' Commissions: A/4 /dY_R /) y MW (National Board, State, Province, and Endorseuents) Date: 3-9 _

       .      _ _ - -           - - . ~ - - . _ _ - ~ . . -                           ..-.--.-                     -             - -          - - . . .        - _ - . _ .

FORH NIS-2 OWNER'S REPCRT 1OR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Cods section XI

1. Owner: Febraska Public Power District Date: Mnrch 9. 43 3 f 4 r_

e ( P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Fheet 9 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One
   ,;_                                             (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 _ N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. , No., Job No., Etc.)  !

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/A Authorization Date: , N/A >

(Address) Expiration Date: N/A 4 . Identification of System: Residual lie,at Removal (R11R) 5..f(a)ApplicableConstructionCode: ASME Seption III 19 80 Edition, All ... Addenda, N/A Code Caso (b) Applicable Edition cf Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980 Winter 1981 Addenda

          -6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk            Repaired-             A3ME Code                       r Name of                              Name of                   Nuclear             Document        Replaced or                 Stamped-Component                           Hanufacturer                   Class               Number         Replacement            ('!es or No)

RH S72A Pa fic Scientific 1 91-2093- Replaced No

                  'RM-S71 -              Pacific' Scientific                        1                 91-2111          Replaced                         .No RH-S63B               Pacific Scientific                         2                 91-2340          Replaced                          No RH 569A-              Pacific Scientiffe                         1                 91-2340'         Replaced                          No-l DH-SBC               Pacific Scientific                         1                 91-2340     l    Replaced                          N'o U           7. -Description of Work:                            RH-S65B (S/N 457) replaced with snubber S/N 8374f RH-S69A

! (S/N.398i with snubber S/N 544! RH-S8C (S/N 8139M) repla6ed with snubber S/N 5220' RH-S72A (S/N 10797) repinced with snubber S/N 339: RH-S71 (S/N 397) replaced with' snubber S/N 394. l_ 8. Tests fonducted: Hydrectatic Pneumatic l- Nominal Operating Pressure Other .N/A. Pressure __ " psi Test Temp. , *F

         . NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the' form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1). size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items r through 6 on this report is' included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of                                                                    ;

sheets is recorded at the top of this form. i l au - . - _ . . - . . . - - . . .- . . . .- -_ ,

  - . _ ~ -. ._              _-         . -...-_- -. _ - -                          - . -          _ _ -
9. Remarks: ..Thig, 2 -2 Renort provides the reautred information on repairs and Irnlacements nerfor.aed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990_t.Qouch December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs and Repincen:ents of Comnonents in Nuclear Power Pitnts" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. _ , _ (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to b' Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this _ ren1ncement conforas to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Codo Synibol Stamp: N/A _ , _ certifie:atien of At chartration W. "/A _ LP iration Date: N/A Signed; " w Engineerine Mananer Date: March 5. 1992 [ (ownergowner'sDesignee,Titic) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION l 1, the undersigned, holding a valid cormnission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by .. Hartfqr.LSleam Boiler I & I Company _ of Hartford. CT' have-inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during-the period l- June 1. 199R to December 31. 1991,_ and state that'to the best of my knowledge end belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance witn the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. p =By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any ' warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examir.ations and corrective sneasured described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: NM e m L Commissions: A/A # A' KC B_ E ( -fd' M (National Board, State, Province, and Erocrsements) Date: b h*/ L l u L - ..

FORM NIS-2 OVNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Esquirsd by ths Provisions of ths ASME Cods Section XI i'M L 1., Owner: Nebraska Public Power Dist.I,1f1, Date: March 9. M91- 45 t a (Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 10 of _. 98 j (Address)

2. Plant: Cocoer Nuclear Station Unit: Ont (Name) l P.O. Box 98. hrsynyille. NE 68321
                                   .                                                      Rb                            l (Ad:iresn)                              (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.                     l No., Job No., Etc.)
3. Work Performad Dy: Owner Type Code Symbol stamp: !!/A l

Same Authorization Date: N/A . , (Address) Expiration Dr.te: N/A 4 . Identification of System: Core Sorav (CJ) _.. )

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section 111 19 80 Edition, All Addenda, N/A ____ Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda 6.* Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replace.v.nt Components 1

rh Repaired ASME Code - Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Manufacturer Class Corsponent Replacement Number (Yes or No) CS-VE7 Pacific Scientific 2 91-2340 Replaced No i

7. Description of Work: CS-VE7 (S/N 95255) reqlaged with snubber S/N 454.

8, Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other E A_. Pressure psi Test Temp. 't l NOTE: Supplemental sheets 1.' the form of lists, sketches, or drtwings may be used, provided (1) size is <-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is . included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the munbar of - sheets is recorded at the top of'this form. l

                                                                               -v -
                                                - -- . , _     _ - .     . . . ..     .      .- -        . - - . _ - . _ _ - . ~
9. Remarks: This NIS.2 Report orovides the reoufred_information on t.gpf i rs and reclad ements performed at Cooper Nuclear Statien frorn June 1990 through Dncember 1991.
                    /d.gy_ Code Case N-308. "Doqugentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reportirigu (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) 2 CERTIFICAi'E OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this                                                     l replacement            conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.

(repair or replacement) l Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A I Certification of Authori at on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A (\ . - Signed: '!kr /)d- lVA AM Enc.ineering HannRer Date: March 5, 1992

                                     / ~('0wnerorjowner'sDesignee, Title)

Cr.:TIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of _ Nebraska and , employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Compgny_, of._,Jiartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1112 to Decetnber 31. 19J!1, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, ob5- Owner has performed examinations.and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any l warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the axaminations and corrective measured described in this Owntr's Report. Furtherrnorc., neither the Inspector nor his-employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inupection. Inspector's Signature: t-rA de


L j Comrnissions: l'M M5< L ihf 'fu Le (National Board, State Province, and Endorsements) ,

i. Date: 3-/~9 L ,

l T a __m.__. ._

4 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR r.EP1ACEMENTS As R2 quired by ths Provisions of tha ASME Cods Section XI lift

1. Owner: Nebraska Pubile Power District Date: March 9. 449113 4 .( ft (Name)

P,0. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 _ Sheet 11 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville NE 68321 _H/A (Address) (Repair Orgninzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Sartn_ Authorization Date: N/A (Addrecs)

Exoiration Date: N/A 4 Idontification of System: _ Main Steam (MS)

5. (a) Applicaule Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 80 Edition, All Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements-1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. . Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped
        . Component           Manufacturer        Class                    Replacement      (Yes or No) bo                                                          !! umber MS-SSA3        Pacific Scienti,ic        1        91-2065         Replaced             No MS-SSD3        Pacific Scientific        1        91-2065-        Replaced             No 1VR-S6         Pacific Scientific        1        01-2340         Replaced             No SS B2         Pacific Scientific        1        91-2340         Replaced             No VR-60-7-Z        Pacific Scientific       -1        91-2340         Replaced             No
7. Description of Vork:- MS-SSA3 (S/N 8920) renlaced with snubber S/N 9907: MS SSD3 (S/N 8925) reolaced with snubber S/N 5327: VR-S6 (S/N 17201) reolaced with snubber S/N 15145: SS-B2 (S/N 17205) replaced with snubber S/N 4880: VR-6Q:2-Z (S/N 404) renlaced with snubber S/N 8137.
8. -Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic . Pneumatic L Nominal Operating Pressure l Other.N/A. Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F ls NOTE: Supplemental. sheets in the form of }ists, sketches, or drawings may be used, i

provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this l report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. I

_ - - - - - . ~ - -_ - . . - .. ~ ~ ~ . . - = - - - - 1 i- l

9. Remarks: This NIS.2 F3 port provides the reautred Information on repairs and __,,

j reolacements perforned at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991. l

        =Also Code _(;ase N-308. " Documentation of Renalrs and Replacements of Components in Nucitar Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NI3-2 for reporting.

(Applicable Manufacturer *4 Data Reporta to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this rcolacement cor. forms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. i (repair or replacement)

               'lype Code Symbol Stamp:                         .

N/A Cettification of Autipr at on No, N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: W, v 1/ Engineerine Manager Date: March 5, 1992

                                 /      (Owner o owner's Designee, Title)


j. -1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boilev and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by _ Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of _ llartford. CT haye
              . inspected tho components described in this Owner's Report during the period.

June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and. 1, belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures l described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME - Code,-;Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer trakes any_ . warrancy.. expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured p describediin this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his J employer shall be liable in any snanner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss'of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection, l' . Inspector's Signature: 92 .de:2 l tt Commissions; MA #Me_#I %dr (National Bo0rd, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: b f -f L l 4- &w w-,.,

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R quitsd by ths Provisions of tha ASME Coda Section XI f1fE

1. Owner: Nebraska Public District ___ Date: March 9. 49al-/J a.t et (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 12 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 . N/A - (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P,0. No. , Job No. , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: __ Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: E/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)
  • Expiration Date: N/A
4. Identification of System: Main Steam _(MS) __
5. (a) Applit abic Construction Code: ASME Section 111 19 80 Edition, All Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components 4

W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) VR-H61D Pacific Scientific 1 91 2340 Replaced No VR TS Pacific Scler.tific 1 91-2340 Replaced No VR 55-23-X Pacific Scientific 1 91-2340 Replaced No VR-S25 Pacific Scientific , 1 91-2340 Replaced No VR S40 Pacific Scientific 1 91-2340 Replaced No

7. Description of Jork: VR-J161D (S/N 475) renlaced with snubber S/N 457M: VR-S2 (S/N 480) renlaced with snubber S/N 13796! VR-55-23-X (S/N 5304) replaced with snubber S/N 5316: VR-S25 (S/N 5307) replaced with snubber S/N 345: VR S40 ( 5 /N 5318) renlaced with snubber S/N 5323. _
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating fressure Other .N/A Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of liats, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2* x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at +uu top of this form.

l 4' l 9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides tue reoufred information on recairs and l l replacements ocrformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throur.h December 199L, Also Code Case N 308 " Documentation _of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS 2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE l We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this renincement conforms to the rules of t.he ASME Code, Section XI. j (repair or replacement) ' Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of=Au or cation No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed; n . u Engineering Manager Date: March 5, 1992

                                    #      ~ (Owner o( Owner's Designee Title)

CERTIFICATE OP INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Stato or Province of Nebraska and employe.d by Hartford Cteam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period l June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and p belief, the.0wner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any I warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured l describ6d in-this Owner's Report, Furthermore, neither the-Inspector nor his-

. employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a <1oss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Inspector's Signature: Y J . a/d [ Conunissions: AJ#boeet /J. L '/// h (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 3 9 &

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by ths Provisions of the ASME Coda Saction XI aff t 1.- Owner: Nehraska Public Power District Date: March 9. 4991--/ t (Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 13 of 98 (Address) t

2. Plant: Cooner Nucient_ Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A - (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.  ; No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: __

Ovner Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/A 1 Same Authorization Date: __H/6_. (Address) Expiration Date: N/A 4, Identification of System: Main Steam (MS) i

3. .(a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19_f2_ Edition, r
                                                                    ' A1.1                             Addenda,              N/A                      Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Companents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk- Repaired- ASME Code Name of Name of Nuc1 car Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

VR-S61 Pacific Scientific 1 91-2340 Replaced No VR S71A Pacific Scientific 1 91-3071 Replaced No VR-S26 Pacific Scientific 1 91-3071 Replaced No VR-S3; Pacific Scientific 1 91-3071 Replaced No VR-S42B Pacific Scientific .1 l 91-3071 Replaced- No

7. ' Description of Work: VR-S61 (S/N 5321) replaced _vith snubber S/N 12983: VR-S71A (S/N 15368) replaced with snubber S/N 15146: VR-S26 (S/N 17206) replaced with snubber S/N 15367: VR-S3 (S /N 494) renlaced with snubber S/N 8141M: VR-S42H_(S/N 5897) -

replaced with snubber S/N 453. y

    '8. Tests Conducted:                                                                          Hydroststic:           Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure
                                                                                                 -Other N/A       Pressure                psi    Test Temp.                *F 1

NOTE:' Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2" x 11", (2) information in iterns 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3)ceach sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

                                             .  .o .                                                          -     .-..
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reperi nnivides the required information on reunirs and reolacepents per10Imed at Cooner Nue,,nr_ Station from June 1990 throurh December 1991.

Also Code Casp N-308. " Document Repairs and Replacetrents of Cotettepents in Nyq'.e n t Power plants" is ittvoked thrqut,b the use of Form NIS 2 for renprting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF cohP.IANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repl agernent conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A N/A Expiration Date: N/A Certification of Authorizayton j No. Signed: c Engineering ManaRer Date: March 5, 1992

                      //      ~ (owner     owner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigncd, holding a valid c.mmission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressuro Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by _)hrtford Steam Boiler I f, I Cornpany. of Herif.grd. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period limg 1. 1990 to pecember 31. 1991, and state that to the best of rny knowledge and belief, tho owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Secticn XI. By sig:'v this cortificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warrant, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and correctivo measured describec' in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or ec,nnected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: Y/ MO Commissions: AM k/C E<*- d&  %&- (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements)  ; i Date:  ? 9 L f I l

       ,s,-                   --

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As_ Required by.the ProvimienR of ths ASME Cods Section XI 14L

,         1.            Owner:        Nebraska Public Power District                       Date:            March 9. dMI N!,-t-4L (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 14 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) m P.O.-Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repatr Orgainzatiot., P.O.

No. , Job No. , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Snao ._ Authorizatlon Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: . Residual Heat Remoya_1 (RHR) 5.- (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19_R0_ Edition, All Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter-1981 Addenda
6. ' Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Nuclear ork _ Repaired ASHE Code Name of' Name of-Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RH S70- Pacific' Scientific 1 91 3071 Replaced No RH S8B Pacific Scientific 1 91-3071 Replaced No PN S58 -- Pacific Scientific 2' 91-3071 Replaced No Replaced ~


RH SBA Pacific Scientific 1 91-3122 No RH-S69B Pacific Scientific 1- 91 3122- Replaced No

   ,         7.          Description of Vork:             RH-S70 (S/N 498) replaced with snubber _S/N 8140H RH-S8B (S/N 5230) replaced with snubbor S/N 8145M: RH-$58 (S/N 557) renlaced with_aDybber S/N 459M: RH-SBA-(S/N 6997) replaced with snubber S/N 7003: RH-S69B (S/N 8138M) reolaced with snubber S/N 489.                                            . . _ ,
            !8.          Tests Cond' acted:           Hydrostatic      _. Pneumatic Nominal Operating 1ressure
                                                     'Other .N/A Press 2re                psi    Test Temp.            'F NOTE:' Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used,

provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x li', (2)_information in items 1 through 6 on this' report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. l g i- tt1-

9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Reoort provides the reautred information on repairs and replacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throur_h December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Renlacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". .q.,_ipvoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. (Applica! .c Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) , l CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the f."ME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A , CertificationofAuthriztiogNo. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: '

u. z 1 Engineerinn Manager Date: March 5, 1992_

f 10wner or er's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned,- holdlag a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressuro Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by -Hartford Steam Boiler I & I company._-of Hartford. CT have

     -inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period hine 1. 199q to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief tha owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures descrioed in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section-XI, By. signing this' certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer.makes any                                      ,

warranty, expreased-or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured

     - h eribed in this Owner's Report.       Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his                                  ;

employer shal.1 be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage ' cr.a loss of any kfud arising from or connected with this inspection. < Inspector's Signatpro: ~ Y2 Aud _ , ._ Commissions: Mf bd> ci -A[- r M /- (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements). . Date: J J -9 E

                  -- ,=
                      .    ~~

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REFAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Poquirod by the Provisions of ths /pME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9 dhkhfb. fat (Name)

E O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 15 of 98 (Address)

2. _ Plant: Cooner Nucigar Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A . (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.) l l

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZ6 Same Authorization Date: N/a _

(Address) ) Expiration Date: N/A ' t

4. Identification.of System: Reactor Feedwater (RF)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section_III 19 80 Edition, All Addenda. N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1961 Addenda  ;
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components V rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class. Number Repiscement (Yes or No)
                -RF-S16            Pacific Scientific         1       91-2066         Replaced             No RF-510            Pacific Scientific         1       91-2340         Replaced             No Replaced.
                'RF-S11            Pacific Scientific         1      .91-2340                              No RF SIS            Pacific Scientific         1       91-2340         Replaced             No I

RF-S12 Pacific Scientific 1 91-3122 Replaced No 7 Description of Work: RF-S16 (S/N 790) replaced with snubber S/N 7012L RF-S10 (S/N 15142) replaced with snubber S/N-545: RF-S11 (S/N 455M) regiaced with snubber S/N 13793: RF-SIS (S/N 8146M) reolaced with snubber S/N 5218: RP.S12 (S/N 471)

p. renlaced-with snubber S/N 472).  ;
          '8;  ;'ests Conductedi        Hydrostatic          Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other N/A. Pressure            psi    Test Temp.        'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or dravia3s may be used,-

provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report'is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is ta bered and the number of sheets is' recorded at the top of this form. l

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reautreil inforroation on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1920 through December 1991.

Also Code case N 308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throurh the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this


ren1ncement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A N/A Expiration Date: N/A s. CertificationofAut{iortzati n No. S ignett : 97[ I c Zt<< Engineering Mananer Date: March 5, 1992

                       /               ~ (ownero(Owner'sDesigneo, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid cormnission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska i.nd etcployed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of liartford. CT have { inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of_any kind arising from or connected with this inspaction. Inspector's Signature: yb/ A 4AD Comn.issions: //8 '/d h A A) f dd-


(National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 3 ~ / ~9 C

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Rsquired by ths Proviolons of ths ASME Cods Section XI lifL

1. . Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. -MM. M>f.f t (Namo)

P.O. Box 499. Colurnbus. NE 68601 Sheet 16 of 98 (Address) i

2. Plant: - Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) t P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A .

(Address) (Repair Orgainzation P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc. )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: 1(/_6 S ar,te Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Main Steam (MS)

S. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19,_Bj)._, Edition,

                              .All               Addenda,            N/A                 Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired cr Replaced and Replacement Components r Repa hed ASE Code Name of Name of Nuclear Docenent Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number -Replacement (Yes or No)

SS C2 Pacific Scientific 1 91-3071 Replaced No VR S81 Pacific Scientific 1 91-3071 Replaced No VR 62-8-X Pacific Scientific- 1 91-3071 Replaced No VR S32 Pacific Scientific- 1 91 3122 Replaced No VR-S62A Pacific Scientific 1 91 3122 Replaced No

7. ' Desc-iption 'of Work: SS-C2'(S/N 458M) replaced with snubber S/N 448: VR-S81 (S/N 410) replaced wfth snubber S/N 449: VR-62-8-X (S/N 407) replaced with snubber S/N 450: VR-S32 (S/N 17204) replaced with snubber S/N 15143: VR-S62A (S/N 399) '

_Ienlamed with snubber S/N 15144. 8.--Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic L Nominal Operating Pressure l Other N/A Pressure psi Test Temp, 'F b ' NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists,, oi drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information 't. 'tems 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each shees b numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form 1 l_ l s 1

9. Remarks: TJhia NIS-2 Report nrovides the eautred information on renairs and Ifr.21 acementi formed at Cooper Ny.p., lear Station from Junn 1990 through December 199.L.

Also Code r A N '.)08, " Documentation of Receirs and.,F.colacements of Components in ig LI., c 5, Plants" L tuvoked through the use of Form NIS,-l for reporting. (Applici te Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) p I CERTIFICATF GP COMPLIANCE I L t the stccements made in the report are correct s,id this

       ',}                 ;g1                 aent           cor.fonu to tl.e rules of *he ASME Code, Section XI, (terei)            ,uplacement)

Tm , *bol Stamp: _ N/A , 6 Ce rr.1 ficat. ' 1 ct Authopit: ti No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A d -'y  ! S i'

                                                  .(   #z . o_    J. ,                                Encineerine Manager   Date:   ifarch 5.                                      1992 Mb e <"' nbne r 's Deeinnee. Tir1M                                                                                                                  ,

e l CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the urW rsigned, , e b ; a valid cormaission issued by the National Board of Boiler an.1 ?ressure h icel Inspectors and the Scate or Province ef Nebrapka _ and employed '#f 11artfor_d__ Stectat.]lLoM gr I & I company of Hartford. CT have , inspected the compo: nts described in this owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Gener has performed examinations and taken corrective messures descrWed in this Owner's Report in accordanu with the requirements of the ASME Code _ ?.ection XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any , warranty, expressed or inplied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Ir.spector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage

           ;        or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this insucction.

1 a 9 Inspector's Sis, nature: %< [ c/, id -> . _ _ _ Commissions: /)d # A* f SL W. I WW (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 'T 'r -91 4

t FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASKE Cods Section XI t 41L n

   -1. -Owner:             Nebraska Public Power District                    Date:          March 9. 44%.83 3-tat (Name)

P.O. Box'499. Columbus. NE 68601 __ Sheet 17 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooner Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A - (Address) -(Repair Orgain:ation, P.O. No . , J ob No . , Etc . )

3. . Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: El.6 Same Authoriwo n Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Dace: N/A 4- Identification of System: Residual Heat Removal (RHR)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Cade: ASME St etion III _19_80 Edition,.

All Addenda, N/A Code Case f(b) Applicable: Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacemente 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda 6,7 _ Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components . , . _ rk Repairnd fASMECode Name of Name of Nuclect """*" #

                                                                                          *E # *                       "'#

Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement. (Yes or No) t .. - RH-S67 ' Pacific Scientific 1. 91-3122 Replaced- No RH-S68 Pacific Scientific- 1 91-3122_ Replaced No , 4 MI-S $ Pacific' Scientific 1 91-3206- Replaced No RH-S73 Pacific'Sciertific 1 91-3206 Replaced No

              'RH-S45            Pacific Scientific            2          91-3206          Replaced
7. bescription of Wort- _EH S67 (S/N 15140) reolaced with snubber S/N 151/1: RH-S68
1S/N 416) renlaced w!th ' snubber S/N 413: RH-SS (S/N 17207) replaced with snubber T lE /N 451 RM-573 (S/N 15369) replaced with snubber S/N 466: RH-S45 (S/N 456N) renlas.eJL snubber with S/N 468. _
8. Tests Conducted; Hydrostatic Pneumatic _

Nominal Operating Pressure Other N /A Pressure . psi Test Temp. *F

   ! NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the ' form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1). 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, .and (5' each sheet is numbered and the number of s
                ' sheets is recorded at the top of this L:rm.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report r.roviden the reautred 1.nformation on repairs and IsplasrJgents portormed at Cooper Engjear Station froin June 1990 through December 1991.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of_ Repairs _nJ1d Replacements of_ Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked th-ouch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufr::turer's Data Reports to bo Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the st.atements made in the .eport are corr and this


replacement ccnforms to the rules of the ASME Coce. Section XI. (repair or replacement) 7 p Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Auch gizppictg No. ,_ _ N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 1 L [> [p -

                                                   )stAtAtw              Ennineerinn Manager _ , Date:                                                          March 5, 1992
                                   / -(owner or                ner's Designee, Title)


1. the undersi6nod holding a valid commission .ssued by tiu National Board of Butler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Prov_nce of _Sebraska and employed by ,_llar rord C+eam Bo_iler I & I Comnany of Hartford. CT have "

inspected the 'our,,onents described in this owner's Report during the period June _1.1990 to p_ecember 3' .l9JJ, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief,-the Owner has examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's deport in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Seccion XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner s Report, Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Insp< : tor's Signature: 2a ,j sM

                                               # toys t-Commissions: Ut                        QT       42 &

(National Bot.rd, State , Province, and Endorsements) Date: 7 f-y L

FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAYRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the'ASME Code Section XI _1l, owner: Nebraska Public Power Distrig L Date: March 9. [4]M t (98me) ,

                      'P.O. Box,499. Columbus. NE 68601                              Sheet            18       of              98 (Address)
2. : Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. , No., Job-No., Etc.)

      -3. Wori Darformed By:                              Owner                   Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Same                                    Authorization Date:                       N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: , N/A

4. Identification of System: Residual Heat Removal (RHEL
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 80 Edition, All Addenda, N/A Code Case ,
            -(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements
1980, Winter.1981 Addenda
6. . Ideatification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components.

Name of- Name of Nuclear

                                                                                        #                   *E"'#"                ^"
  • Document. Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

RH S6- Pacific Scientific 1 91-3206- Replaced No RH-S14A? Pacific' Scientific 1- 91-3206 Replaced No RH-S21 ' Pacific Scientific 1 91-3206 Replaced No RH-S49: ~ Pacific Scientific 2 91-3206 Replaced No RH Sil LPacific Scientific 1 91-3206 Replaced No n - . .- . RH-S6 (S/N 493) rgplaced with snubber S/N 481: RH-S14A l- 7. Description of Work: L (S/N 5219) ' replaced with snubber S/N 400: RH-S21 (S/N 5900) reolaced with snubber S/N 406: RH-S49 (S/N 6995) reolaced with snubber S/N 476: RH-511 (S /N 6996) - reolaced with snubber S/N 8142M. l- - - 8. Tests Conducted: - Hydrostatic Pneumatic . Nominal Operating Pressure

                                                'Other _N/AJ Pressure              psi.       Test Temp.                    *F
       -NOTE:, Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided_.(1)' size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through'6 on this report is included on.each sheet, and (3) each sheet is num' ered                      a       and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of his form.


   . -~ .               ..   -.. - --~ ~ .                -    ~ - . - .        , - - - _ -                   . . .. .     - - ~ - --
9. Remarks:. Thia NIS-2 Recort provides the reautred information on repairs and ,
    ,_. _I.polacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throuch December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. "Docuemtation of Renairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reportinc. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) 7 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code. Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Autho zation No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A , Signed: - Vf / /In i ' Engineering Manager Date: March 5 1992

                             /          .(Owner or   fiier's Designec, Title) f b

CERTIFICATE JF INSERVICE INSPECTION I', the endersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and. Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company . of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period *

 <           June 1._1990 to Decenher 31. 1991, and state that'to the:best.of my. knowledge and belief,- the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures'this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or impliad, concerning the ertminations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his i employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal- injury or property damage

or a loss of any kind crising from or connected with this inspection.

Inspector's Signature: yNd'

                                                >> v '
                                                               #a y

Commissions: 'Ad /0 3_Tc- J.) B -r?/h (National Board,-State, Province, and Ent orsements) Date: i ?-9-9 L l l


l FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Rsquired by the Provisions of tha ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power utstrict Date: March 9. +}9 9L444-3 ll -t-i t (Name'
        -P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601                        Sheet      19     of     98 (Addrr s)
2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/L Same _ Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Core Sorav (CS)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: U2AS E31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired er Replaced and R.eplacement Components Name of Name of Nuclear
                                                                   #            P"'#         ^"      '*

Document Replaced, or Stampud Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No) CS-S2 Crinnell 1 91-2212 Replaced No CS-S3 Crinnell 1 91-2212 Replaced No

7. Description of Work: CS-S2 (S/N 7780) replaced with taubber S/N 8105: CS-S3 (S/P 7795) replaced with snubber S/N 8544.
6. Tests' Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other N/A Pressure _ psi Test Temp. *F NOTE! Supplemental sheets in the form of lists ' etches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) is. amation in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
3. Remarks: This NIS;1_ Report provides the required information on repairs and replacementa perfocmed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

l Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs and Replacements of Components in HusJear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reportint. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this renlacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Aut or ation No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A e_ Engineerine Mananer Date: March 5. 1992 Signed: _../ (Owner o(per's Designee, Title) L _. I CE a uICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the-undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of l. Boiler and= Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province _of Nebraska and employe*d by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have I inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period l June 1.'1990 to December $1. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the _0wner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described. a this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Csde, Section XI. l- By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes a,y warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. t Inspector's Signature: Ya %AD y,-,o Commissions: AW 10 e n- A), r wb (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 2?-9-97 l l l I.

             .s..+wy  _._v.,  e. FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEie.NTS As Rsquired by the Provisions of the f.SME Codo Section XI
1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9.d /Est-f 2.

(Name) P.O. Box 4S9. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 20 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. N o . , J ob No . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owne* Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of Sysrem: _ Mair. Steam (MS) _

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS L31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced at ti Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

MS-S7B Grinnell 2 91-2212 Replaced No BS-S116A Grinnell 2 91-221? Replaced No RS-S116A F/A 2 DC88-302B Replacement No

7. -Description of Work: MS-S7B (S/N 7775) replaced with snubber S/N 8139 BS-S116A (S/N 8111) replaced with snubber S/N 8546. Modified BS-S116A rear bracket.
8. Tests Conducted: liydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other X Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this isrm.


s 9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reautred information_on repairs and renlacementa performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replaceevnts _pf Comogpents in \ ILuclear Power Plants" is irEp_ked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. J (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this


replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. t (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authorizgtion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed; hk /, Engineering Manager Date: March 5, 1992__

                     /       T0wneror{ner'sDesignee, Title)

D CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Preasure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska cnd employed by Hartford Steam Bo.iler I & I Company __ of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period t June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and

  • belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures '

described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manaer for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. A Inspector's Signature: M.a/db<a Commissions: A/A bo n A> r v6 L' (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 3'- f-f L

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS 03. REPU. CEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. - Ovner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. 94,8IJf 4 L (Nar.e)
            ,,       P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601                       Sheet    21      of_      98 (Address)                                                                               e
2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)-

P.O. Bex 98. Brovnville. NE 63321 N/A - (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: F/A i

Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A t, Identification of System: Residual Heat Retuoval (RHR)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition cf Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
26. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Rep.acement Components W rk Repaired ASAE Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RH-S44A Crinnell 2 91-2212 Replaced No

               .'RH-S34                 Grinnell                2        91-2212       Replaced        ~

No-7; Description of Work: RH-S44A [S/N 7732) replaced with snubber S/N 8555: ~ RH-S34

            -(S/N 8085) replaced with snubber S/N 10050.

8 .. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic P eumatic Nominal Operating Pressure L Other U/A Pressttre psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE ' Supplemental sheets in the form'of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 9 '/2" x 11", (7) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is-included or eich sheet. and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded cc. the top of this form.

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the requited inforration on rgpairs and ,_

Ifeplacemente, perfprmed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throuch Decembsr 1991. Als,. Code Cane N-308. 'Derumentation of Repairs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throur_h the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attachad) I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE i Uc certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. 4 (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A 9 Certification of Author zatJon No. _ N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: k r e Encineerine Manager Date: Marc 1 h 1992 f (Ovnero(Owner'sDesignee, Title) o CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION - 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vescel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraskt. _ ard employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Cottpany of Hartford. CT have , inspected the con.ponents described in this Owner's Repor. during the period June 1. 1990 to , December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this OUner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing thi certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measered described in this Owner's Report. Furt'n

  • uore, neither the Inspector uor his employer shall 1e liable in any ' . uner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.
                                                                                                                                         -- J   , dma                                                    '

Inspector's Signature: Comn.issions : ARI E )f e z_AA r 9 /r l e (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) i Date: 3 6 - 1 ,_.

                                                                               -   m          . .. _         __   . _.

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section II (111

1. Owner: Mebragha Public Power District Date: March 9. 49918.1+1L

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 22 of 98 (Address) 2, Plant: Cooper Neelear Station Unit: One (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , J ob No . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZ6

_. _Same Authorization Date- N/A iddress) Expiration Date: _H/A 4, Identification of System: _ Main Steam (MSl. __

5. (a) Applicable Consttuction Code: ASME Section III 19 80 Editioa, All Addenda, N/A ____ Code Case
       '(b) . Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Roplacements                                            ;

1980, Winter 1981 Addcada

   -6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Componenta
    .=                                         .w                                                                       q rk           Repaired            ASME Code-Name of                 Name of              Nuclear-   Document           Replaced, or.          Stamped
        ' Component             Manufac curar             Class      Number            Replacetent        -(Yes or No)

VR-S83A ' Pacific Scientific 1 91-312? Replaced No

         'R;59-7-Z         -Pacific Scientific              1-      91-31'2             Replaced No
          ~VR-S11           Pacific Scientific              1       91-3122             Replaced                No
           'N  S87B         Pacific Scientific              1       91-3206             Replaced-               No l
7. Description of Work
-VR-S83A (S/N 460M) replaced with snubber S/N 464M: VR-59-7-Z

! is/N 463M) replaced ytth snubber S/N 465M: VR-311 (S/N 8144) replaced with snubber

       .3/N 477: VR-S823 (S/N 5829.) replaced with snubber S/N 473.                                                       -


8. Testo Conducted: Hydrosta tc Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure

! Other N/A Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F 5-l NOTE: Supplementa) sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, pruvided (l; Ize is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this reporc is it.- uded on each sheet,= and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is riu rded at the. top of this form. i

9, Remarks: This NIS-2 Report nrovides the reauired information on renairs and reolacements nerforced at Cooper Nuqlear Station from June 1990 throuch December 1991 - I Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Componentn in Nuclear Power _ Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS2 ] for reportinn. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) l CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I I k'e certify that the statements made in the report arc ;orrect and this

    - '                replacement           conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI, (repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp: _p/A Certification of Authorization No. __ N/A Expiration Date: , N/A  ;

                              ]             '~ /7 Signed:       Y),k . J,     I23              Encineerine Manager . Date:     March 5. 1992_
                             /'                   Owner'sDesignee, Title)                                     .

(Ownero{ CERTIFICATE OF INSER71CE INSPECTION , I, thu undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the Naticaal Board of Nebraska _and Boiler and. Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Stats or Proelace of employed by Hartfe.d Steam Boiler I &-I company of Hartford. CT have

               ' inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period

, June 1. 1990 to Decembat_31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowle'dge and belief, the Owrnr has performed examinstions and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME

           ., Code,- Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his empicycr makes any. warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the _ examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector vor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a !oss of.any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: d A.WM Commissions: IDd UMz- MT '-Wi d-(National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) Date: 744 z - _




r .

     ,                        .. FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR KEPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Cods Ssetion XI
11. Owner: ' Nebraska Public Powgr District Date: __ March 9. 8F1-fL (Name)

P . O.,, . Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 23 of, 98 (Address)

2. Plant: __ Cooper Huclear Sdetion Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98 A g.wavil.le. NE 68321 N /t. _ (Aadress) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

   .3! Work Performed By:                         Owner                     Type Code Symbol Stamp. E/A Same                                   Authorization Date:         N/A _

Expiration Date: N/A _

   .4. Identification of System: Peactor Reqirculation (hR)
   -5.     (a) Applicabin Construction Code: ASME Sectien III                             19 80 Edition, All               Addenda,            N/A              Code Case

_ (b) Applicable Edition of.-Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements

               . 1980. Hinter 1981 /,:lenda
6. :Identifica_ien of Components Repaired or deplaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired- ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document . Replaced, or Stamped Component Mant.facturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No).

SS-1B Pacific Scientific 1 91-2340 Replaced No , I f l

7. Description of Work: SS-1B (S/N 9908) renlaced with snubber S/N 5303.
8. '. Tests! Conducted: Hydrostatic. Pneumatic
Nominal. Operating Pressure Other N/A Pressure psi- Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplernental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings.may be bsed,
provided (1)-size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report ta_ included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of.

sheets is.' recorded at the top of this form.

                                                          ~                                          __-.__________._______________.

1 I l

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report-provides the reauired information on tqpairs and rcnlacements performed at Cooner Nuclear Station from June 1990 throuch December 199L.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Etnairs and Replacements of Comnonents in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked tiltough the use of Form NIS.2 for reporting. (Applicsble Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached)



                                                                                                              'l CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE                                          1 We certify that the staterunts .aade in the report are correct and this                            i replacement         conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.

(repnir or replacement) Type Code' Symbol Stamp: N/A , Certification of- Auth ri:7 tion No. N/A Expiration Date: _N/A Signed: . .- ,~ Engineerina Manager Date: March .5s_1992




I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Provinco of Ne_kraska acd employed by Hartford St.eam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT __ have inspected.che components de. scribed in this Owner's Report during the pgrlod June 1.1990 ::o'pecember_J1.1991,. and state that to the best of my know[ edge and belief, the-Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME i- Lode,--Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied,_concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermora, neither the Inspector nor his employer liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of~any kind arising _from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: u!,/ _ gzaa Commissions: AA#'03S2

                              /              .U. a.n    'f3<* $r (National' Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) nate:       3 $ fL
                                                                                     =_    _        ,

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S . REPORT FC': REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by ths Provisions of the ASME Cods Section XI M ',+

1. Owner: 3.__Nebre.aka Public Power District Date: March 9. 34M,6him.

(Name) P.O. Box 49t. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet _ 24 o f __, 93 (Address)

  --2,. Plant:                  Cooper' Nuclear Station                      Unit:               One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Or6ainzation, P.O. No. , Job No , Etc.)

3. .Vork Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Residual Heat Repoval (RHR)
5. .(a) Appliceble Construction Code: ASM" Section III 19 80 Edition, All l Addenda, N/A . _ Ccde Case
        -(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements
              -1980 Winter 1981 Addenda
6. -Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components rk Repaired ASME Code Name of- Name of . Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement (Yes or No)

Number RH-S3A- Pacific Scientific 2 91-3206 Replaced No l

7. Description of Work: RH-S3A (S/N 8143M) replaced with snubber S/N 458M.

L8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic- Pneumatic-Nominal Operating Press'tre _ Other N/A Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or d'3 wings may Le used, ~ I *vided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6.on this-ici.rt is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is' numbered and the number of uneets is recorded at the top of this form. W

                     .-          -.        . _.        . _-          ..          .- -     -   ~  . .. --.

i l 1 9 Rimarks: This NIS-2 Report orovides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

  ... - Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs and ken,'acements of Componnnts in Nuclear Power Pinnts" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for Ipporting.

(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached)

  • CERTIFICATE OF COMPL1ANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the teport are correct and this renlacement conforma to the rules of '.he ASME Code, Section XI.

___(repair or replacement) Type Code Symbe' Stamp: N/A Certification of Authprigation No, N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 9[ k 1 O!; Ennineerinn Mananer Date: March 5. 1992

                        #    (Owner or    wner's Designec, Title)
      .l l

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECT'ON . I, tha undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of' Nebraska and . employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to-preember 31.'1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective _ measures. described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damagc or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. \ > l Insp etor's-Signature: %2 M -}i L A C l-l: Commissions: I AAC3Xt al r @M (National Board, State, Trovince, and Endorsementsi T &~ 9 7 _ Date: i (

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Rsquired by ths-Provisions of the ASME Coda Section XI

      - 1; owner:          Nebraska Public Power 1istris1.                              Date;            March 9. Ib-# f-f  f 2-(Name)                                                                                             ,
              ,,      P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601                                  Sheet      75         of       98 (Address)-

12 . Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE '68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner _ Type Code symbol Staap: HZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

      - 4. Identification of System:              Control Rod Drive (CRD)
5. (a) Appl' cable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N /A Code Case (b): Applicable Edition at Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replaaement?

1980 Winter 1981 Addenda j

       - 6. Identificationfof Componenta Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk                  Repaired         'ASME Code Name of                  Name of            Nuclear         ^#cument            Replaced, or             Stamped Component                Manufacturer           Class           Number              Replacement           (Yes or No)
                 -CRD BBS'                     li/A               2          DC 88-302B            Replacement                No CRDoCC2N                      N/A                2-         DC 88-302B'           Replacement                No CRD-EES                      N/A.               2-         DC 88-302B            Replacement                No CRD HHS                      N/A                2-         DC 88-302B            Replacement               -No l-       7. Description of Vork:               Modified support to reduce meEber-stress.

, _ 8.- Tests Conductedi Hydrostatic, Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other F/A Pressure psi Test-Temp. 'F

       . NOTE: 5 Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or. drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in ftems 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of recorded at the top of this form.

I ? 1. 5

1 l I

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

Also code Case N 308. " Documentation of Repairs n.nti Renlacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2_for reportipg. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statementa n.ade in the report are correct and this renlacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Au hot 1:ation No, N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: - .s Engineering Manager Date: _. March 5, 1992

                /         (OwnergOwner'sDesignee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of lBoilerandPressureVesselInspectorsandtheStateorProvinceof Nebraska and employed by Hartferd Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in thir Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures deucribed in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the 5 IE Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, exprensed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Repoct. Furthermore, neither the I nector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injur or property damage cr a loss of any kind arising from or-connected with this int, action.

                                       /        /"

Inspector's Signature: C L2 sdM Commissions: /)<t / /4.194- A> I :r% 4-(National Board, State, Province, and Fndorsements) Date: JP 9 2-


FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Rsquired by ths Provisions of the ASME Cods 3sction XI 1991

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. T99P84t42-(Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet __76 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 __ N/A (Address) _(Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Vark Perfocued By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Core Soray (CS)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: _USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Wintcr 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replaccamit e.cmponents V rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped C9raponet.t Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes cr No) z CS-H19A N/A 2 DC 88-302B Replacement No G7-H2O N/A 2 DC 88-302B Replacement No s CS-Sil N/A 2 Replacement No DC88-30{$ ,

J7. Description of Work: Modified support to reduce member stress.

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nomical Operating Pressure Other N/A Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheetc is recorded at the top of this form.

1 4

  ^ - - - - - - -        -             - -                             . _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ . _                _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                     - .        .-          .     . - . .    ..          -   .   , = - . -
9. ~ Remarks: This NIS-2 Report prov! des the reouired information on reonirs and renlacements performed at Cooper Nucionr Station from June 1990 through December 199L.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renalrs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Ple-ts" is invoked throvnh the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to bo Attached) 4 UERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements mado in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Codo Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Aut ori;:at on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: hl Cth Encineerine Manacer


Date: March 5. 1992

                          /        (Ownerodowner'sDesignee, Title)


     ,       I, the undersi ned, 5    nolding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of                Nebraska        and employed by      Hartford Steam Boiler I &'I Company         of      Hartford. CT     have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period LunP 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, tha Owner has. performed examinations and taken corrective neasures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requiremento of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any ( warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations ant corrective measured described in this Owner's. Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor.his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property- damage l or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. i Inspector's Signature: 41 / au ll Commissions: AAI Y schn A).o crZL-

(National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) l l

Date: lf - H U I


                           -As Rsquired by the Provisions of ths ASME Code Section XI 49T1 March 9. -MM $l>f at
    -1.. Owner:     Nebraska Public Power Distriqs..                        Date:

(Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 686{1 Sheet 27 of 98 (Addrers)

2. Plant: Cooner Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: 10wngr Type Code Symbol Stamp: E/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: P/A 4, Identification of System: Reactor Water Cleanun (RWCU)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No _

Addenda, N/A Code Case t(b) Applicable Edition of .Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacementa 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired -ASME Coda
             -Name of Name of           Nuclear         Document      Replaced, cr-        Stamped Component               -Manufacturer           vlass Number        Replacement      (Yes or No)

CU-S90'A N/A 2 DC 88 302B. Replaced No l

     '7. -Description of Work':              Installed new support.
        .. Tests Conducted:              Hydrostatic              Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other _HfA_ Prescure                psi-   Test Temp.         'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in.the: form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x-11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on-each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number-of
              -sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

j .- I

I 9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reautred information on repairs and . replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throurh December 1991. Also code case N-308. "Locumentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" (1. invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Un certify that the statements made in the report,are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A i Certification of Au or zat on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A nf,(o V ._. l/ -aIn o/m e m Engineering Manager Date: March 5, 1992 Signed: _ _ _ _ . / (Owneroy}0wner'sDesignee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler'and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Cennany of Hartford. CT have _ inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to Decenber 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinaticus and taknn corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspecter nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspecte- nor his enployer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: d4/ AJ Commissions: A// /0X2. ,0 T- 'f7/ h - (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: JP- f -T Y-

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As-Rsquired by ths Provisions of the ASME Cods Section XI 119 4 1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. 4991 #u-f L


(Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 , Sheet 28 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

__,P.O. Bon 98.-Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orguinzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stanp: E/A_

Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Hirh Pressure Coolant Iniection (HPCI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No ___ Addenda, N/A Code Case (b)' Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Andanda 15 . -Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code EName of- .Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer -Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

HP-H38 N/A 2 DC 88-302B Replacement No HP-H50A N/A 2 DC 88-302B Replacement No

17. Description of Work: Modified sunvort to reduce member stress.
  -8.    . Tests Conducted:      Hydrostatic           Pneumatic ..._

Nominal Operating Pressure Other _Hi6_ Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this forn. , l t , = . _

l-4 i This NIS-2 Report nrovides the reautred intormation op renalts and m 9 :. Remarks:) replacements cerformed at- Cooper Nuclear Station from Jtine 1990 through December' 1991.


D' Al so Cedt- Case N-308. " Documentation of R9 pairs and Replaecments' of Components in . Nueinar Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS 2 for reportinc. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached)- i s , CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE s We certify thatzthe statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the'ASME Code, Section XI.

  +                     (repair-or replacement)
                      ,TypeLCode Symbol Stamp:                                                      N/A                                               >

0 N/A N/A 4f Expiration Date: ' Certification of Authori: ion No.

                      .Signedi'             Vb )-> _ sem _a                         Ennineerine        Manager             -Date:    March 5. 1992
// :(Owner or 0 er's Designeo, Title) 4 -l
           .                                                 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I,-the undersigned. holding a valid-commission' issued by the National Board of
3. Boiler and1 Pressure Vessel: Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska-' -and R. _empicyed by~ : Hartford Steam Boiler I 6'I Company of- Hartford. C? have
                      ^1nspected' the: components described it, this owner's Report during - the petiod June' December 31. 1991',; and state that to the best knowled 6e and                                        ,

belief, the Owner has performed exaninations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's' Report:in accordance with the requirements of the ASME-tc Code, Section XI;- By signing this certifie a*e,: neither .the Inspector nor his employer makes .any warranty,- expressed or 12 plied, concerning the examinations cnd corrective measured describid'in this-Owner's Report. .Furthermore,.neither the Inspector nor his emplojer shall beiliable in any-manner for any personal injury or property damage -

                      -or a-loss!of any-kind-arising from or connected with this inspection..
                     -Inspector'sfSignature: M                            ida                                                                        '
j. .
                     . Commissions: Aht A2 pro - /> 2'-                       -#Zeh.

(National Board, State,-Province', and Endor.senents)

Date:  ?-S-f t:

d 5-

            &         4                      .,   e-      r-      +     =       y         ~--.-..--  w -..--vr,,--*---rw--   , -,-+g     y +- --m-

p pmer - . -s yn -- , a

                                             '70RM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR' REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R:quircd by the Provisions of ths ASME Cods Section XI                                              l
          . 1.---Owner:               Nebraska Public Power District                        Date:              March 9.       Mif rA (Name)

P.O Box ~499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 29 of 98 (Address)

2, Plant: Coocer Nuclear Station Unit: One
                       =P.O. Fox 98'. Brownv111e. NE 68321                                                        N/A (Address)                                     (Repair Orgainzationi~P'.O.                  , , ,

No . , J ob No . , Etc . )

          ;  3 .' Work Performed By:                               Owner-                   Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/A Same=                                   Authorization Date:            N/A

Expiration Date: N/A

          -4      [ Identification of System:                        Main Steam (MS)
            ;$. -(a) Applicable' Construction Code:                           USAS B31.7                       19 69 Edition, No                     Addenda,          N/a                  Code Case l(b) ApplicablejEdition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements
                          .1980,tVinter 1981 Addenda


6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk  %

Repaired ASME Code Name;of; Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Componenti Manufacturer Class. -Stan7+-

                                                                                       - Numbe r --         Replacement      (Yes-or ho)

MS-H101A -N/A 2 DC 88-302B. Replacement- No MS-H107A N/A 2 DC 88-302B- Replacement No MS-H112 N/A : 2: -DC 88-302B- ReplacemeutJ N o -- MS-H132 -N/A- 1- DC 88-302B ~ ' Replacement ~ No -- MS-H96: N/A 2 DC 88-302B~ Replacement No-

7. ' Description of Work: Modified suonort to reduce member stress.
            .8. 5 Tests Conducted:                     LHydrostatic:        . Pneumatic
Nominal Operating Pressure
                                                       -Other N/A       Pressure          psi       Test Temp.
                                                                                                         -              ~*F
          -iNOTE:: Supplements 1 shoots ' in the - form of lists, sketches, or _ drawings may be used, Eprovided;-(1)fsize'is.8 1/2";x'11",-(2) information in. items'l through 6 on'this report f isl included on 'eachi sheet. and- (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets u is recorded at'the' top of this form.                                                                          ,

i i h '- d ^ r I

    . _.       _ . _ . . _       ....__m.         .. _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _
9. -Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provider the recuired information on renalrs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throur.h December 1991.

Also Code Case N<308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in 4 Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for-reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) l CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this teolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI, _(repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Aut orizatipn No . N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: .)) Engineerin M anager Date: March 5, 1992

                                            #        (Owner o               Owner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I,_the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler a'nd Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Ster- Boiler I & I Company of _ Hartford. CT have inspected the components d::scrib d in this Owner's Report during the period-June 1. 1990 to December 31. 195 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken correctiv, measures-described in,this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section~XI,

         ' ~

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report, Furthermore, neither the Inspector-nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or-- property damage-or-;a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

                        . Inspector's Signature; W                                   N.e./a                                 __.

Commissions: rJe #k yc c. A)J 't h (National Board, State, Province, and: Endorsements) Date: 3 Y 2-1

   - .               .           . . - - _ - -             - . _ . - -    - -       -_~      .~     -       _ . .     .   ._  -       - - . - - . . .
  ~          . - - . -     ..~

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI li4L

       -.1 =. Owner:            Nebraska Public Power District                                    Date:           March 9. 494 43+f t (Nsmo)

P.O.-Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 30 of 98' (Address)

        .2.-      Plant:                    Cooper Nuclear Station                                Unit:               One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. l No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZo Some Authorization Date: N/A (Address) 1 Expiration Date: N/A 4 .1dentification of System: Main Steam (MS)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ESAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Aoplicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda i
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Nams of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement
                                                                                             . Number                             (Yes or No)

MS-H99 .N/A 2 DC 88-302B Replacement No MS SilA N/A 2 DC 88 302B xeplacement No MS-S12 N/A 2 DC 88-302B Replacement No i MS-515A N/A 2 DC 88-302B Replacement No MS-S16B N/A 2 DC 88-302B Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Modified support to reduce member stress.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure ___,__

Other N/A Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. f w~~ ~

                                                        --      - .._. - ..          . ~ .            - . _ - - - -
9. Rettarks : This NIS-2 Report provides the reauired information on repairs and replacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throuch December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF 00MPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI, (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Aut or.sation No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: n- y Engineeringl anacer Date: March 5. 1992.

                       /       (Ownerorgwner'sDesignee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTIO!; I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by 11artford Steam Boiler T & I Company of llartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period , June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for- any personal injury or property damage or.a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: V[// M# Commissions: Ab M2. Al J -rM k (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: P f12 _

      .                 . - .~           .. -        .-.             -         ..         ..      .     - . -      - . -        .-.   .~ .

M ws e a.mewe.e new .4 FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the. Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 199 L 1

1. - Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9.1991 # Af-fA (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 31 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

             -4      Identification of System:                  Mair. Steam (MS)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case s

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components-W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

MS-S8 N/A 2 DC 88-302B Replacement No MS-SS-A2 N/A 1 DC 88 302B Replacement No MS-SS-D2 N/A- 1 DC 88-302B Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Modified support to reduce member stress.
             ' 8. Tests Conducted:              Hydrostatic              Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other .N/A       Pressure          psi    Test Temp.              'F i

NOTE: _ Supplemental sheets in the form of lirts, sketches, or drawings may be used, i provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3)'each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

          . Remarks:                This NIS-2 Report provides the recuired information on repairs and renlacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

Also- Code Case N-308. " Documentation of ignairs and Replacements of Components in t Egelear Power Plpnts" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for renortine. , (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this i , replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, S 4 ' t '- n XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: y(

                                    # // ml/

w l# Al} Ennineerine Mananer Date: March 5. 1992 (Owner Owner's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report'during the period. June 1. 1990 to pacember 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge-and belief, the.0wner-has performed examinations.and taken corrective measures: described-in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME-

                 -Code, Section-XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerr,ing the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report.- Furthermore, neither-the Inspector nor his employer < shall be -liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: D -- d> Commissions: JJ Y Je w s22' Ms& _ (National-Board, State, Province, and Endorsements). Datel _T - f -9 7

FORM NIS-2 OUNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS-As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI tiit 1,-Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. 444F M).f f *- (Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 32 of 98 (Address)

    ^2. Plant:            Cooper Nuclear Station                       Unit:                One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.0, No . , J ob No . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: EZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N /A 4 Iocntification of System: Reactor Core Isolation Coolant (RCIC)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components. Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear D cument Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement
                                                                   . Number                           (Yes or No)

RC-H23- N/A 2 DC 88-302B Replacement No RC-H24 N/A 2 DC 88-302B Replacement No RC-S18 B&R N/A 2 DC 88-302B Replaced No

7. Description of Work: Modified sunoort to reduce member stress. Installed new sunnort (RC-S18 B&R)
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic- Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other _EZA_ Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketchen, or drawings may be used,-
           .provided (1)-size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1.through 6 on this
            -report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on renairs and renlacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throuch December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Renlacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for rerortinc. I (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) , l CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. l (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A I Certification of Authorizatiop No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: [) 3[ Engineering Mannggr _ Date: March 5. It9jL F TOwner or gner's Designee. Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTTJN I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Holler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to necember 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the-Owner has performed examinations and taken-corrective measures deceribed in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,--Section XI. , By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured I described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this' inspection. Inspector's Signature: M2a /  ? ,24.a Commissions: A Jn k / 0.1 rj A) 1 fw (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: }fh

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASNE Code Section XI

                                                                                                                                                           \ 49 L 1,-Owner:            Nebraska Public Power District                                                                 Date:            Ma rch 9. 4944.#3+f 2-(Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 33 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Ovner Type Code Symbol Stamp: EZA Some Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A 4, Identification of-System: Reactor Feedwater (RF)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable-Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda 6, Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of- Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RF-H46A N/A 2 DC 88-302B Replacement No RF H55 N/A 2 DC 88-302B Replacement No RF-S14 N/A 1 DC 88-302B Replacement No RF-S16 N/A .1 DC 88-302B Replacement No RF-S18 N/A 1 DC 88-302B Replacement No

7. Description of-Work: Modified'sunt, ort to reduce member stress.

l [ 3. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic L Nominal-Operating Pressure L Otber N/A. Pressure- psi Test Temp. 'F-NOTE: . Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at-the top of this form. I

Il 1 l l 9; Remarks: This NIS 2 Report provides the reautred infolgation on repairs and  ! renlacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear _ Station from June 1990 through December 1991. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renalrs and Replacements of Components in

          -Nucient Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Author ~ation No, N/A Expiration Date: N/A-Signed: {R _ i Engineerine Manager Date: March 5. 1992-

                          /         (Ovner          Owner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1-l l I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel-Inspectors and the State or province of Nebraska cnd employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of__ Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period

June 1. 1990 to December 31, 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and p belief, the Owner-has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of_-the ASME i Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any-warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this-Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his- , employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage-b or a loss of.any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's S_ignature: Wm [3h mLJ Commissions: Ala # /or5 W /> & -r?/// (National Board, State, Province, and Endorcements) Date: Z- T-S v

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI l112

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. 1991-6871-f '

(Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 ' Sheet 34 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nucleer Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N /A ' (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed by: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: EZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Reactor Feedwater (RF)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. ' Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components V rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RF-H52A N/A 2 DC 88-302B Replaced No _J

7. Description of Work: Installed new suovort.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic
                                           . Nominal Operating Pressure

! Other N/A Pressure psi Test Temp. *F ! NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, l provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this ! report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of-sheets is recorded at the top of this for.n.

9. Remarks: This N15-2 Report provides the reouired information on renalrs and ,

1 reolacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throur.h December 1991. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components _in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this _ replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. 1 (repair or replacement)  ! Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Aut or zat on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 02' 2t7!-[,u ;r Enmineerine xaname, Date: xarch s. 1992

                     #       '(Ownero{ Owner'sDesignee, Titie)                                                   ,

p. CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure 1 Vessel Inspectors and the State or province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed-examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's-Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. . By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes-any warranty,-expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured

       ' described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable .in .any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a' loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Inspector's Signature: L?u/,d..A w Commissions: 'f4 E MHE A). T wh (National Board, State,. Province, and Endorsements) Date: 3 5 /_ l_ . , - , _ . . ,

         .i FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

' 1, Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: Match 9. #>f t f-(Name) P.O. Box 499. Coltgbus. NE 68601 Sheet 35 o f __ 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc. )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A .

4. Identification of System: Reffdual Heat Removal (RHR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N /A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Nuclear-
                                                                                     #               "E" #               ^"

Name of Name of Document Replaced, or Stamped-Component ' Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)- RH-H169 B&R' N/A 2 DC 88 302B Replacement No RH-S29 N/A 2 DC 88 302B Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Modify support to reduce member stress.
8. Tests' Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure-Other N/A Pressure psi ' Test Temp. 'F NOTE:. Supplemental-sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used,-
        .provided_(1) size-is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this                                             ;

report is included on~each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of l

        . sheets is recorded at the top of this form.                                                                                i l

i i

 - _ ~ .       .

l l

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report-provides the recuired information on repairs and replacement s nerformed at Cooper Nuclear 5tation from June 1990 thrsuch December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. "Dcdumentation of Renairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclent Power Plants" is-invoked through the use of Form NIS 2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repig. cement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Aut.hortzat on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: k , 7 Encineerine Manacer


Date: March 5. 1992

                         /      ^'('dwner or     mer's Designee, Titie)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION , I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford' Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Ovuor's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31'. 1991, and state that to the best of_my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any , warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection, inspector's Signature: _ M ,/ N 26 - Commissions: O d / o a r e_. X4 3 v?A v (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 76 -e n

                   - - - . - . , -.                ..        . . . - .      .         . - . ~       -    - -             .         ._


                                                                                                                                                   'l FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI tif t
1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. itH-Mudt (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 36 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O._ Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.) , 3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: EZA Same Authorization Date: , N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A

       ~4. Identification of System:                      Residual Heat Removal (RNR) c
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case

_(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized'for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Componente Work Repaired ASME Code i Name of Name of Nuclear- Document Replaced, or Stamped-Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RH-H57A N/A. 2 DC 88-302B Replaced No , 7. Description of Work: _ _ Installed new support. l

8. Tests Conducted: Ilydrostatic Pneumatic l Nominal Operating Pressure l Other- N/A Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F
         ' NOTE:l Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used,                             _

provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this

                -report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

1 I L

  -         ..   -  - . . - . - . . .             . . - - - - - . . . _ - - -                                              - - . - - - ~ . - . . . . , . . .~


9. Remarks? 'This NIS-2 Report provides the recuired information on rtpairs nad
       ' replacements nerformed at Cooper Naclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.
       'Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Rentacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants"                   is invoked through the use of Form NIS 2 for reporting.

(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this , repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code symbol stamp: N/A Certification of Autho 4zat. on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A' Signed: 1

                                             'A     2)                                              Ennineerina Mananer                   Date:                March 5, 1992


          .I,  the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and' Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Provinco of                                                                                Nebraska           and employed by                Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company                                           of    . Hartford.                   CT       have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period                                                                                                          -

June 1. 1990 to Eggember 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and

         -belief, the Owner has performed examinaticas and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance'with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in-this Owner's Report. _Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of-any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: % s /i b M a N %d/ Commissions: AM M 1_n . n zu (National Soard, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: .3 -6 F L-1: i d

                                              ~                               - , . , , , - - . ~ - - . , . - , ,       e                                          -

i e e-, ,w -, - -

                 .      -           _     _                _-        . . _ . . ._ . ~._            _ . _ _ _ . _ . _             .- .

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section II

1. Owner: Nebraska'Public Power District Date: March 9. M M (E (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 37 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , J ob No . , Etc.) I

3. Work Performed Ey: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp; H/,A Same authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Residual Heat Removal (RHR)

 .5.  (a) Applicable Construction Code:                USAS B31.7                             19 69 Ed4 tion, l

No Addenda, N/A Code Case

     .(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. . Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RH-S61 N/A 2 DC 68-302B Repaired No i f l

7. -Description of Vork: Removed support.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other N/A Pressure psi Test Temp. *F
 'UOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1-through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991. _

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch lhe use of Form NIS-2 for rer.orting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data P.eports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE k'e certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement confocms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI, (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: A'[ ]v Engineering Manager Date: ._liarch 5_ 1992

                      ,/        (Owner o / vner's Designee, Title)                                                                    -

4 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure _ Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by _ Hartford Stean Boiler I & I company of 11artford . CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to peqember 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the tmnar has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal' injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: ~72n[ .1 /R Commissions: lll / dire A) E  %// (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: T - f-S t l' l

PORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS }_ As Required by ths Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public P,ser District Date: March 9. 3-f f :L (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 38 of 98 (Address)

2. Planc: Cooner Nuclear S(Drion Unit: one (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (f.ddress) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , J ob No . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Reactor Recirculation (RR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repsired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RR-SS2-A N/A 1 DC 88-302B Replacement No RR-SS2-B N/A 1 DC 88-302B Replacement No RR-SS5-A N/A 1 DC 88-302B Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Modified suonort to reduce member stress,
8. Tests Condncted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic __

Nominal Operating Pressure Other N/A Pressure -psi Test Temp. . 'F NOTE: Supplemcntal sheets in the Zarm of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided ('.) size is 8-1/2" 'x 11* , (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of shacts is recorded at the top of this form.

       '9. Remarks:           This NIS-2 Report provides the reautred inforniation on repairs nnd replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June -1990 throuth Deccaber ? 991,
             'Also Code Case N-308; " Documentation of Regnirs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants"         is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine.

(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached)  ! l i CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Autlerigation No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A _ Signed:


(( . v Ennineerine Manacer Date: March 5. 1992 (Owner or (q.ier's Designee, Title) 4 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION , 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vesse1' Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebrnska and-employed by Hartford steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to_the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures ! described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the_ASME ! Code,-Section XI, By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor hLs employer makes any. , + warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the_ Inspector nor his ! employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal ' injury or. property damage -1 e or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. _ Inspector's Signature: '2/ > [ t. 4 -' l [  : Commissions: A V ,t-u r MJ vh4-I' (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Data: J'94t f , ! \ I != }l 1 .

WlMk 'UM' FORM NIS-2 OVNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. k hMJ-H z.
                                 . (Name ) .

P.O. Box 499. Qglumbus. NE 68601 Sheet 39 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , J ob No. , Etc.)

3. ' Work Performed By: .Ouner Type Code Symbol Stamp. HZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of_ System: Reactor Water Cleanun (RWCU)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19 83 Edition, Summer 1983 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Editida of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or' Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Componcnts V rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stacped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) i RWCU-MOV-MOIS , Anchor / Darling 1 91-3330 Replaced No
7. Description of Work: Renl aced' valve _
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrosta*.ic X Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure 7 Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) infonnation in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and '3) each sheet is numbered and the number of l~ sheets is recorded at'the top of this form. __

l l

   . ,. . . _      . -       ,  .    - . - . . - . , _ _ , _ -          - - .     .. - - - - - . .- -                     - ~ . .     ..
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Renorr olovides the required information on renairs and replacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 through December 1991.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for regortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this renlacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI, (repair or replacement) Type Code. Symbol Stamp: N/A , certification of Author zation No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed:  %> - Encineering Manacer Date: March-5. 1992 (6wner or wner's Designee. Title)


I CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed-by Hartford Steam Boiler I & T Company of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1, 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and l' belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures i described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of'tha ASME l Code, Section XI, i By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer-makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations ,and corrective measured described in;this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his. employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage


or a loss of-any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: V/w/ bud Commisstons: AM - x 3 r e il r. -17d? (Nation'ai Board, State. Province, and Eudorsements) Date: Y44t

                                            =. - .-            - . . .

FORM U1S-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI M4L

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. 44%/Af-f A (Name) i P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 40 of 98 (Address) .
2. Plant: Cooper Nucicar Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: E/6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: _ N/A

4. Identification of System: Reactor Vater Cleanuo (RVCU)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ANSI B16.34 19 79 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI-Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components
                                                                           #             *E" #*        A"
  • Name of Name of Nuclear Document -Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RUCU-MOV-M018 Anchor / Darling 1 DC 90-352 Replaced No

7. Description of Worki Replaced valve.
 ' 8. Tests Conducted:        Hydrostatic          X     Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other               Pressure             psi    Test Temp.        'F NOTE:. Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x lla, (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of
         -sheets is recorded-at the top of this form.

l I

9. Remarks
This NIS-2 9enort provides the_retntired information on renalrs and repincements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from Jupe 1990 through December 1991 Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacementa of Components in ILuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 [gr reporting.

(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLTANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this


replacement-conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authori,,ation No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 97[ 7 A Encineerinn Mananer Date: March 5, 1992

                    /           "(Owner orf6wner's Designee, Title)

Q CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Ngbraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of Hartford. CT have , inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to fecember 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my know1cdge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any nianner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: %7 d'oa Commissions: W /e3rr /) r Yh// (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 2 - y-5 x

                                ..            .   -         _     .--         .-.     -            . -.      ._       - - - . . ~

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As--Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1.- Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. 1f-tL


P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 41 of 98 (Address)-

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZ6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Reactor Watgr Cleanun (RWCU)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 19_31_ Edition, Summer 1983 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements
                       -1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components r ePaired ASME Code Name-of- Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement -(Yes or No)

Pipe.*' Sumitomo Mach. Corp. 1 DC 90-352 Replacement No

  • Pup piece upstream and adjacent - to RWCU MOV-M018.
           '7. Description of Work:         Installed oun niece unstream'of RWCU-MOV-M018.


8. . Tests Conducted: -Hydrostatic -X Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure _ psi Test Temp. 'F l NOTEi= Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used,
                     .provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on thic report is-included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbcred and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

l i

 . __              .   - .         .___. _ __.. . _ . ~                            . . _ . _ - _ - . . _ _ _ . . . - -
                                                                                                                                                         'l l
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reouired information on renalrs and  !

replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throurh December 1991. , Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throur.h the'use of Form NIS-2 fgr rer.ortinr_. (Applicable tianufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Auth ri ation No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 1E 7 .s i Encineerinn Manager Date: March 5. 1992 [/' (Owner or wner's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company- of Hartford. CT -have

       -inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June'1.-1990 to December 31. 1991; and state that to the best-of my knowledge and belief, ' the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this; Owner's Report in accordance.with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or. implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector not his employer shall be liable in any manner for any_ personal injury or property damage or a loss' of' any kind arising fror, o'r connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: VIJ G4 Commissions: /JA # /o > r e- e/ #& (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements)

       'Date:         Y S-9L l
         . ~ - _ _      -_ __ _                                  , _ _ _ _ ,                     ~                 -    _,.   ,_ , _ _ _ _         - , _

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S RETORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1111 March 9. 1991.8H-t t-

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power DisJrig_t_,, Date:

(Name) P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sneet 42 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O Box 98. Brovnvi11e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgain=ation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: E/.A Same Authorization Date: N /A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A__

4. Identification of System: High Pressure Coolant Iniection (HPCI) .
  .5.   (a) Applicable Construction Code:           USAS q}J;7                  19 69 Edition, r

No Addenda, N/A Code Case , (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components hepaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of- .Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)
  • HPCI-MOV-M057- Anchor / Darling 1 91-2617 Repaired No
7. Description of Work: Removed valve.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic X Pnt atic n Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this-report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

l 9 Remarks: This NIS 2 Report..nrovides the required information on relullrLand realecettents cerformed at copycr Nuciner St at ion f rom jutm 1990 throur_h Decenber__lSdl. Also Code Case NQ08. " Document at.jsn2L.Repalra and Reph.Ltments of Compon. tnt fi in Nucient Po w flants" i s invoked through the use of Ferm !UIL.2 J.rLIrnortipr. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE k'e certify that the staternents made in the report are correct and this renla c ette nt conforrns to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A __ _ _ Certification of 'uthoriz tion No. N/A Fxpiration Date: F/A ,___ _,. /hIb(thiner [ Signed: EntinengJng Mannter Date: _ March 5, 1992, ordwncr's Designee, Title) L CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of __.tlebrn_sB __ and employed by Ha rtf ord Steam Boiler I & I Compa2 y__ o of _}, CT have _ inspected the cortponents described in this owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1911, and state that to the best of any knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or istplied, concerning the c i. nations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furtherinorr . acitter the Inspactor nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for an; pure nal injury or property damage ' or a loss of any kind at' sing from or conneett3 - this inspection. A Inspector's Signature: , 1s './1 4 - Commissions: C4 ene N r. /. W - (National Board, State, Prov!nce, and Endorsements) Date: , _ , , 3 $ 4 't

t FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owne r: Nchraska Public Power District._ Date: March 9. . 4 ft (Name)  :

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 45 of 98 l (Address) 2; Plant: Cgooer Huele.e.t_Etation tinit: One (Natoe) P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111c. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Typo Code Symbol Stamp: ((/.6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A P

4. Identification of System: Residual llent Removal (RHR)
           -$.      (a) Applicable Construction Code:                                                USAS B16.5                                               19.68. Edition, No                                    Addenda,              N/A                                Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda                                                                                                                                                         l 6._   Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components V rk                                    Repaired             ASME Code Name of                                                Name of              Nuclear           Document                          Replaced, or                  Stamped
                   -Component                                      Manufacturer                    Class            Pumber                             Replacement               (Yes or No)

RHR MOV.M034A Anchor / Darling 2 91 2398 Replacement No l

7. Description of Work: J.tElaped valve stem. disc. and sent ring.


8. Tests Conducted: llydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X
Other._ __ Pressure psi Test Temp. ' F.
           ' NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings way be used.                                                                                                             .

provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this l report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of-sheets is recorded at the top of this-form.

 . - . . -            .    . . . . . . _ . .                     . . , . .     .__               -         . . , .       .,_.. .._,.. .~._ _--., _ ,..-., - . _ _._.

9, Remarks: .jhljLjul:llepatLpmisic2tthe_Inquirnd informillett.ritrepnita._ond reglarettent!LEttfartted al Coortr_lh11rar St at ion f r om June 1040 t hrnugh Detetitr_ll?.1. Al so Code Case N 308. * 1kpatto atul lieplarrlttnt s of Coippnittull._1D tingleftr Pewtr_l'laats" is iitv.r}:ed tbrnutlLibr_yse of ForilU1-1 for toprLLlun. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Atrached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this


tryingsgent confotms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Typo Code Syrebol Starrp: N/A Certification of Autho*leation No. ti/A Expiration Date* N/l


Signed: g// Np 4 a - um b Engineering Manager h a t e '. _ March h 1992 (Owner or (fyncr's Designee. Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSFECTION I, the undertigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ,_lthrashn_._ and employed by ,_}!Attiprd Steam P211rr I & I company __ of flattintd. CT have _ inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to p_ tnt &cr_3 L 1991, and stato that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI, By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report, furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage g or a loss of any kind arising from or tonnected with this inspection, inspector's Signature: N ,/  ;.d 2 Commissions; AM en1 Af J- v? /4 - (National Board, State, province, and Endorsements) Date: . T- f 4z

l FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. MJ f f A
                          -(Name)                                                                                  7 P.O. Box 499. Columbus . NE 66601                      Sheet       44     of     98 (Address)
2. Plant: Cc.oper Nuclear Station ._ Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A * (Address) (Repair Orgainzation P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)  !

3. Vork Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol stamp: U/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of Systs
  • Standby Liould Control (SLC) >
5. (a) Applicable Construction Crie: ASME Section III 19 77 Edition, Summer 1977 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or laplacementa 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components n

I Repaired ASME Code Work i Name of Name of Nuclear Document Repinced, or . Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) SLC SQBV 14A Conax Corporation 1 91 3366 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: _Eenlaced explosive (saulb) valve insert.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other = Pressure' psi Test Temp. 'T NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, lor drawings may be used, provided'(1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this-report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this fore.
9. Rematks: Ibis NIS 2 Repntt nrovides the required 1.D iartrat ion on reptdrs and Irrlpcetrents perfertred at CerntE_t ucitnr Frattion f rom June 1940 through Deconher lo9L.

Also Code Case N-308. "Documentatien of Ecpairs nu l Replo.ttment s of Component s in lhtcjent Power flants" i s i nvok e d t h tgy gh t h e u s e o f FanLHIS - 2 f o r repar. ting . (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE k'e certify that the staterrent s made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or reple,ccmcnt.) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A CertificationofAutorigatgonNo. N/A Expiration Date: N/A

                              ,j Signed:       , d(a  [c   r- a _ _ (1

[ Englatering Manutt _ Date: March 5, 1997

                   /        ~ (Owner or Owner's Designee, Title) m.

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the ondersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Neiraska t and employed by Hartigrd Steam Boiler I & I com.Pany_ of Hartford. CT have inspected the compontnts described in this Owner's Report during the period June 1. 1990 to December 31 1991, atd state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Insocctor nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. 9 Inspector's Signature: "A < M,d s Conaissions: ~M Y E C S ~' iQ 1- 12 4 r (NationEl Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) T+Fr-IDate: .,

l=y. . ., , , F0F,3 0 -2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS S 2 ., ; by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI (112.

      ..      Of a              , f iskn l'ublic Power Dintrict                                         Date:                                     liarrk_L 4991~MJ'f6

('4ame ) P.v. oox 499 Columbus. NE 6 8 60 L___ Sheet 45 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Co,gner Nuclear Station Unit: ,,, One (Natte)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , J ob No . , Etc.)

3. Work Perforned By: Owner Type Code Symbol Startp: U/_A Same Authorization Date: ,,,JJ,l/L,.

(Address) Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Standby Licuid Control (SLC)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAs B16.5 19 68 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replace: tents 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components V rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped component tianuf ac ture r Clacs Number Replacement (Yes or No)_

SLC RV-10RV Dresser Industries 2 91-1574 Replaced No SLC RV 11RV Dresse, Industries 2 91-1767 Replaced No

7. Description of Vork: Reclaced valve.
8. Tests Conducted: flydrostatic Pneumatic _

Nominal Operating Pressure X-Other Pressure psi Test Temp. _,* F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks! This NIS 2 Report provides tlL Legired information on repair: and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from June 1990 throurh December 1991.

j Also code case N.308. " Documentation of Repairs pjad Replacements of Components in 3 Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS.2 for report ing. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) , I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements nade in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbo'1 Stamp: N/A Certification of Autheyitation No. N/A Expiration Dato: N/A Signed:


h1 & Ennineerinn Mananer (owner or wner's Designec, Title) Date: March 5. 1992 i CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or province of Ntbroska and employed by liartford Steam Boiler I & I Company of 11 art ford. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period June 1. 199_0-to p_ecember 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knewledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken correctivo measures , described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any j warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and correctivo measured , i described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with t.his inspection, Inspector's Signature: 7AM .d4

      .Commisaions:'t W P ct , A) -1                             4?tdr (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements)

Date: Ef-f L l' l

      , .- _ . . . . _ . _ _ - _ .-                     _,          ,_ _         , , _ . . .       . . . . - . - . . _ - . , . - . . -            J

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of ths ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March (1 k /d s. M L (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Colu'rbus. NE 68601 Sheet 46 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: El6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Residual Heat Removal RHR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: .

USAS B16.5 19 68 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 /.ddenda

6. Identification of Coirponents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components I *E" *d ^"~ '

Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) RHR-MOV M013A Anchor / Darling 2 91 1019 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Replaced stem and stem nut.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic _

Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other _ Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings inay be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numberod and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

0 9 Remarks: .This NIS-2 Report pri.vides the reautred information on repairs and rephpements performed ar Cooper Noelcar Station from June 1990 through December 1991s Also Oode Case N-308. "E2fitmentation of Renairs and Replacements of Cotoponents in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throurji the use of Form NIS 2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) i CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE k'e certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this i replacement conforms'to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI, (repair or replacement) i Type Code Symbol Stamp: _ N/A Certification of Authprir.ati No. N/A Expiration Date:  ?!/A Signed: f ld Engineerinn Ma_n.ner a Date: March 5.1992

                                        /    7 0wner or vner's Designee. Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSEP'. INSPECTICN , I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or province of Nebraska and employed by liartford Steam Boiler I & I compg.nv of flertford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period  : June 1. 1990 to December 31. 1991, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI, By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed-or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable ~in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. . Inspector's Signature: Y) _ % A3 Commissions: DAM AG d l' --/?< L-(National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 3- 7 4 t t

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by ths Provisions of the ASME Cods Section XI ( f f Z_ .

1. Owner: Nebraghn Public Power District Date: March 9 _3994-/#14-f L (Name)

P.O. Box 4?9. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 47 of 98 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 __ N/A __ (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , J r -> No . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: ovner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Reactor Core Isolation Coolant (RCIC)

     .$ .  (a) Applicable Construction Code:            USAS B16.5                    19 68- Edition, No              Addenda,             N/A              Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Cection XI ~ Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980 Vinter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Codo Name of Name of Nuclear D cument Replaced,_or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or Nc)

RCIC CV 15CV Anchor / Darling 2 91-1768 Replacement No

7. -Description of Work: Reolaced valve hinge and dise not.
8. Tests Conducted: llydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp, 'F
Supplemental _ sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, I provided (1) size is _8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 -through 6. on this report'is ircluded on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


m. __.- _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . ___


9. Remarks: Thin NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacement s performed at Cooper Nuclear Slation from June 1990 throuch Decettiber 19%, .
       ,Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked throutb the use of Form NIS-2 for reportinr_.

(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or re.lacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Aut pri ation No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: [ Engineerine Manneer Dato: March 5. 1992_.

                       /         (Owner or wner's Designee Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and-Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Stato or Province of Nebraska and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Company . . of Hartford. CT have inspected the coreponents described in this owner's Report during the. period - June 1.-1990 to December 31. 1931, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner han performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owoer's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code. Section XI. Byl signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measured described-in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall- be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage


or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

        ' Inspector's Signature:           -/L./            b% AO Commissions: OR esa                  A). D vfh 4e (National Board, State, Prevince, and Endorsements)

Dato: 'f4 */ L-L

FORM NIS-3 OVEER'S REPORT FOR REPA1RS OR REPLACEMENTS As RequirGd by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: March 9. i eht f t (Name)

P.O. Box 499. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 48 of 98 (Address) i

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: __

owner . Typo Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Some Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Dato: N/A

4. Identification of System: Residyal Heat Removal (RER)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 19_69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case
     '(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear D cument Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement . (Yes or No)


  • N/A 1 91 3007 Repaired No I

o Pipe between.RHR-MOV M025A and RHR-V-67

7. Description of Vork: Ploc was cut at 2" insert for access and then re-volded.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 'X Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressurc Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be ured, provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report'is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
