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Owners Data Rept for Inservice Insps, Documenting Inservice Insp Activities Conducted During Refueling Outage 11 (880308-0525) Spring 1988 Refueling Outage
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/24/1988
Shared Package
ML20153G470 List:
NUDOCS 8809150072
Download: ML20154C906 (118)


_- _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -


, Page _1 of 44, 5??D Coc;er Nu: lear StatELht il Ccuercial Sernee rate hly 1974 Nattocal ioard s207 R NIS-1 FORM OWNER'S-DATA REPORT FOR INS _ERVICE INSPECTIONS As required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules

1. OWNER- Nebraska Public Power District, PO Box 499, Columbus, NE 68601 '
2. PLANT. Cooper Nuclear Station #1, PO Box 98, Brownv111e, NE 68321
7. Q,QtiPONENTS INSPECTED:. See Attached Exam Cesponent ID Index
8. EXAMINATION DATES: 03-08-88 to 05-25-8S '/ .

INSPECTION INTERVALL gom g 3 10. ABSTRACT component ID Index.

OF EXAMINATIONS: For a list of axaminations see attached Exam Current status of tork required for current interval is 335 complete this date.

11. ABSTRACT OF CONDITIONS NOTED: See, Attached Report Summary

We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and the examinations and correctivs measures taken conform to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI. /

Date /#/A 31988 ~

Signed >


.. Ision c, _ _ _

Manager j

Cortificate of Authorization No.'(if applicable) #4 Expiration Date ad i


B[211er the undersigned, and Pressu_rp holding Vessel a valid commission issued by the National Boar 4/ r dM f and employed by N SSIfI fo Inspectors and/orI of WA

/ a.esthe State or Province

_ have of inspected the components doNoribed in this owner's Data Report during the period 5-1 TP te i f-J f p r" , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed axaminations and taken corrective measures described its this Owner's Data Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By the signing of this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer cckes any warrenty, expressed or implied, concernino the examinations and corrective measures de scribed in this Owmer's Data Report. Furthsemore, noither the Inspector m r his employer shall be liable in any mannor for any pcrsonal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Date b 1988.

l M Commissions /Mf?N #42L<

National Board, State, Provinde and No.

g Inspector's signature 8009150072 800902 PDR ADOCK 05000298 G PDR l

  • Pogo 02 of 44 5??3 Cocper Nuclear 3tati n ila:t
  • Ccatercial Service Date: Jaly 1974 Sattenal Beard Narber: :0762 REPORT


1.0 Introduction Nondestructive Examinations were performed by GE Inspection Services of GE Nuclear Energy at Cooper Nuclear Station Unit 1 under contract by Nebraska Public Power District. The exarinations were performed during the periods of March 10, 1988 through May 25, 1988.

A total of 505 components were examined during this period. The total t includes ASME Section XI Components, Erosions / Corrosion Thickness Measurements, and Augmented Inservice Inspections.

2.0 Summary of Components Inspected The following table lists the components examined and describes indications and/or deficiencies which were recorded.

ASME Number of Category Ccapenents Descriptica Cotditiets .'ioted BA 6 RPV Velds 50 secordable Indications 02!)

B-D 1 No: to Vessel Veld 591 See E S 1157 fer Sean !.initations BF 2 Class 1 01:similiar 3CA ?? 1 EDS 230 foot Cecretty, Metal Velds Ccafirred by lev:ev et Radicqraphs 3-G-1 68 Bolting >2' 01steter 521 B .4 1 Spt Skirt to Vessel Nil BJ 25 Class!Fresikre TWA BJ 63 CS 019 - !.mnar, Acceptele PetainingPaping TVD BJ 592 EDS 023 - ioot Gw retty PJA BJ 35 I;S 119 Fonplanar, Acceptable.

M3A 31 353 IDS 119 - Senplanar, Acceptable.

MSA BJ 353 (CA) ED3 147 Lcv Level Acc.

MSB BJ 23 IDS 1:0 Nonplanar, Acceptable.

M3C 9J 32 IDS 125 Nonplanar, Acceptable.

MSC EJ 22 EDS 149 Geometry, CD Cr:vn M3C BJ 32A EIS 125 Latinar, Acceptable MSD BJ 39 IDS 150 foot Gecsetty All Ctter ! tens 521 BI1 8 Class I lategral Attachsents 51[

6 BM2 2 Class ! Valve Bodies 411 BN1 1 I?V Peltline Region 521

j = , m ,

f j^  ;


Pcgo O_1 of 11 NPPD Coo;er Nuclear Station Unit 1 Conseretal Service Date: July 1974 National Board haber: 20762' REPORT



ASME Nusber of ,

Category Components Description Conditions Noted e

C-A 2 Heat Exc!. anger Velds EHR CA 1A EDS 054 & 062; tean Limitation r RHR CA 4A ERI C8 1 HX Nozz/ Head Veld RHR-CB 1A EDS 056 ID Ceceetry Inner Radius Section Deferred Until Next Outage C-C 14 Class 2 Integrai Attachments NRI CF 45 Class 2 Pressure CVA CT 30A EDS 191 - ID Geosotry Retaining Piping CVA CF 3CB EDS 174 - Root Geometry 1

CVA CT 40 EDS 171 - IGSCC CVA CT 40 EDS 269 - Repair NRI CVA CT 44 EDS 171 - IGSCC CWA CF 44 EDS 269 - Repair

  • 3RI HPEX CF-10 EDS 092 - Root Geometry, i VerifiedbyRT

{ HPEX-CF 16 DS 167 5cntelevant Indica- ,

tion, removed by

, flapping j RAS-CF 14 DS 083 - Entelevant Indica-tica, renoved by flapping RAS CF 14 DS 205 - CD Crown RAV-CF 76 EDS 090 Counterbore Ind. .

PHA CF 3 EDS 107 Eras L;sitations i RHB-CT 13 EDS 027 Exas Limitations l ENG-CF 31 EDS 222 Foot Geosetry j RP8-CF 6 IDS 095-NonrelevantIndien-tion, resoved by l


flapping l A110tter!tess: NRI [

FA 5 Plate & Shell Supports h21 I FB 48 Linear Type Supports HP R68 IDS 262 - Loose Belt I

Reestred,MVR 88 2008  ;

HP li7 EDS 039 - tent Angle tracket  :

Repaired, NR 88 2027 CRD-CC 23 DS 175 Loose Bolt ,,

Repaired, NB 881941 i

i hfH 41 EDS 256 Cracked Grouting 4 i j Loose ht on Wall Bkt i Repaired, N R 882500

! I

. _ - - - - . . . -_= -

. - - - - - - - - - - E

Pcgo 0_4.of 43.

5FFD Coo:er helear Station Jcit 1 Cer ercial Service Date: July 1974 Iattenal Soard h ater: 20762 RM9JLT



ASME h :ter of CategolfCcaponents Description Conditiccs hted T-B 49 Linear Type Supports E 59 D S 264 '.cese issher Repaired, MV2 68 1500 CD 2BS EDS 270 - Lcore h ts Eepaired, MVR 83 2137 CD-CC 13 DS 262 Loose ht & Bolt lepaired, MVR 88-2009 CD-CC 23 DS 270 Loose ht & Bolt fepaired, MW2 E6 2167 CD 0 EL 270 Loose ht Repaired, MVR 98 2187 CD 55 EDS 270 Losse hts Re; aired, Mi2 83 2187 CD-6N D S 270 - Loose hts Re;airet MVR 65-2157 C2:4S CS 270 - Lcese hts Ryaired, MV2 83 2137 CD-7N DS 270 Loose h ts Iepaired, V2 83 2187 CD 75 DS 270 Loose h ts sepaired, MVR 58 2167 CD sX DS 27') - Lcose hts Kepairet MWR 83-2187 CDSS E23 270 Loose hts Pepatted, MVR 65 2157 CD 93 EDS 270 Loose Nts Repaired, MVR 66 2167 TC 69 Ccipenent Standard Sup; orts MSH 109 EDS 041 IncorrectSetting Repaired, MW2 62 1744 MSR 155 DS 176 inectreetSetting Repaired,MWR 69 1942 M5H 157 DS 256 Loose Bolt Rep:1 ret MVR 88 1940

Pego O_5_ of M SFPD Cooper Nuclear Station Unit 1 Cessercial Service Date: July 1974 54tional Board hsoer: 20762 REPORT



AUGMENTED INSERVICE INSPECTIONS h aber of Description Cosponents Conditions Noted ,

UT FOR EVIDENCE OF VALL Ill!Mi!NG 56 50 evidence cf vall thinning belce (150 Exassi sinteus vill thiccness requirements VTperGESIL50.402 1 Examinations net S!L 402 a:eeptance i

'VETVELL/DRTWELL 15Eli!5P criteria.

UT OF SHROUD HEAD 30Lt!5G 36 Four crac<ed bolts (88,25,33,5 34)

EDS 151 (Replaced with new tolts)


tt 0F RING GIRDER BOLf!NG 35 511 l

UT OF HING GIRDI2 ANCE02 BOLTING 19 XII Vf 0F JET PMP RESTRAINING VEDGES 4 No a'enorsalitie.s or sove:ent reported (Vedges on Jet Pus;s 8 1, 2, 9, & 101 l l VT OF A5CE02 10Lf!NG ADJACE57 TO 4 52! I THE INBOA2D ?,S!V Vi 0F TEE VATER !?ARGE23 4 521 Vi 0F FEE VATER 50ZZLE 4 NR!



VTOFC057!0LELADF.S 15 All Blades ret acceptance criteria.

Fear Blades had etter 1r.d ntions D3 197 VI 0F SE107D MAhVAT COVEiS 2 511 VI of Shroud Maavay Covers i deferreduntilr.extcatage.

l 3.0 Summary of CNS Functionals and Hydro's The following functionals and hydro's were performed to CNS procedure 7.0.8. These reports are not included in this final report but are located in the CNS Maintenace Work Requests No.'s:

88-1003 88-1006 88-1009 88-1543 i 88-1004 88-1007 88-1010 88-1544  !

88-1005 88-1008 88-1542 88-1545

! l

, e i  !

n.-- ., . .- . , .. - ..-,..-......_ - - - -_ ,. . . - - .


i 5?D Cooper ExIear Statica Ecit al Page 6 cf 44 j Cossercial Service Date: hly 1964 Iatio.a1 Board 82C762 Page _L of 3_1 Revision No. _10_

Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exas CNS CAL. ANII l Size I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type i

EDSS CDSt LDS9- STD NO. Init. Date; w-1 - - - - - . ,

i 218* HMB-BB- 3 BHD-M 26 B-A MIUV-W812 2 UT 0-BM

' MIUV-W812 2 UT 0-WM 249 251 248 250 238 238 <

16 04/20/88 04/20/88 li MlUV-W812 2 UT 45 253 252 237 i 04/20/88 MIUV-W812 2 UT 60 255 254 239 04/20/88 l

i 218' HMB-BB- 4 BHD-M 26 B-A diUV-W812 2 UT 0-BM 249 248 238

{ 16 04/20/88 f MIUV-W812 2 UT 0-WM 251 250 l

MIUV-W812 2 UT 45 '

253 252 238 237 04/20/88 04/20/88 l' MIUV-W812 2 UT 60 255 254 239 04/20/88  :

l 1;

218' HME-BB- 1 THD-M 26 B-A MIUV-W812 2 UT 0 072 071 070 15 03/25/88 l MIUV-W812 2 UT 45 075 074 073 MIUV-W812 03/25/88 r

2 UT 60 078 077 076 03/25/88 i, l l 218* HME-BB- 2 THD-M 26 B-A MIUV-W812

2 UT 0 072 071 070 15 03/25/88 MIUV-W812 2 UT 45 075 074 073 03/25/88 MIUV-W812 2 UT 60 078 077 076 1 03/25/88 218" VCB-BCS-1 VE-F 27 B-A MIUV-W812 2 UT O-8M 249 248 238 j 7 - 120 Deg. 16 04/20/88 MIUV-W812 2 UT O-WM 251 250 238 i 04/20/88 MIUV-W812 2 UT 45 253 252 237 l 04/20/88 MIUV-W812 2 lUT 60 255 254 239 l 04/20/88 I

218" VCB-BC6-1 TH-F 26 B-A MIMSN-W812 1 MT 066 03/25/88 i


  • Woric performed to FILED REVISkON N!!MRW 1 on ann'V'M " ~ ~ "*"-^



EXAH COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER NUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 EPD Cocper 5xlear Statica Unit il Page 7_ cf 44 l

Ccesercial Service Cate: July 1964 l National Beard 820762 Page _.2_ of 3_9 Revision No. _._10__

Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exas Size I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CNS CAL. ANII l i

CAT. Number Rev Type EDS8 LDSs l

CDS8 STD NO. Init. Date l l )

12' NVE-BD-N2C N-VES 27 B-D MIUP-W812 la UT 0-BM 157 156 161 16 04/04/88 MIUP-W812 1 UT 0-WM 155 154 161 04/04/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 160 159 158 04/04/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 60 164 163 162 04/11/88 l

4* CWB-BF- 9 P-P 2513-1 B-F IP-W812 PT 1 206 04/11/88 5' RCA-BF- 1 N-CAP 20 B-F IP-W812 1 PT 211 UT CAP SIDE 04/20/88 MIGSCCW812 1 UT 45S 228 227 004 20 04/20/88 l

MIGSCCW812 la UT 45RL 230 229 161 04/20/88 MIGSCCW812 la UT 6GRL 234 233 158 04/20/88 5' RCA-BF- 1 N-CAP 20 B-F MIGSCCW812 UT 0 213 la 212 070 20 04/20/88 UT NO2ZEL SIDE MICSCCW812 la UT 45RL 232 231 161 20 04/2C/88 MIGSCCW812 la UT 60RL 236 235 158 04/20/88 l

l l 6X48 PRA-BG1- 1 STD 42 B-G-1 M1UB-W812 2 UT 0 009 008 007 21 03/24/88 6X48 PRA-BG1- 2 STD 42 B-G-1 MIUB-W812 2 UT 0 l

009 008 007 21 03/24/88 i

1 6X48 PRA-BG1- 3 STD 42 B-G-1 MIUB-W812 2 UT 0 009 008 007 21 03/24/88 l

6X48 PRA-BG1- 4 STD 42 B-G-1 MIUB-W812 2 UT 0 009 008 007 21 03/24/88 Noto:

  • Vork verformed to FILED REVISION N!!MRFP 1 nn n on14 r n hi a wn"a^ ~n ~

EXAN COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER NUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 EPPD Cooper Buclear Station Unit l' Page 8 cf 44 Coseercial Service Date: July 1984 Page 3 of 39 Bational Board 820762 Revision No. _10_

Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exas Size I.D. Number CNS CAL. ANII Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSe CDS# LDSt STD NO. Init. Date 6X48 PRA-BG1- 5 STD 42 B-G-1 MIUB -W812 2 UT 0 009 008 007 21 03/24/88 6X48 PRA-BG1- 6 STD 42 B-G-1 MIUB-W812 2 UT 0 009 008 007 21 03/24/88 6X48 PRA-BG1- 7 STD 42 0-G-1 MIUB-W812 2 UT 0 009 008 007 21 03/24/88 6X48 PRA-BG1- 8 STD 42 B-G-1 MIUB-W812 2 UT 0 009 008 007 21 03/24/88 6X48 PRA-BG1- 9 STD 42 B-G-1 MIUB-W812 2 UT 0 009 l-008 007 21 03/24/88 i 6X48 PRA-BGI-10 STD 42 B-G-1 MIUB-W812 2 UT 0 009 008 007 21 03/24/88 6X48 PRA-BG1-11 STD 42 B-G-1 MIUB-W812 2 UT 0 009 008 007 21 03/24/88 I

i 6X48 PRA-BGi-12 STD 42 B-G-1 MIUB-W812 2 UT 0 009 008 007 21 03/24/88 l 6X48 PRA-BGI-13 STD 42 B-G-1 MIUB-W812 2 UT 0 009 008 007 21 03/24/88 6X48 PRA-BG1-14 STD 42 B-G-1 MIUB-W812 2 UT 0 009 008 007 21 03/24/88 i

- --.-- - . .a Noto

  • Moric verformed to FILED REVISION NUMBER 1 on annlicab1* vrncedure

- . _ - _ - ___ _._ . - . - . - . _ . . . ~ - . . _ _ .. - . - - = . . .. . . .__ ..


  • EPD Cooper Lelear Statics U:lt il Page 9 cf 44 Cessercial Service Cate: July 1984 Page 4 of 3_1 Natier.41 Ecard 42GX2 Revision No. _1_0_

Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exam CNS CAL. ANII f Size I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSe CDSs LDSS STD NO.

~ - --

Init. Datel _- <

6X48 PRA-BGi-15 STD 42 B-G-1 MIUB-W812 2 UT 0 009 008 007 21 03/24/88 6X48 PRA-BG1-16 STD 42 B-G-1 MIUB-W812 2 UT 0 009 008 007 21 03/24/88 l

6X48 PRA-BG1-17 STD 42 B-G-1 MIUB-W812 2 UT 0 009 008 007 21 03/24/83 1

8X7 PRB-BGi- 1 NUT 42 B-G-1 MIMSN-W812 1 MT 179 04/20/88 877 PRB-BGI- 2 NUT 42 B-G-1 MIMSN-W812 1 MT 179

  • 04/20/88 8X7 PRB-BGI- 3 '

NUT 42 1 MT 179 B-G-1 g MIMSN-W812 04/20/88 8X7 PRB-BGI- 4 NUT 42 B-G-1 MIMSN-W812 1 MT 179 04/20/85' 8X7 PRB-BG1- 5 NUT 42 B-G-1 MIMSN-W812 1 MT 179 04/20/88 i

817 PRB-BG1- 6 NUT 42 B-G-1 MIMSN-W812 1 MT 179 04/20/88 i

8X7 PRB-BG1- 7 NUT 42 B-G-1 MIMSN-W812 1 MT 179 -1 04/20/88 1

I i

i notot

  • Woric cerformed to FILED REVISION NUMBER 1 on sonlicabie orncedure

4 EXAM COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER NUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 IW, Cocper 5xlear Statica C:1: si 10 cf 44 Ccssercial Service hie: hly 1954 Page 5 of 39 54 kard 12Hf.2 Revision No. 10 Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exam Size 1.D. Number CNS CAL. ANII Fig. Drawing l CAT. Number Rev Type EDSs CDSs LDS8 STD NO. Init. Datej l

I 8X7 PRB-BGI- 8 NUT 42 B-G-1 MIMSN-W812 1

1 l MT 179 04/20/88 {

8X7 PRB-BG1- 9 NUT 42 B-G-1 MIMSN-W812 i 1 MT 179 04/20/88 g I

8X7 PRB-BGl-10 NUT 42 B-G-1 MIMSN-W812 1 MT 179 04/20/88 l 8X7 PRB-BGI-11 NUT 42 B-G-1 MIMSN-W812 1 MT 179 04/20/43 6X7 PRB-BGI-12 NUT 42 B-G-1 MIMSN-W812 I

1 MT 179 04/20/88  !

I i

8X7 PRB-BG1-13 NUT 42 B-G-1 MIMSN-Y812 L 1 MT 179 04f20 fog 8X7 PRB-BGI-14 NUT 42 B-G-1 MIMSN-W812 1 MT 179 04/20/88 8X7 PRB-BGI-15 EUT 42 B-G-1 MIMSN-W812 1 MT 179 04/20/88 8X7 PRB-BGI-16 NUT 42 B-G-1 MIMSN-W812 1 MT 179 04/20/88 8X7 PRB-BGI-17 NUT 42 B-G-1 MIMSN-W812 1 MT 179 04/20/88

.._____________a Nota:

  • Work performed to FILED REVISION NUMBER 1 on annlicable nroceduro

EXAH COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER NUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 kid Ceraper 5. clear Statics al hge 11 d 44 Ccasercial Service Oate: J.Ir 1934 Page 6 Eoa:d C 762 of 33.

Revision No. 10 Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exam Size I.D. Number CNS CAL. ANII Fig. Drawing CAT. Number l Rev Type EDSs CDSs LDSB STD NO. Init. Date

_A . _ _ -. _

6* PRD-BGI- 1 BSH 42 B-G-1 IV1-W812 3 VT-1 013 03/24/88 '

6" PRD-BGI- 2 BSH 42 B-G-1 IV1-W812 3 VT-1 013 03/24/88 6* PRD-BGI- 3 BSH 42 .B-G-1 IV1-W812 3 VT-1 013 03/24/88 {

l I

6' PRD-BG1- 4 BSH 42 B-G-1 IV1-W812 3 VT-1 013 03/24/88 6* PRD-BGI- 5 BSH 42 'B-G-1 IVI-W812 3 VT-1 013 03/24/88 I

6* PRD-BG1- 6 BSH 42 B-G-1 IV1-W812 3 VT-1 013 03/24/88 I

6* PRD-BG1- 7 BSH 42 .B-G-1 IVI-W812 I3 VT-1 013 03/24/88 6* PRD-BG1- 8  !

BSH 42 B-G-1 IV1-W812 3 VT-1 013 03/24/88  !

I 6" PRD-BGi- 9 BSH 42 B-G-1 IV1-W812 3 VT-1 013 03/24/88 l

6' PRD-BG1-10 BSH 42 B-G-1 IV1-W812 3 VT-1 013 03/24/88  !

I i

1  !

I _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -


  • Mork: pettormed to FILED REVISION NUMBER 1 on avolicable nrewedura

_ - ~ - - _ . _ . - - - . _ - - - _ _ - _ _ . _- . . . . . . .

EXAH COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER NUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 BPP3 Cooper 5xlear Statica Unit 81 Page 12 of 44 Commercial Service Date: July 1964 Page 7 of 39 Ilational Board 420762

_ _ _ _ Revision No. _10_

Exam Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exas Size I.D. Number CNS CAL. ANII Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSs CDS8 LDSs STD NO. Init. Date 6* PRD-BGI-11 BSH 42 B-G-1 IV1-W812 3 VT-1 013 03/24/88 6* PRD-BG1-12 BSH 42 B-G-1 IV1-W812 3 VT-1 013' 03/24/88 ,

l 6* PR3-BG1-13 BSH ' 42 B-G-1 IV1-W812 3 VT-1 013 03/24/88  !,

f1 6* PRD-BG1-14 BSH 42 B-G-1 IV1-W812 3 VT-1 013 03/24/88 6* PRD-BG1-15 BSH 42 B-G-1 IVI-W812 3 VT-1 013 03/24/88  !'l 6' PRD-BGI-16 BSH 42 B-G-1 IVI-W812 3 VT-1 013 03/24/88 6' PRD-BGI-17 BSH 42 B-G-1 IVI-W812 3 VT-1 013 03/24/88 i

6* PRE-BG1- 1 LIG 42 B-G-1 MIUL-W812 1 UT 0 012 011 010 16 03/24/88 l


PRE-BGI- 2 6' LIG 42 B-G-1 MIUL-W812 UT 0 1 012 011 010 16 03/24/88 6* PRE-BG1- 3 LIG 42 B-G-1 MIUL-W812

'i 1 UT 0 012 011 010 16 03/24/88 Noto:

  • Work performed to FILED #EFISfo# NUMBER J on annlicable crew edura

EXAM COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER NUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 E'F) Cocper 5. clear Station hit 81 Fage 13 cf 44 Ccuercial Service C.te: Jdy IH4 Page 8 of 39 54 tic.41 Ecard 82^M2 Revision No. 10 Exam Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exam I.D. Number CNS CAL. ANII Size l Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSs CDSs LDSs STD NO.

Init. Date 6* PRE-BG1- 4 LIG 42 B-G-1 MIUL-W812 1 UT 0 012 011 010 16 03/24/88 6* PRE-BGI- 5 LIG 42 B-G-1 MIULW812 1 UT 0 012 011 010 16 03/24/88 I

6* FRE-BGI- 6 LIG 42 B-G-1 MIUL-W812 UT 0 012 1 011 010 16 03/24/88  !

6* PRE-BG1- 7 LIG 42 B-G-1 MIUL-W812 UT 0 012 011 1 010 16 03/24/88 6* PRE-BGI- 8 LIG 12 B-G-1 M1UL-W812 UT C 012 011 010 1 16 03/24/88 1

1 6* PRE-BG1- 9 LIG 42 'B-G-1 MIUL-W812 1 UT C 012 011 010 16 03/24/88  !

6* PRE-BG1-10 LIG 42 B-G-1 M1UL-W812 1 UT O 012 011 010 16 03/24/88 I

6* PRE-BG1-11 LIG 42 i l 4 B-G-1 MIUL-W812 1 UT C 012 011 i 010 I 16 l03/24/88 6* PRE-BGI-12 LIG 42 B-G-1 M1UL-W812 UT 0 012 011 010 '

1 16 03/24/88 i

6* PRE-BG1-13 LIG 42 B-G-1 MIUL-W812 1 UT 0 012 011 l 010 16 03/24/88 l 1


! I I


  • Work performed to FILED RE'/ISION NUMBER 1 on anolicabla orn<edura

_____m m_. _ _ _ _ .. _ -- _ -._.-._ -- . _ . _ ...- -- _ . _ __ ._ . _ _ _ _ _ _

EXAM COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER NUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 M PD Cooper E xlea: Statics Catt 81 P4;e 14 cf 44 Ccenercial Service Date: Jaly 1%4 Page 9

&at2ccal Board 8207f,2 of M Revision No. _1_0_

Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exas CNS CAL. ANII Size I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSs CDSe LDSt STD Nt,- Init. Date 6* PRE-BG1-14 LIG 42 B-G-1 MIUL-W812 1 UT 0 012 011 010 16 03/24/88 1

6' PRE-BGI-15 LIG 42 B-G-1 MIUL-W812 UT 0 012 010 1 011 16 03/24/88  !

t 1 '

i 6' PRE-BGI-16 LIG 42 B-G-1 MIUL-W812 1 UT 0 012 011 010 16 03/24/88 8 6' PRE-BGi-17 LIG 42 B-G-1 MIUL-W812 UT 0 012 010 1 011 16 03/24/88 218* HNC-Cl- 2 SK-VS 26 B-H MIUSK-W812 UT 0-BM 241 240 238 1 04/20/88 120 - 240 Deg. M1USK-W812 1 UT 0-WM 243 242 238 16 i 04/20/88 MIUSK-W812 1 UT 45 245 244 237 04/20/88


MIUSK-W812 UT 60 247 246 239 04/20/88 l i 6' CWA-BJ- 7 P-V CNSRWCU3 B-J IP-W812 1 PT 206 [ 04/11/88 6' CWB-BJ- 8 V-P 2513-1 B-J IP-W812 1 PT 206 04/11/88 18' FWA-BJ-68 E-P 2849-4 B-J IP-W812 1 PT 017 03/24/88 MIUP-W812 1 UT 0 019 018 003 100 03/24/88 MIUP-W812 1 UT 45 021 020 004 03/31/88 i

8' FWD-BJ-592 P-WE 2849-5 B-J IP-W812 PT 014 1 03/24/88 MIUP-W812 1 UT 0 016 015 003 75 03/24/88 MIUP-W812 1 UT 45 024 023 007 03/31/88

'l notos

  • Work verformed to FILED REVISTOM MUMRER 1 on ann 14cah1* vre"*Anr*

, - - ~ , _ . - _ . _ . _ _ . _ - _ _ _ _ . _-- - _. - . _ . _ - _ --._ _ , _ __,_-_. -_. . _ _ . _ _ _ _ - , __ _ - _ _

EXAM COMPONENT I.,D. INDEX COOPER NUCI. EAR STATION SPRING 1988 l??3 Cocper 3. clear Statics Unit 81 Page 15 cf 44 Consercial Sernce Date: Aly 19c4 h tional Ecard 820% 2 PSge _10_,of 31 Revision No. _10_

Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exan C13S CAL. ANII Size I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSe CDS8 LDS4 STD No. Init. Date.

i 18" FWD-BJ-63 E-P 2849-4 B-J IP-W812 1 PT 029 03/24/88 MIUP-W812 1 UT 0 036- 035 003 100 03/25/88 l MIUP-W812 1 UT 45 031 030 004 04/09/88 24' MSA-BJ-35 P-E 2506-4 B-J MIUP-W812 la UT 0 119 118 070 106 04/09/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 147 146 004 04/04/88 y I

12* MSA-BJ-35A I-A 2506-4 i B-J M1UP-W812 la UT 0 119 118 070 106 04/09/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 147 146 004 04/04/88 l

l 12* MSA-BJ-353 0-A 2506-4 B-J M1UP-W812 UT 0 119 1 118 070 106 04/09/88 l MIUP-W812 la UT 45 147 146 004 04/04/88 l l

24'  !!SA-BJ-36 E-P 1

.l l 2506-4 B-J M1UP-W812 la UT 0 119 118 070 106 l 04/09/88 l MIUP-W812 la UT 45 147 146 004 l04/04/88  !

24' MSB-BJ-28 P-E 2506-4 B-J MI'JP-W812 la UT 3 120 118 070 106 04/09/88 MIUP-W812 1 UT 45 148 146 004 04/04/88 12' MSB-BJ-28A I-A 2506-4 B-J MIUP-W812 la UT 0 120 118 070 106 04/09/88 l MIUP-W812 1 UT 45 148 146 004 04/04/88 l 12' MSB-BJ-283 0-A 2506-4 B-J MIUP-W812 la UT 0 120 118 070 106 04/09/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 148 146 004 04/04/88 Noto

  • Work performed to FILED RE17TSION NUMBER 1 nn annlicah)* vrne*hswa

~ l l

l l


EXAM COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER NUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 BPP3 Cooper Baclear Station hit il Page 16 cf _44_

Commercial Service hte: July 1954 Page _1L_ of H Baticeal Board s20762 Revision No. 10 Exas Compenent Comp. ASME Procedure Exas CNS CAL. ANII Sice I.D. Nud er Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSe CDSe LDSe STD NO. Init. Date i

24' MSB-BJ-29 E-E 2506-4 B-J MIUP-W812 UT 0 121 118 070 la 106 04/09/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 148 146 004 04/04/88 24* MSC-BJ-32 P-E 2506-4 B-J MIUP-W812 UT 0 125 124 070 la 106 03/31/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 149 146 004 04/04/88 12' MSC-BJ-32A I-A 2506-4 B-J MIUP-W812 UT 0 125 124 070 la 106 03/31/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 149 146 004 04/04/88 12' MSC-BJ-32B O-A 2506-4 B-J MIUP-W812 UT 0 125 124 070 la 106 03/31/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 149 146 004 04/04/88 12" MSC-BJ-34A I-A 2506-4 B-J MIUP-W612 la UT 0 126 124 070 106 03/31/88 h.

MIUP-W812 la UT 45 149 146 004 04/04/88 j l 12' MSC-BJ-34B O-A 2506-4 B-J MIUP-W812 UT 0 126 124 070 la 106 03/31/88 l MIUP-W812 UT 45 '

la 149 146 004 04/04/88 24' MSC-BJ-35 E-P 2506-4 B-J MIUP-W812 la UT 0 126 124 070 106 03/31/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 149 146 004 04/04/86 24' MSD-BJ-39 P-E 2506-4 B-J MIUP-W812 la UT 0 133 132 070 106 03/31/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 150 146 004 04/04/88 Nota

  • Woric perforeed to FILED REVISION NUMBEP I on apolf cable nrm
  • dura

EXAM COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER NUGEAR STATION SPRING 1988 IFP3 Cocper I d ear Statica Unit 81 Page 17 cf A Cassercial Sernce Date: July 1984

. Page -- 12 of 39 noticr.a1 Bcard 820762 Revision No. 10 Exam Component  ! Cosp. ASME Procedure Exas CNS CAL. ANII Size I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Pev Type EDSs CDSs LDS8 STD NO. Init. Date 12" MSD-BJ-39A 1-A 2506-4 B-J MIUP-W812 UT 0 133 070 la 132 106 03/31/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 150 146 004 04/04/88 12* MSD-BJ-39B O-A 2506-4 B-J MIUP-W812 UT 0 133 la 132 070 106 03/31/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 150 146 004 04/04/88 24* MSD-BJ-40 E-P 2506-4 B-J MIUP-W812 1* UT 0 133 070 132 106 03/31/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 150 146 004 04/04/88 4* RWA-BJ-12 P-V 2509-1 B-J IP-W812 PT 280 1 05/19/88 CUT 1.1 0+ UT 0 283 282 281 2 05/19/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 0 285 284 281 05/19/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 287 286 281 05/19/88 4* RWA-BJ-13 V-P 2509-1 B-J IP-W812 PT 280 1 05/19/88 l

CUT 1.1 0* UT 0 283 282 281 2 05/19/88 l MIUP-W812 la UT 0 285 284 281 05/19/88 l ,

MIUP-W812 la UT 45 287 286 281 05/19/88 6



CWA-BK1-24 INTAT CNSRWCU3 B-K-1 MIMSN-W812 1 MT 223 04/20/88 FWB-BK1- 8 INTAT 2509-1 B-K-1 MIMSN-W812 1 MT 138 03/31/88 Botat

  • Work verformed to FILED REVISION Ml1MPER 1 on annlienb1* nrnr*dur*

..--_ _ . - - . - - ~ - -__ - - _ _ , __ __ _

. _ - _ - - . .~. - - -. - -..- - - - .._-__ - _ - = - .-. . _ _ - - - . _ - .



Ceamercial Service Date: Aly 1984 Page 13 of 3._1 Estional Saard 02C762 Revision No. ,_10_

Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exas CNS CAL. AMII Sige I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSS CDS9 LDSS STD NO. Init. Date MSA-BKI-11 INTAT 731E611 B-K-1 MIMSN-W812 1 MT 128 03/31/88 MSB-BK1-11 INTAT 731E611 B-K-1 MIMSN-W812 MT 130 1 03/31/88 .

HSB-BK1-12 INTAT 731E611 B-K-1 MIMSN-W812 MT 129 1 03/31/88 RR-BK1-1A LUG CNSRR-37 E-K-1 IP-W812 PT 139 1 03/31/88 I

RR-BK1-1B I,UG CNSRR-37 B-K-1 IP-W812 1 PT 139 03/31/68 I<

l RR-BK1-4A LUG CNSRR-38 B-K-1 IP-W812 1 PT 201 04/20/88 10" HPCI-MO-16-BM2 VALVE 2506-1 B-M-2 IV3-W812 3 VT 3 288 05/19/S8 24' RHR-MO-25A-BM2 VALVE 2510-4 B-M-2 IV3-W812 3 VT 3 291 05/24/88 BELTLINE REG B-N-1 IVI-W812 3 VT 1 042 04/07/88 IV3-W812 3 VT 3 043 04/07/88 46' RHR-CA-1A VE-ED 41 C-A MIUP-W812 UT 0 054 la 053 010 04/i7/88 MIUP-W812 1* UT 45 062 061 004 40 03/25/88 Boter

  • Woric performed to FIKED REFISION NUMBER 1 on aoolicable orocedura

_.-__.m . _ . _ _ _ . _ . - _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ = - . .. . . . . . .

+ c i

EXAM COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER NUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 EPP3 Cooper Ac! ear Station Unit 81 Fage 19 cf 44 Commercial Service Date: July 1984 Page 14 of 31 lational Ecard 82;M2 Revision No. 10 Exam Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exam CNS CAL. ANII Size 1.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDS8 CDS8 LDSe STD NO. Init. Date C6' RHR-CA-4A TS-SH 41 C-A MIUP-W912 1 UT 0 115 114 073 03/31/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 117 116 076 40 03/31/88 20' RER-CB-IA THD-N 41 C-B MIMSN-W812 1 MT 028 03/24/88 l MIUP-W812 1 UT O' 058 057 010 103 03/25/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 056 055 007 03/25/88 16' CSA-CC-6 P-H 2603-1 C-C MIMSN-W812 1 PT 127 03/31/88 l

l 6' CWA-CC-39 P-KSL 2605-4 C-C IP-W812 1 PT 189 04/06/88 10' HPID-CC-16 E-H 2609-1 C-C MIMSN-W812 1 MT 096 03/31/88 6' RAW-CC-53A P-PC CBI-65 C-C MIMSN-W812 1 MT 198 04/06/88 l

RAW-CEl-12 LUG 2624-3A C-C MIMSN-W812 1 MT 082 03/25/88 l

l RBW-CEl-12 LUG 2624-3B C-C MIMSN-W812 1 MT 141 03/31/88 l

RCT-CEl-1 P-H 2624-3A C-C MIMSN-W812 1 MT 122 03/31/88 l

1 l


  • Work performed to FILED REFISION #U#BER 1 on applicable procedure


EXAM COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER NUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 EPPD Cooper Buclear Statica Unit 81 Page 20 of 44 Caseercial Service Date: July 19H Page _1_5_ of 3_1 Eational Board 820%2 Revision No. 10 Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exam CNS CAL. ANIl Size I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number -Rev Type EDSS CDSe LDS8 STD NO. Init. Date RCT-CEl-2 P-H 2624-3A C-C MIMSN-W812 1 MT 105 03/31/88 RCT-CEl-3 LUG 2624-3B C-C MIMSN-W812 1 MT 099 03/31/88 l

l RHA-CEl-1 LUG 2625-3 C-C MIMSN-W812 1 MT 226 04/20/88

( RHA-CEl-2 LUG 2625-1 C-C MIMSN-W812 102 1 MT 03/31/88 .l 1

24' RHC-CC-41 P-H 2624-5 C-C MIMSN-W812 1 MT 106 03/31/88 24' REC-CC-45 P-SB 2624-5 C-C MIMSN-W812 1 MT 100 03/31/88 24' RHC-CC-51 E-SB 2624-5 C-C MINSN-W812 1 MT 103 03/31/88

'6" CWA-CF-30 V-P 2605-4 C-F MIGSCCW812 la UT 45 174 173 161 48 04/06/88 6* CWA-CF-30A V-P 2605-4 C-F MIGSCCW812 la UT 45 191 190 161 11 04/06/88 6* CWA-CF-31 P-E 2605-4 C-F MIGSCCW812 la UT 45 191 190 161 11 04/06/88 I


  • Work performed to FILED REVISION NUMBER J on applicable procedure

. .c . - - - - _ . . - - - _ . ~ . _ . - - - _ _ . - - - . . - . - - _ _ . . - - _- - .. ... - -

EXAM COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER NUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 SP?) Cocper Baclear Statten Unit Il Pa;ie 21 cf 44 Commercial Service ::4te: July 1984 Page 16 of 39_

Entice.s1 Board G M1 Revision No. 10 Exas Component Comp. lASME Procedure Exas l- I CNS CAL. ANII Size 1.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDS9 CDSs I.DSe STD NO. Init. Date 6' CWA-CF-33 E-P 2605-4 C-F MIGSCCW812 la UT 45 191 190 161 11 04/06/88 6* CUA-CF-33A P-P 2605-4 C-F MIGSCCW812 la UT 45 174 173 161 48 04/06/98 l

MIGSCCW812 la UT 45 191 190 161 11 04/06/88 l

6' CWA-CF-33B P-P 2605-4 C-F MIGSCCW812 la UT 45 174 173 161 48 04/06/88 MICSCCW812 la UT 45 191 190 161 11 04/06/88 I


6' CWA-CF-34 P-T 2605-4 C-F MIGSCCW812 la UT 45 191 190 161 11 04/06/88 I l

! 6* CWA-CF-35 P-T 2605-4 C-F MIGSCCW812 la UT 45 192 190 161 11 04/06/88 6' CWA-CF-37 T-E 2605-4 C-F MIGSCCW812 la UT 45 192 190 161 11 04/06/88 6' CWA-CF-38 E-P 2605-4 C-F MIGSCCW812 la UT 45 192 190 161 11 04/06/88 l

l 6' CWA-CF-40 P-E 2605-4 C-F IP-W812 1 PT 267 05/18/88

  • REPAIR AREA MIGSCCW812 1* UT 45 171 170 161 11 04/04/88 l MICSCCW812 la UT 45 + 269 268 239 05/18/88 l l

6' CWA-CF-42 E-RT 2605-4 C-F MIGSCCW812 1* UT 45 171 170 161 11 04/04/88 l

1 NotO

  • Woric performed to FILED REFISION # UMBER 2 on aoolicable orocedure

, ,; y .

  • EXAN COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER NUCI. EAR STATION SPRING 1988 BPPD Cocper kclear Statica Unit Il Page _22 of 44 Cassereial Sernce : ate: July IH4 Page 17 of M Baticeal Ecard 120762 Revision No. 10 Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exas CNS CAL. ANII Size I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSe CDSe LDSe STD NO. Init. Date


6' CWA-CF-43 RT-R 2605-4 C-F MIGSCCW812 la UT 45 171 170 161 11 04/04/88 6' CWA-CF-44 RT-R 2605-4 C-F IP-W812 1 PT 267 05/18/88

- REPAIR AREA MIGSCCW812 1* UT 45 171 170 161 11 04/04/88 MICSCCW812 la UT 45 a 269 268 239 05/18/88 20' HPEI-CF-10 P-CAP 2614-3 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 067 102 03/25/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 0 088 087 003 03/25/88 l

MIUP-W812 la UT 45- 092 091 076 03'31/88 20' HPEI-CF-11 T-P 2614-3 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 068 03/25/88-l l

20' HPEI-CF-12 P-E 2614-3 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 065 03/25/88 20' HPEI-CF-16 E-P 2614-3 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 167 04/06/88 i

16' HPIS-CF-10 E-P 2611-6 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 097 03/31/88  !

10* PSA-CF- 2 E-E 2629-1 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 034 78 04/07/88 l MIUP-W812 la UT 0 060 059 010 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 052 051 004 04/07/88 notat

  • Work vettormed to FILED REVISION Mt/NRER 1 on ann 14t~nh1* nrne*+sva . ~


t EXAM COMPONENT I.D. INDEX C00PE2 ."UCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 EPP3 Coog sa:! ear Station Usit 81 Fage 23 of 44 Commercial Service Cate: July 1944 Page 18 of 39 Eat:caal Scard W62 Revision No. 10 Exam Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exam CNS CAL. ANII Size I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EESs CDSe LDSs STD NO. Init. Date.

10' PSA-CF- 8 E-P 2629-1 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 104 78 03/31/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 0 111 110 073 03/31/88 MIUP-W812 1* UT 45 109 108 076 03/31/88~

l 10' PSA-CF-11 P-E 2629-1 C-F MIMSN-W812 MT 101 1 78 03/31/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 0 111 110 073 03/31/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 109 108 076 03/31/88 8' RAS-CF-14 P-E 2629-1 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 083 73 04/06/88 MIUP-W812 1 UT 0 203 202 158 04/12/88 MIUP-W812 1* UT 45 205 204 161 04/12/88 6* RAW-CF-53B P-E CBI-65 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 180 04/06/88 l 6* RAW-CF-53C E-P CBI-65 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 HT 181 04/06/83 6' RAW-CF-53D P-T CBI-65 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 182 04/06/88 6' RAW-CF-53E T-R CBI-65 C-F MIMEN-W812 1 MT 183 04/12/88 6' RAW-CF-53F T-R CBI-65 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 184 04/06/88 i


  • Work performed to FILED REFISION # UMBER I on anolicable procedure

c .. . _ _ = _ - - . - _ . _ . . _ _ . - - -- _ _ _ - _ . - . _-

.q EXAM COMP 0 MENT I.D. INDEX COOPER MUCLEAR STATION SPRENG 1988 EPPD Cooper Nuclear Station el Page 24 cf _i4_

Ccenercial Ser.L e *. ate: Jsly 1984 Pag.a _11_ of 3_1 Bational Board 820i62 Ren sion No. _10__

Exas r esponent Comp. ASME Procedure Exam Ir~F3 CmL.

AhII Size 1.D. Number Fig. Dra vir.; CAT. Number Rev Type EDSS CDSG LDS8 STD NO. Init. Date 6' RAW-CF-76 P-E CEI-65 C-F MIFSN-W812 1 MT 084 104 02/25/88-MIUP-W812 la UT 0 086 085 003 03/25/8e MIUP-W812 la UT 45 090 089 076 03/25/88 1

l 8' RBS-CF-12 P-E 2629-1 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 131 03/31/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 0 ,

135 134 073 73 03/31/88 MIUP-W812 la UT 45 137 136 073 04/04/88 20' RBW-CF- 5 P-E 2625-4 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 098 03/31/88 20' REW-CF-15 P-S 2625-4 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 069 03/25/88 i

20' RCT-CF- 6 P-E 2624-3A C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 123 03/31/88


i l 20' RHA-CF- 1 E-T 2625-3 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 107 01/04/88 i

l 16' RHB-CF-13 E-V 2624-1 C-F MINSN-W812 1 MT 027 03/24/88 i

20' RHB-CF-32 E-P 2624-1 C-F MIMSN-W912 1 MT 037 03/31/88 ,

I 8' RHD-CF- 3 P-E 2624-6 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 140 03/31/88


, Notas

  • Work performed to FILED REVISION MUMBER 1 on soolicable vrocedure

1 EXAM COMPONENT I.D. INDEX k COOPER BUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 hPPD Cooper Baclear Station Unit Il Page 25 of 44

! Coseercial Service Date: July 1984 Page 20 of 3_9,

( Bational Board 2207f,2 Rcvision No. 10


O Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exam CNS CAL. ANII


Size I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSe CDS8 LDSe STD NO. Init. Date i

10' RHE-CF-11 P-E 2624-7 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 224 04/20/88 j

12* RHG-CF-30 P-E CBI-73 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 169 5 04/04/88 CUT 1.1 0 UT 0 218 217 070 04/20/88

MIUP-W812 la UT 0 220 219 070 04/20/88 I MIUP-W812 la UT 45 222 221 216 04/20/88 12' RHG-CF-31 E-P CBI-73 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 168 5 04/04/88 CUT 1.1 0 UT 0 218 217 070 04/20/88 l' MIUP-W812 la UT 0 220 219  %/0 04/20/88 I MIUP-W812 la UT 45 222 221 216 04/20/88 l1

!I RPB-CF-2f, P-V C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 095 04/06/88 l

8' SDS-CF- 1 CAP-P 13095.19 C-F MIMSN-W812 1 MT 225 04/20/88 8' SDS-CF- 9 P-P 13095.19 C-F IP-W812 1 PT 022 03/31/88 8' SDS-CF-12 P-E 13095.19 C-F IP-W812 1 PT 052 33/31/88 8' SW-CF-1 P-T 13095.19 C-F MINSN-W812 1 MT 081 03/25/88 Nota:

  • Woric performed to FILED REFISION # UMBER I on apolicable crocedure

EXAM COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER MUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 ~ i IPPD Cooper helear Station Cait 81 Page _26, cf 44 Commercial Service Date: Ja'y 1984 Page 21 of 31 Eational Board 820762 Revision No. _10__ ,

Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exam CNS CAL. ANII Size I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSe CDSe LDSe STD NO. Init. Date l

CRD-EES SUP CP-009 F-A IV3-W812 3 VT 3 175 04/20/88 SDH-122 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 176 04/20/88 CRD-FFS SUP CP-009 F-A IV3-W812 3 VT 3 175 04/20/88 SDH-131 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 176 04/20/88 MS-HA 01A SUP 2629-1 F-A IV3-W812 3 VT 3 093 04/22/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 094 04/22/88 I PSR- 1 SUP EPIA21B2 F-A IV3-W812 3 VT 3 199 04/12/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 200 04/12/88 RH-H61 SUP 2624-34 F-A IV3-W812 3 VT 3 079 04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 080 04/06/88 j CRD-1N SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88

IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88 CRD-IS SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 175 04/20/88 SDH-121 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 176 04/20/88 CRD-2N SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88 l l I


  • Work performed to FILED REFISIO# ###8ER 1 on applicable procedure

_ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ,.,.. _ . _ _,_ _ _ _ __ ._ _ _, ~ . , . , . _ _ ~ _ . _ ~ _ _ , _ . _ . . . , . _ _ _ _ . _. _ _ _ _

O EXAN COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER NUCI. EAR STATION SPRING 1988 BPP9 Cooper Euclear Station Unit 81 Page 27 of 44 Coseercial Service Date: July 1984 National Board 4:0762 Page 12__ of 3_1 Revision No. 10 Exam Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exas Size I.D. Number CNS CAL. ANII Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDS8 CDS8 LDSS STD NO. I nit.. Date CRD-2S SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88 CRD-3N SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88 h

CRD-3S SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88  !

IV4-W812 2 VT 4

  • 271 05/19/88 CRD-4N SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/83 CRD-45 SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88 CRD-5N SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88 CRD-SS SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88 CRD-6N SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88 f


  • Work performed to FILED REFISION NUMBER 1 on applicable procedura

_ . . _ . - _ _ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ ._ . ._ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . - _ _ _ _ _ . . - - . _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ ._ m


-d EKAN CONPONUT I.D. INDEX C00PER NUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 BPPD Cooper Beclear Station Unit Il Page _28 of 44 Cassercial Service Date: July 1964 Page 23 of 39 Bational Board 820762 Revision No. JO_

Exas Coe,>onent Comp. ASNE Procedure Exas Size I.D. Number CNS CAL. ANII Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSe CDSe I. DSS STD NO. Init. Dats, s

CRD-65 SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05'19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88 CRD-7d SUP CP-009

  • F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88 I; CRD-7S SUP CP-009 F-8 Ib3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88


l l

CRD-8N SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88 CRD-8S SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88 CRD-9N SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 i 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88 CRD-95 SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88 l

CRD-BBS SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/13/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88-j- 1 Notos

  • Work performed to FILED REFISION NUNBER J on soolicehle nror
  • dura


-l EXAN COMPONENT 1.D. INDEX COOPER NUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 EPP3 Cooper k clear Station init 81 Page 25 of 44 Coseercial Service Date: July I M4 Page _24 of 11 htimal kard 82062 Revision No. 10 Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exam CNS CAL.

Il ANIX Size I.D. Number Fig. , Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSe CDSs LDSs STD NO. Init. Date :

CRD-CC-1N SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 262 05/18/88 l SDS-109 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 263 05/18/88 CRD-CC-IS SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 262 05/18/88 SDS-124 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 263 05/18/88 CRD-CC-2N SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-WG12 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88 CRD-CC-25 SDS-123 SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 IV4-d812 3

2 VT 3 VT 4 175 176 04/20/88 04/20/88 ll CRD-HHS SUP CP-009 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 270 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 271 05/19/88 CRD-MN SUP CP-009 F-B 'v3-W812 3 VT 3 175 04/20/88 SDS-104 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 176 04/20/88 CU-H92 SUP 2605-4 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 187 04/06/88 l!

IV4-W812 2 VT 4 188 04/06/88 i HP-H10 SUP 2511-6 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 112 04/11/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 113 04/11/88 ll I


  • Work s erformed to VILED REVISION MUMRFR 1 on son 11rnh1* nene*Anr*

EXAM COMPO!:ENT I.D.17DEX COOPER MUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 SPIO Cooper Nuclear Station Umat 81 Page 30 of A Coseercial fervice Date: .ielt1H4 Page _2L of M.

Rational Board 820762 Revision No. 10 i 1 Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exam CNS CAL. ANII Size I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSe CDSs lLDS9 STD NO. Init. Date i

HP-H22 SUP 2611-1 F-B IV3-W812 3 VI 3 262 05/18/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 263 05/18/88 HP-H6 SUP 26s-9 1 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 260 04/22/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 261 04/22/88 HP-H6A SUP 2609-1 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 262 05/18/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 263 05/18/88 I

I HP-H6B SUP 2709-1 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 262 05/18/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 263 05/18/88 HP-H7 SUP 2609-1 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 038 04/11/89 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 039 04/11/l,8 IV3-W812 3 VT 3 038 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 039 l HP-H7A SUP 2609-1 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 262 05/18/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 263 05/18/88 i

HP-S17 SUP 2609-1 F-8 IV3-W812 3 VT 3 256 04/22/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 257 04/22/88- i l

I Notos

  • Work performed to FILED #EFISION #U#8ER 1 on moolicable nrneadure


EXAM COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER MUCI. EAR STATION SPRING 1988 BPFD Cooper 5xlear station Unit si Page ,J1_ ol ~4 Coseerciat Service Date: hly 1984 Page 16_ of 3_9 Eational Board 8207+2 Revision No. _JP Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exas CNS CAL. ANII Size I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSs CDS8 LDSe STD NO. Init. Date MS-H101 SUP 2629-1 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 093 04/22/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 094 04/22/88 MS-H157 SUP 2614-3 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 256 04/22/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 257 04/22/88 MS-H157A S"P 2614-3 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 256 04/22/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 257 04/22/88 PSRH-1 SUP EPIA21B2 F-B IV3-W812 . 3 VT 3 199 04/12/88 IV4-W812 l2 VT 4 200 04/12/88 i

RF-H12A SUP 2849-4 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 025 04/20/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 026 04/20/88 RF-H41 SUP 2623-2 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 256 04/22/88 I IV4-W812 2 VT 4 1 257 04/22/88 RF-H55 SUP 2623-3 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 264 05/18/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 265 05/18/88 RF-H59 SUP 2623-3 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 264 05/18/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 265 05/18/88 [

t i


  • Work performed to FILLD REVISION NUMMER 1 on ano11 cable orocedure

-.y. w

. - - . . - . _ ~ - -~ -- -

s .


u , . :- -c . . - {


N COOPER MUCLEAR STATION N SPRING 1988 SPPD Coaper Buclear Statica Unit 81 Pege 32 of 44 Coseercial Service Cate: July 1984 Page _27_ of 12.

Betional Board 420762 Revision No. 10_., -I Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exas CNS CAL. ANII Siee I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Typa EDSe CDSs LDSe STD NO. Init. Date RF-H8 SUP 2849-4 F-8 IV3-W812 3 VT 3 025 04/20/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 026 04/20/88-RH-H119A SUP 2624-3A F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 079 04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 080 I 04/06/88 RH-H17A SUP 2625-4 F-8 IV3-W812 3 VT 3 112 04/11/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 113 04/11/88 RH-H54 SUP 2625-4 F-B IV3-W812 3 VT 3 093 04/22/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 094 04/22/88 RH-H64 SUP 2624-5 F-B IV3-WB12 3 VT 3 093 04/22/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 094 04/22/88 RM-H9A l SUP 2625-1 F-B IV3-U812 3 VT 3 093 04/22/88 IV4-W812 2 VT ~ 4 094 04/22/88 BS-H92 SUP 2601-1 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 264 05/18/88 ,

IV4-W812 2 VT 4 265 05/18/88 l CS-H4 SUP 2603-1 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 112 04/11/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 113 04/11/88 Ector

  • Work performed to Fff,FD FFFTSTON #FfPfRF1P F en ann 11embla ne~-ad nea L.,_.__....----.,.-.----,..

- - - - - - - - - -- - --- - --- - - - - - - - - ~-- - - - ' -~'-

. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ . ~ . _ _ _

.,i HAM COMPONENT I.D. INDU COOPER MUCI. EAR STATION SPRING 1988 EM Cooper Nuclear Statica Entt 81 Page 31 cf .44 Coseercial Service Date: h ly 1984 National Board 0207f,2 Page _18_ of 31 Revision No. 10 Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exsm Size I.D. Number CNJ CAL. ANII Fig. Drawing CAT. Numbe' Rev Type EDSe CDSe LDS8 STD NO. Init. Date 1

CU-H49 SUP 2603-1 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 207 04/12/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 208 04/12/88 CU-H93 SUP 2605 4 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 187 04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 188 04/06/88 HA-3 SUP 731E611 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 193 04/21/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 194 04/21/88 HB-3 SUP 731E611 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 193 04/21/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 194 04/21/88 ,

HC-3 SUP 731E611 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 193 04/21/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 194 04/21/88 HD-2 SUP 731E611 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 193 04/21/88 g IV4-W812 2 VT 4 194 04/21/88 l.

1 MS-H100 SUP 2629-1 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 256 04/22/88 I IV4-W812 2 VT 4 257 04/22/88 I 1

MS-H108 SUP 2629-1 F-C IV3-W812 l 3 VT 3 256 04/22/S8  !

IV4-W812 2 VT 4 257 04/22/88 I Notas

  • Work performed to FILED REVISION NUMMER 1 on ann 11 cab 1* nrocennre

~I EXAM COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER MUCLEAR STATIO.1 SPRING 1988 EPPD Cooper 3xlear T.tation Unit Il Page 34 ef 44 Coseercial Service Date: Jsly 19H Page 29 of 11 Eatamul hard 82070 Revision No. _10_

a Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exas CNS CAL. ANII ' j Sise I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSe CDS# LDS4 STD NO. Init. Date


l MS-H109 SUP 2629-1 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 040 04/07/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 041 04/12/88 MS-H110 SUP 2629-1 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 079 04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 OCO 04/06/88 MS-H118 SUP 2614-3 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 038 04/11/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 039 04/11/88 MS-H132 SUP 2506-1 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 256 04/22/88 l IV4-W812 2 VT 4 257 04/22/88 Ij 1

MS-H134 SUP 2506-1 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 256 04/22/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 257 04/22/88 -

MS-H154 SUP 2614-3 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 112 04/11/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 113 04/11/88 MS-H155 SUP 2614-3 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 175 04/20/80 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 176 04/20/88 MS-HISSA SUP 2614-3 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 214 04/20/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 215 04/20/88 '


  • Work performed to FIs,ED #EFISION NUMBEF J on moo 11 cable procedura

EKAN COMPONENT 1.D. INDEX COOPER NUCI. EAR STATION SPRING 1988 NPP3 Cooper Buclear Station Unit 81 Page 15 of 44 Coseercisi Service Date: July 1944 Page 30 of 3__9_

Rational Board 020762 Revision No. _10__.

Exas Component Coop. ASME Procedure Exas CNS CAL. ANII Sice I.D. Number Fig. Drawirig CAT. Number Rev Type EDS8 CDSs LDSS STD NO. Init. Date MS-H159 SUP 2614-3 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 256 04/22/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 257 04/22/88 MS-H160 SUP 2614-3 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 256 04/22/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 257 04/22/88 MS-H167 SUP 731E611 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 193 04/21/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 194 04/21/88 l MS-H168 SUP 731E611 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 193 04/21/88 IV4-W612 2 VT 4 194 04/21/88 MS-H169 SUP 731E611 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 193 04/21/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 194 04/21/88 NS-H170 SUP 731E611 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 193 04/21/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 194 04/21/88 RS-SillA SUP 2629-1 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 269 05/19/88 IV4-V812 2 VT 4 290 05/19/88 MS-SI5A GUP 2529-1 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 ~99 04/12/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 200 04/12/88 Notat

  • Work verformed to Fif TD REVISION NUNREW 1 nn arm 11csh1* nrne*Anve


SPCING 1988 SPPD Cooper Juclear Station Unit el Page 36 cf 44 Consercial Service Cate: July 1H4 Page 31 of 39 Bational Board 820762 Revision No. _10_

Euan Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exas CNS CAL. ANII Size I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDS4 CDSS LDS8 STD NO. Init. Date MS-S2 SUP 2614-3 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 262 05/18/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 263 05/18/88 MS-S3 SUP 2614-3 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 258 04/21/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 259 04/21/88 MS-S76 SUP 2629-1 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 199 04/12/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 200 04/12/88 MS-VR-S-73 SUP 2628-1 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 272 05/19/88 DCs87-056 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 273 05/19/88 .

I RF-H112 SUP 2509-1 F-C Iv3-W812 3 VT 3 025 04/20/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 026 04/20/88 RF-H13 SUP 2509-1 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 025 04/20/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 026 04/20/88


RF-H54 SUP 2623-3 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 264 05/18/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 265 05/18/88 RF-N73 SUP 2509-1 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 207 04/12/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 208 04/12/88 i

- 1 Notes

  • Work performed to FILED #EFIKION NUNDE# 1 on acclicable crocedura

7 EXAM COMPONENT I.D. INDEX COOPER NUCI. EAR STATION SPRING 1988 APPJ Cooper 5xlear Stat 20s Entt 81 Tage 37 of 44 Ccesercial Service Cate: Jair 1984 Page 32 of 39 3attor.a1 Board s207f,2 Revision No. 10

't Exam Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exam Size I.D. Number CNS CAL. ANII Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSt CDS8 LDSs STD NO. Init. Date{

J l ,t RF-H74 SdP 2509-1 F-C IV3-W812 i 3 VT 3 177 04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 178 04/06/88 RF-S11 St;P 2509-2 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 289 I 05/19/88 g IV4-W812 2 VT 4 290 05/19/88 RF-S12 SUP 2509-2 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 289 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 290 05/19/86 RF-54 SUP 2623-2 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 185 04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 186 04/06/88 IV3-W812 3 VT 3 185 04/27/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 186 04/27/88 RH-H117A SUP 2624-3B F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 165 04/11/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 166 04/11/88 RH-H12 SUP 2625-4 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 063 '

04/27/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 064 04/27/88 RH-H13 SUP 2625-4 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 063 04/27/88 {

IV4-W812 2 VT 4 C64 04/27/88 (

1 i


  • Work performed to FILED PEVIS10M NitMRFP 1,n nen14 e eh1= ~~ A we


EKAN COMPONDT I.D. INDEX COOPER MUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 3773 Cooper Ex1 ear Station Galt 81 Page _38 cf 44 Commerelal Service Date: July 1%4 Page _JL of 31 Bettor.a1 Board 820%2 Revision No. JO Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exas Site I.D. Number CNS CAL. ANII Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSS CDS4 LDSe STD NO. Init. Date RH-H139 SUP 2624-6 F-C IV3-W812 ") VT 3 165 04/11/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 166 04/11/88 s

l' RH-H142 SUP 2624-7 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 165 04/06/88 II IV4-W812 2 VT 4 186 04/06/88 RH-H2O SUP 2625-3 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 093 04/22/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 094 04/22/88 g RH-H31 SUP 2624-1 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 175 04/20/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 176 04/20/88

<l RM-H53 SUP 2625-3 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 177 04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 178 I 04/06/88 g!

1 RH-H57 SUP 2624-3A F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 093 04/22/88 1 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 094 04/22/88 u

RH-H59 SUP 2624-3A F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 079 h 04/06/88 IV4-V812 2 VT 4 080 04/06/88 RH-H63 SUP 2624-38 F-C IV3-US12 3 VT 3 093 04/22/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 094 04/22/88



  • Work performed to FILED FEFISION MUNDER 2 on moo 11 cable procedure

. . - _ _ ___-__.. . - - _ _ . _ - - . _ . - _ _ - - - = _ _ _ _ . . - . _ . - - . _ _ - ~ .

. I

~i DAM COMPONENT I.D. IMOEt COOPER MUCLEAR STATION SPRIMC 1988 EPPD Cooper leclear Station : nit 81 Page ,]_9, of .44 Coesercial Service Cate: July 1964 Page 34 of 3_t lational Ecard 120762 Revision No. 10 Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exas CNS CAL. ANII Size I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSe CDS8 LDSe STD NO. Init. Date RH-527AB&R SUP 2624-1 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 199 l 04/12/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 200 08 12/88 RH-530 SUP 2624-5 F-C IV3-W8I2 3 VT 3 093 04/22/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 094 04/22/88 RH-532 SUP 2624-5 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 093 04/22/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 094 04/22/88 RH-S42 SUP 2624-3C F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 292 05/24/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 293 05/24/88


l RH-S44 SUP 2626-4 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 289 05/19/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 290 05/19/68 I RH-S56 SUP 2624-3A F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 079 04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 083 04/06/88 RH-557 SU? 2624-3A F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 079 04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 060 04/06/88 i

RH-S58 SUP 2624-3A F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 079 04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 080 04/06/88 l Notot

  • Worir performed to FILED PEFISION MUMBEF 2 on aoolicable procedure

_ _ ._. - ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ , . . -----_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ -. _ - - _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ .__. _ _ . _ _ -

DAM COMP 0M U T I.D. INDEK COOPER MUCLEAR STATION SPRING 1988 SPPD Cooper suelear Station Unit 81 Page 40 of _44 Ceemercial Service Late: Jsly IM4 Setional Board 820762 Page J5_ of 31 Revision No. _1.0_

Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exas Size I.D. Number CMS CAL. ANII

  • Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDS4 CDS9 LDS9 STD NO. Init. Date RN-565 SUP 2625-4 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 175 04/20/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 176 04/20/88 RN-S78 SUP 2625-1 F-C IV3-W812 i 3 VT 3 093 04/22/88 IV4-W812 l 2 VT 4 094 04/22/88


RHG-H1 SUP CBI-73 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 195 . 04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 1% 04/06/88  !

l RNG-H2 SUP CBI-73 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 195 04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 1% 04/06/88 RR-H1 SUP RR-H1 F-C IV3-W812 3 7T 3 195 04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 1% 04/06/88 l

RR-MS-A  !

SUP RR-HS-A F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 195 -

04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 1% 04/06/88 1

RR-MS-B SUP RR-MS-B F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 195 04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 196 04/06/88 RR-SSI-A SUP RR-SS1-A F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 195 04/06/88 i-IV4-W812 2 VT 4 1% 04/06/88 f l

i Botes

  • Work performed to FILED FFFTSION #rNmAP J m em11< shl= ae~ adwea


SPRING 1908 DPPD Cooper 9-clear station Unit 81 Page - 4: ef 44 Commercial Sers.~ aat.e: July 1964 Page _36_ of 31 lational Board DJ762 Revision No. 10 __,

Exas Component Coop. ASNE Procedure Exas Sine CNS CAL. ANII I.D. Number Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSe CDSe LDSe STD NO. Init. Date RR-SSI-B SUP RR-SS1-B F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 195 04/06/88 l IV4-V812 2 VT 4 1% 04/06/88 l

SS-A3 SUP 731E611 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 195 I I 04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 196 04/06/88  !

SS-82 SUP 731E611 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 195 04/06/88 IV4-W812 2 VT 4 1% 04/06/88

$ I l SS-B3 SUP 731E611 F-C IV3-W812 3 VT 3 195 04/06/88 I IV4-W812 2 VT 4 196 04/06/88 r

1 I.

I l a

l 1

i .

I i

l Notes

  • Work performed to FILD #NISION #DPf9EF J on apoltembla oroemdura

_ _ _ - _ , _ . - . _ _ __ - ~ _ . - _ ,- -_ . -- _ _ _ _ _ _ .--_ ,. -....-.-- - - . _ - - , _ . , _ - _ . - - . _ _ _ _ . . _ - _ - _ - _ . - _ _ - -



SPRING 1986 l 2 PPD Cooper Nuclear Station Init el Page 42 of 44 '

l Cassercial Service Date: Jsly 1 H4 i

Bational Board 823762 Page 27 of 39 Revision No. _10_

Exas Component Comp. ASME Procedure Exas Sir.e I.D. Number CNS CAL. ANII Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSe CDSe LDSe STD No. Init. Date ANCHOR BOLTS BOLTS AUG HIUB-NI12 la UT C 143 142 Of6 BREAKER VALVE VALVE 4260 AUG IVI-W812 3 VT 1 266 05/18/88 CRD-BLADE BLADE AUG IV1-W812 3 VT 1 197 l

l t

CS LINES AUG IV3-W812 3 VT 3 044 04/07/88 CS SPARGERS AUG VICSSS75CP VT 3 045 04/07/88 DOWNCOMER DNC 4260 AUG IV1-W812 3 VT 1 266 05/18/88 FW N0Z IR AUG IV3-W912 3 VT 3 047 04/07/88 FW SPARGERS AUG IV3-W812 3 VT 3 046 04/C7/88 JP WEDGES AUG VT-9 0 VT 3 048 O Loop-A Manway Co-er AUG IV3-W812 3 VT 3 209 04/20/88 ,

i Notes

  • Work performed to FIEFD FFFISION NUPRFP T en menli enM a ae~-ad***

- .- - -.. _ . _ . - , . _ - _ . . - - _ - - - _ - . - . . - - - , _ . ..-.,- -.- ...-.- - .~.- -.. . - .. -. - - , - - - . . _ - .

=. _ ___ _ _ -._ _ . - . - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ . . _ - _ _ _ . - - _ . _ __




COOPER RUCI. EAR STATION SFRING 1968 BPPD Cooper suelear Statica hit el Page,4)_of _44 Commercial Service Date: Jalt 1984 Page 3_8 of 39 Bettor.41 loard 820762 Revision No. 10 t Exas Component Coop. ASME Procedure Exam

! Size I.D. Number CBS CAL. ANII Fig. Drawing CAT. Number Rev Type EDSe CDSs LDSe STD NO. Init. Date l 180 Loop-B Manway Cover AUG IV3-W812 3 VT 3 172 04/06/88 "

MSA-AB BOLT 731E671 AUG IV1-W812 3 VT 1 210 l 04/12/88 MSB-AB BOLT 731E671 AUG IV1-W812 3 VT 1 210 04/12/88 I

MSC-AB I BOLT 731E671 AUG IV1-W812 3 VT 1 210 04/12/88 MSD-AB BOLT 731E671 AUG IVI-W812 3 VT 1 210 04/12/88 PENT. X-205 PENT. 4260 AUG IVI-W812 3 VT 1 266 05/18/88 l

PENT. X-25 FENT. 4259 AUG IV1-W812 3 VT 1 266 05/18/88 SHROUD HEAD BLT BOLTS AUG TP508.1236 5 UT 45 151 151 151 SHROUD REPLACE BOLTS l AUG TP508.1236 5 UT 0 152 152 152 ll 1!

SKIRT - GIRDER BOLTS AUG MIUB-NX12 la UT 0 145 144 076 N/A 04/09/88 II 1


  • Work performed to FILED #EFISION NUnpr# J on monitcabla crew adura

. _ _ . _ _ . - - . . . . _ . - _ _ -_ _ _ ___.-... _ _ _ . - - - - . - - - _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ . . - - - - . . . . _ - - _ - _ - . _ ~ _ - - - _ -- - _.

O DAM COMPONENT I.D. IMOEK COOPB MCEEM STATION SPPD Cooper Duclear Station Unit 81 Fage 44 of SPR!M 1988 44 Commercial Service Cate: July 1964 Rational Soard 420%2 Page 31 of _3jL Exas Component Revision No. _10 Coop. ASME Procedure Size I.D. Number Drawing Exas CNS CAL.

Fig. CAT. Number Rev Type ANI! l EDSe CDSe ; LDS9 STD NO. Init. Datel VENT NEADER l NEAD 4260 ADC IV1-W812 3 i VT 1 2% 05/18/88 I i

f i

i f.

f I

f i

l t'

I i

i I J Rotes

  • Work performed to FIES #fFIKION AtSppfr I on = nn H e. M . --a--e ---

I 1

I TORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 1 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brovnville NE 68321 N/A 1 (Address) (Repair Organization P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)
Authorization No.
Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, a No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 _.
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components j Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Decument Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement

!;urber (Yes or No) 1 Anchor /

I RWCU-Mov-M057 Darline 2 87-2709 Replacement No

7. Description of Work Replaced valve with new valve.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic X Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure 1375 psi Test Temp. 75 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 " x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from Januarv. 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308 "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Ceepenents in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replaceeent conforms to the rules of the ASME Code.Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp m Certificate ,of Au,thorization No. NA Expiration Date NA

/ / /_;; / ,

Signed _c<'J.>/e/ 24 v' A- /W < .* Date 9'/.s '/57 (Ovner or-Ovner's Designee. Title) t CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commit.sion issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province l of Ay,'f4 and employed by , 5ed If f /*o I of ,M=rrma. c% s have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period Swm, /977 to __fvav /9// . and state that to the best of my' knowledge and beliet, the uvner has perforced examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requireeents of the ASME Code. Secticn XI.


, By signing this certificate neithet the Inepector nor his employer makes i

any warranty expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and l corrective ceasures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, i neither the Inspector nor his e:ployer shall be liable in any manner for I

any personal injury or property dceage or a loss of any kind arising from l or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature d -

! Coenissions //#4 AN2f4 h,f)


l (National board. State. Province.'and Endorsecents)

Date baZ6N l

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Na=e)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 2 of -37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Hieh Pressure Coolant Injection (HFCI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 68 Edition, June 1968 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components 2 epaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Component Manufacturer Class Document Replaced, or Stamped Number Replacement (Yes or No)

Anchor /

HPCI-MOV-M025 Darling 2 88-1464 Replacement No t

7. Description of Work Replate valve stem, stem nut, and disc nut.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure 1105"""~ psi Test Temp. 75 'T NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) site is 6\" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs 1

and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January. 1987 l through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and l

l _ Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked through l

l the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

( Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached 1

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement _ conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed (& em m. Date Shlte (CTmer or Ovner's Designee. Title) l CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of #474 and employed by Mr/J ff' ftS.

of /Ase,r$4a sw have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period .7s. um/p//

to 92w /9// , and state that to the best of my' knowledge and belief, the wner has perforned examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Ovner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his esiployer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature -

Cornissions //3% ##a d- h.rj  ;

(National Board, State. Province, and EndorsemetIts) l Date [MM

I ,

O FORM NIS-2 OVNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Gwner Nebraska Public Power District Date Aueust 19. 1988 (Name)

J P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 3 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One f (Name) l t P.O. Box 98, Brovnville, NE 68321 N/A ~*

i (Address) (Repair Organization P.O. No.

l Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A

Authorization No. N/A j Same  ;

(Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Residual Heat Removal (RHR) f

'l $. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 _ 19 68 Edition. (

) June 1968 Addenda. N/A Code Case I J l 4

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or i keplacements 19 80 .

6. Identi.'l.e.. tion of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work kepaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Nurber Replacement (Yes or No) l f i

Anchor / t j RHR-MOV-M025A Darling 1 87-0278 Repair No j t

l i  !

t 1 i i  !

r t

i t l

7. Description of Work Veld repair pressure seal area.

j 8. Tests conducted: Hydrostatic X Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure [

Other Pressure 1100 psi Test Temp. 75 'T f I

I NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings r.ay be i I - used, provided (1) size is 8\" x 11", (2) information in items ! l l through 6 on this' report is included on each sheet, and (3) each -

sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top  :

i of this form. [


9. Remarks This NIS 2 Report provides the required information on repairs I i

and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Cede Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of_ Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportinc.

Applicable Manuracturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPI.IANCE We certify that the statements eade in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N /A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A l Signed (f N % N ~t .

(vener or Ovner's Designee. Title)

Date thMc CERTIFICATE OF INSFRVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and,the State or Province of # # /t" and eeployed by //pd f~r' E tb.

of //.ffst-4 a u ro have inspected the components described in this O(ner's Report during the period $wm pf//

to S g 4/r , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has perforced examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective ceasures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore.

l neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for I

any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from l or connected with this inpsection.

l Inspector's Signature @  ! e Comissions #/'?94 AdM- h f) l (. National Board, State. Province, and Endorsecents)

Date l-WN l


  • O FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT YOR REFAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 4 of 3't j (Address)

2. Plant . Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name) i P.O. Box 98, Brovnville, NE 68321 N/A l (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

) Job No. Etc.)

3. Work, Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) N/A Expiraten Date I

4. Identification of System Reactor Core Isolation Cgoline (RCIC)

J 5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition.

No Addenda. N/A Code Case i

i (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .

] 6. Identification of Con:ponents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components i

) Work Kepaired AS Mt. Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) i Atwood/

RCIC-A0V-A022 Morrill 1 88-0864 Repaired N/A




) 7. Description of Work Install soft seat on dise.

l 8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic X Pneumatic i Nominal Operating Pressure

Other Pressure 1210 psi Test Temp. 75 'F 1

i NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings eay be l used, provided (1) size is 8\" x 11", (2) information in items 1 i through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each j sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded t the top of this foru.


9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through Ju- '988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and __

Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached l

CEPTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certafy that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N /A Signed <% w .- Date hdN6 (Owner or Owner's Designee Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid comm.ssion issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and Ahe State or Province of g#5X. and employed by _ gid'Irf' do.

of //Wa su have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period @vvAuf ////

to M M /ff# _, and state that to the best of my/ knowledge and beliet, the Owner has perforued examinations and taken corrective measuren described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, :oncerning the examinations and I

correccive measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature k % -w Commissions #d/7/4 M'M [t/I)

(National Board, State Province, and Endorsements)

Date , d

FORM NIS-2 ORNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 5 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brownville, NE 68321

""" N/A (Address) '

(Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By owner Type Coda Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19_69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replace and Replacement Components Name of W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Nuclear Component Manufacturer Class Replaced, or Stamped fcument dumber Replacement (Yes or No)

CWA-CF-40 N/A - Weld 2 88-1575 Repaired No CWA-CF-44 N/A - Weld 2 88-1575 Repaired No

7. Description of Work Repair ICSCC indications in RWCU welds.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic X Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure _, 1562 ' psi Test Temp. 75 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 " x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number af sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report pr3vides the required information on rapairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed h N vt .N c. w .

(owner or Owner's Designee, Titie)

Date dGkN CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and,the Stufe or Province of '

/Wre zW and employed by J/f/ I t',Z ~ do ,

of sguMa ggas have inspected'the components described in this Owner's Report during the period Jww ////

to SW /f// , and state that to the best of my Knowledge and belief, the Ownar has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificace neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be Itable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a lose a ' any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature - ~_ #

Commissions A4f/Wd .Adnec<. (s(b (National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements)

Date h


o .

i s

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 6 of 37 l (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One i (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brownville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By Owner- Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 19 83 Edition,

! Summer 1983 Addenda, N/A Code Case-l (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or

Replacements 19_80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

Anchor /

RWCU-MOV-M015 Darling 1 87-2835 Repaired No i

7. Description of Work Flapper out liquid penetrant indication.

l 8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic j Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F l NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be j used, provided (1) size is 8 " x 11", (2) information in items 1 i

through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

9. Remarks This WIS-2 Report provides the reouircd information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Datt ~.% ports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We cortify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the AEME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed [r~t D-N- M. . m. Date DM66 (Owner or Owner's Designee. Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure 'lessel Inspectors and Jhe StaJe or Province of 4/d2W6 and employed by g [/.Z~p f d .

of /MEM dw,v have inspected the components described in this owne'. 's Report during the period ~7w~wf /f.Ff to SM /fM e and state that to the best of my 4cnowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsect on.

Inspector's Signature v s Commissions N.C #d?5A /H J')

(National Board, State Province, (nd Endorsements)

Date ho3bN

l l

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date __ August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 7 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brovnville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. ~^

N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Residual Heat Removal (RHR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section VIII 19 68 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Component Manufacturer Class Document Replaced, or Stamped Number Replacement (Yos or No)

RHR RX-A SWECO 2 88-0769 Replactment Yes RHR RX-B SWECO 2 88-0769 Roolacement Yes RHR HX-A SWECO 2 88-1847 Repaired Yes RHR HX-B SWECO 2 88-1311 Repaired Yes

7. Description of Work Add hinges to RHR Heat Exchanger channel covers weld buildup of baffle plates.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Oper3' ting Pressure '

Other Press"re psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, u- drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 " x 11", (2) information 1. 4tems 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) cach ,

sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

4 3

. 9. Remarks This NIS-2 Repcrt provides the required information on repairs I and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 r

through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through 4

the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

, Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE [

We certify that the statements made in the aport are correct and this  ;

repair / replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI. '

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A

- Signed [f1 ' %\~ v .w a m Date ddec  !

! (Owner or Owner's Designee. Title) '

l CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION j I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National  !

d the State or Province

, Board of //68/f--

oi Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and employed by / an/fdfWdo ,  ;

of /W cas have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the periodDsw ///p i to W m '/E/r , and state that to the best of my k6owledge and  ;

belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures '

described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of i the ASME Code Section XI. t i '


' By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and (

j corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore,

neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for l' 1 any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signatur c wb hA '

i Commtesions N)V ,,449n9 4 6610 (National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) t i

Date hYY .

I e

r L- .- _ . - _ _ _ . _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . - . . _ _ _ -

f FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 8 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brownville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) T~ Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Component Manufacturer Class Document Replaced, or Stamped Number Replacement (Yes or No)

Anchor /

HPCI-MOV-M016 Darling 1 88-1382 Repaired No

7. Description of Work Weld repair cracks in stelliced disc seats.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure 1000_ psi Test Temp. 200 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 " x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Forn NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached


We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. _ N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed ( 'Nw re .s Date ~

t/ukt2 (Osuer or Owner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the StaJe or Province of , ave ~74- and employed by # _Z 7 f de.

of / # ,r M M e , s have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period fma,., /f//

to fw//f// , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner'e Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section X7.

l By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and l corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from j or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature _

Commissions # //f/ 46M kf)

(National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements)

Date O

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name) 2.,0. Box 49, Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 9 of 37 (Address)
2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station ,

Unic One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brownville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

, Authorization No. N/A Same l

(Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Residual Heat Removal (RHR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 68 Edition, June 1968 Addenda, N/A Code Case

, (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or l l Replacements 19 80 .


6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ,

W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped i

Component Manufacturer Class Jumber Replacement i (Yes or No) ,

Vickery- "

.; RHR-RO-104A Siuns 2 88-2147 Replaced No ~

r I Vickery- (

, RHR-RO-104B Simms 2 88-2147 Replaced No f I

Vickery-  !

RHR-RO-104C Simms 2 88-2147 Replaced No Vickery-l RHR-RO-104D Simms 2 88-2147 Replaced No I

1 l 7. Description of Work Replace restricting orifices and flanges with pipe. ,

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic X Pneumatic l Nominal Operating Pressure

! Other Pressure 563 psi Test Temp. 75 'F l

l NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be i 1 used, provided (1) size is 8 " x 11", (2) information in items 1 [

! through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each  :

l sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top i of this form.  !

6 6



9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed et Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed [/'l b \ % m. s Date BlRlets (0wher or Owner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler-and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province oi fe'?]A. and employed by ' fit f f' f & .

of / fpMhe sw have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period j ya p y /fff to /f.F/ , and state that to the best of my< knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nar his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsee on.

Inspector's Signatur - < 2 Commissions 42 f7fd ffd4 h/ b (National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements)


l FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 10 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuc1 car Station Uni.t One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brownville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda. N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear cument Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Cla, Replacement Number (Yes or Nc)

Anchor /

RCIC-MOV-M030 Darling 2 88-2060 Replacement No l

7. Description of Work Replace stem clamp key with stronger material.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 " x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data heports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed (( \ ' NN . - e u. . o. s Date T'MCO (Owner or Owner's Dusignee. Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Bo ler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and Jhe StaJe or Province of .

4 and employed by g C# Tf f G/.

of //A 7 n u /> d d have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period fp.4+uf /f//'

to f/.va' /fM , and state that to the best of my Knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising f rom or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature h -[d a Cocnissions d.PP,C6 se/c='?.t<- h f)

(National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements)

Date [- dr[M _

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49 Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 11 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brownville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.) '

3. Work Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Sane (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Primary Containment (PC)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 68 Edition, June 1968 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Replaced, or Document Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

PC-244AV Flanges Unknown 2 88-1190 Repaired No

7. Description of Work Drilled 1/8" diameter test ports into flanges.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic X Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure 58 psi Test Temp. 75 *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8h" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is rocorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information_on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A .

Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed h \' N - \ ~ s .. w%

(Owner or Owner's Designee. Title)

Date Eddlie CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid coc: mission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and e State or Province of ave 734 and employed by fd f / f~ d<>.

of //wr/M4 &a,v have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period Dwe /f//

to 7./Wr /// A , and state that to the best of my khowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Incpector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature + u e Commissions /f #</4 /aOCC- d (National Board, State Province, and Endorsements)

Date ['

O FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49 Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 12 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.0, Box 98, Brovnville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By owner +

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Primary Containment (PC)
5. (c) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 68 Edition, June 1968 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired A$ME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

PC-230MV Flanges Unknown 2 88-1190 Repaired No PC-231MV Flanges Unknown 2 38-1190 Repaired No PC-232MV Flanees Unknown 2 88-1190 Repaired No PC-233MV Flanges Unknown 2 88-1190 Repaired No PC-243MV Flances Unknown 2 88-1190 Repaired No

7. Description of Work Drilled 1/8" diameter test ports into flanges.
8. Tests Conducts 4: Hydrostatic Pneumatic X Ne~t.ial Operating Pressure Other Pressure 58 psi Test Temp. 75 'F NOTE: Supr ame- sheets in forn of lists, sketches, or drawings may be use r 1 (1) size is 8h" x 11", (2) information in items 1 th his report is included on each sheet, and (3) each 3 red and the number of sheets is recorded at the top
9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed (fI' N \- & _ m , u. 6 Date UUli te (OVner or Owner's Designee Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boi er and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and he State or Province of 84 and employed by f,df f f #fd?a of /,/##r4.e fo s,s have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period . k / w /f #f to W e / ///" , and state that to the best of my' knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsec ion.

Inspector's Signature , m p of_.

Commissions [f//fd M4 hM (National Board, State. Province, and f.ndorsements)

Date [MNvY


. l l

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 __


P.O. Box 49. Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 13 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownvills, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System High Pressure , Coolant Injection (HPCI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 68 Edition.

June 1968 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for '.tepairs or Replacements 19 80 .

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

RF-S4 N/A 2 88-1013 Replacement No

7. Description of Work Rotate rear snubber backet to remove interference.
6. Tests Conducted: Hydrestatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8h" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


. I

9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provide.s'the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 t

i through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through _

the use of Form NIS-2-for reporting, Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached f l


,' We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Cede.Section XI.  !

(repair or replacement) '

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A  !

Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A  !

Signed h\ NXm s (Owner or Owner's Designee, Title) c4 a a., Date 6hdeo J '


i i i l 2

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National t i Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and he Sta e or Province i l of AWEWZ and employed by f fd .

) of //ArZ3N A d, W have inspected the comporents 3

described in this owner's Report during the period 7AWAnaf /f*#/  !

to 7/Me" /ff# , and state that to the best of my kn'owledge and (

beltet, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures l j described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of L

the ASME Code,Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes  ;

4 any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and i

corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore,  !

I neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for l l

any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from l or connected with this inpsection.  !

Inspector's Signature 8 e e l

Commissions ///

(National Board, $ tate. Province, and Endorsements)

Md ((

l Date [ M

! l

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19. 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 14 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization P.-0. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) ' Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No __, Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 _.
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Nr,me of Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Nuclear Replaced, or Document Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

HP-47 N/A _2_ 88-2027 Replacement No

7. Description of Work Repate damage from apparent water hammer.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Neminal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in fotu of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8h" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each

! sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this fora.


9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE k'e certify that the statements made in the repcrt are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp 9 /A Certificate of Authorization No. n /A Expiration Date N /A Signed [d V\e- .u. -au Date Nen (owner or Owner's Designee. Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of v4PJX_ and employed by .//I/ f 6 .

of A#E4.+4 d<, W have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period jwA,///p to $w /f'// , and state that to the best of my k'nowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature , <[_ /J Commissions '//@ //W4_ [

(National Board, State, Province, an'd Endorsements)

Date [ .2*' M /

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 15 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Perfor=ed By Owner Type Code Symbo'1 Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of' System High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Nuclear Work Kepaired ASME Code Component Manufacturer Class Document Replaced, or Stamped Number Replacement (Yes or No) i HP-H23 N/A 2 88-2283 Replacement No HP-518A N/A 2 88-2283 Replacement No HP-H24 N/A 2 88-2283 Replacement No
7. Descriotion of Work Modify support to reduce member stresses.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure l Other Pressure psi Test Tenp. 'F l

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8h" x 11", (2) information in items 1 l through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this forn.

l I

l t

9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required infomation on re_ pairs and replacements perfomed at Cooper Nucicar Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Fom NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE k'e certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed hl D ON+ -

  • % *s (Owner or Ovner's Designee, Title)

Date */ Ideo CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and Jhe State or Province of A V67f-*'- and employed by #fd.1~/ I cG.



Adr,e'r%g; w e./ have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period 7Mmu ///7 to _ $ w /f.## , and state that to the best of my Knowledge and belief, the owner has perfomed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsect on.

Inspector's Signature M me Commissions A / 9fS* /4'?J^'- Z (National Board, State Province, and Endorsements)

Date fdWl

O FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions o: the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 16 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brownville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A 4 Identification of System High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code I

Name of Name of Nuclear l Component Manufacturer Class Document Replaced, or Stamped Number Replacement (Yes or No)

I 88-2283 Replacement HP-H26A N/A 2 No HP-H25 N/A 2 88-2283 Replacement Ne HP-518 N/A 2 88-2283 Replacement No HP-S22A N/A 2 88-2283 Replacement No HP-H23A N/A 2 88-2283 Replacement No
7. Description of Work Modify support to reduce member stresses.


8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'T NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 " x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.



9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs  ;

e and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and

] Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through d

the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. I Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached  !


We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this j replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI. l

(repair or replacement)  !

i I

Type Code Sy% ol Stamp n/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed b YT%  % _. i.a.

(Owner or Owner's Designee. Title)

<s Dato *A *h -

F i CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid com=ission issued by the National [

he State or Province t l Board ofgs9f4 of Boiler -and Pressure and Vessel Inspectors employed by //f and) 4 8 7 dr. '

i of Adyseggt.'ced toss have inspected the components  !

described in this owner's Report during the period .Jh/A //* // i

! to f.Nd' /fM , and state that to the best of my krfowledge and l l belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective 9easures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requiremenu of I the ASME Code,Section XI.

y By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes  !

2 any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and l corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore.  !

i neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for l l any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from l

) or connected with this inpsection. l f Inspector's Signature d g


Cornissions 8 #7f/4 AAEr@A--

(National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) k  !

4 L


, I k

  • l k


O FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 17 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville, NE 68321 N/A *

(Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identificction of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code

! Name of Name of Nuclear D cument Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

HP-H43 N/A 2 88-2500 Replacement No HP-H44 N/A 2 88-2500 Replacement No

7. Description of Work Replace bent 1/2" rods with identical rods.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic l Nominal Operating Pressure ,

Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F

, .0TE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be

used, provided (1) size is 8 " x 11", (2) information in itens 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.



9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use i.F Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manuracturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed r\ N_N s iu -.. Date  %

(Ovner or Owner's Designec, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and Abe State or Province of M,M. and e= ployed by //h/ _I"/ .4~C.

of /Av//Ju dw# have inspected the components describe,d in this owner's Report during the period &&sA,/f/7 to 7g w /f// , and state that to the best ot my knefwledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and tak)n corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature -.

Coc: missions #d //fd M*CT4 f4~)

(Nacional Board. State. Province, and Endorsements)

Date l- W N

O FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19. 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet _ 18 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brownville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By owner Type Code Sy=bol Stamp N/A (Name)  !

Authorization No. N/A  :

Same  !

Expiration Date (Address) N/A

4. Identification of System Reactor Feedwater (RF)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS L31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case f (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

RF-S3 N/A 2 88-2052 Replacement No RF-H53 N/A 2 88-0420 Replacement No RF-S12 N/A 1 88-2863 Replacement No

7. Description of Work Modify support to reduce eember stresses.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'P NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8h" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this repor: is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, lo88. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replac p ents of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through I the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(rupair or replacement)

Typa Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Pate N/A Signed ((1 ' NCN- w_ _

(02ner or Owner's Designee, Title 7 e u. ., ,< 4 . Date ~

k ee CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectorn and Jhe State or Province of gaWe'- and employed by jo"g I / feS.

of MW cG W have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period fM/M ////

to @ #e"/f M , and state that to the best of my knowledge and

( belief, the Ovner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance wit.h the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate aeither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising frou or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature as Commissions /d #7f4 A/N4 [,4[Jd (National board, State. Province, and Endorsements)

Date f') kN '

J L_ - --

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR F.EPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus, NE 69601 Sheet 19 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One ~~

(Name) ,

P.O. Box 98. Brownville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Acdress) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Reacter Feedwater (RF)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.1 19 67 Editic,,

No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk kepaired ASME Code i Name oE Name of Nuclear *'**"" #

Component Manufacturer Class *P**' ""*E' Number Replacemenc (Yes or No)

RF-H7 N/A 1-ISI 88-1625 Repaired No 1




) 7. Description of Work Flapper indication found during ISI. NOTE: B31.1 piping, but considered Class 1 in ISI Program.

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressuro Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplementai sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8\" ~ 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on reprits and r g acements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January. 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached

) -

1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are corract and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

3 (repair or. replacement) i Type Code Syubol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date n /A digned b h\ C- .*.

(owner or Owner's Designee, Title)

. Date 6/Mt6 1


I j I, the undersigned, holding a valid coc: mission issued by the National l

Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and Jhe State or Province

) of A/#BE- and employed by AGf #4%.

l of  %%,4 h e ./ have inspected the components

, described'ln ihis owner's Report during the period 7New ////

l to 8 W /f// , and state that to the best of my knowledge and

! belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures i described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of


the ASME Code,Section XI.


! By signing this certificate neither che Inspector nor his employer makes

! any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, I neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsecti n.

Inspector's Signature o# -

Commissions 48 / 7 76 AhyZ k f)

) (National Board, State. Province, and Endorserents)

DAte h hb'W

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date Aucust 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 20 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identi11 cation of System Reactor Feedwater (RF)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 , 19 68 Edition, J June 1968 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

RF-S11 N/A 1 88-1670 Replacement No RF-S12 N/A 1 88-1670 Replacement No l

7. Description of Work Chance stroke settines on RF-511 and RF-S12.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other __ Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 " x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and tne number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manutacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed Fri 7 - A v o s. m (00ner or Owner's Designee Title)

Date 'fU CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and t)e State or Province of ##>f4 and employed by //Ja#/ yid * ,

of AS/Inu dw/ have' inspected the components described'~1n this owner's Report during the period .J7s' v - / g//

to , $W/f# , and state that to the best of my xnowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective evasures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing, this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures demeribed in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature f "

Commissions - /Pfd ##A' M J~

(National Board, State. Province, ar.d Enoorsements)

Date b &YN '


I FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPI.ACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus. NE 68601 Sh6et 21 of 37 (Address) e

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit one (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Addresa) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A l (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Reactor Feedwater (RF)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ,

W rk Repaired AdME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

RF-H56 N/A 2 88-2052 Replacement No


RF-S4 N/A 2 88-2052 Replacenent No RF-H53 N/A 2 88-2052 Replacement No RF-S5 N/A 2 88-2052 Replacement No ,

RF-H57 N/A 2 88-2052 Replacement No

7. Description of Work Modifv support to reduce member stress. ,,
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. "F NOTE: Supple = ental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8\" x 11", (2) informatien in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

d O

9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report prnvides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reportinc.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE k'e certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N /A Signed fr\ \ N - -**m Date S/dlets (Owner or Owner's Designee. Title)~

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and 3he State or Province of A 4'$/- and employed by //14f .&T cG .

of <&#eee c:5 w s have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period m W / m /f##

to . %.e4' /EN , and state that to the best of my knbwledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warrantf, expressed or inplied, concern *.ng the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furtherecre, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for d y 7sisonal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signatur '

a[ / 4<<#

Commissions A U /79/ /I-2tt .g[)

(National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements)



Date [9 M __

e FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19. 1988 (Name)

_,P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 22 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A i (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No. l Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Reactor Feedwater (RF)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Component Manufacturer Class Stamped j Number Replacement (Yes or No) .

1 l RF-H42 N/A 2 88-2052 Replacement No

_RF,;d45 N/A 2 88-2052 Replacement No i RF-H44 N/A 2 88-2052 Replacement No i RF-S7 N/A 2 88-2052 Replacement No RT-S6 N/A 2 88-2052 Replacement No l

7. Description of Work Modify support to reduce member stress.  !
8. Tests conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other , Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Suppleeental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be '
used, provided (1) size is 8\" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top j of this form.

e O

9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 throuch June, 1988. Also Code Case N-3,08, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked throuch the use of Form NI'-2 for reportine.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached I"'

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE k'e certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.  !

(repaic or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N /A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N /A Signed (~\ \u mu s.t Date Olf 6 (Owner or Owner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersign-d. holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of #sf4 and employed by #Aff/[6.

of fAsger-s 6W have inspected the components desEribed in this owner's Report during the period M4ef /f//

to [A ,-/f M , and state that to the best of my kn6wledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature / e Commissions 4$ / 7 / d*

(National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements)

  1. E=M i <- fab Date [ M

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Povar District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 23 of 37 (Address)

2. P1 art Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brovnville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Reactor Feedwater (RF)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Replaced, or Stamped Document Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

RF-H42A N/A 2 88-2052 Replacement No RF-H59A N/A 2 88-2052 Replacement No ,

RF-H62A N/A 2 88-2052 Replacement No RF-H54A N/A 2 88-2052 Replaceeent No RF-H58 N/A 2 88-2052 Replaceaent No

7. Description of Work Modify support to reduce member stress.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8\" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 I

] through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and  ;

1 i j Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through I the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

I Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached j i

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this I j replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

j (repair or replacement)  ;

1  !

l Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A  ;

J j Certificate of Authorization No. N /A Expiration Date N/A  !

,l Signed b -

tam. %

(Owner or Owner's Designee, Title)

Date N/66 I l

I I Ii i


l' 1

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National [

Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and 3he State or Province  ;

{ of M744- and employed by #./:#f~/J~ d ,  !

1 of At$pMi&4 ew have inspected the componer.cs i l described in this owner's Report during the period dahem /F/ l

to Swe r/fA# , and statesthat to the best of my kn6wledge and l 2

beliet, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures

! described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

l f By signit.g this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes  !

l any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and  !

corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore,  !

l neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from  ;

or connected with this inpsection.  !

Inspector's Signature O / sM Commissions /g/ ave 32B'A 7)

(National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) L l

l j

Date [ M" I


1 3

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASHE Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus. NE, 68601 Sheet 24 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brownville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A 4 Identification of System Reactor Feedwater (RF)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Cace (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Nace of Name of Nuclear l DocumentReplaced, or Stamped Cocponent Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

RF-H70 N/A 1 88-2646 Replacement No RF-H63A N/A 1 88-2646 Peplacement No RF-S9 N/A 1 88-2646 Replacement No RF-H55 N/A 2 88-2052 Replacement No RF-H43 N/A 2 88-2052 Replacement No

7. Description of Work Modify support to reduce member stress.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8\" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

a i o i

9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on_ repairs i

and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 i i

through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and a

Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

l Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached l


i We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code Section XI.

4 (repair or replacement)


l Type Code Symbol Stamp n/A Certificate of Authorization No. n/A Expiration Date N/A I l

Signed hNh- u. .. -

(Owner or Owner's Designee Title)

. Date Ynfa3 f


l i

I, the undersigned, hniding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Sta o Province

! of of A /r78 4 and employed by N d> .

i Mwe dl#W have ins ted the components j described in this Owner's Report during the period /f//

1 to 27 N'c"8N , and state that to the best of myXnowledge and

) beliet, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.


{ By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes 1

any warranty, expressed or in: plied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signatur I a Commissions / / 5'.4 ~

  1. s:;ipre (National Board, State, Province, and En'orsements) d N

Date M-M

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 25 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit one (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brownville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Kepair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Reactor Feedwater (RF)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Component Manufacturer Class Document Replaced, or Stamped Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RF-H62 N/A 1 88-2731 Replacement No l

RF-H62A N/A 1 88-2731 Replacement No RF-H68A N/A 1 86-2731 Replacement No RF-H59B N/A 2 88-2283 Replacement No RF-H71 N/A 1 88-2646 Replacement No

7. Description of Work Modify support to reduce member stress.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic

'l Nominal Operating Pressure

! Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be I used, provided (1) size is -8\" x 11", (2) information in items 1

, through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each

, sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

1 I

9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January. 1987 throuca June. 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked throuah the use of Form NIS-2 for reportinc.

Applicable Manutacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N ,'A Expiration Date N/A Slgned bVNZ\u 1% %

(owner or owner's Designee, Iitle)

Date WIS CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and Jhe Stajt or Province of /4"7s'A- and employed by //.sw Df & .

of f4M&'er da have inspected the components describe ~d in this owner's Report during the period sff/,ue/Au /f/p to Twr/fM , and state that to the best of my knowledge and beliet, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code.Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liabic in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature b e Crmmissions If//N A le'74<_ "

(National Board, State, Province, and h.ndorsements)

Date &Yh?

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19. 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 26 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper-Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98 Brownville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization. P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A

Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCUT j 5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition.

No Addenda. N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of W rk kepaired ASME Code Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Component Manufacturer Stamped Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

CU-H50 N/A 1 88-3004 Replacement No 1

i l

I i

7. Description of Work Modify support to reduce member stress.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic

, Nominal Operating Pressure

Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F 1

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8\" x 11" (2) information in items 1

, through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each I

sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

l l


9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through Jt;ne,1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct r.nd this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. w/A Expiration Date n /A Signed IN  %-sv e u.- ma- Date Mu (Owner or Owner's Designee, Iitle)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of #cg" Bo_iJerfand Pressure Vessel Inspectors and j the Stay or Province of and employci by /4/'dI~f 7 8o, of Ms7&A es a have inspected the components described in this owner's heport during the period 7A,ww ////

to 6 #c /fff , and state that to the best of my ktfowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsectio .

Inspector's Signature d w we Coemissions / /8 / 7 8'I M af,c.

(National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) d Date h5

O FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19. 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 27 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

I Job No. Etc.)


3. Work Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A I


Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Core Spray (CS)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 19 77 Edition, Summer 1978 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Kepaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Replaced, or i; Document Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement i Number (Yes or No)

CS-H28 NPS 2 88-1838 Replacement No l


, 7. Description of Work Replace bent rigid strut with identical strut.

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic 1

Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'T t

i NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be

, used, provided (1) size is 8\" x 11", (2) information in items I l

through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each

! sheet is nuebered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

l l



9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

A;plicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statementa made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N /A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N 'A Signed h k 'MN-u

( Wner or owner's Designee. Title) i.a +, Date d@A CERTIFICATE OF INSFRVICE INSPECTION _

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of A/rM of Boiler and Pressureand Vesselemployed Inspectors e StaJt by Nfand or Province j / J ~r f4 .

of Mu M, g have inspected the components descrijbe in this Owner's Report during the period 7A/ pare /Yf to J/pa/r/fM , and state that to the best of my k(ovledg( and belief, the wner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Ovner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or ieplied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature #

c Coc: missions 4 /7NT / M Ciaf A:.

(National board State. Province, and Endorsements)

M Date b} ~

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPI.ACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19. 1988 j (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 28 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One j (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A

_Seme (Address) Expiration Date N/A

! 4 Identification of System Main Steam (MG)

5. (a) Applicable Con:truction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition.

No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .

i i

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of r ePaired A M Code Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No) t MS-H138 N/A 2 88-2719 Replacement No itS-H136 N/A 2 88-2947 Replacement No MS-H99 N/A 2 88-2947 Replacement No i MS-H149A N/A 2 88-2683 Replacement No 1
7. Description of Vork Modify support to reduce re-ber_strer.s.

i 8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operattog Pressure

Other Pressure , , psi Test Temp. 'F
Supplemental sheet!,ir fora of lista, sketenes, or drawings may be


used, provided (l' is 6" 4 !!", (?) inforuation in items 1 through 6 on this incis'ad en u sh sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbere ' Tr of shee'es is recorded at the top of this form.

i . l


i i

9., Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs i

L j and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January. 1987

  • l through June. 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and j

j Replacements of Components in Nucioar Power Plants", is invoked through i the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. I

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached f i

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this .

J' replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.  !

(repair or replacement) I l

j Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A 1

] Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A I Signed b s tw w.s Date O let J (Owner or Owner's Designee, Title) l 1 I t

1 I

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the Natianal l 4 Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Statp or Province r

of g/F4 and employed by M f / 7 / I 41 . I y of /44se:arw ezad have inspected the components  !

l described in this owner's Report during the period de#A4/f//  !

l to Svar /ff #' , and state that to the best of my kn5wledge and i i beliet, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures  !

j described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of i j the ASME Code,Section XI.


l By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes (

i any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and l j corrective measures describwd in this owner's Report. Furthermore. [

q neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for [

J any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from 1 or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature s6. .a N Cornissions ///#fd A4%:. kd (National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) ,

l I Date OMM '


) '

i f

O e

, l FORM NIS-2 0'4NER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19. 1988 (Name) ,

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 29 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brevnv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Main Steam (MS)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 68 Edition, June 1988 Addenda. N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components I W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Replaced, or Document Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

MS-SillA N/A 2 88-2040 Replacement No

7. Description of Work Remove interference between tie rod and rear bracker.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'P NOTE: Supplemental sheeto in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8\" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbeted and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

- O

9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE 0 COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement confor.ns to the rules of the ASME Code Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed b e ' -s %

(vwner or owner's Designee, Title)

Date %Io CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and Jhe Stage or Province of A42f4 and employed by ////fEff oc .

of / A f M x /> cs vs - have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period M.//w ////

to 8%'e "/f// , and state that to the best or my krfowledge and beliet, the owner has perforced examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective ceasures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signatur d s .x 6 c/

Cot,nissions d l?fW AWK & []

(National Board, State. Province, and Encarsements)

Date hWOF i

F . .ER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACD!ENTS As .nm e e.he Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebrach '

P.a'ic Power District "

Date August 19. 1988



P.O. Box 49. Columbus NE 68601 Sheet ,. 30 of 37 (Address) i 2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville, NE 68321 N/A (Addrec s) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A 4


Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Residual Heat Removal-(RHR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 68 Edition.

June 1968 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk ~~hepaired AbME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacemette


Number (Yes or No)

RH-S42 N/A 2 87-2961 Repla, cement No I

l 1,


7. Description of Work Reposition rear snubber bracket for better alieneent.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'T i

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in lora of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 " x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

  • O i I
9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs ,

) L l and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987  !

l .

through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308. "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through t

i the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.  ;

} Applicable Manstacturer's Data Reports to be Attached f I  :

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE j We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this l i

replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code.Section XI.

(repair or replacement)


i '

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A i

Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A 0

Signed (MA

%. w Date E"*l..

3 (Ower or Owner's Designee. Title) f l



I the undersigned, holding a valid cemmission issued by the National I Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and Jhe Statp or Province  :

< of #c0#4- and employed by 44& Mfd 41 l

! of AM,, p tb m e have inspected the components i i

described in this owner's Report during the period (W/h /MJ j to g/#WMA . and state that to the best of my kneGledge and r


1 belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective reasures  !

! described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of }

1 the ASME Code.Section XI.


By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes i j any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and f l corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore.

] neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for

any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from I or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature _

Commisaions /87M (National Board. State. Province, and Endorsements)

/>&im<_. b 1

Date [Y N  !

i I

4  !

\ i C _ _ _. _ ___ _ __ __ -


I i

TORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REP'.ACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI l

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date Aueust 19. 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 31 of 37 l (Address) '


2. Plant , Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One i.

(Name)  ;

P.O. Box 98. Brownville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization P.O. No.  !

Job No. Etc.)  !

3. Work Performed By owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A '

(Name) {

Authorization No. M/A  !

Same l (Address) Expiration Date N/A ,


4. Identification of System Residual Heat Removal (RHR)  ;
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 19 77 Edition. l Summer 1978 Addenda, N/A Code Case  !

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear {

Component Manufacturer Class Document Replaced, or Stamped l Number Replacement (Yes or No) l RH-545 N/A 2 88-2035 , Replacement No j l

RH-H95A N/A 2 88-2035 Replacement No j

7. Description of Work Modifv supports due to lareer operators on RRR-M034A and B.

l S. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure f Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'T f

NOTE. Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8\" x 11", (2) information in items 1 l through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each  !

sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top t of this form.


= 0

9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required ini;rmation on repairs and replacements perforced at Cooper Nuclear Station from January. 1987 throuch June, 1988. Also cade Cane N-308 "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked throuch the use of Forra NIS-2 for reportine.

Applicable Manutacturer's Data heports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this 1 replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed TOh*-A im .# A Date Ude *

(Ovner or Owner's Designee, litle)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National BoardofBoilerandPressureVesselInspectorsandjtheStayeorProvince of #c2f4 and employed by _//f84 7 du.

of f / v / f & ,o rh d onents des'crioed in this evner's Report during the period have inspected the comp

  1. / A 4"/v f/ / ///

to @,4N'////" , and state that to the best of my kpGviedge and beliet, the owner has perforced examinations and taken corrective ceasures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASPI Code Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or frplied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising frem or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signatur , M Cocnissions A'W/fA AMot fA/7)

(National Ecard State. Province, and Ehdor'sements)

Date f* W"N

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Secticn XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date Au2ust 19. 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 32 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit one (tiame)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization. P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Perforned By owner Type Code Syebol Stamp N/A _


Authorization No, N/A

  • ~

Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Ree 'ual Heat Removal (RHR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Cc l'SAS B31.7 19 69 Edition.

No Addenda. _ ./A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of W rk Repaired ASME Code Nuclear Component Manufacturer Class Document Replaced, or Stamped Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RH-H120 N/A ,

1 88-2646 Replacement No RH-S7 N/A 1 88-2646 Replacement No_

EH-S8 N/A 1 88-2683 Replacement No RH-S69 N/A 1 88-2683 Replacement No

7. Description of Work Modify support to reduce nember stresses.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic NeminalOperatioiPressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. _ ,*F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches. or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8\" x 11". (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

f l

9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbo] Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorisation No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed __, vb .

A/. 44 x. W . Date s h /r e (Owner or Owner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid coe"liasion issued by the National the State nr Province Board of Boiler and of /N714 Pressure Vessel Inspectors and employed by // anj//.5E/ h of /hrWM eo pW _ hav'c inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period #Auhy /f#f to Naa' / dM , and state that to the best of my' knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature Comrissions

  • A/ / 796 Arc 2fx hI (National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements)

Date h*0 f~lf

e FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XT.

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name),

P.O. Box 49, Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 33 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brownville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A Same (Address) Expiration Date N/A 4 Identification of System Residual Heat Removal (RHR)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, er Stamped Comp)nent Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

Rl!-H 54 N/A 2 88-2947 Replacement No RH-H65 N/A 2 88-2870 Replacement No RH-H24A N/A 2 88-2947 Replacemont No RH-H70A N/A 1 88-2760 Replacement No RH-H120A N/A 1 88-2760 Replacement No

7. Description of Work Modify supports to reduce member stresses.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form af lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 " x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

l l


9. Remarkr This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and reple. cements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manutacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE l l

k'e certify that the statements made in the reporc are correct and this replacement conforms ~' *Se rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A _

Expiration Date N/A Signed fr\ S.%% m %_  % .w.s Date D/H f 60 (Ovner or Owner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Pro ince of - #4'7J4- and employed by //r4 WI & ,

of / /f w n T; M & #,v' have ins described in this Owner's Report during the period [pected A W Nthe////

components to , and state the.t to the best of my knowled{;e and i belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures l described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature p / -,u_./--

Commissions / cP7pf A<ews. fg f)

(National Board, State. Province, and' Endorsements)

Date bd M

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACDIENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 34 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One 1 (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brownville,


NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name) i Authorization No. N/A Same i ~

(Address) Expiration Date N/A

4. Identification of System Residual Heat Removal (RHR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code ASME Section III 19 77 Edition, Summer 1977 Addenda, N/A Code Case  ;

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Nuclear i

Component Manufacturer Document Replaced, or Stamped Class Replacemeat Numoer (Yes or No)

RH-S44B NPS 2 88-2040 Replacement No t

7. Description of Work Remove interference between tie rod and rear bracket, i 8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic l Nominal Operating Pressure l Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 " x 12", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on aach sheet, and (3) each i sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top I

l of this form.

l L-


9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 ,

through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A _,

Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed b N- m au (Owner or Owner's Designee, Title)

Date O/ee i

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectorc and 3he State or Province of /Mf4 and employed by /#/J 475 G of J pave dw </ have inspected the components descr16cd in this owner's Report during the period 8 M W / /J V/'

to Cfg/f/r , and state that to the best of my kn'owledge and belief, thu owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of sny kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature [ .a6 Commissions / 'cP7/4 /48%fX- f (National Board, State. Province, and End'orsem'ents)

Date cb*Y W

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI-

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19, 1988

,- (Name)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 35 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Statir n Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brovnville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performec By owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. N/A' Same (Adcress) Expiration Date __ N/A

4. Identification of System Residual Heat Removal (RHR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Rep' aired or Replaced and Replacement Comporents W rk Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Replaced, or Document Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number ('len or No)

RH-H122 N/A 2 88-2500 Replacement No

7. Description of Work Add 1" locking nut to U-bolt.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE Supplemental shcots in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8\" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • 8
9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed (rk Y N ..s r N<. . % o. . Date 6/n/9, (owner or Owner's Designec, litle)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE "iSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Bo ler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and Jhe State or Province of eO'4 and employed by ,,(/f,dgfd-of /fkr/WA# ds,v,4/ have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period f,4,e/./mj ////

to 7/W/fM , and state that to the best of my kn<fwledge' and beliet, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, axpressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measurca described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his ec ployer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature M 4 Commissions W/$/7,74 AM-2%P JV ()

(National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements)

Date d c 'M

.g ,

4 s

FOIGi NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Power District Date August 19. 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 36 of 37 (Address)

'2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

, Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By owner Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A I (Name) ,

i Authorization No. N/A Same i (Address) Expiration Date N/A l

4. Identification of System Residual Heat Removal (RHR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 68 Edition, June 1968 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition'of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or  !

Replacements 19 80 .

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components-I Name of W rk Repaired ' ASMS Code i Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or

' Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Replacement Number (Yes or No)

Piping  !

j Downstream of RH-H54 N/A 2 88-3003 Repaired No I

i l l l t


7. Description of Work Flapper out pipe indications near RH-H54.
8. Tests Conducted
Hydrostatic Pneumatic

! Nominal Operating Pressure lJ Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F 4

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be

! used, provided (1) size is 8 " x 11", (2) information in items 1

! through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each j sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top

of this form.


' 5 l

l -_- .-

. ,Y s

9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June, 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through


the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statemente made in the report are correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed }C%v W6 th- Date DIMIN ,

(Owner or Owner's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National or Province BoardofBoilerandPressureVesselInspectorsa[ndtheStjat of Mc~?f4 and employed by f g 4 [ fc?.

of //;gerpw &w have inspected the components described 'in this Owner's Rep .t during the period <A w -rw /f//

to /v/E/f8 , and state that to the best of my knowledge 'and belief, the Owner han performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section .si.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any carranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Fur t he rmore ,

neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signature ( g._ ,v,a Commissions Af8///2 /Ve-574 (National Board, $tato, Province, and Endorsements)

Date f- W lP 1


3. .

p .

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Nebraska Public Pever District Date August 19, 1988 (Name)

P.O. Box 49, Columbus, NE 68601 Sheet 37 of 37 (Address)

2. Plant Cooper Nuclear Station Unit One (Name)

P.O. Box 98, Brownville, NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Organization, P.O. No.

Job No. Etc.)

3. Work Performed By Owner Type Code Symbol beamp N/A (Name)

Authorization No. T/4 Same (Address) Expiration Date _ N/A

4. Identification of System Residual Heat Removal (RHR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.7 19 69 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 80 .
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Name of Nucicar Work Repaired ATMF Code Component Manufacturer Class Document Replaced, or Stamped Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RH-S71 N/A 1 88-2683 Replacement No

7. Description of Work Modify support to reduce member stress.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'T NOTE: Supplemental sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 " x 11", (2) information in items 1 throu8h 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet to numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.



s ,f

9. Remarks This NIS-2 Report provides the required information on repairs
  • and replacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from January, 1987 through June. 1988. Also Code Case N-308, "Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Componento in Nuclear Power Plants", is invoked through ,

the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting.

Applicable Manutacturer's Data Reports to be Attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ,,

We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code,Section XI. ,

(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp ruA .

Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date tuA Signed AOhs "9

  • Date NM H (Owner or Owner's Designee, Title) i CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and t)e State or Province of gga and employed by //ftf_sTESa . ,

of &#rg /; da/ have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period M / & w e p f,4 /

to #fevr/9/P' , and state that to the best of my kn6wledge' and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from '

or connected with this inpsection.

Inspector's Signatur O [ :[ ,,M Commissions W,WC #e*/A;' fM 5 (National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements)

Date O [M d