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Owners Data Rept for Inservice Insps
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/02/1990
Shared Package
ML20056A781 List:
NPPD-900802, NUDOCS 9008090210
Download: ML20056A797 (202)


{{#Wiki_filter:, P0g3 _1_ cf _Lk_ NPPD Cooper Buclear Station Unit il l Coseercial Service Date Aly 1974 National Board 120762 l NIS-1 FORM OWNER'S DATA REPORT FOR INSERVICE INSPECTIONS  ! As required by the Provisions of,the ASME Code Rules I J

1. QWHERL Nebraska Public Power District, PO Box 499, Columbus, Ne 68601
2. ELAELL Cooper Nuclear Station #1, .F0 Box.98, Brownv111e, NE 68321 1
7. qqMEQHENTS INSPECTED: See Attached Exam Component-ID Index
8. EXAMlFATION DATEEL 02-01-90 TO 05-07-9Q 9.


10. ARSIRAsl o ComponenE~f EXAMLNATI9ES1 IF7ndex For a list
                            . . Current status    of of  exaeinations work             see current required for     attachedinterval Exam is 55% complete this date.                                                                        ;
11. AEEIRACT OF CONDITIONS NOTEDs See Attached Report Summary i
12. ABRIRACT Bummary OF CORRECTIVE' MEASURES RECOMMENDED AND TAKEEL See attached Report We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and the examinations and corrective ASME Code, Section XI. measures taken conform to the rules of the '

cte 7/ M 1990 Signed hEJ =~-

            /                         IV sich Manager certificate of Authorizatio       No. (if applicable)         b!/A  = Expiration Date _N/A.

CERTIFICATE OF INEERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of-Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of MN and employed by Harfferd Steam ord,e NT , of Haf ked Con,1 have inspected the components described in this owner's Data Report during the period 2-/-90 to ' S- P 90 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief the Owner has porformed examinations and taken corrective-measures described in this Owner's Dcta Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By the signing of this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer nakes any warranty, expressed or implied, concernino the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Data Report. Furthermore, e noither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any  : personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Dcte 9/d 1990 ' tmwr h cc Inspector's STgnature Commissions A/6102 7'/ N N 9 0 - / 7'l National Board, state, Province and No. O

          ;gaeo: sata 888Sitte O

i Pago jL. cf 16-- NPPD Cooper heelear Station Unit 61 Consercial Service Date: July 1974 Bational Board Number: 420762 REPORT


FOR NIS-1 FORM 1.0 Introduction Nondestructive Examinations were performed by GE Inspection Services of GE Nuclear Energy at Cooper Nuclear. Station Unit i under contract No. 86A-MS2 Tasks 161 and 212 by Nebraska Public Power-District. The examinations were performed during the periods of February 1990 through May 1990. A total of 330 components were examined during this period. The total includes ASME Section XI Components and Augmented Innervice Inspections. 2.0 Summary of Components Inspected The following table lists the components examined and describes indicat1ons and/or deficiencies which were recorded. ASME Number of Category Components Description Conditions Meted BA 2 RPV Nelds No Recordable Indications (NRI) ' BD 6 Nozz to Vessel Weld NRI i BE 2 PressureRetainingPartial NRI

  • Performed By CNS Personnel
  • 1 Penetration Velds in Vessels B-T 4 Class ! Dissimilar RBS-BF-1 Peport No. R 079 Geoestry MetalNelds RCA-BF 1 Report 1.o. R 059 Geometry All Other Itees a NRI BG2 12 Class ! Presrure MS RV 70B, 700, 71B, 710, 71D, 71F, & 71C Retaining Bolting Report No. VT 030A 24 Bolts Have thread Dasage, i tess than 28 Dia. BoltsReplacedperMVR 90549,545,548,B29, ,

547, & 546 All Others a NRI BJ 18 Class I Pressure PSA-BJ 1 Report No, R-033 Geonetty Retaining Piping RHC BJ l Report No. R-029 Geooetry MSA BJ-l Report No R-041 Lasinar, Acceptable All Other items a NRI B t-1 9 Class ! Integral NRI , Attachments BM2 1 Class ! Valve Bodies RHR-M0 27B BM2 Report No. VT-028 Erosion Noted Acceptable per D; l'r252A BN1 5 Interior of RPV NRI l'_

I POg3 2 Cf ..16.  ! NPPD Cooper helear Statios Unit 41- l Coseercial Service Date: July 1974  ! 2 Rational Board haber 420762 t f




- (cont'd) ASE Number of  ! Description Category Coeponents Conditions Noted. ] i CC 13 Class!! Integral Nt! 'I Attacheefits CF 2 Class !! Pressure Nt! tetaining Piping j C4 69 Pressure Retaining Nt! aPerforsed by CNS Personnel *  ; Components ' T-A 5 Plate & Shell supports Nt!


F4 31  !.inear type Supports 5t! F. .' 54 ComponentStandardSupports ht!  ! l AUGMENTED INSERVICE INSPECTIONS , haber of  ! Description Coeponents Conditions Noted  : i RWCU Pipe 33 Nt! r Augaented Class !! Pressure 11 CVA-CF 46 Report No. R 064 Geometry . Retaining Piping CVA CT 47 toport No, t 065 Geometry  ; CVA-CF54 ReportNo.t057PTRejected Repaired Under DC 89-256 Accepted on toport No. t-095 , CVA CF-57 Peport 5o. t 058 PT tejected I Repaired Under DC 89 256 Accepted on Report No, t 094 Geometry All Others a Nt! Augeented Class !! Integral 3 CVA CC 53 toport No. I 109 PT Rejected  ! Attacheents tepaired Under DC 49 256 All Others ut! l i AugeentedInVesselVisualInspections 8 NRI UT of Shroud liead Bolting 36 Bolt i 28 Cracked toport No. t 061 Replaced, teference NR 90-1496 i

l 181 RAN C090ER IDE C00ftt INCLui STAT!') SPttM 1990 Page ,,4.,,of lf_ j tevision No. 0,,, ASME EIAHC00PONENT DtAV!NG/ SIZE CONT. EXAN REP 0tf CAL. LIN. PROCEDURE REV. CNS. CAL. CAT. 1.D.IUBBER  !$0ME!!!C TYPE N0. M. M. NUMBER STD. N0. l 8A VCB BC5 2 27 110' VE T UT-0 t 074 C 035 L-016 N!VV V812 2 No. 16 UT 45 E-074 C-036 L 013 5!UV V812 2 NO. 16 i UT60 2 074 C 037 L-014 XIUV V812 2 N0. 16 j VCBBC62 26 218' !HDF HT R-060 N/A N/A M!!'.SN VB12 2 N/A UT 0 2 060 C 027 L 010 .H!UVV812 2. NO. 16 > UT 45 R 060 C 028 L 009 51UVV812 2 No. 16 UT-60 2 060 C-029 L-011 H!UPVB12 2 NO. 16 .i


80 NVE BD N38 27 12' 5 VE UT-0 R 076 C 039 L 012 51UV V812 2 110 . 1 6 UT 45 E 076 C 040 L-017 81UV V812 2 N0. 16 UT 60 t 076 C 041 L 018 MIUV V812 2 H.16 I NVE BD 53D 27 24' H VE UT 0 2 077 C 042 L016 5!UV V812 2 NO. 16 UT 45 t 077 C 040 'L-017 H!UV V812 2 NO. 16 UT 60 t 077 C 041 L-018 n!UVV812 2 No. 16 NVEBDNSA 27 10' 5 VE UT-0 t 078 C 042 L 016 M!UV V812 2 NO. 16 i UT 45 2 078 C 040 L 017 MlVV 1812 2 NO. 16 UT 60 R-078 C 041 L-018 MlUV V612 2 NO. 16  ; NVIRBDN38 27 24' N12 ZONE 1 t-083 C 049 L-004 XIRZl V812 1 NO. 22.26. ZONE 2 t-083 C 050 L 004 N!!Z2 V812 2 NO. 22,26 , ZONE 3 R 083 C-051 L 005 N!tI3V812 3 No. 22,26 MV!t BD 530 27 24' N!t ZONE 1 t-084 C 049 L 004 N!RZ1 V812 1 NO. 22,26. ZONE 2 R 084 C 050 L-005 N!!Z2 V812 2 M. 22,26 , ZONE 3 R-084 C051 L 005' IIRZ3-V812 3 NO. 22,26 NV!t-BDRSA 27 10' XII ZONE 1 2-085 C 049 L 004 NitZ1 W812 1 30. 22,28. 20NE 2 t-085 C 050 L-005 N!!Z2 V812 2 NO. 22,28 ZONE 3 2 085 C 051 L-005 NitI3 V812 3 NO. 22,28 8F JPA 8F 1 C.E. 6' SE N PT - t 039 N/A N/A IPV812 1 N/A 232 241 5 UT 0 t-039 C 011 L-004 RIUP-V812 1 No.107/109 UT 45 E 039 C 012 L004 u!UP-V812 1 No.107/109 UT-45 E 039 C-013 L 004 RIUP-V812 1 90.107/109 VT 45 E 039 C-014 L-004 RIUP V812 1 N0.107/109 UT-60 E 039 .C-015 L-004 RIUP V812 1 N0.107/109 UT-60 E 039 C 016 L 004 810P-V812 1 No.107/109 IBDBT7 CNS tt 38 24' P-P PT t 021 N/A N/A IPV812 1 N/A 3 UT-45 t-021 C-004 L-004 BIUP V812 1 No. 55/106 , UT-45 t-021 C 005 L-003 u!UP V812 1 No. 55/106 i IBS-BF1 CAS tt 34 29' SE N PT t 079 N/A- N/A 1P-V812 N/A 07-45 E 079 C 042 L-007 E!UP-V812 1 N0. 57 ' UT 45 t 079 C 043 L 006 UT 51 3 No. 002 UT-45 R 079 C-044 L-006 UT-51 3 N0. 002 UT-60 E 079 C-045 L-006 UT-51 3 No. 002 UT-60 E 079 C 046 L 006 07 51 3 No. 002

181 5545 C0 9 0 M I BEI C00NRIBC!st$f47100 SPt!BC1990 Page 1 of jl, tevision lo. 1 A5HE EXAM COMPONENT DRAV!NG/ S!ZE CORT. EIAR REP 0t? CAL. LIN. PROCEDUtt REV. CNS. CAL. . CAI. 1.D. NUMBER 150MEft!C TYPE NO. N0. NO. NUMBER STD. 30. . . BF RCA BF-1 20 5' X SE PT t 059 R/A R/A IP-V812 1 N/A UT-45 t-059 C-024 L 004 UT-45 t-059 M!UP-V812 1 90. 20 g UT-60 2-059 C-025 C-026 L-004

                                                                                                '-004 RIUP-W812 M!UP W812 1  NO. 20            W 1  NO. 20 B-G-2   CS 148                2    N/A               BLT     VT       Vf-034A     N/A               LA         !VI W812   3     N/A           j MS AO-860           12    N/A               BLT      YT      VT-002      5/A               N/A         IVI-W812   3     N/A RF 11                 5   N/A               BLt      V7      VT-016      N/A               R/A         IV! W812   3     N/A RF 14 CV              6   N/A               BLT      VT      Vf-014      N/A              N/A         IV!-W812    3     N/A MS IV 708           12     N/A               BL7      VT      VT-030A     N/A              N/A         IVI V812    3     N/A MS IV-700           12     N/A               BL!      VT      VT-030A     N/A              N/A         IVl-W812    3     N/A MS-IV 71A             9    N/A               BLT      VT      VT-015      N/A              N/A         IV!-W812   3      N/A         I I

MS-RV-71B l 9 N/Aj BLT VI VT 030A N/A N/A ' IVIW812l3 l N/A MS tV 71C 10 N/A BLT VT Vf 030A N/A N/A IVI W812 3 N/A ) RS P -71D 10 N/A BLt VT VT-030A N/A N/A IVI V812 3 N/A RS tV-71F 11 N/A BLt VT VT 030A R/A N/A !VI V812 3 N/A MS-tV-710 12 R/A BLT VT VT-030A N/A N/A IVI V812 3 N/A BJ PSA BJ-1 '3 10' E VE RT t 033 R/A N/A BIRSN W812 1 N/A Uf-45 E 033 C 009 L 004 RIUP W812 1 NO. 77 i PSA BJ-2 13 10' PE NT E-032 N/A R/A MIRSN WB12 1 N/A UT-45 t-032 C 008 L 004 MlUP W812 1 NO. 78 OWB BJ-7 4 4' E VA MT t 019 R/A N/A MIRSR-W812 1 N/A UT-0 t-019 C 001 L-004 RIUP V812 1 NO. 2 UT-45 t-019 C-002 L-004 BIUP-W812 1 NO. 2 FVA BJ-14 5 12' P-P RT t-020 R/A R/A RIRSR-V812 1 R/A UT-45 t 020 C 003 L 003 RIUP-V812 1 NO. 85 EHA-BJ-6 16 20' VA-E NT t-034 g/A N/A BIRSR-V812 1 N/A U7-45 t-034 C 010 L-003 HlUP-U812 1 20.103 EHA BJ 6A 16 20' IA NT t-035 N/A R/A g!RSR W812 1 N/A UT-45 t-035 C 010 L-003 u!UP-V812 1 NO.103 RHA ILJ-6B 16 20' OA NT t-036 R/A R/A RIRSR-WB12 1 N/A UT-45 t-036 C 010 L-003 BIUP-V812 1 No.103

1 181 ERAN CWOIBBf 198I

        ,                                                   COODER WCLEAR STATID Splits 1990 Page  _6,_ of l l Revision No.. )_

ASBE EXAMCORPONENT DRAT!NG/ S!IE CONT. E12 REP 0tf CAL. LIN. PROCEDUtt REV. CNS. CAL, CAT. 1.D.NUR8Et ISOMEft!C T!PE NO. NO. N0. NURBER STD. NO. BJ RHA BJ 7 16 20' EP MT t037 N/A N/A RIRSN V812 1 N/A UT-45 t-037 C 010 L003 M!UP v812 1 No.103 IHC BJ ! 18 24' VAE RT t 029 N/A N/A RIENV812 1 N/A UT 45 t 029 C 007 L 003 HlUP V812 1 N0.113 I RHC BJ 1A 18 24' IA MT t030 N/A N/A MIEN W812 1 N/A UT-45 t 030 C 007 L003 H!UPV812 1 NO.113 RHC BJ 1B 18 24' OA NT t 031 N/A N/A MINSNV812 1 N/A UT 45 t 031 C 007 L 003 M10PV812 1 N0.113 RHC-BJ2- 18 24' E-P MT t 027 N/A- N/A MlMSN-V812 1 N/A VT 45 R 027 C 006 L 004 MIUPV812 1 N0.114 RHC BJ 2A 18 24' LS NT t 028 N/A N/A MIM50V812 1 N/A UT 45 t-028 C 006 L 004 HlUPV812 1 30.114 RAD-BJ 40 20 24' P VA MT k075 - N/A N/A MIMSN V812 1 N/A UT 45 E 075 C 038 L 008 MIUP9812 1 N0.106 i MSA BJ le 9 24' SE P Mi t 040 N/A N/A MIMSNV812 1 N/A UT 0 t 040 C 017 L-004 M10P V812 1 No.106 UT-45 t 040 C-018 L 004 HlUP V812 1 N0.106 MSA BJ 1A 9 24' LS NT R 041 N/A N/A MIMSNV812 1 N/A UT 45 R-041 C 018 L 004 N!UP-V812 1 N0.106 MSD BJ l' 12 24' SE-P MT t 042 N/A N/A MINSNV812 1 N/A UT 45 R 042 C 018 L004 MIUPV812 1 N0.106 MSD lJ 1A 12 24' LS NT t 043 N/A. N/A MIRSNV812 1 N/A UT 45 t 043 C 018 L-004 MlUP-V812 1 N0.106 8-E 1 f FVA M1 12 5 N/A LUG NT t 011 N/A N/A- MIR$NV812 1 N/A FV8 M14 5 N/A LUG NT t-010 N/A N/A R!nSNV612 1 N/A FWD Bti-11 2509 2 N/A LUG MT t-012 , I/A N/A BIR$NV812 1 N/A TVD-M1 12 6 N/A LUG MT- t-009 N/A N/A R18SN-V812 1 N/A TVD-Bti 4 6 N/A LUG - NT t 001 N/A N/A BINSN Y812 1 N/A FIA K1 48 7 N/A SUP MT t 016 N/A N/A RIRSN Y812 1 N/A FVA K157 7 N/A SUP. NT t 008 N/A N/A MIR$N V812 1 N/A tt-Btt-2A CNS St 38 N/A LUG PT t 003 N/A N/A IP V812 1 N/A RI M1 28 CNS Rt-37 N/A LUG PT t 002 N/A N/A IP-V812 1 N/A i


181 B AR C090 W t 1981

  • COOPER WCLEAR STAf!D SPtlBC1990 Page .7 ,of 16 Revision No. _0_

ASME EIARCORP0NENT DRAV!RG/ $1ZE CORT. EIAM REPott CAL. LII. PROCEDURE REV. CNS. CAL. CAT. l.D. M sBER 150METt!C TYPE M. W. 50. RUtBER STD. NO. B-H2 RHI M0 278 BR2 25103 2(' VALVE .VT VT-02B R/A I/A IV3VB12 3 N/A BI-1 CS. LINES 42 N/A N/A Vi t 062 I/A N/A VT 06 0 N/A DEYER I/A N/A N/A VT t 062 I/A N/A VT-06 0 N/A JETPUMPS N/A N/A N/A VT 1 062 N/A N/A VT-06 0 N/A l PLATE,BOLIS N/A N/A N/A Vf t 062 N/A N/A VI 06 0 N/f. SURV. SAMPLE X/A N/A N/A VT t 062 N/A N/A VT 06 0 N/A CC CSB-CC 32 26021 12' E SB MT .R 014 I/A N/A HIMSN V812 1 N/A CSBCC57 26021 12' E4 Mt R-024 R/A N/A HIMSN4812 1 N/A CSA-CC 38 26022 12' P4SL Mi t 025 N/A N/A MIER V812 1 N/A CSBCC10 26032 16' P SB Hf t 023 N/A N/A RIMSN4812 1 N/A CSB CC 9 26032 16' P4 57 t-022 N/A N/A RIMSN W812 1 N/A  ; CSB CC 45 26033 10' PSSL HT t 013 N/A. R/A BIMSR4812 1 N/A RBS CEl 1 30 N/A SUP Mt R 063 I/A N/A HIMSX4812 1 N/A RAW CEl 9 35 N/A l P4 PT t-006 N/A- N/A HIMSR W812 1 N/A RAV-CEl 3 33 N/A SUP MT t-005 R/A N/A 81HSR W812 1 N/A RAW CEl 2 33 N/A T-SB MT t 004 R/A R/A R15554812 1 N/A RPvCC 9 2626 1 20' P-H RT t-018 N/A R/l. HIEH4812 1 N/A RPB CC 7 26262 20' P4 Mt t 026 I/A R/A RIRSR4812 1 N/A RASCE1*5 32 N/A SUP. MT t 038 R/A R/A RINSN VB12 1 R/A CF RHD-CT 10 39 8' Pf Mt t-015 ,I/A N/A RIBSR4812 1 N/A P9C CG 13 200 775 2 24' EP RT t-007 R/A N/A IIBSR4812 1 N/A I


F-A CSH 18A 2602-2 N/A BARGER Vf VT 069 I/A N/A IV34812 3 R/A RHH 135 26246 R/A HARGER VT Vf 040 I/A R/A IV34812 3 R/A HPH 17A 27102 N/A RANCEE VT VT-075- I/A I/A IV34812 3 R/A HPS 15 842 27102 R/A RARCEE VT VT-077 I/A A/A IV34812 .3 N/A RTH 7A 26494 R/A RAIGER VT VT 008 I/A I/A IV34412 3 I/A -

18!IIAN0R90557IBtt CEfttINCLlatstatt]

 ,                                                         SPt!BC1990 Page,,t.,of,,16, Revision No. _0__


  • C5H-11 26021 R/A HAMER VI VT 065 I/A R/A IV3W812 3 CS3 14A 2603 2 N/A HAMER VT VT059 R/A N/A IV3 V812 3 MPH 6B 2609 1 N/A HANGER VT VT006 N/A N/A IV3 V812 3 HPH 7 26091 N/A HAMER VT VT 007 N/A N/A IV3W812 3 HPH 55A 26122 N/A HANCER VT VT 073 N/A N/A !V3 V812 3 15H-139 2614 2 N/A HAMER VT VT 064 N/A N/A IV3WB12 3 NSH 157 2614 3 N/A HAMER VT VT-005 N/A 8/A !V3 WB12 3 VT VT-005 N/A N/A IV4WB12 2 IFH 41 26232 N/A HAMER VT VT 013 N/A N/A IV3 W812 3 IFH 59 2623 3 N/A HANGER VT VT 043 N/A N/A IV3 VB12 3 l I

RHS 62 2625 2 N/A HANCEE VI VT 068 R/A N/A IV3W812 3 RHH 2 26261 N/A HANGER VT VT 063 N/A N/A IV3 W812 3 I RHH 18A 2626 2 N/A HAMER VT VT 057 N/A II/A IV3 W812 3 HPH21 2710 1 N/A HAMER VT VT 076 N/A N/A IV3 WB12 3 f HPH 16A 2710 2 N/A HAMER VT VT W8 N/A N/A IV3-W812 3 CRD 4N 43 R/A BAKER VT MR 017 R/A N/A IV3 V812 3

  • CRD-5N 43 N/A RANGER VT WR1 014 R/A R/A IV3-V812 3
  • CRD-6R 43 R/A RANGER VT VT-047- R/A R/A IV3 W812 3 CRD 6S 44 R/A HAMER VT VT 046 R/A N/A IV3W812 3 CRD-7H 43 N/A RANGER VT Mt 022 R/A - R/A IV3W812 3
  • I t

CRD 7S 44 R/A RANGER YT VT 045 R/A R/A IV3U812 3 CRD 6R 43 R/A RAMER VT Nt-022 R/A N/A IV3 V812 3

  • CRD-85 44 R/A RAMER VT VT-044 R/A R/A IV3 W812 3 CtD 95 44 R/A RAMER VT DC2 030 I/A R/A IV3 W812 3 *


) 181 33 3 CIS05 BT 1981

   .                                                  eggggg gCLtd STATID SMig 1990 page,1,et.11 Revision 50. 0.L ASRE - EXAHCORP0NENT  DtAVIDGI   SIZE   CONF. EXAH    REPott       CAL.                 LIN.          PROCEDURE    REV. BERARES CAT. 1.D. NUMBER  ISOREft!C                   TYPE      50.           M.                       N0. NUBBER TB      CED-BBS          44      N/A   HAKER      Vf     VT048           N/A                      N/A     IV3 V812     3 CtD CC 15     CP 009     N/A   HANER      VT     VT 079          R/A                      N/A     IV3WB12      3 CtD CC 2N        44      N/A   HANGIR     V7     VT 089          N/A                      N/A     !V3W812      3 FC      CRD CC 25        44      N/A-  HAMER      VT     VT 050          N/A                      N/A     IV3V812      3 CUH 92       18 89256-   N/A   HAMER      VT     VT 071          N/A                      N/A     IV3 W812     3 004 PVH110       RCO 755 2   N/A   RAEER      VI     VT-031A         N/A                      N/A     IV3V812      3 PVS 1B&R     200 755 2   N/A   HAMEt      VT     VT 042           N/A                     N/A     IV3-v812     3 CU-53AI        2503 1    N/A   HA30ER     VT     VT 034           N/A                     N/A     IV3 V812     3 VT     VT 034           N/A                     N/A      IV4 W812    2 CU S3AZ        25031     N/A   HANGER     VT     VT 035           N/A                     N/A      IV3W812     3 VT     VT 035           N/A                     N/A     IV4WB12      2

( CUH 48 25031 N/A NAMER VT VT 037 N/A N/A IV3V812 3 VT 084 VT VT 037 N/A N/A IV4WB12 2 VT 084 CUH 49 25031 N/A HAMER VT VT 036 N/A N/A IV3 W812 3 VT VT 036 N/A- N/3. IV4US12 2 MSH 132 2506-1 N/A , RAMER VT VT 036A I/A N/A IV3V812 3 VT VT 036A I/A R/A IV4W812 2 RFH 71 25091 N/A RANGER VT VT 031 N/A R/A IV3U812 3  ; VT VT 031 I/A I/A-- IV42812 2 RFH 71A 25091 N/A AARGER VT VT 029 I/a g/A ~ ly).U812 3 VT VT-029 I/A N/A IV48812 2' i RFH 74 c '- 1 N/A RAPGER VT Vf 010 R/A N/A IV3 9812 3 Vf VT 010 R/A R/A IV4 W812 2 RTS 14 2509 1 R/A RAMER VT Vf 054 N/A I/A IV3V812 3 VT - VT 054 N/A d/A IV4U812 2 RFS 15 2509-1 N/A RANER VT VT-030 I/A I/A IV3 9812 3 j VT V!-030 I/A R/A IV4-V812 2 . 1 ITS 16 2509 1 N/A H&MER VT Vf-022 5/A R/A IV3I812 3 VT VT-022- R/A N/A IV4 8812 2 1

                                                !$1 ERAI CIS0ERf IRIER C00MB WCLlet St& TID

, $NIN 1990 Page ,,LO of 16 tevision No. ,,,0,,, ASME EXANCOMPONENT DRAVIE/ SIZE CONF. EXAN RD0tf CAL. LIN. PROCEDURE REV. REMAt[S CAT. 1.D. NUMBER IS0EEft!C ffPE No. 90, 11 0 . NUMBER FC RTS 17 2509 1 II/A EAEEt VT VT-021 N/A N/A !V3-V812 3 VT VT 021 R/A N/A IV4VB12 2 RFS 18 2509 1 N/A EAEtt VT VT 020 R/A N/A IV3 V812 3 VT VT 020 R/A N/A IV4 W812 2 IFS 19 25091 N/A HAEtt VT DC 036 N/A N/A !V3 V812 3

  • Vf DC 036 N/A N/A IV4-V812 2
  • RTH 65 25092 N/A HAEIR VT VT 055 N/A R/A IV3 v812 3 Vf VT-055 N/A N/A IV4 V812 2 RTS 8 2509 2 N/A KANGER VT VT 052 N/A N/A IV3 Y812 3 VT VT 052 N/A N/A IV4 VB12 2 RFS 9 2509 2 N/A HAEtt VI VT-053 N/A N/A IV3V812 3 VI VT 053 N/A N/A IV4 V812 2 RHH$6 2510 1 N/A HANGER VI VT 018 N/A II/A !V3 V812 3 VT VT 018 N/A N/A IV4 V812 2 RHS 72A 2510-1 N/A HAMII ' VT VT 019 N/A N/A IV3V812 3 DC2 019 R/A N/A
  • VT VT 019' N/A N/A IV4V812 2 002 019 e 2HH 73 2510 3 N/A HANOIR VT VT 026 N/A N/A IV3V812 3 VT-067 VT VT 026 N/A N/A IV4 V812 2 VT 087 2HH 74 2510 3 N/A HAEER VT VT 033 N/A R/A IV3 V812 3 VT VT-033 N/A N/A IV4 V812 2 RHS 17 2510 3 N/A RAMER VT VT-025 R/A N/A IV3 W812 3 VT VT 025 N/A N/A  !?4 VB12 2 RHS 18 2510-3 N/A RANGER VT VT-024 R/A N/A IV3-VB12 3 VT VT-024 R/A N/A IV4 V812 2 RHS 19 2510 3 N/A HAMEt VT023 R/A VT R/A IV3 V812 3  !

VI VT 023 R/A R/A IV4V812 2 l RHH 123 25103 N/A HAMER VT VT-032 R/A R/A [V3 V812 3 Vf 081 VT VT 032 R/A N/A IV4 V812 2  !' VT 081 RHS 11 2510 4 RIA EAEER YT VT-027 R/A N/A IV3 V81". 3 j VT Vf-027 R/A N/A IV4 W12 2 i


i A  ! m1 1. Page 1 L et 16_ tevision 33. ,$_ , ASME EXAM COMPONENT DtAVIE/ SIZE CONT. EXAR REP 0tf CAL.  !.!N. PROCEDURE REV. RE!! ARES j' CAT. 1.D. NUMBER IS0 Heft!C TYPE N0. M. 50. BUMBER FC RHH 37 25111 N/A RAEER VT Vf 017 I/A N/A IV3VB12 3 Vf VT 017 R/A N/A IV4VB12 2 j C5H 7 2602 1 N/A EAEER VT VT056 5/A R/A IV3 W812 3 VT VT 056 I/A N/A IV4 V812 2 CSH2 26032 N/A KAEER VT Vf*060 R/A N/A IV3 W812 3 VT VT 060 5/A N/A IV4 V812 2 CSS 6 2603 3 N/A HA;GER VT VT 058 R/A N/A IV3 W812 3 VT VT 058 I/A N/A IV4 WB12 2 MSH 155 2614 3 N/A RAEER VT VT-012 3/A R/A IV3 VB12 3 VT- VT 012 N/A N/A IV4 V812 2 RHH 134 2624 6 N/A HAMER VT VT 040 N/A N/A IV3W812 3 DC3007

  • VT VT-040 R/A N/A IV4 W812 2 RHH 7 2625 1 N/A HAEtt VT VT-067 N/A N/A IV3W812 3 I VT VT 067 N/A N/A IV4 V812 2 RHH 95 2626 2 N/A HAEER VT VT 066 R/A N/A IV3-W812 3 VT VT 066 I/A N/A TV4 W812 2 MSH 109 2629 1 N/A HAEER VT VT 001 N/A N/A IV3 W812 3 VT fi 001 N/A N/A IV4VBl* 2 MSH 99 26291 N/A HAMER VT VT 090 N/A N/A IV3 WB12 3 HPS 15 2710 2 N/A HAEER VT VT-074 N/A N/A IV3WB12 3 VT l'f 074 B/A N/A IV4 V812 2 RFH15 2849 4 N/A RAEER VT Vf 049 I/A N/A IV3W812 3 VT VT-049 R/A N/A IV4W812 2 RFH 2 2849 4 N/A HAEER VT VT 039 N/A N/A IV3W812 3 Vf-088 l

VT VT-039 R/A N/A IV4 WB12 2 l VT 088 RTH 3 2849-4 N/A HANGER VT Vf-009 R/A N/A IV3 W812 3 VT VT 009 I/A R/A IV4W812 2 l RTH 4 2849-4 N/A RAEER VT VT 038 N/A R/A IV3 W812 3 l Vf Vf 038 N/A N/A IV4 V812 2 RTH-5 2849 4 N/A RAEEE Vf Vf-004 N/A N/A IV3 W812 3 VT VT 004 I/A N/A IV4 VB12 2 v SPECIAL EIAR SECTIOR e REP 0tf LOCATED UN'Et

                                                   !$1 EIAN C050E R IDEI C00NI IICLatt Stat!J sptin IMO Pa9e 1 of 1 RevisionNo.,1 ASME EXAN CORPONENT      DRAVIE/  $!ZE    CONT. EIAN      REP 0tf CAL. LIN. PROCEDURE  RIV. RENARKS CAf. I.D. NUMBER     !$0 Heft!C                  ffPE        N0. M.       N0. NUN 8Et                       l F-C    trH6              2849 4   N/A   NAHER        Vf      VT 003   N/A      N/A   IV3 V812  3 VT      VT 003   11 / 4   N/A   !V4 V812  2 NSH Al (HA 1)   GE731E611   N/A   RANGER       VT      VT 035A  N/A      N/A   IV3V812   3 VT 082 VT     VT-035A   N/A      N/A   IV4V812   2                  i VT     VT 082 MSH D1 (HD 1)   GE731E611   N/A   HAMER        VT     VT-037A   N/A      N/A   IV3 V812  3                   I VT     VT 082 VI     VT-037A   N/A      N/A   IV4V812   2                  ;

VT VT 082 j NSN 170 CE731!611 n/A HANGER VT VT 011 N/A N/A IV3 V812 3  ! VT YT 011 N/A N/A IV4WB12 2 CUH 91 IN 89256- N/A HAEER VT VT 070 N/A N/A IV3 V812 3 004 V7 VT 070 N/A N/A IV4 V812 2 < CUH 93 !N 89256- N/A HANCEt VT Vt-07', X/A N/A IV3 W812 3 I 004 VI VTf>2 N/A N/A IV4 V812 2 tt H7 A ISOtLA N/A liANGER VT VT 062 N/A N/A IV3-V812 3

                                                       'n      VT 062   N/A       N/A  IV4 V812  2                   ;

tt SS2 A ISORLA N/A HAN0ER VT DC2 019 N/A N/A IV3V812 3 *  ! VT DC2 019 X/A N/A IV4V812 2 + fl-H7 8 ISO-tLB N/A HANGER VT VT 061 N/A N/A IV3V812 3 , VT VT 061 N/A N/A IV4V812 2 R2-552 8  !$0tL8 N/A RAKEt VT DC2019 N/A N/A IV3V812 3

  • VT DC2 019 N/A N/A IV4 V812 2
  • PVH106 9007551 N/A NANGER VT Vf 033A N/A N/A IV3 V812 3 2 VT VT-033A N/A N/A IV4V812 2 PVS 1A 9007552 N/A BEER VT VT 032A N/A N/A IV3V812 3 V! VT-032A N/A N/A IV4-V812 2 I


      .                                                                       AI M EBMCIW85R198I C00PER W CLEAR ST&f100 SRIB81990 Page 1 o! .11 Revision 50. 0,,,

ASat EEAR CORPONENT DRAV!M/ $1ZE CONF. EIAR REPott CAL. LIN. PROCEDURE REY. CNS. CAL. Cat. 1.D. NUMBER ISOMEft!C ffPE N0. NO. NO. NUMBER STO. N0. IVCV 63 !M 89256- 4' RED- VT 0 t 051 C 022 t004 X!UP V812 1 N0.110 001 f!E UT 45 t 051 C 023 L-003 H!UP-VB12 1 N0.110 RWCU 64 15 89256- 4' RED- UT 0 t 052 C 022 L004 H!UP V812 1 N0.110 001 TEE UT 45 t 052 C 023 L003 5!UPV812. 1 N0.110 RWCU 65 !M 89256- 4' TIEP UT 0 2 102 C-066 L005 M!UPVB12 1 N0.110

                               -001                                                  UT 45    t 102 C 067     L 003   5!UPV812    1       No.110 RWCU 66      !M 89256-                         4'           PP     UT 0     t-044 C 019     L 004   H!UPV812    1       N0.110 001                                                UT 45    t 044 C 020     L003 R!UP V812      1       No.110 UT 0     E 000   C 047   L-008   R!UP-V812   1       N0.110 UT 45    t 080 C 048     L003    MlUP W812   1       No.110 RWCU-67      !M 89256-                         4'           PP     UT 0     t 103 C 066     L 005   M!UP UB12   1       N0.110         ,
                               -001                                                  UT 45    R 103   C 068   L-003   M!UPW812    1       NO.110 RWCU 68      !M89256-                         4' PP               UT-0     E 069   C 033   L-008   5!UP V812   1       No.110 003                                                UT 45    E 06t   C 034   L-003   M!UP W812   1       No.110
    ,                                                                                UT 0     R 081   C 047   L-008   H!UP W812   1       N0.110 UT 45    E 081   C 048   L003    M!UP-W812   1       N0.110 RWCU 69      !M 89256-                         4'          PP      Uf0     E 093   C 056   L 008   R!UP-V812   1       #0.110         ,

003 UT 45 t 093 C 057 L 003 RIUP W812 1 N0.110 RWCU 70 !M 89256- 4' PP UT 0 2 053 C 022 L004 R!UP W812 1 No.110 003 UT 45 t 053 C 023 L 003 R!UP-V812 1 #0.110 RWCU 71 IM 89256- 4' P-P UT 0 2 082 C 047 L-008 RIUPW812 1 N0.110 003 07-45 t 082 C 048 L-003 R!UP-9812 1 50.110 kWCU 72 IM 89256- 4' PE Ut 0 t 045 C 019 L004 R!UP W812 1 N0.110 003 UT 45 t 045 C 020 L-003 R!UP-V812 1 M 110 RWCV 73 !M 89256- 4' EP UT 0 1 091 C 056 L-008 RIUP-V812 1 M.110

                                -003                                                  UT d t-091 C 057 L003            R!UP U612   1       No.110 EWCD 74       15 89256-                           4' PTEE          UT-0     t 046 C 019 L-004 R!UP V812         1       N0.110 003                                                UT-45    R 046 C 020 !.003 R10P V812         1       #0.110 RUCU 75       !M-89256-                           4'      TEE-P    Uf 0     t-070 C-033 L 008 R!UP-9812         1       N0.110
                                 -003                                                 07-45     t 070 C-034 L-003 R!UP V812         1      N0.110 EUCU 76       15 89256-                           4'      P-R0Z    UT 0      E 092  C 056   L-008   R!UP-9812    1      N0.110 003                                                 UT 45    t-092 C-057    L 003   R!UP-W812    1      N0.110 RVCU 77       IR 89256-                            4'     TEE P     UT 0     t-099 C 064 L-005 RIUP-9812         1      #0.110
                                 -003                                                  UT 45    t 099 C %5 L-003 E!UP 9812          1      N0.110 RVCU-78       15 89256-                            4'       P-E     UT 0     1 100  C %4     L-005 R!UP-9812     1       N0.110 003                                                 Uf-45    t 100 C %5 L-003 R!UP-9012          1     .N0.110
 .                                            AIMEfD EIANC0WOEIfIEEI COOPER IICLEAR Staf!05 SPt!It1990 Page ).4,,of 16 tevision No. .0 ASME   EH M COMP 0NEff   DRAV!NG/ SIZE   CONT. EXA8   REP 0tf  CAL. LIN.       PROCEDURE  REV. CNS.C&L.

CAT. 1.D. NUMBER  !$0MEft!C TYPE 80. 30. 11 0 . NUMBER STD.110. tVCU 79 IR-89256- 4' EP Uf 0 t 071 v 033 L-008 H!UP V812 1 30.110 003 UT 45 t 071 C-034 L 003 E!UP-V812 1 110.110 RVCU 80 IN-89255- 4' PE UT 0 t101 C 064 L-005 N!UP V812 1 N0.110 003 UT 45 t-101 C 065 L-003 MlUP V812 1 N0.110 tvCU 81 !M-89256- 4' EP UT 0 R 087 C 053 L 008 E!UP W812 1 N0.110 003 UT 45 2-007 C-054 L-003 HlUP V812 1 N0.110 IWCU 32 15 89256- 4' P-V UT 0 1 088 C 053 L 008 5!UPV812 1 No.110 003 UT 45 t 088 C055 L-004 5!UP W812 1 N0.110 , RUCU 83 IM 89256- 4' V TEE 07 0 t 047' c 019 L-004 M!UP V812 1 110.110 .

                          -003                     UT 45. R '47   C 021  L*008    XIUP P812    1      N0.110 UT 0    2-089   C-053  L 008    5!UP f812    1      N0.110 UT-45   t 089 C 055    L 004    HlUP V812    1      N0.110 RVCU 84       IM 89256-     4' TEEP    UT 0    t 048 C 019    L-004    N!UP V812    1      N0.110 003                    UT-45   t 048 C 020    L 003    E!UP-V812    1      N0.110 RVCU-85       IM89256-      4'  t!     UT 0    t 049 C 019    L-004    RIUP W812    1     N0.110 003                    Wi-45  P 049   C 020   L-003    MlVP V812    1     N0.110 l

RVCU 86 !M 89256- 4' EP UT 0 t 105 C 069 L-005 N!UP W812 1 N0.110  ; 003 UT 45 t-105 C 070 L-003 MIUP V812 1 110.110 RVCU 87 IM 89256- 4' P N0Z UT 0 R 106 C 069 L 005 BlVPV812 'l N0.110  ; i

                          -003                     UT 45   R 106  C 070   L-003    N!UP V812    1     N0.110 IVCU 88       IM 89256-     4' V TEE   UT 0    t050   C 019   L-004    R15P-V812    1     No.110 003                    UT 45  t-050 C-021     L-008    RIUP V812    1     110.110 RUCU-89       IM 89256-     4'  PV     UT-0   t 090 C 053     L-008    BlVPV812     1-    N0.110
                          -003                     UT 45   t-090 C-055    L-004    HlUPV812     1     N0.110 ~     i RVCV 90       IM-89256-     4'  E-P    UT 0    t 054 C 022    L-004    BlUPV812     1     110.110 003                    UT 45   t054   C 023   L-003    HlUP-V812    1     N0.110       j EWCU 91       1H 89256-     4'  PE     UT 0   t 0$$ C 022     L-004    BlVP V812    1     N0.110
                          -003                     UT-45  t 055 C 023     L-003    I!UP-V812    1     No.110       ;

IVCU 92 15-89256- 4' EP VT 0 t 056 C 022 L-004 HlUP-U812 1 110.110 003 UT 45 t 056 C-023 1.-003 E!UP-V812 1 110.110 RVCU 93 15-89256- 4' N0Z E UT 0 t 104 C 066 L-005 MIUP-W812 1 No.110 . 003 UT 45 t 104 C %8 L-003 RIUP V812 1 110.110 RVCU-94 15 89256- 4' TEE-P UT 0 2 107 C-069 L 005 MIUP W812 1 NO.110 [ 5 008 UT-45 t 107 C-071 L-003 5!UP V812 1 N0.110


I, AUGMENTED EKAM COMP 0NENT INDEK. , COOPER MUCLEAR STAfl0N SPRING 1990 Page 15 o f ',,.1),,, Revision No. 1 A$ME EKAM COMPONENT ORAWING/ SIZE CONF. EXAM REPORT CAL. LIN. PROCEDURE REV. CNS. CAL. CAT. 1.D. NUM8ER ISOMETRIC TTPE #0. NO. No. MUMBER STD. NO. RWCU 95 IM 89256- 4" P-C8.P UT 0 R 072 C-033 L 008 MIUP W812 1 NO.110 008 UT 45 R 072 C 034 L*003 MlUP WB12 1 N0.110 C-C CWA CC 49 IM 89256- 6" E LUG PT R 073 N/A N/A IP W812 1 N/A 004 CWA CC 53 IM 89256- 6" LUCS PT R 109 N/A N/A IP-W812 1 N/A 004 CWA CC 55 IM 89256- 6" E LUGS PT R 086 N/A N/A IP W812 1 N/A 004 CF CWA CF 45 IM 89256- 6" VA P PT R 108 W/A N/A IP W812 1 N/A 004 UT 0 R 108 C 072 L 005 MIUP WB12 1 NO. 48 UT 45 R 108 C 073 L*003 MlUP WB12 1 NO. 48 CWA CF 46 IM 89256- 6" P TEE PT R 064 N/A N/A IP WB12 'l N/A 004 UT 0 R 064 C 031 L 008 MlUP WB12 1 No. 48 UT 45 R 064 C 032 L 003 MlUP W812 1 NO. 48 CWA CF 47 IM-89256- 6" TEE P PT R 065 N/A N/A IP W812 1 N/A 004 UT 0 R 065 C 031 L*008 MIUP*WB12 1 No. 48 Ut 45 R 065 C 032 L 003 MluP W812 1 t'O. 48 CWA CF 48 lM 89256* 6" PE PT R 066 N/A N/A IP W812 1 N/A-004 UT 0 R 066 C 031 L 008 MluP W812 1 No. 48 UT 45 R 066 C 032 L 003 M!uP W812 1 NO. 48 CWA Cl 50 IM 89256- 6" EP PT R-067 N/A N/A IP W812 1 N/A 004 Vi-0 R 067 C 031 L 008 MIUP-W812 1 No. 48 R 067 UT 45 C 032 L 003 MluP WB12 1 No. 48 CWA CF 51 IM 89256- 6" PE PT, R 098 N/A N/A IP W812 1 N/A 004 U1 0 R 098 C 062 L 005 MIUP W812 1 NO. 48 j UT 45 R 098 C 063 L 003 MlUP W812 1 NO. 48 CWA CF 52 IM 89256- 6" EP- PT red 68 N/A N/A IP W812 1 N/A 004 UT 0 R 068 C 031 L 008 MlVP W812 -1 NO. 48 UT 45 R 068 C 032 L 003 MluP WB12 1 No. 48 CWA CF*54 IM 89256- 6" PE PT R 057 N/A N/A IP WB12 1 N/A 004 PT R 095 N/n 'a s A IP W812 1 N/A UT 0 R 095 C 060 L 004 . tup W812 1 No. 48 UT 45 R 095 C 061 L 003 MlUP WB12 1 No. 48 CWA CF 56 IM 89256- 6" E TEE PT R-096 N/A N/A IP W812 1 N/A 004 UT 0 R 096 C 060 L 004 MlUP W812 1 NO. 48 UT-45 R 096 C 061 L 003 MIUP W812 1 NO. 48 i


                                                    $PRING 1990 Page d* of J.

Revision No. 9, ASME EKAM COMPONENT DRAWING / SIZE CONF. EXAM REPORT CAL. LIN. PROCEDURE RE V. CNS. CAL. CAT. l.D. NUMBER ISOMETRIC TYPE NO. NO. N0. NUMBER STD. NO. C*F CWA CF 57 IM 89256- 6" 1EE- PT R-058 N/A N/A IP W812 1- N/A 004 RED PT - R 094 N/A N/A IP W812 1 N/A UT 0 R 094 C 058 L 004 MlVP W812 1 NO. 48  ! UT 45 R 058 C 059 L 003 MluP-W812 1 NO. 48 CWA CF 58 IM 89256* 6" TEE- PT R 097 N/A N/A IP W812 1 N/A 004 RED' UT 0 R 097 C 060 L-004 MlUP W812 1 NO. 48 , UT 45 R-097 C-061 L 003 MIUP VB12 1 No. 48

       $HB 1 TO 36        N/A     N/A  BOLT   UT 0    R 061 C 030     N/A    UT 48     3      NO.5 001-C.S.1 JUNC. BOX       N/A     N/A   f*J    VT     R 062   N/A     N/A    VT*06     0         N/A

($1L289) 80x JET PMP $EN$1NG N/A N/A N/A VT R 062 st/A N/A VT 06 0 N/A LlWE WELDS (SIL420) ' JET PUMP N0ZZLE N/A N/A N/A VT R 062 N/A N/A VT 06 0 N/A E MIXER INLETS ($1L465)

    $1H DRY DRN CHAN      N/A     N/A   N/A    VT     R 062   N/A     N/A    VT 06     0       'N/A WELDS

($1L474) CSA PIPE N/A 10" PIPE V1 R 062 N/A N/A VT 06 0 N/A , C$A SPARGER N/A 2" $PARG Vi R 062 N/A N/A VT 06 - 0L N/A CSB PIPE N/A 10" PIPE Vi R 062 N/A N/A VT 06 0 N/A CSB SPARGER N/A 2" SPARG VT R 062 N/A N/A VT 06 0 N/A I i.

                                                                                                         .i FORM CIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPA1RS OR REPLACEMENTS                                ,

As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code S:ction XI l

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: Julv 30. 1990 1 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus . NE 68601 Sheet 1 of 93  ? (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) l P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321 N/A  ;

(Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. i No . , J ob No . , Etc.) j

3. Work Performed By: Owner ' Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA J

Snme Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A  ;

4. Identification of System: Residual Heat-Removal (RHR) l t
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1986 Edition,
                                                                                                       .i No             Addenda,        N/A               Code Case                         ';

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda '

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components I

Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Repinced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class' Number Replacement (Yes or No) RHR MOV.M027B Anchor / Darling 1 DC 89-252A Replacement No . RHR.MOV.M034B Anchor / Darling 2 DC 89-252A Replacement No F t 7 Description of Work: Replaced seat rinc/added new trim.

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure _E_

Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this , report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of 3 sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Report orovides the reouired information on repairs and reolacements cerformed at Cooner Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Comoonents in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuth the use of Form NIS 2 for reportin2. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authorir tion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: AMd . #f taA!' - Date: 8

  • J~ 96 (OwnerorOwf/r'sDesignee, Title) ,

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province ' of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have incpected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has , performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the regulrements of the ASME Code, Section XI. l By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, , neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.


Inspector's Signature: #A'n,W l?r#)h We


Commicsions: M /3 / 27 Af M 98'/ 7 (National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) Date: N'3~90 t l

4 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code S Otion II Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990

1. Owner:

(Name) P O. Box 49. Columbun. NE 68601 Sheet 2 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nucicar Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Ovner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) N/A Expiration Date:
4. Identification of System: Residual Heat Removal (RHR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: N/A t N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements ,

1980, Winter 1981 Addenda .;

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work. kepaired ASME Code ,

Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped , Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) RHR RO 251 N/A 2 DC 89-252A Replacement No , l RHR RO 283 N/A 2 DC 89-252A Replacement No i 9 I 1

7. Description of Work: Replaced restricting orifice with new restricting orifice. ,
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure 1 Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form, r


9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reouired information on repairs and reolacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuth May 1990.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Renalrs and Reolacements of Comoonents in Noelear Power Plants" is irreoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportinc. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) r We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this , replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Seccion XI. i (repair or replacement)  ! Type Code symbol stamp: N/A _ Certificatio of Authoriz tion No. M/A Expiration Date: N/A [ Signed: - tWd#. #4/. Date: B-J -f8 (Owner or Ow &r's Designeo Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by llartford Steam Boiler 1 & I Co. of flartfterd. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss.of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. , Inspector's Signature: / n,y-c b8 - Commissions: M/$ /O M 74' MM 90 -/[V (National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) Date: k'?)~7O

  ~    ,
                  . - - - - - - - - ~


                                            -As_Rsquired by ths Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
1. Owner:

Nebraska Public Power District Date: (Name) July 30.'l$9Q F.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet-_ 3

                                      .(Address)                                    _

of _ 93

2. Plant:

Cooner Nuclear Station- Unit: (Name) One P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 (Address) N/A (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , - J ob No . , Etc.) 3 Work Perbreed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/.A Same

                                             ^(Address)                                       Auth M ization Date:          N/A Expiration Date:              N/A
4. Identification of System:

Main Steam (MS) S. _, (a) Applicable Construction Code: _ USAS'B31.7 1969 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable 1980, Winter Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or eplacements 1981 Addenda R 6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and - Replace ment Components Name of Name of Work .. Repaired ' Component Nuclear Document ASME Code Manufacturer Class Replaced; or Stamped Number Replacement MS-S16B (Yes or No) Crinnell 2 90-1151 Replaced' No D. Description of Work: IS/N 10046). Reclaced snubber MS-S16B (S/N 8573)with different snubber 8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure _ psi Test Temp. *F NOTEi. Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches

                                                                                              , or. drawings may be used, provided report is included              (1) size     is 8-1/2" on each   sheet,x 11",.(2) information in items 1 through                          s 6 on thi sheets is recorded at the top of this form.and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of-
9. Remarks: . This NIS 2 Report ot ovides t he reauired information on reoairs and 1989 throuch May 1990.

Cooper Nucicar Station from July rcolacements ocrformed at t i n ,_ Also Code Case N 308. ' Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Comoonen s ig_ invoked throuch the use of Form NIS 2 for recortint, Nuclear Power Plants". (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached)- We certify that the statements madc in the report are correct and this-conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. renlacement (repair or replacement) N/A Type Code Symbol Stamp: _ Expiration Date: N/A N/A Certification of Authoriz ion No. 24&# AWA#. _ Date: __8~J~90 Signed: (Owner o"r OwnVr's Designee, Title) l l l CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION l j 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by Minnesota and employed by _ Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of have inspected the components-described in this of Hartford. CT 1. 1989_ to _ Ma_v 31. 1990 _, Owner's Report during the period _ July and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning theFurthermore,. examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. neither the Inspeccor nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

                                                          /          $          4 //
                                                         --4% m 'r          lJ'#MM Inspector's Signature:

Commisaions: N/$lD07Y lbNProvince, VD~l?Y and Endorsements) (National Board, State, Date:


3~ O

            ' '    -    ...                                                                                           d'

7 J k i FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR. REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS - As Required by the Provfeions of the ASME Code Section.XI

1. Owne r.' Nebraska Public Power District Date: Juiv 30; 1990 j (Name) I P.O. Box 49; Columbus. NE 68601 ' Sheet 4 of '93
                                ~ ( Addres s) .

-i 2. Plant:- Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One _ _ _ -- (Name) ' P.O. I Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A i (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No '. , J ob No . , Etc.) 3.- Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZ6 i Same Authorization Date: N/A l (Address) I Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Hich Pressure Coolant Iniection (HPCI)
5.  ;(a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B16.5 1968 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case '

(b) Applicable Edition of Section-XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements i 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components i

Work Repaired .ASME Code ~ Name of Name of Nuclear Document .R,eplaced, or Component Stamped Manufacturer Class Number Repincement (Yes or No) 4 IIPCI-MOV-M014 Anchor / Darling 2 90-732 Repair No i

7. Descripcion of Work: Lanced rate and seats. >
8. Tests Conducted: Ilydrostatic Pneumatic '

Nominal' Operating Pressure __K__ Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11",1 (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this i report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

                         ,                                                        __               ____U

t 9 ., Remarks: This NIS 2 Reoort nrovides the reouired information on repairs and replacements nerformed at Cooper _yuelear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is ir voked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for recortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this

            }              renair            u,..f o .s to the rules-of the ASME Code, Section XI.-

(repair or replacement) l Type Code Symbol Streap: N/A Certification of Authoriza ion No. N/A Expi. ration Date: N/A Signed: r#44 AMLdL Date: bJ"70-(Owner or OwnM's Designee Title) k. CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSIECTION I, the undersigned, holding'a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. j of Hartford: CT have inspected the components described in this  ! Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 _to May 31. 1990 , j and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has , performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements'of the ASME Code,. Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, con:erning the examine.tions and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report.- Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss- of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: / 7 < wd n Commissions: $bl00lY l#Ull E0'llf (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: $ ~ h 70 1

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S-REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS , As Required by the~ Provisions of'th3-ASME C:de S:ctitu XI l l

1. Owner: -Nebraska Public' Power District- Date: July 30. 1990-I (Name)
            'P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE -68601               Sheet        5     of    93 (Address)
2. Plant: Cooner Nucicar Station Unit: One ~l

(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A

                           -(Address)                        (Repair Orgainzation,         P.O.-          ,

No . , J ob No . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed'By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: H26 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification'of System: High Pressure Coolant Iniection (HPCI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction' Code: Contract E69-4 N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired-or Replaced and Replacemant Components.

Repaired i Uc.k ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Do.ument. Replaced, or ~ Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) l HPCI-CV-14CV Rockwell 2 90 1316 Replacement No l l 7. Description of Work: Ianned seat and installed new disc. , l l

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure 1 Other Pressure psi . Tert Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and tha number of l sheets is recorded at the top,of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Report provides the recuired informacion on reonirs and replacements nerformed at Cooper Nucicar Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportinc. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) .; We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this 1 reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. l (repair or replacement) i Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A ' l Certification of Authoriz tion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A- _ l Signed: - EAM4 Akt64 Date: 8 d ' fD

                     ~ (Owner 'or OwMr's Designee , Title) l 1

l CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION L I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by llartford Steam-Boiler I & I Co. of llartford. CT have inspected the coc:ponents described in this Owner's Report during the period _ July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has-performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in..this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements = of the ASME Code, Section XI.  ; By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for 1 any personal injury or. property damage or a loss of any kind. arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: e,, Commissions: Nfb l00 l'l lYl?) 90 -l?Y (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements)  ! Date: h'b~90 1

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S PEPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by. the Prcrvisions of the ASME Code Section XI-1.x Owner: _ Nebraska Public Pg.ggy District Date: July 30. 1990 (Name) P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 6- of 93 , (Address) .j

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear = Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , J ob No . , Etc.) , l

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HfA' l Same Authorization Date: N/L (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Standby Liould Control (SLC)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ANSI B16.5 1968 Edition,' j No Addenda, N/A Code Case -j (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements ]

1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components-Repaired or Replaced and Replacement' Components I 1
                                                                                                                                                                                         .i Work          .

Repaired. ASME Code 3 Name of Name of Nuclear- Document Replaced, or Stamped  ! Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes'or No)

                                                                                                                                                                                        't SLC-RV-11RV                                                          Dresser                     2          90-0519                  Replaced                               No s

i j i

7. Description of Work: Replaced relief valve with soare relief valve.
8. . Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic ,

Nominal Operating Preasure 1 Other Pressure psi Test Temp. F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the-form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11". (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included =on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.



9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reauired information on repairs and replacements verformed at Cooper Nuclear St'ation from Juiv 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs and Reclacements of Components in l Nuclear P e r Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) . I i s  ! l We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this l reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) j Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A j l Certification of Author za on No. N/A _ Expiration Date: N/A 4 Signed: E:md AW44.- Date: 89 -9D  ! (Owner or own #'s Designee, Title) I i CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National I Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by llartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of 11artford. CT have inspected the components described in this 1

            -Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989            to   May 31. 1990   ,      j and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures = described in this             !

Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,

            -Section XI.                                 '

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, , neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from i or connscted with this inspection'. Inspector's Signature: y - M , Commissions: Mk[OM /i A/ YO ~ / W (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) l s Date: _

                              -3'70 a
                                                                                                                                                                                 'a FORM NISi2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRE OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by.the Provisions of-the ASME Code Section XI-1 l-
1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: = July 30. 1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49; Columbus'. - NE 68601 Sheet 7 of 93 , j (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One .

l (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A j (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

         -3.           Work-Performed By:                                                                       Owner                    Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA'              q L

Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A j

4. Identification offSystem: N/A' .l
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, Ng . Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda l
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired. ASME Code '

Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced,' or. Stamped-Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement- (Yes or No) { S/N 7765 Crinnell 1,2 90 1849 Replacement No l S/N 8102 Crinnell 1,2 90-1849' Replacement No S/N 8576- Crinnell 1,2 90-1849 Replacement No S/N 7734 Crinnell 1,2 89-2418 Replacement No  ! S/N 7778 Crinnell 1.2 89-2418 Replacement No  ;

7. Description of Work: Reolace tubing on the listed hydraulic snubbers.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic . Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure ;_X,_

Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, q provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this i report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of I sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

l} j

9. Remarks:- This NIS.2 Reoort orovides the reouired information on repairs and reolacements nerformed at Cooner Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May'1990. (

l' Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Reolacements'of Components in__ Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reporeing. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are. correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Cos , Section XI.  ! (repair or replacement) l Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A - Certification of Authoriza on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: A;4$A Anf6AC Date: f-J -f0 ,.

                    '(Owner o'r OwneP s Designee, Title) 4 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel' Inspectors and the-State ot_ Province of      Minnesota       and employed by     Hartford Steam Boiler I_& 1 L                 ]

of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this

        . Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989          to  May 31. 1990   ,

and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this'

                                                                                              -i Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, _                     ;

Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable ~in any manner for I any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: + < w e,- Commissions: MA /C M 7[ /DM 9 0 ' / 7 9' (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 9- 3 ' @C , i

                                                                                               ^ ^

t FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS CR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Cod 3 S:ction XI-Date: ' July 30. 1990' l '. ' Owner: Nebraska Public Power District-(Name): P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 -Sheet 8 of -93 - (Address) Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One

2. - Plant:J (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111c. NE 18321 N/A'  ! (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No.. Etc.),

3. Work Performed By: Owner- Type Code Symbol Stamp: NZ6 Same Authorization Date: N/A .

(Address) Expiration'Date:

4. Identification of System: N/A

_(a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, 5. No Addenda, N/A Code Case  ! (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Componcats L

Work Repaired' ASME Code l Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) 1 Crinnell 1,2 89-2418 ' Replacement No. > i S/N 77S4

  • i l


7. Description of Work: Reolaced tubinc on hydraulic snubber.' j 1

e l 8. Tests' Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic - Nominal Operating Pressure __K__ j l Other Pressure pri Test Temp. 'F l NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may-be used,. provided (1) size is.8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this

           -report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet:is numbered and the~ number of
            . sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. . Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reautred information on reonirs and replacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990.

Also Code Car,e N.308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reclacements of Components in Huelear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for recorting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) \' \ We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Fection XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Author za on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: A -- 4446A2. #dd Date: 8Pf0 * (Owner or own g s Designee, Title) i i 4 i CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford' Steam Boiler I & T Co.  ; of Hartford. CT have inspected the components descr8 bed in this ' Owner's Report during the period July 1: 1989~ to- May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the-owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.  ! By signing this certificato, neither the' Inspector nor,his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied,-concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal' injury, or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature:,. . -< we < 8~ - <_ w Commissions: N0l00lY hlllE d-l?Y (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) ' Date: -31o

PORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 9 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station , Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Preformed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: EZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: N/A ___
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1977 Edition, Winter 1978 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RHR-MOV-920MV Anchor / Darling 2 90-1511 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Replaced valve disc and stem with new disc and stem.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure _ K_,,

Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of Ilsts, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this fora. l l

9. Remarks: _This NIS-2 Reoort orovides the reautred information on reoairs and _

reolacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station 2 rom July 1989 throuch May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nucicar Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS 2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) < We certify that the statements made in the report'are correct and this  ! i reolacement conforms to the rules of the.ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) l Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A l Certification of Authori tion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A ,_ Signed: - EWA,e. A%fiAf Dato: 8 ** 3 ' N (Owner'or OwnVr's Derignee, Title)

                                                                                                        -I CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the~ National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State.or Province of      Minnesota          and employed by     Hartford Steam Boiler'I & I Co.

of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has' performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this -{ Owner's Report in accordance with'the requirements-of the~ASME Code, L I Section XI.' By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor;his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neith : the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any= manner for any personal injury or property damage or 'a loss of any kind arising from , or connected with this inspect on. Inspector's Signature: e Ah,u- !m i Commissions; l5lb 0 QW' l$blV 90-l?Y \ (National Board,' State, Province, and Endorsements)  ! Date: f b ~ Y()

    = - - - _ _ _ -         - -     - - _

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT OR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 10 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. k';.;k Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Idantification of System: Core Sorav (CS)

L. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B16.5 1968 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

CS-MOV-MOSB Anchor / Darling 2 90-1380 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Installed new sent and lanoea disc.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrosta*.ic Pneumatic Notninal Operating Pressure 1 Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, l provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this l report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ -

    ' 9. :   - R5 marks:       This NIS-2 Report orovides the reauired information on repairs and                                                            l l

replacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990. 1 Also Code Case N-308. Documentation of Repairs and Reolacements of Components in f Nucicar Power Plants is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for recortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached)

                                                                                                                                                            -i i

We' certify that the statements made in the report are correct and :.his reol acement conforms to.the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.  ! (repair or replacement)- Type Code symbol Stamp: N/A Certification f uthorizat on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: . / AT4 #d58- -Date: 8"J"ID (OwnerorOwnysDesignee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION j I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or. Province of Minnesota- and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period Juiv 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has { performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor.his employer makes _ any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and  ; corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore,

                      -neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for                                                              .L any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from                                                                  i or connected with this inspection.

Inspector's Signature: m r- Y. # .m Commissions: 8A 8W /*/M 90-/7 (National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) Date: 7-3 -90 L ..

p q p L FORM NIS'-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR' REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the. Provisions of'the ASME Code Section II 1, - Owner: Nebraska Public Power' District Date: Julv.30. 1990 (Name) P.O.' Box 49. Columbu - NE 68601 Sheet 11' of 93 ( Addre s s,'

 -2.       Plant:          Coooer Nuclear Station                       Unit:              One
                                    .(Name)                                                                         j P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321                                          N/A (Address)                               (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.                 i No . , Job No . , Etc . )
3. Work Performe'd By: -Ownel Type Code Symbol Stamp: If/A -

l Same Authorization Date: N/A -j Expiration Date: N/A'

4. Identification of' System: Core Sorav (CS)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS.B16.5 1968 Edition,  ;

No Addenda, N/A- Code Case ..! (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda-

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components-  ;

1 Work- Repaired ASME. Code --i Name of Name of Nuclear -Document . Replaced, or Stamped j Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement , (Yes or No) CS MOV M026B- Anchor / Darling 2' 90 0064 Replacement No E

7. Description of Work: Replaced stem.

8.- Tests Conducted: llydros tatic - Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure 1 Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F-NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used,: provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. l 1 a n -

9. Remarks: -This NIS-2 Report orovides^the reouired information on-renairs and reolacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station Zrom July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Repairr and Reolacaments of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine.


(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol stamp: N/A Certification of Authorizat n No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: - E M # 4 d!L Date: 8' # 90 (ownerorOwnet/sDesignee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford.-CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements'of'the ASME Code,

         .Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or-implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a. loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: ,7 we [ Commissions: M /O87Y N/M @O ~~ M (National Board, State, Province,-and Endorsements) Date: 7-3-90 _

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS- i As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

            .1.                    Owner:     Nebraska Public Power District'               Date:          July 30. 1990

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 -Sheet 12 of 93 (Address) , 2' . Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One'  ! (Name): P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , J ob - No . , Etc.) l

3. Work Performed By: lovner Type Code Symbol Stamp: EZ6 Same Authorization Date: N/A '

(Address) Expiration Date: ~N/A . 1

4. Identification of System: Core Sorav (CS)  !
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7' 1969 Edition, No ' Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work P.epaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document. Replaced, or ~ Stamped-Component Manufacturer Class Number . Replacement (Yes or No)

CS MOV M015A. Conval 1 DC-89-180 Replaced No CS MOV M015B Conval 1- DC 89-180 Replaced. No l 1 7. Description of Work: Removed valvest installed and welded oice cans.

8. Tests Conducted: liydrostatic X Pneumatic .

Nominal Operating Pressure > Other Pressure 1100 psi Test Temp. Ambient *F 1KrtE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Report provides the reouired information on repairs and reolacements cerformed'at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989-throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Renairs and Reolacements of Components in , I Nucicar Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. I (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attachedi  ;

                                                                                                                        ~l Vo certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement         conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.

(repair or replacement) Type Code symbol Stamp: N/A { Certification of Authoriz - ion No. N/A . Expiration Date: N/A Signed: (.4 6 4P M64 Date: b~J"PO (Owner or Ow(p'r's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valia commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT- have inspected the components described in this' Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this 1 Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,  ; 9ection XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in.this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in-any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this-inspe ion,

                                                                                 %     f Inspector's Signature: _       w evrer/\ G L#

w/ Commissions: A//3 /o;2 7v M # 7 0 -/ 7 +' (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) j Date: 9 5 ca

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of che ASME Code Section XI 1 Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: Juiv 30.1990 (Name) __ P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601- SheetL 13 of 93-

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A i (Address)- (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . ', J ob No . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: .

Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Date: N/A- , (Address) Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: ' Residual Heat Removal (RHR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B16.5 1968 Edition,- i No -Addenda,. N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements  !

1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. -Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work . Repaired ASME Code Namo of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or- Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RHR-MOV-M016B Anchor / Darling 2 90-1334 Replaced No

7. Description-of Work: Replaced valve wi th new valve.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic X Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure  ;

Other Pressure _}2D_ psi Test Temp. Ambient'F '

   ' NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, ske ches, or drawings may be used, provided-(1) size is 8-1/2".x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

l -9. Remarks: This-NIS-2 Redort provides the reauired information on renairs and reolacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990. I Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reolacements of Comoonents'in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS 2 for reoortine.  ; (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) I i h We certify that the' statements made in the-report are correct and this-reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME' Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Starap: N/A  ; i Certification of Authorizat on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A ' Signed: - /.4M WAP(4 Af- Date: 8'J"f8 l (Owner or"Owne Vs Designee, Title)- CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I,.the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by llartford Steam Boiler I & I Co.' of Ilartford. CT have inspected the components described in this-Owner's Report durici; the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has  ! performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in'this , Owner's Report in'accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, l Section XI. By signing this certificate', neither the Inspector nor his employer makes-  ;. any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for

  • any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from 4 ection.

or connected with this insp/ . Inspector's Signature: e' Am m,vr t) AWIh o ,/ 9 g Commissions: M )$2 7 N'/h kO -[ 7 i (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: b 3' O

                            . FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR' REPIACEMENTS As Required =by the Provisions of the ASNE~ Code Section II
  - l '. -    Owner:    ' Nebraska Public Power District-               Date:        July 30. 1990 (Name)-

P.O.-Box 49. Columbus. NE '68601 Sheet 14 of 93 , (Address) 2~. Plant: 'Cooner Nuclear Station Unit: One  ! I (Name)- P.,Q.' Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

   .3.       ' Work Performed By:               Owner                   Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZ6 Same                                 Authorization Date:      N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

    ' 4.       Identification of-System:          Primary Containment (PC)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Draft Code for Pumns and Valves i March. 1970 Addenda, N/A Code Case

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda 1

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ,

l i Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear . Document Replaced, or Stamped . Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) PC-MOV 230KV Allis-Chalmers 2 DC 89-057 Replacement No PC-MOV 231MV Allis-Chalmers 2 DC 89-057 Replacement No PC MOV-232MV Allis-Chalmers 2 DC 89-057 Replacement- No PC-MOV-233MV Allis-Chalmers 2 -DC 89-057= ;Replac'ement No PC-A0V 237AV Allis-Chalmers 2 DC 89 057 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: -Installed new elastomer seals: installed mechanical stons.


8. Tests Conducted: .llydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure _,X Other' Pressure psi Test Temp, *F NOTE:- Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used,
            - 'provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of:this form;                                                                                   i

l 9 Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reautred information on reoairs and reolacements ' oerformed at Coooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Recairs and Reolacements of Comoonents in


Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) - We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriza on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: - lea 6A AVAd Date b "U" 0

                       '(Owner o'r Own(p/s Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding.a valid commission issued by.the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by llartford Steam Boiler 7 & I Co . of llartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of-the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the: examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from - or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: e _ AO c er-e . jam Commissions: blfN 0 2 ?'f lWl 0~l? (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: - ?) ^ b

E PORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS T REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions:of the ASMr. ode Section XI 0wner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 301 1990'

1. -

(Name) P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet =15 of 93~  ; (Address)- ' 2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) , P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , Job No . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner . Type Code Symbol-Stamp: E/A ,

Same Authorization Date: N/A , (Address) Expiration Date: N/A ,

4. Identification of System: Primary Containment (PC)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME' Draft Code for Pumos and Valves i March 1970 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements i
              '1980, Winter 198) Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement. Components Work Repaired -ASME Code J Name of Name of Nuclear -Document Replaced, or Stamped '

Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement 1 (Yes or No) PC A0V-238AV Allis Chalmers 2 DC 89-057 Replacement No Replacement PC-A0V-245AV All.s-Chalmers 2 DC 89 057 No l PC A0V-246AV Allis-Chalmers 2 DC 89-057 Replacement No 1

7. Description of Work: Installed new clastor r seals t ' installed mechanical scons.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi . Test Temp. 'F.

NOTE: Supplemental. sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be'used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2".x 11_", (2) information in items 1 through 6'on'this

        . report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. . Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort orovides the recuired information on reoairs and reolacements eerformed'at Coooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N.308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reolacements of Components in Euclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp:- N/A  ; Certification of Author za ion No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed: > C44A MVME Date: 8~d"90 (Owner or Ownd/'s Designee, Title). CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota- and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I'& I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and-belief, the Owner has performed examinations and tchen corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI, , By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable-in any manner for  ! any personal injury or property _ damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspec ion. Inspector's Signature: _ , A /4t w Commissions: M/3 O27 [h M kO~/7 (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: h 3 ' /O i

D' s , t-

                             ' FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS CR REPLACEMENTS As Required-by the Provisions:of:the ASME Code Section XI Date:.       July 30. 1990
     !1.      Owner:    ' Nebraska Public Power District (Name)

Sheet 16' of 93 P.O. Box 49. Colu=hus'. NE- 68601 (Address) Cooper Nuclear Station Unit:- One

2. Plant:
                                                                                            /                          ,

(Name)  ? N/A ' 7 P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111el NE 68321 . ' (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.

                                                                        'No. -Job No., Etc.)                           ;


3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A-Same Authorization Date: __N/A (Address) N/A Expiration Date:

4 Identification of System:- Reactor Core Isolation Cooline'(RCIC) Contract E69-4 19 N/A Edition,

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code:

N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case 1 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980 Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identificati.on of Components Repaired.or Replaced and Replacement Components Work . Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer i Class- Number Replacement- (Yes=or No)

D RCIC-CV 12CV Rockwell ' 2 90-1433 Repair- No l l 1 l l l l

7. Description of Work: Lacoed valve disc. ,


8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi ' Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists; sketches, or drawings may be.uned, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the numb". of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

9 Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort orovides the recuired information on repairs and roolacements nerformed at' Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 th*gugh May 1990. , Also code Case N 308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reolacements of Comoonents in llucient Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) i We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reoair conforms to the ules of the ASME Code, Section XI. 3 (repair or replacement) , Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriza on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signer': FA6L ' AW4A Date $ ~ ~3~ 90 ' (Owner or Ownkts Designee, Title) J CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has .  : performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the'ASME Code, Section XI. , By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his-employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective. measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore,. neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property. damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspect on. Inspector's Signature: I/wem m Commissions: N/$ lO 3 7 - l UY O ~llY (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) l= Date:


O 1 h

FORM nib-2 OWNER'S REFORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI  ; t Date: July 30. 1990

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District f 1

(Name) Sheet 17 of 93  !

                   /.O. Sox 49. Columhus. NE 68601 (Address)

Coooer yuelear Station One-

2. Plant: Unit: r (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed Byi Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Date: ,

N/A ] (Address) N/A Expiration Date:

4. Identification of System: drandby Liould Contro1~ (SLC)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1977 Edition, Summer 1977 Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

( Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components  ; Work Repaire'd ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) SLC SQBV-14B Conax Corp. 1 90 1706 Replacement No ( --. P 1

 '7.          Description of Work:      . , _ ,

Replaced explosive (soulb) valve insert. ,_

8. Tests Conducted: Hynrostatic Pneumatic j

! Noainal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp, ' F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1). size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in iteri 1 through 6 on this i report is included on each sheet, and (3) each cheet is n abered and the number of ) sheets is recorded at the top of this form.  ; 1 1 _y

                                                                        *            "           9      1 p,',

t l

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Recort orovides the reouired information on recairs and replacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990. ,

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Recairs and Reolacements of Comoonents in i Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked throuth the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) . We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.  ! (repair or replacement)  : Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authorizati n No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: >+M #41d!Ld' 4W M Date: @I

  • N (Owner or' Owner (/ Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPOCTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have insp.ected the components described in this ' Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to . hay.31. 1990 , and state that to the best of ny knowledge and belief, the L9ner har performed examinations and taken correctivo measures describ, d in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the AS.E Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, cotxerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report, Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind erledng from l or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: :7 sun _ Commissions: #N O27 _

                                                             /W N - / W (National Board, State Province, and Endorsements).                    .[

l Date: b,_h"fO __ l

                                                                                               " ee ww a
 - m

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of t.,e ASME Code S ction XI

1. Date: July 5 1990 Owner: Nebraska Epblic Power District (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheat 18 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc. ) I

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Date: N/A j (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Residual Heat. Removal (RHR) --
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, ,

No Addenda, N/A Code Case


(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements ( 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replacej and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Namo of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RH H56A N/A 2 '89 4512 Replacement No t [ l

7. Description of Work: Pine sunoort re-assembled and iam nut installed.

b, Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic ' Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, , provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded et the top of this form. l l

9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Report provides the recuired information on recairs and replacements cerformed at Coooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuth May 1990. l Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Reenirs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the upe of Form NIS-2 for recortine. ]

(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) ) i 1 i We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reoia. cement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) i Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A q l Certification of Authoriza on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A o Signed: #4 . 40444' #d4 Date: 8'IYD (OwnerorOwne(/sDesignee, Title) l CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, , Section XI-By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for a.iy personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspeption. Inspector's Signature: -#h b Commissions: 8d / 2 79' ' [fM O ~ / ~7 i (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements)

                           ~    ~


m- j i FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS l As Required by the Provisions of the ASKE Cod 3 S00 tion XI 1 Date: July 30. 1990 i

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Jheet 19 of 93 (Address) 1

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One l (Name) j i

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A I (Address) (Repsir Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.) l

3. . Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbo?. Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) _ l Expiration Date: N/A l l

4 Identification of System: Core Sorav (CS) )

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ANSI B31.7 1969 Edition, J

No Addenda, N/A Code Case  ! (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components  ;

Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) Type 3 X2603-202 Crinnell 2 89-4678 Replacement No 7, Description of Work: Straighten rod and reolace nut on sunoort.

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F l

1 NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, oc drawings may be used, j provided (1) size is 81/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this ' report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. i e

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report crovides the reouired information on recairs and replacements cerformed at Cooper Nuelcar Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuth the une of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A N/A Expiration Date: N/A Certification of Authoriza ion hD. Signed: - FAWA ##4- Date: [PN (OwnerorOwn{/'sDesignee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by llartford Steam Boiler 1 & I Co. of Itartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures dese.ribed in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nt; his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: >< - Commissions: $b 00lY b/ W 0'O -llY (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 3-3'70 l

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of.the ASME Code S3stion XI  !

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 l

(Name) P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet- 20 of 93 , (Address)  ;

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A  ! (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. 1 No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: EZA Same Authorization Date: N/A  ;

(Address) Expiration Date: N/A ,

4. Identification of System: Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU)
5. (a) Applicabic Construction Code: ASME Section III 1983 Edition, No Addenda, fi/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements '

1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components I Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) y RWCU-P-B Ingersoll Rand 2 DC 89 256 Replacement No RWCU P A Ingersoll-Rand 2 DC 89-256 Replacement No l
7. Description of Work: Replaced numos with new numos.
8. Tests Conductedt Hydrostat4c _ X Pneumatic l Nominal Operating Pressure j C Pressure .1850 psi Test Temp. Ambient'F 'l l NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.  !

l t


9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Report orovides the recuired information on repairs and  ;

replacements cerformed at Cooper Nu'elear Station from July 1989 through May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Recairs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS 2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriza ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 4W44 M8/M Date: 8' M O (Ownero'rOwnefsDesignee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler 1 & I Co.

           <' f  Hartford. CT    have inspected the components described in this's Report during the period      July 1. 1989    to   May 31. 1990   ,

and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. P By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any. kind arising from or connected with this inspe tion. Inspector's Signature: j dn e Commissions: /Md /O2 7Y [II/l/ $70-/7 (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 3-)'fO l

FORM NIS-2 OWNF.R'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section KI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power Dista.iet Date: July 30. 1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbom. NE 68601 Sheet 21 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooner Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 , N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No.,-Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner -Type Code Symbol Stamp:-EZA Same Authorizat!.on Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Reactor Vater Cleanun (RWCU)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1983 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda 6.

Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Component Document Replaced, or Stamped Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) RWCU V 38 Rockwell DC 89-256 1 Replaced No RWCU V 16 Velan 2 DC 89-256 Replaced. No RWCU V-17 Velan 2 DC 89 256 Replaced- No RWCU V 18 Velan 2 DC 89 256 Replaced No RWCU V 23 Velan 2 DC 89 256 Replaced No

7. Description of Work: Renlaced valve with new valve.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic X Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure .1850 psi Test Temp. Ambient'F NOTE:

Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this. report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

I 9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Recort orovides the reouired inft.rmation on recairs and replacements cerformed at Coooer Nuclear Station riss July 1989 through Msv 1990. Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Reoairs and l enlacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for recortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports ta be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) N/A Type Code Symbol Stasy: N/A Expiration Date: N/A CertificationofAutheyiz fon No. Signed: [ - 4WM' #44- Date: 8'J 4 0 (OwnerorOw@'sDesignee. Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to _ May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, [ neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for j any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from i l or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: /kmw - -. e Commissions: NN [MM7f /NM 70~/7 V (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: hb 'kO l o

7 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS 1 As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI {

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 22 of 93 i (Address)  ;

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. " No. , Job No. , Etc. ) t

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Reactor Water Cleanuo (RWCU)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1983 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements '

1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code ,

Name of Name of Nuclear Document- Replaced, or Stamped Replacement ' Component Manufacturer Class Number (Yes or No) RWCU V 24 Velan 2 DC 89-256 Replaced No RWCU V-25 Velan 2 DC 89-256 Replaced No RWCU CV-10CV Velan 2 DC 89-256 Replaced No RWCU CV-11CV Velan 2 DC 89-256 Replaced No i l

7. Description of Work: Reolaced valve with new valve.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic X Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure other Pressure 1850 psi Test Temp.-Ambient'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, l provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.



9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Report provides the reouired information on recairs and l

1 replacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from Jul G "d49 through May 1990. 6)so Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Recladements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use <)f Foru NIS.2 for recortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports co be Attached)


We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement , conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacementi Type Code Synbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Author)z ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: / - C#d4 #6C _ Date: 8*J'9B e (Owner or Own W's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INS'eECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartcord Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has ' performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his. employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his empicyer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property dabage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: M ewN-


b s Commissions: MO /6,2 7 MM @O'/ 7 (National Soard, State, Province, and Endorsements)


Date: E

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

 .1. Owner:     Nebraska Public Power District                 Date:           July 30. 1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Cole =hus. NE 68601 Sheet 23 of 93 (Address)

2. Plar.t: Coooer Nuclear Station Unit: -One ,

(Name) l F P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321 N/A ' (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: E/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: ___Etr.ctor Water Cleanuo (RWCU)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1983 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements '

1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components R(paired or Replaced and Replacement Components l

Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer . Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) RWCU V 168 Whitey 2 DC 89 256 Replaced No , RWCU-V-169 Whitey 2 DC 89-256 Replaced No RWCU V 170 Whitey 2 DC 89-256' Replaced No RWCU V 171 Whitey 2 DC 89 256 Replaced No RWCU V-339 Whitey 2 DC 89-256 Replaced No

7. Description of Work: Reclaced valve with rew valve.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic X Pneumatic '

Nominal Operating Pressure . Other Presa:'re .1850 psi Test Temp. Ambient *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings-may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" 3: 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sl eet, and (3) each sheet is. numbered and:the number of she-ts is recorded at the tot of this form.


9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Recort orovides the reouired information on reoairs and  !

I rcolacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990. I Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs and Reclacements of Components in l l Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for recortine. l (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) l l 1 I We certify.that the statements made in the report are correct and this I reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement). Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriza ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A ,,, Signed: _ cC4W# #r6/. Date: 8'I* fo

                       ' (Owner or Owr (pf's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boller I & I Go. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 19' e0 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner nas performed examinations and taken corrective measures described 1i this , Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME fode, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. m/Mrwrvt['

                                                               ~ '

Inspector's Signature: '

                                                              #       s l

Commissions: 8d /C27Y NM '/7 (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: N'3' O

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 24 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc. )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Reactor Water _Cleanuo (RWCU)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1983 Edition, ,

No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements i 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped  ;

Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) RWCU V-340 Whitey 2 DC 89-256 Replaced No 1 1.

7. Description of Work: Reolaced valve with new valve.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic X Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure

! Other Pressure 1850 psi Test Temp. Ambient *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the teo of this form. ,


9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort orovides the reouired information on repairs and replacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuth May 1990.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reclacements of Components in i Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuth the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. l (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) ] l


l i We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this  ! l reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. ] (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol stamp: N/A Certification of Authorizat on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: / . /W. A !M# f . Date: # 9 -90 (Owner or Own V's Designee, Title) ' CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION-I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province > of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I A 1 Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has , performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements 'of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or imp 1ded, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described ..t this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

                                         <e                 A Inspector's Signature: ,#

Commissions: 8 d / 8 [2 N O M NO ~ / (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: b3~fO

i FORM CIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columhus. NE 68601 Sheet 25 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A l (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.0, No. , Job No. , Etc. )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Codo Symbol Stamp: E/A Same Authorization Date: ._N/A ..  !

(Address) Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Radvaste (RW)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1983 Edition,  ;

No Addenda, N/A Code Case 1 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements , 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Rupaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped '

Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) RW V-22 Rockwell 1 DC 89 256 Replaced No RW V-162 Rockwell 1 DC 89 256 Replaced No S 7, Description of Work: Replaced valve with new valve. .

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic X Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure 1850 psi Test Temp. Ambient'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Recort nrovides the reouired information on repairs and
    %olacements cerformed at Coooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N.308. " Documentation of Reonirs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS 2 for renortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Aeports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Author za on No. N/A Expirt. tion Date: N/A Signed: MO Md2 #fd5df- Date: 8 'P f # (Owner or Ownip('s Designee Title) , CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National o Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of- Minnesota and employed by llartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of }Iartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, , l Section XI. I l By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from , or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature:

4. m [ '

Commissions: 88 /C ;2 7 M/M 9C- O Y ,, (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements)


Date: t

m. _

FORM NIS-2' 0VNER'S REPORT FOR REFAIRS OR REF1ACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code S:3 tion II

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: Julv 30. 1990 j

(Name) 1 P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 26 of 93 (Address) One

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit:

(Name)  ; P.O. Fox 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.  ; No. , Job No. , Etc. ) j i

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: EZ6 Same Authorization Date: N/A l

(Address) N/A Expiration Date:

4. Identification of System: Reactor Water Cleanuo (RWCU)  ;
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1983 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replaceme',ts t 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda P
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work' Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, ot . Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) l Piping
  • Amer Ind. 2 DC 89-256 Replaced No Technology

n RWCU supply from the reactor beginning at the outlet of valve RWCU MOV-M015, passing through the RWCU pumps and the regenerative heat exchanger and ending at the inlet to  ; the RWCU non regenerative heat exchanger.

7. Description of Work: Replaced einine with new nininc.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic X Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure 1850 psi Test Temp. Ambient *F 1

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on'this t 1 report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Report provides the reautred information on repairs and replacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reonirs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS 2 for recorting.  ; (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) 1 Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Author za ion No. N/A piration Date: N/A Signed: - N #44' Date: 8 **f4 (Owner or Ow M 's Designee. Title) i __ l 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION l 1 I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National l Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province ' of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler 1 & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period Juiv 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in-this Owner's Report. Furthermora, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspec ion. Au-mrp h/j ! Inspector's Signature: _, ~ i l Commissions: 8A/97 N 90~/ (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 3 7C) l

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REP 0kT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME' Code Section XI Date: July 30. 1990

'1.       Owner:    Nebraska Public Power District (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Coln=hus. NE 68601 Sheet 27 _ of _ 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. l No., Job No., Etc.) 3.. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: NZA j same Authorization Date: N/A (Address). Expiration Date: N/A i

4. Identification of System: Reactor Water Cleanuo (RWCU) i
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1983 Edition, j No Addenda, N/A Code Case j 1

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements  ! 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda  ! i

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work P.epaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuciaar Document Replaced, or Stamped  ;

Component Manufacturer Ci. Number Replacement (Yes or No) Piping

  • Amer Ind. 1 DC 89-256 Replaced No Technology i
  • Two (2) inch RWGU line inside drywell beginning at the tap connection from the reactor undervessel drain line and ending at the tap connection to the six (6) inch RWCU supply line.
7. Description of Work: Reclaced vicine with new cloine.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic X Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure 1850 psi Test Temp. 6pbient*F  ;

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, ' provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reouired information on repairs and replacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs and Reclacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reElagement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. , (repair er replacement) Ty.e Co!.- Sriool Stamp: N/A Cettification of Authoriza ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: - 54 4ef ANI H L Date: 8'J YO l (ownet or owntV's Designee, Title) l CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Soiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from I or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: e v , Commissions: [ d /8 .2 7 Y /2f g pg,/7/ (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: b 3'kC

8{* 5 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPiACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of'the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49.* Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 28 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: 8/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Reactor Recirculation (RR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME,Section III 1983 Edition, No Addenda, , N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements i 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components l

Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Component Stamped Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) i l Piping

  • Amer Ind. 1 DC 89 256 Replaced No Technology i


  • The undervessel drain line which is part of the RR system. The portion of this line 1 btginning outside the reactor pedestal and ending at the floor drain, including up to RUCU V 38.
7. Description of Work: Reolaced einine with new cloine.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic ** Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure X Other Pressure psi Test Temp 'F
      **' Hydrostatic test deferred.

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. i

i I

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort provides the reouired information on repairs and replacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Replacements of Components in i Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reportinc. ~ (Applicable Manufacturer's D'ata Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this i 4 reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriza on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: - / W #44 Date: 8~Ida (OwnerorOwn{r/sDesignee, Title) i I 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period _ July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. Sy signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, c. cerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of.any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: - /e r Commission : 88 /C 2 7 Y /D 96 - MY (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 3'3'07C)

                                 -                           =_-.

I i FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section II Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 i

1. Owner:

(Name) P.O. Box 49. Coln=hus. NE 68601 Sheet 29 of 93 (Address) Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station Unit: One l

2. '

(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A >

                            -(Address)                            (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.                 !

l No. , Job No . , Etc . )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/6 l Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Reactor Water Cleanuo (RWCU)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1983 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code _ Case j (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

CU H221 N/A 1 DC 89 256 Replaced No l CU H97A N/A 2 DC 89-256 Replaced No CU H100A N/A 2 DC 89 256 Replaced No 1 CU H109A N/A 2 DC 89 256 Replaced No i l i l

7. Description of Work: Replaced suonorts with new succorts.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure R Other Pressure _ psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental. sheets in the form of lists, skctches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.  !

i i l

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort crovides the reouired information on recairs and ,,,,,,,,,

n olacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990. Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Renairs and Reclacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS.2 for recorting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A certification of Authoriz ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: _ t w #AAL Date: 8*h9D (OwnerorOwn(,/'sDesignee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this ' Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. I By signing this certificate, t.either the Inspector nor his employer makes I any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of. any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature:  ; orev

                           #[J /C 7 '[

Commissions: /Y M f[)'/7 (National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) l Date: b )- h

i j FORN NIS-2 DWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASNE Code Section XI l l

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: Julv'30. 1990 l (Name) l Sheet 30 of 93 P.O. Box $9. Coln=hus. NE 68601 (Address)

Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: one

3. Plant: ,

(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. he C8321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. t No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA ,

Same Authorization Date: N/A . (Address) N/A Expiration Date: ,

4. Identification of System: Reactor Recirculation (RR) l 1983 Edition.
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Name of Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) i l

RR H21 N/A 1 DC 89-256 Repaired No L

7. Description of Work: Removed support.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic ,

Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F i NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided . (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each' sheet is numbered and the number cf sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report orovides the reouired inforaation on repairs and replacements cerformed at Coooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N.308. " Documentation of Reemirs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for recortinc. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached \ l We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this recair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriz tion No. N/A Expiration gate: N/A Signed: - 444M #6d- Date: 8* M O (Owner or Ow &r's Designee Title) i CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION i I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Plassure Vessel Inspectors eud the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler T & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 199Q__, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and 4 corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, i neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arieing from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: A !6 ,: Commissions: /f)A /C 2 7'/ P7&' 90 -/7Y  ;' (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: __F" 3 ' 7 CP l

o .

                                - FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT. FOR REPAIRS GR- REPIACEMENTS As' the Provisions of the ASME-Code Section XI 0_1.-        JDyner:       Nebraska Public Power District-                       -Date:        Julv '.-0. 1990 (Name).

P.O. Box 49. Columbus . NE 68601- Sheet- 31 of- 93 (Address) I

2. Plant:- Coooer Nuclear Station- Unit: One -

l (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 __ N/A ~ (Address) (Repair Orgainzation,1P.O. No., Job No., Etc.).

3. . Work Performed By: bener Type Code Symbol. Stamp: H/6 i

Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Tys'sratida Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Reactor Recirculation (RR) _
5. (a) Applicable Construction. Code: ASME Section III 1983 Edition, No Addends, N/A' Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilizedifor Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work- Repaired- ASME Code.

LName of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Compenent Manufacturer Class Number Replac,ement (Yes or No)

              ,,6   1120                N/A                      1         DC 89-256           Replaced                 No i
7. Description of Work: Reolaced suonort with new suroort.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure- psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet'is numbered and the number of
                 . sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks: ,_D is NIS-2 Report cro' rides the reauired information on renalrs abd l

reolacements verformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs and Reolacements of Components in l Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIG 2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Deta Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this IeJ bcement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repcir or replacement) l Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriz ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A F'Tned: d'lA6L AV64C- Date: 8'3'10 (OwnerorOwn@'sDesignee,. Title)  ! CERTIFICATE.0F INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by_the National Soard of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by liertford Steam Boiler I-6 I Co. of flartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1.'1989' to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the-Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this j Gwner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, l Section XI. - by signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the' examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the' Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in ny manner for _i any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from j or connected with this inspection. -i Inspector's Signature: - sem Commissions: NblO27Y NN VC~/lV (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: T-3~IO


l j FORM.NISo2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIJ. CEMENTS As Required by.the. Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI- 1 1 Date:- July 30. 1990 )

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601- Sheet 32' of- 93  ! (Address)- 2.. Plant: -Cooper Nuclear Station Unit:s One

                                  .(Name)                                                                      ,

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 'N/A' (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. c' No., Job No., Etc.)

3. . Work Performed-By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp
  • H/_6-.  ;

Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) _ . Expiration Date: N/A-

4. Identification cf System: Reactor Water Cleanuo-(RWCU)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1983 Edition, No Aodenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for. Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or. Replaced and Replacement Components i

Work Repaired- .ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document- Replaced,'or Stamped , Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement -(YesorNoL i CU-ll224 N/A 1 DC 89-256 Replacement No CU-il? 25 N/A 1 DC 89-256 Replacement- No ,k CU-il226 N/A 1 DC 89-256 . Replacement No ! CU-il79 N/A 2 DC 89 256 -Replacement No ) CU il82 N/A' 2 DC 89-256 Replacement .No

 '7. Description of Work:             Add weld to strengthen sunoorts.
8. Tests Conducted: llydrostatic Pneumatic .I Nominal Operating Pressure .__ -l Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used,.

provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered ~and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. , 1 1 I l

a 1

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report orovides the reauired information on reoairs and replacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuhh May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Rranirs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reoorting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) ,

       -We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement          conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.

(repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriza ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: . c"4Ar,' 4 AWdd- Date: 8 'J '9 0 (OwnerorOwnf'sDesignee, Title) l CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I,'the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National

Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province ,

of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. l , of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in-this l Owner's Report during the period ~ Julv'1. 1989 to Mav'31. 1990 , i and state that to the best of my knowledge and-belief,.the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described'in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and , corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: , A+r [ Commissions: Md 52 7 #[ /N @C-/7k (National Board, State, Prov'ince, and Endorsements) Date: 9-3-iO _ 9 I

FOR)t NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by.the Provisions of the ASME Code'Section XI Date: Julv 30. 1999 1

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District-(Name)~

Sheet 33 of '93 P.O. Box 49. Columb'us. NE 68601


Cooper Nuclear Station- -Unit:- One 2 .- Plant: (Name) N/A P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. (Address). No . .. J ob No . , Etc . ) Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: Ela 3. Authorization Date: N/A Same (Address) N/A Expiration Date:

4. Identification of-System: Reactor Water Cleanuo (RWCU) -.

ASME Section III 1983 i . tion,

5. (a)' Applicable Construction Code:

No Addenda,- _ N/A Code Case

                                             -(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1930, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components.

Work Repaired. ASME Code

                                                                                  ' Nuclear       Document             Replaced, or=          Stamped Name of              Name of Component              Manufacturer         Class          Number              Replacement'      -(Yes or No)

CU H87 N/A 2 DC 89-256 . Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Add weld to strengthen succort.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic- -Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F-NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11",-(2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: Es NIS-2 Report orovides the reautred information on retiairs and rcolacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Staffon f rom July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Renairs and Replacements of Components in j l Ruclear Power Plants"' is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine.  ! (Applicable Manufacturer's Data-Reports to be Attached)  ! l We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules < 'FME Code, Section XI, ; (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: /A Certification of Author ation No. N/A Expiration Date*

  • Signed: Fade > A,- . Date: OWO (ownei or deiner's Designee, TitL)  !

b l CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National. Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT _ have inspected the components. described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989- to May 31. 1990- ,- and state that to the best of my knowledge .and belief, the owner has. ' j performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this ' Owner's Raport in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. 1 By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for i any personal injury or ' property damage or a. loss of any. kind arising from or connected with this inspection. > Inspector's Signature: , A+v, + Commissions: Md 97V O/M O-/7 (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: '3~YO 4 m--

h [ FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisionsfof the ASME Code.Section XI Nebraska Public' Power District Date: July 30. 1990

1. Owner: ___ l (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE' 68601 Sheet- 34 of 93  ; (Address)

2. Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station' Unit: One- f (Name)

P.C. Box 98. brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No.,-Etc.) Type' Code Symbol Stamp: HZ6 3.. Work' Performed By:. Owner Same Authorization Date: N/A f (Address) Expiration Date: N/A

6. Identification of System: Reactor Water Cleanuo (RWCU)
5. '(a); Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1983 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case ,j (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs 'or. Replacements-1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components:

Work Repaired' ASME Code Name of Name of Nucidar Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) CU-H80 N/A 2 DC 89-256 Repaired No CU-H84 N/A '2 DC 89-256 ' Repaired No CU-H86 N/A 2 DC 89-256- Repaired No CU H94 N/A 2 -DC 89-256 Repaired' No CU H97 N/A 2 DC 89-256 Repaired No

  ,                                                                                                                     )
7. Description of Work: Removed suonorts.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating' Pressure Other Pressure p:1 test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists. sketches, or drawings may be used,

! provided (1) size'is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) infotration in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each si.e=t is numbered *and the number of sheets is recorded at the-top of this form. 1 1'

9. Remarks: This~NIS 2 Reoort provides the reauired information on reoairs and

= replacements cerformed at Coooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked throcch the use of Form NIS-2 for recorting. (Applicable _ Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct _and this reoair conforms-to the rules of the'ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authori ation No. 'N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: M id 4 A#M Date: 8*J"90-(Owner or OwVer's Designee, Title) _ CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boller I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected _the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the-Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By si6 ning this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his amployer shall be liable _in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a;1oss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: he [ Coalssione: 00 lO27 NW VD-l (Fational Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Datei _h~ 3'fM


                                                     'As Required by the Provisions of the.ASME Code Section II Date:              July 30: '1990
1. . Owner: Nebraska Public Power District (Name).

P.O.' Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601- Sheet 35 of 93-(Address) Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One 2.- . Plant: (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No.,' Job No., Etc.)

3. . Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/_A Same Authorization Date: N/A
                                                          '(Address)                                                                                                                    N/A Expiration Date:
4. Identification of System: Reactor Water Cleanuo (RWCU)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section'III 1983 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter-1981 Addenda
6. Identification uf Components Repaired'or Replaced and Replacement Components Work . Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Componant, Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or'No)

CU H100 N/A 2 DC 89-256 Repaired. No-CU-H104 N/A 2 DC 89-256 Repaired No CU-H106 N/A 2 DC 89-256 ' Repaired' No CU H108- N/A 2 DC 89 256 Repaired No' CU-S85 N/A 2 DC 89-256. Repaired No

7. Description of Work: Removed suonorts.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: . Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort orovides the reauired information on repairs and reolacements cerformed at Coooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reoortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's D'ata Reports to be Attached) i We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reoair conforms to_the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.- (repair or replacement)


Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A l Certification of Authoriza ion No. N/A Expiration Date:- N/A Signed: EadA!' AS/64 Date: $ *J ~fo (Owner o'r Ownlo/'s Designee, Title) l CERTIFICK OF INSERVICE INSPECTION i 1, the undersigned, holding valid commission issued by the National-. Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described-in-this  ! Owner's Report during the period July 1.-1989 to May 31. 1990- , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has-performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes  ! any warranty,-expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner-for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: - er., e Commissions: llb lO lY l#?$ Y0~ /lY (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: h ~ 3 'fC

   ..                  .-          . .                                 .                         -             ~


                                                                                                                   -s I

FORM NIS-2. 0WNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS' OR REPIACEMENTS ~ As the~ Provisions of the.ASME' Code ~Section XI

1. Owner: ' Nebraska'Public Power District' Date: Julv 30. 1990 (Name)

P.O.' Box 49.' Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet- '36 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station ' Unit:' _

One L (Name) P.O. Box'98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A  ;

                                       .(Address)                           (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.

No', Job No., Etc )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA 1 Same Auehorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Reactor Water Cleanuo (RWCU)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III= 1983 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repaits or Replacemeats ~

1980, Winter 1981 Addenda ,

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired :ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced,-or .. Stamped' Component Manufacturer Class Number' Replacement (Yes or No)

CU-S86 N/A 2 DC 89a256 Repaired' No CU-S92 N/A 2 DC 89-256 Repaired No i

7. Description of Work: Removed succorts.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test'Tomp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches,.or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.



9. Romaces: This NIS 2 Recort orovides the reauired information on repairs and reolacements performed at Coooer hiclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs and Reolacements of Comoonents in l Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throt ch the use of Form NIS-2 for recorting.

                 .(Applicable Manufacturer's Lita Reports to be Attached)

We certify that the statemente made in the report are correct and this recair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriz ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: . EM #44 Date: 8*J'90 (Owner or Own64's Designee, Title). . CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION , I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province l of Minnesota and employed by -Hartford Steam Boiler I &'I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this- a Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to Mav 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief,1 the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures. described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. 1 By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning'the examinations.and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, ( neither the Inspector nor his-employer shall be liable in any manner for ' any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: . /h I4 . Commissions: #d /84L7Y AM 7C-/ 7 j (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: Y')'f6 L L l

     .   .       ..           -    .--        -   -           -   ~. .


                                                                                                                  .i As Required by the Provisions ofi he=ASME.

t Code Section XI i

1. Owner: ' Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE' 68601 Sheet 37- of 931 (Address) 12'. Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) P.O. Box 9 3. Brownville . NE 68321 N/A i (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. ' No., Job No...Etc.). J

3. Vork Performed By- Owner- Type Code Symbol Stamp: EZ6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) .

Expiration Date: N/A

   -4.   ' Identification of System:              High Pressure Coolant Iniection (HPCI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, -t No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or-Replacements 1980, Winter 1981' Addenda-
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work ~ Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufac turer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

HP S3 N/A 2 90-1052 Replacement No 1 l l l l

7. Description of Work: Install nut on eine clamo.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi- Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2).information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of l sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

1 l

s .9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reauired-information on repairs and reolacements cerformed at Coooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990. Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Reolacements of Comoonents in-Nuclear Power plants" is invoked throuth the use of Foim NIS-2 for reoortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.

       -(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriza ion'No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: e4&d #M Date: A '8 TC ' (Owner or Ownf/'s Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the-National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province-of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT -have inspected the components. described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to- May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best knowledge: and' belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME. Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither.the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's' Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of' any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: z ur,-z - Commissions: [ Ml2 % /W 9C-O[ (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: Y~)~fC

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S RET ORT FOR REPAIRS. OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Proviaions of the ASME Code:Section XI II .. Owner: Nebraska Public' Power Dist'ict Date: July 30. 1990 (Name), P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE~ 68601 -Sheet go f- 93 (Address) ,

 ' 2 c. Plant:          Coooer Nuclear Station'                 Unit:              One (Name),

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321- N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation,-P.O. No. , Job No . , Etc . )-

  '3. Work Performed By:               Owner                 . Type Code Sywbol Stamp: N/.6 Same                                Authorization Date:           N/A (Address).

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Reactor Feedwater (RF)'
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: UFAS B31.7 1969 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components-Work -Repaired ASME' Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RF-S2 N/A 2 89-4671 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Install cotter nin in rear bracket nin.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure
  • Other Pressure psi Test Temp. ,F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used,
           -provided (1) size-is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) informstion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered rnd the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. . Remarks: ~ This NIS-2 Reoort provides the reotilred information on reoairs and reolacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Stati m from July 1989 through May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the-use of Form NIS-2 for recorting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A l Certification of Authorizat n No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A , Signed: 44tif4 #8%64 Date: 89OO i (Owner or s Designee, Title) l 4 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province. l of -Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. .l of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this. ' Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , j and state that to the best of my knowledge and bM ief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective incasures described in this


Owner's Report in accordance with the ;equirements of the ASME Code, 1 Section XI. ' By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and

           . corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for                                    !

any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any' kind arising from or connected with this inspection.  ; Inspector's Signature: he


Commissions: Md /CM7 I /9MM-O , (National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) Date: h 2,-fg

_ ~.

                        ~ FORM NIS02. OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS-                            '

As Required by the Provisions of the ASNE Code.Section-XI~ Date: . July 30. 1990

 .1. Owner:      Nebraska Public Power District (Name)

P.O. Box 49.' Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 39 of 93 (Address).  ;

3. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: 'One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A [ (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.. No. , Job No. , Etc . ) . [ I

3. Work Performed By: ,_

Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/6-Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) ' Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Reactor Core Isolation Coolink (RCIC)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: 'USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, 4

No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements ; l 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda 3

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement'Componants l

Work LRepaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear -Document Replaced, or- Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number -Replacement (Yes or No) RC-S15B N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replaced- No Amendment 2 RC S1A B&R N/A 2 DC 88-302A- Replaced No Amendment 2

7. Description of Work: Installed new sunoort.
8. . Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure j Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: . Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketcher, or drawings may be used, provided'(1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items l'through 6 on this l report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of l sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort orovides the reouired information on recairs and reolacements cerformed at Coooer Nuclear Station'from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case'N 308. " Documentation of Renairs and Reolacements of Comoonents in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throueh the use of Form NIS-2 for reo,reing. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certificatio of Authoriz ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 44/44 A&M Date: 8 Pk8

                              .(Owner 'or Ow Mr's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the' National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel-' Inspectors and the: State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boller I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the 0wner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. . By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the' examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his' employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: dum r Commissions: MO /d Ny M N-O (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: h' b ~ D

zFORE NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR' REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by'the Provisions of the ASME. Code'Section XI Date: July 30. 1990

     = 1 ~. . Owner::      Nebraska Public Power District                                                                     '

(Name)- P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet- 40- of 93 , (Address)

2. Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station Unit: One- ,

(Name) J P.O. Box 98'.'Brownvil'le. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair _Orgainzation, P 0. No . , - J ob No . , ' Etc .')

3. Work Performed By: Owner . Type Code Symbol Stamp: ' N/A Same  ! Authorization Date: N/A
                               .(Address)                                                                                    ,

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Reactor Feedwater'(RF)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for- Repairs or Replacements #

1980, Winter 1981 Addenda'

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code 1 Replaced, or

Name of' Name of Nuclear Document. Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) RF-H48C N/A- 2 DC 88-302A -Replaced Ns Amendment 2 l a ,

7. - Description of Work: Installed new suonort.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure  ;

Other Pressure psi Tes t > Temp . 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report orovides the reauired inf$rmation on repairs and reolacements performed at Coooer Nuclear' Station from July 1989 through May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked through the use of Form NIS.2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authorizat on No. N/A -Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 644dAf ss%Lef.- Date: 8 PPO (Owner o'r Ownef/s Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I &'I Co. of Hartford. CT have inapected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 311 1990 , and state that to the best ot my knowledge and belief, the Owner has-performed examinations and takm corrective' measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,. Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: ee x r


Commissions: Md /C 27 V A/M90Y7. (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date, b3 iO i


FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S . REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPiACEMENTS ' As Required-by the Provisions.of.the ASME Code Section XI-

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District .Date: July 30. 1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 41 of 93 (Address) -1 , 2. Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station Unit: 'One- l (Name) 'l P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.  ! No.', Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/.A . )

Same Authorization Date: N/A: (Address) .l Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of' System: Reactor Water Cleanun (RWCU)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, ,

1 No ' Addenda, N/A Code Case (n) Applicable' Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements , 1980,~ Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work . Repaired- .ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear -Document Replaced, or; ' Stamped Component Manufacturar Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

CU S227 N/A 2 DC 88-302A . Replaced No Amendment 3-l 1 1

7. Description of Work: Installed new sunoort. l l
8. tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure ' psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, ,

provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 -on this l report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the' number of l sheets is recorded at the top of this form. l L

                                                      - _      .,        _. _       _        _               _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Reoort orovides the reautred information on recairs and reolacements cerrormed at Coooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch'May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for recortine. ~ (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the-statements made in the report are correct and this reoircement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriz ion No. N/a Expiration Date: N/A Signed: - (44'# /WdA Date: 89 id (Owner or O p 's Designee, Title). CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of' Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period Julv'1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificata, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty,. expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be' liable in any manner for. - any personal injury or property damage or a loss of .any kind arising from or connecteo with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: Am Commissions: 8/d /d '2 7 N NM OY (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: b ' IO l

A . FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S' REPORT FOR REPAIRS.OR REPLACEMENTS-As Required-by-the Provisions of;the ASME Code Section XI Date: July 30. 1990

     - 1 ?-    -Owner:      Nebraska Public Power' District (Name)-

Sheet 42 of 93 P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 (Address)

                                                                                         -Unit:                     One
2. Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station-

N/A P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321- -(Repair Orgainzation, P.O.

                                            -(Address)                                     No. , Job No . , Etc . );

Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: 226-3. Authorization Date: N/A-Same (Address) N/A Expiration Date:

4. Identification of System: Residual-Heat Removal (RHR)

USAS B31.7- 1969 Edition,

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code:

No -Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for. Repairs ~ or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or. Replaced'and Replacement Components Work- Repaired ;ASME Code Nuclear- Document' -Replaced. or Stamped Name of- Nameoof .

Component Manufacturer -Class . Number Replacement (Yes'or No) 2' DC 88-302A Replaced No RH-S33E N/A Amendment 3 2 DC 88-302A Replaced No - RH-H144B N/A Amendment 3 DC 88-302A _ Replaced- No RH-S47A N/A 2 Amendment 3

7. Description of Work: Installed new suonort.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominni Operating Pressure other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: . Supplemental sheets in tha form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report- is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheet. is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort provides the reauired information-on repairs and reolacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reclacements of Components in I Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reoorting. ) (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) l 1 l l We certify that the statemente made in the report are correct and this-replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. , (repair or replacement) l l Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriz ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: E44 MM64 Date: 8"J"N (Owner'or Owfo/r's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National . Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota' and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in-this Owner's Report during the period July l'. 1989 to May 31; 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge'and belief, the Owner has. perforrued examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the.ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied,.concerning the. examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, l neither the Inspector nor his employer'shall be liable in any manner for l any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind' arising from ' or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: / N Commissions: M /C 7Y AM b-O (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements)~ Date: b 3 ' fC

m FORM NIS.2 - OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS GR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI'

1. Owner: ' Nebraska Public Power District _ Da te : .. Je$v-30.

1 1990 (Name) / 3

                                                                 ,                    .I                            1
          'P.O. Box 49.- Columbus. NE 68601                       Sheet          43 .'._. of     93 (Address):                                                                              .
2. Plant: Cooner Nuclear Station Unit: One 1 (Name)-

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 J N/A _

                              -(Address)                             (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.                     .j No., Job No., Etc.).
3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code. Symbol Stamp: HZ6 Same Authorization Date: N/A j
                       ' Address)

Expiration Date: N/A ]

4. Identification of System: Main Steam (MSI

.S. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969: Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case

     .(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements                                      ]

1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components
                                                                                                                     ~l 4

Work. Repaired- ASME Code

    ~Name of                wame of         Nuclear        Document               Replaced, or-          Stamped           j Component            Manufacturer         Class           Number               Replacement         (Yes or No)         l MS-S26                     N/A              2        DC 88-302A                 Repaired                No            ,

Amendment 2 MS-H117 N/A 2 DC 88-302A Repaired .No Amendment 3 . 4 o i s 1

7. Description of Work: -Removed succort.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp, 'F NOTE: Supplemental : sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be useG, provided (1) nize is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this .

report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. n

l ,9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Reoort provides the rgauired infprmation on recairs and reolacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Reolacements of Components in l 1 Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. ( (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) l l We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reoair conforms to the rules of the'ASME Code. Section XI. (repair or replacement) i Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certifiestion of Authoriza on No. N/A- Expiration Date: N/A Y Signed: MA2 AWM Date: 89"M i (Owner or Own6f's Designee, Title)- CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National ' Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the componen a described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has I performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this i Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, l Section XI. l l By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and , corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, i neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for l any personal' injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from I or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature:


m/ww/ /

                                                 .- $ f A
                                                            $                                      1 Commissions:        N[/ /d d 2Y              MM IO ~/

(National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: b k' ,O 1

i FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS CR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the; Provisions of-the ASME Code Section XI 1 i

                                                                                             ' July 30. 1990                1
      !1.        Owner:     Nebraska Puh]ic~ Power District                   Date:                                         q (News):

P.O. Box 49.' Columb'us' NE'- 68601 Sheet 44 of. 93 i (Address).

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station -
                                                                             ' Unit:              One                        ;

(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A' (Address)- (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.); t

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Authorization Date: N/A [

Same (Address) N/A Expiration Date: Residual Hpat Removal (RHR) ',

4. Identification of System:

USAS B31.'7 1969 Edition,

       '5.        (a) Applicable Construction Code:

No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of'Section XI Utilized for' Repairs or Replacements- , 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda .

6. Identification af Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Comper. ts t
                                                                         . Work             Repaired         -ASME Code Name of                Name of          Nuclear        Document        Replaced; or        . Stamped-Component              Manufacturer        Class          Number          Replacement         (Yes or No)

Ril-SS6 2 DC 88-302A Repaired No' N/A Ril-S38 N/A 2 DC'88-302A- Repaired No j l Ril-S23 N/A 2 DC 88-302I. Repaired No , Amendment 3' l Ril S32 N/A 2 DC 88-302A . Repaired No , Amendment'3 1 DC 88-302A' ' Repaired io j Ril-S66 N/A Amendment 3-L 7. Description of Work: Removed sunoort.

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic 4 Nominal Operating Pressure Other . Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F )

l' NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings.may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. t 1

 .._u_...__1___. _

i 9'. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort orovides the reouired information on reoairs and reolacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989'throuch'May 1990. , Also' Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Renairs and Reolacements of Components in H l Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. 1 (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) 1 We certify that the statements made in the report are-correct and this repair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Author za ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: .- (44 #M Date: hPM  ! (Owner or Own64's Designee, Title) l ' CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION-I, the undarsigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National 7 i Board of iler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Ilartford. CT have i nspected the components described in this-Owner's-Report during t' ,.ciod ' July 1. 1989 to Mav'31. 1990 , and . tate that to the ' .t of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has , performed examinatiorc and taken corrective measures described in this , Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of.the ASME Code, Section XI. i By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes j any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and , corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore,  ! neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for i any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: . s9sen rr - , - - w/, \ Commissions: /FA /d2'7 Y A/V 90 -/ 2 Y j (National Board, State, Province,'and Endorsements)- Date: T'3 ~f 0 ~ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _

         ..               . ~       . . - -                   .-.                                    .               - -

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section'XI

1. Nebraska Pub 11g_ power District Date: July 30. 1990

_ Owner: (Nano) , P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 45 of 93  ; (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear' Station Unit: Ont. .

(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzatisn, P.O.  ! No., Job No. Et;.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Date: N/A  !

(Address) Expiration Date: N/A , 4 Identificc'; ion of System: Bleed Steam (BS)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case

, (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code .

Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) BS Ill31 N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No i BS Ill14 N/A 2 DC 88-302A. Replacement No Amendment 1 BS Ill11 N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No Amendscnt 1 _ BS Il109 N/A 2 DC 838 302A Replacement No Amendment 1 BS S69A N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No l Amendment 2

7. Description of Work: Modified sunoort to reduce member stress. ,
8. Tests Conducted: l{ydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 throul 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is nuwdered at the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. ,


9. Remarks: This NIS.'! Report crovides the reauired information on repairs and replacements cerformed at Coocer Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Recairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports tc be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Sectior XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriz ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: -  % #AM /hM Date: 8*J'M (owner or 040 /r's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION

     !     I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or province of     Minnesota      and employed by     llartford Steam Boilor 1 & I Co.

of flartford. CT have inspected the components osseribed in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to ,,_]irv 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and beliel, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective meauurer; described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, mpressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective men.ures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for  ; any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. . Inspector's Signature: e he Commissions: MM dS7Y /7A) YO -/ 7 (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 9- I 70 ___

l F8RM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR RETIACEMENTS i As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Coln=hus. NE 68601 Sheet '46 of 93 (Address) .

8. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A _ (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.  ; No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Perfcrmed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp. E/A ,

same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: . N/A ,

4. Identification of System: Bleed Steam (BS)
5. (c) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements l 1980, Vinter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components -

Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) BS-S125A N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No BS S125B N/A 2- DC 88-302A Replacement No BS-S3 N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No . BS S113A N/A . DC 88 302A Replacement No BS-S113B N/A 2 DC 88 302A -Replacement No I

7. Description of Work: Modified suonort to reduce member st.ress.

! 8. Tests Conducted: 11ydrostatic Pneumat!,c  ! Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 1/2' x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each aheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the tcp of this form.


9. Kemarks: This NIS 2 Report orovides the reouired information on repairs and replacements nerformed at qooner Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990.

Also Code Case N.308'. " Documentation of Renalrs and Replacements of Components in Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS 2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Atteched) l We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Typo code symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Author zaylon No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed? Y ed _MM AVM Date: _d* JT @ ' (owner or Owrfj/'s Designee, Ti'le) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler 1 6 I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,

  • Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: , A*.m -- Commissions: #d )/d27 UA/ Pd'OI (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: b'3~fD l l l t e 4

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI  ; Date: July 30. 1990

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District  ;

(Name) P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 47 of 93 (Address) , Flant: Coooer Nucienr Station Unit: One , l 8. (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321 N/A ' (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc. )

3. Work Performed By: owrer Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/6  ;

Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) N/A ' Expiration Date:

4. Identification of System: Bleed Steam (BS)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, .

No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section X1 Utilized for Repairs or Replacements ' l 1980 Winter 1981 Addenda r

6. Identification of Components Repaired er Replaced and Replacement Components l

l Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number -Replacement (Yes or No) BS S4 N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No BS-S1 N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 1 l BS SS N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No e Amendment 1 BS S2 N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No Amendment 2

7. Description of Work: Modified suonort to reduce member stress. .
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic . Pneumatic l 1

Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this ] report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the tcp of this form. 1


9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Recort orovidet the reouired information on reonirs and ]

replacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990. q l Also Code Case N 308. ' Documentation of Repairs and Reclacements of Components in ] Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked through the une of Form NIS-2 for renorting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) i We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this t replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Author z ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: _ N AIV4/ Date: bN (Owner or O $ 's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has ( performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes i any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, ncither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: Am, Commissions: 80 /# 7! /Y Id-! (National Board, State Province, and Endorsements) Date: h kO

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REP 1ACEMENTS > As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990

1. Owner:

(Name) P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE- 68601 Sheet 48 of 93 l

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) i P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 ___

N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No...Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: _ Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: E/6

Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A l

4. Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD)-

1 (a) Applicable construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, i 5. No __ Addenda, N/A Code Cade (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements i 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components ,

Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) I CRD FFN N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement, No. Amendment 2 , CRD 9S N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 2 CRD CC2S N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement' No Amendment 3 CRD FFS N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 3 CRD JJN N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No Amendment 3

7. Description of Work: Modified suoport to reduce member stress.
8. Tests Conducted: Ilydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other _ Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NJTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) informAtion in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of.this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS 2'Recort vrovides the reauired information on recairs and reolacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Recairs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuth the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. l (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authorizat on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: / - 4dEd dVdM- Date: [*O YO (Owner o'r Owne(p's Designee, Title)


CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION  ! I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National l Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province  ! of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & T Co.  ; of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this - Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has

    ,        performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this.

Owner's Report in accordpoce with the requirements of thr ASME Code, Section XI. , I By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthe rtuore , neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of sny kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signatare: m r-

                                         /                                                ,

Commissions: 80 /C 27 Y AM 9 d - M l (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: @)~7C 1 1 i

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAlks,. 9R REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section II Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990

1. Owner:

(Name) P.O. Box'49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 49 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Gooner Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 , N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . . . Job No . , Etc . ) i

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/.A St ce Authorization Date: N/A (Addreiss)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Control Rod Drive (CRD)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case 1

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements I 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and' Replacement Components
                           -X                                                                                                 ,

Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or. Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) CRD EEN N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No Amendment 3 PSR 1 N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No Amendment 3

7. Description of Work: Modified suonort to reduce member stress. '


8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.



9. Lemarks: This NIS-2 Reoort vrovides the reouired information on reinirs and ,

replacements cerformed at Cocoer Nucicar Station from July 1989 through May 1990. Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS.2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to bo Attached) , f We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriz tien No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: J**S-- 6(54 #M Date: 8@ NO (OwnerorOpr'5 Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989._ to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken correct *ve measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the re,uirements of the AEME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liabic in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspec ion. Inspector's Signature: - v y< -

                                                  /'.   '     ~

Commissions: MM M Z 7 Y MM N ~~ O (National Board, State Province, and Endorsements) l Date: Y' 3 ' IO 1 l l

t FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Cod) S:cti!n XI Date: July 30. 1990

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 50' of 93 i (Address)

2. Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc. )

3. Work Performed By: Owner -Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Same Authorization Date: N/A i

(Address) . Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Core Sorav (CS)-
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements '

1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Corponents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document. Replaced, or Stamped  ;

Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) , C.c S10 N/A 2 DC 88 302A . Replacement No ' Amendment 1 CS-S16 N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No l CS-H9A N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No l Amendment 1 l CS H21A 2 DC 88-302A ReplacementL No N/A Amendment 1 CS.H45 N/A 1 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 1 l

7. Description of Work: Modified suonore to reduce member stress. ]
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure other __ Pressure psi Test Temp. *r NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings way be used, l

provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2)-information in items 1 through 6 on this

report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Renort orovides the reauired information on reonirs and replacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 19 9 0 . ,,,,,

i Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reolacements of Components in ' l Euclear Power Plants" is invoked throunh the use of Form NIS 2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) i We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A , Certificatio of Author za ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A' Signed: . f#dd Antff pate: h 40 (Owner or Own M s Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by , Hartford Steam Boiler I_& I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in thia Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 ,, t and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Cvner har, performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements o' B.a ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: . sw-  ! Commissions: M ,/d 77 / OM 90 -/ W (National Board,. State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: D NO l l

                                                                                                   'l FORM NIS.2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District' Date: Ju_v 30. 1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 51 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box.98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.) 3 Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: EZA  ! Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Core Sorav (CS)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 __ 1969 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components
b. Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of- Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

CS-H17A N/A 2- DC 88-302A Replacement No , Amendment 2 l

7. Description of Work: Modified succort to reduce member ptress.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure- psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.



i 1

9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Reoort orovides the reauired information on reoairs and replacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reolacements of Components in

Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for recortine. J (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached)

We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this i reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol beamp: N/A Certification of Authoriza ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: M- 6XMA A8//4, Date: $d "I6 (OwnerorOwn(/'sDesignee, Title) i l l l CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National

  • l Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boller I & I Co. '

of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the besit of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinctions and corrective measures described in this owner's Report, Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for , any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspect on. Inspector't Signature: A< Commissions: 8/ MM A/M fd -/M (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: ~ 3~b

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS. OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions cf the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: Juiv'30. 1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 6860* Sheet 52 of __, 7 3 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , Job No . , Etc . )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: EZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Reactor Water Cleanuo (RWCU)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ,

USAS B31.7 1969 Edition,  ; No - Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code i Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

CU-il50 N/A 1 DC 88-302A Replacement No . Amendment i l i

7. Description of Work: Modified suonort to reduce member stress.

l '

8. Tests Conducted: llydros tatic - Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) sir.e is 81/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and:the number of i

sheets is recorded at the top of this form,

9. Remarks: This NIS.2 Report crovides the reouired information on recairs and reolacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Reesirs and Reolacements <t Components in Nuclear Power Plants' is invoked throuth the use of Form NIS 2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol stamp: N/A Certification cf Authorizat on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: _

                                       %--  s%tfW. ATM.           Date:   8 P 90 5

(Owner ur owne ys Designee, Title) I CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding n valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors d the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford bream Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT,_, have inspected the. components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31._1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and correctivo measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for

any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Inspector's Signature: .-  % -7 Commissions: [N/82 N OM 70-/7 (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: T' 3 ~YO

a FORM NIS-2 CVNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section II l


Date: July 30. 1990

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District (Name) 53 93 j P

4 0. Box 49. Columbus . NE 68601 Sheet of

                 .                                                                                           j (Address)

Plant: __. Cooper Nucicar Station Unit: One . 2. (Name) I P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 _ N/A . (Address) (Repair Orgainration, P.O. 1 No. , Job No. , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A l Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Hieh Pressure Coolant Iniection t:PCI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 .1969 Edition, j No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replace;nents 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components  !

Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) IIP S17 N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No llP H54 N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No llP il49 N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No llP ll21 N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No k llP S22A N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement' No Amendment 1

7. Description of Work: Mcdified suonort to reduce member stress.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided.(1) size is 81/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort crovides the reouired information on recairs and replacements verformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from Julv M89 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reomirs and Reclacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for recortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached)  ; We certify th t the statements made in the report are correct and this j reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. I (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A , 1 Certification of Authoriz ion No, N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: - #4M4 #fM Date: b d "E# (OwnerorOwyr'sDesignee, Title) i CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler 1 & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this . Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state thet to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liabin in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: ,

                                         /s w - r Commissions:         /F8 8 ,7 ~/ Y               / W 9 6~~ O N (National Board, State Province, and Endorsements)

Date: h3' i l i

l l I i FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS ! As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section II i Date: July 30. 1990  ;

1. Owner: _ Nebraska Public Power District (Name) ]'

l 1 P.O. Box 49. Colitmhus. NE 68601 Sheet $4 of 93 (Address)

3. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station __

Unit: One - , (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownvilles NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. , No. , Job No . , Etc . )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA  !

Same Authorization Date: N/A i (Address) . Expiration Date: N/A . l 4 Identification of System: Hich Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, No Addetada , __

N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda l

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components I

Work Repaired ASME Code , Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped l Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) HP S6 N/A 2 DC A8-302A Replacement No Amendment 3

7. Description of Work: Modified sunoort to reduce member stress. -


8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort orovides the reautred information on repairs and l >

n olacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Reclacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for recorting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this - reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authorir tion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: . E4/ dA!L Akd4 Date: 8 ~.3 60 (Owner'or Owbdr's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by ,,_liattford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period __J.,y,1y.dl,. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowb h p and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken correu lve measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations c.nd corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: .


M +r M Commissions: M /C 3.7 /7/&' 9 C -/'7 Y (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 7- 3 ~' 70 1 1

i l FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS ' As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Date: July 30. 1990

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District i

(Name) P.O. Box 49. Columbus . NE 68601 Sheet SS of 93 (Address) One

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: __

(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc. ) j

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/6 .

4 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) N/A Expiration Date:

4. J Identification of 'ystem: Main Stram (MS)

(a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, 5. No Addenda, N/A Code Case


(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda l

6. Identification of Components Repnited or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped  ;

Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) MS H135 N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No MS S12A N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No-Amendment 1 MS-H95A N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No Amendment 1 MS-S17 N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replaceteent No Amendment 2 Y i MS-H129 N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No Amendment 3 i

7. Description of Work: Modified support to reduce member stress.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report crovides the reauired information on recairs and reolacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station f om July 1989 through May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs c.1 Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Autho iz ion No. N/A Expiration Date: ., N/A Signed: A  % dGd4A2- #M Date: _d "U 90 I (Owner or Owfyt's Designee. Title) I 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. _ of __ Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has j performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, + neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connecced with this inspec ion.

                                                    /               /    /

Inspector's Signature: y

                                                  . MA~. +        /      _

Commissions: Alb $2 7 Y AA) $70- l? Y (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 7-370 t

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebrasky Public Power District Date: July 30. 19%Q _ ,

(Name) P.O. Box 49., Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 56 of 93, (Address) Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station Unit: One , 2. (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc. ) l l

3. Work Performed By: ' Owner __ Type Code Symbol Starup: E/.A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Main Steam (MS)

(a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, 5. No Addenda, N/A Code Case l (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for. Repairs or Replacements l 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Componente i

Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped f Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) MS-H94 N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 3 MS-SS-D3 N/A 2 . DC 88-302A = Replacement No l Amendment 3 MS SS-A3 N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No l Amendment 3- s i MS-H137 N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No l l Amendment 3 MS SS-B3 N/A 1 DC 88 302A Replacement No Amendment 3

7. Description of Work: Modified suonort to reduce member stress.  ;
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp, 'F
Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, ,

provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this-report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of

       -sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS.2 Reoort orovides the reouired information on repairs and replacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch M.y 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriz ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: & M AW// Date: . NV" f 0 (Owner or OwnW's Designee Tit'.e) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Ownar's Report during the period. July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. .Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's-Signature: Am

                                    -r Commissions:        8 d / # 2 ~7 Y       /W 98-/7Y (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements)

Date: 7-3*IO i.

FORM CIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS 1 As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Date: July 30. 1990

1. Owner: Nebraska Pub 1'le Power District (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 57 of 93 l (Address) Coooer Nuclear Station One

2. Plant: Unit: . .

(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A ' (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. L No . , J ob No . , Etc . )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: EZ6 Same Authorization Date: N/A l '

t (Address) N/A i Expiration Date:

4. Identification of System: Main Steam (MS)

(a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, 5. No Addenda, N/A Code Case 1 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components l Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) l MS-SS C3 N/A 1 DC 88 302A Replacement No Amendment 3 MS-S13 N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replarmment No Amendment 2 MS S13B 'N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 2 MS-S13A N/A 2- DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 2
7. Description of Work: Modified suooort to reduce member stress.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other _._ Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) reize is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

I #

                                                              -         . , - . - -        ,v. -                      rw-' r- -,
9. Remarks: Thir NIS-2 Report crovides the recuired information on recairs and reolacements cerformed at Coooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Recairs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is inypked throuch the use of Form NIS 2 for recortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) 1 4 We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this , reolacement conforms to the rules of the A**:' <a;L Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/I . . , . . ~ , Certification of Authori at n No. N/A Expit-

  • i N/A Signed: -
                                              &d/2 A9M          Date, , " ! Mo                   I (Owner or' Owne(;4 Designee Title) 1 1

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION l I I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National l Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province i of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boller I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period Juiv 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, j Section XI. l By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: m- / Commissions: AM /8 3 7 NM 96-O ' (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: b bO 1


i I FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. i Owner: _ Nebraska Public Power Distriet__ Date:

(hame) July 30. 1990 P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 58 (Address) of 93

2. Plant: _ i Cooner Nuclear Station Unit:

(Name) One P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 (Address) N/A (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. __ No. , Job No. , Etc. )

3. Work Performed By: _ owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: NZA Same (Address) Authorization Date: _ N/A _

Expiration Date:

4. N/A _

Identification of System: 5. Reactor Core Isolation Cooline (RCIC) (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 _ 1969 Edition, No Addenda, _ N/A Code Case (b) 1980, Applicable Edition Winter 1981 Addendaof Section X1 Utilized for Repairs or Replac ements 6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement omponents C ) Name of Name of Work Repaired. Component Nuclear Document ASME Code Manufacturer Class Replaced, or Stamped Number Replacement RC-H30A N/A (Yes or No) 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No Amendment 2 RC-H10A N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement No Amendment 3 RC S9 N/A 2- DC 88 302A Replacement No Amendment 3

7. Description of Work: _

Modified suonort to reduce member stress. 8. Tests Conducted: HydrostatJ: Pneumatic Nominal Cperating Pressure other Pressure _ psi Test Temp.

                                                                                                   'F NOTE:

Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings e used, may b  ; provided.(1) sheets is recorded at size the top is of this8-1/2" form. x 11", (2) information of in items 1

                                                  ,  s .L--                                  ..

This NIS-2 Report provides the reautred information on reoairs and

9. Remarks:

1989 throuch May 1990. replacements verformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July in Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Recairs and Replacements of Comoonents is invoked throuth the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. Nuclear Power Plants". (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) Ve certify that the statements made in the report 3re correct and this XI. reclaecment _ conforms to the rdes of the ASME Code, Section ( or replacement) N/A Type Code Symbol Stamp: Expiration Date: _ N/A N/A Certification of Authoriza on No. Signed:

                                        -      M 4 AV4 d Date: _ N'I N (OwnerorOwn(/'sDesignee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, he1 ding a valid commission issued by Minnesota and employed by _ Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of have inspected the components described in this of Hartford. CT July 1. 1989__ to _ May 31. 1990 Owner's Report during the period and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed exa' inations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Reprt in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.  ! By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations Furthermore, and corroctive measures described in this Owner's Report. neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: ,/ Le Commissions: A/d /C 77 / W #7 8 - O I (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: ) 'fD

                                                           '                                          \

I y

1 1 t FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR' REPAIRS'OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the' Provi, ions of the ASME Code Section XI

      !1,        Owner:       Nebraska Public Power District                               Date:        J ulv ' 30. 199' 0 (Name)
                         ~P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601<                                 Sheet     59        of     93
  .                                        (Address)

Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit;' One

2. ,

(Name). P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321 N/A (/ ddress)  :(Repair Orgainzation, P.O. ,

                                                                                          .Noi, Job No., Etc.)-                             .!

Type Code Symbol Stamp: El6

3. Work Performed By: Owner Authorization Date: N/A' l Same (Address) .
                                                                                          . Expiration Date:            N/A                    '
4. . Identification of System: Reactor Feedwater (RF)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7- 1969' Edition;  ;

No Addenda, _ N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition-of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacaments 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components  ;

Work Repaired ASM2 Code Name of Name of Nuclear Documont . Replaced, or- Stamped , Component . Manufacturer Class Number Replacement i (Yes or No)  ! i RF Il54 N/A 2 DC 88-302A' Replacement No-l Amendment'l RF H53 N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No 7 l Amendment 1 RF-H50 N/A ~2 DC 88-302A Replacement No. l Amendment 2 ~ [ i RF-S4 N/A 2 DC 88-302A. Replacement No Amendment 3 , RF-S13 N/A l' DC 88-302A Replacement' No i Amendment 3

7. Description of Work: Modified suonort to reduce member stress.
8. Tests Conducted: llydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Orerating Pressure Other Pressure psi. Test Temp. *F
       . NOTE: Supplementel sF            ..s  in the form of lists, sketchso, or drawings may-be used, provided (1) siza is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through'6 on this                                             '

report is included on each' sheet and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of fsheets is recorded at the top of this form. 9t *m- ~ * ~ * * - nr

9. ' Remarks: _ Big NIS 2 Reoort orovides the reauired inf2Dpation on recairs and -

replacemenes verformed at~ Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of'Renairs and Replacements of-Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of' Form NIS 2 for recortlnc. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriza on No. N/A Expiration Data: _ N/A Signnd: .& 44@d #dd Date: Y~No (Owner or OwneV s Designee, Title). CERTIFICtTE.0F IESERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the Sta'e or Province of Minnesott and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I'& I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components-described in this

  • Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to _.liay 31. 1990 ,

and state that to the best of my knowledge'and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with.the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the exaiuinations and mrrective. measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from t or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: - /*f 4m*-r Commissions: kd N 2 7 V /D/U' 9'O -/7d (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 7-3-96

                               .-                                                                             n       _

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS- . As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI  ! Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 3 0 '. 1990

1. Owner:

(Name) P.O. Box'49. Columbus. NE 68601' Sheet 60 of 93 I (Address)

2. Plant: Cc.ooer Nuclear Statien Unit: One l (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 'N/A (Address): (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.. No., Job No...Etc.)

3. Work Performed By. ~ Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: E/6- -[

Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) ., i

                                                                                    ' Expiration Date:                N/A
4. Identification of System: Reactor Feedwater (RF)-


5. (a) Applicable Construa, tion Code: USAS E31.7- ,,1969 Edition, No Addenda, f/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of'Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda I

( 6. Identification of Components Repai. red or Replaced and Replacement Components 11 Work Repaired' ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or . Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)' RF-il62 N/A 1 .DC 88-302A Repl. cement No i Amendment 3 i RF-S15 N/A 1 DC.88-302A Replacement No Amendment.3 RF S17 N/A 1 De,88-302A Replacement No Amendment 3'

i. RF-il69 N/A 1 DC 88-302A Replacement- .No- ,

Amendment 3 m , RF-S10 N/A 1 DC 88-302A Replacement No- l l 1 ,

                                                                           .   'ndment 3' t
7. Description of Work-: _ Modified sunoort to reduce member stress.

l L 8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumati: _ Nominal Operating Pressure. Other Pressure psi Teac Temp. *F l l . NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or't!rnwings may be used, provided (1) site is 8 1/2" x 11'a, (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) ec::h sheet is numbered and tha number of she ts is rbcorded at the top of this. foiv . l' ML Wn A

9; ' Remarks: This NIS-2 Report orovides the reauired information on repairs and replacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from-July 1989 through May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair er replacement) n Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A . Certification of Authoriz tion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: dW64 A f64-8 Date: N '8"f0

                       '(Owner or Ow @ 's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National. Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province-of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I'& I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components' described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has r performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this l Owner's Report in accordence with the requirements of the'ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes I any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and

corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from ,

l or connected with this inspection. . j Inspector's Signature: . em [ Commissions: N/ 7 NM IO - O (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Dcte: k 3 ' kO

                         ' FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section-XI
1. - . Owner: f1Neoraska Public Power District Date: 'Julv 30. 1990 (Name) ,

t-P . 0 .- Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 61' of- -93, L (Address) {

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One .


             -P.O. Box 98. Brownvil10. NE 68321                                              N/A (Address)                             .(Repair Orgainzation, P.O.

No.,fJob No., Etc.)'

3. Work Performed By: __

(wner (Type Code Symbol Stamp:.El6- t Same Authorization Datt t__ (Address) Expiration Date: h/A

4. Identification of System: Ec : Lor Feedwater (RF) ,
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition,-

No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements' 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement -components  !

Work . Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuc1:ar Document Replaced, or Stamped t Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement .(Yes or No) RF-S8 N/A 1 tK: 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 3 RF-S9 N/A 1 DC 88-302A Replacement- No Amendment 3 RF S46A N/A 2 DC 88-302A- Replacement No Amendment 1 l RF-S45D N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement' No Amendment 1 RF S45C N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No-

                                                               . Amendment 1 l
7. Description of Work: Modified supoort to reduce member stress. j
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure l Other Pressure psi Teat Temp. ' 'F l i

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used,- . l provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each-sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the nwnber of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. l o

9.- Remarks:- This NIS-2 Report orovides the reouired information on reesirs and-replacements cerformed at Cocoor Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of-Repairs and Replaceaents of Comoonents in i Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2'for reportine. i (Applicable Manufacturer's Data be Attached) j i l We~ certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the'ASME Code,.Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Author za ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A  ! Signed: - dWs4 #44 Date: 8048 (OwnerorOwS'sDesignee. Title)  ! CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National. Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the-State'or Province 1 of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co.  : of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this -l Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , j and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has j performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this  ; Owner's Report in accordsuce with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his-employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or-property damage or a loss of any kind arising from' or connected with this inspection.  ! Inspector's Signature: wev e Commissions: //d /8 2 7 OM Ed ~ O (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: b3'kO m

1 P FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR RFPLACEMENTS > As Required by the Provisions.of the ASME'Co64 Section II Date: July 30. 1990 1.- Owner: Nebraska Public Power District (Name) P.O. Box 49. Columbut. NE 68601 Sheet 62 of. 93 (Address) 2.- Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) ,

             =P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321                                                               N/A-(Address)                                     (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.

No., Job No., Etc.) l-3 '. Work Performed By: Owner- Type Code Symbol: Stamp: H/A Same . Authorization'Date: N/A  ; (Address) a Expiration Date: M ,

4. Identification of-System: Reactor Feedwater (RF)

- 5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS-B31.'7 1969 Edition,

                        .o                 Addenda,              ' N/A'                             Code' Case 4

(b). Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components i

Work . Repaired ASME Code  ; Name of. Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or . Stampe>' Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes:or No) RF-S2 N/A 2 DC 88-302A- Replacement- No , Amendment 1 RF SSIA N/A 2 DC 88 302A Replacement- No Amendment l' RF-SSIB N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment ~1 RF-S51C N/A 2 DC 88-302A- Replacement No Amendment 1 RF-S1A N/A 2 .DC 88-302A. Replacement No Amendment 1' - we

7. Description of Work: f' W fied supoort to reduce member stress.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydr w.scic __ _. Pneumatic Nomine' Operi. ing Pressure' Other _ Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11",-(2) information in items 1 through 6 on:this-report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number af l- sheets is recorded at.the top of this form.

L l I

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort provides the reauired'information on repairs and replacements nerforced at Cocoer Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reolacements of Comoonents in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throunh the use of Form NIS-2 for reoortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) s We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: -N/A Certificatio of Authoriza on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: fAf AWM Date: hNN (Owner or Owne(g;/s Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issue'd by che National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam-Boiler I-& I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this. Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my_ knowledge and belief, the Owner has , performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employor shall be-liable in any manner for-any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspec ion. Inspector's Signature: . .4Me


Commissions: M /d.27[ D M 98-/ (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsoments) Date:


O em*

L PORM'NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS- = As Required by the Provisions .of the A'iME Code Section XI l

  .1.        Owner:    ' Nebraska Public Power Distrier _                   Date:        July 30. 1990 (Name)'

P.O.' Box'49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet- 63' =of 93 , (Address). , t' 2 .~ Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station- Unit: One __ (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE' 68321 N/A' , _ _ (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No.,' Job No., Etc.)' ,

                                                                                                                    )      I
3. Work Performed By: Owner . _ _ _ Type Code Symbol ~ Stamp: HZA~

Same . Authorization Date: -N/A' (Address)  ; Expiration Date: N/A >!

4. Identification of System: Reactor,Tredwater (RFF i
5. (a) Applicable' Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, .{

No Addenda, ,, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements' 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement' Components
                                                                        ' Work           Repaired        ASME Code Name of              Name of         Nuclear             Document _      Replaced, or          Stamped Component          Manufacturer        Class               Numbor'         Replacement      (Yes or No)           ;

RF-S1 N/A 2 DC 88-302A. ReplacementL , No ! Amendment 1  ! i k s.: - 7 Description of Work: Modified sunoort to reduce member stress.

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nomina 1' Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on'this report is includedaon each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

i l

9. Remarks: Jhis NIS-2 flecort orovides the reauired'information on rendirs and reolacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990. .

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Reclacements of Comoonents in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for.recortina. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) i We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this-reolacement- conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) l Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriza on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: /A/44 A%6Af_ Date: .$ *.5 "f D (Owner or Ownff's Designee, Title) [ CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vesse1' Inspectors and the State or Province I O of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co.- l of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in.this  ; I Owner's Report during-the period ' July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore,

                                                                               -neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal, injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspect on.

Inspector's Signature: . //nm -


Commissions: /M /M 7 N /W 78 -/7 (National Board, St te, Province, and Endorsements) Date: b 3'fC l

 -.x-  - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ - . - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - -                                           -+                    t


                                     ~As' Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI
1. ; Nebraska'Public Power District' Date: July 30, 1990 *
             . Owner:

(Name). P.O. Box 49'. Columbus.-NE 68601 Sheet 64 of 93 l (Address). l

2. Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station Unit: One ,

P.O. BorJ98. "rownville.'NE 68321 _E/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc. )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: EZ6 e

Same Authorization'Date: N/A (Address). Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of' System: Reactor Recirculation (RR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31'.7 1969 Edition, No Addenda, N/A- Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs,or Replacements '

1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code

, Name of Name of Nuclear Document. Replaced, or. ~ Stamped l Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement- (Yes or No) RR-SS2-A N/A 1 DC 88-302A -Replacement- No  ; Amendment 2 i RR-SS2-B N/A 1 'DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment.2 - j RR-SS4-A N/A 1 DC 88-302A . Replacement No Amendment 2 L RR-SS* h. N/A 1 DC 88-302A Replacement No. Amendment 2 RR-SS5-A N/A 1 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 2 ,- [.

7. Description of Work: Modified suonore to reduce member stress.

U 8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic-l Nominal Operating Pressure other Pressure psi. Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in. the form of lists, sketches,.or drawings.may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (i; information in items 1 through 6 cnt this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form, f

                                                                                                                                  ..,e. v. ;. . , ~ . , . - . -
9. Remarks: This NIS.2 Report orovides the reautred information on repairs and replacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from Julv'1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs und Reo'acements (f Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) r t We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this , reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriz ion No, N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: t % %iliAE A%'d A Date: N'J"N ~ iOwner'orOwS'sDesignee,-Title) i CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding' a valid commission issued by the National 'l Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors-and the State or Province  ; of Minnesota' and employed by- '.lartford Steam Boiler I & I Co.  ; of Hartford. CT have. inspected the components described:in this i Owner's Report during the period -July l'. 1989 to May 31. 1990 ,

l. and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this
  • Owner's Reportiin accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, 1 Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's-Report. Furthermore, , neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for l l any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. // . /M i Inspector's Signature: -/h m# E . a j i Commissions: /Yb O77Y OU $0 -/] Y (National Boardt State, Province, and Endorsements) j Date: h"3-fC l

l FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Reqrired by the Provisior.s of the'ASME Code Section XI

1. owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date:L July 30. 1990-(Name)

P.O. Box 49 Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 65 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station E Unit:: 'One I (Name)-

P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321- N/A 3

                                 '(Address)                           (Repa?r Orgainzation, P.O.                  1 No. 7,b No., Etc.).


3. .Work Performed By: Owner Type Code = Symbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Dats: N/A i (Address)-

Expiration Date: N/A i 1

4. Identification of System: Reactor Recirculation (RR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, No Addenda,- N/A Code Case 6

(b) Applicable 5dition of Section XI Utilized- for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code  ;

Name of Name of Replaced, or Nuclear. Document Stamped Component . Manufacturer Class ' Replacement Number (Yes or No)'

         'RR SSS-B                N/A              1           DC 88-302A       Replacement             No            !

Amendment 2

7. Description of Work: Modified suonort~to reduce member stress.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pncumatic Nominal'Op'eratinB Pressure =

Other Pres ': ure psi Test Temp. __ __*F

     -NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) Information in items.1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3)-each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort orovides the reautred information on repairs and i

replacements nerfondd at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reonirs and Reolacements of Comoonents in ] Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine.

                 -(Applicable-Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached)

We certify th'at the statements made in.the report are correct and this

               -reolacement        ' conforms to.the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.

(repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriz tion No. N/A- Expiration Date: N/A Signed: jes;gr__ 44+;A2 /8/4Af- Date: 8 ~EM (Owner"or Owb6r's Designee, Title)


i , CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province , of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during-the period July 1. 1989 -to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has . performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this  ! Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements-of the'ASME Cade, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expre.ssed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, , neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for ' any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature:

                                      .y -

m -r [ Commissions: MA /8'c2 7 Y M 70 - / 7 (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: h'b~fC r f

         .          -       =-                        -    .    -  -.      .. _-

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS 1 As. Required by the Provisions of the;ASME Code Section II l

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 l (Name):

P.O. Box 49'. Columbus. NE G8601- _ Sheet- 66 of 93- j (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station- Unit: One >

(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE- 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.

                    .                                                  No . , Job No . , Etc . )
3. Work. Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZ6 -

Same- Authorization Date: N/A' (Address)

                                                                      -Expiration Date:              N/A .-          '
4. Identification of System:. Residual Heat' Removal (RHR)'
  -5.      (a) Applicable Construction Code:               USAS B31.7                     1969-Edition,             f No              Addenda,              N/A                   Code Case-(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Companents Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components, Work- . Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or-No)

BH S43 N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement- No I RH H56A N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement -No l RHR-H173 B&R N/A -2 DC 88 302A Replacement No

      .RHR-H171 B&R              N/A              2           DC 88-302A            Replacement             No RH-S52-               N/A              2           DC 88-302A'           Replacement-            No      4
7. Description of-Work: Modified support to-reduce member stress.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nomiral Operating Prensure  !

Other -Pressure psis Tent. Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be-used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) 1tems 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and.the' number of l sheets is recorded at the top of this form, i- {'

                                                                                                                  \ 1

(. .

                                                                                              ,r 1
9. Remarks: - This NIS,2 Report provides-the reauired information on reonirs and replacements nerformed at Coooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990; Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine.

(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify- that the statements made in the report are correct and this -

                                             .. reolacement                          conforms to the rules of the ArME Code, Section XI.

(repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certificatio of Authoriz ion No. N/A Expiration-Date: N/A Signed: - 4WM. #ddf- Date: 89'M __ (Owner or OM's Dasignee, Title)

                                                                                                                                      = - -

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Bciler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler-I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and' state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the-requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or' implied, concerning-the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report.- Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be any manner-for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising. from or-connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: __ /e b Commissions: N0l 7Y (W 90 -l7 Y (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 33~fC 1 I l



As Required by the Provisions _of the ASME Code.SecGon XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public' Power District- pite: Julv 30. 1990 (Name)-

P.O. Box 49. Qqlumbus . NE 68601 Sheet 67 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98; Brovnvills. NE 68321 _ N/A ~ (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.-

                                  ' Address)

No . , Job No. , Etc . )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/_6 .

Same -Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Residual Heat'Removn1'(RHR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition,<

No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work- Repaired' ASM'3 Code.

Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced,-or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement- -(Yes or No) RH S39 N/A 2 DC 88-302A- Replacement No Ril-S27A B&R N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement- No PJi-lii37 N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No Ril-1191 N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 1 Ril-S34 N/A 2 DC 8P-302A Replacement No Amendment 1

7. Description of Work: Modified sunoort to reduce member stress. _
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. "F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in-items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
                           -_--__----_--_a_2_-__-             _                            _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9. -Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort orovides the reoulred information on repairs and .

' replacemer13 oerformed_gt_poooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990. Also Code Cass N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Reclacements of Components in l Nuclear Pot er Plants" is invoked throuzh the use of Form NIS-2 for reoortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authori tion No. N/A Expiration Date:- N/A Signed: 4.#44 AI /M Date: 8 'J '74 (Owner or Owbdr's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by tho' National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province- [ of Minnesota and employed by. Hartford Steam Boiler I &-I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected-the components described in'this owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this. - Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor:his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures. described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising- from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: - Commissions: NO ld 3 7 'l lYN VO -Il Y (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: @ 3'fO

1 ' 9

             ,         QRM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR'. REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS l      t ' I 6 quired by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI:                                               .

Date: July 30. 1990'

1. ~ Owner.' Nebraska Public Power District (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 68 of 93 (Address) l

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One-(Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A 1 (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No ,, Job'No., Etc.)

3. Work. Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A
                                                                                                                              '1 Some                                    Authorization Date:           N/A' (Address)

Expiration Date: 'N/A

4. ' Identification of System: Residual Heat Removal (RHR)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969-Edition,.

No Addenda,. N/A Code Case  ! (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda i

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and-Replacement Components i

Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document . Replaced, or Stamped 3.' Component Manufacturer Class- Number- Replacement (Yes or No) RH-H44A N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement <. No J' Amendment 1 RH-H43A' N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 1 RH-H133 N/A 2 DC 88-302A. . Replacement No Amendment.1 RH-H82 N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement. No Amendment 2 RH-H47 N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No l Amendment 2 l

7. Description of Work: Modified suonort to reduce member stress. .)
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic l Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheeta in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in' items 1 through 6 on this report is included. on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. ' Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort orovides the reauired information on reoairs and Iggiggements cerformed at Coooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Re: acements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for recortine.


(Applicable Manufacturer's Dats Reports to be Attached) 4 We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the.ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Author zation No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: 44/d4 /#44 'Date: 8 "J YO

                       - (Owner' or (vher's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. ' of _ Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this F Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements'of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector norLhis employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in'any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising fron or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature:


[ MO /8 d 7 [ Commissions: -OM 90-/7 Y - (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements)- Date: $ 7 t? e

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS dR REPLACEMENTS' As= Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner: Nebraska Public' Power District- Date: July 30. 1990 1. (Name)- P.O. Box'49. Columbus. NE- 686b1' Sheet 69- of 93 (Address) i

13. Plant: Coooer Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)-

P.O.-Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A f (Address)- (Repair Orgainzation, P.O._ j No. , Job No . , Etc. ) _ i

3. Work Performed By: Owner -Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA_  !

Same . Authorization Date: N/A j I (Address)- Expiration Date: N/A 4

4. Identification of System: _

Residual Heat Removal (RHR) < s

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, j No Addenda, .N/A Code Case l 1

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components
   ,.s Work            Repaired            ASME Code        l Name of               Name of        Nuclear        Document-       Replaced, or           Stamped Component           Manufacturer       Class-         Number         Replacement-         (Yes or No) l RH H94A                 N/A              2         DC: 88-302A      Replacement-              No        q  '

Amendment 2 Ril-H46A N/A 2 V DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 2 > Rll H22A N/A 2 DC 88-30? Replacemer t No i Amendmjr ful-H24A N/A 2 DC 88- 2A Replacement No , Amendr 2 RH H54 N/A 2 DC'88-301A Replacement No Amendment 2 i

7. Description of Work: Modified suonort to reduce member stress.
8. Tests Conducted: Ilydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure
  • Other Pressure psi Test Temp. _F .

NOTE: Supplemental' sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each s'..eet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of , sheets is recorded at the top of this form. a


9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort orovides the reaufged information on recairs and reolacements nerformed at Cocoer Nuclear Station (rom July 1989 through May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Reolacements of Components in liuclear Power Plants". is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for recortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct end this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriza ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: N 6fA64 #AA2. Date: 8-3 dd '

                                        '(Owner or Own(g s Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province-of Minnesota and-employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspec ad the components described in this-Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: , M%


Commissions: #A /P A N /D 90'/7 ! (National Board, State , I'rovince , and Endorsenents) Date: I-3'90 i

                                ~                - _
                                      ~ FORM FIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS                                                                                                   '[

t .As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI.  :

                                'Nebrasiga Public Power-District                                       Date:                      July 30. 1990                                                    >
l. Owner:

(Name) + P.O. Box'49. Columbus NE 68601 Sheet 70 of 93 t b ' (Address,)

   2.             Plant:               Cooper Nuclear-Station                                     . Unit:                                              One i        (Name)-

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/AT [

(Address) (Repair _Orgainzation, P.O.

No.,-' Job No., Etc.)_ L

3. Work Performed ~By: Owner Type Code Symbol' Stamp: E/6 Authorization:Date: N/A
                                                      ,                                                                                                                                           ht (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A'  ; t 4, Identification of System: Residual Heat Removal'(RHR)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 ?1969 Edition, No Addenda, N/A- Code Case (b) Applicable: Edition of Section-XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda'
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and. Replacement Componentsi

( - - . .. .._ _ L I I Work Repaired ASME Code l Replaced, or


! Name of Name of- Nuclear Document Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement- (Yes or No) i RH-H53A N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No. Amendment 2  ; Ril S6B N/A ,1 DC188-302A' Replacement No Amendment'2 RH-S13 N/A 1 DC 88-302A ' Replacement

                                                                                                                             .                                            ~No                     r Amon.<.hnent. 2i

! RH.H108 N/A '2- DC 88-302A ' Replacement No. Amendmentf2 ,,,, RH-H24 N/A 2 DC 88-302  : Replacement No i Amendment *2

7. Description of Work: Modif,Lell succort to reduct member ggress. 1 l1 L B. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic; Pno.umatic  ;

Nominal Operating Pressure - j Other -Pressure' psi- Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists,- sketches, 'or drawiry,r.Juay be Msed. . f provided (1) size 'Is B-1/2" x 11", (2) infonnation in items 1 through 6 on this - 1 report:is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is nuubered and theinumber of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. -q L. g .n_ t , i; ib I h 1 n n- 1 ._- - 3

                                                                                                             .lJ l
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort provides the reouired information on repairs and ,

reolacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990. . Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs and Replacements of' Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use'of Form NIS-2 f.- reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) l l We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of-A thori ation No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A' Signed: - <W4A2 /Nd8 Date: b"D _ (OwnerorOper'sDesignee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of F'nnesota ,,and employed by Hartford Stegra Boiler I & I Co. o f _Ilg ford. CT . have inspected the components described in this Owner's report during-the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990- ,; and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his. employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any nanner for any personal injury or property damage or-a loss of- any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: _/ w I[ Commissions: #d/d 2 7 P DM 90 h O, C3ational Board,, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: ,, 3' b __ , i .i l . i f5 .  ; ; [ . ~f jr l, '[ .. _ { '_ _

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REFLACEMENTS As Regaired by the-Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI It Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: Juiv 30. 1990-t (Name) P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 71 of 93 , (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111c. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.) i

3. Work Performed By: __ Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Residual Heat Removal (RHR)
    .5.   (a) Applicable Construction Code:               USAS B31.7               1969 Edition, No-             Addenda,            N/A               Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements                           '

1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped.

Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) RH H80 N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 2

        .RH H52B                N/A              2          DC 88-302A       Replacement            No Amendment 2 RH-H144A                N/A              2           DC 88-302A       Replacement           No Amendment 3 L         RH-H134                N/A              2           DC 88-302A       Repl cement           No        ,

Amendment 3 ,,_ RH S6 N/A 1 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 3 L

7. Description of Work: Modified sunoort to reduce member stress.


8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

1 l l

i- - This NIS-2 Recort orovides the reouired information on reoairs and . 9.. Remarks: reolacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May-1990. Also Code Case'N.308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Replacements of Components'in ! Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authorizat n No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: A f.#d d # d#- Date: N'S"fC (Owner or'Owne $ 3.aignee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and sette that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described-in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or pro ;y dar age or a loss of any kind arising' from or connected with this in cection. Inspector's Signature: . de - , - 7 Commissions: h 42 7 / MW PO - Of (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: _ ) ' fO

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990

1. Owner:

(Name): P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 72 of 93 (Address) '2. Plant: -Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. ,- Etc. )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp:-El6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Residuni Heat Removal (RHR)

.5.. (a) Applicable Construction Code: 'JS AS B31. 7 1969 Edition, 9 No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Re pai'.*e d ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped-Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RH S97 .N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 3-RH-S8 N/A 1 DC 88 302A Replacement No Amendment 3 RH-H66' N/A 2 DC 88 302A -


Replacement No Amendment 3 RH S69 N/A- 1 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 3 RH H49 N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Modified sunoort to reduce member stress.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic __ __ ,

Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

4 2 9. Remarks: Thic NIS-2 Report orovides the reauired information on repairs and reolacements cerformed at Coooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990.'


Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reoorting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached)- We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriz ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A-Signed: 6#6A? 4 84 Date; b d~f6 (Owner or Ow @ s Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission _ issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and.the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & T Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, th9 Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. i By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer u. kes j any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: 7%w k Commissions: 80 /d M 7 //M '76- / (Nationel Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: b 3 ~b l i


F1RM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by.the Provisions of the ASME Code'Section II Nebraska Public-Power District

  • Date: ' July 30. 1990
1. . Owner:

(Name) P.O. Box'49. Columbus. NE- 68601 Sheet 73 of 93 .__ , (Address).

2. Plant: Cooper' Nuclear-Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 9'8. Brownv111e. NE 68321 N/A '

                              .(Address)                           (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.

No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: H/A Same Authorization Date: N/A i

Expiration Date: N/A

 -4. Identification of System:               Residual Heat Removal (RHR)
5. .(a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition,-

No Addend' a , N/A Code' Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda t

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement .(Yes or No)

RH S107A- N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment-1 RH-S103A N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No RH-S51' 'N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No RH-S36 N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No , RH-S33D N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No-Amendment 1

7. Description of Work: Modified succort to reduce member stress.

L l 8.- Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic L Nominal Operating Pressure i Other Pressure psi Test Temp . 'F l


b g NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, I l provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this l L report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of L sheets is recorded at the top of this form. l

s9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report orovides the reouired information on repairs and reolacements cerformed at Cooper' Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch-May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs ar,Lpenlacementc of Comoonents in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2'for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this T replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section-XI.

         -(repair or replacement)

Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriza on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: EA/4M /#/84 Date: b~3"N (Owner,or Owne(% Designee, Title) [ CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION  ! I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have-inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 ,

            -and state that to the best of my-knowledge and belief, the Owner has
           . performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this l            Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,-           1 l             Section XI.

By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes .

any. warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and  !

corrective r.easures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from E or connected with this inspecti n. Inspector's Signature: /4um-r d Commissions: A!b/O27Y /W YO"l7Y (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: "h~

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: Julv '30. 1990 i

(Name) P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 74 of 93 > (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One
                               -(Name)                                                                  ,

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Same luthorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A i 4 '. Identification of System: Residual Heat Removal (RHR) ,

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or: Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work -Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component: Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RH-S39 N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 2 RH S35 N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 2 ' RH-S18 N/A 1 DC 88-302A Replacement. No , Amendment 2 - i L RH-S17 N/A 1 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 2 L RH-S19 N/A 1 DC 88-302A Replacement No L Amendment 2 ,

7. Description of Work: Modified suonort to reduce member stress.


8. Pneumatic Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of i sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

l 1

fm f,  ! 9.- Remarks: This NIS-2 Report crovides the=reoufred information on repairs and-reolacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from Julv 1989 through May 1990. Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Reolacements of Comoonents in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reoortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) l l l We certify that the statements made in the report are corre.:t and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A l Certification of Authorizat n No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: CM4d!' #fdUd' Date: 8 V "M (Owner or Owner (% Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province-of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. -; of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 ,  ; and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has ' performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector _nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or i.mplied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures-described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be. liable fn any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspec ion. Inspector's Signature: .A  !


Commissions: 8d /C# M O# 96-/7 / (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: h-3~#/O

L FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR KEPAIRS @R REPLACEMENTS As Required by.the Provisions'of the ASME Code Section XI

1. 1Dvner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: Julv 30.1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 75 of 93 (Address) ,

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) l i

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: El6 {

Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Residual Heat Removal (RHR)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, 1 No Addenda, N/A Code Case j (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981-Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and-Replacement Components Vork Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped-Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RH-SS N/A 1 DC 88 302A Replacement No Amendment 2 RH-S72A N/A 1 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 2 l RH-S9 N/A 1 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 2 i RH S10 N/A 1 DC 88-302A Replacement No l_ Amendment 2 , l RH S71 N/A 1 DC 88 302A Replacement .No l Amendment 2

7. Description of Work: Modified support to reduce member stress.

l 8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F 1 l NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, ! provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. L ?

9. ' Remarks: __This NIS-2 Report orovides the reauired information on repairs and reolacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.
  • Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reolacements of Components in ,

Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for recortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached). We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this f i replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. , l (repair or replacement) i Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A-f Certification of Authoriz ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A l Signed; fA /did hW Date: $ *3 '90 (OwnerorOwgr'sDesignee, Title)  ! L , L CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION l I, the undersigned, hol: ling a valid commission issued by the National


L < l

                ' Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province l                  of          Minnesota     and employed by             Hartford Sterm Boiler I & I Co.

l -- of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this 'j Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , t and state that to the b'est of my knowledge and belief, the'0wner has . performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this  ; Owner's. Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, .i Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures this Owner's Report. Furthermore, - neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for I any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from , or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: , ne [ . Commissions: M8/8 d 7 OM 98 ~O (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: I ~ d i

P t FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As' Required:by the-Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Date: July 30. 1990 Owner: Nebraska Public Power Districe , (Name) P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE- 68601 Sheet 76 of 93 l (Address)

 .3. Plant:           Coooer Nuclear Station-               Unit:                           C;g (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation,.P.O. No . , J ob No . , Etc . )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Residual Heat Removal-(RHR)
 '5.    (a) Applicable Construction Code:             USAS B31.7                1969 Edition, No               Addenda,          N/A               Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda 6'   Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work            Repaired                                                                 ASME Code Name of             Name of         Nuclear       Document       Replaced, or                                                                  Stamped Component          Manufacturer       Class         Number         Replacement                                                               (Yes or No)

RH-S21 .N/A 2 DC 88-302A Replacement No Amendment 2

7. Description of Work: __

Modified sucoort to reduce member stress.

  -8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic               Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other          Pressure         psi    Test Temp.                                                            *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


 '9 ,  Remarks: '     This NIS-2 Reoort orovides the reauired information on repairs and
      -reolacements-cerformed at Coooer Nuclear Station from Julv-1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Reolacements of Comoonents in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for recorting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached)' We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this . reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.= (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriza ion No, N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: ' _ (A84

                                                   /      #8A        Date: h'J~kO (Owner or Own d's Designee, Title)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board'of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has [ performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this  ; Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,

             .Section XI, By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report.       Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his c 'loyer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or propert;     ' mage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspectiot                                               ;

Inspector's Signature: m A F WEm Commissions: Add / 7 OM IO'O l (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements)- Date; b 3 ' fC 1

5 FORM NIS-2= OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI  ; L1.: Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 (Name) P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 77 of. 93 l (Address) 1 !. 2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE (8321 N/A-(Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.) 3 Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: H26' Same Authorization Date: N/A


Expiration Date: N/A '

4. Identification of System: Automatic Containment Atmoseheric Dilution (ACAD)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, i

No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements' 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda ,

  '6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work             Repaired         ASME Code  i Name of               Name of        Nuclear       Document'       Replaced, or        ' Stamped Component           Manufacturer       Class         Number          Replacement       (Yes or No)

ACAD-H74 N/A 2 DC'89-272 Repaired No ACAD-H107 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Repaired No ACAD-H108 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Repaired No ACAD-H109 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Repaired No i Repaired ACAD-H110 N/A 2 DC 89-272 No

17. Description of Work: Removed support.
  ?8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic                Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other         Pressure         psi     Test Temp.         *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used,
        -provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

E l

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report orovides the reouired information on reoairs and ,

reolacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs and Replacements of Comoonents in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reoortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's liata Reports to be Attached)_ We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this j reesir conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A , i Certification of Authoriz tion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: E 4 4 4 e #f 4 / Date: h "IN (Owner"orOwSr'sDesignee, Title) f CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report.during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to-the best knowledge and belief, the Owner has

         -performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this          ;

Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures _ described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.  ! Inspector's Signature: iu m Commissions: #M /# 7 MAV N-M (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: Y "bfC

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: Julv 30. 1990 (Name) s P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 78 of 93' (Address).

L 2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownv111e. NE 68321 N/A _ (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. ' No., Job No., Etc.)

 '3. Work Performed By:                          Owner                 Type Code Symbol Stamp: H26 .

Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A  ; 4; Identification of System: Automatic Containment Atmospheric Dilution (ACAD)-

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda l
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

ACAD Hil N/A 2 DC 89-272 Repaired No s ACAD-H19 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Repaired No ACAD-H2O N/A 2 DC 89-272 Repaired No . ACAD H29 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Repaired No

      'ACAD-H30                          N/A              2.       DC 89-272         Repaired             No:
7. Description of Work: Removed sunoort.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure .

Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F ,

  ' NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.                                                             1 1


9. Remarks:- This NIS-2 Report orovides the reauired it. formation on renairs and replacements performed'at Coooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code case N 308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS 2 for reoorting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) i 1 We certify that the statements made in the report are-correct and this-repair conforms to the rules of-the ASME Code, Section XI. _l (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp; N/A Certificat. ion of Authoriza on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: CAJ4/2 AWM Date: $'3'50 l' (Owner or Owi(e/'s Designee, Title) i l l l l l CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION l i ,, I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National j Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I /r I Co. l l.. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this l Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Ovner has ll l performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes !. any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: . hw [ Commissions: M /d 9 7 N OM 76 V W (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: b 3 ~ fC

I FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT-FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As the Provisions of'the ASME Code Section XI Date: July 30. 1990

1. Owrer: Nebraska Public Power District (Name).

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 79 of 93 l (Address) Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One


(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A l L 4. Identification of System: Automatic Containment Atmospheric Dilution (ACAD) (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, 5. _ No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component .Manufacrucer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) ,

ACAD H40 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Repaired No ACAD H62 N/A- 2 DC 89 272 Repaired No ACAD Il27 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Repaired No ACAD-H37 .N/A 2 DC 89-272 Repaired No ACAD-il47 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Repaired No

7. Description of Work: Removed supoort.
8. Tests Conducted: llydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

5 i

 .9. Remarks:       This NIS-2 Reoort orovides the reauired information on repairs and            >

reolacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990. {

     ~ Also Code Case N-308. '" Documentation of Renairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for recorting.

(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this l recair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A f 1 -> Certification of Authoriza ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A'  ; Signed: >++*f-- 64/64 #4 A Date: N' 3' 9C (OwnerorOwng'sDesignee, Title) I

                                                                                               -I CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION
            .I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National             3 l             Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province-of     Minnesota       and employed by     Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co.

of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this ' Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 ,- and state.that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes  ; i any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and l corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore,. '! neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: hun ~y / Commissions: Md 852 7 k NM90-/7 (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: Y )~IO

                             . FORM NIS-2 "WNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section II
    .1. -     Owner:      Nebraska Public Power District               Date:                       July 30 1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 80 of 93

2. _ Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A j (Address)- (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.  ! No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: H26 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) ,
                                                                      . Expiration Date:                                                          N/A            1 4.-       Identification of System: 6,utomatic Containment Atmosoheric Dilution (ACAD)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped
          . Component            Manufacturer       Class         Number         Replacement                                                        (Yes or No)
ACAD.H57 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Repaired No ACAD-H79 N/A' 2 DC 89-272 Repaired. No 7

1 l ACAD-H82 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Repaired No ACAD H95 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Repaired No l 7. -Description of Work: Removed support. l

    =8         Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic                Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other         Pressure         psi    Test Temp.                                                          'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/;" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on eact. sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

l L~9. Remarks: This NIS-2=Reoort orovides the reauired information on recairs and reolacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reoortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report ar,e, correct and this recair conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriz tion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: - F,44# AffAZ Date: A**J"90 (Owner or Owf/r's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by ' Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Har,t ford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: e , , - , - - - [ Commissions: #d / .2 7 Y /YM f8-/7 (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: b3'IO

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT F8R. REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the-Provisions of.the ASME Code Section XI 1; Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 (Name).

           'P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601                 Shest      81      of      93 (Address)
2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. ,- Job No . , Etc . )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Scamp: H/6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Standby Nitrocen Iniection (SBNI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1974 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements ,

1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components I

Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped t Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) SBNI-H144 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced No SBNI-H145 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replaced No SBNI-H146 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced No SBNI-H115 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced No SBNI-H116 N/A 2 DC 89 272 -Replaced No

7. Description of Work: 1pstalled new suonort.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic l Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F i

NOTE:- Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, ! provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this l report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. l l

r i




9 .- Remarks: This NIS-2 Report nrovides the reauired'information on reoairs and reo?acements cerformed at Coooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Renairs and Reelacements of Comoonents in -, Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rulas'of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) .

                                                                                                                 -t Type Code Symbol Stamp:                             N/A i

Certification of Authoriza on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: . [A/dd AVA4 Date: N*J'N (Owner o'r % 's Designee, Title) s CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province i of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of' Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has - performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this-Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective-measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspect on. Inspector's Signature:


_ #h > k Commissions: /M /B9 7 / NM fC - / 7 (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: T ~ 3 'fC l l l l l l l 1 1

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS . As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code-Section XI E l'. LOwner: ' Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 (Name) T.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 82 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation,.P.O. No . , Job No . , Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA [

Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A i

4. Identification of System: Standby Nitrocen Injection (SBNI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1974 Edition, p No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements
             '1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Codo ,

Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) SBNI H117 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced No SBNI-H118 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced No SBNI-H119 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced No  : SBNI-H120 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced No _ SBNI-H121- N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced No

7. Description of Work: Installed new succort.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report-is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

'9, Remarks: This'NIS-2 Report orovides the recuired information on repairs and replacements cerformed at Coooer Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Recairs and Reclacements of Components in , Nuclear Power Plants"- is invoked through the use of Form NIS " for' reportine. i (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) I We certify'that the statements made in the report are correct and this. reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI, (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Atthoriz tion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: . Exh54' J/fdl Date: h' 7 OC

                   ' (Owner'or          's Designee, Title)

I CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period Julv'1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has-performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance'with the requirements of the ASME Code,. Section XI. < By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector.nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implieu, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for i any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: Aw~r Commissions: /Yd BS 7 N NM7O-/7Y (Mational Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: ~ h YM

m FORM NIS-2' 0VNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required'by the Provisions;of the ASKE Code Section XI Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 l '. Owner: (Name) P.O. Box 49: Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 83 of 93 (Address)

    - 2.-   Plant:           Cooper Nuclear Station                 Unit:             One (Name)

P.O. Box 98.' Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner ' Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZ6 Same Authorization Date: __N/A (Address) i Expiration Date: ,

N/A I l

4. Identification of System: Standby Nitrogen Iniection (SBNI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1974 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Apr'.1 cable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

SBNI-H122 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced- No SBNI-H123 N/A 2- DC 89-272 Replaced No SBNI-H124 N/A 2. DC 89-272 Replaced No SBNI-H125 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced No SBNI-H126 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced No 1 l

7. ' Description of Work: Installed new succort.

8.- Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure l Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F l' NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) cach sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

1 s

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort orovides the reauired information on repairs and replacements cerformed at Cooner Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuzh May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reclacements of Comoonents JL Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS 2 for reoortine. 1 (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) 1 We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this-replacement conforms' to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Syr'aol Stamp: N/A Certification of Author za ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: YM M d444At' Aff'$A Date: h']'SO (Owner or % 's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province . of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam-Boiler I & I Co. ] of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31- 1990 and state that to the best knowledge and belief, the owner has l performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Sect *,n XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and I corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his-employer-shall be liable in-any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from

          -or connected with this inspect on.

Inspector's Signature: _ # h rvr


Commissions: Mdd /82 7 I M/P' 9'O - /7 I (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 7")'kd

FC9M NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR' REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990'

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 84 of 93 (Address) if. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (llame) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. l No., Job No., Etc.)  ;

3. Work Performed By: Owner 'Rype Code Symbol Stamp: N/6-Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Standby Nitrocen Inicetion (SBNI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1974 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable. Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components. ,
                                                                                                            ?   .

Work. Repaired ASME Code l l Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped- , Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) . SBNI-H133 N/A 2 DC 89-272. Replaced No SBNI H136 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced No SBNI-H137 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced No SBNI-H138' N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced No- s SBNI-H139 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced No -j

7. Description of Work: Installed new support.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other . Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remhks: This NIS-2 Reoort provides'the reauired information on repairs and-
  • replacements verformed at Cooper-Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.  ;

Also Code' Case'N-308. " Documentation of Renairs and Reolacements of Components in-Nuclear Power Plants"' is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for' reporting; I (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) Ne certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replac iment) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authort at n No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A , Signed: / 64484# /h M Date: 80d0 ' (Owner or Owne y Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National.  ; Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province-of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I'Co. , of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this j Owner's' Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best.of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective. measures' described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither.the Inspector nor his employer makes , any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and -; corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, i neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: - fhe { Commissions: M ,/C 2 7 OM f O - M (National Boar'd, State, Province, and Endorsements) Da'.e : h ) fd

n i FORN NISo2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEKENTS l As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Date: July 30. 1990

1. 0wner; _ Nebraska Public Power District (Name) .j

_ P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 85 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooner Nuclear Station Unit: One I (Nace)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A j (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.  ; No. , Job No. , Etc. )

   ~3.      Work Perforned By:                Owner                 Type code Symbol Stamp: N/A                    l i

Same Authorizatien Date: N/A (Address) Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Standby Nitronen Iniection (SBNI) __
5. (a) Applicable construction Code: ASME Section III 1974 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1580, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components t

Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Cirss Number Replacement (Yes or No) SBNI H140 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced No SBNI H141 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replaced No SBNI-H142 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replaced No - SBNI H143 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replaced No I l

7. Description of Work: Installed new suonore.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure
  • Other Pressure psi T st Temp. _F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, l provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

l t

r i

9. Remarks: ..This NIS 2 Reoort provides the reauired information on reonirs and ,

IJ.;lacements nerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuth May 1990. Also Code C se N 308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. t (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) Pe certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this r,eolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: _ N/A Certification of Author z ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: - #2/dd #dd Date: b "} N (OwnerorOwn@'sDesignee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National. Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by llattford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of llartf 2rd. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 _ t o __ Ma_v 31. '990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the rcquin ments of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: & he -


Commissions: AIM /d 3 7 I /Y '7 6 ' / W (National Board, State Province, and Endorsements) Date: 9 - 3 ' 7C)

FORM CIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS l As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 j (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 86 of 93  ; (Address) i

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One  !

(Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A i (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. j No., Job No., Etc.) J t

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Date: N/A  !

(Address) Expiration Date: N/A

4. . Identification of System: Standbv Nitronen Injection (SBNI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1974 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case +

(b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components .

Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No) SBNI H69 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No SBNI H70 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No SBNI H71 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replacement No SBNI H72 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No SBNI H81 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No ,

7. Description of Work: Added or replaced parts on the support.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 or, this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report provides the reauired informat. ion on recairs and reelacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Reoairs and Reclacements of Components in Nuclear Power.f.lants". is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS 2 for recortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) 1 l We certify that the statements made in the repert are correct and this , rcolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certificatio of Auth at n No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: - 84/8 4 ///d A Date: bVN (Owner or Owne Q Designee, Title) I i CERTIFICATE OF INSEINICE INSPECTION i I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National i Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province I of Minnesota and employed by llartford Steam Boller I & I Co. l of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this ' Owner's Report during the period ~ July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , i and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from l or connected with this inspectio . Inspector's Signature: Mh-


Commissions: 8 0 / 8 ,2 7 N/M 9d - / 2 Y (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: h'3-90 l l.

1 FORM NIS.2 DVNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACENENTS 3 As Required by the Provisions of the ASNE Code Section II I

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 4 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68501 Sheet 87 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZ6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Standby Nitronen Inicetion (SBNI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: _ ASME Section III 3974 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

SBNI-H92 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No SBNI-H2 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replacement No l SBNI H3 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No SBNI H4 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No SBNI H10 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Added or replaced onrts on the succort
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure L Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of j sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

l i

 ! 9. Remarks:      This N15 2 Reoort orovides the reauired information on recairs and reolacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reclacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. ~ (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) l We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Authoriz ti n No, N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: , dW44 #44 Date: 8 ' NIO (Owneror'0wnerf/ Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by llartford Steam Boiler 1 & I Co. of 11 art ford. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: // m Commissions: /M / 7 '7 N42M/7 (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: 9 V() i i

                                                         -     m e _-

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: Julv 30. 1990 (Name) .

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 88 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No., Job No., Etc.)

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp. 8/6 Same Authorization Date: , N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A 4 Identification of System: Standby Nitronen Iniection (SBNI)

5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1974 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda r
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

SBNI H21 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No SBNI-H22 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replacement No l SBNI H43 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No  ; l SBNI H44 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replacement No SBNI H48 N/A 2 DC 89-272 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Added or rcolaced parts on the suonort.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report crovides the reouired information on repairs and replacements performed at Cooner Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990.

Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Reomirs and Reolacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS 2 for reporting. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that tho statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. l (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Author a on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: c"# 4 4 A W4 4 Date: 8 P /O (Ownero' rop'sDesignee, Title) 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION l I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by liartford Steam Boiler 1 & I Co. J of flartford. CT have inspected the components described in this ' Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: Mhtmw- [ Commissions: U2 D M 9d-/2 (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: , N ') IO

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Date: July 30. 1990

1. Daner: Nebraska Public Power District (Name)

Sheet 89 of 93 P.O. Box 49. Colimbus . NE 68601 (Address) plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One 2. (Name) P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgaintation P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc. )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZA Same Authorization Data: N/A (Address) N/A Expiration Date:

Standby Nitrocen Inicetion (SBNI)

4. Identification of System:

ASME Section 111 1974 Edition,

5. (a) Applicabls Construction Code:

No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

SBNI H50 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No SBNI H51 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No

       .SBNI-H58                 N/A              2        DC 89-272       Replacement           No SBNI H13                 N/A              2        DC 89-272       Replacement           No SBN1 H41       ,         N/A              2        DC 89 272       Replacement           No
7. _ Description of Work: Added or replaced narts on the support.
8. . Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneuaatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. *F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report crovides the reauired information on repairs and .

reolacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990. j Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Rer. airs and Reelacements of Components in . Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for recortine. * (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. ' (repair er replacement) Type Code Symbol Str,mp: N/A Certification of uthori ti No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A


Signed: . . - <C4/8 / A# M Date: 8 ~3 YO (OwnerorOwne('4 Designee, Title) CERTIpICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province. of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of ,, Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: . ,e e< m Commissions: N b l0 0 7 Y lN W '? O ~l 5 Y (National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements) Date: $~)~iO

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASKE Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 ,

1 (Name) P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 90 of 93 i (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 N/A __ (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O.  ; No. , Job No. , Etc.) i

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: Ef6 i Same Authorization Date: . N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Standby Nitrocen Iniection (SBNI)
5. (a) Applicable construction Code: ASME Section III 1974 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements -

1980, Winter 19",1 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Repinced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

SBNI-H54 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No SBNI-H61 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No SBNI-H72 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No SBNI-H73 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No SBNI H86 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Added or replaced carts on the sunoort.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, l provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.



9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Reoort crovides the reouired information on repairs and ,,

replacements cerformed at Cooner Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990. Also Code case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this l 1 reolacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A . Certification of Authoriza on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A > Signed: EAM2 Md/- Date: N 9OO (Owner o'r 0 % 's Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTIC-I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province- , of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to May 31. 1990 , . and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance ..ith the requirements of the ASME Code, , Section XI. l l By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes i any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and i corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, l neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for j any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from . or connected with this inspecti n. Inspector's Signature: _

                                            .hv #     h((6 Commissions:      ///d /         7         /D f8-/ 7 (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements)

Date: b [) ' M

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPIACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions'of the ACME Code Section XI j

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 91 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name) l I

P.O. Box 98. Brovnv111e. NE 68321 __ N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc. )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) l Expiration Date: N/A
4. Identification of System: Standby Nitrocen inicetion (SBNI)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section III 1974 Edition, 1

No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980 Winter 1981 Addenda

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

SBN1-H94 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No SBNI H96 N/A 2 DC 89 272 Replacement No

7. Description of Work: Added or reolaced Darts on the support.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Reoort provides the reouited information on recairs and reolacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuth May 1990.

Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reclacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked throuth the use of Form NIS-2 for reportinc. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Author za ion No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: - d%/0Af #42 Date: . N Y# YO (Owner or Owne(f s Designee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. , of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this ' Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to Ma_v 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for ' any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature:  ; hw # Commissions: Md /O 27 N# fO - / 7 (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) Date: b3-7C

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner: Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990 (Name)

P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 92 of 93 ) (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nucicar Station Unit: One (Name)  ;

P.O. Box 98. Brovnville. NE 68321 N/A , (Address) (Repair Orgainzation, P.O. No . , Job No . , Etc.) i

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: HZ6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address) ,

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of System: Standby Nitrocen Iniection (SBN1)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code: ASME Section 711 1974 Edition, No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda
6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)


  • Tioga Pipe 2 DC 89 272 Replaced No Supply Co.


  • Two sections of 1-1/2 inch piping (total of 150 ft.) for the ShNI system.
7. Description of Work: Ploine installed inside secondary containment boundarv.

L 6. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic X l Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure 160 psi Test Temp. Ambient'F l NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and G.c number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

9. Remarks: This NIS 2 Report orovides the reouired information on recairs and  !

reolacements performed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 through May 1990. Also Code Case N-308. " Documentation of Repairs and Replaecments of Comoonents-in Nuclear Power Plants" is invoked through the use of Form NIS-2 for reoortine. (Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replacement conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. . (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certificatio of Author .a on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: ##did # 8 8 Date: N'3dO (OwnerorOwnysDesignee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Minnesota and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler I & I Co. of Hartford. CT have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period July 1. 1989 to Mnv 31. 1990 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section F.I. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature: M/A- { Commissions: # /87 7 I /'? /U 96 - /7 / (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements) ( Date: T 90 ,

FORM NIS 2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Nebraska Public Power District Date: July 30. 1990

1. Owner:

(Name) P.O. Box 49. Columbus. NE 68601 Sheet 93 of 93 (Address)

2. Plant: Cooper Nuclear Station Unit: One (Name)

P.O. Box 98. Brownville. NE 68321 N/A (Address) (Repair Orgainzation P.O. No. , Job No. , Etc. )

3. Work Performed By: Owner Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/6 Same Authorization Date: N/A (Address)

Expiration Date: N/A

4. Identification of Systein: Residuni llear Removal (RHR)

(a) Applicable Construction Code: USAS B31.7 1969 Edition, 5. No Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1980, Winter 1981 Addenda e

6. Identification of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Work Repaired ASME Code-Name of Name of Nuclear Document Replaced, or Stamped Component Manufacturer Class Number Replacement (Yes or No)

RH-H51 N/A 1 90 1820 Replacement No l I i 7.- Description of Work: Replaced nut on suonort.

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Pneumatic l Nominal Operating Pressure Other Pressure psi Test Temp. , 'F i

NOTE: Supplemental sheets in the form of lists, sketches, or drawings asy be used, provided (1) size is 8-1/2" x 11", (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of , I sheets is recorded at the top of this form.


y . I i

9. Remarks: This NIS-2 Report crovides the reauired information on reonirs and replacements cerformed at Cooper Nuclear Station from July 1989 throuch May 1990.
     -Also Code Case N 308. " Documentation of Repairs and Reclacements of Components in Nuclear Power Plants". is invoked throuch the use of Form NIS-2 for reportine.

(Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be Attached) We certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this replaecment conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. (repair or replacement) Type Code Symbol Stamp: N/A Certification of Author za on No. N/A Expiration Date: N/A Signed: M4 d! # M Date: A*h 90 (OwnerorOwngsDesignee, Title) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid con nission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province - of Minnesota and employed by llartford Steam Boller I & I Co. of llartford. CT have inspected the components described in this owner's Report during the period July 1.1989 , to May 31. 1990 , r and s : ate that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate, neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspecti n, , Inspector's Signature: Ph,, , 2

                                        ;7 Commissions:        #8 /# 27                  MN 9# - / 7 (National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements)

Date: T~3'[O}}