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Application for Amend to CPPR-149,extending Const Complete Date from 911130 to 011130
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/1991
From: Lange F
Shared Package
ML20085J759 List:
NUDOCS 9110290357
Download: ML20085J762 (3)


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-In the Matter of )



ILLUMINATING COMPANY, et al. ) Docket No. 50-441


(Perry Nuclear Power Plant, )

Unit 2) )

APILICATION POR AMENDMOfT OF CONSTRUCPION- PERMIT NO. CPPR-149 i TO EITEND CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION DATE The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Duquesne Light Company, Ohio Edison Company, Pennsylvania Power Company, and The Toledo Edison Company are the co-holders of Construction Permit CPPR-149, authorizing construction of the Perry Nuclear Pover Plant, Ur'.t 2 (dPerry 2").

Construction Permit No. CPPR-149 as originally issued, specified June 30, 1964, as the latest date for completion of construction of Parry 2. By order dated December 29, 1982, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ('NRC") amended CPPR-149 to extend the construction completion date for Perry 2 to November 30, 1991.

In order to provide for further time contingeocies as explained belov, pursuant to 10 C.F.R. 50.55(b), and in accordance with the NRC's Final Policy Statement on Deferred Plants (52 Fed. Reg. 38077), The Cleveland Electric ,

4 Illuminating company, acting on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, P9nnsylvania Power Company and The Toledo Edison Company, respectfully requeats Y110290357 911028 PDR ADOCK 05000441 A PDR

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-i that the NRC amend Construction Permit No. CPPR-149 to specify November 30, 2001, as the latest date for completion of construction of Perry 2. .

Good cause for the requested extension of time is-based upon the continuing i review of the status of Perry 2. This review includes consideration of various

- options concerning the future of Perry 2. These ' options range from resumption of vork on Perry 2, indefinite suspension of construction, and cancellation.

The status of' Perry 2 and its continuing review is the result of ssvera?. -


1. Construction of Perry 2 was suspended in 1985 and since that time the

, Unit has been maintained in.a deferred status

2. Current projections for both energy and peak load show continued slov growth;
3. The treatment of additional capital investments for Perry 2 by rate regulatory agencies cannot be accurately predicted: and
4. In April 1986 Duquesne 1.ight Company announced that it vould l

" initiate a 'du facto' abandonment, for ratemaking purposes, of Duquesne's interest-in Perry Unit No. 2.' Duquesne subsequently .

received approval from the-Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to ,

amortize and recover its investment in Perry 2 on the basis that it has abandoned its interest in Perry 2. i

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. CEI, acting.on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, Pennsylvania Power Company, and The Toledo Edison Compar.y, tespectfully submits that the. continuing review of the status of Perry 2 for the reasons set forth abovs, constitutes good -

cause for the extension of the completion date of Unit 2 and respectfully requests that the NRC amend Construction Per*.it No. CPPR-149 to extend the l completion date of Perry 2 to November 30, 2001.

Respectfully submitted.


By' /

Fred J. Lanpri Jr. /

VicePresident-C1fvela/ nd Electric illuminating Company Vice President - Legal & Corporate Affairs, Centerior Service Company NJC/ CODED /4875-1

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