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Rev 1 to Auxiliary Feedwater Sys, Draft Chapter to PRA
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point, 05000000
Issue date: 04/17/1981
Shared Package
ML20071A408 List:
FOIA-82-626 PRA-810417, NUDOCS 8302240109
Download: ML20071A435 (66)


{{#Wiki_filter:[ N u f:, La.e_ard Garrin , Inc.  : C ;W Po!;.~ F F.; a 4 " F.E.:5:0N I D% .%*.',lJ. H ;- .j- y ~, 7..

  • Ite?AN PO:r!T UN:7 3  !
           '   S*                               . UX!L; APY FEEDLAiEF. iiSTEli hl  r. L -   '    .

A. SUh:iARY l A.1' INTRODUCTION , The IndiIn Point Unit 3 auxiliary feedwater system (AFS) -functions as a - heat removal system for the steam generators. It can operete in conjunction with, or _independer.Jy f rom, the main feeduater system for energencies or as optional equipment in startup, shutdoun, or hot standby conditions. - - The analysis is based.on the systen as it exists in three given electrical states. These states are: e Full power e loss of one bus (either b'us 3A or bus 6A) . e No electric pover. The boundary of the analysis'is Figure 1. The turbine steam supply from the_ stean generators, the piping systens and all of the auxiliary feeduater systen components are included directly in the - analysis. The water supplies themselves are not analyzed in detail, and

        .             the _ ele _ctriqaLaoJ1er supplie_s are' outside the boundary of the analysis as' is the AFS actua_ tion signal. The7naTy~  a    sis is conditional on the presence of an AFS actuation signal. Finally, some hunan interactions are included within the analysis and sone are outside the boundary.                           ,

Within the boundaries, the human interaction through test and naintenance, as well as operator response to systen failure on denand, are considered. A.2 RESULTS The AFS unavailability was calculated for the three states of the electric pover systen. The results are sh'oun in Table 1, the AFS Unavailability Table. Table 1 indicates that there is considerable inportance attached to the state of the electric pover system. The AFS depends on two electrical buses for power, and is designed to function uithout electric pover. However, loss of all electric pouer does increase the system unavailability since the two notor-driven pumps vould becone inoperative. The dominant contributors to unavailability are different for each state of the electric pover systen. The dominant contributors to the full power state are: ,

  .                    e    Nonrecoverable Randon Failures - Failure of the CST and city water supply (nean unavailability: 1.07 x 10-6, approximate unavailability contribution:     4 3. 5*.) .

8302240109 830113 PDR FOIA BLUMG2-626 PDR . 1 0614AC42081/1

e , e- a Independent Hunan Error - Feilure of the cperator to vakve in the~ city veier coupled uitn a f(flure of tFe CST vater supply (nr:en unavail abili ty: 4.70 x W-', approxinate unavailability contribution: 19.1 % ) . o

                          -Independent Human Error - Failure of the operator to start the g

turbine-driven punp, naintenance on one notor-driven pump and failure, of either set of discharge valves on the renaining motor-driven punp (mean unavailability: 3.24 'x 10-7, 'epproximate unavailability contribution: 13.25). e _ Test and liaintenance - Motor-driven punp maintenance coupled w'ith a failure of the turbine-driven-pump trein and failure of either set of discharge valves associeted with the renaining notor-driven punp (mean unevailability: 1.44 x 10-', approximate unavailability contribution: 5.9%).. e -Independent Hunan Error - Operator failure to start the 6. turbine-driven punp coupled uith a feilure of one notor-driven punp and the failure of either set of discFarge valves on the renaining motor-driven pump (nean unavailability: 1.19 x 10-7, approximate - unavailability contribution: 4.85). o Independent Hunan Error - Operator failure to start the . turbine-driven pump coupled with failere' of one notor-driven pump

   '                      and maintenance on-the other motor-driven punp (nean unavailability: 8.28 x 10-8, approxinate unavailability contribution:      3.4%).

g e Test and Maintenance - Turbine-driven pump naintenance coupled with

                    -     feilure of one notor-driven punp end failure of eitber set of.

discharge valves on the oth r notor driven pump (mean~ unavailability: 7.03 x 10-h, approximate unavailability - contribution: 3.05). e Test and liaintenance - 110 tor-driven pump maintenance coupled with failure of the other two pumps (nean unavailability: 3.68 x 10-8, approximete unavailability contribution: 1.5%). For the case there one electrical bus was not functioning, the dominant contributors are: e Independent Hunan Error - Operator f ailure to start the turbine-driven punp coupled uith failure of either set of discherge

  • valves on ghe renaining motor-driven pump (mean unavailability:

4.03 x 10 , approximate unavailability contribution: 27.20). . e Indeperdent Hunan Error - Operetor feilure to stert the

 -                       turbine-driven punp              pump coupled with maintgnance on the motor-driven (mean unavailability:             2.83 x 10 , approxinate          -

unavailability contribution: 'A %). 2 0514A041481/1

t et* ee: *'s ir t e r e c e - T urt.ine- cr iver. pt.r- mair.t e c e c et.ple

                                          -                                                                                         ite.

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         *-        e          a   a' iure .r e             se; cf t r,f. C s ti r.a r te v a .s ei c r. *.r e r ec a ir,1r.:   .

rcter-cc h er. pump (mear. ur,as sila:ilityi 2.4 0 > 10-5, a;prc>irais ility it,ut icr.: 10. 2*> ) . , e Nonreceverable' Rar.ccm Failures - Failure of the turbine-criver. pure I ar.c f ci eitner set cf cischargi valves on thg recair.ine r.etor 4 riven pump (mean unavailability: 1.79 x 10 , approxir. ate unav'a il abil ity c or.t r it.ut icn: 12.1%). , , e Test anc thaintbnance - Mair.tenance on the motor-driven pur.'p and f ailure of .tr.E turt,ine-criven purp (mean ur,availat,ility: 1.25 x 10-0, approximate unavailet,ility contribution: 8.4%). e Independent Hunan Error - Operator f ailure to start' the turt,1ne-criven pump coupled with a f ailure of the motor-driven pump (mean unavailability: -1.03 x 10-5, apprcximate unavailability contr it,ution: 7.0%). ,. Test anc Fairtenance - Turt.ine pump caintenance coupled v.ith a ( e f ailure of ine otner motor-criven pump (mean unavailability: . 6.12 x 10-6, apprcximate.unavailat,ility contribution: 4 .1 % ) .' e Nonrecoverable Random Failures - Failure of turbine and motor-driven f pump trains (mean unave11at,111ty: 4.56 x 10-6, approxima'te unavailability contribution: 3.1%). For the case of no electric power, the cominant contributors to unavailat,ility are: . ( e Incecencer.t Human Error - Failure of the operator te Etert.the turbine-crisen (mean unavailability: 7.00 x 10-3, apprcximate unavailability contrit,ution: 49.0%)- - e Test and Maintenance - Turt,ine-driven pump maintenance (mear, unav a11 at,ility: 4.16 x.10-3, approximate unavailat,ility contribution: '29.1%) e Nonrecoverable Test and Maintenance - Failurt of the turbine-driven pump train (mean unavailat,ility: 3.10 x 10 $, apprcximate unavailability contribution: 21.7%) O k, ,

                                                                                                   /                                        ,


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              ,        ,  Selou is a conparison of the AFS study to WASH-1400.

AFS Study Scenarios itean Unavailability Full Power to the AFS (start to 8 hours) 2.46 x 10-6 Loss of one bus to the AFS 1.48 x 10-4 I (start to 8 hours) flo electrical power to the AFS ' 1.43 x 10-2

                                 -(' start to 8 hours).                                               .

WASH-1400 Scenarios Saall pipe break (start to 8 hours) 3.50 x 10-5 Saall pipe break (8 to 24 hours) 1.10 x 10-3 Loss of net offsite electric power 2.50 x 10-4 (start to 8 hours)

          .                    Loss of net offsite electric power                3.40 x 10-3 (6 to 24 hours)

High energy pipe break (start) 2.20 x 10-2, A.3 C0tJCLUSI0lls . The results presented in this section shou that in the energency mode the Indian Point 3 auxiliary feedvater systen is very reliable. P.edundancy, separation, availability during testing, and recoverability nahe the systea sound. Figure A shows the resulting curves for the

                         'three scenarios dealt with in this study. . The results are based on the-failure of the auxiliary feedvater systen to deliver at least 200 gpm to each of two stean generators. Approximately 30 niriutes are available                 C frca the time of reactor trip until auxiliary feeduater is required based on normal steam generator water inventories. The dominant contributors to conditional unavailability are human error (inaction),

test and naintenance, and nonrecoverable' randon failures. In the " Full Power" case, the dominant ' contributor is the failure of the two. vater sources. The other najor contributions include three test and

        .                 caintenance and four independent huaan error scenarios.

The " Loss of One Bus" case is doainated by two independent human error scenarios. The loss of electric power to the one notor is primarily responsible for the increased unavailability over the " Full Power" case. Additionally, there are three test and maintenance, 'two nonrecoverable random failure, and one independent huaan error scenarios. The "flo Power" case is quite different. flow only the turbine train can be available, so single elenent cutsets in the turbine train nove up. Topping the list is the failure of the opera, tor to start the turbine-driven pump, followed by test and maintenance, and then the ~, nonrecoverable randon failure of the turbine pump train. This case

    .                     shows that even with nultiple failures leading to a complete loss of all power, the AFS should operate successfully (less than a 2% chance of
      .        t.'        failure).                                          -

4 0514A041781/2

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s, (IfiTEtiTIONALLY BLA!<KED) s S O e ) I k I f. ) j . 1-h 2 e i 4b 1

E. SYSTEF'DEFE:r:t*: . E.i SYSTE 5' R Z !O*; Tne emergency function of the auxiliary'feedwater system (AFS) is tc prcvice neat removal for the reactor coolant system when the main I fescwater system is unavailat,le. A simplifiec block ~ diagram of the AFS is shown in Figure 2. Water is supplied through three pumps to each of four steam generators. The AFS'must provide this function during-small (less than 2-inch) loss of coolant accidents .(LOCA) as well as during transients that lead to a loss of mairi feedwater. The AFS provides initia.1 cooline to prevent overpressurization of the reactor coolant system and has sufficient water supplies to remove the residual heat generated by the re' actor for at least 24 hours at hot shutdown conditions. The system is also used during normal plant startup, shutdown, and not standby conditions- Requirements for success under emergency conditions are that flow from at least one pump (400 gpm) be deliverec to at least two steam . generators (200 gpm to each) witnin*30 reinutes of the initial demand to preclude total loss of water inventory in ine stear generator. , , B.2 SYSTEM 0FERAT10ti (INCLUDiriG OPERATOR INTERACT 10tO A sirrplified diagram of the auxiliary feedwater system for Indian Point Unit 3 is presented in Figure 3. The auxiliary feedwater system - consists of tv.o sutsystems each capable of supplying 100% of the recuirec flow. One subsystem utilizes two motor-driven pumps each with a capacity of 400 gpm. The discharge piping is arranged so that each < pump supplies two steam' generators. A separate sutisystem utilizes a steem turbine-criven pump, with the steam supply frcm co. 32 and/or nc. 33 steam generatcrs upstream cf the mair. steam iscle.tien valves. A pressure recucing control valve recutes the steat suppl'y pressure to tr.e 600 psi cesign value of the turbine. The steam turbine-driven pump supplies a total of-800 ppm to all four steam generators. Redundant water supplies are available to the AFS. The primary source - is by gravity feed from the seismic Category I condensate storage tank witn a total capacity'of 600,000 gallons. Of this total volume, 360,000 gallons are dedicated for AFS use. Availat,ility of water from this source is guaranteed by LCV-il58 which closes when the Quant ~ity of water in the condensate storage tank drops to 360,000 gallons, isolating the condensate storage tank outlet from other systems. Redundant level indicators and control room alarms are provided to monitor the condensate storage tank volume. When LCV-ll58 closes, makeup to the-main condensers is prevented and a sufficient cuantity of water is assured to be available to remove the residual heat generatec by the reactor for 24 hours at hot shutdown conditions. Two lockec open manual valves, butterfly valve CT-6 and gate valve CT-64, are present in series o along the main supply line from the condensate storage tank. Output from recundant position switches on botn CT-6 and CT-64 are displayed and alarmed in the control room. . o t. . - . 9 5 Of1:43: 1451/1

E acr.-at.xiliary fecer.ater takes suction frem a cc.- cr. beater

                           . a cneco ahe ar.: ar. cper s gatiz vahi (CT-32, CT-??: CT-26, CT-N:

anc.CT-20 CT -30 ) ~. lochicual ficw transmitters are:provided on the sectice te eacn of the two meter-criven pucps (r.c'. 21 Tnese instruments provide pump suctico pressures incicated in the central control; room by PI-1263-Ri PI-i264-R, and.PI-1265-R for each

                      -[     pump. Tnese. transmitters also.provice a low-suction flow pump trip f eature. f or ,each of the: motor-driven pumps._.                     ,

The emergency water supply.for the. auxiliary pumps is the one and-one-half million gallon city. water storage-tank whicn is sharec t,etween' Units 2 and 3. There is'a normally cpen manual gate valve (CT-49) in the' city' water supply line located in an accessible tunnel outside the auxiliary . pump building.. Each pump is supp.1ied from.a header through e ~ check and fail closed air-operated. control valve which is'normally. closec~(CT-25, PCV-ll87; CT 28, PCV-1188; and CT-31, PCV-1189). These valves are controlled manually by a switch located in the. central-


control room which operates the solenoid, applying or removing air'from the valve.' ,The valve position is indicated in the control room. , Discharoe from each of'the pumps is routed to the steam oenerators as illustrated in Figure 3. Steam' generators 31 and 32 are supplied t,y - motor-driven auxiliary.feedwater pump 31._ Steam generators 33 and 34 are suppliec by motor-driven auxiliary feeev.ater1 pump 33. . All four

                             . steam generators are supplied by the. turbine-criven auxiliary feedwater, pump 32.
                             .Each of the individual auxiliary feedwater flines is provided with an air-operated,. fail'open,. flow control valve for. feedwater reculatiori-                   g (FCV-405A, B, . C, D, and, FCV-406A, B, C, D) . The controller for the feedwater flow control valves for the motor-driven pumps-(FCV 406A, B, C, D) and tne controllers for the feedwater flow centrol valves'for the turLinc-driven pump (FCV-405A, B, C, and D) are .normally maintained in :a fully opened position. Each of these eight lines also. includes a: check          '

valve and two manual isolation series.with the. air-operated valve. A common flow transmitter for each steam generator-is used to indi'cate-flow in the central control room from the header common'to the motor-driven and. turbine-driven pump sections. Pump discharge pressure indicators are provided both locally and in.the. control < room. Recirculation lines, which are provided for. pump protection,:are located


upstream of the check valves at.the pump discharges (BFD-31, 34, 39)-and are routed back to the CST. Level in the steam generators is maintained manually from the control

  • room by positioning the flow control valves. Each valve can be positioned from the control ' room via. electric / air converters. Air to these valves is from a common-header which is supplieo by instrument air compressors powered from 480V switchgear~ buses. The air supply to the r

valves is automatically. backed up by an emergency high pressure nitrogen ! '. ' (bottle) system. . . 0 . (.- . I r i 6 L 0614A0414Sl/l

TFs pneu Ftic centrols arse:irted with the auxiliary punp oe centrci

          ,     ,'   velves are provided eith an actnnatic ni rogen becl up. - Three' ni roger bc-ties are located inside tre auxiliary feed punp roon which connect intc the instr::nent air scpply doorstrean of.a checl. valve. A pressure regulat'or set at 50:psig uill feed nitrogen into the instrument air supply systen phenever the nornal cir supply pressure decreases be'ou
              !      this setting. A pressure switch (PC-J355-S) the bottles will ennuncirte in the control roon to warn the operator pheneve'r. the bottles recuire changing.                                   -       -

In addition to renote control .from the control roon, all of'the AFS penps and regulating valves can be operated:locelly in the auxiliary feedwater building. The design of the AFS.does not have the capability to automatically teminate feedvater flov to e depressurized steen generetor end provide

        .            flow to.the intact steam generator. This is accooplished by the operator.-      .

D.2.1 t10 TOR-DRIVEN AUXILIARY FEEDUATER PU!!P - The actor-driven auxiliery feeduater puaps are Ingerst,,1-Rend Conpeny No. 3H1TA, nine-stage, horizontal split case centrifugal units, each of which supplies 400 gpo of uater et a head of 1350 psi. The actor drives - are furnished by Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Auxiliary feedvater pumps 31 and 33 are driven by notors supplied froa ' independent 480V emergency buses, 3A and 6A respectively. Control switches. exist both locally and in the central control roon on the . ( condensate and feedvater supervisory panel. The locel suitches allow

                     " Start end Stop" pushbutton cperation of the pumps. The. svitches in the
                   ' control reca have three positions, "On-Auto-Trip." The following conditions vill automatically start the pumps as described:
1. The loss of either of tuo aain feeduater pumps.
2. Two-aut-of-three coincidence of low-lov stean generator level in any

l one of four~ steam generators.

3. In the event of a "Sefety. Injection" signal with a loss of offsite power, the following vill occur: -
a. All buses will clear, tripping the pumps if they are on the line.

l, b. The pumps will be provided with a start signel es pert of the autoaatic safeguard bus reloading sequence. .

4. Loss of offsite pouer with no " Safety-Injection" signal will provide
  ,                       both pumps with a start signal after the diesels have tied into the 480V buses. A tiae delay i's associeted with starting the pumps to allov for loading of the diesels.

l 7 f 061 aA041aEl /1 L -


e a Un ars:ltats cr. bus 3 cr 6' will trip the pump fed by the bus. The.fcilowing ir, citations anc alarms ars provided in the central centrcl room to- m:nitor the pumps:

           ;         1. Pump _cn-off-auto trip lights         e
2. Safeguards off-normal alarm. .
3. Pump , auto tr.ip alarm ,
4. Pump on local control alarm. .

E ach motor-driven pump is provided with a pressure sustaining control system to prevent the pump from " running out." As the discharge pressure of tne pump decreases below the set point of 1355 psia, PT-405A for pump 31 and PT-406B for pump 33 will generate a signal that will override the signal from the flon controllers on the _ condensate and feedwater supervisory panel. The signal ~will operate to close the valves until the pressure is the discharge line having. low pressure. - B.2.2 TURBlNE-DRIVEN AUX 1LIARY FEEDWATER. PUMP The full-size turbine-driven pump is a Worthington Corporation No. 4-WT-127 horizontal, multi-stage, centrifugal pump with a. capacity of.800 gpm et 1350 psi. The turbine drive is a horizontal axial flow,

   '               noncondensing unit rated at.970 HP at.3570 RPM.            Steam to drive the turbine is supplied frcm the main-steam lines associatec with steam generators 32 and 33 upstream of the main steam isolation valves, g

Two temperature controlled air-operated 5hutcff valves, PCV-1310A and

                   ~PCV-13105, are mounted in series in the steam line to the turbine-driven puep. These valves have been added te provide for the unlikely event of the steam line rupturing within the auxiliary feednater_ pump r'com.

During turbine operation, the steam supply pressure is regulated by PCV-1139. This pressure control valve maintains a 600 psig steam . pressure to the turbine. Pressure controller 1176-S senses the

                 ' downstream pressure and generates a signal for use by the positioner.

The contr61 signal generated by the positioner is then applied to the diaphragm of PCV-ll39 through'the start solenoids. Pressure controller 1176-S will also alarm low pressure at 550 psig in the central control room. Once the pressure has been reduced, the steam enters the turbine steam chest which contains the governor and turbine trip valves.

 '                The turbine-driven pump is a variable speed device, whereas the two motor-driven pumps are constant speed devices. The speed of the
         ~        turbinerdriven pump is governed by a remote pneumatic speed changer (HC-lll8) that is located on the condensats and feedwater supervisory

! panel in the central control room. The speed changer is designed to operate over an entire speed range of 0 to 100%. E r.vuuanaswasus,

, , .s Eresi."i e c " g valsi ECV 3E is use; as tr.E.stiar if 'ititr arc se;;ly va h e fCr ife au)iliary feet PLmp turLir;s. T hg r.c c e c.f c pi r a t ic r Cf Inis vahe is CCr.trcIled by "Irip- Aute-On" switches: cne locatec ir-ins cer.. tral contrcl recs, anc c-r.e in the au>iliary bciler feec pump building. These switches cor, trol ine position of solenoic valves mounted on the air inlet to the valve actuator. Ir. their ceenercizec ~ state,.these solenoid valves allow the pcsitioner output to open the valve. ,hcrmally,, the valve is maintainec in stancby, witt. the centrol. switches in ',' Auto." In this state, the positioner output is cut off 'nd a full instrument air pressure is applied to the valve actuator holcirig the valve closed. Tr.e solenoid valves will be automatically deenergizec anc the pump started by any of the following:

1. Two-out-of-thrie coincidance of low-low water level in any two of' the.four steam generators
2. Loss of offsite power (pr:vided that-a " safety injection" signa) ,

does not exist). The turoine governor valve is controlled by a governor anc speed. . changer. The speec can be operated locally or from the control rocm by HC-1118. A trip valve has ~been provided to immediately shut down the turbine en an overspeed_ of' 4516 RPM. Turbine speed is


in,cicated in the central control room and also locally. Under normal , conditions, the operator must use HC-1118 to bring the turbine up to

                  . speed; the autcmatic signal to PCV-ll39 ,will not do this. On loss of air to HC-ills, the speed changer fails in the full closec position.

Operator action is reoui. red locally at the turbine .to reset and opsrate < the turbine-criven AFS pump. E.3 SUPPORTit;G SYSTEMS . The AFS is started by a signal from the safeguards actuation system (SAS) which starts the motor-oriven auxiliary feecwater pump. Manual actuation from the control room is also possible. supplies for each component reoviring electrical power are identifiec in Table 2. ~ The piping analysis is shown in Table 3. The instrument air system is the primary air supply.for controlled operation of all air-operated valves in the system, as well as the speed control system on the auxiliary feedwater turbine. The city water supply system is required as a emergency water supply for the system. - The operator must open the three normally closed air-operated stop valves (PCV-Il87, 1188, 1189) on the supply lines from the city water' supply to the auxiliary feed pumps upon loss of flow from the concensate storage tank. This can be done from the con. trol roem uncer ncrmal conditions. However, as the city water valves are fail closed valves, upon loss of AC power the 120V AC. distribution system or loss of

 -                instrument bir coupled with the loss of the nitrogen bottle tackup, these valve, must be jacked open locally in the pump room. Due to the
                 -dependence of the auxiliary feecnater turbine speec control system
  • b* (HC-1118) on instrument eir, the operator must o'perate the turb'ine locally in the pump room upon loss of instrument air by use of a hand ~

jack mechanism located on the controller. 9 rw m a a m n


         ,      , 1. 4 TE ST FE C'J: E'G '. 5                                              -

Th5 fclioning precedures form tne test scnen.le 'fer Incian Pcir. Unit 3. Tne prccecure number . is in parentheses. A detailec acccuni cf both the required testing frequency and the indirect testir.g of all AFS compcnents is prcvided in Table 8. The major test procecures anc their-general application are outlined below:

1. E ach' meter-driven auxiliary feeowater pump is started at intervali not greater than every month (3PT-t<20) with full flow established tc the steam generators once every refueling (3PT-R7).
2. The steam turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump is started at intervals not greater than every month (3PT-M20) with full flow established to the steam generators once every refueling (3PT-R7).
3. Tne air-operated discharge valves on both the motor-driven pump trains and the turbine pump train are stroked a least once each quarter (3PT-020). *
 .                 4   The auxiliary feedwater pump turbine manual overspeed trip i t'ested on a variable schedule. The first test involves use of the manual' overspeed turbine trip lever to trip the turbine during operation (3PT-VSA). The other test runs the turbine up until it actually      .

overspeeds to test the setpoint of the mechanical'overspeed trip mecnanism. The: turbine is uncoupled from the pump during this second test (3PT-V8B). For both of these tests, the trip mechanism must be reset follow;ing the test. , q The automatic initiation of the two motor-driven AFS pumps upon receipt of an engineered safeguard (SI) signal is-testec and verjfied it refueling (i.e., approximately 18 month intervals). B.5 t%INTENANCE REQUIREEt;TS The plant technical specifications limit the amount of time that an auxiliary feedwater pump or auxiliary feeowater pump train may be out of service for 72 hours. Further, a minimum of 360,000 gallons of water in the condensate storage tank and the backup supply from the city water supply must be available.- If during power operation, these conditions cannot be met within 72 hours, the reactor must be placed in the hot shutdown condition within the next 12 hours and subsequently cooled below 350of using normal operating procedures. B.6 COMMON CAUSE ANALYSIS The method used to perform the cor:rpon cause f ailure analysis is based on the system fault tree lo,gic mooel. A search is performed to identify

 -                those combinations of basic events that result in system failure or more simply, the cutsets. In other duantifications, each cutset was
   -        -                                                                            ~

evaluated by considering each basic event as an independent ' black box' U with certain failure characteristics. Comon cadse differs in that it 10 WL41MEJRM3

            .'.~        *
                                 - 59E' 5 tC iC5';tify a fail rffCP.a'attsristic escr-Cf thE basi; tygrig i

1r-a CutSet' 7055655. ' A S irpli 6) a** P le Cou lC t.E - a Cutist e all Of tr 6 TC a5 iC^ ever.ti l ar6 L ICCated'ir. tr.E S arzs t rOCC and susceptible IC' fire.

             !'                   It s, rtSulti Cf tns-. CCC Cn CauSE; 1sarCn - arE : grCup5 Cf' Cutisti ' iter.tifisc.

by Coccen failure Characteristics ana the, absence of.barrieri. Barrier 5

                      !;        . bete.sen Cer pcr.ents, both phy5ical anc acministr ative, are Con 5icerec .in
                 .;               tneianaljSis;:-                                   '
                                                                  .                       .-                                                    e

11 0614A041451/1 -

      ,      ,     C. LOG:: M03 '.

c.1 70p EVEr. S Requirements for success uncer emergency conditions are that flow frcm I at least one pump (400 ppm) be celiverec to at least two steam generators (200 gpm te each) within 30-cinutes of tne initial demand. Success ef the system is examinee for the conditional prebabilities associhtec with loss of the various states of the electric power system, instrument air system, maintenance, a,nc huran error. - C.2 SYSTEM FAULT TREE A f ault tree was constructed to model the failures that must occur to prevent successful system operation. The top event is defined as "AFS Failure to Deliver at least 200 gpm to Each of Two Steam Generators." Sufficient flow is defined as the flow from at least one , pucp train delivered to at least two steam generators. The fault tree shcas that, for the system to fail, we must fail to deliver sufficier.t ficw to at least three of the .four steam generators. In each case, this recuires that there is no or insufficient flow through the steam generator inlet valve section, or that there is no or insufficient flow celivered to that section. Secondly, we must have no or insufficient - flow from either motor-criven pump (i.e., both must f ail) and no or -

i. sufficient flow from the turbine-driven pump. Finally, there is no water from either of the two potential water sources. This complete f ault tree mocel is presentec in Figure ~a where the system is moceled cown to the level of major components. Included were the pumps, valves, e electrical supply, motor operators, and turbine anc control mechanisms.'

Not mecelec were crain lines, crain valves, piping, anc connectec lines

               .which are small in size, i.e., whose failure would nct significantly affect the system. The AFS is modeled from the water sources.with the priority of water supplies being the Concensate Stcrage Tank anc the city water tank to the steam generators. Electrically, it is modeled from the bus to the system.

C.3 FAULT TREE CODING Table 4 is a list of basic events, their failure moces, their corresponding codes, and unavailability (or failure probability on demand). C.4 MINIPAL CUTSETS ' The minimal cutsets were identified using FATRAM (part of RAS). The valid minimal cutsets for each electric power state ciffereo because when a' power state was given as a concition, some of the cutsets changed. This, in a general sense, is wny loss of electric power increases unavailability. An example would be a three-event.cutset. being reduced to a two-event cutset. One of the members no longer has a fractional unavailability; it has been defined as one. Therefore, the new two-event cutset will have a higher unavaila6ility, and this, in turn, will lead to a higher system unavailability. 12 051aA0alaEl/l


                            . C. ;C E )F: CATION v       L.       ,                      ,

Tr.e hest nimpertant. cutsets are listec in Table 5. Ranece f ailures cf sc e cf toe. asic. events are reccverable anc must be' combined witn nUrar.

                            . error prc' tbilities lbefore final cuantification. . T able 5 is basic to the analysis.tnat follows. For sexample, when the test and. mair.tenarce
                      .l. cause is introduced into, say,;the turbine pump train', the' turbine purp trair- f ai.ture modes-are;activatec. Then .the remaining cutsetL elements                  ,

icentify the.other f ailures tnat must occur to cause system f ailure. ' Details of the: analysis'and results-are given in the following sections. The numbers that'e quantification of the AFS were calculatec by a method of histogram multiplication.- The histograms for the ~ basic - components'are created from a mean and variance for those basic


components. The basic' components are then; built into: larger components as needed for evaluating the cutsets from the fault tree. Table 6'is a


collection of the "supercomponents'.' used in the AFS calculations. Table 7 tells the story of:how ekch supporting row and column of Table 1. was created, 'using the.supercomponents and other'.neeced data.

                             .D.1      RAND 0M FAILURES (See Tables 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3)                 .

Ranecm system f ailures reflect the system malfunctions that occur asia result of random component f ailures. The coincidental failure of each corponent in an 'AFS-cutset results in. a system random f ailu~re;' These , rand::n f ailures can be divided into two types, nonrecoverable and

                              , recoverable. . This situation does not include, and should be differentiatec from,. test'and maintenance, common cause, and independent human errors.                  -
                                                                           .           .                                c Honrecoverable-rancom failures for the AFS are'th'ese which cannet be repairce within a specific time frace. . The. duration cf,The time frame.

depends on system demanas anc component capabilities. Recoverable failures require action for success when a failure occurs.-

                            . Section D.4 on human interaction will elaborate.on :the subject of                      .

recovery by repair of the system. ' D.2. TEST AND VAINTENANCE (See Tables 7.4, 7.5, and 7.6) D.2.1 TESTING - y Testing of the AFS consists primarily of surveillance testing to satisfy the plant technical specifications 'and ASE Section XI reovirements.

Menthly testing is performed on each AFS pump.. For each pump test the manual gate valves in the pump discharge lines are closed and the pump is started manually (from the control room or the local control panel).

Each pump is then run 20 to 30 minutes to allow for stabilization of the system. Recuired pump data is then taken and recorded. The AFS pump

  • test is then stopped and the manual gate valves are opened fully.

Successful completion of the pump monthly test requires that the AFS !,' U pucp develop minimum differentiel pressure on re' circulation flow. D r 13 0E14041481/1

The condensate stc-age tank-(CST)-is n:ritered by a ccr.tinued redunda$:


indicator and alarns tc verify the. volune of v'ater it contains.

                       .The other conponents in the systen have different test intervals.

Table 8 indicates these intervals. I D.2.2 ItAIt;TEt:A!JCE The pla'nt technical specifications limit the anount of time an auxiliary feedvater pump or auxiliary feedvater punp trein nay he out of service to 72 hours af ter which the plant nust shut detrn. Packing replacenent. and adjustnent is the dominant cause of maintenence , on valves. In most cases, this maintenance can be valve in the.nomal position for systen operation (performed fully openwith the or fully closed). . Valve repairs requiring.disassenbly of- the valve, although not frequently occurring, .nay have a major inpact on systen evailability due to systen isolation ~ reouirenents necessary to safely perform this neintenance. Those . valves uhich require full AFS shutdoun in 6rder for repeir also require a plant shutdown (per technical specifications) and,

   ,                    therefore, do not contribute to the maintenance unavailability of the AFS. Those valves requiring naintenance t.'hich only need a single AFS penp train to be shut doen do contribute to maintenance unavrilability of the AFS.                                                                   .

Punp naintenance consists of a range of actions -from najor disassenhly to packing adjustaent. For the AFS punps,'most naintenance perforned requires isolation of the pump from the systen and,.therefore, a contributes to the naint'enance unavailability of the punp train. The maintenance on large notors ranges from inspection and cleening to najor disassembly. The prevalent failure node is bearing failure t'hich requires partial disassembly of the notor. All maintenance of the AFS

 ,                      pump notors contribute to naintenance unavailebility and is included in the pump train naintenance unavailability.

Turbine maintenance can rarge from sinple adjustnects to najor disassenbly. These outages are accounted for in the maintenance contribution to unavailability of the turbine-driven punp train. Table 9 gives the unavailability essociated with maintenance on the notor-driven punp train and the turbine penp train. These figures are based on plant specific data as conpiled. D.3 HUltAN INTEP,ACTIO!! (See Tables 7.7, 7.8, and 7.9) The likelihood of hunan inaction has been quantified into histograns using discussions with operators, supervisory' personnel, and engineers; and after reviewing oper,ating histories at other plants. The judgnents ,.: take into account the high stres conditions in the control roon during energencies along uiht the con,aiting time denands in the 30 minutes the operator will have to perforn his task. , I l

       .                                                         14 ansvwuamus              a

The follos*ir; histegrans represent the knoulecge obteired. 50 - 42 ACTIO:;5 I::S E

          -                                                                '    OF TE CO:: TROL
                           ,  n. 40    -                                                                ,

U ROOM t- 30 - d 24 24 o _ - o 20 - o c: c. 10 - 6 5 fl

       .                                       eo       v.        a              eo           eo
                                                -        o.


                                                                    -              -                             e X        X          X              X           X
  • o e M N o
                                       ,        ci       4           &             J           6 MEAN FAILURE PROSABILITY 50     -

42 40 - 3 C IONS O*wTSIE OF TE CONTROL ROOM t 30 - 24 24

 .                                 20      -                                                          .

10 - 5 5 m m - ~ - l o 'o 'o o o X x x X X o e n C. " n s n m N l l MEAN FAILURE PROBABILITY l 1


l l 15 0614AC41481/.1 . .. .. .


l T's table belev indicates the r.ean and variance of the histeg-ans abcve: ' With Existing Procedures

                           .                                         Mean      Variance Actions in Control Roon ~

f (30 minutes) .007 (.02)2 Actions Outside Control Roon f (30 minutes) .044 (.07)2 , These failure frequency distributions are used in the following analyse's to evaluate the probehility that an operator takes correct-action following a recoverable systen failure. The operator has the capanility to reenver from a loss of the following components:

1. Turbine-Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Trip. A najor contributor g to turbine-driven a0xiliary feeduater punps failure to start on denand is a failure of the turbine controls; primarily due to turbine trip on overspeed .during startup. _T he cperator nay nenually reset the overspeed trip, or take control of the turbine driven AFS pump if during a demand this punp _ did _ not operate. Based on experience and plant-specific data for similar units, 505 of the failures to start are assuned recoverable within 30 ninutes. The frequency of failure for the operator failing to take action within -

30 minutes is f = 0.044 nean uith 0.0049 veriance.

2. Failure of Either Condensate Storege Tank Outlet Yalve. Failures in either CST outlet valve are both doninant contributors to failure for the cases analyzed. There is a reedily available source of water for the AFS in the event thet no vater is coming fron the CST. The city water storage tant is lined up with the AFS and can supply the pater needs. When the AFS experiences lov suction, the o operator can switch over to the city water by opening air-operated valves PCV-1187,1188, and 1189. If the systen air is out, it is
  • as'sumed in the report that there vould not be enough time to open i the valves, since they do not have hand cranks and would have to be jacked open.

16 0514A041481/1 __

             ,      D.a . ~.E SitTS OF COF/TN CAUSE ' NALYS! S                               .

A review cf. exis tir.g plant prececures revealec a ccmmcn cause 'f ailure p:ter.tial during1pu:p testing ihich occurs monthly. In these tests, the manual gate veh es, SFD 48-1, 3, 5, anc 7 fo.- the turbine-oriven pump, anc SFD-36, 38, 41, and 43 for the motcr-driven pumps, are closec anc l the'purps'are run in tne recirculation moce for 20 to.30 minutes. . At


the completion of these tests, the pumps are secured and the manual gate valves are opened. The common cause failure is the error of failing to reopen the manual gate. valves after the flow test. Table 7-10 reflects the cuantification of this common cause. , The components comprising the AFS are in two general locations, .the auxiliary pubp room anc the switchgear room. With respect to susceptibilities the following is a treatment of component susceptibilities to the environment: e Conducting Medium - None present. Even if brought into the arei[

                        .the equipment is protected.

e Impact - The AFS is well protected against portable sources.' There are no sources present except for the turbine pump which, because of its placement (angle with respect to the other pumps), poses no reasonable threat to them. - e Temperature - Fire is a possible risk and is dealt with-in another section of this study. A turbine pump steam line break is also possible, but is numerically small with respect to other causes.

                                                                           .                            r Corresion - No source of sufficient moisture; regular mair.tenar.cs.

e e Grit - Portable sources could be a problem, but soutpmer.t is well protected ano' heavy dirt is not generateo. curing power cpe'ratior.s. e Vibration - Seismic problems are dealt with in another section of this study. e Explosion - Very unlikely; only portable sources and they are carefully controllec. Sufficient separation exists to offer seme protection. The similar parts cutsets identified in Table 10 show a common cause effect due to a cutset containing all the same type of parts. If the parts fail as a group, the system will fail. These components are tested regularly but some problems may not be exposed. For example, if a few similar parts show signs that they are reaching the end of useful life, it may be a good icea to check all part's of that type. However, there are situations where tests do not accurately verify that a component is functioning

  • properly. For example, the motor pump train is valved off and the pump is tested, but there is no flow test to ensure that the discharge valves.are not pluggeo or otherwise obstructed.
     , (,.       These environmental common cause candidates and tre similar parts commor.

l (' - 17 061aAC414El/l . . - . . _ .-

Cause Carci:.8tesl have ' r.Ct beer explicitly cuar.tifiec ir. the AFS sec:icr., but are ccrsi erec to be in the carge ef'10-10Ler'less (tnis applies tc 'those characteristics above not .caalt witn in 'anctr,er sectior.). This arrisec at due to the fact inat these events are less likely than a pipe rupture'which has been quantified ir. L%5H-1400_as 10-10 failures /hr. . I The ccmsc5 cause. contribution is primarily due to a ' common human failure following testing--leaving all manual gate valves in the closed position following testing. This is a recoverable failure and the unavailability contribution incloces the 30. minute respense time for operator. intervention. Other common cause contributions.except seismic, which is evaluated in another section of this study, were founc to he negligible when compared to the tabulated values. 0.5 OTHE R The category "-other" like parts of the common cause analysis ar,e not explicitly the AFS section. The same argument applies here. "Other" cor.trioutors to unavailability happen with much less. frecuency than pipe rupture, and therefore, woulc have a value less than that of a pipe rupture failure rate. Since the pipe rupture number (1.0 x.10-'O failures /hr) is not at all cominate in the AFS section, a smaller number would not-be of significance either. Thus the. category -

                           "other" is defined as E which in the AFS section is less than I.0 x 10-10
                                                        .                                                               A

e ,

                ~                                               ~

e t .* , I. b _9


                     .        Iont-1:ator                 Full Poser            $

One 3 s . J3 P8 . ile s, I 2 3 -

                       ;1onre:oveesble Rando-3 Fai1Jres                1.14 x 10*5      2.41 x ,10*3 3.11 x 10-3 1                5                 6 n,'3 3 flance:overable Tes: an: ' tai ntena n:e        2.81 x 10    4/33 , 1 0-5       4.16 i 10-3 7                3                  9
                      !iein      -                                                                                    -

Inde?e9 dent *

                       '4amn Irrer                     1. 03 x 10-0     3.1 D x 10- 5      7. c: 3 10-3 10               10                 10

0 " " E'23' 1.33 x 10-8 1.35 x 10-3 1.35 x 10-3

                      !!esn of 0:5ers                         e                e                   r Tots! ;4esn                     2.43 x 10-0      1. 4 3' x '10- '   1.43 's 10                                                   Doainsn Contributors to Total

l A;:r:xi ate Fer:e . t;e' 9: J111' 37 '(12; 103 (12) of Total : lean (Reft - en:e table to see for this itein 2.35 x 10-6 1.44 x 10-4 1.43 x 10-2, Varian:e 3.52 x 10-12 1.D5 x 10-8 1.70 x 10-4 5th Per:entile 4.77 x 10-7 ' 5. 22 x 10-5 4.90 x 10-3 Hedian 1.71 x 10-6 1.10 x 10-4 1.03 x 10-2 , 95th Percentile 5.S2 x 10-5 3.13 x 10-4 2.53 x 10-2 kdal:ulates details are found in Table 7.X ti.e., 7.1 throJ9h 7.10). h 19

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                                                                            . TABLE 3 I

INDIAN POINT 3'PIFING ANALYSIS- - a e Potential for . Pipe Section , Other System Initiating Event . Co::rnents. 3 Impa.. Contenssic Storaje Tank 12 . No Non't No  !.1raost tion Su:Pl y Line - can se isolated. City Wate Stora;e Ta % 16 No None No Almost entire se: tion 5s:oly .ine (oefore :an be isolated. C1-45) CityWater5$orageTank B No None No Altest entire se: tion Saoply Line (af ter CT-49) can be isolated'. - Aus Feed Line Down- 4/1 B No Yes - Main Fe'ed Feed Line ! raat he: 1solated from l streas of SFC-79-3 to AFWS/iV stIam generator down-Steam Generator 33 - stream of tne fee:. ster - -( isolation valves. Aar reed ti e Down- 4/19 No Yes - Main Feed Feed Line E* eat' N:t isolated frc9 st-ea, cf SFL-7*--3 to AFWS/;t: steam generator co.n-Steam enerator 3t - stream of the feed.a:er isolation valves. Aus Feed Line Dowa- 4/18 No Yes - Main Feed Feed Line Break Not isolated from - strean of 5F3-78-3 to AFWS/:9 steam generator down-Steam Generator 32 stream of the feedwater isolation valves. Aux Feed Line Do.m- 4/18 No Yes - Main Feed Feed Line Break Not isolated from stream of SFD-79-3 to ATW5/if steam generator down-Steam Generator 31 stream of the fetowater isolation valves. Main Steam to AFWS 4 No Yes - Main Steam Steam Line Breat No isolation but Turoine Upstrean of oni,s

  • in:h brea<.

Y.5-41 . Main Steam to AFWS 4 No Yes - Main Steam Steae Line frent No isolation but iurtine Upstream of on)y 4 in:n braai. MS-42

       *     ~ -
                        !tain Stea : : /rgs                   c        ne    y ; - ;tstn 5::::   St:4.,t3: gre t      no is:!stien 5st Tu-oine Don,stre ss of                                                                        on), a in:n areas.

ts-4) a ,s ~.5-:2 21

e e , e e e NNNN g

                                                                     @      J de do%e me m                                  P         ====

D e e e -e4 e*Ce C. E. S e e e e o e Ce eM C. eC. CCCCMT=gg e e e o e e e i w

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                                                                      ---------OOOT                                          -3         0000             00000003 g

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i. .
                                             ,,                     TABl.E 5 SUPERC0t'PO!!ENT CUTSETS (UP TO THREE BASIC EVENTS)                -

There are no cutsets containing one basic event. Cutsets t'ith tr'o basic events. 1)_ 1) Wil2  !!!!1 Cutsets stith three basic events.

4) 1) !!P3-0P WC2 WP2. 2) WD2 t/P3-OP WP2 3) WD2 WD3 WD4
7) 4) llP3-0P WC1 WP2 5) WD1 IlP3-OP llP2 ^ 6) l!D1 WD3 WD4 -<
10) 7) WP3-0P !!P1 !!D4 8) IID3-OP !!P1 WC4 9) WD1 . _ D2 WD4 W
13) 10) !!P3-CP WP1- WD3 11) WP3-0P WP1  !!P2 12)- WP3-0P WP1 I!C3
14) 13) UD1 WD2 WD3 9
     . v                                                                               -
     .           0559A041381/1                                      25

C .9 . . TABLE 5 I SUPERCOMP0NEilT 11EM MO VAa!MCE--li10lM P0!rli 3 Tabl e ~6'.1. Supercoaponent ;ll--CST Nater Supply a H ur ariance ariance Reference * (Ref. a 4) (h rs) Unava ability .

1. PXV0005G 9.15 x 10-3 1.01 x 10-14 365 3.34 x 10-5 1,35 x 10-9 1
2. PXY0064G 9.15 x 10-8 1,01 x 10-14 . 355 3.34 x 10-5 1.35 x 10-9 1
3. PTKOCSTS 8.48 x 10-10 5.10 x 10-17 365 3.10 x 10-7 6.79 x 10-12 49 E Supercomponent 11,1 fican = 6.71 x 10-5, Variance = 4.22 x 10-9
      *See itea nuaber in Section B.2 (Table 0.2-2, Data Tables).



3 1 2 O e

  • e S

O e *9 e

TAlllE 6 (continued) SUPERCO:iP0dEllT :EA!4 M0 VARIMCE--IdDIA:1 POINT 3 Tahic 6.2. Supercomponent il2--City ifater Supply .

      'G    ponon                                      Varianc                                            Variance            Re ference*

gg Fail / Hour rs) Unava lability

4) .(
1. PXV0043G++ 9.15 x 10 1.01 ' x 10-14 1.75 x 10+5 1.60 x 10-2 3.09.x 10-4 1
2. PTXCITfS 8.43 x 10-10 5.10 x 10-17 365 3.10 x 10-7 6.79 x 10-12 49 Superco,apo6ent il2 31can = 1.60 x 10-2, Variance = 3.09 x 10-4
   *See item numbo'r in T'c. tion S.2. (Table 0.2-2, Data Tables).


   ++Since these comport'+.1 are never flow tested to be sure they are 'not plugged, the 11TTR used was one-hal f of the plant 11fe t"ma es 40 years or 1.75 x lots hrs.


                                                                     '               2                             .

Iw .

                                                                   .                           e e

e . e 4

  • N
  • I
1. . .

TABLE 6 (continued)

                                             . SUPERC0 tP0tlEilT 11EAil MD VARIAilCE--I101 A.1 POIllT 3 Table 6.3. Superco.1ponent R1, .R2, R3--CST Supply Valves j

(Ref ab 4) ailMour Yariance (hotars) Unavai ility ariance . Re ferenc.e *

1. PCY00260' -- -- --

6.91 x 10-5 1.03 x 10-8 3 (29Q, 32Q) .

2. PXV0027G 9.15 x 10-0 1.01 x 10-14 '- 365 3.34 x 10-5 ' 1.35 x 10-9 1 ,

(30G, 33G)- , M S'spercoaponent R1, R2, R1 ilean = 1.02 x 10-4, Variance = 1.17 'x 10-3 6

  • See itea nui.1ber in Section B.2 (Table 0.2-2, Data Tables).


                                                                  .      1                       2 4


             -Q      .

TA3LE.6 (continuerl) SUPERCO.'1?OilENT i1EA:1 Ail 0 3 Table 5.4. Supercomponent S1, 52, S3--City Supply Valves R


I Fail /ilour Variance ([f, "rs) Una/a fbility ariance , Re ferencc* gg PU"{t

                       ,       4)
1. PCVOC25Q -- - -- --

6.91 x 10-5 1.03 x 10-8 3 (C23Q,'C310)

2. -- -- --

PAV11870 -- -- (1188Q,11890) m plug 1.69 x 10-7 6.90 x 10-14 1.75+5 2.95 x 10-2 2.11 x 10-3 9 failure to -- -- -- 4.98 x 10-4 4.03 x 10-7 8 operate. Supercouponent 51, 52, 53 Ilean = 3.01 x 10-2, Variance = '. 41 x .10-3

      *Sce' item nu.aber .in Section B.2 (Table 0.2-2, Data Tables).

SUPERCOMPONENT St. 52. 53 LAYOUT 9 1 2 0 9 a 9 9 O- _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _

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e N O $ -. C 4 , gg , _s > a - N w= 3

  • I e w x <

4 ~ e- T O. "O E c 9 m

                      $    <                  EO                                              e      Ct *O                  N U    >
  • w c O O L N e- - - e .

O c. .O a - * - o Z C 1J E O < a w C et >= y C C 2' Z c C w c w d < C & a U Z

  • g W O O t C Z C O ~

g E c. U C. O c C c. E C - -> -- 3 '. i-- O C . - L Z U *~ t X I N E C. O w L L e 8 - > U Z c . C C N - C O CL > m *

  • W C-CL = e CC e M E m - a I D O C - O~ D u - -

T * .3 E . w -Ln C L M CL

  • C H Q D @ t w W N M L O L c CJ 3 - N 0 e
                                -                  O
  • CL -

4 "O I X 0 CD to N I e O- it H - m C 4

                                                ***                     @                      O               C
                                                   'O                      e                 *~     D          *C L4.                     CB                   a      3-         0 U    La.      E 0J   ~              m G)   <         N
                                                             ^          a      C'                     L       Q.

ZM PS L.' C O M L L M *- b

  • MC C (*3 ,
                                                     ,-==    wa CL            w
  • L c CL v to O c E Z cr D a
                                                                                                   .a 4 0            -     DC          o                E               C C-            Maa               n
  • C O o .' c .3 O C "C C C C C~~ O *:
                                                                                                       ,.       C
                         .                     OH            E--                >               E   a           c.

C1 - c. 80 C U C e E

      *       ( o.                             E        e    CL w w ,           c.            a       O         O
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  • C 3 QJ
                                                    -v       -                  N               O   M           Ci                                   .

M e 2 4

  • M e


                                          ,                .                            av                                                     _n

_m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . ____m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - . _ _ _ ._ __....__.______.t iyn 3 ;-)acup u. rap ( SRd3dTOSd0N3NI W3VN V::C AWIVN33--INGIVN d0IN1 E l

                                            **                                           18.tli S* S'                                               $nci-::LCChbi dE..inac;us g. rcd iapu t2                                                                                                *
                     ;ctces.w.                   -                                                                                                                                                          :llit              .L& t L                                                                                                  l e p t /Fc.f a                                                                                      Aep ts:s                                                                                                                           Aspe6;;         ya;s.a.:s. .

d*E 1 N II H' 'O *

  • N '

( t* ct.el t t EC , dLrf L*9E 2 L C-t 9*6C

  • LC-t; ESS 5*tL ' LC.c 6*lb $ 10-6 6
                       ;rit :c ecsat 4                                 -.                                                                             ..                                                      ..       y g5
  • L0.e t*OC Y 10.g S 2* dd 6CCCs t
  • J -- -- --. .S* CC
  • L C-; Z*SC x 10.g LZ
                       ;p'!tt ta
C ecaar:a sn et. g t i t C.r S* EC Y 10.: t.. t
  • SL Y t C.g -C*tt Y LC-e ZL t' e:.tCCCIC -- -- -- 9
  • Et Y L C.g t
  • OC X -L O-g C.
                  !*   e *.C! l C...                                    --                                                                            --                                                      --

t*CC C* OC C S* d: ACS :Z C.,+ -- -- -- 9

  • 61 i t C.S L*CE E tC-g E 9' d t.lEL C!! t*9E
  • tC.1 S* CC
  • L C-t; CSS 9
  • L L r L O- c G*t6 2 L0 6 6 L* di.ttl:tI t ' 9E
  • L C-t 9 60 x LO-t; E!! S*tL x tC.c 6* t 6 2 t C.6 6
  • 5* dnC S! 6*tS
  • LC.c L*CL x 1C-te EES C*Et r t C-c L*ES
  • LC-E L 6- ,!Stzztis t* gL x t o.g . y tg r 29 t *0$ Y LC.g 2*LS 2 lC-g ++

L G' !SIZECiS r* EL x L O-c  ;*46

  • tC-tt Z;. t *CS Y L O-; - 2*Le r LO-s ++
              $~:i*:C CC'3L"dE:i33L = C*lC r tC.g
  • At ab::4 . s'5Z i tC.c*
           ' .S'31, ic c.r:q&2 t u 583DCL E'Z )its15 t*Z
  • cits itqlis(*
              ..SSEastiG Gua ;os YirS ;c dapoac ;, s tgt;;sg ;.ru:poc ;t/g cj g uo. ras ( );act C*E(
             .sesac cu svc&psu:a tup dttu;-sc&p;g: peit ;oa slegt sa .rp1
  • sci o; ;ys ;pt.raa .c8 stsat saa est.rc3; Jasc.raatqts .ptpu EC ctur ts )tseu t'95 x L0.g %0 5*OC 2 L0
  • A Tp 'L:4 L *0( Y L C-cVC Z* SE 3 L O-e(*

e ;nga a.retnas ;pi. ras o; C*EC

  • 10.g/iJ ehp e Arpec:a oJ

C*SE sac 5av&as:ca 2 10.C- Jptcas is;oJ lua 24;sasu:s pettut;sp ).p s. t sqA,ta 't gutgtpuE sAsu; o:snaatu:a c cetgit52l leCti C*C'Z-18* iuls un_tsa yts qasu souAsa:sp :c g gg r ta.c/ua tup t nepes:s 03 y L6 r 144 catu gz& 10 asdpJ is ttuu :c qs L/2 CJ tE 4c. ras- lugs gs qesap ou ;yt ssotspou oJ :us sisec f ausae oa tup suc:reru pcss* YL tcefE Li ':iafil cseu pca ;o aacisa )s EsucarttI A;etsa 2ycu yg 4o. ras' t;taa tuls pes ys ststac aitt q'a su.r: pcsu agtu uc uasp ;os sua enpg geat ;a& sa sissac*

              ,,,lu&sa ).fc Aet.f&s taa 1&stap ccc::tt/ q.rt Koc tu outI aap;l 2,tet out acags- 302 tuls Jatsou oua A tA4 yts ca&u raggu&p ts ;plas*
 '.                                                                                                            ]*                                              .

a,r O-BHE S I l " O G. . O EI 05Ci...s... ,. '

                                                           .. TAllLE 6 (continued)                                       -        .

SUPERCOMP0llENT 11EAN AND VARIAi1CE--lil0IAN POINT 3 Table _6.7. Supercoaponent C1, C2, C3,'C4--Itotor-Driven Puup Discharge Valvas I Fail / Hour

  • Variance Unavabbility Variance - Reference *
     -(Ref    ab e 4)                                                     (h rs)
1. PXV0620G 9.15 x 10-0 1.01 x 10-14 6575 6.02 x 10-4 4.37 x 10-7 1 (621, 622, 623)
2. PAV406AG 1. 69 x 10-7 6.90 x 10 6575 1.11 x 10-3 2.98 x 10-6 9 (4068, C, 0) -- --

4.98 'x 10-4 4.03 ' x 10-7 8 plug fail to operate . m 3. PCY00'37Q -- -- -- 6.91 x 10-5 1.03 x 10-8 3

  • tv (35, 40, 42)
4. PXV0038G

9.15. x 10-8 1.01 x 10-14 6575 6.02 x 10-4 4.37 x 10-7 1 (36, 41, 43) S'spercouponent llean = 2.00.x 3, Variance = 3.96 x .10-6

    *See iten number in Section B.2 -(Table B.'2-2, Data Tables).



TABLE 6 (continued) SUPERC0:tP0;lEtlT liEArt MO VARIMCE--I'101 Ail POINT 3 Tabic 5.8. Supercomponent El, E2, E3, E4--Turbine-Oriven Puap Dischar9e Valves I " gg[P"U"' Fail /ilour Variance ariance Reference *

                   ,g g 4)                                                (ho rs)    Unava 1 bility
1. PXV0430G 9.15 x 10-8 - 1.01 x 10-14 6575 6.02 x 10-4 4.37 x 10-7; 1 (432, 484, 486)
2. PAV405AQ 1.69 'x 10-7 6.90 x 10-14 , 6575 1.11 x 10-3 2.98 x 10-6 9 (4050, C, 0)
      -3.      PCV04700              --                   --                  --

6.91 x 10-5 1.03 x '10-8 3 , (471, 472, 473) - w

4. PXV0481G 9.15 x 10-3 1.01 x 10-14 6575 6.02 x 10-4 4.37 x 10-7 1 (483,.485, 487)

Superco.aponent El, E2, E3, E4 Itean = 2.33 x 10-3, Variance = 3.62 x 10-6,

   *See itea number in Section 0.2 (Table B.2-2, Data Tables).

SUPEnCOMPONENT E1, E7, E3, E4 LAYOUT 1 2 3 4 t* .. O e , A

C > TABLE 6 (continued) 7 SUPERCO:tP0tlEHT 11EAN Ai10 VARIAilCE--IIIDI All POIllT 3

                 . Table 6.9. Supercomponent D1, 02, 03, 04--Steam Generator Supply Valves
                                                                 'I                             ariance gg 7UPja       4) all/ Hour         Variance (hours)   Unava      bility Reference
  • G.91 x 10-5 1.03 x 10-0

, -1. PCV0057Q -- -- -- 3 a (68, 69, 70)

2. 6CV0004X 6.91 x 10-7 4.87 x 10-13 ' ,

4** 2.76 x 10-6 7.79 x 10-12 4 Supercomponent 01, 02, 03, D411ean = 7.19 x .10-5, Variance = 1.03 x 10-8

 *See itea nuiaber in Section 3.2 (Table B.2-2, Data Tables).
 ** Suggested time for AFilS to perform its limited functinn (1/2 of 8 hours) (D.8).
               .                                  SUPERCOMPONENT D1, D2, D3. D4 LAYOUT
              .                                                   1-       2 s
                                                              ~TAELE 7 I

INDIAN POINT UNIT 3 DEVELO??ENT 0F ENTRIES TO AFS UNAVAILAEILITY TABLE (TAELE 1) - Table 7.1. Nonrecoverable Random Failures full Power

                                             -RAS Developed Dominant Cutsets Unavailability-     APP" Cutset                                                 nt      on
 .                      1. Failure of.the CST water                   1.07 x 10-6            94,4g .

supply, W1 (Table 6.1) and - failure of the city water.. supply, W2 (Table 6.2) TOTAL- , 1.14 x 10-6 100.0% ,

    .      _(, *                                                                 .

1441A040981 35 .

TABLE 7 I INDIAN POINT U:;IT 3 DEVELO?F.ENT OF- ENTRI$5 TO AFS UNAVAILABILITY TABLE (TABLE 1) Table 7.2. Nonrecoverable Random Failures, One Bus Unavailable RAS Developed Dominant Cutsets Cutset Unavailability PP fgnt on

1. Failure of the turbine-driven 1,79 x 10-5 74.2% -

pump train, P3 (Table 5.6) and failure of a motor-dr.ven pumo discharge valve on the , functioning pump, C1, C2, C3, C4 (Table 6.7)

2. Failure of the turbine-driven 4.56 x 10-6 18.9%

pump train, P3 (Table 6.6) - 5 and failure of the motor-driven pump train that still has electric power, P1, P2


(Table 6.5) ,

3. Failure of the CSTLwater 1.07 x 10-6 4.5%

supply, W1 (Table'6.1) and failure of the city water supply, W2 (Table 6.2) TOTAL 2.41 x 10-5 100.0% e e

       .      t .*                                       -

4 1441A040981 36

                                                         ^t TASLE-.7

I lt: DIAR; P01t;! U!.!T 3 DEVELO? *.ENT 0F ENTRIES TO AFS L'fx.* !L AE]LITY TABLE (TA'BLE 1) Table 7.3.  ?!cnrecoverable Random Failures, ,

                                                              'No Power RAS Developed Dominant Cutsets r*+ cat                           Unavailability-   APP gn     j         '
1. Failufe of the turbine-driven 3.10 x 10-3 99,7;_ -

pump train, P3-(Table 6.6)

      .                              TOTAL                              ~3.11 x 10-3        100,0g
                                                   .                                                                       2
 .~                                                                                            .

1441A040981 37

9 TABLE 7 I INDIAH POINT UNIT 3 DE\*ELOPitINT 0F ENTRIES TO AFS UNAVAILABILITY TABLE (TABLE 1) Table 7.4. Test and firintenance, and Honrecoverable Randon Failure Full Power RAS Developed Doninant Cutsets Cutset. Unavailability _ ^PE[jfaae g ,

1. flotor-driven puap maintenance 1.44 x 10-7 51. 2%

(Table 9) coupled with f ailure of the turbine-driven pump train P3 (Table 6.6) and fail-

                       ,   ure of a notor-driven punp dis-charge valve of the functioning pump, C1, C2, C3, C4                      _

(Table 6.7)

2. Turbine-driven punp oeintenance 7.03 x 10-8 25.00 (Table' 9) coupled vitn failure of one notor-driven puap train. -

P1, P2 (Table 6.5) and a notor- - driven pump discharge valve failure in the other notor pump train, C1, C2, C3, C4 ~ , (Table . 6. 7)

3. Motor-driven'puap naintenance 3.68 x 10-8 13.1%

(Table 9) coupled with failures of the 'other two pump trains, P1 or,P2, and P3 (Tables 6.5 and 6.6) TOTAL 2.81 x 10-7 100.00 1


1441 A042081/1 3g

TABLE 7- [' INDIAN POINT Uld1T 3 OEVEICFMENT OF ENTRIES TO AFS U:: AVAILABILITY TABLE (TAELE 1) Table 7.5. . Test and Vainten'anceg and Nonrecoverable Random Failure One Bus Available RAS Developed Dominant Cutsets Cutset Unavailability f[Er t on

1. Turbine-driven pump mainten- 2.40 x 10-5 55.4% .

ance (Table 9) coupled with a failure of either set of motor _ pump-driven discharce valves C1, C2, C3,.C4 (Table 6.7) . associated with ' the motor-driven pump having' power.- ..

2. Motor-driven pump mainten- 1.25 x 10-5 28.9% ' <

ance (Table 9) coupled with a failure of the turbine-driven . pump train, P3 (Table 6.6) .-

3. Turbine-driven pump mainten- 6.12 - x 10-6 14.1%

ance (Table-9) ccupled with a failure of the remaining motor-driven pump. TOTAL 4.33 x '10-5 , loo,og 1441A040931 39 s

TABLE 7 l-INDIAN POINT UNIT ^ 3 DE VELOP:GNT OF ENTRIES TO AFS UNAVAILAB!L]TY TABLE (TABLE 1)- . Table 7.6. Test anc Mainterarce, and Nonrecoverable ~Ranecm Failure

                                                     ,                  No Power RA5' Developed Dominant Cutsets Cutset                     Unavailability         A PP'*i*aIE Contribution
l. Turbine-criven pump 4.16 x 10-3 looch-maintenance (Table 9) -

TOTAL 4.16 x 10-3 100.0%.

                                                                                                                             >l 4
       .       .IA. -                                            .

l 1

       ..                    1441A041481/1                               40
                                                          ,  TAELE 7 INDIAN. POINT UNIT 3 DEVELO?!'ENT OF ENTRIES TO AFS UNA'.' AIL AE]LITY TABLE (TABLE 1)                      '

l . - T ab la. 7.7. Indesendent Human Error, Test and Maintenance, and Nonrecoverable Rancom f ailures, Full Pov:er-RAS Developed Dominant Cutsets C,utset Unavailability C nt tion

1. Operator' f ailure (Section D.3) 4.70 x 10-5 .45.6%

to open the city v;ater valves coupled with a failure of the CST' water supply, W1 (Table 6.1)

2. Operator failure (Section D.3) 3.24 x 10-7 31.5%

to start the turbine-driven pump, motor-driven pump'maint- - enance , P1, P2 (Table 6.5),. and a failure of either set of . discharge valves, C1, C2, C3, C4 (Table 6.7) of the: remaining - motor-driven ~ pump.

3. Operator f ailure (Section D.3) 1.19 x 10-7 11.6%

to start the turbine-driven pump, f ailure of one motor- ' driven pump train, P1, P2 (Table 6.5) and a failure of either set of discharge valves, C1, C2, C3, C4 (Table 6.7) of-the remaining motor-driven pump.

4. Operator'f ailure (Section D.3) 8.28 x 10-8 ' S.0%

to start the turbine-dr'iven pump, maintenance on one and failure of the other motor-

                                  ~                                                                          -
               .              driven pump.

O' TOTAL . 1.03 x 10-6 100.0% G 1441A040981- 41

r . . . f TABLE 7 3 INDIAN POINT UNIT 3 , DEVE.'0DMENT OF ENTRIES TO AFS UNAVAILAEILITY TABLE (TABLE 1) Table 7.S. Independent Human Error, Test and Maintenance,. and Nonrecoverable Ranaom failures, One Bus Available RAS Developed Dominant Cutsets Cutset Unavailability P AgnP( I t,jn' *

1. Operator .f ailure (Section D.3) 4.03 x-10-5 49,gg to start the turbine-driven pump coupled with a loss of ,

either set of motor-driven pump discharge ' valves asso-ciated with the remaining pump, C1, C2, C3, C4 (Table 6.7). -

2. Operator failure (Section D.3) 2.82 x 10-5 34.8% 9 to start the turbine-driven
                   .        pump coupled with maintenance                          ,

on the remaining motor-driven pump.(Table 9).

3. Operator failure (Section D.3)' 1.03 x 10-5 12.7%

to start the turbine-driven - - pump coupled with : a f ailure-of .the remaining motor-driven pump. TOTAL 8.10 x 10-5 loo,og 1

               -1441A0409El                                   42

t . TABLE'7 l INDIAN POINT UNIT 3' DEVELO? MENT' 0F ENTRIES 10 AFS UNAVAILAEILITY -TABLE (TABLE 1) Table 7.92 Indeoendent. Human Error, Test a5d raintenance,

                                             'and. Nonrecoverable Random failures, No Power RAS Developed' Dominant Cutsets Cutset                                            Approximat e
            .                                                              Unavailability                  ,


1. Failure of the operator 7.00 x 10-3 99.5%" '

(Section D.3) to start the motor-driven pump. . TOTAL '7.04 x 10-3 100.0%



       . ,       (. ..                                                               ,.

1441A040981 43 e e v., - -


                                  .         Table 7.10. Common Cause/ Human Erro-Failure to restore gate valves following Afk' pump tests (e.g.,

BFD-36, 38, 41, 43, 48-1, 48-3, '48-5, and 48-7), together with failure of independent verification to note failure and correct, along with the operator failure to correct the valves during a need for the AFS is: (1.02 x 10-5)(3.03 'x 10-2)(.044) = 1.36 x 10-8 The equation and numbers are from the Human Error Rates section - of this report. ' e Each pump action of the- two valve closures and reopenings . is considered highly dependent (Equation 8), N = 1.00 x 10-3 from Table 1 in the Human Error Rates section. - e Successive tests of the other.two pump trains are considered moderately dependent (Equation 7).

                                                                      .                                       C d

(1.00x10-3)(1+}.00 L )(1 + 6.0 d )(1

  • 6.0 d ) = 1.02 5x W
                                                               /          /

e The checker's task is considered completely dependent (Equation 9) for each separate pump train and highly dependent.for each separate pump train, N = 1.00 x 10-1 (1.00 x 10-1)(1)( + 1.0 x 10 )(1 C1.0 2 -2

                                                                                 ) = 3.03 x 10
                               -e    Also the whole thing must go without notice by the operator if the auxiliary feed system is used, .044.

There are other permutations of common cause which include combinations of random failures, maintenance outages, and states of the electric power, system. However, the resulting system

             ,           unavailabilities are at least two orders of magnitude less than the base number presented above.
  • e L .*
  • 1441A040981 44

s gqgg

         .                                         nnnnn i iiiii                                                                                   '

rrrrr s ooooo h t

                      '                          ttt tt                                                                            *
                                    .            iiiii                                                                                                       n 1     nnnnn                                                                                                     o oh1ooo                                                                                                    m e Mi1      il 4 i       ssss                           sssss                   s                             a ttttthhh:i                                         h i hhh                 h                              l nnnnnttt t y                                      ttt tt                  t aaiaannnnl                                          nnnnn                   n                             y r

tt t tt ooooh rrroooo9 o sssssmmmmt eeemtimmm 'm . e nnnnn nvvv v e o o o o o a 0 n aHfoIel *' lelIlaann 8 l l t CCCCCl 1 i l lI I 1 e b o 9 dddd'd eeeee l t e I ziz zz L il iii c + S ggggg c C rrrrr u s I eeeee nnnnn . $ l EEEEE

                                ~Y          C
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5555555 ((((((( V - I P P I l. Q 3( E ( g R ' en F li bl G iae u N rf I ae VR T


S d eeeee1))) nnnnn1 11) 22221

                                                                                                                      )      )                         ))

45 8 E. " c iiloooon2222l ((((( ( 1 (( T t l f i i ((((( r f E S

                                        '"' rr                                       .

L B W A F , G T A 3 A AnC0

                .                T N

5%CW 00009 S 6MMf> 0t f 0 er

                                                                                                                             *e r               .

I 44443 ' 4444 u u n

                                                                         - - - - 1                      - - -          t       t              o O                                     VVVV1f09VVVV a                                           a r           it P                                     CCCC                 000CCCCr                             e            a 1FFFF e N

FFF.FV1 C1 1 11 p p m ic

                                           )                            eeeeP - -VVV- vvvve        eeeem                         e           f A          t                            vvvv ll ll eCCClll                               l t          t            i I            n    AA                                                                                          r e      36                  aaaavPPP aaaa                                                          e D            v                          vvvvl                          vvvvh           g h

g v N E ssA4 aeee i uu36 ll1,l vvvvlll li I c bb ooio lll ooooh h w i ss rrrrdaaarrrr A 1l lo s CC uu tttt evvvtttt c0cO nnnni1i I f s AAhhmnnnnt

                          .                 O                       eooooafIf oooot3t3                                                         o

( hhoot tttt s cccc rff feooo cccca1 a1 m m- n t ii ywwwwpttt wwwwoV oV s n e wwrrsooooouuuonootCtC ee llll hhhlill uP uP i n rsssff ff a a o nnwwrffff i iiooi e e e r

                                          ' p         aappaddddaddddddddeeeeeeeel               vd v           el                              e m      rr                 eeee                                                                 h o                    ttttt mtttttttt at a C

ttl oonaaaaaaaaaaaaavavr l ccrrerrrrerrrrrrrr t t )?4


O) iir r ttn n meeeet u p p p peeeeeeeef s p p p p p ef p p pf pf u 0Q0 tt ooroooo ooooooooooo n- - - - - - - - t t b 2 - V 1 t I - cccct - srrrrirrrrrrrruru

                                                                    - - -                                                                     d                PI ee                                                                                        e        T3P s                                                   ll EEDDI  CCnilll  AAAAIIn.i         AAAAAAAAsA i iiii ii          s hih                    k o

P(3 3 ( r ( y t l e s yrl

           .                                                                                                                                                    eb e        lht        l t

n 5SS55GGGG) , 0 Q Q G G'r. r. G G a r t rl na r e n 4AA4049C0H11 3 G 3 6 0 5 5 5 5 31 0 nA 3 0 G 6r. r, t.r0 5 0 0 huJ s QV

   ,                                           o p

CCCC83 AADDI 44 00001441 1ll30001 1ii41 4 4 3 1 3 e 5S$5AVVVVVYVVVVVVV V v ))1 m 1 21 o nO000AAAAAAAAAAAAA A P l i ((I C JJ44 l PPPPPPPPPPPPP t V t 3u

                          ,                                                                                  .                                                           1
                                                                                                                                                           -       ~

TABLE 8 (continued) INDIAN POINT 3 AFWS TESTING FREQUENCY 4 Component Component (Basic Event) Sch a cd e ng '5 ee, , Indirect Testing f, 6CV000lX Check valve on main feed 5 *pply line 1. (5) 18 months 6CV0002X Check valve on maln (cerl supply line 2 (5) 16 mnnths 6CY0003X Check valve on main feed supply line 3 (5) 10 months GCV000iX Check valve on main feed supply line 4 (5) la mnnths PCV05110 ~ heck valve MS-41' (I)* Honthly - Never* PCV05420 Check valve MS-42* (I)* 2Hnnthly - tiever*

 $                     PCVOC 250-     Check valve CT-25                                                            ..               Hover PCVOC26Q       Check valwe CT-26                                                               (1),(5)       finnthly PCVOC200       Check valve CT-20                                                                         ,                            g flover PCV00290       Check valve CT-29                           .                                   (1),(5)       Hnnthly PCVOC310       Check valve CT-31                                    '

Never PCY00310' Check valve DFO-31 (5) PCV00320 Check valve CT-32 la finnths

                                                                                             . (1 )                  (1),(5)        Honthly PCV00340       Check valve DrD-34                                                             (5)             in months PCV0035Q       Check valve DFD-35                                                             (5)             10 mnnths
                  ,    PCV00310       Check valve DFD-31                                                             (5)            10 months PCV00190       Check valve nrD-39     ,                                                       (5)            in months PCV00109       Check valve UFD-40                                                            (5)             In months PCV001?Q       Check valve DFO-42                                                             (5)            18 mnnths PCVu4100       Check valve Dr0-41-0                                                           (5)

PCV04/iG Check valve prD-41-1 10 months

                                                                             ,                                      (51             la mnnths PCV04120        Check valve DFO-41-2                                                          (5)

PCV0413Q Check valve,DFO-41-3

  • til mnnths .
                                                                                                                    .5)             lit months           .

PCY01100 Check valve DFD-79-0 (5) PCV01910 10 months Check valve DFO-19-1 ( 5) i

  • 18 mnnths PCv01170 Check valve DFD-19-2 (5)

PCV01939 Check valve BrD-19-3 In months (5) . 18 mnnths'. PCX0P345 Valve controller on valve PCV-1310A , (1)I.(5)I finnthly

                    *Ihe monthly test 3PT-H2O proves only that one of the check valves, HS-41.-or fl5-42, wnrkerl properly.                                            '

FVerifles only it has not improperly closeri valves un<fer test conlillnns.

1l ee rr

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                  - l-                                                 TABLE 9 IljDI AN P01tJT Ul!!T 3 AFl!S PLANT-SPECIFIC l%]!!TE!1A!!CE EXPEP.IE!!CE                      -

Motor-Driven Pump Trains (Table B.3-8b) Outages 8 Total Duration of Outage Hours 234 Total Reported Operation Hours .39,840 . Mean Unavailability * (per train) = 4.03 x 10-3 . Turbine-Driven Puns Train -(Table B.3-8a) I Outages . 5 1 Total Duration of Outage Hours 170 . Total Reported Operatien Hours 19,920' . Vaan unavailability + 4.16 x 10-3 "The mean was derived from the ' Appendix B data, see Figure B.3-10b.

                          +The mean was derived from the Appendix B data, see Figure B.3-10a.

49 0559A032EE1

                                 .                                  r-                     .

TABLE 10 I ItJDIA!: PO!!JT 3 - CO:-::Ot1 CAUSE CA!!DIDATES F0P. SIMILAF, PAPTS (Number of cutset combinations) . Mininum Cutset Order . Part -- -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Air-Controlled Valves 12 4 Electric Train Check Valves 45 220 31 7 '86 2a Electrical .Compo nents 4 Motor Operator System Air e Pump .1 Steam Generator

                        . Turbine

Tank 1 I ..

                        . Manual Valves                      -

2 50 32 352 128 e e e e e 4 e G e


                                                                                     .             Aps-eximate last                Event Jes:eiption                            *jg8 j        ,Ur.anil!3ility) wontribution ('

1 Failure of the CST vater sup21y and of the - 1.07 x 10-5 43.5 city water supply. (Ta al e 7.1.1)

    .                 2   Operst:e failure is open the city water -              4.70 x 10-7         19.1 valves ::asled '.siti a f ailu-e of the '57 wa:er su; ply. (Table 7.7.1)                                                   .

3 Op? rats #ailure to sta-t the turbine-driven 3.24 10-7 13.2 ' - pu7:. notor-driv n Dump .nsi..tenan:e. and 4 failure of either set of dis:5ar;e valves of tha remainin; motor-driven pnp (Tasle 7.7 2) 4 :htor-s*1ven pns rasin enan:e coupled with 1.44 x 10-E 5. 9 3 f ailJre of the turbine-driven pna train and failure of a motor-def ren 3333 dis:ha se valve of the fun: fonin) pu.:p. (Table 7.4.1) - 5 0;erator f ailure to start the turbine-driven 1.19 x 1.0-7 4.8 a pn:, failure of one's: tor-driven paap train, an: a f ailu e of either set of dis:5a-;e valves c' the re sinin; p:::r-driven pnp. . (T:ble 7.7.31 . l 5 Oserstor f ailure to start the tur31ne-driven B.25 x 10-3 3.4 p*13, caintenan:e on :ne and failure cf the other notor-driven pop. (Ts31e 7.7.4) 7 Turbine-driven pnh maintenan:e coupled with 7.03 x 1D* 3.0 f ailure of one . motor-d-iven pu.ap train, and a notor-drive.1 pump dis:nnrge valve f ailure in the other notor pump train. (Tasle 7.4.2) 8 tietor-driven puas maintenan:e coupled with 3.58 x 10-3 1.5 failures of the other two pump trains. - (Table 7.4.3) . 6 4 6

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                                    ..                 INDI AN POINT UNIT- 3 AFWS DOM 1}< ANT ' CONTRIBUTORS TO CONDIT10NAL - UNAVA] LABILITY (continusd)                                                         .


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6cr.triss:1:n U.{ 3: era::,-~ f ailste :c ' start tr.e tar:ine-: riven _' :' 4.03 x 10-5 l 1 27.2 p ma :: sies wi:n a 1 css of eitner se: sf c::: -: riven er.s dis:nar;e valves asss:tates , , S,

                                  .i:n te.a re.atnie.; o r.s. t ia:1e 7.3.1) 2      Ost a::- ft:la e :: star: :ne tst:t e : risen                2.32 x 10-5            i?.!

s; : ::.:les ai o eatn;ena-:t sf :ne; .  ! rc:: - rtsen p; :. jTasle 7.3.2) 3 Tarsine-: riven or:s maintena .:e cousled wit : 2. ] a 10-5 16.2 e failste of eitner set sf =::sr sriven p s

                         ,        cis:.arge valve asso:iate: witn t'te ::cr-                                                              .

c-iven p r: naving (Tasle 7.5.1) 4 Taiire f :ne tursine- riven put; 1.7E a 13-5. 12.1 f ail;re :f' a m:::r-criven put.s cisenar;e - val <e on :ne fun:: toning put.p. (Tasie 7.2.1)- ,

                                                                                     .                                                                 9 5      :4::: -:-iven :es e.aintenan:e cousle: .itn a                 1.25 x 10-5'-          E.

f ail; e' :f :ne tsr:ine-: riven sa s train. (Ta:1e ?.5.I) ,, E Cse-at:r f ailure to start tne tar:ine rtven '1.03 x 10-5 7.0 p es ::ssle: .1 P. a failure cf tne re.aining ms:cr-oriven pa p. .(Tasle 7.E.3) - 7 Turoine-criven ou s maintenance co;;1e: witn 6.12 x 10-6  :.1 a f allare of tne reraining m: tor-criven puc. -

                                 '(Tatie 7.5.3) 5      Fails-e f tne tursi~ne-artwen sr.o train, and                4.55 x 10-6             3.1 f ailare cf tne ras:or-oriven pure tratr. nat
                                 -still nas electric         (Tasle 7.2.2)                                              .

4 9 a


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a . a TABLE 13 . 110 P0'lER IWUIM POINT UllIT '3 AFWS DDrilNANT C0!!TRIBUTORS IO C0dDITIO;1AL UHAVATLABILITY (continued) Approximate Rank Event Description Unavai ability Unavailability Contribution (%) 1- Failure of the operator to start the motor 7.00 x 10-3 49.0 driven pump. (Table 7.9.1) 2- Turbine-driven pump maintenance. 4.16 x .10-3 29.1 on -Table 7.G.1) 3 Failure of the turbine-driven pump train. 3.10 x 10-3 21 . 7 6 (Table 7.3.1) '

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