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ISFSI - Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for January Through December 2001
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/25/2002
From: Heacock D
Virginia Electric & Power Co (VEPCO)
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
+sunsi/sispmjr=200603, -RFPFR, 02-288
Download: ML021340726 (128)


{{#Wiki_filter:VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND,VIRGINIA23261 April 25, 2002 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial No. 02-288 Attention: Document Control Desk NAPS/MPW Washington, D. C. 20555 Docket Nos. 50-338 50-339 72-16 License Nos. NPF-4 NPF-7 SNM-2507 Gentlemen: VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY NORTH ANNA POWER STATION UNITS I AND 2 INDEPENDENT SPENT FUEL STORAGE INSTALLATION (ISFSI) ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT North Anna Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications and North Anna Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Technical Specification 5.5.2.b, require the submittal of an Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. Accordingly, enclosed is the Radiological Environmental Operating Report for the reporting period of JanLiary 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us. Very truly yours, D. A. Heacock Site Vice President Enclosure Commitments made by this letter: None

cc: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region iI Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth St., SW, Suite 23T85 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Director, Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Mr. M. J. Morgan NRC Senior Resident Inspector North Anna Power Station

     ~0 Do mi nions  T North Anna Power Station 2001 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report


Annual RadiologicalEnvironmentalOperatingReport North Anna PowerStation January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001 Prepared by: James B. Breeden Supervisor Radiological Analysis and Material Control Reviewed by Erich W. Dreyer Supervisor Health Physics Technical Services Approved by: en H. Stafford Manager Radiological Protection 2

Table of Contents Section Title Page Preface.............. 6 Executive Summary.............. 7 I. Introduction .10 II. Sampling and Analysis Program.13 III. Program Exceptions .30 IV. Summary and Discussion of 2001 Analytical Results .32 A. Airborne Exposure Pathway .. 33

1. Air Iodine/Air Particulates.33
2. Precipitation .35
3. Soil. 35 B. Waterbome Exposure Pathway .. 36
1. Ground/Well Water .36
2. River Water .36
3. Surface Water .36 C. Aquatic Exposure Pathway .. 37
1. Sediment/Silt .37
2. Shoreline Soil .37 D. Ingestion Exposure Pathway .. 42
1. Milk .42
2. Fish .42
3. Food/Vegetation .42 E. Direct Radiation Exposure Pathway . .43
1. TLD Dosimeters .43 V. Conclusion .45 3

Table of Contents (Continued) Section Title Page VI. References .......................................... 49 VII. Appendices .......................................... 51 Appendix A - Radiological Environmental Monitoring ......................................... 52 Program Annual Summary Tables - 2001 Appendix B - Data Tables .......................................... 60 Appendix C - Land Use Census -2001.......................................... 83 Appendix D - Synopsis of Analytical Procedures .......................................... 87 Appendix E - Interlaboratory Comparison Program .......................................... 99 List of Trending Graphs

1. Gross Beta in Air Particulates .......................................... 34
2. Tritium in River Water.......................................... 34
3. Tritium in Surface Water .......................................... 39
4. Cobalt-58 in Sediment Silt.......................................... 39
5. Cobalt-60 in Sediment Silt.......................................... 40
6. Cesium-134 in Sediment Silt .......................................... 40
7. Cesium-137 in Sediment Silt .......................................... 41
8. Cesium-134 in Fish .......................................... 41
9. Cesium-137 in Fish.......................................... 44
10. Environmental Radiation-TLDs.......................................... 44 4

Table of Contents (Continued) List of Tables Section Page

1. Radiological Sampling Station Distance and Direction from Unit 1............................................................ 15
2. North Anna Power Station Sample Analysis Program ........................................... 26
3. REMP Exceptions for Scheduled Sampling and Analysis during 2001................. 30 Appendix B Tables B-1 Iodine- 131 Concentrations in Filtered Air ............................................................ 61 B-2 Concentrations of Gross Beta in Air Particulates ............................................................ 63 B-3 Gamma Emitter and Strontium Concentrations in Air Particulates.................................... 67 B-4 Gross Beta, Tritium and Gammna Emitter Concentrations in Precipitation ........................ 70 B-5 Concentrations of Gamma Emitter and Strontium in Soil .................................................. 71 B-6 Gamma Emitter, Strontium and Tritium Concentrations in Ground/Well Water ............... 72 B-7 Gamma Emitter, Strontium, Tritium, and Iodine Concentrations in River Water .............. 72 B-8 Gamma Emitter, Strontium and Tritium Concentrations in Surface Water ........................ 73 B-9 Gamma Emitter and Strontium Concentrations in Sediment Silt....................................... 74 B-10 Gamma Emitter and Strontium Concentrations in Shoreline Soil .75 B- 1 Gamma Emitter and Strontium Concentrations in Milk .76 B-12 Gamma Emitter Concentrations in Fish.78 B-13 Gamma Emitter Concentrations in Food/Vegetation .79 B-14 Direct Radiation Measurements - Quarterly & Annual TLD Results .80 B- 15 Direct Radiation Measurements - Sector Quarterly TLD Results .81 5

Preface This report is submitted in accordance with North Anna Unit 1 and 2 Technical Specification and North Anna Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) Technical Specification 5.5.2b. 6



This document is a detailed report on the 2001 North Anna Nuclear Power Station Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP). Radioactivity levels from January 1 through December 31, 2001 in water, silt, shoreline sediment, milk, aquatic biota, food products, vegetation, and direct exposure pathways have been analyzed, evaluated and summarized. The REMP is designed to ensure that radiological effluent releases are As Low As is Reasonably Achievable (ALARA), no undue environmental effects occur, and the health and safety of the public is protected. The program also detects any unexpected environmental processes which could allow radiation accumulations in the environment or food pathways chains. Radiation and radioactivity in the environment is constantly monitored within a 25 mile radius of the station. Dominion Virginia Power (DVP) also collects samples within the area. A number of sampling locations for each medium were selected using available meteorological, land use, and water use data. Two types of samples are obtained. The first type, control samples, are collected from areas that are beyond the measurable influence of North Anna Nuclear Power Station or any other nuclear facility. These samples are used as reference data. Normal background radiation levels, or radiation present due to causes other than North Anna Power Station, can thus be compared to the environment surrounding the nuclear power station. Indicator samples are the second sample type obtained. These samples show how much radiation is contributed to the environment by the plant. Indicator samples are taken from areas close to the station where any plant contribution will be at the highest concentration. Prior to station operations, samples were collected and analyzed to determine the amount of radioactivity present in the area. The resulting values are used as a "pre-operational baseline." Analysis results from the indicator samples are compared to both current control sample values and the pre-operational baseline to determine if changes in radioactivity levels are attributable to station operations, other causes such as the Chemobyl accident, or natural variation. Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services provides sample analyses for various radioisotopes as appropriate for each sample media. Participation in an interlaboratory comparison program provides an independent check of sample measurement precision and accuracy. Typically, radioactivity levels in the environment are so low that analysis values frequently fall below the minimum detection limits of state-of-the-art measurement methods. Because of this, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requires that equipment used for radiological environmental monitoring must be able to detect specified minimum Lower Limits of Detection (LLD). This ensures that analyses are as accurate as possible. Samples with extreme low levels of radiation which cannot be detected are therefore reported as being below the LLD. The NRC also mandates a "reporting level." Licensed nuclear facilities must report any releases equal to or greater than this reporting level. Environmental radiation levels are sometimes referred to in percent of reporting level. Analytical results are divided into five categories based on exposure pathways: Airborne, waterbome, aquatic, ingestion, and direct radiation. Each of these pathways is described below: 7

  • The airborne exposure pathway includes airborne iodine, airborne particulate, precipitation, and soil samples. The overall 2001 airborne results were very similar to previous years and to preoperational levels. No increase was noted and there was no detection of fission products or other man-made isotopes in the airborne particulate media during 2001.
  • The waterborne exposure pathway includes ground/well water, river water, and surface water samples. No man-made isotopes were detected in Lake Anna surface water except for tritium. The average tritium activity in surface water for 2001 was 3825 pCi/liter which was 19.13% of the reporting level for a water sample. The 2000 tritium level was 2850 pCi/liter. The preoperational level was 150 pCi/liter and has risen since 1978, though it has remained relatively consistent since 1986. No other gamma emitters were detected.
  • River water collected from the North Anna River, 5.8 miles downstream of the site had an average tritium level of 3450 pCi/liter. The average tritium level in 2000 was 3025 pCi/liter. Naturally occurring thorium-228 was measured in one out of twelve samples at an average concentration of 5.73 pCi/liter. No other gamma emitters were detected.
  • The aquatic exposure pathway includes sediment/silt and shoreline samples. North Anna sediment contained some cesium-137. During the preoperational period, cesium-137 was detected. Sediment contamination, however, does not provide a direct dose pathway to man. In shoreline soil, which may provide a direct dose pathway, cesium-137 was measured in both of the two samples at 177 pCi/kg (dry).
   . The ingestion exposure pathway includes milk, fish, and food/vegetation samples.

Iodine-131 was not detected in any 2001 milk samples. Although cesium-137 has been detected in the past, it was not detected in 2001 milk samples. Strontium-90 was detected at levels lower than 1999, and preoperational years. Both strontium-90 and cesium-137 are attributable to atmospheric nuclear weapons testing in the past. Naturally occurring potasium-40 was detected at normal environmental levels. Fish samples during 2001 contained cesium-137 at a slightly lower activity than preoperational levels. Steam generator repairs and better liquid waste processing have reduced these activity levels from previous years. Vegetation samples were statistically similar to both control and preoperational levels.

  • The direct radiation exposure pathway measures environmental radiation doses by use of thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). The TLD results have remained essentially the same since the preoperational period in 1977 but have shown a slight decline in 2001 reflecting a change in the TLD design.

During 2001, as in previous years, operation of the North Anna Nuclear Power Station and the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) created no adverse environment affects or health hazards. The maximum total body dose calculated for a hypothetical individual at the North Anna Power Station site boundary due to liquid and gaseous effluents released from the site during 2001 would be approximately 0.32 millirem. For reference, this dose may be 8

compared to the 360 millirem average annual exposure to every person in the United States from natural and man-made sources. Natural sources in the environment provide approximately 82% of radiation exposure to man while Nuclear Power contributes to less than 0.1%. These results demonstrate not only compliance with federal and state regulations, but also demonstrate the adequacy of radioactive effluent control at the North Anna Nuclear Power Station. 9


DOMINION VIRGINIA POWER COMPANY NORTHANNA POWER STATION RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERA TING PROGRAM I. INTRODUCTION The operational radiological environmental monitoring program conducted for 2001 for the North Anna Power Station is provided in this report. The result of measurement and analyses of data obtained from samples collected from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001 are summarized. A. The North Anna Power Station of Dominion Virginia Power Company is located on Lake Anna in Mineral, Virginia, approximately 35 miles southwest of Fredericksburg, Virginia. The site consists of two units, each with a pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear steam supply system and turbine generator furnished by Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Each unit was designed with a gross electrical output of 979 megawatts electric (MWe). Unit 1 achieved commercial operation on June 6, 1978 and Unit 2 on December 14, 1980. An independent spent fuel storage facility was licensed for dry cask storage of spent fuel in 1998. B. The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) regulations require that nuclear power plants be designed, constructed, and operated to keep levels of radioactive material in effluents to unrestricted areas as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA). To ensure these criteria are met, the operating license for North Anna Power Station includes Technical Specifications which address the release of radioactive effluents. Inplant monitoring is used to ensure release limits are not exceeded. As a precaution against unexpected or undefined environmental processes which might allow undue accumulation of radioactivity in the environment, a program for monitoring the plant environs is also included in North Anna Power Station Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). C. Dominion Virginia Power Company is responsible for collecting the various indicator and control environmental samples. Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services is responsible for sample analysis and submitting report of radioanalysis. The results are used to determine if changes in radioactivity levels could be attributed to station operations. Measured values are compared with control levels, which vary with time due to such external events as cosmic ray bombardment, weapons test fallout, and seasonal variations of naturally occurring isotopes. Data collected prior to the plant operation is used to indicate the degree of natural variation to be expected. This preoperational data is compared with data collected during the operational phase to assist in evaluating the radiological impact of the plant operation. D. Occasional samples of environment media show the presence of man-made isotopes. As a method of referencing the measured radionuclide concentrations in the sample media to a dose consequence to man, the data is compared to the reporting level concentrations listed in the USNRC Regulatory Guide 4.8 and North Anna's ODCM. 11

These concentrations are based upon the annual dose commitment recommended by 10CFR50, Appendix I, to meet the criterion of "As Low As Is Reasonably Achievable". E. This report documents the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for 2001 and satisfies the following objectives of the program:

1. Provides measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides that lead to the highest potential radiation exposure of the maximum exposed members of the public resulting from the station operation.
2. Supplements the radiological effluent monitoring program by verifying that radioactive effluents are within allowable limits.
3. Identifies radioactivity changes in the environment.
4. Verifies that the plant operations have no detrimental effect on the health and safety of the public.




1. Table 1 summarizes the sampling program for environmental monitoring stations for North Anna Power Station during 2001. The relative location of these stations is shown.
2. For routine TLD measurements, two dosimeters made of CaF and LiF are deployed at each sampling location. Several TLDs are co-located with NRC and Commonwealth of Virginia direct radiation recording devices.
3. In addition to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program required by North Anna Technical Specifications, samples are split if requested by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Routine splitting of Dominion Virginia Power Company samples with the Commonwealth of Virginia has been discontinued. All samples listed in Table 1 are shipped to Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services located in Knoxville, TN.
4. All samples listed in Table 1 are taken at indicator locations except those labeled "control".


Table 1 (Page 1 of 4) NORTH ANNA POWER STATION - 2001 RADIOLOGICAL SAMPLING STATION DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM UNIT NO. 1 Distance Collection Sample Media Location Station Miles Direction Degrees Frequency Remarks Environmental NAPS Sewage 01 0.20 NE 420 Quarterly Thermoluminescent Treatment Plant & Annually Dosimetry (TLD) Fredericks Hall 02 5.30 SSW 2250 Quarterly

                                                                                   & Annually Mineral, VA             03                7.10  WSW        2430   Quarterly
                                                                                   & Annually Wares Crossroads        04                5.10  WNW        2870   Quarterly
                                                                                   & Annually Route 752               05                4.20  NNE        200    Quarterly
                                                                                   & Annually Sturgeon's Creek Marina 05A               3.20  N           110   Quarterly
                                                                                   & Annually Levy, VA                06                4.70  ESE        1150   Quarterly
                                                                                   & Annually Bumpass, VA             07                7.30  SSE        1670   Quarterly
                                                                                   & Annually End of Route 685        21                1.00  WNW        3010   Quarterly
                                                                                   & Annually Route 700               22                1.00  WSW        2420   Quarterly
                                                                                   & Annually "Aspen Hills"           23                0.93  SSE        1580   Quarterly
                                                                                   & Annually Orange, VA              24               22.00  NW         3250   Quarterly     Control
                                                                                   & Annually Bearing Cooling Tower N-1/33              0.06  N           100   Quarterly Sturgeon's Creek Marina N-2/34            3.20  N           110   Quarterly Parking Lot "C"         NNE-3/35          0.24  NNE        320    Quarterly (on-site)

Good Hope Church NNE-4/36 4.96 NNE 250 Quarterly Parking Lot "B" NE-5/37 0.20 NE 420 Quarterly Lake Anna Marina NE-6/38 1.46 NE 340 Quarterly Weather Tower Fence ENE-7/39 0.36 ENE 740 Quarterly Route 689 ENE-8/40 2.43 ENE 650 Quarterly Near Training Facility E-9/41 0.30 E 910 Quarterly "Morning Glory Hill" E-10/42 2.85 E 930 Quarterly Island Dike ESE-11/43 0.12 ESE 1030 Quarterly Route 622 ESE-12/44 4.70 ESE 1150 Quarterly DVP Biology Lab SE-13/45 0.75 SE 1380 Quarterly 15

Table 1 (Page 2 of 4) NORTH ANNA POWER STATION - 2001 RADIOLOGICAL SAMPLING STATION DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM UNIT NO. 1 Distance Collection Sample Media Location Station Mles Direction Degrees Frequency Remarks Environmental Route 701 SE- 14/46 5.88 SE 1370 Quarterly Thermoluminescent (Dam Entrance) Dosimetry (TLD) "Aspen Hills" SSE-15/47 0.93 SSE 1580 Quarterly Elk Creek SSE-16/48 2.33 SSE 1650 Quarterly NAPS Access Rd. S-17/49 0.47 S 1730 Quarterly Elk Creek Church S-18/50 1.55 S 1780 Quarterly NAPS Access Rd. SSW-19/51 0.42 SSW 1970 Quarterly Route 618 SSW-20/52 5.30 SSW 2050 Quarterly 500kv Tower SW-21/53 0.60 SW 2180 Quarterly Route 700 SW-22/54 4.36 SW 2320 Quarterly NAPS Radio Tower WSW-23155 0.38 WSW 2370 Quarterly Route 700 WSW-24/56 1.00 WSW 2420 Quarterly (Exclusion Boundary) South Gate Switchyard W-25/57 0.32 W 2790 Quarterly Route 685 W-26/58 1.55 W 2740 Quarterly End of Route 685 WNW-27/59 1.00 WNW 3010 Quarterly Route 685 WNW-28/60 1.40 WNW 3030 Quarterly North Gate- NW-29/61 0.45 NW 3210 Quarterly Construction Side Laydown Area Lake Anna Campground NW-30/62 2.54 NW 3190 Quarterly

                    #1/#2 Intake            NNW-31/63        0.07  NNW      3490   Quarterly Route 208               NNW-32/64        3.43  NNW      3440   Quarterly Bumpass Post Office     C-1/2            7.30  SSE      1670   Quarterly   Control Orange, VA              C-3/4            22.00 NW       3250   Quarterly   Control Mineral, VA             C-5/6            7.10  WSW      2430   Quarterly   Control Louisa, VA              C-7/8            11.54 WSW      2570   Quarterly   Control Airborne Particulate NAPS Sewage             01                0.20 NE        420   Weekly and Radioiodine      Treatment Plant Fredericks Hall         02                5.30 SSW      2050   Weekly Mineral, VA             03                7.10 WSW      2430   Weekly Wares Crossroads        04                5.10 WNW      2870   Weekly Route 752               05               4.20  NNE       200   Weekly Sturgeon's Creek Marina 05A               3.20 N         110   Weekly Levy, VA                06                4.70 ESE       1150  Weekly Bumpass, VA             07                7.30 SSE       1670  Weekly End of Route 685        21                1.00 WNW      3010   Weekly Route 700               22                1.00 WSW      2420   Weekly "Aspen Hills"           23                0.93 SSE       1580  Weekly Orange, VA              24               22.00 NW       3250   Weekly      Control 16

Table 1 (Page 3 of 4) NORTH ANNA POWER STATION - 2001 RADIOLOGICAL SAMPLING STATION DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM UNIT NO. 1 Distance Collection Sample Media Location Station Miles Direction Degrees Frequency Remarks Surface Water Waste Heat 08 1.10 SSE 1480 Monthly Treatment Facility (Second Cooling Lagoon)

                          *Lake Anna (upstream)            09                  2.20     NW     3200   Monthly        Control (Route 208 Bridge)
                          *Lake Anna (upstream)            09A                 12.90    WNW    2950   Monthly        Control (Route 669 Bridge)

River Water North Anna River 11 5.80 SE 1280 Monthly (downstream) Ground Water Biology Lab 0IA 0.75 SE 1380 Quarterly (Well Water) Precipitation Biology Lab 0IA 0.75 SE 138° Monthly Aquatic Sediment Waste Heat 08 1.10 SSE 1480 Semi-Annually Treatment Facility (Second Cooling Lagoon) Lake Anna (upstream) 09A 12.90 WNW 3200 Semi-Annually Control (Route 669 Bridge) North Anna River 11 5.80 SSE 1280 Semi-Annually (Downstream) Shoreline Soil Waste Heat 08** 1.10 SSE 1480 Semi-Annually Treatment Facility (Second Cooling Lagoon)

  • In October 1991 the Surface Water Sample location at station 09 was moved to 09A.
** Shoreline soil was changed from station 09 to 08 effective with the August 1996 sample.


Table 1 (Page 4 of 4) NORTH ANNA POWER STATION - 2001 RADIOLOGICAL SAMPLING STATION DISTANCE AND DIRECTION FROM UNIT NO. I Distance Collection Sample Media Location Station Miles Direction Degrees Frequency Remarks Soil NAPS Sewage ol 0.20 NE 420 Once/3 years Treatment Plant Fredericks Hall 02 5.30 SSW 2050 Once/3 years Mineral, VA 03 7.10 WSW 2430 Once/3 years Wares Crossroads 04 5.10 WNW 2870 Once/3 years Route 752 05 4.20 NNE 200 Once/3 years Sturgeon's Creek Marina 05A 3.20 N 110 Once/3 years Levy, VA 06 4.70 ESE 1150 Once/3 years Bumpass, VA 07 7.30 SSE 1670 Once/3 years End of Route 685 21 1.00 WNW 3010 Once/3 years Route 700 22 1.00 WSW 2420 Once/3 years (Exclusion Boundary)

                           "Aspen Hills"                   23                  0.93      SSE             1580   Once/3 years Orange, VA                      24                 22.00      NW              3250   Once/3 years      Control Milk                        Holladay Dairy                  12                  8.30      NW              3100   Monthly (R.C. Goodwin)

Terrell's Dairy 13 5.60 SSW 2050 Monthly (Fredericks Hall) Fish Waste Heat 08 1.10 SSE 1480 Semi-Annually Treatment Facility (Second Cooling Lagoon) Lake Orange 25 16.50 NW 3120 Semi-Annually Control Food Products Bel Aire Plantation

  • 14 1.20 NE 430 Monthly if available (Broadleaf or at harve Vegetation) Route 614 15 1.37 SE 1330 Monthly if available or at harvest Route 629/522 16 12.60 NW 3140 Monthly if available or at harvest (Control)

End of Route 685 21** 1.00 WNW 301° Monthly if available or at harvest Aspen Hills 23 0.93 SSE 1580 Monthly if available or at harvest Historic Lane 26** 1.15 S 1720 Monthly if available or at harvest

  • Food Products station 14 was moved from Route 713 to Bel Aire Plantation during 4th Quarter of2001.
** Food Products station 26 replaced 21 during 4th Quarter of 2001.


Legend For The North Anna PowerStation EnvironmentalMonitoringStations OverviewMaps Map Environmental Station Map Environmental Station Designation Identification Designation Identification 1 (a) 01,NE-5/37 7/8 C-7/8 1A O1A,SE-13/45 1/33 N-1/33 2 (a) 02,SSW-20/52 31/63 NNW-31/63 3 (a) 03,C-5/6 29/61 NW-29/61 4 (a) 04 3/35 NNE-3/35 5 (a) 05 7/39 ENE-7/39 5A (a) 05A,N-2/34 9/41 E-9/41 6 (a) 06,ESE-12/44 11/43 ESE-11/43 7 (a) 07,C-1&2 17/49 S- 17/49 8 08-Water, Fish Sediment 19/51 SSW- 19/51 Shoreline Soil (d) 9 09 (d) 21/53 SW-21/53 9A 09A-Water sample, Sediment (d) 23/55 WSW-23/55 11 1 1-River Water, Sediment 25/57 W-25/57 12 12-Milk 16/48 SSE- 16/48 13 13-Milk 18/50 S-18/50 14 14-Vegetation,NE-6/38 14/46 SE-14/46 15 Vegetation 22/54 SW-22/54 16 Vegetation 26/58 W-26/58 21 (a) 21,WNW-27/59 28/60 WNW-28/60 22 (a) 22,WSW-24/56 32/64 NNW-32/64 23 (a) 23,SSE-15/47 8/40 ENE-8/40 24 (a,b) 24,C-3&4 4/36 NNE-4/36 25 (c) 25-Fish 10/42 10/42 26 (e) 26-Vegetation 30/62 NW-30/62 (a) Indicates air sample station, annual and quarterly TLD,Triennial soil. (b) In Orange (c) In Lake Orange (d) Station 09 changed to 08 effective August 1996. (e) Food Products station 26 replaced station 21 during 4th Quarter of 2001. 19

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B. Analysis Program

1. Table 2 summarizes the analysis program conducted by Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services for North Anna Power Station during 2001.

This table is not a complete listing of nuclides that can be detected and reported. Other peaks that are measurable and identifiable, together with the nuclides listed in Table 2, shall also be identified and reported. 25

Table 2 (Page 1 of 4) NORTH ANNA POWER STATION SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROGRAM SAMPLE MEDIA FREQUENCY ANALYSIS LLD* REPORT UNITS Thermoluminescent Quarterly Gamma Dose 2mR +/- 2mR mR/std. Month Dosimetry (TLD) (84 Routine Station TLDs) 12 Station TLDs Annually Gamma Dose 2mR +/- 2mR mR/std. Month Airborne Radioiodine Weekly I-131 0.07 pCi/m3 Airborne Particulate Weekly Gross Beta 0.01 pCi/m3 Quarterly (a) Gamma Isotopic pCi/m3 Cs-134 0.05 Cs-137 0.06 2nd Quarter Sr-89 (c) pCi/m3 Composite Sr-90 (c) Surface Water Monthly I-131 1(b) pCi/L Gamma Isotopic pCi/L Mn-54 15 Fe-59 30 Co-58 15 Co-60 15 Zn-65 30 Zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 Cs- 134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba- 140 60 La-140 15 Quarterly (a) Tritium (H-3) 2000 pCi/L 2nd Quarter Sr-89 (c) pCi/L Composite Sr-90 (c)

  • LLDs indicate those levels that the environmental samples should be analyzed to, in accordance with the North Anna Radiological Environmental Program. Actual analysis of the samples by Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services may be lower than those listed.

(a) Quarterly Composites of each location's samples are used for the required analysis. (b) LLD for non-drinking water is 10 pCi/liter. (c) There are no required LLDs for strontium-89/90. LLDs are those achieved by Teledyne Brown Engineering Enviromnental Services. 26

Table 2 (Page 2 of 4) NORTH ANNA POWER STATION SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROGRAM SAMPLE MEDIA FREQUENCY ANALYSIS LLD* REPORT UNITS River Water Monthly 1-131 I (b) pCi/L Gamma Isotopic pCi/L Mn-54 15 Fe-59 30 Co-58/Co-60 15 Zn-65 30 Zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 Cs- 134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba-140 60 La- 140 15 Quarterly (a) Tritium (H-3) 2000 pCi/L 2nd Quarter Sr-89 (c) pCi/L Composite Sr-90 (c) Ground Water Quarterly Gamma Isotopic pCi/L (Well Water) Mn-54 15 Fe-59 30 Co-58/Co-60 15 Zn-65 30 Zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 I-131 1 (b) Cs-134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba- 140 60 La-140 15 Quarterly Tritium (H-3) 2000 pCi/L 2nd Quarter Sr-89 (c) Sr-90 (c) Aquatic Sediment Semi-Annually Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg (dry) Cs-134 150 Cs-137 180 Annually Sr-89 (c) pCi/kg (dry) Sr-90 (c)

  • LLDs indicate those levels that the environmental samples should be analyzed to, in accordance with the North Anna Radiological Environmental Program. Actual analysis of the samples by Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services may be lower than those listed.

(a) Quarterly Composites of each location's samples are used for the required analysis. (b) LLD for non-drinking water is 10 pCi/liter. (c) There are no required LLDs for strontium-89/90. LLDs are those achieved by Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services. 27

Table 2 (Page 3 of 4) NORTH ANNA POWER STATION SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROGRAM SAMPLE MEDIA FREQUENCY ANALYSIS LLD* REPORT UNITS Precipitation Monthly Gross Beta 10 pCi/L Semi-Annual Gamma Isotopic 10 pCi/L Composite Shoreline Soil Semi-Annual Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg (dry) Cs- 134 150 Cs-137 180 Annually Sr-89 (a) Sr-90 (a) Soil Once per 3 yrs. Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg (dry) Cs-134 150 Cs-137 180 Sr-89 (a) Sr-90 (a) Milk Monthly 1-131 1 pCi/L Monthly Gamma Isotopic pCi/L Cs-134 15 Cs-137 18 Ba- 140 60 La- 140 15 Quarterly Sr-89 (a) pCi/L Sr-90 (a) Fish Semi-Annual Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg (wet) Mn-54 130 Fe-59 260 Co-58 130 Co-60 130 Zn-65 260 Cs-134 130 Cs- 137 150

  • LLDs indicate those levels that the environmental samples should be analyzed to, in accordance with the North Anna Radiological Environmental Program. Actual analysis of the samples by Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services may be lower than those listed.

(a) Quarterly Composites of each location's samples are used for the required analysis. (b) LLD for non-drinking water is 10 pCi/liter. (c) There are no required LLDs for strontium-89/90. LLDs are those achieved by Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services. 28

Table 2 (Page 4 of 4) NORTH ANNA POWER STATION SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROGRAM SAMPLE MEDIA FREOUENCY ANALYSIS LLD* REPORT UNITS Food Products Monthly if Gamma Isotopic pCi/kg (wet) (Broadleaf Vegetation) available or Cs-134 60 at harvest Cs- 137 80 1-131 60 pCi/kg (wet) 29


REMP Exceptionsfor Scheduled Sampling And AnalysisDuring 2001- North Anna Location Description Date of Sample Reason(s) for Loss/Exception - All Stations Vegetation 01/17/01 Seasonal unavailability. All Stations Vegetation 02/21/01 Seasonal unavailability. All Stations Vegetation 03/21/01 Seasonal unavailability. NNE-36, NW-62 TLD 04/05/01 Lost in service. Sta 15, 21,23 Vegetation 04/19/01 Due to small sample size, the Cs-134 LLD was missed. Sta 15 Vegetation 04/19/01 Due to small sample size, the Cs-137 LLD was missed. Qtr Sta 06, ESE-12, TLD 07/12/01 Lost in service. Replacement Annual TLD placed in ESE-44 service. Sta 14 Vegetation 07/19/01 Due to small sample size, the Cs-134 and Cs 137 LLDs were missed. Sta 16 Vegetation 07/19/01 Due to small sample size, the Cs- 134 LLD was missed. Sta 15 Vegetation 08/27/01 Due to small sample size, the Cs-134 and Cs 137 LLDs were missed. All Stations Vegetation 10/17/01 Seasonal unavailability. All Station Vegetation 11/21/01 Season unavailability. Sta 14, Sta 21, Sta 26 Vegetation 11/01/01 Station 14 changed, station 21 deleted, station 26 added. All Stations Vegetation 12/01/01 Seasonal unavailability. 31




IV. Summary And Discussion of 2001 Analytical Results Data from the radiological analyses of environmental media collected during 2001 are tabulated and discussed below. The procedures and specifications followed in the laboratory for these analyses are as required in the Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services Quality Assurance manual and are explained in the Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services Analytical Procedures. A synopsis of analytical procedures used for the environmental samples is provided in Appendix D. In addition to internal quality control measures performed by Teledyne, the laboratory also participates in the Interlaboratory Comparison program. The results of the Interlaboratory Comparison Program are provided in Appendix E. Radiological analyses of environmental media characteristically approach and frequently fall below the detection limits of state-of-the-art measurement methods. The "less than" values in the data tables were calculated for each specific analysis and are dependent on sample size, detector efficiency, length of counting time, chemical yield when appropriate, and the radioactive decay factor from time of counting to time of collection. Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services's analytical methods meet the Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) requirements given in table 2 of the USNRC Branch Technical Position, Radiological Monitoring Acceptable Program (November 1979, Revision 1) and the ODCM. The following is a discussion and summary of the results of the environmental measurements taken during the 2001 reporting period. A. Airborne Exposure Pathway

1. Air Iodine/Particulates Charcoal cartridges used to collect airborne iodine were collected weekly and analyzed by gamma spectrometry for iodine-131. The results are presented in Table B-1. All results were below the required lower limit of detection. For air particulates, gross beta activity was observed in all fifty-two control samples with an average concentration of 3

0.020 pCi/m3 and a range of 0.009 to 0.041 pCi/m . The average measurement for the 3 indicator locations was 0.019 pCi/in3 with a range of 0.007 to 0.047 pCi/m . The results of the gross beta activities are presented in Table B-2. The gross beta activities for 2001 were comparable to levels measured in the 1982-2001 period. Prior to that period the gross beta activities were higher due to atmospheric nuclear weapons testing performed in other countries. During the preoperational period of July 1, 1974 through March 31, 3 1978 gross beta activities ranged from a low of 0.005 pCi/m to a high of 0.75 pCi/m3. Air particulate filters were composited by locations on a quarterly basis and were analyzed by gamma ray spectroscopy. The results are listed in Table B-3. Beryllium-7, which is produced continuously in the upper atmosphere by cosmic radiation, was measured in 44 of the 44 composite samples. The average measurement for the control 3 location was 0.081 pCi/m3 with a range of 0.028 to 0.149 pCi/rn . The indicator 3 locations had an average concentration of 0.086 pCi/m and a range of 0.021 to 0.667 33

Trending Graph-1: Gross Beta in Air Particulates I m0

  • 0.01
         .0 A

I-4--Control Sta-24-ifIndiciator --*--Avenge Pro-op- -H - RequiedLID mooo- Trending Graph 2: Tritium in River Water-Station 11 t; loco 8 z0 8100 10 S Thtium -- - Required LLD During the propertional period, tritim was not detected in the sample analyzed. 34 CO,f

pCi/m3 . During the preoperational period, beryllium-7 was measured at comparable levels, as would be expected. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was not detected in any control samples. Potassium-40 was detected in one indicator sample with a concentration of 0.108 pCi/m3. All other gamma emitters were below the detection limits. During the preoperational period gamma ray spectroscopy measured several fission products in numerous air particulate filters. All isotopes were attributed to atmospheric nuclear weapons testing conducted before the preoperational period. Among the isotopes measured were zirconium-95, ruthenium- 103, ruthenium- 106, cesium- 137, cerium- 141 and cerium- 144. The second quarter composites of air particulate filters from all twelve stations were analyzed for strontium-89 and 90. There was no detection of these fission products at any of the ten indicator stations nor at the control station.

2. Precipitation A sample of rain water was collected monthly at station OIA, on site, 0.75 miles, 138 degrees SE and analyzed for gross beta activity, tritium, and gamma emitters. The results are presented in Table B-4. The average gross beta activity for 2001 in ten of the twelve samples was 6.5 pCi/liter with a range from 2.9 to 16 pCi/liter. Semi-annual composites were prepared and analyzed for gamma emitting isotopes and tritium. Beryllium-7 was not detected in the semi-annual composite samples for 2001. All other gamma emitters were below their detection limits. Tritium was detected one of the two semi-annual composite samples with a concentration of 170 pCi/liter. These results were comparable to or lower than those measured in 1986 through 2001. During the preoperational period gross beta activity in rain water was expressed in nCi per square meter of the collector surface, thus a direct comparison can not be made to the 2001 period. During the preoperational period, tritium was measured in over half of the few quarterly composites made. The tritium activity ranged from 100 to 330 pCi/liter.
3. Soil Soil samples, which are collected every three years from twelve stations, were collected in July and analyzed by gamma ray spectroscopy. The results are presented in Table B-5.

Naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in all eleven indicator stations with an average concentration of 13765 pCi/kg (dry) and a range of 6570 to 29400 pCi/kg (dry). The control location had a concentration of 4610 pCi/kg (dry). The terrestrial nuclide radium-226 was measured in seven of the eleven indicator stations, with an average concentration of 1540 pCi/kg (dry) and a range of 538 to 2820 pCi/kg (dry). The control location had a concentration of 1150 pCi/kg (dry). Thorium-228 was detected in all eleven indicator stations with an average activity of 1251 pCi/kg (dry) and a range of 852 to 2260 pCi/kg (dry). The control location had a concentration of 1290 pCi/kg (dry). The fission product cesium-137 was detected in ten of the eleven indicator stations with an average activity of 334 pCi/kg (dry) and a range of 58 to 876 pCi/kg (dry). The control location had a concentration of 527 pCi/kg (dry). The cesium-137 is attributed to past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing. U-235 was also detected in seven of eleven 35

indicator stations with an average activity of 117 pCi/kg (dry) and a range of 82 to 161 pCi/kg (dry). The control location had a concentration of 125 pCi/kg (dry). The twelve soil samples were analyzed for strontium-89 and strontium-90. Strontium-89 was not detected. Strontium-90 was detected in two of eleven indicator stations with an average concentration of 145 pCi/kg (dry) and a range of 130 to 160 pCi/kg (dry). The control location had a concentration of 240 pCi/kg (dry). This was most likely due to fallout from past nuclear weapons testing. B. WaterborneExposure Pathway

1. Ground/Well Water Water was sampled quarterly from the on site well at the metrology laboratory. These samples were analyzed for gamma radiation and for tritium. The results are presented in Table B-6. No gamma emitting isotopes were detected during 2001. The second quarter sample was analyzed for strontium-89 and strontium-90. There was no measured activity of these isotopes above the detection level. Tritium was detected in one sample with a concentration of 120 pCi/liter. No gamma emitting isotopes were detected during the preoperational period.
2. River Water A sample of water from the North Anna River was collected monthly at station 11, 5.8 miles downstream from the discharge lagoon, 128 degrees SE. The results are presented in Table B-7. The samples were analyzed by gamma spectroscopy monthly. The samples were analyzed for tritium quarterly on a composite sample. The second quarter samples were analyzed in addition for strontium-89 and strontium-90.

Thorium-228 was detected in one of the twelve samples with a concentration of 6 pCi/liter. All other gamma emitters were below their detection level. There was no measured activity of strontium-89 or strontium-90 above the detection limit. Tritium was measured in all four samples with an average concentration of 3450 pCi/liter and a range of3l00 to 4000 pCi/liter. This is higher than the average level measured in 2000 of 3025 pCi/liter and a range of 1500 to 4700 pCi/liter. No river water samples were collected during the preoperational period.

3. Surface Water Samples of surface water were collected monthly from two stations. Station 08 is at the discharge lagoon, 1.1 miles, 148 degrees SSE on Lake Anna. Station 09A is located 12.9 miles WNW. The samples were analyzed for iodine-131 by radiochemical separation.

One of twelve indicator samples had a concentration of 0.8 pCi/liter. One of twelve control samples had a concentration of 1.4 pCi/liter. The results are presented in Table B-8. The samples were also analyzed by gamma ray spectrometry. Naturally occurring 36

thorium-228 was detected in one of the 12 control samples with a concentration of 7 pCi/liter. All other gamma emitters were below their detection level. A quarterly composite from each station was prepared and analyzed for tritium. The tritium activity at station 08 for the quarterly composites was at an average level of 3825 pCi/liter with a range of 3400 to 4400 pCi/liter. The tritium level had been increasing since the middle of 1978 when the average level was below 300 pCi/liter. However, during 2001 the results were within the same range as those measured in 1986 through 2000. During the preoperational period tritium was measured in several samples with concentrations between 90 and 250 pCi/liter. C. Aquatic Exposure Pathway

1. Sediment/Silt Sediment samples were collected during February and August from each of three locations and were analyzed by gamma spectrometry. The results are presented in Table B-9. Two man-made and a number of naturally occurring radioisotopes were detected in these samples. Cesium-137 was detected in three of the six samples with an average activity of 61 pCi/kg (dry weight) and a range of 15.6 to 136 pCi/kg (dry weight). The highest reading for cesium-137 was obtained from station 09A located 12.90 miles WNW.

Naturally occurring potassium-40 was observed in all of the six samples with an average activity of 9087 pCi/kg (dry weight) and a range of 2430 to 14600 pCi/kg (dry weight). Naturally occurring thorium-228 was observed in all six samples with an average concentration of 779 pCi/kg (dry weight) and a range of 282 to 1160 pCi/kg (dry weight). Radium-226 was measured in all six samples with an average concentration of 567 pCi/kg (dry weight) and a range of 163 to 855 pCi/kg (dry weight). U-235 was measurred in the three August samples at an average concentration of 34 pCi/kg (dry weight) and a range of 19.9 to 47.3 pCi/kg (dry weight). The August samples were analyzed for strontium-89 and strontium-90. There was no measurable amount of strontium-89 in aquatic sediment/silt. Strontium-90 was measured in one indicator sample with a concentration of 32 pCi/kg (dry weight). During the preoperational period sediment samples were analyzed by gamma ray spectroscopy. Cesium-137 was measured in most of the samples with concentrations between 33 and 1210 pCi/kg (dry weight). Strontium-90 was measured in most of the samples with concentrations between 60 and 540 pCi/kg (dry weight). Strontium-89 was not measured. Potassium-40, radium-226, and thorium-228, all naturally occurring, were measured at background levels.

2. Shoreline Soil A sample of shoreline sediment was collected in February and August from station 08.

The samples were analyzed by gamma ray spectrometry. The results are presented in 37

Table B- 10. The naturally occurring nuclide potassium-40 was measured in both samples with an average activity of 1820 pCi/kg (dry weight) and a range of 1610 to 2030 pCi/kg (dry weight). Cosmogenic beryllium-7 was not measured during 2001. Thorium-228 was measured in both samples at an average of 329 pCi/kg (dry weight) and a range of 232 to 426 pCi/kg (dry weight). Radium-226 was measured in both samples with a concentration of 407 pCi/kg (dry weight) and a range of 310 to 503 pCi/kg (dry weight). Cesium-137, a fission product, was measured in both samples with a concentration of 177 pCi/kg (dry weight) and a range of 99.9 to 255 pCi/kg (dry weight). The August sample was analyzed for strontium-89 and strontium-90. There was no measured amount of strontium-89. Strontium-90 was measured at a concentration of 48 pCi/kg (dry weight). 38

Trending Graph-3: Tritium in Surface Water S:ib..-_,- Station 08 10000 z1000 loo L.d - t so -8 -s S'b 'J9 's f0 S 'P- o'9 4. v0, lU* Tdtnm -- -IRapnedLLD-*-Av"e Pop Trending Graph-4: Cobalt-58 in Sediment Silt 1000 z0 10 1---Station-8 U---Station-09 AContoolSta -0A _Stabon-l During the properatioiia period, oobalt-58was not detected in the stasples analyzed. 39 co,n

Trending Graph-5: Cobalt-60 in Sediment Silt 1000 A C ti( 4 00 S '-' 10 0 I 14~` 101 ~ 4~10 ~ 4F0 @4~10

                          -Station-B -- Station-9        aControl-Sta09       -- Sttattio 1    I During the properational period, cobalt-60 wu not detected in the sanple analyzed.

Trending Graph-6: Cesium-134 in Sediment Silt 1000 to

   *c 1000 lb)St-         -V4
                             - Staio    9° -~ 9            -9S               9-t  I1 -U-e       Pta L 5ion-4- 40S4di40rv4 Strio-O      4P         4o1-StO              D1 StmirFl        _RqitredlO During the properational period, Cesium-134 was not detected in the sarnples analyzed.

40 CO%

Trending Graph - 7: Cesium-137 in Sediment Silt 1 0000 z 1 0 00 W!10 t 1. sb\q7P #a

                    +~-Str4ion-S        --   Stadtio-9       -A--Control-Stt-9 X--- Stton-Il       -AveragecPr-Op -ReqwredLLD's During the preoperational pedod, resium-134 was not detected in the saamples analyzed.

Station 25 replacd station 09. 41 coq

D. Ingestion Exposure Pathway

1. Milk The results of the iodine-13 1 analysis of milk samples are presented in Table B-I1. A sample was collected monthly from two stations. A total of 24 samples were analyzed during 2001. There were no measurements of iodine- 131 above the detection limits. The milk samples were also analyzed by gamma ray spectroscopy and the results are also presented in Table B-I1. A total of 24 samples were analyzed. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was measured in all samples with an average of 1269 pCi/liter and a range of 655 to 1530 pCi/liter. The fission product cesium-137 has been detected sporadically in recent years and the activity has been attributed to global fallout from past atmospheric weapons testing. However, cesium-137 was not detected at levels above LLD in any milk samples during 2001. All other gamma emitters were below their detection levels.

A quarterly composite was prepared from each of the two collection stations and analyzed for strontium-89 and strontium-90. Strontium-89 was not detected at levels above LLD in any of the samples monitored. Strontium-90 was detected in the eight samples monitored with an average level of 1.02 pCi/liter and a range of 0.52 to 1.5 pCi/liter. This is similar to activities determined in previous years and lower than the preoperational levels of 2.2 to 5.4 pCi/liter.

2. Fish Aquatic biota can be sensitive indicators of radionuclide accumulation in the environment because of their ability to concentrate certain chemical elements which have radioactive isotopes. The results are presented in Table B-12. Eight samples of fish were collected during 2001. These samples were analyzed by gamma ray spectroscopy and the naturally occurring isotope potassium-40 was found in all samples at an average of 1653 pCi/kg (wet weight) with a range of 1310 to 2080 pCi/kg (wet weight). The fission product cesium-137 was measured in two of the eight samples with an average activity of 24.5 pCi/kg (wet weight) with a range of 23.5 to 25.5 pCi/kg (wet weight). During the preoperational period cesium-137 was measured in one-fourth of the fish samples collected with concentrations between 31 and 66 pCi/kg (wet weight). All other gamma emitters were below their detection levels.
3. Food/Vegetation Thirty food samples were collected from five locations and analyzed by gamma spectrometry. The results are presented in Table B- 13. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was monitored in all 30 samples with an average activity level of 22480 pCi/kg (wet weight) and a range of 7760 to 37300 pCi/kg (wet weight). Cosmogenic beryllium-7 was detected in 28 of the 30 samples with an average concentration of 1828 pCi/kg (wet weight) and a range of 159 to 4950 pCi/kg (wet weight).

Cesium-134, a fission product, was not detected at levels above LLD during 2001. Cesium-137 has been detected in some samples at low-levels in previous years and was 42

detected in one sample at a concentration of 47.9 pCi/kg (wet weight). Cesium-137 was measured in broadleaf garden vegetation during the preoperational period with concentrations between 53 and 98 pCi/kg (wet weight). E. Direct Radiation Exposure Pathway

1. TLD Dosimeters Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) determine environmental radiation doses and the results are presented in Table B-14. Individual measurements of external radiation levels in the environs of the North Anna site had an average dose of 3.3 mR/standard month with a range of 1.3 to 6.0 mR/standard month. This is comparable to the preoperational range. Station No. 1, had an average reading of 5.0 mR/standard month with a range of 3.8 to 6.0 mR/standard month.

Sector TLDs are deployed quarterly at thirty-two locations in the environs of the North Anna site. Two badges are placed at each location. The results are presented in Table B-

15. The average level of the 32 locations (two badges at each location) was 4.4 mR/standard month with a range of 0.7 to 17.4 mR/standard month. The eight control TLDs, collected quarterly from four locations, showed an average reading of 2.9 mR/standard month with a range of 1.1 to 5.5 mR/standard month. During the preoperational period (starting in 1977), when the calculation of the TLD dose included a correction for the in-transit dose, the doses were measured between 4.3 and 8.8 mR/standard month.


Trending Graph-9: Cesium-137in Fish 10000.0 zt 100 aC 1DO9.0 sC I 100.0 . 1 I............... ............... ---................................ 'ha -7\ 0.0 1.0 Statio - D8 U-Station - 09 +Statio. - 25 - Avg.Preop - - keqund LLfl Station 25 replaced station 09. Trending Graph-10: Environmental Radiation - TLDs t. 0 ii C E 1.0 l 41 0EnvimnmeDal

                             ~~~~~ ~ TLDsA_-SetGdrTLDs-{-Ag
                                               ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~f1                          Pnnp1 44


V. Conclusions The results of the 2001 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the North Anna Nuclear Power Station and ISFSI have been presented. The following sections discuss each pathway individually followed by a program summary. Airborne Exposure Pathway Air particulate gross beta concentrations of all the indicator locations for 2001 followed the gross beta concentrations at the control location. The gross beta concentrations were comparable to levels observed since 1982 except for a five week period in 1987 which was influenced by the Chemobyl accident. Gross beta concentrations in the preoperational period were highly variable, ranging from 0.0043 to 0.75 pCi/CuM, due to occasional atmospheric nuclear weapons tests. Gamma isotopic analysis of the particulate samples identified the gamma emitting isotopes as natural products (beryllium-7 and potassium-40). There was no detection above the LLD for fission products nor other man-made isotopes in the particulate media during 2001. Iodine-131 was not detected in the charcoal filters analyzed during 2001. A precipitation sample was collected monthly during 2001 and analyzed for gross beta activity. All the gross beta activities were comparable to those measured in previous years. During the preoperational period the average gross beta activity was 0.92 pCi/liter. Semi-annual composites were analyzed for gamma emitting isotopes and tritium. All gamma emitters were below their detection limits. Tritium was detected in one sample at 170 pCi/liter. During the preoperational period the average tritium activity was 165 pCi/liter. WaterborneExposure Pathway One naturally occurring isotope, potassium-40 and two man-made isotopes were monitored in the surface water of Lake Anna. Iodine-131 was detected in one sample at 0.8 pCi/liter. The average tritium activity during 2001 at the waste heat treatment facility was 3825 pCi/liter, which is 19.13% of the reporting level for a water sample. In 2000 the tritium level was 2850 pCi/liter. The preoperational level was 150 pCi/liter and has risen since 1977, though it has remained relatively consistent since 1986. River water collected from the North Anna River, 5.8 miles downstream of the site had an average tritium level of 3450 pCi/liter. The average tritium in 2000 had been 3025 pCi/liter. Naturally occurring thorium-228 was detected 1 out of 12 samples at a concentration of 6 pCi/liter. No other gamma emitters were detected. Ground water from the environmental well on site contained no gamma emitters. There was no detection of tritium in ground/well water during 2001. Aquatic Pathway Sediment/silt samples provide a sensitive indicator of discharges from nuclear power stations. The sediment from North Anna environmental samples indicated that one man-made 46

isotope was present. Cesium-137 was detected in two samples at the indicator location and in one sample at the control location. During the preoperational period, cesium-137 was measured in samples of aquatic sediment. Strontium-90 was detected in one sample at the indicator location. Sediment contamination does not provide a direct dose pathway to man. The samples of shoreline soil monitored downstream of the site contained no measurement of cesium-134. Cesium-137 was measured in all two samples at a level of 177 pCi/kg. Cesium-137 was detected during 2000 at a level of 167 pCi/kg. Ingestion Pathway Iodine- 131 was not detected in any of the twenty-four milk samples using the radiochemical separation method. Although cesium-137 has been detected occasionally in previous years and attributed to past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing there was no detection during 2001. Strontium-90 was measured in all eight composite milk samples. Strontium-90 is attributed to past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing. No strontium-89 was detected in any of the milk samples. Naturally occurring potassium-40 was measured in all the milk samples at normal environmental levels. Activity in fish and vegetation samples along with milk does present a direct dose pathway to man. Fish samples during 2001 showed the presence of one man-made isotope, cesium-137. This isotope was at an activity level somewhat higher than preoperational levels but statistically similar to levels in 1987 through 2000. Only cesium-137 was measured in preoperational environmental fish samples. Due to primary and secondary steam generator problems experienced at North Anna during 1984/1985, a build up in activity levels both in effluents and fish did occur. Repairs to the steam generators and better liquid waste processing have reduced these activity levels in effluents and thus decreased activity levels are now being observed in the fish. The average level of activity during 2001 of cesium-137 was 1.3% of the reporting level. One vegetation sample contained cesium-137 at an average level of 47.9 pCi/kg. Cesium-137 has been measured in the past and in preoperational samples. Direct Exposure Pathway The direct exposure pathway as measured in the environment of the North Anna site by thermoluminescent dosimetry has remained essentially the same since the preoperational period in 1977 at 6 milliroentgens per month or 0.2 milliroentgens per day. The average dose levels monitored have shown a normal fluctuation about these levels which are less than the estimated whole body dose due to natural terrestrial and cosmic radiation and the internal dose from natural radionuclides. 47

Program Conclusions The results were as expected for normal environmental samples. Naturally occurring activity was observed in sample media in the expected activity ranges. Occasional samples of nearly all media showed the presence of man-made isotopes. These have been discussed individually in the text. Observed activities were at very low concentrations and had no significant dose consequence. As a method of referencing the measured radionuclide concentrations in sample media to the dose consequence, the data may be compared to the Reporting Level Concentrations listed in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. These concentrations are based upon 25% of the annual dose commitment recommended by 10CFR50, Appendix I, to meet the criterion "As Low as is Reasonably Achievable". Based upon the evidence of the environmental monitoring program the station is operating within regulatory limits. Thus, no unusual radiological characteristics were observed in the environs of the North Anna Nuclear Power Station during 2001. 48


VI. References

1. Virginia Electric and Power Company, North Anna Power Station Technical Specifications, Units 1 and 2.
2. Virginia Electric and Power Company, Station Administrative Procedure, VPAP-2103N, "Offsite Dose Calculation Manual".
3. Title 10 Code of Federal Regulation, Part 50 (10CFR50), "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities".
4. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with I OCFR50, Appendix I", October, 1977.
5. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 4.8 "Environmental Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants", December, 1975.
6. USNRC Branch Technical Position, "Acceptable Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program", Rev. 1, November 1979.
7. NUREG 0472, "Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for PWRs", Rev. 3, March 1982.
8. "Technical Specifications for North Anna Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)"





TABLES - 2001 52



North Anna Nuclear Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 Docket No. 50-338/339 Page 1 of 7

                                 -   f All Indicator                                          Control    Non-Anal sis             Locations        Location with Highest Mean          Location   Routine Medium or Pathway Sampled       Type    Total LLD*

Mean Name Distance Mean Mean Reported Measure-(Unit) No. I Range Direction Range Range ments Air Iodine I-131 624 0.04 -(0/572) N/A N/A -(0/52) 0 (pCi/rn 3 ) Air Gross 624 5 7 5A 3.20 mi. 20.5(52/52) 20.3(52/52) 0 Particulate Beta (6.6-47) N (8.7-47) (8.8-41) 03 3 (1E pCi/m ) Gamma 48 Be-7 48 10 86.3(44/44) 5A 3.20 mi. 209(4/4) 80.7(4/4) 0 (21.4-667) N (24.1-667) (27.5-149) K-40 48 10 108(1/44) 5A 3.20 mi. 108(1/44) -(0/4) 0 N N/A N/A -(0/1) 0 Sr-89 12 3 -(0/11) N/A N/A -(0/1) 0 Sr-90 12 12 -(0/11) Ground Gamma 4 Well Water K-40 4 60 -(0/4) N/A N/A -(0/0) 0 (pCi/liter) Tritium 4 2000 120(1/4) 01A 0.75 mi. 120(1/4) -(0/0) 0 SE

                                            -(0/1)       N/A                       N/A          -(0/0)      0 Sr-89    1         3 N/A                       N/A           -(0/0)     0 Sr-90     1      0.4        -(0/1) 53



North Anna Nuclear Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 Docket No. 50-338/339 Page 2 of 7

                                  -r  1All Indicator                                         Control    Non-Medium or        Anal sis               Locations       Location with Hig hest Mean        Location   Routine Pathway                                                                                              Reported Sampled       Type   Total LLD*           Mean       Name       Distance       Mean         Mean     Measure-(Unit)                No.                Range                Direction       Range       Range      ments River          Gamma     12 Water (pCi/liter)    K-40      12       200        -(0/12)     N/A                       N/A         -(0/0)       0 Th-228    12               5.73(1/12)       11      5.80 mi. 5.73(1/12)      -(0/0)

SE H-3 4 2000 3450(4/4) 11 5.80 mi. 3450(4/4) -(0/0) 0 (3100-4000) SE (3100-4000) Sr-89 1 3 -(0/1) N/A N/A -(0/0) 0 Sr-90 1 0.4 -(0/1) N/A N/A -(0/0) 0 Precipitation Monthly (pCi/liter) Gross 12 4 6.54(10/12) OIA 0.75 rni. 6.54(10/12) -(0/0) 0 Beta (2.9-16.0) SE (2.9-16.0) Gamma 2 -(0/2) N/A N/A -(0/0) 0 (Semi-Annually) Tritium 2 2000 170(1/2) OIA 0.75 mi. 170(1/2) -(0/0) 0 SE Surface I-131 24 0.5 0.83(1/12) 09A 12.90 mi. 1.40(1/12) 1.40(1/12) 0 Water WrNW - (pCi/liter) Gamma 24 Regular Monthlies K-40 24 200 -(0/12) N/A N/A -(0/12) 0 Th-228 24 -(0/12) 09A 12.90 mi. 7.0(1/12) 7.0(1/12) 7.0(1/12) WNW 54



North Anna Nuclear Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 Docket No. 50-338/339 Page 3 of 7 All Indicator Control Non-Medium or Analysis Locations Location with Hig hest Mean Location Routine Pathway T L Reported Sampled Type Total LLD* Mean Name Distance Mean Mean Measure-(Unit) l _No. Range Direction Range Range , ments Surface Water Tritium 8 2000 3825(4/4) 08 1.10 mi. 3825(4/4) -(0/4) 0 (pCi/liter) (3400-4400) SSE (3400-4400) Regular (0/1) N/A N/A (0/1) 0 Monthlies Sr-89 1 (0/1) N/A N/A (0/1) 0 Sr-90 1 Surface Gamma N/A Water (pCi/liter) K-40 N/A State Splits Tritium N/A Sediment Gamma 6 Silt (pCi/kg (dry)) Be7 6 -(0/4) N/A N/A -(0/2) 0 5.80 mi. 14600(1/2) 13200(1/2) 0 K-40 6 200 6353(3/4) 11 (2030-14600) SSE 12.90 mi. 136(1/2) 136(1/2) 0 Cs-137 6 194 65.4(2/4) 09A (30.9-99.9 WNW 12.90 mi. 855(1/2) 855(1/2) 0 Ra-226 6 100 396(3/4) 09A (163-715) WNW 11 5.80mi. 1160(1/2) 1150(1/2) 0 Th-228 6 30 623(3/4) (282-1160) SSE 5.80 mi. 47.3(1/2) 19.9(1/2) 0 U-235 6 40.9(2/4) 11 (34.4-47.3) SSE 55



North Anna Nuclear Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 Docket No. 50-338/339 Page 4 of 7 All Indicator Control Non-Medium or Anal is Locations Location with Hig hest Mean Location Routine Pathway i Reported Sampled Type Total LLD* Mean Name Distance Mean Mean Measure-(Unit) No. Range j Direction Range Range j ments Sediment Sr-89 3 4.0 -(0/0) N/A N/A -(0/0) 0 Silt (Annually) (pCi/kg (dry)) Sr-90 3 0.8 32.0(1/2) 08 1.10 nmi. 32.0(1/2) -(0/1) 0 (Annually) SSE Soil Ganmma 12 (pCi/kg (dry)) Be-7 12 -(0/1 1) NA NA -(0/1) 0 K-40 12 13765(11/11) 23 0.93 mi. 29400(1/1) 4610(1/1) 0 (6570-29400) SSE 12 100 -(0/1 1) NA NA -(0/1) 0 Cs-134 12 180 334(10/11) 05A 3.20 mi. 876(1/1) 527(1/1) 0 Cs-137 (58-876) N 12 100 1540(7/11) 05 4.20 mi. 2820(1/1) 1150(1/1) 0 Ra-226 (538-2820) NNE 30 1251(11/11) 06 4.70 mi. 2260(1/1) 1290(1/1) 0 Th-228 12 (852-2260) ESE U-235 12 117(7/11) 23 0.93 mi. 158(1/1) 125(1/1) (82-158) SSE Sr-89 12 200 -(0/1 1) NA NA -(0/1) 0 Sr-90 12 40 145(2/11) 24 22.0 rni. 240(1/1) 240(1/1) 0 (130-160) NW 56



North Anna Nuclear Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 Docket No. 50-338/339 Page 5 of 7 A Indicator to Control Non-Medium or AnalA LoainLcoatin with Hig est Mean Location Routine Pathway _ Reported Sampled Type Total LLD* Mean Name Distance Mean Mean Measure-(Unit) No. __I_ Range Direction Range Range ments Shoreline Gamma 2 Soil (pCi/kg (dry)) Be-7 2 -(0/2) N/A N/A -(0/0) 0 K-40 2 200 1820(2/2) 08 1.10 mi. 1820(2/2) -(O/O) 0 (1610-2030) SSE (1610-2030) Cs-137 2 40 177(2/2) 08 1.10 mi. 177(2/2) -(0/0) 0 (99.9-255) SSE (99.9-255) Ra-226 2 100 407(2/2) 08 1.10 mi. 407(2/2) -(0/0) 0 (310-503) SSE (310-503) Th-228 2 30 329(2/2) 08 1.10 mni. 329(2/2) (0/0) 0 (232-426) SSE (232-426) Sr-89 1 4.0 -(0/1) N/A N/A -(0/0) 0 (Annually) Sr-90 1 0.8 48(1/1) 08 1.10 mi. 48(1/1) -(0/0) 0 (Annually) SSE Milk I-131 24 0.5 -(0/24) N/A N/A -(0/0) 0 (pCi/liter) Gamma 24 K-40 24 100 1269(24/24) 13 5.60 mi. 1278(12/12) -(0/0) 0 (655-1530) SSW (1070-1530) Sr-89 8 5 -(0/8) N/A N/A -(0/0) 0 (Quarterly) SR-90 8 0.8 1.02(8/8) 13 5.60 mi. 1.04(4/4) -(0/0) 0 (Quarterly) (0.52-1.50) SSW (0.52-1.50) 57



North Anna Nuclear Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 Docket No. 50-338/339 Page 6 of 7 All Indicator Control Non-Medium or Anal sis Locations Location with Highest Mean Location Routine Pathway Reported Sampled Type Total LLD* Mean Name Distance Mean Mean Measure-(Unit) No. ____ Range Direction Range Range ments Fish Gamma 8 (pCi/kg (wet)) K-40 8 200 1525(4/4) 25 16.5 mi. 1780(4/4) 1780(4/4) 0 (1310-1860) NW (1530-2080) (1530-2080) Cs-137 8 40 25.5(1/4) 08 1.10 mi. 25.5(1/4) 23.5(1/4) 0 SSE Food Ganuna 35 Vegetation (pCi/kg (wet)) Be-7 30 1981(23/24) 14 1.20 mi. 3039(6/6) 1123(5/6) 0 (159-4950) NE (306-4950) (197-1520) K-40 30 22528(24/24) 14 1.20 rni. 25000(6/6) 22290(6/6) 0 (7760-37300) NE (11600-33000) (8940-29900) Cs-137 30 80 47.9(1/24) 21 1.00 mi. 47.9(1/24) -(0/6) 0

                                                -       V-WNW Ra-226    30                834(4/24)       14       1.20 mi.      1056(2/6)        -(0/6)

(156-1300) NE (811-1300) Th-228 30 234(5/24) 21 1.00 rni. 643(1/6) 73.6(2/6) 0 (57.8-643) WNW - (55.0-92.1) I-131 30 52.0(1/24) 23 0.93 MI. 52.0(1/24) -(0/6) SSE Direct Gamma 47 0.2 3.29(43/43) 01 0.20 mi. 5.0(4/4) 2.88(4/4) 0 Radiation Dose (1.3-6.0) NE (3.8-6.0) (1.5-4.2) (mR/std. Month) (Regular TLDs) Direct Gamma 12 0.2 2.77(11/11) 01 0.20 mi. 4.7(1/1) 2.7(1/1) 0 Radiation Dose (1.7-4.7) NE (mR/std. Month) (Annual TLDs) 58



North Anna Nuclear Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 Docket No. 50-338/339 Page 7 of 7 [ 1 JAll Indicator Control Non-Medium or Anal sis Locations Location with Highest Mean Location Routine Pathway T Reported Sampled Type Total LLD* Mean Name Distance Mean Mean Measure-(Unit) l No. Range Direction Range Range ments Direct Gamma 284 0.2 4.43(252/252) SSW-19/51 0.42 mi. 11.3(8/8) 2.85(32/32) 0 Radiation Dose (0.7-17.4) SSW (8.2-17.4) (1.1-5.5) (mR/std. Month) (Sector TLDs) 59


TABLE B-1: IODINE-131 CONCENTRATIONS IN FILTERED AIR North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 3 pCi/m +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 2 Collection STATIONS I Date 01 02 03 04 05 05A 06 07 21 22 23 24 l JANUARY 12/27 - 01/03 < 0.009 < 0.007 < 0.009 < 0.009 < 0.009 < 0.009 < 0.005 < 0.009 < 0.009 < 0.009 < 0.009 < 0.006 01/03 - 01/10 < 0.012 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.007 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.005 < 0.011 < 0.011 01/10 - 01/17 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.009 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.011 < 0.019 < 0.019 01/17 - 01/24 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.009 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.016 < 0.011 < 0.020 < 0.020 01/24 - 02/01 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.009 < 0.018 < 0.018 < 0.018 < 0.010 < 0.012 < 0.010 < 0.012 < 0.013 < 0.011 FEBRUARY 02/01 - 02/07 < 0.019 < 0.019 < 0.011 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.014 < 0.013 < 0.017 < 0.015 < 0.014 < 0.016 < 0.013 02/07 - 02/15 < 0.019 < 0.019 < 0.019 < 0.024 < 0.024 < 0.024 < 0.014 < 0.011 < 0.013 < 0.010 < 0.012 < 0.017 02/15 - 02/22 < 0.021 < 0.022 < 0.021 < 0.019 < 0.019 < 0.019 < 0.016 < 0.012 < 0.032 < 0.033 < 0.032 < 0.024 02/22 - 03/02 < 0.041 < 0.041 < 0.024 < 0.044 < 0.044 < 0.024 < 0.040 < 0.030 < 0.031 < 0.038 < 0.038 < 0.029 MARCH 03/02 - 03/07 < 0.027 < 0.027 < 0.017 < 0.032 < 0.033 < 0.023 < 0.021 < 0.016 < 0.019 < 0.015 < 0.017 < 0.019 03/07 - 03/14 < 0.018 < 0.018 < 0.013 < 0.022 < 0.022 < 0.018 < 0.009 < 0.009 < 0.026 < 0.026 < 0.024 < 0.020 03/14 - 03/22 < 0.008 < 0.009 < 0.008 < 0.006 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.004 < 0.006 < 0.006 03/22 - 03/28 < 0.020 < 0.020 < 0.012 < 0.021 < 0.021 < 0.012 < 0.013 < 0.016 < 0.012 < 0.014 < 0.014 < 0.011 APRIL 03/28 - 04/04 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.009 < 0.008 < 0.025 < 0.008 < 0.008 < 0.011 04/04 - 04/11 < 0.014 < 0.014 < 0.009 < 0.014 < 0.013 < 0.009 < 0.010 < 0.004 < 0.011 < 0.009 < 0.020 < 0.016 04/11 - 04/19 < 0.020 < 0.020 < 0.013 < 0.015 < 0.003 < 0.003 < 0.003 < 0.004 < 0.004 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.004 04/19 - 04/25 < 0.021 < 0.022 < 0.013 < 0.026 < 0.026 < 0.014 < 0.015 < 0.019 < 0.016 < 0.018 < 0.010 < 0.011 04/25 - 05/02 < 0.012 < 0.012 < 0.007 < 0.012 < 0.012 < 0.009 < 0.009 < 0.007 < 0.009 < 0.008 < 0.008 < 0.010 MAY 05/02 - 05/08 < 0.020 < 0.020 < 0.012 < 0.024 < 0.024 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.019 < 0.016 < 0.017 < 0.019 < 0.015 05/08 -05/16 < 0.022 < 0.022 < 0.014 < 0.018 < 0.018 < 0.013 < 0.015 < 0.010 < 0.015 < 0.013 < 0.014 < 0.015 05/16 -05/23 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.026 < 0.025 < 0.009 < 0.012 < 0.010 < 0.008 < 0.014 < 0.013 05/23 - 05/30 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.011 < 0.021 < 0.021 < 0.012 < 0.012 < 0.022 < 0.012 < 0.014 < 0.011 < 0.012 JUNE 05/30 - 06/06 < 0.012 < 0.012 < 0.014 < 0.011 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.013 < 0.017 < 0.028 < 0.029 < 0.027 < 0.020 06/06 - 06/13 < 0.024 < 0.024 < 0.015 < 0.024 < 0.024 < 0.017 < 0.017 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.032 < 0.016 < 0.021 06/13 - 06/20 < 0.018 < 0.018 < 0.013 < 0.021 < 0.021 < 0.012 < 0.014 < 0.021 < 0.015 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.012 06/20 - 06/27 < 0.029 < 0.029 < 0.029 < 0.037 < 0.037 < 0.029 < 0.050 < 0.050 < 0.040 < 0.041 < 0.040 < 0.031 61

TABLE B-i: IODINE-131 CONCENTRATIONS IN FILTERED AIR North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 pCi/m3 +2 Sigma Page 2 of 2 Collection STATIONS I Date 01 02 03 04 05 05A 06 07 21 22 23 24 1 JULY 06/27 - 07/05 < 0.020 < 0.020 < 0.011 < 0.023 < 0.023 < 0.015 < 0.029 < 0.029 < 0.029 < 0.029 < 0.019 < 0.013 07/05 - 07/12 < 0.023 < 0.024 < 0.014 < 0.031 < 0.031 < 0.017 < 0.019 < 0.015 < 0.020 < 0.020 < 0.012 < 0.020 07/12 - 07/19 < 0.020 < 0.020 < 0.011 < 0.016 < 0.016 <0.011 < 0.013 < 0.010 < 0.008 < 0.009 < 0.014 < 0.016 07/19 - 07/26 < 0.026 < 0.026 < 0.026 < 0.026 < 0.014 < 0.021 < 0.021 < 0.021 < 0.021 < 0.011 < 0.013 < 0.014 07/26 - 08/01 < 0.021 < 0.021 < 0.021 < 0.020 < 0.013 < 0.019 < 0.019 < 0.019 < 0.019 < 0.013 < 0.024 < 0.024 AUGUST 08/01 - 08/08 < 0.031 < 0.031 < 0.031 < 0.032 < 0.031 < 0.031 < 0.031 < 0.031 < 0.025 < 0.025 < 0.026 < 0.025 08/08 - 08/15 < 0.023 < 0.023 < 0.023 < 0.023 < 0.026 < 0.026 < 0.026 < 0.026 < 0.021 < 0.035 < 0.022 < 0.022 08/15 - 08/23 < 0.008 < 0.008 < 0.008 < 0.007 < 0.007 < 0.007 < 0.009 < 0.009 < 0.009 < 0.011 < 0.010 < 0.010 08/23 - 08/29 < 0.009 < 0.010 < 0.010 < 0.010 < 0.009 < 0.009 < 0.009 < 0.008 < 0.011 < 0.010 < 0.011 < 0.010 SEPTEMBER 08/29 - 09/05 < 0.011 < 0.011 < 0.011 < 0.011 < 0.009 < 0.009 < 0.009 < 0.009 < 0.012 < 0.012 < 0.012 < 0.012 09/05 - 09/12 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.014 < 0.014 < 0.014 < 0.012 < 0.012 < 0.012 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.013 09/12 - 09/20 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.009 < 0.010 < 0.010 < 0.008 < 0.010 < 0.010 < 0.009 < 0.010 09/20- 09/26 < 0.017 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.014 < 0.014 < 0.014 < 0.014 OCTOBER 09/26- 10/03 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.004 < 0.009 < 0.010 < 0.012 < 0.011 < 0.012 < 0.011 < 0.009 10/03- 10/10 < 0.016 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.015 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.015 < 0.021 < 0.021 < 0.011 < 0.010 10/10- 10/17 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.014 < 0.014 < 0.014 < 0.011 < 0.011 < 0.011 10/17- 10/24 < 0.024 < 0.025 < 0.024 < 0.024 < 0.019 < 0.019 < 0.019 < 0.019 < 0.024 < 0.023 < 0.024 < 0.023 10/24- 10/31 < 0.017 < 0.014 < 0.010 < 0.023 < 0.023 < 0.023 < 0.023 < 0.012 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 NOVEMBER 10/31- 11/07 < 0.018 < 0.018 < 0.018 < 0.018 < 0.022 < 0.017 < 0.022 < 0.022 < 0.022 < 0.014 < 0.024 < 0.024 11/07 - 11/14 < 0.021 < 0.023 < 0.021 < 0.021 < 0.015 < 0.018 < 0.018 < 0.020 < 0.018 < 0.013 < 0.029 < 0.032 X11/14-11/21 < 0.023 < 0.023 < 0.025 < 0.023 < 0.023 < 0.024 < 0.023 < 0.022 < 0.030 < 0.027 < 0.028 < 0.030 11/21 - 11/28 < 0.028 < 0.028 < 0.028 < 0.028 < 0.021 < 0.021 < 0.021 < 0.021 < 0.022 < 0.022 < 0.022 < 0.022 DECEMBER 11/28- 12/05 < 0.040 < 0.040 < 0.040 < 0.040 < 0.038 < 0.038 < 0.038 < 0.038 < 0.032 < 0.043 < 0.033 < 0.032 12/05- 12/12 < 0.018 < 0.019 < 0.019 < 0.015 < 0.019 < 0.011 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.016 < 0.009 < 0.014 12/12 - 12/19 < 0.026 < 0.026 < 0.025 < 0.026 < 0.020 < 0.020 < 0.020 < 0.020 < 0.027 < 0.027 < 0.028 < 0.027 12/19 - 12/27 < 0.045 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.013 < 0.030 < 0.030 < 0.030 < 0.030 < 0.036 < 0.036 < 0.036 < 0.036 62

TABLE B-2: CONCENTRATIONS OF GROSS BETA INAIR PARTICULATES North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 3 LOE03 pCi/r +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 4 COLLECTION AVERAGE DATE 01 02 03 04 05 05A 06 07 21 22 23 24 +/- 2 s.d. JANUARY 12/27/01 - 01/03/01 20+/-2 16+/-2 18+/-2 21 +/-2 16 +/- 2 18 +/-2 18 +/- 2 17 +/- 2 21 +/-2 17 +/- 2 19 +/- 2 18 +/-2 18 +/-3 01/03/01 - 01/10/01 19+/-2 19+/-2 19+/-2 19 +/-2 15 +/-2 19 +/-2 17 +/- 2 18 +/- 2 20 +/- 2 19 +/-2 19 +/- 2 19 +/- 2 19 +/-3 01/10/01 - 01/17/01 19+/-2 19+/-2 19+/-2 20 +/- 2 19 +/- 2 18 +/- 2 17 +/- 2 17 +/-2 17 +/-2 19 +/- 2 19 +/-2 19 +/-2 19 +/- 2 01/17/01 - 01/24/01 20+/-2 20+/-2 19+/-2 21 +/-2 21 +/-2 21 +/-2 20 +/- 2 19 +/- 2 21 +/-2 21 +/-2 22 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 21 +/-3 01/24/01 - 02/01/01 22+/-2 20+/-2 21 +/-2 22 +/- 2 21 +/-2 21 +/-2 21 +/-2 19 +/-2 22 +/- 2 20 +/- 2 21 +/-2 20 +/- 2 21 +/-2 FEBRUARY 02/01/01 - 02/07/01 25+/-2 21+/-2 20+/-2 28 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 25 +/-2 22 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 25 +/- 2 23 +/-2 26 +/- 2 23 +/- 2 24 +/- 5 02/07/01 - 02/15/01 17 +/-2 15 +/-2 16 +/-2 18 +/-2 18 +/- 2 18 +/- 2 17 +/- 2 17 +/- 2 17 +/- 2 17 +/-2 19 +/-2 17 +/- 2 17 +/- 2 02/15/01 - 02/22/01 24 +/-2 22 +/-2 25 +/-2 26 +/- 2 27 +/- 2 25 +/-2 25 +/- 2 23 +/-2 24+/-2 23 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 25 +/-3 02/22/01 - 03/02/01 20 +/-2 18 +/-2 21 +/-2 22 +/- 2 22 +/- 2 21 +/-2 19 +/- 2 21 +/-2 19 +/- 2 19 +/- 2 22 +/- 2 21 +/-2 20 +/- 3 MARCH 03/02/01 - 03/07/01 14 +/-2 15 +/-2 14 +/-2 15 +2 15 +/- 2 16 +/- 2 13 +/- 2 15+/- 2 15 +2 15+/- 2 15+/- 2 13 +/- 2 15+/- 2 03/07/01 - 03/14/01 13+/-2 12+/-2 12+/-2 14 +/- 2 13 +/-2 12 +/- 2 12 +/- 2 13 +/-2 14 +/- 2 13 +/-2 14 +/- 2 13 +/- 2 13 +/-2 03/14/01 - 03/22/01 9+/- 2 9+/-2 8+/- 1 9+/- 2 8 +/-1 9 +/-1 8+/- I 7 +/- 1 10 +/- 2 8 +/-1 8 +/-1 9 +/-2 8 +/-1 03/22/01 - 03/28/01 20 +/-2 18 +/-2 20 +/-2 21 +/-2 19 +/- 2 18 +/-2 18 + 2 20 +/- 2 21 +/-2 18 +/-2 19 +/- 2 20 + 2 19 +/-2 19 8.9 17 +/-7.5 18 +/-9 20 +/- 10 18 +/- 10 19 +/-9 17 +/-9 18 +/-9 19 +/-8 18 +/-8 19 +/- 10 19 +/-10 18 +/-9 Quarter Avg. _2s.d. 63

                                                                 /                                                   I TABLE B-2: CONCENTRATIONS              OF GROSS BETA INAIR PARTICULATES North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 03 1.OE-  pCi/m3 + 2 Sigma                        Page 2 of 4 COLLECTION                                                                                                         AVERAGE I         DATE          01       02     03        04         05      05A     06      07         21    22    23    24      +/- 2 s.d.

APRIL 03/28/01-04/04/01 11+/-2 9+/-1 10+/-1 10+/-1 11+/-1 11+/-2 10+/-1 10+/-1 13+/-3 11+/-1 12+/-2 13+/-2 11+/-3 04/04/01-04/11/01 20+/-2 18+/-2 20+/-2 19+/-2 20+/-2 18+/-2 17+/-2 19+/-2 18+/-2 18+/-2 20+/-2 20+/-2 19+/-2 04/11/01 - 04/19/01 16 +/-2 12 +/-2 15 +/-2 14 +/-2 14 +/-2 14 +/-2 14 +/-2 14 +/-2 15 +/-2 14 +/-2 10 +/-2 15 +/-2 14 +/-3 04/19/01-04/25/01 19+/-2 22+/-2 21+/-2 21+/-2 19+/-2 22+/-2 18+/-2 20+/-2 18+/-2 19+/-2 21+/-2 23+/-2 20+/-3 04/25/01 - 05/02/01 20 +/-2 22 +/-2 21 +/-2 23 +/-2 20 +/-2 22 +/-2 20 +/-2 18 +/-2 19 +/-2 21 +/-2 22 +/-2 20 +/-2 21 +/-3 MAY 05/02/01 - 05/08/01 23 +/-2 24 +/-2 21 +/-2 23 +/-2 26 +/-2 21 +/-2 18 +/-2 21 +/-2 22 +/-2 20 +/-2 23 +/-2 24 +/-2 22 +/-4 05/08/01-05/16/01 19+/-2 19+/-2 18+/-2 16+/-2 15+/-2 22+/-2 17+/-2 17+/-2 17+/-2 19+/-2 19+/-2 20+/-2 18+/-4 05/16/01-05/23/01 9+/-2 7+/-2 10+/-2 9+/-2 9+/-2 12+/-2 8+/-2 8+/-2 7+/-2 9+/-2 8+/-2 9+/-2 9+3 05/23/01 - 05/30/01 15 +/-2 13 +/-2 14 +/-2 15 +/-2 13 +/-2 16 +/-2 15 +/-2 14 +/-2 13 +/-2 13 +/-2 15 +/-2 13 2 14 2 JUNE 05/30/01 -06/06/01 12+/-2 10+/-1 10+/-1 12+/-2 11+/-2 10+/-1 9+/-1 12+/-2 10+/-1 10+/-1 11+/-1 11 2 11 2 06/06/01-06/13/01 20+/-2 19+/-2 18+/-2 18+/-2 18+/-2 21+/-2 17+/-2 20+/-2 17+/-2 17+/-2 19+/-2 20+/-2 19+/-3 06/13/01-06/20/01 18+/-2 17+/-2 18+/-2 19+/-2 17+/-2 18+/-2 17+/-2 18+/-2 17+/-2 17+/-2 19+/-2 21+/-2 18+/-2 06/20/01-06/27/01 19+/-2 17+/-2 18+/-2 18+/-2 18+/-2 20+/-2 18+/-2 18+/-2 15+/-2 19+/-2 18+/-2 17+/-2 18+/-2 QuarterAvg. 17+/-8.2 16+/-11 16+/-9 17+/-9 16+/-9 17+/-9 15+/-8 16+/-8 15+/-8 16+/-8 17+/-10 17+9 16+/-9



TABLE B-2: CONCENTRATIONSOF GROSSBETA INAIR PARTICULATES North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 1.0E-03 pCi/m 3 +/- 2 Sigma Page 3 of 4 COLLECTION AVERAGE DATE 01 02 03 04 05 05A 06 07 21 22 23 24 + 2 s.d. JULY 06/27/01 - 07/05/01 18+/-2 14 +/- 1 17 +/- 2 17 +/- 2 14 +/- 2 18 +/- 2 15 +/- 2 16 +/- 2 16 +/- 2 16 +/- 2 17 +/- 2 16 +/- 2 16 +/- 3 07/05/01 - 07/12/01 18+/-2 17+2 23+/-2 19+/-2 18 +/- 2 19 +/- 2 18 +/- 2 17 +/- 2 20 +/- 2 20 +/- 2 20 +/- 2 21 +/-2 19 +/- 3 07/12/01 - 07/19/01 18 +/- 2 18+/-2 20 +/- 2 20+/-2 18 +/- 2 20 +/- 2 17 +/- 2 14 +/- 2 17 +/- 2 18 +2 20 +/- 2 19 +/- 2 18 +/- 4 07/19/01 - 07/26/01 12+/-2 12+/-2 14+/-2 14 +/- 2 14 +/- 2 15 +/- 2 12 +/- 2 13 +/-2 13 +/- 2 13 +/- 2 13 +/- 2 14 +/- 2 13 +/- 2 07/26/01 - 08/01/01 11 +/-2 10 +/- 2 11 +/-2 11 +/-2 11 +/-2 11l 2 11+/-2 11 +/-2 10 +/- 2 12 +/- 2 11 +/-2 10 +/- 2 11 +/-1 AUGUST 08/01/01 - 08/08/01 25+/-2 23 +/- 2 24 +/-2 25+/-2 24+/-2 23 +/- 2 22 +/- 2 23 +/- 2 22 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 23 +/- 2 27 +/- 2 24 +/-3 08/08/01 - 08/15/01 22 +/-2 21 +/-2 26 +/-2 25 +/-2 21+/-2 24 +/- 2 21 +/-2 21 +/-2 19 +/- 2 39 +/- 3 23 +/- 2 25 +/- 2 24 +/- 10 22+/-2 20 +/- 2 26+/-2 25 +/- 2 23+/-2 25 +/- 2 22 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 22 +/- 2 25 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 24 +/- 3 08/15/01 - 08/23/01 08/23/01 - 08/29/01 27+/-2 23++/-2 27+/-2 27+/-2 26+/-2 26 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 23 +/- 2 23 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 28 +/- 2 26 +/-4 SEPTEMBER 08/29/01 - 09/05/01 22+/-2 20+/-2 22 +/- 2 22+/-2 20 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 22 +/- 2 20 +/- 2 21 +/-2 23 + 2 23 +/- 2 23 +/- 2 22 + 3 09/05/01 - 09/12/01 18 +/- 2 17 +/-2 20+/-2 18+/-2 17 +/- 2 19 +/- 2 15 +/- 2 17 +/- 2 18 +/- 2 18 + 2 19 +/- 2 19 +/- 2 18 +/- 3 09/12/01 - 09/20/01 26 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 25 +/- 2 25 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 22 +/- 2 22 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 24 +/- 3 09/20/01 - 09/26/01 24 +/- 2 21 +/-2 26 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 25 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 25 +/- 2 21 +/-2 25 +/- 2 25 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 27 +/- 2 25 +/- 4 Quarter Avg. 20+/-10 18+/-8.7 22+/-10 21+/-10 20+10 21 + 10 19 +/- 10 19 I 8 19 +/- 9 22+/-14 20+/-9 21+/-11 20+10

  + 2 s.d.


t TABLE B-2: CONCENTRATIONS OF GROSS BETA INAIR PARTICULATES North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 1OE-03 pci/m3 + 2 Sigma Page 4 of 4 COLLECTION AVERAGE 01 02 03 04 05 05A 06 07 21 22 23 24 +/-2s.d. DATE OCTOBER 09/26 - 10/03 19+/-2 19+/-2 17+/-2 21+/-2 19 +/- 2 19+/-2 18+/-2 17+/-2 16 +/- 2 18+/-2 18 +/- 2 20 +/- 2 18 +/- 3 25+/-2 31+/-2 30 +/- 2 27 +/- 2 31 +/-2 25 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 27 +/- 2 29 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 27 +/- 2 27 +/- 5 10/03 - 10/10 25 +/- 2 10/10- 10/17 15+/-2 13+/-2 14+/-2 15+/-2 16+/-2 17+/-2 14 +/- 2 13 +/-2 14 +/- 2 16+/-2 15 +/- 2 17+/-2 15+/-3 27+/-2 25 +/- 2 24+/-2 24 +/- 2 28 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 25 +/- 3 10/17 - 10/24 23+/-2 24+/-2 26+/-2 23 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 10/24- 10/31 19+/-2 14+/-2 16+/-2 17 +/- 2 16+/-2 16+/-2 16+/-2 16 +/- 2 17 +/- 2 11 +/- 2 15+/-2 17+/-2 16 +/- 4 NOVEMBER 10/31- 11/07 23+/-2 24+/-2 24+/-2 25 +/- 2 25+/-2 24+/-2 24 +/- 2 23+/-2 21 +/-2 18+/-2 23 +/- 2 23 +/- 2 23 +/- 4 11/07 - 11/14 23+/-2 22 +/- 2 23+/-2 22 +/- 2 21+/-2 24+/-2 23 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 21+/-2 15+/-2 23 +/- 2 23 +/- 2 22 +/- 5 41+/- 3 36+/-3 41+/-3 36+/-3 40+/-3 47+/-3 39+/-3 40 +/- 3 36+/-3 26 +/- 2 39+/-3 41+/-3 39 +/- 10 11/14- 11/21 11/21-11/28 24+/-2 23+/-2 22+/-2 23 +/-2 22 +/- 2 23+/-2 22 +/- 2 22+/-2 23 +/- 2 17+/-2 22 +/- 2 22 +/- 2 22 +/- 3 DECEMBER 11/28 - 12/05 24+/-2 24 +/- 2 24+/-2 28 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 27 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 24+/-2 23 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 26 +/- 2 28 +/- 2 25 +/- 3 20 +/- 2 23+/-2 23 +/- 2 20 +/- 2 24+/-2 19 +/- 2 23 +/- 2 21 +/-2 20 +/- 2 24 +/- 2 23 +/- 2 22 +/- 4 12/05 - 12/12 19 +/- 2 12/12 - 12/19 20+/-2 19+/-2 22+/-2 20 +/- 2 17+/-2 19+/-2 18+/-2 19+/-2 19+/-2 18+/-2 19+/-2 21+/-2 19+/-3 12/19 - 12/27 22+/-4 19+/-2 20+/-2 20 +/- 2 19+/-2 23 +/- 2 19 +/- 2 22 +/- 2 19+/-2 18+/-2 21+/-2 21 +/-2 20 + 3 22+/-11 23+14 22 +/-13 23 +/-13 22 +/-11 20 +/-11 23 +/-12 24 +/-12 23 +/-12 Quarter Avg. 23:+/-12 24 +/- 11 22 +/- 13 25 + 16

+/- 2 s.d.



  • AND STRONTIUM CONCENTRA TIONS IN AIR PARTICULATES North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 1.0 E-03 pCi/m 3 +/- 2 Sigma Page 1 of 3 First Second Third Fourth Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Average Station Nuclide 12/27-3/28 03/28-06/27 06/27-09/26 09/26-12/27 STA-01 Sr-89 (a) < 0.7 (a) (a)

Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) Be-7 28.2 +/- 1.9 74.7 +/- 3.9 135 +/- 7.2 62.0 +/- 3.90 75.0 i 89.1 K-40 < 3 < 3 < 3 < 5 Co-60 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.3 Ru-103 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 1 < 0.6 Cs-134 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.3 Cs-137 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.3 Th-228 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 1 < 2 STA-02 Sr-89 (a) < 0.7 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) Be-7 24.3 i 1.8 73.4 +/- 4.3 101 +/- 6.1 62.0 + 3.8 65.2 i 63.6 K-40 < 4 <5 <3 < 3 Co-60 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.2 Ru-103 < 0.2 < 0.4 < 0.9 < 0.4 Cs-134 < 0.2 < 0.4 < 0.2 < 0.3 Cs-137 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.2 Th-228 < 0.3 < 0.4 < 0.2 < 2 STA-03 Sr-89 (a) < 0.8 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) Be-7 25.8 +/- 1.8 79.3 + 4.5 152 +/- 8.1 62.2 +/- 4.4 79.8 i 106 K-40 < 6 <5 < 3 < 6 Co-60 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.3 Ru-103 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.8 < 0.6 Cs-134 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.4 Cs-137 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.3 Th-228 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 2 STA-04 Sr-89 (a) < 0.9 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) Be-7 27.9 +/- 1.8 72.1 +/- 3.9 157 + 7.8 65.5 +/- 3.8 80.6 t 109 K-40 <5 <4 <3 <4 Co-60 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.1 < 0.2 Ru-103 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.5 < 0.3 Cs-134 <0.1 <0.2 <0.1 <0.2 Cs-137 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.1 < 0.2 Th-228 < 0.2 < 0.2 <1 < 1

  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were <LLD.

(a) Strontium-89190analysesperformedonly on secondquarter samples. 67


  • AND STRONTIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN AIR PARTICULATES North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 1.0 E-03 pCi/m 3 & 2 Sigma Page 2of 3 First Second Third Fourth Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Station Nuclide Average 12/27-3/28 03/28-06/27 06/27-09/26 09/26-12/27 STA-05 Sr-89 (a) < 0.8 (a) (a)

Sr-90 (a) < 0.3 (a) (a) Be-7 24.5 +/- 1.8 76.4 +/- 4.3 134 +/- 6.8 65.2 +/- 4.9 75.0 +/- 90.4 K-40 < 4 <5 <3 <5 Co-60 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.1 < 0.4 Ru-103 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.6 < 0.7 Cs-134 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.1 < 0.4 Cs-137 <0.2 <0.2 <0.1 <0.4 Th-228 < 0.2 < 0.3 <1 < 3 STA-05A Sr-89 (a) < 0.8 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) Be-7 24.1 +/- 1.9 79.2 +/- 4.7 667 +/- 32.4 64.5 +/- 5.13 209.0 +/- 613 K-40 <5 <3 108 +/- 7.6 <6 108.0 +/- 7.6 Co-60 < 0.2 < 0.4 < 0.5 < 0.4 Ru-103 < 0.2 < 0.6 < 3 < 0.7 Cs-134 < 0.2 < 0.4 < 0.5 < 0.4 Cs-137 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.5 < 0.4 Th-228 <0.3 <0.5 <0.8 <3 STA-06 Sr-89 (a) < 0.8 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) Be-7 21.4 +/- 1.5 68.2 +/- 3.8 131 +/- 6.5 60.3 +/- 5.4 70.2 +/- 90.8 K-40 <4 <2 <2 <8 Co-60 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.5 Ru-103 < 0.2 < 0.4 < 0.5 < 0.9 Cs-134 <0.2 <0.2 < 0.1 <0.6 Cs-137 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.1 < 0.5 Th-228 < 0.2 < 0.3 < 0.1 < 3 STA-07 Sr-89 (a) < 0.8 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 0.3 (a) (a) Be-7 24.1 +/- 1.8 75.7 +/- 4.2 130 +/- 6.7 64.7 +/- 5.0 73.6 +/- 87 K-40 <5 <4 < 3 < 7 Co-60 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.1 < 0.5 Ru-103 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.6 < 0.9 Cs-134 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.1 < 0.5 Cs-137 < 0.2 <0.2 <0.1 <0.4 Th-228 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 3

  • All gamma emittersotherthan thoselistedwere LLD.

(a) Strontium-89/90analysesperformedonlyon second quartersamples. 68


  • AND STRONTIUM CONCENTRATIONSIN AIR PARTICULATES North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 1.0 E-03 pCi/m34- 2 Sigma Page 3 of 3 First Second Third Fourth Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Average Station Nuclide 12/27-3/28 03/28-06/27 06/27-09/26 09/26-12/27 STA-21 Sr-89 (a) < 0.8 (a) (a)

Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) Be-7 25.9 +/- 2.0 72.1 +/- 4.1 128 i 6.8 57.6 t 5.1 70.9 +/- 85.4 K-40 <3 <4 <4 <7 Co-60 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.1 < 0.5 Ru-103 < 0.4 < 0.3 < 0.7 < 1 Cs-134 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.1 < 0.5 Cs-137 <0.3 <0.2 <0.1 <0.4 Th-228 < 0.4 < 0.2 <1 <3 STA-22 Sr-89 (a) < 0.9 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) Be-7 24.6 i 2.0 71.2 +/- 4.0 141 +/- 7.0 55.9 +/- 3.5 73.2 +/- 98.4 K-40 <3 <5 <2 <3 Co-60 < 0.4 < 0.2 < 0.1 < 0.2 Ru-103 < 0.5 < 0.3 < 0.6 < 0.3 Cs-134 < 0.4 < 0.2 < 0.1 < 0.2 Cs-137 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.1 < 0.2 Th-228 < 0.6 < 0.4 < 1 <1 STA-23 Sr-89 (a) < 0.8 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) Be-7 25.2 +/- 2.5 71.9 +/- 3.9 146 +/- 7.5 66.8 +/- 5.1 77.5 i 100 K-40 <3 <4 <4 <5 Co-60 < 0.3 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.3 Ru-103 <0.4 <0.2 <0.7 <0.5 Cs-134 < 0.3 <0.1 < 0.1 <0.2 Cs-137 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.1 < 0.3 Th-228 < 0.4 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 2 STA-24 Sr-89 (a) < 0.8 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) < 0.2 (a) (a) Be-7 27.5 +/- 1.9 79.1 +/- 4.4 149 +/- 7.4 67.0 +/- 5.4 80.7 +/- 101 K-40 < 2 < 4 < 3 < 5 Co-60 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.3 Ru-103 <0.4 <0.3 <0.7 <0.5 Cs-134 < 0.3 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.3 Cs-137 <0.3 <0.2 <0.1 <0.3 Th-228 <0.4 <0.4 <2 <2 All gamma emitters other than those listed were <LLD. (a) Strontium-89/90 analyses performed only on second quarter samples. 69

TABLE B-4: GROSSBETA, TRITIUMAND GAMMA EMITTER* CONCENTRATIONS IN PRECIPITA TION Station O0A- (On Site) North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 pCi/L 4 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 Collection Dates Gross Beta Rainfall (inches) 12/27/00 - 02/01/01 2.9 +/- 1.8 2.71 02/01/01 - 03/02/01 <4 1.69 03/02/01 - 03/28/01 3.8 +/- 0.7 2.77 03/28/01 - 04/25/01 4.3 +/- 1.5 2.19 04/25/01 - 05/30/01 11.0 + 2.0 4.84 05/30/01 - 06/27/01 8.3 +/- 1.6 3.94 06/27/01 - 07/26/01 16.0 +/- 3.0 0.90 07/26/01 - 08/29/01 4.2 +/- 1.2 4.62 08/29/01 - 09/26/01 4.4 +/- 0.8 1.04 09/26/01 - 10/31/01 <7 0.64 10/31/01 - 11/28/01 6.3 +/- 2.0 0.53 11/28/01 - 12/27/01 4.2 +/- 1.3 2.25 Average + 2 s.d. 6.54 + 8.27 SEMI-ANNUAL PRECIPITA TION COMPOSITES 12/27/00 - 06/27/01 06/27/01 - 12/27/01 Be-7 < 80 Be-7 < 140 H-3 < 100 H-3 170 +/- 70 Average 4 2 s.d. 170 +/- 70

  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were <LLD.



  • IN SOIL North Anna Power Station, Louisa Conty, Virginia - 2001 pCi/kg 4+2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 COLLECTION STATION DATE Sr-89 Sr-90 Be-7 K-40 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ra-226 Th-228 U-235 01 07/19/01 < 300 < 100 < 200 21000 +/- 730 < 20 < 20 1140+/- 557 1130 +/- 34 82 + 30 02 07/19/01 < 300 < 100 < 200 7750 +/- 401 < 20 58 +/- 10 < 600 1070 +/- 38 < 40 03 07/19/01 < 400 < 100 < 300 13700 +/- 620 < 20 229 +/- 16 < 700 1180+ 40 128 +/- 16 04 07/19/01 < 400 < 200 < 300 6570 +/- 381 < 20 681 +/- 31 < 600 867 +/- 33 < 40 05 07/19/01 < 300 < 100 < 300 10600 +/- 500 < 20 166 +/- 14 2820 +/- 293 1070 +/- 40 161 +/- 18 05A 07/19/01 < 400 < 100 < 400 11000 +/- 590 < 30 876 +/- 43 2000 +/- 332 859 +/- 39 114+/- 19 06 07/19/01 < 300 160 +/- 90 < 300 10200 +/- 480 < 20 213 +/- 16 1470 +/- 39 2260 +/- 68 89 + 18 07 07/19/01 < 400 < 200 < 300 10800 +/- 520 < 20 217 +/- 18 < 800 1140 +/- 44 < 40 21 07/19/01 < 800 < 200 < 300 12800 +/- 500 < 30 451 +/- 21 538 +/- 23 852 +/- 34 < 30 22 07/19/01 < 400 < 100 < 300 17600 +/- 690 < 50 210 +/- 19 1260 +/- 41 1470 +/- 52 87+/- 18 23 07/19/01 < 300 130 +/- 80 < 500 29400 +/- 1070 < 60 237 + 22 1550 +/- 48 1860 +/- 63 158 +/- 31 24 07/19/01 < 400 240 +/- 130 < 300 4610 +/- 325 < 40 527 +/- 26 1150+/- 39 1290 +/- 50 125 +/- 17 Average + 2 s.d. 177 +/- 114 13003 +/- 13703 351 + 502 1491 + 1359 1254 +/- 852 118 4 62
  • All other gamma emitters were <LLD.


TABLE B-6: GAMMA EMITTER*, STRONTIUM AND TRITIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDAND WELL WATER North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 pCi/L 1 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 Collection Dates Sr-89 Sr-90 H-3 Be-7 K-40 1-131 Ba-140 Th-228 STATION OIA 03/28/01 (a) (a) < 300 < 50 < 90 < 15 < 10 < 10 06/27/01 < 0.9 < 1 < 100 < 50 < 90 < 20 < 10 < 10 09/26/01 (a) (a) < 100 < 35 < 80 < 7 < 7 < 6 01/10/02 (a) (a) 120 +/- 50 < 40 < 90 <8 < 8 < 40 Average + 2 s.d. 120 + 50 TABLEB-7: GAMMA EMITTER*, STRONTIUMAND TRITIUMCONCENTRATIONS IN RIVER WATER North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 pCi/L + 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 Collection Date Sr-89 Sr-90 H-3 Be-7 K-40 I-131 Cs-137 Ba-140 Ra-226 Th-228 STATION 11 01/16/01 (a) (a) 4000 +/- 200 < 50 < 140 < 1 < 6 < 40 < 10 < 8 02/14/01 (a) (a) (b) < 70 < 100 < 0.6 < 6 < 40 < 100 < 10 03/13/01 (a) (a) (b) < 30 < 60 < 0.6 < 4 < 20 < 120 < 9 04/12/01 <4.0 <0.3 3400 +/- 100 < 60 < 150 < 0.8 < 6 < 20 < 160 < 10 05/15/01 (a) (a) (b) < 30 < 70 < 0.5 < 4 <9 < 100 5.73 +/- 5.5 06/14/01 (a) (a) (b) < 30 < 50 < 0.2 < 4 <9 < 60 < 8 07/17/01 (a) (a) 3300 +/- 100 < 50 < 90 < 0.7 < 6 < 10 < 100 < 10 08/13/01 (a) (a) (b) < 40 < 90 < 0.5 < 4 < 10 < 140 < 6 09/13/01 (a) (a) (b) < 30 < 80 < 0.4 < 4 < 6 < 130 <5 10/15/01 (a) (a) 3100 +/- 100 < 40 < 80 < 0.6 < 4 <9 < 140 < 7 11/12/01 (a) (a) (b) < 40 < 70 < 0.5 < 4 < 8 < 110 < 6 12/10/01 (a) (a) (b) < 40 < 70 < 0.5 <5 < 8 < 80 < 10 Average +/- 2 s.d. 3450 + 775 5.73 4 5.5

  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were <LLD.

(a) Strontium-89/90 analyses performed only on second quarter sample. 72

TABLEB-8: GAMMA EMITTER*, STRONTIUMAND TRITIUMCONCENTRATIONSIN SURFACE WATER North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 pCi/L 1 2 Sigma Page I of I Collection I Dates Sr-89 Sr-90 H-3 Be-7 K-40 I-131** Cs-137 Ba-140 Ra-226 Th-228 STATION - 08 01/16 (a) (a) 4400 +/- 200 < 40 < 70 < 1 <4 < 30 < 9 <6 02/14 (a) (a) (b) <40 < 80 < 0.5 <7 < 30 < 10 <9 03/13 (a) (a) (b) < 50 < 90 < 0.5 < 5 < 30 < 130 <9 04/12 < 3 < 0.3 3500 +/- 100 < 40 < 80 < 0.5 < 5 < 20 < 110 < 6 05/15 (a) (a) (b) <40 < 90 < 0.6 < 6 < 9 < 120 <9 06/14 (a) (a) (b) <30 < 80 < 0.1 < 4 < 10 < 100 < 8 07/17 (a) (a) 3400 +/- 100 < 50 < 80 0.83 +/- 0.33 (c) < 6 < 10 < 80 < 10 08/13 (a) (a) (b) < 40 < 80 < 0.7 <4 < 10 < 150 < 10 09/13 (a) (a) (b) <20 < 50 <0.5 < 4 < 10 < 70 <4 10/15 (a) (a) 4000 +/- 100 < 50 < 130 < 0.7 <5 < 10 < 170 < 6.8 11/12 (a) (a) (b) < 50 < 80 < 0.5 <5 < 10 < 90 < 7.8 12/10 (a) (a) (b) < 40 <60 < 0.4 <5 < 8.8 < 130 < 8.2 Average +/- 2 s.d. 3825 +/- 929 0.83 + 0.33 STATION - 09A 01/16 (a) (a) < 100 < 40 < 80 <1 <4 < 30 < 10 < 7 02/14 (a) (a) (b) < 50 <90 <0.5 <6 < 30 < 110 < 10 03/13 (a) (a) (b) < 30 < 80 < 0.7 <4 < 20 < 100 < 6 04/12 < 3 <0.3 < 100 < 40 < 80 < 0.6 <4 < 10 < 120 7.0 +/- 2.9 05/15 (a) (a) (b) < 30 < 60 < 0.5 < 3 < 8 < 70 <5 06/14 (a) (a) (b) < 30 < 60 < 0.2 <4 < 8 < 60 <4 07/17 (a) (a) < 100 < 60 < 110 1.4 +/- 0.5 (c) < 7 < 10 < 200 < 10 08/13 (a) (a) (b) < 30 < 80 < 0.5 < 3 < 8 < 120 <5 09/13 (a) (a) (b) < 30 < 70 < 0.4 <3 < 5 < 90 < 5 10/15 (a) (a) < 100 < 30 < 60 < 0.5 <4 < 8 < 90 < 4.9 11/12 (a) (a) (b) < 50 < 70 < 0.4 <5 < 10 < 80 < 6.1 12/10 (a) (a) (b) < 50 <70 < 0.5 <5 < 9 < 90 < 10 Average +/- 2 s.d. 1.4 I 0.5 7.0 + 2.9

  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were <LLD.
 ** 1-131by radiochemistry.

(a) Strontium-89/90 analyses performed only on second quarter samples. (b) Tritium analyses performed on quarterly composite. (c) The reported iodine levels detected in station 8 and station 9A on 07/17101 are very close to the MDA and based on no detectable activity prior to nor afterwards, are most likely false positives. 73

TABLE B-9: GAMMA EMITTER*AND STRONTIUM CONCENTRATIONS INSEDIMENTSILT North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 pCi/kg + 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 STA-08 STA-09A STA-1 I STA-08 STA-09A STA-11 Average Nuclide 2/19 2119 2/19 08/06 08/06 08/06 Sr-89 (a) (a) (a) < 100 < 200 200 Sr-90 (a) (a) (a) 32.0 +/- 12.0 < 50 50 Be-7 < 260 < 270 < 300 < 260 < 160 290 K-40 2430 +/- 205 13200 +/- 650 14600 +/- 510 6740 +/- 290 7690 +/- 273 9860 +/- 351 9087 +/- 8930 Mn-54 < 30 < 50 < 10 < 10 <9 10 Co-58 < 30 < 50 < 30 < 20 < 20 30 Co-60 < 10 < 50 < 30 < 10 < 10 10 Cs-1 34 < 30 < 60 < 40 < 10 < 8 10 Cs-1 37 < 30 136 +/- 32 30.9 +/- 7.1 < 10 15.6 +/- 4.1 20 61 +/- 131 Ra-226 163 +/- 19 855 +/- 40 715 +/- 23 550 +/- 15 421 +/- 12 697 +/- 18 567 +/- 495 Th-228 282 +/- 20 1150 +/- 66 1160 +/- 39 790 +/- 24 310 +/- 12 983 +/- 31 779 +/- 796 U-235 < 170 < 330 < 220 34.4 +/- 7.9 19.9 +/- 5.8 47.3 +/- 10.2 33.9 +/- 27.4

  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were <LLD.

(a) Strontium 89190 analyses performed annually. 74


  • AND STRONTIUM CONCENTRATIONS IN SHORELINE SOIL North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 pCi/kg +/- 2 Sigma Page I of I Station-08 Station-08 Average Nuclide 02/19/01 08/06101 +/- 2 sigma Sr-89 (a) < 30 Sr-90 (a) 48.0 +/- 17.0 Be-7 < 350 < 290 K-40 2030 +/- 236 1610 +/- 158 1820 +/- 594 Mn-54 < 10 < 10 Co-58 < 40 < 20 Co-60 < 40 < 10 Cs-134 < 40 < 10 Cs-1 37 99.9 +/- 11.9 255 +/- 14 177 +/- 219 Ra-226 310 +/- 20 503 +/- 17 407 +/- 273 Th-228 426 +/- 31 232 +/- 13 329 +/- 274
. All gamma emitters other than those listed were <LLD.

(a) Strontium 89/90 analyses performed annually. 75

TABLE B-l: GAMMA* AND STRONTIUM CONCENTRATIONS INMILK North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 pCi/L = 2 Sigma Page 1 of 2 MONTH NUCLIDE STATION-12 STATION-13 I JANUARY Sr-89 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) (a) K-40 1260 i 88 1170 +/- 74 Cs-137 < 6 <5 1-131 < 1 <1 FEBRUARY Sr-89 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) (a) K-40 1360 +/- 75 1340 +/- 89 Cs-137 < 3 < 4 1-131 < 0.3 < 0.2 MARCH Sr-89 < 2 < 2 Sr-90 0.71 +/- 0.28 0.52 +/- 0.22 K-40 655 +/- 38 1270 +/- 82 Cs-137 <4 <6 1-131 < 0.3 < 0.4 APRIL Sr-89 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) (a) K-40 1340 + 92 1250 +/- 69 Cs-137 <5 < 3 1-131 < 0.4 < 0.5 MAY Sr-89 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) (a) K-40 1260 + 87 1530 +/- 75 Cs-137 <6 < 3 I-131 < 0.4 < 0.4 JUNE Sr-89 < 2 < 2 Sr-90 0.70 + 0.21 0.93 +/- 0.22 K-40 1460 +/- 97 1070 +/- 74 Cs-137 < 8 <6 I-131 < 0.3 < 0.2

  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were <LLD.

(a) Strontium-89/90 analyses performed on the last monthly sample of each quarter. 76

TABLE B-1l: GAMMA *AND STRONTIUM CONCENTRATIONS INMILK North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 pCi/L + 2 Sigma Page 2 of 2 IMONTH NUCLIDE STATION-12 STATION-13 I JU:LY Sr-89 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) (a) K-40 1310 i 86 1360 +/- 88 Cs- 137 <5 <5 1-131 < 0.5 < 0.7 AUGUST Sr-89 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) (a) K-40 1310 +/- 61 1340 +/- 70 Cs-137 <4 <5 1-131 < 0.8 < 0.8 SEPTEMBER Sr-89 < 1 < 2 Sr-90 1.4 +/- 0.2 1.5 +/- 0.2 K-40 1240 +/- 89 1270 +/- 68 Cs-137 < 6 < 4 I-131 < 0.4 < 0.6 OCTOBER Sr-89 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) (a) K-40 1260 +/- 76 1160 +/- 74 Cs-137 <4 <4 1-131 < 0.5 < 0.4 NOVEMBER Sr-89 (a) (a) Sr-90 (a) (a) K-40 1300 i 70 1250 i 73 Cs-137 < 4 < 4 I-131 < 0.4 < 0.4 DECEMBER Sr-89 < 3 < 2 Sr-90 1.2 +/- 0.3 1.2 +/- 0.2 K-40 1360 i 69 1320 +/- 83 Cs-137 < 3 <5 I-131 < 0.6 < 0.7 Average 4 Sr-89 2 s.d. Sr-90 1.0 4 0.71 1.0 4 0.83 K-40 1260 +/- 400 1278 +/- 234 Cs-137 1-131 t All gamma emitters other than those listed were <LLD. (a) Strontium-89/90 analyses performed on the last monthly sample of each quarter. 77


  • CONCENTRATIONS IN FISH North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 pCi/kg 4 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 ICotlection Sample I Date Station Type K-40 Co-58 Cs-134 Cs-137 02/20 08 Fish(a) 1540 +/- 106 < 9 < 9 < 10 02/20 25 Fish (a) 1530 +/- 100 < 9 < 8 233.5 i 3.7 02/20 08 Catfish (b) 1860 i 149 < 10 < 10 25;.5 i 4.6 02/20 25 Catfish (b) 1700 +/- 106 < 8 < 8 < 10 08/09 08 Fish (a) 1310 + 241 <20 <20 < 30 08/06 25 Fish (a) 1810 i 261 <20 <20 < 20 08/09 08 Catfish (b) 1390 +/- 374 <30 <20 < 30 08/07 25 Catfish (b) 2080 +/- 228 <20 < 10 < 20 Average 08 1525 + 486 25.5 4 4.6
       + 2 s.d.

25 1780 + 462 23.5 + 3.7

  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were <LLD.

(a) Non-bottom dwelling species of gamefish. (b) Bottom dwelling species of fish. 78


  • CONCENTRATIONS IN FOOD AND VEGETATION North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 pCi/kg 4 2 Sigma Page 2 of 2 Collection B IDate Be-7 K-40 1-131 Ru-i103 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ra-226 Th-228 STATION 23 04/19 2360 +/- 409 25100 +/- 1090 < 60 < 80 < 70 (a) < 70 < 110 203 +/- 37.0 05/16 663 +/- 100 16400 +/- 620 < 20 < 40 < 30 < 30 < 460 < 60 06/20 549 +/- 101 29600 +/- 1090 < 40 < 30 < 20 < 20 < 630 < 30 07/19 < 930 29400 +/- 1340 52.0 i 23.0 < 80 < 50 < 60 < 1400 83.3 +/- 32.0 08/27 1580 +/- 155 19700 +/- 820 < 20 < 30 < 30 < 40 < 770 < 40 09/20 1310 i 130 14900 +/- 610 < 20 < 30 < 30 < 40 < 750 < 50 Average 1828 +/- 5758 22480 + 14904 52.0 +/- 23.0 47.9 +/- 12.0 834 i 989 188 +/- 418
 +/- 2 s.d.
  • All gamma emitters other than those listed were <LLD.

(a) Due to small sample size, the LLD was missed. 79

TABLE B-14: DIRECTRADIATIONMEASUREMENTS - QUARTERLYAND ANNUAL TLD RESULTS North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 Std. Month (30.4 days) + 2 Sigma Page 1 of 1 Station First Qtr Second Qtr Third Qtr Fourth Qtr Quarterly Annual TLD Number 01/11/01 04/05/01 07/12/01 10/03/01 Average 01/11/01 04/05/01 07/12/01 10/03/01 01/08/01 01/08/02 01 6.0 6.0 4.1 3.8 5.0 i 2.4 4.7 02 2.7 2.7 1.6 2.6 2.4 +/- 1.1 1.9 03 2.4 2.6 1.7 1.3 2.0 +/- 1.2 1.8 04 2.5 3.4 2.7 1.8 2.6 +/- 1.3 2.2 05 3.9 2.8 3.5 4.1 3.6 +/- 1.1 2.9 05A 2.9 1.7 2.4 1.7 2.2 +/- 1.2 2.1 06 5.1

  • 4.0 3.5 4.2 +/- 1.6 1.7 07 3.3 2.3 2.7 3.4 2.9 i 1.0 2.5 21 3.8 2.5 1.7 3.0 2.7 +/- 1.8 2.6 22 4.8 3.5 4.4 3.4 4.0 +/- 1.4 3.6 23 5.5 4.9 3.3 5.4 4.8 +/- 2.0 4.5 24 4.2 3.4 1.5 2.4 2.9 +/- 2.3 2.7 Average 3.9 +/- 2.4 3.2 i 2.5 2.8 +/- 2.1 3.0 +/- 2.3 3.3 +/- 2.0 2.8 +/- 2.0
  + 2 s.d.
  • Refer to Section lIl, "REMP Exceptions for Scheduled Sampling and Analysis During 2001" 80

TABLEB-15: DIRECTRADL4TIONMEASUREMENTS-SECTOR QUARTERLY TLD RESULTS North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 mR/Std. Month (30.4 days) + 2 Sigma Page 1 of 2 Station First Qtr Second Qtr Third Qtr Fourth Qtr Average lNumber 01/11 - 04/05 04105 - 07112 07112 - 10/03 10/03 - 01108 +/- 2 s.d. N-1 5.0 4.3 4.9 4.6 4.7 +/- 0.6 N-2 3.0 2.8 3.5 2.9 3.0 +/- 0.7 NNE-3 7.5 8.1 6.7 7.0 7.3 +/- 1.2 NNE-4 4.6 4.2 4.1 4.4 4.3 +/- 0.4 NE-5 6.0 5.8 5.9 5.7 5.9 +/- 0.2 NE-6 3.8 4.1 3.7 3.8 3.8 +/- 0.3 ENE-7 4.8 3.1 6.1 4.9 4.7 +/- 2.5 ENE-8 3.1 3.2 2.7 3.2 3.1 +/- 0.5 E-9 5.2 4.6 4.6 5.7 5.0 +/- 1.1 E-10 5.0 4.5 4.5 5.0 4.7 +/- 0.6 ESE-11 4.3 3.1 3.6 4.1 3.8 +/- 1.1 ESE-12 5.2

  • 4.0 4.6 4.6 +/- 1.2 SE-13 4.6 4.5 3.3 4.1 4.1 +/- 1.2 SE-14 7.3 5.4 6.4 6.3 6.4 +/- 1.5 SSE-15 5.0 3.8 5.6 4.8 4.8 +/- 1.5 SSE-16 3.5 4.0 2.6 3.5 3.4 +/- 1.1 S-17 8.2 7.8 6.7 7.2 7.5 +/- 1.3 S-18 2.7 1.7 1.1 2.4 2.0 +/- 1.5 SSW-19 9.1 9.0 8.1 10.1 9.1 +/- 1.6 SSW-20 2.5 2.3 1.7 1.4 2.0 +/- 1.0 SW-21 4.4 3.4 3.4 2.8 3.5 +/- 1.3 SW-22 4.7 4.5 4.0 4.8 4.5 +/- 0.8 WSW-23 5.5 4.3 5.0 3.6 4.6 +/- 1.7 WSW-24 5.0 5.1 5.6 2.7 4.6 +/- 2.5 W-25 6.3 6.1 6.4 4.4 5.8 +/- 1.9 W-26 3.0 2.4 2.1 1.6 2.3 +/- 1.1 WNW-27 3.7 2.2 2.6 2.2 2.7 +/- 1.5 WNW-28 3.4 3.3 3.0 1.9 2.9 +/- 1.3 NW-29 6.9 6.9 5.8 6.5 6.5 +/- 1.0 NW-30 2.9 3.4 0.7 1.5 2.1 +/- 2.5 NNW-31 4.3 4.0 3.0 2.5 3.4 +/- 1.7 NNW-32 4.1 4.2 3.0 2.8 3.5 +/- 1.5 N-33 5.2 5.5 4.2 3.2 4.5 +/- 2.1 N-34 3.5 2.9 2.0 2.6 2.8 +/- 1.2 NNE-35 7.8 7.4 4.6 4.9 6.2 +/- 3.3 NNE-36
  • 3.1 3.9 2.7 3.3 +/- 1.3 NE-37 5.5 6.5 3.5 4.0 4.9 +/- 2.8 NE-38 3.5 4.2 3.2 1.9 3.2 +/- 2.0 ENE-39 5.1 5.0 4.0 3.6 4.4 +/- 1.5 ENE-40 3.3 3.8 2.7 2.1 3.0 +/- 1.5 E-41 5.3 5.4 4.5 4.0 4.8 +/- 1.4
  • Refer to Section lil, "REMP Exceptions for Scheduled Sampling and Analysis During 2001l 81

TABLE B-15: DIRECT RADL4TION MEASUREMENTS - SECTOR QUARTERLY TLD RESULTS North Anna Power Station, Louisa County, Virginia - 2001 mR/Std. Month (30.4 days) + 2 Sigma Page 2 of 2 Station First Qtr Second Qtr Third Qtr Fourth Qtr Average Number 01/11 - 04/05 04105 - 07/12 07/12 - 10/03 10/03 - 01108 t 2 s.d. E-42 4.7 6.2 5.0 3.1 4.8 +/- 2.6 ESE-43 4.2 4.7 3.8 4.2 4.2 +/- 0.8 ESE-44 5.1

  • 4.0 3.1 4.1 +/-2.0 SE-45 4.3 4.8 3.6 4.7 4.3 +/- 1.1 SE-46 7.1 7.1 6.2 5.2 6.4 +/- 1.9 SSE-47 5.2 5.2 5.6 3.7 4.9 +/- 1.6 SSE-48 3.3 3.4 1.8 3.2 2.9 +/- 1.5 S-49 7.6 7.7 5.6 8.1 7.3 +/- 2.3 S-50 2.8 2.7 1.7 2.5 2.4 +/- 1.0 SSW-51 9.2 10.5 8.2 17.4 11.3 +/- 8.3 SSW-52 2.6 2.7 2.0 2.7 2.5 +/- 0.6 SW-53 4.5 4.0 3.9 4.5 4.2 +/- 0.6 SW-54 4.8 3.5 2.9 4.5 3.9 +/- 1.8 WSW-55 5.7 5.9 5.6 5.0 5.5 +/- 0.8 WSW-56 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.7 4.6 +/- 0.3 W-57 6.5 6.0 5.9 6.2 6.2 +/- 0.5 W-58 3.4 3.3 2.0 2.9 2.9 +/- 1.2 WNW-59 3.5 4.3 3.0 2.4 3.3 +/- 1.6 WNW-60 3.7 3.6 2.6 3.2 3.3 +/- 1.0 NW-61 6.2 6.1 6.0 7.0 6.3 +/- 1.0 NW-62
  • 3.0 2.4 2.6 2.6 +/- 0.6 NNW-63 3.5 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.6 +/- 0.1 NNW-64 3.3 3.8 2.4 4.0 3.4 +/- 1.5 C-1 3.3 2.2 1.8 3.1 2.6 +/- 1.5 C-2 3.3 3.7 2.7 2.9 3.2 +/- 0.9 C-3 3.5 2.4 2.0 2.2 2.5 +/- 1.3 C-4 3.8 2.3 1.5 3.3 2.7 +/- 2.1 C-5 2.5 2.0 2.1 2.5 2.3 +/- 0.5 C-6 2.5 1.7 1.7 1.1 1.8 +/- 1.1 C-7 4.3 3.1 3.7 4.1 3.8 +/- 1.1 C-8 5.5 3.1 3.4 4.0 4.0 +/- 2.1 Average 4.8 +/- 3.2 4.5 +/- 3.6 4.0 +/- 3.4 4.2 +/- 4.4 4.4 +/- 3.4
  • Refer to Section Ill, "REMP Exceptions for Scheduled Sampling and Analysis During 2001" 82


DOMINION VIRGINIA POWER NORTH ANNA POWER STATION COMPARISON OF THE 2001 TO TILE 2000 LAND USE CENSUS I. No changes were observed in the nearest resident. II. No changes were observed in the nearest site boundary distances. III. No changes were observed in the nearest milk cow/goat status. IV. The following change was observed in the nearest vegetable garden as compared to the previous year:

a. Sector N 1.5 mi. to 1.8 mi.
b. Sector NNE 1.5 mi. to 1.6 mi.
c. Sector SSE 2.6 mi. to 1.3 mi.
d. Sector S 1.0 mi. to 1.2 mi.
e. Sector SSW 2.9 mi. to 1.6 mi.
f. Sector WSW 1.7 mi. to 2.0 mi.
g. Sector WNW 2.2 to None
h. Sector NW 1.2 mi. to 1.1 mi.

V. No changes were observed in the nearest meat animal status. 84

DOMINION VIRGINIA POWER NORTH ANNAPOWER STATION Annual Radiological Environmental Land Use Census Data for 2001 August 1 - September 8 N 2.4 1.4 3.5 2.9 NNE 1.4 1.4 2.3 2.5 NE 1.5 1.3 2.3 1.5 ENE 3.4 1.3 4.0 3.4 E 2.1 1.3 5.7 2.1 ESE 2.7 1.4 NONE 5.6 SE 2.3 1.4 2.3 2.3 SSE 1.6 1.5 4.5 2.1 S 1.7 1.5 NONE 1.9 SSW 1.9 1.6 3.1 2.6 SW 5.0 1.7 NONE 5.0 WSW 2.7 1.8 2.7 3.2 W 2.4 1.7 7.1 8.0 WNW 1.8 1.6 6.5 NONE NW 1.7 1.6 NONE 1.8 NNW 1.6 1.4 3.2 1.9

  • Note: No milch cow or goats within a 5 mile radius of North Anna Power Station km = kilometer 85

DOMINION VIRGINIA POWER NORTH ANNA POWER STATION Annual Radiological Environmental Land Use Census Data for 2001 August 1 - September 8 Nearest Nearest Site Milch* Meat Milch* Veg. Garden Sector Resident Boundary Cow Animal Goat 500 Sq. Ft. M M M M M M N 1.5 0.9 2.2 1.8 NNE 0.9 0.9 1.5 1.6 NE 0.9 0.8 1.4 0.9 ENE 2.1 0.8 2.5 2.1 E 1.3 0.8 3.5 1.3 ESE 1.7 0.9 NONE 3.5 SE 1.4 0.9 1.4 1.4 SSE 1.0 0.9 2.8 1.3 S 1.1 0.9 NONE 1.2 SSW 1.2 1.0 2.0 1.6 SW 3.1 1.1 NONE 3.1 WSW 1.7 1.1 1.7 2.0 W 1.5 1.1 4.4 5.0 WNW 1.1 1.0 4.1 NONE NW 1.0 1.0 NONE 1.1 NNW 1.0 0.9 2.0 1.2

  • Note: No mitch cow or goats within a 5 mile radius of North Anna Power Station M= mile 86


ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES SYNOPSIS Appendix D is a synopsis of the analytical procedures performed on samples collected for the North Anna Power Station's Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. All analyses have been mutually agreed upon by Dominion Virginia Power and Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services and include those recommended by the USNRC Branch Technical Position, Rev. 1, November 1979. ANALYSIS TITLE PAGE Gross Beta Analysis of Samples....................................... 89 Airborne Particulates ....................................... 89 Water ....................................... 90 Analysis of Samples for Tritium (Liquid Scintillation)....................................... 91 Water ....................................... 91 Analysis of Samples for Strontium-89 and 90 ....................................... 92 Water ....................................... 92 Milk ....................................... 92 Soil and Sediment ....................................... 92 Organic Solids....................................... 92 Air Particulates....................................... 93 Analysis of Samples for Iodine-131 ....................................... 95 Milk or Water....................................... 95 Gamma Spectrometry of Samples....................................... 96 Milk and Water ....................................... 96 Dried Solids other than Solids and Sediment ....................................... 96 Fish....................................... 96 Soils and Sediments ....................................... 96 Charcoal Cartridge (Air Iodine)....................................... 96 Airborne Particulates ....................................... 96 Environmental Dosimetry....................................... 98 88

GROSS BETA ANALYSIS OFSAMPLES Air Particulates After a delay of five or more days, allowing for the radon-222 and radon-220 (thoron) daughter products to decay, the filters are counted in a gas-flow proportional counter. An unused air particulate filter, supplied by the customer, is counted as the blank. Calculations of the result, the two sigma error and the lower limit of detection (LLD): RESULT (pCi/rn3 ) = ((S/T) - (B/t))/(2.22 V E) TWO SIGMA ERROR (pCi/m 3 ) = 2((S/T2 ) + (B/t2 ))"/2 /2.22 V E) LLD (pCi3) = 4.66 (B 2)/2.22 V E t) where: S = Gross counts of sample including blank B = Counts of Blank E = Counting Efficiency T = Number of minutes sample was counted t = Number of minutes blank was counted V = Sample aliquot size (cubic meters) 89

DETERMINATION OF GROSS BETA ACTIVITY IN WA TER SAMPLES Introduction The procedures described in this section are used to measure the overall radioactivity of water samples without identifying the radioactive species present. No chemical separation techniques are involved. One liter of the sample is evaporated on a hot plate. A smaller volume may be used if the sample has a significant salt content as measured by a conductivity meter. If requested by the customer, the sample is filtered through the No. 54 filter paper before evaporation, removing particles greater than 30 microns in size. After evaporating to a small volume in a beaker, the sample is rinsed into a 2-inch diameter stainless steel planchette which is stamped with a concentric ring pattern to distribute residue evenly. Final evaporation to dryness takes place under heat lamps. Residue mass is determined by weighing the planchette before and after mounting the sample. The planchette is counted for beta activity on an automatic proportional counter. Results are calculated using empirical self-absorption curves which allow for the change in effective efficiency caused by the residue mass. Detection Capability Detection capability depends upon the sample volume actually represented on the planchette, the background and the efficiency of the counting instrument, and upon self-absorption of beta particles by the mounted sample. Because the radioactive species are not identified, no decay corrections are made and the reported activity refers to the counting time. The minimum detectable level (MDL) for water samples is nominally 1.6 picoCuries per liter for gross beta at the 4.66 sigma level (1.0 pCi/I at the 2.83 sigma level), assuming that 1 liter of sample is used and that 1/2 gram of sample residue is mounted on the planchette. These figures are based upon counting time of 50 minutes and upon representative values of counting efficiency and background of 0.2 and 1.2 cpm, respectively. The MDL becomes significantly lower as the mount weight decreases because of reduced self-absorption. At a zero mount weight, the 4.66 sigma MDL for gross beta is 0.9 picoCuries per liter. These values reflect a beta counting efficiency of 0.38. 90

ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES FOR TRITIUM (LiquidScintillation) Water Ten millimeters of water are mixed with 10 ml of a liquid scintillation "cocktail" and then the mixture is counted in an automatic liquid scintillator. Calculation of the result, the two sigma error and the lower limit detection (LLD) in pCi/l: RESULT = (N-B)/(2.22 V E) TWO SIGMA ERROR = 2(N + B)/(At)"2 / (2.22 V E) LLD = 4.66 (B/At) 1i/ (2.22 V E) where: N = the gross cpm of the sample B = the background of the detector in cpm 2.22 = conversion factor changing dpm to pCi V = volume of the sample in ml E - efficiency of the detector At = counting time for the sample 91

ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES FOR STRONTIUM-89 AND -90 Water Stable strontium carrier is added to 1 liter of sample and the volume is reduced by evaporation. Strontium is precipitated as Sr(NO3 )2 using nitric acid. A barium scavenge and an iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge are performed followed by addition of stable yttrium carrier and a minimum of 5 day period for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer Sr-90 activity. Strontium-89 activity is determined by precipitating SrCO3 from the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is covered with an 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting. Milk Stable strontium carrier is added to 1 liter of sample and the sample is first evaporated, then ashed in a muffle furnace. The ash is dissolved and strontium is precipitated as phosphate, then is dissolved and precipitated as SrNO3 using fuming (90%) nitric acid. A barium chromate scavenge and an iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge are then performed. Stable yttrium carrier is added and the sample is allowed to stand for a minimum of 5 days for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and then re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer Sr-90 activity. Strontium-89 is determined by precipitating SrCO3 from the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is covered with an 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting. Soil and Sediment The sample is first dried under heat lamps and an aliquot is taken. Stable strontium carrier is added and the sample is leached in hydrochloric acid. The mixture is filtered and strontium is precipitated from the liquid portion as phosphate. Strontium is precipitated as Sr(NO3 )2 using fuming (90%) nitric acid. A barium chromate scavenge and an iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge are then performed. Stable yttrium carrier is added and the sample is allowed to stand for a minimum of 5 days for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer Sr-90 activity. Strontium-89 is determined by precipitating SrCO3 from the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is covered with an 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting. Organic Solids A wet portion of the sample is dried and then ashed in a muffle furnace. Stable strontium carrier is added and the ash is leached in hydrochloric acid. The sample is filtered and strontium is precipitated from the liquid portion as phosphate. Strontium is precipitated as (SrNO3 )2 using fuming (90%) nitric acid. An iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge is performed, followed by addition of stable yttrium carrier and a minimum of 5 days period for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer strontium-90 activity. Strontium-89 activity is determined by precipitating SrCO3 from the sample after 92

yttrium separation. This precipitate is counted on a nylon planchette and is covered with an 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting. Air Particulates Stable strontium carrier is added to the sample and it is leached in nitric acid to bring deposits into solution. The mixture is then filtered and the filtrate is reduced in volume by evaporation. Strontium is precipitated as Sr(NO3 )2 using fuming (90%) nitric acid. A barium scavenge is used to remove some interfering species. An iron (ferric hydroxide) scavenge is performed, followed by addition of stable yttrium carrier and a 7 to 10 day period for yttrium ingrowth. Yttrium is then precipitated as hydroxide, dissolved and re-precipitated as oxalate. The yttrium oxalate is mounted on a nylon planchette and is counted in a low level beta counter to infer strontium-90 activity. Strontium-89 activity is determined by precipitating SrCO3 from the sample after yttrium separation. This precipitate is counted on a nylon planchette and is covered with 80 mg/cm2 aluminum absorber for low level beta counting. Calculations of the result, two sigma errors and lower limits of detection (LLD) are expressed in activity of pCi/volume or pCi/mass: RESULT Sr-89 = (N/At-Bc-BA)/(2.22 V Ys DFsr,ggESr-89) TWO SIGMA ERROR Sr-89 = 2(N/At+Bc+BA)/(At)"/ 2 /(2.22 V YsDFsr-8 9 Esr-8 9 ) LLD Sr-89 = 4.66(Bc+BA)/(At)1 12 /(2.22 V YsDFsr-8 9 Esr-89 ) RESULT Sr-90 = (N/At-B)/(2.22 V Y1 Y2 DF IF E) TWO SIGMA ERROR Sr-90 = 2(N/At+B)/(At)"/2/(2.22 V Yi Y2 DF E IF) LLD Sr-90 = 4.66(BC+BA)/(At) 1/21(2.22 V Y, Y2 IF DF E) Where: N = total counts from sample At = counting time for sample (min) Bc background rate of counter (cpm) using absorber Configuration. 2.22 dpm /pCi V = volume or weight of sample analyzed BA = background addition from Sr-90 and ingrowth of Y-90 Bc 0.01 6(K) +((K) Ey/abs)(IGy_so) Ys = chemical yield of strontium DFsr-89= decay factor from the mid collection date to the counting date for Sr-89 K = (NAt-Bc)y_ 9 o/(Ey_so IFy-so DFy_9 oYj) DFy-so = the decay factor for Y-90 from the "milk" time to the mid count time Ey-go = efficiency of the counter for Y-90 93

IFygo = ingrowth factor for Y-90 from scavenge to time to milkingtime IGy-go = the ingrowth factor for Y-90 into the strontium mount from the "milk" time to the mid count time 0.016 = the efficiency of measuring Sr-90 through a No. 6 absorber EY/abs = the efficiency of counting Y-90 through a No. 6 absorber B = background rate of counter (cpm) Yi = chemical yield of yttrium Y2 = chemical yield of strontium DF = decay factor of yttrium from the radiochemical milking time to the mid count time E = efficiency of the counter for Y-90 IF = ingrowth factor for Y-90 from scavenge time to the radiochemical milking time 94

ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES FOR IODINE-131 Milk or Water Two liters of sample are first equilibrated with stable iodide carrier. A batch treatment with anion exchange resin is used to remove iodine from the sample. The iodine is then stripped from the resin with sodium hypochlorite solution, is reduced with hydroxylamine hydrochloride and is extracted into carbon tetrachloride as free iodine. It is then back-extracted as iodide into sodium bisulfite solution and is precipitated as palladium iodide. The sodium bisulfite solution is precipitated as palladium iodide. The precipitate is weighed for chemical yield and is mounted on a nylon planchette for low level beta counting. The chemical yield is corrected by measuring the stable iodide content of the milk or the water with a specific ion electrode. Calculations of results, two sigma error and the lower limit of detection (LLD) in pCi/l: RESULT = (N/At-B)/(2.22 V Y DF) TWO SIGMA ERROR = 2((N/At+B) /At)" 2 /(2.22 E V Y DF) LLD = 4.66(B/At)" 2 /(2.22 E V Y DF) Where N = total counts from sample At = counting time for sample (min) B background rate of counter 2.22 = dpm/pCi V = volume or weight of sample analyzed Y = chemical yield of the mount or sample counted DF = decay factor from the collection to the counting date E = efficiency of the counter for 1-131, corrected for self absorption effects by the formula E = Es(exp-0.0061M)/(exp-0.006lMs) Es = efficiency of the counter determined from an 1-131 standard mount Ms = mass of Pdl2 on the standard mount, mg M = mass of PdI2 on the sample mount, mg 95

GAMMASPECTROMETRY OF SAMPLES Milk and Water A 1.0 liter Marinelli beaker is filled with a representative aliquot of the sample. The sample is then counted for approximately 1000 minutes with a shielded high purity germanium (HPGe) detector coupled to a personal computer (PC)-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis. Dried Solids Other Than Soil and Sediments A large quantity of the sample is dried at a low temperature, less than 100°C. As much as possible (up to the total sample) is loaded into a tared 1-liter Marinelli and weighed. The sample is then counted for approximately 1000 minutes with a shielded HPGe detector coupled to a PC-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis. Fish As much as possible (up to the total sample) of the edible portion of the sample is loaded into a tared Marinelli and weighed. The sample is then counted for approximately 100 minutes with a shield HPGe detector coupled to a PC-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis. Soil and Sediments Soils and sediments are dried at a low temperature, less than 100°C. The soil or sediment is loaded fully into a tared, standard 300 cc container and weighed. The sample is then counted for approximately six hours with a shielded HPGe detector coupled to a PC-computer-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height and analysis. Charcoal Cartridges (Air Iodine) Charcoal cartridges are counted up to five at a time, with one positioned on the face of a HPGe detector and up to four on the side of the HPGe detector. Each HPGe detector is calibrated for both positions. The detection limit for 1-131 of each charcoal cartridge can be determined (assuming no positive 1-131) uniquely from the volume of air which passed through it. In the event 1-131 is observed in the initial counting of a set, each charcoal cartridge is then counted separately, positioned on the face of the detector. Air Particulates The thirteen airborne particulate filters for a quarterly composite for each field station are aligned one in front of another and then counted for at least six hours with a shielded HPGe detector coupled to a PC-based data acquisition system which performs pulse height analysis. A PC software program defines peaks by certain changes in the slope of the spectrum. The program also compares the energy of each peak with a library of peaks for isotope identification and then performs the radioactivity calculation using the appropriate fractional gamma ray abundance, half life, detector efficiency, and net counts in the peak region. 96

Calculation of results, two sigma error and the lower limit of detection (LLD) in pCi/volume of pCi/mass: RESULT = (s-b)/(2.22 T E V F DF) TWO SIGMA ERROR - 2(S+B)" 2 /(2.22 t E V F DF) LLD = 4.66 (B)" 2 /(2.22 t E V F DF) where: S = Area, in counts, of sample peak and background (region of spectrum of interest.) B = Background area, in counts, under sample peak, determined by a linear interpolation of the representative backgrounds on peak. t = length of time in minutes the sample was counted 2.22 = dpm/pCi E = detector efficiency for energy of interest and geometry of sample V = sample aliquot size (liters, cubic meters, kilograms, or grams) F - fractional gamma abundance (specific for each emitted gamma) DF = decay factor from the mid-collection date to the counting date 97

ENVIRONMENTAL DOSIMETRY ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Services (ICN) uses a Harshaw/Bicron NE 210 thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD). The TLD is composed of 2 CaF and 2 LiF sensitive elements. These materials have a high light output, negligible thermally induced fading and, and negligible self-dosing. The energy response curve and all other features satisfy NRC Reg. Guide 4.13. Transit doses are accounted are accounted for by using separate TLD's. A Harshaw/Bicron NE 8800 Automatic TLD Reader processes the TLD's at ICN after each filed exposure. The 8800 reader heats each element by passing hot Nitrogen gas over the sensitive element causing the TLD to emit light. The reader records the light output. The ICN Environmental Algorithm and members of the ICN Technical staff evaluate and investigate any irregularities before reporting to the client. The average and 2-sigma error are calculated for each station in the following manner: N ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 365.25 = ~) (_ _ Eavg_ ) Emo == = 12ADN 2a = 2- 1 =' 2u2N-1 Where: Emon = Element Average/Month Ri = Element Result N = Number of Elements D = Total days in field 98


INTERLABORA4TOR Y COMPARISIONPROGRAM A review of the 1999 Interlaboratory Comparison Program verified that Teledyne Brown Engineering (TBE) did not perform iodine-131, strontium-89, strontium-90, or gamma analyses on milk samples. TBE presumed, erroneously, that we were meeting client contract requirements. The 2001 Interlaboratory Comparison Program includes all contractually required analyses with the exception of I- 131 in water, strontium-89 and strontium-90 in milk as described below. These has been included in the TBE blanket purchase order for Analytics and Environmental Resource Associates (ERA) for the year 2002. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) discontinued their Interlaboratory Comparison Program in December 1998. However, on May 1, 2001, accreditation was granted to Environmental Resource Associates' RadCheM Proficiency Testing Program to complete the process of replacing the USEPA EMSL-LV Nuclear Radiation Assessment Division program. Although TBE Environmental Services participated in the EPA program, there was a lapse in time between the period of the closure of the EPA program and the commencement of the ERA program. We have objective evidence that TBE participates in these commercial ICP programs as well as documentation that we are continuing to do so. For the year 2001 and forward, the determinations in TBE's ICP program are equivalent to or exceed the NRC requirements. This has been verified for all the Nuclear Utility clients. However, in order to ensure this information has been communicated to all the utilities, a copy of this letter is being included in all 2001 annual reports for all utility clients. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Environmental Measurement Laboratory (EML) provides a comprehensive and extensive intercomparison/performance evaluation program. TBE participates in this program twice annually. The program offers an extensive and industry accepted matrix and radionuclide representation. The results supporting our first quarter 2001 strontium-89, strontium-90, and iodine-131 in water was obtained from the EML program based on the receipt schedule of the samples as compared to the start up of the TBE Knoxville laboratory in early 2001. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is the approval authority for laboratory providers participating in Intercomparison Study Programs; however, at this time, there are no approved laboratories for environmental and/or radiochemical isotope analyses. Trending graphs are provided in this section for the Analytics, ERA, and DOE/EML Program when there were at least two data points to plot. Exceptions 2001 During 2001, several Interlaboratory Comparison Program (ICP) analyses were not performed as required by the ODCM. This omission was found during the last half of 2001. The omitted analyses occurred during the first half of 2001 while TBE facilities were in transition to the Knoxville, TN facility. The omissions follow.

  • Water analysis for iodine-131
  • Milk analysis for strontium-89
  • Milk analysis for strontium-90 To prevent recurrence, Dominion initiated internal commitment tracking by Radiological Protection Department to verify status and compliance by TBE on a quarterly basis. This tracking identified the above omission. TBE now has blanket purchase orders with Analytics and ERA to eliminate the recurrence of this anomaly. 100

ANALYTICS ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY CROSS CHECK PROGRAM TELEDYNE QC SPIKE PROGRAM TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (PAGE 1 OF 3) Identification Reported Known Ratio (c) Month/Year Number Matrix Nuclide Units Value (a) Value (b) TBE/Analytics Evaluation (d) March, 2001 E2584-93 Milk 1-131 pCi/L 75 77 0.97 A Ce-141 pCi/L 166 162 1.03 A Cr-51 pCi/L 433 418 1.04 A Cs-1 34 pCi/L 212 223 0.95 A Cs-1 37 pCi/L 165 176 0.94 A Co-58 pCi/L 81 82 0.99 A Mn-54 pCi/L 172 175 0.98 A Fe-59 pCi/L 151 146 1.03 A Zn-65 pCi/L 314 322 0.98 A Co-60 pCi/L 254 254 1 A May, 2001 Al 4428-55 Water Sr-89 uCi/mL 2.50E-03 2.95E-03 0.85 A Sr-90 uCi/mL 2.OOE-04 2.27E-04 0.88 A A14429-55 Water Gr-Alpha uCi/mL 1.70E-04 1.45E-04 1.17 A A14434-55 Water Fe-55 uCi/mL 2.40E-04 2.53E-04 0.95 A June, 2001 2707 Charcoal 1-131 pci 104.5 81 1.29 W 2708 Charcoal 1-131 pci 84.8 72 1.18 A 2709 Charcoal 1-131 pci 99.6 92 1.08 A August, 2001 E2755-396 Milk Mn-54 pCi/L 131 124 1.06 A Co-58 pCi/L 68 68 1.00 A Fe-59 pCi/L 53 50 1.06 A Co-60 pCi/L 134 132 1.02 A Zn-65 pCi/L 172 162 1.06 A 1-131 pCi/L 76 86 0.88 A Cs-I 34 pCi/L 141 128 1.10 A Cs-1 37 pCi/L 126 120 1.05 A Ce-141 pCi/L 72 76 0.95 A August, 2001 E2757-396 AP Filter Ce-141 pci 79 74 1.07 A Cr-51 pci 100 90 1.11 A Cs-134 pci 109 125 0.87 A Cs-1 37 pci 140 116 1.21 w Co-58 pci 72 66 1.09 A Mn-54 pci 161 134 1.20 A Fe-59 pci 51 49 1.04 A Zn-65 pci 200 158 1.27 W Co-60 pci 148 128 1.16 A August, 2001 E2756A-396 Charcoal 1-131 pci 87 93 0.94 A All footnotes for this chart appear on page 3 of 3. 101

ANALYTICS ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY CROSS CHECK PROGRAM TELEDYNE QC SPIKE PROGRAM TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (PAGE 2 OF 3) Identification Reported Known Ratio (c) Month/Year Number Matrix Nuclide Units Value (a) Value (b) TBE/Analytics Evaluation (d) September, 2001 A14734-148 Liquid Sr-89 Total uCi 1.30E-03 1.55E-03 0.84 A Sr-90 Total uCi 1.OOE-04 1.12E-04 0.89 A September, 2001 A14735-148 Gas Xe-133 Total uCi 0.606 0.585 1.04 A Kr-85 Total uCi 8.53 8.42 1.01 A September, 2001 A14736-148 Charcoal 1-131 Total uCi 0.483 0.495 0.98 A September, 2001 A14737-148 Air Filter Ce-141 Total uCi 4.99E-02 5.25E-02 0.95 A Cr-51 Total uCi 1.68E-01 1.85E-01 0.91 A Cs-1 34 Total uCi 2.47E-02 2.97E-02 0.83 A Cs-1 37 Total uCi 5.18E-02 5.73E-02 0.90 A Co-58 Total uCi 4.60E-02 4.75E-02 0.97 A Mn-54 Total uCi 3.96E-02 4.02E-02 0.99 A Fe-59 Total uCi 2.99E-02 2.92E-02 1.02 A Zn-65 Total uCi 5.22E-02 5.12E-02 1.02 A Co-60 Total uCi 4.71 E-02 4.83E-02 0.98 A September, 2001 A14738-148 Liquid Gr-Alpha Total uCi 5.80E-04 4.67E-04 1.24 A September, 2001 A14286-148 Liquid Gr-Alpha uCi/cc 1.70E-04 1.45E-04 1.17 A H-3 uCi/cc 2.92E-03 1.77E-03 1.65 A September, 2001 E2772-396 Milk 1-131 pCi/L 100 91 1.10 A Ce-141 pCi/L 126 121 1.04 A Cr-51 pCi/L 349 366 0.95 A Cs-1 34 pCi/L 147 160 0.92 A Cs-1 37 pCi/L 321 319 1.01 A Co-58 pCi/L 190 177 1.07 A Mn-54 pCi/L 205 205 1.00 A Fe-59 pCi/L 85 86 0.99 A Zn-65 pCi/L 246 254 0.98 A Co-60 pCi/L 261 266 0.98 A September, 2001 E2773-396 Charcoal 1-131 pci 68.6 67 1.02 A All footnotes for this chart appear on page 3 of 3. 102

ANALYTICS ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY CROSS CHECK PROGRAM TELEDYNE QC SPIKE PROGRAM TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (PAGE 3 OF 3) Identification Reported Known Ratio (c) Month/Year Number Matrix Nuclide Units Value (a) Value (b) TBE/Analytics Evaluation (d) September, 2001 E2774-396 Air Filter Ce-141 pci 118 116 1.02 A Cr-51 pci 362 351 1.03 A Cs-1 34 pci 135 153 0.88 A Cs-1 37 pci 350 307 1.14 A Co-58 pci 184 170 1.08 A Mn-54 pci 230 197 1.17 A Fe-59 pci 100 82 1.22 w Zn-65 pci 305 244 1.25 w Co-60 pci 267 255 1.05 A December, 2001 E2980-396 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 75 85 0.96 A Sr-90 pCi/L 44 59 1.27 w Fe-55 pCi/L 108 99 1.09 A December, 2001 E-2981 -396 Milk 1-131 pCi/L 50 61 0.82 A Ce-1 41 pCi/L 352 379 0.93 A Cr-51 pCi/L 468 497 0.94 A Cs-1 34 pCi/L 173 199 0.87 A Cs-1 37 pCi/L 312 318 0.98 A Co-58 pCi/L 92 90 1.02 A Mn-54 pCi/L 148 149 0.99 A Fe-59 pCi/L 101 102 0.99 A Zn-65 pCi/L 192 206 0.93 A Co-60 pCi/L 322 353 0.93 A December, 2001 E-2983-396 Air Filter Ce-141 pci 185 181 1.02 A Cr-51 pci 190 237 0.80 A Cs-1 34 pci 74 95 0.78 w Cs-1 37 pci 163 152 1.07 A Co-58 pci 46 43 1.07 A Mn-54 pci 80 71 1.13 A Fe-59 pci 57 49 1.16 A Zn-65 pci 119 99 1.2 A Co-60 pci 165 169 0.98 A December, 2001 E-2982-396 Charcoal 1-131 pci 89 92 0.93 A (a) Teledyne Brown Engineering reported result. (b) The Analytics known value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation. (c) Ratio of Teledyne Brown Engineering to Analytics results. (d) Analytics evaluation: A= Acceptable. Reported result falls within ratio limits of 0.80-1.20. W=Acceptable with waming. Reported result falls within ratio limits of 0. 70-0.79 and 1.21-1.30. 103

DOEIEML ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY CROSS CHECK PROGRAM TELEDYNE QC SPIKE PROGRAM TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (PAGE 1 OF 1) Identification Reported Known Ratio (c) MonthNear Number Media Nuclide Units Value (a) Value (b) TBE/EML Evaluation (d) March, 2001 QAP 103 Air Filter Mn-54 Bq/filter 6.96 6.52 1.07 A Co-60 Bq/filter 19.4 19.44 1.00 A Cs-I 34 Bq/filter 2.59 2.83 0.92 A Cs-1 37 Bq/filter 9.52 8.76 1.09 A Gr-Alpha Bq/filter 3.33 3.97 0.84 A Gr-Beta Bq/filter 2.26 2.58 0.88 W Sr-90 Bq/filter 7.46 7.1 1.05 A March, 2001 QAP 103 Water Co-60 Bq/L 100.3 98.2 1.02 A Cs-I 37 Bq/L 75.8 73 1.04 A Gr-Alpha Bq/L 1600 1900 0.84 A Gr-Beta Bq/L 1200 1297 0.93 A May, 2001 Sr-90 Bq/L 4.57 4.4 1.04 A H-3 Bq/L 61.0 79.3 0.77 W June, 2001 QAP 2009 Air Filters Mn-54 Bq/filter 49.5 43.2 1.15 A Co-57 Bq/filter 15.2 14.5 1.05 A Co-60 Bq/filter 8.79 8.43 1.04 A Cs-1 37 Bq/filter 8.26 7.41 1.11 A Gr-Alpha Bq/filter 2.31 2.35 0.98 A Gr-Beta Bq/filter 1.79 1.52 1.18 A June, 2001 QAP 2009 Water Co-60 Bq/L 75.7 73.7 1.03 A Cs-1 37 Bq/L 69.3 67.0 1.03 A September, 2001 QAP 0109 Air Filters Mn-54 Bq/filter 97.1 81.15 1.197 A Co-60 Bq/filter 18.8 17.5 1.074 A Cs-1 34 Bq/filter 12.7 12.95 0.981 A Cs-I 37 Bq/filter 20.8 17.1 1.216 W Gr-Alpha Bq/filter 5.42 5.362 1.011 A Gr-Beta Bq/filter 12.0 12.77 0.94 A Sr-90 Bq/filter 2.56 3.481 0.735 W September, 2001 QAP 0109 Water Co-60 Bq/L 207.3 209.0 0.992 A Cs-1 37 Bq/L 47.7 45.133 1.057 A Gr-Alpha Bq/L 1333.0 1150.0 1.159 W Gr-Beta Bq/L 8533.0 7970.0 1.071 A Sr-90 Bq/L 4.76 3.729 1.276 W H-3 Bq/L 212.3 207.0 1.026 A (a) Teledyne Brown Engineerin reported result. (b) The DOE/EML known value is equal to 100% of the parameterpresent in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation. (c) Ratio of Teledyne Brown Engineering to DOE/EML results. (d) DOE/EML evaluation: A=acceptable, W=acceptable with waming, N=not acceptable. 104

ERA* ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY CROSS CHECK PROGRAM TELEDYNE QC SPIKE PROGRAM TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (PAGE 1 OF 1) Identification Reported Known Ratio (c) Month/Year Number Media Nuclide Units Value (a) Value (b) TBE/EML Evaluation (d) February, 2001 Rad-29 Water Co-60 pCi/L 95.5 91.1 1.05 A Cs-1 34 pCi/L 60.5 59.8 1.01 A Cs-137 pCi/L 48 45 1.07 A September, 2001 Rad-38 Water Ba-133 pCi/L 35.5 36 0.99 A Co-60 pCi/L 47.6 46.8 1.02 A Cs-1 34 pCi/L 15.5 15.9 0.97 A Cs-1 37 pCi/L 206 197 1.05 A Zn-65 pCi/L 35.4 36.2 0.98 A August, 2001 Rad-39 Water Total U pCi/L 60.3 52.9 1.14 A Ra-226 pCi/L 14.7 15.4 0.95 A September, 2001 Rad-40 Water Sr-89 pCi/L 26.4 31.2 0.85 A Sr-90 pCi/L 28.2 25.9 1.09 A Rad-41 Water Gr-Alpha pCi/L 15.2 17.8 0.85 A August, 2001 Gr-Beta pCi/L 52.0 53.0 0.98 A September, 2001 Rad-42 Water H-3 pCi/L 2370 2730 0.87 A December, 2001 12130109 Water 1-131 pCi/L 3.77 4.38 0.86 A All ERA samples are water. (a) Teledyne Brown Engineering reported result. (b) The ERA known value is equal to 100% of the parameter present in the standard as determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standard preparation. (c) Ratio of Teledyne Brown Engineering to ERA results. (d) ERA evaluation: A=acceptable. Reported result falls within the Waming Limits. NA=not acceptable. Reported result falls outside of the Control Limits. CE=check for Error. Reported result falls within the Control Limits and outside of the Waming Limit. 105

1,131 IN MILK 120 100 ;9 80 a Iu. 60 3 - 40 240 20 Jan-S8 Ju998 Doe9- Jun99 Dec-99 Jun-00 Dec-00 Jun01 Dec-01

                             *TSE EAnalics I Ce-141 IN MILK 1000 800 600 400                                                   S 200 8 a                                 6      ~       Ema

Jao98 Ju1-98 De-98 Jun99 De-99 Jun-o De-0 Jun01 Dec-01 l*TBE *Analptcsl 106

Gs-134 IN MILK 300 ISO p II a a 75 O . Ja-98 JUt98 Dec98 Jun-99 De-99 Jun-0 Dec,"O Jlnr01 De.-1 I*TBE *Analytis I t Cs-137 IN MILK 350 250 200 zso a V a 100 a a 50 a Ja,v98 .UI-98 Deo-98 .Jiz99 Dec-99 JU140 D00C JwOl Dec-01

                                 *+TBEEAnalCil Mn-S4 IN MILK 240  -

200 160 W U 12D 5 80 a 40 Jan-98 Ju1,98 Dec98 Jun99 De-99 Jur-o Dec-0C Ju-01 Dec-01

                                  *TSE flAnalytiCSl 107 C 17-

Sr-9O IN MILK 60 40

  • 20 *
  • a 20 Jul-99 Jn-99 Jul-9 Jan-0 Jul-00 Jannl JUl1 Jan-02
                               *OTBE EAnalytcsl Zn-65 IN MILK 350 300                                                             U 2505 200; 100 s0 Jan98   Jul-93 De-sB    Jun99       De,9      Ju0oo    Decc-0    Jun-1 Dengl l*TBE EAMny        Is Co-S0 IN MILK 400 350                                                                           I-300                                                                         4 250 200 150       &

50I 9O Jdt-98 Dec-98 Jun-O Dec-99 Jun-00 De-00 Jut-1 Dec-1

                                 *TBE EAnalytcsI 108 C-v.;

Co-58 In Milk 200 180 3 I60 140 120 INU 60 U 40 20 0 Oct-00 Jan-01 May-01 AugO1 Deo-01

  • TBE EAnalytics t

109 C1l'

Sr-89 IN MILK 100 - so  ; U 40 20

  • 0 De099 Mar-00 Judo Od400 Feb-01 Jugl Sep-01 Jan02 l*TBE EAnalytiCS Mamh, 2000 - Inconed rnmingof eimbon coiumn resulted in Im esut.


Ce-141 IN FILTERS 6D0 500 U 400 300 200 100 9 ~~a 0 JD1-98 hi-98 Dec98 Ju-99 Dec-99 hz-00 De-00 Jun-01 DOeo-ITBE rAsialyry sI Cr41 IN FILTERS 900 700 600 500 4DO 3000 200 . I a i 100 a - 0II JDn98 JulD'O Dec-98 Ju-99 Drec99 SnDD DD Jun-01 Deo-0

  • TBEEAnalytsl Cs-134 IN FILTERS 180 160 U 140 120 -

soo 60 490 20 D I . . I I . Jan9O8 iJi- Dec-9 JSz.D99 Dec-9 Jun0D Deo-DD An-01 Dec0 l*TBE EAnalytisI ill

Cs-137 IN FILTERS 450 300 150 a a3 Iia-- 0 Ja-98 JIM-s Dc98 Ju-99 De99 Jun-0 Dee-0C Jun-01 Decr01 I*TBE *AnalyLcs t Mn-54 IN FILTERS 180 so. .... 120 0 40 . 5 0 ~ Jan-9s Je Dec-O Jun99 Dec-9 Jn-o00 Dec-00 Jun-Cl D01 I *TBE EAnalyksml Fe-S9 IN FILTERS 2.00 SO 60 I 40 20 00 4 - 60 40 a I 0 Ja*-Oe se Dee-8 Jim-99 Dec-9 JIA-C0 DJ0 -1 Dec ol I*TE EAnalyicsI 112

Zn45 IN FILTERS 300 200p 150 50U 0 Ja,-8 Ji98 DecS Ju-99 Dee-99 Jw-00 Dec00 Jumn-U Decl

                                     *TBE     EAnalytiCS Co-60 IN FILTERS 300 250                                                                           p 200 150-                                                                        ,   U 100                                                         i IO 50 JanSS8 Jtd-98   Dec-98      Jl-99J       Dec-99    Jun0    Dec-00   Ju-l     Dec01
                                     *TBE UAnalytics Co-S8 IN FILTERS 2D0 180
  • 140 120 100 120 0

Mar-00 Jun40 Oct4-0 Jan1 Ap-01 Ju141 Nov-01 Feb-02

  • EAnalyCS 13TBE 113

H-3 IN WATER 1000 100 10 0.1 0.01 Je9 is-9O Dec-s J99 Dec-99 Ju-oo Dec-oO .fo-1 Decoo l*TBE mAnalytics i Sr-89 IN WATER 1000 100 9 10 I O.1 0.01 0.001 I * . Jans JIs Dec-s Ji99 Dec99 Jim-O Dec-00 Ju 1-01 DecO1 l*TBE EAnalytics I Sr-90 IN WATER 1000 _. 1oo _ 10 i 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 M.OM, I Jan-s8 Ju98 Deo-9D Jun-99 De-99 Jun-oo De-00 Jun-l Dee-1 I*TBE AnaIytcsl 114

GROSS ALPHA IN WATER 1000 10 0.1 a A 0.00001 Ag-99 Feb-00 Aug-00 Jan01 Jul01 De-01 t I*TBE EAnoYfisl 115 Clv

1-131IN CHARCOAL CARTRIDGE 1000 1 o.1 I - I - Jan-0 May-40 Aug-0 NWv0- Feb-01 Ju01 Sep-01 Dec01 I*TBEEAnaltosl 116

Ba-133 IN WATER 120 100 60 40 n 20 J400 May-O0 Aug-0 Nov-0 Feb-01 Jw-0o Sep-01 Dec01

                                  *TBE     *ERA Co-60 IN WATER 120 100 80 60 40                                                                  a 20 O-Oct-99 Jan-w0   May-00    kg-00       Na-OO      Feb-01    Jw41   Sep-DI  Dec-1
  • TBE *ERAl 50*

70 60 40 30 20-10 - Cs-134 IN WATER Od-99 Jan-w0 May-40 Aug-00 Nov-O Feb-01 Jw41l Sep-01 Dec-01 r.TBE UERAH 117 0 2- 2

CS-137 IN WATER 250 200 ISO too 50 a O-Oct-s Jan40 May-40 Aug-q0 Nov4-0 Feb-41 Jun-ol Sep41 Dec4l I*TBE *ERA] Febmray, 2001- Aj,aly errr or equipment eUre. Zn-SO IN WATER 40 35 30 25 20 JaDem Feb-01 Apr-01 Ju-cl JuFe4l Sep-1 Nov-01 De Sr-89 IN WATER 35 l-TBE *ERAl 30U 254 [18 20 15 IC Dec-99 May-CO Oct-Go Feb-01 Jte-01 DeeOl

                                              *TBE     EERA]

118 C%Z3

Sr-90IN WATER 40-30

  • a 20 10 0

Dec-99 May-00 Od400 Feb-1 JuI4l Dec-01 I I-"itcE EiAa

                                                       . *tt AI                       I e GROSS ALPHA IN WATER 100 80          a 60 40 20 0I Dec-99               May-o                Oct-DO           Fe1,01 Jul-0    Dec-0 Febarury, 2001 - AnalWs errr or equipment falieur.

GROSS BETA IN WATER bO 50 I 40 30 20 a 10 Dec99 May.00 oc-00 Feb-01 Ju1,1 Dec01 I*TBE *ERAl 119


 ¶000 too 10 Jan00         Jul-10          Dec-Oo         Jun-41       Deo41 l*TBE *ERAl 1-131 IN WATER S

U 4 2 I 0 Jan-00 Ju140 Dec-00 Jun-01 Dec4l

                          *TSE.      ERAl 120

Mn-54 IN AIR PARTICULATES 100 80 U 60 40 20 a 0 I Feb-01 Jul-01 Dec-01 l*TBE EDOEIEML Co-S0 IN AIR PARTICULATES 30 25 20 - 15 10 i 5 Feb-01 Jul-01 DeC 01

                   *TBE EDOE/EMLl Cs-134 IN AIR PARTICULATES 10 8

6 4 2 _ oI Feb-01 Jul01 Dec-01

                   *TB8E EDOEBEMLl 121

Cs-137 IN AIR PARTICULATES 30 _ 25 20 15

  • 10 0 5

0 Feb-01 Jul-01 Dec1 1 r*TBE EDOE/EMLl GROSS ALPHA IN AIR PARTICULATES 10 8 6 a 4 -U 4 2 Feb-01 Jul01 De-01 r*TBE EDOEIEML GROSS BETA IN AIR PARTICULATES 20 16 12 9 4 U a Feb-01 Ju-01 Dec-01 l*TBE *DOEJEML l 122 CVLI

Sr-90 IN AIR PARTICULATES I0 a a 6 4 2

  • Feb-01 Jul-01 Dec-Cl

4 0 Feb-Cl Jul-01 Dec-Cl

             -*-  TBE -- 11-DOESEML 123

Co-S IN WATER 250 200 a 150 100

  • a 50 0

Feb-01 Jul-01 De;13

                    *TE     MEOOEIEMLl Cs-137 IN WATER 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0II Feb-01               Jul-01           DecOl
                   *GTBE EDOEIEMLl GROSS ALPHA IN WATER 3000         -

2600 2200 1800 1400 0 1000 I Feb-01 Jul-1 DecO1 F*TBE EDWEIEML1 124 cz9

GROSS BETA IN WATER 9000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 0 Feb-01 Jul-14 Dec4l

              *TBE      EDOEIEML l Sr-90 IN WATER 10 9

S 7 6-5. 3 2 1 0* Feb-01 Jul-01 Dec-01 F*TBE EDaEJEML H-3 IN WATER 250 200 p 150 100 50 50

  • I Feb-01 Jul-01 Drc-1
             *TE UDOEIEMLl 125 C30}}