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Final Status Survey Final Report Phase VI - Appendix A14, Survey Unit Release Record 9527-0006, East Mountain Side, Book 15 of 18
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Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 02/01/2007
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML070740675 (182)


{{#Wiki_filter:,1 I 4-o.~ of1 Final Status Survey Final Report Phase VI Appendix A14 Survey Unit Release Record 9527-0006, East Mountain Side February 2007

CYAPCO FINAL STATUS SURVEY RELEASE RECORD EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 Prepared By: Date: //'2VA FSS Engi e Reviewed By: t*,. S /Date: / ES ngineer Approved By: Date: db//07 Technical Support Manager Revision 0


1. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION ...................................................... 3
2. CLASSIFICATION BASIS ................................................................ 3
3. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES (DQO) .......................................... 5
4. SURV EY D ESIGN ............................................................................. 9
5. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................... 12
6. SURV EY RESU LTS ........................................................................ 13
7. QUALITY CONTROL .................................................................... 16
8. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS ............................................. 17
9. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS ................................................... 18
11. DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT (DQA) ....................................... 19
12. AN O M A LIES .................................................................................. 20
13. CO N CLU SION ................................................................................ 20
14. A TTA CH M EN TS ............................................................................. 21 14.1 Attachment 1 - Figures (6 pages including cover) 14.2 Attachment 2 - Scan Results (4 pages including cover) 14.3 Attachment 3 -Laboratory Data (138 pages including cover) 14.4 Attachment 4 - DQA Results (14 pages including covers)

TOTAL 183 Revision 0

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION Survey Unit 9527-0006 (East Mountainside Area) is designated as Final Status Survey (FSS) Class 1 and consists of 790 m 2 (0.2 acres) of uninhabited open land located approximately 715 feet from the reference coordinate system benchmark used at Haddam Neck Plant (HNP) (see Attachment 1). The survey unit is bounded as follows: Survey Unit 9527-0005 to the north (called north as oriented with the north to south flow of the Connecticut River), east and south, and Survey Unit 9312-0010 to the west. A relatively small portion of the area topography is flat or open space. A steep cliff along the western survey unit boundary follows the former Industrial Area boundary. The reference coordinates associated with this survey unit are E014 through E018 by S065 through S069 (refer to License Termination Plan (LTP) Section 5.4.4). The reference coordinates provide the maximum dimensions of a rectangle containing this survey unit. Some areas contained in this rectangle may not be part of this survey unit. The boundary of the survey unit was defined using a Global Positioning System (GPS) based on the Connecticut State Plane System North American Datum (NAD) 1927.

2. CLASSIFICATION BASIS The survey unit was classified in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-10, "Survey Unit Classification."

The "Classification Basis Summary" conducted for Survey Unit 9527-0006 consisted of: a) A review of the 10CFR50.75 (g) (1) database, b) A review of the "InitialCharacterizationReport" and the "HistoricSite Assessment Supplement, " c) Historic and current survey records review, d) Visual inspections and a "walkdown." e) Formal or informal interviews with cognizant personnel. A review of the 10CFR50.75(g)(1) database report and historical files associates several events with this survey unit. Examples of some of the major events are provided below. a) Plant Incident Report (PIR) 78-19 reported that part of the mountainside slid down during heavy rains and caused damage to a building outside the Protected Area. Rip-rap was initially used to stabilize the section of the mountainside that had washed out. Photographs show that stabilization was in place by at least 1980. During an interview, a Health Physics technician recalled surveying rip-rap in 1980 (refer to next event). Gunite, a trade name for "dry gunned" or pneumatically applied or sprayed in place concrete, was later used to provide additional stabilization. The exact date of application is unknown, but interviews Revision 0 3

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD with an Operator and a Health Physics technician place the date somewhere between 1980 and 1981. Additional stabilization along the western ledge was performed sometime after 1989. The stabilization activities included moving the Protective Area fence up onto the ledge and establishing a narrow gunite walkway and drain system adjacent to the fence (reference memo EN-88-749). Additional repair was recommended in 1995 to repair the walkway (reference memo CY-TS-95-0529). The repairs appear to have included applying gunite along the side wall to maintain erosion control and a safe walkway for personnel. The gunite walkway and Radiological Control Area (RCA) fence were removed prior to Final Status Survey (FSS). b) Plant Incident Report (PIR) 80-37 reported the discovery of three (3) discrete sources of elevated activity on the East Mountainside in March 1980, along with other areas around the site. These locations are believed to be associated with Survey Unit 9527-0005 based on a review of the 1980 survey maps. The most likely source, according to the reports associated with PIR 80-37, was any one of a number of operational events that occurred since January 1979 (to discovery in March 1980) causing a burst of air or steam to be released through ventilation ducts and out the Primary Ventilation Stack. The elevated areas were removed upon detection according to the historical records. A review of the "Initialand Supplemental CharacterizationReports" as well as the previous "Classification Basis Summaries" was performed. Survey Unit 9527-0006 was originally part of Survey Unit 9527-0003. The source documents, the "Connecticut Yankee Haddam Neck CharacterizationReport" and "Initial Classification for Survey Areas at Connecticut Yankee", were incorporated by reference in LTP revision 0 (references 2-2 and 2-7 respectively). The second source document justified a Class 2 designation for those areas for which there was historical evidence of contamination above the Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (DCGLs - refer to Section 2 for definition and description of DCGL), but for which recent surveys had shown that decontamination efforts had occurred and that the radiological conditions were expected to be below the DCGLs. Additional justification for a Class 2 designation based on survey and sampling data was provided as another reference to the LTP by the "Haddam Neck Plant HistoricalSite Assessment Supplement". Characterization was performed in Survey Unit 9527-0005 during 2005 to determine the baseline radiological status of the survey unit. An elevated area was identified, and Survey Unit 9527-0006 was created to bound the extent of elevated activity. Survey Unit 9527-0006 was initially designated as Class 1 based on the need for remedial action. Remedial action was performed in November 2006 followed by a Remedial Action Survey (RAS). Hard-to-detect analysis for Tc-99 was also performed. A review of the RAS data shows that Cs-137 was the only radionuclide of concern. Statistical quantities Revision 0 4

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD (mean, median and standard deviation) from the 2006 RAS are provided in Table 1. Table 1 - Basic Statistical Quantities for Cs-137 from the 2006 RAS Minimum Observed Concentration (pCi/g): 8.50E-02 Maximum Observed Concentration (pCi/g): 2.72E+00 Mean (pCi/g): 1.03E+00 Median (pCi/g): 7.17E-01 Standard Deviation (pCi/g): 1.01E+00 The FSS Engineer performed a visual inspection and walk-down during December 2006 after the Industrial Area fence and walkway were removed to assess the physical condition of the survey unit, evaluate access points and travel paths and identify potentially hazardous conditions. This survey area is affected by existing groundwater (reference CY memo ISC 06-024) which will be a source of dose from residual radioactivity, as discussed in Section 3 under the Data Quality Objectives. Based upon the results of the 2005 characterization survey and the need for remedial action, it was concluded that there was a probability for residual radioactivity in concentrations greater than the DCGLs, justifying a final survey unit classification of Class 1.


FSS design and planning used the Data Quality Objective (DQO) process as described by the LTP, Procedure RPM 5.1-11, "Preparationof Final Status Survey Plan," and the "Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual" (MARSSIM). A summary of the main features of the DQO process are provided herein. The DQO process incorporated hypothesis testing and probabilistic sampling distributions to control decision errors during data analysis. Hypothesis testing is a process based on the scientific method that compares a baseline condition to an alternate condition. The baseline condition is technically known as the null hypothesis. Hypothesis testing rests on the premise that the null hypothesis is true and that sufficient evidence must be provided for rejection. In designing the survey plan, the underlying assumption, or null hypothesis was that residual activity in the survey unit exceeded the release criteria. Rejection of the null hypothesis would indicate that residual activity within the survey unit does not exceed the release criteria. Therefore, the survey unit does satisfy the primary objective of the FSS plan. The primary objective of the FSS plan was to demonstrate that the level of residual radioactivity in Survey Unit 9527-0006 did not exceed the release Revision 0 5

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD criteria specified in the LTP and that the potential dose from residual radioactivity is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA). A fundamental precursor to survey design is to establish a relationship between the release criteria and some measurable quantity. This is done through the development of DCGLs. The DCGLs represent average levels of radioactivity above background levels and are presented in terms of surface or mass activity concentrations. Chapter 6 of the LTP describes in detail the modeling used to develop the DCGLs for soil (called Base Case Soil DCGL), existing groundwater radioactivity and future groundwater radioactivity that will be contributed by building basements and footings. The DCGLs presented in Chapter 6 of the LTP were developed for exposures from three (3) components, that is, residual radioactivity in soil, existing groundwater radioactivity, and future groundwater radioactivity from the burial of concrete foundations or footings from site buildings containing residual radioactivity. Equation 1 shows the mathematical relationship between the three (3) components and the total dose. Equation 1 HTotal =Hsoil+HExistingGW +HFutureGW The total dose under the LTP criteria is twenty-five (25) mrem/yr Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) from all three (3) components. The allowable total dose under the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CTDEP) radiological remediation standard for Connecticut Yankee (CY) is nineteen (19) mrem/yr TEDE. To satisfy both the LTP and CY CTDEP criteria, the dose from soil must be reduced when using the existing and future groundwater dose values discussed above. This survey area is affected by existing groundwater (reference CY memo ISC 06-024). Therefore, the dose contribution from existing groundwater is bounded by two (2) mrem/yr TEDE. This survey unit is not considered impacted by future groundwater radioactive contamination, as there are no buried concrete foundations or footings containing residual radioactive material within the groundwater saturated zone in the area (reference CY memo ISC 06-024). The dose contribution from future groundwater, the third dose component is, therefore, zero (0) mrem!yr TEDE. Revision 0 6 Revision 0 6

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD Equation 2 19 mrem/yrT-otal = 17 mrem/yrsoil + 2 mrem/yrExisting GW+ 0 mrem/yrFutreGW The allowable dose for soil in this survey unit is seventeen (17) mrem/yr TEDE as shown by Equation 2 above. The concentration of residual radioactivity resulting in seventeen (17) mrem/yr TEDE is designated as the Operational DCGL, and has been established for the radionuclides of concern as provided in Table 2. Table 2 - Radionuclide Specific Base Case Soil DCGL, Operational DCGLs and Required Minimum Detectable Concentrations Radionuclide (1) DCGL Base Case Soil 2 (pCi/g) Operational DCGL (pCi/g) (3) (pCi/g)MDC Required (4) H-3 4.12E+02 2.80E+02 1.65E+01 C-14 5.66E+00 3.85E+00 2.26E-01 Mn-54 1.74E+01 1.18E+01 6.96E-01 Fe-55 2.74E+04 1.86E+04 1.10E+03 Co-60 3.81E+00 2.59E+00 1.52E-01 Ni-63 7.23E+02 4.92E+02 2.89E+01 Sr-90 1.55E+00 1.05E+00 6.20E-02 Nb-94 7.12E+00 4.84E+00 2.85E-01 Tc-99 1.26E+01 8.57E+00 5.04E-01 Ag-108m 7.14E+00 4.86E+00 2.86E-01 Cs- 134 4.67E+00 3.18E+00 1.87E-01 Cs-137 7.91E+00 5.38E+00 3.16E-01 Eu-152 1.01E+01 6.87E+00 4.04E-01 Eu- 154 9.29E+00 6.32E+00 3.72E-0 1 Eu-155 3.92E+02 2.67E+02 1.57E+01 Pu-238 2.96E+01 2.01E+01 1.18E+00 Pu-239/240 2.67E+O 1 1.82E+01 1.07E+00 Pu-241 8.70E+02 5.92E+02 3.48E+01 Am-241(5 2.58E+01 1.75E+01 1.03E+00 Cm-243/244 2.90E+0 1 1.97E+01 1.16E+00 (1) Bold indicates those radionuclides considered to be Hard-to-Detect (HTD) (2) The Base Case Soil DCGLs for soil are specified by the LTP in Chapter 6 and are equivalent to twenty-five (25) mrem/yr TEDE (3) The Operational DCGL is equivalent to seventeen (17) mrem/yr TEDE (4) The required MDC is equivalent to one (1) mrem/yr TEDE (5) Americium-241 can be analyzed by gamma and alpha spectroscopy and is considered to be Easy to Detect (ETD); the preferred result is the alpha spectroscopy's when both analyses are performed Revision 0 7 Revision 0 7

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD Another important facet of the DQO process is to identify the radionuclides of concern and determine the concentration variability. Soil samples were collected in 2006 to establish the radiological condition of Survey Unit 9527-0006 for FSS following remedial action. A review of the RAS data shows that Cs-137 was the only radionuclide of concern. The RAS data were used for the survey design and are provided in Table 1. Instrument DQOs included a verification of the ability of the survey instrument to detect the radiation(s) of interest relative to the DCGL. Survey instrument response checks were required prior to issue and after the instrument had been used. Control and accountability of survey instruments was required to assure the quality and prevent the loss of data. Barcodes, machine-readable representations of information in a visual format, are the generally accepted method for identifying and processing FSS scan data at HNP, largely because of the improved speed and accuracy of computer data entry and they provide a Unique Product Code (UPC) for easy reference and recognition. The instrument DQOs recognized that it would be much more difficult to perform scanning on the East Mountainside than previously surveyed units. Fall prevention and protection was necessary to access the steepest locations within the survey unit and to work within six feet (6 ft) of an unprotected edge (e.g., near the cliff edge). The fall arrest system included tie-off points, a harness, lanyard and a rope grab which required both hands to move in a vertical direction. An exception was made, in this case, to forgo the use of barcodes in the interest of safety and personnel reassurance and to manually log the data points using the E-600 function switch. Downloading of electronic scan information was performed as usual and the reviewed data is provided in Attachment 2. As part of the DQOs applied to laboratory processes, analysis results were reported as actual calculated results. Results reported as less than Minimum Detectable Concentration (<MDC) were not accepted for FSS. Sample report summaries included unique sample identification, analytical method, radionuclide, result, and uncertainty to two (2) standard deviations, laboratory data qualifiers, units, and the required and observed MDC. The Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) consists of comparing each measurement from the survey unit with the investigation levels presented in Table 4 and discussed in Section 4.0. As stated in section 5.8.3 of the LTP, any measurement from the survey unit that is greater than an investigation level indicates an area of relatively high concentrations that should be investigated, regardless of the outcome of the nonparametric statistical tests. Thus the use of the EMC against the investigation levels may be viewed as assurance that unusually large measurements will receive proper attention regardless of the outcome of nonparametric statistical tests and that any area having the potential for significant dose contributions will be identified. Revision 0 8

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD The LTP states that if residual radioactivity exists in an isolated area of elevated activity in addition to residual radioactivity distributed relatively uniformly across a survey unit, the unity rule will be used in conjunction with DCGLEMC to ensure the total dose is within the release criterion. This is expressed in Equation 3. Equation 3 (LTP Equation 5-31): e+ levated DCGLW (AreaFactor)x DCGL w Where: S* = Average concentration outside the elevated area, Celevated = Average concentration in the elevated area. A separate term will be used in Equation 3 for each elevated area in a survey unit.

4. SURVEY DESIGN The level of effort associated with planning a survey is based on the complexity of the survey and nature of the hazards. Guidance for preparing FSS plans is provided in Procedure RPM 5.1-11, "Preparation of Final Status Survey Plans". The FSS plan uses an integrated sample design that combines scanning surveys and sampling which can be either random or biased.

The DQO process determined that Cs-137 would be the radionuclide of concern in Survey Unit 9527-0006 (refer to Section 3). Other radionuclides identified during this FSS would be evaluated to ensure adequate survey design. Surrogate DCGLs were not required for this survey unit via screening under LTP Section, "Gross Activity DCGLs". Radionuclide screening or de-selection is a process where an individual radionuclide or aggregates may be considered insignificant and eliminated from the FSS. The criteria for de-selection are concentrations less than 5% for individual radionuclides and less than 10% for aggregates. The Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) did apply to this survey unit since it is a Class 1 area and discrete, elevated areas of contamination were expected. The Sign Test was selected as the non-parametric statistical test. The use of the Sign Test did not require the selection or use of a background reference area, which simplified survey design and implementation. This approach was conservative since it included background Cs-137 as part of the sample set. Revision 0 9

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD The number of soil samples for FSS was determined in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-12, "Determination of the Number of Surface Samples for Final Status Survey." The Lower Bound of the Gray Region (LBGR) was set in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-11 to 2.69 pCi/g to maintain the relative shift (A/cv) in the range of 1 and 3. The resulting relative shift was 2.66. A Prospective Power Curve was generated using COMPASS, a software package developed under the sponsorship of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) for implementation of the MARSSIM in support of the decommissioning license termination rule (10 CFR 20, Subpart E). The result of the COMPASS computer run showed adequate power for the survey design. The survey design specified fourteen (14) surface soil samples for non-parametric statistical testing. The grid pattern and locations of the soil samples were determined using Visual Sample Plan (VSP) in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-14, "Identifying, and Marking Surface Sample Locations for Final Status Survey." Visual Sample Plan was created by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) for the United States Department of Energy. A systematic triangular grid pattern with a random starting point was selected for sample design, which is appropriate for a Class I area. Biased sampling was not included based on the sample density being high and the results of the remedial action. Sample locations were identified using AutoCAD-LT, a commercially available plotting software package with coordinates consistent with the Connecticut State Plane System. These coordinates were integrated with a GPS to locate sample locations in the field. Sample Measurement Locations for the design are listed with the GPS coordinates in Table 3. Table 3 - Sample Measurement Locations with Associated GPS Coordinates Designation Northing Easting 9527-0006-OO1F 236786.70 668872.27 9527-0006-002F 236786.70 668898.00 9527-0006-003F 236786.70 668923.72 9527-0006-004F 236764.42 668859.41 9527-0006-005F 236764.42 668885.13 9527-0006-006F 236764.42 668910.86 9527-0006-007F 236764.42 668936.58 9527-0006-008F 236742.14 668846.54 9527-0006-009F 236742.14 668872.27 Revision 0 10

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD Table 3 - Sample Measurement Locations with Associated GPS Coordinates Designation Northing Easting 9527-0006-O1OF 236742.14 668898.00 9527-0006-01IF 236742.14 668923.72 9527-0006-012F 236719.86 668885.13 9527-0006-013F 236719.86 668910.86 9527-0006-014F 236719.86 668936.58 Procedure RPM 5.1-11 specifies that 5% of the samples are required to be selected for HTD analysis. Two (2) soil samples, or about 10% of the number of samples that would be used for non-parametric statistical testing were randomly selected for HTD radionuclide analysis using the Microsoft Excel "RANDBETWEEN" function. Each sample was sent off-site for a full suite analysis of the HTD radionuclides specified in the LTP, Table 2-12, "Radionuclides Potentially Presentat Haddam Neck Plant" and as provided in Table 2. The implementation of quality control measures as referenced by Procedure RPM 5.1-24, "Split Sample Assessment for Final Status Survey," included the collection of two (2) soil samples for "split sample" analysis by the off-site laboratory. These locations were selected randomly using the Microsoft Excel "RANDBETWEEN" function. The number of quality control soil samples was about 10% of fourteen (14) samples that would be used for non-parametric statistical testing. The LTP specifies a required scanning coverage of 100% for outdoor Class 1 areas. The total surface area to be scanned was 100% of the survey unit. For this Class 1 survey unit, the "Investigation Level" for area scanning and soil sample measurement results are those levels specified in LTP, Table 5-8. Table 4 provides a synopsis of the survey design. Table 4- Synopsis of the Survey Design Feature Design Criteria Basis Survey Unit Land Area 751 m2 Based on AutoCAD-LT Type 1 and Type 2 errors were 14 0.05, sigma was 1.01 pCi/g, the Number of Measurements LBGR was adjusted to 2.69 (14 systematic grid) pCi/g to maintain Relative Shift in the range of 1 and 3 Grid Spacing 7.87 m Based on triangular grid lDCGL 5.38 pCi/g Cs-137 Administratively set to achieve Operational 17 mrem/yr TEDE (') The Operational DCGL meets Soil Investigation Level 5.38 pCi/g Cs-137 the LTP criteria for a Class 1 survey unit Revision 0 11

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD Table 4 Synopsis of the Survey Design Feature Design Criteria Basis Scan Survey Area 100% The LTP requires 100% area Coverage of the area coverage for Class 1 survey units An instrument Based upon a Minimum Detectable Count Rate (MDCR) Scan Investigation Level response greater of 1,565 cpm and a than 3,800 cpm corresponding DCGLEMC of above background 16.6 pCi/g for Cs-137 (2) (1) The allowable dose for soil in this survey unit is seventeen (17) mrem/yr TEDE as the bounding dose from existing and future groundwater has been established based on field data (reference CY memo ISC 06-024) (2) The radionuclide fraction is one (1), the Area Factor is 3.08, and the instrument conversion factor is 228 cpm/pCi/g for Cs-137

5. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION FSS field activities were conducted under Work Plan and Inspection Record (WP&IR) 2006-0038. The WP&IR package included a detailed FSS plan, job safety analysis, job planning checklist and related procedures for reference.

Daily briefings were conducted to discuss the expectations for job performance and the safety aspects of the survey. The "Daily Survey Journal" was used to document field activities and other information pertaining to the FSS. One (1) scan area was established that constituted 100% of the surface area of Survey Unit 9527-0006. Grid lines, one meter wide, were painted or otherwise delineated on the ground of the scan area. A background survey was performed around the survey unit and it was determined that, using an Eberline E-600 with a SPA-3 sodium iodide detector, background ranged from 8,450 counts per minute (cpm) up to 13,300 cpm. The scan area was established and scanned for elevated readings (see Attachment 2 for all scan results). Scanning was performed with an Eberline E-600 using a SPA-3 sodium iodide detector. The E-600 was operated in the rate-meter mode and used with audio response. The probe was positioned as close to the ground as possible and was moved at a scan speed of about 0.5 meters per second. Measurement locations were identified in NAD 1927 coordinates using GPS coordinates; sample locations were identified and marked with a surveyor's flag or paint for identification. Sixteen (16) surface soil samples were collected and packaged in accordance with HNP Procedure RPM 5.1-3, "Collection of Sample Mediafor Final Status Survey" and FSS design. Samples were controlled, transported, stored, and transferred to the off-site laboratory using Chain-of-Custody (COC) protocol in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-5, "Chain of Custody for Final Status Survey Samples." Revision 0 12

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD Two (2) samples (9527-0006-002F and 9527-0006-01 IF) were randomly selected for HTD radionuclide analysis. The implementation of survey specific quality control measures included the collection of two (2) samples (9527-0006-00IF and 9527-0006-01 IF) for "split sample" analysis.

6. SURVEY RESULTS All field survey activities were conducted from December 15, 2006 through December 19, 2006.

Table 5 provides an overview of the scan results for sample measurement locations. Scan results are provided in Attachment 2. Table 5 - Scan Results for Sample Measurement Locations Sample Highest Logged Action Level (3) Measurement Reading > Action Level Location (1)(2) (kcpm) (kcpm) 1 10.2 13.4 NO 2 11.4 13.6 NO 3 9.7 13.1 NO 4 12.7 13.7 NO 5 11.1 13.9 NO 6 10.4 12.9 NO 7 10.3 13.4 NO 8 11.4 14.5 NO 9 12.0 15.4 NO 10 11.1 14.2 NO 11 9.7 13.9 NO 12 10.1 14.4 NO 13 12.4 14.4 NO 14 11.1 14.5 NO 107- 12.2 11.6 Yes (9527-0005-010F) 26 11.6 10.9 Yes 27 11.6 10.9 Yes 28 11.6 10.9 Yes Revision 0 13

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD Table 5 - Scan Results for Sample Measurement Locations Sample Highest Logged Action Level (3) Measurement Reading > Action Level Location (1)(2) (kcpm) (kcpm) 29 11.6 10.9 Yes 30 10.5 14.5 No (1) The second sample location #10 (9527-0005-010F), and sample locations #26 through#30 were originally collected in adjacent Survey Unit 9527-0005, and were added to this survey unit as a result of the investigation of an elevated sample result. This resulted in a shift of the 9527-0006 survey unit boundary to include an additional 40 m2 of land area bringing the total area for this survey unit to 790 M 2 . (2) Samples #26 through #29 were collected within 1 meter of sample location #10 (9527-0005-01 OF), and share the same scan result, which was the highest logged reading. (3) The action level is based on a measurement of 3,800 cpm above ambient background in accordance with the FSS plan The survey unit was scanned for elevated radiation levels. The area was scanned in accordance with the FSS plan on December 15, 2006 and December 18, 2006. No elevated measurement locations were identified during scanning. Table 6 provides an overview of the scan area survey. Scan results are provided in Attachment 2. Table 6 - Scan Area Results Highest Scan Logged Action Level Ae Redn(cm)ReadingInetgio Elevated Investigation Area Reading (kcpm) Identification (2) Sample (kcpm) None - no 1 12.8 14.2 elevated areas None identified (1) The action level is based on a measurement of 3,800 cpm above ambient background in accordance with the FSS plan The off-site laboratory employed for the radiological analyses of samples was General Engineering Laboratories, LLC, in Charleston, SC. The laboratory analyzed the fourteen (14) samples collected for non-parametric statistical testing and the two (2) associated field splits using gamma spectroscopy. Gamma spectroscopy analysis was performed to the required MDCs. Gamma spectroscopy results identified some radionuclides meeting the accepted criteria for detection (i.e., a result greater than two (2) standard deviations uncertainty). Cs-137 and Co-60 were the only radionuclides reported in concentrations exceeding the de-selection criteria. Cs-137 was identified in all fourteen (14) samples collected for non-parametric statistical testing. Cs-137 was the primary radionuclide confirming the DQOs. Co-60 was also identified in seven (7) of the fourteen (14) samples with three (3) of those samples exceeding the de-selection criteria. Revision 0 14

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD The off-site laboratory also processed two (2) samples for HTD analysis as required by the sample plan. The requested analyses included alpha spectroscopy, gas proportional counting, and liquid scintillation depending on the radionuclide and the measurement method. All analyses met the required MDC. As previously stated in Section 4 of this report, the criteria for de-selection of a radionuclide is a concentration that is less than 5% of the Operational DCGL for individual radionuclides and less than 10% of the Operational DCGLs for aggregates. Sr-90 was the only HTD, which by analysis, met the criteria for detection (i.e., a result greater than two (2) standard deviations uncertainty). One (1) Sr-90 reported result exceeded the de-selection criteria. The highest result for Sr-90 was at about 8% of the Operational DCGL. A review of the DQOs was performed to evaluate Sr-90 impact on dose compliance. Additional analysis for Sr-90 in the remaining FSS samples was considered, and found to be unjustified for the following two reasons. Sr-90 represents a small fraction of the dose limits and was found in quantities only slightly in excess of detection limits during FSS. Likewise, Sr-90 results reported during characterization of this survey unit and during the FSS of adjacent survey units were also a small fraction of the dose limits and in quantities only slightly in excess of detection limits in a few cases (some results were non detects). Therefore, the risk of failing the survey unit based on Sr-90 is not likely. For the purposes of dose compliance the average concentration from the FSS results of 4.70E-02 pCi/g was used to provide a reasonable value for Sr-90 for using the unity rule. Table 7 - Summary of Sr-90 Analysis Results for Surface Soil Samples Comprising the Statistical Sample Population Sr-90 Sample Sample _ _(pCi/g) 9527-0006-002F 9.03E-02 9527-0006-01 IF 3.67E-03 The "sum-of-fractions" or "unity rule" is the mathematical test used to evaluate compliance with radiological criteria for license termination when more than one radionuclide has been determined to be potentially present. The combination of the fractions of each detected radionuclide against their respective Operational DCGL must be less than or equal to one (1). The unity rule is: Equation 3 Cl C2 C _

                           -+    -- + .....    --   <1 DCGLI DCGL2              DCGL,,

Revision 0 15

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD Where: C. = concentration of radionuclide n and DCGLn 1 = DCGL of radionuclide n. The results of the unity rule calculation for the radionuclides of concern in the statistical sample population for Survey Unit 9527-0006 are provided in Table 8 below. Table 8 - Summary of Soil Sample Results for the Statistical Sample Population Sample Number Fraction of the Operational DCGL ) Unity Cs-137 Co-60 Sr-90 (2) Fraction 9527-0006-OOIF 0.23 0.03 0.05 0.31 9527-0006-002F 0.16 0.02 0.09 0.27 9527-0006-003F 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.11 9527-0006-004F 0.50 0.05 0.05 0.60 9527-0006-005F 0.29 0.01 0.05 0.35 9527-0006-006F 0.17 0.00 0.05 0.22 9527-0006-007F 0.12 0.00 0.05 0.17 9527-0006-008F 0.17 0.00 0.05 0.22 9527-0006-009F 0.31 0.00 0.05 0.36 9527-0006-OIOF 0.73 0.05 0.05 0.83 9527-0006-01IF 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.19 9527-0006-012F 0.24 0.02 0.05 0.31 9527-0006-013F 0.82 0.06 0.05 0.93 9527-0006-014F 0.78 0.05 0.05 0.88 (1) The Operational DCGL from Table 2 is 5.38 pCi/g for Cs-137, 2.59 pCi/g for Co-60 and 1.05 pCi/g for Sr-90 used in conjunction with the unity rule to achieve seventeen (17) mrem/yr TEDE (2) The average concentration of 4.70E-02 pCi/g for Sr-90 was used to provide a reasonable value for using the unity rule

7. QUALITY CONTROL The off-site laboratory processed the split samples and performed gamma spectroscopy analysis. Ten percent (10%) of the samples were selected for analysis, which exceeds the 5% minimum required by the LTP. The data were evaluated using USNRC acceptance criteria specified in Inspection Procedure 84750 as detailed in HNP Procedure RPM 5.1-24, "Split Sample Assessment for Revision 0 16 Revision 0 16

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD Final Status Survey". There was acceptable agreement between the field split results for Cs-137 at both locations (9527-0006-001 and 9527-0006-011). The sample analysis vendor, General Engineering Laboratories, LLC, maintains quality control and quality assurance plans as part of normal operation. Refer to Attachment 4 for data and data quality analysis results.

8. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS The sample results for 9527-0005-010 were above the investigation level, which was not expected for a Class 2 survey unit. The physical location of the sample was within six feet (6 ft) of the boundary of Survey Unit 9527-0006. Additional survey and sampling around the sample location did not identify areas of elevated radioactivity. The boundary for Survey Unit 9527-0006 was extended to include sample location 9527-0005-010 and the area of investigation.

Approximately 40 m2 was added to this survey unit bringing the total area to 790 m2.2 The first step in assessing compliance with the EMC unity rule is to determine the area extent of the elevated measurement region. This was done by taking investigation samples within a circle oriented about the four compass directions around the elevated sample point. Five (5) confirmatory samples were collected from around sample location 9527-0005-010. Four (4) of the samples were collected within a 1 meter radius of the elevated area. One (1) sample was collected a little more than 12 feet away from the elevated area to establish the revised boundary of the survey unit. Table 9 - Confirmatory Sample Results Cs-137 Co-60 Sr-90 (1)(2) Unity Sample Number pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g Fraction (3) 9527-0005-OIOF 5.45E+00 2.28E-01 3.42E-02 1.134 9527-0005-026F 1.95E+00 1.42E-01 4.70E-02 0.462 9527-0005-027F 2.51 E+00 1.72E-01 4.70E-02 0.577 9527-0005-028F 2.53E+00 6.58E-02 4.70E-02 0.541 9527-0005-029F 3.19E+00 1.66E-01 4.70E-02 0.702 9527-0005-030F 1.45E+00 6.20E-02 4.70E-02 0.339 (1) The result for Sr-90 satisfied the DQOs for on-site analysis of the investigation samples. (2) The average concentration of 4.70E-02 pCi/g for Sr-90 was used to provide a reasonable value for using the unity rule DCGL. (3) The Operational DCGL from Table 2 is 5.38 pCi/g for Cs-137, 2.59 pCi/g for Co-60 and 1.05 pCi/g for Sr-90 used in conjunction with the unity rule to achieve seventeen (17) mrem/yr TEDE Since the bounded area was determined to be 3.14 m2, the Area Factor (AF) 22 values from Table 5-5 of the LTP for 4 m2 were conservatively applied to determine the DCGLEMC for each nuclide. Revision 0 17 Revision 0 17

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD Table 10 - Use of DCGLEMc To Demonstration Compliance with Equation 3 Variable () Cs-137 Co-60 Sr-90 (2) Unity Fraction Operational DCGL 5.38 pCi/g 2.59 pCi/g 1.05 pCi/g 1.83 pCi/g 0.055 pCi/g 0.05 pCi/g 0.44 Celevated 2.85 pCi/g 0.14 pCi/g 0.05 pCi/g AF 8.98 4.22 314 (1) Refer to Equation 3 in Section 3 for description (2) The reported concentration of 3.42E-02 pCi/g in sample 9527-0005-OIOF was used for Celevated. The average concentration of 4.70E-02 pCi/g for ST-90 was used when actual results were unavailable to provide a conservative value.

9. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS There were no remedial actions required as a result of implementing the Final Status Survey Plan. Remedial action was performed in November 2006 followed by an RAS. The results of the remedial action resulted in a mean concentration of 1.03 pCi/g for Cs-137 following soil removal. Health Physics TSD BCY-HP-0078, "ALARA Evaluation of Soil Remediation in Support of FinalStatus Survey, " determined that remediation beyond that required to meet the release criteria is unnecessary and that the remaining residual radioactivity in soil was ALARA.
10. CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN Although not included as Radionuclides of Concern (ROC) in the original FSS design, Co-60 and Sr-90 were reported in concentrations exceeding the 5% and 10% rule for de-selection. Therefore, the results and individual Operational DCGLs for Co-60 and Sr-90 were evaluated in conjunction with the unity rule to ensure that all dose contributors are adequately accounted for in accordance with the DQOs. The result of the COMPASS computer run showed adequate power and maintained the original fourteen (14) surface soil samples for non-parametric statistical testing.

Several samples were relocated to this survey unit from adjacent Survey Unit 9527-0005 following investigation. One of the samples, the original investigation sample 9527-0005-010F, was analyzed for Sr-90 by the off-site laboratory to demonstrate that on-site analysis of the investigation samples was appropriate. The contribution of the reported Sr-90 concentration to that of the total sample activity was sufficiently small that the DQOs for on-site analysis of investigative samples was satisfied. Revision 0 18



The DQO sample design and data were reviewed in accordance with Procedure RPM 5.1-23, "Data Quality Assessment," for completeness and consistency. Co-60 and Sr-90 were included to demonstrate compliance with release criteria. The sampling design had adequate power as indicated by the Retrospective Power Curve. The Sign Test was performed on the data and compared to the original assumptions of the DQOs. The evaluation of the Sign Test results demonstrates that the survey unit passes the unrestricted release criteria, thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. Documentation was complete and legible. Surveys and sample collection were consistent with the DQOs and were sufficient to ensure that the survey unit was properly designated as Class 1. The preliminary data review consisted of calculating basic statistical quantities (e.g., mean, median, standard deviation). The mean and median values are below the Operational DCGL. The use of DCGLEMC in conjunction with the unity rule described by Equation 3 for one elevated area was satisfied. Also, the retrospective power curve shows that a sufficient number of samples were collected to achieve the desired power. Therefore, the survey unit meets the unrestricted release criteria with adequate power as required by the DQOs. The basic statistical quantities for the statistical sample population are provided below in Table 11. Table 11 - Basic Statistical Quantities for Cs-137, Co-60 and Sr-90 from the Final Status Survey Cs-137 Co-60 Sr-90 pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g Operational DCGL: 5.3 8E+00 2.59E+00 1.05E+00 Minimum Value: 2.71E-01 O.OOE+00 3.67E-03 Maximum Value: 4.42E+00 1.52E-01 9.03E-02 Mean: 1.83E+00 5.51E-02 4.70E-02 Median: 1.27E+00 3.68E-02 4.70E-02 Standard Deviation: 1.40E+00 5.89E-02 1.70E-02 Revision 0 19 Revision 0 19

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD For Cs-137, the range of the data, about three (3) standard deviations, was not a particularly large variation considering that the levels were essentially at existing environmental levels where such variation is to be expected. The difference between the mean and median was about 40% of the standard deviation which indicates slight skewness in the data. The data was represented graphically through posting plots, a frequency plot, and a quantile plot. The frequency plot indicates positive skewness as confirmed by the calculated skew of 1.04. Both the frequency plot and quantile plot indicate some bimodality, which is not unexpected given the extreme changes in terrain and topography. Although included for compliance purposes, data assessment and graphical representation of Co-60 and Sr-90 was not considered useful given the limited number of data points to represent the distribution. All data, assessments, and graphical representations are provided in Attachment 4.

12. ANOMALIES No anomalies were noted.
13. CONCLUSION Survey Unit 9527-0006 has met the final DQOs of the FSS plan. The ALARA criteria for soils as specified in Chapter 4 of the LTP were achieved. Elevated Measurement Comparison and remediation was required.

Cs-137 was used for statistical testing to determine the adequacy of the survey unit for FSS. The sample data passed the Sign Test. The null hypothesis was rejected. The Retrospective Power Curve generated using COMPASS shows adequate power was achieved. The survey unit is properly designated as Class 1. The dose contribution from soil is 6.9 mrem/yr based on the average concentration of the samples used for non-parametric statistical sampling. This survey area is affected by existing groundwater (reference CY memo ISC 06-024); therefore the dose contribution from existing groundwater is bounded at two (2) mrem/yr TEDE. This survey unit is not considered impacted by future groundwater radioactive contamination, as there are no buried concrete foundations or footings containing residual radioactive material within the groundwater saturated zone in the area (reference CY memo ISC 06-024); therefore, the dose contribution from future groundwater is zero (0) mrem/yr TEDE. The average total dose from residual radioactivity in this survey unit, including exposures from the three (3) components as described in Section 3, that is, residual radioactivity in soil, existing groundwater radioactivity, and future groundwater radioactivity from the burial of concrete foundations or Revision 0 20 Revision 0 20

EAST MOUNTAINSIDE AREA SURVEY UNIT 9527-0006 RELEASE RECORD footings from site buildings containing residual radioactivity, will not exceed 8.9 mrem/yr TEDE. Therefore, Survey Unit 9527-0006 is acceptable for unrestricted release.

14. ATTACHMENTS 14.1 Attachment 1 - Figures 14.2 Attachment 2 - Scan Results 14.3 Attachment 3 - Laboratory Results 14.4 Attachment 4 - DQA Results Revision 0 21


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Site Map With Reference To Survey Unit 9527-0006 6--i-


0. < = Sone Wall 0.87 0 8 16 Fed 0.90 Notes 1.01 Reported Conentrationsin pCi/g 1.54 4.2 3.93 2.71 4.42 1.69 1.31 0.90 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9527-0006FinalStatus Survey Cs-137PostingPlot
                                               = sowe WJ/
                                                  =ScanAzm 0       8        16 Fed Notes Backgroundranged from 8.45 kcpm to 13.3 kcpm as determined by an E-600 with SPA-3 Probe Refer to Table 6for the scan arearesults Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 9527-0006 FinalStatus Survey Scan Areas

30 0 8 16 Foed Notes Samples 26-29 collected within one meter ofsample 10 (shown in red). Sample 30 collected a little more than twelve feet from sample 10 (shown in red). Refer to Table 9 for the confirmatory I sampleresults Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Date: Januaty2007 9527-0006 FinalStatus Survey ConfirmatorySamplesJ McCarth


Survey Release Record Sample Location Scan Results Survey Unit 9527-0006 Background Action Level Results Above Sample Name Log Date Log Time E600 SIN Probe SIN (cpm) (C1M) AL 9527-0006-001 F 9.61 E+03 1.34E+04 1.02E+04 12/19/2006 7:43:00 1114 1014 9527-0006-002F 9.79E+03 1.36E+04 1.14E+04 12/19/2006 7:45:00 1114 1014 9527-0006-003F 9.26E+03 1.31 E+04 9.72E+03 12/19/2006 7:47:00 1114 1014 9527-0006-004F 9.92E+03 1 .37E+04 1.27E+04 12/19/2006 8:21:00 1114 1014 9527-0006-005F 1.01E+04 1.39E+04 1.11E+04 12/19/2006 7:49:00 1114 1014 9527-0006-006F 9.11 E+03 1.29E+04 1.04E+04 12/19/2006 7:52:00 1114 1014 9527-0006-007F 9.58E+03 1.34E+04 1.03E+04 12/19/2006 7:53:00 1114 1014 9527-0006-008F 1.07E+04 1.45E+04 1.14E+04 12/19/2006 8:11:00 1114 1014 9527-0006-009F 1.16E+04 1.54E+04 1.20E+04 12/19/2006 8:07:00 1114 1014 9527-0006-01 OF 1.04E+04 1.42E+04 1.11E+04 12/19/2006 8:05:00 1114 1014 9527-0006-011 F 1.01E+04 1.39E+04 9.70E+03 12/19/2006 7:56:00 1114 1014 9527-0006-012F 1.06E+04 1.44E+04 1.0 1E+04 12/19/2006 9:55:00 1114 1014 9527-0006-013F 1.06E+04 1.44E+04 1.24E+04 12/19/2006 8:02:00 1114 1014 9527-0006-014F 1.07E+04 1.45E+04 1.11 E+04 12/19/2006 7:59:00 1114 1014 9527-0005-01 OF 9.54E+03 1.22E+04 1.16E+04 + 12/18/2006 13:45:00 1114 1014 9527-0005-026F 9.54E+03 1.09E+04 1.16E+04 + 12/18/2006 13:45:00 1114 1014 9527-0005-027F 9.54E+03 1.09E+04 1.16E+04 + 12/18/2006 13:45:00 1114 1014 9527-0005-028F 9.54E+03 1.09E+04 1.16E+04 + 12/18/2006 13:45:00 1114 1014 9527-0005-029F 9.54E+03 1.09E+04 1.16E+04 + 12/18/2006 13:45:00 1114 1014 9527-0005-030F 8.72E+03 1.45E+04 1.05E+04 1/9/2007 9:45:00 1111 1004 Sample location 9527-0005-01OF, and sample locations 9527-0005-026F through 9527-0005-030F were added to this survey unit during the investigation of an elevated sample result (9527-0005-01OF), which resulted in a shift of this survey unit's boundary to include an additional 40 m2 AL - Action Level

Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9527-0006 9527-0006 SCAN AREA 1 Background Action Level Results Above Log Date Log Time E600 SIN Probe SIN Loc Number AL (c2fl3 (c1M) I(2rnŽ 2 9.14E+03 1.29E+04 1.19E+04 12/15/2006 13:10:00 1112 1013 3 9.14E+03 1.29E+04 1.17E+04 12/15/2006 13:14:00 1112 1013 4 9.14E+03 1.29E+04 1.23E+04 12/15/2006 13:22:00 1112 1013 5 9.14E+03 1.29E+04 9.08E+03 12/15/2006 13:28:00 1112 1013 7 9.17E+03 1 30E+04 1.17E+04 12/15/2006 13:41:00 1112 1013 8 9.17E+03 1.30E+04 9.44E+03 12/15/2006 13:45:00 1112 1013 10 9.77E+03 1.36E+04 1.23E+04 12/15/2006 13:48:00 1112 1013 11 9.77E+03 1.36E+04 1.15E+04 12/15/2006 13:55:00 1112 1013 12 9.77E+03 1.36E+04 1.19E+04 12/15/2006 14:02:00 1112 1013 13 9.77E+03 1.36E+04 9.35E+03 12/15/2006 14:07:00 1112 1013 15 8.55E+03 1.24E+04 1.12E+04 12/15/2006 14:18:00 1112 1013 16 8.55E+03 1.24E+04 1.17E+04 12/15/2006 14:21:00 1112 1013 18 9.66E+03 1.35E+04 8.16E+03 12/15/2006 14:37:00 1112 1013 1 8.85E+03 1.27E+04 9.68E+03 12/15/2006 15:05:00 1117 1008 3 1.01 E+04 1.39E+04 1.03E+04 12/15/2006 15:13:00 1117 1008 5 1.01 E+04 1.39E+04 1.01E+04 12/15/2006 15:18:00 1117 1008 7 1.06E+04 1.44E+04 8.89E+03 12/15/2006 15:23:00 1117 1008 9 9.05E+03 1.29E+04 9.61 E+03 12/15/2006 15:28:00 1117 1008 11 1.08E+04 1.46E+04 1.02E+04 12/15/2006 15:32:00 1117 1008 13 8.45E+03 1.23E+04 9.11E+03 12/15/2006 15:37:00 1117 1008 2 1.23E+04 1.61 E+04 1.18E+04 12/18/2006 7:47:00 1114 1014 5 1.12E+04 1.50E+04 1.07E+04 12/1812006 8:00:00 1114 1014 7 1.07E+04 1.45E+04 1.26E+04 12/18/2006 8:03:00 1114 1014 9 1.10E+04 1.48E+04 1.07E+04 12/18/2006 8:06:00 1114 1014 11 1.16E+04 1.54E+04 1.12E+04 12/18/2006 8:09:00 1114 1014 13 1.15E+04 1.53E+04 1.12E+04 12/18/2006 8:12:00 1114 1014 15 1.18E+04 1.56E+04 1.05E+04 12/18/2006 8:15:00 1114 1014 AL - Action Level The log number assignment is an intrinsic property of the survey instrument, and as such, may not be sequential or uniaue hbsed on the date and number of instruments used in the field

Survey Release Record Scan Area Results Survey Unit 9527-0006 9527-0006 SCAN AREA 1 Background Action Level Results Above Log Date Log Time E600 S/N Probe S/N Loq Number cm AL (cPM) 17 1.33E+04 1.71E+04 1.05E+04 12/18/2006 8:21:00 1114 1014 19 1.04E+04 1.42E+04 1.04E+04 12/18/2006 8:23:00 1114 1014 4 9.53E+03 1.33E+04 9.98E+03 1/9/2007 13:47:00 1111 1004 7 9.95E+03 1.38E+04 9.31 E+03 1/9/2007 13:57:00 1111 1004 9 1.04E+04 1.42E+04 1.28E+04 1/9/2007 14:06:00 1111 1004 AL - Action Level The log number assignment is an intrinsic property of the survey instrument, and as such, may not be sequential or uniaue based on the date and number of instruments used in the field


General Narrative 1

General Narrative for Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. Work Order: 178151 SDG: MSR#06-1583 January 08, 2007 Laboratory Identification: GEL Laboratories LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston. South Carolina 29407 (843) 556-8171 Summary Sample receipt The samples arrived at GEL Laboratories LLC. Charleston, South Carolina on December 21, 2006 for analysis. Shipping container temperatures were checked. documented, and within specifications. The samples were delivered with proper chain of custody documentation and signatures. All sample containers arrived without any visible signs of tampering or breakage. Sample Identification The laboratory received the following samples: Laboratory Sample Identification Description 178151001 9527-0006-00IF 178151002 9527-0006-001 FS 178151003 9527-0006-002F 178151004 9527-0006-003F 178151005 9527-0006-004F 178151006 9527-0006-005F 178151007 9527-0006-006F 178151008 9527-0006-007F 178151009 9527-0006-008F 178151010 9527-0006-009F 178151011 9527-0006-01OF 178151012 9527-0006-01 IF 178151013 9527-0006-011 FS 178151014 9527-0006-012F 178151015 9527-0006-013F 178151016 9527-0006-014F Items of Note This is a revised report in regards to the Strontium-90 results for sample 178151012. Case Narrative Sample analyses were conducted using methodology as outlined in GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) Standard Operating Procedures. Any technical or administrative problems during analysis, data review, and reduction are contained in the analytical case narratives in the enclosed data package. POox30712 Charleston,SC 29417 2040 Savage Road ChardestnSC29407 843.555.8171 843.766.1178 2

Analytical Request Thirteen soil samples were analyzed for FSSGAM. Three soil samples were analyzed for FSSALL. Data Package The enclosed data package contains the following sections: General Narrative, Chain of Custody and Supporting Documentation, Data Review Qualifier Definitions, and data from the following fractions: Radiochemistry. I certify that this data package is in compliance with the SOW, both technically and for completeness, for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or a designee. as verified by the following signature. Project Manager PO Box 30712 Chadeston, SC 29417 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 843.555.8171 843.766.1178 3

List of current GEL Certifications as of 08 January 2007 State Certification Alaska i UST-062 Arizona AZ0668 Arkansas 88-0651 CLIA 42D0904046 California 01 151CA (oi1orado- G-enlEngýL-ab s Connecticut PH-O 169 Dept. of Navy N-FESC 413 EPA WG- 15J Florida/NELAP E87156 G3e-orgia- E87i56 (FIJNELAP) Hawwaii . N/A Idaho 'N/A Illinois '200029 Indiana C-SC-01 Kansas E- 10332 Kentucky 90129 Louisiana - 03046 Maryland 270 Massachusetts M-SCO12 Michigan . .. . 990 Nevada -"SC 12 New jerseyv SCO02 New Mexico FL NELAP E87156 NewYo-rki - 11501 N oirth Caro li n--a 233 North Carolina Drinking W 45709 Oklahoma .9904 Pennsylvania - 68-00485 South Carol1ina - 120601710585*0-01/161o206-02 Tennessee 02934 Texas - TX21 3-2006A Texas NELAP i T104704235-06-TX U.S. Dept. of Agriculture " S--52597 . US Arrmy-Corps of Engineer - -NVA*- Utah 8037697376 GEL Vermont i VT87156 Virginia 0015[ Washington C 1641 4

Chain of Custody and Supporting Documentation 5

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003 -Attachment B-CY-001 Major Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Chain of Custody Form No. 2006-00739 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556 Project Name: Haddam Neck Analyses Requested Lab Use Only Decommissioning Contact Name & Phone: Comments: Jack McCarthy 860-267-3924 Media Code Sample Type Container Size-Analytical Lab (Name, City, State): Code &Type General Engineering Laboratories Code 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 ATT: Cheryl Jones (843-556-8171) Priority: El 30 D. E 14 D. [] 7 D. < Other: Sample Desigation Date Time , L Comment, Preservation Lab Sample ID 9527-0006-OOIF 12/19/06 0741 TS G BP X 9527-0006-OO1FS 12/19/06 0741 TS G BP X V 9527-0006-002F vi 12/19/06 0744 TS G BP X 9527-0006-003F 12/19/06 0746 TS G BP X V 9527-0006-004F V, 12/19/06 0822 TS G BP X 9527-0006-005F 12/19/06 0748 TS G BP X vi 9527-0006-006F 12/19/06 0750 TS G BP X V 9527-0006-007F 12/19/06 0752 TS G BP X V 9527-0006-008F 12/19/06 0811 TS G BP X 9527-0006-009F 12/19/06 0807 TS G BP X 9527-0006-01 OF 12/19/06 0805 " TS G BP X Samples Shipped Via: Internal o*jer NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR 4: 6*- /ZJ. LTP QA El Radwaste QA E] Non QA Sp Fed Ex Tempra eg. C 7",Z..,* 79f £7.Ja El El7.] u8S Hand Custod~!Sealedy YOI N;/ I) RelinquiseB Date/Time 2 R ed Date/Time Custody Seal Intact? El Other

3) Relinquished By Date/Time 4) Received bate/Time Y 0 ND Bill of Lading #
5) Relinquished By Date/Time 6) Received By Date/Time

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003 -Attachment B-CY-00 I Major Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Chain of Custody Form 362 Injun Hollow Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 No. 2006-00740 860-267-2556 Project Name: Haddam Neck Analyses Requested Lab Use Only Decommissioning Contact Name & Phone: Comments: Jack McCarthy 860-267-3924 Media Sample Container Code Type Size-Analytical Lab (Name, City, State): Code &Type General Engineering Laboratories Code 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 ATT: Cheryl Jones (843-556-8171) Priority: 13 30 D. 0 14 D. 1] 7 D. < Other: *

  • Sample Designation Date Time Comment, Preservation Lab Sample ID

'..1/ 9527-0006-011F 12/19/06 0756 TS G BP X 1" 9527-0006-01 IFS 12/19/06 0756 TS G BP X V 9527-0006-012F - 12/19/06 0955 TS G BP X V 9527-0006-013F, 12/19/06 0801 TS G BP X V 9527-0006-014F. 12/19/06 0759 TS G BP X N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR #: o4 - Z LTP QA 13 Radwaste QA 13 Non QA Samples Shipped Via: Fed Ex

                                                                                                                                   ~~e xTm,* *¢ "f 7.)((

internal Temp C9~ne g g. Cainer z ~~~~ C 77g.*~~~~~~~ 13 Hand Custody Seale1?

1) Rel 5 heBy
3) l4iinquished By
                          *    ~i-D te/Time
                                                        /90-1 Date/Time 2)(Rei ed
4) Received B, '\_

t - I Hate/Time _ Other E-lLgL _ate/Time Custody.] yaIntac? YO NE Bill of Lading #

5) Relinquished By Date/Time 6) Received By Date/Time

Connecticut Yankee CY--SC-SQWO0l Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Services Figure ]. Sample Check-in List. Date/Time Received: *A \ .- SDG#: Work Order Number: ('I

                                                                              # 0oO        .       .Y     "73     7D*

ID: * - LO Chain of Custody Shipping Cdktainer --

i. Custody Seals oti shipping container intact? . -yes [ J No [J] Cy/*
7. . "4'-
2. CustodySeals dtedand signled? Yes'[ No [ N4 Yes), lNo I
3. Chain-of-CustodJy record present? "
4. Cooler temperature 1 "7  ; . -/1 6
5. Vermiculite/packing materials is: Wet [ ] Dry {(,] / /

6 .Number of samples in shipping container: ,

7. Sample holding times exceeded? Yes [ ] No S. ,Samples have:*
            . 7 ,Ztape                         __hazard labe*s
               /.'custody   seals            -.. appropriate sample labels
9. Samples aret-Z, in good condition leaking
                -broken                            -have     air bubbles
10. Were any anomalies identified in sample receipt? Yes [ ] No ]

11.. .Description of anomalies.(include sample numbers): $amrple. Custodi.anLaboratory: . L K Date=! U/&-' /&2 ri" " Telephoned to:

  • on By 8

0 SAMPLE RECEIPT & REVIEW FORM PM ma onl Vlient: SDGlARCOCIWork Order. 1_ýS5D), t6 rlleRecevedjPN(A) Review (ensureaca-coaif emts are reslved prior to signing): tReceived B: 7! Sample Receipt Criteria Comments/Qualirzers (Required for Non-Conforming It ) Shipping containers received intact Cicle Applicable: seals broken damaged container leaking contai otber (describe) and sealed? - . . Samples requiring cold Circle Coolant I ice bags blue ice d none other describe) 2 preservation within (4 +1- 2 C)? Record preservation method. Chain of with included custody documents shipment? / 4 Sample containers intact and Circle Applicable: seals brken cotainer leaking container other (descrie)


Samples requiring preservation chemical at prprpcnw samplc 1s IDe . fected and observed pH: VOA vials free of headspace Sme ID' containers affected. (defined as < mnnm bubble)? Are Encore containers present? 7 (If yes, immediately deliver to VOA laboratory), 9 Samples received within holding I's and ss affected: time? Sample ID's on COC match ID's Sample ID's and containers affected: Date & time on COC match e smle ID's affect- -

  & time on bottles?

Number of containers eceived Sample O's afectei

  .match-number nd" ted on COC?

COC form is perly signed in relinquish received sections? Air ill .Tracking #'s, & d.itional Comments

                                            -set a -*f  RSO>RAD Receipt #

x2 area background is observed on samples identified as 'non-Suspected Hazard Information 3 regulated/non-radioactivec, contact the Radiation Safety group for further ad 'investigation.

     'diological Classification?          -            Maximum Counts Observed*:

PCB Regulated? 1h"pped as DOT Hazardous Material? If yes, contact Waste Hazard Class Shipped: Manager or ESH Manager. I UN#: Regulated as a Foreign Soil? PM (or PMA) review of Hazard classification: initials Date: ;Z. 0 I

Data Review Qualifier Definitions 10

Data Review Qualifier Definitions Qualifier Explanation A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria Analyte is a surrogate compound < Result is less than value reported > Result is greater than value reported RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank B Metals-Either presence of analyte detected in the associated blank, or MDL/IDL < sample value < PQL BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample d 5-day BOD-The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample E Organics-Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range E Metals-%difference of sample and SD is >10%. Sample concentration must meet flagging criteria H Analytical holding time was exceeded h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N Metals-The Matrix spike sample recovery is not within specified control limits N Organics-Presumptive evidence based on mass spectral library search to make a tentative identification of the analyte (TIC). Quantitation is based on nearest internal standard response factor N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the reporti ng limit UI Gamma Spectroscopy-Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound Z Paint Filter Test-Particulates passed through the filter, however no free liquids were observed. PO Box 30712 Charleston, SC 29417 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 8434,5&.8171 843.7.1178 11


Radiochemistry Case Narrative Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. (YANK) Work Order 178151 Method/Analysis Information Product: Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 597843 Prep Batch Number: 597815 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 597813 Sample ID Client ID 178151003 9527-0006-002F 178151012 9527-0006-01 IF 178151013 9527-0006-011 FS 1201251176 Method Blank (MB) 1201251177 178150004(9527-0005-005F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201251178 178150004(9527-0005-005F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201251179 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by GEL Laboratories LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-01 I REV# 14. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solutionms) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. 1.3

Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 178150004 (9527-0005-005F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch. Additional Comments The Cm-242 blank result is greater than the MDA. but less than the detection limit. The sample and the duplicate. 120125 1177 (9527-0005-005F), did not meet the relative percent difference requirement for Cm-242, however they do meet the relative error ratio requirement with a value of 1.71. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information 14

Product: Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu- I I -RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 597851 Prep Batch Number: 597815 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 597813 Sample ID Client ID 178151003 9527-0006-002F 178151012 9527-0006-011F 178151013 9527-0006-011 FS 1201251200 Method Blank (MB) 1201251201 178150004(9527-0005-005F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201251202 178150004(9527-0005-005F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201251203 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by GEL Laboratories LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-01 I REV# 14. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 178 150004 (9527-0005-005F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. 15

Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300. Pu-I I-RC Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 597852 Prep Batch Number: 597815 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 597813 16

Sample ID Client ID 178151003 9527-0006-002F 178151012 9527-0006-01 IF 178151013 9527-0006-01 IFS 1201251204 Method Blank (MB) 1201251205 178150004(9527-0005-005F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201251206 178150004(9527-0005-005F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201251207 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by GEL Laboratories LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-035 REV# 8. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (Q0 Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 178150004 (9527-0005-005F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation 17

Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Manual Integration No manual integrations were performed on data in this batch. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Analytical Method: EML HASL 300, Prep Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 598455 Prep Batch Number: 597813 Sample ID Client ID 178151001 9527-0006-00 1F 178151002 9527-0006-00IFS 178151003 9527-0006-002F 178151004 9527-0006-003F 178151005 9527-0006-004F 178151006 9527-0006-005F 178151007 9527-0006-006F 178151008 9527-0006-007F 178151009 9527-0006-008F 178151010 9527-0006-009F 178151011 9527-0006-01 OF 178151012 9527-0006-01 IF 178151013 9527-0006-011 FS 178151014 9527-0006-012F 178151015 9527-0006-013F 178151016 9527-0006-014F 1201252581 Method Blank (MB) 1201252582 178151 00](9527-0006-001 F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201252583 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) 18

SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by GEL Laboratories LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-013 REV# 13. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 178151001 (9527-0006-00 IF). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. 19

Qualifier information Qualifier Reason Analyte Sample UI Data rejected due to high counting uncertainty. Cobalt-60 178151010 178151012 U' Data rejected due to high peak-width. 178151009 UI Data rejected due to interference. Cesium- 134 178151005 Europium- 155 178151011 UI Data rejected due to low abundance. Bismuth-212 178151003 Cesium- 134 178151007 178151008 178151009 178151015 Cobalt-60 178151007 178151008 U' Data rejected due to no valid peak. Americium-241 1201252582 Method/Analysis Information Product: GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: EPA 905.0 Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 597867 Prep Batch Number: 597815 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 597813 20

Sample ID Client ID 178151003 9527-0006-002F 178151012 9527-0006-01 IF 178151013 9527-0006-011 FS 1201251237 Method Blank (MB) 1201251238 178150004(9527-0005-005F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201251239 178150004(9527-0005-005F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201251240 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by GEL Laboratories LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 10. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Sample 178151012 (9527-0006-01 IF) was recounted to verify sample result. Second count being reported. Chemical Recoveries All chemical recoveries meet the required acceptance limits for this sample set. 21

Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Samples 1201251238 (9527-0005-005F) and 178151003 (9527-0006-002F) were verified by recounting at least five days from the separation date. This package version contains revised Sr results from the second count data for 178151012 (9527-0006-01 IF). Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analvsis Information Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Batch Number: 599130 Sample ID Client ID 178151003 9527-0006-002F 178151012 9527-0006-01 IF 178151013 9527-0006-011 FS 1201254111 Method Blank (MB) 1201254112 178150004(9527-0005-005F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201254113 178150004(9527-0005-005F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201254114 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation. analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by GEL Laboratories LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-005 REV# 13. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry 22

All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (0C) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volumes in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 178150004 (9527-0005-005F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples were recounted due to spectral interference. Samples 17815 1003 (9527-0006-002F), 178151012 (9527-0006-01 IF) and 17815 1013 (9527-0006-01 IFS) were reprepped due to low/high carrier/tracer yield. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information 23

Product: Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE RESL Fe- I, Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 597832 Prep Batch Number: 597815 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 597813 Sample ID Client ID 178151003 9527-0006-002F 178151012 9527-0006-01 IF 178151013 9527-0006-011 FS 1201251144 Method Blank (MB) 1201251145 178150004(9527-0005-005F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201251146 178150004(9527-0005-005F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201251147 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by GEL Laboratories LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-040 REV# 3. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 178150004 (9527-0005-005F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. 24

Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Gualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-l, Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 597834 Prep Batch Number: 597815 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 597813 Sample [D Client ID 178151003 9527-0006-002F 178 151012 9527-0006-011F i78151013 9527-0006-011 FS 1201251149 Method Blank (MB) 1201251150 178150004(9527-0005-005F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201251151 178150004(9527-0005-005F) Matrix Spike (MS) 12 01251152 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) 25

SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by GEL Laboratories LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 8. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 178150004 (9527-0005-005F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. 26

Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid - 3 pCi/g Analytical Method: EPA 906.0 Modified Analytical Batch Number: 597837 Sample ID Client ID 178151003 9527-0006-002F 178151012 9527-0006-01 IF 178151013 9527-0006-011 FS 1201251159 Method Blank (MB) 1201251160 178151003(9527-0006-002F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201251161 178151003(9527-0006-002F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201251162 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by GEL Laboratories LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-002 REV# 13. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Oualitv Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 178151003 (9527-0006-002F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. 27

Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples were recounted due to low/high recovery. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Oualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Method/Analysis Information Product: Liquid Scint C14, Solid AII,FSS Analytical Method: EPA EERF C-0 IModified Analytical Batch Number: 597838 Sample ID Client ID 178151003 9527-0006-002F 178151012 9527-0006-01 IF 178151013 9527-0006-011 FS 1201251163 Method Blank (MB) 1201251164 178150004(9527-0005-005F) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201251165 178150004(9527-0005-005F) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201251166 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by GEL Laboratories LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-003 REV# 8. 28

Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. Quality Control (QC) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 178150004 (9527-0005-005F). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all 29

of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative. Review Validation: GEL requires all analytical data to be verified by a qualified data validator. In addition, all data designated for CLP or CLP-like packaging will receive a third level validation upon completion of the data package. The following data validator verified the information presented in this case narrative: Reviewer/Date: \-J  ; l~i 1 j V//V/)- 20-30




GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report for YANKOO 1 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. Client SDG: MSR#06-1583 GEL Work Order: 178151 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not di:tected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification ND The analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit. The above sample is reported on a dry wc ight basis except where prohibited by the analytical procedure. Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis. This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL Laboratories LLC st anda~rd oerating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Cheryl Jones. Reviewed by / f 32

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 0(424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-OOIF Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151001 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 19-DEC-06 Receive Date: 21-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 18.2% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0,920 +1--0.233 0.0955 +/-0.233 0.213 pCi/g JPHI 12126/06 1502 598455 1 Americium-241 U -0.0188 +1-0.0446 0.0386 +/-0.0446 0.0803 pci/g Bismuth-212 0.673 +/--0.460 0.253 +/-0.460 0.547 Bismuth-214 0.845 +/--0.148 0.0624 +/-0.148 0.134 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0515 +/-A).0894 0.0368 +/-0.0894 0.0797 pCi/g Cesium-137 1.22 +/--0.l1l 0.0289 +/-0.111 0.063 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.073 +/--0.0464 0.0274 +/-0.0464 0.063 pCi/g guropium-152 U -0.035 +/-0.0863 0.0732 +/-0.0863 0.156 pCi/g guropium-154 U 0.181 +/--0.107 0.110 +/-0.107 0.242 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0759 +/-(1.0764 0.0692 +/-0.0764 0.144 pci/g Lead-212 0.957 +/--0.0943 0.0398 +/-0.0943 0.0837 pci/g Lead-214 0.855 +/-,0.162 0.0596 +/-0.162 0.126 pCilg Manganese-54 U -0.0065 +/-0.0354 0.0284 +/-0.0354 0.0624 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.0201 +/-(1.0327 0.0254 +/-0.0327 0.0555 pCilg Potassium-40 9.02 +,'-1.25 0.260 +/-1.25 0.604 pCi/g Radium-226 0.845 +/-.0.148 0.0624 +1-0.148 0.134 pCi/g Silver- 108m U 0.0454 +/-(.0332 0.0308 +/-0.0332 0.0653 pcilg Thallium-208 0.307 +1-(.0608 0.0297 +/-0.0608 0.0641 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 JMB1 12/21/06 1245 597813 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside af specified acceptance criteria 33

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample tD: 9527-0006-OOIF Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151001 Vol. Recv.: YANK001 Client ID: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd

  ** Analyte is a surrogate compound
 <   Result is less than value reported
 >   Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot o i the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sampl, concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected abov(: the detection limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected aaove the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy-Uncertain identificztion X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary pad age, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compaund A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 34

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample I'D: 9527-0006--OOIFS Proiect: YANK01204 Sample [D: 178151002 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 19-DEC-06 Receive Date: 21-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 17.9% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 1.10 +/--0.363 0.136 +/-0.363 0.295 pCi/g JPH 1 12/26/06 1503 598455 1 U 0.0329 +l-4).0546 0.0469 +/-0.0546 0.0972 pCilg Americium-241 Bismuth-212 U 0.745 +/--0.384 0.366 +/-0.384 0.774 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.711 +/--0.174 0.0703 +/-0.174 0.150 pCi/g Cesium- 134 U 0.0519 +/-14.0668 0.0425 +/-0.0668 0.0913 pCi/g Cesium-137 1.22 +4--0.116 0.0382 +/-0.116 0.0818 pCilg Cobalt-60 U 0.0127 +/-41.0507 0.0432 +/-0.0507 0.0946 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.103 +4-0.113 0.0986 +/-0.113 0.207 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.041 +1--0.135 0.116 +/-0.135 0.255 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.115 +/-41.0933 0.0803 +/-0.0933 0.167 pCi/g Lead-212 0.884 +/-0.136 0.0707 +/-0.136 0.146 pCi/g Lead-214 0.916 +/--0.182 0.0652 +/-0.182 0.138 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.0165 +/-41.0461 0.0363 +/-0.0461 0.0784 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.0035 +J-(.0378 0.0311 +/-0.0378 0.0671 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.85 +,-1.39 0.401 +1-1.39 0.886 pci/g Radium-226 0.711 +/-0.174 0.0703 +/-0.174 0.150 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.0277 +/-4!.0363 0.033 +/-0.0363 0.0699 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.315 +/-(4.0901 0.0355 +/-0.0901 0.076 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 JMBI 12/21/06 1245 597813 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria Analyte is a surrogate compound 35

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-OOIFS Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151002 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd

 < Result is less than value reported
 > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected abovw the detection limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected a-ove the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

111 Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identificz tion X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary pack age, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this comp)und A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 36

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006--002F Project: YANK01204 Sample 1D: 178151003 Client ID: YANKOOI Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 19-DEC-06 Receive Date: 21-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 17.8% Parameter Qualifier Result Unce-tainty LC TPU IMDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 U -0.0517 +1-(,.0528 0.0436 +/-0.0528 0.153 pCi/g JASI 12/26/06 0908 597843 1 Curium-242 U 0.0631 +/-(,.0866 0.0318 +/-0.0869 0.131 pCilg Curium-243/244 U 0.100 +/-0.132 0.0755 +/-0.132 0.217 pCi/g Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U -0.0331 +/-(.0324 0.0618 +/-0.0326 0.217 pCi/g JASI 12127/06 1458 597851 2 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.0454 +/-0.124 0.0817 +/-0.125 0.257 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U 15.2 +)-12.6 10.1 +J-12.8 21.0 pCi/g JASI 12/27/06 2333 597852 3 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.985 +/-).195 0.0715 +/-0.195 0.158 pCi/g JPH1 12/26/06 1503 598455 4 Americium-241 U 0.025 +1-0 0361 0.0324 +/-0.0361 0.067 pCi/g Bismuth-212 UI 0.00 +/-).249 0.250 +/-0.249 0.530 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.881 +/-).114 0.0397 +/-0.114 0.0858 pCi/g Cesium- 134 U 0.0377 +/-00334 0.0309 +/-0.0334 0.0662 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.867 +1-0 0779 0.0262 +/-0.0779 0.0561 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0425 +/-0 0361 0.0301 +/-0.0361 0.0662 pCilg Europium-152 U 0.0249 +/-00689 0.0596 +/-0.0689 0.126 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.00526 +/--4).101 0.0739 +/-0.101 0.164 pCi/g Europium- 155 U 0.0948 +/-0.0738 0.0469 +/-0.0738 0.0979 pCi/g Lead-212 0.892 +/-0.0742 0.0315 +/-0.0742 0.066 pCi/g Lead-214 0.923 +/-4).120 0.0411 +/-0.120 0.0871 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.00939 q/-0. 0305 0.0232 +/-0.0305 0.0503 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.00651 +/--0.3253 0.0208 +/-0.0253 0.045 pCi/g Potassium--40 8.76 +/-0.990 0.222 +/-0.990 0.504 pCi/g Radium-226 0.881 +/-(1.114 0.0397 +/-0.114 0.0858 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.0189 4-0. )221 0.0183 +/-0.0221 0.0392 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.298 +-0.1)587 0.0243 +/-0.0587 0.0519 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC.Sr9O. solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 0.0903 41-0.0279 0.0189 +1-0.0288 0.0402 pCi/g KSDI 12/28106 1724 597867 5 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid - 3 pCi/g Tritium U -0.325 +/-1.10 0.943 +/-1.10 2.01 pCi/g AXD2 12/28/06 2359 597837 7 37

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-002F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151003 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint C4, Solid AIFSS Carbon-14 U 0.0819 +/-(.0677 0.0557 +/-0.0677 0.113 pCilg AXD2 12/25/06 0941 597838 9 Liquid Scint Fe5, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U -7.48 +,-14.8 12.0 +/-14.8 25.1 MXPI 01/03/07 1431 597832 10 Liquid Scirn Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U -2.84 +)-12.0 10.2 +/-12.0 21.1 pCi/g MXPI 12/30/06 2043 597834 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U -0.0365 +/- 0.254 0.213 +/-0.254 0.433 pCi/g KXRl 01/03/07 1603 599130 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 JMBI 12/21/06 1245 597813 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC b'lodified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I 1-RC Madified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-1I 1-RC Modified 4 EML HASL 300, 5 EPA 905.0 Modified 6 EPA 905.0 Modified 7 EPA 906.0 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe- 1, Modified II DOE RESL Ni-l, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 13 DOE EML HASL-300. Tc-02-RC Moidified 14 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 15 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery % Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL 104 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS 87 (15%-125%) 38

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-002F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151003 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Unceitainty LC TPU MIDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Strontium-90 GFPC, Sr9O, solid-AL - FSS 80 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr9O, solid-AL. FSS 80 (25%-125%) Nickel-63 Liquid Scint Ni63, Soli I-ALL FS 80 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Ni63, Solii-ALL FS 80 (25%-125%) Technetium-99 Liquid Scint Tc99, Soli I-ALL FS 43 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Soli I-ALL FS 43 (15%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside )f specified acceptance criteria
  **    Analyte is a surrogate compound
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation r roduct B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer Lecovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS anal,,sis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H     Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

U! Gamma Spectroscopy-Uncertain identifica ion X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary pack ige, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was ýxceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basih. 39

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Chadeston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gelcom Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 0(424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-003F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151004 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: TS VoL Recv.: Collect Date: 19-DEC-06 Receive Date: 21-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 16.1% Parameter Qualifier Result Uince -tainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Trme Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma.Solid- FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 1.33 +/--0.302 0.119 +/-0.302 0.264 pCi/g JPHI 12/26/06 1503 598455 1 Americium-241 U 0.0552 +/-1.0512 0.043 +/-0.0512 0.0897 pCi/g Bismuth-212 1.33 +/--0.495 0.240 +/-0.495 0.530 pCilg Bismuth-214 0.884 +/-0.161 0.0613 +/-0.161 0.133 pCi/g Cesium- 134 U 0.0706 +/-,0.096 0.0462 +/-0.096 0.0999 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.271 +/-(.0901 0.0363 +/-0.0901 0.079 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0311 +/-(,.0475 0.0426 +/-0.0475 0.0954 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0159 +/-(.0969 0.0807 +/-0.0969 0.173 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0223 +/-0.122 0.0961 +/-0.122 0.220 pCi6g Europium-155 U 0.0507 +/-0.124 0.0727 +/-0.124 0.152 pCi/g Lead-212 0.959 +/-0.107 0.0523 +/-0.107 0.110 pCi/g Lead-2l4 0.842 +/-0.161 0.0615 +/-0.161 0.131 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.018 +/-(.0488 0.0383 +/-0.0488 0.0834 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.0152 +/-C.0347 0.0283 +/-0.0347 0.0624 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.81 +)-l.33 0.293 +/-1.33 0.689 pCi/g Radium-226 0.884 +/-0.161 0.0613 +/-0.161 0.133 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00597 /--C.0346 0.0292 +/-0.0346 0.0629 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.274 +1-0.114 0.0306 +/-0.114 0.0669 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 JMB1 12/21/06 1245 597813 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside cf specified acceptance criteria
  **    Analyte is a surrogate compound 40

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 0(424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-003F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151004 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd

 <   Result is less than value reported
 >   Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot o i the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Samph: concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected abov: the detection limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected a )ove the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identificz Lion X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary pack age, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compiund A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RE. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basi ;. 41

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-004F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151005 Client ID: YANKOOI Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 19-DEC-06 Receive Date: 21-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 9.66% Parameter Qualifier Result ULnces tainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,nSolid-FSSGAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.636 +/-0.178 0.0472 +/-0.178 0.103 pCi/g JPHI 12/26/06 1605 598455 1 Americium-241 U 0.0372 /-0.0865 0.0506 +1-0.0865 0.105 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.728 +/-0.264 0.101 +1-0.264 0.218 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.691 +/-0.104 0.0309 +/-0.104 0.0655 pCi/g Cesium- 134 UI 0.00 4/-0.0419 0.0158 +/-0.0419 0.0341 pCi/g Cesium- 137 2.71 +/-0.251 0.0167 +1-0.251 0.0356 pCilg Cobalt-60 0.128 +/-0.0335 0.0168 +/-0.0335 0.0369 pCi/g Europium- 152 U 0.0473 ÷1-0.0535 0.0483 +1-0.0535 0.101 pCi/g Europium-!54 U -0.0218 ,1-0.0515 0.0422 +1-0.0515 0.0933 pCi/g Europium-t55 U 0.0359 A1/-0 0492 0.0433 +/-0.0492 0.0896 pCilg Lead-212 0.580 -/-0.0721 0.0256 +/-0.0721 0.0532 pCi/g Lead-214 0.668 +/-3.108 0.0312 +/-0.108 0.0654 pCilg Manganese-54 U -0.00861 ,/-00178 0.0144 +/-0.0178 0.0311 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0053 A÷(--0 0157 0.014 +/-0.0157 0.0299 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.75 +/- ).924 0.129 +/-0.924 0.292 pCi/g Radium-226 0.691 +/-).104 0.0309 +/-0.104 0.0655 pCi/g Silver-108m U1.910E-05 +/- ).020 0.0169 +/-0.020 0.0353 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.222 +/- ).047 0.0157 +1-0.047 0.0333 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 IMB1 12/21/06 1245 597813 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside cf specified acceptance criteria
  **    Analyte is a surrogate compound 42

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06,124 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-004F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151005 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd

 <   Result is less than value reported
 >   Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation Froduct B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS anal: isis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Samphi concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected axove the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identifice tion X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary pack age, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this comp)und A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 43

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9,2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-005F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151006 Client lID: YANK00l Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 19-DEC-06 Receive Date: 21-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 13.7% Parameter Qualifier Result Unceri ainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Ganuna Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.895 +/-0.197 0.0717 +4-0.197 0.154 pCi/g JPHI 12/26/06 1606 598455 1 Americium-241 U 0.0595 +/-0.D653 0.0569 +/-0.0653 0.117 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.609 +/-11.315 0.135 +/-0.315 0.289 pCilg Bismuth-214 0.830 +/-0.117 0.0357 +/-0.117 0.0757 pci/g Cesium- 134 U 0.0295 +/-0.0344 0.0243 +/-0.0344 0.0515 pCi/g Cesium-137 1.54 +/-().150 0.0198 +/-0.150 0.0421 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0266 +/-0.0411 0.029 +/-0.0411 0.0621 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0316 +/-0.)659 0.0542 +/-0.0659 0.113 pCi/g Europium- 154 U 0.0703 +/-0.D678 0.0621 +/-0.0678 0.135 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0839 +1-0.1784 0.0511 +1-0.0784 0.106 pCi/g Lead-212 0.941 +/-4).101 0.0305 +/-0.101 0.0632 pCi/g Lead-214 0.916 +/-41.136 0.0397 +/-0.136 0.0829 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.0319 +/-0.0268 0.0157 +/-0.0268 0.0341 Niobium-94 U 0.00287 +/-05.206 0.0179 +/-0.0206 0.0381 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.73 +/-.1.02 0.182 +/-1.02 0.404 pCi/g Radium-226 0.830 +/-41. 117 0.0357 +/-0.117 0.0757 pCilg Silver-108m U 0.0265 +/-0.3239 0.0212 +/-0.0239 0.0442 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.252 +/-0.0595 0.0191 +/-0.0595 0.0405 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 JMB1 12121106 1245 597813 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside cf specified acceptance criteria
  ** Analyte is a surrogate compound 44

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 064.24 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-005F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151006 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd

 <    Result is less than value reported
 >    Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation pi oduct B Target analyte was detected in the associated Aank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer rncovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analy ;is D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated NIA Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy-Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary pack, ge, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +-/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was :xceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 45

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-006F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151007 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 19-DEC-06 Receive Date: 2 1-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 14.2% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncei tainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Red Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.828 +1-0.152 0.0501 +/-0.152 0.107 pCi/g JPH1 12126/06 1606 598455 1 Americium-241 U 0.0171 +/--C.0716 0.0641 +/-0.0716 0.132 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.699 +/-0.271 0.118 +/-0.271 0.250 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.825 +/-0.0954 0,0324 +/-0.0954 0.0679 pCi/g Cesium- 134 UI 0.00 +/4-.0382 0.0212 +/-0.0382 0.0445 pCi/g Cesium- 137 0.901 +/-0.0634 0.0159 +/-0.0634 0.0335 pCi/g Cobalt-60 UI 0.00 +/-0.0226 0.0222 +/-0.0226 0.047 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0417 +/-0.0533 0.047 +/-0.0533 0.0977 pCi/g Europium- 154 U -0.0425 +/-0.0728 0.0485 +/-0,0728 0.104 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.072 +/-0.0603 0.0541 +/-0,0603 0.111 pCi/g Lead-212 0.898 +/-0 .0652 0.0258 +/-0.0652 0.0533 pCi/g Lead-214 1,07 +/-00902 0.0303 +/-0.0902 0.0632 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.006 +/-).021 0.0171 +/-0.021 0.0361 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0281 +/-0 0182 0.0168 +/-0.0182 0.0352 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.0 +/-).738 0.143 +/-0.738 0.312 pCi/g Radium-226 0.825 +/-0 0954 0.0324 +/-0.0954 0.0679 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00773 +/-00184 0.0157 +/-0.0184 0.0328 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.256 +/-0 0473 0.0162 +/-0.0473 0,034 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 JMB1 12/21/06 1245 597813 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside c f specified acceptance criteria
  **    Analyte is a surrogate compound 46

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Poaer Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527--0006--006F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151007 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncert ainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd

 < Result is less than value reported
 > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation pi oduct B Target analyte was detected in the associated Alank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UT Gamma Spectroscopy-Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compcund A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +-/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was ,:xceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 47

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 lnjun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-007F Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151008 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 19-DEC-06 Receive Date: 21-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 9.02% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 1.06 +/-('.217 0.0685 +/-0.217 0.137 pCi/g JPH1 12r26/06 1611 598455 1 Americium-241 U 0.0701 +/-('.l16 0.096 +/-0.116 0.192 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.928 +/-('.310 0.140 +/-0.310 0.279 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.880 +/-(,.136 0.0384 +/-0.136 0.0768 pCi/g Cesium- 134 UI 0.00 +/-0.')337 0.0257 +/-0.0337 0.0513 pCi/g Cesium- 137 0.650 +/-0. )759 0.0222 +/-0.0759 0.0444 pCi/g Cobalt-60 UT 0.00 +/-(.034 0.0252 +/-0.034 0.0504 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.00954 +/-0.,)874 0.0582 +/-0.0874 0.116 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.00422 +/-0.,)792 0.0563 +/-0.0792 0.113 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0676 +/-0.)737 0.0676 +/-0.0737 0.135 pCi/g Lead-212 0.973 +/-(.105 0.0328 +/-0.105 0.0655 pCi/g Lead-214 1.09 +/-(.142 0.0429 +/-0.142 0.0858 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.012 +/-0.,)235 0.0211 +/-0.0235 0.0423 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00626 +4-0.0 239 0.0178 +/-0.0239 0.0356 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.71 +/-1.01 0.153 +/-1.01 0.306 pCi/g Radium-226 0.880 +/-(.136 0.0384 +/-0.136 0.0768 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.000166 +/-0.'1226 0.0196 +/-0.0226 0.0393 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.304 +/-0.0556 0.0202 +1-0.0556 0.0405 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 JMB I 12/21/06 1245 597813 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside or specified acceptance criteria
  • Analyte is a surrogate compound 48

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 0M 424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-007F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151008 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Quatlfier Result Uncer~tainty LC TPU MD)A Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd

 <   Result is less than value reported
 >   Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS anal: isis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy-Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was --xceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basi:;. 49

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 064 24 Report Date: January 9,2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-008F Project: YANK01204 Sample ED: 178151009 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 19-DEC-06 Receive Date: 21-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 4.63% Parameter Qualifier Result Unceri ainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.606 +/-0-145 0.0535 +/-0.145 0.107 pCi/g JPHI 12/26/06 1611 598455 1 Americium-241 U 0.0149 +/-0.069 0.0566 +/-0.069 0.113 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.645 +1-4).247 0.122 +/-0.247 0.244 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.558 +/-0.0991 0.032 +/-0.0991 0.064 pCi/g Cesium-134 U1 0.00 +/-0.D279 0.0207 +/-0.0279 0.0414 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.903 +/-0.3895 0.0195 +/-0.0895 0.0389 pCi/g Cobalt-60 UI 0.00 +/-0.3256 0.0139 +/-0.0256 0.0278 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0016 +/-0.3656 0.0478 +/-0.0656 0.0956 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0213 +/-0.3521 0.0417 +/-0.0521 0.0833 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0627 +/-0.)592 0.0476 +/-0.0592 0.0952 pCi/g Lead-212 0.554 +1-41.067 0.0266 +/-0.067 0.0532 pCi/g Lead-214 0.632 +/-11.093 0.0344 +1-0.093 0.0687 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.0235 +/-0.3141 0.0127 +/-0.0141 0.0254 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0276 +/-0.)245 0.0142 +/-0.0245 0.0283 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.11 +/-4).807 0.119 +/--0.807 0.238 Radium-226 0.558 +/-0.)991 0.032 +/-0.0991 0.064 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.0126 +/-0.3188 0.017 +/-0.0188 0.0341 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.209 +/-0.)433 0.0163 +/-0.0433 0.0326 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 JMB1 12/21/06 1245 597813 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  **    Analyte is a surrogate compound 50

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 064<4 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-008F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151009 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertvinty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Tune Batch Mtd

 <   Result is less than value reported
 >   Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated I lank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer rccovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analy riS D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of ihe sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample ,:oncentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy-Uncertain identificat on X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compo md A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using ./-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was cxceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis 51

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-009F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151010 Client ID: YANK01O Matrix: TS Vol. Rccv.: Collect Date: 19-DEC-06 Receive Date: 21-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.87% Parameter Qualifier Result Ur wcer tainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mid Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSSGAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.469 +/-3.168 0.0659 +/-0.168 0.148 pCi/g JPHI 12/26/06 1721 598455 1 Americium-241 U 0.024 -*4--0.0364 0.032 +/-0.0364 0.0664 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.350 +/-3.207 0.207 +1-0.207 0.444 pCi/g

                                                     +/-).107    0.0367 +/-0.107      0.0801          pCilg Bismuth-214                             0.609                                                       pCi/g Cesium-134                      U       0.035    0.0299     0.0285 +/-0.0299     0.0617 Cesium-137                                1.69    +/-3.113      0.023 +/-0.113        0.050         pCi/g Cobalt-60                      UI        0.00   -t-/-0.0439    0.0159 +/-0.0439       0.038         pCi/g U     0.0145    4 41-0 0697     0.064 +/-0.0697      0,135          pCi/g Europium-152                                                                                        pCVg Europium-154                    U     -0.016    - 4/-0 0814    0.0676 +/-0.0814      0.152          pCi/g Europium-155                    U      0.0286    --1-0.0838    0.0554 +/-0.0838      0.115          pci/g Lead-212                                0.576   - 4/-0 0814    0.0424 +/-0.0814      0.088 Lead-214                                0.550     +/-).106     0.0462 +/-0.106      0.0976          pci/g Manganese-54                    U    0.00478     --/-00283     0.0214 +/-0.0283      0.047          pCi/g Niobiurm-94                     U     0.0121    44-0 0271      0.0216 +/-0.0271     0.0468          pCilg pCi/g Potassium-40                             7.21     +/-).901      0.236 +1-0.901       0.535 Radium-226                              0.609     +/-).107     0.0367 +/-0.107      0.0801          pCi/g Silver-108m                     U  -0.00682     4 0 0231     0.020 +/-0.0231     0.0429          pCi/g Thallium-208                            0.171   4 4/-0 0433    0.0211 +/-0.0433     0.0458          pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method            Description                                              Analyst         Date            Time     Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep      Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021                               JMBI            12/21/06        1245     597813 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method             Description I                  EML HASL 300, Notes:

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria

  **    Analyte is a surrogate compound 52

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-009F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151010 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd

 <   Result is less than value reported
 >   Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation pioduct B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer iecovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected at ove the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy-Uncertain identificajion X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary packitge, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compc und A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basi, 53

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.corn Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 064Z4 Report Date: January 9,2007


Mr, Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-OIOF Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151011 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 19-DEC-06 Receive Date: 21-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 11% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Tine Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actirtium-228 0.931 +/-(C.262 0.108 +/-0.262 0.234 pCilg JPH1 12126106 1721 598455 1 Americium-241 U 0.051 4-/-(,.050 0.0453 +1-0.050 0.0935 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.303 +1-(..501 0.251 +f-0.501 0.538 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.701 44-C.165 0.0597 +/-0.165 0.127 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0476 +/-0.1)626 0.0423 +/-0.0626 0.0898 pCi/g 0.0343 +/-0.174 0.0731 pCi/g Cesium- 137 3.93 +/--(.174 Cobalt-60 0.141 +/-0.,)761 0.031 +/-0.0761 0.0688 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.000322 +/-(,.105 0.0885 +1-0.105 0.185 pci/g Europium-154 U 0.124 +/-(A101 0.0975 +/-0.101 0.214 pCi/g Europium-155 UI 0.00 +/-(.124 0.0674 +/-0.124 0.140 pCilg Lead-212 0.744 +/-(.112 0.060 +/-0.112 0.124 pCi/g

                                                    +/-(,.157   0.0585   +/-0.157     0.123         pCi/g Lead-214                                0.810 U    0.0107    +/-0.,)388   0.0329  +/-0.0388   0.0706          pCilg Manganese-54 U  -0.0187      +1-(,.036     0.029  +--0.036   0.0621          pCi/g Niobium-94 Potassium--40                             10.9     +1-1.19      0,277   +/-1.19     0.623         pCi/g 0.701     +/-(.165    0.0597   +4-0.165     0.127         pCi/g Radium-226                                                                                        pCi/g Silver-108m                       U    0.0479    +/-0.0533    0.0352  +/-0.0533   0.0736          pCi/g Thallium-208                            0.253     +/-(.078    0.0318   +--0.078   0.0678 The following Prep Methods were performed Method             Description                                              Analyst      Date            Time     Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep        Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021                             JMB1          12/21/06        1245     597813 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method              Description EML HASL 300, Notes:

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria 54

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel com Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9,2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-010F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151011 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd

 ** Analyte is a surrogate compound
  • Result is less than value reported
  • Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer :ecovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot ot the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

U1 Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identificaion X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary pack ige. or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was e-xceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basi:;. 55

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel com Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-01IF Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151012 Client iD: YANK001 Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 19-DEC-06 Receive Date: 21-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.23% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU NIDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL FSS Americium-241 U -0.0873 +/-00733 0.0785 +1-0.0734 0.241 pCi/g JAS 1 12/26/06 0908 597843 1 Curium-242 U 0.129 0.0573 +4-0.144 0.201 pci/g Curium-243/244 U -0.0173 +/-).137 0.121 +/-0.137 0.326 pCi/g Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U 0.123 +/--).174 0.103 +/-0.174 0.292 pCi/g JAS1 12/27/06 1458 597851 2 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.00127 +/-0.0692 0.0571 +/-0.0692 0.200 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U -1.25 +1--4.47 3.79 +/-4.47 7.84 pCi/g JASI 12/28/06 0004 597852 3 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.606 +1-0.158 0.0614 +/-0.158 0.137 pCi/g JPHI 12/26/06 1722 598455 4 Americium-241 U 0.0131 +/-0.0291 0.0265 +/-0.0291 0.055 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.275 +/-41.359 0.168 +/-0.359 0.363 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.556 +/-0.D937 0,0329 +1-0.0937 0.0715 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00556 +/-0.3247 0.0213 +/-0.0247 0.0467 pCi/g Cesium- 137 1.01 +/-0.2837 0.0195 +/-0.0837 0.0423 pCi/g Cobalt-60 UI 0.00 +/-0.2626 0.0179 +/-0.0626 0.0411 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0688 +/-0.2629 0.0491 +/-0.0629 0.104 pCi/s Europium-154 U -0,014 +/-0.074 0.0608 +1-0.074 0.136 pCi/g Europium- 155 U 0.0558 +/-0.2457 0.0456 +/-0.0457 0.0949 pCi!5 Lead-212 0.581 +/-{.061 0.028 +/-0.061 0.0589 pCi/g Lead-214 0.565 +/-(.106 0.0352 +1-0.106 0.0748 pCilg Manganese-54 U 0.0271 +/-0. )269 0.0227 +/-0.0269 0.0491 pCi/g Niobium-94 U-0.000553 +/-0. )223 0.019 +/-0.0223 0.041 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.41 +1-4,.906 0.189 +1-0.906 0.433 pCi/g Radiutm-226 0.556 +/-0.-)937 0.0329 +/-0.0937 0.0715 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.000851 +/-0. 1215 0.0194 +1-0.0215 0.0412 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.184 +I-0,)504 0.0181 +/-0.0504 0.0393 pCilg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,S90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.00367 -+/-0.0179 0.0147 +/-0.0179 0.0327 pCi/g KSDI 01/01/07 1946 597867 5 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid - 3 pCi/g Tritium U 0.120 +/-1.13 0.939 +/-1.13 2.00 pCi/g AXD2 12/29/06 0030 597837 7 56

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Pcwer Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 064 24 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-01IF Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151012 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncer ainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint C14, Solid AII,FSS Carbon- 14 U 0.0737 +/-0,0665 0.0548 +/-0.0665 0.111 pCi/g AXD2 12/25/06 1147 597838 9 Liquid Scint FeSS, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U -10.2 +/--14.5 11.9 +1-14.5 24.8 pCilg MXP1 01t03107 1502 597832 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U -5.24 +/--13.3 11.3 +1-13.3 23.4 pCi/g MXPI 12130/06 2059 597834 It Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U -0.164 +/--A).189 0.161 +/-0.189 0.327 pCi/g KXR1 01/03/07 1705 599130 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 JMB1 12/21/06 1245 597813 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I DOE EML HASL-300, Amn-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I 1-RC Modxified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-1 I-RC Mxlified 4 EML HASL 300, 5 EPA 905.0 Modified 6 EPA 905.0 Modified 7 EPA 906.0 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-0 I Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified II DOE RESL Ni- 1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 13 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 14 DOE EML. HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified 15 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Moidified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Test Recovery % Acceptable Limits Americiuni-243 Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL 86 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu. Solid-AlL FSS 101 (15%-125%) 57

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.corn Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address: 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 0W24 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-01IF Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151012 Client ID: YANK001 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Strontium-90 GFPC, SO9O, solid-ALl. FSS 88 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC, Sr9O, solid-ALl, FSS 88 (25%-125%) Nickel-63 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solic -ALL FS 74 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Ni63, Solic-ALL FS 74 (25%-125%) Technetium-99 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 55 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid-ALL FS 55 (15%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  **    Analyte is a surrogate compound
  < Result is less than value reported
  > Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation p-oduct B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer jecovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GCIMS anal) sis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected at ove the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy-Uncertain identificai ion X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary pack~tge, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compl und A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basi,. 58

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-01IFS Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151013 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 19-DEC-06 Receive Date: 21-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.38% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Am241, Cm, SotidALL FSS Americium-241 U 0.0208 +t-C.129 0.100 +/-0.129 0.281 pCi/g JASI 12/26/06 0908 597843 1 0.269 +/-C.181 0.0276 4-0.184 0.138 pCi/g Curium-242 +1-C. 125 Curium-243/244 U 0.0477 0.0845 +/-0.125 0.250 pCi/g Aiphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-238 U -0.0124 +/-0.1976 0.088 +/-0.0976 0.260 pCi/g JASI 12/27/06 1458 597851 2 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.00372 +/-(.203 0.169 +/-0.203 0.423 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid-ALL FSS Plutonium-241 U -2.88 +/-5.14 4.41 +/-5.14 9.12 pCi/g JASI 12/28/060035 597852 3 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.535 +/-(,.208 0.0909 +/-0.208 0.201 pCi/g JPHI 12/26/06 1722 598455 4 Americium-241 U 0.00107 +/-0.)369 0.0337 +/-0.0369 0.0703 pCilg Bismuth-212 0.667 +/-0.482 0.194 +/-0.482 0.425 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.614 +/-1.106 0.0442 +1-0.106 0.0961 pCi/g Cesium- 134 U 0.0344 +/-0.)688 0.0314 +/-0.0688 0.0682 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.940 +/-0.)873 0.0256 +/-0.0873 0.0558 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0746 +t-0.)588 0.0378 +/-0.0588 0.0828 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0168 U/-0. )632 0.0571 +/-0.0632 0.122 pCi/g Europium- 154 U 0.0116 +/-0.1867 0.0736 +/-0.0867 0.167 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0606 +/-0.1582 0.0545 +/-0.0582 0.114 pCi/g Lead-212 0.501 f-0. 1651 0.0304 +/-0.0651 0.0643 pCi/g Lead-214 0.640 +4-0127 0.038 +/-0.127 0.0819 pCi/g Manganese-54 U -0.00292 /4-0.) 269 0.0231 +/-0.0269 0.0511 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0108 +/-0.3252 0.0232 +/-0.0252 0.0505 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.97 +/--1.09 0.232 +1-1.09 0.536 pCi/g Radium-226 0.614 +/-01.106 0.0442 +/-0.106 0.0961 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.000135 +/-0.3247 0.0214 +/-0.0247 0.0459 pCi/g Thallium-208 0153 +/-0.056 0.0252 +/-0.056 0.0545 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC.Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.0186 A4/-0.0188 0.0146 +/-0.0188 0.0314 pCi/g KSDI 12/28/06 1727 597867 5 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid - 3 pCilg Tritium U 0.514 +1--t.5 0.937 +/-1.15 1.99 pCi/g AXD2 12/29/06 0102 597837 6 59

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007 Contact Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-01IFS Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151013 Client ID: YANKOO I Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Unceitainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint C14, Solid AtlFSS Carbon- 14 U 0.0837 +/-0.067 0.0552 +/-0.0671 0.112 pCilg AXD2 12/25/06 1351 597838 8 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid-ALL FSS Iron-55 U -2.42 +--14.5 11.5 +/-14.5 24.1 pCilg MXPI 01/03/07 1534 597832 9 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid-ALL FSS Nickel-63 U -8.3 +1-I1.9 10.2 +/-11.9 21.1 pCi/g MXPI 12/30/062116597834 10 Liquid Scim Tc99, Solid-ALL FSS Technetium-99 U -0.0367 +/-0.184 0.155 +/-0.184 0.315 pCi/g KXR1 01/03/07 1808 599130 11 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 IMBI 12/21/06 1245 597813 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu- 11-RC Modified 4 EML HASL 300, 5 EPA 905.0 Modified 6 EPA 906.0 Modified 7 EPA 906.0 Modified 8 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 9 DOE RESL Fe-I, Modified 10 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 11 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC MAdified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC MAdified 13 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC M Adified 14 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC M 3dified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Recovery % Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Alphaspec Am241, Cm, Solid ALL 94 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Alphaspec Pu, Solid-ALL FSS 91 (15%-125%) Strontium-90 GFPC, Sr9O. solid-ALI. FSS 89 (25%-125%) 60

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. lack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-011FS Proiect: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151013 Client ID: Vol. Recv.: YANK001 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DiF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Carrier/Fracer Recovery GFPC, Sr9O, solid-ALL, FSS 89 (25%-125%) Nickel-63 Liquid Scint Ni63, SolidI-ALL FS 80 (25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Ni63, Soli I-ALL FS 80 (25%-125%) Technetium-99 Liquid Scint Tc99, Sol, J-ALL FS 57 (15%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery Liquid Scint Tc99, Soli ]-ALL FS 57 (15%-125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside,)f specified acceptance criteria
  ** Analyte is a surrogate compound
  < Result is less than value reported
  >     Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation Froduct B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS anal'.sis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Samplc: concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected aoove the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary pack age, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this comp)und A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 61

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage -load Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06414 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-012F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151014 Client ID: YANK00I Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 19-DEC-06 Receive Date: 21-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 5.7% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSSGAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.800 +/-4 .224 0.0783 +/-0.224 0.157 pCiig JPHI 12/26/06 1727 598455 1 Americium-241 U 0.0366 +/-0.)461 0.0388 +/-0.0461 0.0775 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.689 +/-41.406 0.243 +/-0.406 0.486 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.738 +1-0.150 0.0493 +/-0.150 0.0985 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0419 +/-0.2303 0.0284 +/-0.0303 0.0568 pCi/g Cesium-137 1.31 +/---4.173 0.0298 +/-0.173 0.0595 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0458 +/-0.0433 0.0343 +/-0.0433 0.0686 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0393 +/-4 .137 0.074 +/-0.137 0.148 pCi/g 0.0697 +/-0.101 0.139 pCilg Europium-154 U -0.0158 +/-0.101 Europium- 155 U -0.00737 +/-0.D667 0.0595 +/-0.0667 0.119 pCi/g Lead-212 0.700 +/-0,0971 0.0373 +/-0.0971 0.0746 pCi/g Lead-214 0.729 44-4).125 0.0533 +/-0.125 0.107 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.0508 +1-0.036 0.0286 +/-0.036 0.0572 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0041 +1-0.304 0.0272 +1-0.0304 0.0543 pCiig Potassium-40 9.40 +1--i.16 0.261 +/-1.16 0.521 pCi/g Radium-226 0.738 +1-4).150 0.0493 +/-0.150 0.0985 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.0198 +/-0,0307 0.0256 +/-0.0307 0.0511 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.186 +/-0,0662 0.0278 +/-0.0662 0.0555 pci/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 JMB 1 12/21/06 1245 597813 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  **    Analyte is a surrogate compound 62

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Pcwer Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06L-24 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-012F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151014 Client ID: YANKOOI Vol. Recv.: Par-ameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA units DF Analyst Date Thme Batch Mtd

 <    Result is less than value reported
 >    Result is greater than value reported A    The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B    Target analyte was detected in the associated blank RD   Results are either below the MDC or tracer :ecovery is low C    Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D    Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H   Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected albove the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy-Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basi ;. 63

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 064. 4 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-013F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151015 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 19-DEC-06 Receive Date: 21-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.31% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertdnty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Trme Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma,Solid-FSS GAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.518 +/-0.)925 0.0346 +/-0.0925 0.073 pCi/g JPHI 12/26/06 1814 598455 1 Americium-241 U -0.0206 +/-0.0)661 0.0571 +/-0.0661 0.117 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.394 +/-C.152 0.0775 +/-0.152 0.162 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.497 +1-0.1)616 0.0227 +/-0.0616 0.047 pCi/g Cesium- 134 UI 0.00 +/-0.)195 0.0123 +/-0.0195 0.0256 pCi/g Cesium- 137 4.42 +/-0.,)794 0.0114 +/-O.0794 0-0238 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.152 +1-0.)284 0.0103 +1-0.0284 0.022 pCi/g Europium- 152 U 0.0204 +1-0.:)515 0.0362 +/-0.0515 0,0742 pCi/g Europium- 154 U 0.0153 +/-0.)407 0.0312 +/-0.0407 0.0664 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0595 +/-0.)609 0,0326 +1-0.0609 0.0666 pCilg Lead-212 0.521 +/-0.)382 0.0181 +/-0.0382 0.037 pCi/g Lead-214 0.592 +/-0.)577 0.0257 +/-0.0577 0.0526 pCi/g Manganese-54 U 0.00888 +/-0.)125 0.00902 +/-0.0125 0.019 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00569 +1-0.)112 0.00981 +/-0.0112 0.0205 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.97 +1-(0.490 0.0846 +/-0.490 0.184 pCi/g Radium-226 0.497 +/-0.)616 0.0227 +/-0.0616 0.047 pCi/g Silver-108m U-0.000226 +/-0.3157 0.014 +/-0.0157 0.0287 pCi/g Thallium-208 0152 +/-0.3269 0.0118 +/-0.0269 0.0244 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 JMBI 12/21/06 1245 597813 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description I EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
  • Analyte is a surrogate compound 64

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Pc wer Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06&24 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-013F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151015 Client ID: YANKOOI Vol. RecvQ: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA units DF Analst Date Time Batch Mtd

 <   Result is less than value reported
 >   Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol--condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS anal.,sis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot oWthe sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Samplt concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy-Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary pack age, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this comp)und A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 65

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 -

                                                              ,Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address:     362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 0 Q24                                                     Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-014F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151016 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 19-DEC-06 Receive Date: 21-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.8% Parameter Qualifier Result U]neer tainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gamma Spec Analysis GammaSolid-FSSGAM & ALL FSS 226 Ingrowth Waived Actinium-228 0.613 +1-0.102 0.0302 +/-0.102 0.0628 pCi/g JPHI 12/26/06 1940 598455 1 Americium-241 U -0.0135 +1--C .0434 0.0388 +/-0.0434 0.0789 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.288 +/-0.145 0.0669 +/-0.145 0.139 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.740 +/4-C.0593 0.019 +/-0.0593 0.0391 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0208 +/-C .0173 0.011 +/-0.0173 0,0226 pCi/g Cesium-137 4.21 +/-C4.0669 0.0096 +/-0.0669 0.0198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.132 +/-C .0239 0.00961 +/-0.0239 0,0201 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0376 +/-4-.0353 0.0294 +/-0.0353 0.0601 pCi/g Europium- 154 U -0.0308 +/-C.0332 0.0265 +/-0.0332 0-0555 pCi/g Europium- 155 U 0.0332 +/-C.0359 0.O318 +/-0.0359 0.0647 pCi/g Lead-212 0.622 +/-C .0379 0.0169 +/-0.0379 0.0344 pCi/g Lead-214 0.831 +/--( .0583 0.0223 +/-0.0583 0.0454 pci/g Manganese-54 U 0.0141 +/-(.0098 0.00842 +/-0.0105 0.0175 pCilg Niobium-94 U 0.000806 0.00836 +1-0.0098 0.0173 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.8 +/-0.420 0.0771 +/-0.420 0.163 pci/g Radium-226 0.740 +/--C.0593 0.019 +/-0.0593 0.0391 pCi/g Silver- 108m U -0.00761 +/-C .0136 0.0113 +/-0.0136 0.023 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.199 +/-4.02r87 0.00946 +/-0.0287 0.0195 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 JMBI 12/21/06 1245 597813 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description EML HASL 300, Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: A quality control analyte recovery is outside )f specified acceptance criteria

  ** Analyte is a surrogate compound 66

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address : 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 9, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0006-014F Project: YANK01204 Sample ID: 178151016 Client ID: YANKO01 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd

 <   Result is less than value reported
 >   Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation p oduct B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer tecovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected at ove the MDL, MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy-Uncertain identificxion X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary pack ige, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this comp(,und A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was -xceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basP:. 67

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.geltcom QC Summary Report Date: January 9,2007 Client: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Page I of 9 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut


Mr. Jack McCarthy Workorder: 178151 Parmname NOM -am-pleQual oC Units RPD% REC% Range AnIst Date Time gad Alpha Spec Batch 597843 QC120125 1177 178150004 DUP Ameiecium-24 I U -0.0434 U -0.023 pCi/g 61 (0%- 100%) JASI 12/26/0609:08 Uncert: +- -0.0605 +/-0.143 TPU: +j-0.0605 +/-0.143 Curium-242 U 0.046 0.216 pCifg 130 (0% - 100%) Uncert: -, -0.0863 +/-0.173 TPU: +,-0.0865 +/-0.175 Curnum-243/244 U 0.106 U -0.0256 pCi/g 327 (0%- 100%) Uncerc --/-0.160 +7-0.142 TPU: --4-0.161 +/-0.142 QC120 125 1179 LCS Americium-241 12.0 11.5 pCi/g 96 (75%-125%) 12/26/06 09:08 Uncert: +1-1.09 TPU: +/-1.74 Curium-242 U 0.123 pCi/g Uncert: +1-0.120 TPU: +/-0-121 Curiurr-243/244 14.5 13.5 pCi/g 93 (75%-125%) Uncert: +1-1.18 TPU: +/-1.98 QC 120125 1176 MB Americium-24 I U -0.0252 pCi/g 12/26/06 09:08 Uncert: +/-0.0563 TPU: +/-0.0563 Curium-242 0.389 pcil.g Uncert: +/-0.201 TPU: +/-0.206 Curium-243/244 U 0.107 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.141 TPU: +/-0.141 QC1201251179 178150004 MS Americium-241 12.0 U -0.0434 12.4 pci/g 103 (75%-125%) Uncert: +, -0.0605 +/-1.22 TPU: +,-0.0605 +/-1.95 Curium-242 U 0.046 U 0.137 pCi/g Uncert: +, -0.0863 +/-0.143 TPU: +. -0.0865 +/-0.144 Curium-243/244 14.6 U 0.106 14.4 pCilg 99 (75%-125%) Uncert: --/-0.160 +/-1.31 TPU: -/-0.161 +/-2.20 Batch 597851 QC1201251201 178150004 DUP Plutonium-238 U -0.0772 U -0.0271 pCi/g 96 (0% - 100%) JASI 12/27/06 14:58 68

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Fkad Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summar Workorder: 178151 Page 2 of 9 Parmnae. NOM -&ag n uai _Q_ Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 597851 Uncert: 0.162 +M-0.153 TPU: +4-0.162 +-4.153 Plutonium-239/240 u 4)0038 U -0.0384 pCilg 164 (0%- 100%) Uncert: -,1-0.120 +"-0.0928 TPU: +,-O.120 +/-0.0929 QC 1201251203 LCS Plutonium-238 U 0.0158 pCi/g (75%-125%) Uncert .0848 TPU- -+1.0848 Plutonium-239/240 11.8 11.3 PCi/g 96 (75%-125%) Uncert: +1-1.12 TPU: +1-1.74 QC1201251200 MB Plutonium-238 U -0.0371 pCi/g Uncert: +"-.0325 TPU: +1-0.0328 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.00988 PCV/g Uncert: +"4.0938 TPU: +1-0.0938 QC1201251202 178150004 MS Plutonium-238 u -0.0772 U -0.199 PCilg (75%-125%) Uncert: 4/-0.162 +1-0.151 TPU: 4/-0.162 +/-0.153 Plutonium-239/240 12.4 U -0.0038 10.7 pCi/g 86 (75%-125%) Uncert: 4/-0.120 +/-1.19 TPU: 4/-0.120 +/-1.76 Batch 597852 QC1201251205 178150004 DUP Plutonium-241 U 0.668 U -3.25 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) JASI 12/28/06 01:38 Uncert: 4--5.68 +1-5.56 TPU: 5.68 +1-5.56 QC1201251207 LCS Plutonium-241 133 106 PCi/gT 80 (75%-125%) 12/28/06 02:41 Uncert: +/-7.69 TPU: +4-12.3 QC1201251204 MB Plutoniumn-241 U -3.0 pCi/g 12/28/06 01:07 Uncert: +1-6.23 TPU: +4-6.23 QC1201251206 178150004 MS Plutonium-241 A37 U 0.668 117 PCi/g 86 (75%-125%) 12/28/06 02:09 Uncert: 4+-5.68 +1-9.18 TPU: +1-5.68 +/-14.3 Rad Gamma Spec Batch 598455 QC1201252582 178151001 DUT Aclinium-228 0.920 0.801 pCi/g 14 (0%- 100%) JPHI 12/26/06 19:41 Uncert: ý-1-0.233 +--0.152

                                                                    +/-0.152 69

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www-q.Wm QC Summary Workorder: 178151 Page 3 of 9 Parm^ame NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% RKC% Range Atist Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 598455 TPU: +"-1.233 Americimn-241 u -4).0188 UI 0.00 pCi/g 428 (0%- 100%) Uncen: +4-).0446 +1-0.0377 TPU: +/-).0446 +/-0.0377 Bismuth-212 0.673 0.708 pCi/g 5 (0% - 100%) Uncert: +,-0.460 +/-0.305 TPUM +-0.460 +/-0.305 Bismuth-214 0.845 0.888 pCiig 5 (0% - 100%) Uncert: +--0.148 +/-0.0971 TPU: -h-0-148 +/-0.0971 Cesium- 134 u 0.0515 U 0.0265 pCi/g 64 (0% - 100%) Uncert: +/-).0894 +/-0.0399 TPU: +/-10894 +/-0.0399 Cesium- 137 1.22 1.21 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) Uncen: +'-0.111 +/-0.0627 TPU: +.'-0.111 +/-0.0627 Cobalt-60 0.073 U 0.0358 pCi/g 68 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/--0464 +4-0.0273 TPU +/-3 0464 +1-0.0273 Europium- 152 u -0.035 U -0.014 pCi/g 86 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +1-3.0863 +/-0.0528 TPU: +1-D.0863 +/-0.0528 Europium-154 U 0.181 U -0.0154 pCilg 237 (0% - 100%) Uncert: +'-0. 107 +/-0.0692 TPU: +'-0.107 +/-0.0692 Europium- 155 U 0.0759 U 0.0495 pCi/g 42 (0% - 100%) Uncert: +/-a.0764 +/-0.056 TPU: +4-010764 +/-0.056 Lead-212 0.957 0.838 pCi/g 13 (0% - 20%) Uncer: +/-0.0943 +I-0.0599 TPU. +/-0.0943 +/-0.0599 Lead-214 0.855 0.924 pCi/g 8 (0% - 20%) Uncert: +'-0.162 +/-0.0992 TPU: +'-0.162 +I-0.0992 Manganese-54 U -10065 U 0.0218 pCi/g 370 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-D.0354 +!-0.022 TPU: +/-0.0354 +/-0.022 Niobiumn-94 U -).0201 U 0.00669 pCilg 400 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0327 +/-0.0206 TPU: +4-0.0327 +/-0.0206 Potassium-40 9.02 9.59 pCi/g 6 (0% - 20%) Uncert: q-1.25 +/-0.703 TPU: iI-1.25 +1-0.703 Radium-226 0.845 0.888 pCi/g 5 (0% - 100%) Uncert: +'-0.148 +/-0,0971 TPU: + L-0. 148 +/-0.0971 Silver-108m U 0.0454 U -0.00719 pCi/g 275 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +1-0.0332 +/-0.0184 70

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 178151 Page 4 of 9 Parmname NOM S;amnle Oual OC Units RPD% REC% Ranee Antst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 598455 TPU: -+,-0.0332 +/-0.0184 Thallium-208 0.307 0.329 pCi/g 7 (0%- 10o%) Uncert: +,-O.0608 +1-0.049 TPU: +,-0.0608 +/-0.049 QC1201252583 LCS Actinium-228 U 0.0182 pCi/g 12/2t6106 17:22 Uncert: +/-0.550 TPU: +/-0.550 Americium-241 23.4 24.1 pCi/g 103 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-3.03 TPU: +/-3.03 Bismuth-212 U -0.71 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.922 TPU: +/-0.922 Bismuth-214 U 0.0566 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.198 TPU: +/-0.198 Cesium- 134 U -0.0257 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.132 TPU: +/-0.132 Cesium- 137 9.51 10.3 pCi/g 109 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.871 TPU: +/-0.871 Cobalt-60 13.9 14.6 pCi/g 105 (75%-125%) Uncert +/-1.15 TPU: +1-1.15 Europium-152 U 0.301 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.276 TPM: +/-0.276 Europium- 154 U 0.207 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.204 TPU: +/-0.204 Europium- 155 U -0.105 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.250 TPU- +/-0.250 Lead-212 U 0.0554 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.141 TPU: +/-0.141 Lead-214 U 0.0125 p*Clg Uncert: +/-0.203 TPU: +/-0.203 Manganese-54 U 0.0245 pCi/g Uncem +/-0.122 TPU: +/-0.122 Niobium-94 U 0.0158 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.101 TPU: +/-0.101 Potassium-40 U 0.200 pCi/g 71

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Roacf Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.geLcom QC Summary Workorder: 178151 Page 5 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Arist Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 598455 Uncert- +/-0.941 TPU: +/-0.941 Radium-226 U 0,0566 pCi/g (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.198 TPU: +"-0.198 Silver- 108m U -0.0881 PCi/g Unceri: +1-0.100 TPU: +/-0.100 Thallium-208 U 0.00472 pCi/g Uncert: 4/-0.102 TPU: +/-0,102 QC1201252581 MB Actiniumn-228 U 0.011 pCi/g 12126/06 19:45 Unceri: +/-0.0309 TPU: +/-0.00 Americium-24 1 U -0.00094 pCilg Uncert: +/-0.00803 TPU: +/-0.00 Bismuth-212 U 0.0724 PCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0805 TPU: +"-0.00 Bismuth-214 u 0.00712 PC'ig Uncert: +/-0.0193 TPU: +/-0.00 Cesium-1 34 U 0.000566 PCi/g Uncert: +1-0.00992 TPUM +/-0.00 Cesium-137 U 0.002 PCi/g Uncert: +1-0.00944 TPU: +/-0.00 Cobalt-60 u 0.0066 PCi/g Uncert: +1-0.0111 TPU: +/-0.00 Europium- 152 U 0.00617 PCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0217 TPU: ++/--0.00 Europium- 154 U -0.00113 PCi/g Uncert: +/-0.034 TPU: +t-0.00 Europium- 155 U -000919 PCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0152 TPU: +/-0.00 Lead-212 U -0.0171 pCi/g Uncert +/-0.0194 TPU: +1-0.00 Lead-214 U 0.0189 PCi/g Uncert: +1-0.0168 TPU: +/-0.00 72

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 178151 Page 6 of 9 Parmname ________ NOM Sample Qual _QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 598455 Manganese-54 U 0.0109 PCI/g Uncert: +/-0.00977 TPU: +/-0.00 Niobium-94 U -0.00523 PCi/g Uncert: +/-0.00878 TPU: +/-0.00 Potassium-40 U 0.117 PCilg Uncert: +/-0.115 TPU: +/-0.00 Radiutn-226 U 0.00712 PCIlg Uncert: +/-0.0193 TPU: +/-0.00 Silver- 108m U 0.0117 pcVlg Uncert: +/-0.00831 TPU: +/-0.00 Thallium-208 U -0.00956 PC-dg Uncert: +1-0.0137 TPU: +/-0.00 Rad Gas Flow Batch 597867 QC1201251238 178150004 DUP Strontium-90 0.0678 0.0917 pCi/g 30 (0%- 100%) KSDI 12/28/06 17:27 Uncer: +j-0.0236 +/-0.0235 TPU: +1-0.0239 +/-0.024 QC1201251240 LCS Stronbum-90 1.65 1.31 PCtIg 79 (75%-125%) 12/28/06 17:27 Uncert: +/-0.0881 TPU: +/-0.107 QC1201251237 MB Strontium-90 U 0.00445 PG~fg 12/28/06 17:27 Uncer: +/-0.0168 TPU: +/-0.0168 QC1201251239 178150004 MS Strontium-90 5.26 0.0678 4.66 PCdg 87 (75%-125%) 12/28/06 17:27 Uncert: +/-0.0236 +/-0.321 TPU: +/-0.0239 +/-0.394 Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 597832 QC1201251145 178150004 DUP Iron-55 U -8.18 U -4.3 Plaig 0 (0% - 100%) AXPI 01/03/07 16:37 Uncert: +/-16.2 +/-17.2 TPU: +/-16.2 +/-17.2 QC1201251147 LCS Iron-55 600 668 PCi/g 111 (75%-125%) 01/03/07 17:40 Uncert: +/-32.9 TPU: +/-86.5 QC1201251144 MB Iron-55 U -7.49 PCi-g 01/03/07 16:06 73

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Chadeston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder- 178151 Page 7 of 9 Parmname NOM 3ample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 597832 Uncert +/-13.9 TPU +/-13.9 QC120.25i146 178150004 MS Iron-55 627 U -8.18 676 pC i/g 108 (75%-125%) 01/03107 17:09 Uncert: +/-16.2 +t-34.9 TPU +/-16.2 +/-93.2 Batch 597834 QC1201251150 178150004 DUP Nickel-63 U -0.808 U -6.29 pC 0 (0% - 100%) 'AXPI 12/30/06 21:48 Uncert: +/-13.8 +/-12.2 TPU +1-13.8 +/-12.2 QC1201251152 LCS i/g Nickel-63 541 439 pC 81 (75%-125%) 12/30/06 22:21 Uncert: +/-21.3 TPU +/-26.3 QC1201251 149 MB i/g Nickel-63 U -1.04 pC. 12/30/06 21:32 Uncert +/-10.7 i/g TPU +/-10.7 QC1201251151 178150004 MS Nickel-63 588 U -0.808 524 pCi 89 (75%-125%) 12/30/06 22:04 Uncert: +/-13.8 +1-24.5 TPU +/-13.8 +/-31.1 Batch 597837 QC1201251160 178151003 DUP Tritium U -0.325 U 0.156 pCiig 0 (0% - 100%) 4XD2 12/29/06 02:05 Uncert: +/-1.10 +/-1.13 TPU +/-1.10 +1-1.13 QC1201251162 LCS Tritium 8.11 9.63 pCi i/g 119 (75%-125%) 12/29/06 03:08 Uncert: +1- 1.01 TPU: +/-1.02. QC1201251159 MB Tritium U 0.0585 pCi /9 12/29/06 01:34 Uncerl: +1-0.550 TPU: +/-0.550 QCI20251 t1l 178151003 MS Tritium 8.11 U -0.325 6.71 pCi,i9 83 (75%-125%) 12/29106 02:37 Uncert: +/1-.10 +1-14A9 TPU: +/-t.10 +1-1.49 Batch 597838 QC1201251164 178150004 DUP Carbon- 14 U 0.02-05 U 0.0357 pCi/ 9g 0 (0% - 100%) kXD2 12125/06 17:59 Uncert: +, -0.0667 +1-0.0667 TPU: +,-0.0667 +/-0.0667 QC12012-51166 LCS Carbon- 14 ,.96 6.96 pCi 100 (75%-125%) 12/25/06 21:25 Uncert: +/-0.164 TPU: +1-0. 197 74

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 178151 Page 8 of 9 Parmname NOM _ m Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anist Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 597838 QC1201251163 MB Carbon- 14 U 0.00509 pCi/g 12/25/06 15:55 Uncert: +1-0.0661 TPU: +/-0.0661 QC1201251165 178150004 MS Carbon-14 7.01 U 0-0205 6.88 pCi/g 98 (75%-125%) 12125/06 20:01 Uncert: +IL0.0667 +/-0.163 TPU: +kd.0667 +/-0.195 Batch 599130 QC1201254112 178150004 DUP Technetium-99 U 41.0363 U -0.0772 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) KXR1 01/03/07 20:12 Uncert "I-0.197 +/-0.201 TPU: i-l-0.197 +/-0,201 QC1201254114 LCS Technetium-99 12.7 12.2 pCi/g 96 (75%-125%) 01/03/07 22:17 Uncert: +/-0.317 TPU: +/-0.440 QC1201254111 MB Technetium-99 U -0.0432 pCi/g 01/03107 19:10 Uncert +/-0.158 TPU: +1-0.158 QC1201254113 178150004 MS Technetium-99 12.7 U -0.0363 11.9 pCi/g 93 (75%-125%) 01103107 21:15 Uncert: ,4-0. 197 +/-0.389 TPU: 0.197 +1-0.490 Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specifed acceptance criteria Analyte is a surrogate compound Result is less than value reported Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery i.. low C Analyte has been confirmed by GCIMS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the samrt fe H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentraino exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detect an limit R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the PIDL, MDA, or LOD. U1 Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification Consult Case Narrative. Data Summary package, or Ptroect Manager concerning this qualifier 75

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road! Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 178151 Page 9 of 9 Parmnare NOM __... Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time X Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceedt-d N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when saniple concentration exceeds spike cone. by a factor of 4or more.

    • Indicates analyte is a surrogate compound.

A The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample d&picate (DUP) is evaluated against the accepamce criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract require i detectsim limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluat the DUP result. For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations. Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified or the QC Summary. 76


GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Renort Date: January 4, 2007 Client - Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Page 1 of 9 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut


Mr. Jack McCarthy Workorder: 178151 Parmname NOM Sample Qu__ QC Units RPD% REC.%

                                                                                                   ...          -Ra-nge A__.nist   Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch           597843 QC 1201251 177   178150004  DUP AmericiLuM<24                                         U     -0.0434  U    -0.023      pCi/g     61          (01%- 100ON,%iIASI    112/6/06 09-08 Uncen:       +1-0.0605      -/-0.143 TPU:     +/-0.0605     +/-0.143 CUriu1m-242                                           U        0.046        0.216     pCi/g    130          (0%- 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0863 +/-0.173 TPU: +/-0.0865 +/-0. 175 CL1611m-243/244 L_ 0.106 U -0.0256 pCi/g 327 10% - 100%) Uncert: +/-0.160 +/-0 1421 TPU: +/-0.161 +1-0.142 QC120125l 179 LCS Americium-241 12.0 11.5 pCi/g 96 (75%-125%) 12/26/06 09:08 Uncert: +/- 1.09 TPU: +1-1.74 CLurium 12 U 0.123 pCiig Uncert: +/-0.120 TPU: +/-0.121 Curium- '43/244 14.5 13.5 pCi/g 93 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-I,18 TPU: +/-1,98 QC 12012511(76 MB Amnericitim-24 I U -0.0252 pCi/g 12/26/06 09:08 Uncert: +/-0.0563 TPU: +/-0.0563 Curium-242 0.389 pCilg Uncert: +i-0.201 TPU: +/-0.206 Curiurn-243/244 U 0.107 pCi/g Ulncert: +/-0.141 TPU: +/-0.141 QC1201251178 178150004 MS Americium-241 12.0 U -0.0434 114 pCi/g 103 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.0605 +/-I .22 TPU: +/-0.0605 +/-1.95 Curium-242 U 0.046 U 0.137 pCi/i Ulncert: +/-0.0863 +/-0.143 TPU: +/-00,865 +/-0.144 CuriumR-243/244 14.6 U 0.106 14.4 pCi/v 99 (7/%-25%1) Uncert: +/-0.160 +1-1.31 TPU: +/-0.161 +/-2.20 Batch 597851 QC120125120, 178150004 DUP Plutonium-238 Li -0,0772) U -0.0271 pCi/t 96 i0%- 100%) JASI 12/27/06 14:58 78

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 178151 Page 2 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD%.. RE.C L7t, Range Anis~t .Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch Uncert: +/-0.162 +/-0.153 TPU: +/-0.162 +/-0.153 Plutoniurn-239/240 u -0.0038 U -0.0384 pCi/g 164 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.120 +/-0.0928 TPN: +/-0.120 +/-0,0929 QC1201251203 LCS Plulonium-238 U 0.0158 pCi/g (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.0848 TPU: +/-0.0848 Plutonium-239/240 11.8 11.3 96 (75%- 125%) Uncert: +/-1 12 TPU: +/-1,74 QC 1201251200 MB Plutonium-238 U -0.0371 Unceru: +/-0.0325 TPU: +/-0.0328 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.00988 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0938 TPU: +/-0.0938 QC1201251202 178150004 MS Plutonium-238 U -0.0772 U -0.199 PCi/g, (75%- 125%) Uncert: +/-0.162 +/-0.151 TPU: +/-0.162 +/-0.153 Plutonium-239/240 12.4 U -0.0038 10.7 86 (75%- 125%) Uncert: +/-0.120 +/-I.19 TPU: +/-0.120 +/-1.76 Batch 597852 QC1201251205 178150004 DUP Pluhonium-214t U 0.668 U -3.25 pCi/g 0 (0%- 100%) JASI 12/28/06 01:38 Uncert: +/-5.68 +/-5.56 TPU: +/-5.68 +/-5.56 QC 1201251207 LCS Plutonium-241 133 106 PC)/g, 80 (75%- 125%) 121/28/06 0)2:41 UnIcert: +/-7.69 TPU: +/- 11.3 QC1201251204 MIB Plutoniurn-241 U -3.0 PCi/2 121/28/06 01:07 Uncert: +/-6.23 TPU: +/-6.23 QC1201251206 178150004 MS Plu1orniur--241 137 U 0.068 117 86 (75% -125%) 12/28/06 02:09 Uncerl: +/-5.68 +/-9.18 TPU: +/-5.68 +1-14.3 Rad Gamma Spec Batch 598455 QC1201252582 178151001 DUP ActiniUm-228 0.920 0.801 pCi/g 14 (0%- 100%) JPH I 12/26/06 19:41 Ultceri

                                                    +/-/-0.233       +/-0.152
                                                                   +1-0.152 79

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 178151 Page 3 of 9 Parrnname NOM sample Qual QC U.n.its RP....%.. R E-C% R~ange Antst. Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 598455 TPU: +/-0.233 Amercium-24 I U -0.0188 UI 0.00 pCi/g 428 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0446 +/-0.0377 TPU: +/-0.0446 +/-0.0377 Bismuth-2 12 0.673 0.708 pCi/g 5 (0% - 100%) Uncert: +/-0.460 +/-0.305 TPU: +/-0.460 +/-0.305 Bismuth- 2 14 0.845 0.888 pCi/g 5 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.148 +/-0.0971 TPU: +/-0.148 +/-0.0971 Cesium-134 U 0.051-5 U 0.0265 pCi/g 64 (0(%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0894 +/-0.0399 TPU: +/-0.0894 +/-0.0399 Cesium- 137 1.22 1.21 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%7 Uncert: +/-0.111 +/-0.0627 TPU: +/-0.).11 +/-0-0627 Cobalt-60 0.073 U 0.0358 pCi/g 68 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0464 +/-0.0273 TPU: +/-0.0464 +/-0.0273 Europium- 152 u -0.035 U -0.014 pCi/g 86 (0% - 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0863 +/-0.0528 TPU: +/-0.0863 +/-0.0528 Europium- 154 U 0.181 U -0.0154 pCi/g 237 (0%- 100%) Uncert: +/-0.107 +/-0.0692 TPU: +/-0.107 +/-0.0692 Europium- 155 u 0.0759 U 0,0495 pCi/g 42 ()% - 100%) Uncert: +/-0.0764 +/-0.056 TPU: +/-0.0764 +/-0.056 2 0.957 0.838 pCi/g 13 (0% - 20%) Lead- 12 Uncert: +/-0.0943 +/-0.0599 TPU: +/-0.0943 +/-0.0599 Lead- 2 14 0.855 0.924 pCi/g 8 ()% - 2%) Uncert: +/-o.162 +/-0.0992 TPU: +/-0.162 +/-0.0992 iMartaanese-54 U -0.0065 U 0.0218 pCi/g 370 (0% - 100%,) Uncert: +1-0.0354 +/-0.022 TPU: +/-0.0354 +/-0.022 NiobIIuM-94 U -0.0201 U 0.00669 pCi/g 400 Uncert: +/-0.0327 +/-0.0206 TPU: +/-0.0327 +/-0.0206 PotassiitM-40 9.02 9.59 pCi/g 6 (0% - 206%') Uncert: +/- 1.25 +/-0.703 TPU: +/-1.25 +/-0.703 RadiUrn-226 0.845 0.888 pCi/g 5 (0%o- I 001Y)% Uncert: +/-0.148 +/-0.0971 TPU: +/-0,148 +/-0.0971 Silver- 108m U 0.0454 U -0.00719 pCi/g 275 (0%?)- I 001,/) Uncert +/-0.0332 +/-0.0184 80

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 178151 Page 4 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Quid QC- ... Units",..R-PD.% REC% Rapge Anist Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 598455 TPU: +/-0.0332 +/-0.0184 Thalium-208 0.307 0.329 pCi/g 7 M0%',-100%) Uncert: +/-0.0608 +1-0,049 TPU: +/-0.0608 +/-0.049 QCI 21)1 252583 LCS Actinhim-228 U 0.0182 pCi/g 12/26/06 17:22 Uncert: +/-0.550 TPU: +/-0.550 Americiumn-24 23.4 24.03 pci/g- 103 (75%- 125%) Uncen: +/-3,03 TPU: +/-3).03 Bismtuth-212 UI -0.71 pCi/L' Uncert: +/-0.922 TPU: +/-(:).922 Bismuth-2 14 U 0.0566 pci/g Uncert: +/-0.198 TPU: +/-0.198 Cesium- 134 U -00257 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0. 32 TPU: +/-0 132 Cesimm- 137 9.51 10.3 pc:/2 109 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.871 TPU: +/-0.871 Cobalt-60 13.9 14.6 pCi/,g 105 (75%-125%) Uncert: +/- 1.15 TPU: +/- 1 15 Europium- 152 U 0.3(01 pci/2 Uncert: +/-0.276 TPU: +/-0.276 Europium- 154 U 0.207 Uncert: +1-0.204 TPU: +/-0.204 Europium- 155 u -0.105 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.250 TPU: +/-0,250 Lead-212 U 0.0554 Uncert: +/-0.141 TPU: +/-0.141 Le-id-"14 U 0.0125 pc)/!g Uncert: +/-0.203 TPU: +/-0.203 Maneanese-54 U 0.0245 pci/2, Uncert: +/-0.122 TPU: +/-0.122 NiObiulm-94 U 0.0158 Uncert: +/-0. 101 TPU: +/-0.101 Potas.iiumn-4( U 0.200 pCi/g 81

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 178151 Page 5 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual _QC Units ...... RPD% REM Range Anist Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 5' Uncert: +/-0.941 TPU: +/-0.941 Raditum-226 U 0.0566 pCi/g (75%-125%) Uncert: +/-0.198 TPU: +/-0.198 Silver- 10in U -0.0881 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.100 TPU7 +/-0.100 Thallium-208 U 0.00472 pCi/g Uncert: +1-0. 102 TPU: +/-0,102 QC 12012.5258 Actinium-228 U 0.0()11 12126/06 19:45 Uncert: +/-0.0309 TPU: +/-0,00 Arnericium-241 U -0.00094 pC i/g Uncert: +/-0.00803 TPU: +/-0.00 Bism-nuth-212 U 0.0724 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0805 TPU: +/-0.00 Bismuth-214 U 0.00712 Uncert: +/-0.0193 TPU: +/-0.00 Cesium- 134 u 0.(X)0566 Pci/g-Uncert: +/-0,00992 TPU: +/-0.()0 Cesium- 137 U 0.002 PCi/g Uncert: +/-0.00944 TPU: +/-0.00 Cobalt-60 U 0.0066 PCi/1c Uncert: +/-0.0111 TPU: +/-(}00 Europium- 152 U 0.00617 Uncert: +/-0.0217 TPU: +/-0.00 Europi urn.- 154 1U -0.00113 Uncert: +/-0.034 TPU: +H-0.00 Europium- 155 U -0.00919 Uncert: +/-0.0152 TPU: +/-0J)0 Lead-2 12 U -0,()17 1 Uncert: +/-0.0194 TPU; +/-0.00 Lead-2 4I- U 0.0189 L)ncert: +/-0.0168 TPU: +/-0.00 82

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 178151 Page 6 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC' Range AI.s. Date Time Rad Gamma Spee Batch 51 Manganese-54 U 0.0109 Uncert: +/-0.00977 TPU: +/-0.00 Niobium-94 U -0.00523 Uncert: +/-0.00878 TPU: +/-0.X0) Potassium-40 U 0.117 POlg, Uncert: +1-0.1 I15

                                                                            +/-0.00 Radjum-226                                                        U         0.00712      pciIg ULncert:                     +/-0.0193 TPU:                         +/-0.10 Silver- I 08M                                                                 0.0117     pcifg.

Uncert: +/-0.0083 1

                                                                            +I-0.00 Thailium-208                                                      U       -0.00956       p~i-,

Uncert: +/-0.0137 TPU: +1-0.()0 Rad Gas How Batch 597867 QC1201251238 178150004 DUP Strontium-90 0.0678 0.0917 pCi/g 30 (0%- 100%/) KSDI 12/28/06 17:27 Uncert: +/-0.0236 +/-0.0235 TPU: +/-0.0239 +/-0.024 QC 120125 240 LCS Strontim-90 1.05 1.31 pCilg 79 175%.- 125%) 12/28/06 17:27

                                                                        +/-0.088 1 TPU:                       +/-0.107 QC1201251237         MB11 Strontium-90                                                                             PC'i/a                                 12/28/06 17:27 U    1-0.00445

TPU: +/-0.0168 QC1201251239 1"78150o04 MS Strontnim-90 5.20 O0(678 4.66 87 (75%-1257,) 12/28/06 17:27 U ncert: +/-/-().(,236 +/-/-0,3',21 TPU: +/-0.01239 +/-0-394 Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 597832 QC1201251145 178150004 DU01 Iron-55 U -8.18 L7 -4.3 pCi/g 0 f - t()0% VIXP1 01103/07 16:37 Uncert: +/- 10.2 +/-17.) TPU: +/1I6.2 +/-17.2 QC 12012-)21147 L.CS Iron-55 6)00 668 Ill (75'-125%) 01/103/07 17:40 Uincert: -/-31 9 TPU: +/-86.5 QCI2I)1251144 101 Iron-55 I.1 -.749) pC i 011/03/07 16:06 83

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 178151 Page 7 of 9 Parmname NOM Sampe Qual QC Units RID 1% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 597832 Uncert: +/-13-9 TPU: +/-13.9 QC1201251146 178150004 MS Iron-55 627 -8.18 676 pCiig 108 (75%-125%) 01/03/07 17:09 Uncert: +/-16.2 +/-34.9 TPU: +1-16.2 +/-93.2 Batch 597834 QC120151150 178150004 DUP Nickel-63 -0.808 U -6.29 pCi/g 0 (01 - 100t17) VIXPI 12/30/06 21:48 Uncert: +1-13.8 +/-12.2

                                                              +/-I3.8            +/- 12.2 TPU:

QC1201251152 LCS Nickel-63 541 439 pCi/g 81 175%;-1254.) 12/30/06 22:2 1 Uncert: +/-21.3 TPU: +/-26.3 QCI1201251149 MB3 Nickel-63 U -1.04 12/30/06 21:32 Uncert: +/-10.7 TPU: +1-10.7 QC120125115I 17815001)4 MS Nickel-63 588 U -0.808 524 pCi/g 89 (75%- 125%) 12/30/06 22:04 Uncert: +/-13.8 +/-24.5 TPU: +/-13.8 +1-3 1 I Batch 597837 QC1201251160 178151003 DUP Tritiurn u -0.325 U 0.156 pCi/g 0 (0% - 100%) 4XD2 12/29/06 02:05 Uncert: +/-].1!) TPU: I/-1.10 QC1201251162 L-CS Tritium 8.11I 9.6 pCi/c 1W9 f754'-125%) 12/29/06 03:08 Uncert: +/11.01 TPU: +1-1.021 QC 120] 2511 59 110 0.0585 PCi/g 12/29/06 01:34 Unceert.: +1-0.550 TPU: +1-0)550 QC1201251161 178151013 M Tintum 8.11 LU -0,325 6.71 pCi/Lc 83 (75%-1251( 12/29/06 02:37 Uncert: +/-1.49 TPU: +/-1.49 Balch 597938 QC12V0125164 178i50004 DUP Carbon- 14 u 0.0)205 U 0.0357 pCi/g 0 {(0% - I0W,1) AXD2 12/25/06 !17:59 Linceri: /-(,)/l.0607 +/-0.0667 TPU: +-/)0.067 +/-0.0667 QCI2I)1251106 LCS Carbon- 14 6.96 6.9b pCi/g 11/25/06 211:25 100 {5%12% Lincert: /1-0.164 TPU: +/-0 197 84

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 178151 Page 8 of 9 Parmname ... . . NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPDcS REC% Range Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 597838 QC1201251163 MB Carbon- 14 L1 0.00509 12/25/06 15:55 Uncert: ÷-1-0661 TPU: +/-0.0661 QC1201251165 178150004 MS Carbon- 14 7.01 0.O0205 6.88 pCi/g 98 (75%-125%) 12/25/06 20:01) Uncert: +/-0.0667 +/-0,163 TPU: +1-0.0667 +/-0.195 Batch 599130 QC1201254112 178150004 DUP Technetium-99 -0.0363 U -(10772 ((N.-1001%) KX RI1 0 1103107 20: 12 Uncert: +/-0.197 +/-0.201 TPU: +/-0,20 1 QC 1201254114 LCS Technetiumn-99 12.7 12.2 pCi/g- 90 (-15%-1 25%1) 01/03/07 22:17 Uncert: +/-0.317 TPU: +1-0.440 QCI201254111 MB Technetium-99 U -0.0432 pCi/- 01t/3/07 19:10 Uncert: +/-0.158 TPU: +1-0.158 QC1201254113 178150004 MS Technetium-99 12.7 U -0.0363 11.9 pCi/l0 93 (75%-Vs,250,) 01/03/07 21:15 Uncert: +/ 197 +/-0.389 TPU: +/-). 197 +/-0.490 Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria Analyte is a surrogate compound

  • Result is less than value reported
   >      Result is greater than value reported A     The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B     Target analyte was detected in the associated blank
31) Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported trom a diltted aliquot of the sample II Analytical holding time was exceeded
   .!     Value is estimated N/A    Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration byv4X or more ND    Analyle concentration is not detected above the detection limit R     Sample results are rejected U     Analyte was analyzed for. but not detected above the MDL. MDA, or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy- Uncereain identification Consult Case Narrative. Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier 85

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 178151 Page 9 of 9 Parmname . . . NOM SampleQual Q Units RPD% REC%.Range Anilst Date Time X Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound

    /I    RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h     Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike conc. by a factor of 4 or more.
 " Indicates analyte is a surrogate compound.

^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptence criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract reqtlired detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL. a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result. For PS. PSD, and SDILT results. the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations. Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary. 86

Health Physics Procedure GPP-GGGR-R5104-003-Rev.CY-001 Major Attachment B Chain of Custody Form No 2007-00010 Company Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power 362 Injun 1101low Road, East Hampton, CT 06424 860-267-2556 Analyses Requested >Lab Use. OW Project Name: Haddam Neck Decomnmissioning Contact Name & Phone: Co-oIefts M~ath Jac324Media sample Container M~ath Jac 324Code Type Size-Analytical Lab (Name, City, State): Code &Type Code Connecticut Yankee On-site Laboratory Priority: [ 30 D. I 15 D. [17 D.: i .. Other: ASAP ___, Sample Designation Date Time U V IComment, Preservation L-ab SamnpIe ID 9527-0005-026F 1/9/07 0910 TS G ILM X ____________  : 9527-0005-027F 1/9/07 0915 TS G ILM X _...____. ...... 9527-0005-028F 1/9/07 0920 TS G 1LM X _______________ 9527-0005-029F 1/9/07 0930 TS G ILM X _____________.. 9527-0005-030F 1/9/07 0955 TS G ILM X ___i____:__ :___":-:-______ NOTES: PO #: N/A MSR #: N/A LTP QA El Radwaste QA X Non QA Samples Shipped Via: Internal Container D Fed Ex []UPS

                                                                                                                                                       'Tenip.: _

Deg. C Hand H Custody Sealed? I) Relinquished By Date/Time 2) Received By Date/Time Custody Seal Intact?:

                                       -/7 " /--                                                                          [F] Other
3) 6elpquished B Date/Time 4) Received By Date/Time _ Y__AY N.

Bill of Lading #

5) Relinquished By Date/Time 6) Received By Date/Timne


- FSS SOIL 9527-0005-026F

,EASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization 'AMPLE ID  : 070109003

  • SAMPLE GEOMETRY : !LMAR 3AMPLE TIME  : 9-JAN-2007 09:10:
;AMPLE        TYPE          : DIRT/SEDIMENT
  • SAMPLE QUANTITY 1.29600E+03 GM
)ETECTOR                            : DET I
,AST ENERGY CAL                     : 9-JAN-2007 07:30:
-EV/CHANNEL                         : 4.99727E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 3TART CHANNEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096
ýCQ DATE & TIME                     : 9-JAN-2007 11:31:
  • DEADTIME (%)  : 0.0%
)RESET         LIVE TIME : 0 00:17:44
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000
'LAPSED REAL TIME :                                   1064.2 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000
'LAPSED LIVE TIME :                                   1064.0 Secs
)ECAYED TO 0 DAYS                     HOURS
 'ILE IDENT                  : CAS$DISK: [NEU.SAMPLE.RP.NEW]070109003 ADC! DIRTSEDIMENT.CNF;1 r***  ****     ****    ******          *****        *******
ýNALYSES           :  PEAK V16.8 NID V3.2 MINACT V2.8 WTMEAN V1.8 "ollected           by      : COCO "EVIEWED BY                 : _--                                __                  _   _


 )ost-NID Peak Search Report
t Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw %Err Fit Nuclides 1 74.89* 107 138 1.21 150.22 147 15 39.6 1.07E+01 PB-212 PB-214 1 77.37* 189 100 1.21 155.18 147 15 23.4 PB-214 PB-212 0 87.43 47 100 1.21 175.32 173 6 73.2 PB-212 0 238.74* 164 78 0.90 478.28 475 7 23.8 PB-212 0 241.88* 52 89 0 .73 484.56 482 8 68.6 PB1-214 0 295 !4* 134 47 1.22 591.23 586 9 25.5 PB-214 0 338 .74* 58 48 0 .73 678.58 672 12 54. 6 AC-228 0 352.19* 233 55 1 i0 705.53 700 12 18. 5 PB-214 0 583 .02* 65 19 1 .81 1168.17 1163 12 37.6 TL-208 0 609 49* 150 26 1.18 1221.23 1215 13 21.6 BI-214 0 661.64* 588 21 1.66 1325.83 1317 15 9.0 CS-137 3 768.47 24 5 2 .18 1540 .12 1536 13 52. 8 2. 10E+00 BI-214 3 771.60 12 0 1.47 1546,40 1536 13 61.1 0 911.14 51 3 1 .12 1826.41 1821 11 30.5 AC-228 0 1120.45* 41 16 1.36 2246.71 2238 16 54. 2 BI-214 0 1173.72* 21 6 1.75 2353.72 2347 14 72. 3 CO-60 0 1332.20* 37 0 2.23 2672.19 2664 15 35.4 CO-60

Post-NTD Peak Search Report (continued) Page : Sample ID : 070109003 Acquisition date  : 9-JAN-2007 11:31:54 It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw 'Err Fit Nuclides 0 1460.03* 166 0 1.35 2929.19 2922 15 15.6 K-40 0 1763.33* 21 4 2.62 3539.43 3530 14 59.0 BI-214

Combined Activity-MDA Report Page : Sample ID : 070109003 Acquisition date : 9-JAN-2007 11:31:54

Identified Nuclides ---

Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MD11 Nuclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM) K-40 8. 478E+00 1. 424E+00 5. 136E-01 3. 15E-02 16.506 CO-60 1. 416E-01 4. 776E-02 5. 003E-02 3. 057E-03 2.830 CS-137 1. 951E+00 2. 523E-01 6. 341E-02 5. 908E-03 30.764 TL-208 1. 937E-01 7. 468E-02 5 238E-02 4. 442E-03 3.698 PB-212 4. 053E-01 9. 586E-02 7 198E-02 4 931E-03 5.631 BI-214 9. 078E-01 1. 737E-01 8. 267E-02 7. 250E-03 10.981 PB-214 9. 282E-01 1. 434E-01 9 864E-02 6. 684E-03 9.410 AC-228 6 996E-01 1. 893E-01 1. 266E-01 6. 856E-03 5.525 Non-Identified Nuclides Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Nuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM) BE-7 1. 145E-01 2 .472E-01 5. 015E-01 3. 613E-02 0.228 MN-54 -1. 469E-02 2 .440E-02 4. 134E-02 2. 790E-03 -0.355 t!B -94 2 331E-02 2 775E-02 6. 394E-02 3. 829E-03 0.365 RU-106 -2. 031E-01 2. 203E-01 3. 504E-01 3. 120E-02 -0.580 kG-108M 4. 767E-03 2. 095E-02 4. 289E-02 3. 786E-03 0.111 kG- 110M 2 690E-03 2. 740E-02 5. 145E-02 4. 773E-03 0.052 SB-125 6 922E-02 7 939E-02 1. 684E-01 1. 03E-02 0.411

-S-134               -4. 033E-03         2 .262E-02      4 048E-02        3. 530E-03      -0.100 EU-152                 7 672E-02         1. 490E-01      3. 462E-01       2. 124E-02        0.222 EU- 154              -1. 363E-02         8. 409E-02      1. 603E-01       1. 268E-02      -0.085 EU-155               -2 389E-02          7. 754E-02      1. 292E-01       8. 931E-03      -0.185 3I-212                 2 331E-01         1. 876E-01      4. 701E-01       4. 024E-02        0.496
 .A-223                7. 400E-02        1. 683E-01      2 890E-01        2. 096E-02        0.256 ZA-226                 4. 945E-01        6. 644E-01      1. 183E+00       7. 368E-02        0.418 rH-228                 6 .217E-01         1. 937E+00     3 .483E+00       2. 960E-01        0.179
?A-234                 5. 571E-01     +   1.379E-01      1.1i8E-0!        9. 102E-03        4.982 CH-234                 1. 082E+00         1. 285E+00     2 .455E+00       4 .255E-01        0.441 3-235                 4. 041E-02         3 944E-02      7 212E-02        4. 490E-03        0.560
 ýM-241                2. 913E-02         1. 533E-01     2 .777E-01       1. 835E-02        0.105 0     w, ? "/j ý"r 4 4ý!_       be &e-


  • 070109003 Sample Title  : - FSS SOIL 9527-0005-026F Sample Time 9-JAN-2007 09:10 Count Time 9-JAN-2007 11:31 Sample Qauntity 1.29600E+03 GM Nuclide Library FSS DIRT Analyzed By CAS Sample Media 1LMAR Sample Shelf :0 Detector  : 1 Required LLD File  : CASLLD:pge_fss dirt.DAT Reqtkired Meaured Nuclide LLD (uy*/GM) VALUE (u/i/GM) LLD MET

_ U ___ __ _.. _ MN-54 6. 960E-01 < 4.134E-02 Passed CO-60 1. 500E-01 1.416E-01 Okay NB-94 2. 850E-01 < 6.394E-02 Passed AG-108M 2 .860E-01 < 4.289E-02 Passed CS-134 1. 800E-01 < 4.048E-02 Passed CS-137 1. 800E-01 1. 951E+00 Okay EU-152 4 .04BE-01 < 3.462E-01 Passed EU-154 3. 720E-01 < 1.603E-01 Passed EU-155 1. 570E+01

  • 1.292E-01 Passed AM-241 1. 030E+00 < 2.777E-01 Passed
               ****    End Of Report    ( 1 Page    ) ****


  • Peak FWHM 1.4 CO-60 1332.49 -0 .29 1 .416E-01
  • Peak FWHM 2.2 CS-137 661.65 -0.01 1. 951E+00
  • Peak FWHM 1.7 TL-208 583.14 -0 .12 1. 937E-01
  • Peak FW14M 1.8 PB-212 238.63 0. 12 4 .053E-01
  • Peak FWHM 0.90 BI-214 609.31 0.17 9. 078E-01
  • Peak FWHM 1.2 PB-214 351.92 0.27 9. 282E-01
  • Peak FWHM 1.1 AC-228 911.07 0.07 6 996E-01
  • Peak FWHM 1i1 AVG ENERGY DIFF = -0.07 1.371E+01 TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 1.161E+01 Total NP Activity 1.951E+00 Total FP Activity 1.416E-01 Total AP Activity 74.89 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.37 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM  % ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 771.60 12. 1.47 1.901E+00 1.467E-03 30.5 P AC-228 2.556E+00 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 1
         % Unidentified/Rejected Peaks =                         5 ,25 Flags:    U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively         Identified            (line not       in  analysis      library)


             ***QEnd Of Report    (   2 Pages )
FSS SOIL 9527-0005-027F

ýEASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization AMPLE ID  : 070109004

  • SAMPLE GEOMETRY  : 1LMAR 3AMPLE TIME  : 9-JAN-2007 09:15:


  • SAMPLE QUANTITY : 1.39000E+03 GM

~****** *** ********************** ******* **** *********** ************************** )ETECTOR  : DET 1


.AST ENERGY CAL  : 9-JAN-2007 07:30:


\EV/CHANNIEL  : 4.99727E-01

  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 3TART CHANNEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096

\CQ DATE & TIME  : 9-JAN-2007 11:50:

  • DEADTIME (%)  : 0.0%

?RESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40

  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.3 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000

'LAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Secs



-ollected         by  : COCO ZEVIEWED BY                     -
?ost-NID        Peak Search Report it       Energy          Area      Bkgnd     FWHM Channel        Left   Pw %Err      Fit    Nuclides 0       77.14*           79       146     1.09       154.73    152    7 56.8             PB-214 PB-212 0     186.05*            44       120     0.58       372.77    369    8 91.7             RA-226 0     210.00             28        69     1.26       420.71    417    6101.8             AC-228 4     238.68*           178        87     1.16       478.17    473   16 22.2 3.29E+00    PB-212 4     241.79*            97        78     1 .71      484.38    473   16 47.0             PB-214 0     295 .39*          101        77     1.37       591.74    587   11 38.9             PB-214 0      338.49*           40         62    1.00       678.09    675    9 77.4             AC-228 0      352 .03*         166        42     1.09       705.20    702    9 21.2             PB-214 0      510.21*           31        44     1.41      1022.20   1014   15102.0 0      583 .26*          70         28    1.18      1168.64   1163   11 37.6             TL-208 0       09 .49*         148         23    1 .75     1221.24   1215   11 20.6             BI-214 0      661. 69*         762         39    1.27      1325.93   1319   14   8.0            CS-137 0      727.89            30           9   0 .75     1458.70   1454   12 55.0             BI-212 0      767.95            25           4   2.45      1539.07   1531   13 49.7             BI-214 0      911.24            50           7   2.02      1826.62   1820   14 36.1             AC-228 0      969.27            31         24    1. 02     1943.10   1931   24 92.3             AC-228 0    1119. 95*           44           7   2 .02     2245.70   2239   14 39.5             BI-214 0    1173.40*            42         11    1  .94    2353.08   2345   15 47.8             CO-60

PoSt-NID Peak Search Report (continued) Page : Sample ID : 070109004 Acquisition date  : 9-JAN-2007 11:50:19 It Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw %-Err Fit Nuclides 1331.91* 32 8 2.85 2671.60 2665 11 52.2 CO-60 1460.01* 194 4 2.17 2929.16 2921 14 15.1 K-40

-ombined Activity-MDA Report Page : 3 3ample ID : 070109004 Acquisition date : 9-JAN-2007 11:50:19 Identified Nuclides Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA uclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM) .C-4o0 i

9. 782E+00 1. 591E+00 4.412E-01 2. 710E-02 22.171 20-60 '- 1. 716E-01 6. 120E-02 4 .963E-02 3. 033E-03 3.458 2S-137 2. 507E+00 3. 084E-01 6. 291E-02 5. 861E-03 39.845 L - 208 2 085E-01 8.046E-02 5. 759E-02 4. 884E-03 3 .621 H1-212 7. 612E-01 4. 237E-01 3. 848E-01 3.295E-02 1.978

?B-212 4 . 259E-01 9. 881E-02 7.406E-02 5.074E-03 5.752 3I-214 9. 189E-01 1. 715E-01 8 .201E-02 7. 193E-03 11.205 PB-214 7. 097E-01 1. 297E-01 9. 786E-02 6. 631E-03 7.253 RA-226 1. 206E+00 1. 108E+00 9. 314E-01 5.802E-02 1.295 kC-228 6. 272E-01 1. 877E-01 1. 458E-01 7.894E-03 4.302 Non-Identified Nuclides Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA iuclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM) 3E-7 4.446E-02 2.495E-01 4 .890E-01 3.523E-02 0.091 14N-54 1.923E-02 2.747E-02 6 144E-02 4. 146E-03 0.313 TB- 94 -5.997E-03 2.125E-02 4 052E-02 2.426E-03 -0.148 RU-106 -1. 249E-01 1.997E-01 3 .480E-01 3.099E-02 -0.359 kG-108M 7. 360E-03 2.263E-02 4. 851E-02 4. 281E-03 0 .152 kG-110M -2. 316E-03 2.406E-02 4 .397E-02 4. 080E-03 -0.053 SB-125 -4 .587E-02 6.906E-02 1.227E-01 8.037E-03 -0.374 -S-134 -1. 829E-03 2.294E-02 4. 199E-02 3. 662E-03 -0.044 EU- 152 -9. 343E-02 1.611E-01 2.537E-01 1. 557E-02 -0.368 EU-154 -1.367E-02 8.338E-02 1.588E-01 1.256E-02 -0.086 EU-155 8 .471E-02 7.908E-02 1.532E-01 1. 059E-02 0.553 RA-223 7. 432E-02 1.569E-01 2 729E-01 1.980E-02 0.272 TH-228 3. 095E-02 2.285E+00 3 926E+00 3. 337E-01 0.008 PA-234 2 .316E-01 + 1.330E-01 1.048E-01 8.529E-03 2 211 TH-234 8 041E-01 1.208E+00 2 .298E+00 3. 984E-01 0.350 U-235 7. 315E-02 + 6.722E-02 7. 569E-02 4. 712E-03 0.966 kM-241 4 .031E-02 1. 633E-01 2. 954E-01 1. 952E-02 0,136 b C6

REPORT NAME  : DET LIM (V1.1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE 9-JAN-2007 12:07 REQUESTOR CAS CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION DETECTION LIMIT CONFIRMATION REPORT Sample ID 070109004 Sample Title - FSS SOIL 9527-0005-027F Sample Time  : 9-JAN-2007 09:15 Count Time  : 9-JAN-2007 11:50 Sample Qauntity  : 1.39000E+03 GM Nuclide Library  : FSS DIRT Analyzed By  : CAS Sample Media  : ILMAR Sample Shelf  : 0 Detector  : 1 Required LLD File  : CASLLD:pge fss dirt.DAT Requred M sured Nuclide LLD (u4*/GM) VALUE (u, 1/GM) LLD MET MN-54 6. 960E-01 S6. 144E-02 Passed CO-60 1. 500E-01 1. 716E-01 Okay NB-94 2 850E-01

  • 4 052E-02 Passed AG-108M 2. 860E-01
  • 4.85!E-02 Passed CS-134 1. 800E-01 S4. 199E-02 Passed CS-137 1. 8OOE-01 2. 507E+00 Okay EU-152 4 040E-01
  • 2. 537E-01 Passed EU- 154 3. 720E-01
  • 1.588E-01 Passed EU-155 1. 570E+01 S1. 532E-01 Passed AM-241 1. 030E+00
  • 2. 954E-01 Passed
               ****    End Of Report      ( 1 Page  ) ****


                                                                            -WHM       -

K-40 1460.80 -0. 79 9. 782E+00

  • Peak FWHM 2.2 CO-60 1332.49 -0.58 1. 716E-01
  • Peak FWHM 2.9 CS-137 661.65 0 .04 2. 507E+00
  • Peak FWHM 1.3 TL-208 583 .14 0 .12 2. 085E-01
  • Peak FWHM 1.2 EBI-212 727.17 0 .72 7. 612E-01
  • Peak FWHM 0.75 PB-212 238.63 0.06 4. 259E-01
  • Peak FWHM 1.2 EI-214 609.31 0.18 9. 189E-01
  • Peak FWHM 1.8 PB-214 351.92 0 .11 7. 097E-01
  • Peak FWHM 1.1 RA-226 186 .21 -0. 16 1. 206E+00
  • Peak FWHM 0.58 AC-228 911.07 0.17 6. 272E-01
  • 2.0 AVG ENERGY DIFF = -0.01 1.732E+01 TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 1.464E+01 Total NP Activity 2.507E+00 Total FP Activity 1.716E-01 Total AP Activity 77.14 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM  % ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 510.21 31. 1.41 3.562E+00 2.563E-03 51.0 P AC-228 1.483E+01 U ANN-RD 0.OOOE+00 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks 1 o Unidentified/Rejected Peaks 5.00 Flags: U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively Identified (line not in analysis library)


              ****  End Of Report       2 Pages ) ****


- FSS SOIL 9527-0005-028
,EASON       FOR ANALYSIS: Site        Characterizat

'AMPLE ID  : 070109005

9-JAN-2007 09:20:
  • SAMPLE QU-ANTITY : 1.49400E+03 GM
)ETECTOR                       DET 1
,AST ENERGY CAL            : 9-JAN-2007 07:30:
-EV/CHANNEL                : 4.99727E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000
'TART CHANNEL              : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096
ýCQ DATE & TIME            : 9-JAN-2007 12:07:
  • DEADTIME (%)  : 0.0%
ýRESET         LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40
  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000
'LAPSED REAL TIME :                  1000.2 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000
,LAPSED LIVE TIME :                  1000.0 Secs
)ECAYED TO 0 DAYS            HOURS
 -ollected       by  : COCO ZEVIEWED BY          :


 ?ost-NID Peak Search Report It        Energy        Area        Bkgnd   FWHM Channel      Left   Pw %Err       Fit   Nuclides 0        74.48*       127          183   0.97    149.41      143  10 43.6             PB-212 PB-214 0        777.28*      127          127   0.79    155.00      153   7  34.3            PB-214 PB-212 0       185.93*         64         145   1.06    372.52      368   9 72.3             RA-226 4        238 .66*      238           82   1  .18  478.12      471  23 18.1   1. 15E+00 PB-212 0       295.61*         99          90   0.95    592 .19     587  11 42.6             PB-214 0       339 .02*        65          67   1.24    679.15      674  12 58.4             AC-228 0       352 .05*      162           86   0.94    705.24      700  12 27.7             PB-214 0       583 .26*        60          27   1.34   1168 65     1162  12 43.3             TL-208 0       609 .37*      155             4  1 .32  1220.99     1213  15 17.1             BI-214 0       661.69*       777           20   1 .44  1325.93     1318  13   7.5            CS-137 0       911.39          42            3  1 .22  1826.93     1821  13 35.4             AC-228 6       965.15           11           2  1  .34 1934 .84    1933  15 66.9   8.30E-01 AC-228 6       968.58          33            6  2  .94 1941.72     1933  15 43.8             AC-228 0     1121. 05*         28          14   1.67   2247 90     2241  16 79.3             BI-214 0     1173 .50*          15          11  1  .71 2353 .27    2347  12109.6             CO-60 0     1459.89*         194            0   1.85  2928 .92    2921  14 14.5             K-40 0     1763 .09*          19           0   2 .01 3538 .95    3533  11 46.6             BI-214

ombined Activity-MDA Report Page : 2 ample ID : 070109005 Acquisition date : 9-JAN-2007 12:07:51 Identified Nuclides Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA uclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)

.- 40              9. 493E+00        1. 490E+00     4. 281E-01      2 .601E-02      22.175 10-60               6. 585E-02        7.226E-02      1.199E-01       7.282E-03         0.549 S-137               2 .534E+00        3.011E-01      4 .519E-02      4 16!E-03       56,070
ýL-208             1.774E-01         7. 819E-02     5.548E-02       4.603E-03         3.197
'B-212             5. 711E-01        1.098E-01      7. 564E-02      4 .931E-03        7.550 1-214             8. 442E-01        1.463E-01      6. 528E-02      5 619E-03       12.933 S-214               6 .683E-01        1.581E-01      1.045E-01       6. 329E-03        6.394 A-226               1 .765E+00        1.283E+00      9. 990E-01      6.793E-02         1.767

ýC-228 6 .389E-01 1.529E-01 1.597E-01 9.232E-03 4.000 Non-Identified Nuclides Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA [uclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi / GM) ,E-7 1 .899E-02 2.290E-01 4 .485E-01 3.118E-02 0. 042 IN-54 -7 .284E-03 2.572E-02 4 .770E-02 3.326E-03 -0.153 TB- 94 -1. 317E-02 2.329E-02 3 .981E-02 2.511E-03 -0.331 IU-106 -9. 754E-02 2. 512E-01 4 .579E-01 4.009E-02 -0.213 ýG-108M -3 .591E-03 1.818E-02 3 .371E-02 2.922E-03 -0.107 ýG- IlOM 3 .905E-03 2.722E-02 5.152E-02 4.721E-03 0.076 )B-125 -1. 152E-01 8.373E-02 1.325E-01 8.313E-03 -0.869 'S- 134 -9 .780E-03 1.896E-02 3 .075E-02 2.630E-03 -0.318 ,JU-152 1.591E-01 1.252E-01 3.566E-01 2.169E-02 0.446 PU- 154 -2 .075E-02 6.604E-02 1 223E-01 9.521E-03 -0.170 ýU- 155 -2 .993E-02 9.468E-02 1.563E-01 1.127E-02 -0.191 ýI-212 1.078E-01 2.489E-01 5. 138E-01 4.396E-02 0.210 A-223 -4 .634E-02 1 778E-01 2 .766E-01 1.725E-02 -0 .168 'H-228 2 .992E-01 2.361E+00 4 .113E+00 3 .837E-01 0. 073 DA-234 4 .053E-01 + 1.439E-01 1.301E-01 1.164E-02 3.116 'H- 234 2 .126E+00 1.520E+00 2. 972E+00 5.217E-01 0. 716 J-235 1. 071E-01 + 7.779E-02 7. 898E-02 5.373E-03 1.356 kM- 241 7. 276E-02 1. 876E-01 3.446E-01 2.358E-02 0.211 0 ye~~ ~~&e

REPORT NAME  : DET LIM (Vi.1) PAGE 1 OF REPORT DATE 9-JAN-2007 12:24 REQUESTOR  : CAS CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION DETECTION LIMIT CONFIRMATION REPORT Sample ID 070109005 Sample Title - FSS SOIL 9527-0005-028F Sample Time 9-JAN-2007 09:20 Count Time 9-JAN-2007 12:07 Sample Qauntity 1.49400E+03 GM Nuclide Library FSS DIRT Analyzed By  : CAS Sample Media  : ILMARSAND Sample Shelf  : 0 Detector 1 Required LLD File  : CAS LLD:pge_fsssand.DAT - DIRT/SEDIMENT FSS (TLMARSA Required M4*sured Nuclide LLD (',/GM) VALUE (Ti/GM) LLD MET _u___ MN-54 6. 960E-01 S4. 770E-02 Passed CO-60 1. 500E-01 6 .585E-02 Okay NB-94 2. 850E-01 < 3 .981E-02 Passed AG-108M 2. 860E-01 < 3 .371E-02 Passed CS-134 1. 800E-01 < 3 .075E-02 Passed CS-137 1. 800E-01 2. 534E+00 Okay EU-152 4. 040E-01 < 3 .566E-01 Passed EU-154 3. 720E-01 < 1.223E-01 Passed EU-155 1. 570E+01 < 1.563E-01 Passed AM -241 1. 030E+00 < 3,446E-01 Passed

                ****      End Of Report      (  1 Page  ) ****


  • Peak FWHM = 1.8 CO-60 1332.49 0.00 6 .585E-02
  • Key Line Not Found CS-137 661 .65 0 . 04 2 .534E+00
  • Peak FWHM = 1.4 TL-208 583.14 0 .12 1. 774E-01
  • Peak FWHM = 1.3 PB-212 238.63 0 .04 5. 711E-01
  • Peak FWHM = 1.2 BI-214 609.31 0. 05 8 .442E-01
  • Peak FWHM = 1.3 PB-214 351.92 0 .13 6 .683E-01
  • Peak FWHM = 0.94 RA-226 186.21 -0.28 1 .765E+00
  • Peak FWHM = 1.1 AC-228 911.07 0.32 6. 389E-01
  • Peak FWHM = 1.2 AVG ENERGY DIFF = -0.05 1.676E+01 TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 1.416E+01 Total NP Activity 2.534E+00 Total FP Activity 6.585E-02 Total AP Activity 74.48 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.28 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS G /SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM  % ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY No Unidentified/Rejected Peaks Performed by:  %£ "/

Reviewed by:

                      ****   End Of Report           ( 1 Page    ) *
                               ***********************                 *********9*********

9-JAN-2007 11:31:28.29 CONNECTICUT YANKEE HADDAM NECK STATION SAMPLE TITLE - FSS SOIL 9527-0005-029F REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 070109002

  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 2.00000 KEY/CHANNEL  : 4.99727E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL  : 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  : 9-JAN-2007 11:14:
  • DEADTIME (%)  : 0.0%

PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40

  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.3 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME : 1000.0 Secs
-ollected         by  :  COCO REVIEWED BY
?ost-NID Peak Search Report it       Energy           Area           Bkgnd         FWHM Channel       Left   Pw %Err       Fit   Nuclides 4        74.67*           114               141      1.24      149.78    145   15  39.6 1.70E+00   PB-212 PB-214 4        77.09*           il1               131      0.98      154.63    145   15 37.4             PB-214 PB-212 0       92.62*            46               134      1.13      185.72    183    7  88.4 0      185. 85*           98               139      1. 66     372.36    367   10  49.7            RA-226 4      238 .65*          203               101       1.08     478.09    474   34  20.9  1.62E+00  PB-212 0      295. 68*          135                  83     1.23     592.32     586  11  31.4            PB-214 0      338 .34*            65                 69     1. 14    677.79     672  11  55.2            AC-228 0      351. 84*          227                  84     1.21     704.83     698  14  21.8            PB-214 0      583 47*             54                 33     1.26    1169.07   1162   12  50.5            TL-208 0      609 .30*          210                  17     1. 52   1220.87   1213   14  16.3            BI-214 0      661. 70*          922                  15     1.49    1325.95   1318   15   6.8            CS-137 0      911.35              40                 20     1.30    1826.84   1819   16  59.3            AC-228 0    1120 .13"             56                   4    1.58    2246.06   2239   16  31.4            BI-214 0    1174 .06*             27                 19     1. 93   2354.39   2346   17  87.6            CO-60 0    1331 .31*             35                   0    5.20    2670.40   2662   15  36.2            CO-60 0    1459. 77*           174                    3    2.08    2928.68   2921   14  15.9            K-40

.ombined Activity-MDA Report Page : 2 3ample ID : 070109002 Acquisition date : 9-JAN-2007 11:14:31 Identified Nuclides Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA auclide (pCi /GM) (pCi/GM)

9. 075E+00 1.545E+00 4.542E-01 2.759E-02 19.980 1-o-60 1. 659E-01 5.672E-02 1. 392E-02 8.455E-04 11.922 7S-137 3 191E+00 3.661E-01 5.392E-02 4.965E-03 59.182
L-208 1. 698E-01 8. 686E-02 6 261E-02 5.194E-03 2 .712

)B-212 5. 174E-01 1.134E-01 8 423E-02 5.491E-03 6.142 ý1-214 1. 309E+00 2.100E-01 8 .644E- 02 7. 441E-03 15.148

B-214 9. 829E-01 1.814E-01 1. 041E-01 6.302E-03 9.446

ýA-226 2 858E+00 1.435E+00 9. 394E-01 6. 388E-02 3.042 ýC-228 6 .539E-01 2.735E-01 1. 308E-01 7.559E-03 5.000

 ---  Non-Identified Nuclides Key-Line Activity     K.L.      Act error            MDA        MDA error      Act/MDA quclide               (pCi/GM)     Ided                      (pCi/Gm) 3E-7                 9. 863E-04             2 .677E-01      5. 131E-01      3.567E-02         0.002 4N- 54               6. 058E-03             3 .068E-02      6.200E-02       4.323E-03         0. 098 4B- 94              -1.341E-02              2.242E-02       3.787E-02       2.389E-03       -0.354 ZU-106               3.341E-02              1. 827E-01      3 .982E-01      3.486E-02         0.084 kG-108M              7. 159E- 03            2.507E-02       5 .283E-02      4.579E-03         0.136 kG- I1OM             2. 862E-02             1.904E-02       5. 226E- 02     4.789E-03         0.548 3B-125             -9. 400E-03             8.993E-02       1. 705E-01      1.070E-02       -0.055
'S-134             -1. 251E-02             2.355E-02       3. 785E-02      3 .238E-03      -0.330

ýU-152 1. 033E-01 1.606E-01 3 .774E-01 2.295E-02 0.274

,U- 154            -7. 192E-02             9.104E-02       1 .300E-01      1.012E-02       -0.553 EU- 155             -7. 154E-03             9.786E-02       1.664E-01       1.199E-02       -0.043
ý1-212               1.362E-01             2.344E-01       5 .076E-01      4.343E-02         0.268 RA-223             -8.072E-02              1.716E-01       2.592E-01       1.616E-02       -0.311 FH-228             -2. 588E-01             2 .676E+00      4 .544E+00      4.238E-01       -0.057 DA-234               3.776E-01      +      1.451E-01       1.358E-01       1.216E-02         2.781 FH -234              1. 541E+00            1.638E+00       3. 118E+00      5.474E-01         0.494 J-235                1.734E-01      +      8.701E-02       8. 729E-02      5.939E-03         1.986
 ,M-241              8. 024E-02            1.867E-01       3.470E-01       2.374E-02         0.231 0"     &5 ?ý
                  ~'     i ( ý /e I   "L,,      OCýA-'

REPORT NAME  : DET LIM (V1.1) PAGE I OF REPORT DATE  : 9-JAN-2007 11:31 REQUESTOR  : CAS CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION DETECTION LIMIT CONFIRMATION REPORT Sample ID 070109002 Sample Title - FSS SOIL 9527-0005-029F Sample Time 9-jAN-2007 09:30 Count Time 9-JAN-2007 11:14 Sample Qauntity 1.40800E+03 GM Nuclide Library FSS DIRT Analyzed By CAS Sample Media ILMARSAND Sample Shelf :0 Detector  : 1 Required LLD File  : CASLLD:pge_fsssand.DAT - DIRT/SEDIMENT FSS (1LMARSA Req ired M&suired Nuclide LLD (qe/GM) 'VALUE (uC_/GM) LLD MET MN-54 6. 960E-01 < 6. 200E-02 Passed CO-60 1. 500E-01 1. 659E-01 Okay NB -94 2. 850E-01 < 3.787E-02 Passed AG-108M 2. 860E-01 < 5. 283E-02 Passed CS-134 1. 800E-0i < 3. 785E-02 Passed CS-137 1. BOOE-01 3. 191E+00 Okay EU-152 4. 040E-01 < 3.774E-01 Passed EU-154 3. 720E-01 < 1.300E-01 Passed EU-155 1. 570E+01 < 1. 664E-01 Passed AM-241 1. 030E+00 < 3. 470E-01 Passed

               ****    End Of Report    ( 1 Page  ) ****


  • Peak FWHM 2.1 CO- 60 1332.49 -1 18 1. 659E-01
  • Peak FWHM 5.2 CS-137 661. 65 0.05 3. 191E+00
  • Peak FWHM 1.5 TL-208 583 .14 0.33 1. 698E-01
  • Peak FWHM 1.3 PB-212 238.63 0 .02 5. 174E-01
  • Peak FWHM 1.

BI-214 609.31 -0.01 1 .309E+00

  • 1.5 Peak FWHM PB-214 351.92 -0.08 9. 829E-01
  • Peak FWHM 1.2 RA -226 186.21 -0.36 2. 858E+00
  • Peak FWHM 1.7 AC-228 911.07 0.28 6 .539E-01
  • 1.3 AVG ENERGY DIFF = 0.22 1.892E+01 TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 1.557E+01 Total NP Activity 3.191E+00 Total FP Activity 1.659E-01 Total AP Activity 74.67 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes 77.09 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC /GM  % ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 92.62 46. 1.13 2.888E+00 2.051E-03 44.2 P PB X-RRAY 0.000E+00 P AC-228 1.594E+00 U TH-234 2.063E+00 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = 1
         % Unidentified/Rejected Peaks =                         6 .25 Flags:    U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively        Identified            (line    not   in  analysis     library)

REPORT NAME - QACHECK (V9.1) PAGE 2 OF REPORT DATE 9-JAN-2007 11:31 REQUESTOR  : CAS CYAPCO HADDAM NECK STATION POST NID QA ANALYSIS Perf ormed by: j/ *ay0 / Id&- Reviewed by: ___ _--__

              ****  End Of Report          2 Panes ) ****



SAMPLE TITLE - FSS SOIL 9527-000-'-030F REASON FOR ANALYSIS: Site Characterization SAMPLE ID  : 070109001

  • LIBRARY  : FSS DIRT LAST ENERGY CAL  : 9-JAN-2007 07:30:
  • ENERGY TOLERANCE: 2.00000 KEV/CHANNEL  : 4.99727E-01
  • HALF LIFE RATIO : 9.00000 START CHANNEL  : 100
  • END CHANNEL 4096 ACQ DATE & TIME  : 9-JAN-2007 10:56:
  • DEADTIME (%)  : 0.0%

PRESET LIVE TIME : 0 00:16:40

  • SENSITIVITY  : 5.00000 ELAPSED REAL TIME : 1000.2 Secs
  • GAUSSIAN SEN  : 10.00000 ELAPSED LIVE TIME 1000.0 Secs

COMMENTS Post-NID Peak Search Report it Energy Area Bkgnd FWHM Channel Left Pw %Err Fit Nuclides 0 78.42* 73 320 0.61 157.29 151 11103.2 PB-214 PB-212 0 92.37* 132 187 1.78 185.20 179 13 46.6 3 238.71* 221 68 1.17 478.21 474 16 18.1 1. 55E+00 PB-212 3 241. 62* 70 99 1.90 484.05 474 16 71.9 PB-214 0 295 .36* 105 52 1.10 591.68 588 8 31.0 PB- 214 0 338.67* 39 56 1.33 678.44 672 11 78.9 AC-228 0 351 .93

  • 214 47 1.23 705.00 698 12 18.9 PB-214 0 583 44* 70 9 1.53 1169.02 1163 12 29.5 TL-208 0 609.53* 140 29 1.20 1221.32 1215 13 23.4 BI-214 0 661 78* 427 33 1.51 1326.10 1319 15 11.4 CS-137 0 727.85 31 12 0.79 1458.63 1449 14 57.5 BI-212 0 768.67 20 15 1.39 1540.52 1533 16102.0 BI-214 0 911.23 57 6 1 .57 1826 .60 1821 12 31.6 AC-228 0 1120.13* 38 7 1 .74 2246.06 2239 13 43.1 BI-214 0 1172.97* 14 7 1.04 2352.21 2347 9 94.4 CO-60 0 1459 .99* 202 4 2.00 2929.12 2921 15 14.8 K-40 0 1763.09* 22 3 2 .63 3538.95 3529 16 58.5 BI-214

oombined Activ ty-MDA Report Page : 2

ample ID
070109001 Acquisition date : 9-JAN-2007 10:56:49 Identified Nuclides Activity Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA ilclide (pCi/GM) (pCi/GM)
1. 030E+01 1. 646E+00 5.734E-01 3.483E-02 17.960

'0-60 6 .202E-02 5.866E-02 9 .268E-02 5. 631E-03 0.669

1. 453E+00 2. 123E-01 6. 277E-02 5.780E-03 23.142
'L-208              2. 158E-0i        6. 614E-02     4 .463E-02         3.703E-03         4.835

{I-212 8. 235E-01 4. 791E-01 3 .962E-01 3.390E-02 2.078 IB-212 5. 524E-01 1. 065E-01 7.030E-02 4.583E-03 7.857 ýI -214 8. 695E-01 1. 744E-01 1. 024E-01 8.814E-03 8.492 IB-214 8. 574E-01 1. 413E-01 8 .697E-02 5.267E-03 9.858

  • C-228 7. 040E-01 2. 120E-01 1. 956E-01 1. 130E-02 3.600 Non-Identified Nuclides Key-Line Activity K.L. Act error MDA MDA error Act/MDA Juclide (pCi/GM) Ided (pCi/GM)

ýE-7 -2. 851E-03 1. 959E-01 3 .887E-01 2.702E-02 -0.007 W-54 -2.706E-02 2 .558E-02 3.574E-02 2.492E-03 -0.757 MB- 94 -1.178E-02 2.246E-02 3.911E-02 2.467E-03 -0.301 ZU-106 1.566E-01 2. 150E-01 4 .932E-01 4.318E-02 0.318 kG-108M 4 .850E-03 2. 765E-02 5 .301E-02 4.595E-03 0.091 kG-110M 1. 997E-02 2 .604E-02 5 .665E-02 5.191E-03 0.352 3B-125 -4. 194E-02 8. 646E-02 1.566E-01 9.832E-03 -0.268 'S-134 -7. 533E-04 2. 727E-02 4 .949E-02 4.233E-03 -0.015 EU-152 1.981E-02 1. 540E-01 3.207E-01 1.950E-02 0. 062 !,U- 154 -7. 077E-02 8. 935E-02 1.274E-01 9.919E-03 -0.555 EU-155 -1. 379E-02 9. 540E-02 1.610E-01 1.161E-02 -0.086

  • h- 223 -1. 058E-01 1. 657E-01 2.429E-01 1.514E-02 -0.435 ZA-226 4. 176E-01 6. 823E-01 1.202E+00 8.175E-02 0.347 CH-228 1. 058E+00 2 .076E+00 3 .819E+00 3.562E-01 0.277

_A -234 2.423E-01 + 2 .510E-01 1.348E-01 1.207E-02 1. 797 PH-234 1. 270E-01 1 .533E+00 2 .756E+00 4.839E-01 0.046 J-235 1.564E-02 4 .234E-02 7. 279E-02 4.952E-03 0.215

  • M-241 -6 .429E-03 2 .102E-01 3 .684E-01 2.521E-02 -0.017

(~) ~c,


  • 9-JAN-2007 09:55 Count Time 9-JAN-2007 10:56 Sample Qauntity 1.43400E+03 GM Nuclide Library FSS DIRT Analyzed By  : CAS Sample Media  : iLMARSAND Sample Shelf  : 0 Detector  : 1 Required LLD File  : CAS LLD:pge-fss sand.DAT DIRT/SEDIMENT FSS (ILMARSA Recdlired Mýsured Nuclide LLD (u2*/GM) VALUE (uv/GM) LLD MET
            ---        If 1) (,ý      -

MN-54 6. 960E-01 < 3.574E-02 Passed CO-60 1. 500E-01 6.202E-02 Okay NB-94 2.850E-01 < 3.911E-02 Passed AG-108M 2 .860E-01 < 5.301E-02 Passed CS-134 1. 8OOE-01 < 4.949E-02 Passed CS-137 1. 80GE-01 1.453E+00 Okay EU-152 4 040E-01 < 3.207E-01 Passed EU-154 3.720E-01 < 1.274E-01 Passed EU-155 1. 570E+01 < 1.610E-01 Passed AM-241 1. 030E+00 < 3.684E-01 Passed

                  ****       End Of Report      ( 1 Page ) ****


  • Peak FWHM = 2.0 CO-60 1332.49 0.00 6. 202E-02
  • Key Line Not Found CS-137 661.65 0 .13 1. 453E+00
  • Peak FWHM = 1.5 TL-208 583 .14 0.31 2. 158E-01
  • Peak FWHM = 1.5 BI-212 727.17 0.68 8. 235E-01
  • Peak FWHM = 0.79 PB-212 238.63 0.08 5 .524E-01
  • Peak FWHM = 1.2 Bl-214 609.31 0 .21 8. 695E-01
  • Peak FWHM = 1.2 PB-214 351.92 0.01 8. 574E-01
  • Peak FWHM = 1.2 AC-228 911.07 0 .16 7. 040E-01
  • Peak FWHM = 1.6 AVG ENERGY DIFF = 0.09 1.583E+01 TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 1.432E+01 Total NP Activity 1.453E+00 Total FP Activity 6.202E-02 Total AP Activity 78.42 KeV Peak was used in identifying 2 isotopes UNIDENTIFIED/REJECTED PEAKS GAMMA/SEC POTENTIAL ENERGY NET AREA FWHM GAMMA/SEC iGM  % ERROR FLAG ID ACTIVITY 92.37 132. 1.78 8.278E+00 5.773E-03 23.3 P PB X-RAY 0.OOOE+00 P AC-228 4.485E+00 U TH-234 5.806E+00 Total Unidentified/Rejected Peaks = I
         % Unidentified/Rejected Peaks =                     5.88 Flags:    U - Unknown Line R - Rejected During Analysis P - Positively         Identified        (line not in      analysis     library)


             ****   nd Of  Report      2 Pages ) ****

General Narrative 1

General Narrative for Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. Work Order: 178828 SDG: MSR#06-1582 January 15, 2007 Laboratory Identification: GEL Laboratories LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, South Carolina 29407 (843) 556-8171 Summary Sample receipt The sample arrived at GEL Laboratories LLC. Charleston. South Carolina on December 21. 2006 for analysis. Shipping container temperature was checked. documented. and within specifications. The sample was delivered with proper chain of custody documentation and signatures. All sample containers arrived without any visible signs of tampering or breakage. Sample Identification The laboratory received the following sample: Laboratory Sample Identification Description 178828001 9527-0005-01OF Items of Note At the request of Jack McCarthy on January 9, 2006, the above sample was analyzed for Sr-90. Case Narrative Sample analyses were conducted using methodology as outlined in GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) Standard Operating Procedures. Any technical or administrative problems during analysis, data review, and reduction are contained in the analytical case narratives in the enclosed data package. Analytical Request One soil samples was reanalyzed for Strontium-90. Data Package The enclosed data package contains the following sections: General Narrative. Chain of Custody and Supporting Documentation, Data Review Qualifier Definitions, and data from the following fractions: Radiochemistry. 2

I certify that this data package is in compliance with the SOW, both technically and for completeness. for other than the conditions detailed above. Release of the data contained in this hard copy data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Manager or a designee, as verified by the following signature. Cheryloenes Project Manager 3

List of current GEL Certifications as of 15 January 2007 State Certification Alaska UST-062 Arizona AZ0668 Arkansas 88-0651 CLIA 42D0904046 California 01 151CA Colorado GenEngLabs ... Connecticut PH-0169 NFSC413 Dept. of Navy EPA WG-I5J Florida/NELAP E87156 Georgia _. ' 7 15-6(RUN EL A P) Hawaii N/A L Idaho N/A Illinois 200029

                                              -I Indiana                                         C-SC-0I1 Kansas                                       ........... ........


                                                                   ~           ......

90129 Louisiana 03046 Maryland 2)70 Massachusetts M-SC012 Michigan 9903 Nevada SC12 New Jersey New Mexico FL NELAP E87156 New York 11501 North Carolina 233 North Carolina Drinking W 45709

1 ......... 2 i ai im................

North Dakota R-158 9904 Oklahoma

  ... ....     ~ - a o ...


                                        .                      68-00485 South Carolina                       10 120(X) / 105-8500-1/1102W20 Tennessee                                  ...........
                                                                ......_ 4-02934   0...         .. ........

Texas TX213-2006A Texas NELAP TI 04704235-06-TX U.S. Dept. of Agriculture S-52597 LUSArmy Corps of Engineer N/A Utah 8037697376 GEL Vermont VT87 156 Virginia 00151 Washington C 1641 4

Chain of Custody and Supporting Documentation 5

Health Physics Procedure GPP-CiGGR-R5 104-003 -Attachment B-CY-001 Major Connecticut Yankee AIomic Power Company Chain of Custody Form No. 2006-00736 362 ln.un Hollow Road, liast Hampion, CT 06424 860-267-2556 ____________________________ Project Name: -laddan) Neck Analyses RequCsted Lah Use Only Decommissioningg... Contact Name & Phone: Comments: Jack McCarthy 860-267-3924 a6Medid Sample Container Code Type Size-Analytical Lab (Name, City, State): Code &Type General Engineering Laboratories Code 2040 Savage Road Cliarleston, SC 29407 (IC / 5~~~ ATT: Cheryl Jones (843-556-8171) Priority: D 30 D. X 14 D. 0'7 D. Other: U) Cn ~1 Sample Designation Date Time

  • L. Comment, Preservarion Lab Sample t1) 9527-0005-OOIF 12/18/06 1110 TS G BP X 9527-0005-003F 12/18/06 1036 TS G BP X 9527-0005-004F 12/18/06 1120 TS G BP X 9527-0005-005F 12/18/06 1126 TS G BP X 9527-0005-006F 12/18/06 1141 TS G BP X 9527-0005-006FS 12118/06 1141 TS G BP X 9527-0005-007F 12/18/06 1405 TS G BP X 9527-0005-008F 12/18/06 1332 TS G( BP X ....

9527-0005-009F 12/18/06 1130 TS G BP X-9527-0005-010F 12/18/06 1345 TS G BP X 9527-0005-01 IF 12/18/06 1418 TS G BP X Samples Shipped Via: Internal Container NOTES: PO #: 002332 MSR #: as6-/S7Y [D LTP QA El Radwaste QA D] Non QA Fed Ex Temp.: '2 gf. C 57;11-rElUPS 7-e a6 19 E!22 Hand Custody ýiled? I) Relinquished B Date/Time 2) RDate/Time eived Custody Sea-5 ntact? 3)a By4-Ni K. teiqie [c) [] Other N

3) Relin'LCed By Date/Time 4) Received Bý K Date/Time Y N Bill of Lading #
5) Relinquished By Date/Time 6) Received By DateTfime

Connecticul Yankee CY-ISC-SOW-001 Services Statement of Work for Analytical Lab Figure 1. Sample Check-in List Date/TimneReceived 4'.k DK N U~C PA~I~~ SDG#: Work Order Number- 0T(1 -ý+ s I Chain of Custody N O~ OY 7. (~ Shipping Cdntainer ID.. ________ Yes fNo[] I. Custody Seals on shipping container intact?. Yes-[ No [ IVY'-

2. Custody Seals dated and signed?

Chain-of-Custody record present? Yes ,L4/No [ I 3.

4. Cooler emperature 7 ;I Vermiculite/packing materials is: Wet 1 Dry f,, ]J 5.

6.- -Number of samples in shipping container* 4 )_J b+" Yes No NoJ(

7. Sample holding times exceeded?
8. Samples have:
                                           ._Zta._.hazard labels
                *custodly seals            -_... appropriate sample labels
9. Samples are' Z. in good condition -leaking
            ._    broken                      -       have air bubbles
10. Were any anomalies identified in saple receipt? Yes (I No [J-ii!. -- Description ofanomalies.(include sample numbers):

Sample Custodian/Laborator:'Y VDte.C43 /} /()3 OD tyc eto: Te Telephoned to:'* 7

SAMPLE RECEIPT & REVIEW FORM PM mae oan Vient: V`, SDG/ARCOC!Work Order: i"ate Received: \ -'2i-t JPM(A) qeview (ensulrelna-confog n ts are resolved prior to signing): fteeived By: J _____j Sample Receipt Criteria > Comments/Qualifiers (Required for Non-Conforming it Shipping containers received intact Circle Applicable: scais broken darnged contaner lekiinj co dife (,dcibc) I:and sealed? .,/t Samples requiring cold Circle Coolant I ice bass blue ice dry none other dsibc) preservation within (4 + /- 2 C)? Record preservation method. Chain of custody documents included with shipment? 4 Sample containers intact and ircle Applice : scals broken contaier laking ouuaer ot( sealed? Samples requiring chemical SarPe ID's. co led a obsred pi: eservation at pro er pH? 6VOA vials free of headspace Sple ID ntainers affected: (defined as <r6mm bubble)?__o Are Encore containers present? 7 (If yes, immediately deliver to VOA laborator_,_ Samples received within holding s and tests affected: time?

  • i Sample ID's on COC match UD's Sarnpe ID's and cosuivers affected-on bottles?

Date & time on COC amatch Sarr* UDS Affece: S& time on bottles? 9Number of container ecivedSam 'Sate: match-number d on COC? _ COC form isperly signed in elinuis received sections?..__._.__.__.__..._. Air ill .Tracking #s, & dditional Comments 1 V RSO RAD Receipt # _ _ _ _ i - *If > x2 arra background is observed on samples identified as "non-Suspected Hazard Inoraion upee aregulated/non-radioactive'. contact'the Radiation Safety group for further 09 investigation. A diological Classification7- .' Maximum Counts Observed*: r1- S. . . a- 13 Regulated? Shipped as DOT Hazardous Material? If yes, contact Waste zard Class Shipped: ManagerPMA or Manager. a nt - a egulate as a Foreigin 01-TT PM (or PMA) review. of Hazard classiffication:- 1' initials Date: Z 0L I 8

FW: Count for Sr-90


RE: FW: Count for Sr-90 From: "John McCarthy" <McCarthy@CYAPCO.corn> Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2007 14:58:10 -0500 To: "Cheryl Duffy" <Cheryl. Duffy@gel. corn> Yes, thank you.

       ----- Original Message -----

From: Cheryl Duffy [mai]to:Cheryl.Duify@qei com] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 3:01 PM To: John McCarthy Cc: Cheryl Jones; Amanda Rasco


Re: FW: Count for Sr-90 Jack, Thank you on the response. I am confirming with the lab on a TAT. Would a 7 day TAT be acceptable? Thank you Cheryl Duffy john 4cCarThy wrote: Same message, that is, 1 was requested a Sr-90 analysis on sample 17850010.i i rece.ive an e-mail stated Cheryv was out today.

          ..... Original Message-----

From: Cheryl Duffy [ oncuffic~e!com] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2 007 1:33 PM To: John McCarthy


Re: FW: Count for Sr-90 Jack, You also mentioned a message that you left with Cheryl Jones. Please let me know if the message is something i need to know. Thanks Cheryl Duffy John McCarthy wrote: Confirm, nhat sammple only.

             ------Original         Message -----

Fro~m: Cheryl Duffy Sent: Tuesday, January 39, 2007 12:34 PM Týo:nohn McCarthy Cc: Cev Jones; Amanda Rasco Sub~jec-_: Re: FW: Count for St-90 jack, Please confirm that you Le-quire St-90 or this one s'Di sampleo only. Thanks Cheryl Duffy John McCarrzhy wrote: 9 of 3 1/9/2007 T43 PM

E: FW: Count for Sr-90 T understand Cheryl Jones is out today. I

                 'From:*     Jolhn McCarthy kSent:*       Tuesday, January 09,    2007 13 :06 AM
               *To:*       'Cheryl Jones' Subjiect:*       Cournt for Sr-90 As a follow-up to my message this          morning, please analyze 173150010 (952-/0005-010F) under MSR 06-1582 for Sr-90 under the quickest TAT possil Thank you.

jack CIe yI DTuf Y Prolect Manager GEL Laboratories, 2040 Savage Road Charlesron, SC (USA) 2 9 07 DiJre-ct: 8432-769-'; 37 2 MaIA: 84 3.56 .8 i xt. 44-33 Fax: 843.7- 66.178 eai 10 of 3 1/9/2007 3:43 PM

FW: Count for Sr-90 The information contained in this message is confidential and is intended only for the use of the individual or firm of record. if you are not the intended recipient and have received this message in error, you are asked not to copy or distribute any of the pages that follow. Please notify the sender immediately by telephone or email if you have received this communication in error and destroy the contents that do not pertain to your business with The GEL Group, iNC. of 3 11 1/9/2007 3:43 PM

Data Review Qualifier Definitions 12

Data Review Qualifier Definitions Qualifier Explanation A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria

    • Analyte is a surrogate compound
  • Result is less than value reported
  • Result is greater than value reported RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-PL. Concentrations are <5X the RL A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank B Metals-Either presence of analyte detected in the associated blank, or MDL/IDL < sample value , PQL BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample d 5-day BCD-The 2:1 depletion requirement was not met for this sample E Organics-Concentration of the target analyte exceeds the instrument calibration range E Metals-%difference of sample and SD is >10%. Sample concentration must meet flagging criteria H Analytical holding time was exceeded h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded J value is estimated N Metals-The Matrix spike sample recovery is not within specified control limits N Organics-Presumptive evidence based on mass spectral library search to make a tentative identification of the analyte MTIC) . Quantitation is based on nearest internal standard response factor N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Anaslte cncncecnracion is not decected ibove the reporting limit Uc Gamma Spect Uncoy-Untertain identification X Consult Case Narrat-ive, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound z Paint Filter Test-Particulates passed through the filter, however no free liquids were observed.

a Member ot THE GEL CROUP, INC. P 0. BOX 30712 Charleston, SC 294177 2040 Savage Road (29407) Phone 1'843) c56_-171 - FaL33) 766-1178 ,


Radiochemistry Case Narrative Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. (YANK) Work Order 178828 Method/Analysis Information Product: GFPC, Sr90, solid-ALL FSS Analytical Method: EPA 905.0 Modified Prep Method: Ash Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Method: Dry Soil Prep Analytical Batch Number: 601327 Prep Batch Number: 601271 Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 Batch Number: 601270 Sample ID Client ID 178828001 9527-0005-01 OF 1201259068 Method Blank (MB) 1201259069 178828001(9527-0005-01 OF) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1201259070 178828001(9527-0005-0 1OF) Matrix Spike (MS) 1201259071 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) SOP Reference Procedure for preparation, analysis and reporting of analytical data are controlled by GEL Laboratories LLC as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The data discussed in this narrative has been analyzed in accordance with GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 10. Calibration Information: Calibration Information All initial and continuing calibration requirements have been met. Standards Information Standard solution(s) for these analyses are NIST traceable and used before the expiration date(s). Sample Geometry All counting sources were prepared in the same geometry as the calibration standards. 15

Quality Control (0C) Information: Blank Information The blank volume is representative of the sample volume in this batch. Designated QC The following sample was used for QC: 178828001 (9527-0005-01 OF). QC Information All of the QC samples met the required acceptance limits. Technical Information: Holding Time All sample procedures for this sample set were performed within the required holding time. Preparation Information All preparation criteria have been met for these analyses. Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis None of the samples in this sample set required reprep or reanalysis. Chemical Recoveries All chemical recoveries meet the required acceptance limits for this sample set. Miscellaneous Information: NCR Documentation Nonconformance reports are generated to document any procedural anomalies that may deviate from referenced SOP or contractual documents. A nonconformance report (NCR) was not generated for this SDG. Additional Comments Additional comments were not required for this sample set. Qualifier information Manual qualifiers were not required. Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative. Review Validation: GEL requires all analytical data to be verified by a qualified data validator. In addition, all data designated for CLP or CLP-like packaging will receive a third level validation upon completion of the data package, 16

The following data validator verified the information presented in this case narrative: Reviewer/Date: .rV,4 _**I 17




GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report for YANKOOI Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. Client SDG: MSR#06-1582 GEL Work Order: 178828 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria

  • Analyte is a surTogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for. but not detected above the MDL. MDA, or LOD.

ND The analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit. The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis except where prohibited by the analytical procedure. Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis. This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL Laboratories LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Cheryl Jones. Reviewed by 19

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address 362 lnjtm Hollow Rd East Hampton. Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 15, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0005-01OF Proiect: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 178828001 Client ID: YANK001 Matrix: TS Vol. Recv.: Collect Date: 18-DEC-06 Receive Date: 2 1-DEC-06 Collector: Client Moisture: 9.97% Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty LC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC,Sr9O. solid-ALL FSS Strontium-90 U 0.0342 +/-0.0266 0.0208 +/-0.027 0.0437 pCi/g KSDI 01/12/07 1435 601327 I The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 JMBI 01/10/07 0832 601270 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description EPA 905.0 Modified Surrogate/Tracer recovery Trest Recovery % Acceptable Limits Strontium-90 GFPC. Sr90. solid-ALL FSS 59 _25%-125%) Carrier/Tracer Recovery GFPC. Sr)0. solid-ALL FSS 59 (25%-7125%) Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows : A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria Analyte is a surrogate compound

  • Result is less than value reported
  >    Result is greater than value reported A The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B Target analyte was detected in the associated blank BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample H Analytical holding time was exceeded J Value is estimated N/A Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit 20

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Address 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton. Connecticut 06424 Report Date: January 15, 2007


Mr. Jack McCarthy Project: Soils PO# 002332 Client Sample ID: 9527-0005-OIOF Project: YANKO 1204 Sample ID: 178828001 Client ID: YANK()1 Vol. Recv.: Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty TIC TPU MDA Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for. but not detected above the MDL. MDA, or LOD. UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative. Data Summary package. or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded The above sample is reported on a dry weight basis. 21


GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Renort Date: January 15, 2007 Client : Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Page 1 of 2 362 Injun Hollow Rd East Hampton, Connecticut


Mr. Jack McCarthy Workorder: 178828 Parmname NOM Sample Q.a. QC Units RPD% REC%

                                                                                                                  ..        Range   AnIst     Date  Time Rad Gas Flow Batch           601327 QC1201259069      178828001   DUP Strontium-90                                               U       0.0342    U         0.0214     pCilg      0          (0%- 100%) KSDI      01/12/07 14:11 Uncert:      +/-0.0266             +/-0.029 TPU:       +/-0.027            +/-0.029 QC1201259071        LCS Strontium-90                                     1.53                                     1.56    pCi/g            102  (75%-125%)           01/12/07 13:59 Uncert:                            +/-0. 139 TPU:                           +/-0.164 QC 1201259068       MR Strontium-90                                                                 U        -0.0171     pCi/g                                      01/12/07 14:35 Uncert:                          +/-0.0242 TPU:                         +/-0.0242 QC1201259070      178828001 MS Strontium-90                                     1.64      U       0.0342                 1.53    pCi/g             93  (75%-125%)           01/12/07 13:59 Uncert:      +/-0.0266             +/-0.154 TPU:       +/-0.027            +/-0.178 Notes:

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria Analyte is a surrogate compound

   <     Result is less than value reported
   >     Result is greater than value reported A     The TIC is a suspected aldol-condensation product B     Target analyte was detected in the associated blank RD    Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low C     Analyte has been confirmed by GC/MS analysis D     Results are reported from a diluted aliquot of the sample I4    Analytical holding time was exceeded J     Value is estimated N/A   Spike recovery limits do not apply. Sample concentration exceeds spike concentration by 4X or more ND    Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit R     Sample results are rejected U     Analyte was analyzed for. but not detected above the MDL, MDA. or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification X Consult Case Narrative. Data Summary package. or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y QC Samples were not spiked with this compound A RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded 23

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 178828 Page 2 of 2 Parmnae -- . . . . . . .NOM Samp!e_.Qua! W_ Units RPD % REC% Range Anlst Date Time N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike conc. by a factor of 4 or more.

"*Indicates analyte is a surrogate compound.

" The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptence criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result. For PS. PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations. Where the analytical method has been performed Linder NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary. 24



PRELIMINARY DATA REVIEW FORM WP&IRNo.: 2006-0038 Survey Unit: 9527-0006 Survey Unit Name East Mountainside Classification I Survey Media Soil T-ype Of Sur-vey Final Status Survey Type of Measurement Radion1uclide Specific Number of Measurements 14 BASIC STATISTICAL QUANTITIES Cs-137 Co-60 Sr-90 Target Level (pCi/g) 5.3 8E+00 2.59E+00 1.05E+00 CD 4 Minimum Value 2.71E-01 0.00E+00 3.67E-03 Maximum Value 4.42E+00 1.52E-01 9.03E-02 Mean 1.83E+00 5.51 E-02 4.70E-02 Median 1.27E+00 3.68E-02 4.70E-02 Standard Deviation 1.40E+00 5.89E-02 1.70E-02 Reported Results Cs- 137 Co-60 Sr-90 Concentrati on Concentration Concentration Fraction of Sample IdentiFication (pCi/g) Detected (pCi/g) Detected (pCi/g) Detected Target Level 9527-0006-001 F 1.22E+00

  • 7.30E-02 4.70E-02 0.300 9527-0006-0021F 8.67E-0 1 4.25 E-02 9.03 E-02 0.264 9527-0006-003 F 2.71E-01 3.1 IE-02 4.70E-02 0.107 9527-0006-004F 2.7 1E+00 1.28E-01 4.70E-02 0.598 9527-0006-005F 1.54E+00 2.66E-02 4.70E-02 0.34 I 9527-0006-006F 9.01E-01 0.00E+00 4.70E-02 0.212 9527-0006-007F 6.50E-01 O.OOE+00 4.70E-02 0.166
                           ///(ý /7 Submitted by/Date                                                                                                              1 of 2

PRELIMINARY DATA REVIEW FORM Reported Results Cs- 137 Co-60 Sr-90 Concentration Concentration Concentration Fraction of Sample Identification (pCi/g) Detected (pCi/g) Detected (pCi/g) Detected Target Level 9527-0006-008F 9.03E-01 ** O.OOE+00 4.70E-02 0.213 9527-0006-009F 1.69E+00 0.00E+00 4.70E-02 0.359 9527-0006-01 OF ).93 E+00 1.41E-0I 4.7013-02 0.830 9527-0006-0 1I F 1.0 1E+00 0.OOE+00 3.67E-03 0.191 9527-0006-012F 1.31 E+00 4.58E-02

  • 4.70E-02 0.306 9527-0006-013 F 4.42E+00 1.52E-01
  • 4.70E-02 0.925 9527-0006-0144F 4.21 E+00 1.32E-01
  • 4.70E-02 0.878 Submitted by/Dat4 2 of 2


FREQUENCY PLOT FOR CESIUM-137 Survey Unit: 9527-0006 Survey Unit Name: East Mountainside Mean: 1.83E+00 pCi/g Frequency Plot For Cs-137 10 K C 4) 6 4 U-2 0 2.71 E-01 1.38E+00 2.48E+00 3.59E+00 4.69E+00 Upper End Value (pCi/g) Upper End Observation Observation Value Frequency Frequency 2.71E-01 1 7% 1.38E+00 7 50% 2.48E+00 2 14% 3.59E+00 1 7% 4.69E+00 3 21% Total: 14 100% Submitted byDate ReviewepfDate 1 of 1

QUANTILE PLOT FOR CESIUM-137 Survey Unit: 9527-0006 Survey Unit Name: East Mountainside Mean: 1.83E+00 pCi/g Quantile Plot For Cs-137 5.00E+00 - 4.50E+00 .... 4.00E+e00 3.50E+00 - a. CL*.3.00E+00 0 2.50E+00 - 2.00E+00 -, 0 1.50E+00 mm 1.00E+-0 ---- -- ] 5.00E-01 0.00E+00 0 20 40 60 80 100 Percentage Cs- 137 Rank Percentage 2.71E-01 1 4% 6.50E-01 2 11% 8.67E-01 3 18% 9.01E-01 4 25% 9.03E-01 5 32% 1.01E+00 6 39% 1.22E+00 7 46% 1.31E+00 8 54% 1.54E+00 9 61% 1.69E+00 10 68% 2.71E+00 11 75% 3.93E+00 12 82% 4.21E+00 13 89% 4.42E+00 14 96% Submitted by/Da~e Review7 y/Date


Connecticut Yankee Decommissioning Projeci GPP-GGGR-R5121 -001 Attachment B, H-tealth Physics Procedure Rev. CY-001 MAJOR Sign Test Calculation Sheet For Multiple Radionuclides Survey Area Number: 9527 Survey Unit Number: 0006 WPIR#: 2006-0038 Survey Area Name: East Mountainside Classification: I TYPE I W(error): 0.05 N: 14 Radionuclides: Cs-137 Co-60 Sr-90 DCGL: 5.38E+00 2.59E+00 1.05E+00 Results I" Results 2"I Results 3 `1 Results 4!' Results 5 "i Weighted Sum I - WS Sign Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide (WI) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) 1.22E+00 7.30E-02 4.70E-02 0.300 0.700 + 8.67E-01 4.25E-02 9.03E-02 0.264 0.736 + 17 1E-01 3.11 E-02 4.70E-02 0.107 0.893 + 2.71E+00 1.28E-01 4.70E-02 0.598 0.402 + 1.54E+00 2.66E-02 4.70E-02 0.341 0.659 + 9.01 E-0 I O.OOE+00 4.70E-02 0.212 0.788 + 6.50E-01 0.OOE+00 4.70E-02 0.166 0.834 + 9.03E-0I 0.OOE+00 4.70E-02 0.213 0.787 + 1.69E+00 0.OOE+00 4.70E-02 0.359 0.641 + 3.93E+00 1.4lE-0I 4.70E-01 0.830 0.170 + 1.01 E+00 0.OOE+00 3.67E-03 0.191 0.809 +

                .331E+00        4.58E-02          4.70E-02                                               0.306                   0.694    +

4.42E+00 1.52E-01 4.70E-02 0.925 0.075 + 4.21E+00 1.32E-01 4.70E-02 0.878 0.122 + Number of positive differences (S+): 14 (Critical Val ue: 10 Survey Unit Meets Acceptance Criterion Performed by: f.2 - .,C 4 Date: e//-/,'> Independent Review by: Date: X?* /7 Page I of I


Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-R5]24-000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment A Health Physics.II

         .        Procedure                  2I     P-GG        IIllI.
                                                                       -S2-0-e.CY1            000Attacment.

Split Sample Assessment Form Survey Area#: 9527 Survey Unit #: 0006 Survey Unit name: East Mountainside Sample Plan or WPIR#: 2005-0038 SML#: 9527-0006-001 Sample


Comparison of split samples collected from sample measurement location #1 and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy by off-site Vendor Laboratory. The standard sample was 9527-0006-001 F, the comparison sample was 9527-0006-001 FS. STANDARD COMPARISON Radionuclide Activity Standard Resolution Agreement Activity Standard Comparison Acceptable Value Error Range Value Error Ratio (Y/N) Cs-137 1.22 5.55E-2 22 0,75 - 1.33 1.22 5.08E-1 1.00 Y Comments/Corrective Actions: N/A Table is provided to show acceptance criteria used to assess split samples. Resolution Agreement Range 4-7 0,5-2.0 8-15 06-1.66 16 -50 0,75- 133 51 -200 0H0- 125

                                                                                   >200       085- 1,18 Performed By:                          Date                 Review* _
  • Date: /
                                          /   ,J--'      ~                                               ;2,    07 Page I of 1

Health Physics Procedure 24265-000-GPP-GGGR-RS 124-000-Rev.CY-000 Attachment A Healt P sicI Procedlel2425....GPP .GG.- I I 24-Il-ReI.Y-00 Atahmn i Split Sample Assessment Form Survey Area#: 9527 Survey Unit #: 0006 Survey Unit name: East Mountainside Sample Plan or WPIR#: 2005-0038 SML#: 9527-0006-Oil Sample


Comparison of split samples collected from sample measurement location # 11 and analyzed using gamma spectroscopy by off-site Vendor Laboratory. The standard sample was 9527-0006-01 IF, the comparison sample was 9527-0006-01 iFS. STANDARD COMPARISON Radionuclide Activity Standard Resolution Agreement Activity Standard Comparison Acceptable Value Error Range Value Error Ratio (Y/N) Cs-137 1.01 4.19E-2 24 0.75 - 1.33 0.94 4.37E-2 .0.93 Y Comments/Corrective Actions: N/A Table is provided to show acceptance criteria used to assess split samples. Resolution Agreement Range 4-7 0.5 -2,0 8-15 0,6-!166 16 -50 075 -133 51 -200 0.80 -125

                                                                                  >200        0.85 -4118 Performed By:

1 - 7f I - Date

                                       ,'/,            Reviewed B                                  Date:



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