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Public Version of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, Including Procedures FNP-0-EIP-11 Re Handling of Injured Personnel & FNP-0-EIP-18 Re Site Area Emergency.Procedure Request Forms Encl
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 09/21/1982
Shared Package
ML20065L412 List:
PROC-820921, NUDOCS 8210190073
Download: ML20065L416 (35)


_ =, - +..


. . FNP-0-AP-1


1. Procedure Number w _o-gyp ,s Revision Number M Procedure Title a+:c s,w AA

. / Safety Related a Non-Safety Related C New Procedure Request l C Procedure Revision, New Revision Number i Change of Intent  :

K , Temporary Procedure Change, Effective until next permanent -l change, TCN 24A l 0 Temporary Procedure Change, Req'd. by Plant Conditions TCN O Temporary Procedure Change, one Time Use DdCUMtNT CONTROL CONTROLLED COPY

2. Change Summary DO NOT REPRODUCE -

2.1 Procedure Page Numbers Affected by Change COPY NO. OS7 Aoe d .2 2.2 Description of Changes

%D- nLa & Os uuwa 4Sbmem V V '


2.3 Reason for Change 4 qw J- es cujreJ Lp muswv 9%


3. Prepared By bb ,c/w redwo , '/-84 A j Signathre Title Date
4. Reviewed By 4 h M L 2 1 z 4 , IM 2%4, , 7 - / / - r4-Signature ' Date


' / / Title

5. Cross-Disciplinary /PORC Reviev ,

Groun Signature Title Date '!

Peu- a 4. M sit' , P rn , et-zi-Y t e ,

l 6. Temporary Change Approval (Signature /Date)

Er' Member Group Staff 71 / 9-//YL 0 Shift Foreman // , . / '

> [ Senior Reactor Operator cD.WM / 9-/ 9-R2 _  !

V Plant Manager ed / JL -^#- ~ / 5-zr-F L

7. Final Approval (Signature /Date, required within 60 days of temporary approval)

O Group Supervisor .


[ Plant Superintendent 8210s90073 822001


3 fDRADDCK 05000348 i O MSAER PDR /

o General Manager-Nuclear Generation /

a /

Plant Manager uA l. AN *4 / 4 8 L l

. . .. J




} (1) UNIT IM TCN .284

( -

(2) CHICK U ST APPLICABLF. To: A n-o-ee M Revision .2V l


! The procedure, procedure change or modifescion to which dis evaluation .

is applicable represents:

i .

(3.1) Yes No ( - A change- to the planc as descrihet' in the FSART (3.2) Yes No / A change to procedures as dese:-bed in the 75AR7 -

(3.3) Tes No / A test or experiment noc described in .ha ISAR 4

(3.4) Yes No / A change to the Te

  • dcal Specifiest:.ons?

If tan answer o any of the soove quest:.ons is "Yes," compieca ite= U.) -

and attach a 10CIR50.59 evaluation. If the answer to all of the above

- is "No ," omic Item (4) and Ites (9) . -

(4) sac:.a E7ALUATION - PART 3 .

~ ~

(4.1) Tes No W4T' de probability of an accide= previousl.y evaluated in de. F5AR be incesased?

(4.2) Yes No Will de consequences of an ac:ident previously evaluated in the FSAR be inc: eased?

(4.3) Yes No May the possibility of an accident which is

d4##erens than any already evalustad in de (t

, , , (4.4) Yes No ISAR be created?

Will the probability of a mai #~---d n of equipment important to safe g previously

' evaluated in de FSAR be increased?

(4.5) Yes No Will the consequences of a salf==ction of

. equipment important to safeg di'#----t -%-

I any already evaluated in the FSAR be inernased?

i (4.6) Yes No May the possiblity of a =sifunc ion of equip =ent

!; impocesnt to safety different than any al:e:dy evaluated in the FSAR be cresced?

(4.7) Yes No Will the margin of safety as defined in the

-basis to any Technical Specification be : educe'd?.


If de answer to sny of the above questions is "Yes," an unreviewed safety question is involved. Explain the basis for each answer provided '

i in Section 4

. l


l (5) REMARKS: (Attsch additional pages if' necessar7)

  • t
1 k _ - ,. ,, , DATI 9.d3:f 2. l

. (7) REVIEi#.D SY: ///////h' //Wh OATE 9-y-/ L t

(S) PORC RE7II4: 4 M . M .ame- OATI 4 - 2, -f z_

?g (9) 30R3 R27II1: DA':-3 i l

(- Dis t-ibucien l

% Oc:.g:.nal: Occument Con :al File A216226 .

? . - _ _ _

?I"** _- _ _ _

. ?: ? - -_. -._ . L

j_,. - _.y . __ __ . _ . - . .___. . _ - .

FNP-0-EIP-8 APPENDIX 2 INITIAL MESSAGE This is , the Emergency Director at Farley Nuclear Plant.

(Name) ,

1. This is to inform you that an emergency classified as:

() Notification of Unusual Event

() Aler gro+

() Site rgency TC/

() General Emergency 24/Y has occurred involving Unit (s) .

2. () A release is not in progress.

() A release may be in progress.

-( ) A liquid release is in progress.

() An atmospheric release is in progress.

3. Atmospheric ,

Liquid -

Release Point Release Point Magnitude Wind direction 35': (from) 0* 0 Wind direction 150': (from) k;(to)

(to) 0 Wind speed 35': mph + 2 meter /sec Wind speed 150': mph + 2 meter /sec

4. On-site situation (circle):
a. Evacuation of on-site personnel: Yes No Some
b. Recommended protective actions: None Shelter Evacuate
c. Assistance needed: Fire Police Ambulance Other
d. Prognosis of situation:-Terminated Stable Worsening Other Further information will be transmitted as soon as it is available. ,

Appendix 2 Page 1 of 1 "ev. 10-


g L-l

. FNP-0-AP-1 i


1. Procedure Number m g_o_sn 9 Revision Number 9 l Procedure Title ea u q _ fe n4 s w a e4 w/,tA u oA ,a m g Safety Related a Non-Safety Related ,

O New Procedure Request 3 0 Procedure Revision, New Revision Number Change of Intent

[ , Temporary Procedure Change, Effective until next permanent 'j change, TCN f# ,

O ' Temporary Procedure Change, Req'd. by Plant Conditions, TCN  ;

O Temporary Procedure Change, One Time Use  ;


2. Change Summary CONTROLLED COPY -

DO NOT REPRODUCE 2.1 Proc re Page Numbers Affected by Change COPY NO.O 4 a l i


2.2 Description of Changes  ;

A A, L d4 emm ye S,'+ e eh  !

a v u o a 2.3 Reason for Change {

fo ; ~ola,.& cAe 5 ru ac r/ L -u, mu com t J v i Q '

3. Prepared By b b e , %. ne/f4/~ , 5L 8 f.L-Signature Title Date
4. Reviewed By 0 / $ m ) ) w f , , ),8 dmm , y - u -y s- l Signature / ' Title '


5. Cross-Disciplinary /PORC Review Gre m Signature Title Date l F' W i , i% rrr-- , M1 , </ - 2 / - Y Z-.  :


6. T orary Change Approval (Signature /Date)

Member Group Staff / f-//A Of Shift Foreman // /

W / Senior Reactor Operator r_ o . MAbf / 9 -/ M -A >

D' ed J. /d W--

Plant Manager

/ 9 W-r t_

7. Final Approval (signature /Date, required within 60 days of temporary approval) 0 Group Supervisor /

0 Plant Superintendent /


o General Manager-Nuclear Generation /

n /

/ Plant Manager 414. O U-~ / P #'-/4-

s _


! - , i 4

ygg.a Ap.;


( -

(2) CHECx* I.IST APPLICA31F. TO: pwp o .gfr_9 Revision 9/ TCN 9/f (3)


The procedure, procedure change or modifescion to which this evaluation -

is applicable represents:

(3.1) Yes No 7 A change to the planc. as described in the ISAR?

(3.2) Yes No? A change co procedures as described in the ISAR7 (3.3) Tes No OA test or experi=ent not described in .he ISA27


(3.4) Yes No A change to the Technical Spec.fiestions?

~ If the answer :s any of the soove questcons is "Yes," compiace Iran N .

and attach a 10C2350.59 evaluation. If the ansven to all of -J:e above is "No." omit Item '4) and Item (9). .


(4.1) Tes No _ Wm the probability of an acciden previously evaluated in the FSAR be intressed?  !

(4.2) Yes No Will the consequences of an accident petvious!.7

' avsluatad in the ISAR be ine:sased?

(4.3) Yes No May the possibility of an accidas: which is d4#'e ent han any al esdy evaluacad '- TSAR be creatad?


(4.4) Yes No - <Will the probability of a malfun : ion of equipment impor:ss: to safety previously

' evaluated in the ?SAR be increased?

(4.5) Tes No Will the consequences of a malfunction of i equipment impor:snt es saincy d3##=---t * -

any already evaluated in the ISAR be increased?

t (4.6) Yes No May the possiblity of a ns1 function af equip =en:

importsn to safety different than any alreody evaluated in the FSAR be c: ated?

(4.7) Yes _ No . Will the margin of safety as defined in the basis to any Technical Speci'ication be red e'd?

If the answe= to any of the above questions is "Yes," an unre -ieved

safety question is involved. Explain he basis for each answer provide,d in Section 4 L ~

(5) REMARY.S: (Actsch additional pages if necessary) ~

l l

(6) PSI?ARED 3T: @M- -

DATI %g;9 3 RE7IEktD 3Y: NM/mer##h

. (7) OATE 9,/Af1 f . (S) PORC RE7IIW: a . M. T + DATI s -2/.5 2, (j.y (9) NORS R ;III: DATZ

  • I- Df.s t--;bu tio n

,b Grigtsai: Occunent Control rile A216226 ,

Figure 3 Rev. T -.. . - ..-.

. VOL. 14 FNP-0-EIP-9

,_ 4.2 Emergency Classification Based on Dose Projections '

(./ 4.2.1 General Emergency Criteria: Rased on lower limit of proJcrted individual exposure at sito boundary.

5 rem whole bodf exposure, or 10 rem thyroid exposure Refer to EIP-19, General ,


4.2.2 Site Emergency r Criteria: Based on lower limit of projec'.ed individual  !

exposure at si'.e boundary. j 1.0 rem whole body exposure, or 2.5 rem thyroid exposure Refer to EIP-18, Site Emergency. j 4.2.3 Alert , Criteria: 1 mr/hr at site  ;

boundary. ( Refer to EIP-12, Alert ,

. i 4.3 Emergency Classification Based on Plant Condition. [

Refer to the Tab 3 for general criteria for i classifying plant conditions. Refer to the  !

indicated EIP for the exact criteria:  !

EIP-17, Notification of Unusual Event i EIP-12,Alerg,:gf.4, EIP-la, Site _ argency Tt*J l EIP-19, General Emergency T4 i, 4.4 Repeat steps 4.1 - 4.3 as necessary every hour; [

following any significant change in release  ;

rate; or if sample results indicate a significant  !

change in dose factors (refer to RCP-25) or  ;

until the release is terminated.


i. .;,



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1. Procedure Number ru p <>-c y. G Revision Number (o Procedure Title' gn emy.,a/, s X Safety Related a Non-Safety Related l 0 New Procedure Request O Procedure Revision, New Revision Number Change of Intent -

JK , Temporary Procedure Change, Effective until next permanent change, TCN (on-0 Temporary Procedure Change, Reg'd. by Plant Conditions, TCN O Temporary Procedure Change, one Time Use DOCUMENT CONTROL

2. Change Summary CONTROLLED COPY .

DO NOT REPRODUCE 2.1 Procedure Page Numbers Affected by Change COPY NO.O Q f;9, 2.2 Description of Changes

%L .

u s s w es n s.k eme$a r s.An my 2.3 Reason for Change Tb ;~rk a eLs~<s ogueef 9 A awayu, en

3. Prepared By d m L ,c/w LL/c/ n , 9. ff-81 Signdture Title Date
4. Reviewed By d W$ ~ ) 'A e b , mm , cp- ,,- r<

Signature / Title Date

, 5. Cross-Disciplinary /PORC Review Groun Signat;ure Title Date h w o. ds . , em , <i - 2, -n_.

, t

6. Temporary Change Approval (Signature /Date)

[ Member Group Staff T '

/f*//48- ,



O Shift Foreman // .

Senior Reactor Operator e _ o na,I/A M l'l- N-8.L Plant Manager o A O* W /o - zi-s t.

7. Final Approval (Signature /Date, required within 60 day of temporary approval)

O Group Supervisor /

l .

O Plant Superintendent /


n General Manager-Nuclear Generation /

n /  ;

V Plant Manager M/ E / 4 - & - r 2.

l FNP-0-AP-1


$ (1) CIIT Sb





Revision b TCN 4 4 The p:cendure, procedure change or modifestion to which this evaluation .

is applicable :spresents:

' A changs- to the plant. as described in the ISART (3.1) Yes No (3.2) Yes No / A change to procedures as described in the ISAR?

(3.3) Tes No -

A test or experi=ent not described in ha ISAa?

(3.4) Yes No A change to the Technical Specifications?

If the answer o any of the aoove quest:.ons is "Yes," compiece Iten t,4) -

and attach a 10CIR50.59 evaluation. II -de answer to all of -de above is "Mo." omit Item (4) and Item (9) . -

(4) SA4:.i EVAT.UATION - PART 3 .


(4.1) Tes No Wm the p=obability of an acciden: previously evaluated 12 the FSAR be increased? l (4.2) Yes No Will the consequences of an ac:ident previously

  • evaluated in the FSAR be increased?

(4.3) Yes No  !".ay the possibility of an accident which is J

. different than any already evaluac-d ' - ^ -

ISAR be created?

,. (4.4) Yes No Will the probability of a malfun:: ion of s equipment impnetsnt to safecy previously '

' ' evaluated in the ?SAR be inc:essed?

(4.5) Yes No Will the consequences of a malfunction of

, equipment impor:snt to safscy different +-

any already evaluated in the FSAR be increased?

(4.6) Yes No  !!ay the possiblity of a =sifuncnion of equi;=ent importsat to safety different than any already evaluated in the FSAR be creaced?

(4.7) Yes No Will the margin of safety as defined in the basis to any Technical Specification be reduce ~d? i If the answer to any oi the above questions is "Yes," an unrevieved safety question is involved. Explain ene basis for each answer provided in Section 4 *



. (5) RI:". ARKS : (Actsch addit.ional pages if necessary) .

I l

(6) PRI?ARED 3T: Pd , , . DATE f,f.12

. (7) RE7IZiiP.D BY: //////WMw JM bu4 OATE E // J L i g

  • g (S) PORC RE7IZW: W /J. // M & ' '


' # -2 s -32_.

(9) NOR3 R27II/: gA;; ,

I f Dis:-ibucien i b Occument Control Ille A216226 .

Figure 3 Rev. 7

's , ;.


VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-13 j

FIRE EMERGENCIES 1.0 Purpose This procedure establishes the initial and subsequent action to be taken by personnel on the plant site in the event of fire in the Controlled Area or fire which could affect operations in the Controlled Area. ~,

2.0 References 2.1 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan.

2.2 FNP-0-EIP-1, Duties of an Individual Who Discovers an Emergency Condition.

2.3 FNP-0-EIP-2, Duties of the Shift Supervisor.

2.4 FNP-0-EIP-3, Duties of the Emergency Director.

2.5 FNP-0-EIP-7, Security Support to the Emergency Plan.

2.6 FNP-0-EIP-8, Notification Roster.

2.7 FNP-0-EIP-9, Radiation Exposure Estimation and Classification of Emergencies.

t 2.8 FNP-0-EIP-10, Evacuation and Personnel Accountability.

2.9 FNP-0-AP-37, Fire Brigade Organization.

2.10 FNP-0-EIP-26, Offsite Notification 2.11 FNP-0-EIP-12, Alert 2.12 FNP-0-EIP-18, Site"8/W Emergency M

yft 3.0 General 3.1 A Controlled Area evacuation will be effected by the Shift Supervisor or Emergency Director, as necessary, to protect the health and safety of personnel occupying the Controlled Area.

3.2 Any fire that occurs in a Radiation Controlled Area (RCA) shall be considered to involve radio-active material and monitoring by the Radiation Monitoring Team shall be required.

3.3 Except in unusual circumstances, the threat to life and property from fire exceeds that from radiation exposure. Radiation control should be -

considered, but should not be permitted to interfere with the fire fighting effort unless the radiological hazard is significant.

x, e 1 fcia (pg


. VOLUME 14 4.2.3 The APCo Fire Marshal shall: Investigate the cause of the fire and the extent of damage. Report findings to the Emergency Director. . Supervise recharging or replacing of all firefighting equipment and supplies.

4.2.4 The Emergency Director shall: ,

Be guided by the following procedures:

FNP-0-EIP-3, Duties of the Emergency Director FNP-0-EIP-8, Notification Roster FNP-0-EIP-9, Radiation Exposure Estimation and Classification of Emergencies FNP-0-EIP-12, Alert (if applicable)

Arev ,M FNP-0-EIP-18, Site <mergency (if applicable) &ft FNP-0-EIP-26, Offsite Notification

  • Implemented if the fire involves a radiation hazard.

1 a>wv . G ^

TW 6A 8


l l


-VOL.-14 FNP-0-EIP-11  !

July 6, 1982 l Revision 6 ,


FNP-0-EIP-11 S

A F .


1 E L

i A T i E  !

O Approved:

L3.I -


Plant Manager  !


Date Issued: 9 Y 2-


Date of Implementation: '

_9-21-82 _

Diskette EIP-4 l

List of Effective Pages - f Page Rev. t 1, 7 . 6 l

2,5,8 5 i

3,4,6 4 i checklist pg. 1 5 DOCUMENT CONTROL i Fig. 2 o Fig. lA 4 CONTROLLED COPY  ;

rig. 1 6 DO NOT REPRODUCE i COPY NO, O L{ g l

. O  !

i i

- - . _ . j

li e %e VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-ll  !,

. I l


This procedure provides guidelines for actions to be taken in the event of serious injury or in the event of,any injury where radioactive contamination may ,


l 2.0 ' References 2.1 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan  !

4 2.2 FNP-0-EIP-8, Notification Roster j

'l 2.3 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20 2.4 - FNP-0-EIP-17, Notification of Unusual Event 2.5 FNP-0-EIP-19, Offsite Notification i 3.0 General 3.1 Plant medical treatment of injured personnel shall consist of simple first aid rendered by g qualified individuals. l O

s 3.2 At least one person on each operating crew of i each unit shall be qualified to perform first i aid. -

. 3.3 Casualty decontamination should not take prece-  !

l dence over first aid in those cases requiring i urgent medical treatment.  !

I 3.4 Decontamination will normally consist of removing {

contaminated clothing, washing of superficial l abrasions, flushing of the eyes, etc. >

3.5 ' Casualties withiserious injuries such as concus- )

sions, fracturesi lacerations, stretcher cases, t etc., should be transferred to the hospital [

immediately. l 3.6 Chemistry & Health Physics shall provide supervision as soon as possible after casualties have been ,

sent to Southeast Alabama Medical Center, to  ;

provide assistance in the coordination of the i receipt of casualties. i


4 3.7 'Any individual who administers first aid shall i subsequently complete applicable sections of l

-,s .

APCo Form Number 5-41273, Employee Injury Report,  !

i (Figure 1) and forward the completed form to the i '

chemistry and Health Physics Supervisor.

1 Rev. 6  !

l  ;.


l , VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-11 3.8 Notifications which could be required are shown y in Figure 1A and~are listed in EIP-26. Telephone

-numbers are listed in FNP-0-EIP-8.

3.9 Personnel contamination associated with medical care is considered a personnel emergency. On each occurrence individuals performing personnel ,

decontamination shall complete CHP Form 202, Personnel Decontamination Record (Figure 2), and

-forward to the chemistry and Health Physics Supervisor.

3.10 Actual or suspected radiation exposure casualties shall be grouped into the following classifications ,

according to the listed criteria. For the purpose of these classifications trauma is defined as an injury or wound violently produced or the abnormal emotional condition resulting from the injury or wound. Action guidelines are listed for the disposition of such casualties:

3.10.1 Class 1 Radiation Exposure Casualty Exposure criteria:

a. Estimated radiation dose greater than applicable O 10CFR20 limits but less than 5 rem to whole body (including eyes, gonads, and bloodforming organs); -


b. Estimated radiation dose to the skin of the whole  ;

body greater than the i 10CFR20 limit but less than 30 rem; or

& c. Estimated radiation dose to the feet, ankles, hands, or forearms greater i than the 10CFR20 limit  ;

but less than 75 rem.

l Action guidelines.  :

a. Without trauma-send to '

Southeast Alabama Medical Center (SAMC) for evaluation  ;

after clearance by Health j Physics for contamination. l

( Rev. 5 i

jj 2 lI i

. . . = .

.: - v v -- - - -- -


~~. VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-11 f r~Y- b. With trauma-appropriate

. (_,) _ first aid then send to SAMC for evaluation.

3.10.2 Class 2 Radiation Exposure Casualty  ! Exposure criteria: ,


a. Estimated radiation dose  :

to the whole body (including. I eyes, gonads, and blood-  !

forming organs) greater  !

. than 5 rem but less than 25 rem; or

b. Estimated radiation dose  !

to the skin of the whole  !

i body greater than 30 rem but less than 150 rem; or

c. Estimated radiation dose to the feet, ankles,  !

hands, or forearms greater i than 75 rem but-less than  :

375 rem.  ;

< i Action guidelines:

a. Without trauma - sent to l SAMC for evaluation after j clearance by Health  !

Physics for contamination. l t

b. With trauma - appropriate  ;

, first aid, then send to l SAMC for evaluation.  !

l 3.10.3 Class 3 Radiation Exposure Casualty j Exposure criteria: "i

a. Estimated radiation dose j to the whole body (including l eyes, gonads, and blood- i forming organs) of 25 rem  !

or more; or I

b. Estimated radiation dose to the skin of the whole L body of 150 rem or more; l or {

i Rev. 4 l L 3 i i


~ ~ ..

i VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-11

c. Estimated radiation dose O to the feet, ankles, hands, or forearms of 375 rem or more. l l
d. Internal radiation exposure  !

,j estimated to be significant.

' Action guidelines: I

a. Without trauma - after I

- proper decontamination by Health Physics, send  ;

directly to the Radiation i Casualty Treatment-Facility (RCTF) in Birmingham, i b. With trauma - appropriate first aid,. decontamination, and if necessary for l

, life-saving surgical ,

problems, local hospital  :

treatment, then transfer  !

to RCTF. j

, 3.10.4 Monitoring and decontamination is desirable I i

prior to sending a casualty to a hospital.  !

3.11 The following modes of transportation are available for. transporting casualties to medical treatment i

, facilities: l 3.11.1 Plant to SAMC, RCTF, Oak Ridge Associated l Universities (ORAU): Plant Emergency Vehicle (PEV).  !

t Any other Alabama Power Company [

(APCo) vehicle. j Ambulance Service Company, f Dothan, Alabama. '

. 3.11.2 SAMC to RCTF or Birmingham Municipal  ;

Airport: }

i Ambulance Setvice Company,  !

Dothan, Alabama.  ! U. S. Army Aviation Center, Fort Rucker, Alabama.  ;

1:) -

i Rev. 4 i 4  !

i I


, VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-11 3.11.3 Birmingham Municipal Airport to RCTF: A & A Ambulance Service, Birmingham, Alabama.

3.11.4 SAMC to ORAU: Ambulance Service Company, Dothan, Alabama. U. S. Army Aviation Center, Fort Rucker, Alabama (Fixed wing transportation from Dothan Airport).

3.11.5 RCTF to ORAU:

3.11.S.1 A & A Ambulance Service, Birmingham, Alabama.

4.0 Procedure 4.1 The individual who discovers an injured person or witnesses an injury shall:

4.1.1 Render any assistance and first aid which you are qualified to perform.

4.1.2 Notify the Control Room giving your name, the location and number of injured personnel, extent of injuries if known and any other pertinent information which could affect plant operations.

Notification of the Control Room may occur before 4.1.1 above based on the judgement of the individual.

4.2 The Shift Supervisor shall consider the following actions in conjunction with initiating the Personnel Emergency Checklist (FNP-0-EIP-11A):

4.2.1 Announce the emergency on the PA system and dispatch a qualified individual (s) to perform first aid.

4.2.2 Implement EIP-17, Notification of Unusual Event if a contaminated, injured individual is transported to an offsite facility.

4.2.3 Dispatch a Radiation Monitoring Team to survey if radiation exposure or contamination is possibly involved.

Rev. 5 5

,~ VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-11 4.2.4 Summon a local ambulance if the Plant 0 Emergency Vehicle is not available giving the number of injured personnel and whether or not radioactive materials are involved.

4.2.5 Inform Central Security control (CSC) to escort the ambulance when it arrives at the plant site to the location of the injured personnel.

4.2.6 If contamination is involved, direct a Chemistry and Health Physics technician or another individual deemed competent in radiological monitoring to accompany' the injured percon(s) to SAMC. l NOTE: It may be desirable to notify a C & HP technician at home to meet the emergency vehicle at SAMC.

4.2.7 Notify SAMC and the-- company doctor on l call giving the following information: Number of casualties.

O Whether or not radioactive material is involved. Level of contamination, if known.


] Nature of injury.

I Estimated time of arrival.

, Any other pertinent information. After information is given, the hospital will call back to FNP to verify an actual emergency exists.

i 4.2.8 Ensure that the Emergency Director is notified.

i 4.3 The Emergency Director shall, if not previously performed, provide for the following in conjunction with, completing the Personnel Emergency Checklist j


Rev. 4 6

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. VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-11  !


s 4.3.1 Removal of personnel from a ' hazardous area (high radiation or contamination). '

4.3.2 Administration of first aid for severe  !

physical injuries. l l

4.3.3 Personnel decontamination. *!r 4.3.4 Evaluation of radiation exposures. f t

4.3.5 In the event of mass casualties, determine j which casualties will be sent to SAMC,  !

RCTF, or directly to REACTS. j 4.3.6 Notification per EIP-26 in the event of l personnel contamination or overexposure. ^

4.4 Person (s) assigned to administer first aid to a j casualty shall .

4.4.1 Report to the accident with the first aid kit which is available in both First Aid Rooms and Emergency Cabinets. ,

4.4.2 Render first aid to the casualty. f 4.4.3 If the casualty is to be sent to the i O hospital, attach a hospital wrist band with casualty's name and I.D. badge j

number and if radioactive contamination '

L i

is NOT involved, remove the casualty's .

I.D. badge and personnel dosimetry devices.

4.4.4 Subsequently, complete applicable sections of APCo Form Number 5-41273, Fmployee i Injury Report, and forward the completed l form to the Chemistry and Health Physics i Supervisor. l 4.5 If Health Physics support is required, the ~~

i Radiation Monitoring-Team shall: -'

i 4.5.1 Establish the degree of contamination and exposure of the patient. ,


' 4.5.2 Establish protective clothing requirements l' for first aid personnel, and/or ambulance personnel.  !

4.5.3 Decontaminate casualty if appropriate i L and/or minimize the spread of contamination.

l Rev. 6


7 l -  !

L  !

, . ......s-... .~ . ~ ,


- VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-11 4.5.4 Read the casualty's personnel dosimetry

~ (\ devices as soon as possible to determine the radiation casualty classification, ifaradiationinjuryisinvolved. If the casualty is highly contaminated and injuries require immediate transfer to the hospital, place an unexposed TLD in .

a plastic packet on the contaminated area.

4.5.5 Prepare the casualty fer transportation to a medical treatment facility if' necessary.

4.5.6 Assist the hospital staff as required.

4.5.7 Periodically inform the Emergency Director as to the casualty's disposition.

4.5.8 Detain ambulance and its attendants at hospital until properly monitored and decontaminated.

4.5.9 Obtain personnel dosimetry devices and other APCo property from ambulance personnel when they are released. ,

4.5.10 If a vehicular accident should occur ,

enroute to SAMC and the Plant Emergency e-Vehicle or ambulance were to remain unattended, lock the vehicle and if ,

radioactive materials are involved, placard all four sides with the sign


4.6 Off-site ambulance personnel shall:

4.6.1 Meet guard at the APCo gate and follow to the CSC Building.

4.6.2 Obtain ambulance kit and appropriate  ;

personnel desimetry devices at the CSC 1 Building.

4.6.3 Proceed with guard to the location of l the casualty.

4.6.4 Transport casualty to the medical treatment facility indicated by APCo personnel who are with the casualty.

4.6.5 Remain at tre medical facility with the ambulance until monitored and released

\ by APCo Health Physics personnel.

Gen. Rev. 5 8


l O O O

! *l l

t l

J First Aid l Company f

  • - Doctors e

HP' Support l  !

(. 6 e

e J SAMC RCTF l--- - -- - - - l e

n M '  ;

r 3

. gp

  • C -

N APCo l'

" Emergency Director l h rgency 4___q Medical 6---t Medical g

l Individual H Supervisor Coordinator Advisor I

i y , Director

\ }


\ Ambulance l Medical __,,_e l -

\ Transportation l l

\ e f a

g i q Security l 1 ORAU-MD l---- - - - - - 8


'. 'mC

\____________ ..

g Region II $


\ y' '

h - - - -- - 4y State of Alabama t4 H

'o e

M P e w ,


Notification Order - Injured Pernonnel W

. 6. c--- - - -

-p  %

, FNP-0-EIP-11A  :

t i


^~-) Handling of Injured Personnel Action Initials  !

t i

1. Announce emergency and dispatch .l individual (s) to render first aid. l t
2. Investigate situation for possible (

higher level emergency.

3. Dispatch-Radiation Monitoring Team if I radiation exposure or contamination is possible involved. r
4. Summon Plant Emeinency Vehicle or local [

ambulance serviceN iving the number of r i

injured personnel ind whether or not  !

radioactive materials are involved.

5. Inform Central Security Control to j escort the ambulance.  !
6. If contarination is involved, send a  !

C & HP Technician or other individual  !

4 competent in radiological monitoring i to accompany the injured person (s) to i Southeast Alabama Medical Center (SAMC). l Implement EIP-17


7. Notify SAMC and the company doctor on l call giving the following information.  !


a. Number of casualties. I
b. Whether or not radioactive i materials are involved. I
c. Level of contamination.
d. Nature of injury.  !


e. Estimated time of arrival. l i
f. Other pertinent information.  !
8. In the event of mass casualties  !

decide which casualties will be  !

sent to SAMC, RCTF, or directly t to REACTS.

9. Notify agencies per EIP-26  ;

n.-s e

/ I 1 Rev. 5 l l

._ _.  ;. .. __ t __ .

__ r_ c EMPLOYEE INJURY REPORT - AlabamaPOwer A This report is for reporting work related injuries when it is known tha't an injury did occur, if there is doubt that the injury is e company risponsibility, make a report in setter form to the safety Department. If subsequent facts define it as a company responsibility, the letter wiii be suppiemented by reporting on this form.

/ \

-! A Case or File No. Report No.



Forward Original To Safety Department Employee No. Social Security No. .

PAYROLL Home NAME Address WHO WAS Cassification length of Service INJURED? Age sex i This information required only in lost. time injuries. Married? Living with spouse? No. of Children Other Dependents R E LA TION A.M. I thte oflajury Time ofInjury P.M. I TIME AND Division, Plant, Organization Department PLACE OF Location INJURY Give further detail such as place in plant, substation, or location on line where injury occurred NATURE OF Nature ofInjury INJURY Specific location of Injury on Body _

Was First Aid given? _lf so what?

Name and location of Doctor Date sent to Doctor W AS Name and location of Hospitalif applicable DO FOR INJURED? Did Doctor permit injared to retuin to work? When? Is work slip attached, dated & signed?

Restricted Duty? Unrestricted Duty?

(Send all Return To Work slips to Safety Caa..; after signing and dating.)

Name the machine, tool, equipment or substance involved THIS SECTION PORT Was above defective in any way? If so, state in what way COMPLETED BY FOREMAN Cause(s)ofinjury OR -

E R gN RED Describe circumstances, including names of witnesses, stirrounding injury based on your investigation. Attach additional l g , my statement and sketches if necessary sending report if injured b not peiysic ily abie tg Suggested corrective action l

complete his/her i


Date of Reper+ Signed FOREMAN OR SUPERVISOR TeTLE Give a clear description of how you received injury, including names of witnesses. Use ot% r side of report if more space is INJURED'S needed.

DE IPTION lO IDENT R ING IN INJURY (DO NOT SAY l "See above for- I pe oription~) i l Form S.41273 INJURED EMPLOYEE 44 12730

-~,,.m -n-.

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Name 'e '

Date .

Social Security NO. Time Security Badge No. Plant Group Area Where Contamination Occurred:  :

l Body Location Instrument Reading Decon Agent Skin Condition Reading l,

I i

l l


\  !

i l



P l i

l ,

l Remarks: l I

J _

l 1-Decontamination Performed Ey:

a. .



Juns 1975 (Figure 2) CHP Form 202  !

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Rev. 0 .

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,l Location of Contamination  !

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f s VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-18 t,

7 September 8, 1982 Revision 5 t






D Approved:

4.). l$ [

Plant Manager Date Issued: 4- 2.1- fL-Date of Implementation: 9-21-82 i Diskette #EIP-1 '

l List of Effective' Pages a


$he klist pg.1 5 Y .On Fig. 1 5

.s.- e ,s-. a ..e,-.w. ,

-- . + + -


VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-18 1.0 Purpose This procedure defines the criteria for classifying an emergency as a Site Area Emergency, delineates personnel l and organizations who may be notified and lists actions -

which may be taken to mitigate the effects of the emergency.

2.0 References 2.1 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Emergency Plan.

2.2 FNP-0-EIP-8, Notification Roster.

2.3 FNP-0-EIP-9, Radiation Exposure Estimation and Classification of Emergencies.

l 2.4 FNP-0-EIP-10, Evacuation and Personnel Accountability.

2.5 FNP-0-EIP-13, Fire Emergencies.

l 2.6 FNP-0-EIP-14, Re-entry Procedures.

2.7 FNP-0-EIP-26, Offsite Notification 3.0 General 3.1 Description The classification of Site Area Emergency applies to those events which are in progress or have  !

occurred that involve actual or likely major failures of plant functions needed for protection of the public from radiation or contamination.

The potential for release of radioactive material for the Site Area Emergency classification is up to 1000 Ci of I-131 equivalent or 104 to 10s Ci of Xe-133 equivalent. The purpose of the declaration of a Site Area Emergency is to:

l (a) Assure that response centers are manned, (b) Assure that monitoring teams are dispatched, (c) Assure that personnel involved in an evacuation effort of near-site areas are at their duty stations if the situation j worsens, and, (d) Provide current information for and consultation with offsite authorities and the public.

Rev. 5 1

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VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-18 3.2 Criteria



A Site Area. Emergency would be declared for l plant conditions that warrant activation of emergency centers and monitoring teams. Specifically a Site Area Emergency would be declared for any l

of the following

[ 3.2.1 A major loss of primary coolant as indicated by:

(a) Decreasing pressurizer pressure

, and possible level, AND _

(b) Near normal steam pressure in all steam generators accompanied by,

, (1) Containment pressure reaching 27 psig, AND (2) High containment r~r radiation (R-2, R-11, and R-12 i reaching their alarm

() (3) setpoint), AND High containment '

sump (recirculation) level AND

.- (4) High containment

- humidity.

3.2.2 Degraded core conditions with possible loss of core geometry as indicated by:

(a) AT between RCS wide range hot leg and cold leg temperature t

>64 0 F and core exit temperature (in-core thermocouples) reading greater than 8000F and increasing, QR 4

(b) Core exit temperature (in-core a

thermocouples)~> 1200 0F.

3.2.3 A loss of offsite power and a steam generator tube rupture as indicated by:


(a) ECCS actuation, AND i

V Rev. 5 2


_1 - ____ i. t

. 3 VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-18 (b)



High secondary coolant activity (R-15 or R-19 reach full scale) 3.2.4 Greater than 50 gpm primary to secondary leak, fuel damage as evidenced by a reactor coolant activity greater than ~

technical specifications, and a steam line break outside containment as indicated by:

(a) Abnormally low steam pressure on one or all steam generators with one or more of the following:

(1) Steam line high flow, (2) Steam line high differential prr;sure, (3) Steam flow greater than feed flow AND

(~N (b) No abnormal temperature or

( EEmidity increase in containment, 3'.2.5 Loss of offsite power with a failure of all emergency AC power for more than 15 minutes.

3.2.6 Loss of both trains of auxiliary building DC power for more than 15 minutes.

3.2.7 Loss of functions for achieving hot standby.

3.2.8 Spent fuel handling accident for which sampling or radiation monitors indicate


a projected lower limit of offsite L individual exposure to be:

1.0 Rem - Whole Body or 2.5 Rem Thyroid

~ '

as a result of one of (he foll'owing:

l l (a) Dropped spent fuel assembly, 9R O -

V Rev. 4 3


- - - -- ~ ----

m_. ._ _ _ - <..> .


(T (b) An object is dropped onto a

\_ / spent fuel assembly, gg (c) A cask containing a spent fuel assembly is dropped exposing the assembly, OR


(d) A spent fuel assembly is deformed as a result of any manipulation, gg (e) Spent fuel pool water level below top of assemblies.

3.2.9 A fire affecting ECCS.

3.2.10 Loss of all main control board annunciator capability for more than 15 minutes while:

(a) Plant is not in cold shutdown, SE (b) Significant plant transient is Initiated while all alarms lost.

3, '. 11 Imminent loss of physical control of the plant (i.e., takeover by terrorists, e anti-nuclear factions, etc.).

3.2.12 Severe natural phenomena being experienced or projected with plant not in cold shutdown:

(a) Earthquake greater than SSE levels (b) Flood, low river water, or hurricane surge greater thaa design levels.

(c) Winds in excess of 115 mph.

3.2.13 Other hazards being experienced with the plant not in cold shutdown as follows:

p (a) Aircraft crash affecting vital structures by fire or impact, 9E

(b) Severe damage to safe shutdown equipment from missiles or explosion, gg Rev. 3 4

VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-18 (c) Entry of toxic or flammable (s_)N - gases into vital areas.

3.2.14 Evacuation of the control room.

3.2.15 Any event such as a waste gas decay tank rupture for which sampling or radiation '

monitors indicate a projected lower limit of offsite individual exposure to be:

1.0 Rem - Whole Body OR 2.5 Rem - Thyroid 3.2.16 Rupture of a control rod mechanism housing as indicated by the following:

(a) Rod position indication, AND (b) High RCS pressure surge, AND (c) Momentary nuclear power surge, AND ,

4 (d) Subsequent behavior indicating


4.1 The Shift Supervisor shall perform the following:

4.1.1 Sound the Plant Smergency Alarm and announce the condition and give evacuation instructions over the plant public address system. i 4.1.2 Implement EIP-26, Offsite Notification


4.1.3 If. emergency is a fire, also refer tot  !

EIP-13, Fire Emergency i 4.1.4 The Shift Supervisor shall perform the duties of the Emergency Director until

- his arrival and assumption of duties.

4.2 The Emergency Director shall perform the following: l 4.2.1 Upon receiving notification of an emergency, f provide instructions for the Administrative ,

Aide to notify the Emergency Coordinator j

.and those portions of the plant call l list for the Emergency Organization as (N  ;

- \s- i i

Rev. 4 l

5  !

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VOLUME 14 FNP-0-EIP-18 directed by the Emergency Director, to O include the Technical Support Centec, Operations Support Canters, and Emergency Operations Facility, as necessary.

4.2.2 Implement notifications per EIP-26.

4.2.3 Activate the Technical Support Center and Operations Support Centers 4.2.4 Ensure personnel accountability (EIP-10).

4.2.5 Plan and initiate re-entries per EIP-14.

4.2.6 Dispatch Radiation Monitoring Teams. If additional support is. required refer to EIP-8.

4.2.7 Provide periodic meteorological and dose estimates and release projections based on plant conditions and foreseeable contingencies to offsite authorities.

4.2.8 ' Coordinate with the Recovery Manager with respect to information to be released to the press e.nd recovery planning.

4.2.9 Coordinate with the Recovery Manager to send a company representative to the Houston County Central Emergency Operations Center (CEOC).

4.2.10 Continually reassess the emergency 1 condition to ensure that a higher i classification does not exist.

4.2.11 Close out or recommend reduction in

.i emergency class by briefing of offsite authorities and by phone followed by

? written report as required by technical specifications; or escalate to a General Er.ergency.

Rev. 3 1.


_ - . . . . . - . .__ _. 2._. _ _

u_ . _ ._ ._- _ .._. .

n , ':

FNP-0-EIP-18A SITE AREA EMERGENCY CHECKLIST Initials I. Shift Supervisor A. Sound PEA, if necessary announce ~f condition and give evacuation i instructions  !

B. Implement EIP-26 [


II. Cmergency Director j A. Provide instructions for the  !

Administrative Aide to notify TSC  !

staff, and the Emergency Coordinator [

B. Implement EIP-26 C. Initiate environmental sampling j D. Ensure personnel accountability l (EIP-10). ,


O Plan and initiate re-entries (EIP-14).

i F. Coordinate with Recovery Manager i sending company respresentative to  !

Houston County CEOC.

G. Reassess conditions for possible ,

upgrade to General Emergency ,

  • I i ,


O 1 Rev. 5 w

. t-r State State f Florida Local &

N '

State of Alabama of Florida 7 Civil Defense Agencies I i

f Normal Notification ./ '

/ e I

Alternate Notification / l Local &


,- SROO State Ceorgia 7 IRAP of N Civil 7 State

/ Ceorgia . Defense Agencies i

/ l \

l i

, Medical

/ l NRC Alabama Local &

Assistance k

[jN~~- \

Bethesda HD Civil Defense State Arencies

< \ </1 ,/ s 4

/ \ j .

m 5 Individual Shift

'x/ Emergency NRC Houston Co. llenry Co. Early Co.

I Civil Discovering ' Supervisor Director R'egion II Civil Civil l Emergency Atlanta Defense Defense d Defense

.f j f j




- - - - s - - - - - J - - - - a/

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Fire Security Plant

[ J.

Department Guards i . _ ... ? .

- r Call '


. . . .. ) , , List -

s >

', - i s

.i j '

i lie th . t ,

Emergency Company N Phystes ,

Coordinator ' Call &

Support List A

! l U EOD . ,

f -

Ft. Rucker '

4 . .

t 1-

  • - s 9

i i Notification Order - Site Area Emergency f

l ,