Category:Graphics incl Charts and Tables
MONTHYEARML23094A1162023-03-30030 March 2023 Decommissioning Fund Status Report ML22335A4632022-12-0101 December 2022 Chronology of Significant Events in Operator Licensing Since the Three Mile Island Accident (1979) ML16089A4552016-03-29029 March 2016 TMI MSFHI Tables Public 3-29-2016 ML16056A1392016-03-11011 March 2016 Correction to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Analysis of Licensees Decommissioning Funding Status Reports CNL-15-213, Compliance with Three Mile Island (TMI) Action Plan Requirements for an Operating License2015-10-0707 October 2015 Compliance with Three Mile Island (TMI) Action Plan Requirements for an Operating License RS-14-073, Seismic Hazard and Screening Report (Central and Eastern United States (CEUS) Sites), Response to NRC Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of2014-03-31031 March 2014 Seismic Hazard and Screening Report (Central and Eastern United States (CEUS) Sites), Response to NRC Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of RA-13-081, Proposed Resolution for Completion of the Seismic Walkdowns Associated with NRC Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding the Seismic Aspects of Recommendation 2.3 of the Near-Term2013-09-16016 September 2013 Proposed Resolution for Completion of the Seismic Walkdowns Associated with NRC Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding the Seismic Aspects of Recommendation 2.3 of the Near-Term RA-13-075, Response to NRC Request for Information Per 10 CFR 50.54(f) Re the Seismic Aspects of Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident- 1.5 Year Response for CEUS Sites2013-09-12012 September 2013 Response to NRC Request for Information Per 10 CFR 50.54(f) Re the Seismic Aspects of Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident- 1.5 Year Response for CEUS Sites ML1129804582011-10-27027 October 2011 Correction Letter Regarding Amendment No. 273 Technical Specification Changes to Reflect Control Rod Drive Control System Upgrade ML11105A1622011-04-15015 April 2011 Surveillance Procedure 1301-9.1, Revision 22, RB Structural Integrity Tendon Surveillance ML11105A1602011-04-0505 April 2011 2010 Augmented Reactor Building (Iwl) In-Service Inspection, Topical Report 204, Rev. 0 NEI 08-09, Re-Submittal of the Exelon Cyber Security Plan2010-07-23023 July 2010 Re-Submittal of the Exelon Cyber Security Plan ML0831703462008-11-10010 November 2008 Response to Request for Additional Information Related to NRC Generic Letter 2004-02, Potential Impact of Debris Blockage on Emergency Recirculation During Design Basis Accidents at Pressurized-Water Reactors ML0814203982008-08-0101 August 2008 Summary of Site Audit Related to the Review of the License Renewal Application for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 RA-08-057, Unit 1, Application for Approval of License Transfers2008-06-20020 June 2008 Unit 1, Application for Approval of License Transfers ML0828804822008-06-13013 June 2008 York Haven Power Company Daily Shad Passage ML0728203072007-10-11011 October 2007 Electronic Distribtion Initiative Letter, Licensee List, Electronic Distribution Input Information, Division Plant Mailing Lists ML0529902932005-10-19019 October 2005 FAQ Log 10/19/2005 ML0709303602005-01-31031 January 2005 Cps/Usar, Appendix D, Requirements Resulting from TMI-2 Accident, Revision 11 ML0603300571979-04-29029 April 1979 Enclosure 3 (to 01-31-06 Ltr) - 04-29-79 Examination of Reasons for Temp Rise in TC 9H TMI ML0603300551979-04-28028 April 1979 Enclosure 2 (to 01-31-06 Ltr) - 04-28-79 Summaries and Plots TMI 2023-03-30
[Table view] Category:Memoranda
MONTHYEARML24326A3542024-11-22022 November 2024 Enclosure 3: Memo - M. Brown - Designation of Authorized Representative for United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Special Nuclear Material Licenses ML24215A3602024-08-20020 August 2024 Summary of July 30, 2024 Meeting Between the NRC and TMI2Solutions Staff ML23102A0382023-04-10010 April 2023 Occupational Radiation Exposure Annual Report ML22073A2442022-03-16016 March 2022 TMI NMSS Memo for ISFSI PSP Review Completion, Staff Review of the Three Mile Island Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Physical Security Plan (Rev.0) and License Amendment Request (Cac/Epid No: 000078/05000289/L-2021-SPR-0004) ML22074A0922022-03-15015 March 2022 TMI: 1 ISFSI Only PSP Rev. 0 Notice of Safeguards Memo ML21277A2472021-11-0505 November 2021 Notification of Significant Licensing Action - Proposed Issuance of Order Approving the Transfer of Licenses for Which a Hearing Has Been Requested - Exelon Generation Company, LLC; Et. Al ML21218A0082021-08-10010 August 2021 NSIR Review of the Three Mile Island Physical Security Plan Revision 24 for the Verification of ASM 20-103 Incorporation ML21166A1182021-06-15015 June 2021 Technical Assistance Request - Review of Physical Security Plan for the Three Mile Island Unit 1 Power Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation ML19182A3562019-07-23023 July 2019 Quarterly Report on the Status of Public Petitions Under Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 2.206 - April 1 to June 30, 2019 ML19044A3842019-02-0606 February 2019 Notification of the Facility Director Change for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulated Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations (CLNl90659) ML18093B1022018-04-0303 April 2018 Notice of Public Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC, to Discuss the Nrc�S Assessment of Safety Performance at Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 for 2017, as Described in the Annual Assessment Letter Dated February 28, 2018 ML17271A0532017-09-29029 September 2017 2017 Summary of Annual Decommissioning Funding Status Reports for Reactors in Decommissioning ML17142A2382017-05-25025 May 2017 OEDO-17-00280 - Briefing Package for Drop-In Visit on June 9, 2017, by Senior Management of Exelon Generation Company, LLC with Chairman Svinicki, Commissioner Baran, and Commissioner Burns ML16274A0272016-10-0404 October 2016 2016 Summary of Annual Review of Decommissioning Funding Status Reports for Plants in Decommissioning ML16252A2732016-08-26026 August 2016 Notification of the Facility Director Change Update for the NRC Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations (EM-NRC-16-020) ML16075A3292016-03-16016 March 2016 OEDO-16-00165 - Briefing Package for Drop-In Visit on March 23, 2016, by Senior Management of Exelon Generation Company, LLC with the NRC Executive Director for Operations ML15230A5332015-08-18018 August 2015 Draft Request for Additional Information ML15175A3002015-08-0606 August 2015 Final Response to Task Interface Agreement 2015-01, Assessment of Three Mile Island Nuclear Stations Use of a Non-Seismic Qualified Cleanup Path for the Borated Water Storage Tank ML15089A1642015-04-27027 April 2015 Summary of February 25, 2015, Partially Closed Meeting with Industry Stakeholders Regarding the Babcock and Wilcox Loss of Coolant Accident Evaluation Model Analysis ML14133A0592014-07-0101 July 2014 Summary of Closed Meeting Between Representatives of the Army Corps of Engineers, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Exelon Generation Co, LLC, and PPL Susquehanna, LLC, to Discuss Dam Failure Analysis ML14112A2392014-04-22022 April 2014 Notice of Forthcoming Closed Meeting to Discuss Dam Failure Analysis for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 and 3, Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Units 1 and 2, and Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1 ML14106A3742014-03-31031 March 2014 Notification of Facility Director Change for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulated Fort St Vrain, Three Mile Island and Idaho Spent Fuel Facility Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations (EM-FMDP-14-018) ML13269A1792013-09-25025 September 2013 Draft Request for Additional Information ML13262A1632013-09-23023 September 2013 Meeting Report - Three Mile Island, Unit 2, Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report Public Meeting ML13253A2252013-09-10010 September 2013 Draft Request for Additional Information ML13249A2072013-09-0505 September 2013 Draft Request for Additional Information ML13221A4462013-08-12012 August 2013 Meeting Notice: to Discuss the Three Mile Island, Unit 2, Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report Submittal and Obtain Public Comments ML13190A1992013-08-0606 August 2013 FRN - Memo to Cindy Bladey Transmitting Federal Register Notice on Receipt of Three Mile Island - Unit 2 Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report ML13193A1452013-07-12012 July 2013 Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Proposed Revision to Pressure and Temperature Limit Curves and Exemption Request for Initial Reference Temperature Values (TAC Nos. MF0425 & MF0426) ML13190A3522013-07-10010 July 2013 Notice of Forthcoming Teleconference with Exelon Generation Company, LLC ML13177A3902013-06-26026 June 2013 Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Overall Integrated Plan in Response to Order Number EA-12-051, Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation ML13136A2032013-05-20020 May 2013 Meeting Notice with Exelon Generation Company, LLC, to Discuss Once Through Steam Generator Tube-to-Tube Wear at Three Mile Island, Unit 1 ML1123511612013-04-0303 April 2013 FRN: C. Bladey Memo Exemption from Certain 10 CFR Part 73 Security Requirements for TMI Unit 2 ML13066A1262013-03-0707 March 2013 Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Fifth Inservice Test Interval Relief Request PR-01 Nuclear Services Closed Cooling Water Flow Measurement ML13050A6362013-02-20020 February 2013 Draft RAI Memo ML13044A6652013-02-13013 February 2013 Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Relief Request VR-01, Associated with the Fifth Inservice Testing Interval ML13044A3122013-02-13013 February 2013 Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding 30-Day Report for Emergency Core Cooling System Model Changes Pursuant to the Requirements of 10 CFR 50.46 ML13029A7432013-01-29029 January 2013 Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for RAI Regarding Request to Use Later Addenda of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code for Operating and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants ML12348A6962012-12-17017 December 2012 1/3/2013 - Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC, to Discuss Requests for Additional Information Regarding Exelon Physical Security Plans ML12338A3842012-12-0404 December 2012 Three Miles Island, Unit No. 1 - Electronic Transmission, Draft RAI Regarding Relief Request RR-12-02, Relief Request Concerning Full Structural Weld Overlay of Dissimilar Metal Welds on the Lower Cold Leg Letdown Nozzle and Safe End ML12310A2022012-11-0606 November 2012 Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding 30-Day Report for Emergency Core Cooling System Model Changes Pursuant to the Requirements of 10 CFR 50.46 ML12306A4542012-11-0101 November 2012 Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding 2011 Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report ML1208701692012-03-28028 March 2012 Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Fourth Interval Inservice Testing Relief Request PR-05 ML1208602902012-03-26026 March 2012 Notice of Forthcoming Public Meeting with Exelon Generation to Discuss Future Fleet Submittal Regarding Licensed Operator Eligibility Requirements ML1134801002011-12-19019 December 2011 Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC, and Entergy Operations, Inc., to Discuss Steam Generator Inspection Results at Three Mile Island, Unit 1, and Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 ML1133605762011-12-0505 December 2011 Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Proposed License Amendment Revising Technical Specifications to Incorporate Administrative Changes ML1119900962011-07-20020 July 2011 Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Third Inservice Inspection Interval Relief Requests RR-11-01 and RR11-02 ML12164A2442011-07-0808 July 2011 Marshbank Replaces Davis as Facility Director (07/08/2011) ML1113802512011-06-0303 June 2011 Memo to Cindy Bladey Federal Register Notice Providing Notice of Issuance of Directors Decision Under 10 CFR 2.206 ML1111804942011-04-28028 April 2011 Electronic Transmission, Draft Request for Additional Information Regarding Fourth Interval Inservice Inspection Relief Request I4R-04 2024-08-20
[Table view] |
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To: M. Levenson S. Levy E. Zebroski
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TO: S. Levy FROM: Buhl and Stroupe
Temperature Increase in TC 9O on 4/29 and 4/30
The temperature indicated by TC 9H is correlated to changes in pressure and not t:o other plant parameters. As pressure decreases the temperature indicated by TC 9H increases. This suggests a small boiling hot spot somewhere in the vicinity of TC 9H. Noise tests do not indicate boiling which says that boiling is not substantial nor located in the immediate vicinity of any of the TC's.
Pecoumendation: Continue to monitor TC 9H with all other TC's. When pressure increases the temperature indicated by TC 9H should stabilize or decrease. When pressure is reduced substantially TC 91H will increase and the surrounding TC's can be monitored to determine if boilinc area is increasinc. Also noise on the TC's snould be monitored to pick up vioorous boiiinS.
Several plant parameters were examined to determine the reasons for TC 9H temperature increases on 4/25 and 4/30/79. The system pressure and the 6 hottest TC's are plotted on Ficure 1 from 4/2C through 5/1. The correlation of TC 9H tem=eratu.-es and system pressure is evident as noted in the upper right corner of Figure 1.
Other plant parameters are plotted on Figure 2 and no czrrelations are apparent.
These data suggest that a small hot spot may exist somewhere below TC 9H which produces some boiling. If so, boiling is not vigorous and does not extend to other TC's. Noise analysis of the TC's dlid not locate boiling which says that if boiling is occurring it is limited and below the threshold of noise detection. Further, since no other TC's are showing increasing temperatures, the hot spot is small enough as to not affect adjacent TC's.
The correlation of TCreadings with pressure for the hottest TC's was apparent in early April. Figures 3 and 4 were taken from 1AG Task Report #30 dated 4/23/79 and on IAG meno Kolar to Lieb dated 4/27/79 respectively. These data show the same correlation with pressure.
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