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01-23-06 Ltr R. Webb to M. Ward, NRC PDR, Requesting Documents
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/23/2006
From: Webb R
Studies of Nuclear Hazards & Constitutional Law
To: Ward M
Shared Package
ML060230218 List:
Download: ML060250286 (2)


To: Norm Lauben and Ralph Meyer NRC Office of Res From: Richard Webb 8262 960236 23.01.06 21:14:54 Page 1 of 2 Sent by the Award Winning Cheyenne Bitware To; Tviarshit Ward Public D)ocuments Room NRC Irnm: Richard Webb Date: Janutry 23, 2006 Sub ocut: Long-Term Cooling Reports on TM'.

Copy to Norm Laubun I found the reference for the document which I have inquired about. 'llie document is indeud an NRC report, as I rumcmberud. It is titlud:

"Staff Safety E.valuation of Long 'Term Post-Acoident (Cooling of the '11lree Mile Island Unit 2."

My reference is page 1N5 of the Iransoript of congressional hearings: Subcommittee on Energy and Environment, chairud by Morris Udall, titled; "Amidcnt at the Thruu Milc Island Nucluiar Powerplant," )versight I learings, Serial No. 96-8, part 11, 'Xtl (ongress, 1st Session- 'l1e reference indicates that the report was transmitted to the Commtnissioners on May 4, 1979.

Now that I have the title of the document, I think that is must be an evaluation of a report eithierhythe licensee ofMI, orthetreactorvvendor, 13&W. I recaltltat a &W sqafetyaanalysis of the Long Trirm Cooling was given to me also for my study and reviuw, whcn I met with Dr.

Mattson and Cart I3erlinger on April 26, 1979. 'Iherefore, I wish to have the Bl&W safety analysis as well. In addition, there was a Sandia report that was a part of this documentation: a third documont. givcn to me for my ruviuw. Perhaps thu Sandia ruport is muntionud in thu StaiT Safety Evaluation. I recall that the tertns used by thie N(, "Safety lEvaluation," indicates that there such is an evaluation of a "safety analysis" -- the safety analysis being usually proferred by thu nuultar licunsee, uithur issued by thu lieunmcu, or his contriutor.

You mentioned that you found a lB&W report. So, perhaps, or probably, that is the safety analysis. 'lie Staff EIvalustion would then be a separate document, and An NRC document.

Also, pluasc cxeusc mu for my cmails lhat express my pursonal dillicultics in using thc internet to setup the Citrix-Adams thing. Perhiaps I lhave to put the work into learning the new technology of PC's and inturnuts, but thurc is a limit of my capacity to do things. PlcasI vicw my criticisms or vunting of frustraiions as a kind of feedback. I want to makc usu of thu works of your office; but I do not know how to setup the Citrix thing, as I have amplified on in another scrios of Email to your PDR, not addressed to your spucifially,though you may atlruady know' about thcm. I am very apprcuiutivc of your hulp.

Also, in my umail I msntioned Lwo ruli:rcntcus in a list of docuumcnt titlls and thuir datcs and I.D. numburs which Jim Wiggins madu using thu Cintrix, and thu TNII dockut numbur (05t)00320), key word (thermocouple), and date (prior to October 1979). After examining his list of rufuruncus, I have scluctud thu following items which I wish to have:

To: Norm Lauben and Ralph Meyer NRC Off ice of ResFrom: Richard Webb 8262 960236 23.01.06 21:16:02 Page 2 of 2 Sent by the Award Winning Cheyenne Bitware

1. Iotwards summaries ' _plots of thernocouple temp and time at time of reactor oore purformancu 2A Irip.Info. ... 04/28/1979, ll 7907110045; anud "Tcmp Incrcasc in Thcrmocouplc 9H on 790429 & 790430. 04/30/1979, 7908220063;
2. Thermocouple maps from 790403-10, dttcd 04/10/79, Jl 7905160014
3. Thcrmocouplc computcr datta for 790329,11 03/29/1979, IR7906140547;
4. Readings on thermcouple computer data, 03/M30/79, 7906140557;
5. Forwards siqucncc of cvcnts from 3:30 am. to 4 a.m. on 790405 uid thcrmocouplc rcadings for 12;30 am onm 790405, 04/05/1979, 79071100607, but uncurtam us to thc 5"' digit;
6. Notifies of I A prnary coolant pump tripped offline & 2A pump started 3 minutes later. Some change in thennocouple temperature distribution noted, but not scrious. 04/06/1979, 7905140037;
7. Discusses increased thermocouple readings due to Iproximity of fuel particulates, w/graph, 04/10/1979, 7907260560
8. Forwards asscssment of ooro damagc for usc in SER for natural circulation.

04/13/1979, 7904270057;

9. tIask I (0) "I'uel ITeml)p lierttocouple Readings during Ptressure Transients form 790409-12, 04/13/1797, 7905230462; 1().

'Ile # are identification numbers I assumed.

I hope that you can find the requested documents. Please reply by email, as that is easiest for you, and for me.

Sincerely yours, Richard E. Wcbb