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Initial Exam 50-280,281/2009-301 Draft Administrative JPMs
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 10/17/2009
Virginia Electric & Power Co (VEPCO)
50-280/09-301, 50-281/09-301
Download: ML092920134 (230)


Surry 2009-301 RWP Compliance and Personnel Assignment U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR09301 Administrative Job Performance Measure 2.3.7 Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________


Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________

Title Determine the applicability of a RWP for a specific job and determine which personnel may be assigned the task based on personal qualifications and dose limitations.

K/A: G2.3.7 Ability to comply with radiation work permit requirements during normal or abnormal conditions. (3.5/3.6)

Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time SRO(I)/SRO(U) 15 Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the classroom.

1-BR-E-10A (Gas Stripper Steam Heater) has developed external leakage and requires isolation and tagging to minimize contamination.

Standards VPAP-2101 - Radiation Protection Program Initiating Cues Shift Manager direction Terminating Cues RWP compliance and personnel selection complete.

Procedures VPAP-2101 - Radiation Protection Program Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None G2.3.7 SR09301 1 of 12

Surry 2009-301 RWP Compliance and Personnel Assignment Initiating Cues- Question 1 Question: Assume the following Initial Conditions:

1-BR-E-10A (Gas Stripper Steam Heaters) is to be tagged out and drained due to a suspected tube leak.

This task has historically taken one Operator approximately 22 minutes to complete.

All valves that will be manipulated or tagged are located in the immediate vicinity of the heat exchangers.

Here are copies of RWP 09-0-1003-2, the Radiological Survey Map and Record for the area, and an ALARA Component Locator Map for the area. You are to determine if this task can be performed under RWP 09-0-1003-2 and provide justification for your answer.

Answer: No. The projected dose for the job of 110 mrem will exceed the 100 mrem limit established as the DOSE LIMIT ALARM. (.4)

From the RWP first page DOSE RATE ALARM: 1000 mrem/Hr BUDGETED DOSE: 750 mrem DOSE LIMIT ALARM: 100 mrem ALARA EVALUATION NO: 09-002 Evaluators Cue: None.

CANDIDATES RESPONSE G2.3.7 SR09301 2 of 12

Surry 2009-301 RWP Compliance and Personnel Assignment Initiating Cues- Question 2 Question Two: Assuming that the tagout and draining of 1-BR-E-10A will proceed, assess each individual operator to determine which could be assigned this task. Explain the basis for your decision on each individual.

Operator #1: Qualification Level = Step 4; Quarterly Dose = 1447 mrem Operator #2: Qualification Level = Stepped Out; Quarterly Dose = 1894 mrem Operator #3: Qualification Level = Step 6; Quarterly Dose = 1556 mrem Operator #4: Qualification Level = Step 7; Quarterly Dose = 1478 mrem Answer:

Operator #1: Cannot be assigned the task. The Operator is not qualified on that Watchstation. The Operator must have completed step 5 in order to perform tasks in the Auxiliary Building. (.15)

Operator #2: Cannot be assigned the task. The Operator is excluded from the RCA due to being >85% of the Quarterly Administrative Dose Limit of 2 rem/year (or greater than 1700 mrem). VPAP 2101, Section 6.3.4, states -

If a workers annual dose exceeds 85% of an administrative dose limit, the worker will be denied RCA access until an upgrade is approved. (.15)

Operator #3: Can be assigned the task. The Operator is qualified on the Watchstation and their quarterly dose is below the administrative limit. (.15)

Operator #4: Can be assigned the task. The Operator is qualified on the Watchstation and their quarterly dose is below the administrative limit. (.15)

Examiners Cue: If asked, none of the Operators have been granted a dose upgrade.

CANDIDATES RESPONSE G2.3.7 SR09301 3 of 12

Surry 2009-301 RWP Compliance and Personnel Assignment STOP TIME:


G2.3.7 SR09301 4 of 12

Surry 2009-301 RWP Compliance and Personnel Assignment Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER)

Question: Assume the following Initial Conditions:

1-BR-E-10A (Gas Stripper Steam Heaters) is to be tagged out and drained due to a suspected tube leak.

This task has historically taken one Operator approximately 22 minutes to complete.

All valves that will be manipulated or tagged are located in the immediate vicinity of the heat exchangers.

Here are copies of RWP 09-0-1003-2, the Radiological Survey Map and Record for the area, and an ALARA Component Locator Map for the area. You are to determine if this task can be performed under RWP 09-0-1003-2 and provide justification for your answer.

G2.3.7 SR09301 5 of 12

Surry 2009-301 RWP Compliance and Personnel Assignment Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER)

Question: Assuming that the tagout and draining of 1-BR-E-10A will proceed, assess each individual operator to determine which could be assigned this task. Explain the basis for your decision on each individual.

Operator #1: Qualification Level = Step 4; Quarterly Dose = 1447 mrem Operator #2: Qualification Level = Stepped Out; Quarterly Dose = 1894 mrem Operator #3: Qualification Level = Step 6; Quarterly Dose = 1556 mrem Operator #4: Qualification Level = Step 7; Quarterly Dose = 1478 mrem G2.3.7 SR09301 6 of 12

CANDIDATE COPY Question: Assume the following Initial Conditions:

1-BR-E-10A (Gas Stripper Steam Heaters) is to be tagged out and drained due to a suspected tube leak.

This task has historically taken one Operator approximately 22 minutes to complete.

All valves that will be manipulated or tagged are located in the immediate vicinity of the heat exchangers.

Here are copies of RWP 09-0-1003-2, the Radiological Survey Map and Record for the area, and an ALARA Component Locator Map for the area. You are to determine if this task can be performed under RWP 09-0-1003-2 and provide justification for your answer.

CANDIDATE COPY Question: Assuming that the tagout and draining of 1-BR-E-10A will proceed, assess each individual operator to determine which could be assigned this task. Explain the basis for your decision on each individual.

Operator #1: Qualification Level = Step 4; Quarterly Dose = 1447 mrem Operator #2: Qualification Level = Stepped Out; Quarterly Dose = 1894 mrem Operator #3: Qualification Level = Step 6; Quarterly Dose = 1556 mrem Operator #4: Qualification Level = Step 7; Quarterly Dose = 1478 mrem


'*JAN*2009 00,00 TO 31-DEC-200923:59 31*DEC-200923:59 RWP 09-1003-2 09*1003-2 REV_. NO REV 0 DOS DOSE E RATE ALARM ALARM,, ]000 1000 mrem/Hr rnrem/Hr rnrell1/Hr BUDGETED DOSE DOSE 750 1l1rem mrem DOS DOSE E LIMIT ALARM ALARM, ]00 100 mrem mrelll ALARA A



ocp; NO CTMTS - ONner Controlled Property excluding Unit 1 and Unit 2 Reactor Containments OCP; JOB JOB DESCRrPTlON:

DESCRIPTION : Task 2 : Station Operations Support in LH LHRAs.




'I ndicates estimated estim ated value for RWP PMlP Preparation . See survey forms for details.


See current RCA surveys.


(mre lll/ hr):

See current RCA surveys.



See current RCA surveys.



Continuous Routine COV ERAG E COMMENTS:



Continuous Co ntinuous Health Physics Ph ysics Coverage Cove rage is required for ALL entriesent ries into a Locked High Hi gh Radiation Radiati on Area not utilizing utili zing RMS RMS..





FFAP As required based on airborne concentrations concentratiions concentrat ons and work activities.

Other concentratiions As required based on airborne concentrations concentrat ons and work activities.

PAPH PAPH concentrati concentratioo ns and work acti As required based on airborne concentrations activities.


activit ies.






I. Upon recei ving and DA D alarms, ensure equipment is left ill receiving in a safe condition, le ave the area and rep0i1 co ndition, leave report to the Health Physics offi ce.

office ce .

22.. Notify HP-Ops prior to system ve ntin nting.


3. Notify HP-Ops prior \0 entry into overhead areas.


4. Ensure En ssure ure any liquids (i.e (Le . oil.

oi l, water) encountered e ncountered duri ng the job is contained and removed during I-fP-Ops instructions.

re moved per HP-Ops

5. Read and di discuss sc uss the followin follo wingg during durin g the pre-job briefing:

briefin g:

5. 1I CR24062. Surry, " 1Improper CR24062, rnproper val made during performance of 1-0 ve lineup Illade valve P-CS-004.'*

1-0P-CS -004."'

-004 ."



I. Workers must stop work and lea ve the area if WHOLE leave W HOLE BODY dose rates are detected in excess exce ss of 5.000 5,000 rnren'llhr.




22.. time s will be based on dose rates in the work area .

Staytimes Staytimcs

3. Neutron Dose determination deterrninJtion is required for all deterrnination all entries entrie s into inlo areas posted "Neutron Exposure Area" Area" . Estimate worker's AreJ". worker' s neutron dose using C- C-HP-IfP- 1I 031.023.

03 1.023, Neutron Neulron and Noble Gas Dose Estilllate Estimate Record.



4. Radiation surve survey s urveyy is required prior to accessing overhead areas. Jreas.


5. Radiation and co ntaminat ntamination ion surveys are required for contJlllinated contaminated system entries.

entrie e ntrie s.

6. Evaluate initial initial system systelll entry smears for hot particles.

DOMINION RP-AA-221 Revision Revi sion 0 Page 13 of 13 ATTACHMENT B (Pa elofl) elo!I)

Map Number LocationlDescription Location/Description Reactor Power 384 PDT, Gas Stripper and Liquid liquid Waste Tank Room - Gate 11 Unit(s)

Unit 1 100% Unit 2 100%

Purpose :


Type: Ra Type: Radd iation Radiatio iat io n Contam ination Contaminati on Airr Sam Ai ple Sample D Routine [8]


[g] Spadal Special D RWP [Z]

[8J Gamma D Beta DD NeUlron Neutron D GA D LA D DRP D GA D ws D sz BZ Instrument Model Serial # All GA Smears < 1000 dpm/ 1 ll00em OOem Air Sample Results _ ___ %DAC

% DAC E-130A E-130A 152K D All GA Smears < 20 dpm/ l OOem' Alpha D No DRP Detected - -

D All LA Smears < 1000 dpm/ LAS D Comments:

1------------1--------1 support of 1*BR-E*lOA Support l-BR-E-10A work .. All dose rates in mRemlhr.

l-BR-E-lOA maintenance, to include Ops tagout warl!... rnRemlhr.


Surveyed By (Print/Signature)

(PrintiSignature) Date lime Time Reviewed By (PrinVSignature)


RP Techl Tech1 Toda 0000 RP Tech2



~)!IJ --;n--r---1f--- 215'





RA '" Radiation Area CA .. '" Contaminated Area LDWA '"

"" Low Dose Waiting Area HRA ='" High Radiation Area RCA",

RCA = Radiological Control Area HPA =", Hot Particle Area LHRA LH RA '" Locked High Radiation Area ARA ='" Airborne Radioactivity Area NEA '"


= Neutron ExPOsure Exposure Area VHRA = ",

"" Va Hi h Radiation Area RMA :, Malerial s)

'" Radioactive Material

= sl s Area DRP",

DRP = Discrete Radioactive Partide Particle Parti de CD =Smear Q) = Srnear Location Loca tion A/S

= A/S AlS Location !t....


tt....== GJA Dose Rate ~

        • == Contact Dose Rate )( )( )( _ Radiological Boundary


1. I-BR-TCV-103B 1-BR-TCV-103B 17.1-BR-P-7B
17. 1-BR-P-7B 33.1-LW-34S 33.1-LW-345 49.1-AS-10S 49.1-AS-IOS
2. l-AV-PCV-lS0B 1-AV-PCV-1S0B l-AV-PCV-150B IS. 1-BR-I0 1S.1-BR-I0 1-BR-10 34.1-LW-32 SO.1-BR-14 SO.I-BR-14 50.1-BR-14
3. l-AS-77 1-AS-77 19. I-BR-26 1-BR-26 19.1-BR-26 35.1-LW-31 3S.1-LW-31 Valves Not Shown
4. l-AS-174 1-AS-174 20. 1-BR-25 1-BR-2S 36.1-LW-47 1-CC-497 l-CC-S07 l-CC-497 1-CC-S07 l-CC-507 S. l-AV-PCV-lS0A
5. 1-AV-PCV-1S0A l-AV-PCV-150A 21. 1-BR-39 I-BR-39 37. Not Labeled 1-CC-49S l-CC-49S 1-CC-SOS l-CC-50S
6. 1-AS-176 22. 1-BR-E-6A I-BR-£-6A l-BR-£-6A 3S. Not Labeled 1-CC-499 l-CC-499 l-CC-509 1-CC-S09
7. 1-AS-79 23. 1-BR-E-6B I-BR-£-6B I-BR-E-6B 39.1-LW-TK-2A l-CC-500 1-CC-SOO J-CC-SOO 1-CC-S10 l-CC-SI0 l-CC-510 S. 1-BR-TVC-103A
8. I-BR-TVC-I03A 24.1-BR-£-12 24.

24.1-BR-E-12 1-BR-E-12 40.1-LW-29 1-CC-S01 l-CC-SOl 1-CC-501 1-AS-104 l-AS-I04 l-AS-SO

9. 1-AS-SO 25.

2S. 1-BR-1S I-BR-15 I-BR-IS 41. 1-BR-16 I-BR-16 1-CC-S02 l-CC-502 l-CC-S02 1-AS-176 l-AS-176 10.1-BR-P-7A

10. 1-BR-P-7 I-BR-P-7AA 26. 1-BR-ll I-BR-ll I-BR-11 42.1-BR-305
42. I-BR-30S 1-CC-S03 l-CC-503 l-CC-S03 1-AS-177 l-AS-l77 l-AS-I77 11.1-BR-S
11. 1-BR-S 27. 1-BR-PCV-131 43.1-BR-E-10B 43.1-BR-£-10B 43.1-BR-E-I0B 1-CC-S04 l-CC-504 l-CC-S04 1-AS-1S0 l-AS-1S0 l-AS-IS0 12.1-BR-7 2S. 1-BR-12 44.1-BR-E-lOA 44.1-BR-£-10A 44.1-BR-E-IOA 1-CC-S05 l-CC-505 1-LW-46l-LW-46 13.1-BR-S-7A 13.I-BR-S-7A 29. 1-BR-13 I-BR-13 45.1-AS-102 45.1-AS-I02 1-CC-S06 l-LW-40 l-CC-506 1-LW-40 14.1-BR-3 30. 1-BR-47 I-BR-47 30.1-BR-47 46.1-AS-105 46.1-AS-I05 l-LW-HCV-I09B 1-LW-HCV-109B l-LW-HCV-109B
15. 1-BR-S-7B I-BR-S-7B 31. l-LW-TK-2B 1-LW-TK-2B 47.1-AS-107 47.1-AS-I07 16.1-BR-4 32. 1-LW-HCV-109A l-LW-HCV-I09A l-LW-HCV-109A 4S.1-AS-106 48.1-AS-I06 4S.1-AS-I06 F Y Revision N umber 1 - Revision Date Number Nmnber Dme 05.28.06

Surry 2009-301 Verify Blender Settings U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR09301 Administrative Job Performance Measure G2.1.25 Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________


Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________

Title Verify Blender Settings K/A: G2.1.25 Ability to Interpret Reference Materials, Such as Graphs, Curves, Tables, etc. (3.9/4.2)

Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time SRO(I)/SRO(U) 15 Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the classroom.

Standards Correctly calculates Boric Acid Flow, Boric Acid Flow, associated pot settings, and amount of acid required to achieve adequate shutdown margin. Determines that previous calculations are incorrect.

Page 1 of 9

Surry 2009-301 Verify Blender Settings Initiating Cues I am the Shift Manager and you are the Unit Supervisor. Unit One tripped from full power one hour ago and the STA has calculated a shutdown margin which requires a RCS boron concentration of 1450 ppm.

The Reactor Operator has calculated a boron flow of 14 gpm, with PG flow set at 100 gpm, to achieve a blended flow of 1500 ppm. Also, to achieve this flow, the boric acid pot will be set at 5.95 and the PG pot set to 6.67.

You are to perform an independent verification of these calculations to ensure their accuracy. I need you to determine the following for a 1500 ppm blend with PG flow set at 100 gpm:

1. Boric acid flow in gpm
2. Boric Acid pot setting.

The A BAST boron concentration is 8.1%.

When you finish this calculation, I also need you to calculate the amount of boric acid required to achieve 1500 ppm in the RCS with initial boron of 1250 ppm.

When you are finished, inform your examiner of your results.

OPSCALC program is not available for use.

Terminating Cues Applicant has completed the calculation and discussed results and problems with examiner.

Tools and Equipment Calculator Copy of DRP-003, Curve Book (Unit 1)

Copy of 1-OP-CH-007, Blender Operations Safety Considerations None Notes Page 2 of 9

Surry 2009-301 Verify Blender Settings PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and denoted by an asterisk (*).


STEP 1: Obtains the curve book 1-DRP-003 and calculates boron flow. _______ SAT


_____ Turns to attachment 18 and utilizes the following formula to calculate boric acid flow.

_____ Trainee calculates 11.85 gpm Boric Acid flow required.


_____ Trainee refers to attachment 22 and interpolates 1500 ppm between 8.0 and 8.2 BAST concentrations. Trainee calculates 11.85 gpm.

CRITICAL TASK- TRAINEE CALCULATES 11.85 gpm (11.8 - 11.9 gpm)



Page 3 of 9

Surry 2009-301 Verify Blender Settings STEP 2: Determines Boric Acid Flow Pot Setting _______ SAT


_____ Using 1-OP-CH-007, attachment 9, determines boric acid pot setting of 5.01 CRITICAL TASK- TRAINEE DETERMINES POT SETTING TO BE- 5.01 (4.95-5.05)


A detailed review of this section is not required (no sign-offs).


STEP 3: Determines required RCS boration _______ SAT


_____ Using the curve book (1-DRP-003- Attachment 23), performs the following calculation:

4.05 gals of acid for 1 ppm boron increase 250 ppm (required change)

  • 4.05gal/ppm = 1012.5 gals of boric acid (> 1010 gals)

CRITICAL TASK- TRAINEE DETERMINES REQUIRED BORATION TO BE 1012.5 gals of boric acid (> 1010 gals).



Page 4 of 9

Surry 2009-301 Verify Blender Settings STOP TIME:

Page 5 of 9

Surry 2009-301 Verify Blender Settings ANSWER KEY

1. Boric Acid Flow - 11.85 gpm (11.8 - 11.9 gpm)
2. Boric Acid Flow Controller pot setting- 5.01 (4.95-5.05)
3. Required boration to achieve required shutdown margin- 1012.5 gals of boric acid (> 1010 gals)

Page 6 of 9

Surry 2009-301 Verify Blender Settings Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER)

Task Task is to be performed in the classroom.

Verify blender settings and calculate gallons of boron required to achieve shutdown margin.

Directions The evaluator will explain the initial conditions of the task to be performed and will provide the initiating cue. Ensure you indicate to the evaluator when you understand your assigned task.

Initiating Cues I am the Shift Manager and you are the Unit Supervisor. Unit One tripped from full power one hour ago and the STA has calculated a shutdown margin which requires a RCS boron concentration of 1450 ppm.

The Reactor Operator has calculated a boron flow of 14 gpm, with PG flow set at 100 gpm, to achieve a blended flow of 1500 ppm. Also, to achieve this flow, the boric acid pot will be set at 5.6 and the PG pot set to 6.67.

You are to perform an independent verification of these calculations to ensure their accuracy. I need you to determine the following for a 1500 ppm blend with PG flow set at 100 gpm:

3. Boric acid flow in gpm
4. Boric Acid pot setting.

The A BAST boron concentration is 8.1%.

When you finish this calculation, I also need you to calculate the amount of boric acid required to achieve 1500 ppm in the RCS with initial boron of 1250 ppm.

When you are finished, inform your examiner of your results.

OPSCALC program is not available for use.

7 of 9

Surry 2009-301 Verify Blender Settings Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT)

Initial Conditions:

Unit 1 is at HSD.

A shutdown margin has just been calculated by the STA.

Initiating Cues I am the Shift Manager and you are the Unit Supervisor. Unit One tripped from full power one hour ago and the STA has calculated a shutdown margin which requires a RCS boron concentration of 1450 ppm.

The Reactor Operator has calculated a boron flow of 14 gpm, with PG flow set at 100 gpm, to achieve a blended flow of 1500 ppm. Also, to achieve this flow, the boric acid pot will be set at 5.6 and the PG pot set to 6.67.

You are to perform an independent verification of these calculations to ensure their accuracy. I need you to determine the following for a 1500 ppm blend with PG flow set at 100 gpm:

5. Boric acid flow in gpm
6. Boric Acid pot setting.

The A BAST boron concentration is 8.1%.

When you finish this calculation, I also need you to calculate the amount of boric acid required to achieve 1500 ppm in the RCS with initial boron of 1250 ppm.

When you are finished, inform your examiner of your results.

OPSCALC program is not available for use.

8 of 9

Surry 2009-301 Verify Blender Settings ANSWER SHEET Required Boric Acid flow for 1500 ppm make-up: _____ gpm.

Required pot setting for boric acid controller: _____ gpm.

Required boration to achieve 1500 ppm in RCS: _____ gallons.

9 of 9

Surry 2009-301 Determine Chiller Operability U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR09301 Administrative Job Performance Measure 2.2.37 Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________


Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________

Title Respond to a main control room chiller failure in accordance with 0-OP-VS-006, Control Room and Relay Room Ventilation System.

K/A: G2.2.37- Ability to determine operability and/or availability of safety related equipment. (3.6/4.6)

Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time SRO(I)/SRO(U) 10 Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the classroom.

Control room chiller, 1-VS-E-4D tripped while in a dual chiller configuration. 1-VS-E-4C is currently the only running chiller.

Standards 0-OP-VS-006 - section 5.13 Initiating Cues Shift Manager direction Terminating Cues 0-OP-VS-006 section 5.13 complete.

Procedures 0-OP-VS-006, Control Room and Relay Room Ventilation System.

Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None 1 of 12

Surry 2009-301 Determine Chiller Operability Initiating Cues I am the Shift Manager and you are the Unit One US.

The third license operator identified that 1-VS-E-4D was no longer operating, as indicated by the green light lit and red light out for the chiller unit. Local investigation revealed that a loss of control power to the chiller has occurred as all local LED lights are extinguished.

You are to determine whether an operable configuration exists, and required recovery actions in accordance with 0-OP-VS-006. Recovery actions should include any required chiller manipulations, if any.

When you have completed these actions, please inform me of your findings.

Chiller configuration is as follows:

Chiller Status Power Alignment o 1-VS-E-4A Secured 1J (Norm) o 1-VS-E-4B Tagged Out Tagged Out o 1-VS-E-4C In service 2H o 1-VS-E-4D Tripped 2J (Norm) o 1-VS-E-4E Secured 1H Terminating Cues Determination that an operable combination exists and that power supply modifications are NOT required, and that 1-VS-E-4E or 1-VS-E-4A must be started on the A loop.

Tools and Equipment 0-OP-VS-006, Control Room and Relay Room Ventilation System.

Safety Considerations None Notes 2 of 12

Surry 2009-301 Determine Chiller Operability PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and denoted as CRITICAL STEP.


STEP 1: Reviews initial conditions and precautions and limitation of 0-OP-VS-006. _______ SAT


_____ Reviews all procedure initial conditions and precautions and limitations.



STEP 2: Based on table of contents, goes to section 5.31- Required Actions for Inoperability of _______ SAT 1-VS-E-4D


_____ Proceeds to section 5.31 in 0-OP-VS-006.



3 of 12

Surry 2009-301 Determine Chiller Operability STEP 3: Note prior to step 5.31.1 _______ SAT NOTE: The actions contained in Step 5.31.1 are not required for very short term _______ UNSAT inoperability of a chiller, such as during quarterly In-Service Testing.


_____ Identifies that failure of 1-VS-E-4D is not of a short term nature.



STEP 4: Step 5.31.1 WHEN removal from service of 1-VS-E-4D is desired, OR _______ SAT 1-VS-E-4D is determined to be inoperable, THEN perform or verify the required actions directed in the table below. Otherwise, enter N/A. _______ UNSAT STANDARD:

_____ Determines that 1-VS-E-4D is inoperable and proceeds to table.



4 of 12

Surry 2009-301 Determine Chiller Operability STEP 5: Table Actions - A _______ SAT A. IF single chiller operation on Loop A is in effect, THEN verify one chiller _______ UNSAT operating on Loop A. IF no chiller is operating on Loop A, THEN start Chiller E IAW Subsection 5.16 or Chiller A IAW Subsection 5.8 and enter N/A for Steps B and C and GO TO Step E. Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation on Loop A is not in effect.


_____ Determines that single chiller operation was not in effect as indicated by a chiller still in service.


If asked: 1-VS-E-4C is in service.


STEP 6: Table Actions - B _______ SAT B. IF single chiller operation on Loop C is in effect, THEN verify one chiller _______ UNSAT operating on Loop C and enter N/A for Step C and GO TO Step E. Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation on Loop C is not in effect.


_____ Determines that single chiller operation was not in effect as indicated by a chiller still in service.


If asked: 1-VS-E-4C is in service.


5 of 12

Surry 2009-301 Determine Chiller Operability STEP 7: Table Actions - C _______ SAT C. IF two chiller operation is in effect, THEN verify one chiller operating on Loop _______ UNSAT A. Otherwise, start Chiller A IAW Subsection 5.8 or Chiller E IAW Subsection 5.16. Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation is desired.


_____ Determines that either 1-VS-E-4A or 1-VS-E-4E must be placed in service - this is a critical step.


If asked: Report that another operator will assume responsibility to start either 1-VS-E-4A or 1-VS-E-4E as directed.


STEP 8: Table Actions - D _______ SAT D. IF single chiller operation is desired, THEN initiate IAW Subsection 5.34, 5.35, _______ UNSAT or 5.38. Otherwise, enter N/A.


_____ Determines that single chiller operation was not in effect as indicated by a chiller still in service.


If asked: 1-VS-E-4C is in service.


6 of 12

Surry 2009-301 Determine Chiller Operability STEP 9: Table Actions - E _______ SAT E. Perform the following using Attachment 1. _______ UNSAT Enter the chillers which will remain operable in Table 3 under the associated buses.

Compare Table 3 with Table 4 to determine if an Operable Combination exists with Chiller D inoperable. (Check One)

YES ____________ NO ____________.


_____ Completes attachment 1 table 3 as follows:

TABLE 3 - ENTER OPERABLE CHILLERS HERE BUS 1H 1J 2J 2H Operable Chillers 4E 4A Norm 4A Alt 4C

_____ Determines, based on Table 4, that an operable configuration (Combination 3) exists this is a critical step:



7 of 12

Surry 2009-301 Determine Chiller Operability STEP 10: Table Actions - F _______ SAT F. IF an Operable Combination does not exist with Chiller D inoperable, THEN _______ UNSAT make any required log entries, AND obtain Shift Supervisions permission before continuing with this procedure. Otherwise, enter N/A.


_____ Determines that an operable configuration exists and enters N/A for this step.



STEP 11: Table Actions - G _______ SAT G. Shutdown or verify shutdown Chiller D IAW Subsection 5.15. _______ UNSAT STANDARD:

_____ Informs operator, or shift manager, that section 5.15 must be performed.


Evaluator cue: Inform trainee that another operator will assume responsibility to complete section 5.15.


STEP 12: 5.31.2 IF 1-VS-E-4D will be tagged out, THEN GO TO 0-MOP-VS-012, Removal _______ SAT from Service of Control Room Chiller 1-VS-E-4D. Otherwise, enter N/A.


_____ Determines, from shift manager, if chiller is to be tagged out.


If asked: Chiller will not be tagged at this time to facilitate troubleshooting.


8 of 12

Surry 2009-301 Determine Chiller Operability 9 of 12

Surry 2009-301 Determine Chiller Operability STEP 13: Reports to Shift Manager that task is complete _______ SAT


_____ Reports that 1-VS-E-4A or 1-VS-E-4E must be placed in service- this is a critical step.

_____ Reports that an operable configuration exists in accordance with 0-OP-VS-006-this is a critical step.




10 of 12

Surry 2009-301 Determine Chiller Operability Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER)

Task Task is to be performed in the classroom.

Determine chiller operability.

Directions The evaluator will explain the initial conditions of the task to be performed and will provide the initiating cue. Ensure you indicate to the evaluator when you understand your assigned task.

Initial Conditions:

1-VS-E-4D trips with 1-VS-E-4D and 1-VS-E-4C initially in service.

Initiating Cues I am the Shift Manager and you are the Unit One US.

The third license operator identified that 1-VS-E-4D was no longer operating, as indicated by the green light lit and red light out for the chiller unit. Local investigation revealed that a loss of control power to the chiller has occurred as all local LED lights are extinguished.

You are to determine whether an operable configuration exists, and required recovery actions in accordance with 0-OP-VS-006. Recovery actions should include any required chiller manipulations, if any.

When you have completed these actions, please inform me of your findings.

Chiller configuration is as follows:

Chiller Status Power Alignment o 1-VS-E-4A Secured 1J (Norm) o 1-VS-E-4B Tagged Out Tagged Out o 1-VS-E-4C In service 2H o 1-VS-E-4D Tripped 2J (Norm) o 1-VS-E-4E Secured 1H 11 of 12

Surry 2009-301 Determine Chiller Operability Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT)

Initial Conditions:

1-VS-E-4D trips with 1-VS-E-4D and 1-VS-E-4C initially in service.

Initiating Cues I am the Shift Manager and you are the Unit One US.

The third license operator identified that 1-VS-E-4D was no longer operating, as indicated by the green light lit and red light out for the chiller unit. Local investigation revealed that a loss of control power to the chiller has occurred as all local LED lights are extinguished.

You are to determine whether an operable configuration exists, and required recovery actions in accordance with 0-OP-VS-006. Recovery actions should include any required chiller manipulations, if any.

When you have completed these actions, please inform me of your findings.

Chiller configuration is as follows:

Chiller Status Power Alignment o 1-VS-E-4A Secured 1J (Norm) o 1-VS-E-4B Tagged Out Tagged Out o 1-VS-E-4C In service 2H o 1-VS-E-4D Tripped 2J (Norm) o 1-VS-E-4E Secured 1H 12 of 12

Surry 2009-301 Determine Classification and PAR U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR09301 Administrative Job Performance Measure 2.4.41 Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________


Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________

Title CLASSIFY AN EVENT AND DETERMINE THE REQUIRED PAR ACTIONS K/A: G2.4.41 - Knowledge of the emergency action level thresholds and classifications. (2.9/4.6)

Applicability Est Completion Time Actual Time SRO ONLY 20 Minutes (Portions **TC**) ___________

Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the SIMULATOR or CLASSROOM.

A simulated GENERAL EMERGENCY is in progress.

Standards "General Emergency" declared IAW EPIP-1.01.

EPIP-1.06, Protective Action Recommendations.

Initiating Cues Significant event notification.

EPIP-1.01, Emergency Manager Controlling Procedure.

Terminating Cues EPIP-1.06, Step 8 Completed.

Procedures EPIP-1.01, Emergency Manager Controlling Procedure EPIP-1.06, Protective Action Recommendations.

Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None G2.4.41 SR09301 1 of 14

Surry 2009-301 Determine Classification and PAR Performance Checklist MAKE SURE YOU PROVIDE THE CORRECT CUE SHEET FOR THE PORTION OF THE TASK TO BE PERFORMED!!!!

Directions to the Operator.

You are the Nuclear Shift Manager. An event is in progress with plant conditions as follows:

The station has experienced a loss of offsite power due to grid collapse. The system operator reports 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> for power restoration to Surrys switchyard.

Both units are currently at Hot Shutdown.

When attempting to load the AAC diesel on the 1J bus, the 1J bus faulted and electricians have determined that extensive damage has occurred to the buswork with repairs estimated to take 4 days.

  1. 1 EDG tripped on overspeed during start-up. Mechanics reset the overspeed, and when started, the diesel experienced extremely high vibrations and casing penetration by a piston, and was subsequently tripped locally.

All radiation monitors indicate pre-event radiation levels.

Unit 1 team is currently performing the actions of ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC power.

Unit 2 team is completing the actions of ES-0.1, Reactor Trip Response.

I need you to determine if this event should be classified IAW EPIP-1.01.

When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me of your findings and classification, if applicable.

This portion of the JPM is TIME CRITICAL.

Notes to the Evaluator.

Task critical elements are denoted by an asterisk (*). If substeps of a critical element also have an asterisk (*),

then only those asterisked substeps are critical to performance of that task element.

Critical step sequencing requirements: 1 before 3.


1. OBTAIN EPIP-1.01, EMERGENCY MANAGER CONTROLLING PROCEDURE. _______ SAT Standards _______ UNSAT (a) Proceeds to SS console bookrack.

(b) Obtains SEM emergency package (or STA classification package).

(c) Gets copy of EPIP-1.01.

(d) Obtains the EAL classification chart (HOT).

Evaluators Note Evaluator's Comments G2.4.41 SR09301 2 of 14

Surry 2009-301 Determine Classification and PAR

2. DETERMINE EVENT CATEGORY. _______ SAT Standards _______ UNSAT (a) Refers to the EAL classification chart.

(b) Determines event category to be Loss of Power.

Evaluator's Comments

3. CLASSIFY EVENT. _______ SAT Standards _______ UNSAT (a) Determines that event is a General Emergency based on EAL SG1.1 (Loss of all offsite and onsite power to Unit 1 Emergency Busses H and J- This is a critical step.

(b) Classifies event as a GENERAL EMERGENCY- This is a critical step.

Evaluators Note Evaluator's Comments STOP TIME: ___________

TIME CRITIAL- 15 minutes G2.4.41 SR09301 3 of 14

Surry 2009-301 Determine Classification and PAR Directions to the Operator.

EVALUATOR: Take EPIP-1.01 into your possession at this time.


This portion of the JPM is TIME CRITICAL.

You are the Nuclear Shift Manager. A GENERAL EMERGENCY has been declared on SG1.1.

Here's a copy of EPIP-1.06, Protective Action Recommendations. You are to complete EPIP-1.06, Protective Action Recommendations in its entirety.

The State and Local Communicator has determined wind direction to be (from) 180° and speed to be 17 mph.

When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

Notes to the Evaluator.


This PAR must be identified and relayed to S&L communicators within 15 minutes.


4. Step 1 - INITIATE PROCEDURE. _______ SAT Standards _______ UNSAT Fills in Name, Time and Date on Step 1.

Evaluator's Comments


_______ UNSAT Standards (a) Goes to Attachment 2.

Evaluator's Comments G2.4.41 SR09301 4 of 14

Surry 2009-301 Determine Classification and PAR

6. Attachment 2 - Step 1- _______ SAT Start with the first statement at top, left side of table below (Refer to Attachment _______ UNSAT 6, REFERENCE INFORMATION (SPS), for additional information as needed).


- Chooses the top left column as starting point.

CUES If asked: There are no known impediments making evacuation dangerous.

If asked: A dose assessment has not been made.

Evaluator's Comments

7. Attachment 2 - Step 2- _______ SAT Go to the COL # that provides the response to this statement (YES or NO). _______ UNSAT Standards

- Determines that first response if NO and moves to NO box on line 1, column 2.

Evaluator's Comments G2.4.41 SR09301 5 of 14

Surry 2009-301 Determine Classification and PAR

8. Attachment 2 - Step 3-

_______ SAT IF no other responses are required in that column, THEN use the PAR at the bottom of the column. _______ UNSAT IF another response is required in that column, THEN go to next statement at left side of table below AND RETURN TO Step 2 of this attachment.

Standards Determines that PAR B is required- This is a critical step.

CUES If asked: All available radiation monitors indicate pre-event trends.

Evaluator's Comments G2.4.41 SR09301 6 of 14

Surry 2009-301 Determine Classification and PAR Evaluators note - Candidate will now return to step 3 of the procedure (attachment 2 items complete) _______ SAT

9. Notes prior to step 3- _______ UNSAT ATTACHMENT 4, AFFECTED SECTOR(S) MAP, is to be used for all PAR developments. If more than four PARs are developed, consult with Emergency Plan Advisor for direction.

ATTACHMENT 5, DOWNWIND SECTOR TABLE, may be referenced to determine wind direction compass point and affected downwind sectors.


- Acknowledges notes CUES

- None Evaluator's Comments

10. Step 3- _______ SAT IMPLEMENT ATTACHMENT 4, AFFECTED SECTOR(S) MAP: _______ UNSAT a) Record time wind data acquired b) Record average wind direction from, in degrees and compass point c) Record average wind direction to, in degrees and compass point d) Mark affected sectors on map (use any writing implement available, e.g.,

pen, pencil, highlighter, etc.)

e) GO TO Step 5 Standards

- Completes attachment 4 as follows:

At (now) wind direction from 180° (S) into 0° (N) at 17 mph.

- Using attachment 5 (as per the note), determines that affected sectors are R, A, B CUES

- If asked: Met data obtained now.

Evaluator's Comments G2.4.41 SR09301 7 of 14

Surry 2009-301 Determine Classification and PAR


_______ UNSAT a) Fill in Item 1 Protective Action Recommendation:

1) Mark appropriate PAR box(s)
2) Record Mile radius and Miles downwind
3) Record Downwind Sectors b) Sign and date form Standards

- Completes item 1 of attachment 3 by marking EVACUATE 2 mile radius (360°) and 5 miles downwind in the following sectors R, A, B - this is a critical step.

- Completes item 2 by signing and entering the current time and date.

Evaluators Note None CUES If asked: None Evaluator's Comments G2.4.41 SR09301 8 of 14

Surry 2009-301 Determine Classification and PAR


- State Emergency Operations Center notified IAW EPIP-2.01, _______ UNSAT NOTIFICATION OF STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS

- NRC notified IAW EPIP-2.02, NOTIFICATION OF NRC (notification made from Control Room or TSC, when activated)

- NRC notified IAW EPIP-4.33, HEALTH PHYSICS NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS (notifications made from TSC or LEOF/CEOF only after NRC requests HPN be established)

Standards (a) Directs State and Local EC- this is a critical step.

(b) Directs NRC EC.

CUES Tell SRO: State and Local EC will transmit PAR.

Tell SRO: NRC EC will notify NRC of PAR.

If asked: HPN has not been requested yet.

Evaluator's Note This step must be complete within 15 minutes of start of task.

Record Time: ______

Evaluator's Comments G2.4.41 SR09301 9 of 14

Surry 2009-301 Determine Classification and PAR


Standards Tells Evaluator to Initiate EPIP-4.07.

CUES Tell SRO: EPIP-4.07 has been initiated.

Evaluator's Comments

14. Step 8 - _______ SAT

_______ UNSAT Standards (a) Determines that no conditions at this time necessitate a change to the current PAR.

CUES If asked: HP does not recommend a radiological based PAR or implementation of Potassium Iodide strategies.

If asked: Met data remains as previously reported.

Evaluator's Comments G2.4.41 SR09301 10 of 14

Surry 2009-301 Determine Classification and PAR

15. Step 9 - CHECK EMERGENCY - TERMINATED _______ SAT Standards _______ UNSAT (a) Asks Evaluator if Emergency is terminated.

(b) Asks Evaluator if RAD/RAC recommends a PAR change.

(c) Determines Procedure is completed until conditions change.

CUES If asked: Emergency classification is still in effect.

If asked: RAD/RAC does not recommend a PAR change at this time.

Evaluator's Comments STOP TIME:

G2.4.41 SR09301 11 of 14

Surry 2009-301 Determine Classification and PAR Evaluator's Summary CLASSIFY AN EVENT AND DETERMINE THE REQUIRED PAR ACTIONS G2.4.41 SR09301 12 of 14

Surry 2009-301 Operator Directions Handout Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the MCR, the Simulator, or classroom.

Initiating Cues Significant event notification.

EPIP-1.01, Emergency Manager Controlling Procedure.

Directions You are the Nuclear Shift Manager. An event is in progress with plant conditions as follows:

The station has experienced a loss of offsite power due to grid collapse. The system operator reports 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> for power restoration to Surrys switchyard.

Both units are currently at Hot Shutdown.

When attempting to load the AAC diesel on the 1J bus, the 1J bus faulted and electricians have determined that extensive damage has occurred to the buswork with repairs estimated to take 4 days.

  1. 1 EDG tripped on overspeed during start-up. Mechanics reset the overspeed, and when started, the diesel experienced extremely high vibrations and casing penetration by a piston, and was subsequently locally tripped.

All radiation monitors indicate pre-event radiation levels.

Unit 1 team is currently performing the actions of ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC power.

Unit 2 team is completing the actions of ES-0.1, Reactor Trip Response.

I need you to determine if this event should be classified IAW EPIP-1.01.

When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me of your findings and classification, if applicable.

This portion of the JPM is TIME CRITICAL.

Surry 2009-301 Licensed Operator Programs Operator Directions Handout Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the MCR, simulator, or classroom.

A simulated GENERAL EMERGENCY is in progress.

Initiating Cues EPIP-1.05, Response to General Emergency, Step 3.

Directions This portion of the JPM is TIME CRITICAL.

You are the Nuclear Shift Manager. A GENERAL EMERGENCY has been declared on SG1.1.

Here's a copy of EPIP-1.06, Protective Action Recommendations. You are to complete EPIP-1.06, Protective Action Recommendations in its entirety.

The State and Local Communicator has determined wind direction to be (from) 180° and speed to be 17 mph.

When you finish the actions necessary to accomplish this, please inform me.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Surry Power Station SR09301 Administrative Job Performance Measure 2.1.40 Applicant________________________________ Start Time___________________


Date ___________________________________ Stop Time___________________

Title Authorize Fuel Movement K/A: G2.1.40 Knowledge of refueling administrative procedures (2.8/3.9)

Applicability Estimated Time Actual Time SRO(I)/SRO(U) 20 Minutes Conditions Task is to be PERFORMED in the simulator.

Standards Correctly determines that existing plant conditions do NOT allow for commencement of fuel movement in accordance with 1-OSP-ZZ-004.

Terminating Cues 1-OSP-ZZ-004, attachment 8 assessment complete.

Procedures 1-OSP-ZZ-004, Unit 1 Safety Systems Status List For Cold Shutdown/Refueling Conditions.

Tools and Equipment Safety Considerations None None 1 of 16

Initiating Cues It is a Monday DAYSHIFT.

Unit One is in refueling shutdown with the head and upper internals removed. A request from the refueling supervisor has been made to authorize fuel movement (core offload) in accordance with 1-OSP-ZZ-004 attachment 8.

Current conditions are as follows (items not observable from the control room):

o Refueling containment integrity is set and verified by the shift manager.

o Cavity level is 26.5.

o RHR pump discharge and cavity boron is currently 2404 ppm (sampled 30 minutes ago).

o The reactor was shutdown 122 hours0.00141 days <br />0.0339 hours <br />2.017196e-4 weeks <br />4.6421e-5 months <br /> ago.

o Both MCR air bottle banks are in a normal configuration with adequate pressure.

o 1-VS-AC-2 is tagged out due to equipment failure.

o Both station batteries are operable and split out.

o Both trains of SFP cooling are available with one in service.

o All make-up flowpaths to the SFP are available.

o All Containment Air Recirculation Fans (CARFs) are tagged out in preparation for the Empty Vessel Window Tagout Headset communications between the MCR and the manipulator crane have been verified.

You are to authorize fuel movement after completing attachment 8, if conditions allow. If conditions do not allow, you are to list ALL issues present that must be resolved to allow fuel movement to commence.

Terminating Cues Applicant has completed the attachment and discussed results and problems with examiner.

Tools and Equipment 1-OSP-ZZ-004, Attachment 8 Technical Specifications Simulator Safety Considerations None Notes 2 of 16

PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST Simulator Set-up Recall a CSD IC and ensure that RHR pump discharge and RCS temperatures are BELOW 140F.

Align HHSI and fill pressurizer to 56.5% cold cal.

RACKOUT breakers for all CARFs and place control switches in PTL with red magnets affixed.

VSF1A_BKRPOS - RACK_OUT VSF1B_BKRPOS - RACK_OUT VSF1B_BKRPOS - RACK_OUT Fail NI-32 low NO0102- Severity -1 Tagout 1-RH-P-1B Tagout 1-VS-AC-2 and place red magnet above control switch.

Panel map chiller control panel VSAC2_GREEN- OFF Panel map chiller control panel VSAC2_RED- OFF Notes to the Evaluator Task critical elements are bolded and denoted as CRITICAL STEP.


STEP 1: Refueling Containment Integrity set. _______ SAT Remarks: _______ UNSAT IAW 1-OP-FH-001 STANDARD:

_____ Recalls (or refers to) turnover statement that refuel integrity is SET.

_____ Initials in D block for Refueling Containment Integrity set EVALUATOR NOTES:

If asked: The shift manager has verified that refueling integrity is set as directed by 1-OP-FH-001.


3 of 16

STEP 2: Radiation Monitors: _______ SAT Manipulator Crane 1 operable Containment Gaseous 1 operable _______ UNSAT Containment Particulate 1 operable SFP Bridge 1 operable Vent-Vent Gaseous 1 operable Vent-Vent Particulate 1 operable Remarks:

If the Containment Air Recirculation fans are not running then refer to Tech Spec 3.10 for actions.


_____ Examines each radiation monitor and verifies normal readings.

_____ Observe remarks regarding containment air recirc fans and observes that NO containment air recirc fans are in service.

_____ Determines that the containment particulate and gas radiation monitors are INOPERABLE, and that T.S. 3.10 requires these monitors be in service to allow fuel movement. If trainee desires, 1-OP-VS-001 (containment ventilation can be referenced to assist in this determination. 1-OP-VS-001 states that at least one air recirc fan must be in service to allow the containment particulate and gas radiation monitors to be considered operable.



If asked: Radiation monitors are as they appear.


4 of 16

STEP 3: Source Range Detectors (audible indication in CTMT must be verified operable) _______ SAT 2 operable

_______ UNSAT Remarks: None STANDARD:

_____ Observes normal indication on NI-31

_____ Determines that NI-32 is reading erroneously.



If directed: the operating team will implement 1-AP-4.00 (NI Malfunction).


STEP 4: Cavity level > 23 feet _______ SAT Remarks: _______ UNSAT VPAP-2805, should be maintained as high as possible. No fuel movement permitted if <

23 feet in Cavity STANDARD:

_____ Recalls (or refers to) turnover statement that cavity level is 26.5.

_____ Determines that adequate cavity level exists to support fuel movement.


If asked: cavity level has been verified at 26.5.


5 of 16

STEP 5: RHR pump and Heat Exchanger: _______ SAT Cavity Level > 23 feet 1 operable Cavity Level < 23 feet 2 operable _______ UNSAT STANDARD:

_____ Recalls (or refers to) turnover statement that cavity level is 26.5.

_____ Observes 1 RHR pump in operation and one tagged out.

_____ Determines that with present cavity level and operable RHR pump, fuel movement can commence.


If asked: cavity level has been verified at 26.5.


STEP 6: Direct communication between the Control Room and Manipulator Crane _______ SAT Remarks: When changing core geometry _______ UNSAT STANDARD:

_____ Recalls (or refers to) turnover statement that communications have been established.

_____ Determines that communication capability allows for fuel movement.


If asked: operator is in the MCR equipped with a headset in communication with the refueling team.


6 of 16

STEP 7: RCS Boron concentration- 2350 PPM (Admin limit) _______ SAT Remarks: _______ UNSAT RCS must be sampled at least once every 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> if the head is unbolted (Not required if defueled and cavity is drained below flange level. (Ref 2.3.15)


_____ Recalls (or refers to) turnover statement that RHR pump discharge and cavity boron is currently 2404 ppm (sampled 30 minutes ago).

_____ Determines that current boron concentration allows for fuel movement.


If asked: RHR pump discharge and cavity boron is currently 2404 ppm (sampled 30 minutes ago).


STEP 8: RHR Temperature: 140 °F _______ SAT Remarks: None _______ UNSAT STANDARD:

_____ Observes RHR pump discharge temperature and determines that current RCS temperature allows for fuel movement.


If asked: All RCS loops are isolated and drained.

If asked: All CETCs have been disconnected.


7 of 16

STEP 9: Reactor shutdown greater than 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> _______ SAT Remarks: For movement of irradiated fuel _______ UNSAT STANDARD:

_____ Recalls (or refers to) turnover statement that unit has been shutdown 122 hours0.00141 days <br />0.0339 hours <br />2.017196e-4 weeks <br />4.6421e-5 months <br />.

_____ Determines that sufficient time from shutdown exists to allow fuel movement.


If asked: The reactor was shutdown 122 hours0.00141 days <br />0.0339 hours <br />2.017196e-4 weeks <br />4.6421e-5 months <br /> ago.


STEP 10: Control Room Air Bottles _______ SAT Remarks: None _______ UNSAT STANDARD:

_____ Recalls (or refers to) turnover statement that both air bottle banks are in a normal configuration with adequate pressure.

_____ Determines that current air bottle configuration allows for fuel movement.


If asked: Both air bottle banks are in a normal configuration with adequate pressure.


8 of 16

STEP 11: Control Room and Relay Room Emergency Ventilation- 2 Trains _______ SAT Remarks: None _______ UNSAT STANDARD:

_____ Examines current configuration of MCR/ESGR ventilation and determines that all fans are available.

_____ Determines that current MCR/ESGR Emergency Ventilation configuration allows for fuel movement by observing the configuration of 1-VS-F-41/42 and 2-VS-F-41/42.


If asked: Conditions are as they appear.


STEP 12: Control Room Chillers- 3 minimum _______ SAT Remarks: Operable IAW power supply requirements of TS 3.23 _______ UNSAT STANDARD:

_____ Examines current configuration of MCR chillers and determines that all chillers are available.

_____ Determines that current MCR Chiller configuration allows for fuel movement by observing the configuration of 1-VS-E-4A, B, C, D, E.


If asked: Conditions are as they appear.


9 of 16

STEP 13: MCR/ESGR AHU- 8 minimum _______ SAT Remarks: None _______ UNSAT STANDARD:

_____ Examines current configuration of MCR/ESGR air handlers and recognizes that with one tagged out, 8 operable fans do not exist.



If asked: Conditions are as they appear.


STEP 14: 120 Volt Vital Buses- 2 minimum _______ SAT Remarks: None _______ UNSAT STANDARD:

_____ Observes that all vital busses are energized and NO UPS/Battery charger alarms are LIT.

_____ Recalls (or refers to) turnover statement that all vital bus UPS are in a normal configuration and both station batteries are operable and split out.


If asked: All vital bus UPS are in a normal configuration.

If asked: Both station batteries are operable and split out.


10 of 16

STEP 15: SFP Cooling- 1 train available _______ SAT Remarks: None _______ UNSAT STANDARD:

_____ Observes that one spent fuel cooling pump is in service.

_____ Recalls (or refers to) turnover statement that both trains of SFP cooling are available with one in service.


If asked: both trains of SFP cooling are available with one in service.


STEP 16: SFP makeup borated water source- 1 source available _______ SAT Remarks: None _______ UNSAT STANDARD:

_____ Recalls (or refers to) turnover statement that all make-up flowpaths to the SFP are available.


If asked: All make-up flowpaths to the SFP are available.


11 of 16

STEP 17: Reports to Shift Manager that task is complete _______ SAT


_____ Reports that fuel movement CANNOT commence until the following problems are resolved:

At least one containment air recirculation fan must be restored.

NI-32 must be returned to operable status 1-VS-AC-2 must be returned to service.




12 of 16

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE READ TO APPLICANT BY EXAMINER)

Task Task is to be performed in the classroom.

Determine if current plant conditions support fuel movement..

Directions The evaluator will explain the initial conditions of the task to be performed and will provide the initiating cue. Ensure you indicate to the evaluator when you understand your assigned task.

Initial Conditions:

Unit 1 is at Refueling Shutdown.

The containment refueling SRO has called the control room for permission to commence core offload.

Initiating Cues It is a Monday DAYSHIFT.

Unit One is in refueling shutdown with the head and upper internals removed. A request from the refueling supervisor has been made to authorize fuel movement (core offload) in accordance with 1-OSP-ZZ-004 attachment 8.

Current conditions are as follows (items not observable from the control room):

o Refueling containment integrity is set and verified by the shift manager.

o Cavity level is 26.5.

o RHR pump discharge and cavity boron is currently 2404 ppm (sampled 30 minutes ago).

o The reactor was shutdown 122 hours0.00141 days <br />0.0339 hours <br />2.017196e-4 weeks <br />4.6421e-5 months <br /> ago.

o Both MCR air bottle banks are in a normal configuration with adequate pressure.

o 1-VS-AC-2 is tagged out due to equipment failure.

o Both station batteries are operable and split out.

o Both trains of SFP cooling are available with one in service.

o All make-up flowpaths to the SFP are available.

o All Containment Air Recirculation Fans (CARFs) are tagged out in preparation for the Empty Vessel Window Tagout Headset communications between the MCR and the manipulator crane have been verified.

You are to authorize fuel movement after completing attachment 8, if conditions allow. If conditions do not allow, you are to list ALL issues present that must be resolved to allow fuel movement to commence.

13 of 16

Operator Directions Handout (TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT)

Initial Conditions:

Unit 1 is at Refueling Shutdown.

The containment refueling SRO has called the control room for permission to commence core offload.

Initiating Cues It is a Monday DAYSHIFT.

Unit One is in refueling shutdown with the head and upper internals removed. A request from the refueling SRO has been made to authorize fuel movement (core offload) in accordance with 1-OSP-ZZ-004 attachment 8.

Current conditions are as follows (items not observable from the control room):

o Refueling containment integrity is set and verified by the shift manager.

o Cavity level is 26.5.

o RHR pump discharge and cavity boron is currently 2404 ppm (sampled 30 minutes ago).

o The reactor was shutdown 122 hours0.00141 days <br />0.0339 hours <br />2.017196e-4 weeks <br />4.6421e-5 months <br /> ago.

o Both MCR air bottle banks are in a normal configuration with adequate pressure.

o 1-VS-AC-2 is tagged out due to equipment failure.

o Both station batteries are operable and split out.

o Both trains of SFP cooling are available with one in service.

o All make-up flowpaths to the SFP are available.

o All Containment Air Recirculation Fans (CARFs) are tagged out in preparation for the Empty Vessel Window Tagout Headset communications between the MCR and the manipulator crane have been verified.

You are to authorize fuel movement after completing attachment 8, if conditions allow. If conditions do not allow, you are to list ALL issues present that must be resolved to allow fuel movement to commence.

14 of 16

DOM INION DOMINION 1-0SP-ZZ-004 Surry Power Station Revisio n 37 Revision Page 28 of 32 (Page 1 of 2)

Attachment 8 REFUELING OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS EQUIPMENT MIN REQ D N TECH REMARKS SPECS Refueling Containment Integrity set As Required 3.1OAI 3.1OAl lAW 1-0P-FH-001 I-OP-FH-OOI Radiation Monitors: 3.1OA3 3.1O.A.3 If the Contaimuent Contaillluent A Containment Air ir

  • Manipulator Crane 1 operab le operable 3.1O.B.

3.1O. B.ll1 Recirculation fans fan s are not

  • Containment Gaseous Ga seou s 1 operable operab le llmnillg llmuillg then refer to
  • Containment PaI1iculate 1 operab le operable Tech Spec 3. 3.10 10 for actions.
  • Vent-Vent Vent-V ent Gaseous Ga seous 1I operab operable le
  • Vent-Vent Particulate 1I operable Source Range Detectors (audible operab le 2 operable 3.1OA2 indication indica tion in CTM CTMT T must be verified operable)

Cavity level > 23 feet 23 feet 3.1OA6 VPAP-VPA P- 2805, 2805 , should be m aintained as high as maintained le. No fuel movement possible.

possib permitted if < 23 feet in Cavity RHR pump and Heat Exchanger:

  • Cav ity Level > 23 feet Cavity 1I operab operable le 3.1OA4
  • Cavity Level < 23 feet fe et 2 operable 3.1OA5 Direct communi cation between the cOllullunication Ye s Yes 3.1OA8 'Vhen changing

'\Then cha nging core Control Room and Manipulator Crane geomelly geometry geomelly RCS Boron concentration ~ 2350 PPM CY-AP- RCS must be sampled at least (Admin limit) PRJ-IOO once evelY 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> if the head is unbolted (Not required if defueled and cavity is drained below flange level. (Ref (Ref2.3.15 2.3. 15))

RHR Temperahlre Temperature  ::::;

~140 140 O ofF 1.0.C.l 1.0.C. l Reactor shutdown greater React.or gr eater than 100 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> 3.1OA9 For movement m ovement of irradiated inadiated irrad iated hours fuel 15 of 16

DOM INIO N DOMINION 1-0SP-ZZ-004 Surry Power Pow er Station Revis ion 37 Revision Page 29 of 32 (Page 2 of 2)

Attachment 8 REFUELING OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS EQUIPMENT MIN REQ D N TECH REMARKS SPECS Control Room Air Bottles 2 3. 19 3.19 3.l0.A. 12 3.10.A.12 3.IOA I2

3. 10.8. 5 Control Room and Relay Room 2 Trains 3.IO.A.

3.10.A.ll 3.IOA II II Emergency Ventilation Ventilatioll 3.10.B.4 Control Room Chillers 3 3. 10.13 3.10.13 Operable lAW power supply requirements afTS ofTS 3.23 MCRlESGR AHU 8 3.10.14 3.10.1 4 120 Volt Vo lt V ital Buses Vital 2 As a m inimulll two 120 \lAC minimulll VAC Vital Buses shall be energized cOlln ected to fro m the inveI1ers cOllnected from the re spective DC Buses respective SFP Cooling 1 train (*) VPAP-2805 ava ilable available SFP makeup borated water source 1 source (*) VPAP-2805 ava ilable available

(*) If equipment requirements ar aree not met. {then hen the STA involved in the review of outage schedules will coordinate development of contingency plans lAW VPAP-2805.

16 of 16







Revised in response to Operations Feedback due to closeout of ODM000067.

  • Deleted P&L 4.7
  • Deleted Steps 5.4.1, 5.5.1, and 5.8.1
  • Deleted notes before Steps 5.5.1, 5.7.1, 5.9.1, and 5.10.1 and 4.1 on Attachment 4 UNIT ONE PROCEDURE USED: Entirely Partially Note: If used partially, note reasons in remarks.

PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED: NO YES Note: If YES, note problems in remarks.

REMARKS: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________ (Use back for additional remarks.)



Dominion 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 2 of 48 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 PURPOSE 3


3 3.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS 4 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4 5.0 INSTRUCTIONS 5 5.1 Automatic 5 5.2 Dilution 6 5.3 Boration 10 5.4 Alternate Dilution 14 5.5 Manual 18 5.6 Boration Using 1-CH-MOV-1350 22 5.7 Manual to Top of VCT 24 5.8 Continuous Alternate Dilution 28 5.9 Manual Dilution with the Blender Non-Functional 31 5.10 Manual Batch Make-up with the Blender Non-Functional 33 ATTACHMENTS 1 Repeated Dilutions 35 2 Repeated Borations 37 3 Repeated Alternate Dilutions 39 4 Repeated Manual Makeups 41 5 Boric Acid 43 6 PG Dilute / Alt Dilute 44 7 Manual Dilution with the Blender Non-Functional 45 8 Manual Batch Makeup with the Blender Non-Functional 46 9 Repeated Manual Makeup to Top of VCT 47

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 3 of 48 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 To provide the instructions for operating the Blender in all of the following modes:

Automatic; Dilution; Boration; Alternate Dilution; Manual; and Manual to Top of VCT.

1.2 To provide instructions for performing a Manual Dilution or Manual Batch Make-up with the Blender Non-Functional.


2.1 Source Documents 2.1.1 UFSAR, Section 9.1, Chemical and Volume Control System 2.1.2 UFSAR, Section, Reactor Makeup Control 2.2 Technical Specifications None 2.3 Technical References 2.3.1 11448-FM-88B, Chemical & Volume Control System 2.3.2 1-DRP-003, Curve Book 2.3.3 DCP 03-090, Scaling Changes for Boric Acid Flow Control Loops F-CH-1113 and F-CH-2113 2.3.4 ODM000067, 1-RC-P-1C Operation With Increased No. 2 Seal Leakage 2.4 Commitment Documents 2.4.1 CTS 3560, Standards for Blender Operation to Ensure Adequate Control 2.4.2 DR S-2000-0431, Rate Function Blender Failure at End of Make up 2.4.3 PI S-2003-5156, Diverting Excess Letdown flow to the PDTT

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 4 of 48 2.4.4 ACE 000005, Incorrect Blender Setting Init Verif 3.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS

_______ 3.1 Verify Primary Grade water is available to the Blender.

_______ 3.2 Verify at least one Boric Acid Transfer Pump is in Automatic and aligned to the Blender. IF the boric acid flow path to the blender is unavailable, THEN enter N/A.

4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 Control rod position, Tavg, and/or power level should be observed when making up to the RCS.

4.2 Operation of pressurizer heaters and spray valves should be used to equalize Boron concentration (CB) when changing CB.

4.3 The blender must be frequently monitored for proper operation during the entire duration of the makeup. (Reference 2.4.1) 4.4 The Reactor Operator shall notify Shift Supervision before performing any Blender evolution. (Reference 2.4.1) 4.5 Rapidly changing VCT level and pressure may affect RCP Seal leakoff, which should be monitored for normal response.

4.6 Calculations involving reactivity must be independently verified. (Ref. 2.4.4)

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 5 of 48 5.0 INSTRUCTIONS 5.1 Automatic

_______ 5.1.1 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

5.1.2 Verify or place all of the following control switches in the AUTO position.







  • 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT NOTE: During Power Operation 1-CH-HFC-1114 is normally set at 100 gpm.

5.1.3 Adjust both of the following flow controller setpoints to the flow rate for the desired blended CB. IF flow controller setpoints have previously been set, THEN enter N/A for this step.


  • 1-CH-FC-1113A, BA FLOW CNTRL (IAW Attachment 5)


  • 1-CH-HFC-1114, PG FLOW STPT

_______ 5.1.4 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the AUTO position.

_______ 5.1.5 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

_______ 5.1.6 Notify Shift Supervision of Blender status. (Reference 2.4.1)

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 6 of 48 5.2 Dilution CAUTION The blender must be frequently monitored for proper operation during the entire duration of the make up.

(Reference 2.4.1)

NOTE: This subsection will be used for the first dilution of the shift. Attachment 1 will be used as a guide for further dilutions for the remainder of the shift.

_______ 5.2.1 Notify Shift Supervision of impending Dilution. (Reference 2.4.1)

_______ 5.2.2 Notify STA of impending Dilution.

_______ 5.2.3 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

CAUTION Due to system configuration, PG flow will continue after reaching the integrator endpoint. Depending on the total flowrate, 0-5 gallons additional flow should be anticipated. At 100 gpm, four gallons of additional flow is expected. At 60 gpm, two gallons of additional flow is expected.

5.2.4 Adjust both of the following controllers for the flow rate and total gallons of Primary Grade water for the dilution. IF the PG FLOW CNTRL controller setpoint has previously been set, THEN enter N/A for that substep.

_______ a. 1-CH-FC-1114A, PG FLOW CNTRL (N/A) ______ GPM (IAW Attachment 6)

_______ b. Determine the required integrator setpoint by performing the following:

________________ gal (-) _____________= ______ Integrator setpoint (Desired Dilution) (anticipated additional flow, dependent on flowrate)

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 7 of 48


__________________ GAL

_______ 1. Depress PRESET A Button (Controller will read the last value entered into the controller; reads in gallons.)

_______ 2. To clear PRESET A, depress the CLR Button. Enter N/A if not required.

_______ 3. Enter desired PRESET A value. Enter N/A if not required.

_______ 4. Depress ENT Button.

_______ 5.2.5 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the DILUTE position.

_______ 5.2.6 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

5.2.7 Verify all of the following conditions.

_______ a. 1-CH-FCV-1113A, BORIC ACID TO BLENDER, is closed.

_______ b. 1-CH-FCV-1113B, BLENDER TO CHG PUMP, is closed.

_______ c. 1-CH-FCV-1114A, PGW TO BLENDER, is controlling in AUTO.

_______ d. 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT, is open.

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 8 of 48 CAUTION There is potential for the Blender Integrator to lock up if the RATE function is in use at the end of make up.

(Integrator lock up does not affect the Blender AUTO function.) (Reference 2.4.2)

NOTE: The rate of PG addition may be seen by depressing the C RATE/TOTAL Button on the PG Integrator. The total amount of PG added may be seen by depressing the C RATE/TOTAL Button again.

_______ 5.2.8 IF it is desired to stop the Dilution before the selected amount, THEN place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position. IF the PRI WATER SUP BATCH INTEGRATOR (GAL) is used to stop the flow, THEN enter N/A for this step.

_______ 5.2.9 WHEN the desired amount of makeup has been reached, THEN verify 1-CH-FCV-1114B closes.

_______ 5.2.10 Verify or place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch is in the STOP position. IF a manual makeup is desired, THEN enter N/A for Steps 5.2.11 through 5.2.14 AND GO TO Subsection 5.5.

5.2.11 Verify or place all of the following control switches in the AUTO position.








_______ 5.2.12 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the AUTO position.

_______ 5.2.13 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 9 of 48

_______ 5.2.14 Notify Shift Supervision of Blender status. (Reference 2.4.1)

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 10 of 48 5.3 Boration CAUTION The blender must be frequently monitored for proper operation during the entire duration of the make up.

(Reference 2.4.1)

NOTE: This subsection will be used for the first boration of the shift. Attachment 2 will be used as a guide for further borations for the remainder of the shift.

_______ 5.3.1 Notify Shift Supervision of impending Boration. (Reference 2.4.1)

_______ 5.3.2 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

CAUTION Due to system configuration, BA flow will continue after reaching the integrator endpoint. Depending on the total flowrate, 0 to 0.5 gallons additional flow should be anticipated. At 8 gpm, 0.2 to 0.3 gallons of additional flow is expected.

5.3.3 Adjust both of the following controllers for the flow rate and total gallons of Boric Acid for the boration. IF the BA FLOW CNTRL controller setpoint has previously been set, THEN enter N/A for that substep.

_______ a. 1-CH-FC-1113A, BA FLOW CNTRL (N/A) ______ GPM (IAW Attachment 5)

_______ b. Determine the required integrator setpoint by performing the following:

________________ gal (-) _____________= ______ Integrator setpoint (Desired Boration) (anticipated additional flow, dependent on flowrate)

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 11 of 48



_______ 1. Depress PRESET A Button (Controller will read the last value entered into the controller; reads in tenths of gallons.)

_______ 2. To clear PRESET A, depress the CLR Button. Enter N/A if not required.

_______ 3. Enter desired PRESET A value. Enter N/A if not required.

_______ 4. Depress ENT Button.

_______ 5.3.4 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the BORATE position.

_______ 5.3.5 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

5.3.6 Verify all of the following conditions.

_______ a. 1-CH-FCV-1113A, BORIC ACID TO BLENDER, is controlling in AUTO.

_______ b. 1-CH-FCV-1113B, BLENDER TO CHG PUMP, is open.

_______ c. 1-CH-FCV-1114A, PGW TO BLENDER, is closed.

_______ d. 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT, is closed.

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 12 of 48 CAUTION There is potential for the Blender Integrator to lock up if the RATE function is in use at the end of make up.

(Integrator lock up does not affect the Blender AUTO function.) (Reference 2.4.2)

NOTE: The rate of Boric Acid addition may be seen by depressing the C RATE/TOTAL Button on the Boric Acid Integrator. The total amount of Boric Acid added may be seen by depressing the C RATE/TOTAL Button again.

_______ 5.3.7 IF performing a unit ramp, THEN adjust Boric Acid flow on 1-CH-FC-1113A as required. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 5.3.8 IF it is desired to stop the Boration before the selected amount, THEN place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position. IF the BA SUPPLY BATCH INTEGRATOR (GAL) is used to stop the flow, THEN enter N/A for this step.

_______ 5.3.9 WHEN the desired amount of makeup has been reached, THEN verify 1-CH-FCV-1113B closes.

5.3.10 WHEN boration is complete, THEN do the following. IF boric acid is to remain in the Blender to support ramping the Unit, THEN enter N/A.

_______ a. Manually blend approximately 20 gallons to flush the boration path IAW Subsection 5.5.

_______ b. Enter N/A for Steps 5.3.11 through 5.3.14.

_______ 5.3.11 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

_______ 5.3.12 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the AUTO position.

_______ 5.3.13 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 13 of 48

_______ 5.3.14 Notify Shift Supervision of Blender status.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 14 of 48 5.4 Alternate Dilution CAUTION The blender must be frequently monitored for proper operation during the entire duration of the make up.

(Reference 2.4.1)

NOTE: This subsection will be used for the first alternate dilution of the shift.

Attachment 3 will be used as a guide for further alternate dilutions for the remainder of the shift.

_______ 5.4.1 Notify Shift Supervision of impending Alternate Dilution. (Reference 2.4.1)

_______ 5.4.2 Notify STA of impending Alternate Dilution.

_______ 5.4.3 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

CAUTION Due to system configuration, PG flow will continue after reaching the integrator endpoint. Depending on the total flowrate, 0-5 gallons additional flow should be anticipated. At 100 gpm, four gallons of additional flow is expected. At 60 gpm, two gallons of additional flow is expected.

5.4.4 Adjust both of the following controllers for the flow rate and total gallons of Primary Grade water for the dilution. IF the PG FLOW CNTRL controller setpoint has previously been set, THEN enter N/A for that substep.

_______ a. 1-CH-FC-1114A, PG FLOW CNTRL (N/A) ______ GPM (IAW Attachment 6)

_______ b. Determine the required integrator setpoint by performing the following:

________________ gal (-) _____________= ______ Integrator setpoint (Desired Dilution) (anticipated additional flow, dependent on flowrate)

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 15 of 48


_____________________ GAL

_______ 1. Depress PRESET A Button (Controller will read the last value entered into the controller; reads in gallons.)

_______ 2. To clear PRESET A, depress the CLR Button. Enter N/A if not required.

_______ 3. Enter desired PRESET A value. Enter N/A if not required.

_______ 4. Depress ENT Button.

_______ 5.4.5 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the ALT DIL position.

_______ 5.4.6 IF it is desired to direct the dilution water to the charging pump suction only, THEN place 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT, in the CLOSE position. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 5.4.7 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

5.4.8 Verify all of the following conditions.

_______ a. 1-CH-FCV-1113A, BORIC ACID TO BLENDER, is closed.

_______ b. 1-CH-FCV-1113B, BLENDER TO CHG PUMP, is open.

_______ c. 1-CH-FCV-1114A, PGW TO BLENDER, is controlling in AUTO.

5.4.9 IF unit is on Excess Letdown and divert of flow is necessary for inventory control, THEN perform the following substeps. Otherwise, enter N/A.

(Reference 2.4.3)

_______ a. Verify closed or slowly close 1-CH-HCV-1137.

_______ b. Place 1-CH-HCV-1389 to the PDTT position.

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 16 of 48

_______ c. Slowly open 1-CH-HCV-1137 until approximately 15 gpm flow is established to the PDTT.

_______ d. Verify 1-CC-TI-108, EXCESS LETDOWN HX CC OUTLET TEMP, indicates less than 150° F.

_______ e. Verify 1-CH-TI-1139, EXCESS LETDOWN HX OUTLET TEMP, is less than 195° F.

_______ f. Adjust RCP Seal Injection and/or Charging Flow as necessary to control inventory.

_______ g. WHEN VCT and/or PRZR level have been adjusted, THEN return Excess letdown to the VCT by placing 1-CH-HCV-1389 to the VCT position.

CAUTION There is potential for the Blender Integrator to lock up if the RATE function is in use at the end of make up.

(Integrator lock up does not affect the Blender AUTO function.) (Reference 2.4.2)

NOTE: The rate of PG addition may be seen by depressing the C RATE/TOTAL Button on the PG Integrator. The total amount of PG added may be seen by depressing the C RATE/TOTAL Button again.

_______ 5.4.10 IF it is desired to stop the Dilution before the selected amount, THEN place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position. IF the PRI WATER SUP BATCH INTEGRATOR (GAL) is used to stop the flow, THEN enter N/A for this step.

_______ 5.4.11 WHEN the desired amount of makeup has been reached, THEN verify both of the following.


  • 1-CH-FCV-1113B closes.

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 17 of 48


  • IF Step 5.4.6 was NOT performed, THEN verify that 1-CH-FCV-1114B is closed. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 5.4.12 IF a manual makeup is desired, THEN enter N/A for Steps 5.4.13 through 5.4.17 AND GO TO Subsection 5.5.

_______ 5.4.13 Verify or place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

5.4.14 Verify or place all of the following control switches in the AUTO position.

_______ a. 1-CH-FCV-1113A, BORIC ACID TO BLENDER

_______ b. 1-CH-FCV-1113B, BLENDER TO CHG PUMP

_______ c. 1-CH-FCV-1114A, PGW TO BLENDER

_______ d. 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT

_______ 5.4.15 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the AUTO position.

_______ 5.4.16 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

_______ 5.4.17 Notify Shift Supervision of Blender status. (Reference 2.4.1)

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 18 of 48 5.5 Manual CAUTION The blender must be frequently monitored for proper operation during the entire duration of the make up. (Reference 2.4.1)

NOTE: This subsection will be used for the first manual makeup of the shift.

Attachment 4 will be used as a guide for further manual makeups for the remainder of the shift.

_______ 5.5.1 Notify Shift Supervision of impending Manual Makeup. (Reference 2.4.1)

_______ 5.5.2 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

5.5.3 Adjust both of the following controllers for the flow rate of Boric Acid and Primary Grade water. IF flow controller setpoints have previously been set, THEN enter N/A for this step.


  • 1-CH-FC-1113A, BA FLOW CNTRL (IAW Attachment 5)


  • 1-CH-HFC-1114, PG FLOW STPT

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 19 of 48 5.5.4 Adjust both of the following integrators for greater than the total gallons of Boric Acid and Primary Grade water desired to be added. Enter N/A if previously set.


____ GAL

_______ 1. Depress PRESET A Button (Controller will read the last value entered into the controller; reads in tenths of gallons.)

_______ 2. To clear PRESET A, depress the CLR Button. Enter N/A if not required.

_______ 3. Enter desired PRESET A value. Enter N/A if not required.

_______ 4. Depress ENT Button.


_____________________ GAL

_______ 1. Depress PRESET A Button (Controller will read the last value entered into the controller, reads in gallons.)

_______ 2. To clear PRESET A, depress the CLR Button. Enter N/A if not required.

_______ 3. Enter desired PRESET A value. Enter N/A if not required.

_______ 4. Depress ENT Button.

_______ 5.5.5 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the MANUAL position.

_______ 5.5.6 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

_______ 5.5.7 Open 1-CH-FCV-1113B, BLENDER TO CHG PUMP.

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 20 of 48 5.5.8 Verify all of the following conditions.

_______ a. 1-CH-FCV-1113A, BORIC ACID TO BLENDER, is controlling in AUTO.

_______ b. 1-CH-FCV-1113B, BLENDER TO CHG PUMP, is open.

_______ c. 1-CH-FCV-1114A, PGW TO BLENDER, is controlling in AUTO.

_______ d. 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT, is closed.

CAUTION There is potential for the Blender Integrator to lock up if the RATE function is in use at the end of make up.

(Integrator lock up does not affect the Blender AUTO function.) (Reference 2.4.2)

NOTE: The rate of Boric Acid addition may be seen by depressing the C RATE/TOTAL Button on the Boric Acid Integrator. The total amount of Boric Acid added may be seen by depressing the C RATE/TOTAL Button again.

NOTE: The rate of PG addition may be seen by depressing the C RATE/TOTAL Button on the PG Integrator. The total amount of PG added may be seen by depressing the C RATE/TOTAL Button again.

_______ 5.5.9 WHEN the manual makeup operation is complete, THEN place 1-CH-FCV-1113B in the AUTO position.

_______ 5.5.10 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

5.5.11 Verify or place all of the following control switches in the AUTO position.








DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 21 of 48 5.5.12 Verify or place the following controllers in Automatic and adjust to the desired blended flow CB.


  • 1-CH-FC-1113A, BA FLOW CNTRL (IAW Attachment 5)


  • 1-CH-HFC-1114, PG FLOW STPT

_______ 5.5.13 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the AUTO position.

_______ 5.5.14 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

_______ 5.5.15 Notify Shift Supervision of Blender status. (Reference 2.4.1)

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 22 of 48 5.6 Boration Using 1-CH-MOV-1350 CAUTION The Emergency Boration must be frequently monitored during the entire duration of the make up.

(Reference 2.4.1)

_______ 5.6.1 Determine the amount of boric acid desired to be added to Unit 1 RCS and record the amount below.

BA ________ gal NOTE: The Emergency Borate Flow rate with the Boric Acid Transfer Pump in SLOW is approximately 30 gpm.

NOTE: 1-CH-FI-1110, EMERG BORATE FLOW, is not calibrated for a Boric Acid Transfer Pump running in SLOW, and may not be totally accurate.

_______ 5.6.2 Determine the amount of time that 1-CH-MOV-1350 will be required to be open to add the desired amount of Boric Acid, assuming 30 gpm flow.

Record the time below.

Time ________ seconds

_______ 5.6.3 Notify Shift Supervision of impending Boration. (Reference 2.4.1)

_______ 5.6.4 Verify or put the in service Boric Acid Transfer Pump in OFF.

_______ 5.6.5 Open 1-CH-MOV-1350, EMERGENCY BORATE.

(Reference stroke time is 11.4 sec)

_______ 5.6.6 Put the in service Boric Acid Transfer Pump in SLOW.

_______ 5.6.7 Record Emergency Borate flow rate as indicated on 1-CH-FI-1110.

Flow________ gpm

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 23 of 48

_______ 5.6.8 WHEN the desired amount of Boric Acid has been added to Unit 1 RCS as indicated by 1-CH-MOV-1350 being open the amount of time recorded in Step 5.6.2, THEN put the in service Boric Acid Transfer Pump in Off.

_______ 5.6.9 Close 1-CH-MOV-1350, EMERGENCY BORATE.

_______ 5.6.10 Put the in service Boric Acid Transfer Pump to the position directed by Shift Supervision.

_______ 5.6.11 Monitor RCS temperature and dilute or manipulate Control Rods as necessary to control RCS temperature.

_______ 5.6.12 Notify Shift Supervision that 1-CH-MOV-1350 is closed. (Reference 2.4.1)

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 24 of 48 5.7 Manual to Top of VCT CAUTION The blender must be frequently monitored for proper operation during the entire duration of the make up.

(Reference 2.4.1)

NOTE: This subsection should be used in order to increase RCS hydrogen concentration.

NOTE: This subsection will be used for the first manual makeup to the top of the VCT of the shift. Attachment 9 will be used as a guide for further makeups to the top of the VCT for the remainder of the shift.

_______ 5.7.1 Notify Shift Supervision of impending Manual Makeup. (Reference 2.4.1)

_______ 5.7.2 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

5.7.3 Adjust both of the following controllers for the flow rate of Boric Acid and Primary Grade water. IF flow controller setpoints have previously been set, THEN enter N/A for this step.


  • 1-CH-FC-1113A, BA FLOW CNTRL (IAW Attachment 5)


  • 1-CH-HFC-1114, PG FLOW STPT

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 25 of 48 5.7.4 Adjust both of the following integrators for greater than the total gallons of Boric Acid and Primary Grade water desired to be added. Enter N/A if not set.


____ GAL

_______ 1. Depress PRESET A Button (Controller will read the last value entered into the controller; reads in tenths of gallons.)

_______ 2. To clear PRESET A, depress the CLR Button. Enter N/A if not required.

_______ 3. Enter desired PRESET A value. Enter N/A if not required.

_______ 4. Depress ENT Button.


_____________________ GAL

_______ 1. Depress PRESET A Button (Controller will read the last value entered into the controller, reads in gallons.)

_______ 2. To clear PRESET A, depress the CLR Button. Enter N/A if not required.

_______ 3. Enter desired PRESET A value. Enter N/A if not required.

_______ 4. Depress ENT Button.

_______ 5.7.5 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the MANUAL position.

_______ 5.7.6 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

_______ 5.7.7 Close 1-CH-FCV-1113B, BLENDER TO CHG PUMP.

_______ 5.7.8 Open 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT.

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 26 of 48 5.7.9 Verify all of the following conditions.

_______ a. 1-CH-FCV-1113A, BORIC ACID TO BLENDER, is controlling in AUTO.

_______ b. 1-CH-FCV-1113B, BLENDER TO CHG PUMP, is closed.

_______ c. 1-CH-FCV-1114A, PGW TO BLENDER, is controlling in AUTO.

_______ d. 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT, is open.

CAUTION There is potential for the Blender Integrator to lock up if the RATE function is in use at the end of make up.

(Integrator lock up does not affect the Blender AUTO function.) (Reference 2.4.2)

NOTE: The rate of Boric Acid addition may be seen by depressing the C RATE/TOTAL Button on the Boric Acid Integrator. The total amount of Boric Acid added may be seen by depressing the C RATE/TOTAL Button again.

NOTE: The rate of PG addition may be seen by depressing the C RATE/TOTAL Button on the PG Integrator. The total amount of PG added may be seen by depressing the C RATE/TOTAL Button again.

_______ 5.7.10 WHEN the manual makeup operation is complete, THEN place 1-CH-FCV-1114B in the AUTO position.

_______ 5.7.11 Place 1-CH-FCV-1113B in the AUTO position.

_______ 5.7.12 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

5.7.13 Verify or place all of the following control switches in the AUTO position.




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  • 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT 5.7.14 Adjust both of the following flow controller setpoints to the desired blended flow CB. IF flow controller setpoints have previously been set, THEN enter N/A for this step.


  • 1-CH-FC-1113A, BA FLOW CNTRL (IAW Attachment 5)


  • 1-CH-HFC-1114, PG FLOW STPT

_______ 5.7.15 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the AUTO position.

_______ 5.7.16 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

_______ 5.7.17 Notify Shift Supervision of Blender status. (Reference 2.4.1)

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 28 of 48 5.8 Continuous Alternate Dilution CAUTION The blender must be frequently monitored for proper operation during the entire duration of the make up.

(Reference 2.4.1)

NOTE: 1-CH-FC-1114A may need to be adjusted, as required, if this Subsection is being performed to support a unit ramp. Dilution requirements anticipated during the ramp, provided in the documentation from Reactor Engineering, should be utilized in determining the proper flow rate.

_______ 5.8.1 Verify that Reactor Engineering is aware that a continuous Alternate Dilution will be performed.

_______ 5.8.2 Verify that 1-CH-LCV-1115A, VCT LEVEL CNTRL, is set for the VCT level to be maintained throughout the dilution.

_______ 5.8.3 Notify Shift Supervision of impending Alternate Dilution. (Reference 2.4.1)

_______ 5.8.4 Notify STA of impending Alternate Dilution.

_______ 5.8.5 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

_______ 5.8.6 Record the pot setting for 1-CH-FC-1114A, PG FLOW CNTRL

________ GPM

_______ 5.8.7 Adjust 1-CH-FC-1114A, PG FLOW CNTRL, for the flow rate of Primary Grade water for the continuous dilution, IAW Attachment 6.

________ GPM 5.8.8 Enter the required integrator setpoint of 100000 gallons IAW the following:

_______ a. Depress PRESET A Button (Controller will read the last value entered into the controller; reads in gallons.)

_______ b. To clear PRESET A, depress the CLR Button. Enter N/A if not required.

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 29 of 48

_______ c. Enter 100000 gallons for the integrator value. Enter N/A if not required.

_______ d. Depress ENT Button.

_______ 5.8.9 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the ALT DIL position.

_______ 5.8.10 Place 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT, in the CLOSE position.

_______ 5.8.11 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

5.8.12 Verify all of the following conditions.

_______ a. 1-CH-FCV-1113A, BORIC ACID TO BLENDER, is closed.

_______ b. 1-CH-FCV-1113B, BLENDER TO CHG PUMP, is open.

_______ c. 1-CH-FCV-1114A, PGW TO BLENDER, is controlling in AUTO.

CAUTION The dilution must be secured at least one to two percent less than the target power level to allow for the time-delayed effects of the reactivity change.

_______ 5.8.13 Adjust 1-CH-FC-1114A as required during the ramp.

_______ 5.8.14 WHEN the desired amount of dilution is reached, THEN place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

_______ 5.8.15 Verify that 1-CH-FCV-1113B closes.

_______ 5.8.16 IF a Manual makeup is desired, THEN GO TO Subsection 5.5. Otherwise, enter N/A for this step.

5.8.17 Verify or place all of the following control switches in the AUTO position.

_______ a. 1-CH-FCV-1113A, BORIC ACID TO BLENDER

_______ b. 1-CH-FCV-1113B, BLENDER TO CHG PUMP

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 30 of 48

_______ c. 1-CH-FCV-1114A, PGW TO BLENDER

_______ d. 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT

_______ 5.8.18 Adjust 1-CH-FC-1114A to the initial flow setting recorded in Step 5.8.6.

_______ 5.8.19 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the AUTO position.

_______ 5.8.20 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

_______ 5.8.21 Notify Shift Supervision of Blender position.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 31 of 48 5.9 Manual Dilution with the Blender Non-Functional CAUTION Flow deviation alarms will not function when bypassing the blender control system.

NOTE: This Section should only be used if the blender control system is non-functional.

_______ 5.9.1 Determine the amount of PG water to be added.

_______ 5.9.2 Verify closed or place 1-CH-FCV-1113B in CLOSE .

_______ 5.9.3 Place 1-CH-FCV-1114A in OPEN.

5.9.4 Place either of the following in OPEN. ( )


  • 1-CH-FCV-1113B


  • 1-CH-FCV-1114B 5.9.5 WHEN the desired amount of PG has been added, THEN place the valve opened in Step 5.9.4 in CLOSE. ( )


  • 1-CH-FCV-1113B


  • 1-CH-FCV-1114B

_______ 5.9.6 Verify or place 1-CH-FCV-1113B in AUTO and verify that the valve remains closed.

_______ 5.9.7 Verify or place 1-CH-FCV-1114B in AUTO and verify that the valve remains closed.

_______ 5.9.8 Place 1-CH-FCV-1114A in CLOSE.

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 32 of 48

_______ 5.9.9 Place 1-CH-FCV-1114A in AUTO and verify that the valve remains closed.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 33 of 48 5.10 Manual Batch Make-up with the Blender Non-Functional CAUTION Flow deviation alarms will not function when bypassing the blender control system.

NOTE: This Section should only be used if the blender control system is non-functional.

_______ 5.10.1 Determine the amount of Boric Acid to be added for the desired boron concentration.

_______ 5.10.2 Determine the amount of PG water to be added for the desired boron concentration.

_______ 5.10.3 Verify 1-CH-FCV-1113A in AUTO and open.

5.10.4 Place either of the following in OPEN. ( )


  • 1-CH-FCV-1113B


  • 1-CH-FCV-1114B

_______ 5.10.5 Place the in service BATP in FAST.

_______ 5.10.6 WHEN the desired amount of boric acid has been added, THEN place the in service BATP in AUTO and verify the pump returns to slow speed.

_______ 5.10.7 Place 1-CH-FCV-1113A in CLOSE.

_______ 5.10.8 Place 1-CH-FCV-1114A in OPEN.

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 34 of 48 5.10.9 WHEN the desired amount of PG has been added, THEN place the valve opened in Step 5.10.4 in CLOSE. ( )


  • 1-CH-FCV-1113B


  • 1-CH-FCV-1114B

_______ 5.10.10 Verify or place 1-CH-FCV-1113B in AUTO and verify that the valve remains closed.

_______ 5.10.11 Verify or place 1-CH-FCV-1114B in AUTO and verify that the valve remains closed.

_______ 5.10.12 Place 1-CH-FCV-1114A in CLOSE.

_______ 5.10.13 Place 1-CH-FCV-1114A in AUTO and verify that the valve remains close.

_______ 5.10.14 Place 1-CH-FCV-1113A in AUTO and verify that the valve is open.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date ATTACHMENTS

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 35 of 48 (Page 1 of 2)

Attachment 1 REPEATED DILUTIONS CAUTION The blender must be frequently monitored for proper operation during the entire duration of the make up. (Reference 2.4.1)

NOTE: This attachment will be used for repeated Dilutions after the initial Subsection 5.2 has been filled out for the shift.

NOTE: Attachment 4 will be used for repeated Manual Makeups after the initial Subsection 5.5 has been filled out for the shift.

____ ____ ____ 1.1 Notify Shift Supervision of impending Dilution. (Reference 2.4.1)

____ ____ ____ 1.2 Notify STA of impending dilution.

____ ____ ____ 1.3 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

____ ____ ____ 1.4 Verify controllers and integrators for the flow rate and total gallons of Primary Grade water for the dilution are set correctly.

____ ____ ____ 1.5 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the DILUTE position.

____ ____ ____ 1.6 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

____ ____ ____ 1.7 Verify proper valve positions.

____ ____ ____ 1.8 WHEN the desired amount of makeup has been reached, THEN verify 1-CH-FCV-1114B closes.

____ ____ ____ 1.9 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position. IF a manual makeup is desired, THEN GO TO Subsection 5.5, 5.7, or Attachment 4.

____ ____ ____ 1.10 Verify or place the control switches in the AUTO position.

____ ____ ____ 1.11 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the AUTO position.

____ ____ ____ 1.12 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

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____ ____ ____ 1.13 Notify Shift Supervision of Blender status. (Reference 2.4.1)

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Attachment 2 REPEATED BORATIONS CAUTION The blender must be frequently monitored for proper operation during the entire duration of the make up. (Reference 2.4.1)

NOTE: This attachment will be used for repeated Borations after the initial Subsection 5.3 has been filled out for the shift.

NOTE: Attachment 4 will be used for repeated Manual Makeups after the initial Subsection 5.5 has been filled out for the shift.

____ ____ ____ 2.1 Notify Shift Supervision of impending Boration. (Reference 2.4.1)

____ ____ ____ 2.2 Notify STA of impending Boration.

____ ____ ____ 2.3 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

____ ____ ____ 2.4 Verify controllers and integrators for the flow rate and total gallons of BA flow for the Boration are set correctly.

____ ____ ____ 2.5 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the BORATE position.

____ ____ ____ 2.6 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

____ ____ ____ 2.7 Verify proper valve positions.

____ ____ ____ 2.8 WHEN the desired amount of Boration has been completed, THEN verify proper valve positions.

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 38 of 48 (Page 2 of 2)

Attachment 2 REPEATED BORATIONS 2.9 WHEN boration is complete, THEN perform the following. IF boric acid is to remain in the Blender to support ramping the Unit, THEN enter N/A.

____ ____ ____ a. Manually blend approximately 20 gallons to flush the boration path IAW Subsection 5.5 or Attachment 4.

____ ____ ____ b. Enter N/A for the remaining steps in this Attachment.

____ ____ ____ 2.10 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

____ ____ ____ 2.11 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the AUTO position.

____ ____ ____ 2.12 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

____ ____ ____ 2.13 Notify Shift Supervision of Blender status.

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Attachment 3 REPEATED ALTERNATE DILUTIONS CAUTION The blender must be frequently monitored for proper operation during the entire duration of the make up. (Reference 2.4.1)

NOTE: This attachment will be used for repeated Dilutions after the initial Subsection 5.4 has been filled out for the shift.

NOTE: Attachment 4 will be used for repeated Manual Makeups after the initial Subsection 5.5 has been filled out for the shift.

____ ____ ____ 3.1 Notify Shift Supervision of impending Alternate Dilution. (Reference 2.4.1)

____ ____ ____ 3.2 Notify STA of impending Alternate Dilution.

____ ____ ____ 3.3 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

____ ____ ____ 3.4 Verify controllers and integrators for the flow rate and totalgallons of Primary Grade water for the dilution are set correctly.

____ ____ ____ 3.5 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the ALT DIL position.

____ ____ ____ 3.6 IF it is desired to direct the dilution water to the charging pump suction only, THEN place 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT, in the CLOSE position.

____ ____ ____ 3.7 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

____ ____ ____ 3.8 Verify proper valve positions.

____ ____ ____ 3.9 WHEN the desired amount of makeup has been reached, THEN place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position. IF a manual makeup is desired, THEN GO TO Subsection 5.5 or Attachment 4.

____ ____ ____ 3.10 Verify or place the control switches in the AUTO position.

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____ ____ ____ 3.11 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the AUTO position.

____ ____ ____ 3.12 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

____ ____ ____ 3.13 Notify Shift Supervision of Blender status. (Reference 2.4.1)

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Attachment 4 REPEATED MANUAL MAKEUPS CAUTION The blender must be frequently monitored for proper operation during the entire duration of the make up. (Reference 2.4.1)

NOTE: This attachment will be used for repeated Manual Makeups after the initial Subsection 5.5 has been filled out for the shift.

____ ____ ____ 4.1 Notify Shift Supervision of impending Manual Makeup. (Reference 2.4.1)

____ ____ ____ 4.2 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

____ ____ ____ 4.3 Verify controllers for the flow rate of Boric Acid and Primary Grade water are set correctly.

____ ____ ____ 4.4 Verify integrators for the gallons of Boric Acid and Primary Grade water are set correctly. (Reference 2.1.2)

____ ____ ____ 4.5 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the MANUAL position.

____ ____ ____ 4.6 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

____ ____ ____ 4.7 Open 1-CH-FCV-1113B, BLENDER TO CHG PUMP.

____ ____ ____ 4.8 Verify proper valve positions.

____ ____ ____ 4.9 WHEN the Manual Makeup operation is complete, THEN place 1-CH-FCV-1113B in the AUTO position.

____ ____ ____ 4.10 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

____ ____ ____ 4.11 Verify or place the control switches in the AUTO position.

____ ____ ____ 4.12 Verify controllers for Primary Grade water and Boric Acid are set correctly.

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____ ____ ____ 4.13 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the AUTO position.

____ ____ ____ 4.14 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

____ ____ ____ 4.15 Notify Shift Supervision of Blender status. (Reference 2.4.1)

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 43 of 48 (Page 1 of 1)

Attachment 5 BORIC ACID Setpoint Setpoint Setpoint Setpoint Dial GPM Dial GPM Dial GPM Dial GPM 0.00 0.09 2.50 6.01 5.00 11.84 7.50 17.64 0.10 0.33 2.60 6.24 5.10 12.07 7.60 17.87 0.20 0.57 2.70 6.48 5.20 12.30 7.70 18.10 0.30 0.80 2.80 6.71 5.30 12.53 7.80 18.34 0.40 1.04 2.90 6.94 5.40 12.76 7.90 18.57 0.50 1.28 3.00 7.18 5.50 13.00 8.00 18.80 0.60 1.52 3.10 7.41 5.60 13.23 8.10 19.03 0.70 1.76 3.20 7.65 5.70 13.46 8.20 19.27 0.80 2.00 3.30 7.88 5.80 13.69 8.30 19.50 0.90 2.23 3.40 8.11 5.90 13.92 8.40 19.73 1.00 2.47 3.50 8.35 6.00 14.16 8.50 19.97 1.10 2.71 3.60 8.58 6.10 14.39 8.60 20.20 1.20 2.94 3.70 8.81 6.20 14.62 8.70 20.43 1.30 3.18 3.80 9.05 6.30 14.85 8.80 20.67 1.40 3.42 3.90 9.28 6.40 15.08 8.90 20.90 1.50 3.65 4.00 9.51 6.50 15.32 9.00 21.13 1.60 3.89 4.10 9.74 6.60 15.55 9.10 21.37 1.70 4.13 4.20 9.98 6.70 15.78 9.20 21.60 1.80 4.36 4.30 10.21 6.80 16.01 9.30 21.84 1.90 4.60 4.40 10.44 6.90 16.25 9.40 22.07 2.00 4.83 4.50 10.67 7.00 16.48 9.50 22.31 2.10 5.07 4.60 10.91 7.10 16.71 9.60 22.54 2.20 5.30 4.70 11.14 7.20 16.94 9.70 22.78 2.30 5.54 4.80 11.37 7.30 17.17 9.80 23.01 2.40 5.77 4.90 11.60 7.40 17.41 9.90 23.25 10.00 23.48

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Attachment 6 PG DILUTE / ALT DILUTE Setpoint Setpoint Setpoint Setpoint Dial GPM Dial GPM Dial GPM Dial GPM 0.00 0.04 2.50 35.33 5.00 70.05 7.50 104.63 0.10 1.46 2.60 36.71 5.10 71.44 7.60 106.05 0.20 2.93 2.70 38.10 5.20 72.79 7.70 107.44 0.30 4.35 2.80 39.45 5.30 74.18 7.80 108.86 0.40 5.81 2.90 40.84 5.40 75.53 7.90 110.25 0.50 7.24 3.00 42.23 5.50 76.91 8.00 111.68 0.60 8.59 3.10 43.61 5.60 78.30 8.10 113.06 0.70 9.98 3.20 45.00 5.70 79.69 8.20 114.45 0.80 11.33 3.30 46.43 5.80 81.04 8.30 115.88 0.90 12.71 3.40 47.85 5.90 82.43 8.40 117.26 1.00 14.06 3.50 49.24 6.00 83.81 8.50 118.65 1.10 15.49 3.60 50.63 6.10 85.20 8.60 120.04 1.20 16.95 3.70 52.01 6.20 86.59 8.70 121.43 1.30 18.41 3.80 53.40 6.30 87.98 8.80 122.85 1.40 19.65 3.90 54.79 6.40 89.36 8.90 124.24 1.50 21.30 4.00 56.18 6.50 90.75 9.00 125.63 1.60 22.69 4.10 57.56 6.60 92.14 9.10 127.05 1.70 24.08 4.20 58.95 6.70 93.53 9.20 128.48 1.80 25.50 4.30 60.30 6.80 94.91 9.30 129.90 1.90 26.89 4.40 61.69 6.90 96.30 9.40 131.33 2.00 28.28 4.50 63.08 7.00 97.69 9.50 132.75 2.10 29.70 4.60 64.46 7.10 99.08 9.60 134.14 2.20 31.09 4.70 65.85 7.20 100.46 9.70 135.53 2.30 32.51 4.80 67.28 7.30 101.85 9.80 136.95 2.40 33.90 4.90 68.66 7.40 103.24 9.90 138.34 10.00 139.73

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Attachment 7 MANUAL DILUTION WITH THE BLENDER NON-FUNCTIONAL CAUTION Flow deviation alarms will not function when bypassing the blender control system.

NOTE: This attachment should only be used if the blender control system is non-functional.

____ ____ ____ 7.1 Determine the amount of PG water to be added.

____ ____ ____ 7.2 Verify closed or place 1-CH-FCV-1113B in CLOSE.

____ ____ ____ 7.3 Place 1-CH-FCV-1114A in OPEN.

____ ____ ____ 7.4 Place 1-CH-FCV-1113B in OPEN.

____ ____ ____ 7.5 WHEN the desired amount of PG has been added, THEN place 1-CH-FCV-1113B in CLOSE.

____ ____ ____ 7.6 Place 1-CH-FCV-1114A in CLOSE.

____ ____ ____ 7.7 Place 1-CH-FCV-1113B in AUTO and verify the valve remains closed.

____ ____ ____ 7.8 Place 1-CH-FCV-1114A in AUTO and verify the valve remains closed.

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Attachment 8 MANUAL BATCH MAKEUP WITH THE BLENDER NON-FUNCTIONAL CAUTION Flow deviation alarms will not function when bypassing the blender control system.

NOTE: This Section should only be used if the blender control system is non-functional.

____ ____ ____ 8.1 Determine the amount of Boric Acid to be added for the desired boron concentration.

____ ____ ____ 8.2 Determine the amount of PG water to be added for the desired boron concentration.

____ ____ ____ 8.3 Verify 1-CH-FCV-1113A in AUTO and open.

____ ____ ____ 8.4 Place 1-CH-FCV-1113B in OPEN.

____ ____ ____ 8.5 Place the in service BATP in FAST.

____ ____ ____ 8.6 WHEN the desired amount of boric acid has been added, THEN place the in service BATP in AUTO and verify the pump returns to slow speed.

____ ____ ____ 8.7 Place 1-CH-FCV-1113A in CLOSE.

____ ____ ____ 8.8 Place 1-CH-FCV-1114A in OPEN.

____ ____ ____ 8.9 WHEN the desired amount of PG water has been added, THEN place 1-CH-FCV-1113B in CLOSE.

____ ____ ____ 8.10 Place 1-CH-FCV-1113B in AUTO and verify that the valve remains closed.

____ ____ ____ 8.11 Place 1-CH-FCV-1114A in AUTO and verify that the valve is closed.

____ ____ ____ 8.12 Place 1-CH-FCV-1113A in AUTO and verify that the valve is open.

DOMINION 1-OP-CH-007 Surry Power Station Revision 27 Page 47 of 48 (Page 1 of 2)

Attachment 9 REPEATED MANUAL MAKEUP TO TOP OF VCT CAUTION The blender must be frequently monitored for proper operation during the entire duration of the make up.

(Reference 2.4.1)

NOTE: This subsection should be used in order to increase RCS hydrogen concentration.

NOTE: This attachment will be used for repeated Manual Makeups to the Top of the VCT after the initial Subsection 5.7 has been filled out for the shift.

____ ____ ____ 9.1 Notify Shift Supervision of impending Manual Makeup. (Reference 2.4.1)

____ ____ ____ 9.2 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

____ ____ ____ 9.3 Verify controllers for the flow rate of Boric Acid and Primary Grade water are set correctly.

____ ____ ____ 9.4 Verify integrators for the gallons of Boric Acid and Primary Grade water are set correctly. (Reference 2.1.2)

____ ____ ____ 9.5 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the MANUAL position.

____ ____ ____ 9.6 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

____ ____ ____ 9.7 Close 1-CH-FCV-1113B, BLENDER TO CHG PUMP.

____ ____ ____ 9.8 Open 1-CH-FCV-1114B, BLENDER TO VCT.

____ ____ ____ 9.9 Verify proper valve positions.

____ ____ ____ 9.10 WHEN the Manual Makeup operation is complete, THEN place 1-CH-FCV-1114B in the AUTO position.

____ ____ ____ 9.11 Place 1-CH-FCV-1113B in the AUTO position.

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____ ____ ____ 9.12 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the STOP position.

____ ____ ____ 9.13 Verify or place the control switches in the AUTO position.

____ ____ ____ 9.14 Verify controllers for Primary Grade water and Boric Acid are set correctly.

____ ____ ____ 9.15 Place the MAKE-UP MODE SEL switch in the AUTO position.

____ ____ ____ 9.16 Place the MAKE-UP MODE CNTRL switch in the START position.

____ ____ ____ 9.17 Notify Shift Supervision of Blender status. (Reference 2.4.1)







Revised in response to OP FB 09-0078

  • Delete Subsections 5.46, 5.47, and 5.48 for backwashing strainers and move to new procedure 0-OSP-VS-011 COMMON PROCEDURE USED: Entirely Partially Note: If used partially, note reasons in remarks.

PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED: NO YES Note: If YES, note problems in remarks.

REMARKS: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________ (Use back for additional remarks.)



Dominion 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 2 of 119 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 PURPOSE 5


5 3.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS 8 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 8 5.0 INSTRUCTIONS 12 5.1 Startup of Normal Control Room Ventilation 12 5.2 Startup of Loop A of the Chilled Water System 14 5.3 Startup of Loop C of the Chilled Water System 16 5.4 Placing 1-VS-AC-7 & 1-VS-AC-1 in Service 18 5.5 Placing 1-VS-AC-6 & 1-VS-AC-2 in Service 21 5.6 Placing 2-VS-AC-8 & 2-VS-AC-6 in Service 24 5.7 Placing 2-VS-AC-9 & 2-VS-AC-7 in Service 27 5.8 Startup of 1-VS-E-4A, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER 30 5.9 Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4A, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER 36 5.10 Startup of 1-VS-E-4B, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER 37 5.11 Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4B, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER 42 5.12 Startup of 1-VS-E-4C, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER 43 5.13 Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4C, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER 48 5.14 Startup of 1-VS-E-4D, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER 49 5.15 Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4D, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER 54 5.16 Startup of 1-VS-E-4E, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER 55 5.17 Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4E, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER 60 5.18 Aligning 1-VS-E-4A, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER, for Standby on Chilled Water Loop A 61 5.19 Returning 1-VS-E-4A, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER, to Standby on Chilled Water Loop C 63

Dominion 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 3 of 119 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 5.20 Swapping 1-VS-E-4B Power Supply from Normal to Alternate 65 5.21 Swapping 1-VS-E-4B Power Supply from Alternate to Normal 66 5.22 Swapping 1-VS-E-4D Power Supply from Normal to Alternate 67 5.23 Swapping 1-VS-E-4D Power Supply from Alternate to Normal 68 5.24 Placing the MER 3 Ventilation System in Service 69 5.25 Removing the MER 3 Ventilation System from Service 71 5.26 Placing the MER 5 Ventilation System in Service 72 5.27 Removing the MER 5 Ventilation System from Service 73 5.28 Required Actions for Inoperability of 1-VS-E-4A 74 5.29 Required Actions for Inoperability of 1-VS-E-4B 76 5.30 Required Actions for Inoperability of 1-VS-E-4C 78 5.31 Required Actions for Inoperability of 1-VS-E-4D 80 5.32 Required Actions for Inoperability of 1-VS-E-4E 82 5.33 Reset of 1-VS-E-4D or 1-VS-E-4E Compressor Lockout or Evaporator Low Temperature Lockout 84 5.34 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4A for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop C 87 5.35 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4B for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop C 89 5.36 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4B for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop A 91 5.37 Securing 1-VS-E-4B from Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop A 96 5.38 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4C for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop C 98 5.39 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4A for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop A 100

Dominion 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 4 of 119 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 5.40 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4D for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop A 102 5.41 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4D for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop C 104 5.42 Securing from Alignment of 1-VS-E-4D for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop C 106 5.43 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4E for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop A 107 5.44 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4E for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop C 109 5.45 Securing from Alignment of 1-VS-E-4E for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop C 111 ATTACHMENTS 1 Operable Combination Determination 112 2 Control Room/ESGR Chilled Water System Overview 114 3 Control Room Chiller Power Supplies 115 4 MER 3 Chiller Operating Checks 116 5 Chilled Water Loop A AHU Flow Throttling and Verification 117 6 Chilled Water Loop C AHU Flow Throttling and Verification 118 7 MER 5 Chiller Diagnostics 119

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 5 of 119 1.0 PURPOSE CAUTION Following a loss of offsite power (with SI) it may be necessary to give EDG 3 to the non-accident unit to supply power to an AHU in all four areas. ( )-AP-10.07, Loss of Unit ( ) Power, provides guidance for performing these electrical lineups.

1.1 To provide instructions for the normal operation of the Control Room and Relay Room Ventilation System and associated subsystems.


2.1 Source Documents 2.1.1 UFSAR Section 9.13, Auxiliary Ventilation Systems 2.2 Technical Specifications Surry Power Stations Units 1 and 2 2.2.1 Section 3.14, Circulating and Service Water Systems 2.2.2 Section 3.23, Main Control Room and Emergency Switchgear Room Air Conditioning System 2.3 Technical Documents 2.3.1 11448-FB-41A, Sheet 1 and 2, Chilled Water System 2.3.2 11448-FM-71D, Circulating and Service Water System 2.3.3 11448-ESK-6FB1, Elementary Diagram MCR Chillers 1-VS-E-4A, 1-VS-E-4B, and 1-VS-E-4C 2.3.4 11448-ESK-6FC15, Elementary Diagram MCR Chiller 1-VS-E-4D

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 6 of 119 2.3.5 11448-ESK-6FC16, Elementary Diagram MCR Chiller 1-VS-E-4E 2.3.6 DCP 90-15, Control Room/Emergency Switchgear Room AHU Upgrades 2.3.7 Safety Evaluation 93-189, Minimum MCR AHU Chilled Water Flows 2.3.8 DCP 90-07-3, MER 3 HVAC and Electrical Ductbank Modifications 2.3.9 DCP 90-08-3, MER 5 Chiller Addition 2.3.10 0-OP-VS-006A, Control Room and Relay Room Ventilation System Alignment 2.3.11 0-MOP-VS-006, Removal from Service of Control Room Chiller 1-VS-E-4A 2.3.12 0-MOP-VS-008, Removal from Service of Control Room Chiller 1-VS-E-4B 2.3.13 0-MOP-VS-010, Removal from Service of Control Room Chiller 1-VS-E-4C 2.3.14 0-MOP-VS-012, Removal from Service of Control Room Chiller 1-VS-E-4D 2.3.15 0-MOP-VS-014, Removal from Service of Control Room Chiller 1-VS-E-4E 2.3.16 ET S-97-0016, MCR Chiller Recirculation PCV Strokes 2.3.17 ET S-97-0288, 1-VS-E-4D and 4E Suction Pressure 2.3.18 EN CALC EE-0771, Removal of Electrical Restrictions for Operation of MCR Chillers 1-VS-E-4A, 1-VS-E-4B, and 1-VS-E-4C 2.3.19 TSCR 303, Revision of MCR and ESGR Air Conditioning System Requirements 2.3.20 ET S-07-0056, Evaluation of 1-VS-E-4A Delta Pressure 2.3.21 ET S-07-0063, Service Water Differential Pressure & Chilled Water Temperature Acceptance Criteria Change for 1-VS-E-4A/Surry/U-1 2.3.22 DCP 07-007, Control Room AC Chilled Water Pipe Replacement

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 7 of 119 2.3.23 ET-S-08-0013, Service Water Differential Pressure Acceptance Criteria Change for 1-VS-E-4C 2.3.24 TSCR 397, Increased Maximum Service Water Temperature 2.3.25 ME-0621, Service Water Charging Pump Subsystem Pipe 2000 Evaluation 2.4 Commitment Documents 2.4.1 CTS 2070, LER S1-93-005, 2 of 3 Control Room Chillers inoperable 2.4.2 CTS 3526, Prohibit Manual Operation of MCR/ESGR AHU Dampers 2.4.3 PI S-2000-1923, Operable MCR/ESGR Air Conditioning 2.4.4 PI S-2000-2741, Low Recirc Flow on 1-VS-E-4D 2.4.5 PI S-2001-1772, Low Evaporator Flow Reset 2.4.6 PI-S-2002-2937, Operation of Chiller Thermostat in Vicinity of energized Circuits 2.4.7 PI-S-2004-2444, Service Water Shortfall on 1-VS-E-4E During Recirc Testing 2.4.8 PI-S-2004-3768, MCR Chiller SW Inlet Temperature 2.4.9 PI-S-2004-2298, MCR Chiller SW Differential Pressure 2.4.10 PI-S-2005-1695, SW Flow to an Operating Chiller 2.4.11 PI-S-2006-4626, Operability With Compressor Locked Out 2.4.12 PI-S-2004-4809, Provision for VS-S-1A/1B Backwash 2.4.13 OD000189, 2-VS-AC-9 Back Draft Damper

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 8 of 119 Init Verif 3.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS

_______ 3.1 The Control Room and Relay Room Ventilation System has been aligned IAW procedure 0-OP-VS-006A.

4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 4.1 Chillers must be operated with Chilled Water Loop A and Loop C aligned as separate loops.

4.2 Power must be supplied to an MER 3 chiller for a minimum of 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> and to an MER 5 chiller for a minimum of 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> before the chiller is started. This ensures adequate crankcase heating which removes freon from the oil.

4.3 The Control Room Chillers will not start when the temperature of the chilled water returning to the chiller is less than the chiller thermostat setpoint.

4.4 The following thermostat setting limitations apply for all MER 3 Control Room Chiller starts. (Reference 2.4.1) 4.4.1 Adjusting the Chilled Water thermostat requires manipulating controls inside an energized electrical panel. Use of a non-conductive screwdriver (kept in the non-SQC storage locker in the MCR Annex) is recommended.

4.4.2 Before starting the chiller, the Chilled Water thermostat must be set to 65°F.

4.4.3 Following chiller start, the thermostat should be decreased to 45°F in 5°F (or smaller) steps, allowing time for the chilled water temperature to stabilize between steps.

4.4.4 When the chiller is operating in a stable condition with the thermostat at 45°F, the thermostat will be adjusted as required to obtain 40°F to 45°F AHU inlet temperature on the respective chilled water loop.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 9 of 119 4.5 The MER 3 chillers strainer backwash valves (1-SW-317, 1-SW-327, or 2-SW-337),

are open when the arrow or scribe mark on the respective valves stem is in line with the Service Water piping and closed when the arrow or scribe mark is perpendicular to the Service Water piping. (Reference 2.4.1) 4.6 To ensure an adequate heat sink for the MER 3 chiller condensers and prevent possibly lifting a chiller freon relief valve when an MER 3 chiller is started, the respective strainer backwash valve must not be throttled any more than is required to obtain at least 30 psig discharge pressure on the associated Chiller Condenser Service Water Pump.

4.7 To prevent lifting the freon relief valve for the MER 3 chiller condensers, MER 3 Control Room Chiller compressors shall not be started and the MCR switch for any MER 3 Control Room Chiller being aligned for startup must be placed in OFF if Service Water temperature at the chiller inlet exceeds 100°F.

4.8 AHU 1-VS-AC-220, MER 3 Air Handling Unit, shall not be aligned to both Chilled Water loops at the same time. In order to ensure cooling is maintained to MER 3, AHU 1-VS-AC-220 should remain aligned to Chilled Water Loop C when any MER 3 Chiller is operating unless otherwise directed by an approved procedure.

4.9 Chiller 1-VS-E-4A will normally be aligned in a standby mode for Chilled Water Loop C and aligned to the Normal feeder (1J). Operation of 1-VS-E-4A on Chilled Water Loop A requires re-alignment to Loop A IAW Subsection 5.18.

4.10 To prevent possible overloading of an Emergency Bus, only one chiller at a time may be operating on any one Emergency Bus.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 10 of 119 4.11 Minimum Chilled Water flows for the Control Room / ESGR AHUs are listed in the table below. (Reference 2.3.7)

Mark Number Area Served Minimum Flow 1-VS-AC-1 Unit 1 MCR 10 gpm 1-VS-AC-2 Unit 1 MCR 10 gpm 1-VS-AC-6 Unit 1 ESGR 85 gpm 1-VS-AC-7 Unit 1 ESGR 85 gpm 2-VS-AC-6 Unit 2 ESGR 85 gpm 2-VS-AC-7 Unit 2 ESGR 85 gpm 2-VS-AC-8 Unit 2 MCR 20 gpm 2-VS-AC-9 Unit 2 MCR 20 gpm 4.12 Changing the Chilled Water flow to a MCR or ESGR AHU will change the Chilled Water flow to all AHUs on the associated Chilled Water Loop.

4.13 When Chilled Water flow to any AHU is changed, acceptable Chilled Water flow must be verified to all AHUs on the associated Chilled Water Loop IAW Attachment 5 or Attachment 6 as applicable.

4.14 AHUs should be placed in service on a Chilled Water Loop before starting a chiller on the same loop.

4.15 Attachment 5 or Attachment 6 may be used independently at any time to determine the existence of acceptable Chilled Water Flow to the MCR/ESGR AHUs.

4.16 To prevent an excessively negative pressure in the Main Control Room and possible damage to the MCR pressure boundary, 1-VS-AC-4 must be running before 1-VS-F-15 is started.

4.17 The MER 3 Chiller Trouble annunciator will alarm if any MER 3 Chiller Compressor is not started within nine minutes of starting the respective Chilled Water and Service Water pumps.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 11 of 119 4.18 In the tables contained in this procedure which contain Required Actions for chiller inoperability, the Control Room Chillers will be referred to by the letters A through E. The 1-VS-E-4 part of the chiller mark number is to be understood.

4.19 Attachment 1 contains tables that identify which 4160 Volt Emergency Bus serves as the Normal (and Alternate where applicable) power source for each Control Room Chiller and those combinations of operable Control Room Chillers which will satisfy Technical Specification 3.23.

4.20 Subsections 5.28 through 5.32 provide the major steps for ensuring continued compliance with Tech Spec 3.23. Individual component manipulations are to be performed IAW referenced subsections and/or procedures.

4.21 The words Operable Combination as used in this procedure are defined to mean a group of operable chillers which together satisfy the requirements of Technical Specification 3.23 so that entry in to a Technical Specification clock is not required.

4.22 Attachment 1 may be used independently at any time to determine the existence of an Operable Combination of Control Room Chillers.

4.23 Allowable single chiller operation alignments are as follows:

Loop A Chiller A or Chiller D or Chiller E Loop C Chiller A or Chiller B or Chiller C Alignment of 1-VS-E-4B on Loop A and alignment of 1-VS-E-4D or 1VS-E-4E on Loop C are provided as a contingency alignment for the Chilled Water Piping Replacement Project.

4.24 Subsection references are included for guidance when manipulations are required to achieve the desired alignment and do not need to be performed to verify condition(s) that exist from prior procedural performance.

4.25 If any parameter in Attachment 4, MER 3 Chiller Operating Checks is exceeded, the HVAC Crew will be required to perform 0-MPM-0210-01, Control Room Chillers Performance Checks to determine chiller operability.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 12 of 119 Init Verif 5.0 INSTRUCTIONS 5.1 Startup of Normal Control Room Ventilation 5.1.1 Verify stopped or stop the following fans.

_______ a. 1-VS-F-41, CONT RM EMERG SUP FAN

_______ b. 1-VS-F-42, RELAY RM EMERG SUP FAN

_______ c. 2-VS-F-41, CONT RM EMERG SUP FAN

_______ d. 2-VS-F-42, RELAY RM EMERG SUP FAN 5.1.2 Verify closed or close the following dampers.

_______ a. 1-VS-MOD-104A, CONT RM EMERG SUP MOD

_______ b. 1-VS-MOD-104B, RELAY RM EMERG SUP MOD

_______ c. 2-VS-MOD-204A, CONT RM EMERG SUP MOD

_______ d. 2-VS-MOD-204B, RELAY RM EMERG SUP MOD 5.1.3 Verify open or open the following isolation dampers.

_______ a. 1-VS-MOD-103A, CONT ROOM SUP MOD

_______ b. 1-VS-MOD-103B, CONT ROOM EXH MOD

_______ c. 1-VS-MOD-103C, CONT ROOM SUP MOD

_______ d. 1-VS-MOD-103D, CONT ROOM EXH MOD

_______ 5.1.4 Start or verify running 1-VS-AC-4, Service Building HV Unit.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 13 of 119 CAUTION To prevent an excessively negative pressure in the Main Control Room and possible damage to the MCR pressure boundary, 1-VS-AC-4 must be running before 1-VS-F-15 is started.

_______ 5.1.5 Start or verify running 1-VS-F-15, CONT / RELAY RM EXH FAN.

_______ 5.1.6 Record the following indications.

  • PDI-VS-100, D.P.-U1CR/U1TB ________Inches of Water
  • PDI-VS-101, D.P.-U1RR/U1TB ________ Inches of Water
  • PDI-VS-200, D.P.-U2CR/U2TB ________ Inches of Water
  • PDI-VS-201, D.P.-U2RR/U2TB ________ Inches of Water

_______ 5.1.7 IF any of the recorded values in Step 5.1.6 do not indicate a positive MCR pressure, THEN stop 1-VS-F-15, AND notify the System Engineer.

Otherwise, enter N/A.

5.1.8 Start or verify operating both Chilled Water Loops IAW the following subsections.


  • Subsection 5.2, Startup of Loop A of the Chilled Water System


  • Subsection 5.3, Startup of Loop C of the Chilled Water System Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 14 of 119 5.2 Startup of Loop A of the Chilled Water System 5.2.1 Verify or place the local switches for the following Chilled Water Loop A Air Handlers in ON.

_______ a. 1-VS-AC-1, CONT ROOM AHU

_______ b. 2-VS-AC-9, CONT ROOM AHU

_______ c. 1-VS-AC-7, UNIT 1 ESGR AHU

_______ d. 2-VS-AC-7, UNIT 2 ESGR AHU

_______ 5.2.2 For two chiller operation, perform or verify performed ONE of the following procedure subsections for two chiller operations. ( ) Enter N/A for this step if in single chiller operation.

____ Subsection 5.4, Placing 1-VS-AC-7 & 1-VS-AC-1 in Service

____ Subsection 5.7, Placing 2-VS-AC-9 & 2-VS-AC-7 in Service 5.2.3 For single chiller operation, perform or verify performed BOTH of the following procedure subsections. Enter N/A for this step if in two chiller operation.

_______ a. Subsection 5.4, Placing 1-VS-AC-7 & 1-VS-AC-1 in Service

_______ b. Subsection 5.7, Placing 2-VS-AC-9 & 2-VS-AC-7 in Service

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 15 of 119 NOTE: Control Room Chiller 1-VS-E-4A may be aligned to either Chilled Water Loop A or Chilled Water Loop C, but not to both.

_______ 5.2.4 Start or verify running ONE chiller aligned to Chilled Water Loop A in accordance with one of the following Subsections. ( ) Enter N/A if in single chiller operation on Loop C.

____ Subsection 5.14, Startup of 1-VS-E-4D, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER

____ Subsection 5.16, Startup of 1-VS-E-4E, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER

____ Subsection 5.8, Startup of 1-VS-E-4A, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 16 of 119 5.3 Startup of Loop C of the Chilled Water System 5.3.1 Verify or place the local switches for the following Chilled Water Loop C Air Handlers in ON.

_______ a. 1-VS-AC-2, CONT ROOM AHU

_______ b. 2-VS-AC-8, CONT ROOM AHU

_______ c. 1-VS-AC-6, UNIT 1 ESGR AHU

_______ d. 2-VS-AC-6, UNIT 2 ESGR AHU

_______ 5.3.2 For two chiller operation, perform or verify performed ONE of the following procedure subsections. ( ) Enter N/A for this step if in single chiller operations.

____ Subsection 5.5, Placing 1-VS-AC-6 & 1-VS-AC-2 in Service

____ Subsection 5.6, Placing 2-VS-AC-8 & 2-VS-AC-6 in Service 5.3.3 For single chiller operation, perform or verify performed BOTH of the following procedure subsections. Enter N/A for this step if in two chiller operation.

_______ ____ Subsection 5.5, Placing 1-VS-AC-6 & 1-VS-AC-2 in Service

_______ ____ Subsection 5.6, Placing 2-VS-AC-8 & 2-VS-AC-6 in Service

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 17 of 119 NOTE: Control Room Chiller 1-VS-E-4A may be aligned to either Chilled Water Loop A or Chilled Water Loop C, but not to both.

_______ 5.3.4 Start or verify running one chiller aligned to Chilled Water Loop C in accordance with one of the following Subsections. ( ) Enter N/A if in single chiller operation on Loop A.

____ Subsection 5.10, Startup of 1-VS-E-4B, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER

____ Subsection 5.12, Startup of 1-VS-E-4C, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER

____ Subsection 5.8, Startup of 1-VS-E-4A, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 18 of 119 5.4 Placing 1-VS-AC-7 & 1-VS-AC-1 in Service

_______ 5.4.1 Verify the green light for 1-VS-AC-7, UNIT 1 ESGR AHU, is ON.

_______ 5.4.2 Verify the green light for 1-VS-AC-1, UNIT 1 CONT ROOM AHU, is ON.

_______ 5.4.3 Place MCR switch 1-VS-AC-6 & 2, GROUP 1C UNIT 1 ESGR & CR AHU, in OFF.

_______ 5.4.4 AFTER allowing approximately 1 minute for fan speed to decrease and discharge dampers to close, THEN place MCR switch 1-VS-AC-7 & 1, GROUP 1A UNIT 1 ESGR & CR AHU, in ON.

CAUTION In order to prevent mis-alignment of backdraft damper linkage and possible inoperability of the associated AHU, backdraft damper linkage and counter-weights should not be manipulated.

(Reference 2.4.2)

NOTE: Proper backdraft damper operation is verified by reading the associated AHU Magnehelic P indications and verifying lack of reverse air flow for the shutdown AHUs.

_______ 5.4.5 Verify the following Magnehelic P gauges for 1-VS-AC-2, UNIT 1 CONT ROOM AHU, are not pegged low. IF either P gauge is pegged low, THEN notify Shift Supervision AND contact System Engineering for an operability determination.

____ COIL


DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 19 of 119 NOTE: Since Chilled Water normally continues to flow through the coils of shutdown AHUs, a small amount of cool convection air may be felt at the filter inlet of a shutdown AHU. This cool convection air is not to be considered air flow for the purpose of performing Steps 5.4.6 and 5.4.9.

_______ 5.4.6 Verify forced reverse air flow does not exist from the 1-VS-AC-2 inlet filters. IF forced air flow is observed, THEN notify Shift Supervision AND contact System Engineering for an operability determination.

_______ 5.4.7 Record the following Magnehelic P indications for 1-VS-AC-1 and perform any required action in Table 1 below based on the readings recorded.

Notify Shift Acceptable Notify System TABLE 1 Supervision Reading Engineering for Operability Determination COIL ________ in/H20 0.3 or 0.90 1.0 < 0.2 FILTER ________ in/H20 0.90 1.0 > 1.0

_______ 5.4.8 Verify the following Magnehelic P gauges for 1-VS-AC-6, UNIT 1 ESGR AHU, are not pegged low. IF either P gauge is pegged low, THEN notify Shift Supervision AND contact System Engineering for an operability determination.

____ COIL


_______ 5.4.9 Verify forced reverse air flow does not exist from the 1-VS-AC-6 inlet filters. IF forced air flow is observed, THEN notify Shift Supervision AND contact System Engineering for an operability determination.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 20 of 119

_______ 5.4.10 Record the following Magnehelic P indications for 1-VS-AC-7 and perform any required action in Table 1 below based on the readings recorded.

Notify Shift Acceptable Notify System TABLE 1 Supervision Reading Engineering for Operability Determination COIL ________ in/H20 0.90 or 1.5 1.6 < 0.8 FILTER ________ in/H20 0.90 1.0 > 1.0

_______ 5.4.11 IF adjustment of Chilled Water flow to 1-VS-AC-1 or 1-VS-AC-7 is desired, THEN perform Attachment 5. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 21 of 119 5.5 Placing 1-VS-AC-6 & 1-VS-AC-2 in Service

_______ 5.5.1 Verify the green light for 1-VS-AC-6, UNIT 1 ESGR AHU, is ON.

_______ 5.5.2 Verify the green light for 1-VS-AC-2, UNIT 1 CONT ROOM AHU, is ON.

_______ 5.5.3 Place MCR switch 1-VS-AC-7 & 1, GROUP 1A UNIT 1 ESGR & CR AHU, in OFF.

_______ 5.5.4 AFTER allowing approximately 1 minute for fan speed to decrease and discharge dampers to close, THEN place MCR switch 1-VS-AC-6 & 2, GROUP 1C UNIT 1 ESGR & CR AHU, in ON.

CAUTION In order to prevent mis-alignment of backdraft damper linkage and possible inoperability of the associated AHU, backdraft damper linkage and counter-weights should not be manipulated.

(Reference 2.4.2)

NOTE: Proper backdraft damper operation is verified by reading the associated AHU Magnehelic P indications and verifying lack of reverse air flow for the shutdown AHUs.

_______ 5.5.5 Verify the following Magnehelic DP gauges for 1-VS-AC-1, UNIT 1 CONT ROOM AHU, are not pegged low. IF either P gauge is pegged low, THEN notify Shift Supervision AND contact System Engineering for an operability determination.

____ COIL


DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 22 of 119 NOTE: Since Chilled Water normally continues to flow through the coils of shutdown AHUs, a small amount of cool convection air may be felt at the filter inlet of a shutdown AHU. This cool convection air is not to be considered air flow for the purpose of performing Steps 5.5.6 and 5.5.9.

_______ 5.5.6 Verify forced reverse air flow does not exist from the 1-VS-AC-1 inlet filters. IF forced air flow is observed, THEN notify Shift Supervision AND contact System Engineering for an operability determination.

_______ 5.5.7 Record the following Magnehelic P indications for 1-VS-AC-2 and perform any required action in Table 1 below based on the readings recorded.

Notify Shift Acceptable Notify System TABLE 1 Supervision Reading Engineering for Operability Determination COIL ________ in/H20 0.3 or 0.90 1.0 < 0.2 FILTER ________ in/H20 0.90 1.0 > 1.0

_______ 5.5.8 Verify the following Magnehelic P gauges for 1-VS-AC-7, UNIT 1 ESGR AHU, are not pegged low. IF either P gauge is pegged low, THEN notify Shift Supervision AND contact System Engineering for an operability determination.

____ COIL


_______ 5.5.9 Verify forced reverse air flow does not exist from the 1-VS-AC-7 inlet filters. IF forced air flow is observed, THEN notify Shift Supervision AND contact System Engineering for an operability determination.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 23 of 119

_______ 5.5.10 Record the following Magnehelic P indications for 1-VS-AC-6 and perform any required action in Table 1 below based on the readings recorded.

Notify Shift Acceptable Notify System TABLE 1 Supervision Reading Engineering for Operability Determination COIL ________ in/H20 0.90 or 1.5 1.6 < 0.8 FILTER ________ in/H20 0.90 1.0 > 1.0

_______ 5.5.11 IF adjustment of Chilled Water flow to 1-VS-AC-2 or 1-VS-AC-6 is desired, THEN perform Attachment 6. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 24 of 119 5.6 Placing 2-VS-AC-8 & 2-VS-AC-6 in Service

_______ 5.6.1 Verify the green light for 2-VS-AC-6, UNIT 2 ESGR AHU, is ON.

_______ 5.6.2 Verify the green light for 2-VS-AC-8, UNIT 2 CONT ROOM AHU, is ON.

_______ 5.6.3 Place MCR switch 2-VS-AC-9 & 7, GROUP 2A UNIT 2 CR & ESGR AHU, in OFF.

_______ 5.6.4 AFTER allowing approximately 1 minute for fan speed to decrease and discharge dampers to close, THEN place MCR switch 2-VS-AC-8 & 6, GROUP 2C UNIT 2 CR & ESGR AHU, in ON.

CAUTION In order to prevent mis-alignment of backdraft damper linkage and possible inoperability of the associated AHU, backdraft damper linkage and counter-weights should not be manipulated.

(Reference 2.4.2)

NOTE: Proper backdraft damper operation is verified by reading the associated AHU Magnehelic P indications and verifying lack of reverse air flow for the shutdown AHUs.

_______ 5.6.5 Verify the following Magnehelic P gauges for 2-VS-AC-9, UNIT 2 CONT ROOM AHU, are not pegged low. IF either P gauge is pegged low, THEN notify Shift Supervision AND contact System Engineering for an operability determination.

____ COIL


DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 25 of 119 NOTE: Since Chilled Water normally continues to flow through the coils of shutdown AHUs, a small amount of cool convection air may be felt at the filter inlet of a shutdown AHU. This cool convection air is not to be considered air flow for the purpose of performing Steps 5.6.6 and 5.6.9.

_______ 5.6.6 Verify forced reverse air flow does not exist from the 2-VS-AC-9 inlet filters. IF forced air flow is observed, THEN notify Shift Supervision AND contact System Engineering for an operability determination.

_______ 5.6.7 Record the following Magnehelic P indications for 2-VS-AC-8 and perform any required action in Table 1 below based on the readings recorded.

Notify Shift Acceptable Notify System TABLE 1 Supervision Reading Engineering for Operability Determination COIL ________ in/H20 0.3 or 0.90 1.0 < 0.2 FILTER ________ in/H20 0.90 1.0 > 1.0

_______ 5.6.8 Verify the following Magnehelic P gauges for 2-VS-AC-7, UNIT 2 ESGR AHU, are not pegged low. IF either P gauge is pegged low, THEN notify Shift Supervision AND contact System Engineering for an operability determination.

____ COIL


_______ 5.6.9 Verify forced reverse air flow does not exist from the 2-VS-AC-7 inlet filters. IF forced air flow is observed, THEN notify Shift Supervision AND contact System Engineering for an operability determination.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 26 of 119

_______ 5.6.10 Record the following Magnehelic P indications for 2-VS-AC-6 and perform any required action in Table 1 below based on the readings recorded.

Notify Shift Acceptable Notify System TABLE 1 Supervision Reading Engineering for Operability Determination COIL ________ in/H20 0.90 or 1.5 1.6 < 0.8 FILTER ________ in/H20 0.90 1.0 > 1.0

_______ 5.6.11 IF adjustment of Chilled Water flow to 2-VS-AC-6 or 2-VS-AC-8 is desired, THEN perform Attachment 6. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 27 of 119 5.7 Placing 2-VS-AC-9 & 2-VS-AC-7 in Service

_______ 5.7.1 Verify the green light for 2-VS-AC-7, UNIT 2 ESGR AHU, is ON.

_______ 5.7.2 Verify the green light for 2-VS-AC-9, UNIT 2 CONT ROOM AHU, is ON.

_______ 5.7.3 Place MCR switch 2-VS-AC-8 & 6, GROUP 2C UNIT 2 CR & ESGR AHU, in OFF.

_______ 5.7.4 AFTER allowing approximately 1 minute for fan speed to decrease and discharge dampers to close, THEN place MCR switch 2-VS-AC-9 & 7, GROUP 2A UNIT 2 CR & ESGR AHU, in ON.

CAUTION In order to prevent mis-alignment of backdraft damper linkage and possible inoperability of the associated AHU, backdraft damper linkage and counter-weights should not be manipulated to the full open or full closed positions. (Reference 2.4.2)

NOTE: Proper backdraft damper operation is verified by reading the associated AHU Magnehelic P indications and verifying lack of reverse air flow for the shutdown AHUs.

_______ 5.7.5 Verify the following Magnehelic P gauges for 2-VS-AC-8, UNIT 2 CONT ROOM AHU, are not pegged low. IF either P gauge is pegged low, THEN notify Shift Supervision AND contact System Engineering for an operability determination.

____ COIL


DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 28 of 119 NOTE: Since Chilled Water normally continues to flow through the coils of shutdown AHUs, a small amount of cool convection air may be felt at the filter inlet of a shutdown AHU. This cool convection air is not to be considered air flow for the purpose of performing Steps 5.7.6 and 5.7.9.

_______ 5.7.6 Verify forced reverse air flow does not exist from the 2-VS-AC-8 inlet filters. IF forced air flow is observed, THEN notify Shift Supervision AND contact System Engineering for an operability determination.

_______ 5.7.7 Record the following Magnehelic P indications for 2-VS-AC-9 and perform any required action in Table 1 below based on the readings recorded. IF coil dp is less than 0.30 in/H2O, THEN manually open air handler backdraft damper per OD000189 AND record data again.

Notify Shift Acceptable Notify System TABLE 1 Supervision Reading Engineering for Operability Determination COIL ________ in/H20 0.3 or 0.90 1.0 < 0.2 FILTER ________ in/H20 0.90 1.0 > 1.0

_______ 5.7.8 Verify the following Magnehelic P gauges for 2-VS-AC-6, UNIT 2 ESGR AHU, are not pegged low. IF either P gauge is pegged low, THEN notify Shift Supervision AND contact System Engineering for an operability determination.

____ COIL


_______ 5.7.9 Verify forced reverse air flow does not exist from the 2-VS-AC-6 inlet filters. IF forced air flow is observed, THEN notify Shift Supervision AND contact System Engineering for an operability determination.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 29 of 119

_______ 5.7.10 Record the following Magnehelic P indications for 2-VS-AC-7 and perform any required action in Table 1 below based on the readings recorded.

Notify Shift Acceptable Notify System TABLE 1 Supervision Reading Engineering for Operability Determination COIL ________ in/H20 0.90 or 1.5 1.6 < 0.8 FILTER ________ in/H20 0.90 1.0 > 1.0

_______ 5.7.11 IF adjustment of Chilled Water flow to 2-VS-AC-7 or 2-VS-AC-9 is desired, THEN perform Attachment 5. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 30 of 119 5.8 Startup of 1-VS-E-4A, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER CAUTION When operation on Chilled Water Loop A is desired, 1-VS-E-4A must first be aligned for Loop A Standby IAW Subsection 5.18 of this procedure.

5.8.1 IF 1-VS-E-4A will be operated on Chilled Water Loop A, THEN perform the following substeps. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ a. Verify 1-VS-E-4A is aligned for Standby on Chilled Water Loop A IAW Subsection 5.18.

_______ b. Shutdown or verify shutdown 1-VS-E-4D IAW Subsection 5.15.

_______ c. Shutdown or verify shutdown 1-VS-E-4E IAW Subsection 5.17.

_______ d. Open 1-VS-571, MER 3 CHILLERS CD LOOP A DISCH HDR ISOL.

_______ 5.8.2 IF 1-VS-E-4A is currently aligned to Chilled Water Loop A, AND is required to supply Chilled Water Loop C, THEN align 1-VS-E-4A for Standby on Chilled Water Loop C IAW Subsection 5.19. Otherwise, enter N/A.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 31 of 119 5.8.3 IF 1-VS-E-4A will be operated on Chilled Water Loop C, THEN perform the following substeps. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ a. Shutdown or verify shutdown 1-VS-E-4B IAW Subsection 5.11.

_______ b. Shutdown or verify shutdown 1-VS-E-4C IAW Subsection 5.13.


_______ d. Verify open 1-VS-286, CONT & RELAY RM CHILLER 4B/C OUTLET HDR XCONN.

_______ 5.8.4 Verify or place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4A, CR CHLR 4A LOCAL CONTROL SW, in OFF.

_______ 5.8.5 Verify oil level in the 1-VS-E-4A compressor is visible in the sightglass and the oil reservoir is warm to the touch.

5.8.6 Depress the following reset pushbuttons on the 1-VS-E-4A local control panel.

_______ a. Suction Pressure

_______ b. Discharge Pressure

_______ c. Oil Pressure

_______ 5.8.7 Set the thermostat for 1-VS-E-4A to 65°F. (Reference 2.4.1)

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 32 of 119 CAUTION Strainer Backwash Header Isolation 1-SW-317 is open when the arrow or scribe mark on the valve stem is in line with the Service Water piping and closed when the arrow or scribe mark is perpendicular to the piping. (Reference 2.4.1)

_______ 5.8.8 Open 1-SW-317, STR BACKWASH SUPPLY ISOL FROM 1-VS-P-1A.

NOTE: With the MCR switch ON and 1-VS-CS-CHLR4A OFF, the temperature control PCVs fail to the full recirc position, which will cause service water temperature and chiller condenser pressure to begin increasing due to the addition of pump heat. Blowdown through 1-SW-317 provides chiller cooling until the compressor is started.

_______ 5.8.9 Place the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4A, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER, in ON.

_______ 5.8.10 Locally verify 1-VS-P-2A, CHILLER 4A CHILLED WATER PUMP, starts.

_______ 5.8.11 Locally verify 1-VS-P-1A, CHILLER 4A SW PUMP, starts.

CAUTION To ensure an adequate heat sink for the chiller condenser and prevent possibly lifting the chiller freon relief valve, 1-SW-317 must not be throttled any more than is required to obtain at least 30 psig discharge pressure as indicated on 1-SW-DPI-116A.

_______ 5.8.12 IF the pressure indicated on 1-SW-DPI-116A, 1-VS-P-1A Discharge, is less than 30 PSIG, THEN throttle 1-SW-317, STR BACKWASH SUPPLY ISOL FROM 1-VS-P-1A, only enough to obtain at least 30 PSIG on 1-SW-PI-116A. Otherwise, enter N/A.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 33 of 119 CAUTION To prevent lifting the freon relief valve for the chiller condenser, the chiller compressor shall not be started and the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4A must be placed in OFF if Service Water temperature at the chiller inlet exceeds 100°F.

5.8.13 IF 1-SW-TI-115A, Chiller Condenser Inlet Temperature, indicates more than 100°F, THEN perform the following. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ a. Perform Subsection 5.9

_______ b. Notify Shift Supervision and the System Engineer.

_______ c. Enter N/A for the remaining steps in this subsection.

NOTE: The MER 3 Chiller Trouble annunciator will alarm if the 1-VS-E-4A Compressor is not started within nine minutes of starting the respective Chilled Water and Service Water pumps.

_______ 5.8.14 Place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4A, CR CHLR 4A LOCAL CONTROL SW, in ON.

NOTE: The Control Room Chillers will not start when the temperature of the chilled water returning to the chiller is less than the chiller thermostat setpoint.

_______ 5.8.15 IF 1-VS-E-4A did NOT start, THEN slowly lower the 1-VS-E-4A thermostat setpoint until the chiller starts. IF 1-VS-E-4A is running, OR chiller fails to start when the thermostat setpoint is lowered, THEN enter N/A.

_______ 5.8.16 WHEN the 1-VS-E-4A compressor is running, THEN lower the 1-VS-E-4A thermostat setpoint 5°F. Otherwise, enter N/A.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 34 of 119 5.8.17 IF 1-VS-E-4A fails to start, THEN perform the following. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ a. Perform Subsection 5.9.

_______ b. Notify Shift Supervision and the System Engineer.

_______ c. Enter N/A for the remaining steps in this subsection.

_______ 5.8.18 Lower the setpoint of the 1-VS-E-4A thermostat to 45°F in 5°F (or smaller) steps, while adjusting 1-SW-317 as necessary to obtain between 85°F and 100°F (85°F to 95°F preferred) on 1-SW-TI-115A.

_______ 5.8.19 IF 1-VS-E-4A is aligned to Chilled Water Loop A, THEN while adjusting 1-SW-317 as necessary to maintain 1-SW-TI-115A between 85°F and 100°F (85°F to 95°F preferred), adjust the setpoint of the 1-VS-E-4A thermostat as required to obtain 40°F to 45°F as indicated on 2-VS-TI-216, UNIT 2 RELAY ROOM AC 7 CD INLET TEMP IND. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 5.8.20 IF 1-VS-E-4A is aligned to Chilled Water Loop C, THEN while adjusting 1-SW-317 as necessary to maintain 1-SW-TI-115A between 85°F and 100°F (85°F to 95°F preferred), adjust the setpoint of the 1-VS-E-4A thermostat as required to obtain 40°F to 45°F as indicated on 2-VS-TI-214, UNIT 2 RELAY ROOM AC 6 CD INLET TEMP IND. Otherwise, enter N/A.

NOTE: Steps 5.8.21 and 5.8.22 may be performed together.

Depending on the season and length of system shutdown, it may take up to 30 minutes for Chilled Water and Service Water temperatures to reach the ranges specified on Attachment 4.

_______ 5.8.21 Check 1-VS-E-4A for proper operation by completing Attachment 4.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 35 of 119 5.8.22 Perform one of the following attachments.

_______ a. IF 1-VS-E-4A is aligned to Chilled Water Loop A, THEN perform Attachment 5. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ b. IF 1-VS-E-4A is aligned to Chilled Water Loop C, THEN perform Attachment 6. Otherwise, enter N/A.

CAUTION To prevent a possible low temperature trip of 1-VS-E-4A, the chiller thermostat may require adjustment after an equilibrium condition is reached on the affected Chilled Water Loop.

5.8.23 WHEN stable operation of the 1-VS-E-4A chiller is obtained, THEN perform one of the following substeps. Enter N/A for the substep not performed.

_______ a. IF 1-VS-E-4A is aligned to Chilled Water Loop A, THEN while adjusting 1-SW-317 as necessary to maintain 1-SW-TI-115A between 85°F and 100°F (85°F to 95°F preferred), adjust the setpoint of the 1-VS-E-4A thermostat as required to obtain 40°F to 45°F as indicated on 2-VS-TI-216, UNIT 2 RELAY ROOM AC 7 CD INLET TEMP IND. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ b. IF 1-VS-E-4A is aligned to Chilled Water Loop C, THEN while adjusting 1-SW-317 as necessary to maintain 1-SW-TI-115A between 85°F and 100°F (85°F to 95°F preferred), adjust the setpoint of the 1-VS-E-4A thermostat as required to obtain 40°F to 45°F as indicated on 2-VS-TI-214, UNIT 2 RELAY ROOM AC 6 CD INLET TEMP IND. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 36 of 119 5.9 Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4A, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER

_______ 5.9.1 Place the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4A, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER, in OFF.

_______ 5.9.2 Place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4A, CR CHLR 4A LOCAL CONTROL SW, in OFF.

_______ 5.9.3 Close or verify closed 1-VS-285, CONT & RELAY RM CHILLER 4A/B OUTLET HDR XCONN.

_______ 5.9.4 Close or verify closed 1-VS-571, MER 3 CHILLERS CD LOOP A DISCH HDR ISOL.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 37 of 119 5.10 Startup of 1-VS-E-4B, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER

_______ 5.10.1 Verify 1-VS-E-4C is shutdown IAW Subsection 5.13. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 5.10.2 IF 1-VS-E-4A is aligned to Chilled Water Loop C, THEN verify 1-VS-E-4A is shutdown IAW Subsection 5.9. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 5.10.3 Verify or place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4B, CR CHLR 4B LOCAL CONTROL SW, in OFF.

_______ 5.10.4 Verify oil level in the 1-VS-E-4B compressor is visible in the sightglass and the oil reservoir is warm to the touch.

5.10.5 Depress the following reset pushbuttons on the 1-VS-E-4B local control panel.

_______ a. Suction Pressure

_______ b. Discharge Pressure

_______ c. Oil Pressure

_______ 5.10.6 Set the thermostat for 1-VS-E-4B to 65°F. (Reference 2.4.1) 5.10.7 Perform the following Chilled Water alignment.

_______ a. Verify closed 1-VS-285, CONT & RELAY RM CHILLER 4A/B OUTLET HDR XCONN.

_______ b. Verify open 1-VS-286, CONT & RELAY RM CHILLER 4B/C OUTLET HDR XCONN.

_______ c. Open 1-VS-1020, CR CHILLER 4B CD OUTLET.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 38 of 119 CAUTION Strainer Backwash Header Isolation 1-SW-327 is open when the arrow or scribe mark on the valve stem is in line with the Service Water piping and closed when the arrow or scribe mark is perpendicular to the piping. (Reference 2.4.1)

_______ 5.10.8 Open 1-SW-327, STR BACKWASH SUPPLY ISOL FROM 1-VS-P-1B.

NOTE: With the MCR switch ON and 1-VS-CS-CHLR4B OFF, the temperature control PCVs fail to the full recirc position, which will cause service water temperature and chiller condenser pressure to begin increasing due to the addition of pump heat. Blowdown through 1-SW-327 provides chiller cooling until the compressor is started.

_______ 5.10.9 Place the MCR switch, for 1-VS-E-4B, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER, in ON.

_______ 5.10.10 Locally verify 1-VS-P-2B, CHILLER 4B CHILLED WATER PUMP, starts.

_______ 5.10.11 Locally verify 1-VS-P-1B, CHILLER 4B SW PUMP, starts.

CAUTION To ensure an adequate heat sink for the chiller condenser and prevent possibly lifting the chiller freon relief valve, 1-SW-327 must not be throttled any more than is required to obtain at least 30 psig discharge pressure as indicated on 1-SW-DPI-116B.

_______ 5.10.12 IF the pressure indicated on 1-SW-DPI-116B, 1-VS-P-1B Discharge, is less than 30 PSIG, THEN throttle 1-SW-327, STR BACKWASH SUPPLY ISOL FROM 1-VS-P-1B, only enough to obtain at least 30 PSIG on 1-SW-PI-116B. Otherwise, enter N/A.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 39 of 119 CAUTION To prevent lifting the freon relief valve for the chiller condenser, the chiller compressor shall not be started and the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4B must be placed in OFF if Service Water temperature at the chiller inlet exceeds 100°F.

5.10.13 IF 1-SW-TI-115B, Chiller Condenser Inlet Temperature, indicates more than 100°F, THEN perform the following. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ a. Perform Subsection 5.11.

_______ b. Notify Shift Supervision and the System Engineer.

_______ c. Enter N/A for the remaining steps in this subsection.

NOTE: The MER 3 Chiller Trouble annunciator will alarm if the 1-VS-E-4B Compressor is not started within nine minutes of starting the respective Chilled Water and Service Water pumps.

_______ 5.10.14 Place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4B, CR CHLR 4B LOCAL CONTROL SW, in ON.

NOTE: The Control Room Chillers will not start when the temperature of the chilled water returning to the chiller is less than the chiller thermostat setpoint.

_______ 5.10.15 IF 1-VS-E-4B did NOT start, THEN slowly lower the 1-VS-E-4B thermostat setpoint until the chiller starts. IF 1-VS-E-4B is running, OR chiller fails to start when the thermostat setpoint is lowered, THEN enter N/A.

_______ 5.10.16 WHEN the 1-VS-E-4B compressor is running, THEN lower the 1-VS-E-4B thermostat setpoint 5°F. Otherwise, enter N/A.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 40 of 119 5.10.17 IF 1-VS-E-4B fails to start, THEN perform the following. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ a. Perform Subsection 5.11.

_______ b. Notify Shift Supervision and the System Engineer.

_______ c. Enter N/A for the remaining steps in this subsection.

_______ 5.10.18 Lower the setpoint of the 1-VS-E-4B thermostat to 45°F in 5°F (or smaller) steps, while adjusting 1-SW-327 as necessary to obtain between 85°F and 100°F (85°F to 95°F preferred) on 1-SW-TI-115B.

_______ 5.10.19 While adjusting 1-SW-327 as necessary to maintain 1-SW-TI-115B between 85°F and 100°F (85°F to 95°F preferred), adjust the setpoint of the 1-VS-E-4B thermostat as required to obtain 40°F to 45°F as indicated on 2-VS-TI-214, UNIT 2 RELAY ROOM AC 6 CD INLET TEMP IND.

Otherwise, enter N/A.

NOTE: Steps 5.10.20 and 5.10.21 may be performed together.

Depending on the season and length of system shutdown, it may take up to 30 minutes for Chilled Water and Service Water temperatures to reach the ranges specified on Attachment 4.

_______ 5.10.20 Check 1-VS-E-4B for proper operation by completing Attachment 4.

_______ 5.10.21 Perform Attachment 6.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 41 of 119 CAUTION To prevent a possible low temperature trip of 1-VS-E-4B, the chiller thermostat may require adjustment after an equilibrium condition is reached on the affected Chilled Water Loop.

_______ 5.10.22 WHEN stable operation of the 1-VS-E-4B chiller is obtained, THEN while adjusting 1-SW-327 as necessary to obtain between 85°F and 100°F (85°F to 95°F preferred) on 1-SW-TI-115B, slowly adjust the 1-VS-E-4B thermostat as required to obtain 40°F to 45°F as indicated on 2-VS-TI-214, UNIT 2 RELAY ROOM AC 6 CD INLET TEMP IND.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 42 of 119 5.11 Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4B, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER

_______ 5.11.1 Place the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4B, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER, in OFF.

_______ 5.11.2 Place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4B, CR CHLR 4B LOCAL CONTROL SW, in OFF.

_______ 5.11.3 Close 1-VS-1020, CR CHILLER 4B CD OUTLET.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 43 of 119 5.12 Startup of 1-VS-E-4C, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER

_______ 5.12.1 Verify 1-VS-E-4B is shutdown IAW Subsection 5.11. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 5.12.2 IF 1-VS-E-4A is aligned to Chilled Water Loop C, THEN verify 1-VS-E-4A is shutdown IAW Subsection 5.9. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 5.12.3 Verify or place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4C, CR CHLR 4C LOCAL CONTROL SW, in OFF.

_______ 5.12.4 Verify oil level in the 1-VS-E-4C compressor is visible in the sightglass and the oil reservoir is warm to the touch.

5.12.5 Depress the following reset pushbuttons on the 1-VS-E-4C local control panel.


  • Suction Pressure


  • Discharge Pressure


  • Oil Pressure

_______ 5.12.6 Set the thermostat for 1-VS-E-4C to 65°F. (Reference 2.4.1)

_______ 5.12.7 Open 1-VS-1021, CR CHILLER 4C CD OUTLET.

CAUTION Strainer Backwash Header Isolation 2-SW-337 is open when the arrow or scribe mark on the valve stem is in line with the Service Water piping and closed when the arrow or scribe mark is perpendicular to the piping. (Reference 2.4.1)

_______ 5.12.8 Open 2-SW-337, STR BACKWASH SUPPLY ISOL FROM 1-VS-P-1C.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 44 of 119 NOTE: With the MCR switch ON and 1-VS-CS-CHLR4C OFF, the temperature control PCVs fail to the full recirc position, which will cause service water temperature and chiller condenser pressure to begin increasing due to the addition of pump heat. Blowdown through 2-SW-337 provides chiller cooling until the compressor is started.

_______ 5.12.9 Place the MCR switch, for 1-VS-E-4C, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER, in ON.

_______ 5.12.10 Locally verify 1-VS-P-2C, CONTROL & RELAY ROOM AC CHILLED WATER PUMP 2C, starts.

_______ 5.12.11 Locally verify 1-VS-P-1C, CONTROL & RELAY ROOM CHILLER CNDSR 4C SW PUMP, starts.

CAUTION To ensure an adequate heat sink for the chiller condenser and prevent possibly lifting the chiller freon relief valve, 2-SW-337 must not be throttled any more than is required to obtain at least 30 psig discharge pressure as indicated on 1-SW-DPI-116C.

_______ 5.12.12 IF the pressure indicated on 1-SW-DPI-116C, 1-VS-P-1C Discharge, is less than 30 PSIG, THEN throttle 2-SW-337, STR BACKWASH SUPPLY ISOL FROM 1-VS-P-1C, only enough to obtain at least 30 PSIG on 1-SW-DPI-116C. Otherwise, enter N/A.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 45 of 119 CAUTION To prevent lifting the freon relief valve for the chiller condenser, the chiller compressor shall not be started and the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4C must be placed in OFF if Service Water temperature at the chiller inlet exceeds 100°F.

5.12.13 IF 1-SW-TI-115C, Chiller Condenser Inlet Temperature, indicates more than 100°F, THEN perform the following. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ a. Perform Subsection 5.13.

_______ b. Notify Shift Supervision and the System Engineer.

_______ c. Enter N/A for the remaining steps in this subsection.

NOTE: The MER 3 Chiller Trouble annunciator will alarm if the 1-VS-E-4C Compressor is not started within nine minutes of starting the respective Chilled Water and Service Water pumps.

_______ 5.12.14 Place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4C, CR CHLR 4C LOCAL CONTROL SW, in ON.

NOTE: The Control Room Chillers will not start when the temperature of the chilled water returning to the chiller is less than the chiller thermostat setpoint.

_______ 5.12.15 IF 1-VS-E-4C did NOT start, THEN slowly lower the 1-VS-E-4C thermostat setpoint until the chiller starts. IF 1-VS-E-4C is running, OR chiller fails to start when the thermostat setpoint is lowered, THEN enter N/A.

_______ 5.12.16 WHEN the 1-VS-E-4C compressor is running, THEN lower the 1-VS-E-4C thermostat setpoint 5°F. Otherwise, enter N/A.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 46 of 119 5.12.17 IF 1-VS-E-4C fails to start, THEN perform the following. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ a. Perform Subsection 5.13.

_______ b. Notify Shift Supervision and the System Engineer.

_______ c. Enter N/A for the remaining steps in this subsection.

_______ 5.12.18 Lower the setpoint of the 1-VS-E-4C thermostat to 45°F in 5°F (or smaller) steps, while adjusting 2-SW-337 as necessary to obtain between 85°F and 100°F (85°F to 95°F preferred) on 1-SW-TI-115C.

_______ 5.12.19 While adjusting 2-SW-337 as necessary to maintain 1-SW-TI-115C between 85°F and 100°F (85°F to 95°F preferred), adjust the setpoint of the 1-VS-E-4C thermostat as required to obtain 40°F to 45°F as indicated on 2-VS-TI-214, UNIT 2 RELAY ROOM AC 6 CD INLET TEMP IND.

Otherwise, enter N/A.

NOTE: Steps 5.12.20 and 5.12.21 may be performed together.

Depending on the season and length of system shutdown, it may take up to 30 minutes for Chilled Water and Service Water temperatures to reach the ranges specified on Attachment 4.

_______ 5.12.20 Check 1-VS-E-4C for proper operation by completing Attachment 4.

_______ 5.12.21 Perform Attachment 6.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 47 of 119 CAUTION To prevent a possible low temperature trip of 1-VS-E-4C, the chiller thermostat may require adjustment after an equilibrium condition is reached on the affected Chilled Water Loop.

_______ 5.12.22 WHEN stable operation of the 1-VS-E-4C chiller is obtained, THEN while adjusting 2-SW-337 as necessary to obtain between 85°F and 100°F (85°F to 95°F preferred) on 1-SW-TI-115C, slowly adjust the 1-VS-E-4C thermostat as required to obtain 40°F to 45°F as indicated on 2-VS-TI-214, 2-VS-AC-6 Inlet Temperature.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 48 of 119 5.13 Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4C, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER

_______ 5.13.1 Place the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4C, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER, in OFF.

_______ 5.13.2 Place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4C, CR CHLR 4C LOCAL CONTROL SW, in OFF.

_______ 5.13.3 Close 1-VS-1021, CR CHILLER 4C CD OUTLET.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 49 of 119 5.14 Startup of 1-VS-E-4D, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER

_______ 5.14.1 Verify 1-VS-E-4E is shutdown IAW Subsection 5.17.

_______ 5.14.2 IF 1-VS-E-4A is aligned to Chilled Water Loop A, THEN verify 1-VS-E-4A is shutdown IAW Subsection 5.9. Otherwise, enter N/A.

WARNING To prevent serious injury or death due to electrical shock, avoid contact with the exposed energized conductors located in the chiller Control / Power Panels.

NOTE: The IS41 Unit Service Switch is located on the Chiller Control Module, in the left side of the chiller 1-VS-E-4D Control / Power Panel.

_______ 5.14.3 Verify the IS41 Unit Service Switch is in the PUMPDOWN OR RESET position.

_______ 5.14.4 Verify 1-VS-CS-CHLR4D, CR CHLR 4D LOCAL CONTROL SW, is in OFF.

5.14.5 At 1-SW-PNL-2, CR CHILLER 4D COMPR HEAD PRESS CONTROL PNL, verify automatic head pressure control is in service by verifying or performing the following substeps.

_______ a. Verify the green -15V and +15V lights in the lower right of the panel are ON.

_______ b. Verify the green light at the lower left of the A (Auto) pushbutton is ON.

Otherwise, depress the A (Auto) pushbutton.

_______ c. IF the green light at the lower left of the A (Auto) pushbutton is OFF, THEN enter N/A for the remaining steps in this subsection AND notify the System Engineer. Otherwise, enter N/A.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 50 of 119 NOTE: The Service Water flow is to be checked with control valves in full recirc position (1-SW-PCV-100D full closed and 1-SW-PCV-101D full open).

Valves are in recirc position immediately upon start-up and when the chiller is unloaded.

_______ 5.14.6 Place the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4D in ON.

5.14.7 IF Service Water flow indicated on 1-SW-FI-133D, CR CHILLER 4D SW RECIRC HDR FLOW IND, is less than 165 gpm, OR greater than 175 gpm, THEN perform the following substep. Otherwise, enter N/A for the following substeps a.1 through a.4.

_______ a. Throttle 1-SW-775, CR Chiller 4D SW Recirc PCV-101D, to obtain between 165 and 175 gpm (170 target). IF flow can not be established in the 165 and 175 gpm band, THEN perform the following substeps.

Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 1. Place the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4D in OFF.

_______ 2. Notify the System Engineer.

_______ 3. Start 1-VS-E-4E or 1-VS-E-4A on Chilled Water Loop A.

_______ 4. Enter N/A for the remaining steps in this subsection.

_______ 5.14.8 Verify Chilled Water flow of between 210 gpm and 265 gpm as indicated on 1-VS-FIS-132D, CR CHILLER 4D CD FLOW IND SWITCH.

Otherwise, throttle 1-VS-648, MER 5 CD DISCH HDR ISOL, to obtain between 210 gpm and 265 gpm.

_______ 5.14.9 Place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4D, CR CHLR 4D LOCAL CONTROL SW, in ON.

_______ 5.14.10 Place the IS41 Unit Service Switch in ON.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 51 of 119 NOTE: The diagnostic LEDs are located on the Chiller Control Module, in the left side of the chiller 1-VS-E-4D Control / Power Panel.

_______ 5.14.11 Verify the diagnostic LEDs on the Chiller Control Module are LIT in the START MODE configuration.

5.14.12 IF the diagnostic LEDs are NOT LIT in the START MODE configuration, THEN perform the following substeps. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ a. Place the IS41 Unit Service Switch in the PUMPDOWN OR RESET position.

_______ b. Place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4D, CR CHLR 4D LOCAL CONTROL SW, in OFF.

_______ c. Verify the COMPRESSOR 1 ON light on the Chiller Alarm Panel is OFF.

_______ d. Verify the COMPRESSOR 2 ON light on the Chiller Alarm Panel is OFF.

_______ e. Place the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4D in OFF.

_______ f. Notify the System Engineer.

_______ g. Start 1-VS-E-4E or 1-VS-E-4A on Chilled Water Loop A.

_______ h. Enter N/A for the remaining steps in this subsection.

_______ 5.14.13 Verify the 1-VS-E-4D chiller starts after a 5 minute time delay.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 52 of 119 NOTE: Depending on the season and length of system shutdown, it may take up to 30 minutes for Chilled Water and Service Water temperatures to reach the ranges specified in the following step.

5.14.14 After 1-VS-E-4D has run for at least five minutes, verify the following parameters are within the stated limits.

_______ a. 1-SW-TI-115D, CR CHILLER 4D SW INLET TEMP IND, between 85°F and 100°F

_______ b. 1-SW-TI-109D, CR CHILLER 4D SW OUTLET TEMP IND, less than or equal to 115°F

_______ c. 1-SW-PDI-130D, CR CHILLER CNDSR 4D SW DIFF PRESS IND, between 3.0 psid and 15.0 psid

_______ d. COMP 1 DISCH PRESS, less than 350 psig

_______ e. COMP 1 OIL PRESS, at least 20 psi greater than COMP 1 SUCT PRESS

_______ f. COMP 1 SUCT PRESS, between 51 psig and 75 psig

_______ g. COMP 2 DISCH PRESS, less than 350 psig

_______ h. COMP 2 OIL PRESS, at least 20 psi greater than COMP 2 SUCT PRESS

_______ i. COMP 2 SUCT PRESS, between 51 psig and 75 psig

_______ j. 1-VS-TI-121D, CR CHILLER 4D CD INLET TEMP IND, less than or equal to 55°F

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 53 of 119

_______ k. 1-VS-TI-132D, CR CHILLER 4D CD OUTLET TEMP IND, between 38°F to 45°F

l. IF any of the above parameters are outside of the stated limits, THEN shutdown 1-VS-E-4D by performing the following substeps. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 1. Place the IS41 Unit Service Switch in the PUMPDOWN OR RESET position.

_______ 2. Verify 1-VS-E-4D unloads and shuts down automatically.

_______ 3. Verify the COMPRESSOR 1 ON light on the Chiller Alarm Panel is OFF.

_______ 4. Verify the COMPRESSOR 2 ON light on the Chiller Alarm Panel is OFF.

_______ 5. WHEN both 1-VS-E-4D compressors are OFF, THEN place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4D, CR CHLR 4D LOCAL CONTROL SW, in OFF.

_______ 6. Place the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4D in OFF.

_______ 7. Notify the System Engineer.

_______ 5.14.15 IF 1-VS-E-4D COMP 1 (or 2) DISCH PRESS is greater than 280 psig, THEN notify the System Engineer. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 5.14.16 Perform Attachment 5.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 54 of 119 5.15 Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4D, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER

_______ 5.15.1 Place the IS41 Unit Service Switch in the PUMPDOWN OR RESET position.

_______ 5.15.2 Verify 1-VS-E-4D unloads and shuts down automatically.

_______ 5.15.3 Verify the COMPRESSOR 1 ON light on the Chiller Alarm Panel is OFF.

_______ 5.15.4 Verify the COMPRESSOR 2 ON light on the Chiller Alarm Panel is OFF.

_______ 5.15.5 WHEN both 1-VS-E-4D compressors are OFF, THEN place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4D, CR CHLR 4D LOCAL CONTROL SW, in OFF.

_______ 5.15.6 Place the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4D in OFF.

_______ 5.15.7 IF 1-VS-AC-220, MER 3 Air Handling Unit, is aligned to Loop A, THEN return 1-VS-AC-220 to Loop C IAW Subsection 5.24, Placing the MER 3 Ventilation System in Service.

Performed by: _____________________________ _________ ________________________ ________

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 55 of 119 5.16 Startup of 1-VS-E-4E, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER NOTE: Attachment 7 contains a graphic of MER 5 Chiller diagnostics.

_______ 5.16.1 Verify 1-VS-E-4D is shutdown IAW Subsection 5.15.

_______ 5.16.2 IF 1-VS-E-4A is aligned to Chilled Water Loop A, THEN verify 1-VS-E-4A is shutdown IAW Subsection 5.9. Otherwise, enter N/A.

WARNING To prevent serious injury or death due to electrical shock, avoid contact with the exposed energized conductors located in the chiller Control / Power Panels.

NOTE: The IS41 Unit Service Switch is located on the Chiller Control Module, in the left side of the chiller 1-VS-E-4E Control / Power Panel.

_______ 5.16.3 Verify the IS41 Unit Service Switch is in the PUMPDOWN OR RESET position.

_______ 5.16.4 Verify 1-VS-CS-CHLR4E, CR CHLR 4E LOCAL CONTROL SW, is in OFF.

5.16.5 At 1-SW-PNL-3, CR CHILLER 4E COMPR HEAD PRESS CONTROL PNL, verify automatic head pressure control is in service by verifying or performing the following substeps.

_______ a. Verify the green -15V and +15V lights in the lower right of the panel are ON.

_______ b. Verify the green light at the lower left of the A (Auto) pushbutton is ON.

Otherwise, depress the A (Auto) pushbutton.

_______ c. IF the green light at the lower left of the A (Auto) pushbutton is OFF, THEN enter N/A for the remaining steps in this subsection AND notify the System Engineer. Otherwise, enter N/A.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 56 of 119 NOTE: The Service Water flow is to be checked with control valves in full recirc position (1-SW-PCV-100E full closed and 1-SW-PCV-101E full open).

Valves are in recirc position immediately upon start-up and when the chiller is unloaded.

_______ 5.16.6 Place the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4E in ON.

5.16.7 IF Service Water flow indicated on 1-SW-FI-133E, CR CHILLER 4E SW RECIRC HDR FLOW IND, is less than 165 gpm, OR greater than 175 gpm, THEN perform the following substep. Otherwise, enter N/A for the following substeps a.1 through a.4.

_______ a. Throttle 1-SW-780, CR Chiller 4E SW Recirc PCV-101E Inlet, to obtain between 165 and 175 gpm (170 target). IF flow can not be established in the 165 and 175 gpm band, THEN perform the following substeps.

Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 1. Place the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4E in OFF.

_______ 2. Notify the System Engineer.

_______ 3. Start 1-VS-E-4D or 1-VS-E-4A on Chilled Water Loop A.

_______ 4. Enter N/A for the remaining steps in this subsection.

_______ 5.16.8 Verify Chilled Water flow of between 210 gpm and 265 gpm as indicated on 1-VS-FIS-132E, CR CHILLER 4E CD FLOW IND SWITCH.

Otherwise, throttle 1-VS-648, MER 5 CD DISCH HDR ISOL, to obtain between 210 gpm and 265 gpm.

_______ 5.16.9 Place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4E, CR CHLR 4E LOCAL CONTROL SW, in ON.

_______ 5.16.10 Place the IS41 Unit Service Switch in ON.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 57 of 119 NOTE: The diagnostic LEDs are located on the Chiller Control Module, in the left side of the chiller 1-VS-E-4E Control / Power Panel.

_______ 5.16.11 Verify the diagnostic LEDs on the Chiller Control Module are LIT in the START MODE configuration.

5.16.12 IF the diagnostic LEDs are NOT LIT in the START MODE configuration, THEN perform the following substeps. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ a. Place the IS41 Unit Service Switch in the PUMPDOWN OR RESET position.

_______ b. Place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4E, CR CHLR 4E LOCAL CONTROL SW, in OFF.

_______ c. Verify the COMPRESSOR 1 ON light on the Chiller Alarm Panel is OFF.

_______ d. Verify the COMPRESSOR 2 ON light on the Chiller Alarm Panel is OFF.

_______ e. Place the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4E in OFF.

_______ f. Notify the System Engineer.

_______ g. Start 1-VS-E-4D or 1-VS-E-4A on Chilled Water Loop A.

_______ h. Enter N/A for the remaining steps in this subsection.

_______ 5.16.13 Verify the 1-VS-E-4E chiller starts after a 5 minute time delay.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 58 of 119 NOTE: Depending on the season and length of system shutdown, it may take up to 30 minutes for Chilled Water and Service Water temperatures to reach the ranges specified in the following step.

5.16.14 After 1-VS-E-4E has run for at least five minutes, verify the following parameters are within the stated limits.

_______ a. 1-SW-TI-115E, CR CHILLER 4E SW INLET TEMP IND, between 85°F and 100°F

_______ b. 1-SW-TI-109E, CR CHILLER 4E SW OUTLET TEMP IND, less than or equal to 115°F

_______ c. 1-SW-PDI-130E, CR CHILLER CNDSR 4E SW DIFF PRESS IND, between 3.0 psid and 15.0 psid

_______ d. COMP 1 DISCH PRESS, less than 350 psig

_______ e. COMP 1 OIL PRESS, at least 20 psi greater than COMP 1 SUCT PRESS

_______ f. COMP 1 SUCT PRESS, between 51 psig and 75 psig

_______ g. COMP 2 DISCH PRESS, less than 350 psig

_______ h. COMP 2 OIL PRESS, at least 20 psi greater than COMP 2 SUCT PRESS

_______ i. COMP 2 SUCT PRESS, between 51 psig and 75 psig

_______ j. 1-VS-TI-121E, CR CHILLER 4E CD INLET TEMP IND, less than or equal to 55°F

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 59 of 119

_______ k. 1-VS-TI-132E, CR CHILLER 4E CD OUTLET TEMP IND, between 38°F to 45°F

l. IF any of the above parameters are outside of the stated limits, THEN shutdown 1-VS-E-4E by performing the following substeps. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 1. Place the IS41 Unit Service Switch in the PUMPDOWN OR RESET position.

_______ 2. Verify 1-VS-E-4E unloads and shuts down automatically.

_______ 3. Verify the COMPRESSOR 1 ON light on the Chiller Alarm Panel is OFF.

_______ 4. Verify the COMPRESSOR 2 ON light on the Chiller Alarm Panel is OFF.

_______ 5. WHEN both 1-VS-E-4E compressors are OFF, THEN place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4E, CR CHLR 4E LOCAL CONTROL SW, in OFF.

_______ 6. Place the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4E in OFF.

_______ 7. Notify the System Engineer.

_______ 5.16.15 IF 1-VS-E-4E COMP 1 (or 2) DISCH PRESS is greater than 280 psig, THEN notify the System Engineer. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 5.16.16 Perform Attachment 5.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 60 of 119 5.17 Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4E, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER

_______ 5.17.1 Place the IS41 Unit Service Switch in the PUMPDOWN OR RESET position.

_______ 5.17.2 Verify 1-VS-E-4E unloads and shuts down automatically.

_______ 5.17.3 Verify the COMPRESSOR 1 ON light on the Chiller Alarm Panel is OFF.

_______ 5.17.4 Verify the COMPRESSOR 2 ON light on the Chiller Alarm Panel is OFF.

_______ 5.17.5 WHEN both 1-VS-E-4E compressors are OFF, THEN place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4E, CR CHLR 4E LOCAL CONTROL SW, in OFF.

_______ 5.17.6 Place the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4E in OFF.

_______ 5.17.7 IF 1-VS-AC-220, MER 3 Air Handling Unit, is aligned to Loop A, THEN return 1-VS-AC-220 to Loop C IAW Subsection 5.24, Placing the MER 3 Ventilation System in Service.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 61 of 119 5.18 Aligning 1-VS-E-4A, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER, for Standby on Chilled Water Loop A CAUTION This subsection aligns chiller 1-VS-E-4A for Standby on Chilled Water Loop A and ensures the chiller correct power supply alignments. This subsection must be performed before 1-VS-E-4A may be operated as a Loop A chiller.

NOTE: Alignment of 1-VS-E-4A to Chilled Water Loop A is intended to be performed upon inoperability of 1-VS-E-4D or 1-VS-E-4E, or at the discretion of Shift Supervision. Alignment is not required when an Operable Combination of chillers already exists. Alignment is not required for very short term inoperability of Loop A chillers, such as during quarterly ASME Section XI testing.

_______ 5.18.1 Verify 1-VS-E-4A is shutdown IAW Subsection 5.9.

_______ 5.18.2 Close 1-VS-299, CONT & RELAY RM CD PUMPS 2A/B SUCT HDR XCONN.

_______ 5.18.3 Open 1-VS-568, MER 3 CHILLERS CD LOOP A SUCT HDR ISOL.

NOTE: Transfer Switch should be operated slowly and deliberately to prevent position indicator overtravel and subsequent incorrect indication.

5.18.4 Align 1-VS-E-4A to the Alternate source by performing the following substeps.

_______ a. Verify 2-EP-BKR-2J1-1-9B, CR CHILLER 4A MCC 1K1 ALT FDR, is in OFF.

_______ _______ b. Place 1-EP-BKR-1J1-1-2B, CR CHILLER 4A MCC 1K1 NORMAL FDR, in OFF.


DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 62 of 119

_______ _______ d. Place 2-EP-BKR-2J1-1-9B in ON.

_______ _______ e. In the Main Control Room, verify the ALTERNATE SOURCE MCC 2J1-1 light for 1-VS-E-4A is LIT.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 63 of 119 5.19 Returning 1-VS-E-4A, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER, to Standby on Chilled Water Loop C CAUTION This subsection returns chiller 1-VS-E-4A to a Standby alignment on Chilled Water Loop C.

When 1-VS-E-4A has been aligned to Loop A for Standby or normal operation, this subsection must be performed before 1-VS-E-4A may be operated as a Loop C chiller.

NOTE: When 1-VS-E-4A is aligned to Chilled Water Loop A, this subsection will normally be performed after both MER 5 chillers are operable.

_______ 5.19.1 Verify 1-VS-E-4A is shutdown IAW Subsection 5.9.

_______ 5.19.2 Close 1-VS-568, MER 3 CHILLERS CD LOOP A SUCT HDR ISOL.

_______ 5.19.3 Open 1-VS-299, CONT & RELAY RM CD PUMPS 2A/B SUCT HDR XCONN.

NOTE: Transfer Switch should be operated slowly and deliberately to prevent position indicator overtravel and subsequent incorrect indication.

5.19.4 Align 1-VS-E-4A to the Normal source by performing the following substeps.

_______ a. Verify 1-EP-BKR-1J1-1-2B, CR CHILLER 4A MCC 1K1 NORMAL FDR, is in OFF.

_______ _______ b. Place 2-EP-BKR-2J1-1-9B, CR CHILLER 4A MCC 1K1 ALT FDR, in OFF.

_______ _______ c. Place 1-EP-CS-100, CR CHILLER 4A MCC 1K1 POWER TRANSFER CV SWITCH, in NORMAL SOURCE MCC 1J1-1.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 64 of 119

_______ _______ d. Place 1-EP-BKR-1J1-1-2B in ON.

_______ _______ e. In the Main Control Room, verify the NORMAL SOURCE MCC 1J1-1 light for 1-VS-E-4A is LIT.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 65 of 119 5.20 Swapping 1-VS-E-4B Power Supply from Normal to Alternate

_______ 5.20.1 Shutdown or verify shutdown 1-VS-E-4B IAW Subsection 5.11.

_______ 5.20.2 Verify 2-EP-BKR-2H1-1-4A, CR CHILLER 4B MCC 2K1 ALT FDR, is in OFF.

_______ _______ 5.20.3 Place 1-EP-BKR-1J1-1-6C, CR CHILLER 4B MCC 2K1 NORMAL FDR, in OFF.

NOTE: Transfer Switch should be operated slowly and deliberately to prevent position indicator overtravel and subsequent incorrect indication.

_______ _______ 5.20.4 Place 2-EP-CS-200, CR CHILLER 4B MCC 2K1 POWER TRANSFER CV SWITCH, in ALTERNATE SOURCE MCC 2H1-1.

_______ _______ 5.20.5 Place 2-EP-BKR-2H1-1-4A, in ON.

_______ _______ 5.20.6 In the Main Control Room, verify the ALTERNATE SOURCE MCC 2H1-1 light for 1-VS-E-4B is LIT.

_______ 5.20.7 IF operation of 1-VS-E-4B is desired, THEN start 1-VS-E-4B IAW Subsection 5.10. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 66 of 119 5.21 Swapping 1-VS-E-4B Power Supply from Alternate to Normal

_______ 5.21.1 Shut down or verify shutdown 1-VS-E-4B IAW Subsection 5.11.

_______ 5.21.2 Verify 1-EP-BKR-1J1-1-6C, CR CHILLER 4B MCC 2K1 NORMAL FDR, is in OFF.

_______ _______ 5.21.3 Place 2-EP-BKR-2H1-1-4A, CR CHILLER 4B MCC 2K1 ALT FDR, in OFF.

NOTE: Transfer Switch should be operated slowly and deliberately to prevent position indicator overtravel and subsequent incorrect indication.

_______ _______ 5.21.4 Place 2-EP-CS-200, CR CHILLER 4B MCC 2K1 POWER TRANSFER CV SWITCH, in NORMAL SOURCE MCC 1J1-1.

_______ _______ 5.21.5 Place 1-EP-BKR-1J1-1-6C in ON.

_______ _______ 5.21.6 In the Main Control Room, verify the NORMAL SOURCE MCC 1J1-1 light for 1-VS-E-4B is LIT.

_______ 5.21.7 IF operation of 1-VS-E-4B is desired, THEN start 1-VS-E-4B IAW Subsection 5.10. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 67 of 119 5.22 Swapping 1-VS-E-4D Power Supply from Normal to Alternate

_______ 5.22.1 Shut down or verify shutdown 1-VS-E-4D IAW Subsection 5.15.

_______ 5.22.2 Verify 1-EP-BKR-1H-1B-2D, CR CHILLER 4D MCC 1K2 ALT FDR, is in OFF.

_______ _______ 5.22.3 Open 2-EP-BKR-24J1-6, CR CHILLER 4D MCC 1K2 NORMAL FDR.

NOTE: Transfer Switch should be operated slowly and deliberately to prevent position indicator overtravel and subsequent incorrect indication.

NOTE: MER 5 Air Handling Unit 1-VS-AC-219 will lose power when MCC 1K2 is deenergized. Redundant MER 5 Air Handling Unit 1-VS-AC-222 will auto-start if needed.

_______ _______ 5.22.4 Place 1-EP-CS-101, CR CHILLER 4D MCC 1K2 POWER TRANSFER CV SWITCH, in ALTERNATE SOURCE MCC 1H-1B.

_______ _______ 5.22.5 Place 1-EP-BKR-1H-1B-2D in ON.

_______ _______ 5.22.6 In the Main Control Room, verify the ALTERNATE SOURCE MCC 1H-1B light for 1-VS-E-4D is LIT.

_______ 5.22.7 IF operation of 1-VS-E-4D is desired, THEN start 1-VS-E-4D IAW Subsection 5.14. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 68 of 119 5.23 Swapping 1-VS-E-4D Power Supply from Alternate to Normal

_______ 5.23.1 Shut down or verify shutdown 1-VS-E-4D IAW Subsection 5.15.

_______ 5.23.2 Verify 2-EP-BKR-24J1-6, CR CHILLER 4D MCC 1K2 NORMAL FDR, is OPEN.

_______ _______ 5.23.3 Place 1-EP-BKR-1H-1B-2D, CR CHILLER 4D MCC 1K2 ALT FDR, in OFF.

NOTE: Transfer Switch should be operated slowly and deliberately to prevent position indicator overtravel and subsequent incorrect indication.

NOTE: MER 5 Air Handling Unit 1-VS-AC-219 will lose power when MCC 1K2 is deenergized. Redundant MER 5 Air Handling Unit 1-VS-AC-222 will auto-start if needed.

_______ _______ 5.23.4 Place 1-EP-CS-101, CR CHILLER 4D MCC 1K2 POWER TRANSFER CV SWITCH, in NORMAL SOURCE SWGR 2J1.

_______ _______ 5.23.5 Close 2-EP-BKR-24J1-6.

_______ _______ 5.23.6 In the Main Control Room, verify the NORMAL SOURCE SWGR 2J1 light for 1-VS-E-4D is LIT.

_______ 5.23.7 IF operation of 1-VS-E-4D is desired, THEN start 1-VS-E-4D IAW Subsection 5.14. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 69 of 119 5.24 Placing the MER 3 Ventilation System in Service NOTE: The control switches for 1-VS-F-221, MER 3 Supply Fan, and 1-VS-AC-220, MER 3 Air Handling Unit, are located on column 10D at the door to MER 3.

_______ 5.24.1 Verify or place 1-VS-F-221, MER 3 Supply Fan, handswitch in ON.

_______ 5.24.2 Verify or place 1-VS-AC-220, MER 3 Air Handling Unit, handswitch in ON.

CAUTION AHU 1-VS-AC-220 must remain aligned to Chilled Water Loop C whenever an MER 3 Chiller is operating, unless otherwise requested by the System Engineer.

5.24.3 IF 1-VS-AC-220 will be aligned to Chilled Water Loop C, THEN perform the following substeps. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ a. Verify closed or close 1-VS-573, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop A Inlet.

_______ b. Verify closed or close 1-VS-574, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop A Outlet.

_______ c. Throttle 1-VS-575, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop C Outlet, 1 to 2 turns open.

_______ d. Verify open or open 1-VS-572, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop C Inlet.

_______ e. Throttle 1-VS-575, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop C Outlet, to obtain 4-6 gpm flow as read on 1-VS-FI-131, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Flow.

_______ f. Enter N/A for Step 5.24.4.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 70 of 119 5.24.4 IF 1-VS-AC-220 will be aligned to Chilled Water Loop A, THEN perform the following substeps. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ a. Verify closed or close 1-VS-572, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop C Inlet.

_______ b. Verify closed or close 1-VS-575, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop C Outlet.

_______ c. Throttle 1-VS-574, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop A Outlet, 1 to 2 turns open.

_______ d. Verify open or open 1-VS-573, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop A Inlet.

_______ e. Throttle 1-VS-574, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop A Outlet, to obtain 4-6 gpm flow as read on 1-VS-FI-131, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Flow.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 71 of 119 5.25 Removing the MER 3 Ventilation System from Service NOTE: The control switches for 1-VS-F-221, MER 3 Supply Fan, and 1-VS-AC-220, MER 3 Air Handling Unit, are located on column 10D at the door to MER 3.

_______ 5.25.1 Place 1-VS-F-221, MER 3 Supply Fan, handswitch in OFF.

_______ 5.25.2 Place 1-VS-AC-220, MER 3 Air Handling Unit, handswitch in OFF.

_______ 5.25.3 Verify closed or close 1-VS-573, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop A Inlet.

_______ 5.25.4 Verify closed or close 1-VS-574, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop A Outlet.

_______ 5.25.5 Verify closed or close 1-VS-572, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop C Inlet.

_______ 5.25.6 Verify closed or close 1-VS-575, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop C Outlet.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 72 of 119 5.26 Placing the MER 5 Ventilation System in Service

_______ 5.26.1 Place the control switch for 1-VS-AC-219, MER 5 AHU, in AUTO.

_______ 5.26.2 Place the control switch for 1-VS-AC-222, MER 5 AHU, in AUTO.

NOTE: Both the MER 5 Supply Fan and Exhaust Fan are operated by a single handswitch.

_______ 5.26.3 Place the control switch for 1-VS-F-223/224, MER 5 SUPPLY/EXHAUST FANS, in SLOW.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 73 of 119 5.27 Removing the MER 5 Ventilation System from Service

_______ 5.27.1 Place the control switch for 1-VS-AC-219, MER 5 AHU, in OFF.

_______ 5.27.2 Place the control switch for 1-VS-AC-222, MER 5 AHU, in OFF.

NOTE: Both the MER 5 Supply Fan and Exhaust Fan are operated by a single handswitch.

_______ 5.27.3 Place the control switch for 1-VS-F-223/224, MER 5 SUPPLY/EXHAUST FANS, in OFF.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 74 of 119 5.28 Required Actions for Inoperability of 1-VS-E-4A NOTE: The actions contained in Step 5.28.1 are not required for very short term inoperability of a chiller, such as during quarterly In-Service Testing.

_______ 5.28.1 WHEN removal from service of 1-VS-E-4A is desired, OR 1-VS-E-4A is determined to be inoperable, THEN perform or verify the required actions directed in the table below. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Required Actions Initials A. IF single chiller operation on Loop A is in effect, THEN verify one chiller operating on Loop A. IF no chiller is operating on Loop A, THEN start Chiller D IAW Subsection 5.14 or Chiller E IAW Subsection 5.16 and enter N/A for Steps B and C and GO TO Step E. Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation on Loop A is not in effect.

B. IF single chiller operation on Loop C is in effect, THEN verify one chiller operating on Loop C. IF no chiller is operating on Loop C, THEN start Chiller B IAW Subsection 5.10 or Chiller C IAW Subsection 5.12 and enter N/A for Step C and GO TO Step E. Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation on Loop C is not in effect.

C. IF two chiller operation is in effect, THEN verify one chiller operating on Loop A and one chiller operating on Loop C. IF no chiller is operating on Loop A, THEN start Chiller D IAW Subsection 5.14 or Chiller E IAW Subsection 5.16. IF no chiller is operating on Loop C, THEN start Chiller B IAW Subsection 5.10 or Chiller C IAW Subsection 5.12. Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation is desired.

D. IF single chiller operation is desired, THEN initiate IAW Subsection 5.40 or 5.43. Otherwise, enter N/A.

E. Perform the following using Attachment 1.

Enter the chillers which will remain operable in Table 3 under the associated buses.

Compare Table 3 with Table 4 to determine if an Operable Combination exists with Chiller A inoperable. (Check One)

YES ____________ NO ____________

F. IF an Operable Combination does not exist with Chiller A inoperable, THEN make any required log entries, AND obtain Shift Supervisions permission before SS continuing with this procedure. Otherwise, enter N/A.

G. Shutdown or verify shutdown Chiller A IAW Subsection 5.9.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 75 of 119

_______ 5.28.2 IF 1-VS-E-4A will be tagged out, THEN GO TO 0-MOP-VS-006, Removal from Service of Control Room Chiller 1-VS-E-4A. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 76 of 119 5.29 Required Actions for Inoperability of 1-VS-E-4B NOTE: The actions contained in Step 5.29.1 are not required for very short term inoperability of a chiller, such as during quarterly In-Service Testing.

_______ 5.29.1 WHEN removal from service of 1-VS-E-4B is desired, OR 1-VS-E-4B is determined to be inoperable, THEN perform or verify the required actions directed in the table below. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Required Actions Initials A. IF single chiller operation on Loop C is in effect, THEN verify one chiller operating on Loop C. IF no chiller is operating on Loop C, THEN start Chiller A IAW Subsection 5.8 or Chiller C IAW Subsection 5.12 and enter N/A for Steps B and C and GO TO Step E. Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation on Loop C is not in effect.

B. IF single chiller operation on Loop A is in effect, THEN verify one chiller operating on Loop A and enter N/A for Step C and GO TO Step E. Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation on Loop C is not in effect.

C. IF two chiller operation is in effect, THEN verify one chiller operating on Loop C Otherwise, start Chiller A IAW Subsection 5.8 or Chiller C IAW Subsection 5.12.

Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation is desired.

D. IF single chiller operation is desired, THEN initiate IAW Subsection 5.40 or 5.43. Otherwise, enter N/A.

E. Perform the following using Attachment 1.

Enter the chillers which will remain operable in Table 3 under the associated buses.

Compare Table 3 with Table 4 to determine if an Operable Combination exists with _______

Chiller B inoperable. (Check One) _______

YES ____________ NO ____________

F. IF an Operable Combination does not exist with Chiller B inoperable, THEN make any required log entries, AND obtain Shift Supervisions permission before continuing with SS this procedure. Otherwise, enter N/A.

G. Shutdown or verify shutdown Chiller B IAW Subsection 5.11.

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_______ 5.29.2 IF 1-VS-E-4B will be tagged out, THEN GO TO 0-MOP-VS-008, Removal from Service of Control Room Chiller 1-VS-E-4B. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 78 of 119 5.30 Required Actions for Inoperability of 1-VS-E-4C NOTE: The actions contained in Step 5.30.1 are not required for very short term inoperability of a chiller, such as during quarterly In-Service Testing.

_______ 5.30.1 WHEN removal from service of 1-VS-E-4C is desired, OR 1-VS-E-4C is determined to be inoperable, THEN perform or verify the required actions directed in the table below. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Required Actions Initials A. IF single chiller operation on Loop C is in effect, THEN verify one chiller operating on Loop C. IF no chiller is operating on Loop C, THEN start Chiller A IAW Subsection 5.8 or Chiller B IAW Subsection 5.10 and enter N/A for Steps B and C and GO TO Step E. Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation on Loop C is not in effect.

B. IF single chiller operation on Loop A is in effect, THEN verify one chiller operating on Loop A and enter N/A for Step C and GO TO Step E. Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation on Loop C is not in effect.

C. IF two chiller operation is in effect, THEN verify one chiller operating on Loop C Otherwise, start Chiller A IAW Subsection 5.8 or Chiller B IAW Subsection 5.10.

Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation is desired.

D. IF single chiller operation is desired, THEN initiate IAW Subsection 5.40 or 5.43. Otherwise, enter N/A.

E. Perform the following using Attachment 1.

Enter the chillers which will remain operable in Table 3 under the associated buses.

Compare Table 3 with Table 4 to determine if an Operable Combination exists with Chiller C inoperable. (Check One)

YES ____________ NO ____________

F. IF an Operable Combination does not exist with Chiller C inoperable, THEN make any required log entries, AND obtain Shift Supervisions permission before SS continuing with this procedure. Otherwise, enter N/A.

G. Verify Chiller B power supply available from the Alternate Power Supply.

H. Shutdown or verify shutdown Chiller C IAW Subsection 5.13.

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_______ 5.30.2 IF 1-VS-E-4C will be tagged out, THEN GO TO 0-MOP-VS-010, Removal from Service of Control Room Chiller 1-VS-E-4C. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 80 of 119 5.31 Required Actions for Inoperability of 1-VS-E-4D NOTE: The actions contained in Step 5.31.1 are not required for very short term inoperability of a chiller, such as during quarterly In-Service Testing.

_______ 5.31.1 WHEN removal from service of 1-VS-E-4D is desired, OR 1-VS-E-4D is determined to be inoperable, THEN perform or verify the required actions directed in the table below. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Required Actions Initials A. IF single chiller operation on Loop A is in effect, THEN verify one chiller operating on Loop A. IF no chiller is operating on Loop A, THEN start Chiller E IAW Subsection 5.16 or Chiller A IAW Subsection 5.8 and enter N/A for Steps B and C and GO TO Step E. Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation on Loop A is not in effect.

B. IF single chiller operation on Loop C is in effect, THEN verify one chiller operating on Loop C and enter N/A for Step C and GO TO Step E. Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation on Loop C is not in effect.

C. IF two chiller operation is in effect, THEN verify one chiller operating on Loop A. Otherwise, start Chiller A IAW Subsection 5.8 or Chiller E IAW Subsection 5.16.

Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation is desired.

D. IF single chiller operation is desired, THEN initiate IAW Subsection 5.34, 5.35, or 5.38.

Otherwise, enter N/A.

E. Perform the following using Attachment 1.

Enter the chillers which will remain operable in Table 3 under the associated buses.

Compare Table 3 with Table 4 to determine if an Operable Combination exists with Chiller D inoperable. (Check One)

YES ____________ NO ____________

F. IF an Operable Combination does not exist with Chiller D inoperable, THEN make any required log entries, AND obtain Shift Supervisions permission before SS continuing with this procedure. Otherwise, enter N/A.

G. Shutdown or verify shutdown Chiller D IAW Subsection 5.15.

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_______ 5.31.2 IF 1-VS-E-4D will be tagged out, THEN GO TO 0-MOP-VS-012, Removal from Service of Control Room Chiller 1-VS-E-4D. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 82 of 119 5.32 Required Actions for Inoperability of 1-VS-E-4E NOTE: The actions contained in Step 5.32.1 are not required for very short term inoperability of a chiller, such as during quarterly In-Service Testing.

_______ 5.32.1 WHEN removal from service of 1-VS-E-4E is desired, OR 1-VS-E-4E is determined to be inoperable, THEN perform or verify the required actions directed in the table below. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Required Actions Initials A. IF single chiller operation on Loop A is in effect, THEN verify one chiller operating on Loop A. IF no chiller is operating on Loop A, THEN start Chiller D IAW Subsection 5.14 or Chiller A IAW Subsection 5.8 and enter N/A for Steps B and C and GO TO Step E. Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation on Loop A is not in effect.

B. IF single chiller operation on Loop C is in effect, THEN verify one chiller operating on Loop C and enter N/A for Step C and GO TO Step E. Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation on Loop C is not in effect.

C. IF two chiller operation is in effect, THEN verify one chiller operating on Loop A.

Otherwise, start Chiller A IAW Subsection 5.8 or Chiller D IAW Subsection 5.14.

Enter N/A for this step if single chiller operation is desired.

D. IF single chiller operation is desired, THEN initiate IAW Subsection 5.34, 5.35, or 5.38.

Otherwise, enter N/A.

E. Perform the following using Attachment 1.

Enter the chillers which will remain operable in Table 3 under the associated buses.

Compare Table 3 with Table 4 to determine if an Operable Combination exists with _______

Chiller E inoperable. (Check One) _______

YES ____________ NO ____________

F. IF an Operable Combination does not exist with Chiller E inoperable, THEN make any required log entries, AND obtain Shift Supervisions permission before SS continuing with this procedure. Otherwise, enter N/A.

G. Transfer or verify transferred Chiller D power supply from Normal to Alternate Power Supply.

H. Shutdown or verify shutdown Chiller E IAW Subsection 5.17.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 83 of 119

_______ 5.32.2 IF 1-VS-E-4E will be tagged out, THEN GO TO 0-MOP-VS-014, Removal from Service of Control Room Chiller 1-VS-E-4E. Otherwise, enter N/A.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 84 of 119 5.33 Reset of 1-VS-E-4D or 1-VS-E-4E Compressor Lockout or Evaporator Low Temperature Lockout NOTE: For the MER 5 chillers, in the event a single compressor locks out, the chillers will continue to operate and provide reduced cooling with the remaining compressor, however, the chiller should be considered Inoperable.

Attempting to reset a lockout results in unloading both compressors. Cooling will not be available until the chiller is restarted. The chiller should be considered Inoperable.

5.33.1 For the chiller which will be reset, verify the following pumps are operating.


  • 1-VS-P-1D (E), CR Chiller 4D (E) SW Pump


  • 1-VS-P-2D (E), CR Chiller 4D (E) Chilled Water Pump

_______ 5.33.2 Check below any of the following alarm lights which are LIT.

____ Compressor 1 Lockout

____ Compressor 2 Lockout

____ Evaporator Low Temp Control Open Light

____ Low Evaporator Flow

_______ 5.33.3 Check the indications on the LED Diagnostics panel for each compressor and record below.

  • Compressor 1 ____________________________________
  • Compressor 2 ____________________________________

_______ 5.33.4 Notify the System Engineer of the cause of the lockout and record the name of the engineer notified below.

System Engineer _____________________________________________ ___________

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 85 of 119 NOTE: Performing the following step will unload any operating compressor.

_______ 5.33.5 Place the IS41 Unit Service Switch for 1-VS-E-4D (4E) in the PUMPDOWN OR RESET position.

_______ 5.33.6 Verify or place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4D (4E), CR Chlr 4D (4E) Local Control Sw, in ON and wait two minutes before proceeding.

_______ 5.33.7 IF the Compressor 1 Lockout light was checked in Step 5.33.2, THEN place the 1S5 Compressor 1 Service Switch in OFF, AND return 1S5 to ON.

Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 5.33.8 IF the Compressor 2 Lockout light was checked in Step 5.33.2, THEN place the 1S6 Compressor 2 Service Switch in OFF, AND return 1S6 to ON.

Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 5.33.9 IF Evaporator Low Temperature Control Open light was checked in Step 5.33.2, THEN place the Alarm Circuit switch in RESET, AND return the Alarm Circuit switch to ON. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 5.33.10 IF Low Evaporator Flow light was checked in Step 5.33.2, THEN place the Alarm Circuit switch in RESET, AND return the Alarm Circuit switch to ON. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 5.33.11 IF the System Engineering requests that 1-VS-E-4D (E) be shutdown, THEN enter N/A for the remaining steps in this subsection AND GO TO Subsection 5.15 (17). Otherwise, enter N/A.

5.33.12 Verify the following alarm lights are OFF.


  • Compressor 1 Lockout Light


  • Compressor 2 Lockout Light


  • Evaporator Low Temp Control Open Light

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 86 of 119 NOTE: Following reset of the chiller lockouts, normal startup instructions apply.

_______ 5.33.13 GO TO Subsection 5.14 (16), Step 5.14.10 (5.16.10).

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 87 of 119 5.34 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4A for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop C

_______ 5.34.1 Verify in service or place in service at least one AHU group on Loop A. ( )

____ 1-VS-AC-7 and 1-VS-AC-1 IAW Subsection 5.4

____ 2-VS-AC-9 and 2-VS-AC-7 IAW Subsection 5.7 5.34.2 Verify in service or place in service one chiller on Loop A.( )

_______ ____ 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.14, Startup of 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller.

_______ ____ 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.16, Startup of 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.34.3 Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.11, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.34.4 Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.13, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller.

5.34.5 Verify in service or place in service ONE AHU group on Loop C. ( )

____ 2-VS-AC-8 and 2-VS-AC-6 IAW Subsection 5.6

_______ ____ 1-VS-AC-6 and 1-VS-AC-2 IAW Subsection 5.5

_______ 5.34.6 Verify or place 1-VS-E-4A in service on Loop C IAW Subsection 5.8.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 88 of 119 5.34.7 Perform the following substeps to align chillers:

_______ a. Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.15, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller.

_______ b. Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.17, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.34.8 Verify or place 2-VS-AC-8 and 2-VS-AC-6 in service IAW Subsection 5.6.

_______ 5.34.9 Verify or place 1-VS-AC-6 and 1-VS-AC-2 in service IAW Subsection 5.5.

_______ 5.34.10 Verify aligned or align 1-VS-AC-220, MER 3 Air Handling Unit, to Loop C IAW Subsection 5.24, Placing the MER 3 Ventilation System in Service.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 89 of 119 5.35 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4B for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop C

_______ 5.35.1 Verify in service or place in service at least one AHU group on Loop A.( )

____ 1-VS-AC-7 and 1-VS-AC-1 IAW Subsection 5.4

____ 2-VS-AC-9 and 2-VS-AC-7 IAW Subsection 5.7 5.35.2 Verify in service or place in service one chiller on Loop A. ( )

_______ ____ 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.8, Startup of 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller.

_______ ____ 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.14, Startup of 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller.

_______ ____ 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.16, Startup of 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.35.3 Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.9, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller. Enter N/A if 1-VS-E-4A is in service on Loop A.

_______ 5.35.4 Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.13, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.35.5 Verify in service or place in service ONE AHU group on Loop C. ( )

____ 2-VS-AC-8 and 2-VS-AC-6 IAW Subsection 5.6

____ 1-VS-AC-6 and 1-VS-AC-2 IAW Subsection 5.5

_______ 5.35.6 Verify or place 1-VS-E-4B in service IAW Subsection 5.10.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 90 of 119 5.35.7 Perform the following substeps to align chillers:

_______ a. Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.9, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller.

_______ b. Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.15, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller.

_______ c. Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.17, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.35.8 Verify or place 2-VS-AC-8 and 2-VS-AC-6 in service IAW Subsection 5.6.

_______ 5.35.9 Verify or place 1-VS-AC-6 and 1-VS-AC-2 in service IAW Subsection 5.5.

_______ 5.35.10 Verify aligned or align 1-VS-AC-220, MER 3 Air Handling Unit, to Loop C IAW Subsection 5.24, Placing the MER 3 Ventilation System in Service.

_______ 5.35.11 WHEN chiller parameters have stabilized, THEN perform Attachment 4.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 91 of 119 5.36 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4B for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop A NOTE: Alignment of 1-VS-E-4B for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation on Chilled Water Loop A is provided as a contingency alignment for the Chilled Water Piping Replacement Project.

_______ 5.36.1 Verify in service or place in service at least one AHU group on Loop A.( )

____ 1-VS-AC-7 and 1-VS-AC-1 IAW Subsection 5.4

____ 2-VS-AC-9 and 2-VS-AC-7 IAW Subsection 5.7 5.36.2 Verify secured or secure any operating chiller on Loop A:

_______ a. 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.9, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller.

_______ b. 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.15, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller.

_______ c. 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.17, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller.

5.36.3 Verify or align the following valves:

_______ a. Close or verify closed 1-VS-286, CONT & RELAY RM CHILLER 4B/C OUTLET HDR XCONN.

_______ b. Close or verify closed 1-VS-300, CONT AND RELAY RM CHILLER 4B/C INLET HDR XCONN.

_______ c. Open or verify open 1-VS-285, CONT & RELAY RM CHILLER 4A/B OUTLET HDR XCONN.

_______ d. Open or verify open 1-VS-571, MER 3 CHILLERS CD LOOP A DISCH HDR ISOL.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 92 of 119

_______ e. Open or verify open 1-VS-299, CONT & RELAY RM CD PUMPS 2A/B SUCT HDR XCONN.

_______ f. Open or verify open 1-VS-568, MER 3 CHILLERS CD LOOP A SUCT HDR ISOL.

_______ g. Open 1-VS-1020, CR CHILLER 4B CD OUTLET

_______ 5.36.4 Verify or place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4B, CR CHLR 4B LOCAL CONTROL SW, in OFF.

_______ 5.36.5 Verify oil level in the 1-VS-E-4B compressor is visible in the sightglass and the oil reservoir is warm to the touch.

5.36.6 Depress the following reset pushbuttons on the 1-VS-E-4B local control panel.

_______ a. Suction Pressure

_______ b. Discharge Pressure

_______ c. Oil Pressure

_______ 5.36.7 Set the thermostat for 1-VS-E-4B to 65°F. (Reference 2.4.1)

CAUTION Strainer Backwash Header Isolation 1-SW-327 is open when the arrow or scribe mark on the valve stem is in line with the Service Water piping and closed when the arrow or scribe mark is perpendicular to the piping. (Reference 2.4.1)

_______ 5.36.8 Open 1-SW-327, STR BACKWASH SUPPLY ISOL FROM 1-VS-P-1B.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 93 of 119 NOTE: With the MCR switch ON and 1-VS-CS-CHLR4B OFF, the temperature control PCVs fail to the full recirc position, which will cause service water temperature and chiller condenser pressure to begin increasing due to the addition of pump heat. Blowdown through 1-SW-327 provides chiller cooling until the compressor is started.

_______ 5.36.9 Place the MCR switch, for 1-VS-E-4B, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER, in ON.

_______ 5.36.10 Locally verify 1-VS-P-2B, CHILLER 4B CHILLED WATER PUMP, starts.

_______ 5.36.11 Locally verify 1-VS-P-1B, CHILLER 4B SW PUMP, starts.

CAUTION To ensure an adequate heat sink for the chiller condenser and prevent possibly lifting the chiller freon relief valve, 1-SW-327 must not be throttled any more than is required to obtain at least 30 psig discharge pressure as indicated on 1-SW-DPI-116B.

_______ 5.36.12 IF the pressure indicated on 1-SW-DPI-116B, 1-VS-P-1B Discharge, is less than 30 PSIG, THEN throttle 1-SW-327, STR BACKWASH SUPPLY ISOL FROM 1-VS-P-1B, only enough to obtain at least 30 PSIG on 1-SW-PI-116B. Otherwise, enter N/A.

CAUTION To prevent lifting the freon relief valve for the chiller condenser, the chiller compressor shall not be started and the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4B must be placed in OFF if Service Water temperature at the chiller inlet exceeds 100°F.

5.36.13 IF 1-SW-TI-115B, Chiller Condenser Inlet Temperature, indicates more than 100°F, THEN perform the following. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ a. Perform Subsection 5.11.

_______ b. Notify Shift Supervision and the System Engineer.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 94 of 119

_______ c. Enter N/A for the remaining steps in this subsection.

NOTE: The MER 3 Chiller Trouble annunciator will alarm if the 1-VS-E-4B Compressor is not started within nine minutes of starting the respective Chilled Water and Service Water pumps.

_______ 5.36.14 Place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4B, CR CHLR 4B LOCAL CONTROL SW, in ON.

NOTE: The Control Room Chillers will not start when the temperature of the chilled water returning to the chiller is less than the chiller thermostat setpoint.

_______ 5.36.15 IF 1-VS-E-4B did NOT start, THEN slowly lower the 1-VS-E-4B thermostat setpoint until the chiller starts. IF 1-VS-E-4B is running, OR chiller fails to start when the thermostat setpoint is lowered, THEN enter N/A.

_______ 5.36.16 WHEN the 1-VS-E-4B compressor is running, THEN lower the 1-VS-E-4B thermostat setpoint 5°F. Otherwise, enter N/A.

5.36.17 IF 1-VS-E-4B fails to start, THEN perform the following. Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ a. Perform Subsection 5.11.

_______ b. Notify Shift Supervision and the System Engineer.

_______ c. Enter N/A for the remaining steps in this subsection.

_______ 5.36.18 Lower the setpoint of the 1-VS-E-4B thermostat to 45°F in 5°F (or smaller) steps, while adjusting 1-SW-327 as necessary to obtain between 85°F and 100°F (85°F to 95°F preferred) on 1-SW-TI-115B.

_______ 5.36.19 While adjusting 1-SW-327 as necessary to maintain 1-SW-TI-115B between 85°F and 100°F (85°F to 95°F preferred), adjust the setpoint of the 1-VS-E-4B thermostat as required to obtain 40°F to 45°F as indicated on 2-VS-TI-214, UNIT 2 RELAY ROOM AC 6 CD INLET TEMP IND.

Otherwise, enter N/A.

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_______ 5.36.20 Verify or place 1-VS-AC-7 and 1-VS-AC-1 in service IAW Subsection 5.4.

_______ 5.36.21 Verify or place 2-VS-AC-9 and 2-VS-AC-7 in service IAW Subsection 5.7.

_______ 5.36.22 Verify aligned or align 1-VS-AC-220, MER 3 Air Handling Unit, to Loop A IAW Subsection 5.24, Placing the MER 3 Ventilation System in Service.

NOTE: Steps 5.36.23 and 5.36.24 may be performed together.

Depending on the season and length of system shutdown, it may take up to 30 minutes for Chilled Water and Service Water temperatures to reach the ranges specified on Attachment 4.

_______ 5.36.23 Check 1-VS-E-4B for proper operation by completing Attachment 4.

_______ 5.36.24 Perform Attachment 5.

CAUTION To prevent a possible low temperature trip of 1-VS-E-4B, the chiller thermostat may require adjustment after an equilibrium condition is reached on the affected Chilled Water Loop.

_______ 5.36.25 WHEN stable operation of the 1-VS-E-4B chiller is obtained, THEN while adjusting 1-SW-327 as necessary to obtain between 85°F and 100°F (85°F to 95°F preferred) on 1-SW-TI-115B, slowly adjust the 1-VS-E-4B thermostat as required to obtain 40°F to 45°F as indicated on 2-VS-TI-214, UNIT 2 RELAY ROOM AC 6 CD INLET TEMP IND.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 96 of 119 5.37 Securing 1-VS-E-4B from Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop A NOTE: Prior to evolutions asssociated with 1-VS-E-4B, Shift Supervision must have a full understanding of Chilled Water configuration and verify compliance with Technical Specification 3.23 and 3.14 prior to any manipulations.

5.37.1 Shutdown 1-VS-E-4B IAW the following:

_______ a. Place the MCR switch for 1-VS-E-4B, CONTROL ROOM CHILLER, in OFF.

_______ b. Place 1-VS-CS-CHLR4B, CR CHLR 4B LOCAL CONTROL SW, in OFF.

_______ c. Close 1-VS-1020, CR CHILLER 4B CD OUTLET.

5.37.2 Verify or align the following valves:

_______ a. Close or verify closed 1-VS-285, CONT & RELAY RM CHILLER 4A/B OUTLET HDR XCONN.

_______ b. Close or verify closed 1-VS-571, MER 3 CHILLERS CD LOOP A DISCH HDR ISOL.

_______ c. Close or verify closed 1-VS-568, MER 3 CHILLERS CD LOOP A SUCT HDR ISOL.

_______ d. Open or verify open 1-VS-299, CONT & RELAY RM CD PUMPS 2A/B SUCT HDR XCONN.

_______ e. Open or verify open 1-VS-286, CONT & RELAY RM CHILLER 4B/C OUTLET HDR XCONN.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 97 of 119

_______ f. Open or verify open 1-VS-300, CONT AND RELAY RM CHILLER 4B/C INLET HDR XCONN.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 98 of 119 5.38 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4C for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop C

_______ 5.38.1 Verify in service or place in service at least one AHU group on Loop A. ( )

____ 1-VS-AC-7 and 1-VS-AC-1 IAW Subsection 5.4

____ 2-VS-AC-9 and 2-VS-AC-7 IAW Subsection 5.7

_______ 5.38.2 Verify in service or place in service one chiller on Loop A. ( )

____ 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.8, Startup of 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller.

____ 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.14, Startup of 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller.

____ 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.16, Startup of 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.38.3 Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.9, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller. Enter N/A if 1-VS-E-4A is in service on Loop A.

_______ 5.38.4 Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.11, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.38.5 Verify in service or place in service ONE AHU group on Loop C. ( )

____ 2-VS-AC-8 and 2-VS-AC-6 IAW Subsection 5.6

____ 1-VS-AC-6 and 1-VS-AC-2 IAW Subsection 5.5

_______ 5.38.6 Verify or place 1-VS-E-4C in service IAW Subsection 5.12.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 99 of 119 5.38.7 Perform the following substeps to align chillers:

_______ a. Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.9, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller.

_______ b. Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.15, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller.

_______ c. Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.17, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.38.8 Verify or place 2-VS-AC-8 and 2-VS-AC-6 in service IAW Subsection 5.6.

_______ 5.38.9 Verify or place 1-VS-AC-6 and 1-VS-AC-2 in service IAW Subsection 5.5.

_______ 5.38.10 Verify aligned or align 1-VS-AC-220, MER 3 Air Handling Unit, to Loop C IAW Subsection 5.24, Placing the MER 3 Ventilation System in Service.

_______ 5.38.11 WHEN chiller parameters have stabilized, THEN perform Attachment 4.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 100 of 119 5.39 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4A for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop A

_______ 5.39.1 Verify in service or place in service at least one AHU group on Loop C. ( )

____ 2-VS-AC-8 and 2-VS-AC-6 IAW Subsection 5.6

____ 1-VS-AC-6 and 1-VS-AC-2 IAW Subsection 5.5

_______ 5.39.2 Verify in service or place in service one chiller on Loop C. ( )

____ 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.10, Startup of 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller.

____ 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.12, Startup of 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.39.3 Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.15, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.39.4 Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.17, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.39.5 Verify in service or place in service ONE AHU group on Loop A. ( )

____ 1-VS-AC-7 and 1-VS-AC-1 IAW Subsection 5.4

____ 2-VS-AC-9 and 2-VS-AC-7 IAW Subsection 5.7

_______ 5.39.6 Verify or place 1-VS-E-4A in service IAW Subsection 5.8.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 101 of 119 5.39.7 Perform the following substeps to align chillers:

_______ a. Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.11, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller.

_______ b. Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.13, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.39.8 Verify or place 1-VS-AC-7 and 1-VS-AC-1 in service IAW Subsection 5.4.

_______ 5.39.9 Verify or place 2-VS-AC-9 and 2-VS-AC-7 in service IAW Subsection 5.7.

_______ 5.39.10 Verify aligned or align 1-VS-AC-220, MER 3 Air Handling Unit, to Loop A IAW Subsection 5.24, Placing the MER 3 Ventilation System in Service.

_______ 5.39.11 WHEN chiller parameters have stabilized, THEN perform Attachment 4.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 102 of 119 5.40 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4D for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop A

_______ 5.40.1 Verify in service or place in service at least one AHU group on Loop C. ( )

____ 2-VS-AC-8 and 2-VS-AC-6 IAW Subsection 5.6

____ 1-VS-AC-6 and 1-VS-AC-2 IAW Subsection 5.5

_______ 5.40.2 Verify in service or place in service one chiller on Loop C.( )

____ 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.8, Startup of 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller.

____ 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.10, Startup of 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller.

____ 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.12, Startup of 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.40.3 Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.9, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller. Enter N/A if 1-VS-E-4A is in service on Loop C.

_______ 5.40.4 Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.17, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.40.5 Verify in service or place in service ONE AHU group on Loop A. ( )

____ 1-VS-AC-7 and 1-VS-AC-1 IAW Subsection 5.4

____ 2-VS-AC-9 and 2-VS-AC-7 IAW Subsection 5.7

_______ 5.40.6 Verify or place 1-VS-E-4D in service IAW Subsection 5.14.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 103 of 119 5.40.7 Perform the following substeps to align chillers:

_______ a. Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.9, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller.

_______ b. Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.11, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller.

_______ c. Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.13, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.40.8 Verify or place 1-VS-AC-7 and 1-VS-AC-1 in service IAW Subsection 5.4.

_______ 5.40.9 Verify or place 2-VS-AC-9 and 2-VS-AC-7 in service IAW Subsection 5.7.

_______ 5.40.10 Verify aligned or align 1-VS-AC-220, MER 3 Air Handling Unit, to Loop A IAW Subsection 5.24, Placing the MER 3 Ventilation System in Service.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 104 of 119 5.41 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4D for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop C NOTE: Alignment of 1-VS-E-4D for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation on Chilled Water Loop C is provided as a contingency alignment for the Chilled Water Piping Replacement Project.

_______ 5.41.1 Verify in service or place in service at least one AHU group on Loop C. ( )

____ 2-VS-AC-8 and 2-VS-AC-6 IAW Subsection 5.6

____ 1-VS-AC-6 and 1-VS-AC-2 IAW Subsection 5.5

_______ 5.41.2 Verify secured or secure any operating chiller on Loop C.( )

____ 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.9, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller.

____ 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.11, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller.

____ 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.13, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.41.3 Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.17, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.41.4 Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.15, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller.

5.41.5 Verify or perform the following valve alignment:

_______ a. Close or verify closed 1-VS-570, MER 5 Chillers CD Loop A Disch Hdr Isol.

_______ b. Close or verify closed 1-VS-571, MER 3 Chillers CD Loop A Disch Hdr Isol.

_______ c. Open or verify open 1-VS-1039, Common Chilled Water Supply Valve.

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_______ d. Close or verify closed 1-VS-285, Cont & Relay Rm Chiller 4A/B Outlet Hdr XConn.

_______ e. Open or verify open 1-VS-286, Cont & Relay Rm Chiller 4B/C Outlet Hdr XConn.

_______ f. Open or verify open 1-VS-1038, Common Chilled Water Return Valve.

_______ 5.41.6 Place 1-VS-E-4D in service IAW Subsection 5.14.

_______ 5.41.7 Verify or place 2-VS-AC-8 and 2-VS-AC-6 in service IAW Subsection 5.6.

_______ 5.41.8 Verify or place 1-VS-AC-6 and 1-VS-AC-2 in service IAW Subsection 5.5.

_______ 5.41.9 Verify aligned or align 1-VS-AC-220, MER 3 Air Handling Unit, to Loop C IAW Subsection 5.24, Placing the MER 3 Ventilation System in Service.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 106 of 119 5.42 Securing from Alignment of 1-VS-E-4D for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop C NOTE: This Subsection should not be performed if swapping from 1-VS-E-4D to 1-VS-E-4E in Single Chiller alignment on Chilled Water Loop C.

_______ 5.42.1 Secure 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.15, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller.

5.42.2 Verify or perform the following valve alignment:

_______ a. Close or verify closed 1-VS-1039, Common Chilled Water Supply Valve.

_______ b. Open or verify open 1-VS-570, MER 5 Chillers CD Loop A Disch Hdr Isol.

_______ c. Close or verify closed 1-VS-571, MER 3 Chillers CD Loop A Disch Hdr Isol.

_______ d. Close or verify closed 1-VS-285, Cont & Relay Rm Chiller 4A/B Outlet Hdr XConn.

_______ e. Open or verify open 1-VS-286, Cont & Relay Rm Chiller 4B/C Outlet Hdr XConn.

_______ f. Close or verify closed 1-VS-1038, Common Chilled Water Return Valve.

_______ 5.42.3 Align MCR Chillers and MCR Air Handling Units as directed by Shift Supervision.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 107 of 119 5.43 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4E for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop A

_______ 5.43.1 Verify in service or place in service at least one AHU group on Loop C. ( )

____ 2-VS-AC-8 and 2-VS-AC-6 IAW Subsection 5.6

____ 1-VS-AC-6 and 1-VS-AC-2 IAW Subsection 5.5

_______ 5.43.2 Verify in service or place in service one chiller on Loop C. ( )

____ 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.8, Startup of 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller.

____ 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.10, Startup of 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller.

____ 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.12, Startup of 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.43.3 Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.9, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller. Enter N/A if 1-VS-E-4A is in service on Loop C.

_______ 5.43.4 Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.15, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.43.5 Verify in service or place in service ONE AHU group on Loop A. ( )

____ 1-VS-AC-7 and 1-VS-AC-1 IAW Subsection 5.4

____ 2-VS-AC-9 and 2-VS-AC-7 IAW Subsection 5.7

_______ 5.43.6 Verify or place 1-VS-E-4E in service IAW Subsection 5.16.

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 108 of 119 5.43.7 Perform the following substeps to align chillers:

_______ a. Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.9, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller.

_______ b. Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.11, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller.

_______ c. Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.13, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.43.8 Verify or place 1-VS-AC-7 and 1-VS-AC-1 in service IAW Subsection 5.4.

_______ 5.43.9 Verify or place 2-VS-AC-9 and 2-VS-AC-7 in service IAW Subsection 5.7.

_______ 5.43.10 Verify aligned or align 1-VS-AC-220, MER 3 Air Handling Unit, to Loop A IAW Subsection 5.24, Placing the MER 3 Ventilation System in Service.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 109 of 119 5.44 Alignment of 1-VS-E-4E for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop C NOTE: Alignment of 1-VS-E-4E for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation on Chilled Water Loop C is provided as a contingency alignment for the Chilled Water Piping Replacement Project.

_______ 5.44.1 Verify in service or place in service at least one AHU group on Loop C. ( )

____ 2-VS-AC-8 and 2-VS-AC-6 IAW Subsection 5.6

____ 1-VS-AC-6 and 1-VS-AC-2 IAW Subsection 5.5

_______ 5.44.2 Verify secured or secure any operating chiller on Loop C.( )

____ 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.9, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4A, Control Room Chiller.

____ 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.11, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4B, Control Room Chiller.

____ 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.13, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4C, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.44.3 Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.17, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller.

_______ 5.44.4 Verify secured or secure 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.15, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller.

5.44.5 Verify or perform the following valve alignment:

_______ a. Close or verify closed 1-VS-570, MER 5 Chillers CD Loop A Disch Hdr Isol.

_______ b. Close or verify closed 1-VS-571, MER 3 Chillers CD Loop A Disch Hdr Isol.

_______ c. Open or verify open 1-VS-1039, Common Chilled Water Supply Valve.

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_______ d. Close or verify closed 1-VS-285, Cont & Relay Rm Chiller 4A/B Outlet Hdr XConn.

_______ e. Open or verify open 1-VS-286, Cont & Relay Rm Chiller 4B/C Outlet Hdr XConn.

_______ f. Open or verify open 1-VS-1038, Common Chilled Water Return Valve.

_______ 5.44.6 Place 1-VS-E-4E in service IAW Subsection 5.16.

_______ 5.44.7 Verify or place 2-VS-AC-8 and 2-VS-AC-6 in service IAW Subsection 5.6.

_______ 5.44.8 Verify or place 1-VS-AC-6 and 1-VS-AC-2 in service IAW Subsection 5.5.

_______ 5.44.9 Verify aligned or align 1-VS-AC-220, MER 3 Air Handling Unit, to Loop C IAW Subsection 5.24, Placing the MER 3 Ventilation System in Service.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

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DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 111 of 119 5.45 Securing from Alignment of 1-VS-E-4E for Single Chiller Single Loop Operation On Chilled Water Loop C NOTE: This Subsection should not be performed if swapping from 1-VS-E-4E to 1-VS-E-4D in Single Chiller alignment on Chilled Water Loop C.

_______ 5.45.1 Secure 1-VS-E-4E, Control Room Chiller, IAW Subsection 5.17, Shutdown of 1-VS-E-4D, Control Room Chiller.

5.45.2 Verify or perform the following valve alignment:

_______ a. Close or verify closed 1-VS-1039, Common Chilled Water Supply Valve.

_______ b. Open or verify open 1-VS-570, MER 5 Chillers CD Loop A Disch Hdr Isol.

_______ c. Close or verify closed 1-VS-571, MER 3 Chillers CD Loop A Disch Hdr Isol.

_______ d. Close or verify closed 1-VS-285, Cont & Relay Rm Chiller 4A/B Outlet Hdr XConn.

_______ e. Open or verify open 1-VS-286, Cont & Relay Rm Chiller 4B/C Outlet Hdr XConn.

_______ f. Close of verify closed 1-VS-1038, Common Chilled Water Return Valve.

_______ 5.45.3 Align MCR Chillers and MCR Air Handling Units as directed by Shift Supervision.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date Signature Initial Print Date ATTACHMENTS

DOMINION 0-OP-VS-006 Surry Power Station Revision 55 Page 112 of 119 (Page 1 of 2)

Attachment 1 OPERABLE COMBINATION DETERMINATION TABLE 1 - POWER SUPPLIES - By Chiller Chiller E D A B C Norm / 1H 2J / 1J / 1J / 2H Alt 1H 2J 2H TABLE 2 - POWER SUPPLIES - By Bus BUS 1H 1J 2J 2H Chillers E, Dalt A norm Bnorm Dnorm A alt C, Balt TABLE 3 - ENTER OPERABLE CHILLERS HERE BUS 1H 1J 2J 2H Operable Chillers TS Requirement: Three operable chillers, powered from three of the four Emergency Buses with one of the three operable chillers capable of being powered from the fourth Emergency Bus.

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Attachment 1 OPERABLE COMBINATION DETERMINATION TABLE 4 - OPERABLE COMBINATIONS BUS 1H 1J 2J 2H Combination 1 E Anorm Dnorm C Combination 2 E Anorm Dnorm Balt Combination 3 E Anorm A alt C Combination 4 E Anorm A alt *Balt Combination 5 E Bnorm Dnorm C Combination 6 E Bnorm *Dnorm Balt Combination 7 E Bnorm A alt C Combination 8 E Bnorm *A alt Balt Combination 9 Dalt *Anorm Dnorm C Combination 10 Dalt *Anorm Dnorm *Balt Combination 11 *Dalt Anorm A alt C Combination 12 *Dalt Anorm A alt *Balt Combination 13 Dalt *Bnorm Dnorm C Combination 14 Dalt Bnorm A alt C Combination 15 *Dalt Bnorm A alt Balt NOTE: An asterisk denotes the power supply to which the specified chiller must be aligned in order to create a valid Operable Combination.

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Attachment 2 CONTROL ROOM/ESGR CHILLED WATER SYSTEM OVERVIEW NOTE: This drawing does not show required system valve positions. Valve positions will change as required by the applicable subsections of this procedure.

F 209 F 208 2J 2/208 2H 2/9 2/8 2/201 2/224 2/223 MCR MCR F 101 F 102 206 1J 1/1 1H 1/2 201 B 224 223 MCR MCR F 207 F 106 2/216 2/7 1/6 2/209 220 232 231 ESGR ESGR F 107 216 F 206 131 F A 1/7 2/6 209 2/232 2/231 Chilled Water ESGR 573 572 ESGR Loop A Chilled Water Loop C 648 570 571 285 286 647 643 1020 1021 132E F 132D F 1039 960 961 962 T 132E T 132D 651 653 Norm Norm Norm 2J 1J 1J 219 222 E-4E 1H E-4D E-4A E-4B E-4C 2H 1H 2J 2H Alt Alt Alt F F T 121E T 121D T 121E 133 134 646 642 287 291 295 652 654 P-2E P-2D P-2A P-2B P-2C TK-100A 644 640 290 294 296 558 639 569 568 299 300 2-BC- 1038 TK-5 659 574 575 Graphics No: PC871A A B CONTROL ROOM / ESGR CHILLED WATER SYSTEM OVERVIEW

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Attachment 3 CONTROL ROOM CHILLER POWER SUPPLIES NORM ALT NORM NORM ALT 24J1-6 ALT MCC 2J1-1 MCC 1J1-1 MCC 1J1-1 MCC 2H1-1 Bkr 9B Bkr 2B Bkr 6C Bkr 4A 1-EP- 2-EP-BKR-152 BKR-152 1-EP- 1-EP- 2-EP- 2-EP-BKR-151 BKR-150 BKR-150 BKR-151 14H1-6 1-EP-CS-101 1-EP-CS-100 2-EP-CS-200 MCC 1H-1B 1B 1-VS-P-1E MCC 1K2 1C 1-VS-AC-222 1B 1-VS-P-1D MCC 1K1 MCC 2K1 MCC 2H1-1 1D 1-VS-E-4E 1C 1-VS-AC-219 1B 1-VS-P-1A 1B 1-VS-P-1B 3D 1-VS-P-1C 2C 1-VS-P-2E 1D 1-VS-E-4D 1C 1-VS-P-2A 1C 1-VS-P-2B 4D 1-VS-P-2C 2D 1-EP-MCC-1K2 2F 1-VS-P-2D 1E 1-VS-E-4A 1E 1-VS-E-4B 5A 1-VS-E-4C E-4E E-4D E-4A E-4B E-4C Graphics No. CS894B CHILLED WATER SYSTEM CONTROL ROOM CHILLERS' POWER SUPPLIES

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Attachment 4 MER 3 CHILLER OPERATING CHECKS NOTE: SW Delta P limits for 1-VS-E-4A/4C are different than 1-VS-E-4B due to larger Condenser tubes.

Parameter Minimum Actual Maximum Compressor Discharge Pressure (PSIG) 150 265 Compressor Suction Pressure (PSIG) 55 75 Comp Suct Oil Pressure (PSIG) N/A

+10 PSIG Oil Level (%) 30 75 Chilled Water Temperature Setpoint (°F) 40 50 SW Pump Discharge Pressure (PSIG) 30 60 Service Water Inlet Temperature (°F) 85 100 Service Water Outlet Temperature (°F) 85 110 1-VS-E-4A / 4C Condenser Differential Pressure (PSID) 2.0 (1) 5 1-VS-E-4B Condenser Differential Pressure (PSID) 3.5 (1) 7 2-VS-TI-216, 2-VS-AC-7 Chilled Water Inlet Temp (°F) 37 (2) 45 (4) 2-VS-TI-217, 2-VS-AC-7 Chilled Water Outlet Temp (°F) 37 (2) 60 2-VS-TI-212, 2-VS-AC-9 Chilled Water Inlet Temp (°F) 37 (2) 45 (4) 2-VS-TI-213, 2-VS-AC-9 Chilled Water Outlet Temp (°F) 37 (2) 60 2-VS-TI-214, 2-VS-AC-6 Chilled Water Inlet Temp (°F) 37 (3) 45 (4) 2-VS-TI-215, 2-VS-AC-6 Chilled Water Outlet Temp (°F) 37 (3) 60 2-VS-TI-210, 2-VS-AC-8 Chilled Water Inlet Temp (°F) 37 (3) 45 (4) 2-VS-TI-211, 2-VS-AC-8 Chilled Water Outlet Temp (°F) 37 (3) 60

_______ 1. IF any parameter is exceeded, THEN have Maintenance perform 0-MPM-0210-01, Control Room Chiller Performance Checks, to determine chiller operability.

(1) A Condition Report should be submitted if Condenser Differential Pressure is greater than 5 psid (1-VS-E-4A/4C) or 7 psid (1-VS-E-4B) If pump suction pressure is less than or equal to 20.2 inches Hg, notify Shift Supervision for operability. (Reference 2.3.25)

(2) Required only if the chiller started is supplying Chilled Water Loop A. Otherwise, enter N/A.

(3) Required only if the chiller started is supplying Chilled Water Loop C. Otherwise, enter N/A.

(4) If operating in single chiller mode, maximum temperature limit is 50°F.

Performed by: _____________________ _______ ____________________ _______

Signature Initial Print Date

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  • Changing the Chilled Water flow to a MCR or ESGR AHU will change the Chilled Water flow to all AHUs on the associated Chilled Water Loop.

_______ 1. Throttle the AHU Throttle Valves in Table 1 as required to obtain flow greater than the Minimum Flow for all listed AHUs. Enter N/A for any valve NOT throttled.

(Reference 2.3.7)

Table 1 AHU Mark AHU Flow Minimum AHU Throttle Number Indicator Flow Valve Initials 1-VS-AC-7 1-VS-FI-107 85 GPM 1-VS-216 2-VS-AC-7 2-VS-FI-207 85 GPM 2-VS-216 1-VS-AC-1 1-VS-FI-101 10 GPM 1-VS-208 2-VS-AC-9 2-VS-FI-209 20 GPM 2-VS-208

_______ 2. IF 1-VS-573, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop A Inlet, is found open, THEN throttle 1-VS- 574, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop A Outlet, to obtain 4 gpm to 6 gpm as indicated on 1-VS-FI-131, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Flow.

Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 3. WHEN ALL throttling has been completed, THEN verify ALL AHU flows listed below are equal to or greater than the listed Minimum Flow, AND record the As Left flows in Table 2.

Table 2 AHU Mark AHU Flow Minimum As Left Number Indicator Flow Flow Initials 1-VS-AC-7 1-VS-FI-107 85 GPM _______GPM 2-VS-AC-7 2-VS-FI-207 85 GPM _______GPM 1-VS-AC-1 1-VS-FI-101 10 GPM _______GPM 2-VS-AC-9 2-VS-FI-209 20 GPM _______GPM Completed by: ___________________________________________ Date: _________

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  • Changing the Chilled Water flow to a MCR or ESGR AHU will change the Chilled Water flow to all AHUs on the associated Chilled Water Loop.

_______ 1. Throttle the AHU Throttle Valves in Table 1 as required to obtain flow greater than the Minimum Flow for all listed AHUs. Enter N/A for any valve NOT throttled.

(Reference 2.3.7)

Table 1 AHU Mark AHU Flow Minimum AHU Throttle Number Indicator Flow Valve Initials 1-VS-AC-6 1-VS-FI-106 85 GPM 1-VS-232 2-VS-AC-6 2-VS-FI-206 85 GPM 2-VS-232 1-VS-AC-2 1-VS-FI-102 10 GPM 1-VS-224 2-VS-AC-8 2-VS-FI-208 20 GPM 2-VS-224

_______ 2. IF 1-VS-572, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop C Inlet, is found open, THEN throttle 1-VS- 575, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Chilled Water Loop C Outlet, to obtain 4 gpm to 6 gpm as indicated on 1-VS-FI-131, MER 3 AHU AC-220 Flow.

Otherwise, enter N/A.

_______ 3. WHEN ALL throttling has been completed, THEN verify ALL AHU flows listed below are equal to or greater than the listed Minimum Flow, AND record the As Left flows in Table 2.

Table 2 AHU Mark AHU Flow Minimum As Left Number Indicator Flow Flow Initials 1-VS-AC-6 1-VS-FI-106 85 GPM _______GPM 2-VS-AC-6 2-VS-FI-206 85 GPM _______GPM 1-VS-AC-2 1-VS-FI-102 10 GPM _______GPM 2-VS-AC-8 2-VS-FI-208 20 GPM _______GPM Completed by: ___________________________________________ Date: _________

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Attachment 7 MER 5 CHILLER DIAGNOSTICS LED Energized LED Deenergized 1 1 1 1 1 1 Compressor 1 Compressor 1 Compressor 1 Compressor 1 Compressor 1 Compressor 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Compressor 2 Compressor 2 Compressor 2 Compressor 2 Compressor 2 Compressor 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Start Compressor 1 Compressor 1 Compressor 1 Compressor 1 Load Limit Mode Step 1 Step 1 & 2 Full Load Full Load Operation Loaded Loaded Compressor 2 Step 1 Loaded 1 1 1 1 1 1 Compressor 1 Compressor 1 Compressor 1 Compressor 1 Compressor 1 Compressor 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Compressor 2 Compressor 2 Compressor 2 Compressor 2 Compressor 2 Compressor 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Compressor 1 Compressor 1 Setpoint/Low Compressor 1 Compressor 2 Low Temp.

Full Load Full Load Temp. Control Low Pressure Low Pressure Control Compressor 2 Compressor 2 Overlap Lockout Lockout Lockout Step 1 & 2 Loaded Full Load Graphics No. CS4549