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2011 Radioactive Effluents Release Report Volume 1
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/24/2012
Dominion, Dominion Nuclear Connecticut
NRC/FSME, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML12128A378 (76)



Millstone Power Station 2011 Radioactive Effluents Release Report Volume 1 Gaseous Effluents 1' U II~,I~

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Vi S Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.

Unit License Docket

,Dominion 1 2

DPR-21 DPR-65 50-245 50-336 3 NPF-49 50-423

Table of Contents Volume 1 Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................... 1 List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................. 2 References ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.0 Off-Site Doses ......................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Dose Calculations ............................................................................................................................ 5 1.1.1 Airborne Effl uents ..................................................................................................... 5 1.1.2 Liquid Effl uents ........................................................................................................ 6 1.2 Dose Results .................................................................................................................................... 7 1.2.1 Airborne Effluents ...................................................................................................... 7 1.2.2 Liquid Effl uents ........................................................................................................ 7 1.2.3 Analysis of Results ....................................................................................................... 7 2.0 Effl uent Radioactivity ........................................................................................................................... 12 2.1 Airborne Effl uents ......................................................................................................................... 12 2.1.1 M easurement of Airborne Radioactivity ..................................................................... 12 2.1.2 Estim ate of Carbon-14 ................................................................................................ 13 2.1.3 Estim ate of Errors ....................................................................................................... 14 2.1.4 Airborne Batch Release Statistics ................................................................................. 14 2.1.5 Abnorm al Airborne Releases ....................................................................................... 14 2.1.6 Airborne Release Tables .............................................................................................. 14 2.2 Liquid Effluents ............................................................................................................................. 33 2.2.1 M easurem ent of Liquid Radioactivity .......................................................................... 33 2.2.2 Groundwater M onitoring ...................................................................... 33 2.2.3 Estimate of Errors .............................................................................. 33 2.2.4 Liquid Batch Release Statistics .................................................................................. 34 2.2.5 Abnorm al Liquid Releases .......................................................................................... 34 2.2.6 Liquid Release Tables ................................................................................................. 34 2.3 Solid W aste ................................................................................................................................... 49 2.4 Groundwater M onitoring ............................................................................................................... 61 3.0 Inoperable Effl uent M onitors ................................................................................................................ 62 4.0 Operating History .................................................................................................................................. 63 5.0 Errata ...................................................................................................................................................... 66 6.0 REM ODCM Changes ........................................................................................................................... 71 Volume 2 2011 REMODCM Revision 26-02

List of Tables Table 1-1 Off-Site Dose Summary from Airborne Effluents - Units 1, 2, 3 ........................................................................... 8 Table 1-2 Off-Site Dose Summary from Liquid Effluents - Units 1, 2, 3.............................................................................. 9 Table 1-3 Off-Site Dose Comparison to Limits - Units 1, 2, 3 .......................................................................................... 10 Table 1-4 Off-Site Dose Comparison - Units 1, 2, 3 ..................................................................................................... II Table 2.1-A I MPS I Airborne Effluents - Release Summary ................................................................................................ 15 Table 2.1 -A2 MPS 1 Airborne Effluents - Ground Continuous - BOP Vent & SFPI Vent ............................................................... 16 Table 2.2-Al MPS2 Airborne Effluents - Release Summary ................................................................................................ 17 Table 2.2-A2 MPS2 Airborne Effluents - Mixed Continuous - Aux Bldg Vent, SGBD Tank Vent & Spent Fuel Pool Evaporation .............. 18 Table 2.2-A3 MPS2 Airborne Effluents - Mixed Batch - Containment Purges ............................................................ 19 Table 2.2-A4 MPS2 Airborne Effluents - Elevated Batch - WGDT ....................................................................................... 20 Table 2.2-A5 MPS2 Airborne Effluents - Elevated Continuous - Containment Vents/Site stack ..................................................... 21 Table 2.2-A6 MPS2 Airborne Effluents - Ground Batch - Containment Equipment Hatch ............................................................. 22 Table 2.2-A7 MPS2 Airborne Effluents - Ground Batch - RWST Vent .................................................................................. 23 Table 2.3-Al MPS3 Airborne Effluents - Release Summary ................................................................................................. 24 Table 2.3-A2 MPS3 Airborne Effluents - Mixed Continuous - Normal Ventilation & Spent Fuel Pool Evaporation ............................. 25 Table 2.3-A3 MPS3 Airborne Effluents - Ground Continuous - ESF Building Ventilation ............................................................ 26 Table 2.3-A4 MPS3 Airborne Effluents - Mixed Batch - Containment Drawdowns .................................................................... 27 Table 2.3-A5 MPS3 Airborne Effluents - Mixed Batch - Containment Purges .......................................................................... 28 Table 2.3-A6 MPS3 Airborne Effluents - Elevated Continuous - Gaseous Waste System ............................................................... 29 Table 2.3-A7 MPS3 Airborne Effluents - Elevated Batch - Containment Vents.......................................................................... 30 Table 2.3-A8 MPS3 Airborne Effluents - Ground Batch - Containment Equipment Hatch .............................................................. 31 Table 2.3-A9 MPS3 Airborne Effluents - Ground Batch- RWST Vent ..................................................................................... 32 Table 2. l-L1 MPSI Liquid Effluents - Release Summary - (Release Point - Quarry) ..................................................................... 35 Table 2. I-L2 MPS I Liquid Effluents - Batch - (Release Point - Quarry) ................................................................................ 36 Table 2.2-LI MPS2 Liquid Effluents - Release Summary - (Release Point - Quarry) ..................................................................... 37 Table 2.2-L2 MPS2 Liquid Effluents - Continuous - SGBD, SW, RBCCW - (Release Point - Quarry) ............................................ 38 Table 2.2-L3 MPS2 Liquid Effluents - Batch - LWS - (Release Point - Quarry) .......................................................................... 39 Table 2.2-L4 MPS2 Liquid Effluents - Release Summary - (Release Point - Yard Drain DSN 006) .................................................... 40 Table 2.2-L5 MPS2 Liquid Effluents - Continuous - Turbine Building Sump - (Release Point - Yard Drain DSN 006) .......................... 41 Table 2.3-LI MPS3 Liquid Effluents - Release Summary - (Release Point - Quarry) ..................................................................... 42 Table 2.3-L2 MPS3 Liquid Effluents - Continuous - SGBD, SW - (Release Point - Quarry) .......................................................... 43 Table 2.3-L3 MPS3 Liquid Effluents - Batch - LWS - (Release Point - Quarry) ........................................................................ 44 Table 2.3-L4 MPS3 Liquid Effluents - Batch - CPF Waste Neut Sumps, Hotwell, S/G Bulk - (Release Point - Quarry) ............................ 45 Table 2.3-L5 MPS3 Liquid Effluents - Release Summary - (Release Point - Yard Drain DSN 006) ................................................... 46 Table 2.3-L6 MPS3 Liquid Effluents - Continuous - TB Sump, WTT Berm - (Release Point - Yard Drain DSN 006) ............................. 47 Table 2.3-L7 MPS3 Liquid Effluents - Continuous - Foundation Drain Sumps, CCW, SW - (Release Point - Yard Drain DSN 006) ............ 48 Table 2.1-S MPS I Solid Waste & Irradiated Component Shipments ...................................................................................... 50 Table 2.2-S MPS2 Solid Waste & Irradiated Component Shipments ................................................................................... 53 Table 2.3-S MPS3 Solid Waste & Irradiated Component Shipments ..................................................................................... 57 Table 2.4-G W 1 A dditional Well Sam ples .......................................................................................................................... 61 2


1. NUREG-0597 User Guide to GASPAR Code, KF Eckerman, FJ Congel, AK Roecklien, WJ Pasciak, Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, manuscript completed January 1980, published June 1980.
2. EPRI Report 1021106, Estimation of Carbon-14 in Nuclear Power Plants Gaseous Effluents, December, 2010.
3. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I, Revision 1, October 1977.
4. Technical Evaluation M3-EV-09-0003, "Impact of Faulty Flow Indication from HVR-FT10 on Radiation Monitors," March 29, 2010.
5. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.111 Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors, Revision 1, July 1977.
6. NUREG/CR-1276, ORNL/NUREG/TDMC-! User's Manual for LADTAP II - A Computer Program for Calculating Radiation Exposure to Man from Routine Release of Nuclear Reactor Liquid Effluents, DB Simpson, BL McGill, prepared by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37830, for Office of Administration, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, manuscript completed 17 March 1980.
7. 10 CFR Part 50 Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities, Appendix I Numerical Guides for Design Objectives and Limiting Conditions for Operation to Meet the Criterion "As Low As Reasonably Achievable" for Radioactive Material in Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Effluents.
8. 40 CFR Part 190 Environmental Radiation Protection Standard for Nuclear Power Operation.
9. DOSLIO-Dose Excel Code for Liquid Effluents, Software Document File, Rev 1, February 2002.
10. DOSAIR-Dose Excel Code for Airborne Effluents, Software Document File, Rev 0, February 2002.
11. GASPAR II - Technical Reference and User Guide (NUREG/CR-4653), March 1987.
12. NEI 07-07 Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative - Final Guidance Document, August 2007.
13. Memo - MP-HPO- 12010, 2011 Report on Solid Waste and Irradiated Component Shipments, March 1, 2012.


Introduction This report, for the period of January through December of 2011, is being submitted by Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. for Millstone Power Station Units 1, 2, and 3 (MPS 1, 2 and 3), in accordance with 10 CFR 50.36a, the Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (REMODCM), and the Station's Technical Specifications. A combined report, written in the US NRC Regulatory Guide 1.21 format, is submitted for all three units.

Volume 1 contains radiological and volumetric information on airborne and liquid effluents, shipments of solid waste &

irradiated components, calculated offsite radiological doses, all changes to the REMODCM, information on effluent monitors inoperable for more than 30 consecutive days, and corrections to previous reports. Volume 2 contains a full copy of the complete revision to the REMODCM effective during the calendar year.


1.0 Off-Site Doses This report provides a summary of the 2011 off-site radiation doses from releases of radioactive materials in airborne and liquid effluents from MPSI, MPS2 and MPS3. This includes the annual maximum dose in millirem (mrem) to any real member of the public as well the maximum gamma and beta air doses.

To provide perspective, these doses are compared to the regulatory limits and to the annual average dose that a member of the public could receive from natural background and other sources.

Regulatory Guide 1.21 Revision 2 was issued in June 2009. This guide specifically states that Carbon-14 (C-14) needs to be reported in airborne effluents from US nuclear power plants. This reporting requirement became effective beginning with reporting year 2010. C-14 is not a new power plant emission. Because the overall quantity of radioactive releases has steadily decreased due to improvements in power plant operations, C-14 now qualifies as a "principle radionuclide" per the revised regulatory guide.

1.1 Dose Calculations The off-site dose to humans from radioactive airborne and liquid effluents have been calculated using measured radioactive effluent data, measured meteorological data, and the dose computer models DOSAIR and DOSLIQ, which were developed by Millstone Power Station. The methodology and input parameters for DOSAIR are those used in GASPAR II (Reference 11) and NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference 3). The methodology and input parameters for DOSLIQ are those used in LADTAP II (Reference 6) and NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference 3). The calculated doses generally tend to be conservative due to the conservative model assumptions.

Doses are based upon exposure to the airborne and liquid effluents over a. one-year period and an associated dose commitment over a 50-year period from initial exposure. The portion of the doses due to inhalation and ingestion take into account radioactive decay and biological elimination of the radioactive materials.

Maximum individual dose is defined as the dose to the individual who would receive the maximum dose from releases of airborne and liquid effluents. Although the location of the maximum individual may vary each quarterly period, the annual dose is the sum of these quarterly doses. This conservatively assumes that the individual is at the location of maximum dose each quarter.

The dose calculations are based upon three types of input: radioactive source term, site-specific data, and generic factors. The radioactive source terms (Curies) are characterized in Section 2, Effluent Radioactivity, of this report. The site-specific data includes: meteorological data (e.g. wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric stability) to calculate the transport and dispersion of airborne effluents, and dilution factors for liquid effluents.

The generic factors include the average annual consumption rates (for inhalation of air and ingestion of fruits, vegetables, leafy vegetables, grains, milk, poultry, meat, fish, and shellfish) and occupancy factors (for air submersion and ground irradiation, shoreline activity, swimming, boating, etc.). All these inputs are used in the appropriate dose models to calculate the maximum individual dose from radioactive airborne and liquid effluents.

1.1.1 Airborne Effluents Maximum individual doses due to the release of noble gases, radioiodines, and particulates were calculated using the computer code DOSAIR (Reference 10). This is equivalent to the NRC code, GASPAR II, which uses a semi-infinite cloud model to implement the NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Reference 3) dose models.

The values of average relative effluent concentration (?JQ) and average relative deposition (D/Q) used in the DOSAIR code were generated using EDAN4, a meteorological computer code which implements the assumptions cited in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.111 (Reference 5), Section C. The annual summary of hourly 5

meteorological data (in 15-minute increments), which includes wind speed, direction, atmospheric stability, and joint frequency distribution, is not provided in the report but can be retrieved from computer storage.

Millstone Power Station stack releases are elevated (375 foot) with Pasquill stability classes determined based upon the temperature gradient between the 33 foot and 374 foot meteorological tower levels. However, the doses were conservatively calculated using mixed mode 142 foot meteorology since DOSAIR may underestimate the plume exposure (prior to plume touchdown) for elevated releases from the Millstone Power Station Stack. Only MPS2 and MPS3 discharge to the Millstone Power Station Stack. In March 2001, MPS1 was separated from the stack and two new release points were added to MPS1, the Spent Fuel Pool Island (SFPI) Vent and the Balance of Plant (BOP) Vent.

MPSI SFPI Vent (73 foot) and the BOP Vent (80 foot) releases are considered ground level; therefore these doses were calculated using the 33 foot meteorology. Continuous ventilation of the SFPI including tritium (H-3) releases due to evaporation from the spent fuel pool water release through the SFPI Vent. Continuous ventilation from other MPS 1 buildings are discharged to the BOP Vent. Doses from these release points were summed to determine the total MPS 1 airborne effluent dose.

MPS2 Auxiliary Building Ventilation, Steam Generator Blowdown Tank Vent and Containment Purge releases via the MPS2 Vent at 159 foot are considered mixed mode (partially elevated and partially ground) releases.

The first two of these are continuous releases while the Containment Purge is a batch release. Containment Purges can also be released via the Millstone Power Station Stack. Because doses for releases from the MPS2 Vent and from the Millstone Power Station Stack are calculated using the same meteorology, the Containment Purge releases are not divided between the MPS2 Vent and Millstone Power Station Stack. Batch releases from the Waste Gas Decay Tanks and Containment Vents are discharged via the Millstone Power Station Stack. The doses for these elevated releases were conservatively calculated using mixed mode 142 foot meteorology for which the Pasquill stability classes are determined based upon the temperature gradient between the 33 foot and 142 foot meteorological tower levels. The Containment Equipment Hatch and the Reactor Water Storage Tank (RWST) Tank Vent releases are considered ground level where the 33 foot meteorology was used for the dose calculations. Each of the doses for the various release points were summed to determine the total MPS2 airborne effluent dose.

The MPS3 Vent (142.5 foot) is considered a mixed mode (partially elevated and partially ground) release point.

The Pasquill stability classes are determined based upon the temperature gradient between the 33 foot and 142 foot meteorological tower levels. Auxiliary Building Ventilation is a mixed mode continuous release while Containment Purge and the "initial" Containment Drawdown (released at the roof of the Auxiliary Building) are considered mixed mode batch releases. Gaseous waste and operational containment drawdowns (also called containment vents) are released through the MPS3 Supplementary Leak Collection and Recovery System (SLCRS) system to the Millstone Power Station Stack (375 foot). The doses for these elevated releases were conservatively calculated using mixed mode 142 foot meteorology. The Engineered Safety Features Building (ESF) Ventilation, the Containment Equipment Hatch, and RWST Vent releases are considered ground level where the doses were calculated using 33 foot meteorology. Each of the doses for the various release points were summed to determine the total MPS3 airborne effluent dose.

1.1.2 Liquid Effluents Maximum individual doses from the release of radioactive liquid effluents were calculated using the DOSLIQ program (Reference 9). This program uses the dose models and parameters cited in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 with site-specific inputs to produce results similar to the LADTAP II code, (Reference 6).


1.2 Dose Results The calculated maximum off-site doses are presented in Table 1-1 for airborne effluents and Table 1-2 for liquid effluents.

1.2.1 Airborne Effluents For the dose to the maximum individual, DOSAIR calculates the dose to the whole body, gastroinstestinal (GI),

bone, liver, kidney, thyroid, lung, and skin from each of the following pathways: direct exposure from noble gases in the plume and from ground deposition, inhalation, and ingestion of vegetation, cow or goat milk, and meat. The values presented are a total from all pathways. However, only the whole body, skin, thyroid and maximum organ (other than thyroid) doses are presented.

For the plume and inhalation pathways, the maximum individual dose is calculated at the off-site location of the highest decayed X/Q where a potential for dose exists.

For ground deposition, the maximum individual dose is calculated at both the off-site maximum land location of the highest X/Q and highest D/Q where a potential for dose exists.

For the vegetation pathway, the maximum individual dose is calculated at the vegetable garden of the highest D/Q. For the vegetation pathway, the calculated dose is included in the maximum individual's dose only at locations and times where these pathways actually exist. Similarly, for meat, cow's milk, and goat's milk pathways, the calculated dose is included in the maximum individual's dose only at locations and times where these pathways actually exist.

To determine compliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix I (Reference 8), the maximum individual whole body and organ doses include all applicable external pathways (i.e., plume and ground exposure) as well as the internal pathways (inhalation and ingestion).

1.2.2 Liquid Effluents The DOSLIQ code performs calculations for the following pathways: fish, shellfish, shoreline activity, swimming, and boating. Doses are calculated for the whole body, skin, thyroid, and maximum organ (GI, bone, liver, kidney, and lung).

1.2.3 Analysis of Results Table 1-3 provides a quantitative dose comparison with the limits specified in the REMODCM. The data indicates that the total whole body and organ doses to the maximum offsite individual from Millstone Power Station including all sources of the fuel cycle are well within the limits of 40 CFR 190 (Reference 8). On-site radioactive waste storage during this year was within storage criteria and the maximum dose to a member of the public was approximately 0.19 mrem/yr. The doses from airborne and liquid effluents were added to the estimated dose from on-site radioactive waste storage to show compliance compared to 40 CFR 190.

The Offsite Dose Comparison, Table 1-4, provides a perspective on the maximum offsite individual dose received from Millstone Power Station with the natural background radiation dose received by the average Connecticut resident. The total dose to the maximum individual received from Millstone Power Station is small

(< 0.1 %) in comparison to the dose received from natural background radiation.


Table 1-1 2011 Off-Site Dose Commitments from Airborne Effluents Millstone Units 1, 2, 3

- "Uil-- 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Annual Total Max Air mrad mrad mrad mrad mrad Beta O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.0011+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Gamma O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Max Individual mrem mrem mrem mrem mrem Whole Body 8.06E-05 4.43E-05 4.48E-03 8.40E-06 4.62E-03 Skin 9.26E-05 4.43E-05 4.48E-03 8.40E-06 4.63E-03 Thyroid 8.04E-05 4.43E-05 4.48E-03 8.40E-06 4.62E-03 Max organ+ 8.10E-05 4.43E-05 4.48E-03 8.40E-06 4.62E-03 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Annual Total Max Air mrad mrad mrad mrad mrad Beta 2.41 E-04 3.75E-03 4.42E-04 1.23E-04 4.56E-03 Gamma 1.42E-04 8.17E-04 1.31E-04 1.23E-04 1.21E-03 Max Individual mrem mrem mrem mrem mrem Whole Body 2.46E-03 5.17E-02 7.57E-02 1.04E-02 1.40E-01 Skin 2.65E-03 5.33E-02 7.61 E-02 1.05E-02 1.43E-01 Thyroid 2.75E-03 5.81 E-02 7.66E-02 1.05E-02 1.48E-01 Max organ+ 1.17E-02 2.53E-01 3.76E-01 5.16E-02 6.92E-01 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Annual Total Max Air mrad mrad mrad mrad mrad Beta 6.15E-05 9.15E-05 2.96E-04 4.85E-04 9.34E-04 Gamma 1.70E-05 1.81E-05 1.20E-04 1.58E-04 3.13E-04 Max Individual mrem mrem mrem mrem mrem Whole Body 2.84E-03 4.59E-02 6.38E-02 1.47E-02 1.27E-01 Skin 2.88E-03 4.59E-02 6.39E-02 1.53E-02 1.28E-01 Thyroid 2.84E-03 4.64E-02 6.38E-02 1.48E-02 1.28E-01 Max organ+ 1.04E-02 2.20E-01 3.04E-01 5.14E-02 5.85E-01

+ Maximum of the following organs (not including thyroid): Bone, GI-LLI, Kidney, Liver, Lung

    • The term 'mrad' used in this report is a unit of radiation dose. The letter 'i' is for 'milli', or one-thousandth of a 'rad.' The word 'rad' is an acronyn for radiation absorbed dose. One rad is equal to the absorption of 100 ergs of energy per gram of tissue.


Table 1-2 2011 Off-Site Dose Commitments from Liquid Effluents Millstone Power Station Units 1, 2, 3 Max Individual 1st Quarter (mrem*)

2nd Quarter (mrem) 3rd Quarter (mrem) 4th Quarter (mrem)

Annual Total (mrem)

Whole Body 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 O.00E+00 Thyroid 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Max Organ O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 Max Individual 1st Quarter (mrem) 2nd Quarter (mrem) 3rd Quarter (mrem) 4th Quarter (mrem)

Annual Total (mrem)

Whole Body 2.95E-04 8.86E-05 8.95E-04 6.10E-05 1.34E-03 Thyroid 1.31 E-04 3.76E-05 4.59E-05 2.07E-05 2.36E-04 Max Organ 2.32E-03 1.96E-03 5.44E-03 4.36E-04 1.02E-02 tst Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Annual Total Max Individual (mrem) (mrem) (mrem) (mrem) (mrem)

Whole Body 5.15E-05 2.43E-04 3.24E-04 4.21 E-04 1.04E-03 Thyroid 3.83E-05 1.47E-04 1.70E-04 1.54E-04 5.1 OE-04 Max Organ 1.93E-04 1.41 E-03 1.85E-03 2.85E-03 6.30E-03

  • The term 'mrem' used in this report is a unit of radiation dose. The letter 'in' is for 'milli', or one-thousandth of a 'rem.' The word 'rem' is an acronyn for roentgen equivalent man. One rem is equal to a rad (see definition on previous page) multiplied by factors to account for type of radiation and distribution within the body.


Table 1-3 2011 Off-Site Dose Comparison to Limits Millstone Units 1, 2, 3 Airborne Effluents Dose Max Individual Dose vs REMODCM & 10CFR50 Appendix I Limits Whole Body Thyroid Max Organ* Skin Beta Air Gamma Air (mrem) (mrem) (mrem) (mrem) (mrad) (mrad)

Unit 1 4.62E-03 4.62E-03 4.62E-03 4.63E-03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Unit 2 1.40E-01 1.48E-01 6.92E-01 1.43E-01 4.56E-03 1.21 E-03 Unit 3 1.27E-01 1.28E-01 5.85E-01 1.28E-01 9.34E-04 3.13E-04 Millstone Station 2.72E-01 2.80E-01 I 1.28E+00i 2.75E-01 5.49E-03 1.53E-03

-imits -1 Liquid Effluents Dose Max Individual Dose vs REMODCM & IOCFR5O Appendix Z Limit Whole Body Thyroid Max Organ*

(mrem) (mrem) (mrem)

Unit I O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Unit 2 1.34E-03 2.37E-04 1.02E-02 Unit 3 1.04E-03 I 5.09E-04 6.30E-03 Millstone Station 2.38E-03 7.46E-04 1.65E-02

-iit 3 01 Total Off-Site Dose from Millstone Station Max Individual Dose vs REMODCM & 40CFR190 Limits Whole Body Thyroid Max Organ *

(mrem) (mrem) (mrem)

Airborne Effluents 2.72E-01 2.80E-01 1.28E+00 Liquid Effluents 2.38E-03 7.46E-04 1.65E-02 Radwaste Storage 2.20E-01 2.20E-01 2.20E-01 Millstone Station 4.95E-01 5.01 E-01 1.52E+00 Liis 5-_ 52 Note: REMODCM limits are listed in 10CFR50, Appendix I which contains additional limits not listed in the REMODCM

  • Maximum of the following organs (not including Thyroid): Bone, GI-LLI, Kidney, Liver, Lung 10

Table 1-4 2011 Offsite Dose Comparison Natural Background vs Millstone Power Station Average Resident Natural Background Radiation Dose Cosmic 27 mrem Cosmogenic 1 mrem Terrestial (Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain) 16 mrem Inhaled 200 mrem In the Body 40 mrem

- 284 mreml Courtesy NCRP Report 94 (1987)

Maximum Off-Site Individual Millstone Rower Station Whole Body Dose Airborne Effluents 0.2700 mrem Liquid Effluents 0.0024 mrem On-site RadWaste Storage 0.2200 mrem 1 0.4924mrm II

2.0 Effluent Radioactivity 2.1 Airborne Effluents 2.1.1 Measurement of Airborne Radioactivity Continuous Releases The following pathways have continuous radiation monitors that include particulate filters and, except for MPS 1, charcoal cartridges for monitoring the activity being released:

MPS 1 SFPI Island (no charcoal cartridge)

MPS 1 BOP Vent (no charcoal cartridge)

MPS2 Ventilation Vent MPS2 Wide Range Gas Monitor (WRGM) to Site Stack MPS3 Ventilation Vent MPS3 SLCRS to Site Stack MPS3 ESF Building Vent Charcoal cartridges and particulate filters are used to collect iodines and particulates, respectively. These filters are periodically replaced (typically weekly, except every two weeks for MPSI) and then analyzed for isotopic content using a gamma spectrometer. Particulate filters are also analyzed for Strontium-89 (Sr-89) (for all but MPS1), Strontium-90 (Sr-90) and gross alpha. At least monthly, gaseous grab samples are taken and analyzed for noble gasses and H-3. The gas washing bottle (bubbler) method is utilized for H-3 collection. This sample is counted on a liquid scintillation detector. Isotopic concentrations at the release point are multiplied by the total flow to obtain the total activity released for each isotope.

Since a major source of H-3 is evaporation of water from the spent fuel pools, H-3 releases were also estimated based upon amount of water lost and measured concentrations of the pool water. Grab samples from the MPS1 SFPI Vent and the MPS2 and MPS3 Vents are compared to the measured evaporation technique and the higher amount from either the vent or the measured evaporation technique is used to determine the amount of H-3 released.

Another continuous airborne pathway is the MPS2 Steam Generator Blowdown (SGBD) tank vent. A decontamination factor (DF) across the SGBD tank vent was determined for iodines by comparing the results of gamma spectrometry, analysis of the SGBD water and grab samples of the condensed steam exiting the vent.

This DF was applied to the total iodine releases via the SGBD water to calculate the iodine release out the vent.

An additional factor of 0.33 was utilized to account for the fraction of blowdown water actually flashing to steam in the SGBD tank.

12 Batch Releases The following pathways periodically have releases that are considered batches:

MPS2 Waste Gas Decay Tanks (WGDT) (via MPS2 WRGM to Millstone Power Station Stack)

MPS2 and MPS3 Containment Purges (via Unit Ventilation Vents, except for MPS2 if using Enclosure Building Filtration System (EBFS) via WRGM to Millstone Power Station)

MPS2 and MPS3 Containment Vents (via EBFS to Millstone Power Station Stack for MPS2 and via SLCRS to Millstone Power Station Stack for MPS3)

MPS2 and MPS3 Containment Equipment Hatch Openings MPS2 and MPS3 RWST Vents MPS3 Containment Drawdown Waste Gases from the MPS2 Gaseous Waste Processing System are held for decay in waste gas decay tanks prior to discharge through the Millstone Power Station Site Stack. Each gas decay tank is analyzed prior to discharge for noble gas and H-3. Calculated volume discharged is multiplied by the isotopic concentrations (noble gas and H-3) from the analysis of grab samples to determine the total activity released.

Containment air is sampled periodically for gamma and H-3 to determine the activity released from containment venting. The measured concentrations are multiplied by the containment vent volume to obtain the total activity released. MPS2 typically performs this process of discharging air from containment to maintain pressure approximately once per week while at MPS3 it is more often (typically at least daily). Any iodines and particulates discharged would be detected by the continuous monitoring discussed in section

Containment air is sampled prior to each purge for gamma and H-3 to determine the activity released from containment purging. Similar to containment venting, the measured concentrations are multiplied by the containment vent volume to obtain the total activity released. Any iodines and particulates discharged would be detected by the continuous monitoring discussed in section

Samples of air near the Containment Equipment Hatch openings are analyzed for particulates and iodines, during refueling outages for the period that the equipment hatch is open. An estimated flow out of the hatch and sample results are used to determine the radioactivity released.

When water is transferred to RWST there is a potential for a release of radioactivity through the tank vent.

Releases of noble gases, iodines, particulates and H-3 are estimated. A DF was applied to the total particulates and iodines contained in the water transferred to the RWST to estimate the releases. All noble gases are assumed to be released through the tank vent.

MPS3 containment is initially drawn down prior to startup. This is accomplished by using the containment vacuum steam jet ejector which releases through an unmonitored vent on the roof of the Auxiliary Building.

Grab samples are performed prior to drawdown to document the amount of radioactivity released during these evolutions.

2.1.2 Estimate of Carbon-14 Beginning in 2010 U. S. nuclear utilities are required to report airborne releases of C-14. This nuclide is not typically monitored because of its difficulty in measurement and analysis but the amount released can be estimated based upon its production rate. Reference 2 provides a method for this calculation. Also a key factor in the dose assessment is the percentage of C-14 that is in the form of carbon dioxide. Based on Reference 2, it was conservatively assumed that 30% of the C-14 exists as carbon dioxide (CO 2).


2.1.3 Estimate of Errors Estimates of errors associated with radioactivity measurements were made using the following guidelines:

Radioactivity Measurement Calibration 10% Calibration to NIST* standards Sampling/Data Collection 10% - 20% Variation in sample collection Sample Line Loss 20% - 40% Deposition of some nuclides Sample Counting 10% - 30% Error for counting statistics Flow & Level Measurements 10% - 20% Error for release volumes

  • National Institute of Standards and Technology 2.1.4 Airborne Batch Release Statistics MPS1 - None MPS2 Ctnt Purges Ctmt Vents WGDT Number of Batches 3 57 7 Total Time (min) 2281 8822 3317 Maximum Time (min) 1423 244 726 Average Time (min) 760 155 474 Minimum Time (min) 198 68 252 MPS3 Ctmt Purges Ctmt Vents* Ctmt Drawdowns Number of Batches 1 -350 l Total Time (min) 101
  • 59 Maximum Time (min) 101
  • 59 Average Time (min) 101
  • 59 Minimum Time (min) 101
  • 59
  • 3 hrs per Vent 2.1.5 Abnormal Airborne Releases An abnormal airborne release of radioactivity is defined as an increase in airborne radioactive material released to the environment that was unplanned or uncontrolled due to an unanticipated event. These do not include normal routine effluent releases from anticipated operational and maintenance occurrences such as power level changes, reactor trip, opening primary system loops, degassing, letdown of reactor coolant or transferring spent resin and do not include non-routine events such as minor leakages from piping, valves, pump seals, tank vents, etc. MPS1 - None MPS2 - None MPS3 - None 2.1.6 Airborne Release Tables The following tables provide the details of the airborne radioactivity released from each of the Millstone Power Station units. They are categorized by type of release, source(s), and by release point of discharge to the environment.


Table 2.1-Al Millstone Power Station Unit 1 Airborne Effluents - Release Summary Units 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Total A. Fission &Activation Gases D. Gross Alpha

1. Total Activity Ci Released C
  • "Total Activity Released" - Seconds in Quarter denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA)

"na" denotes not required to be analyzed 15

Table 2.1-A2 Millstone Power Station Unit 1 Airborne Effluents - Ground Continuous - BOP Vent & SFPI Vent Nuclides Released II Units I 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr Total A. Fission & Activation Gases Er- I Ci - - - -

Total Activity Ci I B. lodines / Halogens I CiI na na na na na Total Activity na na na na na C. Particulates Cs-137 Ci 2.16E-06 - 2.16E-06 Be-7 Ci 4.71E-06 4.71E-06 Other y Emitters Ci -

Sr-90 Ci -

Total Activity Ci 2.16E-06 4.71E-06 6.87E-06 D. Gross Alpha IGross Alpha I ci- - -I E. Tritium 1H-3 Ci I 3.32E-02 I 3.40E-02 3.16E+00 3.02E-027 3.26E+00I

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA)

"na" denotes not required to be analyzed 16

Table 2.2-Al Millstone Power Station Unit 2 Airborne Effluents - Release Summary Units 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr Total A. Fission & Activation Gases C. Particulates D. Gross Alpha

1. Total Activity Ci Released
1. Total Activity Ci I. (UI-"


2. Average Period uCi/sec 2.76E Release Rate *

"'Total Activity Released" - Seconds in Quarter denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA)

-*Calculated value per "Estimation of Carbon-14 in Nuclear Power Plant Gaseous Effluents" EPRI Final Report, 12/2010.

Calculated value is for the year; quarterly releases were not required to be calculated.


Table 2.2-A2 Millstone Power Station Unit 2 Airborne Effluents - Mixed Continuous Auxiliary Building Ventilation, SGBD Tank Vent & Spent Fuel Pool Evaporation Release Point - MPS2 Ventilation Vent ReleasedIUnt Nuclides I Units! 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr I Total I A. Fission & Activation Gases Ar-41 Ci - 2.53E-02 - 2.53E-02 Kr-85 Ci - 1.62E+00 1.80E-02 - 1.64E+00 Xe-131m Ci - 8.90E-05 - 8.90E-05 Xe-133 Ci - 2.73E+00 7.40E-03 - 2.74E+00 Xe-133m Ci - 5.30E-05 - 5.30E-05 Xe-135 Ci - 7.06E-02 - 7.06E-02 Other y Emitters Ci - - - -

Total Activity Ci - 4.45E+00 2.55E-02 4.47E+00 B. lodines / Halogens 1-131 Ci 5.83E-05 1.22E-04 9.76E-06 6.17E-06 1.96E-04 1-132 Ci 1.07E-04 - 1.07E-04 1-133 Ci 2.44E-04 9.23E-05 4.53E-05 2.02E-05 4.02E-04 1-135 Ci 6.32E-05 2.15E-05 4.62E-05 1.31 E-04 Other y Emitters Ci Total Activity Ci 3.66E-04 3.42E-04 1.01 E-04 2.64E-05 8.35E-04 C. Particulates Co-58 Ci 4.61 E-07 - 4.61 E-07 Cs-137 Ci - 2.12E-07 2.12E-07 Other y Emitters Ci - -

Sr-89 Ci - -

,Sr-90 Ci - -

Total Activity Ci 4.61 E-07 2.12E-07 6.72E-07 D. Gross Alpha IGross Alha Ci i 1 E. Tritium

  • IH-3 I Ci 1.80E+00 2.06E+00 1.21E+00 1.57E+00 6.63E+00
  • Includes estimated Spent Fuel Pool evaporation

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 18

Table 2.2-A3 Millstone Power Station Unit 2 Airborne Effluents - Mixed Batch Containment Purges Release Point - MPS2 Ventilation Vent Nuclides Released I Units 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr I Total I A. Fission & Activation Gases Ar-41 Ci 6.48E-03 *_6.48E-03 Kr-85 Ci

  • 1.47E-01
  • 1.47E-01 Xe-133 Ci
  • 3.42E-02 3.43E-03
  • 3.77E-02 Xe-135 Ci
  • 2.34E-03
  • 2.34E-03 Other y Emitters Ci * -*

Total Activity Ci

  • 1.90E-01 3.43E-03
  • 1.93E-O1 B. lodines / Halogens 1-131 Ci
  • 1.93E-08 *_1.93E-08 1-133 Ci
  • 2.40E-08
  • 2.40E-08 Br-82 Ci
  • 1.37E-07
  • 1.37E-07 Other y Emitters Ci Total Activity Ci
  • 1.80E-07
  • 1.80E-07 C. Particulates Cr-51 Ci 9.42E-08 9.42E-08 Co-58 Ci
  • 2.49E-08
  • 9.25E-09
  • 9.25E-09 Zr-95 Ci
  • 9.47E-08
  • 9.47E-08 Ag-110m Ci
  • 1.27E-07
  • Nb-95 Ci
  • 9.79E-08
  • 9.79E-08 Zr-97 Ci
  • 1.03E-07
  • 1.03E-07 y Emitters Ci *
  • Total Activity Ci
  • 5.51 E-07
  • 5.51 E-07 D. Gross Alpha FGrossAlpha Ci na na na na na E. Tritium IH-3 Ci
  • 1.02E-01 5.09E-01
  • 6.11EE-1
  • No activity released

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA)

"na" denotes Not Required to be Analyzed 19

Table 2.2-A4 Millstone Power Station Unit 2 Airborne Effluents - Elevated Batch Waste Gas Decay Tanks Release Point - Millstone Site Stack Nuclides Released I Units 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr I Total A. Fission & Activation Gases Kr-85 Ci 2.18E-01 1.15E+00 1.09E+00 6.24E-01 3.08E+00 Xe-133 Ci - 3.80E-04 3.80E-04 Xe-135 Ci - 6.28E-06 6.28E-06 Other y Emitters Ci Total Activity Ci 2.18E-01 1.15E+00 1.09E+00 6.24E-01 3.08E+00 B. lodines / Halogens y Emitters Cii Total Activity Ci C. V Particulates yEmittersC Total Activity Ci D. Gross Alpha lGross Alpha I CiI na na na na na E. Tritium IH-3 Ci 3.57E-04 1.OOE-03 7.48E-04 2.33E-03 4.43E-03

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA)

"na" denotes not required to be analyzed 20

Table 2.2-A5 Millstone Power Station Unit 2 Airborne Effluents - Elevated Continuous Containment Vents Release Point - Millstone Site Stack Nuclides Released I Units I 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr I Total A. Fission & Activation Gases Ar-41 Ci 4.54E-02 1.99E-02 3.02E-02 3.52E-02 1.31 E-01 Xe-133 Ci 1.72E-02 3.08E-02 3.51E-03 3.55E-02 8.70E-02 Xe-135 Ci 1.20E-03 1.48E-03 3.31E-04 8.97E-04 3.91E-03 Other y Emitters Ci Total Activity Ci' 6.38E-02 5.22E-02 3.41 E-02 7.16E-02 2.22E-01 B. lodines / Halogens 1-131 Ci -

1-133 Ci -

Br-82 Ci - 1.90E-06 - 1.90E-06 Other y Emitters Ci -

Total Activity Ci - 1.90E-06 - 1.90E-06 C. Particulates y Emitters Cii Total Activity Ci D. Gross Alpha IGross Alpha I Ci I -" - -

E. Tritium IH-3 Ci 1.28E-01 1.09E-01 1.58E-01 1.27E-01 5.22E-01

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 21

Table 2.2-A6 Millstone Power Station Unit 2 Airborne Effluents - Ground Batch Containment Air Release Point- ContainmentEquipment Hatch Nuclides Released I Units 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr I Total A. Fission & Activation Gases Xe-133 Ci

  • 7.60E-01 *
  • 7.60E-01 Xe-135 Ci
  • 9.47E-03 *
  • 9.47E-03 Other y Emitters Ci * *
  • Total Activity Ci
  • 7.69E-01 *
  • 7.69E-01 B. lodines /Halo ens 1-131 Ci
  • 6.OOE-07 *
  • 6.OOE-07 1-133 Ci
  • 1.90E-07 *
  • 1.90E-07 Other y Emitters Ci * *
  • Total Activity Ci
  • 7.90E-07 *
  • 7.90E-07 C. Particulates Co-58 Ci
  • 3.40E-07 *
  • 1.90E-07 *
  • 1.90E-07 Nb-95 Ci
  • 4.OOE-07 *
  • 3.80E-08 *
  • 3.80E-08 W-187 Ci
  • 3.20E-07 *
  • 3.20E-07 Other y Emitters Ci * * *-

Total Activity Ci

  • 1.29E-06 *
  • 1.29E-06 D. Gross Alpha IGross Alpha I Ci
  • na *
  • na *
  • na

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA)

  • No activity released "na" denotes Not Required to be Analyzed 22

Table 2.2-A7 Millstone Power Station Unit 2 Airborne Effluents - Ground Batch Reactor Water Storage Tank Reactor Water Storaae Tank Vent Nuclides Released I 1st 1UnisQtr I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr I Total I A. Fission & Activation Gases Kr-85 Ci* 1.12E-01 *

  • 1.12E-01 Xe-131m Ci
  • 8.22E-03 *
  • 8.22E-03 Xe-133 Ci
  • 3.69E-01 *
  • 3.69E-01 Xe-133m Ci
  • 4.32E-03 *
  • 4.32E-03 Xe-135 Ci
  • 8.67E-05 *
  • 8.67E-05 Other y Emitters Ci * *
  • Total Activity Ci
  • 4.94E-01 *
  • 4.94E-01 B. lodines/ Halogens 1-131 Ci 2.01 E-05
  • 2.01E-05 1-132 Ci
  • 1.27E-05 *
  • 1.27E-05 1-133 Ci
  • 3 5*

Other y Emitters Ci Total Activity Ci *3.28E-05 **3.28E-05 C. Particulates Cr-51 Ci

  • 1.48E-06 1.48E-06 1*

Mn-54 Ci

  • 2.77E-08 *
  • 1.05E-08 *
  • 1.05E-08 Co-58 Ci
  • 5.50E-06 *
  • 5.50E-06 Fe-59 Ci
  • 8.56E-09 *
  • 2.05E-07 *
  • 2.05E-07 Nb-95 Ci
  • 2.30E-07 *
  • 2.30E-07 Zr-95 Ci
  • 1.42E-07 *
  • 4.67E-09 *
  • 4.67E-09 Tc-99m Ci
  • 4.61 E-09 *
  • 4.61 E-09 Ru-103 Ci
  • 9.29E-10 *
  • 9.29E-10 Ag-110m Ci
  • 4.37E-06 *
  • 4.37E-06 Sn-113 Ci
  • 1.29E-07 *
  • 1.29E-07 Sn-117m Ci
  • 1.03E-07 *
  • 1.03E-07 Sb-122 Ci
  • 2.76E-08 *
  • 2.76E-08 Sb-124 Ci
  • 2.43E-07 *
  • 2.43E-07 Sb-125 Ci
  • 7.91E-07 *
  • 7.91E-07 Sb-126 Ci
  • 1.90E-08 *
  • 1.90E-08 Te-131m Ci
  • 2.40E-07 *
  • 2.40E-07 Te-132 Ci
  • 1.14E-05 *
  • 1.14E-05 Cs-134 Ci
  • 7.59E-08 *
  • 9.35E-08 *
  • 9.35E-08 Ba-140 Ci
  • 1.36E-09
  • 1.36E-09 La-140 Ci
  • 1.81 E-09 *
  • 1.81 E-09 y Emitters Ci * *
  • Total Activity Ci
  • 2.51 E-05 *
  • 2.51 E-05 D. Gross Alpha IGross Alpha I Ci
  • na *
  • 1.12E-02 I *
  • i.12E-02

"-"denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 23

  • No activity released

'na" denotes Not Required to be Analyzed

Table 2.3-Al Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Airborne Effluents - Release Summary Units ,1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Total D. Gross Alpha

1. Total Activity Ci Released F. C-14
1. Total Activity Ci 1.09E-Released**
2. Average Period uCi/sec 3.46E Release Rate *

""Total Activity Released" + Seconds in Quarter denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA)

-*Calculated value per "Estimation of Carbon-14 in Nuclear Power Plant Gaseous Effluents" EPRI Final Report, 12/2010.

Calculated value is for the year; quarterly releases were not required to be calculated.


Table 2.3-A2 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Airborne Effluents - Mixed Continuous Auxiliary Building Ventilation & Spent Fuel Pool Evaporation Release Point - MPS3 Ventilation Vent Nuclides II Units I Released 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr Total A. Fission & Activation Gases Xe-133 Ci - 4.37E-01 4.37E-01 Other y Emitters Ci -

Total Activity Ci - 4.37E-01 4.37E-01 B. lodines / Halogens 1-131 Ci - 7.95E-06 6.34E-06 1.43E-05 1-133 Ci - 4.98E-06 1.22E-05 1.72E-05 Other y Emitters Ci - - -

Total Activity Ci - 7.95E-06 4.98E-06 1.85E-05 3.15E-05 C. Particulates Be-7 Ci - 1.14E-05 - 1.14E-05 Cr-51 Ci - - 4.66E-05 4.66E-05 Co-58 Ci - - - 3.59E-05 3.59E-05 Co-60 Ci - -- 6.69E-06 6.69E-06 Hf-181 Ci - - - 9.80E-07 9.80E-07 Other y Emitters Ci - -

Sr-89 Ci - - -

Sr-90 Ci - - - -.

Total Activity Ci - 1.14E-05 9.02E-05 1.02E-04 D. Gross Alpha IGross Alpha I Ci I - - -

E. Tritium

  • IH-3 I Ci 1.12E+01 8.71E+00 1.05E+01 3.35E+01 6.39E+01
  • Includes estimated Spent Fuel Pool evaporation

"-"denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 25

Table 2.3-A3 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Airborne Effluents - Ground Continuous ESF Building Ventilation Release Point - ESF Building Vent Nuclides Released I Units 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Total A. Fission & Activation Gases y Emitters Ci I Total Activity C-B. lodines / Haloens 1-131 Ci 8.96E-08 3.23E-07 - 9.81E-08 5.11E-07 1-133 Ci Other y Emitters Ci Total Activity Ci 8.96E-08 3.23E-07 - 9.81 E-08 5.11E-07 C. Particulates Be-7 Ci 5.95E-07 2.40E-07 8.35E-07 Cs-137 Ci 3.35E-08 - 3.35E-08 Other y Emitters Ci Sr-89 Ci Sr-90 Ci Total Activity Ci 3.35E-08 5.95E-07 2.40E-07 8.69E-07 D. Gross Alpha Gross Alpha GCi - - -

E. Tritium H-3 Ci 2.85E-01 9.03E-02 1.47E-01 2.83E-02 5.51E-01

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 26

Table 2.3-A4 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Airborne Effluents - Mixed Batch Containment Drawdowns Release Point - Auxiliary Building Roof Vent Nuclides I Released Units 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr I Total A. Fission & Activation Gases y Emitters I Cii Total Activity I *G B. lodines / Halo ens 1-131 Ci * *

  • 1-133 Ci * *
  • Other y Emitters Ci * *
  • Total Activity Ci * *
  • C. Particulates Co-58 Ci * *
  • 1.39E-08 1.39E-08 Other y Emitters Ci * *
  • Total Activity Ci * *
  • 1.39E-08 1.39E-08 D. Gross Alpha IGrossAlpha I CiI na I na I na I na na E. Tritium IH-3 Ci * *
  • 2.02E-03 2.02E-03

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA)

  • No activity released "na" denotes not required to be analyzed 27

Table 2.3-A5 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Airborne Effluents - Mixed Batch Containment Purges Release Point - Millstone Site Stack I Nuclides Released Units 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Total A. Fission & Activation Gases Xe-133 Ci * *

  • 4.63E-03 4.63E-03 Xe-135 Ci * *
  • 1.70E-03 1.70E-03 Other y Emitters Ci * *
  • Total Activity Ci * *
  • 6.33E-03 6.33E-03 B. lodines / Halo ens Br-82 Ci * *
  • 2.06E-07 2.06E-07 Other y Emitters Ci * *
  • Total Activity Ci * *
  • 2.06E-07 2.06E-07 C. Particulates yLEmittersI7 Ci~

Total Activity I *

  • D. Gross Alpha IGross Al ha Ci na na na na na E. Tritium IH-3 Ci * *
  • 1.03E-02 I 1.03E-02

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA)

  • No activity released "na" denotes Not Analyzed 28

Table 2.3-A6 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Airborne Effluents - Elevated Continuous Gaseous Waste System Release Point - Millstone Site Stack m

Nuclides I Released I Units 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr I Total I A. Fission &Activation Gases Kr-85 Ci 2.63E-01 3.02E-01 3.01 E-01 1.82E-01 1.05E+00 Kr-85m Ci - 2.68E-03 3.32E-04 3.01E-03 Xe-131m Ci - - 7.76E-03 7.76E-03 Xe-133 Ci - - 5.46E-01 1.86E+00 2.41E+00 Xe-133m Ci - - 8.27E-03 8.27E-03 Xe-135 Ci - - 1.42E-01 6.51E-02 2.07E-01 Ar-41 Ci - - 8.76E-03 8.76E-03 Other y Emitters Ci Total Activity Ci 2.63E-01 3.02E-01 1.OOE+00 2.12E+00 3.69E+00 B. lodines / Halogens 1-131 Ci - 5.75E-06 1.09E-07 5.86E-06 1-133 Ci -

Br-82 Ci 1.09E-05 7.60E-06 4.28E-06 6.58E-07 2.34E-05 Other y Emitters Ci Total Activity Ci 1.09E-05 1.34E-05 4.28E-06 7.67E-07 2.93E-05 C. Particulates Co-58 Ci - 2.33E-07 2.33E-07 Co-60 Ci - 7.57E-08 - 7.57E-08 Be-7 Ci - 1.14E-05 1.37E-05 2.51E-05 Hf-181 Ci - 3.50E-08 3.50E-08 Other y Emitters Ci - -

Total Activity Ci - 1.15E-05 1.37E-05 2.33E-07 2.54E-05 D. Gross Alpha IGross Alpha I Ci I - - - -

E. Tritium IH-3 Ci 6.34E-01 5.12E-01 5.21E-01 4.23E-01 2.09E+0 I

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 29

Table 2.3-A7 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Airborne Effluents - Elevated Batch Containment Vents Release Point - Millstone Site Stack Nuclides i Released I Units l 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr I Total A. Fission & Activation Gases Ar-41 Ci 1.62E-02 1.27E-02 8.55E-03 2.15E-03 3.96E-02 Xe-133 Ci 5.33E-03 3.34E-03 5.89E-03 4.49E-04 1.50E-02 Xe-133m Ci -- 6.92E-05 6.92E-05 Xe-135 Ci 8.14E-04 7.56E-04 7.17E-04 6.22E-05 2.35E-03 Other y Emitters Ci - - -

Total Activity Ci 2.23E-02 1.68E-02 1.52E-02 2.73E-03 5.70E-02 B. lodines / Halogens*

I y Emitters- - - - I -

Total Activity Ci I I C. Particulates I Emitters Cii -

Total Activity Ci I I D. Gross Alpha Gross Alpha Ci - I -

E. Tritium H-3 Ci 1.58E-02 1.51E-02 9.34E-03 3.93E-03 4.42E-02

  • lodines, Particulates and Gross Aipha included in Table 2.3-A6

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 30

Table 2.3-A8 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Airborne Effluents - Ground Batch Containment Air Containment Equipment Hatch Nuclides I Released 1st Qtr 1Units I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr I Total A. Fission & Activation Gases y Emitters Ci * *

  • Total Activity Ci * *
  • B. lodines / Halogens y Emitters Ci * *
  • Tota ActivityI Ci * *
  • C. Particulates Cr-51 Ci * *
  • 6.20E-07 6.20E-07 Co-58 Ci * *
  • 1.40E-07 1.40E-07 Other y Emitters Ci * *
  • Total Activity Ci * *
  • 7.60E-07 7.60E-07 D. Gross Alpha IGross Alpha I CiI na na na na na E. Tritium IH-3 I Ci na na na na na

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA)

  • No activity released "na" denotes not required to be analyzed 31

Table 2.3-A9 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Airborne Effluents - Ground Batch Reactor Water Storage Tank Reactor Water Storage Tank Vent I Released Nuclides I*ll IUnits I 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr Toa A. Fission & Activation Gases Xe-133 Ci na na na 1.24E-02 1.24E-02 Other y Emitters Ci na na na Total Activity Ci na na na 1.24E-02 1.24E-02 B. lodines / Halogens y Emitters I Ci na na na -

Total Activity Ci na na na C. Particulates Cr-51 Ci na na na 1.19E-04 1.19E-04 Mn-54 Ci na na na 1.19E-05 1.19E-05 Co-57 Ci na na na 4.70E-07 4.70E-07 Co-58 Ci na na na 1.82E-04 1.82E-04 Fe-59 Ci na na na 2.31 E-06 2.31 E-06 Co-60 Ci na na na 1.38E-05 1.38E-05 Zr-95 Ci na na na 5.03E-06 5.03E-06 Nb-95 Ci na na na 9.34E-06 9.34E-06 Sb-124 Ci na na na 7.52E-07 7.52E-07 Sb-125 Ci na na na 5.54E-06 5.54E-06 Cs-134 Ci na na na 1.11E-06 1.11E-06 Cs-137 Ci na na na 8.19E-07 8.19E-07 Te-132 Ci na na na 3.28E-08 3.28E-08 Other y Emitters Ci na na na Total Activity Ci 3.52E-04 3.52E-04 D. Gross Alpha Gross Alpha I Ci na na na na na E. Tritium H-3 Ci na na na 2.55E-02 2.55E-02

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA)

"na" denotes not required to be analyzed 32

2.2 Liquid Effluents 2.2.1 Measurement of Liquid Radioactivity Continuous Liquid Releases Water containing radioactivity is continuously released through one of two pathways - the Millstone Quarry or DSNO06. DSNO06 is next to the MPS3 intake structure (DSN is an acronym for 'discharge serial number.')

Grab samples are taken for continuous liquid release pathways and analyzed on the gamma spectrometer and liquid scintillation detector (for H-3) if required by the conditional action requirements of the REMODCM.

Total estimated volume is multiplied by the isotopic concentrations (if any) to determine the total activity released. A proportional aliquot of each discharge is retained for composite analysis for Sr-89, Sr-90, Fe-55 and gross alpha if required by the conditional action requirements of the REMODCM. Pathways for continuous liquid effluent releases via the Millstone Quarry include, Steam Generator Blowdown, Service Water Effluent and Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RBCCW) Sump for MPS2. Pathways for continuous liquid effluent releases via DSNO06 include Turbine Building Sump discharge from MPS2 and MPS3. Batch Liquid Releases from Tanks and Sumps Batch liquid releases are made via both the Millstone Quarry and DSNO06. There are numerous sources from which batches of liquids containing radioactivity are discharged to the environs. Except for three sources from MPS3 to DSNO06 they are discharged via the Millstone Quarry. The sources are:

MPS1 Reactor Building Sumps Underground Ventilation Duct Site Stack Sump MPS2 Clean Waste Monitor Tanks (2)

Aerated Waste Monitor Tanks CPF Waste Neutralization Sump Steam Generator and other Systems' Bulk Discharges MPS3 High Level Waste Test Tanks (2)

Low Level Waste Drain Tanks (2)

CPF Waste Neutralization Sump Steam Generator Bulk Boron and Waste Test Tanks Berm (via DSNO06)

Foundation Drains Sumps (via DSNO06)

Systems' Bulk Discharges (via DSNO06)

Prior to release, a tank is re-circulated for two equivalent tank volumes, a sample is drawn and then analyzed on the HPGe gamma spectrometer and liquid scintillation detector (H-3) for individual radionuclide composition.

Isotopic concentrations are multiplied by the volume released to obtain the total -activity released. For bulk releases, several samples are taken during the discharge to verify the amount of radioactivity released. A proportional aliquot of each discharge is retained for composite analysis for Sr-89, Sr-90, Fe-55, and gross alpha.

2.2.2 Groundwater Monitoring The Groundwater Protection Program (GPP) describes the means by which Millstone Power Station implements the actions cited in the Nuclear Energy's Institute's (NEI) Groundwater Protection Initiative. The purpose of the GPP is to establish a program to assure timely and effective management of situations involving potential releases of radioactive material to groundwater. A key element in the GPP is on-site groundwater monitoring.

The results of the onsite monitoring programs required by the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program are documented in the Annual Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report.


Another key element in the GPP is site hydrological characterization. The general trend of groundwater flow at the station is toward the Long Island Sound. The underdrain system effectively captures groundwater in the area around MPS3 and channels this water via the storm drain system to Long Island Sound. The consequences of these measurements have been used to determine releases and doses.

2.2.3 Estimate of Errors Estimates of errors associated with radioactivity measurements were made using the following guidelines:

Radioactivity Measurement Calibration 10% Calibration to NIST* standards Sampling/Data Collection 10% - 20% Variation in sample collection Sample Counting 10% - 30% Error for counting statistics Flow & Level Measurements 10% - 20% Error for release volumes

  • National Institute of Standards and Technology 2.2.4 Liquid Batch Release Statistics MPS1 MPS2 MPS3 Number of Batches I 64 51 Total Time (min) 330 7466 6218 Maximum Time (min) 330 447 307 Average Time (min) 330 117 122 Minimum Time (min) 330 1 9 Average Stream Flow Not Applicable - Ocean Site 2.2.5 Abnormal Liquid Releases An abnormal release of radioactivity is the discharge of a volume of liquid radioactive material to the environment that was unplanned or uncontrolled.

In 2011, the following abnormal liquid releases occurred: MPS1 - None MPS2 - None MPS3 - None 2.2.6 Liquid Release Tables The following tables proVide the details of the liquid radioactivity released from each of the Millstone Power Station units. They are categorized by type of release, source(s), and by release point of discharge to the environment.


Table 2.1-L1 Millstone Power Station Unit 1 Liquid Effluents - Release Summary (Release Point - Quarry)

Units I Ist Qtr I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr Total A. Fission and Activation Products D. Gross Alpha

1. Total Activity Ci * * * *
  • Released E. Volume
1. Released Waste Liters Volume
2. Dilution Volume Liters During Releases
3. Dilution Volume Liters During Period
  • No activity released 35

Table 2.1-L2 Millstone Power Station Unit 1 Liquid Effluents - Batch (Release Point - Quarry)

Nuclides Released st Qtr I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr 1Units I 4th Qtr Total A. Fission & Activation Products y Emitters Ci *

Total Activity Ci *

  • C. Dissolved & Entrained Gases Sr-8cI I I I . I Total Activity * * * *
  • D. Gross Alpha IGross Alpha oi * * * * *
  • No activity released 36

Table 2.2-L1 Millstone Power Station Unit 2 Liquid Effluents - Release Summary (Release Point - Quarry)

Units 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Total B. Tritium C. Dissolved and Entrained Gases D. Gross Alpha

[1. Total Activity Released J___Ci f 9.71E-05 1 1.13E-05 1-.08E-041 E. Volume

1. Released Waste Volume Primary Liters 7.70E+05 5.80E+05 8.29E+05 2.66E+05 2.44E+06 Secondary Liters 2.79E+03 7.71E+04 2.27E+03 2.15E+04 1.04E+05
2. Dilution Volume During Releases Primary Liters ý 3.20E+09 2.34E+09 3.86E+09 1.73E+09 1.11E+10
3. Dilution Volume During Period I Liters 2.51E+11 1.72E+11 2.62E+11 2.41E+11 9.26E+11
  • "Total Activity Released" - (Primary "Released Waste Volume" t "Dilution Volume During Period")

denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 37

Table 2.2-L2 Millstone Power Station Unit 2 Liquid Effluents - Continuous SGBD, Service Water (SW), RBCCW (Release Point - Quarry)

Nuclides Released I Units I 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr Total A. Fission & Activation Products Co-58 Ci 6.78E-07 - - 6.78E-07 Co-60 Ci 3.19E-06 - - 3.19E-06 Ni-63 Ci 9.18E-06 - - 9.18E-06 Sb-125 Ci 1.56E-06 - - 1.56E-06 Other y Emitters Ci - I - - -

Total Activity Ci 1.46E-05 1-.46E-05 B. Tritium IH-3 Ci 2.79E-04 8.12E-04 1.94E-05 1.53E-04 1"26E'03 C. Dissolved & Entrained Gases y Emitters Ci - -

Total Activity Ci D. Gross Alpha IGross Alpha ci - I-

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 38

Table 2.2-L3 Millstone Power Station Unit 2 Liquid Effluents - Batch - Liquid Waste System (LWS)

(Release Point - Quarry)

Nuclides U Released I Units r 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr Total A. Fission & Activation Products Be-7 Ci 3.23E-05 3.23E-05 Cr-51 Ci 4.49E-04 4.49E-04 Mn-54 Ci 1.94E-04 1.61 E-04 4.34E-05 1.02E-06 4.OOE-04 Co-57 Ci 2.96E-04 3.11E-05 3.83E-06 3.31E-04 Co-58 Ci 2.59E-03 3.21E-03 1.14E-03 9.50E-05 7.03E-03 Fe-59 Ci 5.47E-06 5.47E-06 Co-60 Ci 4.20E-03 1.03E-03 6.87E-04 3.21E-05 5.95E-03 Nb-95 Ci 5.93E%-05 1.93E-04 2.59E-04 5.11E-04 Zr-95 Ci - 1.40E-04 5.90E-05 1.99E-04 Nb-97 Ci - 1.53E-06 1.53E-06 Zr-97 Ci - 1.07E-05 1.07E-05 Ru-105 Ci - 1.29E-04 1.29E-04 Ag-110m Ci 2.88E-04 3.14E-04 4.02E-04 7.06E-06 1.01E-03 Sn-113 Ci 7.46E-06 1.50E-06 8.96E-06 Sn-117m Ci 1.60E-06 1.60E-06 Sb-124 Ci 5.12E-06 9.30E-05 5.85E-06 1.04E-04 Sb-125 Ci 3.07E-03 1.20E-03 2.18E-03 7.32E-04 7.19E-03 1-131 Ci 8.53E-05 2.60E-05 2.45E-05 1.27E-05 1.49E-04 Cs-134 Ci 2.48E-03 3.24E-05 3.77E-05 5.15E-06 2.55E-03 Cs-136 Ci 4.26E-06 4.26E-06 Cs-137 Ci 3.67E-03 1.01 E-04 1.23E-04 3.89E-05 3.94E-03 Fe-55 Ci 2.06E-03 2.14E-03 6.13E-02 2.36E-03 6.79E-02 Ni-63 Ci 2.37E-02 3.59E-03 3.OOE-03 1.69E-03 3.20E-02 Sr-89 Ci 5.97E-06 3.01E-05 1.53E-04 1.89E-04 Sr-90 Ci 9.99E-07 4.95E-07 - - 1.49E-06 Total Activity Ci 4.27E-02 I1.28E-02 6.96E-02 4.99E-03 1.30E-01 B. Tritium IH-3 ] Ci I 1.74E+02 [ 4.76E+01 I 1.04E+02 ] 3.90E+01I 3.65E+02 ]

C. Dissolved & Entrained Gases Kr-85 Ci 2.30E-01 1.16E-01 8.22E-02 2.31E-02 4.52E-01 Xe-133 Ci 6.33E-03 1.48E-02 2.65E-03 2.38E-02 Xe-133m Ci 9.56E-05 9.56E-05 Total Activity Ci 2.36E-01 1.31 E-01 8.48E-02 2.31 E-02 4.75E-01 D. Gross Alpha GrossAlpha I Ci 9.71E-05 I113E-05 I - 1"08E'04

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 39

Table 2.2-L4 Millstone Power Station Unit 2 Liquid Effluents - Release Summary (Release Point - Yard Drain - DSN 006)

Units lst Qtr I 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr J4th Qtr Total B. Tritium D. Gross Alpha

1. Total Activity Ci - - - -

Released E. Volume

1. Released Waste Liters 2.22E+06 3.48E+05 1.89E+05 1.OOE+06 3.75E+06 Volume
2. Dilution Volume Liters During Releases
3. Dilution Volume Liters 3.49E+07 3.81 E+07 4.98E+07 5.05E+07 1.73E+08 During Period ** I denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA)
  • "Total Activity Released" - ("Released Waste Volume" + "Dilution Volume During Period")
    • Includes all station dilution sources via Yard Drain - DSN 006 Continuous "Dilution Volume During Releases" is not quantified 40

Table 2.2-L5 Millstone Power Station Unit 2 Liquid Effluents -Continuous-Turbine Building Sump (Release Point - Yard Drain - DSN 006)

Nuclides Released I Units 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Total A. Fission & Activation Products _

y Emitters Ci -

Sr-89 Ci -

Sr-90 Ci -

Fe-55 Ci -

Total Activity Ci B. Tritium H-3 ci 1.29E-02 2.14E-03 4.03E-04 5.77E-03 2.12E-02 C. Dissolved & Entrained Gases y Emitters - I Total Activity Ci I I I D. Gross Alpha IGross Alpha I Ci -

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 41

Table 2.3-L1 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Liquid Effluents -.Release Summary (Release Point - Quarry)

. 201 I Unitsl lstQtr I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr I Total I A. Fission and Activation Products C. Dissolved and Entrained Gases D. Gross Alpha

1. Total Activity Ci 1 6.63E-05 2.74E-04 3.40E-04 Released E. Volume
1. Released Waste Volume Primary Liters 2.23E+05 7.32E+05 9.56E+05 1.05E+06 2.96E+06 Secondary Liters J 8.45E+06 1.04E+07 8.1OE+06 4.14E+06 3.11E+07
2. Dilution Volume During Releases Primary Liters 9.28E+08 3.82E+09 4.84E+09 2.92E+09 1.25E+10 Secondary Liters 1.05E+10 1.29E+10 1.95E+10 5.21E+09 4.81E+10
3. Dilution Volume During Period Liters 4.29E+11 3.98E+11 4.74E+11 3.27E+11 1.63E+12 denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA)
  • "Total Activity Released" + (Primary "Released Waste Volume" + "Dilution Volume During Period")


Table 2.3-L2 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Liquid Effluents - Continuous - Steam Generator Blowdown & Service Water (Release Point - Quarry)

Nuclides 14 11 Released Units 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Total A. Fission &Activation Products y Emitters Ci - - -

Sr-89 Ci - - -

Sr-90 Ci - - -

Fe-55 Ci - - -

Total Activity Ci - - -

B. Tritium H-3 Ci 1.26E-01 1.69E-01 7.89E-02 1.63E-02 3.90E-O1 C. Dissolved & Entrained Gases y Emitters Ci - - -

Total Activity Ci - - -

D. Gross Alpha lGross Alpha I Ci I - - I

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 43

Table 2.3-L3 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Liquid Effluents - Batch - Liquid Waste System (Release Point - Quarry)

Nuclides U Released I Units I 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr Total A. Fission &Activation Products Na-24 Ci 7.57E-06 7.57E-06 Cr-51 Ci 3.92E-03 3.92E-03 Mn-54 Ci 9.38E-06 3.50E-04 6.49E-04 5.98E-04 1.61E-03 Co-58 Ci 3.04E-05 7.91 E-05 2.36E-04 3.18E-03 3.53E-03 Fe-59 Ci 7.79E-04 7.79E-04 Co-60 Ci 4.06E-04 4.11E-03 6.03E-03 5.56E-03 1.61 E-02 Ni-63 Ci 4.15E-04 1.16E-02 9.25E-04 1.29E-02 Nb-95 Ci 2.92E-04 2.92E-04 Zr-95 Ci 4.22E-05 4.22E-05 Ag-110m Ci 3.37E-05 2.11E-04 1.30E-04 1.44E-04 5.19E-04 Sb-122 Ci 2.11E-05 2.11E-05 Sb-124 Ci 3.31E-05 2.57E-05 5.88E-05 Sb-125 Ci 1.15E-03 2.04E-03 8.17E-04 5.21E-03 9.22E-03 1-133 Ci - 1.58E-05 1.58E-05 Cs-134 Ci 8.46E-05 - 1.84E-04 2.69E-04 Cs-137 Ci 8.07E-05 1.03E-05 - 1.75E-04 2.66E-04 Ce-141 Ci 1.07E-05 - 1.07E-05 Other y Emitters Ci Sr-89 Ci Sr-90 Ci Fe-55 Ci 7.70E-04 5.62E-03 1.05E-02 9.99E-03 2.69E-02 Total Activity Ci 2.98E-03 1.24E-02 3.OOE-02 3.11E-02 7.65E-02 B. Tritium H-3  ! ci I 4.45E+01 2.03E+02 I 3.39E+02 ] 2.06E+02 ] 7.93E+02 C. Dissolved & Entrained Gases Xe-133 Ci 6.96E-05 6.96E-05 Other y Emitters Ci - -

Total Activity Ci 6.96E-05 6.96E-05 D. Gross Alpha Gross Alpha I Ci 6.63E-05 2.74E-04 - 3"40E'04 3

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 44

Table 2.3-L4 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Liquid Effluents - Batch - CPF Waste Neutralization Sumps, Hotwell, Steam Generator Bulk (Release Point - Quarry)

Nuclides Released Units r 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Total I A. Fission & Activation Products y Emitters Ci ....

Fe-55 Ci ....

Sr-89 Ci ....

Sr-90 Ci ....

Total Activity Ci ....

B. Tritium H-3 ci 1.41E-02 1.43E-02 I1.OOE-02 8.63E-04 3.93E'02 C. Dissolved & Entrained Gases y Emitters C - - -

TotalActivity - - -

D. Gross Alpha Gross Alpha Ci -"--

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 45

Table 2.3-L5 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Liquid Effluents - Release Summary (Release Point - Yard Drain - DSN 006) nits 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr I3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr Total A. Fission and Activation Products C. Dissolved and Entrained Gases D. Gross Alpha

1. Total Activity Ci -

Released E. Volume

1. Released Waste Liters 8.28E+06 9.71 E+06 9.13E+06 6.07E+06 3.32E+07 Volume
2. Dilution Volume Liters ***
  • During Releases
3. Dilution Volume Liters 2.88E+07 2.88E+07 4.09E+07 4.55E+07 1.44E+08 During Period **
  • "Total Activity Released" + ("Released Waste Volume" + "Dilution Volume During Period")
    • Includes all station dilution sources via Yard Drain - DSN 006 Continuous "Dilution Volume During Releases" is not quantified denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 46

Table 2.3-L6 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Liquid Effluents - Continuous - Turbine Building Sump, Waste Test Tank Berm (Release Point - Yard Drain - DSN 006)

Nuclides Released I Units r 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Total A. Fission & Activation Products y Emitters Ci Fe-55 Ci Sr-89 Ci Sr-90 Ci Total Activity Ci B. Tritium H-3 Ci 1.02E-01 1.04E-01 6.60E-02 3.45E-03 2.755-01 C. Dissolved & Entrained Gases Iv Emitters CiI -

Total Activity Ci D. Gross Alpha lGross Alpha !Ci I -l

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 47

Table 2.3-L7 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Liquid Effluents - Continuous - Foundation Drain Sumps, Closed Cooling Water Drain, Service Water Drain (Release Point - Yard Drain - DSN 006)

Nuclides Released I Units I 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr Total I A. Fission & Activation Products y Emitters Cii - I Total Activity Ci B. Tritium H-3 Ci 5.28E-03 4.02E-03 6.44E-03 4.01 E-03 1.98E-02 C. Dissolved & Entrained Gases y Emitters Cii - I Total Activity Ci D. Gross Alpha Gross Alpha Ci na na na na na

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 48

2.3 Solid Waste Solid waste shipment summaries for each unit are given in the following tables (Reference 13):

Table 2.1-S MPS1 Solid Waste and Irradiated Component Shipments Table 2.2-S MPS2 Solid Waste and Irradiated Component Shipments Table 2.3-S MPS3 Solid Waste and Irradiated Component Shipments The principal radionuclides in these tables were from shipping manifests.

Solidification Agent(s): No solidification on site Containers routinely used for radioactive waste shipment include:

55-gal Steel Drum DOT* 17-H container 7.5 ft3 Steel Boxes 45 ft33 87 ft3 95 ft 3

Steel Container 202.1 ft Steel "Sea Van" 1280 ft3 Polyethylene High Integrity Containers 120.3 ft3 132.4 ft33 173.4 ft 202.1 ft3

  • United States Department of Transportation 49

Table 2.1-S Solid Waste and Irradiated Component Shipments MPS 1 January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 A. SOLID WASTE SHIPPED OFFSITE FOR BURIAL OR DISPOSAL (Not irradiated fuel)

Resins, Filters, and Evaporator Bottoms Volume Curies Shipped Waste Class tt3 m3 Cudes A 9.00E+01 2.55E+00 3.30E-04 B N/A N/A N/A C N/A N/A N/A ALL 9.00E+01 2.55E+00 3.30E-04 Major Nuclides for the Above Table:

Radionuclide  % of Total Curies H-3 5.71% 1.89E-05 Sr-90 .0.67% 2.20E-06 Cs-137 10.08% 3.33E-05 Pu-238 3.59% 1.19E-05 Pu-239 1.88% 6.21 E-06 P'u-241 75.52% 2.49E-04 Cm-244 2,55% 8.43E-06 CURIES (TOTAL) 3.30E-04 Dry Active Waste Volume Curies Shipped mu3 3

Waste Class ft Curies A 1.20t+02 3.40E+00 3.67E-03 B N/A N/A N/A C N/A N/A N/A ALL 1.20E+02 3.40E+00 3.67E.03 Major Nuclides for the Above Table:

Radionuclide J  % of Total j Curies H-3 1.46% 5.37E-05 Fe-55 45.36% 1.67E-03 Co-58 0.59% 2.16E-05 Co-60 12.93% 4.75E-04 Ni-63 22.71% 8.34E-04 Nb-95 0.05% 1.90E-06 Cs-134 0.41% 1.49E-05 Cs-137 16.36% 6.01E-04 Pu-238 < 0.01% 2.03E-07 Pu-239 < 0.01% 1.01E-07 Pu-241 0.11% 3.94E-06 Am-241 0.01% 4.32E-07 Cm-244 < 0.01% 1.17E-07 CURSES (TOTAL) 3.67E-03 50

Table 2.1-S (continued)

Solid Waste and Irradiated Component Shipments MPS 1 Irradiated Components Volume Curies Shipped Waste Class ft 3 m3 Curies A N/A N/A N/A B N/A N/A N/A C N/A N/A N/A ALL N/A N/A NIA Major Nuclides for the Above Table:

lide I %of Total CURIES (TOTAL)

Curies 0

Other Waste Volume Curies Shipped Waste Class ft3 m3 Curies A 6.86E+01 1.94E+00 3.16E-03 B N/A N/A N/A C N/A N/A N/A ALL 6.86E+01 1.94E+00 3.16E-03 Major Nuclides for the Above Table:

Radionuclide I  % of Total I Curles H-3 92.84% 2.93E-03 Mn-54 0.02% 6.99E-07 Fe-55 0.30% 9.50E-06 Co-58 0.05% 1.59E-06 Co-60 0.06% 2.03E-06 Ni-63 0.21% 6.50E-06 Nb-95 < 0.01% 3.68E-08 Cs-134 0.01% 4.03E-07 Cs-137 6.08% 1.92E-04 Th-232 < 0.01% 8.20E-12 U-234 0.02% 5.74E-07 U-235 < 0.01% 5.32E-10 U-238 < 0.01% 3.54E-09 Pu-238 0.07% 2.11E-06 Pu-239 0.13% 3.97E-06 Pu-241 < 0.01% 1.79E-09 Am-241 0.21% 6.65E-06 Cm-244 < 0.01% 3.26E-10 CURIES (TOTAL) 3.16E-03 51

Table 2.1-S (continued)

Solid Waste and Irradiated Component Shipments MPS 1 Sum of All Low-Level Waste Shipped from Site Volume Curies Shipped Waste Class fte m3 Curies A 2.79E+02 7.89E+00 7.16E-03 B N/A N/A N/A C N/A N/A N/A ALL 2.79E+02 7.89E+00 7.16E-03 Major Nuclides for the Above Table:

Radionuclide  % of Total J Curies H-3 41.96% 3.01 E-03 Mn-54 < 0.01% 6.99E-07 Fe-55 23.40% 1.68E-03 Co-58 0.32% 2.32E-05 Co-60 6.66% 4.77E-04 Ni-63 11.74% 8.41 E-04 Sr-90 0.03% 2.20E-06 Nb-95 0.03% 1.93E-06 Cs-1 34 0.21% 1.53E-05 Cs-1 37 11.54% 8.26E-04 Th-232 < 0.01% 8.20E-12 U-234 < 0.01% 5.74E-07 U-235 < 0.01% 5.32E-10 U-238 < 0.01% 3.54E-09 Pu-238 0.20% 1.42E-05 Pu-239 0.14% 1.03E-05 Pu-241 3.54% 2.53E-04 Am-241 0.10% 7.08E-06 Cm-244 0.12% 8.55E-06 CURIES (TOTAL) _.16E-_03 52

Table 2.2-S Solid Waste and Irradiated Component Shipments MPS 2 Resins, Filters, and Evaporator Bottoms Volume Curies Shipped Waste Class ft3 m3 Curies A 1.46E+02 4.14E+00 4.OOE-01 B 8.13E+01 2.30E+00 6.35E+01 C N/A N/A N/A ALL 2.28E+02 6.46E+00 6.39E+01 Major Nuclides for the Above Table:

Radionuclide %of Total Curies H-3 0.04% 2,33E-02 C-14 < 0.01% 1.47E-03 Cr-51 < 0.01% 3.21 E-03 Mn-54 1.79% 1.14E+00 Fe-55 8.66% 5.54E+00 Fe-59 < 0.01% 1.12E-04 Co-57 0.26% 1.66E-01 Co-58 0.43% 2.73E-01 Co-60 8.32% 5.32E+00 Ni-63 67.19% 4..29E+01 Zn-65 < 0.01% 5.41 E-05 Sr-89 < 0.01% 1.77E-04 Sr-90 0.03% 1.88E-02 Zr-95 0.02% 9.70E-03 Nb-95 < 0.01% 4.68E-03 Tc-99 < 0.01% 1.32E-04 Ag-110m < 0.01% 3.56E-03 Sn-113 < 0.01% 1.79E-03 Sn-117m < 0.01% 1.18E-05 Sb-124 <0.01% 5.85E-04 Sb-125 5.94% 3.79E+00 Cs-134 2.51% 1.60E+00 Cs-137 4.78% 3.06E+00 Ce-144 < 0.01% '3.72E-05 Hf-181 <0.01% 5.34E-05 Pu-238 <0.01% 2.87E-04 Pu-239 < 0.01% 8.56E-05 Pu-241 < 0.01% 6.30E-03 Am-241 < 0.01% 9.83E-05 Cm-242 < 0.01% 4.68E-05 Cm-244 < 0.01% 2.62E-04 CURIES (TOTAL) 6.39E+01 53

Table 2.2-S (continued)

Solid Waste and Irradiated Component Shipments MPS 2 Dry Active Waste Volume Curies Shipped Waste Class ft3 m3 Curies A 1.14E+04 3.23E+02 2.75E+00 B N/A N/A N/A C N/A N/A N/A ALL 1.14E+04 3.23E+02 2.75E+00 Major Nuclides for the Above Table:

Radionuclide  % of Total Curies H-3 0.07% 2.01 E-03 C-14 < 0.01% 5.52E-05 Cr-51 < 0.01% 1.96E-04 Mn-54 0.15% 4.06E-03 Fe-55 40.43% 1.11E+00 Fe-59 < 0.01% 4.34E-06 Co-57 < 0.01% 1.39E-06 Co-58 2.14% 5.88E-02 Co-60 9.73% 2.67E-01 Ni-63 41.12% 1.13E+00 Sr-89 < 0.01% 1.42E-07 Sr-90 < 0.01% 9.81 E-07 Zr-95 0.47% 1.30E-02 Nb-95 0.55% 1.51E-02 Ag-h1 IOm 0.34% 9.43E-03 Sn-1 13 < 0.01% 7.22E-05 Sn-1I17m < 0.01% 1.37E-06 Sb-124 < 0.01% 2.80E-05 Sb-125 1.06% 2.91E-02 Cs-134 0.42% 1.16E-02 Cs-137 3.45% 9.48E-02 Hf-181 < 0.01% 2.16E-06 Pu-238 < 0.01% 3.05E-05 Pu-239 < 0.01% 4.54E-07 Pu-241 0.04% 9.81E-04 Am-241 < 0.01% 2.24E-05 Cm-242 < 0.01% 4.92E-07 Cm-244 < 0.01% 3.62E-05 CURIES (TOTAL) 2.75E+00 54

Table 2.2-S (continued)

Solid Waste and Irradiated Component Shipments MPS 2 Irradiated Components Volume Curies Shipped Waste Class ft3 m3 Curies A N/A N/A N/A B N/A N/A N/A C NIA NIA N/A ALL NIA N/A N/A Major Nuclides for the Above Table:

Radionuclide  %

A of Total I Curies CURIES (TOTAL 0 Other Waste Volume Curies Shipped Waste Class ft 3 m3 Curies A 9.23E+02 2.61E+01 3.72E-02 B N/A N/A N/A C N/A N/A N/A ALL 9.23E+02 2.61E+01 3.72E-02 Major Nuclides for the Above Table:

Radionuclide of Total

% Curies H-3 92.91% 3.46E-02 Mn-54 0.02% 8.26E-06 Fe-55 0.32% 1.19E-04 Co-57 < 0.01% 2.88E-09 Co-58 0.05% 1.82E-05 Co-60 0.07% 2.54E-05 Ni-63 0.22% 8.16E-05 Nb-95 < 0.01% 4.19E-07 Sb-125 <0.01% 2.24E-07 Cs-134 0.01% 4.77E-06 Cs-137 5.89% 2.19E-03 Th-232 < 0.01% 1.16E-10 U-234 0.02% 8.09E-06 U-235 < 0.01% 7.51 E-09 U-238 < 0.01% 4.99E-08 Pu-238 0.08% 2.97E-05 Pu-239 0.15% 5.60E-05 Pu-241 < 0.01% 2.53E-08 Am-241 0.25% 9.37E-05 Cm-244 < 0.01% 3.90E-09 CURIES (TOTAL) 3.72E-02 55

Table 2.2-S (continued)

Solid Waste and Irradiated Component Shipments MPS 2 Sum of All Low-Level Waste Shipped from Site Volume Curies Shipped Waste Class ft3 m3 Curies A 1.25E+04 3.54E+02 3.18E+00 B 8.13E+01 2.30E+00 6.35E+01 C N/A N/A N/A ALL 1.26E+04 3.56E+02 6.67E+01 Maior Nuclides for the Above Table:

Radionuclide  % of Total Curies H-3 0.09% 5.99E-02 C-14 < 0.01% 1.52E-03 Cr-51 <40.01% 3.41E-03 Mn-54 1.72% 1.15E+00 Fe-55 9.97% 6.65E+00 Fe-59 < 0.01% 1.16E-04 Co-57 0.25% 1.66E-01 Co-58 0.50% 3.32E-01 Co-60 8.37% 5.58E+00 Ni-63 66.08% 4.41E+01 Zn-65 < 0.01% 5.41 E-05 Sr-89 < 0.01% 1.77E-04 Sr-90 0.03% 1.88E-02 Zr-95 0.03% 2.27E-02 Nb-95 0.03% 1.98E-02 Tc-99 < 0.01% 1.32E-04 Ag-110m 0.02% 1.30E-02 Sn-113 <0.01% 1.86E-03 Sn-117m < 0.01% 1.31E-05 Sb-124 < 0.01% 6.13E-04 Sb-125 5.73% 3.82E+00 Cs-134 2.42% 1.61E+00 Cs-137 4.73% 3.15E+00 Ce-144 < 0.01% 3.72E-05 Hf-1I81 < 0.01% 5.55E-05 Th-232 < 0.01% 1.16E-10 U-234 < 0.01% 8.09E-06 U-235 < 0.01% 7.51E-09 U-238 < 0.01% 4.99E-08 Pu-238 < 0.01% 3.47E-04 Pu-239 <0.01% 1.42E-04 Pu-241 0.01% 7.28E-03 Am-241 < 0.01% 2.14E-04 Cm-242 < 0.01% 4.73E-05 Cm-244 I <0.01% 2.98E-04 CURIES (TOTAL) 6.67E+01 56

Table 2.3-S Solid Waste and Irradiated Component Shipments MPS 3 Resins., Filters, and Evaporator Bottoms Volume Curies Shipped Waste Class ft3 M3 Curies A 1.37E+02 3.88E+00 6.86E-01 B 2.81E+02 7.95E+00 1.73E+02 C N/A N/A N/A ALL 4.18E÷02 1.18E+01 1.74E+02 Major Nuclides for the Above Table:

Radionuclide  % of Total Curies H-3 0.03% 5.28E-02 C-14 < 0.01% 1.08E-03 Mn-54 3.42% 5.96E+00 Fe-55 10.06% 1.75E+01 Fe-59 < 0.01% 4.43E-05 Co-57 0.09% 1.54E-01 Co-58 1.14% 1.99E+00 Co-60 3.99% 6.94E+00 Ni-59 0.09% 1.60E-01 Ni-63 27.39% 4.77E+01 Sr-89 < 0.01% 3.28E-03 Sr-90 < 0.01% 1.47E-02 Nb-94 < 0.01% 9.94E-05 Zr-95 < 0.01% 9.43E-05 Nb-95 < 0.01% 1.16E-04 Tc-99 < 0.01% 1.62E-03 Ag-110m < 0.01% 4.20E-04 Sb-125 0.12% 2.17E-01 Cs-134 26.63% 4.64E+01 Cs-137 27.01% 4.70E+01 Pu-238 < 0.01% 2.13E-05 Pu-239 < 0.01% 8.59E-06 Pu-241 < 0.01% 6.01E-03 Am-241 < 0.01% 2.26E-05 Cm-242 < 0.01% 1.26E-05 Cm-244 < 0.01% 2.07E-05 CURIES (TOTAL) 1.74E+02 57

Table 2.3-S (continued)

Solid Waste and Irradiated Component Shipments MPS 3 Major Nuclides for the Above Tabk Radionuclide  % of Total Curies I H-3 6.13% 1.45E-01 Mn-54 1.26% 2.96E-02 Fe-55 44.36% 1.05E+00 Co-58 1.45% 3.42E-02 Co-60 16.36% 3.86E-01 Ni-63 22.83% 5.39E-01 Zr-95 < 0.01% 2.04E-05 Nb-95 < 0.01% 2.68E-05 Ag-11Om < 0.01% 1.30E-05 Cs-134 3.07% 7.25E-02 Cs-137 4.54% 1.07E-01 Pu-238 < 0.01% 9.28E-08 Pu-239 < 0.01% 1.71 E-08 Pu-241 < 0.01% 1.07E-06 Am-241 < 0.01% 1.17E-07 Cm-244 < 0.01% 5.45E-08 CURIES (TOTAL) 2.36E+00i Irradiated Components Volume Curies Shipped 3

Waste Class ft m3 Curies A N/A NIA NIA B N/A N/A N/A C N/A N/A N/A ALL N/A N/A NIA Major Nuclides for the Above Table:

lRadionuclide  % of Total Cures CURIES (TOTAL) 0 58

Table 2.3-S (continued)

Solid Waste and Irradiated Component Shipments MPS 3 Other Waste Volume Curies Shipped Waste Class ft3 m3 Curies A 2.93E+02 8.29E+00 2.11E-02 B N/A N/A N/A C N/A N/A N/A ALL 2.93E+02 8.29E+00 2.11E-02 Major Nuclides for the Above Table:

Radionuclide I  % of Total Curies H-3 92.39% 1.95E-02 Mn-54 0.03% 5.31 E-06 Fe-55 0.30% 6.33E-05 Co-58 0.06% 1.20E-05 Co-60 0.07% 1.41E-05 Ni-63 0.20% 4.25E-05 Nb-95 < 0.01% 2.80E-07 Cs-134 0.01% 2.64E-06 Cs-137 6.88% 1.45E-03 Th-232 < 0.01% 8.20E-12 U-234 < 0.01% 5.74E-07 U-235 < 0.01% 5.32E-10 U-238 < 0.01% 3.54E-09 Pu-238 < 0.01% 2.11E-06 Pu-239 0.02% 3.97E-06 Pu-241 < 0.01% 1.79E-09 Am-241 0.03% 6.65E-06 Cm-244 < 0.01% 2.05E-09 CURIES (TOTAL) 2.11E-02 59

Table 2.3-S (continued)

Solid Waste and Irradiated Component Shipments MPS 3 Sum of All Low-Level Waste Shipped from Site Volume Curies Shipped Waste Class ft3 m3 Curies A 1.34E+04 3.79E+02 3.07E+00 B 2.81E+02 7.95E+0O 1.73E+02 C N/A N/A N/A ALL 1.37E+04 3.87E+02 1.76E+02 Major Nudides for the Above Table:

Radionuclide  % of Total Curies H-3 0.12% 2.17E-01 C-14 < 0.01% 1.08E-03 Mn-54 3.39% 5.99E+00 Fe-55 10.52% 1.86E+01 Fe-59 < 0.01% 4.43E-05 Co-57 0.09% 1.54E-01 Co-58 1.15% 2.02E+00 Co-60 4.15% 7.33E+00 Ni-59 0.09% 1.60E-01 Ni-63 27.32% 4.82E+01 Sr-89 < 0.01% 3.28E-03 Sr-90 < 0.01% 1.47E-02 Nb-94 < 0.01% 9.94E-05 Zr-95 < 0.01% 1.1 5E-04 Nb-95 < 0.01% 1.44E-04 Tc-99 < 0.01% 1.62E-03 Ag-1 1Om < 0.01% 4.33E-04 Sb-125 0.12% 2.17E-01 Cs-134 26.31% 4.64E+01 Cs-137 26.71% 4.71 E+O 1 Th-232 < 0.01% 8.20E-12 U-234 < 0.01% 5.74E-07 U-235 < 0.01% 5.32E-10 U-238 < 0.01% 3.54E-09 Pu-238 < 0.01% 2.35E-05 Pu-239 < 0.01% 1.26E-05 Pu-241 < 0.01% 6.01 E-03 Am-241 < 0.01% 2.94E-05 Cm-242 < 0.01% 1.26E-05 Cm-244 < 0.01% 2.07E-05 CURIES (TOTAL) 1.76E+02 60

2.4 Groundwater Monitoring The Groundwater Protection Program (GPP) describes the means by which Millstone Power Station implements the actions cited in the Nuclear Energy's Institute's (NEI) Groundwater Protection Initiative. The purpose of the GPP is to establish a program to assure timely and effective management of situations involving potential releases of radioactive material to groundwater. A key element in the GPP is on-site groundwater monitoring.

The results of the GPP are documented in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (AREOR).

Additional wells were sampled and the results are documented in Table 2.4-GW1 below.

Table 2.4-GW1 Additional Well Samples H-3' Name Date (pCi/L)

MW-6B 10/20/11 <1,740 MW-7A 2/9/11 <1,720 MW-7B 2/9/11 <1,720 MW-7C 2/9/11 <1,720 MW-7D 2/9/11 <1,720 S12-MW-1 10/20/11 <1,740 DP-001B 2 12/5/11 4,440 DP-002A2 2/9/11 3,400 DP-002A 6/20/11 7,530 DP-003A2 2/9/11 1,850 DP-003A 3/14/11 7,320 DP-003A 6/20/11 2,700 DP-003A 12/5/11 10,600 DP-004Ak 2/9/11 3,080 DP-004A 6/20/11 2,290 DP-007z 2/9/11 1,900 DP-007 3/14/11 <1,740 DP-007 6/20/11 <1,740 DP-102 6/20/11 <1,740 DP-1022 12/5/11 2,960 Notes: I - There was no gamma radioactivity detected in these samples.

2 - These wells are located around the MPS3 RWST.

H-3 detected in these wells is from releases out of the RWST vent. The H-3 is captured in sumps and underground vaults and is measured and accounted before release to the environment. There is no communication with ground water.

These releases and resultant doses to the public are accounted in earlier sections of this report.


3.0 Inoperable Effluent Monitors During the period January I through December 31, 2011, the following effluent monitors were inoperable for more than 30 consecutive days:

3.1 MPS1 -None 3.2 MPS2- None 3.3 MPS3 - Steam Generator Blowdown Effluent Line flow rate measurement device On October 09, 2011 at 04:59 the steam generator blowdown radiation monitor (3SSR-RE08) was declared inoperable due to isolating steam generator blowdown sampling system for refueling outage 3R14. The monitor remained out of service due to lack of steam generator pressure until November 21, 2011 at 01:17 when it was made operable subsequent to completion of 3R14.

The monitor exceeded 30 days out of service due to the outage 3R14 lasting longer than expected. There was no failure of the monitor itself. Had the power plant been in service with the steam generators at pressure the monitor would have been restored.


4.0 Operating History The operating history of the Millstone Power Station Units during this reporting period was as follows:

MPS I was shut down November 11, 1995 with a cessation of operation declared in July 1998.

MPS2 operated with a capacity factor of 85.6% and MPS3 operated with a capacity factor of 87.6%

The power histograms for 2011 are on the following pages.


Millstone Power Station Unit 2 - Cycle 20 & 21 Power History Year 2011 110 100 90 80 1.DOWN POWER TO 90%


2. Commence 2R20 (04/02/11) 60 LU 3. DOWN POWER TO 30% TO REPAIR REACTOR COOLANT 50 PUMP OIL LEAK (6/20/11) 40 4. AUTOMATIC RX TRIP (6/20/11) FROM 59% POWER ON LOW SG LEVEL - DUE TO 30 SGFP 'B' TRIP 20 5. DOWN POWER TO 90%


10 0

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 64

Millstone Power Station Unit 3 - Cycle 14 & 15 Power History Year 2011 110 100 90 80 70 1.DOWNPWRT 3 21MI OFCLTT C ET4 N SEUR T14E RENPAISRTOT4EiNtCV IU.


  • 6. OWN POE N~~~~

O7%fý1114ATAC 4


~~is;~ fHRIAERN'HNSA 111111~iiiiiiiiii 0

10 65

5.0 Errata Tables 1-1 and 1-3 of the 2010 Radioactive Effluents Release Report are resubmitted to correct errors in the airborne doses to the maximum individual during the 3rd quarter for MPS2:

Table 1-1 2010 Off-Site Dose Commitments from Airborne Effluents Millstone Power Station Units 1, 2, 3 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Annual Total Max Air mrad mrad mrad mrad mrad Beta O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 Gamma O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 Max Individual mrem mrem mrem mrem mrem Whole Body 1.04E-04 5.OOE-05 1.20E-04 8.96E-05 3.64E-04 Skin 1.18E-04 5.OOE-05 1.37E-04 8.96E-05 3.94E-04 Thyroid 1.04E-04 5.OOE-05 1.20E-04 8.96E-05 3.64E-04 Max organ+ 1.05E-04 5.OOE-05 1.96E-04 8.96E-05 4.40E-04 Ist Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Annual Total Max Air mrad mrad mrad mrad mrad Beta 1.16E-05 2.04E-03 4.58E-04 5.71E-05 2.56E-03 Gamma 3.14E-05 1.27E-04 7.19E-05 2.40E-05 2.54E-04 Max Individual mrem mrem mrem mrem mrem Whole Body 2.36E-03 7.81 E-02 7.60E-02 4.93E-03 1.61 E-01 Skin 2.38E-03 7.95E-02 7.63E-02 4.97E-03 1.63E-01 Thyroid 2.39E-03 7.86E-02 7.66E-02 5.04E-03 1.63E-01 Max organ+ 1.18E-02 3.91 E-01 3.79E-01 2.37E-02 8.05E-01 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3dQatr 4th Quarter Ana oa Max Air mrad mrad mrad mrad mrad Beta 1.44E-04 8.23E-03 9.06E-05 5.09E-05 8.51 E-03 Gamma 2.28E-05 2.91 E-03 8.34E-06 1.07E-05 2.96E-03 Max Individual mrem mrem mrem mrem mrem Whole Body 2.09E-03 6.24E-02 5.78E-02 8.09E-03 1.30E-01 Skin 2.18E-03 6.61E-02 5.78E-02 8.13E-03 1.34E-01 Thyroid 2.09E-03 1.74E-01 5.78E-02 8.09E-03 2.42E-01 Max organ+ 9.17E-03 2.90E-01 2.77E-01 3.68E-02 6.13E-01

+Maximum of the following organs (not including thyroid): Bone, GI, Kidney, Liver, Lung 66

5.0 Errata (continued)

Table 1-3 2010 Off-Site Dose Comparison to Limits Millstone Power Station Units 1,2, 3 Airborne Effluents Dose Max Individual Dose vs REMODCM & 10 CFR 50 Appendix I Limits Skin Beta Air Gamma Air (mrem) It(mad) I (mad) 3.94E-04 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.63E-01 2.56E-03 2.54E-04 1.34E-01 8.51 E-03 2.96E-03 Miltone P;wr Station 1 2.92E.01 I4.05E-01 11.42E+00 I 2.98E-01 I1.11E-02 1 3.211E-0ý3 Liquid Effluents Dose Max IndividualDose vs REMODCM & 10 CFR 50 Appendix Z Limits Whole Body Thyroid Max Organ*

(mrem) (mrem) (mrem)

MPSI 2.12E-07 6.08E-08 3.01 E-07 MPS2 2.76E-04 1.87E-04 9.04E-03 MPS3 9.66E-04 7.39E-04 3.31 E-03 I Millstone Power Station 1.24E-03 9.26E-04 1.24E-02

-i -its 3 -

Total Off-Site Dose from Millstone Station Max Individual Dose vs REMODCM & 40 CFR 190 Limits Whole Body Thyroid Max Organ *

(mrem) (mrem) (mrem)

Airborne Effluents 2.92E-01 4.05E-01 1.42E+00 Liquid Effluents 1.24E-03 9.26E-04 1.24E-02 Radwaste Storage 1.90E-01 1.90E-01 1.90E-01 Millstone Power Station 4.83E-01 5.96E-01 1.62E+00

-iit 25 75 -5 Nbte: RBvKODCM linits are listed in 10 CFR 50, Appendix I w hich contains additional linits not listed in the RBVUDCM

  • Maxinum of the following organs (not including Thyroid): Bone, GI, Kidney, Liver, Lung 67

5.0 Errata (continued)

Table 2.1 -A2 of the 2010 Radioactive Effluents Release Report is resubmitted to correct errors in the total curies for the year of particulate Cs-137 and total particulates from the MPS I BOP Vent and SFPI Vent:

Table 2.1-A2 Millstone Power Station Unit I Airborne Effluents - Ground Continuous - BOP Vent & SFPI Vent Nuclides Uis Released I Units 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr I 4th Qtr I Total A. Fission & Activation Gases Kr-85 Ci Other y Emitters Ci Total Activity Ci B. lodines / Halogens y Emitters Ci na na na na na Total Activity Ci na na na na na C. Particulates Cs-137 Ci 1.07E-06 1.91 E-06 - 2.99E-06 Other y Emitters Ci Sr-90 Ci Total Activity Ci 1.07E-06 - 1.91 E-06 - 2.99E-06 D. Gross Alpha Gross Alpha Ci -

E. Tritium H-3 Ci 2.97E-01 5.20E-02 4.10E-02 6.59E-01 1.05E+00

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA)

"na" denotes not required to be analyzed 68

5.0 Errata (continued)

Table 2.3-A9 of the 2010 Radioactive Effluents Release Report is resubmitted to correct an error in the total curies of Fission & Activation Gases released for the year from the MPS3 RWST Vent:

Table 2.3-A9 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Airborne Effluents - Ground Batch - RWST Vent Nuclides [

Released I Units I 1st Qtr I 2nd Qtr I 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Total A. Fission & Activation Gases 8 .42E_02 Xe-133 Ci na 8.42E-02 na na 8.42E-02 Other y emitters Ci na na na Total Activity Ci na 8.42E-02 na na 8.42E-02 B. lodines / Halogens 1-131 Ci na 2.07E-04 na na 2.07E-04 Other y emitters Ci na na na -

Total Activity Ci na 2.07E-04 na na 2.07E-04 C. Particulates Cr-51 Ci na 2.18E-05 na na 2.18E-05 Mn-54 Ci na 3.22E-06 na na 3.22E-06 Co-57 Ci na 1.66E-07 na na 1.66E-07 Co-58 Ci na 7.35E-05 na na 7.35E-05 Fe-59 Ci na 5.24E-07 na na 5.24E-07 Co-60 Ci na 2.77E-06 na na 2.77E-06 Zr-95 Ci na 1.32E-06 na na 1.32E-06 Nb-95 Ci na 1.91E-06 na na 1.91E-06 Ag-110m Ci na 7.19E-07 na na 7.19E-07 Sb-124 Ci na 7.65E-08 na na 7.65E-08 Sb-125 Ci na 1.77E-06 na na 1.77E-06 Cs-134 Ci na 7.33E-06 na na 7.33E-06 Cs-136 Ci na 2.43E-07 na na 2.43E-07 Cs-137 Ci na 4.71E-06 na na 4.71E-06 La-140 Ci na 1.12E-07 na na 1.12E-07 Other y emitters Ci na na na Total Activity Ci na 1.20E-04 na na 1.20E-04 D. Gross Alpha IGross Alpha I °i na na na na na E. Tritium IH-3 Ci na na na na na

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA)

"na" denotes not required to be analyzed 69

5.0 Errata (continued)

Table 2.3-A2 of the 2010 Radioactive Effluents Release Report is resubmitted to correct an error in the total curies of Particulates released for the lst Qtr, 2 nd Qtr and the year from the MPS3 Normal Ventilation and Spent Fuel Pool Evaporation:

Table 2.3-A2 Millstone Power Station Unit 3 Airborne Effluents - Mixed Continuous - Normal Ventilation & Spent Fuel Pool Evaporation Nuclides Released 1st Qtr 1Units 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Total A. Fission & Activation Gases Xe-133 Ci - 1.52E+01 1.52E+01 Other y emitters Ci -

Total Activity Ci - 1.52E+01 1.52E+01 B. lodines / Halo ens 1-131 Ci - 2.09E-03 2.09E-03 1-133 Ci - 6.91E-05 6.91E-05 Other y emitters Ci -

Total Activity Ci - 2.16E-03 - - 2.16E-03 C. Particulates Cr-51 Ci - 1.56E-05 - - 1.56E-05 Co-58 Ci - 1.24E-05 - - 1.24E-05 Nb-95 Ci - 1.87E-06 - - 1.87E-06 Sb-124 Ci 1.27E-06 - 1.27E-06 Cs-134 Ci - 1.02E-06 - 1.02E-06 Ba-140 Ci - 8.11E-06 - 8.11E-06 Other y emitters Ci -

Sr-89 Ci -

Sr-90 Ci -

Fe-55 Ci -

Total Activity Ci 1.27E-06 3.90E-05 1 4.03E-05 D. Gross Alpha IGross Alpha Ci I -I- 7 E. Tritium

  • IH-3 Ci 7.OOE+00 1.30E+01 1.44E+01 1.42E+01 4.86E+01
  • Includes estimated Spent Fuel Pool evaporation

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 70

5.0 Errata (continued)

Table 2.2-L5 of the 2010 Radioactive Effluents Release Report is resubmitted to correct an error in the total curies of Fission & Activation Gases released for the year from the MPS2 Turbine Building Sump and Totes:

Table 2.2-L5 Millstone Power Station Unit 2 Liquid Effluents -Continuous-Turbine Building Sump/Totes (Release Point - Yard Drain - DSN 006)

Nuclides Released I Units 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Total A. Fission & Activation Products Co-60 Ci - 1.37E-06 1.37E-06 Cs-1 37 Ci - 3.83E-07 3.67E-08 4.20E-07 Other y emitters Ci - -

Sr-89 Ci - -

Sr-90 Ci - -

Fe-55 Ci - -

Total Activity Ci - 1.75E-06 3.67E-08 1.79E-06 B. Tritium IH-3 Ci I 3.65E-03 1.36E-03 9.32E-04 1.25E-02 1.84E-02 C. Dissolved & Entrained Gases iv Emitters Ci] - - - - -

Total Activity I - -

D. Gross Alpha IGross Alpha I Ci - - - -

"-" denotes less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) 71

6.0 REMODCM Changes The description and the bases of the change(s) for REMODCM Revision 26-02 (effective March 15, 2011) are included here in Volume 1 of the Radioactive Effluent Release Report. In addition, a complete copy of the REMODCM revision is provided to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as Volume 2 of the Radioactive Effluent Release Report.

DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES 1.1 In Section I.C.2, change Millstone Unit 1 waste stream 'reactor cavity water' to 'spent fuel water.'

1.2 Fig. I.C-3:

  • Add "3" to end of title for Figure I.C-3.
  • Change designation for Cesium Ion Exchanger in Figure I.C-3 from "CHS-DEMNl A/B" to "BRS-DEMN1 A/B."

1.3 Table I.D-2 & I.D-3:

  • Revise Footnote C to make sample applicable only to principle gamma emitters.
  • In Footnote G delete the words "and there is fuel in the cavity."
  • Revise Footnote K in Table I.D-2 and Footnote J in Table I.D-3 to make sampling and analyses applicable only for principle gamma emitters.

1.4 In Fig. 1.D-2, Change the following boxes to a broken line box format:

HEPA/Charcoal (L29A/B),

HEPA L25, HEPA L27, Waste gas compressor (F-lA/B), and Decay tanks (T 19A/B/C/D/E/F).

Also add a note at bottom that the components in the broken line boxes are those included in treatment equipment requirement.

1.5 Fig. 1.D-3:

  • Change the boxes for Charcoal Beds (3GWS-AD1A/B) and HEPA (3GWS-FLT1A/B) to a broken line box format. Also add a note at bottom that the components in the broken line boxes are those included in treatment equipment requirement.
  • Add rad monitor 3GWS-RE48 at output of gaseous waste system.
  • Add footnote that only portion of ESF building vent is monitored.

1.6 In Table I.E-4, n first bullet in Footnote A change "uCi" to "pCi."

1.7 In Sections II.C & II.D, at the end of the first paragraph add the sentence "Method 2. may be used in lieu of Method 1."

1.8 In Sections II.C.6 & II.D.5, in the requirements for quarterly dose calculation for the Radioactive Effluent Release Report, allow methodology contained in NUREG-0 133, "Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants."

1.9 In Section II.D. 1.b(2), Change dose factor for Units 2&3 tritium vent releases from 4.2E-6 to 4.1E-6.


1.1OIn Sections II.E.3 & II.E.8:

" In Step 1, change noble gas concentration from 5.7E-3 to 1.1 E-2 uCi/ml and add "175 gpm discharge flow" to basis for this value.

" In Step 1, add requirement to adjust noble gas reduction factor when dilution flow is less than 100,000.

  • In Step 2, allow credit for dilution flow from the other Unit as long as the other dilution flow is not being credited for a concurrent discharge from that Unit.

" In Step 2, change the minimum acceptable radiation monitor setpoint from 2.8E-5 to 5.6E-5 uCi/ml and the basis for this value (in Note 2) from 350 to 175 gpm discharge flow.

1.11In Table V.C. 1, change applicability for Steam Generator Blowdown Monitor from Modes 1-5 to Modes 1-4.

2.0 BASES FOR CHANGES 2.1 Section I.C-2: Requirement to sample and analyze water from Millstone Unit 1 reactor cavity and to report radioactivity released is being changed to apply to water from the spent fuel pool. All the cavity water has been discharged and water will no longer be added to the cavity. When the spent fuel is removed the water will need to be processed before discharge.

2.2 Figure I.C-3: Change is being made to correct a typographical error.

2.3 Tables I.D-2 & I.D-3:

" Footnote C is being revised to make samples, during power changes, of gaseous releases to the Units 2&3 vents and to the Millstone Stack applicable only to principle gamma emitters. During power changes the tritium concentration in reactor coolant remains constant. Therefore, only gamma emitters need to be analyzed during power changes.

  • Footnote G is being revised to require weekly tritium analyses of gaseous samples of releases to the Units 2&3 vents and to the Millstone Stack when the reactor cavity is flooded regardless of whether or not there is fuel in the cavity. Water used to fill the cavity from the RWST contains tritium. Therefore tritium needs to be checked even when there is no fuel in the cavity.

" Footnote K in Table I.D-2 and Footnote J in Table I.D-3 are being revised to make sampling and analyses of gaseous releases to the Units 2&3 vents and to the Millstone Stack following increases in radiation monitor readings applicable only for principle gamma emitters. Experience has shown that tritium concentration in reactor coolant remains constant even with changes in gamma emitting radiation (i.e., noble gases).

2.4 Figure I.D-2: Figure is being revised to indicate gaseous processing equipment required per Section I.D.2 by a box with broken line format. These components are required to be operable when projected effluent doses exceed a specified amount. This practice is the same as in the liquid effluent diagrams of Figure I.C-2.

2.5 Figure I.D-3:

  • Figure is being revised to indicate gaseous processing equipment required per Section I.D.2 by a box with broken line format. These components are required to be operable 73

when projected effluent doses exceed a specified amount. This practice is the same as in the liquid effluent diagrams of Figure I.C-3.

" Radiation monitor 3GWS-RE48 at output of gaseous waste system is being added to the figure. Although not an effluent monitor, this radiation monitor could be used to indicate releases of radioactivity from the gaseous waste system to the Millstone Stack.

" Another pathway and a footnote are being added to the figure to show that only a portion the release to the ESF building vent is monitored. This provides more detail to effluent releases from the ESF building which conforms to plant design.

2.6 Table I.E-4: Change is being made to correct a typographical error.

2.7 Sections II.C & II.D: Sections are being revised to allow the flexibility of bypassing the Method 1 dose methodology and to use the more exact Method 2 methodology. Method 1 is designed as a very conservative first estimate of dose.

2.8 Sections II.C.6 & II.D.5: Sections are being revised to allow methodology contained in NUREG-0133, "Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants" for quarterly dose calculations for the Radioactive Effluent Release Report. Millstone will be changing its dose calculation methodology using the vendor-supplied program "OpenEMS." Some of the methodology in this program uses guidance provided in NUREG-0133 which gives NRC approved methodology.

2.9 Section II.D. 1.b(2): Change is being made to correct a typographical error.

2.10 Sections II.E.3 & II.E8:

" Sections are being revised to increase the allowable noble gas concentration and the radiation monitor setpoints by a factor of two. The concentration and the setpoint can be increased because the actual discharge flow rate cannot exceed 175 gpm which is a factor of two below the flow rate currently used to determine concentration limit and setpoint.

" Sections are being revised to adjust noble gas reduction factor when dilution flow is less than 100,000. This will allow discharges at times when dilution flow is limited.

Discharges at very low dilution flow could be permitted as long as the discharge flow requirement in Step 2 and REMODCM limit on radioactivity concentrations in diluted discharged flow are met.

  • Sections are being revised to allow credit for dilution flow from the other Unit as long as the other dilution flow is not being credited for a concurrent discharge from that Unit. Actual dilution occurs in the Millstone Quarry and the environmental limits apply at the Quarry cut discharge to Long Island Sound. Thus credit may be taken for dilution flow from the other Unit.

2.11 Table V.C-I: Table is being revised to change applicability for Steam Generator Blowdown Monitor from Modes 1-5 to Modes 1-4. During Mode 5 there is insufficient pressure in steam generators to generate blowdown. Therefore, the radiation monitor is not needed during Mode 5. This is consistent with the REMODCM requirements for the MPS2 S/G blowdown rad monitor.