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Application to Modify Ice Condenser Technical Specifications to Address Revisions in Westinghouse Mass and Energy Release Calculation (SQN-TS-12-04)
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 07/03/2013
From: James Shea
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML13199A281 (130)


Tennessee Valley Authority, 1101 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402 July 3, 2013 10 CFR 50.90 ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-77 and DPR-79 NRC Docket Nos. 50-327 and 50-328


Application to Modify Ice Condenser Technical Specifications to Address Revisions in Westinghouse Mass and Energy Release Calculation (SQN-TS-12-04)

In accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.90, "Application for amendment of license, construction permit, or early site permit," the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is submitting a request for an amendment to Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-77 and DPR-79 for the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN), Units 1 and 2.

The proposed changes would revise SQN Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications (TSs) 3/4.6.5, "Ice Condenser," to increase the total ice weight from 2,225,880 pounds to 2,540,808 pounds. This change is necessary to address the issues raised in Nuclear Safety Advisory Letter (NSAL) 11-5, 'Westinghouse LOCA Mass and Energy Release Calculation Issues." The issues identified in NSAL-1 1-5 affected plant-specific loss of coolant accident (LOCA) mass and energy release calculation results that are used as input to the containment integrity response analyses. The basis for the proposed change is provided in WCAP-12455, Revision 1, Supplement 2R, "Tennessee Valley Authority Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Containment Integrity Reanalyses Engineering Report."

The changes in the LOCA mass and energy release calculations and the associated changes to the SQN containment integrity response analyses resulted in TSs Limiting Condition for Operation .d being non-conservative with respect to the required total ice weight. The non-conservative SQN TSs are being addressed within the TVA Corrective Action Program and administrative controls have been established in accordance with Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Administrative Letter 98-10.

Pnnted on r papw hoyCi I

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 July 3, 2013 The enclosure provides a description of the proposed changes, technical evaluation of the proposed changes, regulatory evaluation, and a discussion of environmental considerations. Attachment 1 to the enclosure provides the existing TSs pages marked-up to show the proposed changes. Attachment 2 to the enclosure provides the existing Bases pages marked-up to show the proposed changes for information only. to the enclosure provides the retyped TSs pages incorporating the proposed changes. Attachment 4 to the enclosure provides the retyped Bases pages incorporating the proposed changes for information only. Attachment 5 to the enclosure provides WCAP-12455, Revision 1, Supplement 2R (redacted to exclude the SQN Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) and TSs markups). UFSAR changes will be processed in accordance with the TVA program requirements.

TVA requests approval of the proposed license amendment by May 31, 2014, consistent with the expected approval of the conversion of the SQN TSs to the Improved Standard Technical Specifications, with the conversion submittal expected later this month.

TVA has determined that there are no significant hazards considerations associated with the proposed change and that the change qualifies for a categorical exclusion from environmental review pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9).

The SQN Plant Operations Review Committee and the Nuclear Safety Review Board have reviewed this proposed change and determined that operation of SQN in accordance with the proposed change will not endanger the health and safety of the public.

Additionally, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.91(b)(1), TVA is sending a copy of this letter and the enclosure to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation.

There are no regulatory commitments associated with this submittal. Please address any questions regarding this request to Clyde Mackaman at (423) 751-2834.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this 3rd day of July 2013.

Re ully, he a i'resident Nuclear Licensing nclosure cc: See Page 3

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 3 July 3, 2013


Evaluation of Proposed Change cc (Enclosure):

NRC Regional Administrator - Region II NRC Resident Inspector - Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Director, Division of Radiological Health - Tennessee State Department of Environment and Conservation



Application to Modify Ice Condenser Technical Specifications to Address Revisions in Westinghouse Mass and Energy Release Calculation (SQN-TS-1 2-04)




4. REGULATORY EVALUATION 4.1 Applicable Regulatory Requirements/Criteria 4.2 Precedent 4.3 Significant Hazards Consideration 4.4 Conclusions
1. Proposed TS Changes (Mark-Ups) for SQN, Units 1 and 2
2. Proposed TS Bases Changes (Mark-Ups) for SQN, Units 1 and 2 (For Information Only)
3. Proposed TS Changes (Final Typed) for SQN, Units 1 and 2
4. Proposed TS Bases Changes (Final Typed) for SQN, Units 1 and 2 (For Information Only)
5. Topical Report WCAP-12455, Revision 1, Supplement 2R Page E-1 of 14



DESCRIPTION This evaluation supports a request to amend Appendix A of Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-77 and DPR-79 for the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN), Units 1 and 2, by revising Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications (TSs) 3/4.6.5, "Ice Condenser." The proposed changes would revise TSs Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) and TSs Surveillance Requirement (SR) .d.2 to raise the overall ice condenser ice weight from 2,225,880 pounds (Ibs) to 2,540,808 lbs and to raise the minimum TSs ice basket weight from 1145 lbs to 1307 Ibs, respectively. The associated TSs Bases sections are also revised to include these changes in ice weight values.

The non-conservative TSs are being addressed within the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Corrective Action Program and administrative controls have been established in accordance with Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Administrative Letter 98-10.

2.0 DETAILED DESCRIPTION The ice bed consists of borated ice stored in 1944 baskets within the ice condenser.

The primary purpose of the ice condenser is to provide a large heat sink in the event of a release of energy from a design basis loss of coolant accident (LOCA) or main steam line break (MSLB) in containment. The LOCA requires the greatest amount of ice compared to other accident scenarios; therefore, the ice weight is based on the LOCA analysis. The amount of ice in the bed has no affect on the initiation of an accident, but rather on the mitigation of the accident. The borated solution formed by meltdown of the ice absorbs and retains iodine released during the accident and prevents dilution of the borated water injected from the refueling water storage tank and accumulators. This solution also contributes to the inventory of water used for long-term heat removal from the reactor core and containment atmosphere.

The ice absorbs energy and limits the containment peak pressure and temperature during the accident. Limiting the pressure reduces the release of fission product radioactivity from containment to the environment in the event of a design basis accident. The current ice weight value is supported by the containment integrity analysis documented in the SQN Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) (Reference 1),

Section 6.2, "Containment Systems." The TSs surveillance limits on total ice weight and on ice basket weight are intended to ensure that sufficient ice is present in an appropriate distribution to perform this function. The TSs surveillance limits are currently an "as-left" measurement and include margin for ice sublimation and measurement error.

Westinghouse Electric Company (WEC) has identified several issues that affected the plant-specific LOCA mass and energy release calculation results that are used as input to the containment integrity response analysis. These issues were originally reported in WEC Nuclear Safety Advisory Letter NSAL-1 1-5 (Reference 2).

A containment integrity reanalysis (WCAP-12455, Revision 1, Supplement 2R (Reference 3)) was performed to implement corrections to the mass and energy release calculation. In addition to the changes associated with NSAL-1 1-5, the appropriate' conditions relative to NSAL-06-6 (Reference 4) were also addressed. The revised analysis determined that an increase in the analytical ice weight value is necessary to maintain the calculated containment peak pressure below the design limit. This increase Page E-2 of 14

in the analytical ice weight value results in TSs LCO being non-conservative with respect to the required total ice weight.

The non-conservative TSs are being addressed within the TVA Corrective Action Program and administrative controls have been established in accordance NRC Administrative Letter 98-10. To address the non-conservative TSs, TVA is proposing a change to TSs 3/ to increase the licensing basis minimum ice weight.

The proposed changes do not incorporate industry Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) 429-A, "Ice Mass Determination Surveillance Requirements," Revision 3. WVA is evaluating TSTF-429-A for incorporation as part of the project to convert the SQN TSs to the Improved Standard Technical Specifications.

Section 2.1 includes a description of the current TSs LCO and TSs SR affected by this proposed amendment. Section 2.2 describes the proposed revision to the TSs LCO and TSs SR. Section 2.3 discusses the bases for the proposed changes. The revised containment integrity analysis is provided in Attachment 5 of this enclosure.

The WVA process governing the processing and submittal of TSs changes and License Amendment Requests requires that the appropriate organizations (e.g., Operations, Training, Engineering, Maintenance, Chemistry, Radiation Protection, and Work Control) identify the documents that are affected by each proposed change to the TSs and Operating Licenses. Among the items that are considered are training, plant modifications, procedures, special implementation constraints, design documents, surveillance instructions associated with TSs SRs, Technical Requirements Manual, TSs Bases, and Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR). The process requires that procedures and design document changes necessary to support TSs Operability are approved prior to implementation of the license amendment. The process also provides assurance that the remaining changes, if any, are scheduled tracked for configuration control.

2.1 Current Technical Specifications TSs LCO currently requires:

"A total ice weight of at least 2,225,880 pounds at a 95% level of confidence, and" TSs SR currently requires:

"At least once per 18 months by:

1. Deleted.
2. Weighing a representative sample of at least 144 ice baskets and verifying that each basket contains at least 1145 lbs of ice. The representative sample shall include 6 baskets from each of the 24 ice condenser bays and shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot be obtained for weighing) within each bay. If any basket is found to contain less than 1145 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets Page E-3 of 14

from the same bay shall be weighed. The minimum average weight of ice from the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1145 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows: Group 1 - bays 1 through 8, Group 2 - bays 9 through 16, and Group 3 - bays 17 through 24. The minimum average ice weight of the sample baskets from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 1145 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

The minimum total ice condenser ice weight at a 95% level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket weights determined during this weighing program and shall not be less than 2,225,880 pounds."

2.2 Requested Technical Specification Changes The proposed change modifies TSs LCO and SR to address the increase in the analytical ice weight value obtained from the revised containment integrity response analysis.

The proposed change modifies TSs LCO and SR as follows (revised text is in bold italics):

"A total ice weight of at least 2,540,808 pounds at a 95% level of confidence, and"

" TSs SR is revised to read:

"Weighing a representative sample of at least 144 ice baskets and verifying that each basket contains at least 1307 lbs of ice. The representative sample shall include 6 baskets from each of the 24 ice condenser bays and shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot be obtained for weighing) within each bay. If any basket is found to contain less than 1307 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets from the same bay shall be weighed. The minimum average weight of ice from the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1307 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows:

Group 1 - bays 1 through 8, Group 2 - bays 9 through 16, and Group 3 - bays 17 through 24. The minimum average ice weight of the sample baskets from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 1307 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

The minimum total ice condenser ice weight at a 95% level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket weights determined during this weighing program and shall not be less than 2,540,808 pounds."

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In addition, several minor editorial changes, consisting of grammatical and punctuation corrections have been incorporated as follows:

  • SQN Unit 2 TS SR is revised to read "At least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> by verifying that the maximum ice bed temperature is less than or equal to 27 0 F."

2.3 Bases for Proposed Changes WEC identified several issues that affected the plant-specific LOCA mass and energy release calculation results that are used as input to the containment integrity response analysis.

A containment integrity reanalysis (WCAP-12455, Revision 1, Supplement 2R) was performed to implement corrections to the mass and energy release calculation. The revised analysis determined that an increase in the analytical ice weight value is necessary to maintain the calculated containment peak pressure below the design limit.

For TSs LCO .d, the proposed modification raises the required total ice weight from 2,225,880 lbs to 2,540,808 lbs. For TSs SR .d.2, the proposed modification raises the minimum ice basket weight from 1145 lbs to 1307 lbs per basket.

Markups of the affected TSs pages are provided in Attachment 1.

Corresponding changes will also be made to the TSs Bases. Markups of the proposed TSs Bases changes are provided in Attachment 2 for information only. The changes to the TSs Bases are controlled by TSs 6.8.4.j, "Technical Specification (TS) Bases Control Program."


The following evaluation describes the results of the current analysis, aspects of the revised analysis, the effects of the increase in ice weight, and differences between the revised analysis and the as-built plant.

Current Analytical Basis The current containment integrity analysis for SQN Units 1 and 2 is documented in WCAP-1 2455, Revision 1, Supplement 1R (September 2001). The analysis utilizes a WEC computer model (LOTIC-1) to calculate the peak containment pressure following a LOCA inside containment. The calculated peak pressure for SQN Units 1 and 2 is 11.44 pounds per square inch gauge (psig), which is below the containment design pressure of 12.0 psig. The assumption contained in the LOTIC-1 computer model for this analysis includes an initial ice weight in the ice condenser of 1,916,000 lbs. A discussion of the SQN design basis analysis (WCAP-1 2455) is contained in UFSAR Section

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Description of Revised Analysis A reanalysis of the SQN containment integrity analysis was performed to account for a correction to the mass and energy release calculation. The revised analysis is provided in Attachment 5 to this enclosure as WCAP-1 2455, Revision 1, Supplement 2R, "Tennessee Valley Authority Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Containment Integrity Reanalyses Engineering Report," dated April 2012. The revised analysis determined that an ice weight of 2,187,250 lbs will limit containment peak pressure to 11.33 psig in the event of a LOCA.

In addition, the revised containment pressure analysis preserves the containment spray switchover interval relationship between ice bed meltout time and containment spray switchover time. The time interval between the completion of containment spray recirculation switchover and the ice bed meltout represents margin to the acceptance criteria.

The SQN TSs specify minimum operational ice weight values that provide margins above the analytical minimum ice weight values. The TSs minimum ice weight ensures that adequate ice is available over an entire 18 month fuel cycle. Currently, the SQN TSs minimum ice weight is 1145 lbs of ice per basket and a minimum total ice weight in the ice condenser of 2,225,880 lbs. These weights include a 15 percent conservative allowance for ice loss through sublimation and an additional 1 percent conservative allowance to account for systematic error in weighing instruments. The sublimation and instrument error allowances are retained in the proposed TSs requirements. Therefore, considering these conservative allowances, the proposed minimum total ice weight of 2,540,808 lbs conservatively bounds the new analytical minimum of 2,187,250 lbs.

Evaluation of Effects of Increased Ice Weight As part of the original ice condenser qualification program, seismic testing of ice baskets was conducted at the Westinghouse Waltz Mill facility. Ice condenser qualification program test results were reported in WCAP-81 10, "Test Plans and Results for the Ice Condenser System," (Reference 5) and supplements. The purpose of the testing was to obtain test data to qualify the ice basket design as being capable of resisting anticipated seismic excitations. The seismic load testing was performed with a consideration of 3,000,000 lbs of ice uniformly distributed across the 1944 ice baskets, or approximately 1543.2 lbs of ice in each ice basket. As the ice weight proposed in this license amendment request (and the amount of ice currently loaded in the SQN Unit 1 and Unit 2 ice condensers) is below the ice weight used in the seismic load testing, the results of the original ice condenser qualification program remain valid.

The additional ice being loaded into the ice condenser will not adversely affect the iodine removal qualities of the melting ice. The containment is designed such that the only significant flow path from the lower to the upper compartment is through the ice bed.

Immediately following a LOCA, a large pressure differential exists between the lower and upper compartment; thereby providing flow through the ice bed. Later in the transient, flow is provided by two containment air return fans which circulate upper containment air into the lower compartment. Since essentially all flow between the lower and upper compartments must pass through the ice bed, the ice bed also serves as a removal mechanism for fission products postulated to be dispersed in the containment atmosphere. Radioiodine in its various forms is the fission product of primary concern in Page E-6 of 14

the evaluation of fission product transport and removal following a LOCA. The major benefit of the ice bed is its capacity to absorb molecular iodine from the containment atmosphere. To enhance this iodine absorption capacity of the ice, the ice solution is adjusted to an alkaline pH which promotes iodine hydrolysis to non-volatile forms.

Therefore, the proposed increase in the weight of ice results in increasing the capacity of the ice bed to absorb iodine.

The ice condenser utilizes borated ice, which upon bulk melting, delivers an aqueous solution containing boron to the containment sump. The additional ice required by the reanalysis is also required to be borated by TSs LCO Therefore, the boron concentration of the recirculated primary coolant is not diminished by the additional quantity of ice associated with the proposed minimum ice weight.

Evaluation of Differences between As-Built Plant and WCAP 12455, Revision 1 The WCAP-1 2455, Revision 1, Supplement 2R, SQN containment integrity analysis demonstrated that the ice condensers were adequately sized for the original Model 51 steam generators (SGs) for Units 1 and 2. However, the Model 51 SGs were replaced with Model 57AG SGs during the Spring 2003 refueling outage (1RFO13) for Unit 1 and the Fall 2012 refueling outage (2RF018) for Unit 2. The WCAP-12455, Revision 1, Supplement 2R, analysis bounds the Model 57AG SGs because:

1. The primary side volume of the Model 57AG SGs is essentially equivalent to that of the Model 51 SGs and the initial primary fluid temperatures are unchanged.

Thus, the mass and energy releases following a large break LOCA are not significantly affected by the replacement of the Model 51 SGs with the Model 57AG SGs.

2. The Model 57AG SGs are essentially equivalent to the Model 51 SGs with respect to sensible heat cooling. Because the rest of the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) sensible heat is unchanged, the RCS total system sensible heat remains unchanged for the Model 57AG SGs.
3. The initial secondary side mass is greater for the Model 51 SGs as compared with the Model 57AG SGs. Therefore, the initial energy of the secondary fluid for the analysis bounds the Model 57AG SGs.

Therefore, based on the above assessment, TVA has concluded that the results of the analysis provided in WCAP-12455, Revision 1, Supplement 2R, are valid for Model 57AG SGs.

The WCAP-12455, Revision 1, Supplement 2R, SQN containment integrity analysis bounds both Units 1 and 2 for reloads utilizing Mark-BW17 fuel with up to 96 fresh assemblies. However, the NRC approved the use of AREVA NP Inc. (AREVA NP)

Advanced W17 High Thermal Performance (HTP) fuel as documented in a Safety Evaluation dated September 26, 2012 (Reference 6), for Units 1 and 2 (Amendments 331 and 324, respectively). AREVA Advanced W17 HTP fuel was loaded into Unit 2 during the Cycle 18 refueling outage (Fall 2012). Unit 1 is scheduled to load AREVA Advanced W17 HTP fuel during the Cycle 19 refueling outage (Fall 2013).

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The important aspects of the fuel change that could affect the containment integrity analysis include the changes in the flow characteristics past the fuel, the RCS operating average temperature (Tavg), the core-stored energy and fuel-heat capacity, and the decay heat. These aspects were discussed in AREVA NP report ANP-2986, "Sequoyah HTP Fuel Transition," Revision 3. ANP-2986 was reviewed by the NRC in support of the Amendments to transition to AREVA Advanced W17 HTP fuel.

  • There are very small deviations in flow characteristics past the fuel. However, for an ice condenser design, because the peak pressure occurs late in the transient, well after the ice bed has melted out, the single effect of small deviations in flow is insignificant relative to containment integrity and the required ice weight.
  • Total energy content, or total energy available for release to containment remains unchanged from the previous analysis. The RCS Tavg remains at 578.2 0 F.
  • The change from Mark-BW fuel to Advanced W17 HTP fuel results in a negligible difference in the mechanical heat capacity of the fuel.
  • Initial fuel stored energy is dependent upon fuel and clad temperature. Transients initiated from zero power assume fuel temperatures that are initially in equilibrium with the RCS temperature, independent of fuel type. Transients initiated at power; however, require an estimate of the initial fuel temperature based on power, fuel pin dimension, and material properties. The initial stored energy at power for the two assembly designs (Mark-BW and Advanced W17 HTP) is assessed by considering cladding characteristics and fuel rod power density. There is no difference in fuel rod dimensions or material, thus there is no effect on the energy present in the Advanced W1 7 HTP fuel rods relative to the current Mark-BW fuel design. Regarding fuel power density, the fuel pellet radius (and hence, assembly loading) is identical to the Advanced W1 7 HTP fuel relative to the Mark-BW assembly, thus there is no difference in power density when operated at the same power output. Accordingly, there is no significant change in the amount of stored energy in either the fuel clad or the fuel rod for the Advanced W1 7 HTP fuel assembly. Thus, the fuel initial stored energy for the Mark-BW assembly remains applicable to the Advanced W1 7 HTP fuel assembly design.

Therefore, based on the above assessment, TVA has concluded that the analysis provided in WCAP-12455, Revision 1, Supplement 2R, bounds the use of AREVA Advanced W17 HTP fuel.

Evaluation of Current Cycles of Operation TVA has determined that, as a result of the reanalysis, the SQN Units 1 and 2 TSs specify non-conservative values for the ice condenser ice weight. The non-conservative TSs values are being addressed within the TVA Corrective Action Program and are being administratively controlled in accordance with NRC Administrative Letter 98-10, as follows.

TVA adds ice to the SQN ice condensers each refueling outage to ensure that the TSs minimum ice weight is achieved prior to startup (this ice weight is referred to as the as-left value) in accordance with the applicable surveillance procedure. As a conservative measure, WVA adds additional ice to the ice condensers over and above Page E-8 of 14

the TSs minimum. The addition of ice over the TSs minimum is a TVA maintenance practice (servicing plan) that is based on historical ice weight data and visual inspection history of the ice baskets. During the last refueling outages (1 RFO1 8 for Unit 1, and 2RF018 for Unit 2), IVA continued this practice by adding additional ice to the ice condensers as part of the TVA servicing plan.

The additional ice weight provided an as-left ice weight of 2,650,762 lbs for Unit 1 at the start of Cycle 19 operation, for an average as-left ice weight per basket of 1363.5 lbs (95 percent level of confidence). The as-left ice weight for Unit 2 at the start of Cycle 19 operation was 2,722,958 Ibs, for an average as-left ice weight per basket of 1400.7 lbs(95 percent level of confidence).

Although the proposed TSs change increases the TSs minimum ice weight from 2,225,880 lbs to 2,540,808 Ibs, the as-left ice weight values for 1 RFOl18 and 2RFO1 8, as provided above, ensure that sufficient ice is present to support safe operation through the current cycles.

Summary The proposed changes correct non-conservative TSs requirements and provide assurance that the peak containment pressure following a postulated LOCA remains within the analytical and design containment pressure limit. The margin of safety to the containment design pressure is restored by the proposed TSs changes. Accordingly, justification exists for increasing the SQN TSs total minimum ice weight to 2,540,808 lbs and a minimum ice basket weight of 1307 lbs.


4.1 Applicable Regulatory Requirements and Criteria The ice condenser at SQN is designed to comply with the following applicable regulations and requirements:

requires that reactor containment and associated systems be provided to establish an essentially leak-tight barrier against the uncontrolled release of radioactivity to the environment and to assure that the containment design conditions important to safety are not exceeded for as long as postulated accident conditions require.

  • GDC 38, "Containment Heat Removal," requires that the nuclear power plant containment structure and its internal compartments can accommodate, with sufficient margin, the calculated pressure and temperature conditions resulting from any LOCA with consideration of the effects of potential energy sources such as the SGs. Suitable redundancy in components and features, and suitable interconnections, leak detection, isolation, and containment capabilities shall be provided to assure that for onsite electric power system operation (assuming offsite power is not available) and for offsite electric power system operation (assuming onsite power is not available) the system safety function can be accomplished, assuming a single failure.

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  • GDC 50, "Containment Design Basis," requires that a system to remove heat from the reactor containment be provided. The system safety function shall be to reduce rapidly, consistent with the functioning of other associated systems, the containment pressure and temperature following any loss-of-coolant accident and maintain them at acceptably low levels.

0 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix K, "ECCS Evaluation Models," provides requirements to assure that all the energy sources have been considered in the LOCA analysis.

The LOCA mass and energy analysis was performed in accordance with the criteria shown in Standard Review Plan (SRP) Section In the analysis, the relevant requirements of GDC 50 and 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix K were included by confirmation that the calculated pressure is less than the design pressure, and because all available sources of energy have been included. These sources include: reactor power, decay heat, core stored energy, energy stored in the reactor vessel and internals, metal-water reaction energy, and stored energy in the secondary system.

The containment integrity peak pressure analysis was performed in accordance with the criteria shown in the SRP Section, for ice condenser containments.

Conformance to GDCs 16, 38, and 50 is demonstrated by showing that the containment design pressure is not exceeded at any time in the transient. A calculated peak containment pressure of less than or equal to 12.0 psig demonstrates compliance with the containment design pressure criterion for SQN Units 1 and 2. The analysis also demonstrates that the containment heat removal systems function to rapidly reduce the containment pressure and temperature in the event of a LOCA.

4.2 Precedent The NRC has previously approved a License Amendment Request correcting non-conservative minimum ice weights for SQN Units 1 and 2 (Amendments 279 and 270, respectively), as documented in a Safety Evaluation dated September 30, 2002 (Reference 8). This previous request was based on a containment integrity reanalysis to implement corrections to the LOTIC-I computer code input assumptions that account for a mass and energy interface error discovered by WEC. The interface between two computer models (i.e., computer model for LOCA mass and energy release for containment design and the computer model for long-term ice condenser containment

{LOTIC-1}) contained an incorrect input assumption regarding the separation of steam and water from the two-phase mixture released downstream of a primary reactor coolant pipe break following a postulated LOCA. This resulted in erroneous treatment of the two-phase mixture which caused the calculated peak pressure inside containment to be non-conservatively low. The reanalysis determined that an increase in the analytical ice mass value was necessary to retain the current calculated peak pressure. Although the input error that resulted in the previous amendment is different than the errors corrected by the reanalysis provided in the proposed amendment request, both required a containment integrity reanalysis that resulted in non-conservative TSs ice weight values.

4.3 Significant Hazard Consideration The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) proposes to modify Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) Unit 1 and Unit 2 Technical Specifications (TSs) 3/4.6.5, "Ice Condenser,"

Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) and Surveillance Requirement Page E-10 of 14

(SR) .d.2 to raise the overall ice condenser weight from 2,225,880 pounds (Ibs) to 2,540,808 lbs and to raise the minimum ice basket weight from 1145 lbs to 1307 lbs.

These changes are being proposed to address the increase in the analytical ice weight value obtained from the revised containment integrity response analyses and to resolve the resulting non-conservative TSs.

TVA has concluded that the changes to SQN Unit 1 and Unit 2 TSs 3/4.6.5 do not involve a significant hazards consideration. TVA's conclusion is based on its evaluation in accordance with 10 CFR 50.91 (a)(1) of the three standards set forth in 10 CFR 50.92, "Issuance of Amendment," as discussed below:

1. Does the proposedamendment involve a significant increase in the probabilityor consequence of an accidentpreviously evaluated?

Response: No.

The analyzed accidents of consideration in regards to changes affecting the ice condenser are a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) and a main steam line break (MSLB) inside containment. The ice condenser is a passive system and is not postulated as being the initiator of any LOCA or MSLB and is designed to remain functional following a design basis earthquake. In addition, the ice condenser does not interconnect or interact with any systems that have an interface with the reactor coolant or main steam systems.

For SQN, the LOCA is the more severe accident in terms of containment pressure and ice bed melt out, and is therefore the more limiting accident. The revised SQN LOCA containment integrity analysis determined that the post-LOCA peak containment pressure is below the containment design pressure and that the margin to ice meltout is maintained. The analysis assumes an ice weight that ensures sufficient heat removal capability is available from the ice condenser to limit the accident peak pressure inside containment.

TVA has evaluated the effects of the increased ice condenser ice weight and determined that the increase in ice weight does not invalidate the ice condenser seismic qualification, does not adversely affect the capacity of the ice bed to absorb iodine during a LOCA, and does not diminish the boron concentration of the recirculated primary coolant during a LOCA. TVA has also evaluated differences between the as-built plant and the assumptions of the revised analysis and determined that the results of the revised analysis remain valid for Model 57AG steam generators and for AREVA Advanced W1 7 High Thermal Performance (HTP) fuel.

The proposed changes reflect the ice weight assumed in the containment integrity analysis including conservative allowances for sublimation and weighing instrument systematic error. Accordingly, the proposed changes ensure that ice weight values maintain margin between the calculated peak containment accident pressure and the containment design pressure. The results of the analysis and the margins are maintained; therefore, the consequences of a previously evaluated accident are not adversely affected by the proposed changes.

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Because 1) the ice condenser is not an accident initiator, 2) the results of the revised analysis remain valid for Model 57AG steam generators and for AREVA Advanced W17 High Thermal Performance (HTP) fuel, and 3) the proposed changes to the TSs are limited to revision of the ice weight values to reflect the revised containment integrity analysis, there is no change in the probability of an accident previously evaluated in the SQN Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR).

Based on the above discussions, the proposed changes do not involve an increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.

2. Does the proposed amendment create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated?

Response: No.

The ice condenser serves to limit the peak pressure inside containment following a LOCA or MSLB. The proposed changes are limited to the revision of the minimum ice weights specified in the TSs. The revised containment pressure analysis determined that sufficient ice would be present to maintain the peak containment pressure below the containment design pressure. No new modes of operation, accident scenarios, failure mechanisms, or limiting single failures are introduced as a result of this proposed change.

TVA has evaluated the effects of the increased ice condenser ice weight and determined that the increase in ice weight does not invalidate the ice condenser seismic qualification, does not adversely affect the capacity of the ice bed to absorb iodine during a LOCA, and does not diminish the boron concentration of the recirculated primary coolant during a LOCA. TVA has also evaluated differences between the as-built plant and the assumptions of the revised analysis and determined that the results of the revised analysis remain valid for Model 57AG steam generators and for AREVA Advanced W17 High Thermal Performance (HTP) fuel. Because sufficient ice weight is available to maintain the peak containment pressure below the containment design pressure, the results of the revised analysis remain valid for Model 57AG steam generators and for AREVA Advanced W1 7 High Thermal Performance (HTP) fuel, and the increase in ice weight does not invalidate the ice condenser seismic qualification, the increased ice weight does not create the possibility of an accident that is different than any already evaluated in the SQN UFSAR.

Therefore, the proposed changes do not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.

3. Does the proposed amendment involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety?

Response: No.

The operability of the ice bed ensures that the required ice inventory will 1) be distributed evenly through the containment bays, 2) contain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containment sump following the LOCA and 3) contain Page E-12 of 14

sufficient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume released during a LOCA. These conditions are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.

The revised analysis demonstrates that the ice condensers will continue to preclude over-pressurizing the lower containment and continue to absorb sufficient heat energy to assist in precluding containment vessel failure. TVA has evaluated the effects of the increased ice condenser ice weight and determined that the increase in ice weight does not invalidate the ice condenser seismic qualification, does not adversely affect the capacity of the ice bed to absorb iodine during a LOCA, and does not diminish the boron concentration of the recirculated primary coolant during a LOCA.

The proposed changes are required to resolve non-conservative TSs currently addressed by administrative controls established in accordance with Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Administrative Letter 98-10. The revised containment integrity response analysis requires an increase in the required ice weight to ensure that the post-LOCA peak containment pressure remains within the design limits. As a result, the proposed changes restore margin between the accident peak pressure and the containment design pressure and resolve non-conservative TSs ice weight values currently under administrative controls.

Accordingly, the proposed changes do not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

4.4 Conclusions In conclusion, based on the considerations discussed above, (1) there is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by operation in the proposed manner, (2) such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations, and (3) the issuance of the amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public.


A review has determined that the proposed amendment would change a requirement with respect to installation or use of a facility component located within the restricted area, as defined in 10 CFR 20. However, the proposed amendment does not involve (i) a significant hazards consideration, (ii) a significant change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effluents that may be released offsite, or (iii) a significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure. Accordingly, the proposed amendment meets the eligibility criterion for categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9). Therefore, pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b), no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be prepared in connection with the proposed amendment.


1. Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report.
2. NSAL- 11-5, 'Westinghouse LOCA Mass and Energy Release Analysis," dated July 26, 2011.

Page E-13 of 14

3. WCAP-12455, Revision 1, Supplement 2R, "Tennessee Valley Authority Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Containment Integrity Reanalyses Engineering Report,"

dated April 2012. (Provided as Attachment 5 to this LAR submittal.)

4. NSAL-06-6, "LOCA Mass and Energy Release Analysis," dated June 6, 2006
5. WCAP-81 10, 'Test Plans and Results for the Ice Condenser System," dated April 16, 1973.
6. NRC Safety Evaluation, "Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Issuance of Amendments to revise the Technical Specification to Allow Use of AREVA Advanced W17 High Thermal Performance Fuel (TS-SQN-2011-07) (TAC Nos. ME6538 and ME6539)," dated September 26, 2012 (ADAMS Accession Number ML12249A394).
7. ANP-2986, Revision 3, "Sequoyah HTP Fuel Transition," dated July 2011 (ADAMS Accession Number ML11210B532)
8. NRC Safety Evaluation, "Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 - Issuance of Amendments Regarding Ice Condenser Basket Weight (TAC Nos. MB3682 and MB3683) (TS 01-04)," dated September 30, 2002 (ADAMS Accession Number ML022730675).

Page E-14 of 14

ATTACHMENT I Proposed TS Changes (Mark-Ups) for SQN Units 1 and 2


a. The stored ice having a boron concentration of > 1800 ppm and < 2500 ppm boron as sodium tetraborate and a pH of 9.0 to 9.5,
b. Flow channels through the ice condenser,
c. A maximum ice bed temperature of less than or equal 270 F,
d. A total ice weight of at lea 25,0 unds at a 95% level of confidence, and
e. 1944 ice baskets.



With the ice bed inoperable, restore the ice bed to OPERABLE status within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The ice condenser shall be determined OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> by verifying that the maximum ice bed temperature is less than or equal to 27 0 F.
b. At least once per 18 months by verifying, by visual inspection, accumulation of ice on structural members comprising flow channels through the ice bed is < 15 percent blockage of the total flow area for each safety analysis section.

September 30, 2002 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1 3/4 6-26 Amendment No. 4, 126, 131, 224, 267, 269, 277, 279


c. At least once per 40 months by lifting and visually inspecting the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifying that the ice baskets are free of detrimental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damage. The ice baskets shall be raised at least 10 feet for this inspection.
d. At least once per 18 months by:
1. Deleted.
2. Weighing a representative s fat least 144 ice baskets and verifying that each basket contains at leae.r-l--1A 3 of ice. The representative sample shall include 6 I baskets from each of the condenser bays and shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot be obgtaiIedw.o.eighing) within each bay. If any basket is found to contain less tha 1307*unds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets from the samr-.-b sI 1ll be weighed.

The minimum average weight ofJ the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less tha4 130 unds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows:

Group 1 - bays 1 through 8, Group 2 - bays 9 through 16, and Group 3 - bays 17 through 24. The minimum average ice weight of the sample bajskfrojt Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less tha 130 unds/basket I at a 95% level of confidence.

The minimum total ice condenser ice weight at a 95% level of confidence shall be calculated using all ic besltetigt*1n'dtsrw iped during this weighing program and shall not be less th2,5ds.

e. At least once per 54 months by chemical analysis of the stored ice in at least one randomly selected ice basket from each ice condenser bay verify:
1. Ice bed boron concentration is > 1800 ppm and < 2500 ppm as sodium tetraborate and;
2. pH is a 9.0 and NOTE: The requirements of this SR are satisfied ifthe boron concentration and pH values obtained from averaging the individual sample results are within the limits specified above.
f. Each ice addition verify, by chemical analysis, that ice added to the ice condenser meets the boron concentration and pH requirements of SR

NOTE: The chemical analysis may be performed on either the liquid solution or the resulting ice.

September 30, 2002 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1 3/4 6-27 Amendment No. 4, 98, 131, 224, 269, 279


a. The stored ice having a boron concentration of >_1800 ppm and s 2500 ppm boron as sodium tetraborate and a pH of 9.0 to 9.5,
b. Flow channels through the ice condenser,
c. A maximum ice bed temperature of less than or equal 270 F,
d. A total ice weight of at lea a_402,5:4:0S8 unds at a 95% level of confidence, and
e. 1944 ice baskets.



With the ice bed inoperable, restore the ice bed to OPERABLE status within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The ice condenser shall be determined OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 12 houlEjerifying that the maximum ice bed temperature is less than or equal to 270 F.
b. At least once per 18 months by verifying, by visual inspection, accumulation of ice on structural members comprising flow channels through the ice bed is < 15 percent blockage of the total flow area for each safety analysis section.

September 30, 2002 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 6-27 Amendment No. 80, 118, 215, 258, 259, 268, 270


c. At least once per 40 months by lifting and visually inspecting the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifying that the ice baskets are free of detrimental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damage. The ice baskets shall be raised at least 10 feet for this inspection.
d. At least once per 18 months by:
1. Deleted.
2. Weighing a representatif at least 144 ice baskets and verifying that each basket contains at leasc4 1300_.7s of ice. The representative sample shall include 6 baskets from each of the- "condenser bays and shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannotbe .d for weighing) within each bay. If any basket is found to contain less thai 130_r.ipunds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets from the same a a be weighed. The minimum average wegAL.*

ot.efrom the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less tha" I 1307 unds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows: Group 1 -

bays 1 through 8, Group 2 - bays 9 through 16, and Group 3 - bays 17 through 24. The minimum average ice weight of the baskets from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less th -l-* 13 ounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

The minimum total ice condenser ice weight at a 95% level of confidence shall be calculated using all* 5 determined during this weighing program and shall not be less tha 2,540,*8.8unds.

e. At least once per 54 months by chemical analysis of the stored ice in at least one randomly selected ice basket from each ice condenser bay verify:
1. Ice bed boron concentration is > 1800 ppm and < 2500 ppm as sodium tetraborate and;
2. pH is z9.0 ands90 NOTE: The requirements of this SR are satisfied if the boron concentration and pH values obtained from averaging the individual sample results are within the limits specified above.
f. Each ice addition verify, by chemical analysis, that ice added to the ice condenser meets the boron concentration and pH requirements of SR

NOTE: The chemical analysis may be performed on either the liquid solution or the resulting iQ September 30, 2002 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 6-28 Amendment No. 80, 87, 118, 215, 259, 270

ATTACHMENT 2 Proposed TS Bases Changes (Mark-Ups) for SQN Units I and 2 (For Information Only)

Proposed TS Bases Changes (Mark-Ups) for SQN Unit I (For Information Only)

CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS BASES 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL The hydrogen mixing systems are provided to ensure adequate mixing of the containment atmosphere following a LOCA. This mixing action will prevent localized accumulations of hydrogen from exceeding the flammable limit.

The operability of at least 66 of 68 ignitors in the hydrogen mitigation system will maintain an effective coverage throughout the containment. This system of ignitors will initiate combustion of any significant amount of hydrogen released after a degraded core accident. This system is to ensure burning in a controlled manner as the hydrogen is released instead of allowing it to be ignited at high concentrations by a random ignition source.

3/4.6.5 ICE CONDENSER The requirements associated with each of the components of the ice condenser ensure that the overall system will be available to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit the containment peak pressure transient to less than 12 psig during LOCA conditions.

3/ ICE BED The OPERABILITY of the ice bed ensures that the required ice inventory will 1) be distributed evenly through the containment bays, 2) contain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containment sump following the LOCA and 3) contain sufficient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume released during a LOCA. These conditions are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.

The minimum weight figure 1307 unds of ice per basket contains a 15% conservative allowance for ice loss through sublimaftiodl*ich is a facctr-l hinhe- than assumed for the ice condenser design. The minimum weight figure,2,224,M2, 4nds of ice also contains an additional 1% conservative allowance to accou-"rfbrsysteR~ate-rrurtfrweighing instruments. In the April 13, 2009 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1 B 3/4 6-16 Amendment No. 4, 5, 131,149, 224, 279

Proposed TS Bases Changes (Mark-Ups) for SQN Unit 2 (For Information Only)


The hydrogen mixing systems are provided to ensure adequate mixing of the containment atmosphere following a LOCA. This mixing action will prevent localized accumulations of hydrogen from exceeding the flammable limit.

I The operability of at least 66 of 68 igniters in the hydrogen control distributed ignition system will maintain an effective coverage throughout the containment. This system of ignitors will initiate combustion of any significant amount of hydrogen released after a degraded core accident. This system is to ensure burning in a controlled manner as the hydrogen is released instead of allowing it to be ignited at high concentrations by a random ignition source.

3/4.6.5 ICE CONDENSER The requirements associated with each of the components of the ice condenser ensure that the overall system will be available to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit the containment peak pressure transient to less than 12 psig during LOCA conditions.

3/ ICE BED The OPERABILITY of the ice bed ensures that the required ice inventory will 1) be distributed evenly through the containment bays, 2) contain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containment sump following the LOCA and 3) contain sufficient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume released during a LOCA. These conditions are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.

The minimum weight figure o ____uands of ice per basket contains a 15% conservative allowance for ice loss through sublimTn i s " n assumed for the ice condenser design. The minimum weight figure 22 2, nds of ice also contains an additional 1% conservative allowance to account for sirron weighing instruments. In the April 13, 2009 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 B 3/4 6-16 Amendment No. 21, 118,135, 215, 270

ATTACHMENT 3 Proposed TS Changes (Final Typed) for SQN, Units I and 2


a. The stored ice having a boron concentration of _>1800 ppm and < 2500 ppm boron as sodium tetraborate and a pH of 9.0 to 9.5,
b. Flow channels through the ice condenser,
c. A maximum ice bed temperature of less than or equal 27 0 F,
d. A total ice weight of at least 2,540,808 pounds at a 95% level of confidence, and
e. 1944 ice baskets.



With the ice bed inoperable, restore the ice bed to OPERABLE status within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The ice condenser shall be determined OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> by verifying that the maximum ice bed temperature is less than or equal to 27 0 F.
b. At least once per 18 months by verifying, by visual inspection, accumulation of ice on structural members comprising flow channels through the ice bed is - 15 percent blockage of the total flow area for each safety analysis section.

September 30, 2002 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1 3/4 6-26 Amendment No. 4, 126, 131, 224, 267, 269, 277, 279


c. At least once per 40 months by lifting and visually inspecting the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifying that the ice baskets are free of detrimental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damage. The ice baskets shall be raised at least 10 feet for this inspection.
d. At least once per 18 months by:
1. Deleted.
2. Weighing a representative sample of at least 144 ice baskets and verifying that each basket contains at least 1307 lbs of ice. The representative sample shall include 6 baskets from each of the 24 ice condenser bays and shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot be obtained for weighing) within each bay. If any basket is found to contain less than 1307 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets from the same bay shall be weighed.

The minimum average weight of ice from the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1307 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows:

Group 1 - bays 1 through 8, Group 2 - bays 9 through 16, and Group 3 - bays 17 through 24. The minimum average ice weight of the sample baskets from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 1307 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

The minimum total ice condenser ice weight at a 95% level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket weights determined during this weighing program and shall not be less than 2,540,808 pounds.

e. At least once per 54 months by chemical analysis of the stored ice in at least one randomly selected ice basket from each ice condenser bay verify:
1. Ice bed boron concentration is > 1800 ppm and < 2500 ppm as sodium tetraborate and;
2. pH is > 9.0 and:<9.5.

NOTE: The requirements of this SR are satisfied if the boron concentration and pH values obtained from averaging the individual sample results are within the limits specified above.

f. Each ice addition verify, by chemical analysis, that ice added to the ice condenser meets the boron concentration and pH requirements of SR

NOTE: The chemical analysis may be performed on either the liquid solution or the resulting ice.

September 30, 2002 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1 3/4 6-27 Amendment No. 4, 98, 131, 224, 269, 279


a. The stored ice having a boron concentration of > 1800 ppm and < 2500 ppm boron as sodium tetraborate and a pH of 9.0 to 9.5,
b. Flow channels through the ice condenser,
c. A maximum ice bed temperature of less than or equal 271F,
d. A total ice weight of at least 2,540,808 pounds at a 95% level of confidence, and
e. 1944 ice baskets.



With the ice bed inoperable, restore the ice bed to OPERABLE status within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The ice condenser shall be determined OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> by verifying that the maximum ice bed temperature is less than or equal to 270 F.
b. At least once per 18 months by verifying, by visual inspection, accumulation of ice on structural members comprising flow channels through the ice bed is < 15 percent blockage of the total flow area for each safety analysis section.

September 30, 2002 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 6-27 Amendment No. 80, 118, 215, 258, 259, 268, 270


c. At least once per 40 months by lifting and visually inspecting the accessible portions of at least two ice baskets from each 1/3 of the ice condenser and verifying that the ice baskets are free of detrimental structural wear, cracks, corrosion or other damage. The ice baskets shall be raised at least 10 feet for this inspection.
d. At least once per 18 months by:
1. Deleted.
2. Weighing a representative sample of at least 144 ice baskets and verifying that each basket contains at least 1307 lbs of ice. The representative sample shall include 6 baskets from each of the 24 ice condenser bays and shall be constituted of one basket each from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 (or from the same row of an adjacent bay if a basket from a designated row cannot be obtained for weighing) within each bay. If any basket is found to contain less than 1307 pounds of ice, a representative sample of 20 additional baskets from the same bay shall be weighed. The minimum average weight of ice from the 20 additional baskets and the discrepant basket shall not be less than 1307 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

The ice condenser shall also be subdivided into 3 groups of baskets, as follows: Group 1 -

bays 1 through 8, Group 2 - bays 9 through 16, and Group 3 - bays 17 through 24. The minimum average ice weight of the sample baskets from Radial Rows 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 in each group shall not be less than 1307 pounds/basket at a 95% level of confidence.

The minimum total ice condenser ice weight at a 95% level of confidence shall be calculated using all ice basket weights determined during this weighing program and shall not be less than 2,540,808 pounds.

e. At least once per 54 months by chemical analysis of the stored ice in at least one randomly selected ice basket from each ice condenser bay verify:
1. Ice bed boron concentration is > 1800 ppm and < 2500 ppm as sodium tetraborate and;
2. pH is > 9.0 and :< 9.5.

NOTE: The requirements of this SR are satisfied if the boron concentration and pH values obtained from averaging the individual sample results are within the limits specified above.

f. Each ice addition verify, by chemical analysis, that ice added to the ice condenser meets the boron concentration and pH requirements of SR

NOTE: The chemical analysis may be performed on either the liquid solution or the resulting ice.

September 30, 2002 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 6-28 Amendment No. 80, 87, 118, 215, 259, 270

ATTACHMENT 4 Proposed TS Bases Changes (Final Typed) for SQN Units I and 2 (For Information Only)

Proposed TS Bases Changes (Final Typed) for SQN Unit 1 (For Information Only)

CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS BASES 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL The hydrogen mixing systems are provided to ensure adequate mixing of the containment atmosphere following a LOCA. This mixing action will prevent localized accumulations of hydrogen from exceeding the flammable limit.

The operability of at least 66 of 68 ignitors in the hydrogen mitigation system will maintain an effective coverage throughout the containment. This system of ignitors will initiate combustion of any significant amount of hydrogen released after a degraded core accident. This system is to ensure burning in a controlled manner as the hydrogen is released instead of allowing it to be ignited at high concentrations by a random ignition source.

3/4.6.5 ICE CONDENSER The requirements associated with each of the components of the ice condenser ensure that the overall system will be available to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit the containment peak pressure transient to less than 12 psig during LOCA conditions.

3/ ICE BED The OPERABILITY of the ice bed ensures that the required ice inventory will 1) be distributed evenly through the containment bays, 2) contain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containment sump following the LOCA and 3) contain sufficient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume released during a LOCA. These conditions are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.

The minimum weight figure of 1307 pounds of ice per basket contains a 15% conservative allowance for ice loss through sublimation which is a factor of 15 higher than assumed for the ice condenser design. The minimum weight figure of 2,540,808 pounds of ice also contains an additional 1%

conservative allowance to account for systematic error in weighing instruments. In the April 13, 2009 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1 B 3/4 6-16 Amendment No. 4, 5, 131, 149, 224, 279

Proposed TS Bases Changes (Final Typed) for SQN Unit 2 (For Information Only)

CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS BASES 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL The hydrogen mixing systems are provided to ensure adequate mixing of the containment atmosphere following a LOCA. This mixing action will prevent localized accumulations of hydrogen from exceeding the flammable limit.

The operability of at least 66 of 68 igniters in the hydrogen control distributed ignition system will maintain an effective coverage throughout the containment. This system of ignitors will initiate combustion of any significant amount of hydrogen released after a degraded core accident. This system is to ensure burning in a controlled manner as the hydrogen is released instead of allowing it to be ignited at high concentrations by a random ignition source.

3/4.6.5 ICE CONDENSER The requirements associated with each of the components of the ice condenser ensure that the overall system will be available to provide sufficient pressure suppression capability to limit the containment peak pressure transient to less than 12 psig during LOCA conditions.

3/ ICE BED The OPERABILITY of the ice bed ensures that the required ice inventory will 1) be distributed evenly through the containment bays, 2) contain sufficient boron to preclude dilution of the containment sump following the LOCA and 3) contain sufficient heat removal capability to condense the reactor system volume released during a LOCA. These conditions are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.

The minimum weight figure of 1307 pounds of ice per basket contains a 15% conservative allowance for ice loss through sublimation which is a factor of 15 higher than assumed for the ice condenser design. The minimum weight figure of 2,540,808 pounds of ice also contains an additional 1% conservative allowance to account for systematic error in weighing instruments. In the April 13, 2009 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 B 3/4 6-16 Amendment No. 21, 118, 135, 215, 270

ATTACHMENT 5 Topical Report WCAP-12455, Revision 1, Supplement 2R

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 WCAP-12455 Revision 1 Supplement 2R TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2 CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY REANALYSES ENGINEERING REPORT R. B. Lukas J. A. Kolano K. W. Bonadio April, 2012 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC 1000 Westinghouse Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16006, USA 02012 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC All Rights Reserved



Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) Containment Integrity Analyses have been updated to support recent changes to the Westinghouse computer code, EPITOME, i.e. NSAL-1 1-5 (Reference 9).

The analyses conducted are consistent with current licensed methodology. In addition, for a comprehensive reconciliation of all issues relative to the LOCA mass and energy release analysis of record (AOR) all appropriate corrections relative to NSAL-06-6 (Reference 10) were also addressed.

The objective of this effort was to determine an ice weight that preserved the current LOCA containment integrity pressure margin. Additionally, the containment spray switchover interval

(>150 seconds) relationship between ice bed meltout time and containment spray switchover time was to be preserved.

The results of the analysis support the following:

  • An ice mass of 2,187,250 Ibms

" A calculated containment peak pressure of 11.33 psig occurring at 6651.46 seconds

" Ice bed meltout occurred at 3273.7 seconds (containment spray switchover is completed at 3113 seconds thus the containment spray switchover ice bed meltout relationship is 160.7 seconds).

The ice bed mass of 2,187,250 Ibms equates to an average of 1125.13 Ibm per basket.

This average value recognizes that all baskets may not have the same initial weight nor have the same sublimation rate. To ensure that a sufficient quantity of ice exists in each basket to survive the blowdown phase of a LOCA, a minimum amount of ice per basket to survive the blowdown would be approximately 325.7 Ibm, based on Table 2-3. To ensure that an adequate distribution of ice exists in the Ice Condenser to prevent early bum-through of a localized area, 325.7 Ibm of ice should be the minimum weight of ice per basket at any time while also ensuring that the average weight per basket remains above 1125.13 Ibm.




............................................................................................................... i LIST O F TA B LE S .......................................................................................................................... iii LIST O F F IGUR ES ....................................................................................................................... v 1.0 IN T RO D U C T IO N .................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 LOCA CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY ANALYSIS ................................................................ 4 2.1 Description of LOTIC-1 Model and Interface Issue ......................................... 4 2.2 Containment Pressure Calculation .................................................................... 5 2.3 Structural Heat Removal .................................................................................. 8 2.4 Analysis Results ............................................................................................... 8 2.5 Relevant Acceptance Criteria ........................................................................... 8 2.6 C onclusions ...................................................................................................... 9 3 .0 R E F E R E NC E S .................................................................................................................... 10 APPENDIX A - LOCA Mass and Energy Release A[WCAP-1 2455, Revision 1, Supplement 2R is redacted to APPENDIX B - -exclude the SQN FSAR and TS markups. TS markups are included as Attachment 1 of the Enclosure. UFSAR APPENDIX C - Tooh Spoc M.Flkpc changes will be processed in accordance with the TVA

,program requirements.]


WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE PA(3E 1-1 Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 2 System Parameters Initial Conditions 1-2 Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 3 System Parameters Decay Heat Curve iii

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE PAGE 2-1 Sequoyah Units l and 2 11 Structural Heat Sink Table 2-2 Sequoyah Units I and 2 13 Material Properties Table 2-3 Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 14 Energy Accounting (Blowdown and Reflood Times) 2-4 Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 15 Energy Accounting (Ice Bed Meltout and Peak Pressure Times) 2-5 Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 16 Double Ended Pump Suction LOCA Minimum Safeguards Sequence of Events iv

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE PAGE 2-1 LOCA Mass and Energy Release Containment Integrity Analysis 17 Containment Pressure 2-2 LOCA Mass and Energy Release Containment Integrity Analysis 18 Upper Compartment Temperature 2-3 LOCA Mass and Energy Release Containment Integrity Analysis 19 Lower Compartment Temperature 2-4 LOCA Mass and Energy Release Containment Integrity Analysis 20 Active Sump and Inactive Sump Temperature Transient 2-5 LOCA Mass and Energy Release Containment Integrity Analysis 21 Ice Melt Transient V



Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) Containment Integrity Analyses have been updated to support recent changes to the Westinghouse computer code, EPITOME, i.e., NSAL-11-5 (Reference 9). In addition, for a comprehensive reconciliation of all issues relative to the LOCA mass and energy release analysis of record (AOR) all appropriate corrections relative to NSAL-06-6 (Reference 10) were also addressed. The analysis includes newly generated mass and energy releases (Appendix A).

A containment integrity analysis is performed during nuclear plant design to ensure that the pressure inside containment will remain below the containment building design pressure if a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) inside containment should occur during plant operation. The analysis ensures that the containment heat removal capability is sufficient to remove the maximum possible discharge of mass and energy to containment from the Nuclear Steam Supply System without exceeding the acceptance criteria (design pressure; 12 psig).

The analysis was completed to provide the analytical basis for a change to the Sequoyah design basis ice mass of 2,187,250 pounds with minimal impact on current margins in peak calculated containment pressure and ice bed meltout time to containment spray switchover time.

In addition to the design basis (Reference 3), this analysis accounted for:

- An increased accumulator water temperature of 130 *F

- Revised initial conditions (Table 1-1)

- Revised plant specific decay heat curve (Table 1-2) 1.1 PURPOSE OF ANALYSIS The purpose of this program was to reanalyze the containment integrity response in order to incorporate the issues reported in NSAL-1 1-5 and NSAL-06-6. The objective of performing the long-term LOCA mass and energy release and LOCA containment integrity analysis was to minimize the effect on the initial analytical ice mass, to maintain the current time interval (150 seconds, minimum) relationship between containment spray switchover time and ice bed meltout time, and to provide peak pressure margin to design pressure.

This program will provide the analytical basis and the results which show that the containment design pressure is not exceeded in the event of a LOCA. The conclusions presented will demonstrate, with respect to LOCA, that containment integrity has not been compromised. This containment analysis bounds both Units 1 and 2 with Model 51 steam generators.

Rupture of any of the piping carrying pressurized high temperature reactor coolant, termed a LOCA, will result in release of steam and water into the containment. This, in turn, will result in an increase in the containment pressure and temperature. The mass and energy release rates described in Appendix A form the basis for computations to evaluate the structural integrity of the containment following a postulated accident to satisfy the Nuclear Regulatory acceptance criteria, General Design Criterion 38. Section 2.0 presents the Containment Pressure Calculations.



Vessel Outlet Temperature" (OF) (without uncertainty allowance) 609.7 Core Inlet Temperature* (OF) (without uncertainty allowance) 546.2 Vessel Average Temperature (OF) 578.2 Initial Steam Generator Steam Pressure (psia) 870 Steam Generator Design Model 51 Steam Generator Tube Plugging (%) 0 Initial Steam Generator Secondary Side Mass (Ibm) 114075 Accumulator Water Volume (ft) 1039 N2 Cover Gas Pressure (psig) 668 Temperature (OF) 130 Safety Injection Delay (sec) 29.76 (includes time to reach pressure setpoint; 27.0 second delay plus 2.76 seconds to reach pressure setpoint)

(analysis value includes an additional +5.5 0 F allowance for instrument error and deadband) 2

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TABLE 1-2 SEQUOYAH UNITS 1 AND 2 SYSTEM PARAMETERS DECAY HEAT CURVE Time (sec) Decay Heat Generation Rate (Btu/Btu) 10 0.050708 14 0.048246 20 0.045658 40 0.040710 60 0.037863 80 0.03588 100 0.034382 140 0.032242 200 0.030132 400 0.026430 600 0.024288 800 0.022747 1000 0.021503 1600 0.018850 2000 0.017588 4000 0.014057 6000 0.012379 8000 0.011403 10000 0.010732 16000 0.0098865 20000 0.0093675 40000 0.0079143 60000 0.00714 80000 0.0066015 100000 0.0062030 140000 0.0056076 200000 0.0049979 400000 0.0038661 600000 0.0032651 800000 0.0028811 1000000 0.0026162 1400000 0.0022614 2000000 0.0019338 4000000 0.0013904 6000000 0.0011374 8000000 0.00098265 10000000 0.00087175 Key Assumptions

-18 month fuel cycle

-Standard and V5H fuel

-End of Cycle Core Average Bumup of 52,687 Mwd/MTU

-Low bound for enrichment: 3.0%


WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 2.0 LOCA CONTAINMENT INTEGRITY ANALYSIS 2.1 Description of LOTIC-1 Model and Interface Issue The LOTIC code is described in Reference 4.

The LOTIC model of the containment consists of five distinct control volumes: the upper compartment, the lower compartment, the portion of the ice bed from which the ice has melted, the portion of the ice bed containing unmelted ice, and the dead ended compartment. The ice condenser control volume with unmelted and melted ice is further subdivided into six subcompartments to allow for maldistribution of break flow to the ice bed.

The conditions in these compartments are obtained as a function of time by the use of fundamental equations solved through numerical techniques. These equations are solved for three phases in time. Each phase corresponds to a distinct physical characteristic of the problem. Each of these phases has a unique set of simplifying assumptions based on test results from the ice condenser test facility (Reference 5). These phases are the blowdown period, the depressurization period, and the long term.

The most significant simplification of the problem is the assumption that the total pressure in the containment is uniform. This assumption is justified by the fact that after the initial blowdown of the Reactor Coolant System, the remaining mass and energy released from this system into the containment are small and very slowly changing. The resulting flow rates between the control volumes will also be relatively small. These flow rates then are unable to maintain significant pressure differences between the compartments.

In the control volumes, which are always assumed to be saturated, steam and air are assumed to be uniformly mixed and at the control volume temperature. The air is considered a perfect gas, and the thermodynamic properties of steam are taken from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) steam table.

The condensation of steam is assumed to take place in a condensing node located, for the purpose of calculation, between the two control volumes in the ice storage compartment. The exit temperature of the air leaving this node is set equal to a specific value that is equal to the temperature of the ice filled control volume of the ice storage compartment. Lower compartment exit temperature is used if the ice bed section is melted.


WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 2.2 Containment Pressure Calculation The following are the major input assumptions used in the LOTIC analysis for the pump suction pipe rupture case with the steam generators considered as an active heat source for the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Containment:

1. Minimum safeguards are employed in all calculations, e.g., one of two spray pumps and one of two spray heat exchangers; one of two residual heat removal (RHR) pumps and one of two RHR heat exchangers providing flow to the core; one of two safety injection pumps and one of two centrifugal charging pumps; and one of two air return fans.
2. 2,187,250 Ibm of ice initially in the ice condenser.
3. The blowdown, reflood, and post reflood mass and energy releases described in Appendix A herein were used.
4. Blowdown and post-blowdown ice condenser drain temperature of 190°F and 130*F are used. (These values are based on the Long-Term Waltz-Mill ice condenser test data described in Reference 5.)
5. Nitrogen from the accumulators in the amount of 3479 lbs. is included in the calculations.
6. Hydrogen gas was added to the containment in the amount of 21,366 Standard Cubic Feet (SCF) over 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Sources accounted for were radiolysis in the core and sump post-LOCA, corrosion of plant materials (Aluminum, Zinc, and painted surfaces found in containment), reaction of 1% of the Zirconium fuel rod cladding in the core, and hydrogen gas assumed to be dissolved in the Reactor Coolant System water. (This bounds tritium producing core designs)
7. Essential service water temperature of 87°F is used on the spray heat exchanger and the component cooling heat exchanger.
8. The air return fan is assumed to be effective 10 minutes after the transient is initiated.
9. No maldistribution of steam flow to the ice bed is assumed. (This assumption is conservative, contributes to early ice bed meltout time.)
10. No ice condenser bypass is assumed. (This assumption depletes the ice in the shortest time and is thus conservative.)
11. The initial conditions in the containment are a temperature of 100°F in the lower and dead-ended volumes, 80°F in the upper volume and 15°F in the ice condenser. (Note: The 80°F temperature in the upper compartment is a reduction from the 850 F lower Technical Specification limit to account for the upper plenum volume of the ice condenser which is included in the upper 5

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 compartment volume for the analysis. The volume is adjusted to maximize air mass and the compression ratio.) All volumes are at a pressure of 0.3 psig and a 10% relative humidity, except the ice condenser which is at 100% relative humidity.

12. The minimum Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) and Containment Spray flow rates versus time assumed in the peak containment pressure calculations were calculated based upon the assumption of loss of offsite power (See Reference 1, Table 3-1).
13. Containment structural heat sinks are assumed with conservatively low heat transfer rates. (See Tables 2-1 and 2-2) Note: The Dead-Ended compartment structural heat sinks were conservatively neglected.
14. The Containment compartment volumes were based on the following: Upper Compartment 651,000 ft3; Lower Compartment 248,500 ft 3; and Dead-Ended Compartment 129,900 ft3 .
15. The operation of one containment spray heat exchanger (Overall conductance (UA) = 2.953
  • 106 Btu/hr-°F) for containment cooling and the operation of one RHR heat exchanger (UA = 1.402
  • 106 Btu/hr-°F) for core cooling. The component cooling heat exchanger was modeled at 2.793
  • 106 Btu/hr-°F. All heat exchangers were modeled as strictly counterflow heat exchangers.
16. The air return fan returns air at a rate of 40,000 cfm from the upper to the lower compartment.
17. An active sump volume of 38,400 ft 3 is used.
18. 100.7% of 3455 MWt power is used in the calculations.
19. Subcooling of emergency core cooling (ECC) water from the RHR heat exchanger is assumed.
20. Nuclear service water flow to the containment spray heat exchanger was modeled as 3400 gpm. Also, the nuclear service water flow to the component cooling heat exchanger was modeled as 4000 gpm.
21. Decay Heat Model - On November 2, 1978 the Nuclear Power Plant Standards Committee (NUPPSCO) of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) approved ANS Standard 5.1 for the determination of decay heat. This standard was used in the mass and energy release model with the following input specific for the Sequoyah Units 1 and 2. The primary assumptions which make this calculation specific for the Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 are the enrichment factor, minimum/maximum new fuel loadng per cycle, and a conservative end of cycle core average bumup. A conservative lower bound for enrichment of 3% was used. Table 1-2 lists the decay heat curve used in the Sequoyah Ice Weight Optimization analysis.


WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Significant assumptions in the generation of the decay heat curve:

A. Decay heat sources considered are fission product decay and heavy element decay of U-239 and Nr-239.

B. Decay heat power from the following fissioning isotopes are included; U-238, U-235, and Pu-239.

C. Fission rate is constant over the operating history of maximum power level.

D. The factor accounting for neutron capture in fission products has been taken from Equation 11 of Reference 2 (up to 10,000 seconds) and Table 10 of Reference 2 (beyond 10,000 seconds).

E. The fuel has been assumed to be at full power for 1096 days.

F. The number of atoms of U-239 produced per second has been assumed to be equal to 70% of the fission rate.

G. The total recoverable energy associated with one fission has been assumed to be 200 MeV/fission.

H. Two sigma uncertainty (two times the standard deviation) has been applied to the fission product decay.

22. Core stored energy based on the time in life for maximum fuel densification. The assumptions used to calculate the fuel temperatures for the core stored energy calculation account for appropriate uncertainties associated with the models in the PAD code (e.g., calibration of the thermal model, pellet densification model, cladding creep model, etc.). In addition, the fuel temperatures for the core stored energy calculation account for appropriate uncertainties associated with manufacturing tolerances (e.g., pellet as-built density). The total uncertainty for the fuel temperature calculation is a statistical combination of these effects and is dependent upon fuel type, power level, and burnup.
23. Reloads utilizing Mark-BW17 fuel with up to 96 fresh assemblies are bounded based on the evaluation provided in Reference 8.

The minimum time at which the RHR pumps can be diverted to the RHR sprays are specified in the plant operating procedures as 60 minutes after the accident.


WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 2.3 Structural Heat Removal Provision is made in the containment pressure analysis for heat storage in interior and exterior walls. Each wall is divided into a number of nodes. For each node, a conservation of energy equation expressed in finite difference form accounts for transient conduction into and out of the node and temperature rise of the node for the containment structural heat sinks used in the analysis. The heat sink and material property data used are found in Tables 2-1 and 2-2.

The heat transfer coefficient to the containment structure is based primarily on the work of Tagami (Reference 7). When applying the Tagami correlations, a conservative limit was placed on the lower compartment stagnant heat transfer coefficients. They were limited to a steam-air ratio of 1.4 according to the Tagami correlation. The imposition of this limitation is to restrict the use of the Tagami correlation within the test range of steam-air ratios where the correlation was derived.

With these assumptions, the heat removal capability of the containment is sufficient to absorb the energy releases and still keep the maximum calculated pressure below the design pressure.

2.4 Analysis Results The results of the analysis show that the maximum calculated containment pressure is 11.33 psig, for the double-ended pump suction minimum safeguards break case. This pressure peak occurs at approximately 6651.46 seconds, with ice bed meltout at approximately 3273.7 seconds.

The ice bed meltout occurred at 3273.7 seconds, containment spray switchover to sump recirculation is completed at 3113 seconds, thus the containment spray switchover ice bed meltout time relationship is 160.7 seconds.

The following plots show the containment integrity transient, as calculated by the LOTIC-1 code.

Figure 2-1, Containment Pressure Transient Figure 2-2, Upper Compartment Temperature Transient Figure 2-3, Lower Compartment Temperature Transient Figure 2-4, Active and Inactive Sump Temperature Transient Figure 2-5, Ice Melt Transient Tables 2-3 and 2-4 give energy accountings at various points in the transient. Table 2-5 provides the sequence of events, which includes results calculated in Appendix A.

2.5 Relevant Acceptance Criteria The LOCA mass and energy analysis has been performed in accordance with the criteria shown in Standard Review Plan (SRP) subsection In this analysis, the relevant requirements of General Design Criterion (GDC) 50 and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix K have been included by confirmation that the calculated pressure is less than the design pressure, and because all available sources of energy have been included. These sources include reactor power, decay heat, core stored energy, energy stored in the reactor vessel and intemals, metal-water reaction energy, and stored energy in the secondary system.


WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 The containment integrity peak pressure analysis has been performed in accordance with the criteria shown in the SRP Section .b, for ice condenser containments. Conformance to GDC's 16, 38, and 50 is demonstrated by showing that the containment design pressure is not exceeded at any time in the transient. This analysis also demonstrates that the containment heat removal systems function to rapidly reduce the containment pressure and temperature in the event of a LOCA.

.A calculated peak containment pressure of 12.0 psig or less will demonstrate satisfaction of the criteria for Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 relative to containment design pressure. In addition, the margin of time between the completion of containment spray realignment and ice bed meltout of

> 150 seconds (based upon an initial ice mass of approximately 2,187,250 Ibm) is met.

2.6 Conclusions Based upon the information presented in this report, it may be concluded that operation with an initial ice weight of 2,187,250 pounds for the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant is acceptable. Operation with an initial ice mass of 2,187,250 pounds results in a calculated peak containment pressure of 11.33 psig, as compared to the design pressure of 12.0 psig. Further, the ice bed mass of 2,187,250 Ibm equates to an approximate average of 1,125.13 Ibm per basket. This average value recognizes that all baskets may not have the same initial weight nor have the same sublimation rate. To ensure that a sufficient quality of ice exists in each basket to survive the blowdown phase of a LOCA, a minimum amount of ice per basket to survive the blowdown would be approximately 325.7 Ibm, based on Table 2-4. To ensure that an adequate distribution of ice exists in the ice condenser to prevent early burn-through of a localized area, 325.7 Ibm of ice should be the minimum weight per basket at any time while also ensuring that the average weight per basket remains above 1,125.13 Ibm.




2. ANSI/ANS-5.11979, "American National Standard for Decay Heat Power in Light Water Reactors," August 1979.
4. "Long Term Ice Condenser Containment Code - LOTIC Code,"

WCAP-8354-P-A, April 1976 (Proprietary), WCAP-8355-A (Non-Proprietary).

5. WCAP-81 10, Supplement 6, (Non-Proprietary), "Test Plans and Results for the Ice Condenser system, Ice condenser Full-Scale Section Test at the Waltz Mill Facility,"

May 1974.

6. "Westinghouse LOCA Mass and Energy Release Model for Containment Design March 1979 Version," WCAP-10325-P-A, May 1983 (Proprietary), WCAP-10326-A (Non-Proprietary).
7. Tagami, Takasi, Interim Report on Safety Assessments and Facilities Establishment Project in Japan for Period Ending June, 1965 (No. 1).
8. TVA-01-113, John W Irons (W) to Mr. D. L. Lundy (TVA), "Tennessee Valley Authority, Sequoyah Units 1 and 2, Transmittal - Wesdyne Letter NDP-01-0367, 'Revision to LOCA M&E Confirmation for Sequoyah Tritium Production Core Designs,' "August 21, 2001.
9. NSAL-1 1-5, "Westinghouse LOCA Mass and Energy Release Calculation Issues," July 26, 2011.
10. NSAL-06-6, "LOCA Mass and Energy Release Analysis," June 6, 2006.


WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table 2-1 Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 Structural Heat Sink Table Upper Compartment Area (Fe) Thickness (Ft)

1. Operating Deck 4,880 Concrete 1.007
2. Crane Wall 18,280 Paint 0.0005 Concrete 1.2985
3. Refueling Canal 3,840 (Steel Lined)

Stainless Steel 0.02083 Concrete 1.5

4. Operating Deck 760 Paint 0.00125 Concrete 1.5
5. Containment Shell & Misc. 49,960 Steel Paint 0.000625 Steel 0.0403
6. Misc. Steel 2,260 Paint 0.000625 Steel 0.121 Lower Compartment
7. Operating Deck, Crane 32,200 Wall & Interior Concrete Concrete 1.415
8. Area in Contact with Sump 15,540 Water Concrete 1.604
9. Interior Concrete 3,590 Paint 0.0011 Concrete 1.499
10. Reactor Cavity 2,270 Stainless Steel 0.02082 Concrete 2.0 11

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table 2-1 Sequoyah Units I and 2 Structural Heat Sink Table (Continued)

Lower Compartment (Continued) Area (Fe) Thickness (Ft)

11. Containment Shell & Misc. 19,500 Steel Paint 0.000625 Steel 0.04953
12. Misc. Steel 9,000 Paint 0.000625 Steel 0.1008 Ice Condenser
13. Ice Basket 149,600 Steel 0.00663
14. Lattice Frames 75,865 Steel 0.0217
15. Lower Support Structure 28,670 Steel 0.0587
16. Ice Condenser Floor 3,336 Paint 0.000833 Concrete 0.33
17. Containment Wall Panels 19,100

& Containment Shell Steel & Insulation 1.0 Steel 0.0625

18. Crane Wall Panels & 13,055 Crane Wall Composite Panel 1.2 (Steel and Insulation)

Concrete 1.0 12

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table 2-2 Sequoyah Units I and 2 Material Properties Table Material Thermal Conductivity Volumetric Heat Btu/hr - ft -OF Btu/ft3 -OF Paint 1 0.2 14.0 Paint 2 0.0833 28.4 Concrete 0.8 28.8 Stainless Steel 9.4 56.35 Carbon Steel 26.0 56.35 Steel and Insulation 0.15 2.75 Composite Panel on Steel (Ice Condenser)

Steel and Insulation 0.25 3.663 Composite Panel on Concrete (Ice Condenser)

Note: Paint1 = on steel Paint 2 = on concrete 13

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table 2-3 Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 Energy Accounting Approxt End of Blowdown Approxtt End of Reflood (t = 10.0 Seconds) (t = 228.39 Seconds)

(In Millions of Btus)

Ice Heat Removal 196.117 250.993 Structural Heat Sinks

  • 18.039 60.016 RHR Heat Exchanger Heat 0.00 0.00 Removal
  • Spray Heat Exchanger 0.00 0.00 Heat Removal
  • Energy Content of Sump 183.698 231.827 Ice Melted (Pounds)(10 6 ) 0.63315 0.85287
  • Integrated Energies t- End of Blowdown is redefined in LOTIC-1 to occur at 10 seconds, per results from the Waltz Mill Ice condenser test.

t"- The approximate time is the time closest to the event that is captured in the LOTIC-1 code major print out. Table 2-5 provides the actual sequence of events.


WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table 2-4 Sequoyah Units I and 2 Energy Accounting Approx t Time of Ice Melt Approxt Time of Peak Pressure (t = 3273.7 Seconds) (t = 6651.46 Seconds)

(In Millions of Btus)

Ice Heat Removal 584.247 584.247 Structural Heat Sinks

  • 79.786 118.74 RHR Heat Exchanger Heat 15.757 44.786 Removal
  • Spray Heat Exchanger 2.809 66.032 Heat Removal
  • Energy Content of Sump 656.573 676.972 Ice Melted (Pounds)(10 6) 2.187250 2.187250
  • Integrated Energies t- The approximate time is the time closest to the event that is captured in the LOTIC-1 code major print out. Table 2-5 provides the actual sequence of events.


WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table 2-5 Sequoyah Units I and 2 Double Ended Pump Suction LOCA Minimum Safeguards Sequence of Events Event Time ( sec)

Rupture 0.00 Accumulator Flow Starts 14.4 End of Blowdown 32.60 Assumed Initiation of ECCS 29.76 Accumulators Empty 62.138 End of Reflood 228.388 Assumed Initiation of Spray System 250.0 Low Level Alarm from Refueling Water Storage Tank 1681.0 Start of ECCS Cold Leg Recirculation 1691 Low-Low Level Alarm from RWST - Sprays Stopped 2803.0 Spray Pumps Restart in Recirculation Mode 3113.0 Ice Bed Meltout 3273.7 RHR Spray Realignment 3600.0 Peak Containment Pressure 6651.46 16

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Sequoyoh Units 1 and 2 LOCA Moss and Energy Release Containment Integrity Analysis Containment Pressure (psig) 12 11 10

.2* 9 V) 8--


Cl) 6" 5"

4I II1 I I II IIIII I I I I1l11 I I I I Illl I t I III 01 2 3 4 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 Time (s)

Figure 2-1 17

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 LOCA Mass and Energy Release Containment Integrity Analysis Upper Compartment Temperature (F) 180 160-140-(:D E 120-100--

I I I IllIH 4 I I I IIIIIi I I I I III 80*I I 1 1 1 1 1illI 02 3 4 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 Time (s)

Figure 2-2 18

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 LOCA Mass and Energy Release Containment Integrity Analysis Lower Compartment Temperature (F) 240 220--


0- -

E 180--

0) 0 1 2 3 45 10 10 10 10 10 10 Time (s)

Figure 2-3 19

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 LOCA Mass and Energy Release Containment Integrity Analysis Active Sump and Inactive Sump Temperature Transient Active Sump Temperature (F)

..... Inactive Sump Temperature (F) 200 150 100__

E -

50-I I I 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 Time (s)

Figure 2-4 20

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 LOCA Mass and Energy Release Containment Integrity Analysis Ice Mass Transient Melted Ice Mass (Ibm) 0.25E+07 0.2E+07" 0.15E+07-0.1E+07-500000-I I iii11 I I 111 I I I11111,1 I 1 1 1 1II1 1 1 01 II III 1 I II I I S2 4 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 Time (s)

Figure 2-5 21

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 APPENDIX A - LOCA Mass and Energy Release Introduction The evaluation model used for the long-term LOCA mass and energy release calculations is the March 1979 model described in Reference 1. This evaluation model has been reviewed and approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) (References 1 and 2), and has been used in the analysis of other ice condenser plants.

This report section presents the long-term LOCA mass and energy releases that were generated in support of recent issues reported in NSAL-1 1-5 (Reference 11) and NSAL-06-6 (Reference 12). These mass and energy releases are then subsequently used in the LOTIC-1 computer code (Reference 3) for containment integrity analysis peak pressure calculations.

Purpose of Analysis The purpose of the analysis was to calculate the long-term LOCA mass and energy releases and the subsequent containment integrity response in order to support recent changes to the Westinghouse computer code, EPITOME, i.e., NSAL-11-5 (Reference 11). In addition, for a comprehensive reconciliation of all issues relative to the LOCA mass and energy release analysis of record (AOR) all appropriate corrections relative to NSAL-06-6 (Reference 12) were also addressed. This effort will address current Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 specific plant conditions and revised models as a means of using available analytical margins and minimizing the effect on the amount of ice required in the ice condenser. The objective of performing the long-term LOCA mass and energy release and LOCA containment integrity analysis will be to minimize the effect on the initial ice mass, to maintain the current time interval (150 seconds, minimum) relationship between containment spray switchover time and ice bed meltout time, and to provide peak pressure margin to design pressure.

A key element in minimizing the impact on initial ice mass was reducing the energy available to containment in the event of a LOCA. Areas such as core stored energy, decay heat, and available steam generator metal heat were investigated and available margins were implemented into the analysis. These margins combined with a better segmental representation of the mass and energy release transient from the computer models resulted in margins that reduced energy input into containment.

The following are the analytical bases and the results, which show that the containment design pressure is not exceeded in the event of a LOCA. The conclusions presented will demonstrate, with respect to a LOCA, that containment integrity has not been compromised. Further, since the LOCA requires the greatest amount of ice compared to other accident scenarios, the initial ice mass based on LOCA results will be acceptable for the other accident scenarios.

Rupture of any of the piping carrying pressurized high temperature reactor coolant, termed a LOCA, will result in release of steam and water into the containment. This will lead to an increase in the containment pressure and temperature. The mass and energy release rates described in this document form the basis of further computations to evaluate the structural integrity of the containment following a postulated accident in order to satisfy the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) acceptance criterion, General Design Criterion 38. Subsection A- I

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 1.4 presents the long-term LOCA mass and energy release analysis for containment pressurization evaluations. Section 2 presents the LOCA containment pressure calculations.

System Characteristics and Modeling Assumptions The mass and energy release analysis is sensitive to the assumed characteristics of various plant systems, in addition to other key modeling assumptions. Some of the most critical items are Reactor Coolant System (RCS) initial conditions, core decay heat, safety injection flow, and metal and steam generator heat release modeling. Specific assumptions concerning each of these items are discussed below. Tables 1-1 through 1-3 present key data assumed in the analysis. The data provided in References 2 and 3 was used, in part, to develop the plant data presented in Tables 1-1 through 1-3.

For the long-term mass and energy release calculations, operating temperatures to bound the highest average coolant temperature range were used. The core rated power of 3,455 MWt adjusted for calorimetric error (+0.7 percent of power) was modeled in the analysis. The use of higher temperatures is conservative because the initial fluid energy is based on coolant temperatures, which are at the maximum levels attained in steady-state operation. Additionally, an allowance of +5.5 0 F is reflected in the vessel/core temperature in order to account for instrument error and deadband. The initial RCS pressure in this analysis is based on a nominal value of 2,250 psia. Also included is an allowance of +50 psi, which accounts for the measurement uncertainty on pressurizer pressure. The selection of 2,300 psia as the limiting pressure is considered to affect the blowdown phase results only, since this represents the initial pressure of the RCS. The RCS rapidly depressurizes from this value until the point at which it equilibrates with containment pressure.

The rate at which the RCS depressurizes is initially more severe at the higher RCS pressure.

Additionally, the RCS has a higher fluid density at the higher pressure (assuming a constant temperature) and subsequently has a higher RCS mass available for releases. Therefore, 2,300 psia initial pressure was selected as the limiting case for the long-term LOCA mass and energy release calculations. These assumptions conservatively maximize the mass and energy in the RCS.

The selection of the fuel design features for the long-term LOCA mass and energy calculation is consistent with the analysis of record (Reference 10), based on the need to conservatively maximize the core stored energy. The margin in core stored energy was chosen to be +15 percent. Thus, the analysis fuel conditions were adjusted to provide a bounding analysis for Westinghouse Standard 17X17 and V5H fuel for Sequoyah Units land 2. The following items serve as the basis to ensure conservatism in the core stored energy calculation:

, A conservatively high reload core loading

" Time of maximum fuel densification, that is, highest beginning-of-life (BOL) temperatures

  • Irradiated fuel assemblies assumed to have an average burnup >15,000 MWD/MTU Regarding safety injection flow, the mass and energy calculation considered the historically limiting configuration of minimum safety injection flow.

A- 2

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 The following summarized assumptions were employed to ensure that the mass and energy releases were conservatively calculated, thereby maximizing energy release to containment:

1. Maximum expected operating temperature of the reactor coolant system (RCS)

(100-percent full-power conditions)

2. An allowance in temperature for instrument error and deadband assumed on the vessel/core inlet temperature (+5.5°F)
3. Margin in volume of 3 percent (which is composed of a 1.6-percent allowance for thermal expansion, and a 1.4-percent allowance for uncertainty)
4. Core rated power of 3,455 MWt
5. Allowance for calorimetric error (+0.7 percent of power)
6. Conservative coefficient of heat transfer (that is, steam generator primary/secondary heat transfer and RCS metal heat transfer)
7. Core-stored energy based on the time in life for maximum fuel densification. The assumptions used to calculate the fuel temperatures for the core-stored energy calculation account for appropriate uncertainties associated with the models in the PAD code (such as calibration of the thermal model, pellet densification model, or cladding creep model). In addition, the fuel temperatures for the core-stored energy calculation account for appropriate uncertainties associated with manufacturing tolerances (such as pellet as-built density). The total uncertainty for the fuel temperature calculation is a statistical combination of these effects and is dependent upon fuel type, power level, and burnup.
8. An allowance for RCS initial pressure uncertainty (+50 psi)
9. A maximum containment backpressure equal to design pressure
10. The steam generator metal mass was modeled to include all portions of the steam generators that are in contact with the fluid on the secondary side. In active portions of the steam generators such as the elliptical head, upper shell, and miscellaneous internals (poor heat transfer due to location) were conservatively assumed available for release to containment.
11. A provision for modeling steam flow in the secondary side through the steam generator turbine stop valve was conservatively addressed only at the start of the event. A turbine stop valve isolation time equal to 1.19 seconds was used.
12. As noted in Section 2.4 of Reference 4, the option to provide more specific modeling pertaining to decay heat has been exercised to specifically reflect the Sequoyah Nuclear A- 3

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Plant Units 1 and 2 core heat generation, while retaining the two sigma uncertainty to assure conservatism (see Table 1-2).

13. Steam generator tube plugging leveling (0-percent uniform)
a. Maximizes reactor coolant volume and fluid release
b. Maximizes heat transfer area across the steam generators tubes
c. Reduces coolant loop resistance, which reduces the Ap upstream of the break and increases break flow Therefore, based on the previously noted conditions and assumptions, a bounding analysis of the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units I and 2 (assuming Model 51 steam generators) was performed for the release of mass and energy from the RCS in the event of a LOCA.

LOCA Mass and Energy Release Phases The containment system receives mass and energy releases following a postulated rupture in the RCS. These releases continue over a time period, which is typically divided into four phases:

1. Blowdown - the period of time from accident initiation (when the reactor is at steady-state operation) to the time that the RCS and containment reach an equilibrium state at containment design pressure.
2. Refill - the period of time when the reactor vessel lower plenum is being filled by accumulator and Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) water. At the end of blowdown, a large amount of water remains in the cold legs, downcomer, and lower plenum. To conservatively consider the refill period for the purpose of containment mass and energy releases, it is assumed that this water is instantaneously transferred to the lower plenum along with sufficient accumulator water to completely fill the lower plenum.

This allows an uninterrupted release of mass and energy to containment. Therefore, the refill period is conservatively neglected in the mass and energy release calculation.

3. Reflood - begins when the water from the reactor vessel lower plenum enters the core and ends when the core is completely quenched.
4. Post-reflood (froth) - describes the period following the reflood transient. For the pump suction break, a two-phase mixture exits the core, passes through the hot legs, and is superheated in the steam generators prior to release to containment. After the broken loop steam generator cools, the break flow becomes two-phase.

Computer Codes The Reference 1 mass and energy release evaluation model is comprised of mass and energy release versions of the following codes: SATAN-VI, WREFLOOD, FROTH, and EPITOME.

These codes were used to calculate the long-term LOCA mass and energy releases for A- 4


The SATAN-VI code calculates blowdown (the first portion of the thermal-hydraulic transient following break initiation), including pressure, enthalpy, density, mass, energy flow rates, and energy transfer between primary and secondary systems as a function of time.

The WREFLOOD code addresses the portion of the LOCA transient where the core reflooding phase occurs after the RCS has depressurized (blowdown) due to the loss of water through the break and when water supplied by the ECCS refills the reactor vessel and provides cooling to the core. The most important feature is the steam/water mixing model (see subsection Reflood Mass and Energy Release Data).

The FROTH code models the post-reflood portion of the transient. The FROTH code is used for the steam generator heat addition calculation from the broken and intact loop steam generators.

The EPITOME code continues the FROTH post-reflood portion of the transient from the time at which the secondary side equilibrates to containment design pressure to the end of the transient. It also compiles a summary of data on the entire transient, including formal instantaneous mass and energy release tables and mass and energy balance tables with data at critical times.

Break Size and Location Generic studies (Reference 1, Section 3.3) have been performed with respect to the effect of postulated break size on the LOCA mass and energy releases. The double-ended guillotine break has been found to be limiting due to larger mass flow rates during the blowdown phase of the transient. During the reflood and froth phases, the break size has little effect on the releases.

Three distinct locations in the RCS loop can be postulated for pipe rupture:

1. Hot leg (between vessel and steam generator)
2. Cold leg (between pump and vessel)
3. Pump suction (between steam generator and pump)

The limiting break location analyzed for the EPITOME reanalysis is the double-ended pump suction guillotine (DEPSG) (10.46 ft2 ). Break mass and energy releases have been calculated for the blowdown, reflood, and post-reflood phases of the LOCA for each case analyzed. The following paragraphs provide a discussion on each break location.

The hot leg double-ended guillotine has been shown in previous studies (Reference 1, Section 3.3) to result in the highest blowdown mass and energy release rates. Although the core flooding rate would be the highest for this break location, the amount of energy released from the steam generator secondary is minimal because the majority of the fluid that exits the core bypasses the steam generators, venting directly to containment. As a result, the reflood mass and energy releases are reduced significantly as compared to either the pump suction or cold leg break locations, where the core exit mixture must pass through the steam generators before venting through the break. For the hot leg break, generic studies have confirmed that there is no reflood peak (that is, from the end of the blowdown period the containment pressure would continually decrease). The mass and energy releases for the hot leg break have not been A- 5

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 included in the scope of this containment integrity analysis because, for the hot leg break, only the blowdown phase of the transient is of any significance. Since there are no reflood or post-reflood phases to consider, the limiting peak pressure calculated would be the compression peak pressure and not the peak pressure following ice bed meltout.

The cold leg break location has been found in previous studies (Reference 1, Section 3.3) to be much less limiting in terms of the overall containment energy releases. The cold leg blowdown is faster than that of the pump suction break, and more mass is released into the containment.

However, the core heat transfer is greatly reduced, and this results in a considerably lower energy release into containment. Studies have determined that the blowdown transient for the cold leg is less limiting than that for the pump suction break. During cold leg reflood, the flooding rate is greatly reduced and the energy release rate into the containment is reduced. Therefore, the cold leg break is not included in the scope of this program.

The pump suction break combines the effects of the relatively high core flooding rate, as in the hot leg break, and the addition of the stored energy in the steam generators. As a result, the pump suction break yields the highest energy flow rates during the post-blowdown period by including all of the available energy of the RCS in calculating the releases to containment. This break has been determined to be the limiting break for the Westinghouse-design ice condenser plants.

In summary, the analysis of the limiting break location for an ice condenser containment has been performed and is shown in this report. The DEPSG break has historically been considered to be the limiting break location, by virtue of its consideration of all energy sources in the RCS.

This break location provides a mechanism for the release of the available energy in the RCS, including both the broken and intact loop steam generators.

Application of Single-Failure Criteria An analysis of the effects of the single-failure criteria has been performed on the mass and energy release rates for the DEPSG break. An inherent assumption in the generation of the mass and energy release is that offsite power is lost. This results in the actuation of the emergency diesel generators, required to power the Safety Injection System. This is not an issue for the blowdown period, which is limited by the compression peak pressure.

The limiting minimum safety injection case has been analyzed for the effects of a single-failure.

In the case of minimum safeguards, the single failure postulated to occur is the loss of an emergency diesel generator. This results in the loss of one pumped safety injection train, that is, ECCS pumps and heat exchangers.

A- 6

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Mass and Energy Release Data Blowdown Mass and Energy Release Data The February 1978 version of the SATAN-VI code is used for computing the blowdown transient (Reference 4). This version of SATAN-VI is licensed with the Reference 1 model and has been used for previous Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 LOCA mass and energy release calculations.

The SATAN-VI code utilizes the control volume (element) approach with the capability for modeling a large variety of thermal fluid system configurations. The fluid properties are considered uniform and thermodynamic equilibrium is assumed in each element. A point kinetics model is used with weighted feedback effects.

The major feedback effects include moderator density, moderator temperature, and Doppler broadening. A critical flow calculation for subcooled (modified Zaloudek), two-phase (Moody), or superheated break flow is incorporated into the analysis. The methodology for the use of this model is described in Reference 1.

Table A-1 presents the calculated LOCA mass and energy releases for the blowdown phase of the DEPSG break. For the pump suction breaks, break path 1 in the mass and energy release tables refers to the mass and energy exiting from the steam generator side of the break; break path 2 refers to the mass and energy exiting from the pump side of the break.

Reflood Mass and Energy Release Data The WREFLOOD code used for computing the reflood transient is a modified version of that used in the 1981 ECCS evaluation model, Reference 4.

The WREFLOOD code consists of two basic hydraulic models - one for the contents of the reactor vessel and one for the coolant loops. The two models are coupled through the interchange of the boundary conditions applied at the vessel outlet nozzles and at the top of the downcomer. Additional transient phenomena, such as pumped safety injection and accumulators, reactor coolant pump performance, and steam generator release are included as auxiliary equations that interact with the basic models as required. The WREFLOOD code permits the capability to calculate variations (during the core reflooding transient) of basic parameters such as core flooding rate, core and downcomer water levels, fluid thermodynamic conditions (pressure, enthalpy, density) throughout the primary system, and mass flow rates through the primary system. The code permits hydraulic modeling of the two flow paths available for discharging steam and entrained water from the core to the break; that is, the path through the broken loop and the path through the unbroken loops.

A complete thermal equilibrium mixing condition for the steam and emergency core cooling injection water during the reflood phase has been assumed for each loop receiving ECCS water. This is consistent with the usage and application of the Reference 1 mass and energy release evaluation model. Even though the Reference 1 model credits steam/mixing only in the intact loop and not in the broken loop, justification, applicability, and NRC approval for using the mixing model in the broken loop has been documented (Reference 5). This assumption is justified and supported by test data, and is summarized as follows.

A- 7

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 The model assumes a complete mixing condition (thermal equilibrium) for the steam/water interaction. The complete mixing process is made up of two distinct physical processes. The first is a two-phase interaction with condensation of steam by cold ECCS water. The second is a single-phase mixing of condensate and ECCS water. Since the steam release is the most important influence to the containment pressure transient, the steam condensation part of the mixing process is the only part that need be considered. (Any spillage directly heats only the sump.)

The most applicable steam/water mixing test data has been reviewed for validation of the containment integrity reflood steam/water mixing model. This data is generated in 1/3 scale tests (Reference 6), which are the largest scale data available and thus most clearly simulate the flow regimes and gravitational effects that would occur in a pressurized water reactor (PWR). These tests were designed specifically to study the steam/water interaction for PWR reflood conditions.

From the entire series of 1/3 scale tests, one group corresponds almost directly to containment integrity reflood conditions. The injection flow rates from this group cover all phases and mixing conditions calculated during the reflood transient. The data from these tests were reviewed and discussed in detail in Reference 1. For all of these tests, the data clearly indicate the occurrence of very effective mixing with rapid steam condensation. The mixing model used in the containment integrity reflood calculation is therefore wholly supported by the 1/3 scale steam/water mixing data.

Additionally, the following justification is also noted. The post-blowdown limiting break for the containment integrity peak pressure analysis is the DEPSG break. For this break, there are two flow paths available in the RCS by which mass and energy may be released to containment.

One is through the outlet of the steam generator, the other is via reverse flow through the reactor coolant pump. Steam that is not condensed by ECCS injection in the intact RCS loops passes around the downcomer and through the broken loop cold leg and pump in venting to containment. This steam also encounters ECCS injection water as it passes through the broken loop cold leg, complete mixing occurs, and a portion of it is condensed. It is this portion of steam, which is condensed, for which this analysis takes credit. This assumption is justified based upon the postulated break location and the actual physical presence of the ECCS injection nozzle. A description of the test and test results is contained in References 1 and 6.

Table A-2 presents the calculated mass and energy release for the reflood phase of the pump suction double ended rupture with minimum safety injection.

The transients of the principal parameters during reflood are given in Table A-5.

Post-Reflood Mass and Energy Release Data The FROTH code (Reference 7) is used for computing the post-reflood transient.

The FROTH code calculates the heat release rates resulting from a two-phase mixture level present in the steam generator tubes. The mass and energy releases that occur during this phase are typically superheated due to the depressurization and equilibration of the broken loop and intact loop steam generators. During this phase of the transient, the RCS has equilibrated A- 8

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 with the containment pressure, but the steam generators contain a secondary inventory at an enthalpy that is much higher than the primary side. Therefore, a significant amount of reverse heat transfer occurs. Steam is produced in the core due to core decay heat. For a pump suction break, a two-phase fluid exits the core, flows through the hot legs, and becomes superheated as it passes through the steam generator. Once the broken loop cools, the break flow becomes two-phase. The methodology for the use of this model is described in Reference 1.

After steam generator depressurization/equilibration, the mass and energy release available to containment is generated directly from core boiloff/decay heat.

Table A-3 presents the two-phase post-reflood (froth) mass and energy release data for the pump suction double-ended break case.

Decay Heat Model The American Nuclear Society (ANS) Standard 5.1 (Reference 8) was used in the LOCA mass and energy release model for the determination of decay heat energy. This standard was validated by the Nuclear Power Plant Standards committee (NUPPSCO) in October 1978 and subsequently approved. The official standard (Reference 8) was issued in August 1979.

Significant assumptions in the generation of the decay heat curve are the following:

1. Decay heat sources considered are fission product decay and heavy element decay of U-239 and Np-239.
2. Decay heat power from the following fissioning isotopes are included: U-238 (Reference 1), U-235. and Pu-239 (fissioning isotopes) are included.
3. Fission rate is constant over the operating history of maximum power level.
4. The factor accounting for neutron capture in fission products has been taken from Equation 11, of Reference 8 (up to 10,000 seconds) and Table 10 of Reference 8 (beyond 10,000 seconds).
5. The fuel has been assumed to be at full power for 1,096 days.
6. The number of atoms of U-239 produced per second has been assumed to be equal to 70 percent of the fission rate.
7. The total recoverable energy associated with one fission has been assumed to be 200 MeV/fission.
8. Two sigma uncertainty (two times the standard deviation) has been applied to the fission product decay.

A- 9

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Steam Generator Equilibration and Depressurization Steam generator equilibration and depressurization is the process by which secondary-side energy is removed from the steam generators in stages. The FROTH computer code calculates the heat removal from the secondary mass until the secondary temperature is saturated at the containment design pressure. After the FROTH calculations, steam generator secondary energy is removed until the steam generator reaches Tsar at the user-specified intermediate equilibration pressure, when the secondary pressure is assumed to reach the actual containment pressure. The heat removal of the broken loop steam generator and intact loop steam generators are calculated separately.

During the FROTH calculations, steam generator heat removal rates are calculated using the secondary-side temperature, primary-side temperature, and a secondary-side heat transfer coefficient determined using a modified McAdam's correlation (Reference 9). Steam generator energy is removed during the FROTH transient until the secondary-side temperature reaches saturation temperature at the containment design pressure. The constant heat removal rate used is based on the final heat removal rate calculated by FROTH. The remaining steam generator energy available to be released is determined by calculating the difference in secondary energy available at the containment design pressure and that at the (lower) user-specified equilibration pressure, assuming saturated conditions. This energy is then divided by the energy removal rate, resulting in an equilibration time. The steam generator energy equilibrium model in the FROTH computer code as described above has been reviewed and approved by the NRC in References 1 and 3.

Sources of Mass and Energy The sources of mass considered in the LOCA mass and energy release analysis are given in Table A-4a.

These sources are the RCS, accumulators, and pumped safety injection. The energy inventories considered in the LOCA mass and energy release analysis are given in Table A-4b.

The energy sources include:

  • Pumped injection water

" Decay heat

" Core-stored energy

" RCS metal - primary metal (includes steam generator tubes)

  • Steam generator metal (includes transition cone, shell, wrapper, and other internals)

" Steam generator secondary energy (includes fluid mass and steam mass)

A- 10

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 The mass and energy inventories are presented at the following times, as appropriate:

  • Time zero (initial conditions)
  • End of blowdown time
  • End of refill time
  • End of reflood time

" Time of broken loop steam generator equilibration to pressure setpoint

" Time of intact loop steam generator equilibration to pressure setpoint The sequence of events for the DEPSG case is shown in Table 2-5.

The energy release from the Zirc-water reaction is considered as part of the Reference 1 methodology. Based on the way that the energy in the fuel is conservatively released to the vessel fluid, the fuel cladding temperature does not increase to the point were the Zirc-water reaction is significant. This is in contrast to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 10 CFR 50.46 analyses, which are biased to calculate high fuel rod cladding temperatures and therefore a non-significant Zirc-water reaction. For the LOCA mass and energy calculation, the energy created by the Zirc-water reaction value is small and is not explicitly provided in the energy balance tables. The energy that is determined is part of the mass and energy releases and, therefore, is already included in the LOCA mass and energy release.

The consideration of the various energy sources in the mass and energy release analysis provides assurance that all available sources of energy have been included in this analysis.

Therefore, the review guidelines presented in Standard Review Plan (SRP) Section have been satisfied.



1. WCAP-1 0325-P-A, May 1983 (Proprietary) and WCAP-1 0326-A (Non-Proprietary),

"Westinghouse LOCA Mass and Energy Release Model for Containment Design March 1979 Version."

2. Letter from Herbert N. Berkow (NRC) to James A. Gresham (Westinghouse), Subject -

Acceptance of Clarifications of Topical Report WCAP-10325-P-A, "Westinghouse LOCA Mass and Energy Release Model for Containment Design - March 1979 Version" (TAC No. MC7980), October 18, 2005.

3. WCAP-8354-P-A, April 1976 (Proprietary) and WCAP-8355-A (Non-Proprietary), "LONG TERM ICE CONDENSER CONTAINMENT CODE - LOTIC CODE."
4. WCAP-9220-P-A, February 1978 (Proprietary) and WCAP-9221 -A (Non-Proprietary),

"Westinghouse ECCS Evaluation Model February 1978 Version."

5. Docket No. 50-315, "Amendment No. 126, Facility Operating License No. DPR-58 (TAC No. 71062), for D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1," June 9, 1989.
6. EPRI 294-2, "Mixing of Emergency Core Cooling Water with Steam; 1/3-Scale Test and Summary," (WCAP-8423), Final Report, June 1975.
7. WCAP-8264-P-A, Revision 1, August 1975 (Proprietary) and WCAP-8312-A, Revision 2 (Non-Proprietary) "TOPICAL REPORT WESTINGHOUSE MASS AND ENERGY RELEASE DATA FOR CONTAINMENT DESIGN."
8. ANSI/ANS-5.1-1979, "American National Standard for Decay Heat Power in Light Water Reactors," August 1979.
9. W. H. McAdam, "Heat Transmission," McGraw-Hill 3rd edition, 1954, p.172.
10. WCAP-1 2455, Revision 1, Supplement 1R, "Tennessee Valley Authority Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Containment Integrity Reanalysis Engineering Report,"

September 2001.

11. NSAL-1 1-5, "Westinghouse LOCA Mass and Energy Release Calculation Issues," July 26, 2011.
12. NSAL-06-6, "LOCA Mass and Energy Release Analysis," June 6, 2006.

A- 12

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table 1-1 System Parameters Initial Conditions Parameters Value Core Thermal Power (MWt) 3,455 Reactor Coolant System Flow Rate, per Loop (gpm) 91,400 Vessel Outlet Temperature(l) (OF) 609.7 Core Inlet Temperature(1 1(*F) 546.7 Vessel Average Temperature(1 ) (OF) 578.2 Initial Steam Generator Steam Pressure (psia) 870 Steam Generator Design Model 51 Steam Generator Tube Plugging (%) 0 Initial Steam Generator Secondary-Side Mass (Ibm) 114075 Accumulator Water Volume (ft3) 1,017.977/tank plus 21.7 (average) per line N2 Cover Gas Pressure (psig) 662 Temperature (OF) 130 Safety Injection Delay (sec). 27.76 (includes time to reach pressure setpoint)

Auxiliary Feedwater Flow (gpm/steam generator) 220 Note:

1. Analysis value includes an additional +5.5°F allowance for instrument error and dead band.

A- 13

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table 1-2 System Parameters Decay Heat Curve Time Decay Heat

.(sec) (Btu/Btu) 10._________________0.050708

14. 0.048246
20. 0.045658
40. 0.04071
60. 0.037863
80. 0.03588 100. 0.034382 140. 0.032242 200. 0.030132 400. 0.02643 600. 0.024288 800. 0.022747 1000. 0.021503 1600. 0.01885 2000. 0.017588 4000. 0.014057 6000. 0.012379 8000. 0.011403 10000. 0.010732 16000. 0.0098865 20000. 0.0093675 40000. 0.0079143 60000. 0.00714 80000. 0.0066015 100000. 0.006203 140000. 0.0056076 200000. 0.0049979 400000. 0.0038661 600000. 0.0032651 800000. 0.0028811 1000000. 0.0026162 1400000. 0.0022614 2000000. 0.0019338 4000000. 0.0013904 6000000. 0.0011374 8000000. 0.00098265 10000000. 0.00087175 Key Assumptions:

-18 month fuel cycle

-Standard and V5H fuel

-End of Cycle Core Average Bumup of 52,687 Mwd/MTU

-Low bound for enrichment: 3.0%

A- 14

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table 1-3 Safety Injection Flow Minimum Safety Injection Injection Mode RCS Pressure Total Flow (psig) (gpm) 0 4,957.1 12 4,810.0 20 4,711.9 40 4,445.9 60 4,132.9 80 3,771.2 100 3,364.8 120 2,933.3 140 2,413.7 160 1,697.9 180 966.3 200 959.6 Injection Mode (Post-Reflood Phase)

RCS Pressure Total Flow (psia) (gpm) 12 4,810.0 Recirculation Mode (w/o Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Spray)

RCS Pressure Total Flow (psia) (gpm) 0 3,299 Recirculation Mode (w/ RHR Spray)

RCS Pressure Total Flow (psia) (gpm) 0 1,060 A-15

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table A-1I Blowdown Mass and Energy Releases - Double Ended Pump Suction Guillotine Break Minimum Safeguards Break Path No.1 Break Path No.2 Time Flow Energy Flow Energy Thousand Thousand Seconds Lbm/Sec Btu/Sec Lbm/Sec Btu/Sec 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.001 93249.42 50938.13 40054.44 21818.81 0.002 41152.75 22417.50 40842.54 22246.94 0.003 41141.70 22412.23 40592.11 22109.43 0.004 41134.13 22408.72 40320.20 21960.02 0.10 40891.81 22339.72 21377.56 11637.80 0.20 41705.34 22924.22 23139.12 12603.89 0.30 45544.16 25240.80 23234.93 12664.09 0.40 45989.63 25738.36 22734.99 12402.57 0.50 44830.42 25362.08 21889.73 11949.34 0.60 44474.57 25427.63 21111.59 11530.27 0.70 44544.55 25714.86 20407.38 11148.84 0.80 44011.13 25627.73 19834.30 10837.90 0.90 43015.55 25249.53 19449.22 10630.41 1.00 41990.20 24845.02 19222.29 10509.09 1.10 41056.61 24496.30 19077.42 10432.05 1.20 40117.14 24156.02 18977.71 10378.64 1.30 39068.37 23759.87 18909.65 10341.87 1.40 37890.70 23284.76 18887.22 10329.96 1.50 36683.83 22775.97 18896.56 10335.50 1.60 35566.85 22299.66 18896.27 10335.55 1.70 34509.38 21844.42 18874.33 10323.54 1.80 33448.61 21374.70 18846.85 10308.47 1.90 32372.45 20888.14 18830.52 10299.78 2.00 31236.44 20353.30 18814.04 10291.20 2.10 30133.32 19826.74 18766.48 10265.47 2.20 28992.67 19256.49 18698.96 10228.77 2.30 27861.59 18675.09 18524.81 10132.98 2.40 26296.69 17776.07 18156.14 9931.47 2.50 23203.75 15788.55 17962.04 9826.48 2.60 21046.33 14439.97 17763.83 9718.76 2.70 20879.45 14461.42 17546.81 9600.61 2.80 20259.13 14089.86 17315.77 9474.92 2.90 19472.10 13586.70 17087.23 9350.82 3.00 18927.23 13253.66 16845.67 9219.61 3.10 18354.97 12890.29 16610.29 9091.92 3.20 17697.56 12458:21 16387.44 8971.18 3.30 17074.66 12045.71 16182.45 8860.37 A- 16

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table A-1 Blowdown Mass and Energy Releases - Double Ended Pump Suction Guillotine Break Minimum Safeauards (Continued*

Break Path No.1 Break Path No.2 Time Flow Energy Flow Energy Thousand Thousand Seconds Lbm/Sec Btu/Sec LbmlSec Btu/Sec 3.40 16485.00 11650.29 15996.05 8759.87 3.50 15917.33 11265.78 15810.52 8659.77 3.60 15371.61 10895.25 15629.12 8561.89 3.70 14882.03 10564.19 15470.89 8476.80 3.80 14475.38 10289.23 15324.45 8398.16 3.90 14118.87 10045.69 15177.32 8318.96 4.00 13793.01 9820.55 15034.40 8242.04 4.20 13273.32 9456.20 14791.62 8111.84 4.40 12866.23 9159.16 14555.23 7984.70 4.60 12541.02 8912.55 14340.57 7869.53 4.80 12293.69 8711.24 14062.03 7718.76 5.00 12094.72 8538.99 13666.34 7503.71 5.20 11951.21 8400.36 15167.29 8337.35 5.40 11824.04 8268.64 15424.36 8476.14 5.60 11689.57 8129.57 15056.48 8275.32 5.80 11661.91 8060.04 14860.29 8169.71 6.00 11786.90 8079.69 14778.43 8126.62 6.20 11998.57 8154.86 14620.43 8042.36 6.40 12902.49 8708.97 14459.57 7956.75 6.60 12849.16 8634.05 14479.96 7971.44 6.80 11855.54 8374.10 14272.42 7858.62 7.00 10177.67 7767.17 14089.06 7759.11 7.20 9600.23 7482.42 13992.38 7707.05 7.40 9786.14 7500.83 13866.82 7638.13 7.60 10202.59 7634.50 13709.16 7550.61 7.80 10744.80 7845.00 13559.85 7467.29 8.00 11409.86 8126.22 13417.08 7387.52 8.20 12199.16 8484.19 13251.89 7295.18 8.40 13098.18 8918.05 13078.15 7198.25 8.60 14098.08 9423.62 12910.84 7105.15 8.80 15003.46 9878.24 12739.81 7010.01 9.00 15673.43 10205.84 12567.44 6914.18 9.20 16130.44 10423.72 12393.80 6817.57 9.40 16418.41 10552.48 12215.26 6718.25 9.60 16557.48 10599.89 12035.97 6618.50 9.80 16613.10 10606.62 11855.46 6518.08 10.00 16607.96 10581.91 11671.15 6415.51 10.20 16550.66 10527.93 11486.24 6312.61 A- 17

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table A-I Blowdown Mass and Energy Releases - Double Ended Pump Suction Guillotine Break Minimum Safeguards (Continued)

Break Path No.1 Break Path No.2 Time Flow Energy Flow Energy Thousand Thousand Seconds LbmlSec BtulSec Lbm/Sec Btu/Sec 10.40 16327.70 10371.18 11300.84 6209.38 10.60 15845.23 10056.44 11122.79 6110.21 10.80 15347.17 9738.98 10948.38 6012.95 11.00 14109.76 8946.62 10774.34 5916.00 11.20 11332.26 7206.91 10733.55 5893.02 11.40 9330.42 6046.85 10887.84 5977.42 11.60 9576.45 6299.34 10447.73 5730.74 11.80 9721.87 6354.70 10435.43 5727.21 12.00 8681.77 5723.38 10669.23 5858.06 12.20 8526.37 5761.00 10232.07 5611.50 12.40 8091.39 5612.17 10296.88 5650.40 12.60 7794.29 5485.53 10155.80 5570.46 12.80 7641.84 5394.78 10058.09 5514.31 13.00 7526.40 5312.20 9934.15 5444.71 13.20 7405.18 5227.10 9892.79 5420.69 13.40 7271.44 5143.98 9739.05 5334.00 13.60 7141.77 5070.52 9698.44 5311.69 13.80 7003.75 4994.93 9563.10 5235.76 14.00 6860.24 4917.83 9465.51 5181.92 14.20 6699.99 4823.53 9322.39 5102.02 14.40 6546.15 4722.07 9220.82 5045.07 14.60 6414.69 4616.30 9085.35 4968.62 14.80 6309.06 4515.13 9014.74 4914.45 15.00 6228.67 4428.35 8926.65 4830.14 15.20 6160.70 4350.95 8969.18 4800.23 15.40 6092.55 4277.23 8936.39 4723.15 15.60 6024.64 4211.66 9045.15 4722.79 15.80 5947.94 4148.60 8992.02 4648.43 16.00 5863.68 4088.21 9073.77 4655.58 16.20 5776.15 4031.69 8966.84 4573.25 16.40 5685.80 3977.58 8881.04 4506.25 16.60 5607.40 3934.65 8906.77 4499.14 16.80 5529.88 3898.66 8475.47 4268.78 17.00 5490.97 3916.48 8953.15 4502.40 17.20 5374.99 3927.45 7785.34 3907.74 17.40 5200.64 3927.38 9453.15 4730.87 17.60 4976.52 3910.32 7268.96 3642.84 17.80 4773.18 3903.97 9404.24 4618.29 A- 18

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table A-1 Blowdown Mass and Energy Releases - Double Ended Pump Suction Guillotine Break Minimum Safeguards (Continued)

Break Path No.1 Break Path No.2 Time Flow Energy Flow Energy Thousand Thousand Seconds Lbm/Sec BtulSec LbmlSec Btu/Sec 18.00 4480.60 3831.55 12664.71 6319.95 18.20 4163.33 3747.79 9629.69 4889.21 18.40 4117.50 3886.96 5599.13 2817.08 18.60 3794.77 3793.33 10445.61 4966.77 18.80 3436.53 3652.49 9754.74 4748.39 19.00 3350.20 3716.24 4335.74 2109.93 19.20 3007.86 3506.07 10705.91 4724.58 19.40 2674.15 3251.59 8243.44 3671.47 19.60 2441.71 3003.17 4847.00 2172.56 19.80 2244.68 2773.05 3692.51 1624.36 20.00 2048.09 2539.09 6289.06 2517.54 20.20 1866.02 2319.91 6901.94 2720.99 20.40 1709.50 2130.40 5362.97 2103.45 20.60 1567.83 1957.72 4902.79 1906.24 20.80 1430.99 1790.68 4725.18 1803.93 21.00 1320.45 1654.93 4278.50 1599.18 21.20 1212.55 1521.87 3883.96 1415.17 21.40 1112.38 1398.05 3536.62 1251.21 21.60 1014.58 1276.71 3245.04 1113.14 21.80 923.29 1163.29 3056.42 1016.25 22.00 844.87 1065.83 2834.86 914.15 22.20 777.19 981.20 2690.37 842.36 22.40 719.61 909.92 2558.47 779.12 22.60 681.20 862.00 2450.55 727.02 22.80 640.31 810.73 2364.26 684.31 23.00 601.71 762.31 2293.61 648.71 23.20 563.75 714.68 2237.85 619.43 23.40 526.88 668.36 2197.02 595.98 23.60 488.94 620.54 2163.09 575.81 23.80 451.03 572.73 2126.16 556.17 24.00 410.64 521.82 2071.39 533.33 24.20 375.44 477.54 2004.79 508.87 24.40 350.17 445.62 1963.01 491.70 24.60 323.81 412.29 1899.62 469.74 24.80 297.16 378.59 1816.37 444.03 25.00 274.73 350.18 1742.96 421.63 25.20 256.56 327.18 1777.25 425.03 25.40 242.44 309.29 1802.27 425.81 A- 19

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table A-1 Blowdown Mass and Energy Releases - Double Ended Pump Suction Guillotine Break Minimum Safeauards (Continued)

Break Path No.1 Break Path No.2 Time Flow Energy Flow Energy Thousand Thousand Seconds LbmlSec BtulSec Lbm/Sec Btu/Sec 25.60 234.06 298.71 1812.95 423.21 25.80 239.29 305.51 1841.65 424.70 26.00 229.56 293.09 2057.95 468.74 26.20 225.30 287.71 2346.84 527.97 26.40 220.59 281.77 2614.80 581.16 26.60 216.13 276.14 0.00 0.00 26.80 212.97 272.16 0.00 0.00 27.00 210.13 268.58 0.00 0.00 27.20 205.10 262.20 0.00 0.00 27.40 197.71 252.82 0.00 0.00 27.60 189.99 243.00 0.00 0.00 27.80 184.59 236.16 0.00 0.00 28.00 181.26 231.95 0.00 0.00 28.20 177.59 227.29 0.00 0.00 28.40 173.10 221.59 0.00 0.00 28.60 173.70 222.38 0.00 0.00 28.80 169.12 216.58 0.00 0.00 29.00 166.72 213.54 0.00 0.00 29.20 162.49 208.16 0.00 0.00 29.40 158.25 202.76 0.00 0.00 29.60 150.14 192.41 0.00 0.00 29.80 141.64 181.57 0.00 0.00 30.00 131.45 168.56 0.00 0.00 30.20 120.40 154.46 0.00 0.00 30.40 110.03 141.22 0.00 0.00 30.60 99.83 128.20 0.00 0.00 30.80 92.21 118.46 0.00 0.00 31.00 85.04 109.29 0.00 0.00 31.20 73.88 95.02 0.00 0.00 31.40 63.66 81.95 0.00 0.00 31.60 55.10 70.98 0.00 0.00 31.80 44.30 57.13 0.00 0.00 32.00 33.83 43.69 0.00 0.00 32.20 23.11 29.90 0.00 0.00 32.40 6.66 8.64 0.00 0.00 32.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A- 20

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table A-2 Reflood Mass and Energy Releases - Double Ended Pump Suction Guillotine Break Minimum Safeguards Break Path No.1 Break Path No.2 Time Flow Energy Flow Energy Thousand Thousand Seconds Lbm/Sec Btu/Sec Lbm/Sec Btu/Sec 33.05 0.00 0.00 165.95 12.12 33.25 0.00 0.00 165.95 12.12 33.35 0.00 0.00 165.95 12.12 33.45 0.00 0.00 165.95 12.12 33.50 0.00 0.00 165.95 12.12 33.64 26.50 30.81 165.95 12.12 33.74 11.41 13.26 165.95 12.12 33.84 12.50 14.53 165.95 12.12 33.96 17.81 20.71 165.95 12.12 34.06 22.87 26.58 165.95 12.12 34.16 26.78 31.13 165.95 12.12 34.29 30.45 35.40 165.95 12.12 34.39 33.28 38.69 165.95 12.12 34.49 35.93 41.78 165.95 12.12 34.59 38.46 44.72 165.95 12.12 34.69 40.87 47.53 165.95 12.12 34.79 43.20 50.24 165.95 12.12 34.89 45.44 52.84 165.95 12.12 34.99 47.60 55.36 165.95 12.12 35.09 50.20 58.39 165.95 12.12 35.19 52.25 60.77 165.95 12.12 35.29 53.69 62.46 165.95 12.12 35.39 56.08 65.24 165.95 12.12 35.44 56.55 65.79 165.95 12.12 35.49 57.97 67.44 165.95 12.12 35.59 59.73 69.49 165.95 12.12 35.69 61.09 71.07 165.95 12.12 36.69 77.44 90.14 165.95 12.12 37.69 91.00 105.99 165.95 12.12 38.69 103.12 120.15 165.95 12.12 39.69 174.43 203.80 2061.51 259.43 40.79 349.63 411.66 4659.50 673.36 41.19 353.32 416.07 4704.26 683.43 41.79 352.31 414.88 4691.97 683.64 42.79 348.47 410.29 4644.46 677.83 43.79 344.31 405.32 4592.06 670.93 44.79 340.15 400.34 4538.71 663.77 45.79 336.06 395.45 4485.60 656.57 A-21

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table A-2 Reflood Mass and Energy Releases - Double Ended Pump Suction Guillotine Break Minimum Safeguards (Continued)

Break Path No.1 Break Path No.2 Time Flow Energy Flow Energy Thousand Thousand Seconds Lbm/Sec Btu/Sec LbmlSec BtulSec 46.79 332.09 390.71 4433.27 649.43 46.99 331.31 389.78 4422.93 648.02 47.79 328.25 386.11 4381.96 642.41 48.79 324.54 381.68 4331.81 635.54 49.79 320.96 377.41 4282.94 628.83 50.79 317.53 373.31 4235.37 622.30 51.79 314.23 369.37 4189.09 615.94 52.79 311.05 365.58 4144.09 609.75 53.79 307.99 361.93 4100.32 603.74 54.69 305.15 358.54 4062.13 598.48 54.79 304.80 358.13 4057.97 597.92 55.79 301.42 354.10 4017.01 592.34 56.79 298.14 350.21 3977.15 586.93 57.79 294.97 346.43 3938.35 581.66 58.79 291.90 342.78 3900.57 576.53 59.79 288.92 339.24 3863.76 571.54 60.79 286.03 335.81 3827.89 566.67 61.79 283.23 332.48 3792.92 561.93 62.79 348.11 409.45 288.70 170.36 63.59 390.23 460.23 307.49 198.83 63.79 391.54 461.83 308.07 199.79 64.79 387.47 456.98 306.32 197.44 65.79 380.54 448.68 303.33 193.16 66.79 373.89 440.71 300.43 189.01 67.79 367.70 433.31 297.69 185.10 68.79 362.09 426.59 295.14 181.48 69.79 356.77 420.21 292.71 178.05 70.79 351.64 414.08 290.39 174.77 71.29 349.08 411.02 289.26 173.15 71.79 346.58 408.03 288.14 171.57 72.79 341.73 402.23 285.97 168.48 73.79 336.93 396.49 283.81 165.43 74.79 332.67 391.40 281.88 162.69 75.79 328.75 386.71 280.09 160.17 76.79 325.00 382.23 278.33 157.76 77.79 321.48 378.03 276.68 155.49 78.79 318.16 374.06 275.11 153.34 79.79 314.98 370.27 273.61 151.29 A- 22

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table A-2 Reflood Mass and Energy Releases - Double Ended Pump Suction Guillotine Break Minimum Safeauards (Continued)

Break Path No.1 Break Path No.2 Time Flow Energy Flow Energy Thousand Thousand Seconds Lbm/Sec Btu/Sec Lbm/Sec Btu/Sec 80.79 311.95 366.64 272.17 149.31 81.79 309.03 363.17 270.79 147.42 82.79 306.22 359.82 269.46 145.60 83.79 303.10 356.10 268.22 143.92 84.79 300.08 352.51 267.03 142.29 85.79 297.18 349.06 265.89 140.74 86.79 294.39 345.74 264.80 139.24 87.79 291.70 342.55 263.74 137.81 88.79 289.11 339.47 262.73 136.43 89.79 286.62 336.51 261.76 135.11 90.39 285.17 334.78 261.19 134.34 90.79 284.22 333.66 260.82 133.83 91.79 281.91 330.91 259.92 132.61 92.79 279.68 328.26 259.06 131.44 93.79 277.53 325.72 258.23 130.31 95.79 273.47 320.90 256.66 128.18 97.79 269.71 316.43 255.21 126.22 99.79 266.21 312.28 253.87 124.40 101.79 262.95 308.42 252.62 122.71 103.79 259.92 304.82 251.46 121.14 105.79 257.10 301.48 250.39 119.70 107.79 254.49 298.39 249.40 118.36 109.79 252.07 295.52 248.48 117.12 111.79 249.83 292.86 247.63 115.97 113.79 247.75 290.40 246.85 114.92 113.89 247.65 290.28 246.81 114.86 115.79 245.83 288.13 246.13 113.94 117.79 244.06 286.03 245.46 113.04 119.79 242.42 284.09 244.84 112.21 121.79 240.91 282.30 244.27 111.44 123.79 239.52 280.66 243.75 110.74 125.79 238.25 279.15 243.27 110.09 127.79 237.08 277.77 242.83 109.50 129.79 236.01 276.50 242.42 108.95 131.79 235.03 275.34 242.05 108.45 133.79 234.14 274.28 241.71 108.00 135.79 233.32 273.32 241.40 107.58 137.79 232.59 272.45 241.12 107.20 A- 23

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table A-2 Reflood Mass and Energy Releases - Double Ended Pump Suction Guillotine Break Minimum Safeguards (Continued)

Break Path No.1 Break Path No.2 Time Flow Energy Flow Energy Thousand Thousand Seconds Lbm/Sec Btu/Sec Lbm/Sec Btu/Sec 139.79 231.92 271.66 240.86 106.86 140.69 231.64 271.33 240.75 106.71 141.79 231.32 270.96 240.63 106.55 143.79 231.38 271.02 240.85 106.56 145.79 231.55 271.23 241.48 106.63 147.79 231.99 271.74 242.57 106.83 149.79 232.65 272.52 244.04 107.15 151.79 233.45 273.47 245.80 107.54 153.79 234.32 274.50 247.77 107.97 155.79 235.21 275.55 249.87 108.40 157.79 236.06 276.56 252.06 108.83 159.79 236.85 277.50 254.29 109.23 161.79 237.56 278.34 256.54 109.60 163.79 238.18 279.07 258.79 109.93 165.79 238.70 279.69 261.06 110.22 167.79 239.13 280.19 263.33 110.47 168.79 239.31 280.40 264.46 110.58 169.79 239.46 280.59 265.60 110.69 171.79 239.71 280.88 267.88 110.87 173.79 239.87 281.07 270.18 111.01 175.79 239.94 281.16 272.50 111.13 177.79 239.94 281.15 274.83 111.22 179.79 239.85 281.05 277.19 111.28 181.79 239.69 280.86 279.58 111.32 183.79 239.45 280.58 282.00 111.34 185.79 239.09 280.15 284.37 111.31 187.79 238.66 279.64 286.77 111.26 189.79 238.16 279.05 289.20 111.19 191.79 237.59 278.37 291.66 111.10 193.79 236.95 277.61 294.15 111.00 195.79 236.18 276.71 296.61 110.85 197.59 235.45 275.84 298.86 110.72 197.79 235.37 275.74 299.11 110.70 199.79 234.49 274.71 301.65 110.54 201.79 233.54 273.58 304.27 110.37 203.79 232.52 272.37 306.94 110.18 205.79 231.43 271.08 309.67 109.99 207.79 230.27 269.72 312.46 109.80 A- 24

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table A-2 Reflood Mass and Energy Releases - Double Ended Pump Suction Guillotine Break Minimum Safeguards (Continued)

Break Path No.1 Break Path No.2 Time Flow Energy Flow Energy Thousand Thousand Seconds Lbm/Sec Btu/Sec Lbm/Sec Btu/Sec 209.79 229.05 268.27 315.31 109.60 211.79 227.76 266.75 318.23 109.40 213.79 226.41 265.14 321.20 109.19 215.79 224.98 263.46 324.24 108.99 217.79 223.49 261.69 327.34 108.78 219.79 221.91 259.82 330.49 108.57 221.79 220.21 257.82 333.45 108.31 223.79 218.40 255.68 336.32 108.02 225.79 216.54 253.48 339.21 107.73 227.79 214.62 251.21 342.12 107.45 228.39 214.03 250.51 343.00 107.36 A- 25

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table A-3 Post Reflood Mass and Energy Releases - Double Ended Pump Suction Guillotine Break Minimum Safeguards Break Path No.1 Break Path No.2 Time Flow Energy Flow Energy Thousand Thousand Seconds Lbm/Sec BtulSec LbmlSec BtulSec 228.40 219.51 272.26 444.34 117.73 233.40 218.53 271.05 445.32 117.82 238.40 218.53 271.05 445.32 117.70 243.40 217.54 269.81 446.32 117.80 248.40 217.50 269.77 446.35 117.69 253.40 217.45 269.70 446.41 117.58 258.40 216.41 268.42 447.44 117.68 263.40 216.32 268.31 447.53 117.59 268.40 216.21 268.17 447.64 117.49 273.40 216.08 268.00 447.78 117.40 278.40 214.98 266.64 448.87 117.51 283.40 214.81 266.43 449.04 117.43 288.40 214.61 266.18 449.24 117.36 293.40 214.38 265.90 449.47 117.29 298.40 214.13 265.59 449.72 117.22 303.40 212.95 264.12 450.90 117.35 308.40 212.65 263.76 451.20 117.29 313.40 212.33 263.36 451.52 117.24 318.40 211.98 262.93 451.87 117.20 323.40 211.60 262.45 452.25 117.16 328.40 211.19 261.95 452.66 117.12 333.40 210.75 261.40 453.10 117.10 338.40 210.28 260.81 453.57 117.08 343.40 209.77 260.19 454.08 117.06 348.40 209.24 259.52 454.62 117.06 353.40 209.49 259.83 454.36 116.88 358.40 208.87 259.06 454.98 116.89 363.40 208.20 258.24 455.65 116.91 368.40 207.51 257.37 456.35 116.94 373.40 207.56 257.45 456.29 116.81 378.40 206.77 256.46 457.08 116.85 383.40 206.71 256.39 457.14 116.74 388.40 205.81 255.27 458.04 116.81 393.40 205.63 255.04 458.22 116.73 398.40 205.37 254.72 458.48 116.66 403.40 205.12 254.42 458.73 116.60 408.40 204.10 253.15 459.75 116.70 413.40 203.75 252.71 460.11 116.66 A- 26

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table A-3 Post Reflood Mass and Energy Releases - Double Ended Pump Suction Guillotine Break Minimum Safeguards (Continued)

Break Path No.1 Break Path No.2 Time Flow Energy Flow Energy Thousand Thousand Seconds Lbm/Sec Btu/Sec Lbm/Sec Btu/Sec 418.40 203.31 252.16 460.54 116.64 423.40 203.47 252.37 460.38 116.48 428.40 202.82 251.56 461.03 116.51 433.40 202.07 250.63 461.78 116.55 438.40 201.88 250.39 461.97 116.47 443.40 201.53 249.96 462.32 116.43 448.40 201.03 249.34 462.82 116.42 453.40 200.36 248.51 463.49 116.45 458.40 200.13 248.23 463.72 116.38 463.40 199.66 247.65 464.19 116.36 468.40 199.53 247.48 464.32 116.27 473.40 199.07 246.91 464.78 116.25 478.40 198.27 245.92 465.58 116.30 483.40 198.16 245.78 465.69 116.21 488.40 197.51 244.97 466.34 116.23 493.40 197.23 244.63 466.62 116.17 498.40 196.61 243.86 467.24 116.18 503.40 196.31 243.48 467.55 116.13 508.40 195.80 242.85 468.05 116.12 513.40 195.13 242.03 468.72 116.14 518.40 195.00 241.87 468.85 116.05 523.40 194.36 241.07 469.49 116.06 816.35 194.36 241.07 469.49 116.06 816.45 77.12 95.45 586.73 138.94 818.40 77.08 95.40 586.77 138.89 1688.40 63.67 78.76 600.18 127.92 1690.90 63.64 78.73 391.63 116.09 1695.90 63.59 78.66 388.28 128.96 2162.841 63.591 78.66 388.28 128.96 A- 27

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table A-4a Double-Ended Pump Suction Guillotine Break TIME (SECONDS) 0.00 j 32.60 32.60 +5 228.39 816.45 2162.84 MASS (THOUSAND LBM)

Initial In RCS and ACC 787.11 787.11 787.11 787.11 787.11 787.11 Added Mass Pumped Injection 0.00 0.00 0.00 123.53 513.91 1307.68 Total Added 0.00 0.00 0.00 123.53 513.91 1307.68 TOTAL AVAILABLE 787.11 787.11 787.11 910.64 1301.02 2094.79 Distribution Reactor Coolant 530.58 102.80 102.90 173.78 173.78 173.78 Accumulator 256.53 138.64 138.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Contents 787.11 241.44 241.44 173.78 173.78 173.78 Effluent Break Flow 0.00 545.65 545.65 736.84 1127.22 1920.73 ECCS Spill 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Effluent 0.00 545.65 545.65 736.84 1127.22 1920.73 TOTAL ACCOUNTABLE *** 787.11 787.09 787.09 910.62 1301.00 2094.51 A- 28

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table A-4b Double-Ended Pump Suction Guillotine Break (Continued)

TIME (SECONDS) 0.00 32.60 32.60+6 1 228.39 816.45 2162.84 ENERGY (MILLIONS BTU)

Initial Energy In RCS, ACC, S GEN 886.10 886.10 886.10 886.10 886.10 886.10 Added Energy Pumped Injection 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.02 37.53 101.78 Decay Heat 0.00 8.98 8.98 30.71 80.15 166.97 Heat From Secondary 0.00 3.83 3.83 3.83 14.67 34.29 Total Added 0.00 12.81 12.81 43.56 132.35 303.05 TOTAL AVAILABLE *** 886.10 898.91 989.91 929.66 1018.45 1189.15 Distribution Reactor Coolant 309.01 17.85 17.86 35.91 35.91 35.91 Accumulator 25.57 13.82 13.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 Core Stored 24.81 12.72 12.72 3.92 3.64 3.49 Primary Metal 157.46 147.29 147.29 130.66 81.39 57.46 Secondary Metal 93.54 93.06 93.06 83.90 63.87 38.55 Steam Generator 275.71 285.60 285.60 253.97 199.54 139.20 Total Contents 886.10 570.33 570.33 508.36 384.36 274.61 Effluent Break Flow 0.00 327.99 327.99 420.45 633.24 926.07 ECCS Spill 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Effluent 0.00 327.99 327.99 420.45 633.24 926.07 TOTAL ACCOUNTABLE *** 886.10 898.32 898.32 928.81 1017.60 1200.68 A- 29

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table A-5 Double.Ended Pumo Suction Guillotine Rrenk - Minimum Sefenuarde=


(OF) (IN/SEC) 1 _

32.6 201.6 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.250 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 33.3 200.0 22.557 0.000 0.56 1.12 0.000 7452.1 6788.2 0.0 97.30 33.5 198.8 25.915 0.000 1.08 1.19 0.000 7397.1 6733.2 0.0 97.28 33.8 198.4 2.350 0.085 1.28 1.85 0.242 7328.1 6664.2 0.0 97.26 34.0 198.5 2.354 0.104 1.30 2.16 0.279 7301.9 6638.0 0.0 97.25 35.4 198.8 1.878 0.320 1.50 5.78 0.362 7059.7 6395.8 0.0 97.16 36.7 199.2 1.816 0.438 1.62 8.80 0.375 6869.8 6205.9 0.0 97.10 40,8 200.2 3.721 0.627 1.96 16.11 0.577 5493.1 4885.3 0.0 96.72 41.2 200.3 3.667 0.640 2.01 16.12 0.578 5438.3 4831.5 0.0 96.70 42.8 200.6 3.426 0.677 2.17 16.12 0.577 5289.6 4681.3 0.0 96.61 47.0 201.7 3.085 0.718 2.51 16.12 0.575 4987.0 4372.8 0.0 96.39 54.7 204.5 2.765 0.744 3.00 16.12 0.571 4556.9 3934.7 0.0 96.03 61.8 207.4 2.565 0.754 3.40 16.12 0.564 4245.3 3617.6 0.0 95.73 62.8 207.9 3.061 0.754 3.45 16.10 0.603 612.6 0.0 0.0 73.03 63.6 208.3 3.326 0.749 3.50 16.02 0.606 590.4 0.0 0.0 73.03 63.8 208.4 3.331 0.749 3.51 15.99 0.606 589.4 0.0 0.0 73.03 71.3 212.6 2.952 0.756 4.00 15.28 0.602 604.8 0.0 0.0 73.03 80.8 217.7 2.627 0.762 4.53 14.75 0.600 617.9 0.0 0.0 73.03 90.4 222.0 2.405 0.767 5.00 14.48 0.596 625.0 0.0 0.0 73.03 101.8 226.3 2.225 0.771 5.51 14.39 0.591 630.4 0.0 0.0 73.03 113.9 230.2 2.100 0.775 6.00 14.49 0.587 634.0 0.0 0.0 73.03 127.8 233.9 2.011 0.778 6.53 14.76 0.584 636.5 0.0 0.0 73.03 140.7 236.9 1.962 0.782 7.00 15.10 0.582 637.7 0.0 0.0 73.03 145.8 238.0 1.958 0.783 7.18 15.24 0.583 637.7 0.0 0.0 73.03 155.8 239.9 1.972 0.784 7.54 15.50 0.586 636.9 0.0 0.0 73.03 167.8 241.9 1.983 0.786 7.97 15.74 0.592 635.9 0.0 0.0 73.03 168.8 242.1 1.983 0.786 8.00 15.76 0.592 635.9 0.0 0.0 73.03 A- 30

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Table A-5 Double-Ended Pump Suction Guillotine Break - Minimum Safeguards (Continued)


(°F) (IN/SEC) I 1_ _

183.8 244.3 1.961 0.788 8.53 15.94 0.598 635.7 0.0 0.0 73.03 197.6 243.9 1.917 0.787 9.00 16.04 0.602 636.4 0.0 0.0 73.03 213.8 243.9 1.834 0.787 9.54 16.10 0.604 638.2 0.0 0.0 73.03 228.4 244.3 1.731 0.789 10.00 16.12 0.604 640.7 0.0 0.0 73.03 A- 31


[ WCAP-12455, Revision 1, Supplement 2R is redacted to exclude the SQN FSAR markups. UFSAR changes will be processed in accordance with the TVA program requirements.]

B- 1


[ WCAP-12455, Revision 1, Supplement 2R is redacted to exclude the TS markups. TS markups are included as Attachment 1 of the Enclosure. ]

Sapenmber 30, 2002 SEQUOYAH - UNIT t 3/4 6-26 Azpeodmeni No. 4, 126, 131.224, 267, 269, 277,279 C- 1

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 APPENDIX D - EQ Data Containment Pressure and Temperatures for 30-Day Transient TIME CONTAINMENT UPPER LOWER ACTIVE INACTIVE (SEC) PRESSURE COMPARTMENT COMPARTMENT SUMP SUMP (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 2.00 7.1790 92.4450 232.8 189.9485 0.0000 61.02 6.9239 90.0982 232.2 187.7964 0.0000 123.61 6.1944 89.6768 219.2541 183.4635 0.0000 188.61 6.4976 89.7168 223.7086 180.4525 0.0000 250.82 6.3645 90.3415 221.2266 178.3928 0.0000 309.36 7.1162 102.1327 224.5054 175.3263 0.0000 373.36 7.2584 103.2078 225.7065 172.6521 0.0000 438.36 7.2842 103.3346 225.8822 170.3957 0.0000 502.36 7.2845 103.3917 225.7389 168.5248 0.0000 567.36 7.3397 103.4423 226.3929 166.9008 0.0000 631.36 6.9856 105.9283 219.0252 165.4671 166.0074 696.36 6.6448 106.6898 212.4420 164.0860 165.2994 760.36 6.5751 106.7645 210.8727 162.8050 164.6285 823.50 6.4408 106.8147 208.0685 161.7182 164.0131 887.50 6.0700 106.8447 200.2544 161.3248 163.5898 952.50 5.9174 106.8806 196.4739 160.9434 163.2291 1016.50 5.8584 106.9206 194.6480 160.5958 162.9198 1081.50 5.8354 106.9623 193.6040 160.2728 162.6398 1145.50 5.8273 107.0030 192.8988 159.9839 162.3904 1210.50 5.8246 107.0434 192.3056 159.7184 162.1590 1274.50 5.8239 107.0819 191.7594 159.4832 161.9494 1339.50 5.8238 107.1199 191.2080 159.2691 161.7529 1404.50 5.8235 107.1567 190.6452 159.0787 161.5708 1468.50 5.8229 107.1918 190.0740 158.9129 161.4043 1533.50 5.8220 107.2265 189.4737 158.7655 161.2470 1597.50 5.8206 107.2596 188.8613 158.6397 161.1029 1662.50 5.8188 107.2922 188.2165 158.5306 160.9667 1723.43 6.1299 107.3298 195.6645 158.1024 160.8631 1788.43 6.2306 107.3671 197.6953 157.3890 160.7543 1852.43 6.2773 107.3985 198.4368 156.7206 160.6316 1917.43 6.3044 107.4282 198.7137 156.0723 160.4934 1981.43 6.3236 107.4563 198.8116 155.4619 160.3463 2011.93 6.3315 107.4693 198.8273 155.1803 160.2728 2027.93 6.3352 107.4761 198.8280 155.0350 160.2335 2044.18 6.3391 107.4829 198.8292 154.8890 160.1930 2060.18 6.3429 107.4895 198.8308 154.7468 160.1527 2076.43 6.3468 107.4962 198.8327 154.6041 160.1113 2092.43 6.3506 107.5028 198.8349 154.4651 160.0701 D- 1

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TIME CONTAINMENT UPPER LOWER ACTIVE INACTIVE (SEC) PRESSURE COMPARTMENT COMPARTMENT SUMP SUMP (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 2108.68 6.3545 107.5095 198.8373 154.3254 160.0278 2124.68 6.3583 107.5159 198.8399 154.1895 159.9858 2140.93 6.3622 107.5225 198.8426 154.0530 159.9428 2157.18 6.3661 107.5290 198.8455 153.9180 159.8993 2172.96 6.2646 107.5349 196.3064 153.6721 159.8635 2189.21 6.1543 107.5389 193.4475 153.3558 159.8291 2205.21 6.0655 107.5424 191.0399 153.0462 159.7937 2221.46 5.9917 107.5459 188.9545 152.7338 159.7564 2237.46 5.9322 107.5497 187.2057 152.4282 159.7184 2253.71 5.8826 107.5539 185.6942 152.1202 159.6786 2269.71 5.8425 107.5584 184.4280 151.8191 159.6382 2285.96 5.8091 107.5632 183.3334 151.5156 159.5961 2301.96 5.7822 107.5681 182.4155 151.2191 159.5534 2318.21 5.7598 107.5733 181.6207 150.9202 159.5090 2334.21 5.7418 107.5786 180.9525 150.6282 159.4643 2350.46 5.7270 107.5840 180.3721 150.3339 159.4178 2366.46 5.7151 107.5895 179.8822 150.0464 159.3711 2382.71 5.7055 107.5951 179.4547 149.7566 159.3226 2398.71 5.6979 107.6006 179.0919 149.4736 159.2740 2414.96 5.6919 107.6063 178.7732 149.1883 159.2237 2430.96 5.6873 107.6119 178.5007 148.9096 159.1734 2447.21 5.6838 107.6176 178.2594 148.6287 159.1213 2463.21 5.6813 107.6232 178.0512 148.3542 159.0693 2479.46 5.6796 107.6289 177.8649 148.0777 159.0156 2495.71 5.6785 107.6346 177.7000 147.8033 158.9612 2511.71 5.6781 107.6402 177.5551 147.5351 158.9068 2527.96 5.6781 107.6458 177.4231 147.2649 158.8509 2543.96 5.6785 107.6514 177.3055 147.0009 158.7951 2560.21 5.6792 107.6570 177.1968 146.7348 158.7377 2576.21 5.6802 107.6624 177.0985 146.4748 158.6806 2592.46 5.6814 107.6680 177.0063 146.2128 158.6219 2608.46 5.6829 107.6734 176.9217 145.9568 158.5635 2624.71 5.6845 107.6789 176.8412 145.6987 158.5035 2640.71 5.6862 107.6843 176.7663 145.4466 158.4439 2656.96 5.6881 107.6897 176.6940 145.1924 158.3828 2672.96 5.6901 107.6950 176.6259 144.9441 158.3221 2689.21 5.6921 107.7003 176.5595 144.6938 158.2598 2705.21 5.6943 107.7056 176.4962 144.4491 158.1980 2721.46 5.6964 107.7109 176.4338 144.2026 158.1347 2737.46 5.6987 107.7160 176.3739 143.9617 158.0719 2753.71 5.7009 107.7213 176.3144 143.7188 158.0077 2769.71 5.7032 107.7264 176.2569 143.4815 157.9439 2785.96 5.7056 107.7315 176.1993 143.2423 157.8787 D- 2

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TIME CONTAINMENT UPPER LOWER ACTIVE INACTIVE (SEC) PRESSURE COMPARTMENT COMPARTMENT SUMP SUMP (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 2801.96 5.7079 107.7365 176.1433 143.0085 157.8141 2818.21 5.8241 109.9618 176.2986 142.9221 157.7963 2834.46 5.9225 111.7245 176.5482 142.8442 157.7811 2850.46 5.9989 113.0079 176.8302 142.7677 157.7660 2866.71 6.0599 113.9696 177.1248 142.6903 157.7507 2882.71 6.1073 114.6689 177.4058 142.6143 157.7356 2898.96 6.1455 115.1959 177.6722 142.5373 157.7203 2914.96 6.1755 115.5841 177.9106 142.4617 157.7052 2931.21 6.2002 115.8826 178.1267 142.3851 157.6898 2947.21 6.2201 116.1087 178.3136 142.3100 157.6747 2963.46 6.2369 116.2887 178.4784 142.2340 157.6593 2979.46 6.2509 116.4307 178.6176 142.1593 157.6441 2995.71 6.2680 116.6376 178.7449 142.0837 157.6287 3011.71 6.3147 117.3644 178.9099 142.0097 157.6138 3027.96 6.3940 118.6262 179.1522 141.9350 157.5987 3043.96 6.4995 120.2808 179.4808 141.8618 157.5841 3060.21 6.6318 122.3014 179.9154 141.7880 157.5694 3076.21 6.7855 124.5695 180.4473 141.7157 157.5552 3092.46 6.9646 127.1145 181.0947 141.6428 157.5410 3108.46 7.1638 129.8306 181.8378 141.5715 157.5273 3124.71 6.9546 126.4060 181.9929 141.4555 157.5128 3140.96 6.8356 124.4198 181.9986 141.3114 157.4993 3156.96 6.8334 124.3098 182.0757 141.1671 157.4865 3173.21 6.8820 125.0040 182.2203 141.0235 157.4738 3189.21 6.9555 126.0642 182.4261 140.8876 157.4617 3205.46 7.0466 127.3550 182.6985 140.7563 157.4499 3221.46 7.1494 128.7736 183.0283 140.6343 157.4386 3237.71 7.2660 130.3418 183.4252 140.5186 157.4277 3253.71 7.3931 132.0049 183.8770 140.4131 157.4175 3269.96 7.7474 135.0320 184.0925 140.3172 157.4090 3285.95 8.2227 136.5623 183.8741 140.2463 157.4080 3302.20 8.3427 137.6149 184.5449 140.1779 157.4080 3318.20 8.5314 139.5029 185.2900 140.1181 157.4080 3334.45 8.7292 141.4207 186.0706 140.0667 157.4080 3350.45 8.9083 143.0600 186.8269 140.0244 157.4080 3366.70 9.0687 144.4387 187.5621 139.9886 157.4080 3382.70 9.2075 145.5606 188.2457 139.9594 157.4080 3398.95 9.3325 146.5186 188.8964 139.9346 157.4080 3414.95 9.4432 147.3299 189.4946 139.9144 157.4080 3431.20 9.5458 148.0553 190.0608 139.8976 157.4080 3447.20 9.6389 148.6972 190.5801 139.8844 157.4080 3463.45 9.7270 149.2932 191.0715 139.8738 157.4080 3479.70 9.8097 149.8456 191.5295 139.8660 157.4080 D-3


______ (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 3495.70 9.8867 150.3555 191.9506 139.8609 157.4080 3511.95 9.9610 150.8452 192.3503 139.8580 157.4080 3527.95 10.0308 151.3039 192.7189 139.8574 157.4080 3544.20 10.0987 151.7494 193.0700 139.8589 157.4080 3560.20 10.1628 152.1702 193.3947 139.8623 157.4080 3576.45 10.2255 152.5815 193.7050 139.8678 157.4080 3592.45 10.2849 152.9718 193.9929 139.8749 157.4080 3608.70 10.1261 151.2027 193.9851 139.9060 157.4080 3624.70 9.9730 149.5654 193.8551 139.9490 157.4080 3640.95 9.9524 149.3313 193.8312 139.9876 157.4080 3656.95 9.9752 149.5548 193.8541 140.0255 157.4080 3673.20 10.0106 149.9015 193.9006 140.0656 157.4080 3689.20 10.0471 150.2496 193.9585 140.1068 157.4080 3705.45 10.0826 150.5777 194.0243 140.1503 157.4080 3721.45 10.1152 150.8708 194.0927 140.1947 157.4080 3737.70 10.1462 151.1411 194.1640 140.2411 157.4080 3753.70 10.1748 151.3846 194.2348 140.2880 157.4080 3769.95 10.2022 15 1.6133 194.3063 140.3366 157.4080 3785.95 10.2278 151.8233 194.3757 140.3855 157.4080 3802.20 10.2527 152.0238 194.4448 140.4360 157.4080 3818.45 10.2764 152.2132 194.5120 140.4873 157.4080 3834.45 10.2988 152.3904 194.5762 140.5385 157.4080 3850.70 10.3208 152.5620 194.6391 140.5912 157.4080 3866.70 10.3415 152.7235 194.6987 140.6437 157.4080 3882.95 10.3619 152.8808 194.7569 140.6976 157.4080 3898.95 10.3812 153.0294 194.8116 140.7512 157.4080 3915.20 10.4001 153.1745 194.8647 140.8062 157.4080 3931.20 10.4181 153.3120 194.9145 140.8607 157.4080 3947.45 10.4357 153.4465 194.9625 140.9165 157.4080 3963.45 10.4525 153.5742 195.0073 140.9719 157.4080 3979.70 10.4689 153.6993 195.0503 141.0285 157.4080 3995.70 10.4845 153.8181 195.0903 141.0845 157.4080 4047.95 10.5366 154.2356 195.2353 141.2701 157.4080 4111.95 10.5975 154.7108 195.4158 141.5025 157.4080 4176.95 10.6541 155.1441 195.5882 141.7430 157.4080 4240.95 10.7055 155.5332 195.7445 141.9831 157.4080 4305.95 10.7540 155.8969 195.8886 142.2295 157.4080 4369.95 10.7982 156.2280 196.0163 142.4738 157.4080 4434.95 10.8398 156.5399 196.1322 142.7230 157.4080 4498.95 10.8779 156.8251 196.2336 142.9689 157.4080 4563.95 10.9139 157.0944 196.3244 143.2188 157.4080 4628.95 10.9472 157.3448 1196.4037 143.4682 1748 4692.95 10.9776 157.5741 1196.4714 143.7129 1748 D-4

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TIME CONTAINMENT - UPPER LOWER ACTIVE INACTIVE (SEC) PRESSURE COMPARTMENT COMPARTMENT SUMP SUMP (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 4757.95 11.0062 157.7906 196.5302 143.9603 157.4080 4821.95 11.0322 157.9888 196.5790 144.2024 157.4080 4886.95 11.0567 158.1758 196.6197 144.4465 157.4080 4950.95 11.0788 158.3465 196.6517 144.6847 157.4080 5235.54 11.2022 159.5145 196.8867 145.7369 157.4080 6371.44 11.3202 160.4558 196.8224 149.2974 157.4080 7771.48 11.2187 160.7224 194.4760 152.1816 157.4080 9026.86 11.1296 160.1424 193.9547 153.5479 157.4080 10434.96 10.9465 159.1693 191.9931 154.1941 157.4080 11868.75 10.9474 159.1500 192.0901 154.3831 157.4080 13365.53 10.8924 158.5767 191.6588 154.3245 157.4080 14875.67 10.7615 157.5339 190.7561 154.0589 157.4080 16438.12 10.6351 156.7615 189.7311 153.5786 157.4080 18012.33 10.4907 155.7311 188.2682 152.9264 157.4080 19726.36 10.3667 154.6700 187.8077 152.0824 157.4080 21355.87 10.2738 153.7509 186.8664 151.1940 157.4080 23127.59 10.1520 153.0158 185.7174 150.3300 157.4080 24877.85 10.0928 152.5267 185.4536 149.5050 157.4080 26728.81 9.9137 151.3217 184.0179 148.6889 157.4080 28621.39 9.7810 150.5102 183.4595 147.8570 157.4080 30453.51 9.6468 149.7602 182.0616 147.0565 157.4080 32417.30 9.5267 148.6856 181.7024 146.1947 157.4080 34397.30 9.3890 148.2091 180.1312 145.3538 157.4080 36404.20 9.2509 147.1970 179.2495 144.4813 157.4080 38411.74 9.1302 146.2360 178.8973 143.6047 157.4080 40431.14 9.0306 145.3546 178.3751 142.6951 157.4080 42400.68 8.9222 144.2827 177.5461 141.8789 157.4080 44467.69 8.8459 143.6747 177.1380 141.1571 157.4080 46525.47 8.7742 143.4911 176.2582 140.5339 157.4080 48603.46 8.7114 142.9201 175.7910 139.9382 157.4080 50648.68 8.6325 142.3340 175.5556 139.3913 157.4080 52781.41 8.5488 141.7878 174.8335 138.8591 157.4080 54859.92 8.4389 140.8991 173.7049 138.3269 157.4080 56986.12 8.3750 140.3365 173.4253 137.7898 157.4080 59113.65 8.3149 140.1905 172.5529 137.2661 157.4080 61268.13 8.2584 139.6217 172.1448 136.7452 157.4080 63399.17 8.2056 139.1037 172.1767 136.2736 157.4065 65600.54 8.1581 138.7400 171.7696 135.8315 157.3987 67858.63 8.1035 138.3372 171.2363 135.4087 157.3905 70086.82 8.0274 137.6050 170.5601 135.0097 157.3821 72374.83 7.9831 137.2401 170.4258 134.6112 157.3733 74605.16 7.9398 137.1124 169.4698 134.2267 157.3646 76888.46 7.8685 136.4008 169.0128 133.8360 157.3553 D-5

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TIME CONTAINMENT UPPER LOWER ACTIVE INACTIVE (SEC) PRESSURE COMPARTMENT COMPARTMENT SUMP SUMP (PSGG (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 79195.98 7.8458 136.2510 169.1026 133.4356 157.3459 81570.92 7.7955 135.8706 168.5750 133.0278 157.3359 83923.65 7.7308 135.1797 167.9798 132.6543 157.3258 86328.31 7.7018 134.9487 167.9509 132.3104 157.3154 88683.86 7.6681 134.8637 167.1012 131.9865 157.3050 91079.38 7.6085 134.2358 166.7245 131.6668 157.2942 93496.02 7.5914 134.1661 166.8172 131.3563 157.2832 95969.01 7.5453 133.8516 166.2728 131.0381 157.2718 98448.92 7.4787 133.2049 165.5801 130.7281 157.2600 100984.41 7.4535 132.9631 165.5891 130.4042 157.2481 103508.45 7.4108 132.9286 164.6947 130.1290 157.2357 106047.45 7.3814 132.6369 164.6135 129.8522 157.2233 108631.86 7.3391 132.3499 163.8267 129.5863 157.2104 111215.54 7.3137 132.0830 163.9402 129.3161 157.1976 113795.02 7.2721 131.8201 163.1348 129.0579 157.1847 116390.88 7.2468 131.5606 163.2497 128.8067 157.1715 119057.92 7.2081 131.0531 163.0499 128.5400 157.1579 121625.90 7.1855 130.9655 162.7264 128.2956 157.1446 124326.12 7.1415 130.4891 162.3462 128.0302 157.1305 126906.34 7.1197 130.4690 161.9713 127.7823 157.1170 129627.30 7.0773 130.2332 161.2695 127.5245 157.1025 132252.23 7.0477 129.6532 161.3664 127.2540 157.0886 134892.61 7.0275 129.5392 161.1868 126.9957 157.0744 137521.58 6.9897 129.2491 160.7572 126.7455 157.0601 140222.22 6.9443 128.8158 160.1194 126.4841 157.0453 142854.95 6.9259 128.6758 160.1054 126.2392 157.0310 145530.20 6.8975 128.3739 159.6528 126.0178 157.0163 148164.08 6.8857 128.4360 159.4879 125.8225 157.0018 150809.42 6.8722 128.2253 159.4695 125.6177 156.9874 153530.73 6.8306 127.7322 158.9448 125.4268 156.9722 156318.34 6.8096 127.6611 158.8127 125.2401 156.9566 159000.34 6.7811 127.3796 158.2079 125.0481 156.9417 161805.77 6.7636 127.2470 158.3024 124.8607 156.9260 164588.19 6.7348 127.0132 157.7304 124.6716 156.9103 167389.14 6.7264 127.0234 157.7484 124.4782 156.8946 170235.39 6.6951 126.7381 157.0866 124.2820 156.8784 173066.06 6.6749 126.6465 156.8898 124.0911 156.8624 175914.63 6.6435 126.2037 156.6346 123.8925 156.8461 178732.78 6.6230 126.1010 156.2479 123.6987 156.8300 181638.55 6.6045 125.8065 156.4874 123.5004 156.8133 184499.58 6.5753 125.5569 155.9365 123.3053 156.7968 187401.84 6.5637 125.5821 155.8307 123.1075 156.7801 190281.59 6.5355 125.2152 155.6360 122.9074 156.7634 D-6


______ (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 193235.14 6.5125 125.1617 154.9391 122.7070 156.7462 196131.58 6.4934 124.9439 154.9856 122.5088 156.7293 199080.64 6.4603 124.6038 154.3447 122.3032 156.7121 202018.55 6.4483 124.5482 154.2200 122.1104 156.6949 204937.23 6.4245 124.1470 154.0560 121.9408 156.6779 207849.45 6.4183 124.2446 153.8016 121.7984 156.6611 210787.97 6.3989 123.8982 153.7561 121.6652 156.6440 213710.81 6.3908 123.9750 153.4405 121.5423 156.6271 216661.47 6.3737 123.6529 153.4499 121.4203 156.6100 219591.75 6.3650 123.7198 153.1056 121.3036 156.5930 222552.97 6.3488 123.4076 153.1386 121.1850 156.5758 225492.59 6.3404 123.4734 152.7945 121.0700 156.5587 228463.92 6.3240 123.1578 152.8097 120.9522 156.5414 231451.63 6.3182 123.1162 152.9569 120.8359 156.5241 234399.67 6.2991 122.9063 152.4768 120.7198 156.5069 237404.84 6.2941 122.8622 152.6585 120.6032 156.4894 240365.38 6.2740 122.6520 152.1414 120.4873 156.4721 243393.42 6.2696 122.6007 152.3560 120.3708 156.4545 246371.23 6.2473 122.3842 151.7776 120.2557 156.4371 249423.23 6.2444 122.3370 152.0302 120.1400 156.4193 252401.47 6.2211 122.1997 151.3395 120.0237 156.4019 255451.42 6.2167 122.0524 151.6089 119.9042 156.3840 258447.19 6.1995 121.9927 151.0317 119.7878 156.3665 261516.84 6.1910 121.7824 151.2570 119.6675 156.3486 264528.69 6.1759 121.7516 150.7173 119.5514 156.3309 267617.31 6.1662 121.5363 150.9231 119.4313 156.3128 270646.97 6.1494 121.4863 150.3628 119.3146 156.2951 273750.09 6.1420 121.3139 150.6050 119.1949 156.2769 276798.88 6.1217 121.1921 150.0175 119.0773 156.2589 279915.31 6.1193 121.0979 150.3294 118.9572 156.2406 282971.31 6.0988 120.8894 149.7981 118.8364 156.2227 286092.44 6.0948 120.8696 149.9772 118.7153 156.2044 289177.53 6.0747 120.6540 149.5286 118.5954 156.1862 292319.66 6.0712 120.6699 149.6039 118.4770 156.1677 295471.91 6.0536 120.5764 149.0056 118.3521 156.1492 298574.06 6.0447 120.4535 149.1419 118.2326 156.1310 301743.25 6.0254 120.2492 148.6313 118.1103 156.1122 304866.91 6.0181 120.1984 148.6554 117.9878 156.0939 308051.63 5.9955 119.8981 148.2995 117.8642 156.0751 311198.59 5.9892 119.9205 148.1122 117.7422 156.0566 314395.59 5.9725 119.6107 148.1450 117.6172 156.0377 317556.25 5.9605 119.5647 147.7501 117.4955 156.0190 320776.41 5.9515 119.4052 147.9534 117.3703 156.00001 D- 7

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TIME CONTAINMENT UPPER LOWER ACTIVE INACTIVE (SEC) PRESSURE COMPARTMENT COMPARTMENT SUMP SUMP (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 323956.28 5.9325 119.2104 147.5064 117.2461 155.9812 327193.94 5.9284 119.2199 147.5954 117.1222 155.9621 330391.91 5.9101 118.9687 147.3281 116.9965 155.9432 333641.91 5.9006 118.9899 147.0220 116.8734 155.9240 336841.91 5.8873 118.8196 146.8475 116.7567 155.9048 340091.91 5.8743 118.6787 146.6535 116.6397 155.8851 343291.91 5.8616 118.5489 146.4683 116.5204 155.8657 346541.91 5.8486 118.4155 146.2786 116.3966 155.8460 349741.91 5.8358 118.2834 146.0908 116.2734 155.8267 352991.91 5.8228 118.1488 145.8994 116.1474 155.8070 356241.91 5.8098 118.0139 145.7073 116.0210 155.7873 359441.91 5.7969 117.8809 145.5177 115.8963 155.7680 362691.91 5.7839 117.7457 145.3246 115.7695 155.7483 365891.91 5.7711 117.6126 145.1340 115.6445 155.7290 369141.91 5.7581 117.4773 144.9400 115.5176 155.7094 372341.91 5.7453 117.3440 144.7486 115.3925 155.6900 375591.91 5.7324 117.2087 144.5537 115.2655 155.6704 378791.91 5.7196 117.0754 144.3613 115.1404 155.6512 382041.91 5.7067 116.9399 144.1656 115.0133 155.6316 385241.91 5.6940 116.8066 143.9724 114.8882 155.6123 388491.91 5.6810 116.6711 143.7757 114.7611 155.5928 391691.91 5.6684 116.5377 143.5816 114.6359 155.5735 394941.91 5.6555 116.4022 143.3840 114.5087 155.5540 398141.91 5.6428 116.2687 143.1891 114.3835 155.5348 401391.91 5.6322 116.1423 143.0342 114.2579 155.5154 404591.91 5.6244 116.0489 142.9135 114.1534 155.4963 407841.91 5.6173 115.9631 142.7970 114.0633 155.4771 411041.91 5.6106 115.8837 142.6860 113.9834 155.4581 414291.91 5.6041 115.8059 142.5753 113.9073 155.4389 417491.91 5.5978 115.7309 142.4675 113.8352 155.4200 420741.91 5.5915 115.6558 142.3586 113.7636 155.4009 423991.91 5.5852 115.5813 142.2500 113.6929 155.3817 427191.91 5.5791 115.5083 142.1432 113.6240 155.3629 430441.91 5.5729 115.4344 142.0349 113.5543 155.3439 433641.91 5.5668 115.3618 141.9283 113.4860 155.3251 436891.91 5.5606 115.2883 141.8199 113.4168 155.3061 440091.91 5.5546 115.2159 141.7132 113.3488 155.2874 443341.91 5.5484 115.1425 141.6047 113.2798 155.2685 446541.91 5.5424 115.0703 141.4978 113.2119 155.2498 449791.91 5.5363 114.9971 141.3891 113.1431 155.2309 452991.91 5.5302 114.9249 141.2821 113.0754 155.2123 456241.91 5.5241 114.8517 141.1732 113.0066 155.1934 459441.91 5.5181 114.7797 141.0659 112.9390 155.1749 D-8

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TIME CONTAINMENT UPPER LOWER ACTIVE INACTIVE (SEC) PRESSURE COMPARTMENT COMPARTMENT SUMP SUMP (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 462691.91 5.5120 114.7066 140.9569 112.8703 155.1561 465891.91 5.5060 114.6346 140.8494 112.8027 155.1376 469141.91 5.4999 114.5615 140.7401 112.7341 155.1188 472341.91 5.4940 114.4896 140.6324 112.6666 155.1003 475591.91 5.4879 114.4165 140.5229 112.5980 155.0816 478791.91 5.4819 114.3446 140.4150 112.5305 155.0632 482041.91 5.4759 114.2716 140.3053 112.4620 155.0445 485241.91 5.4699 114.1998 140.1971 112.3946 155.0261 488491.91 5.4638 114.1268 140.0872 112.3261 155.0075 491741.91 5.4578 114.0538 139.9771 112.2577 154.9889 494941.91 5.4519 113.9820 139.8686 112.1903 154.9706 498191.91 5.4458 113.9091 139.7583 112.1219 154.9520 501391.91 5.4399 113.8373 139.6495 112.0545 154.9338 504641.91 5.4339 113.7644 139.5390 111.9861 154.9153 507841.91 5.4279 113.6927 139.4300 111.9188 154.8971 511091.91 5.4219 113.6198 139.3192 111.8505 154.8786 514291.91 5.4160 113.5481 139.2100 111.7832 154.8604 517541.91 5.4100 113.4752 139.0989 111.7149 154.8420 520741.91 5.4041 113.4035 138.9894 111.6476 154.8239 523991.91 5.3981 113.3307 138.8781 111.5793 154.8055 527191.94 5.3922 113.2590 138.7684 111.5121 154.7875 530441.94 5.3863 113.1862 138.6568 111.4438 154.7691 533641.94 5.3804 113.1145 138.5469 111.3766 154.7511 536891.94 5.3744 113.0417 138.4350 111.3083 154.7328 540091.94 5.3685 112.9700 138.3248 111.2411 154.7149 543341.94 5.3626 112.8972 138.2128 111.1729 154.6966 546541.94 5.3567 112.8256 138.1023 111.1058 154.6787 549791.94 5.3508 112.7528 137.9899 111.0375 154.6605 553041.94 5.3448 112.6801 137.8775 110.9693 154.6423 556241.94 5.3390 112.6085 137.7666 110.9022 154.6245 559491.94 5.3330 112.5357 137.6539 110.8340 154.6064 562691.94 5.3272 112.4641 137.5427 110.7669 154.5886 565941.94 5.3213 112.3914 137.4297 110.6988 154.5705 569141.94 5.3154 112.3198 137.3183 110.6317 154.5527 572391.94 5.3095 112.2471 137.2051 110.5635 154.5347 575591.94 5.3037 112.1755 137.0934 110.4964 154.5170 578841.94 5.2978 112.1028 136.9799 110.4283 154.4990 582041.94 5.2920 112.0312 136.8680 110.3612 154.4814 585291.94 5.2861 111.9585 136.7542 110.2931 154.4634 588491.94 5.2803 111.8869 136.6420 110.2261 154.4458 591741.94 5.2744 111.8142 136.5279 110.1580 154.4279 594941.94 5.2686 111.7427 136.4155 110.0909 154.4104 598191.94 5.2627 111.6700 136.3011 110.0228 154.3926 D- 9


(_____ (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 601391.94 5.2578 111.6021 136.2073 109.9564 154.3750 604641.94 5.2539 111.5460 136.1264 109.8969 154.3573 607841.94 5.2503 111.4945 136.0494 109.8448 154.3399 611091.94 5.2468 111.4443 135.9728 109.7955 154.3223 614291.94 5.2434 111.3960 135.8983 109.7490 154.3049 617541.94 5.2401 111.3476 135.8230 109.7029 154.2874 620791.94 5.2368 111.2998 135.7481 109.6576 154.2698 623991.94 5.2335 111.2528 135.6745 109.6133 154.2525 627241.94 5.2303 111.2054 135.5997 109.5687 154.2350 630441.94 5.2270 111.1588 135.5262 109.5249 154.2178 633691.94 5.2238 111.1115 135.4515 109.4805 154.2004 636891.94 5.2206 111.0650 135.3780 109.4369 154.1832 640141.94 5.2173 111.0179 135.3033 109.3926 154.1658 643341.94 5.2141 110.9715 135.2297 109.3491 154.1487 646591.94 5.2109 110.9244 135.1550 109.3049 154.1313 649791.94 5.2077 110.8781 135.0813 109.2615 154.1142 653041.94 5.2045 110.8311 135.0065 109.2174 154.0969 656241.94 5.2013 110.7848 134.9327 109.1740 154.0799 659491.94 5.1981 110.7378 134.8578 109.1300 154.0627 662691.94 5.1949 110.6916 134.7840 109.0867 154.0457 665941.94 5.1917 110.6446 134.7090 109.0427 154.0284 669141.94 5.1885 110.5984 134.6351 108.9994 154.0115 672391.94 5.1853 110.5515 -134.5600 108.9554 153.9943 675591.94 5.1821 110.5054 134.4860 108.9122 153.9775 678841.94 5.1789 110.4585 134.4108 108.8682 153.9603 682041.94 5.1757 110.4124 134.3367 108.8250 153.9435 685291.94 5.1725 110.3655 134.2614 108.7811 153.9264 688541.94 5.1693 110.3187 134.1861 108.7373 153.9093 691741.94 5.1662 110.2726 134.1119 108.6941 153.8926 694991.94 5.1630 110.2258 134.0364 108.6502 153.8756 698191.94 5.1598 110.1797 133.9621 108.6071 153.8588 701441.94 5.1566 110.1329 133.8866 108.5632 153.8419 704641.94 5.1535 110.0869 133.8121 108.5201 153.8252 707891.94 5.1503 110.0401 133.7365 108.4763 153.8082 711091.94 5.1472 109.9940 133.6619 108.4332 153.7916 714341.94 5.1440 109.9473 133.5862 108.3894 153.7747 717541.94 5.1408 109.9013 133.5115 108.3463 153.7581 720791.94 5.1377 109.8546 133.4357 108.3026 153.7413 723991.94 5.1345 109.8086 133.3609 108.2595 153.7247 727241.94 5.1314 109.7618 133.2849 108.2157 153.7080 730441.94 5.1282 109.7159 133.2101 108.1727 153.6915 733691.94 5.1251 109.6692 133.1340 108.1290 153.6747 736891.94 5.1219 109.6232 133.0591 1108.0859 153.6582 D- 10

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TIME CONTAINMENT UPPER LOWER ACTIVE INACTIVE (SEC) PRESSURE COMPARTMENT COMPARTMENT SUMP SUMP (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 740141.94 5.1188 109.5765 132.9829 108.0422 153.6415 743341.94 5.1156 109.5305 132.9078 107.9992 153.6251 746591.94 5.1125 109.4839 132.8315 107.9555 153.6085 749791.94 5.1094 109.4379 132.7563 107.9125 153.5921 753041.94 5.1062 109.3913 132.6799 107.8689 153.5755 756291.94 5.1030 109.3446 132.6034 107.8252 153.5589 759491.94 5.0999 109.2987 132.5281 107.7822 153.5426 762741.94 5.0968 109.2521 132.4515 107.7386 153.5260 765941.94 5.0937 109.2062 132.3760 107.6956 153.5097 769191.94 5.0905 109.1595 132.2993 107.6520 153.4932 772391.94 5.0874 109.1136 132.2238 107.6090 153.4770 775641.94 5.0843 109.0670 132.1469 107.5654 153.4606 778841.94 5.0812 109.0211 132.0713 107.5224 153.4444 782091.94 5.0780 108.9745 131.9943 107.4788 153.4280 785291.94 5.0749 108.9286 131.9185 107.4359 153.4118 788541.94 5.0718 108.8820 131.8415 107.3923 153.3954 791741.94 5.0687 108.8362 131.7655 107.3494 153.3793 794991.94 5.0656 108.7896 131.6884 107.3058 153.3630 798191.94 5.0625 108.7437 131.6124 107.2629 153.3470 801441.94 5.0598 108.6993 131.5462 107.2197 153.3307 804641.94 5.0577 108.6624 131.4893 107.1814 153.3147 807891.94 5.0558 108.6270 131.4330 107.1461 153.2985 811091.94 5.0540 108.5932 131.3785 107.1134 153.2826 814341.94 5.0522 108.5596 131.3237 107.0812 153.2664 817591.94 5.0504 108.5264 131.2691 107.0497 153.2503 820791.94 5.0486 108.4940 131.2156 107.0191 153.2345 824041.94 5.0469 108.4612 131.1613 106.9883 153.2184 827241.94 5.0452 108.4290 131.1079 106.9580 153.2026 830491.94 5.0434 108.3963 131.0537 106.9274 153.1866 833691.94 5.0417 108.3642 131.0003 106.8973 153.1708 836941.94 5.0400 108.3317 130.9461 106.8668 153.1548 840141.94 5.0383 108.2996 130.8927 106.8368 153.1391 843391.94 5.0366 108.2671 130.8385 106.8063 153.1231 846591.94 5.0349 108.2352 130.7850 106.7764 153.1074 849841.94 5.0331 108.2027 130.7308 106.7460 153.0915 853041.94 5.0314 108.1707 130.6773 106.7161 153.0758 856291.94 5.0297 108.1383 130.6230 106.6857 153.0600 859491.94 5.0280 108.1064 130.5696 106.6558 153.0443 862741.94 5.0263 108.0740 130.5152 106.6255 153.0285 865941.94 5.0246 108.0421 130.4617 106.5956 153.0129 869191.94 5.0229 108.0097 130.4073 106.5653 152.9971 872391.94 5.0212 107.9778 130.3538 106.5355 152.9816 875641.94 5.0195 107.9454 130.2993 106.5052 152.9659 D- 11


______ (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 878841.94 5.0178 107.9136 130.2457 106.4754 152.9503 882091.94 5.0161 107.8812 130.1913 106.4451 152.9346 885341.94 5.0144 107.8489 130.1368 106.4148 152.9189 888541.94 5.0127 107.8170 130.0831 106.3851 152.9035 891791.94 5.0110 107.7847 130.0286 106.3548 152.8878 894991.94 5.0093 107.7529 129.9748 106.3250 152.8724 898241.94 5.0076 107.7206 129.9203 106.2948 152.8568 901441.94 5.0059 107.6888 129.8665 106.2651 152.8414 904691.94 5.0042 107.6565 129.8118 106.2348 152.8259 907891.94 5.0025 107.6247 129.7580 106.2051 152.8105 911141.94 5.0008 107.5924 129.7033 106.1749 152.7950 914341.94 4.9991 107.5606 129.6495 106.1452 152.7797 917591.94 4.9974 107.5284 129.5947 106.1150 152.7642 920791.94 4.9958 107.4966 129.5408 106.0853 152.7489 924041.94 4.9941 107.4643 129.4860 106.0551 152.7335 927241.94 4.9924 107.4326 129.4320 106.0254 152.7183 930491.94 4.9907 107.4003 129.3772 105.9953 152.7028 933691.94 4.9890 107.3686 129.3232 105.9656 152.6877 936941.94 4.9873 107.3363 129.2682 105.9354 152.6723 940141.94 4.9857 107.3046 129.2142 105.9058 152.6571 943391.94 4.9840 107.2724 129.1592 105.8756 152.6418 946591.94 4.9823 107.2406 129.1051 105.8459 152.6267 949841.94 4.9806 107.2084 129.0501 105.8158 152.6114 953091.94 4.9789 107.1762 128.9950 105.7857 152.5961 956291.94 4.9773 107.1445 128.9408 105.7561 152.5810 959541.94 4.9756 107.1123 128.8857 105.7259 152.5658 962741.94 4.9739 107.0806 128.8315 105.6963 152.5507 965991.94 4.9722 107.0484 128.7763 105.6662 152.5355 969191.94 4.9706 107.0167 128.7220 105.6366 152.5205 972441.94 4.9689 106.9845 128.6668 105.6065 152.5054 975641.94 4.9672 106.9528 128.6124 105.5768 152.4904 978891.94 4.9655 106.9206 128.5571 105.5468 152.4753 982091.94 4.9639 106.8889 128.5027 105.5171 152.4604 985341.94 4.9622 106.8567 128.4474 105.4871 152.4453 988541.94 4.9605 106.8251 128.3929 105.4574 152.4304 991791.94 4.9589 106.7929 128.3375 105.4274 152.4153 994991.94 4.9572 106.7612 128.2830 105.3978 152.4005 998241.94 4.9555 106.7290 128.2275 105.3677 152.3854 1001441.94 4.9542 106.6989 128.1813 105.3384 152.3707 1004691.94 4.9533 106.6734 128.1407 105.3118 152.3557 1007891.94 4.9525 106.6498 128.1019 105.2882 152.3410 1011141.94 4.9517 106.6267 128.0631 105.2656 152.3260 1014391.94 4.9510 106.6040 128.0248 1105.2440 152.31111 D- 12

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TIME CONTAINMENT UPPER LOWER ACTIVE INACTIVE (SEC) PRESSURE COMPARTMENT COMPARTMENT SUMP SUMP (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 1017591.94 4.9503 106.5820 127.9872 105.2231 152.2964 1020841.94 4.9496 106.5599 127.9492 105.2022 152.2816 1024041.94 4.9489 106.5381 127.9119 105.1817 152.2669 1027291.94 4.9482 106.5161 127.8740 105.1611 152.2521 1030491.94 4.9476 106.4945 127.8368 105.1408 152.2375 1033741.94 4.9469 106.4726 127.7989 105.1203 152.2227 1036941.94 4.9462 106.4511 127.7617 105.1001 152.2081 1040191.94 4.9456 106.4292 127.7239 105.0797 152.1933 1043391.94 4.9449 106.4077 127.6866 105.0595 152.1788 1046641.94 4.9442 106.3859 127.6488 105.0391 152.1641 1049841.88 4.9436 106.3644 127.6115 105.0190 152.1496 1053091.88 4.9429 106.3426 127.5737 104.9986 152.1349 1056291.88 4.9423 106.3211 127.5365 104.9785 152.1204 1059541.88 4.9416 106.2994 127.4986 104.9582 152.1057 1062741.88 4.9409 106.2779 127.4614 104.9381 152.0913 1065991.88 4.9403 106.2562 127.4235 104.9178 152.0766 1069191.88 4.9396 106.2347 127.3862 104.8977 152.0622 1072441.88 4.9390 106.2130 127.3484 104.8774 152.0476 1075641.88 4.9383 106.1916 127.3111 104.8574 152.0333 1078891.88 4.9376 106.1699 127.2732 104.8371 152.0187 1082141.88 4.9370 106.1481 127.2353 104.8167 152.0041 1085341.88 4.9363 106.1267 127.1980 104.7968 151.9898 1088591.88 4.9357 106.1050 127.1600 104.7765 151.9753 1091791.88 4.9350 106.0837 127.1227 104.7565 151.9610 1095041.88 4.9344 106.0620 127.0848 104.7362 151.9465 1098241.88 4.9337 106.0406 127.0474 104.7162 151.9322 1101491.88 4.9331 106.0189 127.0095 104.6959 151.9177 1104691.88 4.9324 105.9975 126.9721 104.6760 151.9035 1107941.88 4.9318 105.9759 126.9341 104.6557 151.8891 1111141.88 4.9311 105.9545 126.8967 104.6358 151.8749 1114391.88 4.9305 105.9328 126.8587 104.6155 151.8605 1117591.88 4.9298 105.9115 126.8213 104.5956 151.8463 1120841.88 4.9292 105.8898 126.7833 104.5753 151.8319 1124041.88 4.9285 105.8685 126.7458 104.5554 151.8178 1127291.88 4.9279 105.8469 126.7078 104.5352 151.8034 1130491.88 4.9272 105.8256 126.6703 104.5152 151.7893 1133741.88 4.9266 105.8039 126.6323 104.4950 151.7750 1136941.88 4.9259 105.7826 126.5948 104.4751 151.7609 1140191.88 4.9253 105.7610 126.5567 104.4549 151.7466 1143391.88 4.9246 105.7397 126.5192 104.4350 151.7326 1146641.88 4.9240 105.7180 126.4811 104.4148 151.7183 1149891.88 4.9233 105.6964 126.4430 104.3945 151.7041 1153091.88 4.9227 105.6751 126.4055 104.3747 151.6901 D- 13

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TIME CONTAINMENT UPPER LOWER ACTIVE INACTIVE (SEC) PRESSURE COMPARTMENT COMPARTMENT SUMP SUMP (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 1156341.88 4.9220 105.6535 126.3673 104.3545 151.6759 1159541.88 4.9214 105.6322 126.3298 104.3346 151.6619 1162791.88 4.9207 105.6106 126.2916 104.3144 151.6477 1165991.88 4.9201 105.5893 126.2540 104.2945 151.6338 1169241.88 4.9194 105.5677 126.2158 104.2743 151.6196 1172441.88 4.9188 105.5464 126.1782 104.2544 151.6057 1175691.88 4.9182 105.5248 126.1400 104.2342 151.5916 1178891.88 4.9175 105.5035 126.1024 104.2144 151.5777 1182141.88 4.9169 105.4819 126.0642 104.1942 151.5636 1185341.88 4.9162 105.4607 126.0265 104.1743 151.5498 1188591.88 4.9156 105.4391 125.9882 104.1542 151.5357 1191791.88 4.9150 105.4178 125.9506 104.1343 151.5219 1195041.88 4.9143 105.3962 125.9123 104.1141 151.5079 1198241.88 4.9137 105.3750 125.8746 104.0943 151.4940 1201491.88 4.9130 105.3534 125.8363 104.0741 151.4801 1204691.88 4.9124 105.3321 125.7985 104.0543 151.4663 1207941.88 4.9117 105.3106 125.7602 104.0341 151.4523 1211191.88 4.9111 105.2890 125.7218 104.0140 151.4384 1214391.88 4.9105 105.2677 125.6841 103.9941 151.4246 1217641.88 4.9098 105.2462 125.6457 103.9740 151.4107 1220841.88 4.9092 105.2249 125.6079 103.9542 151.3970 1224091.88 4.9085 105.2033 125.5695 103.9340 151.3831 1227291.88 4.9079 105.1821 125.5317 103.9142 151.3695 1230541.88 4.9073 105.1605 125.4933 103.8940 151.3556 1233741.88 4.9066 105.1393 125.4554 103.8742 151.3419 1236991.88 4.9060 105.1177 125.4170 103.8541 151.3281 1240191.88 4.9054 105.0965 125.3791 103.8342 151.3145 1243441.88 4.9047 105.0750 125.3406 103.8141 151.3007 1246641.88 4.9041 105.0537 125.3027 103.7943 151.2871 1249891.88 4.9034 105.0322 125.2642 103.7742 151.2733 1253091.88 4.9028 105.0109 125.2263 103.7543 151.2598 1256341.88 4.9022 104.9894 125.1877 103.7342 151.2460 1259541.88 4.9015 104.9682 125.1498 103.7144 151.2325 1262791.88 4.9009 104.9466 125.1112 103.6943 151.2188 1265991.88 4.9003 104.9253 125.0732 103.6744 151.2053 1269241.88 4.8996 104.9038 125.0346 103.6543 151.1916 1272441.88 4.8990 104.8825 124.9966 103.6345 151.1782 1275691.88 4.8984 104.8610 124.9580 103.6143 151.1645 1278941.88 4.8977 104.8394 124.9193 103.5942 151.1509 1282141.88 4.8971 104.8182 124.8812 103.5744 151.1374 1285391.88 4.8964 104.7966 124.8426 103.5543 151.1238 1288591.88 4.8958 104.7754 124.8045 103.5344 151.1104 1291841.88 4.8952 104.7538 124.7658 103.5143 151.0968 D- 14


(DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 1295041.88 4.8945 104.7326 124.7277 103.4945 151.0835 1298291.88 4.8939 104.7110 124.6889 103.4744 151.0699 1301491.88 4.8933 104.6898 124.6508 103.4546 151.0566 1304741.88 4.8926 104.6682 124.6120 103.4344 151.0431 1307941.88 4.8920 104.6470 124.5739 103.4146 151.0298 1311191.88 4.8914 104.6254 124.5351 103.3945 151.0163 1314391.88 4.8907 104.6042 124.4969 103.3747 151.0030 1317641.88 4.8901 104.5826 124.4581 103.3546 150.9895 1320841.88 4.8895 104.5614 124.4198 103.3347 150.9763 1324091.88 4.8888 104.5399 124.3810 103.3146 150.9628 1327291.88 4.8882 104.5186 124.3427 103.2948 150.9496 1330541.88 4.8876 104.4971 124.3038 103.2747 150.9362 1333741.88 4.8869 104.4759 124.2656 103.2549 150.9230 1336991.88 4.8863 104.4543 124.2267 103.2348 150.9097 1340191.88 4.8857 104.4331 124.1883 103.2150 150.8965 1343441.88 4.8850 104.4115 124.1494 103.1949 150.8831 1346691.88 4.8844 104.3900 124.1105 103.1748 150.8698 1349891.88 4.8838 104.3688 124.0721 103.1550 150.8567 1353141.88 4.8831 104.3472 124.0331 103.1348 150.8434 1356341.88 4.8825 104.3260 123.9948 103.1150 150.8303 1359591.88 4.8819 104.3045 123.9558 103.0949 150.8170 1362791.88 4.8812 104.2832 123.9173 103.0751 150.8040 1366041.88 4.8806 104.2617 123.8783 103.0550 150.7907 1369241.88 4.8800 104.2405 123.8399 103.0352 150.7777 1372491.88 4.8793 104.2189 123.8008 103.0151 150.7645 1375691.88 4.8787 104.1977 123.7623 102.9953 150.7515 1378941.88 4.8781 104.1762 123.7233 102.9752 150.7383 1382141.88 4.8774 104.1549 123.6848 102.9554 150.7253 1385391.88 4.8768 104.1334 123.6456 102.9353 150.7122 1388591.88 4.8762 104.1122 123.6071 102.9155 150.6992 1391841.88 4.8755 104.0906 123.5680 102.8954 150.6861 1395041.88 4.8749 104.0694 123.5294 102.8756 150.6732 1398291.88 4.8743 104.0479 123.4902 102.8555 150.6601 1401491.88 4.8739 104.0280 123.4586 102.8360 150.6472 1404741.88 4.8739 104.0117 123.4317 102.8186 150.6341 1407941.88 4.8739 103.9967 123.4061 102.8035 150.6213 1411191.88 4.8739 103.9822 123.3807 102.7893 150.6083 1414441.88 4.8739 103.9681 123.3555 102.7757 150.5953 1417641.88 4.8739 103.9545 123.3310 102.7627 150.5825 1420891.88 4.8739 103.9407 123.3062 102.7497 150.5695 1424091.88 4.8739 103.9273 123.2818 102.7371 150.5567 1427341.88 4.8739 103.9137 123.2571 102.7243 150.5438 1430541.88 4.8739 103.9003 123.2327 102.7118 150.5311 D- 15

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TIME CONTAINMENT UPPER LOWER ACTIVE INACTIVE (SEC) PRESSURE COMPARTMENT COMPARTMENT SUMP SUMP (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 1433791.88 4.8739 103.8867 123.2081 102.6991 150.5181 1436991.88 4.8739 103.8734 123.1838 102.6867 150.5054 1440241.88 4.8739 103.8599 123.1591 102.6740 150.4925 1443441.88 4.8739 103.8466 123.1348 102.6616 150.4798 1446691.88 4.8739 103.8332 123.1102 102.6490 150.4669 1449891.88 4.8739 103.8199 123.0859 102.6366 150.4543 1453141.88 4.8739 103.8064 123.0613 102.6240 150.4414 1456341.88 4.8739 103.7932 123.0370 102.6117 150.4288 1459591.88 4.8739 103.7797 123.0123 102.5991 150.4160 1462791.88 4.8739 103.7665 122.9881 102.5867 150.4034 1466041.88 4.8739 103.7530 122.9634 102.5742 150.3905 1469241.88 4.8739 103.7398 122.9392 102.5618 150.3780 1472491.88 4.8739 103.7264 122.9145 102.5493 150.3652 1475741.88 4.8739 103.7129 122.8899 102.5367 150.3524 1478941.88 4.8739 103.6997 122.8656 102.5244 150.3399 1482191.88 4.8739 103.6863 122.8409 102.5119 150.3271 1485391.88 4.8739 103.6731 122.8166 102.4995 150.3146 1488641.88 4.8739 103.6597 122.7920 102.4870 150.3019 1491841.88 4.8739 103.6465 122.7677 102.4747 150.2894 1495091.88 4.8739 103.6331 122.7430 102.4622 150.2767 1498291.88 4.8739 103.6199 122.7188 102.4498 150.2642 1501541.88 4.8739 103.6065 122.6941 102.4373 150.2515 1504741.88 4.8739 103.5933 122.6698 102.4250 150.2390 1507991.88 4.8739 103.5799 122.6451 102.4125 150.2264 1511191.88 4.8739 103.5667 122.6208 102.4002 150.2140 1514441.88 4.8739 103.5533 122.5961 102.3877 150.2013 1517641.88 4.8739 103.5402 122.5718 102.3754 150.1889 1520891.88 4.8739 103.5268 122.5471 102.3629 150.1763 1524091.88 4.8739 103.5136 122.5228 102.3507 150.1639 1527341.88 4.8739 103.5003 122.4981 102.3382 150.1514 1530541.88 4.8739 103.4871 122.4738 102.3259 150.1390 1533791.88 4.8739 103.4737 122.4491 102.3134 150.1264 1536991.88 4.8739 103.4606 122.4248 102.3011 150.1141 1540241.88 4.8739 103.4472 122.4001 102.2887 150.1015 1543491.88 4.8739 103.4338 122.3754 102.2762 150.0890 1546691.88 4.8739 103.4207 122.3510 102.2639 150.0767 1549941.88 4.8739 103.4073 122.3263 102.2515 150.0642 1553141.88 4.8739 103.3942 122.3020 102.2392 150.0519 1556391.88 4.8739 103.3808 122.2772 102.2267 150.0394 1559591.88 4.8739 103.3677 122.2529 102.2145 150.0272 1562841.88 4.8739 103.3543 122.2282 102.2020 150.0147 1566041.88 4.8739 103.3412 122.2038 102.1898 150.0025 1569291.88 4.8739 103.3279 122.1791 102.1773 149.9901 D- 16

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TIME CONTAINMENT UPPER LOWER ACTIVE INACTIVE (SEC) PRESSURE COMPARTMENT COMPARTMENT SUMP SUMP (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F ,JpEG-F) (DEG-F) 1572491.88 4.8739 103.3147 122.1547 102.1650 149.9778 1575741.88 4.8739 103.3014 122.1299 102.1526 149.9654 1578941.88 4.8739 103.2883 122.1056 102.1403 149.9532 1582191.88 4.8739 103.2749 122.0808 102.1279 149.9408 1585391.88 4.8739 103.2618 122.0564 102.1157 149.9286 1588641.88 4.8739 103.2485 122.0317 102.1032 149.9163 1591841.88 4.8739 103.2353 122.0073 102.0910 149.9041 1595091.88 4.8739 103.2220 121.9825 102.0785 149.8918 1598291.88 4.8739 103.2089 121.9581 102.0663 149.8797 1601541.88 4.8739 103.1956 121.9333 102.0539 149.8674 1604741.88 4.8739 103.1824 121.9089 102.0416 149.8552 1607991.88 4.8739 103.1691 121.8841 102.0292 149.8429 1611241.88 4.8739 103.1558 121.8593 102.0168 149.8307 1614441.88 4.8739 103.1427 121.8349 102.0045 149.8186 1617691.88 4.8739 103.1294 121.8101 101.9921 149.8063 1620891.88 4.8739 103.1163 121.7857 101.9799 149.7943 1624141.88 4.8739 103.1029 121.7608 101.9675 149.7820 1627341.88 4.8739 103.0898 121.7364 101.9552 149.7700 1630591.88 4.8739 103.0765 121.7116 101.9428 149.7578 1633791.88 4.8739 103.0634 121.6871 101.9306 149.7458 1637041.88 4.8739 103.0501 121.6623 101.9182 149.7336 1640241.88 4.8739 103.0370 121.6379 101.9059 149.7216 1643491.88 4.8739 103.0237 121.6130 101.8935 149.7094 1646691.88 4.8739 103.0106 121.5885 101.8813 149.6974 1649941.88 4.8739 102.9973 121.5637 101.8689 149.6853 1653141.88 4.8739 102.9842 121.5392 101.8567 149.6733 1656391.88 4.8739 102.9709 121.5144 101.8443 149.6612 1659591.88 4.8739 102.9578 121.4899 101.8320 149.6493 1662841.88 4.8739 102.9445 121.4650 101.8196 149.6372 1666041.88 4.8739 102.9314 121.4405 101.8074 149.6253 1669291.88 4.8739 102.9181 121.4156 101.7950 149.6132 1672541.88 4.8739 102.9048 121.3907 101.7826 149.6011 1675741.88 4.8739 102.8917 121.3662 101.7704 149.5892 1678991.88 4.8739 102.8784 121.3413 101.7580 149.5772 1682191.88 4.8739 102.8653 121.3168 101.7458 149.5653 1685441.88 4.8739 102.8520 121.2919 101.7334 149.5533 1688641.88 4.8739 102.8389 121.2674 101.7212 149.5415 1691891.88 4.8739 102.8256 121.2424 101.7088 149.5295 1695091.88 4.8739 102.8125 121.2179 101.6965 149.5177 1698341.88 4.8739 102.7992 121.1930 101.6842 149.5057 1701541.88 4.8739 102.7861 121.1684 101.6719 149.4939 1704791.8 4.8739 102.7728 121.1435 1101.6595 149.4819 1779.881 4.873:9j 102.75"97 121.1189 10.43 1:49.470 2 D- 17

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TIME CONTAINMENT UPPER LOWER ACTIVE INACTIVE (SEC) PRESSURE COMPARTMENT COMPARTMENT SUMP SUMP (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 1711241.88 4.8739 102.7464 121.0940 101.6349 149.4582 1714441.88 4.8739 102.7333 121.0694 101.6227 149.4465 1717691.88 4.8739 102.7201 121.0445 101.6104 149.4345 1720891.88 4.8739 102.7070 121.0199 101.5981 149.4228 1724141.88 4.8739 102.6937 120.9949 101.5858 149.4109 1727341.88 4.8739 102.6806 120.9703 101.5736 149.3992 1730591.88 4.8739 102.6673 120.9453 101.5612 149.3873 1733791.88 4.8739 102.6542 120.9207 101.5490 149.3757 1737041.88 4.8739 102.6409 120.8957 101.5366 149.3638 1740291.88 4.8739 102.6276 120.8708 101.5242 149.3519 1743491.88 4.8739 102.6146 120.8461 101.5120 149.3403 1746741.88 4.8739 102.6013 120.8211 101.4996 149.3285 1749941.88 4.8739 102.5882 120.7965 101.4874 149.3168 1753191.88 4.8739 102.5749 120.7715 101.4750 149.3050 1756391.88 4.8739 102.5618 120.7468 101.4628 149.2934 1759641.88 4.8739 102.5485 120.7218 101.4504 149.2816 1762841.88 4.8739 102.5355 120.6972 101.4382 149.2701 1766091.88 4.8739 102.5222 120.6721 101.4258 149.2583 1769291.88 4.8739 102.5091 120.6475 101.4137 149.2467 1772541.88 4.8739 102.4958 120.6224 101.4013 149.2350 1775741.88 4.8739 102.4827 120.5977 101.3891 149.2234 1778991.88 4.8739 102.4694 120.5727 101.3767 149.2117 1782191.88 4.8739 102.4564 120.5480 101.3645 149.2002 1785441.88 4.8739 102.4431 120.5229 101.3521 149.1885 1788641.88 4.8739 102.4300 120.4982 101.3399 149.1770 1791891.88 4.8739 102.4167 120.4732 101.3275 149.1653 1795091.88 4.8739 102.4036 120.4485 101.3153 149.1538 1798341.88 4.8739 102.3904 120.4234 101.3030 149.1422 1801541.88 4.8739 102.3773 120.3987 101.2908 149.1307 1804791.88 4.8739 102.3640 120.3736 101.2784 149.1191 1808041.88 4.8739 102.3507 120.3484 101.2660 149.1075 1811241.88 4.8739 102.3376 120.3237 101.2538 149.0960 1814491.88 4.8739 102.3244 120.2986 101.2414 149.0844 1817691.88 4.8739 102.3113 120.2738 101.2292 149.0730 1820941.88 4.8739 102.2980 120.2487 101.2169 149.0614 1824141.88 4.8739 102.2849 120.2240 101.2047 149.0500 1827391.88 4.8739 102.2717 120.1988 101.1923 149.0385 1830591.88 4.8739 102.2586 120.1741 101.1801 149.0271 1833841.88 4.8739 102.2453 120.1489 101.1677 149.0156 1837041.88 4.8739 102.2322 120.1241 101.1555 149.0042 1840291.88 4.8739 102.2189 120.0990 101.1432 148.9927 1843491.88 4.8739 102.2059 120.0742 101.1310 148.9814 1846741.88 4.8739 102.1926 120.0490 101.1186 148.9699 D- 18

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TIME CONTAINMENT UPPER LOWER ACTIVE INACTIVE (SEC) PRESSURE COMPARTMENT COMPARTMENT SUMP SUMP (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 1849941.88 4.8739 102.1795 120.0242 101.1064 148.9586 1853191.88 4.8739 102.1662 119.9990 101.0940 148.9471 1856391.88 4.8739 102.1532 119.9742 101.0819 148.9358 1859641.88 4.8739 102.1399 119.9490 101.0695 148.9243 1862841.88 4.8739 102.1268 119.9242 101.0573 148.9131 1866091.88 4.8739 102.1135 119.8990 101.0449 148.9016 1869341.88 4.8739 102.1003 119.8738 101.0325 148.8902 1872541.88 4.8739 102.0872 119.8489 101.0204 148.8790 1875791.88 4.8739 102.0739 119.8237 101.0080 148.8676 1878991.88 4.8739 102.0608 119.7989 100.9958 148.8564 1882241.88 4.8739 102.0476 119.7736 100.9834 148.8450 1885441.88 4.8739 102.0345 119.7488 100.9712 148.8338 1888691.88 4.8739 102.0212 119.7235 100.9589 148.8224 1891891.88 4.8739 102.0081 119.6986 100.9467 148.8112 1895141.88 4.8739 101.9949 119.6734 100.9343 148.7999 1898341.88 4.8739 101.9818 119.6485 100.9221 148.7887 1901591.88 4.8739 101.9685 119.6232 100.9098 148.7774 1904791.88 4.8739 101.9554 119.5983 100.8976 148.7663 1908041.88 4.8739 101.9422 119.5730 100.8852 148.7550 1911241.88 4.8739 101.9291 119.5481 100.8730 148.7439 1914491.88 4.8739 101.9158 119.5228 100.8606 148.7326 1917691.88 4.8739 101.9027 119.4979 100.8485 148.7215 1920941.88 4.8739 101.8895 119.4726 100.8361 148.7102 1924141.88 4.8739 101.8764 119.4477 100.8239 148.6992 1927391.88 4.8739 101.8631 119.4224 100.8115 148.6879 1930591.88 4.8739 101.8500 119.3974 100.7993 148.6769 1933841.88 4.8739 101.8368 119.3721 100.7870 148.6656 1937091.88 4.8739 101.8235 119.3468 100.7746 148.6544 1940291.88 4.8739 101.8104 119.3218 100.7624 148.6434 1943541.88 4.8739 101.7971 119.2965 100.7500 148.6322 1946741.88 4.8739 101.7841 119.2715 100.7379 148.6212 1949991.88 4.8739 101.7708 119.2461 100.7255 148.6100 1953191.88 4.8739 101.7577 119.2212 100.7133 148.5991 1956441.88 4.8739 101.7444 119.1958 100.7009 148.5879 1959641.88 4.8739 101.7314 119.1708 100.6888 148.5770 1962891.88 4.8739 101.7181 119.1454 100.6764 148.5658 1966091.88 4.8739 101.7050 119.1204 100.6642 148.5549 1969341.88 4.8739 101.6917 119.0950 100.6518 148.5438 1972541.88 4.8739 101.6787 119.0700 100.6397 148.5329 1975791.88 4.8739 101.6654 119.0446 100.6273 148.5218 1978991.88 4.8739 101.6523 119.0196 100.6151 148.5108 1982241.88 4.8739 101.6391 118.9942 100.6027 148.4998 1985441.88 4.8739 101.6260 118.9691 100.5906 148.4889 D-19


______ (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 1988691.88 4.8739 101.6127 118.9437 100.5782 148.4779 1991891.88 4.8739 101.5996 118.9187 100.5660 148.4670 1995141.88 4.8739 101.5864 118.8932 100.5536 148.4560 1998341.88 4.8739 101.5733 118.8682 100.5415 148.4451 2001591.88 4.8739 101.5612 118.8488 100.5293 148.4341 2004841.88 4.8739 101.5521 118.8338 100.5192 148.4231 2008041.88 4.8739 101.5441 118.8197 100.5108 148.4123 2011291.88 4.8739 101.5365 118.8058 100.5032 148.4014 2014491.88 4.8739 101.5293 118.7925 100.4962 148.3906 2017741.88 4.8739 101.5222 118.7791 100.4893 148.3797 2020941.88 4.8739 101.5153 118.7659 100.4828 148.3689 2024191.88 4.8739 101.5084 118.7527 100.4762 148.3580 2027391.88 4.8739 101.5016 118.7396 100.4699 148.3472 2030641.88 4.8739 101.4947 118.7264 100.4634 148.3363 2033841.88 4.8739 101.4880 118.7134 100.4571 148.3256 2037091.88 4.8739 101.4812 118.7002 100.4507 148.3147 2040291.88 4.8739 101.4745 118.6873 100.4445 148.3040 2043541.88 4.8739 101.4677 118.6741 100.4381 148.2932 2046741.88 4.8739 101.4610 118.6611 100.4319 148.2825 2049991.88 4.8739 101.4542 118.6480 100.4255 148.2716 2053191.88 4.8739 101.4475 118.6350 100.4193 148.2609 2056441.88 4.8739 101.4408 118.6219 100.4130 148.2501 2059641.88 4.8739 101.4341 118.6090 100.4067 148.2394 2062891.88 4.8739 101.4273 118.5958 100.4004 148.2286 2066141.88 4.8739 101.4206 118.5827 100.3941 148.2178 2069341.88 4.8739 101.4139 118.5698 100.3879 148.2072 2072591.88 4.8739 101.4072 118.5566 100.3816 148.1964 2075791.88 4.8739 101.4005 118.5437 100.3754 148.1857 2079041.88 4.8739 101.3938 _____118.5306 100.3691 148.1750 2082241.88 4.8739 101.3872 118.5177 100.3629 148.1644 2085491.88 4.8739 101.3804 118.5045 100.3566 148.1536 2088691.88 4.8739 101.3738 118.4916 100.3505 148.1430 2091941.88 4.8739 101.3671 118.4785 100.3442 148.1322 2095141.88 4.8739 101.3604 118.4656 100.3380 148.1217 2098392.00 4.8739 101.3537 118.4525 100.3317 148.1109 2101592.00 4.8739 101.3471 118.4395 100.3256 148.1004 2104842.00 4.8739 101.3404 118.4264 100.3193 148.0897 2108042.00 4.8739 101.3338 118.4135 100.3131 148.0791 2111292.00 4.8739 101.3270 118.4004 100.3069 148.0684 2114492.00 4.8739 101.3204 118.3875 100.3007 148.0579 2117742.00 4.8739 101.3137 118.3744 100.2944 148.0472 4.8739 101.3071 118.3615 100.2883 148.0367 L2120942.00 2124:1:92.00 4.79101.3004 118.3484 100.2820 148.0260 D- 20


______ PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) -(DEG-F) (DEG-F) 2127392.00 4.8739 101.2938 118.3354 100.2759 148.0155 2130642.00 4.8739 101.2871 118.3223 100.2696 148.0048 2133892.00 4.8739 101.2804 118.3092 100.2634 147.9942 2137092.00 4.8739 101.2738 118.2963 100.2572 147.9837 2140342.00 4.8739 101.2671 118.2832 100.2510 147.9731 2143542.00 4.8739 101.2606 118.2703 100.2448 147.9626 2146792.00 4.8739 101.2539 _____118.2572 100.2386 147.9520 2149992.00 4.8739 101.2473 _____118.2443 100.2325 147.9415 2153242.00 4.8739 101.2406 118.2312 100.2262 147.9309 2156442.00 4.8739 101.2340 118.2183 100.2201 147.9205 2159692.00 4.8739 101.2273 118.2052 100.2139 147.9099 2162892.00 4.8739 101.2207 118.1923 100.2077 147.8995 2166142.00 4.8739 101.2141 118.1792 100.2015 147.8889 2169342.00 4.8739 101.2075 118.1663 100.1954 147.8785 2172592.00 4.8739 101.2008 118.1532 100.1891 147.8679 2175792.00 4.8739 101.1943 118.1403 100.1830 147.8575 2179042.00 4.8739 101.1876 118.1271 100.1768 147.8470 2182242.00 4.8739 101.1810 118.1142 100.1707 147.8366 2185492.00 4.8739 101.1743 118.1011 100.1644 147.8261 2188692.00 4.8739 101.1678 118.0882 100.1583 147.8157 2191942.00 4.8739 101.1611 118.0751 100.1521 147.8052 2195142.00 4.8739 101.1545 118.0622 100.1460 147.7949 2198392.00 4.8739 101.1479 118.0491 100.1398 147.7844 2201642.00 4.8739 101.1412 118.0360 100.1336 147.7739 2204842.00 4.8739 101.1347 118.0231 100.1274 147.7635 2208092.00 4.8739 101.1280 118.0100 100.1212 147.7531 2211292.00 4.8739 101.1214 117.9971 100.1151 147.7428 2214542.00 4.8739 101.1148 117.9840 100.1089 147.7323 2217742.00 4.8739 101.1082 117.9711 100.1028 147.7220 2220992.00 4.8739 101.1016 117.9580 100.0966 147.7115 2224192.00 4.8739 101.0950 117.9451 100.0905 147.7012 2227442.00 4.8739 101.0883 117.9319 100.0843 147.6908 2230642.00 4.8739 101.0818 117.9190 100.0782 147.6805 2233892.00 4.8739 101.0751 117.9059 100.0720 147.6701 2237092.00 4.8739 101.0686 117.8930 100.0659 147.6599 2240342.00 4.8739 101.0619 117.8799 100.0597 147.6495 2243542.00 4.8739 101.0554 117.8670 100.0536 147.6392 2246792.00 4.8739 101.0487 117.8539 100.0474 147.6288 2249992.00 4.8739 101.0422 117.8410 100.0413 147.6186 2253242.00 4.8739 101.0356 117.8279 100.0351 147.6082 2256442.00 4.8739 101.0290 117.8149 100.0290 147.5980 2259692.00 4.8739 101.0224 117.8018 1100.0228 147.5876 2262892.00 4.8739 1101.0158 117.7889 100g.0167 L147.5774 D- 21

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TIME CONTAINMENT UPPER LOWER ACTIVE INACTIVE (SEC) PRESSURE COMPARTMENT COMPARTMENT SUMP SUMP (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 2266142.00 4.8739 101.0092 117.7758 100.0105 147.5671 2269392.00 4.8739 101.0025 117.7627 100.0043 147.5567 2272592.00 4.8739 100.9960 117.7498 99.9982 147.5466 2275842.00 4.8739 100.9893 117.7366 99.9920 147.5362 2279042.00 4.8739 100.9828 117.7237 99.9859 147.5261 2282292.00 4.8739 100.9762 117.7106 99.9797 147.5157 2285492.00 4.8739 100.9696 117.6977 99.9736 147.5056 2288742.00 4.8739 100.9630 117.6846 99.9674 147.4953 2291942.00 4.8739 100.9564 117.6717 99.9613 147.4852 2295192.00 4.8739 100.9498 117.6585 99.9552 147.4749 2298392.00 4.8739 100.9433 117.6456 99.9491 147.4647 2301642.00 4.8739 100.9366 117.6325 99.9429 147.4545 2304842.00 4.8739 100.9301 117.6196 99.9368 147.4444 2308092.00 4.8739 100.9235 117.6064 99.9306 147.4341 2311292.00 4.8739 100.9169 117.5935 99.9245 147.4240 2314542.00 4.8739 100.9103 117.5804 99.9183 147.4137 2317742.00 4.8739 100.9038 117.5675 99.9123 147.4037 2320992.00 4.8739 100.8971 117.5543 99.9061 147.3934 2324192.00 4.8739 100.8906 117.5414 99.9000 147.3834 2327442.00 4.8739 100.8840 117.5283 99.8938 147.3731 2330692.00 4.8739 100.8773 117.5151 99.8876 147.3629 2333892.00 4.8739 100.8708 117.5022 99.8815 147.3529 2337142.00 4.8739 100.8642 117.4891 99.8754 147.3427 2340342.00 4.8739 100.8576 117.4761 99.8693 147.3326 2343592.00 4.8739 100.8510 117.4630 99.8631 147.3225 2346792.00 4.8739 100.8445 117.4501 99.8570 147.3124 2350042.00 4.8739 100.8378 117.4369 99.8508 147.3023 2353242.00 4.8739 100.8313 117.4240 99.8448 147.2923 2356492.00 4.8739 100.8247 117.4109 99.8386 147.2821 2359692.00 4.8739 100.8182 117.3979 99.8325 147.2721 2362942.00 4.8739 100.8115 117.3848 99.8263 147.2620 2366142.00 4.8739 100.8050 117.3718 99.8202 147.2520 2369392.00 4.8739 100.7984 117.3587 99.8141 147.2419 2372592.00 4.8739 100.7919 117.3458 99.8080 147.2319 2375842.00 4.8739 100.7852 117.3326 99.8018 147.2218 2379042.00 4.8739 100.7787 117.3197 99.7957 147.2118 2382292.00 4.8739 100.7721 117.3065 99.7896 147.2017 2385492.00 4.8739 100.7655 117.2936 99.7835 147.1918 2388742.00 4.8739 100.7589 117.2804 99.7773 147.1817 2391942.00 4.8739 100.7524 117.2675 99.7712 147.1718 2395192.00 4.8739 100.7458 117.2543 99.7651 147.1617 2398442.00 4.8739 100.7392 117.2412 99.7589 147.1516 2401642.00 4.8739 100.7326 117.2282 99.7528 147.1417 D- 22


_PSIG_ _DG-FDEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 2404892.00 4.8739 100.7260 117.2151 99.7466 147.1317 2408092.00 4.8739 100.7195 117.2021 99.7406 147.1218 2411342.00 4.8739 100.7129 117.1890 99.7344 147.1117 2414542.00 4.8739 100.7063 117.1760 99.7283 147.1018 2417792.00 4.8739 100.6997 117.1628 99.7222 147.0918 2420992.00 4.8739 100.6932 117.1499 99.7161 147.0819 2424242.00 4.8739 100.6866 117.1367 99.7099 147.0719 2427442.00 4.8739 100.6800 117.1238 99.7038 147.0621 2430692.00 4.8739 100.6734 117.1106 99.6977 147.0521 2433892.00 4.8739 100.6669 117.0976 99.6916 147.0422 2437142.00 4.8739 100.6603 117.0845 99.6854 147.0322 2440342.00 4.8739 100.6538 117.0715 99.6793 147.0224 2443592.00 4.8739 100.6471 117.0583 99.6732 147.0124 2446792.00 4.8739 100.6406 117.0454 99.6671 147.0026 2450042.00 4.8739 100.6340 117.0322 99.6609 146.9927 2453242.00 4.8739 100.6275 117.0192 99.6549 146.9829 2456492.00 4.8739 100.6208 117.0061 99.6487 146.9729 2459692.00 4.8739 100.6143 116.9931 99.6426 146.9631 2462942.00 4.8739 100.6077 116.9799 99.6365 146.9532 2466192.00 4.8739 100.6011 116.9667 99.6303 146.9433 2469392.00 4.8739 100.5946 116.9538 99.6242 146.9335 2472642.00 4.8739 100.5880 116.9406 99.6181 146.9236 2475842.00 4.8739 100.5814 116.9276 99.6120 146.9138 2479092.00 4.8739 100.5748 116.9144 99.6058 146.9039 2482292.00 4.8739 100.5683 116.9015 99.5997 146.8942 2485542.00 4.8739 100.5617 116.8883 99.5936 146.8843 2488742.00 4.8739 100.5552 116.8753 99.5875 146.8746 2491992.00 4.8739 100.5485 116.8621 99.5813 146.8647 2495192.00 4.8739 100.5420 116.8491 99.5753 146.8550 2498442.00 4.8739 100.5354 116.8359 99.5691 146.8451 2501642.00 4.8739 100.5289 116.8229 99.5630 146.8354 2504892.00 4.8739 100.5223 116.8098 99.5569 146.8256 2508092.00 4.8739 100.5157 116.7968 99.5508 146.8159 2511342.00 4.8739 100.5091 116.7836 99.5446 146.8060 2514542.00 4.8739 100.5026 116.7706 99.5386 146.7964 2517792.00 4.8739 100.4960 116.7574 99.5324 146.7865 2520992.00 4.8739 100.4895 116.7444 99.5263 146.7769 2524242.00 4.8739 100.4829 116.7312 99.5202 146.7671 2527492.00 4.8739 100.4762 116.7180 99.5140 146.7573 2530692.00 4.8739 100.4697 116.7050 99.5079 146.7476 2533942.00 4.8739 100.4631 116.6918 99.5018 146.7378 2537142.00 4.8739 100.4566 116.6788 99.4957 146.7282 2540392.00 4.8739 100.4500 116.6656 99.4895 146.7184 D- 23

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 TIME CONTAINMENT UPPER LOWER ACTIVE INACTIVE (SEC) PRESSURE COMPARTMENT COMPARTMENT SUMP SUMP (PSIG) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) (DEG-F) 2543592.00 4.8739 100.4435 116.6526 99.4835 146.7088 2546842.00 4.8739 100.4368 116.6394 99.4773 146.6990 2550042.00 4.8739 100.4303 116.6264 99.4712 146.6894 2553292.00 4.8739 100.4237 116.6132 99.4651 146.6797 2556492.00 4.8739 100.4172 116.6002 99.4590 146.6701 2559742.00 4.8739 100.4106 116.5870 99.4529 146.6603 2562942.00 4.8739 100.4041 116.5740 99.4468 146.6508 2566192.00 4.8739 100.3974 116.5607 99.4406 146.6410 2569392.00 4.8739 100.3909 116.5477 99.4346 146.6315 2572642.00 4.8739 100.3843 116.5345 99.4284 146.6218 2575842.00 4.8739 100.3778 116.5215 99.4223 146.6122 2579092.00 4.8739 100.3712 116.5083 99.4162 146.6025 2582292.00 4.8739 100.3647 116.4953 99.4101 146.5930 2585542.00 4.8739 100.3580 116.4820 99.4039 146.5833 2588742.00 4.8739 100.3515 116.4690 99.3979 146.5737 2591992.00 4.8739 100.3449 116.4558 99.3917 146.5641 D- 24

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 Containment Integrity Analysis Containment Pressure (psig) 12

!1 10-

"-. 9-c _7--

6-5" II 111 4 I I 11 IIII I I I IIIIII I I I IIIM I I IIIIII I I I1M II I 111111 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Time (s)

D- 25

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 Containment Integrity Analysis Upper Comportment Temperature (F) 180 160-LL_

140-1 E 120-100 80~ ""

'" 111 ' 111 ' ' ' 11""'", I '"'"111 I 111111 I 11,,,,,, ,1, 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Time (s)

D- 26

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Sequoyah Units 1 and 2 Containment Integrity Analysis Lower Compartment Temperature (F) 240 220-200-180 S160-140 120--

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Time (s)

D- 27

WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3 Sequoyoh Units 1 and 2 Containment Integrity Analysis Active Sump Temperature (F)

Inactive Sump Temperature (F)

,)nn LVU 1501" U-c~)


~3) 0~

E 50-t 1ILi i LL L 1 I I IIIIII I I4 11 ri-? I 1111111

- 1 I I 1111111 2 I I 1111111 3 I IlillIll 4 I I 1111111 5 I 11111111 I I 111111 U

0 12 3 4 56 7 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Time (s)

D- 28