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Reply to Notice of Violation - Clarification of Information
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/21/2017
From: Emily Larson
Entergy Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
GNR0-2017/00080 IR 2017012
Download: ML17362A041 (10)


    • ==~Entergy Entergy Operations, Inc.

7003 Bald Hill Road P. 0. Box756 Port Gibson, MS 39150 Eric A. Larson Site Vice President Tel. (601) 437-7500 GNR0-2017/00080 10 CFR 20.1501 (c)

December 21, 2017 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555


Reply to Notice of Violation - Clarification of Information Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Docket No. 50-416 License No. NPF-29


NRC Radiation Protection Inspection Report 05000416/2017012 and Notice of Violation August 22, 2017 Reply to Notice of Viol~tion dated September 21, 2017 Docket No. 50-416 License No. NPF-:29

Dear Sir or Madam:

Entergy Operations, Inc. (Entergy) hereby provides clarification to the Reply to Notice of Violation for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station in Attachment i. The subject Notice of Violation was issued in Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Radiation Protection Inspection Report No. 05000416/2017012 and Notice of Violation August 22, 2017. The Reply to Notice of Violation was submitted to the NRC on September 21, 2017 (GNR0-2017/00059).

There are no regulatory commitments conta,ined in this letter.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Douglas Neve at (601) 437-2103. ' , . . .

Sincerely, Eric A. Larson Site Vice President Grand Gulf Nuclear Station EAL/dre Attachments:

1. Reply to Notice of V,iolation - Clarification of Information cc: (see next page)

GNR0-2017/00080 Page 2 of 2 cc: with Attachment Mr. Kriss Kennedy Regional Administrator, Region IV U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1600 East Lamar Boulevard Arlington, TX 76011-4511 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Mr. Siva Lingam Washington, DC 20555 State Health Officer Mississippi Department of Health P. 0. Box 1700 Jackson, MS 39215-1700 NRC Senior Resident Inspector Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Port Gibson, MS 39150

GNR0-2017/00080 Page 1 of 1 bee:


Chase " M.L. (RB-R&PI)

Farrell A. T. (GG-MAINT)

Gaston R.W. (ECH-DI R-RC&L)

Jury K. (ECH-VP-RA)

Giacini M.A. (GG-GMPO)

Gilmore R. B. (W3-R&PI)

Halter M. (ECH-NS&L)

Hawkins G.G. (GG-R&PI)

OTHER - Licensing Files LRS_DOCS (GNRI or GNRO)



Jarrell J.P. (W3-RA)

Larson E. A. (GG-VP)

Lauterbur D. J. (GG-TRN)

Neve D. A. (GG-RA)

Pyle S.L. (ANO-RA)

Schenk T. A. (RB-RA)

Wertz B. (GG-OPS)

Williams P. J. (GG-ENG)

Brown 8. (GG-R&PI)

Attachment 1 GNR0-2017/00080 Reply to Notice of Violation - Clarification of Information

Attachment to GNR0-2017/00080 Page 1 of 6 Reply to Notice of Violation - Clarification of Information The elements that require clarification:

1. The incident identification date is 2015 per Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) records.


Grand Gulf concurs that the NRC identified the issue in 2015 via Inspection Report 05000416/2015001.-04

2. Procedures listed in the reply need to have their revision numbers provided.


06-IC-1D17-R-1002, Main Steam Line High Radiation Monitor Calibration, Revision 111, dated September 20, 2017 06-IC-1D21-R-1002, ContainmenUDrywell High Range Area Radiation Monitor Calibration, Revision 110, dated August 24, 2017

3. The "decades of response" statement needs to be clarified to specify which decades were electronically calibrated, and to specify which decades were radiologically tested.


Containment and Drywell High Range Radiation Monitors Calibration for the Containment and Drywell Radiation Monitors was performed in accordance with NUREG 0737. Containment and Drywell Radiation Monitor electronic calibration was performed at each decade from 1.00E+OO to 1.00E+07 Rem per hour.

Containment and Drywell Radiation calibrated radiation source response checks were performed at approximately 5 Rem per hour.

Table 1 Radiation Monitors Drywell/Containment Decades Electronic Calibration Check Radiation Source Calibration Check (Rem/hr) l.OOE+OO Yes Yes l.OOE+Ol Yes No l.OOE+02 Yes No l.OOE+03 Yes No l.OOE+04 Yes No l.OOE+OS Yes No l.OOE+06 Yes No l.OOE+07 Yes No

Attachment to GNR0-2017/00080 Page 2 of 6 Main Steam Line Radiation Monitors Following the guidance in P,NSI N323D-2002, the Main Steam Line Radiation Monitors were electronically calibrated at each decade from 1.00E+OO to1.0E+05 mRem per hour.

Following the guidance in ANSI N323D-2002, Main Steam Line calibrated radiation source response checks were performed at approximately 5000 mRem per hour and at approximately 100 mRem per hour.

Table 2 Main Steam Line Radiation Monitors Decades Eleci:ronic Calibration Check Radiation Source Calibration Check (mRem/ hr) 1.00E+OO Yes No 1.00E+Ol Yes No 1.00E+02 Yes Yes 1.00E+03 Yes Yes l.OOE+04 Yes No 1.00E+OS Yes No

4. Clarification statement is needed to confirm which instrument readout is the one for which GGN is taking credit: Computer point, recorder, or meter face?


Containment/Drywell High Range Area Radiation Monitors GGN credits the satisfactory completion of 06-IC-1021-R-1002 to satisfy the Technical Specification (TS) Surveillance Requirement. This includes the recorder and the meter face for the calibrated radiation source check. The recorder, meter face, and computer point is included in the electronic calibration.

Performance of procedure 06-IC-1021-R-1002 is required every 24 months to satisfy CHANNEL CALIBRATION requirements for Post Accident Monitoring instrumentation in accordance with Surveillance Requirement (SR), Table, Functions 12 &


    • 11;;',.*****',,, .* - .

Main Steam Line Radiation Monitors GGN credits the meter face _of 1D17-K610A-D Radiation Monitor, *per 06-IC-1017-R-1002 Section 1.2 Step 26, to satisfy the Technical Requirements (TR) Manual Surveillance Requirement.

Performance of procedure 06-IC-1017-R-1002 is required every 18 months to satisfy CHANNEL CALIBRATION requirements for Isolation Instrumentation in accordance with "non-TS" SR TR3., Table TR3.3.6.1-2, Function 5.a.

Attachment to GNR0-2017/00080 Page 3 of 6

5. The standard referenced in the Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor discussion needs to be revised to reflect a more appropr'iate standard.


The correct standard is ANSI N323D-2002 American National Standard for Installed Radiation Protection Instrumentation.

6. When two points are used to establish response to a range of radiation levels, the linear relationship of the detected points needs to be stated and supported by evidence.


Main Steam Line Radiation ;\/lonitors Linearity applies to the Main Steam Line Monitors only. Two radiation source calibration data points are plotted on the electronic calibration results line.

The CALIBRATE function of the NUMAC Logarithmic Radiation. Monitor checks the internal calibration sources to external standards and allows the user to initiate an internal and automatic calibration sequence. The plant surveillance procedure 06-IC-1D17-R-1002 validates that the radiation monitors are indicating within the acceptable ranges. The radiation calibration section of 06-IC-1D17-R-1002 validates the detector response is within ihe allowable tolerances.

From NU MAC Logarithmic *Radiation Monitor Vendor Manual 460002963:

Input Current (For Sensitivity_ Indicated Rad Level (Units)

Factor= 1.0) 3.33 E-13 Amps 1.00 EO mR/Hr

-12 1.00 E1

-11 1.00 E2

-10 1.00 E3

-9 1.00 E4

-8 1.00 E5 3.33 E-7 1.00 E6

Attachment to GNR0-2017/00080 Page 4 of 6 Graph with measured responses: *.

10000 -,----~-~~.,.,--~~~------~~---~---:z>--

9000 +-----~~~~-"""---'........ . : : : L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - : ~ ; _ _ _ ~ -

8000 +-~---~~--~-~----~--..~~----

7000 +-------~-,--------:.;~--~----

6000 +----~~~-:,--~~~-;;;;;,,e::;...~~~~~~~--

5000 - t - ~ - ~ ~ - ~ - - - - : ; ; ; , , , ~ - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -

4000 + - - ~ - ~ - - ~ - ; ; , ; , " ' - - ~ - - ~ ~ ~ - - - , - ~ - ~ ~ ~ -

3000 +-~~-~-~~~~---~~~~~--~--

2000 + - - - - - - , . . , , , e : . ' - - - ~ ~ ~ - - ~ - - - ~ ~ - ~ - - -

1000 - t - - - : : . t ! ? ' - ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ - - ~ - ~ ~ - - - - ~ ~ ~ -

0 ~----,----,-----,----,-----..,-----,----,

3.33E-14 5.00E-10 1.00E-09 1.SOE-09 2.00E-09 2.SOE-09 3.00E-09 3.SOE-09 Amps mR/hr 3.33E~13 1 3.33E-12 1.00E+01 3.16E-11 9.50E+01 3.33E-11 1.00E+02 3.33E-10 1.00E+03 2.16E-09* 6.48E+03 3.33E-09 1.00E+04

Attachment to GNR0-2017/00080 Page 5 of 6 From ANSI N323D-2002 American National Standard for Installed Radiation Protection Instrumentation:

"4. 2 Calibration: A calibration shall include adjustment and/or determination of new readings for each point selected or confirmation of previously determined responses on the scale or range of interest. Electronic calibration shall be acceptable for some instrument ranges where calibration with a source is impractical provided the electronic calibration is ~ef9ted to actual exposure data at one or more points.

If the instrument uses a digital and analog readout, both re.adouts should be calibrated. If one or the other is not calibrated, it shall be noted on the instrument.

The response test acceptance range should be established as part of the calibration or as a separate step performed as soon as possible after the calibration.

The following conditions shall be established prior to exposing the instrument to a source for adjustment ahd calibration:

The instrument shall be turned on and allowed to stabilize.

Electronic adjustments, such as high voltage or discriminator thresholds, shall be set to the site or manufacturer's specifications, as applicable.

4.2.1 Dose and dose rate Logarithmic readout: Logarithmic readout instruments that have a single readout scale spanning several decades normally have two or more adjustments. The instrument shall be adjusted according to the user's or manufacturer's specifications.

After adjustment, response shall be checked at a minimum of one point on each decade and instrument readings shall have a maximum deviation from the conventionally true value of no more than +/- 10% of the full decade value."

ContainmenUDrywell High Range Area Radiation Monitors The ContainmenUDrywell High Range Area Radiation Monitors are calibrated in accordance with NUREG 0737.

From NUREG 0737 11.F.1 Atjditional Accident-Monitoring Instrumentation:

"In containment radiation-level monitors with a maximum range of 10EB rad/hr shall be installed. Monitors are required in both the drywell and in containment. Electronic calibration is acceptable for higher dose rate ranges because such methods are sufficient to provide acceptable accuracy.

Containment High-Range Radiation Monitors are required to have the capability to detect and measure the radiation level within the reactor containment during and following an accident.

Range: 1 rad/hr to 1OEB rad/hr (beta and gamma).

Response: 0. 1 Me V to 3. Me V photons, with linear energy response +/- 20%

Calibration: In situ calibration by electronic signal substitution is acceptable for all range decades above 10 Rlhr. In situ calibration for at least one decade below 10 Rlhr shall be by means of calibrated radiation source.

Attachment to GNR0-2017/00080 Page 6 of 6 Clarification (2) states as follows.'

The specification of 10E8 rad/hr in the above position was based on a calculation of postaccident containment radiation levels that included both particulate (beta) and photon (gamma) radiation. A radiation detector that responds to both beta and gamma radiation cannot be qualified to post-LOCA (loss-of-coolant-accident) containment environments but gamma-sensitive instruments can be so qualified. In order to follow the course of an accider,t, a containment monitor that measures on gamma radiation is adequate. The requirementwas revised in the. October 30, 1979 letter to provide for a photon-only measurement with an upper range of 1OE7 Rlhr."

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