Deterioration of High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filters in a Pressurized Water Reactor Containment Fan Cooler UnitML031040519 |
Person / Time |
Site: |
Beaver Valley, Millstone, Hatch, Monticello, Calvert Cliffs, Dresden, Davis Besse, Peach Bottom, Browns Ferry, Salem, Oconee, Mcguire, Nine Mile Point, Palisades, Palo Verde, Perry, Indian Point, Fermi, Kewaunee, Catawba, Harris, Wolf Creek, Saint Lucie, Point Beach, Oyster Creek, Watts Bar, Hope Creek, Grand Gulf, Cooper, Sequoyah, Byron, Pilgrim, Arkansas Nuclear, Three Mile Island, Braidwood, Susquehanna, Summer, Prairie Island, Columbia, Seabrook, Brunswick, Surry, Limerick, North Anna, Turkey Point, River Bend, Vermont Yankee, Crystal River, Haddam Neck, Ginna, Diablo Canyon, Callaway, Vogtle, Waterford, Duane Arnold, Farley, Robinson, Clinton, South Texas, San Onofre, Cook, Comanche Peak, Yankee Rowe, Maine Yankee, Quad Cities, Humboldt Bay, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, Rancho Seco, Zion, Midland, Bellefonte, Fort Calhoun, FitzPatrick, McGuire, LaSalle, Fort Saint Vrain, Shoreham, Satsop, Trojan, Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant |
Issue date: |
01/20/1999 |
From: |
Matthews D, Teneyck E NRC/NMSS/FCSS, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: |
References |
IN-99-001, NUDOCS 9901220109 |
Download: ML031040519 (6) |
Similar Documents at Beaver Valley, Millstone, Hatch, Monticello, Calvert Cliffs, Dresden, Davis Besse, Peach Bottom, Browns Ferry, Salem, Oconee, Mcguire, Nine Mile Point, Palisades, Palo Verde, Perry, Indian Point, Fermi, Kewaunee, Catawba, Harris, Wolf Creek, Saint Lucie, Point Beach, Oyster Creek, Watts Bar, Hope Creek, Grand Gulf, Cooper, Sequoyah, Byron, Pilgrim, Arkansas Nuclear, Three Mile Island, Braidwood, Susquehanna, Summer, Prairie Island, Columbia, Seabrook, Brunswick, Surry, Limerick, North Anna, Turkey Point, River Bend, Vermont Yankee, Crystal River, Haddam Neck, Ginna, Diablo Canyon, Callaway, Vogtle, Waterford, Duane Arnold, Farley, Robinson, Clinton, South Texas, San Onofre, Cook, Comanche Peak, Yankee Rowe, Maine Yankee, Quad Cities, Humboldt Bay, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, Rancho Seco, Zion, Midland, Bellefonte, Fort Calhoun, FitzPatrick, McGuire, LaSalle, Fort Saint Vrain, Shoreham, Satsop, Trojan, Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant |
Category:NRC Information Notice
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Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice 2010-12: Contain2012-08-17017 August 2012 Intervenors' Fifth Motion to Amend and/or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice 2010-12: Containment Liner Cor Information Notice 2010-12, Intervenors' Fifth Motion to Amend and/or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice 2010-12: Con2012-08-17017 August 2012 Intervenors' Fifth Motion to Amend and/or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice 2010-12: Containment Liner Cor Information Notice 2010-12, Intervenors' Fifth Motion to Amend And/Or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notic2012-08-17017 August 2012 Intervenors' Fifth Motion to Amend And/Or Supplement Proposed Contention No. 5 (Shield Building Cracking). Appendix VI: NRC FOIA Responses (B-51 Through B-53); Turkey Point Event Report; NRC Information Notice 2010-12: Containment Liner Cor Information Notice 2012-13, Boraflex Degradation Surveillance Programs and Corrective Actions in the Spent Fuel Pool2012-08-10010 August 2012 Boraflex Degradation Surveillance Programs and Corrective Actions in the Spent Fuel Pool Information Notice 2012-13, Boraflex Degradation Surveillance Programs And Corrective Actions In The Spent Fuel Pool2012-08-10010 August 2012 Boraflex Degradation Surveillance Programs And Corrective Actions In The Spent Fuel Pool Information Notice 2012-11, Age Related Capacitor Degradation2012-07-23023 July 2012 Age Related Capacitor Degradation ML12031A0132012-02-0606 February 2012 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Investigation Report No. 2-2010-058, Cpn International, Inc Information Notice 2011-19, Licensee Event Reports Containing Information Pertaining to Defects to Basic Components2011-09-26026 September 2011 Licensee Event Reports Containing Information Pertaining to Defects to Basic Components Information Notice 2011-15, Steel Containment Degradation and Associated License Renewal Aging Management Issues2011-08-0101 August 2011 Steel Containment Degradation and Associated License Renewal Aging Management Issues Information Notice 2011-17, Calculation Methodologies for Operability Determinations of Gas Voids in Nuclear Power Plant Piping2011-07-26026 July 2011 Calculation Methodologies for Operability Determinations of Gas Voids in Nuclear Power Plant Piping Information Notice 2011-13, Official Exhibit - NYS000329-00-BD01 - NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (NRC in 2011-13)2011-06-29029 June 2011 Official Exhibit - NYS000329-00-BD01 - NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (NRC in 2011-13) Information Notice 2011-13, Official Exhibit - Nys000329-00-Bd01 - NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (Nrc in 2011-13)2011-06-29029 June 2011 Official Exhibit - Nys000329-00-Bd01 - NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (Nrc in 2011-13) Information Notice 2011-13, OFFICIAL EXHIBIT - NYS000329-00-BD01 - NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (NRC in 2011-13)2011-06-29029 June 2011 OFFICIAL EXHIBIT - NYS000329-00-BD01 - NRC Information Notice 2011-13, Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime (Jun 29, 2011) (NRC in 2011-13) Information Notice 2011-04, IN: Contaminants and Stagnant Conditions Affecting Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Piping in Pressurized Water Reactors2011-02-23023 February 2011 IN: Contaminants and Stagnant Conditions Affecting Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Piping in Pressurized Water Reactors Information Notice 2011-04, In: Contaminants and Stagnant Conditions Affecting Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Piping in Pressurized Water Reactors2011-02-23023 February 2011 In: Contaminants and Stagnant Conditions Affecting Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Piping in Pressurized Water Reactors Information Notice 2011-04, in: Contaminants and Stagnant Conditions Affecting Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Piping in Pressurized Water Reactors2011-02-23023 February 2011 in: Contaminants and Stagnant Conditions Affecting Stress Corrosion Cracking in Stainless Steel Piping in Pressurized Water Reactors Information Notice 2010-26, New England Coalition'S Motion for Leave to Reply to NRC Staff'S Objection to Nec'S Notification of Information Notice 2010-26 and Entergy'S Response to the Supplement to Nec'S Petition for Commission Review of LBP-10-2010-12-30030 December 2010 New England Coalition'S Motion for Leave to Reply to NRC Staff'S Objection to Nec'S Notification of Information Notice 2010-26 and Entergy'S Response to the Supplement to Nec'S Petition for Commission Review of LBP-10-19 Information Notice 2010-26, New England Coalition'S Motion for Leave to Reply to NRC Staff'S Objection to Nec'S Notification of Information Notice 2010-26 and Entergy'S Response to the Supplement to Nec'S Petition for Commission Review2010-12-30030 December 2010 New England Coalition'S Motion for Leave to Reply to NRC Staff'S Objection to Nec'S Notification of Information Notice 2010-26 and Entergy'S Response to the Supplement to Nec'S Petition for Commission Review of LBP-10-19 Information Notice 2010-26, 2010/12/21-NRC Staff'S Objection to Nec'S Notification of Information Notice 2010-262010-12-21021 December 2010 2010/12/21-NRC Staff'S Objection to Nec'S Notification of Information Notice 2010-26 ML13066A1872009-12-16016 December 2009 Draft NRC Information Notice 2009-xx - Underestimate of Dam Failure Frequency Used in Probabilistic Risk Assessments ML1007804482009-11-23023 November 2009 Email from Peter Bamford, NRR to Pamela Cowan, Exelon on TMI Contamination Control Event Information Notice 2009-11, NSP000059-Revised Prefiled Testimony of Northard/Petersen/Peterson-NRC Information Notice 2009-112009-07-0707 July 2009 NSP000059-Revised Prefiled Testimony of Northard/Petersen/Peterson-NRC Information Notice 2009-11 Information Notice 2009-10, Official Exhibit - NYS000019-00-BD01- NRC Information Notice 2009-10, Transformers Failures - Recent Operating Experience (Jul. 7, 2009) (NRC in 2009-10)2009-07-0707 July 2009 Official Exhibit - NYS000019-00-BD01- NRC Information Notice 2009-10, Transformers Failures - Recent Operating Experience (Jul. 7, 2009) (NRC in 2009-10) Information Notice 2009-09, Improper Flow Controller Settings Renders Injection Systems Inoperable and Surveillance Did Not Identify2009-06-19019 June 2009 Improper Flow Controller Settings Renders Injection Systems Inoperable and Surveillance Did Not Identify Information Notice 2008-12, Reactor Trip Due to Off-Site Power Fluctuation2008-07-0707 July 2008 Reactor Trip Due to Off-Site Power Fluctuation Information Notice 2008-11, Service Water System Degradation at Brunswicksteam Electric Plant Unit 12008-06-18018 June 2008 Service Water System Degradation at Brunswicksteam Electric Plant Unit 1 Information Notice 2008-04, Counterfeit Parts Supplied to Nuclear Power Plants2008-04-0707 April 2008 Counterfeit Parts Supplied to Nuclear Power Plants Information Notice 1991-09, Counterfeiting of Crane Valves2007-09-25025 September 2007 Counterfeiting of Crane Valves Information Notice 2007-28, Potential Common Cause Vulnerabilities in Essential Service Water Systems Due to Inadequate Chemistry Controls2007-09-19019 September 2007 Potential Common Cause Vulnerabilities in Essential Service Water Systems Due to Inadequate Chemistry Controls Information Notice 2007-29, Temporary Scaffolding Affects Operability of Safety-Related Equipment2007-09-17017 September 2007 Temporary Scaffolding Affects Operability of Safety-Related Equipment Information Notice 2007-14, Loss of Offsite Power and Dual-Unit Trip at Catawba Nuclear Generating Station2007-03-30030 March 2007 Loss of Offsite Power and Dual-Unit Trip at Catawba Nuclear Generating Station Information Notice 2007-06, Potential Common Cause Vulnerabilities in Essential Service Water Systems2007-02-0909 February 2007 Potential Common Cause Vulnerabilities in Essential Service Water Systems Information Notice 2007-05, Vertical Deep Draft Pump Shaft and Coupling Failures2007-02-0909 February 2007 Vertical Deep Draft Pump Shaft and Coupling Failures Information Notice 2006-31, Inadequate Fault Interrupting Rating of Breakers2006-12-26026 December 2006 Inadequate Fault Interrupting Rating of Breakers Information Notice 2006-29, Potential Common Cause Failure of Motor-operated Valves as a Result of Stem Nut Wear2006-12-14014 December 2006 Potential Common Cause Failure of Motor-operated Valves as a Result of Stem Nut Wear Information Notice 2006-29, Potential Common Cause Failure of Motor-operated Valves As a Result of Stem Nut Wear2006-12-14014 December 2006 Potential Common Cause Failure of Motor-operated Valves As a Result of Stem Nut Wear Information Notice 2006-13, E-mail from M. Mclaughlin on NRC, Regarding NRC Information Notice 2006-13: Groundwater Contamination2006-07-13013 July 2006 E-mail from M. Mclaughlin on NRC, Regarding NRC Information Notice 2006-13: Groundwater Contamination 2020-09-03 The following query condition could not be considered due to this wiki's restrictions on query size or depth: <code> [[:Beaver Valley]] OR [[:Millstone]] OR [[:Hatch]] OR [[:Monticello]] OR [[:Calvert Cliffs]] OR [[:Dresden]] OR [[:Davis Besse]] OR [[:Peach Bottom]] OR [[:Browns Ferry]] OR [[:Salem]] OR [[:Oconee]] OR [[:Mcguire]] OR [[:Nine Mile Point]] OR [[:Palisades]] OR [[:Palo Verde]] OR [[:Perry]] OR [[:Indian Point]] OR [[:Fermi]] OR [[:Kewaunee]] OR [[:Catawba]] OR [[:Harris]] OR [[:Wolf Creek]] OR [[:Saint Lucie]] OR [[:Point Beach]] OR [[:Oyster Creek]] OR [[:Watts Bar]] OR [[:Hope Creek]] OR [[:Grand Gulf]] OR [[:Cooper]] OR [[:Sequoyah]] OR [[:Byron]] OR [[:Pilgrim]] OR [[:Arkansas Nuclear]] OR [[:Three Mile Island]] OR [[:Braidwood]] OR [[:Susquehanna]] OR [[:Summer]] OR [[:Prairie Island]] OR [[:Columbia]] OR [[:Seabrook]] OR [[:Brunswick]] OR [[:Surry]] OR [[:Limerick]] OR [[:North Anna]] OR [[:Turkey Point]] OR [[:River Bend]] OR [[:Vermont Yankee]] OR [[:Crystal River]] OR [[:Haddam Neck]] OR [[:Ginna]] OR [[:Diablo Canyon]] OR [[:Callaway]] OR [[:Vogtle]] OR [[:Waterford]] OR [[:Duane Arnold]] OR [[:Farley]] OR [[:Robinson]] OR [[:Clinton]] OR [[:South Texas]] OR [[:San Onofre]] OR [[:Cook]] OR [[:Comanche Peak]] OR [[:Yankee Rowe]] OR [[:Maine Yankee]] OR [[:Quad Cities]] OR [[:Humboldt Bay]] OR [[:La Crosse]] OR [[:Big Rock Point]] OR [[:Rancho Seco]] OR [[:Zion]] OR [[:Midland]] OR [[:Bellefonte]] OR [[:Fort Calhoun]] OR [[:FitzPatrick]] OR [[:McGuire]] OR [[:LaSalle]] OR [[:Fort Saint Vrain]] OR [[:Shoreham]] OR [[:Satsop]] OR [[:Trojan]] OR [[:Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant]] </code>.
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All holders of licenses for nuclear power, research and test reactors; and fuel cycle facilities.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information notice to alert
addressees to previously unknown service life and service condition limitations of high
efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters that are used in ventilation systems by licensees of
power, research and test reactors; and certain fuel cycle facilites. It is expected that recipients
will review the information for applicability to their facilities and consider actions, as appropriate.
However, suggestions contained in this information notice are not NRC requirements; therefore, no specific action or written response to this notice is required.
Descriotion of Circumstances
On September 13, 1998, the operators at Consolidated Edison's (Con Edison's) Indian Point 2 (IP-2) Nuclear Power Plant received a low-flow alarm on one of the five containment fan cooler
units (FCUs). Con Edison personnel inspected the FCU's internal components and found that
one of the HEPA filters in the bottom row had failed and clogged the fan intake screen. The
FCU contains a bank of 64 HEPA filters, each 2 feet by 2 feet in size. Five other filters near
the failed filter were badly damaged. To confirm the extent of the problem, Con Edison
subsequently inspected the other 4 FCUs. One FCU had HEPA filters in which the urethane
seal had pulled away from the filter frame and the filter medium had assumed an hour- glass
shape. Con Edson concluded that the problem had a potential common-mode failure
mechanism that could significantly degrade both the cooling of the FCU and the filtering by the
HEPA filters.
The HEPA filters in the two affected FCUs were Series Model 8 manufactured by Flanders
Filter Corporation; they are no longer made. The Series 8 filter consists of a square stainless
steel frame and a convoluted filter medium made of glass fibers held together by an acrylic
latex binder and coated with a silicone waterproofing agent. The filter medium is secured to all
990122 An c
IN 99-01 January 20, 1999 four sides of the filter frame by a urethane coating and, unlike many other HEPA filter designs, does not have internal stiffeners or corrugated separators to support the glass fibers. These
HEPA filters were installed in 1991 and, due to being located in the normal air flow, have been
in almost continuous use since then; many other FCU designs have the filters in service only
during testing or an accident.
Con Edison identified many causes contributing to the unexpected failure and degradation of
the HEPA filters, such as (1) excess water (from condensation as well as carryover from the
upstream de-misters, which had plugged or partially plugged drain lines) which Increased filter
loading and distortion, (2) inadequate surveillance for detecting filter degradation or determining
when HEPA filters should be replaced, and (3) no established service life. A technical report
prepared for Con Edison following testing of samples of new and used HEPA filter media
provided quantitative support for this root cause determination. While inherent weaknesses in
the FCU design (such as having the HEPA filters in the normal flow stream) and poor
preventive maintenance practices (such as not monitoring the condition of the upstream FCU
de-mister drains) were noted, previously unknown limitations regarding HEPA filter service life
and the effect of service conditions were revealed.
HEPA filters used in the FCUs at IP-2 are required by Technical Specifications to be
surveillance tested every refueling outage. Such testing involves (1) visual inspection in
accordance with ANSI Standard N510-1975 for indications of filter damage (e.g., filter medium
tears, cracks, or bums, and damage to seating gaskets) and excessive dirt loading, (2) a check
for filter bypass by a dioctylphthalate (DOP) aerosol efficiency test, and (3) measurement of air
flow and differential pressure across the filter bank. This testing does not check for evidence of
current or prior media wetting. The initial qualification testing of the HEPA filters, as specified in
Military Specification F-51068, did subject the filter to a continuous water spray during the
resistance-to-pressure test performed at higher than accident condition flows. However, the
filters were not subsequently subjected to any type of testing to demonstrate that they remain
capable of performing their intended function. Consequently, loss of structural strength and
deterioration can go undetected and can result in failure during design-basis conditions when
the filters will be subjected to a much higher temperature, much higher differential pressure and
much more entrained moisture than during normal service conditions.
Filter media testing found a significant loss of silicone waterproofing agent from filter media
samples that had seen a long service life - up to 7 years. This reduction allowed the filter
medium to absorb water readily; little or no observable water absorption was observed on new
filter media. As the water is absorbed, the medium expands and closes the medium filter
pores. However, since the differential pressure is typically measured across an entire bank of
filters, local water loading in one or more filters does not enable the overall differential pressure
to rise sufficiently to disclose a problem with the HEPA filters. Moreover, a damaged or failed
filter could reduce the differential pressure across the filter bank. Water absorption also
increases the weight of the filter medium and can weaken it. The service life of a filter is highly
dependent upon HEPA service conditions, which includes high moisture content, entrained
solids In the air, and elevated temperatures.
The Department of Energy (DOE) recently sponsored research into HEPA filter deterioration
when several HEPA filters in a ventilation system at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology
Site failed. Those filters had been in service for more than 15 years and had been repeatedly
subjected to wetting by an upstream fire protection deluge system test. The testing conducted
involved filter media from a variety of HEPA filter manufacturers, although most manufacturers
~1- IN 99-01 January 20, 1999 use similar filter media. This research also showed significant losses in the tensile strength of
HEPA filter following the wetting of used filters; it also showed that the tensile strength was not
recovered fully restored after drying. Further water exposures resulted in additional losses in
filter media tensile strength. The results of this research were publicized at the 25th DOEINRC
Nuclear Air Cleaning and Treatment Conference. The DOE research data cannot be used to
quantify the useful life of a HEPA filter, but the data do demonstrate that there is a finite HEPA
filter life and that wetting of the filter medium reduces its strength.
In response to the research findings, Con Edison replaced the filters in the two affected FCUs
with new Flanders Series F & W filters that incorporate internal stiffeners to help support the
filter medium. Con Edison has limited the service cycle of the FCU HEPA filters to 6 years and
implemented inspections to confirm the following: (1) the integrity of the urethane seal between
the filter medium and filter housing, (2) proper drainage from the FCU, and (3) the extent of
water condensation and/or direct wetting of the filters.
This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any
questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts
listed below, the appropriate regional office, or the appropriate office of Nuclear Reactor
Regulation (NRR) Project Manager.
Dire r David B. Matthews, Director
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety Division of Reactor Program Management
and Safeguards Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Material Safety
and Safeguards
Technical Contacts: Richard S. Barkley, Region I John J. Hayes, NRR
610-337-5065 301-415-3167 E-Mail: E-Mail:
John P. Segala, NRR Jerry Carter, NRR
301-415-1858 301-415-1153 E-Mail: E-Mail:
Bill Troskoski, NMSS
301-415-8076 E-mail:
Attachments: List of Recently Issued NMSS Information Notices
List of Recently Issued NRC I foation Notices
- Vdss jaflon:a-
&\1 Attachment
IN 98-45 December 15, 1998 LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED
Information Date of
Notice No. Subject- Issuance Issued to
98-45 Cavitation Erosion of Letdown Line 12/15/98 All holders of operating licenses
Orifices Result in Fatigue Cracking for nuclear power reactors, except
of Pipe Welds those that have permanently
ceased operations and have
certified that fuel has been
permanently removed from the
98-44 Ten-year Inservice Inspection 12110/98 All holder of operating licenses
(ISI) Program Update for Licensees for nuclear power reactors, except
that Intend to Implement Risk-Informed those that have permanently
ISI of Piping ceased operations and have
certified that fuel has been
permanently removed from the
98-43 Leaks in the Emergency Diesel 12/04/98 All holder of operating licenses
Generator Lubricating Oil and for nuclear power reactors, except
Jacket Cooling Water Piping those licensees that have
permanently ceased operations
and have certified that fuel has
been permanently removed from
the reactor vessel
98-42 Implementation of 10 CFR 50.55a 12/01/98 All holders of operating licenses
(g) Inservice Inspection Requirements for nuclear power reactors
98-41 Spurious Shutdown of Emergency 11/20/98 All holders of operating licenses
Diesel Generators from Design for nuclear power reactors, except
Oversight for those who have ceased
operations and have certified that
fuel has been permanently
removed from the reactor vessel
OL = Operating License
CP = Construction Permit
_ 99-01 January 20, 1999 use similar filter media. This research also showed significant losses in the tensile strength of
HEPA filter following the wetting of used filters; it also showed that the tensile strength was not
recovered fully restored after drying. Further water exposures resulted in additional losses in
filter media tensile strength. The results of this research were publicized at the 25th DOE/NRC
Nuclear Air Cleaning and Treatment Conference. The DOE research data cannot be used to
quantify the useful life of a HEPA filter, but the data do demonstrate that there is a finite HEPA
filter life and that wetting of the filter medium reduces its strength.
In response to the research findings, Con Edison replaced the filters in the two affected FCUs
with new Flanders Series F & W filters that incorporate internal stiffeners to help support the
filter medium. Con Edison has limited the service cycle of the FCU HEPA filters to 6 years and
implemented inspections to confirm the following: (1) the integrity of the urethane seal between
the filter medium and filter housing, (2) proper drainage from the FCU, and (3) the extent of
water condensation and/or direct wetting of the filters.
This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any
questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts
listed below, the appropriate regional office, or the appropriate office of Nuclear Reactor
Regulation (NRR) Project Manager.
orig IsI'd by orig Is! 'd by
Elizabeth 0. Ten Eyck, Director David B. Matthews, Director
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety Division of Reactor Program Management
and Safeguards Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Material Safety
and Safeguards
Technical Contacts: Richard S. Barkley, Region I John J. Hayes, NRR
610-337-5065 301-415-3167 E-Mail: E-Mail:
John P. Segala, NRR Jerry Carter, NRR
301-415-1858 301-415-1153 E-Mail: E-Mail:
Bill Troskoski, NMSS
301-415-8076 E-mail:
Attachments: List of Recently Issued NMSS Information Notices
List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
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J Carter*
1 12/23/98 Rl1
l 12/24/98 I PERB
JCMil er*
_ETen Eyck*
112/28/98 101/11/99 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
I 12/24/98 I lPEC
1112/99 Il
IN 98-xx
December xx, 1998 use similar filter media. This research also showed significant losses in the tensile strength of
HEPA filter following the wetting of used filters; it also showed that the tensile strength was not
recovered fully after drying. Further water exposures resulted in additional losses in filter media
tensile strength. The results of this research were publicized at the 25th DOE/NRC NuclearAir
Cleaning and Treatment Conference. The DOE research data cannot be used to quantify the
useful life of a HEPA filter, but the data do demonstrate that there is a finite HEPA filter life and
that wetting of the filter medium reduces its strength.
In response to the research findings, Con Edison replaced the filters in the two affected FCUs
with new Flanders Series F & W filters that incorporate internal stiffeners to help support the
filter medium. Con Edison has limited the service cycle of the FCU HEPA filters to 6 years and
implemented inspections to confirm the following: (1) the integrity of the urethane seal between
the filter medium and filter housing, (2) proper drainage from the FCU, and (3) the extent of
water condensation and/or direct wetting of the filters.
Con Edison has also applied for a Technical Specification amendment that would delete the
requirement for HEPA filters and the downstream charcoal beds from the containment FCUs.
This amendment is based on analyses that show the equipment can be removed without
significantly affecting the radiological consequences of a design-basis loss-of-coolant accident
at IP-2.
This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If you have any
questions about the information in this notice, please contact one of the technical contacts
listed below or the appropriate office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) Project Manager.
Elizabeth Q. Ten Eyck, Director Jack W Roe, Acting Director
Division of Fuel Cycle Safety Division of Reactor Program Management
and Safeguards Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Material Safety
and Safeguards
Technical Contacts: Richard S. Barkley, Region I John J. Hayes, NRR
610-337-5065 301-415-3167 E-Mail: E-Mail:
John P. Segala, NRR Jerry Carter, NRR
301-415-1858 301-415-1153 E-Mail: E-Mail:
ta~h~merS List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
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NAME JlFfer I Wlarke1 I CMillerNtkkETEN EfCK IF ia9' I l6t7- L e
D -- k--98- ilts I I 1..9. /
list | - Information Notice 1999-01, Deterioration of High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filters in a Pressurized Water Reactor Containment Fan Cooler Unit (20 January 1999)
- Information Notice 1999-02, Guidance to Users on the Implementation of a New Single-Source Dose-Calculation Formalism and Revised Air-Kerma Strength Standard for Iodine-125 Sealed Sources (21 January 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-03, Exothermic Reactors Involving Dried Uranium Oxide Powder (Yellowcake) (29 January 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-04, Unplanned Radiation Exposures to Radiographers, Resulting from Failures to Follow Proper Radiation Safety Procedures (1 March 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-05, Inadvertent Discharge of Carbon Dioxide Fire Protection System and Gas Migration (8 March 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy, Fatality)
- Information Notice 1999-06, 1998 Enforcement Sanctions as a Result of Deliberate Violations of NRC Employee Protection Requirements (19 March 1999, Topic: Enforcement Discretion, Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-06, 1998 Enforcement Sanctions As a Result of Deliberate Violations of NRC Employee Protection Requirements (19 March 1999, Topic: Enforcement Discretion)
- Information Notice 1999-07, Failed Fire Protection Deluge Valves & Potential Testing Deficiencies in Preaction Sprinkler Systems (22 March 1999, Topic: Safe Shutdown)
- Information Notice 1999-08, Urine Specimen Adulteration (26 March 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-09, Problems Encountered When Manually Editing Treatment Data on the Nucletron Microselectron-HDR (New) Model 105-999 (24 March 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-10, Degradation of Prestressing Tendon Systems in Prestresssed Concrete Containments (13 April 1999, Topic: License Renewal)
- Information Notice 1999-11, Incidents Involving the Use of Radioactive Iodine-131 (16 April 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-12, Year 2000 Computer Systems Readiness Audits (28 April 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-13, Insights from NRC Inspections of Low-and Medium-Voltage Circuit Breaker Maintenance Programs (29 April 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-14, Unanticipated Reactor Water Draindown at Quad Cities Unit 2, Arkansas Nuclear One Unit 2, & FitzPatrick (5 May 1999, Topic: Reactor Vessel Water Level, Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-15, Misapplication for 10CFR Part 71 Transportation Shipping Cask Licensing Basis to 10CFR Part 50 Design Basis (27 May 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-16, Federal Bureau of Investigation'S Nuclear Site Security Program (28 May 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-17, Problems Associated with Post-Fire Safe-Shutdown Circuit Analyses (3 June 1999, Topic: Hot Short, Safe Shutdown, Temporary Modification, Emergency Lighting, Fire Protection Program)
- Information Notice 1999-18, Update on Nrc'S Year 2000 Activities for Material Licensees and Fuel Cycle Licensees and Certificate Holders (14 June 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-19, Rupture of the Shell Side of a Feedwater Heater at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant (23 June 1999, Topic: Feedwater Heater)
- Information Notice 1999-20, Contingency Planning for the Year 2000 Computer Problem (25 June 1999, Topic: Feedwater Heater, Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-21, Recent Plant Events Caused by Human Performance Errors (25 June 1999, Topic: Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Feedwater Heater)
- Information Notice 1999-22, 10CFR 34.43(a)(1); Effective Date for Radiographer Certification and Plans for Enforcement Discretion (25 June 1999, Topic: Enforcement Discretion, Feedwater Heater, Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-23, Safety Concerns Related to Repeated Control Unit Failures of the Nucletron Classic Model High-Dose-Rate Remote Afterloading Brachytherapy Devices (6 July 1999, Topic: Enforcement Discretion, Feedwater Heater, Brachytherapy, Overexposure)
- Information Notice 1999-24, Broad-Scope Licensees' Responsibilities for Reviewing and Approving Unregistered Sealed Sources and Devices (12 July 1999, Topic: Enforcement Discretion, Feedwater Heater, Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-25, Year 2000 Contingency Planning Activities (10 August 1999, Topic: Enforcement Discretion, Feedwater Heater, Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-26, Safety and Economic Consequences of Misleading Marketing Information (24 August 1999, Topic: Enforcement Discretion, Feedwater Heater, Brachytherapy, Exit Sign)
- Information Notice 1999-27, Malfunction of Source Retraction Mechanism in Cobalt-60 Teletherapy Treatment Units (2 September 1999, Topic: Enforcement Discretion, Feedwater Heater, Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-28, Recall of Star Brand Fire Protection Sprinkler Heads (30 September 1999, Topic: Enforcement Discretion, Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-30, Failure of Double Contingency Based on Administrative Controls Involving Laboratory Sampling and Spectroscopic Analysis of Wet Uranium Waste (8 November 1999, Topic: Enforcement Discretion, Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-30, Failure of Double Contingency Based On Administrative Controls Involving Laboratory Sampling and Spectroscopic Analysis of Wet Uranium Waste (8 November 1999, Topic: Enforcement Discretion, Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-31, Operational Controls to Guard Against Inadventent Nuclear Criticality (17 November 1999, Topic: Enforcement Discretion, Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-31, Operational Controls To Guard Against Inadventent Nuclear Criticality (17 November 1999, Topic: Enforcement Discretion, Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-32, Effect of Year 2000 Issue on Medical Licenseess (17 December 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy, Overdose, Underdose)
- Information Notice 1999-32, Effect of Year 2000 Issue on Medical Licensees (17 December 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy, Overdose, Underdose)
- Information Notice 1999-33, Management Of Wastess Contaminated with Radioactive Materialss (21 December 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-33, Management of Wastes Contaminated with Radioactive Materials (21 December 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-33, Management Of Wastes Contaminated with Radioactive Materials (21 December 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-33, Management Of Wastes Contaminated With Radioactive Materials (21 December 1999, Topic: Brachytherapy)
- Information Notice 1999-34, Potential Fire Hazard in the Use of Polyalphaolefin in Testing of Air Filter (28 December 1999)
- Information Notice 1999-34, PotentialPotentialPotential FireFireFire HazardHazardHazard ininIn thetheThe UseUseUse ofofOf PolyalphaolefinPolyalphaolefinPolyalphaolefin ininIn TestingTestingTesting ofofOf AirAirAir FilterFilterFilter (28 December 1999)