ML101121011 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Callaway |
Issue date: | 04/22/2010 |
From: | Thomas Farnholtz Region 4 Engineering Branch 1 |
To: | Heflin A AmerenUE |
References | |
IR-10-003 | |
Download: ML101121011 (7) | |
See also: IR 05000483/2010003
April 22, 2010
Mr. Adam C. Heflin, Senior Vice
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
P.O. Box 620
Fulton, MO 65251
Dear Mr. Heflin:
On June 7-18, 2010, Reactor Inspectors from NRC's Region IV office will perform the baseline
inspection of heat sink performance and changes, tests, experiments, and permanent plant
modifications at Callaway Nuclear Power Plant, using NRC Inspection Procedure 71111.07,
"Heat Sink Performance", and NRC Inspection Procedure 71111.17, "Evaluations of Changes,
Tests, Experiments, and Permanent Plant Modifications."
Experience has shown that this inspection is resource intensive both for the NRC inspectors
and your staff. In order to minimize the impact to your onsite resources and to ensure a
productive inspection, we have enclosed a request for documents needed for this inspection.
Upon review of these documents, the inspectors will select additional documentation for review
upon arrival. It is important that all of these documents are up to date and complete in order to
minimize the number of additional documents requested during the preparation and/or the
onsite portions of the inspection.
We have discussed the schedule for these inspection activities with your staff and understand
that our regulatory contact for this inspection will be Steve Petzel of your regulatory affairs
organization. if there are any questions about this inspection or the material requested, please
contact the lead inspector James Adams at (817) 860-8294 or by email
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its
enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document
Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system
(ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at .!:lllirJJJt:!:!:£.~LCQ.J~~ilillD9.::
~~~~---=...;. (the Public Electronic Reading Room).
Sincerely, L
. C
Thomas Farnholtz, Chief
Engineering Branch 1
Division of Reactor Safety
Docket: 50-483
License: NPF-30
Evaluations of Changes, Tests, or Experiments and Permanent Plant Modifications and Heat
Exchanger Performance Document Request
cc w/enclosure:
Mr. Luke H. Graessle
Director, Operations Support
P.O. Box 620
Fulton, MO 65251
E. Hope Bradley
Manager, Protective Services
P.O. Box 620
Fulton, MO 65251
Mr. Scott Sandbothe, Manager
Plant Support
P.O. Box 620
Fulton, MO 65251
R. E. Farnam
Assistant Manager, Technical
P.O. Box 620
Fulton, MO 65251
J. S. Geyer
Radiation Protection Manager
P.O. Box 620
Fulton, MO 65251
AmerenUE -3-
John O'Neill, Esq.
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
2300 N. Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20037
Missouri Public Service Commission
P.O. Box 360
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0360
Dru Buntin
Director of Government Affairs
Department of Natural Resources
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176
Mr. Rick A Muench, President and
Chief Executive officer
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation
P.O. Box411
Burlington, KS 66839
Kathleen Logan Smith, Executive Director and
Kay Drey, Representative, Board of Directors
Missouri Coalition for the Environment
6267 Delmar Boulevard, Suite 2E
St. Louis, MO 63130
Presiding Commissioner
Callaway County Court House
10 East Fifth Street
Fulton, MO 65251
Director, Missouri State Emergency
Management Agency
P.O. Box 116
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0116
Chief, Technological Hazards Branch
9221 Ward Parkway, Suite 300
Kansas City, MO 64114-3372
Mr. Scott Clardy, Administrator
Section for Disease Controi
Missouri Department of Health and
Senior Services
P.O. Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570
AmerenUE - 4-
Certrec Corporation
4200 South Hulen, Suite 422
Fort Worth, TX 76109
Mr. Keith G. Henke, Planner II
Division of Community and Public Health
Office of Emergency Coordination
Missouri Department of Health and
Senior Services
930 Wildwood Drive
P.O. Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Evaluations of Changes, Tests, or Experiments and Permanent Plant Modifications
Heat Sink Performance
Inspection Dates: June 7-18,2010
Inspection Procedures: IP 71111.07 "Heat Sink Performance"
IP 71111.17 "Evaluation of Changes, Tests, or Experiments and
Permanent Plant Modifications"
Inspectors: James Adams, Reactor Inspector, Lead Inspector
Theresa Buchanan, Reactor Inspector
Abin Fairbanks, Reactor Inspector
Dustin Reinert, Reactor Inspector
Information Requested for the In-Office Preparation Week
The following information should be sent to the Region IV office in hard copy or electronic
format (Certrec database preferred), in care of James Adams, by May 31, 2010, to facilitate the
selection of specific items that will be reviewed during the onsite inspection week. The
inspectors will select specific items from the information requested below and then request from
your staff additional documents needed during the onsite inspection weeks. We ask that the
specific items requested be available and ready for review on the first day of inspection. Also,
we request that you categorize the documents in your response with the numbered list below.
Please provide requested documentation electronically if possible. If requested documents are
large and only hard copy formats are available, please inform the inspector(s), and provide
subject documentation during the first day of the onsite inspection. If you have any questions
regarding this information request, please call the lead inspector as soon as possible.
Prior to May 31, 2010, the inspectors will contact your regulatory affairs organization with the
sample of two to four heat exchangers and/or heat sinks that will be selected for the inspection.
Once the inspectors select the inspection sample, they will be requesting the following
information for the selected sample:
1. Callaway Nuclear Power Plant responses and commitments to NRC Generic Letter 89-
2. Heat exchanger test program/procedures, including the specific heat exchanger testing
and cleaning procedures for each selected heat exchanger.
3. FSAR sections for selected heat exchangers.
4. Biofouling/chemistry control program/procedures for selected heat exchangers.
- 1- Enclosure
5. Operations training manual sections and design basis notebooks for the selected heat
6. Vendor specifications and recommendations for selected heat exchangers. This should
include data that can be used to determine design heat transfer coefficient and
determine vendor recommended maintenance.
7. Design heat transfer coefficient and fouling factors for selected heat exchangers.
8. Water hammer evaluations for selected heat exchangers (if performed).
9. System health reports for the selected heat exchangers.
10. Test/Inspection results and reports covering the last 3 years for the selected heat
11. Trended performance for the selected heat exchangers.
12. System flow balance test results of the selected heat exchangers for last 3 years.
13. Any applicable eddy current tests for the selected heat exchangers.
14. If any selected heat exchanger systems are scheduled to be opened during the onsite
week, the team would like to observe the interior of the system.
15. A list of corrective maintenance performed in the last 3 years for the selected heat
16. A list of corrective action documents issued in the last 3 years for the selected heat
1. A list with descriptions, of all 50.59 screenings (or equivalent) performed since August 3,
2007, which did not result in an evaluation. Note: Description of screenings should be
brief, but of sufficient detail that inspectors can determine the significance of the issue.
2. A list with descriptions, of all 10 CFR 50.59 evaluations performed which did not result in
an application for license amendment to NRC from August 3, 2007, to the present.
Note: Description of evaluations should be brief, but of sufficient detail so that inspectors
can determine the significance of the issue.
3. Callaway Nuclear Power Plant procedure(s) for conducting 10 CFR 50.59 screenings
and evaluations.
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including screenings and evaluations from August 3, 2007, to the present.
-2- Enclosure
5. A list with descriptions of all permanent plant modifications dating from August 3, 2007.
Include sufficient detail to enable the inspector to determine the significance of each
modification. For this inspection, permanent plant modifications include permanent plant
changes, design changes, setpoint changes, procedure changes, equivalency
evaluations, suitability analyses, calculations, and commercial grade dedications.
6. Callaway Nuclear Power Plant procedure for implementing and controlling permanent
plant modifications.
7. A list with descriptions, of all updates to the Callaway Nuclear Power Plant Final Safety
Analysis Report performed per 10 CFR 50.71(e) from August 3,2007, to the present.
Note: Description of evaluations should be brief, but of sufficient detail that inspectors
can determine the significance of the issue.
8. A list with descriptions of all Corrective Action documents related to your permanent
plant modification program and its implementation since August 3, 2007. Include
sufficient detail to enable the inspector to determine the significance of each
9. A listing of personnel qualified to prepare 50.59 screenings and evaluations, including
qualification dates.
10. A listing of personnel qualified to review and approve 50.59 screenings and/or
evaluations, including qualification dates.
Inspector Contact Information:
James Adams Abin Fairbanks
Reactor Inspector Reactor Inspector
817-860-8294 817-860-8158
Theresa Buchanan Dustin Reinert
Reactor Inspector Reactor Inspector
817-276-6503 817-860-8244
Mailing Address:
US NRC Region IV
Attn: James Adams
612 E. Lamar Blvd., Suite 400
Arlington, TX 76011-4125
-3- Enclosure