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Adw Clemmys Muhlenbergii Information
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Issue date: 03/07/2007
University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology
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- preview Home Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Class Reptilia Order Testudines Family Emydidae Species Clemmys muhlenbergii Clemmys muhlenbergii (bog turtle)

Information Pictures Classification 2007/02/11 02:30:11.867 US/Eastern By James Harding Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum:

Vertebrata Class: Reptilia Order: Testudines

Family: Emydidae Genus: Clemmys Species: Clemmys muhlenbergii Geographic Range Bog turtles occupy a highly discontinuous and fragmented range in the eastern United States of America; within this range they tend occur in small, often widely separated

colonies. For management purposes two general "populations" are often recognized--

a northern population from eastern New York and western Massachusetts south

through southeastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey to northern Maryland and

Delaware (with outliers in northcentral New York and western Pennsylvania), and a

southern population (generally at higher elevations, up to 4000 feet) from southern

Virginia, western North Carolina, and eastern Tennessee to extreme northeastern Georgia. There are no reliable morphological differences between bog turtles in these designated populations. The bog turtle is one of the most endangered turtle species in North America. (Ernst, Lovich, and Barbour, 1994

Harding, 1997
Herman, 1981

)Biogeographic Regions:

nearctic (native ).Habitat Elevation 1300 m (high)

(4264 ft)

Bog turtles are a highly specialized species that occupies a relatively narrow range of shallow and rather ephemeral wetland types, from sea level up to 1300 meters elevation.

They occur in saturated, usually spring-fed wetlands such as bogs, fens, wet meadows, sedge marshes, and alder, tamarack, or spruce swamps. Ideal habitat is relatively open

with slowly flowing small streams, rivulets, or surface seepages with soft muddy or silty bottom substrates, and with a

vegetation dominated by clumped grasses and sedges. Biotic diversity is often very high in these habitats, with over 150

plant species reported in one small Tennessee bog. Natural or human -caused succession may rapidly degrade bog turtle

habitats, as the turtles require more open, unshaded situations. (Chase et al., 1989

Ernst, Lovich, and Barbour, 1994
Harding, 1997
Herman and Pharr, 1986
Tryon, 1990

)ADW: Clemmys muhlenbergii: Information (1 of 6)3/7/2007 11:11:13 AM ADW: Clemmys muhlenbergii: Information These animals are found in the following types of habitat:




marsh , swamp , bog .Physical Description This is the smallest emydid turtle, and one of the smallest turtles in the world. Adult carapace length is 7.9 to 11.4 cm (3.1 to 4.5 inches). The dark brown or black carapace may be marked with radiating light lines or a light blotch on the

vertebral and pleural scutes. Scute annuli are usually prominent in juvenile and young adult specimens, but the carapace

may be nearly smooth in old adults. The head, neck, and limbs are typically dark brown with variable reddish to yellow

spots and streaks. A large reddish-orange to yellow blotch is visible behind and above each tympanum, sometimes

merging into a continuous band on the neck. The upper jaw is weakly notched. (Ernst, Lovich, and Barbour, 1994

Harding, 1997

)The plastron is also brown or black, but often with lighter yellow blotches towards the medial and anterior scute edges. A mature male bog turtle has a concave plastron and a long, thick tail, with the vent posterior to the rear edge of the

carapace with tail extended. The female has a flat plastron and a thinner, smaller tail, with the vent at or beneath the rear carapace edge. (Ernst, Lovich, and Barbour, 1994

Harding, 1997

)Some key physical features:


bilateral symmetry

.Sexual dimorphism:

sexes shaped differently.

Reproduction Breeding interval Bog turtles breed once yearly. Breeding season Mating occurs in spring (March to May). The

nesting season extends

from mid-May to early

July, with most eggs laid

in June.

Number of offspring 1 to 6 Gestation period 45 to 65 days Age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female) 4 to 10 years Age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male) 4 to 10 years Mating occurs in spring (March to May). The large bright head blotches undoubtedly serve in species recognition. Courtship can involve much nudging and biting of the female's

head, legs, and shell by the male. While mounted, the male may thump the female's shell

with his plastron, a behavior common in related wood turtles (Glyptemys insculpta


Copulation may take from five to 20 minutes.

The nesting season extends from mid-May to early July, with most eggs laid in June.

While seeking nest sites, females tend to move to higher, better-drained parts of the

habitat, though nests are sometimes contructed in the centers of emergent sedge

tussocks surrounded by water. In any case, an open sunny nest site is preferred, with

moist substrates of soil, sand, or sphagnum moss. Most nests are constructed with the

hind feet, in typical turtle style. From one to six eggs are deposited, and a single yearly

clutch appears to be the norm.

Eggs are elongate and white, with pliable shells, and average about 3 cm (1.2 inches) in length. The incubation period averages between 45 and 65 days. At this writing it is unclear whether this species has temperature-dependent sex determination. The hatchlings range in carapace length from 21.1 to 28.5 mm. Growth rates can be rapid in

the first few years but taper off as the turtle nears maturity, at an age of four to ten

years. (Ernst, Lovich, and Barbour, 1994

Harding, 1997
Holub and Bloomer, 1977

)Key reproductive features:


seasonal breeding
gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate);

sexual ; oviparous

.Once the female deposits her eggs in a nest, there is no further parental investment. (Harding, 1997

)Parental investment:

pre-fertilization (provisioning, protecting: female); pre-hatching/birth (provisioning: female, protecting: female).

Lifespan/Longevity (2 of 6)3/7/2007 11:11:13 AM ADW: Clemmys muhlenbergii: Information Potential lifespan is unknown but certainly meets or surpasses the 40 years known for a captive specimen. (Ernst, Lovich, and Barbour, 1994

Harding, 1997
Holub and Bloomer, 1977

)Behavior This is primarily a diurnal species, though nocturnal activity (such as nesting) has been reported. On cool days Bog Turtles spend much time basking in the sun, from the surface of shallow waterways or on sedge or grass tussocks, but

during hot weather they tend to be inactive and may estivate under vegetation or in burrows in sphagnum moss

substrate. In winter they hibernate in mud or vegetation beneath the shallow waters and rivulets or in their submerged

burrows. The same hibernation site is often used in subsequent years, and groups of turtles may congregate in favored

locations. Some bog turtles are territorial, aggressively defending a small area immediately around themselves, rarely

larger than 1.2 meters in radius. (Arndt, 1977

Chase et al., 1989
Ernst, Lovich, and Barbour, 1994
Harding, 1997
Holub and Bloomer, 1977
Morrow et al., 2001

)Home Range Home ranges reported for bog turtles range from less than 0.1 to 3.1 hectares. However, in some populations, the total available habitat for these turtles may not exceed these values. (Harding, 1997

)Key behaviors:

terricolous; diurnal ; motile ; sedentary


.Food Habits Bog turtles are omnivorous, and consume food both in and out of water. They eat mainly small invertebrates (insects, slugs, snails, crustaceans, worms, etc.) along with seeds, berries, and green vegetation. They also occasionally scavenge

dead animals and opportunistically capture small vertebrates such as tadpoles, frogs, and salamander larvae. (Harding, 1997; Holub and Bloomer, 1977

)Primary Diet:

omnivore .Animal Foods:

amphibians; carrion ; insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods; mollusks; terrestrial worms; aquatic crustaceans.

Plant Foods:

leaves; seeds, grains, and nuts; fruit.

Predation Bog turtles are vulnerable to a host of natural predators because of their small size, even as adults. (Harding, 1997

)Economic Importance for Humans: Negative As a biological species, bog turtles are completely harmless to human interests. Unfortunately, the protected status of this turtle may lead some people to consider them an an annoyance or impediment to land development.

Economic Importance for Humans: Positive Bog turtles undoubtedly consume quantities of pest insects and larvae, but are most valuable as a unique evolutionary

entity and a noteworthy element of our wildlife resources. They are a "flagship" species representing a biologically

diverse, but rare, fragile, and endangered habitat. These turtles are small, colorful, and visually appealing, which has led

to an unfortunate demand in the commercial pet trade.

Ways that people benefit from these animals:

pet trade

controls pest population. (3 of 6)3/7/2007 11:11:13 AM ADW: Clemmys muhlenbergii: Information Conservation Status IUCN Red List:

[link]: Endangered.

US Federal List:

[link]: Endangered.

CITES: [link]: Appendix I.

The fragile saturated wetlands required by bog turtles may have been most abundant in an earlier post-glacial stage, and the species may have once been quite abundant and

widespread in eastern North America, though the fossil record of this species is sparse.

The present highly fragmented range of bog turtles may reflect both natural changes in

habitat distribution and the recent drastic losses in habitat due to human development

and wetland drainage. While turtle populations could at one time respond to natural

successional changes by simply moving up a floodplain, these routes are now often blocked by roads, farms, residences, and other development.

Bog turtles have been, and remain, popular in the commercial pet trade, due to their small size and unique coloration. During the latter part of the 20th century large numbers of the turtles were collected

and sold, with whole populations sometimes being removed from existing habitat, often in violation of state laws. Legal

collection of bog turtles from the wild is now precluded by both state and federal statute, but it is likely that high prices

offered for "legal" captive specimens may encourage poaching, despite the threat of severe penalties.

Bog turtles certainly have a host of natural predators; egg and hatchling mortality are undoubtedly high, and the small size of the species means that even adult individuals remain vulnerable to predation. The unnaturally high population

levels of certain human-adapted predators such as raccoons (Procyon lotor) and common crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) complicate conservation efforts for bog turtles.

Like many turtle species, bog turtles have a life history strategy that balances low fecundity, high egg and hatchling mortality, and relatively late maturity, with the potential long reproductive lifespan of the adults. While populations can increase and thrive in ideal habitat, this reproductive strategy limits the ability of a turtle population to recover quickly if faced with a natural or human-caused disaster or unusually high mortality in older juveniles and adults. In addition, isolation of bog turtle habitats may increase the dangers of limited genetic exchange and inbreeding.

Conservation stategies include identification of critical habitats, the preservation of habitats, and protection of turtles from collection. Predator control may prove useful in some situations. Habitat set-asides must take into account

landscape variation and natural succession; where economic concerns limit the amount of habitat protected and preclude

connection of habitats via wildlife corridors, land management practices to maintain early successional stages may be

required. Carefully planned captive breeding and release programs can prove useful in some situations. Public support for

bog turtle conservation efforts can be maintained by encouraging voluntary management on private land and

compensation for economic sacrifices where needed. (Congdon, Dunham, and Van Loben Sels, 1993

Ernst, Lovich, and Barbour, 1994
Harding, 1997
Herman, 1981
Holub and Bloomer, 1977
Tryon and Herman, 1991
Tryon, 1990

)Other Comments Recent taxonomic studies of turtles in the subfamily emydinae show that bog turtles are most closely related to wood turtles (Glyptemys insculpta , previously Clemmys insculpta

). These studies also show that the genus Clemmys is paraphyletic, and that a new generic arrangement between bog turtles and their closest relatives is warranted (Bickham, et al., 1996; Burke et al., 1996; Gaffney and Meylan, 1988). In accordance with recent published revisions, bog turtles and wood turtles are now grouped together in the genus Glyptemys , as Glyptemys muhlenbergii and Glyptemys

insculpta , respectively (Holman and Fritz, 2001; Feldman and Parham, 2001; Feldman and Parham, 2002).

Bog turtles are reported to hybridize with spotted turtles, Clemmys guttata , which is similar in size and overlaps in habitat preferences (Ernst. et al., 1994). (Bickham et al., 1996

Burke, Leuteritz, and Wolf, 1996
Ernst, Lovich, and Barbour, 1994
Feldman and Parham, 2001
Feldman and Parham, 2002
Gaffney and Meylan, 1988
Holman and Fritz, 2001)Contributors James Harding (author), Michigan State University.

Cynthia Sims Parr (editor), University of Michigan.

References Arndt, R. 1977. Notes on the natural history of the Bog Turtle, *Clemmys muhlenbergii* (Schoepff), in Delaware.. (4 of 6)3/7/2007 11:11:13 AM ADW: Clemmys muhlenbergii: Information Chesapeake Sci., 18: 67-76.

Beane, J. 1993. A survey of Bog Turtle (*Clemmys muhlenbergii*) habitat in the western piedmont of North Carolina.

Bull. Chicago Herpet. Soc., 28 (11): 240-242.

Bickham, J., T. Lamb, P. Minx, J. Patton. 1996. Molecular systematics of the genus *Clemmys* and the intergeneric relationships of emydid turtles.

Herpetol., 52: 89-97.

Burke, R., T. Leuteritz, A. Wolf. 1996. Phylogenetic relationships of emydine turtles.

Herpetol., 52: 572-584.

Bury, R. 1979. Review of the ecology and conservation of the Bog Turtle, *Clemmys muhlenbergii*..

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv. Spec. Sci. Rep., Wildl. No. 219: 9+.

Chase, J., K. Dixon, J. Gates, D. Jacobs, G. Taylor. 1989. Habitat characteristics, population size, and home range of the Bog Turtle (*Clemmys muhlenbergii*) in Maryland.

J. of Herpet., 23(4): 356-362.

Congdon, J., A. Dunham, R. Van Loben Sels. 1993. Delayed sexual maturity and demographics of Blanding's Turtles

(*Emydoidea blandingii*): Implications for conservation of long-lived organisms.

Conserv. Biol., 7(4): 826-833.

Ernst, C., J. Lovich, R. Barbour. 1994.

Turtles of the United States and Canada. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. Feldman, C., J. Parham. 2001. Molecular systematics of emydine turtles..

Chelonian Conservation and Biology , 4(1): 194-198. Feldman, C., J. Parham. 2002. A molecular phylogeny for emydine turtles: taxonomic revision and the evolution of shell kinesis. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution , 22(3): 388-398..

Gaffney, E., P. Meylan. 1988. A phylogeny of turtles.

In: Benton, M.J. (Ed.): The Phylogeny and Classification of the Tetrapods, Volume 1: Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds. Oxford.


Harding, J. 1997.

Amphibians and Reptiles of the Great Lakes Region. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Herman, D., R. Pharr. 1986. Nat. Hist. Notes: *Clemmys muhlenbergii*. Elevation.

Herpet. Review , 17: 24.

Herman, D. 1981. Status of the Bog Turtle in the southern Appalachians.

Proc. of the Non-game/Endangered Wildlife Symp., Tech. Bull. WL-5, Georgia Dept. Nat. Res., Game and Fish Div.

77-80. Holman, J., U. Fritz. 2001. A new emydine species from the Middle Miocene (Barstovian) of Nebraska, USA with a new generic arrangement for the species of Clemmys sensu McDowell (1964) (Reptilia: Testudines: Emydidae).


Abhandlungen Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde Dresden , 51: 331-354.

Holub, R., T. Bloomer. 1977. The Bog Turtle, *Clemmys muhlenbergii*... a natural history..

HERP: Bull. New York Herpet.

Soc., 13(2): 9-23.

Morrow, J., J. Howard, S. Smith, D. Poppel. 2001. Home range and movement of the Bog Turtle (*Clemmys muhlenbergii*) in Maryland.

J. of Herpet., 35(1): 68-73.

Tryon, B., D. Herman. 1991. Status, conservation, and management of the Bog Turtle, *Clemmys muhlenbergii*, in the southeastern United States.

Proc. First Int. Symp. on Turtles and Tortoises: Conservation and Captive Breeding.

Chapman Univ., Orange, California

36-53. Tryon, B. 1990. Bog Turtles (*Clemmys muhlenbergii*) in the south: a question of survival.

Bull. Chicago Herpet. Soc., 25: 57-66.

2007/02/11 02:30:14.774 US/Eastern To cite this page:

Harding, J. 2002. "Clemmys muhlenbergii" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed February 27, (5 of 6)3/7/2007 11:11:13 AM ADW: Clemmys muhlenbergii: Information 2007 at


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