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Initial Exam 2009-301 Final Administrative JPMs
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/2009
Progress Energy Carolinas
Download: ML092120031 (153)


Appendix 0 Facility:

SheEiron Harris* J.ob. Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C':'1 Task' No.: 301005H4or Task Title: . Determine Rod Misalignment Using JPM No.: 2009a NRC JPM Thermocouples ROA1-1 KIA


G2;17 4.4/4.7 Examinee:

NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator:

Oate: __ ............

Simulated Performance: ActuaiPerformance:

x Classroom Plant'; ----

twill explain the initial conditions; which steps to simulate or initiating* . cues. When you complete the task successfuUy.

the objective for thl$ Job Performance . Measure will be satisfied. . Initial Conditions:

Initiating Cue: Task Standard:

Required Materials:

The plant was at 90 perceot power, with *. loaddecrease in progress, when the. USCO. noticed that the DRPlindication for rod H02 was reading 24 stepshigherthan.the group demand, The load.decrease.has been stopped and entered;*

.. . The USCO has directed you to calculate the temperature difference between thermocouple(s) adjacent to the misaligned rod and the average of symmetric therrnocouple(s), using Attachment 2 of AOP-001 and the provided TIC Core Maps. All calculatiom;;

withiri +/- 2° of actual. Calculator General


AOP-001, Attachment 1 and Attachment2, Rev. 32 and Tech Specs Handouts:

JPM Cue Sheets Pages 10-11 AOP-001, Attachments 1 and 2, (Rev. 32) Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 12 minutes 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO A1-1 FINAL AppendixC Start Time: ______ ' Performance Step: 1 Standard:

./ Performance Step: 2 Comment Page 2 of 11 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION' OBTAIN PROCEDURE

{provided with handout) Obtains AOP-OOtand refer$ to Attachmentst and 2:; . DETERMINETHERMOCOUPLEf6CATION(S)

TO' THE MISALIGNED ROD USING THE CORE GRID MAP (SHEET 1). AND CIRCLE IN TABLE ABOVe. THESE AFFECTED. , .y/ Using th$;doregrid map':; (Attachment' 2" . page {';Of2), Determines:;aff$cledthermocot.!ple&

to be G02;JQ2, and HOS, . .: ",., .. " ,,' Circles G02, J02, and HOa;'onthert1ble (Attachment

2. page 20(2).'. 2009A NRC Admin EXam RO A 1-1 FINAL AppendixC

./ Performance*

Step,: .3 Standard:

'/Performa.nce Step:.4 Standard:

Comment: EXAMINERS NOTE; Page 3 of11 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Form ES-C-1 RECORD VALueS FOR ALL OPERABLE AFFECTED AND . SYMMETRIC THERMOCOUPLeS USING THE RVLlS CONSOLE. OR ERFIS. SYMMETRIC THERMOCOUPLES ARE THOSE IN THE SAME . , , , . Locates'R'VL1S . A.and Train B. '{Prir'Ju>qt of RVlI$core map provided in handoutl .. . . .. \,' . . Records value for an(jSymmetric te* P07 . ':';ii . .. . '.

for SymmetricTC P07 . .. , *.... ;..:::;>"",.

for Affec(et:i TC H03 (ase';f) .8.nd syrnmtittic tes; COS H13 (640;F})'

and NOS (644<1F):.. . ..


  • . COUPLES,.

FOR EACH AFFECTED Determines (636°F) for G02's: $ymmetric TC Determines (640°F +/- 2°F)forHo3's SymmetricTC.

Determines (636°F)

Symmetric TO If the candidate includestft, adjacent TCs With the Symmetric TC numbers the averages will be wrong and the end result "Yill be. that 8. wrong final difference will be given: . Determines for G02's Symmetric TCs . . ' f-Determines 64 <IF) for H03's SYmmetricTCs . . ' Fl Determines for J02 1 s Symmetric TCs.

2009ANRCAdmin Exam FINAL AppendixC

.;'." Performance Step: 5 standard:



rt:;. GOX' it>pr.fct'" . f!l!JF a.nd their symmetricTCs.) .

'. > .... '.' . .' v.**.* .... ". ',. Reports that temperature difference is . . ",,"'> ....... ..**. .. " , . <" Difference between' thermocouple symmetric thermocouples has been calculated. . ... If the candidate included the TCswith the . Symmetric TC n '., averages would have been* wron e calculated difference would be 12°F. erepo.rt would be that the temperature difference is . $Jreater than 10°F. This report would provide the USCO with Inaccurate information.

2009A NRC Admin Exam RO A1-1 FINAL AppendixC . Page 5 of 11 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION KEY . . ... .. ..... ... Sheet fot 3* ... Control Rod** T -ThennooouPle 1+ *: Ttret1T!.oCQuplesabaoooned IJ:Y EC 4.100*7 AOP-001 Rev. 32 Form ES-C-1 Page4Uof47 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO A 1-1 FINAL Appendix C s y M M E T R I C Page 60111 VE.RIFICATION OF' COMPLETION KEY MAlfUNCTION OF ROD CONIROLANO IHOICATtONSYSTEM Attaclmumt Adjacent ilfId Symmetric lOCMI1$, . Sheet2ofl.

  • S1o,Eor .. J-IOS,)<Os,tmt1POS have
  • SymmetfictbermocoiJpIU are row, , .. " . 1. £):ETERMIHE misaligned reid tlSingtOre map (Sheet 1), AND CIRCLE iocatioo(s)in Tabfeabove; . AOP-IJ1J1 . 2009A NRC Admin Exam ROA1-1 FINAL AppendixC Page 7 of 11 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Form ES-C-1 AppendixC Page 8 of11 '. ." VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION KEY MAlfUNCTION OF ROD CONTROL.::ANO INDICATION SYSTEM . . . . RECORD tie table belowi .. *. \ Adjacent rc oomber .. ' . <:', . "';v e , .. '. Adjacent TC WiUe: ush,; theR,vtlS Console., ERRS, or

'; *. S>,mmetrieTC nI.lmbers (not including adjacent TCsl' .* "

  • S-ymm&flic Tt fOr alfoPiSR/lSLETCS RVUS' Or'

.... :..... .... ", .:;:. 4. COMPARE eaen adjacent thermoCouple valu& fisted to imsymmetrlc thermocouple for indit::aticn of rod. {REFER TO Attachment 11.) . --END OF ATTACHMENT r:l41' 20091\ NRC Admin Exam RO A1-1 FINAL AppendixC Page90f11 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETiON Job Performance 2009a NBCJPM RO/SROA1:"!'


Number of Attempts:

Time to Question:

... Response:.

Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

  • .Oate:.

Form 20Q9A NRC Admin. Exam RO FINAL AppendixC Initial Conditions:

Initiating Cue: Page 100f 11 'JPM CUE SHEET . ' Form ES-C-1 The' ptant* at. 90 Percent poweriwith a load decrease in . progress.

when the USCOnoticed.

that the DRPf,ihdication for rod . H02was' reading.24 steps higper< than. the group The load decrease.

has been stopped and,A.OP-001 entered. , >", **. * ...* '.'.,>".. . ... ,,' "'The USCOhas to cal,culatethe difference'between thermocoupJe(s) to the misaligned rOd. and the average of symmetrictherinqcoupJe(s)f 4sing" . Attachment 2 ofAOP-001 andthe providedTJCC9re;Maps; , 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO A1-1 FINAl.

Appendix q" Form ES-C-1 TIC CORE MAP (DATA SHEET 1,* TRAIf4S MSG1J.245'" 1 15 3, 4 5 TRAIN'A TIC CORE MAP 2 3 4 13 14 K B C rC** 632 I 0 E 636 640;" E .' F 644 F f:l 640 Q. H' 640 644 652 640 640 H J K 640 644 50 K t.: L M 640 M N 636 640 644 N P 640 P R I 636 R 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 12 13 14 15 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO A1 .. 1 FINAL Ab",),J Ao A 1-\

( MALFUNCTION OF ROD CONTROL AND INDICATION SYSTEM Attachment 1 -Indications of Misaligned Rod Sheet 1 of 1 The table below indicates the varjation in plant parameters which may be indicative ohod misalignment.

This variation refers to relative changes in indication from a reference condition at which the suspect rod's position was known to be properly aligned. The reference case may be taken from prior operating records, or it may be updated each time the proper rod positioning is verified by in-core measurements.

In general, greater misalignment will cause larger variations.

Variations in NI channel indication are also affected by the core location of the suspect rod. For example, a misaligned.rod that is closest to the N-44 detector should indicate that N-44 flux parameters are abnormal when compared with flux parameters of the other Power Range NI channels.

If the parameters below exhibit no abnormal variations with an individual DRPI differing from its group step counter demand position by more than 12 steps, it is probably a rod position indication problem. PLANT PARAMETER Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio (QPTR) Power Range Instrumentation Delta Flux Indicators Core Outlet Thermocouples Axial Flux Traces (in-core movable detector)

VALUE INDICATIVE OF ROD MISALIGNMENT Greater than 1.02 . Greater than 2% difference between any two channels (REFER TO Attachment

4) Greater than 2% difference between any two channels (REFER TO Attachment
4) Greater than 10°F difference between thermocouples adjacent to the misaligned rod and the average of symmetric thermocouples (PERFORM Attachment
2) CONSULT Reactor Engineering AND EVALUATE using in-core movable detectors per EST-922, Control Rod Position Determination Via Incore Instrumentation

--END OF ATTACHMENT 1--AOP-001 I Rev. 32 I Page 39 of 47 MALFUNCTION OF ROD CONTROL AND INDICATION SYSTEM Attachment 2 -Adjacent and Symmetric Thermocouple Locations Sheet 1 of3 THERMOCOUPLE LOCATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... . .. -... T* J J J. ... ... ... ... ... J ... ... , ... T R R RT J B I I I I , J C ... ... ... ... , ... -.. I R T R R T , 0 ... ... ... ... T R T R R R E R T R T T T R T T F R T* R *T R R T R T R T R G T* T R T R T R R T H R T T R T T R T T R T J T R R R T T* R K R T R T R RT R T* R R L R T T R T R T* M T R R T R T R N T R T R T R T P R T RT R R T R -Control Rod T -Thermocouple T* -Thermocouples abandoned by EC 47997 AOP-001 I Rev. 32 I Page 40 of 47

( ( .. MALFUNCTION OF ROD CONTROL AND INDICATION SYSTEM Attachment 2 -Adjacent and Symmetric Thermocouple Locations Sheet 2 of3 NOTE

  • B10, E07, HOB, KOB, and POB have no symmetric locations .
  • Symmetric thermocouples are those in the same row. SYMMETRIC LOCATIONS GRID II III. TRAIN A 8 A 8 A 8 A AOa* H15 G01* G15 RO? S L B05 E14 L14* Y 0 coa H13 NOa M C D03 C12 N04 M A E04 D05 E12 M11 L12 E T H11 Eoa Loa T F05 F11 E10 K11* K05 R 0 F03* F13 N10 N06 N G06 FOg J10 C S Goa HOg G02 J02 M09 J12*
  • Thermocouples abandoned by EC 47997 IV 8 H03 M03 H05 L06 K03 PO? 1. DETERMINE thermocouple location(s) adjacent to the misaligned rod using core grid map (Sheet 1), AND CIRCLE location(s) in Table above. AOP-001 I Rev. 32 I Page 41 of 47

( MALFUNCTION OF ROD CONTROL AND INDICATION SYSTEM Attachment 2 -Adjacent and Symmetric Thermocouple Locations Sheet 3 of 3 2. RECORD the following in the table below:

  • Adjacent TC number
  • Adjacent TC value using the RVLlS Console, ERFIS, or OSI-PI
  • Symmetric TC numbers (not including adjacent TCs)
  • Symmetric TC values for*all OPERABLE TCs using the RVLlS Console, ERFIS, or OSI-PI 3. DETERMINE the average of symmetric thermocouples, for each adjacent thermocouple.

Adjacent TC Number Value TC Number Value. Symmetric TC Average 4. COMPARE each adjacent thermocouple value listed to its symmetric thermocouple average for indication of a misaligned rod. (REFER TO Attachment 1.) --END OF ATTACHMENT 2--AOP-001 I Rev. 32 I Page 42 of 47

, AppendixC Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Facility:

Shearon Harris. Task No.: 301005H401 Task Title: Determine Rod Misalignment Using' JPM No{: Thermocouples . KIA


G2.17 Examinee:

Simulated Performance:.

__ .... Classroom READ TO THE EXAMINEE' I will explain the. initial conditions;.

which steps to cues, When you complete the task successfully , the objeCtive for this Job . Measure will be satisfied. . . The plant was at 90 percent power,With a load when theUSCO noticed that the DRPL indication.

for rod H02 was' . reading 24 steps higher than the group The toad decrease has been stopped and AOP-001 . /" " : : .,\' Initiating Cue: The USCOhas directed youtoealcufatethe temperature differenCe'*

between thermocouple(s) adjacent to the misaligned rod and the average of symmetric tnermocouple(s), using Attachment 2 of AOP-001 and the Core Maps. Task Standard:

All calculations within:+/- 2° of actual:.>

Required Materjals:

Calculator General


AOP-001, Attachment 1 and Attachment 2; Rev. 32 and Tech Specs Handouts:

JPMCue Sheets Pages 10-11 AOP-001, Attachments 1 and 2, (Rev; 32) Time Critical i ask: No Validation Time: 16 minutes 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A 1':1 FINAL

, Page 2,of 11 ' '" PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Start Time: ...........

__ --PertormanceStep:1,'

PROCEDURE (pro\lidedwith handout)' , ; , . , Standard:

ObtainsAOP-001 aridfefers to AttaehrilEmts 1, and 2. Co.mment ./ Performance Step: a ' Standard:



ARE; AFFECTED", Using'lhs*.core grid map 2,

1 of,


  • Detarn'1inesaffectedthE!rmocouple$;
G02, and HOS.: ' ':'J' , circlea'G02,.J02; 8!1d HOS on . "


    • * 'RECORD VALUES FO'RAU. . SYMMeTRIC THERMOCOUPLES USING THE RVLlS CONSOLE OR ERFIS. SYMMETRIC THERMOCOUPLES ARE THOSEiN THE SAME ROW. ..' . . , Locates RVLlSConsole.and acceSSeS TIC CORE MAP for Train A and Train S .. (Printout of RVLlS core map provided in handout page 11) " ' , ,/ . " '"' ,/ Records value for Affected tc G02 (662"F) and Symmetric TO P07 (636°F). Records value for Affected TO J02 (62S0F) and Symmetric TO POT (6.36°P);

.' .' Records value for Affected TO HOS (636°P) and SymmetrlcTCs C08 (636°F), H13 (640°F), and NOS (644°F); 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A 1'-1 FINAL AppendixC

../ Performance Step:* 4 Standard: Performance Step: 5 Standard:

Evaluato.r Cue: . Comment: ./ -Denotes a Critical Step PageS of 11'" PERFORMANCE INFPRMATION Form ES-C-1 DETERMINE THEA\lERAGE OF SYMMETRIC COUPLES, FOR EACH AFFECTED THERMOCOUPLE; (636"F) forG02 t sSymmetncTC . . Detetmines*(636.°F) forJOa'sSymmetricTC. . Determines (640"F +/- 2°F) for H03's Symmetric TCs. " .','; '. . ... -' "


for T'c. Go:;.t. .' . '.. -n:.. H Calculates difference gop .)0:.2. (+/- 2°F between aU affecteQ TCs and their s metnc TCs.) Rep.orts that temperature difference is.:f. .oF. '.' A' USCO and report. (IF calculation difference is 4°Ftllen)

  • "A
  • Cue! Evafuate Tech Specs for compliance;" When evaluating Tecft Spec compliance, assume that the other parameters listed' onAttachment 1 of AOP .. 001 agree with your. determination of thermocouples. (IF cal,culation difference is >10°F then) Cue: Evaluate' Tech Specs for compliance.

When evaluating Tech Spec compliance, assume that rod H02 is untnppable; 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A1-1 FINAL AppehdixC Page 4 of 11. . PERFORMANCE INFORMATION .r Performance Step: SOaTAIN AND EVALUATE TeCH SPECS Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: stop Time: _____ _ Terminating Cue: ./ Denotes a Critical Step (lFcandidattincorrectly . .....

  • difference th1lJ Tech$pec reported ACTION a) ... . . ** .... **3.1, 3/"S/cft:t,/ .

ackno\Vledge$.Jech Spec calt. END OF JPM' Diff$rence between each affected therrn09Ouple, and it's symmetric thermocouples has been calculated/'* . 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A1-1 FINAl;.


  • Adjacent and Symmetric Themlocouple Locations Sheen Qf3 THERMOCOUPLE LOCATIONS 1 2 :3 .:; 5 'H} 11 12 13 14 15 A ", "-' " -,>< '<' ','-' ..
  • I * .. : Y.-.' .,_': :'" A_': '-h:. -.-" T If * *
  • B C D E : : :

.* -*

".' .** _"" ,,>

  • *
  • ,',
  • * * 'H ._.'. * *
  • F " : +_ < ft *
  • G T' H J K L M N P R R-Control Rod _r\ T -ThemlOCQuple T T i'( T R 1\ T R R r 1\ T R R T T'
  • ThermocDuples abandoned by EC 41997 AOP-O{)1 Rev. 32 ./' -Denotes a Critical Step T ;;, T' R It T R T T " T II. r ?iT 1t Page 40 Of 47 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A1-1 FINAL AppendixC

.' Page 6 of 11. .... PERFORMANCE INFQRMATION KEY I MAl.FUNCTION OF ROil CONTROL AND INOICATION SYSTEM Attaclunenfl' symmetdc 1'bermocou,Ple'loeatiQUS. , . . . .' Sheet;! Qf.3 '. ' Mi M ,E T J E1iJ R {) I N C S .. Thermooouptu abandoned by EC 41997 'f., DETERMiNE fllermocoup[e iOcaoort(s) adjatent rod uslrtgcoregnd rna (Sheet 1), AND CIRCLE iOcetkm(s) in Table aflove. ' AOP-001 ./ Denotes a Critical Step 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A 1-1 FINAL AppendixC . Page 7 of 11 . PERFORMANCE INFORMATION ,

"-'/ RECOfUlihe in


  • $yrnmetrti . . Form ES-C-1 ...


or COMPARE each adjacent wiue fisted to thermocouple average foriMicaWr'i Qf a miHligned rod (REFER TO Attachment t.) -END OF ATTACHMENT

.. AOP.oo1 ../ -Denotes a Critical Step 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A1-1 FINAL AppendixC

./ -Denotes a Critical Step Page 8 of 11 PERFORMANCE.


2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A1w1 FINAL AppendixC Page90f11 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009a NRC JPM SRC A 1-1 DETERMINE ROD MISALIGNMENT' USING THERMOCOUPLES* . . ..... Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

of Attempts; Time to Complete:

Question Documentation: . Question:


Result: SAT UNSAT. :""'-"--'--

Examiner's Signature:

Form ES-C-1 2009A NRC Admin Exam SROA1-1 FINAL AppendixC Initial Conditions:

Initiating Cue: Page 100f 11 JPM CUE SHEET The plant was at 90 percent power, with a load* decrease*

in progress, when the USCO noticed that the DRPI indication for rod H02 was reading 24 steps higher than the group demand. The load decrease has been stopped and entered. The USCO has directed youto calculate the temperature difference between thermocouple(s) adjacent to the misaligned rod and the average of symmetric thermocouple(s), using Attachment 2 ofAOP-001 and the provided TIC Core M<aps. 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A 1-1 FINAL AppendixC TIC CORE MAP (PATA SHEET 1)" TRAIN B 3 1 2 3 4 A B c I 0 r .. 62&. K: L . M N 636 640 p It 1 2 3 4 5 6. 7 Page 11".of 11 JPM CUE SHEET 8 9 10 50:'* 644 644 64Q 644 640 636 7 8 9 10 11 648 652 50 644 11 Form ES-C-1 13 14 15 12 13 14 15 r 632 I .. '. ..... ; 644 640 640 I I I 12 13 14 15 2009A NRC Admin Exam SROA1-1 FINAL A a?" C P E F G H .,r. K L M N p R.

REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS 3/4.1.3 MOV8BLE CONTROL ASSEMBLlES, GBQUP HEIGHT LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION',: " .. Al:1shutdown and control rods shall be OPERABLE and pos:ftiOnedwithin eps (indicated position}

of their group, step c6unter"demand position .. APPLICABILITY:

MODES lo-and t', .... .. .... .' . ACTION: with .k9r'mor'e" rods. lncperabl/i due tOba\ng i.miovallle as a** result' *of excessive fri ct i on or mechanica 1i nterference or Known to' be' untr1 . 1 e, determi ne that the SHUTDOWN.

MARGIN requi rement of Specifica ion. ;ssaUsfied within', 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> be in HOT STANDBY within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. '. .' ,. ". "'.' ... , . .,. With more than one' counter! .... demand position by. more than +/- 12 steps (indicated position);

be* in HOT STANDBY within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. . , .'. c. With* more ,than one rod inoperable

.'. due to a control urgent failure alarm, or obvious electrical problem in the rod control' system existing for greater than 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. bein HOl STANDBY withinthefol1owing 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> .. " . d. With one rod tri Qpabl e but 1 noperab 1 e due to causes other than addressed by ACnONa. above,or misaligned<

from its group step counter demand he; ght by more than +/- 12, steps (indi cated position).

POWER OPERATION may continue provided that within 1 hour: . 1. The rod is restored to OPERABLE statu$;withi nthe above alignment requi rements, or . . 2.. The rod i s declared inoperable and remainder of' the rods i n the group wi th the .. inoperable rod are a 11 gned to wi thi n +/- 12. steps. of the inoperable rod while maintaining the rod sequenc.e 3.nd lnse, rtion.limlts

.. , of Tne'l THERMAL POWER level shall be'restrlcted pursuant to . Specification during subsequent operation, or . 3. The: rod 1S declared inoperable and' the SHUTDOWN MARGIN requ1rement of Specification 3.1.1. 1 is satisfied.

POWER OPERATION may then continue prov;dedthat:

a) A reevaluation of each accident analysis of Table 3.1*1 is performed within 5 days; this reevaluation*shall conflrmthat the previously analyzed results of these 'accidents . *See Special Test Exceptions Specifications 3.10.2 and 3.10.3. SHEARON HARRIS -UNIT 1 3/4 1-14 Amendment No. 25 REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS, LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION

,'. ACTION remainvali;d' for theduratiori/ofoperation undet these conditions:

Q)\/ Th'e,SHUTOOWN requirement of fi cat ion 3. L 1.1 is . . determined at least once, per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />'; . If map' is obtained'tromthe,movable incore ," '".' >"" ,c ' " / / . detectors and F :H,


  • the:in.limits Withirif72 hOurs:

d) The'

.. i s less orequaT to 75l'of'RATE[}

THERMAL POWER with; n the next hour and wi thin,\ the following

4. hours the High Neutron flux'Trip Setpoi*nt is;'. reducedtq,less than 0requaTto 85% ofRATED',THERMAf.

POWER.: SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS" 4.1. 3. L 1 The posit i on of each rodshall be detennined to be with; n the group,* demand,limit by verifying theindividuaJrod positions at least once per 12 . hour.s except during timeintetvals when the rod position deviatjon monitor is inoperabJ then veri fy the Qroup pOs.itions at 1 eastionce per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.; 4.1,3,1.2 Each rod not fullY inserted in the core; shall be determined to be OPERABLE by movement of at least 10 steps in any olle directiOl1at least once per 92 days. ". . I SHEARON HARRIS -UNIT 1 3/4 Amendment No. 93

( :rPM A l-f

( MALFUNCTION OF ROD CONTROL AND INDICATION SYSTEM Attachment 1 -Indications of Misaligned Rod Sheet 1 of 1 The table below indicates the variation in plant .parameters which may be indicative of rod misalignment.

This variation refers to relative changes in indication from a reference condition at which the suspect rod's position was known to be properly aligned. The reference case may be taken from prior operating records, or it may be updated each time the proper rod positioning is verified by in-core measurements.

In general, greater misalignment will cause larger variations.

Variations in NI channel indication are also affected by the core location ()f the suspect rod. For example, a misaligned rod that is closest to the N-44 detector should indicate that N-44 flux parameters are abnormal when compared with flux parameters of the other Power Range NI channels.

If the parameters below exhibit no abnormal variations with an individual DRPI differing from its group step counter demand position by more than 12 steps, it is probably a rod position indication problem. PLANT PARAMETER Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio (QPTR) Power Range Instrumentation Delta Flux Indicators Core Outlet Thermocouples Axial Flux Traces (in-core movable detector)

VALUE INDICATIVE OF ROD MISALIGNMENT Greater than 1.02 Greater than 2% difference between any two channels (REFER TO Attachment

4) Greater than 2% difference between any two channels (REFER TO Attachment
4) Greater than 10°F difference between thermocouples adjacent to the misaligned rod and the average of symmetric thermocouples (PERFORM Attachment
2) CONSULT Reactor Engineering AND EVALUATE using in-core movable detectors per EST-922, Control Rod Position Determination Via Incore Instrumentation

--END OF ATTACHMENT 1--AOP-001 I Rev. 32 I Page 39 of 47 MALFUNCTION OF ROD CONTROL AND INDICATION SYSTEM ( Attachment 2 -Adjacent and Symmetric Thermocouple Locations Sheet 1 of 3 THERMOCOUPLE LOCATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... T* I I B ... I ... ... , ... T R R RT I I I I C ...*... ...* ... I , R T R R T I I T R T R R R D .*. t'" E *** f , ** R T R T T T R T T I

  • I F R T* R T R R T R T R T R I
  • G T* T R T R T R R T H R T T R T T R T T R T ( J T R R R T T* R K R T R T R RT R T* R R L R T *T R T R T* M T R R T R T R N T R T R T R T P R T RT R R T R -Control* Rod T -Thermocouple T* -Thermocouples abandoned by EC 47997 AOP-001 I Rev. 32 I Page 40 of 47

( ( MALFUNCTION OF ROD CONTROL AND INDICATION SYSTEM Attachment 2 -Adjacent and Symmetric Thermocouple Locations Sheet 2 of3 NOTE

  • 810, E07, H08, K08, and P08 have no symmetric locations .
  • Symmetric thermocouples are those in the same row. SYMMETRIC LOCATIONS GRID II III TRAIN A B A B A B A A08* H15 G01* G15 R07 S L B05 E14 L14* Y 0 C08 H13 N08 M C D03 C12 N04 M A E04 D05 E12 M11 L12 E T H11 E08 L08 T I F05 F11 E10 K11* K05 R 0 F03* F13 N10 N06 I N G06 FOg J10 C S G08 HOg G02 J02 M09 J12*
  • Thermocouples abandoned by EC 47997 IV B H03 M03 " H05 L06 K03 P07 1. DETERMINE thermocouple location(s) adjacent to the misaligned rod using core grid map (Sheet 1), AND CIRCLE location(s) in Table above. AOP-001 l Rev. 32 I Page 41 of47 MALFUNCTION OF ROD CONTROL AND INDICATION SYSTEM Attachment 2 -Adjacent and Symmetric Thermocouple Locations Sheet 3 of 3 2. RECORD the following in the table below:
  • Adjacent TC number
  • Adjacent TC value using the RVLlS Console, ERFIS, or OSI-PI
  • Symmetric TC numbers (not including adjacent TCs)
  • Symmetric TC values for all OPERABLE TCs using the RVLlS Console, ERFIS, or OSI-PI 3. DETERMINE the average of symmetric thermocouples,for each adjacent thermocouple.



__ +----:---:----:-S-"'-iy_lm_m_e-,t_ric_T-,-C..,.--:-

__ -l Symmetric TC Number Value Number Value Average 4. COMPARE each adjacent thermocouple value listed to its symmetric thermocouple average for indication of a misaligned rod. (REFER TO Attachment 1.) --END OF ATTACHMENT 2--AOP-001 I Rev. 32 1 Page 42 of 47 AppendixC Job Performance Measure Form ES-C.,1 Worksheet Facility:

Shearon 001004H101 Task Title: JPM No.:' 2009a NRC JPM: ROA1*2 Perform A Manual Shutdown " Margin Calculation

' , ," ,", ,: I<1A


2.1.25 3.112.8 ' Ability to obtain and interpret station , reference tables which contain performance data .

the initial' conditions, steps to simulate or and provide initiating ,cues; .When YOldcomplete the task $UccessrullYf the this be satisfied; " , ' , Initiating Cue: Task standard:

Required Materials;" General



Time Critical Task: Validation Time: , " The plant has been operating at,750l0:

power for 6 weeks Coreburnup is 350 EFPQ RCS boron concentration is 300 ppm '. NO rods are believed t() ,beimtnovable I untrippable POWERTRAX is NOTavaifable . The USCO has directed you to comPleteOST-1036.

ShutdoWn Margin Calculation MOde$1-5; Section 7 CalclJlatlon (Modes ,1 and ,2)" for current plant

", NOTE; , For this JPM assume independent verification has been performed. " . " OST-1036, Attachment3, Manual SDM Calcutation(Modes 1 and 2). completed with SDM of.301 i'" 7i pcm (toleran ed on total of cllrves used and their division 3t"lt!> pcM OS1 .. 1036, Shutdown Calculation MOde, s 1-5. Rev. 39 Curve Book (Gyele J It"" 1#3lcft (Ctd.e.. 13)* OST -1036, Shutdown Margin Calcul(ition Modes 1-5 Rev. 39 Curve Book.(Cycle . :;.

'e '3 ) OST..,1036, Shutdown Margin Calcula Modes 1-5 Rev; 39 No 20 minutes 200gA NRC Admin Exam RO A 1-2 FINAL Appendix C Start Time: . ___ _ Performance Step: 1 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 3 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 4 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 2 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 OBTAIN PROCEDURE (OST .. 1036 will be provided to allow candidates to write on, Curve Book will be included as a referencein.the Book Cart) OST-t036, Section 7.3, Attachment 3, and Curve Book Enters Reactor Power Level Refers to given conditions and enters 75% Determine Rod Insertion Limit for power level P:13 w I :3):.l5/cfl Refers to Curve..Ji..45ef and determines 1S limit for RIL to be 140 :!: 2 steps (tolerance based on curve division readability)

Enters core BUrn Up Refers to given conditions and enters 350 EFPD 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO A 1-2 FINAL AppendixC PageS of 10* PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES ... 0-1 Performance Step: 5 Enters ROS Boron Concentration Standard:


Comment: Referstoinitial ccmditions'al1d enters 300 ppm 'Determines Power Defect for power level "<:-13-3 $

...... ' . ....* . .. ' ' Refers defeetto be . 1.3.1/0 .22et 50 PCITh(tolerance based on curve division'

-:r. 10 1,'.:. '. ea.dability);*******

.. ' . *

.. vi' Performance Step: 7. /

forRIf..poaition determined above Standard:

Comment: . . '. A .. 13-1I'$f*

IcPf ". . ...*......

' Refers to and determines rod worth to'be 630 + 25 pcm (tolerance based on curve division readability) . Performance Step: 8. Enters worth. of any additionalimmovabte or untripp"ble rods . . Standard:

Refers to given conditions and enters 0 Comment: .;'. -Denotes Critical Steps 2009A NRC Admin EXam RO A1-2 FINAL.


.. . Form ES-C-t ./

9 .... Determines Total Shutdown Marghl Standard:

Comment: .. evaluator Note! Stt>p Time: __ """'-_ Terminating Cue: .;: -Denotes Critical Steps .... ..... 31:1.5/09 Determines Total Shutdown Margin to be..3M5"':!:75pcm (toJerance based on total of an curves. used and. their . division readability)

... "./ . .,,,,} When the candidate returns the complet,d Attachment complete.

Competition of OS1-1036, Attachment 3, Manual.SDM Calculation.. . .. 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO A1-2 FINAL 240 220 200 180 -c == 160 ! "0 .c :: == 140 CIJ 0.-J!! CIJ -z 120 0 j:: (f) 0 0-100 z < ,A'<!I III 0 80 0 a: 60 40 20 0 HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 13 ROD INSERTION LIMITS (46.E ,22 t (! 2.2 -!---.. . _----.. -.. lI' r _M_. _.---7 / . --........ .. ---.-. -f-. , / . -i--' -"¥' .. I--.-"'-.-, ... .. V:A ,. --.... _. . -. -7 V, ./ I--i/ . ----.. -./ ./ . .... .-., -bL / ... 1(0;' -S8) --..... -. II" .J .I / . /" V L I / .. _. / V ------I--.-]-(0,

** u __ " 1--.'---.. .-

... , V _ *... .-.. 1/

-. ...... . ... --r ..I. .. / ()' 0 ....... tt I bI-I f--. --.. , . II ! I / I .-. /" --I "' I I I -.. ./-t i . / V-I -i , .. .

... 1-----,..// I (0;<< 10) I ! I ! I ,} / I I --' 1,--, -. i ! _ .. :7 ; PO) I .

-i ! .-

i / 'I 1/ -o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 'lS 80 -PERCENT OF RATED THERMAL POWER L / L / / / ---.---I------r--.-.. -. ..' .. --.-r--t--. .. --90 100 CURVE NO. F-13-1 REV NO. 0 (100,225)



SUPERVISOR A -,----DA TE iIJj;'f/{)I!

..-:./, .. k SUPERINTENDENT*


.J e-o 0--t; w u.. w c a:: w o D. ..J HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 13 POWER DEFECT vs. POWER LEVEL for VARIOUS BORON CONCENTRATIONS EOL (333 < EFPD S 517) 2() PCMlDIV 20 40 60 1,80 100 -1 "Ie/DIV POWER LEVEL (PERCENT)



.. DATE /0/1-110'( DATE Ivj,l.<l(Di

.' -E u c. -:z: t-a: 0 == c 0 a: -2100 -2000 *1900 -1800 -1700 -1600 -1500

-1400 -1300 -1200 -1100 -1000 HARRIS UNIT 1 CYCLE 13 DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL ROD WORTH CONTROL BANKS D and C MOVING WITH 97 STEP OVERLAP EOL (333 < EFPD :s 517), HFP, EQUILIBRIUM XENON 20 18 16 -15 0 =n "TI -14 gJ m -13 § -12 >> r--11 o -10 ;J. -900 -9 =I a: :::r m -800 -8 :0-n -700 ++++--7 ""30-600 -6 ! ---500 -5 400 4 -200 +++-+-t-H-H+

.2 -100 0 o 20 40 60 80 100 120 J,40, 160 180 200 220 240 5STEPSJOIV o 97 225 * *

  • 128 225 .-------------------



1. 2. 3. 4. Manual SOM Calculation (Modes 1 and 2) Reactor power level. Attachment 3 Sheet 10f 1 75 % Rod insertion limit for the above power level /;,/0 steps on bank _Di--_ Bum up (POWERTRAX/MCR Status Board). EFPD Present ROS Boron Concentration
3Q()ppm NOTE: Use absolute values of numbers obtained from curves. 5. Total worth of all control and shutdown banks. minus the worth ofthe most reactive rod for Fuel Cycle 15. 6. 6810 pcm (a) Cycle 15 Power defect for the power level recorded in Step 1. (Refer to Curves C,..X-1 to Curve used """"-'=--:c',., .:2.31{ 0 (b) NOTE: HFP curves are used for power levels of10%'or greater. 7. 8. 9. Total SDM Ds" (e) IOST-1036 Inserted contrOl rod worth at the rod insertion limit recorded in Step 2. (Refer to Curves A-X-6 to A-X-11) . /i .... ./. Curve used M 13-) -r (c) Worth of any additional immovable or untrippable rods (for each stuck rod, use the most reactive single rod worth (1326 pcm) or obtain individual withdrawn rod worth from the reactor engineer).

Determine the Total Shutdown Margin using the following formula: (J (a) (b) (0) (d) Rev. 39 o (d) pcm 3*<:I,f,J?'\

75" , . 0 'lj pcm-'. ( e) Page 31 of 351 Appendix C Page 90#*10 . VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.:

c ** Facility Evaluator:


Result: SAT UNSAr* Examiner"s Signature:


2009ANRC Admin Exam RO A1-2 FINAL Appendix" C: Initial Conditions:

Page100f 10 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C.,.1

  • The'plant hasbeerfoperating at 75% power for $ weeks Core burnup is350EFPO<'J . .,'RCS boronconcentratlcmJs'300 ppm .; NO rods are believed to' be. immovable I untrippable

.' POWERTRAX i$ NOT available>' . " ,'" .;"

',;' :(, . , "'the used has

-1 Margjncatculation MOdes 1-5, Section 7.3, nManualSDM 2)" for current plantcortditions.

2009A NRC Admin RO A 1-2 FINAL c AbM IN IPtvI f{o AI-2

(----\, J .... PROCEDURE TYPE: NUMBER: TITLE: HARRIS NUCLEAR PLANT PLANT OPERATING MANUAL VOLUME 3 PART 9 OPERATIONS SURVEILLANCE TEST OST-1036 SHUTDOWN MARGIN CALCULATION MODES 1 -5 C CONTINUOUS USE -NOT':: -This procedure has been screened per PLP-100 Criteria and determined to be CASE III. No additional management involvement is required.

IOST-1036 Rev. 39 I Page 1 of 351

( l 1.0, PURPOSE NOTE: If the requirement to perform a SOM Calculation is time critical, the Manual Calculation ha$ been evaluated to be the preferred method. 1. Provide methods to ensure thatRCS boron concentration has a shutdown margin greater than 1770 pcm in Modes 1 and 2, through the use of calculations

.. Provide methods to ensure that RCShas an adequate shutdown margin by verifying the RCS boron concentration is greater than the minimum required boron concentration in Modes 3 through 5. 3. This procedure satisfies the requirements of Technical Specification Surveillance Requirements, and

NOTE: The boron concentration to satisfy FSAR Section takes credit for all control rods being inserted into the core and does NOT satisfy Technical Specification SOM requirements.

4. This procedure calculates the RCS boron concentration required by FSAR Section to block SI actuation signals. 2.0' REFERENCES 2.1. Plant Operating Manual Procedures
1. AP-039 2. AOP-002 3. PLP-106 IOST-1036 Rev. 39 Page 2 of3S\

2.0 References (Cant.) 2.2. Technical Specifications C 1. 2. 3.

5. 2.3.* Final Safety Analysis Report 1. 2. 2.4. Other 1. Plant Curve Book 2. "HNP Cycle 15PDD Setup" Calculation HNP-F/NFSA-0160.
3. EMF-1715(P)

Powertrax Users Guide 4. ESR 98-00388 5. EC 64030 .. / IOST-1036 Rev. 39 Page 3 of 35 I 3.0 PREREQUISITES

1. The performance of this OST has been coordinated with other plant evolutions such that the minimum equipment operating requirements of Tech Specs are met. 2. OBTAIN any tools and equipment required per Section 5.0. 3. OBTAIN Unit SCO permission to perform this OST. Signature 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS
1. If either of the following conditions exist, initiate emergency boration per AOP-002 and continue until the required shutdown margin is achieved:
  • In Modes 3 -5 shutdown margin is less than required by PLP-106, Technical Specification Equipment List Program and Core Operating Program. 2. Projected conditions should be for the minimum shutdown margin expected in the next 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> unless a manual Xenon free calculation is performed. (This precaution is N/A if performing Section 7.4) 3. IfPOWERTRAX is being used it should have been updated with recent power history (less than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> during steady state operation).
4. The POWERTRAX program cannot be run out long enough to calculate a totally Xenon-free value for SDM for any given time. To obtain Xenon Free data, either use the SOR Minimum Boron which is shown on any SDM printout, or perform a manual SDM calculation per Section 7.2. Date 5. Rod worth provided in this procedure for control banks, shutdown banks, and most reactive rod are the most conservative values for Cycle 15 only. Subsequent fuel cycles will require a change to this procedure.
6. Samarium is considered in the assumptions used to develop the curve inputs and as a fixed input to the POWERTRAX transient calculations.

IOST-1036 Rev. 39 Page 4 of 351

( 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS (Cont.) 5.0 7. The required minimum boron concentration usually varies with xenon decay. It is necessary to select a time and temperature based calculation that corresponds to planned plant evolution, and repeat this calculation as necessary if the plan changes. 8. Powertrax is an ICON based computer program. After a calculation is completed, positioning the mouse on a specific node located on the graph and clicking the center mouse button will display the parameters for that specific node. If the mouse is a two button unit the equivalent fUnction is obtained by depressing both buttons at the same time. This. function can be used as many times. as desired and allow a printout of the specific time/data points needed. 9. The Powertrax Shutdown Boron Concentration Module printout will show the Xenon free boron as SOR Minimum Boron. The minimum shutdown boron for the projected time will be listed in the table specific to the temperature under the "ppm Btl column. 10. The requirement to be borated to cold shutdown conditions prior to blocking SI is based on a commitment contained in FSAR Section This requirement ensures that if a steam line break occurs after SI has been blocked, the resultant cooldown will not resultinretum tb The required value is not the Tech Spec shutdown margin; therefore, it is acceptable to credit the worth of all control rods inserted.

11. To ensure the requirements of FSAR Section are met, prior to blocking SI, the RCS r:nust be borated to cold shutdown.


1. EMF-1715(P)

Powertrax Users Guide 2. Operations Curve Book 3. Technical Specifications

4. PLP-106 Shutdown Margin Curve IOST-1036 Rev. 39 1 Page 5 of 351 6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA This procedure will be completed satisfactorily if any one of the following criteria is met: IOST-1036
  • . IF performed for Modes 3, 4, or5, AND the RCS has been borated to the required Refueling Boron Concentration (COLR value), OR
  • IF performed for Modes 3, 4, or 5, Section 7.1 is completed satisfactorily as indicated by the current ReS boron being greater than the minimum ReS boron listed on the POWERTRAX printout for the desired condition, OR
  • IF performed for Modes 3, 4 orS, Section 7.2 is completed satisfactorily as indicated by the current RCS boron being greater than the calculated required.shutdown boron concentration.


  • IF performed for Modes 1 or2, Section 7.3 is completed satisfactorily as indicated by the shutdown margin recorded in Item 9 of Attachment 3 being greater than or equal to 1770 pcm. Rev. 39 Page 6 of 351 7.0 PROCEDURE CAUTION Do not use Section 7.1 before initial criticality on any new fuel cycle. 1. IFthis procedure is being performed to verify Shutdown Boron Concentration in Modes 3, 4, or 5 with two or more stuck rods, THEN PERFORM the following substeps:
a. The required Shutdown Boron Concentration is equal to 2172 ppm with no further calculation required.

Q. COMPLETE Attachment 6, Certifications and Reviews. c. INFORM the Unit SCO that this test has been completed.

2. IF this procedure is being performed to verify adequate Shutdown Boron Concentration in Modes 3, 4, or 5, AND theRGS is boratedtQ the required Refueling Boron Concentration of 2172 ppm, THEN PERFORM the following substeps:*
a. b. COMPLETE Section 7.5, Test Completion COMPLETE Attachment 6, Certifications and Reviews. c. INFORM the Unit SCO that this test has been completed.

7.1. Shutdown Boron Concentration Prediction Using POWERTRAX (Modes 3 -5) NOTE: The review of the Control Operator's Log will ensure adequate sampling of a . constant xenon condition to provide an accurate Shutdown Margin. 1. IF performing this procedure while in Modes 1 or 2 for projected Mode 3-5 conditions, IOST-1036 THEN PERFORM the following: (Otherwise this step N/A) a. REVIEW the Control Operator's Log to ensure steady state conditions (less than 10% power manipulations) within the previous 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. Rev. 39 Page 7 of 351 c 7.1 Shutdown Boron Concentration Prediction Using POWERTRAX (Modes 3 -5) (Cont.) b. IF steady state conditions have not existed for the past 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />, THEN PERFORM one of the following: (N/A if not pe.rformed)

(1) CONTACT Reactor Engineering AND have additional MICROBURN-P triggers processed, if required.

OR (2) DISCONTINUE this procedure section and PERFORM Section 7.2. c. N/A Steps 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.14 and 7.1.15.d.

d. CONTINUE with Step 7.1.4. 2. IF performing this procedure while in Modes 3-5, THEN PERFORM the following:
a. CHECK that a MICROBURN-P file trigger has been processed at or subsequent to the reactor trip or shutdown.
b. IF a MICROBURN-P file trigger has not been processed, THEN PERFORM one of the following: (This Step N/A if a file has been processed, N/A substep not performed)

(1) CONTACT Reactor Engineering and have additional MICROBURN-P triggers processed.

OR (2) DISCONTINUE this procedure section and PERFORM Section 7.2. 3. RECORD the following parameters:

a. RCS Sample Time and Date: b. RCS Boron Concentration:
c. Projected SDM Time and Date d. Projected SDM Temperature

___ ppn IOST-1036 Rev. 39 Page 8 of 351 7.1 Shutdown Boron Concentration Prediction Using POWERTRAX (Modes 3 -5) (Cont.) NOTE: Powertrax is a case sensitive application.

The commands listed in "apostrophes" should be typed as listed in the procedure.

4. To use the STA LAN computer PERFORM the following steps: a. GO to START/STA Icons. b. DOUBLE CLICK on PowerTrax at HNP icon. c. SIGN ON User 10 as "sta". d. TAB to Password.
e. USE "hnp_sta"as a password.
f. DEPRESS ENTER. NOTE: Due to conflicts between the operating systems(Unix vs. Windows), Step 7.1.4.g may have to be performed twice. ... g. WHEN the HNP Unix window opens, PERFORM the following:

(1) ENTER "hnpptx".

(2) DEPRESS ENTER. 5. From the PowerTrax Main Menu SELECT: ... Shutdown Horon Concentration Prediction

6. Once the POWERTRAX Shutdown Boron Concentration Module screen appears, PERFORM the following:
a. ACTIVATE the "Eile" pull down menu. b. SELECT "Qpen". C. SELECT "MB-P File". I OST-1036 Rev. 39 Page 9 of 351 7.1 Shutdown Boron Concentration Prediction Using POWERTRAX (Modes 3 -5) (Cont.) (' NOTE: "Directories" will be listed in the following format: . "/ptrax/hnp/CY111MBP/d.YYMMDD.f-.lHmmss".

Example would be Iptra){Jhnp/CY111MBP/d.021201.090037

= 12/01/02 @ 0900.37 NOTE: In the case of a Reactor Trip or Emergency Shutdown, a new file will most likely be generated by Reactor Engineering.

7. WHILE viewing the File Selection Menu screen, PERFORM the following:
a. PERFORM one of the following: (N/A substep not performed)

(1) IF in Modes 1 or 2, in the Directories sub-screen, THEN SELECT a directory created within the previous 72 hrs(preferably the most receM directory).

1 OST-1036 OR (2) . IF in Modes 3-5, THEN SELECT a directory created at or subsequent to the reactor trip or shutdown (preferably the most recent). b. SELECT "Filter".

c. In the Files sub-screen, SELECT the file labeled as "dat.YYMMDD.HHmmss".
d. RECORD the file name(date and time) selected in the previous step. File ___ --'-_____ _ e. SELECT "OK". Rev. 39 Page 10 of 351 7.1 Shutdown Boron Concentration Prediction Using POWERTRAX (Modes 3 -5) (Cont.) 8. On the POWERTRAX Shutdown Boron Concentration Module Screen, INPUT the following POWERTRAX data
a. Calc Directory (suggest YYMMDD_XXX, where XXX is/the users initials)

NOTE: The preset defaults for the Number of Calculations and Delta Time will result in a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> projection.

These defaults will normally be used, however, they may be modified if a different projection time is desired. NOTE: If this procedure is being performed in Modes*1 or 2 for projected shutdown conditions, the time between the last MICROBURN-P file and projected 80M should be 24 hrs in Step 7.1.8.b. b. DETERMINE the time between the Jast MICROBURN-P file (Step 7.1.7.d) and the projectedSDM.

Hrs ---c. DIVIDE the number of hours (Step7.1.8.b) by2 and round up to the nearest whole number. ___ result (number of calculations)

d. ENTER the resultant from Step 7.1.8.c into the number of calculations field (Default is 12). e. VERIFY (2) is entered in the Delta Time field. f. . RECORD the value displayed for Burnup. Burnup-____ EFPD 9. ACTIVATE the "Eile" pull down menu and PERFORM the following:
a. SELECT "Run". b. At the "Job Execution Dialog" box, SELECT "Run". IOST-1036 I Rev. 39 Page 11 of 35 I 7.1 Shutdown Boron Concentration Prediction Using POWERTRAX (Modes 3 -5) (Cont.) NOTE: POWERTRAX will take several minutes to complete the necessary calculations.
10. AFTER the calculation is complete, PERFORM the fol!owing:
a. ACTIVATE the "Qutput" pull down menu. b. SELECT "Qutput".

NOTE: Section 7.0 provides guidance if more than one rod is known to be immovable or untrippable.

11. IF any rod is known to be immovable or untrippable AND is not completely inserted in the core, THEN PERFORM the following: (otherwise, mark the Step "N/A" and proceed to the next Step) a. For any stuck rod, USE the value of the most reactive single rod worth (-1326 pcm) OR OBTAIN the individual withdrawn rod worth for each rod from Reactor Engineering.

In the upper right hand portion of.the screen, INPUT the reactivity value of the known stuck rod(s). 12. ACTIVATE the "ReS Iemperatures" pull down menu, and PERFORM the following:

a. SELECT "§elect Temperatures".

NOTE: IF performing in Modes 1 or 2 forprojeded conditions in Modes 3-5, THEN the following temperatures are normally entered: 557,550,500,450,400, 350, 300, 250, 200, and 70°F b. INPUT the desired corresponding temperature values. c. SELECT "OK". I OST-1036 Rev. 39 Page 12 of 351 7.1 Shutdown Boron Concentration Prediction Using POWERTRAX (Modes 3-5) (Cont.) 13. ACTIVATE the "Eile" pull down menu, and perform the following:

a. SELECT "Erint". b. SELECT "8eport" . . c. SELECT "No Format". d. SELECT "OK". NOTE: The POWERTRAX output indicates the postulated shutdown occurring at the 1 st data point. Successive datapoints correspond to the elapsed time following the shutdown.

NOTE: The data for the time and date of the MICROBURN-P file is on line "1" of the printout.

The data for projected time and are on the last line. 14. PERFORM the following to verify the present ReS boron concentration is greater than the minimum boron concentration required for the projected conditions:

a. VERIFY the projected time and date on the printout are within two hours of that in Step 7.1.3.c. b. VERIFY the present boron concentration is greater than that required:

(1) RECORD present boron . -..,... __ ppm (Step 7.1.3.b) (2) RECORD required boron _____ ppm (Printout)

15. From the POWERTRAX printout, PERFORM Independent verification of the following:


a. Date and Time for the first data point is at or subsequent to the time of the reactor trip or shutdown .. (N/A if no trip or shutdown occurred)
b. Date and time(1 second later) for the first data point corresponds to the file name recorded in Step 7.1.7.d. c. IF there is a stuck rod, THEN the pcm value listed on the printout is -1326 pcm, otherwise the value is zero. d. The Acceptance Criteria listed in Step 7.1.14 is met. Rev. 39 Page 13 of 351 7.1 Shutdown Boron Concentration Prediction Using POWERTRAX (Modes 3-5) (Cont.) 16. UPDATE the MCR Status Board with the EFPD value recorded in Step 7.1.8.f. 17. IF performing in Modes 1 or 2 for projected Modes 3-5 conditions, THEN UPDATE the Xenon Free boron concentration for the temperatures specified on the status board. (N/A if performed in Modes 3-5) 18. To exit the PowerTrax application, PERFORM the following:
a. . ACTIVATE the "File" pull down menu. b. SELECT "Close". c. ACTIVATE the "File" pull down menu. d. SELECT "Exit". e. ACTIVATE "Exit" pull down menu. f. SELECT "Exit". g. DEPRESS Enter at the prompt. h. TYPE "exit". i. DEPRESS Enter. 1 OST-1036 Rev. 39 Page 14 of 351

( 7.2. Manual 80M Calculation (Modes 3 -5) 1. RECORD the following information:

EFPO Core burn up from MCR Status board. SOM Temp Temperature for which this SOM calculation is taking credit. CRCS Latest available RCS boron sample. Value NOTE: Following core reload, the RWST ATOM percent value should be used until a measurement is obtained for the current Cycle. ARCS RCS B-10 ATOM percent from MCR status board. OR RWST B-10 Atom percent, IF following Core Reload 2. CHECK rod status as follows: a. b. IF all rods are inserted, RECORD CRODS = 0 in Step 7.2.3.a and N/A Step 7.2.2.b. IF all rods are not inserted, COMPLETE Attachment

1. NOTE: Curve A-X-22 contains Notes to ensure SOM requirements are met for plant conditions.
3. DETERMINE Xenon free SOM boron concentration, CSDM, as follows: CCURVE 1 OST-1036 a. RECORD the following information:

Boron additionto compensate for stuck rods from Attachment 1 or Step 7.2.2.a. Uncorrected required SOM boron concentration from curve A-X-22 (Use action level line on curve.) Rev. 39 Value Page 15 of 351 7.2 Manual SDM Calculation (Modes 3 -5) (Cont.) b. DETERMINE required Xenon free SOM uncorrected boron concentration CREQ: CREQ = CRODS + CCURVE CREQ= ____ _ c. DETERMINE Xenon free SOM corrected boron concentration, CSDM: CSDM = 19.9* (C REQ) ARcs CSDM= ____ _ ARCS-RCS 8-10 ATOM percent from Step 7.2.1. CREQ -Xe free SOM uncorrected boron concentration from Step 7.2.3.b 4. DETERMINE whether SOM requirements can be met by Xenon free SOM calculation:


a. COMPARE RCS boron concentration, CRcs,and Xenon free SOM corrected boron concentration, CSDM: CSDM RCS boron sample from Step 7.2.1. Xenon free SOM corrected boron concentration from Step 7.2.3.c. Rev. 39 Page 16 of 351 c 7.2 Manual 8DM Calculation (Modes 3 -5) (Cont.) b. IF CRCS is greater than C SDM , THEN SOM requirements are met and this OST is satisfactory for the temperature recorded in Step 7.2.1 upon performance of the following:

(1 ) (2) PERFORM an independent verification of this Section and applicable attachments.

MARK remaining Steps in this Section N/A and COMPLETE . Section 7.5 Test Completion.

c. IF C RCS is less than or equal to CSDM, THEN CONTINUE with Step 7.2.5 to take credit for Xenon effects. 5. PERFORM Attachment 2 to calculate SDM boron requirements to account for Xenon . effects; 6. DETERMINE SDM boron. concentration corrected for boron-1 0 and Xenon effects, C SDM , xi::: CXE = ----CSDM, XE = CSDM -CXE CSDM,XE = __ _ Boron equivalent to compensate for Xenon from Attachment 2 .. CSDM -Xenon free SOM corrected boron concentration from Step 7.2.3.c. . 7. DETERMINE whether SOM requirementscan be met by SOMboron cG>rrected for boron-10 and* Xenon effects: IOST-1 036 a. COMPARE RCS boron concentration, CRcs , and SOM boron concentration corrected for boron-1 0 and Xenon effects, CS DM XE: CRCS Latest available RCS boron sample from Step 7.2.1. CSDM,XE SOM boron concentration corrected for boron-10 and Xenon effects from Step 7.2.6. Rev. 39 Page 17 of 351

( 7.2 Manual SOM Calculation (Modes 3 -5) (Cant.) IOST-1036

b. IF CRcs is greater than CSDM,XE, THEN SOM requirements are met and this OST issatisfactory for the temperature recorded in Step 7.2.1 until the projected time recorded in Attachment 2 upon performance of the following:

(1) PERFORM an independent verification of this Section and applicable attachments.

(2) COMPLETE Section 7.5, Test Completion.

c. IF CRCS is less than or equal to CSDM, XE, THEN SOM requirements are not met and this OST is unsatisfactory.

BORATE to establish adequate 80M. Rev. 39 Page 18 of 351

( ( , ( 7.3. Manual SOM Calculation (Modes 1 and 2) 1. ENTER the absolute value for each parameter on Attachment3.

2. PERFORM the calculation listed on Attachment 3 Item 9 for the required SOM boron concentration the projected conditions.
3. PERFORM an independent verification of Attachment
3. 4. . VERIFY that total SOM recorded on Attachment 3 is 1770 pcm or greater. IOST-1036 Rev. 39 I Page 19 of 351

( 7.4. Manual Determination For Cold Shutdown Boron Requirements to Allow Blocking Safety Injection NOTE: The RCS temperature is assumed to be 200 OF for Cold Shutdown.

1. IF this section is being performed to determine the Projected Boron Required (CPBR) in preparation for plant shutdown, THEN MARK this step N/A, Otherwise VERIFY the following conditions (If all conditions cannot be met, discontinue use of this section and mark all remaining Steps N/A): a. All reactor trip breakers are Open. b. All reactor trip bypass breakers are Open. c. All control bank and all shutdown rods are fully inserted.
2. RECORD the following information:

EFPD RCS Temp IOST-1036 Core burn up from MCR Status board. Temperature fbrwhich this SDM calculation is taking credit. Latest available RCS boron sample. RCS B-10 ATOM percent from MCR status board. . Rev. 39 Value Page 20 of 35 I 7.4 Manual Determination For Cold Shutdown Boron Requirements to Allow Blocking Safety Injection (Cont.) NOTE: Curve A-X-22 contains Notes to ensure SOM requirements are met for plant conditions.

3. DETERMINE the required Xenon free cold shutdown boron concentration, C cso , as follows: a. From Curve A-X-22, DETERMINE the required Xenon free SOM uncorrected boron concentration, CREQ: C REQ= ___ _ b. DETERMINE Xenon free cold shutdown corrected boron concentration, Ccso: Ccso = 19.9 * (CREQ) ARCS -RCS B 10 ATOM percent from Step 7.4.2. Ccso= ___ _ CREQ -Xe free SOM uncorrected boron concentration from Step 7.4.3.a. 4. DETERMINE the absolute value of uncorrected differential boron worth, OBWUNC, from curve A-X-16, A-X-17, or A-X-18. Curve Used OBWUNC = OBWUNC = Uncorrected differential boron worth. 5. DETERMINE corrected differential boron worth OBWCORR: IOST-1036 OBWCOR R = (OBWUNd(ARcsL 19.9 OBWCORR = __ _ OBWUNC -Uncorrected differential boron worth. Step 7.4.4. ARCS -RCS B-10 ATOM percent from Step 7.4.2.

Corrected differential boron worth. Rev. 39 Page 21 of 351 7.4 Manual Determination For Cold Shutdown Boron Requirements to Allow Blocking Safety Injection (Cont.) NOTE: Step 7.4.6 determines the boron equivalent of the most reactive rod being -inserted into the core(instead of stuck out). 6. DETERMINE the boron equivalent for the most reactive control rod fully inserted into the core, CROD: IOST-1036 CROD = 1326 DBW cORR CRO D= __ _ I 1326 -Additional reactivity worth of most -reactive control rod fully inserted -into the core. DBWcORR -Corrected differential-boron worth from Step 7.4.5. Boron equivalent for most reactive control rod fully inserted.

Rev. 39 Page 22 of 35 I

( 7.4 Manual Determination For Cold Shutdown Boron Requirements to Allow Blocking Safety Injection (Cont.) 7. DETERMINE the projected time period after shutdown or reactor trip to be used in determining Xenon worth:

  • Time since shutdown/trip.

___ hours. (a)

  • Projected Time = Time since shutdown/trip

___ hours + 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. (a)

  • Projected Time = hours -------(b) . Projected*

Time period :::

hours to (a) _:-:-:--_

hours (b) 8. DETERMINE the absolute value of Xenon reactivity worth using either of the following: (Method not used is N/A) IOST-1036

a. IFEXSPACK is NOT available, THEN DETERMINE the absolute value of the lowest Xenon I. reactivity worth during the-projected time period from curves B-X-5, B.,.X-6 or B-X-7, PXE: Curve used = ---PXE= __ _ Absolute value of the lowest Xenon reactivity worth during the projected time period. b. IF EXSPACK is available, THEN DETERMINE the absolute value of Xenon reactivity worth as follows: . (1) VERIFY reactor power at steady state (less than 10 percent power change) for at least 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> prior to initiation of the sh utdown/trip:

Rev. 39 Page 23 of 35 I

( 7.4 Manual Determination For Cold Shutdown Boron Requirements to Allow Blocking Safety Injection (Cont.) (2) . OBTAIN a power history of the shutdown from any of the following:

  • Operator logs
  • ERFIS plots, archives, or other (3) RECORD the power history in Attachment
4. (4) VERIFY EXSPACKversion PNR02020 is in use. (5) ENTER the following data in the EXSPPACK program using the* ST A computer:
  • EFPD from Step 7.4.2
  • Type of transient:


  • Power history from Attachment 4 (6) USING the EXSPACK program, EXECUTE a Xenon transient calculation to determine the Xenon worth: . (7) FROM the EXSPACK printout, DETERMINE the minimum value for Xenon during the 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> following the reaCtor trip or shutdown.

PXE= __ _ Xenon reactivity worth. 9. DETERMINE the boron equivalent for Xenon, CXE: C XE = PXE DBWcoRR CXE= __ _ PXE -Absolute value of the lowest Xenon reactivity worth during the projected time period Step 7.4.8.a. DBWcORR -Corrected differential boron worth from Step 7.4.5. Boron equivalent for Xenon worth at projected time. IOST-1036 Rev. 39 Page 24 of 35 I

( 7.4 Manual Determination For Cold Shutdown Boron Requirements to Allow Blocking Safety Injection (Cont.) 10. DETERMINE if cold shutdown conditions are met with credit taken for Xenon and the most reactive rod fully inserted.

a. IF it is desired to determine what the Projected Boron Required (CPBR) to block Safety Injection, THEN PERFORM the following calculation:

(1) C PBR = C CSD CXE CPBR = (7.4.3.b)

(7.4.6) (7.4.9) CPBR = (2) MARK Steps 7.4.10.b, 7.4.10.c, and 7.4.10.e N/A. (3) COMPLETE Section 7.5, Test Completion

b. '. IF it is desired to Calculate the equivalent RCS boron concentration CEQ, THEN PERFORM the following calculation:

= + + CXE (7.4.2) (7.4.6) (7.4.9) CEQ = ---Verified Verified IOST-1036 Rev. 39 Page 25 of 35 I 7.4* Manual Determination For Cold Shutdown Boron Requirements to Allow Blocking Safety Injection (Cont.) c. COMPARE the equivalent RCS boron concentration CEQ to the required boron concentration for cold shutdown:

CEQ = ___ from Step 7.4.10.b CCSD = _--,---,-_

from Step 7.4.3.b NOTE: Substep d or e will be performed based on above results. IOST-1036

d. IF CEQ is greater than or equal to CCSD, . THEN the RCS is borated to cold shutdown conditions and the automatic SI actuation signals can be blocked as follows: (1) PERFORM an independent verification of this Section and applicable attachments.

(2) MARKStep 7.4.1 D.e as N/A. (3) COMPLETE Section 7.5 Test Completion.

e. IF CEQ is less than CCSD, THEN the RCS is NOT borated to cold shutdown conditions and the automatic SI actuation signals can NOT be blocked. (1) PERFORM an independent verification of this Section and applicable attachments.

(2) MARK Step 7.4.10.d as N/A. (3) COMPLETE Section 7.5 Test Completion.

Rev. 39 Page 26 of 35 I

( 7.5. Test Completion

1. IF performed as a result of the detection of an inoperable control rod, THEN DOCUMENT completion of PMIO RQ 22121-01.
2. IF performed for the daily Modes 3, 4, and 5 requirements, THEN DOCUMENT completion of PMIO RQ 22122-01.
3. IF sections 7.1 or 7.2 were performed and the results were satisfactory, THEN RECORD the following:

SOM Temperature Projected time after shutdown 4. IF Section 7.4 was performed, ___ Hours (N/A for Xenon Free calculations)

THEN RECORD the following for the substep that was performed (N/A the substep that was not performed):

a. Projected Boron Required (CPBR), Step 7.4.1 0.a(1) ___ PPM b. IF the results for equivalent RCS boron concentration were l;)atisfactory , THEN RECORD the following:

Boron for cold shutdown conditions (Ccso), Step 7.4.10.b ___ PPM Projected time after shutdown for calculation

__ ...--Hours

5. IF being performed for the weekly online activity, THEN perform the following:
a. UPDATE the Unit Status Board. h. PLACE a completed copy of this test in the Curve Book attheACP.
6. COMPLETE applicable portions of Attachment 6, Certifications Reviews, and INFORM the Unit SCQ that this QST is completed.

I QST-1036 Rev. 39 Page 27 of 35 I

( 8.0 DIAGRAMS/ATTACHMENTS -Attachment 2 -Attachment 3 -Attachment 4 -Attachment 5 -Attachment 6 -IOST-1036 Boron Addition Calculation to Compensate for Stuck Rods Boron Equivalent Calculation to Compensate for Xenon Manual SDM Calculation (Modes 1 and 2) Reactor Power History for EXSPACK Calculation of Xenon Reactivity.

Determining The Date and Time of MICROBURN-P Files Certifications and Reviews Rev. 39 Page 28 of 35 I Boron Addition Calculation to Compensate for Stuck Rods Attachment 1 Sheet 10f 1 1. DETERMINE and RECORD the number of rods not fully inserted into the core, N: N = Number of rods not fully inserted into the core NOTE: The reactivity worth of the single most reactive rod is 1326 pcm. Either this value or the individual withdrawn rod worth for each rod, as provided by the reactor engineer, may be used. 2. DETERMINE reactivity worth of rods not fully inserted into the core: PRODS = N * (1326 pcm) or PRODS = Value provided by reactor engineering PRODS = __ Reactivity worth of rods not fully inserted into the core 3. DETERMINE the absolute value of uncorrected differential boron worth, OBW unc , from curves A-X-16; A-X-17, or A-X-18. Curve used OBWUNC = OBWUNC -Uncorrected differential boron worth 4. DETERMINE boron addition to compensate for stuck rodS,CRODS:

PRODS OBW UNC C RODS= __ PRODS -Reactivity worth of rods not fully inserted into the core from Attachment 1, Step 2 OBW UNC -Uncorrected differential boron worth from Attachment 1, Step 3 Boron addition to compensate for stuck rods 5. RECORD value of CRODS in Step 7.2.3.a. IOST-1036 Rev. 39 Page 29 of 35 I

( Boron Equivalent Calculation to Compensate for Xenon Attachment 2 Sheet 1 of 1 NOTE: The projected time from the shutdown margin calculation that compensates for Xenon effects should be for a minimum of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the time this calculation is completed.

1. DETERMINE projected time after shutdown:

Projected Time = Time since shutdown __ ,Hours + 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Projected Time = __ Hours 2. DETERMINE the absolute value of Xenon reactivity worth at projected time from curves B-X-5, 8-X-6 or B-X-7,pXE

Curve used PXE = _ Xenon reactivity worth at projected time 3. DETERMINE the absolute value of uncorrected differential boron worth, DBW UNC , from curves X-16, A-X-17, or A-X-18. Curve used DBW UNC = DBW UNC -Uncorrected differential boron worth 4. DETERMINE corrected differential boron worth DBW corr: DBW corr =

DBW UNC-Uncorrected differential boron worth 19.9 from Attachment 2, Step 3 ARCS -RCS B-1, 0 ATOM percent from Step 7.2.1 DBW corr = Corrected differential boron worth 5. DETERMINE boron equivalent corrected for boron-10 and Xenon effects, C XE: C XE = PXE DBW corr PXE -Xenon reactivity worth at projected time from Attachment 2, Step 2 DBW corr -Corrected differential boron worth from Attachment 2, Step 4 C XE=_ Boron equivalent to compensate for Xenon 6. RECORD value of C XE in Step 7.2.6. IOST-1036 Rev. 39 Page 30 of 35 I

( c Attachment 3 Sheet 1 of 1 Manual SDM Calculation (Modes 1 and 2) 1. Reactor power level. --_% 2. Rod insertion limit for the above power level __ steps on bank __ _ 3. Burn up (POWERTRAX/MCR Status Board). EFPD 4. Present RCS Boron Concentration

__ ppm NOTE: Use absolute values of numbers obtained from curves, 5. Total worth of all control and shutdown banks, minus the worth of the most reactive rod for Fuel 6810 pcm ( a ) 6. Cycle 15 Power defect for the power level recorded in Step 1. (Refer to Curves C-X-1 to C-X-3). , Curve used ---__ pcm (b) NOTE: HFP curves are used for power levels of 10% or greater. 7. Inserted control rod worth at the, rod insertion limit recorded in Step 2. (Refer to Curves A-X-6 to A-X-11) Curve used, ---__ pcm (c) 8. Worth of any additional immovable or untrippable rods (for each stuck rod, use the most reactive single rod worth (1326 pcm) or obtain individual withdrawn rod worth from the reactor engineer).

_-,-_pcm ( d) 9. Determine the Total Shutdown Margin using the following formula: Total SDM C B= (e) (a) (b) (c) (d) ___ pcm (e) IOST-1036 Rev. 39 Page 31 of 351 Attachment 4 Sheet 1 of1 ( Reactor Power History for EXSPACK Calculation of Xenon Reactivity NOTE: The initial entry must be for steady state conditions since EXSPACK assumes equilibrium Xenon for this point. NOTE: The Xenon transient must be projected 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> from the time of the reactor trip or shutdown.

Date Time Reactor Power Comments IOST-1036 Rev. 39 Page 32 of 35 I

( NOTE: NOTE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Determining The Date and Time of MICROBURN-P Files Powertrax is a case sensitive application.

The commands listed in "apostrophes" should be typed as listed in the procedure.

All instructions assume that PowerTraxis accessed from the STA LAN computer.

GO to START/STA Icons DOUBLE CLICK on PowerTrax at HNP icon. SIGN ON !Jser IDas "sta". TAB to Password USE "hnp_sta" as a password DEPRESS ENTER. Attachment 5 Page 1 of 1 NOTE: Due to conflicts between the operating systems(Unix vs. Windows), Step 7 may have to be performed*

twice. 7. WHEN the HNP Unix window opens, PERFORM the following:

a. ENTER "hnpptx" b. DEPRESS ENTER. 8. From the PowerTrax Main Menu SELECT: Shutdown Boron Concentration Prediction
9. Once the Powertrax Shutdown Boron Concentration Module screen appears, PERFORM the* following:
a. ACTIVATE the "Eile" pull down menu b. SELECT "Qpen" c. SELECT"MB-P File" NOTE: "Directories" will be listed in the following format: "/ptraxlhnp/CY11/MBP/d.YYMMDD.HHmmss".

Example would be Iptraxlhnp/CY11/MBP/d.021201.090037

= 12/01102 @ 0900.37 10. CLICK on the directory to highlight the file and determine the time and date at which the file was created. IOST-1036 Rev. 39 Page 33 of 35 I

( ( Attachment 6 Sheet 1 of 1 Certifications and Reviews This OST was performed as a: Periodic Surveillance Requirement:

Postmaintenance Operability Test: Redundant Subsystem Test: -Plant Conditions:

MODE: ---OST Completed By: Date: ---Time: OST Performed By: Initials Name (Print) Initials Name (Print) General Comments/Recommendations/Corrective Actions/Exceptions:

Pages used: OST Completed with NO EXCEPTIONS/EXCEPTIONS Reviewed By: Unit SCO Date After receiving the final review signature, this OST becomes a QA RECORD and should be submitted to Document Services.

IOST-1036 Rev. 39 Page 34 of 35 I General , . Revision 38 Summary (PRR-190763)

This revision is performed to incorporate EC 64030 (Cycle 15 Core reload design). All changes are directly related to EC 64030 . . Description of Changes Page Section 3 2.4.2 2.4.5 . 4 4.0.5 7 7.0.1.a 7.0.2 12 7.1.11.a 13 7.1.15.c 22 7.4.6 29 Attachment 1 31 Attachment 3 General Change Description*

Changed reference to "HNP CYCLE 15 POD Setup," Calculation HNP-F/NFSA-0160.

Changed reference to EC 64030 Changed "for Cycle 14" to "for Cycle 15" . . .,1 Changed "2181 ppm" to "2172 ppm" Changed "2181 ppm" to "2172>ppm" Changed "-1028 pcm" to "-1326 pcm" Changed "-1028 pcm" to "-1326pcm" Changed "1028" to "1326" (Two locations)

In NOTE prior to Step 2, changed "1028 pcm" to "1326 pcm" In Step 2, changed "1028 pcm" to "1326 pcm" In Step 5, "Cycle 14" to "Cycle 15" In Step 5, changed "7249" to "6810" In Step 6, changed "Cycle 14" to "Cycle 15" In Step 8, changed "1028 pcm" to "1326 pcm" Revision 39 Summary (PRR-276071 ) This editorial correction corrects a typo . . Description of Changes Page All 11 IOST-1036 Section Step 7.1.8.b Change Description Updated revision level. Corrected typo. Changed MICROBURB to MICROBURN.

Rev. 39 Page 35 of 35 I

( Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:

Shearon Harris Task No.: 301013H401 TaskTitle:

Determine Boric Acid Addition JPM No.: 2009a NRC JPM Following CR Evacuation SRO A1-2 KIA


G2.1.25 3.9/4.2 Examinee:

NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator:

Date: ___ _ Method of testing: Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

x Classroom X Simulator Plant ---READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Initiating Cue: Task Standard:

The Control Room has been evacuated and the MCB transfer to the ACP has been completed.

Plant management has directed a plant cooldown to mode 5 utilizing AOP-004. BAT level is 86% with a concentration of 7300 ppm. The RCS is currently 745 ppm. You are the "Unit" SCO. Perform a calculation of the required boric acid addition to achieve cold shutdown and BAT level change per AOP-004, Section 3.2 Step 25 to obtain an OST-1036 cold shutdown boron requirement of 1600 ppm. Utilizes Curve D-2 and obtains a change of 23.5 to 29.5 percent (or a final level of 57.5 to 61.5 percent).

Actual is 26.5% change (or 59.5% final). Required Materials:

SHNPP CURVE BOOK Calculator General


AOP-004 Rev. 44, Curve Book nomograph E-2 and curve D-2 Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 15 minutes 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A1-2 FINAL Appendix C Start Time: ____ _ Performance Step: 1 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: Page 2 of 6 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION OBTAIN PROCEDURE Obtains AOP-004 and refers to Section 3.2 Step 25 Form ES-C-1 Obtain cold shutdown boron concentration using copy of latest OST -1036 in back of book. (If candidate asks: This information is provided in the initiating cue.) Required shutdown boron concentration is 1600 ppm 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A1-2 FINAL*

Appendix C ./' Performance Step: 3 Standard:


Utilizes formula on Nomograph E-2 and calculates between 8975 to 9075 gallons of boric acid to be added. Actual is 9027 gallons Boron Addition (ReS @ 350°F) . VB =--M 8.33 ,7000-Ci M = 538,000 The Nomograph formula found on Curve E-2 assumes that the BAT boron concentration is 7000 ppm. In this JPM the given information is that the BAT concentration is 7300 ppm. The candidate MUST use the given concentration of 7300 ppm to come to the correct boron addition.

CORRECT CALCULATION v = -538000 In (7300-1600)

B 8.33 7300-745 If candidate uses 7000 ppm for BAT BA concentration (from the nomograph) instead of changing to 7300 ppm the result will be 9493 gallons INCORRECT CALCULATION v = -538000 In (7000-1600)

B 8.33 7000-745 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A1-2 FINAL

( Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 4 Standard:

!(If)(iO . Page 4 of6 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Form ES-C-1 USING THE BORIC ACID TANK CURVE 0-2 FROM THE CURVE BOOK, DETERMINE THE CHANGE IN BORIC ACID TANK LEVEL EQUIVALENT TO THE REQUIRED GALLONS OF BORIC ACID. Utilizes Curve 0-2 and obtains a change of 23.5 to 29.5 percent (or a final level of 57.5 to 61.5 percent).

Actual is 26.5% change (or 59.5% final). " CONTROL ROOM COpy DO NOT REMOVE Comment: Evaluator Note: Stop Time: ___ _ Termlnating Cue: When candidate completes the calculations the JPM is completed.

Change in BAT level calculated.

2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A1-2 FINAL

( Appendix C Page 5 of 6 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Form ES-C-1 Job Performance Measure No.: 2009a NRC JPM SRO A1-2 Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:




Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:



INITIATING CUE: Page 6 of6 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 The Control Room has been evacuated and the MCS transfer to the ACP has been completed.

Plant management has directed a plant cooldown to mode 5 utilizing AOP-004. SAT level is 86% with a concentration of 7300 ppm. The RCS is currently 745 ppm. You are the USCO. Perform a calculation of the required boric acid addition to achieve cold shutdown and SAT level change per AOP-004, Section 3.2 Step 25 to obtain an OST-1036 cold shutdown boron requirement of 1600 ppm. 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A1-2 FINAL

< EF £12-EN LE A j) /VI /N ;
:r fJ 11,1 51<'0 r/1-2-(

( REMOTE SHUTDOWN INSTRUCTIONS 3.2 Remote Shutdown With No Fire ACP/ STA and Unit SCQ o 24. EVALUATE the operational status of plant equipment AND INITIATE repairs to equipment required to achieve cold shutdown.

RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED NOTE Reactor Engineering may need to be contacted to obtain the latest critical RCS boron concentration and RCS B':'10 atom percent. o ACP / Unit SCQ 25. REFER TO Curve Book AND PERFORM horation of ReS to cold shutdown boron concentration:

a. OBTAIN cold shutdown boron concentration, using copy of latest OST-1036 in back of book: ____ ppm o b. DETERMINE gallons of boric acid required to achieve required boron concentration, using formula on boron addition nomograph E-2: ____ gallons o c. DETERMINE change in Boric Acid Tank level equivalent to the required gallons of boric acid, using curve 0-2: ____ % change (Continued on Next Page) AQP-004 Rev. 44 Page 71 of 123 o REMOTE SHUTDOWN INSTRUCTIONS RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 3.2 Remote Shutdown With No Fire 25. (continued)


  • PRZ level (L1-459A2) may be raised to 90% to achieve required RCS boration.
  • RCS cooldown may be necessary to shrink RCS volume and allow completion of RCS boration.
  • Placing letdown in service using OP-107 may be desirable.

However, some components needed for this evolution can not be controlled from the ACP, and would need to be operated locally. PNSC concurrence should be obtained prior to placing letdown in service.

  • If the Boric Acid Filter is isolated, it will be necessary to locally open 1 CS-565, BA Filter Bypass Vlv. d. CHECK BOTH Boric Acid Transfer Pumps UNAVAILABLE.

26.' COMMENCE boration using gravity feed from the Boric Acid Tank: ACP I Unit SCO d. PERFORM the following:

o (1) CONTINUE boration using charging pump and boric acid flow. o (2) GO TO Step 27. o a. STOP the running CSIP. ACP I Unit SCO o b. VERIFY L1-161.2, Boric Acid Tank Level, ABOVE 20%. 248' RABIRAB o c. SHUT 1 CS-292, B CSIP Supply From RWST. (Continued on Next Page) AOP-004 Rev. 44 Page 72 of 123 Appendix C Facility:

Task Title: KJ A



Facility Evaluator:

Method of testing: Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Shearon Harris Perform A Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation G2.2.12 3.7/4.1 Task No.: 015004H201 JPM No.: 2009a NRC JPM ROA-2 NRC Examiner:

Date: ___ _ Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

x Classroom X Simulator Plant ---READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Initiating Cue: The plant is operating at 100 percent power. Power Range N41 is inoperable.

AOP-001, Malfunction Of Rod Control And Indication System has been entered due to a misaligned control rod. The USCG has directed you to perform a Manual QPTR utilizing OST-1039, Calculation Of Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio. All prerequisites have been satisfied.

The Power Range NIS readings are provided in the table below. For the purposes of the examination, there will be no independent verification of your work. Task Standard:

QPTR correctly calculated per OST-1039, Rev 14. Required Materials:

Calculator General


OST -1039 Rev 14 Handouts:

Time Critical Task: Validation Time: No

  • Provide page 9 (copy of curve F-1S-S) to the candidate with cue sheet
  • OST -1039 Revision 14 20 minutes 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO A-2 FINAL Appendix C Start Time: ___ _ Performance Step: 1 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Comment: Page 2 of 9 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Form ES-C-1 OBTAIN PROCEDURE (Provided to candidate to allow candidate to write on the procedure.

The required Curve book figure is supplied on page 9.) Obtains OST-1039 PRIOR TO READING THE VALUE OF DETECTOR CURRENT, ENSURE THE METER RANGE/RATE SWITCH IS IN THE 400 POSITION.

Locates Meter Range/Rate switches for NI-41, NI-42, NI-43, and NI-44 and verifies they are in the 400 position. (Switches do not have to be checked all at once but should be checked before reading is taken from a drawer.) NOTE: This step is not performed with conducting exam in a classroom setting. Readings will be provided to candidate.

2009A NRC Admin Exam RO A-2 FINAL Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 3 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 4 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 5 Standard:


2. NOTE: This step is not performed with conducting exam in a classroom setting. Readings will be provided to candidate.


7) and records the 100 % values on Attachment
2. DIVIDE VALUE IN COLUMN A BY THE RESPECTIVE NORMALIZED CURRENT IN COLUMN B AND RECORD THE RESULT IN COLUMN C. Takes value of Upper Detector Currents and divides by Normalized value for each channel and records values in Column C. 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO A-2 FINAL Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 6 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 7 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 8 Standard:


2. Adds the Upper Normalized Fractions and divides by 3 and enters in Column D. Adds the Lower Normalized Fractions and divides by 3 and enters in Column D. USING THE FORMULA AND VALUES FROM ATTACHMENT 2 CALCULATE THE UPPER AND LOWER RATIOS Divides the Maximum Upper Normalized Fraction by the Average Upper Normalized Fraction.

Divides the Maximum Lower Normalized Fraction by the Average Lower Normalized Fraction.

Enters the values on Attachment


For the purpose of this examination, there will be no independent verification of your work. 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO A-2 FINAL Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 9 Standard:

Comment: Evaluator Cue: Stop Time: ___ _ Terminating Cue: Page 5 of 9 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Form ES-C-1 THE UPPER RATIO OR THE LOWER RATIO, WHICHEVER IS GREATER, IS THE QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO (QPTR). RECORD QPTR AND VERIFY QPTR IS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 1.02 Acceptable band is +/-.5% (rounded to .005) around 1.0264 (1.0214 to 1.0314). LOWER (Greatest)

= 1.0264 QPTR is UNSAT When the candidate completes the calculations and provides the report of the QPTR then the JPM is completed.

After the USCO has been notified of QPTR: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.

2009A NRC Admin Exam RO A-2 FINAL Appendix C UPPER DETECTOR N-41 N-42 N-43 N-44 LOWER DETECTOR N-41 N-42 N-43 N-44 Page 6 of 9 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION KEY A B UPPER UPPER 100% POWER DETECTOR NORMALIZED CURRENT CURRENT INOPERABLE INOPERABLE 193.1 192.5 217.6 218.1 176.4 176.1 SUM A B LOWER LOWER 100% POWER DETECTOR NORMALIZED CURRENT CURRENT INOPERABLE INOPERABLE 229.3 223.6 237.1 240.6 209.9 212.8 SUM Form ES-C-1 C UPPER NORMALIZED NOTE 1 INOPERABLE 1.0031 0.9977 1.0017 3.0025/3 = 1.0008 C LOWER NORMALIZED FRACTION (NOTE 1) INOPERABLE 1.0254 0 .. 9854 0 .. 9863 2.9971/3 = 0.9990 Highest Upper (N-42) 1.0031/1.0008

= 1.0022 (0.9972 to 1.0072) Highest Lower (N-42) 1.0254/0.9990

= 1.0264 (1.0214to 1.0314) 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO A-2 FINAL Appendix C Page 7 of 9 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Form ES-C-1 Job Performance Measure No.: 2009a NRC JPM RO A2 Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:




Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

Date: --------------------------


INITIATING CUE: N41 N42 N43 N44 Page 8 of 9 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1

  • The plant is operating at 100 percent power.
  • AOP-001, MALFUNCTION OF ROD CONTROL AND INDICATION SYSTEM has been entered due to a misaligned control rod. The USCO has directed you to perform a Manual QPTR utilizing OST -1039, Calculation Of Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio. All prerequisites have been satisfied.

The Power Range NIS readings are provided in the table below. For the purposes of the examination, there will be no independent verification of your work. PRNIS Readings INOPERABLE INOPERABLE 193.1 229.3 217.6 237.1 176.4 209.9

  • All values were taken with the Range/Rate switch in 400 IJAiSlow position.

2009A NRC Admin Exam RO A-2 FINAL Appendix C Page 9 of 9 JPM CUE SHEET Current and Vottage Setpoints Tabte (100% 0 % AJd;jt Form ES-C-1 2009A NRC Admin Exam RD A-2 FINAL

( ( ( RrFEi/2 ENCE /Ji) ft1 I fiI -.::TP f? 0 A


MODE 1 NOTE: This procedure has been screened per PLP-100 Criteria and determined to be CASE III. No additional management involvement is required.

IOST-1039 Rev. 14 Page 1 of 141 Table of Contents Section 1.0 PURPOSE .........................................................................................................................




3 2.1. Plant Operating Manual Procedures ....................................................................... 3 2.2. Technical Specifications


... 3 2.3. Final Safety Analysis Report ...................................................................................







4 6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ............................................




5 7.1. Computer Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation

............................................ , ....... 6 7.2. Manual Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation


8 7.3. Test Completion

.............................. , .....................................................................



10 .Attachment 1 -Computer Data Sheet.. ..........


11 Attachment 2 -Manual Data Sheet.. .............................................

., ................................

12 Attachment 3 _ Certification and Reviews ........................................................................

13 IOST-1039 Rev. 14 Page 2 of 141 1.0 PURPOSE 2.0 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. In MODE 1, greater than 50% Rated Thermal Power: 1. This test is performed weekly, per Tech Spec, if the alarm is operable.

2. This test is performed every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, per Tech Spec, if the alarm is inoperable.

The Power Range Detector Currents will be recorded and compared with calculated full power normalized currents to determine the upper and lower quadrant power tilt The larger of these two ratios is the quadrant power tilt ratio referenced in technical specifications.

REFERENCES Plant Operating Manual Procedures

1. OP-105 2. EST-911 3. EST-915 4. MST-10044
5. MST-10045
6. MST-10046
7. MST-10047 Technical Specifications
1. 3.2.4 2. 3.10.2 Final Safety Analysis Report 1. 4.4 IOST-1039 Rev. 14 Page 3 of 141 3.0 PREREQUISITES NOTE: Precaution and Limitation 4.0.1 has guidance if performing this OST with one Power Range Channel inoperable.
1. VERIFY instrumentation needed for the performance of this test is free of deficiencies that affect instrument indication.
2. VERIFY the most recent Curve F-x-8 is used in the performance of this procedure. (Reference 2.1.1 and 2.1.2) Curve F-x-8 Revision Number _____ 3. OBTAIN Unit SCO permission to perform this OST. Signature 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS
1. With one power range channel inoperable, this OST shall be performed using the remaining three detectors.

In addition, if Reactor Power is greater than 75%, EST-915 must also be performed per Surveillance Requirement (Reference 2.1.3) 2. If performing this OST to support NIS calibration (MST-10044, 10045, 10046, and 10047), then new calculated currents on Curve F-x-8 are to be used per OP-1 05. (Reference 2.1.1) 3. There is usually a time lapse between the generation of the new curve values and the calibration of the power range Nls. Operations should approve the new curve with the QPTR alarm operable.

The installed NI currents are outdated and will not be the same as the new values on the curve. This is conservative since the QPTR alarm will actuate when actual QPTR is below the setpoint.

If the QPTR alarm actuates, the new curve values should be used in the calculation.

These values reflect core conditions from the most recent flux map. 5.0 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT

1. I BM PC or compatible Date 1 08T-1039 Rev. 14 Page 4 of 141

( 6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 1. This OST will be completed satisfactorily if the Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio when measured at greater than 50% Rated Thermal Power is less than or equal to 1.02. 7.0 PROCEDURE

1. IF Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation Computer Program is used, THEN PERFORM the following:
a. MARK Step 7.0.2 N/A. b. MARK Section 7.2 N/A. c. PERFORM Section 7.1. 2. IF manual calculation of the Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio is used, THEN PERFORM the following:
a. MARK Section 7.1 N/A. b. PERFORM Section 7.2. IOST-1039 Rev. 14 Page 5 of 141 7.1. Computer Quadrant Power Tilt Calculation NOTE: The detector current meters on each power range channel drawer are designated as left-upper, right-lower.
1. Prior to reading the value of detector currenj, VERIFY the Meter Range/Rate switch is in the 400 position.
  • N-41 Upper
  • N-41 Lower
  • N-42 Upper
  • N-42 Lower
  • N-43 Upper
  • N-43 Lower
  • N-44 Upper
  • N-44 Lower 2. RECORD on Attachment 1 the upper and lower detector currents from all operable power range channels as read at the Nuclear Instrumentation Cabinet. NOTE: If the STA's computer is not available, it is possible to use the floppy disc labeled "OST-1039 QPTR calculation Program Version 1.0". This will require attaching a floppy disc drive to the computer being used. The floppy disc write protect tab should be disabled prior to inserting into the A disk drive to allow updating the 100% Power Normalized currents.
3. From the STA's computer, ACCESS the OST-1039 program using the menu prompts. 4. VERIFY that the program version on the computer screen is version 1.0. 5. WHEN prompted, THEN ENTER the data from Attachment
1. 6. IF necessary, IOST-1039 THEN CORRECT 100% Power Normalized currents by comparing them to the updated currents on Curve F-x-8. Rev. 14 Page 6 of 141 c ( 7.1 Computer Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation (continued)

NOTE: The normalized fraction should approximately equal reactor power level. NOTE: The computer program prints out to LPT1. By default, LPT1 is not normally mapped, since most programs do not need it. This can be verified, and if necessarily changed, by going to Start -> Programs -> Accessories

-> Local PRT. This screen also allows enabling LPT1 if necessary.

7. PRINT the results from the computer program. 8. SIGN the Data Input Line. 9. PERFORM Independent Verification of data input. 10. SIGN the Data Input Verification Line. 11. RECORD QPTR from the printed results. QPTR= 12. CHECK QPTR is less than or equal to 1.02. 13. ATTACH the printed results to this procedure.

';.r IOST-1039 Rev. 14 Page 7 of 141

( 7.2. Manual Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation NOTE: The detector current meters on each poWer range channel drawer are designated as left-upper, right-lower.

1. Prior to reading the value of detector current, VERIFY the Meter Range/Rate switch is in the 400 IJAISLOW position.
  • N-41 Upper
  • N-41 Lower
  • N-42 Upper
  • N-42 Lower
  • N-43 Upper
  • N-43 Lower
  • N-44 Upper
  • N-44 Lower 2. RECORD on Attachment 2, in column A, the upper and lower detector currents from all operable power range channels as read on the Nuclear Instrumentation Cabinet.
3. RECORD on Attachment 2, in column B, the 100% power normalized current for each channel from Curve F-x-8) NOTE: When recording all fractions and ratios, record to four decimal places, dropping the fifth and subsequent decimal places. 4. DIVIDE values in column A by the respective normalized current in column B recording the result in column C as the Normalized Fraction.
5. CALCULATE the average value for the upper and the lower Normalized Fractions as follows: IOST-1039
a. ADD the Normalized Fraction in each section of column C, recording the sum in the space provided.
b. DIVIDE the sum obtained in Step 7.2.5.a by the number of operable NI channels, recording the result in column 0 of Attachment
2. Rev. 14 Page 8 of 141

( 7.2 Manual Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation (continued)

6. Using the formula and values from Attachment 2, CALCULATE the Upper and Lower Ratios. 7. PERFORM independent verification of all calculations made on Attachment
2. NOTE: The upper ratio or the lower ratio, whichever is greater, is the quadrant power tilt ratio (QPTR). 8. RECORD QPTR: QPTR= ___ _ 9. CHECK QPTR is less than or equal to 1.02. 1 OST-1039 Rev. 14 Page 9 of 141 7.3. Test Completion
1. IF this test was performed due to an inoperable QPTR alarm, THEN DOCUMENT completion of PMID 22125 RQ01. 2. COMPLETE applicable sections of Attachment 3, Certifications and Reviews. 3. INFORM the Unit SCQ this test is completed.

8.0 DIAGRAMS/ATTACHMENTS -Computer Data Sheet Attachment 2 -Manual Data Sheet Attachment 3 -Certifications and Reviews IOST-1039 Rev. 14 Page 10 of 141 UPPER DETECTOR N-41 N-42 N-43 N-44 ( IOST-1039 -Computer Data Sheet Sheet 1 of 1 UPPER DETECTOR LOWER CURRENT DETECTOR N-41 N-42 N-43 N-44 Rev. 14 LOWER DETECTOR CURRENT Page 11 of 14 I

( ( UPPER DETECTOR N-41 N-42 N-43 N-44 Upper Ratio = LOWER DETECTOR N-41 N-42 N-43 N-44 Lower Ratio = Attachment 2 -Manual Data Sheet Sheet 1 of 1 A B UPPER UPPER 100% POWER DETECTOR NORMALIZED CURRENT CURRENT SUM Maximum Upper Normalized Fraction Average Upper Normalized Fraction A B LOWER LOWER 100% POWER DETECTOR NORMALIZED CURRENT CURRENT SUM Maximum Upper Normalized Fraction Average Upper Normalized Fraction C D UPPER AVERAGE NORMALIZED UPPER FRACTION NORMALIZED (NOTE 1) FRACTION = ----= ----C D LOWER AVERAGE NORMALIZED LOWER FRACTION NORMALIZED (NOTE 1) FRACTION = ----=----!I NOTE 1: Normalized Fraction should approximately equal reactor power level. I IOST-1039 Rev. 14 Page 12 of 141 -Certification and Reviews Sheet 1 of 1 This OST was performed as a: Periodic Surveillance Requirement:

___ _ Postmaintenance Operability Test: ___ _ Redundant Subsystem Test: ___ _ Plant Conditions:


_ MODE: ___ _ OST Completed By: _______________

_ Date: _____ _ Time: ------OST Performed By: Initials Name (Print) Initials Name (Print) General Comments/Recommendation/Corrective Actions/Exceptions:

Pages Used: OST Completed with NO EXCEPTIONS/EXCEPTIONS:

Date: -----Unit SCO After receiving the final review signature, this OST becomes a QA RECORD and should be submitted to Document Services.

108T-1039 Rev. 14 Page 13 of 141

( Revision Summary General Converted procedure to Word XP and formatted per PRO-NGGC-0201.

Incorporated all outstanding PRRs. Description of Changes Page Section All 2 3 7 IOST-1039 TOC 2.3.1 7.1.7 Change Description Updated revision level. Restored cross referencing.

Corrected formatting to comply with PRO-NGGC-0202 and AP-005. Separated Steps with multiple actions into individual steps (actual steps were unaffected)

Added Table of Contents.

Corrected reference. did not exist, instead referenced FSAR Chapter 4.4 Added Note on how to enable LPT1 to the default printer, if needed. Rev. 14 Page 14 of 141 Appendix C Facility:

Task Title: KIA



Facility Evaluator:

Method of testing: Job Peliormance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Shearon Harris Peliorm A Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation G2.2.12 3.7/4.1 Task No.: 015004H201 JPM No.: 2009a NRC JPM SRO A-2 NRC Examiner:

Date: ___ _ Simulated Peliormance:

Actual Peliormance:

x Classroom X Simulator Plant ---READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Peliormance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

The plant is operating at 100 percent power. Power Range N41 is inoperable.

AOP-001, Malfunction Of Rod Control And Indication System has been entered due to a misaligned control rod. Initiating Cue:

  • The USCO has directed you to peliorm a Manual QPTR utilizing OST-1039, Calculation Of Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio.
  • All prerequisites have been satisfied.

The Power Range NIS readings are provided in the table below.

  • IF calculations are outside acceptable tolerances THEN evaluate Tech Specs.
  • For the purposes of the examination, there will be no independent verification of your work. Task Standard:

QPTR correctly calculated per OST-1039, Rev 14. Required Materials:

Calculator General


OST-1039 Rev 14 Handouts:

Time Critical Task: Validation Time: No

  • Provide page 10 (copy of curve F-1S-S) to the candidate with cue sheet
  • OST -1039 Revision 14
  • Tech Specs 25 minutes 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A-2 FINAL Appendix C Start Time: ___ _ Performance Step: 1 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Comment: Page 2 of 10 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Form ES-C-1 OBTAIN PROCEDURE (Provided to candidate to allow candidate to write on the procedure.

The required Curve book figure is supplied on page 10.) Obtains OST-1039 PRIOR TO READING THE VALUE OF DETECTOR CURRENT, ENSURE THE METER RANGE/RATE SWITCH IS IN THE 400 POSITION.

Locates Meter Range/Rate switches for NI-41, NI-42, NI-43, and NI-44 and verifies they are in the 400 position. (Switches do not have to be checked all at once but should be checked before reading is taken from a drawer.) NOTE: This step is not performed with conducting exam in a classroom setting. Readings will be provided to candidate with cue sheet. 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A-2 FINAL Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 3 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 4 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 5 Standard:


2. NOTE: This step is not performed with conducting exam in a classroom setting. Readings will be provided to candidate.


7) and records the 100 % values on Attachment
2. DIVIDE VALUE IN COLUMN A BY THE RESPECTIVE NORMALIZED CURRENT IN COLUMN B AND RECORD THE RESULT IN COLUMN C. Takes value of Upper Detector Currents and divides by Normalized value for each channel and records values in Column C. 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A-2 FINAL Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 6 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 7 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 8 Standard:


2. Adds the Upper Normalized Fractions and divides by 3 and enters in Column D. Adds the Lower Normalized Fractions and divides by 3 and enters in Column D. USING THE FORMULA AND VALUES FROM ATTACHMENT 2 CALCULATE THE UPPER AND LOWER RATIOS Divides the Maximum Upper Normalized Fraction by the Average Upper Normalized Fraction. Divides the Maximum Lower Normalized Fraction by the Average Lower Normalized Fraction.

Enters the values on Attachment


For the purpose of this examination, there will be no independent verification of your work. 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A-2 FINAL Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 9 Standard:

Evaluator Note: Comment: Page 5 of 10 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Form ES-C-1 THE UPPER RATIO OR THE LOWER RATIO, WHICHEVER IS GREATER, IS THE QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO (QPTR). RECORD QPTR AND VERIFY QPTR IS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 1.02 Acceptable band is +/-.5% (rounded to .005) around 1.0264 (1.0214 to 1.0314). LOWER (Greatest)

= 1.0264 QPTR is UNSAT The SRO Candidate should determine that the QPTR is UNSAT, and continue to evaluate Tech Specs for compliance.

Performance Step: 10 OST AI N TECH SPECS Standard:

Obtains Tech Specs Comment: ./ Performance Step: 11 Refers to Tech Spec 3.2.4 Standard:

Determines that ACTION a. is to be applied Evaluator Note: When candidate completes calculations and reports Tech Spec evaluation (IF QPTR is determined to be UNSAT) the JPM is complete Comment: Stop Time: ___ _ Terminating Cue: Determines QPTR and Tech Spec action for the QPTR calculation exceeding 1.02 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A-2 FINAL Appendix C UPPER DETECTOR N-41 N-42 N-43 N-44 LOWER DETECTOR N-41 N-42 N-43 N-44 Page 6 of 10 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION KEY A B UPPER UPPER 100% POWER DETECTOR NORMALIZED CURRENT CURRENT INOPERABLE INOPERABLE 193.1 192.5 217.6 218.1 176.4 176.1 SUM A B LOWER LOWER 100% POWER DETECTOR NORMALIZED CURRENT CURRENT INOPERABLE INOPERABLE 229.3 223.6 237.1 240.6 209.9 212.8 SUM Form ES-C-1 C UPPER NORMALIZED FCrACTION NOTE 1) INOPERABLE 1.0031 0.9977 1.0017 3.0025/3 = 1.0008 C LOWER NORMALIZED FRACTION (NOTE 1) INOPERABLE 1.0254 0.9854 0.9863 2.9971/3 = 0.9990 Highest Upper (N-42) 1.0031/1.0008

= 1.0022 (0.9972 to 1.0072) Highest Lower (N-42) 1.0254/0.9990

= 1.0264 (1.0214 to 1.0314) 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A-2 FINAL Appendix C Page 7 of 10 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION KEY Form ES-C-1 POWER OlSTRUtm(lN 3/4. Z." . QtJAO FtAt(TP\l'IljItT!lT 3.2.4 The QUAOAAHT TILT RATIO shaH not ItXcud 1.0%. AP'LICAa!U1"¥:

MOO! 1 ** oya sal 01 RATm PMP'. ACTIOtf: .t. Wltften. TIt-TRAna 4",1'\\11*

eo*acMd 1.0'2 but 1." t.l'Iu Qt' tq\Ml t4 l.G,: 1. Calculate tneQUADRANT POWER Tt1.TAATIO at 1.." oncape,.

untf 1 .1 WI'":

  • 11 The QUAOMHT PmiERTU.T

!fAnO it l"'tdt.Ietd t4 wit""in its Hllit, o!" b) poweR f.

t4 SOl of AAi£D 11iiRMAL POWER. &) leduc. 'tl'Ie qUAOAAHTP<NEI TILfRAnO to* w1tMrt its a_it. 01' b) at tell" 3S ft'Cll 1ATS) POWEJ for tIC." 11 of i 1Iidi C'.ItIC POWER TlU AATIOf." *** of 1 udsi.narly tM Pcwel' ltanijl:!leutNft

' F1 ... *tU;ft Trip htpofnQ wfUin tM ,. 1'I4m"t. 3:. "I""fy til,., tne QUAOItMT PCWaTlU'Ul1:O f' within wi'tl'lil'l 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> at'tu.xC:M<lil'l9 W Hil1tol" PMR to 1'1$ Ult'I SasQf IA'I'U THERMAL .PQWSwithin

'tl'I. nut 2: MU1"'S UId Ran;e ,...utnm FlliDli"'H n Trip htl)4ilttS t4 leu tnu 01" tc es of um wi utn W flaxt 4 MUrs;_ 4. ,Identify.1ftd eoi"'l"'Kt t.'-taus.,,*'

ttl. #V'C"'CJf"Hl'Iit OM1'U\\,U'I pr1ol' wi' ,.' . POWER; ***

QPWTIQH 1Cov. SOl of RATm PMI BY pNCftd providu that t!!., QU,M)UHT PMI nl..T .no it ver1tf_ ..,iUl1ft iu Hilit It ll .. t onel per !'Icu" fa1" lZ Mul'" 0'1" until 11,,111" at 95% Or' g:re""t' RATtO niE1I:MAL 1110'411.

2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A-2 FINAL Appendix C Page 8 of 10 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Form ES-C-1 Job Performance Measure No.: 2009a NRC JPM SRO A-2 Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: Examiner's Signature:


Initiating Cue: N41 N42 N43 N44 Page 9 of 10 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 The plant is operating at 100 percent power. Power Range N41 is inoperable.

AOP-001, Malfunction Of Rod Control And Indication System has been entered due to a misaligned control rod. The USCG has directed you to perform a Manual QPTR utilizing OST -1039, Calculation Of Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio. All prerequisites have been satisfied.

The Power Range NIS readings are provided in the table below. IF calculations are outside acceptable tolerances THEN evaluate Tech Specs. For the purposes of the examination, there will be no independent verification of your work. PRNIS Readings INOPERABLE INOPERABLE 193.1 229.3 217.6 237.1 176.4 209.9

  • All values were taken with the Range/Rate switch in 400 IJA/Slow position.

2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A-2 FINAL Appendix C Page 10 of 10 JPM CUE SHEET HARRIS 2009 NRC SRO JPM A-2 Curve F-1S-8 HANDOUT Current and Voltage Sat poi n 1;$ Tab*e ('100% () Form ES-C-1 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A-2 FINAL


C£ A b M ltV ::rpW/ .s I'<, 0 A' "" 7,.... (' ..


MODE 1 NOTE: This procedure has been screened per PLP-100 Criteria and determined to be CASE III. No additional management involvement is required.

IOST-1039 Rev. 14 Page 1 of 141 Table of Contents ( Section 1.0 PURPOSE .........................................................................................................................



.............................................................................. , ...................................

3 2.1. Plant Operating Manual Procedures


3 2.2. Technical Specifications


3 2.3. Final Safety Analysis Report ...................................................................................







4 6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ..................................................................................................



5 7.1. Computer Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation


6 7.2. Manual Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation


8 7.3. Test Completion




10 Attachment 1 -Computer Data Sheet.. ............................................................................

11 Attachment 2 -Manual Data Sheet. ..................................................................................

12 Attachment 3 -Certification and Reviews ........................................................................

13 IOST-1039 Rev. 14 Page 2 of 141

( ( 1.0 2.0 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. PURPOSE In MODE 1, greater than 50% Rated Thermal Power: 1. This test is performed weekly, per Tech Spec, if the alarm is operable.

2. This test is performed every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, per Tech Spec, if the alarm is inoperable.

The Power Range Detector Currents will be recorded and compared with calculated full power normalized currents to determine the upper and lower quadrant power tilt ratios. The larger of these two ratios is the quadrant power tilt ratio referenced in technical specifications.

REFERENCES PlantOperating Manual Procedures

1. OP-105 2. EST-911 3. EST-915 4. MST-10044
5. MST-10045
6. MST-10046
7. MST-10047 Technical Specifications
1. 3.2.4 2. 3.10.2 Final Safety Analysis Report 1. 4.4 1 OST-1039 Rev. 14 Page 3 of 141 3.0 PREREQUISITES NOTE: Precaution and Limitation 4.0.1 has guidance if performing this OST with one Power Range Channel inoperable.
1. VERIFY instrumentation needed for the performance of this test is free of deficiencies that affect instrument indication.
2. VERIFY the most recent Curve F-x-8 is used in the performance of this procedure. (Reference 2.1.1 and 2.1.2) . Curve F-x-8 Revision Number ------3. OBTAIN Unit SCO permission to perform this OST. Signature 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS
1. With one power range channel inoperable, this OST shall be performed using the remaining three detectors.

In addition, if Reactor Power is greater than 75%, EST-915 must also be performed per Surveillance Requirement (Reference 2.1.3) 2. If performing this OST to support NIS calibration (MST-10044, 10045, 10046, and 10047), then new calculated currents on Curve F-x-8 are to be used per OP-105. (Reference 2.1.1) 3. There is usually a time lapse between the generation of the new curve values and the calibration of the power range Nls.

should approve the new curve with the QPTR alarm operable.

The installed NI currents are outdated and will not be the same as the new values on the curve. This is conservative since the QPTR alarm will actuate when actual QPTR is below the setpoint.

If the QPTR alarm actuates, the new curve values should be used in the calculation.

These values reflect core conditions from the most recent flux map. 5.0 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT

1. IBM PC or compatible Date 108T-1039 Rev. 14 Page 4 of 141 6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 1. This OST will be completed satisfactorily if the Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio when measured at greater than 50% Rated Thermal Power is less than or equal to 1.02. 7.0 PROCEDURE
1. IF Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation Computer Program is used, THEN PERFORM the following:
a. MARK Step 7.0.2 N/A. b. MARK Section 7.2 N/A. c. PERFORM Section 7.1. 2. IF manual calculation of the Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio is used, THEN PERFORM the following:
a. MARK Section 7.1 N/A. b. PERFORM Section 7.2. 108T-1039 Rev. 14 Page 5 of 141

( 7.1. Computer Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation NOTE: The detector current meters on each power range channel drawer are designated as left-upper, right-lower.

1. Prior to reading the value of detector current, VERIFY the Meter Range/Rate switch is in the 400 J.JAlSLOW position.
  • N-41 Upper
  • N-41 Lower
  • N-42 Upper
  • N-42 Lower
  • N-43 Upper
  • N-43 Lower
  • N-44 Upper
  • N-44 Lower 2. RECORD on Attachment 1 the upper and lower detector currents from all operable power range channels as read at the Nuclear Instrumentation Cabinet. NOTE: If the STA's computer is not available, it is possible to use the floppy disc labeled "OST-1039 QPTR calculation Program Version 1.0". This will require attaching a floppy disc drive to the computer being used. The floppy disc write protect tab should be disabled prior to inserting into the A disk drive to allow updating the 100% Power Normalized currents.
3. From the STA's computer, ACCESS the OST-1039 program using the menu prompts. 4. VERIFY that the program version on the computer screen is version 1.0. 5. WHEN prompted, THEN ENTER the data from Attachment
1. 6. IF necessary, IOST-1039 THEN CORRECT the 100% Power Normalized currents by comparing them to the updated currents on Curve F-x-8. Rev. 14 Page 6 of 141

( c ... 7.1 Computer Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation (continued)

NOTE: The normalized fraction should approximately equal reactor power level. NOTE: The computer program prints out to LPT1. By default, LPT1 is not normally mapped, since most programs do not need it. This can be verified, and if necessarily changed, by going to Start -> Programs -> Accessories

-> Local PRT. This screen also allows enabling LPT1 if necessary.

7. PRINT the results from the computer program. 8. SIGN the Data Input Line. 9. PERFORM Independent Verification of data input. 10. SIGN the Data Input Verification Line. 11. RECORD QPTR from the printed results. QPTR= 12. CHECK QPTR is less than or equal to 1.02. 13. ATTACH the printed results to this procedure.

IOST-1039 Rev. 14 Page 7 of 141

( 7.2. Manual Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation NOTE: The detector current meters on each power range channel drawer are designated as left-upper, right-lower.

1. Prior to reading the value of detector current, VERIFY the Meter Range/Rate switch is in the 400 !-lA/SLOW position.
  • N-41 Upper
  • N-41 Lower
  • N-42 Upper
  • N-42 Lower
  • N-43 Upper
  • N-43 Lower
  • N-44 Upper
  • N-44 Lower 2. RECORD on Attachment 2, in column A, the upper and lower detector currents from all operable power range channels as read on the Nuclear Instrumentation Cabinet. 3. RECORD on Attachment 2, in column B, the 100% power normalized current for each channel from Curve F-x-8) NOTE: When recording all fractions and ratios, record to four decimal places, dropping the fifth and subsequent decimal places. 4. DIVIDE values in column A by the respective normalized current in column B recording the result in column C as the Normalized Fraction.
5. CALCULATE the average value for the upper and the lower Normalized Fractions as follows: IOST-1039
a. ADD the Normalized Fraction in each section of column C, recording the sum in the space provided.
b. DIVIDE the sum obtained in Step 7.2.5.a by the number of operable NI channels, recording the result in column 0 of Attachment
2. Rev. 14 Page 8 of 141 7.2 Manual Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio Calculation (continued)
6. Using the formula and values from Attachment 2, CALCULATE the Upper and Lower Ratios. 7. PERFORM independent verification of all calculations made on Attachment
2. NOTE: The upper ratio or the lower ratio, whichever is greater, is the quadrant power tilt ratio (QPTR). 8. RECORD QPTR: QPTR= ___ _ 9. CHECK QPTR is less than or equal to 1.02. 108T-1039 Rev. 14 Page 9 of 141 7.3. Test Completion
1. IF this test was performed due to an inoperable QPTR alarm, THEN DOCUMENT completion of PMID 22125_ RQ 01. 2. COMPLETE applicable sections of Attachment 3, Certifications and Reviews. 3. INFORM the Unit SCQ this test is completed.

8.0 DIAGRAMS/ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 -Computer Data Sheet Attachment 2 -Manual Data Sheet Attachment 3 -Certifications and Reviews IOST-1039 Rev. 14 Page 10 of 141

( UPPER DETECTOR N-41 N-42 N-43 N-44 ( IOST-1039 -Computer Data Sheet Sheet 1 of 1 UPPER DETECTOR LOWER CURRENT DETECTOR N-41 N-42 N-43 N-44 Rev. 14 LOWER DETECTOR CURRENT Page 11 of 14 I

( UPPER DETECTOR N-41 N-42 N-43 N-44 Upper Ratio = LOWER DETECTOR N-41 N-42 N-43 N-44 Lower Ratio = Attachment 2 -Manual Data Sheet Sheet 1 of 1 A B UPPER UPPER 100% POWER DETECTOR NORMALIZED CURRENT CURRENT SUM Maximum Upper Normalized Fraction Average Upper Normalized Fraction A B LOWER LOWER 100% POWER DETECTOR NORMALIZED CURRENT CURRENT SUM C UPPER NORMALIZED FRACTION (NOTE 1) = ----= C LOWER NORMALIZED FRACTION (NOTE 1) D AVERAGE UPPER NORMALIZED FRACTION D AVERAGE . LOWER NORMALIZED FRACTION Maximum Upper Normalized Fraction Average Upper Normalized Fraction =----=----

I NOTE 1: Normalized Fraction should approximately equal reactor power level. I IOST-1039 Rev. 14 Page 12 of 141

( Attachment 3 -Certification and Reviews Sheet 1 of 1 This OST was performed as a: Periodic Surveillance Requirement:

___ _ Postmaintenance Operability Test: ___ _ Redundant Subsystem Test: ___ _ Plant Conditions:


_ MODE: OST Completed By: _______________

_ Date: _____ _ Time: ------OST Performed By: Initials Name (Print) Initials Name (Print) General Comments/Recommendation/Corrective Actions/Exceptions:

Pages Used: OST Completed with NO EXCEPTIONS/EXCEPTIONS:

Date: -----Unit SCO After receiving the final review signature, this OST becomes a QA RECORD and should be submitted to Document Services.

IOST-1039 Rev. 14 Page 13 of 141 Revision, Summary General Converted procedure to Word XP and formatted per PRO-NGGC-0201.

Incorporated all outstanding PRRs. Description of Changes Page Section All 2 3 7 IOST-1039 TOC 2.3.1 7.1.7 Change Description Updated revision level. Restored cross referencing.

Corrected formatting to comply with PRO-NGGC-0202 and AP-005. Separated Steps with multiple actions into individual steps (actual steps were unaffected)

Added Table of Contents.

Corrected reference. did not exist, instead referenced FSAR Chapter 4.4 Added Note on how to enable LPT1 to the default printer, if needed. Rev. 14 I Page 14 of 141 Appendix C Facility:

Task Title: KIA



Facility Evaluator:

Method of testing: Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Shearon Harris Task No.: 34502H601 Determine TEDE While Working in a JPM No.: High Airborne Area 2.3.4 3.2 I 3.7 NRC Examiner:

Date: ___ _ 2009a NRC JPM RO/SRO A3 Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

x Classroom X Simulator Plant ---READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Initiating Cue:

  • The unit is being shut down for refueling and a planned crud burst is in progress.
  • The RAB AO is being directed to enter an area to align several valves. He is the only AO available to perform this task.
  • This individual was employed at North Anna earlier this same year. At North Anna he received a combined 3,486 mRem TEDE during routine and emergency repair work response.
  • In the same calendar year while working at HNP, he has received another 349 mRem TEDE.
  • The estimated dose rate in the area is 520 mRem/hr. An airborne contamination concern also exists.
  • It is estimated that it will take approximately 20 minutes to complete the alignment if he uses a respirator.

If he does NOT wear a respirator, the alignment will take only 10 minutes, but Radiation Protection projects that your internal exposure will be 8 DAC-hrs. 1. Determine the resultant total effective dose equivalent for both with a respirator (1.a) and without a respirator (1.b). 2. Using the lowest dose determined in number 1, determine if the individual can perform the task without exceeding Progress Energy's Annual Administrative Dose Limit. Show your calculations on the next page 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO/SRO A3 FINAL Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Task Standard:

Determination made that NOT wearing a respirator will result in a lower TEDE and that the individual can perform the task without exceeding Progress Energy's Annual Administrative Dose Limit. Required Materials:

None General


DOS-NGGC-0004, NGGM-PM-0002, Radiation Control and Protection Manual Handouts:

JPM Cue Sheet Pages 9 and 10 Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 10 minutes 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO/SRO A3 FINAL Appendix C Start Time: ____ _ Page 3 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 NOTE: Steps in this JPM may be performed in any order. Performance Step: 1 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 3 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes a Critical Step Determines internal exposure while wearing a respirator Determines internal exposure to be ZERO while wearing a respirator Determines external exposure while wearing a respirator Determines external exposure to be 173.3 mRem TEDE while wearing a respirator (520 mRem / hr x 20 min = 173.3 mRem) (NOTE: Could round to 173 tolerance

+/- 2) Determines TOTAL exposure while wearing a respirator Determines total exposure to be 173.3 mRem while wearing a respirator (0 mRem internal + 173.3 mRem external = 173.3 mRem total) (NOTE: Could round to 173 tolerance

+/- 2) 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO/SRO A3 FINAL Appendix C Performance Step: 4 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 5 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 6 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 7 Standard:

Comment: -Denotes a Critical Step Page 4 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 Determines internal exposure while NOT wearing a respirator Determines internal exposure to be 20 mRem while not wearing a respirator (2.5 mRem / hr x 8 DAC-hr = 20 mRem) (NO tolerance)

Determines external exposure while NOT wearing a respirator Determines external exposure to be 86.7 mRem TEDE while not wearing a respirator (520 mRem / hr x 10 min = 86.7 mRem) (NOTE: Could round to 87 tolerance

+/-2) Determines TOTAL exposure while NOT wearing a respirator Determines total exposure to be 106.7 mRem while not wearing a respirator (20 mRem internal + 86.7 mRem external = 106.7 mRem total) (NOTE: Could round to 107 tolerance

+/-2) Determines individual's total exposure for the year Determines individual's total exposure for the year to be 3835 mRem (3485 mRem + 349 mRem = 3835 mRem) 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO/SRO A3 FINAL Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 8 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 8 Standard:

Comment: Stop Time: ___ _ Page 5 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 Determines individual's total exposure for the year if the work is allowed without a respirator Determines individual's total exposure for the year if the work is allowed to be 3941.7 mRem (3835 mRem + 106.7 = 3941.7) (NOTE: Could round to 3942 tolerance

+/-2) Note: If calculated wearing a respirator the total exposure for the year will be 4008.3 mRem and work cannot be performed.

The directions were to use the lowest dose and this represents UNSAT performance. (NOTE: Could round to 4008 tolerance

+/-2) Determines if the individual can perform the work without exceeding Progress Energy's Annual Administrative Dose Limit of 4000 mRem Determines the individual CAN perform the work not wearing a respirator without exceeding Progress Energy's Annual Administrative Dose Limit of 4000 mRem (3835 mRem + 106.7 = 3941.7) Terminating Cue: When all calculations have been completed and the determination that work can proceed, this JPM is complete . ./ -Denotes a Critical Step 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO/SRO A3 FINAL Appendix C Page 6 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION KEY 1.a Calculation for resultant total effective dose equivalent with a respirator.

Determines internal exposure to be ZERO while wearing a respirator Form ES-C-1 Determines external exposure to be 173.3 mRem TEDE while wearing a respirator (520 mRem / hr x 20 min = 173.3 mRem) (NOTE: Could round to 173 tolerance

+/- 2) Determines TOTAL exposure while wearing a respirator (0 mRem internal + 173.3 mRem external = 173.3 mRem total) (NOTE: Could round to 173 tolerance

+/- 2) Determines individual's total exposure for the year to be 3835 mRem (3485 mRem + 349 mRem = 3835 mRem) Determines individual's total exposure for the year if the work is allowed to be 4008.3 mRem (3835 mRem + 173.3 = 4008.3) (NOTE: Could round to 4008 tolerance

+/-2) Note: If calculated wearing a respirator the total exposure for the year will be 4008.3 mRem and work CANNOT be performed.

The directions were to use the lowest dose and this represents UNSAT performance.

1.b Calculation for resultant total effective dose equivalent without a respirator.

Determines internal exposure to be 20 mRem while not wearing a respirator (2.5 mRem / hr x 8 DAC-hr = 20 mRem) (NO tolerance)

Determines external exposure to be 86.7 mRem TEDE while not wearing a respirator (520 mRem / hr x 10 min = 86.7 mRem) (NOTE: Could round to 87 tolerance

+/-2) Determines total exposure to be 106.7 mRem while not wearing a respirator (20 mRem internal + 86.7 mRem external = 106.7 mRem total) (NOTE: Could round to 107 tolerance

+/-2 ) Determines individual's total exposure for the year if the work is allowed to be 3941.7 m Rem (3835 mRem + 106.7 = 3941.7) (NOTE: Could round to 3942 tolerance

+/-2) The individual CAN perform the task without exceeding Progress Energy's Annual Admin Dose Limit if the task is performed WITHOUT a respirator.

./ -Denotes a Critical Step 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO/SRO A3 FINAL Appendix C Page 7 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION KEY 2. Using the lowest dose determined from the above calculations (1a or 1b): Form ES-C-1 CAN the individual perform the task without exceeding Progress Energy's Annual Administrative Dose Limit? YES (without a respirator)

./ -Denotes a Critical Step 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO/SRO A3 FINAL Appendix C Page 8 of 10 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009a NRC JPM RO/SRO A3 Form ES-C-1 Determine TEDE While Working in a High Airborne Area Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

Date: -----------------------------


INITIATING CUE: Page 9 of 10 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 The unit is being shut down for refueling and a planned crud burst is in progress.

The RAB AO is being directed to enter an area to align several valves. He is the only AO available to perform this task. This individual was employed at North Anna earlier this same year. At North Anna he received a combined 3,486 mRem TEDE during routine and emergency repair work response.

In the same calendar year while working at HNP, he has received another 349 mRem TEDE. The estimated dose rate in the area is 520 mRem/hr. An airborne contamination concern also exists. It is estimated that it will take approximately 20 minutes to complete the alignment if he uses a respirator.

If he does NOT wear a respirator, the alignment will take only 10 minutes, but Radiation Protection projects that your internal exposure will be 8 DAC-hrs. 1. Determine the resultant total effective dose equivalent for both with a respirator (1.a) and without a respirator (1.b) 2. Using the lowest dose determined in number 1 , determine if the individual can perform the task without exceeding Progress Energy's Annual Administrative Dose Limit. Show your calculations on the next page 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO/SRO A3 FINAL Appendix C Page 10 of 10 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 1.a Calculation for resultant total effective dose equivalent with a respirator.

1.b Calculation for resultant total effective dose equivalent without a respirator.

2. Using the lowest dose determined from the above calculations (1 a or 1 b): CAN the individual perform the task without exceeding Progress Energy's Annual Administrative Dose Limit? 2009A NRC Admin Exam RO/SRO A3 FINAL Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Facility:

Shearon Harris Task No.: 345001 H602 Task Title: CLASSIFY AN EVENT JPM No.: 2009a NRC JPM SROA4 KIA


2.4.41 2.3/4.1 Examinee:

NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator:

Date: ___ _ Method of testing: Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

x Classroom X Simulator Plant ---READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Initiating Cue: The operating crew was performing a rapid shutdown of the plant when they were forced to initiate a manual reactor trip. Using the attached information sheet and the EAL Flow Path, classify the event. Mark the EAL Flow Path appropriately.


Event classified as an Site Area Emergency (2-1-3) Required Materials:

None General


PEP-110 EAL Flowpath (EP-EAL is an allowed reference)


JPM Cue Sheets Pages 4 and 5 PEP-110 EAL Flowpath (EP-EAL is an allowed reference)

Time Critical Task: Yes Validation Time: 15 minutes 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A-4 FINAL Appendix C Page 2 of 5 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 Evaluator Note: Start Time for this JPM begins when the individual has been briefed and accepted the task Start Time: ___ _ Performance Step: 1 Standard:

Comment: '" Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Stop Time: ___ _ OBTAIN EAL FLOW PATH. Obtains EAL Flow Path. (EP-EAL is an allowed reference)

CLASSIFY EVENT Identifies an Site Area Emergency (2-1-3), Two Fission Product Barriers BREACHED OR JEOPARDIZED.

The Fuel is BREACHED due to an increase>

1.0E5 CPM in 30 minutes. CNMT is BREACHED due to primary to secondary leakage in 'A' SG >10 GPM and an 'A' SG safety valve not shut ENDOFJPM Terminating Cue: Event classification stated to evaluator.

'" -Denotes a Critical Step 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A-4 FINAL Appendix C Page 3 of 5 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009a NRC JPM RO/SRO A1-1 CLASSI FY AN EVENT Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

Date: ----------------------------

Form ES-C-1 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A-4 FINAL Appendix C Initial Conditions:

Initiating Cue: Page 4 of 5 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 The operating crew was performing a rapid shutdown of the plant when they were forced to initiate a manual reactor trip. Using the attached information sheet and the EAL Flow Path, classify the event. Mark the EAL Flow Path appropriately.

THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A-4 FINAL Appendix C Page 5 of 5 JPM CUE SHEET CLASSIFICATION INFORMATION SHEET Form ES-C-1 The plant was operating at 100% power when the following sequence of events occurred:

At 1029, A SGTL was diagnosed on 'A' SG at 12.0 GPM At 1038, the operating crew began a reactor shutdown per AOP-038, Rapid Downpower At 1039, the GFFD was reading 1.5E1 CPM when the shutdown was commenced At 1101, a manual reactor trip was initiated due to high vibration on "A" RCP At 1103, the following indications exist immediately after the reactor trip:

  • One Safety Valve on 'A' SG opened and did not reseat
  • All MSIVs were manually closed
  • The GFFD is reading 1.2E5 CPM EAL Classification:


_ 2009A NRC Admin Exam SRO A-4 FINAL