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Forwards Endorsements 57 & 58 to Nelia Policy NF-227 & Endorsements 46 & 47 to Maelu Policy MF-88
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/03/1984
From: Duck J
To: Saltzman J
NUDOCS 8410110197
Download: ML17215A592 (12)


REGULATORY INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (RIDS)ACCESSION NBR;8010110197 OC~DATE: 80/10/03 NOTARIc.D: NO FACIL:50-335 St,-Lucie Planti Unit 1<Florida Power 5 Light Co, 50"389 St~Lucie Planti Unit 2i Florida Power 8 Light Co~AUTH'AME AUTHOR AFFILIATION DUCKgJ~RE Marsh 8 McLennani Ines RECIP, NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION SALTZMANiJ

~Assistant Director for State 8 Licensee Relations


Forwards Endorsements 57 8 58 to NELIA Policy NF 227 8 Endorsements 46 8 Q7 to MAELU Policy MF 88, DISTRIBUTION CODE: M001D COPIES RECEIYED:LTR ENCL SIZE: TITLE: Insur ance: Indemnity/Endorsement Agreements NOTES OL:02/01/76 OL:00/06/83 DOCKET 05000335 05000389 05000335 05000389 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NAME KREUTZERgp COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 1 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NAME COPIES LTTR ENCL INTERNA.RE FILE EXTERNAL: LPDR NTIS 01 03 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 SP NRC PDR 02 1 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR 6 ENCL 6 0'l ff s l I Marsh&Mcl.ennan, Incorporated 1300 San lacinto Tower 2121 San jacinto Street Dallas, Texas 75201 Telephone 214 742-1941 October 3, 1984 Mr.Jerome Saltzman Assistant Director State&Licensee Relations Office of State Progiams U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Florida Power&Light'ompany Plant St.Lucie ANI/MAELU Policies NF-227/MF-88 Endorsements No.57&58/46&47 1984 Revised Premium

Dear Jerry:

Enclosed for your records are two certified'opies each of Endorsements 57 and 58 to ANI Policy NF-227, and Endorsements 46 and 47 to MAELU Policy MF-88 to.the'lorida Power&Light Company Plant St.Lucie.These revise the'984 premium.Very truly yours, ohn R.Duck, Jr.Assistant Vice President M&M Nuclear Consultants cc: R.E.Hinds J.P.Beyer" R.Payne jf/enclosure r 84iOllOl97 84i003 PDR ADQCK 05000335 S PDR



ENEI((Y I..IABIJ ITY INSUI'ANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERG Y LIABILITY UNDEI(WRITERS l.Amcndmcnt of Advance Premium.Endo r scmcnt 2.Standard Premiunx anti Reserve Premium Endorsement 3.Additional Premium Duc I.Advance Premium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due thc companies for the calendar year 1984~is 110,341.02 2.Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Eor the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium$110~341 02 Reserve Premium$83,184.I8 3.Additional Premium$56.25 Effective Date of this endorsement January 1, 1984 issued to Fi or i da Power and L i ght ComPany To Eorm a part of Policy No.~Date oE Issue September 17, 1984 For the Subscribing Companies MUTUAL ATOM C ENERGY LIABILITY UNDER'R IT ER S EnBorsamcnt No.47 Countersigned by Authorized Rcprcscntative I'lF.-36'I'his is to certi~that th1s is a True copy oZ the orig1nal Endorsement having the endorsernenu.tunber and being made yart ot'he Nuclear Energy Liability Policy (Facility For@I as des-ignated hereon.No Insurance is forded hereunder.

John L.Quattrocchi, Vice President.

Liability Underwriting American Nudear Insurers

~'J'W g IJ I h I I J NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY INSURANCE'MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS Restoration of Limit of Liabilit Endorsement It is agreed that: 1.Payments made and expenses incurred by the cctnpanies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with Condition 3 of the policy, the limits of the ccmpanies'iability stated in Item 4 of the Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements.

2.The limit of liability stated in Endorsement No.25 which has been reduced is hereby restored to$36~ooo~ooo R.This restored limit applies only with respect to o z.gains assumed or expenses incurred because of bcdily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsement.

3.The limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cumulative.

Each payment made by the ccmpanies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduced by the amount of s~payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bcdily injury or property damage out of which such loss or expense arises.Effective Date of this Endorsement Ju I~1, 1 84 , To form a part f Policy No.Florida Power'and Light Company Issued to D f I September 1 7, 1 984 For thc Subscribing Companies MU lly UAL ATOMIC ENERC Y LIABILITY DERIVRITEI(S

)r')I':ndorscincnt Ho.HE-22b~~0~~QMist&mg~re<lcbptJXyMhaS t~'hsmxLgistal Endorsement having the ends!mi.8<>>'>ftfH Khd being made part oi the Nuclear Energy Liability olicy (Facility Form)as des-ignate hereon.No u e i.iiorded hereunder.

i~a-t Sohn, Vice President-Liability Underwriting American Nuclear Insurers l~Q g~II NUclear Energy Liability insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LlABlLITY INSURANCE ASSOClATION ADVANCE PREMIUM AND STANDARD PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT CACEADAA YEA~It is agreed that Items la.and lb.of Endorsement No.are amended to rea'd: la.ADVANCE PREHIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for'he period designated above is: g 380,063.52 i lb.STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Y1 Premium and the Reserve Premium is:$286.523 27 Additiona1 Premium:$193.75 This is to oertify that this Xs a true copy of the original Endorsement having the endorsczen:

nu~ber and being made part of the Nuclear Energy Liability Policy tFaoility Form)as des-ignated hereon.Mo Insurance is afforded hereundor.

John L.Quattrocchi, Vice President-Liability Underwriting American Nuclear Insurers Effective Date of this Endorsement Date of Issue Janua r 1, 1984 12:01 A.M.Standard Time power and I t ht Com any NF-227 To form a part of Policy No For the su cribing co panies E Endorsement No NE-36 58 By Countersigned by General Manager

.A VI I r<$4 I~p\J.H n r Nuclear Energy LIabillty Insurance NUCLEAR ENERGY LIBllLIT INSVRANCE ASSOCIATION RESTORATION OF LIMIT OF LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT It is agreed that: 1.Payments made and expenses incurred by the companies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with Condition,3 of the policy, the limits of the companies'iability stated in Item.4-of the Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements.

2.The limit of liability stated in Endorsement No.31 which has.been reduced is hereby res'tored to$124 000 000.00.This restored limit applies only with respect to obligations assumed or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorsement.

3.The limits of liability stated-'in the policy shall not be cumulative.

Each payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduce by the amount of such payment every limit of liability, regardless of which limit of liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property damage out of whi"ch such loss or expense arises.This is to certi y that this is a true copy oX the original Endors'ement having the endorsemettc

<<:;:.'der and, heing made part 01 the nuclear Energy Liability P licy (Facility Form)as des-ignated hereon.No Insurance is.'forded hereunder.

'I~'<<John L.Quattrocchi, Vice President-Liability Underwriting American Nuclear Inmtrers El lect t ve Date ol Endorsement Ju 1.1, 1 984 12:Ot A.M.Standard Time Florida Power and L i ght company To lorm a part ol policy Ho Date ol Issue September 17, 1984 For lho su cribl ng co panies Endorsement No 57 By Countersigned bY General Manager NE-22b F~'<';;~~~g~~Q e s~r