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SEP Review of SEP Safety Topic VII-03,Associated W/Electrical,Instrumentation & Control Portions of Sys Required for Safe Shutdown of Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/1980
From: Broderick N, Laudenbach D, Radosevic J
Shared Package
ML17258A699 List:
TASK-07-03, TASK-7-3, TASK-RR EGG-1183-4147, NUDOCS 8101120353
Download: ML17311A007 (72)




.Ra osevsc Department Manager This document is UNCLASSIFIED Derivative Classifier:

Nic o as.derrick Department Manager L L (L Work Performed for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under U.S, Department of Energy Contract No.DE-ACO8-76 NVO 1183.

C ABSTRACT This report documents the technical evaluation and review of NRC Safety Topic VII-3, associated with the electrical, instrumentation, and control portions of the systems required for safe shutdown of the Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, using current licensing criteria.

FOREWORD This report is supplied as part of the Systematic Evaluation Program being conducted for the U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

The work was performed by EG5G, Inc., Energy Measurements Group, San Ramon Operations for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under U.S.Department of Energy contract number DE-AC08-76NVO1183.





'5 4.SYSTEM DESCRIPTION...............

7 4.1 General 4.1.1 Reactor Protection System 4.1.2 Auxiliary Feedwater System.4.1.3 Main Steam System.4.1.4 Service Water System...4.1.5 Chemical and Volume Control System 4.1.6 Component Cooling Water System.4.1.7 Residual Heat Removal System 4.1.8 Electrical Instrumentation and Power Systems.7 9 10 10 11 ll 12 13 13 5.EVALUATION AND CONCLUSIONS.

19 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Reactor Protection System.Auxiliary Feedwater System.Main Steam System.Service Water System.Chemical and Volume Control System.Component Cooling Water System Residual Heat Removal System.Electrical Instrumentation and Power~~~Systems.19 20 21 22 23 24 25 30 6~


e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~33 REFERENCES.

...................35 APPENDIX A NRC SAFETY TOPICS RELATED TO THIS REPORT~~~~.A-1 LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 4.1~Pa e Functions for shutdown and cooldown.........

8 List of safe shutdown instruments

.~...~.~~14 4e3 Safe shutdown systems power source and location.....


SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION PROGRAM REVIEW OF NRC SAFETY TOPIC VII-3 ASSOCIATED WITH THE ELECTRICAL, INSTRUMENTATION, AND CONTROL PORTIONS OF THE SYSTEMS REQUIRED FOR SAFE SHUTDOWN FOR THE GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Donald H.Laudenbach EGSG, Inc., Energy Measurements Group San Ramon Operations 1.INTRODUCTION Some SEP plants may not have the capability to achieve hot shut-down and subsequent cold shutdown of the reactor from outside of the con-trol room.The"Safe Shutdown" report[Ref.1]generated by the NRC/SEP staff identifies the systems required for safe shutdown.This, report, reviews the electrical, instrumentati'on, and control aspects of the identified Category I systems as they are utilized from inside and outside of the control room.

2.CURRENT LICENSING CRITERIA GDC 17[Ref.2], entitled"Electric Power Systems," states in part that:/An onsite electric power system and an offsite electric power system shall be provided to permit functioning of.structures, sys'tems, and components important to safety.GDC 19[Ref.2], entitled"Control Room," states in part that: A control room shall be provided from which actions can be taken to operate the nuclear power unit safely under normal conditions and to maintain it in a safe condi-tion under accident conditions, including LOCAs.Equipment at appropriate locations outside the control room shall be provided with a design capability for prompt hot shutdown of the reactor, including necessary instrumentation and controls to maintain the unit in a safe condition during hot shutdown and with a potential capability for subsequent cold shutdown of the reactor through the use of suitable procedures.

GDC 21[Ref.2], entitled"Protection System Reliability and Testability," states in part that: Redundancy and independence designed into the protec-tion system shall be sufficient to assure that: b.No single failure results loss of function.I Removal from service of any component or channel does not result in loss of the required minimum redundancy unless the acceptable reliability of operation of the protection system can be otherwise demonstrated.

Standard Review Plan (NUREG-75/087)

[Ref.31;Section 7.5, en-titled"Safety-Related Display Instrumentation,".states in paragraph II.2 and 3 that: a.All monitoring channels should be redundant, to assure that wrong indication due to device mal-function will not cause false action or inaction on the part of the operator.Identification malfunc-'ions can be identified by cross checking between redundant channels., b.Redundant channels of safety-related display in-strumentation should be isolated physically and electrically"to assure that a single failure will.not result in complete loss of information about a monitored variable.

3.REV IEW GUIDELINES The following NRC guidelines were used for this review: Identify the systems and equipment necessary to achieve safe shutdown of the plant.Verify that the'nstrumentation and control systems necessary for safe shutdown possess sufficient redun-dancy (GDC 21).Verify that the systems and equipment identified above are capable of receiving power from both normal and emergency sources (GDC 17).Verify that the instrumentation and controls necessary for safe shutdown are available in the control room (GDC 19).Identify the instrumentation and control equipment that is located outside the control room that is available to achieve and maintain hot and cold shutdown (GDC 19).Verify that the safe shutdown display instrumentation in the control room meets the single failure criterion (SRP 7.5 II.2 and 3).Compile a list of electrical structures, systems and components that are necessary for safe shutdown of the plant.Submit the compilation as a section of the report on NRC Safety Topic III-.l[Ref.43.Verify that no single power supply failure inhibits achieving safe shutdown of the plant and that the availability of power exists from both'normal and emergency source.Identify the related NRC safety topics as an appendix to the report.

4.SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 4.1 GENERAL The SEP Review of Safe Shutdown Systems for the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant l.Ref.13 states that: The NRC staff and the licensee, Rochester Gas and Electric Corp.(RGSE)developed a list of the minimum systems necessary to take the reactor from operating conditions to cold shutdown.Although other systems may be used to perform shutdown and cooldown functions, the following list is the minimum number of systems.required to fulfill the requirements of BTP RSB 5-1[Ref.5].(1)Reactor Protection System (2)Auxiliary Feedwater System (3)Main Steam System (4)Service Water System (5)Chemical and Volume Control System (6)Component Cooling Water System (7)Residual Heat Removal System (8)Electrical Instrumentation and Power Systems for the above systems.Five basic tasks, or functions, are required to proceed from plant power operation, to hot-shutdown, to cold-shutdown.

These functions and their associated alternate methods are identified in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1.Functions for shutdown and cooldown.Function Method 1.Control of Reactor Power 2.Core Heat Removal 3.Steam Generator Heat Removal 4.Feedwater 5.Primary System Contr ol a.Boration 1.CVCS 2.High Pressure Safety Injection b.Control Rods 1.Controlled Rod Insertion 2.Reactor Trip a.Forced Circulation (reactor coolant pumps)b.Natural Circulation (using steam generators) c.Residual Heat Removal d.CVCS Letdown Heat Exchangers (CCW)e.Pressuri zer Rel ief s and Safety Injection a.Main Condenser (circulating water system)b.Atmospheric Dumps (manual actuation) c.Safety Valves d.Auxiliary Feed System Turbine e.Steam Generator Blowdown f.Water-Solid Steam Generator a.Main Feedwater Pumps b.Steam-and Motor-Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps c.Standby Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps a.CVCS b.Pressurizer Relief Valves 4.1.1 Reactor Protection'ystem The reactor protection system (RPS)is designed on a channelized basis to achieve isolation and independence between redundant protection channels.Channel independence is carried throughout the system extending from the sensor to the relay providing the logic.Isolation of redundant analog channels originates at the process sensors and continues back through the field wiring and containment penetrations to the analog pro-tection racks.When safety and control functions are combined, both func-tions are fully isolated in the remaining part of the channel, control being derived from the primary safety signal path through an isolation amplifier.

As such, a failure in the control circuitry does not affect the safety channel.RPS channels are supplied with sufficient redundancy to provide the capability for channel calibration and testing at power.Bypass removal of one trip circuit is accomplished by placing that circuit in a half-tripped mode, i.e., a two-out-of three circuit becomes a one-out-of-two circuit.Testing does not trip the system unless a trip condition concurrently exists in a redundant channel.The power supplies to the channels are fed from four instrument buses.Two of the buses are supplied by constant voltage transformers and two are supplied by inverters.

Each channel is energized from a separate a-c power feed.Each reactor trip circuit is designed so that a trip occurs when the circuit is de-energized.

An open circuit or the loss of channel power causes the system to go into its trip mode.Reliability and independence are obtained by redundancy within each tripping function.In a two-out-of-three circuit, the three channels are equipped with separate primary sensors and each channel is energized from an independent elec-trical,bus.

A single failure may'be applied in which a channel fails to de-energize when required;however, such a malfunction can affect only one channel.The trip signal furnished by the two remaining channels is unim-paired in this event.

4.1.2 Auxil iary Feedwater System The auxiliary feedwater system (AFS)is divided into two indepen-dent channels or trains.One channel is supplied by a turbine-driven pump;the other channel is supplied by two motor-driven pumps powered from sepa-rate redundant 480V emergency buses which can receive power from either onsite or offsi te sources.Each motor-driven pump can provide 100 percent of the AFS flow required for decay heat removal and can be cross-connected to provide flow to either steam generator.

A standby auxiliary feedwater system (SAFS)provides flow in case suction loss from the condensate storage tanks (CST)to the AFS pumps causes AFS pump burnup.The SAFS uses two motor-driven pumps which can be aligned to separate service water system (SWS)loops.The SAFS provides the same features as the AFS pumps with regard to functional capability and power supply diversity; it is manually actuated from the control room.4.1.3 Main Steam System The safety-grade shutdown components associ ated with the main steam system (MSS)are the main steam isolation valves (MSIV), the steam safety valves, and the steam atmospheric dump valves.Each of the two steam generators is equipped with an air-operated, solenoid-controlled MSIV, four steam safety valves, and one air-operated atmospheric dump valve.The MSIVs fail shut upon loss of control air.For core decay heat removal with natural circulation of the reactor coolant, only one steam generator and one of its four safety valves are required to remove core decay heat a few seconds after reactor trip.One atmospheric steam dump which can be operated from, the control room is sufficient for maintaining hot shutdown or for cooldown of the RCS below hot shutdown conditions.

Boiling of feedwater in the steam generator is'he dominant mode of removing primary system heat.Normally, the energy in the steam is removed in the turbine and the main condenser.

After the turbine is trip-ped, the turbine bypass system provides a controlled steam release directly

to the condenser.

The ultimate heat sink for the condenser is th'.cirulat-ing water system.When the condenser is not available, the steam is re-leased directly to the atmosphere through either the steam safety valves or the atmospheric dump valves.As the steam is lost, a continuing source of feedwater is required.4.1.4 Service Water System The service water system (SWS)circulates water from the screen house to various heat exchangers and systems in the containment, auxiliary, and turbine buildings.

The system has four pumps, three of which have the capacity to supply normal cooling loads.Under accident conditions, one pump is sufficient to supply essential loads.The SWS piping is arranged so that there are at least two flow paths to each essential load;non-essential loads are automatically isolated on a safeguards actuation signal.Valving is provided to isolate any single failure and to permit continued operation of the system.The SWS valve lineup splits the system into two independent trains.Safety-related equipment (diesel generators, AFS supply, containment ventilation coolers, etc.)is split between the trains so that the loss of one SWS loop will affect only half of the re-dundant safety-related equipment capacity.Motor-operated valves which isolate non'-essential SWS loads, as well as the system pumps, are operable from the control room.Power for the SWS pumps is provided by the 480V emergency buses which can be supplied by onsite (emergency diesels)or offsite power.One SWS pump per emergency diesel is automatically started during post-accident diesel load sequencing.

4 4.1.5 Chemical and Volume Control System The chemical and volume control system (CVCS)provides borated water from the boric acid tanks (BAT)or from the refueling water storage tank (RWST)through three positive displacement charging pumps to the RCS.The capacity of one pump (46 gpm)is sufficient to compensate for con-traction of the RCS coolant during normal cooldown.One charging pump alone, or with one boric acid transfer pump, can provide cold shutdown

boration requirements iomedi ately fol lowing r eactor shutdown.~Borated water for the charging pumps can be controlled locally or from the control room.Power for the charging pumps is supplied via the emergency buses from either onsite or-offsite power sources.The charging pumps discharge into a common pulse dampening accumulator which renders the system sus-ceptible to a single failure which could prevent charging for boration and coolant contraction during cooldown.Should this occur, a redundant method of charging and boration exists by means of the high pressure safety injec-tion (HPSI)system.Any of the three HPSI pumps can be lined up from the control room to take a suction on the BATs or the RMST and to inject borat-ed water into the RCS via the HPSI lines.4.1.6 Com onent Coolin Mater System The component cooling water system (CCM)system consists of two pumps, two heat exchangers, a surge tank and connecting valves and piping.During normal full power operation, or for post-accident operation, one component cooling pump and one component cooling heat exchanger'ccommodate the heat removal loads.The standby pump and heat exchanger provide 100 percent backup.Both pumps and both heat exchangers are utilized to remove the residual and sensible heat during plant shutdown.If one of the pumps or one of the heat exchangers is not operative, the time for cooldown is extended.The CCM pumps receive power from the redundant 480V emergency buses which can be supplied by onsite or offsite power.The CCW system is normally operated from the control room.The surge tank accommodates expansion, contraction and inleakage of water, and ensures a continuous component cooling water supply until a leaking cooling line can be isolat-ed.Because the surge tank is normally vented to the atmosphere', a radia-tion monitor in the component cooling pump inlet header annunciates in the control room and closes a valve in the vent line in the'event that the radiation level reaches a preset level above the normal background.

I 4.1.7 Residual Heat Removal System The residual heat removal system (RHR)system consi sts of a single drop line from the RCS hot leg through two redundant pumps and their associated heat exchangers and back to the RCS via a single header.Each pump can be manually cross-connected to the alternate heat exchanger for increased reliability.

Normal cooldown of the RCS is accomplished by operating both pumps and heat exchangers; however, a lesser cooldown rate can be achieved with only one pump.One heat exchanger can effect cooldown approximately 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br /> after shutdown.Each RHR pump is supplied power from separate redundant 480V emergency buses which can receive power from either onsite or offsite sources.The system is normally operated from the control room.4.1.8 Electrical Instrumentation and Power Systems Table 4.2 provides a list of the instruments required to conduct a safe shutdown.The list includes those instruments which provide.inform-ation to the control room operator from which the proper operation of all safe shutdown systems can be inferred.These instruments show RCS pres-sure, RCS temperature, pressurizer level, and steam generator level.Improper trending of these parameters would, lead the operator to investi-gate the potential causes.Other instruments listed in the table provide the operator with a direct check on safe shutdown system performance and an indication of actual or impending degradation of system performance.

The asterisk in the"instrument, location" column of the table indicates which indicators are located outside the control room at local shutdown panels.

t Table 4.2 List of safe shutdown instruments.

Com onent/System Instrument Instrument Location Reference Main Steam Reactor Coolant Auxiliary Feed Service Mater Chemical and Volume Control Steam generator level LT 8 LI 460, 461 and 470, 471 Pressurizer level LT&'LI, 426, 427, 428, 433 Pressurizer pressure PT 5 PT 449, 429, 430, 431 RCS temperature TE 8 TI 409 A 5 B and 410 A 5 B AFWS flow FT 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 FI 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 SAFS flow FT 5 FT 4084, 4085 Pump discharge press.PT 2160 5 2161 PI 2160 5 2161 Charging flow FIT 128, FI 128 RWST level LT 920, LI 920 LT Inside Containment LI Control Room~LT Inside Containment Control Room" PT Inside Containment PI Control Room~TE Inside Containment TI Control Room FT Intermed.Build.FI Control Room" FT Aux.Build.Addition FI Control Room" PT Screen House PI Control Room FIT.Auxiliary Oui 1 d.FI Control Room LT Auxiliary Build.LI Control Room Dwg.33013-519 Dwg.33013-424 Dwg.33013-424 Dwg.33013-424 Dwg.33013-519 Dwg.D-302-071-E Dwg.33013-529 Dwg.33013-433 Dwg.33013-425 t<<d

Table 4.2 List of safe shutdown instruments.(Continued)

Com onent/System Instrument Instrument Location Reference Component Cooling.Mater System flow FIT 619 Surge tank level LIT 618 FIT Auxiliary Build.Dwg.33013-436 Low flow alarm in control room LIT Auxiliary Build.Dwg.33013-435 LI Control Room Residual Heat Removal Diesel Generator System flow FT 626, FI 626 Generator output voltage and current FT Auxiliary Build.FI Control Room Control Room Dwg.33013-436 I Emergency AC Power I Emergency DC Power 480 V Busses 14, 16, 17, Control Room 18, voltage indication 125 VDC Busses 1 and 2 Control Room voltage indication

Offsite emergency'ower is provided through a single 4.16 kV station auxiliary transformer.

Therefore the BTP RSB 5-1[Ref.5]assump-tion on loss of onsite emergency power, i.e., loss of both diesel genera-tors renders the offsite emergency power susceptible to single failure.The acceptability of this design was reviewed during the Provisional Operating License review, and it was concluded tnat, because of the demon-strated high reliability of the type of transformers involved, the absence of a redundant transformer does not significantly affect the reliability of offsite power.A secondary source of offsite power can be made available via the unitauxiliary transformer by manually disconnecting flexible connections at the main generator terminals.

This design meets the current NRC requirements for offsite power supplies (GDC-17), providing that disconnection of the flexible connections at the main generator terminals can be accomplished within the time constraints imposed by coolant water inventory and battery life, even though it deviates from the guidelines of BTP RSB 5-1 I.Ref.5].Onsite emergency power is furnished by two diesel engine generat-ing sets.Either diesel generator is capable of supplying sufficient safety loads.The diesel generators and loads are divided on a split-bus arrangement.

There is no automatic tie between the two buses.Both diesels are started by a"safety injection" signal, and each diesel is II started by an undervoltage condition at either of its 480-volt buses.-Each diesel can also be started locally or from the control room.location.Table 4.3 details the safe shutdown systems power source and Table 4.3.Safe shutdown systems power source and location.System Power Source Location Reactor Protection Reactor Breakers Reactor Bistables DC power, Instrument buses Control Room (289')Main Steam Safety Valves Isolation Valves Atmos.Dump Valves Auxiliary Feed Motor Driven Pumps A, B Turbine Driven Pump Standby Pumps C, D I Service Water Pumps A, B, C, D Chemical and Volume Control pumps A, B, C Refueling Water Storage Tank Component Cooling Water pumps A, B Heat Exchangers Residual Heat Removal pumps A, B Heat Exchangers Diesel Generators 1A 1B Air (fail closed)Air or manual A-bus 14, B-bus 16 Steam driven C-bus 14, D-bus 16 A,C-bus 18 B,D-bus 17 A-bus 14 B, C-bus 16 A-bus 14, B-bus 16 A-bus 14, B-bus 16 125YDC control power 125VDC control power Intermediate Build.(278')Intenoediate Build.(278')Intermediate Build.(278')Intermediate Build.(253')Intermediate Build.(253')Aux.Build.Addition (270')Screen House (253')Screen House (253')-Auxiliary Build.(235')east Auxiliary Build.Auxiliary Build.(271')Auxiliary Build.(271')Auxiliary Build.(219')RHR pit Auxiliary Build.(219')Diesel Room N side of Turbine Build.(253')Diesel Room N side of Turbine Build.(253')

I I Table 4.3.Safe shutdown systems power source and location (continued).

System 480 V, bus 14=480 V, bus 16 480 V, bus 17 480 V, bus 18 Instrument buses 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D Battery and Inverter lA Battery and Inver ter 1B Power Source Diesel 1A or Of f si te Power Diesel 1B or Offsite Power Diesel 1B or Offsite Power Diesel 1A or Offsite Power 1A-Inverter 1, 1B-480V NCC 1C-Inverter 2, 1D-480V MCC Location Auxiliary Build.(271')Auxiliary Build.(263')Screen House (253')Screen House (253')Control Room (289)Battery Room (253')Battery Room (253')

N S 5.EVAlUATION AND CONCLUSIONS 5.1 REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM The reactor protection system (RPS)is designed on a channelized basis to achieve isolation and independence between redundant protection channels.Channel independence is carried throughout the system extending from the sensor to the relay providing the logic.Isolation of redundant analog channels originates at the process sensors and continues back through the field wiring and containment penetrations to the analog pro-tection racks.Mhen safety and control functions are combined, both functions are fully isolated in the remaining part of the channel, control being derived from the primary safety signal path through an isolation amplifier.

As such, a failure in the control circuitry does not affect the safety channel.RPS channels are supplied with sufficient redundancy to provide the capability for channel calibration and testing at power.Bypass removal of one trip circuit is accomplished by placing that circuit in a half-tripped mode, i.e., a two-out-of three circuit becomes a one-out-of-two circuit.Testing does not trip the system unless a trip condition concurrently exists in a redundant channel.The power supplies to the channels are fed from four instrument buses.Two of the buses are supplied by constant voltage transformers and two are supplied by inverters.

Each channel is energized from a separate a-c power feed.Each reactor trip circuit is designed so that a trip occurs when the circuit is de-energized.

An open circuit'or.the loss of channel power causes the system to go into its trip mode.Reliability and independence are obtained by redundancy within each tripping function.In a two-out-of-three circuit, the three channels are equipped with separate primary sensors and each channel is energized from an independent elec-trical bus.A single failure may be applied in which a channel fails to

de-energize when required;however, such a malfunction can affect only one channel.The trip signal furnished by the two remaining channels is unim-paired in this event.Based on a review of the documentation listed in the Reference Section of this report, we conclude that the RPS complies to the current licensing criteria listed in Section 2 of this report.5.2 AUXILIARY FEEDWATER SYSTEM The primary source of water to the auxiliary feedwater system (AFS)is from the condensate storage tanks (CST)via nonseismic GST supply lines.The backup source of water to the AFS is from the seismic Glass 1 service water system (SWS)via two separate paths;one path provides suction to the turbine-driven pump, the other path provides suction to two motor-driven pumps.Manual action is required to isolate the AFS pump suctions from the CST and to line up the pumps to the SWS.All other functions of the AFS can be initiated, controlled, and.monitored from the control room.The manual valve alignment of the AFS to the SWS can be performed by'n operator dispatched from the control room.The NRC staff has determined that the manual lineup of the AFS suction to the SWS is justified under the"limited operator action outside the control room" provision of BTP RSB 5-1[Ref.5].The two motor-driven pumps are powered from separate redundant 480 V emergency buses which can receive power from either onsite or offsite sources.Each motor-driven pump can provide 100 percent of the AFS flow required for decay heat removal and can be cross-connected to provide flow to either steam generator.

A standby auxiliary feedwater system (SAFS)provides flow in case suction loss from the condensate storage tanks (CST)'o the AFs pumps causes AFS pump burnup.The SAFS uses two motor-driven pumps which can be aligned to separate SWS loops.The SAFS provides the same features as the AFS pumps with regard to functional capability and power supply diversity;

it is manually actuated from the control room.The NRC staff evaluation of the SAFS is contained in.:reference 6.Based on a review of the documentation listed in the Reference Section of this report, we concl ude that AFS compl i es to the current licensing criteria listed in Section 2 of this report.5.3 MAIN STEAM SYSTEM The safety-grade shutdown components associated with the main steam system (MSS)are the main steam isolation valves (MSIV), the steam safety valves, and the steam atmospheric dump valves.Each of the two steam generators is equipped with an air-operated, solenoid-controlled MSIV, four steam safety valves, and one air-operated atmospheric dump valve.The MSIVs fail shut upon loss of control air.For core decay heat removal with natural circulation of the reactor coolant, only one steam generator and one of its four safety valves are required to remove core decay heat a few seconds after reactor trip.One atmospheric steam dump which can be operated from the control room is sufficient for maintaining hot shutdown or for cooldown of the RCS below hot shutdown conditions.

Boiling of the feedwater in the steam generator is the dominant mode of removing primary system heat.Normally, the energy in the steam is removed in the turbine and the main condenser.

After the turbine is trip-ped, the turbine bypass system provides a controlled steam release directly to the condenser.

The ultimate heat sink for the condenser is the circu-lating water system.When the condenser is not available, the steam is released directly to the atmosphere through either the steam safety valves or the atmospheric dump valves.As the steam is lost, a continuing source of feedwater is required.The MSS-level instrumentation is designed on a channelized basis to achieve isolation and independence between redundant protection chan-nels.Channel independence is carried throughout the system, extending

from the sensor to the relay providing the logic.Loop A steam generator level is monitored by level transmitters LT-460, LT-461, LT-462 and.LT-463.Loop A steam generator level, is indicated in the control room by level indicators LI-461, LI-462 AND LI-463.LI-460A provides loop A steam gene-rator level indication at the auxiliary feedwater pump panel.LI-460B provides loop A steam generator level indication at the main feedwater control valves.Loop B steam generator level is monitored by level trans-mitters LT-470, LT-471, LT-472 and LT-473.Loop B steam generator level is indicated in the control room by level indicators LI-471, LI-472 and LI-473A.LI-470A provides loop B steam generator level indicati,on at the auxiliary feedwater pump panel.LI-470B provides loop B steam generator level indication at the main feedwater control valves.[Ref.7, drawings BD-8, BD-9, BD-18 and BD-19].Based on a review of the documentation listed in the Reference Section of this report, we conclude that the NSS complies to the current licensing criteria listed in Section 2 of this report.5.4 SERVICE WATER SYSTEM The service water system (SWS)circulates water from the screen house to various heat exchangers and systems in the containment, auxiliary, and turbine buildings.

The system has four pumps, three of which have the capacity to supply normal cooling loads.Under accident conditions, one pump is sufficient to supply essential loads.The SWS piping is arranged so that there are at least two flow paths to each essential load;non-essential loads are automatically isolated on a..safeguards actuation signal." Valving is provided to isolate any single.failure and to permit coqtinued operation of the system.The SWS valve lineup splits the system into two independent trains.Safety-related equipment (diesel generators, AFS supply, containment ventilation..coolers, etc.)is split between the trains so that the loss of one SWS loop will affect only half of the re-dundant safety-related equipment capacity.Motor-operated valves which isolate non-essential SWS loads,.as well as the system pumps, are operable

from the control room.Power for the SWS pumps is provided by the 48OV emergency buses which can be supplied by onsite (emergency diesel s)or'offsite power.One SWS pump per emergency diesel is automatically started during post-accident diesel load sequencing.

Based on a review of the documentation listed in the Reference Section of this report, we conclude that the SWS complies to the current licensing criteria listed in Section 2 of this report.5.5 CHEMICAL AND VOLUME CONTROL SYSTEM The chemical and volume control system (CVCS)provides borated water from the boric acid tanks (BAT)or the refueling water storage tank (RWST)through three positive displacement charging pumps to the RCS.The capacity of one pump (46 gpm)is sufficient to compensate for contraction of the RCS coolant during normal cooldown.One charging pump alone, or with the boric acid transfer pump, can provide cold shutdown boration requirements imnediately following reactor shutdown.Borated water for the charging pumps would be supplied from the RWST by manually opening valve 358 to bypass an air-operated valve in the charging pump suction lines.The charging pumps can be controlled locally or from the control room.Power for the charging pumps is supplied via the emergency buses from either onsite or offsite power sources.The charging pumps discharge into a common pulse dampening accumulator which renders the system susceptible to a single failure which could prevent charging for boration and coolant contraction during cooldown.Should this occur, a redundant method of charging and boration exists by means of the high pressure safety injection (HPSI)system.Any of the three HPSI pumps can be lined up from the con-trol room to take a suction on the BATs or the RWST and to inject borated water into the RCS via the HPSI lines.Based on a review of the documentation listed in the Reference Section of this report, we conclude that the CVCS complies to the current licensing criteria listed in Section 2 of this report.

5.6 COMPONENT COOLING MATER SYSTEM The component cooling water system (CCW)system consists of two pumps, two heat exchangers, a surge tank and connecting valves and piping.During normal full-power operation or for post-accident operation, one component cooling pump and one component cooling heat exchanger accommodate the heat removal loads.The standby pump and heat exchanger provide 100 percent backup.Both pumps and both heat exchangers are utilized to remove the residual and sensible heat during plant shutdown.If one of the pumps or one of the heat exchangers is not operative, the time for cooldown is extended.The CCM pumps receive power from the redundant 480V emergency buses which can be supplied by onsite or offsite power.The CCW system is normally operated from the control room.The surge tank accommodates expansion, contraction and inleakage of water, and ensures a continuous component cooling water supply until a leaking cooling line can be isolat-ed.Because the surge tank is normally vented to tHe atmosphere, a radia-tion monitor in the component cooling pump inlet header annunciates in the control room and closes a valve in the vent line in the event that the radiation level reaches a preset level above the normal background.

Based on a review of the documentation listed in the Reference Section of this report, we conclude that the'CCW system complies to the current licensing criteria listed in Section 2 of this report except for the following:

(1)The single failure criterion is NOT met because of the single discharge line from the..CCM pumps through MOV-817 to the following four cooling loops: RCP 1A, RCP 1B, Reactor Support Cooling and the Excess Letdown HX.If MOV-817 were to fail in the closed position CCM to the above four loops would be lost[Ref.8, drawing 33013-435-A].

(2)The f ail ure of check val ve 816 to remain open would cause CCW flow to the above four loops to be lost f.Ref.8, drawing 33013-435-A].

5.7 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL SYSTEM The suction line of the residual heat removal system (RHR)system is isolated from the loop A hot leg of the RCS by MOV-700 and NOV-701 in series.MOV-700 and MOV-701 normally operate in the closed position and do not change position upon loss of power (fail as is).MOV-700 is operable with either onsite or offsite power from essential bus 14 via NCC 1C.MOV-701 is operable with either onsite or offsite power from essential bus 16 via MCC 1D.The discharge line of the RHR system is isolated from the loop B cold leg of the RCS by MOV-720 and NOV-721 in series.MOV-720 and MOY-721 normally operate in the closed position and do not change position upon loss of power (fail as is).MOV-720 is operable with either onsite or offsite power from essential bus 14 via NCC 1C.NOV-721 is operable with either onsite or offsite power from essential bus 16 via MCC 1D.The RHR system discharge line is not used for an ECCS function that would require MOV-720 or MOV-721 to open;however, a branch of the RHR discharge line provides LPSI to the rector vessel via parallel lines.Isolation between the RHR system and LPSI injection into the reactor vessel is provided by two separate paths from the RHR discharge line, with each path containing an MOV and check valve.MOV-852A and check valve 853A provide isolation in one path, while NOV-852B and check valve 8538 provide isolation in the other path.MOY-852A and NOV-852B normally operate in the closed position and do not change position upon loss of power (fail as is).MOV-852A is operable with either onsite or offsite"power from essential S bus 14 via NCC 1C.MOV-852B is operable with either onsite or offsite.power from essential bus 16 via MCC 1D.The suction line of the'RHR system, when functioning in the injection phase of LPSI, commences at the RMST to MOV-856 and check valve 854 in series, then to a parallel branch where MOV-704A provides a path to

RHR pump 2.MOV-856 normally operates in the closed position and does not change position upon loss of power (fails as is).MOV-856 is operable with either onsite or offsite power from essential bus 14 via NCC 1C.MOV-704A and MOV-704B normally operate in the open position and do not change posi-tion upon loss of power (fail as is).MOV-704A is operable with either onsite or offsite power from essential bus 14 via MCC 1C.MOV-7048 is operable with either onsite or offsite power from essential bus 16 via MCC 1D.Two separate paths provide suction to the RHR system when it is functioning in the recirculation phase of LPSI.Both paths commence at the containment sump and terminate at the RHR pumps.MOV-850A and NOV-851A in series provide the path to RHR pump 1.MOV-850B and MOV-8518 in series provide the path to RHR pump 2.MOV-850A, MOV-8508, NOV-851A and MOV-851B normally operate in the closed position and do not change position upon loss of power (fail as is).MOV-850A and NOV-851A are operable with either onsite or offsite power from essential bus 14 via MCC 1C.MOV-8508 and MOV-851B are operable with either onsite or offsite power from essential bus 16 via MCC 1D.Both RHR pumps are operable with either onsite or offsite power.RHR pump 1 is powered from essential bus 14, RHR pump 2 is powered from essential bus 16.Section 6.1.1 of the FSAR[Ref.91 states in part that: A comprehensive program of plant testing is formulated for all equipment systems and systems control vital to the functioning of ESFs.The program consists of per-formance tests of individual pieces of equipment, inte-'rated tests of the system as a whole, and periodic tests of the actuation circuitry and mechanical compon-ents to assure reliable performance, upon demand, throughout the plant lifetime.Section 6.2.1 of the FSAR[Ref.9]states in part that: Design provisions are made so that active components of the SIS can be tested periodically for operability and functional performance.

Each active component can be individually activated on the normal power source at any time during plant oper-ation.An integrated system test can be performed during the late stages of plant cooldown when the RHR loop is in service.This test would not introduce flow into the RCS but would demonstrate the operation of the valves,.pump circuit breakers, and automatic circuitry upon initiation of safety injection.

Section 6.2.5 of the FSAR[Ref.9]states in part that: Testing is conducted during plant shutdown to demon-.strate proper automatic operation of the SIS.A test signal is applied to initiate automatic action and verification made that the SI pumps attain required discharge heads.The test demonstrates the operation of the valves, pump circuit breakers, and automatic circuitry.

The test is considered satisfactory if con-trol board indication and visual observations indicate all components have operated and sequenced properly.Flow in each of the high head SI headers and in the mainflow line for the RHR pumps is monitored by flow indicators.

Pressure instrumentation is also provided for the main flow paths of the SI and RHR pumps.Ac-cumulator isolation valves are blocked closed for this test.The sequence for recirculation operation may be tested following the above injection phase to demon-strate proper sequencing of valves and pumps.To initiate the full operational sequence test, the SI block switch is moved to the unblock position to pro-vide control power allowing the automatic actuation of the safety injection signal relays from the pressur-izer.Simultaneously, the breakers supplying normal power to 480-volt buses are tripped, operation of the diesel-generator power system commences automatically.

The SI pumps and the RHR pumps start automatically following the prescribed loading sequence.The valves operate automatically to align the flow path for injection into the RCS.The functional test is repeated for the various modes of operation needed to demonstrate performance at par-tial effectiveness, i.e., to demonstrate the proper loading sequence, with loss of one of the diesel gener-ator power sources, and to demonstrate the correct automatic starting of a second pump should the first e

pump fail to respond.These latter cases are performed without delivery of water to the RCS, but include starting of.all pumping equipment involved in each test.Section 4.1.a of the Gi nna Technical Specifications states that: Calibration, testing, and checking of analog channels'nd testing of logic channels shall be performed as specified in Table 4.1-1.Table 4.1-1 entitled"Minimum Frequencies for Checks, Calibra-tions, and Tests of Instrument Channels" provides the following information regarding RHR/LPSI-related instrument channels: (1)RHR Pump Flow is calibrated during each refueling shutdown;channel check and channel test are not applicable.

(2)RWST Level is calibrated during each refueling shutdown;channel check and channel test are not applicable.

(3)Containment Sump Level is calibrated during each refueling shutdown;channel check and channel test are not applicable.

Section of the Ginna Technical Specification states'n part that: The Safety Injection System tests shall be performed at each reactor refueling interval.With the reactor coolant system pressure less than or equal to 350 psig and temperature.less than or equal to 350'F, a test safety injection signal will be applied to initiate operation of the system.The safety injection and.residual heat removal pump motors are prevented from starting during the test.Section of the Ginna Technical Specifications states in part that: Except during cold or refueling shutdowns the safety injection pumps, residual heat removal pumps, and containment spray pumps shall be started at intervals not to exceed one month.

Section of the Ginna Technical Specifications states that: The refueling water storage tank outlet valves shall be tested at intervals not to exceed one month.Section 4.4 of the SEP Review of Safe Shutdown Systems for the R.E.Ginna Nucler Power Plant[Ref.13 states in part that: The RHR isolation valve operability and interlocks cannot be tested during the=RHR cooling mode of operation.

This test requirement is not applicable to the Ginna facility, since the interlocks function only when the RHR isolation valves are shut.Based on a review of the documentation listed in the Reference Section of thi s report, we conclude that the RHR system complies to the current licensing criteria listed in Section 2 of this report except for the following:

(1)The single failure criterion is NOT met because there is a single inlet line to the RHR pumps through MOV-700 and MOV-701 in series from the RCS Loop A hot leg[Ref.10, drawing 33013-436-A].

If either MOV-700 or MOV-701 were to fail in the closed position, the suction path to the RHR pumps would be lost.(2)The single failure criterion is NOT met because there is a single discharge line between the RHR heat exchangers through MOV-720 and MOV-721 in series to the RCS Loop B cold leg[Ref.10, draw-ing 33013-436-A1.

If either MOV-720 or MOV-721 were to fail in the closed position,,the discharge path of the RHR pumps would be lost.(3)The single failure criterion is NOT met when the RHR system is functioning in the snjection phase of LPSI because there is a single inlet line to the RHR pumps through MOV-856 and check valve 854 in series from the RWST[Ref.11, drawing 33013-425-Al.If MOV-856 were to fail in the closed P

position, the suction path to the RHR pumps would be lost.(4)The RHR system testability fails to satisfy RG 1.22 because the RHR pumps are disabled during the ECCS system test.Section 6.2.5 of the FSAR states that the SI and RHR pumps are tested as a part of system functional tests.Section of the Ginna Technical Specifications states that'he SI and RHR pump motors are prevented from starting during the system test.(5)The RHR system fails to satisfy BTP RSB 5-1 and RG 1.22 because the RHR isolation valves and their associated interlocks are not tested.5.8 ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTATION AND POWER SYSTEMS Table 4.2 (see Section 4)provides a list of the instruments re-quired to conduct a safe shutdown.The list includes those instruments which provide information to the control room operator from which the proper operation of all safe shutdown systems can be inferred.These instruments show RCC pressure, RCS temperature, pressurizer level, and steam generator level.Improper trending of these parameters would lead the operator to investigate the potential causes.Other instruments listed in the table provide the operator with a direct check on safe shutdown system performance and indication of actual or impending degradation of system performance.

The asterisk in the"instrument location" column of the table indicates which indicators are located outside the control room at local shutdown panels.Offsite emergency power is provided through a single 4.16 kV station auxiliary transformer.

Therefore'he BTP RSB 5-1[Ref.5]assumption on loss of onsite emergency power, i.e., loss of both diesel generators renders the offsite emergency power susceptible to single fail-ure.The acceptability of this design was reviewed during the Provisional Operating License review, and it was concluded that, because of the demon-strated high reliability of the type of transformers involved, the absence of a redundant transformer does not significantly affect the reliability of loffsite power.A secondary'source of offsite power can be made available via, the unit auxiliary transf ormer by manually di sconnecting flexible connections at the main generator terminals.

This design meets the current NRC requirements for offsite power supplied (GDC-17), providing that dis-connection of the flexible connections at the main generator terminals can be accomplished within the time constraints imposed by coolant water in-ventory and battery life, even though this deviates from the guidelines of BTP RSB 5-1[Ref.5].Onsite emergency power is furnished by two diesel engine generat-ing sets.Either diesel generator is capable of supplying sufficient safety loads.The diesel generators and loads are divided on a split-bus arrangement.

There is no automatic tie between the two buses.Both diesels are started by a"safety injection" signal, and each diesel is started by an undervoltage condition at either of its 480-volt buses.Each diesel can also be started locally or from the control room.Table 4.3 (see Section 4)details the safe shutdown systems power source and location.



Four loops of the CCW system fail to meet the single failure criterion.

Both the suction and discharge paths of the RHR system fail to meet the single failure criterion during the RHR cooling mode of operation.

The suction path of the RHR system fails to meet the single fail-ure criterion during the injection phase of the RHR LPSI function.The RHR system fails to satisfy current licensing criteria be-cause the RHR pumps are disabled during functional system tests.The RHR system fails to satisfy current licensing criteria be-cause the RHR isolation valves and their associated interlocks are not tested.criterion.

Of fsi te emergency power fails to satisfy the single failure Each of the above items of non-compliance to current licensing criteria should be investigated and resolutions sought during the inte-grated DBE reviews.33

REFERENCES 1.SEP Review of Safe Shutdown Systems for the R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, Revision 1, undated.2.U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50, Appendix A (General Design riteria , 3.U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Standard Review Plan NUREG-75/087, Revision 1.4.U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Safety Topic III-1, Classification of Structures, Systems and Com onents.5.U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Branch Technical Position, RSB 5-1, Desi n Re uirements of the Residual Heat Removal System, Revision 1.6.NRC letter, D.Ziemann to L.White, dated August 24, 1979, forwarding Amendment 29 to the Ginna Operating License.7.Foxboro drawings BD-2 through BD-19 for the Ginna Nuclear Power Station.8.Rochester Gas and Electric Corp.drawi'ng 33013-435-A, Auxiliary Coolant System.9.Rochester Gas and Electric Corp.Ginna Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR)dated April 23, 1975.10.Rochester Gas and Electric Corp.drawing 33013-436-A, Auxiliary Coolant System.11.Rochester Gas and Electric Corp.drawing 33013-425-A, Safety.Injection System.

APPENDIX A NRC SAFETY TOPICS RELATED TO THIS REPORT III-1 IV-2 V-3 V-8 Classification of Structures, Systems, and Components.

Reactivity Control Systems, Including Functional Design and Pro-tection Against Single Failures.Overpr essurization Protection.

Steam Generator (SG)Integrity.

V-10.A RHR Heat Exchanger Tube Failures.V-10.B RHR Reliability.

V-11.A V-11.B Requirements for Isolation of High and Low Pressure Systems.RHR Interlock Requirements.

VI-10.A Testing of RTS and ESF Including Response Time Testing.VI-10.B V I I-l.A Shared Engineered Safety Features, Onsite Emergency Power, and Service Systems for Multiple Unit Facilities.

Isolation of RPS from Non-Safety Systems, Including Qualifica-tions of Isolation Devices.VI I-1.B VI I-2 VI I-4 I X-3 IX-4 XV-1 XV-2 Trip Uncertainty and Setpoint Analysis Review of Operating Data Base.ESF System Control Logic and Design.Effects of Failure in Non-Safety Related Systems on Selected ESFs.Station Service and Cooling Mater Systems.Boron Addition System.Auxiliary Feedwater System.Decrease in Feedwater Temperature, Increase in'eedwater Flow, Increase in Steam Flow, and Inadvertent Opening of a Steam Generator Relief or Safety Valve.Spectrum of Steam System Piping Failures Inside and Outside of Containment

{PMR).A-1 I

APPENDIX A (Continued)

NRC SAFETY TOPICS RELATED TO THIS REPORT XV-4 XV-5 XV-6 XV-7 XV-10 XV-14 Loss of Non-Emergency A-C Power to Station Auxiliaries..

Loss of Normal Feedwater Flow.Feedwater System Pipe Breaks Inside and Outside Containment.

Reactor Coolant Pump Rotor Seiture and Reactor Coolant Pump Shaft Break.CVCS Malfunction that Results in a Decrease in the Boron Concen-tration in the Reactor Coolant (PWR).Inadvertent Operation of ECCS and CVCS Malfunction that Increases Reactor Coolant Inventory.

XV-15'nadvertent Opening of PORV.XV-17 XV-24 XVI Ra'diological Consequences of Steam Generator Tube Failure (PWR).Loss of All A-C Power.Technical Specifications.

CEB/amr/85/t5 A-2