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Transmitting Info-brief of Carolina Power & Light Co., Corporate Communications, Letter Advising Cp&L Announced Organizational Changes Effective 6/1/1979, Which Relate to Personnel & Positions Discussed in Testimony
Person / Time
Site: Harris  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/18/1979
From: Rosalyn Jones
To: Bright G, Leeds J, Smith I
- No Known Affiliation, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Download: ML18230A486 (4)


~~f Rg:g)~~'SPO,yD~1'CZ POST OFFICE EOZ 16aI h Car lin 276 Raleigh, Nort 02 Carolina Poivcr 6-Light Company LEGAL DEPAEtT51ENT May 18, 1979 Ivan W.Smith, Esq.Chairman Atomic Safety&Licensing Board U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Mr.Glenn 0.Bright Atomic Safety&Licensing Board U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Dr.J.V.Leeds, Jr.10807 Atwell Houston, Texas 77096 Xn the Matter of CAROLINA POWER&LIGHT COMPANY (Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1, 2, 3, and 4)Docket No.50-400 50-401 50-402 50-403 c 0 a~+~lZ Gentlemen:

Following a meeting of the Carolina Power&Light Company Board of Directors'on Wednesday, May 15, 1979, the Company announced several organizational changes effective June 1, 1979.Since several of these changes relate to personnel and positions discussed in testimony received at the February and March hearings on CP&L's management capability, I am enclosing a copy of an internal Company news release which fully describes the changes.The net effect of these organizational changes is to enhance the Company's overall management capability.

Creation of a new Department of Nuclear Safety&Research will also provide added strength to the corporate nuclear program.Very truly yours, REJ/gmc Enclosure cc: All Parties Richard E.Jones Associate General Counsel CC: Alan S.Rosenthal, Esq.Chairman Atomic Safety&Licensing Appeal Board U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington; D.C.20555 Dr.John H.Buck Atomic Safety&Licensing Appeal Board U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Michael C.Farrar, Esq.Atomic Safety&Licensing Appeal Board U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Charles A.Barth, Esq.Office of the Executive Legal Director U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Thomas S.Erwin, Esq.P.0.Box 928 115 West Morgan Street Raleigh, N.C.27602 Dennis P.Myers, Esq.Associate Attorney General State of North Carolina P.0.Box 629 Raeigh, N.C.27602 Mr.Wells Eddleman Route 1, Box 183 Durham, North Carolina 27705 Kudzu Alliance Box 3036 Chapel Hill, N.C.27514 Docketing and Service Section Office of the Secretary U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 9 3zB.XZ~-7cDXP2.M Please share this information with employees under your 79-21 Hay 16, 1979 super (st.o.'.*.-';C~>,j,*~~2/Group.The former Bulk Power Supply Group will be divided into two new groups.Darrell V.Henscer, Senior Vice President, will be group executive for the Power Supply Group consisting of the Generation Department and the System Operations

&Maintenance Department.

Mr.Jerry Kirk is promoted to Manager of the System Operations

&Maintenance Department.

Mr.James M.Davis, Jr., is promoted to Vice President and will be group executive for the Fuel&Materials Management Group consisting of those two named departments, with the Materials Management Department being transferred to this group from the Customer&Operating Services Group.The Department of Nuclear Safety&Research will include the functions of health physics and corporate nuclear safety and quality assurance, which are transferred from System Planning&Coordination, and the function of Re-Search, which is transferred from the Technical Services Department.

Mr.Wilson W.Morgan is promoted to Senior Vice President and group executive for Corporate Services.The System Planning&Coordination Department is transferred to this group and will be managed by Mr.Lynn W.Eury who is promoted to Vice President.

Mr.Sheldon D.Smith is promoted to Vice President and will continue to manage the Power Plant Construction Department.

Mr.Norris Edge is promoted to Manager of the Rates&Service Practices Department succeeding Hr.James H.Davis, Jr.TO BE EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1979, AND NEW OFFICERS ELECTED The present organizational arrange-ments have functioned extremely well.How-ever, as our work continues to expand and new developments occur and in view of the anticipated retirements of Mr.Shearon Harris, Mr.J.A.Jones, and Mr.W.J.Ridout, Jr., within the next four years, it is appropriate to make certain revisions in our organization.

These changes are being made in order to continue to attain greater functional alignment of work re-sponsibilities, to increase efficiency, to expand opportunities for management developraent, and to increase se..ior m nage-ment strength.All administrative functions will continue to be combined under the direc-tion of Sherwood H.Smith, Jr., President&Chief Administrative Officer.In addi-tion, System Planning&Coordination Department is transferred to the Corporate-Services Group.All operating functions, including a new department of Nuclear Safety&Research, will continue to be combined under the direction of J.A.Jones, who will become Senior Executive Vice President&Chief Operating Officer.Both Mr.Jones and Mr.Smith will report to Mr.Shearon Harris, Chairman/Chief Executive Officer.There will now be'four operating groups and three administrative groups containing a total of 27 departments.

The additional rtew department of Nuclear Safety&Research is to be headed by Dr.Thomas S.Elleman, currently Chairman of the Department of Nuclear Engineering at North Carolina State University, and I~will report directly to Mr.Jones.E.E.Utley is promoted to Executive Vice President and will have responsi-bility for both the Hulk Power Supply Carolina Power tt Light Company/Corporate Comm The nine-member Senior Management Committee consisting of Messrs.Harris, Jones, Smith, Graham, Lilly, Menscer, Ridout, HcDuffie, and Utley will be ex-(over)unlcallons

/Library and Inlormallon Research ORSANIZATIONAI CHANGES ANNOUNCED Group and Customer&Operating Services panded to a larger eleven-member Committee consisting of the seven'roup executives (Messrs.Davis, Graham, Lilly, McDuffie, Menscer, Morgan, and Ridout)together with Messrs.Harris, Smith, Jones, and Utley.All officer designations are ef-fective May 16, 1979.The realignment of functions and responsibilities is to be effective June 1, 1979.ELLENAN MILL HEAD NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RESEARCH DEPARTNENT Thomas S.Elleman, professor and chairman of the nuclear engineering de-partment at North Carolina State Univer-sity, will join Carolina Power&Light Company about July 1 to become a vice president of the Company and head of a newly-formed Department of Nuclear Safety and Research.Elleman's appointment was approved by the Company's board of directors meeting today in Raleigh and announced by Sherwood H.Smith, Jr., CP&L president.

Smith'said the appointment of Dr.Elleman as head of the new department allows the Company to coordinate nuclear safety and electric research activities under one individual."We are pleased that a person of Dr.Elleman's stature in the nuclear industry will head these important functions," Smith said.In his new position, Elleman'will report directly to J.A.Jones, senior executive vice president and chief operating officer for CP&L.The directors of Corporate Health Physics, Research, and the Corporate Nuclear Safety and Quality Assurance Audit will report to Elleman.A native of Ohio, Dr.Elleman re-ceived the Physical Chemistry from Iowa State University in 1957.He served as a nuclear materials scientist at Battelle Memorial Institute until 1964, where he rose to the position of Assistant Chief of the Chemical Physics Division.In 1964 he joined NCSU as Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineer-ing, and in 1967 w'as promoted to full professor.

During 1972-73, Dr.Elleman took a year's 1eave of absence and worked at General Atomic Company as head of the Advanced Puels Development department, investigating high-temperature gas cooled reactors.Since 1974 he has served as Professor and head of the NCSU Nuclear Engineering department.

He has twice received the outstanding teacher award a t the school, and is the author or co-author of more than sixty research papers, including reviews and chapters in books.A member of many national organiza-tions, including the American Nuclear Society and'the American Society for Engineering Education, Dr.Elleman was chairman of the committee which organized the Eastern Carolinas Section of ANS.Prom 1976-78, Dr.Elleman was chairman of the North Carolina Radiation Protection Council.He has served as a consultant to national and state'rganizations including the Department of Energy, the Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission, the North Carolina Utilities Commission and the Energy Research and Development Administration.