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Attachment 9 - NP-3305NP, Revision 1, Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden Atrium 10XN Fuel Assemblies - Licensing Report. (Non-Proprietary)
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Issue date: 08/31/2015
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RS-15-237 NP-3305NP, Rev 1
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{{#Wiki_filter:Attachment 9 Mechanical Design Report (Non-Proprietary Version) Controlled Document ARE VAMechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensing Report August 2015 AREVA Inc.AN P-3305N P Revision 1 (c) 2015 AREVA Inc. Contrailed Document AN P-3305N P Revision 1 Copyright © 2015 AREVA Inc.All Rights Reserved Co~ntroI~ed Doc ument AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision I Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM I1OXM Fuel Assemblies Licensingq Report Paqei Nature of Changes Revision Section(s) Item Number or Page(s) Description and Justification

1. 0 All This is a new document.2. 1As Changes to this revision are editorial only; there indicated are no content changes to the document.Revised document to adjust proprietary bracketing.

Changes made to reassess proprietary content and address consistency between sections per Condition Report 2015-5753. Proprietary bracketing was updated in the following sections: 1.0, 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.2.3, 3.3.3, 3.3.5, 3.3.6, 3.3.8, 3.4.4, 3.5.1, 4.3, 4.4., 4.5, .4.7, 4.8.Proprietary bracketing was updated in Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 in the following Criteria Sections: 3.3.1, 3.3.3, 3.3.5, 3.3.8, 3.3.9, 3.4.4, 3.5.1, 3.5.2. AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensingq Report Pacqe ii Contents Pacie


....................................................................... I 2.0 DESIGN DESCRIPTION .............................................................. 2 2.1 Overview ........................................................................ 2 2.2 Fuel Assembly .................................................................. 2 2.2.1 Spacer Grid.............................................................. 3 2.2.2 Water Channel.......................................................... 3 2.2.3 LowerTie Plate ......................................................... 4 2.2.4 Upper Tie Plate and Connecting Hardware........................... 5 2.2.5 Fuel Rods................................................................ 5 2.3 Fuel Channel and Components ............................................... 7 3.0 FUEL DESIGN EVALUATION ........................................................ 10 3.1 Objectives ..................................................................... 10 3.2 Fuel Rod Evaluation .......................................................... 11 3.3 Fuel System Evaluation ...................................................... 11 3.3.1 Stress, Strain, or Loading Limits on Assembly Components ........................................................... 11 3.3.2 Fatigue ................................................................. 12 3.3.3 Fretting Wear .......................................................... 13 3.3.4 Oxidation, Hydriding, and Crud Buildup ............................. 13 3.3.5 Rod Bow ............................................................... 14 3.3.6 Axial Irradiation Growth ............................................... 14 3.3.7 Rod Internal Pressure................................................. 15 3.3.8 Assembly Lift-off....................................................... 15 3.3.9 Fuel Assembly Handling.............................................. 16 3.3.10 Miscellaneous Component Criteria .................................. 17 3.4 Fuel Coolability................................................................ 18 3.4.1 Cladding Embrittlement ............................................... 18 3.4.2 Violent Expulsion of Fuel.............................................. 18 3.4.3 Fuel Ballooning........................................................ 18 3.4.4 Structural Deformations............................................... 18 3.5 Fuel Channel and Fastener .................................................. 20 3.5.1 Design Criteria for Normal Operation ................................ 20 3.5.2 Design Criteria for Accident Conditions.............................. 22 4.0 MECHANICAL TESTING ............................................................ 29 4.1 Fuel Assembly Axial Load Test .............................................. 30 Con trolled Document AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel Assemblies Licensinci Report Paaqe iii 4.2 Spacer Grid Lateral Impact Strength Test................................... 30 4.3 Tie Plate Strength Tests ....................................................... 31 4.4 Debris Filter Efficiency Test...... ............................................. 32 4.5 Fuel Assembly Fretting Test.................................................. 32 4.6 Fuel Assembly Static Lateral Deflection Test ............................... 33 4.7 Fuel Assembly Lateral Vibration Tests ...................................... 33 4.8 Fuel Assembly Impact Tests ................................................. 34


........................................................................ 34


........................................................................ 35 APPENDIX A ILLUSTRATIONS............................................................. 36 Tables Table 2-1 Fuel Assembly and Component Description..................................... 8 Table 2-2 Fuel Channel and Fastener Description ................


9 Table 3-1 Results for ATRIUM IOXM Fuel Assembly ..................................... 23 Table 3-1 Results for ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel Assembly (Continued) ........................ 24 Table 3-2 Results for Advanced Fuel Channel ............................................ 26 Table 3-2 Results for Advanced Fuel Channel (Continued)............................... 27 Table 3-3 "Results for Channel Fastener ................................................... 28 Figure A-I Figure A-2 Figure A-3 Figure A-4 Figure A-5 Figure A-6 Figure A-7 Figures ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assembly................................................. 37 UTP with Locking Hardware.................................................... 38 Improved FUELGUARD LTP................................................... 39 ATRIUM 10XM ULTRAFLOW Spacer Grid ................................... 40 Full and Part-Length Fuel Rods................................................ 41 Advanced Fuel Channel........................................................ 42 Fuel Channel Fastener Assembly.............................................. 43 This document contains a total of 49 pages. ,AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision I Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10OXM Fuel Assemblies Licensingq Report Paoqe iv Nomenclature Acronym Definition AFC Advanced fuel channel AOO Anticipated operational occu'rrences ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers B&PV Boiler and pressure vessel BWR Boiling water reactor CRDA Control rod drop accident EOL End of life LOCA Loss-of-coolant accident LTP Lower tie plate MWd/kgU Megawatt-days per kilogram of Uranium NRC U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission PLFR Part-length fuel rods psi Pounds per square inch Sm Design stress intensity SRA Stress relief annealed SRP Standard review plan S,, Ultimate stress Sy Yield stress UTP Upper tie plate Contoile Docum ent AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensingq Report Paaqe I


This report provides a design description, mechanical design criteria, fuel structural analysis results, and test results for the ATRIUM TM* 10OXM fuel assembly and 100/75 Advanced Fuel Channel (AFC) designs supplied by AREVA Inc. (AREVA) for use at the Quad Cities and Dresden nuclear generating plants beginning with Quad Cities Unit 2 Cycle 24 and Dresden Unit 3 Cycle 25.The scope of this report is limited to an evaluation of the structural design of the fuel assembly and fuel channel. The fuel assembly structural design evaluation is not cycle-specific so this report is intended to be referenced for each cycle where the fuel design is in use. Minor changes to the fuel design and cycle-specific input parameters will be dispositioned for future reloads. AREVA will confirm the continued applicability of this report prior to delivery of each subsequent reload of ATRIUM 10XM fuel at Quad Cities and Dresden in a cycle specific compliance document.The fuel assembly design was evaluated according to the AREVA boiling water reactor (BWR) generic mechanical design criteria (Reference 1). The fuel channel design was evaluated to the criteria given in fuel channel topical report (Reference 2). The generic design criteria have been approved by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)and the criteria are applicable to the subject fuel assembly and channel design.Mechanical analyses have been performed using NRC-approved design analysis methodology (References 1, 2, 3 and 4). The methodology permits maximum licensed assembly and fuel channel exposures of [ ] (Reference 3).* ATRIUM is a trademark of AREVA Inc.AREVA Inc. Controiled Docurment AREVA Inc.Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10OXM Fuel Assemblies Licensina ReDort ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paie 2 2.0 DESIGN DESCRIPTION This report documents the structural evaluation of the ATRIUM I10XM fuel assembly and fuel channel described below. Reload-specific design information is available in the design package provided by AREVA for each reload delivery.2.1 Overview This ATRIUM 10OXM fuel bundle geometry consists of a 1Oxi0 fuel lattice with a square internal water channel that displaces a 3x3 array of rods.Table 2-1 lists the key design parameters of the ATRIUM 10XM fuel assembly.2.2 Fuel Assembly The ATRIUM 10OXM fuel assembly consists of a lower tie plate (LTP) and upper tie plate (UTP), 91 fuel rods, [ ] spacer grids, a central water channel with[] and miscellaneous assembly hardware. Of the 91 fuel rods,[ ] are PLFRs. The structural members of the fuel assembly include the tie plates, spacer grids, water channel, and connecting hardware. [].The fuel assembly is accompanied by a fuel channel, as described later in this section.Table 2-1 lists the main fuel assembly attributes, and an illustration of the fuel bundle assembly is provided in the appendix.AREVA Inc. Conroled~ D~Joc~ument I AREVA Inc.ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paae 3 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensina Reoort 2.2.1 Spacer Grid The spacer grid is a [] version of the ULTRAFLOWTMt design. [I Table 2-1 lists the main spacer grid attributes, and an illustration of the spacer grid is provided in the appendix.2.2.2 Water Channel I tULTRAFLOW is a trademark of AREVA Inc.AREVA inc. Controlled DocumentY AREVA Inc.Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel Assemblies Licensinal Report ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paaqe 4 I I I q q]Table 2-1 lists the main water channel attributes and the appendix provides an illustration of a section of the water channel.2.2.3 Lower Tie Plate The diffuser box of the LTP [Appendix A provides an illustration of the LTP.*FUELGUARD is a trademark of AREVA Inc.AREVA Inc. ConroKe Document AREVA Inc.Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel Assemblies I ir'ien.ina1 Renort ANP-3305NP Revision 1 2.2.4[Upper Tie Plate and Connecting Hardware Appendix A provides an illustration of the UTP and locking components. 2.2.5 Fuel Rods]AREVA Inc. AREVA Inc.Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensina Report ANP-3305NP Revision I Paae 6.......... ,7 ----r -- --[Table 2-1 lists the main fuel rod attributes, and the appendix provides an illustration of the full length and part length fuel rods.AREVA Inc. Cotole ocmn AREVA Inc.Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies I icn! Renort ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paae 7.......... ,"1 ' " --- -' --2.3 Fuel Channel and Components [*Table 2-2 lists the fuel channel component attributes. The fuel channel and fuel channel fastener are depicted in the appendix.AREVA Inc. Conroliled Documen~nt AREVA Inc.ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paae 8 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10OXM Fuel Assemblies Licensina Renort.......... 17 ----r- --.. i Table 2-1 Fuel Assembly and Component Description AREVA Inc. Controfled Document AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensingq Report Paqie 9 Table 2-2 Fuel Channel and Fastener Description AREVA Inc. C'ontroiied Documen.rt AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensingq Report Paqe 10 3.0 FUEL DESIGN EVALUATION A summary of the mechanical methodology and results from the structural design evaluations is provided in this section. Results from the mechanical design evaluation demonstrate that the design satisfies the mechanical criteria to the analyzed exposure limit.3.1 Objectives The objectives of designing fuel assemblies (systems) to specific criteria are to provide assurance that:* The fuel assembly (system) shall not fail as a result of normal operation and anticipated operational occurrences (AOOs). The fuel assembly (system)dimensions shall be designed to remain within operational tolerances, and the functional capabilities of the fuels shall be established to either meet or exceed those assumed in the safety analysis.*Fuel assembly (system) damage shall never prevent control rod insertion when it is required.*The number of fuel rod failures shall be conservatively estimated for postulated accidents.

  • Fuel coolability shall always be maintained.
  • The mechanical design of fuel assemblies shall be compatible with co-resident fuel and the reactor core internals.
  • Fuel assemblies shall be designed to withstand the loads from handling and shipping.AREVA Inc.

CotrlldDoum n AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensinq Report Paqe 11 The first four objectives are those cited in the Standard Review Plan (SRP). The latter two objectives are to assure the structural integrity of the fuel and the compatibility with the existing reload fuel. To satisfy these objectives, the criteria are applied to the fuel rod and the fuel assembly (system) designs. Specific component criteria are also necessary to assure compliance. The criteria established to meet these objectives include those given in Chapter 4.2 of the SRP.3.2 Fuel Rod Evaluation The mechanical design report documents the fuel structural analyses only. The fuel rod evaluation will be documented in Quad Cities and Dresden plant specific fuel rod thermal-mechanical report.3.3 Fuel System Evaluation The detailed fuel system design evaluation is performed to ensure the structural integrity of the design under normal operation, AQO, faulted conditions, handling operations, and shipping. The analysis methods are based on fundamental mechanical engineering techniques--often employing finite element analysis, prototype testing, and correlations based on in-reactor performance data. Summaries of the major assessment topics are described in the sections that follow.3.3.1 Stress, Strain, or Loading Limits on Assembly Components The structural integrity of the fuel assemblies is assured by setting design limits on stresses and deformations due to various handling, operational, and accident or faulted loads. AREVA uses Section III of the ASME B&PV Code as a guide to establish acceptable stress, deformation, and load limits for standard assembly components. These limits are applied to the design and evaluation of the UTP, LTP, spacer grids, springs, and load chain components, as applicable. The fuel assembly structural component criteria under faulted conditions are based on Appendix F of the ASME B&PV Code Section III with some criteria derived from component tests.AREVA Inc. Co.ntroiied Document AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10OXM Fuel Assemblies Licensinoq Report Paqie 12 All significant loads experienced during normal operation, AOOs, and under faulted conditions are evaluated to confirm the structural integrity of the fuel assembly components. Outside of faulted conditions, most structural components are under the most limiting loading conditions during fuel handling. See Section 3.3.9 for a discussion of fuel handling loads and Section 3.4.4 for the structural evaluation of faulted conditions. Although normal operation and AOO loads are often not limiting for structural components, a stress evaluation may be performed to confirm the design margin and to establish a baseline for adding accident loads. The stress calculations use conventional, open-literature equations. A general-purpose, finite element stress analysis code, such as ANSYS, may be used to calculate component stresses.[See Table 3-1 for results from the component strength evaluations.

3.3.2 Fatigue

Fatigue of structural components is generally []1.AREVA Inc. ControIled Document AREVA Inc.Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel Assemblies I iC~fn5inlf RP.nnrt ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paae 13 3.3.3 Fretting Wear Fuel rod failures due to grid-to-rod fretting shall not occur.Fretting wear is evaluated by testing, as described in Section 4.5. The testing is conducted by [] .The inspection measurements for wear are documented. [1 and has operated successfully without incidence of grid-to-rod fretting in more than 20,000 fuel assemblies. 3.3.4 Oxidation, Hydriding, and Crud Buildup Because of the low amount of corrosion on fuel assembly structural components, 1°AREVA Inc. Controlled1 Document AREVA Inc.Mechanicai Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensina Reoort ANP-3305NP Revision 1 P~aa 14 3.3.5 Rod Bow Differential expansion between the fuel rods and cage structure, and lateral thermal and flux gradients can lead to lateral creep bow of the rods in the spans between spacer grids. This lateral creep bow alters the pitch between the rods and may affect the peaking and local heat transfer. The AREVA design criterion for fuel rod bowing is that[Rod bow is calculated using the approved model described in Reference

4. [J .The predicted rod-to-rod gap closure due to bow is assessed for impact on thermal margins.3.3.6 Axial Irradiation Growth Fuel assembly components, including the fuel channel, shall maintain clearances and engagements, as appropriate, throughout the design life. Three specific growth calculations are considered for the ATRIUM I0XM design:* Minimum fuel rod clearance between the LTP and UTP* Minimum engagement of the fuel channel with the LTP seal spring* External interfaces (e.g., channel fastener springs)AREVA Inc.

Co~ntrolled Doc;ument AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10OXM Fuel Assemblies Licensingq Report Paqe 15 Rod growth, assembly growth, and fuel channel growth are calculated using correlations derived from post-irradiation data. The evaluation of initial engagements and clearances accounts for the combination of fabrication tolerances on individual component dimensions. The SRA fuel rod growth correlation was established from [] .Assembly growth is dictated by the water channel growth. The growth of the water channel and the fuel channel is based on [J1. These data and the resulting growth correlations are described in Reference

3. The upper and lower [1,as appropriate, are used to obtain EOL growth values.The minimum EOL rod growth clearance and EOL fuel channel engagement with the seal spring are listed in Table 3-1. The channel fastener spring axial compatibility is reported in Table 3- Rod Internal Pressure This will be addressed in the Quad Cities and Dresden fuel rod thermal-mechanical reports.3.3.8 Assembly Lift-off Fuel assembly lift-off is evaluated under both normal operating conditions (including AQOs) and under faulted conditions.

The fuel shall not levitate under normal operating or AQO conditions. Under postulated accident conditions, the fuel shall not become disengaged from the fuel support. These criteria assure control blade insertion is not impaired.AREVA Inc. AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM I0XM Fuel Assemblies Licensingq Report Panqe 16 For normal operating conditions, the net axial force acting on the fuel assembly is calculated by adding the loads from gravity, hydraulic resistance from coolant flow, difference in fluid flow entrance and exit momentum, and buoyancy. The calculated net force is confirmed to be in the downward direction, indicating no assembly lift-off.Maximum hot channel conditions are used in the calculation because the greater two-phase flow losses produce a higher uplift force.Mixed core conditions for assembly lift-off are considered on a cycle-specific basis, as determined by the plant and other fuel types. Analyses to date indicate a large margin to assembly lift-off under normal operating conditions. Therefore, fuel lift-off in BWRs under normal operating conditions is considered to be a small concern.For faulted conditions, the ATRIUM 1OXM design was evaluated for fuel lift considering [] .The fuel will not lift and it will not become disengaged from the fuel support. The uplift is limited to be less than the axial engagement such that the fuel assembly neither becomes laterally displaced nor blocks insertion of the control blade.3.3.9 Fuel Assembly Handling The fuel assembly shall withstand, without permanent deformation, all normal axial loads from shipping and fuel handling operations. Analysis or testing shall show that the fuel is capable of [AREVA Inc. Co ntroiied~ Document AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP -.. Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10OXM Fuel Assemblies Licensincq Report Pa~qe 17 The fuel assembly structural components are assessed for axial fuel handling loads by testing. To demonstrate compliance with the criteria, the test is performed by loading a test assembly to an axial tensile force greater than [I .An acceptable test shows no yielding after loading. The testing is described further in Section 4.1.There are also handling requirements for the fuel rod plenum spring which are addressed in the Quad Cities and Dresden fuel rod thermal-mechanical reports.3.3.10 Miscellaneous Component Criteria Compression Spring Forces The ATRIUM 10XM has a single large compression spring mounted on the central water channel. The compression spring serves the same function as previous designs by providing support for the UTP and fuel channel. The spring force is calculated based on the deflection and specified spring force requirements. Irradiation-induced relaxation is taken into account for EOL conditions. The minimum compression spring force at EOL is shown to be greater than the combined weight of the UTP and fuel channel (including channel fastener hardware). Since the compression spring does not interact with the fuel rods, no consideration is required for fuel rod buckling loads. LTP Seal Spring The LTP seal spring shall limit the bypass coolant leakage rate between the LTP and fuel channel. The seal spring shall accommodate expected channel deformation while remaining in contact with the fuel channel. Also, the seal spring shall have adequate corrosion resistance and be able to withstand the operating stresses without yielding.AREVA Inc. ContrlAed Document AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM IOXM Fuel Assemblies Licensinci Report Paaqe 18 Flow testing is used to confirm acceptable bypass flow characteristics. The seal spring is designed with adequate deflection to accommodate the maximum expected channel bulge while maintaining acceptable bypass flow. [ J is selected as the material because of its high strength at elevated temperature and its excellent corrosion resistance. Seal spring stresses are analyzed using a finite element method.3.4 Fuel Coolability For accidents in which severe fuel damage might occur, core coolability and the capability to insert control blades are essential. Chapter 4.2 of the SRP provides several specific areas important to fuel coolability, as discussed below.3.4.1 Cladding Embrittlement The LOCA evaluation is addressed in the Quad Cities and Dresden LOCA MAPLHGR analysis for ATRIUM 10XM fuel reports.3.4.2 Violent Expulsion of Fuel Results for the CRDA analysis are presented in the Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10OXM fuel transition report and the subsequent cycle-specific reload licensing reports.3.4.3 Fuel Ballooning The LOCA evaluation is addressed in the Quad Cities and Dresden LOCA MAPLHGR analysis for ATRIUM 10XM fuel reports.3.4.4 Structural Deformations Deformations or stresses from postulated accidents are limited according to requirements contained in the ASME B&PV Code, Section III, Division 1, Appendix F, and SRP Section 4.2, Appendix A. The limits for each ATRIUM 10OXM structural component are derived from analyses and/or component load tests.AREVA Inc. Controile:d Dcumecnt AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10OXM Fuel Assemblies Licensin~q Report Paaqe 19 Testing is performed to obtain the dynamic characteristics of the fuel assembly and spacer grids. The stiffness, natural frequencies and damping values derived from the tests are used as inputs for analytical models of the fuel assembly and fuel channel.Fuel assemblies are tested with and without a fuel channel. In addition, the analytical models are compared to the test results to ensure an accurate characterization of the fuel. In general, the testing and analyses have shown the dynamic response of the ATRIUM 10XM design to be very similar to [] .See Section 4.0 for descriptions of the testing.The methodology for analyzing the channeled fuel assembly under the influence of accident loads is described in Reference

2. Evaluations performed for the fuel under accident loadings include mechanical fracturing of the fuel rod cladding, assembly structural integrity, and fuel assembly liftoff.The ATRIUM 10XM design was analyzed [].Tables 3-1 and 3-2 list the minimum design margins for the fuel assembly structural components and fuel channel.Assembly liftoff under accident conditions is described in Section 3.3.8.AREVA Inc.

Controlled Document AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensingq Report Paqe 20 Fuel Storage Seismic Qualification The New and Spent Fuel Storage Racks analysis accounts for the fuel as added mass in calculating the structural integrity under postulated seismic loads. The weights of legacy fuel assembly designs at Quad Cities and Dresden encompass the weight of the ATRIUM 10XM fuel design. Therefore, the fuel storage racks remain qualified with the introduction of the ATRIUM 10XM fuel design.3.5 Fuel Channel and Fastener The fuel channel and fastener design criteria are summarized below, and evaluation results are summarized in Table 3-2 and Table 3-3. The analysis methods are described in detail in Reference Design Criteria for Normal Operation Steady-State Stress Limits. The stress limits during normal operation are obtained from the ASME B&PV Code, Section III, Division 1, Subsection NG for Service Level A.The calculated stress intensities are due to the differential pressure across the channel wall. The pressure loading includes the normal operating pressure plus the increase during AQO. The unirradiated properties of the fuel channel material are used since the yield and ultimate tensile strength increase during irradiation (Reference 8).As an alternative to the elastic analysis stress intensity limits, a plastic analysis may be performed as permitted by paragraph NB-3228.3 of the ASME B&PV Code.In the case of AOOs, the amount of bulging is limited to that value which will permit control blade movement. During normal operation, any significant permanent deformation due to yielding is precluded by restricting the maximum stresses at the inner and outer faces of the channel to be less than the yield strength.AREVA Inc. AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10OXM Fuel Assemblies Licensingq Report Paqe 21 Fuel Channel Fatigue. Cyclic changes in power and flow during operation impose a duty loading on the fuel channel. [1.Corrosion and Hydrogen Concentration. Corrosion reduces the material thickness and results in less load-carrying capacity. The fuel channels have thicker walls than other components (e.g., fuel rods), and the normal amounts of oxidation and hydrogen pickup are not limiting provided: the alloy composition and impurity limits are carefully selected; the heat treatments are also carefully chosen; and the water chemistry is controlled. []1 Long-Term Creep Deformation. Changes to the geometry of the fuel channel occur due to creep deformation during the long term exposure in the reactor core environment. Overall deformation of the fuel channel occurs from a combination of bulging and bowing. Bulging of the side walls occurs because of the differential pressure across the wall. Lateral bowing of the channel is caused primarily from the neutron flux and thermal gradients. Too much deflection may prevent normal control blade maneuvers and it may increase control blade insertion time above the Technical Specification limits. The total channel deformation must not stop free movement of the control blade.AREVA Inc. Controlled Dcm n AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensinoq Report Paaqe 22 3.5.2 Design Criteria for Accident Conditions Fuel Channel Stresses and Limit Load. The criteria are based on the ASME B&PV Code, Section III, Appendix F, for faulted conditions (Service Level 0). Component support criteria for elastic system analysis are used as defined in paragraphs F-I1332.1 and F-1332.2. The unirradiated properties of the fuel channel material are used since the yield and ultimate tensile strength increase during irradiation. Stresses are alternatively addressed by the plastic analysis collapse load criteria given in paragraph F-i1332.2(b). For the plastic analysis collapse load, the permanent deformation is limited to twice the deformation the structure would undergo had the behavior been entirely elastic.The amount of bulging remains limited to that value which will permit control blade insertion. Fuel Channel Gusset Load Rating. [AREVA Inc. AREVA Inc.Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensing Report ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paae 23 Table 3-1 Results for ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assembly Criteria Section Description Criteria Results 3.3 Fuel System Criteria 3.3.1 Stress, strain and loading limits on assembly components Water channel Fatigue Fretting wear Oxidation, hydriding, and crud buildup Rod bow The ASME B&PV Code Section III is used to establish acceptable stress levels or load limits for assembly structural components. The design limits for accident conditions are derived from Appendix F of Section III.The pressure load including AOO is limited to [1 according to ASME B&PV Code Section II1. The pressure load is also limited such that [[3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5[1]Fretting was evaluated by testing. Test results indicate[][I NRC accepted model used to compute impact on thermal limits.Protect thermal limits.(Table continued on next page)AREVA Inc. AREVA Inc.Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10OXM Fuel Assemblies i kensina Report ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paae 24.......... i-I I"" " --i w -- .Table 3-1 Results for ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assembly (Continued) Criteria Section Description Criteria_____Results__ 3,3 Fuel System Criteria (Continued) _____________ 3,3.6 3.3.7 3.3.8 3.3.9 3.3.10 Axial irradiation growth Upper end cap clearance Seal spring engagement Rod internal pressure Assembly liftoff Normal operation (including AOOs)Postulated accident Fuel assembly handling Miscellaneous components Compression spring forces LTP seal spring Clearance always exists.Remains engaged with channel.N/A No liftoff from fuel support.No disengagement from fuel support. No liftoff from fuel support.Assembly withstands [Support weight of UTP and fuel channel throughout design life.Accommodate fuel channel deformation, adequate corrosion, and withstand operating stresses.[Not covered in structural report Net force on assembly is downward.Fuel assembly LTP nozzle remains engaged with fuel support. Net force on assembly is downward.Verified by testing to meet requirement. The design criteria are met.The design criteria are met.(Table continued on next page)AREVA Inc. &nro~ docunerV AREVA Inc..Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM I10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensina Report ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paae 25.......... " ..... V IV Table 3-1 Results for ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assembly (Continued) Criteria Section Description Criteria Results 3.4 Fuel Coolability

3.4.1 Cladding

embrittlement N/A Not covered in structural report.3.4.2 Violent expulsion of fuel N/A Not covered in structural report.3.4.3 Fuel ballooning N/A Not covered in structural report.3.4.4 Structural deformations Maintain coolable geometry See results below for and ability to insert control individual components. blades. SRP 4.2, App. A, and[ASME Section Ill, App. F.Fuel rod stresses [[]Spacer grid lateral load [[]Water channel load The combined seismic and pressure load is limited to the[1 according to ASME B&PV Code Section III, App.F. The pressure load is also limited such that UTP lateral load [LTP lateral load [[_ _ _ I AREVA Inc. ~ Doc;ument AREVA Inc.Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10OXM Fuel Assemblies Licensina Reoort ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paae 28 Table 3-2 Results for Advanced Fuel Channel CriteriaIF Section Description jCriteria Results 3.5.1 Advanced Fuel Channel -Normal Operation-Stress due to The pressure load including AOO The deformation during AOO pressure differential is limited to [ remains within functional limits oprto n hfor normal control blade according to ASME B&PV Code,oprtnadth[ Section II1. The pressure load is also limited such that ][ There is no significant plastic deformation during normal operation [Fatigue Cumulative cyclic loading to be Expected number of cycles less than the design cyclic fatigue [ ] is less than life for Zircaloy. [ allowable. ]Oxidation and [The maximum expected hydriding oxidation is low in relation to] the wall thickness. [Long-term Bulge and bow shall not interfere Margin to a stuck control blade deformation (bulge with free movement of the control remains positive.creep and bow) blade.(Table continued on next page)AREVA Inc. Controled Dcumen AREVA Inc.ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paae 27 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM I0XM Fuel Assemblies Licensina Report Table 3-2 Results for Advanced Fuel Channel (Continued) Criteria Section Description JCriteria [Results 3.5.2 Advanced Fuel Channel -Accident Conditions Fuel channel The pressure load is limited to The deformation during stresses and load r blowdown does not interfere limit ] codn oA M .with control blade insertion B&PV Code, Section III, App. F.The pressure load is also limited such that deformation remains within functional requirements.] Channel bending Allowable bending moment [from combined based on ASME Code, horizontal Section III, Appendix F plastic excitations analysis collapse load.Fuel channel gusset ASME allowable [ ] [stregthof one gusset is [AREVA Inc. ControIled Document AREVA Inc.ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paae 28 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensina Re~ort I I I I E Table 3-3 Results for Channel Fastener Criteria Section Description Criteria Results 3.5 Channel Fastener Compatibility Spring height must extend to All compatibility requirements the middle of the control cell to are met. The spring will extend ensure contact with adjacent beyond the cell mid-line.spring.Spring axial location must be The axial location of the spring sufficient to ensure alignment flat will always be in contact with adjacent spring at all with an adjacent spring; even if exposures, a fresh ATRIUM 10XM is placed adjacent to an EOL co-resident assembly.Strength Spring must meet ASME All ASME stress criteria are stress criteria and not yield met for the spring and cap beyond functional limit, screw. In addition, the spring Cap screw must meet ASME will not yield under the criteria for threaded fastener. maximum deflection. AREVA Inc. Controlled Document AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensingq Report Pagqe 29 4.0 MECHANICAL TESTING Prototype testing is an essential element of AREVA's methodology for demonstrating compliance with structural design requirements. Results from design verification testing may directly demonstrate compliance with criteria or may be used as input to design analyses. Test results and corresponding analyses confirm that the acceptance criteria are met.Testing performed to qualify the mechanical design or evaluate assembly characteristics includes:* Fuel assembly axial load structural strength test* Spacer grid lateral impact strength test* Tie plate lateral load strength tests and LTP axial compression test* Debris filter efficiency test* Fuel assembly fretting test* Fuel assembly static lateral deflection test* Fuel assembly lateral vibration tests* Fuel assembly impact tests Summary descriptions of the tests are provided below.AREVA Inc. Con~trolled Document.AREVA Inc.Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel Assemblies Licensina Reoort ANP-3305NP. Revision 1 Paae 30 4.1 Fuel Assembly Axial Load Test An axial load test was conducted by applying an axial tensile load between the LTP grid and UTP handle of a fuel assembly cage specimen. The load was slowly applied while monitoring the load and deflection. No significant permanent deformation was detected for loads in excess []4.2 Spacer Grid Lateral Impact Strength Test Spacer grid impact strength was determined by a [].The maximum force prior to the onset of buckling was determined from the testing. The results were adjusted to reactor operating temperature conditions to establish an allowable lateral load.AREVA Inc. Controlled Docum~en~t AREVA Inc.ANP-3305NP Revision 1::1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10OXM Fuel Assemblies L ic~n~inn R~nnrt.......... * "vr" ..... *;"1 v v .4.3 Tie Plate Strength Tests In addition to the axial tensile tests described above, [The UTP []1.For the Improved FUELGUARD LTP [To determine a limiting lateral load for accident conditions, the LTP [].AREVA Inc. Cont'rolled Document: ARE.A. In... ' w"w Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensino Renort ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Page 32 4.4 Debris Filter Efficiency Test Debris filtering tests were performed for the Improved FUELGUARD lower tie plate to evaluate its debris filtering efficiency. These tests evaluated the ability of the Improved FUELGUARD to protect the fuel rod array from a wide set of debris forms. In particular, testing was performed [] .These debris filtering tests demonstrate that the Improved FUELGUARD is effective at protecting the fuel rod array from all high-risk debris forms.4.5 Fuel Assembly Fretting Test A fretting test was conducted on a full-size test assembly to evaluate the ATRIUM 10XM fuel rod support design. [] .After the test, the assembly was inspected for signs of fretting wear. [AREVA Inc. ConroedDocumn AREVA Inc. t Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10OXM Fuel Assemblies LicensinQ Report ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paae 33 4.6 Fuel Assembly Static Lateral Deflection Test A lateral deflection test was performed to determine the fuel assembly stiffness, both with and without the fuel channel. The stiffness is obtained by supporting the fuel assembly at the two ends in a vertical position, applying a side displacement at the central spacer location, and measuring the corresponding force.4.7 Fuel Assembly Lateral Vibration Tests The lateral vibration testing consists of both a free vibration test and a forced vibration test [The test setup for the free vibration test [:1 The forced vibration testing [1.AREVA Inc. Controlled Document AREVA Inc.Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM I10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensingq Report ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Pace 34 4.8 Fuel Assembly Impact Tests Impact testing was performed []. The measured impact loads are used in establishing the spacer grid stiffness.


The fuel assembly and channel meet all the mechanical design requirements identified in References 1 and 2. Additionally, the fuel assembly and channel meet the mechanical compatibility requirements for use in Quad Cities and Dresden. This includes compatibility with both co-resident fuel and the reactor core internals. AREVA Inc. Controlled Docu3m ent AREVA Inc. ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensing Report Paqe 35


1. ANF-89-98(P)(A)

Revision 1 and Supplement 1, Generic Mechanical Design Criteria for BWR Fuel Designs, Advanced Nuclear Fuels Corporation, May 1995.2. EMF-93-177(P)(A) Revision 1, Mechanical Design for BWR Fuel Channels, Framatome ANP Inc., August 2005.3. EMF-85-74(P) Revision 0 Supplement I (P)(A) and Supplement 2(P)(A), RODEX2A (BWR) Fuel Rod Thermal-Mechanical Evaluation Model, Siemens Power Corporation, February 1998.4. XN-NF-75-32(P)(A) Supplements 1 through 4, Computational Procedure for Evaluating Fuel Rod Bowing, Exxon Nuclear Company, October 1983. (Base document not approved.)

5. W. J. O'Donnell and B. F. Langer, Fatigue Design Basis for Zircaloy Components, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Volume 20, January 1964.6. XN-NF-81-51 (P)(A), LOCA -Seismic Structural Response of an Exxon Nuclear Company BWR Jet Pump Fuel Assembly, Exxon Nuclear Company, May 1986.7. XN-NF-84-97(P)(A), LOCA -Seismic Structural Response of an ENC 9x9 BWR Jet Pump Fuel Assembly, Exxon Nuclear Company, August 1986.8. Huan, P. Y., Mahmood, S. T., and R. Adamson, R. B. "Effects of Thermomechanical Processing on In-Reactor Corrosion and Post-Irradiation Properties of Zircaloy-2", Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry:

Eleventh International Symposium, ASTM STP 1295, E. R. Bradley and G. P. Sabol, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, 1996, pp. 726-757.AREVA Inc. ControlOled Documentf AREVA Inc.Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensina Report ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paae 36 i I rw v I I APPENDIX A ILLUSTRATIONS The following table lists the fuel assembly and fuel channel component illustrations in this section: Description Page ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assembly 37 UTP with Locking Hardware 38 Improved FUELGUARD LTP 39 ATRIUM 10XM ULTRAFLOW Spacer Grid 40 Fuel and Part-Length Fuel Rods 41 Advanced Fuel Channel 42 Fuel Channel Fastener Assembly 43 These illustrations are for descriptive purpose only. Please refer to the current reload design package for product dimensions and specifications. AREVA Inc. Controlled Document AREVA Inc.ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paae 37 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensina Renort.......... " "wF ..... 11 w w *Figure A-I ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assembly (not to scale)AREVA Inc. Controiled IDocumient AREVA Inc.Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 1OXM Fuel Assemblies Licensina Report ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Page 38 I I I I Figure A-2 UTP with Locking Hardware AREVA Inc. Controlled Docum~ent AREVA Inc.ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paqe 39 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM I10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensina Reoort.......... m m Figure A-3 Improved FUELGUARD LTP AREVA Inc. Controlled Document AREVA Inc.Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensina Report ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paae 40 I I I =Figure A-4 ATRIUM 10XM ULTRAFLOW Spacer Grid AREVA Inc. Controlled Document AREVA Inc.ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paae 41 Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10OXM Fuel Assemblies Licensina Report.......... "1 * -vr- ...... i- --Figure A-5 Full and Part-Length Fuel Rods (not to scale)AREVA Inc. Controlied Document AREVA Inc.Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensina Report ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paoe 42 i I I I Figure A-6 Advanced Fuel Channel AREVA Inc. Controlled Document AREVA Inc.Mechanical Design Report for Quad Cities and Dresden ATRIUM 10XM Fuel Assemblies Licensina ReDort ANP-3305NP Revision 1 Paqe 43 I I I =Figure A-7 Fuel Channel Fastener Assembly AREVA Inc.}}