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B2R13, Spring 2007 Outage, Inservice Inspection Summary Report, for Inspection Activities from October 12, 2005 to May 3, 2007, Cover Through Section 3.0 Page 1 of 8
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Site: Byron Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/10/2007
Exelon Generation Co, Exelon Nuclear
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
BYRON 2007-0055
Download: ML072120484 (68)


BYRON Exekn..UNIT 2 Nuclear B2R13 Spring 2007 Outage INSERVICE INSPECTION


REPORT For Inspection Activities from October 12, 2005 to May 3, 2007 Commercial Service Date August 21, 1987 Document Completion Date July 10, 2007 Exelon Generation Company (EGC, LLC)4300 Winfield Rd Warrenville, IL 60555 Byron Nuclear Power Station 4450 North German Church Rd.Byron, IL 61010 BYRON UNIT 2 Exeln.B2R13 Nuclear INSERVICE INSPECTION


REPORT I SECTION SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGES!I'ICover Page I 1-I 8 I I ii JTable of Contents I 1 I I 1.0 IReport Introduction I 6 I 2.0 Examination Summary Tables (SI-Weld/Component Listing (SI-Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Listing PSI-Weld/Component Listing PSI-Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Listing ISI-Pressure Tests (SI-Component Supports IS)-Snubbers PSI-Snubbers 21 4 1 1 12 10 11 3.0 IStatus of Examination Completion for the Program Plan 1 1 I 4.0 IForm NIS-1: Preservice and Inservice Examinations I 58 1 1 5.0 IForm NIS-2: Repairs/Modifications 1 101 I 6 0 C(S)Re ort 2nd IWL 5-Year Containment p Penetration Concrete Surveillance Reportl 5 I 2PC064M Conditions Found I.---I-21 I TOTALPAGESINREPORTJ 246 I I BYRON STATION UNIT 2 REFUELING OUTAGE 13 INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT


lnservice inspections of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Class 1, 2, 3, CC, and MC components were conducted at Byron Station Unit 2 from October 12, 2005 through May 3, 2007.The majority of these inspections were performed during the thirteenth refueling outage (B2R13)from April 2 through May 3-, 2007.The examinations were performed in compliance with the rules and regulations of ASME Section Xl, Division 1, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, (applicable edition and addenda), pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a, Codes and Standards.

This summary report meets the requirements of ASME Code, IWA-6000 for the inspection of Class 1 and 2 components and piping.Class CC and MC components in the Containment Inservice Inspection (CISI)program are included when examination results require reporting as specified in 10 CFR 50.55a.See 7.0 in this section for a listing of referenced documents.

The Nondestructive Examination (NDE)Inservice Inspection (ISI)Program Plan for Class 1, 2, and 3 components was developed in accordance with the requirements and intent of Section Xl Subsections (WA, IWB, IWC, IWD, IWE, IWF and IWL, 2001 Edition, through the 2003 Addenda.In addition to the ASME Section Xl requirements of examination, certain Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)augmented ISI inspections were required.The Byron Station Unit 2 augmented (SI examination requirements include: a)Class 1 pressure boundary for leakage at nominal operating pressure, in accordance with NRC Generic Letter 88-05, Boric Acid Corrosion of Carbon Steel Reactor Pressure Boundaty Components in PWR Plants;b)Class 2 and 3 pressure boundary for leakage at nominal operating pressure, in accordance with NUREG 0737, Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements; Note: Specific requests for relief were developed and submitted for the NRC's review when the code and/or augmented requirement(s) were deemed to be impractical, results in excessive hardship, or an alternative examination method is determined as more suitable for the particular component.

1.1 Identification

of Examination Requirements The Section 7.0 of the ISI Program Plan contains the examination program tables.These tables are presented in a tabular format consistent with the tables found in Subsections IWB, IWC, IWD, (WE, IWF, and IWL-2500 of the ASME Code.The examination tables include the corresponding code category, item number, and component/weld selection in conformance with examination requirements and intent of Subsection (WA, IWB, IWC, IWD, IWE, IWF, and IWL of Section Xl of the ASME Code.Section 1.0 Page 1 of 6 BYRON STATION UNIT 2 REFUELING OUTAGE 13 INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT For Class 1, 2, and certain non-class piping components, the requirements of Risk Informed Inservice Inspection (RI-IS))are followed using EPRI TR112657 and Table 1 of ASME Code Case N-578-1.1.2 Identification of Exempted Components ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 components, or parts of components, that are not included in the examination tables and that are exempt from examination, as specified in Section XI Paragraphs IWB, IWC, and IWD-1200, Components Exempt from Examination, and Tables IWB-2500-1, IWC-2500-1, and IWD-2500-i, are identified in the NDE Program Plan in conjunction with technical justification(s) for exempting the component/system.

Class 1 or 2 piping welds exempted by IWB and IWC-1200 are not included in the RI-ISI program.Previous selection and examination exemptions identified in Tables IWB and IWC-2500-1 for Examination Categories B-F, B-J, C-F-i, and C-F-2, are not allowed under the requirements of the RI-IS)program.With the adoption of RI-(SI, welds evaluated as Risk Category 6 or 7 are not required to be subject to examination.

1.3 Implementation

of the (SI Program Exelon Nuclear, or its designee, visually examined ASME components utilizing the following test methods: VT-i, VT-2, and VT-3.The components examined comply with the (SI Program Schedule, Byron Station Technical Specifications, and/or comply with the ASME Section Xl Repair/Replacement Program.Certified personnel performed and evaluated visual examinations (i.e., VT-i, VT-2, and VT-3)of Class 1, 2, and 3 components, and supports.Exelon Nuclear personnel certification procedures comply with the requirements of ANSI/ASNT CP-189, 1995 Edition and ASNT SNT-TC-1A, 1984 Edition.Certified personnel performed and evaluated all NDE.Personnel were certified to the requirements of the ASNT SNT-TC-1A, 1984 Edition.Additionally, ultrasonic examiners were certified in accordance with ANSI/ASNT CP-1 89, 1995 Revision.The NDE procedures were developed and certified in conformance with ASME Section V and Xl as applicable.

All ISI NDE, including evaluation of flaw indications, were performed in accordance with the requirements stipulated under Section Xl, Subarticle IWA-2200 Examination Methods.For components incorporated into the RI-ISI program, the guidance for the examination volume for a given degradation mechanism is provided by the EPRI Topical Report while the guidance for the examination method is provided by Code Case N-578-1.Section 1.0 Page 2 of 6 BYRON STATION UNIT 2 REFUELING OUTAGE 13 INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT 1.4 Second and Third 10-Year Inspection Intervals The~fuel cycle for Unit 2 encompasses a time span of October 12, 2005 to May 3, 2007.Activities that occurred prior to January 16, 2006 were performed during the Third Inspection Period of the Second Inspection Interval.Activities that occurred on or after January 16, 2006 were performed during the First Inspection Period of the Third Inspection Interval.1.5 Significant Section XI Activities During B2R1 3 During the refueling outage, the Alloy 600 pressurizer safe-end welds were overlaid with PWSCC resistant Alloy 690 material.Full structural weld overlays on the surge, spray, relief, and safety nozzles were completed.

Baseline (PSI)examinations were performed on the overlays using qualified procedures, equipment, and personnel.

The weld overlays allowed the performance of qualified examinations to meet the requirements specified in MRP-139.The 2nd 10-year inspection of the reactor vessel was completed during B2R13.The performance of this examination in the First Inspection Period of the Third Inspection Interval was authorized with Relief Request 13-01 (ML062280606).

The personnel, equipment, and procedures used for these examinations are qualified in accordance with EPRI's Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI).The B2R1 3 examinations comply with the requirements of ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII, 2001 Edition, as specified by 1 OCFR5O.55a(b)(2)(xxiv).

1.6 ASME Section Xl Code Cases The following code cases are incorporated into the current Byron Station ISI Program and were utilized during the~fuel cycle.N-460 Alternative Examination Coverage for Class 1 and Class 2 Welds.N-566-2 Corrective Action for Leakage Identified at Bolted Connections.

N-624 Successive Inspections.

The following code cases were used in the examination of the Unit 2 reactor vessel and associated safe-end welds.N-6 13-1 Ultrasonic Examination of Penetration Nozzles in Vessels, Examination Categoiy B-D, Item Nos.B3.10 and B3.90, Reactor Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds, Figs.IWB-2500-7(a), (b), and (c).N-648-1 Alternative Requirements for Inner Radius Examinations of Class 1 Reactor Vessel Nozzles.N-695 Qualification Requirements for Dissimilar Metal Piping Welds.Section 1.0 Page 3 of 6 BYRON STATION UNIT 2 REFUELING OUTAGE 13 INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT The following code case is used for the implementation of the risk-informed program as described in relief request 13R-02.N-578-1 Risk-Informed Requirements for Class 1, 2, or 3 Piping, Method B.Portions of the following cases were utilized as described in relief request l3R-08 for the full structural weld overlays applied to the pressurizer safe-end welds: N-504-2 Alternative Rules for Repair of Classes 1, 2, and 3 Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping.N-638-1 Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient Temperature Machine c3TA W Temper Bead Technique.

Repair/replacement activities that occurred prior to January 16, 2006 were in the Second Inspection Interval under the 1989 Edition of the ASME Code.1.7 Witness and Verification of Examination The inservice inspections were witnessed and/or verified by the Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspectors (ANII): Greg FeigeI, Jeff Hendricks, and Lee Malabanan.

These inspectors are associated with Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Connecticut, Chicago Branch, at 2443 Warrenville Rd., Suite 500, Lisle, Illinois 60532.2.0 EXAMINATION SUMMARIES The following section lists the summaries of examinations performed during the refueling cycle.Refer to Section 2.0 for each summary table for information or for specific tests and examinations conducted during this term.*Welds&Components Summaries Inservice Inspection

-Weld/Component Listing Inservice Inspection

-Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Listing Preservice Inspection

-Weld/Component Listing Preservice Inspection

-Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Listing*System Pressure Test Summaries*Component Support Examination Summary*Component Snubber Test Summary 3.0 UNIT 2 EXAMINATION COMPLETION STATUS A summary table of the examination status of Class 1, 2, and 3 components is contained in Section 3.0.Section 1.0 Page 4 of 6 BYRON STATION UNIT 2 REFUELING OUTAGE 13 INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT 4.0 FORM NIS-1 DATA SHEETS ASME Form NIS-2, Owners Report for Inservice Inspections, were filed during the cycle for Unit 2.See Section 4.0 for the reports.5.0 FORM NIS-2 DATA SHEETS ASME Form NIS-2, Owners Report for Repairs or Replacements, were filed during the cycle for Unit 2.See Section 5.0 for the reports.6.0 CONTAINMENT ISI PROGRAM Reportable conditions were identified for Class CC and Class MC components during this fuel cycle.The reporting requirements in 1OCFR5O.55a (b)(2)(viii)(E) and (b)(2)(ix)(A) are applicable for this summary report.See Section 6.0 for these condition reports.7.0 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 7.1 Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10 Energy Part 50, Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities 50.55a, Codes and Standards 7.2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section V, Nondestructive Examination, 2001 Edition, through 2003 Addenda.Section Xl, Rules for lnservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 1989 Edition (for 2 nd Inspection Interval repair/replacement activities).

Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 2001 Edition, through 2003 Addenda (for all 3 Id Inspection Interval activities).

7.3 American

National Standards Institute/American Society for Nondestructive Testing ANSI/ASNT CP-1 89, 1995 Edition, Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel 7.4 American Society for Nondestructive Testing ASNT Recommended Practice No.SNT-TC-1A, 1984 Edition, Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing Section 1.0 Page 5 of 6 BYRON STATION UNIT 2 REFUELING OUTAGE 13 INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT 7.5 Miscellaneous NRC Documents Generic Letter 88-05, Boric Acid Corrosion of Carbon Steel Reactor Pressure Boundary Components in PWR Plants.NUREG 0737, Clarification of TM!Action Plan Requirements.

7.6 Electric

Power Research Institute Material Reliability Program Primary System Piping Butt Weld Inspection and Evaluation Guideline (MRP-139)July 14, 2005.Topical Report TR1 12657 Revision B-A, Revised Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection Procedure, December 1999.Section 1.0 Page 6 of 6 7/10/2007 Exe I~n~Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Chemical&Volume Control System (CV)~I~--~A~ieTI A~j~ii~red

~ii~i~f~e~uit~Cat.Description Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments R-A R120 2CV98C-8/C03 2CV98C-8 l3R-02 C5.11 100 VOL-E UT NRI Pipe.Elbow 131-01 131-02 OBS13-119 R-A R1.20 OBS13-120 2CV98C-8/C04 Elbow-Pipe 2CV98C-8 I3IR-02 C5.11 100 VOL-E 13T-01 131-02 UT NRI R-A R1.11 OBS13-005 2CVA3B-2/W-70 Pipe-Elbow 2CVA3B-2 13R-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A Pill OBS13-006 2CVA3B-2,W-71 Elbow-Pipe 2CVA3B-2 13A-02 B9.40 l3T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI A-A P1.11 OBS13-007 2CVA3B-2/W-72 Pipe-Elbow 2CVA3B-2 13R-02 B9.40 13T-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI R-A P1.11 OBS13-008 2CVA3B-2/W-73 Elbow-Pipe 2CVA3B-2 13R-02 B9.40 131-0 1 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt R-A P1.11 OBS13-009 2CVA3B-2/W-80 Pipe-Elbow 2CVA3B-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI A-A P1.11 OBS13-010 2CVA3B-2/W-81 Elbow-Pipe 2CVA3B-2 13R-02 B9.40 131-0 1 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI A-A R1.11 OBS13-011 2CVA5AA-2iW-06 Pipe-Elbow 2CVA5AA-2 13R-02 B9.40 131-0 1 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI A-A P1.11 OBS13-012 2CVA5AA-2,W-07 Elbow-Pipe 2CVA5AA-2 13P-02 B9.40 131-0 1 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI P-A P1.11 OBS13-013 2CVA6AA-2/W-04 Pipe-Elbow 2CVA6AA-2 13R-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt 1 7/10/2007 Exek.tin Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Chemical&Volume Control System (CV)Sechon XI Component ID-Line p Relief Technical Code Requfreci~Actu&

-Results Cat Description Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam-_.-___-~-~----__i*--__________

Comments P-A P1.11 2CVA6AA-21W-05 2CVA6AA-2 13A-02 B9.40 VT-2 VT-2 NAI Elbow-Pipe l3T-01 131-02 OBS13-014 A-A P1.11 OBS13-050 2CVA7AA-21W-06 Pipe-Elbow 2CVA7AA-2 13P-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt P-A P1.11 OBS13-051 2CVA7AA-2/W-07 Elbow-Pipe 2CVA7AA-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-0 1 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.11 OBS13-052 2CVA7AA-2/W-08 Pipe-Elbow 2CVA7AA-2 13P-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt 2 7/10/2007 Exek it Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Feedwater System (FW)Section Xl Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual Results Description Requests Notes f~overage Exam Exam comments A-A P1.11 2FWO3DB-16/C01 2FWO3DB-16 13A-02 C551 100 VOL-E UT NAI P1.18 Valve-Pipe l3T-01 131-02 OBS13-127 A-A A1.11 2FWO3DB-16/C02 2FWO3DB-16 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAt P1.18 Pipe-PIpe 13T-01 131-02 OBS13-128 A-A P1.11 2FWO3DB-16!C03 2FWO3DB-16 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAt P1.18 Pipe-Pipe 131-01 131-02 OBS13-129 P-A P1.11 2FWO3DB-16/C04 2FWO3DB-16 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NPI P1.18 Pipe-Penetration 131-01 131-02 OBS13-130 P-A P1.11 2FWO3DC-16/C01 2FWO3DC-16 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAI P1.18 Valve-Pipe 131-01 131-02 OBS13-132 A-A A1.11 2FWO3DC-16/C02 2FWO3DC-16 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAt P1.18 Pipe-Penetration 131-01 131-02 OBS13-133 P-A P1.11 2FW81BC-6/C07 2FW81BC-6 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAt P1.18 Pipe-Tee 13T-01 131-02 OBS13-134 P-A P1.11 2FW87CC-6/C01 2FW87CC-6 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NPI P1.18 Aeducer-Tee 131-01 131-02 OBS13-135 A-A P1.11 2FW87CC-6/C02 2FW87CC-6 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAt P1.18 Tee-Pipe 131-01 131-02 OBS13-136 A-A P1.11 2FW87CC-6/C03 2FW87CC-6 l3A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAI P1.18 Pipe-Pipe 131-01 131-02 OBS13-137 3 7/1012007 E,ceIc~~n_

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Main Steam System (MS)Section Xl Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual Results Cat.De5~1ptbo1~

Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments A-A Al 20 2MS01AA-30 25/Cot 2MSO1AA-3025 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAI Nozzle-Elbow 131-01 131-02 OBS13-158 P-A P1.20 2MSO1AA-30.25/C06 2MSO1AA-30.25 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAI Elbow-Pipe 131-01 131-02 OBS13-159 4 7/10/2007-ExeI~,n..Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Pressurizer (PZR)Section Xl Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual Results~~DescrlptIon Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments B-D B3.110 2RY-01-S/PN-O1 2AY-O1-S 13R-12 40 VOL UT NAI Surge Nozzle OBS13-160 Scan reduced on nozzle side due to configuration.

Scan from head side reduced by nozzle transition and obstructed by PZP heater penetrations.

B-D B3.120 2AY-01-S/PN-01-NIA 2AY-01-S 100 VOL UT NAt Surge Nozzle Inner Padius OBS13-161 5 7/10/2007--ExIl Byron Station UnIt 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)~~~-~Description Requests Notes Coverage Exam lExam Comments A-A P1.20 2ACO1AA-29/J06 2ACO1AA-29 13A-02 B9.40 VT-2 VT-2 NAI SOL-Thermowell 13T-01 13T-02 OBS13-015 P-A P1.15 2PC-01-P/APVS-A Fl 2AC-01-P 13A-02 65.10 100 VOL UT NAt APV Nozzle Safe-End HL Loop D 13T-01 13T-02 OBS13-100 No ID surface indications seen with ET.A-A P1.15 2PC-01-A/APVS-B Fl 2AC-01-A l3A-02 B5.10 100 VOL UT NPI APV Nozzle Safe-End CL Loop D 13T-01 13T-02 OBS13-101 No ID surface indications seen with ET.A-A P1.15 2PC-01-A/APVS-C Fl 2AC-01-A 13P-02 B5.10 100 VOL UT NPI RPV Nozzle Safe-End CL Loop C 13T-01 13T-02 OBS13-102 No ID surface Indications seen with ET.R-A P1.15 2PC-01-P/APVS-D El 2AC-01-A 13A-02 B5.10 100 VOL UT NAI APV Nozzle Safe-End HL Loop C 13T-01 I3T-02 OBS13-103 No ID surface indications seen with ET.A-A P1.15 2AC-01-R/APVS-E Fl 2PC-01-A 13A-02 65.10 100 VOL UT NAI PPV Nozzle Safe-End HL Loop B 13T-01 I3T-02 OBS13-104 No ID surface indications seen with ET.A-A P1.15 2AC-O1-R/APVS-F Fl 2PC-01-P l3P-02 B5.10 100 VOL UT NAI APV Nozzle Safe-End CL Loop B 13T-01 I3T-02 OBS13-105 No ID surface indications seen with ET.A-A P1.15 2PC-01-R/RPVS-G Fl 2AC-01-P 13P-02 B5.10 100 VOL UT NPI APV Nozzle Safe-End CL Loop A l3T-01 l3T-02 OBS13-106 No ID surface indications seen with ET._______________________

A-A P1.15 2AC-O1-PJAPVS-H Fl 2AC-O1-A 13A-02 B5.10 100 VOL UT NPI APV Nozzle Safe-End HL Loop A 13T-01 13T-02 OBS13-107 No ID surface indications seen with ET.6 7/1 0/2007 Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)Section Xl~Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code RequIred Actual Results~~Descrlption Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments A-A Al 20 2ACO3AA-27 5/JO2A 2PCO3AA-27 5 I3A-02 B9.40 VT-2 VT-2 NAI SOL-Therm owell t3T-01 13T-02 OBS13-016 A-A P1.20 OBS13-017 2ACO3AA-27.5/J04 SOL-Therm owell 2ACO3AA-27.5 I3P-02 B9.40 13T-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI A-A P1.20 OBS13-026 2AC13AA-21W-01 SOL-Pipe 2AC13AA-2 13P-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.20 OBS13-027 2AC13AA-2/W-02 Pipe-Tee 2PC13AA-2 t3A-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI P-A P1.20 OBS13-028 2AC13AA-2/W-03 Tee-Reducer 2PC13AA-2 l3A-02 69.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.20 OBS13-029 2AC13AA-2/W-04 Tee-Pipe 2PC13AA-2 I3P-02 B9.40 I3T-0l 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt P-A P1.20 OBS13-030 2PC13AA-21W-05 Pipe-Valve 2AC13AA-2 13R-02 69.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.20 OBS13-031 2AC13AB-2/W-01 SQL-Pipe 2AC13AB-2 t3A-02 69.40 l3T-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.20 OBS13-032 2AC13AC-2iW-0l SQL-Pipe 2AC13AC-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.20 OBS13-033 2AC13AD-2/W-0l SOL-Pipe 2PC13AD-2 I3A-02 69.40 13T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI A-A P1.11 OBS13-036 2AC14AA-2/W-01 SOL-Pipe 2AC14AA-2 13P-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI 7 7/10/2007 Exekn..Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)Section XI Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code Required'Actual Results Description Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments A-A P1.11 2RC14AA-2/W-O1A 2RC14AA-2 13P-02 B9.40 VT-2 VT-2 NAI Pipe-Tee 131-01 131-02 OBS13-037 A-A A1.11 OBS13-038 2AC14AA-2iW-O1B Tee-Aeducer 2AC14AA-2 13A-02 B9.40 13T-01 l3T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.11 OBS13-039 2AC14AA-21W-O1C Tee-Pipe 2AC14AA-2 I3A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 OBS13-040 2AC14AA-2,W-02 Pipe-Elbow 2PC14AA-2 l3P-02 69.40 13T-Ol 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A A1.11 OBS13-041 2AC14AA-21W-03 Elbow-Pipe 2PC14AA-2 13A-02 69.40 131-0 1 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.11 OBS13-042 2AC14AA-2iW-04 Pipe-Elbow 2RC14AA-2 l3R-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.11 OBS13-043 2PC14AA-2/W-05 Elbow-Pipe 2AC14AA-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-0 1 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI P-A P1.11 OBS13-044 2AC14AA-2/W-06 Pipe-Valve 2AC14AA-2 I3A-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI A-A P1.11 OBS13-045 2AC14AA-2/W-07 Valve-Pipe 2PC14AA-2 13A-02 69.40 13T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 OBS13-046 2AC14AA-2,W-08 Pipe-Tee 2PC14AA-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 OBS13-047 2AC14AA-2,W-09 Tee-Aeducer 2AC14AA-2 13P-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt 8 7/10/2007 ExeI~n..Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)Section XI Component ID~LIne Number RelIef Technical Code Required Actual Results Cat.Descrlption Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments A-A P111 2AC14AA-2iW-10 2AC14AA-2 13A-02 69.40 VT-2 VT-2 NRI Tee-Pipe 131-01 131-02 OBS13-048 A-A P1.11 OBS13-049 2AC14AA-2/W-11 Pipe-Valve 2AC14AA-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.11 OBS13-053 2AC16AA-2iW-03 Valve-Pipe 2RC16AA-2 I3A-02 69.40 13T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A Al.1l OBS13-054 2PC16AA-2/W-04 Pipe-Elbow 2AC16AA-2 13A-02 69.40 13T-0l 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI P-A P1.11 OBS13-055 2PC16AA-2/W-05 Elbow-Pipe 2RC16AA-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI P-A P1.11 OBS13-056 2AC16AA-2/W-06 Pipe-Elbow 2AC16AA-2 13P-02 B9.40 131-01 I3T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 OBS13-057 2AC16AA-2/W-07 Elbow-Pipe 2PC16AA-2 13P-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI R-A P1.11 OBS13-058 2AC16AB-2,W-04 Pipe-Elbow 2RC16AB-2 l3P-02 B9.40 13T-0l 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.11 OBS13-059 2PC16AB-2/W-05 Elbow-Pipe 2AC16AB-2 I3A-02 B9.40 13T-0l 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI P-A P1.20 OBS13-024 2PC16AC-2/W-08 Pipe-SQL 2AC16AC-2 I3A-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.20 OBS13-025 2AC16AD-2/W-01 Valve-Pipe 2AC16AD-2 13A-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt 9 7/10/2007-Exe I~n_Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 1St Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)Section XI Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual~Results~DescrIption Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments A-A Pill 2AC21AA-8/J07 2RC21AA-8 I3R-02 B9.1l 100 VOL-E UT NRI Pipe-Elbow 131-01 131-02 QBS13-138 A-A P1.11 QBS13-139 2PC21AA-8/J08 Elbow-Pipe 2AC21AA-8 I3A-02 B9.ll 13T-01 131-02 100 VOL-E UT NPI P-A P1.11 OBS13-140 2PC21AA-8/J09 Pipe-Elbow 2AC21AA-8 13A-02 B9.1l 131-01 131-02 100 VOL-E UT NAt P-A P1.11 OBS13-141 2AC21AA-8/J10 Elbow-Pipe 2RC21AA-8 l3A-02 B9.11 I3T-0l 131-02 100 VOL-E UT NAt A-A P1.20 OBS13-020 2AC22AA-1.5/W-0l SQL-Pipe 2AC22AA-1.5 13P-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.20 OBS13-021 2AC22AA-1.5/W-05 Elbow-Pipe 2AC22AA-1.5 t3A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI A-A P1.20 OBS13-022 2PC22AC-1.5/W-01 SQL-Pipe 2AC22AC-1.5 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt P-A R1.20 OBS13-023 2PC22AC-1.5/W-06 Pipe-Tee 2AC22AC-1.5 I3A-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.20 QBS13-018 2PC22AD-1.5/W-01 SQL-Pipe 2PC22AD-1.5 I3A-02 B9.40 I3T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.20 OBS13-019 2AC22AD-15/W-08 Pipe-Tee 2AC22AD-l.5 13R-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI P-A P1.20 QBS13-034 2AC26A-2/W-01 SQL-Pipe 2RC26A-2 l3R-02 B9.40 13T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI 10 7/1012007 Ex Byron Station UnIt 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)Section Xl__'~omponent ID'Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual Results r~t.Description


Requests Notes coverage Exam Exam Comments P-A Al 20 2AC26A-2fW-02 2AC26A-2 l3A-02 89.40 VT-2 VT-2 NRI Pipe-Valve 131-01 131-02 QBS13-035 A-A P1.11 2AC3OAA-1.51W-01 2AC3OAA-1.5 Valve-Aeducer 13P-02 69.40 VT-2 VT-2 NPI 131-01 131-02 OBS13-079 11 7/10/2007 Exe k!n_Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld/Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal System (RH)Section Xl Component ID Line Numb&-Reflef Technlcal Code~qulred 1~tu&Results~~DescrlptIon Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam'Comments R-A R1.20 2RH12A-8/C17 2RH12A-8 13R-02 C5.11 100 VOL-E UT NRI Pipe-Elbow 31-01 31-02 OBS 13-117___________________


12 7/10/2007 ExeI~n..Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV)Section Xl Component ID Line Number Relief--Technical Code Required Actual Results Cat.Description Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments B-N-3 813.70 2PC-01-R/CQPESUPP 2AC-0l-A VT-3 VT-3 NRI STAUCT Core Support Structure OBS13-082 B-N-2 B13.50 2AC-01-AIINT ATTACH 2AC-0l-A VT-i VT-3 NAt BELTLINE Interior Attachment With in-Beltline OBS13-080 B-N-2 B13.60 2AC-0l-A/INT ATTACH 2AC-01-A VT-3 VT-3 NAt NON BELT Interior Attachment Non-B eltline OBS13-081 B-N-i 813.10 2PC-01-R/APV 2AC-01-P VT-3 VT-3 NAt INTEPIOP APV Interior Surfaces OBS13-083 B-D 83.90 2AC-01-A/PPVN-A 2PC-01-A 94 VOL UT IND Nozzle-Shell OBS13-084 1)1.50°, 2)2.00", 3)1.75°, 2)3.25°, 1)1.00", and 1)2.25"Mid-wall indications, acceptable per code.Aef: B2A13-AIA-01.

Scan obstructed by nozzle geometry.B-D B3.100 2PC-01-AIAPVN-A-NIA 2PC-01-R N-648-1 EVT-1 EVT-1 NAt APV Nozzle Inner Radius OBS13-085 6-D B3.90 2AC-01-P/PP VN-B 2AC-01-A 94 VOL UT IND Nozzle-Shell QBS13-086 5)1.50", 3)2.00", 2)2.25", 1)2.50", 2)3.00°, and 1)5.25"Mid-waIl indications, acceptable per code.Aef: B2A13-AIP-02.

Scan obstructed by nozzle geometry.B-D B3.l00 2AC-Ol-R/APVN-B-NIA 2AC-01-A N-648-1 EVT-1 EVT-i NRI APV Nozzle Inner Padius OBS13-087 B-D 63.90 2AC-0l-A/APVN-C 2PC-01-P 94 VOL UT IND Nozzle-Shell QBS13-088 1)1.00", 1)1.25", 6)1.50", 1)1.75", 7)2.00°, 4)2.50", 2)3.00", 1)3.25°, and 1)3.50"Mid-wall indications, acceptable percode.Pef: B2P13-PIR-03.

Scan obstructed by nozzle geometry.B-D B3.100 2AC-0l-RIAPVN-C-NIA 2PC-01-A N-648-l EVT-1 EVT-1 NAt APV Nozzle Inner Padius OBS13-089 B-D B3.90 2AC-01-PiPPVN-D 2PC-01-A 94 VOL UT IND Nozzle-Shell QBS13-090 3)1.50°, 1)2.00", 2)2.25°, 2)2.75°, 1)3.25°, and 1)4.00°Mid-wall indications, acceptable per code.Pef: B2A13-AIP-04.

Scan obstructed by nozzle geometry.13 7/10/2007--Ece k'n~Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV)SectIon Xl Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual Results~Description Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments B-D B3 100 2RC-01-A/PPVN-D-NIR 2AC-01-R N-648-l EVT-l EVT-1 NAI PPV Nozzle Inner Padius QBS13-091 B-D B3.90 2AC-01-A/APVN-E 2AC-01-A 94 VOL UT IND Nozzle-Shell OBS13-092 1)1.50°, 2)1.75", 1)2.50°, and 1)4.00°Mid-wall indications, acceptable per code.Aef: B2R13-RIP-05.

Scan obstructed by nozzle geometry.B-D B3.100 2PC-01-P/APVN-E-NIP 2AC-01-A N-648-1 EVT-1 EVT-1 NRI APV Nozzle Inner Padius QBS13-093 B-D B3.90 2PC-01-AIAPVN-F 2PC-01-A 94 VOL UT IND Nozzle-Shell OBS13-094 1)1.25", 1)1.50", 1)1.75°, 3)2.00", 2)2.50°, and 3)3.00"Mid-waIl indications, acceptable per code.Aef: B2P13-AIP-06.

Scan obstructed by nozzle geometry.B-D B3.100 2AC-01-P/PPVN-F-NIR 2AC-01-A N-648-1 EVT-l EVT-1 NAP RPV Nozzle Inner Aadius OBS13-095 B-D B3.90 2PC-0l-AJAPVN-G 2AC-01-A 94 VOL UT IND Nozzle-Shell OBS13-096 1)1.25", 5)1.50", 2)1.75", 2)2.25°, 2)2.50", and 1)4.00°Mid-wall indications, acceptable per code.Aef: B2A13-AIA-07.

Scan obstructed by nozzle geometry.B-D 63.100 2AC-0l-A/RPVN-G-NIR 2AC-01-A N-648-l EVT-1 EVT-l NAJ PPV Nozzle Inner Aadius QBS13-097 B-D B3.90 2PC-0l-A/APVN-H 2PC-01-P 94 VOL UT IND Nozzle-Shell OBS13-098 2)1.50", 4)2.00", 1)2.50°, 2)2.75°, 1)3.00", 2)4.00", and 1)5.00°Mid-wall indications, acceptable per code.Pef: B2A13-AIA-08.

Scan obstructed by nozzle geometry.B-D 63.100 2AC-01-PJAPVN-H-NIP 2PC-01-A N-648-1 EVT-1 EVT-1 NAt APV Nozzle Inner Padius OBS13-099 B-A B1.30 2PC-0l-R/WA-07 2PC-01-P 99 VOL UT Al Shell-Flange OBS 13-1 12 1)0.50"and 1)0.60°Mid-waIl indications, acceptable per code.Pef: B2A13-AIA-l0.

B-A B1.21 2AC-O1-R,WA-16 2PC-0l-P 100 VOL UT NPI Lower Head Meridian Weld OBS13-108 Scan obstructed by bottom mounted instrumentation nozzles.Coverage per PDI single-sided access qualifications.

14 7/10/2007--eI4~,n Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV)Section XI~OrnpOneflI ID~Line Number Relief Technical Code Required~ActuaI Results cat.DescriptIon Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments B-A 61.11 2AC-01-R/WA-l8 2RC-01-A Shell-Shell OBS13-109 1)0.60°and 1)1.10"Mid-wall indications, acceptable per code.Aef: B2P13-PIA-09.


B-A B1.11 2AC-0l-R/WA-29 2AC-01-P 13A-15 Shell-Shell OBS13-110 Scan obstructed by core support lugs.B-A 81.11 2AC-0l-AWP-34 Shell-Shell 100 VOL UT IND 79 VOL UT NAI 2AC-01-A 100 VOL UT NRI OBS13-111 15 7/10/2007 ExeI~n..Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RY)Xl Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code'~Iequh'ed

~Actu~Resu Cat.Description Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments-R-A Al 20 2RYO1B-6/J08 2AYO1B-6 13A-02 B9.1l 100 VQL-E UT NAt Elbow-Pipe 131-0 1 131-02 QBS13-148 A-A P1.11 QBS13-146 2PV11A-14/J08 Pipe-Pipe 2AV11A-14 13A-02 B9.11 100 VQL-E 131-01 131-02 UT NAt A-A P1.11 OBS13-001 2AY18A-2/W-01 Valve-Pipe 2AY18A-2 I3A-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 OBS13-002 2AY18A-2/W-02 Pipe-Elbow 2AY18A-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 31-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 QBS13-003 2AY18A-2/W-03 Elbow-Pipe 2AY18A-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-0 1 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A A1.1l OBS13-004 2AY18A-2,W-04 Pipe-WOL 2AY18A-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 l3T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI 16 7/1 0/2007---ExeI~n..Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Steam Generator (SG)Section Xl'Component ID-Line Number--Relief TechnIcal Code-Required 1 Actual Results~Cat.Descrlptlon

'Requests Notes Coverage Exam'Exam_____________

-___.________Comments C-B C2.21 2AC-01-BAJSGN-02 2RC-01-BA 100 SUAF MT NAI Feedwater Nozzle 100 VOL UT NPI OBS13-149 Aef: IA 00614558 C-B C2.22 2AC-01-BA/SGN-02-NIA 2AC-01-BA VOL UT NAI Feedwater Nozzle NIP OBS13-150 17 7/10/2007 Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Safety Injection System (SI)Section Xl Component ID'Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual Results~~~~Descrlptlon Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments A-A P1.20 2SIO5AB-8/C01 2SIO5AB-8 l3A-02 C5.ll 100 VQL-E UT NRI Tee-Elbow 131-01 131-02 OBS13-121 P-A P1.11 OBS13-060 2SIO8HA-2/W-01 Aeducer-Coupling 2SIO8HA-2 t3P-02 B9.40 13T-0l 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI P-A P1.11 OBS13-061 2SIO8HA-2/W-02 Coupling-Pipe 2SIO8HA-2 t3A-02 B9.40 13T-0l 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 OBS13-062 2SIO8HA-2/W-03 Pipe-Flange 2SIO8HA-2 t3P-02 69.40 l3T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 CBS13-063 2SIO8HA-2/W-04 Flange-Pipe 2SIO8HA-2 l3A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 OBS13-064 2SIO8HA-2/W-05 Pipe-Coupling 2SIO8HA-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI P-A P1.11 OBS13-065 2SIO8HA-2/W-06 Coupling-Peducer 2SIO8HA-2 13P-02 69.40 131-0 1 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt P-A P1.11 OBS13-066 2SIO8JA-1.5/W-01 Peducer-Pipe 2SIO8JA-1.5 I3A-02 69.40 131-0 1 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI P-A P1.11 QBS13-067 2SIO8JA-1.5/W-02 Pipe-Elbow 2SIO8JA-1.5 l3A-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 OBS13-068 2SIOSJA-1.5/W-03 Elbow-Pipe 2SIO8JA-1.5 I3P-02 B9.40 I3T01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI P-A Rl.11 OBS13-069 2SIO8JA-1.51W-04 Pipe-Elbow 2SIO8JA-1.5 I3A-02 69.40 131-01 I3T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI 18 7/10/2007 ExeI~n_Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Safety Injection System (SI)Section_Xl__'Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual Results DescriptIon Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam~mmentS-___________P-A Pill 2SIO8JA-1 5/W-05 2SIO8JA-1.5 13A-02 B9.40 VT-2 VT-2 NAt Elbow-Pipe 131-01 13T-02 OBS13-070 A-A P1.11 OBS13-071 2SIO8JA-1.5,W-05A Pipe-Valve 2SIO8JA-1.5 I3A-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt P-A P1.11 OBS13-072 2SIO8JA-1.5iW-05B Valve-Pipe 2SIO8JA-1.5 l3A-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI P-A P1.11 OBS13-073 2SIO8JA-1.5iW-06 Pipe-Elbow 2SI08,JA-1.5 i3A-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI P-A P1.11 CBS13-074 2SIO8JA-1,51W-07 Elbow-Pipe 2SIO8JA-1.5 13P-02 69.40 l3T-01 I3T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 CBS13-075 2SIO8JA-1.5/W-10 Pipe-Flange 2SIO8JA-1.5 l3P-02 B9.40 13T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.11 CBS13-076 2S108JA-1.5/W-l1 Flange-Pipe 2SIO8JA-1.5 13A-02 69.40 13T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI A-A P1.11 CBS13-077 2S1O8JA-1.5/W-14 Pipe-Coupling 2SIO8JA-1.5 l3A-02 69.40 131-01 l3T-02 Vr-2 VT-2 NPI A-A P1.11 CBS13-078 2SIO8JA-1.5/W-15 Coupling-Pipe 2SIO8JA-1.5 l3A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI P-A P1.20 OBS13-122 2S134A-8/C01 Tee-Pipe 2St34A-8 l3A-02 C5.ll 131-01 131-02 100 VOL-E UT NAI P-A P1.20 CBS13-123 2S134A-8/C23 Pipe-Elbow 2S134A-8 l3A-02 C5.1l 131-01 131-02 100 VOL-E UT NPi 19 7/10/2007 ExeI~n_Byron Station UnIt 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Safety Injection System (SI)Section Xl Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual Results cat.Description


Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments A-A P1.20 2S134A-8/C24 2S134A-8 13P-02 C5 11 100 VOL-E UT NPI Elbow-Pipe l3T-01 I3T-02 CBS13-124 A-A P1.20 CBS13-115 2S182AA-12/C04 Pipe-Elbow 2SI82AA-12 13P-02 C5.l1 13T-01 131-02 100 VOL-E UT NAI P-A P1.20 OBS13-116 2S182AA-12/C05 Elbow-Pipe 2Sl82AA-12 13P-02 C5.1l 13T-01 131-02 100 VCL-E UT NAt 20 7/10/2007 e Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Essential Service Water System (SX)SectionXI'~omponent ID Line Number"Relief~---i~ctu~j~-i~uits-cat.Description Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments C-C C3.20 2SXO7FA-16/C1OA 2SXO7FA-16 NA 98 SURF MT NAI Closure Plate 2PC-14 CBS13-126 Penetration side obstructed by welded ID plate.21 7/10/2007 Exek, n~Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV)je~ionxi n~ji~~Theii~i~JT~inical Actuat 1 Results~j~~DescrIptlon Requests Notes Exam Comments B-G-1 66.10 2PC-0i-R/N01-N18 VT-l NPI PPV Closure Head Nuts VT-i NPI CBS13-155 B-G-1 B6.10 CBS13-155 2AC-0i-P/N19-N36 APV Closure Head Nuts VT-i VT-i NAI NPI B-G-1 B6.10 CBS13-155 2RC-01-P/N37-N54 PPV Closure Head Nuts VT-i VT-i NPI NAP B-G-1 66.20 CBS13-157 2RC-01-R/S01-S18 PPV Closure Head Studs UT NPI B-G-1 66.20 OBS13-157 2AC-01-R/S19-S36 PPV Cksure Head Studs UT NAt B-G-1 B6.20 CBS13-157 2AC-Oi-R/S37-S54 APV Closure Head Studs UT NPI 1 7/1012007--Ex ek~n_--Byron Station UnIt 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RY)SectionXlCornponentlo

--llTe 1 A Cat.It~DescrIption Requests Notes Exam Comments B-G-2 B7.50 2PYO3BA-6/FLG 1-12 VT-i NAI Piping Flange Bolting VT-i NRI CBS13-164 2007-298:_Nuts, tool marks noted.2007-300: Studs.____________________

_____B-M-2 Bi2.50 2AY8O1OA/PNT SUPF VT-3 NAP Valve Body interior CBS13-167 Disassembled under WO 00886405.2 7/10/2007 Exek)n Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Outage Summary SYSTEM: Steam Generator (SG)-Section Xl Component ID Relief~fechnIcal Actual'Results L Requests Notes Exam Lcomments B-G-2 6730 2AC-01-BC/BLT 1-32 VT-i NAP SG Manway Studs and Nuts CBS13-151 B-G-2 B7.30 2AC-01-BD/BLT 1-32 VT-i NAP SG Manway Studs and Nuts CBS13-152 3 711012007----~Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Outage Summary SYSTEM: Safety Injection System (SI)Section XI Component ID-Relief Technical Actual Results-cat.Item Description Requests Notes Exam Comments B-G-2 B7.50 2SPO8JA-1.5/FLG 1-4 VT-i NAt Piping Flange Bolting CBS13-165 Disassembled under WC 00971151.Mechanical Joint MJ-82C.B-G-2 B7.50 2SIO8JB-1.5/FLG 1-4 VT-i NPI Piping Flange Bolting CBS13-166 Disassembled under WC 00971152.Mechanical Joint MJ-78.B-G-2 B7.70 2S18818C/BLT 1-16 VT-i NAI Valve Studs, Nuts, Bushings, and Washers CBS13-162 Disassembled under WO 00927431.B-M-2 B12.50 2S18818C/INTSUPF VT-3 NAI Valve Body Interior CBS13-163 Disassembled under WC 00927431.4 BYRON Exekn..UNIT 2 Nuclear B2R13 Spring 2007 Outage INSERVICE INSPECTION


REPORT For Inspection Activities from October 12, 2005 to May 3, 2007 Commercial Service Date August 21, 1987 Document Completion Date July 10, 2007 Exelon Generation Company (EGC, LLC)4300 Winfield Rd Warrenville, IL 60555 Byron Nuclear Power Station 4450 North German Church Rd.Byron, IL 61010 BYRON UNIT 2 Exeln.B2R13 Nuclear INSERVICE INSPECTION


REPORT I SECTION SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGES!I'ICover Page I 1-I 8 I I ii JTable of Contents I 1 I I 1.0 IReport Introduction I 6 I 2.0 Examination Summary Tables (SI-Weld/Component Listing (SI-Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Listing PSI-Weld/Component Listing PSI-Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Listing ISI-Pressure Tests (SI-Component Supports IS)-Snubbers PSI-Snubbers 21 4 1 1 12 10 11 3.0 IStatus of Examination Completion for the Program Plan 1 1 I 4.0 IForm NIS-1: Preservice and Inservice Examinations I 58 1 1 5.0 IForm NIS-2: Repairs/Modifications 1 101 I 6 0 C(S)Re ort 2nd IWL 5-Year Containment p Penetration Concrete Surveillance Reportl 5 I 2PC064M Conditions Found I.---I-21 I TOTALPAGESINREPORTJ 246 I I BYRON STATION UNIT 2 REFUELING OUTAGE 13 INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT


lnservice inspections of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Class 1, 2, 3, CC, and MC components were conducted at Byron Station Unit 2 from October 12, 2005 through May 3, 2007.The majority of these inspections were performed during the thirteenth refueling outage (B2R13)from April 2 through May 3-, 2007.The examinations were performed in compliance with the rules and regulations of ASME Section Xl, Division 1, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, (applicable edition and addenda), pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a, Codes and Standards.

This summary report meets the requirements of ASME Code, IWA-6000 for the inspection of Class 1 and 2 components and piping.Class CC and MC components in the Containment Inservice Inspection (CISI)program are included when examination results require reporting as specified in 10 CFR 50.55a.See 7.0 in this section for a listing of referenced documents.

The Nondestructive Examination (NDE)Inservice Inspection (ISI)Program Plan for Class 1, 2, and 3 components was developed in accordance with the requirements and intent of Section Xl Subsections (WA, IWB, IWC, IWD, IWE, IWF and IWL, 2001 Edition, through the 2003 Addenda.In addition to the ASME Section Xl requirements of examination, certain Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)augmented ISI inspections were required.The Byron Station Unit 2 augmented (SI examination requirements include: a)Class 1 pressure boundary for leakage at nominal operating pressure, in accordance with NRC Generic Letter 88-05, Boric Acid Corrosion of Carbon Steel Reactor Pressure Boundaty Components in PWR Plants;b)Class 2 and 3 pressure boundary for leakage at nominal operating pressure, in accordance with NUREG 0737, Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements; Note: Specific requests for relief were developed and submitted for the NRC's review when the code and/or augmented requirement(s) were deemed to be impractical, results in excessive hardship, or an alternative examination method is determined as more suitable for the particular component.

1.1 Identification

of Examination Requirements The Section 7.0 of the ISI Program Plan contains the examination program tables.These tables are presented in a tabular format consistent with the tables found in Subsections IWB, IWC, IWD, (WE, IWF, and IWL-2500 of the ASME Code.The examination tables include the corresponding code category, item number, and component/weld selection in conformance with examination requirements and intent of Subsection (WA, IWB, IWC, IWD, IWE, IWF, and IWL of Section Xl of the ASME Code.Section 1.0 Page 1 of 6 BYRON STATION UNIT 2 REFUELING OUTAGE 13 INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT For Class 1, 2, and certain non-class piping components, the requirements of Risk Informed Inservice Inspection (RI-IS))are followed using EPRI TR112657 and Table 1 of ASME Code Case N-578-1.1.2 Identification of Exempted Components ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 components, or parts of components, that are not included in the examination tables and that are exempt from examination, as specified in Section XI Paragraphs IWB, IWC, and IWD-1200, Components Exempt from Examination, and Tables IWB-2500-1, IWC-2500-1, and IWD-2500-i, are identified in the NDE Program Plan in conjunction with technical justification(s) for exempting the component/system.

Class 1 or 2 piping welds exempted by IWB and IWC-1200 are not included in the RI-ISI program.Previous selection and examination exemptions identified in Tables IWB and IWC-2500-1 for Examination Categories B-F, B-J, C-F-i, and C-F-2, are not allowed under the requirements of the RI-IS)program.With the adoption of RI-(SI, welds evaluated as Risk Category 6 or 7 are not required to be subject to examination.

1.3 Implementation

of the (SI Program Exelon Nuclear, or its designee, visually examined ASME components utilizing the following test methods: VT-i, VT-2, and VT-3.The components examined comply with the (SI Program Schedule, Byron Station Technical Specifications, and/or comply with the ASME Section Xl Repair/Replacement Program.Certified personnel performed and evaluated visual examinations (i.e., VT-i, VT-2, and VT-3)of Class 1, 2, and 3 components, and supports.Exelon Nuclear personnel certification procedures comply with the requirements of ANSI/ASNT CP-189, 1995 Edition and ASNT SNT-TC-1A, 1984 Edition.Certified personnel performed and evaluated all NDE.Personnel were certified to the requirements of the ASNT SNT-TC-1A, 1984 Edition.Additionally, ultrasonic examiners were certified in accordance with ANSI/ASNT CP-1 89, 1995 Revision.The NDE procedures were developed and certified in conformance with ASME Section V and Xl as applicable.

All ISI NDE, including evaluation of flaw indications, were performed in accordance with the requirements stipulated under Section Xl, Subarticle IWA-2200 Examination Methods.For components incorporated into the RI-ISI program, the guidance for the examination volume for a given degradation mechanism is provided by the EPRI Topical Report while the guidance for the examination method is provided by Code Case N-578-1.Section 1.0 Page 2 of 6 BYRON STATION UNIT 2 REFUELING OUTAGE 13 INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT 1.4 Second and Third 10-Year Inspection Intervals The~fuel cycle for Unit 2 encompasses a time span of October 12, 2005 to May 3, 2007.Activities that occurred prior to January 16, 2006 were performed during the Third Inspection Period of the Second Inspection Interval.Activities that occurred on or after January 16, 2006 were performed during the First Inspection Period of the Third Inspection Interval.1.5 Significant Section XI Activities During B2R1 3 During the refueling outage, the Alloy 600 pressurizer safe-end welds were overlaid with PWSCC resistant Alloy 690 material.Full structural weld overlays on the surge, spray, relief, and safety nozzles were completed.

Baseline (PSI)examinations were performed on the overlays using qualified procedures, equipment, and personnel.

The weld overlays allowed the performance of qualified examinations to meet the requirements specified in MRP-139.The 2nd 10-year inspection of the reactor vessel was completed during B2R13.The performance of this examination in the First Inspection Period of the Third Inspection Interval was authorized with Relief Request 13-01 (ML062280606).

The personnel, equipment, and procedures used for these examinations are qualified in accordance with EPRI's Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI).The B2R1 3 examinations comply with the requirements of ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII, 2001 Edition, as specified by 1 OCFR5O.55a(b)(2)(xxiv).

1.6 ASME Section Xl Code Cases The following code cases are incorporated into the current Byron Station ISI Program and were utilized during the~fuel cycle.N-460 Alternative Examination Coverage for Class 1 and Class 2 Welds.N-566-2 Corrective Action for Leakage Identified at Bolted Connections.

N-624 Successive Inspections.

The following code cases were used in the examination of the Unit 2 reactor vessel and associated safe-end welds.N-6 13-1 Ultrasonic Examination of Penetration Nozzles in Vessels, Examination Categoiy B-D, Item Nos.B3.10 and B3.90, Reactor Nozzle-to-Vessel Welds, Figs.IWB-2500-7(a), (b), and (c).N-648-1 Alternative Requirements for Inner Radius Examinations of Class 1 Reactor Vessel Nozzles.N-695 Qualification Requirements for Dissimilar Metal Piping Welds.Section 1.0 Page 3 of 6 BYRON STATION UNIT 2 REFUELING OUTAGE 13 INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT The following code case is used for the implementation of the risk-informed program as described in relief request 13R-02.N-578-1 Risk-Informed Requirements for Class 1, 2, or 3 Piping, Method B.Portions of the following cases were utilized as described in relief request l3R-08 for the full structural weld overlays applied to the pressurizer safe-end welds: N-504-2 Alternative Rules for Repair of Classes 1, 2, and 3 Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping.N-638-1 Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient Temperature Machine c3TA W Temper Bead Technique.

Repair/replacement activities that occurred prior to January 16, 2006 were in the Second Inspection Interval under the 1989 Edition of the ASME Code.1.7 Witness and Verification of Examination The inservice inspections were witnessed and/or verified by the Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspectors (ANII): Greg FeigeI, Jeff Hendricks, and Lee Malabanan.

These inspectors are associated with Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Connecticut, Chicago Branch, at 2443 Warrenville Rd., Suite 500, Lisle, Illinois 60532.2.0 EXAMINATION SUMMARIES The following section lists the summaries of examinations performed during the refueling cycle.Refer to Section 2.0 for each summary table for information or for specific tests and examinations conducted during this term.*Welds&Components Summaries Inservice Inspection

-Weld/Component Listing Inservice Inspection

-Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Listing Preservice Inspection

-Weld/Component Listing Preservice Inspection

-Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Listing*System Pressure Test Summaries*Component Support Examination Summary*Component Snubber Test Summary 3.0 UNIT 2 EXAMINATION COMPLETION STATUS A summary table of the examination status of Class 1, 2, and 3 components is contained in Section 3.0.Section 1.0 Page 4 of 6 BYRON STATION UNIT 2 REFUELING OUTAGE 13 INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT 4.0 FORM NIS-1 DATA SHEETS ASME Form NIS-2, Owners Report for Inservice Inspections, were filed during the cycle for Unit 2.See Section 4.0 for the reports.5.0 FORM NIS-2 DATA SHEETS ASME Form NIS-2, Owners Report for Repairs or Replacements, were filed during the cycle for Unit 2.See Section 5.0 for the reports.6.0 CONTAINMENT ISI PROGRAM Reportable conditions were identified for Class CC and Class MC components during this fuel cycle.The reporting requirements in 1OCFR5O.55a (b)(2)(viii)(E) and (b)(2)(ix)(A) are applicable for this summary report.See Section 6.0 for these condition reports.7.0 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 7.1 Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10 Energy Part 50, Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities 50.55a, Codes and Standards 7.2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section V, Nondestructive Examination, 2001 Edition, through 2003 Addenda.Section Xl, Rules for lnservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 1989 Edition (for 2 nd Inspection Interval repair/replacement activities).

Section XI, Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 2001 Edition, through 2003 Addenda (for all 3 Id Inspection Interval activities).

7.3 American

National Standards Institute/American Society for Nondestructive Testing ANSI/ASNT CP-1 89, 1995 Edition, Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel 7.4 American Society for Nondestructive Testing ASNT Recommended Practice No.SNT-TC-1A, 1984 Edition, Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing Section 1.0 Page 5 of 6 BYRON STATION UNIT 2 REFUELING OUTAGE 13 INSERVICE INSPECTION REPORT 7.5 Miscellaneous NRC Documents Generic Letter 88-05, Boric Acid Corrosion of Carbon Steel Reactor Pressure Boundary Components in PWR Plants.NUREG 0737, Clarification of TM!Action Plan Requirements.

7.6 Electric

Power Research Institute Material Reliability Program Primary System Piping Butt Weld Inspection and Evaluation Guideline (MRP-139)July 14, 2005.Topical Report TR1 12657 Revision B-A, Revised Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection Procedure, December 1999.Section 1.0 Page 6 of 6 7/10/2007 Exe I~n~Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Chemical&Volume Control System (CV)~I~--~A~ieTI A~j~ii~red

~ii~i~f~e~uit~Cat.Description Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments R-A R120 2CV98C-8/C03 2CV98C-8 l3R-02 C5.11 100 VOL-E UT NRI Pipe.Elbow 131-01 131-02 OBS13-119 R-A R1.20 OBS13-120 2CV98C-8/C04 Elbow-Pipe 2CV98C-8 I3IR-02 C5.11 100 VOL-E 13T-01 131-02 UT NRI R-A R1.11 OBS13-005 2CVA3B-2/W-70 Pipe-Elbow 2CVA3B-2 13R-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A Pill OBS13-006 2CVA3B-2,W-71 Elbow-Pipe 2CVA3B-2 13A-02 B9.40 l3T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI A-A P1.11 OBS13-007 2CVA3B-2/W-72 Pipe-Elbow 2CVA3B-2 13R-02 B9.40 13T-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI R-A P1.11 OBS13-008 2CVA3B-2/W-73 Elbow-Pipe 2CVA3B-2 13R-02 B9.40 131-0 1 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt R-A P1.11 OBS13-009 2CVA3B-2/W-80 Pipe-Elbow 2CVA3B-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI A-A P1.11 OBS13-010 2CVA3B-2/W-81 Elbow-Pipe 2CVA3B-2 13R-02 B9.40 131-0 1 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI A-A R1.11 OBS13-011 2CVA5AA-2iW-06 Pipe-Elbow 2CVA5AA-2 13R-02 B9.40 131-0 1 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI A-A P1.11 OBS13-012 2CVA5AA-2,W-07 Elbow-Pipe 2CVA5AA-2 13P-02 B9.40 131-0 1 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI P-A P1.11 OBS13-013 2CVA6AA-2/W-04 Pipe-Elbow 2CVA6AA-2 13R-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt 1 7/10/2007 Exek.tin Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Chemical&Volume Control System (CV)Sechon XI Component ID-Line p Relief Technical Code Requfreci~Actu&

-Results Cat Description Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam-_.-___-~-~----__i*--__________

Comments P-A P1.11 2CVA6AA-21W-05 2CVA6AA-2 13A-02 B9.40 VT-2 VT-2 NAI Elbow-Pipe l3T-01 131-02 OBS13-014 A-A P1.11 OBS13-050 2CVA7AA-21W-06 Pipe-Elbow 2CVA7AA-2 13P-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt P-A P1.11 OBS13-051 2CVA7AA-2/W-07 Elbow-Pipe 2CVA7AA-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-0 1 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.11 OBS13-052 2CVA7AA-2/W-08 Pipe-Elbow 2CVA7AA-2 13P-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt 2 7/10/2007 Exek it Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Feedwater System (FW)Section Xl Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual Results Description Requests Notes f~overage Exam Exam comments A-A P1.11 2FWO3DB-16/C01 2FWO3DB-16 13A-02 C551 100 VOL-E UT NAI P1.18 Valve-Pipe l3T-01 131-02 OBS13-127 A-A A1.11 2FWO3DB-16/C02 2FWO3DB-16 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAt P1.18 Pipe-PIpe 13T-01 131-02 OBS13-128 A-A P1.11 2FWO3DB-16!C03 2FWO3DB-16 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAt P1.18 Pipe-Pipe 131-01 131-02 OBS13-129 P-A P1.11 2FWO3DB-16/C04 2FWO3DB-16 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NPI P1.18 Pipe-Penetration 131-01 131-02 OBS13-130 P-A P1.11 2FWO3DC-16/C01 2FWO3DC-16 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAI P1.18 Valve-Pipe 131-01 131-02 OBS13-132 A-A A1.11 2FWO3DC-16/C02 2FWO3DC-16 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAt P1.18 Pipe-Penetration 131-01 131-02 OBS13-133 P-A P1.11 2FW81BC-6/C07 2FW81BC-6 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAt P1.18 Pipe-Tee 13T-01 131-02 OBS13-134 P-A P1.11 2FW87CC-6/C01 2FW87CC-6 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NPI P1.18 Aeducer-Tee 131-01 131-02 OBS13-135 A-A P1.11 2FW87CC-6/C02 2FW87CC-6 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAt P1.18 Tee-Pipe 131-01 131-02 OBS13-136 A-A P1.11 2FW87CC-6/C03 2FW87CC-6 l3A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAI P1.18 Pipe-Pipe 131-01 131-02 OBS13-137 3 7/1012007 E,ceIc~~n_

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Main Steam System (MS)Section Xl Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual Results Cat.De5~1ptbo1~

Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments A-A Al 20 2MS01AA-30 25/Cot 2MSO1AA-3025 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAI Nozzle-Elbow 131-01 131-02 OBS13-158 P-A P1.20 2MSO1AA-30.25/C06 2MSO1AA-30.25 13A-02 C5.51 100 VOL-E UT NAI Elbow-Pipe 131-01 131-02 OBS13-159 4 7/10/2007-ExeI~,n..Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Pressurizer (PZR)Section Xl Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual Results~~DescrlptIon Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments B-D B3.110 2RY-01-S/PN-O1 2AY-O1-S 13R-12 40 VOL UT NAI Surge Nozzle OBS13-160 Scan reduced on nozzle side due to configuration.

Scan from head side reduced by nozzle transition and obstructed by PZP heater penetrations.

B-D B3.120 2AY-01-S/PN-01-NIA 2AY-01-S 100 VOL UT NAt Surge Nozzle Inner Padius OBS13-161 5 7/10/2007--ExIl Byron Station UnIt 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)~~~-~Description Requests Notes Coverage Exam lExam Comments A-A P1.20 2ACO1AA-29/J06 2ACO1AA-29 13A-02 B9.40 VT-2 VT-2 NAI SOL-Thermowell 13T-01 13T-02 OBS13-015 P-A P1.15 2PC-01-P/APVS-A Fl 2AC-01-P 13A-02 65.10 100 VOL UT NAt APV Nozzle Safe-End HL Loop D 13T-01 13T-02 OBS13-100 No ID surface indications seen with ET.A-A P1.15 2PC-01-A/APVS-B Fl 2AC-01-A l3A-02 B5.10 100 VOL UT NPI APV Nozzle Safe-End CL Loop D 13T-01 13T-02 OBS13-101 No ID surface indications seen with ET.A-A P1.15 2PC-01-A/APVS-C Fl 2AC-01-A 13P-02 B5.10 100 VOL UT NPI RPV Nozzle Safe-End CL Loop C 13T-01 13T-02 OBS13-102 No ID surface Indications seen with ET.R-A P1.15 2PC-01-P/APVS-D El 2AC-01-A 13A-02 B5.10 100 VOL UT NAI APV Nozzle Safe-End HL Loop C 13T-01 I3T-02 OBS13-103 No ID surface indications seen with ET.A-A P1.15 2AC-01-R/APVS-E Fl 2PC-01-A 13A-02 65.10 100 VOL UT NAI PPV Nozzle Safe-End HL Loop B 13T-01 I3T-02 OBS13-104 No ID surface indications seen with ET.A-A P1.15 2AC-O1-R/APVS-F Fl 2PC-01-P l3P-02 B5.10 100 VOL UT NAI APV Nozzle Safe-End CL Loop B 13T-01 I3T-02 OBS13-105 No ID surface indications seen with ET.A-A P1.15 2PC-01-R/RPVS-G Fl 2AC-01-P 13P-02 B5.10 100 VOL UT NPI APV Nozzle Safe-End CL Loop A l3T-01 l3T-02 OBS13-106 No ID surface indications seen with ET._______________________

A-A P1.15 2AC-O1-PJAPVS-H Fl 2AC-O1-A 13A-02 B5.10 100 VOL UT NPI APV Nozzle Safe-End HL Loop A 13T-01 13T-02 OBS13-107 No ID surface indications seen with ET.6 7/1 0/2007 Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)Section Xl~Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code RequIred Actual Results~~Descrlption Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments A-A Al 20 2ACO3AA-27 5/JO2A 2PCO3AA-27 5 I3A-02 B9.40 VT-2 VT-2 NAI SOL-Therm owell t3T-01 13T-02 OBS13-016 A-A P1.20 OBS13-017 2ACO3AA-27.5/J04 SOL-Therm owell 2ACO3AA-27.5 I3P-02 B9.40 13T-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI A-A P1.20 OBS13-026 2AC13AA-21W-01 SOL-Pipe 2AC13AA-2 13P-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.20 OBS13-027 2AC13AA-2/W-02 Pipe-Tee 2PC13AA-2 t3A-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI P-A P1.20 OBS13-028 2AC13AA-2/W-03 Tee-Reducer 2PC13AA-2 l3A-02 69.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.20 OBS13-029 2AC13AA-2/W-04 Tee-Pipe 2PC13AA-2 I3P-02 B9.40 I3T-0l 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt P-A P1.20 OBS13-030 2PC13AA-21W-05 Pipe-Valve 2AC13AA-2 13R-02 69.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.20 OBS13-031 2AC13AB-2/W-01 SQL-Pipe 2AC13AB-2 t3A-02 69.40 l3T-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.20 OBS13-032 2AC13AC-2iW-0l SQL-Pipe 2AC13AC-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.20 OBS13-033 2AC13AD-2/W-0l SOL-Pipe 2PC13AD-2 I3A-02 69.40 13T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI A-A P1.11 OBS13-036 2AC14AA-2/W-01 SOL-Pipe 2AC14AA-2 13P-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI 7 7/10/2007 Exekn..Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)Section XI Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code Required'Actual Results Description Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments A-A P1.11 2RC14AA-2/W-O1A 2RC14AA-2 13P-02 B9.40 VT-2 VT-2 NAI Pipe-Tee 131-01 131-02 OBS13-037 A-A A1.11 OBS13-038 2AC14AA-2iW-O1B Tee-Aeducer 2AC14AA-2 13A-02 B9.40 13T-01 l3T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.11 OBS13-039 2AC14AA-21W-O1C Tee-Pipe 2AC14AA-2 I3A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 OBS13-040 2AC14AA-2,W-02 Pipe-Elbow 2PC14AA-2 l3P-02 69.40 13T-Ol 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A A1.11 OBS13-041 2AC14AA-21W-03 Elbow-Pipe 2PC14AA-2 13A-02 69.40 131-0 1 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.11 OBS13-042 2AC14AA-2iW-04 Pipe-Elbow 2RC14AA-2 l3R-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.11 OBS13-043 2PC14AA-2/W-05 Elbow-Pipe 2AC14AA-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-0 1 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI P-A P1.11 OBS13-044 2AC14AA-2/W-06 Pipe-Valve 2AC14AA-2 I3A-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI A-A P1.11 OBS13-045 2AC14AA-2/W-07 Valve-Pipe 2PC14AA-2 13A-02 69.40 13T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 OBS13-046 2AC14AA-2,W-08 Pipe-Tee 2PC14AA-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 OBS13-047 2AC14AA-2,W-09 Tee-Aeducer 2AC14AA-2 13P-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt 8 7/10/2007 ExeI~n..Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)Section XI Component ID~LIne Number RelIef Technical Code Required Actual Results Cat.Descrlption Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments A-A P111 2AC14AA-2iW-10 2AC14AA-2 13A-02 69.40 VT-2 VT-2 NRI Tee-Pipe 131-01 131-02 OBS13-048 A-A P1.11 OBS13-049 2AC14AA-2/W-11 Pipe-Valve 2AC14AA-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.11 OBS13-053 2AC16AA-2iW-03 Valve-Pipe 2RC16AA-2 I3A-02 69.40 13T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A Al.1l OBS13-054 2PC16AA-2/W-04 Pipe-Elbow 2AC16AA-2 13A-02 69.40 13T-0l 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI P-A P1.11 OBS13-055 2PC16AA-2/W-05 Elbow-Pipe 2RC16AA-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI P-A P1.11 OBS13-056 2AC16AA-2/W-06 Pipe-Elbow 2AC16AA-2 13P-02 B9.40 131-01 I3T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 OBS13-057 2AC16AA-2/W-07 Elbow-Pipe 2PC16AA-2 13P-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI R-A P1.11 OBS13-058 2AC16AB-2,W-04 Pipe-Elbow 2RC16AB-2 l3P-02 B9.40 13T-0l 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.11 OBS13-059 2PC16AB-2/W-05 Elbow-Pipe 2AC16AB-2 I3A-02 B9.40 13T-0l 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI P-A P1.20 OBS13-024 2PC16AC-2/W-08 Pipe-SQL 2AC16AC-2 I3A-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.20 OBS13-025 2AC16AD-2/W-01 Valve-Pipe 2AC16AD-2 13A-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt 9 7/10/2007-Exe I~n_Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 1St Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)Section XI Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual~Results~DescrIption Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments A-A Pill 2AC21AA-8/J07 2RC21AA-8 I3R-02 B9.1l 100 VOL-E UT NRI Pipe-Elbow 131-01 131-02 QBS13-138 A-A P1.11 QBS13-139 2PC21AA-8/J08 Elbow-Pipe 2AC21AA-8 I3A-02 B9.ll 13T-01 131-02 100 VOL-E UT NPI P-A P1.11 OBS13-140 2PC21AA-8/J09 Pipe-Elbow 2AC21AA-8 13A-02 B9.1l 131-01 131-02 100 VOL-E UT NAt P-A P1.11 OBS13-141 2AC21AA-8/J10 Elbow-Pipe 2RC21AA-8 l3A-02 B9.11 I3T-0l 131-02 100 VOL-E UT NAt A-A P1.20 OBS13-020 2AC22AA-1.5/W-0l SQL-Pipe 2AC22AA-1.5 13P-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.20 OBS13-021 2AC22AA-1.5/W-05 Elbow-Pipe 2AC22AA-1.5 t3A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI A-A P1.20 OBS13-022 2PC22AC-1.5/W-01 SQL-Pipe 2AC22AC-1.5 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt P-A R1.20 OBS13-023 2PC22AC-1.5/W-06 Pipe-Tee 2AC22AC-1.5 I3A-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.20 QBS13-018 2PC22AD-1.5/W-01 SQL-Pipe 2PC22AD-1.5 I3A-02 B9.40 I3T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.20 OBS13-019 2AC22AD-15/W-08 Pipe-Tee 2AC22AD-l.5 13R-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI P-A P1.20 QBS13-034 2AC26A-2/W-01 SQL-Pipe 2RC26A-2 l3R-02 B9.40 13T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI 10 7/1012007 Ex Byron Station UnIt 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)Section Xl__'~omponent ID'Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual Results r~t.Description


Requests Notes coverage Exam Exam Comments P-A Al 20 2AC26A-2fW-02 2AC26A-2 l3A-02 89.40 VT-2 VT-2 NRI Pipe-Valve 131-01 131-02 QBS13-035 A-A P1.11 2AC3OAA-1.51W-01 2AC3OAA-1.5 Valve-Aeducer 13P-02 69.40 VT-2 VT-2 NPI 131-01 131-02 OBS13-079 11 7/10/2007 Exe k!n_Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld/Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal System (RH)Section Xl Component ID Line Numb&-Reflef Technlcal Code~qulred 1~tu&Results~~DescrlptIon Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam'Comments R-A R1.20 2RH12A-8/C17 2RH12A-8 13R-02 C5.11 100 VOL-E UT NRI Pipe-Elbow 31-01 31-02 OBS 13-117___________________


12 7/10/2007 ExeI~n..Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV)Section Xl Component ID Line Number Relief--Technical Code Required Actual Results Cat.Description Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments B-N-3 813.70 2PC-01-R/CQPESUPP 2AC-0l-A VT-3 VT-3 NRI STAUCT Core Support Structure OBS13-082 B-N-2 B13.50 2AC-01-AIINT ATTACH 2AC-0l-A VT-i VT-3 NAt BELTLINE Interior Attachment With in-Beltline OBS13-080 B-N-2 B13.60 2AC-0l-A/INT ATTACH 2AC-01-A VT-3 VT-3 NAt NON BELT Interior Attachment Non-B eltline OBS13-081 B-N-i 813.10 2PC-01-R/APV 2AC-01-P VT-3 VT-3 NAt INTEPIOP APV Interior Surfaces OBS13-083 B-D 83.90 2AC-01-A/PPVN-A 2PC-01-A 94 VOL UT IND Nozzle-Shell OBS13-084 1)1.50°, 2)2.00", 3)1.75°, 2)3.25°, 1)1.00", and 1)2.25"Mid-wall indications, acceptable per code.Aef: B2A13-AIA-01.

Scan obstructed by nozzle geometry.B-D B3.100 2PC-01-AIAPVN-A-NIA 2PC-01-R N-648-1 EVT-1 EVT-1 NAt APV Nozzle Inner Radius OBS13-085 6-D B3.90 2AC-01-P/PP VN-B 2AC-01-A 94 VOL UT IND Nozzle-Shell QBS13-086 5)1.50", 3)2.00", 2)2.25", 1)2.50", 2)3.00°, and 1)5.25"Mid-waIl indications, acceptable per code.Aef: B2A13-AIP-02.

Scan obstructed by nozzle geometry.B-D B3.l00 2AC-Ol-R/APVN-B-NIA 2AC-01-A N-648-1 EVT-1 EVT-i NRI APV Nozzle Inner Padius OBS13-087 B-D 63.90 2AC-0l-A/APVN-C 2PC-01-P 94 VOL UT IND Nozzle-Shell QBS13-088 1)1.00", 1)1.25", 6)1.50", 1)1.75", 7)2.00°, 4)2.50", 2)3.00", 1)3.25°, and 1)3.50"Mid-wall indications, acceptable percode.Pef: B2P13-PIR-03.

Scan obstructed by nozzle geometry.B-D B3.100 2AC-0l-RIAPVN-C-NIA 2PC-01-A N-648-l EVT-1 EVT-1 NAt APV Nozzle Inner Padius OBS13-089 B-D B3.90 2AC-01-PiPPVN-D 2PC-01-A 94 VOL UT IND Nozzle-Shell QBS13-090 3)1.50°, 1)2.00", 2)2.25°, 2)2.75°, 1)3.25°, and 1)4.00°Mid-wall indications, acceptable per code.Pef: B2A13-AIP-04.

Scan obstructed by nozzle geometry.13 7/10/2007--Ece k'n~Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV)SectIon Xl Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual Results~Description Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments B-D B3 100 2RC-01-A/PPVN-D-NIR 2AC-01-R N-648-l EVT-l EVT-1 NAI PPV Nozzle Inner Padius QBS13-091 B-D B3.90 2AC-01-A/APVN-E 2AC-01-A 94 VOL UT IND Nozzle-Shell OBS13-092 1)1.50°, 2)1.75", 1)2.50°, and 1)4.00°Mid-wall indications, acceptable per code.Aef: B2R13-RIP-05.

Scan obstructed by nozzle geometry.B-D B3.100 2PC-01-P/APVN-E-NIP 2AC-01-A N-648-1 EVT-1 EVT-1 NRI APV Nozzle Inner Padius QBS13-093 B-D B3.90 2PC-01-AIAPVN-F 2PC-01-A 94 VOL UT IND Nozzle-Shell OBS13-094 1)1.25", 1)1.50", 1)1.75°, 3)2.00", 2)2.50°, and 3)3.00"Mid-waIl indications, acceptable per code.Aef: B2P13-AIP-06.

Scan obstructed by nozzle geometry.B-D B3.100 2AC-01-P/PPVN-F-NIR 2AC-01-A N-648-1 EVT-l EVT-1 NAP RPV Nozzle Inner Aadius OBS13-095 B-D B3.90 2PC-0l-AJAPVN-G 2AC-01-A 94 VOL UT IND Nozzle-Shell OBS13-096 1)1.25", 5)1.50", 2)1.75", 2)2.25°, 2)2.50", and 1)4.00°Mid-wall indications, acceptable per code.Aef: B2A13-AIA-07.

Scan obstructed by nozzle geometry.B-D 63.100 2AC-0l-A/RPVN-G-NIR 2AC-01-A N-648-l EVT-1 EVT-l NAJ PPV Nozzle Inner Aadius QBS13-097 B-D B3.90 2PC-0l-A/APVN-H 2PC-01-P 94 VOL UT IND Nozzle-Shell OBS13-098 2)1.50", 4)2.00", 1)2.50°, 2)2.75°, 1)3.00", 2)4.00", and 1)5.00°Mid-wall indications, acceptable per code.Pef: B2A13-AIA-08.

Scan obstructed by nozzle geometry.B-D 63.100 2AC-01-PJAPVN-H-NIP 2PC-01-A N-648-1 EVT-1 EVT-1 NAt APV Nozzle Inner Padius OBS13-099 B-A B1.30 2PC-0l-R/WA-07 2PC-01-P 99 VOL UT Al Shell-Flange OBS 13-1 12 1)0.50"and 1)0.60°Mid-waIl indications, acceptable per code.Pef: B2A13-AIA-l0.

B-A B1.21 2AC-O1-R,WA-16 2PC-0l-P 100 VOL UT NPI Lower Head Meridian Weld OBS13-108 Scan obstructed by bottom mounted instrumentation nozzles.Coverage per PDI single-sided access qualifications.

14 7/10/2007--eI4~,n Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV)Section XI~OrnpOneflI ID~Line Number Relief Technical Code Required~ActuaI Results cat.DescriptIon Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments B-A 61.11 2AC-01-R/WA-l8 2RC-01-A Shell-Shell OBS13-109 1)0.60°and 1)1.10"Mid-wall indications, acceptable per code.Aef: B2P13-PIA-09.


B-A B1.11 2AC-0l-R/WA-29 2AC-01-P 13A-15 Shell-Shell OBS13-110 Scan obstructed by core support lugs.B-A 81.11 2AC-0l-AWP-34 Shell-Shell 100 VOL UT IND 79 VOL UT NAI 2AC-01-A 100 VOL UT NRI OBS13-111 15 7/10/2007 ExeI~n..Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RY)Xl Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code'~Iequh'ed

~Actu~Resu Cat.Description Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments-R-A Al 20 2RYO1B-6/J08 2AYO1B-6 13A-02 B9.1l 100 VQL-E UT NAt Elbow-Pipe 131-0 1 131-02 QBS13-148 A-A P1.11 QBS13-146 2PV11A-14/J08 Pipe-Pipe 2AV11A-14 13A-02 B9.11 100 VQL-E 131-01 131-02 UT NAt A-A P1.11 OBS13-001 2AY18A-2/W-01 Valve-Pipe 2AY18A-2 I3A-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 OBS13-002 2AY18A-2/W-02 Pipe-Elbow 2AY18A-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 31-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 QBS13-003 2AY18A-2/W-03 Elbow-Pipe 2AY18A-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-0 1 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A A1.1l OBS13-004 2AY18A-2,W-04 Pipe-WOL 2AY18A-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 l3T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI 16 7/1 0/2007---ExeI~n..Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Steam Generator (SG)Section Xl'Component ID-Line Number--Relief TechnIcal Code-Required 1 Actual Results~Cat.Descrlptlon

'Requests Notes Coverage Exam'Exam_____________

-___.________Comments C-B C2.21 2AC-01-BAJSGN-02 2RC-01-BA 100 SUAF MT NAI Feedwater Nozzle 100 VOL UT NPI OBS13-149 Aef: IA 00614558 C-B C2.22 2AC-01-BA/SGN-02-NIA 2AC-01-BA VOL UT NAI Feedwater Nozzle NIP OBS13-150 17 7/10/2007 Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Safety Injection System (SI)Section Xl Component ID'Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual Results~~~~Descrlptlon Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments A-A P1.20 2SIO5AB-8/C01 2SIO5AB-8 l3A-02 C5.ll 100 VQL-E UT NRI Tee-Elbow 131-01 131-02 OBS13-121 P-A P1.11 OBS13-060 2SIO8HA-2/W-01 Aeducer-Coupling 2SIO8HA-2 t3P-02 B9.40 13T-0l 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI P-A P1.11 OBS13-061 2SIO8HA-2/W-02 Coupling-Pipe 2SIO8HA-2 t3A-02 B9.40 13T-0l 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 OBS13-062 2SIO8HA-2/W-03 Pipe-Flange 2SIO8HA-2 t3P-02 69.40 l3T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 CBS13-063 2SIO8HA-2/W-04 Flange-Pipe 2SIO8HA-2 l3A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 OBS13-064 2SIO8HA-2/W-05 Pipe-Coupling 2SIO8HA-2 13A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NRI P-A P1.11 OBS13-065 2SIO8HA-2/W-06 Coupling-Peducer 2SIO8HA-2 13P-02 69.40 131-0 1 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt P-A P1.11 OBS13-066 2SIO8JA-1.5/W-01 Peducer-Pipe 2SIO8JA-1.5 I3A-02 69.40 131-0 1 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI P-A P1.11 QBS13-067 2SIO8JA-1.5/W-02 Pipe-Elbow 2SIO8JA-1.5 l3A-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 OBS13-068 2SIOSJA-1.5/W-03 Elbow-Pipe 2SIO8JA-1.5 I3P-02 B9.40 I3T01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI P-A Rl.11 OBS13-069 2SIO8JA-1.51W-04 Pipe-Elbow 2SIO8JA-1.5 I3A-02 69.40 131-01 I3T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI 18 7/10/2007 ExeI~n_Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Safety Injection System (SI)Section_Xl__'Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual Results DescriptIon Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam~mmentS-___________P-A Pill 2SIO8JA-1 5/W-05 2SIO8JA-1.5 13A-02 B9.40 VT-2 VT-2 NAt Elbow-Pipe 131-01 13T-02 OBS13-070 A-A P1.11 OBS13-071 2SIO8JA-1.5,W-05A Pipe-Valve 2SIO8JA-1.5 I3A-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt P-A P1.11 OBS13-072 2SIO8JA-1.5iW-05B Valve-Pipe 2SIO8JA-1.5 l3A-02 69.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI P-A P1.11 OBS13-073 2SIO8JA-1.5iW-06 Pipe-Elbow 2SI08,JA-1.5 i3A-02 B9.40 131-01 13T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI P-A P1.11 CBS13-074 2SIO8JA-1,51W-07 Elbow-Pipe 2SIO8JA-1.5 13P-02 69.40 l3T-01 I3T-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI A-A P1.11 CBS13-075 2SIO8JA-1.5/W-10 Pipe-Flange 2SIO8JA-1.5 l3P-02 B9.40 13T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAt A-A P1.11 CBS13-076 2S108JA-1.5/W-l1 Flange-Pipe 2SIO8JA-1.5 13A-02 69.40 13T-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NPI A-A P1.11 CBS13-077 2S1O8JA-1.5/W-14 Pipe-Coupling 2SIO8JA-1.5 l3A-02 69.40 131-01 l3T-02 Vr-2 VT-2 NPI A-A P1.11 CBS13-078 2SIO8JA-1.5/W-15 Coupling-Pipe 2SIO8JA-1.5 l3A-02 B9.40 131-01 131-02 VT-2 VT-2 NAI P-A P1.20 OBS13-122 2S134A-8/C01 Tee-Pipe 2St34A-8 l3A-02 C5.ll 131-01 131-02 100 VOL-E UT NAI P-A P1.20 CBS13-123 2S134A-8/C23 Pipe-Elbow 2S134A-8 l3A-02 C5.1l 131-01 131-02 100 VOL-E UT NPi 19 7/10/2007 ExeI~n_Byron Station UnIt 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Safety Injection System (SI)Section Xl Component ID Line Number Relief Technical Code Required Actual Results cat.Description


Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments A-A P1.20 2S134A-8/C24 2S134A-8 13P-02 C5 11 100 VOL-E UT NPI Elbow-Pipe l3T-01 I3T-02 CBS13-124 A-A P1.20 CBS13-115 2S182AA-12/C04 Pipe-Elbow 2SI82AA-12 13P-02 C5.l1 13T-01 131-02 100 VOL-E UT NAI P-A P1.20 OBS13-116 2S182AA-12/C05 Elbow-Pipe 2Sl82AA-12 13P-02 C5.1l 13T-01 131-02 100 VCL-E UT NAt 20 7/10/2007 e Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Essential Service Water System (SX)SectionXI'~omponent ID Line Number"Relief~---i~ctu~j~-i~uits-cat.Description Requests Notes Coverage Exam Exam Comments C-C C3.20 2SXO7FA-16/C1OA 2SXO7FA-16 NA 98 SURF MT NAI Closure Plate 2PC-14 CBS13-126 Penetration side obstructed by welded ID plate.21 7/10/2007 Exek, n~Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV)je~ionxi n~ji~~Theii~i~JT~inical Actuat 1 Results~j~~DescrIptlon Requests Notes Exam Comments B-G-1 66.10 2PC-0i-R/N01-N18 VT-l NPI PPV Closure Head Nuts VT-i NPI CBS13-155 B-G-1 B6.10 CBS13-155 2AC-0i-P/N19-N36 APV Closure Head Nuts VT-i VT-i NAI NPI B-G-1 B6.10 CBS13-155 2RC-01-P/N37-N54 PPV Closure Head Nuts VT-i VT-i NPI NAP B-G-1 66.20 CBS13-157 2RC-01-R/S01-S18 PPV Closure Head Studs UT NPI B-G-1 66.20 OBS13-157 2AC-01-R/S19-S36 PPV Cksure Head Studs UT NAt B-G-1 B6.20 CBS13-157 2AC-Oi-R/S37-S54 APV Closure Head Studs UT NPI 1 7/1012007--Ex ek~n_--Byron Station UnIt 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RY)SectionXlCornponentlo

--llTe 1 A Cat.It~DescrIption Requests Notes Exam Comments B-G-2 B7.50 2PYO3BA-6/FLG 1-12 VT-i NAI Piping Flange Bolting VT-i NRI CBS13-164 2007-298:_Nuts, tool marks noted.2007-300: Studs.____________________

_____B-M-2 Bi2.50 2AY8O1OA/PNT SUPF VT-3 NAP Valve Body interior CBS13-167 Disassembled under WO 00886405.2 7/10/2007 Exek)n Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Outage Summary SYSTEM: Steam Generator (SG)-Section Xl Component ID Relief~fechnIcal Actual'Results L Requests Notes Exam Lcomments B-G-2 6730 2AC-01-BC/BLT 1-32 VT-i NAP SG Manway Studs and Nuts CBS13-151 B-G-2 B7.30 2AC-01-BD/BLT 1-32 VT-i NAP SG Manway Studs and Nuts CBS13-152 3 711012007----~Byron Station Unit 2 B2R13 ISI Outage Report Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Outage Summary SYSTEM: Safety Injection System (SI)Section XI Component ID-Relief Technical Actual Results-cat.Item Description Requests Notes Exam Comments B-G-2 B7.50 2SPO8JA-1.5/FLG 1-4 VT-i NAt Piping Flange Bolting CBS13-165 Disassembled under WC 00971151.Mechanical Joint MJ-82C.B-G-2 B7.50 2SIO8JB-1.5/FLG 1-4 VT-i NPI Piping Flange Bolting CBS13-166 Disassembled under WC 00971152.Mechanical Joint MJ-78.B-G-2 B7.70 2S18818C/BLT 1-16 VT-i NAI Valve Studs, Nuts, Bushings, and Washers CBS13-162 Disassembled under WO 00927431.B-M-2 B12.50 2S18818C/INTSUPF VT-3 NAI Valve Body Interior CBS13-163 Disassembled under WC 00927431.4