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Inservice Inspection Report for Interval 3, Period 1, (B2R14), Cover Through Section 2.0
Person / Time
Site: Byron Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/22/2009
From: Hoots D
Exelon Generation Co, Exelon Nuclear
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML090260072 List:
1.10.0101, BYRON 2009-0005
Download: ML090260075 (61)


Nuclear January 22, 2009 LTR:

BYRON 2009-0005 FILE:

1.10.0101 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Byron Station, Unit 2 Facility Operating License No. NPF-66 NRC Docket No. STN50-455


Byron Station Unit 2 90-Day Inservice Inspection Report for Interval 3, Period 1, (B2R14)

The subject 90-Day Inservice Inspection Report for the Byron Station Unit 2, Refueling Outage Fourteen (B2R14) is being submitted pursuant to the requirements of Article IWA-6000, "Records and Reports" of Section XI, "Rules for Inservice inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components," of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 2001 Edition through the 2003 Addenda, The report covers the inservice inspections conducted prior to and during the Unit 2 Fall 2008 refueling outage.

I f there are any questions regarding this matter, please contact Dave Gudger, Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (815)-406-2800.

Site Vice President Byron Generating Station A&achment:

82R14 Insewice Insmion Summary Repart - Fall 2008 oubge




REPORT For Inspection Activities from May 3,2007 to October 24,2008 Commercial Service Date August 21,1987 Document Completion Date January 16,2009 Exelon Generation Company (EGC, LLC) 4300 Winfield Rd Warrenville, 1 L 60555 Byron Nuclear Power Station 4450 North German Church Rd.

Byron, IL 61010






i lcover Page I ii ITable of Contents 1.0 1 Report Introduction 1



3.0 (Status of Examination Completion for the Program Plan 1

7 1

4.0 1 Form NIS-1: Preservice and lnservice Examinations 1

48 1 2.0 1

5.0 IForm NIS-2: Repairs / Modifications I 81 I I

TOTAL PAGES IN REPORT1 192 1 Examination IS1 - Weld / Component Listing PSI - Weld / component is-19 1

1 10 7

11 Summary PSI - Bolts, Pumps, and Valves ~isting Tables IS1 - Pressure Tests IS1 - Component Supports IS1 - Snubbers.



lnservice inspections of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Class 1, 2, 3, CC, and MC components were conducted at Byron Station Unit 2 from May 3, 2007, through October 24,2008. The majority of these inspections were performed during the fourteenth refueling outage (B2R14) from October 5 through October 24, 2008.

The examinations were performed in compliance with the rules and regulations of ASME Section XI, Division 1, Rules for Inservice lnspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, (applicable edition and addenda), pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a, Codes and Standards.

This summary report meets the requirements of ASME Code, IWA-6000 for the inspection of Class 1 and 2 components and piping. Class CC and MC components in the Containment lnservice lnspection (CISI) program are included when examination results require reporting as specified in 10 CFR 50.55a. See 7.0 in this section for a listing of referenced documents.

The Nondestructive Examination (NDE) lnservice lnspection (ISI) Program Plan for Class 1,2,3, CC, and MC components was developed in accordance with the requirements and intent of Section XI Subsections IWA, IWB, IWC, IWD, IWE, IWF and IWL, 2001 Edition, through the 2003 Addenda.

In addition to the ASME Section XI requirements of examination, certain Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) augmented IS1 inspections were required. The Byron Station Unit 2 augmented IS1 examination requirements include:

a) Class 1 pressure boundary for leakage at nominal operating pressure, in accordance with NRC Generic Letter 88-05, Boric Acid Corrosion of Carbon Steel Reactor Pressure Boundary Components in PWR Plants; b) Class 2 and 3 pressure boundary for leakage at nominal operating pressure, in accordance with NUREG 0737, Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements; c) Material Reliability Program MRP-1 39 Primary System Piping Butt Weld lnspection and Evaluation Guideline.

Note: Specific requests for relief were developed and submitted for the NRC's review when the code andlor augmented requirement(s) were deemed to be impractical, results in excessive hardship, or an alternative examination method is determined as more suitable for the particular component.

The Section 7.0 of the IS1 Program Plan contains the examination program tables.

These tables are presented in a tabular format consistent with the tables found in Subsections IWB, IWC, IWD, IWE, IWF, and IWL-2500 of the ASME Code, The examination tables include the corresponding code category, item number, and Section I.0 Page 1 of 5

componentfweld selection in conformance with examination requirements and intent of Subsection IWA, IWB, IWC, IWD, IWE, IWF, and lWL of Section XI of the ASME Code.

For Class 1, 2, and certain non-class piping components, the requirements of Risk Informed Inservice Inspection (RI-ISI) are followed using EPRI TR11265-7 and Table 1 of ASME Code Case N-578-1.

1.2 Identification of Exempted Components ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 components, or parts of components, that are not included in the examination tables and that are exempt from examination, as specified in Section XI Paragraphs IWB, IWC, and IWD-1200, Components Exempt from Examination, and Tables IWB-2500-1, IWC-2500-1, and IWD-2500-1, are identified in the NDE Program Plan in conjunction with technical justification(s) for exempting the componentfsystem.

Class 1 or 2 piping welds exempted by IWB and IWC-1200 are not included in the RI-IS1 program. Previous selection and examination exemptions identified in Tables IWB and IWC-2500-1 for Examination Categories B-F, B-J, C-F-1, and C-F-2, are not allowed under the requirements of the RI-IS1 program. With the adoption of RI-ISI, welds evaluated as Risk Category 6 or 7 are not required to be subject to examination.

1.3 Implementation of the IS1 Proaram Exelon Nuclear, or its designee, visually examined ASME components utilizing the following test methods: VT-1, VT-2, and VT-3. The components examined comply with the IS1 Program Schedule, Byron Station Technical Specifications, andlor comply with the ASME Section XI RepairlReplacement Program.

Certified personnel performed and evaluated visual examinations (i.e., VT-1, VT-2, and VT-3) of Class 1,2, and 3 components, and supports. Exelon Nuclear personnel certification procedures comply with the requirements of ANSIIASNT CP-189, 1995 Edition and ASNT SNT-TC-1 A, 1984 Edition.

Certified personnel performed and evaluated all NDE. Personnel were certified to the requirements of the ASNT SNT-TC-1 A, 1984 Edition. Additionally, ultrasonic examiners were certified in accordance with ANSIIASNT CP-189, 1995 Revision.

The NDE procedures were developed and certified in conformance with ASME Section V and XI as applicable.

All IS1 NDE, including evaluation of flaw indications, were performed in accordance with the requirements stipulated under Section XI, Subarticle IWA-2200 Examination Mefhods. For components incorporated into the RI-IS1 program, the guidance for the examination volume for a given degradation mechanism is provided by the EPRI Topical Report while the guidance for the examination method is provided by Code Case N-578-1.

Section 1.0 Page 2 of 5

1.4 Siqnificant Section XI Activities Durinq B1 R15 During the refueling outage, the Alloy 600 reactor vessel safe-end welds were visually examined for evidence of leakage per the requirements specified in EPRl MRP-139.

1.5 ASME Section XI Code Cases The following code case is incorporated into the current Byron Station IS1 Program and was utilized during the 14'~

fuel cycle.

N-566-2 Corrective Action for L. ea kage Identified at Bolted Connections.

The following code case is used for the implementation of the risk-informed program as described in relief request 13R-02.

N-57'8-1 Risk-Informed Requirements for Class 1, 2, or 3 Piping, Method B.

1.6 Witness and Verification of Examination The inservice inspections were witnessed and/or verified by the Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspectors (ANII): Jeff Hendricks and Lee Malabanan. These inspectors are associated with Hartford Steam Boiler CT of Harford, Connecticut, Chicago Branch, at 2443 Warrenville Rd., Suite 500, Lisle, Illinois 60532.

2.0 EXAMINATION SUMMARIES The following section lists the summaries of examinations performed during the refueling cycle. Refer to Section 2.0 for each summary table for information or for specific tests and examinations conducted during this term.

Welds & Components Summaries lnsewice lnspection - Weld / Component Listing Presewice Inspection - Weld / Component Listing Presewice Inspection - Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Listing

  • System Pressure Test Summaries
  • Component Support Examination Summary Component Snubber Test Summary 3.0 UNIT 2 EXAMINATION COMPLETION STATUS A summary table of the examination status of Class I and 2 components is contained in Section 3.0.

Section I.O Page 3 of 5

FORM NIS-1 DATA SHEETS ASME Form NIS-1, Owners Report for Insewice Inspections, were filed during the cycle for Unit 2. See Section 4.0 for the reports.

FORM NIS-2 DATA SHEETS ASME Form NIS-2, Owners Report for Repairs or Replacements, were filed during the cycle for Unit 2. See Section 5.0 for the reports.

CONTAINMENT IS! PROGRAM No reportable conditions were identified for Class CC and Class MC components during this fuel cycle.

REFERENCED DOCUMENTS Code of Federal Requlations, Title 10 Enerqy Part 50, Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities 50.55a, Codes and Standards American Society of Mechanical Enqineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section V, Nondestructive Examination, 2001 Edition, through 2003 Addenda.

Section XI, Rules for lnservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, 2001 Edition, through 2003 Addenda.

American National Standards Institute / American Societv for Nondestructive Testing ANSIIASNT CP-189, 1995 Edition, Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel American Society for Nondestructive Testing ASNT Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1 A, 1984 Edition, Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive %sting Miscellaneous NRC Documents Generic Letter 88-05, Boric Acid Corrosion of Carbon Steel Reactor Pressure Boundayy Components in PWR Plants, NU REG 0737, Clarification of TM/ Action Plan Requirements.

Section 1.O Page 4 of 5

7.6 Electric Power Research Institute Material Reliability Program Primary System Piping Butt WeM Inspection and Evaluation Guideline (MRP-1 39) July 1 4, 2005.

Topical Report TR 1 1 2657 Revision B-A, Revised Risk-Informed Insewice Inspection Procedure, December 1 999.

Section 1.0 Page 5 af 5


Weld I Component Outage Summary Byron Station Unit 2 82R14 IS1 Outage Report SYSTEM: Chemical & Volume Control System (CV)

Section XldCornpcment ID tine Number Relief Technical '

Code Results Comments 1

C-C C3.30 2CV-01-PAICVPE-1 2CV-01 -PA 13R-05 74 PT NRl Pump Lug 74 VT-1 NRI OBS14-088 Reference relief request 13R-05.


~. -.-

R-A R1.20 2CV08AA-4iC03 2CV08AA-4 13R-02 C5.21 1 00 UT NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-080 R-A R1.20 2CV08AA-4/C1 0 2CV08AA-4 13R-02 C5.21 100 UT NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-081 R-A R1.20 2CV08AA-4Kl 1 2CV08AA-4 13R-02 C5.21 100 UT NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-082 -.

R-A R1.20 2CV08AA-4/C15 2CV08AA-4 13R-02 C5.21 98 UT NRI Pipe - Tee 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-083 Coverage reduced on tee-side due to configuration.


R-A R1.20 2CV08BA-4/C25 2CV08BA-4 13R-02 C5.21 99 UT NRI Pipe - Tee 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-085 Coverage reduced on tee-side due to configuration.

R-A R1.20 2CV09A-4iC02 2CVO9A-4 13R-02 C5.21 96 UT NRI Reducer - Tee 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-084 Coverage reduced on tee-side due to configuration.

- ^ ~.


~_ _-.


R-A R1.20 2CV09A-4fC06 2CV09A-4 13R-02 (25.21 100 UT NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-086


~~~ -.......-

R-A R l.I f

2CVA3B-2NV-70 I

Pipe - Elbow 131-01 13T-02 OBS14-005 A

R-A Rl.11 2CVA3B-W-71 2CVA38-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-006

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Weld / Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Chemical & Volume Control System (CV) w o n XI i ~ ~ m P o n m t ID Line Number Relief I

-1 Comments R-A R l.I 1 2CVA3B-2NV-72 2CVA3B-2 Pipe - Elbow R-A R l.I 1 2CVA3B-YW-73 2CVA3B-2 Elbow - Pipe VT-2 NRI VT-2 NRI R-A R1.ll 2CVA3B-2fW-80 2CVA3B-2 13R-02 69.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 0 6 s14-009 R-A R1.ll 2CVA3B-2iW-81 2CVA3B-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-010 R-A Rl.l 1 2CVA5AA-W-06 2CVA5AA-2 13R-02 59.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS 14-01 1 R-A R l.l 1 2CVA5AA-2NV-07 2CVA5AA-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 0 6 s14-012

---.-.-A R-A R l.l 1 2CVA6AA-2NV-04 2CVA6AA-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-013 R-A R1.ll 2CVA6AA-YW-05 2CVA6AA-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 l3T-02 OBS 14-01 4




R-A R1 11 2CVA7AA-N-06 2CVA7AA-2 13R-02 B9 40 P~pe - Elbow IJT-01 13T-02 OBS14-050 R-A R1.11 2CVA7AA-2nN-07 2CVA7AA-2 13R-02 B9.40 Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-051

... ~.

-. ~

...... -...-.-.~

R-A R l f I 2CVA7AA-;?IW-08 2CVA7AA-2 13R-02 B9 40 Ptpe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-052 VT-2 NRI

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Chemical & Volume Control System (CV) section XI.-

'~om~onent ID

'Line Number Relief Technical :

Code Results I cat.

' b c r i ~ t h L


- - -Ap-- --


--_i Comments - -

R-A R1.20 2CVJ4A-41C09 2CVJ4A-4 13R-02 C5.21 100 UT NRI Pipe - Tee 13T-01 13T-02 06s14-087

... _ ~ ~. ~

Bymn Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Feedwater System (FW)

Section XI Component ID Line Number Relief

' Technical I

Code Actual Results Cat.

'hcri~tim Requests Noa

/ Courrge b~.m

-- _i

he Comments I

R-A R1.ll 2FW03DA-16lC15 2FW03DA-16 13R-02 C5.51 1 00 UT NRI R1.18 Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-092 ID Geometry --


- below recording levels.

R-A Rl.l 1 2FW03DA-161C16 2FW03DA-16 13R-02 C5.51 100 UT NRI R1.18 Pipe-Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-093 ID Geometw seen below recordina levels.

R-A Rl.11 2FW03DA-161C19 2FW03DA-16 13R-02 C5.51 100 UT NRI R1.18 Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-094 ID Geometry seen below recording levels.

R-A R l.I 1 2FW03DA-16lC20 2FW03DA-16 13R-02 C5.51 100 UT NRI R1.18 Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-095 ID Geometw seen below recordina levels.

R-A R l.I 1 2FW03DA-161C21 2FW03DA-16 13R-02 C5.51 100 UT NRI R1.18 Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-096 ID Geometry seen below recording levels.

R-A R l.l 1 2FW03DA-161C22 2FW03DA-16 13R-02 C5.51 100 UT NRI R1.18 Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-097 ID Geometw seen below recordina levels.

R-A R l.I 1

2FW87CA-61C29 2FW87CA-6 13R-02 C5.51 100 UT NRI R1.18 Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-102 ID Geometry seen below reco R-A R1.ll 2RN87CA-6lC30 2W87CA-6 l3R-02 C5.51 100 UT NRI R l.I 8 Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-103 R-A RI.I1 2W87CA-6iC32 2W87CA-6 13R-02 C5.51 100 UT NRI Rl.I 8

Elbow - Nozzle 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-104 ID

.. Gmmetry seen


below recording

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Feedwater System (FW)

Section Xl-4Componsnt ID tins Number Relid Technlcetl,

Code L l c t v a l

~ e s u m

cat, mcrf~tion Requests I

Notee C O V - ~ ~


-- --i 4

Comments R-A R l.l 1

2M87CD-61C33 2FW87CD-6 13R-02 C5.51 100 UT NRI R1.18 Pipe - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-100 ID --

Geometry seen below recording levels. ---

.. -...-...--pp.-

R-A R1.ll 2FW87CD-61C34 2FW87CD-6 13R-02 C5.51 100 UT NRI R1.18 Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-098 ID Geometry seen below recording levels.

R-A R l.l 1

2FW87CD-61C35 2FW87CD-6 13R-02 C5.51 1 00 UT NRI R1.18 Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-099 ID Geometry seen below recording levels.

R-A R l.l 1

2FW87CD-61637 2FW87CD-6 13R-02 C5.51 100 UT NRI R1.18 Elbow - Nozzle 13T-01 13T-02 OBS 14-1 01 ID

. Geometry seen below recording levels.

Weld / Component Outage Summary Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report SYSTEM: Pressurizer (PZR)

Section XI Comp~lcsnt id Rellef Comments I

B-K 81 0.1 0 2RY-01 -S/PSL-01 THRU 2RY-01 -S PT IND 04 Seismic Lug VT-1 IND OBS14-130 Reexam of Lug 1. No change noted in size. Ref: RIR B2R14-PT-003 PT examination supplemented with VT for evaluation.

Weld / Component Outage Summary Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)

%%ion XI Component ID




~umtmr 1


~ctual /R~BSUR~

1 Requests Notes Coverage Exam Commmts


R-A R1.20 2RC01AA-29iJ06 2RC01 AA-29 13R-02 B9.40 SOL - Thermowell 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-015 VT-2 NRI R-A R1.15 2RC-01 -WRPVS-A F1 2RC-01 -R 13R-02 B5.10 BMV NRI B15.90 RPV Nozzle Safe-End HL Loop D 13T-01 13T-02 OBS 1 4-1 42 Bare-Metal examination per MRP-139 requirements. Examined under WO#01019895-01 R-A R1.15 2RC-01-WRPVS-DF1 2RC-01-R 13R-02 85.10 BMV NRI B15.90 RPV Nozzle Safe-End HL Loop C 13T-01 13T-02 0 6 s14-143 Bare-Metal examination per MRP-139 requirements. Examined under WO#01019895-01 R-A R1.15 2RC-01-WRPVS-E F1 2RC-01-R 13R-02 B5.10 BMV NRI B15.90 RPV Nozzle Safe-End HL Loop B 13T-01 13T-02 OBS 14-1 44 Bare-Metal examination per MRP-139 requirements. Examined under WO#01019895-01 R-A R1.15 2RC-01-WRPVS-H F1 2RC-01-R 13R-02 B5.10 BMV NRI B15.90 RPV Nozzle Safe-End HL Loop A 13T-01 13T-02 OBS 14-1 45 Bare-Metal examination per MRP-139 requirements. Examined under WO#01019895-01 R-A R1.20 2RC03AA-27.5iJ02A 2RC03AA-27.5 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI SOL - Thermowell 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-016 R-A R1.20 2RC03AA-27.5iJ04 2RC03AA-27.5 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI SOL - Thermowell 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-017

~ ----

R-A R1. l 1 2RC04AA-121J03 2RC04AA-12 13R-02 89.1 1 100 UT NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS 14-3 21 ID Geometry seen below recording levels.




R-A R l.l I 2RC04AA-lZJO4 2RC04AA-12 13R-02 B9.11 100 UT NRI Elbow - Pipe 13f-07 131-02 OBS14-122 ID Geometry seen below recarding levels.

-- - - - --.~

, ~.

- - ~ - ~~- -.

R-A R l.1 l 2RC04AA-13J05 2RG04AA-72 13R-02 B9.l t 100 UT NRI Pipe - Tee 13T-01 13T-M OBS 14-1 23 wordin 7

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 1st Outage Report Weld / Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC) s&tk" XI 'corn-10-

Line N u m k 1

~el&- ! Technical Code

'Description Cat.

Comments I

R-A R l.l 1 2RC04AA-12iJ06 2RC04AA-12 13R-02 89.1 1 99 UT NRI Tee - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 0 8 s14-124 ID Geometry seen below recording levels. Limitation due to adjacent gLmma plug.

R-A R1.20 2RC04AB-l2/J03 2RC04AB-12 13R-02 89.11 100 UT NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 0 8 s 14-1 08 ID -

Geometry seen below recording levels.

R-A R1.20 2RC04AB-l2/J04 2RC04AB-12 13R-02 89.1 1 100 UT NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 0 8 s14-109 ID Geometry seen below recording levels.

R-A R1.20 2RC05AB-61J02 2RC05AB-6 13R-02 89.1 1 100 UT NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 0 8 s 14-1 10 R-A R1.20 2RC05AB-6JJ03 2RC05AB-6 13R-02 89.1 1 100 UT NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 0 8 s14-111 R-A R1.20 2RC05A8-6JJ04 2RC05AB-6 13R-02 89.1 1 100 UT NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T -02 0 8 s 14-1 12 R-A R1.20 2RC05AB-6iJ05 2RC05AB-6 13R-02 89.1 1 100 UT NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-113




R-A R1.20 2RC13AA-2NV-01 2RC13AA-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI SOL - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 0 8 s14-026

~ -----. -,..




~-.- -. --

R-A Rl.20 2RC13AA-2?N-02 2RC13AA-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Tee t3T-01 13T-02 OBS14-027



- ~. ~

R-A R1.20 2RCi3AA-2NV-03 2RC13AA-2 13R-02 B9.40 VI-2 NRI Tee - Rducer 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-028

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 ISI Outage Report Weld / Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC) 1 R&bf Sectionxi CompawntID I 'Line Number Technical Code

'fferulte W. - Xb8cription Requests.

Not-Coverags Exam 1

i i

1 L --

--A C-mments R-A R1.20 2RC13AA-2M'-04 2RC13AA-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Tee - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-029


R-A R1.20 2RC13AA-W-05 2RC13AA-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Valve 13T-01 13T-02 0 8 s14-030 R-A R1.20 2RC13AB-2NV-01 2RC13AB-2 13R-02 89.40 VF-2 NRI SOL - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-031

Pep R-A R1.20 2RC13AC-m-01 2RC13AC-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI SOL - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 0 8 3 14-032 R-A R1.20 2RC13AD-2NV-01 2RC13AD-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI SOL - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 0 8 s14-033 R-A R1.ll 2RC14AA-2M'-01 2RC14AA-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI SOL - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 0 8 s14-036 R-A R1.I 1

2RC14AA-2M-01A 2RC14AA-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Tee 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-037 R-A R1.ll 2RC14AA-2NV-018 2RC14AA-2 13R-02 69.40 VT-2 NRI Tee - Reducer 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-038


R-A R1.I 1 2RC14AA-2nM-01 C 2RC14AA-2 13R-02 B9.45 VT-2 NRI Tee - Pipe 13T-01 13T-52 OBS14-039



. -~



R-A R 1 1 1 2RC14AA-2iMI-02 2RC14AA-2 13R-02 89 40 Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS 34-04 R-A R1.I 1 2RC14AA-2iW-03 2RC14AA-2 13R-02 89.40 Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-041 VT-2 NRI VT-2 NAI

Weld / Component Outage Summary Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 iSI Outage Report SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC) section XI -:~om~on-ent ID I Une Number cat-Descrlpt ion Requests Note8 Coverage

~ G m e n t r R-A R1.ll 2RC14AA-W-04 2RC14AA-2 13R-02 89.40 Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-042 VT-2 NRI R-A R 1.1 1 2RC14AA-W-05 2RC14AA-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-043 R-A R1.ll 2RC14AA-W-06 2RC14AA-2 13R-02 B9.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Valve 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-044 R-A R l.I 1

2RC14AA-W-07 2RC14AA-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Valve - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-045 R-A R1.ll 2RC14AA-2iW-08 2RC14AA-2 13R-02 B9.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Tee 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-046 R-A R1.ll 2RC14AA-2iW-09 2RC14AA-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Tee - Reducer 13T-01 13T-02 0 8 s14-047 R-A R1.ll 2RC14AA-W-10 2RC14AA-2 13R-02 B9.40 Tee - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-048 VT-2 NRI R-A R1.ll 2RC14AA-W-11 2RC14AA-2 13R-02 B9.40 Pipe - Valve 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-049 VT-2 NRI R-A R l.I 1 2RC16AA-2NV-03 2RC16AA-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Valve - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-053 R-A Rf.f 7 2RC16AA-2NV-04 2RC16AA-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-054

. ~ -.

.... ".~.

R-A R1.11 2RG16AA-2NV-05 2RC16AA-2 13R-02 B9.40 VT-2 NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)

Section XI Component ID RelM Comments 1

R-A R1.ll 2RC16AA-W-06 2RC16AA-2 13R-02 69.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-056 R-A R1.ll 2RC16AA-2NV-07 2RC16AA-2 13R-02 69.40 VT-2 NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-057 R-A R1.ll 2RC16AB-W-04 2RC16AB-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-058 R-A R1.ll 2RC16AB-W-05 2RC16AB-2 13R-02 69.40 VT-2 NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-059 R-A R1.20 2RC16AC-2M1-08 2RC16AC-2 13R-02 69.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - SOL 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-024 R-A R1.20 2RC16AD-M-01 2RC16AD-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Valve - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-025 R-A R1.20 2RC22AA-1.5NV-01 2RC22AA-1.5 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI SOL - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-020 R-A R1.20 2RC22AA-1.5NV-05 2R622AA-1.5 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 06s14-021



R-A R1.20 2RC22AC-1.5MI-01 2RC22AC-1.5 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI SOL - Pipe 131-01 133"-02 OBS14-022





R-A R1.20 2R622AC-1.5NJ-06 2RC22AG-1.5 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Tee 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-023




....- ~. -



R-A R1.20 2RC22AD-1.5/W-01 2RC22AD-1.5 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI SOL - Pipe l3T-51 131-02

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)

SeaionXt ComponantID i


~echniul Code Actual lResuk8 1 Cat.

'Description I Requost8 No-

Coverage EXMI f




- --+

Comrnante I

R-A R1.20 2RC22AD-1.5NV-08 2RC22AD-1.5 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Tee 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-019 R-A R1.20 2RC26A-W-01 2RC26A-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI SOL - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-034 R-A R1.20 2RC26A-W-02 2RC26A-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Valve 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-035 R-A R1.ll 2RC30AA-1.~IN-01 2RC30AA-1.5 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Valve - Reducer 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-079 R-A R l.I 1

2RC37A-31J02 2RC37A-3 13R-02 89.21 100 UT NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-105 ID Geometry seen below recording levels.

R-A R1.ll 2RC37A-31J03 2RC37A-3 13R-02 89.21 100 UT NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS 14-1 06 ID Geometry seen below recording levels.

R-A R l.l I 2RC37A-31J04 2RC37A-3 13R-02 B9.21 100 UT NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-107 ID Geometry seen below recording levels.



Byron Statism Unit 2 B2R14 ISI Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV)

Section XI Component ID

!Line Number c,

--ription 1.-- -


Comments 8-0 B14.10 2RC-01 -WH68 2RC-01 -R RPV CRD Housing OBS 14-1 31 1 00 PT NRI 8-0 014.10 2RC-01-WH75 2RC-01 -R RPV CRD Housing OBS14-132 100 PT NRI

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RY)

Section XI Component ID

' ~ n e Number Rcslief I

Technical ' code Cat.

Description Comments R-A R l.l 1

2RY18A-2NV-01 2RY 18A-2 Valve - Pipe OBS14-001 VT-2 NRI R-A R1.ll 2RY 18A-2NV-02 2RY 18A-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-002 R-A R l.I 1

2RY18A-2NV-03 2RY18A-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-003 R-A R l.l 1

2RY18A-2NV-04 2RY 18A-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - WOL 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-004

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Repoft Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Steam Generator (SG)

Section XI Component ID

/Line Numba Technical code m a t I

Comments I

B-D B3.140 2RC-01 -BA/N-I A-NIR 2RC-01 -BA Primary Nozzle lnner Radius OBS 14-1 14 95 EVT-1 NRI Per 10 CFR 50,55a(b)(Z)(xxi)(A) allows a visual examination with enhanced magnification to be performed on the inside radius section in lieu of an ultrasonic examination.

B-D 83.140 2RC-01 -BA/N-1 B-NIR 2RC-01 -BA Primary Nozzle lnner Radius 95 EVT-1 NRI OBS14-115 Per 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(xxi)(A) allows a visual examination with enhanced magnification to be performed on the inside radius section in lieu of an ultrasonic examination.

B-B 82.40 2RC-01 -BA/SGC-01 2RC-01 -BA 98 UT IND Stub Barrel - Channel Head 98 UT GEOM OBS14-116 0". 45", and 60" Exams. Spot indication (40% DAC) noted. Tube sheet ID geometry recorded. Ref. RIR#B2R14-UT-052.

C-A C1.30 2RC-01 -BA/SGC-02 2RC-01-BA 96 UT GEOM Stub Barrel Weld 96 UT IND OBS14-117 On, 45", and 60" Exams. Tube sheet ID geometry recorded. 4 mid-wall indications resized. No change in previously noted indication from earlier examinations. Ref. RIR#B2R14-UT-053.

C-A C1.10 2RC-01-BBISGC-03 2RC-01 -BB 98 UT GEOM Stub Barrel - Lower Barrel "AA" 98 UT IND OBS14-118 O0, 45", and 60" Exams. 5 mid-wall spot indications from PSI seen with 45". 2 mid-wall spot indications from PSI seen with 60". Ref.

RIR# B2R14-UT-054.

100% examination and previous indications resized, no change noted. ID geometry recorded. Obstructed by Hand-Holes and welded attachments.

B-D B3.140 2RC-01-BDIN-1A-NIR 2RC-01 -BD 95 EVT-1 NRI Primary Nozzle lnner Radius OBS 14-1 19 Per 10 CFR 50,55a(b)(Z)(xxi)(A) allows a visual examination with enhanced magnification to be performed on the inside radius section in lieu of an ultrasonic examination.

B-D 83.1 40 2RC-01 -BD/N-18-NIR 2%-01 -BD 95 EVT-1 NRI Primary Nozzle lnner Radius OBS 14-1 20 Per 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(xxi)(A) allows a visual examination with enhanced magnification to be performed on the inside radius section in lieu of an ultrasonic examination.





Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Weid I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Safety Injection System (SI)

Section XI

~om~onent ID Une Number 1


, lschnicat '

~ o d s


-ription I

--- -1 L.

Comments I

R-A R1.20 2S1016-2K35 25101 8-24 Pipe - Pipe OBS14-146 Root Geometry 360" intermittent.

100 UT GEOM R-A R1.20 2S1016-24fC36 28101 6-24 13R-02 C5.11 100 UT GEOM Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 0 6 s 14-1 47 Root Geometry 360" intermittent.

R-A R1.20 2S1016-24fC37 28101 6-24 13R-02 C5.11 100 UT NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-148 R-A R1.20 2S102BA-6/C01 2S1026A-6 Reducer - Pipe OBS14-149 13R-02 C5.11 100 UT NRI 13T-01 13T-02 R-A R1.20 2S10266-61C01 2S1026B-6 13R-02 C5.11 100 UT NRI Reducer - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 0 6 s 14-1 50 R-A R1.20 2S1086-4/C05 2S108B-4 13R-02 C5.21 100 UT NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-091 ID Geometry seen below --

recording levels.


R-A R1.11 2S108FA-3/J16 2S108FA-3 13R-02 69.22 100 UT NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-134 ID Geometry seen below recording levels. -


R-A R l '11 2S108FA-31J17 2S108FA-3 13R-02 89.22 100 UT NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-135 ID Geometry seen below rxording levels.


R-A R l.I 1

ZSI08FA-3J32 2S108FA-3 13R-02 89.22 100 UT MRI Elbow - Elbow l3T-07 13T-02 0 8 s14-136 ID Geometw seen below recordina levels.

R-A R1.11 2S108FA-3iJ33 ZS108FA-3 13R-02 B9.22 100 UT NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-Of 13T-02 OBS14-137 ID Geometry seen below recording levels.

~.. "


Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS! Outage Report Weld / Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Safety Injection System (Sf)

RelW Section XI Component ID Line Number Technical cet.

'-vim I


-- - I

- -------I-Cofnments

-- -- -i R-A R1.ll 2Sl08FA-3fJ34 2S108FA-3 Pipe - Elbow OBS14-138 ID Geometry


seen below recording levels.

13R-02 B9.22 1 00 UT NRI 13T-01 13T-02 R-A R1.ll 2S108FA-3iJ35 2S108FA-3 13R-02 89.22 100 UT NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS 14-1 39 ID

-- Geometry seen below recording

~-~ levels.



A R-A R1.ll 2S108FA-31J36 2S108FA-3 13R-02 B9.22 100 UT NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS 44-14 p-ppp.-




R-A R i.l 1

2S108HA-2M-01 2S108HA-2 Reducer - Coupling VT-2 NRI R-A R1.ll 2S108HA-2NV-02 2S108HA-2 t3R-02 B9.40 VT-2 NRI Coupling - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-061



R-A R1.ll 2S108HA-2NV-03 2S108HA-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Flange 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-062 p--..------------p.--


R-A R1.I 1 2S108HA-2NV-04 2S108HA-2 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Flange - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-063







R-A R l.l 1 2S108HA-2NV-05 2S108HA-2 Pipe - Coupling VT-2 NRI R-A R l, 1 1 2S108HA-2N\\I-06 2S108HA-2 t3R-02 69.40 VT-2 NRI Coupling - Reducer 13T-01 13T-02 R-A R1.I 7 2SIQBJA-1.5NV-01 2S108JA-1.5 13R-02 B9.40 VT-2 NRI Reducer - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02

Weld / Component Outage Summary Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report SYSTEM: Safety Injection System (Sf) 3 Sectionxi Compooent10

/Line Number RelM I Technical !


fasulta 1 cglt.

m i P t i o n I


Requests 1


Coverage E


--.L i

-- --L

- i i

Comments 7

R-A R1.ll 2S108JA-1.5NV-02 2S108JA-1.5 13R-02 B9.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-067



. - - ~ ~

R-A R1.ll 2SIO8JA-1.5NV-03 2S108JA-1.5 13R-02 B9.40 VT-2 NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-068 R-A R1.ll 2S108JA-1.5NV-04 2S108JA-1.5 13R-02 89.40 VF-2 NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-069 R-A R1.ll 2S108JA-1.5NV-05 2S108JA-1.5 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-070 R-A R1.ll 2S108JA-1.5NV-05A 2S108JA-1.5 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Valve 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-071 R-A R1.ll 2SIO8JA-1.5NV-05B 2S108JA-1.5 13R-02 B9.40 VT-2 NRI Valve - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-072 R-A R1.ll 2S108JA-1.5NV-06 2S108JA-1.5 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Elbow 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-073 R-A R1.11 2S108JA-1.5NV-07 2S108JA-1.5 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Elbow - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-074


-...-- -.~

R-A R1.I 1 2SIOWA-1.5NV-10 2S108JA-1.5 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Flange 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-075


- * ~


R-A Rl.11 2SIOMA-1.5NV-11 2StOB)A-1.5 13R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Flange - Pipe 13T-01 131-02 OBS14-076

~ ---.-


R-A R i.I 3 2SIOBiA-1.5N\\f-14 2SIOWfA-1.5 l3R-02 89.40 VT-2 NRI Pipe - Coupling 137'-O 1 13T-02

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary SYSTEM: Safety Injection System (SI)

Section XI Component ID Reiiet 1


Code Notel?

Comments I

R-A R1 11 2S108JA-1 5NV-15 2S108JA-1 5 13R-02 B9 40 VT-2 NRI Coupl~ng - P~pe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-078 B-K 810 20 2S108JA-1 5NV-16 2SIO8JA-1 5 N A 1 00 PT NRI Closure Plate OBS14-141 p~

-- ~

R-A R1.20 2S113A-61C02 2S113A-6 13R-02 C5.11 1 00 UT NRI Pipe - Tee 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-151 R-A R1.20 2S113A-61C04 2Sll3A-6 13R-02 C5.11 100 UT NRI Tee - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 OBS14-152 R-A R1.20 2SIFQA-8/C03 2SIFQA-8 13R-02 C5.11 100 UT NRI Tee - Reducer 13T-01 131-02 OBS14-089 ID Geometry seen below recording levels.

R-A R1.20 2SIF9A-81C04 2SIF9A-8 13R-02 C5.11 100 UT NRI Tee - Reducer 13T-01 131-02 OBS14-090 ID Geometry seen below recording levels.

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Weld I Component Outage Summary (Preservice Inspections)

SYSTEM: Safety injection System (SI)

Section XI Component ID ILine PIumber


'Technkal Coda

'~equlred '~ctual Results

Cat, Item -%@scription Requests Notes Coverage j~xarn Exam

_i -

L i

L i-7 Comments N A NA 2S118FC-2NV-01.O1 2S118FC-2 13R-02 89.40 100 SURF PT NRI Valve - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 Baseline exam of replacement weld W-3, WO#00927423-03.


N A NA 2S118FC-2NV-01A 2S118FC-2 13R-02 89.40 SURF PT NRt Pipe - Coupling 13T-01 13T-02 Baseline exam of new weld W1-1. WO#00927423-01.

N A NA 2S118FC-2NV-018 2Sll8FC-2 13R-02 89.40 SURF PT NRI Coupling - Pipe 13T-01 13T-02 Baseline exam of new weld W 1-2. WO#00927423-01.

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Detailed Inservice Inspection Bolts, Pumps, and Valves Listing (PSI)

SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RY)

Section XI Component ID

'wid Technical Actual

'ffesults Cat. nm b C r i P 1 i = l

,Requests Notea Exam


i- - -


---i B-G-2 B7.50 2RY03BB-6iFLG 1-1 2 VT-1 NRI Piping Flange Bolting



Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Pressure Test Outage Summary SYSTEM: Containment Spray System (CS)

Section XI Component ID 4


' Technical i Actual

~ ~ s u ~ t s

' Requests Notes Exam cat.


_i-... -A L

1 Comments C-H C7.10 2-CS-2-1 13T-61 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-CS-2-2 13T-04 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-CS-2-3 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-CS-2-4 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-CS-2-5 VT-2 NRI

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Pressure Test Outage Summary SYSTEM: Chemical & Volume Control System (CV)

Section XI

,Component ID

Relief Technical Actual f3esults ck. ttm f3equest.t.

Notes Exam Comments I

C-H C7.10 2-CV-2-1 C-H C7.10 2-CV-2-10 13T-04 VT-2 NRI 13T-04 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-CV-2-2 13T-04 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-CV-2-3 13T-04 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-CV-2-4 131-04 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-CV-2-5 13T-04 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-CV-2-7 131-04 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-CV-2-8 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-CV-2-9 W-2 NRI

Pressure Test Outage Summary Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report SYSTEM: Fuel Pool Cooling System (AF)

Section XI Component ID


Relief Technkal 1 Actual Results Cat.

Item I Requests 1 Notes Exam




I Comments C-H C7.10 2-FC-2-1 13T-04 VT-2 NRI

Byron Ststtam Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Pressure Test Outage Summary SYSTEM: Fire Protection System (FP)

W o n XI-,Component I0 Relief

, Technical Actual fbsults Requests P(ot6, Exam I


Item I



-7 Comments C-H C7.10 2-FP-2-1 VF-2 NRI

Byron Station Unit 2 B2Rt 4 IS1 Outage Report Pressure Test Outage Sumary SYSTEM: Process Sampling System (PS)

Section XI Compwtbnt ID I


' Technical i Actual Results


~oteo i

~xm '





-- I L

Comments C-H C7.10 2-PS-2-1 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-PS-2-2 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-PS-2-3


13T-04 VT-2 NRI -

C-H C7.10 2-PS-2-4 13T-04 VT-2 NRI -

C-H C7.10 2-PS-2-5 13T-04

'0-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-PS-2-6


13T-04 VT-2 NRI

Pressure Test Outage Summary Byron Station Unit 2 82R14 IS1 Outage Report SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)

Section XI Component ID

, ~echnical


~asults Cat.

Item 1 Rsquww Notes Exam 1.


-.L -L_-

Comments B-P 815.10 2-RC-1-1 131-04 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-RC-2-1 VT-2 NRI

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Pressure Test Outage Summary SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal System (RH)

- section XI

'component ID


' Technical 1 Actual

' Resuits cat, -&7 Requests Notes 1

Exam L ---


---L L



Commentr, C-H C7.10 2-RH-2-1 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-RH-2-2 13T-04 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-RH-2-3 13T-04 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-RH-2-4 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-RH-2-5 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-RH-2-6 13T-04 VT-2 NRI

Pressure Test Outage Summary Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RY)

Section XI Component ID Relief Technical,

Actual Results Cat.

Item Request*

Notes Exam

- - --__A 1.-

Comments I

C-H C7.10 2-RY-2-1

~ --..


Pressure Test Outage Summary Byran Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report SYSTEM: Steam Generator Blowdown System (SD)

Section XI Component ID

' Relief Technkal /


, F?esults,




Request$ -

~ t e o

_i Exam i Comments -

C-H C7.10 2-SD-2-1 VT-2 NRI

Pressure Test Outage Summary Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report SYSTEM: Safety Injection System (SI)

Section Xt Component ID Relief Technical ?

Actual Resuits Cat.

H e m Request8 Notes 1 Om

-.L i

--i Comments C-H C7.10 2-SI-2-1 13T-04 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-Sl-2-2 13T-04 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-Sl-2-3 13T-04 VT-2 NRl

.-A-C-H C7.10 2-51-24 13T-04 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 231-2-7 13T-04 VT-2 NRI C-H C7.10 2-Sl-2-8


--p-p----.-pp VT-2 NRI

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Component Support Outage Summary SYSTEM: Auxiliary Feedwater System (AF)

Section Xi

'~omponent ID

- - --- - - + - -- - - - -- - -

- - - - - - - - Line Number Cat.

item Deticrlption i Requwts 1 Not-Exam Commentcr 3

F-A F1.20 2AF02DC-412AF05002X 2AF02DC-4 Seismic VT-3 NRI F-A F1.20 2AF02DC-4/2AF05003V 2AF02DC-4 Variable AS-FOUND COLD SETTING 510 LBS.

VT-3 NRI F-A F1.20 2AF02EA-412AF06001 R 2AF02EA-4 VT-3 NRI Rigid F-A F1.20 2AF02EA-412AF06044G 2AFO2EA-4 VT-3 NRI Guide


F-A F1.20 2FW06AA-412AF06035R 2FW06AA-4 Rigid VT-3 NRI F-A F1.20 2FW87BA-312FW14001 R 2FW87BA-3 Rigid VT-3 NRI

Byron StatC~n Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Component Support Outage Summary SYSTEM: Chemical & Volume Control System (CV)


- - -- &ampon*rtl~

~ i n e - ~ u m b w

! r%;;&ijmG 1 ~ I u l n '. '

cat. Item

~Description I Requests ;

Exam 1---

Comments F-A F1.10 2CVA3AA-212CV11004X 2CVA3AA-2 VT-3 NRI SEISMIC F-A F1.10 2CVA3AA-2f2CV11005X 2CVA3AA-2 VF-3 NRI SEISMIC F-A F1.10 2CVA7AA-212CV25011 X 2CVA7AA-2 W-3 NRI SEISMIC F-A F1.10 2CVA7AA-212CV25013X 2CVA7AA-2 VF-3 NRI SEISMIC F-A F1.10 2CVA7AA-212CV25014X 2CVA7AA-2 VF-3 NRI SEISMIC

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Component Support Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RC)

Section XI Component ID

.._/ ~ i n e

~ u m b k 1 Glef

, ~echnicel-~ Actual j ~tsgults cat.

. ttan 1

k d p t i a,




' ~ a q u ~ t ~

-- i-1 NQW 1

&am 1

comments F-A F1.10 2RC16AA-212CV12002X 2RC16AA-2 VT-3 NRI SEISMIC F-A F1.10 2RC22AC-I-l/2/2RC18006X 2RC22AC-1-112 VT-3 NRI SEISMIC F-A F1.10 2RC22AD-l-l/2/2RC19009X 2RC22AD-1-112 VT-3 NRI SEISMIC

Component Support Outage Summary Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal System (RH)

Line Number Comments I

F-A F l. 1 0 2RH01 AA-1212RH02052X 2RH01 AA-12 SEISMIC VT-3 NRI F-A F1.10 2RH01 AA-1212RH02056X 2RH01AA-12 SEISMIC VT-3 NRI

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Component Support Outage Summary SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RY) section

- - - XI - - i- '~ompomw ID

- - --- '~ine Number Cat.

ttem lf)escrlptlon Comments F-A F1.10 2RY01 B-612RY06021 V 2RY01 B-6 VARIABLE Cold Settina = 3-114" VF-3 NRI

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Component Support Outage Summary SYSTEM: Safety Injection System (SI)

~ection XI component ID

~ina umber

..-.-- -.. -.- -4 i

t?elief Technical Actual Results /


Hem description

! Requests Notes I E u m i

i A


Comments F-A F1.10 2S104D-8/2RH02018X 2S104D-8 SEISMIC VT-3 NRI F-A F1.10 2S104D-8/2RH02023X 2S104D-8 SEISMIC VT-3 NRI F-A F1.10 2S105DA-612S101008X 2S105DA-6 SEISMIC VT-3 NRI F-A F1.10 2S105DA-6/2S101013X 2S105DA-6 VT-3 NRI SEISMIC F-A F1.10 2S108JA-l-l/2/2S12400lX 2S108JA-1-112 SEISMIC VT-3 NRI F-A F1.10 2SI08JA-l-l12/2S124005X 2S108JA-1-112 SEISMIC VT-3 NRI F-A F1.10 2S108JA-l-l/2/2S124006X 2S108JA-1-112 SEISMIC VT-3 NRI F-A F1.10 2S108JA-l-l/2/2S124009X 2S108JA-1-112 SEISMIC VT-3 NRI F-A F1.10 2S108JA-l-l12/2S124011X 2S108JA-1-112 SEISMIC VT-3 NRI

Byron Station Unit 2 B2R14 IS1 Outage Report Component Support Outage Summary SYSTEM: Essential Service Water System (SX) section XI

/component ID i--

Line Number Relief Technical /

Actual Results-'


Item pcription Rqumts Notes Exam

_ - -- -- _ _L--


-- - - ---A-

- 1 Comments F-A F1.20 2SX07CA-1 Of2SX08026X 2SX07CA-10 VT-3 NRI SEISMIC ALL WELDS ARE PAINTED

. pp_---_----p---_.----~---.





_ --~--.___-------~-..-..--.p-~----.-.--------..-.-.---~..._

Byron Station Outage B2R14 Snubber Outage Summary (Page 1 of 11)


section -.

XI - --

/~omponent ID Line Number Relief ' Technical Actual 1 fW~uit8 :



- ~@+crif 1 1 - -


- - - Notmi 1 Exam.- 1-- -. --1 Comments F-A F i.20 ZRN87BB-312RNi2001S 2FW87BB-3 SNUBBER VI-3 NRI SR FT PASS Note: Section XI Cafegoy numbers NiA-ed are exempt from IWF-1220 and IWF-2500 tables 1

Byron Station Unit 2 Byron Station Outage B2R14 Snubber Outage Summary (Page 2 of 1 1 )

SYSTEM: Containment Sprav Svstem (CS)

Section XI

~om~onent ID

- - Line Number 1

Relief I Technical 1 W a l 1 Results cn. - nm l&&ptlm 1 Request. '

Notes Exam I _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ -. X I

1- -- -.A -.--,

Comments F-A F1.20 2CSO2AA-l0/2CS03AOf 25 2CS02AA-10 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR FT PASS



F-A F1.20 2CS02AB-l0/2CS03B0185 2CS02AB-10 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR Note: Sstion XI Category numbers NiA-ed are exempt from IWF-1220 and IWF-2500 tables 2

Byron Station Unit 2 Byron Station Outage B2R14 Snubber Outage Summary (Page 3 of 11)


section - XI -- -

- l~om~onent ID I -


'~ine Number

! Redid : Technical Actual

\\ ~ w u l t s Cat.

Item l~cription Request, '

Notes I. Exam

- 1 2-... --,

1 - - - -.,


F-A F1.20 2CV05CB-S12CV08006S 2CV05CB-6 SNUBBER VF-3 NRI SR FT PASS F-A F1.20 2CV05CB-612CV08010S 2CV05CB-6 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR FT PASS F-A F1.20 2CV05CB-612CV08013S 2CV05CB-6 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR FT PASS NA NA 2CV1 OCA-312CV03002S 2CV1 OCA-3 SNUBBER VF-3 NRI SR FT PASS NA NA 2CV14EB-212CV36004S 2CV14EB-2 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR NA NA 2CV14ED-2CZCV41009-Sl 2CV14ED-2 DBL VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR FT PASS F-A F1.10 2CV14FB-212CV36002S 2CV14FB-2 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR NA NA 2CV15AA-W2CV27001 S 2CV15AA-314 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR FT PASS NA NA 2CV15AC-31412CV29002S 2CV15AC-314 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR NA NA 2CV15DA-31412CV31007S 2CV15DA-314 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR FT PASS NA NA 2CVIfiBA-3/4/2CV50003S 2CV168A-314 SNUBBER VF-3 NRI SR NA NA 2CV43BC-212CV13034S ZCV43BC-2 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR F-A F'r. l O ZCV458-212RY06t 16s 2CV45B-2 W-3 NRI SNUBBER SR FT PASS F-A F1.10 26VA(5AA-~2CVO902CiS 26VA6AiAA-2 SNUBBER W-3 NRI SR Ff PASS F-A Fl.I O 26VA6AA-212CV25025S 2CVAfiAA-2 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR F-T PASS F-A Ft.lo 2CVA7AA-a26V25016S 26VA7AA-2 SNUBBER Note: S~iction XI Category numbers NiA-fjd are exempt from IWF-1220 and IWF2500 tables 3

Byron Station Unit 2 Byron Station Outage B2R14 Snubber Outage Summary (Page 4 of 11)

SYSTEM: Chemical & Volume Control Svstern (CVZ r

~ i & Number

Relief I Technical /

Actual Results7 t

I Requests Notes 1


_ - - _ - -. I - - _.. - i - -

- - I

- 1

~&mmts NA

%A 2CVB7BA-312CV23012S 2CVB7BA-3 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR Note: Section XI Gategory numbers (VIA-& are exempt from IWF-1220 and IWF-2500 tables 4

Byron Station Unit 2 Byron Station Outage B2R14 Snubber Outage Summary (Page 5 of 11)

SYSTEM: Feedwater Svstern fFW)

I section XI

-t '~orn~onmt ID -

Line Number Relief

/ Technical cat:


- i e i p t i o n 2

, Requests Notes i - -.-..



_i F-A F1.20 2FW03DA-1612W02003S 2W03DA-16 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR F-A F1.20 2FW03DB-1612W03016S 2FW03DB-16 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR F-A F1.20 2W03DB-l6/2FW03017S 2FW03DB-16 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR FT PASS

- -..p-.-.-------..----.

F-A Fl.20 2FW87CA-61'2FW06002S 2FW87CA-6 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR FT PASS Note: Section XI Categoy numbers NiA-c?d are exempt from IWF-1220 and IWF-2500 tables 5

Byran Station Unit 2 Byron Station Outage B2R14 Snubber Outage Summary (Page 6 of 11)

SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant Svstem (RC)

-ion XI

'~ompment ID - - - - - -. - Line Number C/ - - n*.

- ~ ~ & i V i ~

- - - - -1

- - -- - -- - -... -- - -i Comment.

F-A F1.40 2RC01 BA-2A12RCOl BA-A 2RC01 BA-2A SNUBBER F-A F1.40 2RC01 BA-2A12RC01 BA-B 2RC01 BA-2A SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR VT-3 NRI SR F-A F1.40 2RC01 BE-2Bl2RC01 BB-A 2RC01 BE-2B VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR F-A F1.40 2RC01 BB-2B/2RC01 BE-B 2RC01 BE-2B VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR

.-.-A F-A F1.40 2RC01 BC-2C12RC01 BC-A 2RC01 BC-2C VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR F-A F1.40 2RC01 BC-2Cl2RC01 BC-B 2RC01 BC-2C VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR FT PASS F-A F1.40 2RC01 BD-2C/2RC01 BD-A 2RC01 BD-2C VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR F-A F1.40 2RC01 BD-2C12RC01 BD-B 2RC01 BD-2C VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR NA NA 2RCO8AB-3/4/2RC17003S 2RC08AB-314 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR FT PASS F-A F l.10 2RC13AB-212CV15002S 2RC13AB-2 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR




F-A Fl.10 2RC14AA-212CV11003S 2RC14AA-2 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR FT PASS F-A F1.10 2RC14AB-212CV15014S 2RC14AB-2 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR F-A F1.10 2RC14AB-212CV15053S 2RC14AB-2 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR F-A F1.10 2RC14AD-212CV25023S 2RG14AD-2 SNUBBER V7-3 NRI SR FT PASS F-A F l.10 2RC16AC-212CV13031 S 2RC16AC-2 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR F'r PASS F-A Ff. l 5 2RC22AA-1.512RC16001S 2RC22AA-1-112 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR FT PASS Note: Swtion XI Category numbers NiA-ed are exempt from IWF-1225 and IWF-2500 tables 6

Byron Station Unit. 2 Byron Station Outage B2R14 Snubber Outage Summary (Page 7 of 1 I )

SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant Svstern (RC)


-- - - XI

- - ;component ID

- illrn c_.k-- r t ~ m

-- T?!!+lmI

-: 1 L. _

+ -- - _.

- I Comment8 F-A F l. 1 0 2RC22AA-1.512RC16002S 2RC22AA-1-112 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR FT PASS F-A F1.10 2RC22AA-1.512RC1601 l S 2RC22AA-1-112 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR F-A F1.10 2RC22AA-1.512RC16012S 2RC22AA-1-112 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR FT PASS F-A F1.10 2RC22AA-1.512RC16013S 2RC22AA 112 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR F-A F1.10 2RC22AB-1.512RC17002S 2RC22AB-1-112 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR F-A F1.10 2RC22AB-1.512RC17008S 2RC22AB-1-112 SNUBBER F-A F1.10 2RC22AB-1.512RC17015S 2RC22AB-1-112 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI FT PASS VT-3 NRI F-A F l. 1 0 2RC22AC-1.512RC18007S 2RC22AC-1-112 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR NA NA 2RC48BC-11212RC90C015S 2RC48BC-112 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR FT PASS NA NA 2RC48BD-11212RC90D022S 2RC48BD-112 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR FF PASS Note: Section XI Gatewry numbers MIA-& are exempt from IWF-1220 and IWF-2500 tables 7

Byron Station Unit 2 Byron Station Outage B2R14 Snubber Outage Summary (Page 8 of 11)

SYSTEM: Residual Heat Removal Svstem (RH1

- - - - -- i l~ine



R&id Technical 1 Exm Actuai I Results I Request8 1 Notes 1 - - -

1 A

F-A F1.20 2RHOlAA-1212RH02059S 2RHOlAA-12 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR F-A F1.10 2RHOlAA-l2/2RH02107S 2RHOlAA-12 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR F-A F1.20 2RH02AA-812RH07006S 2RH02AA-8 VT-3 NRI SNUBBER SR FT PASS F-A F1.20 2RH02AA-812RH07011 S 2RH02AA-8 SNUBBER VF-3 NRI SR FT PASS NIA SNUB 2RH02AA-812RH07017-S1 2RH02AA-8 SNUBBER NIA SNUB 2RH02AA-812RH07017-S2 2RH02AA-8 SNUBBER DBL VT-3 NRI SR FT PASS DBL VT-3 NRI SR FT PASS NA NA 2RH26AA-314f2RH0212tS 2RH26AA-314 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR Note: Section XI Category numbers NiA-ed are exempt from IWF-1220 and IWF-2500 tables 8

Byran Station Unit 2 Byron Station Outage B2R14 Snubber Outage Summary (Page 9 of 11)

SYSTEM: Reactor Coolant System (RY) section

.. XI -

i-kompon&t ID Line Number j -~rdief r ~echnicall Actuet ; Results "'



,Description s Requerrts '

Not-Exam I

--i - -.-

1. - _.-,- -

Comments -

F-A Fl. 10 2RY01 AB-412RY06011 S 2RY01 A5-4 SNUBBER VF-3 NRI SR FT PASS F-A Fl.10 2RYOl 5-612RY06076S 2RY01B-6 SNUBBER VF-3 NRI SR FT PASS F-A F1.10 2RY02B-312RY09005S SNUBBER F-A F1.10 2RYllA-l4/2RY05003S SNUBBER VT-3 NRI FT PASS VT-3 NRI F-A F1.10 2RY18A-2t2RY06114S 2RY 18A-2 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR FT PASS Note: S ~ t i o n XI Category numbers NiA-ed are exempt from IWF-1220 and IWF-2500 tables 9

Byron Station Unit 2 Byron Station Outage B2R14 Snubber Outage Summary (Page 10 of 11)

SYSTEM: Steam Generator Biowdown Svstern (SD)



- - XI - -

~om~onent ID

- - - - Line Number I - -


item Daseription i


Commenh NA NA 2SD01 CA-Z2SD02004S 2SD01 CA-2 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR NA NA 2SDOlCC-Z2SD03001S 2SDOlCC-2 SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR FT PASS Note: Swtion XI Catelgttfy numbers NiA-ed are exempt from IWF-1220 and IWF-2500 tables 10

Byron Station Unit 2 Byron Station Outage B2R14 Snubber Outage Summary (Page 11 of 11)

SYSTEM: Safety Injection System (SI)

NIA SNUB 2S105DD-6/2S103014-S1 2S105DD-6 SNUBBER DBL VT-3 NRI SR FT PASS NIA SNUB 2S105DD-6/2S103014-S2 2S105DD-6 SNUBBER DBL VT-3 NRI SR FT PASS F-A F1.20 2S106BB-24/2S106240S SNUBBER VT-3 NRI SR FT PASS Note: Section Xi Category numbers NiA-ed are exempt from IWF-I220 and IWF-2500 tables 1 1