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Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report
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Issue date: 08/29/2011
Ameren Missouri
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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Enclosure 1 to ULNRC-05781 ENCLOSURE 1 CALLA WA Y PLANT NFPA 805 TRANSITION REPORT Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant Unit 1 Transition to 10 CFR 50.48(c) -NFPA 805 Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants, 2001 Edition ?O Ameren MISSOURI Callaway Plant Transition Report August 2011 Attachments C, 0, E, G, K, S, U, V, and W of Enclosure 1 to this letter contain security-related information.

Withhold from public disclosure under 10 CFR 2.390. Upon removal of Attachments C, 0, E, G, K, S, U, V, and W of Enclosure 1, this letter is uncontrolled.

Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Acronym List ..............................................................................................................................

iv System Designator List ......*........*....*.*..............*...........**.*...................*.............................***.*.

vii Executive Summary ......*..............................................*..*...........................................................




1 1.1 Background


1 1.1.1 NFPA 805 -Requirements and Guidance ..........................................

1 1.1.2 Transition to 10 CFR 50.48(c) .............................................................

2 1.2 Purpose .....................................................................


3 2.0 OVERVIEW OF EXISTING FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAM .................................

4 2.1 Current Fire Protection Licensing Basis ..........................................................

4 2.2 NRC Acceptance of the Fire Protection licenSing Basis .................................

4 3.0 TRANSITION PROCESS .........................................................................................

7 3.1 Background


7 3.2 NFPA 805 Process ..........................................................................................

7 3.3 NEI 04-02 -NFPA 805 Transition Process .....................................................

8 3.4 NFPA 805 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) .............................................

9 4.0 Compliance with NFPA 805 Requirements


11 4.1 Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements .......................

11 4.1.1 Overview of Evaluation Process ........................................................

11 4.1.2 Results of the Evaluation Process .....................................................

13 4.1.3 Definition of Power Block and Plant ...................................................

14 4.2 Nuclear Safety Performance Criteria .............................................................

14 4.2.1 Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment Methodology


14 4.2.2 Existing Engineering Equivalency Evaluation Transition


22 4.2.3 Licensing Action Transition


23 4.2.4 Fire Area Transition


25 4.3 Non-Power Operational Modes .....................................................................

28 4.3.1 Overview of Evaluation Process ........................................................

28 4.3.2 Results of the Evaluation Process .....................................................

31 4.4 Radioactive Release Performance Criteria ...................................................

32 4.4.1 Overview of Evaluation Process ........................................................

32 4.4.2 Results of the Evaluation Process .....................................................

32 4.5 Fire PRA and Performance-Based Approaches


33 4.5.1 Fire PRA Development and Assessment


33 4.5.2 Performance-Based Approaches


36 4.6 Monitoring Program .......................................................................................

39 4.6.1 Overview of NFPA 805 Requirements for the NFPA 805 Monitoring Program .............................................................................................

39 4.6.2 Overview of Post-Transition NFPA 805 Monitoring Program .............

40 August 2011 Page i Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 4.7 Program Documentation, Configuration Control, and Quality Assurance

..... 42 4.7.1 Compliance with Documentation Requirements in Section 2.7.1 of NFPA 805 ......................................................................................

42 4.7.2 Compliance with Configuration Control Requirements in Section 2.7.2 and 2.2.9 of NFPA 805 .............................................................

44 4.7.3 Compliance with Quality Requirements in Section 2.7.3 of NFPA 805 ..........................................................................................

47 4.8 Summary of Results ......................................................................................

50 4.8.1 Results of the Fire Area Review ........................................................

50 4.8.2 Plant Modifications and Items to be Completed During the Implementation Phase .....................................................................

138 4.8.3 Supplemental Information

-Other Callaway Plant Specific Issues ..............................................................................................




141 5.1 Introduction

-10 CFR 50.48 .......................................................................

141 5.2 Regulatory Topics ........................................................................................

146 5.2.1 License Condition Changes .............................................................

146 5.2.2 Technical Specifications


146 5.2.3 Orders and Exemptions


146 5.3 Regulatory Evaluations


146 5.3.1 No Significant Hazards Consideration


146 5.3.2 Environmental Consideration


146 5.4 Transition Implementation Schedule ...........................................................





148 August 2011 Page ii Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report A TT ACHMENTS *******..**************......*....*..****..*.....**.*****..*.***..*.**........*..*.******.********..........**.********

156 A. NEI 04-02 Table B-1 Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program & Design Elements .......................................................................................................................

A-1 B. NEI 04-02 Table B-2 -Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment

-Methodology Review ..........................................................................................................................

B-1 C. NEI 04-02 Table B-3 -Fire Area Transition


C-1 D. Non-Power Operational Modes Transition


D-1 E. NEI-04-02 Radioactive Release Transition


E-1 F. Fire-Induced Multiple Spurious Operations Resolution


F-1 G. Recovery Actions Transition


G-1 H. NFPA 805 Frequently Asked Question Summary Table ...............................................

H-1 I. Definition of Power Block ................................................................................................

1-1 J. Fire Modeling V&V .........................................................................................................

J-1 K. Existing Licensing Action Transition


K-1 L. NFPA 805 Chapter 3 Requirements for Approval (10 CFR 50.48(c)(2)(vii>>


L-1 M. License Condition Changes ..........................................................................................

M-1 N. Technical Specification Changes ..................................................................................

N-1 O. Orders and Exemptions


0-1 P. RI-PB Alternatives to NFPA 805 10 CFR 50.48(c)(4)


P-1 Q. No Significant Hazards Evaluations



Q-1 R. Environmental Considerations Evaluation


R-1 S. Plant Modifications and Items to be Completed During Implementation


S-1 T. Clarification of Prior NRC Approvals


T-1 U. Internal Events PRA Quality ..........................................................................................

U-1 V. Fire PRA Quality ...........................................................................................................

V-1 W. Fire PRA Insights .........................................................................................................

W-1 X. Other Requests for Approval.. .......................................................................................


F&O FP FPA FPE FPIE FPP FPRA FR FSA August 2011 Acronym List Description Agencywide Document Access and Management System Alternate Emergency Power Supply Auxiliary Feedwater Authority Having Jurisdiction American Nuclear Society American National Standards Institute Auxiliary and Power Conversion Systems Branch Auxiliary Systems Branch Atmospheric Steam Dump American Society of Mechanical Engineers Auxiliary Shutdown Panel Branch Technical Position Callaway Action Request Component Cooling Water Core Damage Frequency Consolidated Model of Fire Growth and Smoke Transport Code of Federal Regulations Chemical Engineering Branch Cold Shutdown Current Transformer Design Basis Design Basis Accident Design Basis Document Defense-I n-Depth Emergency Diesel Generator Engineering Equivalency Evaluation Existing Engineering Equivalency Evaluation Emergency Operating Procedure Electric Power Research Institute Electrical Raceway Fire Barrier Systems Emergency Operating Procedure Engineered Safety Features Essential Service Water Frequently Asked Question Fire DynamiCS Simulator Fire Dynamics Tool Fire Induced Vulnerability Evaluation Flame Spread over Horizontal Cable Trays Facts and Observations Fire Protection Foote, Pagni, and Alvares Fire Protection Engineer Full Power Internal Events Fire Protection Program Fire Probabilistic Risk Assessment Federal Register Fire Safety Analysis Page iv Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report FSAR FSAR SA FSAR SP GDC GL HEP HGL HRE HRR HVAC IEEE 1M IN ISLOCA KSF LAR LB LERF LFS LOCA LPG LSELS MCA MCB MCR MEFS MHIF MQH MSO NEI NEIL NFPA NPO NRC NSCA NSHC NSPC NUMARC NUREG OL OMA P&ID PORV POS PRA PSA PVC PWR PWROG August 2011 Acronym List (continued)

Final Safety Analysis Report Final Safety Analysis Report -Site Addendum Final Safety Analysis Report -Standard Plant General Design Criteria Generic Letter Human Error Probability Hot Gas Layer Higher Risk Evolution Heat Release Rate Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inspection Manual NRC Information Notice Inter-System LOCA Key Safety Function License Amendment Request Licensing Basis Large Early Release Frequency Limiting Fire Scenario Loss of Coolant Accident Liquid Petroleum Gas Load Shed and Emergency Load Sequencer Multi-compartment Analysis Main Control Board Main Control Room Maximum Expected Fire Scenario Multiple High Impedance Fault McCaffrey, Quintiere, Harkleroad Multiple Spurious Operation Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited National Fire Protection Association Non-Power Operations Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment No Significant Hazards Consideration Nuclear Safety Performance Criteria Nuclear Management and Resource Council US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Publication Operating License Operator Manual Action Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Power-Operated Relief Valve Plant Operational State Probabilistic Risk Assessment Probabilistic Safety Assessment Polyvinyl Chloride Pressurized Water Reactor Pressurized Water Reactor Owners Group Page v Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report QA RCA RCP RCS RFR RG RHR RI-PB RIS RP RWST SER SFPE SG SNUPPS SSC SSE TDAFP TDAFW TH TR UE VFDR WCAP August 2011 Acronym List (continued)

Quality Assurance Radiological Controlled Area Reactor Coolant Pump Reactor Coolant System Request for Resolution Regulatory Guide Residual Heat Removal Risk-I nformed, Performance-Based Regulatory Issue Summary Radiation Protection Refueling Water Storage Tank Safety Evaluation Report Society of Fire Protection Engineers Steam Generator Standardized Nuclear Unit Power Plant System Structures, Systems and Components Safe Shutdown Earthquake Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater

[Pump] Thermal Hydraulic Transition Report Union Electric Variance from Deterministic Requirements Westinghouse Commercial Atomic Power Page vi Ameren Missouri System Designator AB AC AD AE AF AK AL AN AP AQ BB BG BL BM BN CA CB CC CD CE CF CG CH DA DB DC DO DE DG EA EB EC EF EG EJ EM EN EP FA FB FC FE GA GB GC GO August 2011 Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report System Designator List System Description Main Steam Main Turbine Condensate Feedwater Feedwater Heater Extraction

& Drains Condensate Demineralizer Auxiliary Feedwater Demineralized Water Stg & Transfer Condensate Transfer & Storage Condensate

& Feedwater Chemical Addition Reactor Coolant Chemical & Volume Control Reactor Makeup Water Steam Generator Blowdown Borated Refueling Water Storage Steam Seals Main Turbine Lube Oil Generator Hydrogen & C02 Generator Seal Oil Stator Cooling Water Lube Oil Storage, Transfer & Purification Condenser Air Removal Main Turbine Control Oil Circulating Water Cooling Tower Makeup & Blowdown Intake Traveling Screens Cooling Water Chemical Control System Intake Structure

& Water Treatment Circ Water Hydraulic Service Water Closed Cooling Water Fuel Pool Cooling & Cleanup Essential Service Water Component Cooling Water Residual Heat Removal High Pressure Coolant Injection Containment Spray Accumulator Safety Injection Auxiliary Steam Generator Auxiliary Steam Auxiliary Turbines Aux Steam Chemical Addition Plant Heating Central Chilled Water Service & Store Bldg HVAC ESW Pumphouse Bldg HVAC Page vii Ameren Missouri GE GF GG GH GK GL GM GN GP GS GT HA HB HC HD HE HF JA JE KA KB KC KD KE KF KH KJ KS LA LB LC LD LE LF MA MB MD MR NB NE NF NG NK NN PA PB PE August 2011 Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report System Designator List (continued)

Turbine Building HVAC Misc. Building HVAC Fuel Building HVAC Radwaste Building HVAC Control Building HVAC Auxiliary Building HVAC Diesel Building HVAC Containment Cooling Containment ILRT Containment Hydrogen Control Containment Purge Gaseous Radwaste Liquid Radwaste Solid Radwaste Decontamination Boron Recycle Secondary Liquid Waste Aux Oil Store & Transfer Emergency Fuel Oil Compressed Air Breathing Air Fire Protection Domestic Water Fuel Handling, Storage & Reactor Vessel Service Cranes, Hoists & Elevators Service Gas (C0 2 -H 2) Standby Diesel Engine Chemical Storage & Handling Sanitary Drainage Roof Drains Yard Drains Chemical Waste Oily Waste Floor & Equipment Drains Main Generator Excitation

& Voltage Regulation Ehv Switch Yard Bus Startup Or Reserve Transformer 4160 VAC Standby Generation

-Diesels Load Shedding & Emergency Load Sequencing 480VAC 125 VDC Instrument Ac Power 13.8 kVAC 4160 VAC Alternate Emergency Power Page viii Ameren Missouri PG PJ PK PN PO OA OB OD OE OF OG OH OJ ON OT RC RD RH RJ RK RL RM RP RR RT RU SA SB SC SD SE SF SG SH SJ SK SL SM SP SO SR SS ST UB August 2011 Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report System Designator List (continued) 480VAC 250 VDC 125 VDC Instrument Ac Power Uninterruptible Ac Power Normal Lighting & 120/208 V Power Standby Lighting Ac Emergency Lighting Dc Telephone System Public Address System (Intercom)

Grounding (Power Block Grounding Grid) Cathodic Protection Freeze Protection Misc. Equipment System Permanent Road Lighting BOP DCS Meteorological Instrumentation Closed Circuit TV Plant Computer Plant Annunciator Main Control Board Process Sampling Misc. Control Panels Radioactivity Release Information Emergency Response Facility Information System Communications (Computer)

Engineered Safety Feature Actuation Reactor Protection Reactor Instrumentation Area Radiation Monitoring Ex-Core Neutron Monitoring Reactor Control Seismic Instrumentation Post Accident Monitoring Nuclear Sampling Plant Security Main Turbine Control Containment Isolation Process Radiation Monitoring Loose Parts Monitoring In-Core Neutron Monitoring A TWS Mitigation System Actuation Circuitry Emergency Response Facility Information System EOF & TSC Diesels, Security Building/System Page ix Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Executive Summary Union Electric Company (dba Ameren Missouri) will transition the Callaway Plant Unit No.1 (Callaway Plant) fire protection program to a new Risk-Informed, Performance-Based (RI-PB) alternative per 10 CFR 50.48(c) which incorporates by reference NFPA 805. The existing fire protection licensing basis will be superseded.

The transition process consisted of a review and update of Callaway Plant documentation, including the development of a Fire Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) using NUREG/CR 6850 as guidance.

This Transition Report summarizes the transition process and results. This Transition Report contains information:

  • Recommended by guidance document Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.205 Revision 1 Section 4 of the Transition Report provides a summary of compliance with the following NFPA 805 requirements:
  • Nuclear Safety Performance Criteria, including:
  • Non-Power Operational Modes
  • Fire Risk Evaluations
  • Radioactive Release Performance Criteria
  • Monitoring Program
  • Program Documentation, Configuration Control, and Quality Assurance Section 5 of the Transition Report provides regulatory evaluations and associated attachments, including:
  • Changes to License Condition
  • Changes to Technical Specifications, Orders, and Exemptions
  • Determination of No Significant Hazards and evaluation of Environmental Considerations.

The attachments to the Transition Report include detail to support the transition process and results. Attachment H contains the approved FAQs not yet incorporated into the endorsed revision of NEI 04-02. These FAQs have been used to clarify the guidance in RG 1.205, NEI 04-02, and the requirements of NFPA 805 and in the preparation of this License Amendment Request. August 2011 Page x Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report


The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has promulgated an alternative rule for fire protection requirements at nuclear power plants, 10 CFR 50.4B(c), "National Fire Protection Association Standard B05 (NFPA B05)." Ameren Missouri is implementing the Nuclear Energy Institute methodology NEI 04-02, "Guidance for Implementing a Risk-informed, based Fire Protection Program Under 10 CFR 50.4B(c)" (NEI 04-02), to transition Callaway Plant from its current fire protection licensing basis to the new requirements as outlined in NFPA B05. This report describes the transition methodology utilized and documents how Callaway Plant complies with the new requirements.

1.1 Background

1.1.1 NFPA 805 -Requirements and Guidance On July 16, 2004 the NRC amended 10 CFR 50.4B, "Fire Protection," to add a new subsection, 10 CFR 50.4B(c), which establishes new Risk-Informed, Performance-Based (RI-PB) fire protection requirements.

10 CFR 50.4B(c) incorporates by reference, with exceptions, the National Fire Protection Association's NFPA B05, "Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants -2001 Edition," as a voluntary alternative to 10 CFR 50.4B Section (b), Appendix R, and Section (f), "Decommissioning." As stated in 10 CFR 50.4B(c)(3)(i), any licensee's adoption of a RI-PB program that complies with the rule is voluntary.

This rule may be adopted as an acceptable alternative method for complying with either 10 CFR 50.4B(b) for plants licensed to operate before January 1, 1979, or the fire protection license conditions for plants licensed to operate after January 1, 1979, or 10 CFR 50.4B(f) for plants shutdown in accordance with 10 CFR 50.B2(a)(1).

NEI developed NEI 04-02 to assist licensees in adopting NFPA B05 and making the transition from their current fire protection licensing basis to one based on "NFPA B05." The NRC issued Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.205, "Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Fire Protection for Existing Light Water Nuclear Power Plants," which endorses NEI 04-02, with exceptions, in December 2009.1 A depiction of the primary document relationships is shown in Figure 1-1: 1 Where referred to in this document NEt 04-02 is Revision 2 and u RG 1.205" is Revision 1. August 201 1 Page 1 Ameren Missouri Itd ..... n 1111 * ..-'.'-'-_ .. ---II ... -.... ,.. -_. -. -------. --' ... IV *** ",'" I :_ .... l&l... __ r. ... IiIII.ft ** NE104*02 "UIU Itlll' IIUI"" GUIDANCE FOR IMPLEMENTING A RI,PB FP PROGRAM UNDER 10 CFR 60.48(c) Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Incorporation by Reference DDD Endorsement 10 CFR 50.48(c)

  • National Fire Protection Association Standard NFPA 805 , RG 1.205 RI,PB FP FOR EXISTING LIGHT,WATER NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Figure 1-1 -NFPA 805 Transition -Implementation Requirements/Guidance

1.1.2 Transition

to 10 CFR 50.48(c) Start of Transition In December 2005, Union Electric Company (dba as AmerenUE now Ameren Missouri) elected to transition the fire protection licensing basis to the alternative in 10 CFR 50.48(c), "National Fire Protection Association Standard NFPA 805." On December 2, 2005, AmerenUE submitted a letter of intent to adopt NFPA 805 in accordance with 10 CFR 50.48(c) (ML053420340).

By letter dated January 31,2006, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) acknowledged receipt of the letter of intent. The letter stated that the Callaway Plant enforcement discretion period will begin on December 31, 2005 and expire on December 31, 2007. The letter did not specifically grant the three-year enforcement discretion period requested in the letter of intent (ML053530018).

The NRC revised the "Interim Enforcement Policy Regarding Enforcement Discretion for Certain Fire Protection Issues," in Federal Register Notice 19905 dated April 18, 2006 to extend the enforcement discretion period to 3 years for those licensees that committed to transition to 10 CFR 50.48(c).

August 2011 Page 2 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report By letter dated November 14, 2006, Ameren Missouri submitted a letter to the NRC documenting the understanding that the enforcement discretion period for Callaway Plant was extended to three years and that the enforcement discretion started when the project started in April 2006. By letter dated December 8, 2008, the NRC acknowledged that AmerenUE had made substantial enough progress in its transition of Callaway Plant to NFPA 805 to grant additional enforcement discretion.

Accordingly, the enforcement discretion period for the Callaway Plant, Unit 1, was extended until 6 months after the date of the NRC's safety evaluation approving the second pilot plant License Amendment Request (LAR) (ML083380731).

By letter dated June 28, 2011 Ameren Missouri committed to a LAR submittal date on or before September 2, 2011. The additional time for LAR submittal being necessary to complete internal review and approval of the LAR in addition to site acceptance review of the supporting documentation.

In accordance with NRC Enforcement Policy, the enforcement discretion period will continue following submittal of the LAR for Callaway Plant, i.e., until NRC approval of the LAR is completed. Transition Process The transition to NFPA 805 includes the following high level activities:

  • A new Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment (NSCA).
  • Modifications implemented at the plant. 1.2 Purpose The purpose of the Transition Report is as follows: 1. Describe the process implemented to transition the current fire protection program to compliance with the additional requirements of 10 CFR 50.48(c);
2. Summarize the results of the transition process; 3. Explain the bases for conclusions that the fire protection program complies with 10 CFR 50.48(c) requirements;
4. Describe the new fire protection licensing basis; and 5. Describe the configuration management processes used to manage post-transition changes to the station and the Fire Protection Program, and the resulting impact on the Licensing Basis. August 2011 Page 3 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 2.0 OVERVIEW OF EXISTING FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAM 2.1 Current Fire Protection Licensing Basis Callaway Plant was licensed to operate on October 18, 1984 (full power license).

As a result, the Callaway Plant fire protection program is based on compliance with 10 CFR 50.48(a) and the following License Condition:

Union Electric Company; Callaway Plant Unit No.1; Facility Operating License NPF-30 Condition 2.C(5) states: (5) Fire Protection (Section SER and Section, SSER #3) a) Deleted per Amendment No. 169. b) Deleted per Amendment No. 169. c) The licensee shall implement and maintain in effect all provisions of the approved fire protection program as described in the SNUPPS Final Safety Analysis Report for the facility through Revision 15, the Callaway site addendum through Revision 8, and as approved in the SER through Supplement 4, subject to provision d below. d) The licensee may make changes to the approved fire protection program without prior approval of the Commission only if those changes would not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire. e) Deleted (see Amendment No. 30, January 13, 1988). 2.2 NRC Acceptance of the Fire Protection Licensing Basis NRC letter dated September 30, 1976 transmitted to Union Electric Company a copy of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1, "Guidelines for Fire Protection for Nuclear Power Plants Docketed Prior to July 1, 1976." In addition to transmitting that document, the NRC requested that Union Electric Company re-evaluate the fire protection provisions at Callaway Plant. The Callaway Plant fire hazards analysis was developed in response to this request. At the time of Callaway Plant's initial licensing, Callaway Plant was part of the Standardized Nuclear Unit Power Plant System (SNUPPS).

As a consequence, the original Callaway Plant fire hazards analysis was developed, submitted to the NRC, and then approved by the NRC in two parts, the SNUPPS Standard Plant Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and the Callaway Site Addendum FSAR. On April 1, 1977 and April 15, 1977, Union Electric Company submitted the proposed fire protection program for Callaway Plant. The NRC Staff reviewed the documents and issued fire protection review questions by NRC letters dated November 3, 1977 and April 14, 1978. Union Electric Company responded to the questions in letters dated May 3, 1978 and July 5, 1978. NRC letter dated May 15, 1981 requested that Union Electric Company submit a letter documenting the Callaway Plant Fire Protection Program compliance with the requirements set forth in Appendix R of 10 CFR 50 and with the BTP ASB 9.5-1, identifying any exceptions, and providing alternatives for an equivalent level of fire protection.

On June 15,1981 and June 17, 1981, Union Electric Company submitted to the NRC the comparison of Callaway Plant's program to the applicable portions of Appendix R and to BTP ASB 9.5-1. On June 29, 1981 Union Electric Company submitted Revision 4 to the FSAR which included a revised fire hazards analysis.

August 2011 Page 4 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report In October 1981 the NRC issued NUREG 0830, "Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Operation of Callaway Plant, Unit No.1," to document the continuing review of the Callaway Plant fire protection program. On November 15, 1982, Union Electric Company submitted to the NRC a fire hazards analysis for the Control Room. In May 1984 the NRC issued NUREG-0830, Supplement 3, to document the continuing review of the Callaway Plant fire protection program on the basis of a site audit and information provided by Union Electric Company in letters dated February 1 and 24, 1984 and March 14, 1984. In NUREG-0830, Supplement 3 (SSER 3), the NRC approved various features of the fire protection program, as well as deviations from staff guidelines.

The staff concluded that the fire protection program, with the accepted deviations, was in compliance with Appendix A to BTP CMEB 9.5-1 and GDC 3. In a submittal to the NRC dated August 23, 1984, Union Electric Company provided a detailed outline of new post-fire safe shutdown procedures and identified where new isolation switches and modifications to existing isolation switches were required to enhance the ability for plant shutdown with a postulated fire in the Main Control Room. In October 1984, the NRC issued NUREG-0830, Supplement 4 (SSER 4), with final approval of the fire protection program based on SSER 4, Section 1.9, "License Conditions," License Condition (18). License Condition (18) required compliance with Appendix R of 10 CFR 50 (SER Section and SSER 3 Section -permanent; and SSER 4 Section -at the first refueling outage). These License Conditions were satisfied and subsequently deleted from the License as follows: SSER 4 Section by License Amendment No. 30, dated January 13, 1988, and SER Section and SSER 3 Section by License Amendment 169, dated October 25, 2005. The following fire protection program deviations are noted as having been previously approved by the NRC as documented in NUREG-0830, Supplement 3; 1. Deviation is described in the February 1, 1984 Union Electric submittal and describes the fact that the fire detection system standby power supply does not meet the recommendations of NFPA 72D. The fire detection system power supply is an acceptable deviation from the guidelines in Section C.6.a of BTP CMEB 9.5-1. 2. Deviation is described in the June 29, 1981 and February 1, 1984 Union Electric Company submittals and describes the fact that the 3-hour barrier requirement was not met for the 1 %-hour elevator doors, pressure, watertight, and missile-resistant doors and equipment hatches in the Auxiliary Building.

The protection provided for fire barrier penetrations is an acceptable deviation from the guidelines in Section C.5 of BTP CMEB 9.5-1. 3. Deviation is described in the February 1, 1984 Union Electric submittal and describes the fact that the specific temperature rise limitation criterion (ASTM E 119) for fire barrier penetration seals was not met. The protection provided for fire barrier penetrations is an acceptable deviation from the guidelines in Section C.5 of BTP CMEB 9.5-1. 4. Deviation is described in the February 1, 1984 Union Electric Company submittal and describes the justification for lack of low level detectors in the Control Room. Due to ceiling height, there could be a delay in detecting an incipient fire. With the installation of duct detectors in the Control Room HVAC, detection for the Control Room meets the guidelines of Section C.7.a of BTP CMEB 9.5-1. 5. Deviation is described in the June 29, 1981, February 1, 1984, and February 24, 1984 Union Electric Company submittals and describes the use of partial suppression with fire stops in intervening cable trays in the area of the component cooling water system pumps. The protection provided for the component cooling water pumps meets the guidelines in Section C.5.b of BTP CMEB 9.5-1. August 2011 Page 5 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 6. Deviation is described in the June 29, 1981 and February 1, 1984 Union Electric Company submittals and describes the diesel fuel oil day tank containment dike in each diesel generator room and the potential of leakage from a tank to spread from one diesel generator room to the other. The diesel fuel day tank and dike assembly meets the guidelines in Section C.7.i of BTP CMEB 9.5-1. 7. Deviation is described in June 29, 1981 and March 14, 1984 Union Electric Company submittals and describes the fact that the collection tank capacities in the Reactor Coolant Pump oil collection system are not sufficient to hold the oil from all of the Reactor Coolant Pumps. The protection provided for the Reactor Coolant Pumps meets the guidelines of Section C.7.a of BTP CMEB 9.5-1. 8. Deviation is described in the June 29, 1981 Union Electric Company submittal and describes the two sets of equipment hatchways in the northern and southern ends of the Auxiliary Building corridors with steel hatch covers and automatic sprinkler water curtains.

The water curtains and steel covers provide a level of safety equivalent to the technical requirements of Section C.5.b of BTP CMEB 9.5-1. 9. Deviation is described in the March 14, 1984 Union Electric Company submittal and describes non-rated penetrations as numerous mechanical and electrical penetrations, the personnel hatch, and a fuel transfer tube through the reactor containment walls. The non-rated containment penetrations provide a level of safety equivalent to the technical requirements of Section C.5.b of BTP CMEB 9.5-1. 10. Deviation is described in the March 14, 1984 Union Electric Company submittal and describes the lack of fire proofing on the underside of the fuel building roof. The level of fire protection is acceptable based on the low fuel loading in the area. 11. Deviation is described in the June 29, 1981 Union Electric Company submittal and describes the non-rated cover on the trench connecting the fuel building and Radwaste tunnel. The level of fire protection is acceptable based on the separation distance and low combustible loading. 12. Deviation is described in the June 29, 1981 Union Electric Company submittal and describes vent openings separating the two compartments of Fire Area A-23. Because of the vent openings, the barrier wall cannot be fire rated and is non-rated.

The level of fire protection is acceptable based on the configuration of the valves and low combustible loading. 13. Deviation is described in the March 14, 1984 Union Electric Company submittal and describes plant areas where automatic suppression and detection systems are not provided throughout the fire area. The fire protection provided for safe shutdown, with the approved deviations, meets the guideline in Section C.5.b of BTP CMEB 9.5-1. 14. Deviation is described in the February 2, 1984 Union Electric Company submittal and describes the justification for insufficient separation between the Load Shed and Emergency Load Sequencer (LSELS) panels. The redundant panels are located in the same area of the Main Control Room and their output relays are mounted back-to-back in a common panel. Procedures for manual starting of the emergency diesel generators and for manual sequencing the safe shutdown loads onto the Class 1 E AC busses from outside the Main Control Room satisfy the requirements of Section C.5.b of BTP CMEB 9.5-1. August 2011 Page 6 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 3.0 TRANSITION PROCESS 3.1 Background Section 4.0 of NEI 04-02 describes the process for transitioning from compliance with the current fire protection licensing basis to the new reqUirements of 10 CFR 50.48(c).

NEI 04-02 contains the following steps: 1. Licensee determination to transition the licensing basis and devote the necessary resources to it; 2. Submit a Letter of Intent to the NRC stating the licensee's intention to transition the licensing basis in accordance with a tentative schedule;

3. Conduct the transition process to determine the extent to which the current fire protection licensing basis supports compliance with the new requirements and the extent to which additional analyses, plant and program changes, and alternative methods and analytical approaches are needed; 4. Submit aLAR; 5. Complete transition activities that can be completed prior to the receipt of the License Amendment;
6. Receive a Safety Evaluation; and 7. Complete implementation of the new licensing basis, including completion of modifications identified in Attachment S. 3.2 NFPA 805 Process Section 2.2 of NFPA 805 establishes the general process for demonstrating compliance with NFPA 805. This process is illustrated in Figure 3-1. It shows that except for the fundamental fire protection requirements, compliance can be achieved on a fire area basis either by deterministic or RI-PB methods. Consistent with the guidance in NEI 04-02, Ameren Missouri has implemented the NFPA 805 Section 2.2 process by first determining the extent to which its current fire protection program supports findings of deterministic compliance with the requirements in NFPA 805. RI-PB methods are being applied to the requirements for which deterministic compliance could not be shown. August 2011 Page 7 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report NFPA 805 Section 2.2(c) Evaluate compliance to performance criteria .1-Deformfnf.Uc Approar:h Mail'llail' complia"ce with plant licen .. /)""0 (10 CPR 150 App. R, Approvecl ExemptiOnll, EnalnoerinSl Evaluations) Deform/nt.tlo 8.". Verify cloterminililic requlfOll'lOrlta are mol NFPA 805 Section 2.2(f) NFPA 805 Section 2.20) Identify performance crlterta to be examined (Chapter 1)
  • Identify $truelure", or components (SSes) i n each fire llrea to whk;h performan<:fil

-+ crit.ria applies + NFPA 805 S4M:tIon 2.2(e) Elcisting EnginQ,inQ Equivalency EVlIllI8tioml Rllk.tnfonntcl !valuatlon Evaluate rtsk Impact of cI1anges to the apPl'Qvld design !lasls No NFPA 805 Section 2.2(a) NFPA 805 Section 2.2(b) *

  • Nuclear safety / Life safety Property damag8/buslness

"" Interruption Radiation release NFPA 805 Section 2.2(d) .1-

.. ed ApptOllCh Evaluate ability to 'ati,ry performance requiremenl' PwromNInc

.... ,. Oefine fire sceMflQf and fire design ba$l$ tor erea beinll CO/lllidorod. evalqat. ""ng, e.g., Fire modeling to quantify IIlI) fire risk lind marvin of satety PSA to examine Impae\ on overall plant risk NFPA 805 Section 2.2(g) NFPA 805 Section 2.2(h) Oe.ign Basil Oocume"ts Fire !'Iazarel, analysis Nuc:lear safety capability aqeasmenl Supporting engineering c;elculatlona Probabilistic evaluatlonll NFPA 805 Section 2.2(1) Figure 3-1 -NFPA 805 Process [NEI 04-02 Figure 3-1 based on Figure 2-2 of NFPA 805]2 3.3 NEI 04-02 -NFPA 805 Transition Process NFPA 805 contains technical processes and requirements for a RI-PB fire protection program. NEI 04-02 was developed to provide guidance on the overall process (programmatic, technical, and licensing) for transitioning from a traditional fire protection licensing basis to a new RI-PB method based upon NFPA 805, as shown in Figure 3-2. 2 Note: 10 CFR 50.48(c) does not incorporate by reference Life Safety and Plant Damage/Business Interruption goals , objectives and criter i a. See 10 CFR 50.48(c) for specific exceptions to the incorporation by reference of NFPA 805. August 2011 Page 8 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Section 4.0 of NEI 04-02 describes the detailed process for assessing a fire protection program for compliance with NFPA 80S, as shown in Figure 3-2. I Transition Report Sect. 4.1 FP Fundamental.

R.vl.wand Confirmation Identify outliers I VFDRs FP Fundamental.

A.seaement Submit for NRC Approval If needed \ t Transition Report Transition Report Sect 4.4 Sect. 4.3 '" \ t '" Perform Engineering AnalYl8s Radioactive Non-power Rel.a.e operational A.s.s.ment mod. A ***** m.nt Verify I eltabUlh Monitoring Program + Confirm I Eitabllih Adequate Docum.ntatlon I Quality and Configuration Control + Regulatory Submittal and I Approval \ I Transition Report Sect. 4.2 Nuclear Safety Review \ and Confirmation Identify outliers I VFDRs Nuclear Safety Analys ** U ** PB Approach If Needed (Fire Modeling or Fire Rllk Evaluatlonl)

} Transition Report Sect. 4.6 } Transition Report Sect 4.7,5 Transition Report Sect 4.8, 5 } Figure 3-2 -Transition Process (Simplified)

[Based on NEI 04-02 Figure 4-1] 3.4 NFPA 805 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) } Transition Report Sect. 4.5 The NRC has worked with NEI and two Pilot Plants (Oconee Nuclear Station and Harris Nuclear Plant) to define the licensing process for transitioning to a new licensing basis under 10 CFR 50.48(c) and NFPA 805. Both the NRC and the industry recognized the need for additional clarifications to the guidance provided in RG 1.205, NEI 04-02, and the requirements of NFPA 805. The NFPA 805 FAQ process was jOintly developed by NEI and NRC to facilitate timely clarifications of NRC positions.

This process is described in a letter from the NRC dated July 12, 2006, to NEI (ML061660105) and in Regulatory Issues Summary (RIS) 2007-19, August 2011 Page 9 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report "Process for Communicating Clarifications of Staff Positions Provided in RG 1.205 Concerning Issues Identified During the Pilot Application of NFPA Standard 805," dated August 20,2007 (ML071590227).

Under the FAa Process, transition issues are submitted to the NEI NFPA 805 Task Force for review, and subsequently presented to the NRC during public FAa meetings.

Once the NEI NFPA 805 Task Force and NRC reach agreement, the NRC issues a memorandum to indicate that the FAa is acceptable.

NEI 04-02 will be revised to incorporate the approved FAQs. This is an on-going revision process that will continue through the transition of NFPA 805 transition plants. Final closure of the FAas will occur when future revisions of RG 1.205, endorsing the related revisions of NEI 04-02, are approved by the NRC. It is expected that additional FAQs will be written and existing FAQs will be revised as plants continue NFPA 805 transition after the Pilot Plant Safety Evaluations.

Attachment H contains the list of approved FAQs not yet incorporated into the endorsed revision of NEI 04-02. These FAQs have been used to clarify the guidance in RG 1.205, NEI 04-02, and the requirements of NFPA 805 and in the preparation of this LAR. August 2011 Page 10 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 4.0 COMPLIANCE WITH NFPA 805 REQUIREMENTS

4.1 Fundamental

Fire Protection Program and Design Elements "The Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements" are established in Chapter 3 of NFPA 805. Section 4.3.1 of NEI 04-02 provides a systematic process for determining the extent to which the pre-transition licensing basis and plant configuration meets these criteria and for identifying the fire protection program changes that would be necessary for compliance with NFPA 805. NEI 04-02 Appendix 8-1 provides guidance on documenting compliance with the program requirements of NFPA 805 Chapter 3. 4.1.1 Overview of Evaluation Process The comparison of the Callaway Plant Fire Protection Program to the requirements of NFPA 805 Chapter 3 was performed and documented in Callaway Plant Calculation KC-43 entitled "NFPA 805 Code Comparison." Callaway Plant Calculation KC-43 used the guidance contained in NEI 04-02, Section 4.3.1 and Appendix 8-1. (See Figure 4-1.) Each section and subsection of NFPA 805 Chapter 3 was reviewed against the current fire protection program. Upon completion of the activities associated with the review, the following compliance statement(s) was used:

  • Complies -For those sections/subsections determined to meet the specific requirements of NFPA 805.
  • Complies with Clarification

-For those sections/subsections determined to meet the requirements of NFPA 805 with clarification.

  • Complies by previous NRC approval -For those sections/subsections where the specific NFPA 805 Chapter 3 requirements are not met but previous NRC approval of the configuration exists.
  • Complies with use of Existing Engineering Equivalency Evaluations (EEEEs) -For those sections/subsections determined to be equivalent to the NFPA 805 Chapter 3 requirements as documented by engineering analysis.
  • Complies, with Required Action -For those sections/subsections determined to meet the specific requirements of NFPA 805 after the completion of a modification or other implementation item, such as a procedure change or a work request. (See Attachment S for details).
  • Submit for NRC Approval-For those sections/subsections for which approval is sought in this LAR submittal in accordance with 10 CFR 50.48(c)(2)(vii).

A summary of the bases of acceptability is provided. (See Attachments Land T for details.)

In some cases multiple compliance statements have been assigned to a specific NFPA 805 Chapter 3 section/subsection.

Where this is the case, each compliance/compliance basis statement clearly references the corresponding requirement of NFPA 805 Chapter 3. August 2011 Page 11 r il ! .11 IJl II J !, .. * * ! 'r::::: ::l i 0 CI) t:: @ Q) E: q: t/) t/) Q) (.) o .... 0.. c o ; 'r;; c l! t/) .., c Q) E Q) W cC") C)N ,-I CQ) Q) .... C cau. u:: S c Q) E ca "C C U. I E 'C 0) :£ c:: 0) 0. o "-'" rJ) 1: 0) E 0) Q) rJ) c:: '(0 1: o o 0) , L...v 0) c:: =0 CO 0) c::cn ,Q rJ) 0) c::"O ::J -;-g ..c:: -rJ) c:: rJ) 'CW ::JW "Ow "OW rJ) 0 ::J c:: rJ) 0 o rJ) e fij o.z 0) 0) ..c::..c::

--rJ) c:: '00 '0..= 0) CO .,... "00) .,... C C\I § 1;) ::J :t:j ::l ,Q>=t5 g> L1."O q: I') <<

Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 4.1.2 Results of the Evaluation Process NFPA 805 Chapter 3 Requirements Met or Previously Approved by the NRC Attachment A contains the NEI 04-02 Table B-1, "Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements." This table provides the compliance basis for the requirements in NFPA 805 Chapter 3. Except as identified in Sections and, Attachment A demonstrates that the fire protection program at Callaway Plant either:

  • Complies directly with the requirements of NFPA 805 Chapter 3,
  • Complies with the requirements of NFPA 805 Chapter 3 with clarification,
  • Complies through the use of existing engineering equivalency evaluations which are valid and of appropriate quality, or
  • Complies with a previously NRC approved alternative to NFPA 805 Chapter 3 and therefore the specific requirement of NFPA 805 Chapter 3 is supplanted,
  • Complies with the completion of a required action. Implementation items are identified for those sections and/or subsections determined to meet the specific requirements of NFPA 805 after the completion of a modification or other action, such as a procedure change or a work activity. (See Attachment S for details.) NFPA 805 Chapter 3 Requirements Requiring Clarification of Prior NRC Approval NFPA 805 Section

3.1 states

in part, "Previously approved alternatives from the fundamental protection program attributes of this chapter by the AHJ take precedence over the requirements contained herein." In some cases prior NRC approval of an NFPA 805 Chapter 3 program attribute may be unclear. Ameren Missouri requests that the NRC concur that prior approval was provided for the following sections of NFPA 805 Chapter 3:

  • 3.6.1 and 3.6.2 -Hose stations in the ESW pump house are supplied by the ESW system rather than the fire protection system.
  • 3.9.1 -Clarification of the specific approval of the Reactor Building (Containment) manual fire protection system.
  • 3.11.3 -Clarification on the specific approval of Reactor Building (Containment) hatches. Although not related to Chapter 3 Requirements, clarification of prior NRC approval of the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel configuration is also requested in Attachment T. The discussion of the prior approval, including appropriate reference documents, is provided in Attachment T. NFPA 805 Chapter 3 Requirements Not Previously Approved by NRC The following sections of NFPA 805 Chapter 3 are not specifically met nor do previous NRC approvals of alternatives exist:
  • 3.5.16 -Approval is requested for the use of fire protection water for non-fire protection uses. August 2011 Page 13 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report
  • -Approval is requested for existing wiring configurations above suspended ceiling. The specific deviation and a discussion of how the alternative satisfies 10 CFR 50.48(c)(2)(vii) requirements is provided in Attachment L. Callaway Plant requests approval of these items. 4.1.3 Definition of Power Block and Plant Where used in NFPA 805 Chapter 3, the terms "Power Block" and "Plant" refer to structures that have equipment required for nuclear plant operations, such as Containment, Auxiliary Building, Control Building, Fuel Building, Radioactive Waste, Water Treatment, Turbine Building, and intake structures or structures that are identified in the facility's pre-transition licensing basis. The structures in the Owner Controlled Area were evaluated to determine those structures that contain equipment that is required to meet the nuclear safety performance criteria and radioactive release performance criteria described in Section 1.5 of NFPA 805. These structures are listed in Attachment I and define the "Power Block." 4.2 Nuclear Safety Performance Criteria The Nuclear Safety Performance Criteria are established in Section 1.5 of NFPA 805. Chapter 4 of NFPA 805 provides the methodology to determine the fire protection systems and features required to achieve the performance criteria outlined in Section 1.5. Section 4.3.2 of NEI 04-02 provides a systematic process for determining the extent to which the pre-transition licensing basis meets these criteria and for identifying any necessary fire protection program changes. NEI 04-02, Appendix B-2 provides guidance on documenting the transition of Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment Methodology and the Fire Area compliance strategies.

4.2.1 Nuclear

Safety Capability Assessment Methodology The Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment (NSCA) Methodology review consists of four processes:

  • Establishing compliance with NFPA 805 Section 2.4.2
  • Establishing the Safe and Stable Conditions for the Plant
  • Establishing Recovery Actions
  • Evaluating Multiple Spurious Operations The methodology for demonstrating reasonable assurance that a fire during non-power operational (NPO) modes will not prevent the plant from achieving and maintaining the fuel in a safe and stable condition is an additional requirement of 10 CFR 50.48(c) and is addressed in Section 4.3. Compliance with NFPA 805 Section 2.4.2 Overview of Process NFPA 805 Section

2.4.2 Nuclear

Safety Capability Assessment states: liThe purpose of this section is to define the methodology for performing a nuclear safety capability assessment.

The following steps shall be performed:

(1) Selection of systems and equipment and their interrelationships necessary to achieve the nuclear safety performance criteria in Chapter 1 August 2011 Page 14 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report (2) Selection of cables necessary to achieve the nuclear safety performance criteria in Chapter 1 (3) Identification of the location of nuclear safety equipment and cables (4) Assessment of the ability to achieve the nuclear safety performance criteria given a fire in each fire area" The NSCA methodology review evaluated the Callaway Plant Calculation KC-2S, "Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment," Revision 0 methodology against the guidance provided in NEI 00-01, Revision 1 Chapter 3, "Deterministic Methodology," as discussed in Appendix B-2 of NEI 04-02. The methodology is depicted in Figure 4-2 and consisted of the following activities:

  • Each specific section of NFPA 805 2.4.2 was correlated to the corresponding section of Chapter 3 of NEI 00-01, Revision 1. Based upon the content of the NEI 00-01, Revision 1 methodology statements, a determination was made of the applicability of the section to the station.
  • The plant-specific methodology was compared to applicable sections of NEI 00-01, Revision 1 and one of the following alignment statements and its associated basis were assigned to the section:
  • Aligns
  • Aligns with Intent
  • Not in Alignment
  • Not in Alignment, but Prior NRC Approval
  • Not in Alignment, but no adverse consequences
  • For those sections that do not align, an assessment was made to determine if the failure to maintain strict alignment with the guidance in NEI 00-01, Revision 1 could have adverse consequences.

Since NEI 00-01, Revision 1 is a guidance document, portions of its text could be interpreted as 'good practice' or intended as an example of an efficient means of performing the analyses.

If the section has no adverse consequences, these sections of NEI 00-01, Revision 1 can be dispositioned without further review. (Note: Comparison of the Callaway Plant NSCA methodology (Callaway Plant Calculation KC-2S, "Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment, n Revision 0) to Chapter 3 of NEI 00-01, Revision 1 determined that the methodology aligns with the guidance in applicable sections of NEI 00-01, Revision 1.) The comparison of the Callaway Plant NSCA methodology to NEI 00-01, Revision 1, Chapter 3 (NEI 04-02 Table B-2) was performed and documented in Callaway Plant Calculation KC-2S, "Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment," Revision O. Results from Evaluation Process The method used to perform the NSCA with respect to selection of systems and equipment, selection of cables, and identification of the location of equipment and cables, either meets the NRC endorsed guidance directly or met the intent of the endorsed guidance with adequate justification as documented in Attachment B. August 2011 Page 15 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Step 3 Figure 4-2 -Summary of Nuclear Safety Methodology Review Process (FAQ 07-0039 Revision 2) Safe and Stable Conditions for the Plant Overview of Process Step 4 The nuclear safety goals, objectives and performance criteria of NFPA 805 are different than the previous deterministic regulations and guidance documented in 10 CFR 50 Appendix R; NUREG-0800, Section 9.5-1; and NEI 00-01, Revision 1, "Guidance for Post Fire Safe Shutdown Circuit Analysis," Chapter 3. NFPA 805 requires the licensee to maintain the reactor fuel in a Safe and Stable condition rather than to achieve and maintain cold shutdown.

Safe and Stable Conditions Per NFPA 805 the definition of "Safe and Stable" is (Ref. NFPA 805, definition 1.6.56): IIFor fuel in the reactor vessel, head on and tensioned, safe and stable conditions are defined as the ability to maintain Keff < 0.99, with a reactor coolant temperature at or below the requirements for hot shutdown for a boiling water reactor and hot standby for a pressurized water reactor. For all other configurations, safe and stable conditions are defined as maintaining Keff < 0.99 and fuel coolant temperature below boiling. 11 The nuclear safety goal of NFPA 805 (Ref. NFPA 805, Section 1.3.1) requires " ... reasonable assurance that a fire during any operational mode and plant configuration will not prevent the plant from achieving and maintaining the fuel in a Safe and Stable condition" without a specific reference to a minimum event coping duration.

For the plant to be in a Safe and Stable condition, it may not be necessary to perform a transition to cold shutdown as currently required under 10 CFR 50, Appendix R. This is consistent with the existing analysis documented in the Callaway Plant updated Final Safety August 2011 Page 16 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Analysis Report (FSAR) Appendix 5.4A "Safe Shutdown." Therefore, the unit may remain at or below the temperature defined by a Hot Standby plant operating state. Results Coping Time The NFPA 805 Nuclear Safety Performance Criteria (NSPC) Analysis for Callaway Plant has been developed to ensure that the plant can achieve and maintain the reactor fuel in a Safe and Stable condition assuming that a fire event occurs during Callaway Plant Mode 1 (Power Operation), Mode 2 (Startup), Mode 3 (Hot Standby), and Mode 4 (Hot Shutdown), up to the point at which the MCC breakers for the Residual Heat Removal Loop Suction Isolation Valves, BBPV8702A, BBPV8702B, EJHV8701A, and EJHV8701 B, are unlocked and closed. Refer to Attachment C (Table B-3) for the Systems and Components credited with supporting Safe and Stable plant conditions by fire area. The NFPA 805 Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment (NSCA) has demonstrated that Callaway Plant can achieve and maintain Safe and Stable conditions for at least 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> with the minimum shift operating staff before having to take action to recharge the nitrogen accumulators.

This initial 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> provides sufficient time for the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) to respond and be available to support Safe and Stable actions to extend Hot Standby conditions.

Coping Time Bases The minimum 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> coping duration is based on the normal operating pressure band of the nitrogen accumulators that support emergency operation of the Steam Generator Atmospheric Steam Dump (ASD) valves and the Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater (TDAFW) Pump to Steam Generator flow control valves. Actions required to sustain Mode 3 (Hot Standby) beyond 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> includes an action to recharge the backup nitrogen accumulator tanks for the ASD valves and the TDAFW Pump to Steam Generator flow control valves. Recharging the tanks requires an operator to open a manual valve in Auxiliary Building fire area A-29. Opening this manual valve is normally performed once a shift and is considered to be a "skill of the craft" activity.

Additionally, the backup nitrogen accumulator tanks may need recharging every 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> thereafter based on valve cycling demands. The ASD valves and TDAFW Pump to Steam Generator flow control valves are air operated with a backup nitrogen gas supply tank. On loss of Instrument Air, which is conservatively assumed for NSCA, the backup nitrogen supply is relied on to maintain valve function from the MCR. The tank capacity is based on an assumed number of valve cycles and initial normal operating pressure.

The 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> recharge time is based on the number of valve cycles assumed for a Station Black Out plus the available margin from the lower range of the normal accumulator operating pressure band. Operator action to refill the accumulators can extend the period in which these components can be used. Impact to Plant if Recharge Time is Exceeded Should the nitrogen accumulator tanks lose adequate pressure inventory the valve function from the MCR would be lost. No damage to the valves would occur and they would retain their capability for full MCR function once the nitrogen tanks are recharged or instrument air recovered.

Loss of the ASD function would eventually result in cycling of the steam generator code safety valves. The TDAFW to Steam Generator flow control can be locally controlled to throttle flow to the credited steam generators.

August 2011 Page 17 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Methods to Maintain Safe and Stable and Extend Hot Standby Conditions The following describes methods to maintain the Safe and Stable condition and related support actions: 1. Callaway Plant has design features and procedures to ensure that an adequate source of inventory is provided for decay heat removal in sustained Mode 3 (Hot Standby) conditions.

If the Condensate Storage Tank inventory is depleted the TDAFW pump suction will automatically transfer to the ESW supply from the Ultimate Heat Sink. Transfer can be automatic or manual from the Main Control Room. 2. RCS Pressure control is maintained by a combination of ASDs, Pressurizer Heaters, and/or Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Vent valves or PORVs. 3. Core decay heat in Mode 3 (Hot Standby) will be rejected to the secondary plant through one or more of the Steam Generators, and then to atmosphere through the Atmospheric Steam Dump valves. 4. The Callaway Plant reactor core design ensures that Keff is maintained

<0.99 while the plant is in sustained Mode 3 (Hot Standby).

Gravity insertion of the control rods into the reactor core will ensure reactivity control is achieved for Mode 3 (Hot Standby) for the first 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. Subsequently, maintaining Keff <0.99 for Safe and Stable conditions will require boration of the RCS as described in FSAR Appendix 5.4A. 5. Inventory makeup to the RCS may only be required to account for expected RCS leakage and minimal RCS shrinkage as well as RCP seal injection.

Callaway Plant has design features and procedures to ensure that an adequate source of borated inventory is provided for RCS inventory control in sustained Mode 3 (Hot Standby) (Le., RCS inventory makeup from the RWST) utilizing the CVCS system. Callaway Plant has design features and procedures to ensure that an adequate method is provided for RCS inventory control in sustained Mode 3 (Hot Standby) utilizing the Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Vent valves. If RWST inventory is depleted it will be refilled using a combination of Reactor Make Up Water Storage Tank and Boric Acid Storage Tank inventories.

6. Callaway Plant has design features and procedures to ensure that an adequate source of heat input is maintained for RCS pressure control in sustained Mode 3 (Hot Standby) (Le., a minimum of 150kW of pressurizer heater input to maintain the RCS sub-cooled) utilizing available combinations of the backup pressurizer heaters (Group A and Group B are 150kW each). The backup pressurizer heaters are capable of being energized from emergency diesel generator power. 7. Each emergency diesel generator (EDG) is provided with a storage tank having a fuel oil capacity sufficient to operate that diesel for a period of 7 days while the EDG is supplying maximum post LOCA load demand discussed in the FSAR, Section The maximum load demand is calculated based on the fuel consumption by one EDG for operation at continuous rating for 7 days. This onsite fuel oil capacity is sufficient to operate the DGs for longer than the time to replenish the onsite supply from outside sources. Assessment of Risk The fire brigade will respond to fire events within the Protected Area boundary in accordance with the guidance of EIP-ZZ-00226, "Fire Response Procedure For Callaway Plant." If the fire (non-hostile) meets the criteria of EIP-ZZ-001 01, "Classification of Emergencies," an emergency declaration would be initiated.

In the event of an Alert declaration or higher the On-August 2011 Page 18 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Shift Emergency Response Organization (ERO) -will be supplemented by the On-Site ERO within 30 minutes during normal working hours and within 90 minutes during off-normal hours. The On-Site ERO will assist the Control Room personnel with implementation of the longer term actions necessary to maintain the fuel in a safe and stable configuration.

Following stabilization at Hot Standby, assessment and repair activities would commence to restore plant equipment needed to support RCS cool down in a safe and controlled manner. ERO resources will be available to assist the MCR in fire damage assessment and restoration of multiple success paths. Note that the Alternate Emergency Power supply (AEPS) is available but not credited in the NSCA.

  • The actions required to maintain Safe and Stable conditions are limited.
  • Procedures are in place for the Safe and Stable actions identified above.
  • The 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> coping period provides reasonable assurance that adequate time is provided for the ERO to be available to augment the minimum plant staffing to support the longer term Safe and Stable actions. For the most limiting fire scenarios, it is anticipated that the end state of the cool down would be an RCS temperature of approximately 350 F with a long term strategy for reactivity, decay heat removal, and inventory control. Long term subcooled natural circulation decay heat removal is provided by supplying ESW to the Steam Generators and steaming to atmosphere.

The extended coping period at these conditions is based on the Significant volume of water available for decay heat removal and reduced need for primary make up to match the RCS system losses. The ERO provides sufficient resources for assessment of fire damage and completion of repairs to equipment necessary to maintain hot standby for an extended period, transition to cold shutdown, or return to power operations as dictated by the plant fire event. Conclusions The initial coping time is sufficient to allow the ERO to activate.

Limited actions are required and procedures are in place for those actions to maintain extended hot standby conditions.

The ERO provides adequate capability to extend initial Hot Standby conditions, to transition to cold shutdown, or return to power operations as dictated by the plant fire event. The approach described above has demonstrated the capability to achieve and maintain the reactor fuel in a Safe and Stable condition for an indefinite period following a fire. Safe and Stable Conditions I Non-Power Operations Assessment interface The Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Non-Power Operations Assessment provides reasonable assurance the reactor fuel is maintained in a safe and stable condition for fires which may occur in Mode 4 (Hot Shutdown) from the point at which the Motor Control Center (MCC) breakers for the Residual Heat Removal Loop Suction Isolation Valves, BBPV8702A, BBPV8702B, EJHV8701A, and EJHV8701 B, are unlocked and closed, Mode 5 (Cold Shutdown) and Mode 6 (Refueling).

Refer to Section 4.3 for a description of the Callaway Plant Non-Power Operations Assessment for fires that occur in the non-power operational modes. August 2011 Page 19 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Establishing Recovery Actions Overview of Process NEI 04-02 and RG 1.205 suggest that a licensee submit a summary of its approach for addressing the transition of OMAs as recovery actions in the LAR (Regulatory Position 2.21 and NEI-04-02, Section 4.6). As a minimum, NEI 04-02 suggests that the assumptions, criteria, methodology, and overall results be included for the NRC to determine the acceptability of the licensee's methodology.

The discussion below provides the methodology used to transition pre-transition OMAs and to determine the population of post-transition recovery actions. This process is based on FAa 07-0030 Revision 5 (ML 110070485) and consists of the following steps:

  • Step 1: Clearly define the primary controlstation(s) and determine which pre-transition OMAs are taken at primary control station(s) (activities that occur in the Main Control Room are not considered pre-transition OMAs). Activities that take place at primary control station(s) or in the Main Control Room are not recovery actions, by definition.
  • Step 2: Determine the population of recovery actions that are required to resolve variances from deterministic requirements (VFDRs) (to meet the risk acceptance criteria or maintain a sufficient level of defense-in-depth).
  • Step 3: Evaluate the additional risk presented by the use of recovery actions required to demonstrate the availability of a success path.
  • Step 4: Evaluate the feasibility of the recovery actions.
  • Step 5: Evaluate the reliability of the recovery actions. Results The review results are documented in Callaway Plant Fire Protection Calculation KC-26, "Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment," fire protection calculations KC-81 through KC-161, "Fire Safety Assessments," as applicable; and Callaway Plant Calculation 17671-011, "Post-Fire Human Reliability Analysis." Refer to Attachment G for the detailed evaluation process and summary of the results from the process. Evaluation of Multiple Spurious Operations Overview of Process NEI 04-02 suggests that a licensee submit a summary of its approach for addressing potential fire-induced MSOs for NRC review and approval.

As a minimum, NEI 04-02 suggests that the summary contain sufficient information relevant to methods, tools, and acceptance criteria used to enable the NRC to determine the acceptability of the licensee's methodology.

The methodology utilized to address MSOs for Callaway Plant is summarized below. As part of the NFPA 805 transition project, a review and evaluation of Callaway Plant susceptibility to fire-induced MSOs was performed.

The process was conducted in accordance with NEI 04-02 and RG 1.205, as supplemented by FAa 07-0038 Revision 3 (ML 110140242).

The PWR Generic MSO list in WCAP-16933-NP Rev. 1 dated June 2010 was utilized.

The approach outlined in Figure 4-3 (based on Figure 4-8 from FAa 07-0038 Revision 3) was used to address fire-induced MSOs. This method used insights from the Fire PRA developed in support of transition to NFPA 805 and consists of the following:

August 2011 Page 20 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report

  • Identifying potential MSOs of concern. \
  • Conducting an expert panel to assess plant specific vulnerabilities (e.g., per NEI 00-01, Rev. 1 Section F.4.2).
  • Updating the Fire PRA model and the NSCA to include the MSOs of concern, as applicable.
  • Documenting results. This process supports the transition to the new licensing basis. Post-transition changes will use the RI-PB change process. The post-transition change process for the assessment of a specific MSO will be a simplified version of this process, and may not need the level of detail shown in the following section (e.g., an expert panel may not be necessary to identify and assess a new potential MSO. Identification of new potential MSOs may be part of the plant change review process or inspection process).

August 2011 Page 21 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Stop 4

{ Identify Potential MSOs of Concern

  • Self A&ses&ment8
  • Operating Experience Expert Panel Identify and Document MSOs of Concern Update PRA model & NSCA (as appropriate) to Include MSOs of concem 10 equipment 10 logical relationships 10 cables 10 cable routing Compliant with NFPA 80S? Yes Document Results No Pur1lue other resolution options Figure 4-3 -Mu ltiple Spurious Operations

-Transition Resolution Process (Based on FAQ 07-0038 Revision 3) Results Refer to Attachment F for the process used by Callaway Plant and the results from the process. 4.2.2 Existing Engineering Equivalency Evaluation Transition Overview of Evaluation Process The EEEEs that support compliance with NFPA 805 Chapter 3 or Chapter 4 (both those that existed prior to the transition and those that were created during the transition) were reviewed using the methodology contained in NEI 04-02. The methodology for performing the EEEE review includes the following determinations:

  • The EEEE is not based solely on quantitative risk evaluations,
  • The EEEE is an appropriate use of an engineering equivalency evaluation, August 2011 Page 22 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report
  • The EEEE is of appropriate quality,
  • The standard license condition is met,
  • The EEEE is technically adequate,
  • The EEEE reflects the plant as-built condition, and
  • The basis for acceptability of the EEEE remains valid. In accordance with the guidance in RG 1.205, Regulatory Position 2.3.2, NEI 04-02, as clarified by FAQ 07-0054 Revision 1, "Demonstrating Compliance with Chapter 4 of NFPA 805," EEEEs that demonstrate that a fire protection system or feature is "adequate for the hazard" are summarized in the LAR as follows:
  • If not requesting specific approval for "adequate for the hazard" EEEEs, then the EEEE was referenced where required and a brief description of the evaluated condition was provided.
  • If requesting specific NRC approval for "adequate for the hazard" EEEEs, then EEEE was referenced where required to demonstrate compliance and was included in Attachment L for NRC review and approval.

In all cases, the reliance on EEEEs to demonstrate compliance with NFPA 805 requirements was documented in the LAR. Results The review results for EEEEs are documented in Report R1843-001-003.

In accordance with the guidance in RG 1.205, Regulatory Position 2.3.2, NEI 04-02, as clarified by FAQ 07-0054 Revision 1, "Demonstrating Compliance with Chapter 4 of NFPA 805," EEEEs used to demonstrate compliance with Chapters 3 and 4 of NFPA 805 are referenced in the Attachments A and C as appropriate.

In addition, none of the transitioning EEEEs require NRC approval.

4.2.3 Licensing

Action Transition Overview of Evaluation Process The existing licensing actions (exemptions I deviations I safety evaluations) review was performed in accordance with NEI 04-02. The methodology for the licensing action review included the following:

  • Determination of the bases for acceptability of the licensing action.
  • Determination that these bases for acceptability are still valid and required for NFPA 805. Results Attachment K contains the detailed results of the Licensing Action Review. Where NRC clarification is needed for acceptability of the deviation, the appropriate request for clarification is included in Attachment T. The following licensing actions will be transitioned into the NFPA 805 fire protection program as previously approved (NFPA 805, Section 2.2.7). These licensing actions are considered compliant under 10 CFR 50.48(c).

August 2011 Page 23 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report

  • Deviation Request from Section C.7.a of BTP CMEB 9.5-1 for Control Room Complex (NRC SER dated May 1984)
  • Request for Approval of Auxiliary Shutdown Panel Design (NRC SER dated October 1984)
  • Request for Approval of Containment Fire Protection-Manual Suppression System (NRC SER dated October 1981)
  • Deviation Request from Section D.1.j of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Unrated Watertight Doors (NRC SER dated May 1984)
  • Deviation Request from Section D.1.j of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Elevator and Dumbwaiter Doors (NRC SER dated May 1984)
  • Deviation Request from Section D.1.j of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Unrated Missile Doors (NRC SER dated May 1984)
  • Deviation Request from Section C.6.a of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Unit No.1 Fire Detection System Power Supplies (NRC SER dated May 1984)
  • Deviation Request from Section C.5.b of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Component Cooling Pumps (NRC SER dated May 1984)
  • Deviation Request from Section C.7.a of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Unit No.1-Reactor Coolant Pumps (NRC SER dated May 1984)
  • Deviation Request from Section C.5.b of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Hatchways (NRC SER dated May 1984)
  • Deviation Request from Section C.5.b of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Containment Penetrations (NRC SER dated May 1984)
  • Deviation Request from Section C.5.b of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Containment Electrical Penetrations (NRC SER dated May 1984)
  • Deviation Request from Section C.5.b of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Containment Mechanical Penetrations (NRC SER dated May 1984)
  • Deviation Request from Section C.5.b of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Fuel Transfer Tube (NRC SER dated May 1984)
  • Deviation Request from Section C.5.b of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Containment Hatches (NRC SER dated May 1984)
  • Deviation Request from Section C.5.b of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Partial Suppression Systems (NRC SER dated May 1984)
  • Deviation Request from Section C.5.b of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Partial Detection Systems (NRC SER dated May 1984)
  • Deviation Request from Section D.1.j of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Unit No.1-Fuel Building Roof lack of Fireproofing (NRC SER dated May 1984) August 2011 Page 24 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report
  • Deviation Request from Section D.1.j of-Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Unit No.1-Trench Cover (NRC SER dated May 1984)
  • Deviation Request from Section D.1.j of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Main Steam and Feedwater Valve Compartment (NRC SER dated May 1984) The following licensing actions are no longer necessary and will not be transitioned into the NFPA 805 fire protection program:
  • Deviation Request from Section D.1.j of Appendix A to BTP ASB 9.5-1 for Unrated Pressure-Resistant Doors (NRC SER dated May 1984) This deviation is no longer required for transition because the pressure-resistant doors that were purchased and installed do not deviate from the required configuration.

Callaway Plant was licensed to operate after January 1, 1979 and, as such, 10 CFR 50 Appendix R is not applicable and exemptions from the regulation were not necessary.

Since the deviations are either compliant with 10 CFR 50.48(c) or no longer necessary, as discussed in Attachment M, upon issuance of the new 10 CFR 50.48(c) license condition, the current Callaway Plant license condition will be superseded.

It is Ameren Missouri's understanding that implicit in the superseding of the current license condition, all prior fire protection program Safety Evaluation Reports and commitments will be superseded in their entirety.

4.2.4 Fire Area Transition Overview of Evaluation Process The Fire Area Transition (NEI 04-02 Table B-3) was performed using the methodology contained NEI 04-02 and FAQ 07-0054 Revision 1 (ML 110140183).

The methodology for performing the Fire Area Transition, depicted in Figure 4-4, is outlined as follows: Step 1 -Assembled documentation.

Gathered industry and plant-specific fire area analyses and licensing basis documents.

Step 2 -Documented fulfillment of nuclear safety performance criteria.

  • Assessed accomplishment of nuclear safety performance goals. Documented the method of accomplishment, in summary level form, for the fire area.
  • Documented evaluation of effects of fire suppression activities.

Documented the evaluation of the effects of fire suppression activities on the ability to achieve the nuclear safety performance criteria.

  • Performed licensing action reviews. Performed a review of the licensing aspects of the selected fire area and documented the results of the review. See Section 4.2.3.
  • Performed existing engineering equivalency evaluation reviews. Performed a review of existing engineering equivalency evaluations (or created new evaluations) documenting the basis for acceptability.

See Section 4.2.2.

  • Pre-transition OMA reviews. Performed a review of pre-transition OMAs to determine those actions taking place outside of the main control room or outside of the primary control station(s).

See Section Step 3 -VFDR Identification and characterization and resolution considerations.

Identified variances from the deterministic requirements of NFPA 805, Section 4.2.3. Documented variances as either a separation issue or a degraded fire protection system or feature. Developed VFDR problem statements to support resolution.

August 2011 Page 25 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Step 4 -Performance-Based evaluations (Fire Modeling or Fire Risk Evaluations).

See Section 4.5.2 for additional information.

Step 5 -Final Disposition.

  • Documented final disposition of the VFDRs in Attachment C (NEI 04-02 Table B-3).
  • For recovery action compliance strategies, ensured the manual action feasibility analysis of the required recovery actions was completed.

Note: if a recovery action cannot meet the feasibility requirements established per NEI 04-02, then alternate means of compliance was considered.

  • Documented the post transition NFPA 805 Chapter 4 compliance basis. Step 6 -Documented required fire protection systems and features.

Reviewed the NFPA 805 Section 4.2.3 compliance strategies (including fire area licensing actions and engineering evaluations) and the NFPA 805 Section 4.2.4 compliance strategies (including simplifying deterministic assumptions) to determine the scope of fire protection systems and features 'required' by NFPA 805 Chapter 4. The 'required' fire protection systems and features are subject to the applicable requirements of NFPA 805 Chapter 3. August 2011 Page 26 Ameren Missouri Use Fire Modeling to demonstrate compliance With NFPA 805 § Assemble Documentation Document fulfillment of Nudear Safety Performance Criteria (B-3 Table) Identify INITIAL Variances From Deterministic Requirements of NFPA 805 § 4.2.3 (B-3 Table) Bring into Compliance with Section 4.2.3 of NFPA 805 Document Final Disposition of VFDR Compliance options indude: -Accept As Is -Require FP systemsffeatures

-Require Recovery Action -Require Programmatic Enhancements

-Require Plant Modifications (B-3 Table) Document Required Fire Protection Systems and Features (B-3 and LAR Table 4-3) Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report yES----<:

Use Fire Risk Evaluations to demonstrate compliance With NFPA 805 § NO Guidance from RG 1.174 §2 & RG 1.205 § 2.2.4 Select another Compliance 1--__ -' Option August 2011 Figure 4-4 -Summary of Fire Area Review [Based on FAQ 07-0054 Revision 1] Page 27 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Results of the Evaluation Process Attachment C contains the results of the Fire Area Transition review (NEI 04-02 Table B-3). On a fire area basis, Attachment C summarizes compliance with Chapter 4 of NFPA 805. NEI 04-02 Table B-3 includes the following summary level information for each fire area:

  • Regulatory Basis -NFPA 805 post-transition regulatory bases are included.
  • Performance Goal Summary -An overview of the method of accomplishment of each of the performance criteria in NFPA 805 Section 1.5 is provided.
  • Reference Documents

-Specific references to Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment Documents are provided.

/ safety evaluations that will remain part of the post-transition licenSing basis. A brief description of the condition and the basis for acceptability of the licensing action is provided.

Attachment T contains items for which Callaway Plant is requesting concurrence of prior approval.

  • EEEE -Specific references to EEEE that rely on determinations of "adequate for the hazard" that will remain part of the post-transition licensing basis. A brief description of the condition and the basis for acceptability is provided.
  • VFDRs -Specific variances from the deterministic requirements of NFPA 805 Section 4.2.3. Refer to Section 4.5.2 for a discussion of the performance-based approach.

4.3 Non-Power Operational Modes 4.3.1 Overview of Evaluation Process The Callaway Plant has implemented the process outlined in NEI 04-02 and FAQ 07-0040 Revision 4 (ML082200528), Clarification on Non-Power Operations (NPO). The goal (as depicted in Figure 4-6) is to ensure that contingency plans are established when the plant is in an NPO condition where the risk is high. During low risk periods, normal risk management controls and fire prevention/protection processes and procedures will be utilized.

The process to demonstrate that the nuclear safety performance criteria are met during NPO modes involves the following steps:

  • Review the existing Outage Management Processes.
  • Identify Equipment/Cables:
  • Review plant systems to determine success paths that support each of the defense-in-depth Key Safety Functions (KSFs), and
  • Identify cables required for the selected components and determine their routing.
  • Perform Fire Area Assessments (identify pinch points -plant locations where a single fire may damage all success paths of a KSF). Manage pinch-points associated with fire-induced vulnerabilities during the outage. The process is depicted in Figures 4-5 and 4-6. The results are presented in Section 4.3.2. August 2011 Page 28 Ameren Missouri No Identify Equipment, Cables I and Approprl"te Information and Enter into Analytical Oatabase Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Review Existing Outage Management Process For the Evaluated Plant Operational Statos, Identify the Key Safety Functions (KSF.) for Review Is the Required EqulpmElnt for each Identified KSF Included In SSO Analysis?

Ves Are the Cables Analyzed Appropriate and Complete '? Ves Identify Locations Where a Single Fire May Oamage All Credited Paths for a KSF Figure 4-5 -Review POSs, KSFs, Equipment, and Cables, and Identify Pinch Points August 2011 Page 29 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Higher Risk Evolution a, Defined by Plant Specific Outage Rllk CrI.rla for exam!)le:

1) T1mo-to*Boll
2) Reactor Coolant System and Fuel Pool Inventory
3) Decay Heat Removal EQuipment Out of Service (OOS) YES YES Determine Fire Area Impact based on NPO Fire Area Reviews YES Implement Contingency Plan for Specific KSF Figure 4-6 -Manage Pinch Points August 2011 Fire Protection NO Oefense-in-Oepth Actions Fire Protection NO Defen .. -In-Olpth Actions Fire Protection NO Defense-in-Depth Actions Page 30 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 4.3.2 Results of the Evaluation Process , . Based on FAa 07-0040 Revision 4, the Plant Operating States (POS) considered for equipment and cable selection are defined in Callaway Plant Fire Protection Calculation KC-26 , Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment.

Components were identified to support the KSFs of Reactivity, Core Decay Heat Removal, Containment, Inventory, and associated support functions (process cooling and electrical power). A model was developed in the NFPA 805 Analysis Database (Genesis Solution Suite, SAFE-PB Module). Equipment was logically tied to the supported KSF. Power supplies, interlocks, and supporting equipment were logically tied to their parent component.

For those components which had not been previously analyzed in support of the at-power analYSis or whose functional requirements may have been different for the NPO analysis, cable selection was performed in accordance with approved project procedures.

Cables necessary to support the selected function of a component were selected and analyzed for fire impact. Callaway Plant Calculation KC-26, "Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment," contains the fire area assessment, the identified pinch points, and general recommendations for administrative controls to reduce that fire risk as well as a proposed strategy for recovering the KSF should a fire occur. In accordance with FAa 07-0040 Revision 4, any area experiencing fire damage which eliminates all success paths for a KSF (without recovery actions outside the main control room) is considered a pinch point. Fire modeling was not used to eliminate any fire area from being a pinch point. The list of generic recommendations specified in Callaway Plant Calculation KC-26 , "Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment," considers the following actions from FAa 07-0040 Revision 4:

  • Prohibition or limitation of hot work in fire areas during periods of increased vulnerability.
  • Verification of operable detection and/or suppression in the vulnerable areas.
  • Prohibition or limitation of combustible materials in fire areas during periods of increased vulnerability.
  • Plant configuration changes (e.g., removing power from equipment once it is placed in its desired position).
  • Provision of additional fire patrols at periodiC intervals or other appropriate compensatory measures (such as surveillance cameras) during increased vulnerability.
  • Use of recovery actions to mitigate potential losses of KSFs.
  • Identification and monitoring in-situ ignition sources for "fire precursors" (e.g., equipment temperatures).
  • Reschedule the work to a period with lower risk or higher Defense-In-Depth (DID). Refer to Attachment 0 for more complete details. Based on consideration of the vulnerable areas and incorporation of generic recommendations from FAa 07-0040 Revision 4 into appropriate plant procedures and practices, prior to implementation of NFPA 805, the performance goals (KSFs) for NPO are fulfilled and the requirements of NFPA 805 will be met. I mplementation of the N PO fire area assessment results into the Callaway Plant outage management processes will be completed as part of LAR implementation. (See Attachment S). August 2011 Page 31 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 4.4 Radioactive Release Performance Criteria 4.4.1 Overview of Evaluation Process The guidance for performing this review is contained in NEI 04-02, Sections 4.3 and Appendix B and FAQ 09-0056 Revision 2 (ML 102920405).

The Nuclear Safety Performance Criteria requires the prevention of fuel cladding damage either deterministically or by providing "reasonable assurance that a fire will not result in a radiological release that adversely affects the public, plant personnel, or the environment" via a measure of Core Damage Frequency (CDF) and Large Early Release Frequency (LERF) along with defense-in-depth and safety margin considerations.

As such, radiological release examination is limited to that radiation release to unrestricted areas due to the direct affects of fire suppression activities and shall be as low as reasonably achievable and shall not exceed applicable 10 CFR, Part 20, limits. The potential for radioactive release due to fire fighting activities is addressed via evaluation of fire pre-plans and fire brigade training materials.

The methodology consisted of the following:

  • Reviewed fire pre-plans and fire brigade training materials to identify fire protection program elements (e.g., systems I components I procedural control actions I flow paths, etc.) that are being credited to meet the radioactive release goals, objectives, and performance criteria during all plant operating modes, including full power and power conditions.
  • Reviewed engineering controls to ensure containment of gaseous and liquid effluents (e.g., smoke and fire fighting agents). This review included all plant operating modes (including full power and non-power conditions).

Otherwise, provided a bounding analysis, quantitative analysis, or other analysis that demonstrates that the limitations for instantaneous release of radioactive effluents specified in the unit's Technical Specifications are met. 4.4.2 Results of the Evaluation Process The Callaway Plant pre-fire plans, which are developed on a fire area I fire zone basis for structures and fire area basis for outside areas, were reviewed to screen them for applicability by fire area based on their potential to contain radioactive or contaminated materials.

Callaway Plant Calculation KC-43, "Code Compliance Evaluation NFPA 805, Performance-Based Standard for the Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants-2001 Edition," contains the detailed evaluation bases and results regarding when a fire area is screened in (affects radioactive release) or screened out (cannot affect radioactive release).

Applicable pre-fire plans were then evaluated to ensure that the locations that have the potential for radioactive release due to fire fighting activities are subject to speCific steps for containment and monitoring of potentially contaminated gaseous and liquid effluents.

Existing engineering or procedural controls for possible liquid and gaseous effluents were reviewed to determine how effectively the specific steps in the pre-fire plans provide guidelines for the containment and monitoring for potentially contaminated effluents.

Enhancements to the pre-fire plans were noted if required and are identified within Attachment S. The pre-fire plans assume the plant is at power operation in terms of identifying specific hazards; however, the strategies employed do not rely on the operational status of the unit and are, therefore, valid during outage periods as well. The Fire Brigade training materials were reviewed to ensure they contain adequate guidance regarding containment and monitoring of potentially contaminated gaseous and liquid effluents.

August 2011 Page 32 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Enhancements to the Fire Brigade training materials were noted if required and are identified within Attachment S. As allowed within FAQ 09-00S6 Revision 2, a bounding analysis was performed for radioactive materials storage located in areas outside the permanent Radiologically Controlled Area (RCA) for items such as Sea-Land type container storage. Based on the bounding analysis, administrative controls, in addition to fire pre-plan containment and monitoring of potentially contaminated gaseous and liquid effluents, are established to ensure fires associated with locations outside the permanent RCA cannot exceed applicable 10 CFR, Part 20 limits. The additional administrative controls required to implement the bounding analysis are identified in Attachment S. The site specific review of the direct effects of fire suppression activities on radioactive release is summarized in Attachment E. The radioactive release review determined the fire protection program will be compliant with the requirements of NFPA 80S and the guidance in NEI 04-02 and RG 1.20S upon completion of the implementation items identified in Attachment S. 4.5 Fire PRA and Performance-Based Approaches RI-PB evaluations are an integral element of an NFPA 80S fire protection program. Key parts of RI-PB evaluations include:

  • A Fire PRA (discussed in Section 4.S.1 and Attachments U, V, and W).
  • NFPA 80S Performance-Based Approaches (discussed in Section 4.S.2). 4.5.1 Fire PRA Development and Assessment In accordance with the guidance in RG 1.20S, a Fire PRA (FPRA) model was developed for Callaway Plant in compliance with the requirements of Part 4 "Internal Fires at Power Probabilistic Risk Assessment Requirements," of the ASME and ANS combined PRA Standard, ASME/ANS RA-Sa-2009, "Standard for Level 1/Large Early Release Frequency Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Nuclear Power Plant Application," (hereafter referred to as the Fire PRA Standard).

Callaway Plant conducted a peer review by independent industry analysts in accordance with RG 1.200 prior to a risk-informed submittal.

The resulting fire risk assessment model is used as the analytical tool to perform Fire Risk Evaluations during the transition process. Section 4.S.1.1 describes the Internal Events PRA model. Section 4.S.1.2 describes the Fire PRA model. Section 4.S.1.3 describes the results and resolution of the peer review of the Fire PRA, and Section 4.S.1.4 describes insights gained from the Fire PRA. Internal Events PRA The Callaway Plant internal events PRA (PRA Update 4) was the starting point for the Fire PRA. In 2006, the Callaway Plant internal events PRA underwent a gap assessment, conducted by Scientech, against the Capability Category II requirements of ASME RA-S-2002, "Standard for Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Nuclear Power Plant Applications," with ASME RA-Sa-2003 and ASME RA-Sb-200S Addenda, ASME, 200S. To move the PRA Update 4 internal events model to Capability Category II of the Standard, a large-effort PRA upgrade project was planned and initiated in 2007. Since the Fire PRA would be developed concurrent with the internal events PRA upgrade project, the internal events PRA upgrade gaps were categorized as follows: August 2011 Page 33 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report

  • Category A -Those internal events gaps that could have the highest impact on the fire PRA, and therefore should be addressed prior to the fire PRA peer review.
  • Category B -Those internal events gaps that would likely have a lesser impact on the fire PRA, but should be addressed prior to submittal of the NFPA 80S license amendment request.
  • Category C -Those gaps that will be addressed as part of the internal events PRA upgrade, but would not impact the fire PRA used for the transition to NFPA-80S.

The Category A and Category B gaps are described, and dispositioned relative to the Fire PRA in Attachment U. Additionally, justification for the Category C gaps, i.e., that they do not impact the Fire PRA, is also provided in Attachment U. All of the internal events PRA gap analysis Findings that could affect the Fire PRA have been addressed and closed. The Callaway Plant NFPA 80S Fire PRA Quality Summary report (17671-01S) was developed to support the FPRA peer review by providing a single document that could be used to (1) understand the internal events PRA quality gaps, (2) identify which of these gaps were deemed to be relevant to the FPRA, (3) understand how FPRA-relevant gaps were closed and (4) understand the rationale for those gaps deemed not to be relevant to the FPRA. The FPRA peer review was conducted October 26 through October 30, 2009 and reviewed this report as part of the PRA Maintenance and Update element. The Peer Review team found the categorization and dispositioning acceptable, and had no findings related to this report. Fire PRA A Fire PRA model was developed for Callaway Plant using the guidance provided in NUREG/CR-68S0/EPRI TR-1011989 (including supplement 1), EPRI TR-101673S, and draft NUREG-1921.

Attachment H provides a listing of the approved FAQs that affect the overall license transition process for Callaway Plant. The resulting fire risk assessment model is used as the analytical tool to perform Fire Risk Evaluations during the transition process and to develop estimates of the potential change in fire related risk associated with those changes. The supporting calculations for the Callaway Plant Fire PRA have been developed, reviewed by a peer review team, and updated. The fire PRA was developed using the internal events PRA as a starting point. The internal events PRA was modified to capture the effects of fire, both as an initiator of an event and the subsequent potential failure modes for affected circuits or individual targets. The fire PRA has been quantified using the WinNUPRA PRA software.

The Callaway Plant fire PRA is documented in a series of reports and calculations associated with each NUREG/CR-68S0 fire PRA task. Fire Model Utilization in the Application Fire modeling was performed as part of the Fire PRA development (NFPA 80S Section

RG 1.20S, Regulatory Position 4.2 and Section S.1.2 of NEI 04-02, provide guidance to identify fire models that are acceptable to the NRC for plants implementing a risk-informed, performance-based licensing basis. The following fire models were used:

  • Flame Height (Method of Heskestad)
  • Plume Centerline Temperature (Method of Heskestad)
  • Radiant Heat Flux (Point Source Method) August 2011. Page 34 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report
  • Plume Radius (Method of Heskestad)
  • Hot Gas Layer (Method of MQH)
  • Hot Gas Layer (Method of Seyler)
  • Hot Gas Layer (Method of Foote, Pagni, and Alvares [FPA])
  • Hot Gas Layer (Method of Deal and Seyler)
  • Ceiling Jet Temperature (Method of Alpert)
  • Hot Gas Layer Calculations using Fire Dynamics Simulator (Version 5)
  • Sprinkler Actuation Calculation using Fire Dynamics Simulator (Version 5)
  • Smoke Detection Actuation Correlation (Method of Heskestad and Delichatsios)
  • Heat Detection Actuation Correlation
  • Sprinkler Activation Correlation
  • Control Room Abandonment Calculation using CFAST
  • Temperature Sensitive Equipment Hot Gas Layer Study
  • Temperature Sensitive Equipment Zone of Influence Study
  • Plume/Hot Gas Layer I nteraction Study
  • Corner and Wall HRR
  • Correlation for Heat Release Rates of Cables (Method of Lee)
  • Correlation for Flame Spread over Horizontal Cable Trays (FLASH-CAT)
  • Multi-Compartment Analysis Hot Gas Layer Analysis The acceptability of the use of these fire models is included in Attachment J. Results of Fire PRA Peer Review The Callaway Plant Fire PRA (Callaway Plant model of record 3Q09-FPRA) was peer reviewed against the requirements of ASME/ANS RA-Sa-2009, Part 4. The PWR Owner's Group (PWR OG) issued a report containing the results of the Callaway Plant Fire PRA Review on March 9, 2010 (L TR-RAM-II-1 0-019). The identification and resolution of the high level fi ndings from the PWR OG Fire PRA Review are summarized in Attachment V. Each of the findings from the fire PRA peer review has either been addressed with a change in the FPRA model or evaluated to have no impact on the Fire PRA. The FPRA Peer Review findings that were evaluated to have no impact either related to documentation improvements or final resolution of technical issues that are not expected to have a significant impact on the Fire PRA risk metrics and inSights.

Only one of ASME/ANS Fire PRA Standard areas was identified by the Fire PRA peer review team as meeting Capability Category I only requirements.

The capability categories are defined in Part 4 of the combined PRA standard.

The single Fire PRA supporting requirement classified as Capability Category I is also summarized in Attachment V with a basis/justification for acceptability for this application.

August 2011 Page 35 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Risk Insights Risk insights were documented as part of the development of the Fire PRA. The total plant fire CDF/LERF was derived using the NUREG/CR-6850 methodology for fire PRA development and is useful in identifying the areas of the plant where fire risk is greatest.

The fire scenarios that collectively represent 95%) of the calculated fire risk and whose individual contribution is more than 1 % of the fire risk are included as Attachment W. These criteria are consistent with the definition of "significant" from the combined ASME/ANS PRA Standard RA-Sa-2009 (for the term significant accident progression sequence).

4.5.2 Performance-Based Approaches NFPA 805 outlines the approaches for performing performance-based analyses.

As specified in Section 4.2.4 of this report, there are generally two types of analyses performed for the performance-based approach:

  • Fire Modeling (NFPA 805 Section
  • Fire Risk Evaluation (NFPA 805 Section Fire Modeling Approach The fire modeling approach was not utilized for the transition. Fire Risk Approach Overview of Evaluation Process The Fire Risk Evaluations were completed as part of the Callaway Plant NFPA 805 transition.

The methodology used is based upon the requirements of NFPA 80S, industry guidance in NEI 04-02, and RG 1.205. These are summarized in Table 4-1. Document NFPA 805 Table 4-1 -Fire Risk Evaluation Guidance Summary Table Section(s)

Topic 2.2(h), 4.2.4, A.2.2(h), A.2.4.4, 0.5 Change Evaluation (2.2(h), 2.2.9, 2.4.4 A.2.2(h), A.2.4.4, 0.5) Risk of Recovery Actions (4.2.4) Use of Fire Risk Evaluation (

NEI 04-02 Revision 2 4.4, 5.3, Appendix B, Appendix I, Appendix J Change Evaluation, Change Evaluation Forms (App. I), No specific discussion of Fire Risk Evaluation RG 1.205 Revision 1 C.2.2.4, C.2.4, C.3.2 Risk Evaluations (C.2.2.4)

Recovery Actions (C.2.4) During the transition to NFPA 805, variances from the deterministic approach in Section 4.2.3 of NFPA 805 were evaluated using a Fire Risk Evaluation per Section of NFPA 805. A Fire Risk Evaluation was performed for each fire area containing variances from the deterministic requirements of Section 4.2.3 of NFPA 805 (VFDRs). If the Fire Risk Evaluation meets the acceptance criteria, this is confirmation that a success path effectively remains free of fire August 2011 Page 36 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report damage and that the performance-based approach is acceptable per Section of NFPA 805. The Fire Risk Evaluation process consists of the following steps (Figure 4-7 depicts the Fire Risk Evaluation process used during transition.

This is generally based on FAQ 07-0054 Revision 1 (ML 110140183):

Step 1 -Preparation for the Fire Risk Evaluation.

  • Definition of the Variances from the Deterministic Requirements.

The definition of the VFDR includes a description of problem statement and the section of NFPA 805 that is not met, type of VFDR (e.g., separation issue or degraded fire protection system), and proposed evaluation per applicable NFPA 805 section.

  • Preparatory Evaluation

-Fire Risk Evaluation Team Review. Using the information obtained during the development of the NEI 04-02 Table 8-3 and the Fire PRA, a team review of the VFDR was performed.

Depending on the scope and complexity of the VFDR, the team may include the Safe shutdown/NSCA Engineer, the Fire Protection Engineer, and the Fire PRA Engineer.

The purpose and objective of this team review was to address the following:

  • Review of the Fire PRA modeling treatment of VFDR.
  • Ensure discrepancies were captured and resolved.

Step 2 -Performed the Fire Risk Evaluation.

  • The Evaluator coordinated as necessary with the Safe shutdown/NSCA Engineer, Fire Protection Engineer and Fire PRA Engineer to assess the VFDR using the Fire Risk Evaluation process to perform the following:
  • Change in Risk Calculation with consideration for additional risk of recovery actions and required fire protection systems and features due to fire risk.
  • Fire area change in risk summary. Step 3 -Reviewed the Acceptance Criteria.
  • The acceptance criteria for the Fire Risk Evaluation consist of two parts. One is quantitatively based and the other is qualitatively based. The quantitative figures of merit are LlCDF (change in core damage frequency) and LlLERF (change in large early release frequency).

The qualitative factors are defense-in-depth and safety margin.

  • Risk Acceptance Criteria.

The transition risk evaluation was measured quantitatively for acceptability using the LlCDF and LlLERF criteria from RG 1.174, as clarified in RG 1.205 Regulatory Position 2.2.4.

  • Defense-in-Depth.

A review of the impact of the change on defense-in-depth was performed, using the guidance from NEI 04-02.

  • Safety Margin Assessment.

A review of the impact of the change on safety margin was performed.

August 2011 Page 37 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report August 2011 Identification of VFDRs (From B-3 Tables) , Determine How to Model the VFDR in the Fire PRA --I---" Calculate VFDR Delta CDF And Delta LERF --I---" Evaluate Delta CDF And Delta LERF " Evaluate the Maintenance of Defense-In-Depth And Safety Margin .. .. ----... -Discuss and Document in Fire PRA and Fire Risk Evaluation Documentation --------Discuss and Document in Fire Risk Evaluation Calculation Prepare for Fire Risk Evaluation Perform Fire Risk Evaluation Review of Acceptance Criteria Figure 4-7 -Fire Risk Evaluation Process (NFPA 805 Transition)

[Based on FAQ 07-0054 Revision 1] Page 38 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Results of Evaluation Process Disposition of VFDRs The Callaway Plant NSCA and the NFPA 80S transition project activities have identified a number of variances from the deterministic requirements of NFPA 80S Section 4.2.3. These variances were dispositioned using the fire risk evaluation process. Each variance dispositioned using a Fire Risk Evaluation was assessed against the Fire Risk Evaluation acceptance criteria of LlCDF and LlLERF; and maintenance of defense-in-depth and safety margin criteria from Section S.3.S of NEI 04-02 and RG 1.20S. The results of these calculations are summarized in Attachment C. Following completion of transition activities and planned modifications and program changes, the plant will be compliant with 10 CFR S0.48(c).

Risk Change Due to NFPA 805 Transition In accordance with the guidance in RG 1.20S, Section C.2.2.4, Risk Evaluations, risk increases or decreases for each fire area using Fire Risk Evaluations and the overall plant should be provided.

Note that the risk increase due to the use of recovery actions was included in the risk change for transition for each fire area. RG 1.20S Section C. states in part itT he total increase or decrease in risk associated with the implementation of NFPA 805 for the overall plant should be calculated by summing the risk increases and decreases for each fire area (including any risk increases resulting from previously approved recovery actions).

The total risk increase should be consistent with the acceptance guidelines in Regulatory Guide 1.174. Note that the acceptance guidelines of Regulatory Guide 1. 174 may require the total CDF, LERF, or both, to evaluate changes where the risk impact exceeds specific guidelines.

If the additional risk associated with previously approved recovery actions is greater than the acceptance guidelines in Regulatory Guide 1. 174, then the net change in total plant risk incurred by any proposed alternatives to the deterministic criteria in NFPA 805, Chapter 4 (other than the previously approved recovery actions), should be risk neutral or represent a risk decrease." The risk increases and decreases are provided in Attachment W. 4.6 Monitoring Program 4.6.1 Overview of NFPA 805 Requirements for the NFPA 805 Monitoring Program Section 2.6 of NFPA 80S states: itA monitoring program shall be established to ensure that the availability and reliability of the fire protection systems and features are maintained and to assess the performance of the fire protection program in meeting the performance criteria.

Monitoring shall ensure that the assumptions in the engineering analysis remain valid." The intent of the monitoring review is to confirm the adequacy of the existing surveillance, inspection, testing, compensatory measures, and oversight processes for transition to NFPA 80S. This review considers the following:

  • The adequacy of the scope of structure, systems and components within existing plant programs.

August 2011 Page 39 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report

  • The performance criteria for the availability and reliability of the required structure, systems and components.
  • The adequacy of the plant corrective action program in determining causes of equipment and programmatic failures and in minimizing their recurrence.

4.6.2 Overview

of Post-Transition 805 Monitoring Program The Monitoring program described in procedure EDP-ZZ-011 01, "Fire Protection Monitoring Program Procedure," will be implemented after the safety evaluation issuance as part of the fire protection program transition to NFPA 805. The monitoring program described in this section is based on FAQ 10-0059 Revision 1 which is the latest available copy at the time of this submittal but is still under review by the NRC. Ameren Missouri will implement a monitoring program in accordance with the NRC approved version of FAQ 10-0059 during implementation (see implementation item in Attachment S). The monitoring process is comprised of four phases.

  • Phase 1 -Scoping
  • Phase 2 -Screening Using Risk Criteria
  • Phase 3 -Risk Target Value Determination
  • Phase 4 -Monitoring Implementation Phase 1 -Scoping The following categories of SSCs and programmatic elements will be reviewed during the implementation phase for inclusion in the NFPA 805 monitoring program:
  • Structures, Systems, and Components required to comply with NFPA 805, specifically:
  • Fire protection systems and features required by the Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment
  • Fire protection systems and features modeled in the fire PRA
  • Fire protection systems and features required by Chapter 3 of NFPA 805
  • Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment equipment
  • Structures, systems and components relied upon to meet radioactive release criteria
  • Fire Protection Programmatic Elements
  • Key Assumptions in Engineering Analyses (speCifically analyses performed to demonstrate compliance with the nuclear safety and radioactive release performance criteria)

The fire protection systems and features (required to meet Chapter 3 of NFPA 805 and the NSCA criteria) and SSCs required to meet the radioactive release criteria will be included in the existing inspection and test programs and in the existing post transition system/program health program governed by APA-ZZ-00703, "Fire Protection Operability Criteria and Surveillance Requirements," and EDP-ZZ-01131, "Plant Health and Performance Monitoring Program," respectively.

In addition, passive features (barriers, drains, curbs, etc.) that are relied upon to demonstrate compliance with Chapter 4 of NFPA 805 will also be included in the existing inspection and test programs and in the existing system/program health program. The post NFPA 805 transition programs are adequate for routine monitoring of these SSCs. Note that the post NFPA 805 transition programs for both the inspection and test programs and August 2011 Page 40 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report system/program health will reflect the results of the risk informed evaluation performed using EPRI Report TR-1 006756, "Fire Protection Surveillance Optimization and Maintenance Guide for Fire Protection Systems and Features," referenced within NEI 04-02 Table 8-1, LAR Attachment A. Phase 2 -Screening Using Risk Criteria Phase 2 of the process uses the risk significance criteria and screens the SSCs and programmatic elements to determine High Safety Significant SSCs and programmatic elements.

This will be accomplished at the component, programmatic element, and/or functional level. Since risk is evaluated at the analysis unit level (fire compartment, fire area, fire zone, or ignition source), criteria must be developed to determine those analysis units for which the SSCs are considered High Safety Significant.

The fire PRA is the primary tool used to establish the risk significance criteria and performance bounding guidelines.

The screening thresholds used to determine risk significant analysis units are those that meet the following criteria:

Risk Achievement Worth (RAW) of the monitored parameter 2.0 (AND) either Core Damage Frequency (CDF) x (RAW) 1.0E-7 per year (OR) Large Early Release Frequency (LERF) x (RAW) 1.0E-8 per year High Safety Significant (HSS) fire protection systems and features and nuclear safety capability equipment are those that meet or exceed the risk significant screening criteria.

The SSCs and programmatic elements for these HSS analysis units will be included in the additional monitoring program of NFPA 805. Low Safety Significant fire protection systems and features and nuclear safety capability equipment are those that do not meet the risk Significant screening criteria and are monitored via the existing inspection and test programs and in the existing system/program health program. Additionally, the review may include other analysis units (and required FP/NSCA SSCs and programmatic elements) that are not risk significant (per the screening criteria) but are included based on plant specific history and/or operational considerations.

Phase 3 -Risk Target Value Determination Phase 3 consists of using the fire PRA, or other processes as appropriate, to determine target values of reliability and availability for the High Safety Significant, FP/NSCA SSCs and programmatic elements established in Phase 2. Failure criteria are established based on the required fire protection and nuclear safety capability SSCs and programmatic elements assumed level of performance in the supporting analyses.

Action levels are established for the SSCs at the component level, program level, or functionally through the use of the pseudo system or the 'performance monitoring group' concept. The actual action level is determined based on the number of component, program or functional failures within a sufficiently bounding time period (-2-3 operating cycles). Adverse trends and unacceptable levels of availability, reliability, and performance will be reviewed against established action levels. Documentation of the Monitoring Program failure criteria and action level targets will be contained in a documented evaluation.

August 2011 Page 41 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Phase 4 -Monitoring Implementation Phase 4 is the implementation of the monitoring program, once the monitoring scope and criteria are established.

The corrective action process governed by APA-ZZ-00500, "Corrective Action Program," is used to address performance of fire protection and nuclear safety SSCs that do not meet performance criteria.

For High Safety Significant fire protection and nuclear safety SSCs that are monitored, unacceptable levels of availability, reliability, and performance will be reviewed against the established action levels. If an action level is triggered, the Corrective Action Program is used to identify the negative trend. A corrective action plan will then be developed to ensure performance returns to the established level. A periodic assessment of the Monitoring Program will be included within the scope of the Nuclear OverSight Department's routine Fire Protection Program assessment which is described in Section 4.7.3. The scope of the Monitoring Program assessment will include the following:

  • Review systems with performance criteria.

Do performance criteria still effectively monitor the functions of the system? Do the criteria still monitor the effectiveness of the fire protection and nuclear safety capability assessment systems?

  • Have the supporting analyses been revised such that the performance criteria are no longer applicable or new fire protection and nuclear safety capability assessment SSCs, programmatic elements and/or functions need to be in scope?
  • Based on the assessment period, are there any trends in monitored elements that should be addressed that are not being addressed?

4.7 Program

Documentation, Configuration Control, and Quality Assurance

4.7.1 Compliance

with Documentation Requirements in Section 2.7.1 of NFPA 805 In accordance with the requirements and guidance in NFPA 805 Section 2.7.1 and NEI 04-02, Callaway Plant has documented analyses to support compliance with 10 CFR 50.48(c).

The analyses are being performed in accordance with Ameren Missouri's processes for ensuring assumptions are clearly defined, that results are easily understood, that results are clearly and consistently described, and that sufficient detail is provided to allow future review of the entire analyses.

Analyses, as defined by NFPA 805 Section 2.4, performed to demonstrate compliance with 10 CFR 50.48(c) will be maintained for the life of the plant and organized to facilitate review for accuracy and adequacy.

Note these analyses do not include items such as periodic tests, hot work permits, fire impairments, etc. The Fire Protection Design Basis Document described in Section of NFPA 805 and necessary supporting documentation described in Section of NFPA 805 were created as part of transition to 10 CFR 50.48(c) to ensure program implementation following receipt of the safety evaluation.

The design basis documentation is captured in fire protection calculations KC-81 through KC-161, "Fire Safety Analysis." Appropriate cross references will be established to supporting documents as required by Ameren Missouri processes.

Figure 4-8 depicts the planned post-transition documentation and relationships.

August 2011 Page 42

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I I (") Q) ::::::: Q) I '" I :g Q) I ::::3 -<= ..,., (Xl c Ot ;i OJ ::::3 CI) :::0 C!) "t) 0 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 4.7.2 Compliance with Configuration Control Requirements in Section 2.7.2 and 2.2.9 of NFPA 805 Program documentation established, revised, or utilized in support of compliance with 10 CFR 50.48(c) is subject to Ameren Missouri configuration control processes that meet the requirements of Section 2.7.2 of NFPA 805. This includes the appropriate procedures and configuration control processes for ensuring that changes impacting the fire protection program are reviewed appropriately.

The RI-PB post transition change process methodology is based upon the requirements of NFPA 80S, and industry guidance in NEI 04-02, and RG 1.205. These requirements are summarized in Table 4-2. Table 4-2 Change Evaluation Guidance Summary Table Document NFPA 805 NE104-02 RG 1.205 Section(s) 2.2(h), 2.2.9, 2.4.4, A.2.2(h), A.2.4.4, D.5 5.3, Appendix B, Appendix I, Appendix J C.2.2.4, C.3.1, C.3.2, C.4.3 Topic Change Evaluation Change Evaluation, Change Evaluation Forms (Appendix I) Risk Evaluation, Standard License Condition, Change Evaluation Process, Fire PRA The Plant Change Evaluation Process consists of the following 4 steps and is depicted in Figure 4-9:

  • Defining the Change
  • Performing the Preliminary Risk Screening
  • Performing the Risk Evaluation
  • Evaluating the Acceptance Criteria Change Definition The Change Evaluation process begins by defining the change or altered condition to be examined and the baseline configuration as defined by the Design Basis and Licensing Basis (NFPA 805 Licensing Basis post-transition).
1. The baseline is defined as that plant condition or configuration that is consistent with the Design Basis and Licensing Basis (NFPA 805 Licensing Basis post-transition).
2. The changed or altered condition or configuration that is not consistent with the Design Basis and Licensing Basis is defined as the proposed alternative.

Preliminary Risk Review Once the definition of the change is established, a screening is then performed to identify and resolve minor changes to the fire protection program. This screening is consistent with fire protection regulatory review processes in place at nuclear plants under traditional licensing bases. This screening process is modeled after the NEI 02-03 process. This process will address most administrative changes (e.g., changes to the combustible control program, organizational changes, etc.). August 2011 Page 44 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report The characteristics of an acceptable screening process that meets the "assessment of the acceptability of risk" requirement of Section 2.4.4 of NFPA 805 are:

  • The quality of the screen is sufficient to ensure that potentially greater than minimal risk increases receive detailed risk assessments appropriate to the level of risk.
  • The screening process must be documented and be available for inspection by the NRC.
  • The screening process does not pose undue evaluation or maintenance burden. If any of the above is not met, proceed to the Risk Evaluation step. Risk Evaluation The screening is followed by engineering evaluations that may include fire modeling and risk assessment techniques.

The results of these evaluations are then compared to the acceptance criteria.

Changes that satisfy the acceptance criteria of NFPA 805 Section 2.4.4 and the license condition can be implemented within the framework provided by NFPA 805. Changes that do not satisfy the acceptance criteria cannot be implemented within this framework.

The acceptance criteria require that the resultant change in CDF and LERF be consistent with the license condition.

The acceptance criteria also include consideration of defense-in-depth and safety margin, which would typically be qualitative in nature. The risk evaluation involves the application of fire modeling analyses and risk assessment techniques to obtain a measure of the changes in risk associated with the proposed change. In certain circumstances, an initial evaluation in the development of the risk assessment could be a simplified analysis using bounding assumptions provided the use of such assumptions does not unnecessarily challenge the acceptance criteria discussed below. Acceptability Determination The Change Evaluations are assessed for acceptability using the l\CDF and l\LERF criteria from the license condition.

The proposed changes are also assessed to ensure they are consistent with the defense-in-depth philosophy and that sufficient safety margins were maintained.

August 2011 Page 45 Ameren Missouri Defining the Change (8.3.2) License Amendment Request License Amendment Request NOT Requ i red Preliminary Risk Screening (6.3.3) Risk Evaluation (6.3.4) PRA Capability Category Assessment r---I F i re PRA ........ Capab ili ty , Category I I Assessment t..= __ :.J Acceptance Criteria (8.3.6) Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Identify I Define Change ""-Involve "'-. NFP y' Chapter 3 Rqmnt? Deta i led Evaluat i on ( No Yes B No Change Not Acceptable Document Conclus i on Figure 4-9 Plant Change Evaluation

[NEI 04-02 Figure 5-1] Note references in Figure refer to NEI 04-02 Sections August 2011 Page 46 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report The Callaway Plant Fire Protection Program configuration is defined by the program documentation.

To the greatest extent possible, the existing configuration control processes for modifications, calculations and analyses, and Fire Protection Program License Basis Reviews will be utilized to maintain configuration control of the Fire Protection program documents.

The configuration control procedures which govern the various Callaway Plant documents and databases that currently exist will be revised to reflect the new NFPA 805 licensing bases requirements.

Several NFPA 805 document types such as: NSCA Supporting Information, Non-Power Mode NSCA Treatment, etc., generally require new control procedures and processes to be developed since they are new documents and databases created as a result of the transition to NFPA 805. The new procedures will be modeled after the existing processes for similar types of documents and databases.

The development of new control procedures and processes for new documents and databases created as a result of the transition to NFPA 805 will be completed as part of LAR implementation. (See Attachment S.) The process for capturing the impact of proposed changes to the plant on the Fire Protection Program will continue to be a multiple step review. The first step of the review is an initial screening for process users to determine if there is a potential to impact the Fire Protection program as defined under NFPA 805 through a series of screening questions/checklists contained in one or more procedures depending upon the configuration control process being used. Reviews that identify potential Fire Protection program impacts will be sent to qualified individuals (Fire Protection, Safe Shutdown/NSCA, and/or Fire PRA) to ascertain the program impacts, if any. If Fire Protection program impacts are determined to exist as a result of the proposed change, the issue would be resolved by one of the following:

  • Deterministic Approach:

Comply with NFPA 805 Chapter 3 and 4.2.3 requirements.

  • Performance-Based Approach:

Utilize the NFPA 805 change process developed in accordance with NEI 04-02, RG 1.205, and the Callaway Plant NFPA 805 fire protection license condition to assess the acceptability of the proposed change. This process would be used to determine if the proposed change could be implemented "as-is" or whether prior NRC approval of the proposed change is required.

This process follows the requirements in NFPA 805 and the guidance outlined in RG 1.174 which requires the use of qualified individuals, procedures that require calculations be subject to independent review and verification, record retention, peer review, and a corrective action program that ensures appropriate actions are taken when errors are discovered.

4.7.3 Compliance

with Quality Requirements in Section 2.7.3 of NFPA 805 Fire Protection Program Quality Current QA Program The existing Callaway Plant Fire Protection QA program requirements are contained in the following documents;

  • FSAR SP Appendix 9.5A," Design Comparison to Regulatory Positions of Regulatory Guide 1.120, Revision 1, dated November 1977, Titled "Fire Protection Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plants,"
  • FSAR Site Addendum (FSAR SA) Appendix 9.5A, "Fire Protection Evaluation," and
  • Operating Quality Assurance Manual (OQAM). August 2011 Page 47 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report QA Program Utilized During Transition During the transition to 10 CFR 50.48(c), Callaway Plant performed work in accordance with the quality requirements of Section 2.7.3 of NFPA 805 and the existing FP QA Program described above. This included requirements that each analysis, calculation, or evaluation performed to support compliance with 10 CFR 50.48(c) be independently reviewed.

Post Transition QA Program Callaway Plant will utilize the existing Fire Protection Quality Assurance program with the following changes.

  • For the post NFPA 805 Transition, the FP QA Program requirements will be consolidated within FSAR SP Sections 3.2.4 and 9.5.1 and the OQAM.
  • In addition to editorial and administrative changes (Le. replacing references to previous NRC guidelines with those associated with the NFPA 805 transition and ensuring the features required for a performance based program under NFPA 805 are addressed), the components and systems currently considered within the scope of the Fire Protection QA Program will be expanded to include those components and systems that are in the power block and are required by Chapter 4 of NFPA 805. This means that certain FP systems and features in some buildings not currently considered under the FP QA Program that are required by NFPA 805 Chapter 4 will now fall under the Fire Protection QA program. As such, any future modifications to these systems will be conducted under the design controls required by the FP QA program.
  • The FP QA Program includes a requirement to conduct independent audits of the FP Program by the Nuclear Oversight Department to ensure that the requirements of the fire protection program are being effectively implemented.

The audit requirements contained in OQAM Section 18.8.e will be revised to include the periodic review of the Monitoring Program. Fire PRA Quality Configuration control of the Fire PRA model will be maintained by integrating the Fire PRA model into existing procedure APA-ZZ-00312, "Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA)", used to ensure configuration control of the internal events PRA model. This process complies with Section 5 of the ASME Standard for PRA Quality and ensures that Ameren Missouri maintains an as-built, as-operated PRA model of the plant. The process has been peer reviewed.

Quality assurance of the Fire PRA is assured via the same processes applied to the internal events model. This process follows the guidance outlined in RG 1.174 which requires the use of qualified individuals, procedures that require calculations be subject to independent review and verification, record retention, peer review, and a corrective action program that ensures appropriate actions are taken when errors are discovered.

Although the entire scope of the formal 10 CFR 50 Appendix B program is not applied to the PRA models or processes in general, often parts of the program are applied as a convenient method of complying with the requirements of RG 1.174. For instance, the procedure which addresses software controls for 10 CFR 50 Appendix B is applied to the PRA model software, as well. With respect to Quality Assurance Program requirements for independent reviews of calculations and evaluations, those existing requirements for Fire Protection Program documents will remain unchanged.

Ameren Missouri specifically requires that the calculations and evaluations in support of the NFPA 805 LAR, exclusive of the Fire PRA, be performed August 2011 Page 48 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report within the scope of the QA program which requires independent review as defined by Ameren Missouri procedures.

As recommended by NUREG/CR-6850, the sources of uncertainty in the Fire PRA were identified and specific parameters were analyzed for sensitivity in support of the NFPA 805 Fire Risk Evaluation process. Specifically with regard to uncertainty, an uncertainty and sensitivity matrix was developed and included with Callaway Plant Fire PRA Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses report, 17671-014. I n addition, sensitivity to uncertainty associated with specific Fire PRA parameters was quantitatively addressed in this report. While the removal of conservatism inherent in the Fire PRA is a long-term goal, the Fire PRA results were deemed sufficient for evaluating the risk associated with this application.

While Ameren Missouri continues to strive toward a more "realistic" estimate of fire risk, use of mean values continues to be the best estimate of fire risk. During the Fire Risk Evaluation process, the uncertainty and sensitivity associated with specific Fire PRA parameters were considerations in the evaluation of the change in risk relative to the applicable acceptance thresholds.

Specific Requirements of NFPA 805 Section 2.7.3 NFPA 805 Section -Review Analyses, calculations, and evaluations performed in support of compliance with 10 CFR 50.48(c) are performed in accordance with Ameren Missouri's procedures that require independent review. NFPA 805 Section -Verification and Validation Calculational models and numerical methods used in support of compliance with 10 CFR 50.48(c) were verified and validated as required by Section of NFPA 805. NFPA 805 Section -Limitations of Use Engineering methods and numerical models used in support of compliance with 10 CFR 50.48(c) are used and were used appropriately as required by Section of NFPA 805. NFPA 805 Section -Qualification of Users Cognizant personnel who use and apply engineering analysis and numerical methods in support of compliance with 10 CFR 50.48(c) are competent and experienced as required by Section of NFPA 805. For personnel performing fire modeling or Fire PRA development and evaluation, Ameren Missouri will develop and maintain qualification requirements for individuals assigned various tasks. Qualification Standards will be developed to identify and document required training and mentoring to ensure individuals are appropriately qualified per the requirements of NFPA 805 Section to perform assigned work. These qualification requirements and guides will be developed as described in the associated implementation item in Attachment S. NFPA 805 Section -Uncertainty Analysis Uncertainty analyses were performed as required by of NFPA 805 and the results were considered in the context of the application.

This is of particular interest in fire modeling and Fire PRA development.

August 2011 Page 49 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 4.8 Summary of Results 4.8.1 Results of the Fire Area Review A summary of the NFPA 805 compliance basis and the required fire protection systems and features is provided in Table 4-3. The table provides the following information from the NEI 04-02 Table B-3:

  • Fire Area / Fire Zone: Fire Area / Zone Identifier.


Fire Area / Zone Description.

  • NFPA 805 Regulatory Basis: Post-transition NFPA 805 Chapter 4 compliance basis (Note: Compliance is determined on a Fire Area basis therefore a compliance basis is not provided for individual fire zones.)
  • Required Fire Protection System / Feature: Detection

/ suppression required in the Fire Area based on NFPA 805 Chapter 4 compliance.

Other Required Features may include Electrical Raceway Fire Barrier Systems, fire barriers, etc. The documentation of required fire protection systems and features does not include the documentation of the fire area boundaries.

Fire area boundaries are required and documentation of the fire area boundaries has been performed as part of reviews of engineering evaluations, licensing actions, or as part of the reviews of the NEI 04-02 Table B-1 process. The information is provided on a fire zone basis. The basis for the requirement of the fire protection system / feature is designated as follows:

  • S -Separation Criteria:

Systems/Features required for Chapter 4 Separation Criteria in Section 4.2.3

  • L -Licensing Action Criteria:

Systems/Features required for acceptability of NRC approved licensing Actions (i.e., Exemptions/Deviation/Safety Evaluations) (Section 2.2.7)

  • E -EEEE Criteria:

Systems/Features required for acceptability of Existing Engineering Equivalency Evaluations (Section 2.2.7)

  • R -Risk Criteria:

Systems/Features required to meet the Risk Criteria for the Performance-Based Approach (Section 4.2.4)

  • D -Defense-in-depth Criteria:

Systems/Features required to maintain adequate balance of Defense-in-Depth for a Performance-Based Approach (Section 4.2.4) Attachment W contains the results of the Fire Risk Evaluations, additional risk of recovery actions, and the change in risk on a fire area basis. August 2011 Page 50 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 A-1 "-

I... 1\ Auxiliary Building -EI: , .:.

_ *. "J' 'Y "r .. :ri;; ( !: r..; 1974. 1988 .. " \:0,,.. A-1 11 0 1 Ge n e r al F loo r Ar ea N o. 1 D e t ec t io n 1 00 I o nizat io n Y N N N N A-1 1 101 Ge n e r al Fl oo r Ar ea N o. 1 S uppr essio n S K C 4 3 P r e-ac ti o n I y N N N N A-1 11 0 1 Ge n e r al F loo r Ar ea N o. 1 F ea t u r e N o n e ERFB S Y N N N N I A-1 11 02 C h ille r a nd S ur ge T a nk s D e t ec ti o n 101 I o ni za t io n I v N N N N Ar ea A-1 1102 C h i ll e r a nd S ur ge T a nk s D e t ec t io n 100 I o ni za ti o n Y N N N N Ar ea A-1 1102 C h ille r a nd S ur ge T an k s S up p r essio n S K C 4 3 Pr e-ac t io n Y N N N N A r ea A-1 1 102 C h ille r a nd S ur ge Tank s F ea tur e N o n e N/A -----A r ea A-1 1103 L e t dow n C h iller H ea t D e t ec ti on N o n e N/A -----E xc h a n ger R oo m A-1 1103 L e t dow n C h iller H ea t S up p r essio n N o n e N/A -----E xc h a n ger R oo m A-1 11 03 L e t dow n C h i ll er H ea t F ea tur e N o n e N/A -----Exc h a n ge r Roo m A-1 1104 L e t down R e h eat H ea t D e t ec ti o n N o n e N/A -----E xc h ange r Roo m A-1 1104 L e td ow n Re h eat H ea t S uppr ession N o n e N/A -----E xc h ange r Roo m A-1 11 04 L e t down R e h eat H ea t F ea tur e N o n e N/A -----Exchange r Roo m A-1 11 05 V alve Co mp a rtm e nt D e t ec t ion N o n e N/A -----A-1 1105 V alve Co mp a rtm e nt S u p pr ess i o n N o n e N/A -----A-1 1105 Valve Compartment Feature None N/A -----L -_. --'-----'---'-------August 2011 Page 51 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S l E R 0 A-1 1106 Moderating Heat Detection None N/A -----Exchanger Room A-1 1106 Moderating Heat Suppression None N/A -----c------Exchanger Room A-1 1106 Moderating Heat Feature None N/A 1-----Exchanger Room A-1 1115 Normal Charging Pump Detection 101 I onization N N N N N Room A-1 1115 Normal Charging Pump Suppression None N/A --+/- -Room ---A-1 1115 Normal Charging Pump Feature None N/A -----Room A-1 1120 General Floor Area No.2 Detection 101 I onization N N N N N A-1 1120 General Floor Area No.2 Detection 102 I onization N N N N N A-1 1120 General Floo r Area No.2 Suppression SKC43 Pre-action I v V N N N provides water curtain for hatch A-1 1120 General Floor Area No.2 Feature None N/A 1-----A-1 1121 Access Pit Detection 101 Ionization N N N N N A-1 1121 Access Pit Suppression None N/A -----A-1 1121 Access Pit Feature None N/A -----! I I A-1 1122 General Floor Area No. 3 Detection 100 Ionization V V N N N activates hatch water curtain & Auxiliary Building Tool Issue Area I A-1 1122 Gene r al Floor Area No. 3 De t ection 101 I onization N N N N N & Auxiliary Building Tool Issue Area A-1 1122 General Floor Area No. 3 Suppression SKC43 P r e-action V V N N N provides water curtain for & Auxiliary Building Tool hatch Issue Area August 2011 Page 52 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 A-1 1122 General Floor Area No. 3 Feature None N/A -----& Auxiliary Building Tool Issue Area A-1 1123 Passage Detection None I N/A -----A-1 1123 Passage Suppression None N/A -----A-1 1123 Passage Feature None N/A -----A-1 1124 Valve Compartment Detection None N/A -----A-1 1124 Valve Compartment Suppression None N/A ------A-1 1124 Valve Compartment Feature None N/A -----A-1 1125 Letdown Heat Exchanger Detection None N/A ---1--Room A-1 1125 Letdown Heat Exchanger Suppression None N/A -----Room A-1 1125 Letdown Heat Exchanger Feature None N/A -----Room A-1 1128 Storeroom No. 3 Detection 117 Ionization N N N N N A-1 1128 Storeroom NO.3 Suppression None N/A -----A-1 1128 Storeroom No. 3 Feature None N/A -----A-1 1129 Auxiliary Condenser Detection None N/A , 1-----Recovery and Storage Tank Room t 1 1129 Auxiliary Condenser Suppression None N/A -----Recovery and Storage Tank Room --------'--'--August 2011 Page 53 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 A-1 1129 Auxiliary Condenser Feature None N/A -----Recovery and Storage I Tank Room A-1 1130 North Corridor Detection 100 I onization N Y N N N A-1 1130 North Corridor Suppression SKC43 Pre-action Y N N N N A-1 1130 North Corridor Feature None N/A ------A-1 1201 Vestibule Detection 102 I onization N N N N N A-1 1201 Vestibule Suppression None N/A -----A-1 1201 Vestibule F eature None N/A 1-------A-1 1202 Access Area '8' & Chiller Detection None N/A 1-----Surge Tank Area A-1 1202 Access Area '8' & Chiller Suppression None N/A 1-----Surge Tank Area A-1 1202 Access Area '8' & Chiller Feature None N/A 1-----Surge Tank Area I A-1 1203 Pipe Space '8' Detection None N/A -----A-1 1203 Pipe Space '8' Suppression None N/A -----A-1 1203 Pipe Space '8' Feature None N/A -----A-1 1204 Pipe Space 'A' Detection None N/A -----A-1 1204 Pipe Space 'A' Suppression None N/A ---------A-1 1204 Pipe Space 'A' Fea t u r e None N/A -----A-1 1205 Access Area 'A' Detec t ion None N/A --------------------August 2011 Page 54 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 A-1 1205 Access Area 'A' Suppression None N/A -----A-1 1205 Access Area 'A' Feature None N/A -----A-1 1206 Pipe Chase Detection 120 Ionization N N N N N A-1 1206 Pipe Chase Suppression SKC48 Wet Pipe Y N N I N N A-1 1206 Pipe Chase Feature None ERFBS Y N N N N A-1 1207 Pipe Chase Detection 120 Ionization N N N N N A-1 1207 Pipe Chase Suppression SKC48 Wet Pipe Y N N N N A-1 1207 Pipe Chase Feature None ERFBS I y I N N N N A-1 1329 Vestibule Detection None N/A -----I t-1 1329 Vestibule Suppression None N/A J -+------------f/A ---

I A-1 1329 Vestibule Feature None J __ [-[-[---August 2011 Page 55 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 .A-2 Auxiliary Building - *. -.oil:. * -;; -_ .. * [:1 .... -. , .* , -.,.

.. ,'. f,'

I'. . Safety-Related

-_ :',,, .. -r -' :c l_ r .. ...J. .... . --, " Area -, ... -. . . A-2 1111 Residual Heat Removal Detection 101 Ionization N N N Y N Pump Room 'A' A-2 1111 Residual Heat Removal Suppression None N/A -----Pump Room 'A' A-2 1111 Residual Heat Removal Feature None N/A -----Pump Room 'A' A-2 1112 Containment Spray Detection 1 01 Ionization N N N Y N Pump Room 'A' A-2 1112 Containment Spray Suppression None N/A -----Pump Room 'A' A-2 1112 Containment Spray Feature None N/A -----Pump Room 'A' A-2 1113 Safety Injection Pump Detection 101 Ionization N N N Y N Room 'A' A-2 1113 Safety Injection Pump Supp r eSSion None N/A -----Room 'A' A-2 1113 Safety Injection Pump Feature N one N/A -----Room 'A' A-2 1114 Centrifugal Charging Detection 10 1 Ionization N N N Y N Pump Room 'A' A-2 1114 Centrifugal Charging Su p press i on None N/A -----Pump Room 'A' A-2 1114 Centrifugal Charging Featu r e None N/A -----Pump Room 'A' August 2011 Page 56 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis 5 L E R 0 A-3 Boric Acid Tank Rooms .. ..

-... , . , .......

  • r. _ .. , . .' --, "-A-3 1116 Boric Acid Tank Room 'B' Detection 101 Ionization N N N N N A-3 1116 Boric Acid Tank Room 'B' Detection 101 Flame N N N N N A-3 1116 Boric Acid Tank Room 'B' Suppress i on None N/A -----A-3 1116 Boric Acid Tank Room 'B' Feature None N/A -----A-3 1117 Boric Acid Tank Room 'A' Detection 101 Ionization N N N N N A-3 1117 Boric Acid Tank Room 'A' Detection 101 Flame N N N N N A-3 1117 Boric Acid Tank Room 'A' Suppress i on None N/A -----A-3 1117 Boric Acid Tank Room 'A' Feature None N/A -----A-3 1407 Boric Acid Batching Tank Detection None N/A -----Area A-3 1407 Boric Acid Batching Tank Suppress i on None N/A -----Area A-3 1407 Boric Acid Batching Tank Feature None N/A -----Area -----_._---August 2011 Page 57 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D A-4 Auxiliary Building --I : '":: .

.:L,;/:'>:t . " , r L.. ",_ . .. Safety-Related Pum p J , -. . ,. , .f -., " :!' _!Ir: ',I ; --. --.. Area -.' , , .-.........

' ---, . .. A-4 1107 Centrifugal Charging Detection 101 Ionization N N N Y N Pump Room 'B' A-4 1107 Centrifugal Charging Suppression None N/A -----Pump Room 'B' A-4 11 0 7 Centrifugal Charging Feature None N/A -----Pump Room 'B' A-4 1108 Safety Injection Pump Detection 101 Ionization 1 N N N Y N Room 'B' A-4 11 08 Safety Injection Pump Suppression None N/A -----Room 'B' A-4 11 08 Safety Injection Pump Feature None N/A 1-----Room 'B' A-4 1 109 Res i dual Heat Removal Detect i on 101 Ionization N N N Y N Pump Room 'B' A-4 11 09 Residual Heat Removal Suppression None N/A -----Pump Room 'B' A-4 11 09 Residual Heat Removal Feature None N/A -----Pump Room 'B' A-4 111 0 Containment Spray Detect i on 101 Ionization N N N Y N Pump Room 'B' I A-4 1 110 Containment Spray Suppression None N/A -----Pump Room 'B' A-4 11 10 Containment Spray Feature None N/A -----Pump Room 'B' -August 2011 Page 58 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D .-A-5 -Auxiliary Bu ilding - ..:I .!_ r-.. _ * ..,. '"

.' ;1 " ., [;-, .. -".

t;* .. . -', .. ., Stairway an d Elevator 1 ' .. .... ** L J L:: -" .. :..,-...... ". .. .

  • r ,-' . -.J ... --I (south) ...........

' .. ,'0 " ,.:: ':.-. ':;"*1 , , .. , -.. '" " A-5 1119 Stair A-1 Detection 108 I onization N N N N N A-5 1119 Stair A-1 Suppression None N/A -----A-5 1119 Stair A-1 Feature None N/A -----A-5 1601 Elevator No.2 Machine Detection None Ionization N N N N N Room 1601 Elevator No.2 Machine Suppression None N/A -----Room ------A-5 1601 Elevator No.2 Machine Feature None N/A -----Room A-5 Elevator Location is not a plant Detection 102 Ionization N N N N N the elevator lobby is specified

I Lobby fire zone. See note. for location purposes only I A-5 Elevator Location is n ot a plant Feature None N/A ---1--the elevator lobby is specified Lobby fire zone. Se e note. I for location purposes only .. . . A-6 Auxiliary Bu ilding , . ; . Stairway (N orth) -.. , , A-6 1127 Auxiliary Bui lding Detection 109 Ionization N N N N N Stairway (North) I A-6 1127 Auxiliary Building Suppression None N/A 1-----I Stairway (North) A-6 1127 Auxiliary Building Feature None ERFBS 1 N N N N Y Stairway (North) i : A-7 Boron Injection Room r . . ----.... ----.-. .-., I. .. -A-7 1126 Boron Injection Tank and Detection 101 Ionization N N N N N Pump Room A-7 1126 Boron Injection Tank and Suppression None N/A -----Pump Room A-7 1126 Boron Injection Tank and Feature None N/A 1-----------Pump Room j August 2011 Page 59 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 . A-8 Auxiliary Building -E.I. -. I .. "oj .. , .' . . '. -c. J . , .. ' .. .... ; 2000, General Area . .r'" v " .. .'"

.01" :,jIr .:,.t rF .. ' ... A-8 1301 Corridor No. 1 Detection 117 Ionization N N N N N A-8 1301 Corridor No. 1 Detection 103 Ionization N Y N N N A-8 1301 Corridor No. 1 Suppression SKC44 Pre-action N Y N N N A-8 1301 Corridor No. 1 Feature None N/A -----A-8 1302 Filter Compartments Detection None N/A -----A-8 1302 Filter Compartments Suppression None N/A -----A-8 1302 Filter Compartments Feature None N/A -----A-8 1306 Valve Compartments Detection None N/A -----A-8 1306 Valve Compartments Suppression None N/A -----A-8 1306 Valve Compartments Feature None N/A -----A-8 1307 Corridor No. 2 Detection None N/A -----A-8 1307 Corridor No. 2 Suppression None N/A I -----A-8 1307 Corridor No.2 Feature None N/A -----A-8 1308 Valve Compartments Detection None N/A -----A-8 1308 Valve Compartments Suppression None N/A -----I A-8 1308 Valve Compartments Feature None N/A ------------------------

August 2011 Page 60 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D A-a 1311 Auxiliary Building Detection 117 Ionization N N N N N Sampling Room A-a 1311 Auxiliary Building Suppression None N/A ---1--Sampling Room A-a 1311 Auxiliary Building Feature None N/A -----Sampling Room A-a 1312 Boron Meter & RC Detection 103 Ionization N Y N N N Activity Monitor Room A-a 1312 Boron Meter & RC Suppression SKC44 Pre-action N Y N N N Monitor Room .. -A-a 1312 Boron Meter & RC Feature None N/A -----Activity Monitor Room A-a 1313 Volume Control Tank Detection None N/A -----Room A-a 1313 Vo l ume Control Tank Suppression None N/A -----Room A-a 1313 Volume Control Tank Featu r e None N/A -----Room A-a 1314 Corridor No. 3 Detection 103 I onization Y Y Y N N activates hatch water curtain A-a 1314 Corridor No. 3 Detection 1 1 7 I onization N N N N N A-a 1314 Corridor No. 3 Supp r ession SKC44 Pre-action Y Y Y N N provides water curtain for hatch A-a 1314 Corridor No. 3 F ea t ure None N/A -----A-a 1315 Containment Spray Detection 103 I onization I N Y N N N Additive Tank Area I A-a 1315 Containment Spray Detection 117 I onization 1 N N N N N Additive Tank Area A-a 1315 Containment Spray Suppression None N/A -----Additive Tank Area A-a 1315 Containment Spray F ea t u r e None N/A ---1--Additive Tank Area

August 2011 Page 61 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D A-8 1316 Valve Compartment Detection 103 Ionization N Y N N N A-8 1316 Valve Compartment Suppression SKC44 Pre-action N Y N N N A-8 1316 Valve Compartment Feature None N/A -----A-8 1317 Seal Water Heat Detection 103 Ionization N Y N N N Exchanger Room A-8 1317 Seal Water Heat Suppression SKC44 Pre-actio n N Y N N N Exchanger Room A-8 1317 Seal Water Heat Fea t ure None N/A -----Exchanger Room A-8 1318 Valve Compartment Detection None N/A -----1318 Valve Compartment Suppression None N/A -----I A-8 1318 Valve Compartment Feature None N/A -----I A-8 1319 Demineralizer Detection None N/A -----Compartments A-8 1319 Demineralizer Suppression None N/A -----Compartments A-8 1319 Demineralizer Feature None N/A -----Compartments A-8 1320 Corridor NO.4 Detection 103 I onization Y Y N N N activates hatch water curtain A-8 1320 Corridor No.4 Supp r ession SKC44 Pre-action Y Y N N N provides water curtain for hatch A-8 1320 Corridor NO.4 F eature None N/A ---------A-8 1321 Exit Vestibule Detection 103 I onization N Y N N N A-8 1321 Exit Ves t ibule De t ec t ion 102 Ionization N N N N N ----August 2011 Page 62 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D A-a 1321 Exit Vestibule Suppression SKC44 Pre-action N Y N N N A-a 1321 Exit Vestibule Feature None N/A 1-----A-9 . 'RAR'Heat Exchanger , ,', .. 'b.;: < ::.

' -" -. .. "c _, *. , , -. Room "'. '. -, .. , ';-.-. ,; . , -:. .

':' .. : A-9 1309 Residual Heat Removal Detection None N/A -----Heat Exchanger Room 'B' A-9 1309 Residual Heat Removal Suppression N one N/A -----Heat Exchanger Room 'B' A-9 1309 Residual Heat Removal Feature None N/A -----Heat Exchanger Room 'B' A-10 RHR Heat Exchanger ;. ; . . , .. ;-. r Room c,. ,#.' _.

  • J *
  • J:;, " A-10 1310 Residual Heat Removal Det ection Non e N/A -----Heat Exchanger Room 'A' A-10 1310 Residual Heat Removal Suppression None N/A -----Heat Exchanger Room 'A' ---------A-10 1310 Residual Heat Removal Feature None N/A -----Heat Exchanger Room 'A' A-11 ' Cable Chase. Auxiliary' _ ." "'. " '. ". '. -.. Building -EI. 2000 "J -,
  • c ; A-11 1335 Cable Chase Detection 117 Ionization N N N N N Cable Chase Suppression SKC35 Wet Pipe N N N Y N f"1-1335 Cable Chase Feature None N/A -----August 2011 Page 63 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D I A-12 Auxiliary Building .". .:,

,-\ . ',-":: .... , " -" ",' ... ..........

_ "" .. ::, .. -, ...I

  • j -* --. *
  • J . Cable Chase B r. , .. _" -' * .. , -* . -* '. I.: _1 -J I * 'I P I _ '_ _I ** :..".. .,"; I " , . Auxiliary Bu ilding -EI. c. ..... I "j .. '--.".<,' ... ;",

'.,:'.\ . ," _ .. . 2000 " . .. ,-" . " ',';: ",-:: *1-. r ,-I' -. ,. ( -... _ .... _ " A-12 1336 Electrical Cha se Det ection 117 I o nization N N N N N A-12 1336 Electrical Cha se Suppression SKC 36 Wet Pipe N N N N N A-12 1336 Electrical Cha se Feature None N/A -----, A-13 Auxiliary Fee dwater . C Pump Room B . " "_ .. '" A-13 1325 Auxiliary Fee dwater Detection 120 Ionization N N N Y N Pump Room '8' A-13 1325 Auxiliary Fee dwater Suppression None N/A -----Pump Room '8' A-13 1325 Auxiliary Fee dwater Feature None N/A -----Pump Room '8' A-14 Auxiliary Fee dwater .. , ; .. , T ** Pump Room A " : ' 'f A-14 1326 Auxiliary Fee dwater Detection 120 Ionization N N N N N Pump Room 'A' A-14 1326 Auxiliary Feedwater Suppression None N/A -----Pump Room 'A' ___ /--__ \-__________

_ A-14 1326 Auxiliary Feedwater Feature None N/A -----Pump Room 'A' August 2011 Page 64 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 A-15' , Turbine Driven - -;, : -. .' ,.

c ** +:.' _ ---I, Auxiliary Feedwater J

  • c . -il" * ** i Pump Room . -.'-, " .. _-. ... .' . I A-15 1331 Auxiliary Feedwater Detection 120 Ionization N N N N N Pump Room 'C' I A-15 1331 Auxiliary Feedwater Detection 111 Thermal N N N Y N

! Pump Room 'C' I A-15 1331 Auxiliary Feedwater Suppression SKC22 Manual Spray N N N N N for the TDAFP Pump Room 'C' I A-15 1331 Auxiliary Feedwater Feature None N/A 1---1--Pump Room 'C' August 2011 Page 65 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 A-i6 Auxiliary Building EI. , ,

,-C, :

.* _ /

.. " ,'06' .1 "'] ... .., --, . 2026, General Area .... '.l --,., " A-16 1401 Component Cooling Detection 118 Ionization N N N Y N Water Pump & Heat Exchanger Area 'B' A-16 1401 Component Cooling Suppression None N/A -----Water Pump & Heat I Exchanger Area 'B' A-16 1401 Component Cooling Feature None N/A -----Water Pump & Heat Exchanger Area 'B' A-16 1402 Corridor No. 1 Detection 104 Ionization Y Y N Y N A-16 1402 Corridor No. 1 Suppression SKC45 Pre-action Y Y N N N A-16 1402 Corridor No.1 Feature None N/A -----A-16 1406 Component Cooling Detection 118 Ionization N N N Y N Water Pump & Heat Exchanger Area 'A' A-16 1406 Component Cooling Suppression None N/A -----Water Pump & Heat -Exchanger Area 'A' r-----r---A-16 1406 Component Cooling Feature None N/A -----Water Pump & Heat Exchanger Area 'A' A-16 1408 Corridor No. 2 Detection 102 I onization N N N N N A-16 1408 Corridor No.2 Detection 118 Ionization N N N Y N A-16 1408 Corridor No. 2 Detection 104 Ionization Y Y Y Y N activates hatch water curtain --S uppression I SKC45_ _ I Pre-action I A-16 1408 I Corridor No. 2 I y v l V L N provides water curtain for hatches --August 2011 Page 66 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D A-16 1408 Corridor No.2 Feature None ERFBS Y N N Y N cable tray covers w/seals A-1,7 . Electrical Penetration '. ' L * .',; , -:;' ,-_.!. ,i J ** , * * ** , Room B -c -:_"". ,

  • c ,. -, -.. ,.,_ : \0; -:-, " * '; .;. "
  • A-17 1409 Electrical Penetration Detection 106 Ionization N N N Y N Room 'B' A-17 1409 Electrical Penetration Detection 113 Ionization N N N Y N Room 'B' A-17 1409 Electrical Penetration Suppression SKC36 Wet Pipe N N N N N electrical chase area only Room 'B' A-17 1409 Electrical Penetration Suppression SKC04 Halon N N N Y N Room 'B' A-17 1409 Electrical Penetration Feature None N/A ---1--Room 'B' A-i8 Electrical Penetration --.' -.' [11 ' Room A _ ,. ... A-18 1410 Electrical Penetration Detection 107 I onization Y N N Y N Room 'A' A-18 1410 Electrical Penetration Detection 114 I onization Y N N Y N Room 'A' A-18 1410 Electrical Penetration Suppression SKC05 Halon Y N N Y N Room 'A' A-18 1410 Electrical Penetration Suppression SKC35 Wet Pipe Y N N N N electrical chase area only Room 'A' A-18 1410 Electrical Penetration Feature None ERFBS N N N N N Room 'A' August 2011 Page 67 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 A-19 Auxiliary Building Ei. .. .

...... [; 1.' .. ': ':l ._::fl .' .... --;-. ". j; r." _.:

I,) 10 "

  • 2047 J General Area -, , .. -. '::."., -j A-19 1504 Containment Purge Detection 108 Ionization N N N N N Exhaust and Mechanical Equipment Room 'B' A-19 1504 Containment Purge Suppression None N/A -----Exhaust and Mechanical Equipment Room 'B' A-19 1504 Containment Purge Feature None N/A -----Exhaust and Mechanical Equipment Room 'B' A-19 1506 Containment Purge Detection 109 I onization N N N N N Supply Air Handling Unit Room No. 'A' A-19 1506 Containment Purge Suppression None N/A -----Supply Air Handling Unit Room No. 'A' I A-19 1506 Containment Purge Feature None N/A -----I Supply Air Handling Unit Room No. 'A' A-19 1513 Control Bldg. Vent Detecti o n 109 Ionization N N N N N I Supply A/C Unit Room !A-19 1513 Control Bldg. Vent Suppr e ssion None N/A -----I Supply AlC Unit Room [A-19 1513 Control Bldg. Vent Feature None N/A -----Supply AlC Unit Room August 2011 Page 68 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S l E R D , A-20 Personnel Hatch and = <: _ --:. .:'" .":"!' -" -, ; CCW Surge Tank Area -_ "" .. I A-20 1502 Component Cooling Detection 102 Ionization N N N N N Water Surge Tank No. 'B' [A-20 1502 Component Cooling Suppression None N/A -----Water Surge Tank No. 'B' A-20 1502 Component Cooling Feature None N/A -----Water Surge Tank No. 'B' A-20 1503 Component Cooling Detection None N/A -----Water Surge Tank No. 'A' A-20 1503 Component Cooling Suppression None N/A -----Water Surge Tank No. 'A' A-20 1503 Component Cooling Feature None N/A -----Water Surge Tank No. 'A' A-20 1505 Corridor Detection 108 Ionization N N N N N A-20 1505 Corridor Suppression None N/A -----A-20 1505 Corridor Feature None N/A 1-----A-20 1507 Personnel Ha tch Area Detection 108 Ionization N N N I NN A-20 1507 Personnel Hatch Area Suppression None N/A -----A-20 1507 Personnel Hatch Area Feature None N/A -----A-21 Control Room AC and - ," -Filtration Unit B _ " A-21 1501 Control Room AlC and Detection 110 Ionization N N N Y N Filtration Units Room 'B' A-21 1501 Control Room AlC and Suppression None N/A -----Filtration Units Room 'B' I A-21 1501 Control Room A/C and Feature None N/A 1-----Filtration Units Room 'B' ____ _ __ August 2011 Page 69 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 . A-22 .Control Room AC and

-.. :::. ,.( ',,_' ," Filtration Unit A '-.,'. '. -'. ;:.:--" -.' .. . '. 'l " A-22 1512 Control Room AlC and Detection 110 Ionization N N N N N Filtration Units Room 'A' A-22 1512 Control Room AlC and Suppression None N/A -----Filtration Units Room 'A' A-22 1512 Control Room AlC and Feature None N/A -----Filtration Units Room 'A' A-23 Main Steam and ----.: Feedwater Valve " _. -Compartment * : . A-23 1411 Main Feedwater Room Detection None N/A -----No.1 A-23 1411 Main Feedwater Room Suppression None N/A -----No.1 A-23 1411 Main Feedwater Room Feature None N/A 1-----No.1 A-23 1412 Main Feedwater Room Detection None N/A -----No.2 A-23 1412 Main Feedwater Room Suppression None N/A -----No.2 A-23 1412 Main Feedwater Room Feature None N/A -----No.2 A-23 1508 Main Steam Iso l ation Detection 115 Flame N N N N N Valve Room No. 1 A-23 1508 Main Steam Isolation Suppression None N/A -----Valve Room No. 1 A-23 1508 Main Steam Isolation Feature None N/A -----Valve Room No. 1 A-23 1509 Main Steam Isolation Detection 115 Flame N N N 1 N N Valve Room No.2 A-23 1509 Main Steam Isolation Suppression None N/A -----Valve Room No.2 I.A-23 1509 Main Steam I solation Feature None N/A 1 -----Valve Room No.2 August 2011 Page 70 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D A-24 ,. Containmen t - ': : \ .i,

,: " -_. ,I . -. , , " 1 J ] "
  • r",'.-1 , -'Mechanical Piping ,: .. , -? .. ' , , . -. r. .. '.oil * . ' .. Penetration Room A " "" 'II !,;,. ! -" -, . A-24 1323 Pipe Penetration Room Detection 117 I onizat i on V N N V N 'A' A-24 1 323 Pipe Penetration Room Suppression None N/A -----'A' A-24 1323 Pipe Penetra tion Room Feature None ERFBS V N N N N 'A' -A-25 Pipe Penetra tion Room , B J 'L J .. * '0' I A-25 1322 Pipe Penetra tion Room Detection 117 Ionization N N N N N 'B' A-25 1322 Pipe Penetra tion Room Suppression None N/A -----'B' A-25 1322 Pipe Penetra tion Room Feature None N/A -----'B' A-26 Ops Storage/l&C Hot ---N -, Shop " -", -i A-26 1405 Ops Storage/l&C Hot Detection 118 Ionization N N N N N Shop A-26 1405 Ops Storage/l&C Hot Suppression None N/A -----Shop A-26 1405 Ops Storage/l&C Hot Feature None N/A -----I Shop A-27 Reactor Trip i l I -" .1 " Switchgear Room .' ., .. -A-27 1403 Load Center and MG Detection 105 Ionization V N N V N Sets Room A-27 1403 Load Center and MG Detection 112 Ionization V N N V N I Sets Room I I A-27 1403 Load Center and MG Suppression SKC03 Halon V N N V N I Sets Room A-27 1403 Load Center and MG Feature None ERFBS I V N N V N Sets Room I -------August 2011 Page 71 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D A-28 , Auxiliary Shutdown " " -= .<>. ' ... :.'.":

'\ .. . " .. -. --.. -I -..... , " '. Panel Section A --. .. A-28 1413A Auxiliary Shutdown Detection 118 Ionization N N N N N Panel Room A-28 1413A Auxiliary Shutdown Suppression None N/A -----Panel Room A-28 1413A Auxiliary Shutdown Feature None N/A -----Panel Room A-29 Auxiliary Feedwater

' : -_ .. --. Valve Compartment, : -*. L . -SGA&D A-29 1304 Auxiliary Feedwater Pipe Detection None N/A -----Chase A-29 1304 Auxiliary Feedwater Pipe Suppression None N/A -----Chase A-29 1304 Auxiliary Feedwater Pipe Feature None N/A 1-----Chase A-29 1324 Auxiliary Feedwater Detection None N/A -----Pump Valve Compartment No.1 A-29 1324 Auxiliary Feedwater Suppression None N/A -----Pump Valve Compartment No.1 A-29 1324 Auxiliary Feedwater Feature None N/A -----Pump Valve Compartment No.1 A-29 1327 Auxiliary Feedwater Detection None N/A -----Pump Valve Compartment No.2 A-29 1327 Auxiliary Feedwater Suppression None N/A -----Pump Valve Compartment No.2 A-29 1327 Auxiliary Feedwater Feature None N/A -----Pump Valve Compartment No.2 August 2011 Page 72 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D A-30 Auxiliary Feedwater ** :.. ** ,.' 1 .< ; < ... ---*. c -.! 'r..

  • Valve Compartment, , I loT * *
  • w .. ',: ... _


.. * . .}o'. ,I r , SGB&C T .-" ..l.-" *

  • A-33 14138 Auxiliary Shutdown Detection 118 I oniza t ion N N N N N Panel Room A-33 14138 Auxiliary Shutdown Suppression None N/A -----Panel Room I A-33 14138 Auxiliary Shutdown Feature None N/A ---1--Panel Room ----

August 2011 Page 73 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D -AB-1 Auxilia ry Boiler Room -"i ._.. l!! -00;. .. "",':.. -I -. . --. ... ,-, -,-' AB-1 4315 Auxiliary Boiler Room Detection 406 Flame N N N N N AB-1 4315 Auxiliary Boiler Room Suppression SKC09 Wet Pipe N N N N N AB-1 4315 Auxiliary Boiler Room Feature None N/A -----C-1 Pipe Space and Tank .. , -, . '. --Area, Control Building, . . . ". ; , i,l-'"'I '" .1 u .... , .. EI.1974 --, , L : C-1 3101 Pipe Space and Tank Detection 330 I onization Y N N N N Area C-1 3101 Pipe Space and Tank Suppression SKC46 Wet Pipe Y N N N N Area C-1 3101 Pipe Space and Tank Feature None N/A -----Area C-1 3104 Pipe Space and Tank Detection None N/A -----Area -C-1 3104 Pipe Space a nd Tank Suppression None N/A -----Area C-1 3104 Pipe Space a nd Tank Feature None N/A -----Area --C-2 Control Buil ding North .. -Cable Chase , Control -, "" l Building, EI. 1974 C-2 3106 North Vertica l Cable Detection 330 Ionization N N N N N Chase C-2 3106 North Vertica l Cable Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N N N Chase C-2 3106 North Vertica l Cable Feature None N/A -----Chase August 2011 Page 74 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection I Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 C-3 ,-Control Buil ding Cable -" ," ".: I \0 :. ..; " ., . , . )-. \ :? '" Chase B, Control .

'" ..

.. .. J r* '. , -. c Building, EI. 1974 . , , . ,. C-3 3 1 05 South Vertical Cable Detection 330 Ionizat i on N N N N N Chase C-3 3105 South Vertical Cable Suppress i on SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N N N Chase C-3 3 1 05 South Vertical Cable Feature None N/A -----Chase August 2011 Page 75 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis I S L E R D _ Control Building - .. -.i.: "'" r _ "', -J --. , -'r * ' " 0( y , " , . . .

Access Control Area, -" , ; .. , , -"LO , .

  • Control Building, E , I. --; -, .. ,! ., .. .' ...... ' , . " N' .. ",'
  • r ' ", 1984 'J . : I _ , , . --, -" .' C-5 3212 Women's Locker Room Detection 300 Ionization N N N N N C-5 3212 Women's Locker Room Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-5 3212 Women's Locker Room Feature None N/A -----C-5 3213 Women's Restroom Detection None N/A -----C-5 3213 Women's Restroom Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-5 3213 Women's Restroom Feature None N/A -----C-5 3214 Hall Detection None N/A -----C-5 3214 Hall Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-5 3214 Hall Feature None N/A -----C-5 3215 Briefing Room Detection 300 Ionization N N N N N C-5 3215 Briefing Room Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-5 3215 Briefing Room Feature None N/A -----I C-5 3216 Men's Locker Room Detection 300 Ionization N N N I N N C-5 3216 Men's Locker Room Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N I C-5 3216 Men's Locker Room Feature None N/A 1-------------L ____________


August 2011 Page 76 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D C-5 3217 Men's Restroom Detection None N/A -----C-5 3217 Men's Restroom Suppression None N/A -----C-5 3217 Men's Restroom Feature None N/A -----C-5 3218 RWP Sign-ln/Sign-Out Detection 300 Ionization N N N N N : Area I C-5 3218 RWP Sign-ln/S i gn-Out Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N Area C-5 3218 RWP Sign-ln/Sign-Out Feature None N/A -----Area C-5 3219 First Aid Room Detection 300 I onization N N N N N C-5 3219 First Aid Room Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-5 3219 First Aid Room Feature None N/A -----C-5 3220 Key Access Area Detection 300 I onization N N N N N C-5 3220 Key Access Area Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N I C-5 3220 Key Access Area Feature None N/A -----I C-5 3221 Vestibule No. 1 Detection None N/A -----I i C-5 3221 Vestibule No. 1 Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N i C-5 3221 Vestibule No. 1 F eature None N/A -----C-5 3222 Health Physicist's Office Detection 300 Ionization N N N N N I l C-5. _ 3222 Health Physicist's Office Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N August 2011 Page 77 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D C-5 3222 Health Physicist's Office Feature None N/A -----C-5 3223 Janitor's Closet Detection 300 Ionization N N N N N C-5 3223 Janitor's Closet Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe I N N N Y N C-5 3223 Janitor's Closet Feature None N/A -----C-5 3224 Vestibule No.2 Detection 300 Ionization N N N N N . C-5 3224 Vestibule No.2 Suppression None N/A -----C-5 3224 Vestibule No.2 F eature None N/A -----C-5 3233 Women's Locker Room Detection 300 I oniza ti on N N N N N C-5 3233 Women's Locker Room Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-5 3233 Women's Locker Room Feature None N/A --+/- -------C-5 3236 Storage Detection None N/A -----C-5 3236 Storage Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-5 3236 Storage Feature None N/A -----C-5 3237 Communications C l oset Detection 300 I onization N N N N N C-5 3237 Communications C l oset Suppression None N/A -----C-5 3237 Communications Closet Feature None N/A -----C-5 Alii All fire zones in th e fire Detection 301 I oniza t ion N N N N N 1area above the drop ceiling area. is open to all zones August 2011 Page 78 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 C-5 AII1 All fire zones in the fire Suppression SKC38 Wet Pipe N N N Y N 1area above the drop ceiling area. is open to all zones August 2011 Page 79 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D C-& ". -. Control Building -" _,; --

--:' .. ,.;;-. c _ . -, .

  • c
  • J Access Control Area. r -$',-
  • .

." . ,_ ,.' "-, Control Building. .... -',. ,:,' ,_" -:. .:\: . . '> '.' ,-* :'.. r , , .." 1984 _ _ -" -. -?> ". :'.' _ , -.-

' .. -" .f. ,," C-6 3201 Stair No. C-1 Detection None N/A -----C-6 3201 Stair No. C-1 Suppression None N/A ---1--C-6 3201 Stair No. C-1 Feature None N/A -----C-6 3202 Controlled HP Tool and Detection 300 Ionization N N N N N Instr. Storage Room C-6 3202 Controlled HP Tool and Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N I nstr. Storage Room --------

C-6 3202 Controlled HP Tool and Feature None N/A -----Instr. Storage Room C-6 3204 Corridor No. 1 Detection 300 Ionization N N N N N C-6 3204 Corridor No. 1 Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N

---f--._-----------C-6 3204 Corridor No.1 Feature None N/A -----C-6 3205 Respirator Detection 300 Ionization N N N N N Maintenance/Hot

! Janitor's Closet C-6 3205 Resp i rator Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N Maintenance/Hot Janitor's Closet C-6 3205 Respirator Feature None N/A -----Maintenance/Hot Janitor's Closet C-6 3206 Women's Hot Shower Detection None N/A -----C-6 3206 Women's Hot Shower

___ Wet Pipe I NN N Y N August 2011 Page 80 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 C-6 3206 Women's Hot Shower Feature None N/A -----: C-6 3207 Women's Disrobe Detection None N/A -----C-6 3207 Women's Disrobe Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-6 3207 Women's Disrobe Feature None N/A -----C-6 3208 Respro. Issues/Storage Detection 300 I onization N N N N N and Laundry I C-6 3208 Respro. Issues/Storage Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe 1 N N N Y N and Laundry C-6 3208 Respro. Issues/Storage Feature None N/A -----and Laundry C-6 3209 Hall Detection None N/A -----C-6 3209 Hall Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-6 3209 Hall Feature None N/A -----C-6 3210 Men's Hot Shower Detection None N/A -----C-6 3210 Men's Hot Shower Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-6 3210 Men's Hot Shower Feature None N/A -----C-6 3211 Frisk A r ea Detection None N/A -----C-6 3211 Frisk Area Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-6 3211 Frisk Area Feature None N/A 1-----C-6 3231 Men's Disrobe Detection 300 I onization N N N N N --__ L August 2011 Page 81 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 C-6 3231 Men's Disrobe Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-6 3231 Men's Disrobe Feature None N/A -----C-6 3232 Decon Area Detection 300 Ionization N N N N N C-6 323 2 Decon Area Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe I N N N Y N C-6 3232 Decon Area Feature None N/A -----C-6 3234 AudioNideo Storage Detection 300 Ionization N N N N N C-6 3234 AudioNideo Storage Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-6 323 4 AudioNideo Storage Feature None N/A -----C-6 3235 ALARA Brief Room Detection 300 Ionization N N N N N l C-6 3 235 ALARA Brief Room Suppression SKC34 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-6 3235 ALARA Brief Room Feature None N/A -----C-6 AII 1 All fire zones in the fire Detection 301 Ionization N N N N N 1area above the drop ceiling area. is open to all zones C-6 AII 1 All fire zones in the fire Suppression SKC38 Wet Pipe N N N Y N 1 ar ea above the drop ceiling is area. open to all zones C';.t Control Building North , " -"Ii -. I .. , . ... -[)I. Cable Chase, Control ; , Building, EI. 1984 , 1 .' C-7 3 230 Electrical Chase (North) Detection 300 Ionization N N N N N C-7 3230 Electrical Chase (North) Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N N N I C-7 3 230 Electrical Chase (North) Feature None N/A ------------August 2011 Page 82 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection

! I Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S l E R 0 :', C-8 Control Bu ilding Cable * ' ;' 0'

:,) ,--; . -........ 1. . , :. ':.. . Chase B. Contro l -l""" ", " . .. (' '".I .' I -, ,. .. Building.

EI. 1984 ", , -: .. .. C-8 3229 Electrical Chase (South) Detection 300 I onization N N N N N C-8 3229 Electrical Chase (South) Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N N N C-8 3229 Electrical Chase (South) Feature None N/A -----. C-9 ESF Switchgear Room .. --A r

  • C-9 3301 ESF Switchgear Room Detection 314 I onization N N N Y N No.1 C-9 3301 ESF Switchgear Room Detection 315 Ionization N N N Y N No.1 C-9 3301 ESF Switchgear Room Suppression SKC01 Halon N N N Y N No.1 C-9 3301 ESF Switchgear Room Feature Non e N/A 1---1--No.1 -C-10* ESF Switchgear Room ,. , ... B -, I r .* C-10 3302 ESF Switchgear Room Detection 317 Ionization N N N Y N No.2 C-10 3302 ESF Switchg ear Room Detection 316 Ionization N N N Y N No.2 C-10 3302 ESF Switchg ear Room Suppression SKC01 Halon N N N Y N No.2 I C-1O 3302 ESF Switchg ear Room Feature None N/A -----No.2 August 2011 Page 83 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features I Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 *C-11 Control Building Cable _ : ... 0:' \ .. ':"'. --. -c ' , , Chase B, Control . -' [ ) \ -. .. " I -Building, EI. 2000 " C C-11 3305 Electrical Chase (South) Detection 301 Ionization N N N N N C-11 3305 Electrical Chase (South) Suppression SKC 37 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-11 3305 Electrical Chase (South) Feature None N/A ------C-12 Control Building Cable .' J * ) '. Chase A, Control " Building, EI. 2000 C-12 3306 Electrical Chase (North) Detection 301 Ionization N N N N N C-12 3306 Electrical Chase (North) Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-12 3306 Electrical Chase (North) Feature None N/A 1-------C-13 Class 1 E Train B AC " --Equipment Room C-13 3415 Access Control and Detection 303 Ionization N N N N N Electrical Equip. A/C Units Room No. 1 C-13 3415 Access Control and Suppression None N/A -----Electrical Equip. AlC Units Room No.1 C-13 3415 Access Control and Feature None N/A -----Electrical Equip. AlC Units Room No.1 -----------August 2011 Page 84 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S l E R 0 .C-14. Class 1 E Train A AC


'.' .. " .. -! :.l"l-, Equipment Room "" , ., -, ;-:;..* ... -r C-14 3416 Access Control and De t ection 303 I onization N N N N N Electrical Equip. A/C Units Room No.2 C-14 3416 Access Control and Suppression Non e N/A -----Electrical Equip. AlC Units Room No.2 C-14 3416 Access Control and Feature Non e N/A -----Electrical Equip. AlC ------------

,!Jnits Room No.2 August 2011 Page 85 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 -Battery and 4242 D il, ";:. ';' --:--,: ... _ _. --

i: ;. LJ

  • .. ...... I::!I *** ... * .]I III .. **

-.:;-:' ---. ""'" : :: . ""I ::J

  • I:, ;] ';lrJ ".I;'" I:!' l]']. I..., tl:ll

',,' SWitchboard Room B; u or" " ": "."

,'j '" "' ,_ r.:;,::.. . Q. -. "!,i. ,,'

_ '-1", C t IB "Id" EI I..;'l II -.

_ ..... ...... I' I __ **

.. 'tJ] len


    • *.. .::J * -i ,'1 . I . .;. ... D lJ" on ro UI Ing.

_. ..:.! :, __ , .. ' _ .........

' .***. * . a t I *. " -.. ," ,.. 2016 . .-. . -,-'. . -.... oS D

"'; , 'D _":; '-:1 .t'. C-15 3403 Non-Vital Switchgear Detection 304 Ionization N N N Y N and Transformer Room No.1 C-15 3403 Non-Vital Switchgear Detection 305 Ionization N N N Y N and Transformer Room No.1 1------._--'-" C-15 3403 Non-Vital Switchgear Suppression None N/A -----and Transformer Room No.1 C-15 3403 Non-Vital Switchgear Feature None N/A -----and Transformer Room No.1 C-15 3404 Switchboard Room No.4 Detection 322 Ionization N N N Y N (Rm.3404)

C-15 3404 Switchboard Room NO.4 Detection 321 Ionization N N N Y N (Rm.3404)

C-15 3404 Switchboard Room NO.4 Suppression None N/A I -----(Rm.3404)

C-15 3404 Switchboard Room NO.4 Feature None N/A -----(Rm.3404)

C-15 3405 Battery Room No.4 Detection 303 Ionization N N N Y N C-15 3405 Battery Room No.4 Suppression None N/A I -----C-15 3405 Battery Room NO.4 Feature None N/A -----C-15 3410 Switchboard Room No.2 Detection 324 Ionization N N N Y N C-15 3410 Switchboard Detection 328 Ionization I NN N Y N August 2011 Page 86 i Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection I Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 C-15 3410 Switchboard Room No.2 Suppression None N/A -----C-15 3410 Switchboard Room No.2 Feature None N/A -----C-15 3411 Battery Room No 2 Detection 303 Ionization N N N Y N 6-3411 Battery Room No 2 Suppression None N/A -----C-15 3411 Battery Room No 2 Feature None N/A -----l August 2011 Page 87 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 : C;16 Battery and' -.

': ;.,. .. ' , : " '1 r J ;. "Ii '1 Switchboard Room Control Building, EI .. " I . -.. ' -, , . , .. 2016 '... .. p -, " . , -.' .. C-16 3407 Battery Room No. 1 Detection 303 Ionization N N N Y N C-16 3407 Battery Room No. 1 Suppression None N/A ------C-16 3407 Battery Room No. 1 Feature None N/A -----C-16 3408 Switchboard Room No. 1 Detection 326 Ionization N N N Y N C-16 3408 Switchboard Room No. 1 Detection 325 Ionization N N N Y N C-16 3408 Switchboard Room No. 1 Suppression None N/A -----C-16 3408 Switchboard Room No. 1 Feature None N/A -----C-16 3409 Non-Vital Switchgear Detection 327 Ionization N N N Y N and Transformer Room No.2 C-1 6 3409 Non-Vital Switchgear Detection 323 Ionizat i on N N N Y N and Transformer Room No.2 C-16 3409 Non-V i tal Switchgear Suppression None N/A -----and Transformer Room No.2 C-16 3409 Non-Vital Switchgear Feature None N/A -----and Transformer Room No.2 C-16 3413 Battery Room No. 3 Detection 303 I onization N N N Y N C-16 3413 Battery Room No. 3 Suppression None N/A -----August 2011 Page 88 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 C-16 3413 Battery Room No. 3 Feature None N/A -----C-16 3414 Switchboard Room No. 3 Detection 318 Photoelectric N N N Y N C-16 3414 Switchboard Room No. 3 Detection 320 Ionization N N N Y N C-16 3414 Switchboard Room No. 3 Suppression None N/A -----C-16 3414 Switchboard Room No. 3 Feature None N/A -----C-17 . ;Control Building Cable -, .. -,-Chase B. Control --, 1 -. .' Building.

EI. 2016 ,. -, C-17 3418 Electrical Chase (South) Detection 303 I onization N N N N N C-17 3418 Electrical Chase (South) Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-17 3418 Electrical Ch ase (South) Feature Non e N/A 1------.. " C-18 Control Buil ding Cable .. ' , .. ,. Chase A. Co ntrol , " .-Building.

EI. 2016 -C-18 3419 Electrical Chase (North) Detection 303 Ionization N N N N N C-18 3419 Electrical Chase (North) Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-18 3419 Electrical Chase (North) Feature None N/A ------------_.-

August 2011 Page 89 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D i \C-19 Control Building Cable , . . ,. , ':" --. . .. .. , -... i'-r*" f .. Chase A at column C-3, " , :' i . ,-... C'I.. .. L ,

_:' , ., 'Control Building, EI. ...'. : _ J, : 10, .. -'J -. 2016 .. !:... .... C-19 C19 1 Electrical Chase (North) Detection 303 Ionization N N N N N 1r oo m has no number so the fire area is used C-19 C19 i Electrical Chase (North) Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N N N 1 r oo m has no number so the fire area is used C-19 C19 1 Electrical Chase (North) Feature None N/A -----1 r o om has no number so the fire area is used C-20 Control Building Cable -. J Chase B at column C-6, Control Building, EI. " 2016 C-20 C20 i Electrical Chase (South) Detection 303 Ionization N N N N N 1 r oo m has no number so the fire area is used C-20 C20 i Electrical Chase (South) Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N N N 1room has no number so the fire area is used C-20 C20 i Electrical Chase (South) Feature None N/A -----iroom has no number so the fire area is used C-21 Lower Cable Spreading C-21 3501 Lower Cable Spreading Detection 306 Ionization N N Y Y N Room C-21 3501 Lower Cable Spreading Suppression SKC39 Pre-action N N Y Y N Room IC-21 3501 Lower Cable Spreading Feature None N/A -----Room August 2011 Page 90 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis I S L E R D .-C-22 .. Upper Cable Spreading v . . "-"'.: .

-. ' -., , .. -.. .., -. ...:', ':' ... ; ""'I -Room ' ... ..;. L _" , , . .' . ';. "'--'.": -C-22 3801 Upper Cable Spreading Detection 307 I onization N N N Y N Room C-22 3801 Upper Cable Spreading Suppression SKC 40 Pre-action N N N Y N Room C-2 2 3801 Upper Cable Spreading Feature None N/A -----Room I I -. --C-23 Control Building Cable -, -Chase B, Control 7 .. , -, Building, EI. 2032 C-23 3505 Electrical Chase Detection 303 Ionization N N N N N C-23 3505 Electrical Chase Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-23 3505 Electrical Chase Feature None N/A -----C-24 Control Buil ding Cable .* t.: ., -" -. Chase A, Co ntrol -" " . ' , . Building, EI. 2032 0 C-24 3504 Electrical Cha se Detection 303 Ionization N N N Y N C-24 3504 Electrical Chase Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-24 3504 Electrical Chase Feature None N/A -----August 2011 Page 91 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 " C-25 Control Building Cable , --, -, &; r .;.. ,.-; . J . _ I,.. ... " I, , . 1 " '1 ... ' . ".J"r. -,.' , " ., " -. -Chase B at c ol umn C-6, l -. i:: .... r. . ,-. -.. # I.* . _; -I . u Control Building, 1 .* " -.. 1"1 -* y . -, .

"".. ..-'-J J -", -, ' -.-: 2032 " ,-J --.-.. --" , " -. , C-25 C25 1 Electrical Chase (South) Det ection 303 Ionization N N N N N 1 ro o m has no number so the fire area is used C-25 C25 1 Electrical Chase (South) Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N N N 1 room has no number so the fire area is used C-25 C25 1 Electrical Chase (South) Feature None N/A -----1 r oom has no number so the fire area is used .. , C-26 Control Building Cable --,1 J Chase A at column C-.. " 3, Control Building, EI. " , " --, 2032 . C-26 C26 1 Electrical Chase (North) Detection 303 Ionization N N N N N 1room has no number so the fire area is used C-26 C26 1 Electrical Chase (North) Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N N N 1 r oom has no number so the fire area is used C-26 C26 1 Electrical Cha se (North) Feature None N/A -----1 r o o m has no number so the fire area is used --L-___ August 2011 Page 92 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D C-27 Control Room Area " to. _'" .. , C-27 3601 Control Room Detection 329 Ionization N Y N Y N C-27 3601 Control Room Detection 309 Ionization N Y N Y N C-27 3601 Control Room Detection 319 Ionization N Y N Y N C-27 3601 Control Room Detection 308 Ionization N Y N Y N C-27 3601 Control Room Suppression SKC07 Halon N N N N N for the cable trenches C-27 3601 Control Room Feature None N/A -----C-27 3603 Shift Manager's Office Detection 308 Ionization N Y N Y N C-27 3603 Shift Manager's Office Suppression None N/A -----C-27 3603 Shift Manager's Office Feature None N/A -----C-27 3604 Foyer Detection None N/A -----C-27 3604 Foyer Suppression None N/A 1-----C-27 3604 Foyer Feature None N/A ------C-27 3605 Equipment Cabinet Area Detection 308 Ionization N Y N Y N C-27 3605 Equipment Cabinet Area Suppression None N/A -----C-27 3605 Equipment Cabinet Area Feature None N/A 1-----C-27 3606 Emergency Equipment Detection 308 Ionization N Y N Y N Storage Room C-27 3606 Emergency Eq ui p ment Feature None N/A -----Storage Room August 2011 Page 93 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 C-27 3616 Vestibule (South) Detection None N/A -----C-27 3616 Vestibule (South) Feature None N/A -----C-28 Control Room Service ., 'I. .. ::j,LJ .11( , Area J . C-28 3602 Pantry Detection 308 Thermal N N Y N N C-28 3602 Pantry Suppression None N/A -----C-28 3602 Pantry Feature None N/A -----C-28 3607 Restroom Detection None N/A -----C-28 3607 Restroom Suppression None N/A -----C-28 3607 Restroom Feature None N/A -----C-28 3608 Janitor's Clos et Detection 308 I o nization N N N N N C-28 3608 Janitor's Clos et Suppression None N/A -----C-28 3608 Janitor's Closet Feature None N/A 1-----C-29 SAS Room, Control I: Building, EI. 2047 -. I C-29 3609 SAS Room Detection 308 Ionization N N N N N C-29 3609 SAS Room Suppression None N/A -----C-29 3609 SAS Room Feature None N/A -----I August 2011 Page 94 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 , C-30 Control Building Cable " : C", ...

0'-' " ! Chase B, Control . , .-: , ' '" , ' Building, EI. 2047 . " -, , , .. -.' ,-' C-30 3617 Electrical Chase (South) Detection 308 I onization N N N Y N C-30 3617 Electrical Chase (South) Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-30 3617 Electrical Chase (South) Feature None N/A ------_ .. --. -. C-31 Control Building Cable r. l.* ; : Chase A, Control " I Building, EI. 2047 -C-31 3618 Electrical Chase (North) Detection 308 Ionization N N N N N C-31 3618 Electrical Chase (North) Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-31 3618 Electrical Chase (North) Feature None N/A 1-----C-32 Control Building Cable -" Chase B at column C-6, ", , , Control Building, EI. 0 .. 2047 C-32 C32 1 Electrical Chase (South) Detection 308 Ionization N N N N N 1 r oom has no number so the fire area is used C-32 C32 1 Electrical Chase (South) Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N N N 1 r o o m has no number so the fire area is used C-32 C32 1 Electrical Chase (South) Feature None N/A -----1room has no number so the fire area is used -'----._--August 2011 Page 95 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D C-33 : Control Building Cable ' * 'to .. .: .J::.&.: '":.

..:i. '" --I . '". :'-. t L ,. ":: -...! * '-C. I : Chase B, Control ., .01 L.., ,; ,J'L'.

IJ .-I * ".... j LU ,.:.! 'f , Building, EI. 2073-6 1 .,' PO, ...

..... _.: ... : '. , C-33 3804 Electrical Chase (South) Detection 308 I onization N N N Y N I C-33 3804 Electrical Chase (South) Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N Y N C-33 3804 Electrical Chase (South) Feature None N/A -----

-Control Building Cable .. --:"" .-----, -Chase B at column C-6, I, Control Building, EI. .. .... . . 2073-6 C-34 C34 1 Electrical Chase (South) Detection 308 Ionization N N N N N 1 room has no number so the fire area is used C-34 C34 1 Electrical Chase (South) Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N N N 1 room has no number so the fire area is used C-34 C34 1 Electrical Chase (South) Feature None N/A -----1 room has no number so the I ----fire area is used --August 2011 Page 96 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details S L E R 0

,:.'C-35 ,_ Control Building ._;
,:':-.. ";,' .. :.

'i J * --_ * , Corridor, Control

': -_",._" ",-

',.' * ,'I.. ._ _" -Building, EI. 2016 " ;;

e.: _"

'. , II "-' C-35 3401 Corridor No. 1 Detection None N/A -----C-35 3401 Corridor No. 1 Suppression None N/A -----C-35 3401 Corridor No, 1 Feature None ERFBS -----C-35 3406 Corridor No. 2 Detection None N/A -----C-35 3406 Corridor No. 2 Suppression None N/A -----C-35 3406 Corridor No.2 Feature None N/A -----C-35 3412 Emergency Shower and Detection None N/A -----Eyewash Area C-35 3412 Emergency S hower and Suppression Non e N/A -----_ Eyewash Are a _ _ C-35 3412 Emergency S hower and Feature Non e N/A -----Eyewash Are a C-36 Control Buil ding Cable Chase B at column C-6, Control Building, Et 2000 , C-36 C36 i Cable Chase at column Detection None Ionization N N N N N iro om has no number so the line C-6 fire area is used C-36 C36 i Cable Chase at column Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N N N iroom has no number so the II line C-6 fire area is used I C-36 C36 i Cable Chase at column Feature None N/A -----iroom has no number so the I line C-6_ _ fire area is used I August 2011 Page 97 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D *C-37 Control Building Cable ;.

-::--[ ---. ., -. ! Chase A, Co nt rol , ..... -.. u ;" ", ... ---. -" .' '. , I Building, EI. 2000 " ,.. .",. (' .T"'f: -..j '] " . , , . ' . . _. C-37 C37 1 Electrical Chase (North) Detection None N/A -----1room has no number so the fire area is used C-37 C37 1 Electrical Chase (North) Suppression SKC37 Wet Pipe N N N N N 1room has no number so the fire area is used C-37 C37 1 Electrical Chase (North) Fea ture Non e N/A 1-----1room has no number so the fire area is used Diesel Generator A, .. .. --, '" " .. Diesel Generator , : 'J .' , Building, EI. 2000' : , , 0-1 5203 Diesel Generator Room A Detection 503 Thermal N N N N N D-1 5203 Diesel Generator Room A Detection 500 Flame N N N Y N D-1 5203 Diesel Generator Room A Suppression SKC26 Pre-action N N N N N D-1 5203 Diesel Gene rator Room A Feature None N/A -----_. . Diesel Gene rator B, -., -, . D-2 --,. -. Diesel Gene rator Building, EI. 2000' " , . D-2 5201 Diesel Generator Room B Detection 501 Flame N N N Y N D-2 5201 Diesel Generator Room B Detection 502 Thermal N N N N N D-2 5201 Diesel Generator Room B Suppression SKC27 Pre-action N N N N N 1 0-2 5201 Diesel Generator Room B Feature None N/A -----August 2011 Page 98 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S l E R D . FB-1 Fuel Handlin_a Building i

  • r_ " .. , -"" ..........

.. L' J -..... -.. FB-1 6101 Sta ir F-1 Detect i on None N/A -----FB-1 6101 Stair F-1 Suppression None N/A -----FB-1 6101 Stair F-1 Feature None N/A -----FB-1 6102 Laydown Area Detection 600 Thermal N N N N N FB-1 6102 Laydown Area Suppression SKC25 Pre-action N N N N N Railroad bay/lay down area FB-1 6102 Laydown Area Feature None N/A -----FB-1 6103 Cask Loading Pool Detection None N/A -----FB-1 6103 Cask Load i ng Pool Suppress i on None N/A \-----FB-1 6103 Cask Loading Pool Feature None N/A -----FB-1 6104 Fuel Poo l Cooling Heat Detection 601 Ionization N N N N N Exchanger Room FB-1 6104 Fuel Pool Cooling Heat Suppression None N/A -----Exchanger Room FB-1 6104 Fuel Poo l Cooling Heat Feature None N/A -----Exchanger Room FB-1 6105 Fuel Poo l Cooling Heat Detection 601 Ionization N N N N N Exchanger Room FB-1 6105 Fuel Pool Cooling Heat Suppression None N/A -----Exchanger Room FB-1 6105 Fuel Poo l Cooling Heat Feature None N/A -----Exchanger Room FB-1 6106 Spent Fuel Pool and Detect i on None N/A -----Storage Racks FB-1 6106 Spent Fuel Po o l and Suppression Non e N/A -----Storage Rac ks August 2011 Page 99 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 FB-1 6106 Spent Fuel Pool and Feature None N/A -----Storage Racks FB-1 6201 Passage Detection None N/A -----FB-1 6201 Passage Suppression None N/A -----FB-1 6201 Passage Feature None N/A 1---1--FB-1 6202 Electrical Equipment Detection 601 Ionization N N N N N Room FB-1 6202 Electrical Equipment Suppression None N/A -----Room FB-1 6202 Electrical Equipment Feature None N/A -+-----Room ---I--------FB-1 6203 Air Handling Equipment Detection 601 Ionization N N N N N Room i FB-1 6203 Air Handl i ng Equipment Suppression None N/A -----Room FB-1 6203 Air Handling Equipment Feature None N/A 1-----Room FB-1 6204 Cask Washdown Pit Detection None N/A -----FB-1 6204 Cask Washdown Pit Suppression None N/A -----FB-1 6204 Cask Washdown Pit Feature None N/A -----I FB-1 6205 Fuel Transfer Canal Detection None N/A -----I I FB-1 6205 Fuel Transfer Canal Suppression None N/A -----I --,---,--------c--' 1 FB-1 6205 Fuel Transfer Canal Feature None N/A -----FB-1 6210 New Fuel Storage Area Detec t ion None N/A -----August 2011 Page 100 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 FB-1 6210 New Fuel Storage Area Suppression None N/A -----FB-1 6210 New Fuel Storage Area Fea t ure None N/A -----FB-1 6301 General Floor Area Detection 602 F lame N N N N N FB-1 6301 General Floor Area Suppression None N/A -----FB-1 6301 General Floor Area Feature None N/A -----FB-1 6302 Laydown Area Detection None N/A -----FB-1 6302 Laydown Area Suppression None N/A -----FB-1 6302 Laydown Area Featu r e None N/A -----FB-1 6303 Exhaust Filter Adsorber Detection 601 I onization N N N N N Room 'B' FB-1 6303 Exhaust Filter Adso r ber Supp r ession None N/A -----Room 'B' FB-1 6303 Exhaust Filter Adsorber Feature None N/A -----Room 'B' FB-1 6304 Exhaust Filter Adsorber Detection 601 I onization N N N N N Room 'A' FB-1 6304 Exhaust Filter Adsorber Suppression None N/A -----Room 'A' FB-1 6304 Exhaust F ilter Adso r ber Featu r e None N/A -----Room 'A' --------------------------------August 2011 Page 101 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S l E R D

,.' . laundry ""_ " " .-" ,.,. ., l" : " . " --, Decontamination

,0;" ,-; " * * ** .,. ': _. -:. , ; , I --. Facility _" ' , ", .. :-

.. . ,",' ". -,', " _ " .' 'J ',,, "

  • LDF-1 1332 Decontamination Room Detection 116 Ionization N N N N N and Trash Sorting Area LDF-1 1332 Decontamination Room Suppression LDF Wet Pipe N N N N N and Trash Sorting Area LDF-1 1332 Decontamination Room Feature None N/A -----and Trash Sorting Area LDF-1 1333 Laundry Room A Detection 116 Ionization N N N N N LDF-1 1333 Laundry Room A Suppression LDF Wet Pipe N N N N N LDF-1 1333 Laundry Room A Feature None N/A -----LDF-1 1334 Equipment Room Detection 116 Ionization N N N N N LDF-1 1334 Equipment Room Suppression LDF Wet Pipe N N N N N LDF-1 1334 Equipment Room Feature None N/A -----LDF-1 1337 Clean Laundry Sorting Detection 116 Ionization N N N N N Area LDF-1 1337 Clean Laundry Sorting Suppression LDF Wet Pipe N N N N N Area LDF-1 1337 Clean Laundry Sorting Feature None N/A -----Area _ ____ ___________

-'-___ ----' ________ --L--_'-------.L._--'-------'L_---'-


_ August 2011 Page 102 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 RB-1 Reactor Building Il ;. -J -I, .... .J * -.J ... -r::' ., . -'r_, .. RB-1 RB1 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 206 Line-Type N N N Y N 2000', Rx Coolant Pumps RB-1 RB1 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 203 Line-Type N N N Y N 2000', Rx Coolant Pumps RB-1 RB1 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 215 Line-Type N N N Y N 2000', Rx Coolant Pumps RB-1 RB1 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 216 Line-Type N N N Y N 2000'. Rx Coolant Pumps RB-1 RB1 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 218 Line-Type N N N Y N 2000', Rx Coolant Pumps RB-1 RB1 Reactor Bu i lding -EI. Suppression None N/A -----2000', Rx Coolant Pumps RB-1 RB1 Reactor Building -EI. Feature None N/A -----2000', Rx Coolant Pumps RB-1 RB2 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 215 Line-Type N N N Y N 2000', Outer Annulus; Reactor Building -EI. 2026', Above Accumulators A & 0 and Eastern Semi Annulus RB-1 RB2 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 205 Line-Type N N N Y N 2000', Outer Annulus; Reactor Building -EI. 2026', Above Accumulators A & 0 and Eastern Semi Annulus RB-1 RB2 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 204 Line-Type N N N Y N 2000'. Outer Annulus; Reactor Building -EI. 2026', Above Accumulators A & D and Eastern Semi Annulus ------August 2011 Page 103 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 RB-1 RB2 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 203 Line-Type N N N Y N I 2000', Outer Annulus; Reactor Building -EI. 2026', Above Accumulators A & D and Eastern Semi Annulus --r----RB-1 RB2 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 202 Line-Type N N N Y N 2000', Outer Annulus; Reactor Building -EI. 2026', Above Accumulators A & D and Eastern Semi Annulus RB-1 RB2 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 201 Line-Type N N N Y N 2000', Outer Annulus; Reactor Building -EI. 2026', Above Accumulators A & D and Eastern Semi Annulus RB-1 RB2 Reactor Building -EI. Suppression None N/A -----2000', Oute r Annulus; Reactor Building -EI. 2026', Above Accumulators A & D and Eastern Semi Annulus -I--f---RB-1 RB2 Reactor Building -EI. F eature None Radiant Energy Y N N N N Reactor Vessel as Radiant 2000', Outer Annu l us; Shield Energy Shield Reactor Building -EI. 2026', Above Accumulato rs A & D and Eastern Semi Annu l us RB-1 RB3 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 215 Line-Type Y N N Y N 2026', North Electrical Penetration Area RB-1 RB3 Reactor Building -EI. Feature None N/A -----2026', North Elect r ical Penetration Area -----August 2011 Page 104 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 RB-1 RB3 1 Reactor Building -EI. Suppression SKC41 Pre-action Y N N N N 1 0v er cable trays; manually 2026 1 1 North Elect r ical actuated from MCR Penetration Area RB-1 RB4 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 216 Line-Type Y N N N N 2026 1 , South Electrical Penetration Area -------RB-1 RB4 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 205 Line-Type Y N N N N 2026 1 , South Electrical Penetration Area RB-1 RB4 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 204 Line-Type Y N N N N 2026 1 , South Electrical Penetration Area RB-1 RB4 Reacto r Building -EI. Detection 203 Line-Type Y N N N N 2026 1 , South Elec t rical Penetration Area RB-1 RB4 Reacto r Building -EI. Feature None Radian t Energy Y N N N N wrapped conduit as Radiant 2026 1 , South Elect r ical Shield Energy Shield Penetration Area -----RB-1 RB41 Reactor Building -EI. Suppression SKC42 Pre-action Y N N N N 10 v er cable trays; manually 2026 1 , South Electrical actuated from MCR Penetration Area RB-1 RB5 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 217 Line-Type I N N N Y N 1974 1 , Tendon Access Gallery; EI. 2041', Ma i n Floor and Reactor Vessel Area; EI. 2051" Cable Tray Area; EI. 2068 1 , Reactor Building RB-1 RB5 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 218 Line-Type N N N Y N 1974 1 , Tendon Access Gallery; EI. 2041', Main Floor and Reactor Vessel Area; EI. 2051 1 , Cable T ray Area; EI. 2068 1 , Reactor Building August 2011 Page 105 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details I Basis S L E R D RB-1 RB5 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 219 Ionization N N N Y N 1974', Tendon Access Gallery; EI. 2047', Main Floor and Reactor Vessel Area; EI. 2051', Cable Tray Area; EI. 2068', Reactor Building RB-1 RB5 Reactor Building -EI. Detection 220 Line-Type N N N Y N 1974', Tendon Access Gallery; EI. 2047', Main I Floor and Reactor Vessel Area; EJ. 2051', Cable Tray Area; E I. 2068', Reactor Building RB-1 RB5 Reactor Building -EI. Suppression None N/A -----1974', Tendon Access Gallery; EI. 2047', Main Floor and Reactor Vessel Area; EJ. 2051', Cable Tray Area; EI. 2068', Reactor Building RB-1 RB5 Reactor Building -EI. Feature None Radiant Energy Y N N N N wrapped conduit as Radiant 1974', Tendon Access Shield Energy Shield Gallery; EI. 2047', Ma i n Floor and Reactor Vessel Area; EJ. 2051', Cable Tray Area; EI. 2068', Reactor Building RSB-1 RAM Storage Building .. ., , " L RSB-1 8501 RAM Storage Building Detection 801 Ionization N N N N N I RSB-1 8501 RAM Storage Bu i lding Suppression I None Wet Pipe I NJ 1N N I RSB-1 8501 RAM Storage Building Feature I None I N/A 1-1--1------------August 2011 Page 106 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 RW-1' Radwaste Building ... -. ,:,. --. " RW-1 7101 Waste Gas Compressor Detection None N/A -----Room No.1 RW-1 7101 Waste Gas Compressor Feature None N/A -----Room No.1 RW-1 7102 Hydrogen Recombiner Detection None N/A -----Room No.1 RW-1 7102 Hydrogen Recombiner Feature None N/A -----Room No.1 RW-1 7103 Valve Room No. 1 Detection 705 Ionization N N N N N RW-1 7103 Valve Room No. 1 Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7104 Recycle Evaporator Detection None N/A -----I Feed Pump Room RW-1 7104 Recycle Evaporator Feature None N/A 1-----Feed Pump Room RW-1 7105 Recycle Hold-up Tank Detection None N/A -----Room No.1 RW-1 7105 Recycle Hold-up Tank Feature None N/A -----Room No.1 RW-1 7106 Waste Gas Compressor Detection None N/A -----Room No.2 RW-1 7106 Waste Gas Compressor Feature None N/A -----Room No.2 RW-1 7107 Hydrogen Recombiner Detection None N/A -----Room No.2 RW-1 7107 Hydrogen Recombiner Feature None N/A -----Room No.2 RW-1 7108 Valve Room No.2 Detection 705 Io nization N N N N N RW-1 7108 Valve Room No.2 Feature None N/A -----I RW-1 71 09 Corridor No. 1 Detection

__ t 05 Ionization N N N N N August 2011 Page 107 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D 1 RW-1 7109 Corridor No. 1 Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7110 Recycle Hold-up Tank Detection None N/A 1-----I Room No.2 RW-1 7110 Recycle Hold-up Tank Feature None N/A -----Room No.2 RW-1 7111 Waste Gas Decay Tank Detection None N/A -----Room No.1 RW-1 7111 Waste Gas Decay Tank Feature None N/A -----! Room No.1 RW-1 7112 Valve Room No. 3 Detection None N/A -----RW-1 7112 Valve Room No. 3 Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7113 Load Center and Detection 705 Ionization N N N N N General Area RW-1 7113 Load Center and Feature None N/A -----General Area RW-1 7114 Stair RW-1 Detection None N/A -----RW-1 7114 Stair RW-1 Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7115 Waste Gas Decay Tank Detection None N/A -----Room No.2 RW-1 7115 Waste Gas Decay Tank Feature None N/A -----Room No.2 RW-1 7116 Valve Room NO.4 Detection None N/A -----RW-1 7116 Valve Room NO.4 Feature None N/A --------RW-1 7117 Corridor No.2 (East, Detection 705 Ionization N N N N N West) RW-1 7117 Corridor No.2 (East, Feature None N/A -----West) August 2011 Page 108 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 RW-1 7118 Steam Generator Detection None N/A -----Slowdown Surge Tank and Pump Room RW-1 7118 Steam Generator Feature None N/A -----Slowdown Surge Tank and Pump Room RW-1 7119 Radioactive Pipe Chase Detection None N/A -----RW-1 7119 Radioactive Pipe Chase Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7120 Chemical Drain Tank Detection None N/A 1-----and Pump Room I RW-1 7120 Chemical Drain Tank Feature None N/A -----and Pump Room RW-1 7121 Waste Evaporator Feed Detection 705 Ionization N N N N N Pump Room RW-1 7121 Waste Evaporator Feed Feature None N/A -----Pump Room RW-1 7122 Waste Hold-Up Tank Detection None N/A -----Room RW-1 7122 Waste Hold-Up Tank Feature None N/A -----Room RW-1 7123 Waste Evaporator Detection None N/A -----Sottoms Tank Room (Primary)

RW-1 7123 Waste Evaporator Feature None N/A -----Bottoms Tank Room (Prima ry) RW-1 7124 Waste Evaporator Detection 705 Ionization N N N N N Bottoms Tank Pump Room RW-1 7124 Waste Evaporator Feature None N/A -----Bottoms Tank Pump Room RW-1 7125 Floor Drain Tank Pump Detection 705 Ionization N N N N N Room No.1 August 2011 Page 109 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 RW-1 7125 Floor Drain Tank Pump Feature None N/A -----Room No.1 RW-1 7126 Floor Drain Tank Room Detection None N/A -----No.1 RW-1 7126 Floor Drain Tank Room Feature None N/A -----No.1 RW-1 7127 Waste Monitor Tank and Detection 705 Ionization N N N N N Pump Room RW-1 7127 Waste Monitor Tank and Feature None N/A -----Pump Room RW-1 7128 Floor Drain Tank Pump Detection 705 Ionization N N N N N Room No.2 RW-1 7128 Floor Drain Tank Pump Suppression SKC33 Wet Pipe N N N N N Room No.2 RW-1 7128 Floor Drain Tank Pump Feature None N/A [-----Room No.2 RW-1 7129 Floor Drain Tank Room Detection None N/A -----No.2 RW-1 7129 Floor Drain Tank Room Feature None N/A [-----No.2 RW-1 7130 Waste Evaporator Detection 705 Ionization N N N N N Condensate Tank and Pump Room RW-1 7130 Waste Evaporator Feature None N/A -----Condensate Tank and Pump Room RW-1 7131 Vestibule Detection 705 Ionization N N N N N RW-1 7131 Vestibule Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7132 Stair RW-2 Detection None N/A -----I RW-1 7132 Stair RW-2 Feature None N/A [-----August 2011 Page 110 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 RW-1 7133 E lec tri c a l C h ase, N o n-D e t ec t ion 7 05 I o niz a t io n N N N N N R a di oac ti ve Pi pe Tunn e l & P e r so nn el Access RW-1 7133 El ec tr ical C h ase, N o n-F ea tur e N o n e N/A -----Radioac t ive P ipe Tun ne l & Pe r so nne l A ccess t----RW-1 7 1 3 4 Radioac t ive Pi pe T u nn el D e t ec t ion N o n e N/A -----R W-1 713 4 Radioac t ive Pi pe Tunn el F ea tur e N o n e N/A -----RW-1 7135 Gaseous Radwaste D e t ec ti on N o n e N/A -----Drain Collection Tank and Gas Decay Tank I Drain Pump Room I RW-1 7135 Gaseo u s R adwas t e Feature None N/A -----I Dr ai n Co ll ec ti on T a nk and Gas D ecay T a nk Dr a in Pum p R oo m RW-1 7201 R ecycle E va p o r a t o r D e t ec ti on N o n e N/A -----R oo m RW-1 720 1 Recycle E vapo r a t o r F ea tur e N o n e N/A -----Roo m RW-1 7202 R ecycle E v ap o r a t o r D e t ec t ion N o n e N/A -----V a l ve Galle ry -RW-1 7202 R ecycle E v ap o r a t o r F ea tu r e N o n e N/A -----V alve Ga ll ery i RW-1 7203 Co rr i d o r N o. 1 D e t ec t io n 700 I o n iza ti o n N N N N N I RW-1 7203 Co rr idor N o. 1 F ea tu r e N o n e N/A -----I RW-1 720 4 W as t e E va p o r a t or R oo m D e t ec ti on N o n e N/A -----I RW-1 720 4 W as t e E v ap o rat or R oo m F ea t ur e N o n e N/A -----I t------RW-1 7205 W aste E va p o r a t or V alve D e t ec t i o n N o n e N/A -----i Gallery ----August 2011 Page 111 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D RW-1 7205 Waste Evaporator Valve Feature None N/A -----Gallery RW-1 7206 SLWS Evaporator Detection None N/A -----Reagent Tank Room RW-1 7206 SLWS Evaporator Feature None N/A -----Reagent Tank Room RW-1 7207 SLWS Valve Gallery Detection None N/A -----RW-1 7207 SLWS Valve Gallery Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7208 MCC Equipment Load Detection 700 Ionization N N N N N Center and General Area RW-1 7208 MCC Equipment Load Feature None N/A -----Center and General Area --------RW-1 7209 Control Room Detection 700 I onization N N N N N RW-1 7209 Control Room Fea t u r e None N/A -----RW-1 7210 Nuclear Sample Panel De t ection None N/A -----Room RW-1 7210 Nuclear Sample Panel Feature None N/A -----Room RW-1 7211 Sample Laboratory Detection None N/A -----RW-1 7211 Sample Laboratory F eatu r e None N/A -----RW-1 7212 Spent Resin Storage Detection None N/A -----Tank Room (Primary)

RW-1 7212 Spent Resin Storage F eatu r e None N/A -----Tank Room (Primary)

RW-1 7213 Corridor No. 3 De t ection None N/A -----RW-1 7213 Corridor No. 3 F eature None N/A -----"--'---------'---August 2011 Page 112 Ameren Missouri Cal/away Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D RW-1 7214 Spent Resin and Detection None N/A -----Evaporator Bottom Tank and Pump Room (Secondary)

RW-1 7214 Spent Resin and Feature None N/A -----Evaporator Bottom Tank and Pump Room (Secondary)

RW-1 7215 Decant Tank Detection None N/A -----RW-1 7215 Decant Tank Feature None N/A I -----RW-1 7216 Corridor No. 2 Detection 700 Ionization N N N N N RW-1 7216 Corridor No. 2 Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7217 SLWS Monitor Tank Detection None N/A -----Room RW-1 7217 SLWS Monitor Tank Feature None N/A -----Room RW-1 7218 Drum Processing Detection None N/A -----Enclosure RW-1 7218 Drum Processing Feature None N/A -----Enclosure RW-1 7219 Solidification Control Detection None N/A -----Panel Room RW-1 7219 Solidification Control Feature None N/A -----Panel Room RW-1 7220 Valve Room Detection None N/A -----RW-1 7220 Valve Room Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7221 Emergency Shower and Detection None N/A -----Eyewash Area August 2011 Page 113 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D RW-1 7221 Emergency Shower and Feature None N/A -----Eyewash Area RW-1 7222 Misc. Storage Area Detection 700 I onization N N N N N RW-1 7222 Misc. Storage Area Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7223 Vestibule Detection 700 I onization N N N N N RW-1 7223 Vestibule Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7224 High level Drum Storage Detection None N/A -----Area RW-1 7224 High level Drum Storage Feature None N/A -----Area RW-1 7225 low level Drum Storage Detection None N/A -----Area RW-1 7225 low level Drum Sto r age Fea t ure None N/A -----Area RW-1 7226 Empty Drum Storage Detection 700 I onization N N N N N Area RW-1 7226 Empty Drum Storage Feature None N/A -----Area RW-1 7227 Filter Drop Station Detection None N/A -----RW-1 7227 Fil t er Drop Station Featu r e None N/A -----RW-1 7228 Drywaste Compactor De t ection 700 I oniza t ion N N N N N Area RW-1 7228 Drywaste Compactor Suppression SKC33 Wet Pipe N N N N N Area RW-1 7228 Drywaste Compactor Featu r e None N/A -----Area RW-1 7229 Concentrates Pump Detection None N/A -----Room ---_.-------.-'-------August 2011 Page 114 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 RW-1 7229 Concentrates Pump Feature None N/A -----Room RW-1 7230 Instrument Rack Area Detection None N/A -----RW-1 7230 Instrument Rack Area Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7231 Subcoolers and Detection None N/A ---1--Condenser Room RW-1 7231 Subcoolers and Feature None N/A -----Condenser Room I RW-1 7232 Electrical Chase Detection 700 Ionization N N N N N RW-1 7232 Electrical Chase Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7233 Area Over Valve Room Detection None N/A -----RW-1 7233 Area Over Valve Room Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7301 Radioactive Pipe Chase Detection None N/A -----Area RW-1 7301 Radioactive Pipe Chase Feature None N/A -----Area RW-1 7302 HVAC Equipment Area Detection None N/A ---1--RW-1 7302 HVAC Equipment Area Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7303 Vestibule Detection None N/A -----RW-1 7303 Vestibule Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7304 MCC Equipment Area Detection None N/A -----1 RW-1 7304 MCC Equipment Area Feature None N/A 1-----_______ L-_ August 2011 Page 115 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D RW-1 7305 Electrical Chase Detection 700 I onization N N N N N I RW-1 7305 Electrical Chase Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7401 Filter Compartment Detection None N/A -----RW-1 7401 Filter Compartment Detection None N/A -----i RW-1 7401 Filter Compartment Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7402 Valve Compartments Detection 701 I oniza t ion N N N N N RW-1 7402 Valve Compartments Feature None N/A -----I RW-1 7403 Corridor De t ection 701,702 I oniza t ion I N N N N N I RW-1 7403 Corridor F eature None N/A -----RW-1 7404 Valve Compartments Detec t ion None N/A L ----I -----_.--I RW-1 7404 Valve Compartments Feature None N/A 1--RW-1 7405 Demineralizer Detection None N/A -----Compartment RW-1 7405 Demineralizer F eatu r e None N/A -----Compartment RW-1 7406 Valve Compartment Detec t ion None N/A ----I -I RW-1 7406 Valve Compartment Fea t ure None N/A -----I RW-1 7407 Fuel Pool Cleanup De t ec t ion None N/A -----I Demin Compartment I RW-1 7407 Fuel Pool Cleanup F ea t ure None N/A ----Demin Compartment

August 2011 Page 116 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features I Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details I Basis S L E R 0 RW-1 7408 Laundry and Hot Shower Detection None N/A -----I Tank Area RW-1 7408 Laundry and Hot Shower Feature None N/A -----Tank Area RW-1 7409 R.O. Unit Recycle Tank Detection None N/A -----Area RW-1 7409 R.O. Unit Recycle Tank Feature None N/A -----Area RW-1 7410 General Floor Area Detection 702 I onization N N N N N RW-1 7410 General Floor Area Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7411 Waste Monitor Tank and Detection None N/A -----I I Pump Area 1 ---.. ---I RW-1 7411 Waste Monitor Tank and Feature None N/A -----i Pump Area I RW-1 7412 Caustic T ank Area De t ec t ion None N/A I -----RW-1 7412 Caustic Tank Area Feature None N/A -----I RW-1 7413 HVAC Platfo r m Detection None N/A -----I RW-1 7413 HVAC Platform Feature None N/A -----RW-1 7501 General Floor Area Detection None N/A -----(2040' eJev.) RW-1 7501 General Floor Area F ea t ure None N/A -----(2040' eJev.) RW-1 7502 General Floo r Area Detection None N/A -----(2041' eJev.) RW-1 7502 Genera l Floor Area Feature None N/A -----(2041' eJev.) RW-1 7503 General Floor Area Detection None N/A -----(2047' eJev.) August 2011 Page 117 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection I Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details I Basis S l E R 0 RW-1 7503 General Floor Area Feature None N/A -----(2047' elev.) RW-1 7504 Platform (2051' elev.) Detection None N/A -----RW-1 7504 Platform (2051' elev.) Feature None N/A -----'--------August 2011 Page 118 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S l E R D -TB-1 Turbine Building , '. T8-1 3102 Pipe Space, Tank, and Detection 311 Photoelectric N N N N N Storage Area T8-1 3102 Pipe Space, Tank, and Suppression None N/A -----Storage Area T8-1 3102 Pipe Space, Tank, and Feature None N/A -----Storage Area T8-1 3103 Stair No. CC-1 Detection None N/A -----T8-1 3103 Stair No. CC-1 Suppression None N/A -----T8-1 3103 Stair No. CC-1 Feature None N/A -----T8-1 3225 Corridor No. 2 Detection 311 Photoelectric N N N N N T8-1 3225 Corridor No.2 Suppression None N/A 1-----T8-1 3225 Corridor No.2 Feature None N/A -----T8-1 3226 Counting Room Detection 310 Ionization I N N N N N T8-1 3226 Counting Room Suppression None N/A -----T8-1 3226 Counting Room Feature None N/A -----I TS-1 3227 Vestibule NO.3 Detection None N/A -----T8-1 3227 Vestibule NO.3 Suppression None N/A -----T8-1 3227 Vestibule NO.3 Feature None N/A -----T8-1 3228 Hot Laboratory Detection 310 Ionization N N N N N T8-1 3228 Hot Laboratory Suppression Non e N/A -----August 2011 Page 119 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 TB-1 3228 Hot Laboratory Feature None N/A -----TB-1 3303 Corridor Detection 311 Photoelectric I N N N I N N TB-1 3303 Corridor Detection 310 I onization I N N N N N TB-1 3303 Corridor Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 3303 Corridor Feature None N/A -----TB-1 3304 General Floor Area Detection 310 I onization N N N N N TB-1 3304 General Floor Area Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 3304 General Floor Area Feature None N/A -----TB-1 3307 Combustible Liquids Detec t ion 310 I onization N N N N N Storage Room TB-1 3307 Combustible Liquids Suppression N/A Wet Pipe N N N N N

  • required for Chapter 3 Storage Room compliance TB-1 3307 Combustible Liquids Featu r e None N/A -----Storage Room TB-1 3402 Corridor No. 3 Detection 311 Photoelectric N N N N N TB-1 3402 Corridor No. 3 Detection 302 Ionization N N N N N TB-1 3402 Corridor No. 3 Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 3402 Corridor No. 3 Feature None N/A -----TB-1 3502 Lobby Detection 302 I onization N N N N N !TB-1 3502 Lobby Detection 311 Photoelectric N N N N N ------August 2011 Page 120 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 T8-1 3502 Lobby Suppression None N/A -----T8-1 3502 Lobby Feature None N/A -----T8-1 3503 General Floor Area Detection 302 Ionization N N N N N T8-1 3503 General Floor Area Suppression None N/A -----T8-1 3503 General Floor Area Feature None N/A -----I TS-1 3611 Corridor No.2 Detection 311 Photoelectric N N N N N T8-1 3611 Corridor No. 2 SuppreSSion None N/A -----T8-1 3611 Corridor No.2 Feature None N/A -----T8-1 3612 Conference Room Detection 302 Ionization N N N N N T8-1 3612 Field Office Detection 302 Ionization N N N J N N -----,-T8-1 3612 Field Office SuppreSSion None N/A -----T8-1 3612 Conference Room Suppression None N/A -----T8-1 3612 Conference Room Feature None N/A 1-----T8-1 3612 Field Office Feature None N/A -----T8-1 3613 Computer Room Detection 313 Photoelectric N N N N N -T8-1 3613 Computer Room Detection 312 Ionization N N N N N I TS-1 3613 Computer Room Suppression SKC47 Pre-action N N N N N -August 2011 Page 121 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D TB-1 3613 Computer Room Feature None N/A -----TB-1 3613A Work Control Area Detection 313 Ionization N N N N N TB-1 3613A Work Control Area Suppression SKC47 Pre-action 1 N N N N N TB-1 3613A Work Control Area Feature None N/A -----TB-1 3613B Equ i pment Operator's Detection 313 Thermal N N N N N Room TB-1 3613B Equipment Operator's Detection 312 Ionization N N N N N Room TB-1 3613B Equipment Operator's Detection 312 I onization N N N N N Room TB-1 3613B Equipment Operator's Suppress i on SKC47 Pre-ac t ion N N N N N Room 'TB-1 3613B Equipment Operator's Fea t ure None N/A -----Room TB-1 3614 Corridor No. 3 Detection 302 I onization N N N N --TB-1 3614 Corridor No. 3 Suppression None N/A 1----TB-1 3614 Corridor No. 3 Feature None N/A -----TB-1 3619 General Floor Area Detection None N/A -----TB-1 3619 General Floor Area Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 3619 General Floor Area Feature None N/A -----TB-1 3620 Women's Toilet Detection 302 I onization 1 N N N N N I TB-1 3620 Women's Toilet Suppression None N/A 1--------------------August 2011 Page 122 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 TB-1 3620 Women's Toilet Feature None N/A -----TB-1 3621 Men's Toilet Detection 302 Ionization I N N N N N TB-1 3621 Men's Toilet Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 3621 Men's Toilet Feature None N/A -----TB-1 3701 General Floor Area Detection 302 Ionization N N N N N TB-1 3701 General Floor Area Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 3701 General Floor Area Feature None N/A -----TB-1 3702 Battery Room Detection 302 Ionization N N N N N TB-1 3702 Battery Room Suppression None N/A -----3702 Battery Room Feature None N/A -----TB-1 3703 Radio Equipment Room Detection 302 Ionization N N N N N TB-1 3703 Radio Equipment Room Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 3703 Radio Equipment Room Feature None N/A -----TB-1 3704 General Floor Area Detection 302 Ionization N N N N N TB-1 3704 General Floor Area Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 3704 General Floor Area Feature None N/A -----i TB-1 3705 Battery Room Detection 302 Ionization N N N N N August 2011 Page 123 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D TB-1 3705 Battery Room Suppression None N/A -----I I TB-1 3705 Battery Room Feature None N/A -----TB-1 3706 Fire Brigade Storage Detection None N/A -----Area TB-1 3706 EO's Office Detection None N/A -----I TB-1 3 706 EO's Office Suppression None N/A -----I TB-1 3706 Fire Brigade Storage Suppress i on None N/A -----Area !TB-1 3706 EO's Office Feature None N/A -----TB-1 3706 Fire Brigade Storage Feature None N/A -----Area TB-1 3802 Elevator No. 1 Machine Detec t ion 302 Ionization N N N N N I Room TB-1 3802 Elevator No. 1 Machine Suppression None N/A -----Room TB-1 3802 Elevator No.1 Machine Feature None N/A -----! Room TB-1 3803 Corridor Detection 302 I onization N N N N N TB-1 3803 Corridor Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 3803 Corridor Feature None N/A -----! TB-1 4 1 01 Stair T-1 Detection None N/A -----TB-1 4101 Stair T-1 Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 4101 Stair T-1 Feature None N/A -----I L August 2011 Page 124 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D T8-1 4201 Condenser Pit -General Detection 400 Ionization N N N N N Floor Area T8-1 4201 Condenser Pit -General Detection 401 Photoelect r ic N N N N N Floor Area T8-1 4201 Condenser Pit -General Suppression SKC32 Wet Pipe N N Y Y N Floor Area T8-1 4201 Condenser Pi t -General Feature None N/A -----Floor Area T8-1 4203 SGFP Turbine Lube Oil Detection 409 Thermal N N N N N Conditioners

-Cond Pump Area T8-1 4203 SGFP Turbine Lube Oil Detection 410 Thermal N N N N N Conditioners

-Cond Pump Area T8-1 4203 SGFP Turbine Lube Oil Supp r ession SKC32 Wet Pipe N N Y Y N Conditioners

-Cond Pump Area T 8-1 4203 SGFP Turbine Lube Oil Fea t ure None N/A -----Conditioners

-Cond Pump Area T8-1 4204 Secondary Liquid Waste Detection 411 I onization N N N N N Collection Tank Pumps T8-1 4204 Secondary Liquid Waste Suppression SKC32 Wet P i pe N N Y Y N Collection Tank Pumps T8-1 4204 Secondary Liquid Waste F ea t ure None N/A -----Collection Tank Pumps T8-1 4205 High TDS and Low TDS Detection None N/A -----Tank and Pump Area T8-1 4205 High TDS and Low TDS Suppress i o n SKC32 Wet Pipe N N Y Y N Tank and Pump Area I TS-1 4205 High TDS and Low TDS Feature None N/A -----i Tank and Pump Area I TS-1 4301 General Floor Area SW Detec t ion 410 The r mal N N N N N and SE ____________

L-August 2011 Page 125 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 TB-1 4301 General Floor Area SW Detection 409 Thermal N N N N N and SE TB-1 4301 General Floor Area SW Detection 405 Thermal N N Y Y N and SE TB-1 4301 General Floor Area SW Detection 403 Thermal N N Y Y N and SE TB-1 4301 General Floor Area SW Detection 401 Photoelect r ic N N N N N and SE TB-1 4301 General Floor Area SW Suppression SKC24 Wate r Spray N N N N N and SE ----TB-1 4301 General Floor Area SW Supp r ession SKC23 Water Spray N N N N N and SE TB-1 4301 General Floor Area SW Suppression SKC29 Pre-ac t ion N N Y Y N and SE TB-1 4301 General Floor Area SW Suppression SKC31 Pre-action N N Y Y N and SE TB-1 4301 General Floor Area SW Fea t ure None N/A -----and SE TB-1 4302 Condenser Vacuum Detection 405 T hermal I N N Y Y N Pump Area TB-1 4302 Condenser Vacuum Supp r ession SKC29 Pre-ac t ion N N Y Y N t-------Pump A r ea -------TB-1 4302 Condenser Vacuum Feature None N/A -----Pump A r ea TB-1 4303 Air Compressor Area Detection 405 Th ermal N N Y Y N TB-1 4303 Air Compressor Area Suppression SKC29 Pre-action N N Y Y N TB-1 4303 Air Compressor Area Feature None N/A ---1---TB-1 4304 Men's Toilet Detection None N/A -----TB-1 4304 Men's Toilet Suppression None N/A -----August 2011 Page 126 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 T8-1 4304 Men's Toilet Feature None N/A -----T8-1 4305 Women's Toilet Detection None N/A 1-----T8-1 4305 Women's Toilet Suppression None N/A -----T8-1 4305 Women's Toilet Feature None N/A -----T8-1 4306 Janitor's Closet Detection None N/A -----T8-1 4306 Janitor's Closet Suppression None N/A -----T8-1 4306 Janitor's Closet Feature None N/A -----T8-1 4308 Lube Oil Storage Tanks Detection 400 Flame N N N N N T8-1 4308 Lube Oil Storage Tanks Suppression SKC08 Wet Pipe N N N N N 4308 Lube Oil Storage Tanks Feature None N/A --j-= ---c--T8-1 4309 Stair T-2 Detection None N/A -----T8-1 4309 Stair T-2 Suppression None N/A -----I TS-1 4309 Stair T-2 Feature None N/A -----T8-1 4310 Stair T-3 Detection None N/A -----T8-1 4310 Stair T-3 Suppression None N/A -----T8-1 4310 Stair T-3 Feature None N/A -----I TS-1 4312 Stair T-5 Detection None N/A -----August 2011 Page 127 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features j Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection I Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details i Basis S L E R 0 TB-1 4312 Stair T-5 Suppression None N/A -----I TB-1 4312 Stair T-5 Feature None N/A -----TB-1 4313 Stair T-4 Detection None N/A -----TB-1 4313 Stair T-4 Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 4313 Stair T-4 Feature None N/A -----I TB-1 4314 Stair T-6 Detection None N/A -----i TB-1 4314 Stair T-6 Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 4314 Stair T-6 Featu r e None N/A -----TB-1 4316 Condensate Polishing Detection 403 T hermal N N Y Y N I Area TB-1 4316 Condensate Polishing Suppression SKC31 Pre-ac t ion N N Y Y N Area TB-1 4316 Condensate Polishing Feature None N/A -----Area TB-1 4317 Process Sampling Lab Detection 414 I onization N N N N N TB-1 4317 Process Sampling Lab Suppression None N/A ---[--TB-1 4317 Process Sampling Lab Feature None N/A -----TB-1 4318 Closed Cooling Water Detection 403 T he r mal N N Y Y N Heat Exchanger Area TB-1 4318 Closed Cooling Water Suppression SKC31 P r e-action N N Y Y N Heat Exchanger Area -------TB-1 4318 Closed Cooling Water Feature None N/A [-----Heat Exchanger Area August 2011 Page 128 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection I Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details . Basis S L E R 0 TB-1 4319 Condensate Chemical Detection 403 Thermal N N Y Y N I Add Units TB-1 4319 Condensate Chemical Suppression SKC31 Pre-action N N Y Y N Add Units TB-1 4319 Condensate Chemical Feature None N/A -----Add Units TB-1 4321 Railroad Bay and Detection 403 Therma l N N Y Y N Laydown Area I TB-1 4321 Railroad Bay and Suppression SKC31 Pre-action N N Y Y N I I I------Laydown Area -I TB-1 4321 Railroad Bay and Feature None N/A -----I Laydown Area TB-1 4322 Truck Bay and Laydown Detection 405 Thermal N N Y Y N Area TB-1 4322 Truck Bay and Laydown Suppression SKC29 Pre-ac t ion N N Y Y N Area I TB-1 4322 Truck Bay and Laydown Feature None N/A -----Area TB-1 4323 Cold Chemistry Lab Detection 414 I oniza t ion N N N N N TB-1 4323 Cold Chemistry Lab Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 4323 Cold Chemistry Lab Featu r e None N/A -----TB-1 4351 Floor Detection 405 Thermal N N Y Y N TB-1 4351 Floor Suppression SKC29 Pre-action N N Y Y N TB-1 4351 Floor F eature None N/A -----TB-1 4401 Gene r al Floor Area Detection 401 Photoelectric N N N N N TB-1 4401 General Floor Area Detection 407 Thermal N N N N N -'----August 2011 Page 129 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D TB-1 4401 General Floor Area Detection 404 Thermal N N Y Y N TB-1 4401 General Floor Area Detection 402 T hermal N N Y Y N TB-1 4401 General Floor Area Supp r ession SKC11 Wate r Spray N N N N N for the Hydrogen Seal Oil skid TB-1 4401 General Floor Area Suppression SKC28 P r e-action N N Y Y N TB-1 4401 General Floor Area Suppression SKC30 Pre-action N N Y Y N TB-1 4401 General Floor Area F ea t ure None N/A -----TB-1 4402 Battery Room (SE) Detection 400 I onization N N N N N I TB-1 4402 Battery Room (SE) Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 4402 Battery Room (SE) Feature None N/A -----TB-1 4403 Lube Oil Reservoir Room Detection 400 Flame N N N N N ----TB-1 4403 Lube Oil Reservoir Room Suppression SKC10 Wet Pipe N N N N N TB-1 4403 Lube Oil Reservoir Room Feature None N/A -----TB-1 4404 Battery Room (NW) Detection 412 Pho t oelectric N N N N N TB-1 4404 Battery Room (NW) Supp r ession None N/A -----TB-1 4404 Battery Room (NW) Featu r e None N/A -----! TB-1 4501 General Floor Area Detection 408 Thermal N N Y Y N I (North and South of I Column Line T-6) -------August 2011 Page 130 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S l E R 0 TB-1 4501 General Floor Area Detection 401 Photoelectric N N N N N (North and South of Column line T -6) TB-1 4501 General Floor Area Suppress i on SKC21 Pre-action N N Y Y N for the turbine bearings (North and South of Co l umn line T -6) TB-1 4501 General Floor Area Feature None N/A -----(North and South of Column line T-6) 4502 Women's Toilet De t ection None N/A -----I TB-1 4502 Women's Toilet Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 4502 Women's Toilet Feature None N/A -----I I TB-1 4503 Men's Toilet De t ection None N/A -----TB-1 4503 Men's Toilet Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 4503 Men's Toilet Fea t ure None N/A 1-----TB-1 4504 EHC Control Cabinet Detection 413 Photoelec t ric N N N N N Room TB-1 4504 EHC Control Cabinet Suppression None N/A -----Room TB-1 4504 EHC Control Cabinet Feature None N/A -----Room TB-1 4505 Genera l Floo r Area Detection None N/A [-----I TB-1 4505 General Floor Area Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 4505 General Floor Area F eatu r e None N/A -----TB-1 4506 Room 4506 Detection None N/A -----August 2011 Page 131 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 TB-1 4506 Room 4506 Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 4506 Room 4506 Feature None N/A -----TB-1 4601 Elevator Machine Room Detection None N/A -----TB-1 4601 Elevator Machine Room Suppression None N/A -----TB-1 4601 Elevator Machine Room Feature None N/A -----UNCT UHS North Cooling Tower UNCT U-301 North Side Electrical Detection 002 I onization N N N N N Room UNCT U-301 North Side Electrical Suppression None N/A -----Room UNCT U-301 North Side Electr i cal Feature None N/A -----Room UNCT U-302 North Side Electrical Detection None N/A -----Room UNCT U-302 North Side Electrical Suppression None N/A -----Room UNCT U-302 North Side E lectr i cal Feature Non e N/A ---1_--Room -i------UNCT U-306 UHS North Cooling Detection Non e N/A -----Tower UNCT U-306 UHS North Cooling Suppression Non e N/A -----Tower UNCT U-306 UHS North Cooling Feature Non e N/A -----Tower August 2011 Page 132 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category 10 Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R 0 UNPH .' " Essential Service . :!' , , : "r;.. '-. " -. ,,'" '. _ I Water Pump Room A ' , . I. UNPH U-104 Pump Room A Detection 002 Ionization N N N N N UNPH U-104 Pump Room A Suppression None N/A -----UNPH U-104 Pump Room A Feature None N/A -----USCT UHS South Cooling -I Tower USCT U-304 South Side Electrical Detection 001 I onization N N N N N Room USCT U-304 South Side Electrical Suppression None N/A -----Room l---I----I USCT U-304 South Side Electrical Feature None N/A 1 -----Room USCT U-305 South Side Electrical Detection None N/A --1 -Room USCT U-305 South Side Electrical Suppression None N/A ---1-' ---,

Room USCT U-305 South Side Electrical Feature None N/A -----Room USCT U-307 UHS South Cooling Detection None N/A -----I USCT U-307 UHS South Cooling Suppression None N/A -----Tower USCT U-307 UHS South Cooling Feature None N/A -----Tower __ __ -"----___ .. ___ _____ _ ______ _ August 2011 Page 133 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D

'UsPH Essential Service . l

.. :-* ";... -.. ; Water Pump Room B .(.'. " -.;

.. _ USPH U-105 Pump Room B Detection 001 Ionization N N N N N USPH U-105 Pump Room B Suppression None N/A -----USPH U-105 Pump Room B Feature None __ N/A 1---1--August 2011 Page 134 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA 805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D --. YD-1 Yard Area YD-1 FPH Fire Water Pump House Suppression SKC1040 Wet Pipe Y* N N N N *required for Chapter 3 compliance YD-1 FPH Fire Water Pump House Feature None N/A -----YD-1 XMA01A Location is not a plant Detection 003/004 Thermal N N N N N transformer ID used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YD-1 XMA01A Location is not a plant Suppression SKC12 Water Spray N N N N N transformer ID used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YD-1 XMA01A Location is not a plant Feature None N/A -----transformer ID used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YD-1 XMA01B Location is not a plant Detection 005/006 Thermal N N N N N transformer ID used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YD-1 XMA01B Location is not a plant Suppression SKC13 Water Spray N N N N N transformer ID used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for l ocation purposes YD-1 XMA01B Location is not a plant Feature None N/A -----transformer ID used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone fo r location purposes YD-1 XMA01C Location is not a plant Detection 007/008 Thermal N N N N N transformer ID used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YD-1 XMA01C Location is not a plant Suppression SKC14 Water Spray N N N N N transformer ID used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YD-1 XMA01C Location is not a plant Feature None N/A -----transformer ID used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YD-1 XMA02 Location is not a plant Detection 011 Thermal N N N N N transformer ID used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes August 2011 Page 135 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features I Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D YO-1 XMA02 Location is not a plant Suppression SKC15 Water Spray N N N N N transformer 10 used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YO-1 XMA02 Location is not a plant Featu r e None N/A -----transformer lOused in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YO-1 XMR01 Location is not a plant Detection 012/013 Thermal N N N N N transformer 10 used in lieu of f i re zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YO-1 XMR01 Location is not a plant Suppression SKC16 Water Spray N N N N N transformer 10 used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YO-1 XMR01 Location is not a plant Fea t ure None N/A -----transformer 10 used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YO-1 XNB01 Location is not a plant De t ection 016 Thermal N N N N N transformer 10 used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location I----purposes YO-1 XNB01 Location is not a plant Suppression SKC19 Water Sp r ay N N N N N transformer 10 used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YO-1 XNB01 Location is not a plant Fea t ure None N/A -----transformer 10 used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YO-1 XNB02 Location is not a plant Detec t ion 017 Thermal N N N N N transformer 10 used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YO-1 XNB02 Location is not a plant Supp r ession SKC20 Wa t e r Sp r ay N N N N N transformer 10 used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location I purposes YO-1 XNB02 Location is not a plant F ea t u r e None N/A -----transformer 10 used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes --YO-1 XPB03 Location is not a plant De t ection 014 The r ma l N N N N N transformer 10 used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location pu r poses August 2011 Page 136 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 4-3 Summary of NFPA 805 Compliance Basis and Required Fire Protection Systems and Features Fire Fire NFPA805 Required?

Required Fire Protection Area Zone Description Regulatory Category ID Type Feature and System Details Basis S L E R D YD-1 XPB03 Location is not a plant Suppression SKC17 Water Spray N N N N N transformer ID used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YD-1 XPB03 Location is not a plant Feature None N/A -----transformer ID used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YD-1 XPB04 Location is not a plant Detection 015 Thermal N N N N N transformer ID used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YD-1 XPB04 Location is not a plant Suppression SKC18 Water Spray N N N N N transformer ID used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes YD-1 XPB04 Location is not a plant Feature None N/A -----transformer ID used in lieu of fire zone. See note. a fire zone for location purposes ---* . -. Legend: u Required? D -, D S -Required for Chapter 4 Separation Criteria L -Required for NRC-Approved Licensing Action E -Required for Existing Engineering Equivalency Evaluation R -Required for Risk Significance D -Required to Ma i ntain an Adequate Balance of Defense-in-Depth in a Change Evaluation or Fire Risk Evaluation

August 2011 Page 137 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 4.8.2 Plant Modifications and Items to be Completed During the Implementation Phase The Fire PRA model represents the as-built, as-operated and maintained plant as it will be configured at the completion of the transition to NFPA 805. The Fire PRA model includes credit for the planned implementation of the modifications listed in Attachment S. Following completion of the implementation items listed in Attachment S, such as further development of procedure changes and training, additional refinements may need to be incorporated into the FPRA. During the implementation phase there may also be refinements to the FPRA based on industry-initiatives.

As the FPRA refinements are made, some adjustments to the list of Recovery Actions provided in Attachment G may be warranted prior to completion of implementation.

Any changes to the list of Recovery Actions will be evaluated using the same process used in Attachments G and W of this submittal.

Table S-1 summarizes plant modifications associated with the transition to NFPA 805 that have already been implemented.

Table S-2 summarizes plant modifications that are committed for implementation.

Table S-3 provides a list of those items (procedure changes, process updates, and training of affected plant personnel) that will be completed prior to the implementation of the new NFPA 805 FP program at Callaway Plant. 4.8.3 Supplemental Information

-Other Callaway Plant Specific Issues Request for Approval of Change to Technical Specification Requirement NRC Approval is being requested to eliminate the requirement to initiate a plant shutdown in accordance with Technical Specification LCO 3.0.3 in the event of a loss of the normal fire suppression water system and inability to establish a back-up water system in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. On February 19, 1987 Union Electric Company submitted a license amendment request via ULNRC-01447 to delete fire protection Technical Specifications and relocate those requirements to the FSAR under licensee control in accordance with Generic Letter 86-10, "Implementation of Fire Protection Requirements." On October 30, 1987 Union Electric Company responded to NRC questions related to this license amendment request via ULNRC-01667.

Specifically, the following question and response is documented in ULNRC-01667.

NRC Question The shutdown requirement of Specification ACTION b should be retained in an appropriate commitment document.

Response As part of implementing the proposed revisions to the Technical Specifications, the requirements of Specification ACTION b will be retained and will not be modified without prior approval from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The 'requirements of Specification ACTION b will be added' to FSAR (USAR for Wolf Creek) Table 9.5.1-2 with a statement that no modifications to these requirements will be made without prior approval of the NRC. On January 13, 1988 the NRC issued Amendment No. 30 to Facility Operating License No. NPF-30. In the accompanying safety evaluation the staff noted the following:

The licensee had originally proposed to delete the shutdown requirement of Specification Action b. The staff's position is that the loss of the normal fire protection water supply and the inability to establish a back-up fire suppression water August 2011 Page 138 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report system within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> warrant plant shutdown.

The licensee responded that the requirements of Specification Action b. will be added to the FSAR with commitment that no modifications to these requirements will be made without prior approval from NRC. The staff considers this response to be acceptable.

In response to the above, Callaway Plant has maintained the following statement in FSAR Table 9.5.1-2 for the Fire Suppression Water System, requirements a, band c. With the Fire Suppression Water System in this condition, establish a backup Fire Suppression Water System within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. If this required action cannot be met, the requirements of Technical Specification

3.0.3 shall

be initiated.

Modifications to these requirements shall not be made without prior approval of the NRC. As part of the transition to NFPA 80S, it is being requested that the NRC Staff review and approve the removal of the existing requirement in FSAR Table 9.5.1-2 to enter Technical Specification LCO 3.0.3 for an inoperable Fire Suppression Water System coupled with the inability to provide a backup fire suppression water system within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. NFPA 805 Section 3.2.3(2) requires compensatory actions to be implemented when fire protection systems and other systems credited by the fire protection program cannot perform their intended function.

NFPA 805 Section 3.2.3(2) also requires that limits be established on the impairment duration.

As stated in Attachment A, NEI 04-02 Table 8-1, Callaway Plant procedure APA-ZZ-00703, "Fire Protection Operability Criteria and Surveillance Requirements," will be used to establish the required compensatory actions and impairment durations following the transition to NFPA 805. FSAR Table 9.5.1-2 will be eliminated following the transition to NFPA 805. Justification for this request is documented in Attachment X, Approval Request 1. Request for Approval of Specific Current Transformer Configurations NRC Approval is being requested for a deviation from the common enclosure analysis requirements of NFPA 805 Section 2.4.2 for specifiC current transformer (CT) configurations where a fire induced open circuit failure could result in a secondary fire. A fire in plant fire area C-21 , Lower Cable Spreading Room, or in plant fire area C-27, Main Control Room, could result in an open circuit failure for circuits associated with the Main Generator CTs. Due to the design of these CTs, a secondary fire due to overheating can be postulated to occur in plant fire area T8-1. Section 2.4.2 of NFPA 805 requires consideration of fire-induced open circuit failure modes and specifies that circuits which share a common enclosure with circuits required to achieve the nuclear safety performance criteria, be evaluated to ensure that such electrical faults will not cause the fire to extend beyond the immediate (initial) fire area. As discussed in NFPA 805 the evaluation of common enclosure issues should include consideration of CTs that are constructed such that an open secondary circuit could cause ignition of the transformer.

As part of the transition to NFPA 80S, it is being requested that the NRC Staff review and approve a deviation from the common enclosure requirements of NFPA 805 for the Main Generator CTs. Justification for this request is documented in Attachment X, Approval Request 2. August 2011 Page 139 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Request for Approval of Specific NSCA Separation Issues in the Reactor Building NRC approval is being requested for deviations from the deterministic requirements of NFPA 805 Section for five (5) specific Reactor Building (RB) configurations where twenty or more feet of separation is present but is not free of intervening combustibles.

As part of the transition to NFPA 805, it is being requested that the NRC Staff review and approve these deviations from these deterministic separation requirements of NFPA 805 for the five (5) specific Reactor Building (RB) configurations.

Justification for this request is documented in Attachment X, Approval Request 3. August 2011 Page 140 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report


5.1 Introduction

-10 CFR 50.48 On July 16, 2004 the NRC amended 10 CFR SO.48, "Fire Protection," to add a new subsection, 10 CFR S0.48(c), which establishes alternative fire protection requirements.

10 CFR S0.48 endorses, with exceptions, NFPA 805, "Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants -2001 Edition" (NFPA 80S), as a voluntary alternative for demonstrating compliance with 10 CFR S0.48 Section (b), Appendix R, and Section (f), "Decommissioning." The voluntary adoption of 10 CFR S0.48( c) by Ameren Missouri does not eliminate the need to comply with 10 CFR 50.48(a) and 10 CFR SO, Appendix A, GDC 3, "Fire Protection." The NRC addressed the overall adequacy of the regulations during the promulgation of 10 CFR S0.48(c) (Reference FR Notice 69 FR 33536 dated June 16, 2004, ML041340086).

((NFPA 805 does not supersede the requirements of GOC 3, 10 CFR 50.48(a), or 10 CFR 50.48(f).

Those regulatory requirements continue to apply to licensees that adopt NFPA 805. However, under NFPA 805, the means by which GOC 3 or 10 CFR 50.48(a) requirements may be met is different than under 10 CFR 50.48(b).

Specifically, whereas GOC 3 refers to SSCs important to safety, NFPA 805 identifies fire protection systems and features required to meet the Chapter 1 performance criteria through the methodology in Chapter 4 of NFPA 805. Also, under NFPA 805, the 10 CFR 50.48(a)(2)(iii) requirement to limit fire damage to SSCs important to safety so that the capability to safely shut down the plant is ensured is satisfied by meeting the performance criteria in Section 1.5.1 of NFPA 805. The Section 1.5.1 criteria include provisions for ensuring that reactivity control, inventory and pressure control, decay heat removal, vital auxiliaries, and process monitoring are achieved and maintained.

This methodology specifies a process to identify the fire protection systems and features required to achieve the nuclear safety performance criteria in Section 1.5 of NFPA 805. Once a determination has been made that a fire protection system or feature is required to achieve the performance criteria of Section 1.5, its design must meet any applicable requirements of NFPA 805, Chapter 3. Having identified the required fire protection systems and features, the licensee selects either a deterministic or performance-based approach to demonstrate that the performance criteria are satisfied.

This process satisfies the GOC 3 requirement to design and locate SSCs important to safety to minimize the probability and effects of fires and explosions." (Reference FR Notice 69 FR 33536 dated June 16, 2004, ML041340086)

The new rule provides actions that may be taken to establish compliance with 10 CFR S0.48(a), which requires each operating nuclear power plant to have a fire protection program plan that satisfies GDC 3, as well as specific requirements in that section. The transition process described in 10 CFR 50.48(c)(3)(ii) provides, in pertinent parts, that a licensee intending to adopt the new rule must, among other things, "modify the fire protection plan required by paragraph (a) of that section to reflect the licensee's decision to comply with NFPA 80S." Therefore, to the extent that the contents of the existing fire protection program plan required by 10 CFR S0.48(a) are inconsistent with NFPA 80S, the fire protection program plan must be modified to achieve compliance with the requirements in NFPA 80S. All other requirements of 10 CFR SO.48 (a) and GDC 3 have corresponding requirements in NFPA 80S. A comparison of the current requirements in Appendix R with the comparable requirements in Section 3 of NFPA 80S shows that the two sets of requirements are consistent in many August 2011 Page 141 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report respects.

This was further clarified in FAQ 07-0032 Revision 2 (ML081400292), 10 CFR 50.48(a) and GDC 3 clarification.

The following tables provide a cross reference of fire protection regulations associated with the post-transition fire protection program and applicable industry and Callaway Plant documents that address the topic. 10 CFR 50.48(a) Table 5-1 -10 CFR 50.48(a) -Applicability/Compliance Reference 10 CFR 50.48(a) Section(s)

(1) Each holder of an operating license issued under this part or a combined license issued under part 52 of this chapter must have a fire protection plan that satisfies Criterion 3 of appendix A to this part. This fire protection plan must: (i) Describe the overall fire protection program for the facility; (ii) Identify the various positions within the licensee's organization that are responsible for the program; (iii) State the authorities that are delegated to each of these positions to implement those responsibilities; and (iv) Outline the plans for fire protection, fire detection and suppression capability, and limitation of fire damage. (2) The plan must also describe specific features necessary to implement the program described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section such as: (i) Administrative controls and personnel requirements for fire prevention and manual fire suppression activities

(ii) Automatic and manually operated fire detection and suppression systems; and (iii) The means to limit fire damage to structures, systems, or components important to safety so that the capability to shut down the plant safely is ensured. (3) The licensee shall retain the fire protection plan and each change to the plan as a record until the Commission terminates the reactor license. The licensee shall retain each superseded revision of the procedures for 3 years from the date it was superseded.

(4) Each applicant for a design approval, design certification, or manufacturing license under part 52 of this chapter must have a description and analysis of the fire protection design features for the standard plant necessary to demonstrate compliance with Criterion 3 of appendix A to this part. August 2011 Applicability/Compliance Reference See below NFPA 805 Section 3.2 NEI 04-02 Table B-1 NFPA 805 Section 3.2.2 NEI 04-02 Table B-1 NFPA 805 Section 3.2.2 NEI 04-02 Table B-1 NFPA 805 Section 2.7 and Chapters 3 and 4 NEI 04-02 Tables B-1 and B-3 See below NFPA 805 Sections 3.3.1 and 3.4 NEI 04-02 Table B-1 NFPA 805 Sections 3.5 through 3.10 and Chapter 4 NEI 04-02 Tables B-1 and B-3 NFPA 805 Section 3.3 and Chapter 4 NEI 04-02 Table B-3 NFPA 805 Section requires that documentation (Analyses, as defined by NFPA 805 2.4, performed to demonstrate compliance with this standard) be maintained for the life of the plant. APA-ZZ-00209, Records Identification, Retention and Destruction, provides station direction for the retention of records. Records associated with the fire protection plan and associated procedures are considered an augmented quality program, maintained as QA records for the life of the plant. Not applicable.

Callaway Plant is licensed under 10 CFR 50. Page 142 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report General Design Criterion 3 Table 5-2 -GDC 3 -Applicability/Compliance Reference GDC 3, Fire Protection, Statement Applicability/Compliance Reference Structures, systems, and components important to NFPA 805 Chapters 3 and 4 safety shall be designed and located to minimize, NEI 04-02 Tables 8-1 and 8-3 consistent with other safety requirements, the probability and effect of fires and explosions.

Noncombustible and heat resistant materials shall be NFPA 805 Sections 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.4, 3.11.4 used wherever practical throughout the unit, NEt 04-02 Table 8-1 particularly in locations such as the containment and control room. Fire detection and fighting systems of appropriate NFPA 805 Chapters 3 and 4 capacity and capability shall be provided and designed NEI 04-02 Tables 8-1 and 8-3 to minimize the adverse effects of fires on structures, systems, and components important to safety. Firefighting systems shall be designed to assure that NFPA 805 Sections 3.4 through 3.10 and 4.2.1 their rupture or inadvertent operation does not NEt 04-02 Table 8-3 significantly impair the safety capability of these structures, systems, and components August 2011 Page 143 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 10 CFR 50.48(c) Table 5-3 -10 CFR 50.48(c) -Applicability/Compliance Reference 10 CFR 50.48(c) Section(s)

(1) Approval of incorporation by reference.

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 805, "Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants, 2001 Edition" (NFPA 805), which is referenced in this section, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. (2) Exceptions, modifications, and supplementation of NFPA 805. As used in this section, references to NFPA 805 are to the 2001 Edition, with the following exceptions, modifications, and supplementation: (i) Life Safety Goal, Objectives, and Criteria.

The Life Safety Goal, Objectives, and Criteria of Chapter 1 are not endorsed. (ii) Plant Damage/Business Interruption Goal, Objectives, and Criteria.

The Plant Damage/Business Interruption Goal, Objectives, and Criteria of Chapter 1 are not endorsed. (iii) Use of feed-and-bleed.

In demonstrating compliance with the performance criteria of Sections 1.5.1(b) and (c), a high-pressure charging/injection pump coupled with the pressurizer power-operated relief valves (PORVs) as the sole fire-protected safe shutdown path for maintaining reactor coolant inventory, pressure control, and decay heat removal capability (i.e., feed-and-bleed) for pressurized-water reactors (PWRs) is not permitted. (iv) Uncertainty analysis.

An uncertainty analysis performed in accordance with Section is not required to support deterministic approach calculations. (v) Existing cables. In lieu of installing cables meeting flame propagation tests as required by Section, a flame-retardant coating may be applied to the electric cables, or an automatic fixed fire suppression system may be installed to provide an equivalent level of protection.

In addition, the italicized exception to Section is not endorsed. (vi) Water supply and distribution.

The italicized exception to Section 3.6.4 is not endorsed.

Licensees who wish to use the exception to Section 3.6.4 must submit a request for a license amendment in accordance with paragraph (c)(2)(vii) of this section. August 2011 Applicability/Compliance Reference General Information.

NFPA 805 (2001 edition) is the edition used. General Information.

NFPA 805 (2001 edition) is the edition used. The Life Safety Goal, Objectives, and Criteria of Chapter 1 of NFPA 805 are not part of the LAR. The Plant Damage/Business Interruption Goal, Objectives, and Criteria of Chapter 1 of NFPA 805 are not part of the LAR. Feed and bleed is not utilized as the sole fire-protected safe shutdown methodology.

Uncertainty analysis was not performed for deterministic methodology.

Electrical cable construction complies with a flame propagation test that was found acceptable to the NRC as documented in NEI 04-02 Table B-1. Callaway Plant "Complies by Previous NRC Approval".

See Attachment A, NEI 04-02 Table B-1. Page 144 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report Table 5-3 -10 CFR 50.48(c) -Applicability/Compliance Reference 10 CFR 50.48(c) Section(s) (vii) Performance-based methods. Notwithstanding the prohibition in Section 3.1 against the use of performance-based methods, the fire protection program elements and minimum design requirements of Chapter 3 may be subject to the performance-based methods permitted elsewhere in the standard.

Licensees who wish to use performance-based methods for these fire protection program elements and minimum design requirements shall submit a request in the form of an application for license amendment under § 50.90. The Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, or a designee of the Director, may approve the application if the Director or designee determines that the performance-based approach; (A) Satisfies the performance goals, performance objectives, and performance criteria specified in NFPA 805 related to nuclear safety and radiological release; (8) Maintains safety margins; and (C) Maintains fire protection defense-in-depth (fire prevention, fire detection, fire suppression, mitigation, and post-fire safe shutdown capability).

(3) Compliance with NFPA 805. (i) A licensee may maintain a fire protection program that complies with NFPA 805 as an altemative to complying with paragraph (b) of this section for plants licensed to operate before January 1, 1979, or the fire protection license conditions for plants licensed to operate after January 1, 1979. The licensee shall submit a request to comply with NFPA 805 in the form of an application for license amendment under § 50.90. The application must identify any orders and license conditions that must be revised or superseded, and contain any necessary revisions to the plant's Technical Specifications and the bases thereof. The Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, or a designee of the Director, may approve the application if the Director or designee determines that the licensee has identified orders, license conditions, and the Technical Specifications that must be revised or superseded, and that any necessary revisions are adequate.

Any approval by the Director or the designee must be in the form of a license amendment approving the use of NFPA 805 together with any necessary revisions to the Technical Specifications. (ii) The licensee shall complete its implementation of the methodology in Chapter 2 of NFPA 805 (including all required evaluations and analyses) and, upon completion, modify the fire protection plan required by paragraph (a) of this section to reflect the licensee's decision to comply with NFPA 805, before changing its fire protection program or nuclear power plant as permitted by NFPA 805. (4) Risk-informed or performance-based alternatives to compliance with NFPA 805. A licensee may submit a request to use risk-informed or based alternatives to compliance with NFPA 805. The request must be in the form of an application for license amendment under § 50.90 of this chapter. The Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, or designee of the Director, may approve the application if the Director or designee determines that the proposed alternatives: (i) Satisfy the performance goals, performance objectives, and performance criteria specified in NFPA 805 related to nuclear safety and radiological release; (ii) Maintain safety margins; and (iii) Maintain fire protection defense-in-depth (fire prevention, fire detection, fire suppression, mitigation, and post-fire safe shutdown capability).

August 2011 Applicability/Compliance Reference The use of based methods for NFPA 805 Chapter 3 is requested.

See Attachment L. See below The LAR was submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.90. The LAR included applicable license conditions, Technical Specifications/bases that needed to be revised and/or superseded.

The LAR and transition report summarize the evaluations and analyses performed in accordance with Chapter 2 of NFPA 805. No risk-informed or performance-based alternatives to compliance with NFPA 805 (per 10 CFR 50.48(c)(4>>

were utilized.

See Attachment P. Page 145 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 5.2 Regulatory Topics 5.2.1 License Condition Changes The current Callaway Plant fire protection license condition 2.C(5) is being replaced with the standard license condition based upon Regulatory Position 3.1 of RG 1.205, as shown in Attachment M. 5.2.2 Technical Specifications Ameren Missouri conducted a review of the Technical Specifications to determine which Technical Specifications, including Technical Specification Bases, are required to be revised, deleted, or superseded.

Ameren Missouri determined that the changes to the Technical Specifications and Bases and applicable justification listed in Attachment N are adequate for the adoption of the new fire protection licensing basis. 5.2.3 Orders and Exemptions A review was conducted of the Callaway Plant docketed correspondence to determine if there were any orders or exemptions that needed to be superseded or revised. A review was also performed to ensure that compliance with the physical protection requirements, security orders, and adherence to those commitments applicable to the plant are maintained.

A discussion of affected orders and exemptions is included in Attachment O. 5.3 Regulatory Evaluations 5.3.1 No Significant Hazards Consideration A written evaluation of the significant hazards consideration of a proposed license amendment is required by 10 CFR 50.92. According to 10 CFR 50.92, a proposed amendment to an operating license involves no significant hazards consideration if operation of the facility in accordance with the proposed amendment would not:

  • Involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated; or
  • Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated; or
  • Involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety. This evaluation is contained in Attachment Q. Based on the considerations discussed in Attachment Q, (1) there is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by operation in the proposed manner, (2) such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations, and (3) the issuance of the amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public. Ameren Missouri has evaluated the proposed amendment and determined that it involves no significant hazards consideration.

5.3.2 Environmental

Consideration Pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b), an evaluation of the LAR has been performed to determine whether it meets the criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c).

That evaluation is discussed in Attachment R. The evaluation confirms that this LAR meets the August 2011 Page 146 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report criteria set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9) for categorical exclusion from the need for an environmental impact assessment or statement.

5.4 Transition

Implementation Schedule The following schedule for transitioning Callaway Plant to the new fire protection licensing basis requires NRC approval in accordance with the following schedule:

This will be the later of 6 months after Refueling Outage 19 (currently scheduled for Spring of 2013) or 6 months after NRC approval.

  • Attachment S provides a listing of plant modifications associated with the transition to NFPA 805 and their implementation status (open or complete).

Currently open modifications will be field completed no later than June 30, 2013. Appropriate compensatory measures for any incomplete NFPA 805 related modifications will be maintained until the modifications are complete.

August 2011 Page 147 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report


The following references were used in the development of the TR. Additional references are in the NEI 04-02 Tables in the various Attachments.

6.1 NFPA 805, "Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants, 2001 Edition." 6.2 NEI 00-01, "Guidance for Post-Fire Safe Shutdown Circuit Analysis," Revision 1, January 2005. 6.3 NEI 04-02, "Guidance for Implementing A Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Fire protection Program Under 10 CFR 50.48(c)," Revision 2, April 2008. 6.4 Union Electric Company Letter to the NRC, ULNRC-05232, "Letter of Intent to Adopt NFPA 805, 'Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Generating Plants, 2001 Edition,'" dated December 2, 2005 (ML053420340).

6.5 NRC Letter to AmerenUE "NRC Response to AmerenUE's Letter of Intent to Adopt 10 CFR 50.48(c) (NFPA 805 Rule) for Callaway Plant, Unit 1," dated January 31,2006 (ML053530018).

6.6 NRC Enforcement Policy: Extension of Discretion Period of Interim Enforcement Policy; Federal Register Notice 19905, Vol. 71, No. 74 dated Tuesday, April 18, 2006. 6.7 Union Electric Company Letter to the NRC, ULNRC-05342, "Clarification of Letter of Intent to Adopt NFPA 805 'Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Generating Plants, 2001 Edition,'" dated November 14,2006. 6.8 Union Electric Company Letter to the NRC, ULNRC-05541 , AmerenUE Letter to NRC, "Request for Extension of Enforcement Discretion for 10 CFR 50,48(c) (NFPA 805) License Amendment Request," dated September 29,2008 (ML082820327).

6.9 Union

Electric Company Letter to the NRC, ULNRC-05797, "Request for Extension of Enforcement Discretion and Commitment to Submittal Date for 10 CFR 50.48(c) License Amendment Request," dated June 28,2011. 6.10 Federal Register Notice 69 FR 33536, dated June 16, 2004. 6.11 Federal Register Notice 71 FR 19905, dated April 18, 2006. 6.12 Letter, NRC to NEI, "Process for Frequently Asked Questions for Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50.48(c) Transitions," July 12, 2006 (ML061660105).

6.13 NRC Letter from R.S. Boyd to J.K. Bryan, Union Electric Company, dated September 30, 1976. 6.14 NRC Letter from O.D. Parr, dated November 3, 1977 to SNUPPS Applicants (Union Electric Company).

August 2011 Page 148 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 6.15 NRC Letter from 0.0. Parr, dated April 14, 1978 to SNUPPS Applicants (Union Electric Company).

6.16 SNUPPS Letter, SLNRC 78-0008, dated May 3, 1978 to NRC. 6.17 NRC Letter, "Callaway Plant, Unit 1 -Evaluation of the Request for an Extension of Enforcement Discretion in Accordance with the Interim Enforcement Policy for Fire Protection Issues During Transition to National Fire Protection Standard NFPA 805 (TAC No. ME0060)," dated December 8,2008 (ML083380731).

6.18 NRC Enforcement Policy Revision 7 dated October 1, 2010 (ML093480037).

6.19 NUREG 0830, "Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Operation of Callaway Plant, Unit No.1," dated October 1981. 6.20 NUREG 0830 Supplement 3; "Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Operation of Callaway Plant, Unit No.1," dated May 1984. 6.21 NUREG 0830 Supplement 4; "Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Operation of Callaway Plant, Unit No.1," dated October 1984. 6.22 Union Electric Company Letter to the NRC, ULNRC-00187 CPPR-139 and 140, "Callaway Plant Units 1 & 2 Fire Protection Evaluation," dated April 1, 1977. 6.23 Union Electric Company Letter to the NRC, ULNRC-00189 CPPR-139 and 140, "Callaway Plant Units 1 & 2 Fire Protection Evaluation," dated April 15, 1977. 6.24 Union Electric Company Letter to the NRC, ULNRC-00254 CPPR-139 and 140, "Callaway Plant Units 1 & 2 Request for Additional Information on Fire Protection," dated May 3,1978. 6.25 Union Electric Company Letter to the NRC, ULNRC-00271 CPPR-139 and 140, "Callaway Plant Units 1 & 2 Request for Additional Information on Fire Callaway Plant," dated July 5, 1978. 6.26 NRC Letter to Mr. John K. Bryan, Vice President Union Electric Company; "Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Callaway Plant, Unit 1," dated May 15, 1981. 6.27 SNUPPS letter to the NRC, SLNRC 81-45; "NRC Request for Additional Information

-10 CFR 50, Appendix R," dated June 15,1981. 6.28 Union Electric Company Letter to the NRC, ULNRC-00453, Docket Numbers 50-0483 and 50-486, Callaway Plant, Units 1 & 2, "Final Safety Analysis Report," dated June 17, 1981. 6.29 SNUPPS letter to the NRC, SLNRC 81-050; "Revision Four to SNUPPS FSAR," dated June 29, 1981. August 2011 Page 149 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 6.30 SNUPPS letter to the NRC, SLNRC 82-046; "Fire Protection Review," dated November 15,1982. 6.31 SNUPPS letter to the NRC, SLNRC 84-0014, "Fire Protection Review," dated February 1,1984. 6.32 SNUPPS letter to the NRC, SLNRC 84-0016, "Safe Shutdown Following Loss of Instrument Bus," dated February 2, 1984. 6.33 SNUPPS letter to the NRC, SLNRC 84-0037, "Fire Protection Review," dated February 24,1984. 6.34 SNUPPS letter to the NRC, SLNRC 84-0041, "Fire Protection Review," dated March 14, 1984. 6.35 SNUPPS letter to the NRC, SLNRC 84-0109, "Fire Protection Review," dated August 23, 1984. 6.36 Safety Evaluation by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Supporting Amendment No. 30 to Facility Operating License No. NPF-30, dated January 13, 1988. 6.37 Safety Evaluation by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Related to Amendment No. 169 to Facility Operating License No. NPF-30, dated October 25,2005. 6.38 Procedure APA-ZZ-00312, "Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA), Revision 8." 6.39 Report R1843-001-003, "Existing Engineering Equivalency Evaluation Review, Revision 1." 6.40 Report R1843-001-004, "Licensing Action Review, Revision 0." 6.41 Report R1984-001-002, "Verification and Validation of Fire Modeling Tools and Approaches for Use in NFPA 805 and Fire PRA Applications, Revision 1." 6.42 CAR 200902315, "Callaway Action Request System, NFPA 805 Transition

-Site Organizations Support Tracking CAR." 6.43 Calculation 17671-002a, "Callaway NFPA 805 Fire PRA -Component Selection, Revision 1." 6.44 Calculation 17671-002b, "MSO Expert Panel Report, Revision 0." 6.45 Calculation 17671-003, "Callaway NFPA 805 Fire PRA -Fire PRA Cable Selection/Cable Routing to Support PRA, Revision 0." 6.46 Calculation 17671-004, "Fire-Induced Risk Model, Revision 1." August 2011 Page 150 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 6.47 Calculation 17671-005, "Callaway NFPA 805 Fire PRA -Ignition Frequencies, Revision 1." 6.48 Calculation 17671-008, "Callaway NFPA 805 Fire PRA -Circuit Failure Analysis, Revision D." 6.49 Calculation 17671-009, "Callaway NFPA 805 Fire PRA -Circuit Failure Likelihood Analysis, Revision 1." 6.50 Calculation 17671-010a, "Callaway NFPA 805 Fire PRA -Quantification of Individual Areas, Revision 1." 6.51 Calculation 17671-010b, "Callaway NFPA 805 Fire PRA -Main Control Room Fire Analysis, Revision 1." 6.52 Calculation 17671-010c, "Callaway NFPA 805 Fire PRA -Component Selection, Revision 1." 6.53 Calculation 17671-011, "Callaway NFPA 805 Fire PRA -Post-Fire Human Reliability Analysis, Revision 1." 6.54 Calculation 17671-012, "Callaway NFPA 805 Fire PRA -Seismic-Fire Interactions, Revision 1." 6.55 Calculation 17671-014, "Callaway NFPA 805 Fire PRA -Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses, Revision 1." 6.56 "NFPA 805 Task Plan for Fire Risk Evaluations, Revision 1." 6.57 Calculation KC-26, "Nuclear Safety Capability Assessment, Revision D." 6.58 Calculation KC-43, "NFPA 805 Code Comparison, Revision D." 6.59 Calculation KC-81 , "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-1, Revision 0." 6.60 Calculation KC-82, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-2, Revision 0." 6.61 Calculation KC-83, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-3, Revision 0." 6.62 Calculation KC-84, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-4, Revision D." 6.63 Calculation KC-85, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-5, Revision 0." 6.64 Calculation KC-86, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-6, Revision D." 6.65 Calculation KC-87, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-7, Revision D." 6.66 Calculation KC-88, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-8, Revision D." August 2011 Page 151 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 6.67 Calculation KC-89, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-9, Revision 0." 6.68 Calculation KC-90, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-1 0, Revision 0." 6.69 Calculation KC-91 , "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-11, Revision 0." 6.70 Calculation KC-92, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-12, Revision 0." 6.71 Calculation KC-93, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-13, Revision 0." 6.72 Calculation KC-94, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-14, Revision 0." 6.73 Calculation KC-95, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-15, Revision 0." 6.74 Calculation KC-96, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-16, Revision 0." 6.75 Calculation KC-97, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-17, Revision 0." 6.76 Calculation KC-98, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-18, Revision 0." 6.77 Calculation KC-99, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-19, Revision 0." 6.78 Calculation KC-100, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-20, Revision 0." 6.79 Calculation KC-101, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-21 , Revision 0." 6.80 Calculation KC-102, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-22, Revision 0." 6.81 Calculation KC-103, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-23, Revision 0." 6.82 Calculation KC-104, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-24, Revision 0." 6.83 Calculation KC-105, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-25, Revision 0." 6.84 Calculation KC-106, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-26, Revision 0." 6.85 Calculation KC-107, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-27, Revision 0." 6.86 Calculation KC-108, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-28, Revision 0." 6.87 Calculation KC-109, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-29, Revision 0." 6.88 Calculation KC-11 0, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-30, Revision 0." 6.89 Calculation KC-111, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area A-33, Revision 0." 6.90 Calculation KC-112, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area AB-1, Revision 0." August 2011 Page 152 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 6.91 Calculation KC-113, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-1, Revision 0." 6.92 Calculation KC-114, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-2, Revision 0." 6.93 Calculation KC-115, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-3, Revision 0." 6.94 Calculation KC-116, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-5, Revision 0." 6.95 Calculation KC-117, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-6, Revision 0." 6.96 Calculation KC-118, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-7, Revision 0." 6.97 Calculation KC-119, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-8, Revision 0." 6.98 Calculation KC-120, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-9, Revision 0." 6.99 Calculation KC-121, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-10, Revision 0." 6.100 Calculation KC-122, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-11, Revision 0." 6.101 Calculation KC-123, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-12, Revision 0." 6.102 Calculation KC-124, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-13, Revision 0." 6.103 Calculation KC-125, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-14, Revision 0." 6.104 Calculation KC-126, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-1S, Revision 0." 6.10S Calculation KC-127, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-16, Revision 0." 6.106 Calculation KC-128, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-17, Revision 0." 6.107 Calculation KC-129, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-18, Revision 0." 6.108 Calculation KC-130, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-19, Revision 0." 6.109 Calculation KC-131, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-20, Revision 0." 6.110 Calculation KC-132, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-21, Revision 0." 6.111 Calculation KC-133, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-22, Revision 0." 6.112 Calculation KC-134, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-23, Revision 0." 6.113 Calculation KC-13S, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-24, Revision 0." 6.114 Calculation KC-136, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-2S, Revision 0." August 2011 Page 153 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 6.115 Calculation KC-137, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-26, Revision 0." 6.116 Calculation KC-138, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-27, Revision 0." 6.117 Calculation KC-139, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-28, Revision 0." 6.118 Calculation KC-140, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-29, Revision 0." 6.119 Calculation KC-141, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-30, Revision 0." 6.120 Calculation KC-142, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-31, Revision 0." 6.121 Calculation KC-143, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-32, Revision 0." 6.122 Calculation KC-144, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-33, Revision 0." 6.123 Calculation KC-145, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-34, Revision 0." 6.124 Calculation KC-146, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-35, Revision 0." 6.125 Calculation KC-147, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-36, Revision 0." 6.126 Calculation KC-148, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area C-37, Revision 0." 6.127 Calculation KC-149, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area 0-1, Revision 0." 6.128 Calculation KC-150, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area 0-2, Revision 0." 6.129 Calculation KC-151, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area RFB-1, Revision 0." 6.130 Calculation KC-152, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area LOF-1, Revision 0." 6.131 Calculation KC-153, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area RB-1, Revision 0." 6.132 Calculation KC-154, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area RSB-1, Revision 0." 6.133 Calculation KC-155, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area RW-1, Revision 0." 6.134 Calculation KC-156, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area TB-1, Revision 0." 6.135 Calculation KC-157, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area UNCT, Revision 0." 6.136 Calculation KC-158, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area UNPH, Revision 0." 6.137 Calculation KC-159, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area USCT, Revision 0." 6.138 Calculation KC-160, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area USPH, Revision 0." August 2011 Page 154 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report 6.139 Calculation KC-161, "Fire Safety Analysis for Fire Area YD-1, Revision 0." 6.140 RFR 200906322, "Evaluation of the Hatch Cover Configurations and a Cable Tray Fire Stop Configuration where Thermolag was Removed," February 8,2010. 6.141 RFR 200906325, "Auxiliaryffurbine Building Wall Barrier Evaluation which Separates Fire Area A-23 and Fire Area T-2 with Non Rated Configurations," February 8, 2010. 6.142 RFR 200906327, "Evaluate Fire Resistance Capability of the TDAFP Room Blowout Panel," March 25, 2011. 6.143 RFR 201000504, "Cable Trench in Control Room Floor," February 8,2010. 6.144 RFR 201000502, "Fire Detector Spacing Requirements," February 8,2010. 6.145 RFR 19347A, "Locking and Inspection of Fire Doors," August 2, 1999. 6.146 RFR 200906321, "Fire Protection Penetration OP14151028, Non-Rated Checker Plate Cover Configuration," February 8, 2010. 6.147 RFR 201009031, "Evaluate Structural Steel Thermal Shorts from Wolf Creek OE," September 21, 2010. 6.148 RFR 2011030139, "Evaluate RB-1 Possible Intervening Combustibles for NSCA," TBD. 6.149 RFR 200906330, "Fire Doors Issues Resolution," February 8,2010. 6.150 RFR 201007840, "Fire Extinguisher Code Deviation Evaluation," February 3, 2011. 6.151 RFR 20696A, "Evaluate Fire Barrier Pen Seal Test of FB-3 Seal," June 12, 2000. 6.152 RFR 200503420, "Structural Steel Fireproofing Minimum Thickness," March 16, 2005. 6.153 RFR 17928A, "Evaluate Structural Steel for 3-Hr Fire Barrier," March 18, 1997. 6.154 RFR 17935A, "Evaluate Fire Barrier Penetrations in 8" Slab," March 20,1997. 6.155 RFR 3510C, "Pre-Action Sprinkler System Document Update," June 1, 2001. August 2011 Page 155 Ameren Missouri Callaway Plant NFPA 805 Transition Report ATTACHMENTS August 2011 Page 156