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R.E. Ginna - Post Exam Comments and Technical References (Folder 1)
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/16/2010
From: Geckle M
Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, Ginna
To: Fish T H
Operations Branch I
Hansell S
Shared Package
ML092470059 List:
TAC U01766
Download: ML102520054 (11)


Mark Geckle Training Manager CENG a joint v entu re of--------, Constellation Energy-Mr. Todd Fish Division of Reactor Safety U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406-1415 R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, LLC 1503 Lake Road Ontario, New York 14519-9364 585.771 .5214 July 16, 2'010 , " 1 1-"0


R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-244 Written Examination Challenges

Dear Mr. Fish,

Enclosed please find material to clarify the Job Performance Measure (JPM) with identification number JPM-N-D. The additional material is included to clarify the position that an Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS) during a Control Room Evacuation is outside the design basis of the procedure. Also, after additional consulting with Subject Matter Experts and Operations Department and discussions between you and R. E. Ginna Training Supervision, we would like to rescind challenges to written exam questions 14 , 24 and 84. We also contend question 75 incorrectly identifies

'8' as the correct answer vice 'D'. We still challenge question 12 on the basis both 'A' and 'C' are correct answers and contend question 55 incorrectly identifies

'D' as the correct answer vice '8.' If you have any questions or comments, please contact the General Supervisor , Operations Training, Kyle Garnish at (585) 771-5321 or via e-mail Mark Geckle Attachments (1)

Attachments Enclosed (1) Background document for AP-CR.1 R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant , LLC 1503 Lake Road Ontario , New York 14519-9364 CE NG a jo i nt venture of-----"-J Constellation

.....eDF Energy" July 9,2010 Mr. Todd Fish Division of Reactor Safety U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406-1415


R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-244 2010 License Exam -JPM Clarification

Dear Mr. Fish,

Ginna has four (4) off-normal procedures which contain Immediate Actions (lAs). Three Emergency Operating Procedures contain Immediate Actions: E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection; ECA-O.O , Loss of All AC Power; and FR-S.1, Response to Reactor Restart/ATWS

-all of which are part of the Westinghouse Emergency Response Guideline procedures. AP-CR.1, Control Room Inaccessibility, is the only Ginna Abnormal Procedure containing Immediate Actions. In the past (-1989-1990), numerous other Abnormal Procedures also contained lAs , but because of the requirement that lAs be recalled from memory , it was determined that an unnecessary burden was being placed on the licensed operators to recall so many Abnormal Procedural actions from memory, and with the procedures readily available in the Control Room, the lAs were deleted from all Abnormal Procedures except AP-CR.1 . The requirement to trip the reactor and turbine prior to exiting the Control Room, via AP-CR.1, steps 1 and 2 were still assigned Immediate Action status. In retrospect, given the lower priority of Abnormal Procedures vs. EOPs, and the availability of the procedure to the crew to perform the intended actions , the justification for having these steps at Ginna as immediate actions is indeterminate and deemed unnecessarily conservative.

While the simulator JPM administered during the recent operating exam required that the candidate perform the Immediate Actions of AP-CR.1 as they currently read, the probability of (a) toxic gas entering the Control Room + (b) failure of the reactor to trip + (c) inability to

" energize the MG sets by opening the Bus 13 & 15 supply breakers , challenges whether these are actions required of an Abnormal Procedure in a singular toxic gas event or more appropriately belong in E-O and FR-S.1 procedural space -which were the actions taken by a number of the candidates.

Furthermore , it is of the opinion of Operations that without additional cueing in our JPM , the operators found themselves in an area which they had to determine what path to take; that is, insert negative reactivity into the core or continue to evacuate the Control Room . It appears that many of the candidates believed that the immediate hazard had passed and chose to perform actions consistent with FR-S.1 (inserted negative reactivity).

A PCR has been submitted to remove the Immediate Action status of the steps in Abnormal Procedure AP-CR.1 , and an evaluation will be performed as to the need to include RNO actions in this particular fire/toxic gas evacuation procedure. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the General Supervisor, Operations Training , Kyle Garnish at (585) 771-5321 or via e-mail Kyle.Garnish@CENGLLC

.com. Manager , Operations Question 12 Plant Conditions: Reactor power is stable at 100% when the following alarms actuated: A-17, RCP 1A NO. 1 SEAL HI-LO FLOW 5.0 GPM 1.0 B-3, RCP A STANDPIPE HI LEVEL +1 FT "A" RCP #1 seal leakoff is 0.9 gpm and steady The Head Control Operator calculated the leak rate to the RCDT to be 2.0 gpm and steady. The Crew entered AP-RCP.1, RCP SEAL MALFUNCTION Given the above plant conditions, which of the following are required actions per RCP.1? Secure the "A" RCP in 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />. B. Trip the reactor and "A" RCP and close #1 seal leakoff isolation valve after 4 minutes. Continue operation and increase surveillance frequency of the "A" RCP parameters. Be in MODE 3 in 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and MODE 5 in 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. Original Answer Explanation:

A. Correct. Total #1 Seal Flow is defined as the sum of #1 Seal Leakoff Flow and #2 seal leak rate to the RCDT. B. Incorrect.

Plausible because the actions would be correct per AP-RCP.1 if the Total #1 Seal Flow from the "A" RCP was greater than 8 GPM. C. Incorrect.

Plausible because the actions would be correct if the #3 seal failed vice the number #1 seal. D. Incorrect.

Plausible because the actions for #1 seal failure is to prepare for MODE 3, but there is not any requirement to be in MODE 5 in 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />.

Licensee's Justification for Change AP-RCP.1 background for step 6 states that we must calculate the #2 seal leak rate based on the rate of level increase in the RCDT, since other sources of leakage to the RCDT may exist. The question stem does not provide the initial leak rate to the RCDT. Therefore, the rate of level increase cannot be determined.

For example: Assuming the initial leak rate into the RCDT was 2 gpm, the RCP #2 seal leak rate would =Ogpm. This would make answer "C" a correct response per AP-RCP.1 step #6. With the absence of an initial leak rate Answer "A" or "C" could be the correct procedural response.

Regrade Request "A" and "C" should be accepted as correct responses based on AP step actions and the stem lacking adequate information to determine a leak rate. Question Statistics C Question 12 was missed by 6 of 12 students. Answer "X' was selected by 4 of the 6 who missed it. Answer "8" was selected by 2 of the 6 who missed it. Post Examination Review References AP-RCP.1 C OP : TI TL [ : RE'tv 7 : 01800 AP-RCP . l RCP S EAL MALFUNCTION PAGE 4 of 11 R li S PONSi I I ED

  • *
  • s * * -#2 sea l fail l eak dete rminati on know n le a k a ge ha s t o be f a ct o red int o de finition of l e ak s i ze IRe p S E CU RE D OF A T H E O E T HE M * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • a Reactor ed p e rf orming STe p 1.

t o E-ac t ions of t he F2 Seal is ReDT rate any in lea k age TO R e D T f r cm so ur ce . Toral #1 Seal Flew is t o r K ep as t h e Silrn o f indica t ed >> Seal Leakoff flow a n d #2 seal rate TO R eDT (PPCS Poi n T iD 003 . 3.2 i, o p e r a t ing Check Rep J!2 Seal Indications:

o i.I LC L 3 !H +1 II'. "",;P it S T iJt:JrlI!..'<T I SIcJ!.D o tor: B t, . RCF' 3 s t A.:.DP[PE Po: ;..EV IL H F'r UX f WGU 1 Sbl!D he total le ak rate to the Re D T is 2Qi)rTi, this is .composed of the foll o wi ng components

# 2 seal lea.koff from A Rep # 2 seal leakoff from 8 Rep # 2 sea l leakoff rate 0-2.0 gpm depending on leakrate from A Rep. a.lf leakrate > 1.1gpm b.1t leakrate < 1.1 gpm , 5 . 1I ".tP pla::1 b . IF i s 1) 5££ fst-He. t \ I *',2.30 -+Or i",,-V0Q,e

'A ha ';::cc'lo.T. S <2C-+/--;OA L. . 7...3. .Y a ll" l ed iH: 1' j! II1'a1 ll ow .olfr , el::g. 'l'H£N f.i il u r 2 (11 .. ::o.i.lj'

">e Led . !"'.'2d: at? #1 -:ea t I f'Elk I'a lela ReD1' (PPCS Poin t

] .! gall% lr.t! "o r aal r.'f't?t'l :';;8 . Nl lak L ate to RC:JT iss 1 . 1 ! . :'PE' rontinue 0pGr;; jon whilE' clr.s!' l ',' monitoLinR il l' i ndications . dCF' Foeel l psk L dt" '0 RCD n , :l,t"£'a I "r: ' *. 1 ; pm. p&r .-rm the 101' pum r de* ..:: :,V ?_i.l ,-i:: g t::E in l-let "nunl,yon:.


I. -,2.1.

SHI: nO'Ntl!O !:Ir' !>HlT:)O Re p w:thi" 6 r.OU L ll .

11.2.2.Reactor Coolant Drain Tank and Pumps TIle reactor (Drawing 33013-1272, Sheets 1 and 2) collects all water SOlU'ces tllat are potentially tritiated, TIlis water is recycled as much a s practicable to minimize tritilUll release to tlle environment.

Its SOlU'ces include tlle following:

  • Excess letdown,
  • Valve and reactor vessel flange leakoffs.
  • Safety injection acctullulator drains.
  • Presstu'izer relieftank drain.
  • Refueling canal drains.

6 Step: Check Rep #2 seal indications Purpose: To determine if #2 seal malfunction is indicated.

Basis: Standpipe high level alarms are the most direct indication of #2 seal malfunction. *If high standpipe level is noted , then other conditions are checked to help confirm the malfunction.

Additional infomlation

The upper limit on #2 seal leak rate is from Westinghouse Product Update and Technical Bulletin information, which implies, but does not clearly state, that #2 seal leak rate above the limit warrants immediate reactor trip and Rep shutdown , similar to guida n ce for failure of #1 seal early in the proGedure.

H owever , G i nna h as n o direct ind i catio n of ti2 se a l l e a k rat e , b u t m ust c a l c u l ate the l eak r ate based on rate o f l eve l i ncrease in th e R C D T. Since other sources of l eakage to the R C D r ma y ex i s t or o c c u r , a nd it may not be po s sib l e t o detefl11ine the exact #2 sea l l ea k rate, G i nna h a s chosen not t o i m m e d i ate l y trip t he r eactor , b ut i nstead t o foll o w g uidance f or a con tr o ll ed p l ant and R C P shu t d own. Th i s provides p l ant staff time to eva l uate R ep seal co n d i tio n s an d provide additional guidance if warranted. AP-RCP.1 7 Rev. 2 EO P: TITLE: REV: 01800 AP-RCP.l RCP SEAL MALFUNCTION PAGE 8 of 11 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE t---......f RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 1-------"" NOTE: ATT-lS.l.



Perform the following: Verify RCP CCW supply and return valves open.

  • RCP A. MOV-749A and MOV-7S9A
  • RCP B. MOV-749B and MOV-7S9B Ensure open CCW outlet valves from RCP thermal barriers.
  • RCP A. AOV-7S4A
  • RCP B. AOV-7S4B II affected RCP #1 seal leakoff flow lowering.

THEN failure of #2 seal may be indicated.

Check RCP #2 seal leak rate to RCDT (PPCS Point ID LI003. 3.2 gal/% in the normal operating range). II RCP #2 seal leak rate to RCDT is 1.1 gpm. THEN continue plant operation while closely monitoring RCP seal indications. lL RCP #2 seal leak rate to RCDT is greater than 1.1 gpm. THEN perform the following: Prepare for orderly pump shutdown by placing the plant in Hot Shutdown using 0-2.1. NORMAL SHUTDOWN TO HOT SHUTDOWN. Secure the affected RCP within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.