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Pilgrim PI&R Emails - Pre-Inspection Trip 05/29-31/2007
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 05/22/2007
From: Lobo W
Entergy Corp
To: Hansell S L
NRC Region 1
Download: ML072210251 (12)


I Kelly Toukatly - RE: FW: Pre-r From: "Lobo, Walter" <>

To: "Samuel Hansell" eSLH1>

Date: 05/22/2007 2:59:31 PM


RE: FW: Pre-inspection Trip 5/29-31 Sam, After today, please contact Mary Gatslick in Licensing at 508 830 8373.

I will be on vacation from 5/23 to 5/30 AM. 1 will be working during the inspection, 6/11-21.

I will be informing the system engineers on EDGs and SRVs about your proposed detailed review so that they can provide full support during the inspection. -Walter Message----- From: Samuel Hansell

Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 2:20 PM To: Lobo, Walter


RE: FW: Pre-inspection Trip 5/29-31

/ I may drive up to the area on Monday evening and get to the sight Tuesday around 8:OO am. If I decide to drive up earlier I will let you know before Friday.

After talking to the resident inspectors, we plan to perform a detailed review of the diesels and safety relief valves. The PER procedure requires us to perform a five year review of selected areas.

We would like to look at the corrective actions and trends for these two systems over the past five years.

We are down to three inspectors for two weeks each; unless we have a volunteer who is willing to provide one week of inspection for the PI&R team. The "team" will be Max Schneider, Tom Setzer, and me.

Any questions or comments feel free to call or E-mail Sam H cc: "Gatslick, Mary" <>

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RE: PI&R inspection Requested Info.

Creation Date 06/07/2007 8:14:40 AM From: "Lobo, Walter" <>

Created By: Recipients kp1_po.KP_DO SLH1 (Samuel Hansell) mgatsli CC (Mary Gatslick)Post OfficeRoute entergy.comFilesSizeDate & Time MESSAGE211006/07/2007 8:14:40 AM TEXT.htm16854 2007 PNPS CA SELF ASSESSMENT.doc449024 Mime.822637652 Options Expiration Date:

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Re: FW: 2005 PI&R Info Req Creation Date 05/15/2007 1:41:07 PM From: Samuel Hansell Created By: Recipients wlobo (Walter Lobo) kp1_po.KP_DO CRW CC (Christopher Welch)

SMS2 CC (Max Schneider)Post OfficeRoute kp1_po.KP_DOnrc.govFilesSizeDate & Time MESSAGE78905/15/2007 1:41:07 PM Options Expiration Date:

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No Security: Standard Felly Toukatly - Document Request Page I I From: Samuel Hansel1 To: Mary Gatslick Date: 06/06/2007 12:27:47 PM


Document Request We would like to have someone provide an overview of the corrective action program next Tuesday. Tom Burns will not make it to the site Monday and Tom Setzer will be at the site in the afternoon.

We would like a list of all corrective action related meetings scheduled during our two weeks on site. Also, I couldn't find the corrective action group organization chart on the CD. If available, an org chart would help. Max and I would like a control room tour Monday morning if possible.

We should be on site between 7 and 8:OO am. A list of operator training activities during our 2 week visit.

Any simulator or JPM training. A copy of any internal assessments for the Corrective Action, Operations, EP, Maintenance, Engineering, Health Physics and Training organizations. Copy of the 2007 PI&R focused assessment (L007.0030) Summary and feedback for any Safety Culture Survey in the past 2 years. ( WE CAN WAIT UNTIL NEXT WEEK FOR THIS ONE)

We would like the documentation related to the following list of NCV's (we will not need this until we arrive onsite): 2005-02-03, Operators did not adequately perform prerequisite of PNPS 8.9.1 to verify no tagout that could prevent performance of surveillance. Tagout of air start tank T-146D to MI & M3 air start motors resulted in EDG B trip on overcrank on 1/29/05. CA added to CR 05-334 for follow-up. 2006-02-01, Failure to follow procedures, i.e. failed to evaluate failed AOG bypass valve contributed to manual scram on 3/13/06. LER 2006-001-00

/ CR-06-0977 I CR-06-1024 2005-005 (licensee identified) Main steam relief valves pilot valves exceeded TS limit. CR-05-2559

/ LER 2005-003-00. CA-20 added to CR-04-1368 for follow-up. 2005-04-01 Controls (PNPS 8.A.1) for adding cold or gaseous N2 into containment. 2005-06-01, Untimely corrective actions for faulty Bussman fuses. HPCI inop in February 2004 (2/26/04, LER 2004-002-00); faulty fuses not replaced, caused HPCI inop in February 2005 (2/13/05, LER 2005-001-00). 2005-02-01, Instructions not adequate to maintain SBODG operable after a loss of power to its auxiliary equipment, contrary to TS 5.4.1 (procedures).

SBODG failed to start on 1/23/05. 2007-02-01, After an engine overhaul, the "B" EDG experienced unexpected 150 KW oscillations when Entergy performed operability test IAW 8.9.1 on 1/25/07. See CR 20070703 and CR 2007-0293. 2006-06-02, Failure to perform an adequate operability determination for HPCl system. Note:

this involved SV-2301-146 failure

& high reactor water level trip function. CA-10 added to CR-06-1460 for follow-up.

Kelly Toukatly - Document Request Page 2 I Thanks! Sam H >>> "Gatslick, Mary" <> 06/04/2007 12:46 PM >>> Excellent.

Original Message----- From: Samuel Hansell Jmai1to:SLHl

@nrc.aovl Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 12:17 PM To: Gatslick, Mary


RE: Emailing: Condition Reports from 10-1-06 to Thanks! I was able to open. That should be easier for us to select a sample of Cat A&B CRs. Sam H >>> "Gatslick, Mary" <> 06/04/2007 12:02 PM >>> I really must up my Omega 3 fish oil. I sent you the wrong sheet. Here you go. The sheet you got was one for the 50.59 inspection that Mr. Kulp needed.

MJG -----Original Message----- From: Samuel Hansell Jmai1to:SLHl

@nrc.aovl Sent: Monday, June 04,2007 I I :39 AM To: Gatslick, Mary


Re: Emailing: Condition Reports from 10-1 -06 to I was able to open the file. The file contained a list of all CRs Cat-ABC&D.

I was looking for a list of just Cat A & B CRs for the past 2 years if possible.

Thanks! Sam H >>> "Gatslick, Mary" <> 06/04/2007 11 :23 AM >>> <<Condition Reports from 10-1

-06 to 5-31>> Sam I have the data you requested, in order to send it to you without it being kicked out I zipped the file and gave it a different file extension name. Change the abc to .zip and you should be able to open it. If not call me and I will see what I can do to get this to you. Mary G. 508-830-8373 1 Kelly Toukatly - Re: FW: 2005 Pl&R Info Req Page I From: Samuel Hansell To: Walter Lobo Date: 05/15/2007 1 :41:07 PM


Re: FW: 2005 PI&R Info Req Walter, The list you provided should cover most of our documentation needs.

If you collect the information starting in January 2005 thru March 31, 2007, that should work.

We may select 2 or 3 risk significant systems to review in detail. 1'11 get back to you about the specific systems we will review.

Thanks! for your support. Sam Hansell, Limerick SRI cc: Christopher Welch; Max Schneider Felly Toukatly - RE: PER inspection Requested Info.

Page I 1 From: Samuel Hansell To: Walter Lobo Date: 06/07/2007 9:45:31 AM


RE: PI&R inspection Requested Info.

Walt, Thanks! After reading the rest of your E-mail I realized you provided the entrance meeting time.

I have attached the Cat "A & "6" CRs that the team would like to review. If you could provide the details of the root cause and apparent causes that would be helpful. We will not need this info until next Tuesday at the earliest. If you have a couple of complete documents for each individual, the rest can wait until later in the week.

Thanks! Sam H >>> "Lobo, Walter" <> 06/07/2007 9:37 AM >>> Sam, Entrance is scheduled at 2:30P in the executive conf. room, directly opposite to Conf. Room 3F, which you will be using for the duration for he inspection. After the entrance, in the same room, we will provide an overview of EDG and SRV status and conditions.

Around 8:30AM we have arranged for you for the control room walk.

Tuesday AM, we will provide an overview of our corrective action program. I have the schedules for Non licensed training, licensed training, and simulator training and CA activities from 6/11-21.

I plan to provide these to you after your control room walk. -Walter -----Original Message----- From: Samuel Hansell


@nrc.govl Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 9:12 AM To: Lobo, Walter


RE: PI&R inspection Requested Info. Thanks! Walt What time is the entrance meeting Monday? Tom Setzer should be at the site around 1

30 pm. Anytime at 2:OO or later would work with us. If this is too late, Tuesday morning would also work. Sam H

>>> "Lobo, Walter"> 06/07/2007 8:14 AM >>> Sam, Attached is a copy of the 2007 Corrective Action Program Focused Self Assessment that was completed on 5/22/07. The remaining items are as follows: Items 6 to 12, we will keep ready for you as you arrive on Monday 6/11. I am here at about 7AM.

X 7940. Your Conf. Rooms will be Support Building 3E and 3F. 8:30AM control room tour is scheduled Call me if you need anything else.

We are off on Friday (6/8) -Walter Lobo ITEM RESPONSIBLE IND. SCHEDULE

1. Control Room Tour Dough Murphy Mon, 6/11, 8:30 2. Inspection Entrance (support Bdg Exe CR Walter Lobo Mon, 6/11, 2:30
3. Presentations on EDG Tom Collis Mon, 6/11, 3:OO 4. Presentation on SRV George Bradley Mon, 6/11, 3:30 5. Overview of Corrective Action program Jim Keyes Tue, 6/12 AM 1 Kelly Toukatly - RE: PI&R inspection Requested Info.

Page 3 1 6. List of CA Meetings 6/11-18 Jim Keyes 7. List of Operator training 6/11-18 W Lobo 8. Simulator and JPM Training schedule W Lobo 9. Miller Copies of Self assessments of CA, OPS, EP,] Jim keyes/Ronn Maint, Eng., HP, and Training

] 1O.Copy of the 2007 PI&R focused assessment] Jim Keyes 11 Summary and Feed Back from Safety Culture Assessment of 2 years - W Lobo 12.Full documents Related to the following NCVs: W Lobo and M. Gatslick 2005-02-03 Air start motors of B EDG, CA added to CR 05-334: Collis discussion Tom 2006-02-01 [LER 2006-001

-00, CR 06-0977, CR-06-10241 AOG+Manual Scram 2005-05-? [LER 2005-003-00, CR-05-2559, CA-20 to CR-04-13981 -George Bradley discussion 2004-04-01 Adding N2 into containment 2005-06-01 [LERs 2004-04-00, 2005-001

-00: Bussman Issue 2005-02-01 SBOGD inop on 1/23/05 - Tom Collis Discussion melly Toukatly - RE: PI&R inspection Requested Info.

Paqe 4 I 2007-02-01 "B" EDG KW Oscillations [CR 2007-0703, 02931 -Tom Collis Discussion 2006-06-02 Inadequate OE of HPCl system, involved SV-2301-146 failure

& high water level trip function, CA-10 added to CR 2006-1460

? cc: Mary Gatslick Pilgrim PER Team Inspection 2007-006 Category "A and "9" CR Document Request Sam H CR-PNP-2007-56 01/04/2007 CR-PNP-2005-5318 12/13/2005 CR-PNP-2005-3933 08/25/2005 CR-PNP-2005-3983 08/27/2005 CR-PNP-2005-4138 0911 4/2005 Tom 6 CR-PNP-2005-3258 CR-PNP-2005-3532 CR-PNP-2005-3800 CR-PNP-2005-3818 CR-PNP-2005-4056 CR-PNP-2007-1209 CR-PNP-2007-1084 CR-PNP-2007-1383 CR-PNP-2007-1130 05/13/2005 0 7/2 7/2 005 0811 612005 08/17/2005 08/12/2005


03/27/2007 04/10/2007 03/30/2007 Tom S CR-PNP-2007-703 02/23/2007 CR-PNP-2007-2583 05/15/2007 CR-PNP-2005-3643 08/03/2005 CR-PNP-2005-3725 08/10/2005 CR-PNP-2007-1458 04/11/2007 CR-PNP-2006-2122 06/05/2006 Max S CR-PNP-2005-3126 06/24/2005 CR-PNP-2006-4328 1 1 /27/2006 CR-PNP-2006-4597 08/10/2005 CR-PNP-2007-2326 05/04/2007 CR-PNP-2007-1446 04/11/2007 Mail Envelope Properties (4667F6B9.08F : 4 : 4239)


RE: PI&R inspection Requested Info.

Creation Date 06/07/2007 8:14:40 AM From: "Lobo, Walter" <>

Created By: Recipients kp1_po.KP_DO SLH1 (Samuel Hansell) mgatsli CC (Mary Gatslick)Post OfficeRoute entergy.comFilesSizeDate & Time MESSAGE211006/07/2007 8:14:40 AM TEXT.htm16854 2007 PNPS CA SELF ASSESSMENT.doc449024 Mime.822637652 Options Expiration Date:

None Priority: Standard ReplyRequested:

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