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6.5 Inadequate RetensioningT1
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Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/02/2010
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Information Services
Download: ML102870291 (75)


a 6.5 Inadequate Tendon Re-tensioning in Surveillance Activities'



The NRC requires periodic inspections of the containment concrete and post-tensioning system following ASME Code Section X1, Subsection IWL (FM 6.5 Exhibit 1). The subsection requires lift-off measurements of a subset of the dome, vertical, and hoop tendons.The criteria established for tendons "passing" or "failing" are described in NRC RegGuide 1.35 (FM 6.5 Exhibit 2) for surveillances 1 through 5, and in NRC RegGuide 1.35.1 (FM 6.5 Exhibit 3) for surveillances 6 through 8.The predicted tendon force loss curves which establish acceptance criteria "base" values, are calculated for each tendon using known force loss mechanisms (FM 6.5 Exhibit 4, FM 6.5 Exhibit 5-w/o attachments, and FM 6.5 Exhibit 6) and design basis data taken from the plant's Design Basis Documents (FM 6.5 Exhibit 12).The CR3 containment has a history of measured tendon forces being below the RegGuide 1.35.1 requirements applied to the established "base" values (FM 6.5 Exhibit 7 and FM 6.5 Exhibit 8). This has resulted in periodic re-tensioning of numerous hoop tendons to -0% +6% of the "base" value (FM 6.5 Exhibit 2). These re-tensioning activities could potentially lead to excessive or uneven stressing of the containment concrete.Data to be collected and Analyzed: 1. Review ASME Code Section X1, Subsection IWL (FM 6.5 Exhibit 1);2. Review NRC RegGuide 1.35 (FM 6.5 Exhibit 2) and RegGuide 1.35.1 (FM 6.5 Exhibit 3);3. Review tendon force loss mechanisms (FM 6.5 Exhibit 4) and tendon force loss calculations (FM 6.5 Exhibit 5);4. Review input parameters to force loss curves (FM 6.5 Exhibit 12);6 2/2/10 Draft 1_R11ppap"i-es.

y @a fide 'M*,=ýPage 1 of 3

5. Review tendon surveillance lift-off data (FM 6.5 Exhibit 7 and FM 6.5 Exhibit 8);6. Review regression analysis done by PSC and Progress Energy to explain tendons "failing" (FM 6.5 Exhibit 9);7. Draw tendon force curves for hoop tendons tested multiple times in bay 34 (FM 6.5 Exhibit 10);8. Look for NCR for over-tensioning data;9. Calculate stresses in the concrete from tendon re-tensioning (FM 6.5 Exhibit 11);Verified Supporting Evidence: a. Examination of the tendon surveillance records indicate "runs" of hoop tendons that did not meet the requirement of >95%predicted value (FM 6.5 Exhibit 7 and FM 6.5 Exhibit 8);b. Tendon force loss curves show a force loss with time that is faster than predicted values (FM 6.5 Exhibit 10);Verified Refuting Evidence: a. No NCRs were found indicating re-tensioning above predicted value +6% force;b. The four components going into the tendon force loss prediction are the elastic shortening, concrete shrinkage, concrete creep, and wire relaxation (FM 6.5 Exhibit 4). The regression analysis performed by PSC and Progress Energy on measured tendon forces show a better correlation than the predicted curves (FM 6.5 Exhibit 9). It also indicates that RegGuide 1.35.1 used with the CR3 DBD numbers may have underestimated the expected force loss, particularly for the horizontal tendons, resulting in overly conservative acceptance criteria, additional testing expansion, and re-tensioning activities to a higher than necessary base predicted value (-0%,+6%).

Re-tensioning was conservative in ensuring that sufficient compressive pre-stress was maintained above the minimum required level, and well below the 1,635 kips original tensioning value;c. Re-tensioning above the predicted value but below the original tensioning of 1,635 kips would not lead to additional stresses in the containment wall (FM 6.5 Exhibit 11);2/2/10 'p R Page 2 of 3 Draft 1 Discussion:

The issue of tendon force losses being larger than the "predicted" values has been present at CR3 for the last three surveillances.

It has been explained by CR3 and PSC by the use of a wrong "yardstick" as calculated in the tendon force loss prediction curves. A regression analysis was used instead to approximate tendon force losses that match better with measured lift-off forces.Our analysis of the data agrees with the CR3 and PSC assessment that the "yardstick" by which a tendon is said to "fail" is not correct.Therefore the tendon force losses are systematically under-estimated and the tendons "fail" to meet the predicted lift-off forces. The lift-off values are however much higher than the minimum values required for safe operation of the containment.



Tendon re-tensioning during surveillance activities did not contribute to the delamination.

2/2/10 .Page 3 of 3 Draft 1 FM 6.5 Exhibit 1 SUBSECTION IWL REQUIREMENTS FOR CLASS CC CONCRETE COMPONENTS OF LIGHT-WATER COOLED PLANTS IWL-1000 IWL- 1100 IWrL-1 200 IWL-1210 IWL-1220 IWL-20 00 IWL-2 100 IWL-2200 IWL-2210 IWL7~2220 IWL-2220.

I IWL-2226.2 IWL-2230 IWL-2300 IWL-23 10 IWL-12320 IW1,2400 IWL-2410 IWL-2420 IWL-2421 IWL-2500 lWLý25 10 IWL-2520 IWL-2521 IWL-252 1.1I IWL-2522 IWL-2523 IWL-2523.

I IWL-2523.2 IWL-2523.3 IWL-2524 IWL.-2524.

I IWL-2524.2 IWL-2525 IWL-2525.1 IWL-2525.2 FWL-2526 Scope and Responsibility

....... .....................................

Scope ..................................................................

Items Subject to Examination


Examination Requirements


Items Exempt From Examination


Examination and Inspection




.... ...........................


Preservice Exam ination ...................................................

Exam ination Schedule ....................................................

Examination Requirements

.. ...........


........C oncrete ...............................................................

Unbonded Post-Tensioning Systems .........................................

Preservice Examination of Repairs and Modifications


Visual Examination, Personnel Qualification, and Responsible Engineer ..........

Visual Examination and Personnel Qualification


Responsible Engineer .....................................................

Inservice Inspection Schedule ..............................................

Concrete .........................................................

Unbonded Post-Tensioning Systems .........


Sites W ith Two Plants .............................................

Examination Requirements


Exam ination of Concrete ..................................................

Examination of Unbonded Post-Tensioning Systems ...........................

Tendon Selection


Exem ptions .... .........................................................

Tendon Force M easurements


Tendon Wire and Strand Sample Examination and Testing...................

Tendon Detensioning and Sample Removal ..................................

Sample Examination and Testing ...........................................

R etensioning


Examination of Tendon Anchorage Areas ...................................

Visual Exam ination ..............................................

.......Free Water Documentation


Examination of Corrosion Protection Medium and Free Water ..................

Sam ples ................................................................

Sample Analysis ...................................

Removal and Replacement of Corrosion Protection Medium ....................

251 251 251 251 251 252 252 252 252 252.252 252 252 252 252 252.1 252.1 252.1 252.1 253 253 253 253 253 253 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 256 256 249 A92 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 29 of 325 FM 6.5 Exhibit 1 page 2 of 14 ,IWL-3000[WL-3 100 IWL-3.1 1o IWL--31 JI IWL-3lI 12.[iWL-3.1 13 IWL-31.20 IWL-3206 IWL-32 10 IWL-3,2l1[IWL-32112

ýIWL-321 3.IWL-3220 IWL-3221 IWL-322 I IWL-3221[WL-322 I[WL-322 I IWL-3222 IWL-3223[WL-.3300.IWL-3.310 I.WL-3320 IWL-4000 IWL-4.100:IWL-41.10

..IWL-:4l20 IWL-4200 JWL-4210!wL-4220 IWL-42-30.IWL-4-100 IWL-5000 IWL-5.l00 IWL-5200 lWL-52,10.IWL-5220.IWL-5230 IWL-5240 IWL-5250.TW.L-_5260

]W.L-5300 JWL-7000 IWL-7100 IWL-71 10 lWL-7120 Tables IWL-,2500-1 (WL-2521 -I (WL-25 25-!. Acceptance Standards


Preservice Examination


Concrete Surface Condition


Acceptance by Examination,.


........Acceptance by Evaluation.....................................

......Acceptance by Repair .....................................................

Unbonded Post-Tensioning System ...............


.......Inservice Examination



Concrete Surface Condition


Acceptance by Examination


Acceptance by Evaluation


Acceptance by Repair .....................................................

Unbonded Post-Tensioning Systems ........................................

Acceptance by Examination


Tendon Force .........


Tendon Wire or Strand Samples .....................


Tendon Anchorage Areas ...........................................

Corrosion Protection M edium ..............................................

Acceptance by Evaluation



Acceptance by Repair or Replacement..................................


.... ...... ...................................................

Evaluation Report.................................................

Review by Authorities..............................................

R epair Procedures


G eneral ................................................................

Scope Repair/Replacement Program .... ...................


Repair Plan .......................


....C oncrete Repair ..................................................

........Repair of Reinforcing Steel ...............................................

Repair of the Post-Tensioning System E xam ination .........



System Pressure Tests ......................................


Scope ..........................................................

......System Test Requirements


...... ............


G eneral ...........

...... ..............................................

Test Pressure ....................................................

Leakage Test...............


Schedule of Pressure Test ...... : ..........


Test Procedure and Examinations



Corrective Measures ..................


R eport ..........

.. ..........


........ .... ...........

257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257.257.257:257 257 258 258 258 258 258 258 258 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 261 261 261 261 254 25.5 256.Replacements


........General Requirements



Scope ..........................................................

Replacement Program .....................................


Examination Categories



Nunber of Tendons Rkr Examination


Conresion Protection Medium Analysis .................................

A.92 250)Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 30 of 325 FM 6.5 Exhibit 1 page 3 of 14 ARTICLE IWL-1000 SCOPE AND RESPONSIBILITY IWL-1100 SCOPE (a) This Subsection provides the rules and require-ments for preservice examination, inserv~ice inspection and repair of the' reinforced concrete and the post-tensioning systems of Class CC components, herein. re-ferred to as concrete containments as* defined by CC-1000.(b) The rules and requirements of this Subsection do not apply to the following:

(1) steel portions not backed by concrete;('2) shell metallic liners;(3) penetration liners extending the containment liner through the surrounding shell concrete.IWL-1200 ITEMS SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION IWL-1210 EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS The examination requirements of this Subsection shall apply to concrete containments.

IWL-1220 ITEMS EXEMPT FROM EXAMINATION The following items are exempt from the examina-tion requirements of IWL-2000: (a) tendon -end anchorages that are inaccessible, sub-ject to the requirements of IWL-2521.

1;(b) portions of the! concrete surface that are covered by the liner, foundation material, or backfill, or are otherwise obstructed by adjacent structures, compo-nents, parts, or appurtenances.

25 1 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 31 of 325 FM 6,5 Exhibit 1 page 4 of 14 ARTICLE IWL-2000 EXAMINATION AND INSPECTION

.'IWL-2100 INSPECTION Examinations shall be verified by an Inspector.

IWL-2200 PRESERVICE EXAMINATION Preservice examination shall be performed in accor-dance with the requirements of IWL-2500.I WL-2210 EXAMINATION SCHEDULE Preservice examination shall be completed prior to initial plant startup.IWL-2220 EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS J.WL-2220.1 Concrete (a) Preservice examination shall be performed in ac-.Cordance with IWL-2510.(b) The preservice examination shall be performed following completion of the containment Structural In-tegrity Test.IWL-2220.2 Unbonded Post-Tensioning Systems.The following information shall be documented in the preservice examination records. This information may be-extracted from construction records... (a) Date on which each tendon was tensioned.(b) Initial seating force in each tendon.(c) For each tendon anchorage, the location of all missing or broken wires or stands and unseated wires.(d) For each tendon anchorage, the location of all missing or detached buttonheads or missing wedges.*.(e) The product designation for the corrosion pro-tection medium used to fill the tendon duct.IWL-2230 PRESERVICE EXAMINATION OF REPAIRS AND MODIFICATIONS (a) When a concrete containment or a portion there-of is repaired or modified during the service lifetime of a plant, the preservice examination requirements shall be met for the repair or modification.(b) When the repair or modification is lierformed while the plant is not in service, the preservice ex-amination Shall be performed prior to resumption of service.(c) When the repair or modification is performed while the plant is in service, the preservice examination may be deferred to the next scheduled outage.IWL-2300 VISUAL EXAMINATION, PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION, AND RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER IWL-2310 VISUAL EXAMINATION AND PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION (a) VT-IC visual examinations are conducted to de-termine concrete deterioration and distress for suspect areas detected by VT-3C, and conditions (e.g., cracks, wear, or corrosion) of tendon anchorage and wires or strands. Minimum illumination, maximum direct ex-aminaition distance, and maximum procedure demon-stration lower case character height shall be as speci-fied in IWA-2210 for VT-1 visual examination.(b). VT-3C visual examinations are conducted to de-termine the general structural condition of concrete sur-faces of containments by identifying areas of concrete deterioration and distress, such as defined in ACI 201.1 R-68. The minimum illumination, maximum direct ex-amination distance, and maximum procedure demon-stration lower case character height shall be as speci-fied in IWA-2210 for VT-3 visual examination.(c) The Owner's written practice shall define qual-ification requirements for concrete examination person-nel in accordance with IWA-2300.

Limited certification in accordance with IWA-2350 may be used for ex-aminers limited to concrete.A92 252 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 32 of 325 FM 6.5 Exhibit 1 IWL-2320 page 5 of 14 IWL-2420 REQUIREMENTS FOR CLASS CC COMPONENTS IWL-2320 RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER The Responsible Engineer shall be a Registered Professional Engineer experienced in evaluating the in-service condition of structural concrete.

The Respon-sible Engineer shall have knowledge of the design and Construction Codes and other criteria used in design and construction of concrete containments in nuclear power plants.The Responsible Engineer shall be responsible for the following: (a) development of plans and procedures for ex-amination of concrete surfaces;(b) approval, instruction, and training of concrete examination personnel;(c) evaluation of examination results;(d) preparation of repair procedures;(e) submittal of report to the Owner documenting

,,results of examinations and repairs.IWL-2400 INSERVICE INSPECTION SCHEDULE IWL-2410 CONCRETE (a) Concrete shall be examined in accordance with IWL-2510 at 1, 3, and 5 years following the comple-tion of the containment Structural Integrity Test CC-6000 and every 5 years thereafter.(b) The 1, 3, and 5 year examinations shall com-mence. not more than 6 months prior to the specified dates and shall be completed not more than 6 months after such dates. If plant operating conditions are such that examination of portions of the concrete cannot be completed within this stated time interval, examination of those portions may be deferred until the next reg-ularly scheduled plant outage.(c) The 10 year and subsequent examinations shall commence not more than 1 year prior to. the specified dates and shall be completed not more than 1 year after such dates.IWL-2420 UNBONDED POST-TENSIONING SYSTEMS (a) Unbonded post-tensioning systems shall be ex-amined in accordance with IWL-2520 at 1, 3, and 5 years following the completion of the containment Structural Integrity Test and every 5 years thereafter.(b) The 1, 3, and 5 year examinations shall com-252.1 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 33 of 325 FM 6.5'Exhibit 1 IWL,2420 REQUIREMENTS, FOR CLASS CC COMPONENTS page 6 of 14 IWL-252L1 mence not more than 6 months prior to the specified dates and shall be completed not more than 6 months* ter such dates. If plant operating conditions are such thati examination of portions of the post-tensioning sys-, ten cannot be completed within this stated time inter-val, examination of those may be deferred until the next ~regularly scheduled plant outage-.c).The 10 year and subsequent examinations shall commnence not more than I year prior to the specified' dates and sihall, be comipleted not miore than 1 year after ssuch dates-[WL-2421 Sites With Two Plants, (.a) Forsites with two plarns, the examination, re-quirements for those e crete containments[

shaybe mod-ifid ifa bothecontainments utilize the s'.anedprestressing system and are essentiall identical in design, if post-tensioning operationls foir the two containments were completed not more than 2 years apart, and if both containments are similrl exposed to or prtce froin the outside environquent.'

-b) When the conditions of IWL-242 1(a,) are met, the inspection dates and examin~ation requiremients may be -as follows.* (/) For the containmnent with the first Structural integrity Test, all1 examinations required by -IWL-2500 shall be performned at 1, 3, 10, 0, and 30 years. Only the examiinations required by DIWL-2524 and [WL-2525 need be performed-at 5, 15, 25,, and 35 years.(2) For the contaminent with the second Structural tntegrity

'Test,, all examninations required by~ IWL-2500)shall be performed at 1, 5, -15, '25, and 35 years, Only the examinations required by TWL-2524 ~and~ IWL-'2525-need be performed at 3-, 10; 20, 'and 30 years.-IWL-2500 EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS Examination shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of Table IWL-2500-I.A92 IWL-2510 EXAMINATION OF CONCRETE (.1) Concrete surface- areas, including coated areas, e~x-cept those exempted by TWL-1200(b), shaU be VT-3C visual'examinted forevidence of conditions indic.-.atiweof, damage or degradation, such as defined in ACI 201.1 R--68, ini accordance' with IWL-23.10(b).

Selected areas, 'such as those that indicate suspect conditions, shall receive a NT- IC examination in accordance with IWIL-2310(a).(b) The exami nation shall be performed by, or under the direction of, the Responsible Engineer.(c) Visual examinations may be performed from floors, roofs, platformsi, walkways., ladders, ground surface, or other per'manent vantage points, unrless tern--porary close-in access is required by the inspection plan.~-IWL-2520 EXAMIENATION OF IJNBONDED' PO(ST-TENSIONING SYSTEMS[WL-25111 Tendon Selection (a) Tendons, to be examined during an inspection shl eselected oni a random basis except;'as notedin BWL-2521(b)

'and -(c). The population from, which the'random -sample is drawn shall consist of al tendonis which "have not been examined~

during earlier ispec-tions,. The number ~of tendons to bie examined during an. Inspection shall be as specified in Table TWL-2521-A (b) One tendon~ of each type. (as defined in, Table, EWL-2521-l) shall be selected froin the first vear in--spectioni samiple and designated as a ~commnon, tendon.-Eadich(oninion tendon shall 'be~ examined during each inspection.

A conimon tendon shall not, be detensioned unless required by' IWL-330('

~If a coiiimon tendon is detensioned, another commuon, tendon of the sa'in type shafl be selected from 'the first year inspection sainple.(c) If a containment with a stranded porst-tenslo1Iing systein ms constructed with; apreoesignated number of-detensionable tedos one tendon of each type shallJ he selected fromn among those, which are deten~sionable.

The remaining tendons shall be selected fromi among those which cannot be detensioned.

IWL-252 1,1 Exemptions.

The following require--meats shall apply to tendon anchorages, that are not accessible for examination because oif safety or radio0-logical hazards 'or because of structunal obstructions.(a) After the process of randomly selecting tendons to be examined, any inaccessible tendons shall be des-ignated as exempt and removed from the -sample.(b.) Substitute tendons shall be selected for all ten-dons designated as exempt. Each substitute tendon shall be selected so that it is located as close as possible to A92 A92 253 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 34 of 325.

Pq M X.A92 TABLE IWL-2500-1 EXAMINATION CATEGORIES EXAMINATION CATEGORY [-A. CONCRETE I Item Test or Examination Test or Examination Acceptance Extent Frequency Deferral No. Parts Examined Requirement Method 'Standard of Examination of Exampination of Examination L1.1o Concrete Surface[1,11 All Areas IWL-2510 Visual, VT-3C IWL-3210 IWL-2510 IWL-2410 NA L1,12 1 Suspect Areas IWL-2510 Visuali VT-IC IWL-320 IWL-2510 IWL-241,0 .NA EXAMINATION CATEGORY L-B, UNBONDED POST-TENSIONING SYSTEM Item Test or Examination Test or Examination Acceptance Extent Frequency Deferral No, Parts Examined Requirement Method Standard of Examination of Examination of Examination L2.10 Tendon IWL-2522 IWL-2522 IWL-3221.1 IWL-2521 IWL-2420 NA L2.20 Wire or Strand IWL-2523 IWL-2523.2 IWL-3221.2 IWL-2523,1 IWL-2420 NA L2.30 Anchorage Hardware and Surrounding IWL-2524 Visual, VT-1 IWL-3221.3 IWL-2524.1 IWL-2420 NA Concrete and VT-IC L2.40 Corrosion Protection Medium IWL-2525 IWL-2525.2(a)

IWL-3221.4 IWL-2525.1(a)

IWL-2420 NA L2.50 Free Water IWL-2525 IWL-2525.2(b)


IWL-2420 NA 0 z C;(00) CD0 0 c 0 CD)CD)CD-.1 0-h IWL-Ufr.0.5 Exhibit 1 REQUIREMENTS FOR CLASS CC COMPONENTS page ifAA,.TABLE IWL-2521-1 NUMBER OF TENDONS FOR EXAMINATION Required Maximum Percentage 1 2 , Minimum, Required Inspection of all Tendons Number of Number of Period of Each Type3 Each Type Each Type 1st year 4 4 10 3rd year 4 4 10 5th year 4 4 10 10th year 2 3 5 15th year 2 3 5 20th year 2 3 5 25th year 2 3 5 30th year 2 3 5 35th year 2 3 5 NOTES: (1) Fractional tendon numbers shall be rounded to the next higher integer. Actual number examined shall not be less than the minimum required number and need not be more than the maximum required number.(2) The reduced sample size listed for the 10th year and subsequent inspections is applicable only if the acceptance criteria of IWL-3221.1 are met during each of the earlier inspections.

(3) A tendon type is defined by its geometry and position in the containment; e.g., hoop, vertical, dome, helical, and inverted U.Ithe exempted tendon, and shall be examined in ac-cordance with IWL-2520.(c) Each exempted tendon shall be examined in ac-cordance with IWL-2524 and IWL-2525 to the extent that the end anchorages of the exempt tendon are ac-cessible either during operation or at an outage.IWL-2522 Tendon Force Measurements (a) The prestressing force in all inspection sample tendons shall be measured by lift-off or an equivalent test.(b) Equipment used to measure tendon force shall be calibrated in accordance with a calibration procedure prior to the first tendon force measurement and fol-lowing the final tendon force measurement of the in-spection period. Accuracy of the calibration shall be within 1.5% of the specified minimum ultimate strength of the tendon. If the post-test calibration differs from the pretest calibration by more than the specified ac-curacy tolerance, the results of the examination shall be evaluated.

IWL-2523 Tendon Wire and Strand Sample Examination and Testing IWL-2523.1 Tendon Detensioning and Sample'emoval. One sample tendon of each type shall be completely detensioned.

A single wire or strand shall be removed from each detensioned tendon.IWL-2523.2 Sample Examination and Testing (a) Each removed wire or strand shall be examined over its entire length for corrosion and mechanical damage. The examination shall determine the location of most severe corrosion, if any. Strand wires shall be examined for wedge slippage marks.(b) Tension tests shall be performed on each re-moved wire or strand: one at each end, one at mid-length, and one in the location of the most corroded area, if any. The following information shall be ob-tained from each test: (1) yield strength (2) ultimate tensile strength (3) elongation IWL-2S23.3 Retensioning.

Tendons that have been detensioned shall be retensioned to at least the force predicted for the tendon at the time of the test. How-ever, the retensioning force shall not exceed 70% of the specified minimum ultimate tensile strength of the tendon based on the number of effective wires or strands in the tendon at the time of retensioning.

IWL-2524 Examination of Tendon Anchorage Areas -L IWL-2524.1 Visual Examination.

A VT,/visual examination in accordance with IWA(4_4. hall be performed on the tendon anchorage hardware, includ-ing bearing plates, anchorbeads, wedges, buttonheads, shims, and the concrete extending outward a distance of 2 ft from the edge of the bearing plate. The fol-lowing shall be documented: (a) concrete cracks having widths greater than 0.01 in.;(b) corrosion, broken or protruding wires, missing buttonheads, broken strands, and cracks in tendon an-chorage hardware;(c) broken wires or strands, protruding wires and detached buttonheads following retensioning of tendons which have been detensioned.

IWL-2524.2 Free Water Documentation.

The quantity of free water contained in the anchorage end cap as well as any which drains from the tendon during the examination process shall be documented.

IWL.2525 Examination of Corrosion Protection Medium and Free Water IWL-252S.

1 Samples (a) Samples of the corrosion protection medium shall 255 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 36 of 325 IWL-25M 6.5 Exhibit 1 1992 SECTION XI -DIVISION I pagelpýTABLE IWL-2525-1 CORROSION PROTECTION MEDIUM ANALYSIS Characteristic Test Method Acceptance Limit Water content ASTM .D 95 In course of preparation Water soluble chlorides ASTM D 512 [Note (1)] 10 ppm maximum Water soluble nitrates ASTM D 992 [Note (1)] 10 ppm maximum Water soluble sulfides APHA 427 [Note (1)] 10 ppm maximum (Methylene blue)Reserve alkalinity ASTM D 974 (Note (3)](Base number) Modified [Note (2)]NOTES: (1) Water Soluble Ion Tests. The inside (bottom and sides) of a one (1) liter beaker, approx. OD 105 mm, height 145 mm, is thoroughly coated with 100 +/- 10 grams of the sample. The coated beaker is filled with approximately 900 ml of distilled water and heated in an oven at a controlled temperature of 1O0*F (37.8°C) -t 2°F for 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />. The water extraction is tested by the noted test procedures for the appropriate water soluble ions. Results are reported as PPM in the extracted water.(2) ASTM D 974 Modified.

Place 10 g of sample in a 500 ml Erlenmeyer flask. Add 10 cc isopropyl alcohol and 5 cc toluene. Heat until sample goes into solution.

Add 90 cc distilled water and 20 cc 1NH 2 S0 4.Place solution on a steam bath for 1/2 hour. Stir well. Add a few drops of indicator (1% phenolphthalein) and titrate with 1NNaOH until the lower layer just turns pink. If acid or base solutions are not exactly 1N, the exact normalities should be used when calculating the base number. The Total Base Number (TBN), expressed as milligrams of KOH per gram of sample, is calculated as follows: TBN [(20) (NA) -(B) (N,)] 56.1 W where B=milliliters NaOH N.--.normality of HzS0 4 solution N-=normality of NaOH solution W=weight of sample in grams (3) The base number shall be at least 50% of the as-installed value, unless the as-installed value is 5 or less, in which case the base number shall be no less than zero. If the tendon duct is filled with a mixture of materials having various as-installed base numbers, the lowest number shall govern acceptance.

be taken from each end of each tendon examined.

Free water shall not be included in the samples.(b) Samples of free water shall be taken where water is present in quantities sufficient for laboratory anal-.ysis.IWL-2525.2 Sample Analysis (a) Corrosion protection medium samples shall be thoroughly mixed and analyzed for reserve alkalinity, water content, and concentrations of water soluble chlorides, nitrates, and sulfides.

Analyses shall be per-formed in accordance with the procedures specified in Table IWL-2525-1.(b) Free water samples shall be analyzed to deter-mine pH.IWL-2526 Removal and Replacement of Corrosion Protection Medium The amount of corrosion protection medium removed at each anchorage shall be measured and the total amount removed from each tendon (two anchorages) shall be recorded.

The total amount replaced in each tendon shall be recorded and differences between amount removed and amount replaced shall be docu-mented.256 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 37 of 325 FM 6.5 Exhibit 1 page 10 of 14 ARTICLE IWL-3000 ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS IWL-3100 PRESERVICE EXAMINATION IWL-3110 CONCRETE SURFACE CONDITION IWL-3111 Acceptance by Examination The condition of the surface is acceptable if the Re-sponsible Engineer determines that there is no evidence of damage or degradation sufficient to warrant further evaluation or repair.IWL-3112 Acceptance by Evaluation Items with examination results that do not meet the acceptance standards of IWL-3111 shall be evaluated as required by IWL-3300.IWL-3113 Acceptance by Repair Repairs required to reestablish acceptability of an item shall be completed as required by IWL-3300.

Ac-ceptable completion of the repair shall constitute ac-ceptability of the item.IWL-3120 UNBONDED POST-TENSIONING SYSTEM The condition of the unbonded post-tensioning sys-tem is acceptable if it met the requirements of the con-struction specification at the time of installation.

IWL-3200 INSERVICE EXAMINATION IWL-3210 CONCRETE SURFACE CONDITION IWL-3211 Acceptance by Examination The condition of the concrete surface is acceptable if the Responsible Engineer determines that there is no evi-dence of damage or degradation sufficient to warrant further evaluation or repair.IWL-3212 Acceptance by Evaluation Items with examination results that do not meet the acceptance standards of IWL-3211 shall be evaluated as required by IWL-3300.IWL-3213 Acceptance by Repair Repairs to reestablish the acceptability of an item shall be completed as required by IWL-3300.

Accept-able completion of the repair shall constitute accept-ability of the item.IWL-3220 UNBONDED POST-TENSIONING SYSTEMS IWL-3221 Acceptance by Examination IWL-3221.1 Tendon Force. Tendon forces are ac-ceptable if: (a) the average of all measured tendon forces, in-cluding those measured in IWL-3221.

1(b)(2), for each type of tendon is equal to or greater than the minimum required prestress specified at the anchorage for that type of tendon;(b) the measured force in each individual tendon is not less than 95% of the predicted force unless the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) the measured force in not more than one ten-don is between 90% and 95% of the predicted force;(2) the measured forces in two tendons located adjacent to the tendon in IWL-3221.

I (b)(1) are not less than 95% of the predicted forces; and (3) the measured forces in all the remaining sam-ple tendons are not less than 95% of the predicted force.IWL-3221.2 Tendon Wire or Strand Samples. The condition of wire or strand samples is acceptable if: (a) samples are free of physical damage;257 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 38 of 325 IWL-322F4A

6.5 Exhibit

1 1992 SECTION XI -DIVISION I page (b) sample ultimate tensile strength and elongation p not less than minimum specified values.IWL-3221.3 Tendon Anchorage Areas. The con-dition of tendon anchorage areas is acceptable if: (a) there is no evidence of cracking in anchor heads, shims, or bearing plates;(b) there is no evidence of active corrosion;(c) broken or unseated wires, broken strands, and detached buttonheads were documented and accepted during a preservice examination or during a previous inservice examination;(d) cracks in the concrete adjacent to the bearing plates do not exceed 0.01 in. in width.IWL-3221 .4 Corrosion Protection Medium. Cor-rosion protection medium is acceptable when the re-serve alkalinity, water content, and soluble ion con-centrations of all samples are within the limits specified in Table IWL-2525-1.

IWL-3222 Acceptance by Evaluation Items with examination results that do not meet the acceptance standards of [WL-3221 shall be evaluated as required by IWL-3300.IWL-3223 Acceptance by Repair or Replacement Repairs or replacements to reestablish acceptability the condition of an item shall be completed as re-,red by IWL-3300.

Acceptable completion of the re-pair or replacement shall constitute acceptability of the item.IWL-3300 EVALUATION IWL-3310 EVALUATION REPORT Items with examination results that do not meet the acceptance standards of IWL-3100 or IWL-3200 shall be evaluated by the Owner. The Owner shall be re-sponsible for preparation of an Engineering Evaluation Report stating the following: (a) the cause of the condition which does not meet the acceptance standards;(b) the acceptability of the concrete containment without repair of the item;(c) whether or not repair or replacement is required and, if required, the extent, method, and completion date for the repair or replacement;(d) extent, nature, and frequency of additional ex-aminations.

IWL-3320 REVIEW BY AUTHORITIES The Engineering Evaluation Report shall be subject to review by the regulatory and enforcement authorities having jurisdiction at the plant site.258 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 39 of 325 FM 6.5 Exhibit 1 page 12 of 14 ARTICLE IWL-4000 REPAIR PROCEDURES IWL-4100 GENERAL IWL-4110 SCOPE This Article provides rules and requirements for re-pair of concrete containments.

IWL-4120 REPAIR/REPLACEMENT PROGRAM (a) Repairs shall be performed in accordance with the Repair/Replacement Program required by IWA-4140.(b) Repairs shall be completed in accordance with the Repair Plan of IWL-4200.(c) The Repair/Replacemen.t Program shall address concrete material control.IWL-4200 REPAIR PLAN The Repair Plan shall be developed under the di-rection of a Responsible Engineer (IWL-2500).

IWL-4210 CONCRETE REPAIR (a) The Repair Plan shall specify requirements for removal of defective material.(b) The affected area shall be visually examined to assure proper surface preparation of concrete and rein, forcing steel, prior to placement of repair material.(c) When removal of defective material exposes reinforcing steel., the reinforcing steel shall receive a VT-I visual examination.

Reinforcing steel is accept-able when the Responsible Engineer determines that there is no evidence of damage or degradation suffi-cient to warrant further evaluation or repair. When re-quired, reinforcing steel shall be repaired in accordance with IWL-4220.

Repair of exposed-end anchors of the post-tensioning system shall be in. accordance with IWL-4230.(d) Repair material, shall be chemically, mechani 7 cally, and physically compatible with existing concrete.(e) When detensioning of prestressing tendons is re-quired for repair of the concrete surface adjacent to the tendon, the Repair Plan shall. require the following:

(1) selection of repair material to minimize stress and strain incompatibilities between repair material and existing concrete;(2) procedures for application of repair material;(3) procedures for detensioning and retensioning of prestressing tendons.(f) The Repair Plan shall specify requirements for in-process sampling and testing of repair material.IWL-4220 REPAIR OF REINFORCING STEEL Damaged reinforcing steel shall be repaired by any method permitted in the original Cpnstruction Code or in Section IlII, Division 2, with or without removal of the damaged reinforcing steel.IWL-4230 REPAIR OF THE POST-TENSIONING SYSTEM (a) Weld repair of bearing plates and shim plates of the post-tensioning system shall meet the applicable re-quirements of LWA-4000.

The corrosion protection me-dium shall be. restored following the repair.(b) Procedures for detensioning and retensioning of prestressing tendons shall be specified in the Repair Plan.IWL-4300 EXAMINATION The repaired area shall be examined in accordance with IWL-2000 to establish a new preservice record and shall meet the acceptance standards of IWL-3000.259 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 40 of 325 FM 6.5 Exhibit 1 page 13 of 14 A92 ARTICLE IWL-5000 SYSTEM PRESSURE TESTS IWL-5100 SCOPE This Article provides requirements for pressure test-ing concrete containments following repair or replace-ment.IWL-5200 SYSTEM TEST REQUIREMENTS IWL-5210 GENERAL A Containment pressure test, shall be performed fol-lowing repair or replacement unless any of the follow-ing conditions exist: (a) The Engineering Evaluation Report (IWL-3310) demonstrates that the structural integrity of containment

.in the existing unrepaired condition has not been re-duced below that required by the original design cri-teria.(b) The repair or replacement affects only the cover concrete external to the outermost layer of structural reinforcing steel or post-tensioning tendons.(c) The repair or replacement involves only ex-change of post-tensioning tendons, tendon anchorage hardware, shims, or corrosion protection medium.IWL-5220 TEST PRESSURE The pressure test shall be conducted at the design'basis accident pressure, Pa.IWL-5230 LEAKAGE TEST If the repair or replacement penetrated the contain-ment metallic liner, or otherwise breached containment leak-tight integrity, a leakage rate test shall be con-ducted as required by IWE-5000.IWL-5240 SCHEDULE OF PRESSURETEST If the repair or replacement is performed with the plant shutdown, the pressure test shall be conducted prior to resumption of operation.

If the repair or re-placement is performed with the plant in operation, the pressure test may be deferred until the next scheduled integrated leak-rate test.IWL-5250 TEST PROCEDURE AND EXAMINATIONS The pressure test shall be conducted in accordance with a detailed procedure prepared under the direction of the Responsible Engineer.

The surface of all con-tainment concrete placed during repair or replacement operations shall be examined by VT-I examination prior to start of :pressurization, at test pressure, and following completion of depressurization.

Extended surface examinations, additional examinations during pressurization, other examinations, and measurements of structural response to pressure shall be conducted as specified by the Responsible Engineer.IWL-5260 CORRECTIVE MEASURES If the surface examinations of IWL-5250 cannot sat-isfy the requirements specified by the Responsible En-gineer, the area shall be examined to the extent nec-essary to establish requirements for corrective action.Repairs shall be performed in accordance with IWL-4000, and pressure testing shall be repeated in accor-dance with IWL-5200, prior to returning the contain-ment to service.IWL-5300 REPORT A pressure test report shall be prepared under the direction of the Responsible Engineer.

This report may be an addition to a previously-prepared Engineering Evaluation Report (IWL-3310).

The report shall de-scribe pressure test procedures and examination results and shall state whether or not the repair or replacement is acceptable.

If the repair or replacement is not ac-ceptable, the report shall specify corrective measures.260 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 41 of 325 FM 6.5 Exhibit 1 page 14 of 14 ARTICLE IWL-7000 REPLACEMENTS IWL-7100 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS IWL-7110 SCOPE (a) This Article provides rules and requirements for reinstallation and replacement of post-tensioning sys-tem items for concrete containments.(b) Grease caps and installation screws are exempt from the requirements of this Article.IWL-7120 REPLACEMENT PROGRAM The following items, as applicable, shall be con-tained in the Replacement Plan: (a) requirements for removal of items that are to. be replaced;(b) surface preparation required prior to installation of replacement items;(c) examinations required prior to installation of re-placement items;(d) detensioning and retensioning requirements for tendons affected by installation of replacement items;(e) requirements and procedures applicable to in-stallation of replacement items;(f) in-process sampling and testing requirements to be performed during installation of replacement items.261 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 42 of 325 FM 6.5 Exhibit 2 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGULATORY page 1 of 7 Revision 3 July 1990 GUIDE a OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH REGULATORY GUIDE 1.35 (TASK SC 810-4)INSERVICE INSPECTION OF UNGROUTED TENDONS IN PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CONTAINMENTS A. INTRODUCTION General Design Criterion 53, "Provisions for Containment Testing and Inspection," of Appendix A. "General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," requires, in part. that the reactor containment be designed to per-mit (1) periodic inspection of all important areas and (2) an appropriate surveillance program. This guide describes a basis acceptable to the NRC staff for developing an appropriate inservice inspection and surveillance program for ungrouted tendons' in pre-stressed concrete containment structures of light-water-cooled reactors.The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards has been consulted concerning this guide and has concurred in the regulatory position.Any information collection activities mentioned in this regulatory guide are contained as requirements in 10 CFR Part 50, which provides the regulatory ba-sis for this guide. The information collection require-ments in 10 CFR Part 50 have been cleared under OMB Clearance No. 3150-0011.

B. DISCUSSION Following the issuance for public comment of the proposed Revision 3 of this regulatory guide (Task SC'For the purpose of this guide, a tendon is defined as a separate continuous multiwire or multistrand tensioned ele-ment anchored at both ends to an end anchorage assembly.810-4) and of the accompanying proposed Regula-tory Guide 1.35.1 (Task SC 807-4) in April 1979, the NRC Office of Research awarded a contract to Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The con-tract work included evaluating actual inspections per-formed by licensees, the methods of implementing Revision 2 of this guide, and the opinions and prob-lems of utilities, A/Es, vendors, etc., related to Revi-sion 2 of this regulatory guide. The contractor also considered the pertinent portion of the January 1982 draft version of "Inservice Inspection of Concrete Pressure Components," developed by a Working Group of ASME Section XI, in making final sugges-tions for modifying this guide. These suggestions were published in NUREG/CR-2719.2 This guide has been revised to reflect public com-ments, suggestions from ORNL, and additional staff review.Regulatory Position 1 provides general informa-tion. on the applicability of the guide, frequency of inservice inspections, and inspections when there are two containments at a site.Regulatory Position 2 delineates the method of determining sample size and emphasizes random sampling.

If random sampling can not be assured, it is acceptable to select representative samples from 2 NUREG/CR-2719, "Evaluation of Inservice Inspections of Greased Prestressing Tendons." by J. R. Dougan, Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

September 1982. Available for sale from the U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 37082.Washington.

DC 20013-7082, or from the National Technical Information Service. Springfield, VA 22161.USNRC REGULATORY GUIDES The guides are issued in the following ten broad divisions:

Regulatory Guides are issued to describe and make available to the pub-lic methods acceotable to the NRC staff of implementing specific 1arts .Reactors 6. Products of the Commission' s regulations, to delineate techniques used by the 1. RePear T Reactors 7.

staff In evaluating Specific Problems or postulated accidents, or to 0O' 3. Fuels and Materilst Facilities

8. Ocacupational Health vide guidance to applicants.

Regulatory Guioes are not substitutes for regulations, and compliance with them is not required.

Methods and 4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitrust and Financial Review solutions different from those set out in the guides will be acceptable if S. Materials and Plant Protection

10. General they provide a basis far the findings requisite to the issuance or continu-ance of a permit or license oy the Commission.

Copies of Issued guIdes may be purchased from the Governrmet Printing This guide was issued after consideration of comments received from Office at the current GPO price. informatlon on current GPO prices may the public. Comments andi suggestions for improvements in these be obtained by contacting the Superintendent of OocuuentS.

U.S.guides are encouraged at all times, and guides will be revised, as aso Govemrment Printing Office. Post Office Box 37082. Washington.

0C propriate.

to accommodate comments and to reflect new information or 20013-7082.

telephone (202)275-2060 or (202)275-2171.


Written comments may be submitted to the Regulatory Publications Issued guides may also be purchased from the National Technical Infor-Branch. OFIPS. ACM. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Washing- mation Service on a standing orde basis. Oetails on this service may be ton. DC 20555. obtained by writing NTIS. 5288 Port Royal Road. Springfield, VA 22161.Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 44 of 325 t-etweenF p]oe6 ixfhbW'Jvresses and from variou: heights. The samples for each inspection may be se lected any time prior to the inspection.

Since inspec"ions can be performed when the plant is operating iere may be certain areas where inspection of a ran domly selected tendon might result in some radiologi cal exposure to the inspecting personnel.

The posi tion provides for substituting a readily accessibl4 tendon for such a tendon.Regulatory Position 3 describes the areas and ex tent of visual examinations during each inspection.

Regulatory Position 4 presents the criteria foi performing prestress monitoring tests.Regulatory Position 5 states the extent and scop(of tendon material testing.Regulatory Position 6 lists items that should b4 considered in the inspection of sheathing filler grease In order to assess the potential grease leakage, a rec ommendation is made to compare the amount o sheathing filler grease removed with that being re placed.Regulatory Position 7 discusses the individual cri teria for evaluating inspection results as follows: In Regulatory Position 7.1, prestress monitorini criteria have been developed to ensure that any sign of systematic tendon force degradation are detectec and investigated.

Acceptance of 95% of the predictec)orce for two tendons out of three in Regulatory Posi tion 7.1.3 is a slightly relaxed criterion from Revisior 2 of the guide. It should be recognized, however, tha the primary objective is to compare the measure(tendon forces against the predicted forces at the timi of the lift-off testing. Regulatory Guide 1.35.1 pro vides guidance on establishing the predicted forces.A provision has been added to check the averagq of measured forces against the minimum requirec force in an average (hypothetical) tendon in a group This provision is added as a result of a suggestior from the contractor (ORNL) and public comments.

I should be recognized that each individual tendor force (measured) will have to be modified to reflec the condition of an average tendon. The contributiný modifying factors would be the difference in installa tion forces and in the elastic shortening losses, as suming the time-dependent characteristics remain es sentially the same for the group of tendons.The loss of prestress from creep and shrinkage o concrete and stress relaxation of the tendon steel arn time-dependent and are predicted on such a basis The predicted tendon force may be represented by sloped line in a semi-logarithmic graph. The trend o the actual effective tendon force is obtained by join ling the points on the graph representing the meas ured tendon forces in two or more surveillances o s the same tendon or tendons in a group. flgis-the trend line, one can determine when the effective-tendon force will be below the minimum required.Regulatory Position 7.2 provides a means of-tracking elongations during lift-off testing. The 10%-tolerance in elongations at specific loads of reten-" sioned tendons should include the effect of differen-tial friction (from fully greased vs. coated tendons)and errors attributed to calibration, measurement

.procedures, and equipment.

Regulatory Position 7.4 provides detailed guid-r ance on the results of the grease examination.

The incident of tendon anchor head failures at Farley demonstrated that the free water in grease was the main source of hydrogen for, hydrogen stress cracking of high-hardness anchor heads. High-e hardness anchor heads are used in large-size tendon systems (i.e., 2t750 tons). Since the small-size

(<_750-tons) tendons have not exhibited such characteristics, f two limits for water are provided.

It should be recog--nized that these limits are not the threshold limits for distress in anchor heads. When these limits are ex-ceeded, it is advisable to detension the tendon and-look for cracks on the shim side of the anchor heads.An assessment of a base number for filler grease I has been proposed for new grease in ASME Sec-s tion III, Division 2, and for new and old grease in I ASME Section XI. The grease used in many operat-i ing plants tends to have a low base number (<S5). The-newer grease formulations tend to have base numbers n in excess of 20. Hence, two acceptance limits have t been provided.At least two plants that implemented the detailed grease examination criteria experienced problems with the void limit of 5%. Further inquiry into the matter revealed that when the injection pressure was* very high (twice the pressure used during installation j of grease), the amount of grease replaced was 10 to 155% higher than that removed. The staff discourages n this practice, as there is a likelihood of tearing the t sheathing joints at such pressures, opening a way for I grease to seep into the concrete.

Hence, Regulatory t Position 7.4 has been revised to reflect this consid-9 eration.-The NRC staff encourages operating plant licen--sees to review their existing tendon inservice inspec--tion programs and evaluate them from the standpoint of operating convenience, safety improvements, and f cost reduction potential.

e The NRC staff recognizes that in some older plants (plants operating before the initial issuance of a Regulatory Guide 1.35 in 1974), adopting all provi-f sions of this revised guide may not be feasible without-extensive retrofitting.

In such cases, licensees are ad--vised to present their revised inservice inspection pro-f grams with any necessary exemptions from the 1.35-2 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 45 of 325

.r guide. If licensees adop this Revision 3 to Regulatory Guide 1.35. it should b, adopted in its entirety, not just segments of the guide C. REGULATORY POSITION 1. GENERAL 1. 1. The inservice inspection program de scribed in this guide should be used with the followin types of prestressed concrete containment structures

a. Prestressed concrete containment having a shallow-dome roof on cylindrical walls wit]the cylinder prestressed in hoop and vertical direc tions and the dome prestressed by three families o tendons at 600.b. Prestressed concrete containment having a hemispherical-dome roof on cylindrical wall with two families of inverted U tendons placed at 90 to each other and hoop tendons located in the cylin der and dome.1.2. For containments that differ from thes two types, the program described should serve as th basis for the development of a comparable inservic, inspection program.1.3. The inservice inspection should be per formed 1, 3, and 5 years after the initial structura integrity test (ISIT) and every S years thereafter.

1.4. Containments

should be designed and con structed so that the prestressing anchor hardware i accessible for inservice inspection.

1.5. All containment structures with ungroute, tendons should be inspected in accordance with thi guide. However, the liftoff force comparison may b, performed as shown in Figure 1 if any two contain ments at the same site are shown to satisfy all three o the following conditions:

a. The containments are identical in a]aspects such as size, tendon system design, materials of construction, an method of construction.
b. Their ISITs were performed within tw4 years of each other.c. There is no unique situation that ma subject either containment to a differ ent potential for structural or tendoi deterioration.

For both containments, the visual and file grease inspection should be performed according ti Regulatory Positions 3 and 6 at frequencies describei in Regulatory Position 1.3.2. SAMPLE SELECTION 2.1. For the inspections at 1. 3, and 5 years 4% of the population of each group (vertical, hoop dome, and inverted U) of tendons should be selectei it randomly with a minimum of four te ach* group. The sample size from any r e dflof ex-ceed ten.2.2. If the inspections performed at 1. 3, and 5 years indicate no abnormal degradation of the post-tensioning system, 2% of the population of each group (vertical, hoop, dome, and inverted U) of ten-dons or five tendons, whichever is less, may be se-lected for the subsequent inspection with a minimum-of three tendons for each group.g 2.3. The fraction obtained as a percentage of a tendon population should be rounded off to the near-s est integer.2.4. The tendons to be inspected should be randomly selected from each group during each in-}f spection.

However, to develop a history and to corre-late the observed data, one tendon from each group s should be kept unchanged after the initial selection, s and these unchanged tendons should be identified as control tendons." 2.5. If, owing to plant operating conditions, a randomly selected tendon from a group cannot be e inspected during a scheduled inspection, another e sample from the group should be randomly selected.* The tendon that was selected but not inspected should be inspected during the following plant shut-down and accepted (or rejected) on an individual J- tendon basis.2.6. Tendons, except the control tendons, that had been inspected and found intact during previous t- inspections should be excluded from the group popu-S lation during subsequent inspections.

d 3. VISUAL INSPECTION s 3.1. The exterior surface of the containment e should be visually examined to detect areas of large-spall, 3 severe scaling, D-cracking in an area of 25 f square feet or more, other surface deterioration or disintegration, or grease leakage.11 3.2. Tendon anchorage assembly hardware (such as bearing plates, stressing washers, shims, d wedges, and buttonheads) of all tendons selected as described in Regulatory Position 2 should be visually examined.

For those containments for which only vis-ual inspections need be performed, tendons selected as described in Regulatory Position 2 should be visu-Y ally examined to the extent practical without disman-tling load-bearing components of the anchorage or a removing grease caps.3.3. Bottom grease caps of all vertical tendons r should be visually inspected to detect grease leakage D or grease cap deformations.

Removal of grease caps is d not necessary for this inspection.

Mrhe terms "large spall," "severe scaling," 'D-cracking,""deterioration" and "disintegration" are as defined in the American Concrete Institute publication, ACI 201.1R-68."Guide for Making a Condition Survey of Concrete in Serv-ice." The publication can, be obtained from the American" Concrete Institute, Redford Station. Detroit, Michigan d 48219.1.35-3 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 46 of 325

-W 6&1 Itrrounding visually inspected tendon anchorages should also be checked visually for indications of abnormal material behavior.4. PRESTRESS MONITORING TESTS Tendons selected as described in Regulatory Po-sition 2 should be subjected to liftoff or other equiva-lent tests to monitor their prestress.

Additionally, the tests should include the following:

4.1. One tendon, randomly selected from each group of tendons during each inspection, should be subjected to necessary detensioning in order to iden-tify broken or damaged wires or strands.4.2. The simultaneous measurement of elonga-tion and jacking force during retensioning should be made at a minimum of three approximately equally spaced levels of force between zero and the lock-off force.S. TENDON MATERIAL TESTS AND INSPECTIONS 5.1. A previously stressed tendon wire or strand from one tendon of each group should be removed for testing and examination over its entire length to determine if evidence of corrosion or other deleteri-ous effects is present. At each successive inspection.

the samples should be selected from different ten-dons. The tendon selected may be the same as that selected for detensioning.

In addition, all wires or strands identified as broken should be removed for tensile testing and visual examination.

5.2. Tensile

tests should be made on at least three samples cut from each removed wire or strand, one at each end and one at mid-length.

The samples should be the maximum length practical for testing and the gauge length for the measurement of elonga-tion should be in accordance with the relevant ASTM specification.

The following information should be obtained from each test: 1. Yield strength 2. Ultimate tensile strength 3. Elongation at ultimate tensile strength 6. INSPECTION OF FILLER GREASE A sample of sheathing filler grease from each of the sample tendons should be taken and analyzed ac-cording to the following national standards.

1. To determine water content, ASTM D95,"Standard Test Methods for Water in Petro-leum Products and Bituminous Materials by Distillation."'
2. To determine reserve alkalinity, ASTM D974. "Standard Test Methods for Neutrali-zation Number by Color- "gtd-Ota-tion. "4 .3. To determine the concentrations of water-soluble chlorides.

ASTM D512, "Standard Test Methods for Chloride Ion in Water."4 4. To determine nitrates, ASTM D3867, "Stan-dard Test Methods for Nitrite-Nitrate in Water"4 (formerly ASTM D992).5. To determine sulfides, APHA 428. "Stan-dard Methods for Examination of Water and Waste Water."8 In addition, the amount of sheathing filler grease removed and replaced should be compared to assess grease leakage within the structure.

7. EVALUATION OF INSPECTION RESULTS 7.1. The prestressing force measured for each tendon in the tests described in Regulatory Position 4 should be compared with the limits predicted for the time of that test. Regulatory Guide 1.35.1 provides further information on the determination of these limits.7.1.1. If the measured prestressing force of the selected tendon in a group lies above the pre-scribed lower limit, the liftoff test is considered to be a positive indication of the sample tendon's accept-ability.7.1.2. If the measured prestressing force of a selected tendon in a group lies between 95% of the prescribed lower limit and 90% of the prescribed lower limit, two additional tendons, one on each side of the first tendon, should be checked for their pre-stressing forces. If the prestressing forces of each of the second and third tested tendons are above 95%of the prescribed lower limits for the tendons, all three tendons should be restored to the required level of integrity and the tendon group should be considered acceptable.

7.1.3. In Regulatory Position 7.1.2, if the prestressing force of any two adjoining tendons falls below 95% of the prescribed lower limits of the ten-dons, additional lift-off testing should be done to de-tect the cause and extent of such occurrence.

The condition should be considered reportable.

7.1.4. If the measured prestressing force of the selected tendon lies below 90% of the pre-scribed lower limit, the defective tendon should be fully investigated and a determination should be made as to the extent and cause of such occurrence.

Such an occurrence should be considered a report-able condition.

OASTM Standards can be obtained from the American So-ciety of Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street. Philadel-phia. PA 19103.5 Modifled by Note 3 of Table CC-2422-1 of the ASME B&PV.Section III. Div. 2. 1982 Winter Addenda.6APHA Standards can be obtained from the American Pub-lic Health Association.

1015 Eighteenth Street NW., Wash-ington. DC 20036.1.35-4 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 47 of 325

  • ' FM 6.5 average of all measured ten-don forces for each group (corrected for average , condition) is found to be less than the minimum re-quired prestress level (as defined in the plant's Tech-nical Specifications) at anchorage location for that group. the condition should be considered report-able.7,1.6. If from consecutive surveillances the measured prestressing forces for the same tendon or tendons in a group indicate a trend of prestress loss larger than expected and the resulting prestress-ing forces will be less than the minimum required for the group before the next scheduled surveillance, ad-ditional lift-off testing should be done to determine the cause and extent of such occurrence.

The condi-tion should be considered reportable.

7.2. During

detensioning and retensioning of tendons (Regulatory Position 4.2), if the elongation corresponding to a specific load differs by more than 10% from that recorded during installation of the ten-dons, an investigation should be made to ensure that the difference is not related to wire failures or slip of wires in anchorages.

A difference of more than 10%should be considered reportable.

7.3. Failure

in the tensile test at a strength or elongation value less than the minimum requirements of the tendon material should be considered report-able. Other' conditions that indicate corrosion (metal reduction) found by visually examining wire or strands should be considered reportable.

7.4. Reportable

conditions for sampled sheath-ing filler grease include: f. Amount of grease repLQ@,@EedAn

%of the net duct volume, when injected at the original installation pressure.g. Grease leakage detected during general visual examination of the containment exterior sur-face.h. Presence of free water.8. REPORTING TO THE NRC The reportable conditions listed in Regulatory Positions 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.1.5, 7.3, or 7.4 could indi-cate a possible abnormal degradation of the contain-ment structure (a boundary designed to contain ra-dioactive materials).

Any such condition should be reported to the NRC in accordance with the recom-mended reporting program of Regulatory Guide 1. 16,"Reporting of Operating Information-Appendix A Technical Specifications." The NRC staff recognizes that for some contain-ment designs, adoption of all provisions of this guide may not be feasible.

In those cases, licensees should present alternatives for those provisions of the guide they are unable to implement.

D. IMPLEMENTATION The purpose of this section is to provide informa-tion to applicants and licensees regarding the NRC staff's plans for using this regulatory guide.Except in those cases in which the applicant or licensee proposes an acceptable alternative method for complying with specified portions of the Commis-sion's regulations, the methods described herein will be used in the evaluation of inservice inspection and surveillance programs for the following

.uclear power plants using prestressed concrete containments with ungrouted tendons
1. Plants for which the construction permit or design approval is issued after July 31, 1990.2. Plants for which the licensee voluntarily commits to the provisions of this guide.a. Water content b. Chlorides c. Nitrates d. Sulfides e. Reserve alkalinity (Base numbers)Exceeding 10% by wt Exceeding 10 ppm Exceeding 10 ppm Exceeding 10 ppm Less than 50% of the installed value or less Lhan zero when the installed value was less than 5 1.35-5 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 48 of 325

-n CT)mn M X~N)Sample Size Criteria (See Regulatory Position 2)4%2%01 II 5!10 I 20 1 30 I Time after Initial Structural Integrity Testing.of Containment, Years (Uft-off Testing Schedule.

Containment No. 1)CA 2 Years (Maximum)I -0 1 II 5 1 15 1 25 1 35 1 Time after Initial Struclural Integrity Testing of Containment, Years (Lift-off Testing Schedule, Containment No. 2)Figure 1. Schedule of Lift-off Testing for Two Containments at aSite (See Regulatory Position 1.5)o 0' FM 6.5 Exhibit 2 page 7 of 7 REGULATORY ANALYSIS A separate regulatory analysis was prepared for this Revision 3 to Regulatory Guide 1.35. The regula-tory analysis is contained in NUREG/CR-4712,"Regulatory Analysis of Regulatory Guide 1.35 (Revi-sion 3. Draft 2)-In-Service Inspection of Ungrouted Tendons in Prestressed Concrete Containments" (February 1987). and is available for inspection or copying for a fee in the Commission's Public Docu-ment Room. 2120 L Street NW.. Lower Level.Washington.

DC. NUREG/CR-4712 is also for sale at the U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 37082, Washington.

DC 20013-7082, and at the Na-tional Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.1.35-7 Calculation S07-0033 Revision 0 Attachment 2 Page 50 of 325 FM 6.5 Exhibit 3 page 1 of 12 July 1990 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGULATORY GUIDE OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH REGULATORY GUIDE 1.35.1 (Task SC 807-4)DETERMINING PRESTRESSING FORCES FOR INSPECTION OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CONTAINMENTS A. INTRODUCTION General Design Criterion 53, "Provisions for Containment Testing and Inspection," of Appendix A, "General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power-Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities," requires, in part, that the reactor containment be designed to per-mit (1) periodic inspection of all important areas and (2) an appropriate surveillance program. Regulatory Guide 1.35, "Inservice Inspection of Ungrouted Ten-dons in Prestressed Concrete Containment Struc-tures," describes a basis acceptable to the NRC staff for developing an appropriate inservice inspection and surveillance program for ungrouted tendons in prestressed concrete containment structures of light-water-cooled reactors.

This guide expands and clari-fies the NRC staff position on determining prestres-sing forces to be used for inservice inspections of prestressed concrete containment structures.

The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards has been consulted concerning this guide and has concurred in the regulatory position.Any information collection activities mentioned in this regulatory guide are contained as requirements in 10 CFR Part 50, which provides the regulatory ba-sis for this guide. The information collection require-ments in 10 CFR Part 50 have been cleared under OMB Clearance No. 3150-0011.

B. DISCUSSION The inspections of prestressed concrete contain-ment structures (with greased or grouted tendons) are performed with the objective of ensuring that the safety margins postulated in the design of contain-ment structures are not reduced under operating and environmental conditions.

Of particular concern in the case of prestressed concrete containment struc-tures is the possible degradation of the prestressing tendon system by corrosion.

The recommended in-service inspection programs of Regulatory Guides 1.35 and 1.90, "Inservice Inspections of Prestressed Concrete Containment Structures with Grouted Ten-dons," are formulated to achieve this basic objective.

The extent to which the programs can perform their intended function depends on the method of their implementation.

Review of reports of some of the inspections per-formed by licensees on greased tendons indicates that there are various ways (simple but imprecise) of com-bining the losses in prestressing forces, giving a wide band of tolerance in comparing the measured results.Such a practice is not acceptable to the NRC staff because a real and substantial degradation of the ten-don system may remain undetected.

Regulatory Guide 1.35 recommends the compari-son of measured prestressing forces with the predicted forces of randomly selected tendons. The predicted forces at a given time are based on the measurement of prestressing forces during installation minus the losses in the prestressing forces that were predicted to USKNIC IREGUIATORY GUIDES The guides are Issued In the following ten broad divisions:

Regulatory Guides are issued to describe and make available to the pub-Ile methods acceptable to the NRC staff of Implementing specific parts of the Commission's regulations, to delineate techniques used by the 1. Power Reactors 6. Products staff In evaluating specific problems or postulated accidents, or to pro- 2. Research and Test Reactors 7. Transportation vide guidance to applicants.

Regulatory Guides are not substitutes for 3. Fuels and Materials Facilities

6. Occupational Heah regulations, and compliance with them Is not required.

Methods and 4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitrust and Financial Review solutions different from those set out In the guides will be acceptable If S. Materials and Plant Protection 10, General they provide a basis for the findings requisite to the Issuance or continu-ance of a permit or license by the Commission.

Copies of issued guides may be purchased from the Government Printing This guide was Issued after consideration of comments received from Office at the current GPO price. Information on current GPO prices may the public. Comments and suggestions for Improvements In these be obtained by contacting the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.guides are encouraged at all times, and guides will be revised, as ap- Government Printing Office, Post Office Box 37082, Washington, DC proprlate, to accommodate comments and to reflect new Information or 20013-7082, telephone (202)275-2060 or (202)275-2171, experience.

Written comments may be submitted to the Regulatory Publications Issued guides may also be purchased from the National Technical Infor-Branch, DFIPS, ADM, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washing- matlon Service on a standing order basis. Details on this service may be ton, DO 20565. obtained by writing NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.

FM 6.5 Exhibit 3 have occurred since that time because of material and structural characteristics.

As various, com plex interacting phenomena are involved in the prediction of these losses, the chance is small that the measured prestressing force will agree quite closely with the predicted value. Hence, Regulatory Position 2.2 of this regulatory guide rec-ommends the determination of limits (upper and lower) of prestressing force as a function of time.Revision 1 of Regulatory Guide 1.90 discusses this as-pect briefly, as it is also relevant to the recommended inspection alternatives in that guide.This supplementary guide is intended to clarify the NRC staff's position on the construction of toler-ance bands for groups and subgroups of tendons so that the small-sample inspection program of Regula-tory Guide 1.35 can provide better confidence in the integrity of prestressing tendons. The regulatory posi-tion of this guide recommends the factors to be evalu-ated and a method of using these factors in the con-struction of a tolerance band for a group of tendons having approximately the same time-dependent char-acteristics.

The methods for evaluating the effects of these factors are discussed in this section of the guide.The "Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments" (Ref. 1) enumerates the factors to be considered in determining the effective prestress (see Section CC-3542 of Ref. 1). However, it does not provide detailed consideration of these factors.The methods suggested here are based on a search of relevant literature and on information pro-vided to the NRC staff by applicants and their con-tractors.

However, the listing of references in this guide does not constitute a blanket endorsement of the content of these references by the NRC staff.1. MEASUREMENT OF PRESTRESSING FORCE In general, the requirements of Section CC-4464 of the Code (Ref. 1) are adequate for measuring and verifying the seating force. However, the allowable discrepancy of +/-10% of the force calculated from the measured elongation and that obtained by a dyna-mometer or a pressure gauge is excessive.

If the load/elongation curve for the tendon system is based on a thorough evaluation of the prior tests .using tensioning and measuring equipment similar to that proposed for use in construction, such a high discrepancy level is unwarranted.

The NRC staff believes that this dis-crepancy level should not exceed +/-5%. This recom-mendation is in* agreement with the practice adopted by the American Concrete Institute (Ref. 2) and the Post-Tensioning Institute (Ref. 3).page 2 of 12 During an inservice inspection, the liftoff (or load cell) measurements are compared against the in-itially measured forces. If the equipment used to make the measurements during the tensioning opera-tion and during an inservice inspection have identical characteristics, the errors introduced by contributing factors such as reading accuracy or friction .in the jacking system can be reduced to a minimum. The objective should be to use well-calibrated, accurate measuring equipment with sufficient sensitivity during both construction and inservice inspections to reduce the comparative errors caused by measurement to a negligible amount.2. DETERMINATION OF PRESTRESSING LOSSES The losses in prestressing force after the applica-tion of the force can be classified as follows: 1. Initial losses caused by: " Slip at anchorages" Friction between the tendon and the tendon duct at areas of contact* Elastic shortening and effect of sequence of stressing the various tendons.2. Time-dependent losses caused by: 0 a 0 Shrinkage of concrete Creep of concrete Relaxation of prestressing steel.3. Other losses caused by:* Failure of tendon elements from corrosion or material deficiency" Effects of variations in temperature.

These losses are discussed in Regulatory Position 2 together with the methods of determining their magnitude.

Regulatory Position 2 pertains only to the prestressed concrete containment structures typically used for light-water reactors.

For containments that operate at sustained high temperatures, the time-dependent characteristics need to be evaluated at correspondingly high temperatures.

C. REGULATORY POSITION The following minimum standards should be fol-lowed in the design and construction of prestressed concrete containment structures for the inspection programs described in Regulatory Guide 1.35 (Revi-sion 3).1. MEASUREMENT OF PRESTRESSING FORCE The procedure of Code Section CC-4464 (Ref.1) should be followed in measuring loads and exten-sions during tensioning, as supplemented by the fol-lowing: 1.35. 1-2 FM 6.5 Exhibit 3 I. A minimum of three readings of loads ai extensions at approximately equally spaced levels load should be recorded before the final seating the tendon.2. If the discrepancy between the measured e-J tension at the final seating force and the extensi, determined from the average tendon force along t length of a tendon exceeds 5%, the cause of su discrepancy and the corrective actions taken shoiýbe recorded.

The extension corresponding to the a erage tendon force may be determined by calculatii or from a tendon load-extension diagram provided the tendon manufacturer.

The objective should be to use well-calibrate accurate measuring equipment with sufficient sensit]ity during both construction and inservice inspectio to reduce the comparative errors caused by measuz ment to a negligible amount..2. DETERMINATION OF PRESTRESSING LOSSES The following regulatory positions apply only the prestressed concrete containment structures tyl cally used for light-water reactors.

For containmer that operate at sustained high temperatures, the tim dependent characteristics need to be evaluated correspondingly high temperatures.

2.1 Initial

Losses The initial seating force (F 0) should be modifiito allow for the following influences:

1. A known amount of slip at anchorage any)2. A loss caused by elastic shortening of t]structure, including the effects of sequence tensioning by the method discussed here by any other appropriate method.3. Influence of wire breakage during constru tion. The extent of wire breakage should n exceed the allowance made in the design.Loss from slip at anchorages should be detE mined based on prior experience and the testing hI tory of the prestressing system to be used. The infl ence of slip at anchorages should be allowed for the computation of initial prestressing forces.Coefficients for determining the losses from fri tion should be determined before the start of the i stallation and should be verified and modified necessary) during the construction.

In comparing tl liftoff (or load cell) forces for ungrouted tendor friction loss need be considered only for the fixi ends of tendons that have been tensioned from oe end. For the purposes of inspecting (or monitorin ungrouted tendons, consideration of this loss can 1 avoided by comparing forces at tensioned 3 of 12 If all tendons in a specific direction (hoop, verti-cal, etc.) are prestress'ed simultaneously, the loss of prestressing force from elastic shortening (FLES) can be given by: FLm. =Fo AcnEc + AsE, + ApEp + AIE] + AdEd x EpAp where F 0 is the initial seating force Acn is the net concrete area As, Ap, Al, Ad Ec, Es, Ep, E 1 , Ed are the areas of reinforcing steel, prestressing steel, liner, and duct, respectively are the moduli of elasticity of con-crete, reinforcing steel, prestres-sing steel, liner, and duct, respec-tively.However, the number of tendons to be pre-to stressed is large, and the prestressing operation is per-pi- formed in a systematic sequence so that the structure its is more or less symmetrically prestressed during the.e- process. Thus, the first tendons that are tensioned at undergo a full loss from the subsequent elastic short-ening of the structure, while the tendons that are ten-sioned last undergo almost no loss from elastic short-ening. For all practical purposes, the loss of prestressing force from elastic shortening can be esti-ed mated and accounted for by using the following linear relationship: (if F n = FLES LES N he where N represents the total number of tendons in a of particular direction, n represents the sequential num-or ber of a randomly selected tendon to be tensioned in that direction, and nr represents the number of ten-1c- dons to be tensioned after the nth tendon, i.e., nr =ot N-n.If the sequences of tensioning tendons in differ-er- ent directions are intermingled, the stresses produced is- in one direction by the tendons tensioned in the u- other directions must be considered.

in Thus it is essential that the complete history of tensioning a tendon be recorded, including its seating ic- force F 0 , the number of tendons tensioned before n- and after it, and any provision to account for the slip (if at anchorages.

The modified initial prestressing force he Fi at the tensioned end can be calculated and re-is, corded as: Fn=n Fn ne F =F -FLSA lg) i 0 LES be where FLSA is the loss of prestressing force due to slip at anchorages.

1.35.1-3 S.

FM 6.5 Exhibit 3 2.2 Time-Dependent Losses Limits (high and low) on expected time-dependent losses at the end of the service life of the structure (generally 40 years), as well as those at one year after prestressing, should be established consid-ering the variations in the following factors: 1. The extent of shrinkage of the structure con-tributing to the prestress losses. Table 1 may be used in the absence of specific data.2. The effect of creep deformation on prestres-sing force. The method given in Appendix A of this guide or a similar method may be used to determine the creep deformation.

3. The effect of relaxation of stress in prestres-sing tendons. Reference I states that a mini-mum of three 1000-hour relaxation tests should be performed for the prestressing steel proposed for use.Table 1. Variation of Shrinkage Strain With Relative Humidity Mean Daily Relative 40-Year Shrinkage Strain 2 Humidity,'

Annual %Under 40% 130 x 10-e 40 to 80% 100 x 10-e Above 80% 50 x 10-6 1 Mean daily relative humidities for various areas in the U.S.can be found on Map 46 of Reference

4.2 These

values are applicable to containments in which inside operating temperatures do not exceed 120*F (490C) and that are subject to the ambient outside environment.

The maxi-mum value of 130 x 10-e may be substantially increased if the con-tainment is exposed to a controlled dry high-temperature environment after completion of prestressing.

2.2.1 Effect

of Shrinkage of Concrete The schedule of construction of a typical prestressed concrete containment is such that a sub-stantial portion of the expected long-term shrinkage will have taken place before the structure is pre-stressed.

Reference 5 presents formulas for predicting the long-term shrinkage based on the assumption that the shrinkage approximately follows the laws of diffu-sion and supports the formulas by experimental in-vestigation.

An appropriate extrapolation of these formulas (for the volume-to-surface ratio of the struc-ture in excess of 24 in. (60 cm) and the contributing shrinkage as that occurring 100 days after the average time of construction of the structure) would yield a value of 100 x 10-6, which is considered to be a rea-sonable value at a temperature of 70 0 F (21 C) and a relative humidity of 50%. The safety analysis reports page 4 of 12 of several plants' indicate that a 40-year shrinkage value of lO0x 10-B has been used by the applicants.

This value, however, needs to be modified to ac-count for the significantly higher shrinkage in a low-humidity environment and the significantly lower shrinkage in a high-humidity environment.

Table 1 provides typical shrinkage values that could be used for computation of prestressing losses caused by shrinkage.

2.2.2 Effect

of Concrete Creep One of the most significant and variable factors in the computation of time-dependent losses in prestressed concrete containment structures is the in-fluence of concrete creep. Creep is thought to consist of two components:

basic creep and drying creep.Drying creep, also sometimes termed stress-induced shrinkage, is thought to be due to the exchange of moisture between the structure and its environment.

Its characteristics are considered to be similar to those of shrinkage, except that they represent an ad-ditional moisture movement resulting from the stressed condition of a structure.

The amount of dry-ing creep depends mainly on the volume-to-surface ratio of the structure and the mean relative humidity of the environment.

For prestressed concrete con-tainment structures having a volume-to-surface ratio in excess of 24 in. (60 cm), the relative influence of drying creep (compared to basic creep) is negligible as indicated by Figure 9 of Reference 5.The significant parameters that influence the magnitude of basic creep can be summarized as follows: 1. Concrete mix-cement and aggregate type;proportion of cement, water, and aggregates; and the influence of admixtures.

2. Age at loading-The basic creep value is a function of the degree of hydration that has taken place at the time of loading.3. The magnitude of the average sustained stress.4. Temperature.

Almost all investigators support the assumption that basic creep varies linearly with the intensity of sustained stress, as long as the average stress level in the concrete is not greater than 40% of the ultimate strength of the concrete.

The specific creep is thus defined as the ratio of total creep to the average stress intensity.

A literature review of the effect of temperature on basic creep (sealed or water-stored concrete speci-mens) is compiled in Reference

6. The average tem-perature of a prestressed concrete containment struc-ture could vary between 40'F (5 0 C) and 100 0 F (38*C). Basic creep is shown to vary linearly with'Turkey Point, Midland, Bellefonte, Three Mile Island.1.35.1-4 FM 6.5 Exhibit 3 temperature in this range of temperatures.

Hence, if the basic creep is evaluated at approximately 70 0 F7 (21 0 C), it should represent overall deformation caused by creep of concrete.An acceptable method of determining basic creep at various times for a 'given concrete mix as a function of age at loading is provided in Appendix A to this guide. The method is. based on concepts and equations derived by Hansen (Ref. 7) from a rheological model representing creep of concrete.Reference 8 uses the method of Reference 7 in deter-mining long-term creep for a given concrete mix.Most investigators agree that there is no one formula that can be generally applicable in determining the long-term creep for various concrete mixes. Hence Appendix A recommends a method of predicting the long-term basic creep from the results of short-term creep tests. Other methods such as those described in References 9, 10, and 11 may be used if demon-strated to be appropriate for predicting long-term ba-sic creep.Short-term creep tests are generally performed during the construction of a nuclear power plant. The extrapolated creep values consistent with the average time of the loading of the structure may not be avail-able during the preliminary design stages. A conserv-ative estimate of creep values may be obtained from previous experience or from creep tests on similar concretes.

However, these values should be modified to estimate the tolerance band for the prestressing force to be used for comparison of the measured pre-stressing forces during inservice inspections.

The modifications should include the extrapolated creep values in light of the actual average age of the con-crete at the time the containment is prestressed.

2.2.3 Effect

of Relaxation of Prestressing Steel The stress relaxation properties of prestressing steel vary with its chemical composition and thermal/mechanical treatment.

Manufacturers should be able to provide data on the long-term loss in prestressing steel stress from pure relaxation.

Section CC-2424 of Reference 1 requires a minimum of three 1000-hour relaxation tests for the prestressing steel proposed for use. There should be a sufficient number. of data points in each of the three tests to extrapolate the 1000-hour pure relaxation data to the life of the structure.

An appropriate model (Refs. 12, 13, 14)should be selected for the determination of the 'best-fitting" line for the purpose of extrapolation.

2.3 Losses

Caused by Tendon Degradation Most applicants make allowance for breakage of wires on an overall basis as well as on a localized ba-sis. Such an allowance in the design of the contain-~-ment would allow a breakage of a few wires during page 5 of 12 construction without need for replacing these wires.For a tendon with a few broken wires, care should be taken not to overstress intact wires to bring the ten-don force to a prescribed value. Instead, the tendon should be extended to the same level as other similar tendons (without broken wires). The procedure will leave the tendon at a prestress level lower than the prescribed (generally 70% of the guaranteed ultimate tensile strength (GUTS)) level. This is acceptable provided the design includes an allowance for the breakage of wires.2.4 Effects of Variations in Temperature Of particular importance for the purpose of com-paring the prestress forces is the effect of differences between the average temperature of the structure during installation and that during inspections.

Local-ized hot spots and temperature variations along the length of a tendon can cause variations in the force along the length of the tendon. The differences be-tween the coefficients of expansion or contraction of concrete and steel can also cause modifications of tendon forces. These effects, as appropriate, should be considered in comparing the measured prestres-sing forces with the predicted forces.3. GROUPING OF TENDONS 3.1 Basic Grouping of Tendons The basic grouping of tendons for the purpose of developing tolerance bands should consider: 1. The geometric configuration of tendons with respect to the structure, e.g., vertical, hoop, dome, inverted U, and 2. The similarity in time-dependent characteris-tics. This may involve dividing the above con-figuration group (e.g-., vertical, hoop, dome, and inverted U) into additional groups.The significant Variable affecting the time-dependent prestressing force of tendons would be the effect of concrete creep. If the concrete mix charac-teristics and the curing conditions are assumed to be about the same during the entire period of construc-tion of a containment structure, the parameters intro-ducing variations in. creep are (1) average compres-sive stress and (2) age of concrete at the time of prestressing.

For example, in a shallow-dome con-tainmenit structure, if the design requires that the meridional compressive stresses in the cylinder be half those in the hoop direction, the creep strains affecting the losses in prestressing would be propor-tional to their compressive stresses.

Similarly, at the time of prestressing, the dome concrete might have aged three months, while the cylinder concrete might have aged six months or more. These parameters would affect the losses in prestressing forces in tendons and should be considered in grouping the tendons according to the similarity of their 35.1-5 FM 6.5 Exhibit 3 time-dependent characteristics and in prescribing the tolerance band for prestressing forces in these tendons.3.2 Subgroups of Tendons The basic groups may be divided further into subgroups to account for the differences in instanta-neous elastic shortening during the transfer of pre-stressing force and to account for the differences in initial prestressing forces (Fi) caused by differences in instantaneous elastic shortening during transfer.

To account for the differences in initial prestressing forces Fi, a tabulation of Fi for each tendon in a group may serve the same purpose as subgrouping.

In short, the intent of any adopted procedure should be to track the individual prestressing forces as precisely as possible with the current state of the art in predicting these forces, so that when a tendon is selected randomly during an inspection its meas-ured values can be compared with its prescribed tol-erance band.4. CONSTRUCTION OF TOLERANCE BANDS Tolerance bands for groups and subgroups of tendons should be constructed and should be used for comparison of measured prestressing forces with the forces predicted for the time of inspection.

It is recognized that each of the factors affecting the time-dependent characteristics of tendon forces are subject to variations.

To account for these vari-ations in prescribing the tolerance band, the following method is recommended:

1. Determine Shrinkage.

Table 1 provides the 40-year shrinkage strains in relation to the humidity level at the location of the structure.

To allow for the associated uncertainty in the assumed values, strain should be varied by +/-20%. The shrinkage strains at any time between the time of prestressing (consider zero shrinkage at t = 10 days) and 40 years can be estimated by considering shrinkage strain to vary line-arly with the logarithm of time.2. Determine Creep. The creep strains at any time after prestressing can be determined by the method of Appendix A. The high and low creep strains can be determined by increasing the extrapo-lated creep values by 25% and decreasing them by 15%, respectively (see Appendix B for illustrative ex-ample).3. Determine Relaxation of Prestressing Steel.Provide a +/-15% variation in relaxation values ob-tained by extrapolation of 1000-hour 6 of 12 The first inservice inspection needs to be per-formed one year after the Initial Structural Integrity Testing (ISIT) of the containment.

Hence, the period of interest from the point of view of inservice inspec-tion is nominally between 1 year and 40 years after prestressing.

The upper and lower bounds for prestressing forces at 1 year and 40 years after prestressing can be found by adding up the low and high losses and sub-tracting them from Fi. For the purpose of construct-ing tolerance bands for various groups of tendons, it is sufficiently accurate to consider prestressing force to vary linearly with the logarithm of time.In lieu of the variations indicated above, the de-signer may use the conservatively estimated design values as the base values for the time-dependent fac-tors. In that case, the individual predicted tendon prestressing force at 1 year and 40 years can be de-termined using the base value as illustrated in Appen-dix B. The line drawn using these values should be considered as the lower bound. The upper bound can be arbitrarily drawn by plotting a line parallel to the lower bound and starting at 0.93F 1 i at 1 year. This method can be used for the operating plants.The upper line of the tolerance band is not criti-cal from a safety point of view. However, this line allows the designer to establish a maximum variation line. If the prestressing of a tendon lies above this line, it is prudent to investigate the measurement technique and the pattern of losses in adjoining tendons.D. IMPLEMENTATION The purpose of this section is to provide informa-tion to applicants and licensees regarding the NRC staff's plans for using this regulatory guide.Except in those cases in which the applicant or licensee proposes an acceptable alternative method for complying with specified portions of the Commis-sion's regulation, the methods described herein will be used in the evaluation of inservice inspection and surveillance programs for the following nuclear power plants using prestressed concrete containments with ungrouted tendons: 1. Plants for which the construction permit or design approval is issued after July 31, 1990.2. Plants for which the licensee voluntarily commits to the provisions of this guide.1.35.1-6 FM 6.5 Exhibit 3 pg f1 page 7 of 12 APPENDIX A DETERMINATION OF BASIC CREEP STRAINS FOR PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CONTAINMENT STRUCTURES Recommended creep formula+ +Bloglo-where t = time (after average time of concrete placement) when creep value is desired, in days to = time of loading after average time of con-crete placement, in days=c average sustained concrete stress Ecc creep strain at time t when the age of concrete at loading is to A,B are constants to be determined from tests.To determine the value of constants A and B, the following

'short-term creep tests are recom-mended: Age at loading Minimum Observations at 30 30 31 45 90 150 210 t on a semi-logarithmic paper (see Figure 1). The value of B would essentially remain the same for all values of to. The value of A for various values of to can be determined as shown in Figure 1. For to val-ues greater than 365 days, the A value determined at 365 days should be used.The short-term creep tests should be performed according to the test method of Reference

15. To make the creep test results representative of creep deformations in a containment structure, the refer-enced test method should be used with the following specific provisions:
a. Section 3.1: The length of specimens should be 16 +/- 1/16 in. (40 +/- 0.16 cm).b. Section 3.2: The concrete mix should be the same as that proposed for use in the construction of the containment.
c. Section 3.3: Companion identical specimens corresponding to each to may be used to observe the deformations of unloaded specimens.
d. Section 4.2: Mass curing (sealed specimen)conditions should be used during storage and testing.(The method used for the "as cast" condition in Ref-erence 16 is a good example.)e. Section 5. 1: Load the specimens to maintain a sustained stress of 30% of the design compressive strength of concrete.f. Section 6. 1: Subtract the instantaneous elas-tic strain taken at time to and the strain on the un-loaded specimen from the subsequent total strain measurements to arrive at creep strain (ce).90 180 90 92 110 150 210 270 180 185 210 240 300 360 The constants A and B should be determined from creep strains at tj ,t 2 ,, t3, t4, and t5 for each to by plotting the measured specific creep (cc) against fc 1.35. 1-7 FM 6.5 Exhibit 3 0.4 (2.73)page 8 of 12.5 0.3 (2.05)0.2 (1.37)00 0.1 (0.68)B A 10 100 1000 10000 t (in days)40 years Figure 1. Specific Creep Curves Note: The creep curves are plotted from actual short-term creep test data -Communication from J.F. Fulton, Gilbert/Commonwealth Associates.


FM 6.5 Exhibit 3 page 9 of 12 APPENDIX B CONSTRUCTION OF TOLERANCE BAND (EXAMPLE)Consider the following values for time-dependent influences:

Time-Dependent Base Value at 1 Year 40 Years Factors 40 Years High Low High Low Shrinkage (Cc) at 70% Relative Humidity x 108 100 72 50 120 80 Variation:

+/-20%Creep -x 106 for to = 180 days per psi 0.3 0.193 0.073 0.375 0.255 per kPa 2.05 1.32 0.50 2.56 1.75 Variation:

+25%-15%Stress Relaxation of Prestressing Steel in % of Fj 7 5.8 4.2 8.1 5.9 Variation:

+/-15%Prestressing Losses in % of Fi Assume Bps = 28 x 103 ksi (193 x 103 MPa)fps = 168 ksi (i.158 x 103 MPa)Shrinkage Eps Esx xl100 1.7 fps Creep for fc = 1500 psi (10350 kPa)Ec Eps x fc x x 100 7.5 fps Stress Relaxation of Prestressing Steel 7 Total Losses 16.2 1 Remaining Prestressng Force in Tendon' 0.84 Fi 1 These values are used for constructing the tolerance band in Figure' .1.35.1-9 1.2 0.8 2.0 1.3 4.8 5.8 1.8 0.88 Fi 1.8 4.2 6.8 0.93 Fi 9.4 8.1 19.5 0.8 Fj 6.4 5.9 13.6 0.86 Fi FM 6.5 Exhibit 3 page 10 of 12 Fi -Initial Prestressing Force at an Anchorage Considering Losses Due to Anchorage Takeup, Instantaneous Elastic Shortening, and Friction FI Predicted Prestressing Force Considering High Time-Dependent Losses Predicted Prestressing Force Considering Low Time-Dependent Losses U)LA I-I-.0 U-0.9Fi o.8FI 0.7F L 1i 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 3540 Time after Prestressing, Years Figure 2. Tolerance Band of Acceptable Prestress (((

FM 6.5 Exhibit 3 page 11 of 12 REFERENCES

1. American Concrete Institute and American So-ciety of Mechanical Engineers Subcommittee on Nuclear Power, "Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments," ACI-359, 1986.2. American Concrete Institute, "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete," ACI-318, Revised periodically.
3. Post-Tensioning Institute, "Post-Tensioning Manual," Phoenix, AZ, 1986.1 4. J. L. Baldwin, "Climates of the United States," U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC, December 1974.2 5. T. C. Hansen, A. H. Mattock, "Influence of Size and Shape of Member on the Shrinkage and Creep of Concrete," Journal of the Ameri-can Concrete Institute, Proceedings Vol. 63, February 1966. Also published as PCA Develop-ment Bulletin D103.6. H. G. Geymayer, "Effect of Temperature on Creep of Concrete, A Literature Review," Paper 31 of ACI SP-34, "Concrete for Nuclear Reac-tors," Vol. 1, American Concrete Institute, 1972.7. T. C. Hansen, "Creep and Stress Relaxation of Concrete," Swedish Cement and Concrete Re-search Institute, Stockholm, 1960.3 8. "Report on Recommended Concrete Creep and Shrinkage Values for Computing Prestressing Losses," by Schupack and Associates.

This non-proprietary report is filed in the NRC Public Document Room as Appendix 5J in Amend-ment 2 of the "Preliminary Safety Analysis Re-port for the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station, Unit 2," June 1968, Docket No.50-320.4 9. 1. J. Jordann, C. L. England, M. M. A. Khalifa,"Creep of Concrete:

A Consistent Engineering Approach," Journal of the Structural Division of. the American Society of Civil Engineers, March 1977.10. E. Cinlar, Z. P. Bazant, E. Osman, "Stochastic Process for Extrapolating Concrete Creep," Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, De-cember 1977.11. J. W. Chaung, T. W. Kennedy, E. S. Perry,"An Approach to Estimating Long-Term Multi-axial Creep Behavior from Short-Term Uniaxial Creep Results," Union Carbide Report #2864-3, TID 25795, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, June 1970.5 12. D. D. Magura, M. A. Sozen, C. P. Siess, "A Study of Stress Relaxation in Prestressing Rein-forcement," Prestressed Concrete Institute Journal, April 1964.13. T. Cahill, C. D. Branch, "Long-Term Relaxa-tion Behavior of Stabilized Prestressing Wires and Strands," Group D, Paper 19 of Conference Papers on Prestressed Concrete Pressure Ves-sels, The Institution of Civil Engineers, 1968.6 14. R. J. Batal, T. Huang, "Relaxation Losses in Stress-Relieved Special Grade Prestressing Strands," Fritz Engineering Laboratory, Report No. FEL-339.5, NTIS PB200668, April.1971.

6 15. American Society for Testing and Materials,"Standard Test Method for Creep of Concrete in Compression," ANSI/ASTM C512-76, 1976.16. A. Hijazi, T. W. Kennedy, "Creep Recovery of Concrete Subjected to Multiaxial Compressive Stresses and Elevated Temperatures," Research Report 3661-1, TID-26102, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, March 1972.6'Co ie may be obtained from the Post-Tensioning Institute, 301 West &born, Suite 3500, Phoenix, AZ 85013.2 Copies may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20013.5 Copies in English may be obtained from the Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute, Royal Institute of Technology, Stock-holm, Sweden.4A copy may be obtained from the Public Document Room, U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2120 L Street, NW., Washington, DC.SCopies may be obtained from the National Technical Information service, Springfield, Virginia 22161.eCopies may be obtained from The Institution of Civil Engineers, Thomas Telford Ltd., 26-34 Old Street, London, ECIV, 9AD, England, 1.35.1-11 FM 6.5 Exhibit 3 page 12 of 12 VALUE/IMPACT STATEMENT A draft value/impact statement was published with the draft of Regulatory Guide 1.35.1 (Task SC 807-4) when the draft guide was published for public comment in April 1979. No changes were necessary, so a separate value/impact statement for the final guide has not been prepared.

A copy of the draft value/impact statement is available for inspection and copying for a fee at the Commission's Public Docu-ment Room at 2120 L Street NW., Washington, DC, under Task SC 807-4.UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555 FIRr LAS AIL1 POSTAGES & FES PAID 1 USNRC 1[ ERrr010.0 j OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE. $300 1.35.1-12 FM A -Fxhihit 4 naae 1 of 39 Floidda DESIGN ANALYSIS/CALCULATION Power Crystal River Unit 3 CORPORTION Page G1 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION NO. REVISION Calculation S-95-0082 I ATTACHMENT G CONCRETE CREEP REFERENCE DATA NOTE: The following data was extracted from the Reference 10 and 11 calculations and included herein for reference.

w96 RET: LW. ~f Mani RE5P Nucicar Enginwirig m RET: Life of Fm4m RESP. Nwc*ar Enginewtng x-- ,/Vac P X,___ o,______ ----, -, -, --o -, --4 ,VVAX, COAX. 4V4 3 ,-- 54 % ,7qf C .6jt 3.7uu CA LP .1 4& qg ml LL@1 a'qwL pu n~~- FgJD ---06 s5 47% v, a q0f 1,54.7M-.Iqf go'r~ -?7I..Aoj v UAJcAX., srp,,A joag edw.4 /dasi'..J .rd~o )c ~i~~,I A 517R~ so e &s R,~ 7,e Coi..M OP -51 x (' % Xt (0 , 110 CD F0 cc Ch5 f, '1S 7ems vei los i.; 7.cuDo*A)

AoP4 4 .z@0 .kI0 C, a I-3&*L 006C-0 , ~n,~--- -- -- -- -. -~---.--r 4 r .S 2.~.sf '-4o I J LILt. G~tI~S4- V. /,e~.I 1',17 i~, fit-)* Zi,7..IL II--It---1.1*t----V

- (JOVO*A, t VAX cc A.~ u I,,3 W46?A.""a I got"1'*1 4%-t$l1 cli"fT--u2 x l c S0 F r &----4 -4 At. S FAA 4g ft ,10/or fill A 3t-t, 41/.47 I'S-'T 0-j UA4ftHAE reA*"+SR 3 4~5f-ff*14~ra't?"S't .TI1eo 46sl ittoSS trAct r4CJ*O ,q ~It ~,a. (.stO 3 o.6"~~f53.SIZ big.lob?4 Z2 41.S'i 4 2A E'~- -T'to 0 Vb I,'a)z-n (0))'l m X CD o 411 C.4~t, e c ofAifO .3' .A* d( Vo W 0 0# ' rc'a oil p ,A S'A 4c.4AiD. AWE. s~~f*jGqc~.

st r AiAonC) f i-i I£ -I FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 4 of 398-gS-.5Om Afacbmm G SU BJEC T I tIg,[ PAGE GilburtlCommonwoeith OF,,A.# 4OSS CAC-S , -, cla -f /5 CALCULATION AROFILMIR DPAM d/tt~4 i4. 4 I D Pu T "to I.UT ro/3 I0 40 reAme. P"ta4tA'r 4n_ o z.,o ao~l 4540[6 Ie&S/0"030 (, .I)11.4 A;.348~,, %4F.7 di./-,16$.119 ' 4 1.8~ E/o* , "e1 sQ" 4 o.., -4"-."./5 (K)/31.3/50 6;)I".6/74 Y. 3i ,ý'ck (6) = 6c, W E5 y 4 r X, 4),,~e 0cIora 2 t 1.'96-03c,,p

'. Cfi-) 41C'Es =,?X0 4 r -7,-)7a,~RWWWMA 01n4 r h. M& A LZU ___'rn 11 l -'ý,-,% ,,,,"," Mr'CT~tnY J*-446 7-41 Ct 53)c,, m x~'1~I)'4-'S~~Ah.30.20* 0 A rime.~ In pasj 0 .AUepv"10;4 ci~g. too liopL, -A --N. pi- --~--0)rghmý44AWrt RA, &SA'44udW/g~

O1Z"'e7 ao&,, joga .(sJnd B.and ""II c- 5F31311C cIbw~~ a' J"-") "'ao A n mO-iOi]-A 4pr~~~~~o,:

--r -/ 'i:ga ~ 4, J1 -v 4 d i O*4-EPs g__oo_ _ _ _ gooN5-r 17)7 ~C.~~~(5 9,72- 30,J)0 t

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+ 1ý -o~j -,ý-;e/ -Ol CD-4, 0 FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 8 of 39 Atltcmmg C Page GC GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. OEPARTMENT NAME ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS PROJECT NAME READING. PA. I r- &SUBJECT c II-'W 6 C. (t) = .t -3 E-'M-, ((-r, +,d q,-) --46_3 (4 V.-I) ] as 5- P.5 O.'.-r .E.., (1.) -2,/23,,.1,<,")-Cr--

064 xo")= 3.377 x/O- -./ýL0 X/o E. , ,)= 3. ?. a- X 10 " 4-S,5 ( , e = Es w ,r ...A-...4 (W.,)-6-15 = ;t9 ./0' 1 Ar = 9.7;-3 F 3.( X'. ( 69 vX0(')4 7 1, 3 o* 4.CJ 9()X5(.,o


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I-GAI 350 REV. 3-71 FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 9 of 39 cal as S-95-O02 Attdmm G Pape G9 I GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. DEPARTMENT NAME ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS PROJECT NAME READING, PA. (,e .zt 3 r 1 Re = e. S' ;- * ;o-X.-S/0 7. 7 It X vWF.:-...34..3 IO W F.... .... .f _4 .,.1 x " .. .... .. .../0L 0 ;-s, " )t w9 0 5/O'. WF C C U.GAl 350 REV. 3-GAI 350 REV. 3-FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 10 of 39 Calcubdum S-9S-0RC AUt*NW G Page GIG GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. DEPARTMENT NAME DEPT. NO. FILING CODE ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS PROJECT NAME W.O. NUMBER PAGE .34.READING, PA. C-o -3

-o99 I SUBJECT t OR INATRo/ ~ ~ ~DATE-, !c.,,=.139,1F
.6-3 ES 1./K"9.,5;-÷ .s.-S ea 3 4'3%l -,4 , X ,,_ X w' -_. F --

=IIc w GAl 350 REV. 3-77 GAi 350 REV. 3-77 FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 Papcl SUBJECT CISiO PAGE UO V- 2ssc.s.s,Inc.e z3 l &_.1 '_.o!MICROFILMED PAGES ANALYSIS/CALCULATION O,,IGINATOR j,. -I , iD;z*AT,;" ; -,"- / t -Ve. t~A Z3~t / -374 -Dome ale. 7d .. .7 .7vo c/Gap Ic,-W.'t, -e it4

,'2 _ -... qoe ...... .---" -. ... ... .'.~t i * .4WL ...- 7'.t]. e A -1e" " .. -, ..2 --/ , Z7 ,-+/-.. b , d4, / td,a.4 4.. ......-~ I I J I I1tT ..r5 ItC f Iw- I ' i~ I iiii44 II-I-1-6-r-:R-*

wssocýýýýý GAI 446 11--'9 FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page G, .--G Parq G12 7'--Gilbert Associates, Inc. C.

ANALYSIS/CALCULATION OR 7IGINoA PAORS 10 GIAT OR 4 j/ _~taaP ~ ~ U's0,,I~rs 27,?A 6 f-,us z ALt'. -4 JOT..7) ) AT, "c ~P 4A g7. w 41,'g ----/- AA-.,s 1 ..L .f \ -- " , 71f zZG ,zZ 4 " .-.~~ 65 lAss as.. ...d o --__,, ,_- ____. = -i .-__. .. ............"" .-r , ,R IN FD~~i_*=, LY GAI 446 1l--71 FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page pg1wh geGl -lw G13 SUBJECT CISlD PAGE Gilben Associates.

Inc. -ZOO,

_.. ..jRV.] ____! _ .. i°MICROFIrLMED PAGES ANALYSIS/CALCULATION I O[IGIN2Ar DATE a.4,,d 1 ,c9 = 2-27 pj." (f,-.,' Es //s r ea..,)7Z~~~~~ Z~~,d -7~d aoi..... .A _.. ...,.,- ,-.... .. ..., ' : 227 ,,A.,°7/. .,,/o,,_ ..... lp-am y GAI 444 11-71 FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 1 4 v s w.Afacmm G Pare G14 SUBJECT .Is1o PAG Gilbert Associates, Inc.MICROFILMED


c,~Z~~ 4~0 ,U 4 4 ,4' 2Z -ae a'verA-t erA..-,, tZ. 6 6- 4 "' ~2,<~ ........, 9'. xt *- .E,, ,,j ... ........ ..1 +""" ,;.A" -T -, "'.:.C" ", :;.T-i, l,n .-- " I *. GAI 44M 11.71 II FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 n~nn 1 nf lO Power Crystal River Unit 3 Page HI DOCUMENT IDENTIFICAT)ON NO. ReVtSION Calculation S-95-0082 ATTACHMENT H CONCRETE SHRINKAGE REFERENCE DATA NOTE: The following data was extracted from the Reference 10 and 11 calculations and included herein for reference.

195 RET: Lie of Plant RESP. Nvelear Engne~nng FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 1 ,, s-9s.a Prise11 Oilbert/Commonwealth CALCULATION wAffe srqesr cu-4xf.+ro;A1 (4-oxrr)Pop"i TLfuwoous'ead.1. / c G%Sao~e- a.s Aw4 41V- ,4 4 (14 oer, &)tcJ~c41 N~fe, _ 14,23 94 ,* A JV I 1,,0S r.VCe~f OCIA-C ' Sff'&4 4?/'4 6p e.e rA Rte.A'A.o#-3 "4 67 Dflloss cA.ce S,Y1f,AJ0rAC.eM K a'I 4&J'EJPe~o~7~~4.

/0 6 so 3f.4o 7; i D,-fl I'S-/0 (7,5-Zf4~( ff5'sA LIZ.A .o 6*1/4'o".5/6.7s, TrO I- rUS ,I =GAl-MS 7*4 THIS IS A PERMANENT RECORD DO NOT DESTROY"I-4ft 7-1 FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 17of39 Par H3 Oubert/Comm anw esUih -OS qE5£' o 5z -CALCULATION ORIGINATOR V zt DATE /10'e'ei b";. 1)'c 2.8 L z1)211 ý(/c ;s )U-'0 4...0 iS 35 4.-4-*1-7P V q-1.-/6 IJ~JVTo Lo rujS Ml. SDD-'ke/0 q, 40 /00 Tor -/5-11, 4fNt.1- I&rj~w. S roe " f 4-: z."'~. f~X~a ~~Aj6:i 7,5-/7S'7-45-f7j~"-'4-Sr -4 £.~IIJN~T To Leorus i W1-4 7-el FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 18 of 39 CaIcuIbI"o S.9$40S Attem HI, H Page H4 GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. OEPARTMENT NAME ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS PROJECT NAME READING, PA. cR 3 SUBJECTC, ,-l.'r,, SA ;, a A,,- 5-A o- -,/3-'/5-4-c.../0-,K a"LJ m m I*, -0ý%'

I J.Wlu .4 ~U* II' -CAI 0-6 and "aum1,11a a YCA X 9. otesto pen Ie"m4 ISa --S A-I U a a am-0 w & a 0 .400-It a a a a 1 065 100!1 I ~ *~ ~O C a I.14 twill. li- agm I III IflItIll"W'!, Jýiil.j oil I[fl!j so It go l 1111 N in Illv_so I'll, H U M Ili ii.l. f iltli V, t I lWc" 11111616 1 11111,11 iII ...... wwwt-all, oil ir lill "li-, full j , 1 1 1 1 1; ! ;fill 11 iý. ii 15211111111 a I I 'P, il "IlMl1iii!

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an 1111111 Ju l I;, it, ill live I' I I lilt) 1 11"!i!ii It r IIIII !" L!iiii !I i Sol ------- 11;MT I fill it a 110111 111 11 so 1111 Jill lim is It It I, loll Ill(ii oil I I Mill 11!11ý IN I I W it so 0111,11, 11 is Milli it!I'M go Jill lmi .If 1 11 1 I!j!jjjIjj; I' I a Jill lliýllli 11 l'i I W lilt.Boole...11,10 it It vl(T 11; , IIII. I:; I !!;;, j!-n o, 9'a rAvg iN YEAes -CeE*t 010"C'ei' P4c-e (Md..Pt Veer revwoft$)/f,' heft CD 0 4w FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 20 of 39 S-9S-062 AttacbhmM H Pop H6 GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. DEPARTMENT NAME ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS PROJECT NAME READING, PA. Ci 9' -3 IIllI ......2 tc~w.4ua.g.i.

~ ~ -i~bw-A-/L OoAe~_4 , O ft/ .. .. ., J,.,.,.. =I o.S.r." * .. ,, , -to-s o h 44 a t* jATP ar- V, el* t, ,5-7._.4 0T-3,7. 7 / 1,/-6," :5",1 ae_(/Tq,f0'-

x" j? -t.= 24. X...4-0 o 9.6""l 70' , -*4 ci 1,'r 1~~GAl A'rn FEV. 1-7 FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 21 of 39 choew -5O Aftocbome H Pop 117 DEPARTMNT NAMEDEPT.


901.~eL' .~4 4~d *E4~'gE d' /,Tt .2 ~P9 C 77~N~IDDS/ g~- ~ ~/ 3_.?ate- 'T.79,, r --13__ It -13 ODIAATOT, VERIFIER DATE 7-mF m 7 c", .ý^ mcv -I-

-n x NO.ND. 340-LSia dit0ltSN CUAP" PAPER SaMI- LOON1 AiYmi PsiO S CYCdLESr N ID DIVISIDNi PE[N INC*4 EUSENE OIEUTROEN C.NACE[ ,1 t* A ,.Im fi & a 0 -409S I s & e a a.490-a w & a -40O-N 0 & a 0 dodge-wS a a -A DID-N S & a a .6ise/4 S'3~1 S Si U S a V C'IS'C IN Jill 111V I 7ýI 1111 111 H I llwil loll 11 1 lilt IIIIii!l!q a m 111111111i 111111 1111*9 IIj j H;10 IN I jljý 1 5 soil I I 1 11, .2 11 .1 1 ;!1j, I pill il I NIP I ji I I. " 'I': v 11 iN T1 li P I I iý!111- !11 Iles 11 I I i M 01111 CO IIIII W 'I;sit P4 oil 1 1 iR! I%11i M 111 RT; It JR-Y, 11 i ill III I lili 111i F'.; I ji:iiý 1 WIP Hiýji C.fd* 0 @.00'r/,ýYS- /A/ 116-ooles R .!ccF~ahnv miera.i, 10 10E0 FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 paqe 23 of 39 S6 Floidbt DESIGN ANALYSSCALCU2LATfON Power Crystal River Unit 3 CORYDONPage El DOCUMENT IOEJNfnFICA TlON NO RISO DOCUEN~DENIFOATINNO Calculation S-95-0082 RVSO ATTACHMENT E ELASTIC SHORTENING REFERENCE DATA NOTE: The following data was extracted from the Reference 10 calculation, page 9 and the Reference I I calculation, pages 10, 23A & Appendix C and included herein for reference.

I 11" RET: L114 of Plant RESP: Nuclea Enginee~nq FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 24 £9 Par a I C4r G~bert/Commanlwfflth CALCULATIO14 6L6,sr-tc.

s14oercueZmsz c.ossoes P' OM4j 7645,OOAVS Ceý le- s ./ 'y 0'"ý,o lea .C&Ad s R -q a,-4) lcoc rz",oojs /A,ý 5&QLP"cýcj

/ rHRz, L7 A/ 2.7.-n r-cU7 t CL* 4 P & -0~'- 4-J/ -Ac. son a P1=4ýýz-0 &Z-7) + 75-8)1--o/a rEuOOM3 1Ai SC CVIJC-Ej ze 7rlye 37Z-r ,/=s I1 Se% V it Of r /70 less Z7 I-JI ff I- -tte I ,c.f -- /- _7( 7,- -.,/V/l"oop .4AJP&/~e,'A~7~A/~,J

  1. I jI/ -^,E~7~J )Aflt, exalt Am~/~A4 06 c /Ar;/0 oi Us Cs -oA.S 01 n I THIS IS A PERMANENT RECORD DO NOT DESTROY SAI.-4, 7-84 FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 25 oAF I IL pop ,3 i FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 26 of =9 e* en4 i i : I Th i i 3 I S o_ _ _ ' !c.c, e a O IC- * "3_ I tee. 1A' I .I'm-iI i i ', -, i I a I I 1 J ! L i I -'I' ] V. dr' ,; .i..I. , .!= _ .-. ! -L I ! II i I iIi I I i.. ... .... .i, , ,.--. ---..I- _'~~ I I I I a ..I I .---.---I .-----. I-'-* " ;- " 6 i _ __l I, / -" --,_- ,_ _ _I* I , i I I-dt.I I II 'f~I ~ .~I i FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 27 o6Q~4 s-9smu Aunoa I Pw Its AP~rLAhi c e- -D~o,*u iz=useoi =/ Aa i& £-1vdzr / ossg -s GILBERT SOCIATES, INC. EPART TA.DEPT NO FILING CODE ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS PROJECT NAME W .O. NUMBER PAGE READING, PA.o SUBJECT.... II DoPA' W#~d okf /I,, -" 1 Je~l'idI /A d.44LAP..

7-=/6 '? 1, 7 3 Z -s = -0", ORIGINATOR VE RIFIER DATE.. ..... ..... ...3 --2"4 16 3 3 ( -6'-2~. -/ f 3 4T eis"i' Ole~ e4I~P~.U- -,'&/ 1 -)v4 0 a III I---- ~F ~ GAl ISO REV. 3-7 GAI 35SD REV. 3-t7' FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 28 of Aeomma-s-n4m Aliecmb a VpK " SUBJECT ,* 315 IS0 PAGEe~Gilbert Associates.

Inc. OF-I1 .~ 'v.lm P m,0 ! l i 2 J P A G E S miCROfILMEO AGE ANALYSIS/CALCULATION -ORGNATOq -IoA --DAT U1, n=<,, a'o 1..e de a.;.,,d_ e cf. v t,_ -,u -z;. ' -,j/_,i .,,,-, , --.-, .--. .j.. .. ,F 'U.t/ .,z, ,-,a-' -I m L" C OJCZ4"" " / 47 A "I,"

7" r.'- .* '?"*" -"---'Es , E tZ,,.L. -Al =. 2 ....... ..= ,- A .a~ .............


~Z 4 ..Z ....I/zL~,.' -6 C -( 2?/Z3) -/4-1.3 p~s......62 7~ 0 L'lz J4=, A c 1,4_.. .._-C 3-,/ -,/;.o, .2-11 4. ) OF. 7_ 3 GOf 11-71 FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 2 = , ftgV 1 ,_UBJECT ISiO PAGEff_5 4,~ Gibert Associte, Inc1h.I~a11"I IMICROFILMED

'PAGES ANALYSIS/CALCULATION ORCGRMATOR S DOATE --I-,.. " _ _ A ..._ -, .....::2el " Al ms 5IE A/j 4 C/,.,/--,-.-4f) .--/ --.. ....[(A(* 17'Pc /1* 7.

/>%( _L ..125 ',. vt .... £6 c O i/~ S-= .4 ,, -) -- t , .- ,, , ., _ -.. ..... ...Z 2....-" i eVJ4.......* ) DT' Att P*' GAI 446 12-74l FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page ,s-ms-um AftweEA ItU SuSJECTr ¢,SIO PAGE tje Gilbert Associates, Inc. , O M IC RO F IL M E D r 0 P A G E S ANALYSIS/CALCULATION ORIGINATOR DATE 2- .-JIV~ 4 t f W..A ...... ....... .4. _ _ _-Ala7 qO...a~ 003 a-v A., ?9.6 ' .... ... ..- Fr2.-' / 'II ~'~ ~~7>7,) _. :27 Te

./4t-7 r7 ..-27 tAe ;~9.mbi 8 I GA! 446 11.-79 FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 3 1 = S9.M SUBJECT ( Gilbert Associates, Inc. ýý. L ~ l L. *_dJmg aJ m. '-A ANALYSIS/CALCULATION ORIGINATOR SATE 2 7.Z-9',0: / 427-(.??) : 4 --f-V... GAI 44 11-7;II FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 n~nnp.19 nf 'I Florida DESIGN ANALYSISICALCULATION Power Crystal River Unit 3 CoPK Page F1 DMCUMFT lDDMFFA'I0N NO. tREVtON Calculation S-95-0082 ATTACHMENT F WIRE STRESS RELAXATION REFERENCE DATA NOTE: The following data was extracted from the Reference 10 and 1I calculations and included herein for reference.

fi~95 RET: Lds of PlaN RESP Nuclear Ergmne.nng"S9 RET: Life of Plant RESP' .Nuleatr Erlineenng FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 Cakvedm S-"-S-4U page3h6"I I Glbert cammeflwealth

/ 3uM5Uc@muaLUUY CALCULATION Ajlea s-rrjr eel7-AV'tQAJ Aýo oo /Pee r. revo oo y lef'-1, /0. -J2. a.r 49016o C.A./cs -reA,upoA.

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FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 35 = lr P , 14 GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. OEPART.E.T NAME DEPT. O. ..L CODE 04L14.ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS PROJECT NAME W.O. NUMSER PAGE READING, PA. c R-C 4e3 o*- 4-7 (,.-oq It S ,UJECT .w Pa/a,t , Zoss -Hooo ,1 YVel. 7eDodh s ORIGINATQO VERIFIER_ _ _ _ -__ _ .-,__________

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FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 37 = .r Pr, F6 i/1b FILE GILBERT ASSOCIATES.

INC.TELEPHONE AND CONFERENCE MEMORANDUM DATE January 18, 1980 G. T. DeMoss 04 4762-099 BY: _____________________________

WORK ORDER NO._________

TELEPHONE CALLCE CONFERENCE E Mr. Earl Cutler WITH:*COMPANY Prescon Corporation, San Antonio, Texas Tel. 512-828-6264 Prestress wire relaxation for CR #3 containment SUBJECT : NOTES: I asked Mr. Cutler several questions regarding prestress wire relaxation.

The questions and his answers are as follows: 1. Qt-. The curves in the CR #3 FSAR (Figure 5-23) show the 40 year relaxation for the Shinko wire used in CR #3 to be about 1. 1!.I asked if this appeared to be reasonable.

At Mr. Cutler feels the numbers reflect the average values of the tests, but feels that to be conservative, the curve should be shifted upward so that the 40 year period would give about 2.0%relaxation.

2. Q: Since the interior of the containment building normally operates above 1000 F, and the structure is exposed to the Florida sunshine on the outside, I asked if we should not be assuming a higher temperature for the wire than the 200 C (680 F) on which the curve in the FSAR is based.Copies. To:

FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 38 0 1 `S't MTaWa~ F A: Mr. Cutler stated, that the selection of temperature criteria is not a Prescon responsibility but, if we wanted to use a higher lifttime temperature, the current Shinko catalog also gives a curve for 400 C (1040 F). This curve roughly parallels the 200 C curve. At 1000 hours0.0116 days <br />0.278 hours <br />0.00165 weeks <br />3.805e-4 months <br /> the 200 C curve indicates

.75%relaxation, while the 400 C curve indicates about 1.1 2.3. Q: I asked Mr. Cutler if the wire used was considered as "stress-relieved" or "stabilized".

A: He replied that it was "stabilized".

4. Q: I noted that the left hand scale on the curve in the CR #3 FSAR (Figure 5-23) indicates "Relaxation-Loss

% G.U.T.S.", while the curves in the Shinko catalog indicate,for the same scale, "Relaxation-Loss in Per Cant". I asked Mr. Cutler if he felt our labelling was in error and what the relaxation was a percent of.A: He replied that the percentages were given as a percent loss of original stressing value, which in our case is 70% G.U.T.S.He said that our labelling appeared to be inaccurate.

Mr. Cutler agreed to send a copy of the more recent Shinko tables or catalog to me for our reference.

cc: J.J.K.R.F.Fulton Herr Nodland Eshbach Moreadith FM 6.5 Exhibit 4 page 3 9 "s.--Omu AUwa*ein F Pw n GILBERT ASSOCIATES, INC. DEPARTMENT NAME ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS PROJECT NAME READING. PA. c,? 0_3 DEPT, NO.d*4-1 ýI.W.o. NUMIER o-- 474.1.- oq, SUIJI[CT w'-jC Oedlaxato'm 9 os Aloolo 9Vett. 7_,,d'oms , ,~4 iJ.ra. i Al i li~L-lv-76_ %owt g7444 x &sr X.a(Ks,) 4.4.0eaA mj.)Y (,)' .9_16 42. A0O.3 Wa). .?X5' 431 0 4-. 42" S (3) .4.o ._ , ...,, .. , 4.- /-7j ?o ..0 (Q) 1. 4- .4-7. .V ..I L o ( ,o0 / ./ a , .L , 64 .t : 5 .,_/io_ +/-,eP, _ _- -4,(, +_/ot,.o./..444.. ._ ,J_0'3 Y., .. _ 1 7 vl (4)---------A, x -- doomo 4-0 --°4--kX _ X ,t, .2,76 7 ..,..."-o .... .1.. -7 ...; ....._ _6 o..0 0 m..,.,-.IT~I' NrnP~TI~ fl? ~ flTA~OC~'~

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