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South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Revision 14, Chapter 7, Table of Contents
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Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/2008
South Texas
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NOC-AE-08002283, STI: 32284244
Download: ML081500254 (17)




7.1.1 7.1.1 Identification of Safety-Related Systems 7.1-3 7.1.2 Identification of Safety Criteria 7.1-6 7.2 REACTOR TRIP SYSTEM 7.2-1 7.2.1 Description 7.2-1 7.2.2 Analyses 7.2-19 7.2.3 Tests and Inspections 7.2-32 7.3 ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES SYSTEM 7.3-1 7.3.1 Nuclear Steam Supply System ESFAS 7.3-1 7.3.2 Control Room Envelope HVAC ESFAS 7.3-18 7.3.3 Fuel Handling Building HVAC ESFAS 7.3-23 7.4 SYSTEMS REQUIRED FOR SAFE SHUTDOWN 7.4-1 7.4.1 Description 7.4-1 7.4.2 Analysis 7.4-17 7.4.3 Shutdown Under Station Blackout Conditions 7.4-25 7.5 SAFETY-RELATED DISPLAY INSTRUMENTATION 7.5-1 7.5.l Post-Accident Monitoring Instrumentation 7.5-1 7.5.2 Reactor Trip System 7.5-2 7.5.3 Safe Shutdown 7.5-3 7.5.4 Engineered Safety Features Monitoring System 7.5-3 7.5.5 Not Used 7.5-6 7.5.6 Qualified Display Processing System 7.5-6 7.5.7 Emergency Response Facility Data Acquisition and Display System (ERFDADS) 7.5-13 7.6 ALL OTHER SYSTEMS REQU IRED FOR SAFETY 7.6-1 7.6.l Instrumentation and Control Power Supply System 7.6-1 7.6.2 Residual Heat Removal Isolation Valves 7.6-2 7.6.3 Accumulator Motor-Operated Valves 7.6-3 7.6.4 Switchover from Injecti on to Recirculation 7.6-5 7.6.5 Monitoring Combustible Gas in the Containment 7.6-6 STPEGS UFSAR TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)

CHAPTER 7 Section Title Page TC 7-2 Revision 13 7.6.6 Other Systems 7.6-7 7.6.7 Hot and Cold Leg Recirculation Motor-Operated Valves 7.6-13 7.6.8 Fire Protection 7.6-13 7.7 CONTROL SYSTEMS NOT REQUIRED FOR SAFETY 7.7-1 7.7.1 Description 7.7-1 7.7.2 Analysis 7.7-19 7.8 ATWS MITIGATION SYSTEM ACTUATION CIRCUITRY 7.8-1 7.8.1 Description 7.8-1 7.8.2 Analysis 7.8-5 7.8.3 Compliance with Standards and Design Criteria 7.8-8 APPENDIX POST-TMI REQUIREMENTS RESPONSES 7A TO NUREG-0737 CLARIFICATION OF TMI ACTION PLAN REQUIREMENTS 7A-1 I.A.1.1 Shift Technical Advisor 7A-2 I.A.1.2 Shift Supervisor Responsibilities 7A-4 I.A.1.3 Shift Manning 7A-5 I.A.2.1 Immediate Upgrading of Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator Training and Qualifications 7A-7 I.A.2.3 Administration of Training Programs 7A-9 I.A.3.1 Revise Scope and Criteria for Licensing Examinations - Simulator Exams (Item 3) 7A-10 I.B.1.2 Independent Safety Engineering Group 7A-11 I.C.1 Guidance for the Evaluation and Development of Procedures for Transients and Accidents 7A-13 STPEGS UFSAR TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)

CHAPTER 7 Section Title Page TC 7-3 Revision 13 I.C.2 Shift and Relief Turnover Procedures 7A-16 I.C.3 Shift Supervisor Responsibility 7A-17 I.C.4 Control Room Access 7A-18 I.C.5 Procedures for Feedback of Operating Experience to Plant Staff 7A-19 I.C.6 Guidance on Procedures for Verifying Correct Performance of Operating Activities 7A-21 I.C.7 NSSS Vendor Review of Procedures 7A-23 I.C.8 Pilot Monitoring of Selected Emergency Procedures for Near-Term Operating License Applicants 7A-24 I.D.1 Control Room Design Reviews 7A-25 I.D.2 Plant Safety Parameter Display Console 7A-27 I.G.1 Training During Low-Power Testing 7A-28 II.B.1 Reactor Coolant System Vents 7A-29 II.B.2 Design Review of Plant Shielding and Environmental Qualification of Equipment for Spaces/Systems Which May be Used in Post-Accident Operations 7A-33 II.B.3 Post-Accident Sampling Capability 7A-39 II.B.4 Training for Mitigating Core Damage 7A-47 II.D.1 Performance Testing of Boiling Water Reactor and Pressurized Water Reactor Relief and Safety Valves (NUREG-0578, Section 2.1.2) 7A-48 II.D.3 Direct Indication of Relief and Safety Valve Position 7A-50 II.E.1.1 Auxiliary Feedwater System Evaluation 7A-52 II.E.1.2 Auxiliary Feedwater Automatic Initiation and Flow Indication 7A-53 Part 1: Auxiliary Feedwater System Automatic Initiation 7A-53 Part 2: Auxiliary Feedwater System Flow Rate Indication 7A-54 II.E.3.1 Emergency Power Supply for Pressurizer Heaters 7A-56 II.E.4.1 Dedicated Hydrogen Penetrations 7A-59 STPEGS UFSAR TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)

CHAPTER 7 Section Title Page TC 7-4 Revision 13 II.E.4.2 Containment Isolation Dependability 7A-61 II.F.1 Additional Accident MonitoringInstrumentation 7A-66 Attachment 1: Noble Gas Effluent Monitor 7A-67 Attachment 2: Sampling and Analysis of Plant Effluents 7A-71 Attachment 3: Containment High-Range Radiation Monitor 7A-73 Attachment 4: Containment Pressure Monitor 7A-75 Attachment 5: Containment Water Level Monitor 7A-76 Attachment 6: Containment Hydrogen Monitor 7A-77 II.F.2 Instrumentation for Detection of Inadequate Core Cooling 7A-81 Attachment 1: Design and Qualification Criteria for Pressurized-Water Reactor Incore Thermocouples 7A-88 II.G.1 Emergency Power for Pressurizer Equipment 7A-92 II.K.1.5 Review of Safety-Related Valve Positions 7A-97 II.K.1.10 Operability Status of Safety-Related Systems 7A-98 II.K.1.17 Trip Per Pressurizer Low Level Bistable 7A-99 II.K.2.13 Thermal Mechanical Report - Effect of High Pressure Injection on Vessel Integrity for Small-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident with No Auxiliary Feedwater 7A-100 II.K.2.17 Potential for Voiding in the Reactor Coolant System During Transients 7A-101 II.K.2.19 Sequential Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Analysis 7A-102 II.K.3.1 Installation and Testing of Automatic Power-Operated Relief Valve Isolation System 7A-103 II.K.3.2 Report on Overall Safety Effect of Power-Operated Relief Valve Isolation System 7A-104 II.K.3.3 Reporting Safety and Relief Valve Failures and Challenges 7A-106 II.K.3.5 Automatic Trip of Reactor CoolantPumps During Loss-of-Coolant Accident 7A-107 II.K.3.9 Proportional Integral Derivative Controller Modification 7A-109 II.K.3.10 Proposed Anticipatory Trip Modification 7A-110 II.K.3.11 Justification of Us e of Certain PORVs 7A-111 STPEGS UFSAR TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)

CHAPTER 7 Section Title Page TC 7-5 Revision 13 II.K.3.12 Confirm Existence of Anticipatory Reactor Trip Upon Turbine Trip 7A-112 II.K.3.17 Report on Outages of Emergency Core Cooling Systems - Licensee Report and Proposed Technical Specification Changes 7A-113 II.K.3.25 Effect of Loss of Alternating Current Power Pump Seals 7A-114 II.K.3.30 Revised Small-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident Methods to Show Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix K 7A-115 II.K.3.31 Plant-Specific Calculations to Show Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50.46 7A-117 III.A.1.1 Upgrade Emergency Preparedness 7A-118 III.A.1.2 Upgrade Licensee Emergency Support Facilities 7A-119 III.A.2 Improving Licensee Emergency Preparedness - Long Term 7A-120 III.D.1.1 Integrity of Systems Outside the Containment Likely to Contain Radioactive Material for Pressurized Water Reactors and Boiling Water Reactors 7A-122 III.D.3.3 Improved Inplant Iodine Instrumentation Under Accident Conditions 7A-125 III.D.3.4 Control Room Habitability Requirements 7A-127 SUPPLEMENT 1 to NUREG-0737 S.1 Introduction 7A-132 S.2 Use of Existing Documentation 7A-134 S.3 Coordination and Integration of Initiatives 7A-135 S.4 Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) 7A-139 S.5 Detailed Control Room Design Review 7A-142 S.6 Regulatory Guide 1.97 - Application to Emergency Response Facilities 7A-148 S.7 Upgrade Emergency Operating Procedure (EOPs) 7A-151 S.8 Emergency Response Facilities 7A-153 APPENDIX 7B SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATORY GUIDE 1.97 REVISION 2 7B-1 7B.1 DISCUSSION 7B-2 7B.l.l Planned Versus Unplan ned Operator Actions 7B-3 STPEGS UFSAR TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)

CHAPTER 7 Section Title Page TC 7-6 Revision 13 7B.l.2 Variable Types 7B-3 7B.l.3 Design and Qualification Criteria 7B-4 7B.2 DEFINITION OF VARIABLE TYPES 7B-4 7B.2.l Definitions 7B-4 7B.2.2 Variable Functions 7B-5 7B.3 CRITERIA 7B-6 7B.3.l General Requirements 7B-7 7B.3.2 Equipment Design and Qu alification Criteria 7B-7 7B.3.3 Extended Range Instrumentati on Qualification Criteria 7B-12 7B.4 TYPE A VARIABLES 7B-12 7B.4.l Introduction 7B-12 7B.5 TYPE B VARIABLES 7B-13 7B.5.l Introduction 7B-13 7B.6 TYPE C VARIABLES 7B-13 7B.6.l Introduction 7B-13 7B.7 TYPE D VARIABLE 7B-14 7B.7.l Introduction 7B-14 7B.8 TYPE E VARIABLES 7B-15 7B.8.l Introduction 7B-15 STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF TABLES


Table Title Page TC 7-7 Revision 13 7.1-1 Listing of Applicable Criteria 7.1-23 7.1-2 Plant Comparison 7.1-31 7.1-3 Identification of Designer and Safety - Related Status for Instrumentation and Control Systems 7.1-43 7.2-l List of Reactor Trips 7.2-34 7.2-2 Protection System Interlocks 7.2-37 7.2-3 Reactor Trip System Instrumentation 7.2-39 7.2-4 Reactor Trip Correlation 7.2-41 7.3-2 Instrumentation Operating Condition for Westinghouse ESFAS 7.3-29 7.3-2A Functions/Systems Actuated by Westinghouse ESFAS Signals 7.3-30 7.3-3 Instrument Operating Conditions for Isolation Functions 7.3-31 7.3-4 Interlocks for Engineered Safety Features Actuation System 7.3-33 7.3-5 Safety Injection Actuated Equipment List 7.3-35 7.3-6 Containment Spray Actuated Equipment List 7.3-47 7.3-7 Containment Isolation (Phase A) Actuated Equipment List 7.3-48 7.3-8 Containment Isolation Phase B Actuated Equipment List 7.3-51 7.3-9 Containment Ventilation Isolation Actuated Equipment List 7.3-52 7.3-l0 Steam Line Isolation Actuated Equipment List 7.3-53 7.3-11 Feedwater Isolation Actuated Equipment List 7.3-54 7.3-15 Auxiliary Feedwater Initiation Actuated Equipment List 7.3-57 7.3-16 Sensitivity and Response Times of Radiation Monitors Used for ESFAS 7.3-59 7.3-17 Control Room Envelope HVAC ESFAS Actuated Equipment List 7.3-60 7.3-18 Fuel Handling Building HVAC ESFAS Actuated Equipment List 7.3-62 STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF TABLES (Continued)

CHAPTER 7 Table Title Page TC 7-8 Revision 13 7.4-1 Controls and Monitoring Indicators Located on the Auxiliary Shutdown Panel 7.4-26 7.4-2 Control Located on the Tr ansfer Switch Panels 7.4-34 7.5-1 Post-Accident Monitoring Instrumentation Failure 7.5-18 7.5-4 Modes and Effects Analysis Qualified Display Processing System 7.5-36 7.6-1 RCS Wide Range Pressure Transmitters 7.6-14 7.7-l Plant Control System Interlocks 7.7-27 7.7-2 Boron Concentration Measurement System Specifications 7.7-29 7.A.II.B.2-1 Radiation Source Terms for Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Equipment 7A-37 7.A.II.B.2-2 Post-Accident Ra diation Levels/Doses 7A-38 II.F.1-1 High-Range Noble Gas Effluent Monitors 7A-69 II.F.1-2 Sampling and Analysis or Measurement of High-Range Radioiodine and Particulate Effluents in Gaseous Effluent Streams 7A-72 II.F.1-3 Containment High-Rang e Radiation Monitor 7A-74 S.8-1 Emergency Operation Facility 7A-155 S.8-2 Minimum Staffing Requirements for NRC Licensees for Nuclear Power Plant Emergencies 7A-158 7B.1-1 NUREG-0737 Conformance 7B-16 7B.3-1 Summary of Select ion Criteria 7B-17 7B.3-2 Summary of Design, Qu alification, a nd Interface Requirements 7B-18 7B.4-l Summary of Type A Variables 7B-19 7B.5-1 Summary of Type B Variables 7B-20 7B.6-1 Summary of Type C Variables 7B-22 7B.7-l Summary of Type D Variables 7B-24 7B.8-l Summary of Type E Variables 7B-27 STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 7 Figure Reference Number Title Number TC 7-9 Revision 13 7.1-1 Instrumentation and Control Systems Identification (Sheets 1 through 6) 7.1-2 Reactor Protection System Single Line Diagram 7.1-3 Solid State Protection System Cabinets 7.1-4 SSPS Input Relay Bay 7.2-1 Functional Diagram - Index and Symbols (Sheet 1 of 19) 7.2-2 Functional Diagram - Reactor Trip Signals (Sheet 2 of 19) 7.2-3 Functional Diagram - Nuclear Instruments and Manual Trip Signals (Sheet 3 of 19) 7.2-4 Functional Diagram - Nuclear Instrumentation Permissive and Blocks (Sheet 4 of 19) 7.2-5 Functional Diagram - Primary Coolant System Trip Signals (Sheet 5 of 19) 7.2-6 Functional Diagram - Pressurizer Trip Signals (Sheet 6 of 19) 7.2-8 Functional Diagram - Safeguards Actuation Signals (Sheet 8 of 19) 7.2-7 Functional Diagram - Steam Generator Trip Signals (Sheet 7 of 19) 7.2-9 Functional Diagram - Low Compensated Steamline Pressure Protection (Sheet 9 of 19) 7.2-10 Functional Diagram - Rod Controls and Rod Blocks (Sheet 10 of 19) 7.2-11 Functional Diagram - Steam Dump Control (Sheet 11 of 19)


CHAPTER 7 Figure Reference Number Title Number TC 7-10 Revision 13 7.2-12 Functional Diagram - Pressurizer Pressure and Level Control (Sheet 12 of 19) 7.2-l3 Functional Diagram - Pressurizer Heater Control (Sheet 13 of 19) 7.2-14 Functional Diagram - Feedwater Control and Isolation (Sheet 14 of 19) 7.2-15 Functional Diagram - Feedwater Control and Isolation (Sheet 15 of 19) 7.2-16 Functional Diagram - Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps Startup (Sheet 16 of 19) 7.2-17 Turbine Trip, Runbacks, and Other Signals (Sheet 17 of 19) 7.2-17A Functional Diagram Pre ssurizer Pressure Relief System (Train A) (Sheet 18) 7.2-17B Functional Diagram Pre ssurizer Pressure Relief System (Train B) (Sheet 19) 7.2-18 Setpoint Reduction Function for Safe-Shutdown Separation 7.2-19 Reactor Trip/ESF Actuation Mechanical Linkage 7.3-1 ESF Actuation System Functional Block Diagram 7.3-2 Standard Logic Symbols 5Z01-9-Z-40418#1 5Z01-9-Z-40418#2 5Z01-9-Z-40419#1 5Z01-9-Z-40419#2 7.3-2A RCB Purge Isolation RMS 5Z14-9-Z-41906#1 Logic Diagram System: RA 5Z14-9-Z-41906#2 7.3-3 Safety Injection HHSI & LHSI Pumps 5N12-9-Z-42000#1 STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)

CHAPTER 7 Figure Reference Number Title Number TC 7-11 Revision 13 Logic Diagram 5N12-9-Z-42000#2 7.3-4 RCFC Chilled Water Supply and 5R20-9-Z-42041#1 Return Valves Logic Diagram System: CC 5R20-9-Z-42041#2 7.3-5 RCFC CCW Supply and Retu rn Valves 5R20-9-Z-42042#1 Logic Diagram 5R20-9-Z-42042#2 7.3-6 EAB HVAC Supply Air Fans Logic 5V11-9-Z-41572#1 Diagram System: HE 5V11-9-Z-41572#2 7.3-7 Essential Cooling Water Pumps Logic 5R28-9-Z-42077#1 Diagram System: EW 5R28-9-Z-42077#2 7.3-8 ECW Blowdown Isolation Valve Logic 5R28-9-Z-42083#1 Diagram 5R28-9-Z-42083#2 7.3-9 Containment Spray Pumps Logic 5N10-9-Z-42130#1 Diagram System: CS 5N10-9-Z-42130#2 7.3-11 Sample System Containment Isolation 5Z32-9-Z-41509#1 Valve Logic Diagram 5Z32-9-Z-41509#2 7.3-12 Letdown Isolation Valve Logic 5R17-9-Z-42410#1 Diagram System: CV 5R17-9-Z-42410#2 7.3-13 Rad. Equip. & Floor Drn. Sump Outside 5Q06-9-Z-42318#1 Containment Isolation Valve Logic 5Q06-9-Z-42318#2 Diagram System: ED 7.3-14 CCW Common Header Isolation Valves 5R20-9-Z-42046#1 Logic Diagram 5R20-9-Z-42046#2 7.3-15 CCW RCPs Containment Isolation 5R20-9-Z-42059#1 Logic Diagram 5R20-9-Z-42059#2 7.3-l6 RCB HVAC Supplementary Containment 5V14-9-Z-41644#1 Purge Isolation Valves Logic Diagram 5V14-9-Z-41644#2 7.3-l7 Containment Atmosphere Rad. Monitor 5Z14-9-Z-41911#1 STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)

CHAPTER 7 Figure Reference Number Title Number TC 7-12 Revision 13 Isolation Valves Logic Diagram 5Z14-9-Z-41911#2 7.3-l8 Main Steam Isolation Valves Logic 5S10-9-Z-40076#1 Diagram System: MS 5S10-9-Z-40076#2 7.3-19 Feedwater Control Valve Logic Diagram 5S13-9-Z-40112#1 5S13-9-Z-40112#2 7.3-20 Logic Diagram Main Feedwater 5S13-9-Z-40116#l Isolation Valves System: FW 5S13-9-Z-40116#2 7.3-21 Motor Driven AFW Pu mp Logic 5S14-9-Z-40131#1 Diagram System: AF 5S14-9-Z-40131#2 7.3-21A Logic Diagram AFW Tu rbine Steam 5S14-9-Z-40132#1 Inlet Valve System: AF 5S14-9-Z-40132#2 7.3-21B AFW to Steam Genera tor Regulating 5S14-9-Z-40140#1 Valve Logic Diagram System: AF 5S14-9-Z-40140#2 7.3-22 Typical ESF Test Circuits 7.3-23 Safeguards Test Cabinet - Typical Protection Actuation Circuit Blocking 7.3-24 Control Room Envelope HVAC ESFAS 5Z10-9-Z-42124#1 Logic Diagram 5Z10-9-Z-42124#2 7.3-25 Control Room Envelope HVAC Makeup 5V11-9-Z-41571#1 Air Fans Logic Diagram System: HE 5V11-9-Z-41571#2 7.3-26 Control Room Cleanup Unit Filter 5V11-9-Z-41595#1 Return Air Damper Logic Diagram 5V11-9-Z-41595#2 7.3-27 Fuel Handling Buildi ng HVAC ESFAS 5Z10-9-Z-42125#1 Logic Diagram System: SP 5Z10-9-Z-42125#2 7.3-28 FHB HVAC Exhaust Fans Logic Diagram 5V12-9-Z-41601#1 5V12-9-Z-41601#2 7.3-29 FHB HVAC Exhaust Air Bypass Line 5V12-9-Z-41617#1 Dampers Logic Diagram System: HF 5V12-9-Z-41617#2


CHAPTER 7 Figure Reference Number Title Number TC 7-13 Revision 13 7.4-1 Logic Diagram Main Steam Line PORVs 5S10-9-Z-40079#1 System: MS 5S10-9-Z-40079#2 7.4-2 Reactor Coolant Pressurizer Heater 5R14-9-Z-42151#1 Backup Group 1A & 1B Logic Diagram 5R14-9-Z-42151#2 7.4-3 Centrifugal Charging Pu mps Logic 5R17-9-Z-42400#1 Diagram System: CV 5R17-9-Z-42400#2 7.4-4 Boric Acid Transfer Pumps Logic 5R17-9-Z-42401#1 Diagram System: CV 5R17-9-Z-42401#2 7.4-6 Equipment Layout ZLP-100 Auxiliary Shutdown Panel 5Z34-9-Z-44511 7.4-7 Equipment Layout ZLP-100 Auxiliary Shutdown Panel 5Z34-9-Z-44512 7.4-8 Transfer Switch Panel, ZLP-653 Train A Equipment Layout EAB at El. 10'-0" 4Z35-9-Z-44535 7.4-9 Transfer Switch Panel, ZLP-654 Train B Equipment Layout 4Z35-9-Z-44537 7.4-10 Transfer Switch Panel, ZLP-655 Train C Equipment Layout 4Z35-9-Z-44533 7.4-11 Transfer Switch Panel, ZLP-700 4Z35-1-Z-44536 Train A Equipment Layout EAB at 4Z35-2-Z-44536 10'-0" El.

7.4-12 Transfer Switch Panel, ZLP-701 Train B Equipment Layout EAB at El. 35'-0" 4Z35-9-Z-44532 7.4-13 Transfer Switch Panel, ZLP-709 4Z35-1-Z-44534 Train C Equipment Layout EAB at 4Z35-2-Z-44534 60'-0" El.

7.5.6-1 Qualified Display Processing System


CHAPTER 7 Figure Reference Number Title Number TC 7-14 Revision 13 Block Diagram 7.5.6-2 QDPS Display Consolidation Instrument Loops 7.5.6-3 QDPS Fire Protected Instrument Loops 7.5.7-1 ICS-ERFDADS Subsystem Conceptual Interconnection Diagram 7.6-2 RHR Inlet Isolation Valves Logic 5R16-9-Z-42182#1 Diagram System: RH 5R16-9-Z-42182#2 7.6-3 Accumulator Discharge Is olation Valves 5N12-9-Z-42028#1 Logic Diagram System: SI 5N12-9-Z-42028#2 5N12-9-Z-42029#1 5N12-9-Z-42029#2 7.6-4 SI Pump Recirculation Valves Logic 5N12-9-Z-42002#1 Diagram System: SI 5N12-9-Z-42002#2 7.6-5 Containment Sump Isol ation Valves 5N12-9-Z-42001#1 Logic Diagram System: SI 5N12-9-Z-42001#2 7.6-6 SI RWST Outlet Valves Logic Diagram 5N12-9-Z-42004#1 System: SI 5N12-9-Z-42004#2 7.6-7 P&ID Containment Hydrogen Monitoring 5Z16-9-Z-00046#1 System 5Z16-9-Z-00046#2 7.6-9 Functional Logic Diagram for Switch-over to Recirculation Showing Lo-Lo RWST Level Automatic Actuation Signal 7.6-10 Logic Diagram SIS Hot Leg Injection 5N12-9-Z-42005#1 Isolation Valves System: SI 5N12-9-Z-42005#2 7.6-11 Residual Heat Removal Pumps Logic 5R16-9-Z-42180#1 Diagram System: RH 5R16-9-Z-42180#2 7.6-12 VCT Outlet Isolation Valve Logic 5R17-9-Z-42415#1 Diagram System: CV 5R17-9-Z-42415#2 STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)

CHAPTER 7 Figure Reference Number Title Number TC 7-15 Revision 13 7.6-13 RWST to Charging Pump Valve Logic 5R17-9-Z-42414#1 Diagram System: CV 5R17-9-Z-42414#2 7.6-15 Seal Water Injection Isolation 5R17-9-Z-42413#1 Valves Logic Diagram System: CV 5R17-9-Z-42413#2 7.6-16 Letdown Stop Valves Logic Diagram 5R17-9-Z-42408#1 System: CV 5R17-9-Z-42408#2 7.6-17 Letdown Orifice Isolat ion Valves 5R17-9-Z-42411#1 Logic Diagram System: CV 5R17-9-Z-42411#2 7.6-18 Reactor Coolant Purity Control 5R17-9-Z-42449#1 System Isolation Valves Logic 5R17-9-Z-42449#2 Diagram System: CV 7.6-19 Letdown Orifice Header Isolation 5R17-2-Z-42451 Valve Logic Diagram System: CV 7.7-l Simplified Block Diagram of Reactor Control System 7.7-2 Control Bank Rod Insertion Monitor 7.7-3 Rod Deviation Comparator 7.7-4 Block Diagram of Pressurizer Pressure Control System 7.7-5 Block Diagram of Pressurizer Level Control System 7.7-6 Block Diagram of Steam Generator Water Level Control System 7.7-7 Block Diagram of Main Feedwater Pump Speed Control System 7.7-8 Block Diagram of Steam Dump Control System STPEGS UFSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)

CHAPTER 7 Figure Reference Number Title Number TC 7-16 Revision 13 7.7-9 Basic Flux-Mapping System 7.7-10 Process Schematic for the Boron Concentration Measurement System 7.7-11 Measurement Unit 7.7-12 Source/Detector Assembly 7.7-13 Boron Concentration Measurement System Accuracy Curve Over Normal Operating Range of Boron Concentration 7.7-14 Simplified Block Diagram Rod Control System 7.7-15 Control Bank D Partial Simplified Diagram Power Cabinets 1BD & 2BD 7.8-1 Simplified AMSAC Block Diagram 7.8-2 Composite AMSAC Logi c Diagram (2 sheets) 7A.II.F.1-1 Containment Water Level Sensor Locations 7A.II.F.2-1 Core Exit Thermocouple System 7A.II.F.2-2 Core Subcooling Margin System 7A.II.F.2-3 Reactor Vessel Water Level Instrumentation 7A.II.G.1-1 Reactor Coolant Pressurizer Power 5R14-9-Z-42160#1 Relief Valves Logic Diagram 5R14-9-Z-42160#2 System: RC 7A.II.G.1-2 Reactor Coolant Pressurizer Relief 5R14-9-Z-42155#1 Isolation Valves Logic Diagram 5R14-9-Z-42155#2 System: RC


CHAPTER 7 Figure Reference Number Title Number TC 7-17 Revision 13 7A.S.8-1 Technical Support Center (TSC)

Location 7A.S.8-2 TSC and Control Room Location EAB Elevation 7A.S.8-3 TSC Location EAB 7A.S.8-4 TSC Floor Plan El. 72 ft 7A.S.8-5 Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)

Location 7A.S.8-6 EOF - Nuclear Training Facility Layout