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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20055E3406 July 1990Forwards Application for Renewal of Plant NPDES Permit
ML20055F24412 July 1990Forwards Response to SALP Evaluation for Jan 1989 - Mar 1990 Re Maint/Surveillance.Util Plans to Improve Performance in Areas of Operation Through Commitment of Support from Nuclear Div Mgt & Personal Involvement of Corporate Mgt
ML20055F2966 July 1990Forwards Addl Info Re ATWS Mitigating Sys Actuation Circuitry
ML20055F69113 July 1990Responds to Generic Ltr 90-04, Request for Info on Status of Implementation of Generic Safety Issues Resolved W/ Imposition of Requirements or Corrective Actions
ML20055F81613 July 1990Advises of New Addressee for Nrc/Util Correspondence
ML20055F87916 July 1990Forwards 1989 Annual Repts for Portland General Corp,Eugene Water & Electric Board & Pacific Power & Light Co
ML20055G71320 July 1990Comments on Operator Licensing Exams Administered on 900717
ML20055G71419 July 1990Responds to NRC Bulletin 90-001, Loss of Fill-Oil in Transmitters Mfg by Rosemount. Plant Has Four Rosemount Model 1153DD6 Differential Pressure Transmitters Installed to Associated Logics for Safety Injection
ML20055J34226 July 1990Forwards Decommissioning Financial Assurance Certification Rept for Plant,Per 10CFR50.75.Certifies That Finanical Assurance Utilizing Methodology as Listed Will Be Available to Decommission Plant
ML20056A15531 July 1990Forwards Updated Response to Address Maint/Surveillance Area of SALP for Period from Jan 1989 - Mar 1990.Overall Plant Performance During Period Acceptable & Found to Be Directed Toward Safe Operation
ML20056C33013 May 1993Forwards Comments Received by Util from State of or & Columbia County on Permanently Defueled Emergency Plan & Util Responses to Comments.Incomplete NUREG-0396 Re Planning Basis for Development of Emergency Plans Encl
ML20056C5694 March 1993FOIA Request for Documents Re Petition of States of or & Wa for Rulemaking on Classification of high-level Radwaste at Defense Processing Facilities & Exam Program Info for Trojan
ML20056C69812 July 1993Identifies Apparent Error in Invoice XT0291-93.Pending Resolution,Util Will Withhold Payment of Disputed Amount. Requests That Interest Be Waived
ML20056F69518 August 1993Forwards Comments on Info Notice 93-025, Electrical Penetration Assembly Degradation for Clarification
ML20056F89826 August 1993Forwards Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data Rept for Period Jan-June 1993Fitness for Duty
ML20056F99126 August 1993Forwards Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept Jan- June 1993 & Rev 9 to Odcm
ML20056G05126 August 1993Forwards Revised Portions of 1988-92 Annual Repts,Reflecting Corrected Values in Solid Waste & Irradiated Fuel Shipments Tables
ML20056G89331 August 1993Forwards 1992 Annual Financial Repts of Portland General Corp,Eugene Water & Electric Board & Pacific Power & Light Co (Pacificorp)
ML20057B31814 September 1993Forwards Table Identifying Changes Agreed Upon by Util & NRC During 930908 Telcon Re Util 930309 Request for Exemption from 10CFR50 Requirements for Emergency Planning
ML20057C76023 September 1993Forwards PGE-1008, Trojan Nuclear Plant Permanently Defueled Emergency Plan, for Sept 1993
ML20057D45428 September 1993Resubmits Proposed Rev to PGE-8010, Nuclear QA Program..., Reflecting Removal of Refs to long-term Organization, Including Independent Review & Audit Committee & Addition of Wording to Section 3.2,as Requested in NRC
ML20057D67230 September 1993Forwards Rev 40 to PGE-1017, Trojan Nuclear Plant Security Plan (Defueled Condition). Plan Withheld,Per 10CFR73.21
ML20057D77030 September 1993Forwards Rev 0 to PGE-1060, Trojan Nuclear Plant Permanently Defueled Emergency Plan & Permanently Defueled Epips,Including Rev 0 to EPIP 1,Rev 0 to EPIP 2,Rev 0 to EPIP 3,Rev 0 to EPIP 4,Rev 0 to EPIP 5 & Rev 0 to EPIP 6
ML20058B19322 October 1990Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-344/90-23.Response Withheld
ML20058B92515 November 1993Requests Cancellation of Commitments Made,Based on Assumption of Continued Operation,Done to Permanent Shutdown of Plant
ML20058C20626 October 1990Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted During Insp of License NPF-1.Corrective Actions:Operational Procedures Reviewed
ML20058D09022 July 1982Forwards Safety Evaluation Re Degradation of RCS Thermal Sleeves.Resumption of Power Operation Scheduled for 820815. Timely Review of Info Requested
ML20058D63629 October 1990Forwards ...Cycle 13 Startup & Power Escalation Physics Testing Rept & BAW-2098, Irradiation of Four 17x17 Mark-BW Lead Assemblies in Trojan,Cycle 13 Design Rept
ML20058D88723 July 1982Requests Relief from Inservice Testing of Pumps & Valves Based on Requirements in Section Xi,Winter 1980 Addenda to 1980 Edition of ASME Boiler & Pressure Code.Request Does Not Include Valves Which Cannot Be Full Stroke Exercised
ML20058F30431 October 1990Advises That Complete Verification & Issuance of Amend 14 to FSAR Expected by 901115,in Response to Notice of Violation
ML20058H13529 July 1982Forwards Plot Indicating Total Peaking Factor Supporting 820510 Lca 87,per M Chatterton Request
ML20058H77130 July 1982Provides Schedule for Util Response to NUREG-0737,Item II.B.3, Post-Accident Sampling Sys. Response to Criteria 1 Through 11 Will Be Provided by 821130.Post-accident Sampling Sys Completion Expected by 830701
ML20058J00230 November 1993Comments on Upcoming Public Meeting & Schedule for State Decommissioning Rules
ML20058K48930 June 1990Discusses Reduced Min Measured RCS Flow for Plant.Encl Figure 3.2-3 & Evaluation Support Operation W/No Tech Spec Setpoint Changes
ML20058L15826 August 1993Forwards Objectives & Limitations for Trojan Emergency Plan 1993 Annual Exercise
ML20058M34328 September 1993Responds to GL 89-10,Suppl 5 Re NRC Request for Notification of Diagnostic Equipment Used to Confirn Size or Establish Settings for MOVs
ML20058M7863 August 1990Forwards Monthly Operating Rept for Jul 1990.W/o Encl
ML20058M89231 July 1990Forwards Draft Remedial Drill Rept, for Review & Comments
ML20058N89216 December 1993Informs That Due to Permanent Shutdown of Plant,Commitment Made on Assumption of Continued Operation Cancelled. Description of Commitment Encl
ML20058P26218 October 1993Documents Transmittal of PGE-1012, Trojan Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Program on 930930Fire Protection Program