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 Start dateSiteTitle
05000219/LER-1982-023, Forwards LER 82-023/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl20 May 1982Oyster CreekForwards LER 82-023/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl
05000219/LER-1982-033, Forwards LER 82-033/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl13 July 1982Oyster CreekForwards LER 82-033/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl
05000219/LER-1983-003, Forwards LER 83-003/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl15 February 1983Oyster CreekForwards LER 83-003/03L-0.Detailed Event Analysis Encl
05000219/LER-2007-0017 January 2007Oyster CreekAutomatic Reactor Scram Following Trip of Reactor Feed Pump
05000220/FIN-2018001-0131 March 2018 23:59:59Nine Mile PointPotential Failure to Submit an 8-Hour Event Notification for a Valid Actuation of HPC
05000220/LER-2010-00110 November 2010Docket NumberReactor Scram Due to Inadequate Post Maintenance Testing
05000237/FIN-2005014-0131 March 2006 23:59:59DresdenFailure to properly evaluate extended power uprate for its impact on post-scram reactor vessel water level to prevent water intrusion into the HPCI steam supply line
05000237/FIN-2013002-0231 March 2013 23:59:59DresdenDeficiency In Abnormal Operating Procedures for Site Response to External Flooding Events
05000237/LER-2015-001DresdenUnit 2 Scram due to Feedwater Level Control Issues
05000245/LER-1979-036, Forwards LER 79-036/03L-018 January 1980MillstoneForwards LER 79-036/03L-0
05000254/LER-1993-01224 August 1993Quad CitiesLER 93-012-00:on 930726,light Socket Shorted Out When Operator Reset HPCI Logic Power.Caused by Short Circuit in Light Socket.Light Socket & Blown Fuses replaced.W/930824 Ltr
05000254/LER-2014-00515 December 2014Quad CitiesMain Control Room Door Unable to Close Causes Loss of Control Room Envelope Boundary
05000254/LER-2015-00727 May 2015Quad CitiesLoss of Main Control Room Envelope Boundary Due to Damper Inspection
05000259/FIN-2013004-0530 September 2013 23:59:59Browns FerryReactor Vessel Water Level 1 Initiation Logic Including the Common Accident Logic Not Evaluated for Appendix R Fire Event
05000260/LER-2005-00313 April 2005Browns FerryReactor Protection System Actuation from Scram Discharge Volume High Level while Shutdown
05000260/LER-2009-00729 September 2009Browns FerryManual Scram During Removal of a Reactor Feedwater Pump from Service
05000260/LER-2009-00830 September 2009Browns FerryReactor Core Isolation Cooling System Inoperable Longer Than Allowed By the Plant's Technical Specifications
05000260/LER-2010-003Browns FerryReactor Scram Due to Closure of the Main Steam Isolation Valves and Subsequent Invalid RPS Scram From The Intermediate Range Monitoring System
05000263/FIN-2006009-0230 June 2006 23:59:59MonticelloFailure to Perform a 50.59 Evaluation
05000263/FIN-2011002-0431 March 2011 23:59:59MonticelloLicensee-Identified Violation
05000263/FIN-2015002-0730 June 2015 23:59:59MonticelloOperations with a Potential to Drain the Reactor Vessel (OPDRV) Without Secondary Containment Operable
05000263/LER-2001-00519 February 2001Docket Number
05000263/LER-2001-009Docket NumberConstruction Error Results in Failure to Perform Periodic
05000263/LER-2004-003Docket Number
05000263/LER-2015-00314 May 2015Monticello1 of 4
05000263/LER-2015-0053 August 2015Monticello1 of 4
05000271/FIN-2010008-0131 December 2010 23:59:59Vermont YankeeFire Scenario Resulting in Loss of Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System
05000271/LER-2011-00116 February 2011Vermont YankeeInoperability of High Pressure Coolant Injection System due to Failure to Follow Procedures
05000277/LER-2005-001Unit 2 Automatic Scram due to Incorrect Assumptions when Aborting a Main Turbine Test
05000293/FIN-2017002-0230 June 2017 23:59:59PilgrimReporting of Unplanned Scrams with Complications Performance Indicator for Feedwater Regulating Valve Scram
05000293/LER-1993-02023 August 1993PilgrimLER 93-020-00:on 930726,plant Personnel Found Anticipated Transient Without Scram Div 1 Pressure Transmitters Valved Out of Svc.Caused by Lack of Procedural Clarity.Personnel Revised procedure.W/930823 Ltr
05000293/LER-1998-017, Forwards LER 98-017-00 Re Performance of Incomplete Surveillance for Reactor Water Level Instrument Channels. Action Being Taken to Preclude Recurrence,Listed12 August 1998PilgrimForwards LER 98-017-00 Re Performance of Incomplete Surveillance for Reactor Water Level Instrument Channels. Action Being Taken to Preclude Recurrence,Listed
05000293/LER-2001-00321 April 2001
05000293/LER-2003-00121 February 2003
05000293/LER-2004-004Docket Number
05000293/LER-2006-001Docket Number
05000293/LER-2007-001Docket Number
05000293/LER-2008-003Docket Number
05000293/LER-2008-006PilgrimAutomatic Scram Resulting From Switchyard Breaker Fault During Winter Storm 05000
05000293/LER-2013-0038 February 2013PilgrimLoss of Off-Site Power Events Due to Winter Storm Nemo
05000293/LER-2016-0076 September 2016
4 November 2016
PilgrimManual Reactor Scram Due To Feedwater Regulating Valve Malfunction
LER 16-007-00 for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Regarding Manual Reactor Scram Due To Feedwater Regulating Valve Malfunction
05000296/LER-2009-001Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 3Reactor Scram Due to Loss of Condensate Booster Pumps
05000296/LER-2014-0032 June 2014Browns Ferry1 of 7
05000298/FIN-2009005-1531 December 2009 23:59:59CooperLicensee-Identified Violation
05000298/FIN-2014005-0231 December 2014 23:59:59CooperImplementation of Enforcement Guidance Memorandum 11-003, Revision 2, Causes Conditions Prohibited by Technical Specifications