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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20196J5661 July 1999Notification of 990714 Meeting with OPPD & CE in Rockville, Maryland to Discuss Staff Concerns with OPPD PTLR Submittal & CEOG Topical Rept CE NPSD-683
ML20196J7728 March 1988Notification of 880315 Enforcement Meeting W/Licensee in Region IV to Discuss Missing Electrical Conduit Fire Barriers & Health Physics Related IssuesFire Barrier
ML20198C40722 June 1990Requests That NRR Review Basis of TS 2.16 to Determine If Basis Represents Nonconservative Approach to Safe Plant OperationEarthquake
ML20198E20930 December 1997Requests Attached 4 Pages Be Placed in Docket File & Pdr. Suppl to 961120 Application to Amend Fort Calhoun License & Tss.Document Faxed Concurrence of License Commitment Re Relocation of Certain TS Requirements
ML20198M30731 December 1998Notification of 990114 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Fort Calhoun Station Radiological Consequences Improvement Program Issues & Implementation
ML20198Q24631 October 1997Notification of 971113 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Issues Related to FCS Fire Protection Improvements, USAR Verification & OPPD Proposal for Submitting Substantial TS Changes in Lieu of Coverting to Std TS
ML20199F50824 March 1986Forwards Schedule for Four Emergency Response Facility (ERF) Appraisals,Per 851003 Memo.Erf Appraisals Will Be Conducted Using Existing Procedure.Draft Ltr to Inform Licensees within 40 Days of Planned ERF Appraisal Also Encl
ML20199H25324 November 1997Forwards Signed Original of Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC-licensed Activities (Effective Immediately) Fs Bandy,For Transmittal to Ofc of Fr for Publication.W/O Encl
ML20199J0181 July 1986Notification of Significant Enforcement Conference on 860710 W/Util in Arlington,Tx to Discuss NRC Safety Sys Outage Mod Findings,Per Insp Repts 50-285/85-22 & 50-285/85-29.Proposed Agenda Encl
ML20202F4998 April 1986Notification of 860411 Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util in Region IV Ofc to Discuss Enforcement Options.Proposed Agenda Encl
ML20203F74623 February 1998Notification of 980309 Meeting W/Util in Arlington,Tx to Discuss Switchyard Mods at FCS
ML20203G63528 July 1986Forwards Potential Enforcement Findings Identified During Safety Insp & Evaluations of Licensee 860415 & 0522 Responses to Insp Repts 50-285/85-22 & 50-285/85-29.Proposed Ltr to Licensee Also EnclFire Barrier
Battery sizing
Continuous fire watch
ML20204H3714 August 1986Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting on 860807 W/Util in Arlington,Tx to Discuss NRC Safety Sys Outage Mod Insp Findings Noted in Insp Repts 50-285/85-22 & 50-285/85-29.Proposed Agenda Encl
ML20204J02219 March 1999Notification of 990419 Meeting with Omaha Public Power District to Discuss Results of Plant Performance Review Completed on 990211
ML20205H0068 August 1986Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting on 860822 W/ Util at Region IV to Conduct Enforcement Conference.Meeting Agenda Encl
ML20205N17412 April 1999Notification of Revised Licensee Meeting with Util on 990419 to Discuss Results of PPR Completed 990211.New Location of Meeting Will Be in Visiting Inspector room,2nd Floor at Fort Calhoun Station,Admin Bldg,Fort Calhoun,Ne
ML20206D2349 November 1988Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting on 881118 W/Util in Region IV Ofc for Util Presentation of Safety Enhancement Program (Integrated Program Schedule)
ML20207B8761 August 1988Notification of 880825 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Response to Third Party Mgt Assessment
ML20207B98425 July 1988Notification of 880728 Meeting W/Util in Region IV to Discuss Annual Emergency Response Exercise Rept 50-285/88-20 Findings
ML20207C83828 July 1988Notification of 880817 Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util in Region IV to Discuss Util Presentation of Planned Actions in Response to Stone & Webster Independent Mgt Assessment
ML20207D23512 August 1983Discusses 830202 Ie/Regional Safe Shutdown Insp Program Coordination Meeting.Another Meeting Will Be Held Subsequent to Initial Safe Shutdown Insps Planned for Latter Half of FY83Safe Shutdown
ML20207D32528 May 1999Notification of 990617 Meeting with Util in Blair,Nebraska to Inform Public of NRC Plans for Implementing Risk Informed Baseline Insp Pilot Program at Fort Calhoun Station
ML20207G4242 June 1999Notification of 990630 Meeting with Util in Fort Calhoun, Nebraska to Discuss Miscellaneous Management Topics & Plant Status
ML20207L7182 March 1999Notification of 990318 Meeting with OPPD in Rockville, Maryland to Discuss OPPD NPSH Calculation Used to Support Fort Calhoun Station USAR Change to Take Credit for Containment Overpressure or Sump Subcooling
ML20209C00416 February 1983Reviews Technical Review Rept, Postulated Loss of Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Resulting from Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Steam Supply Line Rupture. Justification Needed to Have Steam & Electric Pumps in Same Room or Space
ML20210F69827 July 1999Discusses 990430 Request for Waiver of 10CFR170 Fees for Certain Insp Efforts Re NRR Pilot Regulatory Oversight Program.Determined That Thirteen Plants in Pilot Program Will Be Exempted from 10CFR170 Fees for Insp Efforts
ML20210F70230 April 1999Requests Waiver of Fees for Thirteen Dockets That Compromise Plant Population for NRR Pilot Regulatory Oversight Program. Purposes of Pilot Program Described in Commission Papers SECY-99-007 & SECY-99-007A
ML20210J0955 August 1997Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Gfes of Written Operator Licensing Exam at Facility on 971008.Requests That Listing of Names of Candidates for Exam Be Submitted to Listed Individuals by 970908Generic Fundamentals Examination
ML20210J9722 August 1999Notification of 990817 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Util Radiological Consequences Improvement Program Implementation,Program Impact on Util Response to GL 99-02 & Alternate Course of Action to Requirements Discussed in GL
ML20210N88021 August 1997Notification of Licensee Meeting W/Util on 970924 in Blair, Ne to Discuss Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance. Meeting Open to Attendance by Members of General PublicSystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20210T2931 October 1986Forwards Draft SALP Input for Mar 1985 - Sept 1986,for Review & Input.All Comments Received by 861010 Will Be Considered in Final ReptSafe Shutdown
Unanalyzed Condition
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Exemption Request
Control of Heavy Loads
ML20211B77514 October 1986Forwards NRR SALP Input for Mar-Sept 1986,including Detailed Review of Licensing Activities & Supporting Data & SummariesSafe Shutdown
Unanalyzed Condition
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Exemption Request
Control of Heavy Loads
ML20211H44427 August 1999Notification of Significant Meeting with Util on 990916 & 17 in Arlington,Tx to Improve Utility & NRC Understanding of Industry & Regulatory Perspectives on Current Issues
ML20213G81213 May 1987Notification of 870514 Enforcement Conference Meeting W/Util at Region IV Re Recent Findings in Areas of Welding & Maint Activities.Agenda Encl
ML20214C24313 February 1986Notification of 860226 & 27 Meetings W/Util in Omaha,Ne to Discuss Analysis & Disposition of Human Engineering Discrepancies Associated W/Spds.Tentative Meeting Agenda Encl
ML20214M13826 May 1987Provides Enforcement Guidance to Regions for Issues Re Control Room Habitability/Control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys Deficiencies.Summary of Plants Reviewed & Documents Describing Findings Encl
ML20214R85728 November 1986Requests Fr Publication of Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amend to License DPR-40 & Proposed NSHC Determination & Opportunity for Hearing on 861105 Request to Incorporate Revs to Surveillance for Steam Generator Insp
ML20214W6944 December 1986Notification of 861217 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Vibration Monitoring of Facility Thermal Shield
ML20217A98130 October 1999Forwards Sept 1999 Performance Indicator Data Rept for Revised Reactor Oversight Process Pilot Program.Rept Includes Data Through Aug 1999 (two-thirds of 3rd Quarter of 1999) for 13 Units at 9 Pilot Sites
ML20217B43122 September 1997Notification of 971007 Predecisional Enforcement Conference W/Util in Arlington,Tx to Discuss Disabling of Containment Spray Sys
ML20217K32528 April 1998Notification of 980505 Meeting W/Nebraska Public Power District in Arlington,Tx to Discuss Current Operations Dept Issues
ML20217M05214 August 1997Informs That Operator Licensing Exams Administered on 970414-0506 at Fort Calhoun,Unit 1.Listed Info for Processing Through Nudocs & Distribution to NRC Staff Including NRC PDR Also Encl
ML20235N59625 March 1971Discusses AEC Plans to Apply New Position Re Means for Providing Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations Following Design Basis LOCA in Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants,Per Regulatory Info Meeting 422 on 700904
ML20235T6257 October 1987Notification of 871015 Enforcement Conference in Region IV Ofc to Review Radiation Protection Program at Plant.Proposed Meeting Agenda Encl
ML20235U2452 March 1989Forwards Periodic Status Rept for 881101-890131.Region IV Plans to Discontinue Issuance of Repts,Per Recipient 890214 MemoSystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
ML20236B69221 October 1987Notification of 871029 Meeting W/Util in Arlington,Tx for Enforcement Conference.Proposed Enforcement Conference Agenda Encl
ML20236D26923 July 1987Concurs W/Civil Penalty 86-176 Related to Licensee Failure to Meet Requirements of 10CFR50.59 in Making Change to Facility
ML20236F47530 July 1987Provides Info Re Status of Issues Re Control Room Habitability Survey of Region IV Plants,Requested During June 1987 Telcon
ML20236J2712 November 1987Notification of 871105 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Corrective Actions That Assure Safe Plant Operation as Result of Water in Air Instrument Sys
ML20236L5816 November 1987Revised Notification of 871113 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Corrective Actions That Assure Safe Plant Operation as Result of Water in Air Instrument Sys