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 Issue dateTitleTopic
L-2012-067, License Amendment Request No. 215, Request for Revision of the License Condition 3.D, Fire Protection28 February 2012License Amendment Request No. 215, Request for Revision of the License Condition 3.D, Fire ProtectionSafe Shutdown
Cyber Security
Fuel cladding
Fire Protection Program
L-2019-088, Subsequent License Renewal Application FPL Comments Regarding the NRC Biological Assessment18 April 2019Subsequent License Renewal Application FPL Comments Regarding the NRC Biological AssessmentSubsequent License Renewal
Power Uprate
L-75-555, Letter Transmitting Addendum to Proposed Amendment to Facility Operating Licenses, Supplements 9/9/1975 Submittal Which Concerned Increase in Nominal System Operating Pressure for Unit 3, Cycle 3, from 1900 Psia to 2100 Psia21 November 1975Letter Transmitting Addendum to Proposed Amendment to Facility Operating Licenses, Supplements 9/9/1975 Submittal Which Concerned Increase in Nominal System Operating Pressure for Unit 3, Cycle 3, from 1900 Psia to 2100 Psia
L-76-201, Letter Submits Proposed Amendment to Facility Operating License with Supplemental Information Submitted as Appendix B of Spent Fuel Storage Facility Modification Safety Analysis Report25 May 1976Letter Submits Proposed Amendment to Facility Operating License with Supplemental Information Submitted as Appendix B of Spent Fuel Storage Facility Modification Safety Analysis ReportSafe Shutdown
L-76-217, Letter Submits Proposed Amendment to Facility Operating License to Replacement of the Words, the Facility in Section 2.F, with the Phrase, Turkey Point Unit Nos. 3 and 422 June 1976Letter Submits Proposed Amendment to Facility Operating License to Replacement of the Words, the Facility in Section 2.F, with the Phrase, Turkey Point Unit Nos. 3 and 4
L-76-225, Letter Submits Proposed Amendment to Facility Operating License to Amend Appendix a Tech Spec, Concerning Cask Handling24 June 1976Letter Submits Proposed Amendment to Facility Operating License to Amend Appendix a Tech Spec, Concerning Cask Handling
L-76-367, Letter Submits Proposed Amendment to Facility Operating License to Amend Appendix a Tech Spec21 October 1976Letter Submits Proposed Amendment to Facility Operating License to Amend Appendix a Tech Spec
L-76-429, Letter Transmitting Proposed Amendment to Facility Operating Licenses, Based on Result of re-evaluation of ECCS Cooling Performance Calculated in Accordance with an Approved Westinghouse Evaluation Model21 December 1976Letter Transmitting Proposed Amendment to Facility Operating Licenses, Based on Result of re-evaluation of ECCS Cooling Performance Calculated in Accordance with an Approved Westinghouse Evaluation ModelShutdown Margin
L-78-292, Letter Submits Request to Amend Appendix a of Facility Operating Licenses DPR-31 & 41, Relates to Surveillance Requirements for Diesel Generator Units Used as Onsite A.C. Power Source at Turkey Point Units 3 & 48 September 1978Letter Submits Request to Amend Appendix a of Facility Operating Licenses DPR-31 & 41, Relates to Surveillance Requirements for Diesel Generator Units Used as Onsite A.C. Power Source at Turkey Point Units 3 & 4
ML01333043626 November 1975Issuance of Amendments 13 and 12, Incorporating Into Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Units 3 and 4 TS Changes to Reporting RequirementsEddy Current Testing
Fuel cladding
ML0133306368 March 1978Turkey Point. Units 3 & 4, License Amendments 34 & 28, Consisting of Changes in Technical Specifications That Add a New K(Z) Curve (Figure 3.2-3a)
ML02030028629 January 2002Amendments, One-Time Extension of the Integrated Leak Rate Testing Interval (TAC Nos.MB3249 and MB3250)Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Large early release frequency
ML02057057621 February 2002Amendment Corporate Officer Title Change (TAC MB2457 and TAC MB2458)
ML02058044212 February 2002Issuance of Amendment Regarding Removal of Site Area and Plant Area Maps from TSs (TAC MB1968 and MB1969)Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML02059027012 February 2002Technical Specification Pages, Turkey Point 3 & 4 Amendment 219 and 213
ML02086056121 March 2002Turke Point 3 & 4 - Amendment to Revise TS to Perform 24 Hours EDG Testing During Power OpertaionSafe Shutdown
High winds
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Large early release frequency
ML0215502736 June 2002Florida Power & Light Company, Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 3 Renewed Facility Operating License No. DRP-31, Enclosure 1Safe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML0215503026 June 2002Florida Power & Light Company, Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 4 Renewed Facility Operating License No. DRP-41, Enclosure 2Safe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML02232048420 August 2002Exigent Technical Specification Amendment No. 216, Control Rod Position Indication SystemShutdown Margin
Anticipated operational occurrence
ML02253000510 September 2002Corrections to Turkey Point Unit 4, Letter, Exigent Technical Specifications Amendment Concerning Control Rod Position Indication SystemShutdown Margin
Anticipated operational occurrence
ML0306201883 March 2003Issuance of Amendments Regarding Missed Surveillance and Adoption of a Technical Specifications Bases Control ProgramEnforcement Discretion
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Missed surveillance
Large early release frequency
ML0306207464 March 2003License Amendment Nos. 223 & 218 Reduction in Decay Time from 100 to 72 HoursUltimate heat sink
Time to boil
Recently irradiated fuel
ML03295000321 October 2003License Amendments 224 & 219 Regarding Administrative Update of Technical SpecificationsBoric Acid
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML04205023022 July 2004License Amendment Nos. 225 & 220 Regarding Revision to TS Surveillance Requirement 4.0.5Incorporated by reference
ML04233023220 August 2004Amendment, Control Rod Position Indication SystemShutdown Margin
Anticipated operational occurrence
Rod Drop Event
ML04309023324 November 2004Amendment, Spent Fuel Pool Cask RacksHigh Radiation Area
Fuel cladding
Power Uprate
ML04312001829 October 2004Administrative Change to Facility Operating License...Safe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML0434803886 January 2005Issuance of License Amendments 227 and 223 Regarding Accident Monitoring Instrumentation Outage TimesProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML0527906526 June 2002Current Facility Operating License DPR-41, Revised 02/14/2020Cyber Security
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Subsequent License Renewal
Fire Protection Program
Dissimilar Metal Weld
ML05349025013 January 2006Amendment, Eliminate MOR and Orer
ML06108059826 May 2006Issuance of License Amendments 229 & 225 Adoption of Technical Specification Task Force TravelersHigh Radiation Area
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Time to boil
Missed surveillance
Process Control Program
ML0626805375 October 2006Issuance of Exigent Amendment 230 Regarding Inoperable Rod Position IndicatorShutdown Margin
Anticipated operational occurrence
Rod Drop Event
ML06347022312 December 2006Issuance of Amendments, Extension of the Intake Cooling Water Pump Allowed Outage TimeUltimate heat sink
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Large early release frequency
ML0709600783 May 2007Administrative Change to Renewed Facility Operating Licenses in Conjunction with the Commission Order EA-06-037 and Revisions to Physical Security Plan, Training and Qualification Plan, and Safeguards Contingency PlanSafe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML07108042427 April 2007Issuance of License Amendments 233 and 228 Regarding Steam Generator Tube Surveillance ProgramPressure Boundary Leakage
ML0713504223 May 2007Administrative Change to Renewed Facility Operating Licenses in Conjunction with Commission Order EA-06-037 & Revisions to Physical Security Plan, Training & Qualification Plan & Safeguards Contingency PlanSafe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML07180019817 July 2007Issuance of License Amendments 234 and 229 Regarding Spent Fuel Pool Boraflex RemedyTime to boil
ML0721205452 August 2007Revised Pages of Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-31 and DPR-41
ML0722002695 September 2007Issuance of Amendments Regarding the Incorporation of New Technical Specification 3.0.6, Administrative Controls
ML0725500152 November 2007License Amendments 236 & 231 Administrative Changes to the Technical Specifications by Incorporating References to the Recently Approved Quality Assurance Topical Report
ML08018046628 January 2008Issuance of Amendments Regarding Technical Specifications, Position Indicating Systems - Operating, to Allow for the Use of an Alternate Method to Monitor Rod Position for a Rod with an Inoperable Analog Rod..Shutdown Margin
Anticipated operational occurrence
Power change
ML08234062930 September 2008Issuance of Amendments Regarding Removing Notes Associated with Amendment Nos. 230 and 221 Regarding an Alternate Method to Monitor Rod Position for a Rod with an Inoperable Analog Rod Position Indication During Specified.Shutdown Margin
Anticipated operational occurrence
ML09105074215 April 2009Issuance of Amendments Regarding Revision of Technical Specifications 3.9.10, Water Level - Reactor VesselShutdown Margin
ML09231043131 August 2009License Amendment, the Amendments Revise the Turkey Point TSs to Eliminate Working-Hour Restrictions from TS 6.8.5 to Support Compliance with Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 26
ML09289063513 November 2009Issuance of Amendment 237 Regarding Implementation Date Change for License Amendments 234 and 229Operability Determination
ML09299048930 October 2009Issuance of Amendments Regarding H*: Alternate Repair Criteriaa for Steam Generator Tubsheet Expansion RegionProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Nondestructive Examination
Finite Element Analysis
ML10021032123 February 2010License Amendments, Removed Structural Integrity Requirements and Technical Specification Improvement to Extend Inspection Interval for Reactor Coolant Pump FlywheelsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Liquid penetrant
Overspeed trip
ML11034006725 February 2011Issuance of Amendments Regarding Technical Specification Changes Related to Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent FuelSafe Shutdown
Unanalyzed Condition
Shutdown Margin
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Control of Heavy Loads
ML11080066623 June 2011Issuance of Amendments Regarding Alternative Source TermSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Packing leak
Anticipated operational occurrence
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
High Energy Line Break
Tornado-Generated Missile
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Design basis earthquake
Stress corrosion cracking
Fuel cladding
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Power change
Power Uprate
Manual Operator Action
Operational leakage
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML11216A05731 October 2011Issuance of Amendments Regarding Fuel Criticality AnalysisPower Uprate