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ML17279B1781 July 1987LER 87-032-00:on 870602,radiation Monitor REM-21WL-3541 Sample Chamber Instead of REM-21WS-354 Drained for Disconnection Leaving Monitor Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedure HPP-495 prepared.W/870701 Ltr
ML17279B2058 March 1988LER 88-006-00:on 880208,emergency Svc Water Sys Declared Inoperable.Caused by Isolation Valve Failures.Valves Repaired & Retested.On 880212,after Concern Raised,Manual Valve Closed,Pending Permanent Design change.W/880308 Ltr
ML18004B7496 April 1987LER 87-011-00:on 870307,auxiliary Bus IE Feeder Breaker 121 Tripped Open,Causing de-energization of Auxiliary Bus IE & Safety Bus 1B-SB.Caused by Procedural Inadequacy.Work Ticket Initiated to Replace diode.W/870406 Ltr
ML18004B76210 April 1987LER 87-012-00:on 870311,turbine & Reactor Trips Occurred During Troubleshooting at Main Turbine Supervisory Control Panel.Turbine Trip Caused by Depressing Test Push Button on Turbine Supervisory Control panel.W/870410 Ltr
ML18004B76510 April 1987LER 87-014-00:on 870314,three Pressure Gauges Installed, Placed in Svc & Opened on Three Drain Lines Whose Isolation Valves Considered Containment Isolation Valves in Violation of Tech Specs.Caused by Personnel error.W/870410 LtrTime of Discovery
ML18004B77010 April 1987LER 87-013-00:on 870313,plant Manually Tripped at 49% Power Due to Loss of Main Feedwater.Caused by High Discharge Pressure Spike of Condensate Booster Pumps.Feedwater Regulating Valves stroked.W/870410 Ltr
ML18004B77217 April 1987LER 87-016-00:on 870323 & 26,turbine Bldg Vent Stack Monitor Declared Inoperable Due to Problems W/Water in Monitor.On 870327,monitor Declared Operable & Lined Up to Sample Stack. Turbine Bldg Vent Stack reinstated.W/870417 Ltr
ML18004B77817 April 1987LER 87-017-00:on 870331,reactor Trip Occurred Due to Steam Flow/Feedwater Flow Mismatch.Caused by Feedwater Control Valve Oscillation.Main Feedwater Regulating Valves Placed in Manual control.W/870421 Ltr
ML18004B78017 April 1987LER 87-015-00:on 870325,noble Gas Grab Sample Not Taken. Caused by Personnel Error.Grab Sample Taken on 870326.Event Reviewed W/Staff & Personnel counseled.W/870417 LtrGrab sample
ML18004B80721 May 1987LER 87-024-00:on 870421,heater Drain Pumps a & B Tripped Due to Low Differential Pressure & Automatic Turbine Runback Initiated.Caused by Oscillating Feedwater Heater Levels.Pump Low Level Trip Setpoint lowered.W/870521 Ltr
ML18004B80822 May 1987LER 87-025-00:on 870422,while Operating at 99% Power,Heater Drain Pump a Tripped from Low Flow Signal.Caused by Failure of Discharge Valve on Pump.Separated Air Connection on Pump Discharge Valve repaired.W/870522 Ltr
ML18004B80920 May 1987LER 87-023-00:on 870420,alternate Miniflow Valves for Charging Safety Injection Pump Found Isolated.Verification of Correct Valve Lineup Unavailable.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedure OP-107 Being revised.W/870520 Ltr
ML18004B81928 May 1987LER 87-029-00:on 870428,snubber Discovered Damaged on Steam Generator Blowdown Sys Piping.Caused by Water Hammer Occurring When Isolation Valve for Line from Containment Opened.Open Stroke Time of Valve Increased.W/Undated LtrStroke time
ML18004B82326 May 1987LER 87-026-00:on 870423 & 24,main Feedwater Pump Tripped & Actuated motor-driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps.Caused by Trip of Condensate Booster Pump.Main Feedwater Restored & Pumps Secured.Control Logic Under evaluation.W/870526 Ltr
ML18004B82926 May 1987LER 87-027-00:on 870426,during Test,Redundant Transmitter Pressurizer Pressure Channels Declared Inoperable.Caused by Two Out of Three Channels Out of Calibr & Reading Low. Channels Recalibr & Test completed.W/870526 Ltr
ML18004B8311 June 1987LER 87-028-00:on 870502,manual Turbine Trip Initiated During Performance of Power Ascension Test Procedure 9108-S-14. Caused by Tandem Trip of Both Heater Drain Pumps.Evaluation of Feedwater Response to Transients continues.W/870601 Ltr
ML18004B85111 June 1987LER 87-030-00:on 870512,Maint Surveillance Tests I0140, I0141 & I0142 for P-12 Interlock Missed Thus Violating Tech Specs Requirements.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedures revised.W/870611 Ltr
ML18004B86223 June 1987LER 87-031-00:on 870524,while Operating at 100% Power,Heater Drain Pump a Tripped.Caused by Failure of Discharge Valve on Heater Drain Pump a Due to Faulty Valve Positioner.Control Valve Positioner repaired.W/870623 Ltr
ML18004B8737 July 1987LER 87-033-00:on 870607,experienced Trouble W/Engine Barring Device Not Rotating Engine as Required Using Plant Svc Air. Caused by Low Plant Svc Air Pressure.Mod Installed Attaching Engine Barring Device to Starting Air Tank air.W/870707 Lt
ML18004B87813 July 1987LER 87-035-00:on 870617,reactor Coolant Pump C Tripped, Resulting in Reactor Trip Due to Low Flow in Reactor Coolant Loop C.Caused by Physical Contact W/Bus Encl.Program to Check & Drain Steam Supply Lines initiated.W/870713 LtrOverspeed trip
ML18004B87913 July 1987LER 87-034-00:on 870611,air Leakage by Inner & Outer Doors of Personnel Air Lock Excessive.Caused by Flat Spots on O-ring Seal.Seals on Inner & Outer Doors Replaced & Procedure OMM-001 revised.W/870713 Ltr
ML18004B88220 July 1987LER 87-036-00:on 870621,air Roll of 1A-SA Diesel Engine Not Performed within 4 to 8 H After Engine Shutdown.Caused by Marking in Test Procedure Step as Not Applicable.Engine Air Rolled.No Accumulation of Water detected.W/870720 Ltr
ML18004B88317 July 1987LER 87-037-00:on 870621,manual Reactor Trip Initiated from 30% Power After Operating Main Feedwater Train Tripped. Caused by Failed Open Feedwater Pump Recirculation Valve. Circuit Repaired & Plant Returned to svc.W/870717 Ltr
ML18004B88420 July 1987LER 87-039-00:on 870619,intermediate Range (IR) High Neutron Flux Trip Setpoint Found Out of Calibr.Caused by Previous Adjustment to IR Setpoints.New Scaling Currents for 25% Trip Incorporated Into Applicable procedures.W/870720 Ltr
ML18004B88522 July 1987LER 87-038-00:on 870622,high Steam Generator Water Level Turbine Trip & Main Feedwater Isolation Actuated Automatic Reactor Trip on Interlock.Caused by Sudden Increase in Electrical Load.Precautionary Measures taken.W/870722 Ltr
ML18004B88622 July 1987LER 87-011-01:on 870307,breaker Tripped Open Causing de-energization of Auxiliary Bus 1E.Caused by Procedural Inadequacy.Defective PIC Card in Power Supply to LT-112 Relay Replaced & Procedure revised.W/870722 Ltr
ML18004B89930 July 1987LER 87-040-00:on 870630,discovered That Surveillance Interval for Calorimetric Exceeded.Caused by Personnel Error.Night Order Issued Instructing Personnel on Importance of Performing surveillances.W/870730 Ltr
ML18004B90017 August 1987LER 87-045-00:on 870716,RCS Pressure Fell Below Accumulator Pressure,Initiating Partial Injection of All Three Accumulators.Caused by Reactor Operator Error.Operating Shift Disciplined & Procedure revised.W/870814 Ltr
ML18004B91220 August 1987LER 87-046-00:on 870722,main Feedwater Pump B Tripped Due to Low Flow Resulting in Automatic Start of Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps.Caused by Loose Linkage on Recirculation Valve Due to Vibration.Valve Repaired.Procedures changed.W/870820 Ltr
ML18004B9243 September 1987LER 87-041-00:on 870804,restoration Alignment on Clearance for Placing Dryer 1B Back Into Svc Incorrect.Caused by Personnel Error.Valve Lineup for Instrument Air Dryer 1B Put Into Correct configuration.W/870903 Ltr
ML18004B9254 September 1987LER 87-047-00:on 870804-05,auxiliary Feedwater Actuations Occurred Due to Trips of Main Feedwater Pump 1A.Caused by Discharge Pressure Switches Out of Calibr.Discharge Pressure Switches recalibr.W/870904 Ltr
ML18004B93610 September 1987LER 87-048-00:on 870811,failure to Take 9:30 Am Reading of Axial Flux Difference (Afd) as Required by Tech Specs Discovered.Caused by Personnel Error.Operator Disciplined. Addl Guidance Being Provided to operators.W/870910 LtrMissed surveillance
ML18004B94421 September 1987LER 87-043-00:on 870820,discovered That Six Manual Isolation Valves Not Included in Operations Surveillance Test OST-1029.Caused by Personnel Error.Test Revised to Include Valves in Monthly Verification of position.W/870921 Ltr
ML18004B95030 September 1987LER 87-052-00:on 870831,containment Integrity Violated. Caused by Personnel Error Due to Communication Breakdown.Pa Sys & Procedures Being Reviewed for Improvement & Door Operator Being Stationed at door.W/870930 Ltr
ML18004B95430 September 1987LER 87-050-00:on 870830,RCS Unidentified Leakage Exceeded 1 Gallon Per Minute & on 870831 Insp Showed Evidence of Minor Leaks Due to Normal Wear.Caused by Equipment Failure. Valve Packing Repairs initiated.W/870930 LtrPacking leak
Unidentified leakage
Unidentified leak
ML18004B96715 October 1987LER 87-054-00:on 870915,determined That More Limiting Single Failure Might Exist & on 870916,two Addl Potential Failure Modes Identified & Plant Shut Down.Caused by Design Error. Solid State Protection Sys modified.W/871015 LtrUnanalyzed Condition
Time of Discovery
ML18004B96819 October 1987LER 87-055-00:on 870917,containment Integrity & Tech Spec,Action a Violated.Caused by Personnel Error. Personnel Being Trained on Proper Use of Containment Personnel Access doors.W/871019 Ltr
ML18004B96926 October 1987LER 87-056-00:on 870924,reactor Tripped Due to Deenergization of P-13 Permissive Bistable.Caused by Personnel Error Due to Insufficient Instructions.Procedure for Mod Implementation revised.W/871026 Ltr
ML18005A18328 October 1987LER 87-057-00:on 870929,deficiency in Surveillance Test Procedures Covering Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Transfer Pumps Revealed.Caused by Misinterpretation of Relief Granted by Nrc.Procedure revised.W/871028 Ltr
ML18005A1932 November 1987LER 87-052-01:on 870831,mechanic & Health Physics Technician Exiting Containment Through Personnel Access Hatch When One of Door o-ring Seals Fell Out of Groove.Caused by Personnel Error.Work Request Issued to Repair door.W/871102 Ltr
ML18005A1976 November 1987LER 87-053-00:on 870813,valve 1BD-11 Discovered Inoperable After Failing Inservice Insp Test.Caused by Valve Failure Due to Binding of Carbon Seal Rings Between Valve Cage & Valve Plug.Valve repaired.W/871106 LtrUnanalyzed Condition
ML18005A2009 November 1987LER 87-059-00:on 871011,offsite Power Lost Due to Incoming Line Breaker Trip.Caused by Accidental Jarring of Protection Relays.All Hammering & Drilling in Relay Cabinet Stopped & Ltr Issued Re Cautious Work habits.W/871109 Ltr
ML18005A2029 November 1987LER 87-058-00:on 871009,RCS Leakage Exceeding Tech Spec Limits Occurred.Caused by RCS Head Vent Sys Spuriously Opening During Testing.Mods Made to Head Vent Sys & Revs to Procedure Made,Per Vendor Recommendations.W/Undated LtrStroke time
ML18005A20512 November 1987LER 87-061-00:on 871016,flow Rate Instruments for Waste Processing Bldg Vent Stacks 5 & 5A Declared Inoperable. Caused by Personnel Error.Meeting Held to Discuss Similar Event.Operator Involved Counseled on item.W/871112 Ltr
ML18005A21516 November 1987LER 87-060-00:on 871015,isolation Valves Between RCS & RHR Pump Suctions Closed on Two Separate Occasions.Caused by Shorting of Test Equipment Output & Battery Failure in Test Equipment.Revs to Procedures Being considered.W/871116 Ltr
ML18005A2297 December 1987LER 87-063-00:on 871108,plant Tripped Due to Loss of Main Feedwater.Caused by Mispositioned Condensate Recirculation Valve Due to Personnel Error.Operating Procedure Revised to Include Lessons from Event & Crews briefed.W/871207 Ltr
ML18005A2307 December 1987LER 87-062-00:on 871107,safety Injection Sys & Main Steam Line Isolation Actuated & Reactor Tripped Due to Low Steam Line Pressure on Steam Generator A.Caused by Personnel Error & Procedure Deficiency.Procedure Revised.W/LtrStroke time
ML18005A2329 December 1987LER 87-058-01:on 871009,RCS Leakage Exceeded Tech Specs Limits When Valves in RCS Head Vent Sys Spuriously Opened During Testing.Caused by Inadvertent Opening of Down Stream Valves.Personnel Briefed on Design of valves.W/871209 LtrStroke time
ML18005A24723 December 1987LER 87-065-00:on 871124,first Stage Turbine Pressure Setpoints for P-13 Permissive Incorrectly Set.Caused by Personnel Error.Plant Change Request Initiated to Change Controlled Setpoints.W/Undated Ltr
ML18005A24814 January 1988LER 87-065-01:on 871124,P-13 Channel Declared Inoperable Due to Incorrect First Stage Turbine Pressure Setpoints for P-13 Permissive.Caused by Personnel Error.Applicable Compensatory Action & Plant Change Request initiated.W/880114 Ltr