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Exam Rept 50-139/OL-85-01 on 850325-26.Exam Results:Two Candidates Passed & Two Failed
Person / Time
Site: 05000139
Issue date: 04/24/1985
From: Johnston G, Pate R
Shared Package
ML20127P118 List:
50-139-OL-85-01, 50-139-OL-85-1, NUDOCS 8505230708
Download: ML20127P145 (28)



3 i

U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION V Examination Report No. 50-139/0L-85-01 Facility: University of Washington

- Docket No. : 50-139 Examinations Administered at Seattle, Washington Chief Examiner: j ///m aL+ . mw,a 3 G. y [oh'ns p , Ope tor Licensing Examiner Dste/igned

. Approved:


2 [

R . Pate! Chief,_ Operations Section Datel Sikn'ed Summary:

Examinations on March 25-26, 1985 and operating examinations were administered to 4 RO candidates. Two candidates were found to meet the minimum qualification requirements for licensing.

4 d

8505230708 850424 PDR ADOCK 05000139 G PDR


Report-50-139/0L-85-01 REPORT DETAILS

1. Persons Examined:

RO candidates: Deanna R. Haines 55-50184 Steven A. Hoffman 55-50182 Molly K. McGee 55-50185 Brian G. Pankow '55-50183

2. Examiners:
  • James C. Huenefeld, PNL
3. Persons attending the exit meeting:

William Miller Deloos Fry

4. Written Examination and Facility Review Written exams were administered as follows:

4 RO exams - March 25, 1985 At.the conclusion of.the exam, the facility staff reviewed the exam.

The facility staff comments are noted in the enclosed attachment (1).

These comments were discussed with the facility staff and appropriate L

. revisions to the master examination key were made by the lead examiner prior to grading the candidate responses.

5. Operating Examinations:

Oral exams and facility walkthroughs were conducted March 25-26, 1985.

6. Exit Meeting:

On March 26, 1985 the lead examiner met with licensee representatives.

Those individual candidates who clearly passed the operating exam were identified.

r~- .

ATTACHMENT 1 EXAM REVIEW The following two changes were made to the examination during examination

. period:.

The candidates were told that D.2.a was to include " Manual Trip".

'The candidates were told that distractor "b" in question A.6 should read "less than" rather than " greater than".

' Exam Review:

The exam was reviewed by Deloos Fry and William Miller. The following comments were taken:-

Question A.13 - Full credit will be given for stating that the reactivity of xenon _is insignifican't. The U of W test reactor operates at about 1012 fy,x, 13 fy,,,

whereas the effects of xenon are not observable until about 10 k..

F-Question B.S.b - UICs are11n the thermal column and the CICs are in the shield water tank.

Question C.7-- Rod speeds are actually set'so that they will insert a dollars worth of reactivity in 90 seconds. Potential for partial credit if the candidates offer an explanation that is consistent with this.

Question D.5 - the facility believes that this question was worded improperly.' The " instrument" provides the function, not the " chamber".

-Question D.8 - Also, performing a survey on the demineralizers may be an inoicator. This' survey is done for.every pre-crit.

Additionally typos were pointed out in the answer key for questions E.4 and F.2. They have been corrected.





Univ. of Washinoton Reactor Type: Argonaut Test Rx Date Administered: March 25, 1985 Examiner: JC Huenefeld Applicant:


Use separate paper for the answers. Staple' question sheet on top of the answer sheets. Points for each question are indicated in parenthesis after the question. The passing grade requires at least 70% in each category.

Exanination papers will be picked up six (6) hours after the examination starts.

Category  % of Applicant's  % of Value Total Score Cat. Value Catenory 20 20 A. Principles of Reactor Operation 10 10 B. Features of Facility Design 9.5 9.5 C. General Operating Characteristics 17 17 D. Instruments and Controls 11.5 11.5 E. Safety and Emergency Systems 15 15 F. Standard and Energency Operating Procedures 17 17 G. Radiation Control and Safety 100 TOTALS Final Grade All work done on th s ex i ti is my wn I have neit er given p r received




Applicant's Signature Ol'Il ?  %

--& tf- ( ~~


A.1 The moderator temperature coefficient for the U of W Argonaut reactor is: (Select one)


a. 0.0006% Delta K/K per *F, and is positive.
b. 0.006% Delta K/K per *F, and is negative.
c. 0.06% Delta K/K per *F, and is positive.
d. 0.6% Delta K/K per *F, and is negative. '

A.2 Which of the following statements best accounts for the fact that irradiated fuel elements are radioactive? (Select one) -


a. The high neutron flux activates impurities in the fuel cladding and matrix, therefore yielding radioactivity.
b. Fission products, like the parent U 235 atom, are very' neutron rich, and therefore tend to decay into more stable elements via Beta minus decay.
c. Uranium is highly radioactive, and becomes even more activated under a neutron thermal flux.
d. After fission the fission products are very neutron deficient, and therefore decay into more stable elements via Beta plus decay.

A.3 A thermal neutron is: (Select one) (1.0)

a. A neutron possessing thermal, rather than kinetic energy.
b. A neutron that experiences no net change in energy after several collisions with atoms of the diffusing media.
c. A neutron that has been produced a significant time (on the order of seconds) af ter its initiating fission took place.
d. The primary source of thennal energy increase in the reactor coolant during reactor operation.

t A.4 TRUE or FALSE.

! The nuclear reaction behavior that we observe in nature

' can be explained by the size (geometric cross section) of the nucleus alone. -


(Section A Continued On Next Page)

_.-_..-,- - - . . . _ . - . - . - _ . . - . - . _ . .. n _ - - - - _ _ . - . -

. 2 A.5 Assume that a reactor is exactly critical (K effective = 1.0000...), and the neutron source strength in the core is increased by a large amount (say, by a factor of 100) by using a non-fissionable source Explain what will happen to reactor power. (2.0)

A.6 Assume that the reactor is critical at a power level of 100 watts. If the reactor is suddenl negative period will (y made assume subcritical by remains temperature some amount, the(~Sel constant): res~ultant ect one) '


a. approach a stable negative period of 80 seconds, regardless of how much the reactor has been made subcritical.
b. b approach a stable negative period no prea4er (in magnitude) than 80 seconds, the value of the period dependent upon the amount by which the reactor was made subcritical.
c. will steadily increase until the neutron power level reaches the equilibrium subcritical power level.
d. will steadily decrease until the neutron power level reaches the equilibrium subcritical power level.

A.7 When control rods (blades) are droppeo into the core, neutron power falls instantly to Beta (delayed neutron fraction) times the neutron power prior to the SCRAM. Is this statement true or false? EXPLAIN. (2.0)

A.8 Which of the following factors plays the most important role in determining the worth of a control rod? (Select one) (1,0)

a. the flux shape
b. reactor power
c. the value of the delayed neutron fraction
d. the rod speed A.9 TRUE or FALSE. As moderator temperature increases, the worth of the control blaces decreases. (0.5)

A.10 Assume that the reactor has a shutdown margin of 9.5% Delta K/K, and countrate reads 17 cps on the BF3 detector. What will the detector read when K effective is increased to .97? (2.0)

(Section A Continued On Next Page)

3 A.11 Why is there a difference between the theoretical value of Beta (0.0065 for Uranium-235) and the real or effective value for beta observed in ,

your reactor (0.0074)? -


A.12 Assume that you perform a reactor startup and run for forty hours at full power. At forty hours the reactor is shutdown. Four hours later the reactor is again started up and returned to one-half full power.

Sketch the xenon concentration vs time for this power history.- (3.0) I A.13 What is the apprqximate reactivity value for 100% equilibrium xenon? (1.5)

A.14 State the three methods for determining rod worth. (do not explain the methods) (1.5) r ,

(End of Section A)

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8. FEATURES OF FACILITY DESIGN (10 POINTS) 8.1 Which of the following statements is a CORRECT statement about the pneumatic rabbit operating system? (Select one) (1.0)

.a. This system is used to convey the rabbit to a central core" location i of maximum flux.

b. There is no contact with the reactor coolant and therefore flooding is impossible.
c. The rabbit is a hollow plastic cylinder containing about 50 grams of cadmium to ensure that it will never insert positive reactivity.
d. Argon gas is used to operate the rabbit in order to minimize the possibility of corrosion in the pneumatic tube.

o B.2 In order to ensure that the rabbit makes it to its in-core position, the

" MANUAL" button should be depressed for how long? (1.0) 8.3 TRUE or FALSE. During automatic operation of the rabbit, the FOUR WAY VXEYE must be positioned manually. (0.5) 8.4 TRUE or FALSE. One of the two neutron monitors required for refueling -

may be a temporary detector located in a beam tube. (0.5) 8.5 a. Sketch a view looking down on the top of the reactor core showing the fuel bundle addresses and the location of the control blades. (3.0)

b. On the sketch that you completed for part "a" show the location of the neutron detectors: BF3 (1), the uncompensated ion chambers (2),

and the compensated ion chambers (2). (2.0) 8.6 What Technical Specification ilmit is placed upon the 3-ton bridge crane? (2.0)

(End of Section B) 4 h

6 5


GENERAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (9.5 POINTS) i C.1 TRUE or FALSE. There is sufficient core excess reactivity in the U of W reactor to achieve prompt criticality. (0.5)

C.2 The total worth of the core water is approximately: (1.0)

a. 0.74 % Delta K/K
b. 1.14 % Delta K/K
c. 2.15 % Delta K/K '
d. 8.00 % Delta K/K
  • /

C.3 The regulating rod is worth about:


a. 2.40 % Delta K/K
b. 2.15 % Delta K/K
c. 2.10 % Delta K/K
d. 0.78 % Delta K/K C.4 What is the maximum excess core reactivity allowed by the U of W operating license (including experiments)? (1.5)

C.5 What is the maximum thermal operating power level allowable by the Technical Specifications? (1.5)

C.6 TRUE or FALSE. According to Technical Specifications, no sample will be pneumaticaTTy added to or removed from the reactor if the resultant stable period will be less than 20 seconds. (0.5) t (Section C Continued On Next Page)

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? -

. 6 C.7 If the reactivity addition rate of a control blade is adjusted as per the Technical Specifications, about how long does it take to insert one dollars worth (.74 % Delta K/K) of reactivity? (Select one) (1.0)

a. 15 seconds
b. 30 seconds
c. 1 minute
d. 15 minutes C.8 TRUE or FALSE. If the reactivity addition rate of a dynamic experiment exceeds the maximum allowable reactivity addition rate of a control blade, then the experiment shall not be inserted or removed without fully withdrawing two shim rods and the reg rod. (0.5)

C.9 Why is the shim rod No. I withdrawn to 100% prior to performing a fuel unloading?


C.10 TRUE or FALSE. With no experiments in the core and the core illied with water, fuTTF withdrawing any two rods will NOT result in criticality. (0.5)

(End of Section C)


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D.1 List three (3) control rod INHIBITS.


D.2 a. List the nine (9) automatic reactor SCRAMS. (3.0)

b. Of the nine automatic trips, list those that will cause water removal from the core? (2.0)

D.3 List the six (6) primary cooling system alarms. (1.5)

D.4 a. How and why is gamma radiation compensated for jn a compensated ion chamber? '


b. How would the output of the CIC be affected if it was significantly under-compensated?


D.5 What three (3) automatic functions does the Log N compensated ion chamber provide?

(1.5)  :

D.6 Give three functions of the Ar 41 monitoring system. (1.5)

- D.7 TRUE or FALSE. The uncompensated ion chambers are used for control of the regulaEiiig rod. (0.5)

D.8 What instrumentation will provide indication of a fuel element failure should it occur? (1.0)

I l

(End of Section D)


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8 E.


E.1 There are four fire alarm manual actuators. State the location of all four (4). (2.0)

E.2 List the locations of all nine (9)' Smoke Detectors. -


E.3 What function (s) does the " emergency" button on the ventilation control panel perform when actuated?


E.4 During a radiation emergency, the emergency button will be depressed.

What two (2) additional actions will be taken to complete isolation of the reactor room?


E.5 Where is the safest place in the control room during an earthquake? (1.0)

E.6 State three barriers to fission product release to the environment. (1.5)

(End of Section E)


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F.1 The reactor shall be considered SHUTDOWN whenever all control blades are fully inserted and the reactor console key switch is in the "0FF" position AND: (Select one) (1;0)

a. Xenon reactivity is NOT changing and no experiment is in progress.
b. the reactor is subcritical with K effective less than or equal to

.19 at 85* F.

c. the reactor is subcritical with K effective less than or equal to

.981 at 85* F not including the reactivity of experiments or Xenon.

d. The reactor is subcritical by a margin equal to or greater than 1.9%

Delta K/K at 85* F including the reactivity of xenon and experiments.

F.2 By normal operating procedure, whenever withdrawing any control rod, the stable reactor period should be limited to: (Select one) (1.0)

a. greater than 30 seconds
b. less than 30 seconds
c. greater than 20 seconds
d. less than 20 seconds F.3 a. Section "B" of the reactor operating procedures lists " Low Core Inlet Temperature" as one of seven abnormal operating conditions requiring operator action. State the immediate operator action for Low Core Inlet Temperature. (1.5)
b. List four (4) of the remaining six abnormal operating conditions, as specified in Section "B" of the reactor operating procedures, that require operator action. (2.0)

F.4 Section "D" of the reactor operating procedures gives six operator actions to be taken in the event of any emergency such as fire, high radiation,. riot, earthquake, etc. State these six (6) operator actions. (3.0)

(Section F Continued On Next Page)


_. ~ _ - ._ - -- . _ ._ - _ . - - - . . .. _ __

10 F.5 According to the Pre-startup Checkoff, a BF3 Countrate of ? is the limit below which the PuBe source must be placed in the core region.

(Select one) (1.0)

a. less than 10 counts per second G
b. less than 30 counts per second
c. less than 10 counts per minute
d. less than 30 counts per minute F.6 Which one of the following does NOT require completion of a precritical checkoTT7 (select one) (1.0)
a. Unioading a fuel element
b. Loading a fuel element '
c. Startup from STANDBY condition
d. Raising a shin rod to 100% withdrawn F.7 a. According to the Technical Specifications, how many individuals rust be present in the Reactor Laboratory during reactor operations? (1.0)
b. What minimun qualifications must these individuals possess? (2.0) f F.8 When irradiating samples that generate significant amounts of internal heat during frradiation, which one of the following parameters is

' limited by procedure? (Select one) (1.0)

a. reactor power level
b. local flux level

, c. fluence (time integrated flux)

d. core temperature F.9 TRUE or FALSE. Thermally fissionable material may NOT be placed in the neutron beam emerging from vertical hole # 2 on the reactor top. (0,5)

(End of Section F)

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G.1 During a fuel loading or unloading with fuel in the core, what' action is required of the personnel on the reactor top if the reactor witer is dumped?


G.2 Which one of the following Isotopes has the longest half-life? (1.0)

a. Cobalt 60 ,
b. Nitrogen 16
c. Argon 41
d. Xenon 135 G.3 Whenever gamma radiation 3 feet above the core plugs or 3 feet from a bare subassembly exceeds  ? , elements must be removed and transported using the " coffin". (Select _one) (1.0)
a. 10-5 micro-curies /cm2
b. .4 rem / hour
c. 40 mrem / hour
d. 400 mres/ hour G.4 Quarterly the Pu-Be source and the Co-60 source are swipe checked. What type of radioactivity (i.e., gamma, beta, or alpha) is primarily -

suspected for each source? (1,0)

G.5 TRUE or FALSE. The Health Physics Monitor is empowered with the authority to direct the reactor operator to shutdown the reactor. (0.5)

G.6 What is the federal legal limit for whole body fonizing radiation in accordance with 10 CFR 20? (2.0)

(Section G Continued On Next Page)

o e'

12 G.7 a. According to the Technical Specifications, what normally constitutes the restricted area? (2.0)

b. According to the Technical Specifications, what must be done if the restricted area is extended to the plaza surrounding the reactor room? (1.0)

G.8 TRUE or FALSE. According to the Technical Specifications, .it is permissible to operate the reactor for limited time periods while using the Counting Room ventilation system to ventilate the reactor room so that the reactor room ventilation system may be secured for maintenance. (0.5)

G.9 a. Define REM. Clarify whether or not a REM is a measure of energy, or a measure of biological damage. (1.0)

b. Is a REM received as a result of Alpha radiation equivalent to a REM received as a result of Gamma radiation? Explain. (1.0)

G.10 What are the radiation limits that an individual may deliberately sustain under emergency conditions? (1.5)

G.11 Define " Radiation Area". (1.5)

G.12 According to U of W's radiological control procedures, what must be done with an irradiated sample with a dose rate exceeding 5 mr/hr (taken 1 foot from the sample)? (2.0)

(End of Section G)


O EQUATION SHEET t Where mg = m2 (density)i(velocity)


)g = (density)2.(velocity )2(area )2

! KE = nv2 PE = mgh peg +KEg +PgYi = PE +KE 7 2 +P 2 Y22 where V = specific volume P = Pressure Q = UA (Tay -T Q.................................,...stn)

= Acp (Tout-Tin) Q = 6(hg -h2 )

P = Po 10sur(t) p , po ,t/T SUR = 26.06 T

delta K = (K,ff-1)/K,ff CRg (1-X,ffg) = CR II~Keff2I 2

M = (1-K,ffg) SDM = (1-K,ff) x 100%

(1-Keff2) K eff dec$[cInstaIt = 5nl2) = OI69b k=ke-IEeE3fEonstintIx(t) t1 t1

....................../2........../2 ..........................................

Water Parameters Miscellaneous Conversions 1 gallon = 8.345 lbs 1 Curie = 3.7 x 1010 dps 1 gallon = 3.78 liters '

1 kg = 2.21 lbs 1 ft3 = 7.48 gallons I hp = 2.54 x 103 Btu /hr Density = 62.4 lbm/ft3 1 Mw = 3.41 x 106 Btu /hr Density = 1 gn/cn3 Heat of Vaporization = 970 Btu /lbn 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters Degrees F = (1.8) x (Degrees C) + 32 Heat of Fusion = 144 Btu /lbn 1 Stu = 778 ft-lbf 1 Atn = 14.7 psia = 29.9 in Hg g = 32.174 ft-lbm/lbf.sec2


. M.

  • ANSWER KEY L SECTION A A.1 b Ref: Pre-startup Checkoff, Excess Reactivity VII page 1.1-11 i

A.2 b Ref: Phys for R0s - APIO-1038 Class I, Apr 66 page 29 A3 b Ref: Phys for R0s - page 37 -

A.4 False Ref: Phys for R0s - page 49 l

A.5 At criticality (i.e., K effective = 1) the reactor will be on a linearly increasing countrate, the rate of increase dependent upon the intrinsic source strength. Increasing the source strength simply increases the rate of increase of the linearly increasing countrate. This effect may or may not be visible on the nuclear instruments.

Ref: Phys for R0s - page 130-140 A.6 b Ref: Phys for R0s - Fig 38, page 179 l A.7 False. Power does not fall to the delayed neutron level. The delayed i neutron population remaining af ter the trip is actually multiplied subcritically to a higher level. As a consequence, power drops to a level of about 5% of the initial power level.

l Ref: Dhys for R0s - page 169

A.8 a Ref: Phys for R0s - page 118

! A.9 False Ref: Phys for Ros - page 126 i

A.10 A SDM of 9.5% Delta k/k corresponds to K = 1/1.095 = .913 CR2 = CR1 (1-K 1/1=K2) = 17 (1 .913/1 .97) = 49 cps Ref: Phys for R0s - page 140

! A.11 Delayed neutrons are produced at somewhat lower energies then are prompt i neutrons. They, therefore, have a slightly greater resonance escape

! probability. This tends to magnify their effect. Also give credit for the different Beta for Pu 239 and U 233.

! Ref: Phys for R0s - page 180 t


A.12 bG bo.

,w s, - - .~. -.-- - - - - - - .

m.. ,

v A

&4m TI=c Ref: Phys for Ros - Fig 35 page 156 A.13 -? ? " S:' " ' " . . . 25:::, rt '::i' i t7 I'*8igMIki6""T i

A.14 Detennining Rod Worth - Positive period i Rod drop Source jerk


I 1

I 4

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SECTION B B.1 b Ref: Pneumatic Rabbit OP - page 1.2-1 B.2 At least 2 seconds Ref: PR OP - page 1.2-2 B.3 True Ref: PR OP - page 1.2-2 B.4 True Ref: Fuel Handling Procedure - page 1.3-2 '

B.S a A B A B N1

{l C D C D

.a .


' Shim 3 A B A B Ref: FH - page 1.3-7 N2 3'

C D C D Shim 2 v.

A B A B N3 i

C D C D b) Dwg No. 197E 531 by AWW B.6 The 3-ton bridge crane shall not be used in such a way that the control blade drive units could suffer damage by dropping or swinging a load.


1 I



SECTION C C.1 True. Excess reactivity is 1.14% Delta k/k Ref: Reference Tables .

C.2 d Ref: Reference Tables C.3 d Ref: Reference Tables ,

C.4 2.3% Delta k/k ,'

Ref: Tech Specs - page 9 C.5 100 kw Ref: Tech Specs - page 4 C.6 True Ref: Tech Specs - page 9 C.7 15 sec. Ref: Tech Specs - page 9 C.8 Fal se Ref: Tech Specs - page 10 C.9 To provide a safety margin for tripping, therefore, guarding against an inadvertent uncontrolled criticality.

Ref: FH - page 1.3-3 C.10 True Ref: Procedure 4.11 D - page 4.11-3


6 i

w __ _ _ ___ _ ___ _ - _ '

SECTION D D.1 Low count rate on startup channel 0.5 ea Low primary inlet core temperature Short period Ref: Reference Tables D.2 d Cfr:1;d :t' ;. period less than 3 sec, Power at 150% fulf power.

Manual Scram. '

M 'Jr.d;c ... d ;. 4 Loss of power to control console s Loss of pump power, low core level, no flow or low 3 Shield tanR low water level, Loss of dilution fan power.


undu%e.L tesp em te uva, 4* p.

Reference Tables D.3 Low flow rate 0.25 ea Low core level Loss of pump power Resistivity High outlet temp.

Low core inlet Ref: Reference Tables D.4 a) Neutron countrate is sensed in the outer can by interaction with boron paint. Gamma radiation is sensed in both the outer can and inner can.

The lack of boron paint in the inner can causes only gamma interactions to take place. A compensating voltage is applied to the inner can to exactly balance the gamma current being sensed in the outer can, b) At low powers, and for extended periods after shutdown the detector output would read high. At low powers the effect would not be noticeable because the gamma flux is proportional to power, and is overwhelmed by the neutron flux.

Ref: Sample questions.

D.5 Low period inhibit 0.5 ea Low period trip BF 3 high voltage cut off Ref: Dwg 197E-763


D.6 To provide indication 0.5 ea To provide alarm

. To provide integrated release Ref: ~Dwg 195E-750 0.7 False Ref: Dwg 197E-531 D.8 Primary water ion level (conductivity)

Ref: Test Reactor Directory -


l l

l l


, s-

  • s SECTION E= $

s E.1 North entrance inside front' door '

0.5 ea t control room door, upstairs - (

machine shop by back door. '

light pole north of the building ~' " '

Ref: Emergency Procedures 2.1A E.2 Electronic shop Computer room 0.3'3 ea Machine shop Chemistry lab Northeast office. room Control room Mechanical s'torage room loft '

Counting room s' 3 Ref: Emergency Procedures - page 2.3 E.3 1.'Y, Turn off fan and closes damper which is also the exhaust from the Reactor Room. (1.0)

2. Puts the control room on 100 percent fresh air. (1.0)

Ref:3fEP - page 2.3  ;, m, s,-


E.4 4 Turn off the reactor room fan '

' Turn reactor room fresh air to 0 .,


Ref: EP !page 2.3 0 l 3 E.5 Next to the' ventilation control panel Ref: EP - page 2.7

'b 1 E.6 Clad, coolant, confinement building \

. Ref: Technical Specifications

. s


l A

, s ,

's  %

g ,

t N



o k


1 s

, SECTION F F.1 c Ref: Reactor OP - page 1.1-1 F.2 jf e6 Ref: Reactor OP - page 1.1-2 Jer -

F.3 a) Low Core Inlet Temperature (850 ): Immediately lower reactor power to l j

the critical position then determine the cause of the abnormal l condition.

L Ref: Reactor OP - page 1.1-4 .

L b) High core outlet temperature only 4 required at 0.5 ea

. Period inhibit Low count-rate

} Area monitor alarm t

Argon-41 alarm Stack alarm Ref: Reactor OP - page 1.1-5 F.4 REACTOR EMERGENCIES l-In the event of any emergency such as fire, high radiation, riot, earthquake, etc., the reactor operator shall:

1. Scram the reactor. 0.5 ea
2. Remove the console key. l
3. Make an announcement over the All-Call.
s. 4. Turn off the dilution fan.
5. Place the ventilation panel in the ' Emergency' position.
6. Turn off the reactor room fan and the counting room fan.

3 Ref: Reactor OP - page 1.1-6 e F.5 a Ref: page 1.1-8 "a" F.6 d Ref: page 1.1-9


l F.7 a) A minimum of two qualified persons, b) one a licensed operator. A person is considered qualified when he receives and understands a briefing on the facility emergency procedures.

Ref: Tech Specs - page 11 F.8 c Ref: Limits on Experiments and Apparatus - page 4.1-4 F.9 False Ref: Std Proc for Beam Expt - page 4.3-1


p I


t t

'SECTION G G.1 Immediately evacuate the area ~

Ref: FH - page 1.3-3 G.2 a Ref: Appendix D - page 1.2-3 -

G.3 c Ref: FH - page 1.3-2 -

G.4 PuBe - alpha Co beta gamma Ref: Health Physics - page 1.4-1 G.5 True Ref: HP - page 1.4-1 G.6 1.25 rem /qtr without form 4 3 rem /qtr < 5 (N-18) with form 4 Ref: 10 CFR 20.101 - page 235 G.7 a) The restricted area shall encompass the control room, the reactor room and associated facilities, and, if necessary, the plaza surrounding the reactor room. Also accept > 2 mr/hr > 100 mr in 7 consecutive days.

b) When the plaza is included in the restricted area, it shall be roped off, posted in a conspicuous manner, and kept under surveillance to prevent entry.

Ref: Tech Specs - page 3 G.8 False Ref: Tech Specs - page 3 G.9 a) Rem - An amount of ionizing radiation that produces biological damage equivalent to 100 ergs of gamma energy deposited into soft body tissue.

b) Yes. Rem is already scaled to take into the type of radiation.


G.10 May stay in the reactor room until receiving 100 mr 50 rem to safe a life 3 rem for equipment salvage.

Ref: EP - page 2.3 l



e I

G.11 Radiation Area A " Radiation Area" is any area accessible to personnel, in which there

-exists radiation at such levels that a major portion of the body could receive in any one hour a dose in excess of 5 millirem, or'in any 5 consecutive days a does in excess of 100 millirems.

Ref: Radiation Limits and Levels - page 4.1-7 G.12 Sample Monitoring and Tagging -

If left unattended, all irradiated samples, reactor components, or experimental components with a dose rate exceeding 5 mr/hr at one foot from the surface shall be stored in a suitable shield or in either a radiation area or a high radiation area. Also, the items stored shall be appropriately tagged.

Ref: RD Control - page 4.1-9