ML19270G924 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Oyster Creek |
Issue date: | 06/12/1979 |
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ML19270G923 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 7906210156 | |
Download: ML19270G924 (14) | |
{{#Wiki_filter:. AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DOCKET ^...... 50-219 UNIT.......... O. C. ?1 REPORT DATE... June i2, i979 COMPILED BY... C.M. MCCLAIN TELEPHONE..... 201-455-8748 r10 "T H ri a ', i979 DAi PiW li A Y NW
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UPERATIr1G S'IATUS Ur!11 NAtiE... OYSTER CREEK DUCKET NUh,t5ER.. 50-219 UTILITV DATA PREPARED BY. . C.ri. MCCLnIN 20i-455-8740 REiORTING PERIOD... ria y 1979 u .i. L i..a !S E L' ! l ii._ Ri in L l'UWER t tiW1 ' . ;'?.30 4 lH n 'l .. ,-Ji'[[ , ;,-i T .T. N G .~ O R O S S H l !E > 150 i.p c i i , , ., ,q m : v ; i ',:,i _ i. .i p.,.:i.,r i .wg , q::, (, g oo "D Q~ D p s A m l
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UNil SillilDOWNS AND POWI R RI Dl'r'IIONS IMICKET NO. 50-219 UNIT N ASlE Oyster Creek #1 DATE E. JuneJ2
- h. NcISJ3_
lain Ill.I.Ilit I MON III itaY 1979 . (QMPLETED BY TlI.EPil0NE 201-455-87 C
. "i - =_ e, 5 .n = - D % pjf L k en'ee U "., ; "j, cause & Corrective " gJ'e -3 E E i e: 9 23e Event u7 c-f Action to H
c$ E c5 Ji 5 :' Report AC $' Present Recurrence
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4 790502 F 706.2 H 3 79-14-lT 'C B ZZZZZZ A triple low water level point was reached af ter a reactor high pressure scram occurred. See attachments for a more detailed explanation of the event. y 1 2 3 4 For t eil l~ Reason: M e t h od . Exhibit G - Instructions N S St hed uled A Equipment Failure (Explain) 141anual for Preparation of Data U ll41aintenance or Test 2 Manual Scram. Entry Sheets for 1.ieensee O C. Refueling 3 Automitic Seram. Escrit Repoet 11.1 R) File int'RI.G. D-Regulatory Restriction 4 Other II:splain) 0 1(31 ) 6 I;-Operator Training & l.icense Examination CD F-Administratise 5 LT1 G-Operational Error fl!xplain) Exhibit I - Same Source p:/77 ) Il Other (Explain)
Oyster Creek Station #1 Docket No. 50-219 OPERATIONS
- MAY 1979 At the beginning of the. month, the unit was operating at near full load, limited :6y average planar linear heat generation rate limits for four (4) recirculation pump operation.,
On May 2, l979, with one (1) startup transformer out of service, an inadvertant reactor high pressure scram occurred while performing surveillance testing on reactor high pressure isolation condenser initiation sensors. Following the trip, all recirculating pump discharge valves were closed (the 2 inch bypass valves remained open), resulting in a triple low water level above the reactor core for 36 minutes. The reactor was placed in the colo shutdown condition pending NRC approval for restart. . . During tu transient, reactor water level reduced to approximately 12-18 inches abcve the ' top of the active fuel, as determined by subsequent calculations. Adequate cooling remained available at all times. In order to prevent reccurrence, changes to the safety limits in the Technical Specifications were submitted and are now being complied with. Procedure changes m 9e Scorco ated ir,to emergency ar.d operating procedures. On Mcy 24, 1979, permission was granted by the NRC to place the reactor mode switch to "startup" and begin a testing program to verify that no core damage occurred. On May 30, following a presentation to the NRC commissioners on the May 2 transient, permission to start up was grantied try the NPC. A detailed report of this event is included in a letter to the NRC, dated May 12, 1979, f rom Mr. I. R. Finf rock, Jr. A reactor startup commenced on May 31, 1979, and was terminated by a reactor high ne w sr fiux scram in IRM Range 9. A second startup attempt was terminated by a reactor low level scram following a turbine trip while warming the turbine. At the ena of this report period, the unit remained shut down. Six (6) reportable occurrences were identified during the report period: RO #79-14 occurred on May 2 when closure of all recirculating pump discharge valves resulted in water level below 4 ft. 8 in, above the active fuel. R0 #79-15 h occurred on May 2 when two recirculation pumps were started with the idle loop temperatures more than 50 F. lower than reactor water temperature in order to-terminate the triple low water level transient. R0 #79-16 occurred on May 6 when a "B" isolation condenser line break sensor tripped at 29 inches of water vs. a Technical Specification limit of 27 inches of water differential pressure. RO #79-17 occurred on May 17 when core spray isolation valve V-20-21 failed to reclose during surveillance testing. R0 H9-18 was identified on May 18 when an inoperable hydraulic shock and sway arrestor was found on Core Spray System II. RO r79-19 occurred on May 26 when one isolation condenser reactor high pressure initiation switch was f ound to trip at 1071 psi vs. the Technical Specification limit of 1053 psi.
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Docket No'. 50-219 OPERATIONS
- MAY 1979 5/1/79 Performed notch friction testing on CRD 22-43.
Discovered salt water leaking into pipe tunnel.
"D" recirc flow transmitter out of service. #1 air compressor out of service - returned.
5/2/79 Bank 6 out of service to check for replacemert cable. While verifying that e3 cess flow check valve V-130-1 was open at the completion of isolation condenser high reactor pressure initiation surveillance, a reactor high pressure scram occurred, caused by hydraulic disturbance in the high pressure sensing line. All four (4) operating recirc pumps tripped from the RPT circuit. With Bank 6 out of service, "B" and "C" feedwater pumps tripped. The "A" feedwater pump tripped, apparently from low suction pressure, and could not be restarted. (The "A" feedpump auxiliary oil pump breaker overloads were subsequently found tripped.) The main steam isolation ' valves were manually closed, with the Yarway level indicating approximately 30 inches. The "B" isolation condenser was manually placed in service and the "A" and "E" recirc discharge valves were manually closed by the operator per existing standing orders. Apparently, the "B" and "C" recirc discharge valves were also closed at this time, limiting natural circulation to the five (5) open 2 inch re. circ bypass lines. Reactor water level inside the shroud decreased, causing low low low water level alarms (verified by observation of the Barton indicaters), while the anulus water level remained above the low low level setpoint. RO #79-14. Both isolation condensers were operated intermittently to control reactor cooldown. At approximately 30 minutes following the scram, it was recognized that all five recirc discharge valves were closed (with bypasses open). The "C" recire pump was started and then tripped when the Yarways indicated decreasing water level. When the "C" recirc pump was started, the loop temperature was 72 F. lower than the reactor coolant. RO #79-15. The "A" feedwater pump was started approximately 37 minutes after the scram by manually starting the auxiliary oil pump. The "A" recirc pump was started 39 minutes after the scram, terminating the transient. , A detailed report of this event is included in a letter to the NRC, dated May 12, 1979, from Mr. I. R. Finfrock, Jr. The reactor was placed in cold shutdown at 10:28 p.m. pending evaluation of the event. Bank 6 returned to service. 22% JU Vented CRD 22-43. _2
Docket No. 50-219 5/3/79 Notified by NRC that NRC approval is required prior to moving mode switch out of shutdown. Investigating scram of 5/2/79. NRP open communication channels established from Control Room via telephone. 5/4/79 Pumped torus water to T.W.S.T. to reduce level. 5/5/79 #1 diesel generator out of service for louver modification. Sampled yard area for isolation condenser carryover. 5/6/79 Found turbine oil in #1 and #3 sumps (lost approximately 450 gallons of o.i l ) . While performing Isolation Condenser Isolation Test, IB11A1 tripped at 29 inches H2 O vs. Technical Specification limit of < 27 inches H 2O RO #79-16. 5/7/79 Purged drywell for entry.
"; diesei ator returned to service - louver modification completed.
5/8/79 42 diesel generator out of service for louver control modification.
#2 fire pump out of service to change oil filter.
Reactor head vent opened.
#2 diesel generator returned to service - louver modification completed.
5/9/79 Tested louver modification, diesel generator #2. 5/10/79 Reactor building supply fan 1-13 out of service for belt maintenance. SF 1-13 returned to service for use in emergency only. Tested louver modification #1 diesel generator. 5/11/79 - 5/12/79 , 5/13/79 - 5/14/79 Core Spray System II out of service to install 69 permissive alarm modifi-cation - returned to service.
#2 air compressor out of service - returned.
Core Spray System I out of service to install 69 permissive alarm modification. 2238 308 Oyster Creek Station #1 Docket No. 50-219 '5/15/79 Began covering all shifts with Hecith Physics supervision. Core Spray System I returned to service.
"A." emergency S.W. pump out of service.
5/16/79 h2 diesel generatur out of service for louver control modification. Bypassed auxiliary oil pump overloads on reactor feedwater pumps.
"A" ESW pump returned to service. "B" ESW pump out of service - returned.
Cientainment Spray System II out of service to change taps on USS 182. Core spray pumps "B" and "C" and core spray booster pumps out of service to change tap setting on USS 1B2.
"B" CRD pump out of service for USS 1 A2,182 tap change.
C1cted breakers EC and ED. Closed US2T breaker and rcroved transformer 182 frcm service for tap change. Changed taps on 1B2. Closed IB2P and 1B2M breakers, then removed transformer lA2 from service. Changed taps lA2 transformer. Returned.lA2 transformer to service. Opened US2T and ED breaker.
"B" CRD pumo returned to service.
Returned "B" and "C" core spray pumps and t cester pumps to serlice. Returned "C" and "D" containment spray pumps to service.
#2 diesel generator returned to service, 1832 motor control center tripped - remained out of service to replace undervoltage device.
5/17/79 1832 motor control center returned to service. While performing core spray motor operated valve operability surveillance testing, V-20-21 opened but failed to close - RO #79 rellaced breaker. 5/18/79 Replaced inoperable HSSA on Core Spray System II - R0 #79-lf. Emergency service water pumps 52C and 520 returned tc service. 5/19/79 Lifted leads from high drywell pressure switches RV46 A and C to allow instailation of protective covering over RK03 in preparation for installation of r.ew reactor level sensors - replaced leads. 5/20/79 Lifted leads on high drywell pressure switches RV46 B and D to allow installation of protective covers over RK03 - replaced leads. 2238 309
Docket tio. 50-219 5/21/79 #2' diesel generator out of service for monthly inspection. V-20-21 out of service to check breaker - returned. 5/22/79 - 5/23/79 12 diesel generator returned to service - annunciatcr modification completed.
#1 diesel generator out of service for annunciator modification. "A" cleanup recirc pump returned to service.
5/24/79 .#1 diesel generator returned to service.
.' Received permission from tiRC to transfer from shutdown to refuel mode in order to perform startup preparation.
Investigated possible high filter AP SBGTS System II - calibrated instruments and retested - performed normally. - Reactor made switch in refuel - cc:rmenced CRD interference testing. 5/25/79 #1 fire diesel ran noisy during capacity test - out of service.
#1 fire diesel returned to service and tested.
5/26/79 Continued CRD interference checks. Reset isolation condenser auto initiation time delay to 1.5 + 1 second to be consistent with Tech. Spec. change request. Performed friction testing CRD 22-43. Isolation condenser reactor high pressure switch RE15A tripped ai. 1071 psi vs. limit of 1068 psi during surveillance testing - R0 #79-19. 5/27/79 Performed additional iriction testing on CRD 22-43. 5/28/79 - 5/29/79 Replaced filters on HCV for CRD 22 repeated friction testing. Both service water pumps out of service to inspect discharge line below seal well - returned. 5/30/79 Preparing for startup. 5:05 p.m. received permission from tiRC to start up. 5/31/79 2:50 p.m. reactor mode switch in startup. 2:54 p.m. commenced rod withdrawal (note: following startup test program described in report to f4RC). 4:04 p.m. reactor critical. , 2238 .310
Oyster Creek Station #1 Docket tio. 50-219 SRM 22 would not withdraw from core - out of service. CRD 18-03 drifted in from 48 to 47 - increased drive pressure to 300 psid and withdrew; CRD 18-03 drifted in from 48 to 47 - increased drive pressure to 400 psid
&nd withdrew.
1:02 p.m. reactor scram frcm high neutron flux in IRM Range 9, caused by rapid addition of cold feedwater. 2:41 p.m. reactor mode switch in startup - commenced rod withdrawal.
- 3:38 p.m. reactor critical.
Conducted fire drill with participation of Lacey Township Fire Department. 6:26 p.m. reactor scram from low water level - when turbine warmup was commenced, the turbine tripped from reactor high water level. The turbine control configuration used for warmup caused the bypass valves to open to 75% when the turbine tripped. The main steam valves were closed manually at 6:29 p.m. A reactor scram from low water level cccurred. The operator attempted to add feedwater through "C" feedpump by opening the "C" H.P. heater outlet valve and manually opening.the "C" feedwater control valve. The "C" feedwater pump tripped once on low suction pressure and again on motor overcurrent. The overcurrent trip was attributed to normal relay action in response to an immediate start signal following a trip. The "C" feedwater pump was successfully started at 6:31 p.m. and reactor level recovered. The high level turbine trip was attributed to a combination of sticking Yarway level indication in the Control Room and an initial high reactor water level when #2 stop valve bypass was opened. The unit remained shut down to calibrate and repair the Control Room Yarway level indicators. During the shutdown beginning on May 2, the following maintenance and modifications were performed: , Maintenance:
- 1. Cleaned "A" feedwater pump motor.
Repaired leak, "C" feedwater pump seal water line. 2.
- 3. Replaced broken belt 1-6 recire fan and replaced belt 1-7 recirc fan.
- 4. Repacked V-1-12.
- 5. Rebuilt fiSO4B air operator.
- 6. Replaced MSIV control solenoid valves with environmentally proven design.
Oyster Creek Station #1 Docket No. 50-219
- 7. Repaired SPJi 23 drive.
- 8. Repaired service water discharge line under seal well.
- 1. Diesel generator 1 and 2 louver controls were modified to reduce the probability of overheating.
- 2. Diesel generator 1 and 2 alarm circuits were modified to provide more detailed annunciation of problems in the Station Control Room.
- 3. Installed a pressure transmitter at RK03 to be used for verifying that the excess flow check valve on the reactor pressure sensing line remains open during maintenance or testing.
- 4. Bypassed the auxiliary oil pump overload trips, "A", "B", "C" reactor feed pumps. .
- 5. Installed plastic covers over the recirc pump suction and discharge valve control swit:hes to prevent inadvertant valve clos"re.
2238 312 t 7
Oyster Creek Station #1 Docket No. 50-219 . CORRDCrlVE ELELTRICAL MAINTDWEE C:1 GTSL ITENS FOR THE MCtml OF fnY 1979 Item # EquipTent f4 t l f'toction Corrective Action 1 V-20-21 Breid:er Trip During Sury. 'Ibs t Installed new breaker 2 V-24-37 (1-7 sump iso. valve) Double light indication Mjusted limit switch N N tra CD Gu
Docket ilo. 50-219 CORRECrlVE IIISTIUMEtfr MAIITTE2WCE Otl G\SL I'lW1S FOR Tile f4 UFII OF fnY 1979 . Item # FquipTent Fhl funt : ion Corrective Action I flSL Itad. Ibnitor 'Ihe A/Il selecting switch en 10F for Disassenbled switch selector, the recorder is faulty & 1mse found selector cam loose. Tightened and reassembled 2 Pecirc loop Temp Pecorder on 3P Erratic indications Itepaired loose clutch assembly 3 CRD 42-35 lb red scram light on 4F erreised Poplaced microswitch on valve 127 microswitch - no light 4 SR4 23 No retracted light- Peplaced limit switch N N V4 CD U4 s
Oyster Creek Station #1 Docket No. 50-219 - CORRECr1VE MDCHANICAL MAINIHWJCE ON G\SL l'1HS FOR TliE f THI11 OP fnY 1979 - Item e Equipnent oblfunction ,. Corrective Action
! CIO Accumulator 30-11 Scram inlet valve leaking Peplaced valve seat
? "A" CRD Filter Ibquires cleaning Peplaced filter with clean spares 3 CRD Accumulator 10-23 Defective V-lll valve Peplaced with a reballt spare 4 CRD Accuuulator 22-11 Scram inlet valve leaking Poplaced valve seat 5 MSIV NSO4B Control air leaking across actuator Rebuilt air actuator piston in both the open and closed direction ') 1-2 Fire Pump Oil pressure too high O mnged oil and oil filters 7 CRD Accumulator 38-19 Scram inlet valve leaking Replaced valve seat 8 CRD Accumulator 46-39 Scram inlet valve leaking Replaced valve seat N N U CD is
Oyster Creek Station #1
- Docket No. 50-219 REFUELING INFORMATION - MAY 1979 Name of facility: Oyster Creek Station #1 Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown: September 15, 1979 Scheduled date for restart following refueling: November 10, 1979 Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a Technical Specification change or other license amendment?
No Technical Specification change relative to the refueling is anticipated. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting ir#crmation:
- 1. October 1979 - Cycle independent General Electric fuel design information and safety analysis for future use.
- 2. No submittal is scheduled for the use of Exxon fuel.
Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel cesign, new operating procedures:
- 1. General Electric Fuel Assemblies - Fuel design and performance analysis methods have been approved by NRC. New operating procedures, if necessary, will be submitted at a later date.
- 2. Exxon Fuel Assemblies - No major changes have been made, nor are there are any anticipated.
The number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core - 560 (b) in the spent fuel storage pool - 620
' e The present . licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any increase in licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is planned, in number of fuel assemblies: .
1,800 The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity: The Fall 1986 Outage. 2238 516}}